Newspaper Page Text
NEW YORK HERALD. V>w York, Th nrmlay , July 10, 1843. Weekly Herald. Thia publication, with a .beautiful engraving c the buildings of (be New fork Institution for th Baud, will be issued at 8 o'clock on Saturday morn ing. The Oregon Qnotlon In a Vtw Shape. We publish on the out.-adr of thin days' paper ;i very interesting and amusing article, illustrative ct the present position of the Oregon question, and exhibiting in very felicitous language mime of lie difficulties in the way of its settlement. Thechi't obstacles appear to arise from the obstinate and ras cally conduct of a certain notorious print, culled the A" tw York Herald. This question hat> now assumed a. more paramount importance than ever, in cjnsf qusnccof the rapid approach recently made to a con summation of Texas annexation, out of which the only contingency now likely to present itself, i^ the comparatively trivial one of the probability of h colli ion with M^xic >. It appears uL-so that Mr McLme, who li.isju*! tjone ti> Kngluud, a* the rcsi dent American minister, near the government of that c mntry, h :* not b -en charged with any special instructions rel itiveto the settlement of the Oregon question, which isthua kept at Washington to be u-ed ue circumstances may warrant. The rumor that Mr. Polk and Mr. Buchanan art meditating a settlement ui accordance with the En glish clam of th? forty-ninth degree, isuow rife every v. !i?re, and acquire? im|>ortanceand credibility from the fact th t the Union, which Ins uniformly di* covered buch remarkable sensitiveness in correcting any misapprehensions < f the policy of the adminis tration, says not one syllable about it, and in truth, ta citly udniits its accuracy. It is, therefore, quite evi dent that the business now occupies the at! ntion ol government, and the rumors, conjectures, sur mises, and speculations relative to the character and proj?rre-s ?f the governmental policy and action, are thick rind conflicting. The course of the Conner. and other whig journals, in endeavoring to coix the administration into a settlement of the question ii accordance with the claims of England, is very easily understood. Th<?y want to get rid of thi? element before the next Presidential question. They wmt to prevent the possibility of any difficulty with England which could effect the commercial and stock jobhini interests. But the most influential motive is the desire to remove out of the fifld of ac tion before the next great struggle fairly begins, this most potent i tl element which stirs up all the popu lar masses of the west, mid must undoubtedly ope rate ns the IVxhs question, only with increased power and influence in swelling and strengthening the democratic impulses of the country. Nothing can, however, be more certain, than that no candi date for popular favor, b<> lie locofoco or whig, can dare to lend his aid to a settlement of this question on the terms now rumored to be recognized by Mr Polk and the present Secretary of State. Such a compromise would create u feeling throughout the wen? now grown up into such an overi>owenii? importance ? a-* would sweep everything before it, utterly annihilating the present dynasty, and any one that would attempt to succeed it on the same prin ciples of foreign policy. It is generally objected by those who wish to pre serve the peaceful relations of the two countries that the United States should make some compro mise for the sake of continued commercial prospe rity. It is also supposed, or affected to be supposed. by these parties, that from the declarations of Sir Robert Pee!, the British government would readily go to war with the United States and interrupt the present peaceful relations of the country, even on the m?re point of honor. We doubt this very much. We believe it is quite possible for the United States to take possession of the whole disputed territory. ? ind yet maintain their present peaceful and prosper ous condition entirely unbroken. This country has now grown up to the possession of a dictatorial pow er in the affairs of the European world. By the adoption timyly of? certain line of commercial poli. cy, the United States may not only settle, without a single ounce of powder, the Oregon question,and not only lay the foundation of the annexation of Cali fornia and Canada, but create a revolution on the other side of the Atlantic which would shake to their very basis the despotic dynasties of Euro]>? Every one who is familiar with the history of the country, recollects the famous embargo system projected by Mr. Jefi'-rson. The system itself was an original one ? worthy of that great and original mind But it was then premature. The United States did not then constitute that powerful lever on the affairs of the European world which they have since com>j t > b ?. T'iu time is now rife for the adoption ol tli :t scheme <1 intelligent and sagacious statesman, ship If an embargo were laid upon the cotton ex ports of this country, a controlling influence would bs exerted upon France and England, which they could not possibly regis' ^ Just let us imagine, for a mament, the operation of such a course of policy on the part of this country. The effect on the man ufacturing districts of England would be tremen dous and inevitable. A civil revolution would be the necessary result. The same would be the effect in France, in a parti. ?1 degree. In this country, on the other hand, the effect would be salutary aud prosperous in the extreme. A slight reduction in the pricc of cotton, would give a greatly increased impetus to our manufactories, which would soon monopolize the eupply of Europe and Asia, with twists, yarns, and cotton cloth. Thus our distribu tion of the comm-rcial elements would influence and aggravate, still more, the adverse situation of things in England, occasioned by the abrupt termi nation of the cotton exports from our shores. In this aspect of the case? a view which will be sustained by the common sense and leelings of the great masses of the people ? it will be at once per. ceived that the controversy with England relative to Oiegon is in a position highly advantageous to the interests of this country, one which will command the impulses and sympathies of the great western masses, and in fact the whole American people, ex cept the mere stock-jobbers and shippers of the At lantic border, which can have little influence indeed, when opposed to the other great national interests of the country. And now that the Texas question has ho nearly approached its final settlement, the Oregon question will at once become the great absorbing question of the day. With it in their hands the musses of the West will come over the Alleghany mountains at the next session of Congress, and as tonish the World and all timid and narrow-minded politicians, who may falter in the course ot policy wo open and so just. The insane, interested, selfish and silly lavings nf such journal* as the Couritr and Tribunt on this subject, will pass for naught with the people, livery inch ot Oregon is ours and must be preserved. Not a gun need be fir'-d ? not a grnin of gunpowder ex pended ? no need of steamers and fleets and armies and munitions of war. The cotton bales will fight the buttles of the country that produces them. Naval. ?The officers and crew of the Rantan, on the Brazil siatii n, havt enjoyed excellent he<li since their arrival on thut natron There has not been a death on board, with n complement of fiOO men, for more thanayem Our accounts from her are to the 22d ot May. Flowers.? A visit to the delightful gardens ol Messrs. Wm. R. Prince Jt ' o., at Flushing, can not but prove pleasing to the lovers of flowers. Their rose*, dahlias, picotec a, and carnations ?re in crest abundance mid perfection W?- understand that several acres of ground are covered with the splendor of thousands ot varieties of these lovely children of nature, and the proprietors will 6e happy to receive visit* from their admirers, and present them with bouquets gratis. Plsam bk Exct'Rsiof ? One of the most agreeable excursions of the season is advertised in another tol'iinn We allude to that ol the ''Thistle Bene* ?"?>|ent Association " lust look *t the programme ' - vr n aoedih a* r Libel Scit.? It will b? recol lected that a few weeks ago there wu a notice in some of the news|>apert, stating that on* Parmelee, who was formerly a corre?]>ondent of this paper at Washington during the extra session of Congress, had procured an indictment against the proprietor ot the Herald before n Grand Jury in Buffalo. We be . lieve this is so, and we rather think it will turn out 1 one of the most extraordinary indictments ever pro cured before any Grand Jury; and when the trial comes on it will afford us an opportunity of making some nios-t extraordinary developements in relation to the manner in which |>oor Mr. Tyler, in certain I respect*, wad deceived and duped by persons who j had his confidence lor the time. This Parmelee was for several years in our em 1 ployment, and was specially engaged as a corres pondent at Washington during the first years of Mr. i Tyler's administration, and at the Extra Session His conduct was not satisfactory to us, and we dis charged him from our employment. Soon after wards he obtained an appointment from Mr. Tyler I 1 1 an Inspectorship on the frontier, which he has ; since that period enjoyed, unless he has been renio | ved by the present administration, as we have j heard stated, and is very likely. Scon after his ! discharge by us, some most violent and per j sonallv abusive articles appeared in a paper ! published 111 this city, called the Aurora, i long since defunct. These articles brought up the , ease of Parmelee, and made some direct charges : againtt the proprietor of this paper, which wo at the 1 time rebutted, and certainly disproved, by extracts ! from the letters of Parmelee himself. Out of this defence of our character and reputation, Parmelee j I undertook, two years afterwards, to found a civil action for a libel suit, which he coon afterwards I abandoned ; and now, after a lapse of tVree years, ? has obtained an indictment against us before a grand j j jury who could know nothing of the merits of the ' cage, and wore out ot the venue, and who ought ^ : not, in justice aud equity, to have for a moment en- , | tcrtained the complaint. The indictment has, however, been obtained, und ; ; on the trial, we will present a defence, which will' certainly l>c not a little interesting to the public at 1 1 irge. ll'e have in our /tosti <sion, between sixty and \ tight i/ letters , written by Parmelee, in I I'a siting- j ton, during the extra, und subsequent ten ion of Con ? grists, which icill nuike dtvelopmeuts, relative to this \ matter, ertretmly lucid aud rirh, jterfectiy tatirfacto ry to w, and to at! i cho may have teen the original *t itementt . In fact, this correspondence, will be, in political developments, wiiat that of Chevalier ! WickotT was in the theatrical world, amusing, origi ! nal, and interesting in the extreme, and perfectly vin | d calory of our reputation against the paltry attack ! of this lutiividunl. Enough of the caae for the pre sent. Mexican Diplomats ? Mr. Grkk.n and Sig.nor Atocha ? A corresi>ondence is now going on be tween these two distinguished personages, of both lengthy and lively nature. It is altogether ainusine to read their letters, although the apparent object ot both writers is no less than to prove that they are respectively persons of very questionable character, and by no means worthy of credence or admission to the society of "honorable men." Signor Amelia's last epistle, addressed to the editors of the V. S Journal, is rich in gems of ingenious satire, und the " gravida?" with which he turns over his oppo. nent, poking him " teevndttn arttm" in the sore spot-, is decided proof of his dexterity at fence. And yet, though the Signor, like u man of true ?Spanish blood, an "old Castilhan," never forgets n dignified reserve, there is a humor in his method of st rving out Mr. Green that is irresistibly amusing As a specimen of his style, the following episode of the little French milliner will serve: ? Vet I must ilo liim justice : there arc diplomatic ex ploits of which be showed himself capable, and which won him a renown there even more permanent than the fame of hit State papers. Ol one of them, let me, though unworthy, be the historian Just opposite to the Gran Sociedad, in the street ilrl Rifuiin, No. 22, there dwelt, in a lodging, humble and ill-furnished, (such as distressed beauty and virtue usually inhabits in a novel,) what Sir Peter Teade iu the play calls " a little French milliner." The goods w hich she so! 1 ? ete brought irom New Or leans ; and I. being the banker with w hom she deposited her money, always settled for her at the custom-house, the duties on them. 1 pon one occasion, slip showed me certain fashionable articles as just received, of the nr rival of which I had not been apprized. I asked her. therefore, bow she was able to sell them before she had paid the duties ? She answered thattl>ev were a part of several trunks of similar articles, whic^i Senor Green the American charge, (whoce company she enjoyed some two or three time* a week) had done her the kind ness to have brought from New Orleans for her, and passed " free" through the custom house, by virtua ol having them directed to !' The t 'nited States ' Legation, .Mexico." Voting Mr. Green, she assured me, was a very able diplomat t, and highly useful to her. The above is a promising extract, and a great many more good things may be exacted. But, is it not possible this pleasant discusrion inay assume another form : that words, however compact and well aimed, will not prove hard enough to satisly their growing wrath ? It does seem like time to try the virtue of powder and ball, and it may be fancy, Uut the smell of saltpetre comes on the breeze ! already. Loook out for an affair of honor. Bern wick's Medical and Surgical I.tstitltk ? ! We have received a note from Dr. Gunning $- Bed i lord, contradicting in some d'-grce the statement made in the HtraJd of yesterday, relative to his profes sional services having been secured by Dr.Bostwick. of the " Institute" in Chamber street. We believe that an error was committed by ue in the mode o( [ expression employed to convey a fact of which there s not any doubt. The simple fact is this : I)r. Bost wiek is in the habit, when any case of rem.irkabl" interest occurs in his " Institute," to consult some of the most eminent physicians or surgeons, us the case may be, in the city, llicir opinion is very cheerfully and readily given, and for their aid Dr. Bostwick pays handsomely, dividing with them the amount ot tecs paid by the patient. This is an equi table and very common sense arrangement, and the professional gentlemen who*e services are thus sought and paid for, are not at all inclined, as the public may readily conceive, to find fault with it.? I Dr. Mott has in this way been consulted? so has Dr | Cheeseinan ? so has Dr. Nelson, the distinguished surgeon from Canada ? so has Dr. Bedford, and in ! tact, almost all the leading men in the profession in i the city. Dr. Bedford tin. :s fault wuh the expression that he has been called on to " operate and prescribe in the Institute," because he does not wish it to be supposed that he is a business |>artner in the strict I sense of the term We theretore very readily niak> the correction he desires, adding at the same time that our llrst statement was"mtended, and virtually was, complimentary rather than otherwise, to the Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children in the " Stuyvesant Institute," in its connection of his name with the "t'hambers street Institute." Our attention has been directed, by this note of lir. Bedford, still more keenly to Dr. Bostwick'^ : " In?titute." We have heard a good deal about it , from of the medical gentlemen of this city ; They like the excellent and satisfactory business ar rangements of the doctor, and consider the system j as well calculated to promote the mutual advantages i of the resident physician, and those whom he calls in as consulting physicians and oi>erating surgeons. ! We understand that some most remarkable eases, I which had baffled the skill of all previous treatment, have yielded to that adopted by Dr. Bostwick, and we may, probably, one of these days, give a history of the establishment, and refer to the details of some j of these ense*. Galvanic Rings. ? The attention of the public is directed to an advertisement in another column, relative to that important remedial agent ? the gal vanic ring. Although the study of galvanic action | has for years employed the scientific, its application '<> the core of disease is a very recent discovery; I however, from all accounts, if has been fully recog nired m the short time it hnn been before the pub ; lie, an efficacious remedy, and it deserves a trial i from thn-e n ho may be muttering from nnv of those j ill"- thai ff??h w heir to IiujMutnnt from Central Amertrn?Bngltsh Intrlgnrt. W? have received in a round about way the fol lowi >g interesting intelligence from Central Amen ca. Our correspondent's letter, which we annex, prob- bly came via the City of Mexico and Ver.< Cruz. Its content* are ol some importance, aa ex hibiting the interference of England in the internal affairs of that beautiful country. It is to be seen that we are promised a full history of th ? overthrow of th? Federal Government of Cen tral America ; it will lead to developments of consi derable interest to this whole continent. [Correspondence of New York Herald j OuiTtMiu, May 16, 1845. I am determined to give \ ou a complete insight into the affairs of thin section of the werld. The Ymericati people from one end of the continent to the other will be surprised when they read my account. It is called for, and I therefore, give it. To ward* the end of the year 1-*3m. Mr. Kroderick Chat field, the British Consnl lor Central America, went to Costa Rica under the pretence ol claiming the deht that was due from that province to British subjects, and also uclai:n which was due from that government to British merchant" on account of the deht ol that Republic, be cause the five State* of Central America were then on the point of separation. At Costa Rica, he met the Chief of thrt State, " Branlio Carillo," who offered to pay the deht i i tobacco ; and as Chatfield eutertained a secret hatred against General Morazon. the President of all Central America, and was desirous ot hi* downfall, he (Chatdeld) agreed to receive the tobacco on the express conditions that tlio said " Branlio Carillo*' would at oncc declare war onanist the confederate government, which, having ticon agreed to. Chattield started for Nicaragua and six davs a'teiwaids the State of Costa Rica declared war against the confederate government of Central Amoiica Chatfield wont to Nicaragua under the pretence of celling the tobacco which lie delivered over to Mr. Fos ter, the then acting Vice Consul at the port ol Rea'ejo (This tobacco was not sold In March, 1844.) Chattield then ina'le the acquaintance of" Bruitrago." Chief of the state of Nicaragua, and arranged with him that no claim should be made on the part of the British government foi the claims of British subjects for some time, providing; he would send an army to join the arniv sent by the State of Honduras against the federal government. This otter was quickly accepted by the government of Nicaragua, and twelve hundred mon were accordingly marched under the commau.i of "Colonel Quijano,' and formed a junction with tho army of the rebels ot Honduras under the command of " General Kerrera." (fhief of that State and Commander-in-Chief of Hon duras mid " (ioneral Kspinosa" as second in command) at " Choluteca," as had been screed upon by Chatfield. who, accordingly, made no claim against "the State of Nicaragua for a long time after. Thus the combined armies of Nicaragua and Honduras wore commanded by the rebel chicls Kerrera, Espinosa. and Quijano. Chatfield then returned to the city ot San Salvador, where he at that time resided, and roused that State to join with the others already alluded to. After sundry small skirmishes with the troops of the confederation tlib combined rebels of Nicaragua am! Honduras arrived at " Espirito Santo,'' in tho month of April, 133!>. an estate a short distance from the city of San Miguel, where a battle took place between those re bels and the army of the federal government, command ed by Gen. Moraion in person, when tho rebels were en tirely destroyed and Oen. Mora/on received a desperate wound in the arm, from which Dr. Drivon, in the course of four months, extracted fifty -two splinter* of the bone, during the whole of which time Oen. Morazou was una ble to lie removed, as the doctor was fearful he should be obliged to amputate tho limb by the shoulder-joint ? In the mean time, while this was going on, Chatfield was constantly circulating a report that Oen. Moraion was dead and "had been privately nuried by tho doctor and his friends, thinking by this to intimidate the soldier* and supporters of the federal government. As soon as the armv of Nicaragua had been put In motion, Chatfield. as has beenbe'ore stated, returned to San Salvador, and fo mented a revolution in that city during the absence of the President, who was absent from the city, having been oblige ! to march against tho rebels, whom' he destroyed at Espirito Santo, as above mentioned. This business ha ving ended no contrary to Chatfield's hopes, the said in dividual was obliged to remain quiet fur about live months, not having an opportunity to follow up his re bellious motives. By this time the chiefs, Kerrera. Espi nosa and Quijano, who had escaped from the slaughter of Espirito santo, had again assembled an army Irom the States of Nicaragua and Honduras, and were once more in the field, when the President was again compelled to leave San Salvador with his army. Chattield availing himself of this opportunity, again stirred up the people ol that city and pro>ailed on them to take possession of the town ? Chatfield at the tame time, and whilst the city was in the greatest uproar and confusion, owing t<> this insurrection, and the lives and property of the most respectable of the communitv in the utmost danger, refused the protection of the British flap to several of the subjects of France, under the pre tence that there was a Consul ol France in Central Amo ricu who resided in the city of Guatemala He also re fused British protection to the wife and two daughters of General Morazon. the President of the Republic, who were now exposed to every insult and danger from an infuriated and brutal mob, who were threatening to mur derthem. General Morazon having heard of this out break whilst he whs in the village of "Tonacatepec"' has tened back with all expedition to the city of San Salva dor and immediately took possession of it, and afterwards marched against the rebels of Nicaragua and Hondu ras, who, in the meantime had been joined by great num bers of the rebels of San Salvador, and had taken up a very strong position at "San PedroJPerulapan," which could be entered only through a narrow and difficult pass. Here they wore stormed by the troops led on by General Mora/.on and completely exterminated, a num ber of the chiefs and soldiers being taken prisoners aloue escaped death at this place; those chiefs and soldiers, as also the chiefs of the locsl insurrection of the city of Snn Salvador taken prisoner* at the recapture of that | city stated that they had been excited to rebellion by Chit field, the British Consul, notwithstanding which Morazon set them nil at liberty and sent a message of forgirenes* to Chatfield. ? hat held now losing all hopes of further disturbance in those parts, went to the city of Guatemala, where he usually quarters himself in the house of Will iam Hail. Fsq., the Knglith Vice Consul, at the rate of one dollar a day for board and lodging. A few months after this, the President of Central Ame rica. General Mora/.nn. was compelled to undertake an expedition ngninst the State of Guatemala, which was now in lehciliou against the federal government through ?he secret influence and persuasion of ChatHeld, who was acting as chief adviser and director of tho move ments of the rebels. In 18-11, General Morazan drove the rebel forces out of the city of Guatemala; but as his troops had been much thinned by the various skirmishes which had taken place, he was obliged, being attacked by superior numbers, to again retreat, when nis follow ers were almost entirely cut olt'by the troops of Carrara, chief of the rebels. It was on this occasion that a young officer, in the service of the federal government, of the name of " Viera." a Peruvian by birth, with eighteen of his men, who had been left in the city of Guatemala ?titer the retreat and overthrow of General Mora/on, sought refuge in the house off hatfield, tho British Con ul. who admitted them under the protection ot the British flag; and, to the disgrace of the British nation, 'his Chatfield immediately sat down and wrote a list of the names of those bra?e, but unfortunate men, which he tent to < arrera, the rebel chief, (an uncivilized In dian.) informing him that those men were in his house, and requested that he would send the executioners-, ? hen. in a few minutes, an officer and soldier*, (all In dians, ) arrived, and murdered this young officer." Viera." and his eighteen men, in cold blood, in the most brutal manner, under the British flag, and in the immediate presence of ( hatfield, the British Consul, who was at the same time reading his favorite chapter of Kzekicl, in r> large Bible, a yard square, which belonged to his mother'* father, a preacher. Chatfield is a half pay lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards. 1 will write again soon. Tiik Post Office Advertising. ? It is amusing to observe the spasmodic wrigglings of some of our contemporaries, relative to (he apportionment of the Post Office advertising of this city The Evening Journal, amongst others, is quttc cxcited on the sub icct. The creatures may spare their gratulaiions We shall very soon expose the miserable evasion ot the law, perjietrated by the Postmaster of this city. The evidence of the superiority of our circulation over that of one of the papers selected by him, i? now in his possession, sworn to in an affidavit, as prescribed by the Department. As for the circula tion of a mere penny paper, that was to be given away or sent to the trunkmakers by thousands when occasion requires, it is altogether different from a journal like the Herald, thai addresses itself to at (he educated, intelligent and influential minds in the country. But as to the quibbling evasions of the Postmaster ol tins city, iu this instance, the remedy is open to us, and we will at once seek it. We mean to memorialize the Poatrnaster General; if that be ineffectual, we will apjieal to the President and Con gress. We have not, by any means, done with fhit business, and that the public will see. The Collector and Custom House. ? The lea ders of the ultra democratic- ptrty are beginning to grumble vry much at the conduct of Mr. Collector Lawrence. It seems that he is very costive in his conversation, and in spite of all applications and in direct methods to find out what is going on, or what he intends, it is impossible to aseertain what move ments are contemplated by him. Me i. thus de nounced already almost ns violently as Governor Van Ne'i Collector Lawrence thus wisely keeps lus own counsel ? says not u word? attends to the details of his duties at Ins desk daily? and appears I to be managing his cards with a good deal of tact. We should not, however, be surprised soon to see a regular explosion amongst the name elements of 'lie party that created the agitation against ( lovenior Van Ness Distimol'isheh Arrival, ? John Jones is in town ? John Jones the immortal! ? "John Jones of the War office" and the Madiumitrn. What can possibly he the mutter ' Something strange, warlike and ex traordinary, no iloubt There are many tumor* afloat, but his friends insist that he is only goinjj to I jiro;ie on private business for hi* brothers, who ure wealthy luerohanu We -usii see F**ncr Opera.? Robert-leviable has now reach ed iu third ni ;ht, and the enthusiasm of the public still remains unabated; but this doe* not surprise us The fain? of this wonderful Opera ? unquestionably the greatest and grandest work of the age, with re gard to the production of novel and entirely original musical effects ? has spread ad ultimum ThuU, and the Bensation it has every where made is without a parallel. How, therefore, could New York have re mained behind 1 Judging from the frequent and ju dicious applauses bestowed upon it throughout the evening, we confidently can say that it has made a lasting impression. No Opera has been so fre quently performed in the same space as Robert. In Paris! alone the ever to be regretted Nourrit sung it nearly two hundred times; after hin melancholy death, lie was followed by Mario, who made Ins dcbul in it on the occasion of which Meyerbeer expres-ly coin;nn?ed a premier a ? by the by, a piece inferior to th<- rest of the music. Mario, au Italian to the bone, was not equnl to the task, and to the regret ot all, rfie Opera was Lid over for pome time, till it was again brought out for the benefit of Duprey, and, al though played over three hundred times, it never fails to fill the grand Operu from the pit to the ceil ing. A* a proof of the immense difficulty of the mu sic, we can here mention that it was a long time be. lore Duprey could be prevailed U|>on to enact the |Mit of Kobert, and although he gave the recitatives ?which form part and'parcel of the mnrceaux from which they are not detached as in ltuliau Operus ? ,n a style for which lie will always remain unequal - ed, he was less effective in it, than m other Operts, for "instance, in the Huguenots, which, al though of a more scientific and still more coin; lie.' ted nature, is not so difficult to sing. Here the c uitposer granted the singers some revise be t we mi tin?tr respective pieces, but in Robert they re main oil the stage during the Robert du ring: us first, Isabella during the second, and Bertram durii g the third act. The more praise is due to the Frer ch company, that they acquit themselves in such a creditable way. Arnaud is one of the best Robert', but there certainly are some defects in his perform ance ? the falutto is not always well and judiciously used, as, in the " oh fortune d ton eaprit ?, and ill the invitation to the knights to piny with him ; but there arc 5 < many excellent points in it, on the whole, that it would be hypercritical io dwell on the weaker one*. Douvry's sinking in the resurrection scene, -aid tiie valse inftmale was capital, and was rewarded with much applause ; yet, we would advise him not 10 dwell with so much force on the last note of the latter air, and not employ so many rttaodardos. The Cuuiriots most efficiently contribute to the symme try of th? whole. Madame Cassini sung less timidly than on the previous night, but she is still too weak for this most difficult part. Prevost's leading is the theme of universal admiration, but we found the movement of the resurrection a little too fast. The orchestra, although more than sufficient for any other opera, is a little too limited for Robert, princi pally the violins ; two additional tympani are sadly missed. The same can be said of the male chorus in the first act, an 1 the trebles in the second. The house was comfortably full, and the fashionables mustered in strong numbers. Castle Gakdkv.? 1 This delightful place of amuse ment was attended last night by a numerous and highly fashionable audience. Miss Cohen, who pei formed the Sinolenska, was very much applaud ed, as she deserved, for her gracefulness, and Herr Cline, as ever, received by repeated applauses, the positive prooj that the epectators appreciated the ac complished manner with which he went through his astonishing feats of surprising agility. We must not forget to mention the tableaux moucants which afforded also a very great entertainment to those who had resorted to this place in order to forget, by a few hours of enjoyment, the heat and fatigues of the day. Castle Garden, by his situation, and the inducements it offers to those who love to enjoy themselves in these days of melting heat, in u de. lightfully cool atmosphere, will be always frequent ed by h11 whose business prevents their enjoying the fresh air of the country during the summer months. The band also deserve great credit for the mas terly manner with w^iich they performed during the whole evening. Niiilo's Garden. ? The Seven Castle* still con tinues its prosperous career ? the saloon presents a beautiful appearance, filled by the fashionab e belief arui beaux of our city, and a goodly number of strangers. The Acrobat family are really won derful ? so much grace joined to such vast strength, is rarely witnessed. Their performances are re peated this evening with the Seven CaAtlea. Mrs. Mowutt's engagement here in quite the topic of conversation among the upper ten thousand, who will crowd the garden to welcome her. Morality in Wall Street ? New Mode of Financiering ? The report which was bo freely circulated in Wall 6treet a few days since, implica ting a certain Hank in a transaction of the most ne farious character, proves to be trae in every particu lar. The transaction to which we allude is con nected with the recent forgery, involving the ruin of an individual who was made the victim for the pur pose of protecting the interests of the Dank, who, to secure this end, did not hesitate in compounding a felony. This singular affair will be thoroughly in vestigated, and our readers may look out for some curious, funny, interesting and extraordinary dis closures. Urbanization ok the New Police? Scenk at the Mayor's Office. ? The Mayor is still busily engaged, examining into the character and capacity of applicants for office. Wc hope he will get through before long, and appoint the requisite num ber of nble and qualified men, who will rid the city of the thieves, pickpockets, and burglars now infesting it. it is to be hoped that these men will be immediately placed on duty, without waiting fo> | the station houses being prepared. The night I watch mav be retained for the present, and ine newly appointed officers perform day duty only, un ! til such time as the stations can be cot ready. Some of the rarest, richest, ana most ludicron 1 scenes imaginable are daily occurring at theMayor'i i office while he is conducting the examination? The candidates are often of the most shabby charae u>r ? men who are neither uble to read or write, and their answers to his honor's questions arc some times exceedingly funny. The following scene is said to have taken pine on Monday, between the Mayor and an applicant:? Mayor? Cu" you write your name? Applicant? Mo; but I can make my mark. Mayor? Can you read ? ' Applicant? Faith y'er honor, I never went h t far with my education. ' Mayor? How then will you know how to make h : report, md tell in what place a riot occurs! Applicant? Can't I see how far it is from th? corner 1 Mayor? But what street, and what corner, if yon ' can't read the sign board I 1 Applicant? Faith, I can go to Alderman Henry, and he'll nr1. Mayor? Where is it you live, then 7 Applicant.? In the (ith ward, your Honor? in i Orange street these three years; anybody may i know the house ; there's an ash-cart before the door, lemons and root-beer in the window, nagurt ! in the c?'IUr, and purty gals up stairs. 1 keep as da 1 cHtu a house us any man in the Kih ward, and u three-yearVcharacter. Mayor ?Then you may go? we'll send for you wh^n we want you. ttxit applicant in n very dignified manner. Hoboken Ferry Boats ?On" of the finest ferry boats on the river has recently !?een placed on lie Barclay ptreet terry intended to run to and roni Hoboken. It is called the John Fitch, and is commanded by Capt. Havens, one of the most ex perienced men on the river. She was built by the enterprising proprietors of the Hoboken ferries. Messr.". Stevens, and n 155 feet in length; 49 feet t> inches clear in beam, 11 fret deep, and draws 5 feet 1) inches of water; she has a 9 foot stroke, with aStt-inch cylinder. Her wheels ap- IHfc feet in dia meter, with Hi feet face, and dips 2fi inches. Her decks nre capable of holding two carriages ; h?*r engines are 15-horse power; sliu has six cabins, three for ladies and three for gentlemen, of nbout yards long. No doubt this vessel will be a great acquisition to th? resident* of Hobcken, aa the nan perform the trip with ea?e under ele v?n minute*. ?porting IbUiI1|?m?. Tii* ft* eat Ten Milk Race, See., Over thi Beacon Course, Yesterday.? The weather was at hot ever, upwards of ninety degrees in the shade, but notwithstanding the littendance was greater thar. i ever. From twelve o'clock parties began to arnvi , in hundreds, and from two o'clock there was one ! continuous flock of persons towards the course. : Every description of vehicle was in requisition to : carry those who could aiford an odd quarter for such I ?1 purjiose, to suv? their logs. Vehicles are in much ' more requisition this year than ever they were be- ' fore, in consequence of the removal of the old rot ten stair case at the foot of the hill. In consequence of this removal, however, many prefer going round by the New Jersey Ferry, asthe distance is now ren dered about equ if, and the steep ascent from Hobo ken avoided. The sport in this neighborhood must afford a fine harvest to the different ferry proprie tors, hotel keepers, and others, who, no doubt, aid materially the liberal purses that are given. There was a pretty good muster of sweat-cloths and other gambling apparatus along thejond, particularly near the Mergen Cottage, at the foot of the hill, and about the entrance to the course. At the latter point "the little joker" whs particularly, in active operation, and appeared to have us many admirers and sup Kjrti rs as ever, notwithstanding all the udvice tliut us been given gratuitously for u great length ot time past. A short time before three o'clock, a big black whi: kered fellow was observed to break into the track, a little below the field-stand He was imme diately pursued by the proprietor of the course, who called upon him to tutn hack : but he heeded not the call, and went on his way. Mr. Browning followed and o ime up with him, when the other seized a piece of deal plank and struck him over the side of the ! ead, about the lower jaw, cutting him severely \lr. Browning then drew his revolving pistol and fired at what appeared to be his l"irs, but did not h t him They closed together, and ihe fellow got hold of Mr. Browning's heavily-loaded whip, with which he wruck him a very heavy blow over the head, which staggered him. He* .soon recovered, nnd drew his pistol and fired airain. At this moment others interposed, among whom was the Sheriff of the county, who saw all that passed, and the aggres sor was taken into custody and shortly after convey ed to the Hackensack prison. Some persons, pretend ing to respectability, defended the trespasser in his actions, and contended that lie had a perfect right to act as he had done, though all that knew ihe put ty said that if they had been situated as Mr Browning was, they would not have been so prudent or cool as he was. We may next hear of parties advoca ting the right of persons to commit burglary, and not to be resisted. It was near four o'clock ere the sports of the day commenced with a walking match of two miles, for a purse of #50 ? jjflO to the second, for which the following pedestrians were entered : Nnrfh Star, nt'Canaih, I John 8. Vandynp. William Vertnelyet, I The three tlr>t Pin the lust walking match; but on ly the two first came to the scratch. There was a vague rumor of a combination on the part of the North Star, but no proof being forthcoming he was allowed to start The betting previous was the North Star against the second and third ; 7 to 4 against Wm. Vermil yea ; 6 to 4 against J. S. Vandyne. Both the men came up and appeared quite san guine The North Star was quite indignant at the aspersion that was made upon him. The word hi ving been given, they went forth well together, the Star, it anything, having the lead, but at the bottom opened the gapl>etween them apparently about ten yards. He reached the quarter pole in lm. 53s. in this position. On approaching the half mile the Star was still further ahead, and th" other ap peared to fall off most wonderfully. The half was reached in 4m. They kept thus round the top past the three-quarter poll, and at the draw-gate coming home the Mar apjieared to lead full the eighth of a mile, and he completed his first mile thus in 8m 7s. When Vandine reached the Judge's chair he pull?-d up, but was pressed by his friends to continue the match as there was a considerable amount depend ing upon time. After some reluctance und delay he did ;-o, and in the meanwhile the Star^nt a quarter in advance of him, which position he maintained home, completing the two miles in 17m. Is. ; and Vandine in 18m. 308. Some delay again look place. The American Deer wished the fen mile race In take place after the hurdle race, in consequence of the excessive heat of the weather. This was refused on the part of Gil dersleve, who insisted un the printed programme of the sport being adhered to. This was eventually agreed to. It was about 5 o'clock when the men for the great feature of the day were in readiness. The match was a Ten Mile R ice, for a purse of $300? $150 to the second, and 50 to the third. The fol lowing iwdestrians were entered: ? 1. Jolin Oilderaleere, 16. American Deer, late from i 2. Irnace Kat.nichiate, the K 'gluid, Iroquois Indian. I 7. WYUh Bantam, late from N. M. Hall. Wale., C. Desmond, 8. K. C'henny, Jantei Wheelaa, I 9. M. Pickney. Out of the above list the following only made their appearance, and were placed in the following or der : ? John Gildersleve. Wm. Jackson, the American Deer. Wm. Roberts, the Welch Bantam. (itldersleve was dressed in white net cap and ! white short drawers; Jackson in flesh-colored silk i drawers with a blue birds-eye fogle on his head; Williams in blue drawers and blue striped handker chief on his head. The latter appeared a great loo fleshy to m ike a good race. He is a native of Glamorganshire, in South Wales, about 22 years of age. Previous to the race, there was some rumor of Gildersleve not being in condition for the race in j consequence of being run asruinst by a horse on the i track on Monday last. We saw the accident at the i time, and Gildersleve afterwards, who did not j complain or appear to be hurt to any material ex- [ tent. Hut notwithstanding this report Gildersleve i h id many very sanguine -upparters, who took the slightest odds that were offered against him. The | American Deer, on the whole, was the decided ta- j vorite ; and a con-iderablc sum was iaid out upon | In ru at to ?! ; but after vardsti to t wan wanted. Il wan thought the Welch liuntarn would have a better ! chance in a race after the- goats on his native lulls ' than on the present occasion Even that it was done ' in 55m ; to 4 th it it was done in 57m. The word h.ivmgbeen given the Bantam took the | lead at a slap-up pace : there was a slight p.inse be- ; tween Jackson and Gildersleve who should follow, t when Jackson took it nbout two yards after th ' . Bantam, closely followed by Gildersleve, as if wait- ' ing. The first quarter was clone in 1m l(i< : lue bait in 2m 32i. Round the top n!' eared well toge ther, Jackson apparently takii r easy, the Bantam working like a ste-mi engine. ickaon cune home in 5m. 23s. ; Gi'de -'eve second, about a yard be iiind, with the Ba it mi two yard-* Jbehiud him ? Ju>t as Jackson approached the judge's chair, at the ??iid of this mile, a boy crowed his path, at whom he made a blow which stretched him full length on his mother earth. For the second mile, at the ouarter, Gildersleeve went in front, which shortly after was taken from lirn by Jackson, who came home in 5.37, and Tildersleeve not a yard behind him The Bantam was near the eighth of a mile behind, and as bl eached the Judge's chair, made a bee line from the track and eave up the contest. The third mile was much as before ; the only two remaining comi>etitors were not h yard apart on eaching the Judge's chair, in 6 33, both taking it ipparently rather easy The fourth mile, ps before, (lilderslreve atepping into JacksonV footmark, in 5 35 The fifth mile, at the end, there was some slight ?liatige : Jackson led home near U|>on three yard* in iront. He was now evidently opening the gap be tween them. Time J 35. Sixth mile; at the quarter-poll the space was still 'reater between them ; still more so at the half fiiey apjieared to be alternately increasing and de creasing the space between them, as they proeeed "d, but Jacksan came in front, in 5 37, Gilaeltleeve upwards of half a quaiter behind Seventh mile lliey went thus round the bottom, ami increasing the spice between them as the) reached the quarter, and to the half, where Gilder sleeve appealed to he near a quarter behind, when h" gave op the contest in conaequence of a violent pain in the side : and Jackson came in at the end ol this inile quite fresh : 5 45. The eighth mile Jackson went at a great rate, and came home in 5:1!? Ninth mile was done in 6:7, although fools would crowd on the track. In the tenth nnle Jackson made a most beautiful ^rush?could not have done bi tter if he had been most severely pushed for it? just as a specimen ol what he could do, and came home in 5 .jfj Thus ended the long looked for ten mile contest between ilie pride pedeatri ins of England and Ame rica ; but doubtless the affair will not end here There are others, and ihe same party, that will nol be content with this. Greater tents are yet to be performed in this respect. At the end, there was some slight demur among the judges as to time, but was eventually settled as above. The following is a Rr.rAriTn.ATin* \V . Jar loon, ( American deer) John Qilderilev Welch Bantam . . ! Time of lit mile S? < |j 21 m;U ?h rente " 1 mi??? Mil mile ' imi e. tith mile i n 6nillc? ?' Tthmile... . . . }:4J ' 7milu... Tteftf ?? Khmile., 3:19 " 1 milea 14:*l " 9th mil*... 6:07 " <t milei. . , Ju:3l ?? 10th mlla . , . SlM 13 miiai , .?>-% The following is the time of the principal matches that came off over this Course last year: ? Oct 16 ? Oildarsleve performed ten miioi, beating Oreenlulgh und Barlow, the Eng lish pedestrians, in A7^m. ui^v. Nor. la? Darlow performed ten miles, beat ing Gildersleve and Oreenhalgh, in .V4 m. 31*. Dec. 16? Ureenhalgh performed 12 milei, beating Oildersleve, in G8 m. 48?. Immediately after the ten mile race, a foot hurdle race for h nurse of $50 ? $10 to the second ; quarter of u nule heats; tilteen hurdles three feet three in ches high, to go over as they please ? for which tli<? following f*rsoiis were entered : ? 1. George Howard, I 6. Oillxrt Arrry, 2. Junes R. L<-wis, T. llir<m H.nton, 3. I'etrr KuowUnd, I 8. Edward (ones, 4. R. William*, the Welch I 9. Robert Murphy, Bvntam, 10- William Bell, 5. Ilicliaid Williams, I II. John Emily. This was a very cxciting und amusing affair ; its novdty prevented anything like betting previous to its commencement. The hurdles were placed most awkwardly for th? spectators. They were situated at the quarter poll on the straight side coming in. to that the d li ferent competitors hud to run home towards th? judges' stand, und those who stood in that vicinity could not see the start or progress until they reached the end. Had they been placed round the bottom to the first quurter, the whole proceedings might have been seen. But there may be belter ar rangements another time. J. R. Lewis, P. Know laud, R. Williams and G. Avery, did not show. For reasons before stited, the progress could not be known, but they came along ut a slapping pace toward' the judge's cli-iir, led on by Reward some five or six yards in front 1-1, followed by Horton some five or six yards behind ; the Bantam third close to him. The others tailed oil. The second heat was much the same ; Seward led home in 1-11, followed by Horton much as be fore, the Bantam third, Emily iourth, Bell fifth, Hawkey sixth: the rest anywhere. Hoi ton *as quite fresh ut the end. The hurdles, generally speaking, was taken in good nyle, only one big fellow had a summerset at tke beginning of the first heat. Thus ended the sports ot the day; although u was much more one-sided than was anticipates, no one could say but that they had fun enougli for their m> ? ney, particularly those who forced their entrance without |>ayinu anything ? some three or four thousand. The Spiungs. ? Saratoga, Billston, and all the " Springs," are rapidly filling up. Anion, "at tlu'iu all, none is more attractive or salubrious than Rich field Spa. The village is one of the most picturesque and agreeable in the Union ? the waters arc of e\ traordinary virtue? air, scenery, every thing deli^li - ful, and the "American Hotel" quite a palace tf -t summer residency Tue Affair in Wilmington, Del. ? Annexed id the certificate of the Priest who married Will in Chase Barney to Miss Booth, a few days ur o. I do hereby certify, that on the -JOth of Jime,lSU>, iV'm. Cha*e Barney and Elizabeth Booth, (accompanied ><} Sam uel Chase Barney) applied to me to be united in the bond* of matrimovy; that having ascertained that the ladv wai over ? 1 years of age, aud having teceived bur lull and deliberate assent to the obligation* of the matrimonial contract, and the parties respectively having expressed the matrimonial content in tho English language, in the the terms usual on such occasions, 1 performed the cerc mony of marriaco in tho English lani;uago, between the said Wm. Chase Barnev and Elizabeth Booth, in pres ence of the said Samuel Chase Barney. r. REILLV, Pastor of St. I'etor'a Church. Wilmiugton, Del., July 0th, 1845. City Intelligence. Imposition of Cab Men. ? Wo mentioned a day or two since, the imposition practiced by the cab drivers upon strangers, and defenceless females arriving here. Since then we have been waited upon by a gentleman of this city, who ha<> communicated to us a plan intended to pro tect strangers from extortion, and to abolish the abomi nable conduct of cab drivers and runners at the steain boat landings. His plan appears to us not only well adapted, but the only one by which the end proposed can be attained. It has already received tho approval ol' .tany gentlemen well acquainted with the subject, and will be made known to the public 8* soon as the neces sary arrangements can be completed. In tho mean while, we would recommend the parties interested, to afford him the facilities he asks to accomplish what would really be a great benefit to tho travelling public. Bo.imd on Education ? This Board inet last evening. ? Isaac A. Johnson, F.sq., President, in the chair. Tho minutes of the last meeting were road and ap proved. Yorkrille School ? Memorial fiom the Yorkvillo School. Referred. Repnrtt? From the Auditing Committee in favor of paying bills of Messrs. Mosserolo and Hoe? Adopted. Fourth Ward Common School ? A communication was received from inhabitants of the 4th Ward, a'king an ap propriation of $11,4 It for the erection of a Public School in that locality? Referred. Some other communications were referred. The Board adjourned. Coolku Weather. ? Yesterday was aline day. The weather was cooler and very pleasant. We annex the range of the thermometer. State or the Thermometer. 6.7. M. 12 M. 3 P.M. July 9th, I8IS 71 82 81 " " 1811 6il 86 ?! " " 1811 67 8(1 IfJ '? " 1833 68 82 ,1i Pol lev Intelligence. Police OrricK, July 9. ? Important Arpest ? Roii bebv iv an Ovstkr Cfi.lar. ? Arthur Spring, 13 Park Row, and his son Arthur, were arrested, charged with robbing a man named Thomas Dillon, a stranger, of oue hundred and forty gold sovereigns. value ol ,l679, on Monday night, in the oyster cellar of said Spring, it appears Dillon was boarding at 44 Whitehall stieot, and was persuaded by a man called Dugan, to go to Spring's wiih him, where bo was detained until an hour so lato that be concluded to slay all night The Joors were dosed, ami Dillon wasawoke from sleep by Spring, his son, and another man, attempting to rob him. The mo ney was taken from a belt about his person, and a bag which was in his pocket. Spring was arrested by offi cers Adee and Burley, who deserve great ciedit for thoir industry. About $400 was recovered. STtAMNo a Ship's Cable. ? The bark Benj. Adam*, lying at Brooklyn, was rubbed of a part of a cable and a cut block, value ?40. I >ffice #F the Chief of Police, July !?.? Bcbolart. ? The store of K. O. Van Benthuysen, 131 Spring stieet, was broken into last night by a party of thieves, who ?'ollected a large quantity of silks, shawls, itc , and placed them in baskets. Tl.e new police were patrolling '.he streets all night, which probably prevented the bur glars making their escape with the articles. Stfalinu Money. ? John Manning was arrested charged with stealing Hi from James M) ers. >9 were found in his possession. Committed. a Ship. ? James Lewis and Moses Coreon* were arretted charged with stealing a ship's cat block' hawser, and a skiff painted on the stern W. Brown. Committed. Grand Larc?:*t.? A French boy was arrested charged with robbing a Frenchman of five gold eagles. Com mitted. Brooklyn City Intelligence. Omwbvsses from the South Ferry is m?.ch wanted for the convenience of those that live in Kast Brooklyn; the route to be up Atlantic to Court street, and through Myrtle avenue The route would be much shorter than round through Fulton and Myrtle avenue, the old route. A line of good stages wo think would he well patron ised, and if runjiill lata in the evening, it wouU give the resident* of the Wallabout an opportunity to visit the Battery and Cattle Garden these warm evuuings. Who will start the first line' South Ffrrv.? We hear many complaints about the early hour these boats stop runniug ? tne last boat from Brooklyn at a quarter before eleven, and from New York ? t eleven o'clock. We understand there is a petition to t he company in circulation, to nave the last boai leave N. York at twelve o'clock. This should not t>e The Fer ry Company oiwht not to wait te he petitioned, but should study the interest of South Brooklyn more. Attempt at Bi rc.larv ? An attempt was made to en ter the house in Clinton, corner of State street, on Mon day evening, by getting over the Icnce on State street ? Hie noise having been heard by some of the Neighbor*, the burglars made their escape with some clothe* that were in the vard. Where I* Mayor Talmage's |iolice re torm. promised in hi* inaugural message! Till* i* the second robbery from the same house this year. Royal Favor ?The "Court Circular" of the tjowlon Umild of June 4th It ??* the following: ? "His Royal Highness Prince Albert went yesterday' morning 1 '.o St. George'* Church, Hanover *quare, to be present at the christening of the infant son of the Belgian Vliniitar ? nil Madame Van do Weyer, hi* Royal Highnen honor ing their F.xrellaiirie* by standing godfather In person.? The ceremony was performed by the Hon. and Rev. ' iiHrlcs I.eslje Couitenay, Chaplain to her Majesty, and the infant teceived the names of Alliert SylvainBstes. Che Prince h a* attended by the Marquis of Kxeter, Lord George Lennox, lantain Frunci* Seymour, and vlajor General Sir Kdward Bowater. Alter the cere mony, hi* Royal Highness I onored Momleurand Madame Van ile W'ejer witn his ptesence nt a d'jmnrr, at their residence in Poitland place. \ select circle wa* invited to meet bis Ho) nl Highness. Madame Van de will he recollected, is a daughter of Mr. Joshua liaies, formei |y of this city, whit i bout 'ifl years since, mnriied Nils* stnrgi-i, sister of ("apt stnigis of the revenue cutter Hamilton; and whose good fortune afterward* made him a partner in the house of the Brother* Baring of London, and to which may be at tributed the present circum?tance* of hi* family. It I* in evidence of the remarkable " up*" in life to which the lucky star of Home persons lead them. Mr. and Mr*. Bat, is were person* of very little note in Boston during their }'oung days, but in their advancing years, they l>a?k in the atmosphere of courts, and the Queen * husband stand* sponsor to their grandchild ! Truly " there is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at iu flood lead* onto fortune Hasten Trnnieripl, July N Turk'* Islawd ? Cuptnin Pitman, of the C. E. PI itt, elt* von Hay* from Titrk'n Island, report* that the great fall of ruin at Grand Key during the last month ha* destroyed the pros|>e<-ts from the salt ponds for some month There ii but li?i|e salt at Grand Key and It la held at fH s-HVevrn nrjt 1 ? ^ much, a* the ram wai confined , ~tr. to; it ??:?c#. The market* nc i . I with American produce. Tho Hon Kcverdy John fin, (L S. Senator ol Maryland) with Mri, Johnioa, will sail for England n tha Saw York packet ot tha loth Inst , and will return 1 -arly la tha fWQ.