Newspaper Page Text
Heal estate in absorbing the attention of speouiatont' There 1? something attractive in tiling in Iota ami houses. Yon cu see what you aro purchasing. and realise that it ban at leact Home value. It appear; to be the Impression in Wall street Unit. for a time, tho m *t in Haled faDclei will be neglected. There are certain stocks which have not yet moved upward much, but whi?h may have their turn before the summer fairly let# in. The receipts at the offle<! of the As*i*tant Treanurer of this port, to-day. amounted to $7,200 08 ; payments, $40 470 76? balance. $3,631,780 78. The steamship Franklin, for Uavre, carried out a much larger amount of specie than expected. The "hlpuu ats during the week were as annexed : ? Shipments of specie from the port of New York : ? Steamer Asia. Liverpool $130 521 Bark M. Washington. Rio Grande ? Am gold. . . 5.000 S?br. S. B. Brown. Cuba ? Doubloons Ship Am. Congress. London? Gold bullion Stealer Franklin. Havre ? Am. gold do. do. Am. sliver do. do. Mex. do do, do. French do do. do. German do. and gold Expert May 1 to May 8 Previously reported ; Total far 1842 $7,789,333 I Dp to the 1st of May, 1801, the exports amounted to 1 $8 126 013, nearly a million of dollars more than to the I same date this yar. In May, 1851, the exports were I $4,600,136. This year they will be much less. j The Legislature of Pennsylvania adjourned line die ? without parsing the bill to close up the affairs of the '* United States Bunk. | The Cermantown and Parkiomen Turnpike Company I have declared a dividend of 1 }, percent; the Frank ' ford and Bristol Turnpike Company, a dividend of $2 per share. | The Empire City Bank has commenced business at the j corner of Great Jones street and Broadway. It has an I influential board of directors, and a flue location forbusi ? new ? E. F. Purdy, President; and II. T. Kicrsted, i Cashier. * The receipts and disbursements of the Treasury of the I United States, for the quarter ending the 31st of March, ., were as follows : ? Receipts from customs, $12,100,761 80; ?ales of public lands, $234,355 39; loan of January 28, 1847, (Treasury notes funded), $2,400 00; miscellaneous) $31.860 49. Total, $12768,377 68. Expenditure? Civil' miscellaneous, and foreign intercourse, including $2,429, 015 50, paid under the twelfth article of the treaty with [i Mexico, $5,644,093 33; pensions. $1,098,592 54; Indian Department, $269,138 82; army proper. Sic., $1,481,893 72; fertilisations, ordnance. &c? $233,266 35; naval. $1,992, 683 20; interest, he., on public debt, including Texas in ' d< mnity stock, $255,962 30; re-linbursemcnt of Treasury notes, $2,400; redemption of stock of the loan of 1840, $9 74; redemption of Navy eix per cent stock, of $1,798 200. Total, $10.878, 160. The receipt of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the month of April, amounted to $204,808 94, of which $130 047 32 was from passengers, and $74,761 62 from freight. This, compared with March, shows a slight de P crease in receipts from freight, and a slight increase in D receipts from passengers. ? The State Treasurer of Massachusetts has just nego tiated a loan of $100,000, at four per cent, with Baring: Brothers h Co. of Loudon. Wo hav<j not learned the terms upon which the loan waq t fleeted, but presume the price paid was prclty pttr Stock Kxclimngc* 41700 U S G's, "f>7 IW.'a 273 nhs Canton Co... 81?? IW'0 Ohio ti's, .V> 105/ i 500 N Jersey Zinc 1 1000 Virginia 6's. .. b3 110 680 do )3.? 1000 Jo 109 200 do 615 183 1MC0 Ind'a State .Vs.hS 91 100 do ?30 1? 3200 Ind'a Can Pfd.B's 44 200 Ports D Dock 7 'I 1000 Erie 1st Mt Bds.. 116'.i 26 do 7% txrO Erie 2d Jit BUs. . 106& 13 Dauphin Coal Co. . 54 :<0t)0 do 106*2 125 Harlem RR 74 12000 Erie I nc Bds... 9b *2 50 --do hit) 73 J, 7000 Erie Conv Bds, 71 96'. 600 do 1)60 74 3000 do 96*2 60 do 73, V 2l0u0 Erie C'onv Bds,. '62 #6J? 60 do 73** MOO do ilO 96'? lOOLong Island RR.stW 21J, 1000 Harlem Ex Ctfs. . K2 100 Nor at WorRR. .1)10 S7)i 4<XU do 81? 50 do b60. B7M aooonnd 2d MtBds.. 9ti\ 200 do 57 W 10 0 Mich S RRBds . 98 200 Reading RR 78'^ 1000 Ohio fcPenn RR B 105 400 do 78', MWbs Del Si Bud Can. 116 7 N Y h N Hav RR. . 112 10 state Bk lOV'i USX Indiana RR 109 40 Chatham IJk W UK) do DUO 109 100 Metropolitan Bk. . 106 45 Rocli & Syra Rlt . . . llflJi 50 do snv. k lllrt 60 Hud Riv RR 62?i 80 Nicaragua T Co. . . 40!* 50 do sl2m 60 250 do 40 4 a 100 Erie RR b3 89 V 25 Canton Co t-3 100 do 89li 100 do t>3 82 50 do s60 89 350 do 813* 5 do 89J# SECOND BOARD. $4600 Erie Con Bds, 71 96>i 60 *bs Harlem RR.b60 73V MOW) do 96 '1 SOStonington Rlt. .h3tl 55V 2000 Erie 2d Ml Bds. . 106?i 35 do 86 g 16 fhs Ohio L & Trust 106 20 N Y & S Uav Rit. . 112 200 Canton Co H2 808 Hud Riv RR 623 a to do >30 82 40 do *60 62 550N Jersey Zinc 1SV 300 do s90 61 r? UO do 13?J 60 do s!H) 61 \* 200 do h.10 13J* 50 do il2m 60 60 Nicaragua T Co. . . 40 60 Nor & Wor RR. . . . #7U l'O Erie KR Sfti,' 100 Reading RR 78/* 106 Harlem RR 73'* ADVERTISEMENTS RENEWED EVERY PAY. j nm p?litical SEVENTEENTH WARD.? AT A MEETING OF THE ; Democratic Republican Ward Committee ofthoSevon- i tcenth ward, held at Hermitage Hall, corner of Allen and Houston ? tree tii, on Thursday evening, 8th inst., the follow ing preamble and reiolutiona were adopted : ? Whereas, the National Democratic Republican Convention will assemble ?I Baltimore in the courie of a few weeka, for the purpose | of nominating candidates fr r President and Vice President of the United States for the ensuing four years, and in order t" mve expression to the views of this Ward Committee, acting in their capacity as representatives of the democratic republican electors of tho Seventeenth ward; tlterefore, be it Uesolved, That lu Lewis Cass we recognize a distinguished and fearless champion of democratic truths and principles? a high minded and honorable statesman? a profound ami able jurist, and one who is eminently entitled to the nomi nation of the democratic party as the next President of the I'nitcd States. Resolved, That although sxpresiing our decided preference for the true aud tried Senator from Michigan, we will heartily and earnestly support the nominee of the coming Democratic Baltimore Convention. Resolved, That the foregoing preamble and resolutions be ?oblirhed in tho National Democrat and New York Herald. GEORGE W. SCUUREMAN, Chairman. Jon* J. Txviialk, Secretary. PVBLIO LECTURES. Great discovery in f.lectricity.-dr. a. l'aige. the celebrated electrician and physiologist from Soston, will present a course ot select experiment*! lectures at Stnyvetant Institute, Broadway, iu which he wiil explain his recent valuable discoveries in medical 'electricity, and demonstrate its menial and physiolvgioat relations, and treat advantages in the treatment of diseases. Thtso enter tinmen ts wiJJ be given on Monday evening, the Kith inst., and every evening during the wet i, at 8 o'clock, to ladies and ;?ntlem?n: and on Tuesday a'ternoon, and every afternoon during the weok. at .1 o'clock, to ladies only. Cards ofadmis aion furnished gratuitously at the door. Dr. l'aige has taken rooms at 626 Broadway, where he will render hie profeesional services between the hours of 10 A. U. and 2 P. M. Dr. Paige has hit upon a very ingenims and harmonious theory, which he extdains iu a very clear and agreeable manner.? Boston Evening Transcript. The diseoverios made by Dr. Paige, in the application of electricity as a medical agent, aro Braving a Met sins to mankind not Inferior to that aflordej by tho use o* ether.? Boston Daily Poet. Dr. Pal :te has devoted hie attention for eight or nine years to the application of elec tricity to dis?ase, and hae evidently mas'.ere<l tho subject. ? V. i^n's Herald. ' Mf.ntal alcuemy.-frof. b. brown Williams lectnres at Bleecker Buildings, corner of Bloeckcran l Morton ttreets, on Wednesday and Friday evenings, rind at. Manhattan Ilall, on Fourth street, between avenues C and D on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings of this week. Lectures to commence at 8 o'clock. Consultation .office, ACS Broadway. For particulars, see small bills. COPARTSKRSinP NOOTCBS. The co-partnership heretofore existing between James A* pell and James Wallace, undor the lirni name of Aspcll Jfc Wallaee, is hereby by mutual con vent dissolved. James Wallace is authorised to eolleot all outstanding debts. JAMF.S ASPKLL. _ JAMES WALLACE. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.? THE UNDERSIGNED > have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of P. Chouteau, Jr., Sanford fa Co., for tlic transaction of ? general Iron. Cemmissien. and other business. \ New Y ork, May 7, P. CHOUTEAU, J*., ' J. r. A SANFORD, V. A. MURDOCH. The Iron business, heretofore conducted by the late Ira of Cbeuteau. Menrle fa Sanford. is aesnmed and will he con tinned by n?. P. CHOUTEAU. Jw.. SANFORD fa CO. A PARTNER WANTEB, WWII A CAPITAL OF $1,000. in a profitable business, the advertiser haviug a good connection. Addrots A. B., Pott Office, Brooklyn, with real name. ItJDARTNER WANTED.? A GENTLEMAN, HAVING A i ? capital from $10,000 to S20, 000, can hear of a tirst-rate opportunity to go into a mechanical business already estab ? liehcti ?nd yielding very large profits. Please address a n< to to II., at this ofllco. " OOft -TIIB ADVERTISER WOULD LIKE i to loin some person with an equal i amount in a respectable baslncss already established, i Please state the aature of the business. References given | and required. Address '? Confidence," Herald etlice, with name and residenee. LIQUORS. B. PETBRS fa CO.. 300 BROADWAY, IMPORTERS JTI ? and deulfcrs in Champagnes. Wines, Brandies, Por ' *ers, A les, Brown Stents, Cordials, Havana Segars, bo., all of which we offer at prices un<V|ualled bv any other house in I tl e P. S selling the same quality of goods. Agents for Larn ,br? s Grape Leaf Champsene. Orders shipped w ith care, V PETERS fa CO.. :XK) Broadway. WU n. UNDKIIIIILL OFFERS FOR SALE THE choice! t grades of Brandies, Wines, and Liquors generally, in bottle, demijohn, aud wood, in quantities to , mil gnrrhasers, at 20 psr cent Ic-a than an.v Other house in khe ?ity. Observe, W Imlesale and Family Stotf, 430 Droomo ?trset, corner of Crosby street. The cr ebrated falkirk, mimes joi vger'S and Campbell's Scotch Al#s. Esst India Pslc Ale, l)iih i ll? and Lond Porter and Brown Stont, Philadi lphia Par , ter and Ale. fa? , f fnost qualities, for family use, it W. II. I UNfiKRIIII.L S. 4."0 Broome street, eorner <l '.'r< nby street. N. B.? 600 dotcn superior Claret, from 60 p*r doscn. HEIDSIECK and VARIOUS CHOICE BRANDS OF Charapagae, f.,r salo, at lowest prices, far oatli, i t.'tO VVemo street. Wm II Underhill invites th* attentin K fk* anblie to the Temflo brand ' 'hivnpuni, of win h he A Aoie wny?rter; a wine peculiar for its ? jllntsr niu' i ? fusing ?n arojoa superior to any ether. WANTS. WANTED.? H0U5E CARPENTERS, AT NO. 44 RUT g *n street, immediately. WAMKIi? SEVBRAI, DRESS MAKERS. NONE NEED anplv butsushas are accomplished sewer*. Apply to Mr*. TAUUD, 4S9 Brmdvij. WANTE D? S E VF.RAL MANTILLA AND BRAID uiakvrd. None bat good hands need apply, at 41#)* Broadway, third floor, np stairs. WANTEb-A FIRST RATE MILLINER, CAPABLE ul' takiug ehar/eof an establishment; also, three *'ipe rior dressmakers. References given and required. Apply at 171 Fulton street, Brooklyn. WANTED? AN EXPERIENCED FRENCH WOMAN as Nurse and Seamstress; mutt be capable of taking ehargo el ynung children. One who Mi come wall recom mended may apply, at 96 Fifth avenue. WANTED? A YOUN<! MAN. WITH A FEW HUN- 1 drad dollar*, to keep account* and collect; busi ne?* not confined. An American only ? no married or old man need apply. Addres* Cooper. Herald office, until Monday evening. Cannot pay a large salary. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young man, aa Clark or Porter in any business. Cau write an excellent band, and keep book*, and will make hira *elf generally useful. Can give b?st of city reference. Pleaae addreM to H. O., 307 We*t Twenty-seventh street, for three days. __________ WANTED? FOR AN INSTITUTION IN MARYLAND, a young unmarried man, to take charge of the writing and drawing department. Apply on Monday and Tuesday, between 10 and II o'clock at K F.KKSIKCJ & BRENSING S Mmic Store, 421 Broadway. WA N T E D-A SITUATION BY A YOUNO MAN AS Assistant Bookkeeper or Clerk, who is at present em ployed in a situation down town, but wishes to leavo for reasou* which he wi'l make known to any person employ ing him. A Utter addressed J. S. , Box C., will meet prompt attention. WANTRD? A FIRST RATE BARKEEPER, FOR A hotel across the river. He must underand hi* busi ness, and have good recommendations. Address, l>ox 1,169 Post Ofliee, stating terms, reference whet* la*t employed, fn handwriting of applicant. Also a Porter wanted. Address as above. Assistant bookkeeper wanted ? must be quick at figures, and write a good hand. Beit of reference* required. Address M., Pest Office, Box 3,432. BOY WANTED? FIFTEEN OR SIXTEEN YEARS OF age, in a respectable business in Brooklyn? one that can come well recommended for honesty, and resides with bis parents in Brooklyn. Address W. M., at this office. An American preferred. COOK AND CHAMBERMAID WANTED, IN A SMALL family.? The cook must thoroughly understand her business, and be a trustworthy woman, who may be left in charge of the bouso during the summer. Capable and expe rienced servants, and those only, may apply at No. 50 Union Square, between tho hours of 9 and 11 in the forenoon, or at H in the evening. Gardener wanted-iie must perfectly un derstand flowers and fruits of all kinds, nnder glass and out of doors? wanted principally to produce a first rat* flower garden, and no person need apply who is not perfectly acquainted with plants and flowers, out who is willing to devoto his whole time and energy to produce something worthy the saience of horticulture; must bo a married man, with a very small family. For particulars, inquire of Mr. Buchanan, florist, corner of Fifth avenue and Seventeenth ?treat. SJALESMAN WANTED? WHO UNDERSTANDS THE ' lace and embroidery trade, by PETER ROi ERT3, frg Broadway. WANTED? SITUATIONS FOR COOKS, GENERAL Servants, Dairy Maids, Nursos, Seamstresses, Laun dresses, Chambermaids, Waiters, Coachmen, Gardeners, Farmers, &c., of various nations. Please apply at the Select Protostant Agency, No. 7 Carmine strcot, between Bleeckcr street and Sixth avenue, or at the Society Agency, 106 Chambers street. N. B.? Only servants of good char acter recommended. HOUSES, ROOMS, ETC., WANTED. Distillery wanted.-a place suitable for a Distillery, in this city, or its neighborhood. Address box 2,601, Post offico. Rooms to let.? four or five families can be accommodated with rooms and board. Also, eight or ton gentlemen, by applying at No. 10 .Carroll place, in Bleccker streeti Room wanted-by a young man, in a l'&r vate family, and not above Eighth street, where he could find an agreeable home. The room must he nicely furnished, and with or without partial board. Address Lyons, Herald office. References exchanged. TO DRUGGISTS.? WANTED TO PURCHASE, AN Es tablished Drugstore, in a good location, for which a liberal price will be paid. Address Mediuus, Herald office, stating where located. WANTED TO RENT? FOR A TERM OF YEARS, twenty-five lots of ground, cither on tho North or East river, for a Brown Stane Yard, for a company now organizing, to work Eayre's Patent Stone Dressing Machine. Also, panted, a Steam Engine, fifty horeo power, the seller to take an interest in thecoinpany in payment. For further particulars inquire at 62 William street, office No. 3. $50 LOST AND REWARDS, REWARD.? LOST, IN WALL STREET, ON Saturday, a Morocco Pockot Book containing a package of bills on the Lumberman's Bank Wilmart. Who ever will return said pocket book and contents to J. Lewis Taylor, IS Maiden lane, New York, will receive the above reward. The pocket book was marked R.Leffcrts, 47 Fulton street, Brooklyn, L. I. (KQR REWARD.? LOST, ON THURSDAY NIGHT. AN enamelled Diamond Breast pin, with the initials C. M. C., "'Forget me not" on the in.ido. The above reward will be paid, and no questious asked to whoever will retur* tlie tame to tiO l.ispenard street. fifrQA REWARD.? LOST, ON THB NIOUT OK THE yj) G>\J 6th in?t., on Fourteenth street and Tenth avians stage route, or in Twenty-fourth street, a morocco Forte Mornai, containing between $70?nd (100, In Mils. ai-v*og which were one twenty and one ten, on a Pennsylvania hank. The above reward will be paid on returning Ike same, with contents, to the office of the Irving II -- in REWARD.? LOST, A CLOTH POCKET hjOk, HP Xvf containing notes of hand, a deed, and other paper-. The deed and notes, exeopt two, wcro payable to Mr?. M ary Bailey; the other two to Geo. Bailey. The above was lost in one of the carson the New York and Erie Itailroad, between Taukhannock and New York, on the 5th inst. The above reward to be paid on the return of the pocket bo A to the Pearl street House, N. Y. Five dollars reward. ? left in one of Kipp & Brawn's stages, on Thursday evening, a large Blank llook, kept as a memorandum. The finder will re reive the above reward by leaving it with John D. Lee, 61 Reade street. LOST-ON THE FIRST MAY, FROM ON BOARD THE .laeob Bell, steamer, a deal box, with iron hoops, and card marked Mrs. Bronly, Dublin, to be left at Tapscott's office. A reward will be given if it is loft at the police offiee, City Hall. _ STOI.EN-FROM STORE NO. ISO CEDAR STREET, ON Friday night, 7th instant, a Gold Lovor Mutch, gold face and chased back; maker's name, "Guinnard, London, No. HI " Also, some promissory Notes, payment of which haa been stopped. Watchmakers and pawnbrokers are can tioneil not to purchase the watch. A suitable reward will he paid for the return of them to the above number. STOLEN? FROM THE POCKET OF THE r VDERSIGN ed, while walking, this morning, sear the Herald office, a Bank Hook, marked Martin K. Bridges, Long Island, con taining three $"><) bills on the Merchants' Exchange Bank, two of them rather old looking ? one had been torn in two, and both dirty looklujrnotes ? were minus each quite a slice from a eorner. Thero were also two $20 notes, and small bills, amoanting in all to $390, and Asanad Jones' cheek for $M)to my order, on the Chemical Hank. A gsnerous reward will be paid to any person who * ill return the whole, or any part of the sum, to MAllTIN K. BRIDGES, No. 109 Henry stroet, Brooklyn. NOTICE.? LOST OR STOLEN, A NOTE, DATED NEW York, April 19, 1W2, at sixty days from date, for one thousand dollars, w itb interest, payable at American Ex change Bank, Said note is endorsed by John Rice, C. V. Clark and M. M. Caleb, and signed by M. M. Caleb & Ce. All persons are captioned against, and forbid negotiating ?aid note, as payment has been stopped. M.M. CALEB fc CO. SPECIAL NOTICES. r% The annual election for thirteen directors of thiaeom pany, will be held st their office, No. 2 Hanover strWI, en Tuesday, May the 18th, 1N62, between the hours of 12 M. and S P.M. " The transfer book of both stocks will be closed Mon day, May the 10th, at 3 o'clock, P.M., and opened on Wed nesday morning, May the 19th, at 10 o clock, A.M. By order ?f the Board. A. KYLE, Jr., Soeretary. NEW YORK AND MONTGOMERY MINING COMPA ny.? The annual election for directors will be held at the office cf the Company. No. 94 Wall street, on Tuosday, 1st June next. The poll will be open at 12 o'clock noon, and oloso at 2 P. M. The transfer books will be elosed from the 20th; current tlM.'id of.Iuue, inclusive. MATTHEW TAYLOR, Secretary. National academy of desion.-the twenty seventh annual exhibition of the Academy is now open at their aallory, C6S Broadway, from 9 A. M. until 10 P. M. Single admission, 2T> cents: season tickets, fifty cents. Cata logues, 12>a cents. By order of the Coancil, J. M. SHEUOGUE, Cor. Sec'y N. A. Boat r a c e.-card.-it having been our rontly reported, that the crew of the new twenty-six foot boat, called the "Amcrica," built by Mr. Nathan Brooks, declined pulling the raee with the thirty foot club toat " Elisabeth Valentine," the undersigned take this method of Informing their friends who were en the ground on Saturday, the Fth iaet., that the crew of the Valentine withdrew their boat frein the raoe, alleging that one of their oarsmen was sick and nnable to pull. The crew of the "America" are willing to meet the crew of the E. Valen tine at any time to tust the merits of their respective boats. _ "CREW OF THE AMERICA." NOTICBTOTAXl?AYERS.-TnE ASSESSMENT ROLLS ?f the several wards ef this sity will be opon for In spection and review at the office of the Tax Commissioner*, No. 7 New City Hall, from the 20th of May to the Utith of J?ane, and all citizens interested are requested to sail and examine the same, botwoen the hours of 9 and 4 o'clock. AH parties neglecting, unless by reason of absen> cfrem the oily, ?r sickness, dnrlng the entire period above mentioned, will net he entitled to relief on subsequent application to the Supervisors of Common Council. JONATHAN W. ALLEN,) JOHN DE LAMATEK, GEO. H. PURSER. S Commissioner* Proposals for coal and wood, for the United States. ? Written and sealed proposals will be roeelved at the office of the Quartermaster's Department, U. S. Army, No. 6 State street, N. Y., until the 22d of the current month, noon, (tho bids to be snbjeot to tho decision of the Secrotury of War,) for fnrnisbing, lay not to exceed eight hnndred and fifty tons of red aih. broken and screen ed anthracite Coal, to lie delivered in the coal yards, at Go vernor's Island and Bedloc's Island, and on tho wharf, at Fort Hamilton: tho quantity at each place to be designated in due time before hand; not more than ono hundred and fift^ tons to be delivered at any one timo, aud dolh cry to Ix'tin a* soon o practicable aft*rsigning the contrail, and to be finished prior to December ensuing; weight to be deter mined at the place of delivery, and at the expense of con tractor, at the posts where tliere are no public scales. Sa:ne, I' r furnishing, say not to encced .WO ci rds sound merchantable Oak Wood to measure 128 cubic feet to the cord, to bo de livered at the above places, in stieh qnantitiej as may be pre viously designated, and as may be conveniently rtetlfe l at tny one tiin-, snd te be delivered and corded by the con tractor; delivery to begin aad be Completed as above. Ilonds, with proper sureties, whose names and residences will be exprrs ea in the bids, will he required for the faithful i r foraanrc of the contracts. THo*. SWORDS. It. Col., ? ^ und QuartorniMteri IT S A. Office ei th< Quartermaster', Department, No. H Mat. treat. New Vnrk, Mayfth, |g.'>2, /10AL? "NO REMOVAL ?I STILL CONTINUE AT V; in y old stand. .14 and .tfi Washington street, icllinc best quality Red and White Ash real at 2.* Tin, lets than risu lar yard pre es elfowbcre, ef same quality. CEORCE MORROW. Bomima novnw. A FURNISHED BITTING AND BEDROOM, TO LIT. ta i iiltttc family to one ?r two tiugU Bsth hi vtUrtlont for the ?M of MniMk Ttrai moderate. RtfiniNi exchanged. Inquire at 9M Bim4 way, one door abut* Franklin street. . A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY, NO. 10 LUDLOW Place, (Beuaton street) would lot a few of tboir rooata, handsenely furnished, to single gentlemen, with or witboat breakfast, Board.- a lady can be accommodated with board aad a pleasant furnished room. Apply at 38 Hubert ttreet. BOARD-A LARGE FURNISHED ROOM CAW BE had byes* or nor* single gentlemen, with or without breakfast and tea, at 106 brand itreet, first block weet of Broadway. Boarding -a gentleman and bis wife, or two single gentlemen, can find pie want roomtand Rood board, at No. In Varied ttreet, St. John's park. A bath la the lie nee. Several line* of omnibuses in the vicinity. Boarding ? a pleasant room and bedroom, to let to a gentleman and wife, or two single gentle men. with fnll or partial board. Apply at 139 llester street, a few doors from the Bowery. "DOARD-TWO gentlemen and their wives MJ also two single gentlemen, can be accommodated with board, at No. 31 Ainot itreet, with all the modern improve ments of hatbi aad gat. References given and required. Convenient to two itage roates. Board in south brooelyn? to let, in a pri vatt family, two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, to a fentleman and bis wife, or single gentlemen. Apply at 77 'resident street, three minute* walk from Bamilton avenue I Ferry. Boardino.-country residence on the east River, Fifty-flrat street ? furnished or unfurnished Rooms, for select families and gentlemen. Spaciiue, ele vated, healthy, with charming leenery on all sides. Lata Balsey residence. Board in brooklyn-a gentleman and his wife. or one or two tingle gentlemen can be aooommoda ted with a pleanant room and parlor, with or without board, in a German private family; refereuce* exchanged. Address A.L. B , Herald Office. Board in Brooklyn.? a gentleman and his wife may obtain a handsome front room and bedroom, on the second floor, with partial board for the gentleman, by applying at 06 State street; also, rooms for single gentle men. Reference required. "DOARDING.? TBREE OR FOUR GENTLEMEN CAN MJ be accommodated with partial board, in a private fami ly, whero there are no other boarders, by applying at 24 Desbrosse* street, between Greenwich and Washington itrcets. BOARD IN BROOKLYN.? A GENTLEMAN AND BIS wife, or two single gentlemen, can have pleasant rooms, with board, in a small family. Location pleasant, ana within ten minutes walk of Fulton ferry. Apply at No 79 Nassau street, Brooklyn. Board. -a small family can accommodate a few gentlemen with elegantly furnished rooms, and breakfast and tea, in a house having all the modern improve ments, situated on Brooklyn Heignts, having a full view of the bay and harbor. Addresi, with real name and retldenee only, R. L., at tbis office, Board wanted in a private family.? a gentleman from the South, with a small family, is de of obtaining board, with two good sized rooms well furnished, in a private familv who ocoupy a moderu built house, and situated not higher up than Fifteenth street. Address P. A. B., office of thi* paper. Boarding? furnisbed or unfurnished rooms with full or partial board, can be obtained by ap plying at No. 9 Hubert atreet, a few doors F.ait of Hudson street, between the hours of 9 A. M., and 2 P. M. The house is to be furnished with new furniture throughout. Refe rence exchanged. Boarding.? a very desirable opportunity is now offered to single gentlemen or gentlemen and their wives, who wijh to proeure a home for the summer in a private boarding house. The location is pleasant; also convenient to several stage route*. The rooms now unoccu pied arefront. 811 Greenwich street, corner of Jane. Board in hoboken.-two or three gentle. men can bo accommodated with breakfast anij dinner on Sundays, In a private family, wb<rt there are no boarders. House pleasantly situ^ll((it fronting the river, aud within three minute? w alK of the ferry. A lino to Bo* 2,329, Post Office, will leoelve attention. BOARD.-A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE. OR A few single gentlemen, can obtain full or partial board, with pleasant rooms, where therixtre but few boarders. In a house with all the modern improvements, and a pleamint location, No. 89 West Twuntjr. first etrett, between Fifth anil Sixth avenues. Board? large oh single rooms, genteely furnished, for tamilio* or single gentlemen, inay be ob tained in a first class house, with baths and gas. Fulton street stages pass the dour. Also a basement, suitable for a physician's office. Fulton street stages pas* the door. Ap ply at 11< Fourth striot. corner Amot. References ox changed. Board.? a widow lady, without family, residing in Spring street, a few streets west of Ilroad way, will let to a lady aud gentleman (with board for lady only) a large, well furnished parlor, on second floor, with gantries, Ac., attached. To those wishing a quiet anil com fortable residcuce, this affords a rare opportunity. Address O. S. P., Berald offlco. Board in hoboken.-a newly furnished house, with all tlie modern improvement!, including hot, coKl. Hud shower baths, fronting tlio river and bay, and near tbe (Wry. Would let to a party of gentlemen a suit of rooms, front and hack, with breakfast and tea, and if re quired, dinner on Sundays. Address Hobokcu, llerald of fice. I FAMILY BOARD1NO. ? A I.ADY OCCUPYING TWO of those elegant house in Twonty-second street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, having all the modern im provements, gas, water, &c., and newly furnished, can ac commodate a few genteel families with suits of rooms; also, a few gentlemen. References required. A handsome front baacment will be let as an office, to a physician, if difirfl. Apply at No. i.'1, as above. I FAMILY BOABDIVG.? A LADY OCCUPYINO A brown stone bouse No. 32 East Twenty-fifth street, with all the modern improvements, gas, water. Ice., and newly furnished, ean accommodate a few genteel families with suits of rooms, also a few gentlemen. Reference required. A handsom e front basement to let, suitable for a physician. Apply as above. near IVurth avenue. T."U'RNISHED ROOMS IN IIOBOKEN. WITH Oil X without board, in a private house, where only a few hoarders t>ill he taken. Private table, if desir'id. Cr.ll at the premises, on Hudson place, third door; or address b.x 3,056, Poit Office, New York. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TO SINGLE GENTLE mcn. without board, iu Franklin street, west of Broadway. Kooms neV ly furnished, and the situation is convenient and pleasant. Address R. T., Broadway Post Office. HOBOKFN, N. J.? MRS. II ROWER IS NOW PRB parod to receive application for a limited number of hoarder*. Residence No. ltj Franklin Terrace, coruer of H'idsou and Fourth streets. ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, (AND NO MORE,) CAN he handsomely accommodated in a private fnmilr, of three persons, with a parlor, or a parlor aud bedroom, bathing room adjoining. The house possesses all modern improvements, and situated in the pleasantcst part of the city, adjoining Fifth avenue and Madison Park and Broad way. To an agreeable and most respectable gentleman. -he comforts of home will bo liberally offered, with or without breakfast cr tea. Address for one week, Kingaland, No. 10 Fine street, up stairs. SUMMER BOARD.? PAVILION. NEW ROC1IELLE.? This first class and dslightfal summer hoarding honse, replete with facilities ft,r enjoying the bathing, Ashing, rid ing. sailing, and other recreations of this fashionable water ing place, is now open for the reception of guosts, and tbe ecuring of rooms. M. A. FOREMAN. HOTELS. rfHE SHADES, NO. 101 SIXTH AVENUE, OPPOSITE J. Eighth street.? WM. iWILDR inform! his friends and the public that he has opened the above establishment, and wi 1 endeavor to givo satisfaction to those who will favor him with a call. Best quality of Ales, Wines, Liquors aud Sogars, always on haud. TIIE HAMILTON BOVO. FORT HAMILTON, L. I., will open for transient compsny on Saturday. May 8, for the season. UAWLEY D. CLAPP. Hamilton nousE, fort Hamilton, l. i.? will open on the iirst day of June. Families wishing to en gage rooms, can seo the proprietor, by sending their address to the office of tiie Astor House, or at Fort Hamilton, L. I. Steamboat* Wilson Small and John Hart will make regu lar trip! on and after the first day of June, leaving Fort Hamilton at 7>2 aud !> o'clock A. M. Returning, leavo New York at 9 o'olvok A. M , 4 and 6}g o'clock P. M. HAWLEY D. CLAPP, Richmond hill hotel, statev island (Late tho Richmond Seminary). ? J. P. Kellctt begs to in form the publio that tho Seminary will be entirely re modeled fer a selcet family hotel, to open for tho season on tbe 1st of June. Particulars can he obtained at S. W, Be nedict'! store, No. 6 Wall street, New York. Bath house, long island, on the atlantic Ocean, seven and a half miles from New York.? The above popular hotel is now open for the reception ?f fami lies and hoarders. It has been thoroughly renovated and put in perfect order the past winter, and will compare favor ably, in its accommodation!, with tbe bolt hotel* in the country. It ii beautifully situated on the borders of the ocean, commanding a view of all the shipping going out or returning from sen, the Narrows, Sandy Hook, and Statcn Island. It ha* attacked to it extensive grounds, which are taitefully laid out, and shaded by trees and shrubbery, af fording extensive promenades in full view of the ocean. The bathing in tbe open surf is unsurpassed. The various sonrcee ef amusement nsnolly found at similar establishments will be found hire. Tlie stables are extcn live, well provided and attended. Cnuvcynnee by steamboats from New Jork, and stages from No. 10 Fulton *treet, Brooklyn, several times during the day. ISAAC O. DAVIS. PAVILION, NEW BRIGHTON.? TIIE PROPRIETOR of this establishment begs leave te inform his friends and the public that he is now ready to enter into arrange ments with parties Who msv wish to occupy rooms f?r the ensning teatoa. The Pavilion will open on Saturday, May 15th. F. BLANCARD. BXPHEM AGENCIES, 6c. BERTORD ii (?>. S till EAT CALIFORNIA PACKAGE and l'areel Tirress will go forward on Monday next, Msv 10th, per stenmer Empire City, via Havana and Aspin wa!l, in charge of our messenger, through to destination. Or expresstrnnks for small parcels will be keptopeu till one P. M.. day ef sailing, freight taken at the lowest rata*. No charge for custom house fees or consular certificate*. N B.-#e shall send oer mail for Houtli Pacifio per steamer Unit?d States, on the lfttli, to connect with the English iteamer leaving Pnnama 30th May. BERFORD ft CO., 2 Vesey street, Astor House. Adams & co , ofuce. no. w broadway, cali- | f-rnia Freight, Package, and Parcel Express, per : I nlte.l States Mail Bteamer Kmpire City, on Monday. May ' inth, iW2,-Our nevt regular scml monthlv express for Calf- ! fornia.vlo < hngres and Panama, will (>c despatched, per I Unii *d States mail steamer Emplro t ity, for Churres direct, i on Mendav. luth inst.; at two o'clock, P. M , through a* I usual, in ilarge of one of our own freight a rents and sne- ] eial messenp*r, todestination. Consignee! of freight by tills , express are requested to send in their go<ds, with invoices, i before the day of silling, to nnible us to < ?mply with the I giivrrnment requisition tor tnrllng and sealing. Small par- I eels and despstenes wilt he rccclvud nnttl eue o'clock on Monday. No package should cxroed 12."> lbs. weight, or 5!J ! fc t enbic measurotnf nt, and everything must b.> strictly ws'fr proof, < r if will he at owner'* risk. No cliai.'e for ! cuftom-hosipe fees or consul r ecrtiBcatos. ADAMS & CO., No. 39 Broadway. I MUSICAL. (1 H \ N 1> PIANOFORTE. RF.( ENTLlT IMPORTED 1 * fr.imonoof tin first r.uropenn manofaetcrlis. rose wood case, and first, elius in ? trumcnt. hfis been nsed a fu v months, and will he sold at a sreat bargain. Also, second hand Piano, ? one for *."*1, one for $75, oni for $125, one f r $150, and one for $100. A foil assortment of b iston and Mew York Pianos, whieb are offered fur sale, at tho . very lewtst prices, at Ml Broadway. ItfKyPISV ft TIIOMFSOK. 1 TEW ANTS' MBCO ATO1T OF ROOMS, WITH PANTEIRg and ward robe, Ue tnt floor of bo?.e No. M Colonade r?w, rtnl ilr??t, Williamsburg. Tki stt?w?io? U wj oposlte the water, one minute's walk from the Peek alip firry. A MORI A, L. I.- TO LIT OR LEASE, A NEAT, WELL A killt CMU|t House. (??veu room*,) Md about four Mm of good Land, suitable for a gardener or n?r?er/n??B. to J W. TOWNNEN D, A ?tori*, or to A. OOMSTOCE, tea Www lUwl, New Fork. Houses in south Brooklyn to rent or ?elL? The tii aew throe atory, Mattel briok honiea on the eorasr of Butler and Hoyt atroeti, rent J?), 0* will be fold for $3, NiO, en easy term. Stagei run from Pulton ferry within two bloeka every Ave minutes. Apply at 9 A. M.,or 4 F. M., to Valentine 0. llall, No. It (Irtunrtj park, East Twentieth street. OFFICES TO LET-AT $7, $10, $1.1, AND $20 PER month, in Nassau atreet and Clinton eonrt. Apply to ttO- LEVIE. 136 Nassau atreet. OFFICES TO LET OR LEASE, AT EBOADWAT suitable for a physician or arcniteot; aUu. attio and two ? mail rooms, suitable for a dagnerreotypiat. For terms, ap ply to T. DUN LAI' t!34 Broadway. STORE IN HARTFORD TO LEASE? ONE OF THE heat atoroa in the city, located on Maine atreet, on the ftubiio aqnarc? adapted to the dry goods, hardware, or anev buaineea ? affording a rare opportunity for perma nently securing a anr.erior business stand, in one of the moat tlouriahing eitiea of the Union, Foasmsion given imme diately. Vr'jr to SAMl'EI, HAMILTON, llartford. TO DACt'ERRKAN ARTISTS AND OTHERS.? TO BE let, the lofta ef the new home No. 14 Division atreet, a few doora from the Bowery. They are large and well lighted, and have Croton water, mantela. and grates. The top at >ry ia particularly adapted for a daguerrean artist, having beon apeeially deaigned for that pnrpoie. They are all well anited fur any light mechanical luiaineaa, or for stores. Possession given lit of June. Apply at the premiaea, from 11 to 12 o'clock, every day; or to F. O. Fcrrall, 41 Atlantic street, Brooklyn. TO LET? SECOND STORY OF HOUSE NO. ?7 JANE atreet. Croton water and bath. Apply on the preuiiiei. TO LET? THE FIRST FLOOR. BASEMENT, AND third atory of new building No 29 Beekman it., between William and Nassau. Each atory offered if IM feet deep, and wall calculated for any kind of business. They will be 1*1 separately or together, aa may be required. Inquire of JAMES CON NEK St SON. 2S Ann, cor. Nassau. TO LET-IN WILLIAMSBURG. TWO NEW THREE ?tory brick dwelling Houses, situated In a fine healthy location In Division avenue, near Fourth etreet, and within three minutea walk of the Peck ilip ferry. The whole or kalf of each houae will be let to a respectable family, by ?ailing on TH08. DOYLE, No. 1 Fifth atreet, Wliilami knrg. ' TO LET, IN WILLIAMSBURG ? A FIRST CLASS three-itory brick Houae, containing eight hedrooma, together with arched parlora and baioment, lituated on South Ninth atreet. near Third atreet, about three blocks from Peck Slip Ferry. Rent, $430 per year. Inquire of PETER MURRAY. No. 36 Maiden lane. New York. TO LET-THREE FARLORS AND BEDROOMS AT tached, furnished or unfurnished, with or without breakfast, at No. 638 Broadway, two doors above the Colla more House. Gentlemon will find theae rooms very plea sant, and the location desirable either for business or plea sure. No children in the house. TO LET, A MODERATE SIZED ROOM. ON TnE FIRST floor of the Stuyvesaut Institute, GA9 Broadway ; also, a very large room to let during the summer months, from the present time to 1st of October. TO LET? A COUNTRY RESIDENCE. TWELVE MII.ES from the City Hall, suitable for a gentleman doing busi ness in the city, near the Harlem Railroad depot, at Wil liamsbridge. on the road leading to Throg'e Neck. Inquire afD. PEARSALL, No. 4 Fulton market. TO LET? AN ELIGIBLE PARLOR ROOM, ON THE flrst floor, in a good location, near Stewarts' Building, in Chambers street. The room is capable of being altered into two good offices, suitable for lawyers, dentists, or any other professional business. Apply te II. MORRISON. 87 Chambers street^ IBT IMMEDIATELY? THE NEW TnREE STOR1 ?M. brick house northeaat corner of Pacific and Bont tr ets, Brooklyn. Inquire of 0. BAINBRIDGE SMITH, 62 William street, N. Y. TO JEWELLERS.? TO LET, THE LOFTS OF STORB No. 19 Maiden lane, between Broadway and Nassau ?trcet, suitable for a Jeweller's effiee. Inquire of JONES Hi ROCHFORD, 190 Pearl street. TO LET? OFFICES, IN THE BUILDING NO. CM Broadway, suitable for trchitcots, artists, <fcc. One snit of rooms for an insurance office. Apply to JOHN W. RITCH, Architect. TO LET-THE OCEAN HOUSE, SHREWSBURY, N. J., on the margin of the Atlantic ocean, and fronting tlio Shrewsbury river. ? The above house will bo rented furnish ed. The only reason is the ill health of the proprietor. Inquire of N. COKT, 30 Bowery; or W. A. MATHEWS, on the premiaea. TO LET IMMEDIATELY? A COTTAGE BUILT nOUSE in the village of New Utrecht, two hundrod yards from hath house, west side fronting the water. Tliero in a fine view of Sandy Hook and the Jersey shore; has on the pro mises a fine well of pure water; and for bathing it cannot bo surpassed. Inquire of J. B. TERRAIN, 159 Smith street, Brooklyn. TO LET? A FURNISHED COTTAGE, AT FOItT Hamilton, L. I., having a tino view of the Bay, Staten Island, the Highlands, tic. Thocottago contains ten rooms; servants' rooms arc detached. A beautiful flower garden, grapery, be.; carriage houae and stabling for two horses. Appljrto HAWLEY D. t'LAPP, Hamilton IIouho, L. I. TO LET? A LARGE NEW COTTAGE HOUSE, CON taining eleven rooms, bath, and excellent well and cis tern water. Situation, one of the moat desirable on New York Island; within ten minutes' walk of thn Hudson River Railroad depot, at Ifi'id street. One aero of the best garden land, stable, Jto., will go with it. It will be ready by the first day of June. Apply to A. B. MILLS, 81 Cortlandt street. HOMESTEADS. Ron Si w BtriLDnra and mutual loan Asso ciation will hold itn first monthly meeting, at Cnion Hall, corner of Twenty-scoond street and Third atniif, on Monday owning, Kith inst , at 8 o'clock. Members will please call at the office, 114H'ourth avenue, previously, and pay their (lues. Persons wishing to join had better do ho early, ns the entrance fee will soon be raised. JAMES H. 8IJVDAM. Presidont. ROBERT C. VORU1E8, Vice Prei't. Charles A. Dav, Secretary. MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO JOIN THE SECOND Greenwich Building Association.? The Third Regular Monthly Meeting will bo held on Monday Evening, May ID, at 8 o'clock, in the Rleccker Building*, Bleecker street, near Morton. This Association has now been organized three months, and has boon extremely successful. Its mem bers comprise many of our most intelligent citizens, who have united together to avail themselves of the advautages of the mutual system, by which both borrowers and lend ers are enabled to derive greater benefits than in any other institution. Nearly six humlrod shares have already been token, and it is expoetcd that the entrance toe will te in creased after this evening. All who contemplate Joining should do so at this meeting. Come and lay the foundation of fnturo competency. Alilo Shakers will be prcsant. Members arc requested to pay their dues before t? o'clock on the day i f the meeting, at the office, No. 48 Eighth ave nue. Those who do not pay will bo subject to the nsual line. JOHN KEVSER. President. GEORGE STARR, Vice-President. R. Ross, ,1:., S< i retary. Office, No. 48 Eighth avenue. Pianoforte and house furnishing mutual Loin Association. ? Unparalleled success. 1 he tirit monthly meeting of this society took placu on I'riday even ing last, at the Apollo Rooms. Several shares wi re award ed ? more that were anticipated. The popularity of this as sociation Is now established, and its advantages to the pub lic are hcyond a doubt. Tlia subscription list is open, and ladies and gentlemen intending to become members had better not delay in putting down their names. A pro spectus may be had. gratis, and every information proanred at the office, in book store of Aurianoe Shorman & Co., jjb.1 At t"r Houae. A. H. JOCELt V, Treasurer. TEN SHARES IN THE IRVING BUILDING ASSO. ciation for ta&e at a discount, ns the owner wants the money. Address l\ R. S.Loffi'-o of this paper. REMOVAL*. Mns. vetault, ?7.i Broadway, begs to in form her patrons that, from the 1st of Mav, she wili remove her show rooms to the first floor of konse 711 Broad way, corner of Washington place. She also acquaints them that she has just received from the first hoases in Paris a large assortment of bonnets, mantillas, linen, nad articles for mourning of every de?<ription, Hie. The office of the national loan fund life Assurance Company, of London, is removed from No. 7 Grand street to WJ Washington street, eorncr of Mer cer street, Jersey Clty.wherc insnranceon lifo can bcellbcted. Medical officers attend daily at i P. M. California risks taken. Pamphlets containing rate* and other information, and printed California rnles. furnished on application. J. LEAN DER STARR, General Agent. 8. SE KH>?x%TmMD.? ' I Madiotl Examiner*. R EMOVAL.? JOSEPH LEE, NO. 3 NASSAU STREET, ha* removed his place ef business to 31 Broadway. Removal.? rushton, clark, have re moved from 110 Broadway and No. 1 Pine street, to 16.1 Broadway, between Cortlandt and Liberty streets, formerly Rath bun * Hotel. RF.MOVAL.-J. J. COMTE. RECTIFIER AND Dis tiller, has removed from 61 Water street to No. 9 Old Slip, where he will keep on hand a large and well asserted stock of pure Spirits, Cologne Spirits, Alcohol, Brandy, Gin, fine Cordials, French Coloring, Ike., to. The attention of wholesale dealer* 1* respectfully solicited. Removal.? the undersigned most respect fully begs leave te call the attention of thepublic to thbremoval of hi* Bottling Establishment from 11*1 and 194 Fulton street, to the corner of Varick, Vestry, and Canal streets? where, with ample space, snd alt the modern im provements for making 8oda Water. A'., he hope* to m able to snppl/ the increased demand, and still retain the same liberal patronage with which he has been hitherto fa vored. WM. EAGLE, corner of Varick, Vestry and Oanal (treats. CLAIMS. CLAIMS AGAINST NEW ORLEANS, AND THE F1RW, Second, and Third Manieipalitios, wanteJ.?Aay valid claim as absve. past dae, er maturing seon, #ilt he bought by the stibssriber ea favorable term*. All inquiries by mail Will be answered the same as on personal application. J. THOMPSON, No. 2 Wall stroct, corner of Broadway. " astrot^ooyTa* Clairvoyance. ? all diseases discovered and cured, (if curable): lost and stolen property dis covered ; the fate and whereabouts of absent frien Is made known ; unerring advice on business, 8te., by Mrs. SRY MOl: H, the most celebrated and only reliable Clairvoyant in America, at her family residence, No. 2,'? (new number) Division street, near Clinton street. Recollect, she U tho only Clairvoyant that has ever said, " satisfaction gnaran teed to all, or no charge made." DR. ROHACK'S LECTURES ON ASTROLOGY. MAGIC. nr.? Lecture No. 4.? In the Highlands of Scotland and in the Hebrides "Second Sight," or the power of seeing event* lelore they hanpen, is ascribed to certain persons Vnowr as " Seers/' The power. I have no doubt, Is rightly a. i rit > Be thit as it may, I know that, by some natural or < ?tra natural principle developed in my own muni, and op> rutin? through the forms of astrological science, I ean. ?;.'f do, fortell what i< to oeonr. Oftentimes I arrive ant only lit the knowledge of threatening danger, but at the ir' nns b} which it may bo avoided; and by pursuing the ad vice I give, the impending misfortune is evaded, fly the same process, I am enabled! to lead many nut of existing dif- I f ' ul, ii by paths t'.ey wonld nnver dream of. \et which are to oe dear is the high roads npon which the sunshine rests. It lis" I' ?' my privilege tn bring about many nappy mi riu ', sn l t > ro| lace dlsenrd with harmony and levt, in ro:it?v a louu lo Id. The beauty of my art is, that it applies to allcase-i, till eircnmstfcnees, all conditions, alt timet, alt phi cs. 1 i mo It seenjs wonderful that any sane hnaau bu Ing should neglect te have his it her nativity east. At my residence, No. t! White street, I receive throughout tho d iy and ? veiling tho ti'Ka of those who wish to nonsuit me. The fie iharp ?! 1* in j ref irticn t* the estent ef tl.elntormatiea re<. Hired. ton liui, BUSINESS FOR flALB.? Till STOCK AND FIXTURES of ? retail Dry and ?an?y Good* Store, now doing a good business, with a wall ealacted *tock. and on one of Uo principal thoroughfare* in Brooklyn. T?mu eaay, aad Im mediate possession given; or would be aieliamied for reul estate. Apply on the premise*. Myrtle ntnm. a<-ar Adel.,kr N. PEED, .11 Fulton street, Brooklyn. aa"'""' or of C. Eastern timber.- the attention or carpev ton, builder*, and other*, I* requested, to a lajye and ? nperior lot of Spruce Timber, wall aea?oned aad .u fin* order, long length* and largo *i;cs. all oat to order, by eon Ifact. Par sal* by COLGER 4, DUGAKD, Steam Haw Mill*. Twonty-*ov*nth and Twaaty-elsbUxtreau. North river. I^AHM AT YON K IBS, OF SEVEN TV ACRES, WITH JP building* nearly all new, I*, mileM from Harlem Kail road, and 2)/niiIes from Vonkern; eighteen opportunities daily of reaching it by railroad and boats. Plenty of good fruit and water, twenty acraa in wood, and undoubtedly healthy. A I |1> at 19 Piatt street, up stair*. "CI OR 8 A LB, OR BZCHANOK VOR CITT PROPERTY? J/ eighty. four aero* of land, with good bnllding*. frnlt, Ste., within two mile* of Slug Sing Landing; or would bo let, if notaold. Inquire of E ft. Cotaut, at sing Sing, or of Ifm. McCord, 111 Sullivan street, New Vork. FOB sale- FIT! UOUSES in twenty-seventh ? treat, between Tenth and Eleventh avonue*, aonth aide ? No. 320 to No. 328? all tenanted and newly built. Forpartieulari, apply to S. JESSURUN, Baq., No. 7 Clinto* Court Beekman atreet. For sale? a bargain, at darien, connecti eat, a good llonae, containing eleven aeoma, with oil aore* of first rate land attached, oat building*, fruit treos, garden, fltc.. delightfully situated in one of the moat healthy ?ectiona of the county, within three minutes' walk of, the de pot, and two hour* ride from tliia eity. Fur further particu lar*, apply to JAMES M. TAILOR. 227 Greeuwieh itraet. For rale? a first-rate manufacturing bit. eineaa, in oae of th* moat flourishing towna of Connceti eut, connected directly with New YorV by railway. Said Ruainees, Machinery, sc., will be *old at a reasonable prioe, the owner wishing to ratiro. Inquire at V. B. PALMER, Newnpaper Agent, Tribune Bnildkig*. TO STEAMBOAT OWNERS.-THE ASTONISHING ?ale of lota at Strattonport and I'Ummerahurg, ban induced the subacriher to advertise for a boat to convey tho passengers to and fro. Any person having a boat suitable for.passeugers, drawing not over tbreo feet of water, conve nient and commodious, may hear of an opportunity of ?bar tering, by applying to JOHN A. FLAMMER, 197 West Eighteenth street. FINANCIAL. OFFICE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM pany, N?. ti.'l Wall itreet. IN CONFORMITY WIVI THE REQUISITIONS OF their Charter, the Company *ubmit the following state ment:? Amount of Premiums not marked off April 3, 1851 $379,466 13 Amount of Premium* on Policie* issued from 3d April, 1851, to 3d April. 1802 1,504,984 07 Total nmount of Premium* $1,884,470 JW The amount of Premium* marked oft' during the year, as above, was? On Marine Risks. .. . f 1,48/1,702 37 On Inland Transportation Navigation Risks. ,. HI, OHO 00 tl.ft77.0M2 37 Lei* Return Premiums 144,183 04 Earned Premiums for tho year $1,433,499 33 Paid during the said period:? For Marine Losses $714,304 51 For Inland Navigation Losses 14,728 U0 Beiniuranco, Commission, Interest, Expenditure, and Bad Debts .... 206,410 59 935,538 1$ Profits to he divided $497, WW 23 Amount of earnings of 1847 63,053 05 do. 184* 198,1 18 77 do. 1H4? 237,725 08 do. ISfiO 260.186 00 do. 1851 381,348 00 do. 1852 497,906 23 Total for six years $1,628,398 39 Leas amount or certificates 1847, 184S, 1849, and COper cont of 18W paid in cash 618,990 53 ... . . $1,009,407 86 The Company further report that they baa, at that date, the following Asssets, vU.: ? Invested in United State* 6 per ccnt, and otlwr Stocks $216,572 17 Bonds and Mortgages .18,0110 00 Bills Receivable $30,536 44 Cash and Unsettled Claims, to be closed by cask or notes 143.000 97 Total Assets $1,348,109 58 The Trustees have declared a DIVIDEND OF THIRTY FIVE PBR CENT on the net earned Premiums of the past Scar, payable in Scrip, on and after the second Monday in ay next. The Trustees hare also resolved? That tho balance of the outstanding Scrip Issued for the year ending 3d April, 1850, bo paid, with the interest due thereon, on and after Monday, tho 10th of May next; and also that the interest and Fifty per cent of the Scrip issued for tho year ending April. 1851, be paid in like manner, on and after Monday, the 12th July instaut, the Certificates it be presented anil cancelled to tlie extent of payment. By order ol the Board, W. V. HUTCHINGS, Secretary. New York, April 24, 1852. Diatcroit*. Josrrit Walker, William Watt, Thomas Hunt, Ai.mkt Rbri>, James Freeland, Cvrus Curtis*, Henry Shelden, Herman Bokkr, Thomas S. Nelson, 4'hai. G. Cari.ktob, Wii/Ho n G. Hunt, Lucius Hopkins, Stewart C. Marsh, Daniki.G. Uavilanb, Georok Hastings, Coon, Samuel Willetk, David L. Sayrb, Corn emus Grinnell, Henry A. Stone, D. W. 1' ati. in, John Steward, Jr., Paui. N. SrorrORD, O. E. Mai.tiiv, Septimus Crookks, B. M. Whitlock, Payen, J as. T. Sovtter, Charlf* II. Rogers, F.i.ias Uiitks, Bamuei. J. Reals, II. W.T.Mali. EI.LWOOD WALTER, President.. LEWIS GREGORY, Vice President. CHARLES NEWCOMB, Second Vic* President. W. V. Hutching*, Secretary. NEW YORK EXCHANGE COMPANY.? THE CAPI tal stock in tho New York Eichange Company, amounting to $1,000,000, having been fully subscribed, and the Company having received the deed of the property in Wall street, heretofore known as the Merchants Exchange, eutered into poxsesiian and erganiied this day. by the elec tion of Simeon Baldwin, President, and W. S. Vnderhill. S crctary. Tho following persons eompos* the Board of Truitoe*:? Jainas Bsorman Jame* Brown, Moae* Taylor, Leonardo S Snares, W. W. Deforest, Robert B. Minium, W. H. Anpitiwall, Charioa N. Talbot. Thomas Tileston, Simeon Baldwin, John Ward, Nicholas Indium, W. S, Underbill. By order, SIMEON BALDWIN, P?e*ident. W S. Underbill. Secretary. New Vtfirk, May 6, IM5J. OFFICE OF THE WILLIAMSBURG OAS LIGHT I Company, May 4, lri-U. ? Tim lirectors have thin day <Ie- I clarcd a semiannual dividend uf fire per cent on the oapital stock of the com pany, which will be paid to the stockholder*, or their lenal representatives, at the office of the company oo and after tho 24th inst. L. P. BWEETT.AN'D, Boeretary. PW. BYRNES & Co., 6!i SOUTH STREET, NEW ? York, and No. M Waterloo Rn?.|, Liverpool, ihhii* Sight Draft*, payable throughout England, Ireland, Scot land, and Wales: are also agent* fur tno Empire, Red Star, Dramatic, and St. George's Lines of Liverpool Packets, and NewLinefrom Hamburg and Rotterdam, (Ailing weekly. Certificates for abort lines for sale. REMITTANt ES ? DRAFTS FEOM XI AND UP WARDS, payable at sight, in any town throughout Oreat Britain and Ireland, are issued by the undcrsigued, sale agents in t bis eity for the Swallow Tail Lines of London and Liver poal Packet*. BOWMAN, QRINNELL II CO., Kl South street. Funded bonds of tiik new york and har lem Railroad Company.? These are seven per cent bonds, reimbursable in 1*17, with somi aunual interest cou pons attached; for sale by HI, ATI .'11 FORD it RAINSFORD.Nn. .?!> William sf. Money lent: money lent;-h. u j. Goldstein. licensed pawnbrokers, 1HK Hostcr street, loan money en all kinds of personal property, in large or small sums, on merchandise, gold and silver watcher, jewelry, silver plate, wearing apparel, &c. MONEY.-MONEY MAY BE OBTAINED tOR SHORT periods, to suit applicant*, on Watches, Plate, Jew elry, Pianofortes, Segars, Horses, Carriages, or any ether personal property, at the Pacific (Jcneral Agency Office, No. 1)4 Oraori street, corner Broadway, over the Paciflo Bank. The strictest cunfidencc and honor may be relict upon. nnn-T? loan on bond and mort jJOl/j* r\J\ / gage, or productive property. Gentlemen In want of funds will do well to call on the subscriber. For sale, splendid homes, country seats, and farms. Also, houses 4H Lispcnard and ,tM Sullivan street. RODERICK I, A WHENCE, 75 Nawau street, and No. 2 Second street. Williamsburg. ({ton nnn TO loan, ox mortgage, on im ipt9\fy \J\J\J prored property in this city: ?Uo various smaller (urns. Apply to S. OSGOOD, 7i Nassan street, from 10 A.M. to I P.M. OfMl WANTED-A PARTNER, WITH THE above amount in cash, to manufacture a (tapl>- article in the hardware line, that pay* a large profit, ami Is in large demand. Must be a gentleman or nnquet tionable character. Address "Charlos," Herald office, elating where an interview may be had, and real name, with reference. The adTMtiier has the abort: amount and out of debt. Mm nnn TO IS.0H0.-TnE ADVERTISER WOULD yj (OjUuU like to Join *ome person with an equal amennt in a respectable basiness already establish*. Plsbte state the natnre of the business. Reference* given ami required. Address " Confidence," Herald e&ee, with name and residence. 4i9 AHA yET PROFIT MAT BR RRALIZSDglK six months, by an investment ef $30U, or, the same proportion for any greater amount, bv applying, be tween the heur* of ten o'clock, A. M., and four o'clock, P. M., to E. D. SKELY, 412 Broadway, aesond floor. "tlT ANTED? 000 CH BOND AND MORTGAGE TT o?o.l city security will be girea. Apply at WM. ScHLl'ETER'Sj office, Chatham Bank Buflllmrs, roem No. ?. TRAVni.LBRJP GCTDK. FOR ALBANY, WITHOUT CnANOE OF CARS.? FARE reduced.? Regularity and safety combinsd.-The cars ef the New I ork and Harlem Railroad loare the City Hall station, New York, dally, (Sundays excepted,) at Uo'sdoek A. M., April 21, 1881. M. SLOAT, Superintendent. SUNDAY LINE, AT FIVE O'CLOCK, FOR ALBANY? Landing at Newbnrg, Poughkeepule, Kingston, Cat*klll, and lludscn. Fare, 25 cents. Berths, 23 cents.? The new and splendid steamer BUFFALO, (.'apt. Hsncox, wdl leave the foot of Robinson street, north side, as above, at 3 P. M , arriving In ample time for the first train of can east and west. For state rooms, Re., apply on board, or at the offio, on the wharf, _______ C'AMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD^ FOR I'HILA > Uclphla, from pier No. I, North rirer, foot of Battery Slaee, fy steamboat JOHN POTTER. Two lines daily, or n rag line leaves at 7 A. M. Afternoon express line at i P.M., through to Philadelphia in four and a half hour*. Fare? first class cars, $3; second class, (by 2 P. M., line only), $2 Itctnrning, leare Philadelphia from foot sf Walnut iitreet, at 8 A. M, and 2 P. M. Emigrant line, be steamboat TRANSPORT, from pier No. I, at & P. M Fare $ I 30. _ NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA DIRECT.? U. 8. , Mail and Express l-ines, through in Cj hours. S.J. Hailrtad, via Jersey City, leaving .New York at S A. M., foet of Cortlandt street; H A. M. and ft!, P M., Liberty street. I.eatc Philadelphia same hours, from foot of Walnut street. . Fare reduc, J to S3 for first clans. ami $2 ftO for second class. | Ilalttmore, W ashington, and Charleston through tickets sold In the above lines, and through luggage carried in the 9 A. M. ami ft), P. M. line* IromNewYork, with through ten Jactori, without expense. TO PRINTERfl. TO PRINTERS.? FOR RALE. A LARGE HYDRAULIC Standing I'reis. and a super royal Washington Head Press, with self-inking apparatus lompiet*. Apply tc R. M. He# a Co., Gold rtntt. TUB TURF. CVNTRETILLB COURSE, L. I. ?TROTTING -MO.V. 4 ay, Mar 10, at three o'clock, P.M ? Puw. $.m Mil* keat* ? bent three In Ave. in harneaa. Win. Wheelan eater* h f Jaek C, flplcer enter* f. g. VermonL H. M<Lan,thlln tnlm ch. g. Zarhary Taylor) f. WvodraM ent.ral. g. l'?|h*Bi. JUKI. CONKLIV, Proprietor. Mage* ?ii| leave Kulion Ferry, Brooklyn, at 2 V. M., ao4 return a* ao?n as the aporU are ever. far*. 29 u?ut* (ftth way. ?>*2 after. tli' r'i will I. a MIO and".' 55" yard "ra??, "for 1404). lytwo of th? fa. test quarter heraee in tha world. Mr. Herman ianM lii< .orrti stallion Canada Hilly; Mr. Hood namea h. t .Bay Coachman. formerly known aa "Lank head. Thin will ba on** of the moat apirlted abort race* that wai, perhaps, eve r wltnea.efl Cara will leave South Kerry, Brooklyn. for the eourae. at 2 o'clock I*. M ., and re turn aa loan aa the (porta ?r? out Far* etch way. 2."> at*. JOHN t. 9NED1KRR, Proprietor. UNION COI.'RSE, L. I ?TROTTING. -WEDN K?D\Y, May 12, at 3 o'clock I*. M., a mat?h for (IW. three tulle* and repeat, in harness. J. Woodruff o?ia?< * g. Gray Eaglcfof tha West : D. Pflfcr nami-i g. m. Lady Vernon. UH NION COURSE? TROTTING? TI1URSDA y, MAY 1.1, at 3 P. M. t Purse of f.'.00; $50 to go to thosecond b?*t. Mile Brat*, brat J Id .V tu barnaaa. Mr. Wbelpley name* * ra. lady Suffolk. Mr Wheelan namc< b. g. Jack Roaai ter. Mr- S. McLaughlin name* a. g. Zachary Taylor. Mr. George Spicer names g. g. Vermont. Mr. H. Woodrufl namaa h, in. Boaton Girl. Tli? qualification* on tha above field of hone*, need no commenting on. The public CM Judge of their tine condition who wltneased their last T?e? daj a trot. A finer trot waa never witnessed. Carl will leave South Farry. Brooklyn, for tha Courae, at 1' o oloek, P M.. and return aa aoon aa tho sports am over. Faro oacU way 25 cent a. JOHN I. SNED1KER, Proprietor. 1D8CBLLANROVI. TO THE INTEREST OF MY FELLOW -CITIZENS, who have removed to the Thirteenth Ward, thin May ? Tho public and rxcurtioainta in general, who are iovera of good icc-houae eared corned beef ond corned pork, and all kind* of frcah butcher a meat, seleoted from the beat of ?tock. warranted sweet at the time of aale, at the lowest market prioc, from 4 o'clock till 12 A.M., and Saturday even Inge (Huuday excepted ). Meat delivered, awaet and goad, 8m, day morninga, to eonatant ou*t'<mers, dnrlag tha *am mcf, at tbc old established shop, 92 Clinton atraet. WM. POOTON. (J. GUNTHER it CO MANUFACTURERS Of JA *? panned Bird Cages, llil William *treet. ? Buy era will lind there a splendid ansurtment of Japanned Birdcages, made in the beat, unsurpassed manner, and cheaper tliau anywhere elae. WATCHES! WATCHES !-I AM SILLING WAR ranted Gold and Sliver Watches at the following low Briee*:? Cylinder escapement, Jewelled, $10; aflver lever*, full Jewelled, $10; English patent levera, $18 to 4&1; English patent levera, ?>e*t quality. $.10; gold levera, full jewelleiL $30 $.1.1, and $40; ladies' gold watch**, Jewelled, $2.1. JOHN COX, Importer of Watcbea, 208 Broadway, ecrnerof Faltoa ftreet. up ataira. and 2.VI Bowory. Cfc E. KELLY, IMPORTERS OF ARTIFICIAL ? Klowera and Keatln rn, ha*i- removed from I.'hI William ?tri et. corner of Ann, to No. 12 John atrect, up ataira, whero they will ke< p an extcnaivc aawrtmont of the Intent atylea, at the loweat prinea, to wkieh tkey invito the attention of purehaaera. C. &. E. K Kl.LV, 12 John atraet, up atair*. INDIA RUBBER GLOVES ARK I'NKyr A I.I.R It IN hotiae-eleaning, gardening, and out-door work. Home are niadelong to protect the wri'.tannd a'ma from expoanre. For aale hy IIITCI1COCK & LKABBEATEK. M7 Broadway, aud by all Rubber dealers. __________ RUSnES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT TnE Uruah Factory, 337 Pearl atreet. Franklin aauare. All articles sold at the lowoat factory price*. Paint Briishe*, of auiierlor quality, constantly on hand. Machine liruahet made to arder. JOHN K. UOIN-EL. 337 Pearl street. SHADES! SHADES ! ! SHADES !!!? THOSE WHO want ono pair uf window shades, or one thousand pair, will aec at once the propriety of going where they keep a stock vary ing from , VI aenta per pair to $15, and in atyla from a common landscape to tho nne?t. French shade. Such a place i* to be found at WOODFORD Hi CO.' 9, 6<i Catha rine street. A call will suffice. POTATOES.? 1 000 SACKS POTATOES. OK THE BEST varieties, far seed and family uae, for sale by KAWLS & SrMOND, 12 Front atreet. B Notice to gents.-dont that <?.'$ Pearl street, near Broadway, li the only and best place in tho city whcro to not your Spring anil Summer Clothing Cleaned. Dyed, Repaired. an<l handsomely pressed, and made to look suiial to new. Cheap for cash. A call, or note, attended by A.CORTIsSOS. Ohsorve 553 Poarl street. DO YOUR OWN ADVERTISING. ? FREDERICK. A Long. No. 4.1 Ann strrot, Embosser and Manufacturer, would call tho attention of the public to the beautiful Pa tent Self-Sealing Envelopes. with A idress Stamps ; and to the new ftylc of Business Cards, Labels, &.?>., whioli be it* now prepared to furnish at the shortest notice. and on the most favorable terms. Orders solicited from the trade, and great inducements offered F. A. LONH, No, 13 Ann street, New York. TO fcllOE MANUFACTURERS.? THERE ARP. SOME things which it is important you should know:? 1st. That it is the (pinion of the most extensive manufacturer!) of Massachusetts and Connecticut, that all tlttin;', eloping, and binding of Boot* ami Shoes, will noon be done by Singer's Sewing 2d. That the shoe manufac turers of Lynn havo purchased the right to use Singer'* machines, a i a large price, and are using forty of the ma chines. 3d. That tweuty of these machines arc used in one establishment, at Abin|;dnB. Mass., by tho owners if tho exclusive right for Plymouth C"nnty. A word to tli* wiso is sufficient. Call and see the machines In operation on all kiads of work, at the office of I. M. SINUHK fc CO., No 2.V Broadway, New York. C1URE OF CORNS ? IIY MADAM P. RERn ARD. NO. 167 ' Bowery. between IJrooine and Del ancy streets, (east tide). Madame li. informs the public that she continues to practice apon the feet with the greatest success, having ?! elusively devoted her tiiue. for ItTteen years, to the disoase* to which the feet are subject. N. B. ? OAco hours from 2 P. M.toii P M. IMPORTANT TO TUB PUBLIC.? I HEREBY SOLEMN ly caution the eitizens of New York against the danger ous imitations of my Mazuetic I'owder and PiRs, wliieh heartless impostor* are eudeavoring to sell as poisonloss and efficacious articles for the destruction of insects and vermin. The reputation of my preparations rest on the ccrtiiitates of Such men as Dr. Valentine Mott, Dr. S. Moore, Professor Re- d, Dr Bettonlorf, Professor Chilton. Dr. Francis, Dr. Van Rensselaer, Dr. Wagstaff, Members of the Medical CYllegtr Coleman It Stetson. Astor House. Daniel D Howard, Esq., Irving House. Preston If Hodges, Esq., Carlt?n House. Jonas II Phillips. Es'j.. Assistant District Attorney. Thayer Cosiens. Es>| . Wc?t Point. And numbers of other well known cltisens, whose certifi cates, under their own hands, m?v he seen at my store. E. LVON, No. 424 Headway. fittl AAA FORFEIT THAT DR. KBUXflMIV W IjUvV remedies have made more cures than all the pretended medicines before the public. Don't fail to send and see the most nsl blinding proof, that no one can doubt its respectability. You who nave lost your hair, or have an ache, pniu, or wcakn as, no matter from what cxiuse, it acts like magic in its cures. Depots ? 230 Pearl street, Ingersol & Brother, and l"ii Broadway: Brooklyn, Mr*. Hays, 175 Fulton street, and at tho corner of Sands and Gold ; Philadelphia. T. R Calendar, sx South Third street, and of Frederick Helenbold at noil's Head; Boston. Mrs. K. Kid der At Co.: Washington, D. C. F. A. Lime. Pennsylvania avenue: Buffalo, Briktole. More k Thornton. Main street; New Orleans. J. Wright & Co. ; Charleston, S. C., Cowan At Co. Dr. K.'s gTeat diseovcry for preventing and relieving sea liekness, will astonish the worl i : it acts like a eharm. {I a battle, six for or (9 a dos : Mastic Flnid for the hair, I each ; his liniment for general family ase, $1 saoh, $9 per ez. ; his liniment for tke horse, io large bottles, #0 sent*, $4 Mi per dos. To he had of almost every druggist in tho United States and the Cauadaa It can also no had at Jollje's music store, :**i Broadway, and of T. Hope, grocer, Chamber and Hudson streets. SEW PUBLICATIONS. JUST PUBLISHED? THE GREAT NATIONAL PRINTS of the Surrender of Lord t'ornwallis, at Yurktown, Va., October 19. 17*1, from tho original painting by Colonel Trumbull, in the Rotunda of the Capitol, at Washington? siie, 22 by 31): price, $.1, splendidly colored, with key to names of Individuals represented,? and the Surrender of General llurgoync, at Saratoga, New York. October 17, 1777. from the original painting by Trumbull, in the Rotunda of the Capitol, at Washington ? kir.e. 22 by price, splen didly colored, with a key to names of Individuals repre sented. The above magnificent prints are from the cele brated paintings of Colonel Trumbull, Aid-de-Camri to General Washington. Many of the persons represent. J are f r m original portraits, painted expressly for tnese pictures, wl i< h illustrate two most important events in the history of our country. Tho surrender of Rurruyne having procured the acknowledgement of our indopenclcnee hy and aid frem Frame, and the surrender of Cornwallis giving the death f.low to Dritish oppression and triumphantly ending the struggle for liberty. Published and for sale by N. CUR Hint No. 152 Nassau street, corner of Sprnca street, nearly opposite the City Hall. N EW MEDICAL BOOKS.? A PRACTICAL WORK Off the Nature aod Treatment of Disease* of tbe Prinary Organs; by H. Host wick, M.D., practising pbyatelaa and sar geon, and lectnrer ea these eemplainte. Piiaa red need to |7 50?37 celored plate*. F.xtraet from the Boston Ma4ia*l and Surgical Journal:?" It may be said fearlessly, t* be tuual te Actea's er Rloerd'e rreat work on tbe same family or dlsea***, and far superior to anything ef the kind aador* published in tUs country.*' Author of a work en 3ew*b Tic* and their terrible eonse^aeaoe*. This to, wHheat doubt, th* most truthful a*d important book en tbia su^ Jeet ever pablished. Prie* (I. Author of a book en Nata ral Death. Diet. 1m.; Family Pbystaiaa: Cause ?f Quaakury, fee. Jte. For eato at t?i. aad ef the Anther. DM Broadway. PAPER HANOINGI. PA I IR HANOINOS OF NEW AND B1ABTTFMX. designs, Just4tnported. by Franai* Pare* It 0o., 8* Pes il street, selected eapreesly to dteorate tke iaterie* apartment* of the most oostly mansion*, aad eaa be set W bv superior workmen, are offered at wholacaj* er retail, ail the very lowett prieea. PAPER nANOINSS.-rnOMAS PATE h 00., Jf0. 4.36 Pearl itreet, near Medtson, eall the attaatioa el dealer* and perehasers general!/ to their extensive aiaorV ment of foreirn and domeeMo Paper Hanging*, ef every va riety and style, particularly their ftne Oak, Yaleat. aa4 Gold dseeratious, which they hare ** arranged ea ureeaa as to show ai aglaaen, even in the most inexperienced, wbM the effeet will be when m Wie walls. The pabiie are iaeHa4 to eall aed examine this new and unique arrangemeat. Taa most artistical workmen are tmptoyed to haac tbe papaak. 1 ITROPEAK ADTERTISEMEST. OKK FAMILY HOTEd. NEW BRIDGE STREET. ? Ludgate Hill. London. ?The abevo house is eeat rally situated ; has an excellent ooff*? room, ten or twelvaprieaM sitting rooms: between forty and fifty light, airy bedroom*, a good smoking room: warm. cold, and shower bath* always ready: a mcbt porter in attendance; a Axed charge for ear* van's; the New York Herald is filed. Thomas Qnartermaina tenders h.s grateful thanks to his Amerieaa friends, for Ui? favors be has so Icng enjoyed at their hands, aad *uli?ita their emtinued natronaxe and recommendation. TIIE BEST TAILOR IN PARIS.? THE PIRM Or Messrs. Rarde. Vmite. Si Devallier. No. 22 Rue de Choiseuil, corner of tho Ilonlcvard des ltaliens, ie *o well kaown among the Americans visiting Paris, that it ne*1s no (until ndation. The novelty of goods, thoalegnnce of the cutting, the goodness of sloths, as well ae the peculiar soil of Ion gent ef these tailors, arc not only European, hut also American, in all respects. Orders maybe sent to Moesrs. Barde, PchemlU. It Devallier. with a model, or the cvact measures, and they will send the commanded articles through the agency of Mcssts. Livingston,, A Ce., No ll'lacede la Bourse, Paris. Beautiful, lasting, and cheap boot?.-m*. Ilarard, Bootmaker, so well kn^wn among tho Ameri aana who aro visiting Paris for a long period, wishes to have bis euetomers aware that his store, aewly refitted anJ deco rated, Is now loeated at No. 3 Plaee des ltaliens, iuet oppo site the theatre of the Comic Onera Houee, on the eaeond ?oer. The Patent Leathers fnraishsd by Mr. Hasard tear aa competition, and hi.i Calf Skins are as soft as huff. Lettara may be directed to Mr llasard. containing tke u>ea*n?ee ?f tho feet, and be will make and send hie ge?de tbrongb tba agency ef Me Mrs. Lrvj?fst?a, Weli*, ft Co.Ne.D flaetftla Aenite, Pajia.