OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, February 06, 1852, MORNING EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1852-02-06/ed-1/seq-4/

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Additional Intelligence from Europe,
fee , &0-. ho
The United Stat?.? raiii steamship Humbsldt. Capt 3.
D Lines. arrived h -r? this morning. vis Halifax, with the
usual French and British m'.'j
Bbo left Havre in the afternoon of the ISth ult .run
across the Briti?h channel aud anchored inOowe* roads
tlU 4 P M . on the 14th, when having received the Lon
don mail; of that day. cent via Southampton she finally
On the day the Humboldt left Southampton, Lieut. K
li. McBon?ld. of Louisville. Ky., belonging ta Capt.
Ellis's company of Cuban invader* arrived in the E ag
lish steamer from Vigo, Spain who reported that ninety
two of the American prisoners hid been liberated and
wtuld leave for the United 6tates in an American bark
from Corunna, about the 1st of February.
Owing to the season of the year, the Humboldt his
only a small nuirber of passengers, but brings a fui'
amoufct of freight of a very valuable description, con
nistirg of French, Swi.-s. and German manufactures,
silks, &c , shipped at Havre, aud said to be of the value
of over tw. millions of dollars.
Generals Cliacgaraier. LamoriciTs Bedcau and L?!lo,
and M Thiers, had arrived in Lond:>n; in consequence
of thtir expulsion from Fianre.
Accounts from Berlin of the Oth ult . mention the con
centration of a large Russian amy on the frontiers of
the dutchy of Posen.
The Ca!!:orr<ian gold miuicg shares were nil neglected,
and, in sympathy with the other departments of the
Stock Exchange, a flat fee", ing was gen?rally prevalent
in London on the loth ult Agua Frias. Anglo Oali
fornisns, r.rgli?h and Australian copper, and Nouveau
Mondes, pi :orpst othns were all a shade lo-.v?r. Golden
?Mountain* were quoted par to 1? prem British Aus
tralian par to 'j prem.
The amouat of the proposed New Belgian loan will it
is said, be ?0 OCD CfcO fr., and not SC COO. Of fr . as origl
nally stated It is to be raised in a 5 -er cent stock.
The steamship ICuropa, from New Vork; arrived at Li
verpool cn the 13th ult.
The Hanover journals of the 5th stats that a consul"
Cation of pLysicians and furg.-ons had just been held on
the blindness of the K'.ng; and that all the members
present, with the exception of Dr Leuw, expressed an
opinion that the m lady is incurable.
Tte journals, says the F<villc dc Tununy announced
<* short time since, that a considerable 'egacy h?d besn
be'iueathi d to the Countts' de Bocarine, by an English
man residirg at Parts This news Is now confirmed, and
some inhabitants of Brussels who are in a position to be
well informed on the subject, aflirm that the young
Kngllshman, who it would appsar, had fought the
Countess ia marriage, although his clTsr was rejected.
ha? bequeathed to her a suru or 600,000 franc. b7 a will
in due form, which no one, hitherto, thinks ofattaokinj.
Encke'o comet was seen at the Liverpool ObservatDry,
on the 11th ult at 7 h 14 min. 17 see. It was seen at
Cambridge (Mass.), on the 13:h.
We liave London rspcrs to the 14:h ultimo, in
clu.nve. with letters aud despatches from our va
rious European corrt-.ponder>ts of five days later date
Uuin those received by the Cunuid steamer America via
Boston, but art so late. Vy three days, as the news pub
?bhed thi? morning, brought tj Halifax by the Niagara.
K ii gland*
All idcM of the immediate re conftrujtioa or dissolu
tijn of the British ministry, are for the present abau
<Joa<d. It is announced in th* Loadoa Timet that the
yaeen will open Parliament in person, on the Ud Februtry.
and that the present cabinet is determined, without fur
ther modification, to face tbe difficulties of the session of
18?2. That the cabinet will Iod* mi-rive the assembling
of Parliament noocopretendri to believe <i5itls thought
that the explanation# anl recriminations on this subject
of tbe difmis'al of Lord Palmerston must prove a death
blow to Lord J. Russell's power. Allthr efforts of the Pre
mier to brir g about an uiidirstnadlng with the Peel party,
?with a view to a coalition goTi-rameut have failed, an A
Lord Jv.hu r.usEcllis left to Lis owe ricources. which may
M raid to be the contemptuous oppositi >n of his adve-rsa
jflej, atd (he lukewarm support oi the friends of a Jaliing
?twister. In reference to the prospects of the ministry,
the 7\mts sb? s ?
<. a. cession in wbioh a new Beform Act i? to he yiren to
kiti-ior and n 11 1 w ch&rur t? Inlia. and which is
to eteo w:_b t. rriclstc.'ial fi.it. in which Lord Palmer-ton
if tbe Ida! at! ff. ana L"rd John P.usseil the deiV.n Uut. has
nbout as a* kW3- ,1 an a ptct as any criei." can well U ive.
Lu this cr< st and ..ther dull couDtry. I a tbe criurse oj
tlic cesi fefsion a minister who l??t y ar ira; t'ae sport
offaoti' rs mu?i to', ooly prolong hi- r i;?n, but carry
Lis measure .- in spite of three powerful parties whom he
ca-iu' t a'*, rd ei' Vr to co: ;;'.ii?te. or to p!*ce Ueyo id re
oacl Uti.r i.ud whom mutual J-.' tiouJks a.oae heep from
* The f f. ".'ne f/.rr.'rf p. rumor to the etTeit, that
pott ol A: i*t Paris wo aid probio.y be coil
ti r'f 4 on Lt,:U laniicarde. the P. st '* ?.= er Genera in
case the of Norma.. by should vicate hi*
p at to rtvr the Cabinet. Lord Norma uby hid
Lit Ptuis for a Umporary sojourn ia Lohdon.
Our ad viet from Pan?. v.-i-,ieh ex's^d to the T>'h !n?t
coLtain tbe p .r'.;cula:s of eev. ,ai act.* ol the govrn
ment (1 co cider ble importance. Louis Napoleon is
advarcisg < nward in hi: csre>-: of derpotl-in. It is ex
pected that no long tima v. *11 e. ipse b-tf-re he d^lares
i iure.f Erup'ior the J>' natur vt the 10th c. January.
rm.Utdai one of tbe blacW record- of the revolu
timo: the 'id De-ember. Itccntaini three as .s of p.o
ictipt'.oD ?t-< -.la may compire iait i inity with the most
terrible aci *tn.-.i' i ?e ' cr> -s cf any > -'a of poliWcai M
TiJ'ion. <?: k^Umd. 1 nt^raaty re*ahdinns
ofth* blfodtx irsty parti'-s of Msriui and f jUalnthe
civii'i' ds^s tfthe i;'':aon republic, t'ae r lis of eminent
{-.?natoie'n M? '"lO '-'Ui r exU- aadb'r<ary by OC trius
Cn ar and .-i?rk A ".hony in the epeuia* of th-ir ruth
U-5 tiiutLTirft.o: tb* d^eds oi th-.' Com.* ie oalut pu j
lic'iutiie rei3n of Terror, aloa- can . aai'.ec i *? oonpe- |
tUi n with the acta which Lrc auaoance* to u-< by
e r '.'-.r of this morning. At one Je.l swoop,
without -.rial of ary ?trt, by a strov- ofth- pn
Fis'y-f s repr .? ""a'-iTes chos?n by t.e naJon to
l?*i-Uie foi their country, mea lacluJ-ag ,
ol the fir't oniir in a rariety of dep?rtmnii *? by I
one ft-r?tc>i cf tbs diefa-."r-s ren are espv-ria^ed |
fivti Ira. ? and no: r-r.jy t'.if. bu: are push-d Ircm Ue ;
ftci.iltr with the loertd bit- meaa:e that, if th^y re-enter
. j- c. " v-" fK ot th .a-'lves r -us I
5k.tU *on A teco^d Itat ol MTMtaM r prwentat .yes ;
ULrt the m -B. bu.'.icu^Fr^yt^.ad
Miit-als ot t..e dry. a.'e tl.-o bw^-h-d i.w t .??
i,?rt arr-r. ntly, 1' n5t -o inidy to ma'te puuitc the
??aVj ^Swhch the ? al?o hi'e been .heater d in
CiUB ot thfrir re -i r . iiig the ? rr ch texritory I"1"',,
*a*t ??r.DB Elation of all H<hti nmlm U * to\^
kin- up . ?t.OT?t are trftt-r n?i t ? C jeune. TBe
ritae wl '-v v,e' i 'bis last lis' ? > t?l t of SIjW Dnir
liiiTcvit*' ? i .1 *:??? . i? a 'p<*:h wl. h ? .???? b ? U*
AAeemby.jw-t'Oir^ihe dacap. .a m of Li,uis ^ *
Btaruro roted . v iho sute- . .n wao L.d cl t
fir mer In c- n octii ' the coaf.itu ion p.^pj* . "fu ,
^HpoWn to the l iencb i>eople The condemaati' on of
txn s ? t. e rr prt'Srii ta Ives of the . ? 'UU .11 ? 11 to th" y . <, 1
fl'M in ? [1 f'h'u' la! p ? nal c:l ny. : is r,e-U u-iy t_ >
tteit at:> ei > u? Jeoture in these in.'iui.ous decrers. 111
dt.si.et as th< y ajptar in the u ? aioai i-?l.
rri -CH r.rrynL.t. .
Ir. the Tt'WB r-J t ioh ptsple, N*po..or. rit.i
'M > t' ?r-st-eV ? -rit .rr ' r m t' V.
oiA?r '?>?f??<,1a?'"a'"'j
tbe ?.. r r.;tt 1 ?tt? a - 4
tnv <!''?> * vM:
Cassal t> ? ? > . . ?% c: ?rrairn, Bj>?. I?ei *? Pavo.v;.
j .. i ? "J ' . - ,nv!c t. Du?l ?. Ilnasry. t f '' ,VU.
tt fc'e ?. li 1 ? I. )... ? f . fc.rtl. -t l,#rkfir u n' I
Jolsa?a"j '.V/.1.1 )'? 1 .xt u. 1 ' 1 Ui'lii
J'ar'i t, It. J ? .. ? '?? * -**??, .V VV ?' ' i 11 , r, i
(DretnO. t ir?? y **?. Bri?'c. J ? rv " ,V,nr p 1 V
1 de l?n ). < I" . 0 11 ir. I >? a. ? ?? l? ? ' ,'??
Jraot.4. tare ?? ,' *: /** ' 1 .
5??teli- (>?. )? . . , , 1,.
Art. 2- ?i the oaMla itMiV ,*#lV
tree, one af tV? 1 ? Jjj 1 i? ? ? rt- ? -
at void t- '? r t. ? ? 1 t . t
t-nspc: ? ? 1 ? .u i, ? , . ? 0. w, ils
?1 tbe JtaacutiTc io?er). UD.e at .k ^ v* e#rj ju j,
tkb. the cou. vi ^ ? 'L jt 13 i't)Ll j '?
Vf WU1 ' T V -,t the - ? . in t ?' Jr: "
of the fii?t i ,a. 4 thalcbr-. d;
mic fa?al? ^ ? MirL : ??.n-i
"tfc: *'*in?t'-r Of the I ? ten :r. The of
tie prosc.r'brd, an y u wi i pe^c.iTe. bi'lon^ au to U.
ta> l ben <?.' 'h* ijou.'iain
m' r ar. ? V' V ur ? ?.! ?r rnth.
irumf.j. vii li.M- >r D< li.ar r .
Oeton, O.-a '*!?? i.Jt.i. ... re. C? 1 ral Cbauitaroier. Ba. ,
OeaeralL' l it,. Oaatral Thiers, (. UatahoMe. Ue
Keottiaat J dt'asv. . C ?e Uirardia, '? aeral *?at4 /.
V. llaarat. K Quiact, A. Tl.&r.ret V. CsarJI.nr. vanlfaf.
ft tt i. *? e? ?? ? I o r r? t or V. 'i* ? 1 ? "ir
Tirtne ol a so?c-i?'. autii r jtuoa oi Hi ; i'l. . isnt Of the R?
PV{b?'noa fflie'nl fait of th' V- .'*w begins with th*
foliowiBg v-tat-m' nt r-iatiT* to the tlau ol pr *<>flptt >n -
The (OTcrar '.tt, f *n,,.y aeVrm t.trt to putent ? r e?is;
Of malle*. has ? "jfV
wheee prrseaee In Irtac* mi .t.* .j. ... i^r^- jit^ 1^ w ft?
f,f teLE.i'ii'tiT. "* las meaancM art a^plr.o to three ' tte
gortaa. la >he 8rst are t:.? lailrUnaU e?BTl< ted ?f i,?Tia?
taker rartia t!.. 1 cm InsarreeUo ; 1 ty will ?* tr?.-.?n
wfej <?Uv 2
tue rf fai'lie, tad will be trar "rt '. sr. v > ?
truaei.tai ? itl ia Just liraita. T he d tt ron i d? r? af rai' S'.
A t cx repre#?aiatl ?ei M re 1,U'T''' .
J.r ir'. M.oV 4atbe, aad Kiuhardel, *iU t* transported to
1 11? decree Jor the fp?e#nortati n withtut trial il
a\r? i^ r in proceM f.) eseeuticn Fifty-fire pereon? left
., ? r.r tS? l"i ' ar u t j f..r Br*". wh?'? *
frigate vh la waiting to take thorn to Oaf ?nn?; 171 hare
alao b??B sent to Havre for embarkation, and several
thousands of other* ar? said to be on their way to Tarioas
seaport* for banishment to the pe?tllent.ai coast of
French Qui ana.
The most important intsllganee received frnm Francs
l'f the Humboldt, Is that Louis Napoleon has Issued
decrees dissolving the National Ouard throughout
France, but it will b J re organized wherever the
government ma? deem it necessary for the maintain
ance of public order. In such pUces the Pri-eid-<ut will
appoint the commandant colonels, and lieutenant
T He Cape of Good Ilope.
In coc^uence of the late dlsnstmus n?wg fro-n ths
Otipe of UooJ Hope, a successor to Bir Harry Smith the
Commander- in- Chief there, had been appointed, and
was about to proceed to the feat of war without delay.
The tfflctr sei< eted is M ijor Oeneral the Hon. 'Jeorge
t'athrart. who fcas b?en r-movei frtm the D<*pu-.y
Lieutenancy of the Tower of London, to replace tiir li.
i 8mlth M?jor General Cathc art's appjintm ut to this
p ft is rot looked upon as a very wiss ftroke of policy.
1 n? the Tirr.et declaies he has not seen any activil serv e*
tor nearly forty year?- Las tn experience whatever of
bush fighting or predatory warfare, having seived ex
olu'ireiy in largo Hrmif involving military operatl>n*
on th* r.ioet gi.jantio scale. It is th" g?neral imp-eseioo,
therefore that this cfflc?r is not destined to retr; *Te ths
comparative disgrace into whi;a the ilritLsh arm have
fallen in South Africa.
TU?- Prometheus Affair.
By the tenor of our advices by thii paeiiet. we think
we are jusiiiied in announcing that the Proo-theus af
fair is ?eti!ei,or at all ? vents in r 'air way of amicable
acjustment. The London Atari in a leading article upon
the suVject. lias the f llowiug expressive paragraphs ?
The uiorti!cation neceesatily excited in the uiinds of
Knglishmen. by the r<-ll<-clion that a countryman should
have so far coicmittrd him?elf is relieved by the convic
tion that no Interruption of the harmonious relations
existing between the two c ^us-tri-s ecems lusly to ease
frcui tnis untoward event. Th, toue e. id tompsr in
which the aliau Ir. spoken of in Downing street? the con
fident expectation there expressed ttia; it w 1 be anlca
blj arranged ? admits only of one interpretation : that
her Majesty's government will express to the cabinet at
Washington iu frank and manly tenne. their regn*t at
wi ?t haf occurred. and testily iu a Jiarked manner their
d.-f-pprobatiou of the aggressor's conduct.
If we are ri?ht in tli s inlermce little mere will be
h'-ari of the firing upon the i'romet'aeu.s It is lo be
hoped, however tKat the Incident will not be allowed to
pasr altogether iut-i forgetfulnets without its b-iu : u-e l
to point the moral of the Tory unom .loas absurd and
dar(!erous fashion, in which the govtr.m-nt of this
country has allowed itself to b? entangled in the miser
able politics cl the eo called iingdom of Mo.- tui'.ia
The [<a?i or llic Amazon ?
(Southampton letter in the Lcnd^n Time?. .1 ia 14 ]
Vi:e steamer Grand Turk. Captain Smith, arrifd h-re
to-duy, f.ota Ilavri. bringing the trajo-;ty ot the survi
vors of the wreck ot the Aw&zoa. who were landed at
Brerd on tte Sth inst
Out of the twenty Eve saved by th? Dutch bark. twen'v
one have been brought to Southampton, they consist
o!Mrs Msciennan and child, and Miss 3ini:h. passen
gers; Mr Jacob Allen (foreman of Messrs. Seaward and
Oaptl). Mr. AViliiaci Stone (f \ urth -ngineerof the Arna
v/ij) and Michii"! Gou.d (*hr second steward). the re
maitiirg fifteen being reanjen firemen icc.
The whole of the i unfortunate people who esnaped.
many of them in aetate of tecai nudity, h ive evid^tntly
experienced gr- a' hardships t inc.e their providential de
liverance from the burci::<r shio beiDg exposed to the
inclemency of the ve>?th*-r. with insufficient clothing to
protect tbem frrm the cold, and irom the heavy seas
which ccrstr.atV vashtd over Ih-m, neuly tw.implng
thtir frui! boats For forty- eight h ure m-y were tosead
abou''., having provision* or water to rostlis thlir
sinting spirits and being almost left to despair of ever
reaching a port of safity. fc as of the mna loak very
ill and b ar tte appearance of having undergone muoh
tufterirgaud trial'. When nearly rer. ly to gtre up their
painful and almost hopeless task at the oar" the met)
veto sustained ;?ud prompt ed to fresh elT>r!j by the kind
and ehesring words oi the ladies, whose pa nful si'.ujtion,
destitute ot al! cr>njfort3 and aeces.-aries, it ia almost im
possible to appre ciate
The gutferers wore received and treated at Brest with
the utmo.-t kindne-s. Attention, and hrspiteJity bith by
tlie Frcnoh ?utboriti?s and also by tins British Con-ul
tmd El glieh residents. At Havre the lioglish residents
made a subscription to the amount of nearly ?20 for
their b enefit with which to supply thtir nxoet prejsiag
The escape of!'rs Mtc'.enr an was almost a miraculous
one? site was twice separated from her child, au infant
of feeder age ; yet the coara;e she displayed inrecover
irg it. in the midst of the iceiits of horror attending the
rapid corilgration of the ship show the enduring love
of a mother vhlth no oiroWBStaaoee Of clanger to her
self could cat^e Lt r to forget. We regret to add that the
hustond of Mrs Maclennanis mnorg the fearful list cf
llti iiiImIih 111 f till terrltlls catastrophe. She however,
entertains r. firm conviction that Mr Maclennaurvaped
in ota ot the beats which has yet to be accounted for,
8ud we understand expresses an expectation that he may
yet le L?"atd of. Mrs. Maclenc&a is severely bruised;
and her health t? considerably sbf n by the fearful
s; P.<rinfrR through hlch she his pas ! On landing at
! Southampton to d- . she was powerfully affected She
; v. as met fcj her brother-in-law. .mi left Snuhauipt-.u to
join h> r relatives by the three o'clock train.
Mi-sStnitb the ct'.:er 1 utile piTi-D'-r had displayed!
1 r i-u; and intrepidity throughout tl.-?e palntul sc->ne'
which place her aimcst in the r^nl; of Qrace Darling She
is a very prefC ses-iiDg y !isg la iv a..d w? u ide ' mi
?rok a pa- ago by the Aoiaz-'n toj >!n afaaiily in Porto
K'co with wl : ta she had obtaiui'd (|M M|Nhta?a( of
gor-rness. 6!iss Smith stn'es that, ftftar ! .a sing retired
to test en the even'iul ii"r'it. r'titi "a* a.' U.-c.i lya ti
d''i\ roit-e atd a try of ?? Fire I" Jh- rushed out of her
1 rth in hor nightdress but was Cj< t by some gen'lomm.
who codiIuc'. d or c?rri.-d her b'.ck to li.'c caeiin. enjoin
ing her not to be al:rmed the t!.?uies w?uld soon be
s .bdr.ed From the i'-<:re*?i>2 con u i n t-he. however,
t! icgbt it be?t to pr. . Ide tor hee ovrn *?fe!y. ais d a"?ord
isgly obtaiutd p ;te<slon of r. blanket and a p-ttlvut
(seatchir^ up the tr.-t artici s at liacd) u% I rushed
nr n the d' -k. ti.e kpf eirv.-re of r a-.t- - there t np
pears. imprefsed her niih the n irTijtion that Ciptaij
t'yroons had lost all control over his crcw, wh) w.-re
ripidiy lanchiug t**e ata r'.d getting away fro.a the
s' p a- fast as th c ulJ. ili?s sljitb, th -r.-fore.
forme i the revive oi .iving her ota r.t - if possibV, and
?e: u vur it with a coelce; ? miite ax'raordioary 8 he put
oi la r petticoat euc"lopedh<*rselfiotheblan';et and then
makicr f.ist ore er.dol rop* tososne part o.'the bulwarks
ofth- r . p and securing the other eud :o one of her arias,
she th*w her'ell overboard with the intention of get
ting in' j one of the boats but. if unsuccessful in this
etdeavor to remain taspended as lorw a-1 ~he could, and
then t? irop into the s< a. pri l rri-ig death by dr;.wniug.
to the horrible alterratlve of pf-hhirg by The
flames were rapidly appr aching the part of the vessel
Irotu v h:rh ?he wa susp? nd< d whi n >' iss Smith, observ
i^c a fav irable epportuuity. threw hers-if into ou? c.f
the boat- that happened to pa's n?ar her. afid wliiijh was
gettin i. -ray from the blailtg wreck: she fell heavily
on one of the r- at* or thwarts of the boat, and one of the
'?eom'n !e'l upon her, her chcst btiug thereby severely
biul'ed frb? wts . however, sr.a'.c-ied from immediat"
dt ath but ctj!y to encounter the horror^ aal tniprtain
ties rf a st rmy t< ft and a furious gale, fn ail the trying
si en-s v hie h followed, her ?at:d courage n"ver
J.-se:?td her : in fact, on several e, onions she took her
piece r.t the oars and h?-lp- d m*i.:u:iy by h t bofily ex
??rtiou.s to propel the host Sods titute of cio'hing Here
th- pr<>w of th- beat in which this your>g Is ly was a
fellow.; e Tvrt r. ai.il -uch n entire ub -ace *?? there >t
an-,thi":* with v'ji-h to make a rignal. thit she w.'?
ob'.'g'-d to take off ter petticoat in or ier that it might
be attached to pn oar end hoi?t?d as an r no>?leLa of
diltre's to invite the aitentioa of pa e ig vessels.
A volume would have to be wtitt u to ohronlcle tb? in
< ' Jer.t- at;-udii t?i- upp-fli; ?, c i;?"'ty. an 1 the p?
:)..il<..M -rienee ai)4 ob-'rva'i as of ? rch sjrvivor. To
most c ' th. m it npp arsd as the opera;! >a of a f-l-htful
dt- am but < rente pant d b"'r<- their m jtla. t?ni I in pres.
si^ns were ft.rm'd with a horrible distinoLness and ripl
di'j wiiieh a lif iime will not cViiterite.
The most Co.. Hi ting ftu '.,ts i re irir'a. Rod the
m-rt r r.trr.di.t y op,ni-f f-r-aed ftai ??.?iff.r.e d by
th? survivors, act only with r-'<r. r.ce to the p- inary
'flic l*0| ? ?? <1 Hie I'resjjj nf,
?ti. mi, tie, lu the C ' 'tii. j of t. n.og ooatalas
.wir.r 1 a- . --
aid ("at i . ) 's puff,-- h letter to th? I1 ly
1 fire. I, tis Nar leoj ha- avowed bis sentinel! ta
rc^edfiit ia t ,e stret ,t'r- 1 tc .: . ? and d *:l?r s
oer to put Jo ? i r r: . i a. 1
':?t; r "U?; u-n' pe- . or re bav'ng wa'tod up'e fhs
bad air g < iBve'^ation with him iawh>chtHe
i i i'i?r t tad rue well; I am of the
r of th
rj omv h
but 1 hop 1 re f !o-i: ugh to still*
two r. ' r f' ? :?? m toevsii ? d of tha revelation.'
"? r(i* h .\ in u fi i . utly repeated in well in
Kaval Intelligence*
I' 8 Kn< ?tk (/'ONut i ?XI i. i ji itjrjg wr? rmittid.
yt.'ttrlay ir ov.r list rf the offi:t * of ti. ve - i;_wi?s
l.r, Fldward t'amjson; domic odorti's Seoretsry. Tt 0.
(ilover; ( hapiain. < 'has St wart; V-oaiswain II Smith;
Uunaer. J. M 1 illard, Carper. tor, J. Q. TLjHu-; Sail
maker, U 0. Khodman.
The lT. H sloop of w*r J 'tn'stowa w.\r at ti e River
T'Wte 1).".18
lb-- U k bi of vjr ? inbrid je ?r d frrm Iti
a?lro for the 0' /?t of Africa on flu 17 ch. D^tttu1 ; t.is
1. U win,- ia ti list of Iter rfi te.ri : -Lt Onm Jo >ti M?,u
nii.g: Li'ut' :>*ntf, W H Macoiaba 1 \ liryor '>1 ..
t -r VV. W.Jiar t A;st. Bu'gt u ?! li Howell, I'ngsed
Midchlpmaa.Z. B.oney ; MtuiMpaan 0. II Or.-t a.
Tun "'IT Frb-ua-y 5-0 P M
Bn> Ar>,sTt rrt ?flour t. 'tr. d depressed, th? o, > ?ati'-'os
living f nly reici.ed '00 tin otli. i y to ebu ?
t iaU-. at 54 ?i'H fc >1 74; mi*( J to fanoy ?V< stern a' f I
( a 14 PT 'i ; an j rommoa to gtol 8:uitern. at fl 70
per li'ol Nothing a d ? to ry- 11 ? jr <r
e rnti i! Wheat ruled 'julet. bat 1.100 basheli Oe
ue rc^<hlte reallsticg t>l 1S ? Barley and oats w re io
*tn m. t ? North eu ryo w.u) retailing at <'?rotp
l>e, ??d |>ris 1 tin r?a'es cirei ting of 0 010 bu'U ds yel
1' w c' uthi rn snd Western m1*"'}. at b 'c a 70a,
Coitow ? The Niagara's i.dvl-te- appear to b<- h ;hi d
tlie vi(.<r? of caerst-.n. Tit -a s to ('ay, nhi-ih were
at . it 2 WO hales, ? r.hlbi I ,?g a f. 'o!* m irket.
frrii.H rs ?For I. eerpool a u' too It ?s of cotton In
separate iole were taken a1. 6-821. f .r ootn,". ssed and f.t
ltd for trr srp'f I- 400 . rc-s ot he.f at 'is Id
Flour wa* at 1? ar d ohi-e?e at ISs There was ao Tessal
uli' ?ded for I. tiJ > and very little freight olfTlog
. for thai p'rt For Ifsvre the p^aket of */}t,h wis
1 ta'-.inj O'.ffon ?t V* J r po^iy-.V J't ^^-1 -,j J y rp
were tanged at 11-161 and 300 tierees of riot, at 37a CI ,
l and 166 tierces of rioe for Hamburg, at 25?. for Bremen
; rice vu taken at 26i end eome measurement good* at
30e For California clippers were getting 60 a 006 per
I foot measurement
Provisions were a trifle dearer with sales of 500 bbls
prime aud mtss pork at $13 62^ a (11 12%, and $10
a $15 T6; 173 pkits extra shoulders and ham*. at 7 a 9i ;
2X1 bHs and 1C0 kegs prime la*d at 9>? a 9\ and 1C? ;
4CO bfcls prime and m?*? beef, at $4 (>0 a *5 76 and $8 50
a $11; ana SO bbl- beef hums, at $11 relatively.
Br Ehf P.ailro*:)? 160 h^ad tf cattle; 840 oilee of
leather 27 eheep; 4b bale* of Uay; 53 pkgs of batter: 20
li ?re; and 23 bags ot llear.
lit N : w Riit i'oxD? 0S7 bushels of oats; 29 bbls
of whiskey ; 29 ptrgs of butter; 21 ca?ks of ashis, 14 pkgs
of cheese, 50 bble of (lour; sod 71 bogs
Pkji *r>ti PHiA. Felruirv 5 ?First Board? $70 Pean. rsil
rni<i 41 1 12 ?l.s 8tU Nav. UUi HMO Lehigh tfe. 77'i; 100
Lcbi<? Int 87; 41" ?hs Gitard 3k V.'^; 60 N A Coal, ?%; 40
IVni. taiiroaa. 4< %; 114 ilu 4 1; 100 Mirris tnl, \1X) 30 Unto
Valley, 51?j 7 IVun rail to*!. 41?4: 2'J0M A Ine. b\ 15, StOW
Pi'teburR c-.up ?>'?, IIS 1' ?ht I'tmu bk. 113: 2J U 8 bk. 2>i : 50
Vnkthurg railroad, lf>4; ISO (. an bk. 107, $7X1 Lohiiti In?,
87V. m?eb? Reeding taUeoad ?J#n. 82SJ: 100 do. i 5, 3 V;
100 do, 32 V: 100 de. Silt; <M' Ling lulhrd railroad, 1'^; 5 1IU
Gaebk,10f. Alltr Sains- $.SJ0U Oos and Pel Cn'. u's, '?>!%;
90 fiha * A m Ins. I F, 15; 7 Pjnn railroad 41'i: 100 L Ulrai
railroad. eS, 1<3?; 3t>0 Reading railn ad. 3.'?<. 3o"ond B iar l?
."210 she Pcnn railroad, 10CW; 2\00 City railrovl, 102; 2 00
County 0'e, 71 !<). .itM K??nioi railroad M?rt C'?, 7i*'^: 10?><)
do. 77; '.*00 Lehigh N av fi'?, 7S; 100 do. int. 87:ij; . I'JO do, 8J'^;
S.Vi Koad'ng railroad :H}{; 150 do, 3-'?: li U arriaburp raii
rod. 4"V ^ Tick burg rai.road, lb?i 25 P..'aa railroad,
41*; 20 do, 41.
Telegraphic lleporU.
Nkw Oaiuss, F'b 2 1851.
After receipt of the Humboldt's news a brisk demand
sprung up for cotton, and 8,.r>00 bale* were soil, without,
hcwi ver, any quotable change The receipts are in
crt-a.MER. 30 U00 bales Kavi-g ceme in during the punt
liure tuys.
Charleston, Feb 5 1852.
Cotton sa>? to-day, 1900 bale*, closing in favor of
buyers; middling fair 8',,'c to8'4c. Tae Biles of t'ue
wpt*k lave bten SCCO bal*', ami the receipt*. 1 i,674
bales The sto-k on hand amoua'.s to 4 i 002 biles ex
clusive of that on shipboard.
OncrxxATi, Feb 5 1352
FKur is ir. Rood drmand a t $3 10 a pi 20. Prorisioas
erp held abovp th? vicw.jof buyere and ti-e.usaction* are
eonf- qunntly limited; COO lbs piine ltrdsoli at 7 ,
sl.ihf. Exchange on New Vork has droliat-d to \ a 1
per c nt prem
Oh*bi.eit5.x. F >b 4. 1852
The sa'es today vere 100 b^les. at G'4a8!^o, The
roarlitits i? firm, but operators aie anxiously awaiting the
N i: jjara'e ct-ws
On Thursday evening by Oscar F7 Tturterant. Aider
du of ttw lasd wui, Mr. OHmn K Babbiti to Miss
Si ban I>ixon, all of this city.
Ou Vtdresday, February 1 at Deep River, Conn.. by
thi Kit Mr. Ctubman, Mi. A Bowiu, cf Si| SubW] to
Hi.- s Phouh: Rocebs cf the fjrmer p! c?
Or: Thursday. FtbruaryC at the Oliurrh of the Mes
siah by the Rev Br Lew y DvViu Potvs. of the firm of
Dows mid fury. to Mii.i.iun E . ouly daughter of Uora
tio Worcester all of this city
On Thursday, February 6, by the Rev Wo 3. Cilch,
RicHARn Ui aihsr, K | . lo Mrs Abu* Ass 8?vklt, all cf
this city.
On February 4 William P., twin son of Hector aad j
M;;rpt?r?t Sitrlair agod 4 j ears sea 14 days
The relative acd friends of the family are respectfully
itvlted to at'?ud his funeral from tbo residence of his i
parents Filty- fourth street, between Third and Sixth ,
avenues, this n>ori;'vTiir, at 11 o'clock, without fur- i
tber invitation The Broadway and Forty ninth street i
line of ttuges will convey passengers to tin home.
In Brooklyn on Janua; y 26 of typhm fever, Major !
Ends Ti asm. formerly of Boston, in the :>Hh year of his
nge lie was a ]<in<J and affectionate husband; and leaves
t wife nrd chi'd to lament his lc.-s.
Baltimore and Boston papers please copy.
On 1 1 bruary 5. after r? phcrt but fevers il'ness. Pivtvt
Colis, jcungest sou ot l'ettr U ami Susan Uose. eged 2
Tfcc relatives and friemls of th>> family are iDvit"d to
attend bis funeral, this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from t&e
reside nee of bis parents, 3tf Columbia etreet.
On February 5 after a short illness. Elizabeth Mc
Oi k-ve, wife of Henry McDonald. aged 54 years a native
of ihe pari?b of Urunow. oouuty Longford. Ireland
lier friends and acquaintances are invited to attend
her funeral, from her late residence, 248 East Fourteenth
street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock Lier remains will be
tnken to Oaivary Cemetery.
On Wednesday. February 4, D.tVio Gn iham. youngest
son of John ana Elin Douglas, aged 7 years 11 ciOLths
and 2 days.
The frit tds of the family, and those of his uncles.
PaTid aud William Graham, are respectfully invited to
attend his funeral, this afternoon, at 1 o'clock, ftumXo.
27 Sullivan street.
On Februarys. Gromtsob Williams, eldest child of
Elisba W. aud Emily S, Xeackle, aged 0 years aud 3
His fufTsl will take place. t0-ra0T0w afternoon at
half fasti, o'clock, frrm No. 81 8t Mark"., p'ac.
un February & Fan* v , daughter of Oharlei and Eiiza
Miilingtcn. aged 5 months.
The friends cf the family are respectfully invit*! to at
tend ber funeral, vrithout further Invitation, this mm
Suit, at 11 o'clock from No 9 Washington pUee, llohsleii.
Ou Tu< sday. I tbruary a, Mr? Bauam U?h?u in the
C7tb yt-ar of tier nge. widow of Captain John llazird, aud
! dmgiittr of the late Jnhnson Patten, of this city
| On the momiTjj of Febrjary 5, Kkziaii, wifj of vVn.
I e Pltmin, in tbt 89th jni of htr BgB, iftti i htms hi
I iirss of two aocths
lier fun. ral Till take pUrs on M>::diy morning. Feb
ruary 9 at 11 o'cl?;k. from her lata iffideace icO Hud
son street. corner of l?"sv tor ft. at whl jh time r.r 1 plaoe
tL ' friend* cf the family are invited to atleud wi?l?oat
fuithtr ne'.lce.
On February ?"!. Thomas Paithi ov after a lir> 3^ . ir: af
il'ne.e la thi Uotb via. cf tie :tge
il:> relative* hi ia I'rtenda cf th* fsr.'Uy are r?jpectful'y
i' vited to r.ften '- bis fuaeial, from tho residence of h.s
?i ti'r. Mi? Mlddltton, YanderbiU ave-ue, BrxiUlyn. thi
ai'erroon. at 1 o'clock
Ou Thursday February 5 cf '"lasumption, P. nan in A
C Miis, *ife ol Eiias Oombs, agtd -JO years 1 m.o.th anl 10
The fripnfl? rnd Rc'iuilntar.css of tho family cf lilias
Com tSjjBd of David ihoaipson, ore hereby r.-nu?3ted to
attei .rr* ^"uneral eervice, at '^41 Grand street, this tit't-r
noi r afTl'o'clcck. Her remains will be tak -a the Dl
lowinam ruin : to Westbury. L I.
At Ki vr Cacawn Conn att*r a short and severe illness,
on Wednesday evor ins. F'ebruary 4. at t o'clock in the
afterre > r Daiiil. tldi it fta 0: Lewie E P. ciuiUi, in the
12th year of bis *ge.
Liis fu: < ral n 111 take pli^e from the reMIence of his
fntiier, 130 Ilecry sirfe'., to-morrow afternoon, at 2
o'eU'ck. XJi* friend- f th? family are Invite 1 to attend.
?i'. '>ut furtbtr notice. His remains will be interred at
(Jr. en wot <1.
Ot February 5 E,.i i > Com ov. a native cf Ransburow.
coutty of Siigo. IreUitd
lier friends are invited to attend hprfun?ra', this af
ternoon, at 1 o'clock fr, m her late reii4ei.ee, 71 Mul
berry street
At E -^t New York, on February 3. Philip Hkid, Ejq
In the t'4th 5 ear cl bis age.
Els funeral will take plt;? this afternoan, at 2 o'clock,
from bis late re.'ij ee The friends of rb-5 family are
requested to attend. Ills r?m?ias will be tikea lo the
Cemetery cf the Evergreens fur interment.
At No; walk, C1 ti J. , on Thursday, February 5, of con
?nmptlon. A"?i Ta-m only daughter ti Id. h"table and
Th( aas 51 I.y ,? uged 17 years
Her funeral will take place to mr>:r: v? afternoon at 3
o clock.
At ?<',rmir.gi.Lm C a" on F- brnary 1, Ma'-iaP., wife
of Mr n. ur> A hi' i g, age.) D> years.
At Th:-ribury, D>~i-v.*!-?e c unty, Pmn . on Friday
' rn:n-r Jar.i.arv 0. Catiiahi;, 0. n ? --tc ? , bj?J.
46 y>rs. ti of t*;e late Tt orn?s II. 1'Jntcu
.v. M ij.treal. on January 29. Colonel U.i a ?.:>?'>'*. of fie
err s ot Pv-jal Engineers.
At g ti'.h OoT-nt y Conn , on January ?9 ' ?? ? Hni
Lvmas. relict of Ash Ljman, aud mother t>f S i.y:na<l
m . ? ? . e.t the iuva','.1 . .? . : j 1 r.i ,.,i a 1
At Toronto, mi r brua-y 1. 0?d?. . C,
?' C? : Ul a.. Her 2!aj /? 7' h ant ,?
idfot , nj 5. %tt l.iMtt?nant-tV.otel 0:
t . 1 1 C?. U'.'a. h, > t trs.
nn?m w ocswrsr nrMno
n a k i T 1 j>: /: i \ t k l i, i
. . iv ow fo
. N tw ?? t
Sew V
re f % ... * t,~. Tc.-k. / ib 1J. . . ,t
NewTcT'e....reM6 ft .fuat fcr.s?TS*f
in lkl Webster... .New TerV .??.! " m Jva-,
AL'iAr. A' rtRT.r*|iv 6.
?'? ?? r.r- s . j . '( | a-.o 11 ,ey? C 3
1 ? ti I 21 -i ?? *?/> Tt ? ...taora 8 S'<
PjJlf C? It v, loUK FLB~ 6, *,.82.
Clean '1 ?
ShmbM >? f . ? <?" Davrr port. Cbarrss, 110 Robcr's.
'Meaashir 1'r th t' j?i, ChusthiU, $%u J ? &n, C A, O D
Jh lb n.
M v1 Tcritcfi, Tr1'1 b, Lo don, Ot nnoll Ml sum fc To,
f ipArc-i a, b?v . te,Livti| ol, l? a Kin?claol tt Oe.
Pfi.'SsrahP jd, WMt in rc lUTana, Ntimiiu & 8 as.
PI p Hblne, IJufiie Hobilo t D ll'irlbut Co
t ? if 1 reels, rii ree, New 0>' sens, l'r s? n. Hnks.
t! , ' Liwep.o. ' orrcll, Nc* Orle n?. 1 1' Stanton.
HI ?,/ rbai-e. W hite, C! sr'esV n. T Wardle.
*?1 !j CtBiier, Dauhuiik, Port waltliaU, l'ntor, Eli: tt .-.
1 ipVi la Prfeott. Foeten .TAtitawltCe,
Bsrlt Martha Alios Km: Hie /in ire, H K '('? He
B?rk "V.I, arm' Au^utta, Beitmenn, Olarloat i, t. tt W
. -. '"e le(tr), Pel Hull 0 TI Mr -,r' " 1
Bri*' ' ?? ? " ? d, l.i !, .? i:..?e, La44 & C! :reh
?' ? ? ? ? ;??- I.' Klmnnsb, P.-r ..3 (t Clnm
I. ' . ' ot* II bB'.i Bit' tutori .It... f'?' '
M Jane ft B?i,Coek, ProriocetoWB, tivJha'a, SausU
t :?' rs ? rs, K"nirirk. Ar.Altc il-ola, R P t.
?? t 'i1 ,,s* '? baltimare, Va? Croat f
!'!?' f.nif P--r Per v , !$? ", j T ??, ?"*.
btescte; Josi.pi, ue M- 1 1 1 en, uu , -y, J ^ .N t. /r 1.
Art I veil,
f F M st'e ? |i i, IJvr ?? i.tnae, n v r .f n ' , Cowet
' I ' ai ti J'S'i * M ti ri . st ;? I1 M, 1 v <?( t*v<t>f>o tch' ?? '
M, wab ti "te t ? d p> ?e?Bttr? to is lavi ?*.< -n. *?".
1 nottl very haavs ? sf.e.r. aad l-,t ntae uay Is a ?.-,i?tln
0 ?*le Iron tbt \ ward, t t, 1 it iy ( 1 5 sns,
? Hte bit I war ke, * Pot "iio flrllf 1 Feb i to f alrrnd
'.tr. J- ? If. 'at' 1 M It" 21 t aw % < t-.ac.e: boi ?tl t ler#
ublv the IV 11,8, ones fee LI vet; if I )
Hl.lp Aadtver. I: no, Now O liisi, Ir rtss ?. ? - i 1 1, md?6
an4 iTitetrere r fvr.,tfti ?<?. r?t 1 HKPI at S8
M' lei. 7#, o?obtu*ed iijii.t.la w.ilt ?t Ip * iinUloj heoietBt
Pb:iflalona !'??<*? fi d*-.-s, Htb mteeaul
a ttot.btui, w (t njtui jab 40, Ul M. taa 1/ tia'Mu*
td signal* with ?bi? Lallan*, Bttuwk, trom Weir Orleans (ot
Mew York.
stir Camden, f her wood. Oh: rleston, 7 4?ft. with tatten,
ft e. to Dunham at Dtmon.
Ship North Ainitloa (aew), Newsutlt. Me. in bkllMt. to
Bark Orrande (of BelfMt), Ceugjna, Bordeaux Mot If,
% ith brandy. &e, to C Mullotv Deo M. lit i7, I >n :'0 Vf, ?*
peiienC' d n heavy gale from SW, wliioh inc.-eai d n a hur
rl'sne, loet loat:>a.ia part ol bulwarke. Deo 22 l it i(J N, loa
i 1U Vt', eichangod signals with Br (hip ? ecro? steering C.
Brig Themis ( Ur), Yraier. Ratzed Island, i) d?je, with
salt. t? W 11 Newman, vessel to n D Brookman.
ttchr Wn? W Wyer (of Bostsn). Btoddard, St Jkje, Cuba,
IP with sojir. 4c to M Taylor & Co.
tchr KaehclJaue, Smith, Washington. NO, 4 ieyi, with
r i v?l stc res.
h'hr Hichmnrd. Titby, Richmond. 5 dan.
Bchr John 0 Wright, Pieroe, Virginia :> d\ys.
SoiiT Isabella Ebbctts, Lake. Vir*inia. 3 Jays.
t.hr We, Henry, Uibion, Virginia, 3 day*.
Sihr Nathan Barrott. Drake. Virginia. 3 dayi.
Bohr Fanner, Greer, Virginia. 3 daye.
fonr Chaj Cropper Towntond. Capes ot Virginia. 3 day*.
Bchr IHnuah iHvens. Svana, Ct iaooteague, 3 Jays.
S,>br <"? ?t Co'sstu. Beau.nn, Baltimore.
Bohr Bceter, Adk'ns. Delaware. ildave.
Sci.r Ship Carpenter, Barrow, Milfora, Del, 2d*ya.
Bohr Krjma, Bcffcrt. Boston. 3 dij l.
Befcr Wflcott. Boers, Boston.
B-fr Ltuisa, Chase. Boston.
Bteamr Konnoke, l'amsii, Rohmoiii and Norfolk, 3D
1 ou/i, to jiem It 1 :.ornion.
l>Ic;p Kscsl, ? Fall River.
Steamships rron-.nbeun, ChuroMU, Sin Juaa, Mis; Chero
I co. Vt in:le. v hagr :s. ?!>i;>s Yorktown Brad.sh, ii . don; i
Cbas-, s> - .i?h, Charleston: barke Cuba, Sherwood, I<isboa;
Ft i re a, Whtta.ore. Cbarkaton; 6 W Nasli, Wass, St Thiniis.
V. lud curing the day, K W.
? The bark Tl x tea (of New York), Hathaway, 7J days front
Buetoe Aj res lor tk ia port, with hidoa to R W Kopea & Oo,
went alhcrL at Bog Island Feb S.3AU. She will probably
be got til. The T took a pilot irein No 7 on tbc previous af
ternoon, to whom, howe. or, it is said, no blame oau be at*
Sohrs Xmtna. Wclcott, and Louisa, from Boston, wero
tn wed uy Irom t.oyc iid ti<e (late, where they Lad been oon
fined in ihe ioe In' some time past.
Bchrs Jatp-sr, Homer, Lowli, J Cooley & Co. Viotor, 8j
morvlile. f.-om B^sttn Bolle, from Eutport; Forrester, from
Irauo: K Q Pitts, Mar; Wise. Gertrude, llorton, and Julian,
fr> u. Hockli.nd; Aid, h'iclx j .".aria Louisa. Fatbion, and 9<a
Witch, lrom Fro\ilonco, Copy ;^om IlNrbor, u:u all fc?
anahjr at liart'e Island, I ..ud to New i'lrk.
The Pecinphore, at the Uiitblacde, reports no Inwarl oonnd
vee.-.'i in eight fcteur^it.
TeU-grujililc Flarlnt llcports^
iIostjh, Feb 5.
ArrWrd? SKpa Strr.bo Ca.Ioutti Sep 13th. 6poxpJ?u2S,
1st S7 iff, ion bs 11. brig Glena, if? dayu trom St DoniibRO lor
AYork. aud feuj-plied her pith provteions.
A'to air. efiis Oregon, > Orleans. Josephine, Mobile;
larke Froi-.pt, l'untk Areas ( Central America), Bopt IS,
Chsr.ce Wiili'r.is, Sarannah; t rig I'zar. Suriuan, Dee ?i.
Lift t?:k Nautilus, for Gloaoejtar 1- days; had lost both
uia'.vs r.td one nan.
Aiioirr, shipo Peterhoff, N Orleans: 'ovts Ma^anzaj, Ap?
lacl-icola Loul?a& Caroline, Mobile; brina fioho, Bonfire;
Jar a Crosby, l'ernambHufl
Cleared? fi ow ol ip? FoTSr Star, and Ocean Xagle. New Or
kiii; Chicora, do; f-. k; Orliue St John. Uatantas; Fro*
?i,ont Bdtiaore; brU Cluinent, iJavar.aah; soars Fro. man,
sua Jtu..rsid, Jacni'.l.
CllAM.r (TON, Fj'o 4.
Arriro -Ship E Bulhlfy. NTork.
Arrived 6th? Ship Iltirieborg.N York; barij Qu ,i.u Vioto
ria. Bull; I dit to, Boston.
failed? Barks Dudley, New York; J'.iptu-c, Boston; aohr
Doano, I'hiladeiphla.
Ilcrairi Mailue Cor respond nice.
PHii.Ai>ia.r <ia. Feb 5 ? 4 PM
Clearsd-Sobrs Mary 4 Louis*. Adaas, Cav&uuah: Euily
W oaver, Critli. iiobr.e.
Ship VewiCK, at Philadelphia freni :.ivorpo->l oxpyriencod
Tory heaty weather on tte ias?*ge, _ad wis 15 days on tue
twast, OL ace.uut of adverse winds aud tioavy weather.
Cmppkr Ship HirPioahk, Veroy, w'lioh aid h"nco D:o
I" Ira tun Francisco, *n spoken by brig Ueo Otis, it 3'u
lua, 011 t;.> 4th nit, iu lit )7 31 N, lou 4 ' Its, vita loas of Iota
sud .?.Rio topma^a. Cap! V intended pulling into Rio tor
Bark Kingston, at Pliiltdclphia from Bcmarira, was
wit!. in 180 milca ot Cape Konlopc-n on t'.o loth uli, and ? om
t.-.at <imo until the Sut eapeiieaeed nothing bui heavy gales
fr iB W8VF to aud was drivuu as far as Ion 07. On
21et uli. spoke h\-\ Octatia, trout Portland lor ilarana, vfUo
supplied them vitli provisions.
Ei,ic i. Ra.vi am , reported in cur last to have beeipiolol
up abandoned, In the utgiuuing il lao; month, 6 JO m :1m trjia
Is. d and takoa into acspulco, leit Boston in N.umtar,
for Calit inii., and arrived at Sic Fraco.oco in May,
1S3I'. The tar i ar, count* wo had from h'-r, she wis at Una
Juan del Snr in > <1 t. having arrived tuoro with paisan
gt:s trorn San i". r ci.ou, vliicl port s.io left Aug 20.
8chb Lovisa Skahs ..? Boston fr u. Ua-ana, detained in
t!.e ;ce at cape 1 d Bay, *r.> .i .1 :i.*ht or 2Stb oa
a ehoal about 5 wUco rt ol BJ : ? .ate i'jint, WoUfloet;
no dbibftge motiioacd.
Br Pohi Xsavotisu&s, Munn. from Bot'on for Prince Id
ward Island. w*h dri on a. . r-' . y k u-u Platter CoVfi, no
date. oat?osa\cd.
Th? Eagle. at Ba'iUx f-"n Mat . r.,'0-td 25lh alt
!at t\ il, Ion 68, taw u near, hull p .in ij i with ru. lallio piint,
blick bulwarks madi rtads blai > main topmast standing,
?all* t'jina to plooes <ovired ?.l(v loe
t? ii ten? Several ittoke < i 1. ? uod. ? ' -s < t c^Cfee, tins
her of ccffcii btRi. xo.'tj, yaw i i, ana ethor pitM ot *
?.eiel, togttLcr witii a martcr toa d, with the wjftt "Bso
r r.rd" on it (anothsr acoount s*ys thoy vrare pioees of a y%wi
o- at, ? it.1! t!)? ves?? l'a name out in, t id painted whito oa the
bavk Rraur.d). came ashore or 2d inst, baolt of Cape Crd. It
is sui t;0:ed either that a vc??el of tliat nume was loit a the
ounr bar. or that tbc artic'ct (eaceptiDK the boat) may navo
t-f !i i.(;i-d f> icb> AnRiur. et i'axltury, wi.ioh struck on t!i?
Peaked Bill Bais a low -*av? back, and tloated ot again, attor
t.vfowtn? oyer port oi her carjo.
Vi-.vsh.o.n F,^e? Ctin G:tmru?, at Cl iuoeater frsta Snri
nata, ti-pcrts that en ihe ilt\ nit, iu the Gulf dtr.-Mn. pasted
a fchr burnine, a' out iiilf dc .rjjid. Sho w-? apparuutiy a
Southern Wvod coaater. Saw u j.r.iug of the crew.
\VJ>nlcmen .
Sid fr m rr^Tlacetoten t7lh ult, bark (lata brig) Franklin,
Sor'-r. S Atlantic.
* ? fcv * a N ot 21* (V|T letter from Capt Swift), os??n, oi
? . . , K'CU btl? vii oil on loar. . Had shipped BJ.OJU
. .. t.it., i . (ho Garonne, f?r ^ Bedford.
Notice id nttrlnars.
t i In Oel'u j icd TafoHo Sounds, at sho eniranos to
- p> tt Darlcn, hare been replaced.
Fhip Kstfcor May Uow-js, from bo?ton{N?T 13) for flono
lulu, Bco 116 .at .. ? ii.n at 40 v?\
lpGuf'a ( artin), iromOallao f>r ri:\mjton Roids for
trieta, Jan -A i r M. : tr Ope? of Virginia.
i -.riUctaiia, tr:m i oi'laad for Havana, Jan 21. lat 34
tC. )' a W
. .k H"m Carstn (II ). 88 days frotn Newport, W, fjr
Ci:;, l'oiut. Jan 31', lat Si', lcn72, wan supplio<i with wator
tnd provitiona.
bi g t ha (of Hillbriilge), irom Batbadoej for Mart *
V. ? r, to K-ad v.ater lur Jdirtlni'ine, ru tc;a Buc 16, tl
Sv i- r.<n.
Brig Catrier (of Fall Rivo?), ftoa fjr 3avana?h, Jan
?0, Cat-o Henry VI' miles.
Foreign Port*.
An-titr Not S? Pseie*. e ip Jotlah Qulscy, Snd::ott, fm
Sliaiighro Sept 23. tor NTork
CAvrn.vK, Bjo 21? Brig Romp, La^bon, from Salem (Dec 4),
arr 23d, It* day* pa&sa<;u.
Oari k.nab, Jin si? iild bark Sarah B Hale, Crothsu,
CiERKrccos Jau 2"J? Hid bark Franklin, Cook, NVo'lt.
Ci.vDi , Jau IU- Sid a2a:g??, tor M l'ork. Aaeiia &. Mary,
B uton.
Brai., .Tan 10? Arr TTa-rict Aususta, Trott, NYork.
Bkmar aha, I)oc -Bark M*cina. R)SS, from It MA^ys
for Bonaire, aisg; bri?s Br"?cia. 'lreoart;n, from Boston I'^r
Matatiae, do; 'J opat, BiooKiield.from Ntwbo.-n, N (J. do; eohr
' : D.-.*Dd;A. Cte.'p.. frvin do, do; XlaGaruLr.il, Bondy, iroa
Bl.iabeth City. do.
Bomimca. J)c? ?i? Ketch Ino (ef HabfiT), wis blown (IT
the ccai>t >6th Nov, tud sit on 2.':!. i>?3, ha-ms su3rro<i
gristly fat t-ho want of wood aud water.
orai i semi Jan 10? Arr Forest ^u^oo, Vork.
Bai.hax Jan 25? Arr bri* Kmily, Toung, N l'ork ( wa? o J
>L ! harbor 17th) Cld 24th, Ux oark C.rin^a (from N i'or't.i. '
B'K.enzio, Mauritius.
l.tAOCA, Jan 15-Schr Hiai'.ton, , for NOtleans;
next day.
I ivi uroor., Jsn 11? Arr Zenobia, Parker, VOrloaas. T'"j
l.'ld Wartlii^'oa, lieno-. for Motile, is aoU.ro on Ails* Craig, i
aud rcport-d to to banly damrgud
yAVAiii-E7 Jan IS? Barn James Qall, Jirv'.E, 1m NFork, :
dita; barks K*U' i'"uderja?t, E?*jib fr m B*l?i.aoio, w;<; I
arotn, Lannihurn, i r >!ii bt T otnas (withoarjo of so ir Tio
; ena, 1I0W l'orilsr.d lor>Vork, w'.ir'i wai blo:rn otl); fort
'' ?nci (Br) S jtt, trom , wtg; sohrs O^aitTla. !iim a
t'.n, lor x< Vork 4 tays: Saxoa, fame, aud Malv.na, Boa- ,
Titt, nne.
Ma-a:,*a?, Jan 21-Arr brig Tangier, Park, TTashlng
ten, ^'U.
> i vita*, &' ' it .1 in ii Tirig Marshal Key, Lillia, lor N
Vork. l<fg: Lucy W a; ?, W atte, Oo do,
( -i.vo, :?ct a- No / m v, lp in port.
r : \a.v i'co, act Jan 23 mibri. J:? Crosby, I'-nll-Vn.
B< . .on.
J'.t >U Etc "??) / n <f.>Uinp ??
J'orto Caii':i.i.o, J .a 1. B*.? V '? ? 'a. Wi!jSB, fBf
W ; t-u lihta ' 0 .
Kin. i i-.n .? tn i7 -"lfijs Swss, B'tty for NTork, ldg; Hal
cj n. El lie'.-, to ! ad t. r do I
"i i u GR/- ' fvti. iv.5-:.::gK*port r, M'Diaald, fr;a
R l raond. ti g.
; ma ia - jt M -"1 1 Pi iJ".. V- V.
. . t 15- i :: \i iia.ja .t'lc, t> ry, 'roa Savaan ,i,
jus'? ?.rr; End i tl.trs.
i 1,0, J. .11 IS? ??0 " " I * ' ;I.SV' rti
II i!me Ports.
BOSTON, r. -i 4? A : h:>rk T ? ? , l..Uth vs. Porte le Is- |
'aid J t;h u1!-; ' t. ? Albert ?"'-rk'.ii. Hatch Cape Vurdls- j
l? *. t t'V 23. .. . ;.c i ,.*t, M<tir Ua..i* Bin
1 *ti. n. a ' ( i f. -. .?? - i-tr'n-i" I1 1-*> Jt ii"ico Uoo ?i, ' i
Icn June, Nickorson, Otioa Dia ni, Trnxtlle Jan li; J U Pro
ftiir.t, Tayi'r, tooan nit. via Bolir.os'l U'lo;
' ire, i arC?.t; ' t ..-go IS'.h ult ) 'ii* B.t< is, 01a? ion, San
J r Cuba, 1711 >? i, f t'- ift- ni k- ti. Ni 'Hut, Man ilas
. ? vit vip. HO ie, ilita'.it'; JEacy, wiiiBlnr; a. N 5, Tla
u> <ie, (va: i' p!i ''.' v ;cv n-.o tor Mt ;n with I tn i,
! ttttti in t< i ? ?li< v? <1 !i ? 1 ); solirs Eb ?a Atki jo. i
W hcldin, Pcrtaa I'm s h rlt, Tla Hyacnts; li..roka, tloo- ?
p t. v't !'PB ir , City IHtli tilt; v;a II V.a'<lra, At.-s, 1
li:Aldtdl7? ult, via ds I,. uitaBoarr, 4 ..fit, Havana, via I
I ly.Tifrt ; K i fi ..o, 't? Ofivnl u t. . i i \ . . . cr.; ;
UAi i . , .% , ? , 1 1 ? r.,' M|f,. ? i. ^Vorkl '. rip
Oli'.at . i.i, i", .i '. i . ia rt M- rnio'.o. B- ! > v
tt?f.? tSttaVo. irvD? Caiovtta; Oregon, from Orleans, hark
1 . nrt ir m 1 rune.1 a: iiac. and alaiF'ti.'p wilii p^iai
ed forts. Tilt-rrsihed brig Albert f oaring, ftoa PUtladoi
l . . CI ' - a l,lr * n ? ( It ). iKi\nn n. Idvorp'il. via
ii-.',; rt.ips i a i- n'.nt. ? aai-.-'-a. I.I . orpo*!; MiJjt*. |
l/'k b, Utblk, to li ,^dlor St PoV-rnhn-g; baiks B?r.' Adams,
r ail, ; 'i;,lph. Hi! ' al' . -.arr. ?rigs .".eitoa,
I rftjito. Oil i a.-'! e i ',<? B: . ',*t - Kolatjrc, ?- f..?- i
Uiasai daav : .bli-m M' OtiMln'to , "c'.t.i J I'Jom- '
i ? n, & i ?<? ? . ;',-it ,,o frill ; St l.vOB, fi.o aiiir ,|, J'^rt! mi 1,
> j load lor Cuba Bid i ti anrstlilp An ?rioa. atiBO n; snip Roo- i
b -r, r.g" J AJcsuriiu; Kr, ;ath I .n t,u? 'onTillo Or Jl i
1 ok. having repair it, Bit * J II Buvail, Justioo 3?-.rv. ;
rt ?' Cc.?ii a d, ! at re urued to the eity, tlia find '
l i.ii:,; s.r'ngficr* S. B." . ?. !r% < stftrtod, but arsaowd ia 1
Fr ii'mt R<,*dr ItrlgP,-i.pt Prlooosldy sterd v.
BAIiTIU'lrt* Vob i? Arr ship I or.-. McDon*l<l. Wad a, '?
Vi> rpoul; bLiks i?i ota. (Jould, Itio 0-\nde .r.j ,
t. .??. * t,' ! . V ?. i ? ' t Vti .,?? , Jaai.irc;
f i ' Fciib' : i do; ,u ktii i, J d, Oa,-lf.i--s. via ."Jut
I 'f Jt'arcia, M ; Nt rlexs Biii jo'.h.J^uss, loiB mll- j
trr, Iiallotv. <<.; Ilorinitaro Forte- 1, do; hMV, Eldridga.
Bor on; ?dmiind Bwlght. Ilallttt, (o; Maryland, Davis, do: |
At i n, Moti son. no) it,.,. , ii >1 ii.tr lias, 8F;i .ioUo>;
via stt Ti i.'- ; A '.takaj m, * r'-< >, M . .. ; Cynti.ta.
Otjif, Bava'.ua la Mar t;t ?l, .it1!, StTuotans; M. .:
t< > sjd#'. '!c> ' ? r ?? N pc..j i, ickorson, do; Mariott", ;
B! . eUlerd, Faetport, ?..; Jcno ''.at *, Pons'.oola.via !,oW0?;
if ti 1 H<o?t, G'ai'ara.JD y llai o ? ; Ara aiuta I , bp- |
ei,r>. <lf uni 'I Main; luoot.or, VVins1' v, Afeo.bo i R. J, ,r:( ,
t.,i. j. M< loblli ; fav ? Ml!-- ^.".arUston; ITiod
wril, B.own k' I pott M ; Winiftm, lb( > rn. ewburyi r;
I d.ixc. ki.i^'.t, plftaonUi, . Wra a Dub" n n ;
It? . Iliiai Gf r-.'O, lirrnmi n-i 'i I" Bu kn?m, Sim th,
Feetport. ' ,u . ip '.alit < : . ia I" < t, liimt, R Yori ? ba 'i
I ,1 ii Botil' > ? > ??!,.- ., 1 10 we. s, *?k iabi, PK; so, .
M> y i.nn. < lay. WIn'i s
D " t- .*. h ? ' ' t J-n . " " . w <r i 1 va:-o, P?
?rd V W '? it I "irth ? eri< a ^ 1*1, > V' rk.
OW'M'fl l-v- ?' 81 ? r> " tr !la UatnOB. OoWf,
Cat.', ti r t CI' ft ' ? ?; ail ? ia, Stub a, .Kr e
ate via Ui it et* Bole for Fr.uk art; uor Flora, B ?tp>rt
lor i nit 'i.e. i.
,i \?.K ON V I M K, ? 2J-Clds.',r ^ajdower, Allen, N
Ltn E'' ' ? .7 ? I r * . d, v W'A".", N . ? rk
; inV 1 Jt' l. ' h, J i . ^rt stoair , ip Motoor. Forbos
I.-.i.i ro)a ii tlla.vvHia; el.pu no , i thorle, Jwojte iH,
CsMme, Mo; Mt?*?rit, * . r>man, Ntwiort, W Wi* Proth
t thaiu, kioha' i, B'i I, r-l Amloy (Br), Koojr .
Li,, rpoot; Vn . rv b< ny t V rl ; Mmi '<r ?
dm b??l.s ( re tn Inn Rio .!? 'ire; Kara uo, unt r
C'arli ?t .o; Pandla K r.anolQi li|, iu,.-; ioi: br," r.o
r'.nt no (Hi ) p- tii.v Vat.v. f?. 1 ?<? ? Till*,
? I <'r -a f.-ina ?
|>atM. Cattfi 1 ouS?vJ A, VkifeUt 'j'.
Bclcw, ?*mio< op, iblpt Beatrice, Rosen, fi?m Qwit, Ilv
?(?in fc Welckar (Brem), Bomb, from Europe; Btototmaa.
Anderaea, frcm Harre; Bentheratr. 8ulll?an. from NFork,
Leonidaa. Jordtn, from Boiton, eohr Towmend, from lu
Juan. Old ?hip Havana Aaains, BalMtnore; bark Vi'ninia
(Pw), Januon. Cowm and a nkt: brim Burling. Pike, Bt
Thtnu ?nd amkl; BctuIUo, 3leeper, Cardenaa: fohr Kaile,
FreudUart, gitai. Tawed toiea 25th. ehlpeCaitollo, and M?
N Oi FOLK. Feb 1? Arr tchr eambridre. York. Ported;
2d aohrt Bbaron. Trackcr, Uoaton, Hannah Grr nt. Howard,
Newbvrytort, ? B bifon, Mcaauk, NFork, Atotio, M.ulvoo,
Newbury port.
3d? Arr brig Lvmlcy (Br), Pert*. Curacaa 29 d?7l. ?:hr?
Bt Mary. Lambkin. A York; Oil Blan, Hunt. Yoo'mooo f*r S
litven CJd etiip Guttav ( brew), Vcniarter. Baltimore?
In Hanptoa Koada, acnr Jew, Hoy*. Newbnrvptrt tor
NEW LONDON", Fobs ? Arr (loops Marietta. Ruitin, for
T York; Copt. Davis, do.
NEWPORT, Feb *? Arr eohr J H H orion, riuton, Boston
for Vlr?lala; Roatury, fWars, Provide' ?? tor Baltimore; Ox
ford, Uowla&d, do dor sioop Gau-ile, Ferguson, Bristol tor N
NEW HAVEN, Feb 3? Arr sehr Geld Hunter, Wrijtht,
Mnytfuct. Bid baik Peary Trowbridge, C outer, Buenos
Ajroi1; brig Indurtry, Ward, 8? Croix.
NEW BE^FoKD, Febi-Arr brig Oioeola, Chijole, Ba
rn un an.
PHILADELPHIA, Fob 4? Arr shir Venire, Voting, Lirtr
fool; taik Kingston, Foulkea, lr >m Denjarara aid. and Ho
minica 27th Dio Below, ?;<;pj .* Poucoll, Alexander, frem
Liverpool: Terqnln, Doughty, N Orleans.
PROVIDENCE, Feb J-3id propeller 1'eltcan, Williams,
K Fork. Pthrf Jeroleman. Coffin, which sld IHth ult for Suf
folk Vt ''xtt-rrt, tlowland, ana Koxtury, Cioweil. whloh eld
yc?tcrta> or B&ltimore, were in the loo this morning otf
Uotr.imUut Point, tut the two latlor wero towel out ta tUe
tfHrnion ty steamer Perry.
PORTLAND, Fob 3? Cla sehrs Maria Thcrosa, Crowell,
Norfolk: Warren. Davis, Baltimore.
RICHMOND. Ti'b 2-Arr ttban.er Rcanoko, Fariisb, New
York. flld schr Wo tov?r Hirsts, Boston.
FAN FE ANCI2G? Ship fcjren, Silobeo, tor China, anchor
ed < >fl North Beach Dee 81, (iaeoirtwtly roperted inBFraa
disco papcrt us t!d 23*i.).
SAVANNAH, Jan 31? Arrarhr Jtbn Fraeer, Hathawar,
fiftil'a. Cld ihipt Samuel ( Br), Morris, Livarpoo); Ooloniat
Llttor, io; br'.gt: V it. to CrlJto Mxr'in, t'hllxdeiphia; K it
Ltwton. Gardner, Harana; Curiliff, Melville, Maiani%*. Hid
brie Alt'ed Eki>!l, Uoldcr, N Vttk.
PaLEU. Feb Arr ichrt' John. FerUlst, NVotk. Bid 3d,
trip C?rlton, Upton, Sf.n Franciooo.
Pawngeri Arrived,
IlAvr.t a>t? SorTHAMPTCN? 8??ati;?hip Haroboldt? Mr
and Mr? W Viung. W Fltoh, It G Wiiuwrig'it, H W b\kos,
Ke? V W Sc udder and child, Miui KcudJer Mist A 0'ianeuy,
Kill ? Villon. L>: K V Jonee. J A fkittr n. Mrs M IUll, t l>u
r?b<t,Q BcrgeroS R ff Buriag'), C A fJatriiti", J Ka'ncy>r,
t Granier, Mr and Mrt Fellerin;, 8 Boc^k. J J Uoeohard, Mr
r.ud Mrt Birnird, I> Cohn, W Coeens W James, Mr aud Mrj
t'oj,t?nt and 4 children, F Curct? Total 86.
Eac,ge? 1st. ami? Br biig T! ouilt? J Fiasnr.
KichsionI) in ?> NoBfOLK? Bteamor Roanokn? W M flim
tcr, i G J.bb, W tlwood, W T Williams, M Bwcever, W H
Turn?r, R 8 R^a E II Hirber* J E Ticmiiin, H Oiirun, H O
b!rv 1) Lo;..n. V 11 Beets. U ? Quarlee, 0 G VValdrc, ?
Gtbtrn ana lady, W Read, li SoUult?, Mrs M Nioho)a aid
dautkter, 0 Vabeey, M M:8Vcrry, BJDr'tighty, Mlsg M8
Hull, K J W Barwood, J Vi'.lwcod J Griffiu, Mre btriug
! am aad 2 dtuxhteia, Mtsp Ii&r?, Mi?a Mu'r, Hi^a Dunham,
W Widosnd lat'y, G li Icbell, J McDonald and lady. J L
Brurase, G A Hclaao, Mise A Uattam, 8 Abbott, P A South
Mi, IJ8A r? nj.rr&biu, d<>, V ? DoPouald, O Biioppord, U &
I.ehmac. G tl Lanoaetcr? 17 in tto uuera?s.
Passenger* Sailed.
F 4i.h a* i.T LivkhpOOl? Stsansbip Amoriea (addition
s' )? Muatre J lister, J Vra le, J Boyd, K Thompson, J Po
therby Lewis and friend B Sbearaton, T 8 Bagoe, W Alagoe.
E ftaugh. S BBarsor. StJolin, N8; C.apt C Conyay, JC Bat
cher, oS ?hip Baitish i}noca, C Srowa, Lualaad, F Calvert,
restdetrc v ntnowa? 2?.
lor Halifax? Messrs Livingston, C 8 Consul, at ililU'cx; J
La i>ri nee J Towuscod, Mm jJulUvvn aud 2 children, 01 II a
IStsx, J T Eoriot, Mcntrer.l; il Slmsaoaa, Philadelphia; ?
Crurch, Falmouth, Si 9- -9. Total S7.
Cj; aciim- Stenrash.p Cherokee? a 3 Norton and servant,
Mrs Cutton, child, anu oervnnt, Cspt Dttp'.ro, Mies Kiohet,
fcii3 Cojle anc sirvnt, 1 Ball J tcslow, H a Hewitt, lady,
child, and setveut Vr Onlitt, Kr Duuigan, Hie Celeste,
Miss C Wctitworth, Hisa Jenny Jy^or, Mm Hcln.ughUn, Miss
Kate llaoi i^gs, -"ire Nel?' u L Norton, Mi McLaughlin, Mr
Lavell, A M< Mahon, At >ai>l,a.r, a Uurrtli, & iJ Uuisey, J
tuiitli, IJ McFarlsr J, F D M'.Ucr, W Aorr, W R Poetero, A
W Hancock, W A l'enUer. 1) Ilsllcigb, W A Colin^r. E
Milwain. A Davis, I! Proak, J Marvin, E W Chase. V S
l-uiith, ii Mtllor, K E Roberts. 0 ft Emory, W ivoe, F, R&y
d'ju, C Lindsay. is I) Griggs, J M Doyle, .! il Davis, S Davi
son, J Mies, A Sfce?n C- McGraw, J Wnite, J W Frenah.
J irtnoh. N Wilton. C W Smith, L McDsnald, J Powers, J
Barittt, (I F ft oodi. J KcNamoy, U Marks, J olaya, T Sul
livan, .1 ft illiBCis, I\ SicClcpors, ft Hoffman. A A Conner.
G Bolton, B Crowe F. McAlien. 8 McRwjt, A ft hitney, G
C'arke, H Roach, S llaicon, Ii Jolnson, W L Gardiner.
Z lUbir.scc C W Birtlett. ft* Nickell, T Havener e, G
Rfcl is.O Ro*.?e. 11 C Clajton, J L&wrotce. J M Boaa.
J C S RipU-y, 8 II Bfaroh, F Ilauelton, .1 Josc.yn, O
Werg, J Weisert, a Reynolds. J iionn. li U Thaylur, J 11
Ifelart', .1 O Scott J U jvicols, A Tnlly. K BaliT, j Cftrtsr,
J Levip, Aoe. U 'iran, W Wood. LB Wood. J W Stevens,
C ? Wally V, II Jotnisrn, J i>o?cen. VV U Curtis. J D
i ain. W J i'trce, ? (Juian, t. ? Richards. W Lokor, J Vf
ii !>*???, C n Ad; !iie, 8 A Ricscott, U H Fisher, L .1 Howo, O
B W- uiaa, a. 11 Lowe. M W inohes'or, I, F Flarg, A B I'la^g,
Js B F1.-.3!,'. H B IJicttook. J White, J amith, F Silver, J
W?rc\ .1 k ner, W. 8t?vcns, A Vilcutino. J Bentley, K
Baker, J R 1,'addiie, J Kvlley, J Ljvoland. J Gutchos, J B
Gtueiice. A l'hil'.ip", i Piatt, II Piatt, A J Snow, J Loahar
tran. K Iiay\ ii Folc'nisn, J 3 Jaces, B 9 Jones. W S
McCit'a, C. iic'iser. J t> Jones. T W Adams I, Cianinia. J
Gisc tin J G luiia:, ?l Jelrau ia, G G!ty, A Satoria, .1 Mar
tin. A M'Malt< n. J L Carlton, S Carlton. Mr Spray. A Ful
ler, ?i Caldwell, C G GiBoru, J. Dexter, C fl Cnuroh, F M
Lef.cn, F, Cntler, (J Clark: on, r Woods, C Colinan, A Sander
s n, I biaith, T Trickey St Son, ? A Ptndoton, W W Bat
tles. 4t s Btadford, ? II R Hamilton, ? H BurJja, C U Bor
der. A l.i'tlcticld, 2 Cole, C Dui him, W Sav#go. C 8 Burr,
J Dimly, J Bif ains. M O'Leary, R M< Cartnoy, RGfahaia,
J Hioi aiiis, B inarp, C li Stouo. K McCartney, J E Miilor.
C Wast. B M Rline. J Rail, J t i Adaias, T Preston. G
Bovard.l' Eirling, J La'ler, M liaycr. J O Leslie, O St?
t rtis, J B 3tev?n8, J A Wilcox, J Ununn, W Thomas and
vile, J Jinkns J G Davis. J B Philips, II Hnghe3, J J
Williima. .1 I, Davis, U lisath. J W Thomas, M U Ktvvi, W
G Williac,s. W D Hopkins, E f Denis, W D Griy, J Wilson.
E l'arkvr, J L? Uide, G M Bvde, F Bailey. S F Bakiir, T
l;"a'es, BM Sealiury, M 1 reekrrae, J Farrell, .1 Prats, II
Sc'strcid. PA JoliEy, F II Hihott, C Brets, J 3 William",
J Ii finds'), J I" P J on s, F, Af.ard, J Crnthers, li
Kter.s, 0 tj"art. .1 Frederieku, J A F . ni'.?rson. G W Curtis,
J W ?Jurti?, 0 Kin-''ft)l, .1 It Hopkins. B Jenkins, A Carnoy, !
B Doff man, j t oati, 1/ M.Donald, J N Woodard, J Rorth, i
W Kernac, Et)8?cne M Busem&n, D Hiue, M Uoiea'crg, j
J Rose i: I erg. M Norton. Si Morton, M Brown, M C. n?, ft
R< >rul's>-s, J 3 * iarh, M Bernard. R SpiagV.w. !i Strrbls, J
H nrr, 1' Coyle PGIeaun. U Brown, Mr Poterfou, i> j 1
Ilsrrit <? M S. ft. GUM ore. V Fil.patrick, C H Inlia, .
J J Murphy, TCntlng, F Barclay, J L> ley, J K "an OJ |
Corant, P IcConrty, P Madden. M l)u2y. J Lonaar l, ?
hurt cn. J Kfclial,an. J Oallncy, L .! Fiatorer. A.tjoccon,
J Ituinp, OPurvir, J ihotupicr. M Grcnoe, J li Baymooi.
'i Jichlc A Nob'.o. J 1. Hairla, n Biuiysun. A QiCcs. J K
G tec. W l odgers, .! vv ods. J li ,son. tM.ugrave, J Oor
Ft-'M, II K Shaw, BBl .uchard, li 5 Cutting, M K Whit
ir i, D Nogs. J s Lovell,
Fan Jt an? Steatishlp Prometheus? P B 7or.ip'<ins, F. L
Jlr.) A Pcivcll m. i 4 cMldroJ. M ? y Pu * o l. 1-sFC
P< w? 11. S H Paasafi', C Morri?, c; S M:r>, Mrs F. C.vr,
.1 Pincteiti r v.ifi, 2 th Wren and 2 tcrvsui", l) iiot?r >???,
vif j, ana 2 :hl! Iren, Si'sin A1 boM, Jen.im* ( C."pt fc
CVan-, c Rico and v.ife, W A SValier. ?.i:s L li W iceVr, J A
M i.'tc >, Mr Carl'oo, B F Pollaid. G M Sheridan, Mrs "uoOor
i.i i, T Georgt), Mi. 3 8 Smitli, B Duscabaity. V t#a Ellon
T; apton V.ios E Mjert. J B-.i'.y arid serva^, T C Steph
ens, A 11 C'lr rhern. J Tcrkens. C J Demp?ter> 5 Tttnt and
servant C/.p; J Fcifiney, McDouga't and wile Dr J Carroll,
C R Goodwin, W I) Lyon. W t line J U Turner and servant,
Si Williams antl vile, W H Sharp, .) 1* Buckley, a Dickinean
and wife, Mrs Row, S A Jeaninon, ? W Jern'.eon, J A Jerni
on. S li Pierce, W Peaslee. G Chappel, J H DioUia.non. U B
Hill, W J Arnsironc. Mrs Carnduli and so*. K Auvid. a J F
jfa!e, J Westetvelt, C V* out, A West, C C Miles, 8 Risn, Kr
.Bsnt' rd a' d wife. Mrs Joiner and child, J EborhaiJt. J M
Ramiroy. G B Larralee, J 'loattie, K Dunn, J W B-own. W
1'ryoold. Mrs Ijons sni c'.ild, I Pollock. W L NewoU, S
Moody aud wife, J'ra >' N Durfee, Kra P C Fralick and' hild,
Mrs \ I'ra'i>-k and child. R i' Chri-torh^r, A Arms.ro VT.
R Ksapp, Mrs J I A'joo, Mrs E Smith and daughter, Mra
Dcbaon :nd inf.Mit, Mrs lllingsworth. A Mar in, G F HofT
rcan, ft f Hoffman, A Green G II Hamond. PLu'r. E
Sohlofser. WBaMs k, C Railsbaek, F 4' I ram. II S Baik
Jej , F < I'osrel), M C I'ov ell, J MCsmpbell J L S' 'p^euson.
D Wright. A b Gore, E Cooler, J D.tr'iag. J E Tatlor, J
Scingour, E B Drrfee, W Rilbonrn, vifeacd 5 ol i'dr'n; P
Rillum, 1 Saow, E li fnoT. G Stiles, J Thompson T
Andrews, 8 Taft. D Poott, G Little. W Ungar, 8 Flood. AT
>elsrn( Ii MeCormtek, M Byrnes. L F Towlcs. J MoMulliu.
A H Novell, E B Keith, E Bmlin. A 3 Gnnnell, C Slooum, J
L Chece, E Eaton, wife, and 1 children, K A Sheldon, J Statt
H rd, J Itucll, 0 Becbe, C?pt S Moody, T HBrowu, FW
Adsir.!, D Poller, J Cran^on, A S'ni'n, E B Wolcott J B
CV nndlev, F E Foot, W tVaipple. ?! licsely, ft* T Fowler. J
ft iltse, A Bcw en. T A Chick, u * Bacd, il Oil!'*, M S o
tie'd. W il Ketc^am, f Dmnal ari) t, G J slyn, W Ki y nai,
.1 llnjirun, a Bobm, II S Win-), J ft' -ils, I, O Bak:r. M'.-n
Diet. i son, A Goodj car, J 0 !tll, A Judann, (18 11 ,'pkius K
ft Jl'ceh. L tl E-r er. W B t .: :d ok, 8 B ft'l ip; e, W F
Cl .rV. M: s C I'c :m ly, J M .n ri, .' I'eatl tly.P t'haancy
J .' M It y, A i- Cole. .1 D gcliu f C l,e> is ft Tnrnt-r A W
Ic ts CI' Aekl'-r. L U t'acey. G Reed, F E Cheney, 3 P CaU
vir, Mrs J; ate ?nti o ehlldrcn, E R Romii/gton, G Ha' ii. ld,
t m tlainh< jR* Racism. C Corlctt U H" I'oiy W Cnat
I " .1 <'U*k, Ca?I s 3 1. ' Ot'. 8 11 O mjUd, A
I a > y , i' ft'ordt.'.r e. 8 tft'r > J H r odl- o js.:, C Strcigh .
?I ?' ? ? i t, J t Mui i.'h. 111. liT-rson, .1 H -and all, t! C
II ? I. Scars, Ira Eerry, A Kawall. J W Leper, LB
i , ? ( rios I'urne?", 'li. uia* Lake T 'A" i\'Um?r, G W
l-.'rir. IV PCrrMs - m " ?: *-V .-id. i Ttl.ear. b t; 0 rover,
?I I< ? : tf], (, Vt hi'!. 1*. W "J At'u s ' 11, J W lit a
t ? J Burt;! a. B V ? ?. /.in ?, I' Bt.atoMi, G? Ca-.ain,
J (' V i oia- , .i ? -s r It! I'.', Jatfc it Tlnv.c". Samtiol Otti
i ... V kitn, L Mi rvhy, 8Carn'".:i, .1 f'-ar',on. i!n y
< - ir.' w 1 ci .? , ? ktrs \ J .1 >?;?.
ha; ? r, I' ? ' . . 1 W !?*:??, U all i A A V al -is,
JODtruMl, M O V nnall. .1 Cartin, B "la'oy. J D 6 ' ;eo
B Dtory, o C J>H<ir! am W B Carp n*?r. D 8 Kr-dhra,
?I ft ' . <i r. G lv i, (is !, F It '.????. t t V I?r ??o ? ?l orris.
I <1 Fof. . I. a ilur J Giozior (! 1) m ?r. ft 11 Albt tt.
?; \V Abi.' tt ,t <ti s .V 1! I ne U h. *i r. J:i A- ^'flin,
> ' ( roi man, D I ->! ?. J A ' l'lt'c, J Goldihrop J 1! 1 oe.,
.1 ?? t si', .ii. Via i !i,!d H"ta i ndre *s, Rtenoor KiHn 'tin,
N Eatnej, O Baroey. Wm II Dafoa, 6 kilier. ti Miller. <t
J 'fleet G I.e. nard, P I'l.elp* J Baker, 7. l)'f k?re">n, " t?
1'otte', 'i 1 Potter, < I- I'c for. 1' Shemin ?: * Cs- . 1' T
B.-^'n, .M <lf.c v, G & B.-ij "man ft B Bri.htT.an, 11 *
tilfl'ird, E Burosrk, J 'Ivii'ank, T H Look,' R Look. E
R'.:t ? W ft cr vi It P ii diet . \ I. r ; ? . r. 1 Holme*.
A C Voso. P Co li, ri tn Norev. '1 ?? Itai l it, A Ulc: o G
LatFror, G Murray, V . 1'arier, t' Rorsell, 0 P PRasaut!.
Hugh Mm* I. it T1a>. (:-.o . i.'l<er?on. M N Ba'ley, A II
? ' i o, i i - i ?' iiM' I.*, .'ii, It -j . ui r, T B 8' ep'ien-.
K >i twr.cy. VI S CnmiFcM, Pel r Coon?r. A M'Her. F
Pa uin, A F Randolph. ? R Mu hoWO, 8 Cady, II Pu k,
Ira Torry, Alvlu l>?v, Ira Dav, N K Koss. 0 It m*. R J Mo
It <ir, Isaac Senoiri v, (1 Taylor ft li ?'sri, i tlln son,
t itni'i.n.A h t'l hi MTl'iyer. D Clark. P fl ward,.!
I II air, ip ? n, J C Lata pi, i. A Fras'r, W MoPlii.'on, .1 U
Lo!< r, . 1 t Cock, .1 III mphroy, C Shandrum, N i. Ward, J
I ti a i5 W ft'trd, C P M rg. n. A il-ughttn. N t,' C ntcr.
G l.iirk, Chic flay. R T Fo^g. C 8 liar.;, II Fitger, F C
Y t ' t'l Jn!i . :i Wea""f, 0 P annard, U ft f . er, C LI yd 'A
Pctvis, ?l I , w let. V m Iiersay. Ceo Howard. J ? rt m, G 1?
r ,ps, Jr, F M' r.l.y, Jsr E ovtn.C S.^Mllor, J Bailer, K
jr. i t" Mort it, > 1o-'o, t! > lot'ian. VI (iotboi, j
'.M !f V. hull, John 1'iir.f'o. C K'eeix'^ if A Cit'l lexer,
n ft I ite. A C LongsU ? " . J >s Cisll h Baat r M ft' uril
h. f I " ? wt , r y. N Marh'.e, Ceo I' Hs-n. A Hatha #*y, J
? ?. F, 11 ft.' do A l.sn lers J II '.ru'' r, Rmtry ft'onl. d
?d .1 11 'lr ? n, Van ft ntple. P V?n Atnbnrgh, r i
'r eh I I'artnrn. D n Bt.kcr, J 8 Haffaf, D C and R
r- cr. L Walker. J Gor.'- o, I> and V 8tr.it! .1 Afldcrsn*.
M K. I.J 0 .1 H Bpeivr, H P f d 1 'do ra J t' U x e C Me
et y.ir , i Wndi.ii.' Vi,n. ft" ! I ? nr. r. J WCatin? lv. A II 0 ;
i II, C H ' - 1 1 'i fy ri.is f'roacl"-, II j ?toddird, A A ,
rovr, L ft "rr't F ?/ 1 11a?\ TC' II - C Siiles.J Orosott,
, Wi'Mns, D (twep, K T Roberts, B K Hnghaat H and ? h
-tfi-t.. W H'i'gs CI I 'nnln*. AR blr s J Abba, R '
>1,(1.1, c a fcvir 't H lv rrv. .1 llsrrnon. D 0 tilth. It 1> I
humaa. C Cutty. J Foikius, fi Perl la*. A M vie, B A flrny- I
n / Mo'ir 1< m A liyc . 8 i> Mi. Ilott, . I ft' Milrliell, .'r, j
r Win Clttir h. U VV nh p rl. 11 and J RyoOrd, |
k v | Ba'a, il '* tie, f- 8 J nois n. I) Dorwtud,
I l ioSerr. H Ki' i?. h I rthu'kcr. A flii kcrnntt, T 1 t r
ip 1 ilk" i' Vt "itiri', J Brett. J V ft litlen K Guiln,
?i'.t'l A a William.'. F n Dot IS' nidi j> L SpM 1 i ?,
I . nI... T Cm i , r. <! <'i,or i J Clarke. J ?"ilr n 1 tl il?
: s t iVtitl'ct' ? .1 B r.ukwh; Vf R Gar'ii. '. HIl 1,1
, V ft V Hk>. ft Tr.olcer. U Aldili ji I E Rust, f? Hi liia>
V ft rl'.'sr J?s llaiv y, Jas KM r, C Br 't'l'V, J ft ilMami,
? pnticr .1- m Rohhliia. Jehu Fnilor K Ki'i r JJane.'.
II > mi -y M ' P'lt'rt. b B Varnev. W II I ? r. I. F '
I. II" ' ii Mi I , W <? Birr mere, 111 Joivs I M.lntyi>.C I
-il '.id B 1 Alien, J it Allen Ilf.ri n.F. Purlin, K Bnr> I
,1 Ft'-' nil. as. J R? molds, 1, M, -1,017, ft 8 Mnra?, O
'arlt Is, t1 A Gre.iO. L Ch?inbar)tB, D s'lioifeil, Wm Wi'j
t r ft 8Car?'tt r. 11 Holly. Jai s Far-.-."., I.CBriw*.
ft Jon's, J J H * It. A K Gooomsu Goo Bottom, G tc
uii.? i *" o,<' P 11'" tin Con G fl Carmll, John l.ilvLr
? pr ? ' ' " " ' 1 t .1 8 I ? ton W F fi'i, Ornu <Io ? a,
</ Ctt i V IT ni n .1 W .T-nki'S, R II Al' -n. 0 I' y ?g
"'.iP Kt; < R J#?l.!??, Th9?7t '?.'k!ui. 9 Ao ,v
Iodine Baths, No 4 Great Jons* street, are a->t on'/
a luxury fot cieaasiag the skin, atid beautifying t-'n
oempiexfon, but a tafc and Ulectual remadial agent to era
dicate from the syiittm cc'di, ihenmstftm, meicuriai oom
plaints, erjsipelai, talt rketm, scrofula, and other ua
sightly dinurs of the ekio.
Medical ini ikjiarv for tub ccre or Dis
eases of the thtuat, lungs, scrofula, Sic , at No M
I Lispcnaid street. This institution is e m 'uated upan ft n*w
and retteel plan. and all patient* (ball be cured wtth ((Mat
c'.rc and dc jpatch for whioli a moderate fee will be required.
The pkraiciana are in attendance only trom 1 2 Vj 3 o oloak,
d-ily. other parts of th# day betas devoted to (Utit family
j practice.
5 remetfy fot this (Croat dread of tlia ocean, eaa be hid al
476 Broadway. Captain Berry, of the steamer Marriott.
ipcakB of it as as cve'icp wonder lie difinctly says t>:ak
it ii the only remedy that he hae ever triod that would ?ir>-4
the elighte.it rdicf in s?? eit-Uxs t sa. No person who hu not
bee. me accustomed to the tea should thinU of taking % Tow
age without it Sold in Urge bottlss at $1 each; f3 peg
d:ien, cash. The ruly place where it oan be had
> panioa.-- By l>r. A Jt. iiiuri.-ean. Profosenr of
cf Wor&ea-Twuatioth cdU'.on, lSn:o , pp. a&j? Prtur VU
Years of su.T. ring. of physical xud inunta.' anguish It uiany
a? affr-ctlOHifa wifo, ?ud pc uniiri ii.Uoultiu to ti-.t h ri
band, might haw tees spared t> a til ilj possession oi Utla
*'tk. It l? Intended especially for the married ct tboaa
eair.c;orlatlii|t marriage m it dlsol liaporaaai seore*.
wnlch shouli! te kni'tfn tc tktu part' . itr!>
To t&ose whole nealth doaa tot wttkil 0/ UtlamaM If
family, !t te oi apodal import* n?e.
Dnre alec, orcry finus? tts. viio, at'.n ir.atfcrr --the ??
dither huddle* into iromaohocd, or ti.* other Ir the rtenilaa
?. i?mi, in wLom natuto contemplate* ar, imjorisst obar.get.
can diij.waj the cw?o?, symptoms, s:-.i tLo moeii effloieM
rtKcdisa, and most aerta!ui&a<to o! cm... lu ? ict i ooo.p"*i?(
to *bt"h hr/i 90k is 1 u Ij t j*
( Bxtraoi of a iots-jr from a gsntlMaat tn Daytns, Ohio:)
Dx A. 2c. Uaurjjeau:? Daytow, May 1, IWk
Mv Data Sir :-.Vt wife hsfl be#-' pcromtiLly ainklnf tot
Kim litfc year* or more, moot eiu-^co o' hcrrreM ac^utak
and f nCoriag ?omo roont>? bstoro ai.i daring her cralm*
acati uyt cj iGusesiive ?b* mere and n*uxa d?.bi:'t?tia*
a; ?? pr;? -r*tiun h-t, ra'.t'nt! bt?r life in imtelnonl oar.guc.
a^d w'lioh wa?, on tac ixa< oosarioa, do?i iired of. 1 ?u^>
pccet' thit u?v?n ?f nbip wa* lacriti* le, and r??lgno^ / ity?
? Jit to moet tii? trenv At ttla ? .?a, (n-w ahon? twa
aicathi.) ll.jtrd j?vur bocfe highb tlioioa of, a* ?-.outalt '.uk
ion.-.- res.-; tun reteinii.it say o**e. on lie rooclvtandp'j.uiaL
i mmcm to ?.;o taf r?Uci It a'fttididiuy dj; ;rio.tt
riiad, and the Joy i.i pv^.os ta-Jtr^cd to my wfff, on 'ew?
tar tl*t thegrii.,i dlMOVcry of !?. U. Btiiomt-iox profiled ?
rtr'-irtj. l? epenoc a prospcet It s?, whiaa I U^.tit eoa?
?cl?cd ifti possible, iln'i far thl?, ere aaotUei year weiil
l.a>c jficsad oTcr n>j t.cud, la al' lian.an Li-obal.Uiy si7 irtta
vorij ban i?:n la r?a>6.. azc ay iyft mcM?c?
1 ? l? of oouna, Jc.TiiOtlcaU* bo soucty wore fnily the m
liotu FJbJcote tr*?K4 oi, :?? thsy urn of ? aatsre ctrictly
Intcndod icr tfc* aarricd, or ihoee oontcaplnting ni? ri?.7t,
Jtt m!? at tlwirtit, t".w u\ tbj paM!>.:.ln? ?S5i?, &
h 'witj u'T a?% Navr Y.ifS ; I>ittk ^ A'ba:.y ;
Tuoier. 7'obilt, A!&V?zut V. H. Fetonoi^ KCliutcst itroet.
?'?!) tho r?< e!ot ?! 9', ? wjj *'?: bt It*bj 2:ti?d *< p?al?,
f?os of pogkf.Rt, to *?; par* ct the Ua'.ved CtatM. Ai'. '.it iota
ninr.t be adftuaied. po^r ptiii. to !">}.. A. M. ,V ?>?k
l.'r'l. No*-" Vr.Ti o: W OBoj V' Ubertv et?9ti.
? S MoJIolne, hta established (by hie fro*tW vapsr'PI
trokiiacnt of all. priY&t ? diecucs) i. r-ipttfttion w hio>. olhurc
?oral? eery t!m. Notoalv ipr tie a?tcnlshir_f.iy r?ipH once#
of the diH-.ias? whilo lc.-ial. wl'.hout, iu ia*u; oa?M. usuf
ar.y rrcdiuintc bat In those aythiMVi omss of Kontl.a' mm
'/vbrc' <?i.r- t'ciL, r.aajlng the dcitru^tiufi cf the ho*iC? fof
ever, s.cd wi-'cU lave beta node:- due chnrseo< the noci1 aral
i i-.nr. a withoat ciocem, ^ his ecrvlcc.' *o moo!, scaghi to|
s.v.C. yjklucd; for on Ices the *jrs>nn !. oalitely fiteoa itoxt
l^c p liwer, it alTaow the Ktoocav u.TspriuA for genorfr
Una, nt vrrittoa oortiacr.t jj pakJUikad tj hto am its
oar (?>. t>.?l, fc? is nn? aftail to assort . cannot bo ciinsllod
though hii pro.'.optort troro *hs grc..k Ri??rd of Parla us
Aotpc of Londos. Ths eorttficaiis a' ?"! ir.olade the strj bb?
forts&alcly no?e;'on? fietiae oi ??.!! alose, a* thera art
tbvBjaeda who osutot bi ct-.-ei' wit* iroalolnes. lie, Uero
for;:, ofi.ieoiaUy solioi4sil o?s iilt oar'l ?!: j abacdoaot'. citJI
of wi atore; ooir.rlr'nt ia this epeaiiiuir, a? h' alr- iji K??
r*.nto:i an c-?j aad penaaaeat ouve. Jfor '.?{*?Ticat by let
ter, afyll etatcment c? the ens:, with fee, tobos 7't Hrja dway
lost Ot&c-i, Not* rork. *Ul be ntic-ji-.?rj. Pfcil^ats ^ppljf
btf petsona'ly have saptr? to rcoms O.Uoe h?nr?. 9 ti-. soe
tr.osain* till'12 aa-'i 6 w bin the erot.^ag, al ? Read', itrnti
t?o doors fro.T. Broad-woy, t-pprs t*- Rtcwari'f? cot |r> tha
d- ; *? '.--.j. -? >. - .>?? ? ; . *ti v: pabUabafi
fiuh edition? bv it. B. ],? Croii, Alfca&y, &:Vr
Ohc*ra?ibo>li o?er pnolietoc- "50 ptys-, *na 15 t'no platM ca
t'te Physiology oi t-.Mtlage, acd ti.*.. a ret iati julJies at
diioidi re of yocth nsttnriiTi rssnlting from ?x isiioi,
? hic'? destroy tbv' physloal Mil mrnts.1 p?.w;t?. all dise^tw.
;.r u ' ng from icdisoNt'on, wU'i plain t.z-1 si;.? ruins bp
which all persons o?ni?i:r>) i'leies1 toj, wHLruj m?riori%,
? the author's o\wriUQT.i on irnrlige, il*eut'*v at i.
iJjKjtu.lihiatii.ns. *nd thsir reiaciiUs: ?rith nolorsd litt <r*
K'Nphs, lllDstrstiog the aMttorcy, anr phyjIolcKy, and dit
e#.f.c?oftj? rcprodoctl7e ort.ans of both <crw, t'.eit t-rae
hsre?, asae, and faaetirias. It cen-?tiii? jat..y l^oorUat
hiats tc thoes conte,-aplating raatrliocw, wLiahwiU ovor
ootc cbfoot'.oi!* aga'nst raarriaf* ; ntr-c. hortTjr. ghitU#
tf.*?tUa Issv Tlstat otoy with cat trirt eoo3..:t(tr it pxgear
It t.uata of all Jlsoj-r"? of fooialos, r- Inkjet mirrtc o or staelAp
tiTingcn w'uo rcquirs medloa'. a!i,be?.r? cossultiai any
dootar, o-.za'i to know wkothe* their ewes ai? propa/ly na?
f.tratood by s'ac.'o wtcm ihey erai'oy, ?a?i thas evardiagainit
the impoiib?o? of qoao>.'-rj, sc Pi-a-raiavS in popoia; ctiiec;
Dr. La Oraii it a Ir.grlly qr ilifced phyaioiiuti, and fort^e-'pasi
t warty has bcoc dV.ly coa?uli?d cj.os ?hi ii 'orenti
d:o.^*s gf waicb Ut look tresis, pensaafly ef veil as by
Set. at. Any pe.-non s-itd'.a,'. twee'r-aje coats la i letl?..
poti pafi, v.'\ rooel^a on: copy byiaalL ft?r. o' pcstice. of
Ot; ooplcfor 91. Address T>z k. B. Iut 0R91X, fo Bsanff
?' -"Ct, Albany. N. Y. Sold by 3*rrot Fi Co., SC Ar-a st est.
?i?d Btrt.tror A Towasead, Sil *Jroft'lw?y, S T, Bsti >fc
? Bee, r.i L'.cy i Ftrac ?. BnS'alo.
n-ates tha ej-oadkut cares ercr kaowa Ail who haTa
? attracted a private dboaas, taalic otrly appUcatlca. IUa
tre-^sacnt l? tin aJirlvttif>n of physlolvie thcaiaslTOi. Tht
rt^appoltt^d are certain cr a oura trcm fcisx. hcararor ucA
at.'ior doctcrt may hare failed; reH<il affordci at onoc, oasea
tortr times ia cix hourc; tio loju reauired: ruedisal te ak
grF.nia. Offieo. Oar at s'.raei oerrcer of Uroa4w?j.
cnae?All {'?rnoT ?iwrienoe cac ceiad.? laauaicr*hl?
canes progress through Uio-rssrera! terrible e'.ajpv?, la ep'H
:?! tue ordinary treat;mi>-.t, li't Dr. Ward, by l is wonlorfal
priparatiots, arruste all ijekantaucctisiy. 6'i. ht a^cUsai
nWlj eortJ Ir. one dr ?. 'ifato i:a?ipo!ot:d by hum I njgi
bi .-e uc con-fpttsa of ?k? e**e and ceiertt* with which M
eaa acte then. No foe r':qcirei OSae Car.al
omier cf Broadway.
trov. Chatham siTfci, Boatlaacr to bo eoaeultsd n
prnte UMM l>r. W. has devoted thirty si* to the
pr/otici of hia profe.i?lo'i,wbcra the Tlotlic oi p li s'.uae, ot
ihosa who hare oeaaped iron tie h iads of K.ell:al pr?te??>
?rs. ira? r?*iy oo a ufe and upc-idy c;ira.
r>R. COOI'KK, 14 DUA.fi M-.l\?'.\ D?lS, TOR TBI
t lart twonty years. e;joye ! tie Ef it cx'.enr.ivc praaHca
In prirato diseanes of any uicd'"al n>a*i la NevYork. Bl
can oure the irejt aggravated o*5?# o! this l.#ease, an*
mild oatoa evred ib t*o days. Dr. Coopar ctn ouro th?
worm, loira? ia from cno to wnohs? of constitutional
debility, bronght ou by a scores habit indulged in by youag
Kioa. \ his. y. ban too fr^uon'-ly indr.lzed in, bngsts dys
fsi 'la. veatueas of the litshe.and stnall of ttio back, oon
li bion of tho intellect, and aiors'.^n to society, A parfeot
ouro guaranteed in oaih cas ? or oharge. N II.? ?.ra?gjta
(1 ? t ! i <i .ivod. 1 ht/ra not loit DuanesViaet,
Dr. joarsoH, wo. 17 dita??* btkssy, bo waut
known in th<j t?-?*trtfr.? of dnlicato dimjaaes. The Dea
ler's refutation lor skill In those bait- nu- ad eifs. th&t hart
?r.is'ucd for years. is pro-cmlnent Constitutional w.a!ui?aB
brought en by a eo":ai habit, eiTnctaa'Iy cured. K*o?t|
oaf.-* enrod Ib four days. A yerfoet cure or no oharj?.
v ate Treaties," iic. Offlce henrs I' to rj o'clock A M..
ami B to 8 o'olook F M. (Sunday eiocptod, ) Vo. Hi Green
wich utrcct. From the unoommcn medical ndvantagae tha
author has enjoyed, M&eng which he .?ou>d inatanoe lnyiiit
tended several yetrs in Paris lor thaea.r.sn purpose of
?ti dying t'1 ? m 'i snares, f llow J by a lnm and very o*t?n
sive tracHes, devotad rxolasivcly to this atecitlity, he c tm
without hOMtat t:. prcmiro, ?yen in t , > taast r voreaui
eoupliottcd vast s as rre nd\ry ui?.a<(f, (w< , k.o., K"~, ?on
corrals, rafo, an-i radical euros thftn cin be obtained froa
ary other sonroa in America. Those wh?a?plyla the ear.
1 or st?i ts ol disi' j?is, will be grat'fi^d by tb easo and rapi4
ty ol tne tare, wiiioh io of inn (ft t d in * vary fiw days.
S , arat .waiting r<"?.n? aro vrcvidod, rot tieatmoat bt
lr.t'.or, a<idr?.r? bo* t-rii l'ott oftSsa.
I tl'.e oil t ? i ,tt re, nyciptrin', progress, aonttqii> n
r r.- .ii", nil ctm; udrik.-ite distu?e> ? n dis'r?fs which
< >.-?> r. -?t '. !c f.nd are liabln to b- titren as nrnhj and on
the ii". c?ae* r' salting ftcm their. ?? 1 1 !i il!i.f>trr; t?e p'ltei,
t Joseph It .pn, k. D. *ii'i.i-r cf the Fatally PhyslclM*
Kr ,t ? \<? ? ' if P. MJ t.p rr.tt JottW. 1 ? r fcUt hf
t! r?i 'it.cr. 4". Ar.n s'tn t as ?! l..v >. oik boosts"' " ?: also,
tv 1 e fttithc- ^ i: . ? ? n ?? 1' r* , 1 1 r.. ?l't<d li. i of post
sgc, by ?ddrtntng post paid, to box hG9 lowar Pota utHav.
ftjo r ' ti ookbct. 1- oca a
1" 5-" ? ' .* !?? ??? .. . .fidouilaRy ct . ? * j *?
tan: ? of ,.el ?te dbeM ; '( 7?->a?,-vue ynart p.,?'Aij<i . '?
5" '.-. p ri ij t; 1 ; 1 ' penttMt 01 .
Mat o*^-i Mttote'-I in a low d?y?. Dr. C. hM : '-ulaed aa
'I ?' if. , . ,r 'e:.:1 ra .tan r d.i b?M ili
wl ore at' ia BKd ct aatilra' o? itr*- ??' a'..' naf
... * <>! ! hocua1)! .* C' . I r. r;
CI t r-. c ";r Tirk l/wwtiltf
'J'**) m* D.;-4i t IN r," r.-DR, VTAKP ( ?. I or
A tt.- ?<!:.rto crTice, 1 Is troatvut at cr.oe t - ^ As
p.,' .ah r>r -icnt fretii sitf.rlng and prcbabl' Ci. etior <?
s: Mtd i tr -.?.i4 soennty. De git* dalli nt ay
ct '? ?as?s th^t have Hi.'iei otters. Thoi? ? . gioI.'.A
O.fS arj fi r:- , .te, fo ? : ..e ,? are oar 4 before tht ' c rr*
:t f sea ?l de iy ah.iir tfi No Inn an-' r.a lical
buo'igtatU. t ?ire. Omal street, aornar of B;- .1 tay
il u s ' i. or t;io3* vuo davb coatraotmo
*4 i ..'aano, era 0> appointed of a unrt by O " wlbiii
n- Dr Hvr.tfl- r.? first 1 lie wllk forfeit an y si > if U .iiag ??
rvr - any lhat may o^me undor his oare, 0 mstt"r ?to**a
It dgDau'tiiig or ami .t t r- Patients are invltod ti Hi Dla
y n ? a Dirlsio* street, Nets Tork olty. an 1 'ra*df
*, a anted j early by his praotioal eaptrlonoe at. J p eat ram?
d 1. I >r ? ? ,crs who hr.vc boea tini.>rttM:a?* 1? t,?o ? lacMt*
t, ? pi ??ioi?n. sru snl'nti'id to oali on the Doati f 11 ireah
remedy, llnnWti Ked Oft. anrcs these whohart tori'.fs .l*t
p a'- dinoase like r -.alo. Prloe ?1, wi-h a prlv > ? i?Vt?.
P iop)ecen? haaarcdt of miles to rot this urjutolr*. Tb?
in triable vr'.uo of t Is rcmody oTor all ore? C-Jb
1 ..? rod Ii. that it do* net dry nr the poison of .j.:. .so, i?
thf Morid, tc bra-.k out at sorr.e remute period la a n.c*?
t -n- de mat.ner but thoroughly roots ont ev^ry r ?%???'.? n|
diteaso, ('iter. <b forty-eight no*rs, ) placing the ptiiott||^
the nmc r*-; -t'oa as bofore he evar oct iraetad a ? ;.rf;a?a
wnatsvar. h cdioal men in all ftrte of the eou ? *:>?>#
thoir ehronlo eaE"s tr Doctor Ilrntar. No fee < ' c-,r?d.
y. diaal bonio ??'; pages. All eoinultstlons prls - a irio?
nr.-.ti*. i?nii;.| in the n.ost terrible ossis in ?? . rtiAsW
V'iKht affnetlotis enrod in oil hoars.
lible t? t\ndy for th sa deplorable 4eblli>;>s
Tjont on eelt-av. ise, li, paoitaVIng tko man f> r b??'asssr,
snelety, and matrUa< ??> n.av be heard of gia*^B. l>\ inilrr.**.
in poet | r.ii, '. ?<, li'i1 Tr . .* ? iy Pott effics, P . ; , .1
) 1.,' igtiu.'ir '?'? uu ??. espetlaily t: ? ? ? >
. ?i r?. .n- / r i" g to any Doov ?
y?'-t?hispr. ' n? mav pi .Mnotfailt 1.
L.i.l la IV'frv.M. t ' ?b w:: nar? the?#Hlyes a ..??
tin. tt oa 1 n?' rn nt s?
Li err. '"V ? dl.i ?) B.estnd by allw.e tr) Il 7h?
? r.'Oft t?roii' % ^tot. yslkco tti 'd- it to I*.
r, u All prl t*e ?' nea. ?? f.-ish n?d?r Its tts>. $1, wi'k
1 ?! "\i-*llti >k Who will ?? ?e l.ns aftat thatf
a d ? "? K?;if ! i d, tCK t'bet Ik. Dtpo^, IX.
V" A ?D'S. C - n? rtrwt, earner of Kroadwkj.
? ~f)j\ UWABMBTfllM- AWTIDOTj A Ifli
A )V/U? fn 111: -4.' f.? ? .-t ?f pri^?HdUofd*j?.
iv a t.) f % 4r*??;y a ?i.' ?r.? 1- \t? r r , 0 ea of it \
1 . , ? ?* ? -4
\ . r" Vn "?. ? -i?ga a ?. v;'< ? w..?a/ \... miikwti
?ok ??**?? dr-?h'?? - k' ?'4r?* dollars, lata
?u?l? botvt??, wlthfr!. dt', 4, $? ?. ?? k.ttS*
(Vn\? * w ( v?r. . - . . ..-!>d|t%ir t<.{ ( *" bj 0,
'. " ? ' ',11. I ' :.1*
% j i i'c ' I ? ? (Y ? * * .*<J,A * >!?>

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