Newspaper Page Text
FOB SALE. -u_v. til A AAA * SUBSTANTIAL BUSINESS PRO Jlw.UuU. perty on Riviagton street, renting for l.tM per annum, Mill beield fur $4,000 down; remainJer ift 01. mortgage, at a priee that will pa/tWO P" _4,?)0. A good lot would b? taken for J2.000. Apply ? rarurunto Ollieo, N Nasiau stroat. til &nfl -FOR SALE, A MANUFACTURING BU ? 1 ??!""? new, no competition, easily ooudnoted. for cho anove sum in cash ; and which will pay $4,000 thU year. None other thaa a responiiible party need apply. Addresa Hamilton," Ilcrnlil office, with name anil residcnoe, which U1 reilve prompt attention. _____ ABl'LEN DID CHANCB. ? 106 LOTS IN TUB VIIL \(; K of Yonkers, to lie disposed of aa follows : All the lota tith odd nnmliora to lie sold ; $10 to be paid vu delivery of Ijircuniont, $40 on the Sth June; S100 to remain on bond uid mortgage for throe years, at o per cent. Two llousos, 'Wo-itory, to he built on loin Nos. M and HI. Choice of lots ,o be drown for ou ?th of June The partioi who draw the eta Nos. 53 and XI will be eutltlrd to the houses thor. on rithuut additional coat. For further particular!, maps, to., apply to COMBS Sl NICOLAY, Real Estate Ageuts, 4o. 344 Grand itreet, between t> and 9 F. II. A lno for salt, Lota on hth-av., New York, Oowacna, tiookiyn, and Eden Vule, L. 1. and other valuable property. "1 ROCKERY STOCK FOR SALE, AND STORE TO LET. ?The stock of the lato Thomas Cook, No. i'iTCaual trset, containing a first-rate assortment of China, Ulasn, ad Earthenware, is offered for sale. Apply to EDWARD COOK, No, 1L7 Pearl street. IG11TB AVENUE LOTS.-TO MEMBERS OK BPILD ing Associations and otheri, desirous of procuring uilding lots iii this city at reasonable prices An aritw ?lent, hy means of whioli individuals may secure single lota t the wholesale prices of $123 to $375 per lot, most bo closed n a very few days. By this arrangement, a blosk contain* ? g G4 lots, beautifully located, between Seventh and Eighth venues, having the streets cut through, can be obtained, uovided a sufficient number of persons subscribe. For maps, cscriptiou, &?., apply to W. T. B. MILL1KKN, at the offito tTomeroy U Jenks, No. 54 Wall street. Ej^OR SALE-A CASE OF DENTAL INSTRUMENTS Dental Chair and Furniture. Inquire at 103 Bleeoker roet. ^OR SALE? THE STOCK AND FIXTURES AND GOOD will of a Grocery Store in Union struct, South Brook n. within one block of the Hamilton avenue ferry. Apply p the stare, No. 28 Union street. J'OR 8ALB? BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN GREYHOUND, Friiiee Charles i'ups, Scotch aud English Terriers, good alters, imported Flower-seeds aud Strawberry Plant*. In |uirc at 90S Water street. I^OR BALE-' THE FIXTURES, SHELVING, COUN ters. Looking-glasses, Sashos, Ate., contained in the ore 237 Broadway, to be taken away on the lirst day of Kay. Apply at the above number. & OR SALE.? A GROCERY. LIQUOR, AND FEED Store, in the best stand in the city. 1 1 in unsurpassed <o location for business, takes alone at tho bar, from oight ten dollars dally. For particulars, apply to J. UODG |HS, 35 Forsyth street. ;OK SALE-A FIRST-RATE MANUFACTURING Business, in one of the most flourishing towns of onuccticut, oonuoettd directly with New York by railway, |nid Business, Machinery, will be sold at a ruasonable ice, the owner wishing te retire. Inquire ef V. B. PAL ER, Newspaper Agent, Tribune Buildings. fctOR SALE? THE LEASE, GOOD WILL, STOCK, FIX L tnrcs.ind Furniture ef one of the most flourishing Cof le, Diiilug and Oyster Saloons and Lodging Rooms, in the iimcdiate neighborhood of several steamboat, railroad anil eaiusMp lines. To save trouble, none, unless having $500 |?sh, need apply for particulars to JOHN C. SOU WElZKlt, West street, corner of Rector street. ^IOR SALE OR TO LET? AT PORT RICHMOND, |- f'taten Island, a large and oommodious house, suita e for a gentleman's rcsidoneo ; a large garden with nhrub ny aud all kinds of fruit, barn and stables, within three liuntos walk of the steamboat landing, and fronting the later. For particulars, please inquire of the Captain of Jeamer Huguenot, on board, or on the premises of Mrs. |ANE M. BURGER. pOR SALE ? A TTTTRTY HORSE POWER STEAM ? Engine, in good order, with fly-wheel and three boilers, jiirty feet long by two anil a half feet In diameter; also, one Liter twenty -tlx feet long, by thirty-fear inches in diameter; ligithcr with a crocs holler, attached to abovo, about Ivelve feet long and two and a half feet in diameter. Will sold low, if applied for soon. JOSEPH HUS30N, rear ot Nassau street. frOR SALE-A SECTION OF LAND, FRONTING ON Washington avenue, extending hack two hundred feet Hamilton street, aud one hundred and ninety-eight feot |irth of DeKalh avenue ? one of the finest locations in Brook $3,000 can remain on ooud and mortgage. Inquiro of |OBT. G. PIKE, It; Wall street. New York, or JOHN ORGAN, corner of Jay and Plymouth streets, Brooklyn, ?so, to loan on bond and mortgage. $2,0^0. Inquire as |>ovo. POR SALE-AT MORRI8ANIA, A WELL FINISHED 1. two story Frame House, filled in with brick, with Jable, &c., aud one acre of ground ? two-thirds of which is a |ell cultivated Garden, with fruit and ornamental trees in eat variety. This is one of the most pleasant locations in e village. Part of the purchase money can remain on bond idmongage. For particulars apply on the premises, in fcfth street, Morrisania, between Fulton and Franklin ave Kies, or ofllr.O. HIGG1NS, lf-'J Canal itreet, New York. b?OR SALE -THE ELEGANT HORSE "OTHELLO." He id seven years old this spring, sixteen hands high, a t black, fast, kind, sound, and gentle; unsurpassed an a iddle horse (having been the property ef a professor of Iding); he is equally perfect in harness. A full warrantee 'id trial will be given. Lowest price $100, cash. Also, a g.iftinz-top Buggy Wagon, Haruess, Bridles, and Saddle, lly Net, he., all madein the best manner, last summer, will ?old with the Uurse for $160. Apply at Curtis' Liverv able, rear of Maurion House, Brooklyn, or to Mr. WiiEE IKR, 57 Broadway, New York. ?l OX SALE? PROPERTY ON WASHINGTON AND Warreu streets.? The vacant lot, No. 2r',0, t a the oast |de of Washington street, 26 feet 6 inches In front '>j*l feet depth, adjoining the south-cast corner of Warren street, lso, the two two-story brick houxee snd dots, 20 feet each front on Warren street, by 38 feet In depth, butting npi n s rear of the afoMsaid l"t No. 'MO Washington street, and rming an I. frum Washington to Warren street. The _'arren street houses can be al<ere<l into itcres by a very luall outlay, and by using 40 feet of the rear of the lot on ashington street, they ' an bo made 63 feet deep, givina fficient ground for three good stores, which will command gh rents. This property is in the most advancing bnsines3 irt ef the eity, and in the immediate neighborhood of the Iric and Hudson River Railroad Depot. For price and Irms, apply to ' JAMB3 II. THORNE, No. Iti8 Walker street. IOTEL, ? FOR SALE, THE LEASE AND FURNITURE of one of the largeH Hotels ia the upper part of ihe Ity. The leafc is favorable, and has a number of years to The furniture is of the best qaality, and in good or The establishment is eapabje of aoeommudating ISO ?rsons, and tin location is unsurpassed. The present pro 1-ietor, bring out of health, will dispoce of the whole to a >od and responsible man. The capital reqaired to pnr lasewill be $iv>.<nm). All eommunieations will be itrictly mlidentiul. Address A. W . 11.. llocald ofliee. IOTEL.-ONE OF THE PROPRIETORS OF A RE apei tably conducted Hotel is desirens to retire in favor a party with $.'>,000 ? or the whole will be sold, and easy Irms for the balance. Situation equal to any in tho city, id doing ? good business. Well fnrn<shed, and nearly :w. Aadrees T. A., Herald Office. ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.? A TWO STORY AND la. basement Cottaue House aud Lot for sale, lot 25 by Jo, sitnatc d in Forty-fourth street, north side, one hundred idtiftyfiet west of Eighth avenue. The house stands on c rear of the lot, leaving a good opportunity for emetine p lunt building. For partieulars, inquire uf Mrs. HARRIS, |i the premises. *0 TINSMITHS, STOVE DEALERS. AND TRADES tnen.? 1 or Sale. ? The old stand, U'J Catharine street, | tablished twenty-five years ago, under the supervision er . Bennet, deeeasod. The stoek, tools, and go>d will oan i purchased reasonably. Ample reasons assigned for scll gcut. Apply to J. M. Bruoe'a Sons, iss Water street. ' il'herson, 2S3 Wati l ater itreet, or of Win. Albert, on the O BUTCHERS.? FOR SALE THE FIXTURES AND business of a first class meat shop, now doing ai good a 1 sines" as any meat market in Brooklyn. Any person, by iplying itnmcdintcly, will tlnd this a chanee seldom offered. >r partieulari intjuire of J. OSWALD, Long Island Mar it, Atlantic street, between Boeruni and Smith itreeti, Aith Brooklyn. 10 DRUGGISTS AND PHYSICIANS.? FOR SALE, A long established Drug Store in one of the principal ^orougbfares of the Hty. and doing a good business. There n good practice attached to the store, and would boa de jaMc location for a t hysiolan. Satisfactory reasons given [r selling. Price, fl.MM. For further particulars, addroei T. If. M., Herald office. V ALUABLE LOTS ON EIGHTH AVENUE.? MEM bers of Building A -sooiations, and others, that aro de e ? of purchasing Building Lotsin this city, at low prices, . informed that s number of persons have joined together d purchased a block of ground in the upper part of the |ty. between Seventh and Eighth avenues. It is a pleasant cntiun, about three feet above the grade, and entirely fr> e iin rocks and stones, which makes them more desirable, d are considered, by good Judges, to be the cheapest lots , this island. Prices from $125 to $375. Terms easy. All hscribers will be placed upon an equal footing with res et to the choice of lots. The arrangement muit be closed few days; therefore those persons who would avail them ,.es of tnls excellent opportunity, should immediately ply to COM IIS fc NICOLAY, 244 Grand itreet, near the wi ry. Office hour*, from lito9 o'clock, P. M. ?if OOD FOR SALE.? THERE ISA LARGE LOT OFTnE W* best Pii; c Wood for sale, in Northampton connty, item Shore. Vireinil. This wood lies on the Chcsai>eake y, about eight mile, from Cape Charlei ; a depth of nine Prtwnteriu the channel, Can be carried within oeo hun f d yards of tlm shore. The wood will be pnt on board, or Id on the shore, ai may he proffored by tho pirch,ner. fhtcrs to be hail on the spot at all timci. The parties have artre quantity of pine wood, of good qoalily, whieh they II contract to Cut any length!, to suit purchaser!. All inmuuications to be addressed ta Robert J. Poulsou, poet i. Onanccik, Accomack connty, Virginia. TO PHINTKRS. JATENT COPPER-FACKD TYPE, -THE NEWTON '"onipanv having made great improvement! in the anufacture and finish ef their Cepoer-Faccd Type, are now 'epared to reeommend it, with the fullest confidence, to rimer* and Publichers. It is exclusively nied by icme ef ^e largest Journals and Printing Officii ia thii and other |iiesof tho United States, to the proprietor! of which the tentees beg to refer for testimonials of the satisfaction it ct, and ?f its decided general superiority over all vWior NEWTON COMPANY. Patentee!, No. 8 North Willian itreet. Tnmi'JtE OrnoE, New York City, Jan. 21, 1H52. N?wton Company, Ne.^B North William itreet ? Gontle . ?In answer to your3nqnlry,I say nnequivocally, that I ? cm your process in copperiug the face of type, a decided uii.tagc. opinion is fosinacdon the experience I hare : with our present font! of type. I cannot conceive how is possible itr ordinary type te undergo the work that ur eopper-fieed has, and present so good an iiupresiion ai ? arc daily procnrlng. Youri, THOMAS N. ROOKEK. Amksican Traot SocirTv, Jan. SI, 1S53. G'.ntlemsn:? In answer to your iuquiriee, 1 woald staM, at from the past three years' experience in the me of tyi* epared by you, 1 have no hesitation in saying that, for all llnary pur poles, it is greatly superior in point ofdurabili and clcaruesi of printing to that of oominon typo. A jrtn n of the typo of the American Messenger, of wliioh Eire ire printed monthly 200.U00 imprersinns, was prepar by >< n; aud it has stood tho test of eleven months on a Under pre?s, being at least three times the amount we ivei riuted on ordinary type. From my experience in thii lire, I am sati-ti. cl your copper faced tvp.i only wants a llr trial to brinj. it into general use for all description! of ?luting. I also belicreit to be of great i.?e in stereotyping, I V.urs, Ate WM. B. BODGE, Snperintcudent of the Compesitors' Department. Ntw York, Feb. 14, 1jW2. Newton Company? Gentlemen:? From the trial we have vi ii v i r copper-faced type In our office, we are convinced its d i led superiority in durability and in every othet speet over the oemmon type. We believe if it is ono* stcd, it will be universally vloptod bv printers. ( OI.LINS, BOWNR U CO., Stationers' Hall. 174 and 171 Pearl street, limilar rntlegi to the abece have boon received fr' in a 11, 1, or of other large printing establishment s, vir? Conritr ., inirer Offi, e; S. W. Ilnnedict, Rpruee itreet; J. M. Kl 1 it, 1.13 Water itreet; II. W. l'hnir ItCo., 7S NaiiM street; I N. GroiMuaa It Ben.fcfc ho ["?ivTFn" - won c.M.n, A L.'."Gi: nvniiA'-itc ?landing Prei". and a inper royal Washington Hand is, with sr.f-inking apparatn* complete. Apply te R. II, 1 It Co., Gold itreit. SHIPPING. I^OR LI VERPOOL.? UNITED STATES MAIL. STEAM X sbip AHCTIC, I'ut. Jan. C. Liiee? This itMnihlp will depart with the Unite J State* mail* for Europe, po*itlvely, CD Saturday. Ma; 1, at 12 o'clock II., from her berth, at the foot of Canal (trust. No berth aecured till paid for. For freight, or pasaage, having unequalled accommodation* foe elegance and comfort, apply to EDWARD K. (VlLLINS k CO., 66 Wall *treet. The sleuiLebip Baltic will inuceodlk* Arctic, and nail May 10th. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES Mail Steamer*.? The ships compoaiug t hi* line are the following:? ATI, ANTIC. Captain Wect. PACIFIC, Captain Nye. ARCTIC, Captain Lnoe. BALTIC, Captain Comstoek. ADRIATIC, Captain Grafton. These ships having been bntft by contract cxprewly for government service, every care has been taken in their eoa (tructiou? a* in their engines? to ensuro strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengera are unequalled for elcffiiuco and comfort. Price of passage from New Tork to Liverpool, in first eabin, $120; in second cabin, $70. Exoloaiv* one of extra six* itate rooms, $.100. from Liverpool to New Tork, ?30 and ?20. An experienced surgeon attached to each ship. No berth secured until paid for. PHOPOSED DATES OF ?AILI1?0. From New York. From Liverpool. Saturday, April 17 1M2 Wednesday, Ap t 7 1852 Do May 1 ?< Do Ap'121 ,T Do May 15 " Do May 5 " P? May 29 " Do May 19 " Do Jane 12 " Do Jnue 2 " Do June 20 " Do J'ne 15 " Do July It) " Do J'ne 30 " Do July 24 " Do July 14 " Do Aug. 7 " Do July28 " Do Aug.21 " Do Aug.ll " Do Sept. 4 " De Aug.25 " Do Sept. It) " Do Sep. H " Do Oct. 2 " Do Sep. 22 " Do Oct. 1# ?' Do . Oct. 6 " Do Oct. 30 " Do Oct. 20 " Do Nov. 13 " Do Not. 3 " Do Nov. 27 ? Do Nov.I7 " Do Deo. U " Do .Dee. i " D? Deo. 26 " Do De*. IS ?? ? , . v? , . ?? De*.20 '? For freight or passage, apply to EDWARD K. COLLrNS & Co., 56 Wall st., New Tork. DROWN, SHIPLEY ti Co., Liverpool. E. O. ROBERTS & Co., 13 King's Arms Yard, London. JOHN MUNROE ii Co., 26 Rue Notre Dame doa Vie toirea, Pari* ; or CEO. II. DRAPER. Havre. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, speeic, jewelry, precious (tones, or metals, unless bills of lading are signed tbercfor, and the value thereof therein expreaeed. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL Mail Steamships ? Between New York and Liverpool direct, and between Boaton ana Liverpool, the B>atou ships only calling at Halifax to land and recclve mails and pau scngers. ARABIA, Capt . PERSIA, Capt. . AFRICA, Capt. Uarriaon. ASIA, Capt. Jndkins. Ell KOPA, Capt. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Stone. AMERICA, Capt. Shannon. CANADA, Capt. Lang. CAMBRIA, Cant. Lokch. Those vessels earry a clear white light at mainmast head; green on the starboard; red on port. Africa. . . Harrison. from N. York. Wednesday.. April 21, 1852 America. .Shannon . from Boston .Wednesday.. Aprils, IS52 Asia Judkin*. .from N. York. Wodnesday.. May 5, 1S52 Niagara . .Stone . . . from Boston. . Wednesday.. Hay 12, IH51! Lnrora. . Lott from N. York. Wednesday.. Hay IS), 1M52 Passage from New York or Boaton to Liverpool? First Cabin, $120; Second Cabin, $70. No berth secured until paid for. Freight will be charged on specie beyond an amount for personal expenses. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and newspapers must pass through the Post Office. Tor freight or passage, apply to E. C0NARD, 88 Broadway. Frcnch, German, and other foreign goods received and brought in common with British goods. Through bills of lading arc given in Havre for New York. W atchks. ? By order of the British Treasnry, watches of foreign manufacture bearing the names or marks of English manufacturers, will bo hereafter admitted in England in trantitu for tho United States and other countries, in con sequence of which, Freneh and Swiss watchoB may bo shipped at Havre for Now York or Boaton, via Liverpool, without incurring the risk, as heretofore, of being sciiod by the Eng lish Custom House. PACKETS FOR HAVRE? SECOND LINE.? THE FOL lowlng ahipa will leave Havre on tho Kith, and New York ? n the 1st of each month ;? From N.York. From Havr*. Ship ST. DENIS, 1 Jan. 1 Fob. 1(? 1,000 tons burthen, J Hay l Juno 10 Alonto Follansbee, maater. J Sept. 1 Oct. 10 Ship ST. NICHOLAS, 5 Pel. 1 MarchU 1,000 tons burthen, 5 June 1 July ki N. W. Eveleigh, maater. J Oct. 1 Nov. 16 Ship BALTIMORE, S March 1 April 16 700 tons burthen, > July 1 Aug. Id R. D. Conn, master, J Nov. 1 Dee. 16 Ship WILLIAM TELL, 1 April 1 May 16 (new t, 1,200 ton* burthen, > Aug. 1 Sept. 16 John Willard, master. J Dec. 1 Jan. 16 They arc all first class New York built ships, provided with all requisite articles for the comfort and convenience of pas sengers, and commanded by men of experience in the trade. Tho price of passage is $100, without wines or liquors. Goods sent to the subscribers wiH be forwarde<l?lro# from any charges but those actually incurred. BOYD it H1NCKEN, Agents 161 Pearl street. OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. ? FOR Bremen, via Southampton.? The U. S. Mail Steamship HERMANN, Edward Uiggins, (U. S.N.) *ommander, will ?ail for Bremen, touching at Southampton, to land the mail* and passengers for England and France, on Satnrday, April 24, from pier 3 North river, at 12 M. Pries of passage? In first cabin, main saloon, $120; in tirst eabin, lower saloon, $100; in aoeond cabin, SCO. An experienced surgeon is at tached to the ship. All letters must paxa thraugn the Post Office. Specie delivered in Havre ana London. For passag* or freight, apply to MOLLER, SAND & RIERA, Agents. 36 S >uth street. The steamship Washington will (ueeeed U>* n |,gM *,? ? *ka itiM -# w Re duction in fares between Philadelphia and Liverpool.? The Liverpool aud Philadelphia Steam ship Company intend sailing their new rteamsnip* as fol low ?: ? ritOM PHII.ADE1.PHIA. City ?f Glasgow Thursday, May ? City of Mauchestcr Thursday, J un* 3 City of Glasgow Thursday, July 1 City of Manchester Thursday, Juiy 29 lltoc LIVERPOOL. City of Glasgow Wednesday, April 7 City of Manchester Wodnesday, May 5 City of Glasgow Wednesday, June 2 City of Main heater Wednesday, Juno 30 Bates of passage from Philadelphia: ? Saloon in single state rooms, S'JO; in dcuble stale rooms, $(>5; in forward state rooms, $55. Including provision* and iteward'* fees. 1 or freight or passage, apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON, 41 Exchange place, N.T, _ or No. 9 Walnut street, Philadslphia. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, connecting with tho Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Only through line for California and Oregon, via Aspiuwafl, Navy Bay, direct, per steamers ELDORADO, on Tuesday, Arril 20th, and the GEORGIA, via Havana, on Saturday, April 24th. The aplendid Steamship EL DORADO, 1000 tons, H. K. Davenport, U. S. Navy, Commander, will sail on Tuesday, April 20th, at 2 o'clock, P. M , direct for Aspin wall, connecting at Panama with the Company's Steamers; and the GEORGIA, 3,000 tons, D. D. I'ortor, U. S. Navy, Commander, will leave her pier at thefrot of Warren street, on Saturday, April 24th, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for A.ipinwall, via Havana. Passengers by the Georgia will connect with the well known and favorite United States Mail Steamship PANAMA, to sail for San Francisco on tho arrival of th? Passengers and Mails. No dctontion at Panama. Tho Pa Lams Railroad is now in operation, and the Cars running to within a few miles of Gorgona. Passengers will tlius be en abled to save about thirty-live mile* of toe river navigation, and also the danger and expent* heretofore attending th* landing in boats oil' Chagres, as they will be landed from the steamers free of expense, on the Company's wharf at A? Sinwall. Rates of Faro to SanlFran.ciaoo :? Firat Cabin, 315; Second Cabin, $270; Stoerago, $200. Rates of Fare to A.-piuwhll :? Firat Cabin, $G5 ; Second Cabin. $15; Steerage, $.'<'. For freight or paasago, apply to CHARLES A. WHIT NEY, at the offlco of the Companies, No. 177 Weat street, corner of Warren. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, connecting with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. ? Only through line for California and Oregon. Extra Through Tickets now for sale. The superior double-cucine steami'hin ILLINOIS, 2,500 tons, H. J. Hartstonc, U. S. N., Commander, being now ready for service, will leave fur Aspin wall, Navy Bay, direct, on Monday, April 26th, at two o'clock, P. M., precisely, from herpicr. at tne foot or Warren street, N. R., to eonnoct with tho Golden Gate, 2,500 tons, Lieutenant Patterson, IT, S. N., oommandcr, which steamer is ordered to remain at Panama, to be in readiness immedi ately on arrival of the passengers at that point, and to aail direct fqr San Francisco, without auy delay. Tho accom modations of those steamships sro unsurpassed, and they have proTod to be the fastest ever launched ? th* Illinois having made the passage from New York to tho Isthmus in ?even days and fourteen hour*, and the Golden Gate from Panama to San Franciscoln eleven days and eighteen hours. The Panama Railroad is now in operation, and tho cars run ning to within a fow miles of Gorgona, at the head of River Navigation. Passengers (tolng forw ard by these vessels, it is confidently expected, will make the quickest trip *vcr per formed from New York to San Francisco. Early application will be necessary to scare each passage, for which, apply to CHAS. A. WHITNEY, at tho ollioe of tho Companies, No. 177 Wes t street, corner of Warren st root. Through to s\n francisco.-nf.w york and San Franeisoo Steamship Line.? Tho new steamship UNITF.l) STATES, Charles C. Berry, commander, willtaho her departure for Aspinwall, Navy Pay, on Saturday, 22d Msy, at 3 P. M., connecting at Pnnauia with the new aouble engine steamship WIN FIELD SCOTT, 2,100 tons burthen, Kcnnoy Cnnillard, commander, which steamer awaits tho arrh al of the passengers at Panama by the Un'ted States, from Now York, and immediately thereafter proceeds to San Francisco direct, without stopping st intermediate porta. Tlirie vessels, in accommodations aud safety, aro not sur passed by auy on this route; aud an experien< ed surgeon in attach) a to each vessel. The United States has made the voyage between New York and Cliarrcs in seven days nine teen hours: and the Wintteld Scott has Just porformod tho voyage between New York and Panama in tho shortest tlm* on rccord, both na to running and aetnal time fr.mi port to pr.rt. Books now open, and through tickets for sale. First cal In, state rsou, $315; aeoond do. do., <>J(i5; steerage, $200. Apply to DAVIS. BROOKS It CO., General Agents. 2S Beaver street. JONES U JOHNSON. 104 West street, corner of Liberty street. Passengers by the United States will disembark along fade the w barf at Aspinwall, and take the Panama Railroad, now opened nearlv to Gorgona? thus avoldiug thcriik at ti ndant npon landing in boats at Cha^rea, and the rivur navigation to Gorgona. US. MAIL STEAMSHIP COM I'AN V.--FOR NEW OR ? leans, via Havana.? The splendid new double engine ?teamshin GEORGIA, ,?, 000 tons, D. I). Porter, lT. S. Navy, commander, will sail from the pier at foot ol Warren stroot, N. R? on Saturday, April 24. at 2 o'clock P. M., prooiacly. Ratca of passage to New Orleans? New arrangement:? La dies' saloon berths, $70; after do. do., $70 ; forward do. do., $.iO; steerage do. do., $25. Sjieclo only taken on freight to Havana. Freight taken to Now Orleans at 40 conts per cu bic foot. Shippers offrciglit arc requested to supply them selves with the company s bills of lading, which may be had on application at tho office. No other form will be signod. No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or paasafie, *ppl> to M. C. ROBERTS, 177 Wost strost, corner Warren street PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.-A NOTIC* having appeared in Saturday's paper*, conveying the Idea that passengers providod with ticket* from responsible agencies, would bo subject to dotoution on the IstVmus of Panama, it is deemed proper to announce, that the sto&mcr Orofou was at Panama at last dates a spare steamer, fro* of enga; i mcnts for passengers, and in tho absence of ?coi. dent at sea, th* steamers California, Republic, Tennessee, Golden Gate and Constitution, in tbo service of this Compa ny, will bo at Pinarm* in th* course of tha present month. By order, WM. H. DAVIDGE, Secretary. New Vork, April 3, 1*52. Empire city line.? for san- frncisco, via Chagre* direct.? Tho new and splendid double engine steamship SIERRA NEVADA, (l.WW tons burthen,) J. I). Wilson, commander, (formerly of the Empire lity.) will leave for Chagrus, direct, on Tucsdny, 20th April, at three o'clock, from her dock, l'ior No. 3, North Riser. Tlii* steamer has accommodation* for cabin and steerago pns ?engers, superior to any ship in the trade. An cip..rionced ?urgcon i* attached to the *bip. For freight or passage, ap. ply to J. HOWARD & SON, Agents, 34 Broadway. The Sierra Nevada will leave agnin on Tharsday, 20th May, connecting at l'anainu with the steamship New Orleans, ip OR BANT f R A N c I SCO.? C'LI I'PRR LINE? fill J; srlendid ?hip OAEKLLE, Dollard, master, now loading at pier No. 9 East riv*r, will ha;n immediate despatch, hav ?*!.? a Urge rrcLoitiiu o.' Lit car^u J. fjr ffuUiit i,r pss+sge, apply on beard, or to .IOIIS OODEN, Nj. US Vallatrect; or TAYLOR >i MERR.LL, Ne. J6 Burling Hip. SHIPPING. FOR SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT? CHEAP PASSAGE.? The entirely new and luasiil.oent clipper *hip NOKTtl STAR, Cipt. J. O. Barclay, win sail about the 24th of April. The aeeoamodation* in this beautiful clipper, and the well kn< wn reputation of Capt. Barclay, (tbu being bi* third voyage to the above port) will give all person* Mi opportu nity seldom er ever offered in eclcctiug a comfortable paa lage ; her between deck* are fully eight feet high, and patent veutilator*. It ia fully expectcd iho will make the passage in ninety days. Early application will bo necesiary to *e eure parages, aa only a limited number wHl be taken, either ou board, pier 27 East River, foot of Dover atraet, or to BUTLEH BROTHERS, Nob. 103 und 118 South ?treet._ VANDERBILT'S LINE.? FOR SAN FRANCISCO, THE ateanwhip 1IROTIIF.R JONATHAN having undergone extensive alteration!, and refitted with *upcrior 'jalin and ?teerage accommodation*, to meet the present retirement* of the trade, will take her departure for San Francisco on tho lit of May, at 3 o'clock P. M., from jder No. 3, North River, touching at Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso, and San Juan delMur. The Brother Jouatlian will take her place on the 1'acli.c tide, in Vanderbilt's Nicaragua line. A limited number of passengers will betaken, at $300 for cabin, and $200 for ateerage, for wLieh apply to L>. II. ALLEN, Af.eut, No. 9 flattery place, up *tair?._ The royal mail steamer merlin, captain Cope, w r'.l sail for Bermuda and St. Thomas, on Saturday, the 8th of Mny, 1852, at noon. She hue excellent accom modations for passenger!. Price of pMMgo to Bermuda, $.15; to St. Thomas, $70. There is a regular mail communication, between St. Thoiuas and all the West India Islands, Havana, Vera Crux, Veneiuvla, bo. The Merlin will take freight. Ai>|>ly to E. CUNARD,38Broadwny. P.S.? No letter* or malli will be rccoived on board of the Merlin, except through the rostOIDce. IjlOR SAVANNAH. -UNITED STATES MAII. LINE. The new and superior steamship FLOR1 DA, Thomas Lyon, Captain, will loave on Saturday, April 24th, at 4 o'clock P. M-. from pier 4, North river. Apply to SAMUEL L. M ITCH I LL, No. 194 Front street. The Alabama, Chas. D. Ludlow, Captain, will leave on Saturday, May 1st. For ipeed, strength, accommodation!, and fare, these ship* have no superior ou the ooean. FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.? THE NF.W DOUBLE engine steamship William I'enn, James Marks, Com mander, will leave pier 3' North River, for the above port direct, on Wednesday, April 21st, at 4 o'clook P. M. This ship lias elegant accommodation* for passenger*. Passage in Cabin State Rooms, $(ili; do. in Steerage, $23; freight on measurement good* twenty-live conta per foot. Bill* of Lading will be furnished to shippers, on application to tho clerk, on board, or at the office of the agent, and signed oq board. Apply to THOS. I'. STANTON. MS Sonth stroot. Thu steamship lii'njainin Franklin. W. S?*rs. Commander, will sueeeed the William Penn, and sail on tin .'ith of May. THE STEAMBOAT SANTA CLAUS FOR SALE? Lying at foot of Beach street, in perfect ordor. She if offered low, with no restrictions. Terms easy. Apply to E. FITCH Hi CO., No. Ill Murray street. STEAMBOAT WANTED.? THE COMMISSIONERS OP Emigration will receive sealed proposals, at their of&ce in the l'ark, until 2 o'ulock on Wednesday, tho 21st inst.: for the charter of a Steamboat for one year from the 1st of May next. The proposals must state the price required for one trip daily to Staten Island; one trip daily to Ward'* Island; two trips daily to Ward's Island. WM. A. BAY LEV, General Agent. Office of Cvmmissi*nera of Emigra tion, April 14, 1852. CALIFORNIA TICK ET S. ~ C A LI PORN I A TICKETS.? PERSONS HAVING through Tickets for the Vanderbilt Line, and United States Mail Line, for 20th and 26th April, and 5th May, will find a purchaser at Mumford Sl Co.'i, I'enn Building, Phila delphia. Address to Mumford It Co., by Mail, and enclose the same. (CALIFORNIA THROUGH STEERAGE TICKET, PKlt J steamer Illinois and Golden Gate, for the 26th of April, for sale, for less than cost, if applied for this day. Enquire of J. W. CAKRINGTON. 18 Wall utroet. For half,, at par-two California through tickets, first cabin, per Georgia, April 24. Apply to MESSRS. WARD & CO.. 54 Wall street. For sale? a through ticket, on vander bilt's Line, to San Francisco, first cabin, to sail Tues day, 20th April. Enquire at the office of tho National Hotel. For sale? one through steerage ticket, Vanderbilt's line, to tail tiio fifth of May, with berths on both steamers: will be sold at cost. Apply at the window shade store, . Ill Carmine street Through ticket to California.? one secon d cabin ticket per mail steamship Illinois, on April 26, for sale at a discount. Apply to BELKNAP & JAMES, No. 62 Wall street. TWO FIRST ( LASS THROUGH TICKETS. BY THE Northern Light, to sail on tho 5th of May, Vanderbilt's line, with the exclusive use of stateroom B, suitable for a gentleman and lady, or two gentlemen. Applv to JAMES CURRY, 45 Canal street. TWO CALIFORNIA THROUGH TICKETS FOR SALE ? First cabin, per Daniel Wcdster, to sail this dav. 20th inst. Apply at the bar of Lovejoy's Hotel, before 12 o'clock. EXPIIE 8S AGE \CIK8, &c. LATHROP it CO.'S WESTERN AND SOUTHERN Express, running between New York, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, CincinuatiJLouUville. St. Louis, and other principal Western and Southern citie*. New York off ce, 149 Pearl itreet, corner of Wall (after 1st of May 205 Broadway). BERFORD it CO S CALIFORNIA, OREGON, AND China Express mail bags, per steamer Daniel Webster, via San Juan, will be closed at our office, at 2 P. M., this day. Onr Freight and Parcel Express will be despatched, per El Dorado, via Aspiuwall and Panama. No goods re ceived ftr this express after 12 M., this day. BERFORD CO., 2 Vesey street. GREGORY'S CALIFORNIA PACKAGE AND PARCEL V* gjprm. via the Isthmus of Nicaragua, through in twenty-live days.? The subscriber* will forward an Ex|>r?ss Freight hy this expeditious route, by the steamship Daniel Webster, on Tuesday, April L'O, at 3 P. M. Shippers are par ticularly requested to have their goods at this office ou or be fore Monday, 19th instant, in package* not IIOh41d( 100 lbs. weight. Parcels received until the morning of the day the steamer leaves, and letters until 2Ji P. M. THOMPSON & HITCHCOCK, Managers and Agents, 140 Pearl St., corner of Wall, after 1st May. 209 Broadway. This office to let from and after the 1st of Mny next. BERFORD & CO' 8 GREAT CALIFORNIA FREIGHT, Package and Parcel Express, will be despatohed in charge of special freiiht agent, on steamer El 1> r.ilo, April 20, to eonneut wiili the fast rnnning steamer Panama. All goods must be sent in enrly ou Monday next, to give time for cording and sealing. No charge for Custom House ?r con sular feel. BERFORD bi CO., No 2 Vesey st., Astor llou'e. Our Express Mail l ags for the South Pacific and California will be despatched by steamer Daniel Webster, via Sun Juan, in chare# of messenger, on April 20. Close at 2 P. M. Small parcels sent by this line only. Extra express for California -adams & CO.'S California Freight, Package, and Parcel Express, Jer U. S. mail steamer El Dorado, on Tuesday. April 20, >52. We shall despatch an extra Freight, Package, and Parcel Express, for California, by tlieU. S. mail steamer El Dorsdo, on Tuesday next, the 20th inst., at 2 o'clock P. M., in charge of our own special freight agent and n special mes senger to destination. Shippers are particularly requested to send in their goods on or before Monday, the 19th inst., with invoices, to enable us to comply with the government order for cording and sealing. No package should exceed 125 lb*, weight, or 6k feet, cubic measurement, and every thing must be strictly water proof. Small parcel* and des patch** will be received until 1 o'clock P. M., on the day of ?ailing. A DAMS & CO., 16 and 18 Wall street. TRAVELLERS' GUIDEi CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD, FOR PHILA delphia, from pier No. 1, North river, foot of Battery place, l>y steamboat JOHN POTTER. Two line* daily. Morning line leave* at 8 A. M. Afternooa oxpress line at I P. M., through to Philadelphia in foar and a half hours. Fare? first elas* oar*, $3; second class, (by 2 1'. M, line only) $2. Returning, leave Philadelphia from foot or Walnnt (treet, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Emigrant tine, by steamboat TRANSPORT, from pier No. 1, at 5 P. M. Fare $1 50. ear* of theNew York and Uarlem Railroad leave tlie Ciif Hi.ll station. New York, daily, (Sunday* excepted,) at 9 ?'olock A. M. and P. M. M. SLOAT, Superintendent. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA DIRECT.-C. S. Hail and Express Line*, through in 4,l? hours. N. J. Railroad, via Jersey City, leaving New York at 6 A. M.,foot of C'ortlaudt street; 9 A.M. and 6J^ P. M.. Liberty street. L?ave Philadelphia same hours, from foot of Walnut street. Fare rednoed to 13 for first class, and $2 50 for second class. Baltimore, Washington, and Charleston through tickets sold In the above lines, and through luggage carried in the 9 A. M. and 5), P. M. line* from New York, with through conduotor*. Without expense. ASTROLOGY, <toe AN EDITORAL FROM THE SUNDAY MERCURY, OF March 21, 1852. ROBACK'S fame the world pervade*, The press his triumphs toll. And from the north, south, cart and wot, The notes of glory swell. The power of the press is mighty, and will prevail. The wonders of Astrology. People who suppose that astrology is not a science are greatly mistaken. To workout its re sults, arithmetic, alge' ra, aud astronomy are brought iuto play, and the calculation* upon which horoscopes are framed nnd natlvltie* < ast arc of the most abitruae character. The astrologer is no ignorant pretender. He work* by rules a? ojd as the Scriptures t hem selves, for almost at the eai licst period of Scriptural history the Chaldean priests practised astro logy, nnd even as late as the reign of Louis X I. of France, it ranked among the exact sciences. Certainly an art ?o antique, so univtrsslly believed in lor thousand* of years, ami bared upon the uiovem1 nts of the celestial bodies, is entitled to more respect than the absurd theory of spirit rapping*, Mi logy, & c., now so generally swalfowi d. Dr. Ribaik. better known, perhaps, than any other astrologer o! our i!ny, professes t > have not only revived the art In all its force and accuracy, but in the study of years to bave added very largely to its resources. It i quite certain that ninny ol his prediction! made in this city have been fulfilled to the letter. To tlliisc who are skeptical hs to bis skill, ho offers to give indisputable proof of l is knowledge of the future and the past, at his residMoe.No. 6 White street. ~ HATRUIOMAL. Love and happiness, or how to win the one you love best. Professor Lornine, formerly of Paris, now of New York, will send to any address, on receipt of one dollar, post paid, plain directions to enable ladies or gentle men to w in the devoted aflecUous of as many of tho 0| posite Bex as their hearts may dosire. The process is simple, hut so captivating that all may be married, irrespective of age, appearance, or position; aud last, thongh uot least, it can be arranged with sucli cas" and delicacy that detection is impossible. Address Professor LORA1NE, box 2.1j'?, N. V. Post Office. All letter* mutt be po*t paid, otherwise not attended to or taken out. Matrimony made EAST, or now to win a Lover.? Professor Lawton, Boston, formerly of Lon don. will rend to nny address, on receipt of one dollar, post paid, plain directioni to enable ladies or gentlemen to win the devoted affections of at many of the opposite sex as their heart! may desire. The proocss la simple, but so capti vating that *11 may bo married, irreapeetire of age, appear ante, or position; and lait, though not least. It can bear range ! with tuch ease nnd delicacy that detection is im possible. Address Professor Lawton. Boston, M?s?. No letter! taken from the Pmt Office units* the postage i# paid. MEDICAL. TI1F.FI MALES' CONFIDENTIAL FRIEND.? DR. K. Preston * Female Panacea, No*. 1. 2. and 3, oorrei t* all irregularities of the female system. Sent by mall, with advice, one dollar. Consultations and letters confidential. N. B .? No. 2 must not be taksn in pregnancy. None are genuine but those of Dr. P. Office, Vo. Bowery. DR. E. HENDRICKS' PREVENTIVE WTlITbeTeNT by mail, on receipt of twenty-five cents, po*t raid. This ii (he miuio preventive under yariou* nam?s, adver tised f.r one dollar, and lometimet for five dollars. 9 t i be deceived. It Ii iu'ended for thoee who do not feci in clined to tni r?ase tln'ir families. It i* simple and infalli ble. AddrcsiDr. E. HENDRICKS, box 2,456 New Pork Poit Office. DR. MARIONS PREVENTIVE IS SIMPLE, SAFE, r- re rble.snd n:wnv''oro. Poll ina'.ruttion* lent to any addres* on receipt ?f 29 cents, post paid. I have lis. d if twenty yeart. with perfect sncee** 'Ti* t'ie en'y ei* worth rour not: c. AdJrtM G. Marion, UyJI Ml Broadway fell if* e. BtmOPKAJI ADVERTI8II1HEH*. TgAVILLERS' HAND GUIDE, OK CLASSIFIED LIS<r of eatablishmantf Id London, Liverpool, and l'arw, ?ara fully selected and recommended LONDON LIST. AUCTIONEER, HOUSE, AND ?STAT* AOBNT. De Barnard, 20 John Mreet, Adclphi, by appointment ta the Sardinian, Bolivian, and l^ruvian Logatious, ?M .Spanish and Uruguay Consuls. ARTICTS' COLORS AND VARNISH MANUFAtVTUllfcRS. Newman, 24 Sob# Square, artists' material* of every description, of #rst quality. Wholesale a^ant in New York.fcyrcA Ward, Cliff street. Ruberson & Co., 51 Long Acre, artists' colon aw draw ing material!. BRUSH AND t'OMIl MAKERS. Metcalfe. HhikIi1; k Co., to If. R. 0. Prince Albert. B. Oj/orti street. "Metcalfe's Alkaliue Touth I of lit, Haftsall. John. 64 St. Paul's Chnreh Yard. BRIDLE BIT, STIRRUP, ANU SPUR MAKERS. J.atchford, Heiij . to Her Majesty and Royal Family, H Upper St. Martin's Lane. COURT DRESS MAKERS AND MILLINERS. ? , Mrs. Mill, to the Queon and Royal family, 171 New Bond CHRONOMETER, WATCH, AND CLOCK MAKERS. Delolme. Henry. 4S Ratbbone Place, Oafurd streut. Arnold & Co., l'ha?. Frudsham, 84 Stranu, turner of Cecil street. Heyres A Kepingon, 129 Regent street. Job, (late Job A Baab.) to II. R. H. Grand Duke ef Ileoce Darmstadt, 15 THchborna, St. Ragout street. CUTLERY ANU SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Moseley, John A Son, 17 and 18 New street, Covent Gat den; naedles. Ac. CHILD, BED, AND LADIES' LINEW. Clack A Co., 12 Ludgate street, wodding orders and ladies' general outfits. CARPET MANUFACTURERS. ? , _ . Lanwortb, A., A Co., 22 Old Bend street; to Her Majesty Watson'^Bell, an/ Co., to Her Majesty, 15 and 36 014 DRESSINg'a'nD TRAVELLING CASES. Kennedy. 49 New Bond street, cutlery, stationery, As. ENGRAVER* AND PRINTERS. 11K f __ Halfhido, U., to Uer Majesty and Prlnea Albert, 7 Cots* wVirelngton W. A Son. to ber Majesty, 37 Strand. Biden, John and Frederick, 37 Ghaapside. GOLDSMITHS, JEWELLERS, AND SlLVEWMITnS. Hunt A Roskell, the successors to Storr A Mortuuer, 1W Now Bond street, to Her Majesty and all tAe arowuad heads of Europe and U" Eattt. GUN. PISTOL. AND Rlfl E MAKERS. Hlissett, John. Manufacturer, 321, i 322 High Holborn. Dean, Adams A Dean, SO King William street, City, te Luoaitrr, Charles* Manufacturer, lfll 1 New B?"^ GOLD LACF.MAN, EMBROIDERER, AND ARMY AC COUTREMENT MAKER. ramilw Holbeek Louis, to Her Majesty and tba Royal Family, New Bond street. UIV.Ba HOSIERS. GLOVERS, AND SHIRT MAKERS. Coy. Evans A Co., gentlemen s outfitters, 178 Pioendilly, and 24 aud 25Cornhill. Bummell. Brooksop A Co., outfitters, 5 Old Bondstreot, GodseU, 'George, ladies' and gentlemen's warehouse, 206 Fope^k p'a"te, 4 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall: manufao turers of hosiery and surgical elastic stockings. _ Churton A Son, 81 and 93 Oxford street, ladies ontOt Throa'ber A Olenny, to the Queen, 162 Strand. De'lernardy, 20 John street, Adclphi, agent for ParU and the Continent. n?Tniperial Hotel, Covent Garden, n. Curehot. London Coffee House, and Family Hotel, LotegTOTt, Glo'stor'llotel, for families and gentlemsm, Pleaadlll* and Borkeley struct, Berkeloy Square; T. A F. Dale Piazza Tavern llctil &ud Coffo? Houm? CoYtnt Owdwii y Harrison. Bt. James' Hotel. Jerrayn stmt; Mr. Stewart. roMrWATtiS'-i ovikcoiT) kanwac ' EdvUton A Son, 69 Strand; manufactures of the 10 oi. rORTM t'N'pEAUS, TRUNKS. AND PACKING CASES. Sonthcate, J., 76 Watling street, City, Manafaetiurai af the Registered Portmanteau. RIDu?d2r"ood A Co., Ladies' Riding nabit Makers. 1 Vera STATIONERS* AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTUB EW;terlow A Sons. 65 to 68 London Wall, 49 *tr?ot, and 34 Birchip Lane, wholesala and axport. SILK MERCERS. LINEN DRAPERS, HOS1E1UJ AND ? AlMson J'., Regent House. 240 and 242 Regent street. Dehenham, Son A Freebody, 44 W lgrnore streot, Caven dish square. . , , ' Beech A Berrall. 63 and 64 Edgeware road. SCOTCH WOOLLEN WAREHOUSEMEN. Llewellyn A Shiell, 2 Old Bond street, plaids, tartans, &C. SSLSfSS' 'E& '? s*'*? SiU*me,'A.f M Ntw Bond street, tourt drosses and la dies' riding habits. Curlcwis A Co.,6? Conduit street, Regent street. Allen A Co., 124 New Bond street. G limey A Co., 66 St. James street. UPHOLSTERERS AND CABINET M.VKERB. Atkinson A Co., 70 to 7.r> Westminster Bridge road, Cat net and General Furnishing Warehousemen. Jackson A Graham, 37 and 38 Oxford street, earjet manufacturers. W aiue a'a dVuey , manufacturers ta the Queen, 185 Pla WOOLLEI^AND MANCHESTER ^A"*n"U,SE"EN* Broughton, Hunt A Broughton, 3H2 Oxford street. Holt, Kuseell A Bates, 114 St. Martin s lane, Charing RkJ A*1 Treasure, 17 Marylehone street, Regent stmt, WAx'^SP^RMACEtf ANd'ta1jL>OW'cHANDLBR8. Jacks .\?R.t 146 P oeadillyt soap, candle and oil war* BILLIARD TABLE MANUFACTURERS. Thurstui A Co., ?y appointment, to Her Majesty, 14 Catherine "^V/erTo'oL LIST. CHRONOMETER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Penlington. Joseph. 3 George s Crescent, Market stmt. U"mby. Richard A Son, 63 South Castle street, lats GOLDs'm'iTH.' JEWELLER AND SILVERSMITH. Dismore, fhomas, to the Queen and Prince Albert, Bold street, corner of Hanover street. Mayer. Josei l>, (is au^l 70 Loud street, designer and maa ufacturer, watchmaker and dealer in Electro and Shef field piste, articles of rlrtu and antiques HOSIKRS, CLOVERS AND SHIRT MAK1.KS. Jacki?n, J., 43 Lord street, opposite the Moron ry omea. The' Queen's notol nnd Refrwhrnent Rooms, at tha Rati w uv Station; H. Curchod. . . . Er.iho'f Hotel and Commercial House, 9 Limo street? J. SILK* MERCERS, LINEN DRAPERS, HOSIERS AND n OVVKS FTC. JefferV Moorish A Co., Comptnn House, Church strsat Leigh street, and liarnet street, carpet warehouse. Gihron Thos.. A Sons, Ranelagh stroei and Kairelauga street, near the Adeli>hi aud Waterloo HoteU. TA Burdfn A Low, 17 Church street, shlrtmakers, hasiers, hatters, Ao. MANCHESTER j,]9t. (J. rotter, M.yar,) 1 Ceo*. street, Piccadill^FFlKl I> U?T SHOE. BUTCHERS' AND COOKS KNIVBS, AND 1'wilf'nEJ^ hn^ A Sow' oorporate mark, four pepporsorM ana diamona. pARla LIgT AGW!:ehb', J? 66 Rue de Rivoli, apartments, shipping and commercial. B? Bac*tn?riEDe'siree, 7 Rue des Filles St. Thomas, Plaoa da la ltotires. CIIUoigTJS'P? English chemists to th? American andRrltlsh Embassies, 2 Ruo Castiglione, thrco doors Trom Rus GOLDSMITH, JEWELLER. p.i?i, Buflfot, Hue do la Tan & (formerly ef tue I alau Royal.) U?Des"rrinccf.P7 Rue Richelieu, of unitersal Kputatio* Table d bote. English sroken. 1 ' j{ni|1ft'tj!, 9 Rne do la rail. Wholoeale and retail. ThurySen'r. 32 R?e Neure des PeMts Champs, near Place Vendome? Wines, Spirits, and English articlos. Cu*illier Alne, 16 Rue do la Paix. Spirits, H lues, sua Anbrv. Tea' warehouse, spirit and wins merchants, la 94 Rue Richelieu. "SKS" ?1~W, ? s. a. I. r.1. ..a Y nsi'l't ' E ?te ,17 ' R u s d<j"la Paix and 27H Regent street, Cha'pel'le! 28 Boulrart des Italicnf, sad st Brighton, Earit st sa< '? CARPET MANUFACTURERS. . , , Re<iuillnrt A Choqueil. VolTCts, si.ks, Ac , wholesale and r< tail. 29 Rue Vlvienna. CHOCOLATE AND TF.a WAREHOUSE. ?? ?. . Mas son, by appuiutmout to several courts, ?8 Rti . Rjuua COl?R'Tni)RF.PSM^KER AND MILLINER. AKiandrine M'lle, by appointment to ivrcitfn COTirti, If K'io d'iSutic. n A A e hard. P6 Rue Rinholieu. next the lL.tsl ^es Prlaees. IRON BEDSTEAD AND SPRING MAllltESS Dup' nt A., N?. I to 6 Rue N'uvc St. Augostin, and Blackfrlsrs road. Londja. .vn MONEY ( HANGERS, BULLION MER* HANTS, ANn BMo?tfaux' A Son, 70 Talais National, ?nd 8 Margate SILk'-MErI ? DRAPERS. HOSIERS. tND GLOVEIiS Thorcl, Maison St. AugusUn, 46 Rut N?u?s St. AnfM TA1I.ORS AND DRAPERS. ' Woodward & Co., 27 Boul.?ard dot i,t aliens. CHINA AND '" ASS MANUFACTURER ... Or votarf Laheebc. I62?nd 163 l'alnis Hoyal-Esealier deCrystM. ?T>TU?\KU^ WHOLESALE AND KEiAIIi. ' Marion it Co., 14 CHe Herjcert. FaaM?nrg ilontmatr? ,and 1 Roprent w'reea, Lontic n. Tr Pil rVe EKTK" ail, 4.1 Rue Vivlenoc wboluale, Rua da ia HOT*Vrr"'e' LYONS LIST ilVtel de l Umvera? Kept by an Enghsbman-for parti cu.ars sec advertisement^ ^ B( ' M^'u'me0,! U VlralE 1' Impresse dn Pare, facing the Roads | In Roi. Suronor accommodation. ' ' ^Que'snefnis, oi aclimahersto i.lf Majcfty. 3 Rua da 1 Ob J0^S ?mR'rs,%li? ?KSS1' to their Royal nighaem. j tht Due do Brabant aud Count de I laodera, lid Hue de In racket*. 110 TlVt'el'de i Co iters. Loti (roe Rue Neuve, nesr the theafros | and Boulevsrds. Tahle d bote at 4)^. English spoken, l aCF? M VNl'l ACTURERS. VairJirVmiss. n Aine, 7 Place de la Chaneellcrie. Washer Victor, 46 (?) Rue Royale, opposite the Place d? | Rr'fD.fboM AF^3 Rue de la Patteris. HUTU DF LTNIVERS, LYONf.? Mesns. fll'-w A VulTrsv Invite the attention of Ameriran Travellers to thell ^ sl iuhment, Htnated in the test quarter of the town, ela iant I fwnibad, and fitted with *rerv eonTcn.ence and fe.m f. rt r' e ' e.l-1 ms and private apartments are adapted for families or sin *le gentlemen. The cuisine and wines are ol r Xnih. ehafaeUr. the attendance well directed, and the charges ni' derats. Travellers are earnestly reque-U'd not t to the interested statementsof touters andnorters ? hf I. uv r'l ck to indues them to go elsewhere, by the falss representations ot the hoUl being distant of Ml. WORTH1NGTON G. SNITHEN CONTINUES T?) nraet n e law in the Supreme Court? to attend to cases i i r re Congress? to prosecute claims and settle accounts [ ?i?io.t the Departments and Boards of Commissioners? to nrnei re anient* st, home and abroad-to obtain pensions :?il if iintv lands? to collect debts, dividends, legacies and I ?,!h. citances ill nny part of the United States, and in foreign entries? 1< ninke inteitments of funds in loans and stocks, and on hon-l and mortgage? and to negotiata the pnrcjiasa and sale ol h mm. lands and patent rightsin any Stata of tha I'n'i n I'sttlcnfar attention paid to ralifornia land* Ilia sases ' c mieg'T to th? UnlUd Htataa Snprema Canrt o? anneal < vmmunieatioas, pre paid, addrvsaed to W . G. si.ellien No 8 ^arrell place, Cacitol Mill, WanhmgiyB, , J), V'. ?>'* HH?tja%i AMt'ftKHfKSTft. BOWERY TMKAI'KE -BOXES, 25 CENTS; PIT, 12>i mtij Sdti in Oruhettri liuxea, AO cents. Doors o:nn tit 7.. curtain li.esat k. Tuesday ?yoning. April at, the Borformnnoe* will commence xitli Mm nwUti drammf MAaSANIELLO? Massauiello. Mr. EJ<ly; Ouis?it.|H>, Mr. L< ffiugwell, A 1 1 ? nse. Mr (ionditll; Contain, Mi ' 17111 tir; L'lnnio, Mr. iiiftm Sergeant lluherto. Mr. Bowes: Horella, Mr. Stevens; Fenolla, Mis* Gertrude Dawes; Elvira. Mi llarbtr To conclude with the drama of the KOKSST (IF BONDY ? Lieut. Landry, Mr. Cony; Captain Attbrl, Mr. Tay lor; Eloi, Muster E Cony; Lieut. Mm uire, Mr. Steveua; Dame Gertrude, Mr?. Broaaley. Burton s theatre, chambers street MUM Circle ami 1'arquet, 80 cents; Second Tier, 2) cental Pri vate lloiei, Orchestra Sent*. 73 ot?. Dour* open at 7; to begin at 73* o'clock. Tuesday evening, April 20, will lie Plated the drama of DOMREV b SON? Mr. Do in hey, Mr. ltyott; Maj. Jne llagstnck, Mr. Russell; Mr. Toots, Mr. John ston: Captain Cuttle Mr. Ilurlon; Jack Bunsliy, Mr. Bland; Edith, Minn Weston: Florence Dombey, Mia* Hill: Mra. skew ton. Mrs. Hughes; Sn?au Nipper. Mi<s Mary Tavlor. Tn coucludc with the burlctta of the MARRIED BACHELOR ? Sir Chan. Courtall, Mr. Lester; Sharp, Mr. Burtoa; Grace, Mies Adele Ilosmcr. National tiiaiu, chatiiam street.-dress Circle and Boxen, 25 cents; I'it, II", eens?; Orchestra Tickets, Ml ecnts; Private Box Tickets, (1. Doors open at 7; eurtain rises at o'clock. Tuesday evening, April 3t, will be performed tlio drama of the BLACKSMITH OK ANTWERP? Quintin Matays.Mr. W. O.Jones; Frank Merit, Mr. Clarke: Guthrie, Mr. Syple; Agnes floret. Mra. Nichols. The entertainmeuta commence with the fane of AN OB JECT OF INTEREST ? Barney O'Dwyer, Mr. Brew; Mr, Simmerton, Mr. Syple; Fanny Gripples, Mh. Drew. To con ?Vude with ih? 1)1' MB BOY? The Dumb Sailor Boy, Mr. E. Blanchard; Husan Dandle, Mrs. Drew. CHRISTY'S OI'ERA HOUSE, MECHANICS' HALL, No. 472 Broadway, above Grand atreet. Open ?Tory Bight during the week, until furtliur notice. The and well known Christy'* Minstrels, comprising an effieiont and versatile "corps of " talented" and " experienced perform era," under the management ?>f E. P. Christy, whoso concerts in thia city, for a succession of "five year*." have been received with favor by highly respectable and fashion able audiences. Tiskets, 2!i eents. Doora open at 7; com mence at 8 o'clock. The patrona of Christy's Miustrcla are rospcctfully informed tliat the Saturday afternoon concerts are discontinued. WOOD'S MINSTRELS, AT WOOD'S MINSTREL HALL, 444 Broadway, above (Inward street.? Tho proprietor take* pleasure in aunounoing to the public that no has ea Wsd the moat celebrated musicians and Negro delineator* be world, and ia determined to make Wood's Minitrel Hall In everr way worthy the patronage of the ladlea and gentlemen of this oity. He alao takea thia opportunity te express hia thanka (or tbe great patronage conferred oa him ainco the organization of hi* present star company. and h? promises to replenish it from time to time with whatever Boveltie* or atHklng talent may appear in the profession. Wood'* Minatrela perform every evening, and on Wodnesda^ and Saturday afternoon*. Admission, 2A cents. Door* opea at 7 ; concert* eoramenc* at 8 o'clock. The afternoo* aoneert* commence at 3 o'olook. N. B.? The atrieteat order ?nd decorum will bo preserved, aad the greatest attention paid te tbe comfort of visiter*. FELLOWS' MINSTRELS.? NOTICE.? THE ORIGINAL well known " Fellow*' Minatrela," comprising an effi oieut "corps" of "talented and experienced performer*, under the direction of J. B. Fellows, would reapectfully in form the public that they will perform at Troy, April I7tli and l!>th: Uticu, April 20th and 21st; Syracuse, April 22dand 23d: Auburn, April 24th; Geneva, April 2tith: Corinthian Hail, Rochester. April 27th. 28th anu 2!lth; Concert llall, Buffalo, April 34lth, and May lat, ,'ld, 4th, Mil and Mb, P. 8, ? Due notice will be givon wlieu they coinmonoo their 00a ?erta again iu Broadway. ITALIAN OPERA HOUSE, ASTOR PLACE-TUESDAY Evening, April 2l'th. The NcwOrloana Opera Troupe, in their Opcratfc Burlesque*. Door* open at 7. enrtaiu riaen at 8. AUuiiaaion 2/> ceuta, private hoxea $.1. Box offlnu open from 10 A. M. till 4 P. M., when seats can be secured. Par ticulars expressed in bill* of the day. s. s. BANDFOED, Manager and Director. METROPOLITAN HALL.? "TUE C.ATHERINC. OF the Clan*."? A grand complimentary Concert will he given to those universally admired Scotiiah vocalist*. Mt. and Mrs. Mclutyre, on Wodneaday eveniug, April 21, (thin behig their only coneert in New York, previous to their de parture on a professional tour through the United Status,) their niimerouH friend* and admirers being desirous that they should be heard in the maguiticent concert room of the above llall, that the many lovers of the beautiful ballada of Scot land may have an opportunity of hearing them rendered in their pure nativo style, and a* a recognition of merits which require to be know n only to be appreciated, tlicy respect fully Invite the co-operation of all the sons of Scotia.? "Comin'thro" the rye;" "Duncan Gray;" "The Charming Woman;" "Home came onr gudoinan;" "Saw yo my wee thing;" " Jock 0' Ilazeld"an," with many other select and Hipular songa, will comprise the programme. Admission? 'arquet and Dress Circle, .'at owtn Sccond Circle, 35 cents. Tn commence at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Mclntyro will preside at the piano; Mr. Mclntyro will perform on tho accordotm, of which he is perfect master. BRACKETT'S MARBLE GROUP OF THE "SHIP wrecked Mother and Child," at Stnyvesant Institute, &W Broad way, now open (for a short time only ), from 9 A. M. till 10 P. M. Admission, 25 eeuts; season ticket*, 60 sent*. < < T T N 1 O N " DRAMATIC CLUB.? GOTHIC HALL, Broadway.? The next performance will take place on Wcdnctday, April 21, when the pieces will bu HAMLET and the DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. Doors open at 7 o'clock: ix'rformance at 7>i o'clock. Ladies and geutluuicn (of tbe highest respectability only) deairou* of joining, can do so by addressing "Socretary, Broadway Poat OlBoe. Members are requested to be at the last rehearsal, on Tues day evening, at 7^a o'clock precisely. Anatomical museum, aoo Broadway, corner of Duanc street.? Strangers visiting the oily will find it pleasing ami instructive to visit this establishment. Open from 8 o'clock A. M. until 10 o'clock P. M. Admission, 2T> cant*. MEDICAL. ^ Dr. bostwick's practical work, on the na- ' ture and treatment of diieasea of tbe nrinary or<ana, f ractislng physician and surgeon, and lecturar on these eoa ilainta. Price reduced to $7 M>? J! colored plate*. Extraot rom the Boston Medical and Surirical Journal: ? "It may be said fearlessly, to be equal to Acton's or Rieord's great work on the same family ef diseases, and farauporiorto any thing *f the kind before published in thiscountry." Anther of a work en Secret Vice, liupctciicy, and their terrible *onsequ?nrea. Thia ia, vdtliont doubt, the moat trnthful and important book on this suljeet ever published. Price $1. Author of a book en Natural Death, Diet, be.; Family Phy sician; Cause of Quackery, be., b*. For aala at 222, and *f tke Author, 004 Broadway. Dr. ward makes astonishing cures, suen a* no other Doctor san do. Either a cure or great amendmeut before twenty-four hours. To contract disease ia made more nothing under our treatment, which in scionce brought to perfection. Kemomber it, reader. All othur method* of cure arc dreadful, worse than tbu disease, which they only translate to some other place, instead of exter minating. Office, corner of Canal street aud Broadway. DR. WARD, DEVOTED TO DELICATE DISEASES, makes the speediest cures. All who have cuntracted a private disease, make early application. Our treatment is tho admiration ma of physicians. The Muppsiatod aro certain of a cure from us, nowover much other doctors have failed. Immodiato rolief affOrdod. No foe ro<|uirod. Book gratis. Consultations private. Office, Corner Canal street, and Broadway. Dr. ward is Of SIGNAL SERVICE to the i n fortunate, his treatmcut quickly removing the mise rable patient from suffering ana detection. He euros all the dithcelt esse* tliut have defi'd others. Fortunate are those coming to him, for they are well before other doctor* would have made any improvement. Book gratis. Con sultation* private. Office, corner Canal street aud Broad way. ^ DR. WARD'S UNFORTUNATE'S FRIEND, UNE <1 nailed for eradicating disease. Bleased by all who try it. The most prompt eradicator, yet so mild, it may beglven to infants. Private diseases vauiah under its use. $1, with a book. Who will give feea after thatf Citiieus anu stran gers, remember it. Depot, Dr. Ward's, oorner of Canal street and lir*dwsy. DR. WARD'S MAGICAL TREATMENT.? UN PARA L leled success.? Patients cured, howovar long or badly afllicted. Never any failures, which is more than other phy sicians can affirm. Innumerable oases progress in dciiatio* of all treatment known hitherto; hut by our wondwrfuj pre parations, and assiduous application of them, weeureor relieve instantaneously. Tliu disappointed pluck up hope at once on coming to us. Office, corner of Canal street and Broadway. SR. 3. MORDAC'S PREVENTIVE WILL BE SEN* by mail, on receiptofSl. post paid. It is intended lor *c w ho do not feel inclined to increase their families. It ia simple and infallible. Address i. MOKDAC. box 463 Philadelphia Poat Office. DR. COOPER, 14 DUANE STREET, HAS FOR THE last twenty years enjoyed the most extensive practice in private diseases of any medical man in New *"rk. Ho can cure the uioat aggravated ca*r* of thisdiaease, aud mild esse* removed in two days. Dr. Cooper can cure the worst form, in fr< tn one to two weeks, of constltutlnnal|debilit]r; ?'id lie assures the aflileted they ? ill not ho dlsappjintod by calling mi him. It affords Dr. C. unbounded pluasure to be al le t" rrl> r t? many persons, who, after suffering silently for 11 long time, have I con restored by him to perfeot health. All eases undertaken treated with candor. No mercury uf u. Si e my cards in the New York Sunday Times and Atl??. _ _ D't. MOEEISON IS CONSULTED OH CERTAIN di'can ?, which he treaea without mercury. R"cent cast '? he cures in tiiree days. Tliirtv-three year"' practico Ot.aMes him to cure those general and local debilities arising fron< im r rud -nt habits. See bis London diploma iB hi* pri vate oflj -e, -"?(}? Fulton street. No fee till cured. Dr JOHNSON, W DUANE ST.. WILL Fo!;rf.: : MH it failing to cure any ca?e of disease lie undertakes. His practiie. of over 22 years at hi* present office, is nn ?qi.'alled >y any medical man tn New Vork. Those who may contract dlse'ise, can apply to Dr. J., with the certainty of havit 1' their catee properly treated. A perfout euro or bo oharge, Dl: W \ K REX, ,*.o. 1 MoTT ft.. CON Pi M Ks TO BE consulted on the treat ment of private dwai-os. Thirty seven years' practice enables him to cure nervous dohillty. Hi* treatment is safe and rp iv. .No MtdO used, or con finement from buainess required . and rases of reoent. ccour renre invariably cured iu from three to five lays. No tea till curod. DR. RALPH S PRACTICAL PRIVATE TREATISE ON the diseases of the genital organs, their nature, symp toms, progress, consequences, and cure, adapted to the use of every In dividual, of both sexes, 11th edition, Sl2 pages, with illustrative plates. This is the only truly useful work en this subject before Wis public. Not only all valnable In formation, hut the most perfect and rapid cure of each dis order, ia stated in the plainest possible mann' r, the recipes f r all the remedies being faithfully and unreservedly gtvwi, and so plainly as to bo practically useful to everr no, m every place. On the subject of self-pollution, na re, consequences, snd only true cure, new and very iu '? ? j information is imparted. The nature aud cure ot '->? irei fully tr< at?d. Again, which Is of the higheit im| i ' e.. and given in no other w?rk, is tho description nnd ? ? ,,f those (ianoi cnt ) complaints which resemble i?lun . or ders, and to which all are liable . Is not this work t ? re fer e, Worthy the attention of every person? I'rlee 2.1 euH. Sold at W* Greenwich street, 4.1 Ann street, 2 Ast ir il >i g1, snd hy moat booksellers. Mailed in securo cutolnp.*, by Bddrcosing (post paid) to box -'V Post Office. DR. RALPH, AUTHOR OF THE " PRACTICAL PRI vate Treatise," be. ? Office hours, U to 12 A. M.; A to I P. M., ( Sundays excepted, 1 No. Ore. nwieh street. Fro** the uncommon medical advant agi s tli*- authesr has enjoyed In this speciality, he has ample r> nsoii for tating that, in any stage or eertain diseases, or tin ir eonscqnuntes, as wet! as the deplorable effects resulting from early improper habits, he can Insure such certain, saf. and ra ileal cures as can be obtained from no oth" r source i 1 A mi ri> a. Those * b" apply in the earlier stages, wiU bo surprised at the ease aud rapi dity of the euro. THE FEMALE'S CONFIDENTIAL FRIEND. DR. E. HENDRICKS' Female Panacea, N I, 2, and cor rects all irregularities of the female ay-tern, sent bv mall, with advice, l'riuce 2A ccnts, consultations, be. Letter* confidential. Address box 2,496, N. Y. I'osl Office. No. I must not be taken during pregnancy. N. II.? Look out for ioipostera who attempt to swindle tne unwary and ignorant by charging ono dollar for counterfeits, instead of twenty five cents for ths genuine. NO FEE TILL CUBED.? DR. CORDITT, If DUANE street, may he consulted confidentially on the treat ment of delicate diseases. Tweotv-one years practice ia thia specialty of the profession enables him to make speedy bbA permanent euros, and resent cases removed in three days, lne vmuuis ol quarkery cau appiy witu a certainty oftieing honorably treated. From Ills long experience, heisenahl-4 te euro ? necteally a certain nervous debility, Dr.Cvfbelt it Ut N?w YvU Aupsr nv:nTB. BROAOWA V TIIKATltk t ? A MA ISHALL, SILK ? c. ? Jlvx*4** und i'ur j ,?t, 'h) tuiitit; I Ami ly Circle jm?l I | ; , - i . ft, I>.,.,r< ops in at?. to c I.mmfon' ?i , 1 . .. clock. lucida* rvenin/. April iM I | . rf riuuii lie I i.. tra -If ' MKT.tlfOK.t? M t.ini'ri Ur. ' -,pr ?-? s.i' , i n' ?r M .no. Ponlsi; Lard f'ili 'iii . i <1 i <. . i \h IU rry. Erring I'|| >i i WI.i'ii Walter VI < *? i? ? , Oceana, Mi?? Kaio " T.. i ?i'li 1 1... m ll/UZVorg-Qnake, Mr. Hji 'li >iiiii i Mr Whitiii. < .ijiiitB Bojding, Mr. Iliad; Charles, Mr ; Smart Mr Ueynolds; Lucretia, Mia* Cr. . hnr; Sophia. Miss Ka<e U rn. )(?>??, Mrs. Sefton. NIHI.O'8 (iARDKN.-MANAi.KK. MR. JOHN SEFTOW. Ticketa,.V) cents; Private I. k. ?. >.'i. l>.? r* At to commence at o c|o, Ilallet Night*? Tnesdar, Thursday, ?ii<1 Saturday. Opera Nuhta? M .uday, Wednes day, ami Friday. Sec -ud wc,-k of ilia en.ageui?nt uf the wonderful Caroline Rnutiet and hi r tl?r?-<- .itters, Therein*, Adelaide, and Clementine, and M?ni. Uhkui. who will ap pear In ballet > - first acta! ?>y ti.ein in New York, and in which M'lle ( ar.line has achieveit surh signal success. Tuesday. April -i'. will be given the irrand ballet of CATARINA. To Lo preceded by the ou? a< t pies* of PERFECTION. I YCEI'M THEATRE. IIROA DW AY, NE\R BROOM! J street.? Corbyn Si Bncklatid Le-tsoes.? Dram <'lr?l ? and Parquet, 60 cents; Orchestra Seat*, 74 aents; Family ? ircle, ir> eontn; l'rivatr Boxes. |8. Doors open at 7: curtain rise* at 7), o'clock. Tn**d ay cveuing, April JO. will lie performed the comedietta of DEI. II A 1'K OUOI'ND ? Cilisen Sang froid. Mr. Walont; Alphiinse de fSrandlar, Mr. Palmer; Pau lint'. Mia* Julia Bennett. After whleli. the force of the I.IVE INDIAN? Tim, Mr. Owens; llr Brown, Mr. 1'hillipsj J 1 1 1 i it H barton, Mias Fisher T<> cnaolude with the FAIR ONE WITH THE COI.DEN I.Oi'KS? King Lachrymoco, Mr. Walcot; Graueful, Mis* Julia Bennett. VlARNI "M'S AMERICAN Ml SFI M.-P. T. BARNU.V, J# Mannper and 1'roprli tor; John llr??uwood, Jr., A>nii<tMil WnuHufr ? Admiiiiion to the entire Munenni und perform amen, eanta; children under lOyeara, l."? rente; I'ar qoet, 1^)4 ceiite eitra. Thia ?elehra'ed e?t?hl IHliluent and Coloni<al exhildti?u in now une iualled In Aiuurica, oomhia in(, in faet, (even Muxeuma in one, upward* of aeven dif ferent collcctioua of vn?t >ize and uxnell inee hairing bean purchased, and concentrated liure from time to time, at an anormona outlay of time und money. Mnnday and Tuenday, April 19th mid lliith, in the afternoon, at 3 n'clna1- 11 laughable^ fan-oof TIIF. MAN W i lli TI1K < \R cloak, the ??r? ??|i?B? mrii- oi iul nnn mill mr. i'ARPKT l? A < T. Dam inn. ito,, and the popvlar pii r<- >r the Ml I > I ? V ASBORR. F.vtniiiK at 7>. o'clock, the auperh play ? t THE WIFE. The Youthful fiiant, &?.. are to be tern at all bours, MBTROPOMTAN HAM.. -EVENINiiS WITH Tim l'aupl*. ? Profamor Wi Itnay, thaoelrbrated orator and if pcrNoiiator, reBpeetliilly Him nnccn that he will j?i?e bi< ohuHte, popular, and decant entertainment* in the inannill cent Concert Room ef thi? Hall, on Monday. l!Hh, Friday, Shi, and Mouday, Utith April, whon ho will hare t,ho honor to introdiK e Home of hi* ntowt lnt< rentin* oharact?r* ? Tho Indian, Briton, ADurican, Irishman, und Ilooaier, inter ?pcrncd with aneedotei and poetic rm>jtal?. Profanor VVhit ni-y't entertainment* have reojlrad th? approbation of th* literati of the old und nevr world*. Adnii**ion, At) cent*: Second Circle, 1 cent*. Ticket* for *aln at, the principal hotel*, hook and murin utore*. and the Hall on tha day an4 aveninit of perforinnm e. T< ? M? nw at S o'clock. METItul'OI.lTAN HAM,.- -MF.NTAI. A M'HEM V.? Prof. W'illlaniH urill | re Hunt hi* ai>toniidlng public exhibition on Tuceiluy. Tlinr*Ha> . and Saturday evening*, the 20th, 22d, and 24tn inat. I "? r.oruiancu* comtnenee atH o'clock. Tiuket* 2T> centa ; e'-iliiren half price. Saturday afturaoon, at 3 o'clock, I" lvlic* >? .eluiively Privcte claw*, to learn how to experiment, ir.c., c?erv evnnlng af er public performance* arc over In ti e Hall ti"kct<, prai tii al clan*. Jft ; full courae "(ill). Office No ,M?i Broadway, open for the reception of patient* nil and after Mondu / next, the 2lltb iill., from III A. M. to 4 IV M . FHANKI.IN MI'SIU M, I, 'ft CH ATHAM SQtTA HE.-GBO. Lea, Proprietor.? Two performanoee are given every day, cuminenclng at 3 o'clock in tha afternoon, and at half fiant 7 in the evening. TUa e?tahll?hment io the nuiy piano n the United Statu* where the " Moilul Artlati" oan be au?a. The company I* compoaeil ul a tr .npeof ArUata, lelectM lor their beauty aud ligure, and are under t'ie ?iip>.rvieii n o!t " M'lle C'aziuet, Premier Mu'lel" to thi* eitablitihment. A. magnificent aeriea of groupinga will lie proilnecd, carefullw aelected from the moat admired pulutiiigx ami aculptnre. with ?ew propertica and appointment*, '"f.ea'i 1'cmale Oper* Company," the only urKanizcd iiand of la lies in exlatonoe, will appear evory afternoon and evening. Muu*. I,al'arg< , the original Antipodean Pcdeatrian, will wallt "head aown warda," on tlie eeiling, at an elecatlon of twenty-live feet fron the gronnd, and eighteen in length, a feat which throwa all "eompotitora in the ahado." The ^reateat wondnr th? world ever produced, Monnieur Cain, the atron ;cat mania the world, will break, with hia "naked fiat," any atone the andienco may ckooav to offer, with other unparalleled fcati of atrength. The unrivalled tribe of " Acrobatic Kiatera," Will appear In their wonderful gym naiitio entnrtaiuinente, producing great excit> uient by their extraordinary eihibl tions. A variety of uilacellanvou* entertainment* aro given every afternoon and evening, inch aa can be to-ei at no nthet eatahliahinent in the wnrli For fnll particulars uf rach day'a performance, ice bill* of the day. Prloe* of A'lmia*io? ?Seat* in Priva'e Boxue, Ni conta; Oreheatra Seatn. witJi enahioned arm ohaira, 37, Si centa; Boxni, Z'< ocnts, UaJlery, 12,1,. cent*. Tempi. e of QRACI8, three DOORS above Ni'blo'i.? Ninth week of tliia I'aahionable reaort. ? I'ri utiiphant aucccaa.? Third week of Prof. Alherti, the wonder ful Mngicinn, in hn aplendid Illuiion*. ? Second week of Mile. C'liecbine. ? The I.tviog Model*, in all I heir grace and elegance. Second week of a Trip to America. Perform ance every afternoon at .'I o'clock; evening at 8 o'clock. Parquet, Ml cents; saloon, 2,1 centa. KEDICAI*. 1ST Pl'BMSIlED.-DR. B. D1 LANKY, ON TIIERA i? tiurial treatment of nervoti* aud c<>m<tituiinnal debility, giving the only irm and efl> i tual troatinnut of those dcplera ulc intirniitie* aud diaorders of yontli and maturity, pro duced by delnsive habit* and exciasea, appearing in the fom of local woakne**, exhaustion of muscular energy, Inai of mental and physical capacitv, &c.. Thil pamphlet ia ad dressed to the suUcrer in youtn. manhoud, and old a.'e, and la wholly diflercnt Iroin the uiany (jaai-k pnhlioatlona adver tised in the public papcra, pointing not n I'tlfering humani ty a certain ami very cheap r' ttiecy for thuio eoini><l aToldiuievery Word which nuneecn'?rily could frighten, in stead or inatructing, the unfortunate. If it ha* no other merit, it at least has the merit of beiag eandid, ami of giv ing the means for a perfect and necret ruat'iration of vigo rous health. To those coiiteui[ laliug marriage it ia of the highest import 'i nee. By aiMrcasim., poit-tiaid, box Intf Broadway Poet Olhie, New York, a copy wulbeaent, in* ?ealcd envelope, to any addrcsa in any part uf the I'uion, Sratuitoualv. The Doctor's private consultation ho urn aro ail t from 10 A. M. till P. H. sumlay* exeeptcd. Oil.ce Jl Liiptuaid itreet, near Broadway. TIIF MARRIED WOMAN'S PKIVATH MEDICAI.COM paiunii? lly l?r. A.M. Mavricraa, Profeseor of l?i!,raae? ef Womrn? Twentieth edition, Ifmn., pp. 2/io ? Price. $1.? Years of aiiffering. of phvaical aod mental angui<h to u. any Mi affectionate wife, ui poeaniary diffnlliii ta the h*? band, Blight have been spared hv a timely poaaession of thil Wurk. It ia intended eapccialfv fur the married, or tlfhae eentemplating marriage, as it alscloao* important secrete, which sIim.M le known to tliem^iarticularly. To those whose health doe* nut porrnit of an incrcasa ef family, it in uf special importance. Here, also, every female? the wifii? the mither? the cue either budding into womanhood, or the other in the decline of years? in whom nature contemplate.) an important change, can dlicover thncauvo*. *yuiptem*, and the mo*t efficleut remeilirs, and most certain mode of cure, in every ?urn plaint to which her sex ia subject. ( Extract of a letter from a gcntlemaa in Dayton, Ohio.) Dr. A. M. Mawrici ai':? Datton May I, lK4t). M v Iicah Sir ? wife ha* been perceptibly sinking fsr lome three year* or more, in oon*e |iicacv of Fier great an guish and suffering some months befi re and during her con finement? every *ueccssive uno mors and moro debilitalinK and pro-l rating her. putting her Ufa in imminent danger, and which was, on the last, occasion, despaired of 1 suppose* this state of thiugn was inevitable, aad r?*igiied myself ta meet the Worst. At tl.i* time (now about iwomonth*) I beard yorr buck highly spoken of, aa centaininji some mat ter* rca< hing mv caso. On It* recript aud perusal, I cannot express to j ? , n the relief it afforded my diatroeaed inind, and tl.e joy its pa,;es imparted to my wife, ?a learning that tha great discovery uf M. M. Deaomeani pravided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me, whioh I little conceived wa.< pee nible. But for this, ero another v?ar would have pa**?4 overmy head, in all human probal illtiy my wile would liar* been in her grave, and my ehildrea left mothcrli na. It ia, of c?nr?e. impracticable to eonvry more fully tha serious anbjucts treated of, a* they are of a natnre strictly intended for the married, or those contemplal ing ninrriage. For sale at Ztt Broadway, and at the publishing ollioe, FjU -J.lberty ?trrct. New 1 urli; Ijttls Si ( o? Albany; Joseph Tucker, Mohit?, Alabama; T. B. PaterMQ, 9!i Chestant street, Philadelphia. On the receipt offl, a copy will h? transmitted l y mull, free of poetak-e. to any part of tbo Uni ted Stale*. All letters ninat he addromwul, p?st fBid. to Dr. A M. Mauricean, Box 1, 221 Now fork city. UhUe lit Liberty street. DR. L.V CROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE? Fifteenth edition, by M. It. La Croix, M. I)., Albaay, N. Y. Cheapest bock ever Published, 2.10 nag e a and I'd) fine plate*, on the Physiology of Marriage, am! the secret inftr mitic* and disorders of vonth and maturity, rcautting from excessei which destroy thu phjsioal and montal powers, all diieaaes arising from inillacr<.'tl"n, with plain and siuplo rule* by which all r>er*uu* can cure tlicinaelve* without mer cury, with the anthur'a observation* on marriage, its dutioi and disi|ualificati?ns, and their remedies; with colored litho graphs. illustrating the anat my and phyilol rv, and dis eases of the reproductive ungaos of both wxea, U'eir jtmo tures, nies, and functions. Ucon'ain* many Important iilntl to those contemplating matrimony, which will overcomaoh icctluna againat marriage, none, however, shonld take thia Important atep without flrat ' naulting its f aiies. It treat* of all diseaaea of females, whether married or single. Stran gers who require medical aid, bef?r? eonsnlting any doctor, ought to knuw v hetlier their eaoiiare nroporly 'indtraiootl by those whom they employ, and tliui g iar-1 against the im position of ,|nackcry. so prevalent in popular eitica. Dr. La Croix ia a legally iiualmed physMai., and for the past tweaty year* hns been daily conaulted upon the different diaeasoa upon which hi* book treat*, personally a* well ai by letter. Anv person sending twcnt\ Ave oeuts in a letter, po. tr.ai4, will receive one cop^ by mail, free if p<iat?ge, orfive eupieo furtl. Address l?r. M 11. LA CROIX, ?} Heaver street, Al bany, N. V. Suld by Oarrett it < o.. ^2 Ann street, aad Stringer Ik Townaend, 223 Bciadvray N. Y., Braae'i o.Ucs, M Lloyd street, Buffalo. gAS/Ut REWARD.? JIIFFUIES' ANTIDOTE, V SPE elfle r iitnre for th? onrt ?f private aiiui^an. it inakis a speedy ci. re, wit' mt ti e U'a<t reatrietb ns of diet, drins. expo-i r> or change In apflicatinn to bn^iness. The proprht r i' MIm ? a tingle case which the mixturo will not i lire, in iN r the i rfeitt ro of live hundred dollars. 1 1 is put i |> i . h ttl jTit1 full 'Ur"3tii>ns, at tl. One bot tle latts a w#t k ? '. any iw r 4 in two ava. For sale by C. II. RINIi, IVl' llrt.. Iw'i.i i ' p I'.nyard street, N V.; W. R. Little. I(H 1 1 n i .? ' ? r- t, 1, ton; Wright ii Co., Netr Orleans. PARIS AND LONDON i Si ATMKNT OF PRIVATt Diaiasea. in .i f. %v hot i . by a vegetable application, witbornt j aln. In ' u?ti r ? i ? . .1 tl" i-. and diseasefToa Improper bablt^, lie c >m i "im 1 1* in'- with the local reme dy, anil ? an shun an.t ? no there are thoaannds who eaanoh be cured without it, i I. . "< daily, of years' dnralio* Iron the other ph; -n. <? 1 >11. he guaranteei a p rrna nent cure. Hems' - , <? i' a >f itrieturea, witheni caustic, which eth- is u.?i, ?> 1 1 v their not expelling tl?o I rmer dlsea?e e n "triu h '' i ?! i ;?! <ma, with these and tin I tindi' 'I i "I'ii r > ertiin ?*, oh w that nothing can enunlit. He. r- ,i r< '? in u , hoT'.-P. Ilr> adbead, A Hsring D M. I .rbyn, C. D" a I. One applo atlon cured alt. i mi, 1 1 doctor tri . Ion* time.? W.N. Craft. I ] .1 over $?' 'ii five v?.ir- be cured of weakness froaa It :.l ii.-u, without I'. 'H; I y in cured mo by local and t> eral trcattneut in > -nurt ti ?"? Jas. Evan*. Yon ?ar?4 n " worst - > 1- *<!*' ?"? n my bodv and face in ? ? * ?rt t'lne. after I had 1 ? i nder toree physician! for A j nr. I , id* in ? every qM< ' I' ilcino I could hear of, to lio bi n jlit.? U m. Fur/us n. Perth Amboy. The half enred ami abandoned raw* lie especially solicits. Strangers and Others can rely on no other pioef but these certificates, where there is so much imposition. For treatment, by let ter. address Box 71, Broadway Post Oflice, N. Y, Jboso who apply personally ha\e separate room*. Office Hour*? 9 morning till 2, and 7|till 9 evening. M. LARMONT, Sur geon, 4.2 Resile street, second ilo.,r from llroadv ay. Hundreds OF those who hay b contracts* disease, are di appointed of a onre by not callintoa Dr. Ill NTERat first. He will forfeit any sum if he fails to eure any ( ase that mar come under Us care, no matter how I mg Standing or afflicting. Patients are invitsd to hii Di? P' nsary. No. 3 Division street, New York city, c.s thonsasia are cured yearly by hia praotieal experience and great reme diea. Stranger* who have been unfortunate in the selectiea of a phytic Ian, are solicited to call ..n the Dector. His great remedy, Hunter sRed Drop, cures those who have contracted private diaease like manic. Pries |l, with a private treatise. 1 eople come hundreds of miles t gut this medioiae. Th* Intrinsic valne of this remedy over all others ever dis coversd is, that it does nut dry up tha poison of disease in in the blood, to break oot at aom" remote period in a mor* terrible manner, bnt thoroughly roots out every partl'li sf disease, (often ia forty eight hours, ) placing the patient ia the aams position as before he ever contracted any diseaio Whatever. It does all this without substituting poison worsd than the dUease? a sure result of ail other remedies. Yon Will find thi* i lit bv bitter exp ri. nee, if you trust to anf ether treatment. M"il|e*| men In all parti of thOOoontr* ?en* their chronic eases to Doctor liuater. i. ? i,i ?nred. Medic;.! houks ^rstis. All con.,ilt?? r.s ,r >a^* AdvHe gratis. Relief in the most tvrriM* ka.?s Ut PMUtf*, iligki OflvvWtlM ? wi Mt i*v Mfc