Newspaper Page Text
I IimI .1 ?? hi *?! l>y o, , ? inton, tr^?, during I tin >?'*?"? 11 ?*? "-.lonish U ; gland, mean ! (toners.) , instead -ii ... in*. -von, il is absolutely 1 1 ii " v than one ., .;ir, even if we include tlio mi l| :??t 't:i| u halt ,,i !,. .. whom t.hey < I , ? mil. |jro |.o.-? (t< ??iilauiehise. (( hcers.) Well, how I have made a (' w obse: Vii'i j .(.on I he*e lour iui|i.ii -tut it appuii I., i i- tllttt the propositions do ?Mil Ik'111 Vf-fi-. ? il il- i. at they an- .lot !'? t.ld.xl upon I'm c- ' ? i l>n t t > u)t prc|Nir?d with ru *e?r< li vhieh i the Jl. - . as u right to r.'ipiire oti *ubic( i - *1 I h'w ii. ' tire < - ially from .i gentleman who Ii ? tii* \ o t i'i| a |i. ^ I i I ?? to t li ? 4 quest ion? (clieei.-.. ?ii. I thi! i t>.. in- in them stati-i ical >r rorswh.b tr? tin ?. i than blunders. Weliaw 1 1 ml m>ii). u'. ; to-night to a d.ntl ira tion oil . . Milijci i ot ? * 1 iu froin her Mujesi v V go vcruiuc> . lint i ii,i!., . M against the conclusion lri>m a >. imyuious ??..cut inn new*|ia)icr, that my in ?'.igitf and 1 liilrr mi extension of tha ii'Hiiilii in he svtn < u .ius ?viih the uxieu-'in ??f ^WOC.aiie poWW.' C > M. ) When the it ldllu ?nil W.I- (I 'tiatcU. I like to know wh ..v it would li t*.- boon, hnl n not ?io?-ti for the <,miM.rt and c? ?'.(.? hi mv .Stanley T (Hear. hear.) ? I'* ' ' l'K '""i whom I have iui-"? vlo<t in I b" tituency 1 represent (tin, Mun.uis of ' a motion which added omJ-uiuth to I lir i * . ituency ofdreni Britain? (l.oulcli ) Iher. ! entirely repudiate the assertion that we M.y/' ' " '? if",- together against ill reform and ? \ ' 4,J l" ? <? |Mo|KiHitio? fuumioij on juaj'ce .i.ii matte, ?> off (( 'hours.) Km I *,!| HI y,,? what we are 0|.|0>ed to. Wo aro opnnsed norm.. oewaryj .uj. e *. (|i0U(1 beers.) Some K^jtleiuun if wo intended to l.rinjr omiiv^ ,'OU'ct of n.To: ui ; but if any p.-oj.-ol on bui ij. in/ other subjeel .-hould over he Ir-iiu 'Ul loi ward fli..^ Hide o. I he lloiw. I hor.o it will at leiiM lie .oimdt d on more a- ouiMi e data tli.inthe pro \'7"; ha- J-. ?? ii>, -I'd to-night. (Cliwi-s..) , ' ' '? "c (*j H"'Sed :>? is tuiii|?jriiig with the 'V 1 (Cheer-.) I coniilier "'?'it ' ii instant shit. ^ and changing of the ! .v politico! J is one of the most iii.jiiiiie , ili: ui;' than tan he conoeived. (I'liecrf.) i "ii in ;? talk of tamiMjring with the width ? tn e few thinKi worse? 'iui thai which is win.,. , MiujKTiug With till eou.-tit neiioios of Kn ami {( 'iifcrsJ.) If thoi'O to bo a lot 'it lie R ell, J,,, always ealkd for by dear uowMsitv, an it w, i.,i . .calculated to give general and? I do ? to in.; ,,v liiiuj ? hut jieiuuinont satisfaction. ! (( liei> j Sow, I -ay, lit ? is a proposition Which jh toim.' i. upon atatement.^ which aro utterly (alhi leit'ii .. hat a |'i'ji^sitiijii ealoulaled to giirt. ceiiorai <ud permunoiit a.itiKfaotioii ! (Glieors. ) ? lis j.ropoFod l.y the late loiuister calculated t'igive, i a nati-taetion ' H'liv. the noble lord M "I that, whale* erii meriU, d winoertainlv not (ii. i;, at d to do so (Hear, bear.) lie ha's wit hi ,v.i it. The country called upon him f .. vilbcii.-i.v it.; and we may I,. >iUu that if it Inid 'k?mi wrought iairly into di.-en^ioa it would not hive st"?"t I litt d ii-ussioB even in an uureformed House ?>i toiiitiinus. (Hear, hear.) Well, sir, are I Kill vtew.v I herefoce. if ihey i-anind; show thai Lhe Ijresent system w calculated t o furor niiagcvcnuue, H, it is e. ear that they have no grounds for Lh"ir .-eheme: mid 1 must upti'itil that system which r.MM? ,;,d Whieh, though 1 le'lieve it was eoi.eoivod in no lriondly S) ii ii r towauls the tnrr leui.-, has ound in at) its fault k a n-iaedial' ageu'ev in the go?d sense of thepeo) !. el' this conntrv? that sy stem under which our in :itulion? have llouriniied. wbicti I lie. re are noee-s-iry not only for t ho "real - r.essol Uim eoumry, bat lor the freodom o| the people. ( i .oiid and long continued eheeriii" ) iii' !"m ' ' liniKi-XKY said a few words iifaupport ?>i I titi urtilo', but promised to reserve himsoli lor hu specific motion on the subject. Mr. IS iwir, O.?B0knk congratulated the House that the Cdiaucellor of the llichcipier had ,pokon ?ut explicitly on ihe (jueution of relbrni. and had declared that tho ''finality dodge" vran to he tried ??gain. J hi3, if the statistics he hail cited were to be ii*l ?( ri on, was most united, because ho had him ?cll. shown that the agrisul' ural interest was tiufair ly roprt. sen ted, and ought to have a new Iteform bill lor usoll. Neither party in that house wns sincere iu its de-ire to jiut down bribery and intimidation, or the ballot would have been given long ago. There was no indecision on the subject in the mind or the fount ly. Ue could have wished this motion put ia 9 better form, but ho should vote in its favor. Loid .Iohn UfssKr.i, said the ijuestion was whether the adoption of the bill proposed would oouduce to t ie };ood government of the country, and ho w?? clearly ot opinion thai it would not.' A Hous* of Commons obtained by the means proposed wouid not be no olhcient a body as tlio present. And part Ul? ("ojiositions contained elements of future ..luiijfcr to the constitution, lie referred csiv>ciallr to the lodger clause, whieh nearly approached uni ^cr?al Mmrflnre. Without doujin^ the |ircM?nt larit.T ot t In- |?n>}K>dtioii for th** hnliot, h% wuuM .^v that he thought tunny of those who had adopted it had not considered all it-* consequences. A I'ar liument elected by ubiversal sulfiage and vote by ballot, a. .a ..itting for thrive years, would not long tie tliQu?:ii, co-exirit with ft tuouarehy and Iieivdi tnry ptjeinge. Hedefeiuh d ihe Septennial not, re ? apitulaiing lhe nuisi.ns forwliich it was passed. and as-seited the belief that the people of Kngland would reluctantly bear the cuitiniKd rccurronco toeleclions )ir0|;0scd by the motion. Against the motion lie -hould record his vote. Bnt he stated, in reference to the Reform bill of the late ministry, that he re tained the belief thfit ibe representation was too much in the ha nils of thi middle classe*. and that lhe working classes might, with advantage, be ttd niitted to the franchi*). And he also stated his >it ws as to the desirable alterations in the arrange incut of representative localities. He could not think it wise in the government to declare their ia i out ion to adhere to the details of the measure of 1HJJ1. it was not a dignified fK.ilicv to remain in a g l veil position .until g? ncral discontent arose? the "clcai necessity'' alludisl to by the Chancellor of Ihe hxchetjuer. He hoped that government would rceonsider the iKilicy they hiul announccdthat night, and gi ve matured con' ideratioii to the necessary re forms iu ihe ion. Mr. W*,.,.0, e deuicu that the Chsncellnr of the Ixehe^uor had used the thiu-e "clear necessit t'" in the sense stated by Lord John ffussell. Mr. Wii.t.tAMd here mtved the adjournuiont of the debate. Mr. HoRHor^K sec?'nderl the motion, a> msnv members winhed to spent . Mr. IIumj: thought it wi- s pitv that the debate ? hould ?ot go on. as ii wm only twelve o'clock. Mr. V\ n.i.i4us iij*i.-if () oil an adjournineut. The ('HAM I i.i.oit OK rhi I^xchk'qckr thought the eourae of gsutlemen C| jf.-llo hardly fair to Mr. i Hunio, and one which mnde il iipjiear that the motion wss only intended to it Go id an opportuuiif f?.r elee lion sjieeehes. Mr. itaiuirr urged ihif if.? House should g.i to a division. After soiue further d'?<n*iien on this point, Mr. Wii.mams witudr<"? ar? rooiion. and I Mr. Hijmk i-eplied. lie Waocd in a peculiar ' V??sition. lie was abb U oeo) with his op|Minents, 1 l ilt what emild iio do w U, l.i* iritiid-. who Had ail- I vnnecd argument i that t.< had uot ex|ieotcd? who j had, hi fact , .-muetbii.f.- ke deserted him. The noble lord, ihe uiemltr m Ix-ndou. was in favored ' ti^ing the advantage ? f tin sutrrage to Ihe intelli- ! gent art i ran and to meieber- of the learned profes- i ?ions, but he (Mr. Hun;'') o< Ik-d him to give it to j them in any other way ii.;>p lodgers. With the j < hancelioi of the KxcM-oih t l>?; had very little dif- j Scully whatever, lu-'nuM l>t ?;e prepared to show I that everything which vto right honorable gentle man had stated wa??iu ?Jv wrong. (Laii^hter. ) The right Honorable u had talked of a ter ritorial (pial'tication, i m !?? (Mr. lluiue) had never made n-e ot the tern. ; n. twit (be observations of the right honorable ycr n weie entirely super fluous, and lie had, in i#m . i-ed a lion lor the pur iKi?e of claying ir. In unit. 10 -n the viglit in ile gentleman rlni ? i*- i ?? ?ien. In- (Mr. Hume) would iiiciilion oiic i, ? t' ? * noma Lies that existed ninler taepu sent .-ysi*ii It they compared eoiiut v with county, and lxirou>f( ivith boriingh. the.v would >ind I bat the gro-H'sf im-?i'i>!ify existed in the repre ntal ion. 'Itie three n ;r of Huntingdon, Ifut lr nil. Mid Wr est 'iiorch ?>d. i >n i-?-ii with .Middle ?c.v . I .'i ilea shire. Hi: ! \ ? ?? - l.i ? . present .da 111 '{rant iiislaie .'ot this ineijiii.''- v. tl>r\ni?. divide.) Again to could jif>iut to - \ bf ( w.ili a |M>pulation of 2W.UIK), leinuiing six m? in? I Ir, mid to another six boioiighs returning W ? sum numlier of mcmbci# with a population <?' t '?lei tnH>. Now, he wa- for having ihe distributkiv ?rer? eoual, both in the ? online* mid ia the bo ?-o|th*. With regard lo the t ailot. .In- light liori'ri-t'H ^"iitl?taau ought toknow linn New Vork in t ditji rent p*>-ii ion. with re gard :o elections, from ?ty?,ihci of the States of the American Union. 'I > ?.;#? was no other plane where so much rioting iu><! dwiar bwice took place hi elect ions; and tin- rea^'. was. thut there was no regis: cr at New Vork. H? (Mr. Hume) admitted the bahot would not ?. !io',*? t her )ire>ent bribery: 1 ill lie did not wish to s? . th." ballot illlrodaced iiuo ? inn 1 1 constituencies' , wLtu there was the grealosi ?ij .port unity for briln-ry. ( Divid' , divTde.) II,. had nothing further to add. Hi nr. hear, i lie wa< |ire I II red to give all tin statement* of the right honora t ie gentleman a direct negatite. (Langkcr and oh. ?.h. 'lhe plan which he f. . posed was the re-ull ,.f a i on till >i t ion between vixty or seventy member'' ot thai llei>*e, and 1p ho|H,<l still to liv long enou-'li |u see il curr'kd into il'. I.oild cheers.' I lie house then di\ d, when the,-, app .i r -d in f.i \m id i he motion ? Ayu N|t Noes 211 Majority affr !n."l tin motioi. Kor( Igu Jll-i cllniiy \ collection ot autogii'.ph It I tots "f an an raot i?e elmiac'er. v is receiith sold, by I'atiii k and Simp Kin. ot London, A lei tct'of I ,urd Macon sohl |br JL'i^ !>? ; a letter of Mcxander I 'ope sold for X-l Is.: a lull trof .Iohn Calvin sold forXll Ills.;'' letter of < huilci. V. sold for Xfi: a letter id' ('harlot I., when I tuke of Vork, (scarcely eJovon years of age,) sold lot I'll 5|., and the following lot, a )<?U?I ?/i<,'U?tlw I., a? king, *>Jd f?r Th."?re w?fe ?ov'>r?l ftitto giaphsof Olivor (Jrorawoll, wliioli wold for various price-* ui> to three guineas *noh The autograph of Arclibi -lio|? Cr.inuier ?o!d for jC-1 Hs. The first mlr terminated ?ith a oolleotion of about 35,001) fianhs, many in great dt.,oiiir. which rualiild i i ?h-> whole rutlior morethau ? In the seoaud <li/*a saUt, n signature of Queen Klir.abjth was ooasidorod cheap at X2. A loiter of PUxintui, the sculpture. *o!d fot XI lis. Tho initials of Noll <J> wyn, '"U (5 boii g n!1 tho writing of which m!?o was catmbl??, .??ld Voi X2 2s A letter of J nine* 111 . the old Pr?te?der, sold foi X.1 :in. A letter of I'harlm l?amh sold tor ?1 1 2s ; tho Moll-known letter of the Duko of Mon mouth, written five day* before his execution, 1 imploring l.cinl I'ochcster to inUuewlu fur hi iu : ' with the King, sold for XI7 5 s. This auto , graph amis sold iu the same rooms a fow month* ! ' since fur X21 lila. A short letter of Sir Isaac New- | I ton wild for ?6: a letter of Williaiu Perm sold for , I X3 !?.< ; a let tor of Nicholas Pouwin sold fur ?2ti" , | one of Punbrandt for X^s? .and one ofUub-ms for I XI I2s.; a signature of Sii Walter lU'u'gh sold fur j X2 2s.; a letter of .somen illu. the poet, sold tor i. I l.vs : a letter of tlonoral Wolfe ?jld fur XI lis.; the auto^ru| h of Cardinal \Vo1m<#\ sulci forX55s.; a li-lter of Nil- ChriBtophor Wren, ah ml btulding th.i Monument, wild for XM) 2i. 6d. . II. Inland's ?? Aeeount of the Shakpjteare Forgeries,** the ' ] -tinted volume, with numerous additional revelti- i tion." in tin' autograph of the author, and specimen* j of the MNS., sold fur X2M. A copy j ol the ''National Portrait (Jallery," with auto i graphs inserted, sold for ?N. Tho original manu- [ script of Sir .lames Mackintosh's ?' History of Mug- i laud" sold for ?1 10s. The original* uiauusoript of . Sout ley's Mi.doc" sold for ?(? I,m. Some letter# i of Shelley and Keats, and home volumes said to ho from the library of Lord IJyron, were withdrawn j from the sale, tiie auctioneer having roason to su? t*et their genuineness. From the accounts made u]i to the 'list of 1K>1 . of the Russian Dutch Loan, of the Hums paid and applitd dm ing the year IM51, it nppoars that tho prineipul was lti,2.">(),00() lloriu.s; tho intoroit on t lie -inking liiud. (j, 250 florins: and on a further sum Of lli.000,000 florins, SOO.OOO florins. M. (Jifuey, chief editor of the J ntntal dt< Havre, has hcen ex| el led frtnn Franco. A lady recently died in Hath, England, aged ninety-five; a gentleman is livii.g in or near Perc.v ilaee, aged ninety-six; a gentleman residing in .angbridge place entered his huudroiltli year on Saturday week : and a noor woman in tha Upper Hrlstol road, now nearly one huudrcd and one, ij able to walk, and in goou health. Accounts irom Amsterdam slate that tile propo siti^! to iniposo a tax upon all in.omes I'lcu tho funds hud been brought forward and rejected. Ainorg the last marriages reoord"d in tho I'inmn 7.1 (/ring we stumble over lit rr Liebe'ol. KaUcrliuh, Koniglicherdritor. Oberhofsiant;igori<?ht.<r:int li-ean. zleiunterinspcetionKstilut and S.uidy liachcuniayor, Kaiserlich K eniglilichc Tabaekst niliUs.mwarts elm ft siu habcr Toeiit er. A correspondent of tho Dtllti (!,nrth\ writing IVom the north -wc^t, giM's the following items of n ws from Herat : ? '? '1 iiere is no news from Kabul, but there is from Herat ; it is now certain that 12, WW) Persians have arrived from Me-lied to aid the A!ik/.yi.< in beleaguering the citadel, in which the son of Y iu* Mohammed Khan still remain* shut up. I know not the name ol the Persian genoral who i< at the head of this ariuy. but hear that lie in the governor of Khorassan, and sou of the late Ab bas Mir/.a." According 1o the last census iu s it it norland, the population of that count ry a mout.-, to 2,ol)2,7 1(1 in dh ideals, of vhoni 7 t) are foreigners. Of the whole body, l,ll?,7!S(i are Protestaias. 8s|,Ri)!> ito mnn Catholics, ntul 't, 145 .Icwh. Amongst tlio fer eigjiers are 1.0^5 travellers, and 1 pulitieal rcfu gces. The canton oi' Heme contains loS.",01 inhal.i- j taiits, of whom "?,<!> I are foreigners. Tlic Gold Mine* of Nov Gh-niutth*. to tiik Enrron op tor iierai.ii. As tlicrc has been lately more interest manifested in Acw C.'rimadu affair* than formerly, vou will not think n mis* that I should borrow' tt sptico in your widely circulated pajier's columns, when wish ing to say something u)?out that beautiful country 'I he commcrcial is what. to-clny; iulorcils ?0ople OlOSt. A few years siuce. I10 navigation was oarned on in i ho Magdalena. bul l>v or tho I ; to-day, th- gorgeous -tea.uer dashes with i ? ",,V affords ! an pie room lor passenger? ?nd The I pdd resources of the eon,, try, whi< h, with other* which I shall .fate, n<r .-riai-ily golden, soein now ! the common topic. < 'lioco ise.vpeel-dto be a second I "Iu : " 1 ''?t i":"i<'H!ibl?. Its treasures wero I v mt %L ,1 k,,0W"'a,Kl ?* 'loUiing but j what seem - to any out such an expectation ' ,V f T- kind ! ? Hera 11 to whom ev..-ry traveller lh*t pas-< s thro, Hi I ,enr l'""!' "bJi='air""- "" l'"(l o'-'I'I "line mar Laibacoi... another near I -euaude, one near ! I j.^Wd ?:vl ' "" V,1 hers? out' -omewlml hi-her, and ! that of f.eltnra-nll within a lift] than one 1 dcpe.d . and , h-so lo the I'aeifie shore. I except (.ohma A Imie -outl, ..f Muibo. a iiort of I iilMmi0Tr"i"' !V VIHt"- aoolh.Tgold mine is i found. In the same lai ifude almo-t. onsfward. on . the western s?U of I If river (a,,,.,. .,,.,,,,-itc the ' towns of Eftrella and Vmnga.Mvo miiuJ arc ,?ct with; and ai.othei on the ea?lem side of t h?- : same river. (he tow,, of In Vh . pnrral we have another. Thn- there are now en minct on the w,.-t of N,iv Cranada, leav ing the auriferous A#d. almost unnoticed. 'i' Antiofjiiia i.. very well known, and has supplied more gold, perhaps. ,|m? any othordistrict. <lo-e to uello, nun Ibogiie, n -itv?.r mine i- found and anothci m Santa Ann. near lloiula. Thn? within the sn ail -i?<e of I .leg-. :i0 min. lat., by : ??itcg.?. Ion., there are twelve mine . which wo find on the map. 1 ho whole number of those that arc worked, is. cd co?,?e. not all maik-d. ?s ihe mn'i tt- "?i1iult".d 'VP'wIu.-- a true geulogi-.,! Iiinp. ?ew. th mi, in fb.Mnci of count rv. Choc?, ^.nVn r^'^r fi """" 1,1 tl,p auriferous (Iiaiacterol the country. Other mines are b it un noticed. not bene on the Paeifie coast. such a* the ?\I,f ' ' n'"!l 7 ' L'"' " n"w,"'tl t im-rald mine 1 fl L, ?" ot >om,ndo,o. the . oppcr mine of Aionoqnu a. specimens ofwhi. h l.,?n v ,,r. rented i" the J-rcinb Aeadciny, hr?t November with the rest of his natural bi-tori.-i.i .;ollcHi?n~wli...,. ,i cent account* we hnv. had in the II, imi i. Row, to those who wont gold, mid i he number i ?v ""means small, risking to much in < j, might h< eskcl why do you not go t.. (.'lioco. Tin passage ?.? i h?* Atlantir roo t (C?irtliag?-iM. Sta Martha. &cO little more w, , Lo li X,rSS' " "" t,u 'he T i, iniiv Of the Jlagdaleim, alivady <p?k< n of. take a boat ! and c? up herirer unt 1 metting tliejun.-iinn of the Cain-a and Mngdebi a, ?i .J following tbo f'<i,m. r. th,. \n tio.,uia district will be met, and |.a -iw 0<i, a tbe mines . and Jand* bavo ...... r<, the ca-t.-m coa-f , (I i iif,' ) is rcachcJ, whe,e the soil- arc auriferous. 1 t'n being en the coast, tin. ri?tr Atiaf.. ,??? : taken instead ..f the M.-^lal^na: and goi,," tin i. Imco country wiU shorfiy prevent it> If. ' I 3 be^ rivers A to ,.u/| .?-)in Juan uiv^oiug fu be united, and -hp ^i^Mige iitt'ordcd tbiou^h t|?. J ( I lioco count, rM?. en the Pneifi.-and tin- Atlantic. ' i\.inyot the lands around are ImlJia ? (?-.?. vcmiiiHi t bind-), si i, .1 whoever ha- M>me inonev^to spaiecai,l.c owner of som^ beautiful pi< ? ? <>t 1,1,, ,| which in a f will l?. i?; aluable. And I those inltrestwl should not del.,,, i;? ?|ulwr, and ? apitab.-ts u,uy h" ,x buy out t l,e land- . aud : I 111 11 i? 1 1 l - ? h uj ? ; nrl I t if |i : v . i 111 I'Uyinc s?. ,i? ?ur.,.r .hou'h, int tw l? , "i'*?' he to ox Mel of a couuiry. y Wen, In ab >ut tUrty j ears of ft t.,r? Mm a most Ignowudoju yokf.. ami almos! aompl tc Ignorance, ' ' ?' ' 'Sudiog the ium.'X ?b I . b it i.ow ...?eiij/i ? ! Ui,? w!....,. tb.. b. , I ,.,,iti . the W,. ,l.|. M. - ? ... I.i'l . i , s.,1.1. , a. is ? And w In ,. b..r?y?.w.-?la. o: d.ject ..f it- ?w?: ami ?|.ru |.? . ?;|| K?....p,?n<t:,rd. ,' -l. I- the M.ll-,,,;, "! h<: *>'. i- i .?g..;. i? "'?!i I "? wed. Wim, |,. ra ii , v., ,i j?. W li! If it ? T j; ? y, |V, . h))r t If iiieic .ue l-iight |.n?-, f.?- couniiv and II only a litil.. > blond get- th-r... fnr a "i?.' "lie i)iik i I ??if ki* r|i? m (mii |>n in (?i g* n inert, w. ( ft j-is ?? thein men to tea. I, in ?o-l, 'e. %aml suit up dormant a nj; -pi,;, " )'? I' ,s a e fiiiiien s?ti?'u ieali/?ibi. eon ? 'I'leiice . hat tb. h<1? pt ed inunir.' ?.? ill Hi- J f rot. (he \?.| it will b.- the en -C. l,uio|.< an nation. . ? the If r ' '.i*' .?/*/?/? . ? M the advautii'-e* I i. n t tb" eoin.t . nfb ,??(?? .-.,|d lig^M w? will -ay -.inething: the., are "" ?h. !?? V .ei-'K- i, .V ?' "I " ^e^oadtv, t? prn ;|rf>et< at .? aluio-t '? j.'"od. f. r ? bi'uld L'eM neriot. at t, . . . . i?d ?? ni.nn.huit a? in c..t tviri,!a. .'?? ,M v,l,ii," el - > -.. c"' I' "eat with liul- ..r,e e , li.e' Ibidlv. t ' ? ' I in tke .] :^ing. an e.isv eUiutee j. .?tv,' .| I 'i (IC, 11 nfr .'I.. ; r l.v a ' ,, id* a f'lnu'ii, as ft. ?? , '?nii'iirv. and with us j-ned a. future, n- anv oilier, I Olirthl\ . should all |, sounr ? t.r >' \ h.lltSle |,'|)(. ,,| that ttclt lid net l ;,| j.mi in t niifnroi.i, for Mi, i. i. lo. f- l?r .1 ?t in vii g i. d??th. and I... obliged lo w. . giiiluenf- that (., <?' hail tho "trap- .. an babii. im im. I -. ti'.l Mid w; tin heart ? in the Til!.. ? . Jolind in plenty ??.! it tr-dd dkgin-/ is n .t n. - nl. innti ineinKlc xrny there are f. . , tb- e\.Hitto f,e,c ?,..i ,, i,nill0 i ? wlls,.h .A . i^ ' id a *:ih'r a li appnintm it and a wish for a in*., in Califorui,,. ??,..-; Ve i? \ II VM7 v,,l,,,,r:?- 'he jKirt on the I'neit',, ? V I lur ? ? ? ?n "* f,'ii irrenti tpr,,-,,,. , t|,it , r otiiiaiiin futurii mnv have, is to goto the I I ,."Vt 1 an\' i' > *^1 ! Tr re. '"""I gold regions he will ,? ?V ,r i , \ , "N"110111^ toss over to the l'a ctht, and make his adopted homo tho e.eotro ofoom wwo, avuf Hivh lUc mnttfr ligUtiy. Anticipated OTertlii'OW of Mautchou Dynasty. THE SLAUGHTER OF SOLDIERS, 4m. Sm. Ac. | hrom tlis Or?rtand friend of Ohio*, J?a. M.J Tint Uhiuaa# aewapapor pra*a inay not b? ?* pooled t* furnish corraot political information, if the sumo ia likely to l>? distasteful to th# ruling l*wort; aud it is it matter of aotuo aurpriao to find uuy notion at all of Ihe progroaa of the aoatharn rebels in tho papers that are daily hawked about for ?alo in Canton aud othar place*. Indeed, from (bo purport of soinothat have fallen into our lutnda, irt are mclinod to think that the publication of their stupid detail* iuuat be connived at by tho im perial government, with a view to throw oontsrapt on the leader* of the i ru argent bands. A paper now before its (not a respectable looking sheet, like an Hngliah journal, but of very ?ui?ll dimen sions, und putcliased bore ia Hong Kong for so until I a Hutu u? ti single oanti, the fourteenth part of a penny) give* tho public to uudorsland that the rebel leader, Tien-teh, was burnt to death duriug un aaoidontfcl tiro iu bin eanip, and that, thereupon, his wile anbinned the imperial tiara, sharing her throne with two \oung men, her favorites (whosa namea are duly Riven), and although hor measures wero disUtatcfui to Tian-toh'a brother, and to ot hers, by causing t ho ?u*a;wination of tho former, blio htu? Hticoeeded in fixing hersell firmly on tho throne. Sutih nonsense as this, evidently written, 34 wo ha\o before said, with a view to throw cou tuupton the rebels, may have t.lic desired otTeot upon the Celestial mofs ; but with us it only servos to show that tho government are at their wits' end, and know no other ooume but duplioity, to *t,ay tho torrent that i* apparently about to ovorwheba them. ,. , In oilier part's of thin papr, i*e mention tli? be leaguermcnt of tho Imperial Ct.iuiuis.sioiie, Sou ami suite, in the southwestern pail of the ( union pro vinoc. Lately wo bad an opportunity el eonvorstng with a innndniin holding tho brevet of Y uij tai, an officer of I bo tliiid class. (addrw-seil astkhis exeollenoy,") and endeavored to obtain fro in hi ui un opinion to the trut'* ot J hi* vnii'oi. auj vnuit would bo tho result should Set- be captured. That there wjih suolui be cHliiiiltotlj ?>nl. li-- uoiiblcw its poi fei 1 1 ? (it !*? K-u. he said, would c i tuinly destroy himself father than be mitdo prisoner. Hoarding Canton, ho thought tuero wotv too many (ibsUnles in the way oi'ils being reached easily by the rebel i; but that there arc ? great many di^alh-etedsijints in the cityi.i wcllknown, who maybe biding their time. Tho taking of the departmental city Wing-on. -s rrnernllv talked of bv t ho inhabitants, who know that those who Look it, did not. as mere robbers do, lake nil that those who were captured were wo'lh, nut. only a portion as conitibtitioii towards carrying on the war, which tin y told the people would certainly end in their absoluto .-uoce. - ; m.d that w not was then taken should, by and by, be remitted out ot taxes due. This from one, who, on the agression ot tho present Emperor received lurt'.ier promotion a'i u'inurk of his Majc:,Ly's regard, ami whose interests bv being bound up in \ th-chu a retention ot tho throne, may reasonably hi' sup] swell unwilling to eountenaiiee repels nMo. he fully bol eve, that t here woro good grounds for them, should eoiUinly have weight with llio. o who, out oi a (logged deter mination1 to maintain previous opinions, though eiioneoiis, nro still doing their hi st to make light ;>t the supposition that tho southern capital is in ieopardy . should the rebels indeodeoiue to ( anton, ouv informant added, his only means of s ifety would be tlight to the hills. . From what htu boon ilono by the rebels during tho month uow ending, so fur as known to us, we must refer our render^ to the compendium ot ex tracts from bi-wcckly issues. Y\> have two long papers, translations of some ot our Chinese coiti ^poiKl'noK one lelir.g ot th? tak iii" of the chief city of ll?o Chm-kong di-triet ol bwiuig-i. and a hard tight between the imperialist I,001 ? (those from hweiehow. prin ipally) and the nbek m:d in which we Uavo the usual report oi (hou-aiids killed, and iIioihjikIs wounded: among the otlicers in the lat ter eiitcgory, (..luing-king-scw is ?uwed. who fell from his horso and lamed his left foot. The city had been thoroughly ransacked. 1 ' 'I li'c T.thc!-1 papc/t'eil3 or the ba I eonduet of the soldiery, wlu n rn rwtr to the seat d war n:ul of orgaiii/.d bodies ol tliein being act 111 'on and dispersed by the common peoplo. A friend of ours witnessed smoothing ot (his kind the other day. at the a little bcluw the Dutch fol I \ . wlieie the prininciul IcvUs are geniirally sta tioned 011 their ? 1 rival in Car.tou. h" soldiei^ who bad been gain! Miig (eln aiuig or being e.ben. (.i> uitiile a ii-l. 10 tin ir bi!'."1' h luiii/ ft**' ,,.,11 .tl.d Mill iu- 11 intents in among n? mob. w li?k by ?ae was akot d?d? Ttotot geneva UeU^ro that the , I I : ?c-e v. ? I'lin lit I111M ol? red the Superio, ml- 1 E;.l I*.* ul;. r 11 nil <lri-"inl I II. . the '^illh lib . It v. til b" en . ! . J|, w'i\* e.l 111 Ihe pirate ?, -hn-lly tbroiigh tn aeliMV. '1 hi'', howev.-r. i- only a rep. (H ion ,, nj tin lontiiuiMl frati'i'in/ations ol irnops mi . aw! //"? Urtwoflhe M??trfo>y ilyii'fl# ,1 , , rlr-.thm >?- not 0 "J 'en\ , fJr t'ut'liiuiL'. A bodv ..r about lour -and j i,?; . rid trooj . I -< <1 up the river opp.isile the tile- j torn*. (Canton,) during tue (m-t week, boun I t , '^Veourt messenger arrived I,.-' we,k wi.h an I or.brfioaitl.eKinp. ior to tuise ? '''Iwn'ilu .ou ot -ilvi r for pwyinont -1 the lioo]-. Otbu.iU m.h trilutid KKi.tMl <-l i' with-iut any delsy, hmviog c mill' iiid'-i u-bciiiadeupby t i, r, h amibi^ Mi it i , ?'r 1 me been held at Ui-fut-cbm. daily, ' 1 | 'mi t hi 2tith (,lm Ibtlt instant), to consult r the ,l ''.,S to,ue'. ihe r \s> 1 wind- ri, ?r , v., 0 . ilny. the rieli people, bi'.ked rtt .'.lie ano'.lu r. Slid lel'u cd ?? prcpan- the sum. j \\ i li. ard Ibu; tho-distrief <-.tio? ot m - hrc.1 on ! he south. thann-piug on the < a< j ?ii> 'of Yuiig-iran-'-h-w, in Kwmc'-e. bav . ?>"< '* , V vr'n r. ivi .1 :? let 1 er from Kwang ??. ?lanng teasfs?sss?s i 1 mil d On Mi" r"',v" I , , >!? v ..1 ib" I'-nrn ui'.. .11. all ih. -file- rseo- , r ?fd ih'.'ir t I'liMi - . ami from \aiioit- point-' pr> ' W". TAiJ ??/ ^di" ; 1, j, vrto.lrd ib,l Sen. th- tloT.'iiH.r in 1 be -it v of Kaou-.b.iw-.oo.iud.h^ II rebt-ls him- a??ai-V. I ? on all -id.-. ? ? g , ,, ?,,t..l batunv be to 1 ? .'ii.'li ' l|,'v . to I. :>h 10 11 1 tack wv?- | KlX"l|V"? !''o-kw'''.l^ ,,')"?..1i!;? unme.'ii.K.v for j 'V , : . 'iv. hsv. II. .1 M l heard | ?f..b-i'.'l- I.s- fc:.ii.-.rt?i- vi. tor.f.-l-'iu ,^?.Jlh j 'it. Kl'1 .)) It,' I r |nl of I llilM .f.i II ll'i Ti . < 11 ? titojr . i- 1. i ? I i.ffl. < r i.i t?" li t> <tnf- ..ittii. ? 1 1 1 . . 11 1 <1 lb> . j ..I e- lfira:'ii?l in finli h if,. ,'.l h.?ilt? ? 1 Ih. 'J I ou t- 1.4 1 1| .? .?. K|.. w >> 1 /?. > |. tl ..l 1 1> n ''WI.' ri und it 'li*i prop, i- . l.?li 1 f 1.1 Ih' ??' ill fce t"i wrilvii -'V ti< in ul f<lo w ?< l...!fcr> f:n ir . nml,inrri, :n<i Oicirkisnt* l?ut bold ? r. 1 < 1 h ' * . r y ? in I" t :" " 1 ur |i.|- on 1^1 1 Iij. ||tn i, viii-. \ ' tf 11 l? " ill i - li, :? T.-l t)i< ;.'ti {M <tj in >i t ?i it ( vj?i ? t ?? ? will mil l li ? i- t/ ?tfi re< 1 t 111 ?>n>. in * li.. ti I In 1 i . t I". liii-lakr . f ? ??r ;? I n? iiuli ii. ..i?i ? r 1 ?? 1 in', it. . 'i '? tii. 1 .-iini in ? trt; ! - ' d u; . 11. "u>' !?" ' 1 1 ? - - | - 1 : 1 ? 1 1 - lit ri ':n?, . th'l.i.M II ii 1 1 m i' 'ii 11 1 >t 1. li - 1T1 r 1 In ^ 1" f.t 1 !:'? t ii'- 1 f. I rnt- ??. -I lb- 1 . ? ..ii tli ?? ll.t 11 v# :? nil, titer t Lt 1 twit li 11 1 111 'llo ?i(.| tl ' : il. lin t iiil i. il ih'ir ?t i ? i'i;lli to ?;itc I In- ii| ? I . .11 1 1 ? .11 - i i .. - i-.,. rf >-<i tin w ' .ik 1 ' ? 1 (I 1 hr tn 11 hint ii i<iii| i-j.ilur m I | > II L t UM I ' li i, ??> ii.tici " i1 > u ? 1 i ' ul In l ll III . I ? ill' .'I 1-1 ? ? .1 '! I T ? f ? Il t'l . I ki-i ' . 1 . ml ill Ii r in i, .1 till " th r !? Il I .1 th. sriivul 1 1,, \. tin 1 1!. tul ,. i. nt k, il ui Id' d 1 1 ?ll tl ? u ? 1 I '? 1 h< r . 1 )?! ,. r fii out u- 5'tno d WW, 1 ? ii'< i.r ???.( fne'. d:lll 1 e ot .. h- uii' t 1I1 .1 - m.'h turm :i It y | iy " dd. iln * *1?" r..i- ? I i I. 'in in . i'i. 1. I. 1 >? 1 til tin n .1 1 .! .1 , | i o.i . iv !.? .11I1. Hi.: lo tli. III. On th. ?' v llml t ij . i fill i ? Milled. Hi.' ?.i" thru . il. pnni.- l.i-t t:< wllO ? I' ll Hi ?'?'Olllil'l. Ill th v i. l ? il 11 I ' I -> I , | < I I , ? 1 11. OnvVli".' Ii,ui. priud .1 ii' iifiuMi, 1 1. n, tin- uniio'l- aii'l 1 i?v 11 litiiir- lli? jxf <| ?illn lr ehildn-ii. tin \ bitti"'. mniamlt d the unny In '-twin from uiont. r. una lo t?l,.' in >i lit ii|t wilhoitl (.. ihJi h t ? nit impitttitl n* Un' Imlwice. midir ir.vli iu tie' uru k?ts now (iluMi on <|ilinlty ?i bfflor It any our rwu in la o'^rr th? lM I. t<r> llUi? b ? n t^ VUt it n ?lh.j -j #i tfco ?roi; ?tir k-n#s the inUIWUoU of ?H JN '.r oh an1 l?(?rt?ii?nU U wrrmvttr, idd ?H1 rmr4 th?ra who ??UMUh their merits ??^4*?rlluR tUirfr ?Uvngth. Tliey ??* now wsIUii* to be j'>iu?l l?jr tJ??? 1 kill** of thr other |ini(inm in onier to unite their I r mw fw iui?M*ok uu Uio anpiUl city, I'ekm, niter whioh thoy will jtrtxxvd to divide the empire. K i is .? ( high oittci-rs > . -Teic-pl tig . !l eueu -toon , Hi 114 l-vo. 1 in- lik. Tceo-Uk, hbuu-tik. OoMMiHDiiii-iK'Otiiu1 ?, Geiicrei U.tiuo; Ht*w>-kw?ij(r, Oliior Assistant tJenqral, S*w-cli?ou-kwri. J vnnd AviieUut (Jaurrei Ti > ?-*??> flrnt yt>?r. *<th moon. I Kroni th- Krimid ot Uhinn, Jttn 3.| A rebellion had broken out in the Hin-ou district of thin (Canton) province. On tho iftith day ??f the 11th moon, the officer* unpaged in oolleoting the tfcxe-i found -ome who had no moans of paying; but inritoad of wining thtae men, thoy took their elder brot horn into custody, oHjiecially the rioher onus, from whom they axpoctod to obtain a good deal of money n? random. The inhabitants, how ever, bouame enraged, and rone and killed tho ma gistrate ot'the district. Troops are now on their way to tho feeiio of disturbance to examine into the par ticulars of the murder, &c. One of our Chinese correspondents ha* since pir tiully corroborated this report, and giro* fuller de tail*. It was not Ciiong, tho district magistrate, who mas killod, but bin chief subordinate : whero upon Ohong made prisoners of nil tho literati of first and second rank ; one of whom, Rurnauicd l.ieu, examined as to tho porjietration ot the deed, waa toituvod mo ho died under the inflic tion. lfpon this the villagers row fw ?)????. tied Ohong to a tree, gave him a certain number of blows with a bamboo, shared otf bis beard and eye brows. and dismissed hiui to tell hid tale to the deputygovernor of the province, killing seven police men who attempt to detend him. We have some interesting intelligence regarding the Chinese rebellion, and, in reply to enquiries, are tolii that (Jovertior (Jeneral 8eu u at bin wit's end ai. K?ou-? boit-foo, fur nine days, having been without Hiiy kmd of access to the sur ouiiding country, .so tbal lie Klunds a fair eliam-o <>?! being starved into Hihtni.-sion to the 1'ien-Uih dynasty. A true Tartar woti'd cut b: 1 throat , or jump down a well, rather than yii ?d : but .Sen lins t 'hincrtr. blood iu him, and will douhiUtm *ee his old lord and in v.. iter a great way furl! vr before ho does anything of the kind. tseu's conduct !us been a of mystery for some tint ) :ihi : nvcii to .such wonderfully clever |??opk> as our < (iiitein'oniriis of the Ma if and Itf^iiler, and their respective li^bt.s. 'I he icpoit thul Sen is beleaguered at Kttoti-cliwu fi'O ji ovi's cor ect. He bad ofi'o ? il the bo .ieging f. la^l adviecs. :{()0,IJ(M> tacli to retire, an 1 n ? ? w l/iin lo report a victoty. A Omiton iniindurin mn e.- told i>; !a*t week that he hoard he had got imiiv. and wa.- at .Nankin ; .shaking ii ? hea 1 doubt I'ltl.. w|???!i askrd it (he iv v.m piobilliilit v id Ti" 1 tc It la.vng New Vcar'a (tinner in ('anion. Whig lii'gl.ilatlvr Can; us. KMrHATIC K XT It Ma ION IN I' A VOH OV (iHNKi! At. iVOTT. | from .lit- Albany Journal, April H | The wliig ?;cnil>< is of tho lii'giHluluio^nrcre culled tofci t !ici hist evening, to consider tlit! question of ft)> j'dii'i >,f: t wo delegates ut 1 . v rpf ? to tiio Whig ii'inui Convention. Although tho*o dolegn.tes have been twice heretofore upjsiinted thiu, with tli ? pcm ral coi cmv. nco of Uio party, very many have believed thnt the duty ;.liould bo left with those move -ly chosen for that purpose. A roso iuiion vii.- the'clbre introduced lust evening, di rott ing lite S ail* ('ouuuiiti'o to convene Hie district dckgaiM, at some convenient time and place, lo elect i wo State delegates. Tbcro was noine differ ence of opinion us to the propriety of I his transfer of n>i?i. nihility ; but, utter a froe interchange ol vlrv the rcsoiuliou was unanimously adopted. l!t.\ "ng thus determined t" forego the aoioctiou of delegates, it wus deemed a Citing occasion to give e1 ) ic-i-ion to tlie Presidential predilections of meui beii . A r< olution was accordingly introduced, nan ii'g ('Oil . SeoU as their preference, subject to tho dec:; ion of u National Convention, and it. received tho voto of flfiy of tho lifty-oBo members present. [HubseqnfnilVi ton members not at the caucus, sig nified thoir approval of llio resolution ? making the vote stand sixty to one. J ? This omph.'itio vote requires no comment. It eaks lor itself, and exhibits o greater harmony of sentiment than litis over before been exhibited in j 1 1 i i Slate. I The following are the official proceedings of the Caucus: ? WI1IO I.I'.OIHI. AT1VK (!\U0r9. At 0 caucus ot the whig members of 1 ho l.egis I lat.ure, held in tho Assembly chamber, in the city | of Albany, Wednesday evening, April 7, 1852, (in the motion of Mr. A. Smith, of Chautauque, Senator I i ham, ol (?enesee, was called to the chair. ' and Mr. 1 ledges, Jof Suffolk county, was appointed Secrets^". Mr. Mimf, of Niagara. offered the following reso ld ion, which was adopted: ? I etolved. Tliat tli is uracil recommend that Hi? Wldj Halt- Cent nl lionimittee call ? ennvention of Iho d"le k.,?. - .. j|?. M. vi .nl ( loturiwiiomtl district* to i mtnipuia uand <(:ite'< i<"< i nmw ?<ia ? i. <. i .i, . . ! 'i cf! I lit .j and )?l ?' a they nmy decui Isv-t. tor tbe pur i Jul e of e ei*lipa I hi. il. lej-M.ei. I'm' the State at lary*. .Mr. I Ki?Wt'M on. of Omyuga, offered tho follow ! ,nfr tVbrrMi, (iernral H ? th !J in ronMuierntinu of Iii- i ; ; Iia?iii4 been wholly devottsi to and actually |>?ut in the strtiei' of hi country and thai by -itcli .rvicelie li.i* prominently adi .meed ii* honor and rnuotvn at home and abroad, lias tint-* n liimtolf justly entitli d to the ^ rat it lull and atfcctloa ot his countrjmen ? Tbere :orc. Ile-olvi d Tli . i ib? whig uieinborsnf the Lngi lat'irc of tin .-late of .V< n Wrk in caucus a.i>enibled, do present lo the Whig Nations I ' onv< nkioti bi-i iiaint as their fir-! ill ieeiotJif. rri ill i4v of the I nitrd Stales, subject lo i be ili i i-ion of -ut ii con ration. After a brief interchange of views, the foregoing preamble and rt-olution wcr? adopted- ? Ayos "A) ; I (?n motion ot Mr. Krtcsr, of Dutchess, the Hecrc- I lai.v tiBi direelcd to submit the resolution to such I n,i ii. I cis u* were absent, for their concurrence or dift | piofal. [I.iuler tliis rc olntioii. t --n members who were ! i i;. pi eseii t. hare signilied their approval ol tho re ndu! ion.] On moiion tf Mr. A. Smith, flic ?s.ueuu then ad Jouroed. A. 8. I'fhaw, Ch'n. ilfsTtv I'. Hki?ok-<. Hecretaiy. Tlir Anifrlcsa lin. in. v ivrhKK.vriMi 8TATiST/r?t. | I n in th" National lniMli-rrncer. 8th instiini ] 'I l.c ,vu|.etinl?udi.'ut ol ihe Censos bas Inrni-hed ili? folKwInfr table, txliibitlug tacts of (jn^il. interoct. and in utisuy in?U?nrr? really surprlslnp. and a rapld'ty of in rmii! of |ii,)>ulntiou the llkr of which wui prnliubijr net?r , bclkm h*ii upon e?rtli: ? I'nm tllon 4-i TBI rniMim fiTici *r?n T.>w*? i? iiir I \ 1 1 1 1 1 Hrn rv i.. mm run* IIi-cksmii, ben.ei rm CI ST. I ?*M IKifl III IllO. fail"! !?. Mr... I'rit/snd <i'<rn*t* .... Bath M iiclii.|?r V ft . IJoftfin, Mas? i.creii .*pl??n Hfjl.uiy ' bsrletto* n . V^erc enter Ni w lleOi. t il, < ?m bridge.. . f. J na ri i Mil ii ' /'i</? idem ... k i V w Mim u, I Vim * ? n? ( b Hertford . . N'w Vi rk . ilv V I I'mklin tlbni.. Bulb 1<> I?? III -ler t H llliimi billy T??y... .k?r?. . I ilea i migbkti v-ie., .... ? k| i rt Si n bur.' U: vi? >i \ .1 >'.''rr-?.n ,\i ? Hi uii ?li |t ... I 1 ' '' If I i:> ejly j' I I .ili ipl ; |i f(i til it v ' n-ite I f tie; CO ? I ii : ?t ui*;. til. J-'lu II v H.,;.|ll|i/,, . . I ancaftHP W ill upt'ill III t. I'sdi liiKtrp. llii 'I II Ii 11^ 1 1 II |l I ' billlll,. l,.| \ i, s -i I I 'er-linra V I.MlitIK ? bii il? Mou. c ' t ' i i.b I . ,i Mi biu* Al i .. v-? i irleii H.4. I ,, I 'il i> i He Mi n. j bi ... 1 1 in, St h?ille I ' ii ? * ilbv K ? ? lieilili.'ill, lib,,, * Ii llibli I. l' 'elan l I |l loll ? b'llirr.t be /lie <>i||e Mmli mi. 1 1 I bii anu. 1 1| 1 it oit. Vlieb. .-i Louis, M?, liUwaukie, Mi* * I'.allo * . t . .300.0 S.i?J7 1 1.4.12 07. 2H .. a?.7t# li.i'lS Jn.Hli 00.77 . . ;BUI 6.314 S'Ji. j?,77 .. M.'M 1 1 1 h (i >0 50, X7 :t.JPtii i !?"? ;UW.ti7 ."'J. | M. l !Si> 1 .'Hi 1 4<i..i0 jji.-i'i jo. 7 w. i/),.j'_' *..vt i ??.??>? j -jo .'oi ;t,:;.. . . 7: 1. 22 O.osO I S. ;ii4 IO'.!.0I . MM ll. Is! I7.2W l-'.iil 7!?iii ;.t!?7 17.04!' i-'7 41 . -'i'VJ I2?a7 I A, 44:1 io.OH . US. 4* S.40U l"i 21i .N0.y.'l ;.2.o U,M7 14.2-i7 'il.i . 01 02 111!*., ll,7Wi 7.1 . 7.M . 10.44) *?7 M7.?v'i 2't.l71 4tHl.' 7'M.', il,.t7 12 t?'iO jo :t . jo os lo2o 7.i:0 loi'i'. 41. s s4 !i.4?#> l:j.VV. i j.lll ?vS.M ;il2 7lo J|j.'?o7 ot.s.s ;;7 . p'i.v.s ir.7.20 ;i??,2? U172I 7?k: . llu.ll Is.^'U! 4J20I 112/t; it".: joint .jo.iix; v).ii ;ir. ?-! .'|i"4 ;0.7SO ill, -I ii7 I" . ; ? 2S 7S . 4s rt ? ? 22 J71 ? 12 7-2 17.. i* o .4l s.."i I |ins?. i:i'H ] :.i o ' 12* 1 2 ?! V'M ;j > 4 in i 12 2?t."> Hi. 2 mi. s.l-'U 11.41.1 27. 7* 's> ."i>24 10.2'?i 7 j 7 :.7 " , 17 2H0 -A siM ] .'I '. ? 7.7il"1 II..US 4 *.i 2*i . in i.j vrus l:i..;s7 -4 ... |i I v>:? on i lul .7* 2'- '??> '. VI. 7 2 loi >72 2*7..?sii ;t>.; i|S 2I.1I-1 -t-i V. I > ? 1 1207 ,,4i | "i in.OS'i 21 201 J 10.7:; 4 1.Ml S4ii> l ".7is S7 2> ?i 2. >>117 12,.;?m -??. :? s ,,n7 i o; 07 . 2i'..!? 102 . 1 :; lo'MkU o i,2 ; . 24.1 2:;;'4.t loitol 712 2 20 1 -j; 1-2 :m !.; 1120 lO.'i.'O 1 ' "O :t1 . 1 ' . : . - 1 in o i i.ulo 2,. < 4(. 4A 7 ss;. Il .toj 4 1. Ill 20. JO I 42 '. "'i 4u 'i ;.7 It 214 I ?.???? 1121 2'4 71 12 072 an:. I a t,| s; IHo.iO Jo2 !!?;: II' 101 V. ? i : 1.207 14.1m) :i | j. i . , ? 511*20 , k .;-j y;io -j", 21.1s o 2' i 10 l.s ??! ji n r. l 21 utu 4 "I'.a in.; ?... Mi. 01 4'. :. ll.t.^l it'll ,14; . .',7 lii'1'1 1 7 S;hI ! ... I ? li4 21 oo; i r, o. i i so .v. 1 0.1 ll,. 0 IS|(' ill ' , J Ml J . i?.74 U..-77 7.tW 7S..2 . ,4 ol 4 7m. 7 !i2n do :o ? ;t,7' >?? sin.. 1l07n ? 4 470 WAU ),0.::l io-.i.i .. !i 102 21.010 JSo.M 2 0. 'i 10 4ii'< 77 ;; 72 7 1 '? ? 1,12 20 i d l,o? I. TH Mdwagd from Gtroroor ttaat Thr C*Mtlt?tlo?KlU)r 4T Ike C?*ti !,*??. On TliurwiAy U?t, '<<>?. ilunt ??nt * iao?f>?g* i?> (lie Ijogi*i&turo, mforriug to tiw? <>b?V*.H,*? whmli bn*o beou iutorjxnod to prevent th ? i?n '>ftl?i? C.iiiaI liir, All I Asking for authority to Appoint cruniel to argue tin m*iil?m>id eiuo, on tha pur', of tin- State. I R' for J the Court of Appe*Li. Wn have already given a tohgraphio ao?uul of tUa 'u <m?g% which we uow prMout iu fuil : ? MRMHUA KKOM THM tJOVIIUNOK. To the Stunt* and Asrnnbh/ . ? Feli.ow CiTiatHNCt? It bvoonion my duty to invit* your attention to the unforeseen ob-itAcie* that liur? Loan interposed to prevent the completion of the tin tinuluvd oanaU of tni? Htato. At the eoinroonc.onent of tho present m-.vdon, it wan ooutidontly believed liuti uo morn difficult ioa would Ik* encountered in provieuliug the iinprovoinonU provided for by I ho la*t T<egi*lature. I in: Canal Jaw bud rec?vl vod the general Mnotion of tilO (Moplo. Itotil pAl'tiiU* Ntood ultdgod t? rllM tain it, Audou all bau It it wtwt rt'jf'udiv.l im a ve'tlju mmUmu III the election of n now Canal lloA/d, avery inotn ber chosen, unle-v. known im an original supporter of the meiurare, had received tin* popular suijingo upon a public pledge, aupposod to \n- binding, in honor and molality, to aupport tho law, and co-oporate in itd execution. Koine important :?t?pi< had bjen tilcan towarda I carrying nut tlio provimona of the act. (j?a il r><v < ' line certificates, to t he amount of 'Jl ,!V)l),iHIO, w.<r" issued before the commencement of tint pro ?>nt your; and a loan of $>'21)0,000 was obtained undor who at I providing for the enlargement of the Oswego cauiiI. Lute iii lfcoenibor, contract* wore awarded and en tered into by tho Cniinl Coiniiil.Mioner*, tho H?ut>? Knginoer and Surveyor, and thu Divi i ?n Kegnm-n. for the entire work of completing tic- Ltluik River and (?vucflxee Valley Canal*, and tlio enl ngunieul '>1 t'n I'ivii and Onv go Ciinnl ', at an ag;;rognv- .???>?! ful1 ng below t ho utlicial or.' nrit of i he i jji i?- ? i-,. In v.i \i nl .ill these a.itciA deliU, I regai'dnd ilio poliuy iii I ho State a- tixed ond '-laiiii lio-l, ami u^niMi it si el u i" lor profound ciu?;,.itul ition. <n my aunijii! iin-Kuijiii to >ii? I .??gial.ttino, that our i .i tllll !l);i <1. Ill lit.1 llllii C- .1 h (0 1)0 l rill',!' 'I li M- ? litieal controversy. Ill the p;' "i id jK^lurc d" all'aim, I 1 i li" I - ii'ito revive f'orni . men- mi or ??mi if I. "in" i n ? C0c -li ry to cniiiigo ii]ioii li'o eon .idcriu i< n? whieh KOVAiH'd the iieiion of the hut !?i >;' -tiium ? It uiuuof !i" <f ? |rui f d. howevri , tiuit 1 he reuwu which iiiHnenc. il "..i p:en ?? ?i n'inaiii in ful! In . Stft'DgtlicD'-d It v ntioihoi vent' < e\|i irii?ii"e, mid h.v the addii ioiml v eight wlneh r- anil ttroni itn -\i.< luw,aui' i . i .ed by einpln ? if \jn' mm ? ?tp<ipul;n llj p. Il>!li. the m i v-ii? for ? more eap i. iou- ' liAnn *1 : ? .it romniodate and .seourc th ' We-tarn Iriid..-, Iiaj long lulu i'eli tint! a 'kaowlcdgi d. f- 'vesiti t:ii m ai'fi have pa-- vl uvay -iijet' 'i i I. gifltiitiiru Iwiil I to nit. .' iij'Oii tho eiil?:^eiU(?iii of the llriecinal. Alii! vai altoiaiionri ??; polioy, the eoinpleliou of the uiidc> -tjiUiiig waa provided lor by tho low ?? .-I it ul ion, by . oliiiig iijiart I ho riiriilu- eauiil rovo nm x lor i lt;i I ]"irpo.e. >S*heii dx'.t-cn in'. lion- il dollau- I mil Ineii i\]?onli dii)>on th? onlargtinont, il bcciiiue ii. ???e? todeteiininu whether tho eoiHiiui ii a.. ion of the work .slmold bo d- i'i c i t or a lon ; ...i? lie- of years, hi , podilvd b.> ant.i ? : ?Ati vijr the nnr pliiH rcviitiiif air li t!i ? t'tution hud pledgi-d to itHnecoiiiid! d.inent . It WHS ill HlOll-l lilt I'll t ll.l I .'I Sy-itolll l?l .-IliaJI Itll nillil CX|K'lid;tl'i'i . ilivolvi t all UllUe t , and iu juriou* ilt lay : i ? ?j > -.ili'i ? l? ! ? im-rea-i' in tho I'f.tial cnnl nt On' ; 11 heavy jos* ol intorcnt on 'he monoy alri .ti'v c .ponded, ina audi is the priivipal advantage ii( i i,i> i!ii|uiiv <raonl could "'it 'in renli/.od uiii l tho citlro ?- ] in ii ii ! i s completed ; k ad I ! ? , dm ii:g the tu rdv progrc.- ? ol' ih? "idargement, on in. i bility to chcujieu 8ii()ioi< utlyt ho coat ?f trana ion would force i lii'^o . i mount nt' Westorn iiii.sliir-.- into oilier channels. t <> the prejudice m till our financial and commercial interests. On the oLiuir hand, it %s ;i -< poroeived that iIhhj i vils would lie obv iuu-d, lunl I hti deal rod advantages attained, by .1 luoio vigorou- pioHccutiou of tku un dtfi taking. VTIiilo the importance and n j ? no_v ?il" o v ling the enlargement vvero generally cnnoedt t, the same unanimity of sentiment did not exist in regard ti? the mode tu hi adopted lor securing tlm object. Iliffrreices of opinion were tuaiiir >! -d io relation to the iiOM'or of the State tu obtain the uecoKsary funds by an issue of revenue certificates, intended to operate us ii transfer ol' tin- future surplus rc vcf&ticn, without roeoui -o to the Stale, in uien of their insufficiency. It wns shown, to the satiffao t ion of ii majority of minds, shut Mi; - .node of pro iwding was i'i liHimony v. itli tho provision.' and i til i posi ? of I lie eoii -t itut ion. 'I lie competency of tlie Legislature to antii'ip'it-c the surpiu.' ? . mi in t hp uiiiii'.wr pi ii<><>-ed, wm r ti.-l aincd by lie' opinions ol our most einiuniit juiists, including the lnlo( liief Justice ol our highlit | jtid'eial ti ihi'iiiil. After tin* disctts.-dou and j crMnination, the ? v< rein- "f this purer was delibo ' ratoly iesolved ujsni hy the Legislature, and con i tinned hy tint j i opto. 'I'lie question having hoi'n | ihti.i deteiiji.iii u by tho passage ol the law, and the I subsequent proceedings in coiweotion with it. it, i -eeuied reasonable to pre ume iio further effort? ! would he made to defeat or retard its execution, i Hut this impression has proved to lie erroneous. I After the award ol the contracts, a serious question | h im presented in re-poet to i lie authority ol the !et I ting ooa ri I In make final and valid conl/acts without tli 'i -nbiuitting thorn to the Canal Board Cor ap proval. Ii i not iv ? i Lin in v province to pronounce an <>|-inion upon the < \ t nt of the pone is vested in the subordinate boaid bv t he ro'olut -on under whieli they in ted. If it was to the validity of the Contracts that they -hould be reviewed and noted ii) on by the Canal Hoard, a prompt ilischargeof that duty would have proteettd t In* Slate and if eitlf.en* In in Biuieee?-ary cmbarrasnment. Unfortunutely, no praetical measures have been taken by the prV , be lit ('anal liourd towaul removing the iliiGoulties 1 rote i red to; and painlyzi'd hy doubts concerning llio I n ci-e extent ol' its authority on sotne points, it m.ciii- to luno shunned the exercisc of cveiy power whiili had I n>coine nceessaiy to the progri -s of the work. While the ('anal liourd una the t'omuiis I <ioners ol the Fund rouonueed all resjsmsi ; bilily in re.-js et to their duties under tho law, it niniiot lu< deemed anrjiriakig that the Auditor of the L'miiwI lA'iiartment should distrust his authority to rccogni.-o the coDtrscta, or to draw warrants tor work 1 1 1 ftrt laed iu Dinfiuauee of their conditions ^'ieiding to the doubts produe .'<! by the non-aetioii ! of his iminediatc official "ujs'iiors, the Auditor 1ms | n fused to honor tho draft ?; of I bo Caniil('oniini^-iou , ers. ami veral of them have been pniteated. It appears that proceedings Lave been eoui 1 meiK-ttd agnin -t that officer to < oni|n l ))nyment of j ' draft thus refused and protested ; that the Supremo j Court lias granted an order for a peremptory man j damn*, and that the whole case liu* been curried to ; the Court of Appeals for a Hnal leeiaion. It i< al-m understood thai the questions presented will he ar* gued and diajioscd of at the lire.-'ent term of the Ap j ??I1?? t ? Court, and that its decision will extend not only to tin jiower of the letting hoard to awaril and execute the contracts, but to the constitutional validity of tho law itsell'. lou cannot fail to appreciate (he grave impor tance of i his priv)eedin?, and the magnitude of ihe interest* to uo affected hy it> adjudication. The gieat tfndcrtuliing upon which tho State has en tercd, and which Was supposed to rest upeu the delilierate approval of the people and their repre sentative.'', in ii- 1 bow depend upon the action ot the jndii iary. Novel and anouialon.s as it may appear, the iitieatlonof enlarging tin- I'Irio Caunf, ? men mii e 'Ii manded bv so many considerations of public iuti'icit uiul | olii v, and -<> repeatedly sanctioned by .m enlightened public sentimeut, lis- ?.*suni4d the loi in ol a law ><.iir, aud the ea paciiy t?t" the State to proeecd in the work it lias ooumcnced is ivdeoail to a question of eritieal phis neology and technical construction. \VlK<thcr tho In H m <t the const 'tni ion shuH b? interpreted ai.ior?iiug to ihe rommoii sense and reason of man kind and allowed <?> ope ruts heneti^ially to the pub lic weltrtf. or lin'l ho thwarted by the artilloiiil rtCnsiaem- oi legal inbtiety and a'hatractiou, will now lie d bv i he mart ot last resort. He lm* that eb:vate<l tiilnmal, eompo<t?d ot judge* ft ?a]'iie'ly. |>ai tiality, and iiide|iendence i?'jnre tl>s highest public cotitidcnce. w? may anticipate the n nit without approhensiou. The l.iii?a.ige of tns law tor be tub nitted to r.buir consideration is plain aud distinct. It derlares iu rxpii '-s terms that the revenue certifloates autho rised by it " Shall in no event be so con trued a* 'o eitatn any debt or liability against tho Statu or the j 1 1>| '?.ihereol. within tin mi>?nin|; ol ieotion i waive, ait. ' clo >e Vcu, of the constitution. " H'fore lb ait can be cotisti neit to ercaU the obligatiiMi, which it. Ihttt explicitly 'I' avows, u i iuu-'t revcr.-: the ordl" n.ny raenming ot wor<Mp arui o fy the eleareit piii ? i iples ot ini-ipi elation. Such a eonalnsioii w ,ild, ii loiti.'o. over-iii'9 th' d'di berate an I woll ? ? n ' iden'd u 1 1 rii ci the legislative dc | ar.ninr . Ii v.' uld be alike inpcenon t<> tho public j "l^oieiu . ice in ilia, vital and elieii^li d iiv r"-' ? ?' tb. ?* - lit- . A m ill ling ? onii i. in*.- i.i ? i. l i'i ?' ' o ' ' ' ll" j. .1- i'i'" d -j I H .1 ' ? " U.'- ? < . - "I a i' -nit so crtlamltMl > in it* on q.t- i ? ( i . I I in a i al n i 'i k'f.-:il pro . noliS, intend i n ! Ii" aovai-. ii .;ut oi'iiM'fMl Mai b? ,ii"- . i .ii" ? -ii i - ' ii". ?lv . \ < i ii 1..H a i; ,tn , ; i. -' in i ' ? off "i ' "<?? i , At I ol a. a : . r a in '. ?!? m- I emi. I I nily v.- 1? t ii ut- . i, t... I'n - 1 - ' "r i'i" , in *1 IKS I.-. II ?i c 111' I I xr .in tl I ho nisi : II I it..: I hu ? . I ; .. piiau I .O - ? '? I" 1' "I ,'I w . i :. ? a i. -.i .no ig, i ), ?' i in ? ii, ? i ,o. s '1 ti ? i 't > ??? i .' 1 1 .i - ,i ? 1 i 'J l*s (ak.m ?o ?indioi?Lfl their omiiuoiui tiid laaiatata tlio rightful action of the law making power, whea er?r (iao auhjeot is presented for judicial o?ti Jura tion. In oonUuuplarion <>? th* momentous mkMa involved to the final do<i lion of the inm?. 1 'lixtia it r uapoctful to tbo court, aud boflttuig the importation il th<? occasion, that able an if ?rn i ri-*T? fc couoaA should bo engaged to ap|ien.r in behalf of th? State, to defend Ih.i noiwtitutioiiality of the CatiaI law Ample authority i* vm(<?] in tho Kxooutivo I* '? tin ploy rtu -ii counsel ,ia he nuty d?*?m pr>j?er to J the Attorney Ceueial in any suit pro.<oniito4 , or Jei'ondcd \,y 1 1 1 in , in of ihia Ht.Uo;" bat f t list offioer bm uut yh runu -ctod with the pra J sent proceeding, Mini in tii ? ev-mt of Iim otniasioa I ' t iiiirv-ar uni) ui*tuin tlia taw tli * n ovi <ion itferr>4 tn docs not iutTi 1 1 an i ly ni*c,. *?b ? ? t i / *noy jf tho 0MM . 1 consider it my duty, therefor* , t>rc>'nineod tbo iniiaed .??? |?.i ?.<?.< ??? an .1 nut homing tho ja Jailill meat ot' Much special ?oiiii v| A . imy !io 1 vim ltd a ivi-able, to Appear 'v th- .->UI - in ?'ipp >rt of tlto hnv, and making provision foi In paytiiun* at a it inoiiaio'n < omj>eneatinn Tii > importune* of a'-curing .111 early Jeniaioa ky tlio court. i<4 ohviou.. It lM-ooiitei indi.tpeiisaMt t* tlio Hi< tout unci successful prosocutiou 01 Mi* work. Ilittt t.Ju* which have boon planed in uuue ?Itouj !> ? linaJly determined, *0 thai ail doubts im rospcot to th,i rights of individuals, .m l iii<* duties >t public officers, may be letnovnd. It \a h >]>??<] that your action on the suhjeot wM bo as piouipt a - the ordinary rulft of legislation wfl permit. W MHINUTON lltfNr A i.han r, Ajiril 8, 1852. V . Mom mortal that tlio communication l>* r# t ? ;red v > tli<j .Indioiary Committer. Carried More floniliriii Vlfwn on K(M.4?tll'4 Count. >111 till" .m4I?U1I.|!| (n?- > ) iii liullliuail, A|ll'd H KUK.uru on mtatm ui<iiirn In bis s|K'i'ch in Now Orleaim, ou l'ue?<i'ty !ut, K(wsu'!i cori'iotoil the tologiaphii' mmr'>jira?Mitatiot> t.lia4. bo bud ?|iokrii Ui?riMp>-i tfully aud univiudlj Mr t Ins, at I roui.iv il , and t li ? 11 wjiit on t.o >;i?a it'< yi< wn ?>( State rights and the tru? policy of tb? Pouth. Tbo South, lie (ays, i.oiit>'iid.< for the rifkl of rrgulatiusr i tn own ntlair-i, withoutr dictation ?r inti}rferi'nco t'rom otbew. In other words, the polity of tlio South, A" he undoidtood it, ii non-inUrTii tion. Such i.i bin poiioy? Auoh i?tbo |Hilioy of IIimi tf try ? and, tburofino, he think* the South ought t> iup|N>rthi.4 njertsuif i ToiiotlilH, it would booone noccwary tor uh to do ihu vorv thing ag'aiti/?l. whioh hi' pr-nt iwii? To im| a non-intcrvuntiou, wi muat ti'->t intorri iie ? otherwiao, our proteal would be ? iuor Inu/uii 1 fulhH'v. Ko.-.iuilt Jil?o coiitotidri that the South should not opp<;<" blin, -.imply bct'ttiinc hoiu? of tlio abolitionmka support in in In niaintnining hi.1 cnusn, tbo Houtta would luuinliiiti Stute lights, And oppmo nil i nt.oi |m> - ."'ion in i ; .< dome -tic nlVniis. Thi.n i?all voty pla? iih)v, m< iscvi'iy thin^ 1K0 wliich proeood^ from th* Hurorarian ; but the prctuiiiei being t'tlie, the oan* e'u. i ui ' < !'al.-u aim. L'lu- iiboi'tiouisU look upan IJuuj*?iy as in u atato ol pOlitionl bouda^i, an4 uj:on Austria and I't^sia as hoc ninHt?i'.i. In thou vow. it i- 11 i a.'-e of uujiMtiliiible oppression ? lltiii ajirtv boinpr the opprcHsid, and Auatria and KiiiMia tl.O opjavwors. limy take tbo sumo view of thi ma " 1 stud the alavoof thn South? with Ulirf o* . ?. ;? '?.n : the sorfituile of the llungnriau ia j?liti in!, t bit I ot the Southern slave nooiul *1 woll 11a po liiical. 1 ho same motive whieli iutpoln tho aboli tiouints to iuteifero in the 0110 '.mse. nutuatoa them in tho other. Thoy doiiotiu. e I'.u.-nin for her inter fei'-nee in the doiuostio u Hairs of Hungary ; they ik uounco thewhito inn 11 l< >r hia intoriorenoo with tho ifgro. They iidvoi-ate interventiou by the ITuitod t-t;4u .5 to save Hungary from the oppreaaor'k foot ; they MWocute intervention in be halt of the slave to reaeuo him from the dominion of tlio master. Suidi is tho roa.ion which induces the nbolitiouwt* to accord to Kosauth " material, financial, and ojio rati re aid,*' and such ar? the " base uso?" to whteh thov seek t.o apply tho precedent of inUrroialion for tiia sukn 01' nou-ioterrciit ion, in t ho I'aso of Hub {{ni v. Koasuth'a illustration is unfortunate, and ao is his frequcut allusion to State rights. He iIcm oJnini -all intention of taking |if\rt in any of tho po liueel qucst.lonH of tho country, and yet lie not m f)i(fuoiitly aei'onipiiniea his doelaiiuor with arttui allusiono to this or that party or taction, Kossuth repeats for the hundredth time, that im ti rvi iition by this country will uot involve us ia difficulty ? will iuvoIto ua iu no war ? " but," saf? be, "if you do not protont, then you will b? oer Uiinly led into diflicuilics, and have a war." Thid is strange logic; it is logically illogic. If. you suit iu a mail's fai <! who is iptarrolling with another, no Hill not return you a blow; but if you let him aiotio and ?n y nothing to liim, then he \\ ill be sure to strike you ! Koisuth, we fear, uudei'-rntoa tbo Auurioon character for intrlligoneo. I'erlupa be has rirvor wiUib<-<ed the expresaive pantomime per Coi uied by incrrduloua boys when tlioy bear a long' winded story. If he could look behind t lie iiurkain, whin be advances such 1U1 argument as (he fore going, be would probably find tho whole audienoo ttith their thumbs upon their noses, and their litti* iifig' v wiiggliog most mystcrioualy in the air. Kos?l III IN TUB SOUTH. fKr?>ni the ? harliviton Oourirr. | Alter clisajija'ariiig for ? aiasou, Koaauth emergM al New Orhans, but oven there the telegraph di? fio.-e- ofbiin in two lines ? "arrived ? no pivparfttioa to roci ivii him ? little interest shown." This ia al the t tho Crcent City does ft>r tho mob hero, at ? ho e lieols the whole population of tlio North pour a;ong in urging multitudee. Pcrhajis even they arc fty this t'inc asli:?ni"<l of their measureless adu lation. l'erhnj.a they have di-coverud thn tiollow ness of his flatteries, us h? has of their ciilhtisiasM. They were well matched. Tho enthusiasm on hoik liiN's wu-< merely the c.-ciiltal ion of self-worehJp. Hut* !ii (In as t In re wu- of the aim 1 re and riiduring iu llio uluring hlaze of KossulhV Northern progress, thero wa^ enough of i*ibl ferment and momentary foroo, to .-way 1 lie opinions an I eouduct <>f a great [sirtian of th?i | uldie men ut V? aahin^ton, and tuns serioualy to omui iniiii.-e till) inti re-ts of i? aeo willi Kurope. In tliis pi iili.n <,t thin* if the South had yitldod to the agitation, there is x urcidy a doubt that irro >1 cable sto) - Viould ha v? been tukon, and the I 'uited State? would have paid by tin calamities of loug years for the riotous drunkenness . ,f ^ Jay, llvt, 1 ?i 'ywhe c, on the borders of the South, ilio tor ri in clieeked, and the ic-in-iion of I his ealm and hi 111, waa imuiedialely felt in the rank* of 1 lie politicians, and iu the inert ased onlidence of those Northern journal, which, fium tho first, had shown a ili po.-ition 10 di feiui the true and oita bli hed j olii.y ut' tli* count ty against t ho cosmopo litan piracy ?i Kurojitau red rej[)tiblicauisia. Nnrtfci in i. lit liri* iiiatu is now -tale and fiat, after Inn ing shown it-elf tinprolilable. It has effected no obji i' 1 tluii ciiher line pi'iiots or dorp ingtios eould greatly 1 i-Joice nv?r. li bar made the country 1 iilicnlo'i j It fin- hmken up for a time our good in iVrvtMidiug uiili -onie of lie gorcrnmeuu of I ,n ; e. atrt'ic 1 ? hem h ? could alle^o uo griova?e??. It h..s ibrown :i ?c, pi. ju.i on the niouil souudness ut? the public npiiiii.n oi thN coutiiiy, which, for ? tinii a lca-l ttillwtitki 1 Ike fui' b of gthar HAtioM in eur f.blie j iJo? i ?, 'I Lis 111 itcli of mil it ha-s ua dtninbiy deni'. Ifiit it litis p.rhap also done so mo gccil. It ba subjected the principles of our foreigu jsilicy tn a ?hii liinj scrutiny, ami thus enlightened the gi m ial mit.d. It has afl'orded au instance of #? wild popular tioniy being ipicnehed wbila yat far t'r' 111 tbe mi. ebieTOMs end to which it was sp'e4iug. If Im -hoMii uioit clearly tbau a ay other single ]ui<r? ?>f oti 1 history, that, the Sou lb in Ike con-trva tiv? cleoitnt of tba confederacy. Marina Afilii. Ti'i 'i: i.M-nif K.wriar l urlill jr?'?terda,r with pa? eiij.-'i" |i* I tiljiai'llUi. r,a IIpthiim fit iM-iiir ih M.R4i built at Ken-iutloa. hgf Mi Afubi'iK W. TliVB>|i?<>n tw A. Iiwftn L Bt^lhir, M' ?t. .layo tfe ''ill*, made h t ri-tl down the Delaware on tha Till hi Hunt Mr fh<in|ii?n coutnteted that ttm f??M ?liquid 'Iraw but u?e irn.l ? lull 1'eet of wuter. with a hold of -t. win* .7N;hhi.U o| iii|{ir, in. I tfiatiha should M> . m it rim rtilv of i?a mile* tin In. nr. .ill <>1 which itijiu lutiini ?rr *?i<t t? tia*f Ih*ii tlma fulrllk'ii. a? nil* cun carry * liirver amount 01 c? <.i tlmu u?m*<l with a ? liaught i'l wiiIit within Hi'' limitation ami po**e*?e? * equal to twclre uiili - |><rr lmur. iitd the it iL^o rt prcrfntcl ?? being a rn> ?? b wutlt'iil craft. Her hull w?a built at Mm t?m of >Ii Wro. t'r.iuip. ufler a model de ?inn?M by Mr. Th<>ni|>aon, which. efVit ti.e desired rr w??lt . nu peculiar in it* proporttoM. I h" 'liuica?iotuar?? I'll f??t li.n^ t'aet h< an), aud iOftet hold. She i.< Irlveu hy two trunk engine*, working Tattcaily ?ilh ??/llmierw f?|iisl to .i" >n< tii - 'tlnii' f'.'r .i uj litu ii-?*t ntvukf. Her propeller "butt in ??aN >?? make 'ton? in 'dution* la ou?i i f the engine, Hint the dritlng-wlieel hy *hiah thiala ef fected i? one "l |;ecvlla?i ? it?ti u-.tion. tin- merit of the Jr. >I^ii tieiu; <lu? to Mr Thcmpion. It. may i?e .aUcd .in internal iimt'oa, tiie cfj;? whiah work upon the pinion I -elan "ii tin turnr 'ireuinieranoe of tha run. wlileh i* ? u lid iu.-i?a at uom. and. acting' a If.* wheel, by it? uu ux-ntvni a?'i?l the engines, ami at tb? sain* time .??< i'l* the ^tluJim noi -a produced by thri u.-ual mode ot i.i'in iiig. flic 1 llcr i> one of the Thouipei.n pnrnl ? lie infant in I but - i I and ? ll?if foet Ifi iliamcti v. with four bind** Th* General Armi'ro h? int. ?tb d ti [i|\ l? i?i 'H S t Jaj-i and Cum licrhind harbor, i n the nth *i'l? "f cut* (hi* ?e:'<?>l m?'ii' the run tn in tl.e \ii?y Va-il ilnv.* t'i >? w l'a*tli\ IJIJ 1 , utile*. in two hours t? ir liiini ter tnd ri'.nriied again to th? Siny >nrd in taolioui* .nul thirt y-four iniimtc* ? aceniu j .iiiiiuj tlia wht la iuiio* ?iny w ?en mill*'' In i?n hour* itinl IVirly -:t iiiinute- . without making ft *ingli' pntlM) Jt' t . r i n.ii'i -. wl.ii h i'? -tin" I nm l ajuilmhij, reflect ii^; in'lm c i ?? 'lit ?i i?> u tlia I nii'leit M>'"<ra laui<? T Suttou v 1 " ..irik' ii \Vork?. K> ifington. With thirtj iweln ? I ttci.ui. th ? t ,:t . ma I tt? r< ?olutiotv ii ?? ?< t'? ' ill pi i? r 1 17 *nrn* In the *.iu?e iiiae. i) i tit ivi'M ti| v. ^ frc 'iiuuty atjofa twi l?r BtlUa m I'll Ul'.l ft'r I'^I'I liinl till 11.(1 I'l tui'llt S of til" C'UI l"*Ct, ? lti.' i?nl '.i j fttlou oi Uiri'Aiict The wotnh r K that, wit n s pri'i !? ller iiau- U until .luu. n tioa*. anytbi?n iik? i ii tt J cvuld l.t' .trrotii) |i ii .f ih |i;i)|ielilir lliw an i" .? ?? u ,-it.h throi hi i.? Mjiilc .. tlia atarafe ?* > ill i. e'sUl n?.i i Half fnt ta >n n eutntii n IK ?!. >n it i ? utt/er nj revolutli i> in tit' iniy *?ou m Una *?? ?? !?..?; nmi ti. ii.* . i i.'- t In <ixtj.ic?i?n milaa U : 'Uic . nu. I Mt i f l<V?, n. -Ul?. Ihi Ti-tVire, *H :.?? ? ??.*:. 'ill - th.1.1 .1 twolt'i h J liii ?< the graaleat ra .? 1 vi. ii hi- i.H' f i. I" 'i obtained '?/ thi> mode of prnptil ii n. In !'i..'ii I -tw-t tilh h?? li^tt ?onaidetMl Uu I"' t ' ?' :? ??' aid nailer ?n;. eu'CuautMOM, vbtaii ml l,4i nutirn, at K-'t Micltiaa >le on th" if i i >/*\ It '? w : at m V?M?e lMi?l Mm LuU*.