OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, March 14, 1851, MORNING EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1851-03-14/ed-1/seq-8/

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Ov rkllMblph a OMmiftaitMf
fHiuiuirMu, Maroh 11,1161.
(%* SUnt Ordrrtd to bt Reman itd? Speck <J
Hint, ft.
The slave case *11 miUim4 until imt oolock this
meramg Tbcau Perdue imti-I hi tk? brothw
of John P?r?u?; have no inter** la tbe Blares, I kaow
this nuiui boy; ha?? kaowa lllea for 17 jhh;
I hare kaowa Beary ainoe he *u bora. I asked her
whv aba ru away, and aha said aba had beea persua
ded away by some nelgbnors -black people, they told
bar ah* ?u gotag to ba told
The oaaa *u fullj argued by couaaal. Judge Ktne
deilvrrtd his opinion at considerable length, aal re
manded the alleged naves back to their meaner Je in
Perdue, and (are blm a certificate to that effect The
Judge occupied one nour in the delivery of hia opin
ion There was "onslderuble exoitement in the oourt.
but it ?m immediately allayed by the preaeaoe of a
large body of the U arc b al it police
At ten o clock tbla morning a'ter the the court bad
adjourned. ? crowd ot colored persona attempted to
oreatea riot. when fi?e el then were arreated, aad
found armed with kni?e* putoltt fcj. They were all
ooaiatted to prison by Mayor Gilpin, te answer
The fugitives, at an early hour were amt off to Mr
John Perdue, at Bel imore, id charge of oSonra de
puted tor tbe purpoee Che decision was made at ?0
Ute an hour last night that very tew ot tbe colored
population werea?aie ol iheir fate uutil after they
were gone, aad there were very tew to witneaa tbe re
a)fU ot the fugitives truoi the Marshal's ofliaa to the
oars Tbe gatbtriog tu front ot Independence Hall
|a?t evening wa s large ?ud there was finally a disposi
tion manifested by tbe n-grt es to create a disturbance
Coneidertng their air|er*al i.eoeraary. about a doses
arresis weie made, and upon seven of the persona
deadly weapons were I'jeiid Tv'?oe were committed to
James Robinson. cJ ?ith the murder ?>f Patrick
fclavea a Mo??xieaeiug watchman, in Octcber last
has been aeijuitUfd of me charge, there bring sc little
t*i4<nc?for tbe proeemition that tbe Jud^e declared
It was unnecessary tor the defence to go into the exa
mination of wltu> ssrs
The proposed consultation b-tween the various
c*aal aad railroad a uipaDt-s intere.nted in the carry
ing ot coal did not come *lf last evening, as was ex
Rented ia consequence ? f fne abeence of Mr Seal. the
?gent ot tbe ratters sto< Kboidsrs in th* Reading Rail
road, who of course -h uIj he j ep re-en ted when a
reduction of rates is the ?object of consideration
Captaia Ma-lbewr, o> 'he steamship City of Ola*
gow, eatrrtaiced a eel" oarty ot ladies an i rfentle
jnea this afternoon on aid of his eesjel. lie sails
ou Saturday and has u - ? gut * full fr?i<ht on board
? Tae steamship Osprej cleared for Charleston this
morning with tweniv nine passengers. and a full
Vh?(hirg? A gal ? at lion Daniel W (baler.
Tbr iWio?iti? ir a rr from trauklia Haven. in
retrreace to the chai., muit Mr Webater, togvthrr
with tbe latter of Mr "A '*.i?r, upon wbich the charge
?n bic#|hi -
B.rro-r. March II, 18)1.
Notwithatan'iing tbr '.'uafgee agalnrt Mr. Webstar.
Ol ba*t?g Bade pecui ? > condition" previous to hlj
accrp tbr i ffijf it v> r<M<; of State, bare Ulien
to the gnus! jet. w - 41- dei-ire baa bcca expreaeed
t) bmj paiaona to ku ? ?iu?t he wrote to m? on the
autjret ot v'abiort ?i i i uienta I band you for pub
liiation tie follow ii - < -r wbich ib the on!* one I
aver reouivi d from bin. is rvlatio i to tbr State Depart
ment pro r tu bi* act. unseiaent to ar that be bad
aco* pled that < flier
-luratlj to tbr - . ipt of thU letter th? simple
(act wa? ootnmuoica
tr r> dried to Lim. and tv, i. ug lucre.
1 am vary i
ub that tbr o'Jico had been
MR Wth
Wi>Hi>ii,ru% !?
Mi Daaa feia? You a.l,
lag appoiBtateata tu t.
will <J?a?r?. credit ai >
rai probability > utf.
? loll/, youra.
1 morning July 12. Hi J.
ar tariou* rumor? reapact
aoicot but Bona ol them
o-r than they raat on gaaa
V i? Jwifci M yet. The pre
("?lit Uebtaet havr ah t eo tb<-ir rral.ma'.ious but
til ' J will aot be ante' 1 after the luucral
Tbaltrae iaipuiuut ?> artuienta are, State. Trra
? ury Interior. 1 ha? i^uM aome man known to
tie the roagbiy aoumi >n f-msun matter* will b- ap
r'lntrd to the Trea urj ?? to the Plate D?parim"oi.
hate bo idea abo * n tut r it , altbuugb. if tbr' powtr
were with me, I thu a . miuld And a man without
goiog out of HwhtI H ? t? wbr DM talrnt enough,
and lM*lrd?a en<-u?r. a>. whether he ia at fhla
?a'mrat ro frreh in tt.> .ndiof thr people, that hia
appointaaoDt wau. d e *< br public mind tarorably.
niij be a doubt
o' atatr who haa not
..ctirtor The Srcratary of
?umiatratien an1 he mult
ncrive giiaata In H a it.
ally com mum eat ion with
. n I be] <? re. ia t?te* aa
?? aty year* a?o
,'iru of g- od will wbleh If
? ia thr goldaa opportunity,
Nobody tu well w. S
fortubr bOirnt ha b? I
State ia tbe head ot . t.
ha?e a hctiee aom<-,ia.
Of oarie aeoetiani} i
tbr dlpiomatis aort?
Buui'ii ui n?w aa i <
M y dear ill y <* u ?ee It.r
Biani>atiL< lt**lf b?ie
br aeiUlad.
Tbr OppPf'tlCB grn . Ot
?oi?ri <Mi?e part ot t
? iBirt ration ta.ir p'a?
ad ai l tlKRrt Ur *1
tb> i(it?r oeerbraiti
] b"pe W r will Maui in
lit lil* ? 3 til out i alio.' 1
la Ma mm lor a k>tt(t ila
fi jo' r d for twenty y. . ?
fer. II i*.
u ? e detrrialnr 1 ? all the
at i?>a?t- to glee the ad
tii m >ra ia weU iatrBtlvia
? -t with *aw* auc *? from
uf a certain quarter, bat
U be i? ? jr-c??'iul ia ti ro
r IT beiiay* a pro?p-ot i*
i ot thing* than w ; bave
Venn truly
Apfiolntnaet<ta b) the Prealdent.
J t?'.<eMt m (?' Sfui'f
? Ooll-ctur uf ttie reeraae
!umi?kinn*r of tha ^ub'.le
eh 1 1. 1? ' n to IBC'tri Ip%.
i Tli|tila to be Chart ? J Af
.. r,. argentine r-pub !c
"an -raiicin io to be Ju'lge
Unite i Sitt?i f jt the aorch
, hi to !>* an A ?c>cia" ? j?
i of the Territ'iry ot Jew
>*aa t? be an Aa*oeia> .Iua>
f tlie rerrUor/ of Nee
ii ot th* I iltel J?at.e? at
??ax Me.aing-r UI! iburgb
u*yleaaia. ta b ? < oatal of
a >a Ireland
hu-t'? to be Axlataat
tbe I - ,? i a of ; L . ' !
Ky a 'id a if A
Tb< max Butler K>ii
In tl ? pai t of eei. r ia
W 11 i>m Kaaby la. >>
b~s ?ding* IB tbe eitl ? l
t. ualibdd deeea?- d
Join M Krt t'lrti-i
tairee at the I'll ? d .a ?
Oadra lli.floian. joi >?
f>f tue |> ptrtetCouo i i
e*ti dtetrict uf Cantor 'a
-Mrraee M< wn <,? Mi,
tie* of '.be 0uprrs<>
M r*|< ?|
Joba n S a't< ot la
tl ? of tt? Buot* a
M>| to
Loaia Lindner to b
h' uarO-TK IB tbr
baut'B a ttrraaa)
U Jonre Mrook*
the Ua.ted 0i?tre s ?
ilaatj A Uoime* ? I
[>ra?i<aao an 1 Peer* an
a m Turkey.
Sano*I O krwa-n ij ot Kecnetieaaia to b?
Cbi-f . u?tioe of tb? ?u?. - ir 'lourt for the t-*rrt<?ey
of 11 * a iii a'.a-e of J ?? r Hifflagtoo deeliaed
il-t y L Tildro ot Diairwta territory ta be Mar
aba. 1 1 iLe I kited ? f or tbe teriltory ol Minae
Ur? j* < Raker .dun i<> b? Cmntil ol the I tilted
Sale* : ot the port ol <?. . ? a IB Hard tie
Aaorea Kotbw i| ab't *?'? A K*nn 'ly tibe.T-ja
tie*f <>l * L? lea r u> 'uty of WaoblogtoB l>la
fiat ot ilaiutnl.'ia
Tb <aia> A K *.e|a<>o <?( feaneaae* to l>r Cooitni*
tiocrtif Ik* I filtrd P at" IB 'ybloa
Jobs A beonett to r,> <V b a ui of Ue Catted S'.atel
at Uot' ta. la N>w < Jrra.ua
W. ( fi<*r>?e, of Pea I'atil* to b* Coaoul of tbe
I ait?d ?lat- a at Kraiej >i Mcatafoi
A , ,?B F Owea If II a < 'O be Oonavl ?f tha Cai
tr I Ktatra at llaeaoe - h ralaod nf Oaba
Samuel Brk?l. of frai. to be C\ Bful of tha v' al
te( ll'tUial Tai??l"i r "bill
Inlntallng Hum 'I. iiio and 1 iiralan
TMk k*l?4 til a> kill ai'Mic*! Nai Ia? *,i 'TM
?iil- Ilia ??? I' VI'CATtl
IB '.k* Mob.lr ie aid aui TrDaae, Mark i
*, ?at*r<1ey fair v rom the- city of IJl'tte*
' t 1 '.h* y I I laa ?fa la r ?? tl|r I "?.h of Ff! . 4
T ?r* ti.p ia ?#? m ?( "CCipy tike p ibtic miad
uaivfl) ? the ran* <i .he ritritf, and lb'* refa
.? Ut'l? fir !?i Bn*lo; "f
' iia ha dictated by the M
mv. it m M"l?tle, ? few days
Utlraki He by '.ifth,
! Mini yerffaiu New York.
- "v.i.irh e/er ptth
? vlr-d Af 4tt ?*!' it wnbas
r- i. ca hr e !? aliliab? J lnm
4u- "I h ? < 'atrerfW, aud
U .
? b>
? r>
e>. of tb* fee* or M |
Mil kovas, to take Kil
I** IT* #r>? etini' Bt
Iter. Kkfeei Rafiel a
IWOCr, et 'miff' if N' *a
a ."Sat ard, and r >
i.e*e he e^it-d thr r
llrb d Ik tbe S4'a'e?
Ahii t (i Twdtr |t
mrif ta Mekif>; be- m.|
twae conaiderrd the cfnei of the coo- fviine pirty .
L)i.nr| tbe eeo ea' i?.r thr Premdeacy, be iraa no
|c?ti) oppeoed tei Atal?, a' d ward b<? ,f? to defeat
h iv H it hi? ftfort. veiled not. and ?ehen Ariata
f. tad h.ine' il cal? I) -r< ed on the I're?id< ntial
tbrooe, be ekiied luerar ny I*id llafa' l ia a man
al futiKfuuhed abthiy, ?? I of the lire of ifennn,
aa<i ef tbe enthuri am winch ever *?cr>hi(i?bieR
Irur A>iit Tw'tiii t or b >ure' * uroing * n? . My
pa n 'tied him, ?l.d be- *ae CofOpeileil to ahindoQ
If i ' and all tbe ? nd* ?m en'a of family Ue?
- or Muogoia la t -n year* aiacr he
? -a. J?>0' d the |<ri.feeMii.u of ihr law for 'bat of re
i I e he a (. ( . |, . y heea ? lecled Hiabop of
M.' ' <>?' ai H' wcii'd not ink'' tbe o?tb requi'r-i,
t t.rrw biniaaif Mima "he reaerved fiRhte id
I* Uitgrk ftantrd n> t?-e( ier#?. n,*>n the firwt ? ib
? ?. ; "it of the hci) I a 1 1 h in M* laild of the A/t e#.
I ? aa author al cr..i. I ? and Mi wri ing- -re.
'1 ie<J a? powerful at .n h a dtoua, thai many t.
it a.iich ct ll? P" ere et'??'ed, have p? fttu ned f. r
a aw ta prohibit t t#r m' rod net on of b-a worka
Him, ^ur ail admit ih?t
?id (e.kerwaee wt.nderf'jl
. | 1 ^*fe K't.-ri
t>' i tallectaail) >t
kS 'uefcf e o\e| tb? fiei
A ' ?oerrera, a i ?
wrtlltjtl k< A'
l? " ' II ile beavr,
wh fh *>a m .| frt tu ?
tetrih 'li aader
Tie A'weifraa' f
n Pa re it ^ nck'aa
di'ta, worth) Of H I.
H'/> i kgkiDft tbr I ...
fi ^ o) |*t?Viei?)|.e ?
fi, M-h "Be CCS' * ?'
ff ,a Wilef.
Th? Ikdlkflk 1" ?"*
ia ? waritJbf | '
it babttanik w < li? ? '
A hne of f' a.
l ia afwit be 1. 1'
tl ? Nfnr iff ft i
I 1 Wl O be jt ?
i.?i Altbar "
4 fnr iff 'ai" ?
r in1" *f t*?e Ii
. 'i ?.f J.intikry, tl)?re was
. aa .ir rnaitneb' there ap
tti t liimiat 'i? ra't'or,
? 1 *e I, nctoBiptnM by
in ? .ivrga pad littare 'if
* and ll.'OOO tol
re 'ivb'inz day and
al Mir
?i oeg .i?l
T here i a
a ii| M
i?i . urch
?r corn
fd- r the
i f), a d
i My af thr
AfiOTHBk Cas* of Scicidi bt Mokphini ? A
member of the Senior Class, Robert Troup PaiM,
?on of L>t Martin Paine, of New Yoifc., ni found
dead on a sofa in tua own room, in Hoi worth?
Hail, HarvvdUniveraity, Cambridge, at 10 o'clock
on Sunday evening. A bottle of ether, nearly
emptv, was in his hand. On the table were two
amall papers, one containing 20 (train* of morphine,
the other emptied of 32 grain* of the name ? an un
corked bottle of chami>agne, with a small quantity
gone, and an empty glaa*? a letter to his father
containing three or four line*, simply mating
that his death was solely hi* own act. ?
Under a newspaper waa a bank note, accom
panied by two memoranda, to the following effect:
"1 take H2 grains of morphine in some champagne;"
and?" 1 leave this bill, that my debt to the 'Hasty
Pudding and the Kumford Societies' mav be paid
from it ' He had undoubtedly committed the act at
about 2, P.M , on Saturday. Hut room mate had
spent the Saturday and Sunday in Boston, which
was the cause of the event not being sooner
discovered. He had evidently formed the do
sign of putting an end to his lite as early as the
morning of Saturday; and the perfect coolness
with which he made his very simple hntl dispo
sitions, proved him to have been in the full posses
sion of his faculties He was indented to his know
ledge of chemistry, of which study he was remark
ably fond, for the quiet way m which his posture,
and the composure of his expression. showed him
to have died He was so eccentric a* to t>r almost
a proverb in college, and the Ust melancholy act
of his life was the strongest of all He was of a
remarkably amiable disposition, and beloved by his
rlassmates. His age w*? 21 years. Dr. Wyman,
who was immediately summoned, consioers the
unfortunate youni; mmi to have been, without
doubt, insane at the tim- of committing the deed.
? Button Trantrriyt , AJ*rch 11.
lLL.it.aa Oi SiuiTiii Conwiv ? William L Hodge
Esq . Secretary of tba Treasury, ha* been appointed
by the President Acting Secretary of the Treaaary, la
consequence of the Mcknre* oftbe lion Thomas Cor
win. who, we regret to learn, ia still confined to his
chamber -- Rational lutnllig rru er. blarth 18
OineiAi RKccHi.MTien . ? The President has rsceg
nired Carl Wendt, of Milaauki*. Conxnl of the Ducby
of Brunswick and Luaeburg, tar ths Stat* of Wlsaon
D*m< atlc HUceliaBjr.
Michael Oibsou. convicted at Beaton of a violent out
rage upon Keaiah A Wheeler, baa been feat to the
State Prison for tan year* III* wife has not ret baen
Klla Deron I* on trial at New Orleans on a charge of
arson, in taring set his oeu hoars on fire He waa in
sured tor #7,400.
It t* stated that the descent made on the Hjston
gambler* wa? made through the information ot twe
young men from Albany, who had lost 916 UOOby them
Thi ridai March 13?6 P. M
There was mote buojaoty and more activity in the
took market to-day. Price* fer nearly every laaey
cn the list In proved Harlem and Heading Railroads
were operated in largely, and most of the transaction!
were tor carh At the first board Brie Income Bonds
advanced X per cent; Can tou Company, 1 Kdgsworth
'a; Portsmouth Dry Dock *?; Erie Railroad, Har
lem. ttf; Stonlngton. S Kcadlr.g Railroad V and
Erie Convertible Bond* There wu altogether a
better Seeling abroad, and there were decided lndlca
ti< na of a speculative movement In the low priced land
sto:ka. The margin for moving them upward is eo
prvat that pnrohaeors ar* plenty - more so than tellers
Railroad stocks generally posses no new feature Bar
lem is well aoetained ir .he face of a moat determined
opposition from the bears The favorable prospects at
this company have created many strong friend* %od
ev? ry lot offered is at orce taken Those who dosertod
this ccmpany in its adversity are among its warmest
friend* in prosperity.
The receipts at the (fflce of the Assistant Treasurer
of tti* port to day. amounted to $88 136 ?0 Payments
$3(0323 &S Bala cor >8! 30.290 07 Of thi* payments
to day $200 000 was on account of the Mexican Indem
nity The tctal "amount of the Instalment lue in
Job*, on tbe Mexican IcJemnUy is $3 W0 00) Tbe
gtvernment is anticipating its maturity
The Irviiig Bank will ctmmence bua.aess on Moo
day tbe ?-?4th ln*t , when fcrtj per -?nt ot tbe capital
stock will be pa j able at the i aatttutica. No V*0Qreen
wleh etreet
More than line hundred thousand iollars Of the
capital stock ot tbe Bank at North America lias s'.roa
dy been subscribed, anf* th- bocks will be '.loied on
Bator Jay ol tfcls week vnleee th- stock is previously
taken This bank *11'. ->e.upy rooms t imp rarlly
opposite the Baik of ? ? c atte
i Tb* Free Bank b li I * j****d the Senate of Ohio
by a vote of fifteen to t* it It will without doubt
become a law
Hawrrad projects ar ? -iu * ply.nt fast o '<?'-t?ra
New York West Cf tbe Genesee rivr we bav or are
to have, the Buffalo ar.a Rochester roal. one hundred
acd forty miles er thereabout* of the New ioi'j and
l Erie, the State Line read: the Buffalo na 1 Uoruells
vllle tbe Buffalo tcil Cohuctca tbe Buffalo and
Niagara t alis tbe Buffalo and ' ockpoit tbe Rojbes
ter aid Suspension Bridge the Uene?*e \ alley and
tbe Buffalo and Dunkirk. If all IkMS pro,*-1.* now
In enbryc, m* carr'- 5 ut '.beweetern part the
State aill be ' ptst'y w? i ut up an 1 rakoad.aoiU
ties will be bicugbt ain.i*t t .? e- sry man s do?r Any
oae. on locking over th! i f< rmldabls .set would nets
rel<y ccase to the conclusion that th* people ot west
era New York lave an abundant- ot ?utpli. capital
to rmbaik in these enter prises with and a .arge
an uit of buiiness to do to maie th* tn**a ment
As considerable an (let y emlats to i?f? what th* m
tual mtantag of the new law rero'a-'n? the aporaico
ment ot imported m rcban*. ? * i* wa ana i '.lie act as
passe d : ?
An act te amend the a-*s r-gulatl g th> ppraise
Bent ct import* d merciau'lse and for < tb?r pat
KO? e*
e tt Miarted by tbs KeneteanJ Hct" if I. epre ta
li ves ot thet nlted State* ot America in Coniir**' a*a*m
tied That In all ca-e* ebrre tbire i* or ahe>. be lmr?oaed
any "i I'tUttm rate ot duty on any gooJa war?* or
merchandise incr : ino the I nlted > ?!?? it ahall
b* tbe doty of tbe collector * tbiu *u - ii strict tbs
mb' afcail b? imp ?t?d or er.?-r?d tc "aase tb> actual
market value or ? bol. -ale price thereof at tbe period !
ot the eipi rtall'a t> th- t alt B'l.es .u the ;>r'oci- I
pal markets of tbe ecu. .try tiom wbich tte aame ahall
be imported into tbe t ultel State* to be apprtieed,
estimated st.U a?fertaifc ' aid to such val i* or price
ebali oe added all e s I* ar d rh?'r' 1 ?*e*pt insurance
and inrludlr,* la *??' > rase a efeittg* tot eom missions
ai tbe usual ?ai?e a? tf tru*v%, se at th* p >rt <eb*r*
the sane may be ?nl*red upon *hirh 1 it >* - hall le :
Sec 1 And bo it fnr'l?r eaaoted That the rertifl
ca'e i f any oae ot tlie ar printers 0i th t'n.teJ iltates
of tbe dut ahle value of aoy tmpor <1 ierrb*ndi*e re
quired to be arpralee ?!.? ?r d-em ieudUlen
(? Oe I he appr*i?eB>?i,t of (urlt me-.baoJiee ?- ;?lr*d
by eatstlnir la** U be a-ade f.< S'icb sppra's*iS V *>d
*t?re merrbaao i*e si al be Oateved at r>ort*w:. re
there ar* no appraiser* th* certftlea'e of 'te revenue |
? -er t* ?b< m I" ec.tr ir te i the **tlmat:oK an I eol
1-etwn of du'ie* ?if the dutlab-e va a* of nor m*r
ctsr. 11'* r?'j'ili*d to ?>* arprutsel shall l?e d'ened
and takea ' b> the a) ( *H ?e,nent of eucb merchan
dise reqiiir*d by eslstti * !a?i to be made by ?t:?h re 1
vsnue i ffleer
?ee 3 * t>e it forth. r enacted That iKer- *ba4 b* ,
at i-olnte i by the Ifreetdert of tb? t n"ed State* by ,
an *lth 'be ?'l > ir? as? cos seat ?' the Senate four |
aparaleers ?f merefanti>e to be Mowed an aanual
? a'ary ? 1, of t*? thoc ar i #ve bnndr*-: i illarf. t*. I
geth> r wl 'h tb> !r a' ??' trave.'.li- experts. . to be ra
? ulsted by the ?err?*< -y of the rr*a*UI/ ?hr ?tall b*
employed la vleit'nit tnih r-' rf * of entry In the ''nlted
Star# ? oadsr tte filrectlot ? f the *al I Seiretaiy.as '
may be deemed u" 'ul l>? mm lot the s??iirity of tbe
revenue and rh* I at su'bpirts a'-rdsn h aid and :
ae?lstaneeln tb* appraisemxat of j>.TDan#l*- thereat
*? may be ds>m d neceeear) by fh* Sso'e'nrf of tbe
Treasury t>< prot. et and MM nniformlt) in '.Be eol
eetjo* of tbe reveane roc. custont' and wh?rev*e
pmitiraMe In ca*?e o' appeal fro* ?he dei*isk>r> M tat
' r.lte<) Smiee apprel**i* ut I- pt -vlsion* of *h*
reveateenth *? rtt' a of the ta. '? .of tUlrtl 'h Au |
gust ?'? bte? a hundred and f< rty t?o thet .1 eetor |
? t-ml select one i i?*t? t an] ?ip*rt*ac?d met-V .i.t to
bo a* -rr-at# d with (*? tf th* apt alsers app >tj*?d
nailar the provtr n*oftb-aet who toe bar, shaft a^
ptale* tbe gri <i? Brjoestbn and if they shall dl?
scree tb* ' olleet r ?bal. deei<* ? beteeer, t.k.??. at. 4
the apptalremeti* ' ue dt-Winiard shall i*C.al anl
deer> ? i and ta*> n to h* tb* t ue v^be of sal food*
sad tt.edntie* shall t>* levied heee. n ae<ror<Jlo(l]l any
aet of < i rp* ?* *o contrary notnlthstanJlng
fend A ? ?! b* It Iurtb?r e a-ted That this aet h*l,
tak> ? "?et ea ai. I al'-r It * ' '*t lav oi April vie ?' aad
all acts aad psrts of aer* MMnsletont with t be pre
vis Ion* of this aet be and the **st* are brrtb; re
Appr*v*d Mareb 3 IH.'.I
It has lK*n stated that i hi* bill affard* great* pro
teetlon to tbe lr< n and c ai Intereit but w* <lo not **
cn*trne It Th* ot,ij pattlsitlar in whleh it differs
from the acts of Itilail iMf so far a* this fentur*
i* e?ne?rt5?d I* tb* *ci>>tltuM. n "f th* wordt 'the
period Of eiportatlri. '?> th* I nited Stat'* for th* i
w?-rd? the tl*' aim P'ir> . a?e ! ' tn MtWItlSt !
wf h the d< e|*tov ? of lb' c ??* aad lt)?tru-'i"n?fe t
tl- I 'sksnty D'| artmi t>* nM el. r* ?* for fr ight are ,
eicitd'd In making up n e alu m # e h?< li*e I** '
ported " h r* i* tfcerof rs no a' ration la *.he larW
art a' T * *t ?! eo ?"?re pro- ..'-t| .n !? ?*t*r.1 '1 * "? *"y I
tnt?re t 1 r.e a!t*fa'|oB il' frfltMl nrt'l] ' r.Hli,<i t
lb? aji'iUtSIf II ?r*'?- ? *? I
tie da:-' e,. table I?b Mt ? f b? ? dtt'on Of t *" h ? <1 I
-If . ? itai.il n ks s d Of. I *1? n la th ? Stale on
tb* 11 ? ? l>ee* nb- ! e"o to tepe.rta wer ? e .-?'* ? t *
? ' ? t- r l ??! IHe Co-. ? >e I . M |
talk* an HtHriy ?U*aifl?4 ta tt* UkU, ?kl?k will
Mo tiImM* m a nftttoM:
??u or tub Stats or liw Tuti l
Dkuuu. UH.
Kuu M liMI
Iturorptr It led Bamki,
Nrv Ytrrk Cty.
Buk of AMorioa. .
Buk of Mow York
Butch. ? Bk.
City Book. ... .
Oreonoish Book . .
leather Bob. Bk. .
Manhattan Co
Beohanica' Bank . .
Hooh iwTiadere Bk.
M>r<h?n'o' Book. .
No'iunal Book . . .
N Y Dry Dock Co.
Ptenii flank .....
ItMith Word Bk..
Tradesmen' a Book.
Un on Buk
j ^8.
? 0^5
: asf
2 .*8*.?;
1 ?:,n
3 613 869
*45 944
3.632 m?
193. VI
3 061 669
1 13.1 aw
2, as*
? Xr
: 1
1, 124,82*
1,17V 364
.?6)5 (*11
lay. 190
n*t 017
87 ft.m
14 352
87 404
Bimkut Atn>ria
Nmh, h Y. ( Ufc.
A naeriooa It. Uk. .
Bk < I C< DBtrc4. .
Do* try Book
Br< oiio>o> Book. . .
Chen icol Book . , .
F?itoo Book
Beck Bk. A 1 ion*Q.
Mercantile Book. .
Hire! oct* Ex Bk.
North Hieer Book.
Occro Bonk
Phi tic B?nl
36 321 4(2 8,719 27# 4.431.3! S 27.14MW
*880, ? 3
MiM 4
;<m>. 177
1,1.19 ?-i
1 .S43.1M
1,366 117
1 213. 1 33
134 951
10* 198
329. 10:1
9,li -'5
2S5 Mi
112 0.17
372 98.5
23,047 901 2,253.531 2,345,838 13 109 793
T" o'?. Ni* York *
Cit> Book* . . . >69,369.343
tjthcr lnevrporat?l
Albany City Bock.
Altlaatio Book. .
Book of Albany ...
Book if Chi naa*o.
Bouk tf OtieMi.. .
Boi<k of Gaaoto
11,002 100 * 677.213 t0.5J6.J91
Boiik of 1 oaeinf b'c
Book of NnwbunS
Book of Orange Co.
Buk of Orlenao . .
Bonk of Oirr(o. . .
Bosk of Po'kotpaio
B01 k ol Hove ....
Book cf RolUa. . .
Rook of Troy
Book of Whitehall
Brooklyn Bonk . . .
BreooiF Co. Book. .
Catak ill Boiik ....
Co>u(0 r?o. Bank. .
Central Bonk
Chautauyne Co Itk
Oleoma* Canal Bk
Baaci Co. Bank.. .
form bk of Troy
farn-'ra at 8 Mo
B<-fo?turon' Bak
Borkimer Co. Bak
Hi jklaod Bonk . . .
liudaoa Ririr Bnk
Jefleroon Co Bank
Liniiton Bai. k . . .
lowia Co. Bonk . . .
Li?i?K?tou Co Bk.
Madiaon Co Bk . .
Modai ice' oal
l irmin Bark .
MsMJ.aaiee' 006
Mcchanot Baak
Mol ?wU Bonk. . , .
Mort*omi rt Co B!i
N. Ycrk Store Bo
0*dcri?ht rRh Bk .
Oneida Batk
Onondaga Co. Bk .
Oatorio Bosk ....
Ontario Brarch Bk
Oticfto To Bank .
Roche. *< r Citr Bk.
Socket'* B arbor Bk
8areio*o Co Bank
Bolunwtady Bank
Co Baak
atmhen Co Bon'j
Toed ' rs Bonk . . .
Touh ' ina C? Bnk.
Troj Cf\y Bonk .
Uln r I uunt j Bk.
W r Co Bk
Tates Cuonty Bnk
1 07-1 962
701 1)40
261 .AM
6U9 369
29*. 0*4
234 004
3*2,1 IS
229 5J6
IV 316
1,066 101
304. IK
207 M'i
213. K49
2tt? 917
242 US1
694, 2X7
3H4, 191
339 201
4 it, 131
24 H 59S
823 Oil
4.10 754
613 l?
239 665
333 42t'
3J4 0O6
?W7 ? .
J33 43H
1.95, 184
246, 0U1
Othtr Pi infct'n ,4>>o
Agricultural bank
Aloary ??o. Koak.
Boll. tin Sto Bank.
Bonk tf Alkie a . . .
Bank of Attica. .
Bai k 0! Ankara. . .
Bunk of Cent W. Y
Bank ol Coining .
B ink of [>ao*i |1|?
b . ik of f ihhkni
Bk of K.oderhook
Bask c 1 1 t v Tillr
Ba'ik ol fowling
Bank <if Rordout
Bk ? 8?irer Creek
Bank m ?>ioeuae..
Bait < f ll ti< a
Ba i.k of V eraos .
Ilk tl t^ntertonn
Bk 1 u ??
U> I Wklteitown
C?u.' -n Bank.
Can 1 ' I.tekp t
CI (? o. 1-aak,.
Cm ? H! Uk, i
I * . ..
Clt . It' I t . C(0
Con I ' .<f Albany
Co u Ifk '? Ki h'r
C a kl U Troy.
C I f Bhito
1 ol!
7??la? tie M 'Di . . .
I ? ? bk ot Oeiieo!""
Pal IT ?t?' Ilor.k i>t
A r >14 r J ? . .
P?i ...era' KiaV 01
fc 11
r*i ? at 1 DiVa Bk
at fca*
To ', an 4 Beek'a ltk
' ? aa 'it*
r. ?>t 0I1 > Ilk
k! Hu bta'ar. . .
Pyrt I lilt Bonk. .
I j ? Jto ? ? Hoik
1oaif*t Of Bari.. .
B >ll'Mtr L>at,k ?<
iaiti en llark ...
L?< M >r Boi k aal
TlUit (MBMI ) .
I?n I land Haok
I.i ? a* r B rvht'? ltk
Bar. |p. of bafialo
Mr ! amo Bank ol
P ?hkeet tie . . .
M - il t and Pa.- 'a
Ilk of Itboco
?t. Bank .
Mo avk v all 1 , ltk.
O. l^e fc vo ? Bank.
pHteh m lin.k . .
lit! I'laioa Hol k
PnoeB M'ak.. .
fi ??>? (> Monk
Sy-kt.1 0 Clt j Ilk . .
liti< a Mtjr Iltrk, .
WaiMii|loa f ' Tli
V olei ? 1. on Ilk and
Ltik UuittB;
13 461
5 6*8
11,; 42
6 266
12 61*
252, 142
149 707
148. is:*
ill ;*o
144 606
1 18.873
243,7 18
143 045
184 >i82
1 1 5,559
1 ,026,589 48.881 lt5,i/7?
7 891
6 810
6 709
8 4.11
lu 2'?
i 17.454
->6, -S!'
126, OH.:
lit 179
252 (IM
183 ti7t
1 14 15
1W 790
140 *06
715 196
II., a:
11 !2 >
118 425
778.849 650,954 3*19. MO t., 832,277
41 1,&56
38* 888
1. (1.348
! rt :too
124 1.6
167 152
7 V 8f 5
20 Ofi*
72 '<70
\ 14. ?
II .7i
^5, 1*3
122 8*8
1 50.MI
3*. 4*1
121. i2S
im a
119 w 1
48l 'i ?J
4* 914
?M tf
111*. ?*?
*4 J19
243,4 I*
74 oil
418,5 ?l
1M.4. 1
111 V5
81 M6
til CIS
ll> '.56
3 961
? ,75u
2 4 M
5 2V2
1 693
1 M
1 w
1 531
* 987
9 8TS
0 WJ
2,2 1 2
7 334
4 MO
8 80S
1 7?7
4,4 ?
89 C>9?
ho m
84 tf!'.
142 647
93 747
IM 91M
78 234
II 55/
26 ?8'7
;?8 m.i
86 >49
120.6 '2
* ? ?8
f >71
162 I 9
108 *<a '
105. 1(1 '
41.11 1
4" '7
102 H-r
13* ? '
*2 n i
168,1 B
14- **
111.3 4
131 894
"? *:??'
98 MP
Ml 544
'? J57
Til", 674
?1 *).
: *0.1*10
M, -82
?,*4fl W.VJ
? I1.17M01
! tlbn l> u'wil ll-irk,
A tit*, i fin, k ?
iBtnll Dok I '? .2
An.-i i' "n bin I . .
lirnk Jiait l" i'Ik* JOI.M
Ilk r,f C?)Ut? l.#l.?
l-k .1 In r?ir? ftato 1M
B?%k of L*?? Ertt. 131. '?>
I'k if Nt? ImMA' ?
lit >n ?t< r* 6, t'u 111,011
15 ili' ? Mf<H . VIM
K k k ? i?f Kttl 244.7m
Ci mi | ; ?.?. Bank I. -?1
CVu- n't Bti k f?? "JO
C< u> I frt i I All*.
C wUili (Ui fiti.k 24 I**!
0?,1 V. bank
Dl < II Cltl bt Hi
i i? ? ?( OvB'r J n
Dai i -a' tut 7U
lit\ l>k Rrtthw.a 67.416
tu > : *i Is. r?io M r?
Et Dk f I ? rkp< rt 174,176
f?ii i< tint of
D'ail' B C ?rlf ?
ft n vtitir.ii -
frtL?lla fur.k ?f
O -
Trt u U?o * ?(
Wuhii ?' tn Cc *16 <N
t' ? ? n?i k . . . : i v
B ??114*1 t.i Btnk '-aOIT
H? "ir : Htik 18, W
11 J * hi'i B**k
?? i <?i? ..... wn
II illltlfit I Btnk '6 46,4
Hirkiti Ktnk IT. . I
ln'l ih k?r Bk
B? 'a* , n* Iti.k . . . 17 J?*
IhMi'i tut -.1
r? 4. hi#
M ;Mni' link of
? in ii Ct 1 ''??
M ?b(i ? > luk >f
Erif 0>?Btl ... ?
B ? ? it B ruari
Bk ' f I* a* Mdi Co S6, *1
B T f ' uritj BV . , ?
B. V ?i"k Btnk , . 10^11
B'.I'I rw Bk b. r.
7> iti .ib Ct?tl Bk M ?*?
f?i ?*? rt 1 1?? Bk
0???t (' ':?<? Bk ft i'3?
ri:i>jri Btak , , . . ,">4 X4
I'ht ? )'? BalBfc''**
If -i Btnk,. . ?? :~
frt'inH'e Btnk IB)?*
r.Mtr, ?? In Bk Wt 1
K ?fi?i '*1 Btnk 171,4.?>
Fit'' B* ?B*a?r?itt I "I
f -..ik C ?? Bt.k W..U0
?|.)ll?t? U Btak tn 71
t mBIm P?ok ... hi I *
\ ill-. Bt?k ....
t' ll t * H?? k <f
L- 1 kf< ?t W I >T9
W ?> tn l>ti 1 #f
W ?<hir?'i?B Up . .
?Ki ? *??? . . I1" ?' I
? i ii Miiti Bn k s
W t ' inti. ? lH?k ? v
?? TI4 $C !>3M. |'i $.,.'i72 W2
77. 17?
H' Ml
!2T ?
67.. W
l?. - w
1. . iHt>
? IB
1*7 VH
?* 7r>9
>? M*i
lit 444
; ? /<
2 60'
'I *75
4, 1S6
1 ill
t <UJ
? KM
I '."A
. 4M
i m
I in?
fB 7 <1
i <l ??
4* "tt,
? iT
!2 2-4
1*7. IM
I?? i- 1
19 7 ??
in m
i< ??
:?t. -if
1J? "I-,
?*) i ?i
!W> it?
!I f'S
a ir jo .j
- ii
41 i
H Mil
6! im
?0 *71.114 Ml'TKi't' $1,141,611
t-f ? II3T7? rjl4^ aTiW.M
Onn'i iMtl ?? 07*
f #? T?t?*7 f f <h? IrM >| it-m* pNWilt tu# m ill
(4lil>l'B'l< ?
It'll ri Tin "t*'i |i Tat.
<?l>l"?l .. i KpttU .. illMf.TM
f'h ' l?fiO? ... S* I2< W* 0* Ii I'-rna '.I 15011
M 0B1 (47 Pub N*?rrlti?< ll.i'i:' "M8 !
I tllurr 16 l? ?4? rilTBt* J') i;i F? ?n !
T i ... | lit 04."' V ? I'UI . . %X4ij>JMfr,??9 '
If an ??' < tj ihl? .. tli#*. t b? k? i. it f I". ? Pi?i? on
Ikttl-Ul PrMBMIM i.?J? jrr,.j. I $1.4 ,?0 4M i
ff *? r PnWlltMM ii>'l?<*lBg ' t 7 , fr?. |
0B<?r'r in if <1 M.? k..ritt <*f ?l?lt l.t?lB)r*tt
< f tf j in iolj ?litnntli' ( i'l !??!?? t. .n'hn Th 1
Nw ?l 6l?ftllM( ku l64t>a *UfJt ta , i * pt f
p.?* nal iht t9*Bl BB?u?t r.f I an* an I ! a iBImall
??? It. IiNbMI IbI f f?afar than Man; pr.*? m
I ' T . ?BC*,lt?fth ?iW t'.b tL.pr 4 3- la
tbe leading teftrtiHlti, it ftv* pari*!* within twalva
Bmuiiu Movxmxrt tati Or New Yoax.
Bah net of
. , l.a ant and i _ . ... l.iabihlui,
ej Specie.
Die IMS.. $46.6*1.708 $)U8M?.Nk IMMVI ^4 ?S,?W
M?r 30. IH60 . . 17.S61.1US 11A?T?M 7 7*?,1W? ?>.'? ??
June 0. lSJft.. 17.779.7W 1I7.52I.W7 ll.M?l.1? 71 213.182
?ept. It. ltti-.. 48418.782 121644, W4 10.rt4.VS*) 77.UI8784
l>.o 21 IMO . . 49.8M.8J0 128,704.189 1I.9S7.7W f3.17t.l77
from Dtc . 29th, 1849. to Dec. 21st,:l860, th*r* had been
an lucre*** la the banking oapltal of tha State, ol
>4 326. Ill; Loans and Investment*, $W,0?4,33?; speoie^
?3.8714M, balanoe of Habilitia*. $11, 703.817. T or km'
tine past there has been ? disposition exhibited by
capitalists to (tart sew be ks, ill more than half a
doien bare be' n filled up, seme of them with enormous
capitals The great abundance ol money, and the dtffl
ou.ty experienced in finding investments for oapltal.
productive aa wall ai stcura. has besn one great oause
of the recent rapid increase of bank i g institutions
The banking oapltal of this city will t> , a* soon as
these banks get into opera'.ion, about seven millions of
dollars greater than 1 was on the 21st of December
last The commercial classes have invested largely in
tbe?e new banks and the payments of capital will r?
du the deposits in the old banks ol Wall street.
This may for a time increase the drma id tor moity,
as the beaks depend upon their deposits in the
regulation loans and any reduction will o(
course, reitriot the line ot discount*. As soon
these uew money manufacturing machines get fairly
into active operations, tbey will, of c >urse, discount
largely , and very soon fill up tha vacuum. Money
must for a time, be drawn from the ohannels of com
merce, which may produce a temporary stringency in
the market; but ft full supply will soon flow In from
the new sources, sad the demand for ali purposes satis
fied. Private credits have expanded rapidly during
the past year, we may look for agreator inflation during
thepresent. The basis however, is continually.bat
gradually, improving, and we htvo no apprehension
that a revulsion, approaching in severity that of any
previous period, will be again experienced for some
ye ars to come. Failures will, without doubt, take place
from time to time; bankcuptey overtakes mercantile
houses in every stage ot public prosperity. Suspen
sions for a time cheek the progress of those immedi
ately connected but tbey soon recover, and the parties
directly concerned take pl??? again among tha most
prosperous. Compared with previous returns, the
augmentation of bank credits has been enormous but
compared with the davelopement of our resources,
with the immense extension ot > ur commerce, with
the progress ot internal imp-ov non's. and the in
crease of population, the expansion of credits has not
be -n by any means, excessive, at le ist, not sufficiently
so to endanger the general prosperity of the country
at '.arge Individual speculation and mistaken calcu
lation, frequently leads to ia&ividual insolvency, du
ring the txlstecce of abundance In the money market,
and the height of public confidence, but tbey should
be no it or e taken as evidence of weaknesj in the body
financial and comm rcial than diseano. the effects o*
di? ipation ani exposure should be taken as evidence
ot the get oral health of the community at large
Stock. Eithange.
SI I 5 C's I lif, J?sh? Alh Ik to ieo KB Of
<>hio<.'r IK 0 It"1-# IV) Lost t? lead Kg 23..
.t (< h v.Oi ou t). ,1 BJ 4 1 J ' it)0 da ?3 0 2;>X
ln<4/ t r ? lue< n e 1'. 1 i do 23
20U-0 do bOO 9* 7S.) a- ? JitiR BR 00*
l(4lo iio IX l:il (1 9 Go,',
j, 4') fr*e Cfa?. lf-71 9"' i ?'0 da 1>I
4V?lis< it> Bank Hi tWJ do i-SO 61
It N Hirer Mi III IW rt> e."0 til
.1. US N V 1X1 US' di .10 (.1
I* Iik h; p: p?f H' 0 do 61
l(lo |e rew lfli Co ' <1 do >'.0 <>H?
Co Jo :'i lOQ do 1 30 C 1 -?
DO Un lu M 8t jaiagton RR 41)4
M'Cso'. nCo t id 5l) <0 N orwic l RR <13
M> Jo ?. "i -i liar eui prsi J lll'<
7?t*n?RR H'? lUsd&iudKt ?i
T,y . HH; : .11 l?Jrt? D 1*0)1 US,'
!4? ?) ?? a ri- tu W.R S-"'. ?l dn sfill US
.i?i (In C.vSi luuNVScHatR 1MW
2>o do l >30 UAkj 13 da llS^
IMi a MO Be;, ' l Rauaiu* RK t 2a 76
l?i Jo it) 6-', U* >' il 1' k'l Ct Id
2S A'.b i ?<rfisa RR 9t)
wcowd Bo*nr>
$20t?; Rn? Caovsrt, '71 W4 M "ti? NorwieJi RR M
44Wfclia II ?? 01 RR Mtti &0 ii.'eewor'h Co i\
MO 'lo bit M do 10
300 do l>3 &-'? 00 (to 'J\
11410 do fclO CH* ioO Torts D Dmi u;w 14',
St*) StJdicg Bit 1U0 do .0 1144
100 do 304 bis luu da IIS
t Br< - tit ?i?; e?i 4; sCO li^t
So do 81
THtasiiAt Man b 1! 3P S
ifd ~Flo> ? - Tbete was more fra?it?ns dls
plaredin the market h * i bt .^w grades of Htate and
Western to day and the demand from ihe eilj tradl
being fair end for tke haet. more active the tenden
cy '?t ike close was upward In oth'r qualities a good
buslotss nas done it p-iees rather more tav?ra?le for
the seller The salea ?t JoK*stie reached . 6W0 bbis ,
iccludtbg No ??ut?'tne at 1 4 V5 i (4 81 '? ordinary
tochoueHtate at (1 60 a ni. tulxed to favorite In
Jlaua Hi d Michigan villi New Orleans at $4 til a
ti 81 '? ; puie Oeueeee at f 4 81 a 54 W tanoy do and
t'bio at 9 I a 1$ fdj and extra Chin uud Uenee?e at
tb f.7 a f 1 60 In < an. itan we have no uew feature to
rtpoit ft market -onllnueO dull and price' nrmlnal,
st J4 CiS m bonl Bouthei u dour being more freely
cTered t -uistket aas receded an i the iuijulry was
w< ?- SO a' live We Dbtleeil sales of 1,000 ba.relt coin
m< n to good, at fel (o a >4 76 aa i fancy, at H a f & JO
Rye Houx ass dull and heavy with only a limited busl
^?sdt'rfr a' f ;; r>i Corn M eat *tt firm but the
1- n.ai.d ??s light J 1 rssy aoid lu .ot s ?i f 3 oC and
Hi so mu -at (3 1 1 ft < hwlieat rlour co:iltnued as
Iwt J with moii-ra - sales There ?as more la
t to da j u part tor milllag and for
prnvlrt-s brt tha fioii.e???f holders rastrlct.-d the
op<ratUn? Tha only traasaefoa r-ported on Chanye
was a let o? 4 0 0 tusbel* ('.ma luu in bcud at
$1. sboalng ? matirlal declia* from last MM
h-y was s<.rce. and he J 1 rmlj at Hoc for North
r. ? * which ?as an a'leanee S COUtim ?d
eearr* aad rot?th wanted The last tale of p laje two
roae J wee at $1 20 a higher rate Is now asked llm
/.> K i aas u' tpl-nty %r J 'he ma ket was oominal
at M I! a fi lit (feu ??tf 10 r<od lupuly, while tha
merks: was quiat Northern brooghi Slao'i? lore
ta ote, atiU.lere?y 4" a '\>ni w?" more firm
a.r.x 'vh qaotat ns w?t<- *nalt?-sd The receipts
w?r? v??j tlmlttA, wbha fha demand es^enaiii tor
I.'eloaolast was active I'be operation* romfitse 1
u> ut ? .0 bt sUals new yrlme yellow aidordlaatf
wbife at C7r
IVnn ,'slnce cor last the market lia? ':??? less
aiilmafe.i bot qtiotfttiuns ccnt unad ' rt: The sales
ItoilUde 2/0 bsgs Klo.atlla TI'Vc aid 1 -a all lot* of
Java a 1 0 n'ler d-senptloB# st j.iwvicas figures
C"iT?- 1h?it?' "t was bettar ->up|>lled by holders
to dtj at I t'.e sales w*re report' ; only at 1,'iOo bslss
j' --Park Thejea-s lee* iu jOlry for Ohio,
U day and t ti e msi h?t for ue a iness was a sha it easier,
ohlle other (taaeilptioa* were Arm Rome 100 barrels
have ' e 11 -llspof 1 rl at (1tC7 a tlC 44 for new wirs
? IJ ' ' ini el UlSMornsw p'lme -n'l ? if > f- r old
Th?ie?a-gOOC demand for l^eet una i'.e t-nd?a *;? waa
slisbrij t j wa'1 ?!,'?? cf IW b*rre!? haee b?en mad*
a' $8 T n (10 "J *or bi a me* , c^cutr^ and city in'-pee
tloo, at.d a f 41 for pr'u.e Ti-ree Be*f was qolet
at d tbe usaet wa*h as; at (l a >16 !>e<fllami
? itoili extent of 1C0 bar 1 el*, at $U M< at vblah
f b* infctkel *a*very firm r ;t meat* were *t<-ady.
at' lii in' 'e ? ' ? r* , >est at ? . a 8 ' ,s f r h?in? and
is l.ard wa> a trtfle betle- an I tbe
si 1 | ly ? as 't*hi Tteialee tar de 150 barrel" new
ptioe at> e l!utt?r aod rt *e ? rerna n" t as >i*tlre 1
wl't. fs'r bu?'0 ? dolPK
? *!U?X? JCLt-XU 7:jtnu
rroci ?ai s?
Fmiiai.> ?hia. IV? FV-cm />?ir4-|l,M( ftn 6't,
, *. i ? >,>wi tw &*?. :? t*. * i ??' W ft,
I Ik * 1 01*' ? ti%rd?n t> ? l'?l*,. ???I K??4m* ?'?'? ft, SJ:
mCij'rH b.'. W\ )|V; I !?>.,
?7. t{0 1 0 Vf, '<7. 1 I O'ti *> . I?4H ?' 1W Uhltk
(? ) , IkO prtdiM t ?lltold id*, ' l. Kft?lin* Mil
r?.f I ft .. H I0> ?? . J\: *K) 4 ? ?; Sfb K 18
Olttr i Htik I i"J8i?nt?rt B?r ? Tin ,7?. Afttr tin f??
II ??* K*t<lifi<-t> W * i # M", 1 8 >?'ln>?4 il,
J % M?o.kl.*.k I'VJ' . Itfc'de . '"It " ft" 4n.
.? y 1 J?o irrf. f .N i r i.i * i - T?m
, i 4 o?r t?t #'?, ipi I.' Chw k D*l. . >m.
I V- I. ? ?? H?i fit! ??'. IIP -? fitnk. JO.. I< '? ? Hrtrd
B<t> ' , 3 Pfti?r. Mlioiitnt. ," ,r Hal. t~U0 ?????
Baitt?oi>?, Mwh 11 ? *> 't<* M.IIW mitlnmfi
|K7' l'X~i ?'? th? Mttl.mltt' ???.? I- l.i 4*. torkka't
: ?Tim d HK. 23 iHido.timf 23 % t>. ?rd t" U lt?l ?
r?6? lf#P. cU??4 tt l^k M4 UV, mkfl. I.tlvkort
tr>d vbift BM Bondu IM, ti\ k'<>, 1-3 t-k?d d'. ?h>r??.
) '4 75 uk 4 Tnl MtC(nlmltii4 tj\ ki>t ii ?*k?4,
Bt.'iirftr* ??4 8u?i*rbtrt kb, J}' , kl'l , ??)?<? I
PmIMBiwImI MmiCIi 14 IBS!
mm Mffta .. .. ? IW | itcnn ??*?., . .
rr? <n?. ...... ... I 61 i Kt?? w at til ? 'I
f <?.u-r?- tirriri City, Wilto*. Ck*<T.-?. Ktatkai B?r
n ' r rii. tdvlpbik.
S:<iy< cttiirlon Cnnml.t W??t. m. Prom k llitkt. Snatk
Ri r Tal'tnts, N w O'IcMt Barmirk. Fretni??, MokiU,
lul r k Vsrtill; ( *tt.4fn. Ah*li>cb4, Cb*rle?tek.
Cnti- Htitttf F ??? (Bwl ri??e. HottfttilitB, Fnno1! k
H? r'l T'.'trik |8* ), Wl?? m*?, * m< t*r4?k>. *-? J W 0*f
fto. Vfcfin* Ty|fH?, H P Buck k Co T k P Woo4??r4,
? tit-. in* llkrito* k Pftl'. Clilld' Bkrolrt. Kiih,
4', J i Ttjlnr K> Inu II fair, l**iuB?b; kttaftl On It.
B .< Kill Fit B< 4f? r4.
I ?i i ,r. ' (Brl. I^tmia. (.'*?? IlkT'i, J 8 WhUnftj k
C" fi ; ?? i ? Pr i.4lft?'p? *Mnt ii Qraadr, Pttmllh k 8
B n?r, Bll, L*?t??; 0'>?? lltMh, Pu *?m W < I n> 1 1. c
8 i.rt An.*l?t (8w ). /tiiMft, Br 'mm. Fn?-}. k Mtintkc J
PL' Cl.?|m?k. (''.tfr*!, ^ L M'( 'l<rkC?; Bi n
Wtltt i. Or*f. RiebBi'.ti'l J'ftrt.er n,
H 1 1 irt id- %"b?-it I I*, fhtrte. Ptil?4< 1|.? it Ittb'IU,
lioti-n, Ii I! Airct. d? Ha/ pp'.-tftn
7? o- In J II % F I. Cfttl" r, Ii "??<?<?)? b, DC ???
Il.rj r. ? ? Boifck Oil?*u, Ptt'uan, <t?
f -<ir?j;p8 oth'r?or, Cl ?rl?fr>? tik Wtff?:*, It nourt,
-ft t ft I fh .4 l?t f"ptl?? trliii rrdt? ?na i ??t?nTflt?,
? i f v >* l.i?tt>? k co r*tk i??? ? ft itnti'-t# 'f
8?r '} L I . tisbtritd ?tf kit with ? tliif fhf.vli ? ? tig??i
??? i tk l?tt?r? o? * ?l ('? i'i14. ?Hh * U?t t-orir r
r ! !'f/l-k Prnrjt|kt), |.<ntf'i*94 PoUt
n.to' r . Hi l> II 4?ft ?n? 4* f ??> tfftrt, to f.rl'i??ll. ? ?
? n ft Cv F.VW, t l| M ktttl ? M??r# hnrriftK"" ti r lit
? b ? ' ! ?? i?f ?, ???Tift4 ??? ri*(t*r u < r'ttittl eti.tr
* t? II ,l?t #A, le? M vbilt I cur ? " rn tlrtt* ikilt.
?ti ttif I by fktfMlftt ?) i I Ibi >1. Cm'.sI from llttr*
I roil.
8 i K?? (ikkHkir*. Ci.vft, U? r?"o\, /?* 14 ?:ir. nin
ltd U t?Mf^?kl n 7 8*?tb? f M 2 kifiki
tbtt |t???M ?tl> )???. I?t .41 *' let M. fttt? b*fk Mum.**,
8a ? 1 i ft lot k
t- i' ? ? ?> Tl?> ?, P U G?>- *">a '? i+rs * '* IV I on,
fca, to J ? Innt k (to. IM Matt galea meal of tl? pm -
?W k? kwi N of IilUtii 7 1*m. Oa the il|hl of tko 7th
iaat, Joeeph Watklai. of Now York, ia a #t of laiaaity,
jumped overboard, aad wm itmti
wyifti""' >untf *" is *?*?? 91(11 ad**> *?
Blip J W hula, Norria, Apalaohioola, IS dtfi, with oot
toa. to, to J H Brewer.
Bark Ollbert (of Bath). Orooa, Bordeaux, 66 ton, with
brandy. ko, to 0 HlUotto. Waa dtivea out of tko U?it Ga
roaao dorian a gate of wiad. with tko Iom of aa anohor
oonld aot pat oat tho pilot, who remained en board Si day*.
6th nit, apoke Fr brig Adclph. from tho Coaot of Afrioa. boaad
to Maieeilloe. who carried tho Bordoaai pilot back; 16th ult,
la i 4U. loa 62, oaw bark Aaa Eiaaey, iteeriag E; 10th init,
oaw a largo another of balea ot oottoa aad a veuel'a bul
Bark Chaao. Chaao. Apalaohioola, SO day*, with oottoa, to
Neimitk a Bona. M> mllea SB from Bandy Hook, paaaod a
largo Mat adrift, auppoaed to have btloaged to a fore-aad
aft tohr.
BrigClereae (of Camden). Peadlatoa, Baracoa, 11 dayo,
with tobacoo, ko. to R W Trundy 8th inat. lat 36 (XJ. loa 71
43, ia* brig Bdwia. of Waldobore', otooriag 8 W, (Edwin Bo
berte. trom 1'ort land tor Ueorgefewa, DC 1; 10th iaat, lat 36
2U, loa 71 W, aaw a aohr, hailing from Calaia, lyiag to, with
bulwark! atovo.
Brig Delma (of Eden), Higgiaa, Cienfaogoo, 16 dayi, with
?ujar. ko, to Meimith fc Boaa.
Brig Yaatce (of Cb err) held), Small, Oarflenai, 14 day*,
with (agar. ko, to Brett k Voae. March 2, lat 31 66, loa 76
6a, >roko Mary Adelia (of South Tboaaeten), Spalding, from
Mew Orleana for flhent, Capt a being very low with the
dy (eatery, a iihed to leave tbe veiael and take paeaago to Now
York la tho Vaakee; ko alao rai|ueatod Capt Small to aap
piy the bark with a navigator. Mr Jeremiah Gray, chief
mate of tbe Yankee, went oa board the bark 1a the capacity
cf male, and tho bark preoeededea her voyage under the
commaad of Capt Boara, U*for??r mate
Bit* Butamoraa, watt, Ckarleotoa, 6 dayi, with oottoa,
A a. to Badger, rack fc Co
Brig John 8 Oirttnga. Vatia. Charlaatoa, 7 dayi, with oot
toa. to Van Brunt fc flade.
Brig Gen Taj lor (of Belfait). Shoto Bavaaaah, 13 dayi.
with yellow pine, to matter. 11th iait, ipiko brig Oriole,
Brandt, h* nee for tt Mark*.
fchr Gov Aadereoa (of Key Welti Sawyer, Mataasaa, IS
dayi. with mclaaata, to R 8 Maitlaad. Waiip to Batterai
in 4 daya, aiace whioh time ike hai had vary heavy weather,
epli' aalla, carried away bebetay, broke deck 1 >ad adri't, ko.
Tbe 0 A 1 relight home as pawen^er, Jamea Tibbey, of New
Tork. teaman, who loft Portland in the brig Harraaoeket, for
Mataniaa, bat when two or three dayi oat had hia foot aa
badly froit bitten, aa to dieable him. Tbeoaptaia of the B,
on arrlvirg at Matan/ai placed him in tho hoapital, where,
from irjuoirir.ua treatment aad acgleet, hia feet beaame
worn aad worie, aatil they tlaally totted etc. leaving the
boaee tipoied.
Schr udma (Br), Card, Halifax, NS, 12 daya, witk ft ah. to
Sell C B Bale, Gilkey. Cape Baytl, 17 day*, with logwood,
fcc to Hardy A f*r<die?e Bai been 7 davi N of Hatteraa
Scbr Eltaaor. Johaaoa, Porto Cabello, 24 daya, with aoffee,
fcc. to Bi ppirg k Mercher.
Sehr Col satterly, Devil, Charleston, J daya, with oottoa.
kr, to N I, McCread)' fc Co.
Bcbr arliniton. Ltwu, Savannah, 6 daya, with aottoa. fca.
h l.r Hoauine, Swain, Savannah, 7 daya, with oottoa, to
Demill It Co
Rchr Ureeiaa, Walla, Georgetown, SC. 6 dayi, with yellow
Scbr Wm I Liggett. Do Croat, Port Royal, 7a,Sdava. 12th
inc. while beating op tbe Narrow?, waarua into by tha uhr
Preaun. vhieh now all tbe etarboard quarter bulwark*,
?totted itern aad inner wotki of cabin, oarried away atar
board main rigging, and eatirely deatroyiag maiaiaii, maat
htop" and mata cron treoe.
ISihr M< aitor. Fence. Watehara, I daya.
He! r Imily Johmoa, Gole, Baltimore, 4 daya.
Pebr 1. Waterbury, Craamer, , to V aa Brant fc Bleight.
S-rbr M*lvme. Height. , to Van Braatfc Sleight.
OUor Wm B Paul' rd Jenei. Provideaee.
Two ?hipa namn uakrowa
U B M iteamir Empire City, Wilaoa. for Chagrin ihtpe
Samicl butit.ll. Lew, tor Oaotoa. Southerner, 8all-.vaa, for
N>-w Orleans. Bvchria d'Orlrani, Button, fer H a tit. New
Worid. Knight, fir Liverpool; Cuttenburg (Bam) Pltera,
Bim^urg, end otheri.
Cap' Roit,, of the brig Americaa. think* that the veiael ko
paafted on Ifunday, 8th luat, waa either a brig or topiail lehr,
ah .* war la/iag ou htr beam endi, with her irate all a andiag.
and tb" isad body of amen laihed to the f?re ebaiaa. She
bsdU-ca aewly | aintod. and had a w jite itroak aad imall
red mru.luitg i tern aUo aewly painted; bottom white.
Thar" waa a laige quantity cf jellowpine Inmber oloea to tko
veoitl, and a beat waa icon, bottom ap, a quarter of a mile
from b r. Capt K tbiaki ihe suit navo capaixed oa thepre
viou i night duriLg a heavy and auddea iqaall from tko
vMtWfd, whrn all hande neriabed At the time he foil ia
with the wrook be waa under close- reefed topeatla, aad blow
ing too l.arl to truit a boat. Be e?uld diatiagniih nothing
to identity her but tbo word "Baltimore " on aer a tern.
The ahip Mcntauk. lloMicbae'e. for Ban Diego aad Bealoia,
la 11 till at acrbcr ia tbo Nona River.
M^mch U? Wlad atluntiae, froa BW; uiotidiaa, N Wi lua
aet ?W.
Tel'giapklr Marina Kc porta.
Boaron. Karon U.
Arrived ?Bark Barward, Mobile, brig Riohard Cebden, St
Martina, Ift-b 111. Lett ibip Iowa, from f) York for NOrtaaai,
a or tdv i
Alai air brig Venni, Cardanan aohri Abel, Story, Cape
Ba;tieti. 1'alKv. Miiladelphia.
Cleared ? ship Marion. Havana; barki John Caakle, aad
Gltaner. d-> I?w)i. Baltimore: Nnhaa, Philadelphia; brig
Fo- "r, do iobr ^rlvanla. UVgbee, do.
Buinvi. Maroh 11.
Activj 1? Rlorp Art,?t Davii, ?om*rvit f<?r NTark.
t ... ltd 12th? Schr Elmira R gjre. Hpe.man. Albanr lloopi
G?tc p. end Burret, NTora.
QNABLawTon, Maroh P.
Ar-ivud-Berk* Tbereia and io^ea Beek, Nfork.
(Jeired? lobr Maria, .
f au. Rivca, Matok 12.
A(i ivod? Bir^p I B Dor-lea. Sunning, Nfork.
> rw OaLuii. Marib 4.
C'earad? Snip Unu n, NTork.
Naw luiroao, Marek II.
A^tlvad? B<br Ontario, Georgitoaa, BU
Rnrroiiv, Marek 11.
Arriv.d? Bohri Maria Jaua, 3umner. Eaitport lor Aleiaa
dria, v'thlnnot IriisuJ davltl, on Htb inc., in a gale;
M m C ^e! < n, l^oedi. lloi'.ea for Philadelphia; C M Waltoa,
Eaowlea, l'rovlneetown for Norfolk; N J Enight, 3atch.de
tor Tanitor, John Maihow, l) er, Beiton, for dr; Fraaeie
I oane, H (.'Uflett. for dv: Camilla, Bliiard, Brandy wiaa for
B' K'"n.
failed 18th. B P M - All the a'-u vc t>xeept ore ichr.
Arnted I t ?i ? U r i ~ Patriot, of Provldenoe, Uagi. from Ma
Iflitaa ll'th ult.
t Barn, ansa. March IS.
Arr ved? ftoos M.Jat, Wardvi-U. N Vort, , via kriitol.
H-iled? nohri Ct.ai Gr'Oin Nortci'.k: Jo?hu* Baker. Flak,
Philadelphia Cfrcmodore Rich Albany, via H Uaven: lloopi
? 5ba M Kirkor. kapoa, Albatu . Wm II tanford, NYork.F
Browa, Garlaer, do
lilJB. March 1}
lug Feb Mew, Africa
rorotgn JU1U,
T.i* i^Okltlt Pk4iij l i hn J%o :.n tnll ??il c n ikiur
4sy, IS n li,iit L?"jr Bkc* trill do so It tL? K?|]ni? K>i >u.
? t J O'uiOOk. A k.
Lcttor Pt.; ? ftr ?t^? ner iit r of Glsig?w, for Liverpool.
*<Uc.o#? st tlit E'ehk. jtr lt-? ling K?^b, (67 Bielikjt) this
4k/, ?? i>-i o'o'cxk
L" ?r lw> t"k?jtr Brotbsr J-.nk'. . fir JitD.ktok.Chk
xr I'kntm* V klj.sroii'i, Cwln > actciln, fen Irkucisrs,
Or'if B. P-nrtw'^h Ma-idi Itc, will ?low ?: tr.t Kmhtojii
8 ftin* Ra.'3) (5? *?' .??>*?> oa Baiardky. l?!L'.ust,kf J\<
0 lc>o?.
m rrit:JWP *<t" nh> -li ?An b? i>r? p?i4
nr??' 1.,<n u.ai ., wilt b? ?? ohkrgs of k i-wiUl
?W ?"??., V,
*%4ko"*aL< ? Bkct krskj? si Hear I! WtU rmS
t I vl, h v ? ssbore s' Chkthksi krrlTs4
? i .-' a IHl Ii a:
!'? II i .ii i lA.ofSklta t btUug kt tfckt port for ka
A hk!< r
n ! ? Ji t rl?U. ri "oris toJliBK in with. Ilk
in* H' him i?i?i is 1 ?t ti 10. ; . ;r P, o ?n?i?tin* ?f
? ' ? lit ri hk .1 uf t IttRi vsr-i, i-,i.'i poril'ks 'if
ts , ? ? si' ' i g > I coUoa. luaioef tk4 stsT't Fr>u> tbs
d-?'r.-ti b. it ie c Imtl; til UBt fttttl INI k) lin fliOl
I" ? Ms- C's'h - -i- ? :j w. i. tlso !? nrrrtl
..lb. r r*?: ?'?
? n Ci I- ? - 1 ? ai.i.-S.. Jrf tkiltknd t >?gtaa of t"us
?? . Itni *1 ri< i>f ttbr It ?rj C klssd i hs risy ?lt?r
i<. .1' .liut ' ???" l.ilTi l C?(il V? Th? klitf wki
mi r i Jin i i , . i tt:Uf ??, tha Captaik ? raaialkg to
?kk ? i o : : iit<l?lp: ik
!? !? I- ii 1 1 i i ? i, I Idrldga, f kk I for c Hirbor from
'1 ?? I .- r ? rtfl likv i r g t ci kwky kit'ts to rl4u Okt
tl.e n is ? trio i i'fi 0?rdi r'? ti-l*k4 wkd t?w#4 Iklo Bog
Ilari rent litl t.j plow; C ty. CkBt I, kfttr *?*
? ??i ??) * ? d' vl tb ? wlikrf, lis-l tli e mi?for
tats ti br: sii 1 > f.lUr U.b? by k str V? from ths'illsr.
?? B illian; *ki cm SilM- u oin ol t' f i?!kn4? in B i?*.ob
liji k' ui v res i.v ? ?i? ' ? i i??i >npliti< bwrifUfj
? t ? ?k? < ii I fr ifft ti p ! ?'?? f*r ?vi? p?rt. whtn tbe
ft tf Ii i %'j 1 i*bt .,t It') >- i ;T ibj it owbM br f.kft
% <1 ? i ' f<*. mil ikrurr a
in i n ?i i in ? rf Mkrrt, kl B I' M. ob
1 ? ? : >t sis. Mki fn.it'.'i" ' n ghr usi j fcin '?<! Msok.
C i Bkt'*?'sn' i r si. t it,* -n lUl 1 ? o ? t ? ? roast bsr
U K*iii? uirrn^?ui')s?'.s.
f? i ?nrij>M/A, Hs'Sk IS-- ( PM
A .tt J Erie J-.'ilik fibs, kkttbttt Ann Kliis*>slh,
W)> t. Iktdirks, ?Cjr. I'srsr o Mi ?l?' b. h?wl.ary>srt ;
It f" ? -< i.M tk I sin s??i*? Mk) ? AI.BS 5omsrn,
f n ? ?, C < ?r? r o Wood, Nf.rfolk, Vs. *m Hurt,
rk? ii S 1' r! Clsri<M Bb<H tludd. dc, Oo> V llrows,
f-n 1 1 , J T' -v C" i
tli Si '? fi'.sl p OipriT, Murdsn. C srlti >B. DC,
liki n J W Ekoi- t, I Mk UsTsn*, I rig Vsrn JSu?, liktss,
III ' ! ?, Js ichts Jniik. Vktfiliitr, W.iin'omon NO;
RkinH*. I.m^rsot f:a't m.or". J I'lb'l'. ll.oipr, Df?p
Crt?b I I ui' n lit ? *. ??*>??, N ? n A i. ? ? Suintr i. ( ouifr I,
n F.I.I' r Oilbt, ColikssMt Mysrs ITart D. KUs
. 'I ?. I'tlifTSSr 8'B<I?J, Ski IB bk? SI 3SH9I Ptkobioot,
likrk, HYork
C 14 st Btkolt'ia Dts IS Msrcnso, DtToii. ( ski fot N B* i -
-. . I -!? r?4 rt p?tu4 dd K;>v 16
A * l *. ?lii <s . Jsa lu, Jobs w oils, Cross. fr#m hBslford
fot Xl'k iflf, tvpi-okti slfkn
A r i iU. Dse 17 II It CMntikB, NB'ifcr l f*)9?r. (kkd
" S?1(I J t. n 11 On RSI *'iirt B?r fU. 43U sp, (sua *14
?' ,,o-oiss) BM ?? ktulfSk, Not'l. Cbttnplcn Dsllt?. N
1 .r4, ?l?st, IS ib'b hsi dsssrtrd kt ist with two boswl;
t? Of SO' Mdk. CnffiB, ?, IM It fUlkCk B?b Ok lotrd
T? br?tk(?B fi hbpt. do BO1 ip, imDwh. Dso 1. Pklpk-k.-o
C ' rt'klid 'I", >;li k?t t'sl"4
Bhlp **11 lis.' *t kkd froin Uklliikor* fkt Li*srrooi. Ilk ikti,
lkt.17 tt on 74 W.
B?i i Ms; ^??iB, C' ll y, hfkws M boors, for IfOrlokkt. ;tb
Int. 1st *7 M l?B
A boik stocin* ? , pkini"4 crokM "nlor up to tin rtil,
wl ' w :i" I Ik' , ?ka p*s?td 1st in* i 1st 28 0-, Ikt 71 II
lii if U I. * si loo, Clkrk. fr< m N Votk for Hstsotk'. Id IkSi,
cB Cs:s ti m
Til- ntspb fro i? Tsr^lsr for B<*t?n. (or Portsraookb),
*u !*.? iGtbiast. Cm. t tfid Firs le'knd snl Mootkuk.
Porilfn Pnrtl.
Biri.Ai.'.?i, bo dkto Mrssitr I n1sp?od?k"s, CkSli, Ir m
NTork (Jkn IM for rillfursls. ts?rlit4 f"r fskls; snitslnsd
i ?>?? dsn kft b? r'Btstt Wi'-h k Br litlt wh?n going (n brig
A "kr.t le. It' m NVoib, dt? srhr , lr??i f>??k?Fk. do.
t.?kiAin?, kbt M?rcl l--r> ' Am vssstlt la port.
(?i < B'lti.st l r ? i ?3 ? Brig JkBf llowta, Mkkatl, 4ilg,
f-'..r? t.isi1 Wiasok, Bolmso, Idg, Hoaistnaift. Tooksr, 4lng, ,
B?l*tn . Roott, I rfgt
Ii'mco* kit r?bI7-Br<? Am Onrbks. lor NTorh, 7 of I
h *kl . ( i.lv Am Tc is?i
Cti.LAO, P>b t Sthr OkWkr4, Hirjlikt, from Bsn PrMeisos j
fot \ sltarsiso. s'<a
(?#n ??, Manli l Brig UkkiBik, ObiUI, for Bostok, low
( u-iin. rtkll Brig Llltn Msr k. UsU. from hVork, I r
Nnrl'kks.wilb isMtrrttri
(,;.?> a (n. i Mi) ksti' 1 1, kbt Tsb 3>>? Bktli CkbkSk, Lit
tl< olu lor Js?o?, to I' kd lor W Vk rb; s br I?cn Niol oln,
Ti ll. uk? k borm htig snd Mdir m r 19th krd otbrri kl
1 rtoro 814 3 th (not mli), bt'g frsB??i ikao, Alsisadsr
At #o P"b W. ? rig Ti pot, for MlkTtn, wig rkrgs
f.nr *i . a?, 1 ?b tl - Brigs ksrklkeil. Utk< it, for NTork, ti ,
dk'r ollit rs ksbofork.
|it?ii?, Bst'l I fl.ip Ckroiiko C Bow Bls?*l *r4, for
BotIM, lAths bork Fowhstkn, Brinbws'tr, for Nk>ib or
rt .Isdolfl'is both 1-r.dir ohkrtor to tsks tlistr *krgos? to lbs
I i.it ?'! I kl os ii-ii. m to Hsrktk, kkd losd for Cowst knd k !
akl it n IVfor both trips.
Pki-Hki. Bkn li 7- Brisi Clrsr't. for N Torh; k'-hra Mkr
psrtt, Ado? iv nnd Mktflowtr fir do, l<V Uln? Bore. ka4
l.?r?t, for >! .t?4ol?hl?
B?rAk???. Itt, Zt- Arr hrig frattM Titm, W*?fik, Bl, i
II t*)s.
V > i A> 7 ? v M troli I- Urn Vioto I r N Tsrk, t ot S dkys;
Olktisba otoi?Mfta4 flthbil hjjg PMriot Hro?i4SB?*
Bai hci'i. Itkl- HmI Ima. Vttwr, I r PhliklstBa'k,
wtr rf ft., kn. ? k ri H -r?. HiBB", for B stoa, Horsti*.
t>'' ' a for NToib, r"k'ly InriJ" ih t>*r brig Mkry Bnnlf.
f'p'titd r it fr- tr I* ' 7fc< rnss.
Ink* II' I'l tp ?, lel.tl Jtri^r Wilt'ti Ukrptr. fsr **sw
Tt ik, l'i (*sj? ltk)ti 1 1 ? fro* do, %st |BtB, dug. kofcrs
*tt . ' i.l, Bi ' I til I rdol rlU4sis, <?tn loolt. ??14, ft?
4r.. mm BUitBtrbtrk, Bw.tr i 4t, IKtfk Bi t t.tt, brig
Ct ' stikt k Bkit. Wkt" l-'?:'-n.
1. iiJ/mim /a a !?- I? r'li) h.n>srl? Pi*ntlot BfO'l'Srt 1
A " ', 2H I. ?l Iptjokk N O'M'ar. asst. fr.m I Oitlsdnlt-'. *
forfal'i't ik, rtroirinit fafiiol, Ms> oak, f ' Hottir for
A rt t , I ?i I i J A 1*- 1st. Stun a, tram 4M]?|||ln, N J,
4- |Mt 9, 1'wUr fr w Battk, wt oirk". ?? 4?ki?s,
MB. tow California far Philad.lpkia. M tk< ?th; Ml
Oriental, fr?u MTtrk for CaIlf.tBiA, coadaaaa*.
Bubiham. F*kB-Bri?a Niger. Spaa, for ai??***t?r. U*
Fr?uk, Tvektr. an* Orampus, Botchki**. wtf ear**.
Bab Bias, w CMesiao, abt Ju I? Ahip Chart eatoa, KMMk
for SFraaeuoo. rest day.
St Thomas, akt Feb 29 ? 8M kirk Fairmouat (Tram DtMH
Ikrt). Philadelphia.
At do Feb 1? ( hwk dot*) brig Abb Q Pratt, of OiWMhffc
SO. hoB Bt Miehatli, is charge of flrat offlear, having loot
aaoborr, snd being compelled to put to laa, leaving CaptaiB
Pratt oa ihora.
Bakta Ckuz, Cuba, Karah 1? Brig R B La wtaa, Oaftaw,
(or EiviBDlb. 14f(t __
St Johns. N F, r?b 20-An brig* Borral, BTorki Slit. Ha
rald, do: Mtroh 3, Aid, do.
TaI-cahcano. Jan 7? Art ship Hut olia, Stall (not bark
MagaoUa, SUela). San Franoisea. Bid Deo '.V, bark Bary ft
Martha, Btnd'ey. Moatevideo, leekiag frt.
Home Porta*
Apalachicci A, Mareh 1? Bark Tiitoa. Merriman. far Pro
vidence, to tall neat day; brig ? S Walioa, Bah or, for Bow
Tort. Bid brig Ptoinio. 11 alloc k, fordo.
Boston, Bart b U-Arr ship> /oa*. baiter, Bhuagkae ?inB
Taik; Bennington. Young. NOrleaa*; bark* Luoinda Maria.
Rich, Tr nidud via Holme*'* Holt; Isabella. Bamphrep,
CuarloetoB; Elm. Ty lor, Philadelphia; brigs J Ooteaberg,
Simpson, Uardeaas; Boicae, Btrattoa. wilmiagton, NO, tib
Bolm**'* D?l*; Mary H. Crowell Philadelphia; J C Pranaat,
Taylor, do; *obr* Baroolona. Millikaa. Bagua la Qraada; Ta?
ltr (Br), Bort?*h. Havana; Q?o W Snow. Dodge Jaok*?arllla?
Tar<|BiB, Otlaaar Norfolk; Eastern Light. Smith. Tangier;
Mary Peavoy. Greenlaw, Potomao River; Luoy Baker. Fraa
?aa, Tangier Tennessee, Black Baltimore; Jeremiah Ia?b>
lag, Corenn. BrandywiLa, Del; Swan Jobn*iB, Timothy Phara,
Li net; Henry, Line*; and Ulobe, Baar*. Philadelphia. Mary
Patterson. Iluteman, do; Abkatt Lawianoe, Allen, N York;
Bengal, Pierce, aad The* Hiz, Hall. da. Telegraphed, bark*
Barnard (cot certain ), from Mobile; Barring oa, from N Tort;
brig Akbott Lawrence, from Philadelphia for B eymeatk.
BUnal for a brig. Old ateamakip Rnropa ( Brh Lett, Liver,
pool via Halifax; shine Oreeawlok, Knight, MOrlaaa*; Dea
ls ark. Thompson, Mobile; Arno, Baaoomk, Apalaekicola;
Damilttc. Elwell, do' bark Daebe**, Laa*. Havana bria*
Isabella. Matthew*. Saa Juaa 4a lo* Kemtdio*; Triumph
(Br), Rolette, Ciearurgoe: Ledebar, Skinner, Mobile; Anda
var, Mayo, Otorgatowa. DC; aohra Marietta, Lovoll. NYarkt
Mary Aaaa, Kelley. an; Aliia Lawtoa. Bobbin*. da. 4l?f
ateamihip Europa (abt 1 PM ); thip* Aleato, Magaelia; barka
P R Baieltine, and Falmouth; brig Kaiakow. Schr 0 A B an
num sld oa fcunday. The aew bark K.dar ha' n?t aid, a* IB
ported; her de>t. nation ha* been ohaaged from Uavaaa, Bat
?he will load for ValparaUe
Baltimore, March 11? Arr brig Priaoaaa Royal (Br). Doa,
Bern.' da; aohra Red Jacket, Lawraaoa, N York; joha Wll
lett*. Waver, do: Shepard A Mouat, Bawl in*. do. Cld balk
Ruth. Llnfrlo, Rio de Janeiro; aohr Sarah Eluabath, Pier
point, N Yo'k.
Bristol, R] Bareh 11? Arr *abr Hanlit, Slier am, Phila
delphia for Providenoe
Fall River. Maroh II? Arr tohr Stray, Dorr Daltimora.
OiLTRiT* n, Feb U? Bid brig Chootaw, ilosion.
la port 24th. ?hii? ?t*r Republie, for NYaxk, Hg; Milam,
for dado, l>rig* Empire, from do, d*p' In!lo\' for Uoaton. Ida.
Geobbitowx, SC. abt Marcli 6 ? 8M brig WIUla;n, N hed
HoiJnica'x Hoi.r, March 11, P M? Arr brig Pleiades, Can tar.
Bnrlcim Hth f eb. of and t*r Oiouor*i*r; brm klolian, lllaa
chard, Philadelphia for Portland, (or Boston ). tch* Chaa 0
Hallock. Davie, do for Boaton, Oniuetli, Heiaett, Haiti
more Ta'inoutb, Maris Utica. DbtI*. Poti'^ul for NewTorfc;
Tangtat. Wa*?, Bo*ion tor Philadelphia; Jarvl* Lv?b. Bor
rougn*, do for N*w York, Rliaa Hand. Smitk. do for Provi
dence; Mutoka, Joae*. da lor Norfolk. K id Rover, Baaoa.
Hyanni* for Rappabaaaock; Li^-ht'oot, Merrill, Boeklaad
for RieMnord.
12th? Arr tchre At.gler. now**. Port an Priaco f?r Bottoa:
John TjUr. Sullivan. Por> au Prince lor b i*to,i; F.lit*. (?f
New York). Friibee B day* from Cbarlaitou for B?* toa.
Ricbard. Saow, Karpal>aniiork for do: Harriet. Rargeat,
Freeerickiburg fordo; Clio, Wtrdaell, Ukltiioor? (or Ca* ?
tine; John S, Boir.ert, Pljminthljr Philadelphia; MataUaa,
Amc*. Roek'and for Mew York.
Md brig Plelade"; ?ch* Ch?* D HaU". It, noqnette, Utioa.
Tacgaat. Jarvl* Lton, Xliia fiai.d fed Rn*ar. Ligbifoat,
Rlna. Jchf 8, Metalluc.
la pert at boob, t-rig Eoliaa; a?hl l>jloka, Aaglar, J oka
Tvler. Richard*, Harriet, llio.
BAMTrona, Maroh 11? Arr ronr Ana H-irvty, Cbapia, N
Inn, M*r*h II, 6 PM? A full rigged bn>. Ia<taa with
oral, and bound for aa Eaelern |>o.- ? panned to *c? about t
o'oliek thia afternoon, b<iiig Hit cmy v?*aal inward or aat
watd bound that hai bore ib light aiuoe morning. Not evaa
a aolitary veeiel at the Break water. Wind fr?*h from NN IP.
Weather clear
1-t her, Marrb K? Bid eehr Turk. Wilion, N York.
Mokii.k, Mtrch i Arr bark lenardon Stnlard, NYarkj
brig Palm, Gill, Botton Old *hipj A MrU n. Hat hard, li
vi rp?nl; Allien*. Clat..', dt
N?w Obleami Mavoh 4 -Arr i< b i pi Virginia, Bargaaa,
Publia; Wm Perrle(Hr) Asnew. Belfast hark* Jno Bwaasy,
Burr. Cincinnati; Kanra (Hu*i)> ,rr Ganoa r?tnrn*d la
dietretf, fob? Faue'ina |M>i|. Rivere, Y?ra Cru? Roliw,
ooming up, khipa Alle*hai.y, from Philadelphia: H H Beody,
from Liverpool, t Id ihir Sharon, Mtrriman. linrrt brigs
Hope (Br) B?rriott, Bt YiaceaU, P*.,aot* do Tarfao.ua
(f?), gill. I<arrei<n?. tohr Bonita. Bl.oaa YeraCrui.
To? ad to *<a J' th nit ihi| Carratle. bark Grampn], aa4
brig Vandollar. 24 th ship Lady Paolklaad. bar*: Btra'i B
Snow, aad ichr Two Pri*ad*,
New Lfr i<on, Ma>eh 11? Arr sohr Corad'na Young. NRed
fcrdfor NYntk; tloov* Remirk Bmitli, NVork, Whj Blair,
Wig*'"* do; f uBi U Tuttlc, Or?;ujort for Yorli Sld ?cb.*
lltlaPeok, Snlth, N York ,
Noaroi.a, Mareh f ? Arr telir* Henry O Mead, Smith Now
York; ?ib lurota*. TrepetLta, PortiMoath, NR. 0 Oelaa.
Davis, Nl'orV.
Nau HaaN. Feb S7? Cld *abrt CNra Fio'itr, Caaey, Brnaf
d?; fkbira, Faiaham, W ludiw March 1, hiig Tapa-, Sruok
field c o
Ntw Bate" March 11-Bld bark BrvwHe ProMa, Btibk
doe*; sehr 1 agrttig*. N York.
New fcnTwn Maroh 11? Arr salirs Aimota, and A H
Brown. Philadelphia.
^ iwsi'Di pobt, March ID? Sld :hr Marr C A rata, Pane,
Porte Rico.
Philadelphia, Bareh 12? Old ?c'.,r fcl lita'l - TlambalL N
PaoTit'ENCB, March 11? Arr sehr* We?^ra Light ?
octet, Bappahanaocl.; Cicero, Buker. Haltimnr*; Mar, k
araoa. Phnadeli hi*; J?l>o Con. ptonlB'.arp. do; Zephyr, ' 1%
do. Mlictva, Robert' n, do; olnjp* W i'.Urd, Lay ion. N York
Me-ieiBfdy, Dean, do; Jofin M Parktr, Cbve A- .uert*l, t?
load lor Alsaay Bid echr Charle* UriSi, Nc rfalY.
Portland. March II? Arr bark Maria ftrrfj, Darl*, Ca>
datite brig Moamcr, Nicholaa. da: achia Mrvia, Brswn, Phi
ltdeli lna; D Leaalerd, Hall, Bath f?r Fradariaktbarg. Cil
b?-k Nathl Blake, York, Bavaaa, brig Andrvir Kiag, ft aak
Ht>. Cn? a
Ri' March 11 -Bid brig YillBgs Bflle f Br). Mitohaar
Palew, Mareh 11? Arr aahrt Mar 'a Thar??a. Amallay. Rleh.
nond 1 ady Bufolk. (Irawall. Philadolpl i>. Allatiil*, K|ek
r?on N t ork, (yats.l purthatad in Sal. u. ) tj.d bark Saa
kaw. Julio, Africa.
PuHiigtri Ari lTe*.
l>AtA?n?- f uab tUp ?otitli*??or? Y D Pa-r / f Limb
ic. M rantaatlli. i; I jti-rcna. U 0 Bitrhff. H f flaHrt ?f
oolir. Joha Marlrmn. II 11:11. r, Then Lt.arJ J V Mirrltk
?30 in the ?<*?> ?gr
Limuon? Pa*k< ? rbip P-triik Hosry? i,t^j'.i?uo PaiWma.
A Mromt'r Mrt M ?ir. n*ly auJ S children Sir* Mnr) ft I ?
I tan and 4 cbildn n in Julia Pricker. Nnji rr and ? blld.
1 ivrn-uoi.? (J. |i w Bf Mfclri Martin Bm 1 k
bARACoA-linr. Cl< l ue- U Cou tiao, I Pauuio, It lUmi ?
n.PC Urrtmnn
C h a it i r kt'j - - 1> if Jthr> t Oil lit ft? 0 IT', ff.
P*Mr?{iri Btllrd.
(llAf.RH- S lDilal| k!> | If ( HJ? L ti' SdhIi, tn)y k*1
n-MAit II Hiliira.ai., m hit* ?i N Atial, 'laoi I. fit. I> J
Baker. D C ftrvurn, C?pt J Burnt, J I. Tl.t>m|.?oi , J d
PrdtiLRlvr and lad}-, JjIci barkty. J ( fr-alnMI, W?
KoUc, loj atiil IrnAbt. J l.'in ard. P I rlt<l?ubrr? aid
itnant A ?rrn Clklb, P H Colli- I, I. ? It'll, J I'lor
c?>'k, f t. U'ovtn, Hrt Kill(r, Mr 1 Julian J llt;t> W
W Nrllktr. Mitu B*rri?l I ?ri" H" I. R C?r?l? E4?A'I
tmiib I I'A.r-K. fit'" horoit or, II li I'altoi, Harry l.uat,
B B Un ith, Cal\ in C iton, 1. M Hot*. V M BikmIiU ?? *
Arr? r, Allt J 111*. II, ? Jf%* (>i< utt, Jtmtr M H r?, ff W
fnilli, K I ?? io*, N Julian, < Ucrrlck, C I'al 4*o. 8 t
OaHor, * m Smith, TI>o? J Waller J Jin? Matthtt' 'i?rn n
(' (? JilfAfjf, 8PCb*d?'tk, L K'.?4. ? Kal'jf. J L B it, Jai
Mill Ac#wtt B-ti?r, C fcaetmoBd, A P. P? ?i ? ? T . M S Hmey.
A k Jicnt>, li S|<u: t> fr BiAib. J Kfri'i. J C< Inn / Bilna,
tJx it, J i Bi L . i, J t ' <n J ii i i *
i b w?tii n li ? '.ti'.b, .? n i?kitb\uki, b r> Atwo^j, a t>'
V o.d. Uttt It' rri'l, *t.d otli'T*
' "iir AtJ *11 ii Itrr rcinptllo lul? T? tiitl/ j*?t*? ??'?
bllt)r4-Ku l>l?UI?'i ktio't Dr. bvnl ?? limp ?
1bl? bifklj liuti'Clii. ii |,f w no i.??rlly l'.|iti>k??n
l?l r? tic r ill.c l?rt#.f.lv )viu, ?ull> I' ? ? . ? t (< ?'
lil i ?'i!' ii I >j A d t,l t'i Urn* Ion lit)1, (i ?j tH kj iilh'.f
ni' lcli*, fcrtb ftrikln *b<I i{i? djr tttt ol rri??'? aiUft
oi ly llli ?n li lM*ktli a f in ttkt, h? I A?<l?r t'.t
n t ny ftt'.rn ; ti to I .ii'orf?;t, tud tbf I r'?i.? m,* 1-1 Ij Ii
tunny III. I ?}t. I?r I j , li tui ti r*'"*! * 4 !y *r " ?'*? ' mil
i>ll tb? ot|n r tdfrrii-itl r?mfiiie<, hbJ ?b m<i b?- u dtr
ll.i- ti-e of A dt fi oti c; pb) *l> i*c?, te it- \i rft ). r tmfi
?'M. tMfiiiit, ir-t n.lfjf If iti kti'^o c'i?r?0''r I r:.3?h
<ot tb? Union Rriti'mbjr, UiH u tb? t i'? )!?'? A
Ififd|r?l l*ok. M r'i"? trut'i*. iiRii i vilh fKii fl?t
I rif? JI.
4 V K*ila i ?rf?, < u>94 t ? tl tbt <? . ?>? .1
1 ? 1 1 - Llr*r* tn my I 4j tnd f?r? nfkir I ?l bi ? ? f?l.t
cAr? i f ibfM f l 7'trUat for A \"?r feci**! ?ii?t nM|lki?l
lrotld likrof U . itilini *A< tn illntftd .L- .
siAcy ulnrplMH hifkt*. Kh- l,i> ad ? ?ri n??,'nt o( r - .if
fl * PtROrjuN. Pntk Amboj.Tf J.
IkTo c CRB NO I .v -j? roil BIT/. U
li ilmt, k!%r b; o cwlMd w ib? kriAtncr it
4ja*i?f4 Afr?:?i f of lilt, -o run, d 1 tAV
BMl cf a,, .t ??, Dt. 0. t -'Oufclli* ????.<
lira ol iihi dun* . bt /otciMiftrt'. iatbno44ii
llC".}1 Rc |< veil ttrtct biAt Ch?ib?m ? h#Tt ho Ir
litnrljp oi ni'i# wi n All di?t?i*? Ktt iat *?t?t lit nn?
vitliuii n trc .ry n t?o is f- ?? dtyt. w'l.t o?p\rAllt!'4
?u o* I'M Blttpo-if f : A t..?, t AbAit b' Hi At* * N B ? If
b?i>l?A Dr. W. <H I ferfilt t*W.
v / m? Mudti-Al Otitic,' Iti ftlkr hratlAr;," Itr Ike.,
F? M I ii| e??rd ?irrct. aitr Mr'td?*v F'titi Ikitint
|An I muni w, th? Actkir bAi AnjoyAn la Hit Itrx-Ii
iiln'bctb n| lut fi And Aintrirt, Akr ? m ?t ui-mii
ritetlrt, bt i?rntk>d to ifennrt a tbotot^b, ?f?, Ard ip'.-df
fun, ?t?? in thoit difRonll ir l pr?trAfl?t (t?'#?. Ihtt hivi
I.AI'" d iht > kill ol |>V T .olAni lot* t'|>?ri*non'i In i hi* lt?? t tA
cf Hi* |irofti< itn 1 if * Alio tuvt mn*i?d from a tut u<
clAt* ol pi'plr, otf? m d'ltttrl ?i drn|f. IdtMiUi, fpitl
ftc a. ke , bt finii b? h?ny I" AUtiid t: o r?l ;f thty a "A.
D*Ttr AiAr M ?!? tlfnt, *htr? l.c cab H* toab
dsntitll; ctuiiltod <B etnAiit dlt<AM> wh< in ! ft-rl
triibt.m l?tr#nt/ htftBt ?A**? ho tvrot in A '? ? lift
Ntrtost dtbilitj bt i ah' ob b| Ml.' ansa* ? ti.t ti Ubmb a
?nob. ran ab?o ar?r' With A rtr'Alalr aI t ,r
hl( < <>'??"*. H ti ?' A^r "TRfltT, !?("? THf
lA*t fovrloon rta*' , ??B*atd hit prao'lea to th- ?
arnt ?f rati - intl an I ' ?? ditnA***. Bliiiim lit" lAAtf
ikim aIi < catut f f tli 1 1 diiaftta, uad mild cat ;t rem. r I ??
two ti Art daf a A poTfoit our* or AO cbarfo
ta ctrtain dti tioa, tthifh ht traAta trltbo it ?o(i?ry
R<<tat fill POTfd ir A :?W dAya Thlrtj ; eait I rA'?l4t
tnabla* him ta * t iiTri,^i dtkility, fco from mil a*??
B*t lil* Itondon dlpl'aia is bit pritaf* oHioa, SMte fultoa ?
V II N '
bArt ( -.niraotod 4.WIHI, "t'ur* * *?I?At,' UiAt la.
Take earo of tb? l.riltb, I ban dor jttd wj t? ? to a.*
pi i*?*ior, ?i?lYtr? tree 1 naocfifallj th m of
ti*nt? Tftoto who with to otatalt n# m ?' '<M nomj lAin? .
can do *ri (f - of aharfc*,) from * A. t? '* 9. U . , Nt.nvaTt
*?'*ptod II >09 TAltio j.-bi litalth, y?n will a> id i.upt
knayti trho niibln bln*U t?ll /on ' Tbat I li?j onl r can ?? r?
you, and that thAir ??i* ki?d of ia*4l*lno l? alt ?!??? It m
*on?ar? fir dua.ito in all It* furm* " nntti *b t ImI|
ha? Iton ri'lnod k/ tkm *doii?t?, eall ii^jh bii JaiI* M
\f r*t* T't*'i>*." k" '??*>'* 'A h a ti |
|P. N (SnAilAT *? rp*?d>- No. ** Oifo*? ibtir^o' M 1a?
|.t' n A m At lor *f wrNil' M ????, ?liat*iir?a? of rowl?
Mil') and Al proflMinaAl BttA'nir.i sti ??oii]il Mt
AMontloo tc <l???'ri ?h" p*'pl* of ot? ? f; -i, i
|?a ' tr. mr* an *Atllf. I'. k?tfTer tha o-.? .nt'h (owt
of th' i?i*''rl** ?S?? pt'jpl* brine "PtiD r**lat* w?r? tuvt
a tort dillaiPnt opt' io? ?oa'd iv I i|iacd And n ttBttianlj
thf |i*ttn' ?ii?ffj aid drja-ilr^j, p-f>itit 0 , tlit c?i?.A w
trtll aa iht \ od> , tnit It Aip!or#tl, Mli'?i|- f a-inb A
aat >'r? ar to a?tct p turlij-. a; e-ta ??> d*atr?* Hit t?r?A
4?'ii*t fA' ti p a't util-tf. It n A ?a . tua., n:ng n*
?r 't.lT trtA'tS, tht> r?ir\lB Mitnii.'.[? rt.^,lv,%
an; ii ?n M I rr; a.- Iti no M"r?l;tlii tb >i
? p- ; IV??I' ' -"t II l-r'.paTlif ?'.'l**?t' . > ? t rn'l,
A* 1 ? < <il)?* til), dft ai llt>wa-0B"n r..4di/?l Aa.ati,
ta, r bi**ujcr*l iidinri " 'c>;? AaCitai
tr*tt**-)l ,ihi o**f;?IHv.*,ttlKi?<n*Vrrt> '".A'.tti' , ?V|J
la*r 1 **ttt ray !? > i .. ?oo |n * tni>t dAft a* t*,# bad o ,*W
f*? r% i Ar. ! mi, in An/ Ataao ol ot.tAla i?raF ?, A: ttisb
iatitqt'txr''*, *? at iht dt .v<, r? ? * . t n'.iat
fro IT t??1t la - ; ' ? ft 'ui la r A 'i ' it, ?'.*>
a*1! radlral o.i?'? a< tai %? f.htainjd l'j*n no *?h*? ?oo*o?ia
A?*Ttoa. leo.t tail'', i mt o' .ilar i>o*ta, TwtH ***?
?i ;i ?i llij ??a . *a1 V-T ?' tl'J )' >?

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