Newspaper Page Text
f " 1 TH VoL XIIL No. 147?WM? No. 4744, HIGHLY INTERESTING INTELLIGENCE FROM THE WAR QVA1T11. AFFAIRS IN CALIFORNIA. The Advance of General Scott to the Oity of Mexico. MILITARY AND NAVAL NEWS. * Special Despatches to the Xffew York Herald Office. SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE NEW YORK HERALD. Jalapa, Misico, April 30, 1047. I am well aware that you take pleaaure In placing on record the name* of those who have, or may distinguish themselves in the war with Mexico. Enclosed. I send you a copy or a letter received oy i_oi. uurneu irom Oeu. Twiggs. I need not add that we are in every way deserving of the honor Gen. Twiggs baa done us We took up our line of march on the morning of the 18th. and after a forced march of about eight miles, over mountain!) through chaparral, encountering the enemy at various places, grape and canister shot falling among us like rain from different batteries, we from a side road came out on the main road, passed the Cerro Gordo, remained about fiye minutes until Gen. Twiggs came up, who gavo the word " three cheers boys, and at them." when we followed them on a full run for nearly flvo miles. F.nthusiasm was manifested by every one. for we all knew that Santa Anna was with them. When you consider that we numbered less than oue hundred and fifty, and wcro three miles at least in advance of our own army, (the enemy numbering 6000 at least.) the pursuit was, to say the least, heroic. When the mail arrives there is more anxiety manifested to obtain a copy of the Herald than to receive our pay. or the six thousand dollars which the city of Now York presented to us, of which we have not received the " first Continental rod." Wc have hopes that unelc Sam will pay us, but give up all hopes of the " six thousand dollars." 'We are en route to the oity of Mexico, and may start to-morrow, but arc not sore, as the general orders have not as yet been read. Call on Alderman Stoneull, drink a good julep, give him my compliments, and say I am well. MONTGOMERY. Jalafa, Mexico, April 28. 1847. CoLO.fXL:?I have the pleasing duty of laying before you the names of the gallant New Yorkers, who accompanied me In the pursuit of Santa Anna's army from Cerro Gordo, on the 18th of April, 1847. Theiradvanced position, when the Mexican army broke, enabled them to partake In all the glories of the day :? Capt. Morton Fairchild, Co. ' I," 1st Reg't New York Volunteers. 1st Serg't Chas. S. Cooper, " Thomas Hackot, 2d " Marx M.Hart, " Thos. S. Halsey, 4th " Th^s. J. Rogers, " George Loomis, 1st Corp. Jacob Riley, " Ilarvey Lake, 2d " Augustus Bartett. " William McGuire, 3il ' Edward Cook. " Horace J. Meacli, 4th " Smith Harris. " James Mullin. 1st, Privatos?Joseph Boll, " James Murphy, " James Curran, " Thos. Normand, " Wm. H. Bishop, " lleury Philips, " John Coleman, " Benj. Romaine, " Wm. D. Creig, ' Dan'l Robertson, " Robert Doolcy, " Thos. Rowley, ' ^Samuel Duffln, " Charles Stewart, " Joseph Duffln, " John Saunders, " Thos. L. Decker, " George Struthers, " William Dailey, " Stephen Streeter, " Thos. L. Doty, " John L. Trainer, 4' Joseph Emmons, " Robert Woods, "^Joseph Franklin, Chas. M. Tucker. Joseph Fly, Com. Serg't. " Jehu Hammond, COMFANT " E." 1st Serg't Garret Fltigeruld " Martin Folan, 3d ' Francia Crawford, " William McCoppin, 4th ' George W. Blake, " James Grady, 3d Corp'1 John Tyson, " John Leech, Privates?Thos. Martin, ' Stephen Conner. ' James Armstrong. " Christopher Dunn, " Hugh Brnn. " Martin Duncan, " Francis Conrojr. " Timothy Duuuovan, " Joseph Connilf, " Michael Manseen, " George Gueria, " John desman, " Robert Gannon, u David Simmons, ' John Graham, " Thoo. Ziinmeruiann, ' Robert Heland, " William Hunter. " Charles Thompson, " Philip Ew/dt, " James Williams, " William Council, ' David Wells, '? William Miller. < apt. l'ierson was previously wounded. I have the honor to be. Sir, very respectfully your ob't serv't, D. E. TWIOU8, Brigadier General. To Col. Burisvtt, 1st Reg't N. Volunteers. Cai.ifornia, Ujcitko Statks, February. 1847. Kin: The Californians in the Cludad de los Angelos. and town of Kanta Barbara, not being delighted with the quick process.somo ot the American commanders placed in the-r towns had in progress, of multiplying, as if by steam, so many petty laws, and endeavoring to change their modes and customs, without any why or wherefore annulled tho conquest of Commodore Stockton, and again unfolded their three oolered flag, hold the Cludad from October to this month, and again gavo up to the American forces ; 300 or 400 of the latter being emigrants, who left Independence. Missouri, in May, 1847. During ths rise, there was among the rifleinon only a .Mr uurrougna ana Mr. coster,lour seamen or tlio Savauuab, tun or twelve men. and two officer* under General Kearny, and three or four of the Congre**'* seamen.? There were four or five alight sktrmiahea during the time ; in eanh a few wore killed or wounded. The native* loat leaa than the Americana, aa they ofton rode up on a swift horse, fired, and gallopod off. The porta of Monterey and San Francisco did not have any trouble, the people there having other commanders, er being more friendly. At New Helvetia, on the Sacramento. there aro no Californiana. There the Spanish language i? hardly apoken. Our flag again covera the ' farther west," from 3J to 40 degree* north latitude. In September, October, and November, abont 1400 emigrant* arrived in San Francisco, 'J00 of them by sea. the remainder in about 180 wagon*. The Mormona, via Cape Horn, and Governor lloggf, via the mountain*, have had the pleaaure of again aeolng each other on thoao shore*, where man may come, but can go no further. The emigrant* have lex* trouble each year in crossing the mountain*, a* the road become* better. The flrat house or rancho they generally reach belong* to Mr. Johnstone. an Kngliahman, who will this year, with other settlers, be better prepared to have proviaiona for the new comer*. From Johnatone'* they prooecd to Captain Sutter'*. By next October there will be other *ettlers established ; in 1843 very many more. Even tbi* year the emigrant* will not find at the Sacramento much to purchase* They should all bring moro coffee and sugar than they do. and take great care of their store* and oxen on the road. Iloraos for the journey are worth bat little; mules not much more: small light oxen prove the beat. Many of the emigrant* la*t year brought some few good*, which were *oon di*po*ed of. By reason of the wars, they sold FFF powder in 3.*< lb kegs, f'ili; lead, is cent* per lb.; caps, f>? per 1000, payable to Mexican dollar*. People meet the wagons to buy up their article*, also their guns, swords, pistols, and rifles. All the emigrant* who joined Col. Fremont, obtained a sale for their horse*, saddle*, and rifles, and per month for six month* Their chief afflccr*, appointed gonorally among themselves, were Messrs. Heading, .Snyder, Blackburn. Talbot. King, Sears, Swift. Bryant, Hastings, Jacob*, Mir. ret, Ford, Klndloy, Bid well, dodoy, and Wilson. They are yet in arm*?the country i*. however, all peaceable Col. Fremont, on the 13th Inet., made a treaty with the Californium! by their requoet, they giving np their cannone, four in number, and retiring to their hoino*. We expect three or four thoueand emigrant* will reach the Sacramento thla year. Very few of those who ariired In I84A hare had time to look for land*, but hare had a One opportunity to serve the country at $25 per month, and very few entered the rank*, because that fum wee an ohjeot?eport and ambition to hare a light urged on many; but they only *aw the Californlan* at a dlitanoe?they were not to be caught. A Californian can Vet a very good gallop out of a hor*e that an American ha* turned loo*e, because ha cannot pur him out of a walk; the former can carry the latter behind him at that. The*o Californian* and their horse* know each other, and appear to hate a private under*tandlng together. * A* an American 1* a pure descendant of an Knglishman. he, therefore, know* more than any one else, and doe* not imagine a native of California can teach him any thing, and act* aocordlngiy, but oannot get Into the triok of riding double In a gallop on a tired hone, E NE ' ? carrying a lance In one hand, carbine In the other, and the bridle rein* between his teeth. (Jen Taylor ha* not this class of men to combat against, and yet may not reach the ''grand capital:'' and should he, will he reach tlin seaboard again? The first Is probable, the second is possible. The Mexicans will not believe they are beaten unless done in a most thorough and substantial manner, that will admit of no future disputo. I am much hurried; you must make out this letter as you aan: take this this time; have no time to copy, nor paper, what was not made into cartridgas," was made into cigars by the Californians, when talking of what they were going to do when they met Fremont. PASANO. advance of general, scott and peace. [From the Now Orleans Picayuno, May 19 ] As we anticipated, the return of the twelve months' volunteers, who constituted so important a portion of General Scott's army, has embarrassed his plan of marching immediately upon the city of Mexico Major General Patterson was to have gone forward with tho advance; but that officer is now in this city. Tho two Tennessee, the 3d and 4th Illinois, the Georgia, and Alabama regiments have all left the army, thus rendering It below a force with which to enter the capital of a populous State with safety Gcneial Scott will push forward to Pueblu; but beyond this ho will scarcelv go till reinforced, unless he be invited there by the dissensions of the enemy?in that case he will bo prompted more by the defenceless state of the city than by the strength of his own column, j It is the opinion of olllecrsjust returned from Mexico ?and we may mention the name of General Patterson in this connection?that the probability of conquering a peace upon the plan of warfare hitherto pursued is slender indued. It is thought by them thnt an army of forty thousand, rank and file, should be in the field; that captured cities should be put under the jurisdiction of American citizens; that the revenues of the State should be seized to defray the expenses of the war; thut all the resources pertaining to the government should be held as spoils of war; and that the military authorityset ud by the United States army should exercise all the powers of taxation and legislation belonging to the civil administration of the country. This plan embraces the idea of actual conquest and absolute Jurisdiction, and is deemed the only feasible cue of bringing the war to a close. ""It is the belief of General Patterson and others who Have given the subject a large consideration, that an authority embracing all the necessary attributes of sovereignty, set up in Mexico, could collect revenue equal t? Its wants; and that the people of that country can alone be brought to their senses by the exhibition of such an authority. To permit the alcalde to us* his functions in a captured city, or the native civil magistracy u> conduct puone nuairs. in Keeping an enemy in power who will be surely contriving against the army Thin system has been productive of hurt wherever it has been tried in Mexico, and experience denntndi its abandonment. A military government, administered upon civilised principles, it is contended, would be preferable to the one now existing in Mexico. It would be more acceptable to the tax-payers it is supposed, than the present arbitrary and vacillating one. It would boaable to maintain itself without greater exactions than the country is accustomed to hour, and might in the end leave the people in a better condition to govern themselves than they now are 't hese ideas seem plausible, and It might be wise to give them an experiment in some of the captured Slab s The opinion Is becoming more and more general (hat the United States may conquer Mexico; but a peace never. Jalapa, Mexico, May 11, 1S4T. The 1st Pennsylvania, New York and South ' aroItna regiments have left for I'orofw. the 3d Pennsylvania regiment remaining in Jnlapa. for the purpose of garrisoning the plaee A portion of Twiggs' division is still here, the 3d and 7th Infantry and the howitzer battery having been sent back to the National Bridge; the former to remain there, and the two latter to return with a train of 350 wagons, daily expected from Vera Ouz. Two companies of iragoous, besides a large detachment of other troops, have also been sent to escort the train, which brings. I inn told. 1.000.000 in specie, to be appropriated in paying olf the troops, who are badly off for funds After tile arrival of the train. Hen Twiggs will move forward with his division, as will also the Com mander-ln-Ghief. Oon Scott and Staff Somo portion of the Artillery is to remain hi garrison with the 'id (VnnsylTAiiia regiment, a 0-guti battery having hsen planted, commanding the whole town. The General Hospital la tilled with the wounded and aiek, many of whom are dying daily The South Garolina regiment liaa the largest uuuiher?155?the New Yorker* being next There were .'>6 discharged yesterday a? " tit for duty." thirty of whom belonged to the 5th infantry. I append the only correct list of deaths yet furnished any paper in the United States: April 38th?McCano. a teauiater 2Uth ?John l.yndhart. Go. A. 1st i'n. regiment. 30lh?l.evl Garr. 3d III; Dunbar, Co. A. 2d I'm. May 1st?Sergeant Allen, 3d III; Corporal Smith. Co C. 2d I'a; Hart. 3d III: li'y Creaffe, Co. B, 3d I'a; Hoffner.Tth Infantry. 4th?Kagau. Co. II, 1st Artillery; Morris, t arrigan. Sappers and Miners. 6lh ?Mellviu, Co II. 1st Artillery; John Sheldon. Go. G. 1st I'a. 7th?Krnl Dane, Co. B. 3d Pa. 8th?Tumgatc, t'o. ii, Mounted Itiiles; I'rvston. do. do; Vnlaudinghum Go. H. S G. regiment, ilth- llobt. Hopper, t'o. I. 3d I'a; Dwyer. 7tli Infantry; MoCrowley, 1st Tenn regiment; Saddler, do. do; Sheldon. Sappers and Miners. 10th? Craft, Qr. Master's Department The sick generally are kept upon the lowest diet possible. while the wounded suffer much from the effects of their journey from I'lan del Jtio. I fear many of the latter will yet die. J The market is well provided with fruit and vegetables, which sell at reasonable prices ; but. alas ! they arc not within the reach of the Volunteers, who have not yet received one cent of their pay 1 Kor tny own part, 1 have not been in possession of a picayune theso two months ! The fullest and tlnest market Is on the Sabbath. Yesterday I noticed delicious cherries, watermelons, plums, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, green corn. Sic.. Sic., In abundance ; while poultry was equally so. A shrewd American has established a snug stand In the market place, where he keeps excellent coffee, tea.Sic.which he sells at one pic. the bowl. There are also several Aineilcan eating-houses, but they are poor things The article of butter is u stranger to the Jaluppians there Is none to he had ill the town I One thing, however, they are bleggcd with-pure, cool water ; while they, or at leant the noor gnldlerg, are cur?cd with fleag. The next number of the American Star will probably be letmed from i'liet la. [From the N. O. Pic , May 19.) The gleamehip Mary Klngeland. t'apt. Kavlg, arrived ' yeeterday atteruoon Irom Vera C rux, having made a j very line run. She left there the evening of Thurgdny, ' the 13th ingt., one day after the Fa?hion !*<he brought over geven ooinpan'eg ot' the 3d Illlnnia Volnnteera We give a Ifof the nfllrerg among the paggongerg below The other three rompanieg of (hli regiment galled from Vera t'rui on the Billow, the morning of the 13th Private Joeeph Harney, of Mount Ternon. Illinois, wae ioat overboard from the Mary Kinggland, on the nigl t of the 13th The new* from the army above li no later by thie a ffflMI" njji? I W|-.r*m|ii.yiy J|NW?'I| II|I i p P yi?i. m mmiiji .11^ . . W YO NEW YORK, FRIDAY M THE MAIN PLAZA IN ' ~l~p- ' Y v szr ' s " - ~ *" >_ VIEW OF THE HALLS C rival than we have already received; from Vera Crux wo have gathered a few Items of Interest. Major Count do Uongars. aid to Hen. Shields, came passenger on the Mary Kingsland, and we have had the pleasure of a conversation with him. He informs us that the night before the vessel sailed a small party of dragoons were surprised at Sunta Ke, a small village about fourteen miles from Vera Crus. by a hand of Mexican robbers or guerillas. There" were eleven dragoons in the party, and all but the sentry asleep. The Mexlcans rushed upon him, and his gun having missed fire, ho was unable to (five the alarm. A scuffle cnsueu. in which the sentinel was killed, und the Mexicans rushed upon the rest of the party. Of these, ten in number, but one escaped unharmed. Six of the others were killed and three wounded. As soon as the news was brought to Vera Cruz by tho dragoon who escaped, Capt. Walker, of the Hifles. was ordered out with his command in pursuit of the marauding party. It is not supposed that it was any thing more than a band of Mexican ladr$nrt. In this connection we may mention that the arrival of the Mary Kingsland at Vera Cruz, with Capt. Walker's command on board, excited great pleasure The volunteers are leaving so rapidly that it was grateful to the Ainericuns in Vera Cruz to see the tide turning. Capt. Walker's horses, over one hundred in number, suffered nothing from the voyage, and were ready for scrvico immediately upon landing. There has been a good deal of talk lu Vera Cruz about an attack upon that city by Santa Anna. but. the apprehensions excited thereby have been entirely dispelled, and probably never iiad any good foundation; but the whereabouts of Santa Anna, and his predatory designs, still continued the main topic of conversation, and are a principal theme of the letters we receive. In regard to the hvalth of Vera Cruz, a trust-worthy correspondent writes us that there is occasionally a case of sickness which is pronounced vomito, but it does not appear to be on the increase. We append a list of the Mary Kingsland passengers: ? Mpjor Count de Bengals. Aid "to (Jell. Shields; Lieut. K. T. Tliora, Alabama llegiiuent; Mr Mains; Col korinan; Capt. Ilackleton, Assistant Commissary Subsistence; Dr. I). A. Ituun. Surgeon 3d Illinois Volunteers; Adj. ( has. Kverett, Jr.; Captains Bishop, Lawler, Hicks. Hardy, Campbell and SelleiR; 1st Lieuts. Rose, Adams Proctor, Tliouias. Lasater. Hooper and McAdams; dd Lieuts. Dunbar, Reardon. Livingston. Ritchie. Burke, Corlew and Redfcron; and 340 rank aud hie. THi: J'RKCAt'TIOXS AT VKSA CM Z. IlEXn-QuARTrRI, ( Department of Vera Cruz. Mexico, May 6, 1347. > ORDERS so. 'J. Lieut. Gorgus, Ordnance Department, U. 8. A., will immediately take measures to put the batteries designated (in verbal orders.) in a proper state of defence. All superfluity guns and mortars will either be removed or dismounted, and the csrriages put In some secure place. At each of the designated batteries a piece of artillery will be kept loaded with blank cartridge as a signal gun. to be discharged in case of alarm, when the troops and all others so required, will turn out underarms, with the required quantity of ammunition in their cartridge boxes, to act according to instructions given them by their immediate commanding officers. In the event of an alarm, the marines nml sailors from the squadron, (by an arrangement made with the senior navul cMtmntin.1 r 1 will on their iHnillmr. immedialclv repair to the several butteries to which they may be assigned. under the comniunil of a commissioned officer from the squadron. aurl nerve the guns The others that may be landed will act as circumHlancen may require, under th? direction of their officers. fcl'he Mexican inhabitants are particularly cautioned. In case of alarm, to keep within their houses; for if discovered in the streets, ami armed, they will most certainly be looked upon as enemies, and treated accordingly. All citizens who have located themselves in business, or otherwise, since our taking possession of the city of Vera Cruz, will be prepared at all times to assist in its defence. In case of an attack. For this purpose, Mr. J B. Cozzens is hereby authorized to enrol and organize them into a company. They will be furnished with arms. ice., and in case of an alarm, assemble as quickly, and o.< quietly as possible, at the armory?receive their arms, &lc? aud be marched by ( apt. Cozzens to the main I'laza, there to await further orders. lu the event of an attack, which will be known by the firing of a heavy piece of artillery, all masters of American vessels lying in the harbor, are requested to coino immediately ashore, with their crews, (leaving a sufficient number onboard for the protcdion of the vessels,) and report to Captain lletzel, who is hereby directed to arm and organize them in as effective a manner as possible. They will remain in the < ustom-llouse Square until they receive instructions. All unauthorized persons having public urms or munition* of war in their possession, will, in compliance with tile first artiole of the capitulation of this city, forthwith turn them over to Lieutenant Uorgus, of the ordnance office. By order of Colonel Wu.?opr, Governor of Vera Cruz B. H. A NTH ON, Adjutant First Infantry and A. A. A. G. lis I OqtA IIT Kilt OK THE A H Mr, / J*u*ps, May 4, IU47 ) Ocnsiit Oaii?.K>?No. lib). F.xtracts ofa recent act of congress, published in the General Orders. No. 14. dated at the War Department. March '47. 1K47 -provide for, and invite, the tender or the services ufsuch of the volunteers, now in Mexico, who may. at the termination of the present, term, voluntarily engage t o servo during the war with Mexico." The General Order,containing those extracts, reached the General-in-Chief, at this place, some nine days ago, and was immediately sent to the Headquarters of tlie Volunteers, for prompt circulation among the regiments present, and appealed to. viz the Tennessee i.avalry. the .'Id and 4th Illinois Infantrv. the 1st and 'id Tennessee Infantry, the (leorgia Infintry. ami the Alabama Infantry. whoso several terms of servie# will, It Is understood. expire in four, five, or nix weeks. The Oeuuralin-chtef regrets to learn, through a ureal number of undoubted channels. that, in ail probability, not one man in ten, of those regiment*, will la1 Inclined to volunteer for the war This pre-determination offers, in his opinion, no ground for reproach -considering the long, arduous, faithful and gallant servicea of those corps -however deeply nil will regret the consequent and unavoidable delay in the prosecution of this war to an early and honorable peace; for the (iunnral-in-chief cannot, In humanity and good faith, cause regimentsentitled, in a few weeks, to an honorable discharge?to advance farther from the coast, In the pursuit of the eueniy. and thereby throw them upon the necessity of returning to embark at Vera Crux. at the season known to be, at that place, the must fatal to life. Accordingly, the regimentsofold volunteers, and the independent company ofKentucky volunteers, serving with this army, will stand ready, on the return of the large train from below, to march to Vera Crux, and thence to embark for New Orleans, where they will be. severally and honorably mustered out of the service of the United .States, and paid off by the proper officers on duty there. This order will be sent to those officers, and the (lovernor and Commander ot Vera Crus, who lias been Instrueted to have the necessary trim ports ready by the early arrival of the returning troops There is nothing In the foregoing Intended to Interfere with the Invitation presented by Congress and the President, to re-enlistments, an the part of the old volunteers. On th# contrary, the <lencral-in-chief ardently hopes, that many new companies will be formed out of RK I ? wmr?-?" [ORNING, MAY 28, 1847. THE CITY OF MEXICO. i|f# . ... I >F THE MONTEZUMAS. those olil troops, and presented for continued service, according to that'iuvltulion. llo will gladly accept them for tho war. und cause them. if Dot embodied into liattalions. to bo temporarily attached to tho weaker regiments of the regular army, as indicated in the Prodi dent's orders, No. 14. above recited. Homes of tho Tennessee euvalry. as well us officer*' horses. generally. It' desired by their owners, who may decline rc-volunteering, 'will he paid lor by the Huartoruiaster's department here, at a fair valuation. Tho same disposition may be made of saddles and bridles, if needed for the public service. The four regimcntsjof now volunteers, present, will bo formed 1 tilo a brigade, under Iirigadler (teneral Huitinan, who will designate one of the four for Jalapa. and another for Perote, to constitute parts of the garrisons of those plnces. lie will receive orders, for the commencement of his march, at (ieneral Headquarters. Major General Patterson, rendered, for tlie moment, supernumerary with hi* army, will accompany the returning volunteers of his late gallant division, and render them sucli as*istanne. on the way, as he well knows liow to give. He will report. In person, at Washington. or by letter, from Now Orleans, for further orders from the War Department. This distinguished general officer will please accept the thanks of the General in-chief, for the gallant, able and efficient support uniformly received from the second in rank of this army. By command of .Major General Scott. 11. H. SCOTT, A. A. A (J Headquarters, VoirNTEr.ii Division,? Jai a fa, Mexico, May 5th, IA47. ) Orders No. 17. In accordance with orders from the Headquarters of Iho A rmtr i hn Ti.nnnuo.o i 'ntalrv thn Iclnn* o,l Ton. nessee. the ltd anil Itli Illinois. Hie Georgia, ami tlio Alabama regiment* of Infuntry. and Captain Williams' company of Kentucky Volunteers, will lie held in readiness to march to Vera Criu. thence to embark for New Orleans, where they will bo severally ami honorably mustered out of the service of tli?? United States, and paid ofT by the proper officers on duty there. To (facilitate the march. Col. Campbell, with the regiment of Tennessee horse, the 1st and '2d Tennesse Infantry, and the company of Kentucky Volunteers, will march to-morrow morning, the (ith inr.t. The .Id and 4th Illinois regiments, under Col. Konnaii, will march to-morrow at '2 1*. M. The Georgia and Alabama regiments, under Colonel Jackson, will march on the morning of the 7th Inst. The troops will march with their arms, ten rounds ammunition, and their personal effects, and will turn in at this place all tents, and such other articles of camp equipage, as uiay not be indispensable on the return march. Kach man will take in his haversack hard bread for four days, and bacon for two days The Brigade Commissaries will obtain from the Chief Commissary, money to purchase fresh lsccf, on the road, for two days. The (Quartermasters of the command will make the proper requisitions on the Acting (Quartermaster General tor the necessary requisition. In promulgating this order for these gallant regiments to return to the I nited, the Major-Gcncral. while he regrets that the term of their service will not afford another opportunity fur these troops to gather addit ional fame in the future events of this already brilliant campaign, cannot forgot that the recollections of a glorious past will be carried to their homos. The services of the twelve months' volunteers will always he perpetuated in their country's history with the remembrances of Monterey, Buena Vista. Vera ' run and < erro Gordo. The Major General avails himself, on this occasion, to take leave of the 1st and '2d Pennsylvania, the South Carolina-anil tho New Vurk volunteers. and to tender his thanks to Origadier-Geueral (now Major-Oencral) (Quitman. and them, for their obedience to orders, attention to duty, and their faithful, ready and cheerful support under all emergencies, since they have been under his command, and he assures these fine corps, and their gallant and accomplished commander, that he will always be happy to meet, and to serve with them n../,rL>. ,.r \i. I..* 11..?i i'. . [SignedJ \VM H. KBF.Nf H, Act ing Asst Adj. (Jen. AKPAIRH I\ T1IK CITY OK MEXICO. We are in possession of papers from the city of Mexico to the 1st inst.. three days later than tboac previously received. Upon the most cursory perusal o'our flic*, the impression made confirms all that we have before said vf the wide-spread and deep-seated hostility of the Mexican race, embittered immeasurably by the loss of the battle of Uerro Oordo. We cau only discover that there is any peace party whatever by the fierce denunciations of all who talk of peace, made by the orguns of the other parties Peace has no organ in Mexico. The recent reverses of the Mexicans have exasperated to a frightful extent the animosities existing between the old parties El llrpuhhtano quote* freely from a journal in I'uebla in the interest of the clergy Front its language, no one would suspect that it was the organ of a < hrlstlan sect Its denunciations of the purot, or the party of (Jomes Farias, can only be paralleled In atrocity by the maniac ravings of Marat during the revolutionary horrors of France. The populace are urged to every excess against the traitors, as tiiey are called. ' Let their blood wash out the disgraces of the nation," cries the representative of the church ; "then let us prepare for a universal insurrection, which, like the lightning, will consume and devour the Yankees." The church party will not allow the partisans of Farias to surpass them In denunciation* of the Yankees ; and the modrradon. who are endeavoring to calm the resentments of these extreme parties are equally desirous for war. It would not be prolilahle to translate more of the documents before us to show the spirit by which the whole nation appears to he animated ; our columns have already borne ample testimony on the subject, but we cannot forbear mentioning the address of the (torernor of the Federal District of Mexico to the inhabitants after the battle of Cerro (Jordo Much a passage as the following occurs : " War and war only. War to the death War us it was wuged by the Mnrelos, the I laleanas, the Matantoros. Let us die rather than negotiate lie is a traitor who speaks of peace, who dares to propose the slightest ." And ugaiti: "Mexicans' we arc ail one. and Mexicans only Let us be unanimous; let there he hut one cry. anil let that cry be war Perish the Anglo Saxon! Perish the Yankees !" We turn to other matters t ireat numbers of families have left I'uebla. and a great number of robberies have been committed both within and without the city It is also said that Concral Ilravo had prohibited the admlulen uf lilln IK. 1,.^., .1... >>.. penalties. Till* onli-r i* censured *< cruel to the help1?** poor of th? town, milling famlnn to the other 111* that may bo anticipated from the presence of hostile troop* A letter from Durango repeat* the story that M)0 Amcrlcans had left Chihuahua with fourteen piece* of artillery l<> march on Dumugo It say* nothing of their hiring returned to Chihuahua upon the receipt of new* from New Mexico The \ inericau* hare occupied the mining town of f >uadnlupu y I aim. upon which Klrker was said to hare a design It I* in the southern part of chlhunhua, and where the gorernment wa? to hare taken reluge when drlren from I'rrral. (In the 1st of May. President Anaya declared the city of Mexico in a state of siege- ripiirsletit to declaring martial law. The reason assigued in the preamble of the decree Is the necessity of prorlding for the defence - ? ????. V" **" *-' - " 11 *"" mmf 1 11"" " * 1 [ERA ? : I I ~ " - .. - " ?rr?-- ? of the capital and the common defence of the nation, by ! restraining the program of the enemy We liawe come across a decree of Anaya of an older date giving a cross of honor to those oScWI who diKtiliguished themselves in the actions of the -iid and Slid of ; February, to be inscribed, ' battle of the Angoituru i Approved valor.'1 The same deoree authorizes a decoration to be worn upon the left arm t>y those privates | who distinguished themselves in the same action Letters have been received from ( alifornia announcing that on the 1st of April the United States sloop-of-wur Portsmouth arrived off the port of San Jose, and after demanding the surrender of the town, landed l.'il) ' Yankees, " who planted there the American flag The Portsmouth then sailed to take like possession of the ports of Han Lucas. La faz and Loreto. These are all small posts | in the peninsula of Lower California, two in the extreme : south of it, and two 011 the western side of the GMf of I California. The Mexicans express the belief that it will ; not he long before the Californians will turn upon their . unworthy invaders, and expel them Families are leaving the city of Mexico, and taking re- ! fuge in the large towns of the vicinity. In Toluca such was the influx that rents appreciated enormously, and the prefect interfered and put an end to what he called the abuse of the landlords, by the most arbitrary measures. The diligences continue to he r< bbed in the immediate vicinity of the city of Mexiro. fine was robbed seven times in one day, and yet the most respectable people have to travel in them We think it safe to say that the respectable cIursoh in the country and small villages, dread the organization of guerillas much more than we have any occasion to do. The city of Mexico is overrun witli disorganized soldiery They consist in pnrt of those who tied from Cer- 1 ro Gordo, hud I11 part of those who surrendered at Vera 1 C ruz. They make such reports of American prowess in I the capital that the Government, for this avowed ' reason, luu4 ordered them all out of the city A paper ot the 'i'.ith ult . announces the arrival of an express from Hunta Anna, in which lie annouueeg that his troops are daily increasing lie announces, uioreo- , ver Ills unshaken resolution to coutiuue the war to the last gasp, and for this purpose lie demands means and the efficient co-operation of all Mexicans AMERICAN PRISONERS IN MEXICO. [From the New Orleans Picayune, May 19.] There was a report?but merely s report?that Majors Gnlnes and ilorlund. and Captains lay and Heady, and their commands, were allowed the freedom of the city of Mexico. This wc do not believe, as we know that a short j time before the last arrival from Mexico tln-y were in | close confinement In the felons' castle of Santiago. We I have heard that General Scott has given the .Mexican authorities to understand that If a hair of their heads be touched he will make a fearful retaliatiou upon them. , Sofarsogood: but it seems to us that every Mexican officer nud soldier taken by the army should he held in closo confinement till the Lucarnacion prisoners, together with Midshipman Kodgers, are brought In safely to the American camp A1KAIKH IN CALIFORNIA. [From tlio St. l.niiin Union, May III.) Oknixkmk* : ?I Hand you twelve newspapers. nictirtd i from Col. Fremont, by Messrs. Talbot ami Carson. and I giving the progress of events in < alifornia durinK the j inontliH of December, January and Kebruary last The i I ant dates of those paper* contain two (ienerol Order* j from Commodore Hhubrick. dated I at and 11 tit of Ke- ! bruary, from which will be seen his view of the President v disposition of the aupreuiu coiiiiuaud in I alifornia. and show* that it wan an fortunate an it wan wine, in j Col. Krenmnt. not to accept the responsibility of deei- ' diug initiation* of supremacy lietween hi* superior*. Respectfully, Stc , THOMAS II UKNTON. I May 18th. IH47. The papers with which Col. Benton has favored us. are full tiles of the Colijorniiiii. printed at Monterey by Colton it. Seniple. and the California Star, of January '2:1(1, printed at Verba Buutia. from them we gather the following information :?The Califnrnian of December .1th, says, the insurgents had gone south, but that all citizens having property, were at home cultivating their farms and prosecution their lawful business It declares that all men of desperate and reckless character had joined the insurgents. It announces that the ^uniform policy of the I nitcd States has been to protect private property, and pay for whatever was necessary for public uses. The inilitiry commandant of the Northern Department forbade the sale of intoxicating liquors at Monterey. yet some of the sailors continued to procure it. Ou the 30th of November eight prisoners escaped from the jail at Monterey, by the desertion of the guard, two sailor*. The deserter* were subsequently pursued and arrested, also, some of the prisoners Cull particulars are given of the loss of the American whale ship Baltic, oil the const of Kaiusehutka?the rew saved, and a part of the cargo The Californian of the 12th of December, says Mr .initio imu wttvii iiteeu m nun wax wm treated. Alan, that the Californien* at that place ililiered an to thi- courjuto be pursued The South f alitortilans, it is said. wished to raise an independent ling and ' deliver that province to the United States authorities, to I Have themselves from punishment ami trouble "It in likewise reported that several Callfomlans have I joined Col. Fremont. Uf this, likewise, there is very j little doubt; as it is well known that several men have I been waiting in the vicinity of the I'ajaro river, to pre- I sent themselves to the authorities of the I'nited Slates, . as soon as opportunity sliould offer, and Hint iliey could ' be made aware by so doing their lives would not la> taken or themselves otherwise materially Injure 1 " The same number of the Star contains an apprnl by a ' native California!!, urging submission to the I niled States government, as lite best means left for individual security and happiness The Calif ornian. of the I Stll, mentions the departure from Monterey, of t apt Maddux. with Sfty men destination not made public it adds "Wo have no fresh Intelligence from Commodore Stockton At our latest advices hi' was at San Diego; there is a rumor, however, that lie has taken San Pedro, and fortified the position. Col Fremont, when last heard from, was below San Luis?this was more than two weeks since lie must be at this time at Santa Barbara He marched through all the heavy rains that have f alien Before Colonel Fremont, left the town of San Juan Haiitista. on his march southward, his lienevnlent feelings prompted him to do an act for which he has received the hi arty thanks of many poor distressed farmers. who had no right to expect any such favors as were con fcrred on thein by him. but which favors have unfortunately been of little or no benefit to those who received tli<>m lie gave to aovural people aufttcieut horav* to carry on their buaine**, ami to Don K I'acheco, a .Vleitran gentleman, who ha* 'lone every thing In hi* power to forward the American oauM, he aerit upward* <lf !K) ltnraa* to be taken earn of, and ueed in the aerviee of that gentleman and other*. who atood In the frrealeat need of them, until I ol Kremont a return from the Angela* to thla place. But here la another Instance of Ihe injury thla rountrT la Buffering from tha liunirrcetlon In the Angelo*. Had not thla taken place, the depredation* which tor Huch a length of time have l>een committed with impunity by the Indian*, would, hnforu now. have heeti put an end to; but aueh la the blind Infatuation of many ' alifnrnlan*. that they cannot aee into their own intereat* The Indiana from the Tulare*, who are alwaya on the lookout, and beitde* alwaya get immediate information when and wbera a quantity of KW - ****". - ?" t [Aft*** . , LD. Mm Tn Own. torses in*r be found could not resist the temptation mowing as they do that iu this part of the country, at present. there ia no force to follow tbem up. or otherwise injure tbem; accordingly. In two or three day* after Col Fremont bad left tbeae horaee. and aereral others which be had been kind enough to distribute imong those individuals who were most in need of .hem. they came down and swept off every hone they tould And. leaving the farmers entirely destitute of the neans of carrying on their agricultural business When will the C allfornlans come to their tenses' - The Calif amian, of January dd. announces the arrival >f the U 8. ship Dale, and gives an acoeunt of the oeleiratlon of Christmas holidays at Monterey, by masquaadus. be. The only item of intelligence in this number s as follows " Our latest advices from below are up to the 1st of December, Oommodore Stockton was at that time encamped near San Diego, and about to march with a iretty heavy force to the town of the Angeloe. Colonel Kremont at our last advices, was near Santa Barbara, so that the battle has probably come off before thia. We <h?il know the result before long. The Commodore took with him several lino pieces of artillery, and forced his way. wh doubt not, to the capital." The Calif omian, of the 9th says, everything ia quiet about Monterey, but reports that small numbers of the enemy have been seen occasionally in that neighborhood. It thinks it H.-t ?.. v.-i? v? ? , ...... huu ruouij, vu imiu? w?wu Wthe South, or,on breaking up there without a battle. will attempt muni- demonstration on Monterey. No apprehensions us to the result were felt. as the presence of the Dale rendered the city safe The following paragraph shown the view* of the editor :? ' The line of policy which the Americano should pureiie here, in one involving us much forbearance as may he compatible with public safety Any unnecessary restrictions only serve to irritate There are cases which require severity, but there are many more in which justice ami sound policy suggest forbearance. We should uever forget that California is no longer a territory of Mexico; she is uow attached to the l otted States, and is destined to become a member of that glorious confederacy. All our plans and operations here should bare a reference to thut important result. Insurrections must be put down, but tliey should be suppressed with as little iujury tu the vital energies of the country as possible No act. wounding the individual pride, or unnecessarily provoking private resentment, should be tolerated. There is n pulse in every man's heart which always throbs kindly back to kiuclness ." The editor of the Californian sees one udvaulage in the insurrection nt Los Angtlos : it induced the immigrants in the uortli to take up arms, aud thus enabled them, whilst marching through the whole country, to learn its real value and resources. The same paper of the llith contains the following: ? 'The war on the Bay of San Krauclsco, It seems, has been amicably adjusted between the belligercfets. ' uptain Weber, who was in command of llfty or sixty volunteers, was driven iulo Santa l laraby tile ('alilbrniaus. who were some two hundred strong. A llag of truce was passed, aud the leaders on both sides met by appointment. The ( aiiforuinus state that their object was not to make war l>ri the American flag, but to protect tlx-iii i In R from depredaliooft of those who, unler color of that Mug, were plundering tlieui of their :attle. horses, saddles, uud menus of subsistence. All that they desired was. that the property thus takes, without the authority of the Governor General, should be restored; aud they, on their part, would release their prisoners, and retire quietly to their homes. Theaa terms, reasonable euougli, were aooeded to. and tha parties dispersed, uever, we trust, to meet again at belllgereuts. No taklug private property without giving ample receipts will be permitted by the United States Government; aud wo entire! / mistake the principles of tlic present Governor General if he will tolerate it for a moment." The paper of the name date gives some vague rumors of tlic buttles near Los Angeles, which the editor does not rely upon. It also describes the better portion of the Californium! as well disposed to the American cause The California Slav of the dSd gives the particulars of the troubles near Santa < lara A lieutmiant of th? navy, with six marines. whilst in the interior on business, were surprised nnd taken prisoners by armed Mexican*. i apt J. H. Hull. Governor of that diatrict, tent a company of regulars under ( apt. Merstun, and a company ul volunteers under < apt Smith, to rescue tb? prisoner*. The euemy retired from hie fortified camp near .Verba liui'uu. and made a aland not far from Santa Clara. Our forces brought their caunonto bear on the enemy, and in a few hour*, inducod them to send in a flag?the result of which I* given above 'Nothing was known, of a certainty, of the aliasing launch, under Midshipman Montgomery. The California? of the !13d of Janunry. announces the arrival of the Independence, (urn Shubrick, and says, he. in virtue of hi* rank, take* command of all the naval and laud forces there It mentions that dally reports render it probable, that Com Stockton and Col. Fremont are at Los Angeles. and that the latter plaee was taken without a general engagement. Its capture wu* succeeded by a flag of trace from the f'alifornians. who had retired a short distance from the town The term* of pacification, it was thought, would be carried without lurthcr hostilities The same paper aasurel those whose private property has been taken for public purposes, that ample restitution will be made in due lime An extra Califom!an of the '18th, gives an account of the battles of Sun t tubriel and Mesa, which we pubilabed a few weeks ago A letter published in that paper and written at Loe Angelos, by an Americnn who had been a prisoner in the enemy's hands, during the previous battles, says ' Two days hack, Col. Fremont and Don Audr-s entered into a treaty, which put aa end to the war Three days back, the Mexican officer* ijuit the camp, and Don Andres I'lco is now in command. Kiores. Ciarciaa, Castro. .luan and Toman Soberande*. with ten or twelve others, bad started for Konora iu Mexico. Shoold they hear of the treaty, they mnv return The ( all fondant appear completely tired of the nlfair. The Calif'omian further difficulty Is appre heuded. n* violent measure* were not used towards those coneenied in the suppressed insurrection. It ascribes the difficulty to u few restless spirits, as the C&lifomtaDs generally prefer the American government, and desire their territory to remain under the American Hag. It says. that., however diplomatists may deoide the matter, California will never aguin be a part of Meaiuo. an tho nannls* nmfur t I * _ - ,?r- ,?? Kum jMin ifurerDuiiu, and will determine their own destiny for themselves. The California* of the fith of February notices the arrival of thn Lexington, Captain Tompkins,who, arrived in her. with hie company and Held artillery, was stationed at Fort Mervine Lieateuant Halleck. of U, 8. Lnglneers, was to make permanent fortifications at the most important point* along the coast; he was well provided with all necessary implements for the purpose, and had besides a saw and grist mill The Lexington was loaded with batteries. -J4 pounders, mortars, Ike., Ito., for military purposes. Three other transports, with Colonel .Stevenson's regiment were shortly expected. ' Sufficient witli General Kearny's column, to secure California as a territory of ihe i uiti-d Stales.A fortification wiU lie erected at Sail Francisco. There is abundance of limber, and wafer-power almost inexhaustible, up the Sacramento river. The following is the -General Order" of Commodore Hhubrick ; ? "The ( ommander-ln-Chief has great satisfaction tn announcing to the Inliabltaiits of Monterey, thnt from information received from variau> sources,he has reason to believe flint the disorders which have recently dUturlii-d t lie territory of aliforniu are at an end.and that peace and security are restored to this district certainly, and he hopes to the whole territory "The improved state of altalrs in the district, and the arrival of a company of l ulted States artillery under < aptain Tompkins, has enabled the ( ommander-ln* liief to dispense with the services of the company of mounted volunteers, under Lieutenant Maddux of tha Marine corps The patriotic settlers who composed this company, nobly stepped forward in time of dauger, and stood between the Hag of the United States, and the defenceless women and children of Monterey on the ons hand, and the bauds of lawless disturbers of the peace, on the other. "Forsuoh disinterested conduct, the company of mounted volunteers under Lieutenant Maddux, of the marine corps [acting as rnptainj Is tendered the thanks of the ( oinmandor-tn-< hief. and will, without doubt, receive commendation and due recompense from the general Govern incut "Given on board the United States ship Independence. Harbor of Monterey. Keb. I, IH17 \V IIKANFORD 8HUBRKK, ( omuiander-in-l hief. The same paper contains the following circular fkoa Colonel Fremont, as < ivil Governor The peace of the country living restored, and fntnre tranquility vouchsafed by a treaty made and entered into Iiv commissioners respectively appointed by the properly authorised ( aliforuia officers on the one band, and liy uiy*cll as military commandant of the United States forces in the district of I aiifornia on the other, by which a civil government is to take place of the mill tiiry *11 exchange <>f all priaouera. Uc , fcc , forthwith an cure to the end that order and a wholesome civil polio* should ohlain throughout the laud a ropy of which xaid treaty will be immediately publiahed in tho (alitornla newspaper publiahed at .Monterey Therefore, in virtue of the aforesaid treaty, aa well aa the function* that in ine reat an civil governor of California, I do hereby proclaim order and peace reatnrvd to the country, and require the immediate releaa* of all priaonera. the return of the civil officer* to their appropriate dutiea. and aa atrict an obedience of the military to the civil authority aa ia conaiatent with the aeenrity of peace, and the maintenance of good order Whea troop* are garrlaoned "Done at the capital of the territory oft allfornia, temporarily Mated at the I ludad de loe Angeloe, thta '13d day of January, IH47. J t FRF.MONT, (Jovernor and Commander-in-Chief of ( allfornia Wltnea* \V II. Kuiiki.1., Secretary of State t olonel Fremont at the ilatc of the foregoing circular, knew nothing ol the arrival of Commodore Hhubrlck. The Calxfornian of the 13th. contain* the treaty negotiated by Colonel Fremont. The following are the atipulationa : l?t The com ml** inner* on the part of the Californiana agree that their entire force ahali. on preacntation of themanlvea to Lt. Col. Fremont, deliver up their artillery and public arma. and that they ahall return peaceably to their home*, conforming to the law* and regulation* of the I'nited state*, and not again take up aim* during the war between the I nlted State* and Mexico; but will uaalat and aid In placing the country In aatate of peace and tranquility 3d The eommlaaioner* on the part of Llent. Colonel Fremont, agree ami bind themaelve* on the fulfilment of the I at article by tho Californiana. that they xball be guarantied protection of life and property, whether on parole or otherwlee 3d That until a treaty of peaee be mad* and aifBed