Newspaper Page Text
'are tl Chimp^ii?! A lev! Porta rl The . )t stock of the above articles, and of tho beat grade*, in found at WW. II. UNDEKBIIX'S. 4H> Broome street, ?r of Crosby street. A genuine go>>4 St. Jalien Claret, I fiO per do. m. bottles raturucd. Sola importer e< the pie Brand Champagne. ore FVaud*_ Dully nome attempt la made i*t upon the public fame mineral poiaon, a* abed-bog roach banc. Really, the Board of Health ought) to Iook and order that all auch pernicious atufT bo labelled i?on." LYON'S Maguotio I'owder, coaaiating entirely geublc products, will kill a million oT insects, where the liated nottruma won't kill a do*en, and may be eaten impunity even by a child. Princii>Al dflp'jt, 4-( Broad 1'rice reduced 10 'Si tents pop cinistur. air Djr?^B?tchelor'i celebrated Liquid Dye ia the beat yet discovered for coloring the hair or kera, the moment it ia applied. The wonderful ea<e and inly with which tbia favorite and old established Hair K 'forms ia astonishing. It ia for sale, or applied, at IELOH S Wig Factor/, No. i Wall street. Copy the en. lie Heat Hair Dye!? Ballard'a, the best In maruot for sale, warranted, and demonstrated at No. roadway. Thin ia the only artiole madu in tiio city of York that has roceivedthe highest premiums for the .three yeara of the American Ioatitnlc, New York. I Ballard'* genuiue Chemical II air Grower. lurand'i Llqald Hair Dye, la, without 'ition of reservation, the very beat ever Invented; eqnal ubrated is GOUItAUD'S Medicated Soap, for euring Ilea, freckle*, aallowness. chaps, roughness, Hi a. IVidre tile uproot* hair from any part of the body. Liuntd >e, Lily White, and Hair Clots, at 07 Walker street, Broadway. Igt and Toupeca? Bntehelor'a new atyle ga arc pronounced the most porfect imitation of nature ?vented. Thoae wanting a very superior article should t BATCIIELOR'S celebrated Wig Factory, No. 4 Wall t, where can be loundthe largest aud bust assortment ? eit j. Copy the address. Ileatb, Anrlat and Ocullat, .181 Broad in consequence of his inability to atteud to the numo calla for the treatment of thu ear and eye, has this ssociatcd with him Dr. II. P. Dillcrback, tho eminent tlmlc Surgeon, who will heroafter devote himself ex Vely to the eye. Ilia brilliant operations and success* eatinent of tliia organ, ia the only ground upon which ?a copartnership could lmve becu effected, 1 the Den f? I depose that Dr. Heath, kt and Oculist, of 262 lire ad way, cured mo of doafnass Uslreasini? ringing, buzzing noises in my head, of throe , duration, Patrick Herrick, tit) Orange street. Swum ?c mo, April 1,18.12. Ira Floyd, Commissioner of Dacds. ? I>r. HEATH has removed to 531 Broadway, Prove all Thing*, Hold fast that which jod." ? Itogle's Electric Hair Dye is now on the increase | bliu estimation, and towers far above anything of a nr nature ever invented. All those who havo been the Hair Dyea heretofore invented, are perfectly as hed at ita minifold virtues, and it is now hailed with it at the toilet of beauty, taste, and fa>hion. This, Boyle's celebrated Hyperion Fluid, sold wholesale and by A. B. & D. Sands, 100 Fulton street; llushton, Clark ,,271', and Rice & Smith, 722 Broadway; Win. II. Cary L, 245 l'carl street, and by the druggists aud perfumers sghout the world. >ad, mark, learn, and be convinced that i's Kahvenc will effectually restore gray hair tu its lal color, without the aid of dyeing substaneos, by a ind philosophical method, This preparation it simple application, subjects the individual to no in'oiiveni and will cortainly and thoroughly accomplish the de object. Price. 50 cents per bottle. Principal offico re d to :i0ii Grand street, corner uf Allen jtrcet; and sold ng. 192 Broadway; Cook & Co., 270 Washington street; >p, 362 Uadson street; Lyon, 111 Houston street. eth?A Rare Opportunity for those ire desirous of procuring paaiiuior entire sotiof teeth, w ho chooso to trust their ow n sight to that of the in tcd friends of dentists,) is now oflurod at I. .1. O'BRI rooms, 165 (Irand street, uear Broadway, i can be seen for three days, an entire set of tucth just ed, pronounced by all who have examined them, tho elegant, substantial and perfect, they ever beheld. Wednesday, all who wish, can sec them by calling as 1 p, as he is privileged to refer his friends aud others to , [crson for *r 'horn thoy are designed. Price $150. att.'a Nervous Antidote Ik given out upon to be paid for only if found beneficial- The faot ia, if is a nerve leading to tho parts affected, recovery is iu, for it ma?niti/.es the nerve to action, ensuring suc J. PYNE, 1" Ann street, or 424 Urucnwlch street, dvise every one in consumption to try one bottle on the terms. KRTISEMENTS RENEWED EVERY DAY. SEE SECOND AND Till HD PAGES." ??* POST OFFICES NOTICES. 1ST OFFICE, KBW YOHK? .NOTICE? THE XA1LS fur California, icc , Tin Nary Bay, direct, per United 1 pinait steamship Crcscont City, wilt close at thin office, ednesday, May ith, at 1 r. M. W. V. BRADY, P M. TJIET URF |N I Kit V 1 I.LE COURSE. LONG ISLAND ? TROT tinj$.? Friday, llay 7, at 3 o'clock. ? Purse and swcep b, $AH), M ilo heats; liebt throe in live, in harness. S. MMMHtt'l ! . is. Lady Brooks: I'. J. Nodine's b. Uoorgo I; G. Spi blk. g. Goliah; II. W oodrutl 'a pp. ra. Lidy '? Otuuibuscs lvave Fulton t'errr, Brooklyn, at ? ck P. M. JOEL CONE.MN, Proprietor. SOCIETY MEETINGS. >TICE? THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE "CLAY Festival Association" will lie lield at the City Hotel, Isr of .Broad r ny and Howard struct, on Friday evenlug L (thimi , at S o'clock. for the purpose of electing Irs for the ensuing yeur, and the transaction of other lies?. Member* are reoueitcd to lie punctual in attmd NATHANIEL G. BRADFORD, President. , Far do*, Secretary. I I'HOLSTERERS? ANOTHER GRAND RALLY.? The regular monthly uic' ting will be held at the eoruer roome and Mutt streets, on H'tdattdiy evenin-', May it 8 o'clock, to take into consideration the utility of | ting pioee-work. All Upholstcreri, whether memocrs it, are particularly requested to attend. By order, _ * _ WM. CUFF, I'rasident^ 1>TT CENTRAL COMMITTEE? A REGULAR MEET ng oi' this committee will be hold at the Florence llotel, Iejcy's,) corncr of Broadway and Walker street, on thi 1 nesdav cvcninc, May Bth, at H o'ulook. By order of ROBERT T. HAW."f, Chairman. ? ??I.IAH I..5IUR1 LOW,) uri s. fou .1 W11.1.1 tvso.v, < Secretaries. >TICE. ? TIIE MEMBERS OF T1IE EXECUTIVE Committees <d' the uroral Chapters of the Order of Icd American', are requested to meet in convention, on nesday cvenin.', the 'ah instant, at 8 o'clock, at Aiiu;'i rlall, corner of Br >adway and Graud itreet. JOHN R. LYDEKKEE, See. of ihc 0. K. C. PUBLIC LECTURES. SPECIAL NOTICES. f)M A N I. M AND REl'l HLIC A MSM INCOMPATI ide? By tho orgeat request of many eltlana, RaT.Hr. Lh will repent, for the bcuelit of the "Jasper Library ? iatiou," l is lecture in review of llhhop II uglies" to Cliaptir in the nistory of the United states,'' in the dway Tabernacle, on Friday cveninu:, May 7. com eing at a quarter before el?ht o'clock. Tickets, 12'3 s ? can he obtained of the inoniberB of the Association, lot the door, in the u euing. F. C. WAGNER, Secretary. HoTICE TO TAXPAYER?.? THE ASSESSMENT ROLLS of the ?cv oral wards of this city will ho open for iu tior and review at the olflce of the Tux Commissioners. 7 New <"ity Hull, from the 20th of May to the 2ith of , and all citizens interested are requested to call and line U10 same, between the hours of U and I o'clock. All if? neglecting, unless by reason of ubscuoe from the city, kne-'t, during the entire period above laoutioned, will he entitled to -?lkf on subsequent application to the rvisers of Common Conncil. JONATHAN W.ALLEN,) T._ .1011 N DE LA MATER, >r _?T * GEO. H. PURSER, " "* " A MEETING HELD AT THR M St) II AN ICS' EX ebenge, by the Mu tter Builders, May 4*1 , it iras unnui sly resolved that nine shillings per day be considered present waces for the laborers nirl that another meet bo held at the same place, ou Wednesday, Slay 5th, at o'clock in the afti rnoon. YOUNG LADY WHO CAMK OFF THE STON1NG tou steamboat, yesterday morning, and came in a e pretty aeu Orange street, where the driver took oft" chest, and rcfnseil ^oing any farther. She being a strau J nm! net knowing what wa In t t. do, a storekeeper ?n }il h*r to leave it in his store until she should make out [friend*. She did rot take the name of the streot, or of the house, therefore, she raqnest tbat the stor< kiir nill forward a lino to S'J Orango street, and stie Taillititly recompense him lor his Undue.*, Vc, ' ' HANNA KEAYEY. IBOI'T TEX OR ELEVEN DATS AGO, THERE WAS a blH.k Sulky left ob tho premises of Patriek Martin, heritf street. 'Hie owner if required to call and pay the iic, ami take the property away, or it will be sold to lor (lie advertisement. IrEDICAL GENTLEMAN* OF EXPERIENCE. WHO is pro. reding to Europe, would be happy to givs his pro isnai 1 ire and superintendon' 0 to any invalid who may milling in pnrn it of health. Fcr reference and furthir ti?ularB, address O., prepaid, bo\ ?Vs Post Oflice. Rational academy of design.? the twenty ?? venth * na:ial exhibitiou of the Academy is now opon . lr fMlery, 'Wi Broadway, from !? A. M. until 10 P. M. 1 ailutMiwi, 25 cents: soason ticket", iifty cents. Cata I> . -i cents. Bv order of the ('oen'-il, J. U. SOEGOGl/E, Cor. Sec y N. A. ko AMATEUR It ITERS. ? A HANDSOME SILVER medal, with an appropriate inscription, will l>? pre .od for tha best local Yankee Story, delivered nn or be the loth of June, with name a id ri U lenee or authoron ?od. Direct, po<t paid, W. II. lh"<, "'.J Bleecker street. OTIf E.-TIIE OFFICE OF Till BELGIAN CON8U late-General is establi-b d, from this date, attil Pearl tet, near Broad street. New York, May Ci, l?'i2. INSTRUCTION. flsTHIV 1 ION*.? A LADY LONG ACCUSTOMED TO luitiea, dasires an su^ajemont a- daily Teaoher in a o< 1 ?r private family. Sne instructs in in'isi", French, I Herman, beeidei trio usual routine of an English edusa I. Reff reners Ri< en. Addre.-s "May," csj'o of Mesrr*. 11 1 in ' r K Rogers, 42.Nassan street. [ ESSRS. RICIIARD k MOIJTON'9 BOARD1NH A V l> J Hay S hool, I.KI Twenty Hi-. ? ? treet, b< tw 'en Seventh SI fc/lit 1 in ? nn". Mornin : and e\ eniu, elasse s in I'rcneli, rman, Spanish, and English, (Gyanastios, be.), is Just ily to acec| t scholars by the year, or by the quarter. For tn* er ? rcuiars, pleas' apply a abovo, or at ll'i Cham 1 street. ___________ lENMANSIIIP.-fiOLDSMITII'S WRITING ACADEMY, I2M Uroaslway. first tamer above the Irving. Class days Momlsye, Wednesdays, and Frllajs. Ladios at II A. M. 'I II'. M. Gentlemou at !? A. M , and .'1 Hnd 7,'a' M. rms lor Cla Private instvuotion, SW, inoluding itionery, In advance. COPAATNKUHinP NOTICES. ktSBOT 1 HON OF COPART NERSIIIP.- THE 17NDER signed, William Chase Barney and A, H. Pi ido, h.tvo idaw Hi-p.ilved copartnership, by mntuiil cms :nt. U il 1 Cbaie Barney <s ftillv a<ithnri?.od fo settle tiie aB'iurs of "?I|>a rt ,-ershin. A c iv kork, April Iti. I rx'i'J ^ned, WM. i'IIASE BARNEY, A. II. I'll I DK. klS80l,UT?ffW OK CO PARTNBRUIIP.-TKK CO I ? parto. rsbip " loft - s ( Isidwtlii 1. nf It ?' rr, rt u' V "" l'"' ? > n iti"?l . oi.,o?t. /RlMUVMH IT.I.'tV, G ?'?/?? E TERRV. Wim. ANTKD-A SITUATION. BY A YOUNG WOMAN, to 4o general honaewc rk. Can bo ini where she ia >t pretest employed, for two day*, at 233 Madison street. Wanted- a young lady as an assistant in a Juvenile school, a short distance from the city. The lucatUn ia healthy, and easy of aocess. One who nader stands inuslo ia required. Apply to Mrs. Cooley. 112 Eighth avenue, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, between the hours of 8 and 10 o'ulovk, A. II . WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOCNG WOMAN, a situation us Nurse and to do plain sowing, or as Chambermaid nnl to assist in washing and irouing. Satis fy lory city reference can be given. Please call at No. 118 Washington atreet, in the (tore. Can bo teen for throe day* WANTED? BY \ RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation as good Cook, Washer and Ironer, or to do general boa*ew<>rk, in a unall private family. The beat of city reference given May be seen for two daya. Please eall at No. 2Gfi >ix*.oenth atn et, corner of First avenue. WANTED- A S ' TUATION AS COOK, AND TO WASH and iron, iii a private family, by a very experienced middle-aged woman, with good city reference. Call at 121 Sixteenth avenue, in tho store. WANTED-BY A NEAT AND STEADY GIRL, A place to do washing and neat ironing, or to do Ittc housework of a small private family. Good eity rut'ereno >a ean to civen. Call at 51 Spring street, fourth floor, front room, No. 21, for two days. WANTED? BY A COMPETENT WOMAN, A SITU ation to tako the entire charge of an infant ? one wlio perlectly understands it, and can produce the best of citv rnmiM ns to character and tUlMUtT. Pleaso in quire at No. H>2 Broadway, corner of Fourteenth street. Will be punctually attended to, WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN a situation to do general housework, in a small pri vate family; alio is an excellent washer and ironer, a good plain cook, and can sliuw the belt of city reference from her last place, l'leaso call at No. 5 Bedford street, in the milk, ?tore. Can be seen for two days. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, who ia a good chambermaid, and an rx:ellent washer and ironer; would have no objoctioa to do the cooking of a small family. No objection to go a short distance in the country with a family. The best of city referent cs given where she has lived four years. Cm bo seen for two days. Please call at 31!) Houston street. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE Scotch f-irl, to do chainborworU or waiting. Please cull at 54 Pitt street, front basement. Can be scon for two days, if not enj-aged. WANTED ? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, to do chambcrwork, fine washing, and iron iii'.?, or as Child's Nurse and Soamstross. No abjec tion to the Muter. Good city roforeuce. Apply at 252 Rivington street. Can be sceu for two days. WANTED? BY A SMART GIRL, A SITUATION TO do chaniberwork and plaiu sewing, or would take caro of children. City reference given. Can be soon for throe days, at 229 Twenty-filth strcat, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, MM k basement. WANTED? A WOMAN WHO IS COMPETENT IN taking care of children, and as nuvc and to do chain - berwork. Apply at No. 20<i Jay street, Brooklyn. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT young girl, fifteen years ol age, a situation to tako care of children, and to assist in' up stairs work. Beat of city reference given, if required. Please call at No. 158 West Sixteenth street, in tho store. Can be seen for two day.-. WANTED? SITUATIONS, BY TWO RESPSC'i ABLE Protestant girls; one as Cook, Washer, ami Ironer, in a private family; tho .other to do chantbcrwiirk, or as Nurse or Waiter. No objections to go a short time to tlx) country, Beat of city reference can be given. Please oall at ><1 West Nineteenth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, front basement. Can bo seen for two day.1'. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young girl, as Seamstress, and to take care of child ren; has no objection to assist in waiting. The best of re ference givon. Please call at .'120 First avenue, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth strcots, third floor. WANTED-A NURSE AND SEAMSTRESS; ONE w ho thoroughly understands the caro of children. An American preferred. Apply at 52 Dawning street. WANTED? SITUATIONS BY TWO RESPECTABLE young women, one as Cook, and to assist In the wash ing and ironing; understands the rare of a dairy. Has no objection to go a short distance in the country. Good re ference from her last place. The other as Nurae; under stands plain sew ing, and is capable of taking care of young children, or to assist in the washing and ironing. Good city reference given. Please call at No. !SU Thirteenth street, in the rear. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation as Chambermaid or to take care of chil dren, or do plain sewing, assist in washing and ironing; has no objection to go in the country. The nest of references given. Apply at 241 Mulberry street, for t? o days. WANTED-.Y SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as Nurse and Seamstress, or as Cham bermaid un'l Seamstress, or to travel with or wait on a lady. No objection to go to California or Europe. Tho host of city reference can bo given. Please call at 13 Henry street, back room, first floor. Can be seen for three days. ftrAXTED? A SITUATION, nv RESPECTABLE ff girl, as Chambermaid and Lanndreia, or to do general housework. Apply at 120 Nineteenth street, hetweon Sixth and Seventh avenues, bccoud floor. Can bo seen for two days. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT girl, a situation as Nurso and to do plaiu sowing. Please inquire at 1!)U West Ninth street. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a fltuati'in to dn general housework, 'flic best of city reference given. Please call at No. 211 Mott struct, on the second floor. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A BESPECTABLE IT young woman, as W aiter or Chambermaid. Tho best of city reference given from her last piaeo. Please call nt No. 21.'; First a vi line, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Can bo seeu for two days. WANTED? SITUATIONS, BY TWO RESPECTABLE yonng -iris ? one to csok, wash, and iron: the other as Cham tier ill aid and Waiter, anil to assist in the washing and ironing. Can be seen for three days, ut 1 tti Columbia street, South Brooklyn. WANTED? BV A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN1, a situation a- Chambermaid and Waiter; would assi.-it i n the washing end ironiug. The best of city rcfcrcnoe from lior last place. Please call at 77,'a Jlrooinc street. WANTED? A SITI ATION, BY A RESPECTABLE sirl, to do Koitrtl housework, in a rospeetahl<> family. Cnn live good city refcronees from her last place. Cm ?? ?'tn tor tuo 'lays. Call at ? 1 j Jay street. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECT ABLE yom-g vumnii, in a private family, an Nurse, Seam stress. or chambermaid. Can bo seen for two day s, at No. :'l Whitehall itrc'-t. WANTED? A SITUATION TO DO CKUCBBRWORK and w.iiting, by a Protestant young girl, who li aM the bes-t of city rcfcrcncei. Apply at No. 'Jg Deiibrosses stroct, M ... Md floor. WANTED? A SITUATION, DV A MIDDLE-AGED wsraan, as Cook ? one who thoroughly understands her business in ail its branches. lias had experience for I year*. Hi nil MM fill reooiutueuded. Can be icen ivr'two days, at ill Wtlt Broadway yb< I, WAMI D-BY A RESPECTABLE HUMAN, A SITU tt atiun as Chambermaid and to do washi.ig, or a* Lann dres?. ftlio ran be cn for two days at her last plac-i, No. X7 Third an-noe, Nitwecn Tweaty-lifth and streets. i TITAN TED- A SITUATION, DY A RESPECTABLE ?T young noman, as Chamberm;H, or to do the gone i ral housework of a mall fatu'.i.-. <J .od city reference ? given. Inquire tn the grocery aim , ISS Twelfth etrcat. WAITED? BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT young uirl, a situation in a <01811 private family, as Cham) crrnald, or to take eare of ehildron ; is a neat newer. No objee tlons to go a abort distance in the country. Can be seen for two days. Apply at I'M First avenue. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT youni; woman, a situation as Waiter or Chamber maid, or to take care of children. Has good city reference. Can be seen for two days. Apply at '.K? Eleventh street, be iwrcen First and Second avenues. WANTED? BY A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED young woman, a situation as Cook, Washer anil Ironer, or as Chambermaid aud to assist in the washing and ironing; the latter preferred. Can produce tlio best city reference*. Can be Men at herrreseut employer's rosidcnce. No. 4 Witt Eleventh street. WANTED? BT A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL, A hitonti'.n to do sewing and up otairs work, and take care of children. The best of oity reference. Can be seen for two days. Please call at No. 13 Perry street, in the rear, first Moor. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOM AN, n situation as Cook or Laundress. Good city refer ence can he given. Please call at 222, corner of Twelfth litre' t and Tenth avenue. Can l.e seen until suited. \\T ANTED ? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE TT young wimin: is a first rate cook, washer and ironer. The best of city references elvcn. I'lea?e call at SOS Atlan tic street, Brooklyn. Can be seen two days. WANTED? A SITUATION. BY A YOUNG WOMAN, to do the general hoirsework of a genteel family; she is a good plain cook, and an excellent washer and ironer. Can t>r< duoe respectable city reference, and can be seen for two days, at IHVariek street, bclwcon Spring and Vaudam streets, second floor, back room. "IMT ANTED ? BY A RESPECTABLE VOI Ni: WOMAN, f? a -it nation ns Nurse anil Seamstress, or as Chambor >ii aid and Laundress. Can furnish the best of city reference. Please apply at No. JI70 llroadway. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNC WOMAN, A situation as good plain Cook, and good Washer and Ironer, or to do the general housework el a small private family, Has good city reference. Can be seen for two days, at No. 8 geooad ?twt. WA N T ED? A SITUATION. BT A RESPECTABLE woman, as < u ok in a pvivato famMy, I(a* no objection to go a little wnys ill the country. Ha* the best of eitsr reference. Can be icon for two days, at No. 3t?.'> Twelfth street, in the basement. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation as good Cook: is willing to assist in washing and ironing; understands all kinds orbakingand pastrj . The heft of city reference given from hcrlast situation. May hu seen for two day*. Please call at 6 7?lj, Atlantic str?ei, Snnth Brooklyn. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABI E young woman, a< Chambermaid, or to do genu nl housework i ia small priiate family; or as Child's Nurue, or to do plain sewing, ijood city references. Please call at Mi Nineteenth street, rear house, third story. Cau be seen for two days. MIT" AN TED? A SITUATION, BY A HESPECTA BLE ft young vi 'man, to do chamber vxth or waiting, or to take eare of children. Good city references. Noohje tion to go in the country, or travel with a lady. Please kill at Col Fourth street. Can be seen lor two days. Wwtiii-BV v R1SPECTABLE PROTESTANT yeuug woman, a situation ** Chambermaid and to do line writhing and ironing, or as Ln'ilfdross. Tiie best of city reference giv-n. Pli^i-i) sail at at Twenty-eighth street, between Ninth and Tenth avenues. Can be 6cen for two days. WAN I ED? BY A RESPECT \BI,E YOUNC WOMAN, a situation as plain Cook. Washer and Ironer, or to do gcncrnl housework, or ehamberwork and take care of children. No nhjeotion to go in the c nnti'y. The best of city referen n given. Pln?s? call ?t No. 2J-- I iiirt. nth street, between first avenue and Arcane A. May be icon lor two tin j a. \|'*\TED BY A Hl> PI M A BLE I'ltO J"| '?> T \ V F ?i irl, a sitnal im m Vur-s or Chsmhermn. 1 and to d > pl .n Ing. Please eall at No. .1 Domitiiek street, fjr two d iy?. 11, <vrt.:i> BY 1 Rt> <'!'?. TABLE I'ROTHTAVT ff ; n.i?g , i '"v u to do general ho.i ^wor'. ; i- a fv ?! * r end \t i a . gi*o good .. ity r;: r a-.i-. < so i ?? .f.,)i t->f loo ilsy, j. t a. i' -nr'.h ryc'--.f. w WANTED- HV A YOI/NG AMERICAN WOMAN. A situation to wait on ft family or l?4y going to Cftli foruift. No objection to pfty part of hor own pa??a*a. Apply at No. 22 Sullivan atroot, third lour, front room, or <iroot a lino, ?s above, to " Howard." WANTED? SITUATIONS BY TWO RESPECTABLE ? Protectant girls. one, ft* .S??m?tr-aa ; U w?ll ftequain', od with cutting and fitting dresses. The other aa Chamber maid and to ?o plain tewing, or taking ears of chiidroa. Please call at '/.7 UraJ way, on the third floor. ANTED-ny A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a aitnatinn to do ehamberwurk and take care of chil dren, or an Waiter. Please apply at tier last plftcs, No. 108 Twcuty-third street, near the Eighth avenue, for throe dayx, If not engaged. WANTED? BY A RFSPEt TABLE YOUNG WOMAN, with a frosh breast of milk, a aituatiou as Nurae. Can be ?oen for three 'aya. Apply at 109 Wo istor street. WHANTED-A laundress, a good washer, 1 roner and elear Btftreber. The bett of reooinmeatia tiun as to character and capacity None but English or Scutch ProtcitftntJ need apply. Call at 10 o'eloe k at 110 Tilth aveuue, WANTED-BY a RESPECTABLE PROTECTANT w oman, -i - imm iun ftf Child'* Nurse, or would tako tin: charge of a nursery, flood eity reference given. Call at 1 IM Spring street, near Wo? toy street. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young vomnn, to cook, wash and iron, in a mivate Tainily, or tu do ehamborwork, Best of eity reference MM be given. Can be seen for two days, at 12 f'riuee street, up stairs, Drat floor, front room. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as Chambermaid, or Waiter and to assint in wasliing, in a private family. Has the Imst of city reference from her last place. May be socn at (S0.:a Univer sity place. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE girl; elmniberwork preferr?d; lived ton months in hor lastplaco. Please call at 293 1 irst avenuo, in the bakery. City reference given. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE yonng woman, to do general housework; is a good cook, washer, and ifner. Can give good city reference from her last place. Can be seen fur t .o days, at iVJ Mulberry st. ANTED? A FRENCH WOMAN. AS SEAMSTRESS; one who understands mftn'*u? making would be pro lerred. Apply at No. Ill W .i.crljy place. W^HANTED? by a respectable cirl, a situa tion an Cook in a private 'a-ully, or to do general housework. Can be seen for two days, at 41 Catherine street. Inquire in the store. The beat of city reference MM be given. "ANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, . . ft situation as Cook, and to assist in the washing and ironing. Understands baking and pastry, flood city re ference given. No objection* to go a short distance into the conntry. Please call at Mr. Mitchell's grocery Htore, corner of Fifth street and Third ftvenue, or address E. 0., Herald oltice. WANTED? SITUATIONS, BY TWO RESPECTABLE young women, the one as Cook, the other aa Chamber maid or to do housework for ft small family. The best of city reference can bo given. Can bo seen for throo days. Fleare call at No. 117 Eighth street, St. Marks place. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE English woman, to CYok, and to assist iu washing and ironing, flood city reference, if required. Can bo soon until suited. Please call at No. 323 Eighth street, between avenues B and C. WANTED? TWO GIRLS? ONE TO DO THE WASH ing and ironing, and asai-t in chamberwork; the other luust be a good cook, and take full charge of the kitchen. Apply at 106 South Sixth street, Williamsburg. WANTED? A SITUATION, IN A PRIVATE FAMf ly, as Cook, by a rospectablo woman, who perfectly understands her business. The best of city reference. Ap ply at .14 East Fourteenth street, for two days. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE TltOTESTANT yonng girl, a .situation as Soamstress, or Nurse, Cham bermaid or Waiter. No objections to go to the country. The best of city reference given from her last place. Can bo seen for all thoweek, If not engaged, at 214 Twenty-sixth street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A SMART, TIDY young girl, sixteen years of age, to take caro of chil dren, and do light eliauiberwork or waiting, in a private family; is willing to go a short distance in the country. Satiifaetory city roference can bo given. Can be seen at 260 Eleventh street, between Avenues B and C, second floor, front room, for three days. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, us Chambermaid and Soam stress, or would du tine washing and ironing. She is a rate shirt maker. The hot of eity refcrcuce can be given. PlMUM call at No. 18 Thirteenth street, between First uud Second avonttcs. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE yonng woman, as Chambermaid and Waiter, or Chil dren's NurBC and Plain Seamstress, in a genteel family only. Most respcctablo city references as to character and compe tency can bo givcu. l'lease call at 290 Ninth street, near Avenue A. WANT1 D-IIY A YOUNG WOMAN. A SITUATION to cook, wash, ir-n, & c., in a small family. Can give good eity reference. Can be seen at her place, for two days, 1;>9 Dutheld street, near Fulton avenue, Brooklyn. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE rirl, as Cook, Washer and Ironer. H?s lived threo years with the same family, 98 Ninth street, where she can be seen any hour during the day. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, to do general housework, urns plain Cook iu a small family. Can product) the hcH of city re ference from her laat place. Can bo soon for two days, at ?'1L' Sixth avenuu, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation as good Cook, Washer, and Ironer, iu it private fnuiily or boarding-house, and is willing to go a sl.or'% distance in the country. Tho best of city reference. May ho sc n for t'.vo dajd. Please callat No. S lloward Street, in th_ rear. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE Protectant girl, to do housework in asinnll family; has no objection in take rare of children, or do plain sowing Please call at ISli Eighteenth street, between Seventh and Ei ;hth avenues. WAN TED-BY A RESPECTABLE, EDUCATED young woman, a situation as Housekeeper, or to take the charge of children; would he an acquisition in a resec table family. Has no ohjection to go a short distaneo in the country. Can give the host of city rofernnco. Please apply at Si Mott street. Can he seen lor tho week. WANTED? A SITUATION, BV A RESPECTABLE young jrirl, a< .Seamstress: is n good dressmaker. Please call at No. 314 First aveuue, iu the store, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. ANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, with the best of city referenda, ? situation to do chain w her work and waiting, in a small family. A n"to addressed toM. J., ZM) East Ninth street, between First and Second avenues, will be attended to. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE Protestant young woman, to do general housework in a small family; has lived throe years in her last plain, and can give the best of reference. No objection to go to the country. Please to call at L'SI Si\th aveuue, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. WANTED? BY A PROTESTANT YOUNG WOMAN, a situation as Chambermaid, and to do the tin o wash ing and ironing, or plain sewing. Good city reference. Can fcc seen for two days. Pieaso call at No. 'iW Ninth street, between First and Second avenues. WANTED? A SITUATION AS LADY'S COMPANION. ? An.v lady who is in delicate hi alth, and intonding t? travel, either in the States or abroad, can find a respecta ble female to accompany her, whose moral character and in tegrity can bo verified. Apply personally, or by letter, to L. M., IM Bleecker street. WANTED? A SITI ATION, BY AN ACTIVE YOUNG girl, as Cham bermnid and Waiter; or would under take t lie gtincial housework of a small family; can ho well recommended as being a capable and trustworthy person, by the best of city reference. Can bo aoen for two day ', if not previously engaged, at 135 Sixteenth street, between seventh and Eighth avenues. \kT AN TED? AN ENGLISH OR SCOTCH YOUNG WO Tv man who can cook, and wi'h and iron, in the best manner. To a very competent person, with good references, good wages will be given. None other than as above need inquire. Apply to Mrs. J. OSltORV, Clinton avenue, be tween Myrtle and De Kalb avenues, Brooklyn. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A VERY SMART, ami tidy young woman, about lti years of aire, us children*' Maid and Waiter, or as Chambermaid; is willing to make her elf generally useful. Can show the best ot city reference. Call ut. Ij'.l 1 imt a\ enno, corner of Seventeenth street, in the boot und shoo store. WANTED ? BT A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT young woman, a situation, to do rrouCfil housework; is a good washer and ironer; has no objedti u to go a short distance in the country. Can be seen at 120 East Nine teenth street. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL. A SITL'A tinn as Cook, or Chambermaid, or to assist iu wash ing and ironing. lias good city reference. Can be teen for two days, at No. 11 Prince street. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as Chambermaid and Waiter; wonld take care of children if required, in a private family. Can show good city reference. Please call at H7 Marion street. Can be seen for two days, if not suited before. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, A infl ation as Baker, plain Cook, assistant Washer and Ironer, or Washer and Ironer; Is a good pastrycook. I a exceptionable reference given as to eanabilitlo*. l'loaie in qnire at .'13.', Bowery, room to the lelt, second floor, iu tho rear. Can be seen for two days. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation ia a small respectable family, as Cook, Wa?hcr, and Ironer, or to do general housework. She is a professed cook, and can give the best of city references. Ap ply at No. V Prinee street; can be seen for three days. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A FIRST RATE COOK' who can do French and English cooking, llest of city reference given. Can be ncen lor tw o days, at 1H2 Elev enth street, corner of avenue B ; or by tetter, address C. K? simc place. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN. A SITUATION AS Clerk ?r Porter in a st> rc i i an unexceptionable pou inun, and willing to be generally useful. Best of city rafer i . e given. Apply at 1K2 Eleventh street, corner of avenue L. or by letter, to J. R, J. lias uo objection to go to any part of the coun try. WJVNTF.D? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE fonng woman, as Chambermaid, or Nnrse and do plalu sewing; has no objection to go a short distance in the conn try; lest references given. Please callat ?19 Twelfth street, between First and Second avenues. WANTED-BY A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, A SITU alimi as Cook; understands booking and linking per fectly; will assist in tho washing of a small famltv. and ij willing t - " ? ~ rcfe at ! my; win smi iu wiu wiisiiiiik ni a small lamuy. ani is llliiig to co a short distance iu tho country. Be't ol city ferenee n. m her Inst employer's. Apply, for three days, No. 113 ?? ot t Sixt ? nth street. WANTED A SITUATION, BV A RESPECTABLE young Protestant woman, ?s Chambermaid and Waiter,' or to take care of a child. Go, id city rofereuo. Can be seen 'or two days, at I Eighth avenue, between Ew.uth and Ninth streets. WANTED? BY A RESIMVT VBLK YOUNG WOMAN, a situation to do ctumherwork and waiting, or to d.< Lfneral honsework; sho in an excellent washer and ironer; tho best of city references glv on IVum her las'. [ lace. Please apply at Eighth strset; an bo scon until suited. "EIT ANTED? BY TWO RESPECTABLE YOl'NG GIKI.S, W itnations, ona us Chamb rmnid or Walter: and the other t ? no errands ortakn care of children, llnvo n i ob joetlou 1 1 go a short distance in tho eonntrv. Good city reference 'an lm ?iv"n. Please callat i' W Eleventh street, s i nit Door, Ir nit room, letwi en avenues B and C. Can be sicn for tt-ree days. Y17" ANTED? B\' * vol N'rt tt'OMtN, A SITUATION, in a private family, to do eha-nhcrworli. G ?? d -ity referonee. Please call at 3i? Es??* '.tftct, NM ItQMC. N ) ibfectiens to ?' -iftin wfn*:r|r. __ wmwtw. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation to de the general boa *wurk *f a small private family, or M rood pluu Cook, Washer Mtd Iraner, or to do <h*iah?rworli. The b*?t of elty rofanwcM gi??n Can b* ihd for two days. Please apply at No. 21 1 Franklin ?treat. W ANTED- li V A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT woman, a sitoatloa as Chamberui ud, and t<? do tine washing and ir niiiK, or at Seaiu*tr<>.?. The best of city re ference can he giveu, by addressing a note to M. J., 244 Wont Twenty fourth street, or at Mr. Corwin't Grocery store. 839 Broad**/, which will be pminp'ly attended to She has no objection to go into the country. Can be seen fur three days. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, aiituation aiCo?k, Washer and lroner. or at Clmm- ! hvrniaid. The beet of city reference gi\ea. Can be wen for I two days. Please apply n &v> Weit Nineteenth street, I cornrr of Ninth avenue. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOONO WOMAN j a situation, as good Cook, Washor and Irouer, who i perfectly uadtrstaudsher business. Would prefer ehamVor- ! work, An* washing and ir >uing. The bc*t tf city lefcronco eau be ijiven from her list place. Please call at 91 Grcone j street, in the rear, third t'*?r. Wanted? a situation as chambermaid and < Laundress, by a respectable woman. She can give tho best of city referent'* for honesty, iudu?!,ry, sobriety and I capability- Please call at No. l'J East Eleventh atreet, be- j tween Third and Fourth avennei, in the basement. WANTED-A SITUATION, It V A SMART, ACTIVE woman, who in au excellent cook and a good viitsher and ironer. Can give fli olU nt city reference, and i* to l>e j teen for two days at her present situatieu, 22 Clinton pla n , j WANTED-11Y A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT young woman, a situation at Chaiub rinald and Waiter; h*? lived six year* in her lart pla>'e; oau be teen for . two days. Picas* call at No. 88 r.i;htecu?b street, between i Sixth and So?cuth avennei. I WAN TIB? A SITUATION, IIY A RESPECTABLE young woman, to do ehamberwork and plain sowing in | a private family, or would do the liouxework of a email fa mi'y; iiho has lived four years in her lent place, and would I have no objection? t?> go a short distance in the oountrj. f?m call at 7.1 Thirteenth street, near the Sm:.h avenue, WAN TED-BY A RESPE< TABLE PROTESTANT young woman, a situation as Waiter, and to assist in washing *nd ironing, < r as Chambermaid and to do plain sewing; has no objeotious to go a short distance in the coun try. Has good reference. Please call at 1!?7 West Nine- I tcenth street. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, A SITUA tion as Chambermaid, line Washer and lroner, with good city reference; or to do goneral housework. Can be seen for two days, at No. I fil Twenty-seventh street, between First and Second avenues. Wanted? by a respectable yocng woman. a situation to do general housework, in a laall family, er ehamberwork, and tine washing and ironing. Best of city reference. Can be seen for two days, if not engaged, at :J4I Third avenue, between Twenty-lifth and Twenty-sixth streets. WANTED-A situation, by a respectable young girl, fourteen years of age, to take care of children, or us W aiter in a nice family. Wa?e? no ebjact, but profers a good home. Is a smart, tidy girl. l*loa?e call at No. 269 Thirteenth stret t, in the rear, near a\ enne A. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO GIRL. A situation as Chamlie -matd or Waiter, and to assist in washing and ironing. giv* tho best of oity reference trim her lait place. Please call at 33-'l Eighth street, be tween avenues Band up stairs. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GERMAN girl) a situation to do general housework; is a good plain Cook, Washer and lroner. lla? good city reference. Can be seen till engaged, at 70 Montgomery street, corner of Water street. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, asNnrso and Seamstress, can cut and tit children's clothes. lias no objection to go as Chambermaid or Waiter, or to go in the country. Good references can be given where she has lived the last two years. In>iuir at 121 Sixth ave nue, in the Corset store. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT young woman, a situation as chambermaid or Waiter, or to take enre of children, and do plain sewing, in a re spectable private family, lias the l> st of city reference front her last place, l'leuse call at 118 Amity struct, in the rear. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOM AN, a situation as Cook. Washer and lroner, in a private family, liood reference given. Can be seen for two day ?. PI. ate call at 44 Prince street, opposite the church, up stairs. WANTED-BY A WIDOW LADY, WITHOUT CHIL dren, an apartment, unfurnished, (Iron: eliaiaber pre ferred,) without board, in some private, respectably family, in the upper part of tho city, north side. References given and required. Address, or apply to 8. Noyes, No. I South street, up stairs. WA NTK D-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as tirst class Cook, in a hotel or dining saloon ; has no objection to a private ? oarding house. U t of roferenco given from her last plaeo. May lo eeeu at Elizabeth street, up stairs. WANTED-A SITUATION, in 1 HESPr.f TABLE young woman, as Seamstress ai:d Dp -maker, in :t private family : uo objection to do light cl.auiberwork. Best of city reference can lie given from her last place. Can bo seen for two days. Please call at "SI I'rinco street. w ANTED? A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG GIRT/, TO do chamhorwork nnd tiluiu boh inc. Can bo B'-on n.t 2lti avenue B, between Tliii tceutli nnd Fourteenth streets, line no o^lction to , o to the country. WANTED? SITUATIONS, BY TWO YOUNG wo men ? onr as good Cook, rt'?- her ami Irouer ; tlio other an Chambermaid and Nurto. No objection* to go n short distance in the country. C.i.t bo eccn from 10 till I o'clock, at 74 East Twenty-fourth struct, third floor, back room. "Mr ANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A 8ITII m ntion ns Nurse; would tnke euro of ehfldron or kn infant; in a good plain sewer, and v. ould make herself gene rally useful. Has lived twelve years in her last situation, can give city reference, if required. Has no objection to tlie country: is a widow, and his no encumbrance. Can bo secu for two or thrco days, at 1)8 Thouip-on street, first floor, bai'k room. WANTED? A s i 'I CATION AS Nurse, BY A MOST rexpeeti'.blo I'ri tc.stant woman; sho is fully compe tent to take charge it i n infant from its birth; Is a neat sewer. The best o'' oltv re erence can be given from her last situation. Has no objet tion to go to the country j and will be found obliging i i any lady's or gentleiuan'>< establishment where she may have t: e honor to servo, ("an bu seen fur tw o days, If not en rasrt d, at 07 Great Jours street. WANTF.n? A SITUATION, BY A 1IIGHI.Y pectahle w oman, who lias had long experience in thin cutir.try, as Norse and Seamstress; would do line washing and ironing; understands the cam of ?hildr< n perfectly, for which the bc't of reference will bo given. Apply at 2&J Btwery. WANTED? SITUATIONS, II Y TWO RESPECTABLE Scotch women? one as Cook; the other to do clinm bcrwork and plain sewing, or washing and ir.min/. The best of city references given. Can be seen for two days, at 419 Greenwich street. WANTFD? BY A PROTESTANT GIRL, A SITUATION as Chambermaid or Waiter, or to take care of chil dren and do plain sewing. Has the best of city refereneo from her last place, where she has heon two years. Call at 195 Twelfth street, corner of avenue B. "117" ANTED ? \\ ExftRIKNCLD FRENCH WOMAN TT as Nurse and Seamstress must be capable of taking charge of young c hildren. One who can i-oine well recom mended may apply, at 1H5 Fifth av nue. WANTED IMMEDIATELY- FIVE OR SIX YOUNG Indies, thoroughly experienced saleswomen, at tlie new French Straw Hat Depot. 311 Broadway, rem ived from 351. Apply to Win. Altkins, this day and to-morrow. WANTED? A SITUATION It V A KEM'ECTAUI.K young girl, as Chambermaid and Waiter; ono who w i-hes to make herri'lf n-efnl in the family with whom sho lives. The best of city references given from her last place, lias no|objection to go in the country during the summer months. Apply at 114 Nineteenth-street, near the Eighth nveune, leeona floor, in the rear. Can l,? taen fur two day (i. [TASTED? A SITUATION, BY \ YOUNG WOMAN, f *s Chambermaid or plain Seum-tress. Has no objec tions to city or country. Best city refereneo given. PUtse all at 346 Greenwich street, room No.ti. Can be scon for two days. WA N T E 1)? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECT ABLB American girl, as Chambermaid, Waiter, or Nurse. The best of city reference can he given. Apply at til Grceu wieh street. _____ ANTED? A SITUATION AS COOK, WASHER AND ! Iron^r, or l.aundrc*s, by a respectable middl" a,",e 1 woman, who perfectly understands fu r business. Also', a situation as Cnaml urniaid, or Children's Nurre, by a tidy aud experienced young woman. Hav 9 the best of city rence for integrity aid capability, l'lcase apply at lOTlLHry street, Brooklyn. WANTED? BY a RESI'Kctabi.e PROTESTANT I girl, a situation as Chambermaid, and to do good ! rlain sewing, or she would assist in washing and ironing, or j would take rare of children. Has no objections to go in the country. Good reference from her last pljte. Please call at 39 Spring stroet. Can be seen for two days. WET NURSE SITUATION WANTED? BY A RE spectaMe yoting woman, whose bal.y is throe months old; the most satisfactory reference* giveu. Aoply at No. 7 Franklin stroet, first floor. w w WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE MAN, A SITPA tion *s Coachman. Uas had several years experience In the caro of horses. Can glvo the most unexceptionable references. Address "Livery," Herald otbee. WANTED-A CLERK, IN A PLUMBING EST A II lishnent; one acquainted with the bu iness preferred. Apply at 827 Broadway, from 2 to 4 P. M., this day. ANTED-A STEWARD FOR THE OfFICERS' B ' ef the U. S. brig 1'erry. Apply en board. ANTED?A SITUATION AS COACHMAN AND w w Gardener, by a person who peri'c . tly understands 1 is business. Can produce the moat satlsf-istory testimonials as to character and ability, from hi i la.'t employer. A note addressed "Coachman," Herald ofli'-e, or personal appllea- I tion at.Y> Hamilton street, near Catharine strcst, will , be promptly attended to. ______________ I WANTED-TO CO A SHORT DISTANCE IN THE country, a man and his wifo; tie man as coachman I and grouin, sud his wife as cook. They must thoroughly nuderstand their business, and come well reoomiuended. Apply to John Anderson, No. 100 Broadway, corner of I'lue UT" AN TED? A SITUATION AS BARKEEPER, BY A ? v respectable young utan of stead* habits. who perfectly uaderstands his business ; Is of very clean habits. Ila,1 no objection to town or country, or wool I gi South. Ad-.lre- s I>. E. K.. Herald ofliee; or a note directed to Rrookly.i Poit Office will be duly attended to until enraged. WANTED? A FRENCH OR GERMAN COOK? MUST understand her business thoroughly in all Its branches, aud bring most unexceptionable references a- to character audibility. No Irish need apply. A'.so, a (Jernvsn ilrl. to attend two children? < ne who understands English. Ap |?ly at lit! Columbia street, Brooklyn, betw'en II and I. WAX TED- A SITUATION. BY A GERMAN l.\W yer, as Clerk in a lawyer's office. Apply by letter, to T. W., Herald ofbee. \\T AN'lF.B? BY A PROTEST ANT MAN, A SITUATION TT as I'orter, or to take charge of a team of horses; ban no objection t ' any W ork, or to make lilinr.f If usofnl to hi employ r. liss been twelve ^ears in city and country, tiooi .. .. .. ..... .. mni inunvr;. itood reference given. I'l>-a?e calf, or aJdrosi a notu to David Mm' i -in- r.v. ?t IW", Third s- . n - WANTKD-A SITUATION FOR A FRENCHMAN, A Cook, who under .tands ins business in U1 its loiny branches, and ??an give the be?t olty refereneo*, having bo?n eleven years employed in ouv house. Inquire at 71 l' - 1 - n street. _____ ______________ WAMIin-t SITUATION, AS STEWARD Oil HEAD Waiter, in a first-class hotel or rosta'irint, hv a youa* man Of great oxp*ri?j*ee, and capable of taking tho entu superintendenee e?a?iy hotel, nddresttd t? W- >'?> Dtxald vli-.f. WA!Cn?. Wantkd-bv a young man, a hituation Draftsman in a? arohiUot's o?. ?. Is wall u>..uaint?l with lb* business. Good city ref>rvnve given. Address Hear, at this office. WANTED- A SITUATION. BY A GERMAN, AS Assistant Bookkeeper. I'iotse apply by I" tier. tu T. W., Herald office. WANTED? BV A RESPECTABLE PRO TRSTANT young woman, a situation as Chambermaid, or tu Ho plain cooking, washing and ironing, or g*neriU housework. Good city reference; can be seen (ur ttvo days, from leu tu fear u'aloek, At 370 Pearl street.. WANTED?BY AN imiOiH Ml DDI.K AGED wo iuau, animation as Child's Nurse, or Seamstress, or as HtlMkaaMf, Tbe boat of reference can l>? ni von , ii' re quired. I'alf at No. 4 Desbrosses street, one door from llud ipn street. Wantf.d?by \ respectable young woman, actuation to do abamberwork and waiting, or to take care ofohildren and do plain sewing, or wjnli do tho home work of n small family; good eity reforeu e. Please call at No. -.0 West Thirteenth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. "BET ANTED? BY A PROTECTANT YOIJNG WOMAN. WW a situation in Cliainbormaid and Waiter, or would wish to take oaro of a luiliy mid do plain sewing; wishes to travel in the eountry; the boat of city rufereu -c can be giieu fri ui her last place. Please call at 120 Hicks (tract, Mansion II otiao, Brooklyn, room 20. Wanted? two dry goods salesmen, ok good address and active Imminent habits. Apply at 425 Bwt<ny, a boat 8 p. M. iieahn brothers. ANTED? A ci.kkk in A LAWTBB't OFFICE. Apply to V\ . Watson, X> Wall atml, rear building. w WANTED? A Ur,A/.IER. INOU1RR OP B. K Peebles, 121 Grand street. None but a cotupotont hand need apply. WANTED? A SITUATION, IIY A RESPECTABLE young man, an Portor. in a Grocery and Liquor atoro j he nndcrntands bottling wine anu all kinds of li |iiorn, and has the boat recommendation from hi* last employer, where lie ban lived for the last seven yeara : would be Killing to make himself generally useful. Can bo ae< u for three Jays, at No. 9 Twentieth street, front room, fourth floor, between First a>enueand aveuuo A. Please call on MT u idroi i M. T., ai itwt, Wanted? two good waiters, at van dykes Dinln't Saloon, 2.1 and 2j Catharine slip. None but understanding the business ncod apply. W\NTED? A SITUATION AS WAITER, BY A rerpeetable man. a Protestant, who can produce good city references. Can bo seen at No. IS Thirteenth street, be tween Plral and Second ITtMMi WANTED? BY A MAN, A NATIVE Of BKMMI'M, whosiieaka English, Gorman and French, and who ha* travelled throughout Europe, n situation as Valet uml Guide; ho in woll practiced both as waiter and valot. Can givo good reference. Address " T. 11.," 12S Franklin street, corner of Went BfOtdfly. WANTEJ)-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNO M \N from th^iuntry. of three years experience in a dry goods, grocery, and clothing store, m Salesman. Country and city references given. A note directed to lt>7 Reado street, will b? promptly attended to. WANTED? A SITUATION, BV V YOITNO MAN, who understands the care of bor as. Would work in a garden, or make himself generally useful to his employer. Would prefer the country. AdJrcsi " M. T.," Herald office. WANTED-AN ACTIVE, STEADY YOUNO MAN. of good address, and who can come woll recommended, to assist in a mineral water establishment. Apply to x A. J. DELATOU R, 2.V . Wall street. WANTED? BY A YOUNO MAN JUST ABRIYBD from England, a situation in a woollen draper, or a woollen drapcrand tailoring establishment. Having n prac tical knowledge of tho business, would make kiiiHolf gene rally useful, and use overy possible means to promote tho interests of his employers. Address K. T., Herald office. WANTED? BY A FARMER, A HORSE TO DO LIGHT ft work, such as ploughing. He will be kept with good hay and feed for a month, free of charge, and will rooeive a month's grass as an equivalent. Tliis opportunity seldom offers for a uian wishing to recruit liis horse and free his limbs from disease. This is n good ehanee. Addreas Thomas llunt, at Jacobs', lift Chatham street, for two days. WANTED? BY A YOUNG MAN, A SITUATION AS Waiter, in a private family. Can givo the best of oity reference. Please < all at 207 Woostor street, near Mocker street. Can lie seen forthreo days, if not engaged. WANTED? IN A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL hardware store, a sslmman who thoroughly under stands the business. Apply, between ton and twelve o'clock, at 2tKI Chatham street. WANTED? A SITUATION AS GARDENER AND Coachman, hy a steady and experienced young mm, with goed reference. Call or address J. C., at 74 Sixth ave 11114, la the book store. Can be for two days. Wanted? a partner, with a cash capital of from $1,000 to $2,000. A young educated me a of good address, would be preferred. T his is a rare and safe opportunity for an enterprising person, as the capital will be secured. Apply at 2S'.? Brjttdwiiy, room 18, when lull ex planations will be glrtn. WANTED? ?1,800 OR SS,000 ON BOND AND MORT Race, on real estate in this city, for which sir pur cent will lie given? interest paid punctually. Pioasejaddicus, by note or in person, JOHN DE\ IN, 111 South street. WANTED 'ro PURCHASE -FROM $10,000 TO $M,000 worth of tJoods. for which real ojtate, or mortg?:;os <>n pood real estate in New Hampshire, will be given in ev ehang*. A line addrosscd to V. M.. lit room .No. 109 Lave joy s Hotel, Park row, witl in one neck, * illroovive prompt attention. _________ _________ ________ ARESrECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WISHES A 81 tnation as C hanibe rmaid or Waiter, or to do general liotisewi'rk in a small private family; no objection to go a short distance in the country. The best of roferences can be had from her Inst place. Can bo seen .or three days. Please call at No. WKS Broadway, botW ' u Eleventh aud Tw elfth streets, in tho toy and candy store. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION, a tint rato Cook, understands pastries and jeili of all kinds, and li a good baker. The be t of city rd'orouM can be given. Ploase call at No. 160 Ninth stroet, l>etv, een Third and Fourth avenue?. A RESPECTABLE YOlTNG WOMAN WISHES A Si tuation in a r" poctablc priinto lainily; is n $ood |>1n in ioi k. clmuii riuniJ, tine wp.slier mid Ironcr, and linn good recommendation* from her t:?st situation. Can be icon for two dayi, at No. l'l East Tlilit enth street, between First and Second avenues, second floor, haok room. A SITUATION is WANTED B7 a young lu?v, v ho wi.lio.i to s<o to ? aHforni.i, a.i Lady 'a Mai J or Sti >1 - erdcas. Can hoteon atS-'i Troy street. A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT OIRt JTISfftS A Mtnntion in a senteel family, to <lo Cooking, Wasbiu* and Ironing. No objections to co in tho cm n try . (?oud city reference. I'leaso call at 1?1 Varl k str ?ct, between a andam and Cbarlee streets. c?n to seen for tiro day*. 4 RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES A J\ situation to attend 011 a laJy or family going to Europe. > r California: or?i Stewardess on a steamer. t an b? hoard of for h work, at 100 Leonard street. \ RESPECTABLE, HEALTH? YOUNG WOMAN J\. wants a situation ns Nurso, or to ilo iccno.'iil housowork in a small private family. lias no objection to so a short distance in the country. Can be seen for two days, at 7S West Eighteenth street. AN AMERICA* GIRL WI8HBS A SITUATION AS Chambermaid and tfeamstrurs; is a dressmaker by trade, and understands cutting and fitting children's clothing, tinod city references niv*n. fan bo seen at lift East Eleventh street, two doors from First arenas, second floor. A SITUATION WANTED? BV A KE -l'Ki TABI.E young ladv, to do general housework, in a small family. I u<|ii ire at IHI Ludlow street, in the rear, third floor, for Ca tharine Msgonii'le. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, WITH GOOD city reference from her last placo, ? islies a ultuttba ns Cliamlieruiaid, or to do general housework ; is a first rate Tia iber and ironer. Please call at Z'<1 Spring street, rear I ii i I d in x. tirst Door, front room. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A Si tuation In a roupsotable family to do Chamherwork, to nnhi't in washing and ironing, orto tal e care of children, an I to do general housework, and a itood baker: and she i< will ing to make herself generally useful. No objection to go t short distance in the conntry, The ben> of cityrefv neoe given. Can t>? seen at No l.-ii Forsyth street, in the rur?r. A SITUATION WANTED IIY A VOUNi! WOIAX, capable of doiutt general bon?eworlt. The bejt of tiiy references. Please call at .So. Third avenue. Can bo st en for tWO day*. A SITUATION WANTED IT A JYOUNU WOMW: J V is a nood t ook, Washer, and Inner. No objection to tic country. I'loasc inquire at No. ."i7 Hcekm an street. A RESPECTABLE rnOTESTAN'T GIRL WANTS A situation ss Nurse or Seamstress. Can make children'* clothes neatly. Cood refcroncc (flven. NooIJeetlin to f> in the country for t liis summer. Can bo seen for two Jays if not enKB?cd, ft lii'l Niuth street, near Touipkins park. A RESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES A SITUATION, IN some respectable family, as Chambermaid, and to tend children; Would bo nilliuK to till both situations. No ob jection! to the country. Can he seen at MB Seventh avenue. A LADY ABOUT BREAKING Up IIOUSEK EEPfNG wishes to recommend an honest, faithful and obliging young woman as I'hs mbtrmaid and to take care of children, end to make jierielf K'ntr.illy ?isef'jl in all things. A snail family desiring sueh ? person will find hur most willing and trustworthy. Apply at No. 4 West Eleventh street. ARESPECTAI5LK Y0UNC WOMAN WISHES A situation at Chambermaid *t Nurse, anil to ilo plain ?owing. Good reference eari be giv.n. Apply at ?7 Princc ? treet, second Hour. AMt?ST RESPECTAHLE VOI Nfl GIRL, NOT LONG in this ci nntry, wishos to obtain a situation as l.ady'a Kaid, or to do light eliMnbt rw orl : is a tirst rate seamstress ; irm cut ^nd f.t . aud do fancy knitting. N? objection to go a li< rt distan' e in tke < ountry. ?;ood reference :;iTeii. To be >>: B for tWO days, at No. 41 Mott street, rear basom' nt. ATOUNO WOM H A NTS A SITUATION AT CHAM turworli aud sewing. Has ao objection tu in washing or ironin?. ? '.in produce city reference. Can be p en for two days, at 3ti Whitehall street. t MAN AND HIS WIFE WANT SITUATIONS, TO iV nether rr ssparste, as W aiter aud Coek; they perle?'tly undtrstand their business, as their refdrenees certify. I no ? otnsn understands all kinds of soup*, Jellies, made dishes, in Krcneh and etker 'tyUs, pa?t->, rreau<>. pioklinn and preh< rvinx, saving meat, and the ear* of a dairy if required: nare no objections to tow n or country. Addreis C. II., 74 1 niversity place, for two days. AKKSPECTABEE YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A Siri' ati >n 10 do eiiamberworli, washing, and inninj. The best city reference csn be sivn from hsr l?<t sitnati^o, if r onire l. H?s no obje ction to go :i ehort lEstanuo in tho country. Pica;* call at 47'' Ilonstoa street, two doors fi-,.i* tho Bowery. \RESPRCTABLE PROTEST v N'T filRL WANTS A ritnntion as (,'hainhermaid and *v aiter. in a private genlUnait'e family. Can I't s n st 2'"> M.idison trt'ei, np ?rtairs. A RESPECTABLE nttll. WANT-< A SITI ATION At chiiwlnroiaid ur.<l U'sl*'?r. Hr': of e;ty rw'orfiv ? ? ants rireit. May to* seen for two days. Pleas* c?U at I Liberty street, ?>? ond tloor, fivit room. ACERM \N vol Nt; WOMAN WttUS A *ITI'A lion s < W''t Ntirw, C .n b. S. ?n ?t 7* t.rard strset. Jk SITI VTION IS WAHVn Mr ^ VOI Ni; UOMAN' j\ to take earn of hit trcn nnd t pis n srv-ino, or to do i hatnl'tTWWk. U? nu ebio timt K" ? 1 dl?:*nc? in tt.e i on .itry. Can bo seen fcr |hr?" days. Picas tall at ?N o. KS Ea <t t-.lcv onth str .' -t, corner >>f Third accau*. A STEADY, SOKER, HON ESI AM' 1 N' IMJS lit lot <? ^irl wsats a sltuatio* *? > iod plain Cook, Washer a id Ironor. Can give good feferea^i as to nharMter Jtnd ? spakil'ty. W ? i s not so mm 1. an object ss a steady homo; has ao objection te go a ihort di? iti the enan t-y, < an ho n for two il?. , by ? ailing at tho corn l ? of, llonrv street nail I'wnrth pla*c, Seat, 1 1 KrcrV yo, nia> hvrr e. |>r**!r-. A '.''ret? B. 0. f . _ WAJfTS. A young woman wants a situation to d? general housework anil ehamberwerk, washing and ir?D iiiir. 11m no ? bjeclion to go a abort di-tanae in the country. Ha?t of i it ? reference. Can be ?e?n for two lays, at Wt seventh street, bet ween avenues B and C. A RESPECTABLE VOl NT. WOMAN WISHES A SITU at ion to irai el w itii a family. a ? Soamstress and Dreaa maker. No ot j. atl.ii to go to California ur any part of tlio ?out. try. Can U men f..r a wee!(, at No. IJ Amity plaea, Wt?vrn A in it j auil 0I? -joker *truitii fourth door, front room. AI, A D Y. to RESI'KCTABIMTT, WIS I IKS TO EX K"f" her ' If with ? linn in tliia '-ity, to ???II fancy good*, ?r 'I ??, on "omi ii' ii. n. Mu has don? bum ueai for heraolf. iu this ? ity uml unit of tlio Southern citiia, for several yearv; hiia already a iirn mfny cuatomera 11 the different# Statu. ( an ha a vr nt *d\ antago to a hunoe a in cHtablialt lug it. Good rofcreneu .'lieu a. rrards r-f?p> ? tat.iiity ami honesty. Address Buitneia, Herald ofAc*. AYouni. Mas w ITII A CAPITAL 01 t n* iff. tceu to twenty-ive hundred dollar*, would like to enter into uome safe and r ?poetable buniue i?, i.r obtain a tltrkahlp in tome rr !? 'otabli juusa. Itofren ??-?? ohenged. Address C. C'., Herald office, stating whore an m i-vi?w may h? had. A BOY, SEVENTEEN OR EIGHTEEN WMis or age, wishes to apprentice himself t> a bricklayer or plasterer. Can got city rcferon**. Plc.i'0 nail a'. No. Shut Twentv-cighth Htri.fl. between Fitth and Sixth avtnuea. T)OOK K F WANTED. ? A PERSON FULLY COM I) pvtont to make up and keep the book* of a foundry and inai hlu' shui' Satisfactory rofcraooe ro.jnirad. Apply to A. F.. HIT! IIIMiS, Tbirty-flrst street, one door westof Third avi'iitie. (1 H A Mlli'.R.M \ I H'S SIT I ATIOV, OR TO DO GENERAL J housework, wanted ? Either of the above situations are wanted, I. v a p spi < table vming woman, with rood ttitj references. Mia eau toae-en at I-*.> Court sireot, Brooklyn, for two days. A I.IFORN I A.? A YOUNG LADY, A I I IIS T RATE ?> Milliner, u hn speaka Engliah, Fram li and German, wishes to go to California, wit h a raspe j table family, to whieli site would tender b?r i ?riice.t tor four months in pay for her passage. I In t i>! r'-t rente livon and rmiuirvd. .iddrees !lii" U?r?'d oillce. (<AKKIKl: ?(\:.ll-:ii ; hi; \ WKKkl Y nf.wspa J per. An intelliMint, ablu to give good mforeui iui, luuai't a poriuairut situation, on applying at, llii'ham Wra itreot. ('itl.Ohili MAS, ACTIVE AND I \ I'KI.I.IUENT. J wanted ? to go of errands an I make himaulf id othrr wnva gPueraUy nn fol. Mii?t brum j<nod roferonro. Apply in the INltl ?, ut 1 1 ? MM* W"r Drug cliik wanted.-a tovho man, to no to a plea-ant town in Mississippi. To onn who under, ptsndi tin: busiur>a thoroughly, and ia willing to uiaka blm ?elf (fnerally useful, and lias habita of iudustry and a Rood moral rharnrtrr, a libi ral salary will be paid. A'ldreai, with nllm nw, Chragglitt thto 'nite. DIM <i < I.KHK WANTED ? M I' S T II A V 6 A 1 iroitoi cll kg irlMM of lh.< retail NlUtflll A fltsg?9 |U> Ad dress Wnll.r, tlorald office, statinK roferonce. DF K WANTED.? ANY PERSON HAVLV; \ OOOD De?k to dispoae of. (iiitablu for a lawver'a ofliee, may bear of a purchaser, by addrasaing Lex, at this olllen. [or.sEKKKPFM.-A YOUNtl LADY OK INTELLI L gcni'O, :ici oiiipllnliuiauts. and pleasing personal appear ance, willing to make herself a/rceahle, may i.neura an o|i Kible nituatlon a? llouAiikoe|H)r to a widower without oblld ren. A widow preferred. Address Cltampl iin, Union Si|iiare Po^t Oftico. JUST DISENGAfiED. AND WANTS A SITUATION, by aviry reapi etublu ronmt person, as Chambermaid and Waiter, ?"r to m!;o care of ehlldran and do plain sewing; is aeonstomed to tr?vcl and attend ladiea; is a I'rotcatant. Can be highly n i ominended by the lady she line i nat left, cn aecoaut of brenkii,^ up housekeeping. Address L. E. L., offlea .if thh paper, poat paid. I A II IKS'. <;l ATI I.MEN S, OR FAMILIES' WAVIIINi: J wanted ? Hv nu excellent laundress, who Is capable of doing the nioht pnrtieular washing in the city. Klutlni;and nei dlework done. Ilefereuco given. Please nail or send a note to _0I Twenty -i ,i h . t r> < i , in the roar, for M. GRAY. IIILIC COMPANIES.? A GKNTLEMVN EXI'ERI eneed in forming und advancing pnbliu companion, n open to aci'ept the mauagement or aojretiry hip of an in - aiiranee, or other eonipatiy or aasociat ion, vrFi .re hi* eiperi euee and energetic applfeatiou would be a desideratum. Letters to Alpha, Herald ofliuc. ir p PAINTERS WANTED.? EIGHT llOI'-fc PAINTERS wanted at 17 York atroot, Jersey City. ^17^ per day will to paid to good workmen. JAMES IMCKEY. POST OIUCE BOX WANTED - -ANY PERSON IIAV ing a hot may dl?(io?o of it by addresnin^ u iinte to P. O. D., at this offii e, rtating number of bi.x, and amonnt of proininm asked. SJITUATION WANTED as CHAMBERMAID AND I waiter, or to tako care of children, by ii renpectalilo girl, who refers to her laat place, w here she lived throo years. Call at No. as l'iii'pont street, Brooklyn. SITUATION WANTED? BY A STlADV, RE8PBCTA bit woman, n.4 (Tiamberinaid nr Nnraemaid, wbicn sho lias linen in customed to (or sovoral year.', in toe most res pectable faiT'llic. No oblpetltin go j,. the ooontry. Plcaso iiiMiiiri; at the at re, 8 Oak btrei t, toru c of Clieanul ?trcet. TO WATCIK A - !: MAKERS.? WANTED, BY A YOUNO man, to .o under in.-truetionH, w ho Im i aouto know lodge of the In i^i\-<, and who perfeotly nridcra'ivudii tlio routine of m . i t in u. JJrosu M. C. It., for one week, at thin office. rpo CAI.II OIIMAVS.? WANTED, I?v * R1IPIC T X al le toll. r i titan, ? situation to go to ('nlii'iroia, to wait on a goutl'Tnau, Tha tost of uity reforenee can givi n. Pleaae addreaa N. w., Herald ofsee. TO CARBIAOS MAKERS. ? WANTED, A WOOI? WoTkinan. tine who understaiids iobbitv, preferred. Inquire at Coeper'a Carriat,^ l aotory, VJ uud Charies B' cct. tih&tifl ?WAN rr.D-A SITU A1TON, IP, A SMART, V m 'ire yom,;-. man, at Clerk, in auyrespeeta blc bu?lur?s, who eau I'nd his employer the aboMi. Addrona L., Herald <i . ' ?. for on? day only, statiug whore :?n inter > i. ? ran 1 a had. If," AN TED- AT THE 1IKOOKL YN INTELLIOHNCE OF If lice, No. I Sihius ;it.. Urouklyn, Cooks, Cham beruiaidf. Nurses, Scainslrt's fleneral Houaoworkera, Errand Oirls, kc. Tlioy mint l c well rcoontinondud. A l#o, men and boys, for varioui sltr.ntinri in Brooklyn and the . no n try. Ein ployei reipiirliig e^. u-nt and woll recoumended servants, can be mpplied :it toil oHii e. M. WALLACE. WANTED- AT II l NASSAU SI REET. BOOKKEEPERS, Sali .-mou, t' l uol 'loaebera, Dry Goods Clerks, liar IcePMri, I Icrlis for Grotcry iitores, Porters. Boy a to learn Trades, Men ? n Ralln ads ?nd Steamers. Plaees for girln ready. Applisaats, at a distance from New York, enolosinc >f I, free of poatn^e, deii.riUng the cmiiloyinunt r oiulred, will becoit d. TflOS. SP1.NK, Agint. WAN! ED? AT THE INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, NO. I M. tt " '.cct, l oriier of Cha'.li&ni? ''lerks, Porters, Bar-I.eepers, Wulicr , Coaehinen. Men on Knrmt ;ind Rail roads, Boys i r Trn - ' ('-.oks, Chainhomiaids, &? . Appli uanti at a dbtiiii' .?>, rneloiin ' $1, fp o of postage, e:tn be united. .1 UUS M> I.FRVtJN, A/ont. W A NTF. "? - MTI ATIONS FOR SEAMSTRESSES, N ut sen, C oka, I ? nersl Si rvaa ts, Dsii y Mania. Lauu dreiata, Chambi rtii.iids, Waiters, Voachm'in, 'JitrdenarM. Farmerl, 5;e., of vaiicitta nations. Please apply at the So li etl'rot. taut Eniplo.vmeiit As":iey. No. 7 Cartiilne st reet, near Uli ti k'r <tr t; or at the Society Aeene.v, HH5 Chaiu tera atrc-t, cstabliilied tweuty sctob year?. Oi ly of good i haracter admitWd. PKRNO.VAL. NOTICE.? II MR. JOHN if. NICKS WILL CALL AT our countlo ? hoo >?, he will learn luiiiothiu t to his ad vantage. JOJIA M E WARD, J a. fc CO., ?S Broadway. INFORMATION WANTED OF RRIDf.Kr WALSH, A native nt K ilirul linmas, county Watcrford, I rol tn>l, who v s? in Ilaltlm 1 r>' last Juno, and in now supposed t? be iu Ni. w York. IIt ?! t> r Mary has e?mo after M r. but emaat find hf r. Any inf' nuation of her will lie thanl.fully received by botli her sist<r nnd brother .lames, at, 'M South Sivtli street, l'hiladdpl la. WAMLK? IM 'MfMvriON 111 A SMAII, OIRL, IS ye ara ?l' jh, who went nut on the ?>th of April, anil was nit h< ard of in- a, of the nam.; of Maria Reynolds. Any account of her will he thankfully received by bar father, at l!'l r-eT'-utli atreot. LOST AND KB WARDS. I OCT? OH Til F. 89TB PIT., IN TBI stri ft, fiK J tween Ferry and Wall str ats, or below Wall atreot, in Bruadway, Wntor. front, or Pearl streets, from (1W to $'210, in current l.snk notes, of various denominations. For the delivery of ti e aame or any part thereof, at the store of F. II. Williams, 93 Pearl street, ar miy informa tion which will lead to its rooovery, a liberal rsward will b? paid. IU.VI- V I'd' KM J?l tliv OH Mf.MOU A V I) I'M HOOK J for le.V, ol' no n<e to any person but the owner. Tbn iiiider will bo lib'.ially rewarded, by returning It ??) It. 8UEPIIKRD, M Wall street. IOST-OR TAKEN BY MISTAKE, PROM O.V BOARD J the I all Kiver bort. ynterday morning, a new rnseett leather Trunk, marked l'ii inrner, passenger, on a card tied to tho handle. A liberal reward will ba paid by lea via ( it at t tie office ol Ikt In in;< House. REWARD-LOST, ON TUB MORNING Or jjlw tliti il'ith Arrll, in Atlantic street, Brooklyn, a acalcd pnck?,??, ni?r?*l A. L. Crier, Naw York, oaataiaiaR tweaty bi nds of tl (/Oracb, of Fayette County, Kantnaky, numbci'iBU from ?<: to 71 inclusive, and listed to '-he Coving ton and Lexington KuUr1 ad Company. All t!.o bonds isseod by this county to the Covington and Lexington Railroad Company, etc pi the above named, have the fiMowiug gaa rautee print' d on Ilia back of them ? The Covinytou an i Lexington Railroad Cimrp.r,;niM?? tae the prompt I V ur at of the principal and interest of tba within Bond, for 7*luo received. Wjtjiose the seal of the aald company, ai.d the signature of the president thereof, thil tenth day of Arrll, lffll, in conformity with a reeoln tien of the Luard of Directors, passed on tba lat day of April, !<>-?. JOHN S. MORGAN, President of the Covington and Leain <toa R. R. C?. [Bed of Co' ington and Lexington R. R. Co.] l'nan. Wisr., Hoorctary. All persons are forbidden to negotiate theae bonda, and the above named reward will be paid for any information that will lead to their reooverv. GIBSON, fcTOCK WELL * CO., JS Peart street. (t RA REWARD WlLL BE PAID FOR SOCH IN yfttlv formation as will lead to the di*eov?ry of the per son or parsnns that took down a part of tha centrepiece and cornb e ornaments of ane of Mr. Clark'* boners, in l'residiut street, near Clinton street. Ml N ARD SMITH. Builder, Colnmbia street. ?l.MIL.s I.IVEhEY, Plastervr, Conrt street. Brooklyn, May I, I Ma. <ii 1 A REWARD.? LOST, AT ABOUT II O'CLOCK P. M. yJUvF on Monday. ;;d inst., either in the Philadelphia rail road ears at Jersey City, or in a Second etreet omnibna, in paasiti" from the firry t" oorncr of Canal at roe . aad Broad w ay, a l'carl l'? rte Monnalc, containing *a? tn gold eein. 1 lie Under will r>-< ?(*e the aVive reward, with the tlianka of U 1 U 11 49 ' j" )1 1 ' C IIVS T A N T ! N K . #|! R | WARD- ON I.EAV INC, NOT1CI AND VP*} pro* iu, st I'redjrlck Sehluter's, No. .'CI2 Wn*.cr rtr'ct, N < w \ rk,tl<at the body of his son. who accidentally ivil eyerlnard fr< the Catherine Ferryboat "Olive," on Sunday aftirnorn. has been fonnd and eeeured, the above ri-wsra ? ill be paid l y the deeply afflicted paronta. The boy v as re von year ? ..f age, li.-ht haired, drasaed in a gray jacket, uankeen panial one, nioroceo shoos, gray ito-'Vinge, white m< lln shirt, w' iie (_i.ntjn flannel under,', sruei-'t, ani black c!!K neckband!;' r l.i- f. REWARD.? 1, 08T, ON FRIDAY, APRIL li, A YPl* small white Ttrrier Do/, with brown ?p>i evar ?ee ear and one ere; shaggy Inns hair in front, ao I abort behind; to the namo of Captain; cars and tail cropped. H hotter will gi>r.' any Information ol'tiu aboao do* will get Ave dollare re* ard. Application to bo made a; tf) like ?t. FOYND-ON SATCRDAY MORNING, AbOl'l* SIT e'aloek, a Bull I'crrier. with arep|wd ears, wlnte, a yel low ipot in the nii'ldlo of bis b.?. k, b it eye y.J. iw; had on a leather collar, w it h an ir<>u ri> r attached ? i it. rne and ?r befvin* f t ?H? ,<ra'r>'f ?*M *'