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?33X3 WATBAZHO VLAOB8. Oar Riwptrt forre?po?4*i?w. Nbwtoit. R. 1 , July -0, IS? 7?.? HUtitandiht Matnt Lijuor iMW-Gtargt P. Dcvmni:'* 1(4 f/U Hotwi ?wl Prtftnm Es. fttokm** </ rt??n J?-1V ?4 MaiUr?Tkt On t Efftth of At !<*/** Imw> The Kail Fiver boats tiuek twice here every klsht? once in going to, and again in returning |i?m New Ycrk-and, though they we CTOwdinl ?*b passengers, very few ot them rem.m ?* .New port. The great bulk of those fro. the ^ulh ""J, in search of health and pleasure pa* .on , by the most pleasant mode of travel ? ?w r?W? to the White McuDtwn% *n^void Newport w they would a city ot the plague. rho cause 5 ?hi/i, the despotic L i?uor law which a.?e into operation here yesterday. rbe l<p Wy ,*rer labors hard te ?bow that the la* ka. had no effect in keeping away the summer winters Hut everybody here knows that this >? M( the fact . and the best prsof of it is a re fere nee to arrivals at the hotel*, now in the very height o? Ml* itwon. At the three hotels, yesterday, the arrivals were as follawr.? Ocean House, 22; Ailan *#, 11; Bollevue, 8. In a Saratoga paper, just arrived here, I find tbht the arrives at a single hotel ?f that watering plate till half a column. The BeQevue House, which is the smallest, the most aris Weratie, and furnishes the best tabic, is nearly filled, t)1 the votaries of fashion, but with those _fc, Kck for quiet enjoyment and repose. The At lantic Hotel, which is the most ably conducted, and arcend in sue, is not m full as the Ifellevne Hou*e. bot far better tilled tban the Ocean House, which : the largest atd m?t fashionable, though by tar the worst n.anoged of the three. The Ocean House is B.t more ?Un half filled. The cottages arc for the most part occupied with the Jtifi -haired, straight C'dfcold water class But these ^ ?nei t v and cannot compensate tor the class that ha " en drive n a wo v . The wine observation applies to ibe betels You will meet staid old dowager? ?nd aswient gouty gentlemen- spinBters of forty year# and t,rvav Of .and bachelors who nav e long -mice despaired ?[ cver getting a wife ; but tie youn*, .he Miivt and the cay are not there as the J Joriner 3 ears Tbev seek a more congenial atmo phere elsewhere, the Southern people who sivod tktir money so freely, are almost wholly di n en ?way from Newport. Prom any point south of N ew Yoik u?u will scarcely see a name on the hooks oi the hotels. This is felt and spoken ?t oy all. But von will be told that though the Maine aw has come into effect, it is already a dead letter, and will not be carried into execution. 1 ooplc, howl er at .?? distance, will not oome te 1 Newport trui sting K, the mere sufferance of the pettyj authorities of so taean a ciiy for the exercise of that individual li Wr?\ ?hic?i they have enjoyed from their cradle, wh eh is the birthright of every American, and which they can enjoy unshackled at other watering nUccs on every side. illfh of spirit and mde Sendint feeling, and of sound moraJity, do not wish to set the law of the place where thoy rewde at defiance. nor do free bom A moricans wish that then mk of wine and other drinks should depend on the ?mtc will of the majority of a common council. It is true that liuuor can be got at certain bars by eeUivg for something tlse, and gjving a knowing wink to the barkeeper, who will scrutinize your Statures to fee that jou are not an informer, *hiU at other bars they sell oj-enly, and at the J1?'4-,18 two or three bottles of wme are brought to the taUe But gentlemen do not want to drink hi stealth, and tbe re suit is that wine, which is the 2, tog and profitable department of a hotel, is iwl-, dy drank at the Newport hotels at all ^Tho only man who is doing a thriving buaness J ,t present, is George T. Downing, of New York', so celebrated for his oysters. For A^teJ"|J ??c rears he has come for the summer months to Newport, where he supplies oysters m every shai*. r&ui e Burners, and ice ereama. Uia establishment ^.^lif d tbe Yacht House, aud is right opposite the ? ~r tpiJ Fartic ot' gentlemen, and often of ladies -vnd gen ?2fn not satisfied with the fare or attendance at t> <? Kntt-1. L'f> there to get a rtchctcht enter. niii h^ii- cooked and served up in a style that cannot be arWoachcd at any other establishment in New llrt lTe h"s his game, and oysters, and liquor-, lie dhect from New York, and all are of a "upe ftor'nuirity, that whe.iaDytha.gni^wanted L, }t. rC to Downing V. (icorge evades the law in r' "y: He dves not sell any chammgnc, or ?ther wines, but lie gives i' gratuitously, taking enre sourccrof profft.' He also supplies dinner- and suppers, and ices to the ?t ranger? residing ir thecottages. George Downing has mere than an ncrc of real estate in the be*t part 0f Newport, with seven stores on it. let to va nons rersons, beside- a rarge of stables which he hires out for the season Ho is about building on the snrre pro? city two cot tc gee to let. Such is the fltmrishing business done by a gentleman of color, in consequence of the incompetence and ridiculous tolf- conceit and mismanagement of the hotels. His ke creams are as- much superior to anything you ?tn cct at the hotels, or at.y where in Newport, as hU oysters are superior to all others, t.eorgc not , only bus the best viands but he has the art to cook and trepore them best for table. 1 Tbe wholesale liquor houses arc closed. <)n . a tnrdav lost, Newton gave a largo quantity of liqu'i , away'to all who applied for it. This was by way of : clraxii g out hfs -took. Pitchers and demijohns w*rc sent to htm from every quarter, and it is said that olc little girl came the seventeenth time with ktr pitcher, when at length Newton ?^?rTmK11' teld her to tell her father to send somebody el e i?*xt time. Such terror has this law inspired, tha or e druggist refused to seU alcohol on Monday. The t?ison applying lor it, however, got it in aaether establi&hiiieut. The inten.rctat.on given to the law by some wholesale dealers ts cunou^ They say that any liquors ordered before the 1. ;n,o or* ration, may be suppUed and rtemerea to tbe retailers at anv time hereafter, % Yat, iie the law . A nd on the same principle the re tail' fs say they v* ill supply their cuitomcrv Thus, practically, the law is a faree, except to do iui? Jhitf. There is mors drank than ever by the Jmiknnl.' and larger (luantities of liquor hu\e_ Ttrnwrance, it is well known, have secured an ex la surX It is only the moderate men who do Sffi the gifts of tb- gods, and who, being the most numerous drinkers, are the real supi?rt of the trade? it is only those who are deprived of their ac ?nstorced beverage by this most fanatical a absurd law. And Newport is seriously injured by >t Atlantic Hotei,, ) Nkwv ort, K. I , July 22, 1KV2. $ The Commc n Covntil and the Maine Jmii' ? Tin In former Refuse! his Certifcate ? The Origin of the Law in Bhode It/and ? How the IVhigs wtrt En* Itnjiptd? H< "? the Hotel Keepers hunt Protected Themselves from tin Opt rat inn of the Imw ? JIow w Works ? Interview between fleorge Downing and a Jh'hop ? Netepart Behind the Age ? ProgrtMS of Root Beer and the Colic ? Cold Water Bulls? The Belie* of the Hotels ? Thi Owner ? and Ornt j*, nt* of Cottage*? "Symptoms of Poverty in the Hot its ? Extreme Ihlness ? Curious fbxhwns ? Ihingerous Abandon ? Excursion* by Sizht ? Pro gres* of Demoralization? Georf!! Dooming anil Faro Table ? Proposition for a Sew llottl? 7 he Mountains of Air w Hampshire. There have been two meeting of the Common Coancil here, during the last two 01 three day*, and the nik.ject of the Maine law *m warmly dbcuMod, though y?,u 'win look in Tain for any intelligence on the luhject in the local paper, which is called Tint An/-*, somewhat on the principle of I writs a nr,n Imrendo ? that if, lurus, a grove which is dark, ii derived from luiro, to fliine. The Newt is to culled became it givel i v ntv , one 0f these meetings ?f the Comma Council, Captain Pratt, who was appointed the c< mmon intormer, by a town meeting daring the last month, applied to the chairman for hi? certificate The chairman, who ia the only temperance man left In the Board, refuted to sign it, because the obj^'t of thi? appointm<rti! was u. throw ridicule on tin- Maine law, Capiate I "rati being ap pointed by the very town met ting which passed re. #olution> denouncing the mcaeurc. The Captain likes a good gliw of wine, Of course, in flwderaileo; be cannot * c objects animate or inanimate, unle^? tbey are very olose to him: nnd he communes in church- yarui by night, win the spirit*, in>t of al *obol, but of 'he other World. J he Comnaon Council bare refused to appoint a public vendor of liqoor fr>r medicinal and aacra mental purpose*, and kbe frii ndc of the tick h;ne Mnaonuently to apply to tb< hotels and public hou*os for it. It i* curious enough that the Common Council *'eetcl for the purple of carrying out the law. ron-'iat" "f the ho le! keepers, pot. henna and sinners: Mid thereby luogs k tale about the origin of this movement. Ttte tc?p? ranee perU ?t first rjjilit'l to the democrat* to tssfat thr'm in parsing the law. The ?ic3ioorHt? deeiintd. The whig* were n?<t Applied to, an<l were caught in the irip, and the ?Uin?crats, gl?'' lo '<pd "hem there, did not of f*r a strowg eppooilion to ft. Weaver. *>t tW llvufc, a hading whig politician, mill I.awm re. the democratic candidal# f?'r (!om(BW, bud an understanding between them that the law u to be defeated. ?ud Weaver promised Li* io fuenee *o aototDptish tbat <?bju?t. When it owne to the seratch, however, Weaver bstked out, and pre {, rn d going with bin party, or perhaps he found that j be hau raised a mm^ii'r be eouW not quell. The wLig party intend' <i to humbug the temperance men. and having obtained their aid in electiug tbeir candidate* to office, hi tide up tbeir minds to be beaten, a* it were, by the democrats on the liquor question. Hut the dt mot' rat a knowing this game, would not Wat them, and determined to aJlow the in to have enough of the tliiiie law. An<l now, the Lest ot the joke in, that the very men who pawed it will not carry it out, or rather they carry it out par tially. While the hotels are securely enjoying a monopoly of t he sale of liquor for the present, moH of the wall retailers and <iU the wholesale dealers are so wared that tbey are afraid to fell a drop. The sale of more than fire gallons constitutes a eoin mon seller or wholesale dealer, and the penalty for the hret offence is % 100, and the second $200. The sale of any quantity under five galluns constitutes a retailer, and the penalty is $20, &e. Notwithstand ing nil the precaution of the Newport people to rea der the law nugatory, they have not succeeded. The botcls are better protected against its operation th in other public houses, for the hotels only sell to their guests ? strangers? while the customers of the other public houset ore chicfly citizens Now, tho law says it mast be on the information of three oitizens that the premises can be searched, nn<l not upon the information of strangers and sojourners. Tho hotels, therefore, continue to sell oj.eniy, while the ether places ore closed. Families in cottages, who have not brought liquor with them, labor under tho greatest disadvantages. A rather funny incident occurred with a eottage-hoJder ? a bishop ? here yesterday. The Bishop, who is an invaliJ, raited at the Yacbt House, and said he felt quite debilitated from not being able to get wine on account of the Ma. ue law. "Don't let that trouble vuu," said Downing, "I can let you have some." " Have yoa any claret'1/' asked tlivj Bi hop. "Yes," said George, " in bottles, but not on draught. 1 have very good Scotch ale. What would you think of that 1 ' The Bishop said that was an ex cellent ibi?'g to give strci j;th, and he would try some. co Downing served up an cacellent lun-'b, consisting of iheebnicest titbits, and a bo'tle of tb? best Scotch ?le. The Bii?b<>p said crime before and after meat, and felt himself \a?!!y refreshed in the inner man When he culled for h.^ bill, the Bishop observed that Downing was charging no'hhig for the ale. "That is all right," said Downing, "I don't sell ale or other strong drinks, 1 give thciu free, but I charge a decent profit upjn the eat* blea." "Oh," says the Bishop. laugh ng, "I see b it. is: then I will come here every day and pay you for the use of your room, and seeing the winery from your windows, and you can let uie have a bot tle of that Scotch ale for nothing." "Agreed, sir," replied Downing, "and anything el-c you require, fj*m lleidsick to the best Otard." This Is one ex ample from many. It is said here by some that, no three citizens can be found who will agree to give information, and swear they suspect any individual hn? liquor on his premises. But many will not trust to this kind of sufferance for the enjoyment of liberty. The great mn.-s of the> of Newport are poor, as you will see from the dirty, dincy api>earince of their houses, and the poverty of the business part of Uie city, which forms quite a contrast to the majority of the cities and \ lllages of New England. The few handsome dwellings in the npperregion are, for the most part, occupied by nabobs, si?me of them bciDg from Boston, and soiuc from New York, and some from other quarters. Men of wealth who re side lierc do not invest their capital in Newport, but in other placcs. 'iYere are only one or two factories, and they but of small account. There is no waterpowcr for manufacturing purposes. There is no ?nterpriso here ? little or no trade ? it is extremely dull in every sense of the word. The city is halt' a century behind the age, and has made little or no i progress, while Providence is going ahead. The ] people chiefly live upon the strangers who come trom othfr parts of the Union in the summer season, | and hence their aversion to the Maine law inflicted j upon them by the rural districts, and the politicians ' of their own city, and from the apathy, and wunt 1 of talent, influence and circulation of the mise- j ruble daily paper t\int' rrprcw?>t? tU?n Newport, with its 10, (MH) inhabitants, is adapted by nature Tot ' a watering place, and is never likely to be anything else; but even in that respect it stands in a fuir way of being ruined by the Maine law. Some of the opponents of the law here, say that if they canr.ot get liquor privately they will have nn in surrection. But the tem{?rance j>arty say they wijl not permit the law to be defeated, and that when the Legislature meets, they will have it si? amended, that its o]>eration here will not depend upon She will ot' the Common Council, or the iu hubitants oi Newport. The root beer and siin:iur establishments arc flourishing; but a grc.v, many who drink * h is '?perilous stuff' complain of col).-;, and other Jlisi'd,. ??auuvtluur in tlwu iatagtingg. Ill [bis hot, weather people will bare something to drink besides cold water, .-md those accustomed to mixing a little brand j in the water find those other strange drinks do not agiec with their stomachs To Riant there is to be a cold ivvt^r ball at the Bellevue House --fifty cents admission for out siders: so J Oil may pucs- what Sort of ?n aiTair that is to be. The pretty .Mies llislop. of New York, is <tnyingat the 0< can House, and tfr<. Tenon t, of Plii'nticli bia ? a very dashing lady ? is at the s.nno establishment; she dresses better thun anybody H.-c. Miss Trot, of Philadelphia, is the belle of the Btllern House. General Scott's two daughters, and his son-in-law. Colonel Scott, arc here. Colonel Preston, of South Carolina, occupies a cottage in Newport. I'rescott Hall, the 1'niteu Stales District AttorLcy, owns a cottnge. The Hon. George Bin croft and family own a oottn'C, and are occupying it ut present. Among the other occupants and own ers of cottages are the following ? Albert Sumner, Beujamin D. Orcen, Charleston. S. C.; Professor Norton, Cambridge, Maus ; Judge Swarm, Coluaa- j bit, Ohio; Allyn Otis. Boeton ; Mrs. Mtcflic, Mr. j Parkman, son'of the late Dr. Parkman, Boston; W. H Wetmore. New York (the finest house on the island); Robert H Ives, Providence; Mr. Hrcese, .New York; William S. Yo-e, I! M. Ma?on, Boston; Morgan (Jibbers, New York; Mr. Wright, ot New i York: lion David Sears, Boston; Mr-, tirant. Bos- i ton; Mrs. Peckham, Mr <;?oll"c, George Tiffany, I Clement C. lloore, Jos. Tew, Mr Kiehanlson, Geo. | T. Downing, New York ; John Vars, Gideon l.nn I ton, Thos i oggerhall, Col. Gates, ( has Hunter, Dr. i Charles Davis, Charleston, S. C.; Hubert Kay, IT on. Isaac P. Hazard, George A Colvert, Kicharu Hay, .1 anies Lenox. Mrs. Mnitlaml, H S. M&itland, Geo. M. Coster, New York; Mr. l'arkin, Le Grande ('anon, Toy; Mr. Coit, Misses Bent, Boston; J. Dwight. Springfield; Mr. Lewis, Philadelphia: J. Auctiin.-loss. N ^ oik; Mr Greenough, the sculptor; Kev. Mr. M cud, Henry Tiffany. Mr. Appleton, G. How land Shaw, Da\ id Sears, *.fr., Israel I'horn dike, Mr. Brown, and Mrs. Dr. Parkman, Boston. The three principal hotels here have engaged bc t?'fn them the Germaiiia band, of Baltimore, which discourse" most excellent music every night to the listless guests of one or other of these estab lishments, and to all the outsiders who come to hoar. None of them can afiord to pay for a band exclu sively for itself, and they thud club fir mu-ic, to ! keep tip the droopinc spirits of their inmates. It i : up hill woik, however, and like galvanizing n I corpee. Everything sceru? flat, spiritless, and dead. They ba\e a hop every night; but it is languid and tame, and only lew take part in it. The majority prefer promenading in the long halls, or lolling on chairs and solas, indulging in the most insipid, vapid --man talk imaginable. The whole thing is i the very embodiment of dullness itself Last night, it was the turn of the Atlantic to g"t i the music, and, according to the arrangement, the ; guest? from the other tvw> hotel* went there--Bor?o 1 in carriages, but the majority walked, the ladies in their bate hair, and dressed in the pink of fashion, i Indeed, it was revolting to all ordinary ideas of pro I pritty, to see bevies of them in the shades of night, and without a lamp of anv kind in the streets, trip \ p'ng along withoui a '? ntleinan to protect thcu from imnTt. In fact, many ladies seem to think, I when they coin, to Newport, that they may cast off all conventional restraint, and juut do as they pl?a he Hence you will sec married ladies, who ' com* here without their husbands, driving out and | flirting at an awful rate with young swells. Vou will Me giddy girl- at these hotels, without anv ! father or mother, or male protector whatever, f know one instance of threo or four sisters who are 1 here alone, and arc among thi gayest of the gay ? I one of th<m very charming, arid like a rose just blown into wonianiiood, exposed t<> all the tempta tions and seductive arts of unprincipled men. What the consequence of all this is likely to be, I leave you and your resderetojud^e. Here there are black legs, and giiiiiblcrs, ami pickpockets, who travel under feigned name*, and lie in wait for their vic tims. It is very funny to see ladies of the highest res|>cctability waltzing and gallopading with these. All propriety of dress scorns to be abandoned hi re. One lady will walk into the breakfast room in ball dress, another will sit down to broukfa?t or tea with her bonnet and shawl on, and, in fict, every on does that which is most pleasing to her >*n ' tste, no matter what sinctators may think of it- There is a sort of abtnulov among some of the ' young ladies here that otni ni- ill for thoirown future happir.c<p and the peace of their fainilirs The j manin r in which battling is conducted lure ishighly 1 objectionable, A familiarity take" p'aec between tin "exes in the water that, to say the le.i9t, is any thing but seemly. M*nyol the sednetione of thoughtless girl*, and oi married women, ?hu hcome to light in ibe news papers, ar.d m&n\ whiih never eome to light, have their origin in the hotels of Newport . I would as s< -i ii..,; my daughter, if I had one. a? let htr roti - to thi watering place, and mingle with this crowds I sic around me. l he progress oi demoralisation i ' rapid here, and the rani about the Kaine law is the noet disgusting ot all abominations. La.-t year a house of fasttion fcblc vice was established by fe?j*'ee from New Yoik The Common Council arrested ihe whole b*U?h, and Kit them to prison They hud uo authority lor ; this, and the wouncn brought an astioo agtunH ! th? m. which it still pending. And now, instead of one, there are two hout>as of this deeeription in fall blast, and a gambling den open at all hour*, for *11 vomers, and without ai>y disguise whatever. Bv-the-by, yesterday. when I ww at the barber's shop, in Downing's block, Oeorge T. Downing and the proprietor of the gambling con cern happened to be there. George, who supplies turn with game suppers for his "pigeons, aud thus knew him, asked what effect the Maine law, ai d the articles in the Hk&ald about it, would have npon the visiter* 1 ? A very great effect. I'owkimo ? Are there not a great many visiters here now ? Fako ? Not near so many at the hotels as there were last year. 1'owNiMi ? But there are a good many in the cottages. Faju>? Yes, of the straight-haired kind; but they are good for Nothing. The Koutherners, who have money to spend and the heart to spend it, are not coming this seas-on, thanks to the Maine law and the Hkbai.d. Downing acknowledged the eorn, and said he was afraid be was going to suffer himself this season, though his business had been every year increasing for the last few years. "Butt" he added, "when they bear that the Maine law is likely to be a dead letter, will they not then come ?' Fako? No, not at all. They will not trust to that; betides, it is now too late. They have made their arrangements, and mad? up their joiuds to go elsewhere for the season. With these words, Faro? whose eve I h*d caught upon mc Severn) times ? gave me a piercing glance, as if to take my weight and measure, ana form a conclusion as to the length of my purse, and whether there was anything green in my phis. What judgment he arrived at 1 know not; but, on going out, Le gave Downing an order for a game supper. not forgetting the (Jrisped potatoes, & la Saratoga lake ? a secret which tho great oystcrman, fume liow or other, hue got possession of, to the in finite chagrin of the hotels. In the list of Pown irg'h property, which I gnv? you in my former let ter. I emitted to mention a handsome cottage adjoinii c his Yacht House- It was occupied list sva.'on by Colonel McMurray. Downing does a'l the pie-nic bssinesn of Newport, besides what he supplies to private families in cot tages. and the supper anu dinner pnrties ordered by the guests of the hotels. It is not at all wonderful thn' be should mnke money by tlio latter, for tho food is bad, the cooking bad, and tho attendance very bud in the majority of them Tho fish soino timot absolutely smells, and they insert in their bill Ot fare dithes Which they hHve not, and if you ask for one of these, the waiter will come back and tell yon it is a)I gone A train, when you ask for oi dish, another will be brought to you, and the same waiter will come to you three times and ask you what tou wnnt, after your i> ' the order twice before. If you are smartyou will get nothing to eat at dish upon which yon cust a longing ej e itched away from jou like a flash of ligt ust as vou are going to try it, and you will n? . if apam, thus leaving you pretty much in thi nation of Tantalus in the infernal regions. Then tin eternal clatter and tho noise (#' the servants whi stling, and singing, aud clsgj^ig of doors, reminds one of the same locality. Tkrre is r.mple scope for a new hotel, and Oeorge Downing could not do better than start one upon a large scale. The other three, or at least two of them, might then close up, as they will probably do snyhow, front the operation of tho Maine law. In Newport there is no Marvin, or Howard; the hotel keepers are totally ignorant of the business, with one exception, and he is only a second rate. The atmosphere is very worm and moist and op pressive, for the last two or three days. Your dummy elothes adhere to yonr skin, and the feeling is piost uncomfortable, except on the seashore, which is a long way from the city. How different from the elastic, dry, bracing air of the mountains and lakes of New Ham|>shire. How any one who has ever been there can stay for three days ?t Newport, I am at a loss to conceive, unless that they have not money to bring them any further, or prefer dull inarities, as stupid as a thrice-told i ale to Uic glorious charms of nature in her most lovely aspect, and the rollicking mountain breeaes which bring healing on their wings, and the exer cise which restores vigor and strength and tone to the system, and inspires yon with the fooling I bat you are a new man or woman. The number of sickly, wan faces that meet your eye at the hotels of Newport, proclaim that this is not the best pla-e for health of body or mind, or for trie enjoyment. The only thing for which Newport is at all valuable or st rangers, is its bathing facilities. But com paratively few avail themselves of this, nnd with many persons salt water bathing and sea air do not agree. By inserting this communication, you will confer a lasting benefit upon liiar.y of your readers in the South. Our Mit^'ora Corrr*po?itleiice. Niagara Falls, June 2H, 1852. ; lntcri -ting Physiological Fart ? The City and Fall v ? cf X iii gam. Coming up to New York, from Buffalo, wi'bin a few <lins, 1 picked up a few item*, which in;iy boot' intcre.-t to your readers. On board the steamer Hendriek Hudson, going up to Albany, I ascertained that there is no longer nnv -uih thing as "niggeit." A Southern gentle man addresi-ed a colored i*>rter, on board tie boat, thus: Gent. ? " Do you belong to this boat!'' Col ored person ? "Yes, fir." trout ? "Where is the nigger who took charce of my baggage!'' Colored person, indignantly ? "There ain"t 110 niggers on boa rd this boat, fir." (Southern gentleman dumb ) A great physiological and political fact wn- revealed to him. He will, probably, make a note of it. The opening of the new railroads from Canandai gna to Elmira, ar d from Rochester to I.oekport and Niagara Falls direct, are all the talk. The ioriuer has been open some time, but the latter is juat ready to reaeive passengers. The ears commence running regularly this week. They are both fine | roads, out the Rochester and I.oekport road is said to , excel, in its appointments, any road yet built in the t inted States. It has all the lateht improvements This new road to the Falls will make a great change in the current of fashionable travel to the Falls. Very few persons, goiug from New York or Boston, 1 will now visit Buffalo first, as before, but will come direct to the Falls by this new route. The Ogdens ; burg and I.akc Ontario route will also command a l large share of travel, and thus Buffalo will become oi)l v a place of transit, not a place for stopping over nignt, a." formerly. It will U.-wen the pleasure- seek ? ing visiters at Buflalo, at least one third. The people are beginning to visit the Falls in great numbers Yettferday (Sunday) a. dinner, th? landlords of the principal hotels assured me that they had nearly as maiiy guests at table, as any day last season. The new hotel, to be called the " International House," is not quite finished, but will be ready for guests about the 1.1th of .luly It i? a very large stone house, but not very beautiful as yet, 1 though it may be, when the verandah, &c.,is cmi , pleted. # The Clifton House, on the Canada side, i- in fine ' condition, and rapidly filling up. They have six cottages, for families, ultached to the house, and every thing looks in the most perfect order. The new park is a great ornament, though the trees arc yet small. The fall of Table Bock, and the constant ( rum bling of the bunks near the Morse Shoe I 'all, line made a great change in the aspect of the ??< ??. ne ? but . not for the worse, I think, a- even these changes ' are so full of interest that they compensate forev?ry 1 thing that has been lost. 1 Goiog under the central or middle fall, on the 1 American side, and into the "Cave of the Winds,"' j is now the great feat of the day. and entiroly ! cchpf?? the od venture ol the same kind on the Ca nada side, so they say ? ai.d I am perfectly willing ; to take the current report for tmtn, w .thout a per sonal test. Niagara city? do you know it is a city, with a real charter and a real city government ? Well, it is. Ningara city line risen in five years, from three hnndred inhabitants to the dignity of 11 city? and they do things in city style lare, I assuro you. It j is a whig city, too, aid will go for the hero of j Lundy's Lane, though they all nay they would r& 1 ther have Webster, and they think the Fillmore i j m*0 will preler to vote for Fierce, rath>r than for a I 1 Seward man. But Lundy's Lane i.< hard-by here, 1 and il there is any thing iu a name. Niagara ought j to go for Scott. Tiik Oec'TOK. Croloii Water, TO Tin: I'DITOR OK THE SEW YORK Your rorresjioiident, "< 'ommon Senae," is no com- | in on man. He has diheovered tho causo of the de ficient supply of wuter. It is the officers of the department that eaine the . mischief "at the High Bridge, where the water overflows, and tuns by the thousands of gallons per minute into the Harlem river " Aye. that's it. If these stupid officers would only tnsVe this surplus ran through the pip s on the bridge?which pijies are already full? why then, then would be more water delivered in the city. Seriously, there is a small overflow of water at the gate house on the Vfastcbeater end of the High Bridge. This assuics tho faotthat tbepipw lying on that bridge are not only full, but under pressure of a head sufficient to accelerate the Hon of water through them, and thus increase the daily quantity delivered. "Common Sense" may |>o-sihly see the phi lor of by tf thir, and that wioile there is any !iifii?'K -urpliisin the t'roton river, it is better to nsc tbut suij lo u.i j, uead tb HigllBiMge, than to |i?* il mi ujelessly our t!.c 1 .. av t'." ? >nr*e of ! 'TP '/? fiti-rr v. INTERESTING LETTERS. Our New Hampshire Corr tapon<l?itve<. Concord, N. H , July 2J, IW2. Tht Slander upon Gen. Purrt'i Charuettr Diip vtd (f by Witts, un i Ftftvt* ? I \'!ug '/V< limtjng to His Sobrxny ami Mitral U</HJutt ? Htf Prvftsticnfkl and Pnlitxcal Hialory of (#*?. Pterin. Id a former letter 1 told you that the re* pee table whigs btre were utterly disgusted with tbe ba*e ?t taeks made upon tbe personal character of General Pierce, of whom all classes of citiienn feel promt. I also warned the calumniators that it was better to let hie character alone, as an investigation into their allegations would rebound with infamy upon their own heads. 1 shall now prove that I wan right, by unquestionable documents. I addressed a netc to each of the gentlemen whose names are signed to the subjoined letters. The following is the corres pondence : ? A correspondent of th? Nkw York Hksald. who cn rlores hi* cvi kavtng vitdtf d COiteord for tlte purpone of karvnng the bietory and pcrrooal charac'er of ()<>ucr?l I'ierce, iht demooiatie candidate for tbe Presidency. and having teen charge* In certain newrpapertt allectintf tlia miral character of that gentleman, tho writer applW'B to jou for authentic infoi motion upon tbe rutyert. aa hav ing the be*t opportunity for knowing hit habit* ? not that be believes, or ever did believe, thiwe dotcnviitR. but that the truth may aome out in such a chape that it cannot be gain* ay ed. Conaoad, July IB, 1862. Ooncobd. N. II , July 10. 18.VZ Drm 8ta ? In reply to your note juxt reeolvtl I am happy to etate thai I have been well uequainad with Ocn. I'n rre ever cinoe be became a raniilent of Oouourd. in ISott. during ?Oft a<f which time I have been the keeper of a hotel, for a conMderaUe period, he aud his family boarded at my houie. aud I wax n? eewarily conversant with hia daily habit*. and am B?o*t ready to bear wit ww liom uiy owa perianal kuowWtlge. to the purity of bi? piivat* kite and ? baructer The faUe ai>d tufamoua charge* to which jou refer, and whi?h a moat tiiidigtiant S..rtixau spirit hut put iu circulation, need no refutation t rc. wbeie Oca. l'i? rce is personally kuowu ; and al though a politi. al opponent. 1 fe< I the ut most di*gu*tut tli if foul attempt tu prejudice him in the estimation of th<*e * ho do not enjoy the honor of hU personal ac <|Utiintanro. The t< *timony of respectable men of siAI parties, iu thw town, will rhow Ueu. Pieroe to be unaar puf i d iu the full and unexceptionable discharge of all tli< ihitic* pertaining to the gentleman and tho private cituen Yours sf*|*etfully. WILLIAM W A LK Kit Comoro, N. H.. July 19. 1HJ2. Pur Sir ? I cheerfully reply to your note of tbit date. 0< n. l'lerce and hi* family have boarded with me sincc No vernier. IMA and do ho Mill. I have always been a whig myself, tmd have uniformly voted with the pirty oppo??d to Gen Pierre in polities and am mortified, thai, through the ag< ncv of any member of our pnrty. there should be oocaMon to d< ny imputations ko entirely groundless as tliOfC which, for partv pur)>ofct>. have Ixvn put In circu lation. 1 am Mire that among honorable men of both pai ties. who have had an opportunity to kuow Oeu Pu ree well. y<.u would find no unfavorable testimony :i ni l li'ui. om a private eitisen. While we do uot like Iil- |K.litien we are ready to award to him all reepcet and honor in other re*peetti. I never knew the lea<tt founda tion lor any charge a?ain*t, hi* private character and do not beeilate to my that t do know the revw*e of those charges to be true. With much respect. your obodient servant, WI1.LARD WILLIAMS. Who are the writers of these letters? Mr. Walker is tin old gentleman, sixty- five or seventy years of age ? a man of property, who has retired from ac tive business. He is not only highly respectable, but one of tbe most truthful, intelligent, and high minded men in Concord, or in the Slate. Mr. Wil liams in a mechanic, at the head of one department of the extensive carriage manufactory ol llr. J. Stephens Abbott, in this town. He is one of its bent and most respected citizens, whose honor and truthfulness no one would attempt to What are the politics of these gentlemen] Demo cratic 1 Not a bit of it. They are bo'.h strong whitB; but they both feel mortified at the shame less attempts of members of their party to dispa rage and injure the private character of General Pieicc, and they have tfbrne this willing testimony, which i? alike honorable to them and to tho leader of the opposite political party in New Hampshire. What will the New York I rtbuiie say to this. Will it insert these letters in ita ooiumiH . We shall see. Upon this part of the snbj^et I muv add that such is the character of <?eu t,al l'ierce for sobriety, that two J ears be was appointed one of a committee at a great tem perance meeting at Concord, to request the public houses to abandon the sale of liquor; and Mr. of the American House, assured roe that though he has kept a hotel for twenty years, and his house is the place where General Pierce's fnends all come, he never saw or kcew of him to drink two glMsea Oi liquor durii g that time. Perhaps there is no m s-.ii cf of a public man drinking to hitle in his lue 1:1^ as General Pierce. So much for the charge of being ' a drunkard and a set.' The charge ot cowardice 1 have u)ro.idy effectually disposed cf. Tbere is one coaige that remaii a It is again6t his political consistency .1 cliftice so foolirh that every person here, ol all pn litieal shades of opinion, regard it as the most foolish iinni! inahle. For soke of consistency, t lerac, in full leliancr upon the triumph u! principle m the end, has risked ajrain and again the temporary de fer.t o! hispaity, and some ot the wi-est politicians of the State deemed him imprudent till they saw the re.-ult Let me give you a brief out line of his professional and political history, which I have ga ll, ered from the be?t sources of information. lo lb27, General Pierce went to the bar. In JN?/ he was elected by the Legislature to the UaiteU States St natc In 1839 he removed from Hillsbo rough to Concord. In June. 1*12, he resigned his neat in the United States Senate, for the purine ot devoting himself to his profession. New llainp ,-hiro stands A No. I for its bar, and among them all there has not been one so successful as Geneial Pierce- none who has won so many and lot?t so few case!*. For a whole term he has not lo*t a single ease. This success, it is unnecessary to sny, required extraordinary study and devotion to his profession, and it is uttoily inconsistent with the ridiculous charge touching his habits. His am bition was to stand high in his profession, as he had a very high standard before him ? Daniel Webster, Fzekiel Webster, (his brother, said to be net ter than Daniel), Jeremiah Mason, Iticharu Fletcher, (one of the Judges of the Supreme Court), lebabod Bartlett, Levi Woodbury, and John Sullivan, the only man that ever success fully withstood the immortal Henry Clay on the floor ot Congress, General Pierce now stands a bead and shoulders above the whole bar of New Hampshire. There has been no important case in which he has not been engaged on one side or the other, or has had the offer, for the last eight years. He is unsurpassed as a criminal lawyer; and there is one thing for which he is remarkable, and stands almost alone. He has never been known to take a position in court from which he has found it neces sary to retreat. He is quick as lightning. yet clear as a bell But, to return to his political history. In 1H15, John P. Hale, a regular democrat, addressed a letter to his constituents against the annexation of Texas. The State Legislature of the previous j en r instructed their Senators and rep resentatives to vote for tho measure, General Pierce received intelligence of the letter ot Mr. ilule at four o'clock in the atternoon. it wan in the latter end of December, anu the snow fell fast and furious. He started at once, in this snow storm, taking with him Mr. George, his apprentice, and proceeded to Dover, the residence of Hale, a distance of forty miles, to consult the friends of that gentleman in reference to his inten tions. lie learned that it win the fixed puipose of Hale to bolt from his party upon the annexation question. He decided at once that Hale must be denounced and thrown overboard. Hale at that time had bee a in Congress from New Hampshire fur two year*, and bad been nominated by theaeino eriitic party for a new election. Pierce had a now convention immediately called, and another nn?n John Woodbury? was nominated in tend ot Male. There were thus three candidates ? the whig candi date. Woodbury and Hale. The result was. that there wag no election by the people, there being no majority. Woodbury had withiu two or three hundred of a majority. Hale had not 15 OU) of it. At the next State election, in IHtO, Mr Hale having taken the stump for himself, and tho whigs and abolitionists having coalesced, tho democratic candidate for Governor was defeated in IS47, and the Legislature was under the control ot thewbigs and abolitionists. Hale being at the head Ol this coalition, In that se?s1on, Colby (whig) was elccted Governor by the Legislature, he being the tirst and only whig Governor of New Hamp shire since IS28; and Mr. Fogg, the present editor of t lie InrlriHtiiltnt UrmnaiU, (abolition paper,) whs elected Secretary of State. In Now Hampshire the law is to electa Governor and State officers every year, but the party rule is to elect tho same men, jf pn-ible, for the second year In the year ISH, the next year after the defeat of tho democrats. General Pierce took the field for the purpose of redeeming his native state. Under his leadership, the democrats were triumphant by a majority of 1 10(1 for Governor, and securing a majority ot twenty-five in the House of Representative*, Jared Williams was clectcd Governor; and the abolitionists and whigs were turned out of office. Mr Fogg, the present editor of the fmepftulent l)r mortal,*** removed from the Secretaryship of state He then commenced abusing < ieneral Pierce and. from that time to this, has continued to abuse him, in co-operation with D. H. Palmer, who was Also once Seoretary of State under different " nicest |n 1H4? and IX.V). the democrats were triumphant by 3,000 and 4, <KHI majority In 1H50, the democrats nominated Rev. John Atwood for Governor, for the election of March, IH5I. In the fall of IHfiO, Pierce presided at tho ConVt tntional Contention, and ho bad tbero and then heard that Rev Mr Atwood had Wen tampered with by the abolitionists, * nd had expressed him self, in a letter to some of them, against the 1 agi ?We law. PWm kad an interview with him. I Hi Mimaciiltd to relruol ib? letlnr, ui.d to * . ilc an ? Hi* r i* f??or of tbe law^ but su sequent." y deoid- d to "oy Buret? that the first lo'tor was hasty. Pierce would no) stand ibis vaeillalion. lie got a new cot vantion tilled. and A t w immI wis thrown- overboard, having unly two voted, and Din* ?.oie ?M aetainated, though he had t><e'i elected the two previous years. ThU wan only a uiasith before tie election, and many sensible dein'wats thought it wan a dangerous ciperiment. Pierce, hnw/ivor, was decided He said be would stand upon princi ple, if there were only three to Htand with him. At wood went on abolition principles Pierce wits again roecewfuK though Mr. Atwood was a Baptist minister in good standing, and very popular. Tliua, it will he seen that the Fugitive Slave law was the teet question, and that General Pierce w t* its champion What ha* the Washington Re/mblie now to say for itaelf 1 General Pierce s friends Here say that they next expect to hear hiin charged with : being in favor of the enactment of the alien and se dition law*, or a re-charter of the United Stages | Bank. In either eharge there would be as much propriety as in that contained in the R'nuhiic. hi Juno, 1861, Martin was nominated forGovernor, the election to eouie off in March, 1852. Atwood again came forward on abolition principles. Martin was elected by 13,000 majority, with 25 ma jority in the House of Representatives. These po litical movements wero the boldest and most suc cessful ever attempted in the United States, and no man but one who had tbe entire confidence of his party, and who possessed the highest ability, oould possibly succeed in them. Never, perha[>s, was any man, in any State, so much the embodiment of his party as Prank Pierce. It is calculated that io the coming election for President, the State will give him 10,000 majority. That he has not sought the Presidency, directly or indirectly, is known and believed of all parties in this State. In fact, bis taste lay more in his profession than in public affairs. In 1842, as 1 bare stated, be resigned the office of United State* Senator. In 1W5, be was appointed by tbe Governor, according to the eonsttlntion, to fill the unexpired term of Levi Woodbury, who had accepted a judicial office. Ue declined the office. Subsequently the democratic party unanimously nominated him for Governor. He doelined the honor. In 18 Hi, President Polk of fered him the Attorney Generalship, mid would havo given him anything else he desired, but Pierce declined all 1 bave collected these facts in no spirit of paiti pansbip, for 1 am do party man, but in tho spirit of fair play, and a* a homage to justice and truth. If be is defeated, let it be on pi inciples, and not by calumnies. 1 shall conclude by what a New Hampshire lady said to me, in tho ears, when leaving Concord : ? " Is that President Pierce 1" "sho a?Ued, having seen him talking to some gentlemen at the depot. "Not jet President, niadame," I answered. "If he ia not, he ought to be," was her cmphatic reply. V I ATOK. Our Washington Correapon?Innee> WASUiN(iTeN, July 21, 1852. The Cud fish Dispute ? The Candle Lighted at Doth Ends ? Retaliation of the British Government for the Seljish Conduct of the South ? Niggers verms l.anip Oil, fyc , fye. The course of the British government iu relation to the Nova Scotia fisheries, it is said, has, in some measure, been superinduced by the restrictions im posed upon British subjects in relation to the fisheries on the coast of Florida; and also the course of South Carolina, and other Southern seaboard States, with respect to British oolored seamen. Prior to the cession of Florida, in 1819, and for seme time after the cession, the British Bahamians carried on all the wrecking, fishing and turtling on the const, and amongst the keys of Florida. The wrecking privilege is a very valuable one, boing estimated at a million and a half dollars annually. Tbe fishing for the Havana market alone, is estima ted at several hundred thousand dollars per annum, $100,000 being annually paid to the Captain (ieneral of Cuba, for the monopoly of the sale iu that city alone, and large quantities of turtles caught in those waters are shipped to Europe and every part of the United States. The wrecks on the Florida coast and keys were foimerly ourricd into Nassau and New Providence for adjudication. On the acquisition of the Flori das, the British were excluded by the Americans from all these privileges; and the exclusion became more ligid upon the passage of tbe British Eman cipation act, in IKJo, inasmuch as the crews of many of the British fishing smacks and wrecking visatl* were composed of colored cmancipeee. Since 1829, the people of Florida have claimed the exclusive property in and control over these fish eries, and denied the right or power of the f? ileral government to interfere with them. Upon the incoming of every now administration, since 1?24, application has been made to the federal go vernment by the British minister", in Whalf of the British Bahamians, for the privilege of participat ing in these immunities. It has been a<ked, not as a right, but as a favor from the American govern ment. Kefeicncc being made by the federal go vernment to the local authorities of Florida, the privilege haf, in every instance, been promptly re fused; and for sevt nil years past. In juMition to the general ground of exclusive right in tbe State, the necessity of excluding the British colored seaiueu hits been urged. Tbe refusal of the British Bahamian authorities to deliver up the fugitive slaves who hail committed murders and robberies in Florida, and also had tlei with the plunder across the straits to the Bahamas, 1 alt Lough the federal government despatched a ves sel of war to demand them upon tbe indictments found, and depositions showing their crimes, has ] caused excited feeling in the South. The ground taken by the Bahamian Judges that the res. stance to, and homicide of, a master, by a slave, is not murder, but a political offence, not included in the extradition clause of the treaty of 1842, as express ed by Lord Ashburton to the abolition committee in New York, has also strengthened the Southern feel ing. All these causes have doubtless operated on the minds of tho British public, and brought about the retaliatory measures which are likely to increase the ptice of codfish. It is considered, however, as rather severe that the retaliation of the British government for this courso of the South should be visited upon the Yankee abolition fishermen. Niggers, in this instance, have got the start of codfish and mackerel; and if the abolitionists suffer, thejr are at least de serving of sympathy. The oflieial correspondence upon the subject of the Florida fisheries ana British free niggers is highly interesting, and 1 will send you copies at the earliest opportunity. X. Washington, .July 22, 1852. ThtFishertes ? Statements in the Herald Confirmed by Mr. Webster ? Mr. Cra mpton't Visit to Massa ehusetts ? Question at Issue ? Proposed Reciprocity of Trade with Canada ? Difficulty as to the Ap plication of the Law of Nations, and the Adjust ment of the Mismulerstanding. The statements that were published in the Herald early in the month, relative to the measures that are being taken by and under the sanction of the British government, to enforce the convention of 1818, which prohibits American fishermen freui taking and curing fish on the fishing grounds and shores of Nova Scotia. New Brunswick and l'rinoe Edward island, hare be n fully confirmed by the official notification of the Secretary of State, which has appeared in (he papers of this week With re spect to what was stated, as to tin- future move ments of Mr Webster, for the benefit of his health, in connection with Mr C'rauipton's tour to the North, we find that gcntleinun haj already met hiut at Boston. It is not probable, however, that any arrangc mentwillbe concluded by those gentlemen while away from the seat of government, although some , private chit-chat may take place on tho subject over a dish of chowder, that may influence the mind of the Secretary of State in relation to accepting the invitation to take a cruiso in the Devastation strnm frigate. With reference to the subject at issue between the two coiiiitiies ? for Mr. Webster evidently du- ! sen ts from the doctrine which the British govern ment seems determined to onforoo, and who con- ! aider* the rights and intereata of the United Sfa'ea as having- been abnndoncd by tho American par- I .ties to the convention alluded to? it involves a i plain question of national law? that of tho right of a nation to exercise exclusive sovereignty over all the bays, harbors, and inlets of tho scacoast, and within cannon shot of its shores; and the only course to be panned is to induce (Jreat Britain, if pos sible, to place American and British fishermen on the same footing, and to make tho former, during the fishing season, temporary denizens of tho Bri tish provinces. During the last few years, efforts^ have been made by the people of Canada to obtain from the I nited States what is termed reciprocity; that is, the admi Fion of the productions of either country into the territory of the other free of impost those of Canada being, at present, subject to a nominal duty on importation, which is withdrawn on shi|> ment- and, in exchange for this, It was stated in the Canadian legislature, last session, by Dr. Hincka, the leading member of tho government, that the provinoe it authorised by theparont State to concede to American vesscla the right to navigate the river St. Ijiwrcnee to the sea. fn addition to this, it has recently been pro pored, on the part of Canada, to allow American fishermen greater privileges on the sea-coast, to j Which, aa might be rappoaed, the Kostcru provinces, | and eTP? Ixiwer Canada, are opposed, whore the provincial nahcrmen enjoy gr at natural nnd national advantage*. tat ?bo ?*hijo?. coui|>ete with tkoM of thu dui'.t'd St (Me-, ow?..g I4>iql' bounty granted by (JocgKis, kud tiio imposition of a high rato of duty on foreign e.mglit, fish, whoa im port*."!. Th^y ?r? enabled, however, to mako a nuperior deseripiion of h-du which id uurod wbers caught, thus reuoetirig it U ttor fitted for tho South Amwioau aud Mediterranean market. A. la< go proportion of i h>s iJ. b iri prion of fish finds its w ay to the United blame, tieing purchased by tho American ti^hprmeu, in exchange for ram, sagar. and molasses ? for wbi> b. of course, they obtain the bounty allowed by Congress. Whatever arrangements the British ambassador may enter into with the Secretary of State, must be i ij aeoordanee witb bin itia' ructions, and expressly authorized by tho British government; and th<3 granting any privilege to American fishermen, be yond what they already potaess, will doubtless ho opposed by Nova Sootia and N'ew Brunswick; anl the agricultural influence iu Congress will, doubtless, be sufficient to prevent tbu adoption of reciprocity. If discussions can bo protracted till after the next; meeting of Parliament, when tho return of a liberal majority may drive tho Derby ministry from power, better terms will then prob ibly be obtained; but* in tho mean time, as Mr Webster observes, the fail fishing will be jeopardised, if not ruined, for tho present year, as the American fishermen will ho restricted to cfeep sea fishing; and they will be pre vented from purchasing British cured ^sh, on wuhh to obtain a bounty on their return to port, from tho national treasury. A mistake is made by the correspondent of tho Baltimore Sun, of this morning, when he asserts that the claims of the British government havo never been enforced, an I haw seen fifteen or twenty American fishermen brought into Halifax harbor at a time, for a violation ot ibo terms of tho conven tion. That w^s, ho*o\or, when the present ruling party in England wore b. fore in power. That all waters within a line drawn from one headland to another, are within the jurisdiction of tho OOUtry in which they arc situated, is an admitted axiom of nationul law, beyond winch tho Court of Admiralty alone can take cognizance of oft'oncos that are com mits d there. X ? A Our Buffalo Ooir?kpoiiilenMa Bufpalo, July 17, 1852. The Litter of Amcrirus ? The Srutt Ratification Wettings ? The Weather, <$ <?., fyc. Your editorial in Thursday's Hekai.d, aad the ar ticle of Aniericus, have fallen into the Scott camp* like :i whole load of bomb shells, interspersed with several Pnishan shot. However, " Dear Hawley,*' of the Express, insists that it is only one of the JlEitALD jokes, and is perfectly well understood. The groat Scott ratification meeting here, on Tuesday evening, was, in verity, a a mall affair. There were not, at any time, including a large nam* ber of democrats, over six hundred persons present, and this In a eity of over 80, (XX) population, and after two weeks of preparation. The speeches were unique affair* Your towostnan, Mr. Oilman, made a long talk about the canals, and argued, in trtenso , that the whig party were the oiuy true friends of internal improvement, and therefore Gene ral Scott should be elected President. Few of his au dience could see the se<juttw; and all agreed that he might be very well to speak in New York, but ho wm rot enough for Buflalo. Senator Babcock said he bud voted fifty- three times for Fillmore, and for the platform, and Mr. John I.. Talcott said he voted tiftj-threc times for Scott, and against the platform. Both reside here? Mr T is the oldest son of the late Attorney General Talcott; in phonal appear* anee he looks like Prinoe John, and resembles him much iu his wit and tiuinor. Mr. T., however, is a profound lawyer, ami his character- he being a proto type of Mr Fillmore ? differs somewhat from John's. (<ieat efforts are being made to get up a great affair at Niagara. Special post office agents and secret inspectors are very active, travelling in every direction. Railroads and steamers agree to charge half price, and no stono is left unturned tc inducc a full attendance. It is a lovely place for a meeting; but if the delegates are swindled as much as carnal visiters at the lulls, it will coet each man a email fortune. Speaking of the falls, if you wir-h to enjoy the view, breath tne fre?h air, antl feel the Oder far nirnte, go the Clifton, on the Canadian side, and you will be satisfied To show the whig harmony here. I state a fact, which I will prove if necessary, that at the time ot the nomination of Scott, a Fillmore whig bet a Seward wbig $30 carh tnat Scott would not carry New York, Pensylvauia. and Ohio, $150 in all. The weather here if beautiful, and though every thing around is parched and dried np, the crops seem to have suffered little The steamers ou the lakes ? and their name i* legion ? never did half the business they are doing now. Thousands arrive ard leave here daily. What is Greeley doing'! Can't you stir him up more frequently 1 I'eople like to hoar him snarl, and bavii g established h raw, you always hit hiia en the identical spot. Bituws. Our CaiinilUii Corrchpomlmtr. Quebec, July 19, Ik" 2. Arrival of the S teenier Albatross ? Mating of Par liament ? Kite tion of I. J PapinKtu ? jHuamrnt in Upper I 'anuria. On Saturday, about 2 o'clock l\ M , the s'^iimer A lbatross, the first of the New \ork aud tyoebee line, come into this port It was intended to have given lier a proper reception, by firing a roy.vl salute, kv : but by eouic negligence, this wa* omitted. A report was circulated soon after her reaching the dock that Daniel Webster was on boiu-d, which caused much exoitement among our quiet habitant. There were, however, but few passengers, and tlioso unknown to fame. There is some talk of a public dinner being given to the officers of the boat. The government Gazette announces the meeting of Parliament in ono month from to-day ? the IJHli of August. The new Parliament building will then be realty for their reception. An important session is anticipated, and the city will no doubt be crowded with visiters. A new hotel is very much needed here ? there arc but two worthy of the name, and they arc crowded to repletion. Great numbers of Americans visit the city daily, arriving in tha morning, and returning by the evening boat to Montreal. The election in the district of the Two Mountain-* has resulted in favor of L. J. Papineau (the leader of the Lower Canada liberals in ':?7) by an immcn?t> majority. Mr. Papineau is a violent radical. Tho government candidate (so called) was a very modo rate man, in every respect. Mr. Papineau is a man ot splendid talents ? an orator, a scholar, and ? gentleman. He was supported by the ultra libe rals ? red republicans ? and also by the Wies, in op position to the so called government candidate. It is said that Mr. P. will be offered the Speaker ship ot the Ilous?. A contemplated grand Jilibus trro invasion of Upper Canada by th< supporters of General Scott in tho United State*, has caused much exoitement here. Representations hava been sent to the government ujion tho subject, and considerable feeling is manifested. I shall be able soon to give you tho full particulars; but it is evident that thcro is a movement; on foot that is calculated to disturb the peaca of tho two countries. I shall be able, la tt dnyortwo, to raise the veil from certain proceed ings. which, I trust, will inaku the sensible pcoplo of the Cnitcd Statm and Canada pause and reflect, upon the gn nt drama which is being played beforo them, and which, if persisted in, will lead to bloovl-* tiled and revolution. I iiave a number of documents on the nbject, wlii< li I shall submit to you very soon. OftlON. Senator C haw's Letter* Kindkhiiook, (aruund Lindenweld,) > .Inly 21, 1852. S 10 Tin: K1HT0JI OK Till: N K W YOKK HERALD. blK ? The letter of Senator Chase, of Obi*, to Bandy Hill Butler, published in jour paper of the Atthult., in regarded here as u great curiosity, and a deserved Hack <m ex-President Van Huron, Prince John, Parson Butler, and Preston King, tho high priest* of the Buffalo platform. It, shows that a sincere man, though possessed of comni itiding talents, may be the ilupe nl the designing. If 8enatorChaee had employed bis rnre powers of mind to discover the motive of the Buffalo rally, in an effort simply to multiply the chanecs of I bo defeat of <?en. Cass to tbe I 'residency, he wou'd have spared himself tho necessity of inflicting upon the country five eolumnj of good "English, in an attempt to show that he wa? sincere, aril that he supposed Parson HutJor and tho otlier members of tho committee wore generally so, when they framed tlio Itiiffulo platform, and asserted therein what he supposed was a great principle ni human freedom. Tbe Buffalo humbug, like anti masonry, hns served its 'lay, and tho end dos'gnod by it, and now the Mahomets of imposture lniigh to seorn the dupes of the shallow artifice. Talk to them of sincerity and inconsistency, and it only inerenecs tho burst of merriment, to redden tho cbeccks of the dtludud. It reminds one of the anecdote of a Judge of one of the central counties of New York, who. during the anti-masonic exoitement, put up for tho winter at the Columbian Hotel, Albany, where he was con stantly annoyed bv tho anti- masonic members of the Legislature. He sworo ho would not romain there any longer, and uont to the Kagle Hotel. Ho told some of his friends at the Kagle tho reason of his leaving. They told him he had not mended tho matter, as he boil now got with Heward, Granger. Spencer, and others, who were the high priests of anti-masonry. " But," said tbe judge, " the d ? d fools down at the Columbian really l.cliove in it ? thr high priests at the Kiiglc do not; they go anti iiio.oDry from policy." Now, if Mr Cbnse had the Fagaeily of ?he Judge, he would see hi* position : but , like the anti-m?*on#? at tbe Columbian, he is too sincere to snspect inaiui cerity in others. KinukhHowk.