Newspaper Page Text
T IF r * .. . ? NO. 5708. "double sheet. ~ 'Interesting from the Chinese Enijiire. ^Approaching Revolution among the Celestials. THE AMIMCAXS AND TIIE OPIUM TRADE. nUVKBBNTS OK NOOliilTY, Arc. Arc. tec. Our advices from Cantou are to the 29ih of October. Our extracts will lie found of considerable .merest. The detatla of the movements of the Emperor and his cabinet are <)uite curious. NKWSPA PKR I'OSTAOK. A corrt'spondent complains that newspapers pre ?aid in New York to his <tdure.?s have not arrived, though he has received letters posted at the same time and place. This is not a solitary instance, and therefore he asks, " if the New Postal Convention he all humbug!'' putting the question to in, he says, because we stated some months ago that we had a^tlied to the Postmaster General in London, on the subject of the convention We did so, and having now received aa answer, the correspondence, is subjoined. With such assurance, following upon the notifisution iwued both by the i Postmaster General of the United estates, and by j the Pnttmaster of Hong Kong, our correspondent ; inust be a pattern of patit uce to use uo hirshcr j term than " humbug'' to ihe d-tention of papers for which money has been t.iken under false pretences. We would advise him to make a monthly joinplaint to his own government, through its Commissioner in Chine, until the evil in tully remedied. We can prescribe r.othinir more likely to prove el> fectual. Otititu P?it OFnrr. Loino*. July 31.1849 Sir?With rt-ferenet) to jour Utter of toa 21at May 1 beg to inform Jf>u that tb? l o?'i.ia?tfr ot Kong voDg taa sincn rre?l/ei in*truoti"n? *i:h r?Npect to .bo convention l*ti ly conciudi-d b?tw?*u Ure?t linta'.n 3tid the United Statea Nerfepapua addrenad to or r?eetTed from tha United StAteii. pfcSflng lu trauait th?vi;<u th.i l. uited Kingdom .re now chargeabl* with ? Brii'-li rate t,l po-'it?'rt of 1 i sob, If mat to or from Hung Kong via jini'.hMCipt m, and with a rate of 44 each 11' t*?t via tlar>eillt>a All urb' u ajc al*o chTut*b\a with a United Stat** rata of Id nob oj tiinr delivery ia America.?1 am, sir, your obedient s>-rviiut. CHYltU.J IOHSSOV, K>r tii? Soorutary. To Andrew Shortrede, F>q , Hong Kong. AITKOAl KINO RKVOLUrixN IN CHINA. Dr. GuUlati, the grett Chinese iravriler, ha* laid interesting details ot the elate ot China before ihe London Suiti&tical Society. He confirmed trie uccouuii liitht-rio given of liie extern of the popiU* i iion of the " Fiowery Laud." The area ol Cfun.t pr->t?er is, it neems, l,2?W,000 souare ?about three-tifths of ilie extent ot the Kusrian empire, or two-tililu of the size of Australia. The iiopuUtion is said, at present, to <iniouut to 3fi7,0U0,(K>0 ; and thin it is that seems , '.ncredible to an European unnerst inding. lint, I compared with the spice occupied, it is not so ex- | cessive as, at first sight, it appears. It leaves room <or about two and oue-tlurd acres of share to each living person ; and in England and Wales, the ave- I rage is rather lest?about two acres per head. It ia true tut, in some provinces of the empire, the , nutation return* give an average of more than 700 1 persona to the square rule. Hut, by the last census, mir own county of Lancaster had about H)0 i>er (K|Uare mile ; not to sj>e.ik ol' Middlesex, which i ?ias an average of 600, or of Surrey, which has | about 700 per square mile It is also to be observed , that these densely peopled parts of Cmna are on the sea coast, have beeu penetrated by Kuropeom, : are well known to be very fertile, and in every way well lilted to alford a lar^e amount of subsuten :e to their inhabitants. The Chinese r* turn* of the land subject to tax, as uaed in rice cultivation, ?tve nearly half an 'icre ot such land to each livtug y#rton; t-n'J ?re are assured that, in the southern and well-watered protiuces, it ia auything but un- | Common to tike two crop* of rice, one ol wheat, and one of pulse, from the same land, lu a single . *< ason. Now, the whole arable suriace of England and Wales is suid not t.? eju I I 1,000,000 acres, which give* little more than half an acre per krari; and we have also to provide for about 1,100,000 horses and cattle, and 8 000.000 sheep and swine. In China, they keep few horses, the rude labor being pertoiuied chi^ny by men ; they | have few cattle of any description ; even their dogs they mak? aetviceable as tiMid ; and their swine are ' fed only ?>n auch garbage at ?vea they cannot corv> vert to human sustenance in any more direct manam . l>r. Gutxlafi'a description ol ihe financial aflairs of the empire leads to the conclustoa that China is approaching a crisis very ?imii*r to flat which has again and again heralded the (Mimical revolutions a*l European Slates, it seeru* that the reveuue is raised almost entirely by two tax-*?those upon rice grounds and salt; ard that tlunng tile last six or seven rt its the ,>roduce ot these taxes has fallen off to theextrntof nearly one-third of :ta previous amount. l>r. GuuUtt a'trtbutra ihia to the di?conteni ( the people?* feeling winch Ins alwaya riiated to?ome extent, mid tia? of I ?t?* yearn ln-cn atimulated by the manifeat inthiliiy of the gnveru* i meat to pr*l?ot 11<* ulij'-c,a from plunder! eitltef ?>y band* of robbers in the interior, or by p'rat-s on the coaata, but which ??? D?vr openly and thua forcibly rx^rfan-tl. In a t? j?ay taw* wherever an overwhelming l.?rc?* w<a not at band to comiwl pavaient, unM the im if of the w ?r , with hnfcUnd gave the people to understand tn..t ; the fcroi1 ror waa not inviacinle Th" deficit on 1 the las* budget waa aome XI3.000 000 alerting; and a? th*- government hi* no credit, htVigg it ' various times illustrated the value of ita piper promise* to pay by auawering "Ikarer on de:n mil" 1 with the paternal bamboo, itie tewarcic >unr.unly resort'd to *a auch case* tu tu western worU are not available. The m< at remarkable resn't of th**e financial difficultie*, and the consequent mba moment of the government, is the ap,iearatioe of aonetmng re ry |ik?- a democratic ni-.vm rit u-n <ng the l-eople. The municipal institution* ??f the country, iretina upon groups of ten ??mili<*a, ngtia ground id bundled*. and in tliewaiid-, inncli re*-mblr, n | form, thw common ta this cmiott a thousand years ago; and it si?pe*rs, from IT. trii'zlatfe xtatemrnt. that theae have already *?n mide the mean* *4 oigan.tir g a systematic lueal resistance to the dectees of tne Lioparor the "elJer* and i'ntry'* of each district m t'itnt in council, and acting in concert with like aem-mnitges eUewhere with a view ol aetting aside whatever nit|?-rial regulations th? y especially dix'the. With thta movement others, we are told, are alao ?ppnreat, of a lean regular and more dttngernua character? "(iromuttiMii bisg preached from the teat aom i' h allected by anarchists ae?rer bona*, that the poor are getting pooler and the ricii richer every day; aurt that ?li social ill? arc to lie cured by a redistribution of the wealth of the coinmusiiy " la short, Uie politic* of the celcatial empire were described aa now bearing a very close resemblance to tho?e of other countries, in wlrcb a central despotism Hf. nnder ? .r "wo eyra, fallen into irretrievable ruia belor* a financial deficit. thi NimtTir a>t> *at*i*T*arY. |rroM tb? rrtli?ti>N? | I Keying fnttde ejieciai ai^lirxoon ti<r month'* fiirltnigh lor ihr naw. The leave *i< jive# mat. Ktght ht(h oAcm were rf??>.?o. ? usual, at th? request of the Mo-nJ of Civil?'Ac*, to milie MM itapedHia ??t olfii'Tn chosen to fill apfNMntineut* i) 8u-t?ifi i;Uun, Governor, recommends that yue?, Ut* acting chief in<?i* <t?? of ."Hhui ho, t>c remored to hit rick, iid kt* McmMf, !iwad, restored to hi* Mn* ami nliire -the UMII 41 up i?l the ftaed and njilu* rate? (levcd to m*et , the loae rat?~d by m*lnn tr>? silver in which ihe fi?ed ra'e in lo<t|(-d it the tre leury) Having been made gf?wi *ith?n the term aeeignerf 10 the parties ?? pay ti;> 'tie arr> ar (in bjr th* firat mi(t*tr>ttr. This latter wnntd not h.ive hern amended, but thrv M0' rd tne |>oint ill a representation, each wisfciwt to throw iha or.i?i on Uie other. B ?th ara linaivtr .'ematated PwM-iliMi?ai, ope of the four ch?ef minister*. >ej|ah? niny be ?nt??rae(|*d, on account of ;t? -4 01 1!i? inai'?ty d?cr.-e- ihai tie ?hall c??n tinoe i? Hfice, an<t tike two n?o<i'h* ftirl>ii?h Ckn-'Min, InrniTlt n?e of ne i in m ?naiiata atf*iu?t the o;tiiin'r ui , and >n >re reoei |y i?? ifc* ruri> ii< y ?| i-aii?w, returned ihaaks lor voa aMointineoi aaan MaUer ?ect?itfjt || the gr*oar* ?fei>-rt o^est. Kint-h?e>i. of i!?* bodf fn^rd, ?oo <>f Keying, t? Aif rs^ier al lavor i{?i??'lilifd " llffttul nf a m?? tnyi<liti(iiilki'? of tl?<! Mi r??k (if ihe U # ( n ntj-aai#. Tafiar PrMident af the 4i?aM ?d UltaM* fa, the m.ier >r aaya, after eft.* aimiin t^e <iitt?rr?. (M'lw hrwflfh luc't h- tu I ISei., thai be Map m??t diligent la the (ll-??i'ch of i.tiMw fwi-in. -? . 'I'1'" l" ,nr "i ' <4Ke*. KntlwigM h??l * "<? <,e?Hrd hwi tii it If * onl t r -c "'f kit health *#? fintati) iv itlura (? h<a pi*c. 11c diid, ??twnh f 4? T? IV 17. 'A 1_ ^ 3S standing, and at the sudden news of hi* death hi* 1 majesty declares hi m*elf to be eitremi-ly moved; he decrees hi in a pall ot honor, and direct* the sums in which he ha* at different tim?? bt*en fined, which are not yet paid, be remitted, and ui it the steps he may have lost be restored, [the de- 1 crees by which he lost litem being hereiiy cancelled.] The late Chin-kwun-tsiun, a cabinet minister, who died of a spitting of blood, is also spoken ??f in the highest terms. During sevwral yen rs he had been remarkable for hi* attention to business. I lis talenis hud attracted the atteution ot the late Kmperor, and his present M?:??ty, observing that hia honesty became daily more conspicuous, had ai>pointrd him Chinese Pres.dent of the lioard ot Civil Otfice, hoping to ava'l himself of his services. Since his death his Majesty hit been much atfected by the perusal ot a ui> n?orial in which he had begged permission to retire, and he now accords him the posthumous rank of guardian to l ie lieir apparent, dejiites certain of the irri|>erial timily to sacrifice, in hi* own *tea<i, to his iri tnes; direct* fhftt lh#? f inf-u iltip hw Inm Km .. i t - ' I *? - Iwbt restored; and extends th* imperial protection to his posterity, whose proper tiil^ar*? to be eonsid? led and leported upon by th^ioard ot' Civil Office. MILITARY. The Board of War having been desired to con- : sider the report made by inh-tsiun, a Vice-Presi- | dent of tlie board of Revenue, and member of the Censorate, especially direct) d to examine a charge 1 preterred against certain Mongol wllicers, as principals and accessories in acta of gross and long- | continued embezzlement and malversation, pray hit> Majesty to confirm their sentences as follows:? King-chun and K'ai-ling-ah, charged with short payment of the troops, and appropriation of the funds in the treas-ury, to the amount of 900 taels, are, in the first place, compelled to disgorge the money they have made; the lat?#r 'hus escapes the punishment of degradation, 100 blows of the bamboo, and transportation to a distance of 3,0(10, by law to be awarded to those who embezzle the | funiis of a treasury in their charge. K'di ling-iu's i is a worse case, lie is to be handed over to the ' Board of Punishments, to be sent to his destination. Wu-ling-ah wasprivy to the misconduct ot King- j chun, wus otlered a share ot his profits, but li-i l n>>t I received any. Still, as he did not inform against ! him, the Botird, opining that the p0nishm>*ni pre- ' scribed by law, of loss of three steps, and removal ' from his post, is not sufficiently severe, request ! that he be degraded. Sah-lies, who snouldhave known, fromhis sh if in ihe duties ot the principal, of his nkit, but wiu> has been, " lo all upin/urauce, blind and deal," is aUo to be degraded. Cliing-liang und .Si >.ng-chun<.T, privy to the fact that the principal had lor may years continued to omit r? porting the decease of bannermen, aud dli. I. .: u I IU^ ruui uumi fnwiuivico w?Ul lUCir vr|>UHl? names, an they did not either mrorm a:; linat him, Icre two Pteps ot ran*, but are retailed in their 1 office*, tinder the " n-vere law a;rainet im^ro^ri^ty in officials." their offence being t.a affecting the I ublic service : while Hing-ching and Ivan j uan^, j liavin" listened to an ofiir of part of til*' booty, j although lU'U'- had ns yet |>asaed their h i'n!?, are , degraded thre<? steps and removed from otfic**. ?ii- i d< r the temc law, their offence being one in which their pernoital interest was concerned : and they j are not to be allowed to count their additional steps ot grace. KangJiang has, however, hereditary j rank as n field officer of a certaia grade, and should by law lose one-half ot hi* hereditary allowance I lttr nine years, being three years for each step of I 0<-tri <Jh11< n ; it im therefore recommended that he I forfeit the pay, but that the degradation be remit- i ted. Prince Mien-siu, the general officer under whom nil thete thini's had happened without his being uware of it, is i-entenced to t>e fioed a year's pay ; but as his offence is tublic, as was also that of the above named Cblng-Iiang and Siane-chun, it is reqnerted that they be condemned to loose a certain number of ste|?, according to the legal proportion, instead of paying the fine. rtXAN< I AMD wo* as Vang-i-trang, Chief superintendent of river* and canala in this government (which eiteoda over the thiee provmct a of kiangau, Ngan-k wu., and Ktangf>i,) pte?? nts a supplementary memorial to the following effect: In the (kh month of 27tn year (July nndAugust, 1-17,) his predecessor, iVau-siti-n^an, i. ii iep<>rud that the ru?hes on OM MfJlkaovi a? the Wei-tang, where there are two military j well grown. Hie in'endint of the circuit of liwatijKnii and IUi-ning had vwited the rpot in the autumn. and had reported thit at thr left ?U- j tion 2,<i<?7,kf>0 fruaara had been gathered, bring un ii rtcaae on former h.meau I. I - a), nii-l ihat at thr right nation there was a aimilar incre?ae. [Time revert to the crown, to (>* rm,.l.iy<-d in public worka, purticularly a? a curt of gabion in ! the molra conauucted to atay inuudalioua or repair j their ellecta ] kiugi>i*-n. eujierintendent of ?ilk manufacture 1 j f< r the crow n at Su-chau. r< |N>rta that of the iUi.nuO taela allowed lor the purchase of mtterial aud pay ! hi' It if ku' a in hu m parmea', he hut tx/eu in the year 1M8, no more than J*,0N3 tail*. Tna ba!an<e is therefore aj.jhed to the rrpajment in I art ?f a debt of 40,'>.*)3 Uels i*?u red by this eatabl^hment in v hi< h had been remitted by hi# Majeaty. Fii-ahum-hiun, Governor, prtya for n postponern> it of the ctay by which the return of the extra expinaea of ihe riaiii transport should lie seat in for ihe autumn, in accordance with h decree of the lf?'h year of lviakitifc (1S14 ) [Thia extra ex- ] I 'Ler is anid to be caused by th : Inuw-ahipmeut of the grain into smaller la birtd an tri?' not, | when the water in the grand canal la too shallow J to ?limit <<t the pa-sage ot the government grata , jnr.Va lul!v lar'en Wne? the w?!er dee,,en?, Uieae ' arc reloaded, and the lured bo.ita diachaiged J 1 Ilk. 1-OtRT The Kmp'tor wat to pay a to th* widow of hia father (not ht? oa-n mother ) The Board of . Ceiemome* rep??it? the arrival ol tea frum Ngauhwui for hia majesty "a consumption The Gitipmr haa directed Ming-hinn, one o| aL- ?I. J ? . ? .L_ It I . i f?'.i i i.C inr T puiriim ?i %w^r i ivii * 'inrr, t<> perform the vaerific* dnr to lli? S,.nit of L'.jhi- | nn<K (Thii Cffrmi/nf u*?* |<Ucr annually iq i ri'MiMaioriUMl ol the *|iru'? i?trrvrnt<o>i in the l?ih year of ib~ laM i m,> r?>r'? iri|u (1*13), wh>-n no- rrh?-l.< ol the Wlttlr Lily ItcUut un?ilrd hi hi in nil f.alace 1 |m (TrafDt hnvior killed i two, end 'tor waaatruck d> aiJ by liKtuniu# ] < hui hati-ibuntf, thr eldeet araudeoa of Ch.nkwaa-UiUM, cabix.Pt inmate r, lately deceaaed. i? derntd an {honorary d??ree of Kenjm (m?*terof i am) (', next brotherot ihi^viif, i< i ordered 10 be by the Hoard of Civil j fire, when ?un?ctentl/ old, tint hia Majeaty may ah< w Ifift. favor. An nudieorr vrat fiven to four Prinrea, Pturhartf. PmidrBl ol the Hoard of War; W*n-kw4, Pr? *id?nl of tbr Uoaid of Civil < illic*; Ch<ili>|>iii^ ton, MiniMer of the Cabinet Hti|*ertno idant ol ihe Hoard; Tili-iang-gili, Pr? aident of me Hoard of Wnika and Pib-laiueii, a Vice Preaideot of thr Botrd ot lievrnue; tb? following day, to ??v< n ulfitrti of lank. JTMClAL AFFatu?Mintorm.m* contra A c? naor ha* brought ehargra agMinat Wting? hau i-h.n, Governor of .Hhan*?I, a* an offieer itoloriovaly incapable and corru|<t. He had Uk?*n bn!.ea to the amount ol ll.tXM) lark, and connived at thr groaa extortion and violence o| hia |x>l re and retime; the EdfOrt therefore direct* that br and a prefect in hi* government, already degraded on thr charge of having borrowed uptrarda 'H ItlOO \*u? vi a j? rM>n 01 rim ar^mrtrnt at, an I of h*? og given bribe a to tin* Co vet nor, be brought to IVk nj{ l? r trial. 11m Majesty content* wjili the con<l>i?t c<f th.aGotemor ul .sh*n-?i th*t of a Uir m?, U'uki-inn, m< remarkable for hi* probity tint h- hid ? n on* occaaion recommended that the *uoi of 10,0H) ta*U, being part of the proo-eda of ih>- mlt dirrcti'in which would ha?e rev?rtcd to himntlf, ?hi uld be applied '? 'he MlHftttina of an arr?-nr to the crown : and direrta ?h*? n report b# nude to him an to whether thi* officer h*a l?ft any p??terity in th?- proTtnee lit al?o inMnnre, the min- | conduct ot l.ti?nc-??tf"h-h??. former) invernor, a? no mvch lea* in degree tii*n that of th?o?? now degraded, tbnt he deaire* the former to return hi.iitc Iroin hi* preaeni riilt, nod bewtow* on him button of ih? ttih rank. The Board of Punmhmenta pray that rhangkwei-lien, acting chief magistrate ??f Ltn-yu in 1'ih-r hih-li, nrd Formerly a clerk in the Hoard of | Trade, may be degraded and brought to trial On . the trial ot another clerk of the Board of Work*, it appeared that thia magiattate had written him a 1 notr, ?h'n ran?ifnil!(f with him m public bupiO'S*, to rn?k? nil turtil in thr HrPvmtcb tb*m?f. nrnmiiinii him n own of mnarf if b? com|>hed llnnii rrprwitatiM ?f ill" lloitd, Hf Kml?rr>r hart allowed him to b# <<*'?< 1*4 from hit (timiin lo ?n?wer tb#rhnrff? preferred ?fnin?t him; but bi? dtlmr* w?* no fall of fabrication tb?t i* mad memorial b?? now t.een presented,.re>q?e?t ipK hi* drg'tdtiion. far.. M?om.A* rt^tCARo *h?w?t t*i rniuroiiift, on o?T* >* a<mu?M*? Wlwt n m?n who h?? wipe<1?w*? [lit boerfott) Tillmn for the'mtrmd people, fftll-, rnatrary to bis drMit, into the mi of the laws, of dl who ar? v W TO [ORNING EDITION?MO> or hear of his fate, there is not one who will not t tied streams of tears, druw ing long sighs, with a stiicken heart. The foreigner at Au (Macao) had mvle might of his right, and had done evil; h?s lusted after the women, ha had demolished the imperial eastern house, he had set tire to temples, and burned images; he had encroached upon houses and land; had broken o|>en graves aud destroyed the remains of the dead ; the measure of his crimes w ts full to excess ; the gentry and the common people were all enraged at them; they were intolerable in the Hicl'tof the powers of heaven and earth ; and the vllnges adjoining having been, moreover, subjected to the imposition of an unj'ist ti.t, the gentry and elders of thirteen of them had made a joint representation of these 'h'ni,'* to the Governor-Heneral and the Governor. Tneir excellencies could see no good meuns of arresting the calamity, which increased like a fire, burning everyday more fiercely than before ; they were without a ulan fur it* restraint, until they j/ave ear to the proI>osh1 of l'au-tMim, who secretly moved some patri< ts to hind themselves by an oath, s&edding their blood befoie heaven, and appealing to it; nuu endued to ensure their nerteet security throughout the whole (of their undertaking ) Now this w ts projected about the time of tlie Tsiug-ho, in the summer (May,) but there was no opportunity. >>f w hu h they could avail themselves, until the Mofub, (middle of August,) when (one evening) ?t>> at dnik, Miin and Kwoli, nrid five others from C'muchau-fu, went deep into the tiger's den, with sharp weapons concealtd about thein ; and th>*y stabbed the commandant (head of soldierr) and took nwuy his head and left hand ; while his follower, who was ruling wiih him, beinir also wounded, tl'd. They th* n hnstf ned back to the villages, t'ie young and old men of which rejoiced (tit pitted their stomachs ) Who could have known that 1'au-tsiun jiiiu * iinu, in'- hi'ii i)i mi oiiif'fr 01 n-U, wiui the faces of men the hearts of beasts ; that they t-houid have treacherou*ly inveigled kwoh to the city, with promisee of rank as his reward; that tin y hliould have w ritten to Shin a letter which caused Itirn to burrender hinuell to the run .-is'r-tte of Shun-teh, to be hy him dt livered into the chare* of i th* magistrate ot t'wan yu ! Why was h>? sub- i jested to examination beUre ;id t'ourts stiecestively ! II in head was then exposed, his life beini/ forfeited for the one he hud taken To j>ac:ty and console the minds of the barbarians, thtir l^xcellencit s have wronefull) slain the innocent: hut will the minds ot men incline to submission t And though the c?Dtry and scholars of the thirteen villages sit by looking on, because it h one of their own order who h -itt played fast and loose, is it to be nmiposed that those of the clan of Shin, who ( have lived for fenerations in Fuhkien at Cham;chau-fu, will be disposed to tnnke no more of this matter'? We fear that they will be hard to appeas*. The example of the late Governor-General, Keying, who d'-alt leniently in the case of 11 wang-chuh-ki, might have been followed. How should the barbarians of Au have been the wiser (had another been caused to Hitler instead of th* real criittiinlt) Men say of the Governor General, that he has made buiiself terrible by the excellence of his count e is; but the truth is, that he fears the barburisns as he would a tiyer, while our own in-ople, on the other hand, he regatds us flesh, which he | shares (with those without,) who dispute with him, who shall swallow the mo*t (or th? fastest). [ In their rage at him, ni'n are gnashing th ?ir teeih; their enmity is such that they cannot abide uader tb?* same heaven with him. Now, the barbarians of Au having an inter- , change of language and feelings w ith the Knglich, we nre between the horns ?f a dilemma; in j process of time they will surely mULe advances in- : ?v ? ui 1011 ui'iuri)?, mc oiiii wuuii rnia ua way. Juai as, when the disease was but onjthe surface, Hi d tur people were so fortunate as to hold the my against them, the patriotic club* of Tsien- ; ctiH>iud I Iwait-teing, a hundred villageH and more, B?-nt totth their patriot soldiers in large uutubers, aiid btai the foit-ign miuraders at the North Wdl! ; then* were worthy of distinction among the rnnna. Troojm, wearied by crossing many ihe? came on all hides, and penetrated far into the countiv. In our army there w?i no < thc? r c?|*blr of forrniBy a plan for repelling tliern. , In n?Vf n provinces they brandished their weapons, the* i \liHiiMrd nil the fund* of their realm, and what credit did they g*in, after all ! So often were the troop* of government defeated, leaving their contsof niiiland (lining away their helmets. So liin tool, mx millioua of money, and they aet apart the five |*>risaud an island, and they begged for peace, that they Might have trade, i-roin ancunt times until the present, never haa the empire |o?t k. niuch of dit;ni(f. Wtil may the neighborini: St. lea desoise us, and the barbarian* of the North, South, hast, and West laugh ua to acorn, for we cannot hide our shame. Thtae two men, withal, Shin and Kwoh, were the superiors ol Canen-cha, who, in the time of the Fighting Nationa," (fl.C &>>),) slew the Hanger. at d we therefore especially record, herein. this hidden wrong that ha> l>e<m done to them ; j but the men of talent and discernment to whom Ho* la addressed, when they shall have deeply probed thia matter, must make it known in nII (miti-, to guide the darkne>s ot tho??e who come j alier them, In the end that none m iy in any wiae rutrrpdrr lum-ell to K?venim* nt. The (rack of the fori most wheel i *a be aren. lieware! lJeware! W e would add that Shin waa a man vim hud all his dnya done what was right; when put f>rwar?| l>> the people 10 Cilt oil a viliaiii, his ardor waa ai I he i ainbow; lie waa wotthy the uam>- ol a patriot. A'at' that l.e charred not to find a more llluitrioua tuler, Mbd that, taken at a disadvantage, h>- should luve been belraytd and slain! Truly la it Uraenbible. MIL ci SWIQHOO* AFFAIR ? THE AMERICANS ASD THE OI'M'M THAI K [f rom tba tblua Mail. Oat 29 ] Thr publication hi * contrmporaiy of ihr txkMi b?for?- Mr tiillirr, Hum-* dcli> Lit) tc It in alluding i?? tbia mttter; and altnough we will run ntrr Cumaiogtiioon uftUir " very lifit-lly, wr ct'ukJ net wt li br lutrlligiblr without giving th>-naiM'a ?( tii(H>? concrnrd. vrtkl >rira i|o, C?|tiin J It Kadicott, bow of th* American *pium m<f fiiiji Kuparell, I inured (** whs th> n c?mnii n nough with f<>itifbt-r*) m Chin< girl nun^d Akru; ulie h*? 11\ i1 with hint 11dc?( -nd i* nnw ihr in 'her of . vrfal rhilu- n Akru la a ibrrwd, inrlli||rtt wo> 1 mup, t.??t Ir >ub!rd with ttloar ft fling* of ilrgrnda- ' inn which Euioprana attach to ft-tnalr* in h?r | condition. For intiir tim? pH?t ?h?> has b?**n tr?- I ting to the wrat euadj but for how long, or to \ ?but <itrot, ia to ua unknown *V> ar?* infinite d that after the wrrck of th* Ia*t>r|l? Kobtniw, in the typhoon of September, 1*HH, Captaina Kndicott and Lungley purchased part of thr damaged opium ; ei|hl cheata of thi? opium ihrj n Id to Akru on credit, CitpMio l.ui ?] y t<rin?j paid hi* ahare in full by thr other joint putcliaeer Whetl er It waa th?- aatne lot, or t>i um iiUTbtM^ by the prorrrda thereof, ia not ,ure rir r; nu n is ni'-urn dj .win? in ncr itii??til made at Macao, before Mr. Java P. Muryi* tmd Captain Luculrjr-that in April last she eight chr *ts <>| opium for a port oa >ha ?i at Cfiifl; ihm oi ium w?* taken b? pirates. The re-o ved i* ?imI ih<- pi rata*' haunt, thinking thnt sh?* could bully ihem out of the raptured pro i sg rh'tn with me r'ngfitnre of !> r foreign lii'itds Mir wan ao lar successful that ?-n her fir?t ?is>t (or at leaat said lo be her fir?t visit) sin- obltinrd Irom .**hu>-ng-taai I quantity of betel-nut, which she earned lo Cumeiii?ntn< u and sold to advantage. It ta aflirmed thit the betd-nof did not cover the lo?a of the op ubi, and in op|m?iiion lo Captain hndicou'a *ieh, and dutiau hia absence nt Canton. Akeu again siaittd tor To n-pshfc with two boat*?one helonamg to her* If, the other chartered for the visage. f*he w*a a' Tieo-^hk *hm H M Htr. M? ries vi#i'ed th* pla^e last month ; she Was the fuel to inform (Jaatain l,nek?er of the character o( the junk Meet there at anchor, though we fear frrtn no friri.fily motive ( n the 17th of th?t morth?ten days after she hau be?n wen at Tien cahk? Ahen arrived at Ctitneintimoon with h*r two * esse Is loaded wuh cotton, lotton ) Icthe. sugar, ( ? pper, rice, oil cakes, oil. Ml, d)e studs, Vc;sn 01 ft* r heavily armed jiihks were in u? ipmy. From their appeiranee. Captain Jameson, < ! the British opium rireirun ship It. n.h .v, anspei ted that the strangera were neither hi ne t trailers nor opium smuggler* lie whp inauren 10 *i?it tne juaaa in corn^ioy wim hia throf] anil cirrk, heinj a^rrbrOMVC tllat Uiejr er* there wnh e?il Intention* lie found Aketi * ko?rrl one of them, and on ukiog oft" the h?tch#a it ?* ? discovered in?i the waa freighted with cinton and *"tf*r AMer ensealling wnh ( aj'tHinn Ro^t and W|l|?o?, (cwnin nnlera ?>f receiving *hip?.) a boat ?at (i<-a?Miched to I longk"??. with a letter 10 Mr. Ctldwell, A??i?tant Hupermteridf nt of Police, informing him of the mt*> ,..cto?a *|fnriM? of the atunnera, and ihe fact h?ii the woman Akeu had arrived there with a rather cutioua inve-tirw it On the |9th tlM lit -trenger* left; on the X)th the American arh<?oner Ktho (the joint pn>|irrt> o? Captain* Kndicott Mitrt Li?aK?e>) went *lrni|?nle na* of Aken'a ?ea * la and received on t?>?rd part of the car*n I cotton and oil, with which *he aailed for Mjrao I'a ;ha 21??, the lf?it?d State* achoaner 9 it K \ IDAV, JANUARY 21, 18S? lW^hin art. ??"?* ulnMBfitmhmi an.I Aki u 1*0 \e? 'U; ihr Chlirr cr**i, wirf r?rn?-d u' M?tW, ?l?|f "?? of th?- hi ti whi di>< hit'x'd. * h" K'^ed I" If lh? bnnhrr ol ihr romi>rnd< r tli? bi|? " Ttif two cn?lurrd junk?, cf?*w?, a.*d ranjfea, w< r* it??a hiO'l<-l ovrr lo th* authoring of ll witiiiiiif, by ??#d**r of L'cwmw|nr? (irimi|rr, ii fwm,* allrgcd that the iiro^riy brloti^rd to BtitUh ?wl^rcu; 1'tiry wrr* 1 brought b'ff bjr tbr captor*, in Cotth*' "f " M J i-loo|i Columbia* aad the imtarf *!? ? ? I.irut P*ge tad MIIM Lteal lbs Ammj t?o navy, i?i>i*.ir*d brf.irc mifiKmi*, j oil th* 2**?h ultimo. wad aMtrd cir. mtmUacrt connet trd with lb* vi/ar*. Th l the A WWMl?o?aojwt lhaaU h nsdnvrr | hi* |iiiir? lo the llrr.?h, or tii >i ih?* A.i" " Miui?irr lo ( hiua (who r>*?idr? at Mac ?h?>. 1 NKlini Mich m id, rfwiirt aa eiplaaviioa which we cuoi ol givr. ' Thr atl< r'' *?4? ?? > Kvther America?, aud it wa? for tbr Amern m UimmiwiKHfl to adjudo ate hirnwlf. or h-tiM ?* ? llto 1*9|tiwito the OUmhgstffiMMi, \ in coaaected with nil Amer can ahtiHiuairr -the iiwnrm of hi* vrnM-l mtr Amirtrim ud In* wboonrr, which earned i?-?rt <4 a car^o tup(? ??() lu have Iw-rn pill' hiiril from tardea, (*hith the Anglian niv?l otl < >-ra tolieia it h.vr lirr# cra!iealiy lak* n in lb' firat |i||w.) vn under ihe Aim-roan lUt The |?>lice m <^i<trai>> of I lot ;.'k"iiK could not i;o m'<> th? fi<w I iTlv ; if cut Id Uol tumiliou* Captain Kndlr-oll before iiiii ; b>' could ut>t iincr thr l.t ho'a cargo to it* tin v 1 dm. tinni'on; ti< iih? r n.uU) h<-i?Mjr w?f i m i.., ar i thr liuinrrll For I'acaiu Kadwctt'a exour ration h!1 thi> w it* re^ ; mi i| th<m>K'i Mr. If lllier dumiorit llir mtr, a diMnrirtld"' tin f ? ?ii>n tr main*. which imwhl h ivr In a re n"? l h?.| the American < '?aunodore uii Cwkh -- u rd thr 11 duty It in not n? tor a? Ann u < imodore lo hand over hi* |iri/?*a to th<- v' r? of a foreign power; |nrt of the eir?.. w .* |, -t In'u cotton, it ia true; but thin |>tove? ?<> !, Aui- |. Chll ht?U*e* tell Mlt'lt ItrilillMY III ?vr|) ,,, I; but whrthfr imported by Britidi or Am r m merchant*. it wjh no doubt taken from *< m?* i.aforittnate Chinee tuuk ll h i t brr| ?d?rr -wd in a jocal a pro^ r form han thu? bee.i c? h ..! with; but that the owner thouH be fo i I *..? .? iinrrobaliU' that t le expense rnuht have be. u *r> d. Wr would not hr understood .,* ra.xtinn <m i reflections a* atlect th'ir integrity ui< n any ue; ilie case is a moat terioua our. am) had the American official* acted in a more uidei*- id-nt ni l t-traijjht forward manner, and not -tnrk'il their dtny on uny consider?iiou, nor ehuflled it oi the i-hou'dera of oiht ri>, either to s?ve ibeir friend*, or to nave irouble, it would have been more atli factoiy t?> l'a|>tain liadh'ott'a friend*, and the oiftcials would have only lullilled tlieeni; , 'em- nt<of their country with China. There are peculi tr i? rrt' irilnAm- ricaucift/.euaenu iir cd in (he opium trade; in the prese ; I instance, ?si'ii American Coosul at Canton is senior puiu>r in t it firm which owns Captain Kudicott'* ?hi,>, ili??* difficulties are enhanced; but the Chinese knov all tin circumstance* connected with in * Cum?ui(* moon opium fleet, just ns w?*ll a* w kn > w lu' iu; and if we overlook the notorious f?ct that thr jjentJ? lit*i) who once hud the honor of rcpfc^utui.; the United States, and null hold* a consular a,? pomtment liom that government, is deeply eiigsged in a trade which he is tiouud to suppress, they hate their reasons for Mleuce. l'ndff any circumaiance, the rr-|>oii iiulitv of seulinif th* ( iim?ini;aioon allair" did uot tall upon Jolu Hull 1< gitnnatr ly,?and in future wr beg th it Uncle fcsm look alter his own erring babes. The American Congress. ami I lie Slavery UnrilloD in haKl*1"'[Fna th? Vlanctx-ntor (Kieiilng) Tliu?? !> ? It ] J he question of slavery in thr United ^tiit^s is every year becoming more and more onnnous h' the dark and doubtful issue th it aw tits the inevitable stru^le between the Central iruvcrnrri'nt hnd the ?o?(liern Stale*. Three times m ine history of the Union has the p^ace of this ureal confederation already suffered from the shock or hoaiile interests aud passion* arra)c<l agtin*! each oilier on questions of domestic |>ohey, a?aociatrd with ihi* toul stain on the itihi^tu'ions of the republic And now, another contest, imire determined and seemingly less open to nrmiM'jl" compromise than all former ones, appears to thieuten Hf.aiu, if not the safely, at least the if iuquilluy of the UnionOne of the first questions that will, in all probn* bilily, l#e brouitut lor discussion before Hie ne*r Coagreae, mvoTvi a elements of the tieroest di>cofd between tha Northern and Southern States Tn* lnirodu) tiou ot a u?w tree State mto the Union would destroy the halauce between the pro mid .mtt-alavery |<arties m t<i- Sfuilt. ia tlir liouee ot J>r(.tfsx-nt.illV?"rt there I* HO HCtaal democratic majority in tavorof ?n utter exclusion ot al.*vrry I nun w MV 8Mn (bit mi i > um adnuaaion into the general confederation. In ihe nate?no mutter wh*t may be their relative extent or imputation?all itir States areequally re?>reiwnt?d, aiid have, consequently, ttie aamr power to annul or coalrol itir mvarures of the lower iloiiae. Wnilat the Houre ot' Kejirei-entaiivca, therefore, e*prt?aea the general irn?* <>t ttie wnole American |>e?? l-te, on all i|Urhtionn ntiecting the afigregite intereal* or policy ot the I uion, the .Seuate is th* eepr. cinl ixotector and conservator ot the separata . ritihiH and intercut* ot the individual states. : Hitherto, tb* aiava-boldiaf DMNhar* bad tlMir ' ?trop||liiiliJ in the >eiiMle, hint fhoniili v istly int'Tior ' In wealth anil |>< pulntion to the tree Mtalea ot the I aotth anil weal, have ttlwnya been powertuleuo 14n to control ih? policy <d the more pupuUr branc'i of 1 theLegi Ufure on ilie mb"-ct of aUvery. Ttin J 'juewion tinf now, howi ver, m . iifd a much more ' loiHialable aapect than on any loriner occasion; tor ! the iree noil oarty, atreuKihened by political anulL'limatinn *ltll till* dfin 1 rata id the .North an i j we?f, h.ia 111 the recent eleciionaacqiured a rtprt^ ' inacy decisive enough 10 render it urnaipotent in ' the lower hous*- '?t Congrea.*. Th?*y li?V'- >tce<?id- ' 1 ndtly determined rigidly to enforce the Wilm<>t ' I'tovifo, and a'lmit no Bi'tr^ mhUh into tin- I?i 1 ?n e*re|.t n(>on conditions ttiat render tlr- ab ue ' }<r< hlliitiou ot >|.tvery mi,> rattre in (tie wri'ie.i 1 constitution 1 f every n? w r-tate Aka 11? 1-1 thia policy tlie ^onthera State* hare 1 BliUxULC'd 1I1. ir deiernnnatii'u to rn*ke an etlec? j toalaiamt. Th?y have rn-^rt the oi l ?ry 01 n-iiiilii aticu, aud il.ieatrned a diaiiieiiibrrmetit ot ine I no u, ihonki any io<n*uie comproimailHf the ri^th'a o| an> tutnre ."^latea to frame whatever ' riK ItIC 1 1?III ion i? th' V tlioone, I). J.finitely Itiir*' Ii ?f(ll y< i<|lu'e?? 1 II'" WIIHI'.' win c??f?iil? be nirrd by 'he |*titi<>n *lr idy t <J b) liie K<jvr mini lit <1 Calitorai I, , lor mf touu>l u<Jnn*?ion uf that 4i?ic mto Uis L MOB. Fnm ihe t?ine m<l t? ?nj>er of the American pre?*, it l? 1)1, il* I liV Il.llr lh it holfl Hf Ihorimghlf lii im ii|'?>n n m,rl i in ontfri'im.-'ntf mturi'm- it ? I their ie?|>ei litr ?ii w. There can ?e no don'il iIihi ihe H(tfiiiM>n>ii of 4'aitfornit ? free ;*i4ie ** iik) *i??* in ihe frer-Miil I'Hity * maioriiy in 'h fioiiMtihal would vu?hi*tl?-m t<> leiMlw lii" condition* M ih?- W iloiot Hnniui At i'fi " nt ifinpfov im? Iim only ili* for?r of |*re? d^nt, not of" taw. When "ifgdi * nn u<1mitte>1, two B?'-t?n>nli ngo. inlo the I'nion. rh:i |irnvi?o, nVofutely |ifn|iii>iiiw ot "livery, Wrtu iii-rrif-l by Oa^i?M in lh* l?w wmi h ( rammed thttt trmwiy lirt? ? cnniederaii <1 *r*?e Mr Calhoun and th?- H*uih> rn ifrl>- proi>*?i'd n.oM vr hi mi n'ly a^iinat the iwtro I no' i m "I r >11 h cU??e. at n grora ?io ait< n nl r : >i?. the p t>hiliitH>n of hlainy in CtlifornM will n*- oppwd by the i?i uth> rn Prnilom, m?l only aa *n infraction of Siatr Ptfhta, hut a a invulving breal h of the Mil.Minn ComiifWHIMr Tue MiiUiiiIIm of TpIii, however, and the con |'i?-at f New M euro, hae vaelly added to ihe tarntoriea I ((!? I 011? (I Mtalra, MOO II 111*7 Tim/ " *? ! tend*d that the proviaton* of the Miwoaneon* I (Hi nme are ?f?l?* only to mich Mtataa a? i wfe comprised within the Uiioo at th-* time that C?>m^ri>iin?e waa Ifrctrd Now, th?t rnmpromiar, prohibiting alatery in all the future ftaiea u! the Union thai mijjnt he formed out cl the territory north of a certain I it mule djj 30 m n , w?? made on the tdmiaa'i'a of M'?* M>uri into ihe L'moa, in Ii2l The otinoaa inlet* Ji<>n of that roiii|>romiae, on tht part of (>ongrr4?, waa to limit ttie extension of Haitery, without ?ny direct interference with the right* or int'eieiidencn of any eliding Sutra in wlit-ih *l*v?ry w*a th> n egtahlioh' d re*.**, N-w Mei ico, and one.half of the wtiole territory ?f California, lie un^ueMtonably Monti of the liae of tfieyVf I'Kniri Compromise; hilt on what (>m? t>le. troiiiKia i iin it h* all?-|{rH that they a'? m aoy way mipiicat* d m th>- ( rovisioni of that arrange. n??it1 The whole of that *a?t trrtitory uaa f.?en creded to the American I'liot, nearly thirty oukiw t|uent to tfi*- Minaouri coiivroimat-, ami in the |>ri>|? riy of the conlederat-d .^U'ri, aur?j?c| to whatever condiiiona the central government and I t> i? uuua in mi | || ii r? mfwaiwt inif h? ? -r-? ? ?/ 'MrMb >( lit* o?hu and of Tba iinrrnnnmlt n of iha Bodkin ?U?e- 1 h? HJiPf .Stale* Ml ?ol"tcr lb* tfipiicaUoa of lb* Mimouri comoroRiiae to ail "f n?wly a*|inr'd imiiory tumli ?l ih? boundary Itna, it a Mat , *adn?i< ??ri nawarraaublr drfitmr* of tb? j?ro. I r-r ngbla and a**rr> igntjr of th? wb??a coafodcraIM. Wtaatem may be tk* of ih? atnifcta * IE R A 9. j about to be | reci| iuted. it i? in every way deairabU that il > hould neither be |K>a(|>oned nor cornpi'mitril. Sooner or laler ilim i^ueaiiuu m hUvrrv *dl force tin* American |>eo;>le with f?aitaJ rmi'llMM. I he dinner* auti dillicultiea ih -.t rurruund it now, can only be auttiiiemed by , weak i r trnnm>ri,-iii.r coicmiiom, calculated to ' latur rr uphold the extension of wlavery. Tue film determination of Congreaa to limit slavery, ? jihin ita rxixunic boua<l?iri?*B, would be the most in? ti ital a* writ aa ib<* wiaept alr-p that could be lak-n n the laierrat oI vhe (dave-owner* Uiein rlv* llow.Mer rerklem rr deujwratt; nuy be tin rllorta ?I ike Southern *t?te? to prolong the r? >*.u ot ?kavrry, it la u doomed iu-titniioa. It catlot wbnti 'I" a va*( anomaly, in the heart of a ci ih/ed nad ii?*ine>cr<iiie WMHMl|l< ft WM ulllinaiely nt'ier > ? voiuaMrf nwocipttioa or ttaleni inMirr'-r lii-uuuicrd Christianity as uo utt, re, ndiated t?y |?Vuic*l economy n-> unprolit, ii iil.u< <J i<-* lew M?if? of a Vint e ??it ticut iht In-r |4>)> jlati?u, extending and illiltl|>lvin:' >>? every aide, it r*nnnt ?tand, m an iaoUt'-d ini'i.iy, in tlie midat e* *M?rh a prolific ind a'lventuH'ii? riiiliuttw The aduiiaaion of ( tld'ornia aa n lr* > air, no ih- irurtl fifohimiioii o| vl ivery in hi) filial? Man uf lilt' I'uion, would inevitably rnj* I i e Njuth* ra ?iareowi>er?to mer' "iie i|ue.? tion ot ? mm.i ,(mIh u l>y twm l> and well matured lfrj ,r?li\?? Aa to the ivnliitii at on or diVlileinl> ii- ut o| Hi- i aioo, linn if ti the iiote|tiira ?f the N-u'h liny lii ealea, inry ?jr too cunactO'M of* Ht, k irra 10 ?. iiiurr m?)i y u;?>n audi r<iiii. With V...L., .1.. I. I.. ] |*?i ill m Tlkj c?>u.o urnher r*ir?- irrvrauv Irotn ?lntra nor liuu - nlor* nor n>?<lirrn for dflVnw >r ? ?-n in- rir H.wiy ii.i? br mi thrtr cur t?:? h** |m/?1).r?l ii.r r iMtlurtry?eitiii^ui'brd all ri.n 11>< lilinti 4 >'ir :'IOWlh ami M||r rl>lr(] the tin itin ?I iliMr wliii>- }M>fui iin?n Tur cumnrrcul iix'Uiirt ?>| ihr North are CMCntiai lo w liatrw r i>n>-<j Miiy ? mi I*-Miami by ihr ?.nuh. A* mi ib<l?-(? inlr nt cwulvdr rilioti, th?-y wniil l be without ?? r>iti :itf (hit cua?tiiul?? rtiMiyh ikf whole uf ifinr product, could tin y <lo ? nhotii h e >niiii?-ri i*l navy, vr how would 'In y |>r?vid* ? ii?'fca< ? t>>r ihrir * ?l,id, ?iili ill ?ti?* lutriinu* rrinureM of llir North 1 Thr lUral ol (1 imruiVllll^al w mi iule vaunt, which wilbir ihrir itirtua uur thru bi< rr?ia ?ould lei ih?m |?ui in I<ki ?. To mini ih* xiiii'ion of alavrry la it i>o!icy a* ju?l and hi.mmir u tin (K?ri <>l Ooimn-.a to v.trd* ihr liavr al lo ibr hx? Siutri Thr w nole civtllard wmld ia mifrrau.l m thr movriurnt tuat nt-fim lo br i |.|i|?.. 11, ill;' thr* ?MISfMliin'al,tllf n?t,ol till iiiriiiiiblr lulu ii i?t ihi*darkof Anirricu iJavcry Tod* j>ri?rthc !?*? isiteiofrvny liope?f exit 11 ii- iIn r (<?! ! ? il |??w*r to uinnuuialavrry, ia ihr nnTMnty prrludr to any m Mhik or r*rural ?! ?icr for Ha uiimiitr abolition Thr ularceim ut td the irruik oi thr VV.lia it |>roviao iu thr latutr etuuiilliMi of ivrry ? ? would, it any lair, rxonrrati thr grewl r<vab'M fiuin thu t> Ji >a? inliiiii> of i oiiniciiMiiciii^ >u hmu m> ubh-iri? ntto ihr hum-niiy and >' ?ili/ati<Miotth'-ajf<* We tl ?!!ltok wiih iifi n-r .n'-n t to thr f I f C I''u i n; uitiJ, .d_'.u^ from p lite fit of thr fim aoil j??ny in ih<- ll<iiaa cl > Hrptta* aiaiitra, <U> r? t> carry oui ; >' ii* |?Iay iiihn.ti i>? ibc i'.i ?>l' ihe ti.-.tit- > * i rwi ikluiylivut lb* Nnilti ?w) W r?t, w? i t- j gulfef riiuu^h to hi-*"* that lltr old'r umi of Am" I * lit* Will mi iimkJ'Ml> aitd uuidr III! 'oil !i lb at ' nnlhrr >hr pr?rr cf tiir t'aion nor ih-- iu' rr?(j ot **>' utay b? i > lit, r?mw ii by thr rvauli. * Avimri Heavy Koanrav ??r oa? r> I?t ?t? T*s l<i>?aaa? A?Bi*TEI?.?WtlbaM Marria aud , iiaak V*|rn?inr, two wi li kii wn ch?rarlrra. wro , hntir't b?l?>rr Ittt.trdrr l.atdwia ya'-rd*y, ? rhni|rd by < uptain htl,r I'hrf >4 'all"*, ( ?k i?Vi mtttnatf Mr. \S t>i?:. i ihr '* ?i waul, oi ,, i? i iiiy |4>nnr1? of at !-> * I'll un- . lottutiatr lowr of thia treaaurr bail jh-i atrivrd limn Caliloritu,? fcrf? by l"it| t*?,l ha ha-f unti* d | >i><n^h lu niakr lnm tura hi* ?4r|,? hiMitrurard, with a lifht hr?rt at ihr joyfwl I .mr? la 'w Ai | , ihr tw af ikt M H*ry, kir w?a aittinf ?| aopprr m in In >tril ihr iioaifitt<>?i Kni|nrr SW4W1 hi* atala , r< on mu mw-irri. bia truah brokrw < ? , aud ha r d> pallid <>t ihr d iti-rmf hra|> th?i < > ! da>a , and mon'h* "I dniiBrr a ad r%t-<?urr Thr jmhit # vn'iiui to?il<| h?idl* Ttrtirvr ihai hi* all hiii h"< r thua ',u i hl? i*k?n (tout bin; m h liltlr lr?|?rai f, had )?iiril lbl?>t'gb b'ta haftda; rvrry day had ? hwrllrd his ?H f a* ha dfnfyr^ 11 ih' Iriihrr* r liourh ihr abaninira ol mrfiirii*; ?nd ihr ll??. y * Smificlri had l?n ?t??tr |o hi* flm" r? I'kr old f?mili ir n 'iriido, aa hr !abttrrd ia Ihr far-od Itud wl g-i'd. ,, I! * bud einaerd tb<* ?*-ran With h a Miar; wrl- ,| ccrttrd thr ahorra of hia o?a laad with 11 aiiil >n |, hl? |>o?araaioa; |>'C?urrd afam ?<! a*?i? ihr joyful , Hir?iiw, ao win 10 ?t- m-. and tbra hat mrnril , lound Iron' hia hapfty thoaftita, mti <! thai all wa? a dtrarjr blank, a ^taraiac dr?an * * Tar |<r - f, ?< nrra ?rr atronily aa>i?< iad ? < ihr roM>rry; 11 1* ,, kncwn tbat ihry havr <1d ol a <iaaa irv ?f ,j |i<>ld du?t, and ih- ir j?fr \ n ua r? pauiina makra thr Luaticiwa Krraior ibat ihry a rr ihr |>rr|ir?rat ?rao4 Ihia l?r<my I'a|rf4in ( |. Ihi- ^ rntwl m l-f- . Niins oui proof afain** iImms (mm if |W i(i? ni? Ink irrMurr k?? nut brt-um .>?er?-a A*?r <? < t mi inl, Jan 1I f| h Tin Flokida lanua* ? W* lr?ra by ? pma?? leltfr ?if Utr ililr troin Ttlnp', lf?aM 4|l <'nrf find mrri ih# InrfUni i* * r> U- < Lvr in ?li*- |.roj?ctof inHu< mg lh> in ?o ! >%r ih>* ' I'innili, hi d l?> jt'in llwirbfil??ii m tb?* Ww " llnvirgarmid at llf a||M i? i?d | l? br w?l -.| ih<*ri* f?>r K n.r nmr, but ilir 8*i.iia?lra n"i ,< >? " t. h* I A B? bad int. h'lwur, (iiwwjfj rt (iip ?it bark moie lh*a ibirtr intW ?. wh-i Ur w? i>?rrtakm by a funnrr, *?hn iitform'-d Imn h?i !?> ti Indiana had urn red al the fm4* iwkii ! arty thrn r?iur?rd ?? th?- r?tin. il |rn?i4, " tiart na inf?rvirw with ih# <bi?fa ? r H? ?aa ait- ** iblo to tfh rt an* arr?H(fm? m wcti h?m far t> >r 1 iiio\hI ff.-III Florida |l w?? hia ihal ^ :bry would nirt em i!?'r williatfiy Tb? 4* !?>'? ,, lion ?>f ? minr-l* ?hi?-la ibal l?fi ?, iMHffrffd ! ? Florida, a >h?n tint- af?, I" ?<ni?f U nth rhnr hfthrra. with tb< ?iew <>? iNdwia* hrm 10 join thor trif?* ' ?l?# We*, K id n?? ft lift ihem in roonr.l. wef aii?<d, H la id, to mrrt th?ro aW, ?? M'??ai H a l?? luvitiff b> ? ? wptlr mad?- toy in# Vimintl' a, thai J ahxrvrr m-niion'O ?h?* aai-'-t ?<f rmiftaii<>a m horld b?- )igimbrH with <4*aili Ham J.a??, a m Wf o( the tribe, la ihe i-a* t?l?? ia m a a*r?-aa> itfly rmo'd to emigration ? .V O Ptrmi*m*?, a fait 11. *' ralaaibli < r-> nit Editor or ths H?a?u> ? In rraffinp. lairlv, ik' i?a?k -nal ad )r? ?. ? r< ffd n>ni? !*? I'llhi a|* ? ? ihf ?-* IV -?4eal s >f Colnnibia Cvli^f*. ?kr wr>irf m *m urark hf ia? i iitrin^ ihrmii nni,? IA<> Imd IIK rri?fK? ? r|?- ? n?rl?r nf ibat inailtiitio* fr?^i Ui? rliaff? iii I 111pin niTt Wiiniuioi r?i?<rir ' * " |4|'iilir apiiiai i?r ilW tl w ^ lo the intrrrMa of Hi Kmc ; ipmntaina lh? talUrjr of ? iijaniNK a *?, b? % reference, firat, I" the "talatra of ih- mlie*e, I. ( leenrirfl*. to the fart that H baa. at r* at t a a, rri ei?e?J liberal ?4 tbe (HI<? ?? >-? ! with tb? ??rrnl tn-aa^eiweai ?>t tt?e Inline, *T the |?l>|ii>?l flrr<? ?f Ma tMHaCft, tin writer ha* n*nh?r 'he rt?bt a<-r ik? ? ? meH?1!e. Hut beta* rime* *4 ih? "t'n#, *?4 a* fc nn h, h* ini're*t. d id ill- 4i-u t??t>*a >4 he-f ? rtliiratamal fund la 'bat *?? ak- ? in* a* an altimmi* ?f ifv ?o|tr*r, 1mm ? rijeneace and c.baer?aioa la the * .'i??, be 4" urn to enter hi* humhlr pf.>irat a??ia*t t b popular ?ti|?|?>rt of aa mafi'iti'* ? rta?'U ??i 'd to thr n'fir?'? H a pMtwaltf ??f km ?, Mr. Kditor, i* aot nere<*aaftlv *<n %.r?*r > a?- , MN it 4o<n tal, lifce IN* ha*!i?4? ai*?r?.'<?*. imtiow te*t-o<iih* <n raadidatea M a < ? * ?a 4 There are an hundred indirect ?< <* wti rb m ? * be tiaed bjr an adroit MMrartn* ?* bend ? ? .. ? arid, prrltat*. atifoftned. miada t?i l a t#?e( ?f r* I if.< >i> * 'li. ',i r- ? i i img ?M Haiw?i , t?? general patron*** If wt?at trauma* ? ?r* p rbaitrr* and nitnti-i, li tbe guarantee* m4 t" i ( , fmi?ti toward* the pnhltr on tbe ,w t ?.i a i r ( it, in rrm one of ita (le|atim'iiii of a- i-'?.t - ? planner of iretrortmn i? ?ii< b lN?t a d r ftMtt the dortriaea of ibe rbui b" i? p'e'? e*en if no other 'ffei t i* fm?tu< ed up a b ?*:. ' > ^ be, at leant, m-off twrwnfufiaWf ae?-ii e, (ia IV i * rfiMrtt<titiona if pr?ni"'m?. ia*4awt,) af h?a i t??'lHt?d tad h? r?tical fa^'ti'Hl t , The fart ma? aa well t<e Mat"! Hamtf, "Ha* it ia , i tile avowed iBteati?itt of one ijr**i?ict |*r?fea>->r 1 in Ci lumbia College, to eff-ct the * m irrlt^-" ?f | ' thai iunil'N'ii a ?i'h a r> II .III opal iriaittfy, I ' IOI m< iihwi ni ir II ' tfi-f A i wr Hm do *i?hln fottiid ih? h?n?. (If ttitM. IH* *rr, ik?l tlli* m?? ?i I in it l??lmii ih* ?h?*r hn brin* c!iit4rMiM uiin?, in lb* h"i>r ? pfrn-rvinf, ? to lb* tfuffnlil* bridr, lh>' nn? J* ? which, 1mm ih* mia'ulun tibeml ty m ih- t??v ?hr hu hiihrrio fciiH IUrcaua kb<-? IHMttU* m?f?il?iiy. I *f\. (rnM? on* gl Ik* ?<4nniNra la *tr tuk MhIm 4t?* iw?til; >l Iimii > , t ?i.r?n??? TW ? ? flftw. ?t liln H> uga u., tu >??.lrt# I vm lb? 111 MK L D. : TWO CENTS. TheUtnrral Banklaf Law, J lie recent developments made, showing th* fraudulent management of the State Hunk ut Morris, nnil other similar institutions in other States of the I nton, very nut urn lly suggests the propriety of directing public attention to our own system ot banking The treat bank charter of ilns State is the gea*' ral (tanking law of ISiH. The hare wisely adopted it in the new constitution The old safety fund banks are wheeling into line rs rapidly a a their charters expire, it cannot be deemed inopportune, while the biuk< of our neighboring States aie breaking <lown aud rusntng Iiunuir4wand thousands, to suggest what we deem import -nt featured in our system. The 'treat conservative principle, which, for tweHty years, has upheld, and ?till sustains, the sale and lieabliv action of our system, is the Hern mandate of our law, ?* that no ba!*k shall i>?\?e negotiable na|ier payable on time." I ?ur policy ha? bet 11 to eradicaJe ihe pernicious |?ost not.- system. As early as 1K<J>, the issue, by hanks, of any bill it note not payable on demand, witliout interest, was positively prohibited. Here lic-ts the safety of the Bti>"kh<>lder and tli public. If our court*, by a manly and firm tone, administer this law, and our |ei>isi.itr?re do not swerve in maintain.ig it upon ibe statute book, we are ?fe from bunk explosioos. If the jrenwl influence ot judicial expoJtion shall harmonize with the intention of the legislative power, there will be no tiuilict in practice, and tlierrouthc rights and interests id" (lie stockholders i an securely repote. Let i ;? evasion of t!*is Uw, by the bank.1-' f>l this State, ctrcur, and the biilliolder nd the stockholder will be aafe. The prohibition f promises to (>ay ut a future day, and ilie abligalon to pay on mar.d, without interest, prevents uiiiiipu intode bt?represses the spirit ot speculation md wild schemes. There car* be no purchases in otton?no commercial operatious?no wild aud iuttdinste d< u I in k in exchange, in 1 ts this :.reat itiuciple was re-enacted, with addition tl ^uarda lor he security oi the bill-holder. Under this I iw no .-sue of notes, unless rivatile on demand, ai 1 cured by a j'ledt'e of State stock f, can be i -surd i) ati)1 bunk. f'nder tlir id';a<t dealing in bi.'is f r xchauye, the free banks, in I-SJ9, alternated aa IVMioa <N ibisl|9k| 1SSU1M MlUUUi''. piyable it i future i! y. Our late lSu|>r"iii>* Court held ui!i ifsue* illegal, and that cor^r.itlons under he kMicwl bankini; law were i rohibited by the i'rtt'itiin." nets ln-in issuing any note not r^gi*iiiJ wiih th?* Comptiolier- In aJl.rnunce of so iinnry a doe'rme, and 10 Kiv'e it a more etlii* < us ?f!ect, th? ?>f the Hih of May, HIO, e< !ar? d the issue of rotes or i>ot>t bills a mi-.deii' i or, i :iiihbab|i'by fineand ini|)ri?o.iin-at l!' th v ' in* fthc free and sa>ty fund) nre l'ii i.ed d' wn by 1 *iti-l itive enactments and judt:?1 i.-'.ons. to un ihhue of bills and note , Hud >'vi:.i > ? f debt, i ay .ble only oni demand. In this in- great ; iim i lc lies our suleiy. Tn< history f the l'? iiiitylv iBia lUi'k of th-* I'nited .State* lit !i l.e- .in ini|>r? ive i < mmentary Upon Kir ?*viU d **rr . ?t!i ?:ti of Km j>o?t note syatera. lib nk ' |j"*ed niorry in every State of ili? 'i ,?-?>, I in I.'! torts o| Europe, n.>"n its rnorn . u it ,.?ift notes and (io-i mil i, uiitil its i :imk a e?j>ital of fU5.i*K/,UiX', aud brought ' s' r'liii n. "n ir? creditor! and tockhoidr. We wntnre ihe erilon, wi limit the fear ; i >itl.(i'! < i nt uieiion, in '-very m-taii'-e of d'. ?'i b-ink In t'ire, a di-< !o: lire of its sflTl r.? eibt|>i < d it a b rrowm be^ar, upon an iss j? I I 'rma's t?> p y oil time Our true |> >licy rei that onr e. urts sU 'ul 1 confine a'.l oiir btRill I Inn tl. ir limited |> .V. <-rs, th'- s.dutary re-ln'uts i ?ir of-M-rs, and the ner.d bauking Is w.? i the penal and . " b b I It lUIDteilluJl be adui'r>i red without "h-ar, favor, afle? tion. or th? ltO|? f le*<rd," nd are enforced a? well against nil r' i? ii' . a- ? n?t all w ho receive, a spurious ier< y of t-o-tO' !?? utid post bills, this .State y h..,e to 11 joy a* * te a currency as any j?eo. e on the lace of the eartti. All i?s ied i c'ltitraveation ?f th* 1 n? of are abM Imr'y void m the har-'sof nn inao' nt holder, and our <ourtsh*v- arid mutt comu? i ? -o to i'i?>i?i'urn:e tli? ,u Thare is no ri al, but nly an x;. riisb o in tiiia. If tiie !i^ld>*r , It i .el'dly ur?je his ignorance and looo i < e m 1 favor, the In w never ciuiId b- enf TCi. i _ .. ii -_ i-i. .i .1. ^ .? i;_.i I , i ap m - it r th ic ii ii ? 7 ? ... ....a ny orir la h?-'p th- in My xicli lamira, U coma it* > <iii, mul drnm I rrveiioe Ironi a I ?rt>i<id u iik ' lie who tnkrn such forbidden |>ft|wr ?iv-*a *. f#n KH'in'tl, and couutrnan'-i*, t<> the i Haul a<?, and ii ia nn auawrr n My l??* did il inuo> i>i :> A bai'k hill la t'? ?tr<| ta moiiry?it i* not ii'ii y ??i iti?ii,( y'? worth, 'inl* an it can br, on dei.i < i t,*-rt'a into *?W <>r ? Uer, at the will of In h? I<1* r A |wlii'i?w tn<l aotmd aystrm ol i kiii/ <>mi nd? it Hi" Uw awardi it, and tho *> ?' i4 ili Nate an* bound to oaforca it, Uow*t hard ili# \* unity. or aeveie thr Ion*. I Kr ub?rii;' rla? r? ar?- *!w?v? the Krrati**! aufnria ih^ir Imlurra ihrjr arr incapable ofjudg* i ; < ( ib< MmtiriorM < I our b*n*a?they look to ir on.roi |?.r i>rc>t'? iii?o ?tbi-r can ouly bo rcitiUd by a >?! adinini-iratu n nt the Uwa. i *iw Ubt i*4 Rlrtr In tho Oraol l)r i?rl at iho *% 'il. 1 ? A.iI.m*/ ImiUtg'trtr of life |?tk Ina' . eonUioi Im f< ll'<rirC )?it.r rria'l ? t? a l?v? aa I rt??r ?bic^ at* illa?<?-r?4 ia ?ba r*?al dawrt-flh- Waal:? Ct?r Hmi, 4? in ar in Diu?, | - f iat to I Mil > p.a t vary ramaikahla atn-anwtaaaa haa oacam4 l that pnriiat >4 iOa ??ili; b?l??aa tha UI >ulb <4 t* iiila Mi'l a?4 I ha ia aula n uaaallj ealla4 U?a I - ?! ? aiitlai'i tha " lor aa<1a " A Hut l"i?> M ?u? an I ?'ra thaa waiat 4aap, Mai, ar>4 in tb? " i I ? f hi- aff t lia* in aai>r l? 4rtuk ?a?ia( oa uaai? at tlM ai -at titkwal ifM tar lh? ttataUar 11' ?ra? |o?l ? tfc?t raaaa la l>y tba <<Ua r<>ata ao> ? 4 la *>*a l l-fi- a', at tba VUth laaa tai >i?it m a.f. aaa| la?-ill#*al ptwaa ?h<> >aa?a< OTwr a r*u|? < I Uk> M<a? ?<l fuO'4 >4 Ul? ara; of Ik* Ml la I?< . ass n I |.| la ik* i Mtl ai>4 if r*4 4*ik?f*Hy aitk Iklfal Ik* | i i?a tba i ? ?k? temit *# iiif n-?t 4ti*4 IM* r miuM* MMHMr* *4 nemi l-r r< a n??r wh?r? > * ka * 1*4 a* l*i*4 l*| IM; * ! Hi 4mtf rMlt*4. It * > t**r? mtt>4 it |mt mMa it. k*?i Im'I* I j I* Ik* Ifttt *f Ik* *.*! *> *1 I* >* It* Iwai ! * *> ' i *** ?*'?. *. M ?> *? ? I II ?* ) k*t* Ittt* y t M'm* Ik* Jttk t. 1*4 Ik* IM /* ? t '* I* *t Ik* f-klt *4 Ik* raala lrkr*4 <Mk * k?*? II an **| k ik*? t "Ik* > at Bl4*ty *1 ite . ri **.*? t ti ii? ? ? M*M*lk* i?p *4 4lk a?4 . i* -?r a >ta4 ?*i Ik* a, *< >u ****** ? * iNi * ' <4 ?>nk. i* * kl ?. > **lk is>* ?*? '?l >t W >i*'*4 'k?l r ? ft* i I*k< k*> I ?? k*? f< ?- I t ( i JM ilk a. vik *l it< ?ai*? ? ? m*k*? ?>lk r?i*U * ! *> !? ff>? Ik* tail Ik* <4-r? I* tk? i?4k ? 4 I - k*r>??'*? * ? II I* k* kW k> la' I k? *4 *k4My kr l*yr ?** n k*r* lk*t tk* ***il>w?ki ?* -k4 Ik- * ? n?iw k*4 Ik* S*r Irk* ?? *w*?tl? <4 f *!? ??* kra *-4 *4 ? k* UM* *? m< * M ii* kii**H'* *-*fl| k ilk **4 - ?** ir*?4**M* * ** I* MxkU Ik I* r?^"**k'* U '** i w in ii?4 tk* * i* *i*? *i?*b n ikkt * 1 I Ik* t-'k * a 4 ?*?k IS* r.?l-at *4 * I* a- * * * ? >i I *1 ' ? -a I* a >aal . i? k a* a- " .4 * > k* "?>i ?>** f * k Nk * f?"| ? I?I? i4 k??" 1*1 *M*k'* 4 <* ( Ml* M IK'I *** k? * * * * * ? ai, . , - .* I ? >*k*a ?%*? *| r.|. tl *w k< *1*4 "J a *'M * I* **aV I k ? ***( Ii Ml M'llMII k?t Ifl >4 I1* ?*?*l N4 Mf Ik*4 k* ? 'k *kM lk*ir l*?i*4 *!?* - -a? Sa k4l *~? M tk* * *lk 4 ?lk? *?4 1 k> ri.*r c ***** I !? "?*k* f ik* I'Hk ** ?**k !** i * . **> i NMr k* n*d li * >* 4 ih*im I I at-*f i'm ? r' '** ' kl? I *41 ki kk Ik* Aa**-* ?' ik* I *4 ?4 * * tkkk k* k fk^-4 M *tiM k* 4 V - ?r>* k*?*fc *i4 Ik* ik ?* iikikl k A* tw t**? MwMk -Iff - * ?? *??k?'?kC H 4 kk? 4?l I 4 Am** i|k4 If* t*?4-k|kllk Ik 1MB k ? *ir** t * *k* *kk * ** 4 *a*4k*k k?? ?4 ?*' kk? ' * k ? ' ? ? <4 Ik* til i*4, ItkNag tr I * *-' * ? *?' 4k** > Ik- t? % It. ii< i *** >1 I 1 * * | k ?k k i * ' * m* >wt *k *k '* ! * awk tk* i*4 k* i.-kl kM*i*k* <1 l IM "***H* '? k ~a a. *4 ?** ? k *'4 ** * k??* k ? ?>ki k* i*. a- ?* *>fi f k4 ki i***?* ik? **r >?*#*?? kkk **f? *f *? N Ilk-"kl M k 4 k ka a* ik* ?k kaak* U<M a# k*>*ki W|i kkk I 4* ( kk * a*?k <l*4k i ?*M , *4 ki t'4 k?* kk* > kkykkog >k *k* k* I ** a*-*a ik* 'f **4|??'i * 4* ka* |*'?-'kw4 ika *? * ' >*( *4 -ka *< * ? r*a-i?* a* ? .* ?is*? *? * |*-?**i 4 k>> a* ** 4a** w. .i?s a? 4 ?t Ik** l**4? kkk kt *a tal a-*4 l >1 ?kk 4k ?ai'?* *** ***ai>k? Ik *k at -? *, * .* .4 ik?? It |?** kat* Ika *a 41 * k * ?k lak ?*? I * -? a'a 4- a '? k - a* ?? k*l ?* a# ila - a ->*|?*a ?# ? *? 4*1 4 4w Ik I* I ? I t i.| k ii i m~ ?- ? . I . - t \ a la kj *k*' k* k? k*t k l ? * * *? l a m I* Ilk Nfttlltai ? M -*> t ' r l.l? Ui ? *? "?? ! ?# * . ? l? ? U- I ?"? U I Mi"M ** ?* t? ibMf I fc? ?** ?. a >??; ? *? ( ? i? Mil I I w? I 4? ?>4 W ?>'' ?*? W*?i ?? *?<? i ? < ? ? >?? (M iw ? M ? ? ? m*M?M *> ? ? fcvtf ?>? I k?? ?M w > ?? H MM? > a- I ? .? ? > ? il? I '?? . * ?%' mm ? r ? ?* rl IMM ? it?** t < ? .??,.*? > '? tff<? ..?? (.? i 4 H I U< ? r *?