Newspaper Page Text
Stcau.i r I o'cli t?D(l. I adj< n ii,? Niilo's. __________ A Faet that cannot be (Unliil.- White bunt's Daguerreotypes, taken *t hugollery, .U'J llroa.l-.ray, | are nut nurpataed by thuso of any other du.ucrreotvpist m ; the cum. try. The i:w?t sceptical HllUnd.we tlii.i asrertioa, a'ter liii k >1 2 ut tin' live hundred portrait) . r noted mou ami women upon tho ?-!!? of hi.' ck-trUed gallery. Sunday Krndlitg^While Hitting cosily, ; reading the lloruld, and euriously niedititin* upon and itermty, tho church, or rai-ing the old Nick, think if rnu require a Dagtierreotvpe which will hand yon down to posterity in ib? world, while tho original stops among tho dead infu of earth; it to, call on It itmcM. 3iO UriaJway. Hired Pianoforte*? No more Ultliigi ? You can buy a I wuoforte, of any uiakor you pfciase, an'i p*y email uiunlhly instalments Uouudgot a prospeetuiiof tlio Seicml I'iaiioi'orte Asso. lation, to bo had cratii at tlio oiHne in the booktt 'rc of Adrianie, Sharinu It Co.. No. '2 Alitor House. A. H. JOCl.LYN, Trcitaurvr. California.? Persons of healthy constitu tions, about to I'rooced to California, to travel or reside. can ? fleet nn insurance ..n their liven at an pxtra premium of t<vo ?tr cent 1. r the form i r. or one per tout for the latt r. at. tho fati'n iil Loan Fund Life lneura:iee Company of London, No. 7 t.rnnd street, Jersoy City. A guarantee fnnd vctod ?n American trustees. Alt claim* payable in New York. Medical e'flkori iu attendance daily. K r rates of premium and general informs li n. apply ?(. above. J. LEAN IiKlt STA Kit, General Agent. Drrt* a Gentleman an you will, he can never look like a gentleman in a ini itltthg hirt. For ab/o lute andinfailille perfection in th'w garment, look to Greon, Mo. 1 A tor House. 111.: By: ten of mcai orciucot never fail*. Boot", Shoe*, Gaiters, Slipper. 4, &c., of every , tyio uud variety, mane in the best manner and of tlio bet'l uiuterial, chcai > r than can be purchased in any other ?stablishment iu the city, at BROOKS' Hoot and Shoe Empo rium, IftO Kvn ton street. N. it. Overshoes of leather aud Ti ller, cork sole ami rubber ulogs ami sau tals. Spring Clothing nt WholMnlr.? McrthauU visiting thu city for spring purchases are respectfully invited to call and examine our st.?ek of Spring ami Summer Cloth ing, It embraces everything ihat is now and fashionable for the seasoa, manufactured with nil tint ta to atd elegance fer which our clothing is celebrated throughout tho Unitod States. Prices uniform and low. D, A: J. DEVLIN, .'>3 and 35 John utreet, corner NmMB. Spring Clothing for City Trade? We are now displaying our new and fashionable styles of Spring Clothing, in our retail department, and will ho happy to ?how our friends through them. Every garmont is g>it up with taste and elegance, and will be told at uniformly low prices. 1). & J. DEVLIN, .13 and 33 John street, cor. of Nassau. Great llHrgulnM lit CarpetliiwH.? Pctcraon Si Humphrey, S7V Broadway, eorner of White street, having pure lured largely ut t!>e late large auction sales, will dispose of the same at the foilowiug low prices: ? Rich velvets, 17m.; Tapestries, 0s.; Brussels, Hs.; Throe-ply, 7?. to lie.; Ingram*, 4a. to 6s., and ?U other goods equally low. To Railroad and Canal Contractors.? .Bar ren, Bro.'s roTtablo Blaihsmlth Forges are offered for sals at Ko. 66 Dutwie ftr> et. Theso forces are larr* enough to weld a three inch tquure bar of iron. They are com pact and pos sess a bla?t power ctiperier to any other forpe. Also, Bar ron, Bro.'s Portable Furuuces for milling operations. Wotwlcrful Discovery.? Spcrtacles, Ear Trumpets, Bllnduoes and Deafneis annihilated by tho use of Dr. 1 iiiteiic-r's new treatment, the cures that are being daily torforined l,v its ute, is almost miraculous. Tho Deaf and Hind aore alik' invited to call Rnd b? cured. Dr. Lntener's Infirmary, I'D Frinoe stroet, second house from Broadway, open daily from 'J till 3. Professor Lovett will remove on the 1st of Bay t? Ut Chambers street, near Hudson, where the Wali pene w ill he offered for soilc. and givo Ins attention to the restoration of t?ray hair and baldness, in which ho has been ? ueeessful. Tiil then be will transact business at 37 Cham bers street. (kinraad's Liquid Hair l>y? !? without Meepticn cr reservation the very best ever invented; equally oelebrated is OOIJRAUD'S Medicated Soap, for curing pim ples. freckles, sallowness, chaps, chafes, roughness, Si o. I'oudre Subtile uproots hair from any part of the body. Liquid Rouge, I.ilv White, and liair Uloss, at 87 Walker ?treet, near Broadway. Phalon'a Chemical Hair Invlgorator, ta Cvent laldnese, and to restore hair that has fallen off, or Diuethin, and to cure scurf or dandruff, for invest it with ?ncb a brilliant gloi-s and permanent cnrl For sale at 197 B toad v. ay, and all the drug stores ill every eity aad town la America. Phalon'a Magic Hair Dye, to color tha hair or whiskers the moment it is applied, without injury to tho hair or fkiu. It can be washed immediately without distnrliiig the color and has no bad odor. It is applied, or sold, at PJIALON'8 Wig and Toupee Maunfaotory, 197 Broadway. For sale in the city and country by druggist#. Fhaloti'a Wiga and Toupeea.? AV? would ?all the attention oi persons requiring wigs, to a recent ita frovi'oient. Tho same was awnrduu a silver medal for tha Irst premium at the last fair. They can bo seen at E. I'll A LON'S Wij and Hair Dye Factory, 197 Broadway, eorner ef Dey street. Hair Dye. ? Rate tic tor's celebratedl>l?juld Hair Dye is the best yet discovered for ooloring tho hair or whiskers, the moment it ie applied. The wonderlul case and eertainty with which tl i< favorite and old established Hair Dye peril rms t? ast onishing. It Is for ral?, or applied, at BATCUTJ.OB'P Wig Factory, No. 4 WaUstreet. Copy tha address. Wlgt and Ttmprcs ? liatciielor'i new atyla ?f Wigs are pronounoed tho most [e.rfect imitation of nature Tet invented. Those wanting a verv superior article, slinuic! qall at BATCHEI.OR'S celebrated M i? Factory, No. 4 WaU ?tro t, where can b>: found the largest and best auortment In tbe city. Cory '? e address. 5,000 Wigs and Toupees, at Medhuvst & Heard's eelihrnted Wig Factory, 27 Maiden lane, made of the Left muti rialn, bihI combining ull the latest itnpr iva sncnts: are wairni.tcd to lit, aud not to shrink or change ?Mill r. Also, braids of li hair, front braids, .Sec. Rooms axelafiTely for v i. s and l^ir djiug. Copy the address. Will not die In their holes, nor create a ?tench, by usin^ Costar's Extormir.ator of rnts, mice, co 'k roaehes, ants, i.e. Not dangerous to the human fuinily. COSTAU'S Depot, 44-1 Broadway, Wartactcd effcetual iu all i a ci. HI 0 X K Y M A 11 IC 10 T. Pati'Rpav. March 27 ? 0 P. M. There was on active demand to-day for most of tho lending fancy rtocks. r.t a flight improvement on prieos current at tho close yesterday. At the first board. New Jersey Zinc went up '4 percent; Heading Railroad. .'4' ; Harlem. '4. Long Inland fell off '4 ; Morris Canal, yt ; Nicaragua Transit Company, 0 : Canton Company, V The decline in Nicaragua Is ju?t what we expected; and ?we tbculd not be *stoni.?liod to see a still greater depro ciaticn. This transit company may In time be mode rately profitable and pay r. good dividend on the aclual ninount of capital Invested ; but we have no faith in tho 4'normous dividends calculated upon, or the large amount of money represented to be employed in tho company. Those who rvalue at present prices, will do well; those who do not touch it at anything like current rates, will ?lo better. The receipts at the oflGec of the Assistant Treasurer of tills port, to-day, ainotu.t''d to $.1:37.219 93 ; paymeuts, 770 4!!? balance. J2 G2S.117 25. The exportation! of fpecie from this port, during the pnf-t two weeks, and for the year, up to tho 27tli instant, were as annexed: ? ?flinMKXTS OF SlTCIF. 1'COM PoRT OK Nl'.W YoKK Ship Havre. Havre. American h.ilvos $5,000 lirig K. Watts. Cuba. Spanish doubloouu 1U.2:K) ttrig Almatia. llayti, American gold 1303 (Ship Patrick Henry, Liverpool, American gold. 60.000 tfteanur Asia, Liverpool. French silver 83.000 I to. do.. Knglish do 073 Prig Oronooo. Venezuela. doubloons 9.000 .?tcurncr Wa?hington. Bremen 42.2S7 Total. 'March 13 to March 27 $211,825 Previously reported 0,862,957 Total for 1852 $7,074,722 The shipment? lately havo been quite limited; but the aggr< gate since January 1ft. 13.12 lixs been much larger llum during the same period in 1851. The total exporta tion of specie from this port, during the first three months ef 1851 . was $4.W2 80I. against (7.074 722 for the sumo time thip year. The Schuylkill ?t?l trade for the week is not large. The Heading Itailroad brought down, for the week end ing on Thursday. 24.524 tons, and for the year. 813,734 tons; corresponding time last year. 419.130 tons. Tlio t'.-liuylkill Navigation Company brought down for the KL-ek. 14 308 tons, and for the season. 21.510 tons. Tho lift- 'gh navigation was frozen ever during the liwt spell ?il>:!d weather, but is expected to bo in operation about U10 first proximo. *t}i. 11 Miry laws have been abolished In Louisiana. A law Iw also been parsed, exempting homesteads to the Talue,?xf $1,000, besides $250 worth of furniture, tho Jibray ,>4,c., IVoui seizure for debt. Stock Bnhangr. S4<*? V *. I s. '58 108W 25 ! h i N icar*ffaa . . ?10 46 i*0 di 106 >! SO do 45tf 10000 P ft ??, 'fi7 JI74J .10 Ports 1) Dock . . U'W f.7? MO Ohio ?' a 70 II, t ?>0N Jcrioy 7.luc 12V VM> III iUt Vnp. '47.. . 76 :*K) do 12'J 500 III ii)t imp Int . . . 4H 200 do ,,.b30 12>. 7(IW) Ind't. X'^prre.. .V) 200 do . LIS lilC 1000 IndVSUM 5 ?. . . K8U It*) do . . t.,10 I2'J .MOO d.. JVi 100 do 12', lOOO Ind a *;*?* 1. pfd.. <1% 400 Canton Co 73 ?'POO do . . 42 M0 do 75V ?'><00 <lo ..42V 400 Lon* Island RR.b30 ti'i *.<<) do . . 42>i 200 do . 22 I0UI Virginia ?'? ... 101>,*5 300 Nor & Wor 57 4to)('lty 5's, '5;?. lOi 17/1 flfic RR hi',' Hit, Northern Ind . . 93 550 do HD lOOOifcrio Income 00 150 <lo n ft1,' /WO.VrU 7>, W 104 100 Ao 1>10.V.', 1 1 000 lb ie Conv, '62 . P.T , 100 ItsacMsg RR 74 V 18000 <!o I'-xl 200 du 7l>* 3000 Hvl lftMt Bds. .. 115*4 900 do 74^ ?000 HnO 2d do . . ? ?8 100 do MO 74C ro ?Ks K> M of N V . lo'i .W do blO 74*, 25 Mrrcho*ts' lik VIl 100 do s?? 74?? :0 Am Ei Vh 125 ftonud Rlv BR 071, ',0 Knickerbocker Rk. . i>" 5 do 07 ,?0 Ocean Ilk HO'* 2ft N Yerk & N Jlav . . 1 l?i lltl Morris Cah?I . rffl It1^ 75 N .'orsey RR 129 1 .'ONlfHratriia 45^ JUIsrloin RR ....... 71'< 1J# Ho 46 1*9 do MU 72 1(1) do 47 250 do 71,4 FF.CONI) IIOAItO' JlftV^Erie, X2 li.'X) !'l fto *h* *icsr?*?a. ?Mi* ? do 99V 500 do ? X?* ? IjMK) Rri? Conv. 71 . . . 25 do IIMHKt II S fi's. 'W H7'? ftO do ? ? ?? 110 (lis llarV. m Ult 72 1<?? do ...liWlftO SO d" 100 Nor &, Wof , ? ? *>.lys 5i", AO Erin Hli M\ M do ,ft7 :xx> hio Mu luo Morchanti' lit" 12 75 do MU 100 Keadlnc RR . ,,.74'. K-0 do slO M\2 100 do . . 7*S? 50 do lilOMli 100 do ... hao IftO do Mi . IIKI V Jer Zinc |J*,' *0 do s.' " 1 5# f ' e (. i <11 Co . 75 .0 K irajn.." 4l,t' IDVERTISEMEKT8 RENEWED EVERY DU. PKHMONAL INFORMATION WANTED OK MA KY MOHAN-LIVED lait in 4*> Henry street, Dublin, previous to he rooming to New Vork. fheor *i c months u^??. Anv information rsj- j i?o?* tit. k her w 111 lie Kin it y received ?tt oOo iiott strict. K \V RlCj II T. N otici -to thb joixkrs of wkw you i uii'Kr^t. mt it in t?> t>? ten hour*' work, alon;ah<?ro. at oi <( v.^rK. That if, at the foot of Market i?treet. Tito work I tpinl; of, in a Uo.vU'ii t In.ilt ahlp, which has uoino hero to have unfini-hod work done l<y a downeant man. Now, i liuli uo. ti.e i< inert* of New Ytrk, work ten hour* per ilay on vhnt id ralltd old work, or not? I'leaao annwer through the Herald. J. II* *??. UNR AID Hi; wards. IOST OR STOLEN? ONE SIX I'RH CENT BOND OF J the State of Jii-soiri, No. tj, tor on" thousand dollar*, ivr tied to the Pucitin Kailroad Co., dated the 1.4th of January, l'.'J. All ticrb( v.h are cautioned a^aii.t buying or negotia ting rani bond, paviueut of interest and principal having Vein stepped. 8CHI CHAR DT A UEnllARD. I Of ' ON u EDM l DA 1 . A PO< K B r C 181 Of 81TB J gieal I n^trumeutrf. Whoever lias found the name, and will return it to I>r. L. Proudfoot, 21.M Twelfth street, ??r at lie rti'i-e of Itnfchton, Clarl. L Co., A*;! r U uitie, shall Wo liberally row arded. IOST? IN UROADVV'A Y, HETW J&EN <IttAN D STREET J and corner of Maiden lane, a package containing a wrought i4?cll Comb in a paper (com1-) to*, and t-irce rfinall I y.t M with a pair of Cnll rim; i;t ca? ?! ?, of tne .same pattern. 1 he tinder, by leaving it at tho ottteo of the 1* - war l Hotel, will I itably rewarded. IOST.- ON i HE 24 I m I HI TA N T, BNCI/O KD IN I lur&n envelope, a cert iti?? ate < f f r?ti;r Inland Itailrmd Mi i'k, transferred to K. W. Allen, and . < m?; other papur#, ol no value except to the owner. The tinder will receive a liberal reward by leaving; thein with Mr. Kicliard (loodman, No. iOti Broadway, corner ol l ine street. LOST? ON 1 HB tit U, A ?'? K K ETBOOJ . CONTAIN injc twelve dollars, and throe notcn? ?uo for at fix months, from March 27th, 1^52; one for ft 1 50, at nix moi tiui, from March ?7 tit. IN?J; and one for jsi.'n*. at m< mouth?, from April *J0. I J />".! ? all drawn by N. K. Otley, and payable to the order ofE. HarwouU. The tinder of the above, ly leaving it at Wight's Hotel, will be liberally rewarded. IjlOl.'ND? ON SATURDAY, IN T1IE NEW ENGLAND Hotel, a Wallet, oontj. iniu^ $12 in billy, and four pro mi.-sery notes for $>00. Al^o, a note written in peueii. and signed your affectionate sifter. The owner can have t'to sanie ly proving property, and paying char .-res. JOHN TNSON, at Mike iladdcn'tf Newspaper Agency, No. 10J Naitan a treet* CKQA REWARD.- LKFT UIS RBSIDBNCE, NO. 2S VP O" Kenwiek street, on the morning of the -'5th inst., laboring under a depressed state of mind, .fosoph W. Caasidv, ;.jic?l twenty-seveu )eare, five feet nine inches bi;h, liu,lit c? inidexion, spare made, black overcoat, pray under do., ai.d black pantaloons. The above reward will be paid for his reco\ery. REWARD WILL RE PAID FOR THE ARREST and conviction of the person or pern ios who way 1 >4 i t ai.d ttulted the laboring men in our employ on tno evening * f the IMth inht., or vko may assault any of the inc ii employed by uj an laborers. HfciNRY VIKKjHAN, Mat bio Wc rk.u, Twenty-third street, west of Third avenue. gPKCIAJL NOTICES. A CARD,?' THE UNDERSTONED FEEL IT TO RE tl eir duty to return their jiuoero and hearty thank; tj I' ljilairt Steven? en, of the Mxteenth ward noliee." and t > the Hre li< partmcnt generally, fi r their '.veil directed efforts at, tl efire which occurred <?n their premi< es, in the rear of i'Jtiand 1?^ We:t Mxteenth htrect, betwei-n Seventh and Eighth ave nues, on the morning of the 20th inst. Captain Stevenson wan Juft parMng at the time the lire br??ke out. (2 o'clock, A. Aj.) and after giving the alarm, at the ri It of hiu ownli'e, he rushed into the tlaines, and by his well directed efTorts tine of the horses were taken out alive. The lire Dep. ment were Promptly on the upot, and nobly did their dnty; 1 nt the underbi^ned feci ?^peeially thanklul to the o/Tii e/s and members of Engine CWnpany No. ,'H, and t ? Mr. 1*1. i! 'ip*\ Assistant Engineer. Had it net bocn for their alt c-..perl?uman exertions it is impost thle to Ull t.? what extent tl.ofre would have gone. I'rotnptcd \y feelings of sincere gratitude, to cach and all of the above is tendered the sin cere thanks of 'I HOS. DOYD corner of li\.n and llnd.ion street JOHN MclNTOSH, 1(>3 Wert Sixteenth street. A CARD.? THE EMIMRE ENMNB COMPANY NO. 42, with emotions of sincere gratitude, hereby pubii ly avew their high approbation of the liberality aad unex pected kir.dnci s ot Charles Parker, E^p, of No. 2?) Dey street, in furnishing such an abundant and s .bst.intial an enti rfninine:it after the fir-1 in his neighborhood yesterday mominp. For the personal attentions of the Messrs. Par we also return our thanks : and the politeness of tho at tendants merits our commendation. <; KORfiK L. HER DAN, Foreman. G. Scott Roe, Secretary. ARl>. ? DR. CHARLES 1>. HAMMOND 1!A:3 RK ti rned fr.?m Europe, and resumed the practico of his A prufeuion in all its branches, ul No. 0< ? Clnir Ii street, (m-nr Murrey i(rcut) from 1- ii. tu 10 1*. M. daily, except Stm d:i}f. SjiOeiAl uttenli ?n to t'emalo complNints, nud t-> di^ i a if of the ej <? and car. Reference ? Valentino Mutt, M.I)., President of the Ntw York Academy of Meiicine. Notice.? the public auf, cautioned not to mireVafC, or othcrwiso receive, N otew, Cheeks, Draft*, or liillh of Exchunfre, either Meopted "r endorsed by A?ri>n Ja'ubi-. Its Mi store was la^ niKlit robbed of enniideraMj valna! le seeuritief, &?.? New York, Mareh 27, 1 >52. AARON .TAC'OBS, W'ilHnm street. N. H. ? A liberal reward will be given for the detection of t be lcrs, or any part of it. Notice.? the Manhattan satinos institu tion, t'?ts Broadway, will allow iut< rest en all deposits n'.sdc on er before tlic i^rKt of April ncut; fix per cent on sums of five bantired dollars and nndi r; live per cont on f\ in, '.f <>n e thousand dollars and over live bundre 1. N. B.? This institntivn divides its rurj'lus anong the dcj'ositur< when it amounts to more than ?J.-.UUt>. A. A. ALTORD, Secretary. rpo BUILDER8.? PROPOSALS M'lI.L I5K BECEIVEO A tip to the 8th of April, f?r the manufacture <.f the fol Id win ft work. 1TJ t.ets malinekuy snuh doiirs, 2 inches thick, 5 feel 1 inches w ide by 10 feet Ion jr. ulier rabbeted togetlicr, bevel nvle. ,a-h made in the 4?tr. ("> li;;hU to eac',. pair ?.f doors, all elated, lytets mahogany Frenoh windows. 1W Inohes thi.k, 4 feet by 7 f? et 1 inch, after ral.cted, (> lights to eath window, ail plated, i sctj ma!iO)rany sa>h d ?rs, 2 inches thick, 4 feet 1 inch by ? feet, ufur rabeted, (> li.dita to eacli, all g'.uzcd, made to correspond v.ith t!io 22 sets. 7 sets pino rash do r^. 2 in. lies thick. 4 feet 1 inch by 7 feet, alter r?l'l eti d. ti lights, all [fluxed. <3 l'rcnch windoAi<, 1 A, inehes t.i k, <? feet 7 inches by 8 feet 10 inehes, a!t?r ra^cted, 6 li.l t:'. ell glazed, S2 of these wludown to be of mahogany, ai.d 11 ?.f tLfm I ine. !m rets of d ior and window casings of I iue, to fit the above openings, the 2 inch doors to have 2 inch carinps, the)4,' inch doors and windows, to hav. 1% ineh cas ings, and band moulding* to lit tlie same. 2"i pine ^a:h doors 1 '. inches thick, 3 feet by 7, 4 lights, all glazed, sa h made in tne door. 12 four panel doors, Inches thick, moulded on both tides. .t/JKl rum in? feet of base, or moss board, 8 Inches vide iind Jj, incb thick, all worked, ra* cted on the fa:o, and fitted !or a2j? or 3 ineh bato moulding, S,(W0rnnnitig fei t of moulding b'r above. 2.'> M l'.v inch hard pine floor biiartlH, t -nnnd and grooved, and planed on one side, be?t quality. 1 M I 'j ineh bard pine boards, planed on one side, nud II inehe* wide, for steps, be?t i)itality, eloar. 1 M 'i ineh thick, hard pine boaraa, planed on one sido, and 3 inches wide, for riser?, best quality, clear. 2t>0 runningfo. t of Mi-sight mahogany monliod rail, suitable for st m-. 12 mahoeany newell posts, base C inchc* (qnare. Z.*) l%inoh moulded bannisters, turnod to match newel! p_<sts, of short. 20 M best quality of pino laths. P. S. The ab ive work Is to be duplicated. Reference, S. HKAMNaN, lrviut Horse, No. 211. HOMESTEAOU. it A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED." JX. A [Millie meeting of the Lexington Mutual Loan and Accumulating Fund Association will take place at tlio Bull's Head ilall. Conor of Third avenue and Tnenty fourth street, on Monday eveninir. March 29, at 8 o'cloca, S> vcral eminent speakers will address the meeting. From the present indications it is fair to presume that tUo shares ? ill bin rtlv le all taken up. Cbinu to the meeting and tceure ahares, or call at the office, .%8 Third aveuue, wkiviU is open daily from V A. M. to 9 1'. M. JOHN i'K'l'TIGREYY", President. J i i.ii,9 A. C'Ainrf, Vice President. YVm. H i inT?'>N, Jr.. Sec. Building associations- fire insurance Company. ? Capital $160, 000, divided into 10,000 "hares, of $15 cnch, cash paid up. with the privilege of increasing the capital stock to fMW.CUO. ? Subscriptions for the capital . stoek of this company will le received by the following per u ns, appointed commissioners :? John Itruce, No. at l'latt ! street; Wakcmnn & Latting, No. S9 Fulton street ; John j linxton, No. 16 North William struct ; Solomon Jcssurun, No. S Clinton court. Bcekra&n street ; John F. Yallott, No. I 14.'! Sands ttrect, Brooklyn; also Iv ail tlio direct /rs. A prospectus, explaining the rreat advantages to he derived from the company to mechanic.! and small property holders, I 8" well as to those who ? Uh to luve?t their money and set the largo t amount of profits, can le had of any of the dl j rectors, nil the rcerctarii * of the different buil'tng assouia lions, or at the office of M. JcsAtirun, No. 7 Clinton court, I Beekniun street. JOHN BRUCE, President. ) S. jK.'Struv.'v, Secretary. ' rpilL CHELSEA BUILDING AND MI TUAL LOAN AS I X soeiation w ill hold their third regular meeting at tlio | Assembly l.oouis, corner Eighth avenue and Twenty liftli street, Monday evening, March 20. at 8 o'clock. Skares will be redeemed at this meetiug, and the entrance feo will be S5 alter this meeting. Membors are reijueated to call at tho olhceof the Secretary and gel their books, and pay tlio March dues, at any time during the day or evening, until 10 o'clcek. HOYT, Sec y, No. 230 Ninth avenue. MUTUAL LOAN HOUSE FURNISHING AND PIANO forte Association. ? All those who aro about to furnish a bonse. or hire apartments, (nd to whom tho nsa of a few hundred or a thousand dollars, at a fair interest, woold bo convenient, and thoie who arc anxious to posses** good 1'ianefortc. and save the expenso of hiring a bad one, aud tlx se w ho vant. to save up tin ir money sua get fair interest i upon the rmallest amounts? all such must get the plan and prospectus of this new Association, which is about being es tablished, and cannot fail of becoming the most popular of the day. Books of r.tibseription are now ready. Office No. 2 Astor lions/:, at the liook store of Adriunoe, Sherman & Co. TLo public generally are invited to examine the peculiar nature and benefit* of this Association, which aro rully ex plained in Uie plan and prospectus, to be bad ip-atis at Ut? alone office. A, II. JOCELY'N, Treasurer. Til 1C Tl'RK. CENTREVILI.E COURSE.? TROTTING.? TniTRSDAT, April first, at three o'clock I*. M . a inntch for 8*00, mil* heats, to wagon; play or pay. Mr. YVhelan namasbl.m. Lady liayncs. Z. Concklin names h, g, Ontreville. JOEL CONCKLIN, Proprietor. CALIFORNIA TICKJCTS. I. ion SALE? A THROUGH SECOND CABIN TICKET for San I'lanciseo. by tho Northern Light. Inquire at the Westchester House bar. 1JOR SM,E? VANDERBILT-S LINE.? TWO THROUGH Tick.ts, iccond class, for Mb April. Apply to J. M. WHEELEIt, 64 Weaver street. MUSICAL. Grand pianoforte? a superior srven oc tave C.raml Pianoforte, made by Frard, Paris, and se le< ted by Lisst. It will le sold for ? moderate price, and can be examined at NUNNS k CLARK'S Ware-room, No. 257 Broadway, opposite lity Hall. PAPER HANGINGS. New paper hanginos.-thos. faye t co., 43# P*a*l street, near Madison, have Just received tho new spring patterns of every known style in tho trade. The pub Mr are invited to exauiio before purchauug. Arlisfio work men attend t? the retail department. TIIOHaI FA YE b CO., 43fi Pearl street. Paper hangings, opmeh- and beautiful de ?igps, Just imported by FMANC1S PARES & CO., 378 I 'earl street, from the renowned manufactories of J. Zuher h Co.. Delicoiirt, and others of eonal eminence, all their new designs of tiie richest Piper Hangings, selected vxprossly, and suitable to decorate tic interior apartments of the most coaly mansions; and i hlch wc warrant shall he arranged aud put on the walls by r.iperlur workmen, to the entire sa tislitslinn of thoso who fa?or ns with thur orders. Our v. I olt *aie customs,** and the publi" w ill find our >ti| ply the B'o>t e?-tCJ?tiVH, Bl'd t!.? ftiwt M low. as (0 If ' .nd else > i t re. I wjumu WANTED? 8TTUAT10.VS IIY TWO YOUNG LA DIBS, ?:tp:*bl?> of taking charge of a dressmaking e*tabli?h | nu'ht. #?r l?? work by tin? day for priva*? Jamiltea. Inquire at;t7 Bon^ry, tor two day*. City rottroncutt given. WAhTKU? A FIRST KATK C1I AMBKKMA I D, TO A.S rift in the w;uli i? of a vrrv ir.r.all iaiaily. Liberal ' v a ? ? i\iil b? plven at '?$* Ea*t Twelfth i tr? ft. \\r AM \ 1>? BY A YOUNG MAN, Sl'RAKKNG FRENCH, ? ? t.vrinau, aud Kiulish, a it i a(i +?< IVrter, Waiter, 1 Ci uci lunr, or ?i y ctl?r btulncss. Kaf*'rfuc6i'aii bogivun J l.\ it ; i' I3 in |r at No. 6*10 Fourtu btrect, tsocouii lioor, for Tho. Knlvr. WAN'l ED* A ? I N1 1 EM \ S JfiNG AG D IN 1 UK DRY Gooiiti (jommitfriou )('?'. in I'niiadulphia, who is a roiopclent ralesman, a :;ood jod.,tj of ^khIh, ami iav<?rably kr i vn in the Eur* pcuu mar .* t i.. de irons of making an cngatteut. nt with a r^pectahio ai.? in Now York, a* nale* mm ami tra ?- ? 1 i ? r. n i or I rai i&Ury eipoot a l. . Address li<?x 100, Pliiladt ljiMa Poat Ollice. WANT ED?A SITU A'l il>N. IIY A MAN COMPETENT ?? f taking ehar/.e of a Cotton Spinning Factory ; he had a ^reat many year*; oxj? rio:n ??>, both in Kur ? po and t ? i i > t 011 11 try ; he \ \ conipctcu' 01 nutting up tnachiuery, in itll it* department*. For i rtht r t .f -ruiation addre*d J. L., ( 4 ion., rt ial lioUl, 7o O'Ttlaudt \l T ANTED BY A YOUN< IAN 8PBAKING V RKNCH, t ff licrtuan and Kn i h. a nituaiion m Itoo < keeper, or j < orr?:f>p?-ii(ivnt, * r any <t. r otuplo;. iuo'it in a^t-re, w.icre he 1 will r< t.dor I inin It < n? i-:.!ly ti; > ml. Ho can also t<' v !i the I l.i, tii., Creek and Ucruiau ini : 1 ii -.-. Apply at I'Ji Fraak < iiu 1 trfit. \ 17 ANTED 81 w I ? i . 1M 1 ?. EH VAN 1 8, ? Servants* Servant*, Servant* The vary boat 1 rvauts ) thU city may be obtain d at ti ? ? ! . 1 1 rr teataut Em* plovment A;.*eney," 7 Carmine ? tr**ot, and "S o it*fcy A *oucy," lUo C i. btrert, 1 taUi-h" i A. !). I -J."? - 1 i . i men, and toys, <f cv? ry ?tnti>n, t??r < ity <?r country. t>nly tan -c of i;? <t * harm tcr admittci. Wanted? 700 TAir^ms. roo shokmakkks, iv l/remmnlu r ', 2'tO ( orf>ot Makers, aud all tun Saddle and llurr.v K Mnkitu to t all, examino, and j?ati?iV thotu Lclvib that Singcr'n ^ewiiv' Ma'-i iur i< without a rival. 1. M. INGE It ^ CO., ??> '> Uroa lway. \AT A NTT O? BY TUK ADVKUTISLR, AN OPiidA TV (.liiiH, wntli about for wfiicli will be given in i'X< hauge a full n t ot 1 v<?ry Tabla Cutlery, valued at, thirtv d? I! a ra. A !. o to a idrebHvsd to Opera, II- raid otflco, w ill I H i\e pr mpt attention ? I 1 AGENTS WANTKlt, TO SELL A NEW AM) ) " heautif'v.! &!edal,<<u which A^ontH are now e ira i;- k. ir. in $'ito $"J? pi r day. Country Agents, by for-var iiiiK . ? i ? ' r more d\ liars, nt 'y rely upon t.avi.i ; them on tho ho. t ?- t mt. !'.. LYON , N i. Broa lm ... . FOR lALRi BUO<;KLYN LOTS FOR SALE.? TWO LOTS OF ground, eliiriblv rituated 011 Atlantic and l'aeilie ! btroet.*; ( between liond and Nevins sfcre^tB), South lir ?oklyn. j Apjily to .IAS. VV . AUTKN, hVs Pearl Htroot. New York. ? /10VNTKY RESIDENCE FOR S ALE, FOR S1TCJ ? 'Lv a ted in New Jerney, nix miles from tuj ;5ommerville : :uiir?i:ul, Ir- in which a line of * tares run. T!u! h'?.i ron t. .ins b?;v? 11 rooiiiM, w ith t'? ?l iin;; doorj hetweeii tho pariorn. i Lot about U) feet w ide, by :i(tu de' ]?. Tlie fru?it trees and l flhrnhher} in t earing eouUiti.ui. Aluo, to let, tiie two *?t >ry Inn-re No. Ill Bridge, nest to corner of Sauds btreet, Urook li n. Rei t .\ 1 pi y t .1 MEMO M'kv KSSON. E.\'r.,27i) I'oarl . tr.-t. D' K I'd ST(?IU:-1 (lit SAI.K, A K1 K.ST I'l.ASH HTOKE, in an vxcelUnt l-n-?llnn, litt.'d u|i \vi' h siiju' ti\ 1 11 r ?? * . lnritcly tt"i-kml. nud duw duicR a i{oo<l businfo*. Tu mi iliu it'll t it offers thu clinuco 'if doinn ? l.irru lui iijcfd. Tin" frcsi'Ut jiroprictnr ?1U mil ut a .^irrlrtco, 1.4 dilx-r bntincMi eoiupels i.lm to Icaw tim <ity. Address, i it cull on Mr. W. A. WOODAllH, *>2 W illiam etrni't, Dltl'(i 8TORE FOR SALE.? A DllUG 8TOKK KLIOl l ly situated, and doing a K"?d biiMncHf. is ullori'd fur i mile i 11 viry rcupunullo terms. Inquire ut &!.'<?<? Kroadivay. I.IOK .SAI.E? CEORCE I,ADI)'S VV EI.I.-ESTA KLI Sll C I) .Jewelry Store, t'55 Hruadwny, Any one having ? small ? a {it (ti in eiish can get a fr?ut bargain, us the proprietor ii a bout I i 1 1' \ iut; from the city. 1~jU)U .SALE, TO I.ET, OR EXTIIANCE I'OltCITV I'RO pcrty. n country residence of tho t.rst ( las', with 10 j ner<'? of land, l.irlily improved, and having fine frniti. It, is half a wii'.e from the depot ut New Itoehulle, aud will I e rented without the land if desired. Apply tu DAVID UARKI80N, 6M liatam ?tr??t. iAtilt SALE ? ON E HOIST WHEEL AND MACHINERY ( in Rood order. Konr Ten I'ln 'Alleys, in good order, will It sold cheap, if early application is niado to GEO. VV. M1LI.EU, H5U Broadway. I.10R SALE? VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON THE X Fifth ovenne, between Thirty -fourth a:td Tuirty-tlltb utrccts, on eacy term i. Apply to AUGllal BELMON'T. "?i Boavor str.'. t. 1.1 OR SALE,? THE STOCK ANI) FIXTURES or TWO Grocery and Lienor t tores, both in dosirabltf locations. Also, a term of ntn ofMuna prcmiMJ. Apply tu 1 ROE AS OTA I.LAGII \N. No. W It evelt i treet. I.Vd; sale? a VALUABLE f'AltM AT NEW RO . ilielle. onemilc north of New V'rrk and New Havca dt'pi t, of sixty-two acres, mostly in a hi;;h state of cultiva tion, a two story house, two bams, carriage house, i<o hute. and all the nece^-urj out buildings, Willi a great va riety of tiue fruit. It is "a remarkably healthy ntnation. Kuuuirc of Rich & L ulrjl, til William struct, or of Jauics G. I'll nmy, c u the preinisi i. 1J10K SALE. -A COUNTRY SKAT, PLEASANTLY SITU* aUd at Astoria, front iutr on oue of the plea^autctt avo nnei, ii-.d but 2 or J minutrs walk from the steamboat lun<i iun. The grounds, which i insist of one acre, aro in Tory f.i.e order, and Ct ntuin shade aud trocs, grape viacs in cc.od l'farii?ir, and varieties of rote and i ther buslios. Tho l.ciitj it two and a half stories, and loa tains uiue roo'ftiex clrtive oi bam nt, dining riotnj bet and cold wat ri car ried to the second atory, aliio in the kitchen. In theaecunJ tt( ry is a lar^e and convenient bathroom. X'le hoilixt is warmed thr< ughout by Culver's furnace, and is in cm ry ru l|M? t in ci"d order. On th1 ? da i e is ati i.-e hOU tl I utmJ cn tlic riur of the l"t (which extends tl.rj'; -,!; t i.u arenue), is a fine large stable. Tho above dc^orioo I is vjry dc. UaMe place, and will be fold on reasonable tor. us. A larj-e fcrtion of the pur' liuse j louey tuny mucin on ml I page. Apply at 171 Water atreet, up ftalrs. Stca ,b .it tvtia leu , ut for New Vork lour times a day, anil at."?:v? Kav? j hourly. IjlOR SALE fllEAr? A GOOD IKON CHEST, A ur. pulat' r. ar.d now n t of J. wcUer'l Trays, fur alio-.r a > \ Apply at MS Had ton atreet, eight door* Above Cuat ?tr?ct. STONY BROOK COTTAGE AND FARM FOR SALS? IN tl.e town of Rye. pleasantly situaUd on tho Uj?t..u Turnpike, on* and ? half miles from tho railroad d?p t v Mattiari noek. ThcrciHagood d?fclling or cottage, *U:.!a.<n enclosed with elegant fence* ; a handsome, cpaeious earrii^e houtv, barn and stable; also, tenant house. All t i.e building in in complete order, and newly painted, and ? ill require uo r^ruir# fur ninny years. There aro about thirty acresof land, suitably divided into orchardi and moadnws. There i; ul.-o an ;.burdnnce uf fine shade aud fruit trees about ttio dwelling, an ex telle nt garden, lee. Stony Urook U the northern boun dary <i the farm, and forma a picturcsquo poud mar the j v. elllug. A r> ad leads directly to the Sound, distant half a miii', where is good boating and fishing. Rye It.'arh is in tfco vicinity, whfah is scarcely surpassed for bathing purposes. Beautiful rouds and fine drives in every direction. There are sevtral fine building sites on t!;e farm, commanding viotvs of the Sound. F t a person doing bni'iuers in New York, or for a Mimmer residence, this place offers many attraetiuas. Enquire of UOMRR MORGAN, No. 1 Pinestreot. fJIO PRINTERS.? JFOR SALS, A LAROE HYDRAULIC A Standing Press, and a super royal H ashlngton Hand Press, w ith m lf-inhinr; apparaUa, Complete. Apply to K. M. Hoc hi Co., Gold street. B1ISC13L.L.A N KO US. Bnnin i, r \ < f. and ha n d.? tiik advertiser ii in possession of an original recipe, tlie result of expe rimental teits and partieuii.r study, whereby tho face and hands may I o rendered fresh, soft and fair, counteracting and re im (lying the disfigurements and inconvenience's ari t ing froia ohange of tcmporaturo and van ius other causes, however unpromising tne pre^ant condition. Tho rocipe i> tree frotn any injurious quality, and will bo sent to any lady or n litlenien, on receipt of one dollar, to any part of the I nitcd Stat s. Addreca Mrs. L. E. t'ATES, Rochester, N. \ . CI OR N 1?. 1 . 1 U s ' I.AS FIXTURES. ? 11 A N DKI.I Elf*. PEN / dants, Drackets, of the finest filt, put up and warrant or. Also, s?lar Lamps, Girandoles, ivory table ("utlery, silver plated en German silver Castors, Tea Set*, lla ket<, Table Forks, $G to ?7 perdoien; Spoons, $.'i per doxen, will bar engraving. MORGAN, 152 William struct, between Ful ton and Ann, opposite the ehurcb. CI OA L SELLING AT REDUCED I'll ICE? $6 25 PER > 'i n, fresh from tho Mines. ? I am daily receiving tho best quality cf Peach Orchard, Red Ash, of all site*. for fr.mily use. Also White Ash Coal, tiro screened from yard, at rents additional charge. GEO. MORROW, Nos. 34 and ."W Washington street. DK. NA FOLEON PllETEHRE, MS 11ROADWAY, IN serts the most beautiful, new, and incorruptible teeth, ? ?? < ? ; l i lute; warranted solid. Door sasiies and iilikds.-n. i\ 7S Ueckman street, has on hand, or makes to order, the best ktln-dried panel work found in the country. Doom warranted kiln-dried, in tbo only proper manner. Sashes i f tho most approved patterns, glased or not glased. Inaido Minds made in the r.eatoet style. Purobasors aro invited to examine bis extensive stoek. IjM'HN ITt'RE, FIRMTIRK. ? FAMILIES ABOUT breaking up Housekeeping, and wishing to dinposo of their household Furniture, will find a ca<n purchaser I y applying to K. WALTEK8, K? Division street, near Market. N lt ? to (2,l?0 can be bad fur short periods, on household F urniture, Pianos, Watchos, he., tic. Store and back room to let. Inquire as above. JKWVI.KY SKI. LINO OFF. -THE M'llol.E STOCK OF Diamonds and fine Jewelry is offered at less thnn m-tnu tai turers' prices, to close previous to removal, on the 1st of V!ay. DAVID KAIT, manufacturing Jowellor, No. 375 Uroalwny, up stairs. LAWNCRASP.-A CHOICE MI XTFKE, FOR LAWNS, for <ale at Uie L ni n Agrieulttiral Warehouse aud See* 5tor>", 23 Fulton street, near Vultou Market. Next week is tiik last opportunity of joining GOLDSMITH'S Writing Clauses, at the re tiuecd sum uf fc2 SO fur the oonrse of Ten Lessons. All sub scribers may take their Icsons at convenient hours until the tirstofjune. Privatu instruction reduced to $10. SILVER HYDROMETERS? CERTIFIED TO RE IN conformity with the law of tho State of New York, by James I(. Chilton, M. D., and Cogswell, Crane & Co., distil lers?may be had of TAdLIABt'K t ADAMS, 29H Foarl street, New York. rpo .lOllLEHS AMI COl'NTRY MERCHANTS.-- V IC X tor Ili'hcp, No. IS Maiden lane, has Just received and offers for tale several cas<s of Oilt Jewelry, Portc-Monnalcf, Fsns. Opera (ils"??, fcc. Also, for sale, an invoice of tho very richest I'arifian Gilt Jewelry, suitable fur the retail city trade, 300 dosen Cornelian Rings, rich Seals and Charms, ite. All these goods will be disposed of on the most advau tai;oous terms, VICTOR BISHOP, Importer, 28 Maiden lane, up tairi. WARRANTED WATCHES. ? SI LVER CYLINDER Watches S10; full Jewelled Levers $15; tine gold Ladies' H atohes SiV and line gold and silver I'atent levers, of the best quality, retailed at whnlerale priues, at the sheep Wateh Store w( L. JACOliS. importer of Fine Watches, 102 Chatham street. WINDOW PLATE ENGRAVER AND MANI'FACTI rer. ? S. C. Clark, ltroadvay, is prepared to fur rish Tiates for Windows, at one-half the prices formerly charged, engraved in tie most handaem* manner. On hand, t gt< at vsri? tv of b? autitnl Silver Door I'lates, at very low prices. Wedding and Vi?iUug Cards neatly enirruved and printed, at. Ur adway. CI rH^n"'01'? 01 SEGARS, CHEAP ? FIFTY yJ)Jlj\/alV/ thoi.sand new linp rted sc(ars at twelve u. llats per thousand; LIUJtHI at $.i i.'i; 2,'JtiU lino Londou at $W; other kirls very low. Money advanced on se^ars. er 1 other personal property, to any extent. A|>p|y at i.h\ In* J sr.raae e office, M Nassau street. M L. SHELDOSI, Ageut. I fir 110 DID THE DEF.D 1 TT 1 saw the ntico and rats Fall trtubllng into fits. Thero were no eats. Tl'.v idle trap" hnrf rnstin| on the walls. Yot; y< t the ileod was done. 'Twrs Lyon s pills. Wf o did the deed F I saw the vertnin rn- h To taste the powder, harmles s di!; t to niau, hut drst h, ? rre dra th t ? r ael e?. I n;r? and fleas I lay, who did tie dred I <;? t'. m ? AMill'rc* vvy. LYt:N ' TB!? JUSTS' RROHTBH. BROW N SAND STONK Q0ARRIBS.? TO RENT, TVO ?i1?iihvd qnar*i.a of brwo n.tnil ?lon?, within lltll n?iU s of Ihia city. Th? quality of the fltoi* is superior, arid II. e -Hti^n h good. Apply to P. W. KN'Ob & fltJNS, No. 131 Front street, Nil \ UK Dentist office to lkt-tiie furniture and I'Oft of Leutit's 1 ustruments for ^ale. In at No. lO?i Hlceekor street. IjU'UNISIlEI) ROOMS. IN TUB MODERN HTJ I I.T house No. 4 Amity pin- **. to lot, to one or two j'^utlo men, with ?<p without hi ?a'ifast. Hotel to let. at port Richmond, state v ! and. ? The house Kuowu as the Pert Richmond liotel. villi ex ten iv grounds and outbuilding'. rituat I tlue to the ferry, and well adapted for summer boarder.* ; vill I lea ed for one or me re years* The whole or a part of the f. rniture ran be pureha . d. fnt|Uire of II. S. R0.5E, Lmj., 1*7 Broadway, or on the premises. 1AUGE AM) SMALL ROOMS, BEAUTIFULLY LIGHT ?A c<i ou ftlhidiv, to Let. viih mu |n?wcr from an hun cr? d l.or; e engine. Enquire at the Empire lrn Worlts, toot of East 'twenty fifth atr? ct, of SAM' KL LKGGETT, or THOMAS J. SLOAN. 1AKGE ROOM TO LET-IN THE SECOND STORY -i ot the I ni'ding a* the junction of the Bowery and Di vi irii itreet, t attaining about 3, MM square feet, and well unapt* -I t.<r a ciethiug e. la' liahmcnt, or other similar in: i ?sc . r? quiring lave spa?o. Alio, several siiarious, v\ ?* 1 1 li I K'<! rot tno i .< the upper . t ries, suit able for olfle.M and U r li i t manufacturing purposes'. Postcsfclou nay be had in. n*c d i:? tcly. Inquire ' n the prcuii; us. Ot I I < FS TO LET AT* 1.7) 11 ((OA D W A Y, BETWEEN LiU rty and C- d u* strei is, suitable for lawyer* or auv hit d \ lijrlit methnnhal purp- *e, aa they are well lighted; also. a lar? e ri.e workshop, with t ittee attached, i i t !i?? rear ot I iMinjr, entrance from Cedar street, uow occupied a* apt. Id beater* hop. r>< itaMu for thin or other meohuuial luslueas. Inquire at 10'J Broadway, iu the store. rpo LET? CHELSEA COTTAGE, NO. 2St5 W EST TWEN ? J ty -tour th t trcet. Pos*t ^ion tir?t of A pril. Apply to Dr. 1 ItALL, l.r? Lal&ht atreet-. rpo LET? A NEAT TWO STORY HOUSE, WITH A x handsome garden, ^itnated near Broadway. Han Crot. ii wut? i\ rai. i\ & k ?. I'eat. S',.50 For further parli i n.itr inquire of L. J. liEI.LONl, coal yard, 73 Weoeter ?tr> < t. rpo LET ? A LAUCiE STOKE ON THE COKNEltOF X BieecKc r treet ami the llttv?ery ? ne of the ! h t htand* uud t ! t id* , hfarea i :i the ? it^y I ? r a dry kooU" r a fao y l utir.e b uf ar.y Kind. Enuufre an above. The offer re Kialna t ; ;t until the 1st ol April. rpo LET. ? A ?VM ALL FAMILY AliOUT TO MOVE X into rtvery large threo atory freeat'ine house, near Filth u\ on ue, below Twentieth utrcet, in doairoun of let* tiiif? half, tr more, t o a plain, reMpeetabjo family ol /r ?w n ptrboi.H, who v.'ill board them for the rent. The hoiiae apleiiuiuly located, and eon tains all the nudrn etmve nienetn. Address Chatham Square Coat Otttce, tare of Aaron J?w art*. ri^o LET-OFFICES IN BUILDING No. 167 BROAD A way, euitahle for engraTer? or anv othor buaint uro quiring well lighted rooma. Ap|?ly to N. tJellatly, room No. 5. Tw?. 1 a rco offices to let, in building 1 1?7 Hroatlway, suitable for iuauranee or ether eomp&niea. Rent S 1 ,000 pur nnnurn. Aptly to P. N. Oellatly, ou the premiuea, room No. 6. rpo LET? AT HOKOlvEN, SEVERAL THREE STORY X and Vmatment briek dv^vllinrf housea. Imiuire at t ho Laud Otliee, Ho loken, tf w. NY. SHIP!' EN, Agent. Tu LET? FURNISHED AND ^UNFURNISHED PAR lora, on firat and aeeond ttoorn of houao llroadway: &]ro. Pix very pleaonnt attic rooma. The honno ia supplied with bath and (ran, &e. Persona wishing it can 4i? aupplied w ith breakfast and tea in their rooina. Apply aa above. Re ference given and required. TO LET? A THREE STORY HOUSE, CONSISTING OF* twelve rooms, with Croton water on each floor. En quire oh the premise?, No. VSJ Broome street, <?r at No. 13 Chanibera street. M. J. LYONS. TO LET, AT YORK V ILLE? A DWELLING HOUSE, situated on Eighty-seventh street, between Third and Fourth avenues, containing two basements, and two parlor*, with pantries attached, on the first floor, and the satno on the h eoud. with three attie led rooms. A.l o. a rtahlo to let, if required. half of the house adjoining, to a small respectable family without children. A I ir*e garden w ith flow era. fruit, fite.. within half a bloek of the Harlem Railroad depot, ?r the YorkviUo line of stages ? fairG1^ cts. Apply en the premises, or of M. TllUTE, 1H Liberty street. rpo LET? TO A SMALL FAMILY WITHOUT CHIL X dren, the upper part of a genteel house, with hath room, Kc., in a healthy location, and within one hloek of tliroo lines of stagea. Apply on the premises, 7H3 (Sreenwich street, opposite Bcthune atreet, or at .TO Pearl street. rpo LET.? OYSTER AND DINING SALOON, 21) X VYiiitehall street, basemeut, Stock auti Fixture*. Pos aeasion to be had immediately. TO LEASE? A BOUT FIVE ACRES OF LAND, NOW eceupieil hy a market gardener, situated on the Brooklyn and Flat bush turnpike, at its iutcrseetion with Atluutio atreet, within two miles of the Fulton and South ferries. On the premises are a good double *-t??ne house, a farmer*' house adjoining, a lar.e barn, and a well of good water. Posses sion given immediately. Apply at No. 62 Walker street. TIIF.C OR NEK STOKE. CORNER of TWENTY FOURTH street and Fourth avenue, to let, separate, or together with the dwelling part; also, store HjdFonrth avenue, with front cellar; also, frtnail store on Broadway, a ur Tweuty bcvcnth ? ticct. Apply t 1 E. If. KlNSIUMEft, 319 Fourth avenue, from 2 t ?) 7 P. M. rpo BAKERS.? TO KENT, IN PART OR ENTIRE, THE M. three story brick dwelling and bakery, 3.HM Atlantic street, Brooklyn, with fixtures and oven complete. The locatit n is a cot* d one, and well cal i fated f r ?? p TuiAnt it n noctaMe bur.iuers. Apply to SAM I EL 1 'HOST, South William strict, New York. rpo TINSMITH?, STOVE DEALERS, AN I) TRADES X men.? I - r sale, the old stand, No. 92 Catharine * tr?' t, lato A. II. Bennet, deceased. The 8 1 ? ?? k. tools, and trooa wi 1 can bo purchased reasonably. These premise I been in active operation twenty-six year*. Ample rea?oud assigned for sellinn out. Apply to J. W. Bruee's S ns. 1SS Water street, or of A. Mcpherson's, 2.:i3 Water street. HOt F.S, ROOMS, WASTED. WANTED- BY A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE PA mily. from the 1st of Hoy, part or whole of it mi; II liouso, iu it re.-pectable neighborhood, consisting of t or A sleeping rooms, it sitting room and kitchen. and uso of baths. Satisfactory reference pi veil, Aildreia J. M. D. C., Herald < > C!i o ? - , stating location, Ac. TIT- A NT EH T? RENT OR l'l' RC1I AS i-. -Til I'. STOCK, ?T Ua ?. net fill ui IxtiiN ft Porter Hon ef , li sted i n the .North or Kurt Kivrr.i. below Hoc- ton, in f.'civ York, or near thu water in Brooklyn. Addre..g it. S., box 1,>-9U New York Post Office. WANTI l> TO lMRrllASF.- \ l.AROE. HT.I I, III ' I I.T. w< ll lighted building, tor the manufacture of inoi'hau i r ai Work i;i York, Brooklyn, Will iam - burg. 1 r .1 r -v City. Adores* I, ox .1,1(15, Post Otfiei, naming |>rici>, with sise of building and lot, and whether au engiueia attached or conveniences for attaching ouo. CHANDELIERS U'A NTE1) ? TWO LARGE ClIANDE lierr , suitable fur burning Oil. A duress Y ,, * Herald office. BVMM MH11MIT - MILLINEBY.-MBS. K. L. SMYTHS, ",'l BOWERY, will open with fashionable Militnvry, on Tuesday, March BO, 1KM. Mesdamks simmon n a no ei.. mim.i\i:::? and Dress Makers, W.% Broadway, opposite Nihio's Hotel. Wetako the present opportunity to return our thanks to the ladies of New York, and those visiting the city, for t isir kind patronage sine* our commencement in the ahove line, and beg to say that we have selected from the bo t I'ltritiAii houses the most rechcreho patterns, consisting of Millim ry Flowers, straws, See., which will be ready for inspection on Tuesday, the 81ft lartk, PARIS SPUINt; M 1 1,1,1 N K K V.? M IIS. I'KEI.Y, No. ;>. Division rtrect, respectfully announ< < ^ to licr iiiiiik rou | iiatn tis, and the ladies in general, that sin: will open on I Monday, March 2!'th, a ma^.nitoent a sirtment ot Pari Spring M'llinery, tngi thcr with a larco and beautiful st.ik I of her own mtiiiitaeture, to w liirh she respectfully invit o | attention, as being one of the large t. aud richest a - > r f - | incnts of Ki'.llner;, to be f ond in this city. Several < uses of French Lace and Straw Bonnets just rcccired, n ! -? o French Ribbons, Flowers, A<-., in great variety. Milliners itud ! Men bents, as usual, supplied with i'attcru Bonnet', 0:1 the | most reasonable terms. PARIS M I I.I.I N ER v EST A BLISHM ENT. ? II 11^. (". Stone) ill, No. 7 Division street, most respeotfully in vites the attention of the Indies of New York, and vicinity, to hir unrivalled stock of Silk and Straw Bonnets, which the will have the pleat, ure of opening for their examination, on Monday, Mar li 29. Mrs. (;. S. take? this opportunity of returning her most rinccre thanks for the liberal patrons :e bestowed on her during t he past year. 1". S. ? Country mil liners and merchants supplied with puttcru bonnets. PARIS I. A DIES' DRESSES AND Ml I.I.I NP.HY. IN TUB newest Fashion. ? The establishment of MISS FA IT YET, under the patronaio of the aristocrat v and the hi her cir cles, in order to reply to the wishes of tlicir noble tn>? mier', has the honor to inform them that they have removed to No. 4 1C tie Menars. a locality far more extensive and suited to the habits and customs of the npp?r classes, i?nd where they execute all orders with the utmost < elerity. not to men tion the particular cure bestowed upon every arti I# of toe toilet in the newest fashion, riiuply on roneiving the neces aarv proportions by a ribbon or measure in use in the res pective countries. PREMII'M MI 1,1, INERT? MRS. LAZARUS ISAACS, [! v?'on street, near Cliri'tie street, will oih ii h. r Spring Millinery on Monday, the 29th instant, wher she respectfully invites the Ladles to call and examine I r them Wlraa. r. fc? Canatry Oealer* supplied at low prices. TO THE LA DIES.? MA DAME LB YEN E A CO. WOULD inform the ladie* of thin city an<l t i * i n i t >* that Mi n?. I,, his Just arrived from Paris with a large stock of Kronch lfilinery, which th?jr will open for inM?oction on Mouday.'^tU Mar h. at their store, No. 133,^ Spring street, between Greene and Wooster streets. DRY GOODS. Laces, laces.? tiffany a, 321 broad way, having completed their arrangements with soina of the largest manufacturers in Brussels and I'aria, of fine laces and embroideries, will he prepared to exhibit, on Tues day. March .Kith. one of the m st e.mplete and varied assort ments of Embroideries ami Thread Lace goods over offered in thie city. In laces w ill be found Collars, Capes, Iterthes, Coiflnres, Scarfs. Shawls, Mantillas, and trimming lacos in llrnssels I'oint Monitor and Point d' Alenron, (Impure and M<chlin. In em broideries, Collars, Capos, Cbeniiicttes, tiuimps, end Handkerchiefs. Also, trimmings and Inser tions of all widths. These goods will bo off*rod at such prices as must ensure satisfaction to purchaser*". IiNi vs ami LINEN OOOBfc?M IEISH LIKENS, J Unmasks, 6-4, S-4, 10-1, 11-1 and I2-4 Sheetings, Napkins, Towels, (guilts, and linen cnnibric llandker biefs. T ho largest stock in the city of the abovo goods tnay l e fouud at Zii Broadway, tho block above the Aster House. TRAt > . IRWIN k CO. Ribbons, ribbons. bib boms.? a larqb and splendid assortment of Ribbons, jnst received froin : uctli n: nlso a large and rt. ??irable stock of ^traw Bonnets, Laces, Siv., S;e., fi i sale low for cash, by ?i. II HOMKR, 'U .i ,i n street. New mantillas, silks, grenadines, crape dr Paris, Ib nna Maria. Ilareges, Mnusseline de Laine, imrcrial Satin IMsids, printed Jacomts, Lawns, Orgamlios, Fi "lards, I ant on I rape, and ether Shawls in full msnrt m?rt. aim, India Shawli below their valne. These good-, in ( nsli'y. rtyle, ar.d price, are snro to meei the approval of I uiri.siers, TIFFANY- A CL'TTI NO, 821 Broadway. 1.1 ANS.? TO JOBBERS AND CtllTNTRY DEA LRRS? Jnst reefired, several eases of Fans, from T*ris. A viry I arhe assortment of everv tinil always on fans. R. KII'I.INtt. 82 Maiden lane. MKW rT'flT.IC ATIONS. r|V|fi: AMFKICAN MCCK ROOK. TREATINfl of tiib JL properties el all tho prinripal rertili?ers snd m?nurs<, with directions for their prepartien and application to t he S'll rtntl crops. I ,v l? .'.llrown. price, |t El TON ,ti CO , ?-?(eiil?wrs| lien! s Nr. .? Ti~ n r *. |!j?te;r Ra '? v A M OTION, AT MEKC1I ANTS' EXCHANGE <>N lit Jlarvli, at 12 o'elock. th? foor "tory A AUCTIOS 8AMQM. ACOTION NOTH'B.? MORTd Af. E SAI.K (IF (JRO rerie?, Liquor*. Jtu ? Tuo.Jay, March .10. at Imlf-fiftil 10 u'elofk, at 67 l>?y ?tr??t, ?nri.?r of (iroonwioh i tie. t.- -MixarK. Coffin, Tea, apica*. t.ocoa. Almond., Oil, Hriar. Candle,. tWor I'ump, li.or K?:/, Sugar Mill, I' mil r llrandy. Winer, Scales, Wcl.-ht?. I'm in- . f.-., s?. |ftrf. T'.^ a<'< o. futiff, fc*'- W. A. t AKIEIt, \>n!ti<?n (KHUN.? STANDAIID ROSES. ? J. I.. VANDB ? tin wiIIfvII. at hi* room*. 1- Wall utrcet, im W.J. ... i*.y. April I. ut II ?'< I. nk, a larjte, fine rollecti .n uf Ito.r,' IVnni the ? n r ?f ?* i> ?t 1?. H' II. Flnrlxt. Hroalway anil KiTtlath ?tr' Alio a fine ci'lu ti n of Camilla, and other ohoitc | lai ??. _______ A\ J " . . v I n t and lft t N ?. U Broadway. Maps at Itleeckcre, No Hr au street. \ GltOCEKV AND LIQUOR STORK FOR SAl,K AT il Au< tii ri.? Tilt Htofk and tixtun s of Mm. William Ro t.^rl Crocery ai.d Li>tui r store, Mtnated at No. *?i\ Wash in c t? i?. <? ri.< r ? f War n n ?tr? *:t, will bo fold at auction on T\;? din . tin 'J th in?t. Also a noantity of Itou ?-UoM Fur nitrre, & c. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. SMCNFK'S SALT. OF DRY C.OODtt, AT PUBLIC Ant ti- ii ?II. ,1. To-Ill. A uctioiioiT ? By Lyndon. Ilyrue & < o 1,. I;. & Co., will >< 11. at publi aucti ??, l?y order ot tho An-Loce, on Monday, Mareli 21.'. and following davs, uutil tic *holo !?< dictioM d t.f, at No. l.'tj Fulton ntrcot, ( two doors from Sundr,) Brooklyn, tho entire -tocii in trad", ofJamcN Sin} th S: I'"., i? mprisin,: a lar e an I "j lendid a-^Ttmont of Fort i.n nnd h?-nit :*li? l>ry<J > d . nrineutally adapted to the sem on. inc -ludiug nine ? f tho riolieH Dro*;* (ioods, .Shawls, bl Irting, sheeting. and Tablo Linens, ever (V- rod at auction. Al.-o, Broad Cloths, Cat imeros, and Ve.-ting*, Trim iiin.-rt, at d Fancy Goods. I- ? r furtl. r | articularn. ?c?? ratal ogu?*. Salo at 10 A. II.. 2 in the aCurnoon. and 7 in tin* ovcniuK. N. II.- Dcftlurn. houPfkc i-ers, mid hoadw of famili 'M, will find it their intw t to attond thi i hmIi-. :im tho good* svr?' in good order, will ho put in lots to Mitt purtha s.-r*. and \% il I bo ?!? Id without rorft rve. Terms, * a?li, in bankable money. (1 . HILL k < <> . \U( n >N KKR8. 96 1TLAM1 IC y ? street, Itrooklyn, will dovot?* their time and attention to the palo of Kort huiidipe, Houf .-hold i'uriiitur *. II r-o a, CnrriafH, at t !?t i r Etorr, ?r o|? owl -ero. I^tbt-ril ad viireeB made on j roporty, if r?4uircd. Ke pe tablo r-fe renecB f i r*?n . A lad v anted. I* I!. LUDLOW, AlTrTIONKER.? V ALI'MILF. PRO J ? iK i ty, on I. t and 10th avomiCH. 4th, lOtii, X'th. MUt, pud C>lM str? ? t . ? K. II !>m!l ?w will '?oil at auction, on Mondi'y, March 21*. at 12 o'clock, at tho Merchant-' l'*. chin. go, tho following valuable improved property: ? The h? u. ?? and lot No. 10th avenue, near 2Hth street. M <t h Ftrcet, letwcen avenues U and C. <? 1(1||l " 1. 0 West 2f'th fctrrct, nenr 7th avenue. " 1,'il " 21*th " adjoining tho above. " 22, S " .Hl^t " between Wi nnd fth avon uc *. " 221> " 81st " " Htli and Oth " " 2.''?1 M .'i?vt " adioininR the above. " 273 " .*J(itli " i .V) feet west froui ytli avenue. M 277 ?? Sftli " MW " M Also, 1 house and lot on 3,:tfi : truct, 3r>4 feet w est from l'Jtli aver tie. Also, 1 house nod lot on !i ?trpot. ndjoiriinp: the anovr. 2 lots on the youth hide of 2.#d street, 4'S? fn t we t of f>t h it \ ?? n no. Also, 7 1< is, with the I oildin^ thereon, on the northwest et rner of I.'t aveni o and ??' t : tr .?? t. For t <? "in h, mill . i<c., apply at t) o oiHoe of the \ i.'-ti itic -r. . II Wall street Henry ii. leeds, utctioneeu auction no tioe,? The pol li> arc informed that we shall olf r t.?r sulo < n tho Vth. Kb, and Mil April next, tho lar.o-t ,-f??ek of importtol (Ins < 'handflb r ?. ( I war", < '1 inn, &r,, ever made in the city. Further particulars will he given in a few day s when the i^ood, may be examined. JOHN I . V A N Li F, W A T F. ft. A V CTIO N F K It.? OR N F, ral Palo of Household Furnitur'1. l'ian ?h, I'.iin in/'. &o. ? John L. VundcwntcT vv: ' ??. v,i!l soil l-y au ti i?,on Hod res ile y, March 1>U t, at '.C-2 ! 'ixtlt a^onuo, near Twen tieth street, at 10'a o'clock, all the furniture contained in said house, consisting of a verysuperi r UMSortment ? I Fnrlor ai.d Drawingroom Furi ituro, Sn satin, brocat-dln. and hair cloth: Mahogany F.'rh-r rhair.*. Sofas, Teto-t T.te \ an i Kasy Chairs; JMer, (Nntro, and F<tension T?%i?>?: Ito-e wood Ktegere, and Ornament.''; Pier and Cheval (ila o-s; Kofewoou llookcaro. Wardrobe, nnd Hrussels Tap,- try Yenitian Csrpetine : Mahogany and Iron Uot!?t,onils. of ? n porjer <iuality; MattroHKe*, Hedding. Xie. : Hohomi'iu a . I other (iiasBware, Tbina Pinner and Tea nets. &o. Thn s.ii, will commence with the Kitchen and liasement Furniture. Also, one reven octave Mahogany Piano ? ' Travel^, riaker, and a line of choice Paintings, iu rich framea, I y Wint *r!ial Itr, l'cstelfrer, and others. Catalogues day previous to -?aie OIL PAINTINGS AT AUCTION.? JOHN LRVISON will sell, Hn Monday morniiiT, Mar^h 2;', 1S?2 at (I o'clock, iu stor" 2<o Chntharn s<|oare, a snlendi l assort ment of about 2-'0 f;ne Oil Paintings, by celebrated masters and artUtr, in ric h Viountcd guilt framon. suitable for parlor i und public homes. JOHN LEVISON, Auctioneer. RW. W rSTCoTT, A ir( "I IONEKR. KLF(; A NT ? household Furnitnro and house furnishing; artiebv, on Monday. H^a o'clock, at 14(1 Cr'cnwi<h avenue. This Furniture, t'nrpets, Bedding. A;o., ban been but 1 i 1 1 1 .? used, and ofh rs a fine opportunity for housekeeper and other* to fumii h the parlor, bedroom, and kitoh every article will be peremptorily sold, rain or shine. UOBE R T D V R NE, AUCTTONEER.- BANKRI PT Stock of Iiry (Joods at Public Auction, on Thursday, April 1st. and follow ing days, until the whole h disji mcd ?f, at 2?0 Hleeckc r street, liloecker Buildings, which c 'Uipri.'e-t a rich and valuable ansortment ?? !' Uriti h. French, (jcrmau. and American i>ry (icods, adapted to the preseut sea s?>n, ? or iiting of Hlnck, Blue, ami Medley colored French, Itelj i in, and West of Jin^Iftnd Br< ..tlcloths, Ca . ini' i and Domkins, Kioh French Cut Velvets aud Sr. tin Ve tin >, Italian IPark Silk Cravats, Rich I i i red Satin S arl"-. India, < bina, aud ot her Silk Po Ilandkerehiefs. (llovo.i, Sl irt.s, ?. pendtr . 4lc. Ladii i* Dren Qo< di .?Wide and Rieh illitck .wilkk'. Brociido r.nd < hamoleon : ilks. Ilomba/iuo!', i't.warp Alpacas. B!uck, Colored, a .d I'Uid, uil v ? I JMaimv a, I IJ ire : -. Pop.i.if, Lawns. ( I i ,? . lia'.ns, Mi rriinnek Prl*it?d Calkocs. ke. Sl.awlt'. ? Rich Plain r n 1 F?el.r? ider"'1 ('nrton < r.>pe. Lon" and S- usre !!?? ???. ?, I'.in's I'klm Linf, :? Ilk and Wool llr.retf?\ H'ack a. id Fi^ur I SiM , ftce. Li. .< n tiaod . ? Ivi U Double oatin i>amask Taldo C'5(i<.-, I'-i 'Vi: Hi i ( mo re ! do., N aj?ki >s and M.i, i m Lxtra !'i ? lri>h 1 ? *it I iu z nr.d .v'.irtiru Linens, >i?etinn i i: v ? 7.: ? n i'ow-Ji . . rr. I,, A I mo, ?i re it ? of IPo. el ' f an f Cnbl I - : ftti . lins, It I i'. ? s, Ma m1.?, I I'o.-ierv. I i- ? ;? Tl r- .id, S? w i - S||k?, Trim:ni*?- ?, ? *'. i' ? whole ef v. l.icli will i ?j , Id in lot ' to suit pur 'h.1 er.-'. h.-le t Ivin'cioeJi in the- m< ruin . and 2 o'clock in the ar?<ifo?n. K. I!.? Housed c*p< iv. Pedlar . and ut'i . a ' t p. r I ' i ' Ury C- .oN, \ . i 1 1 do well to att< i !, as t' vre :;i ? on.t vt iy rich, otiAMe and fa^hionablu <>od ? t ? 1 ? so! '. \\r m. s. \'if.v>r; k co? av tionefiis-wii.Tj Tt soli, om ''??Miiiy. Li ?? 2 'ih in-t.. at half past t?'!i o* rJucV. ?? I r ?' c?iJ1f otion of st iudard and halfstandarl Per I cural j: ' ,.iu t imported f?cr t teainer Pacific, by J. Hill. M?i \ ( i'v. Also, a fine eoifcotfon of Shrnbbory a. id ('. e * . 1 1 ? '? r'ar.t -, from J. K. Bam. h, Lnut( /. land, Al o, ? e t i;c Cc ' ?! tcr. with six drar.ers, for pale. \IT5r. WITTRRS. API TTONKF.R -ON MOXDAV, AT T? 10 o'clock, i* I 1.^7 Canal str-'ct, tlie Furniture of a la r.ily 1 a\ t !m eity, er,n-i^ting cf P.irlor, Chamber and Kit. I urniture. * All o. a lar<re nuantity of Carpets, t'il ( lotbs, two large Ury Goods Counters, touether with other BOARDING AMD MUKUXGS. { WANTED BY T"W O LADIES, IN A HESl'ECT J al l# privata family, I " i ? - ? : i preferred, eithtr la llrw Vlyu, Willinm.ih'irg, \ ril' T'. Tarry town, or any 1 tnlthy town within an linur'n ri'li' of New Vork; lint oue ri ' m wnnted. Ttrmn must be moderate. A' J. II., llev.iM < (P. e. _ _ BOARD WANTKD-f'OH A YOI'NG LADY, IN A PRI vntc f . Ily. wl ore there are nu nthur boarder*. A J ? ri" I".. }?. V. IJroad'iny |v?t Ohice, Urma and I' cation. Reference will be giren. I>OAIID? SINGLE GENTLEMEN. <>I< GENTLEMEN ) w it h t l.rir w ivt ? (without child ren ' r servants) can ob iriii I ' tird and v< ry pleasant room* iu tlio lir t clan houo 1 I - 1 Tanth rt r< at . BOAKI> WANTED B1 AN BNQLI8H GENTLEMAN, lady, tw i i liildr n au.i sonants; -Ittin( room,, tw be "I' t mn, ia a ple.i ant sitiatiun. Hrookly n |.rur';rr? 1, Ad ir< ! ? .I.e., Ili-ru.d ollicc, atn ting term*. rJOARD 11' TOWN.? TWO BEDROOMS AND A SIT i tlnp rn in, .r throo bedroom* on 'H-unti tlitht, in tlio t* i' ? t ' la - },' i. -c of a f.rivat" fa in ily, who do not move in May. U party, of -? peetabillty, smrou for IIm irirtMt n.ciul comfort* of n private home, will flnd this a UvoriMi) . ! in rt unity: sati'fn' tury refi Mi' f n-n' ired: location <;ii?*r l:.f. a;.*l It *th>- nil; 1. ? if In. a .Square. A idrta A. t . !?., I ii ion Square 1'oft < ?lfl CO. T>o.\rd in a rniv \tk family-do< tors office t to Lit? from l.t <f May, in W?*t Eleventh street, i.i ar ill >adw*ay. Room# on f i utl nr third floor, witti TI.o lirii-o M.ntnin^ all fie modern iiiiproveinont:'. Tl front lia? mi l.t will I <? I t fur a I ?? . ?. t ? r'n ollive. Address box 1.1 It Lower Font Office. F1 RMSIIED ROOMS, WITHOUT IIOA RD ? IN A I IR*T ?l!'.?i 1 near Broadway, with a email family, t vo beautiful rooms, iccot-.d floor, or t ho entire upper part t > le' . on application at No. W Spring atroet. Tcrjia low, to a rpo SIN( LE GENTLEMEN.? TO LET. A PARLOR AND x l.i-dr'jnin. Apply ut 141 Ninth street, a few doori fr uii Itroadr. ay. T wo ok Tintri: gentlkmi n r.w he accowmo datcii with furnOhed apartments, with or without brenkfa; t end ton, in n "m ill family, aud whore there i< no moving at May. Apply at No. IU Ahlngdou square, corner of Tr.'V utrcct. Wanted? two furnished roomh, roit two I'in^le i-entl men. iu a roapeetable fun ily In Brook lyn, with partial loard. Addreaa P. P., Ilctalu ofl fXTANTSD, CBILDMKN TO BOARD.? AN ELDERLY T? widow lady, rei-idina; in the north part of thi< ritr, who teaal.e. u sclect' ainool, and is aecnttomed to have tho rare of children, nishcfl to have the 'har^e of a few elill drrn, aged from 3 to 10 year In |uire at No. l,l'H llr?ad way. 1IOKSKS, CARIUAGBS, ?|s Barouche wagon for sale? suitable h>r one or two hortea. Inquire at Cooper'a Livery Stable, corncrof Eighth avenue and Mxtoonth street. * WOB SALE <'IIEAP? $1.W? A MARE, KIND IN SINGLE .F or denble harness and tinder the saddle; standi with eiitli tyitiR. Also, a well built Rockaway and llamssi. Must be sold immediately. Apply between ten and on* o'clock, at No. 6 Howard street, in the itaMe. For sale-a one carriage. wiTn two seat). It is nearly new, but the owner having no fur ther nse for It, will sell it for a fair pries. For t-rm<, ap ply at OT> Kprin* street, at Clearer St Maaon'a stables. DOS PAI.F.-A T(U' WAGON; II A ^ BEEN USED A only afew tlmrs. Sold only bceaaso the nwiier is al. tit leaving the city. Can bo seen at the stable of KEED k. TKIF.SDELL, 172, 174, and 17d Mcrier street, betwoeu Houston and llleoeker. Horse, wagon, hapne^s, k<-.. for sale, for want of uae. florae, ir.>n f ny, IJ)i hamt< I.Uh. eomin* six t liia spring, of freat endurance, and enn trot in ?? Hi. rerhapa lesa. Wagon of Urst iiuality. shifting top. and bat little used. Tu be M-oii at Barker'! livery aiaMe, li'l Amity atreet. NEW YORK HORSE BA/ AAK, 31 tHOSBV STREET.? Auction ?!e of llnrsea, ( arrinaea, Harm s, 4ie., every Monday anrt Wednesday, at 12 o'clock, I'ers >na bavin* t ri't'i rtr to disnose of will pie ase call and have it reni'tereil. JOHN II. HATFIELD, Propriotor. HOTELS. NliW IIOTE!.. - t OMI'LETELY FURN ISIIED ROOMS, fl .Viand $1 ii'i p.r week: each Room, per nlaht. 'JA ets. Tbla admirably constructed building, affording light and vsntilatl m In each chamber, with economy in prices, is not surra^ed. Kept open during the night. Corner of Willimn and Frankfort streets, ono block from thcl'ark. York family hotel, new bridge street, Lodgate Bill, London.? 1 ha above house is tentrally litnatcd; has an excellent coffee room, ten or twelve private titling rooms; bttwaen forty and fifty light, airy bedrooma, arm I smoking room; wsrm, eold, and shower batbaalwaya ready: a ni Lt porter in attendan:*; a fixed charge for aer rants; ti e Ntw York llernld l? filed. Thomas Unarterniaine tend rs hit gratefnl thanka to hl? American frTcnds, f. r the fa? ors I.e > s? n? loer en1,. T< I a* ?lisie bsru's n i ? ? , I uli. i 'U ?? jatjt 'jt|s ?jr v' rt,i rii'. lUliB. NEWS BY THE MAILS. Mr. Webster and the New Jersey I<?f(l?liitaN. KtMAHKH OP TIIK 8KCKKTA KV? -KXTH AOIUMNAIY ftPKKCIl OK COM. STOCKTON, ETC. The Ntwark .'id nlutr contain* the paiticulaw of th? reception of Mr Webater by the New Jersey legislature lad Friday. The Secretary wai welcomed In ? short li'Cirli b) Mr /abrhkic who am nu other thing*, MUd:? " The lofty tone and manly language in which Anatrian ictatltm wits rrbuktd and tho watchful with which the iliUrti retire if our own ton urdeift, citu"ii< with the rlght> of other nation* him be< n nv?truiiied. havonot, r.uu ng the later iisrvii t m of your life, l*-en overlooked or uniipprcciiitid by the sem, t f Si w Jt raey mu. wuhter'm Ht.ri,* FrfATon* Anuria \m?.< it N, .iiHicr ? ft bo ci men Hie. on thi* tin|>' nln^ and I mny >,- nterwhtlui ini? oceadoii. to do little mom u. hi i ?'i . - in f, \n wyrdr. and the, n i ignifiennt in thu hi: ' il'iproe my ui kn< wlci!|v uici'tfl lor the honor yon iMnfitn i open too Howcvi r humbly 1 may think of uiydf :r.<J 1 do think mo t Intml ly ? ii i* not f. r me t > dl*pirn,r,t your judgnii nt , not* dtould I. nor do I feel far as uiotivis? patriotic motive-, and tcady pnrpi*M> to main tii in th? lil citlc cf the country through a life uow nhuic w hat |'r<'lmetcil an; rcmct rued? I do not feel (hat so lur i.s niiii Ivi nr" < rein od. anything more Hum jiidico Iim I i i n nwatdi ti I ? i- 1 In- i. - 1 I owe it to yi.ur lore of your tiunlry. A'low me tiiuiy thai there i li;| ^uti* Id the I nlnr? r..,t i un tlmt in which 1 wiw horn nor that in | which I I .iM -o 1uik; I w d and which hit* honored ine I jr tnulnln ;ninir )(? it. tin pul.lio council* of the country ? , vh'MMoil ltr<idwiih more ? xc.ting rt collection* of r? j M.liaii i ..iy times. end the Mibnctjuent druggie* of our ! i t 1. 1. try. thin i I N'twJrr-cy At an oiuly pt ilod of my I f ? I tr.. \ ' i. ' it yi ur : Me In m i ml to mil. ami through i vi rj fj it win ie ti ' blood of A uierii am, and of the no in i f N Jem y wu? r j ? i 1 1 u the dcfeu?c i f their liberty, I feel a lu ll' wi il it rani t r those . Ct ue? 1 feel the doepo I. ni:.|iithy ie: iht sio;M'll;gs of the uinu of New Jerrcy . and it t. tin i- Mi ti vim wiii obliged, in tin* march of tin; American at my. to trick i< pathway of hlood. It i? i:i| < > ?.lit 1 tie uhl I r;;et how uiudi. it 1 1 > moat er! t'.tal 1 1 1 :? il i t the resolution. i? eiviuj; to lliu indomit able | ntriet'.i n\ u i ?! iitlfrrinj;* i f Nt "< Jenny. it li.i I, iti my foitune llnoirgh tho I i.-t lliir.y jC,.ra to h - c the ill I| d it: the ci.ur.r'>la of the in! ion with oii'i lit i.t M'tin rf N<w Jcrty.undl ciui nay villi truth airl * ncii ty. that I hi.ii fi.uiniauioie; tle nu without ih.^tim t t n ol political fielii g. the loll, iw>t p. ieeiph-M. thu |i t rpit | ? f r < '? M!'. in. 'I juft tlevtiflon t i t In- i'ilnci|ilei ut tin t otii iitutii'ii. l.t t me.'uld in rivpect to the rtvolu t.i ii of the Le^iiLituin of NewJcrw) that they citultl liuvc 1 1 ret ; oli ii fri in inpluiilar n iiirco rtundiiiK higher in my rcp-ird mi. I I'l'tilienl alfcctioil. It wuilld not hi cei: I me to my inom i n lliin ncc.t.-'ioii. i \eep!. that I tool it it ilicti'te (,t eli iir duty tl.nt lii re^ni'l to those portioiiM ol my polilic ur\ ti uliudeil to hy Mi*, '/-iihriskie, hotli on tin- lo ' I iiiul li t li r in 1 4?i hi v. hilt . 1 1 Uiiiir tu perforin I he i lit hit iiui i : my Ft:liiu devolveil up' n mi; I luul the ei ti. i oppn tatlen ol thi ' I h i in gi I ? ol the ooantl^ i ii n ft i.l 1 1 hi < us I t' ei il :i ilut j in ? iiy. there li-n Inn MI nil ill Cti'lit ilit lit <? l.t fentiiuei't liei.veen the did trt'iiifJn d eith.cii ul the heir I of the (jovi riuuent anJ uijx lf. Kt iiitlt'i;! ami Aset uihlynien: hi t, mo ray it hm I et ii your I'leiii lire to confer on ine euch a tnnrkeil dln ticrtii n ii? I tu vi r In fore received, hot, me nriy, with au I iiiul'lc ami nialifui heart, that 1 fluill carry the recol It tilt n t,f ILIh mark of leaped to the ct.d of my life, |'i hi modern Hi cKti n licinj; calh d on hy the audlcnci.'. nfti i- Mr. Wi hfttr and the Committee retired ftpolte a* ti llowi com.Moooni: stocrtox's spi ich. i't. NAT oils AM) lil.MIIMIN 01' TIIK A .srMIII.K. llllll fet Itiw eiti/t ii? too. I I'rt i ume that yi u will iinn^ino th it I Mil \i ry loud of making epeechc*. However much I iui| lit tli i-iie tomnki' a ipuech. I In. i^ not the oceation or the pliico. No |n in r on earth, I liiiil I lnui^lit. could have ?Implied out of me a nntcli, ami if the ."-einite unit A* &i it- l>ly lied wanted any further proof of my dn?ire to y no tin in n:y?uJi'ettii.ii fur tin m. i.ud v. !lllni;neMH to ?mj rificemycll for them, they have it in my compliance In now athlr' f.ii'n I lu in '1 ins venom ted hall. dUtini;iii?hi'd 10 long lor tiie fcrvioMi of co uiaiiy eminent men. and euily a.'Mt'httioi.ji if the flute, haw thin day lieen honored in a way, which, if the Hplrilif of our Kin hi rs l^u i td o'er u*. WOOld rejoice thein ? Flit inli1. Mliin- Ih nnylhing that can excite the mind, it if tin contemplation "I the ulV'ctinn IxmUiwetl upon the poibC'nor i f hijjli virtuoti and I 'fly inlelleelinil mlii nir.t ntf. And when we led we can lay down party I n ih 1 1 lii iiF win n wo can come lip forgetting party hliite. t< i,d lay down upon the id t a r of our country pi cl'.i I Id plt'judii ec. anil apphiud tin w without ilie tinitit n t.f party il i; a triumph over tho MeitishncA of the hi: inn n mind, t tint we may fi t 1 proud of. Ihit t ii m ini-y he fought . mid vie lories won. and field* de liij id with the I hid Of their deludtd victims. Victo ly in nil iige* him received honors. Itut tlio*e wht> have wen tin III hit vo generally been actuuted l.y some invim il'le in ci -ity ? ambition or tin; lud of power, 'ihii i'ii pr> nit day lor llitwe here a ? ombleil. and New Jiiiey. I led it bs a New .Inrscy m ill ? a* n until- - a? n patriot and n cluistsaii. Whenever I conteuipbito Mr. Uthdcr, my htiirt goe?t up in ties mi. aspiration* t<? I ii.mii. Iliul it In)* indowid one of our up -eies with null Virtue and ir.'elli cl, HL>uot imply IW hi* m inly ft i m, llmt in l ie brew which tut run jdie ed thire as :i croviliby tin Aluiif-'hty. but the virtue of tin* mail. I lutve known him f .' tliiity yii i>; I li'M . en hun "itliii|< tiiitong I he wite find good in the council* of (he na tion; I linvc nit on n boy and heard tin- word* of wic iloiiit.- ll!:' Irni'.i thou lip . whith I d"i in I inspired. A I'd 1 my it bofote till', i feinhy. and Int. re tht: world. patriotic heart in nny m.:n tlmt Ii iirt is in the 1 1 d.v oi /iaii i-1 II deter I Imn heard hiui. at vit riol: lino- iliM-f iUfi- nf public alluirs in private, ami I h ve niM r he aril ii v. on I tlmt ni';rhl I.. con-friied agaiiiit ie c uulry or her littered*, or thai diould not emanato l.mi ii |;ic:it ii- id pure mill. 1 have neon him iu tho H Oi-lF ol I he 111 Id. wltll lli.t ?1111 upon II I diouldcr. fol l"Win.i? lny own dogs, iiinl whenever and wherever I bftM- i ei n. bin l.o v.i.i ih'- itnni' great and pure nmii Y mi net d not l?- FurpiiM il at my In itutiou and think my cone rn t.ilcoleil. for the groat talent* of our din tlnmii-hi d tr.i t nrc enough to petrity my hiiigniflciiiit i nd minMinibte iiljilitie-e I could i I let the is-ea*inii pa. h without ru. i-ir . luy I- voico in weiunme to our gied. >i ii ii lain pro lid of thi* oceadiii of performing a tlufy to i xidtu! i >rth. And having aid that, allow mr? |o ? :ty a few v mil about our .State nn-| mytu lf ^y^cIC is about the liin.-i aurtei.hle Milyeet i '^,n ?jk a|MUt' Mi Wdidtr has jiisllv and. ;r,uy tluit whenever hit eroded thi; '.i-rd'-M or our territory, tho ou'liu.siu 1 1 paUiotl;Bl V! mllt d hi his breast wiu greater tli in any wflfii'the. Mr W. is one of the mou who hiLi studii d llie hirtorv of N.J. I litonnuond it to you. my friend*. Jler hUtory hit* never yet tiocn written It will lie written funic day end I undertake lo my it will In; the j hrightei t. pn(fe of the history of tho country; nut only i win n it rt count " lit r m lilnry exploi's in the revolution. J but when it enlighten t the world with her stonily perse verance iu imiinti.iniii;' her institution-^ in tunof of pence. ! which wire fonj lit for and acquired in time.jof war, their ' incrtil t fleet ha- nnide th" heart ol the nation hap with joy : n nil pride. New Ji rv-y has never yet been hotrd in | the alfairn of the cotinliy. Now she lnu a voice there I Ilut the othiriiny your repnv<t nlatire I called the I winlt m of the metropolis u round even mo. and told them what New Jersey hud nufTircil and done ? that nhe had b light more, and done more, and received less reward than any oth-r Mate. There luu never lieeu itucliaue^Wlii tit n In tho history of nation*. Mm has gone oil st"atlllwf : and never boartcd; but. thank God, she hits now got a man | thai will bi rist Depending on Jorneyineu, you would ; hardly know Ihut they lintli versulhrrd or ever tmight any luitttes. ii nil yt. u would Huppose that tiny had received all they were entitled to. When you eoinn to look at lu r his ti ry you would I*- nuiaztd at what she hut aceom t'lidiul. in J a?ti nUhcd at how little lmd bfton ibnv) fu ller. I l.-v immi ii*o ri-ouroe* are iiH'xhuustihle. Her hill.', filled with iron and copper, arc lying ill ml and the / have been dragging the money out of your pocket* in com eiinence of im t ti rnaily tliu luuting revenue ny .tem. I 'hull not I oo l o/?nrut Iht ir doors. I "hall not V- m.'iity niouthi d in li Uing thctn whrt v. j want. I shall ins id ? that is good dt un crutic d< cliin?. at least now-a-day? ? I rImII insirt Upe-n dragging theirou out of oiu* mounlaiivt and trim: potting it lo the wa coast*. 1 am aware that I am about to treed upnti delicate ground and I hope that no one Will take otfoiice, fir I mean none. I do it on I ho | rinciplc tlmt III" operation* of (he general govern m< lit sludl contribute to the di'Velopemont of your re wmrcc* a* they have done for other State*. I intend t/> got lliif of Iron as well of kIo** included in it tariff ?ydi'in. If liny will pn?s it. The quc*tion of a pro tcctlve lurlff wim alwuy* a democratic measure In New Ji'i'siy. 1 ho tlrrt ress'lution on tlii* miljrct wivt in i", it, .i.l by Mr. Wll?on. No one will douM that he wa* it di iiioerut ? a man if eminence and of worth ? the leader if the democracy in New Jer ny. I'ut fOOU i.fter that the party split. One *id? wont off carrying the thunder with them, and it wu* a II II. o (hutulcr they hud and they would not let the matter be setlhd. mid it lieenme a party ijuestion. With u n annual expenditure of 0<ki.(*i<i staring im in the is there anything more ridiculous than to talk lib' tit the viigariciti of free trade? To raise this amount it would require , per cent on ail our importo, ami v. hen we uli know tlut thi* sum haft been rained. It is lolly to talk uls.ut free trade. My politic* do not hang Very heavy on my ili"ii!der*. and when the intercut* of my ei untry nre nt stase, I tan very cattily get rid of them. I have pmsed tli?- grand elimact?ric ot life, and can at liie bi st have have but few your* to live, and I live but in lny chrdri n It 1 were to consult my own fHdinga only, mid wanted to have n go'd time. 1 would kick up a row and wi old be mo.ti certain In the confusion to g't into the A, hlle Ifov e Hum I am now Hut I speak for my children, for my country, and I may miy. without 1 it faulty ft r my litd llutt I deeire pe?ce Kor here i* the lust asylum ti l.lierty; 'l 'strr y it and wliere will be It* resting pier.' ! The mo* t important measure to pre ? riT? II n* iciiiomy iu the pulttlc expondituren. They have Inert iist d in I he l.vl (|Unrter of a Jcentury from thlr in n to l.fty million*, and if t h-*y go on inorradng in the i liiic projii rtit.n f r the next quart -r of u century, they will amount to two hundred million* ? nearly three fi in t hs of tlie expense of Ih" Ilritlsh empire, indepen di nt of tho intere?t on the public debt . If yon don't ar rrst that cnoimon* inrr nse. you will be Its con m i; iu in e wi1! In- corruption, eitli It* hydrn-head, and all its train i r i vis and il li. y liar., oncc begun to nap the for laid ii ii t t ripi Ulcan government freedom ia at an end. I to ;i<> our country lo w ine liack to the nim pllcily and ironi my of the daya of JcflTenoti. It in not llie mi-ney I n civrd but it.s con?e,juenoe.+? corruption, and other evil* Those may -eem nut ersentinients coining In m me. It I dlii not l/<-iong to the ytmnft and prngn-seive : cheol t w.'is bn tight up at thofeet of Hamaliel ? I was briiDj-ht n | In tii" ftfhdteet accta of federalism. Mvfather wa' afidcruliet ? 1 was one. He w.-i* tne eonip?)erof Wa-h inglon. and ol llitinillon, and other great men of th"?e tilues. He lovid tht m when they lived, and loved I heir n;t mory whi n dt ad. and it wne hi* n-ligi n t? folKw ia ti e t' oislt | ? ol V r.slnnnton whorevev tin v led. If I harf livnl in tbo.e day- 1 shoidd have done as thi-y did A I ur< i u. ml of pMrini* and mure hu?M?t men ncrvr lived. I i n nnial flow t rs >11011 evir bloest niou thoirgrave Thoee nre the men wliotr principles ?r' my principle*. They nt vi r nut their hand- f.irwanl tocontrol the future any more II nn w e can atli nipt lo erouirol it fitly year- b -neo ^inet their day. ouri? uutiy Iww- gene on increasing in itn I I dance MirpHjdnu nil bditf We must judge of pnbll* aflklrs fi rour-rlves I do not like that opponent who *nys stand hit ai d vlu n he intern the ring take* W**b iugti n in lii?n!iii ?otlmt you cannot *hi>ot him without ? hooting Washington Vt u have no right to bring Matbirgti n here new with hi* opinion* of oO yiara ago. ftandirg hire and hoklwif fi rward for my obildn-ii .? i d mr c? i ? ' , i . ? in i ,1 at di- i-i ii.. ? Mch iltci\ 'btrt rev ^ ???? ?? Ui - ,liv . t^