TH NO. 5707. The Steamship Ohio at Sea. On Bo.ko Stumk Ohio, ) Off Savannah, at Sea, Jan. 10,I860. i Yremendoui Hurricane and Noble Conduit af tke Ship ? The Conduct of the Officers. Thie nobla ship a severe gale, off Cape xiatteras. on Sunday, tbe 13th in.t. It commenced blowing during tbe afternoon of that day, after divine ear vice and oontinued increasing daring the night; and at about two, or half past two in the blow a perfect hurricane from tbe northeast. Tbe rain fell in torrenta, and the tea, lashed into a foam, waa lighted up during tbe night by successive and continuone flashes of lightning There are several era oaptains and other sons of L. Neptune on board, and they agree in declaring it to I have been the fiercest gale they had ever expsrlenoed. 1 Among them is the mate of the Atlantic, who was on I hoard when she was lost During the following day and night, tu wind cmtioum mowing luriomiy una tbe sea tu treBvndously high I be rtorm lusted for .about thirty-nix houre, end tor th-? span* of twenty houri the ehip ley-to. her heed 10 tbe wind. Veeterdny morning, nt e?Ten o'clock she ngnin started on her coure*; but u n heavy rolling era waa on, we Bade but little headway. To-day. and also last night, ah? bee been going fuely mating twelve knots an hour ( apt. bobeuck. during tb? raging of tbe etorm. deemed it prudent to keep pretty well out at tea and henee our delay. We bad a great deal of loet grouud to recoeer. We are now off Savannah, but are surrounded by a densa log. Tba mall agent is making up a small mail for passengers, to be sent on ph?r? aod I avail myself of tbe opportunity to inform you of I be perioruiauoe of tbe *blp One thing it tuily drmnneirated she is a first rate sea boat l was on deok nearly all tbe day, (Mrodey.) during tbe gale; p.eieriiog to be there alibuugb it was with ditiicuity I could keep my feet? to rub.itctlug myself to sea Mtikae-s, as moet of the jas'SDgers did who remained below Never did a vessel acquit hern It, in a contest with her native element more gallantly than did the ohia. l'lunged Into tbe b?t:irg surge, the would rite gracefully again, and cast off the r?a that threatened to engutpu ber ana huge NrwfoundlaBd dog would shake otf the warer from bis skin Tbe cfticera deserve great credit for their prudence and skill The ship uuJ engines have - Mcaped with no injury Tbe passengers deeliing to express their seam of abligaliens to Capt. Sobenck, I prepared a testimonial, and we held a meeting upon the quarter-deck The ieelings "f tbe passengers were aim >et unanimous in lav or of tbe manifestation- tiie reception* were a few Otrmans, and a few exquisite* a bo were displeased because tbelr omelets were cold, or tor some| >tber equally ration*! reason, and wti.> refused te sign but we adopted tbe docuiueDt. with utue cheers, aod unbounded enthusiasm, as we say at t aminany 11*11. I have *ent. by tbe hands of a veu'leman. tba pap t ignsd by tbe passenger*, to tbe Savannah papers, with a request that tbry publish it aod ?itu directions that. In case of their ratusal, it he forwarded to you. If published here, tbe papers will be arded to you. Very hate from llaytlv THE MONOPOLY I.AW OF THE EMPEROR. The Prus-s-ian bark Alfred Von Aversurld, Capt. Xoht, arrived yesterday Ironi Cape Haytien, whence she sailed on the 3d instant. We have received by her the commercial decree of the Emperor, a translation of which we give. It is a tact well known, that our government takes less care of its citizens abroad than any other nation: leaving them to fight their own battles. until, perhaps, some flagrant outrage, such as the massacre of a ship's crew, or something oi the sort, atirs them up, and induces them to inllict summary justice on the offenders. The peculiar situation of Hayti has, for many years, kept foreign powers, and particularly our own government, from interfering with her; but matters have now reached such a point that longer forbearance on our part becomes a crime ana gross injustice is our citizens trading there. la the beginning of January of the past year, fhe Haytien government issued a decree, to take effect on the 1st of February following, monopolizing at fixed prices, the principal products of the country, as well us the principal articles of imported lor.ifin merchandise, such as American provisions, Ac., cour-e linens, checks, cottons, t ' Vc , the prices of which were also tixed, but at low rates, irrespective of their cost, imposing a heavy tine on any merchant or dealer who should Attempt to sell higher tliau the prices tixed by tlir tariff. Towards the end ot February, a second decree made its appearance, modifying, as it was called, the first, but bearing still harder on our trade; early in August, a third caine out, monopolizing additional articles; again on the 1st ot December cume unoiher, increasing fourlold the export duties on cotiee, cocoa, logwood, olizing nearly all the remaining foreign articles, cutting down the prices not only on such as might arive after that date, but on nil importations already in store, with order* to the authorities a( the dilliereut ports, to take possession ot and remove the goods into warehouses, to be provided by the government; there to be disposed ol for account ot iheir owners, who have no alternative but to receive whatever i they may produce, in depreciated pa^er, scarcely the half of which is it possible to invest in cctl'ee or other produce. Can this be called anything but highway robbtry T And to whom are we 10 look lor redress but to our own government, whose utter indillerence to nil representations, us well us to ilie ininy pecuniary claims we already have against that people lor previous outrages commuted on our vessels and property, give u? little reason to hope fer their pre-ent inlertereno- in our behalf, without n public ?pp? al through the pin an. I Our yearly exports to hayu exceed three millions ; you may tnerefore judge ol the extent of the losses o| our merchants, who liAve, at this time, considerable stocks of provision*, \c , accu; mutated nt the dillerent porta in the island, in anticipation of the new crop ol culler, and the scarcity and advanced price of the article in foreign countries It might he well to add here, that merchant* ate not allowed the alternative ol re-expiriing such of their goods as air monopolized, alter they have once keen landed, even wun ilie sacrifice of the dunes, but have ijutnly to remain and see them taken oat of their warehouse* and sold before their eyea, wi'huut the power of ottering the 1 slightest resistance. Has any nation the right thus m dispose of the nvoiirTiv ol lor, urners. |,ii?i f iirrodiu <-d into Ih-ir country unurr ih>- faith of ranting Uw*, or enforce Mich arbitrary decree* the on' ullu-led to, without giving rraMinahle notice, or prohibit the reakinm* nt of good* which cannot poeaibly be anld, under their urill, without rmnoun loan to their owner* t It appear* to me that these ?re (juration* which cannot he an-wcred in the affi'matire, and hould command the ininirdini* and acriou* attention of our government, w tin h i- hound to protect I he trade ot lit citizens wlwra legally carried on, and to see them righted when ao gronely * injured T*n n*f ma * Taairi of rii* intnix o ivk*vMK.NT OP ltaril DK( EM OCR, I ?t!l. To OO INTO OPSnanoit or Ttta I at op jaai ?ky, 1?G0 Liaaatt. KMPIRI. OP MAI ri. Iwwaru-aa-rs. aaamanca. Faaetia I. by tb# frae??f?*?>wt?bef. 1*41 oa the monopoly considering that ?he g. rert.m-nl ia ertav Halting tba monopoly . hae bad to view the b*aatt of the people, la proeurlag t?r tb-ui. at reasonable prlnaa. To reign artlelea of the hr-t eor?suy. a n-id?rin* that Ihglutni and ml* established ia order to arrlre at tbia raenlt have boen recognised a* loeadlneat an4d> at aahaiettlj guarani ?? the aafety of the latere*!* had la etew by the gorerameut considering that ar'laiee cf great uee n t being tariffed are Sold at arbltfary petoea. not at all la pr<>poetn>a to the died prlnea of eolt-e and ooU'B thne obliging th? projuc-r to -iib iBklt to the decree of the monopoly, without reeelrlag nay boa-tit th-refroaa, or enjoyiag auy of tba adraahgw wbieh are Intended to h* -reared to bim by It; ooaetdortag b?4d?*. that eipe.l-ne* haa aboea that tha dt-l-Kn ..| the aonnpono J product* by eoinoilV tree rboe-a l.y the merchants be- o< adnoed to ab.fet which hate been the aan-e of reclamation. It kM-aH aeoaneary that the gwvoraaieat thould latarfore, la order to r-tabllth a jtiu e<|willbrtuni With theadrloo of cur < ' mtell of Ministers, wo haro ordered aa l de rood a- follows:? Aar .a 1 t offee alons ihtll b- monopolised Aar t. < ottos before be ns ambaraed. shall pats thrwwah the Bureau of (ho Monopoly in order that It may be vtigbed. aad the duty e.tablPhed by to-lff 1 aaneaed to our dwerea of Sid tune, bo eolloeUd there* n Aar > The article* designated la the tariff eoneied ta the pre?eat decree, be sol i abora the prleae mod by -wld tariff Apt 4 there aball ha -atablished la aaeh of tha porta of Port an Prlaaa. Ant t bye-.? ape llaytleu. lae me I Ooaaltea aad Jeremte ?ar?b*>ueae Into whleh shall be put la depot after baring regularly pa?d through trie ou?t 1: te pitc scantling. 1-7 Co per 1000 ft. 127 00 per 10 M ft. yellow piie do. . It4 Ml do. 121 Oil do. W hit* pine boards... 122 00 do, 12210 do. Yellow pine do. ... l:c?i do 1V2 0J di Carolina fbingles ... 34 H> per I00l> 34 IK) per 1000 Tallow candles OH per lb. 1 (Ml per lb. Wrought iien anils... 00 do. 73 do. Cut do. do.... IS do. IU.1? do. Olive oil, in bottles,.. 22 l?l per dozen 2 23 per bottle d?. hurka.... V (SI do. 100 per desk I.srd 73 per lb. 1 90 per lb Sosp ol 1st 'luality... 10 V0 pr box of 00 bare 6.'4k p r bar do. 2d do ... 0(11 do. do. 30 do. Codtish 20 00 par 100 lbs. 31 00 per 100 lba., I S7tfo. bar lb. Clesr pork 120'OprbbL 12300 per bbl . 75? p ii lb. Mess pork 100 00 do. 104 00f?rbbl fio'sc. pot lb. | l'riuie polk 82CO do. 80Oo p,r bbl., 3o'4o per lb. Ale wives .'3 00 do. 33 00 per bbl. 12l?e. eaoh Mackerel 36 00 do. 38 00 per obi., 1-lbc. oaoh I Mess beef 03 00 do. 08 00 per bbl.. OOo.p-rib. | White cotton stockluge, ine 31 00 per doien *00 per pair Dn. do., common 20 00 do. 2 00 do. Do. bese or socks... . 8 00 do. 100 do. Drabant linen loopcrell ll2Jwprre'.l Mue otinrns, cr drills 130 oo. 137M do. Cotun drills, hue per ell 1 S7)b per ell Fine 73 per ail Imitation Moroccotks. idUiperdoaaa 4 aO per kkij Cimmon ahite platillaa 1 S pur ell 1 30 per all Fine do 1 Do do. 2 (Hi do. l*>.blekcl>ad do till do. 73 oe fclatea for roofing... 3d (Hi per I'iflO 8i 00 p?r 10JO lloet, 4 incite .V ihi per dotea 3 AO each Ho., 3 Incite 33 110 do. 3 (Hi do. Round load aaaa.... 62(10 do. 0 00 per eat Herman tact 7# 00 do. 7 00 do. Manclettae, lioin bandit* 22 (Hi do. 2 23 each Do., wood do 18141 do. 173 d?. I Flour 68 00 per bid. 62 OO per bbl. 1 Our Philadelphia Correapondance.!a, Jdtiuiry 21, 1850. (Hut Sttomthijit?R'port of tkr Siiut Trnuwrrr? 1 A Rott Anticipated?Nis,ht Schools? k'Uition oj i Slate Trtutortr?Reading Railroad? The Mar- i krtr, 9~C. Philadelphia api*ars to be a doomed city, so far as her steam marine is concerned. Notwithstand ing the many attempts to get up lines of trans-At- I lantic snd coasting steauifihips, we have but two ; , sDamrhips engaged in the coasting trade, and one of these vessels, tha Columbus, has been monoj>o- ' lizrd by Mr. George Law, of your city, with the 1 view of running her between Panama and tun i , Ftanciso, in conjunction with the Caroline, j | [ titer Philadelphia steamer. < J The report ot the Stale Treasurer lias ju-t teen i 1 ' issued, notwithstanding leakag-s i f th'' report u|>| peered in several of the journals of this city two | 1 wet ks ago. Mr. Ball's report contains tome gratifying and some startling lac's antl snggeetious | j The hanking capital ot the Mate, has fallen oh , front sixty to seventeen millions t dollar* ; snd ho I i suggests, that the Decessary increase of 8 inking | capital should be made through the medium of < tree hanks, us he has no faith iu the present char- ' tend hanks, with all their |>artiul and exclusive ; ' privileges. lie recommends the isaue of (500,(MX) , more of relief notes, to be applied inwards the ; completion of ihe Noiih Branch Canal; and is ul , 1 opinion that the original issue 11 three millions of 1 reli? I notes proved a great blrasiig to the State, i notwith-tandirg the people paid an ? pial amount, < in the way ot shaves aud discounts, for the enjoy- 1 Hieyt ot - lid hlesciog. The t I. I -nue of j the Slate is set u at li?e muliou* ot dollar-; , and it is w orthy of note, and illustrates the progress | i and growth ul the good, old (link ridden and tax- I < niliiin commonwei-hli of P? nsylvniia I'm', this t 1 sum (juite equals th>* aunual revenue ot ih- i niiert I States in the first years of the adxnuiairat on ol 1 Washington. The ti?w piece now playing at the ('he nut ( , Street Theatie, entitled "The ruemen ot Phiiadel| hia," out- lakey'? Jakey. (?ue or two ot oar ,, newspspers, correctly retlrcting public Opimou, re warm and open in their condemnation ol thia demoralizing abortion ; and unless our iudep*-n.]PUt Mayor undertakes to apply an injunction, 1 should not be at all surprised if the moral portion of the ( i mmunity would abate ihe nuisance n rt armis Philadelphia is emulous of fame, it not notoriety ; ' and as New York has had her Astor Place Opera massacre, mere is no remain why it should nut be dramatized in front of the Chrainut Street i'heatre ?substituting cold water lor gunpowder Thia evening is the time fix?d upon for the open- | ing of night m hook, in every p irt of ihe niy sud county ot Philadelphia, in accordance with th re- i cent resolutions ol the Board ol (-oin.ilrollers of the First School lkstnct Aiming the i^ilictn'i lor admission into the Mojr?ar?iiiH| night ach >o|, arc several pcrnoM btiwwn the uges ul thirty-live i and Alt jr. A telegraphic despatch ju?t received from lltrrisburg announces the election ol (?eu Jstltt M Hick til, ol N;hn>lkill county, as State Treasurer The vote flood?Htckell (d?-m ),T5; Kail (whig), i The State Senate, today, passed the auppleurent to the bill ineor|>oraiing the Reading K tilro-id Company. Thia supplement la naked, tor the p itpose of securing cei tain rights to those bondholders of Ihfiti who have granted nn extension of twenty yenrs. Its passage will account for the advance to day in Reading stock and bonds The lMl?n??t iUt? r.ftbs Sftthrr has cheeked nut| deer trttMrtii>a> and presents* the landing of keseral cargoes i i tu-a trrt itrs itbn'drrtiritM Pl?ur t? a-a>lnally 0-"> f< r salpplrg brands, f<* city eutnoptics, ft ts H Ml Sn.a.l salts . ( rag wheat st >1 u7 I la other rrslo? no charge Whiskey Is dull at Wo. fcr bbl'. and hhde., wbieh is a decline With the eieepel?a of Reading stock and bonds, 1 which twprnrrd Tf. til to ?a stocks ara dull to day 1 gtate Area fell off V I g. securities gooff slowly at previous quotations I be street iat?s for first class paper sre a shade raster Anaeged art the sales a', the 1 Firs/ Amf- I skr M, A las. US, It farmers' and 1 Vstlitnles Pask 6il\. I Mechanic*' Bank 'SAT,, 20 do.. MS; 4 talon oaal. 10, I ouo Wilmington Kailroad 0 a. M>\; |l 000 If g A'k AT, 1IIS 110 do., 1IIH; SlKiO un ,'66. IS.'.S I shs Philadelphia Hang, P.P. 19 Mlaeblll llailr'Sd 41 S. 11 000 I'euneaeee 6'S, S'i 3A0 sbs Reading Railroad 16, ft H??l Stale '*, 1( 0, 2 COO Mate ? # T?S- Ml do . S?H. '277 do , Sss, 26 1 nton Baak. Tenoossec. 60S- ?..??/ so sbs. Paraere'and Meahanlcs' Baok fl?S, 100 Keadlag Hallr/ad 16. 10 I'eansylranla Railr ad ;?'4, 10 do, V9?k, 6300 Stale 6'a, V0, MO do S?S. 2 000 d? * *. 500 Wiln lngt> n Bond* 6'a. MV to sbs llecbanins' Baak. 26*4 , 6M> Srhaylklll s?? lot. to. 1 I'ena-ylvsnta Bank, 106',; I'00 It-aJIng Railroad 0's,'60. 60S; $1 ooo r m i ea 11214. A Rasrasst* gi*r*.?A gentleman of tbli plaes, ; bnrlag r-ssxn to betieva that one of bis aegr-w* would soon "ietnprbop ' In Pittsburgh dn'ermiued on pro. perly to sell him The p,gro was ace rdiogly >ld. hat resisted Ike agent of hi- n*w nia-Ur buocbing hna down with a bar of Iroa, and d?lag htm sari -a- lajary When be found 0' length that his plaas ot 0>eap? *a e fMistralsd hi dsliberateiy took a batehrt, and a?tempted to sever hi* left hand Iroa tha a m. I he Mo* ?os not quite sorrv-sfol aad It is snppoead h* mar recover without ampatatloa uf the band -ftalitlisf, | (Ad) CiriOssi pin r W YO ORNING EDITION?TUEJ Our Baltimore Correspondence. Waltimorf, January 21, 1850. Maryland and the Slavery (Juettim?'Hie Salisbury It and Havre de Grace Bank*?Firemen'* Visit? Selling Lvfuor on Sunday?Mi** Cuthman? Han Rice?Market*, 4*c. Our Legislature, on Saturday, were again on the high hsrse of slavery, and adopted resolutions de. daring the institution of slavery to be one o( the fundamental features of the constitution of Maryland, and the determination of the State to adhere to a union of the States, but, in the event of a disunion, to take EideB with the South. They were adopted, Hiid three thousand extra copies ordered to be printed Should the crisis arrive, our legislators will find that the people of Maryland will stand by the Union, and oppose its dissolution on any ground. There is ijuite an excitement among the small try banks ot the State, caused by gome proceedings at Annttpohs. The Salisbury Hank has made a t-iatcinent to the House ot Delegates, representing itself to be as sound as a gold pennt ; but it is wi'U that a supply of specie for the occasion was shipped front New Y< rk. The Havre de Grace is also a Wall street concern, and was skirted by the managers ot the i'laintield, to supply its liliice?is said tc be in a condition similar to its pmiecetsor. A few of the notes have heeu in circulation here, as they were discounted for one per cent; but no one touches them now. The 1 low aid street Savings Bank tias also been issuing notes, in violation of t's chiuter, and lot been c died on to give an account ot itself to the Legislature. The Connecticut resolutions were received by our Legislature on Siturday, and judging from the debate on the subject, there is no doubt th it the Governor will be instructed to return them to the sol rce from whence they came. (.'or firemen h ive noticed with great pleaiure the announcement that "Hook and Ladder Company, No It." of New York, will visit their brethren 01 tiiis city shout the 1st of April. They will j meet with a cordial reception. Ths grand jury have indicted one hundred nod I e'ght ol our tavern-keepers forselliuu liquor on 1 the Sabbath, and as they will all plead guilty, to j Save the expenses of trial, it wid put some two or i three thousand dollars into the State Treasury. ] Yeeterduy llio>i ot the taverns were closed?that isto say, the front d 'ors were clos d; tint there | was geceraly a back entrance provided for the \ el> i t. Miss Cusbman passed through Baltimore on ' Fa'unlay, onjtier v ay South, to till an engagement , ut New Orleans 1 an Rice's trial for assaulting Mr. Appleby was j?ost|M nrd on Saturday until the 4iti ot February, and lie started ye-terday tor Chaileston, to till an engagemeut with a circus company performing theie in the Baltimore market on Saturday ther* ware **> ! of 710 bbls Howard rtreet flour at (4 87',; so aala* of . Cltjmilia No wheat to etora Sale-white corn at 4Vc and yellow at file Nothing doing in rata. Whla- j key 27 c in hlil* and 2So in bhdi The following were the rale* at the Stork Board on 8aturda; ? f4?U City 6>, Iu3'?; *2 600 do .103; '40 share* Meohmii * Bank. 15'.,; 15 share- U k Sit It. 2d; ' 60 ?harea II li l)KR M',; 6o do time -NT. 2*> share* do . time. 67; '42 share* do . 65;,; 23 there* da , 10 rliaree So , 66 ',. Tbe K?(tlf f hrmtcal Work* ot this city, baa declared a hall juarlj dividend of 4 par cant., payable on and altar 111It frbruary Oar llwatois Corraapondenea. Boston. January 10, 1*50. TV Webster avd Parkman Tragedy - The Italian Troupe ? Theutricah?The Legislature? The Congressional llhction, Tba randan of the Herald are probably already la- i formed, by telegraph, that Dr. Webster was brought into the Municipal Court this afternoon, and notified that the Orand Jnry had found a true bill of indictment auninat him for the wilful murder o( Dr Parkman. i It contains four count", alleging the deed to hare been committed at the Medical College In North " ?? | meet, witu a nammer. a knife, hands and feet, or ?>y ?me means to the jury unknown The bill was not reed to Dr. Webster. who was not flee minute* In the oourt rorm He did not appear at ail agitated bowed to those he rocsgols*-d and awarded his attendant policemen with a gracious smile when they e?oo.-t*d him pe?t 'he pilx's "tend to a seat within (he liar Almost every one el?e In the court room was affected, 1 some shedding tears, and It was peculiarly trying to the elrik Mr I'billips, who was Dr. Webster * decern ate at college. Mrs Parkman. the widow of the rlctim. will be ipaied the pain of testifying at Dr Wehetwr's trial as her brother K (1 Shaw can poeltirely Identify there- 1 lvalue < aliing o i Dr. Parkman n few mintbe since, I l.e ft und him id n morning gown, owing to an eruption on bis * (remittee, aid the Ur called bis attention to a hard t em it beneath the "'.in which Mr. Shaw wxamloed Ills with other unini-takable marks, rendered It csris'i that the ten,aloe found were those of the Dr he'l>- ' Ki gstry who ear a clerk to l>r. Park- . men, has teen lodeiatigable In his exertions to tlx tb* intit in II - I i r juarter. While Dr VVskater s friend* seeiouely proiee' his Innocence h ull reports of tbs trial win lie t r? aided to the lleraid Max ' aietsek has glean our musical public a treat Ibis owi.trg. (und-r the aurpices of tba PiiUhnrmoole Society.) In the 'i'remont Temple Bertuece and tbe 4her ?at tilers tri m valor Place came like birds of (iste?age." end uere receieed with I >ud plaudits The |t I tilt Its* skill v adatue Kemhle was to bare eleited u* next week, hut will Dot com# until tbe week alter t aodenboff has Btiisiied a suet sefol er gagement at tbeMuaeuiu and , is Ml leetui a before i he I, earns a'. Salem aod otbsr kCjacent towns Vt eb-ter Kmn the eldest son of -tie aniented ' meditD will make bis bow before a U ?tou lualetice at thw Howard strewt. on M'mdes eeenlng. He Is a deeer young uiau some one and twenty years of age ami I a- h*#u succeesful at Prortdenee. Wal,*'t, a ho aapti ?s to be " "imtdy the rarest man I' tba worl 1 " Is eiarkii g Ills bhak'pearaan jokes at the old Uoston, hut they ate eitdeatly n I appreciated Did ' tseaeral ' ourt" It Iri "essoin, aod w| | eontlau* to legislae until the frost Is out ot tbe gr*uod." wbea i Ihe f.taief" sill burry home to go*, their crops la " i I he |ea<1>r of she wh'g m?j>rity ia 'lot Schooler of tba ,,i'es| nblle Its fri* nilirs are marshalled by (Sen , Vi lie- t. of tli? ttfuld ron AD clrctu n r, Uies off OB Vtooilay in Mr Palfrey's late district, but tha- y ntleuna has little ehan that he did not take the troutile to at'ead 'h- lest vi I ig stete ( on v erst lew at Won?tsr, though cb mu a ||' lua e Important fsnsn < onstant i swplr_dett nitnl of I lie Kef tagee (gaesslnn. (irons tbe BnlMmote den Jau.KIJ We have he, r. laeoteil wl h the fo'| owing extract ef a letter received in ttte nry trom an vmerloaaat l i n-tantineple dated Ilecruih-r 5 ooneinlog Imyor- I taat intelligence r-.atlve to he refugeeijuwauou: "The refugee <|ueetlon which rec-uily eo agitated the elvlliaeii wi rid. baa been brouvhl to a ea'ts'ao j tory solution by the atraogement wUiah took place on tie Jl'h ult Accordlrg to that arrangement. a*! refugees ei'her Auvtrian or liuened UllilotiaUr ralatlnaa U?? *M ?<-t haan ?p<-iiai > *<->MIMM Ml 111 llfM, kufMH, in W M Itdt 1 aa It I* curb ?u H'j maltar In I iiikif, to praoora ta-h>rrb? or pat porta airbarfmai tha rarkWn attnorllln or tha fti?n?ll?rin of tha dlflaraot 'ratio l?? rrptrfritfil a- ar tha Hub in* Porta. und?r th? praaant rapttu lotion. all tha Hungarian r?f wlthta tha lurkiah d-minima abo ar? .lolrnui <>f 1411!ult* ' h* rruu'ty. alii ta malil'd to do ao I'ha hngliak aod birtrh flu-t# Mill t?a?ln a' author tha formt at Haahlra Rap (at tha an-uihof tha I >a'dan?lia?.t ami tha latiar at "aila" 'ha Kppptiau float ia armnag b?. twirn tha lalai >la "I Samoa an l Hhodaa. I h? Ha<-lna g> rarnmant eoaHuati lu wa lika armn?at at Kara* topal aaii la atlll larrini r??ruita In tb* I atari* of South Itoaala i ha I urklah tla?t will n-it aa'ar Into tha harbor thla alotar but frill noo-ipy Ita autumar poaltlm la tha Bn>phorua aataadlaf Ic-alf hataata 8arapllo Point and 'ha Hullau a ??? paiaoa of '.haragau i ha naaly appoiotad Violator. Mr vlarah had not pat raaehad hlr p at hut aa< dally aipaatad Mr Ha^t'l t.olt. tha larantor of rarolrlng platola hs . una thara Ha had bran pra*ant?d to bit rilghat all of whom ha had taeaitad a uiaat flatlarlag raeaploa " Naval Intalllgenea. Tha t'nltad Stataa frlga'a I'randjaloa (44) t orn Rtorar; rlrap of war 8t Lotlia (88) t ommaodar H. H. ' oria at d aloop of aar John Adam*. wart at Rla lai.faro on tha 6th ultimo A lattar to tha adttora of lha IfaraM, da'ad i b-?r i l/i Itad Rta'o ahl.< A baar Haaaaa 'anaary 7 raja: Wa ahall laara hara in-day with tba frtgaia lia itan aohr*r..r IIVt. aad d>aa?r Watar Wirah ttgr daalltalon la to tha rlaar tmaaoti (aoaat of Htatll dtrret. tbaa ratara to thla plaaa, afiar t- nohing a' tha Wlidaatd lalanda and tha Npaatah -ala Tha tttoata fftar to tha aladaard tha Hirt to Vaoo an tba *!' ? Wltrb to Vara Cm Tha (Jaraaatawn la hohi ly a iptttod hara RK F 3DAY, JANUARY 22, 185 A Romantic and Myatcrloua Cmc-Abduction, Incarceration, and Death. A most extraordinary clroumetanoe, involving the aarioua crime of murder, and alao a charge of larceny, | waa developed at the United Statee District Attorney'* office, yesterday. The whole story la one which pre- I 'eats rather a romantic featnre, comprising the ab- 1 duction. conventual incarceration, and subsequent tudden death, of a female. It appears that, in the year 1816. Catheiine B Dillaway. sister of Ueorge VV. Dilla. way, of No 889 Broad vay, New Vork, was abdueted from the city of Baltimore, by a man named Hawkins, and brought here, whence she was taken by him to Kurope From the above period, until nea-ly eight years ago, Dillaway never heard anything of his sister. About, that time, 1841, he heard, through a priest, that the had been placed in a La Trappe oonvsnt, at Staplerun in l' n.l.nS tin .....S - i "" i ? ""s1""" "F"" " ; with her, and since then has received several coinmiinicallonn from bur. expressing aa anxiou i do ; sire to return home, but statiug that she was prevented by ber superiors. She. however, succeeded in getting away from the couvent, tu o >usoi|iiene< of her brother having written to the superiors of the institution, threatening to invoke the aid of the British authorities to ocuiprl her deliverance Mr. f>il]aw?y afterwards received intimation that bis sister had sailed from Liverpool, in the ship Andrew Foster on the 13th November 1S4D and that the ship arrived lu this port on the It ill January instant. Mr D. was subse'iu-ntly ml ruied by Ann Truth>rd one of the passengers that, when the vessel was within f< ur dsv's sail of the city of New Vork. his M-ter died suddenly, aud that in a tew h-'iirs after her death ?namely, at twelve o'clock at night her btdy was thrown overbear d, by the direct inns, aud under the or Jers, of Jam>s Mornssv a fellow voyager in the same snip, who had taken passage as her servant. It is stated that Mirt lfiiiaway ?a? in the possession of a large sum of money , and a Cou-iderahle <|uaut ity of clothing; that she had paid ter the passage of Morrissy who was entirt ly deetitute ot niesn-of his own. It is nls i alleged Morrissy was a gardener at the LaTrappe convent, ami subeeijuinUy held a situuti ve fan staving heeu elicited. (session. Itrookl) ii City Intelligence. Asm ai. Kiroai m ihk Boiidoi' tlULrH?Th? an ual report of tne hoard of Health was laid before the Common < onricil last evening. It embodies the following tacts I be number of deaths for the jeer ending December 31. ls4V - as 3.0.'i? of whinb 1 uil.l were males, and 1 64*i females; 1 -140 were adults, and 1.012 children. , Kiress * t mortality in 1S4P over 1S4H. Wo7. The great excess in the number of deaths was owing to the cholera of whirh there were 6 >0 fatal cases 600 adults and ISO children Tlie population of Brooklyn is conceded to be 100 (la) The average of deaths to population was 1 to 33 or 3 per o-ut. Deducting the mortality caused by the epidemic it leave* rhe rate of 1 t* 42 Inhabitants The ordinance of the f ommeu Council interi ? ? . i.. * v.. - I I _ # ,L.. .1*. ha* had * falutnry effect upon the health of tha city, and ha* been vli lated In but few ioatahoe* Tbare have been Inferred in tba ground* of tha city, from New York and other place* 1 ti. WetKLY RuroBT.?Tba report of the Ilealth I'hyalclan 11>r (ioodrlcb.) rhow* an aggregate of but thirty, one death* for the la*t week, of which there were, males 16, teuiale* 10; adult* 16 children I*>. Internum!* In Greenwood and oihar Brooklyn grounds, from \aw York and other plto** 2b Coaoara'i Inm't it.?Coroner Ball held an Inquest jeetetd*y afttrnoon. upon tha body of a man named \Vui Jamie*' o * ho*e family resided at No. ZO'J Pros. Iieta'reel who died oa Miiuday morntog la*t from inurie* ttctivedfrom a fall from one of the New York ou iianeiu idnniouee. ?u tna evening in quantum. Krom the faot# allotted. It appeared that the deceased got on the rtagn at Harieaa. sitting with the drlear all the way dowa. lu>U* the txunibu* wae a p*?*eug*r who appeared to give the driver eorne trouble, and wai quit* unruly, threatening to break the window pane* The atag? ettppej at t M corner of Catharine tieet and the Bowery fir aome paeaenger* to get out, when the paeienper betore alluded to, la getting out, elrurk hie arm againet one of the wtnJow* rhaUerlng three or four pane* ot gla*a I'be driver got out a* he allege.*. to protect the *tage. and while engaged io a eoutlle with the man the hor*e? etarted. and running down I hat ham atreet, earn* In oon'act with another *tage, which wa* coming in an oppoet-a direction; the c meueelou threw the dece**rd between the two atagea. a* .-*o| pi eeif, brnfemg him In a horrible manner Me w?* taken to a drug *tore, No CB >wery and theace to Brooklyn. ?hi re he eiptrad at the time above in?i11 i.ed The jury after a |? the lite teat. f on N arihugh l-lvlagaton. et Mini*tar from tha letted Stale* to Keuador and family and Vanhugh I Hlog-i' ti jr hearer of d**paicbe* from Kmador to ttieC.N governor* n., arrived at hew Orleans on tha ma ! ..? "hi Kdward 1st Morrl*. IT ff Tbarjt* tt Naptaa, H''wk ?f a enoip liii'i.tft'y auppor. ncJaM to htm by hla friar 1? of Pbtladalphia on d?'urdaf "laotog U?t Ha will rati in tbf ( aiift u to-ft?rr')t. lor hump*. A|>pwln?a?*i.ta hy lb? Praalrteiit. hy n* M u ifh f rn?'n to \ uilrlft. Wflrhi (inrd n ot ulrliltio. tn l>? (Jowal of tha L'bitad Staler for tho port of Prrnatnbuo), to lira II Aanai or < KiDral daya prior to it? onn oa whioa ho loft tlio olty 1 hrnngh h' rapraa??t?f l"B? and p>raiia?i?a, theao i.'uro man had agrood to follow him to tbo Smth. According t>> tbo ata'-m.' mad* by tho n-gr..wa, Wad# pladg. >i hlmarlf to giro ?aoh ?d thorn t *KI In moufty, on nacblng Now liileatir. rho amount to l>* ralaod lb thl* loan nor v ado ?a? to pur hlm-olf aa tha owa-r itthoilftT.r ?aa to roll thom la Nww ilrlowaa and |laa raoh nt than |."M 'tit of (ho pr floord' anamg from i|>a rala With thl? aionay tbo nogrowa war* aa.urod thoy ronld aarlly oroapo to a fro* dtata Hot of tha nogrooa illtulft.d tha whola altalr to Mr Aador* n. *bn tt.roapoa ta- k caution* though ffortia# rtopa for tha ainat r tha M' B'h tbo rtgna oarptianby M'ado and promptly ro?p>wa<1 by Af?Va' and IVyatt and raaaral polloa . ftirar* of Pftorrhnrg I ha whola com paay got Into tho caia a-dn tha trata wa? a hoot tn mora off W ada toib'd'n tha nrgr? nndat Mr pr iocio n and waro aafa. wharwnpoa oaa of I (bo polica > tl cara of I atorahurg l k Waf? by tho ana and remarked aa ara yon fbo bidaapper wa? taken hi m tba oart aad lodged ia jail, and tho n"gr aa broq II [ERA 10. Cltjr (nttUlgtncr. Thi Wcathkb - Veenrday morning ?ae inhered Id with a ?n?w ft or ra, which afterward* turned to fleet, and. later In the day, to rain. During the whole afterMAr.n a?il ?A A w. .^w.we Kai.W f\t t lie ni.rk# U f.l I thick and continuously The streets were, of course, deluged, and pedestrians were in a sad plight. Sialics: on Fisr ?At half-past three o'clock yesterday morning. a etable ill rear of No 334 Madieon atreet. was discovered to bo on fire by Sergeant La turn is, of the (Seventh ward police. It waa extinguished with but trifling damage Tin STEAMiiiir Georgia.?A report was in clrculatlcn'all over the city, yesterday, that the new and mag ntfioent steamship Georgia, of k Co.'s Paciflo uiati lice, was on Are. but it ia not true the only foundation for it bring that some shavings wood and rubnish wete set tire to. aDd causing a smoke, an alarm apread tbat the vessel was on tire So far from the report being true, she gee) on her trial trip either to-day or to- morrow. Voi thh i. Dspravity.? At right o'clock on Sunday evening. JnbnClarkln was arrested by Officer Meehan of the Fourteenth ward, on the oomplaint of Margaret Newton who charged him wit h assault with intent to violate the person. The little girl is only 10 years of aye. and the prisoner but 10. The parties were sent to the Third district police court. The accused was detained for further investigation. AreinsM.?On yesterday morning, as a sailor named l ewis Boleac a native of France, and belonging to the ship Seine whioh arrived here on Sunday from Havre, wan tnsudiDg the sails on the royal main yard, he lost his balance and fell t> the deck. His right thigh reciived a compound fracture, and his body is much bruised. He was removed to the City Hospital in great agony. J5sr-nrr.i> iw i us 8>o? ?Yesterday morning. between nine and ten o'clock as a man named George Fowler, a carpenter residing at 162 Greenwich atreet, waa crossing Broadway mar the l ark lie slipped and tell on the curb stor es, and fractured bis right arm: he also received a severe cut on the back of the head. Shocking Accintrir.?-A laborer, n&urcd John JebHon residing at *3 Thirteenth street, was en'tags 4. oo yesterday about noon. with four other men. iu ratdog a large Mock of stone at a new building ia Twentyfourth i treet. when the men that were as'i'tiug let go their hold suddenly and the whole weight of the stone csrue on Jebson. crushing both his bands in a dreadful manner and fiactuiing bis tight arm. Mason- Bail.?By roteTence to our advertising ool* umns. it. will be seeu that the annual Ma-ouio Bali, giv" en by tba tiaternity claiming jutledettno under S John s Graud l.odga ot free and uecpedj .insous. will take place this (Tuesday) evening at the I Ulncse Assembly Booms I lie proo-eds of the hall are intended to aid the ohntitable fund of this great pb'lan'hropic institution, and thu? render licit a-sistance to the destitute and worthy members of the fraternity which the lawH of the order abundantly direct, in rendering aid to an institution so universally distinguished in the field of meliorating the condition ot mankind " as the masonic trateinity , Is admirably displaying a beautiful pr< vision ot the divine erou. mj. the exercise of benevolence, which our religion calls charity, snd inculcates a manifestation In cur brea-ts of tke most lovely attributes or i niisuani'y ia i carries ? itn it In own reward Tbe Hriutigenicnts are ot th? moat rxteu*iie character. and well calculated to produce that mutual enjoyment no essentially rri{Ul-lte at tin f< stive ball. ftiany distinguished members of the fraternity, from adji intng States. will be present Tin officers and members of the (irand Lodge also the Kncsmpment ot knight Templars, dressed in full regalia, will in the course ot tbw evening make a grand entree Into tbe ball room acc? \t itt < Lnton. in 1817 ) offered to the uninitia eil to witness the genuine paraphernalia of the kDights of Mt. John \* e have no healtation in saying thta wilt be splendid affair. Court of (Jeneral Scaatona. Before the Keeorder and Aldermen Wood and Bard Jxv. 21? Thrjl ?J a Hunt. Cart.avl Lend of (W.Two men, named .vbraham Parsons and Thomas Lux. were railed to defend themselves against a charge of grand larceny In the alleged theft of a horse, cart, and six tarrela of oil. taken from the posaeaelon of Martin l oenber, on tbe 3d of December laat From tbe testimony. It appeared that Toenber waa a rartman In tbe ' emp oy of < harls* Lambert, of Bttshwlck, L I ; that on the day named in the indictment, he cams to thla city for a liad of oil and bad atx barrel* on bla cart, When he stopped at the cornsr of Madiaou and Walnut atieets. where belied hi*horae.and went into hi*house. He came out in about ten minute*, but hi] borae and rart were no where to be aeen l'hey were siibse |Uently retort ed en tbe evening of tbe same day. by a young man who found tbe horae In the street ibis young j uian knew the defVweew*-- ilea heller- I tag that Paraona had driven off the boraa. He found J Parsons, who contested be dad driven the horse away: [ lis tt Id witness where the horae and cart were, and showed blrn where tbe oil waa; out barrel had been sold to a soap-boillug ei teblhbmenl two barrels had been left at a place In First avenue, and two In Delancey street ? ex was not implice'ed and waa therefor* acquitted, and called to the witnesa' stau I. lie testified that Parsons cam* to bis house on the afternoon of the 3d of December, and employed him to go with a horse and cart which he had betare the door, be did not say where tbey were going but they drove to a place up town, where I arsous sold a barrel of the oil; he tben came down, and depositsd two barrels at a plaoe in the Fiist avenue, and the three remaining ones at a pla ie in Dwiancey street; he than drove tbe tr>rae to the place where he waa found by the young man who returned bins to his owner It was not proved that Paraona had approprieisd more than one bs- re I of oil to hi* own use and benefit, tbe jury therefore found a verdict of guilty of petit larceny only Tbe Court aentenosd him to the pei Itsnliary tor six months Tiimljrr .famuli and Hintry letfA Intrnt / Kill ?Two brD tb* walk Win Be?lick loitJ B.?. and I oil in* hod him. whan Jobo R-et'.e* draw tba kulfa on n> and r tabbed in* tale* that I M*i I al-o rrretred reeeral blow* on (be baok which out my cloth**, I only resetted on* wauad that !< from tha knife, which -truck my collar bona, and thua a* 1 W*a told B>y I if- *ai rarrd llarinaa Wtbleaa keep* a grnc?ry *tora at tha corner of liraad and J hoaipwou ilo*ti. no tha weening of tb* lutb of tuba I wan -landing at th* door, wkra I *aw John He-tick with a knife in hi* hand; i barlay Clark a- la tba atraat. and I called Itoulatt* aad another nan who wrra ln*id* the *t<>r* talking, I raid 11 Rowleft a. "Hew hare I- a man going to -tab < barley < lark''; Hooletta then raid to Beettck. ,'Von are a pretty lurking D>an ta draw a kotreoaabny like that;" Bentiek raid be would cut the guta nut of any ona who Inter- 1 lered with hlra. Hnulelta went lato tne rtraat ti brlgf tha hoy Iota the atore; an b* came oa the walk, be and William Baetlok clinched, and ioho De?i|ck struck at Hi Wlrtta frown behind hla brother. William lleatlck had bran trying ta gel hi* hi other hotue but be said if he ctnld not get him home and there was to ha "any Win**." he should go a* far a* hie b'Otb-r. Char!** I lark, aeorn?I am li yaara of age, I goto ma. I lira at 1V I bmp-na rtraat, oa tb* night of lUh , ot lone. I waa going Dp Thompaoa atrewt. at about II o'clock on tha ? eeaing ot the l.ith of lane, John Bentiek waa ataarillog on th? corner of lirand and Chompaon afrart*. I wa* whtatliog. ant ha a*td. "fbo home, loafer," and I said,'* flat oat,snob." I thought he waa { joking at the time, he threw a chatns*gae ha-ket at me. I was golag to plek It up and throw H oa the renin* when he cam* alter me. Mr Hrrnlette than ea oa ntt and they b-gan talking I raw them aleoch. and, af'erwardr I raw Koulett* go Into th* gr-eery n".ore; they raid ha wa* "tabbed. I weat with Mr Knulatte to I anal -treat to get hla wouada draaaad. I raw bload, but did not ana tha wound 1 hi'Dtr r kinn-ll a*-ro I am a physician; I aaw Mr. Hr nlfit# on the night of tha 11th of Jnne last between 11 and It n cloak; I found ho had a w >und upon hi* cheat, It waa on the lett aide ju*t below th# a >1 *r hone. It wa* a aiinpl* wound three fouttht of an In h In leog h. and near half an Inch to an loch in depth, the locality of tha * outnl wa* d tngerou*, the bl * Seemed to hat* rpaat Itrelf on the collar bona. If It had n< t met with thai rorlatance, It might bava b?ea fatal to life. William Deatlak waa, at this a'ag* of>|Oltt?d and being placed oa the at*oil for the d*f*n*e. r wore that hi* hrntner waa lam* and rcmrehat lot * I calad that oa the night of the l;ith of June b# wa* at > tb* plaee lereilhed by tha other wltneree*. that the hoy 'ark came past and torn* word* noaurrrd which h* (wltnarr) deemed mer* badinage. no angry feeling seemed la p -rail, afterward* th* ncsurreueea traa rplred on the earner opposite Mr. VV ihlet'a rtoa# k mm all th* arldeara. It did not appear that the a* cured prawn olta'*-l an attenipt t take life and th* jury returned a aerdlrt of Rut gnllty of a*aault aad MMf with Intent to kill hot guilty oi a?*nlr aad battery r aiy " The ' ourt aoataaced him to tba Teal tentlary tor all month* t'aillral Rtataa Cnmialnliiiirr'i Ofltca. Before It I. R ilweli. n.w g Jan. Ill ? A nun named A'bert Htnrkey waa brought hef -r* the l ommlrrl- aer rliarg-d with baring a ia tt'itted nn arranlt oa a aall'y whom it waa > nacted like a glore. an I brougni out, with striking effect, the peculiar excellence of eacb. Aa an trit ilule l.ieute- untt'aaper Luekatiintr since.I the Hungarian national ballet daDc?a with much succe.?a. 'I be heU'e waa aa well a'tauded aa eouH be expected. trim the lac*stunt inclemency of the weather. I tie evening a vaiiety of eut-riaiunieiita will b performed. for the benetit of thn 1 nuug Men s Hebrew Benevolent Society Tbe excelli nt oooipany at the brvadway. even without considering tbe pre-eut reduction 11 pri'tee will en . jre lor thl- cbar. ? object a lull a fni-Liouable, en i ovarii tiring a'.ti u I ?n ;e Nim.o's tiannxiv.?On Saturday evening next, the giiit d farewell festival and po-itivelj last aojearauoo of two distirguished vcealista. eomea oil at thiv tb-atre. T he public are well acquainted with the excellent magical aicoin) liahmt n'a ot Si.rnoriue Tesdcseo sad Borglitre. who will appear on that evening and tn tha uancteat intonations atid thrilling execution of vocal melody, bid laiewi U to the numerous admirer* of their an ei.did abilifiea. while they have been carolling tbe muaical geuia of Vetdi Bellini. Donl/.etll, Hotsioi and othtr celebiated composers. in this ci'y. lltaToa's Thv.itri: ?Yesterday evening an alinirable rerlee of entertainmenta we. o performed at thia excrllent establishment. anl witnessed by a numerous audience, notwithstanding tbe inoleineucy of the weather. The first entt rtainoient communesd with the very popular comedy of the ,-Ser|oua Family," which was received with every expression of aatisfaotion end delight Mwari Burton aua Br ughain w?rea< anoceeafnl aaevir The comedy was so ceded by Ih-ftroe of '-I'oor Pilllcody " which waa performed with great ability end aucceae, afiordirig much Measure anl dalle bt. 'I be aumseiui nta eoLOludej with the fa cs of 'How to pay jour vs a-herw mien." *bl h passed off admirably ?eil to night will be performed the cui-Jy of the S.-iluua 1-amuy " and that of the "oor lieutlemaa " ( HiMitt 'i Naiinsit Twrtvae.?Thii favorite anl popular place of public entertainment is in the full tide i f proepetity and suocees, owing to the maguiilcent spectacles now nightly brought forward, with richntss. talent nt d bvau'y of perlornvance which peak highly f< r tbe judgment and e vtergnze of the manager. The " Female ?iuard " c ntinues its uninterrupted ttiumph. and tb*crwd? which tl ck to behold it are immense There never has been a nobler, more beautiful, or more attractive piece offered to tbe publio, at this or any itber th-a'Te. I.ast evening, la addition to the above admirab e drama " The I'eopl < a l awyer ' aud tbe * Phantom Breakfast" added their i iibiujp anu unm Jl' I" laaiiuave IUV auvlHHD 11 BH admiring and crowded audivnct Mitchbll'i Olvmmc Thvbt* a ?Notwithstanding tba bad atata of tba wcatbcr yesterday evening and tba ml?*rable condition of tba tract", tbta favorite report waa tolerably well attended by a fashionable audience. Tba eatartalomenta commenced with tba azcallant faroa of " Me tbinka I ** my Kathar," which waa acted with admirable ability, and elicited loud appUuee. it wee followed by tbe admirable oomedy ?f the "' rowa friace vi the (lucsl* of Brilliants;" ee l tbe laughable farce of tba '* Aldgat* Pump " which were performed with talent and brilliant aucaaaa Mr Mitchell aa Lr"' my N*asb. produced inlults delight and merri iint The amuaemeote mcclndad w tn the farce f " heparate Maintenance To night tbe comedy of the " Soldier'* Daughter." the comic drama of'1 Did liooe?ty." the farce of " Aldgate Pump," and tire .Married bachelor." ItaUew Oraaa.- Tbe unfavcrabla weather pr***at?4 laat night, tbe admlrera of Krnanl from going to the Attor Place Opera iluu*e. e >a?eonli?ttl'e celebrated opera *rii. ' Lacia di Lammermoor, with Bigaorina B-rtu -ca U t'10 part of Lucia. Signer Korii a* r.gard and Baoevantano id bia faeorit* roU of Aabton Clip iei r 'a Orea 4 llui'BB - Tble eeenlng tbia fainnaa band will again appear at Mechanic* Hall Broadway, where no doubt ihey will ha greeted by a large assemblage of their patiana Vhe program*!*, * ueaai, eontain* an aicalient *electl?n of mal d<** In ml til on to Which they will gift lb* ralahrated ' Voyage 'du*lcal," and (ieorg* i hrlety and IV fvbeppard will trip It on tbe light fantastic to* to the tnapirlilug mu*lc of eoma 8 o'cli real and charming polka ,< a* Mi m m If genuine drlloeatlon* of negro characiar be attrarilea feature*, we ebould not be aurpriead to m* the muaeum erowdai while the calenra'ad Jim i row Hie* la performing there H* appear* aa (linger Blue In the Virginia Mummy." Tbe eaudm villa company will app'ar In the laroa of "Did Yeu K?er Bead \ our Wile ta Hanem"" Ma ItiMrwvi'a Cewc-tiT.? Mr. H*m*nyt, the celebrated vlcltniat. and oa* Of the Hungarian refugee*, gavt hi* flret c ooert la tba I a t*d stat?e at Nlbi >'a, i n Saturday eeemng la*t It *i< eery well attended, at d tbe egtrutlon < f the eevaral plena* of mu*tc wb'ch be performed wa* hiahly er-diUM* Mr K-m-njl la a young loan very animated, and will and 'Obtcdiy in n short time h* * very aop*rb violinist. W* auppoaa be will make hi* eeaond np-,?arnn*e In a ehcrt time lie certainly po * *** all the attribute* of a flrit ratw lUlniit. and ranks asvuoh even now Ami ate? Mi ?i< an Fi *t> S?m lerv.? Th# eecond grant eor.ccit in aid of tba fund* iti in c me* oil at tba Aetor Place Opera Mow** on Sato-lay evening ne\t All the leading artlet* of thiv any eiU appear on that occaalen.* ? White * Rer-nader* *op**r a> Negro rwpriaentatieea and elag various maiodia* at 37 Bowery, every evening Mr* taany Kambl* I* giving Sbakuparl >a readiaga la Boatrn Mr Mu4*rg, tba Irlah comedian la playing at tbw St < karlva theatre, Net orl-aua Mine Penny Wallark la in New Orleana. I*wllrn Intelligence. tj an K-t' king* Clre ? OHI**f \Vl.lte, it t and Brtwlway. Tha faota la tba case, aa r.lata I by .Vir Beror no the euaplcUn ree'lng ea tha annaaad. la aa follow* ? (la Bnlurdny Inst abou' 12 o'aloak la tha fetlawe rnt.-red the esehang.-'fllae aad apoke to Mi 8*1-T aa ha had oft?n dona hefo-e; aooaaftaa, Mr. Berry laft tba ufllra. bi'itf bl-al-rk ilaorga f'cjloo. and a polir. man la the offlee, at thla Una Vailowa booia after which ba waabnd Ma haul, taa clerk, la mdar to glee tba pol -raraaa a tawnt. laft tha d?ab, and ?eat to tba rear part ot tba ?t >r? for that purpnee; on hla return a few a. ronda elap*ed aad tellsweleft the oflloa. la bait an hour after or laaa, the aioa?y wan on'"'t and no on# bad h-aa lato tba offlsa lurinf tha time. irept I ellowa .duaptrlon at oaaa retted on hla, and n entrant aaaa leaned yeatardny by lb* magistrate. In order to Investigate tbn rbnrga Da tba ogfear pi arching tbn per eon of tha aarosed ?1 M la fitly money wna found in bla poneeeelon Tbla money la auppoaad tobn the prnri-ede of tbn einhanga laade of tb* et?lna in' in y Tbn blotj bill tan bn Ideotltnd. aa a portion of tbe right aide baa ha.n torn If. and nay brohnr or t tbaia will tarthar tba eada of jaatiea. who aiobnngnd a bill of that description on Saturday on Monday lent, by tailing upon Ju'tlea Mouatfort at tba Toaba. By eo doing, thej will But loan the money B* Mr Bnnor will Indemnify tb< m agalna: lo?? by glelag tham tha am- ant In otter money the bill h-ln< wanted aa awldrnre I he annua, d eae committal by tba magtotrata to await a farther bearing d i) .?,???' Bwlac. ? A maa called f'faanla V. Hill, mete > t the enbooner tlraltn lying at I'lae Nn T. Rait titer, ana at rented ye-terday oa' a charge of atnahag from the of eatd taeeel a * J' Bill of the Harnett bla Hank together with a etleer watch, ealwed at |t?, tha property of Otaftoa gaare, the matter of tbn ?rhnotj?r t>n renrchlng the rh??t of Milt a <20 oa tha liarnetable Beak wae dleooenrad corresponding ncantty eith tt a Be stolen from tbn eaptaln, and auh*aqneatly tta acr u-ed Ai d ngthat tba captain lotaatnd to proenmtn off. red to eettle the matter I ha rants an ant fnrth, , chewing g atrnag cnaploton of guilt on the part of tha arraeen, Juailcn l.otbr- p r