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IPfOTISEMMTS RENEWED EVKRT DAT. U-SKR riKTH PAUU.'W aouwitJUM. ??, fpWENTT SHARKS FOR REDEMPTION WII,I, BE X offered 011 Thursday evenin*. April I. by too Citizens' Mutual Loan m??i AouumulatluK rand Arid^'iitioa, at their r?ntns, 42t Mroudway. The books of this Association will be closed on this avenlng, Members are requested t j flail aad pay their dues ? Office opeu from !'li A. MJtlll A P. M., anil on Weinasday evening ti'l 9 t'lhook- SI *( l-.ON l)R.VPI,lt, I'reaident. K. l>fc.l'AFll.J,D SMITH, Vioe President. J. T. Kbnhai.i.. Secretary. TilUfTCM. John T. Horriok, John I. Clark, t ieo. Bchwar!/. Jun., William Tliooison. *"? CI>m. L. CvrnUli, Joul W . M .uon. Winchester 1'. Moody, William U. Diets, Samuel Alburtus. J un. Building associations- kirk insurance C*ui pan/. ? Capital $160,000, divided into 10.000 shares, ?f $16 each. oa^a paid up. with the privilege of inoreasinx tbu capital alack to gMAJ.H*).? Subscriptions for the aapital etock ol Una company will be received by tho following ner *ona, appointed Commissioners : ? John llruoe, N?. 24 1'latt ? treat; naUniun & l.attlng, No. ftM Fulton a tract; Job* Ituxtxn, No. 10 North William street ; Solomon Jessurun. No. 8 (..lint on court, lioekmau atreot ; John p". Yallott, No. 143 8suda street. Brooklyn; also bv all th? directors. A protpectux. explaining the nreat advantages to bs derived from t lie company to mechanics and small property holdsrii, aa well a. tj t..o?c w ho wish to invest their money and ^et tho largest iimuunt of profits, eau lie had of any of the di rectors. ail the secretaries of the different building associa tions. or at the office of M- Jeasnriiii, No. 7 Clinton court. Buck man mitrt. JOHN BRUCE, l'residout. S. J a*.1*!' i< ii w, Secretary. THE MONTAGUE MUTUAL LOAN BUILDING ANI) Accumulating Fund Association of Brooklyn will liold tlieli third adjourned meeting, in the I.eeture Room of Montague ila'.l, on Thursday evening, 1st April, at 8 o'clock. It is bolievo J Ciat this s-sooiati.>n lias ninny advantages hitherto inknown in building associations. A member wishing to withdraw after the first year will be allowed (i per cent lor Ins money ? most, associations give but 4 aad 5 per coat. Able speakers will bu present to give an explanation of tlie objects ol thia association. Subscriptions will he roeeived by, and copies of com titutlon aud by-laws can bj had ol any of tho lolloping OJrictns S. N. BURRILL, President, .Montague place. WM. J. OVI nGTON, Vice 1're.iideut, Macdougal street, New Vorlt. ( hah. 0 Riciiaumon, Secretary, 10 Court street. Hbnjiv K. ; k a ii r h. Surveyor, 7 MonUni HtU, Gto. II Coorxu, Attorney, 3 Mouta^uo ilall. TR l' STICKS : ? Georgo T. TlroouiP, 8 Court ftroet. Encelberl I, 'tt. ".'1 I'ulton ?? trect. 1'. W. WiIIi.iiumou. 8 Court streot. ,1 as. A. Ovington, Montague Ilall, i'aul M. < randall, Court etreet. Stephen Mills, 17^ Johnson street. John Ki tier. VW Harl.ft'ield street, Now YorV, (ieo. W. llrown Itoual street. J nine 4 Ducks, 2tiU P ulton street. SECOND NkW VOHK BUILDING ASSOCIATION.? The Second Now Vork lluildiug Association wili hold t heir third regular meeting for tho payment of dnos and uloction ol new momhers, at Chatham Hall, No. 5 Chatham Booarc. on Thursday eveniug, April I, al eight o'clock. The association i< nearly filled U|>, and tills will ho the last op portunity ol joining at the present rate of entranue foe. Muok v.ilt-aMe information relative to the advautagei and operations of Building Associations, can he obtained at this meeting. Members are reipiesteil to call at the office and aubtcriho to the articles, and fit their pass hooks, which are ni.w roa ly. All shares on which dues are not paid at this lnoeling, will he forfeited. Shares will bo redeemed. En trance tee riO cents dues SHOO; par value $.<X)0. Interest at, the rate of f> per cent paid on nil dues paid six months or mote in advance. DR. JOHN II AS, SELL, President, J. 11. SliP^PrkKD, Vioe President. Bt'xroM, Jit., Secretary, ortieo II North William street. COLUMBIAN MUTUAL LOAN AND ACCUMULA tinc I'wud Association. ? Notioe.? The suhsorihers to shares in this Association arc ruquostud to call at thu Seoro tnry's Office. !tr> Delancy street, sign tho Constitution, pay their dues lor tho month of March (two dullars per share), unH receive their Pass Books. Wo hope th-j balance of the subscribers will corao np im mediately anJ save their tines, aa we receive no money at the meeting W? will have over $.5,0t)0 to Loan tho first monthly Mosting('l hiivsday, 1st April). Ofikce liourn from H A. M. to 9 P. M. CHARLES L. NOE, Secretary, 25 Dolanoey streot. MUTUAL LOAN nOUSE VURNI8IHNG AND PIANO forte Association.? All those who are about to furnisk a bouse, or hire apartments, and to whoin tho use of a few linndred tr t thousand dollars, at a fair intorest, would be convenient, and those who are anxious to possess a good Pianoforto, and savo the expense of hiring a bad one, and those who want to save np their money and got fair interest upeathe smallest amounts? all such must get the plan and prospectus of this new Association, wbieh ia about being es tablished, and cannot fail of becoming the most popular of the day. Books of subscription are now ready. Office No. 2 Astor House, at tho Book store of Adriance, Snormaa St Ce. The public generally are invited to examino the peculiar nature and benefits of this Association, which are ftilly ex plained in the plan and prospectus, to he had gratia at Uie abovo office. A, II. JOCKLYN, Treasurer. DRY GOODS. ~ Ribbons, silks, and millinery goods i ?ball opsn this morning, 3,000 boxes of new spring Rib bons, of my own importations, which 1 will offer te the trade and others, at extremely low prices. _ M. II. LUUTENSTE1N, W Bowery, cor, neiterst. LACES. LACES.? TIFFANY & CUTTING, 321 BROAD way, having completed their arrangements with some ef the largest manufacturers in Brussels and Paris, ef fine laces and embroideries, will he prepared to exhibit, on Tues day, March 30th, onoof the most complete and varied assort ments ot Embroideries and Thread Lace goods ever offered in this city. In laces will bo found Collars. Capes, Berthns, Coiffures, Scarfs, Shawls, Mantillas, and trimming laces in Brussels Point Honitou and iYiui d' A !? n<; m, (impure and Mechlin. In embroideries, Collars, Capes, Chemisettes, Guimps, and Handkerchiefs. Also, trimmings and inser tions of a>l wi iths. These goods will be offered at suoh (.rioei as mo. i ensure satisfaction to purchasers. Linens and linen goods.? m nusn linens, Damasks. 6-4, H 4, 1U-1, 11-4 and 12-4 Sheetings, Napkins, Towels, Quills, and liuen cambric Handkerchiefs. The largest (lock in the oity of the above goods may he found at 23o Broadway, the block above (he Astor House. TRACY. IRWIN Sl CO. New mantillas, silks, grenadines, crape de Paris. Donna Maria, Bareges, Mousscline de Laine, imperial Satin Plaids, printed Jaconets, Lawns, Organdies, foulards, Canton Crape, and ether Shawls in full asaert iient: alto, India Shawls below their value. Those goods, in cualitv, style, aud price, are sure to meet the approval of purchasers. TIFFANY & CUTTING, 321 Broadway. WET GOODS. WF.T GOODS. AT D. R. PYNE'S DRY goods st ore, 21 U, Bowery.? Colored silks, only 2s., worth it. fid.; flgnred poplins, only 2s. fid., worth 3s.; plain, do., all oelors, from 2s. Cd. to 3a. fid.: 1 1-4 Lancaster quilts, only 12s.: ladiea black and colored kid gloves, 2s. t?!.; 4-4 white and unbleached muslin, only 6d.; half price for all tlao wet good*. Laces, embroideries, and mourning goods. ?The subscribers are daily adding to their stock, from rscont importations, rich Paris Embroideries, Point d'Alan con and lloniton Collars. Coiffenres, Sleeves, French Caps. te.; Hosiery, Gloves, Milts, and Fancy Articles. They wenld also eall the attention of ladies to their goods suitable for family mourning. A. KERK & CO., 7bl Broadway, between Eighth and Ninth etreett. BXPBE8I A?BRCna. Adams ft co.-s California freight, package, and Parcel Hxprcss. for United States mail steamer Crescent City, on Monday, Aprtl A? Our Dext regular Express, for Chagres, Panama, and San Francisco, will he dispatched at above, by the United State* mail steamer Croscent City, on Monday, the Ath of April, at two ?'clock, P. M.. in charge, as nsnal, of onrown Freight Agent and a Special Messoiner, to destination. All goods forthii Express must be delivered to us, with inyoicos, on or before Saturday, .Id April, to enable us t* comply with the govern ment order for cording and sealing. No charge to snippers ty thii line for Cuatom Ilonse feee or Consular e*rtl8*ates. Krery package must be strictly water proof, and should aot exceed I J."i pounds weight. Small parcels and dispatohes Will be received until one o'elork on the day of sailing. ADAMS ft. CO., 10 and 18 Wall street. BF.RFORD ft CO.? GREAT CALIFORNIA FREIGHT, Package and Parcel Mxpree*.? Our next shipment will go by the splendid fast -running United States mail steam ship Crescent City, April ft, in ehaxge of oar own special messengor and freight agent; through in twonty-etylit days; ao detention at Panama. Freight taken at less price, than by any other responsible eompany. Small pan els for our express trunks received to ore o'clock, day of sailing. N. B. ? A few clioiie berths, through direct, per Crescent City, the only stiro line, mar be secured by early application to ?ur office. UF.KFOKD ft CO., 2 As>tor Itonse, Vesey street GREGORY'S CALIFORNIA PACKAGE AND PARCEL Express.- The subscribers will forward their next express per steamship Prometheus, on Monday, 5th of April, at 3 P. M., in charge of a npccial messenger, it is necessary that goods for this express fh.mld he delivered at our office, on or before Saturday, 3d inst. Package* ?nght not t<> excced 100 ll>s. weight each, and should ha water-proot. Parrels received on tlie morning of the 5tli of April, and letters until 2*? P. II. THOMPSON & HITCHCOCK, Managers and Agents, 149 Pearl street, corner of W all. AH. PRIDF & CO.'S CALIFORNIA EXPRESS, NO. ? 7 Wall street. ? Freight 38 cents per lb., transported across tli? Isthmus. by Mosqnera ft Co., transporters of all the gold fust Neat stupmett, by tho '* Crescent City," Monday. April 9. A. H. PRIDE ft CO. ^ * VBLLBR? eilXDB. CA?SSt ? ^ VojTpHILA. 1- . it ??' P.*TS?;.V, rivsr. foot of Battery laoj ItMVtoM JOHN POTTER, two line* itClj. orning ilne !. ?? it at 8 A. M. Afternoon express line at 1 F. M:, through U Philadelphia la f?cr snd a balf hours. Iara-?rst class ears $.i. second clats, ( by 2 P. M. lineenly) Returning l-avs Philadelphia from foot of Walnut ?' * A, *? ? a, id 2 P. M. Emigrant Mn?, by steamboat TKANSPitK I . >i in, pier No. 1, at&P. M. Fara (1 60. New york and Philadelphia direct.? 0. a. Mail anrt Express Lines, thr .rgb in honri. N. J. failmai, fla C'ty. teaT'"^ Vcrk at fi A. M? fool WCortlandt street 9 A. M. and P. M. Lit erty street, slyest ye Philadelphia same hours, from foil of W alnut street. Fare reduced to tt for drst elsss, ?nd f.ifiO for leeond class. TJsltlmnro Washington, and Charleston through tickets aold In the aV?vs Knee, and thrnugb Ingraft* earrled la the 9 A. M. aad SS P. M line* from New Tork. with through aondue Vere, wlthea* expense. Regular dav linb foraliiamv-- makinuthr usual landings; fare fifty eei.ts to Pongli'xeepiie, one dollar to Alhany: meals served on b?a'd. On and after Wednesday. March .11, 1SA2. the new and swift steamers Henry Clar, Capt. J. F. Tallnian: and Armenis, Capt. I. P. 4mitn, will leave the pier foot of .fny street, seoond pier aboye Chambers street, every day at 7'nVlock. A. M., Sun days sxecpted. Returning, will leave Albany daily, Sundays excepted at 7 o'dook, A. M. For furthci particulars, en quire of the captain, on hoard, or of WM. RADFORD, a>2 West street. FOR A I, RANT, WITHOUT CHANG* or C A|?*._FAR? reduced.? $2 ?.-Regularitr and cafety eomblaed.? Th? oars of the New York aad Harlem Railroad l*ay* the Ctt* ? all Stat! m, New Fork, daily, (??dajs sxeepted.J at I ?'elaek AM aad -W P- M. It- SLOAT. 8an?yi*teod?,? AGENCY. WORTH INaroIT 0. 8NETIIEN CONTINUES TO pr actio* law in the Supreme Courts- to attend to NW .jsfors t'oagreas ? to prosecnt* claims and settle acoouats -against tb? Departments and Hoards of Commissioners? t* ;>r?*'if? patents at home and abroad? to obtain pensions and Bounty lands? ta oolleet debt.', dtridends, legacies and iulis ?itanens ia asiy pari of tin United - And i? foroi^t .sountrins- to make investments of funiJc in f.iaus aiilsloeks, aad on b ind aad mortgage? and to m sotlaie the purtfthtM and sal* of loan*, lands and patent right sin any Stat* of tha Union. Particular attention paid to California land tills ?sm*s, eooiing up to th* United States Supreme <!.>ur? on ap peal. Comoiunisatinns, pre paid, a lilressed to W. G. Su? tfcea. No. H Carroll Plaoe, CaWt >1 HU1. Washiiigtoa, D. 0.. will wst with sronst attaaMna. PRIZE KIM, CHARLEY PUPS I'OR SALI.-fWHB tlaok tan tCin<t Charley Puns, tr.m tn? i/ai?srt*d ?toek. very ctnie?. lanultc at w5 Water stc*#t. ron 8UiB. SfcH OOfl PK* TF.AR.-FOU SALIC. A L AMI* WICK j Vy v/ V7 nnuulA.tory. (ensis'ingof looms aaJ ? l?< of olo r piuvntw iaff<ll operation, with stock on bin.fanl R ioj ? ill cf busint# , toamouut of 8. ?WOO p?r y?*r. The wta >l? i< vur'h $1..M4), b'H wi'l ke (old te ft cash oust. >iner lor $7W. Enquire ?f A. U. 00 U Gil, JM I'earl street, fro in U t > 1. l\ nnnot FKRSONAf. PROPERTY porhale. wTt/jVvV 100,0)11) KH^rars, I'nim M to |!0 per til on* Hand; splendid Gold Watches; aov?ral Uiam >ud*. l'i mos, < And otlior valuable goods, fur Mfttfl at bargains. Apply it j the I. it* Insurance Offloe, S5 Nasaan street, near tin .Sun i office. tit 1 ?A PHRSON CAN PURCHASE A HAN? 1 )WWi lecturing business, without oonpotilioti, es-ilv conducted, lor tho above sum in c?ah, ftud which will P*y *5.1*10 this vear. Nona othor than ft responsible p.iit> noed apply. Address "Kellogg," Herald offioe, with nainj aud reidcnco, which wilirocoivc prompt attention. ACOOB CHANCE. ? A MVKHY STAIII, B FO It SALE, together with the stock and fixtures, consisting of Horse* and Carriage (nocond to none iu the city); is sue of the beat stands for busiuess in the city, nail will be sold choap if applied for soon, as tho owner cannot attoud to it hiiaioli. Apply at M. II. UNDERBILL'S stable. No. 4 Rivingt >u stroot. or of T. J. Taylor, 26 Nassau street. Book casus, etc. -to me sold chkap, two very line Mahogany Itnok Case*. with a largo table aul three small desks. Can lie aeon nt W> llarotuy street. BOGAIfDUS ECCENTRIC MILL - I'DK SAI.H. ON!, of tho above Mill*, with net of plates, complete, and ia perfect order. Can be scsu at UN Water atreot, up stairs. Drug store PIXTOTtM for SALM? CONSIST - ing of Porcelain Jara, llettliM, Conserves, Show Bottle*. Silver Scales, Marble Counters. tllnss Cases, Maliogutiy Drawers, with porcelain label*; Soda Water Ap paratus, it o.. ho. Apply at No. 2 Park Row. I*Ol!R STORKS AND HOUSES FOR SALE ON Til K wext aide of Seventh avenue, hefweou Twenty third and Twenty -fourth atroeta, now ready for occupation. la quirt ol J. N. Wood, foot of Twenty third street, N. II. 'I.'' UIIN IS1I EI) HOUSE AM) LOT FOR SALE. IN ONF -T of the meat delightful situations in Brooklyn. The hoiiie and furniture are both now, and will ho offered f ir sale until tho ftth of April only. Price (1,'jm), half of which csn remain on inortjiv<o. Inquire at No. H Hanover pla.o, a few doors from Fulton avenue, llrooklyn. Ij^OK SALE, TO LET, OK EXCHANGE FOR CITT 1'RO perty. a country roaidence of the hrat elm-, with 10 acre* ol land, highly improved, and having fine fruita. It ia half a mile from the depot at New Itocholle, and wtll be rented without the land if deaired. Apply to DAVID HAKK1S0N.IM Cliutam fltrcet. OR SAUMTBI TWO 8T01IY HOUS> AND lot. No. 16 llammoud atcoet. Alan, tho lot in tho rear, in UanU atroot. with a lar*e new stable. Itoth lota are full ?i feet front and rear, ? u J lWloet from street t? atroet. Ap ply ul OH We*: alrcct. OR S A I. E? GEO. LADDS WELL ESTA11LISHKO Ms jewelry atore. Cfl6 Brja lway. Any one bavins a amall eafiitul in caali, can get a gn-.ut bargain, a? tho pvopriutor U about rumovlugfruu tlio city. 1?IOR SAI.E-A FIRST RATE MANUFACTURING It u hi ii can, ill ono of the inoat llourlaliing townu ul' Connecticut, connected directly with Now York by rail road. Said Hiiaiueaa, Machinery, & r . , will be aolu at a rea*<>nablo price, the owner wishing to retire. liit|uireol V. It. TALMEK, Newspaper Ai'.eut, Tribune Buildinga. 1^01: ? ALE? THE STOCK, FIXTl'RES, LKASS, fcO., ol the bar-room and premises on the tirat iloor of No. 30 Howery, cornor of Hayartl atreet, being a moat eligible place Ijr almost any kind of buaineas. Apply to I). MACAKT1IUR, kl Wall stroot. FOR SALE--A COUNTRY SEAT AT YONKERS, COM mandin;; an extensive view of the rivor up and dawn, now oieupicd bjr Hon. F. C. White, containing about four acrca of laud, with a (?ood houae and barn on tho name: also, ail abundauoe of fruit. Thii place ia within live minute* walk of tho steamboat landing and railroad depot. I'rlce $I2.(KK). roaaoasion given tho tirat of April. For further particulaia inquire ol Tho*. O. I urriugton, Youkora, or WM. RADFORD, 202 West street, N. Y. 1EIOI SALE ? A SALOON, WITH A REFECTORY below ? extabliahcd for many years, and now doing a tlrst rate cash buaineaa. The furniture, atock aud futures will be sold a bargain to a ca-th customer. The puroluaer can let out part of tho preiniaes and live rent. free. KODl'.KK K LAWRENCE, 7"> Na.^au street . For sale.? the lease, stock, and fixtures of an old catalilished Faint Store, in the lower part of the city. N. 11. ? There ia a good trade of House and Sign Faint ing. To parties wishing to purchase a business of this kind will fmil this a desirable plate. 1'loase address G. CI., tliis office. For sale? at a great bargain, that neat three story brick House and Lot, situated at No. 97 Wil lougbby street. This liouao is located inngenteel neighbor hood, and will bo sold for $4. .100, and part of tho purchase money can remain on mortgage. Apply to S. S. Broad, No. 11 Wall street, in the Croton water office, basement. For sale at bargains? six of those elegant tlireo story brown stone llouaes and Lots, on i'aoilio stroot, between Bond and Nevina street, Brooklyn. Also three Urn It Houses and Lot* iu the ssuie block, for Kali cheap Apply to S. S. Broad. No. 11 Wallatreet, in the Cro ton water office baaoincut. For sale or to let-fort Hamilton, nar rows, L. I. ? The well built two-atory briok Hous* and Garden, near the corner of Smith avenue and Lafay ette street, on Smith avenue, a short walk from fte Hamil ton Ilonse, one of the first, moat rcapoolahle, and largest watering places in the country, about nine miles froui the Brooklyn Fulton ferry. It commands a view of the Nar rows aud of the Lower Uay. It is very easy of aocess from the city. During the spring, summer, and fall, steamers arrive from aud leave for the city almost hourly. The liuuso is in good repair, and the grounds handsomely orua meutcd with trees and shrubbery, and in first-rate ordor. For particulars, apply to JOHN S.OILES, No. 16S Walker street, New York. IjlOR SALE CHEAP? AN OLD ESTABLISHED M K AT Shop? -and a long lease given, if de*irablo. Also, a Horse aud ( art will be sold, with or without the shop, la quire at the corner of Spriug aud Macdougal streets. IJOR SALE OR EXCHANGE? FOR MERCHAN D1SE OR any kiud uf saluablc goods, a bay Horse, and the owner tliinka bitu very last and powerful; and having owned liiiu ever mucc he was foaled aud not being a horseman, does not knnwwhat t ime lie can make. He is just from I lie oountry, aud if not aold. would let s <me responsible person uso him for his keeping. Inquire of II. Ryer, 218 Broadway, under the Museum. FORSALK-A MODERN ANI) VERY CONVENIENT house, with all miceeaary outbuildings, including tilled icehouse, sitistxd np?u and commanding a tine viowofthe Raritau, hsvin ; 20 acres of excellent laud under grass, pear orchard, aud othor fruits. Location high aud healthy, and within a f?\> minutes drive of the depot at .New Bruuawick, N.J. l'rice. r>00. Apply to I'ETKR CONOVER, New Brunswick, N. J. 1,1 OR SALE? WITH A THREE YEARS LEASE? THE well-known Forter limine, with Stock and Fixtures; the hoii*e is situated near t he Grand street ferry ; it ia suit able for a Hoarding and Lodging Howe. This ia n chance that is seldom offered, as Uie pro-cut owner ia going to Cali fornia. Appl.v ?t .V.K) Grand street. flOR SALE? THE YACHT SPRAY, TIIIRTY-SEVEH tona; well found, in good order, nnd well adapted for a Pilot boat. Wilt lie Hold low, an the owner ha* none to Eu rope. Apply to DUMONT k HOSACK, 11 Wall street. LAJII'WM K MA NI'F.U'Tor y AND GOOD WILL OF business, to amount of $*,000 per year, affording a large profit, for ?alc---An excellent investment for one witli a capital ot $1,5<)0 per year: price ST-"*'. Enquire of A. 11. Gouit li, 2.VJ Pearl street, from 11 to 1 o'olock. Property in vksky street.? for sale or to let, tli* strongly built tliroe story and attio house No. 51, on the south aide of Vcsey street, about equi-distant from Church and Grucuwich strocts. The lot ia 25 feet m/ront and rear, by S4 feet in depth, and fee simple. The house in good and substantial, and a purchaser can, at a very small outlay, alter it into a a good store, and whon so altered, it will command a large rent. This property is in the neigh borhood of the Northern, Western and ltarlem Railroads, which are adding greatly to the valua of thia section of the city, and this street is the natural continuation of Broad way, Kowery, Third and Fourth avenues tothe North River, and will probably hu the must valuable of any street west of Broadway, leading to the river, on that account. For agood business icnaut, tha owner will niter it to suit him, and leasu it for a torm of years. It may be altered into a stora he fore the first of May next, ana possosaion given on that day. Apply to CHRIS. B. MORRISON, on tha premises. Quartz mining machinery.-tiie subscriber is extensively engaged in manntictnring machinery rui Stamping Quarts Hock, for Yirginia and California, and has made several improvements by whiohbecan pulverise mure ttm* three times the quantity of(quarti rock, and with loss nower than any other machinery in the country. Alsa, an improved Amalgamator, by whichever/ particle of gold ran be collected. Miners who have used the Erasters, or Shaking Tables, and have collected a large amount of sand, can use theao machines to work the same over, paying them a handsome profit. 1'ersens wishing to go into the qnartz mining business would do well by calling on the subscriber, who has bad several years experience u> manu facturing uiaohinrey for mining. WM. BURDON, Machinist, No. 102 Front street, Brooklyn. Railroad iron.? English rails, or tiie most approved manufacture and patterns, in store and ok ekipboard, to arrive, for sale on most fnvorable terms, by 1)A VI 5. BROOKS fc CO., 28 Btaveratreet. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS FOR SALE. hixty-flve Steam Engines for sale, of tha following sites, vir 10 of 40 horso power, 6 of JO do., 4 of 20 do., 2 of 15 do.. It of 12 do., 8 of It) do., 12 of 8 do., t> of 6 do., and t> of 5 do. The above are all of thotirst elks* cnginos, fitted up in the best style, on heavy cast iron frames, ateel piston and valvorods, wrjught iron shafts, governor, it". Will be sold at reduced prices. Alao, in prcgross and will bo completed about the first of May, 50 Portable Engines, with upright tubular boilers, from :i to H horse power, all fitted np in good style and warranted. Will bo sold cheap, for cash, 100 Force l'umpa, fitted on separata caat iron framea, suitable for all sited engines. Ala*. Doubt* Acting l'umpa, for raiding water, or would answer for tire engines. Threo ('vlluder It iters. :t foet in dianiator. 30 feet lonjt, 12 Cylinder Itoiler', 2 feet ia diameter. 30 f 'et long, 2 Cylinder Boilers, 2 feet in dm 'net or, Jo feet Innir. 4 Cylinder Boilers, H. feet in diameter, DOfeet loin;. 1 Cornish Boiler, ft,'? lectin diameter. 27'? feet Ion*. with I tine. .'I feet in diameter, with steam drums on escii boiler, and warr?n<"d made of licit iron. WM. BURDON, Machinist, No. 102 Front atreet, Brooklyn. ttTONY BROOK COTTAGE AND FARM FOR SALE? IN O the town of Rve, pleasantly situated on the Boston Turnpike, one and a half milos from the railroad depot at Mamaronock. There it agood dwelling or cottage, with lawn endoaed with elegant fences; a handsome, spacious carriage house, barn and stable; alio, tenant house. All the buildings ?re in complete order, and newly painted, and will roquire ne repairs for many years. There are about thirty acres of land, auitahlv divided into orchard! and meadows. Thereisalse sn abundance of fine shade and fruit trees about the dwelling, an exuellcut garden, ttt. Stony Brook ia the northern boun dary of the farm, sn I forms a picturosqne pond near tha dwelliu i. A road loads directly to the Sound, distant half n mile, where is j;ood boating and tithing. Rye Beach is in tiie vicinity, which is scarcely surpassed tor bsthvng purposes. Beautiful roads and flan drives in every dirsetiiin. Ihera ar" several tine building sitae on the .farm, commanding view, of tho Sound. For a person doing bnnueas in New York, or for a snuimer rosiden. e this place offer* many *Ura?iions. Enquire of MORGAN, No. 1 Pine street. TOO PRINTERS.? <10 R SALE, A 1 Standing Press, an l a super rtytl W?sh Inrtt in II ind Press, with self-inking apparatus, comple Apply to Jt. M, Mve ft Co.. 0?id et?*?i. &RTg MR. ^hT WILTOr) AGENT FOR. ARTISTES, REGS . most respectfully to inornate to the profession, that his services wnl i,? available from the middle of April nntil tho end of Angnat. Partioe desirous of engaging bun to oon luet their business, will plcaie oummnulcate by latter, t* the care of S. c. JOi.LlE. Broadway, whioh will receit* ioimcii'iis attention. _______ TO MAI* PUBLISHERS? THE PLATIS AND OOl'T ri tht of the large and splendid Maps ol Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, showing the townships and sec tiwna; lines of the United Nt ties snrvevs, together with (nuic small plates, compiled hy tho late John LaTonrette, are now ofl'Ted for sale to cl.wW the estata. Thor may now bo had at a bartaia, by applying to Sherman fc .Smith, Ma* Publishers, ooraer Brvadway aad Cedar street, art* E. *. Rennet, ti and M? unaae street, New I?rk. A fVemisheiT ooosb to utr? to list, furnish ; 1 V ej. bait wt tin four story anJ hatemeat hjtm, with ?II tilt modern improvement#. to a r?sp?< UU? family. Kn qnire on th? premise*. No. 9 St. George't place. East Thir teenth street, near Secon.l avenu*. I'midiwmu cea b? ha4 6r?t of April. MNMN Utktt|l4. AFKIVATK FAMILY, RESIDING IN WE. T J'OUR tionth^slreet, would accommodate I wr? gentlemen wi*h hreakfast an J tea. and plea.iant rooms. The bouse is Ursa. iuijI lighted throughout with gas. Warm. oold, .to J show-'r lint In. AJ.I.W K. 11. F., l|jr:ild offl-e. IAKGK AND SMALL ROOMS, IJK AUTI KUI.I.Y Ltd IfT J od on all sides, to Let, with St-oam power from an hun dred homo enrine Enquire at the Empire Iron Work!. loot ? t Cm Tweuty fifth street. of SAMUEL LKGORTT. or _ THOMAS J. SLOAN OFFICES TO LET? SEVERAL WELL. LIGHTED pf ticod in t ho building I h rauklm 8 |UJr?. suitable for law yer*. physician*. &e. S'Pl.KNDID STORKS- TO KENT FOR FIVE SR TEN' ' yean, the two hue five story stores. 1.1 and l"? Bar clay Mrcet. They aro. without except ion, the finest store* In the city. Enquire on tho premises. or of Edward 11. Hu l*nn, aw Broadway. currier of Fulton street rpo I.ET-AT IIonOKEN, SEVERAL THREE STORT JL and basement brick dwelling houae*. Inquire at tha Land Office, Ilu I okou. of W. W. SHII'I'KN, Agent. 1'0 LET? I ROM 1st MAY NEXT, THE UPPER I'ART -1 oft ho three story House 2IS Ninth street. eligibly situ ated, lietween the Fir*t and Second avenues. eenaistuig of three handsome rooms on t second door, fmut hasoment, with privllego of bath room and attio. For particulars, in quire at it Hftrrt twM>. I '|10 I.W-TWO FINK KOOM.S ON T1IK .SECOND Ji. story of I he house 4,1 Walkor street, a fow doors weit Of Itrondway, suitable fur a studio or dentist'* otfiao. l'os m?l 'ii given lwnnrtli?lr 110 I.KT? A THREE STORY HOUSE, CONSISTING OF twelve robins, with Croton water on each Hoor. En quire oh tho premises, Nv. WJ Broome street, or at No. IS Chamber.! street. M. J. LYONS. TO 1.ET? FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PAR lors. on first and NWld INN of houaa MS Broadway, also, six very plea?aut attio rooms. The house is supplied with bath, gas, fc o. Persons wishing it can be supplied with breakfast and tea in their rooms. Apply as above. Ke teroaco given and required. TO LET ? A riRST FLOOR, SUITABLE FOR A Grocery and Liquor bland, or for almost any oilier kind of liuhinens, in the lower part of tho city, anil in a Ant ral* neighborhood. Possession immediately. For further particulars, apply to KATTKN HORN Si ROMA INK, 2 Ii Washington street, corner of Roliiusou. rjio LIT? 1 HI SBCOND FLOOR OF THE HIV four JI story brownstonc front itoro, 234 Water street, suit. ibis for o flues or some light manufacturing business, being 7.r> feet deep with liig!' i oiling and well lighted front and rear. F.u qiiire on tho promises of J, L. BROVVN & 00. rpo LET? A STORK. RASKMKNT ANI? THIRD LOFT J. of now building '-?> lleoknian street, hctwoen Nasnau and William streets. Kaoli story offered ii UO foot deep, and well calculated fur any kind of business. Tlicy will bo lot se parately or together, as may he required. Inquire of .I AMES CONNER &. SON , it Ann, corner Nassau st . rpo LET. -IT ANTED? A TWO story HOUSE, FOR A a small family. Rout paid in advance. Addross 1'ost Otlice. box CifXI. rjt() I'HVSICIANS AND DENTISTS.? TO LET? TWO JL Rooms nu firr.t floor of No. KW llroadway. well calcu late. I for a I'hyskiaii'fi ofllco: also, ou second Uo?r of same, aniit of Rooms. Riiitalile for a l)onti.-it. Inquire of J. It. DICKSON, on the premises. References cxchancd. 1^0 1 1 N SJllTHS, STOVE DEALERS, AND TKADES ni cm. ? For sale, tho old stand, No. fri Cutharinest reet, lain A. 11. Rennet, deceased. The stock, tools, and gon-l will can be purchased reasonably. Theso premises Itav) been in active operation twenty six years. Ample reasons ashigued for aelling out. Apply to J. W llruoo's Sons, 184 >V liter street, or of A. Mcl'hcrsou'B, liX't W ater (treel. ~ riirAirciiL. Emigrant industrial savings rank, No. r>i Chambers street. ? Notice.? Depositor* are inforuiod that deposits made on or boforc the St h day of April neat, will be entitled t* intorest in July. Interest is paid a! tho rate of six per cent per aunum. Rank open daily from Id A. U. to 3 1*. M., and from f> to 7 I*. M ORKCORV DILLON, President. JOSKFH STUART, First Vico President. PfcTtR CRKRAK, Acoountant. Now York, Maroli 21, 18S3. ?\TOTH'F..- -THE MANilATTAN SAVINGS INSTITU il tien, &I8 Itroailway, will allow iatcrest on all deposits made on or before the first of April next; six per c?n-t on sums of five hundred dollars and under; five per cent oa mma of one thousand dollarsand overlive hundred. N. 11.? This institution divides its surplus among the depositor* when it amount* to more than $?>,000. A. A. ALVORD, Secretary. X? 1 ENGLISH, IRIP-H, AND SCOTCH DRAFTS.? WE MM. draw, by special authority, on the Union Bank of l^>udon, Ilolfast Ranking Company of Iroland, and National Bank ot Scotland, at sight, and in sums from ?1 upward*. TAYLOR BROTHERS, No. 76 Wall street. PW, BYRNES fc CO., 69 SOUTH STREET, NEW ? Tork, and No. ,Vi Waterloo Road, Liverpool, issue Sight Drafts, payable throughout England, Ireland. Soot land and Wales; aro also agent* for tho Empire, Red Star, Dramatic, and St. George's Line of Liverpool Racket*, ana New Line from Hamburg and Rotterdam, sailing weekly. Certificate* lor above liuea for tale. REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOT land, and Walei.? Drafts, from ?t and upwards, paya ble at tight, are issued by BOWMAN, GR1NNELL fc CO., R1 S<.ot\ street, only authorized agenti in tUia city for tha Swallow Tall lines of Liverpool and London packets. JOHN MoMICHAEL, M OI.D SLIP, CORNER OF South street, has for tale drafts for any amount, whiob wilt be oashed throughout Great Itriraib and Ireland. Also, Itsue* certiorates of ptsaaga by the,!u liue of Now York and Liverpo ol packote. U?fere to Me??rs. J no. W. Wlutl mt k Co.. Sherman & Collin*. Acton Civil. Esq., hi). INVESTMENT. ? A I, EN I I, EM A N. WITH $1,000 lit $>A,Mkl, would join any one of respectability, with a pro fitable business. A coal nr w holesale grocery establishment preferred. Andres* C. F. S., post paid, to Broadway 1'osl Office. ACAA WANTED ON PERSONAL PROPF.RT Y worth 5^,000, or will sell the tame for half its value. For particulars, add retj or call ou IE, room No. Id, L'5.' llroadway. Money? a. s. girrs, commission agent, will always accommodate persons with money, in tmall nr large sumi, for porsoual property of all Limis. Office 208 Broadway, fourth floor. Money loaned, in sums to suit, on mer chamiise; jewelry, watches, diamonds, &a., at the General Agency Office, No. Ifc! Warren Mreet, corncr Church ttreet. Office hour* from 10 to 3. All transactions strictly confidential. LIQUORS. Brandies, or various brands, i-ort, sherry, Madeira, Claret and Champagne Wines, Meiier'a Swnn. Schcidam ami Schnapps Gin, Jamaica and St. Croix Hum, Whiskeys, ftc., <fcc., <>' t lie ohoicost vintago.s, for sale by WM. II. UNDbHHILI,. at 20 per rent loss than at any otUer house in the city. Hroome afreet, corner Crosby. MB. PETERS h CO., IMPORTERS OP AND DEAL ? era in Champagne, Wines, Brandies, 1'ortew, Ale*, Brown Stont, HavanaSegars, ho., ho. P. h Co. ar* agents for the celebrated Crap* Leaf Champagne, so favorably known to lover* of good wine. For sale, wholesale or retail, l>y M. II. PETERS h C(J|, ^Broadway. (Order* *?l<oit*4 Mil shipped with car*. ) HIgCELLANEOUS. nnn HAVANA segars, soo dozen claret, IU0 barrels Scotch and India Ales, and Lon don and Dublin Porter, in bottler, warranted genuine, for aula, in quantities to suit purchasers, wholesale or retail, by WM. IJ. UNDEK11ILL, at 150 Broome streat, corner of t'roaly. COMFORT.? HOW JIUC11 BETTER TO WORK FOUR hours n day nnd earn 13) than work M hours and caru only .r<0centa. The first is what a person can do with Sin ger's Sewing Machine, the last the hardship nf the person de pendant on hands alone. Thin is no fiction, but Truth: Truth! Truth! 1. M. SINGER & CO., 2."> fi Broadway. Lightning rod.? storf, no. i.'-o bkoadway. Boyer's l'ateut Improved Rods sold and put up in any part of the Union. All orders addressed lloyer, 130 Broad way, will be attended to. Silver medal awarded at the World's Fair. for heat points and rods, to G. Buyer. Fifty ?gents wanted immediately. Call at the store. Timely notice to gents.? now is the time to took np your spring and summer clothing. SVi I'uarl street, corner ot Broadway, is the only place to get t hem handsomely cleaned, dyed, pressed, altered, and repaired. Coats cleaned for Us., and pants .'is. Lvery article made to look equal to new. A trial is asked by A. COR'J'ISSOS. late of Murray .street, C'A?H FOR CI. OT1IIXG. -LADIES OR GENTLEMEN ' having |M|M| "ft olo i hinfr, or furniture, to dispose of, can receive the utmost value in cash, by sending to the atore, or by latter through the post. 9. COIIEN, 452 Hudson street. Ladies attended hy Mrs. Cohen. CLOTH INO.-THE SUBSCRIBER STI LL CONTINUES at his old established stand, paying cash, enrreut mouey, for ladiea' and gentlemen's can oil Apparel, Jewelry, and all kinds of superfluous articles, on making application hy note or otherwise. L. A. COWEN, 17 Wall street, basement. CAST OFF CLOTHING AND FURNITURE WANTED, ?Ladiea or gentlemen having any clothing, furniture, or Jewelry to dispose ?f, can sbtain a fair cash price, by tending forth* snbsirilxr, at his rwidenee, or through the post. Ladi*? attended by Mrs. Dvsaoldorf, No. 15 Elm stre*t. L.M. DliSSKI.DORF. Seines, twine, and sim lines.? all sizes of Net. machine knit; 3.000 lbs. Knickerbocker Cotton Twine-. SOO bales two and three thread India, very lino lor soda water manufacturers; Whi lbs. Marshall's Thread; Cot ton Sim Lines. Of superior quality, for drift neta, for sale by DF.MAREST Si JORALEMON, l^Vesey street. T'O JOBBERS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTa.? Vic tor Bishop. No. 2.1 Maiden lane, ha? Just rocelved and offers for sale several eases of Gilt Jewelry, Porte-Monuaics, Fans, Opera (llanos, &c. Also, for sale, an invoice of the | very richest Parisian Gilt Jewelry. luitftble for the retail j <lty trade. :?X)doien Cornelian Rings, rich Seals andCh&rms, &*. All these goods will be disposed of on the most advan tageous terms. VICTOR BISHOP. Importer, -3 Maiden lane, up *tjj|M| DR. KELLINGERS LINIMENT, FOR GENERAf* milv ua*. ia delightfnl in oilor and action; sold in large I beautiful toilet bottles. SI cach. There is no ache, pain or I weakness, but what this wonderful remedy will eurs; all ! nervoiistrntiblesinstantly relieved. His magic fluid is the 1 only article that haa restored a head of hair bald (vr twsii- i tv-tlve years. If the Doctor fails to prove it, ho will pay 11,000, It will be sold for a (hort time for $1 cach: but tin prise will soon be incroaaed. The Doctor is humsne. conse quently it is natural to be selfish; but no one need be de ceived. He will prefer giving guarantees, than tosellitfer t.r> a bottle, if persons will give him his price, which is from ?Oto $240, according to the condition, a.n and circum stances. He gives ample proof nf what has been done. Still, it may fail in some cases: hut if the public will not believe theaott rcarectable evidence. th*n they shall pay if he SHarlnf#**. Don't fail to call and converse with Dr. K. at ins c*utral depot. 470 Broadway. The wholesale trade enn be supplied on the Doctor's l>est terms: by timersol Jt Jlrotker, tho old established drug bcus? at ~'W Pearl, near John street. DR. KKI.LINGF.R wili, HERE briefly state a few cascajall but Mr. Win. H. Vanderbilf, son of our distinguished countryman, Mr. Corncli'ta Vauderrelt, Elm Place, Staten Island, are within half a mile of the central depnt. Mr. V. was bald, and wore a wig for nearly six years. H* now lis i as line, thick, black head of hair as any one could de?ire to sec Mr. A. M. Hlninser, 323 (ireenwich street, case of nearly twenty years: Mr. T. W. Barker, (*> Macdongal street, ten years: Mr. Jolly. .'**) Broadway, ftvo years, Miss S. Kllis aon had lost eyebrows and hair, fonr year*, has regatuod both finer, softer and thieker than the original, 70 Norfolk atreet; Mr. G. W. Walling, of the Chlera ofltce, near five year* Mr. W re. Gardner, Williamsburg, near the f*rry. four years. Mr. J. II Merriam, 0.1 Wattaatreet, cas* kali iroaa a*vea**en to fort r second year: hair restored banuti r??)y. Hii?dr?da ?t otber* can be aidt?c*?. Gall ?nd (it oironlar*. POB LITIRPOOL.-BNITBB STATU MA1U 8TEAM ?Mp PACiriC. Capt. lira Nn. ThU steamship wrtl 4 e pari with the U sited Stat** Hail for Europe. positively ?a April 3. M llo'oloek her Worth at ?h. f?tt of Canal strm. Ns berth sosurod till paid fsr. For freight or ?M?M? having unequalled aceomaeodaUoM for elegaaoe mi 4 eoea'ort, entity ts KDW U ?. COLLINS fc CO.. 60 WaUitreot. The steam, t?. aUh(<< will soared the fftottta, and sail April 17th. Tub nk?v vokr and 1.1 vkrpooi. dnithd states Mail Steamers.- The ships composing this line ere the following:- ATLANTIC, Captain Wost. PACIFIC, Captain Nye. A RCTlC, Captain Lire*. BALTIC, Conutotk. ADRIATIC, Captain Grafton. Tneso ship* Paving been bailt by con traot jipr^wlf ror o Vitrnnioiit ??rviee, over y euro baa boon taken lu their con struction ?? in their engines ? to ensure strength and spjed, and their accommodations fur passengers are unequalled for elucanee uud comfort. Prire of pa passage fram Now York ta Liverpool, ia lirst oa bin, $120, in second calmi, $70. Exclusive use ef extra site Staterooms. (.DO From Liverpool t? Now Tork, ?30 and ?39. A? oxpenenovd surgeon attached ta caah alUp. No but Mi secured until paiil for. rKopoaiui utruorMiun*. From New York. From Liverpool. Saturday, Mai .a) IHM Wednesday, Mar. 10 1-V.2 Bo April .1 1861 l>o Mar. 21 IHSt P? Ap l 17 ISM l?o April 7 IHM Bo May I ISM Do April 81 IHM 1>? May 14 IHM Do May ft ItfK Do Hay 3? 1HM Da May ID IHM no J una IS mat Da June t IHftl Da June* INK Do Juno lft IHM Do July 14) IHM Do Juue 30. . ? . . IrtM Do July'4t IHM Do July l< IrtM Da Aug. 7 IHM Do July 2H ISM Da AU|;. 21 I KM Do An*. II ISM Da Sept. 4 IHM Do Aug. 25 ? ..IHM Do Sept. 18 IBM Da B?pt. rt ISM Da Out. ? IHM Do Sept. ?8 ....IHM D? Oct. 16. IHM Do Oot. 6 IHM Do Oot. 30 MM Bo Oot. 20 IHM Do Nor. 13 | km Do Nor. 3 IHM Do Nor. *7 IHM Do Nor. IT ISM Do Doo. II I KM D? Deo. I IHM D? Doo.m IHM Do Doo. 15 .....CM ? , , . Do Boo. 20 IHM I or freight or giissago, apply t? HI) WARD K. COI.LI Ma St Co.. 6# Wall at., N. York. ItKOlV N, SlilI'LKY St Co., Lirorpool. V <1. ROIf KKTS & Co., 13 King's Arm- Yard, London. JOHN MUNItOk Si Co., 26 Rue Notra Dame dca V io toires, Paris; or GEO II. DKAl'ltK. Havre. Tlie owners of these ships will not be seeeuntahl* for (v?ld, ?liver, bnllion, speeio, Jewelry, pnvl ous utouoi, or metala, unlen billa ut liming aro aliened tliorofor.and tho value tlioroof tberuiu eipreoiiod. Til k PIMLADElLrUIA ANB L1YERPOOL BTRAM atiip tViotiiaiiK iutond running tliolr new at'iaraaliipa M followe I ROM PHII.&UKI.PUIA. City of Manchester TSliureday, April I City of Ulaxfitiw Saturday, May 1 Cltf ?f Waiifitieitor Saturday, May 21 ? ?Uk i.ivrHrdOL City o/Ula.^ow Wed-negday, Apr!1 f Cltj of M.viohejter Wi'dno?J*y, May ft City of Clasp, >w Weauenilav, Mav 26 raiKaf^ from l'!iilad><l(ihia In ?Moo* state roomi, $100; ia foio cabin, Kor frcinht or |ii<?aga, apply to "THOMAb KICM A K DSON , <1 Bxohange plac?. N T., or No. 9 Walnut atrvot, r'nlndnlphik. PACK K.TtS FOR IIAVRM? SRCOND II N K. T11R VOIc lowinn aliip? will I <ave Havre oa tho 16tli, and New York oa the lat of uaoli inoatli:? t roin- N. York. I"r?m Harr#. Ship ST. DENIS, 1.000 i one liurllien, Aloueo, I' ollaiiHlHie, master. Jan. 1 Feb. 16 May 1 June 16 Sept. I Oot. 16 Feb. 1 March 16 June 1 July 16 Oot. I Not. 16 March I April 16 July I Aug. 16 Nov. I Duo. 16 April I May 16 Aug. 1 Sept. 16 Doo. 1 Jan. 16 fork built ships, provided with buip St. N1CUOLAS, I. Will t on j burthen, N. W. Krelolffh, master Ship haltImokk, 700 t. ma Larthon, R. D. C'onu, miMtor. Ship WILLIAM TKLL (U5w ), 1.200 tuna burthoa, Johu H'illard, inastor, They am all fii ntclKan New , _ all requisite articlua lor tlie comfort and ounTunioiice ofpau ??nniTB, and omnnianued by men of ox|i?rlonca in the trad*. Tho pi n o of paaHagu in $100, without wined ur lii] iiurs. Oooda lent to the niibsfriliers will be forwarded frue lrom bay ?barges but th'me actually incurred. BOYD Si lilNCKKN, ARentu, Ml I'earl atraot. Steam COMMUNICATION BRVUM LIV1RPOOL and New-York. ? The OKKAT BRITAIN, Screw SteaniBlup, 3.f>00 toau, Captain B. It. Mathews, (late com mander of tho Croat WuHtern and City of Claaiow steam ?liipx,) will be doapatohed on faturdivr, lat May, froin Li\ erpool dlrcut to New Tork; and on Tuesday, lat June, froin New York to Lirorpool. Rates of passage trim Lirer pool to Now York:? After Saloon, Twenty (Tuinoa.s. Fore Saloon, Thirteen Guineas. A fow midship berths at Fifteen Guinea*. Rates of passage from New York to Liverpool : ? Alter Saloon, Ninety Dollars. Fori) Saloon, Fil'ty Are Dol lars. A fow midship bertha at Sixty Dollars, including Steward's fee, Ibe attouduncu of an experienced Sargeon, and all provisions, except wines and liquors, which will he supplied at moderate prices. Freights from Liverpool te New York line Coons, Sixty shillings sterling per ton measurement ; Cuervo Cnods, Hardware and weight accord ing to agreement, >111110111 primage, if paid in Liverpool; or with Ato per cent primage, If paid in New York, at Four Dollars and Eighty cunts per pound sterling. Froin New York to Liverpool, freight will bo takon at tho current rat as. Apply in Liverpool, to Mossrs. HIMn, Bright h Co., or in New York, to RICHARD IHVIN, 9H Iront street. Thk royal mail stkamrr mbklin, oaitain Cone, will sail for Bermuda and St. Thomas, on Thursday, the Htfi of April, 1KM, at noon. She has exoollont accom modations for pasi;on^ors. I'rieo of passage to Bermuda, $.13; to St. Thomas, $70. There is a regular mail oommuniealiiin, between St. Thnuias and all the Vr est India Islands, Havana, Vera Crui, Veneiuela. Ac. The Morlin will take freight. Apply to K. CUN AR1>, .18 Broadway. V.S.? No letters or mailn will be received oa board of the Merlin, except through the rostOBlce. fJOHSAVANNAll-lJMTKD 8TATS8 MAIL LINK.? The new and superior Steamship ALABAMA, Captain C. D. Ludlow, will leave on Saturday, April 3d, at 4 o'clock P. M., frotn I'ier 1. Nurtb rivor. Apply to SAMCF.I. L MITCHII.L, No. 194 Front stroet. The FLORIDA, Captain Thomas Lynn, onSatnrdsy, April 10. For speod, strength, aceoinmodatinas, and fare, these ships have no miperior on the ocean. UNITXD STATES AND PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Ci iniuiiiies. ? t >ol> through line for Cnllforniaaud Orejcon. 1 \tr? ? Through llrkets no;* fur Mile. The superior duuMe IUI inosteamsliip ILLINOIS, 2,.'i00tons, II. J. l/srtsteiie, U.S. N., ciimnnndcr, being now ready for service, will learefor Navy liay direct., on Monday. April 2Kth, at. two o'clock, I\ M., precisely, from her pier, at thu foot of Warren streot, N. 1!., to ronnoct with the Coldcn (iatc, 2,900 tone, Lieutenant i'at trrsuii, U. S. N., commander, which stcomer is ordered to remain fit 1'anama, to he in readiness immediately un ar rival of the passengers at that point, and to sail direct for San I raucisro, wit lie ti t any dolay. The accommodations of thee ct nim-liip, aiv unfiirpnssed, and they Iw\tc prored to be the fastest ever launched ? the Illinois having made the passage from New Yorl. to tho Isthmus iu seven days and fourteen hours, aud the Coldcn Cate from Panama to San Francisco in eleven days and eighteen hours. The I'anatna Kiiilroad is now done, and the cars running to within a few miles of Corgona, at tlio head of Kiver Navigation, and will, without douht, be completed to that point by the 28fli or April, which will enable the passengers to effect their transit from ship to ship in from 24 to. Hi hours. I'assengors going forward by tbcie vessels, it is confidently expected, will reach San Irani i?co within 21 days from the date of leaving New York. Early application will be neces. ary to saenre J'Sssage, for whieh. apply at the ofllceof the Companies, No. 77 Wost street, corner of Warren street. Through to san fkancisco.-new tork anb Saa Franeiaot Steamship Line.? The new steamship UNITED STATES, 1,MN ton* burden, Charles C. Berry, commander, will take her departure for Cbagres, on Thurs day. 20th May next, at 3 P. M., connecting at l'anama wi'n the new double engine stoamship WINFIELB RCOTT. 2,100 tons burdea, Kenney Couillard, commander, y liieli steamer awaits the arrival of passongorsat l'anama liy tho United States, and immediately thereafter proceeds to San Francisco. These vessels, ia speed, oomfort, and safety, are not snrpasasd by any on this route; aad an experleaoed surgeoa Je attached to eaeh vesseL Apply U DAVIS, BROOILS Sl CO.. flcneral Agents, 2H Beaver street, New Tork. JONES ft JOHNSTON, 90 Wall street. Bosks are now opea, aad ticket* for tale, at $315, through, for brat cabin atats room; $2bA, through, for second oawixi ?tate room; and $000, through, for steerage. Empire city link.-for san i rancisco, via Cbagres, direct.?' Ths new and splendid double engine steamship S1KKKA NEVADA, (I.H00 tons burthen,) J. D. Wilson, commander, (formerly of the F.mpire City,) will leave for Chagres, direct, on Tuesday, 20th April, at throe o'clock, from iit dock. Pier No. 3, North river. This steamer has accommodations for cabin and steerage passengers, superior to any ship ia the trade. An experienced surgeon is attached to the ship. For freight or passage apply to J. HOWARD A. SON, AKp"ta,34 Broadway. Tho Siorra Nevada will leave again on Thursday, 20th May, connecting at Panama with the stoamship New Orleans. U KITED STATES AND PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Companion.? The only through line for California an J Oregon, via Navy Hay, direct, per steamers ORESCENT CITY, Monday, April 6, sod tho EMPIRE CITY, via Havana, on Friday, April 0. The aplondid stoamship CRES CENT CITY, 2,i ?W tons, J. Tanner. commander, will nail on Monday, April ft, at 2 iAI?rk, I'. M., direct for Navy iiay. oonnccting at Panama with the Company'! steamer*; and the EMPIRE CITY, L'.OOU tons, J. Loeda, commander, will leave ber pier at the foot of Warren street, on Friday, April y, at '2 o'clock, P. M.. lor Navy Buy. via Havana, I'aasuiigors liy the Empire City will connect with tho well known and favorite U. ?. mail steamship TunneHsee. to s*il lor San Fran. i?to on the arrival of the pas?<:n*;ore and mails. No detention at Panama. Rate* of tare to San Franciso: first cahin, J'116; second cabin, $270; (.teersge. $.i?l. Hatea of fare to Navy Hay: first cabin, $63; second <abiu, SIS; iteer aire, S3?. I or freight nr parage, apply at the offleo, No. 177 W est atreet, corner of Warren street. San r*j^cMco~fjuovea ticeets io* tenth of April.? Ynnderhilt* new and magnificent double engine stenmship NORTH F.RN LIOHT, of i .VJU ton*, will make ber first trip t.i Cbagres direct, leaving New York, from pier No. 2, North River, on the lUtii of April at .1 P. M Passenger* by the Northern Light will be taken from Panama to San Franclseo by the now and splendid double eiinine eteannhip S. S. Lewis, of 2,t?IU ton) burthen. Th-so si.ipt. are unrivalledin the quality and extent of their cabin anil steerage accommodations, being fitted expressly for tha present roi(iiirom>'ut< of the trade. I'imhi ??? now t o te UNITET) STATPS MAIL STEAMSI1IP COMPANY.? lor Now Orleans, via The splendid steamship EMPIRE CITY, 2, UOU tons, John Leeds. Commander, will mil from tho pier at the foot of Warren atraat, North river, on Friday, April y, at two o'olock P. M. precisely. Rales of passage to Havana aud Now Orlaana, now arraiigvmeut 1, adieu' saloon berth*. S,'0: alter do., $70; Forward do., $40; Steerage do., $,2&. Specie ooly taken on froight to Havana. Freight taken to New Orleaei at 4??c. per cubic fool. Ship per* of freight aro requested to supply themselves with tho 1J?OR SAN FRANCISCO? INTENDED TO 9AIL7TB 1 April? The fa vorita Clipper VYU ITE SQUALL, now loading at Pier 111 East river, will bo despatched as above.? Shipper* aro requested to complete their engagements at once, A email proportion of her capacity remains unen gaged; for which, or cnbln passage, (nnving. nnotiualled as ccmmodations,) apply to BOOTH & EDOAR, 99 Treat at. C CLIPPER ATALANTA FOR SAN FRANCISCO? SHI P. y pers are requested to complete their engagements with out delay, and hand in their lolls of lading. A few uior4 tons ran ho taken. Two more paaaenger* only can ho hand somely accommodated in Br*tc*bin. Apply en hoard at fo?? of Wall afreet, or to JOHN OODEN, Uti Wall ?treet. flTlAllOiT Wanted.? sealed proposals will O bo received by tho Governors of tho Almshouse, at their offico in tho Pank, until 4 o'clock P.M., of t bo 334 March Inst., for the services of a Steamboat for ona year, to oommcuco on the l*t of May neit. Sha will bo required to make one trip each day (Sunday exeeptod), from the loot of Grand street, at 1 o'clock in snmmsr, and I'.' o'clock in win ter. to Bellevne, foot of Tweuty-slxth street, Itlackweil'saud Randall's Islands, and stepping at the same placus on laer re turn. Proposals, to give tho name of tho boat offered aad bertonnago, dim?DMions, and draft of wator. Any informa tion that may be re<juirtd, will hegLvcn on appplioatloa at litis offlce. A. S. W 1 1.1,1 AM?, l I. TOWNSEND, > Committee. S. II A I.STF.D, $ Offlie ?' Oovertiora of tho Almshoueo, J Mow York. Mareh. 1NU. f F OCND ADRIFT-ASM A I.LSCIIOON KB. ABOI'TEIY* t*n*. now lying at the Nary Yard. Br loklyn. The ?wner ran hare her by proving property and paying charge*, Apr'* b??td XVt vaU?d A*" Rort* Carolina, sutcd hy application only to D. B.ALLEN, Agent, Ho, D Ita.: rv place, up ataic*. Corner of Warren street. ^JUIWHWi, ?owert theatre-boxes, ? CEWT^ptr Taw MJ mt<, SaaU I* Orchestra Bum, M) ooaU n.or* ?p?* at 7; ourtaia ri*e? K 7K a'oioek. lUnoftt ?f Mr*. H. !? (?rattan . Wednesday evening. Marob II, tU* p irforiatniM* a ill couiatenoe wltb the dram* of HO It KOV ? R.?i, It.iy M ? Grogor Campbell, Mr. Rddy; Sir F. V?rnm, Mr OUna. letgli (>?bel4i?t?ii, Mr. GniBth*. Deugal. tl . Sievoa*. IMea MoCrecor Campbell, Mr*. H. P. OraMan T? aeaclade with Iff UN Oh IN HUMAN ITORM-Cfcaaeo. Kr Cw. Stockton. Mr. Muor?; Diego lima* Villano*. Mr OritfliTi*; (lid Snualls. Mr. S4*von?; Monk*/ Sqaalla, Mua Mitchell, P* licit; Wuokttn, Mr*. Jordan. BURTON'S TIIKATUK. CHAMBERS STREET -DKHit.-i Cirole and Parouet, DU cant*. Second Ti?r, St oenta, Pri vute lintflu, t'i, OruliMtra Seata, 75 ct?. I >?? rr* open at (ik, to lx?in at 7V. o'oloek. Wodne*day eruauu. Marob .tl, will be pla>ud Shakip?ar<t'* comedy of TWELkTU NIGIIT. or What Tou Will ? Orniio, Mr. I)yitt; Sir Tobr B*Ich, Mr. Burton; Sir Andrew Aaucchoek, Mr f^oal ar; Malvoli*, Mr. Illake: Clown, Mr. II. 1'laeide; Ladjr Olivia, Mr*. Dyotti Viola, Mi** Woatou; Maria. Mis* Mar* Taylor. To oonoln 1 1 Willi tlio farce of KATIIHR EXCITED, or an Organic Ai ft'<*aiaii ? Mr. IKxi IW?'| nill llaa. Mr. T. Johuatoa ; l>oo?ec Curekaart, Mr. Ruaeeil. NATIONAI Til EATKE, CHATHAM STRUT. DB KS.S Cirrlo and Roao*. 2f > cent*: Pit. I2*? eeate; Orok??tr? Tiekoti, Ml uent*, Private Hoi Ticket*, (I. Door* open at 5?* ourlain rloe* at 71* o'clock. Wednesday evening, March .11, th* nitortaiiiinnnu will eniuinonoe with the drama of tho Til K. SI Ed B (17 TRIPOLI -Harry Halm. Mi V* U. Jon**. Th* Day ef Alaier*. Mr. N. II. Clark*; Peior I'oonee, Mr. I.. r?i, Tuiaa. Mia* BarUir. Einilie, Mr*. W.G.Jono*. After wlilob, llii> burlceuue of I'l >' A K RO ltU8-RII*liu?, Mr. (I It. Eoi; Piaarrobua, Mr. Taylor; Tatfi lloka ma I'ora. Mr*. W.ti. Jooea; Donna Nelly Viree. Miss Harbr To ooaoiudd witii tho fairy apoctacle of ib* MAGIC WELL. CIIRISTV'B OI'KRA HOUSE. MKCII ANIC3' IIAI.I,. NO 472 Broadway, above Grand ntroet? Open ovary 1114I1I during lb# week, until furtbor notice. The original and woll known Christy'* Miustreli. oompriaiug ail otBuient and ver ?atil# "corps' of "talented'' and "eiparienood perforuiar*," under the luanagomout of K I'. Christy. wheut concerts in till i city. for a auocon*ion ol "lire yuara, liar* liqeu rocoirod vii tli favor by highly rixipaotablo and fanbionablo audi inooa. TlrlietH, S)c?nt?. Doomopou at (i>j, aud will nommenoe at V*! a'cloeU. Notion. ? On and lift or Monday , April 5, oouMrt will ciiuininnco al H o'olook. The piktron* of i.briaty'a Mm utrel* are rotipectfolly informed that the Saturday afternoon concert* are dincontianod. On Saturday uoit, April ,1, In), nctit of il. M 1.1KI.IOVVS MINSTKKI.H.? ' THE OKICINAI, JUSTI.T H oeUbrated aad far-fa<a*4 oora* of Ktinopiau I'orform era, wlioae couoertH in t Iiih city for tlia laat two yoara. under tho in?naK<<mcnt of "J.B. Felluw*," would roapootlilly In form their "friend* and the publio ^anarally, thut khay bare cloKed tlieir oonccrt* in tlux city " until lurthor notice ' They will perform at the Teiopto in Now llavon, April r>th, Cf mi I 7 tli. nt the American llali, Hartford, April Hth, 'Jib and 10th. al the Ilampdon Hall, Spriuntiold, April and l.'itli, at Hi q A H>ioct*tion Hall. Albany, April Utli 15th an I Kith. Troy. April I7lb and l^tli, Iftiaa. April JDlli and -'lit; Syraetito, April 22d and 2TW. Auburn, April 21th; Goneva, April Xfltli: ( rintbiiiii Dill. Kooliuxtor, April 27th. 2Sth and 2 th; Concert Hall, lliitlaio, April ,'lOtli, and May l*t, .'Sd, Ith, SLh and t tb. MR. DRMI'STER'S hkcond rntkrtain montwilllio given at tho Tabernacle, ou Waduoadiy ?Tcninir, Mnrih.'tl, inclndiuK tho followitri; aoni(*:? "The Sput where I va* born." " Whou the ni.^lit wind bowailath," ''John, my Jo," " I,onnly anld wile," "Kveninj Seng," "Tho Marring o' the Door," " I<amontof tho lri<h Kini Rrant,' '? Tlio l)i atb ol Warren," "Tho Illind liny." "I'm alone, all aloi:o," "Tal. your auld cl ink about jr#. and tha "May Queen," in throe part*. TiukeU M conta. Bookn I.V^ eont* To coniinoiioe at. 9 o'clock. Mr. I), will Hint; al tlia Itrooklyn rental# Aeadomy, Tliuraday ovonlm, April I. Tempi, k Of TBI cracks, THRXX DOORS ABOT* Niblo'a.? l)uy and evening porformano*. oommenciai; at '{o'olook, and H 1*. M. will ooiiMiit of boantiful Piotnro.1 by Mving Models, with a now liatnl of Ktluopi&n Minstrels, com ? poaed of the following talented perform ors MIIoj.^no, Aiiguetina, Police, Charlotte and Caroline Mmara. SI. I.ukS, Coleman, Ncale. Hivinn aod Porroater. Tableaux?' Tho Cir eaaiiau Slave*, tho I.adiea' He, I Koom, Depravity and liino conee, tho Deccivor and tho Vir^inii, k,o. An entire ukaui;# of perform aneo for the evonine. REN OH YAUDP, VI I, L E? OI.YM PIC TIIEATRK Evory Monday, Wednosdny, ani< Friday, byaooinpany of I'roiicn artiaUof aolmowloiiged talent. Admnaton,r>0?n i SiScents. Performauoo commenceaat lialf-pa^t *ovoui>'olook. BRACK1.TTS MARBLE a ROUP op THE "SII1P wreoked Mother and Child," at Htuyvenant Iiutitulo, CM Broadway, now open (for a abort time only ), from !) A. M. till It) 1*. M. Admim i>u, 2,r> ceutl; aoa^on tiokata. Bit centa. Circus.? last week or the season*.? mondat evening, March TJ. and during the week, Moua. Ca**i uiir Odell, Mr. J. J. Nathana, Mr. IC. Sand*; the Troupe of Ponies; all tlio groat act* in tho cirole, being poaitivoly tho last performance of the company for tho Hoaaon. The corpi of Juvenile* will alio appear in their novoral act*. RK-ENGAGEMENT OP R. If. SlilTKK WITH WOOD'S Minatrola.? The proprietor of Wood'* Minstrel* inform* the publio that he ha* re^n^aged t hi a groat favorite, who will dance every oveuing until furthor notice. D HHDIOAI*. EA'IU TO THOUSANDS. Take, tako your dog* ami onli away I Vour traps of wire have had their day. For Lyon'a pills (harmless to you ). Arc death to all the uihbling orow. Ami all the tribe that crcn and crawl, Id kitoben, cellar, or ia hall E. Ljon'i powder* lei them view, Tlinjr vanish like the morning dew The price In snail? tho benotit is *tir?. 42i llroad way; mi** not tho deor. RA DOJCKN OF TATTIRSALL'S HEAVE I'OWDERS tf\J Tho old itandard core for lioaves, ceuglu, oolda and broken wind in lior^e*. for sale by the subscriber, at tho old stand. It isanid the proprietor warrant* a cure; and, at any rate, I know it ia an exoollent remedy, l'rioo, $1 per pac kage. A liberal discount In the dor.on. WM. KOI N TON, 149 Knlton street. DR. UEAI1I. A URIST AND OCULIST. WILL REMOVE, 011 tlio lht ol May, to Ml llroadw.iy, opposite the Metro politan lintel, where lie will continue to publish affidavits of new cure*. I hereby depuao t hat Dr. Heath, of Vti Head way, cured Die ol deafness of IH years' duratiou.- -.lame* StiloN. .tuorn to this Marsh I. lift!.- (saaoO. Darker, Com missinner ol Deeds. ACAHD.-- Dlt, CHARLES 1). HAMMOND, HAS It E turned f : in Europe, and rosnmed the practice of his Profession in all it ? branches, at No. IK) Church ntroot, ( noar M nrray atroet , ) from 1:1 M. to S I'. M., daily. Special atten tion to Female Complaints, and to diseases of the Eye and Ear. Reference? Valentine Mott, M.D., 1'iesiieut of tho New York Academy of Medi< inc. Jl'ST l'l HI.1SIIEI). Dll. II. 1)E LAN'EY, ON THE HA tinnal treatment of nervous debility, At., consequent on giving the only true and effei tnal trt atmeu t of thoso deplura Ide infirmities and disorders of youth and maturity, pro duced hy delusive habits and excesses, appearing in the form of local weakness, exhaustion of muscular energy, loss of mental and physical capacity, Ac. This pamphlet is ad dressed to the sufferer in youtn, manhood, and old age, and is wholly different from the many quack publications adver tised in the public papers, pointing out to Buffering humani ty a certain and very cheap remedy for thole complaints, and avoiding every Word which unnecessarily could trighton, in stead of inntriioting, the unfortunate. If it has no' other merit, it at least has tho merit of being candid, and of giv ing the means for a perfect aud secret restoration of vigo rous health. To thOKe contemplating marriage it is of the highest importance. Ity addressing, post-paid, box 109 Broadway l'oat OBice, New York, a copy willhesout, in a aealeil envelope, to any address in any part of the Union, gratuitously. The Doctor's prfvate consultation hour tare daily from It) A. M. till H I*. M., Sundays excepted. Ollim !)1 Lispcuard street, near Droadwny. NO FEE TILL CURED -DR. CORBETT, 19 DUANE street, may lit consulted confidentially on the treat ment of delicate diseases. Tw*nty-one years practice in this speciality of the profession enable* him to make speedy and permanent cures, and recent oases removed in throe days. The victims of quackery can apply with a certainly of being honorably treated. From his long experience, he ia enabled to cure effectually a certain nervou* dobilitr. N. K ? Dr. C'orboU is a member of the New York Uui verfcity. Dr. coorxR. 11 duane street, has for tub 1 hj t twenty years enjoyed the moit extensive practio* in private diseases of any medical man in New York, lie can our* the most aggravated cases of this disease, and mild eases removed in two day*. Dr. Cooper can cure the word form iu from one two weeks ol" constitutional debility; and bo assure* the afllicted they will not be disappointed by callingon him. It affords Dr. C. unbounded pleasure te be able to refer to many persons, who, after suffering silently fur a long time, have neon restored by hiin to perfect health All oases undertaken treated witii cand >r. No uiercary u*ed. N.ll.? Strangers ! don't be deceived by one who per sonates my name. I have net left Duano street. See my card* in the New York SundayTime* and Atla*. Dr. ward makes astonishing cures, sum at no oilier Doctor can do. Either a rnre or groat amendment before twenty-four li?tira. To contract disome in made mere nothing under our treatment, which it scienca brought to perfection. Remember It, reader. All other meUiods of cure are droadfnl, worse thaa the disease, which they only translate to some other place, instead of exter minating. Office, vomer of Canal street and Broadway. Dr. ward s magical TREATMENT.? PNPAR A L leled success,? l'atienti curod, however loan or badly afflicted. Never any failures, which if more thaa other phy sician* can affirm. Innumerable case* progre*s ia deftaaee of all treatment known I itherte; but by our wonderful pre parations, and assiduons application of taML we cure or relieve instantaueously. The disap points! pluck up hep* ?tones on coining to u*. Office, corner Canal itreet aod Broadway. DR. II K IN K, .1) Dl'ANE STREET. CURED ME wnEV a Buujl'er of other celobrated phyai< ians tried in vain. My him and throat were ulcerated, my body was covered with ulcere, the bonea and joints were *woll"n and very painful, I could not slc?p tit uight, my l**s, arms. .ni l linger* wire contracted, I wan perfectly helpless. I suffered dread fully. In fact. 1 wan tir?<l of life. I lied expended thou sands of dollar*, my system was ruinod by ouacks and the immense onantity of ruerenry given to me by physicians; this Dr. Heine ha* all eradicated, and I am now, thank* to Dr. II . perfec tly restored to health. I will with pleasure communicate with any une who may fall on me; the m ars are yet visible; in fact I cannot express all I Buffered, neither am 1 ?He to express my gratitude to Dr. Heine. I can he feen at Doghertie's pilot office, oorncr of South street and Maiden lane. CAPT. RICHARD YATES. Dlt HEINE, no :-l f?l Wl. STREET, CURED ME OK lar.-e and painful ulcer* caused by diseasos and mercury. I suffered the most excessive pain: no one ever thought I could beenred; uiy former pbysioians exprcsse i the greatost surprise when they sajam saw me following my business; my friend* had not the slightest hope of my recovery; novorMie lees. Dr. Heine lia* cured ui?. U. W. GIBBON'S. 1 00 South street We the nudersigned, certify t? tbu above. F. R. I.?e. os-Alderman Seventeenth ward, Bowery, oorner of Slsut .n street; Jnmcs Wal*h, Alderman Sevtintoenth; ward J-O. Fish, merchant, 105 South street. DR. RALPH. AUTHOR OK THE "PRACTICAL PRI vate Treatise," fce. Office honrs 9 to l-'e'clock A. M., and 6 to 8 o'clock P.M., (Snnday excepted) No. HH Ureea wieh street, from the uncommon medicai advantage* th* author has enjoyed, among which b? would instance havina resided several yeare ia Pari*, for the express purpose el stodying these diseases, followed by a long and very exten sive practloe, in this speciality, he can. without hesitation, premise, even ia the most severe and complicated eases, M secondary dUcsjes. Itc., more oertam, sate, aa< rauieal cures thaa can ?e obtained from any other sonree la America. Those who apply in the earlier stages of dis eases, will be gratified by the ea*e and rapidity of the cure, Which is often elected ia a very few davs. Separate walUaf rooms are provided. For treatmen toy letter , address h*? 869 Poet Offlre. Private medical woiik a PRACTICAL tkia tiee on the nature, symptoms, progress, consequence*, remediet and enre of delicate diseases? on disea.iee which ?loscly resemble and are llablo to be taken as such, and *a the diseases re-ultinz from them. with illustrative plate*, by Jiseph Ralph. M l> . author of the Family Physician, *e., eleventh edition. .142 pp. Price Jn cents. Sold at tj Ann street. 2 Astor House, aud by mosthooksellers; alsa, by the author. HH Greenwich street, or uialiea.i roe ot post age, bv addres*:ng, post pai l, to b >x fVW lower lN>at ofh ??. A/WMl REWARD -CfttMHAN'S BPSCIflO M1E jJuUU tare. ? Of all remedies yet discovered, this ie th* most certain. It makee a speedy and pesiaauent sure, with out the least restriction la diet, ariak, oretposure, or tkua in anplioatiiia to business. Many are ourod ia twe Jars. 4*H at the drug (tore, Ne. 271 (headway, corner of < 'lumber* street alee, at Ne 10 A*v?? House at Ne IIURrialww and Nf, 191 wax ?( VTUUva - .AA a.V/^VSA4 Br OA UW A V TUIATMI.-B A. MA Kill A, WM U?M.-ll?tMW4 r?r<|??t. 6# ccoU. family tppw Tier. 2f> ccnl?i I'HrM ItaiM, $?> and f, I) , ,r? at/, i-o eomineiw * al7X a'alook. Wedneadayeviiain*, Nh* Jl, will b* performed .Kiakapoaro * Irli'il; of lltill.RV ? lldinlii, Mr. Korreat, Cltuillut, Mr. rwpc. l>Mr'?i, Mr. fmnu. HiwiariMlt, Mr Goarlajr; U?ilJ?mHri, Mr llla% 1'aloaiat, Mr. ItiiliUi. Htrito. Mr Dirry; Th? Hit >?*. Mr C?ii?ti; Ulrlrgil*, M re. AbUU; Ophelia, Mint l'?m? T? omuifl with th* r?r^ortJi? two iionnitcahtlk# Mr. Iloanyraatlf, Mr. Davidgai M r Julia Jeuiee J?liite?e. Mr Feouo; M i m. Itonnyoaatl*. Mm. Vern <?. ___ NIBIjO'H U A It DIN. U A N A <? K It. M It. J Oil N UrTOK, Anting Manager. Mr W. tlorbyn. TinkcM. S# ?*?A* Umu. |6 Dunri ope* at ii>, I* fiinntiio* M fit o'olock. A ehange of opara e* U opera nl{bt Hrtiliaai oc** of Ma.lauie Aim* Thlllon, who will to i.i-lit repeat bar eelebraied iiiKr?< tnr of JiianiM. in Aubar'a oner*. luMM tho ' ItUrl* Domino," w hioh i* night I y rn< ?i v*d wit li reptttr on* appiaueo l.jr crowded mid i i,hi.>u?Mu atidtenoe*. Mr li U(J<M>ii will apii?*r a* PelU 0'l>onn*ll; Mr Stephen UMt a* Gil I'odrioa. IIi.m Join Inly *1 r?.|MitK VfMtMto ovinia^, March ill. t lio ounio opera of th* ItLtl'K DOM I Nt --Poll* O'DennoH. Mr lludaun. JutmU. Mini A Ttultoa B^HARNI'M'M amkkk an mii .kku c r iiaknum. Manager and Proprietor. John Oru< nwood. Jr , AuutMl Manager.? Admuieinu to tha entire Mnwuim anil perform anco*. gloeuta; children under lOyeart, 1J'4 <i*nU, l'ar'inet, 12V) 0(*nka ??lm Weduo?ilay. March .'II. .wml (raaf la i.erl irmanoc of the celebrated, magii iticcut and v"ry fill "Cherry aud Fair Mtar." Tina Afternoon. at l o oieek. and Kvuuing. ai 7S o'olook, will bo repre*ont?d in the, tnre r?oni the popular and much admired Oriental ip>o?? cle of CHKKItY AND P A I It MTAK.ort ha Camel Driver aat hi* W U^? Cherry, Mix* Me?tayor. Pair Star, M lit* llari .a, llanHanliad. Mr. 1?.>! lainjr, Aloxua, Mr. C. IV. Clarke; Topaek, Mr llailaway, .Hanqnlnback, Mr. Ifonkina. Th? rmitiifS Giant. Ilnnry rave. Ift /car* old, and aoven feet high. Happy Family, Ac., are tu be teen at all hour* l^ltANKI.IN M IKSIM' M, 17ft <11 ATI1 A M :?y I ' A ItK GRO. 1 l.ea, Proprietor. ? Two performance* are given tiio day. commencing at 3 o'clock in tint aftnru >uu. aud at ball piwl 7 in the croning. '1 extalili ilnncnt m tha only plant in the United Sta?..v< wliore tho " M jdnl Artut*" ean be aaota The company li oompueud ?f a troiipnof ArtiiU, *eluoti4 lar their licanty aud IU;ure, and are under tlm rtnp"r?i?i >a at " M lie Camnut, I'remiur Modot" to thm uetabli iluaent. A niaitniflroiit aerlc* ol xroupinga will lie pr /duiwd, < arof?ll> ?Milootod f r inn the admired paintin^? and xoulptur*, wttl new prupurtinn and appointment*. 'I.ea'a Kmnale Opera ('niiipaiiy, ' tha ?nljr ori;auiMid hand nf lailie* in eii^ttaM, will npiieer evury aliernoon and etening. M um l.alarxa, tba orlxina' Antipodean l*ede*trian, will walk "head dt*i wardn," un the ri ilni||[. at an elevation of twenty lira feat from the ground, and eighteen in l in^th. a leal wluuh thrnwa all "oompeti'.'ir* in the nhnda." The wondar Ifct world aver prodniod, Moik. (Jrjgolrc, t lie utrongaat man it the world, will hrcth. with hi* " naked lUt," any atoua tha audieoca may r.hooee to olI?r, with other unparalleled lja?a of xtrength The unrivkl'.nd triho of " Aerobatia Sntara," will appear in their wonderful xymnaitl ? nut eitaiuinenta, producing great eicitemcnt !>/ their eitraordinary eiliibt tione. A variety of ini.ivallane m? entartainmant* are give* overr afternoon an I eruniug, arch at i'an be neon at no othor (witiihHiihment in the w >rlii For lull parti 'ultri of ofcob day'a performance, aec hill* of the day. I'rioa* of A lmnwM ? Si'?t< in I'riratn lime*. JOcont Oroho*tra Moat* with r<i*hionod arin ohairi, .17K c?ntn; lloaan, 2ft coiiti, Gallery, I 'J cent*. WDOI) .HMINliTKH.S, AT IV (XI l? S M I NSTIt Kl, UAliU M4 Bfoidwfty, a bora Kawird alraat.? The pr>i>riatnr take* pleamire 111 announelag to tho puhlie that Iw IimM !^a,' e l the mo*t celebrated m'lnirlana and Ni?m d llne'itnaa 111 the aorld, and i.? det?rmiued to make V? iod'? Minatrdi llall in every way worthy the patronage of the ladiaa aad geiitlamnn of thi* city lie aliio take* llii* epp irtnnltr t? expre.i* hi* thank* for the great patronage ortnferrud uln aim e the or/anivation of lit* pr?*ent etar eomnany, and h* proniieoe to replenleh it from time to time with wbatavar novaltie* or Htriklng talent inay appear 111 the profotaioit. Wood'* MtnalrnlA |iorform ovury aveniiig. and on wodnaadaf and Saturdny arternoonj. Adiniiai in, if> eont*. Uoor* op?* at fijtf: ooiicort* commence at 7?i o'olook. Tim altoraooa oanenrta commenoo at .'I o'olook. N. II.? TI10 xtrieteat ord?c and docornm will ha pruaerved, aud the greatoat attoaUan paid to tlia eeinfort of vliitera. TIIK UNION AMATKIIK DKAMATIC I l,U 11. GOTII l? llall, llroadway, eutrance 656 l'earl atreot.? The tjna iug will take |ilaoo Wodnoaday evening, April?, at iy. o'clock ?tho piece* will bu "A New Way to I'ay 9M Debt*," the "Hwiaa l^ottaga," and "Widow'* Victim." A few more ladle* and gentlemen, of undoubted reapuntahfWtfL arc wanted an UBMn. Mtllbtri are rc' iueatod to at<*ma rehcarnal, at 7 Yi o'olook, uu Friday evening. April I, aa above. MONTAGUK HAI.I., llltOOKLTN.? MK. ('II AltKUAtr? aud Mr*. I, tunay'* la*t .Soiroo of th" ataiut, wrtl Mk* place at tho aboru Aaaombl/ Itoura, oa TUuraJay 1 1 iwl?a April let. HHDIOAL. Artificial lrfchrs.-albxandrr-s rinmr. Bf thia Inveutioa faaalliaa gu have aix w tvffH Leechoa always ready fur mho, and easily applied, at aM fling ooh*. when oomjiared to the exponas ana troabla oftbt repUl*. Depot LSI Itllni (tract, U?n(4 MU> i>< l. ltORDAC'S PRRTRNTIVE CAN BR _ enred by addroaeing hita, bax 4AJ, Philadelphia D' Ofllot, nut paid, prloa $1. It lit intended for thoaa afei b ?at feal inclined to inorea?e Mieir faailllea. It will ba an by mail. It ia aimplo aad infallible. DR. JOHNSON, 16 DUANR STRKKT, WILL FORFSV $BUO if failing to oura any oaae of diaaaxa ha uadartaka Ilia practice of over tweutr-two yoara at bin preaent oltoa I unequalled by any luedioal man ia New York. Tha may contract diaoaao oao an " af baring their oa??H proper). door to Dr. Coopor'a. ,1 man in New York. Thoaa Wh* up ply te Dr. J. with tha oertatnv rly treated. Ohaorvo, Na. Iti. MM DR. WAKRKN, NO. 1 MOTT STRKKT. CONTirCOM to be oonaultod on the treatment of prtrata diaaia? . Thlrty-aoven year* praotioe enable* him to oura Wwnaa Debility. Ilia troatinunt ia aafo and aneody. No marowy uaed, or oonllneineut from huaiuuiM, and oaaua of raaent oc currence invariably cured in frum three to Bra lav*. N. II.? No fee till ourod. Dr. WAitit, DRYOTBD to dei.icatb im.hraml DfNkkca tlio apeedioat cure*. All who liara oontraaMR a private iii*e*nt', niuhe early applioation Onr tratliaaat ia the admiration oven of phyaiciana. Thalnaupoia tod aaa ocrtain of a cnra from uh. however much other doetaca burr failed. Immediate relief afforded. No foa required* Hook gratia. Cnnaallatiom private. Office, ooraar OmmR ?treot and Broadway. Dl(. WARD'S UNFORTUNATK'B PRIKND. RffJB qualled for eradicating diaeaao. Hlcaaeil l>y all Wka try it. The mo?t prompt ervjicator, yet ao mild, it naf ta iirun to inlanta. l'rivatn diioaaea vanluli undor ita aaa. I. with a book. Who will give fee* after thatf CitMal and Htrangar*. romimbor it. Depot, Dr. Ward'*, ooraar aff Canal atreat and Broadway. R. MOKimON IS (.'(IK Sir l. l'KD CON K I DKNTI A on certain diaeaaea, whiob he troata without iaMromy. D _ Recent caaea he curea in two to four daya. A practiaa OR thirty thrro yeara onabl?a him to cure thoae general aaR local debilities ariaing from imprudent bahita. See hi* Lea don diploma, in liiit prirata office, t'ultoa atreet. Na foe til loured* Dr. ward is or signal skryick to tub ow fortunate, hia treatment <| niokly removing the adaa* rahle patient from mifloring and detection, lie ooraa an the difficult caa<-a that have defied othora. fortunate ara thoae coming to him, for tbey are well before other daatan would have made nuy improvement. Hook gratia. Caai aultation* private. UUloe, uoruer Canal atreat and Urn) way. DR. LA CROIX'S I'RIYATR MBDICAL TRKATUOh Fiflaenth edition; by M. U. I?a Croix, U. D? Afbaav, t& Y. Cheapest baok aver publialied; VM page* and IIIlM f latea, an the Phyaiology of Marriage, and the aeeret lea aud disorder* of youth and maturity, reaulting Inn axceaaea, which deatroy tha physical aud montai pawara,?B 4ueaae* arising from ladiaoretlun, with plain aad rutea by which all porauna oaa aura themaalraa, Beroury? with tha author'* obaervatlona on marriaga, tla dntiea aad diaqnali.leatioB*, and their remediaa; with oaa aw ad lithograph*, illuatratlng tha anatomr and pbyaMagft and dlaeaae* of the reproductive organ* of both aexaa, UvaaV atfucturea, uaea, aud funotiva*. It coataioj aaaaxr im portaat hint* to theae contemplating matcteaoay, whMl will overouina olijeetiona again*! marriaga; nana, howarab ?hould take thia Imp<ir?ant itep without hr*t oooaalMag tM page*. It treat* of all diaoaxe* of female*, whether aanM ar aingle. Ktrangeea wbo raaulre madtoal aid. befora *em laKing any doctor, onght to know whethar thalr eaaaa ?M pre perly nnderatood by tboie whoaa they amplay, aai kkW (uard agalnat the impoaition of qnackery, ao pravaiaal te popular eltiea. Dr. I.a Croix ia a legally quaUOad ith/MMb and for the paat twenty year* haa boan daily aonaaltad apfB tha different diaeaia* upon which hU book traate, paaaoi a< well a* by letter. Any peraon aemllng twenty-lira ( In a latter, poat paid, will receive one oopv by nafl, f eoataire, or live eopi<*a for $1. Addreaa Dr. H. B. LA CC_. j lteavar alreat. Albany, N. Y. Sold hy U arret ft Ca^ Ann s tract, and Strtaxvr ft Tnvnaand, Xtt Broad Iray, M. 1 Brauah offiea, 61 Lloyd atreat, Buffalo. T'llK MARRIED WOMAN STRIVATIMtDICALCOS. paulon? By Dr. A. M. Mauricaau, l'rofeaaor of IXhmN of Womea.? Twentieth edition, IMino., pf?> 250? Prion, U-? Yeara of mifferin#, u( physical aad mental anguish to maoytp affectionate wife, and pecuniary dlfllcnltlea to th? NnAwiC mtyht ham beeu ipared br a timely po**ee*4on uf tkia *n? It 11 intunded e*pe< ially f>r the married, or ttiota eeataaa plating marriage. a* it dUolon* im-portaat *eoreta, wtitfe (hould bo knowa to them particularly. To thoa* wbma health doe* not permit of (a iaoreaj# ?f family, it i* of apecial ianportaaee. Kara, al??, erery female ? the wife? Wia mother? tha ama ?itber bndding into womaahood, or the other in tha deo afyeara? i a whom nature contemplate* an important ai u can di??orar tba cauaea, aymptoma, and tbe meet effl remudlea, and mo*t certain node ?f cura, is erery aa to wbieb her ee? la (object. ( Extract of a letter (torn ft gentleman In Daytaa, Ob Dr. A. M. livliciti :? Dattok. May 1. lam Mr Una* Si*? My wif* baa beea perceptibly nuking fee aonie three yeara or mora, in eon*eau?nc* of her great ?m cuiab and Buffering aome moath* befura and daring bar i Onement? erery <ncc??lte one more and mora del>Uit*i and proatraUng her, pixt tlag her Ufa in imminent danger. Which wa?, on the la.itocoaaien.deapaired of. 1 wpaiaaf itata of thinga waa inarltahle, and reeigned myaelr to the worat. Atthia tima (now about two mouth*) I i. your book highly aj>"ken of, aa containing aome matl?_ reaching my caae. On ita receipt and peruaal. I oanaet a* rreae to you the relief it affwrded mr dutreaaad mind, aid lie joy ita page* imparted to my wife, on teaming that ?hf great diacorery of M. M. Deaemeau* prorlded a remedy. It opened a proapect to me, whicb I little conceired waa pa? Bible. Rnt for tbla. era another year would bare paaead or*t my head, m all human probability my wife would hare h??a In her grare, and my children left motherla**. It la, of conrae, impracticable to eoarar mora filly tha m* tioua aubject* treated of, aa they are or a natnre atiotlyta* tended for the married, or thoae contemplating marrlag*. For aale at ?23 Broadwar, and at the publiabing offloe, IM Liberty atreet, New York: tittle k Co., Albany; /oaa* Tuoker, Mobile, Aial ama, T. B. 1'etcraoa, itttheatnnl atraiW Philadelphia. ... - On the receipt of #1. * <">P7 ?m b* tranmiUed b? taadL free af pyatage, to ??T P?t ?' the United State*. All UtMia muat be a<idre**?d, poet paid, to Dr. A. M. Maurioaan, B?K l.iM Ni? V.jrk oily. Uir.o* 1 l.iberty at roe t. Paris and londok treatment or pritatb IJfieaaoa, in a few hovra, by a regatabl* apptioat without pain. In constitutional affootion*, an from improper habit*, ha eombina* mwdiciaa local remedy, and eaa ahow any ona thora are thoae who oannot bo enred without it. aa ha ha* ca*ea dailj yeara' dnration, from the other phyai'-iana. la all, ha antee* a permanent onra. Ba make* daily sura* of *tris without uaualic, which other* oaa, earned by their not ai ling tha former diaeaae aeoa enough. Ilia diploma, with t and the huadrod* of oth*r carUftaataa, abow that aat ean equal it. We war* cured ia a faw hoar*.? P. Broad D M. Corbyn, C. Deroad. Ona application eared Ma, m.wmm another doctor tried a loag Mmt-w. N. Craft. I paid trv $.'??) in lira yeara, to ba enrad of waakaaa* fro* aalf ataifc without benolt, but you aared ma by local and gaaaaM treatment, in a abort time.? J a*. Braaa. Yoa eorad Ma m tha wor*t lyphiliti* affeetioa on my bady aad faoa, la ? ihert tima, after I had been nnder threa phyalattuaa ft r ? year, be*lde* naing erery juaek aedioina I aaald hear ?C ao beneBt.? Win . f>r?tuon, Perth Amboy. The half ??**? and abandoned oataae aa eap^clally loliaita. Straeger* aa4 eth-r* can rely on na othar praof hut a?rtin*at?*, vh?a? there i* to moth impodtioa. For treatment, by letter, a4 dro?* Boi 71, Broadway Hoat Oflloa. N. T. The** wha peraenally hara a<*p*rat? room*. Oflloa Hoar#?* till t, aad ? till d arerting. M L 1KM0NT, dangaaa, ?treat, aectmd deor from ItroaJwiy AiWlft reward.- jirrBiM antidote, a tpm. HWU otto miitnra for tba aura af priTate dtaordya. ? makaa a *paedy onra, wit boat the laaa* raitrtatlail ac ikk drink, *ipo*or?, or okaagu Hi appltoatjoa ta baaaaaaa. W| fropviaUr ahaDangaa a aiagla aaae ?IM th* i*atata?a aMR ?at aura, aadar tha *.T* . 'Ail j^?.r,"-:^wst'S.52rVSB\5^va