Newspaper Page Text
WAITS. mmT ANTED ? A WOMAN, WHO UNDERSTANDS OOI VG w T up gQiitlt incn's li^eu Id the b?t( maoi??r. %o work by ^?week. Apply at 3tii Green ?l?h itrwt, at Mr*. Brow a. uS ANTED? A PERSON WHO UNDERSTANDS DRES3 p? making to work by tho day. Neue bat * go?" bond jeed apply at SOI Greenwich ?tmt. f ANT K l>? A MILLINER. to THIM CH ILDRBNS fane* beaver aud t(ri? bate. None but a good hand jetti apply A. FREEMAN, 60 Fulton otro?t,_ rANTKD^TO ATTEND IN A DRESS TRIMMING ? and Fancy Store, a smart girl, of experience lu ttie ade. Apply to A. DA LRYMl'LE, 3?3,la Broadway rANTKD? BY A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE MAR p ? ried woman, a ti'uatiou, an Wet Nurse, baying J ant Lit b?r baby. 1 ho best of city roferouoe gir?n. Please call t 264 Stantm |t|M>i eutian >e m SlH riff rtrect. rAhTED? A MTU ATION, BV A RESPECTABLE i?? young pirl, a* Ohamberuioi 1, or to do general houso avrk; beet ol t'ity references of three years from her lu.?i Jace. Can lie ?.-'?n till inMto, at No. IIP Le *U street. r ANTED? A COMPETENT FEMALE, Tt? ASSIST IN preparing linen, cutting out, &e. One acquainted Lith making shirts required. Addrets, with name aud refer ???, A. B., oflfec of this paper. r ANTED? IN A PRIVATE FAMIL Y, TWO FIRST . rate German ?r colored girls, to iro to the country for i months ? on? at Ook, Washer, ana Ironcr, the othor as Fhainbcrui?,J aud Waiter. Ajiply at 21! East Twentieth fMt, nith f"od rt'fi :? II n lati nn. r ANTED? AT NO. 1M FULTON STREET, It ROOK - r? ly ii. two Protestant girls, both for >ne house : three rli fur Flushing; also a Stewardess for one of the Amori tn steamers. ami a young man to attend bar. The employ re will engage at this otlicc early. r ANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a eiti.ation as Cook, or Chambermaid; in a good wash and ironcr. Best of city reference can bo given. Please i <10 Ire at 37 Poarl street, betweoa Whitehall and Broad eeli. r ANTED ? A RESPECTABLE YOUNO PROTESTANT woman desires aaituatioa at Chambermaid and Ssam nu; lias no objection to aaxist in washing aad ironiur, or |?ing a ihort distance in the country; can give the best of eommendationa. To be seen until engaged, at No. 318 West r enty-fourth itreet. r ANTED ? A SITUATION, BV A RESPECTS OLE Protectant young girl, to do tho work of a private ii i ly . II an no objeeliou to go a ahort dUtaneo in the onntry; hi^good city rnferenee. Can be seen for two days, fleaec call at No. .'I Milliken place. Sixth avenue, between \ wu? and Eleventh streets. rANTED? FOR A NEWSPAPER, A HEAD CLERK ahlc to take tbe general management. A lotter greeted to this oltiee, stating terms aud referenced, will bo romptly atttnded to. Address W. W. II., I'.' raid office. r ANTED ? A CUTTER, COMPETENT TO FILL A responsible aitnation in a clothing atore. Alao, a ca nble young man, an salesman. Apply to JOHN P. WARE, lid Chatham atreet. TANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE MAN, A SITUA tiou aa Coachman. Han had several years experience i the care of horses. Can give the moat unexceptionable ?^rences. Address "Livery," Herald offico. rANTF.D? AT LORD It TAYLOR'S, 63 CATHARINE street, three Salesmen, of experience in the eity trade; J?a, a German. None need apply but thoso accustomed to ity trade. Apply before 9 A. M. and after 7 P. M. ' ANTI D? A IEW MEN TO LEA 1IN A NEW BUSI f ne.-h that w ill pay from US to |tf per ?eok. A all Cb|<ilal v. ill be r inred. Call and see specimens ol' rerk. Inquire for E. P. G., Patten's Hotel, Grocnwieh plrtlt, corner of Warren. rANTED? A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG MAN, AS Z.ight Porter in a store, or to drive a horse and tart, pr <n any situation thut he would be useful. Ho writes a [o?d hand; is well acquainted with the eity. Inquire, by note or in person, at ;!7(> Bowery, opposite Fifth street. r ANTED ? BY A YOUNG MAN EIGHTEEN YEARS of age, to learn the brick laying or atono cutting trades; is willing to bind himself for two or three years, and give security for hia time. Please address a note to P. S., at the offico of this paper; or call at 112 Henry street, lirat floor, front room. r ANTED? A FIRST-RATE PLUMBER. IMMEDI . . ately; one of choice qualiBcation. oapabie of taking charge of Dusiuees. Liberal wages will lie paid by the yoar, and a share of the profits. Also, a Gas-fitter, of similar qualifications, with same encouragement. Inquire at 53li Broadway, Monday evening, from 7 to 0 o'clock. WANTED? BY A YOUNG MAN, A SITUATION, A3 Porter, in a wholesale atore. Good city rcfercnce siven. I'loasc address F. L , Herald office, and it will " epnnctually attended to. WANTE D? AN ACTIVE UNMARRIED MANAS Salesman ar.d General Clerk, writing passably well, and quick and correct at figures; one having experience ob tained in an auction house or furniture atore, and knowing the value of furniture, preferred. A lia, stating expecta tion as to compensation, and rcfereaces as to character and ability, addressed "'Brooklyn," at this office, will be promptly noticcd. W w AITF.R WANTED? APPLY DIRECTLY TO WEL lcr & Ron, 713 Broadway. WANTED ? AT 114 NASSAU STREET, SCHOOL Tcachers, Salesmen, Porters, Barkeepers, Waiters, : Men en railroads and steamers. Boys to learn trades. Ciaeh men and Cardeuers; places fur Girls ready. Applicants on- ! closing $1. free of postage, describing the situation required, will bo suited. T. Sl'lN KS. Agent. ir^ ANT ID? AT THE BROOKLYN INTELLIGENCE TT OfUce. 4 Siinrfn street, Brooklyn, Protestant aud Catbelie girls, as Cooks, t haaibermatds, general House- ! luaids, Baamf trcssca, to learn trades, Sic. They must be ; well reo mmiiidcd. Also, Men and Boys, for various situa tion* in Brooklyn and the country. Einployera can have roc d servants, male and female, at this office. M. WALLACE. ANTED? SITUATIONS FOR COOKS. GENERAL Servants. I-unndr^st^s, Nurses, Scamnresnos, liairy maida. Chambermaids, M niters, Coachmen. Ganlimers. arid Farmers, ot rarions nations. Plea?c apply at the Select Protectant Agency, No. 7 l ariniue street, near Bleecker, or the So? My Agency, 1(H; (.'hambers ftreet, e^talillshed A. D. l*2.">. N 11 ?Only servants of good character admitted. WANT1D? A PERSON WITH M.ooi) ( ASH CAPITAL, to J, iu the advertiser, who has an equal amount, in an exclusive and very profitable manufacturing busincs. With proper attenti u", SMMKOto $15, 000 per annuminny lie realised. Address, with real name, M. E. Ii.. Broadway Pest Office, when all particulars w ill be made known. A ROY WANTED? TO ATTEND A DRUG STORE Inquire at'.Vtl Third avenue. I A SITUATION IS WANTED BY A YOUNG LAWY w if lies to go to California as Lady's Maid or Stew ai 'le^s. Can be seen at :?"> Troy street. A FIRST RATE HOUSE PAINTER WANTS A JOB of paintinr in the eountry, or to paint aome ??ertlo joan'a house in the city. Address G. W., Broadway Post Office . A YOUNG MAN, H ELL ACQUAINTED WITH THE Wine and Liquor business, wholesale and retail, wishes a situation as Salesman or Clerk. Best of reference! can be gireu. Plea-e B., at 83 Canal street. ASS18TAHT BOOKKEEPER wanted.? A YOUNO ts an, of first rate capacity and experience, ean make an engagement with TUNDY, MOULTON fc PLIMPTON, 47 Breed way. AS NURSE AND SEAMSTRESS.? WANTED, A SIT ?stion, by an American woman and a Protestant. Ilaa no abjection to go a short distance in the country. Good re ferencef. Apply, for two dajs, at No. ll'l ShciilT atrcet, third Seer. A BAKER, COMPETENT TO TAKE CHARGE OF brenu, cafce. paftry, Ac., vttw an engagement in aho *? 1 or steamship; would have no objection to go a short dis tance in the country. Please addreea Bakor, 144 South Fourth street, Williamsburg. A WELL EDUCATED AMERICAN GIRL IS DESIROUS to enter into an engagement with a family travelling to Europe. The very best of references from Freneli and American familiei" given. Address L. L., Union square I'oat Office. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WANTS A SITU ation as good Cook: ii a first rate washer and ironer. The bost of city reference from her last place, w here she haj Sved two years, can be ptrea. Please to call at 363 Twelfth utreet, near First avenue, third atory, frout room. Can be Been for two days. (MJTTER WANTED? IN A FASHIONABLE TAILOR J ing establishment. Aa American, and one who tho roughly understands the art of cutting custom work, can have a permanent situation. Address Clothing, with name and reference, Herald office. Drug clerk.? wanted, a situation, by a young man, having n perfeot knowledge of the eity re tail and prescription busincas; best of city referonce. Ad dress J. W., at this office. Four salesmen wanted, at w. s. bond-s drv goods store, 108 aud 110 Sixth aveane. Refereaces re quired. Laundress wanted to go in the country, w ho is folly eempatmtM su< h, and to take Charge of ? email dairy also. Must be well recommended, Apply, at 55 Clinton place. Keal estate.- a thorough business man, eonTersaiit wirli Real Estate, anil practically experi enced in building, a good accountant, can prepare plana, working drawing*, and model estates, upon a new principle, Js dcMrons of an engagement upon terma of mutual ad vantage. First class iitr connection!. Would leave the city. Address for one wait, "Parle," Broadway Pout Officii. SITUATION WANTED? IN A WHOLESALE SPIRIT store, or in any general business, by a young man, who can conduct tho wiue, spirit, and bottling trade. Can manu facture eordials. ginger pop, fcc.; writes a good band and wn keep general accounts by single or double entry. No objection to the country. Addrc?s J. C. !>., 77 James street. TWO OR THREE PIRST RATE TLAIN SEWERS wanted at No. M Canal street. Nona other* need ap ply. Apply between 8 and 6 P. H. TO DRY GOODS CLERKS.? WANTED, TWO GOOD i Eaietmea, at the Emporium, 37 1 Bowery. _ w. BILLINO. TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS IN WANT OP A Clark.? A young man, i'i yari of desires a titna ?inn as Clerk: In> i? willing to make himself generally u?e- ; tnl. devote his tiri? t(i the interest of his einploysrs, and | ?attersMmselfC.i t .? r:in give entire ?ati*faction. l'ltm ?ddrces G. S. S., No. 5 Th mpsoa Street, TO IN VALIDb AVI) TRAVELLING GENTLEMEN, Ite.? A well educated, middle-aged person, who apeaka several languages, in deetroui to enter into an engagement to tako charge of an invalid, eract at companion and amanuen .t?. a* elderly teat'oman, ta * horn he would cntlroly de vote his time, and inAko himself useful In any way requirod; or te act as amanuensis and travelling servant to a gentle man about to travel the ensuing summer. Satisfactory refinances given. A note addressed to B. A., tegar (tor*. No. ?70 Hudson 'troet, would l?e immediately attended to. TO II E A PWATTE RK AND PASTRY cooks - Wanted, pt the W?*tehestor House ?n experienced Pastry Cool:. Well accustomed to staking broad, an.l using mi on n. Also, an ci|tcrieneed Meal waiter, for tho hotel table. Nouo need apply without j-jud*. C. 3. MATHEWS^ TO DOIHIIM, SURVETORS, CONTRACTORS. - Wanted, employment by a gentleman who has rego farH studied and served hie time to tli? ? rsineiring pro hv ?ion. He is a good dranglit?tnan and . u'Milntor. and ha* fcad considerable experience in railway works, levelling, ?i:rveyiiig, &.o, Ad>!ns? R. P. C., Herald oSee. - , - ? ? COAL. P;tt>t?n coal.? orncE Pennsylvania coal Company, earner of Broadway and Wall street. Tl>t Pennsylvania Coal Cinipnny is now prepared to ontvr into toiMtli for the tale or its superior ritlston eoal, deliver able at Port Ewen. nenr Rondout, on the Hudson rlv*r, be fore the 1st of Jolv nest. at tlie foil wing prices:? Lump $.'t 40; steamboat, S.I V>; grate or furi'S' ?. $!) CO; range or J?w Steve, $.1 tut no*- or ativn, $3 U; pea. J": 74. Con tracts mity also Tie made for the remainder of tl>* season by *1 lU. a; -on ttltm ? vtppsnjMjotJke. r uIORgk A. llOYT, Trcasnm. BOARDING HOUSKS. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WII'E CAN BB ACCOMMO ilaieii with desirable room- , full board fur the lady. aii'i partial for ti e gentleman, in a very desirable browu inoS loose. containing modem improvements, in Twenty-first street, Bear Fifth ave<nie, with a private family of live persons. Inquire at i'/J Greene otreet, until Monday aftor mo?B. BOARDING.-TWO GENTLEMEN CAN BE A6COM modated in. it Murray street, eeraer ?f College |Ja>:t>. BOARD wanted? by a (,f.nilehan. his wirK, and aunt, in a genteel house. Beetof reteronees given. Address, staling terms, " Jonas." llerald office. I) OAR I) ?ONE OR TWO OENTI.EMEN MAYHAVKA ?>J pleasant vim, villi board, at the eentrally located dwelling, No. 1U W truster itreet. References exchanged. Board in jersey city-one or two gevtle nicn can l>e accommodated with board, in a private fa mily, five ninnies' walk from the ferry. Addrese " Jertey," lli ruld office. Board in jersey city.? good board can bk obtained in Jersey City, alwiut five minutes' walk from the ferry. Immediate applinatiun in necessary. inquire of J. Clowes, Jersey City ferry. Boarding.? a gentleman and lady can bo arvi'unui dat> d witli a parlor and bedroom, and boar<| likewise two gentlemen with tingle rooms, at 021 Bread way. Board.-a pleasant room, on the thirc tloor, seitabla fcr a gentleman and wifo, or two tingle gentlemen, to let, with board. Apply at 121 Chamber* ?tree I. Board-singlb gentlemen, and gentlbmbv and their wives, may obtain, at 1st May, pleasant fur nished er unfurnished rooms, with board, by applyiag at lit West Twentieth street, near Eighth avenue. Board? an elegant suit op rooms on the first floor; also, other rooms ean bo had, at K2 East Twenty-third street, near Fourth avenue, and a short dis tance above UnionPark. BOARD wanted-bv a gentleman AND WIFE, for the first of May, in a private family, whero thero are no other boarders. Location between Walker and Amity streets. Address A. W., Broadway Post Offioe. Board.? A SUIT ok rooms. FURNISHED or UN furnished, on the scoond or tl ird floors, together with rooms fur single gentlemen, by immediate application at 370 Broadway. Board wanted in brooklyn.near tub south ferry? one sittiug room and bedroom, er one large bed room, with partial board, for two gentlemen, in a private family. Address L. and B.. this office. Board? three or vour single gentlemen can he accoinmoJatcd with pleasant rooms, with or without breakfast and tea, at 108 Grand street, first block wont of Broadway. Board in Brooklyn, fui.ton avenue, near the City Hall. A room and bedroom, unfurnished, with partial beard, can be obtained by addressing a noto to S. S., llerald office. Board in the country.? a gentleman, his wife, and two children, may obtain board in a private family, where there will be no other boarders, within an hours ride (by railroad) from the city. For particulars, inquire at 438 Fourth. street. BOARDINO IN SOUTH BROOKLYN? FIVE MINtJTr.S walk from tho Perry. A small family have an unfur nished front room and bedroom, suitable for a gentleman and wife, with partial board for the gentleman. References OXCftSBged. Inquire at 19t> Atlantic street. Board wanted-for a gentleman and lady, (board for the lady only) where there are no other boarders in the house. Location not above Amity Btreot, and near Broadway. Address W ? . Board, Broadway Post Office, for throe days, stating location and terms. Boar ding -south Brooklyn.? a gentleman and hi j wile, or two Bingle gentlemen, can obtain ful or partial board, with handsome rooms, furnishod or unfur nished, v ithin three minutes walk of South ferry. Address E. D., at this office. Board in hoboken.? a few single gentle men rau be accommodated with very pleasant rooms and partial board. Croton and shower bath in the houso. Location close in vicinity of tho ferry. Inquire at 31 Hndson Terrace, Hoboken. Board in a private family? a single gen tleman ean be accommodatcd with a plea?rnt room, breakfast and tea, and dinner on Sundays, in a private fami ly, residing in Twelfth street, near Fourth avenue. Addren B. C., Herald office. Board.? two single gentlemen, or a gen tloman and his wife, can be furnished with board, and an elegant suit of rooms, in a private family, whero there are no other boarders. Apply at West Twenty-second street. Board wanted? by a gentleman and wife, In a respectable private family, where there are no other boarders. Terms must be moderate. Address R nisei; llerald office, stating terms, location, &?. Must witliiu fifteen minutes' walk of the City Hall. Board in* the country.-to let, a room and Bedroom, in a small cottnge, pleasantly situated at Furt Lee, within fifteen minutes walk from the steamboat \ Landing. Terms moderate. A gentleman and lady pre ferred. Address, by letter, " N," office of this paper. Board? two gentlemen and wives' ' or three or four tingle gentlemen, cau be aecommo- I dated with two handsomely furnished rooms, with large pan- j tries attached, In the second story, with board, in a private ' family; rooms lit with gas; bath room on the second floor. Apply at No. 9 Charles strcot (Warren pluec). Boarding? rooms to let on second and 1 third lloors of house No. 45 Walker street, (a few doors fn in Broadway.) suitable for gentlemen and their wives. Alto two Rooms for single gentlemen. The house has hem rceently painted, rooms nowly furnished, and gas, with oilier improvement!, introduce J. References required. Board.? very desirable rooms can now be telct toil iii a livnt class house, near St. John's I'ark, No. 17.1 II 11 rl ton ktre-'t, hjr Iftnilpmtn t'lftir wittaa: tlsn. a few single peiitlemen, where neatness and guoii accommo dations w ill be found. References exchanged. Bath und key of tho Park for the use of the family. Apply at the above No. Boarding? three or four suits of neatly furnished rooms, for gentlemen and their wives, or single prntl.'n en, with full or partial board. Havejalso a r">m suitable for a doctor's oftiuo. Have gas, Croton wa ter, and access to bath. Stages pass the door. Apply at 114 Fourth street. Boa n ding.? a small private family, without children, would let two parlor*, on the first floor; also a parlor and b< lir.-om on the second lloor, with full or partial board; in a'l install' es, n private table. None but persons of respectability need apply. Inquire at 5(1 Houston street, hrst house west of Broadway. Board up town.? two gentlemen and their wives, and three gentleman, wi-liin;; to dine down town, cjiu bo aceom' .odated at 17f< East Twenty-third ftrt't. Tho house i*- ele-'antly furnished, with all the mod ern improvements. Gas thrMirliout the house. Particulars can he obtained at I.i Broadway. BOARDING.-TO LET. TO A GENTLEMAN AND lady ? full board for the lady? a front parlor and bed rccm.on second or third floor; house pleasantly situated, not above Prince street, and only one block from Broadway; family strictly private, and no other boarder in tho houso. Address J. A., box 122 Broadway Post Office, with name, and when and where an interview may bo had. Terms weekly, in cdvanip. C'OFNTRY BOARD WANTED, BY A LADY, IN A ) pleats t villsg", (Now Hocholle. or other.) situated ou the New Hnven Railroad, nut more than one hour's ride from the city. Genteel board, and the comforts of a home ; desired. Address Clarancs, Broadway Pest Office, Itsunf particulars, fcc., fee. IIURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. with bourd, at ltiri East Broadway. References re quired. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITn FULL or partial board, ean be obtained in a private first class brown stone houtn, in the immediate vicinity of Madi sou square. Address O. G. F., Herald office. PRIVATE BOARD. ? FURNISHED ROOMS AND board, at 24 East Twentieth street, between Fourth avenue and Broadway. PAVILION, NEW ROCHELLE.? THIS FIRST CLASS and delinhtful summer boarding house, replete with fa cilities for enjoying the uathiug, fishing, riding, sailing and ? ther recreation? c f tl is fashionable watering place, will be open for tho reception of guests on and after May 1st. M. A. FOREMAN. N. I).? Rooms can be secured immediately ?'} applying cn the premises. Thomas birdsall's hotel (european plan), 74 Prince strr.t, New York, opposite Metropolitan Hntal and Niblo's Theatre. Lodgings, 25c. per night. ?1 2j per week. Good beds and rooms. Mesls at all times, and all the rsrlties the markets aflnrd. Oysters and ovory refresh ment. both at table and bar, that can be desired. TO I.ET-A NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH breakfast and tea, for gentlemen. House new. with a II the improvements, and plrsfantly situated in the viilnit." of Dr. Tyng's church, and within a few rods of a ets.",e route. Those desirous of the comforts of a homa, tnsy apply esrly, at 1*4 Bast Seventeenth street. Address, immediately, Mrs. M. LODGING IIOrSKg. 7JW.ARKFN STREET. ROOMS MAY UK II AI> IM | I ^ mediately, furnished or unfurnished, with ?r wltb^at i board. I BURNISHED HOPS* TO LET, IN FOURTH ATENUE, oppoaite Calvary chnrrh. It in nowly and completely i fnrnl?hed with Bruaaela and thre?-ply carpet*, roicwood . and furniture, & c. Aidreu box XSi Cal?n ! f><ju?re Poit Olflee. LODCINUS.? WELL FURNISHED PARLORS AND Bedrooms, communicating, oa the tint aud aeoond floor* of hoose No. 662 Honiton etreet, a few doors eaat of Broad way, will be rented to gentlemen, aud posaaaaion given after ' frit of May. None ueed apply who are unwilling to pay a falrpriee for comfortable accommodation! and good at tendance. Rooms and board-tor twoosntlemen and wire*, and for iringle gontlemnn, can b* obtained after Ik* May eninlng, in a private family, who will remove after thatdato into a h?tn-re with all the modern Improvement!, and looated ia a pleasant, airy part of the city, convenient to i( -ral itaco r ntos. Addresi G. C. at thli office. T^HO LET-IN a NEW FOUR BTORY HOUSE, A SUIT of room!, furnished or unfurnished, with ?<? of bath, gas, kitchen, ??e No boarder! taken. Reference! given and reqnired. Apply at 278 PUth avenue, between Seven teenth and El 'hw. ntb streets. TO I.ET? A 1THMSIIKD ROOM. wfTHOrTBO ARB, frem the ftrst of May, to a gentleman. Terms, mode rate. Apply at No. 67 Monroo street. TO I IT- 1 Uli.VlfHEI) OH UNI'l RNISHI I) ROOMS, ulth breakfast and tea, or without, at No. 17 Hndion >t ie?t, near Duano. TM|0 I. FT- IN llOHOKKN, FURNISHED rooms, for single gentleman, *lth broakfa*t H required, but a short distance from the terry. Apply to Jaraei Harding, at E. 1'lmlon'n, 1!'7 Br?adw*) . WBgAVfKD^A " N I ? ' F, F U Hfil s U Kit Room.' Wl I'fl breakfast, not above lllen kcr or below Canal street, r ThoKO having such accommodations, may hear of an appli cant by addressing A. Z. C-, this office, staling terms and lo | caMon. nine arts. National acabemyof dision.? the twenty seventh aannal exhibition of the academy is mow o(?ram at their gallery, 6t>:t Broadway, from 9 A.M. until 10 P.M. Bir.glon4m><<ainn, 25 sent*; season tickets, fifty cenU. Lat? lonaea, 12i> eonta. By order of the eouni il, S. H. SUEOOUl' E. Cor. Sec y N. A. Kelly -s half trice enuravinp, and riuvr ing Offtce, MI Fulton rtrect. New York.? Wedding, Vi.iting, Address. and At-Homo Carda, in tho very best ^ t vie; Caho Boxes, Envelope#, be. An engraved plate and ftliv carda for ton ahilllnge. N. B? Depot for thy aale of (.'opjxrpalt* Prcsiea. Horned Oil, Ulankets, kr. TO LET- THE DA'iUEIlRE A V OALL1RY, MO. 4MB Br <>a?lw*y. third door above Canal stroat, the beet la nation for ?be business in the city. Also, two room* on tha afond v.ior: immediate poefesaiaa (ivan. Inquire in th# 4/3Bj'-adwry. HOMESTE4D8, DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND? THE SECOND HECU lar run tine of t,Ue Seeoud Knirk?r booker liuilding As sociation, will ho In- id in kulek- r backer Hall, on Monday evening noxt. May .'!d. M"mtoni >r? requested to attend, aa the due* art payable on that date. This will ulso offer m opportunity fur all who wish to join i .0 Association, an it Is ia a fltiirifliine condition. We invito all to attend this meeting, an able vpeakarH will I- present to (live full and expli* it explanation* of the working of these iii.stitntiimi. Htmnii' - r. Knii Verbo< Wr II all. Monday evening mat Miy 3d. Ilookiopen for subscription at the office, Nu. I'M Ninth avenge. JAMES It. DELV ECCHIO, President. J. J. Matipkv, Seerotary. TIIK REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OV THK (itirrns Mutunl Loan and Accuuiula' inn Fund Assn eiatlnn will be hold on Thursday evening, Mu.v ?t, at eight o'eloek at their roam, 421 Hn tdway. Fifteen Shares to be elferid for redemption. M> miters if reminded that their monthly dues are now payable, ami are r'oiuoicd to call at tlie office and pay tho same before the above evening. SlMEON lilt A PER, President, K. DELA FIELD SMITH, Vice-President. ,t. r. Ki vuali, limttiy. The second citizens mutual loan ano Ai t ninnlutliif Fund A fcoaiation Mill receive subscrip tions daily, irorn !?), A. .U. till iK M , an>l on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until U o'clock, at the efltco, 4J1 Broadway, noxt door abov-j t'nnal strict. Articles of Asso ciation arc now ready, and mil le bad gratuitously by ap plying at the otltce. ADAM I'. PKNTZ, President. JOIL W. MASON, Vke- President, J. P. K ? niiai 1., Secretary. TlViTrM, John J llcrrick. Edward strong. Gamaliel G. Smith. Jnines D. .Minjrtiy, John Raab. Duncan V. Curry. Edward Walker. Samuel Stiles. W. A. Diet*. JLO*T AND KKW AHDS, ilAAUVMS^lOfr, ON THE MORNING OP W IWu the 2titb April, in Atlantic street, Brooklyn, a sealed package, marked A. I,. Uricr, New Vork, containing twenty bonda of #1,000 each, of Fuyette County, Kontuuky, numbering from ft'i to 71 inclusive, and it-sued to the Coving ton and Lexington Railroad Company. All the bonds insued by tbia county to tbe Covington and Lexington Railroad Company, except the i.liovu named, have thu following gua rantee printed on the back of theui The Covington and Lexington Kailroad Company guaran tee the prompt payment ol' '.h 1 rini'ipaland Interest of the within bond, for value received. Witness the ical of tho on i<l company, and the signature of the president thuroof. this tenth day of April, 1^.>2, in conformity with a resolu tion of tbe Board of Directi rs, passed on the 1st day of April, U-S2. JOHN S. MORCAN, President ef Covington and Lexington R. R. Co. [Seal of Covington and Leu. -ton R, l(. Co.] Fit ii>. Wise. Secretary. All persons aro forbidden to negotiate these bjjads, and the above named Toward will bo paid for any iutormation tbat will lead to their recottry. GIBBON, BTOCKWELL fc CO., 35 Pearl street. IOST? ON TUE 29TH INST., IN CURRENT HANK -4 notaa, Iroin SUM) to $210, in tho street, between Wall and Kerry streets, or below W al', cn Pearl, Water, or Front streets, or Broadway. A liberal reward will be paid for the delivery of the same at tho aturo of P. B. WILLIAMS, S2 Pearl street, or any information which may lead to its re covery. Lost ? between nineteenth and twentieth streets, Wednesday, April 28th, a pair of Gold Sner'ta ?lei* The flkder will bo liberally rewarded by bringing tbeu t * 20ti Weat Fifteenth street. Lost- on the evening of tiie 21ST instant, in Madison Market, or Henry stroet, a Gold Bracelet, Bet with blue stones. The finder will bo rewarded by leav ing It at No. 19 Merchant's' Exchange, Hanover street. C1A1IPET BAG I.OST.-A SMALL CARPET BAG WAS > lelt by mistake at the Jersey City ferry house, last evening. Tho tinder will be liberally rowardedby leaving the bag aud contents at Lovejoy's Hotel, New York. M.T. C. GOULD. CAME TO TnF, PREMISES OF THE SUBSCRIBER, on Thnrpda) evening, about half-past seven o'clock, a very large black aud white Newfoundland Dug. Tho dog was in distress, and wanted water, which was given to him. Alter takiug froely of water, he immediately died. Particu lars will be given of the dog's death by applying to J. G Melville, ;w Centre street. Immediate attention is required* WATCn LOST ? fclO REWARD.? LOST, BETWEEN 43 and 71 Broadway, a Silver Watch and Gold Seal. The tinder will please lcava the came at Adams & Co.'i Express Ofl'ioe, SO Broadway. 1J10UND? ON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL .10, ON the corner of Forty-seventh street and Eleventh avenue, a Red nnd White Cow. Tbe owner can have her by proving property aud pnyinc expenses. RICHARD WALFORD, corner 0' Forty-seventh street and Eleventh avenue. NO'IICE.-WIIERKAS. SOME PERSON OR PERSONS hnvc stolen some of the Plaster Ornaments dosir;ucd and modelled for my use for Mr. Clark's houses in President street, near Clintou, all persons are hereby cautioned not to xi 0 any of them without my consont, as they w ill be dealt with atci. riling to law. JAMES LIVJiSEY, Court street, betw een Degravv and ^ackett, Brooklyn. IK8TRUCTIOXS. MR. S. SEDWICK RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNt KS that he has associated with himsolf the Rev. Simon C. Moot, Professor of the Hebrew and Chaldtic lnnguigi;.-<; thvicforo olat.iCH will receive instruction in the above I rsneht-! oji Monday, the yd of May next, nt 5 o'clock 1*. M.. r.nd thereafter, regularly, every Monday, Wednesday, and T)i cr'oiay, iu the rooms of the IMnssical and Mathematical Sehofl, Nu. 84 Slitli avenue. Ternn for two children of . every l:.niily in tho 1st branches, vU., Hebrew reading, $S0 j t" r iionuui; 2d, Translating and tlrnmmar, ?~i per annum; | ::d. Study of Talmud, Chaldaic, . $100 per annum, pay- 1 al le in advance, quarterly. I'arentii desirous of sending j : tl.cir children arc respectfully solicited to apply in time, as j only a certain numl er 0 / pupils will Ijc admitted. I WRBNCH.? ONE OF THE ABLEST FEKNCB TEACH I J. trs of this <ity, offers a few rooms in his hiuso and 1 I family, to soma younx gentlemen who wish to b arn French, ; I with breakfast and t< a. Inquire at 110 Llevcnin t;-eot, be- | 1 tween Fifth and Sixth avenue?. Henry wells and his sister, mad. h. gia v.'lli, at the rcqcest of nuuierons friends and patrons, J w ill continue their Dancini C'la sm until the 1-t of July. is at tm stuyTtsnn t Institute, t.' :? Uroa<lway. PRIVATE DANCING ? MADEMOISELLE CAROLINE \ EZ1KN ha< the honor to announco to her friends and I the public in ?* ni rul. that she is n?nv ready to rcotive pupils I al her Private Dancing School, .VO Houston street, opposite St. Thomas' Church. Mile. C. V. will teach ail the fmUion u' le danres as taught in Paris. Terms easy. TO TEACHERS.? 1EACII Bit WANTED.? AN ENG lish Teacher for a boarding and day school. Apply, between 12 aud 1 o'clock, at ll.'iChambers i-treet (vtore). COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. rpiJK UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVES NOTICE X (hut th* business connection h> retofore cxi?tlng be tween Wm. Chase Barney and hinuelf is dissolved. Now York, April 17. A. If. 1'ItIDE. rpiIE PARTNERSHi I* OF JACOB** ui.ll R 1- THIS JL day dissolved by mutual conscnt. A. HI J lT It. L A pril 29, 1852. U. JACOB 3. The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm vi MICHF.LIN k LEEFE, is this day terminated by its own limitation. The business of th" la t ?s fum will beaettlcd by Geo. E. I,refe. Now >ork, April .TO, lS.'.L'. FRANCIS MICHF.LIN, GEO RUE E. LEEFE. NEW VORK, HAY 1. IV. 2.? THE t'OI'ARTNERSIIIl" heretofore e.:i- ting under tho hrra of W. T. Jeuniagi k Co., is this day oi>iolved, by mutual eonsent. W. T. JENNINGS, B. T. ROBINSON. The undersigned will continue the business under the samo nud firm, ut the old gland, XII Broadway. WILLIAM T. .IENNINOS, HENRY K. RICHARDSON. In retiring, the subscriber wonld commend the now tirm to the patronage ol' hi. friends. B. I". KOHINSON. NOTICE.? THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between the subscribers, under tbo Arm of M m. Okell Si Co., expires this day, by its own limitation. Either party will settle it it account*, or ei;n the name of the Arm in liquidation. WM. OKELL. Nr.w York, May I, JR32. J. R. TATF.M. Wm. Okell will c >ntiuue the exchange business at MS Broadwaj: J. R. Tateni, at No. Ns'-au i-trc*t. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. ? THE CO partnership heretofore existing bctvren the subscribers, under the firm of Winulow, Lanier &. Co., is this day dis solved, l.y limitation. The onsottled btisisess of tho late firm will be ei ttled by R. II. Winslow and J. F. D. Lanier, who are authorised to use the name of tlie tirm in liquida tion.? Dated, New York, May 1, 1852. RICHARD If. WINSLOW) JAMES F. D. LANIER, ISAAC KIP, Jr. Notice of copartnership.? the scbscrib er? have thi? dxvformed a copartnership for the traiis O' ticn of a ?M ini hanking, exchange, and money bullae**, ai d for tli< negotiation of public ana corporate loans, under the lirm of Window, Lanier It Co. ? Dated, New York, 1st Mav, 1802. RICHARD II. WINSLOW, JAMES F. D. LANIER, JAMES WIN81.0 W, _ LEONARD C. M INKI.OW. A partner wanted, with from 1 1,000 to $j,ooo, to engage in a gentleman's furnishing store, ;by ajen tlenan that ran command the mo?t respectable and profi table trade. Apply to C. B. HOWES, wNa-ioi ?tred. A PARTNER WANTED IN THE nOTEI. BUSINESS. ?A competent person, with $4,000 or Jjv'i.OiKl. i au have an interest in a well established Hotel. Addre.'forparti'.u l?rs, with real name, Ite., Claudius, Herald fit t. PARTNERSHIP WANTED.? ACTIVE PARTNERSHIP it detired by a gentleman of consideiaMe mercantile oxperl-nce, (mall capital, and firat rlt?s rity r?nii'iti>u?. Principals only. Addreei. nature of bu<ina>., capital re quired, and w here an appointment may be made v*st raid, foT oao week, C. W. R. Broadway Ofhie, HOVSKI, BOOKS, die. WAiTTlD. A MEMBER OF THE BAR, OF SEVERAL YEARS standing, who is at present contiiied to his r cm from indifpofilioa, is desirous of engaging part it f an office for the coming year. He will supply fnrnitnre. sad pa? his propor tion of the rent andaxpenses. For further particnlars. ap ply to George T. Maxwell, E?i., teuperior Court, Clark's of fice, City Hall. PART OF A nOITSE WANTED, BY A FAMILY OF two persons? two room* or the fame door, with t'rot.'0 water and pantry, in a resectable neighborhood; west of Broadway, and not above llleneker street, preferred. Ad dress K. D, Grundy, Broadway I'oit OtiUe. liefer1 ace given if required. PART OF A HOUSE WANTED? BY A VERY RESPEOT able family of three grown per-on*, the lower or upper part; lower part preferred. A family having more room than they wish, can find fir?t rate tenants by a idreisia,' a note to "Curtis," at the Herald office. w ANTED? AFTER THE FIRST OF MAY, BY A .. gentleman and bis wife, wroom and bcdro'.m, unfur nished. A private family, and theloner part of the ut,y preferred. Addre.'j 11. B w .l.CC.O, IV i on,' e! \MT ANTEl) ? A 1)1. Ol K ?>] Glt'iFS'll IV~ V, \"T Yl Brooklyn. Twelve or sixteen lots beiwc-n Fulton and Myrtle, Cumberland and Bedford nventirs. l i-.?tuJa~< I rii k lioui-es, new and well rented, will be ?xvhauge<l. For farther particulars inquire of Oakley k. Wrigl.t, Auctiou cfrs, i.VP Fnlton street, opposite City Hall, Brooklyn. WANTED? AN UNFURNISHED ROOM AN1> BEr) roon, by a widow lady and her danshter, wlfchou* board, in a rcspeet.nble neignherhobd. unt .w Bletcker street, nor al.oTe Thirtieth htreet. Ter n\s, modeMtf. II" ference given and required. Address F. B. C., Broadway Poet Office. WANTED? A FURNISHED COUNTRY VF.AT. FOR the summer. The Hudson river or Sound preferred. Addrets box H, ill Now York Poit Office. York family ijotel, new bridge street, Ludgato Hill. London.?' Th# above hoiwe I* centrallj Situated ; has an excellent <-?flfee room, ten or twelve private sitting rooms; between forty and fifty light, air* bedrooms, a good rm"king room; ?irm, cold, and sbower baths alwayi readyj anight porter in attendance; a Axed charge for ser vants the New YorU Herald is fllod. Thomas Uuartcmaino (e iders his gratefnl thanks to his America* friends, lor the favors he has so long enjoyed at tb*lr tande, aad eeUcitf Iktir roKti?utd patrccaje and r<tcK?cn<atf<?. *n TVEV. CUNTRKVILLB tOURSB. L. I.? TrtOTTI VG.-SATUR * dttv, May lit, it 3 o elock, F. V , 1 1< .rsc aud n.vcop ? take ef wile kettle bost three in live, t>> t). Sftcer earnon blk ?. (iullth, F. J. Medina names b. g. O o-?r,? West; B. McLaughlin names b. id. Lady llrooki; ovennr rtuev b. U- Flora rumple. Omujt>u*es leave Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn, at 2 o'clock, r. M. JOKL CON KLIN, Proprlotor. CA6SIU6 M CLAY. ? Tills CELEBRATED TRO fTINU Stallion * til ?: ind for a limited number ?f maros, at hi stables. from Kit- da t? Terms, $'<'0 for fix season. JOHN I. SNI.D1KKO, Uniou Course. Lour It land. ^ ^ MIWI'.LI.AMKIDS. Havana secars.? ii. w. li v i nghton.ios broa d way, offer* fvr i al rJO,lUo Havana Segan.of the bout binnds, viz.. I'goes, Cabanas Figaro, C'abarga, Rio Uoudo, Martinet, Eeealapio, BtlvMiin. I.&s Don Ucrtuanos, It. hum, Rio Hondo, tukiptm, Preised Cabanas. ClKF.FN TURTLE 60 l!P. ?A FINE TURTLE WILL BR W served op in sonp and steaks this day and to-morrow, in iho hestaurant of tho if ootehcsi.r House. curu>?r of Bowery und llr<>?ni? <ir?ft. Spoon exercise will eoaktlMHea at twelve o'clock, U. Pvni. ?e* supplied at seventy-five emits per quart. R. C. MONTCOM BUY, Superintendent. C? II Alt I Kit OAK (iKAPE,? THIS IS RANKED AXIIMi > the l&rpst ni.d must d' lKioua graim in tho world; many of them grow nn re than ono mid a lull! inches in dia ltint?r. la flavor Ike; aro a?u(t, with soft pulp, and very few seeds; they ripen before the Isabella, about tho 10th to 2.">Oi l|l!?fUmtcr, aro p<rfectly l ardy, and need uo pro tection In wiut< r. A so pply of wull routed vinos can bo had at i7U Grand street. Ord-rs promptly attended to by joii.n p. wilson. STRAWB1RRT PLANTS- ON U AN l> AT Til E STORE, put up in bundles of fifty snob, several thousand of llnvev's Seedling Burton I'ino, Large Early Searlet, and Buir > New Seedling, all standard approved varieties. Price $1 ptr 10". or$7'<0pcr l.UUO. AIho, Giant \sparatus Roots, early C?bl>*ge Plant*. Ice. .1. U. TUOHUC1IN &, Co.. is John street, Seedsmen, Florists, &<?. BRUSBBSI 11RL' SITES ! 1? A I AKGK AND SPLENDID assortuiout of Brush**, just received at R. D. h D. Ht-MlKltAl S Brush IV MohovMi 2)3 Pearl at., Now York* Brushes of every description, at tup. Brush ructory, .IT/ Pearl stroct, Pritnklin s'tuaro. AH articles sold at the lowest factory prices. Paint Brushes, of superior quality, const autly on hand. Machine Brushes Made to order. JOHN h. IIOPl'EL, lljj Pearl street. SHOW CASES? SCII MITT fe BROTHER ANNOLNOF, TO tlicir lriends and the publlo, that 1 h?v have removed their Show Case lVarcrocni? from No. JU to No. 16 North William street, where thry will oudcavor to furnish those wishing to purchase on order, bh?w Caxos with despatch, and si-ll a good article as cheap as any other establishment iu this city VERY IMPORTANT TO IRON AND BRASS FrtCJN ders. ? Catt iron and other inntal vessels, for house hold and other piirpoK-s, tinned on the inside, by FERDI NAND KHAFFT, lu 1 Elm stfet, corner ef Walker. Order* promptly attended to. Lamps and GIRANDOLES.? T. w. BANDERS, NO. l Chatham ?<|uare, has roniMniitly ou hund a general as sortment of Curnolius' Solar Lamps and (iirandoles, of every variety of st^le and pattern. Al-o, Lamps for (lM economic consumption of canipheuo, oil or fluid, which aro offered at exceedingly low prices. Twine of every description, cut and wroaght Nails, Brads and Spikes, Shoe Thread', Ma nilla Hemp, and cotton Cordage, Oakum, Carpet Warp, Oil ling Threads, &e., for sale by C E U It A Si CCMINC, No. lOti Pearl street. Rich out glass and pressed ware.-turneb, Lane, It Morris, Nos. 43, 45 and 47 Duane stroet, Manu facturers and Wholesale Dealer* in Rtoh Cut Ulan an# Pressed Ware, of every description, and of the latest stylet ef patterns for table nse. Also, Solar, Fluid, and Gas Globe* Hall Lantorns, with stained, enamelled, ana out class; Giais stained and out for parlor and hall doors, Domo Lights, &e We luvite the attention Of oountry merchants to our stook, ef which we have the largest in the city, at reduood price* Persons about purchasing cnt glass for hotels, steams** restaurants, ana private vse, will (ind every variety of pat tern by eal)1ng at our warerooms. Paiticulai at'.outiei paid to tho packing of California erder*. CARPETINO, OIL CLOTHS. kc? THE UN DERSIGNKD informs hi* customers and others wishing to purchase Three-ply Carpetiug, &<?., that his store, 5'? Ilowory, near Walker street, is now completely stocked, principally with 'l'hree-pliep, selected frvui the lirct wholesale ana manufac turing nouses in this city, rich and beautiful paHeras, uhatte designs, warranted to match iu every particular, which will bo sold from lis. yd. to SI per yard, without reserve. In Oil Cloths, his sheet, which has taken the gold inedal at tho World's Fuir, will bo sold from ^s. to 10s. per square yard; otlwr cloths, from 3s. to Is. Ilis customers will please to observe that his profits being so low, and goods of every de pcriptlon sold on the principle of " honesty is the best po licy," this simple notification will lis deemed sufficient. .1 AMDS Mt (j KOH'f V, 5.') B jwcry. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IM'ltN'ITI'RE DEPOTS, ou Hudson street. Now York.? The subscriber.!, whole sale und retail dealers in Cnbinel Furniture, ofler to the city trade, and country merchant*, a splendid stock of Rose wood, Mahogany, Black Walnut, and Painted Suits, for tedri oris and parlors, of e\cry variety of style aud tiui-ili, at prices uunsually low. They w ould be pleased to exhibit these, uith the nvsuruuee to tho public, that they cunnot be excelled at any other establishments in this eouutry.- M. B, McKlnney,? 8 'Hudson street; MartinS. MeNaiuara, 230Hud ?on street; T. J. Blftnck bon?, 31M Hudson street; A?: u P. lllnuck, 3o6 Hudson Mreet; lienry llcikacr, 371 and SJ.'i Hudson street; 11. W. McDonnell, 37- Hudson street; Henry S. Gracey, 371 Hndsen *; George Suiilh. .",*0 Hudson street: Baldwin Si Mason, 3"!! Hudson stroct; Ilwight Bishop Si Co., Hudson stroct; II. l'ortlngton ic Brothers, 331 Hudsen street; John Mitchell, coruvr of Hudson aud Charles street". __ Door fashes and blinds.-n. p. 7H Bccknian street, hm on hand, or makes to order, th' best kiln-dried par.el work found iu the country. D jor* warranted kiln-dried, in the proper manner. Sashcj el t'..? most approved pattorns, gla/ed or not glated. Inside bVnds made in tho ncitcst ityle. i'vrelaser* aro iuviUd to examine his extensho stock. 1E0NA11DS MACHINERY DEPOT AND LF.ATHKll ?A Landing Manvi'aotory, Nos. l'f.l l'carl and oil l?'i:uer 1 1 r> eti.? Macliiniits' Tools.? Now in store, and in pr .ce?s of eouip'.ctiou, (lie larprst and tnoft complete n??ortiaeut of Tools nvcr offered in the United Stales; consisting in part ?1 J) r.njiiue- I. all: s.l'iom *> ?? I'O feet in tangOi; Planers, l.'to '.'A) li h iwln*; 1.1 Iron Planer', from - te \!.l l'eet iu length. IX to 30 inch width; lilt Hand and f oot l.alhos, from 3 to 10 f?ct in length; 10 Hand Planer*, fi-om "J to 1 l'eet do.; 10 Drill ing Machines, from $10 to $300 taluo; 2 Bolt Cutter*, 1 Goer ? titer, 1 Slatting Machine, 5 Holler Puncher Shears, nud Bending Machine, with a large assortment nf Unirerjal Chucks, at pri"cs less than they ean he offered iu tlii* city; Planer Chucks, Dick's Presses, White's Axle Lathes, Daniels & Woodworth's Planing Machines, Morti' ing and Tenoning Mai hims, llliud, Tenoning aud !"asli Machinery, and Manu factory of Leather Banding, of superior quality, troin t!ie btst eak tanned leather, stretched bv powerful machinery. i?. A. I.KIIVAKII WORTII KNOWINO.? A LIQUID H \IR DTK, RE quiring but on* application, (saving tin time and trouble of going over the hair with i > difigrent prspara tion*), lias been discovered. It ii instantanoous is its if fects, producing en inimitable Mack or brown eob.r, an do sired. A reoelpt for making and directions for using t! ? !?n?, will bo sent to any nd.lrcss, on rcaeirt of SI, ?j?t < paid. Address KTIENNE UUY, Aanlytdoal Chemist, boxM ; Broadway Foot Office. The eye.? dr. wjikeler's oefice, :m Barclay street, fi r the treatment ol all di*ea-oi sfKctlnir tho eye, and ?e assup ? the public, by bit uilHinnjis adopted, that Films, Specks, or CLronic Inflammiitinn of the eyelids, however Ion.": staii'llni, can be completely eurcd. Olllua hours, from * A. M. to " o'clock P. M. Mori head s magnetic I'i. aster-tick great est atrcngthener and pain destroyer tv'r discovered, and the cheapest and be?t plaster iu the world ; put np in b Sr- tifrht tin boxes. Eaoh box nil! make sit to el^ht plaster*, and any ehild can "pr'ad them. Price 23 rents a box. Pain oannot cxi^t where this pln*ter it applied. It is a ?"trcngthening plaiter, giving tone to nil tlie rrean*, and iu vigornting the entire system, It la a great absorbent plaster, cuuiiag copious perspiration, whkh thus enables the innu merable pore'' of the body to absorb it* virtues, while it ex tract? all pais; and, therefore, in all one** of rheumatism, its cflecta nr? instant and ma^i a!. It in a ,ireat nervine plaiter, owing to the wondrous virtues of the uiaKnotic in fluence it posses**?, and, therefore, it is of *urpa-(xing value in all nervous disease*. mich a* neuralgia, tic doloreux, ner vous tremors, dyspepsia (whkbi* *utirc>!y a nervoti! disease), deficiency of nervous and physioal all those dis tr*s ing complaint* which arise from * ?Wranjreraent of the nervous system. By its constant supply of mugnstiu elec tricity, it subdues nervous irritability, equalizes the animal heat, restores the balance of eirenlation, promote i healthy secretion et the liv r and kidneys, removes all spasmodic affections, and allays nervous irritation. In the happy ?om bination ol the above properties, it will be ?elf eiident that the Magnetic Plastermust be ol nnrlt ailed bonedt inooughs, folds, asthma, oppression of the lungs, weakness of ths client, or baek, and all those slight bat dang'-rous von plaint* which lead to rousumptlun. Persons whoss business obliges them to sit or atand much, those who are preiU?posed to af fections of the 1 uny i, anl hare paius in the side or breast, and, indceJ, everyone who enfTors from the andden changes of our climate, will fnd the greatest e.i e rtiI eecority by wsaringthis healthful andboautiUl plastor. It" uie Is very rilensnnt, and it is therefore hichty recommended to delicate adleslurwsfthnt-'.an ln sny of thone distr"-.,ini; cons plaint j to which females are especially liable. In sh .it. it strength en* and vitalizes the w ji?le system, equalizes the circulation of the blood, promotes the seercti >ns. snd restores health and vigor to the skk su'l debilitated. The lis g lie tic riasler is the cheapest and mo*t valuaMe resnedy ever nivon to tb* world, and, in all the complaint* and diseases tor which it h recommended, its worth it inestimable, and its pr,c? al-aost nothing. Let it beremembered that pain ennnot exi <t whc. s this pla?t*r is applied. It is exeeedinglj pleasant and agree able iu its use, and is free fteni all those objection* attached to thegcnsralitv of planters. It Is warraat-d to maintain its virtue foryear*, and tn l?*t, nnimpaiicd in any tllms' ?. I Price 25 I'cntsabox, nith full direction*. Manufn.Hured bv the Inventor and prof i ieter, D. KOREHEtD, M. D., l.'fit : II roadway. For sale by all r- sr*ctabl? .)enggi?t ? aud d?:i!?r! i ill g*nuin>: medicines throughout the I'nitsd atat'l. JjIHI'ORH. PRICE, WAY k CO., MKSVTAC TL'RERS OE MINERAL Waters, dealers iu Philadelphia Porter, l in* Ales, sud | sparkling Champagne Cider, Lon'len an.l l>ablin litowu ; Ptout, Falkirk and East India Aios, will remove from 4% l Hudson itrect, duriug May, to ths elegsnt and *p*'i?i.a I bntliling, No. lf>9 f, anal street, (rnanlnx through t"> V?stry street,) not to Uie People's Hank. Orders for elty ?r e jun try. respectfully solicited and nttendul to witii promptness and despatch. Private families suppli>4 with a seperior nTtieleof Porter, Ales, Cider, or Mineral Waters. IMPORTED MALT LIQCOR.o, OK THE VERV WEST qualities.? Dealers an l others ? an be supplied with <? ti4s> - ? ess' Dublin X X X HroTii fitoui, Jliirclay, IVrkiits X Co 's London Porter, Dore's Falkirk, Mnlr ic Yonnser's Bdin- j burg. and Harvoy's Paisley Ales. Also, liasi A t'o.'e East India Tonie I'alo Ale, all in Brat rate order, packed In casks of ft do, en pints, and d< - *n "juarts, or iu iivaatlties to suit anrebsters. by the importer, U._?. LETil rtHllx : f, fttf and HS Fulton street. C*B.\MPAGNK-WAK*MNTED G<'01? AND GDMT ' Ine, $.'> per do. cn, quarts; London Dock Itrnndies, Har nett's London t'ordial Gin, aud other .Spirits, of superior quality tor family use; Part. Nberry, Mad<ira, Malmsey, Claret, and othvr Wines, of great age, and selected from the ehoi.eit vintages, riret elan Havana Segar", fc?., for sale in quantities to snit pnrehii*?r->, by O. P. LKTHBRI DOE. ?^anJ f>x rnlten street. WE INVITE THE ATTENTION* OF THE PUBLIC to our extensile stock of t'kampa.:nes, Wines, Bran diss and Seg?r?, eomjiTirinif a prsatar vnnaty of brands anl auitlitiif, than c'an be founa In any othor houieia tbe I'Mtud States. Aannts for Eambry's sola'rated Graps I. ?af Cham pagne. Orders eolieited and shipped with ears, by M. ?. PETERS k CO., :aKI Mr sad way ftnn BDEKJf, ST. .TCMEN AND OTHER BRAND", tj\l\F of claret H'lne, from HI .'-0 per do.-n; 100 K-u-rels of London nnd Dublin Fortsr and Scotch Ale, quart" and pint' ; r.'*) do?nn of *np' rior Philadelphia Ale and Porter, quart* and pint1-, lie., H'., for eal*. In quantities to suit whole>al' or retail buyers, by M . If. I NDKHH1M,, 4"0 Broom- strffl, eorner *.r Crosby. "tl-M. H. CNDSRfUI.L RE9PECTFI I.LY CALLS THE ? v attnution of th>' pnblio ? o his ns-jrtm.nt of <;ham p.igii* H Ine*, ?t lleldsick an l other ehoi.e brands. H" ? wnnbl Invite espeeial attention to the Temid brand, el' nhielihe Is tbe sole Importer? a wioo ol pe wliar riohnuss, and po .resting ar:r?ri"r arona ta any oth.r. ljU Br^ ine street. WHO! hsi LE'lil! V KRH AND FAIIIMM KKQCIHINO pure Wines, Beamliea, He., arereqne-ted to vi*it the most ext?n?ii ? establishment in the ejty, ?b ietheyean be soiled with ev.;ry quality, nnd in any q iwitiiy, at 2) percent Us* than at any store in New Yeei'. W. t'N Dl'RP'li., eerier efflmmt sg'* ?:roi?ywf;;tts. I 8ALKS BT AUCTION. A I CTION NOTICE.? C. C'AHAIDY, AITCTIONEKR. ? UjT II. N. Bush ? This at I t o'etoili, in tb? Hal ?* Km hi, 10 North U'11'i.iui i-tr'ut.? S?lo of new and sueind hand Fi rnlturc, Bqumm Desks, If. Al n, m invoice of Dry Goods, Clothing, W ttiliw, Jewelry. Ac. K. D. BWITH, ' ? ? m-vn. Auction koticm.? dahaoid aooDa.-c.imnl* tie III fc tapping, 17 VVUIUni !,treet. Will Mil, this Jay' Saturday. May I. I'll cium'i damaged Dry Good*. Ii?in- tho i utiro balance of th? ?t< < l. saved from the Into tiru at. the t- rm r of llroa4way ami Dry street. Halo to begin at 11 o'clock. Catalogues of good* are now ready. Auction sale or standard kosbh.? nkwkll A f <)., No. .'I Niic-au .trcet, will <ell nn WlduMdur, May A, at half pint lUo'elock, a choice itlltlHA of now Stand urn Ho-- * and other line (ilau ts; Tree 1'eoniea, a new and supe rior variety of White Grapevines, suitable for <H fMliw. AUCTION NOTICE.? TIIOS. BE!. I., AUCTIONEER. I'y n. I.. Van /andt. ? M >ndav, at l()lj o'clock, in tlic auctii n roi in*. It Spruce street. a uplcnili I, extensive, ami i ah nl lis sale ? f Furniture, of u II description!, which onuld ii< t I o sooner, ii. coliseum uoe of the crowded state of tlic store. AUCTION notice ? TWOS. BELL. AUCTIONEER ? liy W. L. Van Zundt. ? Extensive and Valuable Sale of Fine Furoitnro.? W ill b* old ?ittu>ut roisrve, by oat&lo^ue, tli? entire olegaut Furniture In the iar(e four story dounl< bouse, with marble front. No. I2J Chambers street? :on> pri'inv; tho olegaut arrangement* of numerous bedrooms, suits of roc m>, parlors, dressing, <Jniiu?. and drawing rooms, stairs, lull*, mkiiivt kitchen utensils, tine China, Cla-is ??('?. in. Catalogue* will niv? the particulars. Tboy will bo ready, in the sale* rooms, at 12 o'clock on Saturday. Halo without reserve. Deposits required. Aim Hon notice.? tiioh. bell, auctioneer.? Ily W. L. Van Zandt. ? Thursday, at 10% o'clock, at 2,'?2 William street, the entire Furniture of a tarst class private hotel. Good Furniture. ol' all descriptions; a largo lot of Silver; a <|iim ii t i t v of superior German fable and llod Linen, Ac. Particulars in tine. Adman h, ndllkr, auctionor, ? sals at auction of valuable Building Lots, on 48th. 40th, and Audi '(reels and Eleventh avenue. Adrian II. tlnllor will ? ??II at auction, on Wednesday, .May Ath, at II! o'clock M.atthe Merchant*' Exchange, 7 lots in ."iOth street, be tweau the Oth aud 7Gi avenues: lots ?n 40th street, between the Dili and 7th avenues; 2 Iota on li'tli street between tho 10th und lltii avenues; I lot. on 4 ?- tli street between the 1st and >d avanuea; I lot on Kaat aide of llth avenue, 20 feet n rth ol tilth (treat. DS. HOUGH, AUCTIONEER. ? THIS DAY', SATIIR ? day, May 1st, af 10' . A. M., at No.M lloukinan s'.rwMt., tho entire content.' of tlic dwelling hoimo and atorc, embrac ing the largest assort incut of new and secoml band l''uruitnrc oOVred nt miction this season, anil comprieiuR every article necesrory to housckei'pini<. Alio, a lar^o uum^cr of French l'icr Olasaca, Fancy tils-s ware, now Kraaacls, Tapestry, Three-ply, and Ingrain Carpet), Ac., be. jjalo puaitiie, rain or e'line. JOHN t. VANDEWATEn, A UC'TIONKER. ? MONDA V, May .'I, at Id1, o'clock, at the spacious warerooms of Mr. Di.xon, Ilroadway, near Spring atrcet, splendid cabinot Fur niture, the balance of his extensive stock from the varnish rooin, together with duplicates of previous sales, aoldin con frequence of removal of buildiux, conaiatinR of rosewood Suites in nmsliu, brocatello and satin damask: rosewood Snitoa, atylea Louis I Vth and XVtb, Elizabeth, Stc., Sofas, Tete-a-tete*, Voltaire*, rewinft, easy, and other Chairs, reae xvood Sofas, Bureaus, llookeases, Etageres, t'oinfortables, I'ier and Centre Tables, oak Furniture, Library Tables, Desks, &o., I'apier Uaclie Ciooda, Sofas, Chairs, In hair cloth, cane seat Chairs, Ac. JACOB BOG AllT. AUCTIONEER.? THIS DAY. AT 10 o'clock, at No. IA spruce street, large sale of Household y urniture, conaiatirp in part of Sofas, mahogauy Chairs, Table*, Carpets, l eather Beds, Bedding, llodatends, Look ing (llasaea, Clocks, Lamps, Ufr^ndolea, forty-four choice Engravings, Counter*. Snow Caaea, Kitchen Furniture. Alio, one .finny Cart and Harness, one gray Horse, a lot of Stoves and a lot of Arm C hairs, with cushions, mahogany Rockvrs, Ac., ii c. JACOB BOGART, AUCTION fcER.- MONDAY, AT 10 o'clock, at No. 7fi Broadway, basement, mortgage salo ef H inea, l.iquors, S?gar?. Bar Counter, Stove, Bar Furniture and Fixture*? the entire stock and fixtures of tho place. JOHN 1 I MI BL ATT, AUCTION EER.-THE SUBSG'RI hcr liaving oommenred the huainesa of Auctioneer, wlil be happy to receive orders for the sale of all kindHur pro perty, real and personal. Liberal advance* made on all kiuda of merchandi.-n, furniture, and all other pro perty, at bis store, No. 00 I'eurl street, l'articular atten tion paid to out-door sales; all kinds of agency aud commi.-i si"n business attended to punctually; imd storage of every kind furnished on imoMblt tcrin". J.NO.L. VAN 1>F. HA TEH, AUCTIONEER.? 8ATCRDA V, May 1, at hllf-flit 10 o'clock, at the sales room, No. 12 Wall Ktrcet, rich rosewood and mahogany Furniture, c.itn F rising a very large und costly assortment of rosewood l'?r or Furniture, covered in lirocatclle snd hair cloth ; marble top Etegcrcs, with tnliVov buck and front; Secretaries, Da venports, Centre Table, Bookca . Wardrobes. i.c,; cvten aion Dining Tables, hair cat ltockcr*, Ae.; suites iu broea tolle plusli; richly ? aivod autii|iie ''hairs, in green iilush; Voltaires, Sewing I hair', 4 'ou< lies, Easy Chairs, Ac.; Library Dookenvcg, inlaid Reading Tables, llnrcaus, Wauhitand*, marble-top; rosewood carved lii d:)tends, mahogany scroll top and tiotliic Bedsteads, South American hornu hair Mut trcsacs, I'alllaiises, Mirrors, Ac. Alto, n large assortiuent of second-hand l'urnituro, consisting of geueral housc-furalsb Inj! arti'-lei, Carpet*, Mirrors, Mai Iressea, Uvls, Hoi Clothes, Ac. Cutaloxuea on the morning of Pile. 1 MORI ARTY. AUCTIONEER, WILL SEL1. 'I HIS ? " ? d?y nt in o'clock, at 1 7-t Chatham street. Furniture rec< iv c.l from families cliimgiu't their residence, a l?ri;o ami varied assortmcut; also, from groetrs, a large assortment; fi-o, toil ii >0 Bodstvuds, 20 Bureaus, 0 Soi'ai, from nia Btif&ettircrs, Ac., Ao. JU VANDE WATER, AUCTIONEER.? SALE OP ? BHKnlScont lloiireholil Furniture, being tho property of afentlcmau returningto Europe, at No. 17 tilth avenue. J . L. Vande\ at r w 1 1 1 s II at aue ti a, 011 Tbnr lay, the 61I1 of Mar, at the above p!a e. a valuable a sort nient of Furai tnro, by A. Roux, iu the mo: t fusbiouatile st? I mu *:stio? partly of Tapcst ry, Wilton . and B^usn' Is Carp? ting Ti' h I'r' iicli Satin C'-.rtalt:s, richly carved Tcte a-Tcte , Arm Chair , Chairs. Louis XV.. covered in i<atln. All , splendid suit* cf dii im r ?m anil library Furniture, I'i no forte, t>y Ciiielii-ring, Ki ' r"*. Limngiis, Con-lie '. Mirrors b autiful collcetion ot Oil faiutings. large a-*ortm nt of Bedroom l'mnitiire, l'rcneli llet'stcads, Armoircs, To ie t l.'illes, Louis \V.,rl' ily.srvcd fables do .N'eujt, Mat'ie J, Ac., &c. Aim, a !ar s-'sortmeiit ot' China, Gla.'s, ena Ki. I'n lurnituie. This mtgnillceut collcctioa w >11 >.* ready for cisuiin* tion en TueiJay nioraln^. Oil I'AINTINOS AT AI CTIoN.-II, U. LEEDS .1 CO. vm'!I sell at auction, on Monday morning, ?.!'iy ;i at eiBven o'clock, nt tl.eir Gallery, No. s Wall street, a rollec tion of rieturts, eompriatog tome of the heat livuig Duteli, I I. mb'b. and Enjillsh masters. This collection, for tlm most p&rt, iii the property of a gentb man who ha- lou;; re i. lad in Europe, and is about returning tbithcr. They will be Sold without, rcurvo. Can now be ie., r, with eatilogn'-s. RC. KKMI\ AUCTIONEER.- FURNITURE, I'lANd ? lorte*, Carpets, Ac., on Mouiiay ncit, at 10 o'clock, at sale r"om, f ? Nassau street, near Fult'in strc t. K. C. Kemp will ?ell at auction, as above, a very lance eolluetion of setond-hand Fumituro ot all des riptions, from funiillcs about r> uiovinf. and couststa of rosewood parlor Enrnitur , in brocntelle a:id velvet plush; tapestry. Itrnasels, three ply. snd Carpets, several rosewood riauoforte*. Mirror-, thins, silv r, plated, and cut 4!la?s Waro, rosewood atid rna ' lit), "any centre Tables, with marble tons, library and oei r. - tary l.ookca*. *, extension Dining Tables, ivory-handle table t'utlery, painted C.'hamber Furniture, en suite, with marble topst together with every variety oi chamber end kit -ben furniture. Lair Mattresses. Ri dding, fee., [all oi which is welt wcrtliy of the attention ol dealers ani houaekeepers. RC'. KEMP. AUCTIONEER? LARGE AND PE ? remptory aalo ot Carpeting, at auction, in lots to suit i.urehiMer*, on Wednesday n?xt, at 10 o'clock, at sale room. No. W Nassau street, near Fnlten street. R. C. Kemp will sell at auction, as above, without re*erve, bv catalogue, .1 very lar^e and splendid assortment of rich English Carpet inps, consisting in part ot 5O0 pieces ef the richest etyb * of velvet, tape; try, Brussels', three ply, and iugrain Carpeting*, floor Oil Cloth, Ac., vi?., English Royal Wilton and velvet tapestry Carpeting", of the very richest and raoat beautiful patterns, this season's Importations ; very rich Brussels, of very handsome and rieli patterns, Just landed : three ply, heavy superfine ingrkin, aud Venetian stair Carpeting". Al-o, s goiwi assortment of heavy floortiil Cloths, Rugs, d "jr .Vat>. A c., all of whl< h will be sold in lots to suit purshustrs. Catalogues on the morning of sale. TWO YOLUMES OF THE IIKRALD FOR SALE.? I.Tuin ii Rawdon rMI ell, oa Saturday, (this) evening, the H'rald for the years IMS and IHli; also, the Albion, bound, for lC.'te, lKW, ls.7, l>CvS, snd I84.'l; New York Mirror, old series, Volemei ?, 7i 10, II. Sale to eo'nmenes at balf-past 7 o'eloek, at the corner of Bread* ?y aud White atreet.' ILVAIN A I O. W ILL SELL THIS DAY, AT 12 o'clock, in front of No.l'4 Wall street, eoraer Water, a large collection of Fruit Trees, ConsMini; of peatih. apple, cherry, and pear trees, from J. Biggins, Island. N. B. ?Catalogues on the morniugof sale. FINANCIAJi. Tbf. dry dock savings bank, no. km, fourth street, near Arena* C, pay six tier cent per annum ?? dcpjiiti, on all fumi of S.'lK) and under. By order, JOUN A. DEVEAU, Prciidtnt. Jiun L. STr.vrAKT, Secretary. NEW YORK FLOATING DRY DOCK CO.-APRIL i!9th, 1*52.? Th? l'reeidont and Direetori hare tbie day dw- Ivrid a dividend of tire per tent ?a the capital nto<rk, fr >m the ears lap* "I the imat *W month*, payable to the itocVkol deri en and liter the 10th ol May neit. The Trannfcr Book Fill Is clo??i fivB tit lit to theioth of May iaelueire. a. X. MASON, Secretary. DivjnE.Nn.-otrirE .new yore, provikbncr fc Boetoa Railroad Company, New York, April 27, W:.~ Tit* Prc-iJeBt aad Director* hare Uiis day declared a di?i d' ml on tie iteok of the company, ont of the net earning! of ilurtad for the last elx month*, of two dollari end flfty ? ii' < prr, payable on M>e let May seat. The transfer b* >* will be cloied on Wedaeedaf, wit., until M'ja d?y ?d frexiat#, By or<er of the Board. JAB.RlTnERFOllD, Clerk. [NbRMMTY AGAINST LOSS BY P1RK.? THC 1 raaklin Fire Imuran?* Company of Philadelphia? eellataral tieu'ritiei, 73: Steeki (arejeat vaf*e o-Hit pi:.xa> H> Caeh, lie.. VM.M* 3?-Tetal, *1,^ l.;?0 !>4. Direetori? < harlot N. Baueker, Themai Iftit, Tolln Wejn'r, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, O. W , Richard*, Adolaha E. Borie, Daeld S. Brown, llorrie Patterioa. Mordent D. Lewie. Charlai N. Baaeker, Pruei dfnt. rhnrlee O . Batcher, Seetetary. In addition to the errtiuiry node et Inturanee, Perpetual Polk-iee iieaed on building! at a iavin<ef nearly onvhalf, and the ri*k and trouWe of renewal! obviaUd. Oflt'einNew York. No.h/ Wall itreet. p, NOTi'AN, Agent. PW. BYRNE* fc ?0.. M SOUTH STREET, NEW ? 1 ork. and No. M Waterloo Road, Liverpool, lira* Sight Rrafli, payable tbronghoat England, Ireland, Bcot? laud and Walea; are alto ag-utj for the Empire, Red Star, Dramatia, and trt. Qeerge'e I.inM of Li?erpoel Packet*, aa4 New Line from Hamburg and Rotterdain, ealllag weekly. Certlttoatei for akeva Uaee for ?ale. _______ 1} BMITTANCIS. ? DR A FT5 TRGM XI AND UPWARD!, A sayatle at eight, In any town tkroogkorit Great Britaia and Ireland, are leined by the naderiigaod, aole a:/?at* la thli city for the Swallow Yell lltiee of London and Lieorpeal Packet!. BOWMAN, OR INN ELL fc CO.,?aSouthit.eel. X?1 DRAFTS Olf EKGLAND, niXLAND, SCOTLAND. X* I. ? We arr by ?periel ant horily a\tthori'^d to i?*ue bill) on the I'nion Bnnk cxLondon, B*>lfe?t HaukiugCo., IrelenJ, and the National Benk ol Si-jtlend. iieyablc it *ii h*. and la atimi fi v in jtl upwerJe. TAYLOR BROTHER*, 70 Wall etreet, ? rn?r 1'Wt <ttl (Utf i -T<?I fM\. ON1UIMI AND MORTOAOl, V ^ One Th n? \nil Hollar*, uu p?<.pe, y In tb>* ? ity. Inquire ol JOHN A. M ILDF.REHtiKR, ??run et lleiumond and F'i'irth Ktr?<:??. CI (Uin ? W ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A MAN W-'j""-'"* with a ? I, cara l!y for lu?iae?, and net l??e than thli ainoniil lu < t.mro the bolter. Bit* ir?eia In the W"<t, eban<e go?<l nn>l arotl. Addres tut one wtik, ?? Eraetne," Broadway Post offl' ?. WANTr.I) TO PI R< HA' E-I ROM tlO.Ortl TO worth of Goode, for wbi> h r?ol * '.ale, or m?ritf* > e on gttotl rral oi'.at* in New IIae>( <biro, will ha gieen ?n e\ ehanga. A line iidr"?*ed to I'. M., at room > o. 10 I l^?? >oy'e Hotel, Park j c?, witk.r wnk, ?;ii r?a)'* 1 r "it ( ?. at tv Bti< d KOn HALE. dtfL AAA -FOR Mil, A CASH MA9UPACT0B jJUjvvv# Injt I iirli,''. rfl irii' d'-mand; a monopoly la ,eoi.reil, and Ui r irlkl?( wl ich i? ?f iron, MB t.e made for t>nr fonrth lbu f rrM lit < uat of ?iDifecUrt. $j,(X;fl can to made yearly, aa ran be Htl*hitarU/ ahown Will iui geed property in part. AdHre.a S. II., Herald OBai. A SPLENDID chance.? COWS & WICOLAT, SO. "?(( Grand str, ft, near tho Bowery, ?3'cr the I'jIIoWjb; valuable property for sale ? Lotion Klihlh avenue, in f ill view of Hi/h Br.lge, in a pleat ant location, and entirely fr?o from r?u ka an I **tooo?. Lota in i be beautiful v Ilia/., of Vo b k era, about ten u. inutea walk l r 'i in tbo rail road t nu hiirh ground. A an\< udid Brick Houae, mill 1>|, In Fourth atr'iet. with ?a?, Croton water, bailn, and rai, <???, u"W b;iildin;r, and will lit' finished Rotni. A four at?ry Br, ?< n?n,? ;1,| | . on Fir?t aeoitnf, SU para oU, 17 jaar >. ? . ,ii , I, ,m Ma; 1, ? J, 1-mUI I f t^f,n, ?mi will i ,? aold for $3 000. A Lot at ^ orkv llbo, bet v n i i'osyih lad rU'h&viitcf. Lota ii'. Jtaat Alhanj . ? m- i . n y of * II, any. Lota lu W UliainMur*. on N rih Teath au I - ???, Urietf. Lot* in N'raitonport, near Flushing, I.. I. Lola at Kadcnvals, I., I. L' t'in Winehestcr, in full view of tb und. AM the allot,! pro party will )?? sold on tu**y t-.-rm*. M [? and full particular* may be obtalne I f cmiii a. mi Real Estate and Insurance Amenta, V. ;'?? Gr .. i . <??et, ucar tlia Bowery. Otllre hours iruin flto t oVIot I'. V. (H)tNTRY BCD PENCE FOR BALK, AT FORT IIA J Hi lit i, ii. Long I aland, within tiro minute* walk of u.i at, smb, at landing. ? A m* two story blttnctil and ;.ttio llnnae, tiuished in tba modern style, aith marble mantels, alidin^ doora, 4.* The house ia twenty two foot front, by twenty-nir.o in depth. lot one hundred hy ono hun dred and nfty six fiat.. wliloh ia laid out in ? flower and kitehen Garden, contali jna; a variety of tho lie, t fruit tree*, evergreens, Sic. Tlierfl ia also a Stable, (imago llnnae. &c., on tlie f ' r taia*? , and a pump and writ of good water in front of tho hnaae. Coniitiiiaii a'i n n alao had twice a day with the city uf N'<w Vork, by ?t^ge, from FnJ ton atreet, llronklyn. 1'rieo $.1,700. lo iuiru at tho Poet Offluo, Fort Hamilton. EASTF.KN TIJI1IKR ? TIIK ATTENTfON OI'OARFEPf tera, bnildrra, and ntln'ra, ia roqueted, to a large and ? uperivr lot of 8pruoe Timl '-r, wrll aeaaonod and in fln? order, long lenKtlia ?n<l larj" ?i/na. all rut to ordar, hy eon tract. For aale by CO I. ti DI'C \ It I), stmin Saw Uttlir, Tnenty-aeventh and Twcnty-ckhthatreeta. North river. ARM FOR S A L B? FOMSBBIOa OITHI tMME diutely. ? The Farm known as tlio booe lliakor Farm, at the W heatahcaf. New Jcraejr, two and a half milea from UtekliUtWh tft tkl ninia Ml, Ml mile fr un railroad di'iiot.routaininx about (? rtf aeree. The IIoiim ii AUaAO, with wing adjoining, and out bnildinga, Farm llouaa, Barn, t'arriana Hnuae, ]r? IJouao, Cora Houao. Jk,o., Aic., largo Orchard of Harriaon Ap|d^?, and other fruit, all under a good atate of cultivation For farther particular), winiro of II. II. LADD, iXi I'earl atroot, New York. Ij^ORDIIAlf LOTS 101 SA 1^ -SPLKNDID MITES FOB Rullding, and Great ( banco for Speculation. ? Heveral lota of variona *Uoa, from the niual city lot 10 IS# feet aquare, adjoining the Fordham Deput, and kmmadiateiy op povito St. Jolin'a Collage. Theao lota mnat anon donble ia value, but are now for aale npnn reaaonablo termi. Apply, between tho bonrjof 10 aad VZ o'olook, A. M., at No, (it John ?treet. A. H. JOC'ELTN. For ?ale-the stock, fixtures, and lease of tho Wine, Liquor, and Hagar Store, eatablhhod foe the laat ten ycara, well known in this eiby and the ?or ronnding country? doing a wlmloaale and retail bnainaia. The proprietor, rutlrlng from hnaineea, offer* a favorablo chance to a aueoeeior. F. C. BLANCAN, I6B Main atr??t, Buffalo. 1'vr inform?tina, apvly to A. COLSON, No. 7 Cocntlee Slip. 1?0R 5 ALE, ON fiTATEN ISLAND, TOMlMtlNSVILUI J? ?a bay herae, l.'i hand* high, five years aid, warranted aonnd and kind; will he aold a bargain. Arr'.T to J aba Krager, Village ilotvl, Tompkinavlllo, Stuten laland. For sale-an excellent uorsk, six fears old, kind and good in barnoaa and under the laddlo, togothrr with a wagon, and barnaaa, by t gontliiman who lvavca this olty. Enquire at Roberta n a MlMt in Stata atrcot, biitweon llenrj and Clinton BttOotB, Bt Myn. IIOR SALE? T1IE STOCK, FIXTURES, n/HMTURE, goodwill, ar.d leaae of tlie All, ion 11 u 1 1 i, on the *<irner of Ninth atrcct and Broadw ay. Apply, w itavut delay, to CHARLES tl. SAM (HID, 2lti Front atroot. For sme-a wbi.l known public howsb, loi atud In the Second ward. The hnuae ia located in one of tho greatoat thoroughfare!. The bar reoeipta from $li0 to $oti uully. Apply to C. 11. IIOWES, K1 Nassau street, IIOR BALE, Oi: Vol LI) BE EXCHANGED I OR CITT property, n ti* y< ni ' lcaau, with the atook and fixtnre'S of the old eitnblishrd wholesale and retail grouory store No. ? 0 Vi aay street. To any person dcclroua of embarking in tbi? biiBlaeis, a Drat rate opportunity la here offered. Foe fi.ithcr particulars, inquire of the proprietor, __ * JOBM J. QUACKENBTOBU 1.1 o K SALB OR TO LET? POS8BS8ION GIYBW OV the Ht of May ne\t ? Tho modern buiht, hrielt Dwelling llou.e on the comtrof Tweuty'flr&t alreet and I'outli ave nuc. The In vac is two stori:? hl;'h, with an aCti ;, a id has A plMiFBSt garden in frsnt. Rent and price low. Inquire of JAMBS N. WELLS, No. 167 Ninth avenue. I^on SALE? A BABBER SHOP, OPPOS1TB THB Waahington llarket, in Yoeey street. Price $;'.oc. 1 lir,i:irc a4 above. 1 .Kill SALE? A THREE YEARS' LBASB ('I A TALC nl ie properly on Eruadway, suitable for bnain i p ir p. . Apply lit tlie i fl'i ? o of FRAN KI.IN liROV. N, ;.*? Kuih siwet. I^OR SALE? IN LANSINGBITRO. V V., A TWO storj bilil. Hot i'.o(txlJ, with kitehen, diuii and four 1 i'lro.,ii: at Hi'!. nl; a ! ? II In m, dry and outbuildiuic ? II., r r.. 1 1 1: " under boasu and kitchen; gardon of three lots. I., aiilil'nli}- lait' out and lilted with choice fruit troe<, rare ttowcrn. ?'*il .-lirubs, oil ia rood repair, and * iirroundoil by l..i ?? olmno tr, r.! be Id !.u. Ai'jiljr to W. VAN 1>LK1IEEK, ?(',!? Proudwi.y. . T^OP. SALE.? TUB GOOD WILL, STOCK, AND FIX .1 n rcB of n I s'iiij r.nd liry Goodn Stor'1, v i;l he aold ri > cn.iliU1, or exelmisiod for nniinproved ptoper'.y r. Nt'v > i rb, 1.,' ? III ) n, or tV iUi^yiaker/. '*Al5i|, a II . o e to let, c .ii)!. A.-"!} at No. E I lnti^lon street. 1,'on -M K, ( I1F VP ? A SALOON. IN BRC VDWAY, v 1 1 1 (it'll j :i 1 lc r \ attached, Tliia saloon ia iitt#d m, v ill i . i- in a ,"lod loi avion, and doing ?, t'iriving b'i-i tl in. 'I! o ii; -on t\ir ? I ! 1 ti at out i ? the o *vr n ^'oiiig to A itrr.lvi Apply to J A ilES THOMPSON, i Lib-.-jy street, I' r tl ice di.j>. ______ T.10B SALE ? A PORTER IlOl SB, SITUATED IN OVU I of tlie L it toeationa in thu city, being cloic t ? II. It. R. l t| t. It v.ilt 1? told a bargain, if appl.ol lor im ini ni ". us the uwntr haa other bjain vs to attend to. Apply st i'3 llroadway, ba.-om'nt. N'OIK E.? THE PROPRIETOR OF A PANi.V vrORE. < i:ibli-lro| for a number of years iu ti e b t location in Hr ;nivray, boinr- ab. nt rctlriag from Im-inc , w mld like to liuU a j "iion pi ? alag iniiiii i aiiilal to rak !i ? suoeea ?i n. 1 r particulars, apply to 4A7 Broadway, in '. .o store. SIX FARMS FOR SALE.? FOR PABTICULA Rfl APPLY to Mr. I*. 1'. IV EN DOVE It, Hueken u^k, N. J.; orofS, W. Wi.jid vtr. No, 6 'J H all atreet, Eircmcn a ineuranoo ComjaBy, Ke .v t ork. ri'O PERFUMLliS, f?m. ; MSTS, LIQI'OR MERCHANTS J. pud otben.? A large und alc^ant a<;ortment of thu ne treat rtylei ol latiils eois'tu iitly on hand, at Lawren :e'? 1 abel and Lithograph!' office, jii Gold st.rjet. Maps, eheeka, show cartis, an i cviy deacriiiiiou ol U'.hoiri'i'tiy e eeuved prowptly, t.nd m ti.e ' .it ttyle. '|iO CON1 ECTIOK EES.? ANY CONFF.CTIOXBX A wanting a Loreage Machine thai, ia really a ^ood one, t li*t i\ ill cut uith cav! 1,000 lbs. ner '-ok, a'i'l which will alio spread them on tho drying f, oar Is, may hear of eao tbiit ? ill le sold rtasonable, by addressing Confectioaer, for no week, Bt the oftco ot this paper, stating where an ia ti rvicw may be had. Any onj boiing loicn;;es will tad t l i j to be a vi proStabl" thiiiT. fffO PROPEIJiER CONDENbiNG KMOI9M OP A 1'- inc'i cyliuder, 'M in' h ttr Ue, will be aold cheap at Pea so A. Xarphy'a zj Cerls ar' s corner Chorry street, 1 ulton > oundry offlie. Also, twelve ae, end hand Boiler-, trim it t o Lfl bor ,c power, a nd int.* fine Ilmliraol J borso power, oact, eowyloto. pease a. mcrphv. ATCfl ANI) JRtVELHY STORE FOR I VLE.-JN consoquence of the had health of the proprietor of tho wateh and juwclry St "re, No. -lOWBroadway, lhouutir?atoek. tliturea, ana good will of that establiahmeu < ia oA'cred for Bale. Arranftements have been made tu reinov e the estab lishment to .'41 Broadway, on the 1st of May next. For fur ther information, apply at Broadway, or to JOHN H,. Hi. I ( II, 171 Greenwich street, corner of Cortland'.. WOOD FOR SALS.? THXBB ISA LARGE LOT OFTHR be^t Pine Wo<xl for nals, in Northampton eoonty. Eastern Skcre, ^'.rcinia. Ihli wood lies on the t bceapeako Hay, about ci/ht miles froia Cape Charles ; a depth of mno fectwatcria tlie channel. Can bo carried within one hun dred yards of ths shore. The wood will be put on board, ot ?old on the shore, as may be proffered by the pnrchaaer. Lighters to be had on the spot a( all times. Tke parties bar* a lart'S quantity of f ine wood, of goud qaali'.y. wlii'^h they will contract to cut any lengths, to suit pur<. haters. AQ o?mm?iiicatloiis to be addressed to Robert J. Piuisto, pool paid, Onani ock, Accomack oounty, Virgin, a. w DRY GOODS. REMOVAL.-THE CHEAT 8 ALL OF STRAW HATS, at 351 Broadway. ??!l?lod!!i. ?fot??e.? Peremptory aala of upward1* ef $K),0u0 worth of Straw Goods, rogardlaM of eoat price; aale to eonntiM on or abont Wednatday, Mtf ?jib. yu th:r particulars will be announced. HTM. ATKINS. Agent, Removed fro? 351 lo 341 B.oadway. \l J T. HAVE, Til IB DAY. OPENED EIUUT KBlTCASM ? of cnaigaed Fmbroldt rlea. racoired bv atoawere A re tie and Glasgow, eonaiatiDK of rtcn Lac* and Muslin filaevee, Plounvtnge, Tv<n.?jun*s, Collarl, Handkerchiefs, aad other desirable goods, * hv n we will ofer to tho trado at i*rj law p.-i ??, in order to close thorn out aa per ioitnetioaa from tho DWtir'. J Oil N 11 Hi G1 MS k. CO., 46 Broad aim*. MILLINERTMMJDS SILLING OFF.? PHILIP CAH I.ERACH, No, ?? John itroat, being aboot to aUt a el.ange la his hnaiaMa, Intends selling at a sacrifice, ki* en tiro itock, consisting of Ribbons, Silk*. Satin*, Gloves, Mitts, Crapes, Embroideries, and ersry description of geota, ? nltable for BiUliaera aad fancy storekeepers. ParTsols^the subscriber- offbrs for sale tho ritAest atyln* of tho lately Introduced Pagoda-top linol Parasola, and would nail tho attention of tbo trade to the?amc.a? tkrj era uno<inallod for riehness, being ens yesed of tho mne*. costly silks, aad pearl nnd laory iBft* Alio, rariut- otfce* atjrloa. A. BOHMR, 12 Cada* Itroo4. MEW PTOUCATIOW. ~ SPIRITUAL TEtKfJRAPH.? THIS PA I' UK, DEVOTED tn a full presentation of spiritual phenomena, will make ltjappoamnoa on Saturday, Mar Hth. It will bo a be at, tlr "if ef the Herald, aad lasued weekly, at $1 90 per ansa?. All i'osiaiual''atloB.<< abould be addressed to tbo publisher. CHARLMS PARTRIDGE. 3 Cortlandt strref. IOOK OT T FOR TriK "AMERICAN RAILWAY J Guide" for May. published thia dar. with all tbo spring arranirninenta. Former number* nre or no more aae to tfc? traveller than a laat Tear's "Bank Nota Delator." #e?4 to your otderato C. DINSMORE A CO., PitMlahera, ?! Sprn. e street, N. T._1 NI.W S : MiH S ' - THE' LATEST NEWS 11V TELE rnph, and all other aeurees, in the Herald and a thai dally papers, caa Ire obtained at the up- town New# Hut, 499 Fourth meniie, ornwr Thirty first atreet, ercr* tuorning by ei> o'clock. F renin,- Papers by four o'clock. P. M. All th? M eekly ??d Sunday Paper*, Magaalnee. Periodical*. k?, M eoon a'.< luu' d fioni the preas. Also School and Blank II oka, H ntluK Parer, aud Stationery. Ordera received aa Moie, for ail thi dally pepora ; and attended to by tbo r? Ktilsr carrier ol eai h paper. PUBLISHED THIS MORNINO? "CRIMR8 OP TBS Ilonfe ef Aurtria apatnat Mankind," collected frean accredited hii'srv. and edited by ElltabatU P. 1'eabody. Price ifty Mate. PuMI-bed for the benefit of the Hnagnrina Rl DOLPli CARRIGIR. Na. 2 Barclay ttrtfb, AfUt ?onae. NkW MEDH AI BOOK8r~A~PRACTICAL WORE OH tho Natnre an>l Traatuant of Diaeai e of 'he I'tinarw OTi<asa; l y M. BoatwiiV. M.D., practl'ing ph) n.-ian and anr aeon, and lectnrar on theae complaints. PtWe redneedi* ii WW? eolored j latca. F.xtraet from the lloatun Median! r.ud Snrgieal Journal:? "It may be raid fvarleaaly, to b? e-jual to Aeton'a or lllrord'a aioat work on tho aama fanilf of diaraaea, and fur m) t rior to anything of the kind brfm Buhlinhed la this conntry." Author of n work on Saerak % lee aud their terrihlo ennieqnencea. Thia la, wlthank doiilt, tie moat trnthful at>d Important book on IM* rak jevt e>er pnblVfh' d. Prl -e $1. Author of a book on Nntn* Deetli, Illet. : ra . a 11 _/ Phyaieian: Cnnaa of tjua?k?Ty. kc. ke. |>f talt jt ? ? of tba Autb. r.SH Un a??ny.