Newspaper Page Text
\ m f TH NO. 6454. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS OF TllJf TERRIBLE RIOT AT THE ASTOR PUCE OPERA HOUSE. The Names of the Killed and Wounded. MMTUfO TH THB >AES. THE EXCITEMENT IN THE CITY. Scenes and Incidents, Ac. Ac. Ac. As will be readily imagined, the excitement tbrough ut the city, growing out of the deplorable occurrences ef the previous night, was most intense throughout the whole of yesterday. Everywhere little groups of persons, of all classes, wero observed discussing the affuiri 1 ..I.. .J...I- _rt.k I UUU VAJftvrniu^ Ml tit upauawmair nmu uiwi v vt tvoo v vuv* monce. An an Wustrutfon of tha^bsorbing interest felt in the matter, we may state that no fewer than thirtythree thousand five hundred copies of tho Herald, containing our full aud graphic, account of the whole melancholy affair, wore disposed of, and circulated all oyer the city. Our telegraphic accounts from other cities brought intelligence that an equally intense excitement prevailed wherever the heart-rending nows had been despatched. Of course, considerable diversity of opinion on all the principal features of the caso prevailed amougst those who were engaged, in the streets and elsewhere, in conversation on the subjoct. It was , manifest, however, that tho business had assumed a new aspect in the minds of many, and that it was looked upon by them as involving nothing short of a controversy and colli,ion between those ,.who have been styled the exclusivss," or " upper ten," and the greut popular masses. Some blamed the authorities with no little acrimony?others applauded them. It was generally considered, however, among the mere intelligent aud dispassionate classes, that a. proclamation should lnivo been issued by the Mayor, warning tho citizens .against participating, even in tbe most passive manner, iu any tumultuous assemblage at the Astor Place Theatre or, elsewhere, and that an overwhelming military force should have taken possession, of the ground at an early hour, and prevented the gathering of a crowd in the vicinity of the building. Throughout the day rumors wore abundant that a riotous organization of the most formidable character wai in progrerjj, and that a still more bloody scene than that of the preceding night might be anticipated. It was said that fire-arms had been purchased and obtained in large quantities by persons riotously disposed. Almost all over the city the following placard had been posted in the most conspicuous places, attracting crowds of readers AMERICANS! SnOl'Jx! TUB UKKAT CRISIS HAS COME!! JuKUTOCRATB l7i"""" FORElGN? RULE! shall triumph iu thiK AMERICA'S METROPOLIS, or whether her owu SONS, whose fathers once compelled the base-born miscreant* to succumb, shall meanly lick tho hand that strikes, and allow themselves to bo deprived of the liberty of opinion ?so dear to every true American heart. AMERICANS!! some out 1 and dare to own yourselves sous of the iron hearts ot '7(1! ! America. A still larger placard, of which we giTC a copy, was also posted, calling for a meeting in the Turk: ? TO THE PARK ! TUT. CITIZENS or NEW VORK, OPPOSED TO THE DESTUCTION OF HUMAN LIFE, ARC HF-RCSiSTED TO ASSUUHLE IN THE FAIlK, AT 0 O'CLOCK, ! THIS EVENING!! j Friday, May 11. to express public opinion upon tbc lament- , able occurrence of last bight. It wns_ then apparent that an attempt was in pro i grew, of some kind or another, to give an expression o' feeling which might lead to unpleasant consequences. Tho authorities were not inactive. A long consulta- , tion was held by thcin In the morning. The lessee of 1 the Actor Tlace theatre announced his design to close ' tho house for the present. Orders were issued to the , military to be in readiness at any moment, and the fol- 1 lowirg proclamation wus issued by the Mayor, and dispersed all over the city:? j PROCLAMATION! The Mayer of tho city, while deeply deploring the loss of lifo which has resulted from the maintenance of the law, during the past night, reminds all the citizens that the peace of the city must he maintained. Us calls i all good citizens to snstain tbc magistracy. The efforts of the authorities will he considerate?will be humane, but they ought to lie, and must he Arm. He recommends all citizens for *otne days to remain as quiet as possible within their ow n dwelling*, and to abstain from , swelling public assemblage*,ami from all acts that tend to encourage the riotously disputed. The effect of crowds is to expose the innocent to the injury gTlsingfrom the measures which must he taken. < The peace of the city must and shall be maintaiucd, by the Whole civil and military power of the county. It must always be remembered that the military is but a ' portion of the police of onr city, composed of our own follow ~ citizens, who have volunteered t'i maintain the supremacy ef their own laws. 1. S. WUODIIL'LL, Mayor. Mayor's Office, May 11, lt49. Mil. MACREADV's DETARTCRK FROM TIIE CITY. Mr. Maercady loft the New York Hotel, where he was living, anil departed from the city, at three o'clock yesterday morning, accompanied by several of his friends. He expressed his determination to return no mora for ever. Ills baggage was taken away yesterday morning, at five o'clock, in charge of a friend. Alter the tiring of the first round from the military, a friend of Mr. Macrrady told him that thero had been bloodshed, which seemed to affect him very much. Ho threw up Ids hands and exclaimed. " My God, has my appearance led to the sacrifice of human life ! I wish ] had adhcrod to my first resolution, and not yielded to the solicitation of my friends. They assured mo there would be no difficulty." lie then retired to his dressing room, and prepared to leave the theatre. After having got safely to the New York Hotel, it was deemed prudent by himself and friends that he should leave the city as soon us possible, lest an attack should be made upon that house. The uniform of a soldier was procured, and in that disguise nc left the hotel, on horseback, for New Hoelielle, where he could wait for the first morning train for Boston. It is said that lie passed through u portion of the crowd, on his way out of the city, but did not excite their suspicion. He was accompanied by scvorul military officers, who acted lis an escort and body guard, until he was clear of the Ity. PRESENTMENT OF THE GRAND JfRY. r The Grand Jury of the Court of Sos?ions, deeming onciliatory measures called for, yesterday made the following presentment To Me Hon. the Court of St ssiont of the city a rut county oj Sew York. The Grand Inquest, taking into consideration the highly excited slate of the public feeling, growing out of tho riot of the lait twenty-four hours, would present the necessity of adopting conciliatory measures as mnv tend to allay the excitement, and recommend that the performance at the Opera House be suspended for the present (Signed) JOHN CAM PBKLI.. Foreman. New York, May lltli. 1840. Mr. Campbell, the foreman of (lie lira ml Jury, said to the court ThoGrand Jury will cheerfully co-ope?ate iii any niei urcs thought necessary for the preservation of the peace of the city." Tim Kecorder stated to the Grand Jury, that he would lay their communication before the Mayor. He thanked the Inquest for their proffered ai<Lu?d so dismissed them. aitkakam i: of ANfOR ri..U'K VICINITY 1 LITE*DAY? INCIDENT'S, trc. , We visited yesterday the scene of tie' bloody tragedy, and found a con?lder?blo crowd collected, or rather groups of inen diseiisslng the events of the previous night. There was evidently a strong Ceding exalted, but it ?*a not so anu li against the military whom nil parties exonerate from blame, as ag/.inst Use committee of the Opera House, and those alio signed the requisition to Mr. Maeready to appear again, In the fase of tha rrgauiavd opposition against him. Il would seem us it Maeriwuty lin'i Forrest were nine lost Mailt uf, and " the 4 ad ARiatoaraey." as the crowd full them, are the nbnoxloM party. We also heard mueli reap >nsibility attributed U> the authorities lor not pre-occupying the ground with Uf miiHsiry, instead of coining at tIf critical moment, wb? n tliA passions of tho mnUilude were rowed to the bigbe-t pit.Ml, and then forcing their way through th> ni. "I'era !h'.)*e |. .? ! d wRivW.-hat'.e.edApp"or E NE" ] *n?>\ ' There was scarcely a whole pane in the window* in front, and one of the doors was completely mashed. In the rear, in Eighth street, the windows presented the same appearance, and on that side, too, there was a door broken. The area all round the building was strewed with bricks and stones. The house of Mrs. Luugdon, opposite the theatre, shews about twenty bullet marks, some of them of very large size In two or three instances, entire bricks were actually dislodged, so great was the force of the shots, owing to the close proximity of the military. Most of these Indentations, exhibiting the red brick in contrast with the dark coat of paint with which the wall was covered, were so high that they were manifestly the result of the first volley, tired over the heads of the people. There was one bullet mark rather low down, which did not break the wull. but left the mark of the Wad, and appears to have glanced off at an angle.? Auether bullet penetrated the sash of one of the windows, and entered the house. There were Indies standing in those windows at the time, or immediately before. An oyster shun tee, kept by a colored man. at the corner of Lafayette and Astor Place, was pierced by two bullets, one of them just entering at the upper corner of the door frame, and, beiug turned downwards, gra/.ed an old woman, named Saruh Sewell, in the face. It did her no injury, and she was going about during the day. The public house, No. 23 Eighth street, opposite Lafayette place, has ten bullet marks, three of which entered the dwelling, one of tliem through the door, and the remaining two through the drawingroom windows, and into a closet, almost hitting children who were in bed. Mr. John Byrne, of the Nation, while standing near the door or this house, received a bullet through his overcoat, passing out under his arm-pit, without doing him the l!rrhti>af iniurtr * l.nll.O <??....... I tlx. S.uu-.n.xl nf Mr. Hill's house, 23 Third avenue, and two or three balls passed through a teut erected for exhibitions In the piece of waste ground adjoining. It ia clear, therefore, that the shots were fired la every possible direction, as indeed they were heard to whistle. In La Fayetto place, some way up, two boys were killed when going hoiuo. One of them resided in Third street, and the other in Thirteenth. We have ascertained that several have received slight wounds, and some are mortally wounded who hare net been as yet reported, having been taken away by tlieir frieuds. The scene Mas visited during the evening by fashionable parties, both in carriage s and on foot, and the crowds increased towards nightfall, when the police proceeded to occupy the theatre. Carts were employed during the day in removing Irom the opposite yard the paving stones which hud been used so effectively on the preceding night. The gate of this yard was completely demolished, and the fragments used as weapons. The yard was occupied by the mob as a kind of battery, protecting them from the fire of the military, while they discharged their own missiles under cover. The lamps about the place are injured, uud many of them had been extinguished during the riot. On several oecu shins, the military were repulsed, and their inuskcts taken from them ani broken in pieces, while a troop of cavalry was put hurt tin combat. It lias been ascertained that a large number of the troops refused to obey tlie order to fire, and walked away?some of them going to doff thoir uniform, and come back in their ordinary clothes During the morning, several ladies made their appearance at the scene cf uction, and inquired for friends whom they were fearful had fallen among the victims. One aged woman, with tears streaming down her palid fare, sought lier sou j but he was among the fallen. Ilisbody had been.conveyed to the Seventeenth ward station house, where were congregated about a thousand persons, in the greatest possible slate of excitement. The aged mother forced her way through the crowd, and discovering the lifeless body of her son, ftllupon liim and wept in agony, lie had not been a participator in the fearful work, but stood a spectator when the fatal bullet deprived liim of life. About hulfpast two o'clock, a hearse was procured, and the body removed, followed by a large crowd, many of whom swore to avenge his death, even at the cost of their own lives. Up to a late hour In tlie afternoon, the assemblage in the vicinity of thejAstor 1'laee Opera House was very large; but just at night the military look possession of the ground, and driving the people back, placed a guard round tho theatre. A police force was also stationed in Broadway, at the corner, of Bleeckor and Ninth streets, to prevent tho omnibusses and other vehicles from passing through thut jiurt of Broadway. Thus every precaution was taken by the authorities to preserve order uml prevent the destruction of property. jRut notwithstanding the impressive lesson* of the night previous, thousands and thousuuds of persons congregated In the vicinity. aud stood gaping In the direction of the Opera House. Occasionally a trooper would gallop through the street; and whenever this occurred a terrific groon was raised, by way of intimating that the military wore unpopular just at that particular time. Two mounted men were unhorsed; one of them, it was said, lost his seat from bad horsemanship, and the other was knocked off by some missile thrown ut him by some person in the crowd. The military force seemed to be quite adequate to the performance of the duty useigncd to them. Up to 11 o'oiock last night, no disturbance had been created by the mob at the theatre. The soldiers were in quiet possession of the ground, and would probably Main it for the night The boys were creating some sonfusion in the streets. Th?y amused themselves by lighting bonfires, and groaning at the military whenfverthey saw a person in uniform. Tw o O'clock, A. M.?At tills hour, the soldiery were Lhe only persons in the streets iu the neighborhood of Astor Place, aud were all wishing for daylight, at which Lime they were to be dismissed front their unpleasant lufv. An accident oeeui red about half-past one o'clock. In.-ide the Opera House. A member of the Union lUllc corps, named James P. Wright, had his hand badly shattered by the explosion of his powder Bask, occasioned by Indiscreet conduct on the part of one of his comrades. We left him in the hands of two surgeons. Two officers belonging to tlioScrciith ward police, two members of the Montgomery Guards, and a member of the City Guards, were iu the house, serious ly injured, from missile-, which had been hurled at their heads during the night. THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. The following is a list of tlio killed and wounded xitLro. George W. Gfdnoy. aged 30 years, broker. IS Wall street; left wife and child. Shot through the head. lVni Butler, aged 27 years, ship joiner, resided at 23 Thompson street; shot in the left temple. Left a wife and child. Neil Gray Mollis, liquor business, sgod 30 years, resided at 1 IU Grand street; shot through the jaw and head. The deceased wa- a nephew to cx-Aldcrman Gray, of the 10tli ward. Left a wife aud child. Timothy Bums, aged IS years, a printer, residing at 172 Pearl street; shot through the right lung. Matliew Cuban, aged 28, laborer, residing in Twelfth street aud First avenue; shot through the nock. Single man. Owen Burns, aged about 30 rears, cartman. residing at No. 81 Charles street; shot through the neck. Asa F. Collins, aged 45 year-', residing at 41 ?t street and 3d avenue, a man of some little property. Mr. Collins was descending from one of the railroad cars, at the time of the tiring of the military, a distance of 150 yards from the scene of disorder, a bull from a musket struck the deceased in the nock, eausing almost instant death. Thomas Bulinsn, aged 20 years, laborer, residing in 12th street and 1st avenue; shot in the abdomen. Single man. George W. Taylor, 21 years, residing at No. 215 Varick street, a carpenter; shot in the head. Single man. Thomas Kearnin. 23 years, a waiter; shot through the right cheek. Single man. Resided corner of 1st avenue and 13th street. Timothy McGulre, nged 10 years, late resident at 107 Tlilrtrentn street, the only support of a widowed mother. was standing immediately opposite the main entrance to the theatre, and at the first discharge of musketry received a ball which entered the abdomen on the left side, midway between the pelvic and tho ribs, passed thmugh (he body, and escaped almost two.lnchoa on the right of the spine, lie died in a few hours after receiving the wound. A Mr. Kelly received a mortal wound, causing almost instant death, lie resided at 104 Fast 13th street. - George W. Browu. aged 21 years. Thin young man received n musket ball through the left lung. It up] pears he wa? standing peaceably by the iron railing, on the opposite side of the street, when he received lilt death wound, lie resided at No. 42 Crosby street, with his mother, and was taken home a corpse. Henry Ottrn. grocer, corner of Deluncey and Orchard streets, was shot through the stomach, and died in tho 16th ward station house while we were there. His aged mother was pn sent, and her lamentations were truly heart-rending. John S. Jones received a mortal shot. Ho resided at No 210 Sullhan street. Andrew McKinley, aged about 25 years; shot through the ehest. He resided at No. 147 lid Avenue. George Lincoln. IK) years of age. resided at No. 189 Walker street. Ball took clleet in the groin, and came out of his hack. w fivwnrn. Thomas Aylwood. aged 10 years, shot through the thigh. Joseph Faton. 19 years of age, a spectator, was shot in the right leg. The ball perforated his pants, and grazed the fleshy part of the leg. just below the knee. James McDonald. 17 years old, 134 Walker street, ha',', through the left ilde. Bridget began. Irish. 30 years old. shot in the left leg. just bi low the knee. Lives in F.levonth street, between Avenues 1 and 2. She was two blocks off. walktng with her bus band on theii way home, and fall Into his arms. Kdwnid McCormiek. 135 First avenne. 10 years old; worked nt 200 Mulberry street. Shot through the side. John Detach 22 years old. of F.dinburgli. Lived at widow Harrison's, opposite Washington market. Shot through the thigh, making a serious compound fraeturc. 1 lie tame ball went through ills hand. <Jiurge A. t urtis, print*r. resides in New York, aged 22. shot through the right lung. Conrad Becker, 27 Hudson street, worked for Mahony k '1 homprou, upholsterer*, Chatham street. Ball wsnt through tho right thigh. '1 bourns Ay Iwood. aged 10. clerk, reside* at the corner of Fact Broadway uudt lintou street. Bail through the thigh, fracturing the tmno. Stephen Kllwood. (insensible In the City Hospital.) Ball I'Sten d the loft eye and lodged near I lie ear. George N. Kay. 28 year* of age, merchant, boarded at 107 Chamber* street. Bali In the right brcaat, going entirely through. Henry Rurgulst, known a* "Harry Bluff," and lived at 610 I'surl street. Ball grazed the neck, went into the Hub', shouldi ?. >.coming out behind the right ana. lie W YO MORNING EDITION?SAT had been deputised u special policeman for the evening Mrs (Brennan, housekeeper for Mr. Kennoehan, corner ef Second avenue and 9th street, whilst passing up the Bowery on her way home, leaning npon the arm of a uian. was struck by a ball in her left thigh. The ball passed through the fleshy part of both thighs without injuring the large Teasels or bones. The wouud is not mortal. Thomas B. Stone, 20 years; shot through the leg. Stephen Kehoe, 24 years; shot in the eye, and the bull lodging in the back of his neck. Frederick Gillespie, a boy; shot through the foot, was taken to his residence. Lorenzo D. Snell, residing at 49 Bayard street, was struck with a musket ball, passing hrougb his thigh, about one inch inside of the femoral artery. Mr. Snell had been in the city but a few days, lie resided in Philadelphia. Win. C. Russell, a lawyer in Wall street, was shot through the left arm. B. M. Senas. jr , a private citizen, was wounded. Capt Pond, 7th regiment, had a severe flesh wound on his clerk. Capt. Peck, a militia officer, had been hit in the stomuch with a lurgo paving stone, before there was any firing, t^ulte sick. Mr. Ruckle, 4th Company, was hit hard with a brickbat. The first soldier struck was Theodore W. Todd, 2d Lieutenant; and Lieut. W. H. Harrison was injured. Private John Mortimer, Orderly Sergeant Morton, Capt. Underbill. Private Isaac Devoe, 1st Company, and _? Bngart, 4th Company, were wounded?none dangerously. Thus it will be seen by the above list, that 17 are killed, and 18 wounded; two or three of the latter, it is believed. will scarcely survive auuiner day. There are several yet, it is believed, wounded, who remain quietly at their residence, the whereabouts of which wc have not as yet been able to ascertain. The individual shot as ho was stepping from ono of the cars, was Mr. James Stewart, who was on Ills way to his residence, in Fifth avenue, near Eighth street. Though the ball enterod his neclc, he is yet ulivo. though little hopes ot his recovery are entertained. ARRESTS. The arrests below wero made by the police on Thursday night, and stand charged with being rioters at the Astor Place Theatre. The number of arrests amounted to 63. They were all committed to prison for a further examination. 18. Jlobert Howard, 141 llroomc street, machinist. 16, Thomas Seaman. 21st street, butcher. 16, John Ayres, 83 Wooster street, organ builder. 20, John Stevenson, 266 Houston street, baker. 17, Walter Lawrence, Vurick & Charlton streets, huckster. 18, Alfred llolden, 64th street, butcher. 22, Daniel S. Adriance, 26 Thomas street, machinist. 20, Win. Aikin, 13 Mott street, cooper. 18, John ltoach, 0 Catharine slip, brass finisher. 16. James Matthew, 84 Forsyth street, butcher. 10, George Douglass. 31 Chrystie street, gilder. 24, James McLeau, 142 Fulton street, printer. 10. Augustus Gore, Orange street, printer. 2G, Thomas Green, 160 Hester struct, with Dr. Ogdcn 31, John Loins Lyons, 22d street, porter. 17, Dickinson llcud, 19th street, butcher. 17, Kdwurd Heath, 100 lleed street, sailmaker. 15, Thomas Kelly, 207 Mercer street, chair maker. 30, Wm. llolden, 9th avenue, gardener. 20, F.lias Combs, 268 Grand street, dry goods. 18, George E. Harrison. 28tli 0th street, marble cutter. 18, Henry A. Hansford. 44 Division street, clerk. 16, William Parker, 44 Gouvoneur street, no business. 21. William Beams, 88 11th street, pianoforte maker. 23, William Sparks, bo Mott street, mason. 22, Charles Tuppen, 60 Mott street, plumber. S3. George Mason, 554 Pe arl street, baker. 21. Thomas Bennett, 107 Mulberry street, printer. 21, it. K. Dugan, corner Varick and Brouiue streets, cork merchant. 18, Henry Hiffer, 333 Bowery, grocer's clerk. 20, Jobu Hawkins. 257 3d street, eooper. 19, John Norris, Prospect street, Brooklyn, slioemukcr. 31, Jlobert Tcuul.-,corner Bayard and Chrystie streets, cooper. 18, Hugh McLaughlin, 470 rearl street, paper folder. 30, Alex. Hofack. 250 ( anal street, shipping ofBce.. 30. ltobrrt M'ller, 23 Pell street, speculator. 23. Kdwurd Haggerty. 132 Blcecker street, sailmaker. 21. John MeAuley. 27th street, butcher. 30. Jehu Dean, 122 Varick, no business. 17, James Cook, Essex street, huckster. 20, John Kalis, 81 Hainiucrsloy street, carpenter. 10. Wm. Jones. 26 Essex street, sailmaker. 20, Jacob Day. 6th avenue, butcher. 10, George Parker, 41 Gouvcneur street. no business. 19. Charles Forstnell. 22 10th street, bookbinder. 19, Robert Charles, 68 Grove street, gunsmith. 27. Edv.ard C. Judson. 10 Abingdon place, editor. Mr. Judson vvus examined, and held to bail in the sum of $1,000, to answer the charge iu court. This he gave and was liberated troin custody. Samuel O. Mel, William Wulloce. Andrew Marray. Charles Thomas, David Jordun, uud Thomas Dorian. These six prisoners made their escape from the station bouse during the night. MEETING IN THE TARE TO DELIBERATE UPON TIIE DEATHS or THE NIGHT BEFORE?TRE-MKNDOLS EXCITEMENT. At six o'clock, the meeting which Lad been called, was held in the Turk. An immense number.of citizens of the greatest respectability in demeanor, deportment and appcaranoe, was assembled together long before the hour of the meeting. Great feeling prevailed, but it was tempered with a calm, orderly patience nud quietude. The people seemed desirous to know and understand things, and In doubt as to any determinate conclusions. The meeting being called to order; the chair was taken by W. W. Mamlkstgok,Esq., who was voted in by acclamation. As soon as the chairman had taken his scut, and while ho was rising to address the meeting. a sudden crash and noise was heard; then the high plulforiu. which was loaded with people, suddenly gave way, and fell to pieces. We, ourselves, with the chairman and all uponlt, fell with the fragments, and happily were safely deposited, amid n load of broken timber. upon the ground, prostrate and supino. On recovering our stupor from the sudden surprise and alarm, we found ourselves ullve and unhurt, for which we felt grateful, but we were sorry to learn that a little boy who was in the crowd with us. was crushed to death. We heard a cry that the boy was killed, but such was the lively interest which everybody felt in himself and the meeting, that no notice was taken of the matter, und the interrupted business was immediately resumed. The Chairman then got up upon the table, which bad descended in position with us all, and stated the object of the meeting. Gi.oitoe A. Hai.sev, Esq , and Ai.rliit II. Waooonkh, Esq., were then unanimously appointed Secretaries of the meeting. Mr. Si Raman then rose to address the multitude, which could uot have been less than *20 or 25 thousand souls. Mr 8thaiian then offered the following resolutions:? Er.i.LOW-GiTi*r.N*:?In view of the doep disgrace that baa fallen upon our city, in consequence of the conduct of some of our city rulers, last evening, the following resolutions arc submitted for your consideration:? It ( solved. That we love the peace, are law abiding citizens, and devoted to the welfare of this, the first city of the Union, but, above all, we cannot sanction the murder of innocent men by those whose sworn duty it is to protect them in all the rights of American citfcens. Resolved, That we believe it to be the duty of our city authorities, if a riot takes place, or if they have good reason to beliove that a riot, involving the destruction of life or property, will take place, to exhaust the civil power of the county before resorting to the military, whieli is, in fact, the right arm of despotism, and ought to be the hist resort of Americans. And here we must condemn the Mayor of our city, for not causing the Astor Place Opera House t? be closed, when ho km w (as he says) that a riot would ensue if it were opened. Resolved, That we look upon the sacrifice of human lives in the vicinity of the Astor Place Opera llonse, last night, as the most wunton. unprovoked, and murderous outrage ever perpetrated in the civilized world; and that the aiders, abettors, and Instigators of that unparalleled crime, deserve, and shall receive the lasting censure and condemnation of this community. Resolved, That, in our opinion, it is the imperative duty of the Grand Jury of this county to indict the Mayor. Recorder, and the Sheriff of this city, for ordering the military to fire on tlio citizens. during the disastrous and bloody tragedy of last night. KcfrIyimI Tin,t. up niinulu our ti ur.mmd Limpntfltion^ with the mourning friend* and relatives of tin- men, women, and children, who hare fallen victim* to the pride, tyranny, and Inhumanity of those. who, ' dressed in a little, brief authority." have shown a higher regard for the applause of those who courted a fatal Issue than lor the livea of their fellow citizen* Resolvt d. That we will attend the funeral* of our murdered fellow-cltiscns. Resolved, That a committee he appointed )>y the Chairman. to take testimony in relation tothe lamentable affair of last night, for the purpose of presenting it to the proper authorities, and our fellow citizens. Resolved. That we owe it to ourselves, to the high character of our oity. to the genius of our institution*, to the vindication of a largo body of our fellow citizens from the opprobrious and unfounded charges made against them, to prove to our and their revllers that we respect the rights of others, are neither destructives nor law breakers, and. therefore, will not couusel or countenance the destruction of life or property. Resolved. That w hile we are opposed to all violence, in theatres, or elsewhere, we still insist that citizens have a perfect and indisputable right to express their approbation or disapprobation in all place* of public amusement; and we regard the arrest und imprisonment of persons last night, for merely expressing their opinion in the Opera House, as only surpassed in atrocity by the outrage perpetrated outside among the people. The reading of these ably drawn up and powerful resolutions produced a great and decided impression npon the Immense mass, which listened to the reading or them in profound silence. At some of the most striking expressions, such a* " murder of inuocent people," " indiscreet Mayor," Ac., there was a loud, spontaneous hurst of warm and indignant feeling. Mr. flvaziizw having concluded the reading of tlmse resolutions, In a full, clear and audible voice, proceeded to address a low remarks upon the subject to his fellow RK H URDAY, MAY 12, 1849. cltliens, and in his speech, while he deeply, vehemently and eloquently deprecated and censured the conduct which had been pursued, earnestly advised a resort to the legal tribunals, and the absence of all violence. He recommended the people to go home, and calmly review and consider what they heard, and. in the course of time, to act according to the dictates of a sound and temperate judgment. We have the speech of Mr. 8. in full, but owing to the length of the others written out first, we are obliged to postpone that of Mr. S. for the present. When Mr. Strahan hod concluded, loud cries were raised of ' Ryuders," ' Rynders." Captain Ursine*. of the famous Empire Club, then mounted the table and addressed tho immense ussemblv before him. Fellow Citizens:?It strikes me that the first thing now in order, is to put tho resolutions to ths vote which you hare heard read. Tho resolutions given above were then put to the Tote by the Chairman, and adopted by acclamation. Captain ltvnocks then proceeded as follows :? Fellow Citizens When I look upon this vast eoncourse of citizens assembled here, I am overwhelmed by my feelings at reflecting upon the dreadful calamity which has befallen our cTty. (Shouts of " Murder, murder.") Yes. fellow citizens, you inay wall ealllt murder. I do not say that it has been perpetrated from the mere motive and intention of killing men; 1 do not suy that when they first ordreed ?ut the troops they bad the intention of murder, but when thoy gave the word, and said " Are," then it was a murderous act, and murder was committed upon Inoffensive citizen* by the chief magistrate of the proud city of New York?a city where Mich a thing as a riot has scarcely ever been known before. Fellow citizen*, for what? for whom was this murder committed ? (I hope you will keep order. I hope you will prove by your conduct tills evening, that the working men of our city are as orderly as the aristocracy.) Why was this murder perpetrated? Was It done for the sake of justice and for the object of preserving order? (I.oud cries of"No, no.'') I think not For what, then, was it done? To please the aristocracy of the city, at the expense of the lives of inotfending citizens?to please an aristocratic Englishman. backed by a few sycophantic Americans. It was more important to these aristocrats that Mr. Macrondy. an Irieh-Eiiglishmun. should play before them, and that they should lie amused by him for a short hour, than that they should prevent a riot. They preferred to run the risk of a disturbance to gratify themselves with hearing him. They would shoot down their brethren and fellow-citizens rather than be deprived of the pleasure of seeing him perform. Think yon the sun would have risen less brilliantly the next morning if Mr. Mncreudy bud not played that evening? 1 think not. Well, Mncreudy did play, in dumb show, and the stars were there to see him. and protect him?1 mean our police, who have so distinguished themselves on this occasion. Now. I want to say something in relation to the agency which I am reported to have had in this matter. [Hero an interruption to the reporter took place, a crowd ofmen trying to get the resolutions from him.] I will not de?y the fact that 1 wanted to se.o Macroady put down, but not by violence. There were hundreds who heard me express my opinion; and I defy any one to say that I advised any attack or assault to be made. I tried to put liim down; I wanted to put him down; but I wanted to do it peaceably. I was not hostile to Mr. Macrcady because he was an Englishman, but because he was full of his country's prejudices, from the top of his head to his feet, if lie has any. On this account, I was ready tp take a number of tickets, and manifest my dissatisfaction of his conduct. It has been said that money was paid to me la order to put him dowu. Fellow-citizens, It is a base lie. (Loud cheers.) I paid my own money for the tickets, and a few others paid lor other tickets to be given away. If I did wrong, that was all I did. and I do not shrink from the responsibility of it Now. fellow.citizens, as regards the Mayor. 1 do not wish to speak unkindly of him; I will merely state the truth ; but even the truth in regard to him Is too bad to dwell upon. If I were to do so, 1 should be afraid of exciting your feelings too much, and 1 do not w lsh to stimulate you to any acts of violence, to tear down houses, or to wage war against bricks and mortar. Yesterday, after roading the pronunclamento published in his behalf, I felt more inclined than ever to hiss him and put him down. They promised him that they would support him. Did they do it? Could they do it? Not a man of them was there who camo up like a man. after agreeing to sustain him. No, but they threw the responsibility upon tho "stars"?not the stars of the stripes and bannersfar from it?but tho police. Y'esterday I waited upon the Mayor; Mr. Matsell, Mr. M'iley, and others can vouch for tho truth of what I say. I told him there was danger of a fearful riot; 1 said to him, "For God's sake, stop the proceedings; you are bouud to protect tho lives of the citizens." I gave him my advice, and I believe the Mayor is a man of truth, and he will not deny it. A consultation was held last night again; I spoke to Alderman Kelly, of the 2d ward, and asked liini if he would not go to tho Mayor, and prevail upon him to put a stop to the proceedings. No. it was all in vain: they were determined to be gratified by having Mr. Mncreudy to play for thorn at the expense the lives of their fellow citizens.? (Tnree groans were here called for, aud gave by the immense mass with profound solemnity.) And now. fellow-citizens, I have one remark to make in relation to the public press, (The GUtlt) (Mr. R. here read a short article from the ubove paper.) I called upon the responsible editor of that paper, who said he did net write it. That article was written hv that pink of propriety, the well-known and notorious Major Hangs. (Loud laughter.) Mr. R. here commented upon the ar4l?ln a>wl nwAna.oVn.l with tArni> PiitMnu ri>in.irlt 4 wllintl owing to I lie confusion around us, wo wore unable to eaten. Mr. ft. then spoke upon the conduct of the military in firing upon the people Thoy wore, lie said, the aluves of her Majesty of Lngland. They obeyed orders, and gallantly tired, and killed two old ladies and thirty or forty citizens. That same cyening, one of our public functionaries bonded, while he was regaling himself in a tavern willi his usuul beverage, of the murders which had been eommitted. (Cries of " Throe groans for Recorder Tullmadge,'' to whom it was understood that reference whs made ) So I have heard, fellow-citizens. I do not affirm it to be so; but I have heard it was so. A number of our fellow-citizens, who yesterday at this time were alive and hearty, as we arc here, were murdered last night, and are now sturk and stiff in death. (I.oud groans ) Our National Ouards did this, villi General Handfnrd at their hi ad. They liavc not particularly distinguished themselves upon the field of Mexico?they never drew a sword or shouldered a musket to fight for their country; hut last night they shot down a couple of elderly ladies, and a number of peaceable inoffensive eitlxens. General landlord would iuakn a field mar-dia l before whom the glory of Ncy would be eclipsed. Rut. if he was to be made one of Napoleon's marshals. It would not he beeause he could figut, but because of the murders lie could boast of having eommitted. I say It, fellow citizens, utid 1 mean it?lie is a coward.'?for none but a coward would fire upon unarmed citizens and then boast of it. I do not want to urge you on to violence again.-1 him. Tile finger of scorn will for ever point at him hereafter for this exploit, which will be punishment enough for him. That will put him down; yes, a child might put him down, whose only bravery consbts in firing upon "a number of unarmed oitixens, and killing two old ladies. As to the civil force of New Voik, I do not wish to be so severe upon the Star Collco as the gentleman who has preceded ine, though, as a class, altogether, they deserve what he has said of them. Hut I should Itlfe to know, If the object of their being called nut whs to preserve the pence, why were they not in the street instead of being shut up in the thiatrc? It Is the first time ono ever heard of police being shut up in u house in order to quell a riot in k street and put a mob down. There they were, drnv.'ii up iu"lde the house. In order to revenge llio aristocrats of this city against tlr? working classes. (Loud cries of indignation ) Another thing I would riniuik, and I can prove it by good witnesses, by selling their tickets and p' eke ting the money tliey have robbed the people, the working men of the city. Now, romemb< r. that pulling down houses is an expense to the city, therefore. I nope yon will keep order and not injure the building. They would be glad if their house was torn down, because the city would have to pay for It. and it would relieve tliem of a losing speculation Another thing I will mention; ft has been said that Mr. Forrest?r'.dwln Forrest?(loud cheering, thre cheers for Mr. Forri st)?It lias been said that he gnv money to pay for putting Mseready down. Fellow citlzi isii lie. (t rlesof 'It is a lie.") I would give two hundred and fifty dollars to any one who would prove, by good witnesses, that I ever received one cent from Mr Forrest, or any one, for sucli a I purpose. As I said before, I bought twenty or thirty tickets, but ss I had Hot the money at th i time, I applied to a gentleman in this city for the money. He gave it me. and I gave him iny note for it. On the first night I bought fifty tickets with my own mn. in y, I paid it myself, but 1 was sorry to sec an assault made upon Mr. Mscrendy. It has been said Mr. Forres gave the money. Fellow-citizens, It is a foul calumn i gainst n incst noble and honorable citizen. A reporter ol one of the papers met me and asked, ' Do you know Mr. Forrest?" I said, ' Aeeldently only; I got acquaint"d with him in u steamboat on the North Itircr. going up and down o?c?sionally." T hen lie said tome, " Will you go to him and ask a favor for m i?" I went, and Mr. Forrest said. "Send him to ni"." Then I spoke to Mr. Forrest about Macnady. I said, to sen wiint he , > ? uu- in ??. nut down " i'o this Mr. ?. oliiu PSJr. .,..,4 , i-'orre?t replied and mid. " Two wrongs do not make a right." Mo help no- Mod. that was Mm auswer. (Shout* of nppr< bat Ion.) Then ho Mid, H Let the people do a* tb<> ph aso." But. on the other hand, Mr. Maci-nady Kent one hundn d and twelvo tickets to the b'heys to support him; hut one of them, Billy Sparks, said, "I will take your tick* t. but I will hiss you." lie did mo, and lie is now In piixon for it. (Cries of "Shaine! shauie!") Mr. Maerrndy also rent sixty dollars to be distributed among the police. This Mae ready is the man who has paid money, no doubt. Matsell is the man who never lost a trick in his life. Then there was Bowypr, too, active among them, with Ills slung-xhot, quite brave Inst night, iu attacking the people. Now, when this meeting breaks up. I hope you will go homo like peaceable citi/.ens, and not tear down any houses. Mr. Maeready. as you all know, left the elty last night, though the men who elaim to be exclusive* pretended they would 'nstaln hint; yet the Utile man had to run for his life in spite of their promises. (Shouts, '-lie went upon the telegraph wires.") Ills baggage followed htm tills evening. There were sorao who were for plunging it into the river; but no? Ood forbid sueh things should be done. It is not necessary wo should have a burning elty, though last night I should have been glad to have hnng up a doaen of them like rats; hut we have had time to reflect, ami the feelings of Ann riean citizens have had time to recover tholr ascendancy feelings always in favor of justice, order, and humanity. Now then, I hopnyoti will disperse quietly, and ro b< m< pcMtably to you* haMUtkne, In proper time [ERA! Captain Rjnderi having concluded, loud cries were * raited in the dense crowd for Mike Walsh After tome f delay, Mr. Wilih came forward. asceuded the table, and c addressed the meeting He said? Friends and Kcllow-citlzons?This it the first time in the history of thlt city that we litre been called upon to deplore a cowardly, bate, and murderous attack upon tho citizen*. So long as the dispute betweeu Forrest and Macready, two persons, was passive, I took no part in the matter. 1 did not think it becoming the dignity of an American citlien to make a dispute between two play-actors a national question. But now it has ceased to be a personal matter, and has resolved itself into a war on the part of the public authorities of this city against the lives of the people whom they ought to protect. Not in the whole history of the civilized world has there ever been committed j an atrocity equal to that which was perpetrated last j night Even the Emperor of Russia, who holds the lives of the people in little better estimation than that j of dogs, has always required three rounds of blank cartridges to be fired by the troops before they tire with j bail upon the people. We have seen in London tho spectacle of nearly two millions of people threatening [ to march upon London, with the undisguised purpose i of overthrowing the government, and what happenod ' j Were the i liglish troops commanded to fire upon the people ? Not so ! Not a solitary man was killed. Tho 1 soldiers were not drawn out on the occaslou, but the shopkeepers of the city alone were culled out, as special | constables, to put down the tumult! My friends, do you think that if this assault had been committed at the : Chatham or Bowery theatres, our citizens would have been shot down and murdered for breaking n few punes | of glass.' Thirty or forty persons have been shot down in cold blood, who were not guilty -I.I.. II.... -1.. I ..I /1 1 U Bl.~~-.I1I .......i..,K .110 mwr ; \uuuu wtleo ui ouuuio. | "Shame!") The very fact of the commission of this outrage proves that we are the most forbearing people ' upon the earth. If such a thing liml occurred in I Paris, the streets would have been soon filled with bar- j ' ricades, raised against the cut-throuts, with the Mayor { 1 at their bead. It 1h easy to preaeh peace when we do ; r not mean it, but law and order become a curse when J they bring death and desolation into families, and , ' cause the tears of mourning relatives to be shed, culling , T loud for vengeance. I. myself, w^> not near the Astor , J Place theatre last night, but 1 say thdt F. A. Tall- ' madge, Mr. Wesiervclt, and Mr. Matecll, deserve hang- , * ing a thousuud times. (Cries of " Hang them up"? : c "liang them up.") We have had a proclamation * from a mnn, who, by a mere ucridcnt of circumstances, has arrived to bo Mayor, and, no doubt ! p there arc thousands like him who are drinking the , <j blood of the operatives, who long for the power of an | 1 army by which they may oppress and trample the poor " man under foot. Where were these National Guards i <i during the late war with Mexico? Where were these : i gingerbread soldiers ? They were drinking punch at ! i their firesides, while it wus the poor man who fought I i the battles of the country. I do not wish to curse thcui, | I but they have becii valiant enough to pour lead upon i the unarmed multitude. (Cries of" Vengeance," " \ en- j ' geanee.") When the Opera House was opened, it was 1 1 restricted to thoso only who wore white kid gloves, | i such was the spirit of pride au i presumption . : of the nabobs of the Fifteenth ward, who, led by (ho .Mayor, hare brought troops to fire upon the i i people. Who will take care of the families they have , i made desolate ? Will Macrcady, will Forrest, will t Woodhull ? No! Let us be dignified, but lot us i speak strongly aud firmly. I say,"so help me God, if another shot is fired by these scoundrels, I will, with I musket and bayonet in my band (The conclusion 1 was lost owing to the confusion.) My honrt is quite ? sickened ut the sights I have seen ?the brains of the A people who have been murdered oozing out, their limbs d torn and lacerated, the blood covering them as It flowed w from ghastly wounds. I call upon the coroner of this city '1 to cause the Jury of Inquest to fiud a verdict of fi "Guilty of Murder" against the Mayor and Matsoll, tl aud ail who have acted in this crime. May eternal p oblivion rest upon them?may eternal infamy full upon the guilty. Cursed be their names now?and may they forever bo a byeword and a reproach. Now, my bovs, one word more. We owe It to ourselves, to ouv fellow-citizens, and to society, If ever there is a q repetition of this shooting, to arm ourselves, and to cull s upon every man to arm njiimself. [Hero the tumult A became great, and the excitement Intense. Loud cries p for vengeance rose from the crowd. Mr. Walsh dc- I t scended from the table, whereupon an adjournment i 1 was moved, upon which wo came away aud left the i ground.] I While the multitude was gathering in the Park, a j number of women were observed making iheir way 1 i through the crowd, some leading email children, some | bearing infants in their arms, and some having two or ' three youngsters in their train. In one Instance,a lady, I was teen conducting two tine looking little boys, of about four and live years of ago, through the crowd. A i benevolent gentleman, I.nowing the danger of their position, kindly suggested to tho mother to leave the ground, as that was no place for children. She barely : luarh him through, and then administered a sarcastic rebuke to him for interfering. The urchins all over town were ns earnest in their debates about the popular topic of the day, as were the children of a larger growth. In fact, from the nursery to the work shop, 1 and from the parlor to the counting room, everybody ' alkod about the riot at the Opera House. THE SUrntESSCD MEETINGS AT THE WASHINGTON PARADE GROUND AND TOMPKINS SQUARE. While the proceedings were going on in the Tark, ! j we were informed that two other meetings were being 1 held nt the same time, one in Washington Square, and the other in Tompkins. To both of thoso places we t proceeded with as much expedition as possible, so as to ? lay their proceedings before the public. On reaching ] there it was found that quiet prevailed, and that there \ was neither a moetlng nor the least excitement, j Tompkins Square whs perfectly quiet, and the same ' j iney be said of Washington Square, although there were Fovcrtil companies of military stationed there, . 1 which, we were informed, would take position in the l immediate vicinity of the Astor Place theatre. We observed there the I'nion Itifles. three companies of , the Washington Guards. the City Guard, and the Mont- , t gomery Guard, alt looking very well, and ready at a | moment's notic<{to do the bidding of their commanders. , The exercises of these companies were witnessed by f two or three hundred people, who were engaged in ? discussing the deplorable tragedy of Thursday evening, some taking one view and some nnotiier of it, but all ! t agreeing tbat the peace of the city must be maintained. ( In the neighborhood of Waxhington.Squarc, as well as | in the vicinity of tho Astor Place theatre, at seven ? o'clock, there was no excitement, nor any apprehen- t sion of a recurrence of trouble entertained by the ( inhabitants. Ladies promenaded Broadway us usual. / and those who were not out of doors sut In their ' a parlor windows looking at tho passers by, and I observing the military ; ehildren trundled their ( hoops in the square, as ou other evenings?in flu :. j. he would be a dull observer, ind" ed. who could | not perceive that there wn.- no thought of a riot like ] that which occurred on Thursday evening; and conll- t denee In the ability (.1 the muuicipxl authorities to , . preserve the peace was depicted in every countenance. Leaving Washington Square, we saw a powerful force of hussars and dragoons, together with a piece of artillery. wending their way up Llghth street towards Broadway. This force, ot itself, it would be supposed, was sufficient for almost any emergency growing out of I M l,nv evtrfniclv Well ? both horses and ' men. nn<l ax they proceeded toward.* Broadway they 1 ntlrnrtrd a good di al of attention. At a quarter pa*t ' wtpti o'clock! they turned Into Broadway, and from { tin nco lliry wont to tlic theatre in Actor Place. in front | of whh h they took position, occupying coinpletcly tho * whole street. Including tho sidewalk. At this time t there were about fifteen luindri d person* in the vicinity of the theatre, composed in a great measure of hoys and ' half-grown men, with a sprinkling on the sidewalk*. ' near the Bowery, of women. There wa* some little 1 groaning when they tlrst made their appearance. but ' they experienced no difficulty in luklng tliulr position ' One of their horses becoming re-tlrc, the dragoon who ' was on his buck determined tipon pacing him up and 1 down?wlille doing which, one ol the boys In the crowd 1 threw a micelle, in the shape of a slick, at him. This net was loudly applauded ; but uotblng icrlon- reunite ( front it. To twenty minute* past seven o'clock, this 1 was the enly thing w. vth noting that occurred. i ivcmrvTs, etc., on Tiii'iwiw Moirr. i Wo w*ro informed la?t evening, that on Thursday v l night the pollci nten w ho were wounded by the ml-"ilex , sent from among the crowd, sought remedy f'?r their I1 injuries at the drug store of Mc?r*. Burtnett it Pow -11. j corner of Kighth street and Third avenue, and that , they were obliged to leave the store di-:uitod. in order s to esrspc the fnry of the mob which were around tho 1 doors < I' the ctohllshtncnt. There wevo two boy* killed In Lafayetto Haee. who J were going heme at (ho time. The persons attending 1 the Kvntigellcnl Alliance Meeting In (he Dutch Church , would have bi en in great danger had tliey separated u ' morn-.nt or two sooner. The Oyster Theatre, kept by a colored man nt Hi" 1 corner of Lafayette and Astor Places, was pierced by ] two bullets, one of them going through, at tin upper t part of the frame, and. being turned down, wounded In ,i the face r.n obl woman in tho house, but did uot d" her > any serious Injury. n 1 ho indhidiiul shot as be was stepping from one of a the ear*, was Mr James Stewart, who was on hi- way u to his residence. In Fifth avcuce, near Kighth street. Though the ball entered his neck, he i* yet alive. ? though little hope of his recovery Is entertained. p [ Item the other paper* of yesterday.J goon atter ten o'clock the doors of the theatre were p opened, snd the audience ts-gan to cotne out. in \ <- , tor place, a file of infantry, with filed bayonets, wore stationed, it may be for securing egress, or It ui.i.f b? aj to protect the building, which w?? in Imminent dan- o! ger. there being furious cries of "1 cur it down ! "I ve t< it Jr? ? Burn ilie damned den of the aristocracy, Ac., ic Groans for Maerciidy !" 4 beers for Kdwin Forrest." si Ac..Ac. An orator near US cried?" ion can't go in there without kid gloves on. I paid for a ticket, and they would not let me In, because I hadn't kid gloves ? and a white vest, damn'em i" Another i luxuriate p, Inthesrrne. Ilurrah! i will have nothing to do with a breaking windows, but I luiuriate in the scene*." | ? I i'rlvkbats Ol d etot.asb'gaD to be tlrs<i freely at the j, LB. TWO CENTS. oldicrs ; somo with bo much violence as to strike ftra roiu their bayonets. The soldiers endured it with omraendablt patience.?Eryrttt. The excitement of the crowd became intense but here whh no more mob. The orator* that had got an hi* work ot mischief and death, elunk away to snra daecs, and preached upon the atrocity of killing Imcriean citizen* for English actor*. The window leaking boy* saw it was no longer "fun." There rere cries of" Let ue have a public meeting." That r:u) a true American Yankee idea, and sounded so ike home?but nobody knew anybody to make a hsirman of, that anybody knew. There wore erie* >f " Let us burn down the damned building"?but here were sneering response* of " Go ahead with he torch, yourself." The sight of blood had ruotorod jeace, aud re-enthroned reflection. AU sorts of stone* were afloat?" A hundred men were killed." in one place?1' A poor Innocent boy, twelve years old." wax reported wounded In another. Cries of " Who did It?" 'Let us murder the soldiers." Counter cries, "Go iliond and do it." " Three cheers for Forrest." ' There soldiers are our brothers," " Why, then, did ;hey Are on us ?" About this time, a soldier in andorm, with his muskot. left the ranks, and walked hrough the mob, on his way home. The mob beset dm. laughing and yelling. "Lirk him"?' Take his ;un," 'Serve hlui as ho served others." Wc thought >no time they would tear him to pieces?but he wns protected by others, who said, " He has but done his duty? what all of us may be compelled as citisen soldiers to do." It was suid he had been badly hurt by itones, and was going home. It was said again, he left tlie ranks rather than flro on the people. This was partially a rut*, to get him through the crowd.?Ei< Ad to the performances in the theatre, the first and lecond acts were gone through with in dumb show, the jolice and deputy sheriffs being engaged in making ar rhtn. Ac. Port of the third, and the fourth, and the if 111 acts. were t^t'ii heard distinctly. At the eonluslon, Mr. Macready and Mr Clarko were called out ind greeted, the former with a mixture of cheers and linden about equally divided, and the lattor with ehaera iredominating. Cheers were thon called and given for i'orrent, the American people, Tom Hyer, dome French tarber. and everybody and everything that could be bought of. The Kpcctutora all this time were going nit. so that when the firing commenced, the theatre ?us nearly empty.?TVus Sun. In one corner of the street, a email dark, middle aged ;entl( innn. with spectacles, wae most earnestly adIressing three or four friends, who seemed amused at lis energetic action. " We can't live, sir," said he, 1 under such a state of thiugs; the mob must he pat lown." ''You to ," roared a tall, stalwart man, vlio overheard the former speaker," America rules England to-niglit. by J s." Conversations of this liituve were carried on. the wholo length of Alitor 'luce, in Knots and groups, in tones of great exeltenent. 'Twas evident something serious was brewing. l'hetcrowd at this time, (half-past seven o'clock) might lave numbered tive or six hundred. At eight o'clock, it could not have been under as many thousands. The ippeurunce ofu military man in the body of the people huh the signal fur the first outbreak of greauiug. -hunting and cheering. The door of the amphitheatre ivns closed, and a printed placard was pasted upon it, innouncingthnt " all tickets for that part ef the house yen- told.''?Kxpins. In the greatest portion of the excitement at the ( lieotre, a number of the mob repaired te the New fork Hotel, where they supposed Mr. Maorcady had j ought shelter, and commenced an attack. Mr. loiinat, the proprietor, summoned his waitors, and (fended the entrance with success, having received a round oil the arm, which was of a trifling character, 'he police were nil nt the theatre, and had he not dotided himself and house as he did. the probability is bathe would have suffered considerable loss of proerty. tin: coroner's inquest on the dead hodiks to-DAY. Dr. Walters, our very efficient Coroner, will bold inuests this day on the bodies of those unfortunate parous who lost their lievs during the disturbance at ths istor I'lacu Opera House on 'Thursday evuniug. It apx-ars that the Coroucr will hold the Inquests in the ourt room of the Oencral Sessions, at the Tombs. The oil owing card has been issued :? Coroner's Office, Slay 11. I*19. Persons who witnessed the wotiuding or death of individuals taring the riot at the Opera House Theatre, in Aster Place, ou riiursdnj- evening lust, will plea?e to meet at the Coroner's oilier, Halls of Justice, Ccutre street, on Saturday. May 12th, st 11 o'clock, A. M. W'M. A. WALTER!*, Coroner. Very great anxiety is manifested by the publi-t to know llic result of the Coroner's jury in these cases, and a tremendous crowd is expectod, and in order toacoommodutc them, the Coroner lias chosou the Court of Ses-ions Itoom for that purpose. Wc understand that a ury will-be sworn, and carriages provided for them, ind then with the Coroucr and Or. Whlttakcr, the will hold the examination on tho bodies, one after the >thcr, as they have been all convoyed to the residences if their friends. They will then return, after visiting lie bodies, and the inquisition will then be gone Into, n order to ascertain the cause of death. Subpoenas inve been served on his Honor Mayor WoodhnlL the menu, necorucr i niimnuge, mr, niaisun, tinier or roIce, Major General Stanford, General G. P. Morris, and i large number of others, who are to be put on the stand .nd testify a* to the cause of death, and by whom It ran sanctioned. We expoct to ace a large namber of lersons, as much excitement prevails on the part <4 he friends of the deceased parlies Our Baltimore Correspondence. Bai.timorf, May 10,1M0. S'atioual Council of the Catholic Bishops of the United States?Solemn High Must and Sermon for the Dead. 1 he business proceedings of the National Council of he Catholic Bishops of the United States are conducted inter the supervision of Archbishop Uoeloston, of liiltlmnre, in the Archiepiseopal mansion attached to die metropolitan ehurch, (known the world over as the llalthnore Cathedral). These proceedings are private, n the Latin language, and are to be withheld from publicity till suuetioned and authorised by Ills Jloli. aces the Pope. The religious services in the Cathedral mentioned ire of the most solemn and imposing cbarreter. Gn lie occnslon of the high mass and soruion by Arch>lsli "p Kendrlck. of St. I.ouls. on Sunday, the numbers >t the people assembled were scarcely surpassed by the rowds that thronged to the sittings of the Baltimore sntionnl Democratie Convention, which nominated 'iish and Butler for tho Presidency. livery evening luring the week, there has been Divine service in the atbiilral; and the sermon on Monday night, by Bishop lughes. was said to have been fully eijual to the easterly discourse which ho delivered iu the hall of he llouse of Representatives, at Washington, some wo years ago. and whteh was fullv reported in the 'hrald. lor the edification of the faithful, and the nswering of unbelievers. The religions services to-day were for the repose of he souls of tint Dishops who have died iu the United dates ; c.ud consisted of solemn high mast by all the Jtsbop* and theologians, and a funeral discourse by the itC Rev. Itishnp Purcell. ot Cincinnati. The organ and llie choir were silent, the cluiutlng the resp >ii-hs and >11 the impressive ceremonial* of the ma- wore eonlined to the bishop-, priest- and tlicir a. elsUnts at the altar. liisbop Purei 11 Improved up.>n the following cxtrae fr'ni the Scriptures :? ( vriiitldaiis, chap. xv. v. SI. It, I,. !,!, J tell y<.e ? mysl -iy, si shcill all, Indeed, l'i-e nr-iiu: hnt we shall test all iiu lin ed. ?>t. In it meII,el,I, in the twinkling of .m o>u, at i.e la st trumpet: f?r I he ilea i shall rise a/a.u iwMi-r ptlble. mil we shell Mil he < lulu - I. .VI. i'nr this currapVib'v must ut <n inuurrtiptioei and t.'.U inocta' mast put en immurality. -I. And When this tmirfnl linth put on fmrnnrtalitr, lien shall eemc to pass the saying thnt is writien : Death is ? :,1 lev til up in victory. <> Ileatii, whore is thy v iotnry t ) |)i sth. v her, Is tliv ?l ii ?nmony Etltiioa. The Bishop adverted l>> the death anil the lives of hose distinguished pv talis. I nrroll IVhitotudd, Dil iirjr, Connelly. Kwrl* id and others who have died in be church In the I nlted Stales ; hut selecting as an XhUiple for the especKl object of his discourse, the ile. services and < .liiii,hie , Intruder of the late Bishop onwirk. of Dost, n. h viv 'JIj portrayed the exalted irlues of the I end the good worksite had left ,? hind him. n < to tea t 11 c U Uusr Involuutari'.y to cxliiim 'God help di I" iudlutc his example:" ' Biess>1 ?r?- the di a ! who die I n Hie Lord, for they re?t frotn ln ir labors sod ilndr w, rk< do follow them." > . SI . I.UstlU > .ww. t nils. Ml. r iii.* m.-i . ...c , . .cu.uu.?.o r r? pit I iMnedicli.n luri.Ulud ?oine uioit ex.juisite hauling. iiiid thi- in..-1 si i iJi'.og pantominit proceedings c have evi r seen. "Within the semi-circle of the altar hero w. re to Lessen the riguitloant emblems of the hutch, in sculpture and in painting, the imp<Miugaltar, l* furniture, and, ranged lu front, the Archbishop*, the end the theologians in their splendid u'.stumeii; r the Bishops In their milieu and their rope* or huge itpes, richly embroidered in purple and aearlet, and il\? r end gold, truly presented a splendid spectacle. as lu y stood in line upon the threshold of the altar Some ucii i vhlbilious of costmuus, only on a far more ex. iisive scale. inu-t hav. signalized the dedication of|iion\ t. niple. when the singer* and the ehiunters lire nttired exprr*?ly for the great occasion. 1 lie service* commenced at half past 9 A. \fM and ndi d nt one o'clock ; and we bare sometimes felt more m urine** In llsfeulng to a sermon of an hour's Juralion lluiii from the four hours spont in the Cathedral Vhe Bl hop* dimd, yesterday, at the vleara~c of St. " .til's church, and in the evening they were h?*plta,ly entertained at the elegant firnm-lon of Mr. Kcnnely (el the firm of Jenkins & Kenncdayl at Oatl Hill.? 'r*. Kennedy received the fathers of the t'hnreh in a mnner which was worthy of the lady and her guests, nd we doubt not their visit will be remembered among In moat precious recollections of her life. The Council breaks up ou Sunday, and early next eek the Bishops will go down to St Mary's to join the liilodemie Society of the Ouorgetown College, in aomo (ipii.prlute celebration ol the landing of the Catholie ilgrim fathers of Maryland. A prt'nky Postmaster.?b. T. Cooke, the newly |.pointed Postmaster of Blnghamton, called upon the id incumbent with a commission, duly signed and tiled, from the President and P. M. General Bot the rofoco refused, formally, to give up the keys, and be ill holds on 1?^ttssy Journal, May 10. Gou> in Nantitcket.?The ship Sarah Barker, lilch arrived at Nantucket on Tuesday, brought on eight f1,000 worth of t alifornia gold dust. eonaigned to laay In town, by her son, one of the .Vantuehet b hoys, . 'ho obtained It with bis own hand at the " dlggln* ' ustyear, in 2ft days. 8o says ths Kcw B'dfrri Mercury,