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" 1 tmmtu , tliM ?r~ * 1 g'.w bvtwi?u th? J ih* thoWuun. fur the pW4*N*ion of the assemblage After a good deal of loud talking. the showmen were defeated and the le?turer* preached for an hour of the grace of God. kc. Th" mootlti); soon afterward* adjourned. Thi Sorieiy foi Milloruting I lit Condition of tlic Jm?. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Socicty for Meliorating the Condition of the Jew*, took place last night. iii the lUforaied Dutch Church, at the corner of Fourth siroot and Lafayette place. The house ?ai haudsouioly lighted, and a very large assemblage of person* were in attendance. The proceedings commenced with a beautiful air on the organ, after which a very appropriate aud impressive prayer was offered by the Kev Dr Somer* An appropriate psnlin whs tlieti sung, after which, the annual report wa* read by the Secretary, showing the prosperous condition of tho atla rs of tho society, as well a< its progress, notwithstanding the many difficulties against which (lie society had to contend The expenditures of tho society for the past year were $6and there was yet a biiaucc due of $405 from the society. The Secretary also road a letter from a voting Jewish luiuister. Mr. Ste.nhall. of Audover. clothed in the moat sympathetic language for the condition of his brethren of tho 1sraeutish faith. The Kev. Dr. Dowliso was then introduced to the aud.euce. who rose and said:?It is with great pleasure th'*! I MtAllil Iwifiirii vnil thin nfAiiin.r fp.mi thn fitfit I ll.'lt I the subject matter of the report, just read, is full of iuterest. ami Wc are railed upon to seek the lost sheep of the house of Israel There are probably eight millions of the sons of Israel scattered abroad, looking forward to the judgment to which they are exposed, without a band (with a few exceptions) to point theui to the Lamb of ciod. which tukeili away the sins of the world There are other considerations which should prompt us to engage in the work, the most certain way to effect which, is the orguniiation of the Christians* to promote the spiritual welfare of this neglected people One of the reasons why wc. as Gentiles, should engage in this work, is from the fact hat the Saviour was sacrificed by their fathers; to them the sweet songs of Ziou were sung by the sweet songster of Israel, and through them the works of the prophets and apostles were huuded down to us Jesus Christ himself was a Jew True. he came to his own. and his ow n received him not;" but he wept over them He wept not for himself, but for those around him Was not Paul a Jew. who mourned over the follies and sins of his brethren ? Jesus was afflicted in the affliction of hi9 ancient people of Israel, and then, is he not yet afflicted to see them still, wandering about the earth, a byeword and reproach to all nations? Jesus said. ' pity them in their afflictions." There are multitudes in this couutry who love nothing but interest; but there are also great numbers who still look to the hill of the God of Zion. It is pleasant to contemplate the scene of a pilgrimage at Jerusalem? the aucieut ruins of their loved city, and on Mount Moriah kiss the fragment of the ancient temple, and sorrow and weep over their fallen condition Ou account of her .mist ma?n th?v ait l..nul? .,.,.1 ................. .V... Separture of her honor, they Hit lonely and weep Should Jesus again come upon earth, would he not weep, too. at thin scene ? The chosen people of God, he loves them still, and weeps over their fall. The time is coming, when, in the garden of Gethsemane. they will lay hold upou him whom they have pierced. What an influence would the Jews exert, when they are brought to the Lord, in the conversion of other natiousj That people will be restored to their ancient city, and the word of the Lord fulfilled.? There is one sweet and geutle spirit iu heaveu. who feels an interest in the proceedings of this evening ; that beloved aud Christian woman. Charlotte Elizabeth. one of the brightest of the Christian authors that ever lived. In death she was peaceful and happy, and her last words were speaking of the Jews?" tell them that Jesus is the Messiah.'' The Rev. Mr. McLai-rem. of Brooklyn, then rosoand said, he considered it a privilege to speak before this audienoe. on a subject which lay so uear his heart?the advancement of the cause of religion among the Jews. Whilst wu are endeavoriug to bring the heathen to embrace the cause of religion, why should not we also seek to bring the children of Abraham, the ancient friend of God. into the cause of Christ ? The Jew has a soul as precious in the sight of God as the Gentile, and when brought to the kuowledge of Christ fiuds it as precious as the Gentile. He feels the bitterness of sorrow peculiarly his own. because the Saviour was pierced by the hands of his fathers. When converted, ne stands in amaze, that God should so long bear with him. and weeps over the sins of his father. They are as needy of the blessings of Christ as we are thi>>'gh the expression is often used. he is nothing but a Jew. They are the sons of Abraham, and it is through the production of their minds that the scriptures of dlrlne truth have been perpetuated. For the institutions of our land and the blessings we enjoy, we are Indebted to the Jewish mind, and the wisest of legislators are compelled to bow in submission to the mind of the great Jewish lawgiver It is through their works that wc arc enabled to sing the mercies of God. Igd through them we are enabled to rejoice with joy nnspeakable and full of glory. They have been driven from city to city, because "they were Jews, and they have been scattered abroad as the chair before the whirlwind. Thus did not our compassionate Redeemer, when looking upon Jerusalem, and when haging upon the cross, cry, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!"' Jerusalem, the holy city has been ploughed as a field, and her people scattered, becoming a bye word and a scorn. Mr. McL. closed by offering the following resolution :?That all the arguments employed to enforce the duty of preaching the gospel to the Gentile, are equally valid as argumeuts for proclaiming the gospel to the Ji-w ; and that there are special motives of justice and gratitude, and conformity to the example and the law of Christ, for proclaiming the gospel to the Jew first. The Rev Mr. Newham next spoke, but his pronun his remarks Hp offered tlio following resolution :? That while the duty of the church of Ood. in this matter docs not depend on the mutter of increase which God may be pleased to give, the history of Jewirh uilnblous from the begiuaiug is full of cheering evidence that the gospel is the power of Uod uuto the salvation of the Jew. The Rev. Dr. Tvng then rose and said that it was n great privilege to be present on this occasion, and he oould not speak much if he had time to do so. He wa? uttering with a very sore throat, and therefore could not speak long He had a resolutiou which be would read, and though not written by himself, he assumed the responsibility of it. He then read the following resolution : Resolved. That the signs of the times are such as should arouse all who love the Lord Jesus Christ, and wait for his salvation, to renewed earnestness, and enlarged effort in this holy enterprise. The signs of the timet, he suid. were promising, and the time was coming when Jeru>ulem would raise up above her oppressors. Babylon and Rome, and eclipse every thing that is grand and noble among men. The day is coming when Jewish hands will unlock the doors of Christianity, and hordes of Gentiles will crowd to seek the spiritual bread at their hundj. The day is coining when the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom, and Rome, with her ten divided parts, and Greece, the ancient city of arts, will sink before her When that kingdom is established, aud the angel Gabriel will call upon the earth to give up its dead, the King of Kings will sit upon His throne, and the nation that does not serve Hint will be broken down and trodden beneath his feet. The bridegroom cometh. go ye out to meet him. Dr.T.then drew from liij pocket a production of Charlotte Elizabeth, whose acquaintance he highly valued w hen living, it embodied all that was necessary for him to say. It was a poetical effusion.full of expression and Christian spirit aud fully portrayed the character of that great woman. He continued? When He shall appear, she shall also appear iti glory with Him. The choir sung a beautiful ode, and with the benediction the assembly dispersed. Annual Meeting uf (he \ Kixlrtj for the Abolition of Capital Punishment. It w.u much beyond the hour advertised before this meeting w.i* organised. Mr. David Ellis, of this city, introduced the Rev Mr. Spear, of Boston, who offered on introductory prayer. After hthis. nov. ?>ir. ,-viti. iroui Syracuse, fpono He said lie lia<l consented to speak on this occasion. simply bccause lie hud been asked. and. being asked, would not miss au opportunity of being known an an npposer of r.apital punishment Hi- 'aid he would give, on the present occasion, only a few of his reasons lie was opposed to It because it whs cowardly and inean. It was mean, bccause tin- victim was already in th<a hands of tlie offended law T<> kill n poor rlctlin aftrr having reduced him by prison fare and prison discipline?to destroy him in |t lie full consciousness of his power and intellect. in the fall knowledge of what awaited him. was mean as well as cowardly and cruel. It was also cruel demoralising to inflict it. as evidence has shown that, wherever capital punishment has remained and remains still the very crime for which capital puuishiiicut i.< designed, has increased, demoralizing as i? shown, by the fact that nearly every State has changed the mode of public hangings to private ones, although public one* were once thought necessary for example's sake If it were not crue. continued the speaker, why should the clergy be indignant when asked to become executioners? They are supposed to be nearer to <k?d than most men and next to giving llfo. the greatest office inn-t be the taking away thereof; yet they would not execute the office -Capital punishment," the speaker argued i? wrong because its victims are the rictiuis of society, anil society ought to auJTor because it does not reform tilings by education und other means. Most of the murders in our day. punished by hanging are committed und-r the influence of drink and whilst we license grog shops, we should not punish (heir victims for the deeds done under their Influence How many have been trained to murder by being soldiers or in the navy, only doing it on tlioir own account, instead of that of their rnJera Or is it asking men too much to do tluit for their own pnssion- wiiii ii iney nave iiiiigiu 10 u<? Mr others? And capital punishment In not inflictoU upon the uj'??t cruel offcuei's; il in inflicted only Upon those who kill the body, nut thoae who kill the eon] I.? there liny on* present who would not rather see hi* son brought hoine assa-ninated than drunk' He then alluded to the e.irrupter of fnnnU' virtue escaping with a naltry fine whilst he who commits a rape iK hanged; alluded to the punishment of revolting (lave*, and addueed a few strong abolition arguments He said tlml government had no right to inflict ptiuiKhinent exempt In self defi nes which eould not. of course. nllmlr to a felon already in prison He spoke of the passage in the Old Testament. Whosoever take* man's blood." ic . and aanirod his nudienee that the word " shall " ought to In- will,' to make it read right a? it wan a doubtful word in the translation, and equivocal In Its meaning lie eloaed after alluding to Freeman at Auburn. and the indignation of the people tn tlua ease, by assuring the audience that ' violence always liegcts violence. ' ' bloodshed begets bloodshed and tliat he would quote the same scriptural passages in support of hi* argument* which they would quote to support theirs A rewlution was next offered to support a paper Mlfed " Tkt fn'MMr'i AVienif.'' and publissbed by J^*e-rud Mr Spears at Boston. Jig Mr Tigaroar, flroiu Troy, was the nest "peak 1 ? t r i 7 T T ) ftk r He Mgued that capital pubuhmefct was a violation of the Inallenabl* and IndefeasablcTight* 6f num. among which wero life and liberty. It it an Indeleasabic right, anil cannot, therefore, be defeated by one man or by teu thousand If one tuan is wroug to 'kill another. ti'ii thousand In killing one cannot be right. Multiply it forever, aud it is (.till a cypher. We are not a theocracy, aud caunot take the right of liod into our hnnd.'<. but must take the democratic principle, as we are a democracy. It in a departure from the legltamnte end* of gorernmont, vrluc.h are the prevention of repetitions of the offence, and thin in the object among all civilised nations. How is this repetition to 1?' prevented? By mean* of taking from the offender thi- will to do the'xame thing again Hanging won't do that ; the murderer's intentions may follow him to the grave. Kducnte the victim, arid place him under circumstance* to prevent temptation The next means are to take away the power Capital punishment is no more safe than imprisonment or exile. The appeal does only consist iu fear, and fear never cau make a a man better. We ask whether capital punishment In according to the will of the Mont High. We are not confined to the letter, for there was a tiod before the ttrst letter of the Bible was written, tiod reveals himself in human history?in human government?there is a gr<at book of revelation. Cau you show me any case where capital punishment was not always followed by new offences in countries where it prevailed?? The speaker then read a satirical poem, called the | tiallows goers." spoke of persons being hanged on I mistaken circumstantial evidence, and attacked the same passage of the Old Testament, which the preceding speaker had alluded to. Spoke of the In lalionii contained in many passages of the Old Testament, and said that Josus Christ had repealed all these. He closed a very long and argumentative speech by assuring the I audience that he had addressed himself to their intelligence. not their feelings After this speech, a collection was taken up. which being done. Mr. Wendfi. Phillips addressed the auditory for a short time. He repeated, with much tact and ability, many of the previously discussed points. ninat pstwrinllv thi* sprintuml nninta Mn aai.l tnnt In. was opposed to arguments from the Old Testament, and argued that the law* of Moses were good only for the timr for which they were written, lie related several law oases. and spoke especially of the great forgery case in England, under (Jeorge 111 . which prejeuted juries ever after from convicting In forgery cases. Believing, a' he said, that the audience was tired out. as the hour grow rather late, he closed. Meeting of the Fourier!tes. At the Minerva Saloon, on Tuesday evening, there was a tolerably large gathering of Associationists. the mi\|ori ty of whom were females Mr. Horace Greeley took the chair, and opened with the following:?We greet yo* to-day with no ordinary emotions. The great problem of liuuiuuity has approached nearer its volution. Whoever has observed the passing events of the times, and the progress of social reform, must be aware of this fact. A great and mighty revolution has been accomplished. the elements, the moving powers of which are entirely social All. all who havo watched the signs of the times, must be aware that this is a social revolution. the overthrow of the present fabric of the regulation of the great human family, from which social reform must result. We have been stigmatized as fanatics, ngrariaus. infidels, and what not: have been looked down upon, and even scarcely thought worth while to abuse. 1 think it a good sign that our opponents t.t 11. i 11 L- .... ,.r ; ? *--- ? unii frequent abuse : that tlie conservative press is beg iuuing to treat uh as enemies, more to be respected than it ever did before. It is pleasing to reflect, how in nil the foreign journals social sentiments are beginning to appear ; even those who have heretofore looked down upon us are beginning to discuss our princlclples and our opponents who were wont to be led by conservative journals are beginning to think for themselves. This must, and will, beyond a doubt, exert a most beneticial influence upon America. Americans will want to know what the Parisian workmen have to rapidly learned. But we don't want a revolution of deadly struggle and collision ; we want a peaceable result ; in America, at least, we can and will solve the great social questions peaceably. Our enemies are beginniug to discover that w? are opposed to agrarianism. and are not mere visionaries. Our phalanxes, two of them at least, have lieeu progressing in a small way for two years past; but they are the foundation of au edilice wherein all labor shall he education, and where its benefits and those of labor shall be dealt out alike to all. Mr. llipLcv followed and said in substance:?We have never before met under suchexhilirating circumstances. No previous meeting has tilled us with such bright hopes for the cause of true humanity. Our noble object has. heretofore, been misunderstood. He then alluded to the late events In France, to letters which had been received from their friends there, and said that the best minds of Europe were enlisted In their cause, lie quoted the " London Morning Chronicle" as asserting thut association's principles were the only onos to save the French republic. We have been called inlldcls." he continued. but our infidelity will yet be acknowledged the very glory of Christianity, and wo shall couie down tike the bride to meet her husband, to greet mankind with the principles of humanity." He then alluded to the measures adopted by the association Union a year ago, spoke of the publication of the " Harbinger." Its circulation, fcc ; then recounted the agents of the association and their labors during the past year He dwelt long and warmly on the social revival at Cincinnati, which city had. for the flrst time, a delegation present at this moetiug. Cincinnati had done wonders in a few years: Fourierism was only a jrwur or ago confined to a few. and 011 the Ttli April last, when Fourier's birthday was celebrated there, the " Melodeon'' room was not large enough to hold the guests, over 5U0. who were present. We have uot been able to publish tracts during the year past, have only published the admirable translations of Mr. Shaw, (of the French school, the works of Madame George .Sand.) Mr. R. then, the same as his predecessors alluded to France, iic . but acknowledged that the social reform which he advocated was not of such immediate necessity here as in France, as we are democratic enough already. <iud nothing die ' Mr Godwin arirued that the nrinritilun nf tion which he advocated, embodied all the objects of the different mural and religious societies now assembled in the city to celebrate their anniversaries With the Anti-Slavery Society, the Temperance. Wasbingtonians. Moral Ktlbrocn. Prison Association, and all. we sympathize ; we don't quarrel with theu. Then why not fraternise, since that has become the fashionable word We say right, go ahead in your reforms, but we believe your means inadequate to your ends. The evils you want to reform are at the foundation of oewy, and ran never be improved until thnt i? changed. We might criticise these societies and show them to be inadequate. The blacks would be made free negroes, not men. as we want to make them; we uiust reorganiie society on principles of humanity. We find six hundred millions in the world unacquainted with the gospel statistics show that crime is increasing at a greater rate thau population ; our city contains lo.ouu prostitutes. Mt three millions of human Wings are still In b!B<H? " I* near two thousand year* since Christ walked upon the earth, and the societies we allude to. or similar ones, have existed ever since; yet they have done no good, because the very principle of Christianity wants practical organization; the doctrine of love which Christ prcachcd. wants to bo outwardly and practically organized in all social relations. Ood has ordained an order for the human society, ami that time, when it arrives is the millemium. the kingdom of God upon earth. A joyful welcome to all comers upon earth, not a mother's tears at a child horn to starvation; a general guaranty of a just reward for every one's labor Mr. Godwin then read hi* annual report as Corresponding Secretary, after which? Mr Chaining, of Boston, spoke. He alluded principally to the mistakes of many journals, naming the Huston .lllas. especially, in supposing Fourierites sociatialists. communists, fee., being all the same. He "poke of France and the political parties there, endeavoring to prove that the Fourierites were the juttr millitu between the conservative party and the ultra republicans. lie argued with considerable ability and effect, and closed with a parable showing how association might heal the sores and wounds of society. Hnd the Saviour of humanity rise from the healed wounds Mr. Matthews, the editor of the Cincinnati Jlrralil next spoke He wondered at first, whether he had uot been brought there for exhibition 'if a life specimen of a Western associanonist. He assured the audience that the doctrine had found a home elsewhere besides iiva few cracked brains in New York;"that it had even reached Cincinnati, and that the late news from Kurope showed what it hail done there He then related his experience on this, his first visit to New \ork; his si^rlit-seeing. and his suddenly w aking up one morning and finding himself famous." by seeing himself announced a* a speaker for this meeting. After assuring himself by inquiries, that it really was he that was meant, bethought the character of the West was at stake, and determined to go ahead at any rate And so he did He spoke of the ealogies bestowed upon ( ineinnatl by a previous speaker, and could not hear himself tiospatlered" in that way. without showing them a bit of the reality. He said that ' some of the statements made did not go lieyond the truth." and to these he would especially refer. Ho then explained inii.i ..... ?... i.._ ..r - ?? speaker) how Hip Fourier birthday festival *?? gotten up. nml how it rami) to lie so well attended.? 'J'lie enine (lay happened to lie also the anniversary of tin" settlement of the State of Ohio. Thin being taken into consideration. tho most fashionable room was hired, big guns, in the way of speaker*. securrd. who spoke iiliout th<> early settlement. rise. and progress of the State, kr.; made gallant speeches in hoiior of women, recited poutry. mid tin* conviviality of thi' occasion wax. aw tin- evening advanced, enlivened by a danee. excellent refreshments, Htc,. fcc.. all of whleh attracted. of course. the above mentioned large crowd, created an lucrease of geniality, a lid of funds to the treasury. "Yet." continued 1li<' spanker. "thoM' people would scarcely believe it. that they hail been n<1 locating In llieir speeches. and supporting with their presence. Fouricrisin. all thin time. Indeed, they i bought it so nice.'that they rather desired a repetition of it about once a month." .After thin lively description. which, as it seemed to us. wiin rather betraying the secret of the larpe meeting.) the speaker spoke In an cany, off band and pleasing manner, on the advantages of association. lie spoke unilcrstaiidiiigly. and to the point, repeating, in brief sentence*, the arguments used beture. and closed by recommending, as all the others had done, a co-operative rcorgauixation of society. Antirtrnii Institute. The annual election for officers anil manager* of this institution takes place on this dsy lltli instant. Will you allow ine to call the attention of those members who desire to see a change in the manner in which its doings are conducted to the fact, tliat unless they come up to the work on Ilmt day. things must go on for another year in the same liehind-the-age way a? heretofore Thnt a t horough reform is neeileil. none but tho autliiuated clique and their dependants, who now control it. will deny, and I trust every one who has the true interest nf the institute at heart, will vote iu such a manner as to displace the present Imfttcient misiiian:igers of its concerns. AN OLD MKMBKR Crowded Ot r?The Anti-Slavery meeting ?f Convention Hall, hikI the exhibition of tlie Pupils of the Institution for the Wind. , j J NEW YORK HERALD. Nortk-WMt Comar of Pulton uidJfuMn it*. JANKS UOKUON BfCNNKTT, PROPRIETOR. amusements this evening. BOWERY THEATRK, Bowery-Jacob CHATHAM THEATRE. Chatham street?My Kiiohroi'i WirE?Spirit or the Water*?New York ai It U?Cmao* Come Aoaih. MECHANICS' HALL, Broadway, near Broom*?Chriwv'* UlNfTRKL*? EtKIOPEAM SlNUINO? BuMLHQl'1 DaNCIKO. *<= PANORAMA HALL, Broadway, mm Himitoa?Bahvakd'i Pararoma or the Muaiaairn. MEIiODEON, Buwery?Ethiopian akd Ballad Simoino. PALMO's OPERA H0U3JE, Cham ben treat?Ilia'it rated Picture* New York, Thursday, May 11, 1848. r. ... . ? * The Circulation of the Herald. | Wednesday, May 10 19.968 copies. | The publication of the Htrald commenced yesterj Jay at 15 minutes before 4 o'clock, and finished at !> minutes before 8 o'clock. Carrier Wanted. A smart, intelligent man is wanted to curry the UriahI in the l.rith ward. Apply at the dunk An active man run eaaily mako $20 per week on this route. No person is authorised to sell the list of subscribers of this ward, or to receive any money for it. All the carriers of the Htrald are hereby notified to aerve their papers as soon as possible after receiving them at the ofllce. The Moral and Religious Anniversaries In New-York. We are now in the midst of the moral and religious anniversaries of New-York. This annual assemblage of distinguished and undistinguihed people, of both sexes, and of a dozen colors, from all parts of the Union, and even foreign lands, has some peculiar and novel characteristics, which claim attention at this particular era of the world. Here, in this great metropolis?this Babylon of all sorts of opinions?is held a kind of annual Congress, representing all opinions in morals, religion, philosophy, and politics, throughout America and Europe. Probably these different meetings may reach to the number of thirty or forty of all kinds, embracing delegates and actinz Dersonaffes from various nnrta nf ihp />nnnfrv tn the number ol" several thousands. We are now in the midst of this curious and anomalous assemblage, where all opinions are free to be expressed in this free metropolis, without any let or hindrance, either from law or public opinion. In the earlier stages of these annual anniversary meetings, Christian morals and religion formed the stated topics of discussion and deliberation; of late years, however, these things have been diversified and augmented by the addition of all sorts of the most ultra opinions in morals, religion, and philosophy. Formerly, Methodism, or Presbyterianism, or Evangelism, or some other equally sober and sedate " ism," formed the prominent and almost the exclusive topics of anniversary celebration and discussion. But now we have socialism, Fourierisin, abolitionism, infidelity, immorality, amalgninationism?the mixing and mingling of all races together?and of all the most ultra opinions in morals, religion, and politics. It would hardly be possible to enumerate the different shades of sentiments or opinions represented in all this mass of meetings. The reports published daily must be perused, that they may be understood in all their latitude and longitude?their depth of eloquence and depth of disgrace. Let us take an example. Yesterday there was a celebration given, in the shape of a public breakfast, at the Coliseum, at which all colors and all shades of colors met together on the common ground of liberty, equality, and traternity. There was to be Been the black and the white, the yellow and the mixed, blended together in one social mass 01 loving equality, in one corner 01 me room the highly respectable African leader, H. H. Garnett, as black as the ace of spades, and as ignorant as an aboriginal native of Congo, and with a pair of whiskers big enough for six ordinary negroes, was to be seen sitting cheek-by-jowl with distinguished and original philosophers, such as Horace Greeley, Mr. Tappan, and others?persons claiming to belong to the white race, and to be lineal descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, without a single cross in their blood or breeches. There they were to be seen, eating and drinking, talking and laughing, rollocking and ei\joying themselves at the same board, on the same footing of equality? men and women?black, white, mixed, yellow, and all sorts?expecting the 44 good time that is coming." Oh! oh! In matters of religion, these anniversaries also deserve our attention. In addition to the representatives of Presbyterian Christianity, or of Methodist, Christianity, or others, there are meettings, some of which are purely philosophical; but of late, a number of associationist9 have made their appearance, who possess a different character, and give forth the most ultra opinions upon politics, religion, and government. A distinguished philosopher and wealthy individual, from Boston?the Hon. Wendell Phillips?is here to be seen, attended on one side by a fair lady, Mrs. Lucretia Mott; on the other side by a runaway negro slave, from some Southern State, Frederick Douglas. This Boston philosopher declares himself to be opposed to the Christian church, opposed to the constitution, and willing to walk over the ruins, both of Church and State, that he may establish the freedom of the Southern slaves on a secure and permanent basis of liberty, equality, and fraternity. On the other hand, the Fourierites, associationists, and socialists, while they nil accept these sentiments, as a neeessarv nart of their creed v<m mlvnnn.. r. step further, and want to come at once to the destruction of nil individual property, all prevailing opinions and religions, all personal and sociul distinction:", and to substitute, instead of the present state of society, their own extravagant and indefinable views of promiscuous mixture of all persons and things together, which they also call by the names of liberty, equality, and fraternity. .Such are some of the characteristics of these extraordinary meetings, called anniversaries, which arc held annually in the month ofMay, in this metropolis?this Babylon of all opinions and Babel of all confusions. In thia respect, New York is greater Uian Paris. In the French metropolis it would not be possible to entertain these ultra opinions \i|>on all things and all subjects, without raising some commotion or producing some collision. But here in New York, all these various enthusiasts of both sexes, and of every variety of color?from the African negro, black as night, to the red-haired Saxon, red as fire?are all equally let alone, freely u> indulge in the utmost latitude of their different opinions. This liberality, however, extends no further. There i*a practical g<?od sense and firmness of purpose in the American p -ople and among the citiz mis of New York, which magnanimously permits every species of luxuriance here;bul they cannot pro ceed to carry their opinions into execution n^aiiiHt tli" constitution and laws of society. The difl'ercnt cli'/utt of enthusiasts comc her.- annually as it wore to a Lunatic Asylum or Maiwn dc Stmti, where they luxuriate for a time, and expel some of the gas from their system, anil go home aguin much relieved, and able to live quietly and comfortably till the next May day returns. In the midst of these sccnea of folly, insanity, eloquence, wit, insipidity, j and silliness, which are given out during this apI ssmblage, the great mass of the community quietly I go on in the exercise of their daily labor, under the j guidance of good laws and good principles, both in l religion and morals. Ijet Paris, let all the great capitals of Europe, look at these scenes of American toleration in NVw York, and follow the example of practical ' | good sense which here prevails, while it allows all ! sorts of folly to have its day with (>crfect good humor and toleration. The Stkamkr Hermann is in her fifteenth day, th Ouiibria in her twelfth. mi i rTn ?? The j?arks, BatWR/.and Pi blic PRcaprunB*. ! ?The Battery, Union Place, Washington square, the parks, and other public places in the limits of the city, are beginning lo show strung signs of becoming, as they deserve to be, the fashionable promenades. In former days, and many years ago, when the Battery was less beautiful, and less shady than it is now, it was the favorite and fashionable promenade, both morning and evening. It is, at the present day, the most delicious spot of any in tli,e city, at any time of the day, and will continue so all this month and the next, as long as the weather remains moderate. At present, however, notwithstanding its advantages, the Battery is almost entirely mono|>oiised by u few nurses and children, mixed and blended with a few loafers and I'Vil iiiiiiiifrl nprannfi wlm tjiey cun have the pluce to themselves. However, we perceive, that within the last few days, one of the police has been stationed upon the Battery, and we think this movement on the purt of the Mayor will have a good effect. Indeed, it is necessary to keep a police officer in that region, in order to preserve that beautiful spot from desecration, and keep it in a condition fit for the promennde of respectable females. This is now the more desirable, when the trees are putting forth all their buds and blossoms, and the sea breeze blows a refreshing, cooling atmosphere to the wearied citizen. There is nothing, absolutely, that can equal the Battery in any place in the old world, for the delightful freshneRsof the sea air. Not even the famous bay of Naples can be said to surpass it. At the other end of the city, also, we have Washington Square, Union Square, and other promenades. How much better would it be if all those who seek a healthful and pleasing promenade, would resort to some of these beautiful green spots, instead of to that dusty, disagreeable thoroughfare, Broadway, as is now so much the practice here. Our Military Heroes.?A correspondent at wasmngion gives a glowing description ot tlie military services of General Worth, and puts him forward as one of the candidates before the Baltimore convention. The letter will be found in another column. A friend of another military hero, who signs himself J. B.?probably Mr. Joseph Blunt?writes a long letter in the Courier and Enquirer, and makes a very fair defenco of General Scott, against the attacks of Secretary Marcy; and is preparing the way to make that distinguished hero one of the candidates before the convention. General Gaines and lady have just arrived at New Orleans; and from the reception which they met with in that metropolis, it is probable that some effort will be made there to bring forward that distinguished chieftain as a candidate before some convention. General Wool, the associate hero of General Taylor on the battle field of Buena Vista, is also mentioned in several of the newspapers, as a very promising and rising man. In fact, our military men are beginning to come forward in various positions, even in spite of all the ridicule and bathos with which some of them have been covered, in consequence of the recent courts of inquiry and courts martial. Success to all sound and solid heroes, say we. The ridiculous in heroism only deserves laughter and farce. Mayor Have.meyer on the City Charter and ~ ? ir a vino stones.?I ne message ot our new Mayor is a tremendous document, well written, badly arranged,containing some excellent views, with some poor ideas. Two of these only we shall touch at present. His views on the city charter are perfectly correct, and the sooner we have a revolution in the oity government, the better it will be for all those who pay taxes, as well as for those who walk or ride in the streets. His views on the Russ pavement, however, are rather behind the time. He wishes the experiment to be tested by time, before the city indulges in any further expenditures in that mode of paving. How long does the Mayor want to wait 1 Are we to wait till the next century, or the century after that, or until three weeks before the day of judgment? We think that the Russ pavement has been sufficiently tested, both in this country and in other lands, to satisfy even the incredulity of Mayor Ilavemeyer. Is Mayor Havemeyer a believer in the dirtiness of the streets ? Has he faith in tilth 1 l)o let us know. Sailing ok the America.?The new British mail steamer America left yesterday at half past 12 o'clock, for Liverpool, with 88 passengers and $507,959 in specie. Arrival of the Bermuda Mail Steamer.? A steamer was signalized yesterday afternoon, reported from Bermuda, and anchored last night in the lower bay. She is presumed to be the old New York favorite Great Western, now belonging to West India Mail Steam Packet Company, the first to arrive under recent arrangements, establishing a monthly communication between New York and Bermuda. The following extract of a letter, dated London, March 1st, received at ,l? r\Od~~ ci. n n 1. x mic uciiciai x um v/unc, 01. irru^fH, lorrmuuu; supplies definite information as to the time of the steamer's departure for New York, and its return to Bermuda, together with the rates of postage on letters and newspapers:? " Ou and after tho 1st of May next, a monthly communication will bo established between tho Went Indie* and the United States. by tho vessels of tho Royal Mail Strain Packet Company, which will convoy mail* between Bermuda and New York, leaving Bermuda at 6 A. M.. on the 7th of each month, and returning to Bermuda at 4 P. M.. 16th. Pontage on letter*. In per >? o>.; newspaper!). 2d each, to be paid in Bermuda. Later from Honduras.?By the schooner Nile. Captain Hunt, from Belize, we have received flies of the Central Jimericam Timet to the 13th ultimo. The content* are not of much Interest, save on the matter of the Mosquito territory affair. Wc And a correspondence between Senor Salinas, Secretary of State, of Nicaragua, and Mr. Chatfleld, the British Consul General at Guatemala, ou the subject of the invasion of the port of Sau Juan last January, by the Mosquito Indians, under the command of tho Knglish Consul. Mr Walker. This correspondence is somewhat lengthy, and in it Mr. Chatfleld. seems to ovado the main question of tliu invasion, and dwells inoro on tho capture and detention of certain Knglish officer* by tho Nicaragua government ; he also goes into some historical details to show the right of the Mosquito Indians to their territory. Wo shall endeavor, at an early day. to make room for this correspondence in exlento. though from the tonor of the late accounts from Kngland. the government there arc much inclined under tho pressure of existing affairs at home, to drop their Mosquito friends and leave them to flght out by themselves, the quarrel which they, tho Knglisli, instigated them to pick with Nicaragua. . Strike. Riot, and Death.?We understand that a serious disturbance and riot took place among the la borer* engaged on the Hudson Hirer Railroad. 011 Saturday la*t. In the neighborhood of the Highland*. From the Information which wo have received, it appear* that n portion of thcin "struck" fur higher wagon, and refimod to work any farther until thoir demand waa complied with; and wore determined to make all tho other laborers follow thoir example. The increase of wage* not being aoccilod to a* promptly a* they demanded it. they organised thomselvc* into a riotomi hand, whleh too frequently happen* in *uo.h case*. and appeared to he determined on doing mincliief. After a wlillo. they proceeded to n building In whleh wan utored two hundred barrel* of gunpowder, for blasting purpose*, and *et Are to it. and blew the whole concern to the wind*. Melancholy to relate, till* ra*h act cau*c<l the destruotion of one life, and wa* the mean* of *eriou*ly Injuring *cvoral men in the ncigbl>orhood of the explosion. *ome eighteen, who were badly wounded by thexeatterIng fragment* of the building 111 which the powder wa* stored We hare not received any further particulars. VnnvuTKAMiIvraiwnvo from California.? Intelligence from California a* late n? the 20th of March, ha* l>een received. The Nun Orlrani 7Ymet lin* a long letter giving an aceount of the military anil naval operation* on the Pacific. The f yane. Captain Dupont. went to San Io*e to relieve Lieut. Heywood. *hilt up by the guerilla* An engagement en*ued.? The Mexican* were defeated with considerable lo**. Meut. Col. Burton, at San .lone, had received a ro-inforcenient of one hnndred and fifty men from I'ppor Tali, fornia. from the New York regiment, and had marched upon San Antonio, taking the place, killing n numlier of the enemy and taking many prisoner*; al*o retaking the American nfllncr* and men that had lieen in confinement for month*. Tho*o released were Pa**ed Midshipmen Duncan, of Ohio, and Warley. of South Carolina, with the men under them. Report *ay* that Commodore ./one* intend* taking Ti|>oc. by order* from our government. Com. Selfridge : lia* *aiivd for the United Mate*, i i m i 0 ,ii TEUBBAFqpC WTELLIOENCt. Summary. For the first time in aome weekd, we last night received exciting intelligence from Mexico. Gen. l'rice, it seems, met a large force of Mexicans, under Gen. Trias, at Santa Cruz, near El Passo, and after a hard fought battle, put them to route. A large amount of artillery and public property, valued at $n0l),000, were captured from the enemy. Altogether, the affair seeins to have been one which will compare favorably with the former brilliant achievements of American arms. The Mexican Congress, at t^ueretaro, have not yet numbered a quorum, and the prospects of |>eace are still in the perspective. From Washington, our Congressional reports do not record the transaction of much business in either branch. The Senate was occupied in listening to Reverdy Johnson's opinions of the extent of the constitutional powers of the President; and to a debate on the question of giving relief to Yucatan. In the House, a discussion was had on the propriety of admitting Wisconsin as a state into the Union; und in endeavoring to ascertain the cheapest way of getting bookbinding performed. The above made up the day's work of our republican lords and commons. HIGHLY IMPORTANT FROM THE WAR QUARTER. BATTLE AT SANTA OEUZ, IN WHICH The Mexioans were Defeated, WITH THE LOSS OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY KILLED, $800,000 Worth of Mexican Property Captured* Later from the City of Mexioo. THE MEXICAN CONGRESS. Deserters, Burglars, Murderers, &C. &c? &c. Pktkrsbi*RO, May 10, 1848. Advices from New Orleans to the 4th Inst., have beeu received by special overland express. The steumship Kavhion. from Brazos Santiago, had arrived. Among the passengers was J. L. Collins, of New York city, who boars dispatches from Generals Prico and Wool, to Washington. He states that, about tue utn or Marou a Mexican lieutenant sent word that a small party had been captured near El Passo. This, with information that Oeneral I'rrea had designs upon that post, induced Oeneral Price to proceed to ita relief. But finding, on his arrival there, that no such danger was to be apprehended, he determined to advance upon Santa Cruz, where government trains, with from 1500 to 2000 troops were stationed. Oeneral Trias, the Mexican chief, having fortified the place, awaited the attack. After a fruitless parley of eight days. Oeneral Price assaulted, and although a gallant resistance was made, succeeded in taking the place, and capturing fourteen pieces of artillery, two thousand stand of arms, and some $800,000 worth of public property. On the 18th, Gon. Price proceeded with part of his force to Chihuahua, leaving Lieut. Col. Ralls in command of the remainder, wltn orders to follow as soon as practicable. Oen. Trias, forty of his officers, and his troops were puroled. The Mexican loss was one hundred and 'fifty killed, and as mauy more wounded. Our loss was five killed, and twenty wounded, of whom two have since died. The schooner Heroine arrived from Vera Cruz on the 3d Instant. No quorum of the Congress, at Queretaro. had yet been got together. Sixteen deputies and four senators were still wanting for the transaction of business. The members of the Congress, who had arrived, expressed themselves as being very favorably disposed for peace. The trial of Captains Hare, Dutton, and the other persons, accused of the late murder and attempt at burglary, Is still going on. Fifteen or twenty American deserters enlisted recently in the Mexican army. THIRTIETH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. Washington, May 10,1848. S?iuitc. The Senato convened at the usual hour, and was called to order by the Vice President, when It proceeded to the consideration of the morning business. petitions akd memorials. Several petitions and memorials were presented on various subjects, which were duly referred. finishing vp the florida war bl'sineis. Mr. Wmtcoit. of Florida, moved to take up the bill for the relief of settlers under the Florida armed occupation act; which was agreed to. The bill was then read a second and third time and pa&sed. the senate calling for the names of military appointments made it the president. Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, moved to take up the resolution which ho had offered, ?nil which was under discussion yesterday, calling upon the President for the names of persons serving in the army of the United States, whose nominations had been withheld from tho Senate, which was agreed to. ed ability in favor of the resolution. in which he took occasion to reply to the doctrine previously advanced by Mr. AUcu. lie contended that the Senate possessed the right to demand of the President the information nought for in the resolution. The constitution declared the appointing power to be vested In the President " by and with the advice and consent of the Senate that no appointment was complete until the party nominated was confirmed by the Senate. The President could only select or nominate persons for office. while their confirmation or rejection rested solely with the Scnutc. The constitution conferred no power on the President to appoint persons to fill high and responsible offices in the aruiy. or other departments of the government, without the advisory and consenting action of the Senate, except in the recess of Congress. In such cases appointments were considered temporary. to continuo until the Senate's sanction could be obtained. To make appointments during the recess, and to fall in submitting them to the Senate, was neither consonant with constitutional requirements, or with uniform precedents. If the President had the right to withhold nominations during his good pleasure. regardless of the Senate, it might lead to the greatest abuse of executive patronage, and prove subversive of the spirit and design of the constitution. RKI.IKF FOR TITATAN. Without concluding. Mr. Johnson gave way to a motion to lay aside the morning business, and proceeded to take up the bill in favor of aiding Yucatan against the Indians, by the temporary military occupation of the country. Mr. Cass obtained the floor, and addressed the | Senate at length, and with ability. In support of the bill, aud urgod its immediate passage. He. iu the coursc of his remarks, replied to Mr. Nlles. and contended that we had cause to watch, with jealous care, the desigus of Kngland upon portions of this continent He went on to adduce various other urguments, and to show reasons why the Senate should adopt the measure as speedily as practicable. Mr. Davis, of Massachusetts, has the floor on this question for to-morrow. On motion of Mr Bhkkzk. of Illinois, the Senate went into Kxccutive Session, and after some timo spent therein, the doors were opened, and the Senate adjourned over till to-morrow, Thursday. House of lUprrsenlatlvrt. Tho resolution offered by Mr. Stephens of Georgia, to stop all debate for the admission of Wisconsin iuto the Kederal Union, on the 12th lust., was agreed to. rUHI.IC HOOK-HINI'INli. Mn 41... II.o.. ? tlx. ......I..t 1 .. fnvnr of letting out the binding of Congress to contract, which gave rise to some discussion, In which several members participated. It wax then on motion dually referred to the Committee on Aceouuts. ADMtlllON OK WlitOMI*. It was then moved and agreed to. that the House resolve Itself Into a Committee of the Whole on the state of Union. Mr. Cobb of Alabama, in the chair, and take up the hill for the admission of Wisconsin into the Federal Union as a sovereign State. Mr. DiraifisoN. of Ohio, spoke at some length In favor of the hill When he had concluded, he was followed by Mr. Coi.amer. of Vermont, who spoke in opposition toTthe hill. The hill was further discussed by Mr. Morse, of Louisiana; Mr. John H. Tweedy, delegate from Wisconsin: Mr. McClernand. of Illinois, Mr. Jones. Tennessee, and Mr. Smith, of Indiana. The committee then rose and reported the bill with Amendments. On motion the House then adjourned over to Thursday. to-morrow. Tremendous Klrc In Now York. Detroit. May 0?'2 P. M. A terrible firn Is now raging The yellow stop- house and the Klbert store house gone . 40 buildings already consumed. The Stenmhoat Hotel is on fire, and tlie American In flames, and one-third of the city threatened with destruction. The .Urrrtiirr office hns been consumed. The flnines are still In progress Markets. Nkw OnLKANt, May 4.?Cotton middling, I1*' a S; Sugar, fair, 3X cents; Molasses. 17 a 18 cents; Hour. i uiw, vuuico iniauin, <11; rrri|tniF ? no rnKM^iiiioiii*; 1 Kxchanife*?the (lifTlriilty of rfft'ctlnR exchange iiegotUtlonn InerttMf, Alb**t, May 10th.- The ren-lpt* l>y tin* rannl continue to Ih! too light to require fpeclnl notice Hour? Sale* of 4000 hhl* were made. to arrive. Including (lene- i *cc. Michigan, tliln State. kr . at $0 fiO a 02', a f0 a I $6 12>|. according to hrund* and quality. Wheat?For n pared of .WHI hu*hel* Oene*ee. >1 44 wan offered ; Oat*?Sale* of .1000 hu*helx wore mail* at 47,,<". Whinkey?Sale* of 150 hhl* wore made at 34J?c. Roitok, May 10th.?Flour?The *tock continue* Hirlit and price* firm. Sale* of MOO hhl* were made. Inclining <>euc*?o and other Wtatern brand*, at f>0 02,^ a ' " f m i 0 76. Corn?Tinr* were considerable sales At steady prioM; sales at 16.000 bushels wore made, including New Orleans, at 62c. and good yellow at 60c. Rye? Sales of 500 bu.-helH were made at 8:2c Out6 were tirui, aud sales of -000 bushel* weru made at j'?c Tlicro was no chauge iu Freights or I'rovisious. Shipping Intelligence. New Oslcans, May ?Ait KlitnUth Watts, I'hlUdt-lpliia. C'ld Uip James Edward*, Uuiton; tjark (jnngi-*, d(i. Theatrical and Musical. UuniHv Thkatm:.?The more we see of Mr. Murdoch. the more Is our opinion strengthened that he U a good, judicious, and intelligent actor; his reading is truly excellent, aud he has the rare good talent in an ..t? -.? 1.1- ll " uv.. ? *m*mj lUOUlUJIUK UlUlSCll with the character he assumes. und if be will be content to chooee bin plays from among the standard author*, be will do well; by thin we do uot mean to depreciate " Jacob Lelsler"?tbat piece is an interesting one. and has some tine passages in it; still, it is scarcely tbo play to obtain favor in tbe mind of the public. The characters, all save Jacob, are too coinmon-placo aud trivial; for Instance, where Bayard meets in combat with Leister, his complaint that he bad been degraded by sitting dowu with mechanics, is almost ludicrous, for though Leister had taken possession of the government, it cannot be presumed that he extended his sway so far during'hls'snortireign. as to cause Bayard to sit at table with any one lie did not fancy, or, in fact, that he had interfered at all in such affairs. The character, too. of Derrick Leisler. is too puerile and unoqual?at one time all (Ire and tlanie with lngoldsby, at another time, sighing that he could not handle the sword bis father gave him. But we do uot wish to detract from tho general tenor of tbe piece, which, taken ' all in all, is as fair a production as we rail expect uowa-days. The getting up of tho piece U most admirable, and all ought to see it. Mr.1 Huniblin deserves much credit for tbo enterprise ho has shown in producing it in such a first-rate manner. The scenery representing New York in the olden time, is'very beautiful, and the Indiau tableaux the handsomest things of the kind we havo ever seen. It will be repeated this evening, with the " Jacobite." Chatham Theatek.-The continual succession of crowded houses here, must be a cause of great satisfaction to Mose, who thus sees the people ''going In'' for him with all their strength. We need say no more than that the excitement still continues. The immortal Mose still goes round with cousin William, and Winans. as Joe, does the Catharine market loafer to perfection. Rae, as the sharper, too, is very good; his cool impudence, when trottlug cousin William to see the sea horse, in the tub of salt water, Is inimitable. Mrs. Booth's Katy is capital. Katy, though, should not be a lady's maid; she ought to be something more congenial to the b'hoy's taste. Little MissDenin acts well; aud her uncle is dressed and looks the candidate for Sing Sing to perfection. To-night, of course, the place io *v|/v?tvui niou WIUD1 sUIUBlUg piBjH. Christy's Minstrels.?Like the railroad overture, when these philosopher* get a-going, there is no stopping them; they are now going on. full tilt; crowded houses nightly, and from all appearances, they will continue to havo them for tho next year or so. They are the American Opera Company, in which there is no such word as fail. Melodeon.?The crowded state of this house every evening, shows how the performances are appreciated. Tho Virginia Minstrels. Miss Reynaldson. and the other singers here, are all great favorite*. Bantard's Panorama.?This grand exhibition has been much thronged during the present week. We do not wonder at it, as it is the greatest curiosity and most interesting exhibition ever shown in New York. Palmo's Ofkka House.?The illustrated pictures | here are got up on a grand scale, under the auperriilon of Montebella. They exhibit every evening. The United States Ethiopia* Minstrels will make I their first appearance in public, on Thursday, May 11, at the Lyceum, Brooklyn. From what .we hear, they arc an excellent band. Barney Williams, the inimitable Irish comedian, has arrived, after a very successful Southern tour. Arrkst or Model Artists.?Atroupe of these immoral exhibitors were arrested on Friday night, at a bowling saloon in Dylwin street, below CallowhiU. N. L. They were taken before Mayor Belsterllng. and held to answer. Tho majority of them were females. Tho proprietor was bound over in tho sum of $1000.? Philadelphia North American, Hth intl. Italian Msetlng, The Italian residents of New York held a meeting last evening, at the Hotel do Paris, corner of Reade street and Broadway. The object of the meeting was to raise funds, in order to send back to Italy a number of its sons, ready to fight for their country. A committee was formed a* follows :?P. Slgnori Foretfti, President; Aveacauna. Vice President; Augusto Neil, Secretary; assisted by Signori Altrochl, Delvechlo. L. Blondl, G. N'egrettl. C. Luchesi. D. Canova and D. Gonsalvi. Signor Koresti, in a very patriotic speech, explained tho objoct proposed by the assembly; he invited all the Italians, whose means and situation would permit to rush to the succour of the ancient land of freedom. to join the patriots or to furnish them with the necessary money to go to the rescue of their brothers, fighting against the Austrians, tho cruel oppressors of their country. " Yes !" said he at the end of his speech, once arrived on our beloved land, those courageous children of the ancient Roman republic, will display their uniforms, hoist their flag, and rush to battle !" Signor Ntn then read the resolutions; after which, f Signor Forkitia rose again and explained that his intention was to leave America in a month, to return to Milan, where he had friends among the members of the provisional government. and that onco arrived there, he would combine all his power to have justice rendered to the Rood wishes of his brethren of New Vork. Sigtior ButilM then made a motion to requeet the Italian singers now in our city, to give a great concert in favor of the object of tho meeting, and thin was immediately accepted. an one of the moot influential means to arrive at the desired purpose A committee, composed ofSignori Altrochi. Argenti. Bragaldi. Blondi, and Spottl. was then named to settle all tho preliminaries fur this political concert, and to accelerate its taking place. Numerous persons signed a subscription paper, upon which we found the following names : Oiaseppe Tagliabone $100. Argenti $100. T. Avezzana $100. C. Fcllco Tenia $6, Th. Brenu a $5.( ecare Luchesi $10. Camagno $5. Domlnico ( anora $20. Severo Strini $10. Francis Bome $10. D'Altrochi $50. (promising another $50 when thwcompany is ready.) Cezare Spottl $10, L. Blondi $10, j C. Oonsalvi $10, Ch. Delvechio $10. Total $600. The list of Toli^iteers contained also a great number of enlisted Italians, proud of their country, ambitious of its freedom, and decided to conquer. La morte?or la Victoria ! The meeting then separated, and its members departed with their hoarts full of enthusiasm. Sporting Intelligence. Union Coi'Rse, L. I.?Trottino.?A purse of $250, mile heats, best three in fire, to skeleton wagons, will be trotted for this afternoon, by the celebrated nags Lady Moscow and l.ady Sutton. Sporting meu for some time past have been anxious to witness a contest between these two mares, and the opportunity has at length arrived, the proprietor of the Union having offered the above purse solely for that object. Last autumn, l.ady Moscow beat Lady Sutton in harness, in 2:37. 2:32 and 2:33 ; yet it is tho opinion of the friends of Sutton that she will, to-day. win back the laurels lost in the last engagement, l.ady Moscow, however, is tho favorite. All who attend the Union this afternoon will witness a fine trot, and a grand display of speed. M acon Racks?Central CormE?The spring races commenced Mouday. May 1. and were ijuite numerously attended. Mile heats, best threo in five, pursn $200. Thu entries were as follows :? inr, L.UTOI s liny imy. u years old. t>y tiana. Uuin 1>V Sully McOraw Mr. Nanpler'n grey gelding. Jumping Habblt. 0 years old. by Kinerald. out of an Andrew Ultra. Mr. Clark's sorrel lllly. PtggJ Morgan. 4 years old, by Traveller, dmn by Leviathan The day wan favorable, the traek in tine oonditiou. The raee win won by the (inno Ally in two h?llltime. 1:50 and 2 minuted. City Intiillgrnrr. IH Persons dosirous of making in vestments in the bonds of the city, are referred to the advertisement of the (Comptroller, in this paper. s^H Fur..?A Are broke out about 0 o'clock, on Tucsday night, iu the basement of the bonne at the eorner of Ninth street and third avenue, which WM put out with trifling damage. Killkd iir a Fai.l.?Coroner Waiters was called to hold an inquest yesterday upon the body of Matthew Krcd. it native of New York, aged 62 years, who came to his d?Hth by injuries received by accidentally fallIng through the hatchway of store No. H Kerry st.? I^H The deceased was in the employ of Mr. Matthew Armstrong, leather dealer. No. ft Kerry st.. anil while assisting another person In lowering a quantity of leather through the natebway. his hands slipped, in consequence of which lie Inst his balance, fell through the hatchway, and never spoke afterwards. Verdict in I^H accordance with the foregoing facts. Fottxn Daowirn.?The Coroner held an Inquest also upon the body of an unknown man. about 3<) years old. who was yesterday found floating In thu Kast river, near the foot of lOrtth street. The body wan perfectly naked when found, ami i? supposed to lie an einiirrnut nlm ?,ui i 1-1 - " _ . ?hvh? inn l ull lll>H froui Ward'* Maud. about twn month* since. Railway Ac< ihkit.?On Monday morning. ns tho pa**engor train. which left Croton Knll* nt hulf-pa?t seven o'clock, panned White Plain*. about Iwi mile*, tho rail* suddenly gave wav. I>y expanding outwarilly. whereby tho engine and cars wore thrown down, 1'rovidontlally none of the passenger* *u*tatncd any injury. Tho cause of tho accident is ascribed t?? the dhortnea* of Iho curve* nt thnt part of tho lini', and to tho heavy engines of Into employed on thi* part of tho railroad, for tho purpose of affording a ouiok transit to the passengers. Those, combined with tho Into heavy rains, which must have considerably softenod the l>od of tho rails, are tho only reasonable cause* that are spoken of as occasioning the accident. To Tiir F.niron or rut IIkrald. f)r?a Sir ?Your account of the teni]>eratur<> on Monday Is Inaccurate. .At 2. P. M . yesterday. S.I dog ; 3, 70 dog : 4. 7*1 dog. ; 4. minute*. 71 dog. ; ft. 7dog. ; IV 73 dog ; 7. 70 dog ; N. II and It). M dog ; and 4 this morning. ftR dog. Thunder, lightning and hail nt. 4 .'l.r); and again ni 7. IV M Lightning In tho Wci>t Saturday evening nt 7. and continued till 11. I' M fMMIl of July. 1K47. to WU? of A1?>"il. 1N4V there was no thunder or lightning nt my plnce of obaer | vatlon?near nine montha?And during three month* of that time. vi*. : December. January nnd February, there were 13 very heavy thuuder storm* in the Slaia of TtnnwM K. fti. Monday 7 A M . May R. /