Newspaper Page Text
r ' I ? k!##i!rgs, and tbe hope of fatur* peace and prog, peitly, every detate of wisdom. over* feeling of duty, and every emotion of patriotiMD, tend t<> ti-gpiie fidelity and devotion to tt, and adm> nlih un cautiously to avoid any unaect-ssary contro Tarry. wb'rb can eitbvr indangcr it or Impair Its strength tbe chief element of which la to be found in tba regard and affection of tbe oeopla for raob other. ZACHAKV TAYLOR. Mr Vte?riLc movad to refer tbe meanage o tha Committee on renitoriea Mr. it>\ i t wished It to be refarred to the Committee of tbe Whole. Mr ('LiroHtv wai desirous to go into consideration Of the n eteage immediately Mr. Tiioui'non, ot Miss, at 4 I' M , moved an adjournment. Mr.* yielded, with tha understanding that (La Bisrsage ta debated to-morrow. J1KW YUttK LBUlMiiTVAE. Menace* At BA.ov, January 21,1850. THE Ht'kiabiais. ^.Tbe joint resolutions received from the Assembly. in reference to the Hungarian*, were agreed to. VAST It I V Kit SAVIVC.S BANK. The second annual report of the Last River Savings bank was presented n otic k 01' bills. l*j istr Own, a hill to amend the oharter of the AtHoruel!<vlile Railroad Company. By Mr Cook, a bill to authorize the Exchange Bank tt Urneeae to change their place of business. f ^ B r (lUl TIl1 > OK rOKTir.E, JJr. Carroll called up the resolutions offered by him inrjvpd to the reduction of postage and moved that jWfTfj^futiPrs. together with those on the fame sub/ret offered by Senators Babcock and Brandreth, be referred to the ( ommittee on Literature. Adopted. * TAMMi DANR8 AND H4NKKR3. Ti e Ct mmittee of the Whole reported progress on the bill in rtftrticu to taxation of banks and individual bankers Octirrvam rc.h and canton railroad. The rame eoinmutee took up the bill in reference to the Opd< nsLurtih aDd Canton road. A debate followed n which Meiers., Dart, Ilab"oek. ''rose. StODe. Ael c and ( < k eigagtd; when the .jucftion btiug on striking ont li e loth Nclioo, which proposes to loan HO (00 of the i ebool fund, the committee, by a v< te ot I'd to 14. letnred to atiike out. The bill waa thin par ed. wir'> eM|^ht amendments When reported to (be Senate motion war again made to strike out the 10th tectlon. The repou was agced to. Adjourned. Assembly. THK Sl-AVKRV RKSOl.l.'T IONS. Mr. Kingsii v inquired whether the select committee to wh m the slavery resolution- had been referred, Wtre prepartd to report. He understood that the resolutions were prepared, if this be so. he trusted that 'he committee would bow report. Mr. Kurd replied that one of the committee (Mr. A (inene) wes absent As the (puesti?n was important. 1 e whs anxious to have every number of tlie committee pns? nt when the report should be agre id upon Mr. K. was anxloua to report to day, aud should have d ne so but for .Mr ti.'a absence The committee bad agreed upon nothing as y et. and he did not know when they sh ,uld < ertainly not until Mr Mr. t'm-iN inquired whether tho g-ntltunao from V ii* bad Dot offered to take up the subject bef, r Mr (ireeiie 1>-H. tod whctber Mr. (J. had out replied that be would prefer to wait until bin return' Mr. Fmd g*. c a suffstautitl affirmative response to tbi* question. HITilMI KIVKH RAILROAD. Mr B kioioii. moved to reeoinmtt the bill to amend li t rhaiter of the Hudson ltiver Railroad Company. He wished it * mmiited. to prev< ut the company from aocuuibt-iiDg Its perx-usl property. This was uecestarj to protect tb? public It the personal property l< lui r'gfcgvd persons suffering danusje or iujury by -'(i'V < (be company or its agent-, oould have no pioprr redress. Mr. tt trut'ed these resolutions would not be dopttd; it would delay action up- n tha bill, which is important to the company and to tbe State .Mr Hi aaot < re baJ voted f->r th" bill without givlag it due consideration i'be nat'er he bi 1 eugneit-o be tlettnt-d important, aad unless bin proposition eas carried be ?b uld Cepteca'e acti n upoj th* bill, and i p| og? a*ti?n if it should be returned lit wished to lay hi- motion for reoorildcratlon 09 the tab.#. Mr B?ki.e eu ge.-trd tbat the bill provided tbj very bing il at ?as de,-ir?J Mr B 01 i?it 1 tllougbt not His wish war to pret?n> tbe cimpary from mortgaging tbeir pereoual ?ropeity Mr. fiskt oould fancy 10 reason for thie motive, exopt to d< t.a' the bill As it had pissed tbe House tie % ped tbe bill would be sent to the Senate, and there (mended It mcessay. Mr Varvi m deprirated auy delay. If it was desired reeon-lder tbe bill, the ruotl u to that elect bad Mr. Ui riei i-ni wished tin e to look at the bill, lie >uld do e? to-day aud toe motion for reooaelderation .. uld bo put to-n.ortuw. The BioiloB to lay the motion for leooueideratlon on die lahle was Ii-St : AJ< e <18. N re s 78 Vr fn i\ hoped ite question would now be taken cn the motien to reci rudder. He presumed tbe gentlensRn fn m ('titan* bed teen riadmg the-dila* which eontaiueil an article in thie subject His confusion, tbeielore arose fnui readtm: the wrong paper. Mr. bi 1 em replied that he differed wl'.h hie filenif 111 d was willing te receive light from any quar' r /i II b- el i ed ?as to protect the people-to lake tare that tbe c< mpany should not pat all property out of its hande to prevent persona injured oy It fr- m recovering Camegss fr< m it. He hoped tbe House wee not so biuuU op in re.lroada as to forget tbe people v r. Moaanr opposed tbe motion of recommittal. Mr BcaaeraMs asked does n t the g- utl-ueu Ir -in Nee t <?k know that tbe eompsny owe contractor* 6* B boo' Mr. MuWRot replied that be knee nothing of tbe kind He knew that tbe company had d-att liberally with tlelr i-00 tract or*. It (a* po-?lble that the eoinpany owed something- It was singular if they did n >t: bi.t be did not knoe that their personal property was mrr'ge I' d. II e tree but Utile about tbe affaire of tbe omiany. although he ?a* a - mall stockholder?nor did he bslieve the gentleman fr m Orleans would know any more than bia-i-if. if be should try to Uod out fur a fortnight Mr. I'arvsr deprecated delay here, became If th-'re was any thing wrong In the bill, It eoul-l be reme I'ed In tbe 8- bate Mr Hassioko looked uprn this prnpvsltlon to amend the bill a* an attempt to pa?s an n pel/ Jar to law Mr Bi aaorone wished s m >ly to prevent the company from so encumbering their property tha'in 11 siduals ?nffri in : tejnry might not hav# ree?ur?? to the 0' mpany If lb- ?h le propi rty I* to be moitgaged f-ir tbl* new Han, tow ten an individual recover a just demand? Mr. Warvmav cen'eeded that tb -e* holding the 6rst claim against tbe company eh -uld be tbe Bret ratified. A e attary eta tut* weuid be unjust The quest I 11 h,r rei onsldtiatiou was taken and lost. Ayes, So. noes 76. A W-l to in> nd tbe act in rtlation to Washington Tark, Brooklyn. eoVAS'f RiniiTi By Mr LrarriwoaTii ? To nut horl*? married females to iltsp. se of tb--ir own pr perl j by srill To prevent r- cording <4 forged nrfijis. *i?*e its MitsnS ivst-'iexis Tbe motion to print Mr. Dot's harbor and river re nlatti-u*. <>a tbe preeb-ns que* Ion came up The roll wae raited and Mr Burr-ugtie neglected (e v<t*. H? ifktd to be ritur* I and nuuii i jt I Lli If ,unt >1ueh rnnfiiot'D then en?ui 4 On a ni' tlrn t<> adept tha'rvnt r**oluM <n* In favor ol t Mb< r and rinr InprottotnU. Ibt preTlou* q oaf ill B ta< ordered Vr Praam >.mi mad* a two hour*' fpeeeh, during which ha wa- freqneti'ly Interrupted bjr p >lnt* ol ordar. Ho r?nd fnm Urn Taylor * ihooing that no wan uld vi to latelliglbly ualaaa he poa?#a?? I aartaln knowledge of man Improvement* Ha **h*d to hf firnard froni toting. The Haate rafuard and ho ?vt?d Na.'' Me*#r* Chi am and Diviwr alao aeked to ba aieuiad ?Hour# rafuard. Mr. Diaiaar v. tad na and Mr. Cm**rn ay* The vote for the revolution* atood M to 9} Thar* aai an fff-rt of three boor* to get# raoooalderatlon, but on every <jo**uoa the rot* war. whig# about &9; detnoeraU / ?. Adjmirnod at 7 o'olock, and th* roaolu. tl'-na go to the Sennt*. Vatignaaioiial Election In naMarhnulti. Borrow, January 21 ?P. M. Th* eleatlon for a member of <; ogre** la tha Fourth dlairtot took place to day with th* ***** oaadldat** running a* at th* la*t *leetlon From th# ratara* that we bar* reeelfed th* vota I* much *mall*r than before, and there I*. In all probability, again no ohoiao. Thl* wake* th* roveatb trial that ha* been mad* to alaet a member to raptaaaat th* abova dlrtrlot. Annaratlon iHlIng In Canada> Sr. J a nw a, wear Montreal. Jan. 21. There wa* a graat oonnty ineatlng la lUwvlll* to day; at It. Anthaaa*. for proaounelng la faror of aanoiaUon. Th# eonnty member* of Parliament oppoaed tha rarolallow*, bnt bad to rotlr* from th* meeting. Con* It Hon of th* Canadian Hlotera. Toiowto, C. W , Jan 2l,lkS0, Three of tho Oetohor rioter* who hung Lord Klgln la edgy. ? >?> lolod oa Saturday la?t No othor new* of moment. Frozen ta Death. Borrow, January 21?1 P. M. Mr. Jamea Penholm, of (gneboo who my*toriou.>ly dl appeared on tb* Sth of tbe pr***nt month, while oa hl**?y to thl* alty, to twke tha *t*amer fjr F.ngland, wa* found y??t*rd*y In th* wood* neor Urent Foil* Now i'or p?hlre, aov*r*d with mow, having apparently fallen from aold and *khau*tlen nn?t froran to death. On hi# perron were fonnd a gold watch, and a number of eoven l*n? II* I* #nppo?ad to bav* wandered off while laboring undera fit of l?<anity. II* leave* a with and family at <gn*b*?. Another Failure ul the Southern Nail. B*ltiwo*k, Ja* 21.1*90, Th* Sonthtrn mail had failed Sonth of Richmond, \ liglnla. Three Vaui>g Ladle* Dro wned. Hunts Dal*. January 21,1150. | A most melancholy accident cosurred in tbie place 1 on Saturday la.-t. reeultlngln the death of three young ladies, one of whom was a daugbtea af Judga Woodward, of Wilbsbarre. Pa. It appears tbat they were enjoying then:reives by eliding and Iroiieking on the ice. when it suddenly gave way. and before aaeistanoe could be rendered, tbey were drowned. Their bodies were afterwards recovi red ard taken to their friends. markets. Bu riMOHK Jan 21, 18J0. Saiae have been read.' of 2.000 hble. Howard street and City Mills Hour at $4 Hi)*, drain market remains un- I charged. The prevailing storm checked operations. Shipping Intelligence. Bath, Jan 17. : Cleared?Btig Mentioello, Cardenas. Poiti.tsn, Jan 13. I Sail*<1?Brigs JAtnei Koach, Cuayama, l'K; llanuvur, Ariel, nad Watson, BaUniar. Fall Rivkr, Jan 13. A irived?Scbr Vinerva, Philadelphia Buiid, ll/ih?SiLr John A Ciok, HI Tbomaa. Navsavrt port, Jan 19. Sailtd? BchrMary C Ames, Porto Kioo Boston. Jau 21. Clear, d-Ship.\bhy Pratt, NOrleana; hatk Ida, Hal imor*; ! hrips Pah s. Itnetoa Ajres: Mas ale. Belfast. Ireland; Midieon, Apalachlcela; eckrs A^ltiniiuc. Port au Priuoe; Cornelia, M l'ork. If tw B toroRii, Jan 19, Sailed? Bchr Henry Gibls, Philadelphia. Iloi.Mts's Hoi.k. Jan 17. Arrived?Srhr Cltn Rny, Richmond for Saivin; 19ih, barks I-ausia, Philadelphia for Boston: JOth, Llk. do fordo; Irig Charles Hes'h. hVork lor I'orlUad; 21st. soiirs A Lawrence. NYork for Boston: I ark. do for H ilifix: I'luitr il.'fl. Best' p for N York : Sdwnrd, Portland fer do; WiliarK, 8?|> ten for Norfolk; Ocean Wave, Provinottown for Tangier. PaovinnrfC*. Jan '9. Failed?Brigs Willstt P Walker, r#d Cordova Matan^aa; at) ra Oxford, Bkltiir.ors Ann Deum'tn, Philadelphia; aloopi W H Bowen.and l,l?ckston?. NVor'i. 20th- Arrived? Schra Lonsdlls, Philadelphia; aloopi Ore* ton, and .'ainea Oorham. NYork. Sailed?Schra tdw Stanley, Baltimore; TIamlet, Philadelphia; sloops Kiger Willi aim. and T B Burkina, NYork. STrre.xnot * Newarxraa McxnisEps ?The Impadenes of iom? journalist*? we might add their meanness and dishonesty?In appropriating to themaelvea the results ol the labora and outlays of the Herald, are, beyond conception, great and astonishing. When our foreign translator has made translations for our journal, of valuable and important documents, he Is sure to find them, a day or tno afterwards, in the Trihune and other papers, published as original matter, without the least notice of the source from whence they are derived. This is a cheap way of getting along We make, however, no objections to the Tntune'i Oiling its columns at cur expense, (he is koeu to he an eoon< roical gentleman); all we ohjrut to ia the dGhonesty of ne t giving us the due credit. This might be denim" 'natcd e crime, but as Koucbc said, it la more than a dime it Is tee no and dishonorable. We bare (alien upon this vein, from noticing In the Journal of Camwirce, of yesterday, an article miJe up entirely out of a long and interesting report published In the Ileruhl nearly a month ago. It wis a report prepaied hy one if our reporter*, describing In full the vicitol the Hungarians to the Brooklyn I.adina' Academy ; glriag. in full, the speeches of Professor Wiukelinau. Governor Tjbaxi. Mis* ApelWnla Jagello. and others. This report, at the time excited wonder and astonishment in all who are acquainted with newspaper labor and enterprise, at the accuracy, fulness and elegance of all the details, drawn up In a style which excited gtneial admiiatlon. and which filled the Hungarians themrelres with gratitude and ecstaoiel of dalight when it was translated to thrui. To our great surprise and astonishment, we find our own article, tha identical thing Itself, re hashed, cut np, altered slightly. and given as original in the Journal of Coroneris*, without tb* least notice of our labors, of our expense^ or of our enterprise, in engaging hand* to furnish fnjrunfaneoi/i/y. to the public, every day. all that Is n?w and of passirg interest. Tbns to see the Herald In disguise. in other journals, under other names, and all it* genius and talent appropriated and ascribed to another, only vexes ut because it Is an Injustice; and to an br nest mind nothing Is so outrageous and vexatious as injustice, whether gentralor special, wholesale towards pewple, or retail towards individuals. 'I bat such conduct is a fraud, we think there cannot be a question. It Is worse than taking a man's bat off his head erasing his name and inscribing one's own instead?it is taking a man's head itself, and saying this bead, with all ita brains and intellect, is not the n bl fivnor hsuil If ia mv linaii At all bwunle /> ?? i h.4.1, it la a tfuuMi fraud mod we would a*k the journal In question, if thl* la what be call* a good auj plow* 'raud' Tu?: BaroaTRD ncarraansvca or Ma. Jonrmi Hi nt ?The Put of laat evening. glrea the following lingular paragraph Jonathan Hunt. E*q . whoa# mysterious disappearance about two year* ?inre la probably In the reo 11 tlon of many of our readara, ha* at length been *een in > nglaid 'J he Idea waa geu> rally entertained that ha bad been drowned He possessed a large fortune, wbleb after all hope of hie recovery had been given up. waa regularly administered upon. Within a menth part be waa *i en at Liverpool. bv a gentleman of thla city, who had formerly known bim well, and who had b dged at the rame bouae with blm. In thla neighborhood. The gentleman recoguUed blm Immediately, and bad a long conversation with hini. Mr Hunt-aid that ha had paaawd two yeara la travailing through different countrlei of Lurope. A boat two year* ago Mr. Hunt disappeared and waa traced aa far aa t liarleaton. South ( arolina where he waa loet in the mi*t of the future It was euppoaed at the time, by rome, that he had gone to Kurope. Mr. Hunt waa a very eccentrio man He lived In fine etyle In Chamber* street and had hla brura tilled with rare and cnetly yalntlaga, of which he waa quite a canwefaaewr. He waa formerly a dry gooda merobaut In Mobile, and waa thought to be worth from two to three hundred thcuiand dollar*. After hla mysterious disappearance, hla properly waa, we bflltv*. placed in the hand* of Mr. J. Preieott Hall, the prvaent ( oiud State* Attorney, to arrange and iet'le tor the heir*. It ha* long (lose b?eo dlrlied, and Mr. Hunt counted among the dead. Ill* reappearance may lead to acme litigation In our courts of , law. W ho know* tut that Br rati man will re appear in tome such way. one of tlie?e day* ' P|H>i?li'K Intelligente. Tmi Nut Taovvie.. h*Ma-l'?ie* ?*o CawTr.cvir.i T? At aa.? 1 be petronage eaten Jed to theae track* la*t avaar n. and the number of new nag* It hae brought out. have encouraged the proprietor* to make gr at exertion* for the fortheoxtog **a?< n The I ulon (Autre la* (arsrd Into the band* of \leurr. Sp'*?r and VrVaan who with a a.-Ire t mak* the *eaton a* at'.raafive aa possible, have < (farad n<. !* * than nice purse*, and lor wLich all pacing and trotting horte* are larlted to en'er Nrt to b? < uld na In liberality, th# propi lar-'t < I the I entreviUe Iters puraea to the arao mi of f I cut. the entrtea f< r wbirh el?ee In February n-it. j 1 Sorb liberality on the part <f manager*, with the I luadable d< air* of bringing out the be?t h'>r?e*. m 1st i l ave Ita fleet, and wt ore llrt for the neat *aaaon a urMH < rtbf of thr a float a ma<l? to luilitn tb? pitaa. lug rtcrrftUon* i>l tha trottlog ( urn Comt cult nOiir-Thla l??f CiUft it lent - No# 210 21#. 21" 222 to 232. ( ommot ftui. part 1. ?Noa VI'. 101, K'B. 111. US. 127. 1.7V 1.7*. 141. 147. ill. 147. 16" 1<U I art 2 -26.42, 46, 62, 70, 72, 74, 76,7*, 6, Mi. 14. SA. 110, 122. 126. The Commit It r appolnltrt >>" the Waraktatata prtxura a io?tliaa?ial for l'apt. Cook. hla outran aaa im, mat ya?t?fiar at .*a 7> Wall >tr?l. J?<aaa Brian. ti'i.. l?o* uaa?"i'lakl) aka-ai tr> m Ilia airy. *.??. H. Biatura, Mat., iraa la tka taatr, an4 inaapn II. tit appatatad primary II,a (all..alai ?. trU nm a.ra ad lad *. iht t. aaliim -Th<rl?rt I i?m, H?f, Jaha U 4,roaa Jaam It >l|?a,Ua?r<> l? Mnraan, Charlaa Daonlr J * in * . Brataa ?in,?cn l>r?i?f. JoaapL Smart, Char aa B?. khaltrr. liraiy 24. a, l.aal ipiir. Uaa. *. bana. * I-2 K.Ba.aa Win. 0. Murphy I Ua t K naatj, Itltt* j Mi net, ? h?rlaa B * aa<l Sanaa 8htld?o. tha Anartaarr aaa dir. nod ta hart tha pro aadia(t af tka Cammlttta pal liahad la th' m rnn.t pa pair ..I Tnaatay. an4 ta roll a martini ?f tha Camaaiita. at lag aV|. rk I' M 'hit 4a> (leaailajr. 126 >, at Bo. 74 ? all airaa', |n tampla a 'hall arraacimaata for na.aa.ina at rata to tha dlaahaora f tha ?arj r aataat dutt t ff ad tham. I torn|>t atteati.ia la neaaaaary. aa Capt. C">k will akorrly tail for k?*i?. I a Committor raatlata of tha |r|lu?ia? rantlamra, in addition ta ti a eh*,*a. rl? -2aaiaa Bro?n. Java L Aapia* wal'aC. I". bararlt h. ilunr Plata Jr.. R. H. Min'tira. A-k >ylir llTiaat'on, Baoh MrRrtra. Jama Boorman. Ridory Mro'kai I an I 6{|. 6?r4. t.aoraa GrtaeaU, I raii. ia fa. Mr, b A Kiaialat.4, Batanlrl tt Marrtll. Tha Cnrtolttaa aill wat thlada?a? I aVIook. at 74 Wall atrrat. I oma all I on' ?i'l ka r?aat*ad hy aa) of tka CatcBittaa at tkrir raapr,tira Plana -t l.nafaaaa. It II BIN rt'rtV, t hairinaa. JO'F.tlf HOXIk, Saaratarr. JAMBS BROWB, Traaaurar. Keep fk?r Keet ltrjr. la ina I'rrralllni cr.atrm tf tha dap? W a wool* r.aownitad oar frtanda thai ara la traM of draft or watar tTnof llo- ta. t > *at tham at tha ctrntr of Falton ati4 Naaaati atraafa. Fr"?oh Calf Drata I ?o. ta. |t IV o Una 6 atar Proof B. ..ta, from ft 90 to $?, Ana Calf Ro< ta, f* Ml; Clrar Shoo#, from $1 25 t<> SI Ml. Dow t fcrnet tbarl rataat atora ia tit elty. THS DOCTOR. Juat raniaod, a amall laaoiaa af thaaa t'para Olaaaaa, whiak arpaat all athrra la magnify iag p .? r aa4 ftalJ af a.gkt, an4 hythtir anpatlor 'inalltiaa hara pain d a jtitt aalaiirity i* London and I'ana. *. III TI,*! Broad trap. UraOp't national (lalltrp of ttm?iirrrrntjpaa, Bi>a JM aid ?t7 Rroodwny.anm'r af fnltoa atraat.? Pttaarart and aitltaaa ara rorpaatfally laaltad ta atamiaa tha rraatmaaa. _ Wa refer otar Reader* ? the Adwerf letin ' o t af B. T. Bahhltt k Co., kradad, " Braal without laaat," ia aaolhar eolnma. Hair Dpe?llatrlkelor** l.lqtalrl raalora MM kalr ar whiak art tha 'aaat It ia applnd, withoat injury M tka kalr ar akia; It eaa ka waahad immadiatalT wltkoat lt?Inrhlag tha aolor, and hat aa had odor It It arrliad, ar c Id wholaaala aad man. ar BATCH!U-'B'B ?l? raatarp.d WaO imtt Copy tha addraaa. 5,000 Wlgi and Toupees, always on band. al the Wie Factory of UEPBLR9T a lltAHD. .7 Maides lent. They are made of tie beet natural curled hsir. aal do combine ill the hint improvements, tlitt ompatent Judaea have prom tim ed thtin perfect heads of hair. All", Ledi' ?' Lou* Heir Kineletr, Friiettei, etc , ete. Cull e*. the Manufactory, 27 Maiden laue. Magic Hair Dye.?I'It a Ion's 'Wonderful improvement to color the hair or whiearra, the moment it if applied, without injury te the hair or al in. it can be wa?hrd immediately without dietutbinfr the color and hue no l ad Odor. Itii applied, or eold at FRALON'S, 1'.'7 broad * iy. Fsrtln's Klitnmatlr I,oilon lias mails greater cnrei of Rheumatism, apratued limba, callou! swellinsr, and centrarttd corde. rn both luan and hone, than any o'l:t r Ktrct'y l efore the public. Tor proof of eama, read o.rtifiratte at the Dejot, No. i Bowery. Price 73eente a bottle. C 111BCIII AFFAIRS. MONEY MAKKET. Naiidajr, Jan. "dl? O P. SI. We have nothing new to report in the atook market. Quotations for fane; atccke do not Tar; much from those curient at the clore on Satnrds;, and operations continue to about the usual extent. Farmers' Loan is the moat active fere; on the list The declaration of a dividend cf two ner ce#t on the eld stock of the Harlem llailrcad Company. baa Dot had a Tory favorable effect on the market value of the stock. It has. hiw?Tfr. been full as great as we anticipated Holders would do well to sell before the closing of the books -January -6th, Saturday Dext? as it is the impression in the street that the fall will be muoh greater than the dividend. This Is usually the case in all stocks, and the Harlem is not likely to be an exception If outsiders will cle.-eiy watch the course of prices they will find our view,! correct on this point. It will take about $50,000 to pay the dividend declared by the Harlem Company; and where the money is coming from, is a mystery. It Is cot known how many shares of the old stock have been irsu?d; hut the Company will now have an opportunity of making out a correct acoouut of the ?ld capital. The affairs of this concern hare passed through so many hands and there has been from the first so much financiering in its management, that it is impossible to form ai y idea of the amount of old stock in existence. It is presumed that all holders will present | their certificates for the payment ol the dtvl lendi when they will prol ably be properly registered. We 'hall then know what the old capital of the oompany actually Is. At the second board there was no material alteration in prices, but the market closed weak and inactive. The amount received at the custom house of this port, for duties on imports, from the 2d to the 21st instant, inclusive was as annexed :? Duties Rii mvxd at this Poar. January 2 $ January 14 $211000 3 21000 ' 15..*.. . 2*0 000 " 4 62 000 " 10 210 000 ? 6 60 163 ' 17 IWOOoO ' 7 >2 060 " 1H 225.000 " H flOOOO '? IV 204 S21 " 9 S2 000 " 21 117 000 " 10 112 000 ? 11 64 WO Total f J OkO 431 " 12 172 400 The receipts from the 12th to the 21st. inclusive, exeted these for a corresponding period within the hlst'ry of the country. The amount on band in the Assistant Treasurer's rfllce. at the close of bustuess fC-dwy. was $3,657,024 19 The imports Into this port, since the 1st inst , have been exceedingly large, and the depositee, at this early dsy. exceed three- and a half millions of dollars. At this rate, before the olose of the teaion, iLe depoMire will be larger tnin *T?r before known. The New York and Boeton telegraph company? Vo??e'? lite?have declared a dividend of Are per cent. The frg appeare to be clearing up. The Union Mutual Imuran re Company have declared a ca*h dividend cf eix per cent., atid a ecript dividend ot fifteen per cent., together, per cent, for the year 1849 The tranter* cf governmi nt otock from the 12th to tbe 18th lnet. Inrluiivn. amounted to >206.309, of which >1.0(0 waa of the loan of 1843. * 10 COO of 1846. >173 WOO of 1947, and >21.400 of 1948. It appeari by the m?**?ge of the Governor of Ml<mUnlppl. that the recetpta Into the treaeury of the Stete, dut leg the pa?t year, amounted to >497,019 ; expenditure* >317 429 balance in the treaeury at the cloee ol' the flroal year. >110 610 The receipt* from ordinary lonrcr* amounted to >.^68.017; ordinary exp-n*o*. >139,067- txce** of ordinary laome over ordinary expenditure* daring the laet fitcal year. >219 600 4| perale balanaa in the treww/ .'arnary let. H&q. >438,(67. of whlab >198.861 belong to the varlou* literary and other rude, tearing applicable to general purpoeee >264 810 The ticking fund received >147,- ' 914, of which >72 993 have been applied to the payment ef the Intereet on the acknowledged portion of the State debt. The Uoi araor doe* not allude to the repudiated portion of tb* Stat* debt. It la probably hla opinion that the guttttam ha* been ao frequently dta* poted of by the people that It 1* fettled forever. The eleetb'n of Gen (Quitman to the executive ehair of the State. U. we believe, the third time the|l'nion Bank bund qeeotlt o ha* been decided by ballot. General ttultn an 1* in favor of tbe repu Jlatloa of the-* bond*; and a* bl* opponent* mnde tbat one of the point* for action at the poll*, hi* election ?a?, therefore, a triumph of tbe anti bond party in tbe State. The annexed otaUmrnt exhibit* the 'vantlty of certain article* exported fr< m tht* port to Great Brltaie and Ireland, during the laet four mouth* in eeeh of the part two year*:? Fl> vtiiexi **n Butrrrvi in Ivroavrn to Oncer Baiveia * mi 1 a xi am ? 6? i r. 1 to l?. c. II, 1919. , lire*--, ??-I'urfc ?> I 'rd, Tr*. bbu. Tf. I kit. To I Ivf tpf a| 4 id'I .19 ? I..WI 2.7/3 401 " l.< fttfi.a 3,1*9 421 81 I.*01 " Glii|i.? .102 li 't ? 114 ?v;.:t?0 " Ireland ? 14 ? IS ? Total 9.*42 140 (1 3,-427 4 ??,916 Itiinii nnd Cbrrte, T?ll"W, Hutltn Huron. lit. Iln. j ky I. To Liverpool 1.71.9 Ml 4 2>.4 4.9i 1,61.3,14.4 ? " I oaflca l/.'U.MO 7.0*2.302 5,?*? ? " Cl*'*?w 37.060 c~i 440 2I*U 1.2)8 " Ireland ? *,??? .4,*W ? Total J.27'U?6' 12.4.(7.744 I.MS.IR* 22*4 IV a. Mm/, It'acif. rr nr. bit * A. hbl.. To I Iverprel 8*1.474 1,27" *S1 U.ftfl 4"J 7*1 " l.< nc.o 2!' 914 4 *7* * ' )1M ' (.IsieuW 14.48.3 4!ll) 63 2 JO " Irtlkti I'.MI >2 l.l 7 * 429 7.74* 43640 Total 444^9 8.46>' *47 21,04* 2*1,943 THC Sawc, IW 1*49. , lit. _.|?orfc-?> lord, T?. 1.1.1.. 7Vo. (Mo. lb,. ToLivorpoal .3.1'.3 1.214 ? I.Ill X0i<6.?*l * l,at>d*a 4.4M ? 83 22*7 31*.(M * (*.*> ?? I JO ? ? 67 664.160 " Ire lead ? ? ? ? ? Total 7X37 U14 43 MIS 3.074,107 II J #10 n?d Lbr'tr, l'allotr, IfffCoM /> , lb.. lb,. Ball**, To Livrvpeet *4-HI 4 Vi| pui 111.II) V"W loajea *oi??wi 8 '07.24* ? ? ** lillNO* |S .'?0 U.V..,06 ? 33 430 M 1 reload ? ? ? Trial 1,1?7J79 321,119 >>30 ffiier, f'orw, Men/, 14'4-11, MWa. on a. * <?. To l.irerpoal I?0.!* I re.PO ?< IPM " ? **4 - 169 12 s ' I7.**? W.W) ? fl.114 " Ireland ?.* g.l*4 Total 1MJHS MS..14I 4<ifl HOP* Nov* bat tboa* engaged In the train, bar* toy idea of Ibo rapid (trcath and Immen** of thoei porta' tion of proeialon* aad brradetuff* from tble country to Omt Biitala aad Ireland From tbia port ?l"0? tho rblpmente bar* been. aa will bo anon by tho aboro tabto, vary largo. ta tbo lart flrnr month* of lMt tho nipott of rboooo amoaatod to m'>ro than twlrt milliimi #/pound*. For th* earn# porlod In 1149, tb* ehlpm-iit* w*r* not to largo In 1040 tb?r* woo a flailing off in tbo eiporto of be*f pork, lard, ham* and bnona. "boa##, tallow, floor, eorn. meal nod nhaot, an I an Inerenoe in but ona lt?m. bnttor. Tbo *ip >rt* of fl'tnr and grain from thl* port to Ureal Britain, from th* lot to tho 10th of January, Inrluotto, nor* ao follow*:-To Liverpool, corn. ba*b*lt. s? 864; flour. Cnnndn. barr*le, 21 7JO; firur, t nitod Stat*#, barrel*. 9 flTflj nboat.t nnada bu*b I* 19.166. To tilargow. flour. acado, 1032 bnrr*l?, flrnr t nllrd Statu, IMS banal* Th* ntwn nta In < aaadtnn produea In tbia markot, doling tbo yoar* 114* and 1*40 bar* bo*a (nit* an important foatnr* in tbo floor trad*; and onr public work* haro b*?n largely benefited by th* trnoaportntlon Tb* value of ? anadlan produce b? , imported Into Otwego In 1M8. ?** ?rl0.7Pl, 1*49 43 314 44* Inor**** |1 608 741 Th* import* > f ' anadian floor into (Hwrgo in 18'*. w*r* only 60 COO barrel* and of wheat 6*i C60 biiibrl*; nbilo In 1149 tb# import* of floor r*ooh 148 653 barn It. and Of wh?at 681 080 boehela. Tbo dull** paid < n <;an*di*n *tporto nt ()?n?go. for 1840, *io f 0.643 no. and tho** eoll**t*d nt Now York, on O**?go aonrnnt. nr* *>llmat>d at 1*000#. Tha toll* paid to tb* fliato on aoe< ant of ' anadian oiport* and In port*, daring tb* **norn. war# upward* of 4120 000, ll*<k Knhai g*. ?-imr t ?*'$, MM 10# l?*i Parmera' Tm*? tKi viv 4? i*r >4* IIIu ?n ? ?m m ??"i ? 11 id jo>? o# 0?> :? 6 u 4* ? *. IMrt !? '% 18 Ohio Life n Tfnet 99 lim ladlon* ??*'*** 71* 100 Long lalao4 RR 17 % Of 1*8'*, 1*9 no do 17* .V'?h?rr.r#? 67'? iftoon R*a4i*( Hurt R4( 64* 20oll*rria Canal in **?' do M0 >AU IKI do M0 inu ran Bria 7 *. m *flw 16 4# l'?H ? ah* Readme KB .tig ro 4* >88 10 im Coat** Co .?"* .?? Phitu Bk 106 flo do 4V > At trait U to do rtfl *H IPO FuMn' Tru?t .H'",' W Llarlrm KR >10 '>J\ 1(H) do :?>'* IV) do LtiO ft-": 100 do btw SO>4 SOU do S.'4, KKCOND HOARD. 400 sl.s Readies RR atiO 31V '0 ?hs N Am Trust II', 21(1 do SI <4 00 do tS II'J SCO Farmers' Trust sft SO 80 Harlem KR b.'t ft.' ? III) do ?00 T'li JO1* (lo ?80 ft2)Z 100 do sSO 2UM 200 do bSO ft)S< ft(> do 21'7, 60 do KiO 62% I'm) do 13 2"% lo Hudson Rivor RK 260 do 2'.'"<i Ml do ft. I Id) do b30 100 L Islaud RR b90 17>? fto N Am Trust s'v' II ADVERTISEMENTS RENEWED EVERY DA*. jtnever I to Jhlvt i ti eemrnte lent by Mail m it I be paid, or they will not be token /ram the foil O.fiie. AMt'bKNk.3 18. B0WEK7 TIIKATRR.?ON Tl ESSDAT EVENING Jon. 22, will b? presented a brillisat.'y effect It e dram am live Isbliao* styled TflE WANDERING JKA'-The A' bu li'Aarinr, Mr Jordan; Kodln, Mr. Moore; Dr. Uollinier, Mr. Mason; Muroch, Mr. Am >ld; Je<|ites Keunt pout. Mr. Slovens; Prince D'jalma, Mr. Jamts Dunn; Dnwofert, Mr. Gilbert. Ti e WanUrtun Jew. Mr. llowea; Nini Moulin. Mr. Winans; Mile. A De Cordoviilt, Miss C. Wen >??. Madame Ban loin. Mrs. Gilbert; ( t|iliese, Mrs. Jordan; Rose Pompon, Mrs. Uerbert. To conclude with the new drama of CDARISSR. Doors will oren at half-rnst 6. the curtain will rise at 7. Doses, 2ft cents; I'll and Cutlery. I % eta CMIftNIKAIS NATIONAL TH EATRl-Tl'RSDAT > evemcx, Jan. 22 tl e rtriurmance will commence with the drama of Tii E PKOI'i.E'j I, A W YE H?Robert Howard, r. E. ?. niton; Stlau Shingle, Mr. u. llurku: Churlia Otia, Mr. J. Crocker; Tripper Mr. J. Herbert; Timid, Mr. Drvenport; Mrs. Otia. Mra. Mntit: Grace, Mra. U laherwocd. Alier w liieh. the I I MA I E UU A KD?A-la d-in, Mrr. C. Mua- ] tayer; Ta-bi-Lonaiuck, Mr. Herbert, Priuceaa Badroull adonr, Mist Lockyer; Kaarnck, Mr. Burke. To conclude with the farce ol tlie I' LI A is TOM 11 reakl'A ST? Mr. Meepcrlv, 1 Mr. Herbert; Mra. Dteperiy, MUe Smith. Dooraoo..n at balfpastaix, ; tTft, to torumenco at icven precisely. MITt HILL'S OLYMPIC TUBATRE. Tl'ESDAY Evening Jan. LJd,the enleriainimuta will nidi With the comedy of the SOLDIER'S DAUGHTER-Got. BiarUll. Mr. Nichinann; 1rank Hoar:till, Mr. 1'alnier; Wtrow Cheerly. Mice Niokinsoa; Susan. ML# Mile*. Tabefot- ' lowed by the c-mic draiu i of OLD HONESTY?Miohael 1 Urn* baw. Mr. Niokinaou: Dame lirailahaw, Mra. laherwood. After wMcb. A LDQAT E PIT UP?B roomy Jwaen, Mr. Mitchell; Wintiificd Willia. Mr. Waloet. To conclude with ! the laroe of tlio MARRIED IIAOIlKI.OR-Sir Oharlee | Courtall, Mr. Palmer: La Jjr Courtall. Miss Ni.kius >n. Doora open at haif-paot 6; to oonimonce at 7 proeiacly. BARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSECM.-P. T. BARNl'R Manager and Proprietor: J. Oreeuwood. Jr . Asaiatant Mararer. Jiiu Crow Rice, the origiua! Ethiopian imperaoDator and lather of the Afrii ?n drama, baa been re-engvged lor three daya only, commencing < u Monday. Jan. .'lat, when bo will i ppcar in the cl.arwt r of ( inger Biuo. in hia lauehal le farce of the V 1 KG I N TA MLTUM Y. lie it tu(ported | ly Mr P.O. VT'iryaa, Merer# Morris, Merrill'Id, Warden, I Here, Clark, Uigaine, ami Miaaea Staabope, Pentiand and I M eat. A variety of l.auat able Sketchce, Yaoiee Melaugea, ! Coiiiia Singuig, and other entertainment# w ill he given. To { t o teen it all houra, the Skeleton of the Black Ureculand j W haio. enormou* living Scrpente, mammoth Crrcodilc. Ad- I mleeion to the Mueeum. PerforBianeoa, Ro., 2i ccnta. Children, under ten ytar*. 1?H ecntn. BARN l M S Ml SKI M. PHILADELPHIA.?PATRDNiicd by Got. Ujbari, M'ue Ju,;cllo and eui'o. The puMio ! on the i|ui vivo! Uarnum preparing aurpriaea for them. The j DR I'N K A H D tire timet n ore; VILLAGE ATTORN KY; I,U- ' CI LI K; MAID OP CROISSBY; PaMILY JAltd; Songs j l>*nc?s: frssh and beautiful Diieejvirg Vicwe, Chroinatrepe. Ee Mr. Nellie re-engaged for on* week. Union of the oomica! j Robinaca and W eaver in conjunction Now Curioaiiiee, Jawof I a < airill-an Sea Porpoiio. Piaoca Ulaatrieue, Living Cr-oo- ' dilv, Mexican Trophic#. Tarloi'a Swotd. Waauinr.ton a Knap- | tack, Mormnid, Egyptian Bear, Wax Stvuary, Dwarf. Main- I m?ih Urotl.era, M; ateriyus Portune-Toiler, aad 7< HW) ourtciiiiet. In preparation. and to he produced in a atyle beyond competition, the magnitic-nt and princely apeotaele of CI NDKRH I.A, or the Glaas Slipper. Admitwvnoe US centa; ohilarin ender ti n. ivh cent#. American musical pi nd so-iety-tub sr?erriborn, and the publio in general, are respectfully inI'raied that the tccond grand Coneert of the above iaatilution will take place at the Italian Opera Home, on Saturday evening, Jan -> , I.N'ai, on wlii-h ueeaaion tlie following einlm nt artiata w ill appear:? Signorina Trufli, Mita Julia Northail. Signoi ma Ptruui. S'ti or P-rt i. rignor Koa>l Cor*l, S>gn r Il< neventano, Mr. Jea'ph Burke, and aaOtcheatra of a xty p-ifortuera. During tha Concert will he performed a grand Pot-Pourri. for hfty w ind inatrumenta. cinpriaing the heat tnlent in the country. Condwctora-Meesra Theodore Eiafeld and Max Mar-trek. Ticket- for Parquet and Bexta, SI each; Amphitheatre. It centa. Reserved seat- w hinh can be ? cured at the Bog Office of the Aster Place Opera IIouae, hi fl'eecb. Subscriptions for the remaining three Concert# recrivt d ?t tl e prinmiiul mil - in and hook atorea. a a'-o at the OtI.ce ol the Society, No. 17: Broadway, and at the BuaOtlioe of the Italian Opera ; terns, tl fit two Admiaaions to eaoh < i i rrn, via * i i i v uur aumieMun* to c>ca voaccrt. i articular* in tmall bill*. RKWAHOTi STOLEN.?BBWA Kit OF TAKING a checkOF$? M 44. on the link of New York, payable to G. U. I'ala or, HfB-il A Woodward. Tcndollaia re*aid will be given for any Intern ation w hercl y lb* tbief may be detected. A. WOODWARD. 40Cedar i rr t. Mf X KF.W ? KD --I <>.?T. IDUI MI F K11m Til'. "STEAMJP*" cr ( nnada," Jtwj City to New York, a medium- ! eirtd ?arpet br.ii. wiih lame rid flowert. well tided. The above ten aid will be raid ou it* delivery to YIELD A JOHNSON, No^M Hearer . Iost-a small green pocket wallet, CoN J talcing al? ut thirty-five dollar* in Philadelphia bank note*. The fmder will be paid ten dollar* by returning the aan.e to the cStc* of the Merchant*' Hotel, in Conriland it. WWVWNV 'FKOlAl* MOT1UKM. Keep the ball h<?li ino.-opposition to tub tiaa Ke*i paly - - An adjourned meet In* of the (a* con*t.n rttefthr eMi of **w York will I child at the Broadway Hi ?ae. . utnee t,jr?od "trret and Br >ait way. an V4'?dn*elap evening. Eld Inarada, ?a n ..e yef,r Vvli eW. It lv boned that all whe are inirrrettd will ba i .recent. A. m. Swrrr, Sect. FDWIN J, mercer, Chairman. I Tbb two men tbat took iii r a watch on Sunday morning, had better retain it and eave trouble, at they ate known. A. S. warts. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman In a rt>| t< table family, aa M*k> waahor i and ironcr. Can (ire the beat o( referenc** from ber laat place*. Pletae call at Nip Eighth etreet, between avenue* B and C. U'ANTEH -RAGS ROPES. CANVASS AND SAGGING. etc., for which th< eubecribti* will |iay the higheet caeh prlce--dell?*rcd at the Paper M'urke, Wiadair Lock*. Cona., or la thit city. YER-ASE h nK'HIKS. No* M A AT Ni-**u *t. \\ v N I I P-IIY A YHI'S (i GIRI. LATELY FR<>H Tilt " Old Con* try a tituatlea In a family, "hat would ehow b?r the waye at I r*t. t* ah* ia able and willing t mat* heraelf generally tiaclul . ba* pood eity reference In re(*rd ta hnneaiy and aokrlety. Ary eae wanting *uch a pertoa will | p!co?* an ly at V, Mac 1. ugtl e'n et. In M e it ir of the dt-re. WANTED-A i irm kate CouK. soiiir am) In aer, in a pmat* family?a German *irl prbferred. Arp'y a? No. IS l a. it. etreat, SonUi Breeklyn. WANTED?A ,-ITl ATliiN. BY A RESPCi'TaRLB *i in * woman, a* isur*. an t Acametrea*. or hauih-ru'tld and W alter, > r vrmi d do general ho itewark llaa good city rvfi rcnce frum l.rr l*i t plm e. Can kg a#i u for two day*. Pleaae eall ?t No. 1^ Miirr*> unci. A RESPECTABLE WIDOW WISHES A SITUATION a* W 11 Nuri*. of the loacad child: hv* a frtah brea?t of milk. I* willing to make hern-It generally u eOil at plain a * inn, or anything r>i|iiired. Pie*-* call at No. XI TweutyEighth ilicet, cor. Th'id avenue. Can be aeon fur two day*. The beat et reference guar. A it ion want&d--by a s or ii women, aa plain cm k ar (eaicral hawae aervant. I* a rood waahft aad irt uar. Can be eecn lor twu daya ,at <J? lludeon , use*. ha i.r.w iiy ai oTioi. Hv liwia k morflmorb rtose. 1*7 chatham trret?Pawnbraler'e Sale?Thia Hay. Janeary 2AI. al 10 i | o eleck, a large aeeortmeat of rerfcited Medgaa, hi Ltliea' ( I'loela, l.tvii, Sbtwl*. Blaalat*. Uuilie, I'illewa. aa 1 Bela. . AtUoelick.a lart* a. iiitn. n- of Ren a Wearing Apr iral, j , tie. By ordtr of A uoopm AN, 31 Ccn'r* etieot. , . ?I poh halk aso to i.w.t. | lsorsale-a pair or somrel. thoeovhn rres ' r ( fttnd Hrmp, four yuri <>N. mil in BtitcU ? r <to?hl# ttrii ?. BBrriii't I I ? till T"i? f ri'Urlr 'tf-T" r I'rire ??' foiurv. I liy ^ Mil li CtlBhvliR lUkitl, Rnill llf|4. ^ F*< ii mi.b-a black k?hn ntvf.s yb*im J *14 laat ifriir, *am?t?4 liH m<l Ii4^?.|*ar 1 Haul* hurt*. ? i'yltsh 4r ?-f will m?|? % >o4 f -.ily r.oi??; a ill ?tmn<1 la !>> ?trt?? ? h??t !>? :. a' Br BftDiLLS "tain c r i r h vr/in H ? -r ^ pOR' MIR?TALVABIR PROPERTY IN TUB RltTB * aor4 ? Tko t?o otnrp a<noo ?? l l< l of if No 7" i ? "root , otto 11.? lot to i, N If I ? i l< '?' I) -00 boll (I pir. i < it n-? t or rri, .i*t n * ft- 1 n? ?-r 'hrro pooro Till- nidi-on ?>.' F r ? '< rftrti. J m'oto. aptlp to c. F. tisRiiRNB, 14" Rulkorrp it. | DOB Bk I K ? Tf O PI RR OI.AURH. MIR 114 X 34.* Ytico 111* rooh, ?7I Br'odwop. For rai.b-tbirtoi k and ri*Ti*Bts*rA rrcar iWiii for pmrtir ton r to .< - t T" I ?T. AND IHHIIHATB POMBMION GIYXN? , Tko tf triono on 4 Itnot k.nl4ia? 10 Rr. odoot. krt??r? Mklo'o l.ord.n oo4 tho Norkot Clok. oa4 oitondtof toCmot.o root Tko oooorol otorlro III bo 1*1 mporoflp, If 4r?W4. A loo, fl'fo No. I> pt orl otroot F?r Mil or t?l,ot-Tho boo okorth on tko onntb ol4o of Riolh otroot, kolorro tho (* < *1.4 004 Third o?oai.r? Ajrlf W ' ARUfcNfl. ot ftrt oo. Bfothrro* Co.. M> W'oll otrooi. ' | ?>FTB Tl |t BT. IN roi RTI tM>T rTHF.RT -TOUR- !* X 4 004 oo4 third 1.' fi? "I dtoro !*f ll I' mf i lo?It otrool, ?g 1 rot drop, initokl* for aoorfootortaf or to- rron il? rorp-ono. ftqolroii thi pr??ltoi, ol C. D. K*tlwll.U I AIHUBB ash RTORB i" 1 IT i" "bi <?r TBB ! boot It.roii in in lif odoor fn'in ?f 11.0 ro ; r 1 to I r I'.troti.o (lira in i >0 Olol) ,f fOiinrrd. A|fl)Ot I I?VH Br< odo 07. i KIN P. A HTM L?1NB AKTS-NFW AND IMPORTANT IWPROVXr a.rat. 4rooroio( tko ontiro ?f Artiitt ia portl ilor. Wo toko filrainrr ia onaoonoiat that, oftor olrat irrtooM otpof a.?010. ?? ho-0 di-^rt rrrd o M?'ho4 ' f I n? p-rtro. o? fr> ia J I110, if mpptar dooorrro it)po? ?a loorp ia a hi? 4n?r?o if ' If'- 11 1 1.7 mono- 1 t - I o-'< \ lino . ro to loralrh t? ihr Mirloltiro roiot- r lifr liko improooinno of ' Motll'rro orl irh impr-rt-'-a* it t-? - ' r. I lo ho f i-<i ' 01710 of moioioro pomi.x ttroli dl t iho ot'*a i n - f \ otmtk to nar ro* Ia-proroairao, h? ohirh ooaro o ilat? firofnrr prtiroito Of tf 0 tiio of llfo a popor. oithor takoa fmm ' Itfr, i>? rofird f? m 4oor?rroi-t)roa. Thooolifr 0 ropnrtrol10, o100 rolotr4 hp tho ' ood of on ortlot. ontfooo In trnta nf likfoooo or 4 p*'0 or f fT^-rt. oil oth-i til-r-'-oo'Oor pri4oaM ' I Tah-oklr r -1 I of Oh-'Ot fri?0 lo ? 'I' It ri| d It |-||. II r nit Til r I i'l imol ' r 1 r< I ltd o In r? nl 1: 0 n-ol mlrioturo no At nrrnioi, ' ?r 1 ?rtTt fr> 10 I ft or I 0I00 r 'Ira 4t7- rrt'itrroo t to kr r?|4o?. 1 lit pnl.lir jrnrrollr orr rorpottfallf iari ?4 to OOOMiOO rrtilmrao 01 rot f'MO >?l Rt' O loo*. w A r. i.tNuBvaRiv. NR. \t Ml*< 1 It ? t . ?V\tk\V, Vk r " \| fiROAN'R I, IT f R t R T M. T< 'T 11 > fl A ffo R fl.ocB I'l Od^-nro tho P. tt idfft. No? "rlr?o>, l.i At -ho obr ro roial liohlnrot ?or 01*070 l? f-ar.4 Borot nl 00 rrt d? , oorlpt-na. ooatloiiao ?f Nootlo. (ilot'-rf. B'nirophr. AoioatiRo. fi oa rtriol. t>r-crorkl- ol, oa4 4ii>ol f-rto. A<oo 0 o. r.f I. -r - . M ' f " T> f '*T Ol ? ptirilfrl fl. 7 tnd V -Uf > -r 11 - - rt o< 1 M ? -o ( Pnaairj rrOoro Mr tow ortirlrt lo tho tro4t on pi I H to4 f..?. ' ?or4r4 ?l?k Iropatrh rooi'ro. Prrnnrt ittratma ] pain in tap ?nrk ?r0rrr4 kp mail Pnrrlca B?"kt imp? o4 ' to nr4or. r 0. BoROAW. Litrrorp Dotno, adjofnlap tko Prot Offi-o. Roa Otlrano. lo. ' PR?f'wplrto orrorrrmrn'o hooo lo?r pio4? ?lik tlta ' rtttirlial PnMiokoro ikr^r?hnat tie lai'a. fof a onrplr of tko otw ottli 00 foot 00 iooao4. J C. B. AmriiKfliKvrn. BROADWAY TIJV.ATRE.-E" A MARSH AlX~SOLB Urn*tit ol lh? Ycupk Men'a Uehr w Benovdent Areeciutun.?Tntadar evening, Jan. ?td. w ill be performed, he eemedy of the BCBOUL FOR Si'AN DAL?Mir Fet-r Tteile, Mr. H'akr; Chailre Hutface, Mr. W heatley; Luly Senile. Mre. Duirett, Mra. Candour, Mra Ulake. The wh >lo la co elude with tl.< I.ADY OF THE LAKE?FiUiati. a Mr. Wbeatlcy; Rhodetiok Dhu, Mr. Dyott; Earl Dingle*. M v. Fredericks Allan Ban*. Mr E Shaw; Lady Ellen Mlel K Bern; Lady J'arrarot, Mra Hie'd; Blanch or Dona,' Mra. blake l'in) Circlo mid I'aruuette, 76c.; Family or Thud Ciral?. 2ftc. Dim open at balf-paetb: connmr at 7. NIBI.O'S GAHDEh -FAREWELL FESTIVAL, UN' Faturdai nwill, January 2?i. and positively last : I raraLui in tlic I cited H'atoi, of Signoriua Foriunata 'I doom, pr.or tw her d*| ??tnr fn, Havana and Mellon, wh ch ? i.l tul c place cu Monday Beit; and laat appearance, alao, of Bigncrira Eetrrri* Borgheee, prior to her departure for the nth, in r< tjiiEttit.n ?uh ?e?rral other eminent articte, ami a powerful oiobeetra. Leader and Conductor. ttignor La kinM>. Tickrte. $1 each, to l>o ha<l at all the Muelo 8 tore a, Ilorla. and at, tic door. Doora open at 7. Couocrt to comn euce at N o'clock precisely. Bl'HI UN'S THEATRE.?W. E. BURTON, I'ROI'Kintor.? 'IMlrdey evening. Jan. 22d, will be played, uia ct inrdy of tie SERIOUS FAM1LV-Charlea T. rreac. lir. t . w . < lurke; Captain Marphy Maitniro. Mr. Brougham; Funk Vincent. Mr. 8. Leach; Mr, Aminadab Sleek, Blr Lurton; Lady Sowerby Creamier. Mrs IJughea; Mra. Chariot T< rrena, Mre Kueiell. To conclude with the comedy <>f i ho FOOK GENILKMaN?Dr. Ullapod. Mr. liadaaay; Sir Robert LIiamble. Mr Burton; Frederick Bramble, Mr. Brougham; Lieut. Worthiugton, Mr. I ynne; Corporal Fo*f, Mr. llaike; liumihtry Bokhiue, Mr. Johtietou; bmily Worthingtin, Mre. i ueecll, II. c. Mrt Lu. retia McTal M II . ITALIAN tll'KKA, ASSOK 1'IA' K. BEI.OW EIGHTH 1 Strtet?Wtdnoaday eveninc, Jauuarv 2HJ, will bo perlormed Doui/.et'ia celobraloa Opera Scria of LUCIA 01 LAMMBRMOOK, ?ith new dtorata by Mr U""oruiann. Luria, Bigu'a A.Uertuoca; Alice. Big'ra A\ > adr >; Ed^arlo, Sur.or O. Forti; Aahtun. Signer Beuevintano: Arturo, rignor i'n'.li; K03 lnondo, burner Giubi'ei; Normanno. Sinner Varolii. Conductor and Director, Mux Maretiek. Lrader, llerr Krt utn r. 1'rlote of udmiafit n--All Seata in B tea A*dmiraiVn tn the evening of peifjnnanca?Parquet, tl; Amrhi'het ?re Sheen'* Doweor? at 7?toosmiuenoeat")u. auk tub benefit of the Hungarian refuX gee* ? Mrs. Frances Anne Krrnble having generiualy conht Died, at 'he requoit if the Hungarian Committee In tine city, 10 read fir ibe above purpose, a ill give a Shskaperiian Keai irg at the Tabernacle on Thursday, the .'lib nut., at "!% oclcck. Doors to open at 6>j. Tickets 50 cents, to ho hail at the Aster !J u:e, tl < Irving Home, the New Votk Hotel, at Mr. Ftar.cia's and Mr. ("rowen s Bookstore, and at the door 11. Iks ivesisi of paifbrmma*. UM.aNKIIN TUEATRE, 175 C'JATIIAM SQUARE.? T Every eviuing, until further noliee. the original and well known "Fin ale Minstrels," beiu,: "the only organized hand of ladies in the world. They will tie assisted by the band of "tiable Brothers " A! o tbe w underfill tribe of "Female Acrobats." who will appear in a \ari< ty of gymnastic feats.? Alio engr.gcd, the "Fairy Family," together with a troupe of "( laasir female Artistes," who will personate new tableaux taken train ancient and modern time -. Aduisai> n, Stage teals .'7>a cts.: Boxes iiJ ets.; l'it 12>j cts ; Private boxes si. N. B ? An attern ou performance every Wednesday and Saturday at .1 o'llcck. ?r AI I II AM. A. .'Id i AN A I. STK F ST.? TRIL'R Pll OF TT the t laeaicsl Mus- urn of Art; aplcndid aud unrivalled performances of tho w orld-renowned beautiful fsxsls artists, i-to-lie tug the u htteri ecus ol ancient xnd modern tableaux, srs'tuo by the only ecmpauy if Ivmale minstrel*, and a celebrated I aid of table brothers. Some members |ot the Natural Academy of Design, delegated to visit that classic living ttatusry, prnnnunci d it to be the n ? wonder of the wcrld. the only tree Ichool to artist* and lovers"f the hi e arts, 1'urtormauea* every night, at 71. o'oliok ; extra ptrfeimane*a eviry Wednesday and Saturday at 3 o'clock. TBI WRIIL THRATRIOAIj BA1.1..- MOT1C E ?TUB representatives from each Theatre, terming the conmlttej of managed eni for the above, (which ia to take place on Tue-day evi uing. February l'.'th, at the Ap dlo.) are h dteitod ti meet at the New England House, No. li Rosevelt street, en 1 uieday afternoon, Jan. 22d, at 3 o'clock in the aftrrao n. By request. A. II. rUKDV. noma. IRVING HOUSE, Buoanwav, New Voeb. COLUMBIA HOTEL. Chbswut itssit, Phil AuixrMA BARNI N'3 HOJII^OtLTHT ITi'VT, Bat.ti.UOSU. TRJtMONT HOUSE. Txewonr itssit. Ilosrow. RUST'S HOTEL, Svxaoisx, New Voxx. WII.LARD'S HOTEL, veax ths Pxxsiukvt'x Misros, tishinstos, I). C. BALLS. POSTPONEMENT OP TBI OPEBA BALL- THE OOMikiitee of Arrangements of the Assembly Hall, at the Op< re U< use, I <>a to announce that this Hall is postponed in coo'equrrce of tie Inclemency of the weather, and two other laMa taking place na this (Tuesday 1 evening. The money for bought tickets will be returned by the parties they arc taken from. Ma f ON 1(1 BALL.?THIRD ANNUAL BALL IIV THE fraternit*, under the jurisdiction of St. John's Grand Ledge of the State of New 1 urk, will be given at the Chinese Astnnbly I'oi ins, in Tuesday evcu'ag, January 23, 1-VJ. Dod worth's lull Corns' and Cotillon Bands are engaged for tl.ii idT'ikii n. Tii kHta 11 ax.rli. to *<limt a. *t*iil!?iriRn sni Iiditt. to to had of ant of tin' following Committee of Arran ite u. t i.taC. W. W.ilrte. Rohan Ma.oy, J W Sim-inn, H iflmm B. Ball er, Tbomaa Hyatt. William II. rnderhill, C. Twty?a, C. I. La Witt, J. kul'.ollaad. D. Sicklea, T W. Farmer, t . N Baldwin, R. fl. Stroa?. J. 8. Cranktha*', VTm. C. Brainted. Win. II Keynolda, Vt m N. Buckley, E A. Parity, N. Woleott, I. I.. (iui-r. J. iiendrickion, 1. I,. Timolat, 11.8. Sloan, William K Soar, A. Colo Vrloai: at H2 I'or rtli afreet. Mercer Hju?c, and at all the principal hottli in the ally. The annpal ball or tue Baxter bi.ces. at Niblo'a Palo, n, llmrttfaj Evening, January Hi. Committcc ?('apt. P. Moore, Lieut. S. P. Ayroa, Lieat. II. Miller, Lieut. B. II. Pordy, Nerat. F. H. W'atorbury. Strut. K. M. Tenia, Serge. W. Honeywell, J. Bingham, J. Bloomer, C. Curlcrioa. MIM r.l.LAXKOl S, l)()M TON* RAIIKOAD IRHN-TIIE I KDERePyVavav" tigae-l la pripartd to eontra. t for the delivery cf i n* aooet i|?antH> at an) in rt ot tlie L. S. Can to tnada at any intuited latum, annul a levoriiy brand. CHARLES 11.1.1 II, vo Heart r I treat. ST. (1LOBOE HOTEL. P4 I.1BRRTV STREET-AN OTHER of thoee epleadid Paod'a, of Venlaoa, with entrant J 'lr. w ill he tertad up thia fay. Alio, i'ea Soup. A la Ml' II. if aa d barrlaa Mutton, in the old Emilia.. atjla I lie Lent j jinta every day, from li to 4. Call and tea the beat plana to ?> t a good diamr, at modulate talca. Bedr. oma to let. 8 a OHMJMIE. BOf k KEELING. ARITHMETIC, AC.. PRACTICALLT taught by W . J. Reaailla, No. 2*1' Broadiaay. Ea.'h an At ii it .. yatataly and eartiully ipa'rnottd, and a racy eff< rt ia made t? impart the ra iuiaite knowledge in tha moat thor- uyb mater, and ia the ehorteat period of tiiua. Open day aa* ereniny. Term* mod .rate; i/ I hi IN M RANGE-BROOK I IN I N M H A ML .'<.Wr jat.y. ofhee >i?. A Meri l arta' Eiel.aage, Wall atreet. New Tork,aadt.T In tea etreet. Brooklyn. Th a old eatabllahi yaay acatiactc tc lake t ake ef limited am. oat. on dwe'llrre. atnrea, fornilute, Btirehaadiae, it., at the lowoac latea of | temittm. rino IMI I.RT LK- fir < I ll.r.RV. I II ?AWS, EIHIE a and Joint ra T ola, Nherp Bhrara. lie. - The btaalneaa of the lata turn of Aahton, Jarkaoa k to , Merrbanta and Maanlat otrt t?, of tliatbold, k. aland, and of 21.1 Pearl atreet. New Votk will la fatcr* lecarr..d?n aader the nttn and aty la of W tlliaui JackaoB fc t o TIIOM.IS A. 01 TTS.J . CHARI.EE PALLET, ( CT r. IIOICUEIBB. SAN PRANCtSCO, CALIFORNIA, / # karma located ia a eapMlona a arrhauM and wharf, with ,o0i* i* at water lor liahtara, la ptapar*4 to raeaira eo?B'tnnitata of mere audita, and r* l?rt to Meaara. Jam. < K. K-oler k Co.. ll'J front atraat. New Tork, and to L. Ii. Cannon. lop. Mew ilarta. V' IV EMM JOB IPBINO AND Sl'HNEB-JAVEI it Dark n Co. invite the nttestioa of b yara to one ot ma lareeat ana beat ae>. r'?d atoek* vf New t,o da in the I a.tod Biaiee, of Finer aid Staple Pry tlat-da, which they aflvr on lha l>eet tatmd. by tba place er pa. kage. F'REM II LAMP OIL-VICTOR OIRolD, IHIVCO l.air p aad Clock n aktr, 91 Bread an v. beta leava ta la f* tin bit Hili Brti u< Ihi f ii'.lir Ihtl.UiiniBlda arr.nya- < a tti l?r muatiflt (11> ofik?>? nr lint *11, h? i* tn | ml Infatinli it latlia la ^uiiltUrlu may bo n<|aii4. illl found. By illitinri, that in titiirH aitu it "> root an Habit ail fur Truth i?4 ?HnL?ay?. Wlt( ftaa fr?B r?B. flinch prairatathiB f?B i!?itlta out af ardor, iad. althoa/b It par rrnt ot.?ar?r ' an n>ira will bar* I* lout tad ittti tho l?tn? *'|M al t*l I and oithmt any < I I at ia?t> lit Ml II to Urn an I la n bar ml*. I ? i ar'n narly inaaiatl ita uar la all alia lata aaa hint of laayt tula ihaliiala a?ti t. lUtkLln I I.I.I I S. in UiiuralMl. Jr. i j o frost, n rmimT rtreet, osi door b?li ? Plik ki n. hin la Mart, ant for ml# a* tt a lnaraot narkot yilwi. S.l?ai bom-la aana and i?ffla? W?at?ra ant lot tl atfl boar, any. rflar rta flour, book flhant. (Jrahatn at4 am oil, kII a- dtiat earn Baal, aal a hita and y-l'a* Ia4iaa aaal. * k, JTaTRN ItLkNIl IlklT.-LtAfl trniTCIItLI. AT ? fl ll.llb'lHu'Nk'tlNk. Vnr larkill and nr. 4. ! , . s. an" ?H ?'aka<E fluadaft -l.?av? Who# .all a< a, I. I ai fl * n'of. ok. V?af?r*tlt laa.lmj, n. Ill 1 aafl ta'al t?. Notice - parties rem din c in thicitvor new 1 nrk aa4 |ta alrlai'y. nh>. bald f>- i i-iafllr' m tba Ki'oal ifa Inaorinr* I oiopat ? ot UaltiBoro arantflafltd that Ibf till oat ibair raaoval aartlfl' am auk Hi an*-aaribar. ( DAS. 8. WILl.RTT, Ar?M. No. 7? Or at at. I'lu rrtfON imiT-oootTiik ikNol ti'tb* On konro OtaraOoaa?Oaorahoaa ?Tba Boat boanlt" ul art to to fnnat al ihaarlnaal a tt*H | mata. la floiah.tbty art aqnal ko [fill laathar? la tt|1a> 0 tba flaiat trtti baa I. M to loaalt atd rota. I AARI El. II ROOK 8. Ajant, att ka th? Sua Halltiatt. rBR ATEARfln : P "CANADA WII.L SA11 PEON I IE dnrka at itrtryClty, <a Wtdaaadaf, tba 881 mat., ik II o'clock. FBI BRITIflR aND NORTII AMERICAN ft. ft. MiaamaMpa bct?t*a Raw I of k ami Irlcrpool. at.4 kaai>i H.f n aat Idorytal. taliiar at Haitian ta land aat Mt!iitnli atd larrcacrr* ? laaata, Harriatn... .from Nan Y?rt. Wtdncodar, /aan'r 13 latin, Ryrio.. . fr"B B-aton. Wndnooday. February I Inrnya Unit frtB Nttr V>rk. W ?dii?adny W Imcrira. . .from Button. Wndncaday, flar-h I 'aaida Pa fiaoa . .from Na? Turk, Radaaotay, " fc F?r fr*l?ht or |iflraa?n ayplr ta 8. ci'NABD, Jon Brood on J. L'l.M ?AN IIHM I'll', TIA EIO JANEIRO r taratan. and Panama. it Tnctday, Mb ft bra try. Tk# ii'irihirMM 'iRlRANfl, i. D ? o?| tatuatfl4tr I .MR ?ai lortb.n, alll Inn fpt flaa Fraociaon t rock. On R*? la?? ra. Vali-artian, and Panama, fo m Pitt No. J Notta liTtr. at ira a'tl?< k Tit kit Oilcan# l.itipiaflii* t aamwantaOnn for flrat o'a?a ant tt? id eallfl"t? 'arr in Ran Frar?'aoo??irat Cabin. ?*?'. at-and ta. # *? lb? N?w Oilman raa lake a Iltkla llyht fT?tth\ for tub af >aatat*. ay|>ly ta t. Bolt ARD A BON, At Broadway. LflOR CAI IfOBNIA?OEflPATI H l.lflB-RHIP Jl. Q. r aT Atfl la I'adiat at pit *. r?.- Ri ar. fnnt ?< ?'?.r raat, and raa lak. tnrkufkef * or <?* tarrala lUhtfroUut. Hi rary a*-rrtli r iail*na inollflot of tola maiol warrant a hnrtor | aatiro ta flan lianit'' - than any nthrr abip Imatdlato iiylieitloa thoult bn madtfor balanrt ..f OflTR'i. to 8. k m'TION, M ?all rtraai^ or JOHN OODBN, lie M ail at,art ^ftir tirhfr-tur r"npr?ion8h cai.i.8 fni ^ ttttaOta t ratal , r 'rarlnrt aat abtp boilltr* to a l?k f Pi' arm of Itad b?a-lly HBtarrt ?m flblta oak. anitaIt far ?'**ola of Itn latf i olaaa It laaitnatad la tb-an|'a ra. t t) II ? junotioa , i Vlranl t rrtk nod Potomac Rirrf. 'lb a. ?r fl? A lot l fbMfc arttrVt tba Rt i yAbaaooh Rivtr, tliiod at Itfl.TJI-ylr b* '*> A. N. Itf KN ARl> Fnrdorlabal nr(. Ta. 'II IDE TO I R I'ORTERfl AND SHIPRA8TERfl.-JI'8T J |i?t:i;!nl, "CoamrmtAl Rilatl"?? olib I ->r-i?n Catania aat a fli ai taia M ?b? l.aot rofninMpfl tba Tomlrn ant raitirfTrata oi ikr I'altrd flia'na. with variant D? tatnaa 1 it a Itnainry lto|tarttnonk," tha moat ralnabln t?ai latlofl f nra arrlal infoamailoa ibai baa aant toon boon fnbliohad. a moTtotor il oBnairr aboult bo auk. ttaoat. For -lata* JOHN ft SA TT A T H IF AI TA aa I W ft. H. IRON N. Ciana Bonao. 1 4 INTELLIGENCE BT THE MAILS Oar WMblngloii Correspondence. Washington. Jan. 20, ItV}. Wit llungiman Patriots, etc. The Hungarian patriots are still here, but it ia clear that they will never be the fashion here in in Washington. The carp* diplnmatifit* will not permit it; and the eorys di/domati jut governs the society of this metropolis of pour houses and magnificent distances. The representatives of the Holy Alliance seem to have entered tlietr protest against any public demonstration, and, accordingly, when Governor I'jhazy and his suite arrived here, there was not a human being to receive them at the depot, or to oiler them the least hospitality in this, the capital of the land of their adoption. Had it not been for Don Kraitzer, a noble Hungarian, who in 1830 served as surgeon in the Polish revolutionary airny, and who, aa a naturalized citizen, was acquainted wnh our city, Gov. I'jliazy and Ins brave companions in exile, might have been obliged to en.pure their way to the hotel, and become the object* of vulgar curiosity on their progress through the aveuuv. Arrived at the Irving House, they were shown up the lourtli story, w in re tiiey were perfectly satisfied with being accommodated in a number of small rooms. A few stringers in Washington, and Senators Houston and Bradbury, were all the company they saw that day. The day following, Major Tochmaa, himself an exile, called at the Mayor's ollice, requesting Mr Sea ton to be |>errnitted to present his Magyar brothers to his honor, and the cm.ens of Washington. The hour Wan lixed ; but wln-n the Governor arrived with his suite, not .1 human being beside the Mayor was-present. The usual forms of (xditeness were then interchanged, and the company invited toptrt be of a handsome collation at the Mayor s private residence. All this whs incognito, and remindedline ot th arrival of Mr. l'ounsin, who, froui his tirst appearance to tho moment of his departure, was an object ol distrust and dislike with the Washington people. Liberty, whether represented by its martyrs or by its mora fortunate votaries, is at a discount in Washington. Foreign diplomatic agents make public opinion in this place, aa the poverty-stricken r/ut is com-nt to follow, in hacknt y coaches, the private < irriuges of the foreign ministers. To show you to what extent toadyism is carried here, I would remaik that the Saturday Ei>e/wi>( .Wu t, a sort of catch-penny, published by one of iln- re,>orter - of ihc Jntti/igM'rr, di?ea not even allude to the fact of Governor Ujhazy's arrival; though, if an altachi of .--ir Henry Lytton Mulwer, or a new carnago if Mr. Iiodisco, bad made its appearance on the avenue, the Saturday Eremng't extinguisher would have had a column on the sub.cct. But to return to the Governor of Comorn Ilia object in coming here was to implore the i're?ident to intercede in behalf of Kossuth, and his noble followi re, with the Fultan. Judge, men, of trio ,;oy of the Hungarians, when they were informed that their wish had been granted before uttered, i t d that instructions to 'hat effect have actually bun forwarded to Mr. Marsh, our minister resi? tli tit in Constantinople. They will, u<> doubt, add to the strength of the representations on the part of l.nglai d and France, and place our country in the proper attitude before the eyes of the civilized world. We ought certainly to cherish neutrality in tlie wars of Furopean cabinets : but, in the wars of lib* ily agauibt indifference or egotitiicul neutraltiy would be too nearly akin to cowardice to be udoptid us a sale plan of action. The l uited States ought to speak?where they speak at till?the language of freedom, whether she addresses an eijuul or a European despot. It is but justice to the.Mayor ot Washington, Seaton, to say that all the substantial nttrntion anil hospitality the Hungarians have, thus far, received, thev received ot his hands, lie returned their call rally the next day, and introduced them personally to the President, the secretaries, and the two houses of Congress, where they were bhakea by the hand by a great many members and senators. The Mayor, considering that he is no friend of revolutions?except in the House of Representatives, during a democratic Cougress?has earned the thanks of Governor Ujhu/y and his companions. ile has conducted himself on tins, as on every occasion which calls for his presence, with great tact and judgment; and why should we not he glad to meet with true |M>hteness and urh.mity, since genuine cordiality and heartfelt sympathy are things so rar? ly tube met with in ibis best of worlds 1 General Cass, though intensely occupied with his great anti-Wilmot proviso speech, called personaliy on the Hungarian ielugets-so did mat brave fellow, Gen Shields, who knows how to appri ciate valor. Governor Seward has a motion pending before the Senate, which oblige* hun t? let p lifs own counsel; unit Mr Webster has p id his respects to them in the city of New York. Governor Ujhu/y and ru'T would have f ft Washington to-morrow morning, were it not trial Cirri ral Taylor has invited them to dine with h tn on Thursday next. They lo. k upon ilus nnrk ot aMtntion an a command to remain till Friday, whtn they will rrtuiti to the city of Gotham, which, alter all, is the city wiii, li makes public opinion lor tills continent Fire If J/irn/d ' Our I In n li t> ui p. Currripui.ittnra. Hiititn'ia /an IS. ltij Thr CanJidatri for Staff Trraturtr ~ TV S at' Intrt'ff, ? . d*. Considerable anxiety baa been manifests I for ths last weak or ten days, among the iari-ua rlljue* In relation to ths retention of >uts Treaiurer, In place of tllde<n J. Ball, where term of office eiplr,< on Monday next. A* u-ual eaeh candidate ba t hie ro >r-a ot friends- kept s private grocery In hi- lodging* and suffered all the Seceaeary torment* oounected with ths responsibility of Me poettion. 1 he dtrad >]nestion ba? b-? n eol'td at l\*t la democratic caucus, by tb? selection of lohu M. Blekel, of Bchuylktll so? nty the rsndolate who will receive ihs tote of the ili incersey ?u Monday next, t he promlnt nt rsndldatea w?te 1 dward A feiirilmen (late ot the S/itit tf rA* we,), Arnold Mummer (lets Mate I'reaMiref) and Mr kultie I he result na? certainly glran lias to feallrga which may be troublesome h-restier. Mr. John M. Blekel la a i" ntleinan eminently ijualilled I. r II e i fflre and will make a good oflcer The Sia'a Interest on the public debt d ic on ths Brit of February, wilt be paid thia year without rerotiree to ban sa heretofore The effort ha* been trade for political effect, at tbe exponas of dome.tlo -redltore. who aeein greedy for withheld fund*. In I ea they arer. more devoted to the capitalist lhan to the rue-sea, True or not next year will test the alneerlty and kind feelings of the next Incumbent. cm THAUK HKPtmr. Moanav. January XI ? 6 P \f. TI e weath-T was exceedingly lncl*o ut throughout the day and business men were nearly driven from the Uresis operations in trade had nearly all to bv canned to wI'Mn door*. Tl e r tl n market waa Jeaa erted than last week, hut h ddefa iiieoif'el-d no di* potto n tu relax In prices, th ugh pr >hably l-?r abh to lealtie tbe full rates | rex lou-ly e irr-nt \ outlier foreign strumvribaiog d ethepr-sent week <>me d a.-re Beta Inclined to Swsil the r?eutt of the foreign new*. Mete and W estern tl? ur were Jull. while eosdkau. la b<nd wee firm end In demand f r etpnrt ftoatb*ra linur wa* in moderate supply and firm Wheat exhibited no change < nrn ?a* *teu<fy with m l--a*e aupplle cfteitng llye fl ur firm sad m-nl wa- dull. I'nk wta dull and lo-er f .r ? ?? r erurl-l <ne (lo wed no ma'erlal eherge since the cl-ee the put are* Hlo e< tie# was firm and he d at Sa aireace. Sugars and nrola-eea were the a?e aa l?*t n tie?t Aira?Thenar' t f* ' It he n t nv'ui |, elth a - mall Mute, - a d leg at pti fli'j a ? 66 f m p a, kior If* 111 06', for f -ala hataiari r r a Ae.r I'he ealea fir the d?.'raackeg ( I IWl bbl* . including c< mm n to a'ra'ght arete at Pi 6SI2Hi mixed to lu-cy Mlehl-io at VX l? S 44 a i. I pare lleu'aee at SO a ' IS , h*r g-a tes r< a anted i.arhtngad Southern dour ro'.oial <n If < d d< inand wthee.r of I SMI this at '? S a ?X S" Jg I't crirmon to straight k< ends Hft'?'f was Arm, ? I'll rica.l teles at t . (v?a 'f. d to lai . I hbts# ? Id at fit VI for Jersey sad ?? Itf r tre-idy eioS. H'*'Sf- Th>ra t>< a a I lnt|?lr/ for ,h i" tiV 'hs hrinneae i f holder* arol tbe p -ve'im* el .rm -b?keg all opera"one ot ro nri.t Hp **' 'a'her dill wi-ti i a;? a r-r 3 r< 0 t O'tial* ' W't 1 - ' ?? nltrirad r??? wa- ??d I" ft rr I" ** "* ni? ?al*a v?rr oiada M SOd a-He fard-ii'1 f? ?? I?rany, nav aid ?hi!~ S*?. !)?.'*? tot IJ *Na*tara mi tag, ami eft f. r n?ad y?n?v l ?.tv. Tti't* ? ? dnlnaaa aypar. nt Inrtn* thd motif r ?bi>b ?< r? > ? 'ha day ad'atiflad and lato ntl?in ad?t#a* arrtand. *? ? tt tho ni'iinti f 3<* ?i l??l?? w* ra taportal no ' hanga but ?-f aa*?ral faro-I? b mil* !.-?? > Id; nr ?f 7(0 l-aiaa f-*r nport wa* tak?a at a ftbftlua m fUr ih' fu'i yrtca of Iriday Wi r?ta'n ma iu ta111 r.a < f (fit dif f.ia?Baar" ft ?att?iravtrn. i,|la>4i. Mttilf *. ttrlftnt ita.l r/on-'t ?il TVa-ft. rfaMf ? t lfU - a *>< Sana. M rarf. ? alt", ? a I.', ? a lif ;-"4 i.ialaafy If, a - l:V - ? all I"ill aa IS1, a ? IS1, a ? |(K a i>'it HiMliria.. ? a lf>l ? a ISM is*, a ? lilfllaa fait IS1, a ? ISS a ? I'1* a ? 'all a ? - a 14 M a ? 'nil/Tilt ? a II N?na. Itooinal. M fa-#. ? a 14 Nona. la. f(aa ? a 14 Nana. la. ?tn r.- f* farad 1 son Wnt (TOO SoutVra. th- ra? t alrlir fr? m tb'a S?a*a) fl f"va an! natron and ? VKl h?ai> at 1 la tuba. B*-?r?r tba laclamant *ta?a of tbo a rat I ?r t?. day. pratmtal tha nana! ittralind of Ittda and (ha aiarkat an?? jtimtly tjawi vary dull. I'tlraa, bnvarar ahr.v i?n talilo? off. (*'a quota r a 111 i ? quallf laa at from $? tn ??. It v?? 'tmataf lhat fall 400 brad v.-uld ha laftnrar aaanll. <i?m a il altaa- Varkat doll and Ina-tlta. aalaa at from 12110 lofSOafll I a?ld IS. Sha?y and l-niobi Hal?a at >r tn ?4 71 tn $3 t<> f S whlrh la a alight ad?an??. '( P MKnlf I mh.miI - Tn Amafatlant tha aurraot ra*a? vata at V,||i?. _,,abaa fii fl Pi no. Ufa ; rdl. Se ; and ?i?trn S? To l.lrarynnl, throaanf h?nf vara tat an at la ; B- ur naa offarad at la BJ ; and honor and lord ot !?a To l.aodnr, 2a fhr potoI atorra 27a Si fop hoary rmla. and *7a *d a SOa fhp rhaaa? vara tha aurmnt at* a To Mavra. rataa vara vary loll, at |l fur a*h?a, n.d at X a for rnttrn la-n - Thtrr bora barb aalaa of 8t>? bija aainala, A