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The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, May 28, 1847, Image 4

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The e?i brants tvo hundred la number who arrived
hare ? few Uv? *ino? ia the wtiip Catharine Jackson, are
the rau-juanf of a colony of Hureral tliouxaaJ Hollandart,
who are about to settle in Missouri. They are well
clad. and flue looking people, and hate an abundance of '
m-aus to carry out their intention* They fly front religious
persecution uuder the King of Hanover.
illicit auxiety it felt with regard to the ship fever,
which la spreading rapidly in serural sections of our city
It it what ia called the Irish spotted scarlet fever, and
generally proves fatal.
The Maryland tlpiecopal Convention met yesterday
They have not yet fairly got to business
Forrest appears as Richelieu to-night He draws tre
uoaauui uuuwh.
SalM or Stocks at Baltimore.
fruap Maryland 6'?, 90 M $1.000 do; fi.OOU do. lime,
* *; $200 CitvBV'90. 100. $2,000 do. loo* I'nited Brate. B'?.
M 1#???k?d. 10iK bid; Sutr C |?r ccnti, closed a! I
JS ? > bid; City 0 |wr cent* of "90, cloMd at 101 asked
IWl\* bid; Baltimore and Ohio Rail tray shares 17M asked,
IBM bid.
i'MiLsoaLrHia. May 47, 1847. I
The oonspiracy esse in our Court of Sessions chancing
two men named Townaend with procuring the arrest and i
imprisonment of .Mr. Deason. of .Vow Jersey, on an ac- j
cusation of forging n note for $10, has been concluded
by a verdict of guilty against tho defendants. They
have been sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment.
Constable Roberts, who arretted the defendants In Jersey.
has been indicted and will be tried there
The frauds upon emigrants committed by pretended
transportation agents in selling them tickets of passage
to other cities, which are utterly valueless, are still prac- i
tlced in your city with apparent impunity. Every few ,
days instances are brought to light here which prove the |
fraud to be of New Vork origin. The Hermans are par- i
ticiilarly exposed to this swindling from their ignorance |
of the language, and efforts should be made to punish
the parties guilty of these conspiracies to defraud the uu- '
The new building of the Academy of Fine Arts has
been greatly thronged by the admirers of the beautiful,
ever since the opening?at least I should judge so from
the crowd present during the few moments f was able
to iiuger there. It has become quite an agreeable plaoe j
for an afternoon lounge.
Now that the Herald's expresses have reduced rapi- !
dity of travelling to a system, General Tom Thumb has |
projected one to enable him to leave this city on Bunday
morning, and reach Boston in time to make his bow
before an audience there on Monday morning, at 11
o'clock. There being no line to leave New lork on
Sunday, an extra steamboat will be chartered to convey
the General and suite to Boston. His levees here
are increasing in popularity, as his visit draws to a clove.
Mrs. Mason was much liked in Julia last night, though
suffering from a cold, which reudered her voice rather
disagreable in the high tones. She has all the requisites
for a great actress, save the requisite flexibility, of voice,
which seems to have been injured by the brourhltis. or
affection of the lungs In other respeots her impersonation
of Julia was equal to that of Fanny Kemble, in her
pslmiest days.
The Viennoise children return to the Walnut street
ooar.jn next weex, to receive mojuror wnicn auonueu i
thvir first visit.
The production of " Zsrapa." at tho opera house, has
been stamped with approval by lar^e and brilliant audiences
at every representation.
De Meyer, the lion pianist, performs at the Philharmonic
concurt on Saturday evening, in two of his favorite
Saltsef Slotlts at Philadelphia*
FiaiT Boakd, Ma)' 11.?'j New Orients OiU, 13b>4; $7000 U.
8. Treasury Nores, 0 per cent, 103&; $2'H4) Sute6's 00*%; $1000
U. S. Loan, 6'?. V. 107*?; $100 <i-> do, 103; $3000 Tennessee
11 >uds. 6's, 100'i; $0000 Cincinnati Bonds, 6's, 7>j, 93; $130 State
Ann Satis?76 shares Grand Gulf, 7 W; 4 do PennaylTania
Bank, 319*
Skco.vo do&an?10 shares Harriaburc Railroad, 34; 73 do,
S0<; 30 Morria t'aual. 20; $930 Schuylkill Nav. 6's,'63, U4X;
$ 1,110 U. S Loan, 6's, '36, 107; $6000 State 3'*, 71; 1 Penu. Bank,
319* $1000 Reading Railroad Mortgage Bonds, 71; 100 Oirard
Bank. 12*.
Aptbii 8alk?-4300 Tetaa Bonds. 27.
Albany, May 26, 1847
Jinti-Rentiim and the Judiciary.
1 understand that on the Ilth day of June next, immediately
after the result of the approaching Judicial
election shall have been ascertained, the tenantry will
hold a mass eonvention in the county of Rensselaer.?
At this convention, committees will be appointed, who
will be Instructed to submit n formal proposition tor the
?* -*i?.??* .< is. ?n -?* i
p?rm?UVUIi MgUBtlildUh U1 bUO nu ii "i uub UIIUV.lUkius. *
understand, alto. thstHhe tenantry will propose to pay
the Messrs. Van Rensselaer for what Is called a "quit
claim," a sum that the (then) Supreme Court shall adJudge
to be equitable. I suppose this arrangement has
been made with a view to the election of their nominees
for Judge.
I stated, yesterday, that tho dissolution of the antirent
organization was an event that had become probable;
but though the public safety demands it, and
though identiScation with that cruel faction will be po
lltioai extinction to any candidate, still its entire dissolution
before the ensuing judicial electiou can hardly be
effected; their vote. I am sure, will show a falling off;?
Vice Chaucellor Whittlesey has announced that he was
nominated by the tenantry for the Court of Appeals,
without his knowledge or procurement.
it is stated that Senator Joshua A. Spencer, who was
nominated for judge in the fifth judicial district, has
finally determined to accept the nomination.
Senator Burnham, who drew up the compromise for
the division of the State into judicial districts, passed
through this city to-day. on his way to New York
Interesting Intelligence from Brazil.?The
following ia ti letter front Rio Janeiro, received
at the Boston Merchants1 Exchange News Room, from
Capt. (trifling, late master of the whaling bark Sarah and
hsther. of Ureenport, Long Island, giving a detailed account
of thw seizure of that vessel, while taking iu supplies
in a port on the coast. In conformity with a custom
practised by our whaling ships, and sanctioned by the
Brazilian government for many years :?
Hie Janeiro. April'JO, 1817.
I have thought It advisable to furnish Capt. Treadwell,
of the bark Lucia Maria, who la now about to leave here
Cr.? RmIah wit h a nnnriu acenunt of the seizure of the
whaling hark Sarah and Either, lately under my command;
and I do thli to correct any misstatement of this
affair, which may get into the public prints previous to
his arrival there.
On the Qdth of March, having a bad leak in the
ship's bows, which 1 wished to stop, and being also
In want of wood and water. I put in to llhu Grand,
a place much frequented by American whalers for
fifteen or twenty years past. After scraping and
painting the ship's bends. I commenced taking in
wood and water, but being detained somo days by
heavy rains. 1 had not got all on board on the 6tn
of April, when the government cutter Narcya, from
this place, cams into the bay. and having taken possession
of my papers, on the Hth he came on board with
au armed force, and ordered me to get the ship under
weigh, and proceed with him to this place, which 1 peremptorily
refused to do. After finding that he could not
prevail upon me to do so. and he refusing to surrender
my papers. I told him to take charge of the ship and
consider her as a prise, and myself as a prisoner Me
then put a prizecrew on board, and brought tier up to
this place, i informing me on the passage that 1 was seized
upon suspicion of having a large quantity of coffee on
board, which pays an export duty here.
After keeping us on board under a guard for two days,
afier onr arrival here, and making a partial examination
of the ship's cargo, and becoming convinoed that
there was no dutiable articles on hoard, they took me on
shore to the custom house, and examined me touching
the businesa for which 1 put in to this coast. I was here
Informed that I should undergo a trial for the disposal
of about one hundred gallous of oil, which I had ex
changed tor my supplies. The vessel has been ordered
to be discharged of all her oil. which is now being taken
out by themselves and stored In the government warehouse.
and tikis too previous to bringing us to any trial
I have gWen notice of protest in the Consul's office, intending
to extend it after the decision of the court,
which commences our trial to-morrow
The recruiting of our whale ships all along this coast,
where no custom houses are established, has been sanctioned
by this government for twenty or more years
past, but the public mind here has lately become greatly
inflamed towards the Uulted States government for
sanctioning our Minister, Mr. Wise, and Commodore
Rosseau. for the spirited stand which they have taken
In defenoe of our oitiscns. against the petty tyranny of
this imbecile government.
The papers here almost daily teem with abusive paragraphs
towards the Uuited States government, and talk
as If a war with our country was now almost inevitable,
but no war to be dreaded or feared here
A Brasilian sloop-of-war left here, as soon as they
brought me in, to capture all our whalers found on this
roast at anchor. But Commodore ltosseau promptly
ordered the brig Bainbrldge. Commander Williamson,
under weigh, aii rumor says, to protect our ships, at all
Captain Ritchie, of the frigate Columbia, informed
me last evening, that the Bainbridge was not ordered
any further down the coast than llba Grand, the Commodore
not knowing at the time of her sailing that our
whalers .requented the island of Ht. Sebastian, which
lies further to the westward Should a collision take
place between these vessels which have left here, I think
our situation will b? critical hej-e.
Ship Fbvkk.?The Statenman of yesterday
says;?"We leant that there Mre no less than
sixty patients now In the hoepltal of our Alms House,
Sick witb the ship fever We understand It proves fatal
in a large proportion of eases "
Amoug the emigrants recently arrived at Baltimore,
the ship fever prevails to a great extent, and many have
In the Westchester oounty poor house this disease has
broken out. One death has occurred, and there are
several slek.
On board the ship Lochlilio, which arrived at Quebec ]
on Friday last. JO deaths hud occurred from ship fever.
In the alms house at Boston, on Monday last, six
death* occurred, Ave of *hip fever.
The Montreal llriali of the2>th inet. . *wy*;?"Wn regret
to *ay that the foreboding* of evil with reapeot to
migrant* arriring in the St. Cewrence, are at thin mo
ment only too *adly verified. We hare been favored
with the light of a letter from Quebec, from which it appear*
that a vary large number of death* have taken
place on hoard of many of the venial* coming out ?
On board the Agnee, there have been fifty death*; j
on board the Wandsworth, forty-flve; on board the
Jane Black, ten or eleven; on board the Oeorge,
twenty; in all about one hundred and fifty There are
now we loaru. about two hundred and (lateen patient*
on shore in the ho*pital, beeldee two hundred and twenty
other* on board four ehlp*. which are etill detained
at Oroeee lain The government, In the meantime, ha*
been engaged in doing all In it* power to alleviate the
calamity We understand that the Chief emigrant
Agent at Quebec, haa engaged two experienced medical |
nana to go to the Quarantine etatlon. to aeetet Or Dong- I
lea In taking charge of the eick; and accommodation baa
been provided for 10,000 pereon* on the ieland He ha*
aleo given the necessary order* for th* erection of a
fever Tioepital on Wind Mill Point, above the canal Ttale
boapital will contain two hundred pereon*. A nhed I*
(also to he erected on the Inland wharf.
Ouut, Tatu.?Jkrbf tht wtk tpdlng th? .
nd IBM., tatt* wii collocud on up *' I
flw following oBoea :?Albany, $18.84* II, Now York
$8,187 90; Weat Troy, $90,841 86?total $44,896 47, On
the downward freight, there wae collected at Buffalo,
$68,96 98; at Black Rook. $7Mi ?5. and at Oawego.
$10,317 99?total, *76 861 8:?; being aggregate of
| $121,477. L&ftt year, the amount received Wan $64.202. |
! of which there waa reoeieed on up freight at Albany, i
! $10,403, and at Went Troy, *16.388; and on down freight j
j at Black Rook. *9,991. at Buffalo. $30 683, and at Oewe- j
go, $5 064.?Albany Artui, May 97talN
or Stocks at Boa ton.
Baoscae'Board May U6-I .h.CouNectiCuiKiTer Kailroad,
90; 75 Ea*1 Oo.tou Co. 29*. 15 d.? bo lOda, #X;36 do
91 righu Bo'toii and Maine Railroad. 9M: 150 ?h? Heading
K'ilroad, 76,;! Norwich fc Worcester Rtilroid 60k; 96 do
ao 10di. 56*4; 10 OldColouv Railroad. 102X; 10 do bo 30d?, 103;
500 Long (aland Railroad, ?o 6d<, ilOjd: 6 Weateru Railroad,
S.ri, Railroad VII 109k: 1 Union Bank Ittlk
I SitiiJi'Reading Railroad Bouii. "SO. 73$J; $150 fn i?ury ftoto.,
roiU' C1COO do.? per c?ut, 1U5M: W rights Boston *i?d Maine
ic/lIr' ?ii, 2'*; I# ? >* Bo,t " Maine Railroad, 1I5J6; 1J5 Old
Colony Ihm.I, 10?*-, a 10J; C Nashua and Lowell Ra Irned.
II?, d ? nn; 10 Vermo i Crntral Railroad. 93; 10 Cheshire Railroad.
#sjk'; II Fitchhnrg Railroad. 114V; 3 Trcmout Ma uf.
Co. I nod; 9 Boit'Ui Bank, par $5n.5(X; 17 City Bank, 99>?; 10
Graiiitr Bank, 9tX; 4 North Bank,90; 10 Market Bauli, par $70,
77; 10 Mauchealrr Mills, par $50o0, 70 per CU
State of the Floor Market.
Philadelphia. May "20.?Klour?No aalea for export
have transpired to-day. Hoi dors ask $9, but buyera are
unwilling to pay that price. Rye Flour?Sale* at $0 75
per barrel, l orn Meal?Sales at $5 37>?. Buyers generally
only offer $5 31. Wheat? 2500 bushels prime white
were sold at $'2 15 per bushel. A lot of red at $'2 05
Corn?Sales of 3000 bushel Northern yellow at $1 15. A
lot of Pennsylvania round yellow at $1 10. Oats are
wanted at 60 a 65 cunts tor Southern and Pennsylvania.
( f>BM Taini . T Vr,. r-~. ? Y4-- Or. TL. ...ml...
vessels. with the amount of flour and grain that bare
cleared for different porta in Europe, from the 1st of
January to the -24th instant. is set down aa follows
Rscapitalatiou?Ships ...16?373,913ht 13.123 5,698
Barks. ..24?1U8, 061 9,133 2,820
Briks. ..31?320,241 0,722 503
Schre ... 7? SB,221 000 ?
ToUl 1,119,367 31,370 9,018
The following quantities of oorn have been rereceived
at this port between the above periods, that is
from January 1st to May 34th, Inclusive
Butheh. Buthtlt. Total
Canal. Cootiwiir. Buthtli.
January 201,781 136,827 338.621
Krbruary 226,002 376,340 702 312
March 200,199 222,830 123,039
April 121,317 69,327 190,811
May 24th 10,353 53,887 91,212
Tstal 899,837 857,121 1,757,278
Since making out the above lint, we have to note the
clearance this day of three barks for Liverpool, with the
aggregate cargo of 52.831 bushels oorn; 46(>0 barrels flour
and 69 barrels of rosin; valued at $94,690 50.
Herstld Foreign Commercial Correspondence.
Havana, .May 13.?Within a day or two a speculative
movement has manifested itself in our sugar market, I
and prices have advanced. We now quote Cucurochos
at 5^a6 reals; ordinary yellow fi.Wafi>i reals; middling
vellow 6Xa7 reals; fine yellow 7l?a7>a reals; floreto yel- (
iww < >t'utn, uiuiiiniy IVUIVC ia.-* ivhid, uiiuuimg
tvhitn!?L?a9X: fine and florete whiten 9X?10 real J. Mo- I
lasses hue also improved, Bales of clayed have been made
in Cardenas at 3a3X reals. Freights are a little easier. 1
Exchanges dull. New York and Boston 1 to IX per cent ^
discount Corn abundant, sales at 3>? reals. ^
May 15? Since our respects of 13th Inst, which we
confirm, the detnand for sugar of all kinds has sinoe been h
very active at the advance. In molasses no change. \
Exchange dull; London has been dull at 6X per cent. (
and northern bills can be obtained at IX per oent dis- v
count. Freights to the United States $3 for sugar and ^
$3a3X for molasses.
Foreign Markets. -j
St. J*no de Cuba, May 3, 1847.?We have now a u
good supply of American provlsious. The last sales on
the wharf were 40 casks rioe, $0 35; 100 barrels of pota 1
toes, $4 76; 76 barrels No. 3 mackerel, $6 50; 400 boxes ,
smoked herring. 70 cents; 300 do cheese, 10c; 300 kegs
butter. 30c; 76 barrels pork, $33; 33 casks hams, $11 60, ,
160 boxes candles, $IG 76; 3 hhds sheer pork. $11; 10 bbls <
lard, $14 60; 100 boxes codfish, $3 75; 160 prime hhds
shocks, $1 87X; 360 boxes shooks, $ I 36. There is but j
little doing at present in the produce market. A sale of 1
80.) hhds Muscovado sugars transpired a few days since ,
at $3 a 3 13X?. box sugars uominal at 4 a 5 cents; molasses
$16 per hhd; bag coffee $4 a 0, cash; do $6 50 a 11; i
tobacco, $9 a 11. There is a great want of tonnage here,
both for the United States and Europe. Exchange on 1
the United States, par; London, $4 91 per ?100 sterling.
Avtigua, May 10, 1847.?Superfine flour per barrel.
$8 35; corn meul, $7; corn per bushel, $1; black eyed
peas, $1 35 a 1 60: pilot bread, $5 50; navy do 4 50;
crackers. $6; pork, prime American, $16; do mess, $18;
do clear, $30; hams per pound 16 cents; cheese, 16c; butter.
30c; lard, 13o; candles, 16c; spruce lumber. $30;
whito pine do, $33 60; pitch pine do, $30: red oak staves
$33; cypress shingles. $8; cedar and white pine do, 5.
The Crops.
The crops are now suffering for rain. In every other
respect they are doing well The weather, within the
last month, has been delightful.
It is said that Illinois will not raise more wheat this
year than will be required for home consumption. But
there will be very large quantities of Indian corn made,
which will be the substitute for consumption should
wheat continue high in price.
We were visited by a few quite refreshing showers on i
Sunday night and yesterday. The fields now present a 1
most beautiful appearance ; wheat, rye. corn, oats, pota- ,
toes, (k.c. are springing from the tarth as it were by !
magic. All fears and apprehensions of a failure of crops
in our section must disappear.?Lehigh (Pa.) Remitter.
Never, wo beiieve, did heaven's showers come down so
gratefully as on Monday last. The whole couutry was
parched aud suffering, grass and grain very backward,
and all breadstuffs rising to enormous rates. The clouds
hieh had been gathering and dispersing on Saturday
ana Sunday. thickened up toward .Monday morning, and
continued to pour down a continuous stream, which it
did a man's eyes good to look at . ?Somerset (IV. J.) Whig
There was a light front in the interior of South Carolina
on the 14th instant.
Complaint is made in this part of the country, that
caterpillars' nests are very numerous among the apple
trees this season.
Passengen Arrived.
Liverpool?Ship Pacific?Mr Powell, lady and child; Mr
Payuter, and 209 in the steerage.
llio Salvauor?Brig it De Zaldo?Mri Eliza Butler and
two children.
Bhsmen?Bark Florlana?Mr Habzerand lady, two Miases
Kroupl'eis.er, Mr Kumpt, and h in the strerage.
Matanzas?Brig John Hill?J M Monroe.
8t Martins?Sohr Clara Fisher?E Ridcerzesta.
Chaklhton?Ship Sullivan?J K O'Neill, lady and children,
John Mulligan, lady and children, Mrs J Cufliuburg, i
Miss E McCurmack, Mist A O'Neill. .Messrs Lewelliu, El- i
der, Parsell, Maguuu, Strong, Hubbard, McNamau, aud an in
the ateerage. j
Charleston? Brig Emily?Mrs Win H Babcock, Mrs M
A Genre/, Wm H Babcock, S Babcock, F Babcock, Rev E
Harris, S Maguire, J Q A Wilbar, Thomas Hall, H Bradbury,
George Gibbon, K llaynard, J K Whipple, Captain Riley.
Savannah?Bug Augusta?Mrs McGregor, Mrs Mitchell.
Mrs Wayne. 2 children and 2 servants; Mrs M'ller, child and
seryaut; Mrs French, child aud servant; Mrs White and hva
childree: Mrs Vissaril and 2 children: Mrs Heitman, Miss
Clarke, Miss Sullivan, Mr V R Ruts, 8 llovte, AM Teneyck,
W Cullcn, S Hoot, L Stevens, W H Hill, O 8 Root, Master h
Champion, and9 in the steerage.
Foreign Importations.
Liverpool?Ship Pacific?200 tons pig iron 3 cases steet R
lrvin?33 Jos Ellison?1 c.k A R Van Wert?I Smith, Wright
It co?4 John Van Nest?1 J H Timet?16 frames of felt G VV
Shield. V rn?USD bars iron E F 8 mdersun ?10 casks J B F II
Weed?I T H Ball?6 Thomas It co?IO bales R Werkly?38
casks Brow n, Wood It co?II H SHamersley?I hhd.t 10 crates
i ameron It Band?10 bales J Gishm It co?5 David Hadder?
ill Robert Spalding?II John Gishein Ik co?1192 bars iron J B
K H Weed?CIO bills hoop iron Pursin It co?M casks Kichard
Pali irk It Co?1600 bars iron L Ward?699 sacks salt G H
Shields It co?10 dor. matts Williams It Guyon?II casks and
23 crates to order.
Olasoow?ship Manhattan?'I) malts bottles Smith Thurgar?
2:10 tons coal Barclay It Livingston.
Havana? Brig America?72 hhas molasses 431 bbls sugar J
JTa>lo<?490 Spolford. Tilestou It co?147 Slurges It co?21
lilids sugar Morse It Taylor.
Havana?Brig Moselle?28 halee tobacco 2 cases sugars Caret
It Aatoin? 301 bbls sugar Victor it Achelis?119 bales tobacco
Aymar Ik. co?190 bbls sugar C Lrntilhon?71 Robert Ik
Williams?96 Hum It Burehard?110 boies sugar Dechltt It
Bremen?Bark Floriana?9 es mdze L Cook?i Kohltart It
br?31 Jang It Behrmann? I Hautiue It Osthimer?22 Keimer
It Meeke?20 Minterhoff, Piper It Kirk?9 C F It A Henricli?
911 bxs mdze E T Poppe.
St. Mabtins?Schr Clara Fisher?49 hhds sugar 1 tieice 148
ktl. ,1., 1 k.,l. l.mie.n,,. .1/ .1.. I. L... J., 1.1/ 1 ......
aaaea J Durand?II lib1 tierce augar 31 bbla do 12 pure inolaaaea
I C Whilimm?7 Mid. auger30 blda do J Foulke It sou
?22 bbli auear 3 ke.a tammerina D Bloia m
Post at' Pmincr?Sclir 8 O Tbompaou?728 liaga coffee 1
fa wine 26000 .b? lig 13000 Iba log A (J Koaaaire St 1.0?304 baga
coffee T Marean?200 do Laurrncr Hill.
Po.ecg, PR?Brig Captain John?118 hhda atigar and 23 hhda
molaaaea Sturgeaa It cij?173 hhda augar Kouthinayd It 8tur
DooimIIc Importations.
C,M4?t.s?T0!??Ship Hullirau?218 htlea cotton Sprague.Robinaon
St co?21 do J W-Phillip*?87 Hpofford Tileaton It cu?
60 It Poa1?10 8nuter Brothera It co?126 8 H Lerrrich?210 do
to order?21 half tiercea rice Mr Bodiue?100 do D Mill a?30 do
to order?29? blrla tu pentiue 8 L Mitchell?I boa W Bailey?
2 bmea O Kmtgen?I (2 Pullman?I W A It A M White.
CHa?i.g?To.a?Brig Emily?30 empty bbla H 8 Leeerett?
2 trunk< 8 Rooarrelt?aumlriea W I.orrie?3 hga Lee It Brewster?
3 c. mdzr Seymour It eo?I hale do F 8 St 0 Lafhrop?
2 it Napier St Warner?I caae mdae K It D M Strbbm?10 nla
yarn J W Phillip.?29 halea rot oil Spragur, Rohinaou It co?
183 do Francia Burritt?iii do Harrkenrath It Van Dame?no
H 8 Lr Tench?73 tiercea rice John Fowler?101 tea rice to or
Mont.g?Brig Virginia?313 balee J Lee It co?268 Deen It
Tlio nton?103 J Betnua?103 8ilaa Wood?30 H It R Lippett?
II C Deliingi-r?I J H Talman; 1 O Lirkyer?5 R It (i Rogera?4
.1 H T-I man?I bbl Prttibone It Carter?3 Weruer It
Oale?Deen St Thornton?III bnlea 76 baa 3 bbla to order.
Strtaatn-Brig Auguata?237 Ida cotton E It R R Oravea
142 L H Brigham -44 do 8 Bronton?22 do Cahooo, Kenny It
ro?200 rka rice C Bolton?72 bla order.
Arat.Acii icot.a?Brig Brookline?230 bla cotton J W Phillipa?40
Drake Mills?13 Phillipa St Aborn?16 E D Hurlhut St
H Tainan.
HI* ?! ? <11 MOOI* IITI 3 42M
III* 0KTi 7 It HIOHWaTM 7 40 M 4
Hhi|>??Lltarlrmarne, Packard, New Orleana, Stanton k. '
Kroat; Alr?to, Loon, Apalaihioola, ICnjiOi, (Jobb, New Orleana,
W H Hammond '
Bark?Albion, (Br) Wallia, Limerick, J McMurray.
Briii?Antoinette, (Brrmen) Weaaela, Bremen. E k T
roppe; Knara Helen*. (Dutch) Port Amsterdam, Wm Wetaer;
I. Q, (Br) Lee, Antwerp, Bar* lay k Li*iii(atoii; 8*ea, 1
(Dan) Dnbin, Rio Janeiro, 8 t. Mitchell; Almatia. Smith,
Coracoa, 8 w l.ewia; New Orleana. Bramhall, Bermuda,
Tucker fc Lighthonrne; Falconer, Denniann, Mataiir.aa, E I
Rtrhardaon kLo, Hone, Pierre Mararaibo, H W I.rwu, D
B, Bordrout, I'ictou, N B, J II Bratne, London, Whitman,
"LRhLaTywr. wlHawn tee. Btlil mU
Sliip Pacific. Ludlnm. from Liverpool, to William*k Onion.
Finn twenty day* out, stroug (tin from tlM westward, tad
the remainder of the passage light breezes tad v triable; May
I, one of the passengers, a boy, three yeara old.uained Bullock,
died; May II, ArnoldJLeahey, aged 73, also died.
British ship Speed. Trundrll.22 days from Liverpool, with
23d tuus salt, 221 passengers o R (tein fc Co.
Ship Mauhattisii, Carroll, from Glasgow, 2tch alt, with mdse
to PfeiBer It Weissmsa
Bremen bark Vuua, Vassels, 43 days from Bremen, with
mdse to K It T Poppe?131 steerage passengers.
Belgian bark Stad Antwerpen. Govsrts, 34 days from Antwerp,
with mdse to J Brockelm n?137 steerage passengers.
Bark St Cloud, Watson, (of Philadelphia) from Vera Cruz,
with ordinance to the U S Quarter Master.
B trk Clarissa Perkins, Cobb, from Cienfuegoe. 7ih instant,
with sugar and molasses to Chastelain It Poneert. S3d iust, lat
33 37 N, long 74 22 W. spoke whaling brig Samuel Cook, of
ProrincetowUi7 weeks out, 30 bbls. 8tiled in company with
British brig Victoria, for Halifax. Captain Martin, of schr
Ortlloo, w no arrived at Cienfuegoe, reported a large steamer
UNI-Ia uu Vijiu urriuu acn, suppoteu 10 uc one Ol III! n .?
tteatneri, at he h,d <eeu one of them the day previoua coming
lowu the lalaud. The M H Chan pell petted Cnyo Breton
Reefthree dtyt after the Ortlloo, hut tew nothing oi her, end
it wat auppoaed that the had got off
BremeuWk Kloriant, Poppe, 30 dtyt iron Bremen, with
mdie to E It T Poppe.
B ig Mutelle, F.uatii, 19 dayt from Havana, with tugar to R
P Buck It Co,
Brig John Hill, Pearce, 19 dayt from Matanxat, with 138
hhd 123 boiet tugar 31 hhdt molaatea, to Meyc k Stucken.
Briuth brig Libra, Moir, 43 dtyt from Branff, (Scotland) in
ballaat, to J Lee It Co.
Brig America, Pomroy, from Havana. May 12, with tugar,
to Ne?mith It Walth. Sailed in Co thip Maton, for St Petrrtburg;
tchr Albion, Dickey, Philadelphia.
Brig Torcello, Atwood, from Walerford, May 1, in ballatt,
to Nrtniith St Waltli. 33 iiasiengera 3d iutt. lat 31, long 11 30,
tpoke thip Suffolk, of Boatou, from Philadelphia, 23 dayt out,
(or Liverpool: May 8, lat 4930, long24, tp >ke brig John Clifford,
from Oalway, for Boatou; 18th inttaut. lat 4245, long 52.
patted a large ice berg,
Britith brig Sarah Ann, Barton, 44 dayt from Limerick, iu
ballatt to OeTrich It Kruger.
Britith brig Eliza Kincaid, Wake, 44 dayt from Liverpool,
in ballatt, to matter. 33 patiengert. May 25. off Fire laland,
tpoke tchr Reindeer, of Newburyport, 80 bblt nth.
Brig Brookline, Shapter, 18 dayt from Apilachicnla, with
cotton, to E D Hurlbut k Co. 14th nit, in the Uulf, taw brig
?ti>ffrinff iiftrlh
Brig Commodore Hull, Corrhell, 40 days from Trinided de
Cuba, with 143 hhds, 32 tierces, 33 bbls molasses, Chasteilain
St Pouvert.
Swedish brig Clara, Bagman. 34 days from Gotteubtirg.with
250 tons iron to Boormau, Johnston St Co. 20th instant, lat 40,
long 70 22, spoke bark Sarah, hence for Londuu
Brig K de Zaldo, Roberts, 28 days fiom Rio Salvador, with
hides, Lima wool, turtle shrll, specie, to W Tyson.
Brig Majestic, McNair, 19 days from Trinidad de Cnba.with
molasses, to Chas'rrlain It Pouverr.
Brig Macon. Wilson, 21 days from Matanzss, with sugar to
Duuscomli It Berk with
Brig Captain John, Small, from Ponce, P R, 4th inst. Sailed
in Co with srhr Hepsibar, for N Vork. May 6, lat 32 16, long
72, spoke Bremen bark Johanna, hence for Havana.
. Brig Susan Abigail, Prescott, 19 days from New Orleans,
with molasses, to Maillerlt Lord. 17in instant, lat 32 30, long
73 20, spoke brig Margaret, 5 days from Bangor, for Havana.
Brig Virginia, Talbot, 15 days Irom Mobile, to H D Hurl;
lint (k Co. Lat 20, long 80 10, spoke the schr Planter, from N
Orleans, bound to Philadelphia, 5 days out. ,
Brig Mentor, Greenlaw. 20 days from Jacksonville, (E F.)
with itiniber to Gilchrist 8c Co.
Brig Watson. Watson, 14 days from Savannah,with lumber
to Hamilton St Moodev.
Brig Macon. Sheffield, 7 days from Savannah, with cotton,
to R M Oemill.
Brig Augnata, Sherwood, 8 day* from Savannah, to Sturgis,
vlearmau 8c Co.
ariK r.tnny, rionirey, t nay a irom i^nar lesion, to fun nam ot
Oiinoii. '
Briliah schrTliipys, Grialey, 30 days from Glasgow, with
rnn and coal to Siffkiu & Ironsides.
Bremen schr Flott, Havenhorat, 33 dava from Bremen, in
isllast. 73 steerage passengers to Bechel It Dreyer. The F. is
inuiid to St Domingo.
Sclir Hepzibah, smith, 18 days from Ponce, P R, with 125
ihds sugsr, 73 do molasses, to P Harmony Nephews St Co.?
Vessels lelt not recollected. 3Dt instant, NK edge of the
lulf Stream, spoke wh le ship George It Mary, with 2300 bis
rhale, 200 do sperm oil.
Sclir King Philip, Shermau, 20 days from Port au Prince,
rith coffee and logwood to A C Rosaire St Co.
Schr Rival, Brown, 13 days from Cardenas, with molasses,
a Neswith St Walsh. 420 lihus 41 tierces 13 hhds molasses J J
['ay lor. Vessels left not recollected. 11th instant, off Cardeas,
spoke brig Cardenas, 23 days from Portland for Havana.
Schr Clara Fisher, Mumfoid, 16 days from St Martina, with
ugar, to B Blossom
Schr Wakulla, Parker, 30 days from Trinidad de Cuba, with
: 1,1100 gallons molasses Chasterlain it Ponvert.
Schr T O Thompson, Putnam, 18 days from Port au Prince,
with mdse to A C Rosaire. Sailed in co brig Ida, for Philalelphia;
Draco. Boston.
Sclir Sagr, Padget, 8 days from Charleston, with cotton,Sic
Last evening, off the Hook, was ruu into by the bark Gaxelle
lound out. .....
Sclir l oinmod re, Powell, 11 days from Mobile(with cotton
;o J Hunter. __
Sclir Planet, GtsUcIl, 4 days from Washington, NC, with
taval stores,'o S L Mitchell.
Schr 11 D Leightou, Hardy, Wilmington, N C, with naval
itores, to master.
Schr Augustus, Parker, Vifginia, timber.
Schr ? S Powell. Powell, from Wilmington, N C, with nazal
stores, to 8 Powell.
Schr Andes, Keaue, New London, oil.
3chrSpv, Allen, Boston, mdse.
Sclir Olive, 8milh, Wilmington, NC, naval stores.
Lighter schr Ganges, Allen, from the wreck of the ship Ashland.
Ship Coromandel, Liveri ool, and others.
Also, 2 brigs. _ _
Herald Marine Correapondeisee.
Van* Cm *, May 10.
Arrived, sloop Mary Aims, Oallen, Galveston; schr Shannou,
Guiding, New Orleans; brig Planet, Clark, Philadelphia;
idir Iowa, Stevens, New Orlrana; brii( New Caitle, Packard.
Phihdelphia;aclir Mary Eileu, Schreiver, St Thomas; bark
Adeline It Eliza, Baker, New Orleaua; four veaaela in sight at
1 P.M.
Arrived, 5th, achr Cull, Lewis, Galveston; brigs Lawrence
Willie, from New Orleans; Hodgson, Philadelphia: [SplMs
nuel u. Terrer, Havana: achr St Helena, Sparks. from Tainliico.
7th. brigs Thos F Hurt, Rufliugtoii, Philadelphia; Loran,
Chaae, do; Thoosa, Kreuch, do; aclira seagull, Hummer,
Jo; Jonathan Wainwright. Nargrate, New Orleans.
Cleared. 91 li and 10th, ships Chailolte Head, Gray, NOileaus:
[Brrin] lleiiniue, Hewriel, Havana; Henry Pratt, Condon, N
Orleans; brig Billow, Lawrence, do; aclira Cabot, Phillip*,
Jo; Home, Kenny, do; brig Lowder, Couklin, do; achr Coclieco,
Southmayd, Tampico; brigautine Mnnuelita, Kerreraa,
Havana; sloop ( utter, halvrl, Galveston; achr Selirn, Batson,
NOrleans; hriit K Russell. Are) , do; achra Was|>, Palomo,
do: Morris Thompson, Tampico; brig Osceola, Levniy.New
Orleaua; ship Pharaalia, Allen, do; brig Cordova, Ingrahain,
Cainpenchy; aclira Mary K Balsh, 1 ucker, Tucker, Tampico;
Wasp, Jarregiiay, New Orleans: brigs Georgians, Crispin, d>>;
St Patrick, aw ift, do; schr St lleleua. Sparks, Tampico Gtli,
achra Enterprise, Adams, New Orleans; Poinpino, Oakinan
Mobile; Kr bark Nouvean Cautable. Duprat, Bordeaux: achr
Elizabeth, <5lift, New Orleans, I S Cabot, Lauder, thin Klisha
Oeniiison, Srelev. do; schr Margaret Ann, West, uo; brig
Eagle, Rodgers, Havana. Slh.schrs Fraternity, Buisson. Nautale,
Mexico; [Spl Hermosa, Habanera, Bosch, Havana; schr
Laura Virginia, Pelh, New Orleaua.
Philadelphia, May 27?4 P.M.
Ariived?Brigs Potomac, Matthews, and Algonquin, Mayberry,
New Orleans; sclirs Lexington, Pool, Bangor; Boston,
Seabury, Cienfuegos; Splendid, Bingay, Halifax: Patriot,
Smith, Norfolk; Pampero, Daun, Apalschicola; Romeo,Hawthorn,
Charleston: Calista, Fowler, Trinidad de Cuba: Expedite,
Rarkett, Mobile; Lonisa Reeves, Cavalier, Boston;
Crescent, Freeman, Salem, Mas; Sarah Strong, Strong, Greenport;
Chas Pittman, Beatty, NVork.
Cleared?Ship New Hampshire, Cha-e, Havre; British bark
lona, Wilkie, Cork; brigs Mary Ann, (Br) Eastman, St John.
N B; Lewis Bruce, St ml ley, Boston; sclirs Eugenia, Goodwin,
Norfolk: Gladiator, Hoyt; Westport, Reed, and John Tyler,
Smith, Boston: Sparta, Simmons, Salem, Ms; Louias Reeves,
Cavalier, Fall River; H B Bascomb, Corson, Providence: 8a
r h Strong, Strong, Alljn'a Point; Chaa Pittman, Beattv, New
Fork; sloop Turner, Diveny, do; barges Michigan, Allen, and
New York, McDonald, do.
MlncellsLneoiu Record.
Schr Hvpkriok, Johnson, at Wilmington, reports left Bratos
(or Rio Grande) 18th April, and Key West ,th May. On
Friday the 2tst, 18 iniles North of Cape Fear, while lowering
away the maiiiaail, the masu mapped off at the jaw* of the
boom, falling aft on the larboard side; three men, besidgs the
helmsman, were ou the quarter deck, nnd all escaped uuinjured?main
gaff and tail we it overboard a id were lost?and the
vessel rendered unmanageable for a at-asou. Cleared the
wreck and wore away to the westward. On the 23d, at 9
o'clock, P.M. anchored off Smithville. The Hyperion was
hound from the mouth of the Rio Grande to New York, with
hides and wool, and was in lat 33 19 when the disaster hap- |
Scim Hand, Nickols, from Desolation Island, of and for
New London, went ashore on the lonth side of Noman's Land
about 8SI I' *d. 23d inst, in a thick fog Vessel would be a
a total loss. Her cargo consisted of 200bblssea eleoliaut aud
100 do wh oil, a part of which would be saved should the weather
continue moderate. The Hand was tender to the Charles
Carroll, arr at New London.
Krr Wsist. May II, 1117.?The brig Rosalia and cargo
valued at $32,230 and lor the prompt tgertions of liballants and
crew, the Court awarded ihem 13 per cent on valuation, equal
to $7,800. Toe U 8 Marshal will proceed to sell, on to-morrow,
so much of her cargo as will be sufficient to pay sa'd salvage,
storage, duties, wharfage, kc, and restore the residue to Capt
Riecke, the resirondent.
The cargo of Br bark Yucatan, from New Orlrans, bound to
Liverpool, has nearly all been saved, and now here, consisted
of cotton, lard, flour and pork. The wreckers have libelled
from salvage. Some cotton, flour, corn, aud corn meal,
amounting to, say f 100, has already been sold at auction, being
so very wet that it was thought best to dispose of it for the
benefit of all concerned. The Br brig Planter, McCulloch, fm
New Orleans, bound to Liverpool, is also here, aud has discharged,
and from report of surveyors, I 'hink she will be condemned
as unscaworthv The schr Baltimore, Beavey from
Cienfuegos, bound to Charleston, has been repaired: will reload
in a few days, aud proceed on her voyage. There is no
other news woithy of note.
Ba Bar* Yarmouth.?From MrComelius Fassitt, rf Berlin,
who arrived in the city yesterday, we learn that the above
bark, which was stranded on the Berlin Beach, 18th nit, had
bilged, aud was abandoned by the captain and crew. Her hull
and materials are to be sold on Monday neit, 3lai instant, lor
the benefit of all concerned. The Y was fully covered by insurance
in Liverpool, F.ngland, and Yarmouth, N S.?Phil. Ex
Brio Hrt.utcsPOWT, of Providence, before reported abandoned,
was insured in New York, at the Pelican office, for
$3000 on the vessel, and at the Columbian office five thousand
dollars on freight money.
Br ?hip Britannia. iteering K. May 16, lat 41 30, long 43 10;
hip Primrose, of Limerick, bound W, 1st 42 43, long 40, by
the Enterprise, at this port.
Snip Moslem, Fr-nch, from N Orleans for Brest, May 0, 30
miles 8W, Orange Keya.
Ship Monti'ello, Lambert, from Olaagow for New York,
May 21. lat 40 20, Ion 71 31
Snip Gloucester, from B >aton for N Orleans, May 24, Sonth
Shoal Nontucket, W 8,40 miles.
Ship Archelaus, of Boston, from New Orleans for Oenoa,
May 8, lar 20 43, long 79 30.
May 12. lai 39 44, Ion 71 18, saw a four mas'ed steamer under
stenm anil eaneaas, going about sis knots an hour, steering F.
bv 8.
Barks Galileo, for New Orleans, May 3d, lat 26 31, long
76 13.
Bark Triton, for N Orleans, May 4. Bahama Banks.
Bark Falmouth, Walker, from Philadelphia for Vera Crux,
May 16, off ,Mstances
Bark Oiford, of and 38 da fm Boston for Montevideo, April
24. lat 16 10. Ion 33
Bark Niagara, 14 da fm Boston for N Orleans, May 14,lat 28
22, Ion 71 25.
Br bark Klizaheth, 7 days from Antigua for N Vork, May 17,
lat 30 12 N. Ion 17 SS 8.
Bark Oilindn, French, 8 daya from Bangor for Cuba.
Bark Hannah St Klizabeth, of Rotterdam, April 8th, lat 17 32
8, Ion .70 W.
Brig Hideout, Kinsman, It da fm N Vork for Cuba, April I,
lal II 12 Ion t>b 41.
Brig Canada. 78 da fin Bait for Valparaiso, April 21, lat 1# 8,
lo. 15 3 W.
Brig Francis P Back, of and from New Vork for Cadiz, May
14. lat 40. long 70
Brig Ada and Kinma, (Danish) 24 hours from N Vork for
Rotterdam, May 24, lat 40 20, long7l 14
Brig Paulina, Fljnn, f.n Boston (or Phila, May 14 off FiahHrig
Margaretta, Morse, II daya fm Rio Janeiro for N V ork,
\pril 26, lat II. Ion 3'38 ,, , _ , , ,
Brie Vary Ellen. (of Halem) (Gregory, for flt Jago de Cuba,
Hay 18, lat 31 40 N, Ion 07 53 W.
Schr Rio Grande, from?- (or Boston, May 22, lat tt 01,
Arr at Sag Harbor, May 25, ahip Washington, Benford, NW
I omt, vi* New Zealand, with 1400 bbli whale oil 200 perm, to
H r,ooper Report* nothing new.
Arr nt N London 36th intt, ahip John li Elizabeth, Walker, |
ship Arion, iu 1st 57 I, loo M 13 vej haa spoke the Coseac, of
Sippicsu. tlwtdey; list. 1st 44 H. lou M l* W, bark Harvest of
FH. with 300 bills spin oil; March 12th, I at 31 8, lou 44 56 W,
bark Elisabeth, of Mailupoisett, 350 bblespm.
Ship Hanihal, of NL, reported at Falkland Islands J an 15th,
GOO bhls wh, had taken nothiug since Oct 15.
Ship John It Elisabeth, reported to have arrirsd at Now
Loudou 34th. is reported uuder date of 25th, to have rone
ashore the uigh| previous ou Gosheu llaef, during a fog; uo
At at New Bedford 25th, ship Logan, Gardner. N. W coast,
Batua April 0. 1600 bbla whale 200 do sperm oil 15000 lbs bone.
Spoke 30tii, Plicatiix, Briggi, 8 H 1800 bbli; Salem, Hand,
do 1600Also
ar ship Olyrapia, Tucker, N W Coast, Rio Janeiro
March 27, with 2250 bbls wh 250 do sp oil and 23000 lbs bone.
Siroka Dec II. 1st 47 6 8, Imi 171 40.E, Champion, Merr>\ Ed
gartou, 1200 bbla; Feb 8, off Cape Horn, Win Thompson, tills.
NB II bbli sp?had !?*'. head of foremast; 13th. lat 46 17 8, Ion
57 33 W brig Flizsbeth, Fleming. (?o reported perb&p* bark
klliubeth, Flanders ) Mat'apoisett. 275 sp on board; badapoken
uma dav, brig Kluue I'UO ap, (?o reported, pmbably bark
Kbine of New Bedford); May 12, lat 36 54 ncrtn. Ion 73 31 W
tiolnu, Mattapolsett, 2 black fish. .
Alan arr, ahip Marcia. Ilowland, N W Coaat, via New Zealand,
Bahia. 40 day a, 2200 bbl* wh o.l and 7000 lb* whalebone
on boaad. Spoke Feb 22, lar 36 30 >, lou 47 VV, Noble, tin, 550
wh 30 *p (who reported having tren the Triton, NB, 2 day*
previous clean, bouud F; May 12, lat 25 12 N, Ion 5150 W, ranama,
of and for Sag Harbor, 3200 bbl*.
tild ahip John It Fdward Coggesnall, Indian Ocean.
The Bruce, ?t do fiom Indian Ocean for Fairhaveu, report*
aid from Cochin Nov 6, Harbinger, Weatport, 600 ap. Slu fm
Diego Oracia about Dec 1, Dimou, NB, 450 ap; 10th, Poiimunnet,
tiippican, 350 *p; 17th, Hector, Warren, 450 ap. Spoke off
Fort Dauphin, Jan 10, Geo Washington, Baker, NB. 700 sp;
20lh, Leonids*, Tatch, FH, 130 sp; 27th, Roscoe, J obey, NB.
100 sp 100 wh; Jan 16, Ann Parry, of Portsmouth, 500 sp. had
left Iter captain at Zanzibar sick in Nov. Heard that ship Foster,
C iffiii, Nan, wo ashore at or near Zauzibar, no date or particular*
(iliis is undoubtedly an error, as letter* have been received
from the Foster as late a* Feb 27). Heard from in Oct,
no Ut lie. Junius, Smith, NB, 300 sp; in Oct, lat 2 ti, lou 74 K,
Bolt u, Slon, 350 *i ; do Herald, Barker, do ICO ap. On Coaat
N Holland, in Dec, Voung Pheiiix, Mickel, NB, 800 ap (rep
Sept 3. 250); Lalla Rookli. do 800 sp (ten in Sent 950); Alercator,
do, 1 small ap wh. tild from Capu Town. March 2. Dove.
Douglass NL, clean, fur Indian Ocean, tipoke, no date, lat 13
32 S, Ion 7 50 W, Pavill ion, Adams, F.dgartown, 326 ap, bouud
to St Heleua.
Nantucket Bar, 25'h, ahip llambler, McCleave, Pacific
Ocean, Tulcahuana, Jail 13. i500 bbla ap 50 do wh oil. tild fm
T in company with the Washington, Bailey, Nan, for a cruise.
Re porta of Chile Dec 24, Cal forma, Fiaher, NB, 70 ap 5f>0 wh;
Henry, l.ind, Salem, 800 wh and ap (since rejiorled Jan 16. 4
whales this season;) Jun 26, 1st ?0 S Ion 79 W, Atlantic, Nan,
150sp. inclining oil sent home; Feb 12, lat 54 40 ti, lou 64 20 W
passrdawhale ship with painted |>orU, s owing a while s glial
with the letter F J in it; Feb 23, lat 43 ti, Ion 25 W, Janet,
Dans, Westport, 80 sp; Feb 25, 43 8, lou 51 30 W, Sarah.
miow, Mattapmsett, 138 sp, (reported in Dec 100 sti 100 wh:)
March >, lat 36 - Ion 46 W, Catherwond, Gushing, Westport,
200 sp, (reported Feb 28, 300 sp.) Heard from off Kiverof
Plate, no date, ushii, Kav, Nan, 80 sp.
Foreign Porta.
Accua, Africa, March 13?-Tn port, brigs Oregon, Simms, for
leeward; Active, Goldsmith, for Gaboone.
Cafe Haytien, May 7?In port, aclira Dean, Powers, for
Boston, 9th; Lennder, of Thorn iston, fordo, 13th.
Cardenas, about May 10?Brigs Queen father, Pendleton,
for N York, 6 days; Gen Mario , Linscutt, do; O W Giffrd,
Comery, for Baltimore, 2 ds; Knur Brothers, Sleighter, for do,
i ds; Lnvoy, Richardson, for Ri limoud, 10 ds; Broome, Magnire,
for Philadelphia, 10 ds; schr Uedwiug, Brown, for do, 3
us; John Duulap, llill, for N York, J ds. Going in brig Tiojau,
Mitchell, from do.
C i en Ft'eg os, May 7?In port, brig Sarah Williams. Thompson,
for Boston 4 dys; K Randall, Cook, lor Philadelphia, 2 d<;
schrs Oralloe, Martin, for Boston; Mary H Chappel, Groffam,
ffom do
Havana, May lr>?In jiort. ships Arkansas, Larrabee, for St
Petersburg, ldg; Medford. Wilber,disg; barks Kioi d, Caleb,
for Boston, soon; Lion, Henry, St Petersburg, eld; Ospray,
Ripley, Hamburg, ldg; St Andrews, Rich, for Cowes and a
inkt.do; Maria, Baker, disg; Catharine, Swift, NOrleaus, eld;
brigs Talmadge, Hartman, use; Atalanta, Hamilton, wtg:
Kliza, Brazier, ldg: Ann, Alley, New York, soon; Titi, Kudovicli,
from NOrleaus, arr day before: O W Kendall, PinkIan,
Vera Cruz, soon; Vaudalier, Pendleton, New York, spoo;
Charlotte, Snow. do. line: Cinderella, G, Scull, Koons, disg;
Marian Gage, Reed do; T Street, McConnell, New Orleans,
nexl week; schrs Kalcou, Perritt, disg: Gazelle, Martin, Boxj
tou, ldg; Lucas. Perkinson, New York, do; Merchant, Teasler,
arr 15th, fm Charleston; Ontwoa, Kouheke. disg. Cld 8th,
brig Am-rica, Pickinan, New York; ship Hamburg, Lairabee,
Matanzas; schr Lucy Black. Buxton, Triuidtd: bark Santee,
Marston, New Orleans. 10th schrs Texas, Piukham, Portland;
Tippecanoe, Carlton, Marset. 11th, bark Velasco, Courrier,
Hamburg; brig Prince de Joinville, Gardner, New Orleans;
schrs Jonu G reason, Smith, Cardenas. 12th, bark Baltic,
Snunders.New York; brigs Adams Gray, Collins, NOrleans;
Citizen, Brown, Bostou; sclirs II Harbers, Peuistou. Boston;
Zephyr, Wool, Charleston; brig Psrtride, Barstow, M stanzas;
schr Joshua Bates, Percival, Mobile; ship 8t Mary, Brown,
New Orleans; brig P. Soulr.Thompson, do. Mth, brigs Ariel,
Means, New York; Tremont, Sproul, Sail Juan ue los Remedios;
schr Oeu Cobb, Baylor, Rattan Island; brig Motto, ilasty,
Matanzas, May 8 (or 7)?Arr brig Athens, Jones, fm London;
schr Kanhooil, Grant, Montego Bay; 7th, schr Caroline,
Edwards, New York: brig Cordelia, Shaw, Portlaud; schr Isabella,
Uoby, Charleston; bark Winnegance, Melcher, Havana;
briL Neptune, Peterson, Bristol. 9th, ship Hamburg, Larrvbec,
Havana; brig Carribee, Abbott do. Cld 7th, brig John
Hill. Pearce, New York: schr Gazelle, Pierce, Bangor; brig
Freighter, Mitchell, Portland. 8tli, brigs Hiberuia, Elliot, do;
Potosi,Patterson, Bostou; schrs Orland, Brown, do; Uth. Katabdin,
Rich, do; brigs Cvbele, Mer>ill, New York; Emeliue,
12th, bark Clinton Smith, Bristol; 12th, bark Clinton, Hoane,
Cowes; schrs Isabella, Koby, Charleston; Sterling; Pike,
Montreal, May 21?Arr barks Montezuma, Little, Liverpool;
Kirerdnle, Leggett, Quebec; Charles Jones, Cothay, Liverpool;
Syria.Coz, d<r;CoToouey, Livingston, Glasgow; ship
Canada, McArthur, Glasgow. Cld 22d, ship St Andrew, Lorby,
Qu?:ni:c, May 21?Arr ships Wm of Poole. Stewart, Poole;
Glens* illy, Henderson, Glasgow; barks llibernia, Brigaus,
Port Glasgow; Resolution, Gales, Loudon; Emtna Searle,
Herscroff, Poole; Burrell, boater; Montezuma, Little, Liverpool;
Joseph Cunard, Newport; Edward, Jsgo, Plymouth;
Briitun, Lightloot, Gloucester; Lochlibn^ Taylor Miltord;
Britannia, Irvine, London; Colloouey, Livingston. Glasgow;
brigs Cumberland, Coats, Aguilas: Fiudon. Willis, Pool)-:
Pembroke Castle, Williams, Milford; the John tt Francis, and
the Agues, bo'h fin Cork, are at Giosse Isle. Arr20th, baiks
Canton, Nicol, Bristol; Hercules, Lightibot, London; Korti
tude, uarbutt, do; Adelaide, Grunt, Halifax; Wm Miles, Ayr,
Bristol; Win Bromham, Lakeinan, Plymouth; Humher. Lawsou;
I'rin r, Uobrrlsou, Loudon; brigs Kichard Reynolds.
Walker. Southampton: Bachelor, Lynn,do; John Thompson,
Babcock, Poole; Wm Fell, Farien, Worthingtou. 21st?Arr
barks Kichibucto, Ganson, Aberdeen; Frrpnia, Ilenzell.Newcastle;
Hamilton* Graham, Alloa; Asia, Mills, Loudon; Chapiiisua,
Aitken, Liverpool; Ireland, Kvans, Gloucester; brigs
Symmetry, Bell, Loudon; Tom Bowline, Hobsou, Newcastle;
Countess Mulgrave, Custnuce, do; 22d, Beiloua, Auld,
and Indus, Millar, Glasgow; John Kerr, Tate, Greenock;
Aurora, Hunter, Hull; Caroline, Marsh, Aberdeen; Camden,
Oliver, and Ajax, Cliater, London; Mersey, Bully, Toiuiiay;
Harvey, Coruluot, Newcastle; John Wilson. Cautlaud, Dumfries;
Chapman, Brooks, Plymouth; Elizabeth, Poirier, and
Auiiabella, Forest, Bo ton; Malabar, Fraxrr, Greenock; Britannia,
Breckon, London; l enturion, lleppensiall, do; Chief
tain, Mathews, do; Evergreen. Vasey, do; Lady Seatou, Morrison,
do; Douglas, Douglas, do: Lord Canterbury, Bruce,
Bristol; Thomas, Bell, Alloa; Drrweut, Scott, Limerick?
Ships at Grosse Isle?Jane Black, Limerick; Wadsworth. and
Perseverance, Dublin; John Francis, and Agnes, Cork. Cld
21st, tclir Sirah, Richards, Londonderry.
Rio Janeiro. April IS?Sid brig Margaretta, Morse, New
Vork (since spoken)
Ilio Salvador, (C A) April 29?Brig Frances, Lewis, from
New York just arr.
Trinidad de Cms, April 27?In port, brig Majestic, Mc
Near, for New York, 8 days; Juniata, Morion, do, 12 days;
bark Franklin, Gibbs, disg.
Home Port*.
Apalachicola, May 16?Arr brigs Delaware, Borden, Fall
River; Win L Jones, Tyler, N York; schr Le liny. Bedell,
do. Cld, ship Fairfield, Loveland, Providence; bark MagdaIs,
Dodge, New York.
Alexandria, May 26?Sid bark Commerce, Liverpool; Br
brig Albion. Barbadors.
Uai.timuhk, May 27?Arr brig Water Witch, F.nnis, Si
Johns, Pll: schis Fayettevillr, Coffin, Porto Cabello; Vesper,
Staelrs, Ponce, l'R; Gen Taylor, While, Arecibo, PR; Laura
lane, Delano, NOrleans; Notus, Gihbs, (Charleston; Capital,
Beard. Mobile; Mary Parker, , N York; Dauish senr Emelie,
Osjrrs. Tajardo. Below Slurp's Island, a bark bound up
Bel iw, sclir John L Whipple. Kellrraii, Sagua la Grande. (-Id
ship Marion, (Br) McKertie, Cork: hr g Financier. York, Boston.
Sid bark Corn-lia L Bevan, Buruham, Wilmington, NC;
schr T Hooner. Hubbard. Jamaica; 26th, Br bark Elizabeth.
Scott, Liverpool.
Bostok, May 26?Arrslii|? Corsair, (of New York) Peabody,
NOrlrans; Geneva, Tucker, IN York; barka Lucia Maria,
Tread* ell, Rio Janeiro; Arola, (of Boston) >Vhitmore, NOrleans;
California, Dree, Mobile: Ida, llallett, Baltimore;
brigs Eliza Burgess, Bowers, San Juan de loa Remedioa: Draco,
Beaucliamp, Port au Prince; acha Herculean, B<rker,Cape
lia> tien; Leander, Keller, Cape Haytieu; Mary Ik Susan, h ullerton,
Triuidadad; Richard, Rich, Georgetown, DC; George
and Emily. Nickeraon, Baltimore; Star, Smallev; Edith.
Crowell; August r, Brown; Denmark, Crowell; Bay State,
Clark, and Fraucea Ellen, I aylor, Philad; laabella, Sherwood;
Myatic, Churchill; Montauo, Chaae; Koht Kautoul, Jr, Seaia;
Daul Webster. Delaucey, and Talisman. Pratt, N York; Grecian.
4 haae, do; aloop Monlillo, Wheeler, Philad Telegraphed?all
p St Petersburg, fm NOrleaiu; barka Maryland,
in Baltimore; Jaa And ewa, fm Pit 11; briga John Clifford, fm
Irelnnd; Wm P.tt, Canton, C hicopee.and R Wain fm Philad;
achr Lowell, fm Richmond. Signal for a bark and 1 brigs
Below, schr Croton, fm NYork Cld, ahip Francis Ann, Kouinaon,
NOrleana; briga Erie. Bailer, Philada; Acorn, Hours,
do; aclia Patriot. Catrs, Wilmington, Nl.; Fame, Kelly, Wilmington,
Del; A Marshall, I base, N York; t ambridge, Lacy,
do; S A Appletou, Nickeraon, do. Sid, barka John Caskie,
Hindoo; brig Columbia
BrcasroRT, May 24?Sid brig Pocouockrt, Shed, New
ChaRLEitoiv. May 24?Arr brig Sarah Louisa, Doling, Magna
la Grande; achra Stranger, Toby, New Orleans; Zephyr,
Wood. Havana. In tho offing, a Spanish brig. Arr 22d, Magnolia,
Leslie, San Juan de los Remedioa, Cuba; achr Robert
Habersham, Penuiston, Havana. Cld Bremen brig Joaeph-ne,
Sandaled!, Bremen; Br achr Corine, Albitry, Bahamas, achra
Isabella, Roby, West Indies; Genl Giles, Post, a Northern
Fall Kirrta. May 26? Arr achr R Borden,Abbott, Bait; Red
Jacket, Vngmia.
Holmes's Hole, May 24?Arr briga Napoleon, Winslow,
fm Harnna for Portland; Wm Purrington. Carr, NOrleana for
Boston; Carter Braiton, Morse, Philad for Weymouth; achra
Eurolas, Kelly, Trinidad for Boston; Monterey, Mclniyre,
Nurviiaj for do; Delaware, Perry. Philad fordo; Olive, Eliza
be'h, Grandee, Susan, Leopnd, Gen Warren, j4nn Denman,
Statesman, N H Hall, a- d Madonna, do for do; Oregon, Post.
Bait for Newbuvyport; J Raymond, NYork for Nantucket:
Roanoke, do for Eastport, ana all remained on the morning of
l.i 26th.
Mobile. May 19?Anr achra Oynanm, Small, and Retrieve,
Ellis, Boston; Orb, Hubbard, Tampico. Schr Metamora,
Hopkins, fin NYork, ii reported off the bar.
Nantpcaet, May 24?Arr schrs Ami T Sipiile, Clark, and
Jacob Raymond, Bourne. Philad. Sid, achra Champion, Russell,
NYork: Silvia H-gbee, Philad.
New Bedford, May 26-Arr achra Flnrdel Mar Hart, Ball
(and aid for Weymouth); Angel, Beaae, Norfolk; Volta, Tutle,
New Havem, May 24?Arr schra Gold Hunter, Mansfield, 8t
Croii; Ashland, ??, Phila. Sid achr George Washington,
Rayner, do. Arr 24 h, bark Paothea. Herricjc, Porto Rico;
ehr Cleopatra, Burroughs, Phila Sid achia E P Burton, Audrraou,
riiila; Town Brothers, Burkaloo, do; Georgians, do.
NORFOI.K.Vlay 24? In Hampton Roads, Br brig Hope, Beaant,
Limerick, a;ioke (dale no! given) achr Wm Wilson, fm London,
in 1st 29 N, Ion 48 04 W - reports two shipa beating into
the Cove, one a deeply loaded ship in distress, and the oilier,
supposed to Le a U n frigate, Cld Br brig Geo Ramsav, FinM..U
U.... ri-l II,..1.1, hri? Mal.ria Tnrnlm, Nil',,.,,
New ()ki.kan?, Alny 18?Arr I' 8 steamship Fashion, Ivy,
Vera Crux; ships Thorndike.('Hilda Liverpool; Riga, Hedge,
Boston; hark Frances Burr, Coffin, NV'oik; brigs Maria, Foreman,
Boston; schrs Finterprtse, Adams, Vera Cruz; Meteor,
(Br) McMinn. Cork: Laura Virginia, F'elt, do; Ann, Cordsou,
Tampico. Schr November, Ryan, Brazos Santiago, returned
in distress, with losa of jib-boom?at the point. Cld 18th, ahipa
Memphis, Bunker, NVork; Geu Vear.ie, F'ai>Held, Boatou;
F'.ilgar, Smith. N York; Edinburgh, Lawaon, Liverpool; Arethuaa,
(Br) Kellv, do; barka Baring Brothers, Crocker, Londou;
Tecuinseh, Ripley, Ola gow; Macedonia, Robinson, Cork
and a market; Lilliua, (iilchriat, I hila; bng Perfec, Gardner,
Tampico; schrs Pints, Brown. N Vork; Mary Augusta, Hews,
Phila; Fairy, 'rhompaou. Galveston.
Old Poiivt CoMroaT, Va, May 84?Arr ship Charles, Wedge,
fm Vera Cruz.
Pltmol'th. May 2J?Arr achr Pamlico, Finnev. NYork;
26th, smarka Emerald and Sparaan, do; 14th, achr Thetis, New
Yo'?- . ?
PottTLAivn, May 22?Cld achr Romeo, (new, 96 tons) Blanj
ahard, NYork.
I PaovrnrucE, May 26? Arr brig Srnithfield. Duff. I'm Cans
Coaat, Africa; schra Nile. Bourne, Mobile; VVaahington. Mason.
Suffolk; Pocomoke. Hitchen.do: Exchange, Kelly, Walthall;
Mary, Howland, Bait; New Regulus, Davie do; Columbia,
Berry, Delaware City; Veata. Ludlam, Phila; Monterey,
Appleby, do: Rio Grande, Loveland. do; J Rustling,
Weatoott, do; Empire, Adama, do; Pontine,Phillips, do; ( liief,
Brigga, do. nailed, brig Sarah and Elizabeth, Tabbut, Philaladelphia;
acha George Washington, Williams, do or Bangor,
do: Jaue and F'liza. Morton; Mary Ann Guest, Rogers; J I.
White, Coranu, and Ppwhattan, Bartlett, Philadelphia; Dart
Spofford, Deer Isle; Citizen, Munro, and Independence, Car
Richmond. \j*y 25-^-Arr ?c\ir? Lynchburg. Gould, NYork;
Joaeph Vlarih. Kogets, do. CI I ihip Knukliu, Smith, Bremen;
bark Potomac, Lothro|>. Gibraltar.
Saco, Mar ta?Arr Mary Huiuiellt, Pliilad.
Mai.au. May 25?Cld bark Chalcedony, Upton, Montevideo.
Wilminotow, NC. May 25? Ar 22d, |lr brig Young Qutau,
picked up by achr Mary, a* before reported: achr Patmoi,
Townsenu, NVork; 23d. H yiienou. Johuaou, Uraio* Santiago,
bouud to NYork, iu diatren; Jeroloraon, Goaler, NYork. Clu
2ith, brig North America, Brad,ury. NYork; ?chr G W Da
I ru, BiarCD, ao.
Arrival of in A?w lurk.
Mav *7.
American Hotel.
Lieut Charles O. (Alvarmdo) Huuter, U. 9. N., Vert Cruz;
H. A. Polk, Mrs. Polk, Mr. and Mil. L Butu, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Lay, Apalachicola; J. Fardiu, L. Godey, (J. Gruber, Mr.
Badeer. J. Montgomery, A. Michael, J. Wiliner, Philadelphia;
O. H. Preble, U. S N ; Mr and Mra. Bobbins, Bordeutowu;
Mr. aud Mrt. Norm, C. Henderson, District of Columbia; A.
Belknap. M. Senary, Newbureh; C. McCauley, J. Watson,
U. S M. C.j F. Rider, West Point; C; fiuckbulut, Mississippi;
T. Macon, Mexico; Dr. Kirk, J Howard, Baltimore; J HoilinKsworth,
Boston; Mr. aud Mra. Chewatt, Kiclimoud; Mr.
and Mrs. Ford, t;auada; Lieuts. Field aud Newell. U. 8. M. C.;
>lrs. French, G. Giubou, Charleston; H. Gra., Boston; A.
Lord, Portsmouth; Dr. Ldwards, U.S. N. ;W. Mather, Jacksou,
Astor Hoi'sk.
P. G. Cocke, N Cabilt, Va; Mr aud Mrs. Shaw, Boston: Mr
and Mrs. Goe, Hobbs, H. Lee, J. Frederick, Galveston; J. W.
Gile, Phila; a. Hatdiuu, Boston; T. Dixon, T. C. Leeds, Va;
Mr.and Mrs. C Blake, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Leeds, K. Mouell,
Boston: II. Davis, N.O ; Kd. Alan, Mass; D. Waterman, N.
Bedford; N. Corfjn, Boston; 11 Coleman. Plnla, it. Townsend,
A. Perriu, D. Haskell, J Cliever, K. Iloiner. Boston; U
Greene, Frov; H. Sanford, Stamford; M. Hubard, Con; H.
James, Albany; F. F. Hall, Bosmu; W. Davison, Saratoga;
J. Hollinsworth, Boston; Geo. Halltck, C. Van ocluick,
Washington; J. Greene, Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs. Fish, Mr
and Mrs. Field, G. Miller, Boston; .Mrs. Clifford, f . tUs Burgess,
Providence; W. Carter, Boston; K. Cole, Burlington; M.
Davis, Ono'idatgua; H. Irvine, Tarry town; Morris, 17. 8.N.
in. h-llis, Baltimore; A. W. Thompson, i'hila.
City Hotkl.
U. Roast, S. Gravely, Charleston: /. Hall. Manchester; J.
Kersey, Richmond; J. Burhesse, Norfolk; H. R. Gilbert,
Philadelphia; C iptam Casey, Washington; .Mr Star. Halifax;
Mr. and Mrs. Townseiid, >ew Orleans; W. Noyes, Troy;
Mr.and Mrs. Adams.'1'. Drake, VV. Kemhall, Boston; J. A.
Converse, .Montreal; O. H. Bliss, Columbus. O.; C. H.
lleplilenger, J. Baker, J. Siiiiib. Baltimore; T. Jackson,
Indiana; VV. Guiitou, Washington, 1). < '.; It. Cauipbell, Baltimore;
11. Kop r, Philadelphia; J. P. Kennedy, Baltimore; J.
McCrea, I'mUdelphia; Major Twiggs, Marine Corps; u. D .
Twiggs, Philadelphia; Lieut. W elsh, L'.S. M C.
Clinton lloTKl..
Mr. Haydeu and lady, Mist Hay den, Springfield, Mass; Aus
tin Onriiey and Isdy; R. W. Kimball, Providence; David Meuugli
and lady, Mias Meuugli. Danville, N. J ; F M. B ayiiard,
S. C ; VV aiiiions and lady, Paris, N. V.; L. A. LelauJ, Lie viand,
Cnorois Uotri..
a IT Wat I,., rk ? >, >11 ion! lad o. Rochester; 1*. Crosbv. Water
loo; VV. Selkuk, Went Burlington; A. Wilcox, Vermont; E.
Prescott, Massachusetts: M. 1 tiicraliam and sister, Buxton; J
M. WoudrulT, Milwankie; < . Taylor, Massachusetts; John
Jones, Bridgeport; Rev. Professor Kdwxrds. Mrx. ami Miss
Edwards, Auuover; Mm J Comptou, Dublin; J. D. Whitman
Massachusetts; K K. Langdou, do; J. il Pumped),
Owrgu; ii B. Long, Philadelphia; A. Clark, E. Oulick, Peun
Van; E Daniels, Medina; It. .S.111I10111, St. Juhnsbury, Vt; A.
Kiiuball, Boston: O. A. Kelr Jefferson county; J. NlcCo),
Elizabethville; E. Benjamin, New llxven;L. Yvoodruff, New
Bntiiu; A. Morse, Lew mown; J. Slade and lady, Pittstcwn;
C. Day aud family, Catakill.
Eastern I'kari. Street House.
Levi L Crane, New Bedford; L. Town nnrl lady. Hartford;
H N. I'orter, Mouth'ord, Ct.; Chailes Daniels, Bridgeport;
Anion Bibbius, Fairfield; llev. A. Savage, Hart lord; C. Warnerand
sou, I'aterxon. N. J.; M. Le Garry and lady, Boxiou;
A. Mix. Alaeou; C. Sherman, Brid|te|iori; Mrs. Julinxoii, Wxlluigforu;
H. Miuor, Woodbury, t t ; Geoige Reynolds,
Douglass; H. Freeman, Hartford; J, S. Blacke, J. P Klinr,
Dauveaa: T. B.tcheldrr, N. Brooklield; J. Dunham, Mass ;
James r. Keeler, Norwalk.
Exchange Hotel.
, Eli Barms. Bristol, Conn; James H. ToouedNew York;
John Pattou. Monsan; R. Linden. Boston; H H. Parker, do;
E. M. Vanklach, Poughkeepsie; Win, Kellogg, Southport; IS.
B. Stevens, do; C. H. Bailey, do; N. H. Curtis, Boston; tleo.
Ruggles, do;.N W. Ruggles, do; H Smith,Conn.; D. M
Tuttie, do; H. R. Lewis, 00; (?. L. Thompson, R. I.; C.
Thompson, do; T. Ripley, do; C.H.Suow, Mass.; (J. VV.
Butler, do: N. L. Richards, do; G. R. L) mm, do; a Nichols,
N. ii.; G. M. Nichols, do; I). li. Rico, do; Tlios. Stanley,
du; H. W. Harris, Virginia; D. M. Harris, do; Samuel Butterfield,
do; Horace Newton, do; C. W. Buxton, do.
Franklin Hotel.
Mr. Robinson and lady, Al-bama; J Wollaston, Wilmington;
Edward B. English, Philadelphia; O.Wadsworth, Mobile;
J. Kausoine, Czenovia; Mrs. F. Dv Trsmpaar,.Mobile; Legrind
Smith, Norwalk; M. DeLno, New Yoik: Mr. Pratt, Princeton;
8. Lawe, Albany; B. Williams, Herkimer; E. C. Davis,
lln.t .' I Unpil r. Knrnsm 11. ( irinnell. ( Jfeenunrt.
Howard Hotel,
George P. Birkinshvw, Havana; 'i'. Pailurinh, Boston; B
Jaiiuey, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hudson, ft ,inl'ord; 11.
Trie, J'roy; Milt -Starkweather, Boston; O. Burton, St. Albans;
J. Bradley, Washington; U. Il.l.iuo, Bos un; Miss K ingsland,
Mr. and Mrs. Kiugslaud, Spriuitlirld; Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock,
Philadelphia; C. Cameron, M. It. Brown, C. Carlisle, 8.
Richards, Bristol; It. Manumit, Springfield; W.lVateruiau, Mr.
Harris and lady, Boston; J. M'Hee, Maine; R. H. Mill, Kuolea
Villa; A. Bewell, Herkimer Co; Dr. Clarke, Lansuigburgh;
E. Parker, Keesville;.S O. Daniels, Fnr:niiighom; W.D. Wilson,
Roibury; J. Ferguson, Nashville; J. Monesni, Baltimore;
M. James, Philadelphia;'!'. Dauwood, Boston; E. Peuuell, J.
Mosher, Lancaster; J. U Chase, G. Archer, Philadelphia; Mr.
aud Miss Powell, England; Mr. Johnson. St. Louis; J. Wright,
Philadelphia; J. Gardner, Canada; J. Howard, Jr. Chester;
Capt. and M'S. White. New York; W. 1'atierson, Ph.lad;
Dr. Siergms, Pa; J. Baker, N. York; 8. Harley, J. II Harloy,
Judson'i Hotel.
Thomas 8. Bennett, Chillicothe, Ohio, 8 M. Buckingham,
Watersburg; C. Kobenson, Wonsfield; Miss Brown, Warrenton;
E. Foster, Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. A. Beach, New Haven;
ElihuGear. Hartford; H. W. Freeman, W. I renin, F.
Johusou. Norwich; J. Woodside, Baltimore: C. Holland. L.
Lewis, Philadelphia; J. 11. Cr.mpion, New Haven; Dudley
Bench, Hartford.
National Hotel.
" W. W. Murray, Miildletown. N.J; 8. D. Muncelle, Buston:
Win. Munay, Floridi; J. Van Deverker, Saratoga; E. 1).
Wood, tiff, Philadelphia; L. E. Orvis, Vermont; W. M. Speiry.
Dauby, Vermont; Samuel Elles, Boston; K Truman,
Uwrgo,New York; A. P Provost, New Brunswick, N. J;
A. Jervia, Jeirersou Co; T. C.Edwards, Syracuse; U.Rockwell,
Troy; 11. Van Syckel, Boston; 8. H olterlain, Philadelphia;
J. Johnson, St. Lawrence Co; 11. Wane, Tray.
nuhthkus Hotel.
L. Chapman, Mnrcellus; R. Y. Orrene, W. J. O. White.
Can a da; W. Kinsley', Mr. Barr, New Jersey; I'. Buudy and
sou, Otsego co; C. 8 West, Philadelphia; J. Warden, Baltimore;
8. Davenport, Broome co; J Weuiifru, Cooosville; J.
P. Vanleck, Valatia; J. M Wilson, Albany ; W. J. Lanesley,
E. Hubble, A. Kenny, Canaan; S. Thomas, South Ess ton; C.
Kevuolds, Easton; Mr. Uaiues and Emily, Mr. Wilcui aud
New England Holsc.
W. F. Bratt and lady, Bridgets ater; A. Carpenter, Woodstock;
D. YV. Poidee, Hartfoid; F. W. ( lark, Medway; Mr.
L-...IJ At v . \l. VI... . VI/ II HI, |,??. L Mnru-icl,
W. Know lion, Mat*.
Lovy.jov'a Hotkl.
Joseph Slierbnrn, W. II. Slierburn, Boston; Geo W. Thay
er, Jo>t|>li liuinblel, Win. A. liciulrirk, Springfield; Andrew
J. Borden, Knll River^ Win. A. Riley, Hartford; Spencer
Allen, Springfield; K. L. Southard, Wet! Troy; George W.
Kred, Trenton; J. K. Dix, Biltunore; Mr Kenneday, Illinois;
Adam Thtirburn, Troy; J<>se|>h Verrean, Plulad; James W.
h'ritbie, Binrnlord. Ct; Win. C. Jouet, New Vork;N. Lobdel,
Puughkeepsie; Dr Atwaler. Wallingford; Abraham Welch,
New Von; J. A. Parker, Ducheaa Co; Mr Uibbletoii, New
Jersey; Ambrose Wite, C. A. Main>, (Jen. Winn, Kochetter;
T. Whiditliem.Troy; W. liigtiv, J. Fargo, Witcontin Ter;
Robt Wiggins, Matthew Howe, Albany; Julius Pearce,Whitehall;
Caleb N. Nice, Cyrus N Sherman. N.O. Hoxne, Providence^.
II. liogardiK, Kingrtou: W. H. Chapman, Dover, N.
\ ; Stephen Partridge^ Clintunrille; F. 8. Pierre, Connecticut;
Aslibel Woodward, hraiikliu; Win Lucy, Bradford, Ma; J.
M lliffer, New II tvcu; J I, HtriekUuu, N. Britain; M. 8
Dickerman, Long Island; N.J llewitt, N. Stoiiington; 1). II.
OI in stead, Clinton; G. Pixby, Hillsdale.
Pkahl Siiikxt House.
I) Uomiry, Hanover House, Boston; ts. It tjoulrt, Mobile:
J. 11. iSortrm, ilinnlilr; i apt. Racine ;nul lady, Mammas; I).
T. Kendall, Baltimore; Jn.hu* Kldndge, Char ham, Mo; M
Conger, 8augerville; D. Conger, do; A Biggum, Bloomingdale;
K Shaw, Boston; Mr. (i llett, Wisconsin; T McRebl>en
lull: J I. Merrilt, Copenhagen; II. VV. Church, J. U.
Hodges, Tauutou; Mr. Karl, Hartford; W. Fillipps, H. I : I)
(rondogs, Lynn; C, Holdemesa, Va; VV'm. Levuigs, Lincoln,
.Vie; ( not. Gerard, Portland; S. Acrniil, Liverpool; J. V.
Weld, Mexico; H. N. Calling, Boston; .). Bates i'roy; 8 H.
Starrs, Newark; ll. Bayles, HlnLou; Deacon Orm.sbee, Alb;
K !>. Parker, Rochester; L. 8 Maiura Baltimore; II. S. Roach
and lady, Me; S. S. Hunt, Ohio; J U. Turner, Vr
Ratiibin's Hotel.
M Davit, C Cannon, Pennsylvania; IS. Foltom. Waterloo;
J. Bouardua, Mr and Mrs. K. Hutchinson. New Bedford; Mr.
and Mra. Mean. Michigan; A Warren, Laosiubnrgh; llioinat
Hartmau, W Colin.nl. I'ltlsblirgh; 8 Clarke, Columbus T
Perkiua, J. Seihold, BulTnl.i; A buy dam, Auburn; J.. Boyce,
Chicago; Mr. Chrysler, Col. BuIIocIl, Canadi; J. l. Wickham,
Tammanv Hall.
P. P. Clayton. Elixabetlitown, New Jeraey; II C. Moore,
Salisbury. Conn; 8. M. Lang ley, Hudson; W. lio|>kins, New
Haven; H. Janford, do; J. K. Beyer, Red Bank; J. L. De
Caugo, Charleston. 8. C.; Dr. Ilidner, Providence; (I II Laales,
Shrewsbury; 8 T. Sleeprrr do; K A. Simpler,do; N.
Tinker, Sag Harbor; J. C. Smith, Sing Sing; Dr. It. K. Conover,
Red Bank; W. V. Conover, New York; W. McLean
Slateu Island: I1'. Kennedy, do; r?. Frank lord, 8. Carolina; T.
Gill m Troy; J. (.'one, onn; 8. i'eke, UruKon; t.. Welti) r,
V< ra Crux.
Taylor's Hotel.
H. II. Tliomaa, Pstersou;H. B. Perkins, Amherst; L 8. Vi*
ting, Ohi >; H. 'rage, Albany; Mits Kent, Suflteld; Mi?s Porter,
do; Miss Sn.ith, Washington; H. Ilowers. Hartford; A.
Richards, C Smith, Mnts.
Ctiteu States Hoti i..
(J. Daughty, New Jersey; ( '. A Buel, K at Hampton; A T.
Pavill, J S Johnson, W. M. Keeley, j. Robinson, New lliven;
O. Kellog, Conn; Miaa N. J. Ay ling, Phil id; M. P. Kent,
Sulfield; Capt. Ayrey, schr. Cnt'age; C. C. Coe, Mendsn; II.
It. Oil be ri, I otlir;S Willet, schr Kagle; Capt. Halaey, Long
Island; M. Mortis, New Jersey; H. Oorham, Clevel nid; W. A
Lew is, Flushing: ( apt. Dodge, B .stun; 8. Arnold, lladdnin;
C. Roliinson, KTmira; R. U. Murlingliain-r, Westerly; J W
Wylie, New Haven; A. 8 Wiglitinan, New Loudon; W. H
Bliss, Springfield. J H. Cu tis, Hartford; H. L Welsh, Plainville;
(J. Palmer, Jr. Middleton; K A. (Jutes, W. II rle. Meiiden;
H. Wells, A. 'i. Atw.rter, FC hatter ton, New Haven: R
Cne, Mrrrden; W. 8. Driscoll, Warren; 8. ScoTill,Cornwall;
L. Cue, Middletowu.
Westekis Hotel.
J Wilson, Trenton; (). Wilson, do; -Mrs. Ball, do; Mrs
Orimwood, Albany; Miss Parke, do; W K. David, Plnl.i ; K,
P. Brown, Hemlock Lake; L. Moody, Michigan; A. I) P..1merlon,
Buffalo; J. W. Kddy, While (.'reek, N. Y .; H. C.
Barlgley, P..rt Byrou; O. T. bewail, N. Y ; J C. Smirh, Phils ;
L. Its-cs, Cincinnati; Chas. M. Dniiuy, jr , Larltawaten; J S.
Hawley Biiighamtnu; Dr. J. A. (Jriswnld, Kallsville; John
Taylor, Lantiiigburgh; B. F. Do rant Hensselaeivillr; J. S
Huyck, do; P. Desn, pToTidetrce; H lleriinfton, Troy; K. P.
Barnnm, Utics: H. 8. Steen, Rochestrr; E Ira Richardson,
Attlehoro', Mass ; W. Draper, doj Isaac Shepardiou, do; J
W. Cuudtil, Kasrnn; J. A. Van Bchuck, do; J. 8. Cowan,
Washington Co., N. Y ; M. Cownn, do; I). M. Prentice, Norwich;
8. W. Meech, do; W J Backet, Hebron; W.T. Conkey,
do; H. Bidwell, Hartford; P. B. Htillm.tn, do; Thomas
Clowes, Troy; A. Becker, Otsego Co.; A. Flint, Dalton; II. P.
Chapman, Ballston Spa.
Jft I/?()() U.KW 11!'U?KKCONY,?Wbu re.is Hob* rt
. LlloyM, hrrderick Oiovrr, and William Olover,
brofhert, late of Lerds, county of York, Krglmd, woollen
cloth manufacturers, scribblers, and dyers, have absconded,
charged with several forgeries, Itc. Notice ia hereby giveu
that the above reward Will be given to any person who will apprehend
ami lod^e ihein in any of the prisons of the United
ntates of America, (snffirigut international power having been
given to the pro|ier authorities lor the Indemnification of any
person so doing,) or to any person giving such private information
as will lead to the'r apprehension, oe apjdic-tlon to Mr.
William James, Superintendent of Police of the Borough of
Leeds, in the county of York, fcinglsnd, to whom all cot.,munications
must be addressed, to the care of Anthony Barclay,
Kan., her Britannic Majesty's Consul, cify of Vew \ ork.
Description.?Rebert Olover is almut 50 to 52 years old,
staiule about 5 feet 6 inches high, raiher hroad.snd walks stiffly;
he has a somewhat fallow completion, is bald on the forehead;
is a Yorkahireman, and haa lived all his life iu or near
Frederick Olover is about 16 oris years old, stands about 6
feet high or more; ia broad and round-shouldered, and stoops in
wslkmg; walks heavily, si wly, and stiffly; very dark completion,
dark hair, haa prominent teeth; is a Yorkahireman, and
has lived all Ms life in Leeds
William Olover ia abont 14 to 46 years old, and about 5 feet
10 inches high, haa a raiher long and thin visaga, and light
completion, naa good teeth and light hair.
N. B.?If only one of the above lie arrested, a reward of $700
will be given; If two. $1200
m!4 iw?rc Clinton Hotel, New York, May 20, 1147.
PITCH?566 bhis of suiwrior quality.for sile in Iota7o7?r?
H purchasers, by JAB. T TAI'HCOTT.
form, Without mall or taata. ftcootaina u tGe emalleat bulS
ill thine diuretic lemediet that have been round moat effectual
ia quickly and radically carina the diaeaaea of thoae onraua ?
Price $1. For tale at No. 1 Ann atreat, where any information
relative to thia data of diaeaaee may be had, and wheie particular
attention ia paid to tnc treatment of atrictntea by an extierieuced
phyaician, who haa devoted hie attention exclusively
to an othce practice. Private entrance to thia office ia id
door Iron* the Museum. m\2t Mt*rc
LETrfcR. GIVING THE Ca(J&?8. NAfuftt,
symptoms and consequences of Stricture?the diseases induced
by Stricture?end the difference between Stricture
end the Gravel. may be had gratis. by addressing a note to bei
068 Lower rost Office. Thouaaudi, ignorant of the real caaee
of theirsuffering, would be much enlightened by iti perusal,
and, it it lead to a " knowledge of the disease" woafd hare
thai accomplished "half the cure." mg> gt*r
BvRTINE'S LOTION.?Office removed to 36 Canal street,
near Broadway. This celebrated preparation it highly
recommended in all cases of Rheumatism, Gout, Pains and
Stiffness of the Joints, Erysipilas, Tener or Ring Worm,
Glandular Tumors, fcc., kc. It needs but a trial to tire the
most ample satisfaction. Portals, wholesale and retail, at the
proprietor's depot, 3C Canal atreat?orders for any qnantity,addrested
to tlia sobtcribsrt, will ba punctually atttnded to.
iny27 I4i?r C. B. BART1NK It I Q.
FOR SALE, or a partner will be taken in One of the best
saloons and beat locations in this city, also an old and wall
established stand, the proprietor being forced, to be absent tt
least one-third of the time, would offer an eicellent opportunity
fir a gentleman of business habits, w-lh the small capital
of from 1500 to 'JdOO dollars. For further information please to
rail .m MARTIN BOTNER. 2d ward Hotel, No. 67 N.stsu
st., nest door to old Sun office, or 254 Broadway, in the basenient,
between 10 and 7 o'clock tn27 3t*r
and Gentlemen having any Cast off or superfluous
clothing or furniture to disp< se of. can obtain a lairrash
price for the same, by sending a note, or by calling on the
subscriber, at his residence, or through the poet, who h will
be punctually attended to. _ ,
H. DE BOER, 71>f Canal at., upstairs.
N. B. Ladies can be attended to by Mrs De Boer.
Old stock end job goods bougtit, of any description and
Boys,about 16 or 17 years of age.haviug some knowledge of
shade I muting, or those desirous of learning the principle* of
the art. To such a* suit a favorable opportunity i* here offend
for permanent employment anil valuable instruction.?
Apply iu person immediately. _
Trinsparent and Painted Window Shade
inM 3t?r Manufacturer, 29C?rmiuc it.
corner of llowcry and Bayard street The subscriber
le-pectfiilly info.ins bis friends and ibe public generally, that
lie has taken the above well known popular house, which be
intends to keep in as good style as any similar establishment in
the city. The House has been tho'OUghly paiuted a.-dI reeo.
va'ed, and the liar is provided with a choice stock of liquors
and scir<rs. In the Billiard Saloon are two as good tables as
am in the city, which will be undar the superintendenceol
ati attentive and experienced person, while the Bar will be un
der the immediate Care of the subscriber,
N il. The proprietor will he happy to see his friends on
Thursday, the 27th lust., from II to 2 o'clock.
Nkw Yoax. May 26, 1017. my2f?3flt?r
FOIl SALE? A CHA1UOTEE. or Bristkclia. havmir room
for lour |iersons; a strong and handsome carriage, and light
ruouuli to he drawn easily by one loose, with pole, kc , tor
two horses. Has been but little used. Can be seen at Eli
Gilbert's Curi nge depository, 30 Canal street.
For price, which will he low, apply at II Barclay street
(basement), from 2 to 3 P. M. m27 7t*r
RALPH, Author of the "Pkivatk Treatise," fcc., begs to
acquaint those in any way interested iu the diseases there referred
to, that lie may be consulted at his private dwelling, 88
Greenwich street, between the hours of 9 to 12 A. M.
and 0 to 9 P. M. Also, to observe that besides gleet,
stricture, and the various complicated disorders eutaileo
on these parts by venereal maladies, there are others which
are deeply interesting to the sufferer?such as Weakness ana
irritability of the sexual organs from excesses or early improper
habiis. Incontinence of urine, DI8EASF.8 OF THE KIDNEYS,
ami of the BLADDER; GRAVEL, and those errnous
i.rinary affections, which are iRnorantly called
Gravel or Stone
The author finds that it has been a matter of surprise to
some, that any one of rank or eminence in his profession
should devote his tnleuta to diseases which persons of every
description pretend to cure so easily. If, however, bat oua
thousandth part ol the miseries these people bring upon society
were Known, a very uinereui opinion would oe lormeu. And,
it is not only the present misery and dejection, preying on the
mind as well as the body, that is deplored, but many of them
are of such a nature as to effect posterity, if not, indeed, to totally
destroy the reproductive power. It is a fact that either
disease, when not properly treated, may remain so dormant in
the constitution as to show themselves in no other wsy than in
lieir effects on posterity.
But with regard to the more immediate train of evils, perhaps
nothing proves so fruitful a source as the practice of advertising
a hottle of drops or a bos of pills for the indiscriminate
cure of these complaints. Now, supposing even these
remedies were good, such are the various symptoms which
continually arise in many cases, and so essentially do those
diseases differ from one another, that common sense must tell
that what is good in one must be destructive in another. It is
astonishing The opportunities the author has of witnessing
these facts in those who apply to him, For instance, some
afflicted with one have baeu taking medicines proper only in
the other, while not a few have been deceived entirely for
their complaints were neither one nor the other, but totally
different and innocent disorders.
But of all the cases which more painfully harrass the mind
and afford the finest field for knavery, is that of Stricture. Here
the poor patient for pays pills or drops, month after month.?
Sometimes the gleet attending this disorder might subside or
disappear a while, generally to return again on slight occasions;
hut whether the discharge return or not, he is none the
better off. Now evtry real physician or surgeon knows that
all the physic in the world would never cure a stricture, and
...t .....Urct.wwl It msv ,.,,,1 ? ,,,,...1 il, - 1..
removed. To every one of common pnidence, therefore, lie
would iay, if these remarks are just, (and he can appeal to the
most eminent physicians in the city lor their truth,) how important
that every patient should know something of the character
and talent of the nerson he is about to trust in such a
case. With respect to the cure of Stricture?this, it is gratifying
to state, is generally accomplished in very little time, and
without pain or inconvenience. Nothing can exceed the ira
provemeot of late years in the treatment of this complaint. Indeed,
in the hands of proper and exjierieiiced persons, the cure
of Stricture is now accomplished in as many days as formerly
it demanded months. Many persons consult the writer who
come on business to this city for a short time ou|y, but return
perfectly cured, though it has been a source of trouble and
anxiety for years.
For the convenience of those who cannot consult the author
personally, he furnishes his own peculiar and successful
mode of cure, which lie adopts particularly to each individual
case. His treatment is the most radical, as well as rapid and
positively private that can be devised, as would willingly be
attested by thousands of names w ere the subject of a different
Consultation* by post may be addressed "box 169 lower post
office, and will receive the most faithful aud deliberate attention."
N. B.?Distinct and separate rooms for those who may have
to wait. mk lm'rrc
SKV KRAL Agents wauled, to supply the country trade with
1 ...a nratnp... Tt. l ?r
large a variety . larger than was ever before offered by any
establishment in tlie United States, that agents, merchants,
and pedlars can get supplied with large or small quantities.
Also, the public cau receive the most skilful medical and surgical
{treatment, by the well known Dr. Solomou Heine,
formerly of Hudson and Reade streets, who is engaged
fur that particular purpose, and has his offlee in the rear of the
Apply at the German Drag end Medicine store, No. 137
Chambers street, New York. aft lrn?r
COMPANION, by A. ,M. Manricean, professor of diseases
of Women, just published Price $1 The important
secrets here contained, though of a nature strictly intended for
the married, yet to those contemplating marriage, it is equally
The various subjects treated of in the "Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion,'" are of a nature with which every
female, either married or contemplating marriage, should become
conversant, especially the great French discovery here
contained, to ignorance of the existence of which the life of
man y a wife has fallen a sacrifice; as also restraining many
prudent persons from the dread of poverty or prospect ol a
large family of children, from marrying.
To the female afflicted with the various complaints arising
I from a stoppage, irregularity, decline or retention of the
mi uses, it is invaluable as containing the causes, symptoms,
| and the most certain remedies for the removal of her comI
Every husband and every father, as also even* young man
! contemplating to become one, will here find suggestions,
which once possessed uo pecuniary consideration will induce
them to part with. Their own happiness, the future
happiness of their children, deiieud upon being possessed of
the important secrets contained in this work. How true it it
that knowledge is power; how often it is that what we acquire
for one dollar we would not part with for thoutanda.
On the receipt of one dollar, "The Married Woman's Private
Medical Companion" will he sent, free of imstage, to
uuy part of the United States. Address, post paid, Dr. A.M.
Manricean, bo* 1221, New York city. Office No. 129 Liberty
street, (REMOVED from 611 Broadway.) N. Y. Also for
sale by Zeiberk Co., corner of Third ami Cheeuut at, Philadelphia.
N. B.?Travelling and other agents sending for half a dozen
or nioie copies, are allowed the most liberal discount. The
great demand fortius work, and the liberal discount allowed,
enable pedlars, travelling merchants, and other agents, to realise
handsome profits from its sale. A few more agents wanted.
Address, post paid, as above mil lm*rc
MARRIED LADIES.? Married Ladies would find muck
to interest tliem by perusing Morel Physiology, written
by the Hon. R. D. Owen, with additions and alterations by R.
Clover, M. D. Were this book carefully read by every mar
ried person, and the advice strictly followed, we are persuaded
that a different state of society from the present would exisl.?
The terrors of poverty, and the prospects of a large family of
children, which coulu be but poorly reared, prevent man/
prudent people from entering the matrimonial state, but here is
a work tnat will tell you important secrets, which may obviate
all such objections. Price of the book SO cents. For
sale by Zeiber & Co., corner of Third and Chesuutst., Phil*
didphm, and the Editor No. 2 Ann atreet, New York.
tn.S 1 in * r
and recommended by the faculty?a never
f.iling remedy for all affections of the kidneys; inflammation
and weak.,ess of the urinary organs, both iu males and females.
This excellent medical preparation (suitable for all climates)
has never been known to fail in removing the moat obstinate attacks
of a certain diseaae, and cau be safely recommended to
the public, as its oiieraiions are quick, >nre, and certain. It
c.iu he taken at all times, without regard to diei, or hindrance
from business. Sold in boxes atls and is per box, wholesale
and retail, bv the proprietor. James Weir, 218 Grand street.
Agents? Wysft it Ketcham, 121 Fulton street; A O. Ramsdell,
Commercial street, Buffalo; No. 1 Exchange street,
Rochester; Post fc Wjjlisj J"1'" ? Pf "f'ji ** Fulton street.
Brooklyn, L. I ; 8 W. Fowler and J. G. Wh.twell, Boston;
and at the drug store. Dejaven Honae. Albany. my II 30t*r
DR. WHEELER, Oculist, 29 Greenwich street, devotes
Ins exclusive attention So diseases of the Eye and Opthalmic
Btirfwy* ^ yVW 4iiJ inserted ou
renaonahie terma wincr miin irnm ? ra.m 10 I o'clock P.M.,
,(Vr which lie yiaita out-door Patieiita.
\ pamphlet containing remarks ou diieaits of the eye, with
noineroa? iuatancee of krrat cure? effected hy Dr. Wbeeler'e
riioalt- of treatment, enn be hud gratnitonsly at hia residence,or
the sumr will be forwarded to anyone making application to
liim bv letter, roat-pnid. *20 lm*re
knrth-weit corner of Fulton and NuMin eu.
cmccLATiiM-nmni TIIDHMSD
DAILY IIKHALD?Kvery day. Price 2 cents per copy?fl
1 U per annum?payable in advance.
WKKKLY llERALU? Kvery Saturday?Price ftfe eeate
1 ,>er copy?$2 I2K ceuta per annum?payable in adra>ice.
HKRALD FOR KIJROPP.?Kvery Steam Packet day'
Price centa per c?py?$l i>er annum, payable in advauee.
HOLIDAY HKR ALD? Published wii the lat of .January and
I lato! July of each year?tingle copiea aikpence each.
ADV r.KTISKM F, NTS, at the uaoal pricea?at way* oaah in
at.v lice. Advcrti-einenU ahould be written in a plain, legible
manner The Proprietor will not be reeponaible lor errora thai
may occur <o them.
PKINTINtr of all kinda executed beaatitnlly and with
dea patch.
All letter* or communication* by mail, addreeaed to the
establishment. moat be poet paid, or the poetage will ba do
i dnetad from tha anbacription money remitted.

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