iJBut w.v rr.lnasfii?e I
eitl.eQ .hell be bound lo take the oath of allegiance
4th Th*t any California? or Km? of VUxieo. decir- !
ing, if prrmitUd to leare the country without let or hin- |
d ranee
6th That in virtu? of the afore**id article#, equal
right* aud privilege* are ?ogrh*nfcd to every citisen of
California a* aiv enjoyed by the oilisuus of the United
State* of North America
6th All officer*. citiien*. fc?r*i?ner* or other* ihnll
rtrdn the protection guaranteed by the id article.
7th Tin* capitulation i? intended to be no bur in effecting
*uch arrangement* u* may in future be in juatice
required by both part lea.
An additional article nays ' That the patolel of all
officer*, cilisen*. and other* of the Uuited State*, and of
naturalized cltiien* of Mexico are by thi* foregoing capitulation
cancelled, and every condition of Raid parolee,
from and after date, are of no further feree and effect.
and all prisoners of both parties are hereby reba*ed"
The Cali/arnian of Feb. 13. allude* to the letter from
Loe Angelot previously published in that paper, which
ha* since been re-pubiiahed in the United State* and
called forth a statement from Major Krnory a* to Gen
Kearny position at the battle of the bth aud 9th of
January it say* ;?
. "Our obj- et in rofening to thia lettor is to do justice
to two brave and distinguished officers, Gen Kearny and
Capt. Mar vine 'I'he writer of this letter ?tate? that in
the march *r?>m Sau Diego to Lo* Angtloa. tlie whole waa
u.id- r the immediate command of Commodore Stockton.
. : .... . I... line ot I
whi'-i tli tru ii i? i preiious in mkiiik "r i
UUeU'.nil tml irii St ekton Hnnounoi"J to thf ,
that the i. in|" expedition was iilnrnl undiT conniiid |
or (leu Keuruy l.":i<olf boliliuK Lm station ?* lomman- |
Ut.T-in < bin I of t oliforuio; and <>? ?. Kearny did com- 1
uiaud elm wli il? eap< Jiuon. and Capt. Turner the dragoon*
tlluili il to."
X be California" then if*** on to do justice to Cup tain ,
Mervine. by ahowlnjf that lit* expedition from Sau Pedro
woe a k.kilniit Hif n'r. although unsuccessful for lack of
homes to pursue the enemy.
The following item* will show the view taken by Coin.
Sbubriek. of his powers :?
( he L". S sloop of wsr Cy-lnc arrived in port on the
afternoon of the Plh and flrmi the appropriate salute
for Corn Hhuhrick fioneral Kearny being on board the i
Cyan*. received a salute from the linlependenee. The !
< yane was eight days from San Diego; left the Congress !
. aud Portsmouth at San l>ief?o: passed the merchant bark
Tasso ou her wuy up. In low San Pedro.-''
To all whom it may concern:?The undersigned. Commander-ln-i
hief of the naval forces of the United 1
States in I he I'ar.itlc llimu. in virtue or the aulhnritv I
Vested ill hiui hy the President of i he United States, and '
takin;- into consideration the injury caused to the agrlcultural
pursuits of the inhabitants of ( alif.iriiin by the
late unsettled state of the country, the ureal demand at
present for all arliclea of provisions, and the probable
Increase of that demand, directa that for tho spare of
six months from the first of March nest, vie: from the
1st of said month of March to the 1st of tho month of
September next, the following articles of provisions shall
be admitted into the ports of California free of all charge
or duty, via: beef, porlt. bread, hour, butter, cheese, sugar
and rice
Doue. dec., 11th of February. 1847.
The California!* of February 13. says that it learns by
an arrival from Verba Buena. that a party of emigrants.
80 in number, left on the other sido of California mountain
hail suffered severely Nineteen started for the
valley, hut only seven arrived, having been compelled to
eat the dead bodies of tlieir companions to save them
selves worn starvation. .'tiuoug mo rm .
girls A public meeting was held at once in Verba Buena.
and *HIH) raised for the relief of the sufferers In the
mountains Messrs Wurd Sc Smith offered their launch,
uud Passed Midshipman Wnodworth. with a small party,
started up the river with the intention of disembarking
at the foot of the mountains and going on foot with
parks of provisions, to save the suffer-rs The distressed
party lost their rattle on the salt plains, at llasting's
cut off-a route which never should be travelled
Mr. Larkiu was at Monterey, attending to his business.
on the lllth of February, having been released by
the enemy An English school was about to he established
there The Alcalde publishes an order, forbidding
men to employ Indian", unless they have certificates
iroiu their former employers, that their services are not
due to the latter for wages advanced. Mr. Seinple is
about to found a city at San Francisco Bay. to bo called
Franclr-ea He has purchused. for that purpose, the half
of a five mile tract.
I propose giviug a brief and rapid sketch of the operations
of Col. Fremont in < alifornia.
The Colonel, us it will be remembered, came to California
in the early part of last year, at the head of about
fifty mcu. In the discharge of high and responsible duties
belonging to the department of topographical engineers,
a station in which by It is seal, ability, Ate , as is indls- \
putahly asserted fur him by bis able reports, he had already
won for himself u name extended, and familiarly
known throughout Lhe civilized world; and happening to 1
be ou the skirts of the country when war was declared
between the United States aud Mexico, lie was at once
indicated us. in all respects, the man proper to be placed
in supreme military command; and being forthwith sent
for by despatch on his urrival. was at once invested by
Commodore ilobert F. Stockton, of the United States
Navy, as commmandtr of the United States forces in
California, when it may be said, his military career proper
fir.-t began.
His first movement wua an attack on Sonora, which
he tonic completely by surprise, iiucl by an energy and
address peculiar to himself, he put down all opposition
and quieted the country, and then moved on by sea to
San liiego from whence lie marched by land to the City
of Angela, where, in conjunction with Commodore Stockton.
lie again succeeded, without the effusion of blood,
in tranquiliziug the country, and concluding, us was
supposed, u permunent peace with, the Califoruians. the
basis of which was adding their entire territory us a
lovely and brilliant appanage of our dear Union This
done Col. Fremont, witli liis usual celerity, returned to
the north, preparatory to the organization of a civil
government at the head of which he had already been
appointed civil Governor
But the restless temper of the interested and leading
uien t f (tie country, pretended to foresee evil to tlieir
people iu the contemplated change of rulers and government,
excited the p. ople t<> un insurrection, and again
forced Col Fremont into the held, where, under the circumstances
surruuudingjiiiu. and the difllcultieshe had
to surmount, he acquitted himself in u manner, and
achieved results that I venture to say. in the judgment
of military critics, will lie admitted not to have beeu surpassed
by any leader of modern times.
Without money or men. and iu a country where the
first was not to lie seen, aud the latter few and widely
scattered.' ol Fremont si t about raising a force tbat he
considered sufficient for the occasion, and also arms and
munitions of war. apparently with as much confidence
as if in a country where those tilings were abundant, aud
of ea^y procurement, and strange as it may appear, witli
obstacles courlautly staring him iu the faee. he pursued
the tenor of his course, and in an incredibly short time
he was again iu the field at the head of about four hundred
and fifty men, wull moun.ed, aud supplied witli
every equipment of war, including four bcuuliful pieces
of artillery?and almost immediately commenced a
inarch of many hundred miles in extent, wiliiout any
supply whatever from the commissary, and through u
country where it would have appeared to minds less
fertile than bis, that it was impossible to obtain them
The troops constituting Col. kreinoul'H command,
gathered up hastily as they were, uud from the midst of
a population so few and scattered, were perhaps, taken
as a whole, the most strange aud discordant that ever
inarched under any one banner. There were representa
tlvea irom almost every nation on eartn, inciuuing many
tribes ut North American Indians, and speaking all
manner of tongues. Yet out of this motley crew, did lie
form and discipline a corps of as efficient men as could
anywhere be brought to a charge; and as devoted in
their personal attachment to their leader, as his uiost
anxious friends could desire.
The activity and untiring energy of Colonel Fremont,
certainly cannot be exceeded by any comwuuder I may '
be charged with adulation when I couple his name Willi
that of Napolean, but he certainly practises on the same
tactics, and evidently thinks as the great Corsican was
said to have done?that to minds of energy and boldness,
nothing ought to lie regarded lis impossible.
A detail of the march of Col. Frt-uioul from the Missions
of St John s to the city of Angels, a distance of at
least four hundred miles -replete as it was with incidents
almost as startling as the subjects of an entertaining
novel, developing constantly some new and striking
feature in his character?1 shall, for the want of time at
present, be reluctantly compelled to lorego, with a
promise of attempting it in future.
The sequel of the campaign proves the estimation in
which Col Fremont was hoideti even by our gallant foe
Like eagles, for days they hovered around our tlanks,
threatening to strike the blow, and evidently only waiting
for one false move?the slightest decline of vigilauue
on our part, to pounce upon our little band, and by one
terrible sweep destroy us, but they waited in vain, their
hopes were delusive. They were uiet at every turn,
hundreds of well directed rules admonished them that
they could not conquer hy surprise; and the daring front
of our columns warned them thai a victory over Krcinout
would cost them more liven than they eh one to spare,
until tlnally yielding to despair, they renolved to surrender
to him whom they dare not tight? but in whose
generosity they could salely trust and eontido.
The terms of the capitulation concluded by Mnjor P.
B. Reading, Capt. Louis Mcl.aue and \V. II Kussill,
commissioners appointed by Col Fremont, with three
.Spanish gentlemen, selected by the < alifornians. wi re
just and niutually beuellclal to both parties, and it is
now conlidently believed that the tocsin of war will not
again alarm the citizens of this highly favored land, for
years to oome
CoL Fremont, Ifcing likely, from his recent unparalleled
and rapid promotion, and his present position of Governor
of California, to engage murh of public attention,
I have deemed a deeeription of his personal appearance
and manners, as in some way connected with this sketch,
and the subjoined. I think, is a fair portrait:?
The Colonel Is slight In form, and about ttve feet eight
Inches in height, naturally of a smooth fair skin, hut now
somewhat bronsed over by exposure to all description of
weather, which he seems to hold in the most entire contempt,
when It Interferes with the accomplishment of
any favorite object or wish.
HU eye In large and blue. una *p*a** aimnai intelligibly
when under eacltement, either of anger or kindly
feeling* It 1* an eye <l<'?crlbed by*ome poet an kindling
in war, and melting In love. In manner, Col F I* modeat,
reaerred and rather retiring, until you encroach on
what be conaidera tiis own p round, when inatanlly hia
ye kindle*. hia lac* fluahe*. hia nervou* ayat'-m alightly
t rem uloua. and In a manner atlll mild but fir in. he utter*
reproof* that I have net *een fail to produce the effect of
making hi* adversary quail or givo ground. He ia.
phyaieally and morally, undoubtedly n very brave inuu.
'I he fmcfrt of Col. b remout, (now * loveuor Fremont.)
being ot hia own aelection. |>arlake a good deal of hi*
own character, and are peculiarly rutted to the elation*
they enjoy. Captain Ktchar 1 Owing*. who command*
the Governor'* old company, i* about tliirty Ave year* of
age, bold and ekillul in war, the reaultof many year* i
aevere training In the mountain*, when etrugglmg for
life and aubei*l?nee again*! the Indian* Aaa rifle *hut.
Capt. Owing*, perhap*, ha* no auperlor.
Major Loul* AitLaue. theaccoud eon of ourminlater at I
the Court of St. Jaine*. and who now command* the i
battalion of artillery, belong* properly to the navy,
were he enjoy* a high reputation a* an officer and gen- I
tlemaa In the late campaign h? commanded a company
pf artillery, and having dutmguiahed hlnuelf on every |
j which was duly accorded to him by all, he ?ai at one*,
oa hla arrival at thla capital, promoted to bta preeent
poeitlon of the command of a battaliou.
Msjor Me Lane having enjoyed the advantage* of a hue
dunation, and being much devoted to hteprofession. Is
destined to rise to an enviable position either in the ,
naval or military hietory of his country. Ha was also, as ,
before stated, associated with Major Heading and Col
Itoaaell. on the com mission for negotiating a treaty of |
peace with the ,t aJlfornians. and proved himself well
t killed in diplomacy . . , , . ,
apt Richard T Jacobs, son of Mr Joho J Jacobs, qT
Louisville. Kentucky, commanded a company of Indiana
in the late campaign, and proved himself a gentleman
and an officer of sterling merit. . .. .
>!?jor Reading. Paymaster, Major Snyder, Quartermaster.
Adjt Talbot, c spts. l^rd and Swift and Lieute.
Uuii^ueiUij. i iucUay, Lokar^and. H Raon-tha latter also
of the navy?areafl ofllcsrs of great merit, particularly
suited to the Stations they bold, aud enjoy the high
esteem and confidence of their comrades.
Cast, but by no m-ans least, the Regiment was delighted
by the re-union to It of the celebrated Kit Carson,
whose fame Is too well and widely known to require eulogy
or notico here, lie goes home in a ahort time, as bearer
of <J< spat< bes.
An incident occurred in the progress of the war so '
demonstrative of unusual daring, that I do not feel uiy...n
>,..rmlire<l to nass it hv uunoticed.
A'fjl. Talbot, a young gentleman of about twenty-one
ycaiH of age. wai< loft iu ehaige of ten other pcrnous at
banta Barbara, when they were attacked I y a large
California force. which tlioy manfully re| elied. and
dually luide good their retreat, after hundred* of utile*
of trav ling, and sullerlug, to Monterey, where they
joiucd Col Fremont.
Among the young gentlemen of Mr. Talbot's party
who distinguished themselves for coolness and courage
on tbi* trying occasion, was F.ugoue Kuweit, eon of Col.
Kuweit. of Missouri, now tlocrotary of the Territory of
The foregoing is a brief and eery imperfect sketch of
Col. Fremont's march from the north to the city of Angels,
where we leave him, comfortably seated in the gubernatorial
chair, laboring and apparently as anxious to
conciliate the people, by the prudence and justnees of
his measures, as he was to conquer them, when they opposed
him in the field.
Major Lee, with one company of the 7th and two of
tlie loth Infantry, embarked yesterday under orders for
Veru Cruz
Colonel Andrew's Voitigeurs. with Captain Blair's
company, and a detachment of the name regiment, and
one coiupauy of llragouns. embark to-day for the Brazos
New (Ji Uans Delia, I9>A imt.
Captain Walker and hi* company arrived at Vera
Cruz on the 10th instant. His men were all In fine spirit*
and the horses wi re landed in better oondition thau
those of any other corps.?N. O. Picayune, 19th init
LlOn Wednesday, ;tbu mortal remains of one of the
ero< s of Monterey were borne te their final resting
|.iaru uy iu? utibii rt'ncium nenurve?vr m uuw, ui
faplaiu McMuuus' Company, after huviug distinguished
himself before Mouterey. returned with a shuttered constitution
to die amongst his friends. On Tuesday night
he breathed his lust, it was Low who saved his gallant
captain's life at Alonterey, when in the melei. he discovering
a Mexican about iifty yards distant taking deliberate
aim at him, stepped forward, and with his unerring
rifle rolled him in the dust. Captain McManus,
who is here on furlough onaooount of siokness. witnessed
the interment of his companion Jin arms, and shed a
soldier's tear over the grave of his deliverer. Peace to
his ashes!?Jackson (Mm.) Southron, 14(A in$t,
Major Twiggs. Lieutenant D.J. Sutherland, and Lieut.
Welsh, of the U. S. Marine Corps, left this city yesterday
for Kort Hamilton, Mew York, which has been selected
as the general rendezvous of the murine force ordered
to take part In land service in the war with Mesi- {
co. The whole force will sail in a few days from Kort
Hamilton, direct to the Gulf of Mexico, and will be 1
landed at the most eligible point, so as to secure the ,
earliest communication with Geueral Scott, under
whose orders it is to act, as also are a considerable body 1
of sailors to be drawn lYotn the squadron. These officers j
were accompanied by George Decatur Twiggs, Esq., a
young gentleman, who, it Is believed, will be attached to '
the stutf of General Twiggs ?U. S. Gazette, 27th init. )
The schooner John Y. Mason, built for the coast survey,
was to be launched at Washington on Wednesday
Hperlliig Intelligence.
Tbottino at thi: Union Coubie, L. I.?The perform- ,
unces at the Union, yesterday, were well worth witness- 1
ing. Three very excellent horses contended for a purse
of $100, mile heats, best three in Ave, in harness,viz:?
Tom Benton, driven by Geo. Spicer; Sarah Winch, In '
churge of Hiram Woodruff; and Young Dutchman, un- ,
der the superintendence of Wm. Whclun?the three in- i
dividuals named being universally acknowledged "stars'*
in their profe-sion. So closely were the nugs matched,
that the linauciers, at a loss to find the favorite, gathered i
in groups and drew for choice, previous to opening their
accounts, after which a lively business was transacted.
The condition of the horses was very line, giving evidence
of great care and industry on the part of their
trainers. Tom Benton won the pole, Borah Winch the
second position, placing Dutchman outside, which is the
better part of the track. All being in readiness, tho
trot began.
First Ileal.?The trio came to the score as evenly as
possible, and the start was given. As they made the
iuru, .-sui'uu which iook me Haj, uuicuman ciose up,
Beutou a length behind. winch situation Mr. Spicer appeared
to prefer. Id this way they panned the quarter
pole iu 42 seconds. Saruh Winch soon after broke, and
at the same moment Dutchman wan eeen Hying, which
allowed Denton to clone up with them, aud at the half
they were all in a row. They were 1:33>? in reaching
thin place. Ueulou then broke' up. and fell oif a couple
of lengths before he became Bleady. the mare and
Dutchman keeping their heads together. A*s they ap
preached the turn to the stretch, Sarah broke, throwing
Deutou up, he being under u full headway at the
time, and cloHing very rapidly with the othcis. But
when the mare broke, she was iuiuiudlately in front of
biui, aud he could not draw out. This accideut to Deulon
gave the heat to Dutchman, for Denton wax thrown
back at tbe time about three lengths Still ho came bo
well up the xtretch, that Dutchman only boat him a
neek. Sarah W inch wax about two ieugthi in the
rear. Time, 3:43.
Second He. it.?Dutchmau took the lead on leaving the
xcore. and held it to the quarter pule, the maro two
lungths behind, quite unxteady, with Benton still further
inthereiir.be laving broken up at the turn. Time
43), seconds On the back stretch, Denton began to
gaingrudually ou the others, aud before reaching the
hall, he had overtaken uu (1 passed the mare, and was
weU up with Dutchman. TJicy made the half mile in
1 33. Kroin there to the turn, they wore nil together,
where Sarah broke and fell b.sek; up the stretch tie raee
was very close between Benton and Dutchmau. but at
the drawgate, Dutchman brol.e and Denton led to the
score two lengths iu front in 3.44. Sarah Winch was
held up at the distance staud^and walked in.
Third Ih ai.?Dutchmau aguiii took the lead, Dsntou
close up, Surah two lengths behind at the turn. Approaching
the quarter pole. Denton threw his shoe off
broke up. aud fell back. Uul'.chmau leading, passed that
place in 4.') seconds. Sarah cltoscd the gap between her
aud Dutchman, before he reached the half. (1:33;) but
as she touk hii* Mile, they both, broke. Denton, notwithstanding
hie barefoot condilioai, wax not williug to give
up tile context; lie dashed afbtr I he others, and came up
with them ax they turned on the home stretch, and
stuck to them, head to head. to the drewgate, where he
again broke, leaviug the game to be settled between
Dutchman and Sarah, which was us close as it was possible
to make it, Dutchman Inuring but a neck the lead
us they crossed the score. Tiime, Charges of
foul driving were made to the judges by Woodruif against
VVhelun, which being investigated, the heat was given
to Sarah IV inch.
Fourth Hi at.?They gotolT in a very even manner, and
wi-nt lluely round the turn, where Bcu.'.ou began to draw
out ulieud of the otbeis At the ijuurl vr, (4d seconds.)
be was two lengths in advance of Dutchman and Sarah,
who were side uud side, lie continued To hold his advantage,
and passed the hull' mile pole in 1 '41. the two
others keeping us they were. 'The two in tTie real* then
broke up slightly, but soon recovered, losing I (Tile ground.
Benton kept on sieudily round the bottom of the track
and up tlie stretch to the the score, which he rvached in
*4 44, beating the others two lengths, uotwitlislanding
the skilful exertions of Woodruif and U'htluu to .overtake
Fifth Htat.?The horses came up for this he.tt very
finely, each toeing the mark as the word was give U, and
they went rouud the turn and up loaard* the qutarler
pole iu the same style; but as they passed the pole, t Wall
was a little in front of Benton, Dutchman liie moi.lent
before having fallen oil' a length, occasioned by a 111 ght
break. Time, 41 seconds. Then it whs u side and s. (le
race between Uenloti and the mare to the half mile polu,
the distance being performed in 1:21; Dutchman fellowiug
on behind. t-roui this place to the turn the Strug
Hii' i? uie icau between Surah and Benton was very ex- I
citiug (ioin^ round to tin- stretch, Benton broke, and *
Sarah shot ahead; but Benton win bent ou having tho
heat lie ({Ulckly recovered. and before Uulchiuan oauie (
up with bun. he put out after the inure. cuugbt up with
her. and tinully succeeded in beating her by a neck in 1
i:44; Dutchman a length or so behind.
CartTow Coi'H?k, Bai.t imokk?Srsiso mcktina?Sr.cosn
Liar.?Tile race for the proprietor's purse of '
two mile beats, was very well contested, hour horses (
started?Mr. Millan's chesnut colt by Trustee; Mr Wal- i
den's bay mare Helen; Colonel Green's brown marc, by
Priam; and Mr. Hare's greyjllley Bostona The purse I
was won by Mr. Hare's Bostona, taking the first and ,
third heats in 3:01)4 and 3.3. The sport Is said to have
been very animated. To-day a fine race comes off
Jockxr Ct-rn Hacks?St. Loin Couksc.?Fifth Day.
?Sweepstakes for three year old colts?mile heats, %-lb
entrance?}'2!> added by the proprietors
P Shroyer's s c Allen Wright, by Kevoillo,
out of Jerry Lannaster's dam, 3 years old, 3 11
R \V Hobblna's. c. Uragaura, by Masaniello,
dain by Waxy, .'1 years old 1 3 dis. i
V. C. Caswell's R. c. Jerry Martin, by Class
leader, dam hy luip. Autocrat, 3 years old, dis. I
? St. Louii Reveille, 1AM init.
Political and Pcmonal.
Mr. Webster, fur the lust two or three days, has been
convalescent, and will, in all probability, in a few dnys
be restored to his usual good health and strength. We I
learn that lie attended divine worship at the I'resbyto- j
rian church in the forenoon of yesterday.?Jiugutta, j
litu. Chronicle, U lth init. r
We havo received a telegraphic communication from i
New York, dated 'J o'clock, announcing the gratify lug
fact that Ambrose L>. Jordan has reconsidered his declension.
and consent* to accept the nomination of
Judge of the < ourt of Appeals ?Jllbanij Journal, IVednehtmy.
About seven hundred persons assembled at Waynes- 1
borough on Friday last, for the purpose of paying their !
res|M'cts to Mr. Webster, whom they expected would !
pass through the place, on his way to Sarannalx. on that
day lleinre separating, the friends of Mr. W. resolved
themselves into a political meeting, an4 passed resolutions
favorable to Mr. Clay and lien. Taylor.
Hew York, Friday, May W, 184V.
Views of the
The Weekly Herald will be ready to-morrow
at 9 o'clock. The following is n summary of part
of what it will contain :?
Thomas II- Benton's speech at St. Louis, Mo.;
several highly interesting letters from Mr.
Bennett, who is now in Europe ; the latest news
from the army and navy ; list of the judicial
nominations ns far as heard from ; Mexican account
of the buttle of Cerro Gordo ; full account
of the trial trip of the new ocean steamship
Washington, with u complete description ofth .t
beautiful vessel; European and Washington correspondence,
and our usual digest of comnierciul,
financial, political and general intelligence.
It will contain two beautiful engravings?one
a faithful representation ot the iiiuiu I'laza, in
the city of Mexico, with a full view of the Hulls
of the Montezuinus; und the other of the new
steamship Washington.
Single copies 64 cents euch.
Our Relation* with Mexlco_Vlew of the Halls
of the Montezuma*.
We are informed by the latest accounts we
have received, that Gen. Scott, at the head of the
ariny under his command, is pursuing his way to
the city of Mexico, and that the inhabitants of
that place were moving away as rapidly as possible,
fearing the assault of our treops. By this time
the American army is, no doubt, in possession of
the capital; and the next arrival from there at New
Orleans will, probably convey to us intelligence,
by which we can form nn opinion as to the duration
of the war. Mr. Trist has, no doubt, too,
opened his mission, and ugain held forth the
olive branch.
We shall soon learn whether the cupture of
the capital will have the effect to make the
Mexicans more willing to agree to a peace
than they were on former occasions.
It may be interesting at the present, when so
many of our countrymen areprobubly in the capi
tul of the Aztecs, to give a short account of it for
the benefit of their friends at home. It is situated
it the bottom of a valley containing sixteen hundred
square miles, in the State of the same name,
ind surrounded by mountains varying in altitude
From three to ten thousand feet. The city itself
is 7400 feet above the level of tjie sea, distant
from Vera Cruz 252 miles, and 300 from Tampico,
and from Washington 2750 miles.
We take the following description of this city
from Williams' UnioersatOaseleer :?
The present city occupies only part of the site of the
ancient Mexican city of Tenochtitlan. whioh was founded,
according to the traditions of the natives, in 1831,
or two centuries before its conquest by Cortes. The
location is near the Lake Tescuco, the waters of which,
with the other lakes iu the vicinity, have been on the
decrease for several centuries. "Mexico is undoubtedly."
says Humboldt, " one of the finest cities ever built
by Europeans In eltncr nemispnere. wun ine exception
of I'ctersburgh, Berlin, Philadelphia, and Wostminiter,
there does not exist a city of the same extent
which can be compared to the capital of New Spain for
the uniform level of the ground on which it staudl, for
the regularity and breadth of the streets, and the extent
of the public place*. The architecture in generally of a
very fine style, and there are even edifice* of a very
beautiful structure. Two porta of hewn stone give to
the Mexican building* an air of solidity, and sometime*
of magnificence. The balustrade* and gates are all of
Biscay irou. ornamented with bronze; and the houses
instead of roofs, have terraces, like those of Italy and
other southern countries."
Many of tho streets are nearly two miles In length,
perfectly level and straight, with the ends terminating
in a view of the mountains that surround the valley.
The houses are in general of uniform height, most of
them haviug three stories, each from 16 to 30 feet high.
The fronts of most of the houses are painted in different
colors, viz: white, crimson, brown, or light green,
and retain their beauty for many years, owing to the
dryness of the atmosphere. The city is built in the
form of a square, of about four miles oa a side. The
Plaza Major is one of the finest square* to be seen in
auy city in the world. The east side is occupied by the
cathedral, a magnificent building: the north by a splendid
palace, formerly occupied by the viceroys; the south
by a fine row of houses, in the centre of which is a paInce,
culled the Caia dr.I Ktlada, built on the site of the
palace of the Montezumas: and on the west is a range of
shops, public offices, granaries. &.C., with piazzas in front.
Near the suburbs, to the north, Is tho Alameda, or great
The botanical garden Is small, but rich in rare and
interesting productions. It is handsomely laid out in
the Spanish fashion, with flagged walks, bordered with
elegant large pots of flowers In the centre is a large
stone basin, supplied by a fountain with water.
The public buildings are very numerous. A late traveller
counted 106 cupolas, spires and domes, within the
city, and there arc 66 churches, besides the cathedral,
| 38 convents, namely:?23 of moDks and is of nuns. Tb?
Franciscan convent is n large establishment, with &u
income of about $00 000, arising principally from alms.
I The hospital is well support) d. and the mint is tho most
extensive establishment of the kind lu the world. The
university, founded in 1661, and the public library, are
worthy or notice, as well as the academy of painting
and sculpture.
The dwelling houses of the citizens, although many
of thorn are elegant, lofzy, and spacions, are
not as well furnished as those of cities in the
United States. The city is supplied with watei
bv uoueducts : and tho canal of t'hulco, which ex
tends Irom the hike of that name to the city, niTnrdi an
avenue for conveying in canoes, the produce of the sur
rounding country, and the fruits, flowers, nod vegetables
raised iu the beautiful gardens in the vicinity, to market.
The remains of the celebrated floating gardens,
called Chiatnpas, are near the lakes, uud are now stationary,
surrounded by a broad ditch.
Mexico was formerly subject to inundation* from the
lakes, to prevent which, a drain has been cut through s
gap in the mountains. I'2 miles long and 300 feet wide, nt
great expense. The climate is bland, and the atmosphere
pure and healthy. There are many pleasant rldei
out of the city; among others, that to the village ol
'i'aoubaya. four miles distant.
This city enjoys an extensive commerce, which is car
ried on through the ports of Acapulco, on the Pacific
uud Vera Cruz. Alvurado. uud Tampioo, on the Atlantic
Ocean. Merchandise is transported on mules from these
seaports; and coinpuuies of traders with the goods geneially
go armed to protect tnemselves front robbers, who
occasionally frequent the roads to the capital.
The people are much addicted to pleasure and gambling
The ladies, when they are seen in the street*, art
dressed iu blHck, except on holydays and other public
occasions, when their dresses are gny. They generally
are iu enrriHges when they appear in public, aud but
seldom on horseback. The dress of the higher classes
of the men is similar to those of Spain. Long cloaks
are worn in the streets, aud light jackets in the houses.
American. Knglish and French manufactures of cotton
and wool and German linens, are much worn. Knglish
earl hen ware, beer and porter, are also iu great request.
Some breweries have, however, been established iu the
city Beggars, called Irptrot, similar to the latzuroni
of Naples, are very numerous in this city ;
tbey are said to amount to 20,000. The ancient
city of Mexico, or Teuoehtitlan. wus taken by Cortez.
in 1621. after a siege of 76 days, when a great
slaughter of Inhabitants took place. The nouses were
rated to the grouud, and the preseut city built on the
ruins. Lat. 19 26 N, Ion 103 46 W.
Conspicuous among the beauty and magnificence
of the city of Mexico is the Main Plaza,
of which wc give a beautiful illustration in this
iay's paper. This represents the Plaza as it api
eared in 1833. It covers an area of twelve tic re a
i.iTcJ with marble, forming one of fhc most
> intit'ul promenades in the world. On every
side of this great square, it will be perceived,
magnificent nnd costly public buildings nre
situaJed. On one side is seen the spacious
cathedral, which extends the whole length of
the square, and the Government Palace extends
'he whole length of another side. The cathedral
is elected on the site of the great idol temple of
the Aztec*, nnd the Government Palace on the
ground ol tt.'c palace of the great Montezuma.
1 he amount of wealth in the cathedral is
incredible. Th*' altnr is covered with plates
of massive silver, and beautified with or
mnirnts of massive ?old. The balustrade
enclosing the altar extends a length of
one hundred feet, and is made of a massive
composition of gold, silver and copper, the value
of which ts exceedingly great. Statues, vases,
mnd candlesticks, of gigantic size, nre scattered
through the building; and when we know that
Uie*e, too, are made from the precious metals,
we /'an form an idea of the immense wealth of
There are about eighty churches in addition
to the cathedral, richly ornamented with
[old, silver and precious stones, and it is
I apposed that the wealth which is exhibited in
this masses wthisgsnths i, !!! ii imi?mi 1
thai are kept iu conceal meat by the priests.
The city of Mexico can also boast of a splendid
theatre, or opera house, which was erected at an
immense cost, end is capable of seating ten
thousand persons comfortably.
On the western side of the city is another
square of forty-five acres, with a fountain ill the
centre. It is laid out into pleasant walks, und
much frequented iu the evening as a prouie- |
The ctty of Mexico, like the city of New York, j
has its fashionable drive?its Third Avenue, i
We must, however, acknowledge that our
Third Avenue cannot be compared to it for beauty
and extent. Some idea of its extent may be j
fnrmpil fr?nn the fact that it is one mile wide, on
which the most splendid carriages, 111 innumerable
numbers, may be seen every evening. It is
not unusual to see seven or eight thousand horse- |
men and two thousand carriages on it ..t the
same time.
jl This Ua fuint description of the cify of Mexico,
now, probubly, in possession of ti.e Arnerican
troops. When we reflect on it? beauty
and magnificence, we are not at ull surprised
that the enemy preferred to allow
our army to occupy it without making any
resistance, for if it were bombarded in the
same way as Vera Cruz was, the damage could
never be remedied. We ure as much surprised,
however, when we consider the wealth of the
churchea, that the prieathood who have a controlling
influence on the public mind of that
country, would have allowed our army to march
into it?that they did not direct their influence
towards peace.
But so it is. Mexico, the capital of the republic,
is probably now in our hands, and will
remain in our possession till peace shall have been
Arrival of Lieut. Hunter from Alvarado.
We learn that the " Hero of Alvarado" arrived
in town laat evening, and ia now at the Americ
in Hotel. The gallant officer came as far us
Norfolk in the U. S. ship Ohio, and thence by
the overland route to this city. On his arrival
here last evening, he was met with such a welcome
as he will not soon forget. As soon as it
was announced that Lieut. Hunter was in the
house, the greatest commotion prevailed throughout
the whole American. The reception roomB
were thrown open, and the ladies hastened to
show how well bravery and beauty coincide.
While yet he was enjoying the agreeable sur
prise 01 sucn a reception, tne gallant sailor s ears
were addressed with three times three as hearty
cheers as were necessary to do his heart good.
Nothing could exceed the enthusiasm which prevailed;
cheer after cheer followed the regular
round, and all seemed desirous to be foremost
in expressing their admiration of bravery by thus
showing respect to its embodiment.
Intercourse with the Pacific.?Mr. Asa
Whitney's project of constructing a railroad to
the Pacific, receives the approval of all who become
informed of it. A few days since, the
Connecticut Legislature passed a resolution recommending
it in a very flattering manner, and
requesting the Senators and Representatives of
that State in Congress to give his plan their
prompt attention and support.
Whether Mr. Whitney's plan, or that proposed
by Mr. Wilkes, or the new project of cutting a
railroad or canal through the isthmus of Tehuantepec,
will be udopted, no one can tell; but it
is certain that many years will not elapse before
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are united.
The increase of civilization and commerce demands
something of the kind.
Later from Venezuela.?By private accounts
from Caraccas to the 4th instant, we learn that
the fate of Guzman, who, it will be recollected,
had been condemned to death for attempts at creating
political disturbances, was still unsettled.
Ilis friends had appealed to the Supreme Court
for a reversal of his sentence. That court, however,
had, it was supposed, decided against him,
liio f.> tniln wli/i ova waoltlur an/1 raanantahlf*
auu Hio ?.ljr t..? cwv. "'""-"1
were using all their endeavors to obtain a reprieve
or a pardop.
Riot and Fire at Long Island Farms.?The
buildings at Long Island Furms having been
rented by the Emigrant Commissioners as a hospital
for the sick under their charge, the inhabitants
living in the vicinity of Newtown, L. I., be- .
came alarmed at the danger of infection thut
might result from such a use of the buildings,
' and so called a meeting, at which it was determined
to take immediate steps to prevent the occupancy
of them for such purpose. The end of
all was, that the three buildings rented by the
commissioners were set lire to und burned to the
ground. A fourth building, not rented by the
commissioners, remained safe and unscathed.
It is said there were some fifty or sixty persons
in the mob who destroyed these buildings.
P. S.?A gentleman from Newtown informs us
, that the meeting alluded to was called as a meeting
of the board of health, but as there was not
a majority of the board present, a resolution was
passed authorising officer John L. Boyd to pro,
ceed to the premises, accompanied by twentyorwl
Inn,!,,,,, ?f |).?
IIIC >uiuuir.Mr, W.U *
, intended oerupantn; but before the arrival of the
r ollicer the buildingn hud been fired by Home persons
to him entirely unknown.
i From Hayti.? We are informed by Captain
' Putnam, who arrived last night from Port au
i Prince, thut a revolution hud taken place at Cape
Nicola Mole. The President, with troops, had
i Left for the Cape in a steamer, but returned previous
to the suiting of Captain 1'.
Italian OrsRA.?Slgnora Pico's benefit takes plaoe at
Paloio's to-night, and we are tohave"L'Elislr D'Amore."
with Pico aa Adina; Beuedettl, as Nemorino; fieneventano.
as Belcore, and Sanquirioo as Dulcamara. Added
to the opera is the extra entertainment of a dance.?
Mile. Dimit-r, between tbe acts, will dancs"La Manola."
and ii pophlar dance. 'I In re can be no exception)) taken
to tbi* scheme of promised amusement; but aside from
tbe bill. BIgnora Pico's personal merits claim, and we
barn no doubt, will receive, substantial evidences of regard'
We love to bear Pico sing, we hope she will have
the very greatest reason to sing out right charmingly tonight.
Sociktv Library.?This evening Mr. Lover gives hie
last exhibition, in a new entertainment called the
" Sprigs of Shllela." He will give the metrical recitation
of " The Irish Fisherman," and. by general reauest, be
will repeat the beautiful and patriotic composition on
the gallant Major Kinggold and Sergeant Kelly. Those
whohava not heard Mr. L. had better attend, and be delighted
in listening to true delineation of character,
genuine wit, beantTful poetry, and exquisite singing and
musical accompaniment.
Chbistv's MissTar.Ls.-AU we can say is that these
inimitable performers eontlnu# at Mechanics' HaU; the
fact being known Is sufficient to ensure an overflowing
house, which has been the result of tholr concerts every
fair evening for nearly four months past. Their suceess
is truly astonishing.
V At'in all.?The proprietor of this rural location has
engaged for Tuesday evening next, the original Ethlo
plan Opera Serenaders. The programme for this evening
contains several fine trio* and songs, which, no
deubt. will draw numbers to the garden. To those who
CIO not W1BU to near tuo cuuvvfw, |m?vu ?
OilTLi Oasdes.?Monk's German krui band continues
nightly to delight the frequenter* of thle theatre of
amuaenient and health. Who can spend liK cents to
more advantage, in the way of pleasure, than within the
walls of thle magnificent building, which commands a
view of as rieh and varied seeuery as any similar establishment
In the world ' The proprietors are gentlemanly
and polite?their refreshment* of wines, Tee creams,
he , are of the best quality, and the attendants orderly
and correct.
Sivori. the great violinist elicited the most enthusins
tic applause the other evening. He was fully felt and
almost as fully appreciated, for we heard persons unueed
to musical moods expressing their delight very eloquently.?St.
Lauit Rrvtillf, l Mr A <n?t.
The locomotive running on the railroad between Ithaca
and Owego, broke through abridge on Katurday last,
near Candor, and killed D. C. Hatch and A. Dickinson,
i who were on It at the time.
Pitx tbi?tii.-Mr. G. Andrews takes a benefit at
the Park to-night, and offers a food bill. The first piece
is the " School of Reform," or " How to Rule a Husband,"
In which Messrs. Andrew*, Barry, Bass. Barrett, Dyott,
and Meodnmee Barry, Abbott, and Hunt, appear. After
which comes an overture by Montfort; the whole to
conclude with a new burlesque entitled " Punch In Mew
Vork." This extravaganaa. which is in two acts, contains
glees, medleys, and a grand negro trial break-down,
with banjo accompaniineut. Ou Saturday evening,
M'Ue Blaogy takes her benefit, and front her well deserved
popularity, we have no doubt that the house wiU
be full We should like right well to hiarofa longer
engagement for M'lle B. at the Park, but other demands
upou uer uiue uuuuuuieuiy require ner 10 wake u -hurl
Hay with us.
fiowssr Thkatbb.?In accordance with tha urgen.
request of the admirers of Mr. Booth, the tragedian, the
manager of the Bowery theatre baa determined upon
having the tragedy of "Macbeth'' form part of the bill
for this evening. In this tragedy Mr. Booth will, of
course, take the part of Macbeth, which Is probably the
beet part in the whole drama adapted to bring forth bin
great powers It is worth a day's travel to see Mr. Booth
in this character. The grand drauia of "Latltte; or, the
Pirate of the Gulf,'' will be perfoiiued after " Macbeth."
We have seen the cast of characters In both of these
pieces, and cau confidently say in advance, that all who
will attend the Bowery tuts evening, will enjoy amusements
greater than they have doue in a long time.
Mn. tap Mxs. Kcan have taken passage in the packet
ship Switzerland, hence for Londou next week. Mrs.
Ki an's indisposition Is the rcuson for their leaving the
country without appearing agaiu upon the boards at the
North. A sea voyage, and a littlo repose, will undoubtedly
restore her. There are good friends awaiting
Mr. and Mrs. K. on the other side of the Atlantic ; and
they have already effected an engagement with the
manager of the Hayiuarket. for twenty nights, at Jt'.iO
Kir night, and with ths manager of the Theatre Hoyal,
anohester, for twelve nights, on the same terms? the
engagements to be fulfilled as soon as the lady's health
will iiitpniif.
Signora Ciocca. oa Saturday and lost evening, attracted
large audience* at the National, who were iiuCressed
to a degree more than usually favorable with
er dancing. Although laboring under the embarra.-*meut
of a first appearance before an audienoe of clraugers,
whose expectations had been raised to the highest
pitch, and having as an assistant a gentleman with
whom she had never previously danced, she succeeded
in giving entire satisfaction, and wlnniug the
most enthusiastic approbation of ail present. If Ciocca
had come to Ameriea, heralded by a London or Parisian
reputation, she would probably ere this have had a
name in this oountry second only to that of Elisler. But,
notwithstanding, she is bound to win her way to a position
among the highest in her profession.?Cincinnati
lltA intt.
Mile Blangy will commence an engagement ut the
Howard Athenaeum, Boston, immediately after the termination
of tho Italian opera season, which will be next
week. The Bostonians have another treat in store.
EpUrapel Convention?Ploceoe of New Jersey,
Pursuant to adjournment, the Convention assembled
at half-past nine o'olock A. M. After morning prayers,
the Bishop oailed the Convention to order; and took occasion
to remark, that he had taken the matter of last
evening's business into consideration, and from his own
judgement, was of the opinion that the constitution
guaranteed the right of the laity, separately to vote in
nominations of the clergy lor lay deputies. lie then proceeded
to take the vote viva-vooe ou Dr. Barry separately
from the other nominations; when
Mr. Duaa arose and said that he agreed with the
Bishop, that no question for a division was neoessary to
determine that.
Dr. Barry was then eleoted.
Dr. Ooilhv was then proposed, when Mr. Daer again
arose to call for a division by parishes, but the bishop decided
that the vote hud passed.
Judge Ducit.?I wish to vote understandlngly. 1 believe
there are gentlemen here who are not canonically
Bishop.?I may as well state at onoe that Dr. Ogilby
is canonically a member of this diocese, though President
of the general Theological Seminary. The general
Theological Seminary is not in any diocese; it is in the
Judge D.?He can't bo eligible if he is a non-resident
Bisiiop.?The constitution lias bcou altered so that it
is not required. Dr. Wilson and Dr.Ogilby aro both eligible
to other dioceses than New York, in which they now
residu. Judge D. was anxious to debute thu question,
but the President insisted that no display could be made
on a question not debatable , that ir two members
culled for a division, he would take the vote by parishes.
Two members siuuilied their wishes for a call bcinir
made. The result was?on Key. Mr. Watson, yeas 13,
nays 7, divided 1.
Whereupon, Hey. J. L. Watson was declared elested
(It will be remembered that this gentleman has recently
settled in this diocese, having left Trinity Church. Boston,
on account of a misunderstanding with llishop
Kastburn, fur maintaining Catholic principles.) It will
be seen that these gentlemen Will have a vote in the next
General Convention, that will be of some importance, ts
affecting the unfortunate state of things now existing in
the diocese of N ew York.
Key. Mr. Siikkiian rose, somewhat excited, to appeal
to the Convention on a point of order, when the Bishop
decided that he could not permit any discussion, us he
deprecated an angry debate or discussions! at all personal.
A motion was made that the constitution be altered so
as to read'' and every presbyter, in canonical connection
witli the diocese, who bus been duly choseu to the rectorship
of any self-supporting parish, and has entered
entered upon Its duties as a settled pastor The
object is to take away privileges from those who are uouresidents.
but who are in connection with this diocese,
(t requires to lay over one year before final action. But
it was a bone tnat one or two could not fail to snap at,
affording a theme of debate.
Kev. Mr. Shesman geeuie 1 anxious that a vote should
be bad. on the question of its reception: but Judge ilucr
was of the opinion that the matter would be bettor understood
by those who/vere not present, when a similar
subject was discussed with some acrimony, that by next
year we could have it digested. Mr. Shcrniuu said, the
geutlemuu's argument went to show, that a man's dinner
might be digested before it was eateu?but Judge,!),
said the geutloman could have breakfast and lunch too
in the meantime!
Rev. Mr. Pi: kt, of Railway, was very eloquent in hid
appeals for sympathy, but wua called to order by the Kev.
Mr Sherman.
Rev Mr. Sherman entered into a discussion of th?
uier.tH of the question, which wus participated in by
several of the clergy and laity, which went to show
that several ministers are doing active duties iu the
parishes, put are not regularly instituted by the Bishop
it was thought, however, to be a subject matter of com
plaint which could be settled between the clergymen
and his parish, on an appeal totho Bishop.
'1 he question being taken by vote, was lost.
Rev. Messrs Hendursou and Finch, and Messrs. Milnei
and Parker, were elected trustees of the offerings of thi
Rev. Mr. Patkhson offered an amendment to sectior
three of the constitution, involving the necessity of ?
church membership necessary to a seat in the a nven
tiou. '1 his subject, alluded to yesterday in my letter
refers to what constituted membership?baptism or com
Hev. Mr. Starr, of Trenton, and also Ilev. Mr. Pent, o
Knhway, spoke to the question, as also Rev. Mr. Hallo
'Mr. IV.f.t explained that the reason of his cliauginp
ms vote from last year, was tlu\fact. that he kuew o
three persons who had been on this door who now weri
avowed Unitarians.
The Bishop opposed the motion on the ground that i'
would drive many persons from the church and frou
baptism, who were contributing to the support of th<
church?that members, he imagined, were apt to mistuki
the convention as beingHho church itself, whereas it ii
but the scaffolding, which, indeed, is necessary, and par'
it may be, of the church itself; yet it is distinct and se
perate from the main building " It Is not a questioi
now, whether conventions are necessary, but we mus
lake litem ss they are, a part of human wisdom for tin
building of the church."
Air. Pattkhso* made some remarks reflectinp
upon the Bishop's " tying the hands of the clergy, am
leaving the laity to act with perfect freedom."
The Bioior denied any such intention, and hopot
gentlemen would be careful in discussing abstract qites
Hons, which would go forth to the world as ' nakec
truths'' on the wings of the daily press, to those whodii
not know that the canons required all oflloers to be main
hers of the church.
The dircussiou was a warm one, but characterised
with respect and courtesy. The vote wbicii was takei
was as follows:?
Clergy?Ayes 3, noes 33. Laity?Ayes 1, noes 31.
Lost, of eourse. and laid on the table for one year, a
Trustees to the (Ieiserai. Theological Skmiisar'
Clergy- Laity.
Ilev. Mr. Henderson, J. W. ( ondit,
Rev. J. A. Williams, .1. 0. Uarthwuite,
Rev. A. Stubbs, K. Smith,
Rev. A. Tenbroeok, D. B. Ogden.
Rev. H. Kinch,
Rev. Wm. Morehouse,
After some preliminary business, the committee ad
journed tine die.
City Intelligence.
Villaptv.?Since tuis paper has been in existence we
have in fulfilment of our duty lis a journalist recorded
many instances of rascality and villany?accounts o
murders, robberies, assassinations, forgeries, and ever;
other crime that could disgrace mankind ; but we neve:
heard of a more deliberate and damnable plot to aeduci
and destroy a beautiful and highly respectable female
than one. that came to our knowledge y steriluy It ap
pears from what wn hare learned, that tho young larty li
question, who is remarkably handsome, la i nq.toyed in i
taucy store in a street leading to Urnadway, where air
haa for a year or two paat fulfilled the dulie* o
her altuation in a satisfactory manner. A ahor
tiuie since a villain, iu tho garb ot a gentleman, milled ii
the store and purchased a few trifling articles of tbi
young lady. He made frequent calls, and purchased
every time. A few days after he culled again and enter
ed into conversation with her -complimented heron be
beauty and aucoinnllabmcnle, and oxpresied hisuet >ul>b.
inent thut she, ?uii was tilted to uiiugl* iu lb" lira
society, and he the admired of all. could content hera< I
In the humble aituatien ahich alio held, lie conclude
by professing au attachment for her, and Inviting her t
his mother s .souse in l\ ooster street 'I he young I dy vc;
properly paid no attention to tiie invitation, ami evinc< i
no desire to listeuto his protestations, wlicreupou helef
the store and did not again make his uppearance I iieie. J
day or two after this occurrence, a female, dressed ill i
fashionable manner, made some trifling purchases in lb
same store, and visited frequently in the sumo uiiimic
as the mau hud done, and. like linn, admired tiie youn;
lady's boauty and accomplishments. She invited lier b
visit her iu Wooster street, and asked lier if she liai
not observed a gentleman whose description answer"'
to that of ths villain who had visited her and talked t
bar, as we have above mentioned. On the young lad.
,?? <
raj wealthy. of good ffcoX'and
character, and had fklten in love with her. The young
lady suspected that all waa not right, and declined tip visit
her pretended patron. The next day, or the day after,
auother woman called on the young lady, and spoke in
much the ivum manner a* the other did. but with th
same result After this second failure, the woman who
had first called on her. sent a message to the young lady
that she wa* extremely 1U, and wished her to call at nrr v
house immediately. Matters had uow reached a point
which justified the young lady iu imparting all that bad
ocenrred to her employer, which sue did without reserve.
This gentleman, whose name we need not mention.
immediately suspected that the whole affair was a
deliberately planned attempt to seduce and ruin the
young lady by the villain who bad ttrst called on her. and
failing in it that he employed these Heads inwomuns shape
to accomplish bis vile purpose. The best course to pursue
he thought would be to visit tbe house in Woostcr
nuvm. wmcu lio ii.ui repruaoaiuauouiiioi.uar n.Kuu
which the two women represented u the residenoe of
her who first called on the young lady, and ascertain it*
character. He did so. and his suspicious were confirmed
The house is a notorious resort of males and females of
had character, where they resort nightly for purposes of
prostitution Not. what can be said of this villain'
this scoundrel, who sought tliegruin of this young lady
Hanging would be too light it death for him The moral
to bo druwn from the title is that young ladies must disregard
the attention of all men. except those who have
been introduced to thein in a proper way. and whose families
and character they ate acquained with.
Whig Judicial Nominations.?The convention met
at their head <|uurtcrs lust evening and made the following
nominations:?Superior Court?.John Duer. William
Curtis Nyes, Hiram Xetchem. Common Pleas?John L.
Mason, K. C. Benedict. Ah-x. W. Bradford The convention
adjourned about 11 o'clock, until this evening,
when they will proceed to ballot for Judges of the Supreme
Court. Alex. W. Bradford and Mr. Closson having
declined their nominations.
Kmc.?Tbo alarm of tire last night, at half-post 11
o'clock, originated Brum a chimney taking fire, which
set Are to the weather boarding of the dwelling house.
No. 71 franklin street, occupied by Mrs. Lord. It was
extinguished witii great promptness by hose cart, No.
'73. aided by the vigilant policeman of the 3th ward. Damage
but trilling.
Inventions?The advertisement of the Inventors'
Institute, which will he found in our columns, would
seem to indicate some unfair play somewhere existing;
and we have heard It hinted that souie very valuable in
ventions arc now in the market on ft peculation. Wo
would caution inventor* to be careful to whom they send
their plana, an there are persons always ready to proiit
by the wit* of others, and no better opportunity Oau be
afforded thein. tliau to havo access to the numeroui
plaiift proposed for the selection of the Institute. Wo
doubt not that Dr. Andrews will feel tho responsibility
of his position as the recipient of tho inventions submitted
to the Institute, and that they will be, as bo lias
promised, strictly confidential; but he eanuot, und ought
not. to be held responsible for the exposure of new inventions.
if they are not sent directly to the Institute.
Boakds or Hkalth and Supehvisohi.?These Boards
meet at the Common Council chamber this afternoon;
the former at three o'clock and tho latter at four.
Ntwi mow Boston.?We wero yester lay indebted to
Munu's New Bedford Express for Boston papers of the
previous evening. Munn's office Is No 16 Wall street.
Police Intelligence.
Mat 37.? Grand Larceny?Officers Watson and Collins,
of the 6th Ward, arrested, lust uigttt, a man by the
name of Stephen Tuttle. on a charge of stealing $110 in
bank bills, belonging to Captain liildreth, of the schooner
Example, plying between this city and Albany. Justice
Osborne committed him in full for trial.
Piompt Jlrrett of a Cunning Thief.?Captain Terry,
r\f fchtt ."ith wuril nnd nfflpor Vfnl^np/lo uvfaai.uA l??f ownn.
ing about 0 o'clock, a cunning thief called James Garriga.ii,
on a charge of stealing from the tailoring store No.
173 William street. a piece of blue cloth valued at $10,
and a new black frock onat worth $18, belouging to John
11. Tierney. It appears that the rascul sutured the
store about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in tli Absence
of Mr. Tierney, and informed the boy who was in attendance.
that he owed his boss $1 60, at the same time
pulled out a note purporting to be a $6 bill on the HudBon
River llank. and asked the boy to go out and get it
exchanged as he wished to leave the $1 60 for Mr. Tierney.
The boy not suspecting any tiling wrong, left the
store for that purpose, but soon ascertained that the bill
was a counterfeit, and hurried buck to the store, when
he found the store alone, and the above property missing.
Information was at once given to the above expert
and vigilant officers, and iu less than two hours the rascal
was caught and locked up in tbo Station House, and
fully identified by the boy as the fellow who gave him
the humbug bill to exchauge, evidently w th intent to
rob tbo store.
Caught at Last.?Officer Holland arrested yesterday a
fellow called Patrick W. Whelan, who Is one of those
emigrant runners, on a charge of swindling a poor Irish
woman by the name of Mkria Smith out of three sovereigns,
under the following circumstancesIt appears
that Maria went into .in office. No. 100 South street, for
the purpose of purchasing a ticket for her passage to Dublin,
and while in this office she met with Whelan, who
undertook to transact her business by selling her a ticket
or certificate for thu three sovereigns, which ticket he
said would unsure her passage to old Dublin. She paid
liiin thu money and left the office, but she had not proceeded
far when she was overtaken by Whelan, who said
to her, let me see that ticket again, upon which Maria
handed it over, und Wheelan utter lookiug at it for a moment,
pretended to hand it buck again, instead of which
he gave her a printed card, to wit:?' Golden Fleece. No.
132 Liberty street, kept by Jo. Sykes. Good accommodations
for permanent and transient boarders."' This
card tlm girl exhibited to several of bur friends, who at
once told her that it required a different certificate to
carry her ncross the Atlantic. Consequently, upon their
advice, she applied for redress to one of our worthy
magistrates, Juslicu Osborne, who at once is.-ued a war.
I rant for the arrest of Whelan. and In default of $600
| bail he was locked up in the Tombs.
Disorderly Houses.?Constable Barber, of the lith
ward. arruslcu yesterday, ou u warrsnl issued Oy Justice
Vsborne, Ann Nelson.ou a charge of keeping a disorderly
house and common resort fur prostitutes of the lowest
grade, at N<T. 30 Kim street; also, a un man called itachel
Thome, for kecpiug a house of a similar description at
No. 168 Meutre street. The magistrate held them both
to buil to answer.
Caught in the act.?Officers Joyce and Donnelly ofthe
'Id Ward, arrested last night two bluck fellows oullcd
Spencer Vnucleef and Henry Augustus, whom the officers
caught in the act of stealing a keg of while lead from the
store No. 173 Water street, while the scavengers were
passing through the store emptying the sink. Justice
Osborne' locked them up for trial.
VJttrm/d to Steal.?Officer I'artridge, of the 4th ward,
i arrested last night a man by the name of Teddy Tweele,
on a charge of attempting to steal a foretopsail. beloug!
ing to the brig Virole. lying at the foot of Dover street.
Locked up for trial.
Petit Larceny.?Mary Wood was arrested yesterday
| by officer Sands, of the 9th ward, on a charge of stealing
a pair of spectacles and a gold breast pin. belonging
to Jacob L. Phillips, residing at No. 398 Hudson street.
t Committed for trial by Justice Merritt.
L>aw Intelligence.
In Chancery, May 27th. before the Vice Chancellor.
, ?In Re Mary R. Uurke and Catherine R. Hurke, Minurs.?This
case came before his honor on exceptions
, to a master's report. It appeared that the minors, who
t are aged, one thirteen and the other eleven years, are
entitled each to a sum of $30,000, under the will of their
grandfather, the late .James J. ltosevelt, wnich is vested
I in real estate in various parts of the city. On the 12th
of February. lh44, their mother died. On the 30th of
f May following, Mr Michael Uurke, their father, waa appointed
guardian of their persons and fortunes, and in
| the uioii lb of June, in the same year, the master reportI
ail Ihut a mi ill nf C< /.Oil uiiinl.l I... . ?? un.1 .i.m tn
j- tie allowed their father tor their maintenance and educa
L, . tlon.liaving due regard to their rank in society and th. Ir
future prospects in life. Mr. Burke, undertaking tomaL
. nagu their property without any compensation, the re,
port was duly contiruicd. and an order entered on the
, vOthof tune, entitling him to retain that sum out of the
, rents and profits of their estate. Home short time since
A Mr. Corns O. Kosevelt, the maternal uncle of said luit
nors. became disaulUlied with the allowance made for
1 their support and education, preferred a petition to the
J ! Vice Chancellor. alleging thut Mr. Burke was of suffli
i civut ability to maintain his daughters, and praying
, that thu order of the 1st of May. ltt-M, might be varied,
and the order of tiOtli June set uside?whereupou an order
was granted referring it to the master to report on
I the allegations and statements contained in the petition.
lu pursuance of said order, the master mad'- his
I report, by which he Cut down the allowance to I jl)0 a
: year I'o tills report au exception was taken,
I on the ground that the school bill alone of the
I I children, amounte to the sum of $1500, exclusive of
n ils for clothint. medicine, Sic. The case came on tins
! morning, when Mr, Kiiox was henrd for Mr. Rosevelt,
I ! nod Messrs. K.Saniifsrd and O'Conor were heard in reply
, | The latter gentlemen took the ground, that a Master
was bound to look beyond the mere savings of a minor's
! estate; he was humid to take into consideration the
t amount of their fortuue. in connection with their future
advancement in lit! ; that is, he wa- bouud to allow their
f guardian such a sum as would not only enable him to
give ihem a suitable education, but to provide them with
a suitable residence mi ring their vacation, and to introduce
tin in iuto respectable society III short, to rouble
hiui to lake advantage of every circumstance, to for in
their maimers, and til Ihcui for the rank and station in
society winch their fortunes entitled them hereafter in
till; lbs. lliey contended, was the rule laid down by Lord
Kldon. and followed by bis successors iu office Decision
John Sir ward vi. J" An H'inhr and John B. Saym ?
This was a motion to dissolve au injunction. 1 he defendants.
previous to ,1st May, Ittt/, leased from complainant
the store No. lb William street, for the term of
j two years from the 1st of May, 1817 The lease contain.
ed a covenant, ou thu part of the defendants, that they
would carry ou the regular dry goods jobbing busiuess,
^ and no other kind of business. The defendants entered
r into possession, and eoinmeuced to carry on their Wusiu<
sh iu the store, making their sales principally by pub'
lie auction This in ode of doiug business the plaiulilT
' deemed to be a violation of the covenant, nnd tiled his
^ b.U lor an it Junction, to restruin tho defendants from
selling in that way, alleging that they collected
r a crswd. and made a great noise, which amount(
ed to a nuisance In tho neighborhood, and that,
( in consequence, defendant's property wns deteriorated
n iu vulue. t he defendant's counsel'moved to dissolve
thu injunction this morning, and insisted that the covenant
wns not either directly or indirectly violated.?
*. There wns no business carried on but the drv emails lab
1 long bindiieea, and. at unixl, the plaiutifl could only couij"
plain of the inoilo iu which it wn> carried on, but, unI
fortunately for him the covenant (lid not preacriite the
I mode ,n which it waa to fan conductnd ; and, eccondly,
j, thi re w? re halt u dozen other bourne in the name at reel,
; and witliin In in inn, iu which the mine buHincxH wiia
I carried on. and in the antnu manner ; and thirdly,
t where u party Ilea hi* remedy at law. a Court of equity
^ will unt nit, rt> re to relieve huu tjirepl iu a care of
u wwete : here tin re ia no preteuaiou of waatc. Declnion
r j rn.ierved.
r ('oMMoa Fnta*, May'J?*?Before Judge Ulxhoeffer ?
t E'iphilr.t llrnwne, Jr., vt. Raymond?Tli la waa
ii an action for work and laborr The plaintiff I* a lithol
grapluet. and defendant ia owner of a menagerie. The
1 latter procured a drawing of the Capitol at Waahington,
it together with hla ear, and aent it to plaintiff to be lithoy
graphed, and paid him >b0. The plaintiff demanded