Newspaper Page Text
WANTS. Wanted? as sraiistiws* and children's Ms id, a yurif woman that uodtrstind* her b.i? .ena ?>l;. a?4 can epcnk Freu?b. H French wojd%u f-rofernHi. iSi." Hi (.Kfm.4 street, between leu And twelve WA N TE D? A SITUATION HY A RESPECTABLE ycung Bcotch winan, ft" Child'* NurM ?cil S??iu Slues -the kost of references can be Riven. Please address k? letter. to Mr David Kemp, t)( miles from Uoiokcn, en la* llwk<i>wk road. WANTED- A SITUATION, By A RESPECTABLE young woman ns plain Co >k. Wather and Ironer: or weoltl do the general housework. Host oi reference. I' lease ?All at 124 Broome street. for two days. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young fteotvb Protas&aut woman, ae Seamstress, or to tAbe core of cliiidrca; is a good sewer, washer and ironsr. No objection 10 make heruelf g> morally useful, or to no in tbe eouotry Good reference. Pleas* call at 401 Crocc wicb street, for two days, back room. third floor. WANTED-A CERHAN GIRL, TO DO GENERAL Housework: one that understends English. ftlifl asnst bo an excellent washer and iroaer, and y^iierstand tronfral work, fto'.d tv/Tence required. Ap ply Mninouiato ty, at 114 West Broadway. WANTED-A LADY'S M\ID, ENGLISH PREFBR rcd : BO Irish need apply. Call *t2J Lufayctto place, tetween 10 and 12 o'elook A. M, WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED COOR, ONE WOO is a good Washer and Ironor; and a girl, as Child's Mure and seamstress. Apply at 100 Harrison street, Siatb Brooklyn. WANTED? A THOROUGHLY GOOD COOK, EXPE ritneeJ in all its branches. None other need apply, ftat to such good wa{?d "ill be given. Apply at the coraw of Fifth attune and Twentieth itr*et, basement bouse. "M7ANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE xovng wojmid, as first, rate Cook. 8he also understands hakfng auv "Mtrr. and all kin<i? ?: jeops.apl J)*e iy> Ab ie eti n to asuet irit!1 Will V 'Jl? 'f The best i>i any reference frum her U*? tmpiiyer. Please call at 148 Sul livan ?ti??t, in tbe Vasfcaeut. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL, A iiti:atiou as plain Cook; is ao excellent waeber and Iroaer; has no objection to do generaJ housework. Can be ?mi for two nays, at '291 Centre street. SarahJIealjt. WIIO CAN READ THE FUTURE lit v laDY WnO can interest '.ho pu.lio b; ^ ?y wermnuent situation, b / gd _e9,i^g a note to Box 890 Poit WAKTED-BY A BOY OP ABOl T 10 YEARS of AGE, a situation as Clerk in a lawyer's office? one that has had ooniiderable experience. Apply, by letter, to J. A. S., Heiald office. WA7JT1D? A BOY, OF ABOUT FOURTEEN YEARS if I,;t. A prly to TaLFEKNER & DULAC, NO. 18 Broadway. Ri forenoon required WANTED? \ COACH II *N? A HARRIED MAN PRB ferred ? one ? no is lamillar with thoeity. and under atauda his business. Apply at Si) Union square, oorne 8eve> tennth street aul Fm rth avenue. between 11 and C. WA N T B D-B* a RESPECTABLE YOUNG FRO tor tank woman, a "ltnotlon at Seamstress, and to us ?Ut In i hanil ?r?"rk. Tb< bent nf rity reference given. May b? seen tor vivo days, at 120 West Fifteenth street, in Seventh ?vtnne. WANTED-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE young woman to ,<> to California, to work her pa>i?a^c, or gn as Mewsrdeas. If not united, would have no objection ki do geni rn ! housework, lias good rerercnco from her last place. Pleatoeall at Mrs. .Tohustou's laundry, 37 El<n street, first houxt fruin l'earl street, up sthlrs. WANTED? BY A PROTESTANT G'K^, WITH GOOD city referenees, a situation as Ch'.mheriainil and waiter, or t<> lake tare f o!..IUri.n, and ii willing to maka htrr-lf generally useful; would go in the eountry with a faaily. C?n lie seen at 4J Vesey street. WANTED IMMEDIATELY? TWO YOUNG LADiFS of acknowledged ahilltj; a< sale*womcn: also, twolvo ar trtc n young ludi< s, t? trim h? raw hats. Apply at the kJMt'es' Parisian lli.t T)? pot, J41 Broadway. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOllAK, a Bitration lo <lo iren-r:?l housework. Is a t;ood washer And irontr. Cood eity reference, if reciuired. Imiuire at 423 CrOi-i wI' h street, up ctaiis, froat room. Can be seen fcr two days. WANTED? IN A FIRST_CLASS COMVBCTIONBftT and lee Cream Saloon, a y >ung woman thoroughly at qnsintsd with the ! 'uin?ss. Unquontionalile roferenees as w-sarda ebameter and enpacity required. To ench tone a werinao' t t situatton will t>o given. Eniniiro at I0i#7 Broad way, ?1 M E. DUSENBURY. WANTEr-r,^ a RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT yonagMrl. r. ?iti.ution, as Nm -e &nd seamstress, in a private family. Ilart no object! >n to go a short distance in fir ? nuntry. Reference ci^en, if required. Please Inquire At <7 Wi ?t Tliirt< enth Kireet. in the etoro. WANTED? A S'lTC \TION, BY A YOUNQ M AN. IN a respectVilo liouse, where ho is willinit to make liim ?elf gen r^lly tisoful freneh by birth. Il<. 9pe\ksthu Kronoh. Uftiiau. nod K'tgl^h lnu!?u:iif 8. Bcjt ol city references oanhegi.en. Piea^c call at No. C Greenwich street, lirst Boor. WANTED-A YOl'NO 11W COMPETENT TO TAKE ol.ari.c ot' ."V Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. Apply to J. P. SCOTT, 167 Fulton street. WANTED? A MAN TO TAKE CARE OF HORSES and drive,- a wagon. Also, a lad 17 or 18 years of age, who lives iu the viciri'.y of East Twentieth street. Both winst h?\e firet rate references for honesty, and raako them selves gen'rslly useful aH'it tho premises. Apply at N". 1.3 Petri direct, between the hoars of 12 and 2. WANTED-AN ACTIVE AND ENERGETIC YOUNG man, a< a el?rk in a tea ^ti re? ^ne who has heen in a br-t rate retail establishment in the cltl country p^olerred. Adtliess J. N . At tkis ? llice. WANTEI'-A r K E s O N WHO THOROUGHLY ill r: t .nrlH c antfacturing l ard Oil. and who is ac ?n?inted with dealers in tLo ur tlclc. AUdrcss B. F., New York Post Office. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN IN A LAWYER'S 0 P flre; one who lias hr d some exper ienee in an office, is agprd I'rfjist. fi'.d I nn some knowledge of]rai;tice. Ad dress S. B. at the effice of this paper. WANTED? AN EXPERIENCED MAN, TO ACT AS Bookktencr and hlcsman in a Merchant Tailor's ea tabKslum ut in Broadway. Address G. R. Herald office. WANTED? A Fill ST CLA?S SALESMAN IN A RE tiiil dry n 'Is store; one who if aoqjalnted with tha ?*y. trnd?. and of f ntiemanly a;pearanct. No other need apply at 128 Hxth avenne. WANTS D? TWO FIRST CLASS LACK AND EW kroidery Salesmen. Refctcacu reqiured. Apply to BTANB. 82 Canal stroet. ANTED? BY A YOUNG MAN, A SITUATION AS Clerk. Has heen in tho book trade tine years. Could 171. a act cf books ifrer^ntr d. Satisfactory reference givep. w treta C. K. K., llcr*ia oflire. A YOUNG AMERICAN WIDOW LADY IS DESIROUS ? f ottuiring a situation to travel with a lady, an Com panion and Sea mstTess. Would make herself u*efnl and agreeable. Boa no objection to any mrt of tho world. Good r.ference given. Adarees for two days "Mrs. WILSON," City Tost nice. A MIDDLE AGED ENGLISH WOMAN OF GOOD CHA racier and ability, want" a ?r.vja'.i n to travel nu a a lady or family, to my part of the world, or as Stewardess in a steamer or ;ackut, tor either of which situations she is wall qualified by experitneo. Apply at Dr. Moore's, 7 Monroe street. A MAN AND HIS WIFE WANT SITUATIONS? the man as Coachman or Waiter, in a private tamiiy ; the woman as Laundress, and is a first rato hind at milk and hatter. Wages are not so ranch their object, as a com fortable home. Have no objection to town or eountrr, and are willing to make themselves generally useful. Will go separately or together. Best of city reference pi?en. Any k nta calling at No. 6 Prince street, from 12 to 4 o'clock, will be attended to by JOHN JORDAN. A WATCHMAKER. NOW EMPLOYED IN BALTI more, i? dc>irous of obtaining a nituation in New York, Boston, or Philadelphia. He can furnish unquustionablo testimonials as to moral ;har*cter, and eoinretency of work aanship Woeld have ao objection to acting in the cagaii A ty of salesman. if required. Salary $12 per week. Tools to he fin 1st i d by employer. Address ?' Advertiser," box 351, Baltimore, Md. A MIDDLE AGED MAN, (A (iEIUHS), WISHES A situation an Travelling Servant; he spe.iks English and French; host of reference will be given. Apply to Mr. Siimmes, No. 70 Leonard street. ATOPNG MAN WANTS A SITUATION IN SOUR store sp * Saiescan, er to attend bar :n a hotel, Al dress M fcitfhth avenue. A MIDDLE AGED MAN, WISHES EMPLOYMENT IN a Jaitoty, or an Importing Umse. where ho could make himself 1 uncrally useful. as well at the dc tk ai to tho ?tore, or ont-noor business. ' 'tin zive the best city reference. A word in Frcneli or fcni;!i :h, tMrected to E. B., WilLitmid ? rg Post Offlco, will be thaukfully attended to. MAN. WTO IS DISENGAGED, AND DDIS NOT ire in'oM Stin,- liquors. wants a situation in tho 0 ?'ry whoro I e tan nKikc himself generally useful, lie i;i a current' r bv trad>; a k i ? t'u 1 in the ram of n >rs"s and cau work ou a farm. PUisc address G. L? Uerald Oifico. COATHMAN IT ANTED.? A COLORED MAN, ACCUS tointd to the uire \>f horses, may snily at 107 Water st. DRUG fllltlt WANTS A SITUATION; DAS EIGUT year* experience. fnllv understands the '.impounding and retailing: of dings. IuTt>reiices given. Address C. B., ?niie of this paper. Drug clihk" wanted.-oh? itkf comp* tent, with linqoesti' rahle reference, may hear of a rermar.ei.t situation and full salary, l>y applying to Dr. MORfclON, li.1 Grand etrcet, oornei- of JCIm street. PH MRERK WAN rED? TWO JOURNEYMEN PLUHB ers Apply at No. 221 Biacoker d'.reu!,, usar Car mine street. SERVANTS FoR RESPECTABLE FAMILIES IN CITY ?3 and roi.i, try provided st the Employment Agonoy ? ifT.e, tfl East Fourteenth street, I'aloa sqaore. Conks, ?wsiti r", norsts, and otlier male and frtnale d mn/ties, with ?J > Unit I < fin MM, W r.t WW ? Tco wailing for situation*. WAIMUU WANTKD-A em TO WORK ON CUS 1 t. r.i i at*. St :ady em ployiflnt and rod warns wilt li'iicn AIko, a f;ouJ u-t m:\ker. Inquire at 11.) Wo it Br aduoj. _ TOO CIVIL s.JfGINERKS, SURVEYORS, Jtr.? A YOUNG J. Knfli l. man * tld h. glad i to survey, tsko n < ti ^rlt up dr.i nil a?. r to r'urm eny of t'i? usual fisl.l r r oi'lt ? it. 'iis. II ? ' i Eileen (titrable osperie.ito in England and Frsn-i; oan conn ?.? ct.'thffork, ?et oi,t curves, &e , and i. nil ? 1 1 fu-.-u'.?t the iii ;lio it references as t* i'?ii<rii iii-iiity i^.i character. No oMeetioji t.< Mf 1 irt of the worla. i?jiire(s t; R. , ,Hce cl tboNctv York Borsl'K rp" MKHCIU NTS. STORE K1-F, ERS, \NT) OTlIEi*^.? A A y- ii it p: n r.n *' >.1 : be glad of cm ploy in oil t a.i (Uerk. 1!e ?f<a'. * Ir'i ;h. Ha br.' lnun aeeujt iiiio l t'> h, >!c k* ?*( l? ? C ?? general m '-ii. .f and ? an offer llr?t r*t feierencts as to ablliM a i.i fnMtriir, tin po el? j tfjon <? ? Ij any part of tho or:c. Addr'-osiS. r., at the otl"<? ' f tiio ?.t " iVrk Herald. rp?) WAITEItS? WANIF.O, T!in E f. POUR GOOD E. Wai1 >?, I' r s 1 r t e|a*s I > t ?l a No. * good rinman. *.irc tit t e w> ? r. ^fainted -?? ( r 'i , hr hniiao?s noed npi'iv. A i |1t, per^onallj tVomMo.l o'olxvt, to KHedn, (tarter.) l.ittli avenue, tttree ui/'.ra lroif fjurteontli ?tt. 1 1. WANTED? AT rtIK BROC-Jf.VN INTELLs OiWC R i '< o, ! ' ? lids 1 1* i f t . Itr ".i ,? r, ite-tset s 'li C?. tt olio a t ok-, Chnr.i r i . i?, Geueral fc >ose wtrkr ra, K n. Tl" v must I < 'r' i n*ndiid; slt'i, and l.ojl l> r larious i lilia* i'.r.s. ' y?T< roitilf.'g elln It nt stitl well reconimecoed heipi are ievj'ei to aotf^f at tils I'lVn e. M. WALL AW B. 7 ANTED? AT NO. 1 U VAS-Ali STREET. SAI.FtMFV, I ,wi-li. . I Teari? ort. Port, r?. DarkeepeM M-n on K ill- ! t. V ait? r i. Oard-nt t\ c< n? Im.i n. l?o ? to 1st i T'i?<le< ? to Hi" d'ittitt< n-. Applicants, at a dlstaio*. en- ( i tf 1 1 i- I 'ar iVee post /e d m fil -n r t he it.-i i*i in lied, *iii be ditto d. I It ? ! 1 NX. A. nt. ; M njBAKClAL* DRaFTS on IRELAhD. fco.-TIlE RCBSCBIBEIH diaw t< 'lit drift, vu variuus bank* % ??! tankers .a England, ' relaud. and 8'otlaud. In -utui t i iti, WILLIAMS fc GUION. No. tO Falton i'.roet. Passage v?? he s?^ur?d by Oi* >ld Black "tar line of Li verpool packets, sailing let, jt\ llUi, 16tb, 21;t, iud 27th of Sv*y mouth. NOTICK? THE TKANM'hR BOOKS OF T1IB I'ORTS mouth Drj Djck and f-toimloat Bula Company will ke elossd fr?u> the 224 to the Wth d?? of May. My ordor ?f iL? director*. I'. (I. MYERS, Secre'ary. RE M I TT A N(.'?S-FASSACE.S -l)U AKT3 FBOM t! and upwards, payab1* at light. Ib any toon throughout Ireland, feufrlaod. Bretland, and Wales, are issued by BOWMAN. tihlNNRLL It CO., 83 South street, sole ages ta in this city fur the Swallow Tail line* of Liverpool and Louden paeket akipe. 1?| DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, IRELAND. SCOTLAND w X? We are ky sp?ei?l autlimity authorized to issue bill* on the Union Bank of Loudon, Bellast Banking I'" > Ireland, and the National Bank of Scotland, payable ut siJlit, and in iiuiai from li urwards. TAYLOR BROTHERS, 70 Wall afreet, corner Pearl. <tkA A ?AA~TO CAPITALISTS ? NINE 8PLEN did atorex, entirely new, tvnd of the most Hubktai. tial character? situated on Hamilton avenue, in South Urocklyn? will be sold fur $4 500 each Apply to M. L. SUELDON, ? Nkliau street. ?j^O (? AAA - TO LOAN, AT MX PER CENT IN JpOUjUVl/ tercst, on bond and mortgage, in oao or mure snius. on first class productivo real ostate in thie eity. Also, $8,000 to loan, at seven per cent Intereet on a produc tive farm in this State, and in tbe immediate vicinity of this oity, in one or more sums. Apply to JOHN F. CON RE*, Nos.21 and 25 Wall street. dQQ AAA $1H,000, $10 000. $<1,000: ALSO, VARIOUS ?JpOOjV/" V j emaller sums, from $1,000 to !^>,0U0, Jo loan on mortgage, on improved real estate in thie city. Ap ply to S. OiuOuD, 76 Nassau street, tiret tlaor, from 10 A. M. to^4 P. M. ft AAA WANTED? TO ESTABLISH AN EX lUjv"" *l]Ulve, highly lucrative, and respectable bumes> A lino aduietl td W iii'rald oflioe. will meet prompt attention. * ' m $12 K-5Ur-* SPLENDID HOUSE FOR SALE.? A hoano finished in the moat elegant tt}!?, lid located oa first place, in Brooklyn. Thie ie one ft the most de.'irable residences iu the city, and will be sold at a very great bargain. Apply to M. L SHELDON, 8S Nassau street. RAA-WANTED on bond and morteage iJl/GjU VvF for flvo or more years, at seven per cent (tiret ei,ar|ie,) on improved real estate, in New York. Apply or address Pacific General Agency Office, 114 Grand street, corner Broadway, over the Pacing Bank. SOLDIERS' CLAIMS COLLECTED, AND LAND WAR rant* bought and (old, by _ _ P. T. BETT8, 56 Wall str?ct._ NEW YORK SMELTING AND REFINING COMPANF Capital, $100,000, with the intention of increasing it to a mill on of a' flare, shares $20 each. The books of sub script i u to the capital stock of thin company are now open. Pamphlets. letting forth in detail the nature of tho Ijnui n- fs. ?au be had at the office. Persons wishing to subscribe f'.r F'nck, can ?pply to either of the undersigned, or at the office of the Company. No. 17 John street, New York. Officers C. H. Andres, President, Gold Wat?h Caeo Manufacturer. No. *7 Uoy street; E. B. Bailey. Vice Presi dent, Manufacturer of Jewelry, No. 10 Cortlandt street ; J. Ingham l'crry, Cashier No. 175 Cone >rd street. Brooklyn; Wlhein II. Mgelow, Secretary, No. 33Clinton street, Brook lyn. 'Irretce:. C II. Audrus.No. 47 Dey stroet, Gold Watch Manufacturer; E. H Bailey, No. 10 Co.rtlamlt ttreet. Manufacturer of Jewelry ; J olin Polhaiune No. VM street, and No. >'5 Duane street. Silversmith an i Jeweller; II P. Kenn-Jdy, No. 17 John street. Gold l'oncil Malicr; Alfred Witliume, No. 83 Duanc street. Diamond J- weller; F. A. Finn. No. 17 John *treot,,Gold Watoh Caso IJanufaetnrer; J. Ingham Perry, Em).. No. 175 Concord street. ltr<'"klyn ; B. B. Browell, Providence. R. 1., Watoh Ciue an 1 Jew Iry Chafer; Henry DuboM|. Bank nlli y, I'hil a'lelphin, and No. 170 Broadway, New Y'ork, Manufacturer, of Jewelry, be. CITIZENS' BiNK STOCK.? MONET INVESTED IN bank itock certainly 'ias paid very w?ll, if wo may lake th*Cttu?ns' Bank, on the corner of Walker street and tie Bovery. as a criterion. This hunk was nearly tho lait orgnuizidof aeveral now banks whijh wnt into oporati-in al.outayear ago. It commenced iu a -mail t'raino building n' ar Walker street, in the Bowery, on the 20th day of May, IHTjI, ami has now been doing banking butine 's jo-!t one y ar, during which time the directors luve declared a di \id?iid of fonr per cont; and this wctk sal** of the stock rl ow that it is bringing ?ix per cont above par. This, oer tamly shows that the *t"?k holders liavc mane over ten per 0 ut on their capita1, since tholr last installment wasnot due ti 1 al out t he middle of August last. 1 have this 'veclt been oflercd f?r my ttock six per cent above p:'.r, but de clined accepting the offer. 1 understand a splendid bank ing house is alont to bo erected on the cirucr of Walker etri'et and thn Bowery, for the Citizens' Bank, which will he a goi d location. 1 am acquainted with some of the direc tum, who certainly arc ot the proper sort, selected with ti n and foroti-htednetr. Ther*1 ara souic binka in which the ckrkscauiKit answer ^depositor aeiviliiutstion without a snsrl, and the Cashier aud President only know one kind of business, and one kind of bntinoss men, and in their own stubborn way they will attempt to rulo tho >>ank: but 1 as sert that both Cashier and President should never carry with O cm any selfishness iuto t.le bank. It they hara any i>l feeling towards their depositors, it should never show it ?olf in hanking business. Go to the CitUons' Bank, ask any rlcrk there uny tjuestion about your account, auiyon re ceive au answer correctly, and you would say he takes plea sure in riving you the desired information. Who generally celfct the clerks, and rccninuien'l tlinn to the lUard of Di rectors? The Canl.ier and Preiident. A good sol,: et ion wive made for the Citiieni' Bank. The Cashier and President well understood human nature, and their business. They I, akc it their businere to knowtliuir depositors, lot them ra ft them where they will, or their circumstances bo t ry may. If a depositor wants money from this hank, and t' t securities are good, ho is sure to get some, when any sensible p'r>on. knowing the circumstances of the bank, an 1 acquainted * ith banking hueiness. would ^ay it should be piwn. but there are times wlion it is not advisable for t e bank to discount for all of their customers. When such is the case with this hank, then the President or Carhier can, and do, deelinedoing it, with such graoe, and in such n po i'c an"* gentlemanly manner, that any applicant canno' help hi t ? ytliat if it. were proper for the interest of the bank t haierIvcn it., then he would have rc ?ived it. S that in short. h? leaves the hank ahont as well pleased a- if he had received the favor. I am not' a director, clerk, nor ut.y other offiicr of the Cltisens' Bank, but aui a stook h..loerin scveml banks, aud.on my own account, watch the mcviments of matters and things in general. Knowing to bo a free country, where we may enjoy lihcrty of speech and liberty of tho press. I have venturou t > say what 1 have said. Anything wrong? Pardonnci mois. est scrip torn. *st setiptnin. VOTRE AMI. REMOVALS. REMOVAL.? J. BUSKEY, DENTIST, HAS REMOVED from 'SI Murray street, to 399 Broadway, corner of W ulkcr street. Removal? j. b. klefn has removed from Cud?1 street to No. M7 Mai-Ion Lano, where he offers for ralo his patent Prussian breech-loading Ne"<Uo Guns, of which he hn? always a large asuor'.ment ou hand. Orders taken for military compares. REMOVAL.-K. 1IE1KE, FORMERLY Or 417 BROAD way, between Lirpenard ami Canal street?, would re spectfully infnrm his numerous friends and customer* that he will open in a frw dsys on entire new stock of Thread LaecB anil Embroideries newly imported, at bin new storo, 409 Broadway, between Lispenard and Walter streets. RIMOVAlh? DOCTOR AND MRS. DRAKE HAVE RE uioved imm Greene street, ti lUti West Fifteenth street, near Ei>hth avenue, where they will be nloasod to pee their old patients, and all others that are desirous of eonrnlting them, or of obtaiuiog their celebrated remedies for all otrerie complaints, exccpt those arising from immo rality. No. 196 West Fifteenth street. ("1 T. CROMWELL HAS REMOVED FROM 68 WALL, J* to corner of Pine and William streets, over Jumcs G K ing Mi r^ints where he continues his professional business, , and huvs, sells, and negotiates bonds and mortgages. and | other i.rst class securities. CHAS. T. CROMWELL. ALLCOCK, ALLEN & CO.. HAVE REMOVED TO their new donble store. No. Sly Broadway, St. Nicholas ! Hotel, bet ween Broome and Spring streets, and have opened an entire new stock of goods, of their own importation and manufacture, unequalled" in this country for extent, rich ness, and variety. eonsistingof Silver and Plated Ware, Gas Fixtures, Chandeliers and Girandoles, riehly decorated Por celain Dinner and Tea Sets, Vases, Clocks, Statuary, rich cut Glass W are. Table Cutlery, Jarancrv, sad a great va riety of other furnishing articles The public are invited to visit thi'. magnificent establishment, which is believed to be the m st cxter.five of the kind in the country, runiing through from Broadway to Mercer street, 20U feet, and ei ?f J)'? on tbo latter JJG f?et. It is fitted tp in a gorgeous *r.<! vnlejrc rtyle, with design* if rare elegante and taste. 11'- cjrntfis aul architectural decorations are i firon and 1 ? nie, ard exhibit ruliovos and statuary, beautifully de ? ! ed rui aditiu lbly executed. The attention of the pub 1 Ii> is wanted to ilia stock < f goods, and e peeialiy to the < .!? Fixtures, t lie t'lunde liers, Silver and Plated H ares. all iifvMe' iinvo bee.t> imported by, or exprevly manufactured c w!rr tie elirectina of tkis irm. ni d wineh embraces a*r variety f new and Jetirable styles than can be f'j i *i?l at Hty ot'ji r pla-.c. ASTROLOGY, Ac MTl,. PRT.W8TER, ft OH PHILADELPHIA, TEN. e^rs her s r vi: ?? s t. thu ladii 9 and nentl"? en of thlt i t.ity, tn Asiril'ii'/, and Law liaftera, interpreting j P>- ions, fee., bj ,">ofcs aoo science, c?a 'tantly relied en by Nh; and will toll 1 vnirtf of tli< ladv or g?nt.lerua? *hcy nili m.irry. Also t' names of tli? visiters. SO Great J nes street f reer f ti,e Bowery. Ladies, fifty cents; (fintl- msn, oue d< liar. Pn tla OKI rniA, j a. wary 4, lm? professor a IV i;< 1 ?ek.--i'y Sir t f el it incumbent on mo to makwLnvwn t? the pubii, that the caleiilathn yon fir ir.e in my nathity. 'o>oar ?i*i o. in which .vou n*iJ I ww id acaue a trip to Pitt btirg i:i ? vetnber. happened pre eisfls . and on Lite ??n:e day v iu '.ad It ?tat.ed in my nati . ity, by win litn i 1 realued a ciear p.-o'it > f S "?V >0; audit bee inus n vdti*' to aeUaow'i dfe to you that, If you had u' t pre Cu lsd tills tindi rtuki..,-, 1 should no/er liavo gone to Pitts tK'CK. I think thfit i very one who cotitc uplates lucese in Lis haslnejs, should bo in possession of ono '?{ yunr nativities; ai.dtheene I nltalncd fr> m yi.u has saved ine marc '-hsn ti.r"e tirni ? the above am it'tit; nt,d should it continue to do S'>, I ani snre 1 <*111 maae my fortune by it. I c?u also say that, ebi' e yon applied your ooninratim power on me, one year eiate, J bee, hee.* more fortunate in baeinaes f erer we* before. I lisving had paid to ?*o a greiit dcil of ui mej that T-is 'i c o to me, wi irh I never exi-c^ ted to get. A 1 that yeu told me happeaed rs ye n predicted: and I have the grog' st confidence In ycirp vcr to irr'te n uivities, and d< r nmeud all to rnll and get one, for i eowtidet min" in vnlral le Any one wishing rn >re parti' i !ars of this wonder ful use, ean call on v, at my ^esl lenee, ?tfo. 290 Wood I strut, i.ear Broad stnet, Where tbey will ei)?errnlly j mti-fed PRTKR HAND. ? ('Tv rr Ph'I.aiipt pin a. , is? On this 24th dayof January, ! A I'. 1-60 lei re me, th? *suiib*r. an alderiuan, in ana fur the ?aid city, persona l* eame I'eter Hand, who bein; [ only si . rn ?> i rding tn law, doth depose and tay that the h'.t/ve ?ist' met t i? trite, Fwi.rn andsul s ribed hoferc me, .T n n v Tkomi so"*, Aid. All letters tn C. W. ROBAC K. No. o Wbito itreot, Now V rl. "ty will be relit lo?*ly atteaded to, if prepaid. 1 r i i.i r | n i (euisrs. esil and got an Asti ilo^i ?1 Kinin.iac. prtiib J e advert! raeut on tLo fourth pagtof ihc Sun. and i weekly papwi, Lnil'ORI. Jbicosfii i rrr. (Lat da lltmozif) t m ,**RTrE ? t; ' dealer in wli.ej, brandies, piftee, ales, brnwn stirt. Tbe >l<t ftand, fi.M Houston street, e-o-ner .f Mal terry >tre?t. M- T1 rETER? h CO . .tiO BKOADWAY. JMPORTER8 ? nod df*!9r* in ci an paenes, Wilns. Hrsndf <| Pof. t. rs, Ales, Bf en stouts. < .? ? Ha> ana Seaars. &e., all ef r hit h we off. r i t pr . ? ? in.alled Uy any >t her honse ia t" ? I .s a ? ? ti f"r I. an brv ? ? pe i.eaf t'nimraen*. Or /rr hipped Willi tare. Pf"* fe CO , .inl Br > ad way. \irj< H. CNT RViir.f, . Ullfl r >R ''AT* TBI ?v choli ?? t , rn-i s ' Jtran :???, Wines, and M ,? rs fen ra:ly, lr lutlle, diliijohn, an-' in jiao';t>sto i i: purinsserr, a!. SOperee- ? > . than ?ny #tVf ho'ise ia t -e City jl ,eri e. Th iesalf and Tw i .ji .1?, me surf t, !? tf Crosby jirf-l. .TTHE CF.LEHRATCD FALKnt* Mi'iR S.t ' *"R'H Jk. ??<' Caniplell Stol.h Ales, East India l'?U Ale, Dub lin V' Lcadon Port, r and Bi?s* St . . r. ( I'hiJaddpl is Pi ?. ter 1 r>.' le. A" e , or t <[nsj|t|es. for farriilv s|"i . at W H, 1 N fH fi/*; I.I ro PrM(b/? %tee??, oern e Cr-?brs ?w* M. B.? >00,' '' n Ifirri- r Itym Jl w pe; ui?t i, v, itujrnr i A IW MCui^T^I Inquire at 9 A r: nE -L /'.M* name##? * firti * streets, South Brookly * 1"' M "?rtao? an* C wM^h01!! S1 A rBN ISLAND? A veiTv ?? D. law, 3i\;?Jdti5u "?"? *t ciiftuu. Ap*J (10OD CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY.? TO LET-A ' splendid Store ami Bfk Roiim, situated ou Third avenue, Harlttu. Stuk of Collins. tic., sale. A first rale place for a Cabinet Maker. Apply at VU I'carl Hrwt. OFFICF.8 TO LET? OH SECOND FLOOR OF BUILD inn 141) Fulton street, near Broadway. lultahlo for either professional or light mechanical burials*. I, work-bops. at 63 and >t> Centre itiwt. in ?niro of Mr. L*? U, bair drtsrer, on t he pieinisos, second story; or VV'M. COLE h CO., auction store, No. H Ann street, PAHT OF A HOUSE TO LET, < ORNER OF FOURTH avtaoe and Twenty fourth itrnt, consisting of four ronna. on on* floor, Alio, a Grocery Store, corner of Tw? nty-fourth street and Fourth avenue Apply, from 2 io 7 o'clock, to X. B. KINSUIMER. SID Fourth avenue. TO LET-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, WITHOUT meals. to on* or two gentlemen, in a bona* occupied b; a small private family only ; location near Clinton place and Sixth avenue. Address O. P. M, Broadway Post Office TO LET-TWO BROWN STONE FRONT HOUSES, with all '.he mndtrn improvements, rent 9609, pleasantly situated ; good brick kouae in Btookl/n, rent $360; two stores In Conrt street, Brooklyn, rent S2U0, on* good location for business. Inquire of 9. P. TOWN SEND, 83 Nassau street. TO LET-A BASEMENT, NINETY FEET DEEP, IN the new building, No. 29 Beekinan atreet. Apply oa the promise*. JAMES CONNER k BON. TO LET? IN TUE VILLAGE OF MORRISANIA, Off the corner of Third street and Waabington avenue, * neat two-story llouie, replete with every convenience fbr a Sent eel family, and about three miuutes' walk from tne epot; attached ii an acre ofgronud, with stable and shed. For termi apply to 0. II. BURNET, No. 02 D*y street, or ? the ^-emites. Bent, .^50, TO LET-IN A QUIET, PRIVATE FAMILY, A HAND, somely Furnished Room, Parlor, and Bedroom, with, out board. Reference* exchanged. Inquire at 164 Cham ber i atreet. TO LET-OFFICE AND LOFT, 214 FRONT STREET. Apply np stair*. TO LET, BY THE YEAR, OR FOR TnE SUMMER months, in the beautiful village of Weat Hoboken, a ithin two milea of the ferry, commanding a splendid prot pect of the bay, city, to., having alao in the village good schools, stores, and churobca, four neat houaea on Waverley tcrrace, each having good accommodations for a rosoootable family. Heat moderate. Apply t* W. 8INCLAIKE, on tU* premise*. _ TO LET-IN A VERY ELEVATED, HEALTUY, AND beautiful situation, a country nlaco, with Ave a Ton of ground, twenty unloa from tuwn hv railroad, ten minutes' walk from the depot, cars pass live times a day. Abundance of siimie, fruit, brrrlei. nuts, &o. Apply to E. MART I N DaLE, No. 1 Nassau street, thira story. TO LET TO A SMALL FAMILY? THE SECOND STORY, with bedroom in third story, privilege of hath room, cellar, wood house, &<' , in house No 9M Bant Twenty-eighth street, near Third avcune. Enquire on thoprouiiseu. TO LET? THE TnREE STORY STORE NO. 62 CORT land street Apply to WILLIAM BURGER, 31 Qjrtlandt it. TO LET? TI1E LOWER PART, WITO FRONT BASE inent, of the house No. 1 1 Dutch street. Fur particu lar-, apply to JOHN V. SAVAGE, 9i Fulton street. rpo 1 ET? IN FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND? A NEAT J- cottage, with six lots of ground, tine shrubbery, good ci liar, and delightfully located, lloufe fully furnished. Kent low for the summer. Inquire on the premises, No. 2 Cottage place. TO LET-A VERT^TONV RNIEVT AND COMMODIOUS Bouse, on Twenty-sixth street, near Fourth avenue, having gas, bath, rung". Si v., in tine ordar. Kent moderate. Apply to E. B. KINslllMEK, No. 31U Fourth avsnuo, from 2 to 7 o 'cloak P. M. TO LEV. ? A NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, where ? Icanlinees is observed? No. 170 Twenty- sixth street, corner Eighth Avenue Stages pass it every live minutes. References exchanged. TO LET- TO A RESPECTABLE F A MILT, THE front basement, second floor, and third floor of the modern three story brick htnse iu Fifty-ttrst street, near I Ninth avenue ; location desirable, and commands a delight ful view of the North river. Terms moderate. Apply to Wll. 11. MEECHE, No. 12 Greenwich avenue, or ou the 1 remifes. TO LF.T, AT PERTH AJIBOY, N. J.? A TWO STORY and attic house, furnished completely, situated on Tower Hill, and < immanding a <ino view of Prim e's Hay and the river. Inquire at No. 222 West Twenty eighth street. TO LET-nANDSOMELY FURNISHED, TO ONE OR two aingle gentlemen, a front and baok parlor, with Ssntry attached. Situation iu a central part of the city, tages and cars pass the door. >o children? no boarder*. Addirss M. N. O , Herald Office. HPO LET? A BACK PARLOR, FUltNISIIED OR UN 1. furnished, to one er two gentlemen. Inquire at No. 30 Amity street. TO LET-THE THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, No. 211 West Twenty scaoud atreet, between Eighth and Ninth avenues. It contains gas, Crwtou water, bath, &o. Possession given immediately. Apply to Mil. FRED KIJUNE, 167 Broadwfty._ TO LET OR LEASE? TnE PREMISES ON TUE SOUTH west corner or Broadway aad Ninth street, known a* the Albion Hotel. The above large and beautifully situate* building will be let for one or more Tears, and possession viven immediately. Apply to D. D. N ASH. 310 Broadway. TO LET, OR LEASE. ON REASONABLE TERMS. A large hall. No. 1,104 Broadway, suitable f r an O Id Fol lows' lodgo, Sons of Tompcrauce, or a soeiity of any l'.lnd. Alfn, a large and open basement, with rooms suitable for a l rally. Inquire or K. G. PIERCE, on the prcmis<s. TO TAILORS AND JEWELI.ERS.? ONE FRONT AND back room to let, on Maiden Lano? splendid light cheap to a good tenant. Applv to JAMES BUKK. Jr.. 37 Maiden Lane. INSTRUCTIONS. AN ITALIAN SINGLE LADY, ACCOMPLISHED TO eolist, fllaj||| and considered ?' nno of the kjlt teachers in tinging residing in New York, wishes to lia l a dcasant residence, consisting of two or three runic*, fur nl.thed or unfurnished, with or without hoard. The rent to he paid in part ty tuition in singing, pianoforte or io the Frcnch. Italian, and Spanish languages, m which tho lady advertising ia professed. as well as in music. Address '? Musical Lady, letter V, Herald offico. Henry wells and sister's (mad. h. gia vclli) fashionable acadtmy f" r dancing, at the Sttiyve 'ant Institute. G.VJ Broadway. Dayi of tuition? Mondays, Wednesdays, Tharsdays, and Friday*. Teaching? a cbntleman or nion qualifi < ationa, and wbo has had several yeart' experience in teaching music, (pianoforte and organ,) together with the English branches, offers his services to private families and achooli. Would teach the whole or part of each day, or a few houra each week. Terms moderate. Would play an organ on Sundays. Address Edward, box 2,Z16 Post O"tfl:o TO PRINCIPALS OF BOARDING 8CHOOLS.-A Spanish gentleman, speaking English, and folly com petent to teach hit native language, wishes to obtain a situation in a school where his services as Spanish teacher will be received as an equivalent for his board, and fur in structing him in Engliih. Address P. P. Cor, box 21, Brook lyn Post Oflke. TO AMERICAN GENTLEMEN WISHING TO LEARN or improve themselves in the French language. A re spectable French family, living entirely in the French style, can accommodate a few boarders. Good refereuce required. Apply at 75 Franklin street, before 12 M. Also, ono hand roniely fnrnished room to rent. TEACIIERS WANTED.? THIRTY VACANCIES TO BE tilled soon, by E. H. Wilcox, United Status Sobool Asoney, 293 Broadway, requiring a combination of popular branches, offering $200 to $1,400. Tho ri^ht of negotiation belong* to cubieribors only. HEW PUBLICATIONS. ^ TO TnE FRIENDS OF THE NEW YORK REVEILLE. ?Tho proprietors of this popular comic journal, to nirtt the increnaing demand, bavo iss. od a second extra edition for this week, which may be had of tiio newsboys and periodical agents? price two couta. Publication office, 47 Ann street. SPIRITUAL TELEGRAPH ? THIS WEF.*-FOR SALE at No. 3<'or'.latdt street, by newsboys, and at the va rious .ocriodi il iVpoia. Contains ?? A. tonuaitig Di?clo.ur<s throiif I the Hsppiug Spirit of tho Press; " "New York Con ference;' and ? Communication from tho Spirit of John WosUy^ | rp?E KtCROVAKf'ERi OR TJIE M VSTERIES OF THE J Conrt of Uonry tli# Eighth. By tseorgo W. M. lley n.''d? fc ?]., nnt.lior "f "Wysterie" of Court of London." "Parricide," "Lii'c i,i Paris, ' ?t"., cto., is publirhod and for fft'o 'hi* day. rr'ee ?0 icnts. l h> ro lia-i never b< en awerk which so completely tc?r? away tho veil from tho -lecds and n i-i'i ci's. the prflWatles a; H the vices, the crime! and irit(Utier or Hcr.rj the Eighth. a< this work. It is one of tleiin t i-itns'cl) i?t?re live and thrilling <workt tha? cvor rmar.atedfr mOiepon cf any vrriter iu the wnr'id. It wl'l haven sals Hliywmrf in* tho iMh <f cheap reading. ' t is surprising wlist life. ( nervy, and t il' nt, Mr. RoynolJi tLrowi into 1 1* works; how like toe canvass, whi'h glows, inttlnct with li:> and beauty, benen'h tho toue.b of a master painter: tie cenimontft a?ne? of life are invested with f v rf assibg lnter( t hy his pen. Tho "Nerrjuiaccr: or the Mystcrka of the f'o-rt of llonry the Fightli, ' is nudo-jtitsd Jj'li "r< r.'? at wi rk, mut in an -U will to appreciated by the ) nlilir, l y whom the hook It OMcht w ith an avidity urohovo *?l<om?tin eviniedfor ft?.>rk of fiction.? I, . ud n Court Journal. It is n.i?Ilsl J fr-."u the advineed sbeets, pur i hiwed ('lire; ,"rn,o >'r. Rev no]' ?, hy 1 . B. PITERSO.V, No. H/'hcs'n' t sti ? t Philadelphia. Copisa oi it ,tU1 bo sont t.' nby one on re tlpt of Ml cent!. nUVEUKKI' GUOK. SUNDAY MORNING BOAT FOR NEWBURU? LAND ing st Tankers, II anting*, Dob^ *' Ferry, Tarrytown. S. g Mng, HaverHraw, V?rplancV's. Caldwell a, Cottons' l> oh, ana Cold Spring? Touching At Hammond slreat <ju' ii ay ? i sre, 6<i en: . to Newhi r -The steamer TI*?.?S K. ITI/I.-T, ('apt. E. Van 'Van. willlfvi In f< ot f Jay *tr";t, tlir.l pier above t'bombera ilr?et, ?-.erv Sunday m rui ir, a j o'clock, for th i ?b vu pl?"e? Rttitmin/. \ II l?svo Nee . burg, at o el, . V, I*. M. This 'joat leaver New i'orU i e Haverstraw s-iJ.l'.M , 8n?('?y?, la< -ling at. YonVus. For am >. , r-n.vrn or *ng C.IR9 of tho Wow Yor . nj liar ?.m llaflrni df leavo t,',? .,'ily Hall Station, ;?? w lort (Sut. Jny oupoptrdh at 7'j A. M., connoeting wit'j tho T itsto .iailroid, at Cbatlu :n, ar.d P.i P. M? (exprtM), thro', -ii without . liant;e of cars. CAMPKN AND AMBuY it A < LROAO^ /OR PHILA. J' i; hi?, *r m pior No. 1, *fn*tS rivet, foot of Batter] o|5ls, pj steaxboal JOHN P'?l "l,R -wc dr.liy. Vcnuos lice loave! st 7 a m. a i . m o? ixpran line at 2 P M.. tlroa, h to PM adelphia lo I .-it *? I ? half ?ionrs. fur ? flt^t ;'ans ??is, $< I* r;4 ?:)* ,, (ty 2 ?. M., lUis mly^, $X R'1 timing, 'to-e Pt .lai 'lo.i k f?oa foot of WMnit *tr ?* *t "< A M. tfd 2 P.M. T.u.'kraut ins by stoar.kent ilANSPOR'T, ?iojn .;?? Nj. 1, ?i S P M. Pare 1 1 10. N^r.w vr<nR AND TIllLADELrBIA DIRfCT.-O. S. Mail tnl l'x;"?'? 1 io ??, ?.hr >ih-?i !o v '?r.. N J. J-r?>y ity i??vi ,r %?w Y?rknt0A H . f' o/f, ?c.h? . 9 A. M. in I P.M.. Li!i?rty ??arett. Letve Pl'ilsn' Iphla .ato* hoy-., r t f H'a'u'it street, Isrf i 'due a to $'< fcr Uf t -i'.ss, and |2A<? (ir . 'Ceo.l cla^s. Bil'ne a Mr * ir .-^t - -o tK.onab ti'>?tssol4 In ths st ,.u' ;io as iSrntrh carrl'd in 'A *k apd6i^P sf >,u Now #otk, witbthrvoghoomd with *t EXCURSIONS. IT* N? I'RBTONS TO TAB FISHING BANK 3? BVERT J day exn|t fati'r^jyf' Faro 18!^ crsls ea^h way. ? Ti e a 'ti ant< r BUt'FA i.v, Capt. Ha .mx ? ill leave Ham- ' mend stri ? t at 7, '4 ?. Jo h' ?i rln.'. 75*': (irand, E. It., I i ? thariue V lie N.? 3 , . 1 . 0 A vf._ u-t' Miing iiv ?> | i tl. lit lie, ' llieol h Ishing i &. ., pioido'i Sea I htm* n ik i wwihsvsi Alill CHAD C R? T HE eroc* OFDETGOOD?. WMillif to HIwmi M* aad nvm IktMii dollar*. *?kU*|M4 iill aftka ikn. ItM ilk tlM nrj bfi ? MM', im?W ta the boat nUU itmt la Ntv.Twk, with ft iwj low mi. To IHIIM ef r?apon*tbtMty, UU Wa great ahaneo: son* other* aeed appl y. Addrvaa, v.ik r?tl nam*, ho* W Chatham aquara FoUOOea. Billiard Tables? the subscribers offer for >?U Tablet, 10 per cent iaaa than any ttkar ??tab liabmeut in itic >'ity. Their atock eouaiata of (loaewood and Maluganjr Tablaa. made of the beat*. with *11 the luteal improvements. N. M ? One aaeonJ hand Table for aal?, with fl?tur.. ( ItirHTIl fc DECKER. No. 0<l Aon at.^ BUOADWAV LOTS -FOR SALE. OR EXCHANGE FOE other property, six lota, eori.oroi Broadway mJ Furty nioth street, c?i; aide inquire of L. J. MADDEN, No.lflW Nbithawanne. BELMONT VILLAGE LOTS, AT FORD U A*.? THIS property, < enacting ef HtfunarUr ?ere l-ta, with avu aura Alt; and rijty feetia width, very eligibly aitnatad a third of a mile from the depot at Fordhain, and adjoining the land* of the late Rev. William Powell, ob tho riad ta Weit Far?a, is offered for aalo by the as dertigned, at prien? far 1 alow the ourrent valua that property in ita immediate neighborhood la now selling at, providing the whole be dia pc?ed of by the 1st of June next. Lithugr ipMo mapi and eiroulara giving a description of the property. may M obtained, and the aaaiea af purohaaera euter?>l, ob application to the undersigned, Hit Pearl atreet: B. M. Brown and Jerae Lyon, on the premieea; Adam W Spies, SI Maiden tune: Nath. C, Piatt, 2$ Maiden Ian*; *'?' if firy,ZW Pearl street; and Gen. W m. II. Hall, 339 Broid way; alao, Combs fc Nieolay. 2i4 Grand atreet. JUU.S 0. KAY8ER, 106 Pearl atreot, up ataire. Deer for sale.-two very fine def.r. from Texaa, for -nit. Apply at 31 Broadway; offlce third atory, . in the rear. 1 For bale.-a tract of land, comprising ?ome fifty acre*, la a hrigh atate ef cultivation, and within I three rnilea of the city of New Vork, to an individual or aa j aaaociatlon. 1 )ii<t property would real ue them, within two yeara, over double tho amount of the purobaae money whioh 1 It I* now held at. For further particular*. addresa Johnaoa, | bos 2,043. New York P??t Offief, lOtMg wher? Uie ;%p kU: ;;; ae*n,:4 umo f?u ue*lripti,>a"jud i??a tion of the property will be given. FOR SALE.-TIIE PRESENT PROPRIETOR, BRING about to engage in other busiiiom. offers for aale the ato' k, fixtures, aid good will of the reataurant kaewn ail the Cafe Tortoni, located at the corner of Broadway aad Kendo street. This ia one of the oldeat, beat located, and moat flourishing restaurants in the oiiy. Tlioae wishing to avail themselves of a good opportunity to make a profitable Inveatmeut, will do well to call. Terma of aalo will be made to accommodate the purchaaer. Apply to the proprietor, on the preailsea. POR SALE? DESIRABLE BUILDING SITES IN TIIE village of Tnrrytow n, commanding aline viow ol the Hudson River, and with oommunicutlon, almost hourly, by railroad and steamboat, with the city. Said place ha< three ap'ple trchardi, in full bearing, upon It, with numerous aprirga ofmever fniliut; water. Will be aold in lots from ou? to thirty arras, as the nurohaaer may reiiuirj. Person * doinii busincra in the city, who would wish to locate their familiea in a quiet and healthy village, would do we'l to nail and ex amine thia before rurchming elsewhere. For fnrther par ticulara enquire of EDW ARD K. MOT'f. on the preniiaoa For sale-or exchange for city fropertv? a very valaable Farm, in i.'onueetleut. It ia bounded on the South by Long Island Stuud, and commands an ex tenaivc view thereof. Lnrge and extensive flaherta* are con nected with tbia Farm. Oommuuliati in ty Railroad. I in quire of A. Clarke, N?. 1 N?a??u atreet, room 3. IjlOR SALE-TIIE HTOCit AND FIXTURES OF TUB wholeaalo and retail Liquor Store, No. Oil Groouwiuli atreet, eniucr of Uarrjw street. Itia an old and well oh taliliihed atand. My reanon for a' lling u, that I am gotm; eut of the businesa, JOHN KKASE. For sale-tue good will, fixtures, lkase, and aomo Stock of the beat eorner Porter Houhu in the Sixth ward, for selling liquors. The Lease, Fixtures, and Stock, with rent freu to Juno, for $I4A aaah. Apply at 76<'entre atreet, eorner of Anthony, eoou thia m irnini'. FOR SALE? TnE LEASE, STOCK, FIXTURES, AND good will of thn bar room, with Bedding Cor twenty boarders, with large lliliiard Tallin, complete; two ?nara to rrn from the 1st of this immth. lo ru euturprisiu; persnn this ia a good opportunity. The reason fir aeilii,g is tho dasth of the landlord. JSavii Hotel, No. X Navy atreet, cleae to the Navy Yard, Brooklvn. For sale? a 21 foot ^aii. boat. t?; foot' very able and fa-t. Will be aold olieap. Apply to E. linnkhout, 161 Fnlton Htreet; or George W. Kimball, grocer. Third avenue, Gowanua. Ij^OR SALE.? A MINERAL WATER APPARATUS? aomplete, and neatly new. Inquire at No. 17'J Pearl atteet. POR SALE.? A FIRST RAT* LK1IIT MANUFACTUR ing burineaa. Tho rraa'in for selling, is on ueonunt of the prerent party leaving the city. Addrcas J. W., Chatham aqea.e Post OtAce. F?)R SALE-- A HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS, Sr.ddle and Bridle; the wagon is nn'ruamclled top one, Parker's make; the horse aline saddle horse, and a fat tmtter in harneaa, the property of a gentlAmau goiu^ to CB'i'ornia. Alao, one er two wagons, with or without topa, and two young, fast trotting hnr'oa just 'rom the country. Inquire ofJM.JI. UNUERil 1 LL, 4 Kivington street, near the Bowery. I^OR SALE? THE KlIRNITUIE OF THE FRANKLIN Hnure, Philadelphia, situate I on Chestnut be tween TLird and Fourth streets, ?< rncr of Frauklin Plae.j, now in aueceasi'nl operation. Tim liorise iiaa been u:itiroiy refurnished within the past two years in a stylo n^t sur pancd by any hotel in tjio country. To a aiittuble person, w ith the proper rneaus, it will be void at a irift that will make it an inducement. A lenso on the hm": will he given. 1 1 ia the only corner hotel in tl.e < ity. Ita loention for bu sineas or pleasure ia unmirpnabcd by any iu I'hilndelphia. It haa bet n entirely remodelled within tho pa?t two year); having added on the ttr> t floor, a gentlemen's parlor, itentlo met'a dining rnom, cud a reception room, .i0 liy 7<> fcK, floored with ltnliun lourblo tile; (also, a splendid bar-room and I arter *hop. ) r.nd |;i undoubtedly the handsome '* ri' ception rooin in th'' country. The hon?e ia neatly pup ired, and painted throughout; l.aasll the modern improvemenia, aueh as patent atiamers, for both ordinaries; very eomplete C' oking rangea. patent annuneiator, Sio ; haa snperior hot air furnaces. It contains more than 100 1 od ehatnbnrs, ?with parlora attached to aioat of tlmm For further par ticulars, inquire per- oually, cr by letter, to U. WINEBREN'.R, 0h(.< North Third atreet, Philadelphia. IilORDHAM VILLAGE LOTS.? O'JE HUNDRED Building Lota, containing a quarter to ono-and-a-half aeres each, altr.atcd about one minute's walk from the depot, running parallel with the road from Ford I >iw to near Upior Moriisania Village. A road running diraet through the centre of thia property, eonnccting the t *o plaeea. ia n >w bein* worked It ia beautifully situated for re?idene?a. t.'io foil adapted for gardena; over 1,(KM peach trees, also a great variety of ether fruit, anuh aa applet, peare. etmrry, plumba, Hlc. The land ia high, and commanding ecener." tin aurpaasi d. For inapa and further partiaalars, innnirn of OF.taRt. (. BANKS, at Fordham hotel, or Z. NEWELL to CO., No. .'I Nassau atreet, N. Y. Millinery and dressmaking business for rule, with dhow T<>umr*and hound, fixtures. fc? , and mifWtlcta for bnsinosa and domestic purposes. Four apprentices havo a torm to serve. Price, $130. Fur niture. tic , cost $300. The partiir retire la the eunntrr. Address W.M. A., or c*U <n Mr. GKAINGER, No. 2yy F*urtb strict. ' ?; TWO MAGNIFICENT PANORAMAS FOR SALE, OR will be exchanged for real estate, Inrnber. orgooda. Oi.e of the pancramaa is the largeat painting in the world, It Is the Panorama of the Hudson River, complete, rai nted by Hilliard, Ishurwood, and B?ngongh,tbr<i* of the most oelebratod seenie painters in the United States. Thin rainling o*st $36,000. The other la a grand Panorama of New V< rk City, Brooklyn, and vicinity, by the celebrated scenic painter John Ever*, a<?lrted by F.ffe, Kroler, Ash, Kyle, &c. No Utacriptiun of these great painting! can b* given in an advertisement. 1 hey are two of the Urgent and most magnificent and expensive paintings in the world, and will be sold at a sacrifice, as the owner cannot attend to tin m They have never Been exhibited, and either would undoubtedly, if properlv managed, make a splendid fortune either in the united states or Europe. Inquire of S. P. TO WNSEND, "2 Nassau street, up stairs. (OR -FOB SALE? A PERFECT KNOWLEDCE OP a very Mats*), interesting, safe, and profitable art, Kid and silver platin/, by a new and much superior process, e only process by v ni -n gold can be alloyon to any er quality desired, can be learned in two bovm. Any gen tleman or lady can make over $A0 a week by It. Two or three persons will be instructed for $2">. A'ter a few days no person will be taught for Its* than $V) or $100, and but a limited number at that price. Apply at 237 Hudson stroot. HOUSE Sf ROOMS, ETC., WASTED. Apartments wanted fob a gentleman and his wife ? Furnished parlor and two bedrooms, in the neighborhood 0f Broadway. Persona having tho same to disport of will please address J. M. S., this office. A FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SITTING BOOM TO let, in a private family, to one or two single gentleinon. Bath an I water eloaat for the use of oocupant. Inquire at 3,8 Broadway, one door abcit Franklin street. ROOM WANTED? A FURNISHED LODGING BOOM for a gen t leman, is the hou <euf a widow lady, or small private family. Address Granville, Herald office. WANTED? TO HIKE? THE LOWER OR UPPER FART uf a hou?e, with kitchen, ks, for a family of three posers, with )ut children, lo-ation not above Amily street and W* t Broadway preferred. Kent will be paid in ad vance in lieu of referom -. Address Thompson, at thiaoffiot. rtatiun terms, location, & e. VORHEI. CAAR1AGE9, ?e. j A REAUTIFDL WHITE MARE r-)H "ALE, PlTTEEN hand* I.!,; h, "''ring m .no and rail, "i moat beautiful style and at'ien; i* a n.nst nxeollont iudy' : horse, having bc'tn i.'ed for taoyears by a yocug lady: canter* very easy, a-d c?n trot in either single or double harans in less than 2Uiinrlea COseosnds; is perfectly so-.nd. V" salo, as the owttr has no v?? for her. Afp.y to Browneil's stable*, 34 Canal street, near Bread way. _____ A BOMS WANTED? OF PONEY BCILD; OR A go d fuf! horse used t > the < i'.y, '. ba'. w ill itaud well vilfoit ijm,-, e?d e.'l move I've'.v 'a ? bread ?agou, g od looking, and spirited. Culial ifiOTli rd avenue. ? I. UEI?, HaLer. C' ARRI A'l W FUR utl-i rorRAWAY? CAN BE / i: J s'tn 'ie r two reals, ~vitl. ^niftiug ton, built i er^-n/- y f?t a fa nily e^rri*i-e. A'i ?? a new set of harness. '? r. fit. i'elur a Coal Yar',107 Anthony street, near f ? .id* ay, i ??'?'; ron pai.e.- < iioice lotofnew york j it ,<ta . llor?e?, v ? at ie* of (tit* and rin.Io road r, ? '?> , a ??. ir ' ? r vf fa-t green one's. to bo seen at | V VaN i'OT'i Ui.urjt Vernon ."ale Stables, corner I li t. r?li tr ? i and n.ird avenua. I I I .%<? WANTFD? \NY PXRHON HAVING A j I t trt -at*. bau'l 'Ctie voon," InriC, ?f .?ood Color, that u: tr ' a ? ,ile ii at>or.t 'J.fiO. green, nay i nd a purchaser 1 I >? ii... rr, ? K k ""67." Herald office. t.' -Hy. ; ppi f ( VLFriRAl ED TIIOTTTNT IIORSE TAT STAR ] X is offered It alo. Hoatardii IA ha.idl hifrh, li acvea ! j i ar? old, 1 1 i bright bay color, ft)li?l> ir bii aetinn, and j l.a in tted or tLe Vniou Course in twi minutes tl.irty nlns I n . r Is, ncMr having t eea b' at In any trot ho has made. J !? t lrrarie<:, ai. l no be see fir one we'kat the | sta' le Di I V AC VVOODKU5 i", Th:ri avenue, Harlem. ; L^OIl MI.K-AT THE BHOOKL> N RIDING SCHOOL r coilm- Place, rear of *h > Mir.rii>n iloure, Brooklyn, Ia p''r of l.andii me ,i ny btN'.f l av Horses, six years old, ? 1 r ? ; 'te, i !mn ? >? ii i ao I kind botb it aiuglo and iim.M" harn?". and v< ry s'vli?h Irivcra. I he abivo are I soMin conseq-en-e of th? owrtr ha ug purchased a larger ! i si ai. l'rl< ? f f. AO. ' T.,'n Mlt-A ORAV VVP.E. SEVEN YEARS OLD, ! 1 r ioi.i.c in' lin i, nnd ?: rran '.ei to go lior mile io?ide of 1 thre>- m!r "t?- with two in -n. to a wi.v a. To be???n nt the 1 r?s)>. 124 ' iintun pla .c, C .Riith atroot?firat stable from I J ixth avenue. I' ;m>I! SALE -A SUPERIOR MC3T ROC'RAWAT CAR ri^K?, i ? ng_ very It'll' "sed, for one or two horses, ! raft ii 1 P' '?? '.amps, shifting raek, He., built to order a . rbt rt lime ago Having no fir'.her nae for it, it Will t? sold . ? nl lejl y Kyp'ying at No. 970 Broom* street. t \ r * ( : ON ' "'K SALE. WITH A HEAVY PLATIOEM *? .|ri!,i, r.l'ibli for acne >tas-) froprietor or feed r? rr. i-arly r ??. Hss been nwii only three month*, and (jfdf *0 ?(iC{. A^l^r ^ ^1**1 ?ncBu^aova. CALEB'S OOFFBB AND CHOI' IIOCSB, 312 BROAD ' way ?A apieudid Stun**, imported ? ?r th? steam. fip Afrisa will be serve J fuia day: ready from 12 U 4 u clotk. N. B.? Also, ua Monday, a saddle ef English Mutton. Observe the lunbir, JIJ, ??! doer *0 (iotiiie II All. WATCIIIS ?ENGLISH GOLD HA TEN r LEVEHS, AS low u $40 m.u . .. i,.,< latent L ?r. n low as |A6: Gold II 1 lew tiled. Vyl Lv<i?V #ne x?ld Watebos. u low m ?2ft; Silver Lever Wato n-?, * : >, |20. tid 1 2ft; beet ,|uality Kng sh pa ??? f,???r, ?..???rioi mjf nam* on dial and p ate, $30. JOHN COX. I)up n r of Watebes, 2H*1 Broadway, corner of Fulton street, (up ,t* r<.) and 2ft I Bowery. BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT TUB llroah i'aetory, 387 Pearl street. Franklin anuar?. All articles sold at the lowest factory pricee. Paint Rraahw, uf superior quality, eonatantly on band. Machinc ltrnahes 1 mad* to order. JOHN K. IIOPPFL, 337 Pearl street. COAL.? ORDERS FOR COAL. BY TUB CARGO, OR in iinantitiea for family gie, are reepeetfully (elicited. Olbce at Burdiok's Wine Store, 73 iJbertv street. GEO. W. J KNRf V. REN CII OAS F XTURES AND MECHANICAL j ?F Lamps, rirli Chaudeliere, e.'audel*bras, |Bracket?, Hall Lamps. Statues fur Gas, warranted and fitted np ; Bohemias aad Frcnch Glass Va?ea. Artiatie Bronics, Clock ?, Statuei, Groupa, ait <1 fancy articles. (nst imp. rted. The beat Oil for Fr. II. li lamps. II. DARDON V ILLE, 445 Broadway. GGUNTHER * CO. MANUFACTURERS OF JA ? panaed Bird Cagee, 1S1 H I II,. an street.? !! 'era will And there a aplendid assortment vf Japanned Bird Cage*, made In the beat, unsurpassed manner, aad cheaper than anywhere elae. Gold pens.? a. o. bagley & co., manufactp rcra of Gold Pens and I'cuuil ''aaea, and piantoa of the celebrated Extensim Casea, Ni-. 12 Maiden Laaa aad 277 (Irving Home) Broadway. SHERRY WINES.? PALE, GOLD AND BROWN, In cluding the highest grades of " Amontillado," and " Yin* de Paeto," in butts quarter eo?ka, demijohns, and bottles, imported by the subscribers particularly for funiliu* fki d nice tasters. JOHN 1)L NCAN k "DNS, 407 Broadway. INCREASED ATTRAC1 ION AT 341 BROADWAY.? Ladies xre Nipeotflill| invited to inspect this h.ghly magnificent aasctub.'age of elegant Paris Hate ( whether tltey desire to make an immediate purcharn or not). The Hal* at and $33* each are fur sti p?- rij^r to any told at |4 and Notice particularly an iinmouae addition le the atnek for this week a "ale. all at half-price, at t>hn Ladles' Parisian Hut Depot, 341 Broadway (removed from Ml), WM. ATTKINS. proprietor. N. B.-Six?y live easoe of fancy wtrlea In Hati, $1 each; runarkatly cheap; aeref before aold under $2. 1IC.HTNINO KOD STORE, 1M BROADWAY, NET J York, and 32 Walnut afreet, Philadelphia, Boyxr'i Patent Isolated Rod, with Platina pointa, uold aud put up at a price one-fonrlh brlow the eliarpe foroldrodt. Bclcn tifio i,icn are employed in erecting Boyer'a rodn in nil parte (il the State, whii'h hare a ? r tten certificate, havo <>" d roda or m no. Pay no attention to h ( uaro roda, with nook or staple to the hnildlne, a? tluiy fail in ovry iaatauce, and only tend to destroy uwellinira: be aun: tliey come in con tact with the bnlldinK, and are not iaoUtud with cl iia. WANTED TO PURCHASE. A SECOND HAND PAIR of|iroei'rv Sealea, that v ill -veigh from i'i to 40 lbl.. in grndordir. Alao. an Ice Box, large eiiv, and in good order. Ai:driaa Grocer, at tliia ollic*. THE CHEAPEST run TO GUT THE BBAIiTOY Spring Hattrcaaea, (from to (?Iron ItndainalH, Tron Fnrnilnrn for eottavea, country aeatg, hotela, ko'j fancy and guthla Reception Chaira, Jco., for worked 0 vera. Loungea and Couchea, all price* and olio a p. is at .V)'l Broad way . Above Spring ?'r?et woat aide. All klude of Purntturs nt atly rep?lrf d, mrn i J, Sic. OTICB? PLANES.-J. W. FARR it ? (?., I'llKMI'. M llanu makera, have remevod their plaio of buafateaa from iUUIiifth air'ot to 65jt Bowery, noar Wjlkor atroot. where they ! ave on baud a large aa?i>rt<ii0nt cf plane*, on IMHUUl tirinn. New and second hand furniture selling at a bargain, at .'J lti--kmaii atrect. ? Olllco Ujnk", cliuiia, Stoola, mahogany Chaira, llovkcrn, Biiruaua, card Table a, mnrMo top Wannitanda, Bureana, oil Paintiaga, Looking Gla.'aca, 13 dozen Chairs, Sifaa, couch Ueda, Loungea, Secretary Bureaua, 2.KI ll,<d.teada, 4M) hair aad huiklMiittreaace, flat Stand, work Tables and Carpets. PATENT DOUBLE ACTING SPRING HINGE, IN vented by Dr. Theodore F. Engclbroeht. ? Buildera, ar vhiteota, and tlic public, are iu\ todto examine thia ingc lnonn article, which, when appliod to a doer, will open out wardly aa ncllaa inwardly, and iloae itaelf. The itringea' tci tini<in4ala have been given by the, ao who have examined tl'ia liinie, which can be ?.een at the office ol th? mantifao turcra, W. STEVENS, SBI'l'll & CO., 77 Nubmu atrcet, be tween John and Fulton ptreata. Rich furniture.? h. rtoney has now in warerooma a aplendid aaa?rtment of roaewood pallor aud chamber Furniture, to which he would particularly intite the attention of peraou* in want vf the abive. ''all and examine hia atylca and price*, at No. XIC Broadway, next door to the Collamore Houae. PRM^E, MAY & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF MINERAL Wntcra on an improved principle, dcalera in Philadel phia Porter, tine Alee. And aparklitii; Champagne Cider, London and Dublin Brown Stout, l-'ulkirlt aud Kjiat Indi'i Alea, will remove from ISti lludlonat.. during the m?nt h of May, to the elegant and epavioua building, 160 Canal street (running through to Vcatry sticct), next duor to the Peo ple'* Bank. Orel era fr city and eouutry reapoctfully ?oli cited. and attended t?-*ith proinfttreaa and deapAtuh. Pii vate fauiiliea auppiied with a anterior article of I'-rU r, Ale, Cider, or Mineral watera. PRIZE MF.DAL AT THE WORLD'S TA1K, LONDON.? R1N0UET LEPRINOS, of the Sun fUliniil Iij|wl>f> & L. Marcof te, ti&4 llraadtvay, N w York, inforuia hia fricuda and the nubile, that he haa Just arrived from t'aria, where he intends to retarn in the middle of June Till that time he wtll receive nrdere for hia hiuae of ?onimliaion in P?ril or bia manufacture. L' ial'ne of hliieal being m .ro pur ticolarly all that compose the decoration and furuiturt in general aa cabinet work, cn> tlxtuiea, artiatical bromea, porcelain, tilver plate, mirr 'ra, arti -lea at art, atat ies, palntiLga, eubnaron tapo*try, and all k.nda ef materia', a for carpeta and eurtaina. One wHl flud in their honae of New fork, net only specimens and designs ,f al' deaerlpti i ? Vint a store tupplied with a rrciit Ciiolee of artieles re?u? Made. TM1F. AT'flvNTION OF MEIt< HANTS WHO CON tcmplute "'reeling orns.mented eottttief, an summer ri trcnt? frojp the dust, n jia", ^ud bustle of the cjty, i? par tlenlsrl.v called to tin, aale liy Mcasrs Dumont aal Hon.tck, , n Tuesday, th? i'>th in >t, of Lots deligh'fully locate I i.,i itriiideaj and Seviuty-ninth strec'.a, a few hundre l feet fr< ii, trie railroad aud llodaon, sommandieg a beau t I'll I tin* .*tcn.-ivc view of t?ie river and J orney Seventy-ninth atreet it one hundred f*M't wide, and ui on t onrt*'Tt,h atrc- 1. the le-'deuta will be ul'uwed to cncluao II 'teen m Iweatj reef or court-yards. It will lmm> iv-i. al> i -t. ? it. a? it rune tVoni I ?? centre of Mauluittan Si|iifi-? to the viv r- tli 8'iiinr> citending fr m Ki^tith to Ninth a'.enuo, und from S??enty-ninth *'i lr,vrhty urat str et? and up. n application l y a few of the residents, the foot of the street would i.c made a regular atopptug plaoe fur the ear.'. TO JEWELLERS, FANCY STOUB KEEPERS, AND olherx ? C. K J- Jlar'w i t. mnuufitcttirer* ? f line vel I vet *nd miroco Cases et" nil kind*: jeweller*' Show I've* nnd Trunks, ftfecl with trny* to contain watehes uhaiii*, I rini.*, be. A varii ty of tb? ?bo\o article* constantly on bond. and made to order, with nealnem and dciptti'li. C. & J. HARTNETT, 13 John street, up si?.rt, ural woy. WEDDING, VISITINfi, INVITATION, ADDRESS, and ut Home Curds, Cake Boxe?, Wedding Envel ipes, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Portraits, Mops, Bills of Fx change; Book and Mazarine work of every d-'S'.rinti .r., A mine pluto and fifty cards for *1 '?>. at KELLY'S >i .v I f j > r i ? a Engraving aud Printing olfloc, 141 Faltsn street. Paper banqin88.-tuoha3 faye * co., no. t3d Pearl street, near Madison, call the ttteetioa of lealeri and purchasers generally to their tit. naive artoiv aaent of foreign at,d domestic Paper Haa^lng*, of ever} va riety and *t\lc, particularly their fine Oak, Velvet, and Gold decerationi, which they bay* arranged oa acre era. aa to (how it a glanee, own in the most inexperieroed, what the effect will be when en tbe wall*. The pnbllo are invited to nail and examine thl* new and unit",? arrangement. The moat artistlcal wcxkmaa are emoloved v> hang the r*P*ra. CACTION.-rATENT ROSIN OIL.? TO PREFKVT 8B rioua arrident and impoi ition. we Would art ve notice that tlieonly place where the real Patent Kj in oil ian he bough' in New York, i? at the Kosin Oil Company Store, H2 Broadway. We eell it to a? de-Jara in the Uly. T . pre-.ent mistakes we keep ne other article. It I*. free from smoke, smell, or exploainn, and costa hut half a foot per hour, for a stesdy beautiful U;ht. Tubes At ted to nil and fliiid lamps for sixpence, to burn this nil. Sent to all parte of the elty, frto of expense. H. I'AKUKNTIER, lot Rosin Oil Company. THE GREAT DEMAND FOR BOGERTS FIRST PRE mium Pine Cnt Tobaeoo and Suutfs, has Ijlnced the firnprietir to enlarge his esta! 'i?l inept; and wo arc n >w in ull operation, with entirely new maohinery, of the late ft. improTementa in mannfartnrinr- Boitcrf* Tobacco standa varivalled in this country, a id cennoiincar^ are invited to five it an impartial trial. It may bo found, at retull. in nil ?f the respectable hntols, groceries and cigar atoms. Dealers will please notice that they will find it greatly I o thni,- *< vanteie lo order their supplier direct from the principal do Iiot, tfi Veaey atreet. New Fork; or at tho hranuh store, No. 9 Atlantic street, Brooklyn, where they wilt be allowed a Iar,.e discount on their p irclia?e?. Hair preserved and restorer-hiss shkp pard, !Hi Broadway, oppc-ito the Chinese building, re ?peetfully Inforua the ladies that sue ha* tivon entire nati-i lactioa to a number of the molt respectable per?oAs ii this eitj, in case* where the hair is thin, tailing of, or becoming rrey, by renrodnelng a luxuriant growth of hair without in (urin^ the health, oi subjecting the jar ties to any inconve nience. Mathews- celibated Venetian liquid hair Dye, of one preparation. i? ? taaWered by all ? ho nave o>td it (ard tbeir name i* I-gi.>?), to be the aafost, host, moat eonvcDient, and cheapest pr*paratb n in use. Pric* fifty cent', in larga bottles, for ?1? by A. B. It D. SAN l)J, No. 100 Fulton street. wmtll WiHiam. A" ~ROMATI C AN J 8TR IN OTU EN I ?To TINCTURE for '.be Tooth ? ihls vegetable dcntUr'et has the pro porty of atrengtheniac the guuis. blcavliing tbo teeth, at the si. me. lim ? rrn?" them ag&inst pain and decay, and re lieves also every kind of tocthacho. 1* d iee ant poseess the enrrodln/ I fid rernicioas effec's of krcus< te, or other drogi lUe that, n j a My applied to tbe tn^'h. Itean Mao be ver* toeccfsfullv employed aftir happening to take thoec medi cines wM:n impair the gums or Inoseo the teeth, such as me.'.nry or other metallic pre^aralf; s Pricn, '17>J eeutl per b* tile, lor sa'e by M M. Knrtewbtch ^ Wiskemann, earner of Kende and Hudson atreets: T'omai Ureea, corner Br- ad rev and Walker Itreet; Oi>d4iogtm, SO Hudson ?treet 715 Broadway: Dr. WarneT, B>e"ker street, ? '?rner of Vinetta str-et; Oreenleaf (fc Kinsloy. 02Vc?ry itre? t F'.ishton, Cbrk (k C".. IM and Vi Broadway, and 10 After House; Sands, eni ner Bowery Ik tipriug street. Worm knowino.-a liquid hair dti, rs> qniriag bst one appli atiou, (saving the time and trorb.e ?I ?rer tb? hair with two different prepara tions), has bcea liaoover. d. It ia Inst^rtaueoae ia its ef fv's, ir dnela* an inimitable bla^k ,r brown oolor. aa c'.rud. A receipt for making and iirevtiona for uring vhe aame.wl'lbe sent to ut ad(i-?ss u ri?elrt of ?!, fiosi paM. Address ETIENNB WUF. Aaalvtic al ClumUt. ?ea.*4 Bz ->auway foil Othca. cixnuisu. BOIJ! BOTS * BOYS'- A H/RWI'K, HAS OPRNST) li-r e-tablisbui' lit, IJ11 ( efroet, npporite Lui^ht alrevt. with an aasortmer.t of be>>' ^hi' ii^u's Clothing, suitable IV r eumiarr wear. I.a i es haunn I heir own m iterials can have them made uolp a?"p?rior w ner, aud tin latest styles. Any parin?nts rut, btt-d *n<i bastod, so t>?t a plain at *er ean make them, al.o a vaiisty . f fancy goods, ?uib as hnteons, braids, cords, , -n pe, silks, t*lit, Be., be. (^A"T orr CLOTII INd and fL'BNIT? RK WIN'VED J ?Ladies or ?en<lem!in having any '"!otllng, rnrnl'.ure, or Jew jl*y ?o dl. fo?f '-f. ean ? -);a:u a ir >ash prus, ly sen Hr.i '< r M ?, at *:i? r?a' '? r ee, or through the p?it. I.adi <? attended by H<?. Dositeldorf, No. 1.1 eia atreet. L. K MJSSKLDORF. 1VPOKT '.NT TO MERCHANT TAILORS, CLOTIIIFRS. and dealers in Dry Good*. ? ThoniM Graham informs the trade that he now devote* all his time to laying goods adapted to men's wear, at package sales >r otherwise, when forced off ler essh. He has epened at Nos. .VI and 3H Cedar street, corner of William ?treet wheeehcha aiwayson hand a foil assortment of Cloths, Ca< im>ros. Vesting*. Satine'*, Tweeds, an*, Until*. Tailor Trimmings In genera', B; whish he will ?ell in anv 'iiisr.lltv. ?t lowett aneti n i'?'lr?s for net cash. Wanted. '(.'bill:*, I assitneros. or ether tatlora' seoae. for wbieh enidi will be paid on delivery, if the prl. e is very In i*. Money adraaeed ia ??ims of $i'A) *,? flf'W ; B jflb Ma |? 9dl M fej vf C1*NTJI*TIiM '**1, >?? M. at % btO. Two mill be a TTir TVRr. MCKSI L. I.? TKOi TIM;.? JIO * t, at S o'nl' oh P. M.? Puf? and * aeepat.ko. i beat* In lame**. CI. ro. *. *WIJ f, 8. MoLaufhlia ii it in ?> b m. Ladr Urxiki, own or iudm i. g. Pelham. Ik* ??>???.? will t- >u 'm Kmlij ,,?? r?f?, from th* fMt of tin- capabillti.* of th* horw* ??n Lady Br*?k* ha< b?en wilffl.vd In tH. baiai.ce and found U *u| nothing but a fa. t o?r to lind her aloof. nil 'ha Philadelphia bona. rao?ny. i? aur* to perform that duty b*y?nd a doubt? he Is a capital oat. aud wiLI iw.*lli??l? ?tart. Palbam. It I* ennj.eturad, will o. about la tat?oroi?<r ??>l make inrgdi for lif? pra'loa* d*lia<|n*a< ie* thia a*a#o u Th.refor., one* h'th, I aao-rt. th? eo mio/ ra--t will b? a ?o? l ? no. Omaibnae* leave Fulton Curry, Brooklyn, altu'olook !'? M., and rttura a* *?on ?< th* aport ia ov*r. I'ara each way. 26*eata. JUKI. l liNkl.lN, I'ripr.etnr. Rid iiouke i hk hkounu- tboitumi^-a para* of fZlulli con tl.ii day. Saturday, May Ml. at 3 o clock ?Nil* heal" hept ,'t In to ?a-ldl*. v. Brooks ?alert b. if. Awful ; H Oddl entire a. h. Nifilfodj Mf. - I" ''rummer Boy; Mr WMIkoy eater* g. %? MeaMB Auitla latcri I. in Ann Jan**. E. LUFF, Proprietor. ?POUTlilO. TOfiPOBTSIIRN ?on MONTlaY. M \t A SUO0T iaf match will come ? H -n th? ler??r City Maadowf, ?ear 'b* old ahootioK jjrnund: to enmmenea x'. 12 o'rtackr. creel, elf. 3U0 bird* oo haul For turth.r ial .t?.?i.o? ?!*?-? to .all at my h?n.e,*' Uall, Jy?*j?'%YU)H PROPOHALi. ?VTOTU'E TO CONTKA< TOKS. ? OHIO AND MIMI.1 eii>i>i Kailr***!, ?iteiidinK fr??m CIicIbbaU to Si. Lou i*. -Seal.Ti'roD^ala "ill bo ro.l.ed atthoofflc* of UM?n demand? in th? >iti>'? of Ciu< ini.atl i and St. A1'* lith Jay ol Job* neat., for tnn gnvdlo#. mam.nry, and brid* i??of tbo follnwiuK p. rti'.na of I lha Troiu Cincinnati, extentlin/ w??nty-two m Ua W'.atarly, , thefct*r?e?tl,u of the b no i Hon a n .11 udianapo! ii lUilruAd. sss^sa.'lf ?s ibe noccaai) lu , lu.u ' " 1 rumain.n,! i!3 ?U?? rrorof?l? will In- rt* ? iv. ,l fr. ni -uuh p?rti?. aa ^^'"Yinfor^ r,:V?v^?>.co &2& U. ?. Amy, No. t, ''*t;"r,bi, t?-,,Viu Maot ? > ?>k? d*Hrton'iit yioiith, >*<"?^ '.1. bi ? J to exco^J i, f'lie ?rcrei!.r> (Vaf / , ? a "broken and teroca eiElit hnndfed uiid ti'ty tousoi la vi-la. at Jo ?l autlirrcit"C'oal. Lo ne ?l?livcn;<l lu tho w^iluif, ?b ?ni't i Inland aud ? ? ' ? v ,|"A Port I! "Hilton; tl.c .( laotH . vt eaoh p^a .* ^(, imV ????? \ \'.r?llwr?d aLa an oa. t". and ... nftj ?0|I1 to >.? ii?li?.r<<t ?? ?i ,bo ariJ. tra'tor" at Hh'p'o? r- wfc?r<- t^ ie ? re \ Jar. "a Urcrcd atihealmtc f ?? 1,1 |i(. cni^n ti r r* Mrcl ak vioniily dfjluuatirt, auo ?? ? .? r Icily '.!?? any one time, and ?- be Vs abcrft. B -nd*. tra't. >r: delivery to l.c?l . a. d ^ .mpi??? a ^ ^ wlll L, with i ronor ?..r. " ^ , ,d r?r .|,,, 'ai'hf.,1 V-%. nxPTeafeu ir ??* tau*. *ui r, i wivoRI)^ L ? ol., Soraauo. oftho ooutr^U l;j^;Xma.'. T, U B- \ Office o' tho Q??rlcrtii? ter'a Dnpartnient, No. 0 S tiat. ?t*M ? New Toll Ma* Oth, Ma'ia" I aion??a.tli' ( I c .uiiuouvtcaHK, i>t tl'u Ocncral A.,.cu,l.i> ol } '" V a^ oumiilet>?a of tlio "An Act to pr> vido lor 1 . . .n. V Iv au la al," ap N or ill llran. I. fcxUi.Kioi, of tlio t pr<)VJ,lea; "That proved the aecouil day ol April. A- i . d [ u :,?f?!iy au Ihe tJot.Tiior of ^11?, of th. common .vr tltb tliorli.d to bi.rr?w, ^Vt ooo'l and whi l. ia hereby ol' th* roveuue liereliialter m.o > . (Dt?r-;a', ?i?d r? epeoilically plowed l. Mil'- )||m nf <Ka0,,?). ??J payment of tlio in tiiirty yar* ft'jm " linn ?i? wr Jite, bearing tnt?r?'t at a raU u ^ ft?? d?*o perannuui, paja'lela? J'?r? b? t,.,.nl0.l the Morth of January and J "4.'"** J' ;Mtlon or said Branch < Lunn. 1'^ annually anivrt by tl?u Pr?fi<K>?: "Thai t U*Ti' nhal J /nn4, %6o f? Comtuirtioncra ot after the pajt?a?e ot venue aocrulnR on aalo ",;"l||ia llltf,r??t *,,,1 ii,i?l la.jaaart.a thia act. for tl.o payn.< nt .?.r?i,y autli .(iied; aud i? lion of the If * " " 1 'i?iV?iuiiilt-l"iiera, .kft'-r pavingtl* Sf'rhecorm'.VNvcaH'; 1 -n^^'^^'^VdT^ tlio 100th htctioii u j t i.rdiiiurv o*p??uBOH of govern sxz&x; SSWlSS i anal. aniTuvou ou t ii? -u um.v ??? ?h"' ^,un.#a?w#?i* .,1 / 1 * ,i : , j t *t \ it t i ? ii ler a v i*urp<)8? unaiwvci, to be attached to -a o c. rUtra or. in *?????? "5^'b, , form aa thohe re |Uir>'d 'o b. at . . _,,rH? kU..?j of tne ,u.d under the , r;.vi I ??? . 1 u ,-i i n' that Tr .poaal ; authority af. maid. ?..t ?? 1- r by I j . ?". ? '^t ] r^p * will be received a* the olma ol ?!'? . ttWl*h m? n wealth, until I'mniuir t. > the oommou 'i^ath aUr" JhYiurK ? rtl. in theTre^ ??,.? actaol Aj rombly the mm!. "'! $ ? >' '?" ?? I" ^rW "n^ cecding aix per coul I - r -iunnm P^ahlo ^alf^ Kly.^^ _P| { tie or fij "I1 ivalt ni at i h ' Rl lj ^ tor date. P * cortill iaue'of Hrck7o" thr ??.t'tha>l "?t bo ai.bjeet to taaatloa ?at?B ol j | ... , HII(i wjiall hav? cauoota atwhoil, i7r.-,,Tv:tu? ..r; th.. ? - 'AMVy'-iii. ra; i ?ill' *h'?*onc third ol the money inui?t ho pj>id intn Ul0 t a ?rv iu.nieola'ely. another third i.? oil a .d thero htu'e I f a ur; n.oc . j ^nlatioit 4?re?*"d ?!.dtr .v al, to the "f ??- ??" ?'''"V.a?dh|i|ftll't*'e' Inrlod'for itln. loai'n* 'heir .? ),.t< li.ta arriv'd whei no alteration iu tliu ternn i * i^rmiit ?!. The Secretary f tl o lu tl.o pr. u ...a i it t..? Governor, State Tr. ax r r, Auditor 'when 'the ..;? j-Ul aw.ir4 the ioau si.',Vr' t?'r> nV'tl"'?:nmironvTeilth. g?cr?.lary'? OIHcr, llarrl?bur4_. Majr 7# . ^ LOAN". ? CENTItA L . >1)1 ANA I KuM way "seven I'-r ?>-.i Tir.t Wort ConvorUMo Bond*.? The Indiana (Vntral K?ll*ay < "'"I1' ?'"> '"^r^ r , ,* rab. $1W.(KKI of their Seven I'd Cent *?' ??, i,S h rirabl. Coupon, attaohod. Th-y ?-e in HU-na ?f S' " ' [?*??'? the lat of May, l'?0. aUb mter-n at k.? , I At ni.nUv j.ii the Int ?.1 N?>ve?ul?*T an?l 1*1 M.iy.i ? v"1 of New t'vrk, where the |ui?,H,.al niortiiaire to aectre their payment, inc ami n on'. Thia embrace# th- c.inpany * "?? from Ka.t to the Ohio Statu line. 1 he ntire lino i? . i u der -on traet f. r nrailnati'.n and mafonry; about flft.:? ? ui..e* r.e* ? lAh? JX; rJ- ?^."tiFi,v ?nf;r.K.rthr0fe i/ ^ To* nSi'lht rom** I * iVnii1 m " ? ** , the.'ompany haj ?"ort<nl to atwKSSS 'iiz'izxi ir-iu ;'"vs2riH 5H?3SSi;?i K?iifSSSK II ia ia,t rivlnr a dir"*'t c* niliianleation ,i.? ^ ClMln-.U ^Central India, a. to wbloh place nearly the entire tr'de of thai rewlon leuda. No portion .1 ^ the : -..r "ivVK rr ?*ys&rss svi s:?:3 lri"i'() nntiT' fr t"i lly" tl-^th'darV "m ly ma'Vnt it*" fl.rt 0 njjtil P't.- J i' .af. ii,. aidr?>aed to tlio arent. oclorlt. I?. >. ' rope ? ''*w |? tc Co., W Wal?. ?r?'? V^'O' -.;rm Z- *f..; Cat ral r| R??w.y . v " r V it "f th. parchaie ra.ney iljnJJ. ? .tin the bid. th? remaiadorin terequircdt, ep^il' . a- ? . >* percent. Any e<|\>at nMinth.3 in lai r (l ..Mtt fujj A?, out).-. *nd tn purchatcr will ?e a ? > rron, oi piyiri?nt. Th. V,c a'u.iMi Villi., 'ol *?? ,.|. tolv and without rM?rT?.t<> ar.T?w^v? !j i? - "* c-*"* " Wall rttvet. New Vr?ai-l*?t Indiana Cental Ra>lw*P _ COPARTNKi^dXF WOTIC1B9, AI'F.IISON, W ITU FROM tl 000 TO $3J)00 IS CASH* ?i?h?K t<> urioriale l ?? itb ? (ifMO i v wl o In tn v ftp:* "i i'l f ?\<.l ?, sat*-, ?nf' pf)!i_U('llbwiBIM? ilftni"'" , If n *t1 AUdfua V. P., Herat ? ofli. c, with r a! name, KfuB}- fhtrr, and wUu, aa i*Ur? ti?w caa te h?'l. DJS-'OI.I THIS ok CO I'ARTKBHStllP.? TBI CO parti T?h.|' htl'ii- ? r. t*l?Ung bttwedi the mbtcri t*Tif vsdcr t'lw flrl l fl f.r o)bi TftttnU^ TMVliy $c C?.? i.I thia day d(?oi?e4 ?} ' p? Bn?iit. W':n. II. f.renollo. A lei II D.'iiluVii'iid, Wm I, John C. Ulbbjr. ?adr > ii w d A. *i?: ?'i v. u uuthotl* 1 to nettle tie aflttre ??? ?a'd firm. wm ii. ohrMTT.r Tnnoroi!": a. hver?<. A L F X . M DUJU'/ND, Jnu^v C. Sl^nt WW. L. TAT.MAN. Kt >10 A. ?tMlik'. Dated N?.i? \ i.ik, Mu> NOTICE I.r < '<> - I r . i RSHII*. ? TUB UNDfilfc. ? inned I at.- t hi Jay i t ' i-n*rtn?f?!iip, ?nd?? tb? ' rni nt (jr-n' lln Talm/ ? I'M jk Co. ,r the IrMMoti** ?f a Om? al . Mp D.-'Iln-' n. lUu?? Iirjk? r*ro OQire, No. 1J I'uiOctrnt. . war, w fiwr-M LI./ ?\l L.T.\T.'?av A I,1X ti.l/jitTiW" JO UN C. IlitjBv! Ei'V A H^r. Dated No* Ti>rk. J.a> I-. . iJ. An ac ii y* PtPTf ; p h a wt r i> - \v"r r Ii v~cXi i ;ul ot I?'***. 1,1 ? 1 la * bagtMM of the #r.fc a r.s.w-* vaft mss? g 'y inuHir*iui; ' 1 BtS^IjRri'k*. * kvROE II YI?R VCLIO rro l'ttiN rLRf .-A i:r.':Ai v,iru. v ,?V > , ?? J A. Ijfpt fo? mi# / ii ) , lrr ?'?. ?. 1 N will le puI?1 oi \#tt r? i ? ?? U'rifaM 1 * }l?rj, UtralJ ii i W *.*?' ,