W?w Uwi ->f til* Vnlud Stottv,
rABBKi) ll'iiliiO TUB I'lKd." hUWlUN OV fUM m lurY
?>*? oniiMritaiAj. * Nt.MHi ?*!?"?? t*.
Am Jet mtlK.rUii.g lot porvd Qooda W-uri ol M.-?
elianil.'te, JCnii' cJ uiil Dojv'vU I or War^huuneg to
?iuruxBCc of Ww, to be Ki ported fcy otrUui :autcu (0
h jl? 01 Ha?.fcs hi Mtx'iro.
St it muc'd by l ho *rna 3 a"?i loivi of j
ltf?s of tbtf Uuite.l of im-sric* iu Oun^runi ???
?tatbted Tbii toy impj'ti 'i ?oodn >3 tbo original pack
ages which k> il) have i>o.'a duly onUred an.) boide-1. la
pursuance o/ tbo w?n hotting net of stxlh of Augaet,
etghWca bundled aud forty six may h? wlthflr%*i? irwn
w*it-hon"' at a ay tme within two > cars from '.bo original
imyai tatxn, for iiuw iiate ox portal ion without i>.iji.a?at
?f dabes, the pr ov U iorn of the net aforaa .U, to
Chihuahua. to Mexico by the route-* J?-signa'ed iu the
??at MetH)n of the act of thirl of March t*igbwn hun
dred and fori j-five. or by sush other routes as s?iy he
designated by the Secretary of thi rr?arur>. and bko
wia*. that any imported merchandise duly entered aud
honied at J' jfat Isabel. in ihe oollef'im liatrlct of
Braios ie Santiago, or imported and bonded at any otbor
CI of the C ruled Ptatre. and f*an?p rted tbenoe in
4. and duly ra-warchontod At i'ivh babel, In pur
Hufcace of the provisoes if ?i?e ?arel t - "rig la? of An
g-jst r itb, eighteen hundred and forty tlx. my be wiU?
ir*? a fwia warehouse at any tiroo HjUim tvo pcan Ay p
MwUfci" ?fo? iaiportalion Iitij tfiu 1
/Or iajBuJiale exports; )<ja, without payment of duties
niii the pBOrifkino of the warehousing act aforesaid to
pfflti and plUM in Mexico, by land or water, or partly
by land nod partly by water, or by such routs* m may be
dtrignatwd by the Secretary of the Tr (as-jry .
See % And be it farther enacted That any 'szjflrk d
mt Jchandife duly entered aa<l bonded at an> >ori of tLe
OaiUd State# may be withibawn from wa'-j-Jj,,,*,.
limaytHMa two years from tbo date of l1b^orl?Oon with
?ttfrwawat of duties, in pnw'^flrt of ,? yMvi?la=? of
y * WAMhouilBglawor 0f August, eighteen hun
awa.attfl forty ix- ^ immvdiato exporta'lon far San
yyy?1.. <ft Mor>. and Chihuahua, in Mexico.
in? port o'f l.a Vaca, in tho rolleoUon rilwtrkt of
Solfl^ia tho State of Texan, and be tranHhlpped inland,
?ace to ?'aa Antonio, in Raid Siate. and from the latter
ybu to the destination" in MoxRd afor^aid, either by
way tt Ksgle Pvt. tho Prendio del Norte. a.nd Saa El.
aanfr, ail an the *io flrznde: an] the Srcctary of the
Tnasary (.hall he. and is heiuby, author! a; od to prescribe
aaetr r? gulations not inoom-istint wtth law vi he may
4*tat proper and neoc*?ary ro*p>Ki9g the pocking, id irk
hsg, hwpectios, proof of due del> r. ry attboir foreign de?
apiatiOBf of th ; imports auihcric. d by :h s and the for -
gong mtko of thi.< act. to bo uontcd frcm warehouse
to parts aa<l place* in M"xi<-o. and for the due protection
teothtr retpticta of tlw pubik' r*?enae.
#?e 3.1 And he *t further ena?;t?!d That the Secretary
af the Treanry shall appoint jn^pttctour* of tho ruiximi
to M-?iie at Ban Anionic. Ba^le l'n/w. ?h? ProidiO del
Jtaite aad Eaa KILuxia.or at f>ucho:her poiaU on the
aontssas he ?ay designate, not exuding four in mutwr,
Vhochall each rece vo an unnual ia'.iry of two liuodrod
and ll'ly dollnTK and who ?.ball make a repcrt nerai-ruura
to th* 9ecr.?t?ry of the IVrafury of all the trado th:?t
aancti trader ini>peotion, stating th? number of pack i^es,
desaription oi goods, their taluo, and the names of th*
apart* rs.
Bee. 4. Aad be it further enaoted.That no goods, wares,
*r BMrehtadise. exported tat of the KraiM of the United
stales, according to the provision 4 of Mkii act. i>hall be
TeUiafarUy laiid?d or brought into th? tTnltad States;
wad on heisg so landed or brought into the (Jn>ted Stated,
they fhait be forfi>i'.ed, and the same proceedings
shil he had for thalr eoudemnation and the distribu
tion of the pr??e?i!? of their talos ad in other cases of
ftafeitare of goodis i" "gaily imported: and every person
aoncernvd in the voluntary landing or bringing such
auad* into the United >tat? . shall be liable to a penalty of
lour bundled dollars.
Sec 5. And be it farther ens?ted. That all aets and
parts of a?ts, ineo&ristent with the provitiont of the fvN>
gaisg nat, b? and the ? lunv .ue hereby repealed.
Approved August 30, 1852
An act to provide for a tri- monthly mall from New Or
leans to Vera Crux, via Tampico, aad back, in steaui
He it enavUd by the Senate and House of Rejire'ento
tlves of the United Stated of America in Oongrest iui
aemblr l, That thn IV ? master Uoneral be and ii-iis here
by authorized and directed to eater into a contract for a
term of five your*, and For a sum not exceeding one hun
dred thousand dollars a year, with such person or persons
ae may cflNar sufficii nt and satbfactory security, afu-r due
paUic notice, for the transportation of the mails of the
Batted States, upon tho best terms for the United States,
time times a month from New Orleans, via Tatnpico, to
Vera Crua uad back, in tteam-voeaels of not le?? than
eitbt hundred tons burthen, of the best form of con^truc
lkia adapted to war purposes and to the navigation of
the Bcsthera waters, the eume to be ready in the shortest
possi tie time.
Approved August 30, 1852.
tii>; kt.whi Arr.n vostaoe lav*.
An Act to JuTBL'nil an set entitled ?? An act to reduco and
sacdify the rates of postage in tho United Platen, and
for other purpo-cs, ' p.wsea March third, eighteen hun
<fc?d and fifty-one
Bs it enacted by tho Senate and House of Reprwonta
tWcH of the United Ktates of America in Congress assem
bled, That. I row and alter the thirtieth day of Septem
ber. eighteen hundred and fifty-two, the pottage up m til
printed mailer aatslvg through the mail of the United
States. instead of the rates now cliorgod. "hall be as fol
lows, to wit: ? Kach newspaper periodical. unhealed cir
cular or other ?wrttcle ot printed matter, n ?t exceeding
three in weight thall be sent to any purt of
th?" United Ptatos ior one cent; and lor every addi
tional ounce, or f:action of au ounce, one oent addi
tional shall be chargcd; and wh-n the postage upon 1
any newspaper or ptrlodicol is paid yearly or ituarteily,
In ad>aace, at tho office where tliu nuoo is mailed,
(u* 1 evidence of <ruoh payment is furnished to the
office o,' JeliT( ry in such manner as tho I'ort Oilice l>e
par' meat shall by general rtgulatio* proscribe, one half
of ?aii rate onlv (hull be c)i;irgod .Nsw-piper-? and pe
riodicals sot w*ii:hit>tf over on? ounce anil a half, when
oirculuU J in the State while published, thall be charge 1
obo half of the rates before lilen'Ioned : l'tovlded, That
small nswppupers and periodicals, published monthly or
oltcner, and pamphlets not containing more than -ii'.fen
octavo p:.ges each, when sent in single packages. wei?h
Ibr at least eight ounces, to one address, and prepaid by
?M ti*>g postage "tamps thereto, shall bo charged only
Lilfoi* cent for cach ounco. or li action of on ounce.
u-.t with "finding the postage ealculat d on oach separate
article o:' such p ickaire would exceed tlint amount. The
postage m all transient matter shall be prepaid by
atanps or otherwlsa, or shall be charged double the rates
Urn above mentioned.
See. 2. And be 11 further enacted, That books, bound
oj unbound, not weighing over four pounds, ,-lmll bo
deemed mailable matter, und shall be chargeable with
postage at one cent an ounce for all distances under tliree
thousand miles, and two rent? nn < i.nco fbt all distances
over three thousand miles, to which fifty per cent, shall
he added in all eases where tho nunc may be sent without
being prepaid, and all prin'cd matter ohargeable by
weight (hall b? weighed when dry. The publishers of
newspapers ani periodical* may send to each other from
th?ir respective offices of public* ion. frio of posta^.
one copy ut each publication ; and auy also scud to each
actual subscriber, enclosed in tlujir publications, bills
and recc'.p'.s for the same !rw of postii^e. The publish
ers of weekly newspapers may send to csch aitu-U sub
scriber witlna the county wbutc tilth papers are printed
and published. one ?opy thereof free of postage.
Sec. 3. Acd bo it further onacusl. That no newspaper,
periodical, aaar^slne. or other printed pnper or matter.
?hall be entitle! to be sent at the rates of posfciso In this
art specified. urless the following conditions be "beervod
First. Tt shall 1-e f< r.t without any cover or wmpper ; or
lb a cover or wrapper open at the ends or files. ;o that
(he character of the matter contained thrrain may bo
determine 1 without removing such wrapper. f'osond. I
There -liall be no word or comannicMtion pr.ntod on the
mow al'irr it^ piiblicntion or up' -n the cover or w upper
then of. excc.t the name and nd<it<w* ol' th? per.-on to
whim It is to bo sent. Third. I'her*1 sb Ul be no paper
or other thing enclosed ! ? or with such jinnted paper ;
nnd if thuu conditions ir<- not wkh sueJi
printed mr.' .er shall be sub.irct to letter p,?>tagp ; and all
matter font by n??il from one prut of the Vmt?d .States
to another the postage or' which i.> not fliccd hy tlm pro
visions of this a< t. fhul' , i alt - , '.he eiuue bo onti?lo<l to
He W?nt flee of postage, be chwg vl with 1 ? ,tor pvtuge.
8?c 4. \n<X be it further < naoted, TluX U thu p il>
lihber of any pnr!<elieal. rit r bring three months
rionfly notified that bl? puUkatlnu is not taken oir of
the ofllse tc. whk.ii It is sent for dfltiwiry, continue to
/orirard "Uch publication in Uk mall, the )k> (mai-'"r to
whose oiljee sveh publiivaion in ?>*it may dl poMj of tlie
?uoe for the put-in je unless the pul>Ueh?r html I pay It;
and whenever any pYinud nw'uf of my dw.crii>ti.'n,
Ktrivcd diifing one (juarter of th ? ti^wj i year, shall have
?Mdacd in the office, without b< ing c'tlW for, lm,;
the whole of aoy r-iuxvedijtp juo/m. t ie po'luu>Ht?r At
mieh office thall sell the -ani". ejiil t?- <ht tlie proooo?!s t f
inch cal>* in his r narterly ac<" ci: ??. under Mich ro-/ula- '
tions aud after such uotioo a.-: the l'Mt OAloa l>up?urtia<.nt
?hbl) prescribe.
See. 0. And l?' it ferthor ewaoUnl, That s<? much of the
nrroovl si ctlon of tin act em ltl"l An net < i modify i Ad
fedaeo the rates of postage to the t ntto?'. stoU?i, an i for
other purpose," apiiT 'Ti U Vnrrh third eighteen hun
dred and fifty one. ?.? ielni<* to the. jx* or fr>jo oircu
La tic n or txammi'Sion of newspnrrs, fieriodloals, 'uvl
oilier printed msttor. and nil otlo* provisions ot' low in
consistent with the proi l-ions ot this act, are her* by
Ser. i). Anil l* it furt'iir or-wstcd, Tlist whon ? lit t of
unoalied foi letter # thu 11 be published In any n. V:?
printed In any foreign iangun^e said list shall be j ul>.
listed in such new Fj.aper having the lsrgi*t clrcalaiina
within the range of ani very of said Ullrt?
Approved August *0. lSi'i.
Stations of the Anerttai Arntyi
PUtcmont nhowing tho military post? now oi-ou
ptcd bj tho troops, tlirir several gnrrlwna, ?mi tlto
uamon of their c . mmaniUnts, lurnkhoa in roply t&
? lett-ir ol Hen. Ocorgo Brings, oi tlie If oaf e of If'V
nrccentativos, to the Sucrvtary of V? at, dated Au
|?uBt 6, ]Kr)2. ?
Fort oulllvan. Ka^tpott. Ma., one company Third Re;i?
meet. Artillery, Itrrv, l.ieuc. Col. M. Uuskc, T? ;:d
Aitlliery, Cunuuand? ".
Koit I'rrbie, Port'tnd lifib"f, Mi., one <otaifiny
Third Boglment Attiller/ Bar, Myoc it. Auiirs.n,
Third Arull<-ry. rtmnianJ'T.
Fort OonstUu^on, rorimonth hstlior, N. T! ooo
aompinv T ilrd lltjthueut AHUlery, llrev Moot. Col J.
M. V n'hh is'on. Third Ar'Ulrry, tViuinauder
Fort InoeperdeBce, liw '.on harbor, Ms*,. , two ottnpan
nles Third Reglm nt Ar .lUsry, lire*. M j. K. 0. .Vyso,
Third Artillery, Ooinmcuder.
loft Adams. N wpott harbor. It I , fthre<~ romnanles
Xblrd He^iiaent Artillery, Cot W. Uats ?, ihlr 1 Attihei j ,
*oi t Trumbull. Few r,onlon liiirbor, Oonn , one noia
?any Third Regiment ArtlNery, Brer Cot. B. i Deltc n,
fiiird Artillery. Commaudet.
Fort Maoliinao. Mi chlnac. Mich., one company Fourth
Regiment AnlL*ry, Brcv. Msjor T. WUlVimu, i ourth Ar
(11 le y. CcaniaaCir.
Fort Urady. fcauit de f to Marie, Mich., one company
fourth Regiment Artillery, Htv* t'-apt. 1. W (kit/,
l'aurtli Artillery. CtdUloajiJsr.
Fort Niagara, Youngstown. N. Y ons company Fmrth
Me^iut fct Arillloiy, J. 1'. AIcOolu, l\>u. th ArtUlti
n ''ooimander.
X<*t Oatacto, Oswego, M. T., onsaosapanj Vovrth *?gt
mtot ArVlWiy. Brev. Mujt r 8. C Rldgtly. FC-uUiArl'l
It ")- <'ciDU'?9'<er
M.h'aiy TV?;.t Pivat, flatlet - an* fl-iae-M,
u^uia H. Brtwvftfb K.DftinorM iuwet
F?rt Ootanbw. New Vwl Jwrtvr ?ue sompiny
Feunb A;ti?rrj C?1 J L. Oardarr, Fonrth Ar- i
tittery. Commander. '
_ f?1* " tlKl Bedlow's Mioi. n?r>oil|Dtf Depot Ottrvci
Col II. y?^oo?l Aitlllwry C ?n in imi'-r. I
_ 'J['' UatniHoa New Vofh llvhur, on? eotnpwty I
Fourth Artillery fir>vet W l^Uia-na Fo&tl/i Ar
tllW/J. Cl KltfV it, (<!??,
. W"*>i*Ri??T Pa.. ?n>? company Fonrth
Artillery. Captain J. ilolKrla, friend Artillery, Ooue
mantlcr. *
' irii tc Barracks. Cti?l?le P ? . Cavalry Depot. Brave;
I.ieut. Cul. P. H tltutgt Cooke, Second Dragoon.". Uquv.
FmS BJtirMn turbo?. M?l.. on* ompjoy
F irst Artillery. Ittrti Lu-ot. -^til F /aylor, I^-si Artil
lery, ' on.inauder
Fort Wa>bititfton. Po'omi? Rivar. MA, two ecm
pwi?s Fonith artilWy Brere t rfajor J. B tkoti, atour.b |
Ariiii try Commander.
_ F wt Monro* Old Point Onmfrsrt, Va , threa compact i
t'fsosJ Artdleiy. Bruva*. Major Oaa. J. ia.'U>^d, be- I
Mi d A s till* Ty Coauoasder.
Fort Mauttilc Charlerteit Harbor. 8. C.,twa e^ipinJ. ii
Sfoid Jrt'llary, Brevet CjL J Maoroe, 0e?>Jb3 Artil
Jv'y. C<n>min<J i.
??Mil* I'hickney. Ohfti>*ton H*rt>or. H. O., roe c^m
jwny flccPsi .irf)Her? H revet Major J. F, H- UdJ, We.
tV|J ArUi,,? CommI?.J&* ? C |
FWxU. toe company So*-md
A. lowd, Seocad Artillery, Ooin
fanvp at Vsf&on's, ten jiiks from Smyrna. Ft.. IV_
t? riiin. ill. B>ev(t 1'iipt. II, /. i'iuk<;, BmoikJ .'rtukry, ?
^'Pr''n* h}*?r. Pn.. cm eompa \y Second
Artillery. First Lieut. J. Itl.S. Taylor, Saciud vrtilltry,
Oooimatidi r , " i
? ?.?7 Bw?ok?, Koy Wfit. ooa company piynt
*?, T7 J J- VoUgoa. Wrst .irtllleiy. Cow.;n*n?ier. i
toit Mfjtrs. 140 siiir* from raaipv thr^e tompweii '
t Irst Ar Uttj. Broy?: Moat. Col J, J. W iaUer, fire; Ar
tillery ?i?miuaod?r.
Kt.*t Stride, ?If uil?4 trom Tontps ro*. f -^ir.pany of tbe
Tbvi ,?d two of lb? Pecood ArtilKry, Brarct Oaptua i
S. K.V)dw?on, Kiiht Aitilirry. <Jommao<ior. '
n*?^" Hoilda iVntaebmcnt, Brev?t Briin
jMr Ovvarai r ChikH, Kir>t Artillery. ''orujiiDdcr.
Bamaca? Bar-irk't, rfs<a:oU Na*\>sr. FJorl 1* one
^anipaay. Flwt Art.lkay, Biev^t Ma>? J. A. !
Fiwt Artlli?ry. Coi3>and?-f
'f'* Drlfaa* Bai.-ifJiH. Nr w <>ricaa*; La , one ?ompanv,
Fmt Artillery, Brovat U. Col. 0 Nauaiw Fir^t ArtiUo. ;
rj, ^Loamantkr? m -uia.nur ?jUaiUre at !&>t Tas-iagtsi
Bat ton Sou jo Hair*?lu, B?ton Rcugo. 1-^.. one ^inpv !
Art II W.7y, Ureret Lt. Col. L li. Web?t?.-, Flmt
Ariulery. Coami^nJer ? In ?odium qvjorters at Kact i'^s- '
capeala. La. 1
Newport B ur?ik?. Newport. Kentucky, recrnitlug d?.
pot. i aptajn N C Maeruo. Tbird lu.'antry, 'yomm >n<J jr.
Fort Ripley, near uioutU of ?'row \V hig. t nper M>sgi?
Bippi.onc coapany. tiix'h Infantry, Cupt. J. U 3. Todi, !
Bixtb Isfjntry, Commander.
Fort Snelllng. nto* Fall? of b'aint Authany, Mlanosota,
o-je eo?fa?y. Sixth Infantry. Lrevet Major 3. Wooio,
Slxlb I Stan try. Comniandur.
Fort Dodge, forty mtlcs from BoonKVtrnirh. Iowa,
one eompany, Sixth lutantry, Brerut Ooloocl b1. Leo,
Sixth Ia/aatry, Commsii'ldr. j
Fort Laramie, Ure^oo route, ono < '>mpany, hixt'.i In.
fantry. ( aptain W. H. Kotctmm, Wxfh lofantry. Com
Fort Ke\rney, Oregon routo, one -or^pnny ?ixth In
foritry. C apt am II. W . Wharton Sis th lufautry, Com>
Fort //Cavenworth. MU^onri five hundred miles ib-.vo
St Louis, four companies, one cf tho First Pruirt^.vs,
one of tbe Fourth Artillery and two of tht- Sixth rn
fsniry, Brevet Lieafcnaut Colonel B. L. B.mU First
Itngoons. Commander? on an exiodition to tht io'iih
pacs of the Koeky MountdnA.
Fort Scott, on the Mnimelon. west of Mi'- muri. cue
company, Sixth Infantry, Brevet Major A. Ca Jy, Sixth
Infantry (\mmander. ,
Fart Atkinson, nf ^rKanRM Hanta Fe roat?,
ono company. Sixth Infantry, Brevet Cept&in P. Buck- |
ner. Sixth Infantry, i Commander, I
Jeflerton Barrack*, near St I.ouia, Mo., two rorananles I
Bitle.<r and oae eumpany Third Artillery, Brcv. Bri^-. 1
eP . Clarke, Sixth Infantry. Commander. On ex- :
ptdition to f oath pa.-s Rocky Mountains.
Cibeon. Cberokeo Nation, three companies So
yenth Infantry, Major G. AnJiow;, Seventh Infantry,
Cerenjander. J'
? * ?*J sJ^f b, Arbansv. one company Seventh Infantry,
Col. II. Wihon, Seventh Infantry, Commander.
Fort Towion, near Doaksviiie. Ark., one company Se
venth Infantry. Brev. Major D. P. Wliitiug, Seventh In
fantry. Ctmmander.
Fort W??hiU. near mouth of Fa??e VT.vhifA. one com
fany Seventh Infantry, Brcv. Major T. U. Holmes, So
?truth Infantry, Comxa&n'ier.
l^ort Arbv.ckl?, Wild Itorso Oreek. sev< nty miles west ?
or i;dlee w afhita, tuo caiupwioB redout h luiunt rv, Bxov. I
Major J C lien* haw. 8?venth In/uniry, Commondur.
Fort Brown tirownnyille. Thiwii, two sompinies Fourth
Artillery, Firbt Lieut. II M. *?V hiding. Fourth Artillery, S
Commander. '
Iticg^old Barroeke. T<io Gran<^ Citj, Tex^t two com- I
penus ^wnth Infantry. Brer. M^jorCi. H. Vaul, Seventh
lniuDttv, Crmmander.
Fort Mclntoth, Savedo, Tejtw. two eompamen Fir#t
intantry, C. ptain S. HurV&nk, First Infantry, Com
Fort Dune in, Ksglo V w>?. Tcxns, two compftnies First
Infatitrj, Bii v. Lc. (,'oi T. Morris. First 1 utuntry , v'oui
uapder. "
Ft.rt In?c. Leorui rivrr. Texas, one company 8ocond
Drsgoon-j. Fiiet l.icut M. liaweg, Socond l'mirMa",
Commander '
Fort Lln? Id. l!io rfeco. Texts, one company Second
Dragoons, Cupt. J. V.'. Newton, Second Orjiroons, Com
mandor. 6 '
Fort Merrill >'ue ct* r!v,-r. Texas, om uoap.ioy Ilifles,
M'w?r <1. U. trltHnden. Hit!'"., Conim,vudcr.
Aa^in. Texa.". D. tachmonr.. Brevet Brig 6en. W. S.
Hainey. Drag? ons. ( ?mman1?r
Fort (tr:ib:im .foseMari'iVillnge. T??xafi. o.ic company
Second Dragoon*. Brevet Major H. 11. Sibley. Second
l>ragoons, CctumaLdcr.
Fort Worth, West fork Trinity Itivnr. T.".u? one com.
pany second DiagOf-ns. Bit ret .M.ijor It. A. Arnold. I
Mcond Dugnon. (.'onim^nJor
I'oit J'ftton. Kim fork Trinity River. T-xis, two com- i
pinlcs Second Di&eoons. Brevet Col. C. A Msy. Secjni
Dr?goonf>. Commander.
FoitlWk'jnp iliilu fork Hrnzoi) Tlivc.r. Texao. five cont
pmies ?? Mth Infantry. Col. tl. Lootni.-. Fifth InSiutrv
I Tort on tiles r F'oik of Brasoa F.iver. Texan, five e..n?
panies Fifth Iiuantry, llrevt Col. II. A. Wait.;, l'itth
In;;inliy. Conimander.
l'ost on Saba I'ivor. Toxas. Ave compark" Kiilitli
Jufantry. Mujor i'. Morrison, Kijhth Infuntrv. Com
Po>t on North BrJinoh Conrho Hlvcr. Bvo corjpa'.ilej
Kigbln Ii'fnnuy, lirerit lliU;. Hen. John F^ul.ind. Klghth
Jjilantry, trmrnander.
Post on >'ortU Fork of Llino Blrer, Tcxa?. four com
panles Firet Infantry, Lieut. Col. II. Laiutrfdg''. Flret
Infantry. Cemmsudcr.
i'wt jn J.a? Morris lUvcr, Texas, two companies
Infantry. Brevet Mujor J. II. l>ainoite, Fii>t Iniiiiirv
Comuander. *
*!K"rt J-'r.08h,lD- Hamilton Creek, Te?as. Detachment.
Lieu T. Fleh. I'tchtb lnfa/itry. Coromuinder.
Fort Kwell, Nueces River, ?no hundred and fifty miles I
from iorpu? Christi. m. ten Compaaies Aides. Br?vjt Col. 1
>V. SV. l.ori-ijr. iiiJIcs. ComtannJcr.
Fort 1 n'ou. Moro Rlvtr, Xt,w Mexico, one comorry
of Dragoons, and one company of tlia Tiilrd Infantry, ;
lire vol Mnjf.r J. IF. (Jarloton. l'Ust Dragoon s?. (,*omxnander. I
Furt Matey, tunta F'.', Kew M-.xico, one eomjvniy Se- j
cona Art'.'.lsry and one oinjMiny of tho Third inqu iry. 1
Brevi t Lieut.- Col. II. llrocju. ?ucoud Artillery. Cc'in- I
man, r.
Fott Conrnd. 'alverde, New >I;xtco. two eompunlei I
Peecud Dragoons, Major M. B. Uowe, Second Draiooan,
Cotrni?nder. ^
*CT? J UlnK>re _ Bra8ito, N eiv Mcxico two panics,
rnr of tbe \ Irst J>ratroon~ and ono of the Third Inf.-ntry,
I'M ii tenant Colonel D. A. Milt-, Xtiird Infantry, Co*u
murdtr. t "
Fort D, Navn jo country, New Mexico thr*-n com;rs, ono oi the Sccoud Ar llltry jvni two i f the Third
ill .n.jy, ''Jor h. Diu-hus, Third infantry, Conuitiin'ler
J'ort W CMtcr. Copper Mines New Mexico, two. -owpr.l j
n.< s. e re cf the Sccond Drsgonn-- nod one of the Thud
Infantry, MaJerO. Morrt?. Third h^un ry OUnmandar I
Camp at AlbnqUf rqae, :> -w Me.dco live coii j-anlr-'
"tv, o ct tbe First Drflfroons me < f the S.cjr.d Drt 'cons
at d tv.o of tho Third Infantry, Brw>et iUior W. N Orier
F.ret liragconf, Comtnard>r.
Fort Mat<achuf?tts, I'tah country, two octnp inK- oite
cf the 1 irht Dragoon* ard one cl tlie I hird Tniimtry. Ma
Jor 0 A. II. Bl; kc, I'i'st Drngoom, <>ocimnn?;< t,
L?cort to Mexican lioamlary Corusitliun cn<- compa
n.v.7h'r4 Inliintry. S.,c.mi tieuUaunt V. C Urwn, Se
cond Intantry. Commander.
Coop Innia, noith of Ciln Callf-M-nia, throe cotnpa
2 iir;00,Dd1 Jn'"??try, lire t r.t M?wo* ft I>. H >lnt/.clu an,
fiooond Infantry, C-OBmand- r. u-w.(1i..mi,
ih, h\'~?innT Sun Cf,1,fornl? oompanks, ono of
the tint Dxmoom ard one of ibo first A.-tIu?ri Jk 'r t
U< ut nant ( oleitei .1 E. Mn^iud(\r. F'irw Artillery ? \m>4
m under.
S nLuiB Roy ?an r ief o. Calircnih. Drtt^bmw, So
mam: r Wenrmcr. l ir?t AttiUery Coin
Rencho d?l Clilno. )2t. mil* froui Dic?, ( slifor
#<rr.ln, ni'. ronipnny, g, oontl Infuntr*-, Cnr'ala C 3 l,o
ve.i F.^ot 1 Infhntry, (Viiamf.nd.f .
Camp Millar. San J<"t.',uln river, California tao^una
iih* .Second Infantry. I Irst Lleateuent V Ui>>? se
cond Infar, try. Command, r. '
Th 1 1? " ArtX <>n* cocnp?nyT
CcrunS^' tar -0i" 11 ?? i Artillery,
iJn^lMrd A>Jnn"'eUrS f"n ' ",nrt ^ com
juinj ir-trtt Artilicrj. kiat??r C. s* M?rt h. m ?- i
tiU.ry CoD-mandor *' ihl d Ar' j
v~?Di('if* f fire eotnpanlea. ona of tlie F!n?t.
v'mn.n o M ^ the Second Infantry, J)iu r 'A"
unveil. Second n-nntry.Ccmir^uer. ' " '
Drl o<is FW m ' Crford , (irecon. on* conip.?,y. Hr,t
?? Lik-ut< uant 1( W. Stani .11 l in t Ur%
r.H C ommander *** 1 117 1 *'r?
Ptv'lneoom. I'a(,< V Sound, oro eoeirsmv F':?i At
*r ri3 -Vr*?i to u,. Mir. 1 jm^ArtMi
10 to I ' cl ? c^a'tt. i#n c(iQipai)i<9f fourth
iBtenhy I, lent. Coi. I!. L. F.. Itor.ncviUc Fouitli lutoa
try, Comiiiand.T
). Tic ?tre?gth of th? tevcrnl csrrisons, owinir
k) tne oruianry caniAlties ?! i#rvico, (deaths, de
wrUon?,^i,s, \c .) is centi lually chAnrrinir.
? j 01 the loroo would probably bo at
tnnied by avetHging ?t forty men. the rotnpaniet
jttatK iied on the Northern Inkes, the Atlactio raj
t'Uir coasts, the Cprcr Ni'tUsipai, and ut pos>
n ar Ibe wortara frontiers cf Iowa, Misso'.H, atul
i'A ? ?T tlj? P0"*' on tbodreuon aini Santa
Nu'f Colifornlt, and
f,v vtgo "* IUCn ^?r con,I>,iny would bo h fiir 1
?ulon,?nt embmoes only tbe J
l^utioM Mtually occujJad b, the txoopa. J fa Jo- j
tjiU ) in'orui?i'wn / f i?i' v? I-. tUl tbo pi rtn?'" I'"
foiiifiea.'. oi>? of tbr 6'ju -ktry. /?.''? -e? (>'? uitHnooifnlljr j
iBVi'td to ibw r? ?> ? tt?u Cb ? I !?!?? ?> ia* or. MM'C
May Lag 'hat o; 1 U? b??MUr} it M.?r to ion lion. '
!,;nr B'Ji J. t-pi?;:<r rtf lb" r* in.' ,f fUcKltV j
tirfi. under Jve of Dte?t"li - M, ' r?I, aad wtuoh
hilbe<n girted >y '>rJ?.r ol th- UouM
Resect tfu'ly sabu.ittrd,
(8'goed) ? Coorn, Adjuun* General.
Ili'H O. M. Com:*d, K?<rctarj -f W<vr.
Adjutant Centra)'* otT^e, 13, 1H62.
The Cuban Pairhta.
MONiKtJ AT 11W tKtllihV.N'H IU.L, IN bliOAU
It w..s asnonneed ia tbo papers, u] made gener
ally ??DfD over 1*10 my, that i gtb nd &ad soleoia
High Mass would b3 celebrated yesterday morning,
in St. Patrick's Cathedra], for thd repne of the
seals of Gen. Lepea and lus fellow martyrs, In
the last Cuban revolution. About t to huwlred
Jbirfv gottlep?Bj jf (Ju'ba, or tbo ?u? ?f
mes "f orb on the island, with a iarga naaiior of
highly r?*pec table eiti&ens, aUcajed in the church
at half past ten o'clock in the forenoon. Yester
day being the anniversary of the execution of Lopez,
the Creoles eamo nttiicd in dsep mtrirning, and
weaiing moominf badges upon tbo left arm; a
number of th^m acted as vergers in tho charily and
discbarg-.d that daty with a solemnity befitting tbo
03ca .i0U, oeeoupanied with that nudity of manner,
which is charactciistic of tho natives of tho un
happy island.
When the hour for the commencement of the s&r
vioe arrived, oensiderablo <Vsappoiat-.aon;, and mme 1
chagrin, were experienced by j!1 pre-ont at the an
nouncement, that there would not bt n lligh Ulan,
and that that imposing oeremor?> would to ih
pensed with upon the oooasion.
Immediately afterwards, tho Rev. Jit. MoClosky
esme upon the altar, and celebrated the ordinary ,
low maBS for the dead. This ceromony is always I
impressive The church casts aside her gorgeous !
vestuie, and tha priests appear habitad iu tho gar- ?
merits of woe which aro worn in tho p&s&ion r. cek
of Lent? the towering tapers on oatfh aide of the
altar aro extinguished, and a flickering light fr jDI
two small wax candles is ulono visible? the taper
stands are eased, tho altar hung with black, the
tinkling cf bells is stilled, and responses by muffled
knocks are alone heard ? tfle seraphic voioe of tho
choir is silenced, and the rolling thunder of the
organ hushed. All this w:?s observable in the cere
mony of yesterday; but still the patriots ol Cuba
were dissatisfied In their opinion, the church should ]
" exhaust tho pomp of woo" in colebrating tho '
servico lor the departed soul of their idol and hero, |
and it appears that a pruni^e w?wt given to that ef- 1
feet by His Archbishop Hughes, which was
at'terwariifl l>roktn.
Tho following letter will enlighten tao public |
np^n this part of the aubjer t : ?
ItiRiir UtvF.Rf.ND Fathkii ? The Cathoile Cubans n"* |
in Hfw \otk, feel a tender ard roliniOtH anxi 't j ho c?jj-*
brutu. in a btcoalni; 'ind r??|>-'o;hil mauncr. tile aoniver*
1-n.ry of ihe dv^tb of their broth. th an.1 ftiun-i-i who were
taken i"rom tb? m last y?*r at l i iQcipe TriniduJ, Los i'o
zas. Ati.v-i and Eubauo
We pr of jou therefore, to arecil*1 to our PH.nw&t re
quo-t to have masses said for their etorii&l roposo i.t th >
Mfit'ncdrul. on the 1st of September, from ?! A. M. to tl\e
hour of itnad ma>s and then a grand muss.
We would al?) tissue if it should seem proper to yt.ti,
Sir, to linve a brief sermon, avoijin# op rvr'tlng this t* <?
ibb and p eeniliar oeea^ion. all pollUm! rv:niar[ts cf ?h;i -
ever tiDdtncy, fi< m the beautiful and impressive text, St.
Matthew, r.bap. V , verses 11 and 12.
M iili your permission, we v ould prepare a haa'Tsome
cenotaph, inscribed cither Willi thu Mines cf our lott
flielids. or with the places where tlioy ylutdcd up life, to
be placed appropriately !n tho Cathedral dtir'ng the oer
emonies. I rcmaia yourv &e.
P. dk. CS jftOOUAIA.
Nbw York. August 20, 1852
On Sunday, tho 29th nit., Mr. <}. do UoUancourt
and Mr. (J de ? >oroouria called on Archbishop
Hughes, and he expressed to tbesn that he .iould no-,
allow thein the sermon or the cenotaph, hut tho
masses in the morning, and tbo Grand Mass at
ten o'clock, to which ho would invito tUo clcrjty tj !
officiate. ^
Aj! roon as tbo Hki;at.i?, and other papers, an
I iiounced tho grand mage, tha Archbishop, and twj
| Bi.'.hops, With a great number of Catholic clingy, !
met at tho Archbishop's house, and ainutuaoj
tbat it would create a sensation in tho Cajholii I
world, and piiticul irly in tho dominion of hor Cu^ '
tholic Majesty; and tucy decided to Lave on-1 ;
single mu.-s, withjitt any function bosomicg to |
that object whatsoever.
Mr. 1' de Ooreonrl i will, therefore, fce! vei-y 1
much obliged to any Protestant church thit will j
! offer their temple him so that, he m.iy h we l
j tbo ceremony performed in a manner 'vorthy j
, the mer.iory of the bravo, who fell for tho cn.->o ot'
liberty in Cuba, hi- beloved country, ile lives at '
1X0 hast Fifteenth street.
At the conclusion of the m^"?, the Cuban ,'routle- j
i man proceeded arm in arm to the i.irge i*!jomhly i
I room. No fiOU Brcadway. They mado an im|>or.jg j
dtmonsfstiop., attracted much respect for :
I themselves, and sympathy for their cause, by th'ir j
bearing and demeanor, iho rjoin was bsfittingly |
decorated. Tbf wall at tho extreme ond w;is huug !
! with pla in black doth, without ornament; upon t!io j
eentre of this v, .\ s a*upended the tiag of Cub t? tho |
' ono borno by 8ofior Af arras in tho oxiiedit'.on? j
j festooned w;'b black. Its wh'to and lotiostir ap
' peared prominent in the centre, anl c.cry evo was
I turned towardf it. A raised d;iis, cupeled, '.vn.^
plaeu! tm?l?r tho banner, (rom whLh ji
conld O'Mress the assomhly. Tho room was wel',
filled. There were about two huo<lrod gentlemen .
prercnt. Four soul stirri; orations wrrc prn
i noitnccf! in the Bpnuish languBgo, '.m<l the liothiag
i cjoii and animated eountcnin- >?. observablo dtuicg
; their delivery, toll nhin'.y thus tho blot d of oi l
j Ctistilo circulated in ihe he; rta t' tho nutli-.nco
The iwukfrj were Honors Al. ToIjij, 1'raucino
1 Aznoro I .straua, 1". J. range, nod F. Armas.
V> o publi h thea.Mroijof Senor il . Tolon, trans
| lated into tho English language: ?
tf tnUemen? We havojiwt como fort! from the Ttflipie
; of<lod nnj run yrt uii'i'T tiw profound impression* loft
on each heart by ti.e duty for which wo ur a?*e.uible<l~
thif folarnn. auK?*t. and p;>inful duty. at whi-h roiiglon
and tho coua'.ry pT'-'-idol?lbo 090 in taars end ruoi-.rn
Idr but ti.e either vowing Jta ctornol rmile of light rud
ci iiMrtulion. I: w?.s not 11 !<p. ctacle of rojil pi mp, or
i >ni!i < vt?'ntn:iou? It wv Uip hi rnblo but im;>ot in;; night
' of a r(iB'iDnaity cf exiles. uni'in? in th" Uoirsc of th*
I I.r,:d. in the laud cf tl.e ftriw^or, to raict- tUiir prayers
j toil'iTcn the ropoee (f tli -u brothers, who oflurod
I themFilT.'s '73 sacrifice for the liberty of their native Und.
? W e ro!?td r.o n:uip.i;ou? cenotri 1. but the vi '1 of grief lJ
I uj? a ovr b."uW8; it 1 pbicc of funeral bl?ons wo givibit
' ter tia.';? i-i pL.ce of letter* of gold. nuil boMtfttl tro
I the deep *j<I elneeiv Irrnv : tuition* of our wounded
I httlp where tTfry eloiious martyr for the ->t
Cula ha* lib rpltivh 1 agtnvetl ?n.U hi- ' lazm hauli>'ur j.
! We have flue dotr toi.ii at the feet of (led, not our prid.
j bel re the eyes of n.un. wo hare implored dirino msrrey.
I net nought hurvm admiration; for, in>tend of u tuuvo
; rtlingv < encircled r. itli bin ir.g torohifl, our country und
her noble Tic'ImK demand of 11? yv.?r now? let It be fluid
nith p trlotic rt-ennct?Bttamers loaded wtth sUiL^s
anil tuUliery, 10 douib upon their tyrauU. Thepory
r f the lit rots or l uwto rrineipc. Trinidad and Lop P. mm.
U tco h'(?h to be reprc??ntod by acy en. ?hly mommjat.
The snly worthy monument, the true apothooitis of th'*
niW';. r?. *h.??o i>*.i her: . ay w * thi.i day celebrate, will b?
the t. m ot fro Cuba. p. anted la triumph. by our own
hnnO .on U vtry rpot whi?? t'aey fell, and tho cry of
I.ibeitv (or Culm, thumbing from Rvn \ntonlo to Mai y.
minc'.ic with the <ieitb rex* of the Fj inl h lieu. This
I to tLcri will ie ti n l" r*t eolotun luo.rt haxncniouf, I
and ni *' acceptable requiem. We havo fulfilled our
I duty a* Cfc;i?u.ii<? fie po-!< of our beroo- rcpo c
; In ?'f??e In ihe boiom of th ir I^ord ? let n*
I now ful?'. ou da'.y ar patiio'fl for even here coajr the
i n-iottodin," ecUo? ? 01 our Culju. in ehnins. The cry of
?.n.^t::th f'; ikes porpotvia' y cn our ear?. 1* I as ^\.i 'ov
our >?ghn; let us SMpprew our ?cars, an 1 with faith in
, \urti< e mi'? I '-thn.Jd-m for liberty, hi' m- put onr U >pfl
iir?t in tie-d. uud C.<n <aour owii ri, ht; 1 1 a" '*j
up rt< ne !>;? rtofe thj creit < ditico of our llbutttlig re , (>?
lut.ii-n: 1?'. notUinc daunt u?. notkiiiK dlvuv.rnci
no'bing him ?u?tfide ftom otu p ith, f he ?a ro of mi*
foituro t i? m >n thnn once pa.-n- 1 ovor our li.uJ ; he
blood cf our htthreu hw be'm pourod out on the b.utl )
fr"H and . 11 the tcafl'ulJ; tl.e tears of our :'uuilicv< h;ivi>
Uo?ed 11 lonet our bomciA hri> !n moumini?. and ' >ir
t\:ant? ll?c to *rr. 'Tph and r lolco. But the II "I*" I
the word t'fUod, m.j?: ? The people thikt sat In liark
nc? wiv RWit lipht; ami to ihein that fa' in I ?
repion of the fh'olow of death 11, '?ht l? sprttn: t '
Couth ^e then, liniteu an brnibtirs. v if In on, I- J>, ->? h
one *oul one w>h o: e thought cue life for our soon'.ry,
fhcul ler to should r nn.ler Uie folji of thiil flit, "hkli
I vriTid ntr>id ihc -w ik# el battle at Cardfile, !>/
the brow* ot Cuba ?ha trun*gWd to b? fro1, let .n
pa^s the tub' -on of >wr hHy enternHzo in vl.u h ?
n ay at le??t <Ue the lua:h ot Uuw l:eroM, wh -.v far.K
sli'.nre fo brightly to-day, even iu the mldi>t iV t'u
niournlr^- iiu 1 w hoee 11 m? are bl. iwed with ? v? ry
word which n >ui"if to-d y throuch thl? p'.ai e h -1 f
pa ct and lo^ir^ Ulndno.e, we do not laiva t'.iy h? -rv I
temple to preach deioUtton, ruin aad evtc-'.i'n-.
tlen to our *t '.nilc# j but vt do pri-elaim, | n the
midft of our brethren *nd before this gr-"?l I'Wlle,
vh' in thru, Ch Mod. art pi' wj to We-*, tuc rlffbteoii*.
Hem of our criuse tud our resolution to def?nd cair
? cutrrped ri^iiU, to ri'derat our ??>j>,?T'*'Kod cntn;?y.
nr.?l to c.\#et letiibution ii* the ncc iui'-'bitol injur'. '.*
h?uped upon our head* K<r th;*ee c niuh*bT .hit'o:
p!our ?pnin whi?li nppe >r? r jected of thy II ol/ ll. n l.
Who. ftni'^nj the M>n* of Cui<a h -ixjaMeiHUcd. hiwi >???' "
crnijH rlrt to i^tablbh, an injury to MMUt. nn in-Mlt to
^.tfhcutf N'otone. All have mflered, oilaw in.ii.rad.
all have beeu iaruited by a g, Tnnmrnt adds to
l.f etueltli h iind outrepes the blttir wrong of cailutf It*
'?chlidnn thoee wl.ota It al??f?-e to (?Javin \*'ho
r<f xif doe* rot w<vp for hii< home, fcr the lender c ut* of
? tcother. fbr the i-weet embrrce of a wife, for the tm
?vr? rf bif cMlil'.vn. and the eoivolKtlonf ct t'rlind an!
frilly > How fud titu't be the bmrt- > f tl:"M wb" now
eat. the bitter bread of exile, wet with ti-? t?sr? of tbi-lr
eTi's ?nd the ?v a. t'thelf brer - 1 .1 f j-rtgn Uvli, wi'Jk
out h'pe without future, without ewnwlallort. ?*
8pt In the deciiny of utvlr euuotry ' M'hat ear*
.y-ahat ?Un!U ft* Utf >q^r?
cf IMt pull, ri nw .ttlM th.?. in- 1
**t.?Ubl? gnvii.n. ... (tut i?- ? put ?'ii bvrr'oi of
the Its i> Ul-.r . . i 1 h if mO"W't?ld pin
ing n?R b ? * *1 ? ? f . ? ? i ...? our mi .?ud St out ll'O
?IJt' to ie|w| W ? >- ?I'li.x ii? t N.?r i <? Upt- WVI ". l?J
Atlila, Utl'hir .) j ?.?? ii r.' to OC Viud'l 'HiT ^p
pieiMrs. Wi; duUt v it to rirr ? Into '.'ut> . *>ut : Wch of
tlm in- *' #1sry. ot i* c > >if.' c< 'U < ?<>. * >r b "*
long ? 'iitl * i>' >f '.'.r liijiin the ^i?e bri*a?:h. OlJir'i?{
ro?.?-kiy .? putM ili.v. if ..?? p??.*J and I'lcachim; with bu
in'ttiy aeof, rinttbsl i?-tr.> ne.l; tied .f (^w.uaill^t.iig
ktuoiie?s ! lr i i ,o; tb; *ed t> ;u,'e ?<} k ail*e ?bo
#>.?t:i ?>' tf- i np">oc 11 r U- ac i 'i -.'?o .? wirU ot isU-.V 1
n??H j no d?* trusui t W? p-iy thef to ???iiic'itea tbe
unil?-fi>t'io>irjji of ot? cnriBi*1.. tad B?o?e tbr' ? soals to
rm- 'o m J j 'm*. iew tiut if ik b \? ~v\ ? v i 1 ttiy divluo wit
,] >m to .Jcurr* itut ihe p;op!? of tiaba it>?il com* la
their poll, icti iina of dj! thfoiyb *h? uxy pV.h
of peaec Int 6y :he ro*vh w?y of war. fhta. 0 Lot'i cf
iloMs stieVgtben'Hir if >v<. H'uWuri^.: i uf hearts, in! .a
rpLre f-uih and rectitude in oar to reach the csj
of out journey In triumph. ?ud jitwc weithy thy
martins gu<*fii ; e*fi nd thy iSin.^bty *rin and 71ft
At-jnuer the lr: ulH'd w.iter^ of a km /u.wtry Mfolutton,
tbu'. we maj pa"* happily through 1? Ctn irnrstj to sW v
ti?n. Tarn O Lord. a l;>ok of u??r. y upou in , Ut tL.s
baoBti bow T?il?d In ^xjrnUirf tor th oi nmo son? if ua
mm coat pi>op't<> >?ho r>-il uudi r Lbe bull of their tu'ib*
?r? wbU? d .VcJir.K U Hh? )??*.'>??*, be obU) u? an irH 'if
coTroact; and 0 tord thy ^vin# Worl sbi?l t?o
fulfil ltd an?? ? " Tho p^pic th-it sat !o darlta^ ?? a
jtica*. !)|jbt : and to tb?ia tfu?t ret in tba r-.^'Oa 0/ th-j
?b?do? of dcath l^bt is ^prun$ uji."
Th# TcmAinJor Wcfo o? similar import.
We also givj tho Biibstnnw "f tNo afWrv?e <>f
Be Air F., prorioaaocd oitcnu'W ?
S?nor Aivmvi Bai t tbat lie was not .i;>t in ^.il- 1? ???
view of th* events which ienahint*' d on the ??f bup
ti;ob?r li-.t year, and did not consider It !?>' s'^ary , .M-ir
tbo UefSi"p?ion 3i?d *y??efces wbich h.?d boeii ju_ t
Honbaredibo in:?fjrtuo*w4 wbiehall tbi l uni?nt-ii
bat?J these mardervr^of tb? niartyfti fo/ Oao*a l.rwrty.
But, if in ib? bxik of df^ttuy. it wn 1 thu: Lopus
Ak'uHIO \lxn< utero, CrittHBaon. ai?d tho oth? iinariyfs
wire to din \H-?iait> of their leve fur the cause of C ab*n
iiierty. ti< nUMt aeXnowlc J*o that, the ftoffanajtine-.a
wl)i,-h aec jaipaoHid thst o?on; was far .rf-nu. f.r.'j > 1.' ^' . oc
thi SBdfpeaJi ne of tb .t laud. Who *ouU for<?t (tie
e jnUuurd) that Joaqium de A?iiero waa nhot la tpi^e 01
tb>- precious t.-ars which ?ere lulling flrom th?>.?yoi of trie
ivlHH of Puerto l'ria. ipo, imploring ills iilo JV bo
could forget that Armeotero w.m esccuu^i i? fp t-o A .Be
BMdJii granted him Who <-ould forj?ct that ri.tecdea
and hl.i eun .pinions *> re shot, and ii>r that t -.r baro??
Kicriiiro. thu cuiinibaU "Jirew thuxiMlves upon their vlo
tlmi, trataplcd upon th.jin. atta:hud them to rope% :??d
after btrviiiif taken their driwies. ire* the bodies lo
tri-impli , throiiRh the ptroeti of Wafaa-t, and, druok
?ith bin d aa l fury, tut the skmii of K? ?hi?
TirUnw. of which tboy ntaio a ?up ia *?ich tli?y
drank with del'nh' a bevoj.^e, tompuied of bl ?a. wine,
and -Mntrican braia? ? Who would be able to 1>?ye. the
iunominl'iui m.ina'.r In which Wiuclso l<optf. wis ????
cuted-tho heio who bud Riven hi* glorious 4ay? to ^p -i:n,
and who treated with an ondeMi/ved rne/oeity .he
arinonent he made in hi* liiet eioupalifu tie (td? m ? ak
er) ne*t alluded to the improeivm that all the?! er .nt?
oiij?bt to make on the nous of Havana, fni ?:ne days
b< foro the tirs'. of Bepteia^er he had ombarkei -or riin,
and )?> >u!iio<t ihu the aaUtneros, (lading thi-m elv.s
wiiboxit any hope, had aband nt d their ehiefn? woro d-v
ceh id by Mmo. and were without artnt and
tlon. and had po-.itire notiee that all iJioee wbo batt left
thoir h'irT.ef to join the deliven ? S army, had U.lm into
th< Ik nor <if the inexy. Alter that. L
of tSe S-iunii-h givemment and its bartaJ.j ?' Fr^ "u
ini:-' a iiutd from day to dor u. ? ptrtwaw to tho c..^u..e
?f Cuba, and that there wi? not a single ^ubati who
wanted to be submitted t> tbe odiou* yoUe whioR we.i,i bod
u>on ail. To prove the truth of hi- as-^ertrjas. tb*
speaker alluded to the noti -es which had just aw??4
f 1 on Uavina. H.i eonolnded by ?ayiag ttat *n -
sentiments whtsh be could t^Jvaj/co in mouory of the
nriilc mattvre of tbe liberty of Cuba would V iiiiHr'tooa
by these wvrdn i'etwi to their ww 1 ; g. rj to .be.r
n*ii?'s; n v?n?o sgainst their assa.viBB ; Ubsr.y to tao.r
h?loved Cuba."
Too orators were frequently interrupted w:A ?
of bucno, bucno, during tho delivery, aaxi greeteil
at tho oon jlusion of each with ioui c.ceera aau irur
tcrnai etibraees.
The New York Industrial Cangr??.
A meeting of tbii association was d.tly adverttsed
for Tuesday ercving, anirid by on awaouncc
ment that important business would, bo .flared for
consideration, and a prossiag invitation was f-ven
to dokgat* s to atton-l. Our reporter was present at
tbo Supreme Court, Nct City HsU? whioU ts tho
plaeo wliere the oongvess held ita.meetiuga? at ba'f
past seven o'clock. *Ho fonnd the door abut, and
that no i>ereon had attcoded. At ? lew micutca pa?t
eight, two or tbreo gentlocnou eatno, but nenj of
th?m seemed to pofttss the '? open tessaim" p)?or
of getting in. Ihey were soon joined by a fow
othar?, and, at a <>uarier to aint o\*och, b.*:een
persons wore in attendance. Mr Kings. ey, ~ ecrc -
yro it iii- 1 ami Mr. Koiidcrviti. orrcsp^
^ecretai y, wro prtsent. Daniel WiLletts sa*. on th *
upper step, and .lohn L. Kiugsley and
,),>hn Young nctod as ssji'etaries
Tbe on til 1. party tat down upon tbe st ops of tb^
and li-.J eortninly nn excollent opjiortnaity of
?'tif g any si.tyeft o^dy. No rcRUlir rnwlmg
wai or?ani/'i:d; but two or three si bjoeM, ViVil to
the cbn meter and management of tho con,:""',
woic tpcatod in a c jnvorsationai surt 01 dobato.
Tho lift was relative to the Union? wr*oJi>jn<l
eneo of John C WorJrnff and Meander am. th
No. 2, which ap'c ired h: tho JIkbam?, ot Monday
li?b Mnny n.' iiii'orfl ^.'ore of ipinim that tiio >vor)'i
shonld know tbo.y really could master tea -entv;
and there .s no doubt that, il the ;oo?.ii - ' ? f 1011
there, and any light to bo hvl, an mdi'aiat U?
nitl to Smith's c ?aerti'>r, would inve V m e-ite.e-J.
Oiic gcntleiauu said he thought the R'i
rii .. i?m, ai d?tbat the x tcs of t-? working men 1
would be MJid at the u'ection, as be h>i t hoir-1
of mi moots of tliii oon^r go' ting a.s tr.aeli as one
hundred dollars from lea. rng partu s airoady.^
A moinbcr said this wa< not a tact: no man ! v-.e
would be ? dd; bo hid attended at thj Astor H uee, .
ulitn Mr Seward and mnny of his party were tlisre, 1
and after thrse gcntlomcn had endorse 1 and ac- 1
eft) tod tho principle of progressive iegis- j
leuon, he had a^ked, and received, one hundred ;
ilollars to e.irry on the cavsj. He lui n>t iell aoy'd vote, but wanted tho money lor advertising,
printing tickets, atd so forth. 1
Other nioinl irs weri' of opinion that tnc nomitia- 1
tion of eandi.U.tes by conv intions was bad and eor- 1
mpt; I hit tbe workii gmen should nave their maM 1
mectbig, ncmiriate their own candidates, dutnhutc
tie tiikcts, and do tho work tliemsolvcd.
Others T.referted tho present lystem.
Mr. Kingaley said he for tho advertisement
callic 2 this nu oting. which api^arod in the iiKBAi.u,
himself? as bt thought th .t gratuitous tdtWrtaJ no
ticta in tlio paperB were not official, and did no? pji
fiwcr the pmtjosc: and he wanted to kaoa* ?vuen they
wi'tMd next meet, and b'.:;o, if tiie pr< wnt company
would subscribe as much as would pay for Uo next |
advert iaement- .... , . * 4 '
8ev ml members thought that they might not (
moot until Tuoa iay, 14th September, anti in the !
nioantimo, tiiey e uld ina^o the day known to eaoh
othor, and not incur any outlay. It was finallj ar
nuiged to meet on Tuesdny, ?tn in?t., an 1 use 'die
perlLaUitic mode of adverting uutil that tune.
The quea ion of ar adjou nme:?t to 1- rench 1 for a
dnrk wtvs ? oil received at trst, but ultimi?tely fel.
to the ground. ^ an c>i tnosst matter, eaeh number
l>ci^g left to drink nnd pay for the same on '.us own
hock. Tlu meeting then descended fr^m tlio siopt
at a fiuaiUr p;i?t nine at night.
As no minutes were entered up, nor any roLl roia, ,
wo cvuir.ot givo tf.e nimca of tlie PX'Oakers. ,
It wna uunou*cod in so:uc of tho pi'. .'3 that t .iO
Congress T.ould make tho noo?Sfarv urrangementy ,
to reoeivc nr.d accommodate the dekgaks, tn lirst |
Wcdnenday in .September (yesterday,) but tnero >
wns no mertiug, no delegate?, no ro m, or no eon- .
grefu. iLdecO, judging in-ui the ?i ^ ^ the (
m acting on Tueeday, it is more than probahla that .
the eei grc^fl will soon bo withort a ' ha nta- :
^on," whatever it's forluno may be in enjoying a
" name "
Thffltiifal and Ifualrntt
LA<"K, i:SQ.
? on Tin -!?:w viitk iirK.'l.n.
Tbe return c-f this gentleman to the position of ?
BUMIT in this city, claims more than r paning I
n>/.ioo lW i:v ua as | jumalists, and is a i cto'it of m-ire ordinary iaun-it to tho public. Ui tler his
flircoticn, at tho Naionul theatre in thij oity, wet )
fl:>t prwentod the bt?'. f.lnj? in tho langua^, w..h
iucL on asienblagoof t iiont in [heir imporionation
*n.i oampleUnwr in their mounting, iw hai rarer
b fore been ton in tkij !.-oiintry, an<l he ni? at ot-eo I
artmltttd to be the mnDa '.er, par cxcti'awt, who could ?
Jaliiiy the public, nnd rivi?o tho character of bo
theatre to tic bi.^hcM tandird.
Befoie commenting i;n tho nocident o'vr- 1
throw all hi* well muUired plane, and rotarded 'lie '
P'ogrc.v of the diarcn fur yeare iu this city, we will I
glinee a; Mr. Wollru k's tuner in America, :? wn
n? tod with the .-"tu^e
In /liquet, 1813, i?lr. Wallfick ranie to this coun
try, and made hi* firat :? ppoarHnco a', the Park 1
lhc??re, as "Ma<.befh." He wad at that time in j
bis 2f'h ye?% *m1 but lnt' ly married. Them who
*?iw him then, remember ldui ns a sp'.enlid epco^mon
>f ni'inly beauty, anil out) of the most graocfal actors
that ever tml tto boaid* His i>e u perform incen
vuro, "Ooiiolanus," "llainlnt," ar?l "Ikolla,''
lillowod by o. horn of tho highebtriingc of legitimate
trap-edy, in all of which ho was i "^eminently ?uc
ceaefol throughout the United States- Mr. Wa!
Ifick remained in this country about two Toars. oa
ihie, hio flrjt ri*it, during which his eon John lyoe
ter V/ailatk wa?j b'>rn, in this city.
Ptior to bis anrlral here, and when only twenty
two *ears of ivg<>, Mr. Wall ck Wi s aetin* tho op
posite parti with the great Kdraund Kean, thcr. at
tbo lonUh ofhia Aune; an-i whon tlm t. giftei aotor
came to this country in 1321, Mr. Wu.lack rationed
re Krsrltind. being otigORrilbr ElHaton to flllK^nn'a
o'aee at l?rtiry Lase. In tt?* au'umu of 1itc2 Mr.
Wallaek returned to tt)is country, and ?u hailed ae
u Urytib wbtf m k* tyymri
I Pnrhrg Ibn visit, whito on hh to PUInUphift
to IjHill au i?t was ihrovt'j froua _
ami recdivta ^ '.'ivupounl fr oture -if liiu leg,
bo ??rtfro tia-i it 'i jK a> u oouttu id 10 oa ind in
)?uli Buntb i, a; tb9 Viri vi * -ii 4 tin* alitudgb
mi Ale tc v?aik, ho tj-4 '0 &a tao
Park, Mxi he Actually p'jri >? 10J the iLar%:t$r of
* '?401 > ii Bertram ca 'J' ft* 3 ' four siec Miuve
t", to imm< jho an flen . Returning t-j Eng
lliid, be p'acoJ himself undor tho c.?re of Mir Astley
Coofr, aou in about ef gateen is mtfca fr ui tho tuna
of *.ho iKwiutrt, returned :o this country. Oa I
Christmas Kvo, IW2.S, Mr. W alluek again apcetrod 1
At lb 1 Park theatre xi Cej" Bertram ( f-.ill on
'rutckes). The auiionjo received him with Ltie
lie irtiest warmth, sympathy for his iniif rtunc beiog ,
fcl<T> led th.>ir ?sPthusiaKii. Th 0 aftorpiejo wai |
'My Aarjt," and public curiosity <vasezt'il<'d to the 1
night st jueh to kujfv how Wa'.li-ck could possibly
prrsonivc tie dajhing hero, ha^hhng on erawhes. j
fha juftiin rjio- Uis Toi^?t *rns heard at tho sring, I
10 > in imminent Mr. Wallaok rushed 011 tho stage
as Diek Du shall, with .ia soaud a pair of legs, en- .
essei ta filto oord smalls ami top boot*, as ever
stepped imes iho boards of old Drury. A mo
ment's pa mm in mute wonder, and then ?' J10 houso
roso at him, " and tbo applause rang loud and long,
until it 1 "affoi'.o the echjis, tiiat did applaud back ;
A.'el making x most successful tour through this
CCruuWy, Mr. W aliick was recalled to England to
assume tV>e poai*on of stag- manager and loading
aetor at Drury Lane, nnJ. r the niaoa^Kujent of 1*1
liilnn, and, subsequently, tbatot' Mr. ti'.opbeu Price.
A proud position ihis for a young inan,?ni-ty y< ars
ol ago, to be elected to :hia pos: of honor by I'aose
veteran managers, and to find willingly enrolled be
neath his banners the greatest living English K-tirs
01 hiw time-' At the end of four years, .Mr Wiliack
accepted most liberal offers from Amerio.1, and ob
tained a congi of one j".ar fromi tho management oi
l>tury I.au9, having engaged to return and lesamo
hi) position at that theatre at the end of that time.
In 1830, Mr Stephen Prieo having retired from
Dmrj the committee of management Kelocto
Mr. WallacK to take tho entuo direction of that im
mense osiahlishnient. He did so, aud by his ener
gy, talent, and artis-ic management, saved tho pro*
pcrty from ruin, and bv the prwluctiou of the beau
tifui dramas of "Iho llent i>ay," " Tbo Brigand,
and cueh stamlard farcen a.i "Popping tho <jue?
tion," &c , oomplotoly resuseitatod the fortune-) of
the theat re, which continued to prosper so long a<
Mr Wallao.1? remained director.
In 1KH Captain Pjihill b.raaic les.-teo of Drory
Lane, anl still rotiunul Mr. Wallauk :u stage man
ager. At tbo end of this scaaon he again cume to
Aiuerba, and during thia visit first ap|K.ared in thow
dramas iti whi oh he nan attained such celebrity, and
ia whic^i he lias, even yet, no equal. On nia re
turn to England he played a round of starring en
engagement through (treat Uritnin, and in 1KM per
formed sixty nighu at Covent Garden, and tho same
Tiirabor at Drary Lano, under tho management of |
Mr Bnnn, then le^oo of both establishments.
lit the end of those engagements ho again crossed
tho Atlantic, and made another tour through tho
United Btatcs. with nndiminiiAod success. During
this visit Mr Wal!v;k was induced to become lessee
and laanagcr of tho National theatre, then in this
city, and here ho displayed that keen judgment in
tho seleition ?f talented artists, combined with so
much artistic skill in the production of pieces, that
tlio opening 01 this thcatro, under his management,
has ever been marked as a new era in the history of
tha stajjo in America. It was soon after this period
tha* the ierrib'o linancfal revulsion of 1>h(?-'7,
Hwcpt through tbis oountry with such devaating cf
f?c., and places of tunupoment wero for tho timo al
taofci deputed Yet. like a skilful pilot, Mr. Wal
lack weathered oven that storm, and having once
more matured his plans for a season, which opened
with tho most brilliant prospect of mooes, hid
every hope was crushed, and tho beautiful tem
ple bo hail rendered 90 popular fell a prey to tho do
vjuring elemont ? tire? ignited, it can scarcely bo
dool ted, by the hand of an incendiary .
Under this blow, Mr. Wallack suffered severely
33 J the admirable company he had org urizod wore
disbanded, scattered abjut, and lost to ui for cvor;
for sever, since that day, has so full and efficient a
cor i'. drarnatiyiie boon orguuued iq this country.
^inco that period, Mr. Walluck has divided his
time betweon America and England ? visiting this
country ns a st ir, and fulfilling tho duties of stage
m:inng<r at the HayaiarJiet, now the leading
Ihtatrufn LonJon? cnunl'y admired in both ooun
t?io?, and ius wall knotvu in tlio one ai; tho othir.
It is n question whothor ho is English or Amorican,
and ho has passed conKiderublo timo between them,
Laving crossed the Atlantic no less thun twenty
nine Urnes.
In a few dry?, Mr. Wallack will opon the Ly
ceum, and once inoro present himself to the public
in hi- managerial capacity, and, r<oon after, again
:ipp?ar to bis friends in some of thoso characrers
v>bich ho has mado o.x^luiivcly his own. Kur
I rounded, ps ho will be, by a host of public i'.ivo
rites, and sustained by the warmer! friendship and
I gt?o4 fueling of thoutands of our 'h st citizens, in
I every uection of tlio city and country, his su. cose is
certaiu. After endiuing severe sicknofs for uoarly
a year pest in England, ho has now wholly re
covered his usual robiliit health and good spirits,
end wo lot\k forward to hij first appcarancc with a
bright anticipation ot true onjoymcnt. Comrncnd
irg the Lyccum, under Mr. Wallack's tuunago
ment, (?> the patronage of tho true friendj of tho
drama rightly ??onductcd, wo wish him all good
fortune and continued prosperity.
How tc it Y Tkkathk ? Th^ drumatlc renrrvmtiticns
ofMr. li Eddy, and Miss Horon have given, since tho
opening ot this theatre, tbo utmost satisfaction and
delight to the visiters. The pioeos selected for this
evening are the beautiful ?1rama of the " Corsicin
Brother*," to ceo tho tablcuux of which is worth tho
priee of admibMon, independent of tho admirable
repreijniations of the brotuors l'abien and Louis
del Franchi, by Mr. Eddy. Tbo other pieces aro
tbo " Vermont Wool Dealer," and the drama of tho
?' Blind Doy."
Broadway Thihtkk. ? The porlormancos of Miss
Julia Dean, Messrs. Conway, David go, vVhithing and
other comedians ?1 eolebritiy continue to draw large
au i.'. rcefl. Tho attractions for this evening con
sist of 'bo comedy of the " I.ove Chuso," with Julia
Dean in the oh.irn^ter of Constaooe, and Mr. Con
ivay as Master k/iJdrake. Miss Price will d.anoe an
Jriah lilt, and the entertainments will terminate
with tho now farco of "Good for Nothing," in which
Dnvige.'will sustain the part ef Tom Dibbles.
Nibi.O's Garden. ? This beaulifnl theatre isnight
1) visited by large and highly respectable audience.".
To night the receipts aro lor the benefit of Mad.
"Jcury .lolly, and her loot appearance in this city.
The amuumcnts will consist of opera acd ballet.
T'jc entertainments will c< inmonco with tho over
tiro J*s I) in mom dc la Couronne, which will be
Rucceeded by the opera of tho "Crown Diamonds, I
Mnd. Floury Jolly ?s La, and M. DLguat
as Don llcnrlqae. lletwoen the acts the celebrated i
French and Spanish dancers v ill display their Ter
pischorian ah lit ios hi various dances.
BtrwroN's Theatke ? The manager of this iuc
cejfful i ^tablistuncnt still keeps to the lepresonia- I
tion of lino old couicdies, tho character* in wbivh
nre filled by tho most talontcd comodian*. The so- !
ln?-tioiis for this oveni:.g aio the "Ueir at 1 aw,1' with I
I'urtori in hi/i inimitable oharaoter of Panglo.^. The !
other characters will he sustained by tho tuck com- I
puny. Tho amusements wiil eouolude with tho
"GarOfnor's Wife." Messrs. Finhcr, Thompson,
Jxiver< , Mrs. Hughes, Mis. Fkorrett, and Mrs. Flak
appear to night. TJie louse, no tiuubt, will bo
oiowdeJ at usual.
National The -This theatre is avery night
well filled, and the entertainments, if we ju<I-e
from tho enthusiasm of tho audience, seem to
at? rd great pleo'ure to thorn. " t'uols Tola's
Cabin" w-11 be prAjeneod aj- tin this evening, w th
the same caat, aft'?r w -lieh I Terr ? lino will uppi ar I
on the tight rope, and will make three changes of
character without lo.wing tho rc?w. Thidwiilbo
followed by I-a Neapolitan, by Mifs Partington Mid
Mr. Yatofi. The terminating pleco will l>e tho bur
lo?<\ue of ' Otello," with T. D. Kico iu 0 telle.
New Yon* Theatre.? Bulror's splendid play,
e-allcd tho " Lf.-ly of Lycne," ia tile attractive- :
featuro for thu< evening. Miss EJiza Logan will j
sustain tho eharaoter of Paulino, and Mr. NeaS# a* :
Ck u>le M elactte. This piooo, wnorever it is played, '
always draws well, aj.d consequently tho reasonable !
presumption is, tliat the New York Theatre will |
*>e ciow led to-night. The < oncluding fsnture will
be a grand ballot divertiaemi nt. 2 he alterations !
which hnvo Lien 'nnde in th's establishment arc 1
grout improvements, and, if proper attraction be '
ke pt up by tho manager, his succec- may be con
sidered certain.
Ca-i it; (iAnrns Tho Kavcls pr> ^nt a program- {
mr l^r this evening which is vet} i tractive. The
pcfortLoiiccs will omrafhoc with t solutions on the
cards alasMquo. Thi ? will be followed hy tho |
eoiair pantomimes, entitled the "Ho dier lor Loto."
and tho "Coopers," arlihlj -w ill u trodnco all the
r.nvth, the Lfhuians, Marietta, and other persons
ol ? In this ch M-.u ^er o." t)o.l'<rmano"?. 'i he '
whoio w'll tenninnff vitu tho tseroUee of the "Be- |
douin Arabs. '
Asifflu \v Mr^ki'M.? The |.!"iis5i''f m''h.ts enti
tle! i e "Maid oi M l.-^ter," >. cd t/'e '' oi Ick I
Boy," will be reprc*rt>tod thi# nftcrnoon at th?
Muscon',: and tbs ne"* )?ioce, stjlud the "Orphan's
Dieum," ?:li be g iwn ?u tLe cv' ting, :#M of wlu?;h
are ca?t to the i'u:l stnngth oif th# tympany.
('H);i*Tv'i Orr.iiA Hot tK ~ Ch.l.AjV i<opular band
of mi .tli- provoking darkies, hn ?? provided naothor
attractive entertainm'-nt for thi- evcidng. Hevoral
new featurea have lately been uddi-d to thjix per
forme nee.
Wood's tfiKSTRns ?The amasonents nightly
given by tbis favorite land of minstmls, are attract
ing overflowing houses. To-night4they offer a fine
prcgr^utno, which ciubcdiea ail tiose great ftva
r:tes, TTorn, Brlgga, Me^er, Caubell, Toi ?r, Sedge
w>k, ard Herman.
'km Mowatt ns* bceueiigaoed, axd will appear at <
CiociLnati during the prewtit month. |
? *
T?? Opel..# mnn<T-n<?r%wtU>? ?t UU
llm?.M_A.riw<u O rr.?H ?*????
? n?t utter Dliun|i'lil?nl U
The Metropolitan Hotel, 'it the ??n??r of 3r*I
way and Prnco street, was opened yettertoy
rrcen?ion ol gucsta. It i? u.Jer tho propr;*torsh,|
of the b rot Lorn Lelund. "ho lurmorly kept the CI. a
ton Hotel ill Boektnan etrot. Before the hiaiH W
opened, four hundred ix. r-??i? bad cngag 100 "
Last night there were five hundred k>dgor? in tM
house, and tho clerks were obliged to rei a '-f*
hundred application" for apartm -nta.
a opining dimu r, or " bousa warmmg, ? ??
old Kniokerhockerf used to turm it, was g?v n
evening by tho proprietors, and aH who
scut agreed in pronouncing it a very _ c0'"_ ?
affair of it- kind. There w?re about thr " tr*
guests fNM t, Iroluding ncmbers of the |***
uicinberi of the city government, members r. the
bar, and 6on nmmts of variow profosa.ona. IU*
bill of fare was a good one. and the appeii-* of
the guests were IbUj c^unl to its full ^ppr^tion.
Tho covers wore removed at alwut se.on ?
and for about an hour the clatter ot kniroe and
fork, and the jingling of glasses b?tok?e.i sharp
work. It is enough to say of this p?t ol -he ?
tainmcnt, that tho meats, Ito , were good ana we?
lei vod, and th?- wines, or several brandy men CX
cellont. r#i
As we seem to have come upon a new er? U
hotel build) ? R and furnishing, wo subm * ?
description of the hou?e, which, even * M
untiniahed state, fairly da//.les an! be?ilJ?rt
the visiter, and causes him to think 01 the p?l???"
0f ? Arabian Nights' " tales, or of the abo leo of tb*
jLy dwellers in friry land Think, far :,sUnce,
oTSing cue's thlnst in a hotel from goll ? 1 adMB
goblets, with water drawn from a pteber ofth?
Lme material, or of givicg the last touch to one -
vest collar, at dinner time, before ? nutrct worth
fUVKK). Bat such are rart of the appa.ntmentn oi
this new Inn by tho Broadway roadside. The sit*
Hut for the description
The Metropolitan Hotel is one of tho moet m.vgmfi
ee?t Ktwittr.. -tO. {Sjjtouj. wrtg.
MMin's the Jlifico, or in fining It j??t ^ith ttaj
modem improvements '1 bo ' ^
three hmUrod feet frootm* on B, rorf, ngu i
;? ?&??????
finished The architecture is teamed Bo
the second atory, but tho thoroughfare to the upr*
efts *& i^ui5'rtfflKW?S5
Citv Hall are also ropicwnted. Tho ?lor
"gU ma^S, id the mndow, altogether, ,? a
nrth?r 2S>& r are four elegant Triors, ?:
ViZSS ^8fyj?XXJ?U ?
tr&S i&jspffig
?!i,b. patowota >}& ;'{SS
to Grace church, the third u e^Uea w? We
particularly. ln ,s.,. A ma-sivo ilv<r ?dver,
wat?r may .always ?e b^i. A ?w =?? i ^ j si,vec
holding a silvtr pitch f.irni'uto of the .tpart
l?dg?., of I.,ar
,,'jlo ? tbot of tte I".'!"' ? "XV til, -icm ?
tea ass. ??> *>jTtr?ss
safst ?rt sS? &Z?.
baths are all fitted with a . ^.jtiied by s
Tbo Prince street wing ot this far tho ^vo
?.'PnLficeSjn^n8fws 0*0 hundred ani
windows, over each of whica is^ia. ^.rTare tha
a, ma of some nati< a i. Or< ir ^he r
C?A8 Barfmot ant itosW^ Tho pt\eh of the
phia, B.a.imojc, ^oad of ww ?om is ?
1 Jnor!rthe S?e of which i ? eight foet two uiabo.
l ii-h l>v sc>en f?et four inches wiJe. j-h"1 l j
?V I e ht Inrrest plate yet li ported to this country.
m <?rz "2
?ino u "Tor. -aj'>0,1 rho si a tiblcJ are
at th? bend of y?tLottljwork Butroondlng then
is nresnd beautiful. Just beneath each slab ol
fide table Is b pioco of curved work, r jprc .eating ?
baccbnnalian device, br< ight cut in hi^'i relief.
Tbe walls are fretooed i . the highest itylo. Tin
eoilicg is Gnislitd in pa :el work, and at tiio cor
ners of the j-a.iJs ore thrown in fruit piece*,
bouquets, i cd other appropriate designs. There ar?
four elaborately wioug it < hai.delion and twtn j
side brockets, for gns, all finished, a id co4 >rod n
what is co lie i "dragon gilt " Connected wi'.h t.he
dining room nrc tho pantries, wbore evory dish is
tcceived from tbo Kitchen, ai.d, if ncenssary, kepi
bet by meaniofste in pipes. The ',?do\ o< t or
d nnrj is a room dii.ctlj iic the sal ,01, d?
leiibtil, and s of the w mo dimensions. It 1 a Sua
raloon.comj t eteinail ltd appoi ltincntp. but .lot^-uta
us elaborate!? fn ;?b< d na U!c r*>0?n up rtuiii.
Jut', at the Lead of the lower dining room is thor
private entrance from Pnnce street. fh.< tOairvays
leading from thi.< entrance, lik?tuo9<j on Broadwa r0
are well built, of .'ubitantiaJ construction. an.i h^h
'y finished. Tho pu?sagca are well lighted by
windows at tbo h? :id of each tl :^ht of stai-*, and by
a stained glnss skylight at tho top of the building^
producing a ringnferly goo 1 cdioet.
On the third floor, the 1 partments arc furnish*!
w'tb the "nite lau^nilleN ee as those oa the floor
lit low. The principal Centura of the thing
sti ry, however, Js tbo suite of bridal room*, eon*
sis tug of a jarlor, twenty-four by twoaty*
two feet, a hpacionr. sleeping room, baits
rooni, clothes prr?*, and ante- room tor servant. 1 4
tie Jt eplng apartment is a b dsteadof rosewood,
swrsounttxl t>v 11 can?py, olcguitly ornamented, aaj
tun isLcd with ? raperj of ti 0 richest dMeripthn
Tin beiistoad eo' t *sl,2C>0. Too outer spread is mtili
of < anton crnje, nchly embroidered >.t a eost ot
(Hi; and the who a apartment is Ooished in a ?t>la
to comjpurc with thes-i articles. Th? carpets ar?
mngninctnt Wihon, and represent a pWu strewn
with rich and rai e low ers. The Iraperj is g<*Id an?I
white, the gilded con ices bearing appropriate de
ficos. In 'be iloepn g apartmini n mifchiurion#
kokitig goldeu Cupid tuna 4 over fite of the windows,
with bow in hand, ard arrow poi- ing t? the Hyms*
n*sn couch. There are on tluj floor thiity-si<
suitis of &pnrtri< ats, 1 11 faini bed *iUl bathing ami
other ?t.'con.nK laticn, heretofore saentioneu
Ibis room claimed the attention of all the Uml
yesterday, and was iJlcd with visiters tul \ %
Iat,j hour last evmirg. At ?*? war ?n Ihi#
story is tne room, whioi attraHs especial att?i>
tlon? it l? a lcrge i* ,of? fnrnWwd
?nd baring tho fleor e vsnid wiU a carpet wuiek
amidst elaborate flgurit-g.
fold* the fin* of the Um'ed State*, the stript* nod
star* so bid ding with the figure that no ntU apt U
intivde tb.m up >n the dght is spparsnt. Tie cW
drr.i'j dkiing rvcm is on the third tloor. It is u larg?,
well ventilated and well farnishod non. 'J be wing
on i'niio* ??r?et m divided o5 into single ruoou
icttlfsitiii ? at least tlev are termed s.ngte r$?n^>
1 4t l^vrfv'isl lot ttvWiusj b? HtUroi;