Newspaper Page Text
THENEW YORK HERALD Vol. XI., Ho. 188? Whole No. ?0 50. NEW YORK, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1845. PrtM Two OMth [E NEW YORK HERALD. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Proprietor, *culation? Forty Thousand. DAILY HERALD ? Every duy. Price a cents pel |>y ? $7 -.'d per annum ? payable in advance. IVEEKLY HERALD? Every Saturday? Prioe 8i centi ? copy? $3 12* cent* per annum? payable in advance. ID V ERTISEMENTB at the usual price*? always th in advance. KIM'INd of all kinds executed with beauty and h atch. [ti/- Ali letter* or communications, by mail, addressed Ittio establishment, must be post paid, or the postage be deducted from the subscription money remitted JAMES GORDON BENNETT, (oruiKToa or the Nkw Yorh Hkkai-d Establishment Northwest comer of Fulton (Uid Nassau streets SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 'BLOOM I N GD A L K, M ANHATTAN VILLE, AND FORT WASHINGTON STAGES, Will commence running in the following >rder, ou Saturday, May 'he 17th. 1845, leaving I~_- ?? V1?,.l.jn?.iville at 6 o'clock, A. M., ami enn ui- tve.j i, it hour until 7 o'clock, P. M. Ueaving New ik, comer of Chatham and pTryon Row, at 0 A. M? and llinue every half hour until 8 M. Stages to Carmansville iiiltv Church Cemetery and Fort Washington, every hour ounli the d ay, from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. fare to Manhattauville lt)i cents; Carmansville 18%; Fort ushingtou 24 cenu. B. MOORE, v2 lin'rc Proprietor. i-AKK TO BALTIMORE fT Through in Seven Hour*. &EW CASTLE AND FKENCHTOWN KAIL ROAD ANI) STEAMBOAT LINE. (Tile unrivalled Steamboat ROBF.RT MORRIS, Captain J. 1. Douglass, will, on aud after Monday, June 16, leave Dock :reet wnarf. daily, (except Sunday*,) at 3 o'clock, P. M. Pas engers will arrive in Baltimore at about 10 P. M. Fare only This Line is composed of the following splendid and fast uL-umboats: ? Robert Morris, Captain J. M Douglass. Ohio Captain L. Davis. Constitution Captain J. Clnytor. I George Washington Captain J. Tripi*. I This Line leaves Bowly's wharf, Baltimore at 3 P. M.? 1'ickets for Wheeling and Pittsburg can be procured on boaril the boat. 1/NlTED STATES MAIL LINES FOR BALTIMORE. Fare J?3 ? Through in Six tlnurt. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD LINE. Via Chester, Wilmington, F.Ik ton, Havre de Grace, lie. - On and after Wednesday next, June 25th, the fare between Ptpiladelphia aud Baltimore, by the Mail Liues, will be reduced o $2. The Trains will leave as follows:? From Philadelphia, I From Baltimore, ?Depot 11 th and Market streets. Depot in Pratt street. ?Daily, except Sunday. at 8 A.M. I Daily, exc, Sunday, at 9 A M ?And D lily, at 4 P. M I And Daily , at 8P.M. Wheeling and Pittsburgh ? Tickets through to Wheeling and Pittsburgh can be had at the Dejiot, Eleventh and Market sts, O. H. HUDDELL, Agent, ror further informatiou, apply to J. L, SLEMMER, at the office of Adams St Co. 17 Wall street. June 24tJi,,1&15. je29ec LONG ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. mm REDUCED FARES. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS, On and after 14th June, 1845. From Brnnklyn Depot ? Boston Train ? A. M. daily, Sundays excepted, stopping at r armingdale and St. George's Manor. Accommodation Tram? 9)4 A. M and 5 P. M. for Farming dale and intermediate places, daily, Sundays excepted. Accommodation Train, 3 P. M. for Greenport, daily, Sundays excepted, stopping at Jamaica, Branch, Hempstead, and Hicks vill , and all the stopping places between Iiicksville and Greenport. From (rirenjiort Depot ? Boston Train, dnily, Sundays excepted, at 12% o'clock M., or ou the arrival of the steamers from Norwich. Accommodation Train ? At 5 A.M., daily, Sundays exceptsd, fur Brooklyn aud intermediate places. From Farmin^dalc Depot ? Accommodation Train, 6% A. M. and 2% P. M., daily, Sun days excepted, for Brooklyn auu intermediate places. Fro m Jamaica Depot ? Extra Train, IK P.M. daily, Sundays excepted, for Brook Un and intermediate places. ' The Boston Trains stop only at Karmingdale and St. George's Manor. The Accommodation Trains stop at the following places ou the road, going both ways to receive and deliver passen gers. viz: BeiUord S Deer Park. .. H East New York 12% Thompson 88 Race Course 18V Suffolk Station 100 Trotting Coarse 18% Lake Road Station 1 1834 Jamaica 25 Medford Station 1 18J4 Brushville 31V Milleville 1 50 Hyde Park, 17 miles 37H St. George's Manor. ... I 62 Clowsville, (during ?es- Riverhead 1 62 sion Court,) 37 ^ Jamesport I 62lJ Hempstead 37^ Mattetuck 1 62' B ranch 37}% Cutchogue 1 62, Carle Place 44 Southold 1 62 >, Westburv 44 Oreenport, Acc'n. train. 1 75>i Iiicksville 41 Boston Train 2 00 Farmiugdale, .... 62H Stages are in readiness on the arrival of Trains at the several Stations, to take passengers at very low Fares, to all parts of the Island. Baggage Crates will be in readiness at the foot nf Whitehall street, to receive Baggage for the several Trains, 30 minutes be fore the hour of starting from the Brooklyn side. 7* Rockaway Baggage taken in separate Crates. julOrc TO WESTERN TRAVELLERS. IT EXPRESS ANl? PIONEER PACKET LINE, From Philadelphia to Pittsburgh vis the Pennsylvania Rail roads and Canal ? through in 3 )? days. Th?* above line is now ill full operntiou and offers great inducement* to persons who wish a pleasant mode of travelling to the west. The ears are built in the most approved modern style, the boats are fitted up in a superior manner, and every effort is made by the proprietors to conduce to the comfort and convenience of travellers. The scenery on this route is unrivalled, and tiir great chain of Pennsylvania internal improvements i.s well woi thy of being seen. By this route passengers avoid nil the fatigues and dangers at teurlaut upon sttge travel!! ig, -n.u a: the same time make ao ex peditious trip. The cars leave every moruiiiK at 7 o'clock. Passengers are ad vised to engage their places at Phil idelphia. Office hi Philadel phia N. K. corner of Chesuut ?ud Fourth ?'reets. and at Nos. Ill and 15 South Third sts. A. CUMMINOS, Agent. Philadelphia, May 17, 1845. '"'or information, in the city of New York, apply to B. H. KNISELL, Agent lor D. LEECH k CO.'s Line. 7 West ?t, N. R. myl7 6m*rrc FROM BOSTON TO PHILADELPHIA IN A DAY. rpHE TRAIN8 upon the LONG ISLAND RAILROAD I are now arranged for passengers to leave Boston at 0 o'clock and arrive in New York at 4, as was the case last evening; and take the Philadelphia train at quarter before 5, and arrive there at 11P.M. myt3tf IVILL1AMSB URGH AND PECK SUP FERRY. The Trustees of this Ferry, believing that ? there are many of the citizens of New York ?and vicinity that are unacquainted with the faculties this ferry affords as a pleasant communication with Williamsburg -nd Long Islind, would state that <j>ere are two got d Ferry Boats on this Ferry, which leave Peck Slip every fifteen or twenty minutes through the dty up to 5 o'clock, P. M., and then up to 8 o'clck, at each even hour and half hour; after which a boat leaves at 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock The last boat leaving Williamsburg at half-past 9 o'clock, P. M. P. 8 ?On the evening of July 4th, the boat will continue to run until 12 o'clock. jyJ I m're gag FERRY, FOOT OF WHITEHALL STREET. FARE 6* CENTS. On and after Saturday, 7th June, the Steamboats SYLPH and STATEN ISLANDER will leave New York every hour exccpt 5 P. M., commencing at 8 A. M., until 7 P. M. Leave Platen Maud every hour cxcept 4, commencing at I A.M., until 7 P.M. ju7m MORNING LINE AT 7 O'CLOCK, FOR ALBANY, TROY and intermediate nx,- THiy'.-ieUndinKi. from the Steamboat Pier at the foot of 3C^JK2K?Barclay street. Ore and Dinner on board the boat. Leaves New Vork at 7 o'clock, A. M., Tuesdays, Thursdays nud Saturday, and Troy at 6 o'clock, A. M., Albany at 7 o'clock A. M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The low-pressure steamboat TRO V , Captain A. Gorham, en Tuesdays, Thursday s and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock. The steamboit NIAGARA, Captain A. Degroot, on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o clock. For imssage or freight, apply on board, or lo F. B. Hall, at the office on the wharf. Notice ? All goods, freight, baggage, bank bills, specie, or any other kind of proiwrty taken, shipl>ed, or put on board this boat, limit be at the risk of the owners of such goods, freight, bag gage, Hie.. jel8rc_ N 1'. W YORK, ALBANY AND TROY LIN L. mM FOR ALBANY AND TROY DIRECT. C?. ? ^"n^i-sJ*? at 7 o'clock, P. M.? The steamboat EM -jCaavJHa.iK.PIRK, Captain R. B. Mscy, will leave the skainboat pier foot of Courtlandt street, every Tuesday, 'JTiursday and Saturday afternoon, at 7 o'clock. The steamboat COLUMBIA, Captain Wm. H. Peek, every Monday, Wednesday a il Fridav afternoon, at 7 o'clock. r or 1'asaage or Freight apply on board, or at the office on the wharl inM SECOND liHAND EXCURSION AROUND STATEN ISLAND. THE STEAMER INDEPENDENCE make her second pleasant trip around Sta ???""^"M^U.leti Island, on Saturdty, July lltli; will leave foot ot t.a.iai .,reet at I P' M.j I ter No 2, N. R., FM(tif( linton street, E. II., I <j P. M., and the wharf between Washington and Main Street, Brooklyn, 2 P.M. A Bind of Mii*ir Will accompany the excursion, ?nd relrenhments provi de J on hoard, rsre for the excursion 2i cents. _ .1 >" ?'m C. FORBES. 2{} LI VERPOOL? The superior ship NEP ?? Captain Peach, will sail on her regular day. ror passage, having unsurpassed accommodations in only, applyto JOHN HERDMAN, lil South street. LONDON LINE OK PACKETS-Packet of the 1 .201 h July. ? Tin- splendid ami Cut s tiling Packet Ship iHENDRICK HUDSON, Captain Moore, >ail< posi -Mo ml u , July 21st. This ~>hi|> has splendid nccommo dations for cabin, second cabin and steerage passeugers; to se cure berths, early application should be in ide to W.&J. T. TAPSCOTT, jylfl rc 76 South street, corner of Miiilen Lane. PEOPLES' LINE OK STEAMBOATS EOR ALBANY, DAILY ? Sundays Encejited? nirotigh Di >re<x, at 7 o'clock P. M., from the Pier between ! .Conrtlandt and Liberty street*. Steamboat ROCHESTER, Captain H. G. Cruttendeu, will leave r *" ? of Barclay street Steamboat NEW JERSEY, Capt. R H. Fnrey, will leave on Monday, Wednesday, Kriday and Sunday Afu-rooous, at 4 o'clock. Steamboat NORTH AMERICA. Captain L. W. Braiuard, will leave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdny Aftwnoons, at 5 o'clock. Passenger! taking either of the above Line* will arrive in Allxi ojr in ample time lor the Morning Train ol Car* for the ea?t or west. The B.>ati are i:ew and substantial, are furnished with new and degaut state rooms, and for speed and accommodations are un rivalled on the Hudsou. Freight taken ai moderate intes. All |iersons are forbid trusting any pf the Boats of this Line, without a written order from the Captains or Aleuts. For passage or freight, apply on board tlie boats, or to P. C. Scnuitz. at the office on tlie wharf. jeJO m KOR HALIFAX AND LIVERPOOL. THE Koval Mail Steam Ships < ' ALEDO N I A and H1BERNIA, w ill leave Boston for Ulie above porta, as follows:? Caledonia, E. G. Lott, Esq., Commander, Tuesday, July 1st Hiberuia, Ale*. Rvrie, " " Wednesday, July 16th. Passageto Liverpool (120. Passage to Halifax 20 Apply to D. BRIGHAM, Jr., Agent, 6 Wall at. je 'iti NEW LINK. OK PACKETS KOR LIVERPOOL ?Packet of 2l?t July ?The splendid and favorite ipacket ship HOTTINOl'ER, 1100 tons burthen, Capt Ira Bursley, will sail on Monday, July 21, herregular day. The ships af this line being nil 1000 tons and upwards, persons about to embark for the Old Country will not fail to see the advantages to be derived from selecting this line in preference to any other, as their great capacity renders them every way more comfortable and convenient tnaii ships of a small class, and their accommodations for cabin, second cabin, and steerage passengers, it is well known, are superior to those of any other Une of packets. Persons wishing to secure berths should not fail to make early application (hi board, foot of Wall street, or to W. k J. T. TAPSCOTT, 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, iy1* Up Stairs. KOR SaLE? The New Yorkliuilt copper laslen ? entd and coppered ship SYLVANUS Je.NKINS, jkurthen per register. 5.7 tons? She sails fast, carries well, and is well found. Apply to Captain Etelie&li , on boaid, at pier No. 4, N. R , or to BOYD &. HINCKEN, iy8rc No. 9 Tontine Building, cor of Wall and Water sts. KOR LIVEKPOOL? Packet of the 16th July? .Th- new packet ship KI DELI A, Captain llackstaff, aw ill positively sail as above, her r jjular day. Also, tlie splendid packet ship ROSCIUS, Capt. Eldridge, will positive! > sail on the 2fith iust. Kor passage, having su perior accommodations, apply to jyll-rrc J. HERDMAN. til South st. BLACK BALL OH OLD LINK OK LIVER POOL PACKETS.? KOR LI VERPOOL? Only iRegular Packet of the 16th of July. ? The new anil magnificent packet ship FIDELIA, 1150 tons burthen, W in. O. Hackstiff, commander, will sail positively on Wednesday, 16tli of July. For terms of passage and to secure the best berths, early ap. plication should be made on board, foot of Beekman street, oi to the subscribers, ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO, j> 7ec 35 Knlton street, next door to the Knlron Bunk, N.Y. KOR SALE? FREIGHT OH CflAili The ? very last sailing packet ship, MISSISSIPPI, 650 tons, ilmilt in this city by Brown & Bell, salted on the stocks, and resalted every year, live oak and and locust top, live oak apron, setnson stern frame, and forward and after cant frames? newly coppered and in perfect order for a three years voyage ? has accommodations for 26 passengers. Apply ou hoard at Orleans' wharf, foot of Wall sweet, or to jut) in E. K. COLLINS 8t (Jo.. 56 8outh street. KOR NEW ORLEANS ? Louisiana and New .York Line Regular Packet, to sail Monday, 21st iinstant ? The elegant fast sailing p.icket ship OSWE GO, Capt. Wood, will positively aail as above, her regular day. For freight or passage, having handsome furnished accom modations, apply ou board, at Orleans wharf, foot of Wall st, or to E. K. COLLINS & CO., 56 South st. Positively no goods received on board after Saturday evening 19th instant. Agent in New Orleans James E.Woodruff, who will prompt ly forward all goods to his adddress. jlrc OLD ESTABLISHED EMIGRANT PASSAGE .OKK1CE.61 South st. ? Passage Irom England, Ire (land, Scotland and Wales? Those sending for their friends would do well to avail themselves of the opportunity of inakingtheir arrangements with the subscribers ou very mode rate terms, by first class packet ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly. Drafts can as usual be furnished for any amount, payable throughout the United Kingdom. Apply to JOHN HERDMAN, 61 South st. The mail steamer Hiberuia sails from Boston ou the 16th inst, by w nich letters can be forwarded quickly. mvtl rh am KOR GLASliOW ?Regular PaeJcet.? The well iqsfofV known, fast sailing British Barque ANN HAKLEY JawaEaDuiicau Smith, master, 450 tons, will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage, having excellent accommodations apply on board pier ON. R-, or so WOODHULL U MINTURN8, jyjrc 87 S >iith street ~ PACKETS FOR HAVRE-Second Line? The ? packet ship BALTIMORE, Captain Edward Funk, ^will sail ou the lstof August. for freight or passage apply to BOYD & HINCKEN, No. 9 Tontine Buildings, coi. Wall and Waterstreeti iy2 m t<UK Li V h-KPUOL, ? The iNew Luu ? Re# | .P?i'ket21st Jul) ? The superior fast sailing Packet shir t jHOTTINGUER, 1050 tous, Capt. Ira Bursley, will I sail tut above, her regularity. For freight or passage, taving excellent and superior accom modations, apply to the Captain on board, orto i WOODHULL t M1NTUKN, ?7 South atreet. 1 Trice of passage f 100. The Packet Ship Liverpool, 11J0 tous, Capt John Eldridge, trill succeed the Hottinguer, and aail on he^regular day, 2a oi ! August. ji 2tt ec KOR SALE, FREIGHT OK CH ARTE R-Ttu- ! ? very last aailintc barque HOME, Captain Watts, buill ! mi I'.iltirnore one year since of the best materials, carries about 4,000 barrels, and has handsome accommodation* for twenty passengers. Apply to Captain Watts, on board, at ! Pike street whar* or to E. K. COLLINS & CO. ilT rc . 56 South street. KIR SALE? FREIGHT OR CHARTER? The very fast sailing New York built packet ship YAZOO 1?670 tons ? Live Oak and Locast top, Live Oak trail 'inn, apron and forward and after rants ; carries 2200 bales Nrw Orleans cot'on, anil his handsome furnished accommodations i for twenty-si* passengers. Apply on boa'd at Jones' wharf, or to E. K. COLLINS It CO, i jy9m 36 South street. 1 SCOTT'S BAZAAR. j No. 37 DEY STREET. BETWEEN BROADWAY AND GREENWICH STREET. j CANDS 8COTT returns his most sincere thanks to his ?5 friends and the public at large, for the liberal support re- 1 ceived since he has been in business, and hopes by the same I strict attention to merit a continuance thereof. The qualities j ; of his Ales, Wines, Liquors and Segars, are too well known 1 to need comment. A large assortment of Refreshments to be ! had at all times, till twelve at night? such as Beef Steaka.Mut- | i tou Chops, Fried Kidneys, Ham mid Eggs, Sardines, Poached I- .ggs, Pickled Tongues, Welch Rarebits, Coffee, Tea, fee. A j ~ every good dinner ofRoast or Boiled Meat for One Shilliug, ev day, from 12 to 4 o'clock. Dublin Brown Stout always draught. Good Lodgings for 25 cent* and 37X cents. Cold Cuts at a moment's notice. This House has been proved, by coni|?ri?on, for years past, to be the coolest anil most oomfort able in the city. No House better supplied with English Irish, Scotch and city papers. Always the latest news by the Steamers. Good Rooms for Private Parties always ready at a moment's warning? free ? gratis? for nothing. jeB lm*ec EXPRESS NOTICE. THE Undersigned being desirous of doing all in their power to sustain the Government in its experiment of giving cheaper postages, herebr give notice, that on and after the first day of July next no mailable matter whatever, either open, or iu envelopes, or iu wrappers, will be received at any of their Offices for transmission by express, or otherwise. Positive instructions will be given to their Agents to refuse mailable matter, under wh never guise it may be offered. LIVINGSTON it WELLS, New York and Buffalo Express. New York, June 21, 1845. je23 tl,5ju ec Ml 1. IT A M Y E (J U TP ME NTS H. J. STORMS, 34 FULTON STREET, HAS constancy on hand, a full assortment of Military and Horse Equipments, according to the United S.ates and State regulation. Also, a variety of Saddles, Bridloa, Harness, Trunks, Valises, lie. be. Horse Equipment* of every style, mide to order. Jel3 Im'm Z*\TI? FIELD respectfully iuforms his friends and the public that he has arrived in the city and taken quarters at the Uni ted States Hotel, his entrance through the 6ar, or 196 Water street i where he has a number of Bassford'i improved Billiard Tabli-s, oil sale or for playing, and will be happy to have them tried. His bar is well stocked with materials for making Sherry Cobblers, White Lions. If., kr. je6 lm*rrr CARPETING ' 464 PEARL STREET. rpHE SUBSCRIBERS have iust opened the large and spacious X CARPET WARE ROOMS, No. 454 Pearl a tret, former ly occupied by Smith. Hewitt k Co., and are now ready to offer the public an entire new stock of Carpeting, bought expressly for the spring trade, some of which are exceedingly rich, of new de signs itndcolors. Among them max be found? 95 NEW SETTS KIDMINSTER BRUSSELS, Entirely New. 1IPS. KIDMINSTER THREE PLY, ? Rich Shading. SUPERFINE FINE jiNI) COMMON INGRAIN CARPETING, _ Of every variety and description. RW' Orjltfts, Table and Piano Covers, Worsted, Ttifled and Jute Mats; Oil Cloths, very heavy and in great varieties, from 2 to 24 Tret wide; together with all other articles usually found ill the trade. The public are requested to call and examfne ourstock before purchasing - PETERSON It HUMPHREY, m20 2m*m 454 Pearl street. FELT? English Patent Sheathing Felt, suitable for roofs of houses and snip bottom*, n very superior article, and of great benefit not only to the bottom of vea?els. but also to the Copper. *or sale by K. K COLLINS Si CO., 56 Sooth St. jr27 ec C1KN&HAL BUILDING RKFAlRfl. 59 Nassau at., corner f of Maiden Lane.? All orders immediately attended to for Maiou. Slateing, Plastering, Flagging, tin roofs repaired and painted, and all other repairs and alterations done in the best manner. Also, furnaces, ranges, kettles, steam boilers, ovens, and erery kind of fire works put up. None but good workmen employed. K*pediti?us aud moderate charges. Chimney tops Tor curing smoke. Up towu orders left with Qninu, number, 644 Broadway rn97 ? 1m* rh _ K. H. Q1T1NN. NKW MIJS1G. PItlLKY fltCO., 297 Broadway, publish and keep on hand ? an eitens 1 ve assortment of New snd Fashionable music, 1 which they offer for sale at wholesale and retail at the lowest i possible prices. They manufacture Instruments of superior qua* lty? warrant every article they sell, being practically acquaint Id with the different branches of uieir bnaineas. Military Bands supplied it the moet reasonable rates. I royl22m*rrc TO LET IN BROOKLYN. THK Store, No. 40 Fultou stmt, opposite lu Front pjl street, being our of the best stands ill Brooklyn for a jLji^clotliing store. It it situated iu tbe immediate Tiriuity of the B.iiikt mill Insurance Companies, and being to central, it uiilflit be occupied for most any \i> d of business. Tbe base ment has been finiahed so thit a family eould reside back of the store, and the upper part has been finished for offices. To a good tenant it would be let low. Apply ou the premises, or at 20 8?nds street, Brooklyn. ? jy9 3'?rc TO LKT ? Front rooms, luruished or uuturmshed, suitable for any office, in the Natioual Coffee House, 321 .Broadway. The proprietor respectfully informs his irieuUs and lite public that ho lias a pleasant establishment, in the viciuily of mercantile business. Billiards and other amuse ments iu the house; the price of billiards 12W cents per game. The Proprietor h is a strict regard to the comfort of his visiters, and that he has combined economy the followiug prices will show:? A room can be had as low as 26 cents per night and $1 per week. The porter will be in attendance *t all times during the night; any body who wants to come in at late hour* will ring the hall bell. je20 3w*je LOOK AT THIS ! ! J J UHT RECEIVED ? Another lot of French Boots, ol the best kind, and will be sold at the old price, SJ, and the best of French Call Boots made to order for SJ; City made Calf Boots, S3; anil the greatest assortment of Ueuts O lit ers of all kinds to be found at very low prices. Also, the finest Calf Shoes, $3 and $2 JO. A great variety of idl oilier kinds. Lidies ill this Store will find a i; assortment of Gaiters, Buskins, blips, Ties. Prunells. Satin, &c. For an assortment of all oilier kinds Misses and Children's Boots and Shoes we cannot be beat in thiscity. Do not mis take tlx number, 361 Broadway, corner of Frank I iu street. ju3 lin'rli M. CAHILL. _ KINK KKKNCH BOOTS for $3 10: City Made, and W fo style and durability they are equal to those sold for $J, JM at Young tk Co's Imperial French Boot and Shoe Mauu fa"tuiing I)e|Hit, at No. 4 Arn street, OM of the most Fush ?ou 'ble Boot Manufactories in this city. Fine French Dress Boots, made to order, for $4 Ml; equal to those made in other stoies for SG ami $7. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Sic., to or der in the shortest notice. Mending, he., done in the store. Win. M. Young Si Co. , Wholessle and Retail Manufacturers, No. 4 .Vnii street, New York, near Broadway. WM. M. YOUNG, and je24 lin'rc H.B.JONES. __ INFERIOR TO NONK AND SUPERIOR TO MANY, r? BKAUTIFUL light White plain Summer HaU, Price $2, 74, which for beauty of finish caunotbe surpassed. Also, Drab Beavers, Blue Brush and White Castor Hats, all of the latest style. Also, Panama Hats, very low. C. KNOX, jel9 lm'rc 110 frulton st, between William and Nassau. MILLS, HATTER. 178 BROADWAY, HOWARD HOTEL, f* HAS now ready, an assortment of Summer HaU, to which the attention of gentlemen is iuvited, at the fol lowing prices, viz :? French Pearl (a new article) $4 OS Pearl Cassimere 3 JO White French (also a new article) 4 00 Smooth White Castor 3 JO Alio, an assortment of Panama, Fine Palm Leaf, Bohemian, aud other Hats, suitable for the season. je!2 lm'rrc MILLS, 178 Broadway, Howard Hotel. K. O W E ' S fl SUPERIOR STYLE of Geiitlemens' Summer Hats are Jp^well worthy the attention of those about supplying them selves with a pleasant, light and durable Summer Hat, possess ing the richness of a Leghorn, aud warranted not to be affected by wet or damp weather. The assortment consists iu part cf, Pearl Cassimeres at $3 50 Silvei Pearl do 3 JO Smooth white Castor 4 00 Long na)?white Rocky mouutnin Beaver 6 JO to 8 Together with an assortment of Panama und Bohemian Straw HaU, nil of the first quality and most fashionable shape. ROWE, Sales Room 40 Wiliiam st, my24 lm*rh Merchanu' Exchange. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. MRS. ROSK, No. 17J Walker street. New YorV. re ipectfully solicits u call from Ladies wishing any thing iu the Millinery or Dress Making line. jell lm*rh LADIES' FASHIONABLE HATS. Qyl CARL KING, the well known and celebrated first |>reinium Stnw Hat and Lace Neopolitan.^^K Manufacturer, 17 Division street, informs tlie public that his Straws and Lace Neapolitans are of a superior quality, and war ranted to clean, made iu the most fashionable shape, called the Cottage Gipsey. N. B. ? Lace Neapolitan Hats $2 each. Milliners supplied by the case or dozen at reasonable prices, at the Lace Neapolitan Manufactory, 17 Division street. m28 lin*rc CARL JiJNCi IMPORTATION OF WATCHES. RECEIVED from Switzerland, by packet ship IZurich. an assortment of Watches and Movements ol 'every description and ?f first quality, ready for the wholesale trade, at moderateprices. DELACHAUSE & MAIRE, ju7 lm'ro No. 127 Fultou street. New York. KOULSTONE'S RIDING SCHOOL, I3T and 139 Mercer Street. MR. JOHN 8. ROULSTONE hat the honor to i inform his friends and the public in $elieral, that his .Schowl for Instruction in Horsemanship is now open day and evening, as follows . ? Hours for Gentlemen from 6 to 8 A. M. " " Ladies " 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Terms of instruction made kuowu on application to Mr. Roulstone. Mr. R. has Just received from tlie country several fine and stylish Saddle Horses, which he is authorised to sell at a rea sonable price. my7rc "IS IT A HUMBUG r THE PATENT GALVANIC RINGS AMD CRISTIE'S MAGNETIC FLUID. DR. CHRISTIE promised the American public, when he introduced his discovery, that it should be tested solely by itt in frill. Thousands olfureign certificates might readily hsve been presented, but it was Ixilieved that it would be more s itisfactory to await some result here, which might prove deci sive as 10 its truth and efficacy. It is, therefore, with a feeliiu of pleasure that the following home certificates tire presented to tiie public, which are selected from several others of a similar description, and have been voluntarily tendered by the respec tive parties. The lirst is an extract from an editorial which appeared on tne 21th uutant, ill the "Albany Daily Citizen'' ? J.Stanley Smith, Esq., Editor. " The Patent Galvanic Hutu, which are making snch a stir in the world just now, are a novel invention of this age ol inventions." * . * * * * * ? " Willi regard to their officacy we can say that two or three cases have fallen under our notice, which li ne favorably im pressed our minds. The lirst is that of a highly respectable merchant of New York, who declared to us tint their use speedily relieved him of a cough, seated pain in the side, and many symptoms of a pulmonary complaint, and he is now en tirely well. The second that we shall notice isthat of a young man named Robhins, a resident of this city, who about one year since was visited wit i an attack of Paralysis which affected the whole side of his body. We accompanied a medical friend to Irs residence, No. % Beaver aireet, 011 Saturday, to inquire into his case. We found that he had been deprived entirely of the use of one arm and leg. and that sensation had been lost to the whole side of his body. He had been uuable to use the leg ift walking, or the arm in eating, and the physicians said tliey could not help him. Within the last few weeks he has worn two and four of Dr. Cristie's Galvanic Rings, and used the Mag netic Fluid, and the effect upon his paraly tic limbs is astonish ing. The death^flte coldness left thein. the numbness began to give way to many sensations of returning life and leeling. Inspiration came ou' freely, and he has been rapidly gaining, and while before he wore the Rings he was unable to articulate distinctly, walkor feed himself ; yet now he talks freely, rides out walks some, and for the most part able to help himself. These ca<es, coming to oiirpersonal knowledge, certainly testi fy to the merits of Dr. Cristie s Galvanic Rings and Magnetic 1" luid." D*. Cristik Dear Sir ? 1 have been severely afflicted for the last eight years with cramp io my legs and thighs, frequently suffering the most excruciating pains, the cords of my legs having contracted into knots I have tried every " remedy" that I have ever heard of, without the least success. In truth, I seemed only to be getting worse. From a favorable account which I accidentally heard, I was induced to try the effect of your Galvanic Rings and Magnetic Fluid. In less than twenty-lour hours after wear ing two of the Rings, one on each hand, the severe pain had en tirely left me, and two weeks having now elapsed without any lecnrrence of complaint, I believe a cure has been effected by your discovery, and deem it a duty to inform yon of the tact, and state my willingness to have It made public. My wife has been severely troubled with Chronic Rheumatism, aflectingher in various parts of the body, which haa been cured, as she be lieves, effectually, by the use of the Rings and Magnetic Fluid, after a trial of but a few d <ys. I shall feel pleased m latisfvii g the incredulous of the truth of the above on personal applica tion. SAMUEL SHIELDS, 1? Eldndge street. Nr.w York. June 25, 1845. New York, Jure 23, 1345. D*. A. H. Cristik Dear Sir? I have from my childhood been afflicted with almost constant nervous headache and rheumatic pains in my legs and arms. I h ive oflen suffered so intensely that it has pre vented in? from following my nsual occupation and frequently destroyed my appetite. My nervous debility and weakness haa consequently been so great thst after having tried almost every thing h iihout any relief, I gave up in despair. I was recom mended to try your Galvanic Rings and Mag etic Fluid, and o ly at a friend's urgent solicitation, was induced to do so. Its effect upon mv system was almost miraculous. After a few hours the application app-ared to strengthen my nerves, relieve me of my headache, and I have had no rrlap>e of the rheuma tism or any pains since the first day. I would, therefore, un hesitatingly recommend your Galvanic Rings and Fluid to those afflicted ns I have been. Respectfully. JACOB A. OGSBURY, 162 William street. These certificates are published for the purpose of inspiring an honest confidence in his discovery, which Dr. Cristie be lieves it deserves. If it were necessary, many others could be givan, which may be seen at the office, 134 Fulton street. In all kinds of Rheumatism and Nervous Coirpl tints, the beneficial affect is certain and lasting, and in all cases wh re the Galvanic Batteries or Magnetic Machines are recommended, the Galva nic Rings and Magnetic Fluid, will be found equally beneficial ? much tafrr, and tuenly timet a$ cheap. Tne only place in New Vork to obtain the genuine article is at Dr. Cristie's of fice, 0"*I34 Fulton steeet, (Sun Building.)^!] All imita tion sold elsewhere in the city, are entirely worthless and with out the least beneficial effect. jyP Iw'ec VOIGTLAEHDER'S DAGUER REOTYPE APPAR ATUS. ARRANGEMENTS recently msde with their brother-in law, Mr. Voightlaender, Vienna, enahle the subscribers to sell those Apparatus at reduced rates, vir.: ? Largest sire Apparatus, with three inch lenses for full size plates, at $115. ... , , ,, . Medium size Apparatua, with two inch lenses for halfsize plates, at $7?. . ...... Small size Apparatus, with one-and-a-half inch lensea, lor quarter size plates, at $50. , Gentlemen sending remittances in accordance with the above prices, may depend upon receiving the genuine V oigt. larmier Apparatus, and not a worthless imiuted article, they hiving procured the sole agency for the United States. riatesand Chemical oftheir own importation, as well as all other article* connected with their art. for sale at the lowest market price*. W. A. F. LANOt-NllKIM. Philadelphia Exchange. - Referring to the above advertisement, the subscribers inform the Daguerrian Artists in gener < I , that the above Apparatus ami other materials can he procured at the stated prices, at their D-guerrean Attelier, No. 201 Brondwav, New^ lork jy3 lin'rc I.ANOKNHEIM h RKCKKHS. BLOCK TIN WAHE MANUFACTORY. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or Planished Tin and Common Tin War#, Cutlery t HaH wjd Hollow War*. Wood Ware, Baskets, Brushes, Door Mats, Shaker Selves and Brooms? in short, every variety ol house-keeping articles. N. B. ? A complete assortment of Coffee and Tea Urns, Table Dishes and Covers, Ice., kc., for hotels and steamboats, on hand and maaufactured a, the shortest n^ce y WA?IN. jnS 10 Catharine street, New York. [From the Texas Nat. Register, June 19.] Correspondence with Texas. [Accompanying President Jones's Message of June 16 ] Mr. Dune I ton to Mr. Jlllrn . Washimuto.h, Tan as, March 31, 184.r>. Tho undersigned, charge d'affaires of the United States, has the honor to transmit herewith, to the Hon. Kbenezer Allen, Attorney General of the Republic of Texas, and charged ad interim with the direction of tho Department ol Foreign Affairs, the joint resolution which hai heeu recently adopted bv the Congress of the I'nited States, for the annexation of Texas to the Union. This important measure has thus been brought to the consummation so confidently anticipated by the under signed, in his communication of the 10th December last, to this government ; and he trusts that it may be receiv ed as u Just response to the wishes of the people of Texas, alike honorable to both countries; and worthy ol the reciprocally national interests which hare so long demanded it. It now remains for the government and people of Tex as, by theii acceptance and ratification of the provisions contained in this joint resolution, to finish the great work , of annexation ; and to assume their station as an inde pendent, equal, and sovereign member of the American t confederacy, as soon as the constitutional requirements, usual In the admission of new .States, can be complied j with. Anxious to execute the trust devolved upon him, by i the reiolutiou referred to, in the manner best calculated to secure its objects, aud with the least inconvenience and delay to Texas, the President of the United States has instructed the undersigned to inlorui this govern ment that lie has selected us the basis of the action yet necessary on the subject, the first and second sections of the resolution? leaving out of view the remaining or third section. This last section, as the Hon. Mr. Allen is aware, was added as an amendment, and leaves it option al with the President to resort to tue means it creates for ! an adjustment of the terms of annexation on a basis dif- ' Intent from that offered in the first ami second lections, which constituted the bill as it originally came to the Senate from the House of Representatives. It was doubtless intended to place in the hands of the President the means of obviating such objections as Texas might possibly make to the details of the propositions contained in tke two preceding sections ; but, in doing so, it com- ' plicate* the process, and is otherwise productive of dis advantages so considerable, as to induce the President ; not to rely upon it ns the most appropriate or practicable : mode of securing to Texas a speedy admission into the Union. It is obvious, that if the discretionary power contem plated by the third section was resorted to, the action on the part of this government, which can now settle the question of annexation, would be deferred until the new bo made by commistioners or ministers on i the part of the respective governments, could be known. I But this is not all. The negotiation thus made, even when ratified by Texas, would not be conclusive. It would still have to undergo a similar reference to the overnment of the Unitea States, where it would again 1 e liable to alteration or ameudment; and this, in its turn, necessarily referrable back again to this government, might involve the subject in inextricable confusion, and could not fail to be productive of danger to the measure, and of irritation to those friendly relations in other re- 1 spects, which so happily prevail between the two coun tries. Such difficulties will be avoided by adheriug to the proposals contained in the first and second sections. By j those proposals, the door is at once opened for the ad- [ mission of Texas Into the Union, in the manner that has been customary with the other Territories of the United States, varied only by the peculiar relations which the ; two republics have maintained as separate nations. If Texas now accepts those proposals, from that moment ' she becomes virtually a State of the Union, because the faith of the United States will be pledged for her admis- i sion; andtheactjof Congress necessary to redeem the i pledge is obliged to follow, as soon as she presents a re publican form of government. All, then, that is neces sary upon this basis, is for this government, after expres sing its assei.t to the proposals submitted to it, to call a convention of the people, to clothe their deputies with the power necessary to tmend their constitution, and adapt tho government created by it to the new circum stances under which it will be placed by annexation to tho Union. On the grounds, therefore, of more directness and sim plicity in the process, whereby time and much expendi ture of money will bo saved, and of the ontire avoidance of all further risks resulting from possible differences attending efforts to obtain terms more suitable to the separate views of the respective governments, it has been thought best by the President of the United States, as before stated, to rest the question on the joint resolu tion, as it came from the House of Representatives, which contains propositions complete and ample, as an overture to Texas, and which, if adopted by her, places the re-union of the two countries beyond the possibility of defeat. The great question, then, is in the hands of Texas. It depends upon herself, whether she will be restored to the bosom ef the republican family, and, taking her sta tion with the other sisters of the confederacy! will co operate with them in advancing the cause of free gov ' eminent ; or whether, standing aloof from them, she is to run the hazards of a separate career, at a period in the affairs of the world, when tho friends of a different sys tem of government are urged by the most powerful mo tives to resist the extension of the republican principle. The undersigned doubts not that there are objections to the terms proposed, which, under ordinary circum stances, ought to be obviated before a basis which ad mits them is adopted. But the circumstances are not ordinary ; and the objections, when weighed in the scale of importance, with the magnitude of the interests in volved in the success ol the measure, become secondary in thoir character, and may well be postponed, until the natural course of events removes them. If annexation should now be lost, it may never bo recovered. A pa triotic and intelligent people, in the pursuit of a measure of general utility, if they commit a partial mistake, or inflict temporary injury, were never known to fail in making the proper reparation, ll'they have, in this in stance, made proposals of union to Texas, on terms which deprive ner of means that should be exclusively hers, to enable her to pay the debt contracted in the war j for her independence, it has been accidental ; and no > assurance from the undersigned can be needed to give I valne to the anticipation that such an error will be cor- 1 rected, whenever it is communicated to the government ; of the United States. It is objected that Texus, in surrendering her revenue ' l'rom customs, parts with the ability to put into efficient ? organization her State government. Th is objection must , result from an undue examination of the expenditures j which the United States, on the other hand, will make in i the many improvements necessary on the sea-coast of Texas to protect and facilitate her commerce; in the re- I mo v al of obstruction! in her numerous bays and river*; | and in tiie military organization necessary to guard her , extensive frontier against the inroads of a foreign enc my. When expenditures for these aud many other in ternal objects aro drawn from the treasury of the Union, ! and not from that of Texas, it will be seen that the re- ' maining means for the aupport of the State government , will not only be an great as they now are, but rapidly in creased by the influx of population, and the growing ca pacity resulting from the superabundance of their rich production!. So, alio, on the part of the United States, it wu ob- i jected that the cession of the unappropriated lands ought to have been made by Texas, for a fair consideration, to enable the federal government to extend her Indian po licy over the various tribes within her limit*. The right to extinguish the Indian title to these lands seems al most a necessary consequence of the obligation to regu late the trade and intercourse with them, and to keep them at peace with each other, and with u?; and the ab sence of any provision to this efl'ect, in the terms pro posed, constituted a serious obstacle in the minds of many sincerely friendly to the measure. Yet, so strong was the desire to put the question beyond the possibility of defeat, and to leave with Texas the means of dischar ging her national debt, that they nevertheless recorded their votes in its favor. But reference is made to such objections, not to ascer tain their justness or unjustness on this occasion, but to remark, on the part of the United States, that much was conceded, to obtain the passage of the resolution. And it was also believed that a like spirit would induce Tex as to overlook minor considerations, relying on that high sense of honor and magnanimity which governs both the people and the representatives of the United States, to secure to her hereafter all that she can reason ably desire, to place her on the most favorable footing with the other mombers of the Union. It was this beliet that mainly induced the President of the United States to give the instructions which have controlled this com municaton from the undersigned, adopting. as the basis of action tor finishing the work of annotation, the joint re solution as it originally passed the House of Representa tives. With these observations, the question is now submit ted to the Hon. Mr. Allen, under the confident hope that this government will see the necessity of prompt and de cisive action, whereby the measure may obtain the con stitutional sanction ol Texas. And the undersigned takes this occasion to renew to Mr. Allen an expression of the distinguished consideration with which he has the honor to be His very obedient servant, A. J. DoftrLsox. Mr. ? 1llm In Mr. Donrlion, Di:rARTMKMT or Statk, \ W At hi on TO* on the Bkazos, April 14,184A. ) The President of this republic has read with deep inte rest the proposition contained in Mr. Donelson's commu- j nidation ; the reasons which induced the President of the United States to select the proffered basis ; ami the lucid ' explication of the views, dispositions, and intentions of the government and people of that Union respecting ' this republic, and the rights and interests of her citi/.ens and government connected with the terms of that basis, and the new and interesting relations proposed to bo eventually consummated thereby, an presented in the note referred to ; and, notwithstanding the great phy sical prostration occasioned by u severe attack of illness, which lias confined the President for the last ten days to a bed of sickness, lie has given to the contents of Mr. Donelson's note the consideration due to their great importance, viewed in connection with their probablo in fluence upon the future destiny of this nation. The intimate acquaintance of Mr. Donelson with the ' institutions and organic law of this republic, renders it unnecessary for tlio undersigned to make known to him . that tlio President is not clothed with tho power either of accepting or rejecting the terms of tho proposition pre sented by the note reterred to. Under such circumstan ces, lie is impelled by a sense of the high duties of hi* ; station, at so important a juncture, to call to hi* aid the j assembled representatives of the people, and to avail j himself of the benefit* of their counsel and de libera tion? touching the important matter* communicated by Mr. Donelsoi:. ? , ? ? ? Kbkn'r. Allen. Mr. Dontltvn to Mr. Allen. Legation ok tub United States, ) Washington, Texas, April 16, 1845. ) The determination of the President to convene the Congress of the republic of Texas at an early day, for the purpose of consulting with that body as to the deli beration and action due to these proposals from the Uni ted States, is what the undersigned expected. The con summation of this important measure, changing, as it will, the organic laws of the republic, necessarily requires the ' r&ufication and direction of the people, under such forms I H? the existing government may recommend-, and the 1 underpinned is happy to say to the Hon. Mr. Allen, that this initiatory step, so promptly takeu by this govern ment, will not fail to be gratifying to the President of the United States, who will see in it an assurance that, if the proposals fora reunion of the two republics are adopted, the changes made necessary thereby, in the present con stitution and government of Texas, will be effected with the calmness and deliberation becomiug the important subject. ? . ? . A. J. Donelson. Mr. Alien to Mr. Donthon. Detri ment or State, i Washinovon, Texas, May 19, 1346. ) It caunot have escaped the notice of the Hon. Mr. Don elson, that, from the tenor of the late communication of Gen. Almonte to the President of the United States, when demanding his passports as minister plenipotentia ry and envoy extraordinary of the government of Mexi co, Texas is still claimed by the latter as one of its de partments, and that belligerent measure* are threatened to maintain this claim; also, that from the newspaper ac counts of the termination of all diplomatic intercourse with the American minister at Mexico, the same belli gerent attitude is manifested by a circular alleged to have been addressed to the representatives of Kngland and France at that court. From the tone of these manifestoes, a new invasion of the territory ol'Texas may reasonably be apprehended if the proposals lately received from the United States for the annexation ol'Texas to the federal Union should be accepted by Texas; of which result, the sure indica tions of the popular will, exhibited from the various por tions of the republic, present to the mind an assurance so strong as to challenge conviction, and leave scarcely a possible room for doubt. For the reasons suggested, the undersigned deems it his duty respectfully to inquire of Mr. Donelson whether, under such circumstances, calculated to excite the reasonable appiehensions of the people of Texas, and especially to disturb the tranquillity of the settlements along her western frontiers, it would not be alike proper and consistent for the United States to extend its protec tion to this republic ? The people of Texas would regard the presence of the requisite forcc on their frontiers in no other light than as an act of justice and friendship, properly accorded dur ing the pendency of the measure* in progress for an nexation, and as nn indication ofthe aid justly due them in the completion of the constitutional steps yet neees sary to their admission into the Union. 1 he performance of the conditions required by the United States, of Texas, in acting upon the terms of tho overture for annexation, necessarily subjects the people of this republic to verv onerous expenses, the burden of which operates with far greater severity in consequence of the non-payment of the sums duo to this government from the United States, for claims arising in the cases of Knively and the collectoral districts of Ked river. The undersigned cannot for a moment entortain the belief that the United States will require that Texas 'shall alone sustain these burdens, and especially in the event of a renewal of the war by Mexico, that this repub lic will be expected to bear exclusively its burdens; since, in reality, such a war would be hastened and oc casioned by the acts, and aimed at the interests, no less ofthe United States than of Texas. To this subject the undersigned has, by the direction of the President, solicited the attention of the Hon. Mr D. ; and has been authorized by him te say that in case of the anticipated emergency, the passage of United States troops through the Texian territory to its western frontier, will be welcomed and facilitated by the consti tuted authorities, as well as by tiie people of this conn try. * * * ' ' * * * Krenezer Allen. Mk. Do nelson to Mh. Allen. New Orleans, May 34, 1846. In reply to this note of the Hon. Mr. Allen, a copy of which has been forwarded to the Dopartment of State at Washington city, the undersigned takes pleasure in stating that he has not a doubt the requiaite instructions will be immediately issued by the President of the United States lor securing to'tlie western frontier of Texas full protection against any invasion that may be threatened or attempted bv Mexico, under the circumstances statod. There is already a considerable force concentrated on the portion of the frontier of the United States adjacent to the territory of Texas, and also an increase of the na val force in the Oulf of Mexico. In the event of the re newal of the war against Texas, on account of her deter mination to become a member of the federal Union, this force can tie (readily brought to act in defence of Texas; and the undersigned doubts not it will be so or dered to act, if the exigency arises, so reasonably anti cipated by the Hon. Mr. Allen. The undersigned admits the justice of the remarks made by the Hon. Mr. Allen, in relation to the extraor dinary expenses thrown upon Texas by the steps neces sary to execute the provisions of the .joint resolution of the United States, under nearly similar circumstances, the United States have borne the expenses iacurred by their territorial governments ; and it may be confidently anticipated that the same liberality will be extended to Texas. In respect to the claims arising in the cases of Snively and the revenue district on Rea river, which were re commended for payment by the President to the last Congress of the United States, the undersigned doubts not that the most ample provision will be made by the next Congress. The Hon. Mr. Allon is aware ofthe cir cumstances which often prevent action on claims, even when they are favorably reported upon by the appropri ate committees, in time to bring them within the provi sion of law, and secure their payment by the proper ac counting officers such, in all probability, was the case in this instance. But, concerning these claims, and the extraordinary expenses to be incurred by Texas in the extra sessions of her Congress and Convention ; and also concerning other inconveniences to which she may be subjected by the acceptance of the proposals for her admission into the Union, the undersigned will address another commnni cation to the Hon. Mr. Allen, in which he trusts a mode will be suggested for their disposition, which will be en tirely sat-'slactory to Texas. ... A. J. Donelson. Mr. Dontlion to Mr. Jllltn. Lkuatio.n or the Umited Statei, ) WAiHmaTO!!, (Texas,) June It, 184S. )i The undarnigned, charge d'affaires ofthe United States, referring to his note ofthe 24th ult , in answer to that of the 19th from the Hon. Mr. Allen, on the subject ofthe protection which, under certain emergencies, the United States would be expected to a/tord Texas, has now the satisfaction of repl) ing more explicitly, in conformity to instruction* which he nas received from the President of the United States. Reciting seveial indications of the belligerent inten tions of Mexico, the Hon. Mr. Allen remarks:? * In answerto the application thus made for the employ ment of the troops ofthe United States on the frontier of Texas, the undersigned is authorized to say that, as soon as the existing government and 'ie convention of Texas shall have accepted the terms ui annexation now under their consideration, the President of the United States will then conceive it to be both Uii right and duty to em ploy the army in defending this State against the attacks of any foreign power, and, that this defence may be promptly and efficiently given, should the anticipated emergency arise, rendering it necessary, the undersign ed is also authorized to say that a force, consisting of three thousand men, placed upon the border adjacent to Texas, will be prepared to act without a moment's de lay, within the territory of Texas, as circumstances may require, so as best to repel invasion. The President of the United States feels in all their force the obligations which enjoin upon him as a sacred duty the defence of Texas, alter she shall have accept ed the conditions which have been submitted for her ad mission into the Union, in aocordonco with a solemn re solution of Congress. An assault upon her just rights, forthis cause, and under such circumstances, will be an assault upon the United States ; and it will be felt more keenly, because it will involve the idea that the United States can he made to abandon the injunctions of good faith, from the fear of the arms of a foreign power. Although Texas may not actually be astute of the fe deral Union, until the new constitution she is about to make may be completed, and then Mcepted by the Con gress of the United States, in the manner that has been customary with the new States, now in the Uniou ; yet, it cannot be denied that, whilst she is prose cuting with sincerity the work necessary on her ! part to ellect this object, she possesses the rights of a State, so tar as to he entitled to protection. If j she accepts and executes the provisions of the two lirst sections of the joint resolutions now oefore her -and that she will, the Hon. Mr. Allen assures the undersigned there is scarcely a possible room for doubt ? she will he, tetwixt the period of her doing so, and that of formal admission by the passage of the usual declara tory law, in the same situation tnat many of the present States of the Union were when they had complied with the preparatory or preliminary conditions required by Congress, but were not yet actually received into the family of States. Like those States, she will have fulfilled all the requisitions of Congress: and, in respect to the dissimilarity in the situation grow ing out of her previous separate nationality, the only ellect can be, to increase (if this were possible) the obligation upon Congress to pass the pledged law for her admission: because, in ex changing her nationality for thatof the "t pluribus unum" I of the fe leral Union, she will have been subjected to greater burdens, and, in case of disappointment, would suffer more in her social and political relations. In considering Texas, then, as a State, after she sna" have accepted he conditions now under her consideration and action, annexing her to the Union? so far, at "J" ' to be entitled to protection against the attac** 01 any foreign nation? the President of the United Stater eta have assumed no questionable power; and it is gratif) ing to know that its exercise will be as acceptable to the go vernment and people of Texas, as It is consistent with the principles of justice and the high dictates of honor and patriotism. But the undersigned trusts that the emergen cv now so threatening as to render necessary the pre- I paration of an armed force to act within the limits of Teia*, may yet disappear, and that tbe measure of an nexation may be conaummated in p eace. It ii dilticult to anticipate a different conclusion for a meaaure which seems to be as necessary to the reit oration of order and security to Mexico, as it iato the preservation of the re ciprocal interest! of Texas and the United States; but if it cannot be carried into effect peace ably , in consequence oi the opposition made to it by Eur opean governments! the motives for adhering to it are no t the less strong. if Texas cannot be allowed to en joy tbe blessings of peace and independence, as one of the soveieigu mem bers of the American Union, withou t asking pel mission ot Mexico or of the monarchies of Europe, the fact ia worth volumes of argument in explaining the duty of those who are struggling to maintain a system of govern ment founded on the will and controlled by the authority of the people. . The United States did not seek to in fluence the ac tion of Texas, whose free will first proposed the measure of annexation. On the contrary, history will record the event aa new in the annals o f nations, that the United States, avoiding the practice of almost all the great powers ef tbe world, maintained a position on this question, so subordinate to the sentiment of re , spect for even the prejudices of Mexico, that they for many years refused to consider it ; nor did they sanc tion the measure at last, until it became apparent that i >ts longer postponement would indict an injury upou I both 'lexas and themselves, which could not be recon 1 ciled, with a sincere desire to auatain the republican 1 cause. Yet, no sooner is this measure, so long delayed, ! and decided upon, alter being subjected to all the tests which could free it lrom misapprehension and prejudice brought within the reach of the people of the two conn tries, and with a unanimity on the part of Texas, almost entire, than she is told she must abandon it, or other wise take the alternative of a war. For such, substan tially, is the proposition now brought forward under the auspices of the French and English governments, by which Mexico at length agrees to recognise the in dependence of Texas, provided ahe will bind herself not to change her separate nationality. The undersigned feels authonxed to advert to the as pect given to this question by the recent action of th* Mexican government, because of its necessary con nexion witn the emergency anticipated by this govern ment, and made the basis of the request lor the employ ment of tbe troops of the United States within tbo limits of Texas. After a sol em resolution of the Congress of the United States has pledged the faith of the Union to the admission of Texas as a State, on conditions which are satisfactory, and which she is about te execute with uaexampled unanimity, she receives an ofler of inde pendence, under the auspices of the English and French ministers, with a proviso that she will never annex her self to any other State. Under such circumstances, it may be unnecessary, bat it cannot be indelicate or improper, on the part of the undersigned, when he declares to this government, that j whilst ti.e United States are incapable of any expedient ! to take from the action of Texas the merit of a tree and j unbiased choice, they are yet equally incapable of being driven from the support of obligations which have been, or muy be contracted, by such action ? no matter under what auspices, or by what pretexts, such an attemptmay be made. That this proposition from Mexico would be enforced, as a restraint upon the sovereignty of Texas, if the power existed to do so, is demonstrated oyall the circus?) stances of its adoption. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, when asking for the authorization of the chambers to negociate with Texas on the basis ol her independence, at the same time declared that the army on the Itio Grande would be enforced ; and the agency that obtained and brought back to this government th? declaration that the door is open lor the negotiation of a definitive treaty between the two nations, brought also the formal notification that this door will be closed again, if Texas consents in any manner to the resolution passed by the Congress of the United States, on the subject of annexation. Thus is it made difficult for Texas, even had h< figment led her to reject the overture for her admistu :i? into the |federal Union, to accept the propoai* tions from 'exico, without incurring the imputation of being uwed by an armed force, kept avowedly upon her frontier to commence hostilities, u her decision should be different f rom that prescribed for her. Nor is this dif ficulty lessoned, because it has connected with it the kind oltices of the governments of France and Great Britain. Viewed in its best aspect, it shows that ? shackle upon the present';and prospective relations of Texas, in defiance of her sovereign will, is resolved upon by others ; ? not to satisfy Mexico, because she, in recog nising the independence of Texas, admits her inability to place this restraint upon it ; but to satisfy other and different interests. When it is considered that Texas, after nine years of actual independence, is far more able than she was at first to maintain it, and that this fact is well known to France and England -holding, as they do, diplomatic re lations with both Mexico and Texas ? this attempt to es tablish a condition upon the sovereignty of Texas, will attract the attention of the world. Did it stand alone, un connected with the law of the United States on the sub ject of annexation, it could not but excite the apprehen sion of all who respect the equal rights of nations; but, contemplated as an attempt to subvert the principle which lies at the foundation of popular assumes an importance that must touch the heart of every lover ol lreedom. All who have any knowledge of the state of the an nexation question, must see that the condition upon the sovereignty of Texas, proposed by Mexico, applies in an equal 4egrco to the sovereignty of the federal Union, if Texas chooses to become a part of it. What, then, can be the motive for such an offer, with the penalty if it be rejected, of war denounced upon both the United States and Texas, when the very offer admits the inability of Mexico to enforce such a penalty upon Texas alone ?? Was it that Texas, about to form and express her deter mination upon the proposals submitted by the United States for her admission into thfe federal Union, could not be led to reject them irom an apprehension of continued war with Mexico, but might be so led, if to this appot beusion could be added that of immediate war between the United States and the great European power, that has cherished with so mucn seal the hope that Texae would preserve ber separate nationality? With this ob ject in view, the most etlectual mode ol promoting it was to give boldi'ess to the defiance hurled by Mexico at the United state . In proportion to her inability to execute her threats, would arise the probability that she could not have sei i.jusly proposed a limitation upon the sove reignty ot botii Texas and the United Staies, under the kina auspices of two of the most powerful monarchies, without having some cause to expect their aid in main taiuing it. i he undersigned reels the high responsibility he takes wheti|he atcribes to the agents ol other government* a de sign to influence the decision of Texas upon the question ol|amiexation,by means that are ioreign to its merits;but ie is sustained by the developments that are made, as the time tor the expression of this derision approaches. I It was his duty, in looking at the state of things which has justified the President of this republic in making ap plication for the force of the United States to protect her irom invasion, whilst she is executing the compact which is to make her a part of the Union, not to pass unnotictd the feature in the action of Texas, which will secure to it the admiration of the world. The manifestations of her wish and determination to be restored to the bosom of the republican family have been unchanged by the de nunciations of war, and have been expressed in opposi tion to most artful attempts to create a doubt about the final action of the Congress of the United States in pas sing the law yet necessary for her admission into the I'mon. 80 generous a confidence is worthy of a people who value the blessings oi freedom, and cannot Deuis appointed. Assuieus Texas accepts the proposals for her annexation to the Union, and adopts a republican torm of government, not incompatible in its provisions with the constitution of the United States ; so sure will the Congress of the United States, which has never yet violated its engagements, declare Texas to be a State of the Union, with all the sovereignty, rights, and privileges ot any other State. The undersigned, in submitting these observations on the character 01 the proceedings on the part of .Mexico to deleat annexation, is far irom intimating a question of the course pursued by his excellency the President of this republic on the subject. As the executive chief magistrate, he has received with kindness and courtesy the views ef the United States : and he has submitted the joint resolutions to the people and the Congress of Texas, with a prompt avowal of his willingness to execute their decision upon them. In feeling it to be his duty to be equally bound to respect the proposals of other govern ments, ottered in terms of kindness, and affecting the highest interests of his country, the United States, lar from complaining, will rather be gratified that thus Texas will havo been afforded all the meant of an en lightened judgment. The undersigned renews to ?he Hon. Mr. Allen assu rances of the high regard with which he remains his obedient servant, A. J. Doneisom. Revenue of New York, with some Reflec tions. Dear Sir,? Never 111 the memory of the oldest inhabitant have the times been so nourishing as at present in this commercial emporium. Let me call your au gust uttention to the gigantic yearly revenues of the |H>puldtiou of the city oTNew York: ? 1.? The Real Kstate interest estimated at $180,000,000 rent $10,000,000 2. ? Tho Shipping and Tonnage, 600,000 tons net revenue 10,000,000 3.? The L ash Capital, $80,000,000, interest. . 0,000,000 4.? The 200,000 Operatives at $300 per head SO, 000, 000 Such is rather an under estimate of the annual re venue of the city of New York, without estimating the 1/50 millions of property received here, and dis tributed for sale all over the universe. The best calculators are of opinion that the prosperity of this city will continue increasing until its population outnumbers that of London and Paris united, an event thHt may occur within the next ten years, es timating the emigration to it from all parts of the United States and liurope. One of the greatest at tractions to it ib the cheap rate of money quoted in all the prices currents and newspapers, year. In addition to this, wlnsk . _ 1 fall down to one shilling |>er gallon, and scgars to sixpence per 1,000. Thus you |*-rceive the great ele ments of comfort and happiness are accessible to every hand, and the age of equality is now in full existence in the city of New York. A Citizen. The Richmond IVkig says that Mesars. Haxall Jt Brothers, millers of that city, have purchased, in one par cel ten thousand bushels ef wheat at one dollar per bushel. It comprises the crops of two termors. $83,000,000 never exceeding at the rate of