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NEWS BY TELEGRAPH# j IIlKklr Interesting from Mexico. eOMVKlU 1AI t KIMS IV u:iu ? Ktr/.-KK*ONSTUANCI 'r FOKKION IIIS1STBK.S AGAINST TUB KKVMNU K j LAW*. K1"C IUltimohk. April 13. 1852 Pates from Mexico hare been received at New Orleans j to the 2d 'n>t A con>i?ercial crisis was anticipated at i Term CnM The ditcontent in Tampioo continuot una hated The atnl>e..?. ador* of Great Britain. France. Spain Riuvia. ard the I'nitid States. liad addressed * rcuiiin Mraitce to the Mexican go\ crunicnt again?t the unfair nee* of the custom house regulation* of Mexico, which made impost* at Matamoms much less than al Vera Crui and Tampico. To tin- the I n :ident replied that the j tnatter ww liofore Congress whose member* alone had tb< power of ann nding the law*. Tuxpan ha* been mad. k port of entry, and the people of Vera Crux are appr? hensive that Alvarado will soon be accorded the Fame pri\ ilt ;jc In liuanapiato the property holders and traders hare been fbrced to loan if- ot) 000 to the authorities. At the capital. ,1 M. Kevera F. Santillan and J. Medi na. have beeu seutenced to death and M Ksplnasa to six t?ii? imptisenuieut. for the astassination of Mr. Beis tegrei. A contract has been entered into by the King of Belgi um and the Mexicau government, for transporting fifty thousands Belgians to iho interior of Mexico, who e they are to receive land to settle en or work for Mexican land holder*. on certain stipulated conditions. More than ten thousaud pert on - have been compelled to flee to other States, in consequence of the inroad* of ravage*, and the want of grain to plant ('nthe 13th ultimo. Guanajuato was visited by an earth quake. which it was apprehended must have been severe ly felt at Cuadlajara. From Phlln<lcl|tlila. STEAMBOAT Bl'KKBD? K088VTH? DKATH OF A 90M NAMUl'LIST Philadelphia. April 18. 18.12. The ,'teamboat Independence. belonging to the Now York Kailroad Company, caught Are early this morning, while lying at Camden Damage $1,000 Kossuth arrived at the Baltimore depot at half-past five yesterday afternoon, and hurried off by the Pilot line to Burlington, where he will remain "till to-morrow morning He passed through the city without being known. To-day he was to attend church at Burlington, and dine with Uishop l>onne Kossuth was accompanied front here by a committee of Trenton citizens. On Friday night. Kdward Watts, son of tieorge Watts, Esq., while in a state of s< mnuuibulisin walked out of a window of hi* father's house, and war killed almost lu Stan tan eous ly . Tlx Sinking of the Hubert Rogers? Loss of 916,000 In (iold Dust. Nashville. Tenn. April 17, 1852 It is is believed that no live- were lost by the sinking of the Robert Rogers, on the Cumberland river, last Thursday. The pa. sengers aud crew had barely time to save themselves Mr. Merritt. a returned Californian had sixteen thousand dollars in gold dust in his trunk, which he had taken from his state room to the deck, and when tl>? boat caree ned, it was thrown into the river, and lost Tho chambermaid and captaiu swam ashore. Tho others got oa board the Republic The ft wan loaded with iron principally. Boat insured in Cincinnati for six thousand dollars. Items from the South. Baltimose. April 18, 1852. To-night's Southern mail bring* tho intelligence that the steamer Frances Jones, from New Orleans, for the Sabine river, had gone ashore on the beach, and would be a total loss. Cargo saved, in a damaged oonditlon. The consolidation of the municipalities of Now Orleans took effect on Monday last. Crist, alias Cabman, the murderer of Nye, has arrived ?t Mobile, in custody of officers. Yesterday morning a locomotive on the Baltimore and Susquehanna railroad. ?xploded near Harper's Ferry, in stantly killing Thomas MeMakin. an engineer on the road, and fatally injuring the engineer, aud scalding the fireman aud several otli?rs. Cause of explosion not known. Escapc of * Prisoner. Portsmouth, V*., April 18, 1852. Last night, the man known as Jock Stevens. who wu recently committed to our jail, on suspicion of having been roncomcd in the robbery of the Portsmouth Bank, escaped from the prison, and so far has eluded sU pur suit. Escape of Convicts. Tbemton. N. J.. April 18. 1852' Two convicts named Auguntus Winanj and Abraham Hsyeock. eecupod this morning from the Trentsn State prison. Two hundred dollar* are offered for their arrest. Markets. Niw Orleans, April 17,1852. Ttoe Miss of cotton to-day were 8.000 bales, at steady prices, wne? the receipt of the America's advices ; strict middling, 7\c. Mew pork. * 17 12,V No general news. MARITIME INTELLIOENGU. alhawao? arniL 19 sww bisbs. ft 17 | mouk rises morn 0 00 sm 6 42 I HIOH WATBB ?T? t) 5 4 P0KT OF NKW YORK. APRIL 18, 195X Arrlwed, HSU steamship Arctic, Luce, Liverpool, 7th ioit, 1 I'M. ?*ith mdse and passengers, to E K Collins. Arrupatt>l? A M. 10th, A 30 A M lit M i!7, Ion 24. pasaod Br steamship Niagara, froin Button for Livsrpool. 8th inat, off Cape Clear, passed packet ship Lady Iranklin, Yeaton, from Liverpool lor N York. Tho A sailed in co with steamship Sarah Sands, forNTork. Steamship Glasgow (Br), Craig. Glasgow, April 4th, with Sadse and 123 to J McSymon. Steamer Delaware, Seymour, Philadelphia, with mdse and passengers, to M Sanfora. Ship James Neamith, Watts. Liverpool, Maroh 11th, with Mdse and 320 passengers, to D Pilkingtoa A Co. March i't !> , lat 43 14, len 44 SO. spoke bark Margaret II ugg, Beswiok, of Md from Baltimore for London. 15 days out. Ship Joseph Walker (pkt), llexie, Liverpool. MarcliSS, With n.dso and 562 passengers, to S Thompson & Nephew. Ship Southampton (pkt ), Tinker, London and Portsmouth, Marrli 2*, with mdse and MO passengers, to Griswold, Mor gan It Wiley, let in<t, lit 49 30, Ion 13, exchanged signal! with ship Caroline Tucker, Tucker, from Mobile for llavro. 11th, lat 44 40, Ion AO 30, passed tw o large icebergs. Ship Dtichesse d' Orleans (pkt). Uuttnn, Havre. 28 days, -Ht?? pidse, and 390 passengers, to W Whitluck, Jr. Night sfT7tli, .*sw large ship bound W, with painted ports, with loss of her forem&ft. spoke, no date, ship Isaao Wright, hence fer Liverpool. C days out, in Ion G2. lat 38 30. For the last 14 days had strong westerly pales. Ship Malabar ( Br), Leeds, Dublin, 33 day*, in ballast and 288 passengers to T Wallace. Ship Tartar. Webher, Shanghai, 108 days, with teas, silks, fcr, to Booth K Edgar. lias experienced a succession of heavy westerly gales on the coast. Jan 13, in the Straita of Suraa, spoke llr bark Bangalore, from Shanghai for London; Feb 1, lat 2241 S, Ion 71 31 ?, spoke Br bark Dominion, from Shanghai fer London; Sth, lat 2b o* S. Ion 57 49 E, spoke ship Newton, 42 days from Calcutta for Boston; March tith, lit 1355 S, Ion 10 45W. spoke ship Vriel (of II ston 1, from Cal cutta for Boston; 27th, lal Iti 43. Ion 59 30 W, Danish brig Rof* of Aalborg, from Cojcnhagen for Ilav.ina; 28th, lat 19.21, Ion C3 20, s[i ke trig Era, Clirk, hence for Guayatna, PR, 15 days out; loth inst, Iat3v 20, Ion 72, spoke barLfto anoake, Kelly, fr m Philadelphia, for Rio Janeiro. .Ship John .Marshall (of Baltimore), Howes, CienfuegDS, 'Cuba, April 3, with sugar. to master. Bark Co'joittc ( Fr), Net le, fr >m Palermo, 81 daya.with fruit to Chamberlain & Robinson. Hark Telegraph (of Rockland), Conant, Cienfuegos, 14 'days, with sugar and boIioh, to the captain. Bark Isls de Cuba, Pepper, Havana, U days, with mdse, to Trujllle Si Bareiraa. Bark Nelson Place (of St George), Gilchrist, NOrleana, 14 days, with mdse, to Ni l?on Place. Bark Brunette (of Waldobore), Preble, NOrleans, 14 days, with mdse, to Neauiith k. Sons. Bark Pilgrim (of North Yarmouth). Rohinaon, St Marks. 16 days, with <otton, to Ladd ti Church. Brig Maria Teresa (lir), Bonell, Malaga, CI days, with fruit, to, to George KeisUr. Brig Maxwell ( Br ), Taylor, Cardenaa, Cuba. 12 days, with sugar, to master. _ __ ? Brig Cenl Taylor (of Thomsaton), Fuller. Gnayama. PR, 0 days, with sugar and molasses, to G B Deforest & Co. Has experienced heavy weather on the passage, and has been 15 days N of Hattcras. Brig Eagle (of Bath ). Evans. Gtiyaroa, PR, 17 dftra, with Itfir and molasses to <; It De Forr??t A Co. Sailed in com pany with brig Vernon. Kent, f r Philadelphia, and was in oompaiiy 7 days. April 4th. lat 24 13 Ion ? . apoke bri* Rus sia, Miller, from Boston for San Juan, Nic, with passengers ? all well. Brig Julia E Arey (of Orrington ), Arey. Havana, 9 days, With Ml box ci sugar. t> R I & A Stuart April 13th, in the Gulf, ipoke trig Martha Rogers, of Belfast, from Cardenas for New York. Brig Wm A Drew (of Harpsville ) Donning, Gnayama, PR, March 31. with nio|?fs? s, to Sturges & Co. Brig Nstii y (of Baltimore ), Da via, Uuayama, PR, April 3, With sugar, t" master. Bris Miria (Br), B udr? nt, Arichat, 12 days, with plaater, to J H Braino. Brig Flora V( ' rhett, Cardenas, 12 diys, with sugar and atMastea. to order. _ ... Brig Demerara ( Br, of Dnblin ). Flynn, Csrdenas, 14 days, with angir, to order. Brig Viat. r (of It ston), Park, Cardenas, 9 daya, with mo lasses, to G S Stephenson. Brig Captain John, Branscomb, Sagua, 13 daya.with sugar Snd molaases to Ne.mlth .V Son. Brig Rolleraon ( of B< ? ton ) , Crowell, from Mobile, 13 days. With cotton, bounil to Pro\i.lenee, put in for a harbor. Brig Charles Thomas Tlo mas. N ? rwicb In ballast. Brig Mesonda (of Newcastle, Me) Morton. Sagua le Grande, 14 dat a, with sutar. t master. Brig Sarah W Cnshing. (' f N< rth Tomaston), Wade, Mo Vile, 1? days, with r tt?>n, t'. Ka !? * Bastard. Scbr l.merald, (of Bristol), Clark, late Lewis, ( who died en the paasire \pril K'th, of congestion of the brain, in lat 35 4* Ion 73 ) J i r, <1,111 day#, with legwrod and coff"e to order. Scbr Eiiphemii C.nlde, r- rto Calello. March 27. with fua tle, coffee and Hides to S W Lewis April Mb, lat 30 20 Ion 72 18, exchanged signals witi. trig Mary II Chappoll, Hand, from Arecibo, auBp .scd for Philadelphis. Hchr Lucent, Allen Attakapaa, 22 daya, with sugar and Snolaases to Peck A Lyman. Scbr Helene Griffin. Charleaton, 6 diya, with cotton and Hce. to W L McCresdy A Co. Schr Wtu Collyer, Ferguson. Philadelphia, 2 daye, for Hartford S' br S A Appleton, Nickertoa, Boaton, 2 daya, witb mdse, to E H Herri' k. Schr Cornells, Falklar, Boston, 2 daya.with mdse, to Day ton It Sprague. Miip Avaltni he, Biker. Hivre, 43 days, with mdse and 188 passengers, to J Atkins k Co. Schr Isabella, Arbecam, Bolton, 2 daya, with mdse, to DayU.n A Hprague. Vjiw's"? ld??sll, Boston, 2daya, witb nadie, to 9 8cbr Flying < b ud. M alen, Norfolk, 2 dava gehr Gal lego Ne|,?n. Ri< hmond 4 daya Schr Ah del Kader Osborne Virrinia Scbr Pavilion. L. ngstreet, Virginia Scbr Henry Remten. Pnrdy, Vfrg,Bia. Schr Pauline, Parker, Virginia. Scbr B N Fox, Parker, Virginia. Sebr Mary Jane Longetreet Virginia Schr J as Cunningham. Dougherty. Virginia. Schr Sarah T. Parker, Beattle. Baltimore. 4 daya, Schr Mary Jane, Bentlee. Georgetown. 4 daya, Ikhr Statesman, Cottrr-I, Georgetown. 4 dayi, Schr Altona, Barker, Brandywlne, t daya. Schr Rehee?'S, Rose. Philadelphia, 2 daya Schr Mexico, Ireland, Philadelphia 2 daya. flekr Denmark, Phillips, Philadelphia, 2 daya. Schr Luther S Chase, Chase, Plymouth Maes, 3 day?. S' hr W R Genn. Nve, Fall River, In ballast. Schr Cornells, Faltner, Beaton, Sdaya. feskr Samuel A App eton. Niokerson, Boston, 3dayf. Wind st gsBrise, INK. meridiss, de; ausset Nl, with CSia. ^n^nersld (sot n?vard ), daared ye?ter<lsy f?| Apsis* [Per Steamship Arctic. 1 Antwerp ? Sld April 2, Koanhandel. Iteekmaa, N?? York' Arr iu Kcheld Mh Duo a* llrabaat, Schmidt fa W Orlpim. Aklrcsaan? Sid April 4, Nova S?otia. Cunningham, Bai ton. liontEAvx ? Sld April 2, Ilenry Chapman, Li Idle, San Francisco. Sld fm l(iij?n Roads, Mar^h 20, Abbot, l'rrgnson, San Framitro, 111: i*TtL? Arr April 5, Valaate, Scar*, N Orleans. Sid fm the Pill, Cmido, Outer' ridge. N York. Rkeuehi>a\ E* ? Arr Vadi SI, Adler. ilohorst. Baltimore. M"l April I- Alexander L iniiiiid, Mustard. N York. ll*i rELONA ? Arr March 17. Antilla. Millet, N Orleans; lull, Maypo, Way. and Koinantit-o, Patzat, do, for Genoa. Mii 2Utb ('?laudrina. Falri^as, K Orleans. OAHiiirr? Sid April 3, Clias Tottio, Fleetwood, New York; Aiethusa, Hamilton, San Franriseo. Cvxhawn? Arr April 2, Upland, Wachtcr, New Orleans for Hamburg and llreuien, Cadiz? Arr March 24, Sorrandita, Sola. N Orleans; 2tlth, Smyrna, Sprajue, N Y.rk; 2Hli, S^uantum, Crocker, New Orleans. Dial ? Arr April .1. Cornelia* Grinncll, Fletcher, London, anil aid for New York. Passed by Aprils. Camillas, Day, from Antwerp for New York; Msiia Magdalera, I'opkcr, from Rotterdam for do; Rlii'ln, Vopp, from Hamburg for do: also in the afternoon, a large Am ship ( not obtained), of N Orloans, from Antwerp for li States. Dublin? Sid April 3. Jane Watson, Crotsoa. N York. Da iitmovtii ? Off April 2, llampden, from New Orleans for Havre: mid an Am ship, name unknown, from China for London (prol ably the Henrine, arr at London 3d). Flushing Roams ? Sid, Adelaide Metcalf, Soott, and Maria Eugenia, Moltdo, New York. Fatal ? Ar March 9, lo, Pillsbury, Boston. Put in .'?th, Iliero, Drinkwater, from Charleston, and sld 7th for An: worp. Orfknock? Sld April 4, Teal, Maddens, Boston. Glasgow? Arr April 3, Cora l.inn, Lambert, NYork. hv RG ? Art March 27. Minona. Ryder. Charleston. Cihh Ai.TAR? Arr March 30, Oak, Small, Boston. Cld 27th, Britannia, Simpson, NYork. Genoa? Arr March 2n. Mary H Kendall, Tallman, NYork. 11 Avi! e ? Sld April 3, Zurich. Kich, NYork: Caspian, Tru fant, N Orleans: 4th. Globe. Desteberho, N Orleans. IIki.vokt ? Arr April 4. Alexander, Johnson. Baltimore. Slil 1st, Onderneming. Mariuerstciu, Charleston. In port 2d. Maria Magdalena, Popkins, NYork. II amhukg? Arr April 2, Sir T Newton, Niemann, NYork: 3d, Stcphani, I.aineke, N Orleans. Sld 1st, Rhein. Poff, N York, aud from Cuxhaven 3d; 3d, Franklin Knudsen, Gal veston. HnnART Town, V D L? Ait Dec 1, Sacramento, Gwat kin, Sau Franciso. Hope Cove (nenr Plymouth)? Off April 3, Copernicus, Wilting. from Charleston for Bremen. Hull ? Arr April 2, James White, Turner, N Orleans. Liverpool ? ArrL-'d? Huntress, Lambert. Mobile; Oueen, MeCartrey, NOrleans, Lord Ashburton. do.; Midas, Nagles. do; Saranak, Malory, Philadelphia; Roselus, Kldridge, N York; Rio Grande, Ryan, Philadelphia; Persian, Barton, Mobile: Cumberland, Hooper, aud Klita E Mason, Jones, Baltimore; Argo, Coffin, NYork. 3d, Envoy, Nixon, NOr leans; Ashland. Rica, Apalachola; Soutliaiupton, Snow, N York; Daniel Webster. Howard, Boston, 4th, Meridian, Hanson, and Armidas. Hughes, N Orleans: Marohloaess of Clydesdale. Ferguson, Charleston: United Statos.Chisam, Al exandria; State Rights, Paxton, Mobile; Lord Ashburton, N Orleans: .''th, Ainidas. Hughes, do ?ith, Asia, (,) NYork. Entd forldg 2d. Crown, and Iowa. Brewster. NYork; I'lan tacnnet. Ross, do; Florida, Mills; New World, Knight; De Witt Clinton, Funk, and Adonis, McMillan, NYork; (Hon riffen, Cassidy San Francisco. 3d, Beejapore, M'L^y. N York and Mobile, entd March 31, for Staten Island aad Mo bile. ftth. Arran, Miles, NYork: Tantivy, Spencer, NOrleans; Daniel Webster, Howard. Boston. Cld out 2d, Persian, Peal, NYork; Indian Ocean, Baker, do; Eleanor, llenxell, Bath; Malabar, Fraser. NYork. Sth, Cleopatra, Flnlay, Boston: Middlcton, M'Nalty, NYork. Sld 2d, Ashburton, McWillinms, NYork. 3d, Indian Ocean, Baker, do. 4th, Persian. Peat, and Malabar, Fraser, NYork; William, M'Furland. Portland. 5th: Mary Pleasants, , Philadelphia, fith. Bell Rock. Pendleton, Boston; Lady Franklin. Yeaton, NYork. (see Arctic's report); Saxon. Crosby, NOrleans. 7th, 1 I'M, Sarah Sands (s) N York. Portsmouth? Passed by April 4, London, llebaid, from New York for Lendon. Lancaster? Arr up Aprils, Isabella, Rymer, N Orleans. Londonderry ? Slu April 2, British Queen, Cabena, N T. Lonhpm? Entd inwards April 3, Behring, Thompson, Can ton, (entd out same day for Boston ;) Victoria, Champion, N York, (entd out same day ; ) Mary, Marshall, Calcutta, Lisbon? Arr March 19, 1'escador. Silveira. N York. M Arr March 31, St Andrew. Doane, NYork. Malaiia ? Arr March 23. Paulita, Santos, Baltimore. Mh.iori ? Put iu April 3, Sophia, from NYark for King road. N ewcastle? Cld prev to April 2, Washington, Dan, New York. Naples? Arr March 24, Ilannah Brewer, Drew, NOrleans' Newport ? Cld April 3, Thetis, Cassidy, Alexandria. Oporto? Arr March 22, Circe, Uenrhiues. NYork. Penzance ? Sld April 1, Oregon. Carey, NYork. Roubs? Arr April 2, Nodine, Thomas, NOrleans; Mario Emille, Darmandartz. do. St Michaels ? Sld March 22, Mary L Davis, NYork. Ir port 27, Samnel C Nelson, Robinson, repg. Sunderland? Sld April 2. Tay, Byers, NHaven; 3d, Choice, Thompson, Philadelphia. Seatiew? Off the Owens, April 1, Clara, from Londoi for San Francisco. Slioo? Sld April 1, Dromohair. Payne, NYork. Salcomkk ? Arr April 2, Richmond, Ilarward, NYork. Shields ? Sld April 2. Duke of Northumberland, Robaon, Philadelphia; 3d, William, M'Kentie, NHaven: lloprwe'l, Carrlck, Bremen and U States; R Reynolds, Williamson, Waterford and U S. Trieste? Arr March27, Nueva Carolina, Kernhuck, New Orleans; Brothers, Baxter, Baltimore, Falmovth ? Pot in April i, the Oldenburg barque Repub lic. lleikcn from Charlston (F.S.) fur Antwerp, having on board the crew of the American ship >'a u ny , Bennett, from Liverpool, of and for Baltimore, wnich vosael sprung a leak on March 1. and the crew abandoned her on March 11, in lat. 41! N., long- 'M 15 W., in a (inking atate. Cikhaitai. March 29 ? We understand that accounts wi re recei ved at Tangier last week, by land, from Laraohe, stating that a two-masted vessel had appeared on the ooast, at a place called Malimora (between Larache and Sallee.) without a sonl on board, ana that stains of blood were ob served on the deck. The Moors who brought the newj from Tangier could not gay what nation ihe belonged to, nor whether she had any carnAli board or not. Bsrdeavx, Marcn 31.? American ship Mount Wash ington, Blaisdell, for New Orleans, having loft her anohori in Vcrdon Roads, ha.i put back to Kicbard to roplace them. April 1.? The American ship Mount Washington, hlaisdell, fi r New Orleans, has proceeded to sea, with a pilot still re maining on board. It is presumed she will put into the Per* tuits to replace the three authors lost in Verdun Roads (as above reported ). The master could only obtain one anchor at Royau, and that of rather too small a sise for tlin ship. Wat?rfori>, March 31?2 30 r. m ? The Joseph, pilot out ter, haslust towed in here the Danish schooner Molly. loa, of Kiel, from Laruna for Hamburg, with logwood, 4tc. The schooner has lost her bowsprit and foretopmait, and sprung foremast bead, together with starboard bow stove in. 1 he oaptain states he was run down on the 17th inst. off the Western Islands, by a large vessel, name aud country un known (supposed to be Americas). The schooner will have to gofto Waterford to repair. Telegraphic Marine Reports. Bus-row, April If. Arrived 18th? Ship Magnolia (of Boston), Magyar, Ca' cutta Dec l?t. Sand Heads DecUth, 8t Helena Feb 22i. Dee 24 th, lat 24 S, long Nj K, while pitching in a heavy s we' 1 from the South sprung a leak, and since then, in stnn* breexes nnd heavy weather, have kept one. and sometime* both , pumpa going. latitude or longitude, full in with ( Br) I ark Globe, from Batavia, for London, totally dismasted. On the 26th was rigging jury masts, and would put in te Mauritius. Jan 10. lat 20 3, long 60 E, while lyii^g to in heavy hurricane, suffered groat damage in rigging, ft o. Als ?> arr.| ship II il Boody, (of Krxnswiek, Me.) Skulfield, Cadiz, Feb. IS, via Philadelphia; Colchis, Islay, Pera, Dec. 21; ships Champlain, Orleanl .'fist nit. 7th inst Bahama Islands, 1 4 miles, saw ship Genrze, Rayner, from N Orleans, for Havre. Yesterday, Chatham W 30 miles, saw a hark lying to under close rcefod top-* ail flying, apparcntlv in di-tress. Saw a herm brig go to and lay by her. Shin Sorfulk, N' w Orleans. 27th. Also err, ship John 0 ("after, Mallett, from Apalaohieola, March 22. April 14th, in lat X) 4,'> Ion (>!' 20, fell in with bark Theodore Lincoln, from NVork for Dublin, with joss of rud der, main and miuenmast, decks bursted up, cabin full of water and vessel in a sinkikg condition. Took from her Captain lliggins, his wife, the mat*, two seamen and n hoy. Tim second mate and six seamen went on board of u British brig belonging to St John, which was then in oompany, The J G C has experienced very heavy weather on the coast, with tasterl.. and westerly gales. Also arr. lark Sultana, from Smyrna, Fob 20. Passed Oilraltar, Msrch 10, in company with bark Mimosa, from Smyrna for Boston. Also arr, Br barks Commerce, from Liverpool; Jonnette, from Glasgow; Anne, from Surinam? left hark Cuba, from Boston, di.-g; brigs C Carina, and Niger, from Gloucester, di hit. ? Also arr, bark Nathaniel Blake, (of Portland), Havana l?it inst. On tli? 15th, Sooth Shoals, NW. 10 miles, saw the Sachem, her' e for N Orli ans, w ith loss of bowsprit, foretop mait, and main topgallant mast : barks Ismarden, Mobile, 2 th ult; Georgian*. Baltimore; Georgo Bri?gs, Philadel phia; Gem, Philadelphia: l. rigs Klishn Doane, Baltimore; Mary H Crowell, Philadelphia. Also arr. brigs Adclphi, Gorham, Palermo. Feb. 20. Passed Gibraltar March 2d: has experienced continued easterly pales during the passage. Also arr, s> hrs Mansnn, of Bcltnate; Mauaon, Port-au Priuce, 2-th ult I, II Nicker*?n, Wilmington. NC; Wes toner. Richmond, Va; Sarah F. Lewis, Tangier; Roxbary, Pioneer, liairiet. Norfolk Cyrus Chamberlain, Alexandia; Edith. Mechanic. Sib Mariner, Richmond, Caicttu, Phila delphia. New York, Superior, NVork. Also arr schr Sarah, from I rovincstown. Reports the ship Inex I silly strained, and several feet < f water In her holu. A bout G00 b oles i f cotton had been taken out in a damagod state, and it w :ia thought the whole would ho saved, more or less damaged. The Hr 1 ark Queen lie" with a rank keel off shore, and will loa total loss. A bout 2.'t0 boxes sugar had been taken ent in a damaged state. The balance will b? nearly all Ti e greater I art of the segars were landed in good order. The Br renr Boundary, fr m Windsor for Boston, lying ashore next the Queen, has been sold, with hor materials, for $250. MlKcellaneotu. The great prewired advertisements forces us to omit mutli maritime intelligence, prepared for this morning's paper. Ship Sarah Pa rkkr, of Nantucket, has been purchased for S4.?< R F Gardner and others ? f thst town. Hor destination is not fully decided upon^but will probably be California. Smrlsr.z, ashore at Cape Cod. struck during the tnow storm on Tuesday noon, not Monday ni,~l t. Brio Asiiohk? ('apt Branseombe, of the bri^ Captain John, reports a new ? astern brig ashoro on a reel of racks, near Sauna, the day previous to his sailing; the crew were throwing her cargo overboard to lighten her. Could not tell whether she would be got off. Brio Joiiw Kendall, of Rockland, sunk in the Narrows had a cargo rained at $25,000 to $.'10,000, and was insured in Wall street. Vessel probably insured at the Exst. Nkw pari. Gav II > An, ashore at Dnxbury, remains, ai before reported. A steamer is wanted to assist her oil. Passengers Arrived. Liverpool? L' S M Steamship Arctic-Henry T Soldon, Dr Thos 1 Murdoch, Samuel Barrett, Thos Barrett, Otto gberkardt, DrWmBerry. C M B st ."ohn and servaut, Th .s Knight, Ho n John Maiaulay, Krnest llasendever, lady and child. Lawrence S Pepper, Richard Reeves, Kdward Klrkpa trick, Bernard Megonc, George II Miles, Miss Louisa Mar shall, ? V Aehton, Rev E W Pcet, Mrs and Miss Wright, Lo rento Blackstone. lady, 3 children and 2 servants, Theodore Roosevelt, Mrs Catherine Seaman, Mr M* rys llaggar, Clias I. Boult, Win VnnSaiha, George Sumner, Matthew Gets, Jno Droge. John Beresford, Wm Lnoghlin, Andrew Shaw, John Higgjns, James Neill. Daniel L Jones, Mrs Margaret Dumphy, Wm Vernon, Pierre Oufferd. ? Total, 47. Gl.ASOOW? Steamship Glasgow? First Cabin? Mrs Osborne, Mi,s J Hodge, Miss lleggie, (Jeo Taylor. Mrs O Taylor, Jas Taylor, Mrs J Taylor, Charles Robertson. Jr. Francisco Fossi, R M< Murray. Mr Cairns, c Fsmom, M D, Mr (.ibaon, Rev John Bjrers, Mrs Byers, David Tod, Mis Oweu, Mr< R Wagon, Alex Forbes, Clarkson Garhntt. , Second ( abin? II Mmploogh, Join Stevenson, Robert Mitchell, John McDonald Mr Staafleld, Mr Niehollon, Mr Nicholson, H in Miller, Mr GutteridM, Chas Robb, Mrs Mc Farlsne, Mrs A Kerry, Mr- Campbell, Geo Rosa, Mr Newton, John B Baker. Isaac Butler, John Allan, Roht Sommerville, Win Coulter, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Stevenson and infant, Mrs Graham. John Stevenson. Alex Stevenson, Miss Watson, Miss Mi Nee, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Ellis, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Muir, Miss Turner. Miss Sinclair. Mi?s Dunlop. Miss llerkely. MUs l.auder. Mrs A Wilson. Mrs Wilson, Miss Carlisle. Miss Cor lip, Mi?s I'aomore, Miss Klnloch. Miss Stark. Mrs Logan, John Sogan, Wm Logan. Robert Logan, John R Turner, J' bn Illyth, Patrick O'Neil, John Arnott, John Logan Jas Lochead, John Hendry. Mr Henry. Thomas Scott, Mr Wat son, Robt Outram, John Ferguson, R PGIrnn and family, A Henderson, A Rankine, Al'red llerkely, Philip llerkely, II Ilenry, R McNeills, ('has Wells, C R Cunningham, John An derson. John C Miller, Roht Campbell, Robt Campbell, Robt ? ample", A Nicholson, Mr Anderson, Mr Duff. J (Irahain, K bunoodU J S-ott, J Soott, C (i Curria, John G Imour, J Iderahow. M (?llmoor. J P lletherington, Miss Paton, Edwd Morse. Miss Paton, Mr W Dunwoodie. W Dunw?od<e, W Dunwoodie John laird J?hn Balrd, John Itaird, C Wilson, Ju.m ?!55 ?"T' W Nicholson, Jas Wylie, ? l?i i 4 ? P 4*m?P K?ld, John uumbfr 127 10 s-.coad cabin do, tela! DnKTHHHTS IHIVD IfHT UT. HOinvrajJM^ ST. NICHOLAS BUILDING A89004 ATION? THE shares in this Association are baaag rapidly taken up. and several will be offered for redemption at the monthly meeting in Mar. Now.* the lima, therefore, to eabsoribe. Call at tha office, Daane street, cerner of Chatham, ander the Chatham Hank, and put down your namee for one or more shares, before the entraaoe toe It railed. l'reseat entrance fee, $1; monthly dues, f V WM. L. CON KLIN, President. B. D. Hart, SeoreUry. Tub third Manhattan building associa tloa. ? All who feel interested in procuring a homestead for themselves should join, and learn how it can be done by a small monthly payment. The entranoefee ii (2; monthly, (3; shares, (MX). Persons desirous of becoming mom bers of the Third Manhattan Building Association can do se by calling at the ofliee of the Secretary, 1ft Spruce street, second llo?-r. where By-Laws oan be had free of oharge. JAM KS S. I.lHltr, I* resident, Lovejoy's Hjtel. DAVIS COLLAMORE, Vice President' J. W. Westiik, Secretary. No. 447 Broalway. TIIIBD MECHANICS' BUILDING AND MUTUAL Loan Association. ? A regular monthly meeting for tha payment of dues and the redemption of shares will lie held at Union Building, lfiS Bowery, on Tuesday, April 20, at 8 o'clock P. M. As there are but a few shares left, persons de sirous of availing themselves of the advantages offered by this association, nad ketter attond this meeting and tnb soribe. Speakers will be in attendance. Entrance fee, 00 rents; monthly dues, $2; ultimata value of a share, $500. This society will loan money at the rate of six per oont on the actual amount advanced on a share. Persons desirous of withdrawing can do so by giving one month's notioe, and receive baok tiio dues paid by them, with interest at the rate of seven per cent per aanum. Persons paying In advance will be allowed interest. There ara but a few sharos left, and the books will positively be closed as soon as 1.000 shares are subscribed for ; so persons desirous of joining had better apply early, to JACOB PECARE, Secretary, 163 Better street. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. FT*n* 8ECOND EMPIRE BUILDING AND MUTUAL X Loan Association have opened their books, aad are now ready to reueive subscriptions at their otfice, 173 Spring street, from 2 to 9 P. M., daily, (The book* of the First Em pire are closed.) Entrance fee, (2; monthly dues, shares, $300. Redemp tion fee, $4 per month, payable for seven years only. JONATHAN W. A10.KN, President. Michaei. M. Van Diss, ) vi?. Obo. H. Purser, 'J Vim Presidents. Wsc. Sinclair, Surveyor. itTRTEna & Hoxik, Attorneys. Trustees ? Joseph Jl. Taylor, Thot. C. Bertine, Win. II. Rib let, Samuel C. Mott, Ceo. W. Rihlet, Wm. Forbes. Wm. 11. Arthur, ?. 8. Mcrritt, ?. A. Fowler, Jas. English, E. Bouton, T. L. Vultec, Wm. F. Warner, Wade Worral. ? J. WiLOus Fim, Secretary. THE NORTH AMERICAN MUTUAL LOAN AND AC cumulating Fund Association. ? In comtequenco of the room being engaged at the llroadwav Uouse last Friday evening, the association could not hold their meeting as ad vertised. They will, however, hold a Public Meetinjr on Wednesday evening next, the 21st iast., at 8 o'clock, at Con vention llall, 177 and 179 Wooster street, four doors bolow Bleeckcr. A gentleman well acquainted with the Building Association principle will addross the mooting. Scats pro vided for ladies. RICHARD F. CARMAN, President, THOS. S. CUMMINUS, Vice l'res't. Mortimer Smith, Secretary. Hudson river building association.-this promises to be one of tho most prosperous of these Asso ciations It is in the hands of some of tne most substantial citizens of the Fifth ward? men whose enterprise and in tegrity have put them forward in the world. We feol pretty confident that this Association will do all its most sanguine friends hone from it. Those who wish to avail themselves of its benefits, should at once take advantage of the opening that yet remains for a few more membors, and put down their names. A public meeting will be held at No. 413 Broad way, on Monday evening, April 19. Office 411 Washington street ? Sunday Dispatch. MECHANICS' AND TRADBR3' BUILDINO AND Mutual Lean Association. ? The first regular meeting of this Association, for the payment of dues, will be held at the II all, corner of Broome and Crosby streets, on Tuesday ovcuing. tho 20th instant, at H o'olook. Persons wishing to subscribe for shares, are invited to attend. Entrance lee, $1; monthly duet, (10; par value of shares, (3,000. ISRAEL J. SALOMON, Presidoat. E. De Yovno, Secretary. _ U4VORS. MB. PETERS fc CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ? In Champagnes, Winn, Brandies, Porter. A'iea, Brown Stout, Havana Sagars, &e. ko., are Agents for Lam bry's oelehrated Grape Lent Champagne. We reeetva this wine trash every month, and are prepared to supply the pnblls with >n* quantity en liberal termi. Orders tolieited, and shipped with eare, by M. B. PETERS k Co., 300 Broadway. CHAMPAGNE AND CLARET WINBS, SCOTCH AND East India Pale Ale, London and Dnblln Porter and Iirown Stout, Philadelphia Porter, ht. The abore are all in fine condition, and eompriie every variety. 200 doien of Claret, from $1 SO per dot.; 90.000 ehoioe old Havana Sagars. 430 Hroeme street, ooraer of Crosby. The celebrated store, so favorably known te the pnblie ai the depot for Brandiee, Wine*, Liquors, fee.. of the ohoicest viatagea, aaid in every grade, still main taina the reputation of selling the aurost and beat articles, at twenty per cent less than any ether atore. VI. 11. UN DERBILL S, (lats DalUmsrs's,) 430 Broome street, corner ef Crosby. Bass * co.s east india tonic pale ale? this delicious, anti-dyspeptic, nnn intoiicating buvorage. re commended by the most eminent physicians here, in Europe, and the East and West ladies, for sale (pints and quarts) in splendid order, in quantities to suit, by the only importer, direct from the Brewery. G. P. LETBBRI DOE, 86 and 88 Fulton street. GUINNESS' DUBLIN STOUT AND LONDON POR ter. ? Just landed, in fine order. Forsale in quantities to suit purchasers, by G. P. LETHBRI DGE, 86 and 88 Fulton street. SCOTCH ALE. ? MUIRS, HARVEY'S, DOVE'S, AND Younger's Scotch Ales, just landed, in spleudiil condi tion. Sold l>y the cask, or in quantitioa to suit purchasers, y G. P. LETHB RIDGE, 86 ant HH F.lion street. MATRIMOIflAIs. Love and happiness, or how to win the cue vou love best. Profsssor Loraine, formerly of Paris, n?w of New Y ork, will sand to any address, on reoeipt of one dollar, poat paid, plain directions to enable ladieaor geatle men to win the devoted affcctions of at many of the opposite sex as their hearts may desiro. The process i* simple, but so captivating that all may be married, irrespective of age. appearance, or position; and laat, though not leaat, it oaa In rr an gid with auch ease and delicacy that detection is impossible. Address Profeasor LORAINE, box2,+5)>, N. Y, Post Office. All letters must be post paid, otherwise not attended to or taken out. Matrimony made easy, or how to win a Lover. ? Protesaor Lawton, Boston, formerly of Lon don. will send to any address, on receipt of one dollar, post paid, plain directions to enable ladioa ur gentlemon to win the devoted affections of aa many of the opposite aox aa their hearta may derire. The prooesa is aimrife, bnt ao eapti vating that all may be married, irrespective of age, appear ance, or position; and laat, though not leaat, it oan he ar ranged with auch ease and delicacy that detection is im possible. Address Professor Lawton, Boston, Mass. No letters taken from the Pott Office unless the postage is paid. KXPKK8S AUHNC1K8, Ac. C1 RKGORY'S CALIFORNIA PACKAGE AND PARCEL * Express, via tie Isthmus of Nicaragua, through in twenty-tire daya. ? The anhscribers will forward an Express Freight by this expeditious route, bv the ateamahip Daniel Webater, on Tuesday, April 20, at 3 1*. M. Shippera are par ticularly requested to have their goods at tbisoraee on or be f re Monday, ll'th instant, in package* not exceeding TOO lbs. weight, l'arsola rocoivod until the inorniag of the day the steamer leaves, and lettors until 2X P. M. THOMPSON & HITCHCOCK, Managers and Agants, li!i Pearl at., corner of Wall, after 1st .May. 2U.'> Broadway. office to let from and aftor tho 1st of May next. BEKFORD & CO S GREAT CALIFORNIA FREroiIT. Package and Parcel Express, will be despatched in tharga of special freight a^ent, on steamer El Doralo, April 'JO, to connect with tlie fast running steamer Panama. All goods must he sent in early on Monday next, to give time for cording and sealing. No charge for Custom House or con aulsr fees. BEKFORD Si CO., No 2 Veaey at., Astor II in?e. Our Kxprusa Mail hsg.i for the South. J' and California will be despatched by steamer Daniel Webster, via San Juan, in charge of mcaaeugcr, on April 20. Close at 2 P. M. Small pareela rent by this line only. Extra EXPRESS for California ?adams & CO.'S California Freight, Package, and Parcel Express, l>?r U. S. mail steamer El Dorado, on Tiiwa.lay, April ?>, IW>2. We shall despatch an extra Freight, Package, and Parcel Express, for California, by the U. S. mail steamer K1 Dsrado, on Tuesday noxt, the 20th inat., at 2 o'clock P. M ., in charge of our own apecial freight agent and a special rnes sender to destination. Shippers are particularly requested to aend in their goods on or before Monday, the 19th inat., with invoices, to enahlo ua te oomply with the govorumaat order for eordij^ and aeuling. No package ah mid exreoil 12f< lbs. weight, or feet, ouhio nriaxiiremstit, and every thing must ha Stiictly water proof. Small parcels and des patches will be received until I o'clock P. M . on the day of sailing. ADAMS Sl CO., IC and |(i Wall street. TRAVELLK1W GLIDK. Ci amden and amboy railroad, for PI1ILA J dclphia, from pier No. I, North river, foot of Batters Rlace I.y steamboat JOHN POTTER. Two lines dally, ornlng line leaves at X A. M. Afternoon express line at I P. M., through to Philadelphia in four and a halfhoura Far*? first clasa cars, J't, second class, (by 2 P. M, line only) $2. Returning, lenve Philadelphia trim foot of Walnut street, at H A M. and 2 P. M. K.tni rant line, by stsambnat TRANSPORT, from pier No. 1, at C P. M. Far* $1 SO. FOB Al.BAN V, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS.? FARE reduced.? $2 !!>.? Regularity and safety combined.? Ths ears of theNew York and Harlem Railroad leava tha City llall rtation. New York, daHy, (Sundays excepted,) at y O'clock A. M. and P. M. M. SI. OAT, Superintendent. NFW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA DIRICT.-U. 8. Mallard Express Lines, through in hoart. N.J. Railroad, via Jersey City, leaving New York at 6 A.M., fool of C'ort'andt street; 9 A. M. and AX P. M.. Liberty street. Leave Philadelphia same hours, from foot of Walnut street. Fare reduced to 13 for flrat claas, and $2 AO for aeoond slasa. Baltimore, Washington, and Charleston through tickets toll In the above lines, and throngh luggaso carried in tha 9A.M. and byt P. Y. lines from New York. with through tonJaatcM. Without expense. CALIFORNIA TICKJSTB. (CALIFORNIA TICKETS? PERSONS II A VINO S through Tickets for the Vanderldlt Line, and United States Mail Line, for 20th and 2t<fch April, and 5th May, will find a purchaser at Mtimford At t'o.'s, I'onn Building, Phila delphia. Addrossto Mum ford k Co., by Mail, and enoloae tha same. CALIFORNIA THROUGH TICK ET - VA N DERBILT'S * Line, Nicaragua Route. ?One Steerago Ticket for tcamer of the 20th April, forsale by O. O. BARTLETT, No. 4 Wall atraet. |< 'OR SALE? . A THROUGH TICKET. ON VANDF.R f LV1 ? Lina, ?o San Francisco, trst cabin, to sal! Tuos day 20 k April. Lnquire at tlia office of ths National Hotel. L>OR RALE.? ONE SECOND CABIN TICKET, PER JT steamer Daniel tVebster, ( V auderbilt't line) to tail Apt il .Oth. Apply this day to C. W. J ARRINOTON, E-Q? No 18 Wall ttr?e?. 1.TOR SALE.? THROUGH TICKET, FIRST CLASS, BOTH 1 tides, with staterooms, par Daniel Wsbater, on ths 20th inst., at a small discsnnt. I. SHERWOOD. I.ovejoy s Hotel. FOR SALE-TWO LADIES FIRST CABIN THROUGH tickets, for 20th April, by Vanderbllt's line, taking up one antira state room. Apply to J.M WHEELER, 64 Beaver street. fjlOR SALE? ONE GENUINE (THROUGH) FIRST H cabin Ticket per steamer Damal Webater, via Nicara gua, VHh inst. Apply, this day. t? HWIFt, WALDRON It CO.. 1 10 Froat street. TUROUGII TICKETS FOR SALE- VAN DERBI LT'S lina ? Two first oabm. two stwiond cabin, and two steer age tickets, l>y the liaaiel Webster. April VHh, for sale. Parsons wistiing to sell or purchase ti'keta f.?r 20th April, Will do w?U by calling at the W stvm imppnro. I J' OR LIVERPOOL. ? UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM ?hip ARCTIC, C?pt. Jm. C. Luce? This iMtmilili will d?|?rt with the United 8titM mail* for Euros*, positively, on Saturday, May 1, at 11 o'clock M., from her berth. at t bo foot of Canal street. No b*rth secured till paid for. Far freight, or passage, having unaqualloJ aooommoiiations for elctisni* And somfort, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS fc CO., 66 Wall str**t. Tho ? teainship Baltic will succeed tha Arctic, and tail May 15th. OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANT. ? FOE Bremen, via Southampton.? Tha D. S. Mail Steamship IIKKMANN, Edward Ui*gins, (U. S.N.) oommander, wiQ ?ail for Bremen, touohingat Southampton, to land tha mail* and passengers for England aad Fraao*, oa Saturday, April 24. from pier 3 North river, at 12 M. Frio* of passage ? la fir.t cabin, main saloon, $120: la flrst oabia, lowur saloon, $1U0; iu second oabin, StiO. Ad *xp*rienoed surgeon ia at tached to the ship. All letters out pas* through the Peat Office. Specie delivered in Havre ana London. For passag* or freight, apply to MOLLKR, SAND fc R1RRA, Agents/M S..uth street. The steamship Washington will sucoaed Um Hermann, on the 22d of May. Reduction in fares between Philadelphia and Liverpool. ? The Liverpool and Philadelphia Steam ship Company intend sailing their new steamship* M fol lows:? FROM rmi.AlJBl.rHIA. City ef Glasgow Thursday, May ? City of Mauohestor Thursday, Jua* 3 City of Glasgow Thursday, Jnly 1 City *f Manchester Thursday, July 29 r BOM LIVERPOOL. City of Glasgow Wednesday, April 7 City of Manchester Wednesday, May 5 City of Glasgow Wodnesday, Juus 2 City of Manchester Wednesday, June 30 Kates of passaga from Philadelphia: ? Saloon ia aingl* at ato rooms, 1'JO; in dcuble state rooms, $t>5 ; in forward state rooms, $55. Inolndinr provision* and steward'* foes. For freight or passage, apply to TliOMAS RICHARDSON, 41 Exohanjre plao*, N.Y, or No. 9 Walnut street, Philadelphia. $56. For froijht^(^r^?a?age,^ap^l^t? FOR LIVERPOOL.? tue FATORITE and well known steamship PAltAlI SANDS, 1,300 tons burthen, W. C. Thompson, Commander, will be despatoheil for Liver pool on Saturday, 8th May, at 12 o'olook. This ship has been thoroughly refitted, and has superior aocommodations for gsasonjters. ltat?s of passage? First oabia, $90; Seoond do.. Agent*, 34 Broadway. STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND GLASGOW.? Tho Glasgow and New York Steamship Company's new steamship GLASGOW. (1,962 tons ? 400 hors* power, ) Rob ert Craig, cominauder, will sail from Now YorkforUlasgow, on Saturday, the 1st of May, at 12 o'olook noon. Fir*teabi> passage, $w; seoond do., $56. Apply to J. M SIMON. 33 Broadway. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP GOMPANY, connecting w ith the l'auiflo Mail Steamship Company. ?Only through line for California and Oregon. Extra ? Through Tickets now for sale. The superior dnuble-engino steamship ILLINOIS, 2,500 ton*, II. J. Hartatene, U. S. N., commander, being now ready for service, will leave for Aspin wall, Navy Bay, Uireot, on Monday, April 2tith, at tw* o'clock, P. M., precisely, from her pier, at the foot ofWarron street, N. R., to connect with th* Golden Gate, 2,500 tons. Lieutenant Patterson, U. S. N., commander, which steamer is ordered to remain at l'auania, to be in readinnss immedi ately on arrival of the passenger; at that point, and to snil direct for San Francisoo, without any delay. The accom modations of the** steamships are unsurpassod, and they have proved to be the faetoat ever launohed? the Illinois having made the paxsage from New York to the Isthmul in ?even days and fourteeu hour*, and the Golden Gate from I'anama to San Franoiscoin eleven days and eighteen hours. The Panama Railroad is now in operation, and the oars run ning to within a few milei of Gorgona, at the hoad of liiver Navigation. Paneongors going forward by these vessels, it is confidently expected, will make the quickest trip ever por formed from Now York to San Francisoo. Early upplicalion will be neceisary to secur* each passage, for whioh, apply to CHAS. A. WHITNEY, at the offloe of tha Oo'mpaaius, No. 177 West street, corner of Warron street. Through to san francisco.? new york and San Francisco Steamship Line. ? The new stoamship UNITED STATKS, Charles C. Berry, commander, will take her departure for Aapinwall, Navy Bay, on Saturday. Zii Hay, at 3 P. M., connecting at Panama with the new double engine steamahip W1NF1ELD SCOTT, 2,100 tona burthen, Kenney CouiUard, commander, which steamer awaita the arrival of the passengora at Panama by the United States, from New York, and immediately thereafter proceeds to San Franciaoo direct, without stopping at intermediate porta. These vessels, in accommodations and safety, are not aur paased by any on this route; and an experienced surgeen is attached to each vessel. The United States has made the voyage between New Tork and Chagres in seven days nine teen hours; and the Winfleld Scott nas Just performed the voyage between Now Tork and Fanama in the shortest time on record, both as to running and aotual time from port to port. Beoka now open, and through tioketa for sale. First cabin, state room, $319; second do. do., $2tifi; steorage, $200. Apply to DAVIS, BROOKS h CO., General Agents, 28 Beaver street. JONES fc JOHNSON, 101 West itreet, corner of Liberty street. Passengers by the United Statoa will disembark along fide the wharf at Aspinwall, and take the Panama Railroad, now opened nearly te Gorgona? thus avoiding the riak at tendant upon landing in boats at Chagres, and the river navigation to Gorgona. US. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.-FOR NEW OK ? leans, via Havana. ? The splendid new double onjine stoamahip GEORGIA, 3,000 tons, D. D. Porter. V. S. Navy, commander, will aail from the pier at foot of Warren atroot, N. R.. on Saturday, April 24, at 2 o'clock P. M., precisely. Rates of passage to New Orleans? New arrangem-nt:? La dies' saloon bertha, $70; after do. do., $70 ; forward de. do., $A0-, steerage do. do., $2S. Specie only taken on freight to Havana. Freight taken to New Orleans at 40 cents per cu bic foot. Shippers of fruight are requested to supply them selves with the oompany s bills of lading, which may be had on application at the office. No other form will be signed. No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or passage, apply te M. C. ROBERTS, 177 West atreat, corner Warren atreet PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.? A NOTICE having appeared in Saturday's papera, conveying the Iderthat passengers provided with tioketa from responsible agencies, would be subject to detention on the Isthmus of Fanama, it is deemed proper to announoe, that the steamer Oregon wae at Panama at last dates as a spare steamer, free of engagements for passengers, and in the absence of acci dent at aea, the steamers California, Republlo, Tennessee, Golden Gate and Constitution, in the aerviee of thia Compa ny. will be at Panama in the eourae of the present month. By order, WM. H. DAV1DGE, Set rotary. New York, April VI 862. ' Empire city line.? for san frncisco, via Chagres. direct.? The new and splendid double ongiisa steamship SIERRA NEVADA, ( 1,800 tons burthon,) f. 1). Wilson, oommandcr, (formerly of the Empire City,) will leave for Chagres, direct, on Tuesday, 20th April, at three o'clock, from ber dock, Pier No. .1, North River. This steamer has accommodations for cabin and steerage pas sengers, superior to any ship in the trade. An experienced surgeon is attached to the aliip. For freight or passage, ap ply to J. HOWARD h SON, Agents, SI Broadway. The Sierra Nevada will leave again on Thursday, 20th May, connceting at Panama with tlie steamship New Orleans. IjlORSAN FRANCISCO DIRECT? CHEAP PASSAGE.? The entirely new and maguiftcent clipper ship NORTH STAR, ('apt. J. O. Barclay, will sail about the 24th of April. The accommodations in this beautiful clipper, and the well known reputation of Capt. Barclay, (tnls being kis third voyage to tho above port) will give all persons an opportu nity seldom or ever offered in selecting a comfortable pas sage ; her between decks are fully eight root high, and patent ventilatora. It ia fully expected she will make the passage in ninety days. Early application will be necessary to se cure passages, as only a limited number will bo takeu, either on board, pier 27 East River, foot of Dover street, or to BUTLER BROTHERS. Nos. lt? and 118 South street. VANDEKB1LTS LINK.? FOR SAN FRANCISCO, THE steamship BROTHER JONATHAN having undergone extensive alterations, and refitted with superior cabin and steerage aocommodationa, to meet tho present requirements of the trade, will take her departure for San Francisco on the 1st of May. at 3 o'clock P. M.t from pier No. 2, North River, touching at Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso, and San Juan dclSur. The Brother Jonathan will take her place on the Paciha sido, in Vanderbilt's Nicaragua line. A limited number of passengers will betaken, at $300 for cabin, and $2U0 for steerage, lor which apply to D. B. ALI.KN, Agent, No. f) Battery place, up stairs. FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.? THE NEW DOUBLE engine stoamahip William 1'enn, James lUarki, Com mander, will leave pier 3' North River, for the aliovo i> >rt direct, on Wednesday, April 21at, at 4 o'clock I*. M. This ship has elegant accommodations for passengers. Passage in Cabin State Rooms, J'jtf; do in Steerage, freight on measurement goods twcnty-Hve cents per foot. Bills of Lading will bo furnished to shippers, on application to tho clerk, on board, or at the office of the agent, and ?i;n'ol on board. Apply~lo TIIOS. P. STANTON, A6 South street. The steamship Benjamin Franklin, W. Sears, Command ir, will succeed the William I'enn, and sail on the .'itli ..I M ij. Ijiou SAN FRANCISCO.? CLIPPER LINE? THE splendid ship (;a/.ELI.K, Dollard, master, now loading at pier No. f East river, will have imincdiato despatch, hav ing a largo proportion of her cargo engaged. For freight or ? >a? sage, apply on hoard, or to JOHN OGDEN, No. I Ii> Wall atroet; or TAYLOR & MKRKII.L, No. .to Hurling alip. CLIPPEII "BARK SO I' T 11 ERNE R. KOK SAN KUAN cisco. ? Passcngors will please be on board, on Monday morning, 19th inst., at 11 o'clock, at Pier 19, East rivor, font of Wall street. Four uioro passengers can bo talcon in Ca bin, at $225. E. It. SUTTON, SI Wall street. THE STEAMBOAT SANTA CLAUS FOR SALS? Lying at foot of Beach atreet, in pcrfoot order. She is oflered low, with no restrictions. Terms easy. Apply to B. FITCH k CO., Ne. Ill Murray street. STEAMBOAT WANTED".- THE ( OMMISSIONEKS OF Emigration will receive scaled proposals, at their often in ti e I'ark, until 2 o'clock on Wednesday, the 21st inst.: for the charter of a Stcanihost for one year from tho 1st of May next. Tho proposals must atate tho price required far one trip dally to Staten Island ; one trip daily to Ward's Island; two trips daily to Ward's I fluid. W M. A. l!Af t.F.Y. Geniral Agent. OIHcj of Coiumissisiiars of Emigra tion. April 14, 1852. ?????? mGDICAf.. Dr. WARREN, Ne. 1 MOTT ST.. CONTINUES TO BB consulted on the treatmont of private diaeasea. Thirty aeven years' practice euablea him to enre norvoua debility. His treatment ia aafeand speedy. No merotirr used, or eoa flnement from buaineaa required ; and caaea of recent occur rence invariably curcd in from throe te #v? days. No fee till cured. JUST PUBLISHER.? DR. B. I>E LANEY, ON TnE RA tional treatment of nervona and constitutional debility, giving the only true and offeetual treatment of these deplora ble infirmities and diaorders of youth and maturity, pro duced by delusive habits and exoesssi, appearing la the form of local weakness, exhaustion of muscular c?srgy, loss ol mental and physical capacity, kt This pamphlet is ad dressod t?j ine sufferer in voutn. manhood, and old age, and .? wholly different from the many quack publications adver tised in the publio papers, pointing out to suffering humani ty a certain and very cheap remedy for those complain ta.ani avoiding every word which unnecessarily could frighten, in stead f Instructing, the unfortunate. If it has no other merit, it at least has the merit of being candid, and of liv ing the means for a perfect and aecrot restoration of vui roiia health. To those contemplating marriage it is of tne highest Importance. Ily addressing, post paid, box 10* Broadway I oat Office, New York, a oopy will lie sent, in a sealed envelope, to any addreaa in any part of the Union, gratuitously. The Doctor's private consultation hours are daily from 10 A. M. till 8 I*. M., Suudaya exoepted. Office 51 Lispenard atreet, noar Broadway. DR. RALPH, AUTHOR OF THE '-"PRACTICAL PRI vate Treatiae," ho. Office houra, 9 to 12 o'clock A. M., and (l to 8 o'clock P. M., (Sunday excepted.) No. 88 Oreen wieli atreet. From the uncommon medical advantagoa the author has enjoyed, among whioh he would Instance Mving reaided several years in Paria, for tho express purpose or studying these diseases, followed hy along aud very exten sive practice. In this speciality, he can, without hesitation, promise, even in the most severe and complicated oaaes---as secondary diseases, strictures, Ike.-.. more certain, safe, and radical cures than ran be obtained from any other sonree la Amcrioa. Thoae who apply in the earlier atagca of diseases, will he gratified hy the ease and rapidity of tne enre, whloh is often effected in a vory few days Separate waltlugrooma are provided. For treatment by letter, address bos 8(19 Po?t Office. P. S.-'-Dr. Ralph would add, that besides the diseases properly belonging to the above ?' speciality," his practiee includes the treatment of ohronio nloeratlons, ??ilea, diaeasea of the skin and bladder, gravel, painc Us the back, loes of mental and physical capacity, nervous ?eae, fee. PRIVATE MEDICAL WORK.? A PRACTICAL TREA tise on the nature, symptoma, progress, consequences, remedies, and oure of delicate dtaeaeee? on diseases whtsa closely resemble and are liable te be taken as snoh; and SB the diseases resulting from them, with illustrative plates, by Joseph Ralph, M. D? author of the Family Physician, ko., eleventh edition, .142 pp. Price cents For sals hv the publisher, 4.1 Ann street. I Aator House, and hy mest book sellers; also, hy the author. 88 Oreenwioh street, or mailed, free of poatage, by addressing, post paid, Ik bog BW lower Post Office. AHusemeBrrs. BOWERT THEATRE -BOXES, 25 CENT8;PIT.12H miU; SMt. in Orchestra Boies, 50 oent*. Door* opaa at7; curtain riaea at <X o'clock. Monday evening, April l!>, the performances will minmoti with the inii?io?l drama rif HAMtAN IEI.I.O ? Maaaauinllo. Mr. Eddy; CoiaHopo, Mr. Lelflngwelli Alfonzo, Mr. Goodall; Genaadn, Mr. Seymour; Lorenzo, Mr. Glean; Serecaut Huberto, Mr. Bowes; 11 <r?ll?, Mr. 8tev?>ne; Fenella, Mini Gortruda l)awce? Elvira. Miaa Harl.r. To ooaclude with the drama of the FORK3T OF BON DY? Lieut. Landry, Mr. Coay; Captain Aubri, Mr. Tay l?>r; Eloi, Maator E i'ony; Lieut. Macalre, Mr. Stevens; I Dame Gertrude, Mra. Broatlley. BURTON'S theatre, chambers street?dress I Circle anU l'ar.|Ui)L 60 conta; Second Tier, 25 uonta ; Pri vata Boxes, $5; OralKnM Seats, 75 canta. Uoora open at f; to Leein at 7 hi o'olook. Monday evening, April 19, will be i played the oomcily of SHE STOOPS TO CON i,'U Kit? Mr. I Ilardcaatle, Mr. Blake; Tony Lumpkin, Mr. Burton; Sir Charles Mnrlow, Mr. Raa; Mra. Ilardcaatle, Mra. Ilu^haa; Miaa Ilardcaatle, Miaa Mar* Taylor. To conclude wltS the drama of the TOOULES? Mr. Timothy To >dlii, Mr. Burton; Mrs. Timothy Toodle. Mr*. Ilucliea; Frank Acorn, Mr. BUnd; George Acorn. Mr. Ruasell; Old Kenton, Mr. Gourloy; Mary . Acorn, Miaa Weston. | National theatre, Chatham street-dress Circle and Boxea, 25 cents; I'it, 12)4 oenta; Orohaatra Ticketa, 60 oautm Private Bos Tickets, $1. Doors open at 7; curtain rices at 7K o'olook. Monday evening, April 19. will be performed the drama of the BLACKSMITH O Y ANTWERP ? Qulntin Matsya, Mr. W. 0. Jonea; Prank Merit, Mr. Clarke; Quthrio, Mr. Syple; Agnes Floros, Mra. Niohol*. The entertainments commenoe with the faroe of AN OB JECT OF INTEREST? Barney O'Dwyur, Mr. Drew; Mr, Slmmerton, Mr. Syple: Fanny Cripples, Mrs. Drew. To con clude with the DIIMB BOY? Tho bumb Sailor Boy, Mr. E. Blanchard; Susan Dandle, Mra. Drew. BARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM.-P. T. BARN II M, Manager and Propriotor; John Greonwood, Jr.. Assistant Manager. ? Admission to the entire Museum and perform ances, 25 cents; children under 10 years, 12^ oenta; Par quet, 12>? oents extra. This oelebrated establishment and colossal exhibition is now unequalled la Amerioa. combin ing, in faot, seven Museums in one, upwards of seven dif ferent collections of vast size and excellence having bean purchased, and concentrated here, from time to time, at an enormous outlay of time and money. Monday and Tuesday, April l!>th *nd 20th, in the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the very laughable farce of THE MAN WITH THE CARPRT BAG. Dancing, tic., and the popular pieoeof tho MIDDY ASIIORK. Evening at 7K o'clock, the superb play of THE WIFE. The Youthful Giant, Jto., are t? be soen at all hours. CHRISTY'S OPERA HOUSE, MECHANICS' IIALL, No. 472 Broadway, abovo Grand street. Open every night during the woek, until further n-itioe. The original and well known Christy's Minstrols, comprising an eflloient and versatile "corps of "talented" and " experienoed performers," under tna management of E. P. Christy, whose ouncerts in thia city, for a suooeasion of " live years." have been receivod with favor by highly rospectable and fashion able audienoo*. Tiokots, 25 oents. Doors open at 7; com mence at H o'olook. Tho patrons of Christy's Minstrels are respectfully informed that the Saturday afternoon ouncerts are discontinued. WOOD'S MINSTRELS. AT WOOD'S MINSTREL HALL, 414 Broadway, above Reward street.? The proprietor takes pleasure in announcing to the publio that lie lias en gaged the most oelebrated musicians and Negro delineator* ui the world, and 1j determined to make Wood's Minstral Hall in every way worthy tho patronage of the ladies and gentlemen or this city. He also takes this opportunity to express his thanks for the great patronage conferred on nita since the organization of his present star company, and he promises to replenish it from time to time with whatever novaltios or striking talent may appear in the profession. Wood's Minstrels perform every evening, and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Admisstoh, 25 cents. Doors open at 7 ; concerts commence at 8 o'olook. The afternooa ?pnoerts oommenee at 8 o'olook. N. B.? The striotest order > and deoorum will be preserved, and the greatest attention i paid to tha comfort of visiter*. | FELLOWS* MINSTRELS.? NOTICE.? THE ORIGINAL ! well known " Fellows' Minstrels," comprising an efll- I oient "corps" of "talentod And experienced performers, under the direction of J. D. Follows, would respectfully in form the publio that they will perform at Troy, April 17th 1 and 19th; Utioa, April 20th and 21?t; Syracuse, April 22d and 23d; Auburn, April 24tli; Geneva, April 2iith; Corinthian Hall, Rochester, April 27th. 28th and 2!>th; Conoert Hall, 1 Buffalo, April 30th, and May 1st, 3d, 4th, 5th and tith. P. 8. I ? Dne notice will be given when they commence their oon- ! certs again in Broadway. ASTOR PLACE OPERA.? NEW ORLEANS OPERA i Troupe, Monday evening, in their Drawing Room Enter tainments, introducing their new era in Minstrel sy, which Is received nightly with full and fashionable auuienoi-s, who express but one opinion, "The beat Troupe in the world; all is new to us," fco. Doors open at o'olook; oommeuoe at 75?. Admission, 25 cents. SAMUEL S. SANFORD, Manager. Metropolitan hall.? " tub gathering of the Claim."? A grand complimentary Conoert will he given to those universally admired Soottish vooaliits. Mi . and Mr*. Molntyre, on Wednesday ovening, April 21, (this being their only oonoert in New York, previous to their de parture on a professional tour through the United State*,) their numernua friends and admirers being desirous that they should be heard in the magnificent concert room of the above Hall, that the many lovera of the beautiful ballad* of Soot land may have aa opportunity of hearing them rendered In their pore native style, and ai a recognition of merit* which require to be known only to be appreciated, they respect fully invite the co-eperation of all the *om of Scotia.? "Comln' thro' the rye;" "Dunean Oray;" "The Charming Woman;" "Home came our gudeman;" "Saw yo my wee thing;" " Jock o' Haieldean," with many other seleot and popular tonga, will conipriae the programme. Admiisiou ? Parquet and Drew Circle, 90 oent*; Second Cirole, 25 cent*. To commence at 8 o'clock. Mr*. Molntyre will pre?id? at the piano; Mr. Mclntyre will perform on the aooordem, of which he ia perfect maeter. EXDIBITION.-BEAUTIFUL AND CORRECT REPRE dentations of Jerusalem, Mount Zion, and the most in teresting plaoea in the Holy Land, token upon the *pot, of the Holy Sepulchre, of all the lower ?tory of Solomon'* Temple, still entire, and also of David's Tomb, Where his body hath not "seen corruption," as is declared in Psalms Ifio, 10v. Hours of exhibition, at the Library Rooms, 348 Broadway, third story, from 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 I'. M.. and 8 to lOin the evening. Levtnres will be given npon the abovo subjects, in the Lecture Room, tirst story, on Tuesday, Thursday and Monday, April 2t)th, 22d, and IXith, at M o'clouk wii-h evening, by Warder Cresson, who spent from l&H to 1848 In the Holy City. BRACKETT8 MARDL1 OROUr OF Till "3m P wreeked Mother and Child," at Stuyvosant Institute, SW Rroadway, now epen (for a short time only ), from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. Admission, 25 cent*; season ticket*, fiO cents. D D ^ MEDICAL. R. BOSTWICK'S PRACTICAL WORK. ON TU* NA Jure and treatment of disease* of the urinary orgaus, practising physician and anrgean.and lecturer on thoae oein Llaiuts. Price reduced to $7 50 ? .17 colored plates. Rxtraot from tho Boston Medical and Surgical Journal ; ? "It may be said foarlesaly, to be equal to Aoton'a or Kienrd'* great work on tk* same family of disease*, and farauperiorto any thing of the kind before published ia thiaoountry." Author of a work on Secret Vice, Impotency, and their terrible consequences. This is, without doubt, the most truthful and im|M>rtant book on this subject ever published. Price $1, Author of a book on Natural Death, Diet, Jto.; Family Phy ?ician; Cans* of Quackery, fee., lie. For a al* at 222, and *f the Author, 504 Broadway. DR. WARD MAKES ASTONISHING CURES, SUCH as no other Doctor can do. Either a cure or grent amendment before twenty-four hours. To contract disease i* made mare nothing under our treatment, whioh is science brought to perfcotion. Remember it, reader. All othir methods of cure are dreadful, worse than the disease, which thoy only translate to some other place, instoad of exter minating. Office, corner of (.'anal street and nrea<lway. DR. WARD, DKVOTEI) TO DELICATE DISKASF.3, makes the speediest cures. All who have contracted a private disease, make early npnlication. Our treatment is the admiration even of physician*. The disappointed aro certain of a cure from us, however much other doctors have failed. immediate relief afforded. No fee required. Bonk gratia. Consultation* private. Office, oorner Canal street, and Broadway. DR. WARD IS OF SIGNAL SERVICE TO TIIR UN fortunate, hi* treatmont ouickly removing the mise rable patient from suffering and detection. He cures all the difficult cases that have defied other*. Fortunate are those coming to him, for they are well before other doctor* would have made any improvement, llook gratia. Con sultations private. Office, corner Canal atreot and Broad way. DR. WARD'S UNFORTUNATES FRIEND, UNE qualled for eradicating disease. Blessed by all who try it. 1 he most prompt rradicator, vet so mild, it may be given to infant*. Private diseases vanish under its use. $1, with a book. Who will give fee* after that? Citixens and Gran gers, remember it. Depot, Dr. Ward's, oorner of Canal street and Dradway. R. WARD'S MAOICAL TREATMENT.? UNPARAL leled suoccs*. ? Patienta cured, however long or badly afllictcd. Never any faliurea, which is more than other phy aiciana can affirm. Innumerable case* progress in defiance of all treatment known hitherto; but by our wonderful pre paration*, and assiduous application of them, we cure or relieve instantaneously. The disappointed pluck up hope at once on coining to us. Office, corner of Canul street and Broad* ay. DR. J. MORDAC'S PREVENTIVE WILL BE SEN* by mail, on receipt of $1, poat paid. It i* intended for thoae who do rot feel inclined to increase thoir familica. It is simple and infallible. Address J. MOKDAC, box U3 Philadelphia Poat Office. DR. COOPER, 14 DUANR STREET, HAS FOR THE last twenty yoara enjoyed the moat extensive practice in private diseases of any medical man in New York, lis can cur* the most aggravated eases of this disease, and mild cases removed in two days. Dr. Cooper can oure the worst form, in from on* to two weeks, of constitutlonal|del>ility; and be aisures the afflicted they will not be disappointed l.y calling on him. It afT rds Dr. C. unbounded pleasure to be able to refer to many persons, who, after suffering silently for a long time, have been restored hy him to perfect health. All caae* undertaken treated with candor. No mercury used. Sec my cardi ia th? New York Sunday Time* and Atlas. DR. E. HENDRICKS' PREVENTIVE WILL BE SENT hy mail, on receipt of twenty-flve cents, post raid. This is the same preventive under various names, adver tised for one dollar, and sometime* for five dollars. Don't be deceived. It is intended for those who do not feel In. clined to increase their families. It is simple and infalli ble. Addrcaa Dr. E. HENDRICKS, bos 2,40<J N?w Vork Pott Office. DR. MORRISON IS CONSULTED ON CERTAIN diseases, which be treats without mercury. Recent esse* he enrea in three days. Thirty-three years' praotlca enables him to oure those general and Ineal debilities srL-ing from imprudent habit*. See his London diploma in hi* pri vate offioe. 2U4K Fulton street. No fee till ourad. DR. JOHNSON, 18 DUANE ST.. WILL FORFEIT ft.VM if failing to our* any cas* of disease be undertake*. TH* Practice, of over 22 year* at hi* present office, is un sqtiillsd by any medical man In New York. Thos* who may ?ontract disease, ran apply to Dr, J., with the certainty of hating their case* properly treated. A perfect cure or n* charge. DK III NTKR, PROPRIETOR OF THE OLD AND long established Hnntorian Dispensary, No. 3 Division street, New Tork city, euros private disease* In as many duvs ** they have been years standing. Don't be hnmbuggen by the quack doctors, hut call and seo Dr. Hunter atone*, before applying elsewhere, to be robbed of your health ana money. II ere are a few who desired the dootor to publish their proofs:? "Yon cured me In four weeks of a dreadfi* disease that broke out all over me, and the eneot* of mer cury. I was so reduced i was laid up more than a year, and had been given up by a dor.en doctor*. John Lid. Yon cured me in the tlm* of the cholera, in three weeks, of a most dreadful disease of mor* than a year's standing, after three other doctors had not only given mo up, but said it was as muoh as their lives were worth to be In a room with me.? John Hurley, Pilot'* Cook." "Twelve yeac* ago, I applied to a London physician to be cured of a certain dVease ; he pronounced me well In three week*. In less than two months it broke nut apaln. I tried six other*, with the same effect, and never got thoroughly well of tllU hydra and many beaded monster, nntil 1 called at your <N* pensary. four years ago ; and ever since I atn as sound ai any man living.? Edwin Ooffin." This is tk* only pine* where bis great remedy, HUNTER'S Red Drop, can he had genuine. Price one dollar only. This remedy ??our** tha psi lent against any secondary attacks, *nd is the only remedy on earth that does it. You will find this cut by bitter experience. If yon trnit to any other. RIWARD.-CRftMMAN'S RPICHTIC Mix ture. ? Of all remedies yet discovered, this is tha $500 most certain. It Make* a speed v and permanent cure, witfc aut the least restriction in diet, drink, oreinocara, erehaaa* ia application te business Many are oared In twodars. SeM at the drug (tore, Ne. 271 Rroadway, oorner of Chan. .. ttreet : also, at No. 10 Astor Hons* jat No. 110 Bra*4wtfb Mi N?. 100 FulUn *trc?t, *ern*t of WUUfta. AMVIIHMTI. Broadway thkatke.-e. a. Marshall, sou Leasee. ? Boae* and Parquet, 'A) onnU, Family ilireia aad Upper Tier, 24 cents; Private Boxes, $5 M J ? Doors -pl at 7; to ?'? uimoute at 7K o'clock. M inJay evening, Aprfl 1H, will be performed the tra .ody of lilt GLADIATOR? Kpartictis, Mr. Forrast; Pha-arlus, Mr. Couway; Marea* In. clonus Crassui, Mr. Fenno; Lucius (ialllui, Mr. Henryi Ba tiatua Lentulu*. Mr. Pope; Seaura, Mme. I'ouisi; J 'ilia, Miaa Crocker. To ooaoludo wttli th? comedy of the LADISK* 1JAT1 1.K- L* Baron de Montrioliard. Mr. Pope; Heuri d? Fiavigneul, Mr. Reynold*; CountMi D'Autreval, Mm. Pl ni?i; Louise do la Villegontier Mi?a Crocker. NIBLO'SGARDEN.-MANAGER, MR. JOHN SBfTOS; Tickets, AO cant*; Private Udiii, $5. Door* apaa at 6H to Kuala oa at 7H o'olook. Opera Ninhta, MoaJjy, W odneaday, and Friday; Ballet Ninhta, Tuoaday, Thurs day, and Saturday. Ro-appoaranee of Madame Anna TM lon, who will repeat her celebrated tliroa ohar.ioters of Jtianita, Inei and Lady Abba**. Mr. Hudson will appear aa Felix O'Donnell. Monday. April 19, will be nroduoed for tha fourth time in thi* city, tne comic opera of tn? BLACK DO MINO. ora Night's Adventure? FelixO'Donnall, Mr. Hadsoa; Oil Podrida, Mr. Ijeach; Juauita, Mine. Anua ThlHoaj Pa quite, Miss Daly; Maria, Mr*. Cenover. NIBLO'S GARDEN.- OPKRA NIGHTS ? MONDAY, Wednesday, and Priday. Ballet Nights? Tuesday, Tburaday, and Saturday. Monday, thajuatly eminent vocalist, Madam. Ahka Tiiili.on, aid Mb. Uvdaoiv, In the Opera of tha ^ a ..BLACK DOMINO. Oa Tuesday, tha wonderful CtROLim Roiiiit, and her three aUter*, will perform in the favorite great ballet of CaTarina ^ LYCEUM THEATRE, BROADWAY, NEAR BROOMB street. ? W. Corbyn It J. W. Buokland, Leaaaea. ? Dress Circle and Parquet, 00 oenta: Orchestra Seat*, 75 cent*; Fa mily Circle, 25 cent*; Private Boxea, $5. Door* open at 7< curtain rlaea at 7>? o'olook. Monday evening, April 19, will he performed the comedietta of A SOLDIER'S COURTSHIP ? Col. Gaylove, Mr. Waloot; Lady Milfort, Miaa Jnlia Ben nett; Fanny, Mr*. Waloot. After whioh, the farce af tha LIVE INDIAN? Tim, Mr. Owen*; Mr. Brown. Mr. Pbilliaai Julia Wharton. Mi** Fisher. To ooiiolude with the FAIR ONE WITU THE GOLDEN LOCKS King Laohrymoao, Mr. Walcot; Graceful, Mia* Julia Bennett. Lyceum theatre, Broadway, near brooms street.? Corbyn & Buckland, Lessees.? Thi* ostabllsh ment, having been thoroughly cleaned and ropaired, will open to-morrow evening, Monday. (April IV, for the perrorm nnoc uf comedietta, vaudeville, burletta, extravaganza; bur lesque and laughable faroe*. The first evening'* perlormanoe will commence with a new onmediutta, entitled A SOL DIER'S COURTSHIP, in which tho principal character* will 1:6 sustained by Miaa Julia Bennett and Mr. and Mr*. Waloot. To be followed by the ma*ioal fairv extraveganxa, THE FAIR ONE WITH THE GOLDEN l.OCKS-Graoe ful, (with all the eoug*,) Mi** Julia Bennett; Lachrymose, Mr. Waloot; Chamberlain, Mr*. Vinoout; Luoidora, Mis* Oceana Fisher; Thlsbe, Miss Lucy Moore. The evening* en tertainment will conclude with THE LIVE INDIAN, la which piece Mr. John E. Owens will sustain his groat original character. The prices of admission will be? Dress Cirola and Parquot, 60 cents; Oroheatra Seats, 75 oonts; Family Circle, 25 cents; Private Boxos, $5. Special Notice.? la order to afford the utmost accommodation to the publlo, tha Box Office will be kopt open, without intermission, from 8 A. M. until the close of the performances, so that gontlerae* on their way down town in the morning, or returning home ward in the afternoon, can socuro scats. Tickets may be ob tained at all tho principal hotols. A limited number of sea son tickets will be isauod, on application to Mr. Buokland, at tho Box Office. The doors will be oponed at 7; the cnrtala will rise at precisely, and the ontortainmeuts will termi nate as near 11 as possible. ITALIAN OPERA HOUSE, ASTOR PLACE-MONDAY Evening, April 19th. Tho New Orleans Opora Troupe, in their Operatic Burlesques. Door* open at 7, curtain risaa at H. Admission 25 cent*, private boxea $3. Box office ope* from 10 A. M. till 4 1*. M-, when seats can be sacurod. Par ticulars expressed in bills of tha day. S. S. SANDFORD, Manager and Dlreotor. CIRCUS, NEW YORK AMPHITHEATRE, 37 BOWERY. ?Nathan's Troupe for six day* longer, oommeaoiag aa Monday evening, April 19, after wnioh the Amphitheatre wilt be closed for the sntnmer. John Qo**la, Clowu. On Wed nesday evening, bonotlt of Mr. I). Vandorheuk. Metropolitan hall.? evenings with thb People.? Professor Wlitney, the aelebrated orator and impersonator, respectfully aanounoes that he will giva his chaste, popular, and elegant ontertainments in tha macntl oont Concert Room of thi* Hall, oa Monday, 19th, Friday, 23d, and Monday, 26th April, when he will have the honoc to introduce somo of his most Interesting oharaotors ? Tha Indian, Briton, American, Irishman, and Hoosier, later apersed with anaodote* and pootic recital*. Profossor Whit ney'* entertainment* hava reoeived the approbation of tha literati of the old and new world*. Admission, 00 oenta* Benond Cirote, 25 oent*. Tiokot* far sale at the principal hotels, book and mnsic itore*. and the Hall on the day aad evoning of performance. To eommeno* at 8 o'olook. Franklin museum, 175 Chatham square.? a bo. Lea, Proivietor. ? Two performances art givon irirf day, oommenclng at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and at halt fiaxt 7 In the evening. Thi* establishment In the only plao* n the United Statea where the " Model Artiste" ean be eeea. The oompany ii oompoied of a troupe of Artista, aeUotod foe their beauty and figure, and are under the auperviaion of " Jd'ile Casiuet, Premier Model" to thia establishment. A magnifioent series of groupings will be produoed, oarefvllv lelocted from the moat admired paintings and loulpiurs. witt new properties and appointments. '^Lea'a Female Opera Company," the onlv organised band of ladies in exlstenaa, will appear every afternoon and evening. Mons. Lafarge, th* original Antipodean Pedestrian, will walk "head dowa , wards," on the ceiling, at an elevation of twenty-live ftsl from the ground, and eighteen in length, a feat whioh throws I all "competitors in tne shade." The greatest wonder Im j world ever produced. Monsieur Cain, the strongest man ii | the world, wiH break, with his "naked fist," any stone th* I audienee may choose to offer, with other unparalleled haM ?f strength. The unrivalled tribe of "Aorobatio Sister*," Will appear in their woadorful gymnastio entertainment#* producing groat excitement by their extraordinary exhibi tions. A variety of miscellaneou* entertainments are give* ?very afternoon and evening, such as can be seen at no othar ; establishment in the world. For full particulars of each ! day's performance, see bills of the day. Priooa of Admiaai** i -?Seats in Private Boxes, 30 cents; Orohestra Seats, wU cushioned arm ohairs, 37X oents; Boxes, 25 oents, OaUery. oents. Temple of graces, three doors abotb Niblo'a.? Ninth week of this fashionable resort.?1 Tri umphant ?uccon.- Third week of I'rof. Alhorti. the wonder ful Magician, in his splendid Illusions.? Second weok ef Mile. Cheohino.? The Living Models, in all thoir graue and elegance. Seoond week or a Trip to America. Porfjrm anco every afternoon at 3 o'clock; evening at S o'olook. Parquet, 50 cents; saloon, 25 oents. ~ UBDICAli hp HE females confidential fr7end^2drTil X HENDRICKS' Female Panaoea, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, cor rects all irregularities of th* female system, sent by malL with advice. Prince 25 cents, consultations, No. Letter* confidential. Address box 2,456, N. Y. Pont Office. No. | must net be taken during pregnancy. N. B.? Look out foe impostcrs who attempt to swindle the unwary and ignnraat by charging one dollar for counterfeits, instead of twenty live cents for the genuine. PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT OF PRIVATI Diseases, in a few hours, by a vegetable appiioatUo, without pain. In constitutional affections, and disease from | improper habits, he combines medicine with the local reme I dy, and ran show any one there are thousands who cannot j be cured without it, as he has cases daily, of years' duration i from the other physicians. In all, he guarantees a porma ; nent, our*. lie makes daily cures of stricturos, without caustic, which others use, eaused bv their not expelling th* former disease soon enough. His diploma, with these and the hundreds of othor certificates, show that nothing oaa equal it. We were cured in a few honrs. ? P. Hroadhead, A : Waring, D. M. Corhyn, C. Deroud. One application onred j roe, after nnother doctor tried a long time. ? W.N. Craft. I paid over $300 in five years, to be cured of weakness from sslt-ahnse, without benofit; hut you cured ma by local and general trcatuieut in a short time.? Jas. Evans. You oarad ine ol the worst syphilitic affection on my body and face in a short time, after I had boen under three pnysioiaus for a year, besides using every qnack medicine I could hoar of, to no benefit.-- Wm. Ferguson, Perth Amboy. The half cured and alnndoneil cases be especially solicits. Strangers and ! others can rely on no other proof but these certiiloate< where there is so much imposition. For treatment, by Ut ter, address Box 71, Broadway Post Office, N. Y. Tho** who apply personally have soparate rooms. Office Hours? 1? morning till 2, and 5 till Hevening. M. LA RMONT, Sur geon, 42 Rcade street, second door from Headway. The married woman's private medical com panlon ? By Dr. A. M. Manaiceau, Professor of Ifinnasa* of Women? Twentieth edition, 18mo., pp. 2.'?0? Price, $1.? Years ef suffering, of physical ami mental anguish to many au affcotlonate wife, and pecuniary diffuulties to the hue band, might have been spared l.y a timely possession of thi* work. It is intended especially for the marriod, or thos* contemplating marriage, as it discloses important secret*, which should bo known to them particularly. To those whose health does not permit of an inoreaa* of family, it is of special importance. llere, also, every female ? the wife? the mother? the on* either budding into womanhood, or the othor in the deelin* of yean? in whom nature contemplatca an knportant change, ran discover the eausos, symptoms, and the moat efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, la every com | laint to which her sex ia subject. ( Extract of a letter from a gentleman In Dayton, Ohio.) Dr. A. M. Maurici-av: ? Dattu*. May 1, 1?4S. Mv Diab Sib? My wife baa boen perceptibly sinking for si me three years or more, in eonaequenca of her great an guUli and suffering some months before and during her con finement? every successive one more and more debilitating and prostrating her. putting her life in imininont danger, and which was. on the last occasion, despaired of I supposed this state of thing* was inrvltahl*, and rcslgnod myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two months) I beard your hook highly spokon of, as containing some mat ters reaching my case. On its receipt and peruial, I cannot express to you the relief it affordod my distressed mind, and the joy its pages imparted to my wife, on learning that th* peat discovery of M. M. Dosomeaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospeat to me, which I little conceived was poa ail.lo. But for this, ere another year would have paas*d ovi r my bead, in all human probability my wife would har* been In her grave, and my children left mothorloss. It is, of course, impractical,)*) to convey more fully th* , serious eubjects treated of, as they are of a nature atrlott/ I intended for th* married, or those contemplating marriage. I or sale at 222 Broadway, and at the publishing offloe, 129 Liberty street New York; Little h Co., Albany; Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama; T. B. Peterson, 95 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. On the rccoipt offl, a copy will b* transmitted by mail, free of postage, to any part ofthe Uni ted States. A II letters must bo nddrnssed, post paid, te I?r. A. M. Manriceau, Bo* 1,234 Now York olty. Office lit Lib?rt J street, T^O FEE TILL CURED.? DR. CORBETT, ID DUANI -1.1 atreet, may be consulted contidontlally on the treat ment of delicate diseases. Twenty -one years praatloe in thia j apei ialty of the profession enables him to inako tpeoily and I Rrmsnent enrea, and recent eases removed in three daya. | e victims of qttaokery ean apply with a osrtainty of being I honorably treated. From his long experience, he Is enabled to eure effectually a certain nervous debility. Dr. Corbett is a uieinbor of the New York University. DR. LA CROIX'i PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATI8B Fifteenth *dltloa; by M. B. La Croix, M. D? Albaa^ N. Y. Cheapest book *v*r Published; 200 pages and 160 Hi plates, on the Physiology ef Marriage, and th* seor*t intr mlties and disorders of youth and maturity, resnltinx from excesses which destroy tlio physical and mental aowora sJl J diseases arising from indiscretion, with plain and atari* rules by which all persona oaa cure themselves without moi eurj. with the author's observations on marriage Ita da tie* and disqualifications, and their remedies; with colored litho graph*, illustrating the anatomy snd physiology, and dio ceses of the reproductive organs of both sexes, their ctraa tures, uses, and functions. Itcoatains many Important hint* to those contemplating matrimony. ? hlcb will ovsroomeob iectiona auaiimt nmrrla^e; none, however, slionld take tM* iinportant step without first consulting Its pagei. It treat* ?f all diseases of female*, whether married or single. Straa gsrs who require mcdical aid, before coasultlag any dootor ought to know whether their eases arc properly -nil-ratoo4 by those whom they employ, and thus guard against the Im position of quaekcry, so prevalent In popular aitlea. Br. La Croix Is a legally qualified physician, and for the past tw*nt* < years lias been daily oonsulted upon the different disease* upon which bis bock treats, personally as well a* by letter Any person sending twenty Ivs cents In a Utter postuald! will receive o*e copy by mall, free of postace er five KwiCTSK 221 1,r"ad"7' N- y- BrM,h ??i?' " REWARD.? JEfFRIIS' AMTIMTI A srr pu\ nj elfio miiturc for the c*re of private di?>rilu? if ml" * ?P?edy cure, without the least rostriituS ?f * IIP Sssa^ggj H InJrrf 73TS.? our,d '? ??? da r?. >.rsal.\,0 R NSS'ffir""*. ?nd ,0i "ayard s t re* t| N Y i f Orui?' 104 #lm?' k C# s