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AFFAIRS IV THE CITT. City !m?IU|ra?r. **?>. n Lf< i ? M. Kotiert Kemp, the MlttalUd V-rnok Artist, w>.e t fame in well kuvwa in Paris anl New York, will giie on Saturday night, a lecture In the 'wh language at the Society Library, Broadway The subjects r boson by the eminent Profnaaor arc of the most tntereeting description namely. * dissertation on ihe l'fe of the great comic poet. Molir**. and Krrnoh society under the reign of Louis XIV.; he will read the first act of the '? Misanthrope." the mastcrplece of the author; and i ho lecture wiU be cloaed with ?? I,e Prison tuer," written by a New York gentleman. M Robert Kemp mi-nts e lmmwr, and all hi* friend* and admirwr* will tie present ou this occaaiou in the haU of the Society Library. * Kmicr*tion . ?The following tabic will show the nam ber of passenger* arrived at tliU port from Kurupe. and the muuln-r by each \ei*-cl for the last three days March 38? Ship Fidelia, Liverpool 415 ;? R>"'rr " *?.'? '? I uderwriter, Liverpool 665 '? Kossuth, " 670 '? Ileli ue. Itromen 135 ?' St. Denis, Havre 341 ? Total 2.901 March 29 ? >liip Hemisphere, Liverpool 401 '? Leviathan. " 523 '? General Dunlap. " 319 '? Prince Albert. London 194 '' Helvetia. Havre 391 '? ltol>ort Harding. Havre 29S Park Harriet. Antwerp 76 Total 2.205 March oO ? Ship New York. Havre 3y=t " Universe. Liverpool 67i? '? American Congress, London. . . 312 u Richard Ooliden. '? 237 '? Star of the Went. Liverpool 466 " La;ie Hell Havre , 038 '? 1\ illinm Nelson. Liverpool 477 " Atlantic, Antwerp 290 '? Washington. Liverpool 954 '? Splendid. Havre 282 Total 4.&9P Waking a total of 9.795 Tiir Hsai.rv H mi koaii Accide.xt. ? The in'jUc-t on Ihis subject which was to have met ye-terday morning at t< n o'clock. was further adjourned till tins tu irning, nt the (-eme hour, in cons, queue' of the sickness of <#<jo of ihe jurors. and his consequert inability to attend. They I (Meet. m has before been stated at the *j?oei;il terw r*oui rf the Superior ('curt, eu the li xir immediately above the Coroner'* office. An Infant Fort?n iv int W atkr. ? The Coroner, on Tuesday, held (in inquest on the body of an infant, about, four v eoka old. tound floating in the water. foot of Wall treet Mr. Osbortio. of No Vi Monroe hUoet. testified that ho heard a c;irtmnn say he saw a woman and girl pass iown the pier, with a bundle, at iin early hour yes terday mornirg and immediately sfter heard a splat h in the water, and then caw them leave the pier ai quickly Hh pofwdble. lir Lideli made an examination of the body, i and considered that the death was caused by inflamma tion of the lungs Hie .iurj found a verdic t accordingly. | Or 7TK*GEOt'ft Nn.i icr ? About half-past one o'clock yesterday inornirg ? carriage was c.'iprlaed opposite "8 Ortuj g' f treet. between Bayard and White streets? the ?tract . which is undi rgoitig repairs buying been left open Without a light. The carriage, containing four persons, waa considerably <lnmag? J. InformaMcn of the accident Was ic;in. di/'tdy rccei*i?d at the Sixth ward station house, erhen Aj^Utant Captain .tewett. with tliree men. repaired to the apot. and rucceedt d in extricating the carriage They k^-o tilled up the street, so as to avoid auy furl Uer accidcnt. Aocidknt ? About 12 o'clock on Tuesday night, Daniel Kairrus fell into the cellar of the roar building. No. 39 Madi-ori ?treet. and cut hi* head very aevorely. Jlewut, taken to the bospit,.! by ('apt Murphy. Another AreinrvT ? About h?lf-pa*t three n'cJ.vV on Tuesday afternoon ti boy named Keunie Mnillns. of No. 73 t Thirtiith striet about six year* of age. waa run over by cart No. 1.632. driven by Patrick Shcjifya, iu the (?mplov of >V Kocter. Assistant Captain 1'oun. of the Iw.'nlii th ward who ?'?.< pa sinj; by at the time, hod the boy conveyed to hi* residence. Kieci i n. ? On Tue-Jay aftornaon. a mau numedjoieph Keef, on jumping ?ftcr the boat at Jersey city ferry, junjpod into the ulip andwaswith much difficulty rebelled f rom drowning, by otilcer (Vilto)i awl other* Piii> ? About h.ilbpaat six o'rl'K-k on Tuesday evening, a fir1 oroke out in the stable.* rear of W< Perry -ttreet 'j'he bfj^ir. wt re all saved, but the ?tables were fmrned to tUe groual The Alk'ged Cuban Expedition. C'nltert Htatr* I?i-trlel Court. before Hen. Judg" Judseui. TOU (7HITKD PTAXKH VS. JOHN L. O'sCLUVAN AXP OTTKRS. T?'?lV-fU?l llJkT. Mas' h SJ ? At the *ittinc of the Court tb:j morning. Mr Van Huron anumnoed that a telogn^i'iic de*patch badbeon nveived 1'iom Mr Cutting, atating that he wa1 atUl nnahle to leave Trenton. There wouid I*', there fore, oniy himfelf (Mr. V. P..) to sura up on behalf of Mr. O'Sullivan ana Mr had been notified that be wssu'.d In- required to proceed this looming on the par* p. the prosecution. TUe District At tomey slid that Mr Jloftnmr un well. and if he was unabl> to attend this m'^niing. he feared the government would lo-e his valuabl" > -i?tance. Mr Van 15'ireu could then goon, and the District Attor ney woiCd hum rp for the pro-ecntlou. T fa' Judxc announeed that ho had receire.1 a note from Mr. Hoffman, and be expected to be able to be here at balf-p.-wt ten o'clock. In a -hort time afurwnrds Mr. Iloflman arrived, and proceeded to addroe" the C <urt and ju*y, on the rart of the prosecution, w'th hi-i wout"d power of eloquence occupying upwards of ilu.-e hours, and ooTielrding in a *lru!n of po.-tio cratory and im pi\?.-irene*i> which clieitod tie applaiwa of a crowded court The court then took a r< ce^?. On reavamNing of the eourt at three o'clock Mr. Yau lluivnro-e to *uju up on l*-luu-"o2 ib< di fe-idant" but had ii?l concluded bin argu raent at the adjournment, at kx o'clock He will rwutne tbU (Thursday) moreing. at half-patl ten o'clock. The Indnatrlal Cnn^rinii, The fc>rty-f?cond searion wao held, on I wesdjy. it the Nt w City Hall. Daniel Willie presiding. The following ro'.c^t was pr? s%nt?d and ordered on file Nrw Y'cim. March 28, 1852. ti> W? were highly surprised on h^.trlnj; tin frport of our del?vates. concerning your raei4ing of t h<> i Inst , that you voted for the pa j? ;? of that *? called Maine l.iquor law I* it not ay iust all common sense.' Is it not aaain't the independence of man. to say we for bid you to drink liqnor ? Have you a right to m?v so1 ?io. >ou ha i e not that ri^lit. gertb men Wealways c>n nideri d you a>- men who want that their fellow biethren to eu;o; haojiine** and fr?cdom. but now wr arc deeply deceived Iteli re. all. you ought to be rcpuWiscns. and repuWircns cannot de troy the in.!ep? nd nce of juj.v one t'n voting forthc abt va ia?ntiec. J iaw. you have opeuly abo?ti tlwit you never havi1 recijgtmed true social princi ples, and we ben by withdraw our delegates from your Ci <? tings, fiyorderef the Social Tumverlin. t. KACFMANX. Secretary. V. T ' o the following:? ?aoT?.?T. .enndrr?igl.ed beg leave r?'Cl**< tf tdly t?> repr?iS?nt to t i. f. Indu^trUl Cctigresa. tLat they cennot but view tto<' recent proci^ilng* of rertain member* on the aflirmatire ?<idc of the Maine Liqnor Liiw question, v highly dc rogatory, not only t? the wcll-beiii* of this body, but uf o ttr subveraive of the beaeOeant ends of public di-eus.i( n. ?nd. (herofure. ileinard the eiirevionoi'oiirniost htvxrty ttifscnt The und of objection to tie J Ti>e< e'lin,: s rotihist* iu the rannieuvrirg which wal ef.J' uUyre?orted to on the part of the aft?rfaative. <ui welt during (lie dU et'i-ei"n a* in the roat.n?r "1' Ifinging the l?b,iio to an abrupt and i reiaature ele^e. During t)ic diacuK*:ou, fr' quejit auec-**ful utteBpU were made, on the afljrma tivefi'dr to emlistra*' and biwild' r the Congress with irrelevant matter mJ on o?c occasion fthe lattt cteetitvr but one) the entire ev?niug was wa?tc<t iu thin wny with out hi much a* ?in?* tos-luug the qite?Uon befu re th< besiy. At the la<t mi*t'nr- after agreeing to a rr eolutiofi t?> prfx:>-ed wi;h the debate, audki ep tko question , ?p> n unlH e?.-h r who deair.d to si?euk should be beanl the uv.v > it the rcvilution, flndlm; that an accidental majority if tho atflrmativ* were preai-nt, moved the previous queetion, and thus elow<l the mouth" of ,necib<..-f who ".shed to he?i?d Hime of wh'm liL-t rifit spoken at all imlhesub ict. Pi:*nlly, the vote of twenty-one in the ? ftrmativ# was deetari d thu unanimous eo: e of the Congreae oot wiuinuwuiini' t!n'r?- *ere eighteen mianN'rii preMnt on the w-raiive *id< v, bo iruukl not vote b<eau* of the un fair pri. needing* of the u.lruutive meniberi, who hap pen, d at tlut moment to huve a njnj?iity pr>- ^nt, but wbo retilly foim a nrall min'>rl:y of that Congrem IMiei in?; (bat all swb rroeeeaing^.. wherever th?y may f-eeur. demand the piempt r< ptehanslnn of avery true JViend ot fr? dl'cit'Moc. we hi reby enter onx m?wt so Icon pr<"ite-t ap*iD-t those al>vw ncit-eJ J'.hn White, Joltn A. Smith S Ji Pe.ikiiiS. John Urefoid. Charles Scliiif. ?' R. l'aig Niw York, Mi icli .1(i, l^.'i ')n motion theCci rt<?s then went into a ballot for deh*ate* to the Nati' i ?U lndu> trial (Jorgre**. ft lie held nt Vai-hington D. I"., oa June 2. Mef.sra M A tVilsou and CK.-.ri ? Sclutf wi n ?{ p? 'nted toiler, and they an O'UDCsd the election of tHe following persons a* the re mit < 'the Uilloti'.tr:? //?//g?.v>?D c Head r on. John /. Hlv?hy AbttlimO. Leey. J. Alex. Hmith. Dauiol Willis K. A 1 lathy. tV V B.m biib$titat.* ? D O. Coi.iy Willii.m Wc.'t. Mbh^el llyao. John H Kryscr. Matthew A. M ilton Neil MeArthur. David M?rih Afu r taking action on the eimimou school sy >m the Conjrees th n a^e umel to nexfc Tue-day alien the 'ii'ruian end Autl-Main? Liquor law deh-gntes will lie pro out in fori e te take Mctiob on the priteet a ;nin?t the ?<.ti"U of th-* Indu^riiU Congre*- on t-'Lij^rrno Poller Intilllginte, CWoaii Chmr$t <\) ?tin i m hfi"rr\tw*i. a *erj eiligular eliai^' of iii.c. av *n.? ma?b let. ire Justice f/Olhrt>f' iH'i, n*t ii vlr- f ??!? nltturbend wiienf Mr. Hen ry It. terband. jewolli - k"? p!t% ? tore at .>?o. M . tj Uroad* way "no is al!igid to have ?-?olen a diajiKniifr im a *iud. Waiuid J>6 0 the property rf Mrt CitfOitne f '.y Veil* the authorise reaidhjg et No. l:>7 iprir.g sli. < t The olrcunj. Mtancoa wb.eb l?d to the arr< ?tof Mr*. Kitterb id ara at w A poor women nani< d Owens was ou Tu? day at nork for Mi" Steven* mid had with hrr. her s n. a *mtdl l.oy about eight your.' > t *&>. v. bo, while playing around the house, rqwmd the bureau drawer, and tcyk there f.~om the di mond stud, or lady's breast-pin; al?o a $5 f.ank bill. The boy men left the houao and gave the atu'i to a be- rarood t dward McKedd-n. of llfteen years Cif Nil , w\, . i . ^ ihe pm to Mr Uitteiband s store, and aefc d. irr1.: i i! r.rt whe was tho p?r>ou attending tho atoie tfahi 'ou.d buy it. or what It wa^ worth; and ac con i - t? toe b< v ? ?ti.ry. Mrs h took >t Into her hand-, anc ?i liiln looking at it naniiged to extract the diamond fr- .ri the settltii' and let it lull from her hands on the floor liehlnd the eounter. and on handing It back to Ltui the lK>y asked wlf ri- the t ine * as wti?-ri sue la al j ? 1 t- }i* ,p ?idd that it molt hi ve fallen < ut and that I' oi but little Kltii an 'I 'fered lr;n hlsrhoieo frero H t li - - 1 ?- 1 I* ** 1 W 1 ?/ d M Ml|kt fNU* TU? *J<>r* eooo afW returned lad Mid th? -gl? -0f th<>>tod ff lhn* shilling Thedia??nd hu , b6en ifooTepod, The madrUtrtttc took th* t>TiJ*rn\ii Ml? B T^TtcU dW!^?K o?twlth,U?Ulm ..Mrs^cXV" b"*u "", m" "?*? CW.-The Investigation peadlng li, W T. wnj~. n l and .?. w M.-tcalf chirffJl uirn^^T"' frl"' %,r rll'-t"rDrk another*. ^ ^ ?** * prrt^nc*, wm trourht ur? aw*.-. cm rujjKU, a,w... , N-fore Justice OdK.n.. on a M, ih l' T!!* nnd?rwonl ? short cros*-c<ainin?. which elicited no new facts. and the e?*e wi- fur ther postponed until no*t Monday. v'Jn (hilrannms .IsmUl ? pfflcet l)nrw, of tho Chiefs office on Tuesday i\rre,tcd a man nam?d J<ua?,- Wyeth <Hwch dr.rrr for the New Haven House, and Kiohard i'in ?'JL'h*C^ r "u a rhrtrR1' of violently assaulting, an 1 beating in a Tory brutal manner, I*no Whaler and iatau Mchmght. stage driver*. attached to Tyson's lino. Th? assault took j.laee at foot of <!ourtiand ntreet The poor men were terribly ls?atcn about the faoo aud head by being -tamped upon with tin- heels of thoaasailants' boot/ ihe accused parties were conveys! before the Mayor, who committed them to prison for trial. Landlord and Tenant. K1H8T DISTRICT C'OITKT. . Before Judge (Jroen. rjj "t- ? Michncl Gilhooly against Frederick tsonae.? riila action is brought to recover ngainst defendant, as surety of one John H. jWliMn for three mm ths ront of store artd pre mises No^ 23 Dey street, for the months of Septem ber, October, Bnd Nove rnber, Ittfil . The defendant, in answer, set up that tha tenant was unjustly dos turned in the enjoyment of the premises, by tho omission of the landlord to restore tho front, wbich had been removed by the eorj>oration in widening 1 ey street, and that he was prevented from enjoying the same. It appears, by admission of parties, that the pl&iutitl held the pti nises by a virtue of a loaso Irom the owner thereof, for tho term of fivo years, Which will expire on the first. day of May next; that on the 12th day of July, 1831, during tho term v il' f'e^eu^a"1, *'le Corporation of tiie city of I N ew i ork , upon due proaoedings before that time, | li"'", for widening Dey street, took ten foet l'rom the j front ot the premises, leaving the entire front ex pose*!. and they remained in that condition until J the 1st ot December last, being merely boarded up I in trent , and that the defendant remained in posses sion ol' the premises until the 4th of December last, when bt> wns removod for non payment I of renl by summary proceedings. It also appeared that three hundred and twelve dollars was allowed and imid to plaintiff for taking possession of the ten loot by the corporation, and $:$,:>u0 to owner of the premises lor the like purposes. It also appeared tiiat tlie owner of the premises in question, in Sep tember Inst, cxcavated the cellar to the adjoining lot, of which be was r ii-o owner, and that, in doing c n large portion ol the yard of tho premisos in question caved in. _ The leasa from tho plaintiff to Penzelumn contained a clause that thoro should no {that cutout ot font while tho building is i J/otng altered In tho widening of tho street. I i Le defendant s counsel objects to the plaintiff's I recovery, and contends thnt the tenant has suffored j diimagi-s t,i a large amount, which should be I . "gainst the plaiutitl's claim. ? i Ihe Judge, in his decision, says, that the do fendiint , by his agreement, expressly undertook to I'fty rent during the term for whieh the promises were leased, aud, in fact, ho continued in possession and in the enjoyment of tho same, until ho was re mold by legal proceedings. His a woll establish ed principle of law, that where the landlord does not expressly undertake, by his agreomeut, to koep the premises in repair, he is not required to do so ? the tenant takes them fur better or for worse, (6 ( owen 8 ltep. J7 5,) and is obliged to pay rent during the term for which he has hired them; nor was tha plaintiff liable for tlie acts of thinl par tios in cxcavuting the adjoining premises, in such manner ns to prevent tht> proper enjoyment of tho premises in question hy ihe tenant. The defend- i ant's claim, tnereforc, S>r damages is not a legal off-set to the plaintiffs domawl for rent. Judgment ' for plaintifl, lor $87 bO. tho amount of hv< claim, aixf costs. Tlicatilrul and 3(uslral. Bowhit TiiF.ii rf. ? The Mil of entertainment -<Mecte.d tor Hiij evening is highly *ttrnct!T.i. Tho eouxxacu in^ feature will be Sheridan 'inowles' tragedy, entitled '? W iUiam Tell," in which Mr. Kddy w:H ciu'taiu the eha raetcr of Teli Th/-< will l.e suer^sliHl by tlie dntina of tbe Krokcn Pword;" ?nd the wliole wilt terminate with the lan^babie furre of ? Mr and Mrs. White." HitoAnv*t Tut* the. ? Mr. Fornvt. th?>. distinj?ui?h.?d ! Amerioan trri?;iMliuu, in to npj^ Hr :?>uin ibis ii-i-uinR. in hi < great character of Williaru Ti?. in the historical trv Hedy of (hul name, supported by several of the leading members of the company. The eotk-ludin^ feature wiU be tbe new farce, styled ? The Guardian Anjr.el " N lath's Oahufn.? Mr. Ifuilscu and MissAnnio Lons dale arc 10 appear again at popular e^tablishmenl t<> night. Mr llu<b<on will personate his favorite c!i\ractor of Comitr the lliifh. in the drama of the ''Kui#htof Ar supported by Mrs. McKenna. Uie Miss Mellon. Ml.-s Lonsdale will itl inar as .Van. in the farce of -'The Oood for Nothing." lii EiM'.TiiDir.i;,- Fbak. j earv's comwly stylc>l the ' Twelfth N i ?_ 1 1 i il to be repeated to-ni^ht with the 1 same powerful east. It tins b.,n recti Ted every night tbi week by crowded auuienccv with treat delight and ajiprobation. The niUMeal piece called the Maid o! tne Mountain. M will be performed with it. Nanaaai Tin. itit.. ? The Nulional continues to be WeJ patronized. Tiir pieces for ih in evening are the drains - entitled Nick <>r the Woods."' "W oman." and the burlesque entitled Tizarrobiis." This pr gramme j wil. ? e Mir>- to draw a large a-itemblugc of the patrons of this theatre, i'urdy is working hard to merit a eontin- j nance ot public I'svor. and will be sure to receive it Mis:' m.? The popular pieces entitled ''Or- j gue.e Affection, and " Milliner's Holiday," win coiu- j , rTi^e Ihe entertainmi nt to be gi?en in the lecture I r-'f-.m i f this establirhni nt thl.' afternoou. 1 he ^pectselo ' or t'heny and l air .S'ar wilt b? siveu in the evening. Ho w>* \ Circus. ? Thi" establbhment will po?itive|y ! elope on Saturday evening next. Then-fore, thwe who j have not yet wiine... il Sand* and tlompaiiy'.* trouix' of ? cqneetiian.". should avail themselves of the present op- I port unity The prr gr.mmc for this eveninc Is very at tractive. t nnisTV s Minsi r> t ^ . ? T i i i .? }*a]jd of fiihiopian delinea tor -have provided afiin- -'S etiou of nougs. dances. instru mental pieces, ar.d burl* .pie,, for thi i ev< uing. The an nual '.??neflt of Mi Msllorv will com-; off on Saturday ove ninjj n?>xt. Moon's Mwstrkls.? ' This company of negro performers offer a very amusing i rogramme of V.thiopisn mln?tre! -y for this w> "uin,-. Thi e great favorites. Me?sr*. Horn. ! Wells, Leopold Merer, and Hiigj;--, will all appear. Oi.; Di m. h?s givtu one concert at Washington, ?nd Is about to give another. C*t>ik*i?b Hjvf . I- on bcr way to r'lncinusti from New f>r!can*. wber>" sh" bn ? b<>en very successful. OcMrsT'R has returned to this city. During the'last | year a gnat many attempts have heen made to give 1 third or fourth rrt> eonc> ,*th on I>cinp?ter's plan, such as i the t racers ?ikI Mclnt jre-; bu? tb?y have Hucnvcdrd only in the e .untry. not in New York, where nothing but ll.e highest orrt* r of mu. ie. (,r ti e iow> ?,t . can b" sueccs" f?.:? tithrr Italian opera and concerts t.y prima d^nu%s, or the tujiTo minstrels. '1 he two extn'iuci me?-t in point ofsnc'V -s. The rest ore nowhere. This popular Scot li; h I :? Uad -in r ^ iil give a eonccrt this eveniug, st tbe >"? uarde Araditny IT Hyn 1hi? w=J| |,e a ric|, tr, at j f'.i citisen t of Brooklji n, Hit n?'xt ct.ncrt in ,\t?w V- wlii tak" place to-iiiofi.n? nikiit. at the Taliernacle. ;t? A. li Pi'6D\ . of the National tli*atre, has pur ehK?e<l the balance of the Duverna W-e of that builu:'ig, nnd Ik,,:, therefore, abandoned his intention of taking the A tell street theatre. Philadelphia Our Acnpulco Correspond em c. Ac A ITT. CO, March H, 1hTi2. IVrerl; of the North America ? Great ^ xciteinmt among the Passenger*. j 1 r resume ore you will huve read this, you will I bavo beard ol tfce wrcck of the North .Amorics. Our tri]> aero?? tho ieihrnos wa.; more pleasant flusn otherwise, and when once on the dock of the stoam ihiji North America, I considered our labors, eompa- j ri' lively pj-sinkir.g, nt an end; but my evil genius wa< j c r.t t nt only to let me enjoy a few days of quietude. I On Ihe bight of the 27th >obruttrr, at half-past II I o'ul' ck, I wns awoke from sleep l?y a thumping of 1 tb vessel. Kn< w-ing that wo wero near t hi < port, | my first impression was that we wero ?n a reef of rocks which extends out near the entrance of thi? i bav, (Acapnlco). Oc g^tting out. howerpr, I found wo were notn?nr 1 thero. but on the beach, about eighty miles from Acapnlco. iSow it Is more than probable that you will have an opportunity to rend a de?criplion of our j mM'oituneby n more able ren tbao mino; but at tha ! nun e time believing it will be more interesting, I ; will end. nvor to p've you n brief descriptian of it. fJ !io night was r i t' beautiful? not a cloud in the horizon? and a bright moon shining, making it o^ bright as day. C'npt. Blethen, after giving diree tior.s fo the Hi>t mate to be called at If o'clock, und huvicg directed tho curse of tho vessel, went to his room nrd to bed 'ihe mate perceiving that the course the Tessil wnson would most certainly run hor ashore: put her off tbreo points before cnlling the Cnptrln. The Captain when called, on discovering the course of the vessel, directed her course to bo changed ngnin. tnd in lew than half au hour from the time be came on deck, the vessel was on the beach and in a very dangerous position. Tho scene thut followed can only be realized by n person that bris been in a similar position. I went down into tl f r.bin, and such another ecenc I never wish to witness. I was the first man in the cabin, as all others hnd come ou deck, or if there were any thoro they were perfectly sneechless. Assuming tin air I f ?'? troin feeling, ) cooled tho women by making the I elievo all was safe. Thank God my words came true and no lives were lost. We got five sailors to go on shore and make a lino fast thore, when we commenced getting the ladies off, a* we nil crime to thg cowlu ion there was no use trying to save the ship. \\e got on shore and wilt messengers in all direc tions for mules and horses, and also a despatch to the American Consul at Acapnlco. As fast as mules onme Hi pssenccrs began to more off. I stayed until the third nay, in anticipation of seeing tho freight ?(?' !, which was f ??lly KiTPn np( Rnd it wiI, be br< uxbt up here, cither to be sold or shipped by another stcumer. I P, 1* ? Tb? slemiVp raeifii i.iojt jet id- 1 Tin IjQU I0NTRA KICITKMEKT DV BOSTON. Lola Mont**' HuHtato In Boston. Ttbmokt Hot'sa, Boston, March 5?, 1852. Hib ? In jour edition of Saturday you u? fit to take exception to a visit paid bj mo to several of your publio aohools, in oomnany with two of your respectable ftdlow oitiaens. This exception wan baaed on re|>ort.j spread to my detriment by my Jesuitic enemtee, ?>nd as to the truth or falsehood of whioli you aatort you know nothing. Now, permit mo to ask you whore id the most nariu, in a visit by a hi ranger to tho most wonderful and interesting of all your institutions, or in the baao, false, diahonust, ungentleinunly, uncharitable construction you have put ujmn it'l Do you think, sir, thai ono of those children would have had on impure or improper thought connected with my visit if it had not been put into their heads by youroelH Believe me, sir, there is often more impurity in the mind of the oritic than in the objeot of his criticism. There are men who would sUnd before the Venus of Modioi and tho Apollo of Bolvidore, and see nothing in theui but their nudity. Thoro are mon living like Paul the fourth, who would object to the paiutingof the Last Judgment, and throw a bronxe drapery over tho statao of Prudonee, and like Michael Angeio to the Pope, I might reply toyon, sir, "Reform tho world, and these asporaiona will reform themselves " You think it improper, sir, for a danifust to visit ono of your publio institutions ! Did your fellow citizens think it improper to accept the oap-stoae of tho Bunk<r Hill Monument from Funny ELIaler? Do you think it improper for your public institu tions daily to reoeivo willing contributions from tho hard earned salary of artists 2 If you do, you might make it the subject of your next poem, for I am in formed that you arc, or have been, a poet, though 1 never should haw suspected it from so illiboral, ungcntlemanly, und immoral constructions. If you do rot, pray do not open your mouth again ou the subject of tho visit of au artist to a publio institu tion. With regard to my talent, it would bo unbecom ing in mo to speak ? or quote ? but to nay that I havcevor posed myself in this country in any other quality thauthat ofnu arlijte, is false, iu tho throat of whoever may say it. I had the oiler made to me when in Europe, of entering America triumphantly. Triumoant arches wore oflbrcd to be erected for" mo on tho pior, gar lands to bo hung across my way, flowers spread over my track, and my carriage drawn to my hotel by hi. man bands, amidst showers of bouquets and vivas. All this 1 declined. It thoro is anything that 1 thoroughly detest, it is humbug. 1 oven declined, ou arriving, tho free use of the telegraph, which was courteously tendered mo by tho gentlemanly l-roprictor*; anuin no case have I made interest to Dtiy the good opinions of journals. It had cost mo to return to tho stage scalding tears, but 1 was determined if 1 succeeded at all, it should be legitimately in tho pursuit of my profes- , sion as an artiste, though I was its well sat is tied as the man who made mo tho offer, that iu refusing it 1 wad sacrificing a great many dollars to uiy princi ples. I had loo muoh anion/ projire, sir, to bo shown up like a wvoliv horse or a white negro; but it is a ! satisfaction to know that if it is I who bavu suffered ' by it, it i-t tho publio which has gained, and that in ate-ad^f paying from $3 up to a fabulous price for tickcw, all who desired it have had the satisfaction of seeing me for a much smaller sum . 1 w as c?un- i celled by several of iny friend -i iu New York to pur- j chase the esteem of those whose minds had been in lluenccd by the Jesuitical stories in circulation with j regard to mo, by giving tho receipts of my first night to public charities. Tho idea was repugnant to me, ami 1 refused doing so till tho evooftho clow of my engagements, when I have invariably given them a benefit, whon 1 could obiuin the permission of the directors of the theatre. 1 speiJv of Jesuitical I'es. I lmnlioned to a few friends, in l'aris, my intt-ntiou of coming to Aine ricu, on an artistic tour. Immediately a!l tho jour nals, from Canada to Mexico, were flooded with com munications heaping upon mo all tho epithets in t.lio vocabulary blackguard. It wa.s said, also, that I turned wild horses, horsewhipped gendarmes, kuoek I id flic s with a pistol ball off the bald heads of alder 1 tr.i-n. fought duels, throw popple overboard for the 1 sake of saving the m from drowning, and amuHiiulo oi other similar feats. Now, sir, do you sec tho sly, Jesuitical, infamous design of nil thisl Itwussim j ly to unsex me ? to deprive mo of thathigh, noble, chivalrous protect ion, which isso uni\ ersaliy aecord cd to woman in this coontiy by generous lueu. Very well, sir; did they succeed? I havo been now lour months in this country, and my success, uisteud ?i diminishing, has increased, from the first moment up to tho present lime. Americans are no tools, sir; ai;d, believe me, though they may be irn jofc< a upon at first., they soon come again to their senses. i I finally arrived lieie in your tri-mounlaln oity, ' pleasantly associated bj me with my own adopted name, ard which I had more curiosity to see thou I ever had bad for tho far famed city of tho seven. Tho latter was the heathen mystic mini bur, but tho ; former was that of the Christian trinity, and was connected in my min^p it h tho.-o noble, self-s.icri fieir.g, devoted men, vWo were ever the objects of my admiration. I had twice been plae<>d umior the pro tection of its citizens ? once by my parents in India, I on a voyage to England, and once on my pM,;rimage to this country, and in neithorcase had 1 wu.oe to re gret tho choice thai had boen made for ice. 1 say my pilgrimage to Atucriea, for it was in j deed a pilgrimage. Not such as was made by thos ? gallant, noble men who steered their bark to Ply mouth rock ? but morolike that a lovcrwouM inako to the mistress of hi;i heart, a. disciplo of Mahomet, to his long dreamed of Mecca, a Catholic dtuol to the adored and worshipped shrine of his saint. And ?s a Ioverat tho feet of his rdored mistress, a Ma hommodan beforo the self-?uspondcd coffin of tho piojhet ? a travel worn vtUtgrino nrostrato before the baldacchtno of .St. Peter at ltomo, so have I i bowed, silent, conteut and happy before tho only ! successful realisation of a principle to which I have j devoted iuy life. And now, whou I, as a stranger, wish to pay a visit to Uiose nurseries of your noble j statesmen? your Web-tors, your Calhouus, your j < lays? you cry out ngains; me as an intruder! Fie on you, sir! For au ill bred, snarling cur, un worthy to tt and at the porinl of public opinion. 1 had boen told that you Were u good little fellow. 1 nnd published a good little fapcr, though you did fail as a play "writer. Stick to your new trade, sir, if it suits you, and piaisc your Vespucci and other favorites as much as you phase, but do not interfere with me in my innocent amusements, and abuse m" for visiting with re-j-ectalde gentle men, accompanied l.y ene of thoi* wives, a public institution in which I hey bud placed, for education, their own children. Above all, if you would have the character of an honest mi n, never give circulation to aspersion* of tuc chanu er of a lady of which you know nothing, which are false in themselves, and which, for my own part, I defy any man living to prove. J'lti 1 kouiK'iir de vons saltier. M. Djk Landsfki.d rieAt.n, LOLA MoKTSft. ItoMon SMhool Committee. Vr adjourned meeting of this committee wm held , n> sterduy utiornoon, Mayor Seaver prosiding. ? ? * # * ? * f The Board then took up the subject of Lola | Monte*' visit, to (he ceboolf . | Mr. Ft t.T, after r uarking that art f^jcurrcnes had ! recently taken plaeo in pome of the publio schools, | which f:ud Httractcii considtrable attention, and ex citcd considerable discussion out doors, called Ufion tLc gentleman in frott of him (Mr. Emerson) for an explanation. Mr. Fmkbsok said, that as no Mpeciflc cliargc* had | been made, be could not understand whal it tho 1 g( nth-man wanted. ; Mr. Fai r said tho ooourrc-nco to wh!ch he rrt'orrcd related to tho visit of Lolu MontcJ to several of our I ublio schools, and that she was accompanied in tbatvibit by the gentleman in front of him. (Mr. | 1-iu.eison ) He Xclicted the introduction or such characters had an inuu>.<rul and peroiciou.* twdou cv on the scholars and tho public at Wrre, and tho character oi t-ur city. If no notice is Ihhcii of thi', he wr< afraid that' It would be Ticwcd in an unfa vorable light towards our city. Mr. again said that he referred to the visit ef that gentleman (Mr. Emerson) aod Lola Muute-a to three of tho public s- heiols. Mr. F?n:RPON ssid that as there wos ro question beforo the Uonid, ho could only reply to the gentle man (Mr. Felt) by general consent. Ho t -ked the (,'hnir if bo could i.rocccd. The Mayor said he might g* on. Mr. Emjuibok then addressed the corcuumeo t?9 fol lows:? Mr President?In eovcrsl of our city newspopew, ft \cry unneces arv parade has been m i de of the simplo luct that Md'o. l.ola Montcs hts visited three of our s< hool . >Strtenientshavo been published, descriptive of the procedure of t ho vi3itsnt and the majors and the Rcbolnrs, thnt hure no foundation in trmh: and a lnember of tl o committee, in *Lc common course of his duty, ins been rudely censured. The whole natter 'A fact which lies been thus misrepresented and made ? be occasion of nbuse, may bo easily statod. At itizen ofresncctable characterandgoodstmidirgintbe mer cantilo community of Boston, called and asked ;ncif I would afford Lola Montes an introduction to e< nic of the schools. I replied, of course, in tho affirmative, and suggested that it would be proper for her to be aceomioiiic l by some one of hor circle. The gen tleman himself volunteered, and we viiitcl the Wells, tho English High, nnd the Latin school. In each school i introduced the lady by her propsr namo, and in my usual mnnnor. During our stay in ct eh school, tho exercise# of the scholais wcry con tinued, with to moro variation from tbo daily course than is usual when strangers are vl .itlng. 1 boro wna neither " an ovation," nor "addresses in French ar. l Latin," nor auvlhing else of p;.(jean try, as has been stated. It is true that while oi.o of th-) clawes werfl reading French she occasionally intorcharged n marks with the teacher in tho French ; nnd if I mis tak" not, wl 'Is ano'her clss.i waj mil ng in Latin sb? r?a4 a fiir liaci teAt-Vovk, tu 04 1 undertone, to the ear of the teacher, and made tome rommeotfl thereon. It in a bo true that when tearing the Wellit School, which consists of girU, she bowed to the soholnrs, and in a voice that could not bo heard more than half aero** the room, thanked thorn for the entertainment she had received ; and I was glad to see that the children immediately around hcrvory properly reciprocated the bow. Mr. Chairman, strpngersfroin abroad undemtand thefreo fH'lioolf of Boston to be au object ef interest, peculiar to our city, and few strangers of taste and observa tion visit Boston without visitiug its schools. Hence thore is an e^tabli.-hed etiquette in the matter, and tliia etiuuette waa fully observed in the ease of the visit of Madame Lola Montes. Noither the aohool committee nor it* members, as such, havo anything to do with the squabbles of those oonoerned with the stuge; ami it would bo groat folly for a member of the rommittoo to withhold courtesy from an artist, on the ground that she is assailed. In the case of I<ola Montcs, I havo not yot learned, from any history entitled to confidence, that sho has for feited her claims to the courtesies usually granted to those distinguished in her profession. Mr- Felt here stated that the call which he had made upon the gmitleman who had just spoken was t bo result of a previous understanding. Ho had told that gentleman that he should bring tho matter be fore the committee, and no objection was made. The gentleman (Mr. Emerson) says he has heard nothing against the character of the lady in ques tion ? no objections to her character ? but I havo 1 t'lird that she has been tho mistress of tho King of Bavaria, that she has been drummed out of town, and that this is not tho only cose of her being a mistress to celebrated persons. Mr. Emkkson interrupted ? Does the gentleman wi-h what he is saying reported and spread among tho children of our schools 1 Mr. Felt. ? The children know moro about it than wo arc aware of. Ninety-nine out of evory hundred of the misses of the school visited know more than wc do about the character of tho woman iu question. Tho Mayor culled the speaker to order, by saying that there wus no question before tho committee. Mr. Loth BOP moved an adjournment, which mo tion he withdrew by request. Mr. Emkkh>n. ? 1 wish merely to explain in a few i words. The gentlcyian (Mr. l oll) said ho got my ' consent. With this 1 do not lind fault ; but he did not say that ho was going to state what 1 had done was improper on my part. On motion of Mr. Loth hop, the committee ad journed. ? Bunton Courier , March 3 1. V. S. Commissioner'* Court* Before Joseph Bridghani. Esq. M a rch 31 . ? Endeavor to make a Revolt.? -W illiam Shay and 'I homos Daly, seamon, from on board tho bark (Suilibrd, were arrested by the Marshal, and brought uj> for examination on this charge ; when, upon the evidence of ("apt. Leslie and his chief :i ate, tlieited by Mr. ltidgwny for the prosecution, ii was shown thai the defendants wero ringleaders and spokesmen of a combined movement on tho |>art of the crew of the abovo named bark, whioh tookplacc on Tuesday afternoon, while still in tho river, and before departing for .Savannah, having for its object the overthrow of tho master's authority ; i.nd thrt although tho remaining portion of tlto crew quietly returned to duty, Iheso two positively refused, notwithstanding all (Japfc. Leslie a persua sions, accompanying such refusal with personal violence. Committed for I rial. Crops in Wkstbrm Tksas.-- The Han Antonio papers hay that crops wero never ls?tter in Western Texas, at this season of the year, than at present. CITY 'l'ltAUK K 141 'OUT. Weok md4t | Mtnch 3! ? 6 P. M. 30 bVil?. pots aud pearls found buyers, at $6 12,Si auU $0 'Jo per 100 lbs. BtuMTtm. ? Flour *u lea? buoyant, the sales not exceeding 6,400 bbls. common to good Southern, at $4 37^? to $4 66)?; ordinary to choice Mate, at $4 60 a ^4 7ft; and mixed to fauey Western, at $4 OS?* a $4 93 per fib). Corn mcaJ ruled dull st $3 48X a ?3 60V; and rye flour, at >3 60 a $3 62>f. Wheat, barley, and oats were unaltered. Kye tended upward", 2.000 bushols realizing M)c Southern white and yellow corn was held at flfeo a (toe. aud 70c.. without transactions. Coi io.v. ? There wok rather uoore steadiness apparent in the maikct to-d*y, caused hy the moro favorable advices per Canada, and prospect of lower freights to Liverpool. The tales were. 2.000 bales. Carres. ? Wo heard that 200 baps Java fetched 11c. a 11 yc . and 1GO Itio l'.x,'o. a 0,' .e. Vkut, ? 000 boxen Malaga raisin* brought >1 05; and C50 cluster do. $1 0i a $1 10. VnnoHTa. ? Shippers were wait'ng letters per Canada. Biid hence engagement* were light, home t>00 bales of cotton were engaged for Liverpool hi ',d. Flour was at 1-. 5d ti Is 9d.. and grain at 6L<d. To London. TOO a Si O bMs. Hour v < re engaged at 2s. T!icr? wiu no altera tion in rules to other pert*, and nothing of moment to ??port. Ir.ov.? 1 There were 320 tonf Scotch pig taken at $20 00 ft $-'1. 0 months; demand good. Lead. ? Some 100 tons Spanish were purchased at $4 50, < a* h, per 100 lbs., stock reduced. Molassss. ? F.xcepting assleof 300 hhd'. Muscovado nt unknown figures, nothing was douf. Ous. ? About 1.800 gallons linseed changed hands at C2e , the former rate. Provisions were in good demand, and the business reached 700 bbls. u-w prim vud mega pork at $l(i c 116. and |17tflT12,lie. ; 250 nekigH anool derh at 7c. a 7 'jC.. and ham" e' 0.L{c ? K'.Jc ; 2<si bbls prhne bird at t'V a '.',la'e.. a, id 1?? do. primo and mesa beef at $.">;V i* $6 i u"'d i respectively Hkai. Eitai r )>_v auction ? Ilouse nnd lot 63 l'lizaboth tree), ,;2x,">0. $2,000. Ilouse slid lot cor ner Che'j'htra street and Broadway, 25x92. $l(e/.000; j do. du. ts>3 Broadway, E-x9l, $b>.70t? ; do. d' 306 j Bowery, 15x70, $P,56o ; do do. fK)7 llowery, 1 73, >'6.600; do. do. 309 ltowery, 20x75, >7.000; da | do. 4 Firt-t str<H:t. 2'.1k02. $3.000 j do. ein. C i irst street. V.'xOO ^4.i.*M): do. do. 8 lirnt str>.'ct. 20x60 >-1060; do. do 1U First street, 2"x49, $4 2J0; do. do . 1 Kxtra slreet. 18x22. f>l,7ft0; do. do. 2 do., 16x26, $1,660; do. do. 4 do., 16x2."i, $1 .ti'iO; do. do 340 Ikiwcry, 2;>xf-8, $14,600, do. do. 106 Fourth avenue. 26x100, $8,500; d,\ do. Whitehall street, 17xi-l. $6,025; do do. 30 Jo.. | )' x44. $6,600; do. do -'(8 do., 26x81, $7,700; 1 lot cornor S'coml avenue ami Kiglitccnth street. 20x70, $,".600; 1 do. a ij> liiifir, do., $2,800 ; 2 do. do., each 2Bx70. $2 SO ? each, {?iIR'O; 1 do. on rear, on Eighteenth street. &!xl03.$2.00G; do. en Sixth avenue, near I ifty-sixth street, eucb 96x100. $646 each. $1,635. Riti. moved to tho extent of IK)0 tieri'os, at $?! 25 a $0 6Ckj per 100 lbs. Market firm SriRiTa, ? Bate ? of m o bbls. Ohio whiskey were effected, ; at 30c.? a reduction, Buaaa. ? lkyond the di-posal ot Jtoi) lx>xe? browu iln ! va.ia. at 4jVt'e . wobave nothing to rcjiort. ! Tk.\?. ? A unexed oratlte details of this forenoon's ;iuc. lion;? Terms, approved notes at 0 wos. 1 1 yum ? 14 hall' ctest-. 38J e pi-rlb.; S3 do.. "Ii1-. c.; J16do.. 33c.; 10 do , 1 2?u. Young llyeou ? !o half eUc-ts. 40 do., 8h I b IW.'.c., 64 Uo.. 11 do., aOc ; ;?'} do , 3t',c.; I 67 do.. 33c.; 77 do.. 32>jc.,38 half chests aud 20 chests do., 32c: 2S2 do . 31 ijc.; fcO do.. 31 a 31 ?c.; 139 do.. !?U*.; TO do. noj.*,c ; 167 do. .l^c, Imperial ? 16 halt" rbefts. 64 .' c.; 16 do., 53 a W ? /?.; 16 do.. 62 1 , s 63c.; 25 do.. C0c.( $6 do., 45|gO.; 62 do.. 38c.; 35do..;i6c.; 146 do 35c. ; I 28 do.. 34, '?c ; 8 do. 31) c. Ily -on Skin ? 36 half chc ;ts, I 31e. ; 17 chests. 28c.; 31 do.. 26 %c. ; 11 do 21 ' >c. ; 104 do., j 'Jtfe : 196 do . 23c. ; 10hnH'rhc ts,22,Vo.; 82eh?sts,21 ' ,c.; 20 do., 21. Twankay? 28 half clie.sts, 150 do., 2P,lic.; 4"i do. 26J^c. ; 380do. 20c ; 100 do., 26c.; 200 do., Wc.; 17 do., 2lJgr. O"long ? 37 half chc. t s, s^ic.; 37 do., 2k.c ; t'*;do.,2'"c ; 102do..25jjC.; 100do.. 25c.; I<j0do.. 24c.. ^ cutty be iu? do 32>.,e. An kists ok I'aonpcf: Thin f)vr. rtv K'ui Railrosd. ? 103 packages tiutter, 62 ralves, 4 X'.f cides leather. 610 bbls. Hour, 4.128 bushels ottlt. and 20 tors iron. Itv Si.w H*vr.i UsiLnoAn.? M boxes cheese 18 boxes butter and 760 bu.'-llels <.uts. l!r liunsoa Kirffi IIaukoatj. ? Vibhls fionr. 10 packages butter, z.'O bushels oats. 67 hlieej'. 40 blAs. liquor. 2u lwles hay. and 584 puckages merchandise. New Verk Dry Glootli Market. Trade bus become very active. The opening of iha river and the Immediate prospect of the opening ofihe canal, has bsct a niagic Inlluencc on the d- iunnd Job. btr.? arc very bu.ey. 't he eommisstrn b'nuses snd Importers notse much so. h i the jobliers try snly to keep up tiiclr assortments, already made, to meet the prorent d'-mau 1. Western m'rebant < are arrivins dally, and are in great want of gcods hating reduced their stock unusually low. The prevent month (March), now drawlrg to a close, will scarcely show less activity in comparison with the busi ness of March. 1861. when the river hsd keen navigi.ble for raers than half the month. A good .dilppiug demand also conilnues. tho exports from the 1st of January being 14.6)4 package* against 11.280 for the same period last year The staples mostly wanted for shipment, are drills Brown fhectings and shirtings arc in mederstcbut ?teady demand, with an ample supply; prlcos oks icry uniform. Bleached goods are rathor scaree as tesj, ?cts the lower qualities, but flue goods are firm, and sell previous to arrival Drill i are active for a foretgn demand, princi pally to tho Cast; prices are firm OsnaburgSare dull, anl the f.upj ly very small Denims are In steady rciiucft at Tegular priccs. S'.ripn aud ticks are moro active, but the eupply Is large and prieea low. Print. ng clotL. a-e dull, ?nd iinotutions n'mintJ. Prlnta ar- very actlv . nad all good style- are flru , low qualities ?rc d< ;irer?cd. Clngbnmsare active at stereotype prices; lath Lancaster nnd Glasgow tell at 10>4c. Lawns are quint. Delaine ureMtkc; but the largo supply renders eoaipetltion nc tiva, and priccs favor the buyer We barn n>nv five mills instead of two. last fprinp, ?ll producing <i. nvatic di laines. and tlie supply exe?il . the demand. Cltth* are dull and heavy The cioe?sive supply hns bun ruinous to aanufuctnrers, The Wool Orowers' Mai.iifactnrirg Association h:w tieen compelled to suspend payment* and operation* OiMslmeri-s and satinets oat dull In first bands, and prior* hrnvy. Tweeils and jeans ate uvjiu aotlve, but prleea continuo low. Flai.nels are less aetlse. but prices are firm French jor.dii continue to offer freely through the auction room, and largn parcels are thun dlstriliutsHl tlirough the eouu trv at low prices, for goods of last year s Importation, whirh nre many, and good prices for (Tosh goinjs arrived this year, which are h<- arce There Is groat disposition to sell observable st private trade, and prices thn* f.iv r buyers considerably. Messrs. Coffln & Huyd'tck had a large sale la-t wet k of French gooda. and base another this Hostcii and rhilailelphla are large buyers horc; and g'lodswhichsre sold kn these cities for the We t. It id'.cu.d be roeollected, are Orst bought In Now York 11< nee. the New V'ork market Is always the most desir able inn rki t for buyers, whether f.oiii the Sonth, West, or North, ss It Is the most central markat, and the port tf Importation, par cxc< llenct for the whole Union. Brit If ii (joeds are firm, with an improving demand The chief di nand is, a* usual at this season, for dre* g^i Is. wb>th> r foreign or domestic, but stable linens an l < ottooi are lu considerable request Witli rigiird t? prlci*?. woolli r;" are Ik avy, exsept for delnioes, bul cotton* lire very Mmiiy in prbe Bilks are less firm than they wr.e, CKccpt for very choice rjuslltlca and designs Anactivo bu?<ness Is now mwd ? MUph 'A la 'Ot'M, i'nJ B)M>ts coBtisue (004. " y * I WHOIJISALB PRICKS OVBRMT. 0???niitu Wkimmuu, Mimh 31, ni tin Nt? You ItalALD. nkw yokk MAKivr. fhttun pti'jMe hi oaJt tivadt tfrrtd to ir told at puilit) oucuot I tu Uie end q/ <m* v<w. Tkr ton tn mU mm to tt 2,1(40 HAT. 100 lb?.~ Nvrtii Klver... ? CO ft? 65 I1KMP? Ru*.ia,?lu,ton 210 ? aXSS Do. oiitidiot. .190 ? aJOO Aro. dow rot'> ? aim l>?. wator do.LV> ? kid) Manilla, lb. ... ? iO'-i*? ||>W 84**1 -10 a- ? HIDKS AND SKINS KioJ. &.U. Ayr? 13 a? 1.1? Oronooo ? llVa? 1 J Vn J u An ? 10 ^a Southern dry. . ? 6 a? 8}? Porto Cabellw Si Matairias. .? ltH^a? 11 tj ASHES? , ..... Tot per 100 UM. ft Ofl^'ft 6 11 K Pearl t?26 ? IIUHWAk Yelloa, por lb. ? 26 ft ? MX CANDLF.3 Tallow, uil'd, lb ? 10 ?? 13 Sporni ? 42 ft ? 60 GOAL I/nool, p<?r oh* 7 ? * < -J Aulhrfciito... , 0UI tl ? COCO A - Maracailo. ... ? 11 a? ? Cua%at]'l,iu I"! ? 7>4* St. Dom, in bd ? 4 a? 4l? l'?r?. in bd. ... ? COFFKK ltra>il, por lb. ? H^a? 9>i l.?*u?yra ... . ? ?' |jS -10V_,.vN Mkraoaibo. ... ? ?j4,a? JJ-S St. Domingo. . ? i*i*? OU CORDAGK? Amorioan.rrlb ? 13V.i?? ? Foreign - ? a? 104, Balo llope ? C)<a? CORN KXCHANUK Supcrflno No. a. Sl'tc ntr 4 NO * 4 62K >V eat. mix 8t g'd 4 75 ?4 ? Geneeoe. pure.. ? Fancy Wrandi.. ft ? a ft '-ft Kxtra hrand*. , 5 25 a ? ? Southern mi?d. 4 J! K* 4 4.1, i <lo. itr?i<W. 4 Jwi llO. t*?Oy.... 4 02Sfk fiL.,* ltyoilour S80 a 3 62*6 Meal. Jorscy . .. S 50 ft ? Dm Br'djrwme. S8'."?a Wheat, white Goitcrfoe 1 OH ft 1 12 l>o. Michlcan.. 1 Oti a 1 10 Do. Canatfian, lu bond 1 06 ft 1 10 Do. raixd W e?t.? ? a? ? Do. Ohio 101 a 1 OS Rya Northern.. ? 8(1 * ? ? Corn, round <*, flnt yellow. 6rt a? W Do. whit e ? ? a? ? Da. mix. tf crt - ? * ? ~~ Darlev, Wi st ...? 77 ft ? SI OaU.^'rUicm.? 40 ft? 44 Do. .lorrvy. ..? ?>9 ft? 11 COTTON ? liiddluit t' i>ld o ? 7S,* 8 . Do. Ctilr. 7ft* ? 8*? DOMESTIC COODS SliirUn^". bro. .? 4'4?? 6^ Do., bleftotiod? '? ft? Do. t?. 1 do.? 6 ft- 8 1 eot'W.bro 4-4 ? ft ft? (}? M>o.. do., ft-4? 10 ? ? I Do-i Wli'U 4-4? an*? f?4 Dj. do. 5-1? 1- ft? is Cnlicoon, M\iC. .? H ft ? llj Do., t'an?y. .? 0 ft ? 10 Drown drirufcn, IMid'. col?. ... ?? ,7>i Kent'y Ji ia.i. 20 ft- ?'?' pfttinctts ? ft- '<! Cliffk" 4-+? 1 ft ? 10 Cotton 0?'b'gtii So. No. 1... .? 8 *? ? Dn. do. So.No.2 ft? 7 Cot. Y'u.ft* 18,11- ? l'? ft? Do. 14?1? ? 18 ft? 'i# llo.'JIuoJ i.|>- ? vtnrilf ?- W and lc. on per N o. Sotinft w'| t> on l.#i?ui?. pv yd.? ? ? ft? ? DRUGS <t DYStft? Alcohol, prgftl a? Alum, lb ? 2.>ft? j.-t Aloos, CftpB . . . ? 0 ? Annfttto ? 40 ft ? 4j Antimony, Or.? 7 ? ? ? Antimony, l?>aft? 15 Ar^oln.rof br'n and Rrfty . . . ? 1? Ari?''ln,r'dfc\?hi ? 7 ft? 10>? Arrow't, D'Tni? Ar^onic, pow'd? i Ahaftutidn . . . . ? ti ft? llaUftm Copftfi? Su ft - ^ DftUftia Tolu. .? tO a ? 0A 3 ltslfiAni l'tfru. . 1 7ft ? 1 W4 Jlnrk CftliBft... 1 1S? liorrin, Pem'n ? i? ft? ^5 Ilfrries, TurK'y? I ft ft? , liichr'e Potft'h.? lb ft? l''.S? llrimBton*. roll? .SVjft Brlm'e, fi'rKul. ? 4J4?? ? Rrim'or. pr ton.40? ?4if>0 llorftx.rcf, pr 1W? 24 ?? 26 Cftmplior rr. ..? 13 ? ? Cftiuplior, rrfl. .? f ?? iO CftnthbridcN. .. ? !?ft * 1?., Cftrbonftte Am. ? IT,.1 -'ft ? 1GV Carb.Sodlk, ?up.? 6\? ? ? Cardamom* ? ? 70 ft ? B0 Cft^tot Oil, rcr Kftl ? ?> ?? PS Com'ile FIow rr?. p<r 11>. . .? 20 ? ? Ji Cochineftl, Mux ? * ? s7' g Cochiai *1. llor ? Pft * 1 ? IWifti l.lOOIt ft- 50 Do., Am. ... 1 -- ft I 25 Cr. '>'?rtftr, lb. .? 17'?ft ? C?1,?U,E. ? *- 40 Cr.t?:i ? ft ft? Mi Kpsom Salts.. . ? - ? ? '~ht CnmbflKO ? W ft ? 40 Uinieni: (ift"li> ft ? 40 Ar?bi?M'ort? ? 1ft ? ? 2J 0. Arabic, pkd.? ->7}<;a? (*um Bvmoia. .? 115 ft ? W tliia Copal. w'd? ;? ft ? 4K U. Myrrh, K. 1 .? 10 ?--13? G. Myrrh, 1 k'y? .'1ft a ? ,vj (Aim Henegal. ? -'.1 ft ? ? C,.'l rax'li, fcorts? ?li ft ? oO U. Tratpffti'lh, whit(i flftki y. ? (H ft ? CT> lIvd.I'ot li.Kn. it? ? Iodine, JCap. . . a 2ft ftjiftt) l-.n-ao, Rrajil. J IS ft 1 20 .Irlap ? f? a? 6.4 i a* Dye ? " ?? ? l.ic. rm?. si*.? u,s?? i ic. I'aato, Col.? 19 a? 1W? U*doer,Olnl>ro ? 10 ? ? lOJi Madder, Fr. . . ? 1* ? Muniia. ?ort?. .? 20 ft? li' Manna, ?m fifth" ? ?? >ff)i Mnn'ift, larlls.. ? O) ft ? "ft Mft^ooia, lump? 1ft ft? IV ilftgct'.-.iii, Cal. ? 10 ft? 4S;j. Notuftlll, Dine Aleppo ? 2ft ?? -1 (HI, Aui:- 170 ft 1 7a Oil, Horjamct. 2 HO ? WS OH, CftMift. . , . 262 K?87S Oil, 1. jmoa . . . 2 20 1 t'H Gil, i'op (cftib) 2? ft 2 SO Opivni, 1 urki?y 4 X} 1* 4 ftO Olto Kni"ft, <??. . 4 CO ft 0 1'inkK'iot, with out top?. ... ? ? a? IS I'rnfptfttoPot'li (ca?h) -SI ?? 33 Quick*' r (caih) ? !0 ft? ? lihul ?r>', Chi. .? :*> ft? 9Z& Sftlcrfttv.s (cnIi)? SJi?? ? Ski Am, rt f . . . ? 11 \ft ? 12 Sal Sod?, A&K.? 1 i*e ft? L'* Samftp'ln, Hon.? 2ft ft? ?'-'1 Sar.'ftp'ia. Mox.? II ft? 13 Staruniruy, Al. 1 10 a Sen'ea ltofit,o'h? 21 ft ? ?1 S<4ina Alexftn.. ? 12 a ? Ift S^unft, ?.1. . . . ? H S ? 10 Shollao ? 10 a? 15 Sn kr. I!oot. Vir ? 14 ft ? So?!ftA?b,'!Operc. 2'i3? 21-. Soicur Ltftd ... ? t'i'.ft ? 9 Sul. Guin. 07.. .? ? ft 3 ? l arter, Acid, lb ? 24 ft? 2ft ^ Ter. Japonic*. .? 4 a ? 4,'t V?rdiitri? ? 2A n ? 30 Vltri>T. bloc...? 7K:?? ? l>i ck, tie.? T). I'riiW in". . .IS 26 ttlSCO 1. do. XV. .17? ftl7.'A) Zoffl fcC:i<1.'?.1700 alb ? D. rint'U'U /W Oicp'kina... .14 ? ftl? ft? Imp \Vi24 in? !' ? alftftO Rarcc: . H??ht.. ?29 ? 6?1 Do., heavy . . 7 26 ft 7 90 Sheeting*. *'#. !'7? al1' 3i? gl.eetintp. Ir'n a ? F?ATltKR8? American ? 33 ft? iO ri.- II Cf d, dry T1S lbs. .1 50 a 3 02, ? Do., pie'd,? ?'! ft# a Salmon, bM... 14 2S ?H 50 Slaf.'l. t'.orcw. .20? a? ? Do. NoLbbl. 9? al'.Vt Do No. 3... 7 TO a 7 7 ft Do. No. 8... 4 76 ftftW>. Siuid, No. 1, Ct.. H h btl .... 0 - a Do. No. 2. . . ft ? ? Jler'ru.p'd, I, I. 3 75 ftR?7.'<; Do. p'ale.bvZ ? ft# a? fO Do. No. 1 . . . ? X"?i?- ? i'LAX? Amorioan.... . . WC a? 9 FRUIT? Tlai>lnii,?un, e!t 4 to ? 3 25 Tlunch. b< a. . . 160 ft 1 fi6 ("1 natcr. do. . . 1 ? ft 1 10 ? orrsnld.Zanta? 4^a? ft Citr-^n ? 21 ft? 22 Alm'da, anft ?b.? 13 a? 14 Do. c helled. . 23}-4ft l ift*, Turkoy. .. ft Cmger, C'ftfttoD 612'^a 0 25 Frrs Btftrer So. skin? ft % 1 ? Do. Northf ra. 2? a 25? Raecoon skins.? 10 a? 78 lllnk *kine. . . ? .TO a? 75 Otter, North 'ft 4 ? ft 5 ? Do. St. nil em 1 W ft 8 ? Martin skin*.. 1 ftO ft? ? Red fo*, Nor n 1? ft 1 M Far Seal, elap.? ? ? a 4 26 llairdo ? 20 ft 1 ? I Deer, winter, lb ? 8 De?r, kbavou.. ,? 1.1 Goat Met, poo . ? tM Ccraooa ? 49 MORNS? Ox, per 100 U a- 17 ft ? 05 x, per Il6l'. First Hort, '51 INDIGO Mftdrai, lb.. . . Mftnilla Caraoas Guatemala 8 ?- IS .-26 - 32 . - 10 a 1 oiy. .? .*( ft? M 7S ft I 10 . ? 8U II 1 2ft Donjcat 105 altiO 1,I?ATII Kit Sole. oak l*t. Il>~ 22 ft? 25 Do. middle ? 21 ft? 2.1 Do. beftTy. ? 21 ft? 28 Do. dyhid#? 18 ft? 21 Do. Onio . .? 19 ft ? 22 IKmlouk, li?iit ? l]f|* ? lt'-^ Do. middling? 18 ft ? 14'i Do. heftTV...? 11 ft ? l.ljJ Do. good d?d ? 10 ft ? 11 !?? Do. poor do.. ? 7>ift? 9 Rnx'h olf, rough ? 30 ft ? 40 LlMkl ? Boekland, o'sk. 125 ft? ? LIWlJOlUS? UranJy J J Da puy I Oft ft 1 2ft Otard 205 u 3ftO Seixnetto J 25 ? 1,8 Rura.J*. 4thpf. 1? ? 1 H7% Do. St.Cx. 8d pf? &'#?? 75 Do. N. K ? *? a- 26 Gin, llnur^lan*.? S3 ft? ? Do. 8wan.,..? 85 a? ? Do lielle I 10 a I 15 Cldor Spirit*.. , ? (ill ft? 7ft W hUkry ? 20 a- 21 Wlue, Maocirn. ? HO a ? Do. Sherry ...? S5 a 3 ? i.ifaboti ? 47 '^ft ? 87>a Mareoille* Mud.? .'10 a? 3> ? 85 Do. 1'ort I Mftlft^ft, dry . i Do. *w act. . t'laret, cahk 1'ort, t,al. . . Red .? 80 .-40 . ? 3? .17 ? .? 75 .? 30 ft? 4ft ft? ? ft.10 ? SivUy Mftioira. ? 56 a ?mo (.'ftuary ? HO ft? 85 BuKi-nd/ 1'ort? 45 a? 50 MKTAI.S. lrom plore? Copper Sh'g, lb. ? 1 ? 19 SlicMluug, U9iv? 22 11? tiyA Dolts ? 34 ft? 25 Tellon motal . ft? H Iran, So pig, ton. 20 ? a21 ? Auieriuiiu, do.21 ? ?22 ? Aui, common 19 ? a20 ? Aui, bar 50 ? ft ? ? KntrUah bar. .34 ? a45 ? Norway bar. 105 ? ft Ruasian do. ..K/ 50 uDO ? Swodo* ftSf) ? ?. At A. hoop. 3 ? a 360 Shoot. F.Jt Aiu? 3 ii? H'/Z Riimj Hheet.,.? lOJ^a ? 11 BoHor plate.? 4 ft ? 5 I?e?d, pi*, owt. 4 4i a 4 Shoot, iu...? 414a- ft Spolt ,'r a? Snoet Zino. ... ? 5)^a ? 7 Steel, German. ? lii a ? 14 do. ?ngli*h. ? 15 ft? 17 Tin, Bftnoft... ? 2<) a ? 21 Plates. 1-3 1>* 9 ? ft 9 Nails. 0. as*, lb? 3W'ft? ?"<'?4 Wrought ? 8>,a? 13 Sl.ot, patent. ..? 6 ft? MOLASSES? v. o ? 2a ?- no Porto Rl'io ... ? 2>t a? 29 Trin&Cnb .mus? 18 a ? 22 Card. fe". *irent? ltilCa ? 17li N A ^ A I. STORKS - Tar 1 75 a 1 98V Pitch 1 62,'lit I 7ft Rosin. 1 IS a 1 35 Trp'a tiro 3*5 a Sp. Turpi, c;h1. .? 40 ft? 48 Varnish, gal. .. ft OI 1,3? Florence, SObtls 4 ? ft ? ? Fron*b, 12 ttls i 12t^a 3 2ft ft? 97.'i .-60 ft- 02 . ? 61 ft? 65 1 2>i ft ? ? 1 .'fO ft I ? .? 8ft a? 90 ft a ?? ? a? ? a ft 2 ? al2 7S a I! 75 ?17 26 Linseed . Whale. . Sperm, crude. do. viintor. I.ard JGonhant, ret'd - Palm Oil, lb.,.? Mia? i PAINTS - I ?rul, red Am..? C^s? Uchre, yel.F.dy ? 1 a Do. ^rd&lit'ee ? i'-im? ? Sp.brn, dry c*.*t ? 73 Do i(r'ndinoil ? 4 l'ari., whit" Aiu. par 10t'. . 1 ? Do. white Kng. 1 W biting. Am. . CtiftlV, p?r ton. 1 75 Verm'n <"liin?. 125 PROVISIONS? Do?f, Mens 9 75 do. Crime . . ft 7ft Perk, Mess . . . 16 7ft do. Pi im n 15 1 2V(al6 35 flams. smoked. a Smoked Beef. . ? PisJalO ? lard ? :i?a? 9? Duller, <?osh. lb? 2>i a? 29 do. Stftt*...? 23 ft? 27 do. Oldo . . .? 20 ft? 23 Cheese, |h ? CMa? 8 PLASTER... 2 37;'?a 2 62 V% RAGS? I.cgb'n,No3,l,H>? ft'.,*- 7V irio.-<t'j, S1V I'.? 2,lta? 8 K I'.'Tl. lo*JH<j. 3 ? ? 362)a SALT? Turk* l?l?nd, . ? 19 ft? 20 j Liverpool, sack? 90 ft 135 I 8KF.DS? ] FI?x, clean. tee. a? ? ' Timothy, troo.. 17 ? :*19 ? CloTor, lb ? 8>2'a? 9' j SOAP? American, lir'n.? ft1.'*? 8 Cajtile, It, ? P>?a? 10 SPICKS? ? M a? 31 Cloves ? lStift Gingtr, rtiee. . .? 4'-^? ? 4>j Nutm'.'g* ? 85 ?? 90 Peppor Pimento, till pr? 11 Mftce SCGARB? St. Croii ? Now Orleans. .? Cuba Muse. . . ? l'orto Rloo. . . . ? Havana, V l.iti- ? do. brown ? Staftrt's doui !? re.ined lonl..? Stuarts crn^h'd? do. 2d i^uftl? a? 1 ? to ft? y? ? C a? ()? ? ;??? t'.J ? ,'t^a? fi'Z ? 4 ? ? 6 ft? 7 4, Ma? ft?? 8ft 7*4 ft ? ? 7.'?ft TALLOW? Amfcricnn ? 7}A?? 8 TF.AS? Imp. k U'p'dcr.? :?) ft? 7ft Ilyson ?3.1 a? ")0 Voun^llj 'on, ?? 711 liyson Skin , . . ? 22 a? .16 Powohong . . . . ? 20 a ? 40 Ningyong ? 16 a? 40 Cons^u ? 16 ?? 31 TURACCO? Vir,-:iuia ft? ? Kcutaekj* . . . . ? 4'4'a? 9 St. Domiu,-).. . ? a ? 18 Cuba ? iff a ? 38 Vara ? 5t> >?48 Havana fillers and wraprt>ii?- ?'> a 1 <V1 Florida nran'ri'? 15 ft? 60 Conn, seod leaf? 5 ? ? 10 I'eun. "eed lenf? 10 ? ? 20 Manufd No. I.? 17 a? n do. middliuf;.? 12 ft? 15 do. eomnion. ? 9 a? 11 do. 33 lump*.? 19 a? 21 Ladies' Twi*t.. ? H a ? 13 Cavendish No I? 25 a ? 40 do.crtm.tokilil? 8 ft? W WOOL? Am. S-viony. ..? 42 a? 44 do. Merino 8'o?? .'<i a? 40 dn. U blood. -.14 ft? .'IS t.'om. to }? kl'd? 30 a ? .X2 Pul'd No 1 A na ? HO ft? 31 Smyruft ? 13 a? 21 South Am. On w? 9 a? 10 li?*i '*n, nnw.? 11 a? 15 WOODS? BrftHllette ...22 HO nil ? Camwood. .,.](*!? al'd ? FumIIo, Cuba. .31 ? *K 8 ? do. Mar. tc Cftr 9? *10 ? Logwood, Ceia.20 ? ?^! ? do. 9t.Domingol2 ? a 13 54 do. Jamftit'ft., .11 HO ali ? NiJur. Bo.... 2ft? aflO ? do. Corn 32fifl ft37S? de. Ilach* . . 40? atft ? Mavte, yard price* per 1,300 W. O. pipe. ... 65 ? ?? ? hhd...48? a? ? do. de. l>bl . . . .81? ft do. R. O. kiwi. .31 ? ft Heading. ,,, ..25 ? a ? ? lath., M 2 3ft a limber, piue. .1?? a?J ? TUnk, (prute 16 ft.M Shingles 2 V> ft 2 M M A HI T I M B IN TBLLIOIRCI. Iffovcmtnu of Ocean Steamers. IfANM. List**. Pus. Fob. P* It ic Liverpool . . . M?r 24. ..Now Tork. A'riefc I iv?rrool, .. .Mar '/J. ..New Vork. Rotndset Niw Vork. ..Apt l...ft*n Francis##. ( Ity . f Manchester. Pkiladclpbla. Apt 1. . .Liverpool. I'a< ific ..New York. ..A pi 3. . .Liverpool. (>?bria Livsrr*til . . , A pr ,1. . , Roston. V iu ptua N#w Tork., .Apr 6. . .Chagre* Si S Jaa# Aret e Liverpool. . . Apr 7. ..New Tork. f lire pa N"w Ycrk. ., Apr 7. . .Liverpool, Prometheus . . . . .New Verk. .. Af 1 C. ..San Junn. ( rest enl Ctty New York. .Apt 6,..N*vvHay. II ? rl in New York. ..Apr 8...Rerfcbt Thoma#. l'tr,p,r* City N#w York. ..Apr 9. ..Havana, Jtc. NoMb'-rn L?i<rkk. ...New Ycrk...Apr 10. ,.Ci.a,cr*#. Sitrr* Nev?Jft. ... N*w York...Apl 20. ..Chatre*. IU'r,oi* Now Vork, .. Apl 20. ..Sun J?an. Vbi'.td 3tat?* New York. ..May 20. ..8 Juaa fcCift?r#l KKW YORK, MARCH 81, IMS. Herald Marine Corre?pondenre? tnf.aj.ruw ??, M*r?h 2T. Arrivt d? ?e!ir Agnes, Lord. Anx C*yes March 6, far *"?. ton. with loc* of pnrt of dork load of logwood, in gnle? of IVth Mid Hith tilt. Lclt at Aua Cayes, i cbr Alvarado, for N Tork P' *t day. 28th? ATt- schr Wrr C.regr.r, raekard, NYork far CletKcs tir. Sid sclir Susan flurrill, for Holmea'* llnle. 2!'ih? Sid schr Fr. Avant ( Hr), for llnlmtt't He!#, i? re ship carg" t f wbnat, and thunce for Halifax. in pott? Schr# Agues, and V,'m Grogor. rnn.Anrt.riM*, Mareti 3fl-4 P *. Arr'vtd -*<bip .1st Ii i.ljddrn. CMId, Liverpool: bri^ Albott Lawr'neo, Crowcil, r.j*t ,n; ecbrs J I Loflaii't, f'luipmftii, I i-vfoi'g' c, Lowell, Bft';?r, NVorl.j tia *itc, C'r< well, Doiton; M*il Crov<it, I'rovidcn ; Sarfth J?ne, I'V.tin* ? V[- :r.|. IV.' .'. i*toi:, .'11 1 VCt; 2. ?|jftsK, Cms, rail Hirer, AchII D*;at/, >*c? - ndeaoe; Invoke, OU?ct, !TL?od??# Northern Use*., Btfla, ^aJaUd? Barka Emily Banning. Kay, Bar t. a Jew*. Vletcr*. Klluon, CtrlMu; aobra Maria. Baker, WW-llndiMj Jaw,,. U Perry, WUwi, Falmonth. Ja; Mary Blitebath, Hbo^ Brooklyn ; Fbwb. I)t>, Portamoathi Thwlff'Ml, lloetnn; J V* Swain, Townaaud. f*1l RlrWi'lleckMir, CtM, do; Jama* II Deputy. Wlumtn, DUUa Mm<I, stc*na?M Deiawarc, Ssnfurd, NYork; Tirgiaia.Teal, Riohaaad. HlfCtllMMU. Rbui Baku 1'a:ii>k* . Komino, from New Orlo*Mf?r Tricf-te, is reported in NOrlean* paiiers to bars been eMfcea 17th inst, in 1*1 26, Ion HC, totally dismasted. and with l?M of bovdurit, but it is mid ro<iuirod no aosistanoe UMpt spare to rig Jurv ruMi*. Sho had Oi|>?rienced a barriOM* tnat morning abont 4o'olook. Brio KirHMown, from Baltimore for OharloslOB, yit intl Norfolk 27th in distress, having lost boats. galley, daafc l??4. bulwarks. 4u\ in a gals on 17th, off Ilattorae. 1 ho mat , He Whorl, of Baltimore, was killed during the storm, Bn:o Abbott Lawrhmus, from Bo?ton, tu reperted ?ground !?'lh at Chester Is!a..d, bat wu o?|>eotod te b? get on at uost hi^h tide. Scim Luor Whit*. Torrey, front Baltimore fur RHtM, put into Now Bedford 26th iunt, with last of ?b ilor and whuel, and uth, r damags, having etruok osBrtt t m'a Point day previous. Put in to ropair damage*. Tkk Now Orleans paper* state that for tuo two weeh* pre vious to the 21 ?t iiist. the bar at the SW 1'asa hail been vaef low, owing to the prevailing westerly wind). Moat *f the tiuie there had been scarcely 14 feet water, dotaiaing inward and outward bound vaesols tbore for weeks. On tha 1M then, were 7 square rlgg'al vessels outaida bound la, and from 20 to 26 sail Inside and on tba bar, bonnet out, all waitiag f? a rise of wator. Tli? wind haulod to tha oaatward on th? evening ol tha 20th, with a prop peat of a ruo. Sals or VKsaar.* at N*w BituriiHn? liark nele* Aagas gii' ta, built ?t Newluryport in l,H9, length KM feet, beam 21 foot 7, depth II, waa aold by auction at N Bedford on ,-atur lay. for >10, MW. Thus Bradley, of Kdgartewa, waa tho purchaser. She will ba tit tod for a whaler. undar eesa inand of C.ipt West. late of ship Liverpool, of N Bedford. Bulk Mailt* imcry, built at Baltimore iu 1.S4A, loagth Utt f?< t2 Inches, beam 24 Toet 4 inch?ii, doplh II loot 4 in olios, WW hi,! J at aatno place and aawo d-y for ?7100. Davii Thaln, Nantuckot, wai the purchaser. WhalJtig barkWia*. low 2'v"> tntiH, WHS eold at name plao< and day, for %iiH. Cavt Wu K.*yuard, of NUedl'ard, waj tba purobMar. Notlcc to Mariners. [Official], Trkahukv I?t pahtmknt, Harnh 25. 19SC. Tho e-. bioinad decree of tha govornmont of Spaia, oata mui i< ale l lo tbi? department by tl.a LHpartinont of btata, ie rublli'liad for tho mformaUon of the ahip inastora of th? liniitd States and other* interested:? "B." I.fcGATio.i or Unitbu Statjj, at MAURI*, f Translation from OfBclal Copy], I'JKHT Dli'AIiTMKNT ?F THIl OrFIt'E OF SfATH. Kovai, Dkotilk: Conforminc; niynclf t? what haii boon proposed by oaf UiiiUter ol Kinanco in agreeiuont with tho oounaai of aslaU tcrs, l assent to and decree tlio f illowiu!' ? Art 1 ? 1 ti (ho (oninn'jla aud idlands aiijacant thsra, (hall be nut upon tho eaiuc footing of ,S| aui?li ?oa?al? lur th# es actioti ( f nav{gati,,n and port dutic.i; or, aad that i* to aa j, lor thoee of lightlioiiaoe, anchorage, and of loading and ua Icadiag i argo, ostablUhod in ilia law of the 11th of April, l?41?, and in my royal doerct of tho lCth of Deo l??t, tha te? hCl* of t?!l natioue, who in?y c<,uc?ile a li^1" benetit In tkaar l'cepoclivo t rrtttrios to t)ia v saola of tha Spanlih marino. A*rt 2? Tho go*eru:nout will givo ueooout of thU ordor to ^Ghen^f'th* plfto, on the 3d of Jan, liiii. TtijgijnoS bf tharoyai haud. Tm> Minialov of !- inanoe. JOAN lilt A V 0 MlTlUI.fiO. The copy is correct. Traaelation oorr.wt. Forrl^n Porf x. May AO* i t. March ?!.-Bri!sThosTro\?bri;lia, Trowbridge, wltjiarj..,, lira ldg f, r NVork, lehru J-.iuiata, Vfeb I ; r, from rnrtiund; Jli 41 1 r"em?n. (Horar. and OnataTia, hiincuten, i'roui NYork; Isabella, Perkins, from l'onae; Ma q?|;?ii ( loud, hargent, and olhois. 1 a v t a (i'eru), Jan 17? Brig Me.ry Adolino, Oakaniltb, fat San Juan dot ,Sud, for Valparaiso, reported put ia a? aa eouut of a mutiny among thocrow. Sr Thomas. March U? Ships lilancharl (of ^ arm?utk|, Jjaiia, f-r t\ Yorl. IStli; Aleito, Nick^rfcon, for CAlifornik (er and from Boeton); barks John A Taylor (of Wilmingtea, N(I) 1'orayth, far 1'orto Rioo next day: K eoria/a (of Buelu Tille), from Uoorjotowa, SC, di.^g; briirs Veraon, K.ont, ol and frt m TlaOtfor, l-eoklng fjjt; Caroni, Iian?clit'aldt, of Bad from N York, dUg: Ka?le (of Bath), Kvaus, from Wil?ia( ton, i coking f^rti Oen Taylor (of Thoma.<ton), Fuller, freaa Norfolk, do; I>?niersw,ve (?f Ka^tport), llauscomb, da; N anoy (of and frou* Baltimore). Bavin, do: and others fuk seqnenuy roport?d. Tho brig w aadercr, and sohr Wannaa tic'ul Hre'osjwcted from Martinique. Home Porta. BOSTON, March 2P? Arr brig ttescuo (of llaneoek). Strat lon. Baltimore for Bath; sohrs Italtio, I'ierce, Kappabaa uock; l'e u\ian, Troat, Krankfort forNorfolk; Mary Kemlok, Low, York; prop Ontario, Chase, N'Vork. Vi.i yuaranfiae ihip Plymouth Rook, Caldwell, Liverpool 2iiU ult. Cld bri^ l'amela (l?r), Morriam, lfarana; uloop New London, La tham, N York. Nothing gone to *ca; wind NIC to B, witfc (?omo mow and ruin; sVp llindostan, and lark K A Par oons remain iu the Roads. Hchr W W Wyer started, bat aa ? cliorcd below. ..... .. _ ?? BALTIMOUE. March 29-Arr ship Pliarsalia, Dver, New York; hark Clintonia lyright, lUlitu, N Orleans; sohrs Aaaa Jt-nkins, Potter, Provideuoc; Laurel, , NYork; Mi nerva. MrGivtru, FRiver. At Quarantiud nhipJaaa Hea der -n, Stea art, from Liverpool, and will have to remaia unul sonieof her paj?engors, who are ?iib, aro removed to tne Marine Hospital. We understand ahe bas some 3D easas of ship fever. Cld ship Yandnlia, John Llnfrio, Braaea, lark lfie, Ltarnatd, Ajalachieola; sehr M?ry Boed, liewee. LllIUSTOr? March 2C? Sid sclir President, Psdelford, HoC f?BATH. March 25? Arr ?"lir Lodmkia, Ilatelilnsen, Balti more, via Portland. SM brig John Mardhall, Collins, Savaa uali; sehr Con Soott. Ilarndvn, James River; Sdth, skip Benjamin Adams (new). Brcmniond, Baltimore. ? CHAKLESTON, Mireh 26? Arr bark Cherokee, Getty, N Orleans; brig Stcrliag, Pike, Matamas, II da^s. Intbeaf :iog bru; Anuandaln (of Camden), from WIndiat. Cld bark tuba Hi1' tVulf (15r), llradsliaw, Liverpool; hri -? Rogeliia, i'rowcll. N York; Tolegrapli, Rich, NOrleans. S!d ship Jobs Ravennel. Pitman, Liverpool; barks John, Atohisoa, da. ,'lermoinc. Howard, CJottenbcrg; kefehCommerea. Soabiate* tienoa; br'g Jo^>ph, KtUors, N forks echr Frieft (Nor), Bull. N ortb of Kr.rope, IMh-C'ld brig Zebra, Mitchell, NYorU. SMsoluTP Al ston, Nel.on, Jamaica. CAMDFN, March 24? Art sehr F NcHon, Hoojior. Nertfc River, Va. Sid l!>th, scbrs Rosanna Ro^e. f^uombs. Wil luinitin, NC; 2,;t?. tchr? F J Cummings. V carie, Chariest ea; t'cyron. Am.-i-iiry, Kcrfolk; ? <i, Sarali Bu"k, Rose, Wil l. iuiton.NC. _ _ _ _r BAN VERS. March I*? Arr sehr* Oen T.iyl>r, Janes. N York: Eliia Walton, Hobbins, do. FALL RIVER, March 27? Sid sclir. C Burfaa, James, Al exandria: R Borden, Jamos, Baltimore. In port 8th, efcips SE Austin, Star Kepublia. and W B Trails, iVr NYork; bsrkt Gr?fnl?eld. an,i Milford, for da; Wro M llnrri1*, llallet, for Boston; brig Duacaa, for NOr Kan?: sehr Hen Nevis, for Mobile. . , ? CAL\ ESI ON, March 15- Arr ship J W Vnnnia, Norm, N Vork: l-rig W U Stewart, Stevens, Baltimors sclirs ElUa 1 i.ik. Gait, Mobile; lftfh, bark 'l'riuiiy. ('olburn. Boston; brl(? tidg" Whitman. I. "wis. l',-n'ac?la: Care, a, liavis. reported roai N'Orlf sns. < Ik loth, barks Wm M liarrit. Uallet, Bas on: Greenfield, Hepburn, NYork; 14ib, ship W B Travis, olles, do; bris Dnn aii, do (ws- reported up for NOrleaas). UOI.MEH'b IIOI.E, ?larcu 'X, I'M? Arr Julia Fran ces Oilchri- ; l.'dla Catharine, Bavis, and Alabama, Bavle, St Ooorgo for York River, Vs; Monterey, Wiley. Uamaril cotts for do; Wm Ponn, llornan ?, Ilostou lor NVork. 27th-Arrlchrs Argo Navei (of l'rovineetown), Nickar ?on. I'orto < ati'llo Hth ini t for Boston; Slm jon Baker, llswos, Tangier for Botton: Mary I.angdr n, Slmonton; Thas Jlix, Hall, and Klchmend, Shaw, Rockland forNVark; K.ate Aubrey, Yt rk. Portland for Norfolk. Sift sohrs Julia 1 ranees, Alabama, Monterey, Wm Po??. Mary Lsngdon. Tl.os Ilix, Richmond, and Kato Aubary. 2^th ? Arr Bark Lunette (of Calais). Keen, Matantas lztb inst, for F.oston; biig Andrew Ring (of NYork), Karnes, Savannah l!Hh inst, for do; sclirs Ku^ na (ol Provineetown), Freeman. Jaemol ,'<tli inst, for Boston; Oeo Shattuek, Fre? man.ard Despatch, ltennard Tangier for lloiton; Sasaa, Russell, Edgartown for Nantuckot. 25th? No arrival. .. ? ? SI I sehr.< Beposit, Argo >are?, S Uak;r, E-igana, Geoff* Shattuek. nod Despatch. .. . . ... la port 11 am, wind SE, llsht, bsrk Lunette, brig Andrew ' uARTFORD, March 2>*? Arr steamer Seneea, Clialkor, N York, flld sehr Re/near Williams, Brown, do. JACKSONVILLE, March 15-Arr brig Cosmopolite, Wi thin. NYork; tehrs Brooksvlllo, l.lmeburner. and Mayflaw er, Allen, do; Convert, Brown, Mayaguet. Cld 17tn, brig Fredk Eupne, Flin ton, Navy Bay. LEWES, March 29, 4 I'M? The vessels which went to sob. on Saturday returnedto harbor this morning, in cou*s<i?enoe ol adverse wiud and weather. Wc countcd about CO sail or all tla-res, among which wore bark Aaron . I Ilar?ey, bru? Erie. S G lines. ( arvl, Celt, Chins. Protection, Arion, Moa tlcallo, F,1 nora (Hr), Sarah (Br), Yankee; sehr* Eilan Frsnecs. Wm Porter, Merchant, Henry, Statesman, Sason. ke. 'J he upward bound fleet left last night. Wind straw from SSE, ond ralninp. _ . ? ? PM? The stunm tug Amcrlea, Virlen from Philadelphia, arr Jit hftr??or t hid afternoon, liavinf; l?ft tho packet snip Sliackamaxon, for Liverpool, Rt anchor near ths bu?/ on tbMarel.TM,' 6 o'clock, PM-Therkt ship ShacVamaian, for Liverpool, went to sea at 8 o'clock this laorning. Upwards of CO vcsrols ?re detained in the harbor by auterse winds and unfavorabbla weather. The brigjleendevr, from Matan jab for NYork, and a brig and five deeply lad-n sohrs, nn known, csme in this afternoon for a harbor. Wind stron* from EN K. accompanied with a light rain. MOBILE. Marcli 23? Arr ships Effnpham fBr), Iloghea, C .rk; Montesuma (BrL LoatiCt, Jamaica; T1 emis, Br'iwar. Liverpool: barks John Penhom. Gray. NYo.k, Mara, Parks, Philadelphia- Cld bark Isnardon, Adams, Boston. NEW ORLEANS. March 21? Arr ship Harriet k Milton, Boston. Bolow ship Hajah, from NYork. 'Hi? Alt ?ta?m?hir? Meteor, Forl>es, Galvoston; Fannf, Talbot, do; ItrV Jeildo, I'alce V Q aflhrs Camalia, Goodttanson, llavanft: President, Smith, 81 Marks. t,ld barks Pater Godtffcpy (Hani), lacker, liambcrg: Pataphy lia. Sheild, Ckarlestoa. fewed to sc,a l^th, bark lla;ard. NORFOLK, March 27-Arr bark Virginian. Bnnsh, NOf leans; t rigs Crescent, NYork; Richmond, Blair, Balumare lor Charleston, (see Miscell). NEW BEHFOKB, March fr-Arr sehr Lnav White, BaHi ?ero for Boston. Sid ?7th, sehr C rnalia, VVork. NEW LONDON, March 2S? Arr sehr Tlercsts, E.ttan, Wilmiogtcft forBottin. 81U sehr Danivl T Willott, Smith, NYork. , 29th? Arr rrop Hecatnr. fleer, N\ i, rk for Norwich. NRW IIATEN, March 2M~Arr| bark Brothers, Ward, Parto Rico: brig Neuvitas, Griffin, B*; sloop Lyoian Denisan, Smith, NY?rk. ? . __ __ NEWPORT, March 27? Arr ?chr Blnrvcst, TVeaby, Tatu * ''new BURY PORT, March 29? Art ichr William, Kilborn. riiiladelpbia. . r N ANTL't KET, March 36-Arr achr Sarah Jane, Jitsga '^?LYMOLTtt, NC, March 23? Sid ?ehr J H Dilks, Gt)iir?oy. "piw I, A DELPHI A, March *?-Arr id ?U? lor. Boston; sehrs E O Willard. WiUard, C?rdenas Iddays, id* I #iiii.? i ?ki? l*rf vi'lfiiOtj J ^ HoHf Rowlaiii, N * oflk# J k N ^toelman, Gaudy, do; Geo IXoffman, Wn'th' K11**"*' ?4)tfr~Arr dctirc Com Stockton, Hiilpy, nnd j A llobtrt, Cov^, NY ork. rid pcbr/i narratt. Harlem; ,l?g I* Rona, I'arkor. Dljlitoxij B ^ Horton? C*aii<ly, JN York; Kjc PV*ROVllil.N? fi, Marob 77-Arr slocn America. Stnrgoo, N York- fid sehr Hamlet, Mckerson, Philadelphia. Sid snip Lllfa Mallorv. Williains. New *ork; sehr Angol, I.oce, do; s'ooj-s n u? 11 Bownn, K> nney, aud U?f ry Casloff, King, * 1 l>ih? Arr ?hl;> Massachusetts (of NVork), Pamaon, Apa ls< 1 ioi Is; sclir* Jor'lemsn, Colin, Snfolk. Va; llanry I SimmoBs, Week*, Philadelphia. SU sohr ('onBeetiout, vea sic, Warren, to load oil for Boaton; sloop Uarvost, I rcncit. ilt.i? Arr prof Oseealn, .Tor.ei, NYorV: achrs D mend, lligginr, ltapi absnuock; Cape May, Rofa, I Nladel i/hia: i i pr. I'a, gett, N York, bid o?hr Hanlat, Nickaraaa, IT (Lower narl or). Msrnli SC-Arr sclir* (##.. Brook*, ^tftsoa, Norfolk for Fortljnd. PnrLi^nd 20th? -Atr brig Cham jlon, Dickey. NVork for Portland. raialiWIf 2r-ciitlb?k M Jag..: M.?s, car '7t MARKSL lSw^ilC-Aw hart^eo^omM? il'vN York brig C A Vea. Hubbard, do. Cld IStli, sehr J Oltef " AWrttrtO' f? NTorkwitk despatch: bri* G A R'n') Nl1l'vc?TON.Msrch J1*- Art brig Embl -ia, M-iara, Buois V I lie for llosteu: hiibrs, Perdlet n. do f?r S ar?p>rt. I.i.11 a Maria. Swift, N Yerk for Salam. WABIHAM, March 21? Sehr Kiank, n*n?lf, NYork. PouenEeri Arrived. Cn*f.?H? Steam -).i|i Wm Ponn? C D Frttr, A P Burr XV Snyder, r. N M"Farlan, J MnGant', N Amm^rmaB, I* Wyfcata. t V Haker. A W liana IM in tha iteeesf;* N *W I oi.t, W ? Bh'p Frs ices- W in W*liU|, Mary Wuhliii, I atWlna an I Alsr.i I aby. ?? ? f r anl o'h>'r Inter ett'ti/r Wif !Vni,tt 4m Aiftm tH**,