Newspaper Page Text
.. ... i_. .1 ... JL "LI g $100 In addition. ?Moh tha defendant refuted to pay Plaintiff proved ky Mr.-iinffiso that the lithograph produced in rourt *11 worth. sxclusivc of the Hat*, which v r t ui'm work. $174. The defendant provad th at tha pi tinlilf utrantad to do tha wholo work for $90, which he paid him Vordict for plaintiff $40. Covet Cai.E.enaa.? Common Pleas. drat part, 37, 40. 67, t?l. Second part. ttO til. Bt. 60, fit), 00. 00, 93, 94, 393 The Annual Dinner of the I'nitarian Clergy and their friends took place veotorday at thu iiall in llayniarket ?litare, which was:nearly tilled at an early hour. Kourteon table* were laid, at the head of each of which aat oue of tha member a of the committee. We ahouid think there were from twelve to fourteen hundred persona in the Hall.?Urn ton. Idvertiser. M ih iuit. Gold Peint_The cheat peat In the city?Every style of Gold i'eu that cau lie wanted ins* be found in the Gold Pen Depot of J. W. GBEATON It CO., 71 Cedsr it., (up stairs:) aud at prices lower than they are a >ld auyw here ?l?a. Such Prus as otin-ra advertise for $1 M and $2, Greutou It Co. tell for $1 34 and $174. Kroin their large assortment the Must difficult to please may be suited at a discount, either wholesale or retail, at from It) to 24 per ceo. from outers t rices. A'so, Levi Brown's premium rent the genuine are UCTI urunil, A u. low. Dtswareui vouuirriciw. Diamond Pointed Uold Pcne?Orcat llelutti'w.?If theie be any who d< ulil the' J.Y. SAVAGE. 92 Kultoil el. *. lis good (i 'id Prim a' the lowe ? prices iu ihr cur. I" t.itrrn t??< k ai the following price* ami judge for thein*el>? *:? Ileal Di imnntl P.iiiilt'd O dd Pens, Silver pencils included, at t ! f .me ly $1 3?; those $1 JO, s 11 elsewhere at $2; Hud for V- we sell re good a Pen and aa durable. as those sold elsewliereat$l Call and ?ee. I lair Catling audWlg Making?Clllicna and strangers visiting ilie city me generally anxious to have their haircut and dre.aed ?o at to conform ti ilie latest laaliion. Gilbert U Fletcher, being lo 'g experienced iu the above art, cut li.iir, manufacture wigs. kr , in (lie latest and moat approved s vie. Give them a trial?179 Broadway, opposite the Howard Hotel, upstair* How Important?For the removal and permanent cure of bilioua complaint'., indigestion, habitual costiveuess, piles, d>s|iepsia, chronic rheumatism, cutaneous diseases. scrofula, impuiities of the hlood, pimples and puatulca pu the face, hereditary humors, and ajl diseases aiising from an in judicious use of mercury, ia the conaideratiou of a safe and effectual remedy, and the use of Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters. Sold wholesale nod retail by Wvalt & Ketchum, 121 Kultnn street. At retail, 122 Broadway and 311 iileeclter street, N. Y. Price $1 in large bottles. 21 3teod Travelling Dressing Coses.?The most portable, Mid at the same time the most complete and elegant article yet manufactured, having every reipiisite lor a gentleman's toilet, anil as a travelling couinauinn invaluable. Also, a complete asaortment of articles necessary for the toilet, for sale by n ?j. oAunyLna k ouix. in uroaawav. Fine Cutlery .?The ubacrlbertt' uneortmeut is celebrated fur being the moat varied and extensive in (lie city It embraces all the different styles of Congress; President, Warucliffe, Norfolk, siiorlitiK, pencil and office Knives, of Joseph Itodgers Si Sons', VVosteuholm's, Sic. manufacture, nail filet, hoot hooks, scissors, (kr. O. SAUNUKKS Ik SON, 177 Broadway. a fewjdnnrs from Courtlaudt st. Gentleman's Hat*?summer Style.?lleebe St Cottar, Hatters, No. 16t> Broadway, will introduce on Saturday ueit, 15th instant, their Fashions for Gentlemen's Summer Hats. B liC. will present to the public a new and unique style o! White and Pearl Beaver Castor Hat, uniting beauty and durability with I ightness and comfort to the wearer, finished and trimmed in a new and elegant manner. . Also, Panama and Straw Hats and Caps for dents, Youths and childien. in3ti 7c Leary ?Hi Co.?Summer Hat 1847, of Rocky Mountain Silvery Braver, without mill ore, will he introduced ou Sn'urdar, the 29th inst, and sold for the ensuiuit season at their standard price _ An adr<iuate supply of the raw material obtained under peculiar advantages, and their improvements in manufacture, enable L Si Co. to present to their customers and the public generally, in the above article that which has never before been offered at the price in this or auy other country. 2t Navigation of the Ohio tUver. Placei. Time. State uf River. Wheeling May 19.. . . 4 foot; falling. Loulavillu Me? 4(1 fi feet fall!- . Cincinnati... , . ..May 21.. . . standing. Pittsburg. ....... ..May 31... . 8 feet 'i inches; falling. MOWBY MARKET. Thursday, May ?7_U P. M. The stock market opened very heavy this morning, and prices fell off a fraction at the first board. Farmers' Loan declined X per cent; Canton X; Harlem X; Long Island 1X\ Indiana, Illinois, Reading, and Norwich closed at yesterday's prices. Alabama went up X per cent; U. S. 6's X; and Morris Canal >?. At the second board there was a slight improvement. Reading Bonds advanced X per cent; Harlem 1; Farmers' Loan V; Reading Railroad X on prices current in the morning. Long Island fell off X per cent. The transactions at both boards wore to some extent. It is with the greatest difficulty present prices are sustained. 11 will be observed on reference to the daily sales, that quotations for the same stock will advance one day and fall back the next, and fluctuate in this way from day to day. The Reading Railroad Company have funded the whole of Its floating debt at par, and .the company is tlmrc?for?- wtltlrolw from all Ko ?rr? Kn a the existence of an unfunded debt usually creates.? There are no liabilities of the company fulling due until 1850. and the income of Iho road will not only net enough to meet the payments then, but good dividends can in tho meantime be declared, should the board of directors deem it good policy to make them. Should the receipts of the remaining six months of the fiscal year increase at the rate realized during the past six, the gross Income of the company for the year ending Nov. 30. 1847, will not fall much short of $2,300,000, being an increase of $350,000 on those of last year, equal to about eighteen per cent. The receipts of the Little Miami Railroad Company for April, 1847, were $22,093 29 against $8,846 70 for the ymiiKKinnlhln HUD alw.o,! r.,, : ?i ? .1 in iu the month this year. The receipts from tolls on thecauaU of this State for the weak ending May 32d inclusive, this year ami last, were as annexed :? New York State Canals?Tolls Receivx*. Week Ending May 12, iSnj. IX17. New \ o.k 4.138 Albany 10.103 I8H.2 Went Troy 14,31.0 20,1", 18 mark Uock 2,921 7,4.12 HIIITHIO 311488 48,041 Oswego 5,042 10,318 Totals,.. $61,212 $121,177 Previous receipts 377,07.1 3>iU,524 Totals $111 935 $188,002 The receipts this year were only for tweuty-two days, while those for lust year were for thirty-six days. The excess of receipts this year, for fourteen days less time, over those of last, was, on the 2 2d inst., $4d,Ol>7. There are groat complaints among the commercial classes ol'New Orleans, relative to thu manner In which the government regulates it payments at that point. It "H"?" "?> nmi wry vi me i reusury sends drafts drawn by the Treasurer. of the luited Slates on New York and boston, in sum* of one hundred thousand dollars each, to bo negocialed iu th? New Orleans market. where they arc disposed of at a discount of two and two and a half per cent In addition to this uil pay. inoi)la on the part of the government, are made in bill* on Washington, which are paid by drafts on New York. Considerable curiosity bus been excited in Now Orleans to learn the cause of the great scarcity of treasury not< a in i lint section of the country. They command a premium at all points, and the emburrn-. merit and difficulties created by the use of drafts would be obviated by the appearance of these notes. The banks of New Orleans are overloaded with northern exchange, some of them having, it is represented, upwards of one million of dollars to their credit in the northern cities, which they are unwilling to realise by drawing at the preseut discount 'I heir unwillingness to iucruaac the amount and their iuabiiily to do so. compels them to restrict their facilities, and a great deal of embarrassment is produced in the moaey market of that city. Thereappoars to be something wrong iu the tlnanciul movements of the government. S. long as it has fuuds at command, they can place them at proper points upon much better terms than appears to hare been submitted to. The lo n recently made for $ H,000,000 is to be paid asfii't us the wants of the government may require, and we do not see the policy of the government standing a shave of two and a half pur cent, when it can comuiand the money at much more reasonable rales. New Orleans is the principal point of expenditure of money to carry on the war, and the amount on deposit there to the credit, of the government is less than iu either of the three great northern cities. j ui> uuuuanu vuiiipiirntive Kiftirnii'ni i'XIUiilis Hie iiniount of paper issues hii<1 of specie on hand, at four p?rlod.4. showing also the position of theso departments in each bank. It will be perceived that there hai been a very largo increase in the amount of specie on hand, and a mall increase in the amount of paper issues :? Nr.w York City Barks. Specie. due 1816. Nnv Mill. >'e?.l(!i7. Mitv 1847. Nstionsl Bank., , . 247.307 219.800 18.5,212 297.787 Bit nt'CommtiM,,. 591,498 581,781 900,759 891,224 Merchants'Lx ... . 1195.79 111,880 120.218 118,792 Merchants' 1,973.124 090,908 790,155 1,452,295 Mecsaics 009,012 521.115 452,202 768.118 ilk ii( \meriea... . 883,711 1,958,115 0l2,;ilj 978,898 Trtdesmeii'* 99,0119 104,511 8l,2!tfl 110,798 i'unii Bulk 428.911 4 11,391 015 835 721 925 K',llO'i B.iek 128.371 119,203 172,308 201.9:9 N 1 1) vDick,,.. 12 783 13.989 12 027 13.911 H.reuih Wsrd ... . 93,783 195 1119 199.877 119 179 North River ...... 129 200 |07,I9/ 111,195 187,971 Ore*"* on Bank... 3i.20l 27,895 27.82 1 39 221 Pheni* Buik...... 309.149 301,9.50 531 043 705,i 0 . flk H'sle of NY. . 1,819,291 850.572 977.070 1,000 011 I, .itlier VisiinfBk. . 142.7 0 152.829 190 914 238.083 111 kofN VorU... 477,728 5211,889 557 497 <24798 Vmericsi htch ... 512,541 486.130 011,190 029 795 ' Hutch k Drovers'.. 121,441 193.114 146.300 144 774 1 rheniiesl JJ.8'1 88,199 9'1 823 93,759 Ci'V 91.956 119.217 193 800 211 301 Msnhstran ... ..... 308.162 221,999 209,651 296,152 Merit Bkjr Asao'n.. 114,9.11 92,551 135,183 19o'2B2 Merh k Traders'... 06.081 48,831 51,142 74.770 97,7)3,188 7,214,103 7,949, 450 10,325,31 inRBBBneaaBBBBaMRi I Aug. IMS.'Sfof*814. F*i 1847. JC?|Cl?47. I National Biok......890.228 ftfl.Mf 175.270 M.IS7 Bk of CaniMrc* ... 209.630 2*2.439 226.493 827.680 Merchant*' tx 899,098 294,481 *91,918 ?'M*? Merdiuti' 333.144 306,213 814.910 833,310 I Mecheuicj' 471,887 300,818 443,887 4 40,338 Bk of America 803,643 231,413 884 097 839,490 Trade.inen'a 190,116 201,147 813.434 847,377 L'niou 333,606 428,421 440.438 449,999 Kultou Ba'ik 829,32 0 230,434 223,293 829 189 NY Dry Dock 32,284 68,921 33 638 61,(41 I Seventh Ward 817,903 231,669 226.082 27:1,894 North River 310.627 333,413 317 033 393.898 Greenwich 107 406 183,376 107,943 117,431 , IW11 Bank ...517,338 337.000 331 953 436,401 Bk State of N York..296 971 353,482 317,008 296.228 Leather Mnnnl Bk ..224.051 2-8,122 196.066 211,374 Bank ol N York 397 302 436,096 373 309 381,671 American Kl 336,432 166.336 210,240 837,494 Hutch 8t Drovera'... 238 699 2)7,390 265 242 894.630 Chemical 850,366 237,580 831,015 261.599 City 147.737 160,069 141,753 108,660 Manhattan 50,089 30,000 ? ? Mecii Bkc Aaao'n... 300,029 310.788 886,462 341,419 Mech 84 Tradera'... 136 303 140,381 110,539 137,467 (3,986,881 6.119,318 5.623,948 6,316,486 The circulation of the bank* of this city on the Ut of May, wan only about two-thirda of the amount of ipccie on hand, while the country bank* have a very extensive circulat ion and a iin all amount of specie. Thu annexed ! statement exhiblta the movement of thu city and , country bunks Nxw Vokk STATU Banks?Mir 1317. l.nans. Specie. Circ'n. Dep. City Banks .... 38.979,124 10,324,311 6,316.180 28,027,761 | Cxuutry Banks .31.230,902 940.800 18*730,'HH 7,772,190 Total $70,216,117 11,312,171 23,044,018 34,799.841 A comparison of these figures will iliow the condition of tho city and country banks of thi? State in a very strong light. The paper issues of the country banks, in proportion to thu amount of specie on hand, was as seventeen to one, while tho paper issues of the city banks, In proportion to tho amount of specie, was as one to one and a half. Our city banks derive no benefit from their circulation. It is oonfined principally to the city, uud is returned upon them almost in full every day. The issues of our country banks, and those of bauks out cf the State, enter largely into circulation in this oity through the Influence of the difference in value, compared with thu issues of our city banks. The discount upon uueurrent money, actually glees these bills circu- j lation to the exclusion of those of our local banks. The par redemption law would remedy this evil, and we have uo doubt it ultimately will be carried through thu Legislature. Stock kixebange. $11300 US 6's,'67, 1073a 140 shs Beading HR, s60 47 4600 Trent notes, 6's, 1043a 40 do 57% 14006 do 104% H0 do al4 47% 1000 State G't, of '61, 107 40 Cautcii Co, t60 30% 4000 Alabama4's, 62 2(H) do t60 3i>3j 2IHI0 Ohio, l>60 I(11% 40 do opg 37 10000 do, '40, 101 40 do >30 37 10U0 Kentucky 6's, lu2% 40 do opg 37 1000 do 1023, 74 Mohawk, 69% 4060 Illinois Spl, 42% 40 Harlem, 44% 6000 K'f Mtge Bonds, 70 140 do 44% 4000 Keadiug Bonds, 72% 100 do blO 443, 4000 do sCO 72% 40 do 45% 5000 do _ . 72% 40 do blO 55% 'Jijuu Indiana nunui, 42 30 do blO U\ 5000 luiliana Sterling, 42 50 Nor 4c Worcester, SOW 15 all* Bit of America, 103% 250 <lo ?30 5HJ, 30 Manhattan Bank, 9 25 do b30 50"? 250 Faimers'Trust, 34 V 200 do 50 100 do alO 31V 50 do 50V 500 do 3I>( 100 do blO 50V 750 do 31 25 Krte RR scrip, _ 82 50 do bCO 31V IS N Harm St Hurtfe, Kill 50 do >15 31V 100 Long lalaud, 27 50 do blO 34 V 75 do MV 200 Morria Canal, 20V 50 do 20V 100 tlu Morria Canal, 20 100 do 20 50 do boo 20 V 300 do 25V 1C0 Vicksbure, 11 250 do 23}, 50 National Insurance, 30 50 do bl5 25V 200 Reading RR, al5 57V 150 do b30 25V 25 do 57V 350 do b60 20 0 do 57V 50 do 25V ?0 do a15 57V Second Board. $5011(1 Ohio 6'a, 1800, 101 50 aha Farmtrt' Loan, 34 V 1000 Reading Bonda, 72V 100 do 34 V lull ?ht Harlem, 5?V 'SO do 3-4 200 do MO 57 X 100 do 31V 150 do 56% 200 do 34 V 200 do a30 56V 50 Reading RR, al5 57 V 200 do bCO 57 50 do 57V 50 do 56V 50 Long Island, 25 V 6 Paterson RR, 115 50 do 25 V 250 Farmers' Loan, 31V 100 do blO 25V 200 do 34\ 250 do 25 200 do a60 31V 50 do (3 25V 450 do 34 V 50 do s3 25V CITY TRADK llKPOllT New York, Thursday afternoon, May 37. The market for Hour was again some less Arm to-day, and prists rather unsettled. In the morning, sales of Uon<see were made at $8 50 a $8 62V, and in one instance a lot probably of rather extra was reported sold at $9 76. At the opening of "change a small sale was made at $8 50, aud afterwards at $8 43V for Oenosee, and at $8 35 for Michigan, at whloh tho market closed without animation. To arrive all next week a sale was reported at $8. The receipts down the Hudson continue to bo large, and on the 35th and 36th inst., amounted to about 49,635 bbls. Sales of Michigan wheat were made to arrive in all June at $3, andalot of Ohio do., in hand, sold at $3. Another lot do., in hand, sold at $1 96, and another parcel to arrive, good white, at $1 98. The market for corn exhibited sigus of sonio increased feebleness. Sales of Northern yellow, early on 'change, sold at $1 13V a $1 13, towurds the close it brought $1 10 a $1 11. To arrive iu July, solos of Western mixed wore made at 93c., and another lot for the same month was made In the morning at 95c. Sales of meal were made at $5 35. Rye was down,aul sales reported at $1 34. The market was Lore of Rye Flour. Oats were less lirm. In the forenoon, sales were reported at 70c. During 'change, a sale was made at 65c. Provisions were in some better demand, with sales to a fair extent at full prices. Soles of new Mess Pork were made at $16, and Prime do. at $13 75. SaImi nf nl.l M?.? w.. tit o-riy a -i.i Prime at $13 35. Beef was also in good request at (1'] fir country, with sales, and eity do. at $12 25a $12 AO Groceries exhibited little change. A sale of Florida Mulusscs front Tampa Bay, about the ilrst from that quartor, was made at 20c. A small sale Porto IUoo was mad" at 20 a 30c. lleceijite down the Iludton May 26th. 1847.?28,035 bills, hour) 53-1 do corn'meal; 10,GOO bushels corn; 13,430 do wheat. Asiirs?Sales of 100 bbls were mnde at $4 01. Small sales were also reported at $4 87>?; 200 bbls Pearls sold at $0 50. Ukraiisti.'vfs?Flour?Neither the sales of the article in hand, or to arrive, were so large to-day, and sc.lleis seemed to be more plenty than buyers, it is possible the market may continue somewhat unsettled till aft< r the arrival of the next steamer. Sales of 400 bbls llluek n>?s - I *- - . V-., .. nwu vt;u ut j> ' IX, ,IUV UU. IvrilUflCB HUM Ul $8 60. Soles ol" do. were reported ut <>8 bi){.? During 'change, 300 or 400 barrels Ueneseo ware colli ut $8 433i; and about 11 a 1200 do Michigan ut $8 '26; 100 do Ohio Hat hoop at $8; 200 Michigan Hold to arrive in all next week at $8. There weru buyers ol' Oenesee lit tlio close of'change at $8 37,!?. IVhtat?XVo report sales of 1(1,000 bushels St. Joseph, Michigan, to arrive in all June at $3; 2 800 do Ohio Mild nt $2; '2 7( 0 do Ohio in hand Hold at $ I 06, and 2,300 do Ohio white Hold to arrive nt $ I 1)6. Corn? We report Hales of 1.6(,0 bushels northern yellow at 112%'.cents; '2.800 do nt 113c; iiud about 4.1 00 do northern yellow at 110c; 3..'>00 do at I lie. About ln.Ouo do western mixed sold to arrive in June and July at 96c, part Hold late yesterday evening, and part this forenoon. During chingc xUUO do western mixed sold to arrive in July utb'Je. Meal?Sales of about 1,AOO to 1.8IH1 barrels New Jersey were made at $ > '23; t, a 7b0 do sold to arrive in June ut $6 12%: and 6o0 do to arrive in the same month at $6 Wye?Sales of 1,.100 bushels were reported ut $1 '24. which exhibited a decline. Oofs .Sab s of'2 OiiO bushels were made at 06c V sale of some 5 a 00, 0 canal were reported at 70c. CorTo.x?'4 hero was a slightly increased enquiry today. but the H.iles do not exceed 000 bub*. Prices are steady. Corrrr.?Sales of 05 bugs white Ilio weru made ut 6%. 4 months ; 10,.0 fugs llio. damaged, weru Hold by auction, on an average, at 0 a 6%c. cash. Kish?We report sales of 400 barrels Halifax mackerel. 1 he No. l a brought $11 '26; No. 3's 7 36. and No. ,1'h $6 20. 360 quintals dry cod sold at 43 87>a '1 he market for mackerel was llrui, and for dry cod very steady. I- in,'it?The market for bunch raisins was unsettled; and no sales of consequence transpired. Hkmp? We report sales of 300 bales American, dew rotted. on private terms, and 60 do dressed do, ut $176 dollars per ton. The stock was estimated at about 4000 bales. Lkao was quiet at $4 60. Lka imk.h? 1 wo auetlou sales took place yesterday, at which about 11.000 sides hemlock sole leather were sold ut similar prices to last week's sale. Middling and light weights, best quality, 16 and lGVt; heavy do, 14%; good damaged do. I:)1*; common qualities about Icent under the above prices 8oiue hemlock buts brought 20 cents, shoulders. 7%, bellies, (i,%; oak tanned bellies, lie. The company was large at both sales, and it was thought that the bidding was more spirited at the second than at the first. The demand after the sales was very good, and several heavy Hales were effected at better rait* than the auction sales. Mouasscs ?A salo of 73 barrels Florida molasses, a new i article in this market, was made at 30 cents; 60 hhds Porto Kleo were Hold at 29 a 30 cts. Navai. STosrs?The market was unsettled. A sale of 100 barrels spirits turpentine was reported sold at 36 cts cash. Probably not much additional movement run i... expected , till the advent of another steamer. On.i.?We report sale* of 4300 gallon* city pressed i linieed at 66c. cush, sales of Knglish iu email lota, were made at 61a04c. caah; 4!) bbla do Ohio, aold at Olc. caah. and 60 do. at 60u caah. In whale and aperm them wua nothing now. N?:w I'oiATori.?A amall t>ri(f arrived from Bermuda with a cargo of 400 bbla., and held them $4 AO per bbl I'aoviaiont.?There was a bettor fouling in the market and aalea of pork made at full price*; 300 bbla. new mesa noid at $16; IOiiO bbla do wore reported to have boon * Id en private term*; 601) bbla now prime aold at $13 7A; 100 bbla old nieaH aold at $IA 37)$, aud 100 do old prime at $13 i.i. Her) wua firm; 1U0 bbla country meaa aold at $14, and 3(3)0 do city do aold at $14 4.1**14 AO. Some holder* deuiauded a higher llgure. No aalea of lard tr.inapirud Kick.? We report aalea of 1A0 tiercea, at fair to good quality, at $6 6)$. 8kno.?Some amall lota of flaxseed In tierce* aold at $1 40 per buahel. Bum a.?Sale* of 300 hhda of Cuba muacoradoea were made on private term*; aud 100 do 1'orto llico, aold at 6)*a6)$c. Tobacco.?30a40 hhda Virginia leaf were reported aold at 3a6. Choice waa worth 7a?)$c; 404 bales Ha- , vaua, aold by auction at 17>$al9)$o. on time. c L - 1 ?? II ' WaaLtsowa?Pf.W: *u worth Me. ni tnrth Sm 30o. Market dull... . . , , . , ? Wminer?Sale* wire reported at U^o. Woei ?The market for American fleece wai very Arm, and receipt! Terr light. The aalei thta week have reached 16.000 lb*. The three-quarter blood cold at 36c. a 37>^o.; 10.000 Ibe. Mexican sold at lOJfo. Krriohti?Kates continued to be unsettled and inactive. We heard of few engagements to any quarter worth reporting. To Hamburg, rice was taken at $06s , and liquids at 4 cents. It is likely not much change can be anticipated till after the arrival ot the uext steamer. TELKOKAPHIC. Markets. fioivo>, Thursday Afteruoon, May 07. We report sales of 200 bales of cotton, without chango in prioes The previous dullness still influenced the market. Oenesee and Michigan flour continued firm, with moderate sales at $0 40 a $0 87Ashes continued steady, Pork was firmer, and sales of old prllfie made at >13 a $13 JO Corn waa in fair demand, though sales were limited. Southern white was held at 110c. a 11114c., and northern yellow at 113c. a 113c. Hyu was steady at 130c. Buffalo,Thursday, May 37, 1047--P. M. The flour market was dull to-day, with a downward tendency. The enquiry was le-s active, and more sellers than buyers on 'change. We report sales of 1000 bbk, chiefly Ohio and Michigan $ti 60a6 87>i. Wheat was also leM firm, while prices had a tendency to droop. Sales of 0000 bushels of Ohio and Indiana were made at 30. Corn was lower, with a tendency to a further de. oliue; the highest quotation for yellow was 03c; buyers generally offered a lower figure, while some holdera demanded a higher price. There was some better enquiry for pork, and small sales made at full prioes. Canal boats, with vessels generally, have become more plenty, and freights have a downward tendency. I a vic^iupiuv wircnpuiiuuago vi ruuaaeipaia DUUUUD.j | pittsburgh, May 37, 1 p. M. Them are five feet nine inches in the cfiunnel to-day. The recolpts of flour continue to a nioderrte extent.? { Tlie market has been comparatively quiet to-day and prices hardly sustained. I quote the range $."> 87,', to $ti There has been a sale made on Boston account, deliverable in June, at $3 62>i. Sales prime yellow corn at 10 cents. Cincinnati, May 24, P. M. Sales flour at $6 76, but $8 is generally asked The demand continues active, but buyers are unwilling to pay the high prices asked. Sales lor future delivery ' have been made at corresponding prices. Sales whisky in bblsut 18 to Id** cents. Holders are Arm. and a slight j advance has again been ebtained, and some parcels are temporarily withdrawn from market. Sales 2000 bbls corn meal at $9 82. Sales new cheese at 7 cents, and in ' demand. Sales beef cattle on hoof $0 to $7 13,"a. Pro- . visions?The stock of all kinds is now quite light, and holders are firm at last quotations. The demand has been mostly for city use. Married, On Tuesday, 36tli instant, at St. Stephen's church, by the Kev. Joseph H. Price. Mr. S. Haroinoe, of New kork, to Miss A M. Field, of Brooklyn. At Uilboa, Schoharie county, on the 26th Instant, by the Rev. L. H. Vandyke, SiMuri. \V. Jalxson, Esq., counsellor at law, to Miss Eunice l>. Tuttle, daughter 1 of Sidney Tuttle. Ksq., all of Uilboa. Also, at the same time and place, by the Kev. L. H. Vandyke, Robert A. Clare, Esq.. of Middletown, Delaware county, to Miss Harriet S. Tuttle, daughter of ! niuuey luiuo, r.Bq., 01 uilboa OWk In ilroaklyn, on the 27th instunt, after a protracted lllnem. Mahv Siutr, wlfo of William Slrey, lu the 38th year of her age. Iter funeral will take place on this (Friday) afternoon, ; at half past 4 o'clock, from her late residence, near the corner of York and Teurl sts. On the Ath instant, at his residence In Upper Darby. Delaware co., N. Y., J ohm Hli.lkri, In the 8Ath year of his age. At Keene, N. H., on the 18tb instant, Elijah Dunbar. aged 82. TO THE I. O. of O. F.-DH. llOLLICK, respectfully j tenders a free invitation to all his brethren of the orders, : to lus Lecture This Evening, at V o'clock, corner of Broadway and (iiaud street. Doors open at hall past 7 o'clock. Early atteudauce is desirable. Subject, the medical use of Galvanism, illustrated by his large model, and by Galvanic Batteries^ m28 Itrc IO. OF 6. F.?EGYPTIAN ENCAMPMENT, MO. 35, J. O. of O. F., will hold a special Session This Evening, (Fiiday, the 2Uth, at No. 71 Division street, for the trabsucliou of griis'al bus uess. The ollicersaud members are re- ! quested to be in attendance, as the Eucampineut will, at this session, cousuinmate her arrangements fur uniting with the It. W. G. E. in the approaching celebratiou of the G. L. of the State of N. Y. By older, JAMES C. STEPHENS, C. P. John Mbpolk, Scribe. in2ll It*r Odd fellows < elebra'i ion ?A~.?ied.?i ha* bee,, strui.k comuirinorative of laying the corner stone oi Odd Fellows llsli on tue 4th ol June next. One side of the Medal bears a correct view of the front of the building as it will up pear ou Grand street.! On the reverie are emblrins of the order Forsale, wholesale or retail, by ROBERT LOVETT, in2II Itis'rc 5 Dey str'et. O. (J. 11A it T L. Y , ATTORNEY AT LAW. GALVESTON, TEXAS. my23tf 2tWfh _ PRINTS BY THE POUND.?ThmBoh hstneui? Just o|ieued, at DUFF' YS\ 4(ki errand, corner of Columbia street, ill.OOU yards of English fast colored Prints, which are to be tolii by tbe jiouiiJ; ilan, Cnglish Long Cloths, Jaconets iunl Cambric Muslins, be. fee , together with a lull ami complete stock ol Dry Goods, bought recently at auction, unit oirereil at extraordinary low prices. PETER DUFFY fe SON, m2B KSatM3l*rc 4811 (l and at. comer ofColumbia. PREPAID LK ITERS TO ALL PARISOK ECUOPL.? Tlie subscribers will leceive and forward letters per j Steamer llrittana, lit June, to all parts of Europe. Baits will close at I1* Monday, 31st inst. HARNDEN b Co. d Wall stieet. P. S?Letters can be prepaid as above to all parts of the : Continent. my 283trc | CAUL).?TO JOSEPlTT.~8.VVEET, Esq., late Super- I inteiideut of Streeis for the City of New York :? Sin?We, llie uiideisiitued, late iiupectors under you while | holdout the olhce of Superintendent ol Streets lor this city, ben leave to signify to yon their high eiteem for your gentlemuilv and business-like deportment while performing the duties ol the above ollice. On no occasion since your appointment hare we known you to deviate fiom llie rnrbt line of duty, nor have you elected from nuy of us more th in what a faithful lullilmciit of yuur oniigatuuiu ?' me |ieo|ue hi me city required. In conclusion, ?f utter you our best wishes fur your future i success : ami be assured, air, tint, oo your retirement, you | i carry with you the esteem ofourselTes ami friends. Very respectfully, youis, 8cc. Jnhu Barmnre, James Mcliin, I I William H. Sturtns, Thomas McBpedon, Benjamin Connor, I'eter Dewyer, James iMalone, Inspectors. New Ir oik. May 27, 1847. iii20 l"re Spanish language.?a mImm Wtui ? rut* leisure hours in the alteruoon of each day,would be willing i to occupy them in giving instruction* in the Hpnuidi ImxiiI(i . provided he could obtain suUicieiit encourage ineul to hniu a class. Gentlemen desirous of acquiring the luiguage can ujiply hy letter, addressed to K. C., at the oifice of una piper. , m?8 it ue WA'I'hlt < .ASKS?1ii Iron Bound Water CasJu, on 6o*ttl the brig Wakulla, from Gilwav, foot of Jones'Lane, i by I'r It MS L tk BliOOKS, my 28 3tvC No. 05 and Ii7 Nassau street. j H~AVANA TOBAI i 6 LEAE.?30 bale*, nil ol ew J crop, most ad wrappers, aud good i|Uality, will be sold lotv lor cash or approved paper, by r'UANi-ISCO J BANCE8, Importer, ( m?5 2tis*f No. 7 New street, near Wall. , Invlvl'oki will FlEaSE Co 1 thr. nuth < that all rationand plana of imw inven ions intended to I each the Inventors' Institute, imust be uirected to the subscri- t ber, at Perth AUtboy, N. J. This notice is given bee luse it is I believed that many letter* and plan* iiitemled lor the Ins'itute I bare been rrlnined by the parties to wboin tliry were address- r d. Not one hits reached the Institute w hich h is not been answered bv the aubscuber in person. Iiivenlors by tins ran judge of the whereabouts ol their letters, and if necessary can luitvsrd duplicates to tile Institute. I 80L0.VJ0V ANDREWS. N. B.?A meeting of the stockholders of the Invrn nrs'.lu- t sti tile will be held at the Merchants'Hotel, in (uiurtlaiidl st, t New fork, on Monday evening June 7, at U o'clock, to ai point their Board uf Directors tor the ensiling year. myg? tje7 rc SOLOMON ANl)HK" H 'pilE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OK NEW i OUK -1 and vicinity are resi ec.fully inloruied thai ilieie is an of lice opeusd in this city, for the purpose ol forming well suited 1 conieiiun for Marriage. < ircul trs stating te ins, Str. cm lr : hid bv applying at the Office. JU'e Lispeusid stieet. Commu- J ideations with leal names, |wist paid, will receive prompt at. at i. oi <11 the strictest confidence observ i d. in28 It - rc " AN EN GLI8II LAI) V. w ho has had lire advantage <d n acquiring the French language ,t Paris, with the addi- t bun of music, Italian, German, Ac., wishes to enter a gentle t man's I'rmily as Governess. Eurlhrr pailiculars ou addressing i (prepaid) P. K. Co, New York Post OHice. No ohjrriiou to j ihe n mil. myM7i*r WAN i r.D.?JUS1' DISENGAGED aid Wants n^siluation as Gardener, by a young man who understands Ins i business and has a pril'ect knowledge of farming. The liret of I rel'eience can be given. Address to ,> J. H. GARDENER, . m28 lt*r 211.'# i'anal street. New Vsr'k WANTr.D-B v a y oung .woman, a situation as cook, or ] to assist in washiug and ironing, and do grneial bouse- J work; would have no objection to go in the country. Good r city reference given. Apply at 57 Bu kmaust. I an be see.i for I wo day*. uH If r DRUG < I.KHK ?AImngman, lining a food knowledge J of the retail slid prescriptive business ofadiug store, wnli p istislaetory references, may bear ol a situation It addressing I nm? 10 " Urnggiat," at tlie office of lhi? paper. wyM W*| .1 NL'HHK WANTK.U.? Wanted a woman who la a |Ol4 " seamstress to take case of a child; on* who ape ilts ! reach a id lbtiglish preferred. Apply ?t 13 west 16th (licet, between it I il let It (venu??, bet ween ') an I \'i \. ,\| (tM i ' rc WAN I'KIJ?A situation by * respectable young woman ? c hem lie i ma id, or washer anil trotter, in n private family. , the beet of city reference given. Please cell at No. 27 2:ttl a'. s wM 2t*rc {J WANTKD?AN KXI'KKIKNCbl) SALfcHMAN, mi* a Fami ly lirocery Store. One who line lireil in the city .i mil is fully competent, may apply at 7ti Naasau street. To u iae? tyimMo, sons otheri need apply. mW It rrc o WAN 1'Jt.U?A atiiatinu, by a re spec i able woman, as mine, " and untie stands taking care of babies. Ootid city reference given. Km pure at 213 .Vlott street, between Prince and Houston streets. mlllt'rc I WAN I'KD?A young man who la thoroughly acquainted - with the Ha dware business, and can keep book in Inuhle entry, It will be useless to apply, unless undoubted ' " nee cae be given. Addirss A. V . si tins office, giving esnle ire rci'i fence, who st-rvad with, age, Itc. mT73t*rc w AN I KD 1 MMK.L)I \ThLY?Two or three good Bthis J ii l Apply at SI A I It H Lamp establishment, 67 J Berfcman it, jiVi W A'^ ~A lew active young men to go South or tV i for the aalv of uc w and |>o|uilar pnblica- VJ join $100 oyer and above their eipa-tisea will lie insured to hem in writing, with an opportunity of clearing $1000 per iTniwi. """ m,,n now in onr employ will no doubt make over ? Mi i^f1 ? rrpjtiaea. Each man will hate Ina k [La . 'if. '" ?e ueeeaaary for them to have at leant $21 in j > .kifti.0. n VST8d 5t,,n? out- Apply at FRENCH'S " "binning Hall, 291 Broadway, up ataira, Office of the Klag of ai ittr Union. AH letteta muat be iKiat-peiu* my23 10t*r SBBR5BH99SBHESS?5!99HIHHEflMn'9l AOOTRM IIH HJM. ---- r_u--r m vv-r.--.,; a litis h; ? WATER CASKS?At auclion tbi* day, 40 food *ud claau WaterCuk* from on board the brig tha foot nl June* lane. To be tuld at auction by D C. W. Pell,at 10 Oielorh. mil It rr | liKl) W. PINK, Aucl'r. ttALL OK ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD KURN1TURE. kc? AT DKOOKLYN.-Vau Autwerp It Pine will ?ell th?? tlay, m liilt-tMHt 10 o'clock, at Ihe rrfid^ncc of Mr. Frederick GritliiiK, Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn. Ihe whole of the eleg^ur h usehol J furniture of hi* I trice mtniioB h^tue, for piuiieiiUri of which Courier k Enquirer and ciulosuei, which are now ready. N. U.?Kulton ferry ?lage. leave every live minute*, and pa*, within 2M yarj. of the hou.e, ml* ll*r j P AINT1NOS AT /CljfC'fiON.?A Levy will *ell ou Buiur,l*>" Evenini, at 7o'clock, at 293 Br adway, an iuvoice of j valuable Uil Paiminc., ju?! received from Amsterdam, and . which have not been aeen belorc in tlii* cu'iu'ry. The collection i? ac?od one, and we invite buyer* to call and ?ee them. Aim, altt r the painting*, will be (old all i.voice of line Jewelry and fancy article*. luyi!8Jt*r pUOM AUCTION ? A lot fine itriped Jacouet Muiliut, at ! > I a Per T?rd. u.ually I ill! at 2*. Cd. A lot tiiie Needle work Collar., at 2.. 6d. usually sold 4*. 1 Under ll.lkf* 8*. " " 12*. I \S lute Demi Veil. tta. " " I2?. AiVPli*K Uru**els Trimming Lace*; embroi- . Work Collar*; Cambric and Lawn lldkft; real and imitation Lacea; (Hove.,. Hilt bout, Lace Cape<, Caps, iic. Ac. 20 per Cel t below tlie iiiu 11 pncea. W. SCOTT k CO , my2C3tiH?rc No. 377 llnuiilwav. LEKT OJI WAKDROBE AND lURNIXl-JHE WANTED.?Gentlemen and families linung any auperlluou* cloihina, furniture, jrwelr) , Ac.. which thvv deaire to I dispose of to the beat advantage, for cash, have, the beat opportunity of duiuK >o, by aeuding for the subscriber, who will | attend attheir residence* by appuiutintul. H. LEVETT. Office No. 2 Wall at. comer of Broadway. N B ? A line uildreued through the poat office', or a call,will receive prompt attention my 27 It * re TO trltOCfc.KS.?The adrertiacr. Tun American.) aged about 21, wanta a clerkship; has had aeveral year a ci|ifrience in both the wholraale and retail trade; writes a good hand, understand* book-keeping, ami if eintdoyed in a wholeaale afore, ci old intlucnre considerable good city trade. N. 1*?Would accept employment at any reapectable buaiueaa either heie or el??mhere, or would inveat SMI) iu a safe business Addreaa W. W. O. V., at thia office. ni27 tttia* ic ^ | GKNIN, HATTER, 211 Broadway, opposite tot. I'aul't.? ' The laubacriher haa l.eeu compelled, by the very liberal | patronage of tlie public toeulargu liia llat and Cap Manufactory | mil Si let it, inn, in at In make bin rut tbl< aliment the hue eat aud I nmat coinmodiuua establishment of tlie kind iu the United I mates. i lie success ol the svslein upon which he commenced ! business a few yean since at his preseut location, induces lum i to ailliere strictly to the following rules, which were thru laid dow n, and w hich have been ever since invariably maintained. Kvery purchaser and visiter may rest as* ured that 1. No effort will he spa ed to render his purchuse iu every res|>ect satisfactory. 2 No importuuity will be uiadc to iuduce hiin to buy an unbecoming or inferior article. 3. Every article shall be, as heretofore, of the very best style and quality. I I'rices are uniform, mo e moderate than most, and as rnod; erate as any other establishment n this city or elsewhere. By observing these rules?keeping his unrivalled assortment alwavs full and complete by close personal supervision of every braueh and stage of uuuu'acture (the whole of which is done on the premises) and by careful attendance to the fates and wishes of his pa rous, the subscriber confidently trusts not only to maintain his former standing but also to conduct that branch of business with a satisfaction to the public hitherto unequalled:?1st quality of Nutria, or Beaver Hats, $1 M; 2nd do., S3 60; Castor, Brush, Black and Drali Cassiinrrea, Leghorns, Manillas, Panamas, Canadians and unpolled (received monthly.) Mole Skins, from the most celehra'vd manufacturers of Parrs. Silk Hats, 1st quality. $1; 2nd do., $3; for the superiority of which, he respectfully refers to the premiums awardril to hiin by the American Institute, for the last two years. The celebrated Bummer Gossamer, invented by the subscriber, which has in agreat degree supplanted all other summer hats, being lighter cooler, and not liable to be at all injured by dust, rain, or perspiration. Gentlemen w hose tastes do not accord with the fashions of the day. can at all times be suited from the extensive assortment, of almo t every conceivable style, always kept fully tupleuished. Ilia stock of Caps, comprises cloth, 1st quality, S2; 2nd do., SI 60; 3d do , SI. Eur. riusli, Velvet, Oiled Bilk, Leghorn, Hair Cloth, and oilier Cans, adapted for wooer aud summer w ear: Army and Nnvv Caps, as oer regulationa of the service; Youths and Infants' llals and Caps of every j style, (including beautiful styles from Paris.) as per samples | and bonk of patterns, which those interested, are invited to , examine. Also. American ni.,1 Erenrh I'inl,, ..I l*? I Baits, "nil every other article in hit line of business. The subscriber IVeln warranted in declaring his establish- | ineut able to meet nny and every deiniudof the bean inoude, 1 tire acoaomist, and of tbo?e who prefer to follow their own tastes, instead of complyiiiir with the dictates of fashion. J. N. GENIN, Hatter. in\27 2If ire 2U Broadway, opposite StPaul's. OLEOSTATIc LAMPS.?L. Clmpdeltine, No. 373 Btoad way, tins received |>er late arrivals, a larite and splendid assortment ol'French patent Oleostatic Lamps, of different pat terns. These lamps were ins euted by the celebrated A. Thilorier, of the Freuch Academy, and are considered the best lamps now in use. These lam|is are for sale ouly at 375 Broadway in this city, Also, oil hand, a larye assortment of rich plain and cut glass, cutlery, girandoles, vases, china ware, toilet sets, and every aiticle in the furuishniK line. mil 3llt*rc REE1) POLES?5H00 for tale in lots at the lowest market prices. Also shovel, hoe and fork handles, together with a full assortment of hardware, hy i?mZ7 3t*r tl W GUION, No. 171 Westst, N. Y. wrw LOT OF MOCKING BIRDS-Ouly bird is worth cage room, aud sweeps all kind bird species song away 'sjXjr day or niiclit. Also very line collection Long Breed Canary Birds.4 | Also, lot short breed German Birds;fancy Csnes and Peed; To be art-11 at 335 Bowery, betw een 3d and 4ill st. in , 711 3fU*rr _ H. WILLIAMS. .- \tt( ilE V , THE ONLY HEAL 'CATEnKILTHE GREATEST ATTRACTION YET?26 Bull ?VFinches, with Iroin three to four tunes. Also, over ItMiO | TSSCSlugini; Canaries, just unpolled via Bremen, selected ! hi his agents limn the most celebrated districts of Europe? 1 This variety fur ?"ugi and plumage will he found, on inspection, to eclipse any Archey has heeu enabled to offer. M It _ri.. .1...? ,t... 1 ...i.??. ... ? .... mi /imrui.4. A re hey takestliii opportunity to apprise Ins friends at a distance, in snlirjpatiou of tins importation, tliat they may make early application. 1' S ?In consri|iicore of the limits of his old establislimrut, No. 5 John street, he lias rented Drainble Cottage, Bloomingd.ile, near Buruham's Hotel, for thut brunch of Ins busiucssriot connected with birds, viz : Shetland and Fancy Ponies, King Charles Spaniels, Pointers, Sic., and every variety of Faucy Piiliteons, llarii Door Fowls, Uc. An UMial, letters post-paid will at all times meet with , prompt attention front A. (JR1P.VF, No. 6 John st. tniWi 2t*rc I . > ?..? m Ml'Sit ?'I'll Fi 1'IANU taught on very moderate terms, by u lady who has had coni'^A. J f 'lsiderahlr experience ill leachinc. She prolesI I X 1 I *ies to teach it in a scientific manner, with the theory w hich she undertakes to impart a thorough knowledge of. Term* three dollars per month. A line addressed to "Music,"'at the Herald omce, shall be attended to. in v 27 30ti**rc rr, i'UNO FORTi; FOR 8A1.K.-A line -.tU^PStiined Cii octave, grand action, Piauo Forte, rj A" """5r"*Ylwiih all the modern iniprovements, made of I I X I lithe very best seasoned materials, and will be warranted ; l. u been in use but a short time, ami will be sold for $110 cash. Also, some very good low priced Piano Fortes, for sale cheap. 'J'o iie seen at the Piano Porte Warrroom SBiJ IJroadw.iy, corner of Brooine street. m?C Jt re 'I'll I,FT? At Hoboken, thirty six small houses, suitffTjJr ?b o for mechanics and laborers. llrnt low, and iinint J^^Liliale possession given. C.iiunire at the oilier otitic Homme.. I oinpiiny, nl the perry Lauding, Hoboken. ol W7t*rc VV. W. SHIITKN, Agent. Me < I It BALL?A P'arm at Youkers, about 20 miles from rhec.ty, one mile Ironi the rnilroad, and about two 'rum Youkers landing,containing about 13 eciri of land in a g.od state of cultivation; barn, out-houses, Otc. A large part of the purchase money may rennin on mortgage. Apply to H. B. HUTC HI i> <J9, I Rk'r 3$ John st, ..' r , \ IIKilMA LANDS FOR 8ALK? as reaof is'lf^igood laud, in the counties of Tazewell and I.ogtni WestItri ? Virginia. Thrtr lands are well watered uud heavily nmheresl; the soil is rich and enduring, and suitable for cultc ' ration. No selections having been made from this tract, the whole is offered very low; or, if desired by persons who wiuli I to settle upon and improve a considerable portion of ihe same, | the pigce will be pnt equally low. Terms easy, with perfect J title. These lands cui he approached by water to n point, within W miles through the Big Handv llirrr. at an $8 from this ciiy. Apply- to WALTER CUNNINGHAM, m2<i 7t?r No. :i H mover at., New York. ( ~ ro JUUOT AND 8HOK MANUFACTURERS j AND DEALERS?The patent "Congrea* Boot*ami | BRmShoo."?License* to manufacture the Congress Boot* and Shoe*, under Dm out & Hyatt'* Patent, sndnnmei>na patent* granted Charln Goodyear, and the uiidersiftird, ire now offered to muiufactuters tit the city of New York, oil other place* throughout the United Stsl'M not yet (lisposrd if. on Itheral leima, or the exclusive right without tariff, ia offered for ?a|e. 'I he ntide raigncd, owner of all the pateiita, ten ii number, uted in the production of theae bnota and ahoaa, irreky notifies all persons. both maker* and de ilera, tint every i ,ir mole by authority ia duly at .inped with the name and date if the pit'' t, accuidinn to law. Aov infringement, either in unking or srlling these boots mil alloc*, w ill lead to (lie unpleaaniit neccaity ol prosecution, i'rii.ting, however, that no honorable man wialiea to ateal or itch the property and exclusive right of another, iieeiiae* are dialed Under a email lanlf. until the right ahall he sold, with he ihr. licenses and purchasers will be fully proected. HORACE H DAY, int'8 :|t)i rc Assignee ami owner nil r Patent. r 1' -THERE'S A GOOD HAT COMING" f? K NO A, No. It3 FULTON 8TUKKT, hasjnstj#* , loned for public iiiapeciiou an unequalled atock of Summer lai* ami t ip*. at In* well known rat?b'i?hinent in the Sun luildinga, on the anady aide of Fulton afreet, just a atep from he heat, ilust, turmoil, and Confusion of Broadway. Kerrylung about hia culehrated atore i* cool and eomfoitable, hnl na hala are reinarknhly an,audio addition to these nulls, enaahle uinuier qualities, they unite in an eminent degree, other quailiea, de,ir.,hie at all seasons, aaligktneaa.c heap e*a,elegance nivrlty, and hright-of-fiahioeahlrness. 'J'he propiietnr will akc quite as much pleasure in showing aa in arllii g hi* beau fill hats; although, for tha sake of the public, ami from feeing* of pure philantnnqhy, he won hi lie glad to aee every mail n ilia city with I them oa hia bead. mtfti f,iis*rc jwwua AC< OMMOI) ATM > N I) A Y I INK for f j^|lir-A ALBAN V and intermediate places?The new IdsMnhMMOtiaand Splendid steamer ALIDA, I,apt. (J. (I. 'upper, will leave the pier, foot of llobinscin street, every londiy, Wednesday and Friday morning*, at7 "'clock; pa*-M'"' , hi I li'.nr, mi board mvJ7 7l"r" Noiil r. -Packet iMp LOI ISV/LLE,* .pum rflwVM. Hunt, i* now discharging at Orleans wharf, fool ilMbofVVal I street. ( onaigners will please attend to the ript -I [hi ii goods nniic diately. mvR rc FOR LI VERPOQL?New Llie-'Bendcr Mtth tyyfV Cj of 2i;th _June?The splendid, I'ast aaiTing packet ...pip u o.iv. n, < unam u. J. ii. 1 ruk, will oamvel) Mil n abn??, her regular day, _ 'or freight or |ruc.age, having auperior furuiahed, apply oil board lit Orleaoa wharf, loot of Wall afreet, r to K. K. COLLINM.M Sonthit. Price of paaange $75 The i?.cket ahip ROflCIIlM, ('.apt. Aaa K.ldridge, will ?ucnil ihr (Jarrick, and Mil the 2fitli of July, her regular day. rn v 22 _____ KU It I.IV Kit! 1)1)1, I 1111 v Keanlar Packet ol tinrtMyjrW'.tli June.?The new nugnillcent, faat aailniu audi'.* I Mifa'")1'' packet ahip IIKNRV ( LAY, burthen 1500 M,?, a,apt. .Nye, will aail pun lively on I In- lith ot June. Th'' accommodation.. lor cabin, 2d cabin and airenge twa overt arc uoi |uallcd by any other rraac-1 iu port; and .u a J iinibar of her puaaengera are already engaged, thoae deairoiia I rrctirniK berth, alioul.l make o rly application n< board, foot r Maiden l.ane, or to JOSF.PIf MeMU RRA V . I m n i corner Pina ind Sontn sta. 1 lAv Mill \ W ORLKaNS Laotiiaiana and .New York line of packeta I'.lil'ively the lira) and only gyyiEa e^ulir p ?. t i aail . .. londiy Jlat May. The J .plendid | arkrt ahip (' LIKTON, (apt. luge.anil, 11 aw loading and will poaitirely aail aa her reitnlar day . I For fieiolit or paaaige, ham u apieiidi.l fii'iiithe.l aecommo* iti.Nia, apply on boajl at Orlrana wharf, loot of Wall atreer, r to K. K. COLLINS, .VI Honth atreet " Aitenla in New Orleana, John O. Woodruff It Co., who will * pnrnptly forward all good* to their addreaa. Poaitirely no eight will be received on hoard alter to-morrow. Hitnrday reinng. May 2Mb. IVket alup l.( M MS VI I.I. K. < apt. M. S nnt, will succeed the i liflon, and aail Tl.uraday, June 10th. y B#ffe lA* ' Al I lUN~ - All I ei ...... .or I".in,I !' SffV-ofthe crew ofthe Britiah bark l.ady Huntley, < apt. IMmIm',. I,,01 l.tierpo.,1. lo. debt-. I then c't- 1 g > ,11 Or laui tinned or paid by either the captain or cm- ' Knee W < MAIT .AND. N in2I Jt*f 27 Wall atreet. ' Olff ABUWIMII'H. BENEFIT OF MH. O. ANDREWS.? IJAHK1 Hp.* l?h-~Fri<Uv *' ?;??. Myr ?*?, will be performed thecomedy of the ACtlOOL Or ULFOKM? Hubert Tvke, Mr. 0. Andrews; pen Tarra*o?. Mr. tt??; Mr. Ferment, Mr. G. Barrett: Frederick . Mr byott; Julia, Mrs. Abbott; Mrs. Kawat.Mrs. Hunt; Mr?. Nicely, Vlra. Vernon. T? conclude witn a new burlesque and ettrsvsnanaa. called PUNCH IN NEW Y ORK?Mister Punch, MrfC. Andrew., Mr. Yankee Doodle, Mr. A. Andrews; Mistress Judy, Mrs. I Dyotl; Ho??. Miss Mile,. Hxrafl; Pit Ml cents; Gallery 25 ctuU. Door* open nt T o'clock?the petlormanca will commence h'llkfast 7. ! BOWr.UI i'HKATRE-?A W. Jaonasia.,Proprietor?H. E Ststtw,. Stint* Msowrrr ?On Friday Evening, May kttth, will be |>erformed MACBETH?Maebnth, Mr. Booth: Macduff. Mr. Neafie; Lady Macbeth, Mra. Wilkiutou; first Witch, Mr lladrway; First Witch, Mrs. Bergenut ?] To conclude with LAFITTK?Lafitte, Mr. Neafle; Altthouso, .Mr. Booth; Constautia, Mr*. Serjeant; riieodore. Sirs. Booth. Ureas Circle, 25 eeuts: Fit and liallery, 12)i crut* Doors opru nt 6 V o'clock. Performance eoinniem es at 'jj. l7t.Nfc.FIT OF SIUNOKA K. FICO. PAI.MO'8 OPERA HOUSE- Clmnbere street?Fiidsv Evcninc. May 2d? First pe r fb r inan c e ol Donizetti s Opera, L'EI.ISIR D'A.MORE?Adiua, Siguora R Pico; Nemoriuo. Sic 8 Benedcr-i; Belcorr, Si* Beneventano, Dulcamara. Si* Snnquirico; (Jisnetti, Signora liouUrd. Mile Gimier, Iroin the Opera of Pari*, lietweeeu the acts, will dauce, LA MANOLA, and a popular Daucr. j Opera Books may he liatt at the ten office lat tier of boxes and paruuette, $l;2d tier, 50 cents; Private boxes for eight per sons, $1?; do for 6 dp, $10. Seats can he secured at (he box | office, from 10 A. M. till 4 o'clock P. M. daily. Doors open at half past 7, performance to commence nt S. MDN<<H RAPETTl'S lii-.Nr.HT. PALMO'8. OPERA HOUSE.?Htguor KAPETT1 has the honor to inform his numerous friends and the public that ! his BENEFIT will tale place on MONDAY, list Slay, whe by general request, the entire opera of LLC1A Dl LAMMERMOOU will he performed. Sig.R. will execute o.i the violiu the Solo Introductory to Lucia's f'avatiun. Many Professors having kindly volunteered their services j for this occasion' the Orchestra will be grrailv increased. The evening performance will he preceded by a (irand Coucetuute piece, by Lindpainter, Flute, Clarionet, Oboe, Bas- J soon, and French Horn pbligato. , Between the acts, Siguor Kapetti wilt have the pleasue of producing before the public, one of his pupils, Master James Perkins, a young Americauartist, with whom he will play the brilliant Duo by Maurcr, (the same 8ig. K, has lately r.nui 1. nun ?- .-Iiviiri ; mvZtilirc AMATEU K PERFO KM A NCE.? P A L.V1 O'S OKk.UA HOUSE Chamber! street? Ji nk I. 1817. Admission jO cent*. Private Doses, %h. Scuts can be secured by applying at the Box Office from lOto 4 o'clock on the day of performance. Doors open at 7 o'clock, performance to commence at hal f-past 7. Cosluiner, Mr. J.O.Taylor. Leader ol tlic Orchestra, Mr. 11. Mark*. The following ladies and gentlemen, members of the filial.ape.ire Dramatic Association, will appear:?Messrs. A. Macdonald, Jr., Connor, D'Artist, Young, Marshall; Mixes Ncwkirk and Stanhope. Performance to commence with Shiel's reDbrated play of DAMON AND PYTHIAS?Damon,Mr. Macdonald; Pythias, Mr. D'Artist. To conclude with the farce of the llllSIl LION?Tom Moore, Mr. Young. wy87 fltis*r A ME ICAN MUSEU M?SPLENDID performances, this Afternoon and Evening. at 3 and V to 8 o'clock. JOHN DUNN, "THAT RASCAL JACK," Is engaged for a few days, together with the celebrated CH M'MAN FAMILY. MISS GREENWOOD, Mr. HARRISON, the Impr onipttt Singer, Mr.Conover, Comic Vocalist; Miss Robert, Miss Jnlien, tic. THE MOVING DIORAMA OF NAPOLEON'S FUNERAL. Will also be exhibited at each and every performance. Admission li ceuts. Children tinder IS years 11Hctaia. my8 rc CJOCIETY LIBRARY RO C) MS' UIUJADWAV?LAST O NIGHT. Mil. LOVER Will make his last apiiearance in a new entertainment, entitled " SPRIGS OF 8HILF.LA !" Ou Friiiav Eveni*?, Mav 38th, 1817, Illustrative of Irish elisrsrier u, oil the m.a le.I ..i "Tin* liisli Fisherman," auil (by particular drain! will lie repeated, 'Major Kinkifohl land SerKrmit Kelly," with tome new American Lyrica ami favorite aelectioua of hit owu songs, ike. Ike. "THE oniUIIlON." ITT** Admission fifty cents. Tickera and programmes to be I bad at tin* Aator House, tlic ptincipal Muaic Stares, and at llie door in tlie evening. Doors open at lialf past 7, performance to commence at B, arid coi.elude about IU o'clock. miiti 3l r MKS. MASON'S UKNI.Mf. The complimentary benefit to mrs. mason, w ill take place on the evening of Friday, June 4th, at the park theatre. Tickets can be obtained from any member of the Committee, or at the Box Office?at which place only teals are to be ae cured, llaxet $J?Pit $1. Philip Hone, Wm. Heury Le Roy, Hamilton Wilkes, Tims. Addis Emmett, W. E. Lnitcht, B.tclie McErers, Robert Euimett, Hamurl B. Buggies, Oedrn HolTinnn, Beverly Robitison, J. Prescolt Hall, Oeo. Washington Cottar, Deiiniug l)uer, J. Beektnati 1* inlay, James Thomsou, Samuel (Hover, N'ath'l Bloodgood, John T, Brigham, 11. Le Roy Newbold, II et inau Le Iloy, Robert 11. Morris, Wm. Kdirar, Mortimer Livingston, Joseph Blunt, John Stewart, Jr. H. O. Le Roy. Clia*. A. Clinton, Jainea Monroe, lieo. I, Scliuyler, C'liaa. I.. l.iv iuipitnu, VV. O. Kmc, Delaucey Kune, Campbell P. White, Henry 8. Hovt, O. Alauran, Alex r Hamilton, Jr., David Auiten, Jr., Lewi* M. Rntherford, David (J. Colden, Anthony L. Kobertaon, Clraa Aui,\ Davie, Heury lireevoort. m2i lit" re CAASTLK <> \ IIDKN is ojiened lor llio aeniou.?In the J Krcniuga Concerta of Muaic will be r iven by the German Urau Uvud, under the.direction of .Mr., eonaiatiiiv of aeleeted cumpoeitioiia from Lnbitzky, Htraurr, Lanuer, (jungl, Straeck, and ollicra, cuinnieiiL'oiK on .Monday next. May SI. luternuiaiou of half an hour during lire evening for promemadiuB, refrrahmenu, and viewing the Coamorarnaa, winch have been re-arraii|{ed. Adini aion 12>?rents. Concert connneucea at t o'clock. b>3 rrc VAUXHALL GARDEN ( ONCERT Hoo.M.-A dcliltbtful Muaicul Entertainment will be given in the above popular place of rraort every evening until further uolice, under the direction of Mr. Auatiu I'hilhpa, aniated by Mill Martin, Mia* Jeame Heyuoldaou, Mr. Quayle, Mr. liny, kc., fcr.? Concert ticketa 25 cent*, admitting a lieu tie man and Lndiea. fiatadmiaaioo to Garden. mSStf xc MK< HANK h' HALL, No. lii UUoaD WAV. b.tweru Grand and Broome ala. FAR F.WELD ( ONCKKTS. CHRI8TV8 MINSTRELS Hare the honor of announcing, that by the ilenire of the head* of numrroua fannliea, they will contiuu. for nnr week longer their unprecedentedly popular Concert*, which lor a succession of thirteen weeks have been uighlly crowded, by the elite and fashion of the city. Admt?low HI centi; to commence ?t I o'clock. inv2:i*t*rr EXHIBITION PAINTTnOS FOR saI.K.-The U large I'icturea of "Chriat Kejected," "4'brut Bearing the Cross," "Calvary,'' and "'1 he Three Days in Paris," painted by the late Win. Oiinlap, Esq., will he sold or let for exhibition on very moderate and accommodating term* to a responsible party. Ap.ily to It. F. ERASER, m273tis*rc Art Union, 322 liroadway. AJnUHBllKNVS KCSKWIIKRJK. SlHS. .MASON'S BENEFIT ANI) LAST APPEARANCE THIS SE ASON. WALNUT STREET THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA? Friday evening, .May 28, will be performed tiia admiird play of the LADY OK LYONS?Claude Meluolte, Sir. JV'liesllev; Col. Damaa, .Mr. a'ilerkett; Pauline, .Mra. .Mason. Miss Walteis in a favorite dance. To oucludr with the petite eoniedy of the YOUTIIFLX QUEEN?Steinberg, Mr. Wheatlry; Christine, (Queen of Sweden) Mrs. Slasm. To morrow, FEUDAL TIMES?Cochrane, Karl of Mar, M r. J, Wallark, Jr., Ins last thin season. The celebrated Danseuses ienuoise, 48 in number, under the direction of Mad. Josephine Weiss, are engaged lor a few nights only, and w ill make their first appearance since their return from the South on Monday evening nest. OpVRA HOUSE, clir.nM. i s'l RE EX. Philadelphia ? ltida, Evening, May. 28, will be presented (the opeit of ZAMI'A? Zamia, Mr Fr xer; iiruno inpuin, Mr Segun.; Alpliousvde Monka, Sir llnlinan; 4 ount I.ugano, Mr. Dow era; Dkrdula, Mr. W. F. dnhnstone; l.oreuxo de Matrzti, Mr. Kelly; Diego de Marotzi, Mr. Jersey; Camilla, Mis Seglllll. The ".Mountain Sylph" ia in preparation, aud will be eptedily produced. Prices?Die is r rele rod Par jnettn. ! cents, E villi" eirelss >5;i; Pi buses, lb. Doors lien o "Ig n'eloelr?to rnmmrnre at eight o'clock. UNION COUKHE, L. I.-TKOTTINU. PURSE Oh I'd)?Two in le heats, in harness; Iree for trot (tug horses iliat never wou a purse ovai $38 ; to eotne off i on Tuesday, June I. Entrances to rinse at (Ireen A lirvins's, at 9 o'clock A. M , on Saturday, three or more to mike a Held. tn28 2t#je O. HPICEW. CENTHEV1LLE COURSE, L. I. m i-Aft Wll i ^ ymTh 1. J"E TROTTlNl* AND I'A( IN41. MONDAY, MAY :tlst, a4 2o'clock P. M , purse SM, mile heats, best 3 in 9, in harness, lor pacera. Wm Smith rntrrs gr g. Tormentor. C. H. ilartiue rnters eh. g. Boss Datrher. F. I. Noiluie enters br rn. Village Maid. THOTTINIi At 3 o'eloek, match for $100, two mile hra's, in harness. Mr. Stevens nemr* 1, It?ll??i Mr. J one* name* ..h g Welch Rarebit. At I o clock, match for Sibil, two mile linn, under the Middle. It Hotter* name* jr. in. I.adv l.nnn. I), Steven* mime* h. g Steven., \dmi.Mon to all paMvof (lie ( u i *r VI Ccnl*. in ' II J'UOrilM, - III i I. MlKI.I III.A III MI.NU I'AHK COURSE,. rfHK HI'HINO MEKTINO orer (lie above Connie will E commence on Monday, tliellitof M*y, ?ud continue two Met, Kir?t Day?Stake #2A? $100 added by the proprietor, i mile lieati, to Itame**, Iree for green hone*. Same f)ar?l'ur*e JIM?2 mile hear* under the Middle, f,ee for liornen ttint never won a pur?e over #2110. Second Day?Stake of #2.)? #100 added, free tor lionet not over til year* old till* *pring, two mile heal*, in hnrnrn. Same Day?l'ur?e $1 Ml. mile heat*. Iie*t in five, to wagon*, ! wagon and driver to weigh lot) lb* , free for lionet that never won a pnne over #200. Entrie* to lie made the evening nreviou* to each trot, not ' later than G o'clock, at the eourte. Two or more to make a trot for each pnrae or atake. m >. v?;r <\ KOR SACK. t KINK H\i IIORSKi kind. "ootid anil young. Alto, a large l.ay- horae, tn.r ' ) -c f atrle, can trot a mile m three minute* to a wago , Old a fine fimilv hone. Apple at M. II. L'tnlerhill'* italile, No. 4 Kivingtun atreet, near the Bowery. in282r*rrr ! STR CWBOAKIiS NTH \W BOARDS -Ten ton* Straw lioard*, aborted numbers, for atU by J. NOflV Vl?, Alio, Binder?'and Trunk Botrda. tn26Jti?*r QlliNOR PAiNDOLKINI would inform tb* public that be | i hnajuat arrived from the South, after miking aale of every ??err of I.m rare and valuable atoek of Italian marble work. 1 f) i bis arrival in this eitv. k. lr,....*l mt ik. i ,1 ilte I igeit mid beet naaorimcuu il>" wh trn ppMd IN 4r? Vore city, cnmprmn* large and ?lr*aiit Va?i a for nn l>< ? ' 1 |a,iltbiMter Mid Marble Mutuary. In a few dt,* notice I rill l?* given to the public of the time tin- >ale will take place. The gooda will be arranged on the tirat lloor, up ataira, at Nu I J7 llroadaray (Htewart'a old atore). m27 2tta*r J I'VltOMKTrtK ?Thi? valuable and mdiapcnaable -<11< I 3 <li i ," cry, which haa recently attracted the at t r tit ion. and ieHVfil the approbation of the niemhera of the Hot il Society, I Loudon, for letting die IniMfe. and judging their rtate in ealth and dieeaae, la now iu lull practical operation, in the audi of the proprietor and inventor, at2ll Ninth atrert, where e will be in attendance from 10 o'clock, to I, daily. On Inndaya, Wedueadaya and Frtdaya, iraluitona advice will c given to the poor, froui 9 to 11 o'clock. in, 27 J0l*r T.O TH'B. LATEST MOMENf. ?Y * illfi BAIL*. ffalri in WaUunrton Wiimxstoit, May -Jtf. 1H47. DeepaUhtefrom Otntral Scolt?The Volunteer!?Dolaif ? Thr Marinei- Mr Trltt. i iKipatchat ??ru Utt eTculug rec?irfd from Geaarai I Scott. Ilu wua U?;i1 ?? ... . - - in* tiKaoe* on Ibl C? pitsl will be delayed for ten day* or a fortnight, by ths departure of the twelve month's volunteers 1 bar# stated in u former letter that ample dispositions had been made by the War Ix-partmant to aupply the place of those wboae term* would expire, Such dispositions have been made, but on the calculation that the volunteer* would remain in the eervloe until the actual expiration of their aoveral term*. Both (Jeneral Taylor and lienural Scott have put a different construction on ths law of Congrats authorising the organisation of the volunteer force. They have discharged the men from the camp at such periods aa to enable them to reach the United States before the expiration of their term of service. This is an erroneous construction. The law of Congress contemplated an actual service of twelve months. If instead of its present location, the seat of war were California under this construction, the twelve months' men would give but six months' service, for the remaining six mouths would be barely sufficient to ensure their arrival home before the expiration of their term of i?rvlco. <ieneral Jackson compelled the militia to serve twenty clear days after the expiration of their term, and those who attempted to construe the law for themselves, by leaving at the actual expiration of their term, he shot a* deserter* Hut the tw > G nurals are uot to blame. for tlui rase I* a new onn. The volunteer* or militia of the I nited States have never before been eug;vg*d lighting on a foreign foil, anil eonneiiuently the oi.-ei has never come up for decision. J J (Oi Dernl Scott may, probably, puth on in ponton to j I'uebla before the arrival of reinforcement*, but in thie 1 lin will be guided by circuiustaucc* If there be a road from Jalapu to Orizablu, ho will stud a force to attaok Santa Anuu at the latter plaee. aa If there be ?uch u rout, the Mexican general might barra** General j Scott'* rear, as he threatened, should the latter advance with hi* diminished force on I'uebla. Dut the ! delay to hi* ndvunce cannot last longer than ten dny* or j a fortnight, a* the deficiency caused by the departure of the volunteer* will be more than covered by General I'c&rcu'* and Ueneral Cadwullador's brigade* These brU guiles have, in all probability, arrived before this time. In addition to the?o troops, many more now on the way, will bo despatched as soon a* possible to reinforce General Scott, ani he i* already, doubtless, in a condition to march on the capital. The marines are not intended, as has been erroneously stated, for the occupation ot the isthmus of Tehuautepec. They will co-operate Immediately with General Scott. I see it stated that Mr. Trlst. on his arrival at Vara Cruz, had a long and mysterious conference with Commodore i'erry, und sage calculations nru made as to th? result of his communication with General Scott. Tha faet happens to bo. tliat tarther than the delivery of despatches to Commodore i'erry and General Scott, Mr. TrUt will have oOlciul communication* with neither of these officers. GALVIENS1S Waimisotos, May dii, 1?47. J1 ffar of lilooil and a War of Words?ji Word or two about both Wars?The Intelligencer and the Unio ? Gen. Taylor and the Presidency. Anybody who imagines that wo are only engaged at this time iu one war is mistaken. We have not ouly the war with Mexico, hut the was between the National Intelligencer and the Union. In tho Mexican war. tha main articles employed are powder and shot?in the organic editorial war. the means are steam nrn?.. ? ><! ? - per. Ill tliu Mexican war. a great deal'of blood is shed ?hi this paper war. there U a corresponding shedding of ink. and no bones broken. The Mexican war lias deteriorated into the guerilla system. and Father Rltohio hue thin morning proclaimed the same system of hush fighting with u old Jo,'' or. as the Congolese mandolin has it:? , " Old Jo a kirkin' up behind and befo', 'And old Tom a kickin' up behind old Jo.'' And yet we do trust and buliero that uuitlier the war with Mexico nor this war of words bctweun two beilieos* political agitutors, diverse, converse and reverse lu everything, will end in a dissolution of the Union, proTided always that a saving discretion be exercised In the settlement of the foreigu war and the domestic wax. The fact is, it is hard to choose between the manner in which Father llktcliie lias sustained the Administration in this war. or tln> stylu in which Mr. liales has opposed it; and we doubt whether the hxerutlve hua been most au noyed at the lack of fearless intrepidity, mixed with a saving discretion. in the conduct of the Union, or at the entire absence of a redeeming conciliation on the part of the Intotligencor. A weak point in the Union i? the exceeding perplexity into which its ancient oracle has haun thrown, with respect to the prnjet of running Oen Taylor for the next Presidency. Now there is no earthly advantage to >m? gained by denouncing the inconsistency of the wbtgs In riiuulug a military hero, as they, or tnauy of them, propose. But if the frequent complaints of the Executive paper be intended to deter the country democratic press from joining in the "huzzas" to old llougb and Tough, there may be souie method in this madness; for we rather suppose it will bo perfect madness to attempt to resist j tho current in favor of Taylor, it the old chap is fairly thrown out into the stream of tho next Presidential election. Kor the present it is idle to be in any perplexity on this subject. VVe know uot what the war may yet bring forth ?nor how It may eud?nor when it will eud?nor whera it will end. Wo know not what changes in the whole face of things, foreign and domestic, warlike, diplomatic, pacltic. and political, the next I ongress may effect. Its action will certainly put a new phase upon our affairs with Mexico, and the affairs of the next Presidency in very many respects, and it may oompletsly sot aalda all present calculations. The better way for the Union would bo to do as the Motional Intellifrncer is doing, in reference to tho proposed nomination of Uen. Taylor, by many of tho nountry whig prossei. and by one or two in the cities, and be iii! ocraiiional democratic paper ?and that la, to ray no thing. i"lt to keep f|tliet pro trm/mrr The /nlrfitg. nrrr doe* not fancy the idea of running old Zaek; hut tha editor* of that paper know that any agitation of the *object now, will lie like pour Dg cainpliiiiu into a Mazing pan ?it will augment the Maine. The IntrlHcnrrr lien perfectly still Hut Katlier llitchie. like th> bear, haa iieun ntuiig. ami i* resolved to U|>eet the beehive. bat the public judgment cool down a little?let bongreaa some together, fur it 1* a* much their bu*ine*ato arranga matter* for the next presidency, a* it I* to un*ettlw the U*t year laritl and to debate the <| ue*lion of extra pay . to tke page* of tha llouae, including the question of raductiuu of the member*' pay. which they are eery careful never to reduce, ami which, we betieve. tliWy would demand to the "Uttermost larthiug," were the nation bankrupt; but let u* wait a little, to *ee whether (fen. Scott will nut even yet succeed in eclipalug obi Zack: or whether old Zack will not poMitively refu*e, or whether, in the occupation of all Mexico, and it* annexation to the Doited Mate*, we aliail not have the option of running Santa Anna him*clf, a candidate who haa already couclu*ively *Uowu that he can outrun tian. Taylor ox lien. Scott. At all cveuta, it I* useless to di*cua* the jitantioo of whig con*i*tency for tin1 time being; and it i* equally uarleM on thi* plea to attempt to rurtall the public for OLD SCAC It. W**?iii?orot?, May 3#, IW7. Itrmi, Wo are glad to inform you that Mr Walker health i* improving though lie la still interdicted or restrioted by hii phy?ician in the liberty of apeeeh Vou will bar* been duly nppriaeil of the inlaalon of Major ilubbie, one of the 1'oat Muter General's moat efficient assistants. aeroes the water In the ateamer Waahtou from New York. No better man could be aent In behalf of the I'oet Office Department than the Major; and it la one of the beat idea* of the Puit Muter Oeneral. allice lie ha* undertaken the management of tha mail*. We are *atiafled too, it will turn ont a hundred per cent letter than the a<|Uabbling with the Jersey railroad lines, though ho deserve* *ome credit for hie spunk in that buaiueaa. After all, our deapatch of the Matnmoru .Imtm an Fitig wilt have beeu iu advauee of the ponies, the telegraph. aud the mail. That paper must have oouie around independently of Col Job neon's apparatus, to be so Ik in advance of all information from Now Orleans. There are said to be aouie peculiar designs on foot hern In regard to Mexican affair*, which will come forth at the proper time. I'eaoe i* rx peeled, and the clergy and tint tlirun million* are al?o expected in wliloh ca?e what will become of our old dot and go on*" customer. SANTA ANNA. Ualtimohb, May 37, IH47. d Ditgniling and llnrrtblr Oulrgar.?Kmigrnnli from Holland?Forml?Stock Market, d*c A moat horrid mm wm tried yeaterilay morning before the Baltimore ( ity < ourt. A strapping negro, named i hnrle* Walker, wm arraigned on the charge of commitLing a rape on an InleruKtiug little white girt, named Sarah Mien Bond, about twelve year* of age The negro e!*ed her whilst In the cellar of her mother'* houM. and by threat* of imtant daath. accomplished hi* purge**. Hut thl* waanotall. In ?o doing he communicated to her the uioet horrid dI*< **? -the fhrt of hi* having which wm al*o brought in evidence against hiin The llttla girl cried bitterly when brought to the witnc?*e?' land and her mother had to he carried out of the court room in a hy*t*rlcal fit Although the evidence wa* of the mo*t direct and noattlve character, the jury at 10 o'clock la*t night, had been out about eevcu hour*, and were *till unable to agree But, a* I* u*uallv the ca*e with Baltimore jurlea, the cnoo wa* toe plum for