Newspaper Page Text
Th? Annlrtrmry ?' Indepe* donae laseoatvboae lebratea. ??>? let a?e advise yen io time <? bay a It'll made bv A. ft- cman. 90 t nl to i street. H4? Store i> the Uai?B M ut Utore. If jou only Pet jeur h?nd In one ?f Fie* lean's RtM. J u will feel pari. tic, ?u I Uitrt Is no **wle*? H> New York wMre i?i> ?? net llttod out ebeay. V veu watt w'iit.> Roikj Monntat* Roavsr. or Paueeia, or Straw flat? of y Haa 'J# Pulton s?r?*t i* tbsplaee. Beautl ?d e'lciog h'aoli Mai?*?iu1U..t , fti/iOa*'' tf?3. Bo else, be patriotic, i>* sobsiiile, Bud 40 to P R E EB A N 'B, 90 Pnltoa ?treat. <? Mow frcqntml) do we heur per*n? lMaiar ef Im^uIwIh k?t ??eai|>*r ! ftaj attribute It t?t t?< ry variety of n.ur-? bet the rlabt oea, ?evor eaeaHaj [to haul>' ti nt H l? okIi-k t.i tbe lenity ooaetrpatr'n or aae ta4 m*t*aial ef th? bat wbluh they wear. If th?s* ie-iivi daelo whoare eoi-tlanally ?oatpleiaint; of heednvba. weuM ?all a?ca KNOX af No. >2? Folian strc-t aed purebaee <>ao ef hi* h??* we hd'avs they would have little 'Jason ?? 0?D x a>ata '*? the future Kn?i>it 111 .mrt ?r?l?l. etra?ta hie hat* eot o*ly upon meeltaaloel, but tlriotly pay alaleftsul prtaelplee. Trj him. Summer Il*t?? A Drab B?a *er. Paaama er Straw Hat are sow in this bet ane npare* . atw watlmr pur ba-n* of no ?esilty as ee'l as ef faeuioa , At the (tare or DaNTl. tke Oatti*. No 100 Canal street ?atl*m*a will tit 4 ever* variety af Suaatr U?ti, all of 8>sm at the Mil reaeeaaala prieee. f?m and nee them ? 4a you pmm atoag *Vaa>aa street drop I" ?? RSVBtlSOlleiU'B. 107. and look SlU? seleaiMd It''*/ Bonntain Silver ftotv r<< for thle eea eea. There I* ??thlar out that eemee within hail af then, ^ h besnty o' 'haf. liahta*** aad finish. They eat oa tbe A lead HI* (?kH t of thUtle dewn. f oa doa'tfael the slightest Tt a?a**ere. Yea eaa pay M per ount aero in Broadway, bat eaa't get each hat* there. ?fee Llira OelUrt? LadlM, did you ever MBalae Ut>THIkl'9 Utti waiter*? They are, rf eeantertakle, aad seareoahle, aad aro ?old at twelve sbUllage Tti?t? cheap enough, aad wetroaetat all *ar ^ M*id at their pepalarity. ?enry Clay? A fla? Portrait of tltla dletln 'iihled nitefnAii, and eae of tho heat erar tahea ef Ma, Ihaj ka iten at ultA OV'8 Oall.'ry, Nt.W Broadway, where ?M he foand a lar/e cvllootlon of portraite of ealaeat ?a, apea at all time* to the pablio. i Hoaelr, Brother*, Utgacrreolype ut Henry I ?a,. -The heit Daen*rre"type ever tahea "f thie llinitri aaiBtate*?*ae. may he teen in eur (tr?*t eollaetim of ple fctii, C?iie*f?'T ?air ?m*rioaa Saileriee, S33 Broadway, ideoee aheyt tho Aetor Boom. l flat. Ptem'i Portrait, a naoat cxetllont ?n??. eaa he teen at KuOTB Premium Gallery, 90 ?headway. The Tewer mt Balacl. There wis a n ai In eur town, V W he ul*d to write an ?? ad " gj?, Ee etralned bin hrala full eft aad h?rd. Bet wrote it very bad ntr; He aade a obavg* . ana for a time lie had it very woll- d?ne. Bat ealy for a little while, ? he aee nttacht held ea; ? Aad then the *e*ne wu ahan^ed again, And la there raat a na>age, W be bow, eatbroaed, deth perpetrate, Oa rhtae mid reaeoa ravage; Tkie raleutlne and Oreen Hay, , They have a garret ?omt wb*ro. lh?' reiki mhi *Hinb np Babel's tower, Before they hope to eeme there; Bat I know where large, open (paee, Aad aaple reon in given. To halld great tide aad tky llghtf lee* Thab half- way op to hea>en: With a*?eu? eaay, lifht. aid ehade A' pare a* *nn eaa nak* them, Aad ptitaree? garrea cliaberv would tilve fortunat e >u'd they take thein ll?vaa gold and > ilver uiedalu ihew Who i* the real an let Bar jadgf* to tbe Knot will go Te Bad ent wbe it imarteat. Th?a ye that want a portrait true, la eeler, fora aad featare? Wbe weald ^ot elimk a leng way np Beyead the realm or nature Will ge where artiite gn themeelvtt lAad tbey are bard to entt) ' Waea they get pletarea te eagravt, Te Be eae aire hat Root. Been ikj Hght gaUery. 3(8 Broadway. *? Southern Fanalllea ea roate for the Bhmaer Reaerta ef the North.? Tbe proprietor* of the Ame ri'ta llaatavy aad nad**ifarniaa a bf^aufajaorv invite the enerial at-enilen >rn.uth*ta 'amllie* tf tSe ?iUnVJ;"., thair aarivalled Zephyr Under V?at, believiag that thay aee pre-oaiaeatly eondaetvo to the health aad eoafort ef all traveller*, hut oepeeitlly ef vteitere from tho Sooth Tho ?ietUoB<ieo ef toil" Teat eeoeiit ia it* geatiy ahoerbln* per eparatioa, and elfeetnally *hleldiur tbe eyiten from the in yarlooi" eene?qne*eei of exposure te tboenddea atmeipherio ?lutagee incidental to thia aeaaon el the year. MAY St ADABS. No. Ml Broadway, eppeaite Niblo'c. To k?p Cool, durlriK the Hot Weather, It i V aeeeatary f waar eau of tbe Zephyr Uuderveot. from No. I 1M Itewery. While tbey refrcab tho itroni, tbey eti-eogthon k BiefweaV. a<d protoot all. .tivo them a trial. A. RANKIN pk tO., Be. tti Bowery. ^ ST?atr te wen In the act of a Shirt u much a* ta the &t ef a ooat: and the uraMful,eaay maaner la wbiok the h?.*?m? et (IKEBn'S M!ifr?? adapt tnoa<elveo to the f>'rat ef the ebeit aad arch, ha* rendered them famon* with ataa of fa>hien. UKRUN'!*, So. 1 Aatnr Ueuic, U the resort ef ?ea of taste from all part* of the Union. . The hand*onte?t thing* of the aeaeon are the Ubod Deck ai.d Katio Jean Ooat*. at Uoioa Hall, oor aer vf t ultoa and Nassan streets. The demand for these noo far the ktriped Rcorvooacr* aad Grisaeloth Coats and Tee s. k'etis Br. PaUe, the saperiatendent of the retail department, eonatauily bnsy. Tbe prices at Caioa Hall arc 4fk? cheapest ever kn?.wn. K t Vallor HtKlmm'a Platform la on the cor ?ar af Rletaktr and Carmine str?< ts, where he daily iaonl aatee bio eaatoniera in tie *<>ilnec of personal snvernasat, IM elaeldaies tbe bnantlfal points in bis clothiag Prank Pieeat aad blaaalf are atrWtly soas?rvative and kaow ?aeagh not to to drawa ent hy the Seott elrenlar. Tailor UeKltnm'ii friends will l*e glad to kiar ibat the Mayor bu nearly completed a railroad from Bhamhers to Si't'etk strtet, for the relief of UoKimm, eor aer of Kleoeher and Carmine st-eets, and his eu?tuui> r?. Their hasinuas will ook he attended to with celerity ? them x oolvss aad slothing sunt humo ia the twinkling of an eye. . Ctaatlemen from the fkmth and West wilt eul.v eithta be informed of the wbereaboutsof Al.FKRD B UN Kt>K % CO '6 hb'nblUhment, in ardor So know preci^e 1v whore th^y car replenish their wardrobe* in a sitlsfao tory iaut.>.?r with article) of fwMonable wetrlog appareL TL^y arc invited to eali at *41 Broadway, bftween Howard and Bran 1 ttrtetj. No dsviation from market prices. *> ?That'* Something L.lke."? Vonr friends will bo sure to exe'aim "tait'n something like!" with ia ?mU satiafaotion, i' they find yon dresaod up ia inch Cloth pi as U aannlaa tared by ffMITH k RICE. 102 Fulton ?tr<>*t. And jet how little it costs todret* so Will, at their priees.? Sunday News. Oreen Turtle Soup, freah and good, to-day* ?t B&VaRl) S. No.8fitat? street. N.B.? r.iriale, l.ft'.>:)lbs. ?f tlrsen Turtle, welgtiin; froui M lbs. to 600 lbs. Apply aa ^ aha re. ft'olfv'n Aromatic Sehledam Ichnappt^ Tl.?? mi uieinal tiin U uiaaufacturrd by tbe proprietor at i*9jie*am. in Holland, and fbit np in pint and quart bottles, . aapra*aly fsr uio 'i^ai uce. Recommended by tee physicinas w generally, .md ?? id by thn principal druggists <? the city and fc.romh^ut tbe United Statrl, and st the deput, .199 West atrvvt a 8. B. WuLfS. Ageut. Saaadera' Dmslng Caeca for fraycllert.? Th? r.lilof extellea >* of Iti'sc rsaca. consiats is their great eomeaetreis aod utility in wbiob respect they are snp?rlor to a? y ether manufactured ; they are simple in their eon etrnotlen, without in.- ?--? ??onirivanees, convenient, durable, aad (heap. BaCN UEltS, No. 7 Aator Honse and No. .V7 Broadway. r Saaailcrs' Metallic Tablet Ktrop.? This L artl?l*. to lung known f.r itH wonderful powers in sharpen ~ tr, ?; Pator-. ean he ehtalnod at No. 7 Aster House, and No. &3 Breadwiy. __ t Ladlea' Dret* Combs.? A large and fash-' t'lakl* .ta*nrlm-nt, ugoqnalled for variety aad quality ic ?re ?iiy. Combs made to order ef Tortoise Shall, Buffalo Bira. sc. A. k J. 8AUNDER.a, Comb Factory, 3X7 Broadway, H. II. It., No. Ji? ' Thick and bad Blood autde pare and ti*h by Kadway's Renovatiag Resolvent. It wa*b<s away all diseased dopoaits from toe bones, musulet, and g'ttida It acts upon ths rolida as well as the fields, sowing the worst f-raas *f urofnla, humors, uloor*. node*, aait rhcniu, to.. Pries 91 per bottle, at 102 Fultoa street. Nnrvoui Antidote.? Cawtlen,? The ' ? dni" rd for "hi* nulld-ie having uuntripped tke aapp'y ? ft I ?paiimii article h?? bwin manufactured ?n<i (Old elieap ta * %n>' Prugrlnt*. Per?on? ean iac'.aotly He'.evt it. fir It la im C. ikle te take tke genuine without feeling lramediat? relief ro oein ftad aeaaUratad vitality fta<l kaaltk, J. PYNf, |K < Hi rr?M: Mr Cllekaer, 81 Barclay (tract, ftad all tka raapactftkla Herat ia Breadway, keep ttia iianuia*. ? ___ Rtitorlng the Hair.? Another wonderful ?ftee i? tbftt af Mr. Gnllfta. of 219 Bowery, N. Y. oity. ka t?'?? Belaney and hiviactoa atreaU. lie WII bald eeveral }"*r? and Kan orlv unad two Iftfge liotllaa af KKI.LIN iikK'H Mftaie Fluid to itart hie hair heautlfully Thia ia ft SfTi rr markftbla caia, tkat can efttlly ka ia?a. No oaa need %* deceived. ha I* ant ia China. Said ia large, beautiful keti'ea. at {I each, (9 per dot., caeb. 2.T0 Pearl (treat; 476 ftad MO Hroidvay; Hope Sr. Co., HuiUan (tree* aad Cham ?"r> ?lr?o? Mri. ftaya, 17A Ful'oa atraat, and tha corner of Kaada and Gold atraeti, Broeklya. ??Mr. IE. Thomai [.fan, Dear Sir, I have aoed yoar Enti.airon for the paat taa montha and It hfta ?Atirely reiWred aty hair? kfttiar: kaaa kftld far night yeare. 1 pronennce it tha heat artMa. either lar Bftldaaee ar (In; Hair, ia the wet id ? Jaaea Ballon, Buffalo. N. Y." Lian a Kalhftlr.n in aold hyfj. H. Klag.eor. John atroet aad Breftd ??j ; A. B and D. Sftndg, aor. Foltnn ftad WMUiaia atraeta | Chilean fe Roueell. BA*>, and J. Coddingtea, 71# Broftd w?y ; B B Indd. aor. Ninth >tr?a< . 0. A. Oniea. 127 Bowery; /. O'Brian 71 Canal etroet ; W H. Sanla. 398 Hnda^a atraatj ?eadley ti Co . 108 Ninth avenue : F. C. tYelle to <"e. 237 9Whth avim>e; <Fm H. Freeman. 348 dread ("treat. New aerk J. a Ferry, 311 Fnlton itraat ; Redeliff to Brother*, 1? *Mtotl? atr??t ; J. W. Smith, car. Court etreet ftad Mon tagu* F'aee n.uukiya, and hy all Druggiata ihroagboattha vaild. PrUa per kattla ?SOMAS LYON, 1?1 Broadway. N. T. Wiga and Toapaaa^B.uh,ior'i new style M W1*I are nraanuaeed tha meet p,Tf,,t Imitation af afttar* Pi a?^ o 5Vi?i VHASLA '"J "parlor arttala ehenld wOftt BATCHBLOR B ?tiatoftte* faotery, Na. 4 Wall atraet, where afta ha foaad tha larttaa? ?_ j v?/? acaortmea* Mltailti. tha addraaa. "" Eftlr Djre.-Batehtlor'l celebntu^ Llqnld Ilk Dye ia tba beat rat diatovarad for aoloriai VK? hli, .. ftiitan tba ??aaniit la applied. Tha waaderfal ?- uj eartaiaty with wbloh thia fftvorite ftad aid aatabllibae Bye aer orrna la aetoniahtng. It la for aala. ar attUacTl BATCH Bl/OB'8 Wit Factory, Na. 4 TFftU (treat. dapyUi lenrand'a Liquid Hair Djre, te, wlthoat gaa or raaarratloa. tha very baat ever In Tea tad, eqaal trated ia 0?<>rfta?'( Madiofttad Soap, for earing ptm recklee. rftllnwaeaa, ahftpa, reaghaeaa, ha. Pondra mpreota hair from (ny part af tha bodv. Liquid Lily White, ftad Hftir Olo((, ftt ?7 IF ft liar (traet, ?aer Bread way. 8,000 Wig* and Tonpeci are to he found ?A the mannratitory of M?dhur*t fe D??r<?. 37 Maiden lane. Kada ot tie be?t mftt?nala. and warranted nntto (h<-ink or ? almega color Alen. Brftlde of Lnnn Hftir, Front Braida, too Mvate roon for nine and hair d?ii>g. Cnt tbia out. And dive the Wori.i Aaanranre of a Nan,? The Hmrd ph. he prndm-ed like itiifin, hy d?iiig on-' "ottlo af Offtt'fttn'a tm?i<e> t f> r ?h? R?ard and II Or it will f roe ft 4 ?r' W rvi>? tf t^ere ha* ?? ver t,o?n a vr?t iao of ho'nre, (?' ?? perfeeit* h?'nil''(( '? 'he (Mn t>?r '?.lttlo t? theoiiiintiTeafcly R (i (IR/tflA M. I8J< Ana "trr. t 1 $70,000. ? T*> IcadM bOMl Mill lUWtgf 1(1 ?urns M ??*'? oo productive He?i Citato. ib iklt etty B-oahlyn, or Williainebura. $16000, $13,000, $19000, 1*1)00 fi'00 Thoso mims to I?b?1 at 6 (?? r oaat inlereek, ?? 'lr<> ola?? aitj K<14| Eiiato. Apoly to S. 8. BROAD, No. UWall attest, ia the jewelry "tore. 6?a?la? Tea*. ? W ban pwpic tay Vw, U< they bare got hevbe, tLey think tkn have threw* )hetr aitin a*l?; b#t if tan will go to W. P. MOjOT fe CO K Tea Warehouse, U2 C'kaltoa vtraat. yon will In Ibc new T?*a, act oarty twonty por aaat itatpw tku a* Bay avher store. hat pax tni nnadalteiated. I inportan t to all Llqaor Dealtrf^-Oaaakw, simple, end UBerrp.g rales lar ie<tiog the etreagth of .pi nt" by <ka preeeat etaadard, Bad far miliar, leleiag, ar ra tiu?iaj tbatn i? neatly ta aay required pr of. 8?I?I by tha eutbuss. WlllGlir ? BON. laapector* t t SfWlM, No. 9 C?eaties slip. 25 cents By theee simple ralaa aeeh ttsaa Bad trouble le saved.? Analytical Bxamtaar. iMfnnsmm iubwbb bybiy pat. JKT SHE SIXTH^ND^EVENTa PAG^Tn* w w WMMTB, WANTED- A SITUATION, NY A BBSPBCTABLB yvaag AmerieaB woman, who baa loot kar hue ??< aad abild, ta iattruot and i.ka aara af abildraa, aad a* oeamotress. Ple*se call at 461 Siath avenue. vubama (or two ar tkree daya. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE yoerg girl, u Cook, Waahar, and Iroaar. Apply at No. 62 Wast Tweaty-firet ilfvil, back room, Brat ftuo*. Caa bo Man for tbreo daya. WANTBD-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE German girl in a family as Droit atakar aho U a v try ?no aowar. and arderstauls kar buaiueas perfectly w?M: food rtfarenee aan ba given if repaired. Apply at No. 0I,> Foartb atroot, between aveanea B aad C, fourth fliar, baak ro in. Can bo a aan far thrao days. Na objection ta go a abort diataaaa in tba aonntry. WANTED? A SITUATION, BT AN AMERICAN LA* dy, to go with a genteel family ta Man Francisco, otherwise ae A nrse or Stewardess oa Board a steamer; ar wonldtake a haaaakoapar'a situation Tha mast sotiafaotor* raftraaaa given ana required. Piaas? addraas a aota ta B. L., ar ami], at 9# Haary atreet. WANTBD-A NURSE AND SB% JSTRB9S? ONE WHO la capable af taking tka autiro eharre of aa iafaat, and is a goad aaamatrssa. Noaa bnt 1 ally competent persoa< aaad apply. Inquire ia Madison avanuo, trot door soutk a.' Twenty-firth atraat. ANTBD-A NBAT AND TIDY GIBL, TO DO TUB watk af a amall family ; ona naad t<> taking aara af abildraa preferred. Apply ar No. 106 Bast Nineteenth ?treet, between ? and 12 A M. ANTKO? A SITUATION AS OOOK, BY A RE spaotabla Protaatant woman, who thoroughly under stand" har baaii.oaa? maata, soups, jellies, bltnc maages, and daaarks af all kinds; has aa objection to a respectable btard lag boose ar as maat or paatry aook; doas not wash or at tead ta a dairy, any person wishing tn sec the advertiser, ex Vt latter, poat paid, will plaaaa eaU natil Saturday at tua third daor oarcer af Piftaamh street t d Seventh avanne. WANTEB-DY A BESPECTABLB YOUNG WOMAN a aituaMon aa plain Cook, Wa<iher aad Iroair, > rto do gaaaral havacwork la a amall fainily, or is wiling to m&ka baraalf gaaarally asaful. Tne beat of oity ro'rreaoe given; has Bvea four ytara in b?r laat place. Plaase eall at No. II Thirty flftb atriet, tbrtc doors west af Uroaiway. Can be aaea Irr two days. WANTED? BY A RB8PECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation aa Chambermaid or Walter, iaapri*a'? family. The be? t of aity reference given. May be aeen tor l*a daya, at No. 176 Avenne B. WANTED-BY A KBSTBCTABIiB MIDDLE VIE.) lady, a aituation aa Housekeeper to a smU! family, ar attendant ou an invalid la^iy; can cut and make rhu drea's dras?<>s: haa no objrotl^n to take tho ehargc of suiatl children, ar to go ta the oountry. Addrean C. K., at tha of Bea af thia paper. Reference can be given on an iutarview. WANTBD-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a aituation as CbamboTmaid and toaaalst in tine wash Is* sad ir?ning. or aa Chambermaid aa<l to tako rare of chil dran and to do plain sowiug. No objeotiona ta the aonntry. Goo! ai?y ri faronoe. Can bo teen, for two days, at No. Big Ri^btk avruue, between Twenty aixtb aad Tweuty-scvaBti. atreats, first fl<.er, baek r?om WANTED-A SITUATION, AS CQAMBERM \ID AND Waittr, or aa Chambermaid, and aaalstant in w^ahing, er aa Child's Nurse. Good recommend atleue from har ?" ?aat amployer. where aba cam be aeen. at 33 Bniot i ,nr.r?. H^ANTSD- BY A REiPE'-TABLE YOUNG GERMAN who sp?Ak^ French ?uJ Eicll^h, ? PjtvtilosM Laundries In a Rtmtael family, or an Lidjr'a i Mtid. W??ld be willing 4i no in th? oonutry for a short ?envoa, or to travel. Be l of rtfereuoei given. Can i?cb at lf>a Wtion'tr itreat, sear Can*l atrnet. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN* a aituation to do general bouaowork, and mako her aelf generally uaefnlla it private family. C >od r?' reaaci furniabed, if re<)uired. Can be icon f>r twa d a vs. a' til Cherry street, third flocr. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG W>M AN, a t ItuaihiB aa Ca?k, Wa?bar, aad Ironer, wHb a r?a peetabl e family. Rag na ebjeeti?n ti go totb. aoentry. The beat af oily reference. Apply at No. 1.% M?t. atreat. WANTED-BY AN INTBLLtGENT, TIDY, RB8PRO^ able Protectant >onmg taomaa. a situation aa Seua stress, ia a private family, lias no abjection to the conn* try. Beat af city references; ia a e-tmpotont dreaama' sr. Call at 171 Wcit Twcnty-aiatti street., between Seventh and E:*btb avennes. WANTBD-A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, aa Lady's Maid or Beamatreas? ana who understands dresamaklag; would have no abjection to trtvel in tiii* eouiitry t go to Europe. Thn best of city roforrncea can ba E'ven Plaaae call at S'lS Twelfth street, between Firat aad oeond aTennes. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a aituation aa Seamstroas aad to tako oare of chil dren, er to do ahamberwor* ; haa n" objactlaa to ao to tha e^uniry. Pleaae call at No Otl Catharine at.eet, fourth floor, lu the rear. WANTED.? A SITUATION, BY A BBSPROTABLE P^otoaiaat girl as Waiter ta a private family. Re tareaca, if required. Please eall at 75 Crosby straet. WA N T F. D-BT A RESPECTABLE PROTECTANT girl a aituation as Cook, Washer, aid Ironsr, in a gen tleman's family; has the beet of eity referen^ec from hrr laat p'aoe; caa be a?en for two days, at Lewis street, fourth floor, in the rear. WANTKD-A SITUATION, BY AN EXPERIENCED Ce<h. in a hotel or dining saloon: haa no objections t j go in a ba^rdinc bonae. Good refereaees given, by applying at 19 City Hull place, room No. 7. fonrth floor. WAMTCD-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE yaung wamao, to do cbamber*ork and tawing, or to do tba houaawork of a pri\ate family; aatis'a"*ory references ? ?n be given. Can !>e seen at 430 Third avenue fx?r two daya, if not engaged. 117 ANTED? BY A STEAIIV. RESPECTABLE EVfJ v T liah voman. a altuatloa as firat rats Cook: can give the hoal of cfty refarcncea. Can be beard of for two uya. at lfi<i Ninth atrcct, ia the rear, between T.'ilrd and Fourth avennei. WA N T E D-A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, as Child's Nurse, or Chambermaid: may be aaea at bar last p'aoe, for two daya, Ni Hammond straet: earallert references. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, a situation aa Nurae an I Chambermaid, or to do the g'o?ral h luacwerk of a amall priv*t? fnallT- fa a good plain cook and first rate waahar and Jroner. Iiaa t Ue oeat of recommendations frun her present employer. Can b? sen for I lireo daya. Please call at I..' H eft Niaft.iesth at. WANTED? A SITUATION AS NURSE AND 9BAM atroaa. ar to do general honaework, by a smirt. tidv y. org girl, who haa rtf?reaee frem her laat place, where ah# has livtd twoyesrs. Please eall at 1U3 Greenwich street. WANTED? A SITUATION, BY A YOUNG WOMAN, to Cook, Waah. and Iron. Would do ehambevarork or genartl honaework in a small I'amily, ar would ttks care of children; ia a good slain sewer. No objeetl in to go a short diatanec In the country. Inquii* at 17M Thir(iath i*.reet, corner Eighth avenue, second Boer, Ircnt room. Gcsd refe rence ean be given. WANTED? FOR A PRIVATE FAM't.Y. IN BROOK lyn, a Brat ola^s Cook, at high wasas; also a Saam ?trcas, to ga to Coney Island. N. B. ? Places ready for a Bomber of girls in the country and eity. Aptly at No. 2 Furmaa street, ooruer of Atlantic street. Sonth forty, Brooklyn. J GRaVA BROTHER. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPKGTAI.L* yonng woman, as Ciok or Chamherm .ld, ia a small private family, or to do general bansowark; haa no tions to go a abort dlataace ia the country. Beat o ' city re ferenues from her laat employers Please call at 113 Henry street. Can be seen until engaged. WANTED-BY A RKSI'KCTAHi.E WOMAN, A NA ?ive of Scotland, a ait nation a* honaekeeper in a tnft family: haa bad much experience; bw * thorough kaowledga of cooking, Wtikitf and ironing; ?l?n a good *eatmtre*<i, wenld prefer a widower, ?ith or withnat a family, of a bachelor Apr!/ all tills week, at 151 Fifteenth a'roet. third floor. k?t*Mo the Seventh rt d Richth avennea, or a lino ad dre-ped to W., box 710 geoaral pjet oflle#, will meet with at tention. Hal ao ebjaetleaa t* tka Nttir;. WANTED- BY A RESPECTABLE AMERICAN WO nai, a aituatinn a* Honaekecper. or anree and Hta ?tre?*. Apply at 277 We*t Twenty-**v*ath (treat, between Ninth and Tenth avenue*. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, aaituatioa an plain Sewer, and to tak? car* of oh'l. draa. R?at of reference givea. Pleaee apply at ill.1, five ant A. liu Slxteaatk *tra?t. W^HANTED-BY A RISIECTABLE YOUNO GIRL, aaituatioa to do geaeral henaework ia a email private family, or to do el.amberwerk ia a raeaeetable family. Ilx good re'ereaee if reqalred. Pleaae oalf at 145 Vnt Tweatr ?'lthatreet botwoon Seveatfc and Eighth aveanea. Caa bo ?aen for two day#. WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO INOLISH woaian, a altnation to do general henaewerk in a am all family, or to do ebamberwork and take oaro of ohlldren; ie a rood and Ironer, and plaia oook, ana also a good mwot, and haa tbo boat of city reference. Ui >e *oea for two daya. Pioaco eall at 34A Third avonao. WANTED? A SITUATION AS LAUNDRESS, OR TO aaeitt ia tho oaro of a dairy, or to eoek. waah aad iroB, or to do geaeral heuaewerk. flood oity refereneoe. Pleaae eall at 193 Moreor atreot. between Blooskoi and Amity ?treeta. No okjootioa to go la the country. WANTED? BV A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAtf, a altnation a* Chambermaid or Waiter, or weald do genera) bonaework, in a am all family Caa giro rood oity roferenoe from ker laat plao*. where atoe kaa tired for the lafttwo yea r?, and wkore e.'.e nan be teen? 163 Eaat Eigh teenth afreet, betweea Seooad and Third avaaae*. WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE young woman, aa Cook, Waaber aad Inner, or to do ehamktrverk and waitlag, in a private family. Nn objec tion to go in the country. Tho boat of oity roferenoe given. Can make good bread, and make heraolf generally neoful. Can be iten for two daya, at 77 Croaby itmt. ANTED- A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE weman aa Cook; ia a good baker, and understand* ?aatry of all kind*: none Bead ap?ly onl? thnaa of a imall '?jally; good roferenoe oaa he givea. Pleaao inquire at No. ??? W?,f Nineteenth atreet. between Siith aad ftaventb w avenue., Brtt floorj front room OOOD COOK, WHO would give aeaia'.anoo ?fir ANTE?-a SITUATION. BY A YT la MnpMnit |n her eapaoity; - ----- ia wa'Mag and Ironing, and whe ia partieular In embracing tke aitnalloa in a private family. ?*? he ?eea for two or three day*. It' not anlted: good city referenon ea? be given. Call at !m Eleventh atreet, tx-twoea Firat and Seooad avo auca, ton floor. WANTED-A SITUATION, ny A RESPECT ABLE xlrl a* Cook Waeher, end Ironet; la a good baker) the beat ef city referencea ean bo riven. Apply at it) floury ?tract Can he acen fo? two daya. Wanted- nv two respectable voirwo fitRi.t. at'iiattnne? one aa 'harabermald and W>?iWir; the othrT li do flaln ?e*in* and lalio n?r? f oMIdren; eon give the boat of ct>y r?feren< i?, tpply ?t HI fc ta?. Ilpadtiy ( a-, bo ar'B for three day i no obiootioa to go io the country, w WANTBD-BY A B B8 PBCT ABLB TOUWCI WOMAIV. i illniUt as g*ad Cask. Vtikir u< If ???>. Um< lafiriieu finliM. Cm be ini for two Uyi, *t iil flml IIIHt, tillll ItHlli ?MI HM ?!??? (tor*. WANTKD-A SITUATION, BT A BBSPBCTABLB youBg fir). M pitta C?ok er ihtmktriit^! la *u ex eellest FMPti *b< ironer. Hm tbe beet af eity a?d eona trj roferaaee Ma abjeclioa ta 10 a abort 4i<Mmi la tha eaavtry. I'laaaa aall at No. K17ThM tmia, mn?f ?( nirMutk lUtit, li Aa tlm. WANTED? BT A BBS PBCTABLB GIBL, A ?ITJA I>iq aa Chambermaid; baa do nbjoetioa to aaaiat in waaklsg ?t ironiag. H<-?? af ai J refer. noe given. Oaa ba fceu !?.r two daja at K)*5 Cedar ureal. WANTtD-BV A RMPBCTABLB TOUNQ WOMAN a aitnattoa ai Children's Maid, and to do plain mwIui Tha k?>t of eity rafaraaaa Fleaae eall at No. 07 Giakau ilraet. _ WANTED? TITO YOUXG LA ./I EH IN A LARGE feua!* aeminary in the eountry. eompetont to ? 'Aon tke plana and aiugiug. Apply to C. Brunei >g, 421 Broadway Wanted? a situation, bv a youno woman fr?m London. a* Chambermaid or plain Coak. M >od el'y reference from her laat plaea given. C?a be ?e?a uaMl engaged, at 1.13 Walker street, ia ill* rear, Irst floor, frank ream. \JtT ANTED ? A WET NURSB, WITH A FRESH 11R.K \ST TT of uiilk. fera eklld one a^itli eld. Apply, thi* day. at 36 Wed Portietii street, be ' wee o Seveata and Eighth avenues. _ WANTED- IN A REl'AIL OBOCERT, A SMART Ac tive koj, about 18 year* of axe. Apply la HaKDIMaN h "ARD, earner Columbia and Saokett streets, Prookiyn WANTBD-BY AN ACTIVE MARRI BP UBNTLEM A N. a Gash an thoroughly aeqnaluted with the Bai(!leh laagiaie. a 'it nation aa elark la aeme rospeotable muroaa tile er maanfaetnriag eonotra Ilu eoms knowledge at ehemiesle? writae a |aed kaad, aad >? able to taka oh?rg? of a aet af 'oaks. Gaa ti*e beat o' rafereaeaa. and on aeennat of net btia,, without ni?aae, good salary wmll not be aa mneli an a->j*et tke Ant time aa a sitatti** in a vary re apettable bnniaeas. No t there need api>ly. Address A. W., Herald afite WANTED-A 6M \KT, INTELLIGENT. AND (NDIH trlons young man aequaioted with the India Rubber bniiaeee, aa general Clark in a wholesale aad retail atore<a the rity. Nfne bet tbo<? who ean devote thiir antlra time to butine*s need apply. Address, with real name aad resi dence, box 1,433 Poet Olflee. ANTKD-BT A BE1PBCTAI11.K AND wlLL RE r.inm*ad"d youug man, a m' nation aa C^aeUmen; anderstanus the rare of V'raea and carriages, and ia -ia?y waya ran ? ake hiineolf naeful aa a gen?r*l aervawt. Hue ao o tj <c ti' U ? to tr.ivl orgeSoath. Adrfro.H "Groom," Herald office, which will be promptly attended to. WANTED? IN A DRUG STORE, A SMART, ACTIVE kny. Aprly at 138 Sixth avenue, between Tenth abd BifTentb atreeta. WaNTRD-A FEW AOTITE TOO NO ME.V, AS CAT vaaiieri. Those havinc fr->m $2 to-Jft ean make ft n $10 to $1(1 per week. Inquire of 8. SIBItKE, No. M Ail en rtreet. Mrney rtfunded if goeda not ?old. WAf TED- A SITUATION AS FARMER OR CAl'k" taker en a geatleaan'n farm, by a married man. ?-'io thoreiigl iy iniil*r?'andn hie bneinoea, and ia pes loot ly <* ifnaiBtnd with tha (rr. win* of turnips. beetH. carrot*. &o.; aWo. the ditokiuK of land, the ataole ftedioK aad care of ?tock ia geBeral. llai a eosaiderable kanwledne of ?ar dcniug. Addreia J. N.,66 Chriaty atroet, la tlie rear. WAN'lED I HM Kl' 1 ATk'.V ? TWO FIRST-RATE jeurveymcn llalr l>reaaera. Oomr-etent muu will re ecira the bigheet wa^ea. Apply to JAMiiS KTOK.E3, 277 Fnlton atreet, llrooUlyn. ANTED.? A SITUATION, BY A BOY 17 YEARS ef aire, to learn a trade, wiahea to go to a oooper, ear it?r. bricklayer, er aaiith. Can be aeon, for two daya, at Ao. i<4 f.-vnt etreet, Brooklyn. WANTID-TWO GOOD MEN, TO WORK ON A farm, who nnderatand mowing. Inquire at the denk of the Herald "flx e, after 7 o'olook thil ovening. WANTBD-llY A ?VKLI, EDUCATED BOY, 17 /BARS of a^e, who writes a good hand and nnderit.'.ndx ao eoonte. a litnation In an offi?e er atort? a wholeaalaoneDro ftrred. The beet of eity referanoea liven. A line addrealed to C. F., Herald etuee, will be immediately attoaded to. WANTED? A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS and |olite manners, to attend in a I'iatol Gallerj; be niuatbrtnfr tne 1 ? ?t of city i ferouco ai tokoe?tyana eo brirty. Such a one ean appl betweoa the horrs of 10 aad 11, A. M., at No. 8<2 Barclay a r**'< to Mr. J. TravU. BIT AKTED? BY A l'ROTESTANT YOUNG MAN, A TT altuailoa to drive a liorie and wagon in tlio rity; hois | well attainted it. the city; aroeery or milk wagon preferred; baa no o>te?tiun to work on a farm a abort diat.*o?e <rom the rity. Call, or adureat Nt. tlt> Bant Ntneteenib atreet, tirat tloor, in the rear. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE MIDDLE AOBD man, a litnatien a* Waite . in a nlvato family; hai been alx yearn ? ith hit laat rtiployer. from ./bom he can five a Komi eharacter. AJdrma'W. W., Herald offiie. WANTED -BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNC MAN, OF rober an! 'nduatri us habit*, a altnrtlou as CoAch man: nnder"*anda working In a garden; the e >nntry pre ferrrd. Tke beat of reference given. It jutrt at 71 BeeuiaB ?tre et, tie two daya. WANTEI)-a SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE I'rotr tant ynnng wan. aa Coaehiran. or i.a Oromn | and Cvaohciai; nnder?tand? hia buainrai in every rmpeot? I kat we tbe eity well, aad lias lived with aome or the moat rcapeetabl familial. Can bo well recommended for gcnaral lood coneni't. Hae no objection t.i the e nntry -would pre- | fer State ii uland. Addroaa to the offloe of tMa paper far ^ two da> , to T. F., eoacl.i aa. WANTED- A SITUATION, AS COACHMAN, BY A atuart lnduRtrijna yonng man. who uuderi'arda hia ! I'tii'ioer: !ia* nf objection to g i in the conntry; tl. ; belt ef riiy r?fi rtnoes given. Please call f.t No. 2U J?hn artoct, Brocalyti- ' ARFSPECTABLE GIRL WISHES A SITUATIOM-'O a r'X>d plain o oV aari at. aaeeliant wnaber an<l ironor; or at Lai.ndrt'S*; no objeoti^a to go t> the country; wo?l t make horaelf generally uaefnl; t?u< good referei i?. Apply ior two days, at 2-lti Thirteenth atreet, aeoond do it. AS J TUATION WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE yoang woman, to do Cbamberwork; eaa wa ll aad iron; or w ould go aa child'a nnrse; has no objections to go a shorn diptanrein the eonntry; ean be seen for two day". Inquire at 2<>7 Twenty lerentb slreet, between Ninth andT<intb ave aurs. Can give good ritv reference from her laet place, wbert fhe lia- lived as olvild's nuraa aad < hamberiuaid Ui three years. w AS NURSE, SEAMSTRESS, CHAMBERMAID, OR Laundrese? A yuan* wimu, who psrfeetly ondtr f'led* li'r imMness iQtr.f ul ? Tie above, is detirou* of an engagement. Ftr- 1, class < <t7 referei ce: has no objection to tlie ceuntry The advertisor i? aj'rotestant. Address E. T.. Herald offi tt. ~ A RESPECTABLE yoeng girl wants A SITfl ation to take tare of ebildrea, and da plain sewing. Please rail ?? 48!) fourth street, between First and Second Willi BtttHWi Irrtixr. A YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION TO DO honsewosk, |x a good washer and ironer: she oan bo soon for two days, at 112 Twenty- tilth street, between SeoonJ and Tlurd MWMH Ml *?"* of ?>lJ reference can be given. ^ As BZOBtUMf NWOB cook, wit* TME BRST ci j rec. muien wishes u tituatt >n it za Ameri can < r I i ?u< b family -"he nan I e <een at her rroent pl?'? 1) Eait :i ve ntceatb street, every day after 10 o'oloek, A. M' A CARD? TO .1 1* WF.LLZKH ? AN ENflR* . *R( WHO has learned b's business In New York, >? desirous of gettirg a permanent sltuaUon. He is confident he can BJ1 ft with ability; has no objection to lea-o the city prefer a . ituationas salesman, where inrinitrv and utility world bo rewarded. A note addressed to Martin, Herald office, will meet with prompt attention. A voting man, viu acquainted with the drug basiarss, and speaks English. French, and Oe man liner tly. is del. reus of obtaining a situating in a whole salt establishment- The same has bad charge of several ra ti II drnc '.ires I* this city and can some well reconimiad sd. Addrc?e E. E., this office. A pianoforte FINISHER WANTi:? immediate ly. by J. F. WARNFK ft CO., 411 Broadway. A f.rss rate workman will find this a good s.tuaticn. Agents wanted? to sei.l or travel, with ard's Rio Graade Powder*. forthe enr* of ri'arrhira and cholera. Agents may double their money on this ar ticle, and at the samo time do the public much rood by sell ing to them the greatest bles>inx tn*t has ever been set >11 f re the i nhlle. Apply a? ;229 Eighth avenue. scar Twonty ?rststeeet. np stairs irst floor. GOOD ADVERTISING CANVASSER WANTED for a Snadiy paper. A competent man ran hear of a good and f trmanoat h'tnatioa. by ad''ro#8ing "Howard," box 1- 4, Post OAce. A YOUNG HUNGARIAN GENIT.EMAN, WHf) IJN dsrstAnd* tli* German aad English langnages tliorongkly, wishes a sitnation. in a wholosale or retail warehonsc G?od references given for eharictcr And oaf ability. Adores# *?j yar, Herald office. BOY WANTED? W AT'TED, IN a LA WYER'S office, a smart, active boy, between 12 and H years of age. One wbe writes a good h?nd, and who would endeavor to learn and lirprove himself, may address, in hand writing of ap plicant, JAMES HORROUH, 70 Wall street. Salary $1 per week the trst year. BOY WANTED IN A STORE, TO ACT AS LIGHT Porter. Hast eoese weli recommended. Apply at Liberty street, np stair*. Diet cartmen in jersey city wanted -a eeaple of carts can Sua a good job by calling at the seventh bouse ia Wayne it-eei. above Barrow, rl/ht hand side. Also wanted, aeeeond hand set of Mathe-aatical la strnments. For sale, a Daguerreotype Apparatus, en* of Harrison'1 beet, eh?i.p. CtTUATTON WANTED? BY A RESPECTABLE WO C maa, toOook, Wash, and Iron, or to do general ho?<?. work ic a small private family. Oan give tke best of rofe roaee. Inqnire at Ne. 2D Liriagston etreet, Brooklyn. TO PAWN BEOKEEI, SILVERS H ITHS, AND 8ALES ?ea. A reepeetablo yeaag asaa karlag kad ooaei derahle exporioaoo ia pawnbroking and sale besiaess, is de elrens ef obtaining a situatloa. Any ceatlsmaa havlag a vaeaaov in kie eetebliohment, wnnln lad the advertiser peo eeseed ef perse veriac, trustworthy, aad iadustrions habit*. Good oity eeferenoo. Salary aot somtieh aa ehject so Imme diate smeloynec t. Please addrees, for three aext days, J. N., 149 Myrtle aveaae, Brookljra. TO TAILORS AND CLOTH I EES.? W ANTED, A SIT aatien as Tnttor, by a young maa of goo>l experieaeo. Satisfactory refereaoe given. Apply at 23 Chamber* street, la the tailor's store. TO DRUGGISTS A ND DRUG CLERKS.? A GOOD Druggist Is waated to pnrohaao aa iator?*t I*. and take ehargo of, a mall, woll-stooked and well-established Drag Store, in tke veper part of th* oity. Arrangeeseau desirable t? such a party are offered. Addreo* " I'hysloi\a,', Herald olS ee. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.-A YOUNG ma* and his wife are very anxious t* procure soaae kind el employment, either in this city or ont ef It. The maa U a competent bookkeeper ar J penman, and would wieh to b? engaged la a manufactory or foundry as olerk. or in any other eapaci*/, where fair aMtltiea, strict iate jrity and ia dnstry would iasare him a living. The lady to a ooiapeteat Uaohor, having been engaged for tome yeor* paet la teaoh taitr most ^noresisfnlly in tblsoity. An advantageons arrange ment iti'fht be made with some gentleman who wonld re quire the rertine* of both, hut It ie n?t neeeeoary that both abonla be engaged. The best re'erenee* will be given, and prompt at'eatlea paid to Miy letter* Mat to "Arcularlam" Herald oCee. WANT1D-AT TnE BROOKLYN INTELLIGENCE OAeo, 4 Rands street, Brooklyn? Porisr*. Grenas, Coachmen, f.aborers. Boys. Cook*, Chambermaids. Nur?es, General H?neeworkere, kf. They m??t be well reoom mended, Enployers sapplied with efficient servants at tho following ratee.? 7B etats p^rycar; otherwi?e, 2 B ecnts. INTEI.I,ICEN<'F. OFFICII AND GENERAL AOF.XCIH. Il< n?elieep?rs Farmore Muimfact irere, aed Ce ninOrclai j men. provided e |th the b*st of help ft > Partlowlar M*ea ti n pa'd to the buying, selling. K id 'et.tinirof ?Ion>e? Ki'im, l,' t. It OrHern and oninmnnioat'ons fr mi ?nvdl?t meo, tost ptld lU.'iA^/'STalN-.IKi^Praad e'vwt Wltliaiu<? | evrg L, 1. M. WALI.ACR. WA from be >u to LTackburg Virginia. Any Mipectlng htm will be thankfully re**iv*d by Duffy, at 29 lut Twentieth rtrcet. WTED ? A BOY ABOUT FOURTEEN YBARS Of 1 ?> ?? N*. MB WMhiagtoa MrMt. WABTBD? AT 111 NASSAU BTli4BT, OUHfl bliWM. firttn, Barkeeper*. Oakiax*, OsmMm. koy* to laara irriN. mea ob rallroada tad Urai. fir ? fa* 50ud aituaiioa*. Appliaaat* *nolo.l??fl, frM of ?diking Ul u| ayiucnt, wlli be aulted. J] THoa. sriwg. Ami WANTED? 1W CIUNWICB STRUT, INTBLLl |?aea ???? far the procuring *f All ktad* Of aea pl>y ? Ml, Bad ftr all blade et itriinU. Man, Vtata, Bay* and Oirle? IrWIi Engliek, Utrau, Saotoh, VF rlth Franoh or 11*1 ? Ut! lOGertaaa rtrmtri wanted immediately. Par ion* paying at tkla a Ac*, and not *uited, tkall have tb.iir m>n*y Ail re tnrm*d. RBBPR'TABLE GERMAN SERVANTS Of BVElft dcaariptlon ; dr*M and eklrt maker*; *onfeeti mora ; Fieaeh baa***, French ahoemakere, painter*, aad at?eha alaa *f *v*ry description u wall a* factory lab'irere. * to tod at the efflee, 9ft Greenwich rtraat. LOUIS HORNI. FBMMAIi. "|F DON VICCNTR OSBS WILL FLBASE CALL AT A tb* aSaa of the *ab**rtbar, b* will racalv* tofaraattoa afantatoraattag aad aatiefaatory character Itoa Ida frteadc ? Havana. .HRNRY A OOl r. U SonvA atraat. IN FOR M ATION W A N TED OF PHILIP DUFFY-WUEN ?art heard from be waa In Lvnchburg i'.f >rm*tieh reap t? ?i*t*r, Ann* . INFORMATION WANTED OF WILLIAM JONES, (who left Carlo w, Ireland, in 1825 *r ltfcJfl. in company with Jainea Jaata aad Beajamin. ) by hi* aon William at M Centra atraat. Newark, New Jeieay, vf Jc?epb Millar, 219 CabaI (treat, New York. 8PKCIAX. ROTKIf! OFFICE or TUB COMMISSION BR 1 J JURORS, NO. 7 City Mall.? Jury Notice.? Alt pe?- >a* exempt ky law (rain toe pvrfonnaaaa ef Jury doty, hava aot ra ?M tared tkatr *x*mptton at kbit* alftoe aro ri?ti?(ed to do *? ?a ar before the tenth day or J aly a?xt, an ? laired by law, WM. A. WaLKER, t'ommiwaieut.- of Juror*. NOTICR TO TAX PATERS.? THE UNDERSIGNED glee ??tic* to eitlaan* Interested, tkat they have ex toaded the time for receiving objections anaiunt aaeemaient* ?nraal and personal ertato, antil Tncadity afternoon, the J? tk latt. Otti'* honrifrom 0 o'clock A. M. till 4 P. M. J. W. ALLEN, ) J. DE LA MaTER,} Tax CominlMioner*. URO, H. I'l! It st it, S All persons haviii? tickets issued by tiie Uidaen River Railroad Company, for King to and re taming from Stryker'a Bay, for tho Gorman Musical PI* Nte, ei Jane 22d latt, and far which th*y could not gat par**** at that day, are raqaeeUd to d*llT*r tit* *aino, wl'h their al lrc?* to Mr. Deluce N*. 7 How*rr; Meatrs. Kubn Ik Rung, 27-tfjrard atraat; Mr. J. Aahunaa, 231 Eighth areaue, forth* furfoa* of obtaining the proper redroa* from '.lie company. BI'REAU OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE? WANTED, oa' or two lota of ground, with or without a almd or k"lli!mg on them, to b? need an a D'ig Pound, for three montba, bctwcca Twelfth and Thirtieth atraeta. en the ?eat or eaat aide of the city, where thoro aro no dwllinga ?Unated in the Immediate vicinity. Apply imnfdiatelj' at tha uiuce of tho Chief of I'olioo. First company r. os.-compant orders ? New York., June 28, IBft'J. Sir:? Y*u are hereby notl lod that the aomptny will parade, fer target practice, on Tfturaday, July lat. The incmbcra will a*aeml>le at No.ftB Broad wa>,xt 8 o'olock, A. M., 'preolaely, and proceed to Stryker't Bay. The following regulation* will kaobtorvml; ? Flr>t? Dreaa? Itlack dreaa coat*, hata, and *rXTatt; white puntaloona, white croa* aud body belt*. Sound? Arma? nmooth hero lnuebctr, flint lo?'k, and not carrying more than eighteen ball* to a pound. Third ? Any mnmhor who doe* not meet at tho time appointed, and march with tho company, aliall not he entitled to a nri. o if ho nhoutd win o?e. ByoHerof DAVID POIjLOCK, Cart tin. D. Multxav, O. S. Notice.? tue next meeting or the oufpy Goard will be held on Thuradity evealng, July iat, at the " iirilliant," Ne.ii lUttery Plaoa, at b u'tlook. Mem ber* ar* requested to attend, to make preMrntion' for their leeond Annual I'arad*. Hy order, MaRTIN CREG'JR, Ti;. ik ah Crkku, S*eretary. Captain. IRISH CIVIC AND TKADES SOCIETIES- FOURTH July.? The Delegate* repreaeating the different Souietiea ofNcw Yerk, Mrooklyn, .'oraey City, and Williamibnr^h, who intend to celehrat* the forthoom ng Anniversary' or American Indnpendenee, are hereby roquaxtod to atten<l an a* loomed meeting thu: evening. ( Wedneadav, ) at 7(1 I'rlaaa |t (tat, to ballot for place in line, appoint ^tfiacra, and ratko finuS irrangemeBta for tho proeaaaion. Soeletle* not yet tv b.vrented, are r*qu??ted to aen?l delegaten Uii? oxoainj.;. By order, JAMES UOMRAT, Chairman. William MoDeBmott, Socrr tary l _ - oniTUARV. OV. A? TIIF, MEMBERS OF WARRIC.V CIIAITER ? N<f. 3, O. U A. are notified to appear at the Chapter Room, Thuraday morning at 7 o'clock, for the pnrpnao of attending the funeral of onr deceaaed brother. H. D. Iland lia. Member* of other ehaftora ar* reapactfully Invited to BttoBd. By order, A. C. PAGE, 8a< hom. C. F. Uebmarob, C.C. CLAY FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION.- THE GRRATCOM uon*r i* no more llenrv Clay al**pi with the daparttKi pa llet* of the republio. Tho members of thia Aaaoeiation are natifled that a mtetins will be hold at tk* Hty Hotel, eoiaer of Brcadway aad Howard itreet, tbl* ( Wedneaday) *v ning, Jnne M, 18A2, at 8 o'clock, to take aueh action aa mi y be proper in paying juat tribute to th* memory of H-arjClay. By oroor. M. R. BREWER, Pr?*ld*nt. J*" KNTAPP, ^"*1 Vice Ja*. L. Bbrriir, (Secretary. voutioau The old ninth in the field. -at a large and snthusiaetlo meeting of the democratic eleotorc 01' tl>e Ninth ward of the city of New York, convened, pursuant to notice, for 'ho formation ef a detnnoraoio wecciMioo, U Smith'* un'tl, No. W PmrY itml, en notion, !e?u D. Smith wan called to the chair pro tem , anil Do lg? appointed Secretary pre tem. On motioi of lion. J. fkir man Brewnell, dnly seconded? It was resol ved, That the de mocratic clictere, now present, do form theiuselvoe into a Ninth Ward Pierre and King Aeeoeletlon, which reeolu ti'in was carried unanimously, an Id loejr and prolonged cheering. Upon nomination aed ballot the following gentle mer were declared duly elected, ae permanent officers of the aoeodstion:? Preoidenf: Alderutaa H'in. J. Brieloy; Bret Vlec Trctldent, James II. lfartin; second Viee President, Col Tbotnas Walker; first Secretary, W m II. Dusenborry; second Secretary, E. Van Boron, Treasurer, Gastarus A. Conover. On motion, the meeting adjonrned. to meet at the lame plaee cn Wednesday evening, July 7tl>. JAMES ft. SMITH, Chairman pro ifB. Wm. Don or, Secretary pro tem. EI.Kt ENT1I WARD-MASK nRIlO - DEMOCRATS arouio! arouse Tho untcrriticd drmoeracy of the E'. venth ward will hold a muss meeting on Thursday evon ing, July Int. at eight o'clock, in tho square of Union Marlct, for tho i jorpoce of ratifying the nomln&Mon of Ft ai'klin Pierce fur Preiident, and William K. King f ir Vice President. There will bean excellent br.nd of mnslo in attendance, bemdes spc"> ihe? from the following gentlemen : ? Hen. John MsKon, John Van Bur< o, Esq., John Coelirnn, Esq , Tho in ..a C. Field, Kiq.. Jonas It. Phillips, Esq., Lu re nm It. Shepard, E?m., Ira 8. Davie, Esq.. Isaiah llyndtrs, and several others. By order, ANDtttiV JAC'KHAN. C'halrtna.. Committee of Arrangements. Roi.inr Kaali Chairmau Ward Committee An'*. M. V Ai.rnTiWH, President Pierce and Kinx Asi'n. Beunari CtisitTiijn, President Dem. Rep. Ass'n. AJ I NTH WAHIl IN THE Pi KM).- AT A LARCE AND 11 enthnnastir meeting of the Democratic Republican Electors, held on Monday ( "filing, June 2M. ISU, at Smith ? lintel. No. 9ti Perry street, when, upon motion of llr. Wss. Ackcrmnn, that J. B. Smith, Esq , aet a* Chairman, oro. tem.; ami on motion of Mr. Win. 11. Ripley, that William DoiUe, K? i| , aet as Secretary, pro. tem., which tm alopt ed unat imoucy, the chairman then, at considerable length, stated tie object and im|>ort*uee of the meeting; when, oa motion of J Sbeiman Krwn<:Il Esq., it was Ree-.lvtd, That we form ourselves inte a Ninth Ward Pier' e and King Association, which wan nnaaimcusly adopted, and responded te by cheers of three time* three, wl'.h a regular eld fashioned democratic tiger. On motion tf Jam?s L. Vaa Wart, that we now proceed to elect per m inert officers (bv ballot) for this asaoe(atlon. adopted. On motion of Lewis J Pai ker, that tho Chairman appoint twe tellers to condnet ?aid electl in. Carried. The C' hair man then aptxlnt?d M?ur< Brewnell and Ripley, The elec tion being keld aau eonrlnded, the visnlt was as follows ?? for President? Alderman Wm J. Bri^lsy; ler Yloe Presi dents- James B. Martin aid Tho*. Walker ; for Seerotarioi ?William Dnsenhnry and Edward Van Huron ; for Trea ?urer? Gnttavne A. Coaover. Oa motion of John W. Richardson, that we do now adjourn, mbjecttolbe call of tho PrvoidtnW Carried. ISAAC B. SMITH, Chairman, pro. tea. WiLfcjAM Dotien, Secretary, pro. tem. 820 III UWAJUM. REWARD -STOLEN FROM WALLISfe MATHEV, 71 Nana* street, a Gold Heating Case Watok. en S raved all over the ease, and en tho movement "Pine I, on es Deplex, warraatotf, by Samuel Magnus. 127 Feaehiirjh street. Leaoon. Me. A377. Also a small (laid Hunting Caoo watch, engine turned, Waltls, Mathey k Co., Geaeve, No. t'3, anchor eseapem eat, 13 ruby jewel*. 4*)(\ RKWARD-TO ANT BODY WHO WILL BE able to get a yonng induotrions Gorman w?ll ro eommended, a situation as Porter in some Mereantilo hointe, ho can wr te and meak ti e (lerman and Knglish Langnagoo. Any letters addreised to A. S. T , will bo promptly attend ed to. ttin RIWARD ? LOST, ON TBI ".1 INST., ffl 1" erming from kt*nliattan?lllo to thie city, on the llloomingdale read, a Wallet containing Hank Notes and Gold amounting to between ISO aad $100 Tho above re ward will be (.aid to the flr?Ur kr leavln* it at No. 10 .'araes Slip, or at tl .? snbscrlher't, lB4tb etreet, corner of T mth aveine. JollN M. LITTKLU MfOfk REWARD -LOST, FROM ON BOARD TIIC ffl?" steamboat Empire, ?f Tn>y, a large sited far(?t Bag, onntaiulag clothing, and some papers ef no ?i?e to any one but the owner; also a blaek clnth ovcrooat. Tbe abtve reward will be paid for the Carpet Bag ml papern, and no qeestioas asked, by leaving the same with the t&rkeeper of taie Northern Hotel, foot o' Cortinadt street. REWARD-LEFT IN ONE OF TIIE FULTON st'ect Stagoi, at Fulton Ferry, last evening, 2mh fnst, a Ilia, k Opera O'ae , without the ease The Under will receive tho above reward, by leaving it with tho Ferry master. REWARB.? LOaT, A UKINDLK BULL TF.KRIER yB? t Oog, woigbiagtwenty eight pounds, white stripe down tbe breast, eaoh foot tippod with white, ears and tall imp ?ed. Whoever will rotnrn him to No <17 Chambers street, pasement, will receive tho above reward. t* REWARD-LOST ON TUE 2HTH INSTANT, IN J? lv/ passing ro m No 11 Park Row to tho corner of Burton and Hndson streets, In one of Eipp It Brown's Stagoo, a letter directed to H. D. Bill, Esq , oontaininjr a One llnu dred Dollar bill of the Baak of Commerce. The flader will roi eive the atove reward, by leaving It at the oorner of Mor t"B aad West etreetc, offloe of Bamuel J. Soely. Lost-a catalogue or wines, etc . tooetiier with an account of sales by Gerard Bette fc Co., Ano tioneeri. The above was either lost in a Broadway sta<e, between Prinoe street and South Ferry, or dropped in Water street, between Whitehall street and Old Slip, jester. lay, MHh inst. Tho Under will bo enttahl* rewarded ny leaving it at the (tore of B. OBEENWOOD. k CO. S3 Doy street. Ran awat.-james m alone left Stamford oa Tuesday la.t; wae sees ia New Haven oa Wednes day. lie Is 10 years eld. Aay iaformatlea regardiag him Will bo thankfnlly received by his mother, Cathariae Maleae, at Stamford, Conn. STOLBN-FROM A COUNTRY RF.S1DENCK, NRAR Dobbo' Ferry, two gold watohes, with chains attached, aad two wallets, containing money. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the articles aad detection of the thiet, at i4 South street, up stairs. STRAY1 1) A WAV F UiM HOMF, IN A STAT* OTMF.N tal Aberration of mild, on Sund*'/ tlis 27'h of Jnne, Jn' t abont four n'sloch .? ' he m"rnin.-. vrniiam II. II ill, y"\rs,.f see at 'lit B 1. >t S i-<hes hijh. I -tit sa i ly om plexion. nrd bliio e? .. , r,i o P nama ht*. I 'f Tntl'l >n that It ill lead to r wry <tll ' ?> llbertHy rewarde 1. A HaI.U II, ? 'I ^ci.ty Bret street or 2$7 Gc??n<v>v!> strtOV ? , n mat FOR HA LB ? SITD ATED THRBB A all* twa UUkMkMtt, (war h4 a ktlf aUw (torn li?ltk,la?fcitlNi ailH trvm N?> fork. muIiiIm of lot I J- two MlOo of land, drawing, dining. ttd breakfast Mow, >M| kMk iota, kit* baa, Uil Ado conservatory ua irat ftoort t||k? bo4roeui? ?a second floor; Beabo'e rufo, ?n< hot aad sold water. The hanse is heated by a furnace. TkeeetbatldlMs aro a*w and pom tad. A Cottage. suitable fir t lakil (Mllf. A railroad t? N?? York, tlreal/ ?r veysd and staked oat, wtil have a depot aovan aiaatoo walk from tbe kouse. Possession given i'H mediately. Apply to B. A. J oo, 7M Broad street; or Dumont 4 Hueoaek, 11 Wall atroot. _ Acountky beat roR sale-situated Aim r 13 miles from New York, on the Mirrls aad C<?. x it kit road, seven mlnutee walk fr> m the depot. Tb> Ora-.** Uoautaia Waur Cure Establish uout to witkia a ab >rt w? a. The rhytlelan ot ilia same attoads outdoor patien' ?. SaU rssidease, with oat bnildlaco, aro aow ; .10 vroo of suf. srior Laad. wi ik largo Orchard*. Garden. k?. ! all well staikeJ, with everything uaoful. Immediate pnsseosi >n may ha?l. Terms easy. Apply to B. A. J KB, 75 Broad otioot, or DUR MONT It flOBBACK, II Wall atreet. A REFECTORY AND OYSTER 8ALOON. NEWLY and aeatly fitted up, aa ill bo told out low for oaab, on *< ociiat of tlio proprietor being obliged to leave the city. Applyon the premise*, at No. 129 Columbia street. ooraor of Houston Price $13j for fixture*. Rent %'iW p?T year. A LARGE FRONT ROOM ON THE SECOND FLOOR, with or without Board to Let? at No. 12 Cottar* pines. HAK1RY FOR SALE ? TIIE STOCK AND FIXTURES at a well established bakery, now doing a gnod business. For further parti JUlars, apply at Suers It J urges'! 94 Bar clay t treat. For sale? a canal boat, suitable for the Coal *.rad? or a Lighter. Far further par Honiara ia quhre ut M. U. CALEB fc CO.. 108 Broad street. FOR Ha I K, OK WOULD BE EXCHANGED FOR A Farm, a Hotel at Saratoga Spring*, and enseeesion glvoa immediately; or would bejel. Address U.R. l'?fleral<l office. ' r ? ' ? ' ? . OR HALE THE f.EA?E AND FURNITURE OF A modern sited Until, iarac of th* hjat |->oationain the ?it*, situated opp.atte oae pi tho greatest arrival depots, and on a earner of t aro of Out greaUat public thoroughfares. Also, a first rate dining and drinaing Saloon located near the Herald hBm. Apply to ROBlNdON, 84 Na'aart" atreet, upitairs. For bale- an bi.eca.nt country location,' with a hot water prospect, in the suburbs of the city, situated near the foot of H7th street, near the Eaet ri? ?rf The property consists of a neat two story and attio house ?table and poultry abed, together with 10 lota of ground, et tendlngfrom 117th to 1 18th street. elegantly glaul out ua garden, abounding with choice fruit trees, grape vines, shrubb.irv, aad In worn aieo, a apriag of superior, soft water. The location Is perfectly healthy, and command' a splendid view of tbe Rati and Harlem river*. and furn'Nhee faclliii"* for fiahinp and boating unanrnaaaed hv any ntb?r locality in the vicinity of N*w V orU . Fricc $5,000; >J,5"0 can remain on boail and mortgage. Applv to H. A. DaRLING, 1W) Oreenwiohatreot. IJIOR SALE- A HOTK!. IN FULTON STREET, NOW r doing a larre knalaoae, and Uaae four years. Apply to Jaines Ityrne, 2CS Franklin street. FOR BALB? THE DKOr CURTAINS, SHIFTING scenes, dies and wings of tke Brooklyn Atlicnsruin. In unirc at th? City Hotel, Brooklyn. FOR 8ALR? THE BLOOP YACHT, THOMAS K. DOWN, lag. Meaanres all tarn tons. Complete in every respect. Lie* in Atlantic dock, Brooklyn. Apply to JOHN ROACH 70 Nassau streot, N?w York. _ OR SALE CUEAP-A ( ROCKERY STORK-ONE OF tlio host xtands in tho city. Inquiroat 00 R nex at'cet I^OR 8 A It E? A STEAM ENGINE OF SIX HORdH . power, made in tho most thorough rnannor. <t high finish, lias not boon in use over on? monthi together with two Cylinder Boilers, with magnetic water guage. All in complete crder. Apply at Ki and AS Prini>? Ktrcet, whore it ean M seen. F F IriOR 8ALR OR EXCHANCED? A SPLENDID COUN try ro?l<leneo, two and a half miloa from Newark, N. J. ? The bnUding is Gothic, HO feet long, containing 20 rooms, handsomely fininhnd. with iee, Waal', amn-nor. and green houaea. There aro two towera, one of which ha* a tank h >H ing.'l 000 gallons, supplying fountain, w ater oJoaeta. s< i. The entrancu hai a frontage of 300 feet, wfth four large atone pillar", iron satee and railings, a?<f an ar'-nuo loading to the bonse of 1,200 feet. wi?h efiorn hedge en hath >itdea. There are about tifty acre* of highly cultivated land attaohod to tho prrmlaoa. with abundanne of frnitol all kiuds. Tho gar don and lawn are handiomely laid out, with flowers, sliruha, evrgreon, and ornamental treoa. The outbuildings oonila of handa ime earn . atahlea, m l < arri*.-a home. Tlio aitua tini is high, commanding a good riew of the surrounding country, proverbially healthy, and aecotmiblo to New Yurk every half hour. The bouse is arraugod after the plan of Jfing'iah vi'ias. Apply to C. F. BUTLKH, No. I Na.aan street (Tribune BulldlarH), N. Y.. or C.J. HOLYLAND, corner of Broad and Market streets. NowarU, B. J. Farm for bale, at noutiiport, l. i-forty aeros, Including house, barn, lie. Tho aoil ia good and in good order. Seventeen aerse are in mowing rra?H, on the sbore, anil within one mile of a steamboat landing. Apply te C. W. ARTHUR. 28 Fulton Cunutry Market, between 0 and 12o'eleck, this any, er by letter, at Northport, L. I. l^ORRALE. OR TO LET? A BEAUTfFUL RESIDENCE. Ml at the foot of 121at street, adiolniug the Bast River with eigbt lets af ground, all in garden. Alsa a good doek ?n tbe rivrr. For further partioolars inquiro of J. T. K LOTS It CO., cot. Delancy t East its., E.R. 011 SALR-A RETAIL HARDWARE BTORK. IN A first rate loeation, and doing a good bnsinoss. The stock Is light, aad well selected. Kent vary low, and will he sold right, a* the owner hail other businos. Apply at No 287 Tenth avenae, between Twenty-eighth and l'wcnty FOR BALB.? A FIRST CLAH PORTER HOUSE, aeit door to tho New Haven hailroad depot. For terms, iau> ire on the premise*. No. 12 Caual street, or to JOHN KDWaRDB, Creton Brew ery, corner of Centre aad L??.a ard (treat*. P)U BALE? THB STOCK AN? VfXTURRS OF A Grocery and L<<iuor rt >rc, with Sitting Room aud B?.l room attached, will be eold cheap for caih. as the ownei ha< ether business to attsnd to. Bnquire en the Prcmi??<, 1!'J East Bleventb street. House an d i.ot for sale.-a tiirf.k story and baicmeat brick front h.inan, modern stylo, aituatcd on tbe corner of Meadow and Third Htrocts, Hohoken. Fart of the pnrehaio moony can remain on hoed and mortgage. In quire of ISAAC SUREVK. on the premiaoa. Sailboat viola fou sale.-bloop riookd and in prime order throughout. Has a small bjat, aud is fitted with gaff topsail aad Hying Jib. Is well calculated for a safe n'easuro boat. Rurthen six tons. Inonire of CHAS. UAKRR, id.') Chambers street; or, at Barker's Hotel. gabekw. WANTED TO (ELI. ? A li AS-I'ITT, N(. EH rtlll.lSI doing ? good buaineea Roaaon for selling ont ? going iato other business Inqnire at No. 41 Eighth annuo. WANTED TO SELL? THE HODhE AND LOT NO 10H Furry street, next to the earner of Creeawioh street. The bouae was Intended fer tbe owner's own use vthtn built. It contains seventeen room*, with the t'roton water up tb tbe third atory, with all the waatu and aoil pipe out to the street. Prico $2 000 can remain on bond and mortgage. It la now ranted for $300 per year, to gO'>d tenants, Would bo a good iavestmeut for a mia with smsll means, as he oouln live in part and let out the re mainder. Apply to JAMES HADDOCK, No. Uti Hndaon street, after H o'clock iu tho evening. 4*1 nnn ?FOR SALE. ON' RF^or AiH.r terwm, ? I^UVV/i a Manufacturing liutincaa, alru i Iv okt.ab lifhul paying large profita, which will he ao!d, with atock, fixtnrer, and cuitomers ; will be sold very low. Kcasoii given for aellinr. Addreas C. E. VY , Herald oiKee, statiug where an interview can he had All n/)A FOR ?Af K-FOUR NEW AND ELE ^11 gant bro?n atone front Houses on Clin t> n strut. The houses are three stories. ha?ement. and sub cellar. with gss, baths, and liniahed in the ciost inhttautiaJ aad faahionaole stjle, and the locatl <u nnsurpasasil. Price (IIOCO. M L. SIIELPO.N, Kr> Ni- m atreet. -housf, and lot for su.e-a de sirabl'i In use and lot on Ka?t Thirty dr?t ??reet, near Fonrth avooue, havlug moat modern icuprnve ments The house is 20 by <0. throe stories, basement, arad under cellar, and will b" f Id f"r $6,000? 1.%000 on mortgage. Apply to M. L 1 11 KI.DO.N, No. Nassau stfeet. A finn -STORE for bale.? one of tub w A ffre Vr vl vr ? snhstantia) Atlantic Dock f>tf.rea, |ent iug for $1 200 per ananm, will be s dd for $14 600 A email country seat near tho ei'y, worth $4 000 or $fl,0l*>, would b? taken in payment, with $2,<00 cash, and remainder on ?tortgage. M. L. SHEMiON, SA Nuni'i stfeet. Ann rKR ANNUM for bit thousand Upj&jvaJV/ dollars ? tliglbls business Investment ?To les'ld tl.e sleek, lsase. and goodwill ?f a Store In tho waif b, jewelry, aad faaoy goods line, in |a n>iuoipal city ssnth of the Potomac. The trade is well estahllkhed. and abnadaasand sonvinetng proof of the aefi'y of the Invest ment, and prospect of a speedy fortune, ean hegivsnithe sole eanie of tbe present proprietor real/oing being a uhanro in his domestic arransementa. which pre* ants hia giving hi* entire atteatioa in future; every accommodation will be given to the locomer, and, If wished, the advertiser would not oMect to a limited partnership. For reference address B. S BOWMAN, Herald office. DIRTSUOTIORB. ATOL'NO FRENCH LADV, HAVING PEVKRAI. PC- I pill IB tliie i lly. Will like to be |M|*I H ?m ?. hoarder j by aeme reepectable American family, where two lennone a day, litherin er In th? French lac *??re, wunH be r?- ; ?aided ait aa fi{ulvaltnt for her board. Flaaae addreaa Mia* J , KJ* Urease itreet, between 4 aud 7 o'olook. P. H. WIST POINT MATHEMATICS ? A CI.AS3 IS ABOUT commencing Prof Bartlet*.'* Meebauit*, Innonneotlon with a court* af Civil Kanlneerieg, at Mr. Kintley'i Sohool, und er the direction of aa accomplished graduate of the United State* Military Afa?lemy, who had had m<i >h experi ence in teaohiag the mhjeet. Thote de?ir>u* of availing thtmeelve* of the oppennnlty ef pern nine the higher branrbet ef Mathetnatici, will pleaee make application, at aa earlv day, to the Principal of the ttohonl. A few rfrt ~t> pupil* lea* advnneed. may aleo revive ln?trnctlo? iirvwt En?li>h, Ciataieal, and Mathematical department* of the ?< hoc) FAMII-T KC1JOOI, FOR BOYS? OOMBIKOK RIVBB, Conn ? De Wtft Nooney, Principal.? Thi* in*ti?ntlon If litnated in one of the jnoet boantirnl and healthfnl vil li iic? In Connecticut. The aeeomtuodatio** are ample, and the fai tlltiea tor acquiring a ueefal and elegant education nncqtialUd. Instruction will be given in the Oreek and Latin Innpna***, the higher branohc* of English, end in the French, Bpanleh, German, and Italian l#n*uag?>* There ia dally communication with tha eity by the Nangatnik Kul r<>ad. All application* to be made to the Priaoipal, at Cole bre*k river, or to Fo* fc Polehoin**, ecrnor of Brsftd and Bearer ttreet*. TO BOARDING SCHOOJ.S.-W ANTED TO PLACE A little girl, four year* old, la a go?d *?h*ol, in or near tha eity, where thn greateat attention will be paid her. Ad drea* H. T. PBTERs, ?9 Variek itreet. KtnOAL. J70LIAN PIANOS.? DEPOT FOR SALE OF HALLET, JKj Davit k Co.'* ( Beaton ) unrivalled Piano*. at the (tiaeieu* new roeme and pnblithing hen** of 60 aid It Berry. S9T Broadway. Seeendhaad Piano*. New and second-hand pianofortes ?ate have now on hand a large assortment of new and te em d hand Piano*, for eel* and to bire. Piano* from ftO to SMO. For hire from $3 to $10 pe' month. No. *W Broad way. SaFFORD ft BROTHER. For salb.-a six octave second hand Piano, perfectly lound, of Geleon'a mak*. The pro prietor leaving the ciiy, wiehet to *ell it very low. Addre** A. MARIA R. at 169 Grand ttreut, in th* dry good* *tore. FIREWORK*. PIREWORES -NEW TOUR I.ASORATORT. NO. 10<J front ?*r??t ? Fire Cracker*, Cantoa Rocket* Double Bender*, Jo*t t>tl"k*. an4 a complete aeeortioent of Fire . , . >t ted of the "r*t qnalry. on , er "in ?k " feternl, al*? "ommlt'co* ' ? i v clnoiii ?( l./V ?>? f'i- 1 i.ed en the tnont liberal t t ? >. M B*nn*tt )99 tts, Bt ?tr??t. UNION COURSE, L. I?RUNNING AND TROTTINO.? Tkureday. Jaly 1, at 2\ V M matob for fMl alh k?t?, Mtob weight*. Mr Raymond a gr g UnaWmm ton Uiiji imr >mn hr r Dudr Jtm. after, a mh? of $40). tiM to zo to tlt<- s*uoad|bMt km* tkreo ?ill kuti, is barsess Mr WMWimm a. m. Ia4* Rifclll Mr. H. Jones i>n'i> b r l'?t; Mr I. W*udr?B asmes b ( Pelham; Mr. S MeLaaab'in unu b. m. U4j flroobe. Seldom have the lovurs of i|wrti (uch * Irwl m the eatrles far thin d%y promts*. K?acmg aatl trotting, aad by aurh horsea Itnnaing betwaaa Man ttagtoa Grwy aad Dandy Jim. which nliibe a tr*?t ant oa Joy*d this iihoi. But tn the trottlai. The favorites of the sporting oomanni'y. I.adv S?0 Ik. Pet. I'elham. and Lady Kreaki, when will their equals strata e imi tog*tb*r. especially la a thro* Mile re a tout I I'erhapi sever. Tberw fere, all ye loTtri ef these auh.iinu sports, fall a?t tn Tea* attendance en thli occasion A ?< rd t<. ths wise I* inlMeleat. (sis wtll leave Montb Kerry, Bro*kljra for the Coarse, at tw* a'eleek. praoisely, and return as do-."* M tka iperta a/a over. rare eaeh way, 2A cents. JOHN I SNEOfKlR. Pro prletor. I ? TROTH NO. ?A PO**R OP ?JkO? baa f?r all trotting luimi- mile ti-at> bast three ka Are, la harnesi i. t? ei>m? 'If na Moa lay, JalrB'.h. Batrieo to alto* at Falkland k Dnryee'f. MBer ef Baat ft read* ay and Catharine street, on ijalfcy evoaiag. July lat, at IV a'olock JOHN I SNEIMtl rk, Propria t*t*r. UNION COBRBE. L I.-TROTTf NO. -A CVUR Of f#0? free far all horses that oarer we* a parse ef ovar t Ml? Bile heats, heat thr*? In Ave, tn hsrneai. t* aoma of *? aaday Jaij fitk. Entries tn close oa Thursday eraatat Jaly lit. at 10 a'aloak, at Falkland & Dnryee's, en raar ef la*t Broadway and Catharine street. JOHN I. HN E PIKER. Proprietor. RED HOU8E PLEASURE C.ROIJN It -TROTTING.? A parse ef f2fi will be given, t<> emue of ea Th irstily, 30th tnatant; alio beat*: beat tliren la Avu under the aaddla, far knrses that never won a furn. Closed with the fallow lag entries ?Mr Mouiertndy ke enters w. a W hlta Ghoutj D, Martin entire b. g. Wild Man of tho Wends: 0. tils a ton enters s. g. May Day; G llonnd enters G. (2. Dramiaar Boy; C. Brooks enters g. b. Port Washington. K tiirrr, Proprietor f^ROTTlMO.- CAMBRIDOR COrRflR. BOVPON. ? ON 1 Tassday. Jaly 13th, a Brand trial af aaaad win e?M af seat tka Aha** eearre. alie beats, beet three ta bra, , frae far all tretttaf horaea. at .H!^ o'aloek, P. M. Ok wit aeadar, Jaly Uth, a trial of ap^ed will eoae off, aaile taeta baat Una ta Ha, ta harness, free te all tretttaa hataaa tM I ttac bMW t aMlree ever $ lt*>. st .1H e'tileok. PTm. ?? Prl , a rrand trial ef speed will eeaae of, k?<i ato ray eat, t? haraaes. tree for \II tr?t?lnt 'mrsae. at 9>a w ajoek, P M. at PalklaaH i hnryaa. aomer at Baat Broadway aad Catienae ewaat. Raw Tart. Also, at Caabridae 9ark, B-at"? ?n or baf^ra rriday. Ja)y Id. at ? e>la<ik. r 1 Per fnrthor pnrtlnalan Inquire af I *. T. I'orter. R?^ , %f ?ba ^atrit ?' the Ttaae, or Hlraea CPtedruff. Bet.. >-?# teUaC la all of the abova trial* twa ?r Bare U Bake ? rece. PaiiE ? tiOftDvt IN, Pragrtatata. APUEKB Ok1 BM WILI ItsC TROTTED POR ON MON day. Jaly '>tii. et New K >chelie. fn>? for all trottluK li rn ? milr ki'ata beat Uiree la Hra. Kutriea to bo >n*<la liy 1 o'i look, at Wni. fihnle a Hotel. Now Itenbelle.ea tb? :tbove dsy. ?PORTUO. CI! A It KM: K -JBONEV M<i'M)UD tVII.f, IIOM asv man la the ri*y or rounty of Mow Vork, for tit* mini of one buailrrd or live hundred duller*, live or tsn urtU's. in two nkelvton inula. Money And maa ready at C< Ccdsratrret, Star Ucnao. J. HONK V McCLOUD, the C?uUor?' Pet NAROna HD LOIMflM. AHAND80MEI.T riJRNISHEI) I'ARUIR, 4NI) DRD roems eonnnuniealinK. ?? the thir l llo?r, bo letto oao or two slaRle (outlsmen with or eithout ti., on made rate taims. Apply at 77.'i Broadway. At.KNn.KHAN AND Win. OK SIN'lLi RRIVTLB mon, ean tknd axeellent anr<immo4?tiona at the flret elass ho*se t:i Wi'*t Taenty-a?oond atreet. I'he hn'iae la new. *mbraoln* all the modern iiii|>ruvem*ata. and furalah ed ei|nal to auy in tiie city. To parties from the South this In a good epportnnity. as they ean And all tho quiet aad sleaane* or a Drat elaaa private hunao ei mbtned wi'n the tabic of a Brnt i la?n hotel. No chiluron taken. Al.ADT WHO MVEK VERS RETIRED IN THK VI einityofHt. John's I'arlt, havim neveral handsome rooma nnoeaupied, is tor) decrown of letting one ur uiem, to one or two gCBtlumen, witla ur without partial board ; would let t|ie parlors furnished, with a-i nlo^ast moilan slana forte, if dosire*!. As agreeable society it the ehtef objesl of tint adverti?er, tba terms will bo tnndera-e. Roforxnen re quired. Address Mil. French, Ilroadway I'osi oitiea. for two days. AN CNFUHNISIIED FRONT room, witu a bhd room adjoining, ean be had. with good hoard, at No. 2V) Deiaatey atreet.. TheUranJ atreet ata^es rim tbrusgh Columbia street, n few doors from the house. Board? a French oentli..?i an. who .spbard Rn*lim? a superior teacher uf plane? nbhos board in a respeotaliio r.nnily, and wnni<l give lauaio lu? soni an part of compensation for it. I'lenn addroac a note to C'coolia, Herald otHee. Board in the country. -families or indi vlduals deairouoof procuring a plevuiant situation for the summer caaron, one hnnr ana lirtonu miautas rid* on the Mew York and New Ilav.'u Hailnxd, within ton ynrdi of salt water, ten be aoeoinmodatv I, by applying at 77 Duane street, toeoad story. BOARDING! BOARDING!!? FA MIL I Ki AND 8IVBLE gentlomca ean be aeoonimndated cith sonateel hoard and desirable roomu. at u4? Broadway rhenuase baa bean reeoiitly repaired and generously *uppl!?d wi?h gaa. wator and bathing rooms. A few duv and traaaleiat boar d on ? as be pruridoi' for on reasonabla terms. BOARD.-A rilRWlHHBD FRONT ROOM, WITU BID raoin and pantri ca attached, also a aqoaro attio room in a private house, .to let to a gentleman and hla wife, or (iiglc gentlemen, with board. Apply at 114 PtHtklta treat. OOARD ON .HTATEN 1SLA.N D? AOCUMMBtfaTIONa I LP can he had for a few n\or? l>nard>r< ('aiaiM** tt alalia seatlriaen) at the Port Uiuhmoed llouro, nirth ah>ra Sraten UlaaU. Th? house lis* Inat beea reAtoed, and tUc leeatlna is not surpassed in the r'i. inUr of t ha alt jr. Bk?n boat* ply almost constantly, from llattory plaeo, North river. Boarding- rooms to with riard.-a vary deeiraMe null of apartment*, very handajmely furnifh-id, eonantinn "? parlor and Mrmmi e?).>lutiu<, *uit able ier a amall family, ><r two or so >rn aluglo gentlnmea. Apply at 30 Clinton place, corner af Ki*hia ud Greeac streets. BOARDING DOWN TOWN, ON BR#aDW AY ? TRAN aicnt. or permanent hoarder* may Qnd *ood room*, woll fnrxlehcd wiOi new faraiturt a talilo will with the varu lic* ci the *ra*on, ttiefree net of warm ami cold Laths, at .'HO Ilroadtvay, w hrre quietacn* and comfort *nn he en joy c J for a fair rein uni ration. Transient hoard (I V> par day. JOSEPH I.. Ml l( Board wanted-hya gentlemav. wife, and Child, with full boar'l aid furnished room; location eaat af Broadway preferred. Ad<Jre?* "E. B B," Herald ?ffiee, stating Wrat?, Ike. Board in brooki.yn. five minutes- walk from I h* } uiton terry. Two young it'iatUinm aan tw aj annnodatod with hreakfaat. and tct, and thnnnr, an Sun daya, In a amall privet* tMiiily where they will And the eeuilort* of a home. Term* ???derate. Address Y., at the affiea of thin paver. Boarding ? a gentleman ami uis wife can be accommodated wiili a itrj deairali'e, nxatly fur lished front ronai, en the aeoond llmr with *.tialt room \nd pantry attached. Two finji" geiitlomon oan alao be twiaom ?icdatcd with lood rooms with ,ir with >nt boar<L Inquire a i VI WalWr street, west of Broadway. BOARDING. -GOOD FURMSUED rooms to let together or separately, with or without lizard, or lirnak faat ana tea only. yuiotuile ami cluanliuusa, with g n * I at tention, striotly nb?*rved House and Hghted with ?a* lint and aol-i bath reorn, fco. Apply to Mr*. ME1> Jiri'b'C, Ml Uoiiatun street. Board wanted - a LAD7 and <evtlbman de airo two plcaaaut rooma, where tliero are no bnardertL situated between bleecker and Twenty third atreet*. Fall hoard for tlie lady, payable in advance Any la?ly haviag a 5 nod bourn muy hear of a dealrable boarder, by addressing ohnioa, Broadway I'oat Office. COUNTRY BOARD ? * F K IV KaMIMIH CAN BE acceinmodat'-d at the Hotel lo ?? utheaat, Putnam county on* mil* from the llar'em Hallroad. en r*\?onahl" te/ms. Per particular!!, apply at the Ver-ndab, BO William *tr*?t. __________________________ COUNTRY liOA RD. ? KITMMKK RbTftH vT if B\K TilS ?ity. ? A private ?a?abliahmen>, <:(f 'rlnt good ao*lety( tra water bathiny: and every 'oral anjoyiu^at ( with preaeab ahoiea *f room* ), at the Uanaioa Uoa>e. Bwhty *l?th ?trent, ?a tbe bank ot the Hnd*nn ri-er. dt??*aer Jen*? Ltad. from PUr Ml Chamber* atreet, at tt){. I. and fi'.? e'eioek. Bloom jnidaJe and other (tagea at all liaar* l^l'RNIKIIRD ROOMS KlI.BT TO HI ORN Tl,T I mm, with bri.akfa?r. if required, and the n*e of bath, at Nv MC'lihWiD pla**, Bliihth atr**t. I BURNISHED ROtiMH, WITHOUT IHURD.-AN SI,E fant anit of fnrniabed rooma on MM aeennd floor of hoaie No. Nit) Rreadway, wit h nantrie* and biath rooma el ?liitivtly, anltaMe for a ?rni|*aaan aad wife, ar a aiaftle i*a tlemia. A pply oa the prctai?va GBNTI.RMEN. HINCI.E t?R IN I'ARTIE*, OAN OB talu hand??me fnrniahed rooma I.?ri;e or *mal<, with an entira prlvat* family, in a honae >.i. ?.-%>.? i v loaatad and nratly Kttcd with all the modern ?rren?*maata. Tkeao who wiali aerrmno-datlnK, cannot And aupe lor In this ?tt*. S>.iiHi*i n K^atlemeu are particularly Invited to call at l32 Bl'ccker a<re<"t. METROPOLITAN HOTEL.? PINOLE SRNTI.BMEN wiahiar pleaaant apartment* in aprt vat* family, wither Without kr*akf..?t It' d tea, can And all the comfort* ef a horn* In tbe Immediate Vicinity of the aheve botel. Apply at (6 Prince ?'r*et, nae bloek from Breadway. Bafereaoe HI' n and re' alred . ONE OR 1 WO GENTLEMEN < AN HP. FDRNKHBD with pWa*ant roeuia. In a privare family, rexMlai oppu Mte ?t. John . Park. Addrca* by note to B., at tba Herald pap?r. Rooms ri u warren street eor sinolb (entletr a ? A front ptrlor with adjololai< kedruoo^ alio, a *uiall hedraom all wall famished. Breakfast glvea it desirad. Refer*a<'*? required. STATEN ISLAND.? A FEW OINTLIMBII MAY obtain larce and beantlfnl rooma, with partial board, in aplea*aatly loaatad honae, near the ferry, bavin* a f ill view ef the bay, and where there are hnt few boarder*. Iheae willing to civ* a fair prlee for soo>i aeeem^nedations. may address, with real name, N , box 27d Post Offloa. TWO YOCNG MEN CAN OBTAIN A LARGE PLEAS aat room aad partial board, by applying at 71 Wait Elereatli atreet. TO LET.? TWO OR THREE KI'RNIf BED ROOMt T<i let to alalia (eatlemen. with breakfa*t. In a artvasa fa ? ilr, at 113 Grand atreet. tkrae door* aettaf BroaJway. Hot aad cold water la tke rooma with bathlan ooavonieace* in the hense. BOVI1I, ROOMS, ETC., WANTED, Basement or omviioiva wANTED-snirt kle for farryiag on a small mannfaeturlrift bueiae^'. lo cality mnat be reapectable aad rant low. Addr?>? P. 8. (\>ok It Maaa, M (iold atreet. Wanted? a good second hand screen, small slia._ Im|?ire at 10 aad li Fwlt"a atreet. WANTED- -A HI' iTAMI.E PLACE, IN TI1B MIDOLB of the city, for xymaaatl* pnrpoae* VvtaatloU ariil be preferred. On?r* may be aeat te L. ENGELHAED, It Duaae street. nO USES WANTED.-WANTED TO PURCHASE, two or three dealrahla hooae<. nctr snrin*. Hlawiber, or Bond atreeta. A'*o. two booaei in tha upper nart >f '.ho ?ltv, Peraona ha?in* soah property f r aala. a> m >.lerat? pii< cs, m*y apply t ? M L SHBLDOf, Insurance Ottiee, No. IW atroaA. Dncg ^tone wanted foe wmrn virTV cevts r?r ton will he paid ile ivcred i.i Mi'k ?" 1 at h? ioit?n.Maik*t. Pay?*?ta mttdeln ta I m ? every tw > wo-ks I'll i UP MaUIE UORiriatton iEmI