Newspaper Page Text
NEW YORK riERAU^ JAKKS 60RD0R BBMBTT, I'KOFKIKTOU AKP KDITOB vnei K. w COUNKll OF FVLTOK AWD NASSAU HT9. Mint *?? >s- i k< ?< lorfc, Th?r*?lny, April H, I* t'4. Thf News. The details ?f the three a jV later intelligent froin Euro) e. brought by (he Cunardatoamer Africa, will be read with interest. It will be ebserved th:U the Erglinh look upon our proposed expedition to Ja| nn with a favorable eye. Thcv remember that while the were kuoeking away at the front door 4 lima, tlie Yankee trader# wi re admitted into the b??k parlor. Now. they probably think the faror ?will be returned, and that while Com t'-rry attract* the attention of the Japanese on one rido, the Yorkshire traders will slip in among them on the ?ther. All was quiet throughout Europe ? I x>uin Kafoleor had not yet arrogated to himself the title ?f Emjeror ? American securities wore in better dew, and. and the price of cotton had slightly deeliued. In the I'nited States Senate, yesterday, Mr. llaJe, 4fce g?-eat New Hampshire free soiler, opened the pel foi inane e by presenting two petitions ask iug for the repeal of ihe Fngitire Slave law. In the course ?f liis leniurkx, lie made youie insinuations concern ing recrut transactions in tine city, lie is detcr inu' il to pursue his inccndiary policy to the last, notwithstanding the people of his own State, at the toe? nt election, decided against him After a long discussion relative to the order of business, the Congressional Aj portionment bill was taken up and debated throughout the duy. It was proposed that b?th South Carolina and California shall have an extia Congressman. The Deficiency bill was re poited, with amendments, which increases the ap propriations nearly one milliou of dollars. The House wus engaged during tho morning in receiving reports from committees on propositions to grant laud for various railroad purpose*. A clause in th? Atlantic, Gulf and Central Railroad bill, for the al olit-hment of all duties, caused tho wholo moasuro to l>e ruled ?ut, by a vote of 125 to 39. Mr. Ward, of Ky.. afterwards mude a long Buncombe speech in favor of (Jen. Scott, ? synopsis of which will be fcimd in our report. But little was done in the State legislature yes terday. The Senate was engaged in the third read ing of bills to a slim attendance, and the Assembly ?.i? compelled to adjourn for want of a quorum. Tho telegraphs have furnished much interesting political intelligence, from all quarters. The New York Democratic State Convention met at Albany yesterday, organised, appointed committees' to settle two contested seats, and then adjourned till to-ilav. They appear to have been unusually harmonious. Tho Missouri democrats also seem to be getting along quite smoothly. Both the whigs and demo crats of Texas have resolved to uphold the Com promise. The whigs of Henrico county, Va., have determined to support Mr. Fillmore, or any other sound compromise candidate, for President. A new democratic Senator has been elcetedin Indiana. Wo have a few return* from Rhode Island eloction. Tho Maincaes hn\e met with another defeat in Pennsylvania. The House ot Representatives of that ht ute, yesterday, voted down the first sect on of a bill tantamount to the Maine law, and thus killed the bill. The same body passed the bill to permit the use of jails for the retention of fugitive alares. Here arc two signal triumphs over fana ticism in one day. Owing to the tremendous overflew of advertiee meiits. much interesting local and other reading is crowded out of to- day's paper. The Maine Liquor Law? Great Defeat In Connecticut. The result of the Connecticut election settle# the Maine Liquor law in that State, and will probably settle it throughout the country. It settles, in the sumo haeh, Barnuin, Greeley, Iter. Henry Ward Ik echer, and the entire bunch of tho motley tee total lloly Alliance. Notwithstanding the meetiugs held in New York, and the meetings held in Con necticut, and all the agitation and humbug of Bamum, and the aid of the chicf organ of the abo lition ts. which worked up into a perfect frenzy the fanaticism of " the blue light*" of the Stat* of wooden nutnieps and pumpkin pies ? notwithstanding tho beast of the mighty Firo Aunihilator, at the great cold water banquet in New York, that the teetotallers had Connecticut in their pocket ? not ?w it listaiidiiig that he stumped the whole State, and that the rourriorito philosopher went there to help hint ? all lailed, and common suiso has triumphed over the combined fore os of humbug and fanaticism. An excerpt from Barnuin'* speech at tho teetotal demonstration at Metropolitan Hall, on the 18th of February last , will show how true a prophet and how *agnciou* ii joliticinn he is: ? In "Id Connecticut they were determined to have It. In thnt !-tate. ; CHk) vote* would turn the eleetloa either wny. 1 ut they had 15 0*10 rote* there already. pledged to go only fi.r the ninn Hint would go for the Maine law. 'I he whole prem < t thai f*tate wna rourr.led. and they were afraid to pubhMi anything r< latin/: to temperance All thnt tlie i c ft< ?taller;' of t'onnretii ut a*k"dfroui the I<eg|.< Litun was t<> leave it to the jmople to determine whether thiy wi .11 lil have the lu>v or not. The begiftlnture kept potting than < ff and rh<?tinc Uiem fur yearn? he was going to t-ajr humbugging but that w.a* peculiar to him m if (liottii i laughter) They paid it was unconstitu tional At length however Uie nxolution was powj ; hut the denux ratie Ot'teroor iVrmour put it in hi* pock et. and would ii' t rign it The rexult *u, that the demo crat' nciil'i be doomed if they *'t up Seysjour at the next elu-tion * * * They had jnat three words again*t him I Harm: >n ? ? f'e<. iee M<rniaid H'oolly liorvc. amt (ium )iu. " (Ki>an?Of laughter.) He gtoried in all that for it was hir buMuew im i it lin n? lit gn.?t to hi* mill, hut he wn? tio h'K a huml to be humbugged by tin* i>olitioj?na any longer (tibouta of laughter. ) Thii- is fjuitc rich, when compared with the result. t*e\ir.our had been put up by the democrats; and he put the Maine law in his pocket, and though heaven and earth, and the plaoe below, wireniOVtd against hitn, lie triumphed, and the whig", b? ounce they made the Maine law the issue of the ejection, and were led on by Barnuro a:id Oncley, and the Trii/unf, have sustained a most remuikuldc defeat, not only in the case of the ( io - rcrncr, but the entire Legislature? thero being fully ii two-thirds majority ?gain<t tliem, both iu the Senate and the Uou.-*?. It i? worthy of rvmark, that a' thnt same festival ?f the Holy All.anee, Neal Dow, the Mayor of Port land. Maine, wan presented by the hand* of the Pre- 1 aident. (Jeneral t*ain Houston, with a magnifioent 1 gold medal for his Servicos as the author of the Kline law. Vet yesterday morning, in the same ] column of the Hkhald, imme<iiat< iy under the to- ! legri.| luc news from the Connecticut election, wii* morded, alao by telegraph, his defeat for anotbur term of tht office of Mayor ? the vote being 1,890 for Parrif, democrat, and only 1,49<> for how, whig, which if a mujoriiy of nearly 100, and showa a re luxikiible react ion in Maine. 1 hut. will the Maine Jaw ''kill tbe ?H(r? wherever tiny take Hup. Conner ticat i? a whig Kate. and ha* alwnv? pone whig for I'retid^nf; yet ii'.w the party an defuated by their injurious con uoetion with this bl?e law. A 11 ha* f unnily failed, ?ltd Ibe champions of the Maine law are bow " no ?h< re," and the law itself is defunct, ? n thing of tin past. They have chosen their own buttle ground -a Flat* that baa lexri of the liquor interest thnn any other in the I'nited 8tnt<'* ? loss. oven, thai. Miuu" In Muine, the capital lnTta;< 1 in the manufacture of liquor, wa* $17,1)00. Tn C'onnaeti c lit . the en] i!nl 1 iji only $15..,y0it) and tbi mnoaatol liquor i <???!.. . 1. only 141^10') gallon'. Hi re, tl.. n. **? tht m<?<t fuv rulili ground, and tbe rnoH fmorable eireum?tait'< ? f< .j r-.ieoe^ : yet the defeat ha* been r unpli ??. If gijch be tbe oaM iu ( i nueet ii ut. what m \ 1 expected in other htat<-"hert the li>juor i it<-n -t i great and ha? muneroua mmiflfltitioni ' la t utli. i knocks on the hi ?d ibe whale ii.oratnu ' . nnd will k . -k iii0 wbi^r ii?, v on thr linid (J i 1 ;1j t t b' i mm try, if tb' j ? I ?< k t<- 1 1 . V. , I. ? .Ml fiv ? t! ? re alt I .1 \i| \/ , *u? agu tv .1, <?'- ' . a; I II Ii', an4 tke atenrlaaiM, hm *? Wa NtaU to Hi* top 1 of th*ir be?i." Tk*y ieegtoed, free thcfa- Kreat , and nthnwi?w ?*?<i?g* , and froia Ik* aMU navet- 1 iug* which the oppeeHe part; war* *nly able to muster, and the absence from them of ntpeetable eititens, that they had the game in their bandi. They never reflected that the quiet aud reapeotable rlui-m-H < f society did not go to those meeting*. be.tause they did not want to be abused and identified with rum feller? and drunkard*. Hut these quiet peeple re M;lvtd to nettle the question in their own way at the ballot bo*, where the scurrilous organ could not i reach them ; and they have done it. In the same 1 itoicaleca, quiet manner, has the subsoription list of j Ihe Arte Ym k 'IVitune been cut down some thou ; mii.iN, and the pruning knife applied to the adrer : ttsii p de| art men t of the defeated organ of a defunct ism. The process is still going on. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH, KfW York Democratic SUU Convention. The democratic delegate to the National Convention fi c m this Plate met in tbU eity. at twelve ? dock to-day, for the purpotc of choosing two delegates at large. f nutus Corning, of Albany, wan appointed Chairman, and Messrs. Conovcr. of New York, and Angel, of Liviug ?tcn. Secretaries. Tb?r* appeared two delegate* claiming to represent tu? Eighth district of New York. Mr. O'Conor and Mr. Shtpurd. There gentlemen have agreed to be bound by I the decision of this convention on their respective claims. and will not carry the dispute to Baltimore. I 'Hi* feat rf tiro t lurk of Otsego was contorted on ; the ground that the democrat* of Delaware county, at tached with Ot.ego did not participate in the election of I M1(U vIi^VaRp. of Westchester. called attention to the C.nmtr.l sit in ibe Eighth District of New York city i lie did not know whether it watt proper it should be de I cidfd here or at Baltimore. He was not aware what had \ v^en the practice in such cases. The Baltimore Conven ! lion ww undoubtedly the judge of thequKhfi._ation?otits own member*: but it might be proper to Mkit hew m n prtlimiuary question. for the purpose of ascertaining I mho bad tlu i/ri'na facir right to act 111 thU body. ! Thf CiiAin furp>M?*d thut there wa* a protest from i Delaware county, against tho right of the gentleman claiming to represent the TenUi district, to his scat, j \^ 0Vov,. ^remarked that there wa. no usage togorcru th.m In this esse Heretofore, when the party acted to ! 1 [Sir dclcgatis had been cho*n by a Wate convention, aril the cent of one could not be contested unless *h?y were It is not for the delegates here assembled to deter niine who w. re. and w ho were not . entitled to seats in the Baltimore Convention That convention alone has tho ' right to fettle such question* ; but wc have an incidental I right to fay who ure. prima facie, entitled to rote upon question? cming before this body. lie. therefore moved ! fi,r a committee -if Ave to enquire into the right of the I ' Mr O'Cowon wished for but one trial of the claim. 1 He colnci.l.d with the views expressed by Mr. I hut thought, as there was a unanimity _in regard to the i choice of delegate, at would make I t>ut i fert nee if the matter was left for the action of the Balti | more Convention. .. i Mr. SntrAsn was not advised In regard to the una nimity of action in the appointment He thought that so far as the matter could be settled, it ? should be fettled here? undoubtedly. the ?Baltimore Con I vent ion would have the ultimate right to decide which I w?s entitled to the sent. . I Mr. Grovir did not know whether there would or would net be a unanimity of action here. Mr of New York, moved that the question be j decided in open convention, without reference toacom mMr.V*rHY. of Kings, thought the ease properly a subject for consideration at both place* but ho hoped it would be dtcidrd here. We had aforetime occupied much of the sittings of the National Convention with Questions growing out of contested seats, and he hoped it would be avoided for the future. If both wo'ild agree to abide by the decision of this body as final in this matter everything could be got along wilh here. Mr Bhi'mi? would cheerfully submit to thoaction of this convention as fixed He thought bc?l??uMteb?t?y inp no Interest in doing so and he was averse to throwing a firebrand iulo thu National OonTentioii. Mr O'Conok expressed a like willinguess to regard the action taken here as finnl. He had uo taste for con tested k at s. and would willingly, if ho could with pro priety place In the hauds of the President his resigna tion of any claims he might have. The question was then taken on Mr. W est ? amend "YifiSSiBl Sur'toV.' ?? ?">!*?' b>' W" Ir?m Mhrfu* '.SuJS the Nineteenth district. The protect Yom DeUjM. county agaiwt the right of lieorge Clark, or Otsego county, to a teat, was read and referred to a committee < fThe Chair appointed Messrs. liriggs. Danfnrth. Mur phy Coats, and Wlnfleld. the committee on the oonUjted caM> fr.m the Eighth District; and Messrs. Pratt, *11 ar.n. and Crain. on that from the Nineteenth. A rcccsa w is taken till four o clock. AFTKRVOON 6E8S10N. The delegates re-assembled at 4 o'clock. . Gen. ?W ard inquired il the committeo on sontestea seats were ready to report. . .. Mr W*stfiu.d raid that the committee on the New Yoik c.i were busily at work. It would take them j " Mr.1/??* Vsi^fnini the committee on the esse from ! the Nineteenth (ibtrict. reported that it was involved in ' H rood .leal of difficulty and uncertainty : but th?com ! mfttre had cooie to the conclusion to offer a resolution I de? taring G< orge Clark equitably entitled t. thsaeat LUd m the taUo. to await the coming in of the other CTe?'w'sn was delegated to visit the committee en ecgod on the New Voik cais. who were in iwsuon at t-on gress llall. to ascertain the probable time when a report m cht be expected After a delay of half an hour, the (J. neral report?d that there was no probability of making ""m ? a t"i w ' ?'>? o I leg h an y . inquired of the m^et irg w h'ther. in the case of the city, he could appoint a ,UOMvra'cw?nuc? denied the right of the member, or of the convention, to make a substitution. Hakiei P. Picaiisow said the meeting had no power, ?T!(i he certainly bad no warrant, to elect delegates; but. as y matt, r of expediency, he was willing that Mr. Urover fh' nld choose his substitute. Mr Grove* cited the precedent of tlie last National CoDventlop, when Daniel K. Sickles was admitted to kll a vacai.ey in th? Qu.-ens and SulTolk district. (itv Wirn cited the instance of tlv ease of the famous General Commander, who was permitted to represent the nine South Caroliua votes. ? , It was then agreed that Ohas. 8. Benton ihould be the 1 lie me< ting then adjourned until nine o clock to-mor b'. urlT nil'" the ineuilwrs of the legislature, and hun dreds of citizens and lobby spectator!, were in attend ance expecting to hear strains of democrat ic oloqu.?nce. bnt ill ritind disappointed. , .. .. p. Church and KrancU B. Cutting are ?po*eu ot m delegates at large. )Ils?ourt Dcmoeritlf State Conwentlon. Br. Lovis, April 7. Hj'2. The femoerntie State Convention ro-asseaiblcd at .lef ^ rion city this morning, and aft<* transaating ?""?* unimportant bu-ine.s, a.ljourned over till to morrow wh< u. it is understood, the cimmittens will be rea/ly K> n port Pollttcnl Convention* In T?m. BMKIBKKNKNT OK TI1K COMPHOMISE. N?:w OludAl, April 6. IHSt Advices frr m Oalveston to the 2d tnst aunounce that the wb g and democratic StaU- Conventions liiul both re h< H..1 to udhere to the coinpr mUe measures. The for mer im-sed resolutions complimentary t<. Mr 1111m jr.-. 1 be latter determil.ed to support the nomine*, of the 11*1 t.rnore Convert ion Haryland Whig ConvenUoii. _ Bai.timor r . April ?. 1^9^ The Whig State Central Committee has eaU.-da con venticoot the whigs of Maryland to -meet in on ti e 20tli of Msy to Mlee-t dtlcgnus to the NaUonal t'onvei,tion. and appoint an ileetorsl ticket. 1'be Whlgi In Virginia. F1L1.MORR OR ANY OTHER KOt'NO COMrKOMIKR CAN 1I1IIATB? KON-INTKRV?NTION, KTC. Richmond. April 7 1852. The of Ihnrico county pa^m-d rn*olutiou? in f aver of 1 lie re-nomination of Killtnore for the 1'riMj il mi but pledge tli'niM'lTci lo flip port any other nomi nee ?hn ic ?(*ind on the Compromise question. The rt?r|ution? "1 o ippo-e the intervention of the United Ctatcn in Uii' tlTalrp of other nation*. I<hod< Inland Elrrtlon. I'noviDtMi. April 7 ? 11 P. M In Washington ecutity, Arooii I). Smith, (whig) for | (iovcrr.or lm? 1.1W, Alien, (u. m) 1.013. 1 he Whigs gain three Senator* and three Uepresenta- j lives in Wa> hingtcn county ajid lore one rrpmmntative ; and one 8? nalor in Hi nt. I'kovidi Rev. April 8?1 A U . There i* little doubt th;.t the wliig? have elected the , Senate and ten n pieeen'ativcs in I'rovldenoo. Two re- | pn mlitivM are in douht . The priMT.t prohabi ity is against Mr. Lawrence, the \ deniorrntie e>?r.d 'late for I ieutenant Governor. and in fa\nr of II r Alien, the democrat ic candidate for <?i> \ernor. M itn l< l|in 1 Kli < tlon In Porlamouth, V*. 1'oinnMOi th, Vii.. April ? 1H.V2. The toiinleipul el?-eti ii in t li i?> rl'y has resulted lu the cbt jee ot Ji lin M hlU' di in ciat lor Mayor. i Klcrtlon uf a Srnntor In Indiana. Cijti is ill Aprd 7. 18*> Mr T< dd fd< ni" rut) ha.? l?-en iJcctcd genaUir in In- j diumi nvirXIr < bum (vrh'c i. Amrilran Sunnier Fliiil Into l?y Mrilran Koldlrrs. New Oh i r?vs April 7 1%2 j A- the .> tinnier Canmrehe wn< n rending the Klo \ liri.nite. vith forty |m ? enp rj< on I xm id includ inrnnny l i l. .. litid j ! >? ? .? ii. Curioi ;iil i lie wit li red into from i the hunk I > n nuMi i > n "Idh r-. 8e> < :..l ,<i?otn struck till Ik. t l.llt ll'-k Ij llo li?? H were loot. Til* shots W f pi lil ; ii t ? t-.iit ?1 fr inruvi'jnl. 'ilia outrage Ini* iviuim im4;i tl u m !? hit \ nu rieun """"in*** SUP ION. 8"*^vT?HlMITOK. O?t. 7, 1?91 IIOKF rppOSITlON TO TNI IMITIIt LAW. Mr. Hut. (frrooil) of N. II.. raid he had received, with a request to pivr*n? to tha Senate. two petition!, praying tlie repeal of the) Fugitive Slave law. 11m li.wl in tended to tubmit ron? remark* to the Senate upon ktao prarticnl cprriition of that law. in the hand* of the ton dollar judges which it had spawned into exiitenee, but ac the *hele compromise qneition would be before the Senate iu a ft w (lay*. 1m would defer hia remarks till then. *lhe petltlrtis were laid on the table. THE BBCEltT ABITBACTION Or PAPFBR FROM THE ?T ATE l> t PAllMKKT ? A BILL TO Ft'HIBII OFSEMIER*. ETC. Mr. Dow ns. (di m.) of La. from the L'ommiUee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred tha mewa(e of tha Fr*?i iU nt rilut.nK to the abstraction of the public record*, reported a bill amendatory of tha several Mta fur tlM punishment of offencci (gainst the United States. BELIEF Bll L FAISEO. The Tloupe bill, for (he relief of James Lewi*, waa re port) d to the Senate, and subsequently UWen up and ptaii. cwtpowrra m'.foti ? poiic lands ? capitol urijidiot? FRENCH SPOLIATION*. Mr. Kiph. (whig) of N. ?.. moved that the report of the (enctary ol Wat upon gunpowder depot*, be ordervd to be printed. After the presentation of ronie further report*. Mr. StPAhTiA*. (ilrm.) of Ark., moved to take up the bill to roll me fr< ni reservation and ret tore to the muaa ol '.ho publir land", certain lard* in the Htatc of ArkansM. Mr. Mangi'm, (whig) of N. ti? raid he luuit oppose taking up business in this manner. Lot business go on In its ri gular order. He would ask the honorable Senator from \ irginia. whi n it ws* intended to bring up thi> bill mnkiug impropriations for the extension of the Oapitol' If tlmt work was to go on. it was time that it ihould be commcnccd. Mr. Hvktfr. (drm.) of Va.. said be thought that the measure ought to be taken up at once, and derided upon. Jf the work wa* to be done, it wasinost desirable that It rb< uld lie done at the earl sent moment, lie would endea v. r to have it taken up to-morrow. Mr. Skbastiab raid that hi* bill would eccupy but a frv minute* to dii poM) of it. Mr. Uraobi'iit. (<lein.) of Maine, replied that mire th^n two month* ago. a day had been fixed for the eonddora ticn of the bill providing for the payment of the Preach spoliation claim*. (Laughter.) He dc*ired that tin bill be now taken up. with a view of fixing a day for its consideration, lie hoped It would be considered on Monday. Mr. ilt'KTEB raid that ho wowld report the Deficiency bill to-morrow, and would move to take it up on Monday. The question wo* taken on Mr. Sebastian* motion, aud no quorum voted. Meters . 0 win and urged the necessity of con sidering the Apportionment bill. Mr. Pebastian withdrew hi* motion. Mr. Mraprirt moved to take up the French Spoliation bill, with a viiw of fixing a day for it. Mr. Cars, (dim.) of Mich, asked why thut bill shonld have any preference over fifty or one hundred others. Mr. Ahhison. (dim ) of Mo., asked if the French Epoliatie n bill was not now a rpeciul order. Mr. IIradri uy replied ? Ye*, two month* ago a day was fixe d for it. but out of courtesy it had been put aside for other*, lie wit bed now to have a day fixed when it will be eourtepy to consider that bill. Mr CiwiN. (dim.) of Cal.. asked. if the bill wu now a pp< cial one. why muke it a double one ! Mr. Atciiison said any special order could be taken up or laid aside it any time, by a vote of a majority, lie could not see how the bill wa* to be advanced by fixing it for any day. 1 he Chair Hid. if the would be pliict d at the end of the lift. Mr. Draubiry then withdrew hi* motion, and said that on Monday he would move that the Henate take up the French Spoliation bill, and would ask fur the yea* and nay* on it. the apportionment 711LL. regulating the representation of California, was next taken up. Mr Kiiett. (dem.) ofS. C.. advocated an amendment, which would increase the whole uumbcr of representa tives to 234 ? allowing South Carolina one for her portion, according to the actual return*, and giving California her piesent imml er. under the act admitting her with two representative*, till the next actual enumeration of her lihiibitunts He contended that, according to law. South Carolina wa* entitled to the member; but as no ceimt* hud been taken in California, she wa?. under the act ad mitting lier into the Union, entitled to two repreeenta tivis. Mr. TRAnrrRv modified hi* admendment to this effect. Mr. Ri sk, (dem.) (if Texas, pupported the amendment so ?s to give Louisiana out member for her portion, which is but one thousand short of that of .South -Carolina. Mr. Davi*. (whig) cf Mai*., argued that California was bound by the return* actually rtcelvid. There wu no evidence upon which the Senate could set aoide the re turn* of it* officers. California was not entitled, in hii opinien. to more than one r? presentative. Mr. Gwin followed, maintaining that the evidence was conclusive that the census of California wa* incomplete and di ficient. Mr. Dawsok. (whig) of til., contended that the Senate she uld decide according to actual returns only, aud in thi* cuse she ihould not have but one representative. Mr. ll'rn eb. (dem.) cf Col., replied, showing the imi'crfrct manner in which the cemu* had been taken iu California. Messrs. Dawson, Owin and lies* continued the de bate. Mr Shtki.oi. (dem ) of lllinoi*. advocated the amend ment.. thinking tbat it would be wrong to guess at popu lation. There wai a dilemma, and to do noinjnsticeto ur.y one. the amendment of Mr. Bradbury ought to be adopted. Mr. Bf.i.l. (whig) of Tenn.. contended that if Califor nia was entitled to two member* under her act of admis sion. then the number was complete, aud there wa* no necessity to give a member to Bouth Carolina for her fraction. Me?f rs. Hai c and ITNDERwoen followed in opposition to the amendment, whilst Mr. IIobi.and advocated it. Mr. I.'owKirofc to speak at nearly four o'clock, when he yielded the fioor. and the Senate adjourned. Luring the debate. Mr. Hi sua. by consent, reported the I efielency bill, with seime fifty amendme-ota, In creasing the imouut of appropriations nearly one mil lion of dollan. Home of IUprtMnUtlTti. Waihikoto.i. April 7. 1852. 1HF. CVIOrr*R 4SD KORTH AMrRICAN RAILROAD. Mr. (ioonr.Kow. (whig) of Me.. preaentcd the rw-olu tirna of the Legislature of the State of Maine. a<klD?tlic aid of govcriimt lit iu beiialf of the European and North A Duncan railroad. wucomm ichool land*. The hill extending the time for k lectlng land* granted t o W I'eriuln. for reboot purpofe*. wu pio-w-d. i.a*ds WAKiri) roa RAiLROAn ri'Rroer.s ? rRorman aboli no* or d(jtik* os railroad iro*. etc. Mr. Ilrr-N. (dim ) of Iowa. from the Committee on Pub lic 1-ii n<1?* rejioi t<<l bai k the amendment to the bill graut Ii.p the rigbt of way and donation of landii for the c?n atrvction of a railroad frm the Waboth tothe Mi*?o\iri river He mr ri ly wi-hed te fay that the bill i* of great itnpoitai ce eepic.ially tothe cent ral port inn of the United Stite*. frcnj tlie Kaat to the Weat. commencing particu larly at 1 liiladrlphia. and extending. In connection w lh otb?r road*. to the Mi-aouri river. The hill la one that I hilndel| h;en* can vote for wilhont a ten percent tarilT in favor of their iron It ha* liei n made to conform to other bill* of the a?me nature, which have be-*n report ed fnm tin1 t'< muiittee on PtlkUtl Ludl, Were it not that the Ilouae hi* dctennin?d to refer *uch bill*, lie would urk that tl j i? be put on it* parage . lie concluded ly moving that it be referred to tlie Committer of the Yt hole oil the State of the Union which w?< apreed to. Mr. Orr. (dim ) of S. 0.. from the ('onuultteo on Public I.nnda ri ported a bill granting the right of way and do ni'tbn* of pul lie luntl* for the benefit of the Atlantic. Gulf and (Yntral I'.allroed and for otlier purpo*"* Mr, Orr in rijly to a question from Mr. llou?t< n a-eid there la r rlituie in the bill propoeing to itboliib all duty on railrt ; d Iron Mr. Hoine*. (d<m ) of Ala . then roee to a question of crib r in rubttance (but thi* bill propoeea to modify the taitfl a aubject which belopp* to tlie Committee ol Way* I ax. it Mtr.n*. ar.d not to any otlier committee. Mr. JbH.'VROK. (deai.) of Ark., contends! that commit tee? are irtitlrd to cour ider and prefeut everything inci di ii t it 1 to the lubjiet* beloreth' in lie prot?-ted a^ainH tin qriitii n (f order, a* not bring well mado. Mr Hiii v. (di m.) of Va.. aiiataincd the point of onler raited. and aakid for a ttriet enforcement of the rule*. Mr Ptamow. (dim.) of Tenn.. laid that the *enae of the IN uie ootid be aa will taki n on the policy o| abolish ing the duty en Iron in a bill from the Committee on ruhlic Lacili. a* in one fruui the Committee of Way sand Mi an* The t-'rrAKra Raid thut. In hi* opinion, the *uhjcct of Itdl'Ction. or cf aboli.- hir.g the duty en railroad iron doee not b(li eg tothe Cimiuitteeon I'uUic I^udn. but U> Uie Ceirmittee of Way* ami Menna. Mr. t't.innMAN. (whig) of X. C . appealed from the de fiaic n of tlie ( hair. Mr. Joxai. (dim.) of Tenn.. moved to lay the append en t he tsble. Hie aye* and nay* were ordert d. IhrFrriKM, in rejly to an interrogatory of Mr. Orr, paid if the diculon of the t hair ?houlil be auat?lp. d. it wi uld exclude the entire bill, in eonrequenee of the auc tion abi lit hit g duty on ra lroail in n The Home iu taiw<t tlie di t-iaion of tbc CliaJr : yea* 1 2ft. nay 1 1-.9 ho the bill w a* ruled out. Die following are the naiuia of Llew who voted in tlie negative : ? 1'iatra Aikin. Brent in, ('able, (Ohio) Campbell, (III.) Hiiro*!), 1'oty, Kdmiiit-.n r.alnjt. Kb'kHn. Ireeman. ball, lleni, /i hn>?t, (<?*) JuhniH n. (Ohio) Jnhnmo (Art.) 'Hurt. M*r?, Mar-hall (by) lle( nrkle, MvOneen, I lllfr, Mi.t<ir> Minre (l?) M"rrb??"l Orr, Outlaw, Petitii niir I'irtir, K?it?el hitrry, hmirt. Stant'in. (Ohio) Hai.ton, il'rr ) Veoahle, H nllaee, Wutkina, Wnite, (Kjr) M'll iamt at n \ ate*. Mr. Oir tli' n r? j< Hi d bill* giving the r'ght of way and dinatunrtf land to the h'tat?ia of H"rfd? nn I Alabama, i i d tr / ill n' in ri d M fortiori for railroail pui po-eH. which , wi re r> ti hi d lo the t i iniullteu i f the Wh- lo on the .-'taU* ol i be I ii on . 1 be l.i tin- then Went into C ommittee of the Whole on I the Hate i f (In I nit u ii. k ninrm mi i ? u rttnit roa okmral | noil . Vr W?m>. (whig) of Vy? after di-renting tothe re- ! mr.ik- hi trtrlete n i<de I y Meartr. Cabell of i bifida, and j V lll i w, 1 1 'Jern. wiih n teii nee to (len. ^ ci tt proceiiJ td to my tint the Uii.rnl wiia netlve in tlie intr >- i diet it n il the (inipnmiv nnaiurt* which w?re Into law If the Annricnn people cannot ??e. ?ill III- hi* bug life ividinei* of bla pitrioti in. and Imo ui frt id mi ti. i.>- 1 prijuulti t In t!i*i notderlie their til.libire. III hilt lain tli|i;p'd In the n-rTiec cf hla 1 i i ut i j lei T' ii) jri.if. d' | liv.i j h Tietlt of the ptewurM ? i -l.i bit bit ai.u the i iul a: meiiia i f l.oiiw , In proteotlng thelbiitiei v.i ii'Wti.,!!) ? ?n d now that he la iippriaeli ilg'wi.iib h< pi ui i ten imy i ne ruppo e linn be wtll mrril ei tin I nil. ii loi wl ol. he hat don ao much ? He 1. 1 d i i.t n j i ui ' it 1 1 j.i r lie in la or iJt le Ihuc p-T- j brnnd. It I tkid linn 1 1 ott niurt pnt hiiuti If on rt coril; | I hi 1 1 i In i I ii in i ii nor Tijbr wna n quired by the viipi ti do .hit: i tid what w-ni wrn t.|{ in 1K40 and 184* fl-toti kilir |'i. . i-.t a mint l.e lit 1 If | the N i.i ? h i-.ifii Si ? 1 1 . tiny bare rght to do ao ; bit Hi tiij'id that v.e * hi. uld Ml aii| port liiin, U:- . eiiii-e it i- ? il i bi t be aCiiiate* with tin. oppo- , ' i liviiy. I ol tl i ii- not true. He won tmrn and 111 !' 1" i'""h 1 1 d nrmlw r b> beat fr.end' thero : , mi lin e i botl.inj in the f ?mihi-ni diapi'-Hloii and I ' em per *hMi w?M Mnrr im?li xn alKtation. Fl?* crv leudtd (bat the Ww>l b?pe et Mm whig la the rre.UinUal ran vac*, is with OoenU iron, wh nu h* highly * uli fit* d. The effort, ft elect Klllutoro. be said. U too derptrate for any rutiouul it in 10 undertake. Mr Av???.tt. (dim ) of Vo.. comuv iicimj a rpe<vh ipinit t lit* II ? nii flful bill Imt liein*; unwell ptvi1 *ir for a motion that the committee rim. whieb prevail..! and Hie lloute adjourned. From Wnnhlnfftoii City. Om CHARUK T?> ltOJIK ? KUMOUKl) RKMOVAI. OK Hit. CAB?, AMI APPOINTMKKT OK lilt UKKH1CK, KTO. IfllHiL roHRK-rvNDKNCE OK TIIK WEW TUKK lir.Hlun. Wuhixiitok. April 7. 1H-V2 Tliermidint it is -aid l>a- determined to nominate V J) Merrick of M.iryWud :ts t'biirx'' to Home, i n pUae of Lewi* t'uM. Jr. . who is to he rfraotfd. The norain.-t tit u will mi'ct wilb $r ?*at opposition in tb? .Seuat,: a* memorials have already been received at.iin?t twmiing at'ai hli lie to ill* Ktenial See. on the ground that It is ab folutty essential that a Protestant should b> there to look nfn r I rotectnnt interest* At prnrout. the I'rotan tiiBI wcrfh> is only permtttid in Kome in the binim: of the ( lm?|fe A much stronger reason. hnwuver again <t Mr. Merrick's nomination, should be his traitoroua <tn fe rtion cf hid patty during President Tyler administra tion. Mr. Ward's speech. in the House. to-day. ww received with apathy. X. TRIAL OK CAFT. NAOI.RE. ? CAHE OF MKS. VAK NK88, KTO. W AMit*oToi?. April 7, 18M. The trial of Capf. Xaglee wa* poatponed to-day in the Criminal Court . 1 he rare of Mr*. Van New wa* resumed to-<liy. in the Plrcnit Court, on an application for an injunction ob to theri^rbtto property MessT*. Hndleyand Carlisle ara fur Mr*. Van Nesa. and Mr. Bront fur the contestant. From Albany. INTKRR8TINO JKWIHH CERKMOXY, ETC. Albaxv, April 7. 1882. This morning a very interesting ceremony took pi tee iu the Herkimer Street Synagogue on the oecamou of da positing In the ark a '? ttpher toraJi." (new scroll.) A pro ccsfioa moved, at an early hour, carrying the scroll, is full dreta. and the htlt kakotsh upon it. under a canopy, to the door of the syuagogue. where It was read, and after t lie usual een monies were performed, prefentcd at the aik. nnd handed to the reader, by whom it was carried to blsdtvk and undressed, by removing a splendid covering of velvet, on which were llubrew inscriptions. The scroll wa< then deposited In the ark. and the ceremnaiec were r'o?i d by an excellent and appropriate address by I>r. Ri.phall David H. A bill, a fugitive from the 8tate. disregarding the subpeena of the Canal Inveatigating Committee, ap peared in the lobby of the Assembly . this morning. NEW YORK LEGISLATURE. Senate . Albant, April 7. 1852. The Senate commenced with the Tumi) nranino or bills. Tli? following were pusfed : ? A bill to change the name of the Dunne ntroet Chttrch, New York. A bill to incorporate the Ocean Steamship Companies. A fill to authorise the Cil v of Albuny to subscribe to the ftiK-kofthc Albany and Su?|urhanna Railroad. A bill relative to ecclesiastical devises being vested in sueeo aora. A bill relative to Columbia College. New York. A bill amending the laws relative to passengers landing at New York A bill to incorporate the Staten Island Savings' Bank. Several other bills, of no general importance, wore efi'ud. and arvceea was taken. No afternoon session was eld. Assembly. Ai.iianv. April 7. 1862. BIL1.8 REPORTED. Mr. A. Pmith. (whiff) of Chautauque. reported a bill appointing eoir.n.Usioners to examine as to the establish ment of a lunatic a<ylum In Western New York. Mr Van Kttkk. (whig) of Chemung, reported favora bly on the bill to Incorporate the East Brooklyn Barings Institution. , Mr. Fuse, (whig) of Oencsee. reported a bill to increase the number of trustees of the eighth Methodist Kpiscopal Church Brooklyn. Mr UtTCHiNa. (whig) of King!*, resorted favorably on th? b'.U relative to the jurisdiction of the Marine Court, New York. In certain cases. Also relative to the exemp tion from taxation of public, buildings in New \ ork. A Lao, cemph te. the New York Cnlholic Orphau Asylum bill. Mr. Ward, (whig) of N. Y.. reported for the considera tion of the Howe the Albany Bridge bill. Mr. IIeartt. (whig) of Benwelner. moved its recom mitment to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to r< port as to its constitutionality. A d. bate followed, when the whole subject was post poned indefinitely by 5i! to 17. Mr Blood, (dem.) .f Saratoga. reported a bill for the repeal of the Life Insurance law. 1 he committee of eight reported several bills for pri vate con mitlees. among them the Senate Shaver bill, upon which a long debate ensued, on a motion to com mit made by Mr Van Sautvoord. and lost. Mr. Kosf.. (dim.) ot N. Y , reported favorably on the b 11 to allow the New York Seamen's He treat to borrow money. Mr. Wai ?m reported favorably on the bill te regulate the hours of labor. Mr. <i Btetens. (whig ) of Onondaga. reported favora bly on the bill relative to the New York College of Dental Surgery THE stw TORR NEW PARK. Mr. Brown, (di m ) of N. Y . gave notice of a Mil rela tive to the new park in New York city. COMMON SCHOOL FUND. Mr. Underwood, (whig) of Cayuga. Introduced a bill to inert are the capital of the Common School Fund $200 00i. For want of a quorum, adjourned till tomorrow. Effects of the Late Storm, 4c. LO!?S OF T1IK BKIG UAR1KL, AND ALL HANDS ? PERI LOUS POSITION UK A STEAMKll, KTC. Bovton, April 7. 1 S.V2 The br'g Mariel. of Belfast, Captain Staples, from St. M.-.ry's. <ia for Boston. got ashore on Cohasset rock* during the late gale, and went to pieces. All hands are suppoMd to l>e lout. A memorandum book, with the name of Captain Staples in it, ha.* b^en found on the beach at Cohasset. Her cargo consisted of 1 7 0*3 bbls. of naval stores. 600 hides and 4 bales of deer skius. con ripm d to Means k Claik. 200 barrels of rosin have been picked up on l.oug Bench. The r tee mi r St. Lawrence. Oapt. Sturtevont. arrived here (bit morning from 1'ortlaud. with 2.10 pa?senrers. the left Portland Me . on Monday at seven o'clock P. M. Captain S. states that the gale commenced at one A. M. yeste rduy. At three o'clock A. M. he w.v? o!T Cape Ann; but the ?now being very thick, he could not make the Itr.d and at 3 ;.0 w.v obliged to head out to tea. A 1,'trge quantity of freight was wa-hed overboard, and at three P. M.. it continuing V> blow very heavy, and snowing fa<t. he was obliged to throw overboard moie of the freight to lighten her. 1 he gale abated at six P.M.. and at eight ?lit made Cape Cod light, being south about twelve m le?. The beat had her bulwark.* stove, and received conside rable di.mrge in her upper works &c. During the g.ds, James Spragne. a sennmn fell from tho upper deck nu l was dr. *n. d. Amongst the frt'ght thrown overboard were many thousand di>sens of eggs, large quantities of Teal betl. live bibste rs. &c. A large baik is at anchor off Second Cliff. Seituate, ; wiih hi r masts cut away. Klgliteen bales <H cotton, pre bsbly a- part of h'r deck have floated ashors. The It. II. Foibnt has gone to her assistance. The pawepgers who left New York for Norwich on Monday afternoon, reached this city at two o'clock this morning. The fteamcr Worcester rode out tlx* gale at anchor. under Huntington? at times in considerable peril. TUB RTORU AT BALTIMORE. Ba'.tiuohk. April 7 1&.S2. Mueh damage has been experienced by the late storm in this city. The tide rose to ua unusual height, oaiuirtg the water to overflow the wharves in several places, filling cellars and sweeping away much property. The Kails and other streams around the city, are very mach swol len ai d seilous damage is appre bended. Such weather, at ths present season of the year, has not been expe rienced lor lliiity years past. Overflow of the Ohio Rlvsr. A PORTION OK CINCINNATI St'BMBKfl hit, BTf. Cincinnati. April 7. 1H.">2. The rlvsr continues to rise at the rate <>f an inch an hour, and the water is now within two feet of Water street. A number of houses in the lower pai t of the city are Inundated. A large amount ef property lias been lost along the Ohio and its tributaries by the sudden rise. Fram tlie South. LATH F1I0M MRX1CO? *KW MIN1HTKR ? II ARINF. DIS AKTKIt, KTC. Baltimore. April 7.18V!. Three New Orleans malls arrived to-night. l?r nging dates as late as due. Advices from Vera Crua to the A'td ult. and from the city of Mexico to the IKtb. hid b-en cctivid. The %? *? gmeiaily Is unimportant. The rountry was quite traneiuil. Thcolcctr.c teleijraph line beiwiea the city c f Mexico and tera Crux, was to bj completed by the 1st if April. D. Manuel l.air.siupjir has been app'-inted Mexican Mit.lstt r to the 1 nited States. In plaoe ..fSenor D ? la Rosa, ef ifw d. harrainxar belongs to the eon-ervative party, and wss a m? uiberVif the committee which rejiorted lu fav? r rf annulling the (iaisy grunt. Captain Barrett of the ship Sultana arrived ot New i>r lei ni fr< m New York, reports that on the 17th he saw a large ship as bore on Bahama ll.inUs, but could not make h< r out. Ordi rs have been rvcelved at Norfolk, to fit out the United States ship St. l.ouis for immediate despatch Jesie Illlli ry has been arretted at Wilmington. N. (2., for tin uiuidii of John llendrick an l selling Are to Ids home. The burthen train on the Susqnehannn Ballroad ran off the truck, yesterday. Injuring the engineer and two 01 hi IS. A severe frost occurred In North Carolina on Friday last. from Philadelphia. 81 ITOFKD Ml RDEHKKH A llRBfTKll AMI PIBCB AROP.D ? I KALI, OK A SCAFFOLDING, FTC I'tiiLAnELPiiia. April 7. IW1 Two Pc.lar.ders were arretted to day, on suspicion of beir.g the murderers eif A dim Joseph Soabold near Tren on (unday la-l 1 hey were arrested on h-iard the stci niti lit Jchn Stevens, this morning hating got on the car 1 1 (be way train fTr.m Trenton, above TiMsouy. Vfter nn i > i n ii.uli< ji before Mayor (lllpin. they were iliaeliarg <d ti n In ii g in proof rgaiiift tin m. 'ile r rnffc ldii g ill (ton! of the building being Altered for the llaiKieiy I ire t < mpaiy. It 11 this morning, with a I Mt I ti I { I lie roof i f I lie htlildil g 'I bree men nil. I one girl were injured. William S. Keiehley and Adeline Pel te ii felie.mly. Tl-eirw plop. Her rti am- h!p (len> ral Annoro built by Ami red II. '1 In mj m.ii for a Cuban tirin made a sueoe*< ful tiii.1 trip this moniii'g runinng ove r twelve miles an hour. Mie Ii ntes for llavi.i n on Salunlny. fltromcrs nt Krw Orleans. N i.w Iki eann. April 0. ISfi'A The t tetmililp Falcon, from Chagres. Willi 70 p?kf*en pi rr srrlvul at tills pori yeste relay, anil thesloamer West Winl ul o fi i til t bi ;rr. - . n i\< ,|'u .lay 1 lie ileannhip \ 'neht. from (lalveston e>p the IN. re..< bed hete to day. The Pcaimylvaiil* Ijc^iliitar*^ BRVKAT OF TIJK MA IKK J. A* ? l llllUM V I. HL.AVHH TO UK RETAINED II ?HKi'n: uo. April 7. INM. Tla' M&inr Liquor ltiw woe tin- serial t?rd?r in ilie llvut? lu-di.y. Crest uritemrnt pri-vuilrd. Md th?.-rc >vui< a wutni debate on n propicillin in ]uHipuut< in<loti uttely. Tin- m< tii n wns l?wt by yeaa 3.1 . wtyH U3. A molioD In iiinki' llii- b.ll the Bjj'-citil order fur Winlm-a duy u'j-'ht wa> Ioh by yi u it5 nayx 09. A niotini In |m ?!| oiie f?ir lb" pPMiit ?1<mj lo t. by yivi* 2i\. mi y ill. A nit ti< 'it lo rtin muiil to u wloct ixiuiuiltUw. \u< lo-l. l>y \ I'iiK U1 tiny# Mr. Uit.ii.ii. n native American, took the floor. anil Kt; in In tor of t lie bill. A TOti win* r.fdrwaitlH (aki n on agri-i'ln;; to the flrnt Mctleiiif th<- Main* bill ;iuU rimlt. d in. yea* 4rt. nay* W>. nh i eh killi it the bill At Iluinhbui'i'. to-dry. In the Houfu of lie present allvi a, the bill repialiuic the act <>1? 1M7 di'iiyiiitf the iif* of t lit* jail* of llie coiujuou wealth for keeping future tlarua, fluuily tuned thin afternoon. Police Intelligence. l'aihd ? IV i Ilium C. Harney . one of the linn of I'riilc St Co.. who wai- arri'i ted a ?hurt time aluoe, charged with liavli.p mid tTiroai^li ticket* for California, wax yecterd.iy l.biiatnl frt m prl-i n. on bail, to tiir amount of $10.0j0, to await trial. Henry W. l'rcneott. Khj.. wlnemorahnnt. dniiiK buitnerei at Moh. 11 and 14 Wall afreet, became hi* autoty. TiiEArmciLS ? We refer our mtduro U? the advertising column* for an account of the uuin?vuH,nt> given at the mpietive theatres thi? evening. 7hr Mnrtlertiuii Aaaawlt.? New York, April 7, Uto.? 'lo tii k Ei itoks oif rut New V'oua Ueuai.o.? In yocr paper of t lie Gth mat-, appeared a piece hoadud " ll;.nlerous Assault "?which murderoua am-anlt, said ar tlclealleges til have been committed on tbe permit! of .lame* Leonard, tiy Join Lass. This statement 1 cannot oall any thing hnt one-tided ; and to do juitice to uiu. my family, and frit-mlii, I would request you Ui gl?e thU my statement a place in the columns of your i>aper. In the nrat plaoo, ray name is not John La**, hut John Sunn. Many times previ oup to the ahova " Murderous Ataault," 1 tuld the nald James Leonard that 1 did not want Mn calls at ail, an ha reallv injured my bui-ine-s. On the day ill question, 1 0 - d.rca ldui many times out ?f the store ; ho bating hud ha it 0 ire, but without effect. At last, tn em-ape his graap, 1 fired at hiui, aud I do not hesitate to say, that any man poa eossed of some l.onor would have done the same. 1 am nc!d in tail, nod the smallness of the mm required for bail, a'lowa eonclnsivcly that the wouud which 1 may have intliotod ia sot no very dangerous. Yours, very respectfully. JOHN SAS8. Flrat Knickerbocker BnlMlng Aaaocla tion. ? The third regular aieeting fur the paymautof duaa will b? held on Monday evening. April 12. at efaht o'elook, in Knickerbocker Hull, vomer Twenty-third street aud Eighth avanne. 'fha mnnhrrs will hear in mind that a aav lii c of time and trouble can be made by paying their duea at the affiia af tbe Secretary, ll<9 Ninth avenue, during tliia weak. WEbt'Oldb H. IlKKIiP., President. JAS. K. DKLVECCH10, Viea Fraeidant. I. J. MAonr.w, tlecrctary. Phenlx Dnrglnr and Fire Proof Safn. ? If ?on wiili to preserve your property from firo and thiavea, buy one of these unrivalled Safe*. The evidence of their lu periorlty U nndonktcd. FX1IU E & VALENTINE, 125 Water straat. Tbe thief who broke Into Root'a Gallery last night, and got ont a frame of his splendid crayon l>? gncrrcotj pes, is informed that Mr. Koot will eheerfiilly take hie portrait, and present it to him, if he will only eoiae in the day time, and take an henost sitting. ROOT'S salooaa were thronged yesterday, aud will be a^ain to-day. Klegant Wedding Card*, vrlth a rich allver bcrder, engraved, and printed in gold ? a beautiful article for weddinas, iu>itati?ns, ate.; alao, *ua?t plain Freneh l'oraelalu Wedding t'ards. and a splendid assortment of Wedding Envclopea, at EVXIIDELL 3, 3P2 Broadway, ?or nar Dnana atreet. "Meaawrei, not Men."? Thlt la a political motto ; but the watehwerd af OKEEN, No. 1 Aator Mensa, ia " lieasurca and lien." That ia ta say, bo meaanrea the human form with such exactitude, by his patent syntan, that ahirts made to order by him are as euro to fit aa the 'ftin ia sure to rise ; nor is the sun more punctual la hia ap pcaraaee than Craen in the eiecntioa of erders. A Chapter on Shlrta.?1 1'hoa. McLaughlin. corner of Cre.nwicb and (.'hambera atreats, la now prepared to anpply the Shirt-wearing community with as good and as ekcap an article as auy ia toe city. Alao, Collars. Cravats, and avcrytldng in his line. English and tierman llosiery. Gcnln'a Lad lea' and Juvenile Bazanr.-I.a disa aud heada ef families are respectfully informed that this magnificent eKtaklishment ia now open, and they are invited to call and examine the atore, and the display af goods. CEN1N.A1S Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel. Spring Style of Hats and Cap*, a* Isarge a variety as can l?i found iu this citjr ; unsurpassed by any fur beauty, durability, ur cheapness, at the out priee ?tore 12s Cuti street. J- VV. kELLOG, Knox, the "Tiler."? A roof maker, accord ing to W ebi*ter, if a "titer," arid we know no m? bet Ur en tit led tn that appellation than KNOX, of 1&< Fulton afreet. His "tllea" are so popular that thousands every ?ea.*ou pre acut their roofs to hiin to be covered, wbodoclarc that hia work ir alike tuu and storm proof. If you want, as tlie would say, "a good at," call and spend with kim four dollars. JEollan Piano Porta*.? The largest assort ment of 1'ianos in thin city, in to be found at the warcrooras of T. Gilbert & Co., No, Broadway, opposite Broadway Hank and Theatre, and will be eeld at great bargains. The 10 1'ianos have the metallic frams, and are warranted to stand any climate. Dealers supplied en liberal terina. Second kaud l'lanoi for tale cheap, iianos to let. tniiod and repair ed. HORACK H A i EHS. Card? The Snbscrlker being aware that many people are (or Lave keen) under Uie irupree* ion that low-priceu Daguerreotypes fade, beet leave to say tliat ne picture Is allowed te leave bU establiskmeat unless it hat 10 n perfectly and durably finished. Mi* experience (of ton yeari) salients him that a well ttaUked Daguerreotype le the uoit dnralle of all likenosecs. J. W. THOMPSON, 315 Brosdway. Thompson, 315 Broadway, does not want to aiake per cent npeu hia Daguerreoty pe?, but makes the left quality ef picture! at at Tew remunerative prices ar possible. He makes a good Daguerreotype, finished, fur fifty rente. Call and satisfy yourself of ihu fact hit pictures ar* at geed is any. J. W. THOMPSON, 315 Broadway. Pine White Granite Dining Hot*? -One hundred and nineteen useful pieeet for fifteen djl'ars. Families about buying dinner acts should call and teethe;* before buying elsewhere. J. K. USR, tt CUamkor- ttreet. below Broadway. Ylblo's Garden.? India Dry Gooils.? Mr. FOVNTAIN solicits the attention ef hie frioudi and ttraagert te bit rich steak of French and India Dry G*ods, (70 Broadway, and 2 Niblo'a Buildings. A go'*d asaert ment of ] tne apple Dress Gooda sad Shanghai Silks, jutt re ceived, Richest Paper Hangings In the elty.? Solo HON & HAllT, -t3 Broadway, have now in ttore a full as sortment ofFrenoh papers and borders, all of new patterns and of the richest and most splendid dotignt, which thoy of fer for sale at prices tower than can be puruhaae'l at any otter eitabliihment in thecltv. Tlie importation of curtain materials and furniture *o\cringe, oon.i-tr< also of every ar- , ticl? in tlielrline, and which they offer wholesale and retail, j at prices defying competioa. Gents' Porhft Handkerchiefs, Ar,, Ar I I,lben t amine Handkerchiefs, koginaing at 25 cents; | colored border d?., H7!j cents; Silk do., 37So*nte; Cravats, all kinds and prices; 1 tench Linen Cambric Shirt Fronts, new styles, anil very detirabl*. D KDW'AKll.S k CO., oi6 | Broadway, between llouiton and Bleerker itrCeU. Great Bargains lu Carpeting*.? Peterson Jt Humphrey. W Broadway, corner of WUif* street, bnving purchased largely at the late large auction sales, will dispose si ike same at tne following low price*:? Kick velvets, 12s.; Tapestries, 9s.; Brussels, He.; Three-ply, "a. te Ss_ InjiraJ**. U. to S*.. sad all ether ..ends equallr low. Canal Street Carpet Store? Now I* the time, If you want to mnke a saving of 15 per cat, call at 71> Canal street. K. A. FKTfcRSON it t O 's. and there you will fin! good all wool carpets at As , 3a. fid. and 4s. per yard; oxtr.s auperflne, 5e.. 6s. fid. and fit. per yard ; throe-ply, 7s.. 7s. fid. and bs. per yard ; tapestry Brussels, 8?. to 10s. Also :i^e and splendid assortment ?f Tapestry Velvet, sow patterns. 011 Clotii from 2s. 6d. to 7s. per yard. Crystal Palace again t? Patent Tapestry ncrain asd patent tape-try three-ply Carpets, proeisely Mie tame as were exhibited at the World's Fair. ele;ant aissr.ic and scroll patters, of meenifioeut original styles, at ? Bowery? UIUAll ANDKRfON'8? the great depot for fce genuine article. N.B. ? Beware ef imitation!. I<ook at this t? Only four shilling* per yard fer beantifnl Mil weol iagrain Carpets. RimIc .li sniterfiac Itigrain Carpets at 5s, and 5s. fid , at H I R AM A.N DKItaON'S, Bowerv. Common lugrsln Carpets, 2.. and ,ts.; Stair Carpets, It. 6d., 1's. .Id , and ds Also Kn^lith Tapsstry, Bru t'tit, and other Csrpctc exceedingly choap. Great Carjtct Depot and n^-gitlator of | Trado I'ricee.? For prices of Kuelixh Tapestry, Krti??ela, 1 three- ply, and Kugli-b ingrain Cvrpets, floor Ollolotlis, of , eiftiit yards wide, Window Shndcs, (to., only visit t h? oiglit ?paeious sale rue ins of W Rowery? II I RAM ANDEtiJOVd 1 ? and there you will become familiar with wonderful low | filcei, affixed te aaperk Carpets and Oilcloths. Dagnerraatypea In Oil Tlila iirvr and I m aorlani drearer v, by WM. H. BCTI.Elt. (Plumb* National Gallery,) No. 2/>l Broadway. Oombiua" lb* detail of the d*~ 8.errootvpo with the flnWli of lit* ??>*?? mlniatnrc paiutinrf. nly kilting <? required. Store Ko. 37 Maiden lane To Let? A very <!e* rail* liionti' n for dry |[ooil?, faoev (roods, fur*, JewBlli-ii", ti.i prominent frojit. n?il wall li _>i ted Apnlv t> JAMES lilJKK. JR., tli Maiden lan*. Cfrret explained.? It In n Fnct tliat tlie ?heap work of hoot* bud ?boe* *? done in the mannfactnri ?? at I/inn, t> far aopirlor ia atrn&th aad beauty to tho?eiir>n? in Ntw Tork ?r Philadelphia, by the bent hm In. Tha r?Men i? Magtr'a Sawin< Maehiue, worked hy haud, wHdawbnt oo hunrin band* ean dn, in warkiiv on Icatkir. cloth, or anvthinr tl.ut enn be lowed. I. M. SINtiKH k CO., SMBr^alwajr. Cfonranrf'a Ll?i?tid UatT D y la wlUa?\ wetptli n or recreation ih* T*r? ?"a?*?or(i??nt*d. aqua'ly *ai*hrat*d in GOtlHAL'D'H M*di<at*d Soap, l<roun>< pin flaa. frovklo* aalluvtiAit, ikapa. ahafea. f >?.,!. nuit, %..> roodr* Sniitile naroiito kair from *uv pwt of 'ha bidv. Liquid Roil**. 1,11 * Whlta, and Hair O'f.M. ft* W ?treat. a ear Broadway. Ilntr I?jr._ ItntVihe.lor'a celebrated Liquid llair liye it tli* boat yet itiao?v>-red f?r color'".; tho or wblvkorf. tl.a mom eat it 1? applied. The warder ful ?*? ? and eartai: ty with which tbi? favorite and old ant.ilitiihed lliiir t>) a per'urma i? a?t*ri?hlni(. It la f. r *?le, or upplloil nt BaT' 1II.I.OU S W in Kai tory, No. t Wall (treat. Copy lln addr?M. Wlpa and Toujmt*? Dnlihrlor'a new atyle ?f H I, i are pr<in?n:ued tf ? m??t perfeet imitation of natnra yet Inediti d Thine waning a vory nitmrlor artii If, ah.uild aall at llATCHF.I.OK'P e?!*brated Wir I ae tory. No. 4 all atreet, v hi re ean bu Inunii the lar^aat and h((t aaa<>) troant ia 'be city, <opy the ad Irera. ? 1 11 11 ?" 111 1,1 IDVEKTIKEMBNTR RENKWKl) fiVWlV m. ! RRNOVAI.R. ? - MORRIfi 1,. KAMI' F.I, k COMl'ANY llBMOVKD T?> 7.1 Na?an atreet, (up rtai i ) between John and Fuitoa ?trtatl. UF.IIO V A I,? liKO. II. S?oiJ)? ten. IIAVCKRMUV ed tiieir ftoi k of Ila'dwnrn and ('nil it. fr .m IIC Broadway, to No 4<t Day (treat, where they will cctitinno tb? ku?i??~e, a?f"rn>?rly, RE?it?VAi,.-i>n. powkll, ocnusT, AunrsT. urc., will rcmora on tie Ut of Way t.i V > V)2 Ilruivdway, ahote Brix.tna itreet. Dnrlun t' e interval, he will attand, an ?>i al t< tli* treatment of all d! ?<> < of the eye n - . .1 ear, at No. 1% W arren itreet, fomernf ftr.o'idwny, whara mn bo I ad hi* "Tri at'*e on the Fya," tlird eiiiti.iit? prlcn tlfty iei't?| alio, several hitndrt I knn iitit ul Artlftiial Ey??. wbiah w htn pro|erly iam rtvd, ? 'II iu#?* end lo 'k lik? t* ? ? alaral *y?. BOCftKS. 'idtiMh. Ac. WtJDTKD. Wantf.d--a friTK (iKnnoMf.To me rrRVT8U? by the applicant. l ?r.c ar.J airy r,?. .. raijalred. L< <ati?u In I c in a n"<"l n*iKUb..rlun,d up town. Addreia "(). II,." hoxir !'..?? Ollue. WiMEH-1'l t FKl'OMl FLOOR OF A i.KNTKEL hnt'ic, four n ? m? niifi'rr.i*fced, without ImarA, for ? family oftbree. W. t ?Ht?f llrulvu itihrml. uptown. Rent in t lit exceed *_i*> Re t ?f reference hi ? rf^ qtiirid. Addreaa box 2 WIS I'ut 06m, (or llimn day a. No ?hOdvcB. Want* u ox tiik first of ma v. a ;it* or Hpoui*, * it li al l'ie moiiern iiaprotamun *<, by t?s fir -le |ri ? I li mew, in IM? ? kar ftieet, ??run tieitr a< i paaalble. Addrem box 401, I'eat Office WANTED? ABOUT Tllf tUTII tiK 1 (I IS MONTH. A fi n i I ('<1 Ho- m Willi' ut board by two jMnn* bad. Ik mutt bein the vt< tntty of tha City Hall. Aililrui F. t V.( at ti t? i fflco. Mating term a, Alt'. WANTED IN BROOKLYN? A SUITE OF ROOKS, well liri.i l Ml ly two siagle *entlomu i. between Fulton anil Soith Itrrica. Addrasa. box 2..V0, l' -t Office. WANTED TO REN T? A GENTEEL TWO STORY llone with garden or yard attached, w it!i *-?t?r and 1 1' it ? oiveiiiencea. Mn.-t be In a rdeaaant m i. Mxirhood, and witl in twenty minute" walk of ( ity Hall ; if i't Brook lyn, will in ten Wiiui tea" walk nf Fulton Kerry. Rent not to t'xecid f.'OO per year : occupation on or befori fie Brat at M:<y Addreaa It Ilrcw-ter, Herald OfQue. WANTED? ON OR BKFOEK THE FIRST OF MAY. f ur or fit* unfuri. lulled reoina for n ? snail fam ily, not niuru tiau flvo minutes' walk from Hamilton Aienue Firry. Biooklyti Apply by Icttar, prepaid, la J. B., at tl a Ilerald ofl.oe, ttrtii It leiitfand reference u to N ipittoMlltj gtraa im raqmraA. WANTED TO II 1 It R IN 501ITU BROOKLYN. BB twecn Court nud Ilicka itreit*. and noaroat t? tha Hamilton Ferry, lya.inall family for thrao month*, from aboi.t the l&th init., a moderate ?Ued hoime, fur which a fair rent will be plv*u. Aldrusa I*. F., at thia alUce. PKUMONAL,. INFORMATION WANTED.? THE UN DKlt&IONED Would be obliged if Mr. Blia- .laienf Farm viile, La., would cull on him. at 47 Broadway, N. Y., or 1.7 Prtaidenb ?treat. Brooklyn. 8AM' L C ARTER. IF UK. MORSE. RECENTLY ARRIYED I :ioM EC repe, by tl c ihip Ne.v York. ia bearer ot :i parcel for Einett Mat Lien. be wi.l inneli oblige Mm, by cendi.i/, hia ad iiraif to th? office of Mc?iri>. E W. cLaRK, l)()bi!L fe CO., M Wallitrect, of William afreet, font it utny b? railed for. JOHN (Ji;U'K, A X I) HIS WIFE ELLEN. Lf.lTCORK, Ireland, lu Auguat, IsiMI, and landed 111 Now \ orkj aiuca then nothiuir Ima been hear ! from thein by John Meuly, th? father of Ellen, wlio now with biz family resi le.- inlludaou, N. Y. Should tliirt meet the eya of John or I.Hoa Quick, or any one who know* their whercabuuta, they \*iH aoufar a I'aMir by addri r?lns a 1 iti " to ANN IIENL\,tLu siatar ot El.ia, lltidion, Columbia county. N. Y. PERSONAL.? IF TIIF. OKNTLEMAN WHO ACCOM* punied a lady froiu Orange Co. to tbia eiry ? n Monday e\ cuinii laat, anil rude with l,*r in a hotel earring" to bur rvtf* de art iu Murray atraat, saar Broadway, ulll end bil ad dreta to J. 11. W., bax Z.O.Vi, he will coafar a i a . . r . SPBCIAI, NOTICES. DEtTBXEB CALL I Dltl MMERS CAI-L! AT I'KNTION Krnmmers wauted.? Twenty drummers bout ia city. Those who have t urn in tbe I'nited Stuto.4 cr other serviee tirefe rr?d? responsible sober men. Tu pncli uniform will be round, good pay, m i. <i a steady engagement during 51 m*i behmior. All those who lure steady engagement*, ana o not wish to break them. need not call. Como oiio, eomo all. at ilS Eighth avenue, between Twenty-first and Twanty Hml streots. J. H. 0. BLaNC. P.M. IO. OF O. F.-THE MEMBERS OF OLIVF. IlKANCH ? Lodge No. 51, I. O. oi O. F., are ra<|ii*.<t?d t > meet at. their Rooms. No. 411 Rroadway, on Friday, Mic llth instant, at I o'clnek P. II.. to attend 'the funeral of ,,?ir deceased brother. Robert Robinson. E. J. HAMILTON, N. 0. Notice to whom it iiav conckr.v.? at \ meeting af the Quarrymen's Union l'rot v live Society, keld at Millimau's, Broadway, oa Thursday, April 1, it wan unanimously resolved, that on and after the fir t Monday In May. 1NS2, no member of said Seeiety shall work fur lesa than r.lne sM'.linps per <iny. ten hours Doing the lime illeted for ?aid day's work; and it wai further resolved, that member of said s?eioty should repairs more thr.n the abova mentioned sam, and any member known to violate the spirit af the foregoing resolutions, shall bu deprived of tlm bonektff accrviug from said So. i> ty. N. II.? Tliero will be a meeting el said Sodetv en Thursoay, Hth inst. Jon* IIiKk?. Sec'ry. THOMAS K I E It N A N* , Pres't. NOTICE.-TO TRAVELLERS TO CALIFORNIA.? OF flee Panama Railroad Co., New York, April I, lt&2. 1 lie public are hereby informed that the trains on Mii* read commenced running regularly en tlie 1'ith ultimo, ai.d for the present will leave the depot, at Aapiuwall. Nave Ray, daily at f.J>? o'clock A. U. for the company's stall n at Bojl* Sol Jade, en the Cliayres river; and returning, will leave tlie?e for Aitpinwull at i o'clock 1*. M., daily. Passenger* will thus be enabled to save about 33 mile* of 'lis river naviratiun, and alta tlie expense and daagcr heretofore at tending tbe landing in beats o If Cha?rcs, a? (bey will b? landed frem the steaaers, free af expense, ->n tbe company'* wharf at Aspinwatl. FRANCIS S1IKS. Secretary. National acadfm v of design will open tuk twenty-seventh snnasl Exhibition to the pnlilie an Tnesds y. the 13th inst., at f- o'clock. A.M. Arti t exhibitors ai c rotlfied that Sattrdny. tlie 10th is appointed for var nishing day. By order of the Council, JH 811 EOOGUE, Cor. Secretary N. A. Remember tiiattiii first fbblicmektino of the Island City Building Association will take plaoa at the lTnion Bnildlujis, Iti'l llowery. on Friday evening fth in ft.. atS o'cleck. A. A. I*lillip-? will deliver an address ex planatory of the ahjects af the association. Admission free, C. II. RINC, President. Wm. R. Pwirw, Secretary ; oflloe, No. 7 Chatham square. THE TEXAS DEBT.? THE MEETING OF T1IH CRE ditnrs efTexas, at Washington, is unavoidably post poned to Weduetday, tlie 14th instant. J. HAMILTON, ClI.Wtl.F.S F.LI. IS, J. H . HOUSTON. Take notice.? all members of the steam Boiler Makers' Proteelivo Society, af the city 'and Sat* af New York, who are m< re than fhroo month* in arrears, are hereby notified to pay their flues to ssid society, before er on Thursday, May Cth 1*62, or they will forfeit all claims thereon henceforth, liv order of r. HcKisth. Secretary. r JAMESON. Pwrtai LOST AND REWARDS. REWARD -LOST, IN WALL STREET YF.STER V day Horning. abort II e'clook. thro ? n? hundred nollar hills, and one feity, of Americaa Exi liatux Itang. If the tinder v> ill return thetn ta ,N?. 9 Carroll place, I lileecker street) ar ta the Paying Teller of the Atnerh an Kxuhanra Hauk, he shall recei>c the above reward and tiio gratofnl t! snks af the looser. nnn reward is still offcrf.d by el W A 5 nmr* & Co.. if they do not prove, by hund reds oi p<.rtons, that the celebrated Bohemian Hair Dye is the best in use. It inst.intlv changes gray or fa ulv hulr ti> a beautiful permanent black or brown. Sold r.l the Per fumery Store, '?Si liadaoa street? 75 centsaer-.-e; $6 per det. tbORKWAUD- I MM A KM E K l? A V, BET U I.: \ TENTH W*' aud Twelfth streets. In Broadway, a -old pencil Case, with a lar<e red rul v. with the tame ef ?' llenry" engraved on it. Ai y MtKl tin' i if <t. and rettirniag it 'to l"'? West 1 wenty-jereiith street, will receive the abovo renard, and the thanks of the ownrr. (! | ,? FF.WAHP.? T \ K KN 1!V MISTAKE '.It MOLEN, VP A from the Norwicli nod New Lend in Steamhxat t ompany's pier, 1\ N. 1?.. foot of Cortlaudt street, uu or alout March '.th. one Valo ilnetluts, marked s. F. C., (S. below the F..) No. ItBI. C. k li; fr. in Maion & Lawrence. BostirB. A:.y porson ri t' rning or nil ing ?nch iuformati in as will lead te the recovery el ?ajj bale, shall r?? clvo th? above reward. A. C. BALI . A rent, Fkr IS, N. R., foot of ('orllaudt street. CQH reward -lost, on TnE morning of the VP4"" 7th inst.. in g in^ from All Saints Church, tlirongli henry. Jefferson, East Biosdiray, Rutgers, to <;r-md ?tr?"t, a (iold l/ever Wateh. Tim aoove reward will bo paid by Icatinxtle esme st 711 Wail str';*t., or IS<! llenry street. Pawnbioktrs are raqiiestsd to stop the name, if offered. IMHTKD AO 111 IT. IN Tin: CALX ON TiJESDAY, A l( t i f si; i are Flat Low, wh eh the owner mat oi taln by applying to ISAAC UOtlF.K, New D?rp la;ie, near the aid 1 lni Tree. Ststen Island. I'OVMD? A SMALL WHIT* POODLE DOO.? TKX owner can have it by paying expense*. Apply at the grocery store, at tbe corner of Harrison ami Columbia streets. Soath Hrosklvn. 1.V?I M) I.N Tilt NAHKllMS ? A DOI'HI.i: COAL barge, marked Philadelphia, No. 111. Tiie uwner ean have it ly proving It ta I * bis and paying the charges. Ap ply to At illiata Jacobs, boatman, Qutrautiuo Docks, States I- land. JO ST OR 8T0LBN? CAtTTION.? THE rOLLOWIBO 2 (beeSs. by W. Molson, Vice President of ilie M, Law* r?ni t and Atlantis Railroad, in favor of A. C. IV lieoler, ou ti e Bank of British North America. Montreal, having b '?n lc t er stolen, the prblic ure cautioned against reeeiilnior nrgotir.tlnp the same :? No. S-A, it arch 26. ICs 6d. No (I, March ??. t.l.COC.' No. 7, Uarch i.WO: No. H, Maroh 2<i, xao. R It'll. III. 1,1, Si UU. McLACHLaN, ________ A? Wall street. IOST.? MFTEEN DOLLARS RE W A BD.? LOST, LAST -J evening, in steppiug from a carriajo lo 11 si at at Nillo's Opera lloiie, a <t?ld Ilrsoclet. The Ahovo reward will le paid to the finder. I y leaving it at 2"J llfi -i d > treet. Left at lord ? iayloics, <a cauiarims street? A Csti oil" Prayer Bonk; name of owner, M*ry J.Faye. She can have the namo by proving pr..|>erty and paying c har. es. DRY GOODS. ANTON CRAPK 811 AW I*. -A MAONIFfl J'.NT AND J vty ?h?*|? ptoc-k oftheet- roodi. embroidim'il and plain. rc< ml I j imported from China. I< tor on tale, at Hie 1'acla Hurtlllu Eniporinn. ?iKC? ttn.riV JKl (late til) lir v! Miy. ]A< I>, Rllli|{OJI>F.riKS AM) UOrriNlNii r.OODS.? A 1 he pt.hMtribt-re hs?? a complete utock of l..n .?? and 1 nrlii roiiU'tiM, of mi nt inp-rtatlon". They lia%?jn't ret 1 1\< d ?u invoice of lilac* > ilk? <?{ the etiporl'r ninniifac trre of IJonnet fc. Co., together with a lar,-i Htook of ulain blnck nnd ae"i nri Rooming (iocde, all of wnlcli Ihovaruof fcric^at eery low prl-oe A. KJIlIt It CO., No. 761 III" fiii"r.r, I etween Eighth and Ninth at*. VfilllKTOTIIt I.A1H K3.- TUB PARIS MVNTILLV fcnporltit*. r-m > ed ir??'l to Ml Broadway, it now opfti l .r lie ? prii* itvun, and oartaini the lar,:.'?t. rkheet uudibi ftpeeteiiick ? I Mf.otllla> e*?r ??en In Aairrlca. <i E<>, KULP1N. '?1 (late SW ) lii'. ;i,i .rar. IRAVRM-KtW (illUR. (1AMKEN AND AMJIOY KUI.KOAD, POR I'lltl.A J dctpM#, fr m |tp r No. 1, North rife r, foot of (lattery til ace. ij m ami -mi joii.N I'O'I I Elt. Two lino* dally. Ji.rrinn line l' livcn at K A. M. Afternoon exiirea* line At 2 I*. M., through to 11 H ilel| I t* in fonr anrl a hal huor*. Fare? I ? t < lane care. -?c m.d daae, (by 2 1'. M .line only > Hi ti ralpp, leave 1'l.ila lpM > froni f< ut Welu'at alrii t. > t N A . II ami?)'. M Kmi -rant lino, liy 't "itinboat TI'AKM'DUT, fr? ni ( i< r No. 1. at .1 I'. M. 1'nrc ?.| AO. ]?0K A I.BAN V, M 11 l|l)l TOJUNflEOFt'Ali.J.? PARE rto< cod.? $2 v.".- K*"ilaritr *od eatety combined.? 'The earl ol tbo New Vorl. eo'l ll*ri<m leant tl.o Cl'y lli.ll rtMlon, New \ . rk. dullv, (Soailayt eacepled,) at V o'clock A M. nnd I'. M. M, M,OAT, Superintendent. NHV Voi k AM) I nif.A DJ I IMIIA I)IR*CT.-0. 8. Hi. II ami Rx freer l.l?? . through in 1,1b hour*. N.J. fci.ilri an, rla Jerney I Ity. Inailnr New Vork at. t> A . foot el ( ? rtUnilt rtreet; DA. 11. and C>, P. II , Liberty meet. I/< are I'hilailelpl ta feme liovri, from foot ef Walnut atreet. I ?r ? re lm . d to $:< for nr?t ?la??. and $2 IWfor Keeond elaaa. lljiltlnn r-v H^tim. and t'karieeton tlirnneh tii keteaoU in till I I'OW !lno?. fintl t>.r?n?h Ingjafre e*rrlrd In tlivVA.M. ?rd V. U. iUeefrom New York, with through oon.lootore, withort ei|"H-* ______ HI li I,AR t?Al HIM U.UANV-- MAKINU Til* ii m a) laoillnvc ? Ki r? . ">e. ntr Mea % i.trred on board, "j i.i > n <1 i?rl ? ill am.-rn HKMU' C.'I.AT, t'aiit. i. T. iallinen, and AllM> N I A, C*|H I I" Smith, will leave tk? |i rfeot efjay?tn*1 ? 1 i let l')iaai>>er* itroei, ,i rT <1 1 v (it 7 ? ? li i * > M.. Hnr.dayi ?*eep??d. It> tun>lnib f IK V Albany, .'ally, (!? < ?y e n epti A. ) a 1 7 A. K. r ; rrtlcltlai?, " Ire at tli. /??[ laiti on l .^ard o?*f WV. R&btXlfll). srn We.l alreet.