Newspaper Page Text
iJITKIfflgmiTS XENEWED ETERT MY. 04- H JO ? F I V TH PAGE. ?? BALES BY AfFCTION. AUCTION NOTICE. ? WAN TKO, AN AUCTIONEER, fur tho sales at the Nnw York llorso B?Mf. "J < ro?by street. Inquire as above. Salea every Monday ami W tduefday. Auction notice.? c. cassidy, auctioneer. By II. N Bash? Thin day. at M?>5 o'clock in the Males Koon, 10 North William street. new aud ?? >oond Hand Furni ture. Sofa Bods, Bookt :i??s. Desk*. Down an<l leather itxJy, Mattresses, Carpets, Looking Glasses^ &e. Auction notice.- c. cassidy. auctioneer. Hy a. N. Bii?li? This day. at 10>? O clock, at No. 73 Chatham street. n|> stairs. the content* uf a lithograph and final in* establishment, enlisting of four Presses, .'WO) lbs. Stone 0. with ur.w style originals; i-idit pairs bwst Rollers, He., with cv?ry artiste connected with thu business. Auction notice.? jambs COLE WILL BILL, OH Thursday, May 20. at twelve u'elo. k, at tli? Merchants' Kxchaogo, N. Y., tuc folio win. Lots, \ u. ? ? Two L"ts on the west side of Clinton street, IM2 feet 1'), in< lies south frun Fulton street, nearly adjoining the Presbyterian Church. The Lota arc each 23 t'eot 9% inches front and rear, by 111 f??t two inches deep. Terms, part of the purchase money may remain on bund ami mortgage, if desire I. Maps are now ready at the office of thu auctioneer, Fulton street, Brooklyn. Auction notice.-tho?. bell, auction kkr By W. L. Van Zand t. ? Sale this day, at lU^o'ol k, in the auction rooms, 13 Spruce street, of Fumitur Dry Good*, Clothing, fancy articles, home tine Jewelry. &c.; also, worthy the attention of merchant tailors. &.<?., SO pieces Tweeds, Satinets, Drillings, be.; Summer Cloths. Linens, second hand Clothing; the I alanec sto k of imp orted Sugars. Groceries, & \ Also, nt 12 oMock, a Horse, Wagon, and Harness, suitable for a butcher, grocer, &o. Auction notice.-tjios. bell, auctioneer By W. L. Van /audi. ? Thursday, 10,'j o'clock, in tho auction rooms, 13 SprMco street, will be sold all the valua ble furniture from various ", which could not bo arranged sooner Tho sale will eoinnienee in the basement. HII. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER.? RICH HOUSEHOLD ? Furniture, at No. 70 Union place, next block above the Clarendon Hotel, on Wednesday, May 19th, at 10 o'clock, consisting of rosewood suits in blue and crimson satin da taisk, plu<h and bi'ocatells, with curtains 1 1 match; ma hogany Furniture in hsir cloth, rioh boulu Cabinet*, carved roscwoood Pianoforte, 1' irlor Organ, beautiful Harp, Brus aels and Wilton Carpets, large Pier and Mantel Glasses, ?upcrb carved Ningpo Centre Tabic, inlaid wi'.h ivory and vandal wood: bron?c Clocks, Va es, and Candelabras. Also a olioice Cabinet of tine original Paintings, all of high ar tistic merit, and including specimens of Gnido Reni, Wat teau, Migaon, Vanilt r vcldc, and other eminent ancient and modern masters. Also a general assortment of Bedroom Fnrniture, Glass and China rtaro, Dining Room Furniture, Ice. Also, in elegant Ram's Head SnulV llox, sot with solid silver and nrc stones, forming a valuable addition to any gentlemen's table, or of gn at beauty as an ornament. HENRY U. LtEl)3 St CO.. No. 8 Wall street. HEN11T T. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL AT enction, on Thursday, May 20, if fair, at 10% o'clock, at house No IV tlarrUon street, near Hudson street, splen did Household Furnitrare, made to order hv liaudoinc, Broad way, consisting of suites of Rosewood Parlor Furniture, Chamber and Dining room Furniture, Beds, Bedding, Car pi ts, Chairs, Hofxs, Mantel Ornaments, &e. Also, two superior Rosewood I'innofortes, French Plate Mirrors, Oil I'aintings, &e. Catalogues at No. X.4- Chambers street. For further particulars soe the Courier and Enquirer. HFNKY T. LBBDS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL AT his large new salesroom, Nu.Hii Chambers street, this day, at 10 o'clock, a lame and valuable assortment of Rose wed, Mahogany and Walnut Parlor, Dining-room and Chamber Furniture, China, Glass and Plated ware, Castors, Girandoles, Mantel Ornaments, Paintings, suits of Parlor Furniture, richly carved and oovcred in the newest styles of eatin brocatelle; etrved Rosewood Dressiug Bureaus and Withstands: Mahogany Freo. Gothic Bedstuads, Ma hogany W ashstands, Bronze Iron llatstamts, Sofas, Chairs, Uoekrrg, divans, Wardrobes, Fancy Tables, and a large vari? ty of Household Furniture of all descriptions. For fur ther particulars see catalogues on the morning of salo. JT>. HOLBROOK, AUCTIONEER.? J. D. HOLBROOK ? & Co. will sell thi(4ay, at !)U o'clock, at No. 4'J Mon trose ATQiuf, H illiatujVwr/, all tile Parlor, Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture contained in tho above liouac, consisting of Sofas, hettees, Divans, Side uud Centre marble top Ta hl*p, Dining do., Hair Seat Chairs, Hocking do., Beds a id Bedding, Crockery and Glass Ware, &o. AlsJ, one 7li Uc tave Piano, nearly bow. Sale positive, an the family art) breaking up housekeeping. JL. VAN DEWATER, AUCTIONEER.? LARGE AND ? positive sale ef splendid Marble and A lahaster Sta tuary, of tho importation of Siguor Vito Veti, prior to hi* departure fo r Europe. John L. Vandewater & Co. will sell at auction on Wed sesday anil Thursday, May 18th and 20th, at their sales room. No. 14 Wall street, a ma-ni'icent assortment of Mar bio and Alabastar Statuary, Vases, Ac. Marble Statuary, vk: ? Guardian Angel, Fidelity, Inno eenco, Orphan, Faith in God, Amor Divim), Love and l'iiy ?ic, group Cupid and Bog, original; Pastorello of I'alermo, Sleeping (,'npid do.; Fiammtago, Cupid and Butsortiy, Dano taia Girls of Canova, Struggle for the iloart, Prayer of Patn puUsi, Rust of Wellington, &c. Alal aitar Statuary ? Venus in tho shell, Cleopatra, group Esmeralda, Dancing Girls of Cauova, Kaphaol, Alichacl An gelo, Warrior", Ac, Also, superb carved Et.riiBcnn, Medicis, Roman, Ilebo, V\se?; Tar/as for curds and fruits; Vases for lights; Pillar ? f Hicnne, Card Receivers with Birds; llcbe Vases ol ditto; Mosaic Vai'os, large Hebe Vases with wreaths of Roses; Agate Taxtns, Candlesticks, Watch Cases, Inkstands, A''., and many other useful and fancy articles The above assortment is one or tho richMt ever offered at auction for the last thirty-tive years. The Marble Statuary alene is really worthy of attention. Also a superb assortment of rioh French China V.i*?s. Tea Sets, Boheir.ian Glass Vnscs. Decanters; Fruit Howls. Carl Reunivcrs Ac. Together with a lino of Gas Fixtures, Chan dnliers, Pendants, Brackets, Ao. The above is HI oa exhibition. JOBN REESE. AUCTIONEER? GREAT SALE OF Garden and Hot liuuse i'lunts. ? Lyman A Rawdonwill ?ell this ( Wednesday) morning. May 19, at 11 o'clock, at their sales room, 377 and 379 Broadway, corner of White ?treat, an extensive and very attractive collection of Gar den nnd Hot House l'lants, of every kind and vari ity, ein kracing so me flue ftpQciinens of Tube and Standard Kosca, Geraniums- , Camtlias, Heliotropes, Tannic*. and an im mense assortment of Dahlias of every variety and hue. The plant* in this salt arc all from the nursery of Mr. Thomas Dim lap, ami are in the best of order. Sale positive, and with out reserve. Thursday and Saturday evenings, May 20th and 22d, at 71a o'clock, at the .?'ales room, Books ? large and valuable collection* of English aud Amcrieau staudard and ?1b? tfiif fim booki* JACOB BOGART, AUCTIONEER.? TUTS DAT, AT 10>? o'clock, at No. 15 Spruce street, Household Furniture, consisting <?f a large and good assortment of Parlor, Bod room and Kitchen Furniture. Also, a lot of Dry Goods au Fancy Goods. "Cf ORTGAGEE'S 8 ALE OF HOUSEHOLD F C K N I T iTITB* lvj. Ae. ? Win. Witters, Auctioneer, will sell, this day at one o'clock, at l.s7 Canal street, all the Furnitnrenfa genteel Boariltaig House, to satisfy a mortgage, consisting of I'arior, Chamber, and Kitchen Furniture; also one suit of rosewood, Jn plush; hair Mattrcstos, Feather Beds and Bedsteads, three-ply and ingrain Carpets, Pier Glasses, Mantel Clocks, Piano, Dressing Bureaus, Washstands with marble tops, Wardrobes, Ri frigerator, Kitchen Fixtures. Also Watchmakers' Tools, a full assortment, together witlj the Lathos, Ac. By order of WM. COLIN, Attorney for Mortgagee. PLANTS AT AUCTION*? WILLIAM McILVAIN & CO. will sell this day. at 10}? o'clock, at their store. No. 7 John street, a large of fine Monthly Hoses. Ver benas, and other Plants, suitable for bedding out, from the garden of Wni. Wilson, of Fourteenth street. HOUSES, ROOMS, ETC., WANTED. A PARTY OF SIX YOUNG MEN ARE DESIROUS OF obtaining an unfurnished room, to be used as a olub roim. Or, e situated between University place and Barrow ?treat, not above Ninth street, or below Blcccker street, preferred. Address, stating terms, E. C.. Ucrald office. A FURNISHED SITTING AND BEDROOM, TO LET, in a private family, to one or two single geutlemen. Bath ana watcrcloset for the nse of occupant. Terms moderate. References exchanged. Inquire at 360 Broad way, oae door above Franklin street. I BURNISHED FRONT PARLOR OR BASEMENT wanted, to be ueed ss a medinal office. Direct, statin.? part ion lars and terms, which must bo moderate, to X. Q. Z., Ilerald office. 1 BURNISHED BEDROOMS TO LET-TO SINGLE GEN tlemcn, with breakfast and tea, if retired. Also, a front and rear Parlor on the second floor of houso No. 62 l.ispcnard street, near Broadway. PLKASAliT FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH LARGE closets and use of bath, being tho whole of ono floor, affordinz a i-ood opportunity for three or four gentlemen who lU^ire a strictly quiet home, to be let by Dr. H. F. Brigprs, 701 Broadway, between Fourth street and Washing ton place. PLEASANT ROOMS TO LIT, WELL FT R\ I?ll Ep, for sin/le r'entHmen. with a good view, and breakfast, at 14(1 High street, Brooklyn. Room to let-to let, in a private family, a handsome room, on the first floor, to a single gentle wan. Inquire at i!09 Woostcr street. Rooms wanted? for an elderly lady and son, in a rtsp; ctf ble neighborhood, a sitting room aud two I edrooms. Any person havine such a plnee to let, will hearofn desiarble "tenant I y addressing a line to GusU rns. at the Hrii.lJ office, stating price and location, 8tc. ft/to BROADWAY OPTER3 PECULIAR ADVAN vJtfCj tifes to gentleman selecting rooms for tho season er year. Tbo situation is cnM, (between Spring and Prince streets) and the bouse ha? been thoroughly retittvd. Tho rooms ar" cheerful, and the furniture new. The num ber of occupants w.ll bo limited, and to the cmnfort of tlioso every attention will be given. References (..-changed. HOMESTEADS. INDUSTRIAL HOME ASSOCI VTION.? A HOME FOR I a,; at little cost.-? The friends and subsi: ihers to tho Ma re h Land \ ??o> iaii m are r?q tested to meet at Union Hill, torner of A er.nt C and Foutth street, on Wednesday tvening. Mfy l:'. at 1} o'clock. PnbUo spcakors ,n German aud Efiilirli. Tsnv be ?| .tel. BUXTON & ? HAMIlERr<,61Chambcrr stroet. CI UFA . SUCCFSS. ? ST. NICHOLAS BUILDING AS * soci">'. ?n,- llo prepai d f r the irst redemption of shares in this Associatl in. Tho lucre riim'ier ?f shars* l-'.en at the lirst is 1 nth!.' meeting indicates that it wai Hpeedlly l.e wiled. Now, therefore, I-j the riine to snbscriie, before shares are redeemed, and befero the entrance fee is raised. Call t the ?. No. l?i Dnaue, corner of Chatham strei t. and enter your nnnu.1. Present entranee fee, SI; uio.ithly dues, J..I. ? K . L. CONKLtN. No. H Bo*cry, Prc.,iJent. k-u,t. i>. Hart, No, 16 Duaue street, Sccr^*-ary. TtlAVKLLElW GVHIE. |.iOR ALBANY, CHANGE OF HOURS.? THE CARS *- ' ? Now Vork anil Harlem Rnilrcad. leave tlio City llall tUai n. NewV.rk. daily (Son lays excepted), at 7 '4 A. .V.. i i ? ling with the M cstern Kiilri i.l, atl'l alham, and ll!i I*. if., (expresn), through without chango of cars. g"* A 1 " ' J A N D AMEOY RaILROA?, FOR PHILA ' v t i ' m ? -r ? 1. N rth river, fact of llad j-v * rr, !'.? . i e iu li ?t IOHN POTTER. Tsn lines d?Uv. f; , |i, o Iks . i s at 7 \. M. A fternoom express line at 2 P. , t':r, iirh t-> I'liila loi,ihla in four and a half hours, r .c <lv ft ? s s ear-, a- iel ?l?si, (by I P. M,, lino only). fi2. K'tm :|nr. leave Philadelphia from foot cf :'laiit at ? V M ai"! S P. M. Pmirrant lino, hv ,-te nil' ,p?, TRA Nbt'iiK'l', froitf pier Ne, ?> ?t 6 P.M. JTiro $1 ?). N [F.W VORK AND rillLADEr.PHIA DIRECT.-U. 8. . I tlail at, I express I.lnc.thr h.-.'i in C,' hours. N.J. Hailread, ria f< r v i'ity, leaving New l'ork atli A. M.,foot i * C'-.-tl.indt street; 9 A". M. And P.M., Liberty stroet. S ?vo Philadelphia ssme hours, from leet of Walnut street. I- rtdnccd to lot flrst cla.s, aud ii'iO for sec nd claps. *?itimor?, Washington i nd Charleston t. rough ti "ket? s >!d i, the ahuve liees, and through lugc*^" 'ftrsleJ iu theWA. M. ?I" I' M. lines from New \ otk, WJtli thrwgh uonduetors,, without expense. BARRELS WANTED.? fi<)0 NEW OR UR JIIT^ECOND hand f'idor er V imgar Barrels, made. oak. Apply, ?hiring ten days, at Ift) Peiirl street, first llotx, vf Rd\lrc?? " , bo* 3, 8yS, I'cft #0i?c. E OOTBliS. C COLUMBIA HALL, NEW LEBANON SPRINGS, N. Y. ' Tlie underlined hereby rospect folly givos notfoe to liis fnen Js an<l the public that the above named cnwimo rflen.i establishment will bo open (or the reception of visiter* vii mid aft. r the JO'.li of M?y; an>l he is now prepared to make arrangements with families lor the season. ANSON PARSONS^ OLIAN HOTEL, NO. Kit BROADWAY, WILL KB opened on or after Monday, thu 17th instant, an a first class fau lty ll?tel, it being ut uated near Union square. It will be under the management of persons that will endeavor 'o make themselves and the boutu an agreeable home to alL T1IE MARINE HOTEL, AT KAlKFIELD, CONNECTI cut, mil be opened by its proprietor, J. B. Monnot, ou tho hrst day of June next, ?? a summer branch of the New York Hotel. The Marine Hotel is situated in a beau tiful v i 1 1 :ifi o , mi Long Inland Sound, atlrdniL' all the induce ments of excellent sen bathing and romantic drives iutbead Jaeeu t country. Every endeavor will lie exerted to insure for thu hotel the di-tbiguishod patronage of previous seasons. Plans may be teen and rooms cnga/nd at the above hotel, at Fairfield, or at the New York Hotel. The distance frim New York in fi3 miles, and trains by thu New York and New Haven Railroad stop at Fairfield several times each day. NEPTUNE HOUSE. NEW ROC1IF.LLE, N. Y.? THE suhscriberTOspectfnlly informs his friends and the pub lie, that he iu tends to open his house on Tuesday. May 'J.V CURTIS PECK. ' New IIAVEN HOTEL. CORNER OF CHAPEL AND College streets. ? 1'hU houso is new aud commodious, and hi ilt with modern improvements, pleasantly locutu* near tho colleges, fronting the State House, commanding a fine view of the public square, aud will compare favuraMy with the first class hotols in New York and Boston. Tho subscriber would be pleased to receive his friends and tho public generally. GEORGE D.IVES. Nkw Have*, Conn., May 17. PAVILION, NEW BRIOnTON.-WIS ESTABLISH munt is now open for the season, aud tho proprietor will be happy to make engagements with parties who may desire to engage rooms. Tho distance from New York to New Brighton is six miles, and the trip is performed by a steamboat in from twenty-five to thirty minutes. It leaved New York, l'icr No. 1 North Hiver, at II aud 12 A.M., and JiJj and f> P.M.: leaves New Brighton at <S and 11 A. M., ami 2 &od ft: 20 1', M. A more frequent communication will be fitabllahad as the Maton mthhi. P. Blancard. SEA BATHING AT ROCKAWAY, L. I? THE PAVI lion Hotel will open on the 10th June next, for the ro eeptlon of vblter*. Cars leave the South Ferry. Brooklyn, for Jamaica, at 9 o'clock, A. M.,and 4 and 6 e clock P. M., where stageB will be in readiness to eonvey vinltersto the houso. Any communication for me, left with J Ogden Smith. 63 Front stroet, New York, will meet with prompt attention. J. M, BitlNfNALL. The bathing seasox.-cape may, n. j.-thb increasing resort to this fashionable watering place, demands increatod hotel facilities, and the directors of the Mount Vernon Hotol Company are now vigorously prosecu ting the erection of a hotel unequalled in si/c, elegant accommodations and conveniences, in this country or En rope, and to be opened on the 1st of July. The main build ing is to he nearly fourteen hundred feet in extent, and five stories high, affording ample Accommodations to two thou sand guests. The company is incorporated by tho State of New Jersey. Bocks of subscription to tho capital stock, at five dollars per share, are new opened at the office of J AS. W. nALE, 7(1 Wall street. Courier Si Enquirer Buildings. N.B? One half of the capital stock is now suhsoribed, and a safe aud profitable investment is offered to capitalist* andothers. WOOSTER HOUSE, DANBURY, CONNECTICUT, willbe opened on the 1st of June. It iu large, newly built, and supplied with spring water for bathing, &*., ana has all the conveniences of modern hotels, hanliiiry is about three hours' ride from this city, by the New York and New Haven, and Daubury and Norwalk Railroads, and offers attractions to those wishing to visit the country dur ing the summer months. W. 31MONSON. York famiiy hotel, new bridge street Lndpnte Hill, L?ndon. ? The above honse is centrally situated ; has an excellent coffee room, tou or twelve privatt sitting rooms; between forty and fifty light, airy bedrooms, a go..d smoking room; warm, cold, and sliowor baths alwayt ready; anight porter in attendance; a fixed for se'r T?nts; the New York Herald is tiled. Thomas Quai tcrtnahie tender" his grateful thanks to his Americas friends, for the favors he Use so long enjoyed at their hands, and solicit! tiieir continued patronage and reooiumoudation. oumiose. B01S! BOYS! BOYS !? A. BERWICK, HAS OPEVED her establishment, 138 Canal struct, opposite;ht street, with an assortment of boys' au<l children's Clothing, suitable for Biimim r wear. Ladies having their own materials can liav?j them made npin a superior manner, and the latest st \ I c h. Any garments "iit, lifted and hasted, so that a plain sewer can make them; also a variety ?f winoy goods, each as buteons, braids, cords, gimps, fcilk.s, twist, 8l>\, tec. C"1 AST OFF CLOTHING AND FURNITURE W ANTED y ?Ladies or ge,itl?m?n having any Clothijg, Furniture, or J'welry to dispose of, eau obtain a fair eash price, by rending for the subscriber, at bis residence, or through th? post. Ladies attended by Mrs. Dusseidorf, No. 13 F.lm street. L. M. DU8SELDORP. CAST OFF CLOTHING AND FURNITURE WANTED. ?Families or individuals having any superfluous clothing, furniture, or stock goods to dispose of, can obtain a fair price, by sending for the subscriber, at bis residence, or by poet. N. B. ? Ladies attended by Mrs. Cohen. M. 8. CO HON, 6u Elm street. (CLOTHING.? THE SUBSCRIBER STILL CONTINUES J at bisold established stand, paying cash, current mijt'ey, for ladies, or gentlemen's east off apparel, jewelry, aiw all kinils of superfluous articles, on making Replication by note, orcHlling personally, on L. A. CttWEN, 17 Wail street, base ment. CASH FOR CLOTHING.? LADIES OR GENTLEMEN having any cast off clothing, cr furniture, to dispose of, ?r.n receive the utmost value in eash, by sending to the store, or by letter throuah the post. S. COUEN, 162 Hud sen street. Ladies attended by Mr9. Cohen. CAST OFF CLOTHING.? WANTED TO PURCHAS? about two thousand dollars worth of good left off Clothing, in large or small quantities, for which the full value will be liberally given, in curr' lit money, on applica tion personally, or through post, to JAMES MORUNEY, at his store. No. 11 Orange street, near Chatham street. I EFT OFF CLOTHES AND FURNITURE WANTED.? jk 1. a'lics and Ccntlemen can obtain a good price for the above articles, by sending through post or otherwise, to J. THOMPSON, 81 Leonard street, near Broadway. CORPORATION NOTICES. Corporation notice ? public notice is hereby given to the owner or owuers, occupant or oc cupants of nil honsci and lots, improved or unimproved lands, affected thereby; that the following assessments tiave been completed by the Assessors, and arc lodged in the of fice of the Uurean of Assessments for examination, by all renonsinterested, viz:? For paving Thirty-first street, be ween Fourth avenue and Broadway. The limits embraced by such assessment, include all tbe'several houses and lots ot ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land, situated on both sides of Thirty-tirst street, kotwoen Fourth avenue and Broadway, on the easterly sido of Broadway, half wny to Thirtieth street, on both sides of Madison avenue, half way southerly to Thirtieth, and half- way northorlv to Thir ty-second street, and on the westerly siue ot Fourth avenue, half-way southerly to Thirtieth, and half-way northerly to Tbirty-seeo-nd street. All persons, whose interests are af fected by the above named assessments, and who are oppos ed to the same, or either of tbcm, are requested to present their objections in writing, to the undersigned, at their of fice, No. 4 Hall of Records, within thirty days from the date of this notice SAMUEL II. DE MOTT, 1 FRANCIS NICHOLSON. > Assessors. ISAAC WM. SMITH, S Office, Bureau of Assessments, b'.reet Depj-rtLuuno, May 13,1HM. ___ __ CORPORATION NOTICE.? PUBLIC NOTICE IS hereby given, to the owner or owners, oecnpant or oc cupants. of all houses and lots, improved. or unimprovsd lands, affected thereby, that the following Assessment* hr.vo been completed by the Assessors, and arc lodged injtho offico of the liureau of Assessments for examination by all per sons interested, viz: ? For buil^tag a Sewer in Grand street, from tho sewer In Crosby stree^o a p^int in the intersec tion of FVm street. The limits embraced by such assess ment. include wll the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pietes and parcels of land, situated on ;eotli sides of Grand street, between Crosby and Elm streets, and on both sides of Elm street, between Grand and Broome streets. All persons whoso interests are affected by the above named Assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to pr*s"nt their ob jections, in writing, to the undersigned, at their office. No. 4 Ilall of Rooerds, within thirtv days from the date of this notice. SAMUEL H.DE MOTT, FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC Wm, SMITH, Assessors. Office Bureau of Assess ments, Street Department, M.ay 18th, MM, Department of repairs and supplies, may 17, ls">2. ? To Builders. ? Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the office of the Commissioner of Hci airs and Sup plies, basement No. 1 New City Ilall, until Friday, May 28, at 12 o'clock, M., at which time they will be publicly opened, for the erection of a building on Willett street, near ltiving ton street, for the Corporation of New York, for the use of Ho; tt Company No. 2!).- Builders will estimate for the ma.'on and carpenter work separately. The plan and specification of the building required, and all infnrmati'ininrogard there to, can be had at the office of the Superintend out of Repairs to Public Buildings, No. 19 Elizabeth street. Blank esti mates will be furnished at either office. N.B, ? The Commis sioner reserves the right to reject all or any of the esti mates. if deemed for the interest of the Corporation. WM. ADAMS, Commissioner of Kepairsand Supplies. Department of repairs and supplies, may 17. 1H52. ? To Builders. ? Sealed proposals wiil lie re ceived at the office of the Commissioner of Repairs and Sup plies, basement No. 1 New City Hall, until Friday, May 2*, at 12 o'clock, M., ait which time they will be publicly opened, for altering and enlarging the building on Amos strnot, occu pied by Engine Company No. H'J and Ilose Company No. II. Builders will estimate for the mason and carpenter work separately. The plan and specification of the work r?|uitvd to be done, and all information in regard theieto, can ho had at the office of the Superintendent of Repairs to Public Buildings. No. 19 Elizabeth street. Blank cslimatis will be furnished at either office. N.ll. ? The Comraisaioner reserves the rigl.t to reject all or any of the estimates, if dusmei for tho interest or the Corporation. WM. ADAMS, Ceuimisaioucr of Repairs and Supplies. ATRVKT DEPARTMENT. NO. 4 HALL OF RECORDS. *7 ? Public notice Is hereby given that the following reso lutions havo been presented in tne Hoard of Aldermen ? To rcgnlatc and reprade Wall street, from the intersection of Water and South streets to the new rrade; to fence va cant lots on the Moi k bounded by Twenty-ninth and Thir tieth streets, and Fifth avenue ami Be '.very; to lay toss walks in Delsncv, Fldride, Forsyth, Norfolk, Ludlow. Grand, Essex, Diw ion, Allen, and Cnrystle streets, and Bowery. All persons interested having objections thereto are requested to prescat them, in writing, ti tho under signed, .it bis i (Dec, on or before the 2!ith (lay "f May instant. May 19,1862. JOHN T. DODGE, Street Commissioner, EIPRESI AGENCIES, Ac. t BERFORP & CO.'S GREAT CALIFORNIA EXPBI >9, by the "fhstsst steamer in ths world," the ILLIWO May ?<>th, In eharg3 of our own special m*ksengeri an I freight agents, to connect with tho United States mail steamer Tennessee, via Asplnwall and Panama. From the great speed of these steamers it is expected to be the qnick est trip ever tnado to California. Packages tlionld n 't ex ceed li.r> lbs. in ??ight, and he made water proof. Small parcels for oar express trunks r#celv?<'. till en* o'clock on tho day of sailing. No charge for custom kunsv or consu lar foes. No it. tontion at Par am a. Passage on tho P. M. S. S. i* Co.'s fa-' an I "only sure line" of steamers secured St our (luce Ut tie low at rates. BEKFORD \ CO., 2 Astor n 'rtse. Vc?ey st. 1RF.GORYS CALIFORNIA PACKAGE AND PARCEL * Express, via the Isthmus of Nicaragua? ?Through in about twenty-fiv* days.? The Subscribers will fsrward an K< prcas Freight by this expeditions route, ly the steamship PROMETHEUS, cn Thnrsday, May 20 at 'H I'. M. Shipper-* arc requested to have their gneJa at the office on or bes- re Wednesday. in paekajrei n ,t exoesding lllOlbs. wight. Also, by etcnmshlp terra Ne?r hi. bn t; o 24th, at :i P. M., c-n v.e< t tig with the New Orleans at Panama. Packagt ? ' mid he d, liver id ixii or b? ?' ore 9atvrday, iQd inst . Paresis raeeif* el until the morning ol the day the stoaaier leavos. and letters until !!>,' P. M. THOMPSON fit HITCHCOCK. Msnsgers and Ag-nts, B-oadway. IVOLAT'8 SPLPHUB nATII", ;,'7 PEASL STRICT ? F.ctahllshed by Lonts .1. Tlinoia^ ft em Paris.? For the ?ore of fhcuuisi ism, eroptlons of tho ?k?o, anvsre colds, li.i ri tirial affect if ns, 9i &e. These are tr,e only genuine sulphur hatl s In this ? tv- We r>-tcr to i>rs M? t?, Wailavc, Hcrgcf, Bn<kley, and IT?sam, T nuppua For l:vkrpool-united states mailsteam ahip ATLANTIC. Capt. J&m?a Weat.? This ??e.?m?hip will depart with the I'mted Stated mailt for Eirr"!?e. p>?i tivoly on Saturday, XHh May, at 12 n'clook Si, fro in ht>r birth at the foot of Canal atrect. No berth aeturoJ fill paid for. For freight or pisaaze. having unequalled accom modations for elegance and comfort. apply to E.1I WD. K COLLINS St ('<)., Mi Wall streat. The steamship Arctic willtueoeed the Atlantic, auil s*il June 12. REDUCTION IN F A rt ES BETWEEN PII I LA DELP1I I A and Liverpool.? The Liverpool anil Philadelphia Steam ship Company intend tailing their new Steamship* a* fol low*:? THOU rHII.Al)El.rMIA. City of lfancheitcr Thursday, Jane 3 City efl'la<ig?w Thursday, July 1 City of Manchester Thursday, July 29 rAOM uviirooL. City of Manohester. Wednesday, May ? City of (ilaapow Wsdneaday, June 3 City of Manchester Wednesday, Juue 30. Katea of pa-sage flrom Philadelphia: ? JSaloon in singi* ??ate r?oma, ifflO; ia donble atate rooms, in forward etate rooma, including provisions and steward'* fee*, lor freit lit or pasrage, aptly to THOMAS RICHARDSON. 41 Exchange pla?e. N. T.f or No. 'J Walnut street. Philadelphia. P\CKETS I'OK HAVRE -SECOND LlNE.-TltK FOL lowing ships Trill leave llavre on U? 16th, Mid New York ?A the lit of sseh month from N. Terk from HaTJt. Jan. 1 r?b. 16 Ship !*T. DENIS, 1,000 ton* burthen, Alf U?o Follanshee. mantel. Ship ST. NICHOLAS, 1,000 tuna bnrthen, John Rragdon, master. New ship MERCURY, 1,4(X) tons burthen, R. D. Conn, master, ? jiot. a iraa. w Ship WILLIAM TELL, 5 April 1 May 16 May 1 Jan* 11 Sept. I Oct. 16 tel. 1 March 16 Jan* 1 July 16 Oct. 1 Not. 16 Mar?h 1 April 16 July 1 Aug. 16 Nor. 1 l>ue. 16 (new}, 1,2(10 ton* burthen, > Aug. 1 Sept. 16 John willard, master. J_ Dee. 1 Jan. 16 They are ah first ataif New York bnilt ahipa, provided witk All requisite articles for thi comfort and convenience of pa?-. Bengers, and oommanded by men of experience in the trad*. The price of passage ia $100, without wines or liquors. Uood* to the subscriber* will be forwarded fir** from any stiarke* but those actually incurred. BOYD b atNCK.CN, Agent* 161 Pearl itreet. POR SAVANNAH.? UNITED STATES MAIL LINK.? The new and superior steamship Florida, Thomas Lvon, Captain, will leave on Batnrday, May 22, at 4 *'oloek P. M., from pier 4. North River. Apply to SAMUEL L MITCUILL, No. 104 Front itrMi. The Alabama, C. D. Ludlow, Captain, willloav* on Satur day, May 21). For speed, strength, aoeommodaUvna, And faro, thoae ships hay* no rapMMv on the ocean. Through to san francisco.? at reduced rut oh.? Now York and San Francisco Steamship Line. ? The new steamship UNITED STATES, Charles C. Horry, Commander, will take bar departure for Aspinwall, Navy '^ay, on Wodnesday, 23d Juue. at 3 P. M., connecting at Panama with the new doubl* engine steniuship WTNFIELD SCOTT. 2.100 tons burthen, Kcnucy Couillnrd, Commander, which steamer awaits th* arrival of the passengers at Panama by the United States, from New Vcrk, and immediately thereafter prooeeda to San Francisco direct, without stopping at intermediate ports. These vessola, in accommodation and safety, are not sur passed by any on this route; and an experienced surgeon is attached to taeh vossnl. The United State* ha* made th* Toyago between New Tork and Chagres in ssven days nine teen hours; and the Winfleld Scott performed th* voyage between New York and Panainain tho shortest time on record, both as to running and actual time from port to rort. Hooka now open, and through tickets for eale. Apply 0 DAVIS, BROOKS ft CO., General Agents 28 Ilsaver street: JONES & JOHNSON, 104 V.'ect street, corner of Liberty street. Passongera by the United States will disembark along side the wharf at Aspinwall, and take tho Panama Railroad, iow opened nearly to Gorgona, thus avoiding the risk at tendautnpon landing ia boat* at Ch&gres, and th* rirer navigation to Uorgona. US. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPAN V.'CONN EOTING ? nitli tho Paeihu Mail Steamship (,'ompany. ? Summer Arrangement* ? Great Reduction for Steerage Passages. Only through line for California and Oregon. Through tickets now for sale ? Extra. The superior double eugin* steamship ILLINOlS-^tho fastest *to.inier in the world ? 2 400 tons, II. J. llar^steine, commander, being ready for ser Tlce, will leave for Aapinwall, Navy liay, direct, on Thurs day, May 20, at 2 o'clock P. M., precisely, from her pier foot of Warren street, N. R , to eonueet with the magnificent steamship TENNESSEE, 2.000ton?, Lieut. Tottcn, U. S. N., commander, which steamer is ordered to remain at Panama, to be in reailinobs immediately on arrival of the passenger* at that point, aud to sail direct for San Francisco, without Auy delay. The accommodations of these steumtthipg are uiiKurpaxncd. and pa?scn?'era going forward by those vessel* may ruly confidently upon tho company's best efforts for a Siiich trip. The l'anmna RailroaH is now in operation, and le cars running to within a few mi'n of (Sorgona. Passen ger* will thus he enabled to save about forty mile* of the river navigation, nudalao the danger and expense heretofore attending the Ia.iding In boat* off Chagres, as they will be lauded from tho stcaiucrs, free of, on the company'* wharf at Aspinwall, Transit of the iatbipui at tbe passen ger '? expense. BATH or rARI TO ASPINWALL. Ladies' saloon, state room fll Lower af* and forward saloon), do.. .'>3 Second cabin standees 43 Steerage 33 HATES THROUGH TO SAM FRANCISCO. FJrstclass f315 Sec* nd (.last 270 8t**r*g* loo ChHdren under 12 years, half price For freighter passage apply to 4 ' II A KLKS A. WIIITVEV, at tin; oflito of the companies, 177 "Veet itreet, corner el Warren. GRJ.ATLY REDUCED RATE 3. ? FMPI KE CITYLINE. ? Through 1 it Uetp fur Ska Francisco, via Aspinwall, Navy Bi.y, (nt-ar Ohajtrco.)? Tho new and erlenoid double engine: SIEUHA NEV.*. IIA, l.SIK) tons bur Clin, J. D. Million, Kail., Cciamanior, will leave fot Aspiuwall, Navy Hny, cliroat, on Monday. M'.y 24th, at 3 o'ulo-.V, from li<.r pier, No. 8, North River, to oon ncct at Panama with the favorite steamship NV, W OR LEANS, E. U. Achli^, Mui-t r. Phe-ee steamers have an ?urpashud ueeouiinodatioua for passengers, and are better ventilated than any in the trade. The tables are a applied with every comfort, both for the cabin and steerage passen ger*. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each ship. The Panama railroad iinowin operation, running daily to within afow oiili a of Gorgona. Passongora will lie landed at the Company's Depot at Aspmwall, free of expense. Rates of Far* ? First Cabin, <250; Second Cabin, (Stat* Rooms,) $200 ? both the abov ?at at the same table; Stoer ?ge, flfiO, found with bed, &e? and a separate table, well provided. A remittance of half the p?i sage money will se cure a ticket, nntil within ten day* of sailing of the steamer. For freight or passage, apply to J. UdWAKH to SON, Agents, 34 Broadway._ CNlTED STATES MAIL STE A II 3 III P COMPANY.? For New Orleans, via Havana. ? The splendid new donhlw-enrino steamship C1IEROK hE, 1,300 tons. II. K. Da venport, U. S. N., Commander, will sail from the pier at foot of Warren street, N. R., on Monday, May 24, at 2 o'clock, 1\ M., precisely. Rates ef passage ta Havana and New Orleans, now arrangements After Saloon Bertha $70 Forward do. do 50 Steerage do. do 25 Freight taken to New Orleans at 40 centa per cubio foot. Shippers of 1'r-siffht are requested to supply themselves with the Company * bills of lading, which may be had on applica tion at the office. No other form will be Tinned. No bill." of lndingeigncd altt-r tie ship has sailed. For ireight or pas sage, apply to M. O. ROBERTS, 177 Weststr-et, corner of Warren street. OR SAN FRANCISCO? Tl! F.S I) AY," J U N E IS? THE splendid new double engine st"amship CITY OF PITTSBURG, 2,400 tons burthen, IV m. C. Stoteabury, commander. This splendid steamship having undergone extensive alterations to suit her for the trade, and to make her accommodations superior to any steamcrcn the Paoitio, will sail for San nillllM as above, 'miching at Valparaiso fd r?nfn? Her state rooms nra Inrge and r.iry, and lior steerage ?> ooniuioiiatiun* are superior to any steamship afloat, having abnadance of both light anil air, as well as an extra light betweon deck*. It is confidently expected ah* will make the passage to San Francisco in as short a time a* it has been made by any steamer, thin offering to families, and to thoie who desire th'eir comfort, a much pleasanter conveyance than by tbe crowdcd steamers via Chagres, a* ov'y a limited n umber of passengers wi'l bn taken. Apply to THOMAS RICHARDSON, No. 41 Exchange place. New York, and No. 9 Walnut, street, Philadelphia. I|1 OR RAN FRANCISCO DIRECT? THE NEW AND ' beautiful cliiiper-sbip RACER, II. W. STEELE, Com. mender, will (ail for the above port shunt the 25th of thi* F beautiful cliiiper-sbip RACER, II. W. STEELE, Com. der, will sail for the above port sbont the 25th of thi* month ? her Stato-Room accommodations arc superb, and well adapted for families. A* only a limited number will be taken, early application will bo necessary. either on board, Pier 8, North River, or to tne Agents, BUTLER BROTHERS, 163 and 118 South etreet, New York. UN IT ED "STATE 8 MAI 2T~if?? MS DIP ~~ COMPANY, connecting with the Paclhc Mail Sti isnship Company. Only through Line via Aspinwall and Panama for San r rtu alaeK Ureal reduction for steerage ra??a rv. The splendid United States Mail Steamship CHEROKEE will be des patched on Moidar, May 24th, at 2 o'clo' V, P. M? from her Pier, at foot of War/cu street. North River, with the t'afi fornia Mails and Passengers, via Havana for Aspinwall, Navy Bay, to connect at Panama with the Regular Mail Steamer far San Fransisco. For freight or passage apply to CHARI.ES A. WHITNEY, at Ui* Office of theCempanica, No. 177 Wcstatrcet, cor. of Wtrrcn, L'ew York. VANDERBILT'S LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO.? THE Shortest and Chcapeat Route. ? The favorite steamship I'KOMETIlEUS. now at her whaif, will li ave for San Juan del Norte, on Thursday, May 20, at .'i o'clock P. M., from pier No. 2 North river, conn 'eting with the steamship PACI t IC, Captain Lelevro. I'rum San Juan del Norte to ban Juati del Sur , p a? rs will be ccnveyed ovor "h-1 transit route of th? Nicaragua Company, havisg but twelve miles ef land trv sp rtati-m. No delay need ba antiop'it?d at any point oi tl.L route, s< veral new atd large at. an. rs ba .in ? reeen tly Ibem placed on the tr?sit route, sill the facilities of torn - ISnunieatii n xreatly Incrensed. Steerage passengers taker f t $lt-"0 through, ?r for?l45. they faying tin ir own irann*. The new steamer NORTHERN LlUUT will succeed the Prome theus, and leavo on June 5. Pvr passage, having unequalled accommodations, apply /ii!v to I). B. A M.I.N, No. 9 Battery plaoe, up sln'.ra. HE U. s. MAIL STEAMSHIP WAS 1 1 IN G TO .V, E. M. Fitch, commander, wl'l sail for Brem n, tou> Ms;; at Southampton, to land themails and pass, nrcrs for England and France, on Saturday. May 22d, Tr <m pier No. ,i North river, at 12 o'clock, M. Prieo of passagn? In first cabin, nisi* saloin, $120; do. do. in lower saloon, *>100; a?cond cabin. <?:<). An experienced su.-^e n is attached to the ship. All letters mnst pnas through tho Pest office. Specie delircr?j in Havre and London. For pafia^e or freirht, apply to HOLLER. SAND R1ERA, Agents, 20 South street. IVOR CHARLEBTO N? SEM I- WI.BKLY UNITE!) Ste tes Mail Line ?Tho new. safe, an l superbly finished steamship J A MFiS A DQEK. Captain J. lMcl.;nson. will m*l ? her second trip to Charleston, n Wcdt day, May ?, :.t 4 o'clock, P. M., prcclstlv. For freight, apply on board, ,t pier 4, North river, anil ror passa o. to SPOFFORD. TM.KSTON ft CO.,48Snnth street The above steamer v. ill Ian'! I or passer gers In ample tine to take the stean.i r ISA HE I, for Havana, lei' . ne Charles ton on the 22d. The UNION will fellow on Saturday, -Oth. WANTED TO CHARTER? A STEAMBOAT, TO RUN e,n a very profitable route on the Eaat rher, betwtsu this city and a port distnnt about twenty-five miles, ^l.s mukt be a fait boat, well fitted, and ta o arid ?oa worthy, an I ?f Ught draug! tof water, aud able to make tho trip in not mero than two or two and a half hours ; or arraa/eme '?? v. ill be made with the owner to run tho boat on ils >#n to eount, he being i<id? mnifled agninst less, l y irties w' o wil' purchase in advance, tickets ?u ficjent to cxpen- -. Adilress A, bo* 14,'H, Poat Office, with name of i but r id whe*o she can bo seen. ATA MEETING OF THE PA9SI NCF.KS, II 1,1) ON hoard the Steamship Daniel Webater, on .lie 2yth ult . J. N . Webster ? is called to the chair, and A. J. M ir Till. I), t villas, and J. S. Dickinson eonstituted t coi imitt ee i on re. oli ii"n?; and w ho, aftor a recess, reported tho follow* in*, which were unanimonsly adopted, vi/,. ? Resolved, That wo, the |.a'?si ngeis A t!i?- stcrimibifi Danbl Wei Iter, on ber re cent voyage from New York to San Juan, In c ? n ider t Ion (if t herns nly con diet, el >?e at Hint ion, an 1 skill in navigation of Captain Samuel Wakeman, do rondsr Mm our Liartlelt thanka, and eommenil hnu to tko travailing pul lie as a n an and a Captain wrtliy tllo patronage of all il oie s< ho value their liv?s ai il hapj lnsss. Resolved, That a copy of the abovo resolution b? pre Sent . d to Captain Wakeman. Res. lved, That the proceedings of this iseeting be pub lisl.adin the San I'raneisoo, New 1 Albany pa^iers. J. N. \V E0S1 EIC, t liairui - a. f . J. Laniss, : ucretary. St? < .ship DaRici, WrnsTt ti, May 14, W2. Ws. tho passengers i n board the steamship Daniel VY^b ster, dee in it alike to ourselves, ami al?o to the ? -a celling puMir. to letommcnd aliip as a Mft, convenient, com fortable, and speedy means of conveyance; that the gentla ria-ily conduct and efficiency of hor commander, Captain Wakeman, and subordinate officers, meet with our hearty approbation and eommendai ion. Signed bv the passengers, and; at their request, i>ubl}s)>td in tin N?w Ycrk Uciald. gnippnva. | NOTICE.-T1IE STlA^Sm" ATLANTIC, FROM j Liverpool, will eminence discharging, under general j order. ?t her b?rth, foot ot Canal street, this day, ton uiemin^ at icvtn A. M. CodiIkumi will plea* send their permits ou board, and attend to the receipt of their goods. I E. K. COLLI N8 k, OO. | TIIFNEW YORK AN r) 1,1 V rRI'OHL It N ITF,n 1TATFS j M?il Steamers.- The nltips coinpo'ing this lino are tho following ? ATLANTIC, Captaiu Went. PAl'iflV, Cupt.iin Nye. AKl'Tli;, Captain l<uee. BALTIC, Cai tain Comsto'k. A I?H1 ATI I', Captain Grafton These snips haviug been built iiy oonlract expwusly for government sen ice, every care has been taken iu their con struction?a* in their engine* ? to ennire strength ami ipeed, and their aecoinui idations for pMivn^orn are une<|ufcllcd fur elegance and comfort. I rice of passage from Vow York to Liverpool, in ti?wt ealin. $120; in second cabin, $70. Htclosive ute of exit* tine iitate rooms. $.100. From Liverpool to New York, ?30 and ??0. An experienced Burgeon attached to eaeh ship. Nil berth secured until paid for. rnopoHBD DATES or SAII.INO. From New York. From Liverpool. Saturday, Hay 20 1*52 Wednesday. May 1'J 1862 i>o Juncl2 11 Do June 2 " D/> Junc2t> " Ho Do July 10 " Do Do July 24 " Do Do Aeg. 7 " Do Do Aug. 21 " Do Do Sept. 4 " Do Do Sept. IN " Do Do Oet. 2 " Do Do Oet. ItS " Do Do Oct. 30 " Do Do Nov. 13 " Do Wo Nov. 27 " Do Do Dec. 1 1 ? Do De Dec. 26 14 De Do For freight or passage, apply to KDWAKl) K. COLLINS & CO., 56 Wall et., New York. BROWN. SHIPLEY & CO., Liverpool. E. G. ROBERTS ? CO., 13 King s Arms Yard, London. JOHN 1IUNROE it CO., 26 Rue Notre Dutuo des Vic tolres, Paris; or CEO. U. DRAPER, Havre. The owners of these ships will not #e accountable for gold, ?liver, bullion, specie, jiuvelry. precious stones, or metals, unless hills of tailing are ilgnuil therefor, and the value there of therein expressed. 1JOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVRE,? THE UNITED states Mail Steamship HUMBOLDT, D. Lines com mander, will leave for Havre, touching at Southampton, to land the mails and passengers, on Saturday, June fit, n, at 12 o'clock, from pier No. 4, North River. Price of passage in first eabin, $120; do. in second cabin, 970. An experi enced surgeon is attaohed to tlio ship. N" merchandise will be received on board after Thursday, June 3d. Baggage not wanted during the voyage, should he sent on board the day befnre tailing, marked "Below." 1'or freinbt'-r passage, ap ply to mortimer UYINOSTON. Auent, St. M Broadway. IIOR PORT PHILLIP, AUSTRALIA. DIRBCT.? THE splendid shin HELENA, Cave, master, will sail about the 26th of May for the above port. For freight or passage, having splendid state room accommodations, apply on board, I'ier IX, East River, or to N. L. tc (J. (irinwoli^ 72 South street; Knisell tc Norton, 31 Old Slip; or EUtet. Ar kell & Co., Uti IVarl street. Rates of fare ? tint cabin, $300; second cabin, $200; tteerage. $120. ri^O STEAMBOAT OWNERS.? WAN TED, TO CHAR JL ter, a Steamboat of light draught of water, for excur sions, for six or seven months. Any person having a steam boat of the above description, can apply, either personally or by letter, at John A. Flammcr's ofljee, lfi7 West Eight eenth street. PASSAGE TO SAN FRANCISCO-AT REDUCED price, in tho cabin of the new clipper ship UNION, at pier 1G, East River. Apply to 1 /. S. OAKFORD, 32 Wall str . t. FOR NORFOLK, RICHMOND, he.? THE U. S. MAIL steamship ROANOKE tails from pier 13, N. R., every Saturday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Passage and fare to Norfolk, state room included, $H; passage and furo to Bfehmnnd and Petersburg, state room included, S10. For fre^pt, apply un board; for passage, to LLJlil.A M &, PLEASANTS, 83 Front street, near Old slip. CALIFORNIA TICKET.? WANTED A STEERAGE ticket, Vanderbilt line, 20th May, in exchango for cer tificate of deposit for $200 and interest. Apply at No. 7 West street, near the Battery. CALIFORNIA TICKETS.? ON F, FIRST CABIN, AND one second eabin ticket, by Vanderbilt's line, 20th of Msy, for sale at a discount. Apply to J. W. OAKRINUTUN, Adams b Co., 50 Broadway. C CALIFORNIA TICKET FOR SALE-ONE SECOVD > Cabin Ticket, by the Prometheus, Vanderbilt's line, to tail on the 20th May. via Nicaragua route. Apply to BENJAMIN POULTNEY, 153 Maiden laue. CALIFORNIA TICKETS.? TWO STEERAGE TICKETS (<>r sale, Vanderbilt'- line, to sail on Thursday, the 20th instant, at a aiscouut. Inquire at Lovejey's Hotel. June 15. . J inm.'to . July 14. . July 2*. . Aug II. Aug 25 Sep. H. Hep. 22. Oct. 6. Oct. ? Nov. 3. . Nov. 17 Des. 1. Doc. I.1). Dec. 29. INDIA It I' II UK It GOODS. TO STEAMBOAT OWNRRS AND CAPTAINS ?I would call your attention to my very euperior vulcan ised Rubber Hose, for stoambnat purposes. I warrant iny Hons not to be affected liy either beat or colli ? roijuiroa no groaae, and never leaks. It can he curried through tlio on - bin, saloon, or private rooms without wetting. !? alio free from nails of rough edged, and docs not mar or deface tbe paint. In cheaper and more durable than any other hose now in nae. II. II. DAY, 23 Cortlandt street. INDIA RUBBER SHOES.- 200,000 PAIRS OF DAY'S I- patent Vulcanized Rubber (Hid Japanned Overahoci, These goods re eivcil tho first premium silver medal at the lust annual "Fair of the American Institute." Rxport"rs and extensive dealers are a<l vised to save a profit in or lnr in;- and purchasing. Day's facilities o<|iial 2.U00 pairs a day. Buyers are cautioned that the "combination" ar? again at their old game of threatening pronecutiun to my ciutoineri, ? all fo reflect, they may still for one year more plunder the pocktieol the oeople. HORACE II. DAY, oldestmana faeurer of India Rubber Shoes now iu the United 8t?tes, own' r of o v i* twenty patent rights. IV arehousc, 23 Cort landt street, New York. ASTROLOGY, ?c DR. ROBACK'S NATIVITIES.? IVIiy be harassed every day. Thinking wbat may next take place? Dr. Koback can portray, )iy the plnneta' truthful ray, Ail events, or grave or gay, Tim ? in the future we mutt faoe. Nor is this all. Not only do tbe nativities rust, by DR. ROBACK, No. 6 W hile street, show w but destiny scums to ha\e iu store for the individual, hilt they designate Hie method* by which misfortune, sickness, and other perils, may be avoided. Pore fays that heaven, while " Binding nature fast in fate, Left free the human will. " So that if we are forewarned we nrc forearmed. The na tivity points out the dangers that beset us, and knowini; thcru it ieourewn fault ifwcdonnt avoid them. Dr. C. W. Koback, as tin astrological ad v iser of King Bernadotte, of Sweden, warned bim againut two conspiracies, and is now in the confidential correspondence with niaaon, tho reigning King, Oscar the First, lie has also east the nativities of the King of Fruasia, Naplca, Denmark, and Ilanovcr; ami so far every thing lias fallen out with these monarcl s according to tbe very litter ?!' their horoscopes. Dr. O. W. Roba- k it prepare'] to calculate uativitiea for persons at adiatance,on recei\iug their uamc*, and tbe year, day, and hour "f birth. For foil nativities, $5. He may be consulted, or n Idrissed b.v letter, poat paid, and including tho necessary fee, at No. H White street, New York. C CLAIRVOYANCE AND MAGNETISM ?THOSE WHO > are desirous of consulting wi'h the best iu >jd i ' :? in thl? country. should call n Dr. Robert lirowu, No. Jlii Monroe street, one door west of Oouvernour, where they may find one who will prescribe for all the distance "flesh is heir to." determine the location of absent friends, search into the human system, and at onee detect any lurking disease, or derangement of the bodily functions; or if weakness or de bility in any form exist, tbe examination of the clairvoyant cannot be eiccllcd. Remember Dr. Urown is the original magnetie physician, and celebrated for the wonderful cures made by him while in Chambers street some years ago. His rooms are open for consultation and clairvuyaut examina tions, from 9 A. M. to 9 1'. M. Mrs. prewster, from Philadelphia, ten ders her aervicea to the ladica and gentlemen of thil eity, in Astrology, Love, and Law Matter*, Interpreting Dreams, Ac., by luioka r.nd aeienee, constantly relied in by Napoleon; and will tell the aaiae of the Udvor gentlcmaa they will marry. Alao the namea of the viaiterr. 09 Great Jones street, corner of tbe Bowery. Ladies, fifty cents; gentlemen, one dollar. HBDICAL* TO THE DEAF.? I II HR Kilt' CF.IITI FY THAT DR. Heath. A?iri*t, cured rae of a rapidly incr: .sing deaf neae, attended with distressing noises in my lie. id. Hugh Clark. Tho ?.ve. ? Dr. Dillenback, tbe success fill Oculist, devotca Lis whole attention to diseases of the ejc. Office, 961 Hroadwa3, fr> m 8 to 4 0 'clock, daily. TI1E F,YE.? WALDSTEIN k BF.i'K EI?, TIIC '..'11 nent opticians, from Germany, ha e removed .N o. 41MoN?. 4A1 Broadway. Having tested their skill in as sisting imperfect er impaired vision, we ar" ab! ? to speak wnrmly in its favor. Their telciseepcs, mieroicopos, opera glasses, spectacle \ &c., ar? nnsnrpsseed.? Tril 'i , ?. DR. < ON V KITS' PROCLAMATION TO Tllli A.TLI I' ed and (lisappoii *ed, who have loen induced to anpljr to ignorant prttcn'ier< for medic il aid.? Dr. C. is not a magi< ian. llu uses ao m.t ic influence ; n"r docs he , -ft id that he can cure privati di<cv?u quicker than any otlnr Doctor in the world. No sen1 il le man can to deceived by such silly pretention* and egotism. Dr C nivers invite* all persons, who are convinced thut there i' no marie in me II cinc, to call at hi* offf. e, if they ai" ? tcklnr prop medic >! aid. Those who lave imprudently cottr t. l private dis.-ate, and require ft speedy and permanent cure, w ill hero find a qttalif.ea physician, with an experience of twenty years in tkis branch of the profession, in New Yi rk, which gives bim a decided wantage ovarthe mere tyro in the heal ing art. (ientlemcn. strangers, semnen. an I elti..ei>?, who appreciate and would act are seientille tr. .t mo lit in their maladies, will easily find thisofBee, and will meet n nc but tbe Doctor, on whom they can r ly with : ic Utmost 'onfi dcr co. without fear of violation or expoaui i. Dr, i cele brated Invigorating Cordial, for the su I lects f secret Tii e, ineapacitatirc for bnsinesa, or matrimony, in? v be ob tained. >2 a bottle. thr"e bottlaa for S8. Inprt, alvlce to tho married imd tinglc--?cnt to the country, | iat-pAid. Olfieeg S.r> 1 bird avinue, and 13 Chambers street I "tw^en C'latham ai,<l Centre streets, basemcat-nol a dr.'a store. Conaii'tatlon fronts A. M. to 9 A. M. DR. L. lORTiMORI DOCS KOI PI iTSJH THAT he is the riost ykilfnl phvsiei4i in tho city. 1 len*es tl?t l r those i odest men who fill the papers h their own praise*. lie wtnld, however, as-nrc tbo i ho come under I ;s core, that, they may rely upon ache , pleasant, wife, ana spe?'' / ervc. Iu from S A. M. to 9 p A., Suudaya esepted. Advice gratia. Cure warranted. A word t* tho wise it s-lrtcicnt. L. Mortamore, M. D., 196 William street. DR. GREGORY'S rRINCH ANTIDOTE -T: US IS TH* only meuii iiir that i-< positively knowi tj eradicate a certain disease; uthir medicinal seem f ir a while toc irt, but tbo diaease >n return a again. Not s ? with the Preach Antidote, fir it expel* the poison fr i the system, and li avea t lie pat'*nt as | re atrl healthy n? bofere fie < nick. 1' c* $1. At l.Vi Pulton street, Sun liuil !? gs; 12/ Bowery, corner Grand s'roct, ;md by thi Doctor a'. h.^e, I vf l.l> l.erty sfreet-riglite, at his rcsidcnce, 177 \lleB . trout. Nj change for advise. DR. RALPH. AUT'TOR Ol TII E ' PRACTICAL PHI vote Tr> itise," Ste.? Office hour !) to 12*V V (i t ? '? P M., (?un. ay* cxeepted.) No. M.'l 'fonat n streoi, ne.,r Woostic. From tho uncommon Huaieal alvantages tho author baa enjeted in thl? sp <? iality he a** vuple re* ?!! fi r ?tatinc that, In ;.n v stago of certain iliaes oa, or t ir eonse.|tienec*, a* well as th.' deplorable ?fl< < 'res iliing from tarly improper habits, he ?an inanro ane.i rtain, s*f?, an i radical curss ai e nle obtained from no otb . ? r o in America, Those who applsr in the earlier Iti^cs, will b) surprised at the case and iapu.ity of the cnrc. THE FEMALE'S CONFI ' F.NTIAL FBI ,VD -DR. iC. Treston'* !? emale Panacea, Nos. 1, 2 and I r moves all iiregularitie* ?f the fema e aystem. Se?t by mail. (I. Con* sulfation*. Si- ^ etc. No. 2 must b* aeetimpariicd with ad? vice. N. B. ? None are genuine save ti se o? lue la labi rtteur, Dr. l':, 86.1 Bowery. REWARD.? GROSSMAN'S SPEC! PTC MIT vJ'*-' vv tnr'i.? Of all remedi** yet lisoovcred, this 1* tha moat certain. It make* a *jieedy and nermanont ore. with out the least restriction in diet, drink, orexpesu o, orchangt in application to buainesa. Many are *ured In lw> day*. Beld at the drug atore, No. 37.1 Hr? adway, e. rn*r ?f ( baa> bereatreet; alao. at No. 10 Aatur House; at No. llQDf?||d- 1 *?7. Md A?. 100 f a^t?i it???t, ?v?H W UBwr. AKUMBMHIVT8. BOWERY Til HATH I. ? BOX ES, 2A CUNTS; PIT, 12>? eouts; Seats in Orchestra II Doors op-n ? C 7; cnrtnln n?<>? at 7'4. Woilneaday evening, Miy I I. w II be performed the dramatic romance ?t the colt Mc an BltOTIl?KK- Mr. F.ddy a? the twin Brothers: M. do Chateau Knouud, Mr. Goodall; Karon do Hiiilfltos, <lr Hamilton; Our <11 ('lord au o Martelli Mr. fttevena; Orlando Mr. Letftng *<?11: t.'olonna, Mr. Uriitlths; Mine. Stvlllt <l< I Fraii'-hi. Mr*. Jorum; Maria Ml"* llitfert. Previous to the romin e the unmii of THE MYSTIC BELL OF RONQUEkOI.LKS - Nil ti> lus, Mr Eddy; Jean duuthicr, Mr. Stoveua; II ir nisn de Rcnittterolles, Mm. Jordan. Burton s theatre, chambers strut, -dribs < ircle and Paniuct, SO cents; Second Tier, 2ft sonta; Pri vet' Bona, Orchestra Seats. 71 cents. Doers open at 7 't; to he,iin ut o'clock. Wednesday evening, May 19. will he played the ilrama of DA V1D COPPERFIELt>? David ? ' ? p ji?riitlil, Mr. Itu.xnell; Miss Betny Trutwnod, Mrs Hnghes; Ko?a Durtle, Hra. Dyott; Agnes, Mm. Fisk; Uriah llenp, Mr. Johnston; Wilkins Mleawber, Mr. Burton; Mrs. Mieawber, M re. Skerrett; Daniel Pefgotty, Mr. Dyott; Little Emily. Wias linn land. To conclude with the farcoofthe OOOD FOB NdTlll N(J? Charley Dormer. Mr. Russell; Harry Johnion, Mr llluiiit; Ti m Dibbles, Mr. Johnston; Nan, Mrs. Skorrett t 1 National tiieatke, CHATHAM street-dress Circle anil Boxes, 2ft cents; I'it, I-", cent*; Orchestra Tickets, SO ct?; Private Bo* Tickets, $1. Doora open at 7 ; curtain risea at 1\ o'clock. Wednesday evening. May I'.#, the entertainment* will Mmmenoe with the tragie play of BKK1 H AM? Oonnt Bertram. Mr. Booth; St. Aldobrand, Mr. Cooke: Prior of St. Anselni, Mr. Clarke; Lady Iin-gene, Mrs. Nirhi>la; Clotilda, Miss llurlicr. To conclude with the new burleique of the COARSE II A I It' D BROTHERS ? Mr. Fjx i<a the twin Brothers; Chevalier ilo Dcm Hard, Mr. Drow; Baron de (iridiron, Mr. Cooke; Kiniua Lee do Biiuaro, Mr*. Drew. BARNUM'S AMERICAN MI'SEIM-P. T. BARNUM, Manager and Proprietor; John Greenwood, Jr., Ablat io t Manager; C. W. Clarke, Director of Amusements. ? Ad mission to the entire Museum aud performances, 25ota.j chil li ren uLdor tea years, 12^ centa; Parquet. 12^, cents extra. The public in informed that thla place of family auiiueniout ? till rreuents every attraction that the aplrit of enterprise and tlie genius of success can compass or auggeat. It eon taina, in fai t, milllona of novcltlea in every branch of nature and art, and novelties that for taste, beauty, rarity and value, arc unparalleled in America. Wednesday, May If. In the afternoon, at o'clock. the Oriental romancu nf < ' 1 1 K li lt V AND FAIR STAR. In the evening, at 7' , o'clook, the comedy ul USED UP, and the extravaganza of IIIIRIED A LIVE. Tlui Vuiithfiil (iiant. Ifco., to be soon l| >11 hour*. OI.E Bl I.I. MBMCTi PUT ANNOUNCES IMS First Grand Concert, to take place nn Saturday even Ing. May 22, at the Metropolitan Hall, assisted by tin; Gtr ui.t nia Musical Society and Alfred Jaell. PRlllllt AMMK ? PA II T I. 1. Cram) Overture, "Martha" F1 tow. 2. Craml Concerto? in A major? onneistin* of Part I, Alleiiro Maeatoao; Part 2, Ailapio Cniitabllo; PartS, Rondo Paatorale, for violin, composed and performed by Olc Dull. 3. '? Un Jour il'ete en Norwege"? Grand Funta-ia Paatorale, for iiianoforo, by if ilmera, performed by.. Alfred Jaell. 4. Caut abile Doloroao and Rondo Giocoao, for violin, compoacd and performed by Ole Bull. PART II, ft. Grand Overture ? to the melodrama Midsummer Night's Dream . . . .Mendelsohn li. Polacca (jmrric-ra ? for violin, c imposed and performed by Ole Bull 7. A, " ltlgolctto," illustration; 11, "11 Carnovalo di Veui /in," bnrlosqne, for pianoforte, oompoaed anil performed hy \ 1 1 rod Jaell. 8. La Verl ena de San Juan ? Deacriptlre Kantaaia upon the cnatnmx In Spain in the Midaiimmcr Ni^-lit ? cornpoeed and executed by. Ole Bull. TIiih pieee retirement h the celebration of the midauuiincr llornl fmtival, held by the Spittiiarda at the aumtner aolatlOB, when they aaaemMe at the rendeiTOniOutaid* the city walla, for the purpose, alao, of hearing ami adopting, for tlio next year, n new canzone or variation to La Joia Arragone n. At ita opening, ilintant Kounda are heard, an of people 'ally ing forth from the neighboring street; every body aoema to on moving, ?nd the only person, perhaps unmindful of the l'nn tivitirs, is the watchman, whose crying of the hour. "Lai once y media y acreno" (It la half- pant eleven, anu a fair night), is heard, being represented by the violin: then may be recognized the various Spanish national airs, as heard from the dllVcrtiit bandit panning alonn? tlrat It la "El rorel Co;" then the " Fan dung"." now the " Zapateado:" then t ho 1 Bolero." Aa we procaod with ths cro? d, there ia heard the pong of a mnletcro, who pours out hi-i to hla fair dulci ii i a in aiimri ua vciae, which iawver and anon interrupted hy the reatleaaneaa of hla mules, t" whom, in order to quiet them, he ories, In a deep voice, "Ho! hoi" the imitation of which contrasts lndlcronsly with the impassioned melody ho ia singing. The crowd ira<'l< their Jokes upon him, whoso screams ttnd whistles are distinctly imitated by the violin. The muleteer's fonp is gradually loot a? the nay purty con tinne son to the reudeivons. uud, aa we approaoh nearer to tlie place of meet ing, wn hear the different bands playing the new eanxiino to " La Jota Arragonoaa," which becomes mnre and more distinct, until the whole populace is heard singing it in full choral. Tickets of admission to all parts nf tlio hou?? One Dollar. To be obtained at the principal hotels and mnalo atorca, also at the door ou the evening of the Concert. Doors open at tila; Concert i eminences at So 'clock. CHUSTT'S OPERA HOUSE. MECHANICS' HALL ^>.172 Broadway, above Clrand street. Open every night during the MCi'k, until further notice. The original and well known Christy's Minstrels, comprising an ftllii iunt and versatile "cortia of "talented" and experienced performers" under the management of E. P. Christy, who?o concerts in this city, for a succession of " five years," have been received with favor by highly resnoctahle and fanliinn ahlo audiences. Tickets, 2ft rents. Doors open at 7; com mence at fl o'clock. The patrons of Christy's Miustrels are respectfully informed that the Saturday afternoon concerts arediscontlnued. WOOD'S MINSTRELS, AT WOOD'S MINSTREL HALL, <44 llroadw ay, above Howard itroot. ? The nropriotar taken pleasure in announcing to tlio pablio that lie has en gaged t lio most celebrated uiueiciaus[uiid Negro I i 11 ?? ators In the wotld, and is determiaed to make Wood's Minstrel llall in every w ay worthy the patronage of the ladies and gwMwm of jhl* city, llo >i>i> taken this opportunity to express Iris thanks fur the great patronage conf ? rrod on him ?iue? the orgatiWfitoinn of his present star oomp ui>, and he promise! to replenish it from time to time with whatever novelties oi strikiug talent may IPPW to the pr of***ion. Wood's Min'trels performovery evening, and on Wednesday and Sntnrrtay afternoons. A dinlsxion, 25 cunts. I>oor* upon at 7: concert eomuivncos at 8 o'clock. The afternoon i on cert* commence at .'lo'clock. N. H.? The strictost order and aecorun, will Le preserved, aid the greatest attention pal? to the comfort or visiters. FELLOWS' MINSTRELS.? NOTICE.? THE ORIGINAL well known " Eellowi* Minstrol*," comprising an eft nicnt "corps" of "talented and experienced periorm"r*, under the direction of J. B. Fellows, would respectfully In form the public that duo notice will he given when the} ?eminence their conctrts attain in Broadway. J EN NT LINK'S FAREWELL CONVERTS.? SEATS SE cored and Tickets for *ale at GOULD fc BERRY'S mti lic and oianofurto warcrooms, No. T.<7 Broadway, two doors ah ove Chick*ri*t'?. fpiCK ETS FOR JENN V LIND'S FAREWELL r< i.V JL certs in America. ? Choice M'ats for all parts of the home tnny he secured at M I L LET'S music store, 3?> Hr >ud wny, opposite Broadway theatre. Metropolitan 1 1 a 1. 1 .-OLE BOLL RESPECT* CL ly announces his first grand Concert, to take pla io on Saturday evening, May !U, ut the above named II ill, :is?i to I by the Oermania Musiul Society and Alfred Jitell. Fur ther particulars hereafter. Mental ALCHEMY.? PBOF. ti. BROWN WILLIAMS' lectures and experiments at Bleecker Hall, corner of Bleecker aoil Morton street i, on Monday, Tuesday, W< 1 uefduy, and Friday CTenini."?, of thin week. Loeturo to e .in nienie at H o'clock. Admission? 12, li ccnts. Consultation office SUC Broadway. UNION DRAMATIC CLUB, OOTHIC IIALL.? LADIES and gentlemen desirous of joining the above (Hub, can do so by applying at their weekly meetings, on Saturday evening* n' ? o'clock nt lothfo list?: or.t ?? .?>"*, r irl st<rect. N. B. ? None but personsof respectability need apply. MEDICAL. DR. J0nNS0N, 16 DUANE ST., WILL FORFEIT C if failing to enre any c?se of disease he undertake*. Hie practice, of 22 years at his {reseat office, Is nn equalled by any medical man in New York. Those w ho may contract disease, ran apply to Dr. J., with the certainty of having their cases properly treated. A perfect cure, or ut charge. DR. JOHNSON, 10 DUANE STREET, SO WELL known for the last twenty-two years, for his superior treatment of private diseases, ean be consulted on any of the following complaints, Tin.: syphilitis or mercurial uluers, glandular eulargemeuts, and nervous debility. All ease* treated with eaudor, and nu char^u unless a cure is per fected. DR. WARREN, NO. 1 MOTT ST.. CONTINUES TO RE consulted on the treatment ef private diseasos. Thirty (even Tears' practice enables him to oure uorvous d'Mllty. His treatment is sale and speedy. No mercury used, or m flnemer.t from business reiiuirtd; and oases of roc< ut occur rer.? e invariably cored in from throe to bve days. DR. COOPER, 14 DUANE STREET, AND NEXT DOOR to the Chatham Bank, mat be confident ly consulted en private Jiscai-es. Hit success has been suoli in the treat ment of old chronic cases of vears standing, and such as l ave been considered incurable, that physicians of some eminence d , not hesitate to recommend their patient* to Dr. C. He is bett' r known, both in and out of tho proftMl ll,a^ tu4 mi st successful practitioner in private di*e*-e. ?f a?y ether in tho city of New York. I/is experience is the re sult of tw?cty-one years devoted exclusively to this .,[,?? oislity of tl.o profession. Weakness of tho orgins of irono ration, and their train of consequences, tho r? ult of oirly improper habits, radically enred. N. B.? No mercury usei and a perfect enr* guaranteed. Dr. WARD'S UNFORTLN ATE'S FrTEnD.? IF CURKJ are the best evidence, then there i- n ? n. dl< inotoi private diseases, to be compared to this. Thmisan Jscan toll you that they never would have got weil with utit. N'.o taken by multitudes without discovery. Fr from unplea ?autuos. Immediate death to the dkteaoo. Price bl. Otliot a. fner '.I Canal street and Broadway. NO FEE TILL C C R ED.? DR. ''OR Ft ETT, 19 DUANE street, may ho consulted couli len'laily on the t.<>i mfnt tjf delicate diseases. Twenty-one yortrs itvavMcein 1 1 . a si eeiality of the profession enables him to mnKc speedy 'i 1 pern an- nt curcs, and reo nt easog romoTod in tt,r>e ?!. \s The victims of iinaekery can a| ;.ly with a eertai<i'.y >1 ? i u* honerably treated. From his lung experience, he nci. ?tl?3 to cure effectually a ceit iin nsrv^us debility. JJr. CurVnt is a member of tho New V'ork Cnlvcrsity. RAPIt AL CURES, AT ASM \LL EX PEN f. ?DOCTOR WARD solicits the attention of all* w!.,,ni ,t coi,"rrn?. II ? cures privat ? diseases with most r.oiarlmhie celeri'y, cam-, safety, and cliiapnou. The rn ?t iu r> l? 1oqi> iji ncdiatey eonvinceil of his wonderful pon-:r ot cur ing. All appliance*, 1 resoi ic.'s? nany u t yet known? po????fc i, ?n'l liberally di*i i - II ; t ' ' ft untertuiifito. Office, corner Canal street and Ur^adw*/. Consultations private, advice gratis, buok gratis. DR. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL I'RE VTME? Fifteenth Edition. I?y M. U. La Croix, M. D., Albany, N. Y. Chftapeia book ever j' i' lUhed; Jul Daces, and I *0 fta* plr.tei, or the Physiology \ Marrlaee, and tnc s icret infir mities and dlsorderi of youth and maturity, resal' lng from exc^sie* which deitrov toe pliy>ica! and mon'il j o Tors all diseases ari? ,g from Indiscretion, with t l .inaid simrlt rul?* by wliich all persona can cure themreivos without rnnr curv, with too author * ' bservation* r n marrii.go, its dutKi anu disquali' atlons, and M,oirremi dl ; with colore i Ht^.o graphs, illustrating tbi ai ar imy and |1 iol. *y, Od'j I eases of the roprodoi live or,'.a.s it botii their str"> I tnro, ose?, and fanctlon*. It cMitaln* many important l ut| j I to tl.o'C conti mplating matrloiony, w , . ill v '?r 'oine cb- : le.'tl- n* against marriage: none, however, iho .id take thit I lmBortant step without flrst contoltinn its paiei. It tr a*4 of all diseases of female", whalhe married rsiux'i. Stiasi< *ers who require medi' al aid, be'oro cohs iug a j doi * r, ought to know whether their ca?i' are pr porly " id-rstooi by those whom 'hey employ, and thus .? iaru agin: : thj I?* fokitiouiof quackery, so preva,c?it in i ul is cities Dr. I.* | 'ridx Is a legally quatifi l i i.y i?n, x. 1 for the pa*t t .centy year* has been duly consulted up i c diT< ont dweasot j npon which hi* bonk 'rcat". i e.-Houi?; . 1 well a< by letter. Any | er?on lending twentv five ' ' its 1 . " letter, p -tpa t, will receive one eopy Up n ail, t: "o f , > ? ? jo, or . i pln for Jl. Address Dr. m. II LA t e. 0 X, V i aver treet, Al b."ny, N. Y. Sold by (i irrett & < .. . 4nn stroet, an4 Btrniirer A Tow mend, ??.' ll(oadw*y, N. k ., liraacn otlioc, ol Llsyd street, BulTale. f enn reward. -jErFRiis- antidote, ajspe: pwUl/ ?Ue mixture for the cure of private disorders, it make* a speedy euro, without tho lca.<t restriction* of Oiet, drink, exposure, or change In application to business. The proprietor challenge* a single case which the mixture will not enr?, under tho forfeiture of Are hundred dollar*. It is put np In bottles, with full directions, at St. One bot tle last* a week? many ar* enred in two day*. For sal" by'', II. RING. IK! Broadway and at 10s Bayard street, N. Y-s W. E. Little, UM Baawei itr???, BoMonj Wrigbt * Wo.. New fWfAABA A Airnxem. BROADWAT THBaTRE.-B. a. MARSHAL!, ??!>? I.?-.a*a. ? Itnia r> an -I Par(i .at, IWaintu; Family I ir*!ai*n4 (Jpjxr Ti> r. 2A v?nt( Prltttn D'ii"ii(i?a4 |& l??<>ra ap*? ? i7 toenoim*B???l7.\a '? 1 ?<- k ? . ? I Hi?? Kutc Horn. W >? l naada* ? laning. M ?f I . i ?' ' a |i"ff?rm?4 th? Hr?ia? < ' Tlf TUHINk. ..r I'll h ??? . ii It? Alf x in. Irs, Mr. Wale')*} Mr Mr limil ? ft|?l<?>. Mi IUl?j Vn-t rina. Hi ? lulia lif i in it B'lw. Mi i Ka?> IT m l.? Tyrnlianne b% M ' i lr A 'If line T <un<lu" with A M. TI1A T <i UTTERS IS NOT G*>LD- Sir Arthur l.i.-ll Mr, Reynold-; J??rar I ' 1 ' j i n Mr. WhiHnir Kt > 1 --n Pl'im Mr. tnnway. T'hjf I wiuMe. Mr. DuvMp'. M&rtba 0 i I ? ? ? m v Mmu. Puat*i. NIBLO'R OA RDEN. - M A N AUER) MR- JOHN NEKTON'. It'kata, 50 uvnta; I ' ri ? ic Itoxea, $6. The donra *itl ? |i''n at 7, and tba it rfuimaui a will u muaence at Mo'aliirk. a* ?,.W' Muy 1J. Tlir Jn |y ? minant voaamt Madamo Anaa 1 bill* n and Mr. Iln-i , r. i ? I)- 'I I ., ti'a military omnMJ ii |i? ra i>l I* fill" i|ii I'r.'inii'iit " p"i f rm? I thin ivuninr. by ITI nernl rri|im.i, >t i . , . i, Ovirtur.' To h? fullowol by the Optra <.f th? I>AI UUTEIlOr Til K RED I M KNT. rr ciivd at nai'h ruprimuutatiii i,y , , ? I- I .m.j ... nca-H, with coiitiniinnf in ii i' k- nf (Tfrni r?l approval knit naturactiort? To nin, Mr. Iludann; Siilpic" Mr l.ia I. Mirie. Mmc A.Thilloa: Man biunraa do Harkcnii Id, Mr-. Mi-K -ana. I Vi SI M THEATRE, flROADWAV, NF.aR IIKuOMB J atraft.? Oorhyu k Buck la ni. 1. -Uri-i I Irtla, M) crnta; Parqnat, 2A eonta, Family firol"- I.",' r*n ? Or in ?ir% Si'ata, 7.1 oauta; Private 11 >xaa, >1 and $A. liooraopan ut 7; fiirtum rlaaa at 7}i o'clock. IV ilmu'lay nvcninj/, May I*#, will b? play i'H the raroa nf FAST AN I) ST OW ? Edward. Mna U'rrma; John, Mr. Vincent After which, the Mw oddity nt WILTON, HARM M AM'JENNV MM). To ha f.illnwe.t by tha farin ?r A (J1IOST IN SPITE OF HIMSELF? Diooa rv. Mr Tlu,mpann. T? c iielnd" with t lie comedictt a of A N - Ton V AND CLEOPATRA? Antony, Mr, \V; Claopat/a, Mi- a J nlia Brnnett. STOR PI, A C E OPIRA uo USE.? PARQUET A!*? llaxaa, 40 cents; Ami I ithaatra, 15ft ennta; la Saata $1, Tin hoi bonk la open lr in *. M. thrminh the day, wl?c? aenta may be aaonrad. Ti^keta ?"1 i fur rari|tiet, Bn*ea ivod Si, fan aectire ? lie aeotii fur 1 1: i e? enlnir. I ? ? ? ? > r h ,p?n at 7; >?(? foruanca will commence at ;?> o'd k. Wudnaa lay ayeotct May III. will bo pre* otnil tin' drnma nt the I 'O RSIC A " BKOTIIRIiS. nr Vandtttn? *'r. Ilr ,ke . ? the twin llru tin ra; M . d? Chati an- KenMnI, Mr. .1 ? > r 'I an; U. All r?*>l M?y nard. <lr. Lynn*; I. a Ilarmi Mitutiiiron, Mr. Arnold; Olorda* n<> Martelli, Mr. Ilarrir: Mai I a in u SavilUtdti Frnncbi, Mr). TMNII Knnlic de Laaparr*. Mm. llal?'. _ Broadway tueatue? miss katr horn rks pi , tfnlly annonncca hi r Itcnnflt fur till* (Wodnaadayl ?vanlnK. May If. ?n wblcl i ion "ill b'- 1 rmluot-d a ?.?ru I and uttraiitive bill. inpri?iii? ili? rclebrated drama, in three ^cta, an titled VI CI OK I N K, in which Mitif J nlia lien ? nett and M r. Waluot liave kindly f u hi u tan red to app ar, ami will be inpportad l,y M, k rt in, Daviii. e, and fciio wholo i f the cnui l any. To wliicli will 1 ail l'idtln nnmtdy ?f ALL IS NOT UOLf? Til aT OT, i'l I! IIS ill ? 1,1 Ii Mr. I'unway. Mra. Verimn, and Mii<a Katu Unm will appear. Boa buult new npen. BROADWAT THBATRI. MUS. JOUN BXTTON'B IIENEFI I' PRIDAV, M W 21. on which occaainn nill ho adud the xreat drama of tlm ?i O I. U K N F A II M E It . Jemmy Twitcher ... Mr. John Seftotj a? acted liy him, iu New V'ork. ii|'wnrdi of three hundred nirht j. (juldeii Farmer. Mr Cmiway I Hammer M. . D duo V A l.'.T DE SUA M. In which Mr. Charles 1 1 ,ile ? ill n - i m, < uucl'iUl iR w.'.h I, A 0 1 F. It I. W \ It K. Principal character- i.y M- 'mw Vernon, Abbott, S t"e, lid Mum. Fen no an<ii Whiting. BTJRTOH'8.? MRS. UVOTT RISPKCTTCIXT AN nouncea that 1 1 ? r Iter.elSt will tako pluoe naxt Tburaday evtnitic, May If. on which in laton 'lie n'llicita the fatron ii bo of liar fricuda and tii" puiilie. First time of the biumtl. ful comedy nf the, A WOMAN K.RBPSA SE CRET, and other attrai tlvo tiit?*talnmi!ntl, m luditii tho Dhole talent nf tho aompany. TUi.??'S.? UUt ANN A THILLON'8 OPERA NIGHTS, M .nday W i jn' -day ami Friday. M'Ua t.? roiina It u? tet'a ballot niRbta, Tu. day, Thursday and .Saturday. Madame otto ooi.Dsciui ii rii.ATE mm.f, jg.v. n v Liud ) I"*** ti. ac'ioim ? tli ? t i lie will jiv e b< r LAST WON ERT Bf ? ON K IN AMBBICA, On Fnii'AV Evknimi. May I. in M?.rMo?ULirAM Mali.. PROU H A M M?. pa ii r t. Oycrtnrc? " I.i Vet talo" cl<ontiui Rumanza? " hlla plangaa la pcillda' (Ni.rman ni a Paii^i) , . . . .Murcadn, it? Signer i Itadiaii. Air? "Hear ye Israel" ( Klijali ) Mundelsavhll ltfAI'AMe J i \.vy Uoldschmidt. Fanfciala? " I. a Manelnno" II awniaua Viiilln? M lioury Appy. A i ..-"Allien Cr?d'a; #La Sonnambula Bolllni ' All lion pallid S M/ijamil Jenny GoLngCKMiDT. I'AItT If Concerto ? An?lanio uti?l .Ml?*;.rr? ? l-'innle Coldeulinii It* l'iHunfort< ? Mi. Otto G"l?i?thnii?lt. a\riik? M Hfttti. f htti" ( Don (ii ivimni ) .M ar 6 Maiiamk Jkn.w Ooumi'iiwidt. "il Sail arcllo," Irum tlio Itli .Syinplioiiy It OrehiMtni 14 The Cipny'a Scnrj" ( Camp <?f Silesia). Mryorbect MAIiAMK .1 I NN \ (i II.DHi'inflllT. Romanza? '* Lament.. <1 unin ri>nnnl??" rea?li\nt6 Jilgtwr (\ Uatiiali. ' II mo, H?>me ' ( ' luri ) .Bishop JttAnAM* { J F.N N v (}OIJ>*rifMll)T. '' Muuntainttr'n Sung/' n Sw?"iiM U nmlody B?r r, MAI?A.%Jfc Ji;nnv Gur.iiHCKMinT. CciTjdncti.r Mr. The?*. Lea<i<r Mr. JoB??ph Burke* <?pi?n at G^a o'clock: r'oncert to t:?.mmon< e at H. T he price oftkkotf han h????n lixed at $3, $J, ami $1. Each ticket Ih aecompanieU i.y a numbt-re<l ciiock, wiu'.h de<. aros ft ecat hearing a ntrreNiiou'limi; nn ruber. The only anthfiri?? il i>n ?? for the hb!c of tieHo'.H for thH Concert will ho upon He'ln? ^day. May ID, at D A. M., at ( liicktrinp.V j ium lVpt?? warorooiiiM, 29? llroadwiy. Booka QontaininK tlie Wurdu ot th?i Aon??, in En^iifth, #Sor? man, Italian, an<l bwcdirth, t r halu at tha Uoor ">u tbo even Iiir of tiie Ct n< vrt. I'ric t mutant*. 11??' la?t. < ? !,??, rt in A.meri< a will take placc on M >n'lay, May 24, at Car 1 1 (inr 1? n. Due notice will he ?iven wlu n the ticket# for tho lait Con cert will Le Ul. fjlRANKUN V.CS-'E' M, 17.'. CHATHAM SvlCARL -liKQ. Ltd, I'roprietor.? Two iwfanuiiMt are m?cr every day. Coinnn>n< ine at o'cl ilt i'i the afternoon, ind at In the . renins. Thin establishment Is tbt only place ;u 'n? United States where the ' Model A rtr* tg" run lie seen. l'lie wbimj is composed of* troape of Artiste ceiaetcd for tlielr beauty end Ogure, ami ?n aui:>r the supervision of " M'lle f'ar.inct, Premier Mod I" t< tlii- . 'tuUinl moi i magnificent caries r ^ r ? ? j" will lie r "In ?.<!. ?*?fit'!y Be I feted from th' u ?t udinin >1 I'Siutinga and a u J f " i ? - wi'.s now fwptrtlll wd appointments " Lea's I nitial- Oi ? '* C"'ii puny," tlio oulv rganizr.U band ? f ladies in emit :ooe, will tpmWDinr; alien . ami cyouifig. Mon*. L?t ?ry, tbe original Antipodeai I', 'ill imk 'head il?t?* wurdn," on the celling. at mi alovnti -r, ..I twei ' V . c fee* tr m the gmnnd, nmi n . htecn I . leu <th, a feat whi"h . ? -wg all "ruin petit.. rn ii. ? ? ?l,?i!i Tli" (rMteK w .,iler the world ever produced Monsieur Cam, the *trin/"*t nan In the world, will break with I'... "iiuk. 1 "-it," ?r. / st .? ^ne audience may ell "'., tu e"> r with oth r unparulol . ' oats of s'rength. Th? nnrivallwi tribe f " Acn la tie '-i '.em," will nppnar in their wonderful gymnastic i,r.'i,r'Ji m, ?'/, pr'nincinn grraf x itemi'nt bjr their "itrt.irdinary s?Mbi tions. A variety <r ii. i "i ? in ? "n'- t t?.intn"iils .ire fiven every afternoon and cv ? ?? . I. ?< ear. be teen at ao othes estnl li'hment In the ?> mi. 1. full particulars ?f eaeli day'." performance, a< 1 ilia >.l the day. Prii ei of admisei a ? Seati in Private Rose 80 < nts; Ottheitrn Seats, vHta cushioned ar:o tbaira, can's; lioxci. 25 rents: i'allery, 1.,'i rents. rpilE ATKICAL NOTICE.? NEVf NATIONAL TIILV J. trc, M .Hti n ?l u ll, and gentlemen >? f acknowledged ta lent. desiring engagement at this e tahll-htneat (which will opi-n on nr about thi I - ' September ensuing), may nddr..s, pint paid, to Mr. CI! A RLE-TWOS. I'ARSLOE, Theatrical Agent, Button's theatre. Chambers street, New Vurh. PROFESS* K WILTON. TriF. ORSAT W 1 7. A ft D 0 F TilM V> 'i ti l, * ilJ 1 uiuiep. e earijf in the tall. HBMDiL. Dr. waui> marks astomsiiino ccres? scck an no nther 4'ietor can do. Either a :nr? er xreat amendmei. t he) r* twenty-four bnuri. To cc,ntra<-t diHeaa* in n.ade iner>. nothlnp; by hie treatment, which i( neioaea Scrfected. Kem< mhor it. The other aitthodi of euro ar# rva lful ? aj ruo than W.edieeao. CISce coratir Canal itre?* and Broadway. |\R. WARDS MAOICaL TKFATM2NT.? DKLICAT8 i" di?eae.'? cured e ith uuexainpled ceWrHy. Nereranff. failnrei. The ?e, ret of hij (ucceae n the Unfnrtunatew Friend, and ? aut" tance that errut'e diaeane ai if by miracle. It l!? the only njeciy and (a-uifaetory meani e( euro. OtBce, eornor ot Canal etreetand ilroadway. UA1MD AND RADICAL CCKES.SCCH AS WILLNOT be ni'.nthe, but one, two, >.r three dayi, if takes early- and w hime peririanency ran lie relicl ?n, and that will not. to your perpetual chagrin and loiie, l.e bKakiux out a ain ? .an n> #t certainly be obtained by one and all ?f th? niiTortiiuato from l?r . Wurd. Thi? m roe 'inmended to th# ?rrioue attention ot thote v ho would ee cured well and quick, and tiioape the lior id ?eoond?ry affectl'.ni, and the inevitable detection and e that follow <>n t j ? - i r appear ance. Now and imp .rtaut, dm reri?e enable hiui to mora than folltl hie promiee* of a < ure, luipoeeible to he eff'jetod nnder any antl inat'.d metlin 1. Every Convenience for the treatment pre vlded. Attention heetowed mi l ?? yon will receive no w here "Ue. Remember that hon lrudi are beinK lout under other do"tnrH eojely from want of it. Attoutioa in all that ip needed, beaide# ekill, and with both, on hie pert, the mi fortunate under him net on moat ma*., ally. Otftoe at the c< rtier ? l eanal 'trect and Broadway. Book aad adviot grn'if. Medicine, a dollar. FAItlS and 1.IIN I il ? N T H R\T M f. S TD T fRIVAIl D^eanca, in a few hoiire. by a vegetable \pDlioatioaf wiihoot pain. In c.'nalit'itiocai a(T eti'.na, and diiaeaeefroaa Improper ha' its, ho combine* medicine with the lecal remo dy, an I . in eh w any one there are thouMadt who eannet In cured wit h. ut It, a* he ban i a?ea daily, of years' ?ioratiea frum the other phyeiclant. In all, bo guaranties a perrna neot cure. He makes dally ctr.i ot strieturoa, withont caustic, which others ui<e.?aut?i by their n t > (palllnn Mia former din ave ? .op enough. Illi dipl ma. with these ani tin hundreds of other certificates, allow that ? >'hinrea? e |iial It VV ' were cured in ? lew heur*? 1*. P.r 'vftead, A. tt ariiig, I*. M.Corbyn.C. Dereud "n.) ape: n ation c ired me, alter another doctor tried a Uju time ? W. N. Craft, I piMil over $.1^1 in five y. ar*. to be tared of weakness frota ?clf abn o, withont benefit, but yon cured me by local and general treatment it a short tluie .Ian. Evans. Yon eured me oj (lie ? rst sytliilitii aflY-cMoii on aiy b .ly an I face in ? ?hert time, after f ha< beta under t ree peysiciaaa tot a year, besides using every ,u? k meliolne I e?ald hear of, ta no benefit ? Wra. Vorgi.s'.n, l'erth Aintor. loo hall' ;.irod andal an 'oaed eases l^e npcially feli.'its. Srra .*e-< an4 others . an r .ly ou no ?ther proof hut the? > eer*lflo??. s Where I here Is io mm h Imposition, t r 'r- a*mcit, by !et? ter, addr>-.'S > <? * 71 Broadway I' .stOffl 'e, N. T, Those who apply pers. nally have scparato rmnii. ? itliee h i n ' i ? U mom log till .' and * till 1) evening M. L A K Vlui< t . Surgeon, ?S IU?d. etreet, sec .nd tl .or Vr .in ISroa 'way. rpiiEM a n r ? r. i ) w o m a n ? s V wt Va te m * n i < ' a l com X |.. > i'i a. M auri' 'i ., 1'roTossor of FHseaMt of Hun tn.? Twentieth edition, c m. . , pp. JWI ? l'rloe, $1. V?ar ? of ,'iITer ng. of phy.-iral awl ineut .! angumh to eiany an alfc< tionate wife, ana p< . u iary dill eultu i to tho hue band, i<> i(- tit have been ape red by a tfcne'y possession of tUla WorV. I' is in' tided tap .dally fur the" *narri'-l. ? r#tbos? cor trmpl;ttln t n.arrisge, ?< it dierloaes loije. rtaat Mer?t?* who ? i si i uld he known th?m ptrtk-'ilarly. To thoso el'h do. s not p.>rmit offtu Inereast of fam ly, it is of special Irnj-ortan -e (I ore. ain-., ?v?ry lemele -the wife ? the m ther? the ?na cither I ml. I- < into womenhood. r'hc other in the daellaa >.| y r;? 'a el. tj uittice cm'^nplat a .in importanl ?hang*. *au ill r ? tai s tyaipi m.'. -n I the mo..? rdii i. i t r. on .Ii and m >?t rertaln n, i-j vl euro, la eteif Co to plaint to which her so* i? kibjeot. (I.itri" t of a I > tor rota u ;eati^oui ?n in Dayt.n, Ohio.) Dr. A. M. JfAtrrtici'Ai llArrnn. Miay 1. 1*4(5. Vv i ran Sia? My wire ha-' been perooptiblt sinking fe* fom? Ihre - years or tror", le r n> i..g j of titr great an gt >t h aid suffering s ,s? m ? tht l of r* and lnrlng ber eoa? ihicme it? every so vvsn.i oil! taor- a i.l note debilitating an.' prostrating her, pi ttang lrr li e In tini<l.ieni laager, a l ? hi i was, . n the last occasion, lopalrod f. i mpposea t. . etatc i hin,s was inavitable, aaifritigned myself ta m< i' tin worst. At this time (now about two months) I 1 urrt y ir bo. k hiihly sp .ken of. as e>ntaiuing some mat ters reaching iny ease, tin Its receipt an I perusal, I cannej press to y, n the relief it. atl rd. i my distre s?d mind aui t'ie Joy Ik* page* Imparted t my ?ir >. on les.-ning that thj gr at diatov. ry <>f M. 11 1). -? io ,m pruvided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me wnkh i I ? He eon -Mved was pot ail le. It ii t for tliis, ere au'th'r ysr wonl-l lavt rassaa over my bead, in all human probability "'J. hart teen in acr v rave, ami iny children left m itherlett. It it, of i ..nrse, Impraetleah! ?> ?.? r.<nv?y m >re fully tht aerions subjects tr ate i of as ti -r.?r? f a natarc itnctlj Intended for the married, ..rlhos* eon tern plating marriage. For sale at ZUBroadwav, and at the Liberty street. New Vork; Utile At Cc., Albany; iotcpd Tucker. Mobile, Alabama: T. B. Wetetson, 98 Chcatnnt ttreet. I'hilairt lphia. On the receipt of $1, a copy will ba transmitted by mail, free uf pottage, to any part of tba I'nited States. All letters must be addretaed, post paid, ta Dr. A M Manrkeau*, bui l,."JINcw Vork city. Uthot lit UiiityiUNk