Newspaper Page Text
Utrr#i7 flUrtlrM. PmtiuB. os mi Awurmn.-Bj Hmbu Mel vine. New York: Harper Brother!, 1352.? Ambi guities, indeed! One long brain muddling, soul bewilae. ing ambiguit y (to borrow Mr. Melville's atyle),like MelchiBodeck, without beginning or end ? ? labyrinth without ? duo? an Irish bog without ?o much m a Jack o' th'-lantern to guide the wan derers footetepe- the dream of a diatomperod sto teach, di (ordered by & haaty supper oa half cooked poik chops Verily, books spring into life, now a days, by a strange Cirsarian process. Our ancestors, aimple folks, used to fancy it incumbent on an author to nurse the germ in his fecundated brain till the foetua assumed a definite shape, and conld bo marshalled into existence, safe from the brand of monstrosity. Modern writer* miscarry 'ere the em bryo hath ahapen limb or nerve, or blood, and mid wives and doctors in droves pledge their willing taith that it will live. Potent elixira and oonliala elicit some reluctant spark of animation; but re action 8oon follows, and 'mid the feigned aatoniah ment of foster- mothers and wet-nurses, the emascu lated bantling expires a miserable death. What ran bo more conclusive evidence of imma ture ooaoeption than the planting on the social stage of this nineteenth century, of a man like 1'ierre? brimful of noble passions? silly weaknesses ?lordly power of mind and warmth of heart? the potted child of a tender mother, who, yielding to her son's craving after sisterly love, calls him " bro ther'? thrusting him into contact with a timid frtgile girl, who turns out to bo an illegitimate daughter of hie father's, and firing him with such a chivalrous devotion for this new found sister, par la ma t? gauche, that, ha resigns, without a pang,' home mother, betrothed, rank, and even tho necessaries of life, to roam tho world, knight-errant like, in 1 7vfrf iDK< ,with low *bow of reason, Abraham a white he, and proclaiming publicly that u <atbc,r? liia wife f Where did ?Iri 11 wt r a" original A>r the portrait of Irabol . Where for -Mrs Glendinning ! or where for Lu?y ? these pork chops i ore mnst baie been the grapple betwoeu the monster indigestion and the poor suffering epi gastrium. 1 ran tie tho strugglo between tnc fiend ujghttmre and our unfortunate friend the author Wo do not object to n canvas well laid with weird borrow, fantastic sprites gushing from out some misty cloud, and playiul imps, <iancia? and chatter ing m the foreground, to the ruin of the composition of the picture, and to the speeoh'esA agony of the severe olasoic But, good Mr Melville, your dream has overstepped tho bounds of our impressibility We long to give you on* good shake, to have you rub vour eyes. and favor u.-' with the common senso wori of toe eu.gmit 1* Pierre really a candidate for the distinguished honor of a latticed chamber at ' ?e Brattioborough asylum 1 Would a mild infusion of hellebore, ana a judicious course of treatment i>i some sunny vale, calm his phrenzy, and cool his cal cined brain ! or aro his erratic hal.iU? iiig wondr jus rjianrhetnrr.t for a full-blown sister? bis reckless ii?. regard of filial duty, plighted love, and public es teem mere fo rms of eccentricity, outward symptoms c[ the genius latent within? Wo confess that wo should like to be correctly informed on these points We own to a sneaking partiality for Pierre, rough and unnatural as he is, and share his fiery rebellion against the yoke of conventional proprieties, and the world 0 cold rules of esteem. Weep we, too with gentle Isabel; poor bud, blighted by a hereditary o&njLer- And, need we blush to avow that our pulse beat faster than our physician iq ordinary would hare sanctioned, when the heartless Stanly dis claimed his poverty-stricken cousin, and strove to wrest his reiuetant briie from the arms of her chosen lover. But- that shot ? was it manly? wag it hou orablc 7 was it fair ? to requite a li'asty blow, well warrsnteo. du reste?for who would not strike to the earth one who passed for the seducer of his mis tress .?with a pistol boll, tired from . i arm's length on a defenceless man ? This. Mr. Melville, is inur der.'. Fot\,atVuirtler<,r in cold blood- a wretch who coolly loads his arms, rams the charge home, and sallies forth with tho set purpose of taking tho life of hu rival? we fcnve no thrill of sympathy, no bowels of compassion. Let him hang like a dog! A harmless mauinan in the first chapter, he is a danger ous | >est in the last. Let Lim hang! And those ill starred girls ! Ill became it their pure maidenhood to drench the fatal phial, and drown the spark of hea vanly virtue and earthly sense in ono corroding draught of poisonous passion Sadly, too sauly? but, as we said, wc cannot wholly eradicate uverv trace of compassion for the erring impulse of con fiding girlhood-do we see Lucy relax her hold of the flask, and reeling forward, fall heavily across the prortrate form ot her iovcr. Those three? the murderer, the child of fractious whim and un governable passion, the self denying woman, to whom infamy is pleasant, so it be the price of her lover ? society ? the pariuh, clinging, cerement-like, to the only nand that has evcrclaepod liers in friend Jy grasp- stiffening horridly in the rack of doath, and clenching, in the lust throe, the hem of each ?irt ^ f'armont? ' '*'* tt mournful, a sickening . did Mr. Melville desert " that bright little isle ot his own, in the blue waters of tho I'acific ' Is Polynesia used up? Fas the vuigar herd of au* thors penetrated the fastnesses of those primitive tribes, whose taboo bas become naturalized among us, and whose aquatic nymphs have fired the imagi nation of many a future Bouganviile or Cook ! fs there not a solitary whale kft, whose cetaceous biography might have added another stone to the monumental fame of the author of Moby- Dick1 If our senses do not deceive us, Mr Melville will rue his desertion of the forecastle and the virgin forest, for tho drawing room and the modest boarding- house The former was the acene of victories of which *o young author reed be ashamed ; the iMter. we fear, has some defeats to witness Sbcial life is not, perhaps, more difficult to paint than pleasant excursions into Mahomet's paradise : but it requires a different order of talent. Mere analyti cal description of sentiment, mere wordy anatomy of the heart is not enough fur a novel to-day. Modern readers wish to exercise some little judg ment of their own ; deeds they will have, not cha racters painted in cold colors, to a hairbreadth or a ?v j . ? e ,aT? P481 the ago when an artist super scribed his chefdiruvrt with the judicious explana tion, " this is a horse " Mr. Melville longs for the good old times when the chorus filled the gaps be tween the acta with a well-timed commentary on the past, and a shrewd guess at the future But we have a heavier charge than this to ad vance. Mr. Herman Melville, the author of "Typee" and "Omoo," we know; but who is Mr Herman Mel ville, the copyist of Carlylc ? Most men begin by treading in the wake of a known author, and tiinidJy seeking for shelter under tho cover of his costume. Mr Melville ventured his first flight on his own unaided pinions, and now that their strength has been fully tested, voluntarily descends to the nursery, and catches at leading strings No book was ever such a compendium of Carlyle's faults, with so few of his redeeming qualities, as this Pierre. Wo have the ^ame German English? the same transcendental flights of fancy? the same abrupt staits ? the sam<; incoherent ravings, and unearthly visions. The depth of thought? the unci ring accuracy of eye? the inflexible bounty of purpose, aie wanting; at leatt, nothing outwardly revcala their pre?enee. Like msny other people, Mr. Melville set ms to have attributed a large share of CHiiyle'n popularity to his bod English: whereas, in point of fact, his defects of forui have alwi v- proved a drawback to his suceefs. and nothing short of his matthless excellence of matter, would have intro duced him into literary society. ? A murti higher rank would baie bcec he d to-dav l-y the au'hor of "Bar tor Itwartus," had he rlad bis striking and brilliant ideas in a loss barbarous corb. The fault was ori ginal and "catching." Herds of pretenders to lite rary fame hare langed theuoselvcs under tho banner of the Edinburgh reviewer, and, fancying they were establishing a Carlyle ist school, have borrowed their master 'a bump, without stealing a single ray ln>m the flashing of hi- eye, or a single tone from the haimnty of his tongue. Sorry, indeed, are we to class Mr. Melville among theee Could be but sound the dt)?th* of his own eoul, he would disoovor pearls of matchlets pricc, that 'twere a sin and a shame to set in pinchbcek finery. Let him but ?tudy the classic writers of his own language ? dis sect tbeir system? brood over their plain, nonest, Saxon style? not mere French than German? the ?earth would soon convince him that he might still oe attractive, though clad in his homely mother J00!"** Krfre p< ii/i, savs the poet-phi losopher of I a**y, it will satisfy onr want?, with out borrowing tinsel imagery of a T?amartine, or the obe jure mysticism of a Goethe or a Kant ^ et a single admonition Nature, Mr Melville, is the proj>cT n.odil of every true artitt Fancy mitft be kept within i.roper bounds, and tho evo must never be suHered to winder from tho reality we are striving to paint. No poetical Vcensecan justify such defiartiires from tbe style of ordinary dialogue as abound in this book. The Tireis and PhilUs tons of conversation is long since dead and ? uried; trouble not its ashes. I'aaaion can excuse jiicohtrency, but not fine drawn mannerism, or gaudy conrrki- For Inetance, what can be in worse ; ta te than the following reply of Isabel, when IVrre ! entreats hot not to demur to Lucy's living with them? I 1 by band Is the easto. '!e rierre which hMdtxne | entti > If fluid Into th. fi . and slightest morxl* of tliiOf lit thou poureat nip; and 1 there aolldify to that fu u< *;.J lake It on. and thenosforth wear it. 'UU own ii,. >i .? then m uldeat me anew. If wli?kt thou tellast wc )? ihy tboo ft, bow can I baly Its being mine!" How lal, this coloring ! How lar fromthe swei t simplicity with which Hterne or Tennyson wwld Iiave robs d the timid Isabel ' A# ? .u wt cm um of ili; ?f ike book to tha deleterious influent of deep, uatempered draught! of C?riyh. pertioular one may perhaps be laid to the oharge of * ">*? who hti done no good to our literature ? Martin nrqi hir Tupper. We waat no aaoh richaatff 4, thtagh the hot dish were, at its first appearsnoe oa table, worthy the palato of an epicure; we waat our own author, in hie own unborrowed garb, adorned wuh ha own jewels, and composing hit feature* into that oountenance and expression whioh nature in tended they should wear. American Hcttkbiority at the World's Fair ? This is the title of a new work, just issued from the prone of John J. Hawkins, Philadelphia, and as its title imports, its contents are desoriptire of tha vari ous contributions of the American nation to the Great London Exhibition of 1851. The work itself is, for the most part, a compilation of ar tides whioh appeared from tuno to time in the oolumns of the t\J!W Yqbk Hkuld and other journals of this city and country, Chambers'' Journal, the London Art Journal, the London Times , Illustrated News' Punch, the London American Magazine, andother periodicals, with newspaper reports, letters, reports of mechanics' institutes, &o. The work i3 inter spersed with numerous fine lithographio plates of soreral of the contributions of American skill, inolu ding the dipper yaeht America, Colt's revolvers, McCormiek'b reaping machine, &c., and altogether, it is just the one tnev needed to perpetuate the American chapter of tho London Exhibition of 1851. Accompanying this book, which is got up with great taste, is a ehromo lithographic picture, most Beau tifully executed, divided into several compartments, representing forty object# of superior taste and skill, (?elected lrom among tho Amerioan contribution*, having as it* centre piece the jaoht America The work is for sale at echeiler & Maggis's. No 7 Nas sau street, and it certainly deserves to have a place on the shelves of every private and publio library throughout the country. Aniwrr to Aithlilxhop Iluglies. TO TI1K EDITOR OF THE HKRALD. Aicbbishop Hughes has dcsoonded from the dig nity of his ecclesiastical position, to the lovol of a profane scoffer, in using with reference to me, state, ments unworthy tho truth and charity of a servant of God In replying to him, I shall endeavor to iscend to what snould ho his position, and occupy jt if not as a prelate, at least as a gentleman. In tlxete explanations, 1 defend myself leas than my compatriots, and the saored reminissencos that moved us to the religious efforts which hare brought ni>on all of us tho displeasure of his Graoc: and for this reason, rather than personal considerations, 1 desire to state the exact particulars. Ihe republicans of this free and happy Union will understand the deep and reverential grief which we, exiles from eur native land, because we desire Cuba to be free, must cherish for the memory of those who have been ?acriCccd in our cnuse. for us the first of September is henccforth a day of national veneration? a day forever sacred to our beloved ami illustrious dead With a common impulse, the Ca tholic Cubans of New Orleans and New Wk ad dressed themselves to the heads of their church In their respective districts for tho customary solemn and condoling rites of religion. We did not apply for these services as republicans or politicians, but 8Ji Catholic Christians, desirous of paying to our de parted friends and brothera every tribute of res pect that reverential love could dteUte. Uur afrec Uon prompted us not to omit any of the majestic accessories with which those rites are celebrated on Eolemn occasion,, and which the > Archbishop did not refuse to the memory of the Duke of Orleans. The distinguished Bishop of New Orleans, eminent alike for hit- wisdom and virtues, listened to the applica tion of the mourning Cubans in the'.puitofafa thcr and shepherd to his flock- The church wa. veiled in moirning, and on a cenotaph wreathed in funeral crape, were inscribed the names of those for whoso repose these sacred rites were offered. Wo, too. earnestly besought the melanoholy con solation of having those names before e^es when we raised our prayers te> Heaven in thou bo half hut the Archbisnop, having assumed the care ?fwkat should not bo done politically in thia coun try prohibited it, and we submitted our feelings to K S.iLtto.1 authority. Tb. Jtart mjwj ?[ mournine, and the mi3smg cenoUph, we yielUeU in could not itcfrain tiorn pr????b?" Ire mSeC gricied ToTJ\ho to rnisrme^ntation?. that if I coidd lower myself to um the language hia Grace has applied to me, I would say exceeded an orvlinary " power of face to mi He states that I callcd on him to ask that Mass onuquiem should be .aid for those who wore shot ? ua;t-,0 ctT Axecutcd id th? Island of Cuba last year, and that it was asked in a purely religious vitw and si art from political considerations. Thai far bis Grace is entirely correct. It was a religious dutv wo sought to perform, and it is the Archbishop tSj whoTnverts Ft into a pohticai affair, by what seems to me a very s?P^? WJjjnJtoAip ?fthe nputralit v of the United States. Mis waoes memory "is, however, excessively atfault Inthe next sentence, for be declares that it was agreed iuUSt 3cTndtheUcdhanted p^C that add so rites of the high mass for which I applied, and BSSliS b. aph mi/bt bc prepared, inscribed either with the nunesofour lest fnends. or the places whew they had fiillen to be placed appropriately in tho church dur nnw what impropriety there could bo in this ve y ?W'l ^oxnSiuiment to funeral observances, as the siKsisre&s aft: zgfa funeral sermon, for, relying ?n his word, 1 bad con ^ciou?' considerations. refused the cenotaph, and deXd favoring us with a thoMld infer, from his published letter, because l v u (j taken " the superfluous pains to point out the ??xt chanter ar d verse" which, if permitted, we cou have' chosen for the occasion I wish wpestfully toobwrve that bis Grace asserts that it was after h;- interview that ho first noticed in my letter the ?ua!?Sd deportment were that of a g?^It will always be a t ineer e the same testimony of his (.race whenevoi ne gi .T i a?o ^r secret thought^-or rather, tendencies oi ? thc cekbraticn of high ' annolntfcd time, bccause the city papers Tl notice oFa biih masa'in honor of Gener^U gfcve nou .? * , Cuba. At another day I wili"y something of tbe title of those heroes to wilt say some. ning occasion I will the name of offices of religion tbe alterations that efctora w, .re pU ^ than we are f"T "f^J^tion That we did not tho free exercise of tbtlr/ roew from Quf ideM> ;iri^trfs?t"bwoI,u''ii"n of the Order of tbe Loo? ?*?*? |( his future We are not so ^ ^?3; becatue F.minence ot any of *j. rather will we they ar-ot orma^ly co UaJ ^ ^ blioan accuse him of dealing ae te those European exiles of Cuba, in eventually ???re sovereigns whoee in reppoct for the place lim the Careunals bat .^^Je bogom r truBt to ho holds in ... a,irh cxnrcssions. Tho expla Hre nr.d Jie, forbids ^ e w,'Jdue to the friends and nation I h?7? ?ow made w^ d. c . { ^ tho oatueof ^v^ta^wer.whateverreproof l" ?pcr1?\vTho, aU?Tl dSct to me. Yo?r obedient the Arehbwbop sttau ^ 1>E Goicouria. " VnwVork . Ecpt. IS, 1W2. ar f?. ini?<i t<. the plalntli ff. ? \ ^ M to deter V H HV Buncw^ but not a. to tbe Uiiiriu.- IT- y OT order W \ rA on rcpr,rt , , , ? l?. tn ,ulte wh.lhw c.u^lUt"'''' "1' _ o it i u.i i in p? Vitiou cmo procured. * ' - I Uit i?n?t wb.Ab? It will b- for the benefit Of ??'f wtate ?-hJ tn wbm j?roiiocU??a bl? ostaw 0^ ^f. (twiner i^.U?vi ?i??i (.voUi-av# VOMKEKCIAL AFfUXS. HON BY MARKET. Faioav. Sept IT? 4 P. M. Meat of the truuutitw lk tki stook wriwl M?r wen for cash. Prioee were firasly maiatalaed, and the InTinr* to It M '"'"t fancies m qnite active. At the fint board, NtoanfW-ftaaalt edvanoed X fet cent; Morris Caaal, OttmWiand Coal, X; Long Wand, H\ BmIIIih Billttif Hudioa Railroad \ ; Norwich and Woreeater, %. North Americas Trust declined 1 P?r nai W? notice the sale of a in tine stock to-day at the hoard. It ia called tha New York Zinc Company The sale waa at five per oeot. Wa are dUpo?ed to aid, aa Much aa possible, tha establishment of banafi^e mining caaapaaies? those conducted upon proper prta clplee? for we believe there ia an Immense field for tl>e profitable employment of capital In developing the ?ni?i?g wealth of (he country; but we are de cidedly oppoeed to everything In the ahape of deoeptioa, whether hi mining or any other department of Industry Within the past two years full a down thriving eowpmiea have been formed in thin oity and vicinity, not one of which haj aa yet ahown a result Moot of them are dOli^j well, and will no doubt sooner or later good returns ; hat before tha public are sailed upon to fill the capital stock of new companies, it would be well. enough to wait the development of those in opera tion. The Great Northern and the St. Lawrence Lead Companies, of 8t. Lawrence oounty, N. Y. ; the Ulster Lead Company of N Y. j and the Canal Copper Com pany of Maryland ; the New Jersey Zinc Comoauy. and tha Montgomery Zino Company, of New Jersey ; the Warwick Copper, and the Chester Lead companies, of Pennsylvania. are all ia active and we believe inostsuc cessfui operation, and until each or moet of these become firmly and thoroughly established, it will be difficult to put others on tbe market. We cannot be too cautious in thin movement. Judiciously conducted, the raining interest of this country can be made as productive as that of Great Britain, and there Is no reason why it should not be. That we have inexhaustible sup] plies of tbe most valuable minerals iu our immediate vicinity, there is not tbe slightest doubt ; but we want experience in getting it out, and can only acquire it by alow degrees. If we make a false step u?w, it will put the movement beck months, perhaps years; and it is, therefore of the most vital importance thit anything in the sbape or a mining company, which is at all su>ploious, should at once be exposed and plno.>d in a proper light be fore the community. Cumberland Ceal stock was 'n demand this mornio? at the improvement in prices. The new ispue of stook will all be taken by the old stockholders at eeventy-flve |ver cent. As this issue fills np the capital, there wHl be. without doubt. ^considerable competition to get it. It would be the best policy to give tho old stockholders tin; privilege of taking the new issue, in proportion to the old i?sue standing in their names at the dosing of the books. This would be fair, and avoid favoritism. Ni caragua was iu demand, but only about four hundred shares were sold. There is very little doubt hut that this stor k will soou command better prices. North Ame rican Trust we hare not much confldecco in. It flue, tuates so suddenly and largely that operators can form no idea of what a day may bring forth. At the socond board the market was active, particularly in Nicaragua Transit. prices for whioh were well sustained. Heading and Harlem advanced )i per cent each. The receipts at the office of the Assistant Treasurer of this port, to-day, amounted to $77 020; payments, $07,520 18? balance $G, 733.253 75. There was a moderate demand for foreign exchange this morning, for remittance by tbe steamship Arctic to-mor. row (Saturday), for Liverpool. The supply in the mar ket Is good, and present rates are well sustained. Wo quote Hilt on I.ondon at 10 U a 10 per cent, premium; on Pans 5r. 13?i a 5f. 1 2>i; Amsterdam, 41 a 4l>?; Bre men, 79 a 70X ; Hamburg, Ct a 36;^. The Arctic will take out net ween three and four hundred thousand dil - lars in speoie. The whole amount of bids for the three million Penn_ sylvaaia Railroad loan, was about ten million* of dollars. Tbe loan is to run to 1880. boars six per cent. Interest and is Issued in coupon bonds of $1,000 each, converti. ble into stock at any time before December 31st, I860. It U stated that the whole amount was bid for by Chas. 11. Fisher, at a premium of 3.20. conditioned that he should be awarded the whole loan or none. As there were bids fcr sums not less than the whole amount, at a higher premium, tome difference of opinion waa entertained as to the right aad propriety of the company to exercise any discrimination in aoceptiug the bids. On full con sideration, however, the loan was allotted as above stated, the oompany considering it the best offer male. The road is two hundred and forty-eight miles long, to Pitt?burg, a single track of which cost twelve and a half millions of dollars. Of this sum, over nine millions have already been expended. j At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Suffolk Bank, held this day, Mr. K D. Foote waa removed, and Mr. John W Rumsey appointed as director in his placa. Mr. H. M. Taylor was also removed from the office of cashier. His successor will be appointed in a day or two. This removea all the internal difficulties of this Institu tion. and its business will probably now progress smoothly ( and we hope profitably. The annexed statement exhibits the quantity and value of foreign dry goods entered at this market for consump tion. lor warehousing, and withdrawals from warehouse for the week ending September 16, 1852:? Movements is Fobeign Dav Qoon* j Entered far Consumption > JUflt ACTlRXa OF WOtfL. MASVFAITUKF.J OK SII.R. rtsg t. Value, o Phgt. Value Woollens 150 $74,344 L tiks 335 $308,889 Cloth 44 22.003 Ribbons 95 Cassimeres. ... 9 4 052 Satins 7 3,874 Worsteds 104 45.970 Laces ....... . 21 13,907 Stuff goods... 30 5,184 Embroideries. 1 1,849, Cotton and Velvets lj? 1LW8 worsted.... 2*0 53,965 Plush 12 , Delaine 17 6,186 Gimps it l'ring's 01 21,139 . Merinos 2 669 Silk A Worsted 42 28,342 Shawls 59 23.064 Silk it Cotton. 61 So.u92 , Flannels 3 1110 Silk and I.inen 11 8 250 I Covers <1 2,904 Shawls 9 3 088 Coatings 2 524 S. AW. Shawls 16 9.476 F.mbroideries . 1 1.19ft Mantillas 3 2.852 | La stings 1 9*23 Cravats. . 19 12.106 LaDDiDirs 2 450 Handkerchiefs I 557 : Cloekings 2 627 Hose 3 1.412 l'.lacktts "1 4546 Gloves &. Mitts 11 3 873 shirts " S?8 Braids and B. 18 0 744 Drawers 6 1.331 Sowings,.,... 8 4.^81 Ho*. 41 7.503 Buttons 14 7.667 | (Hovei 4 1.010 Vesting* 2) 8.310 Paddings 2 344 Rasr Hilk 78 12.928 Yatn 1- 3.2iO Other inanul. of 02 60 820 j llindings 14 2 924 ? 1 Carpeting.... -6 9,248 Total !>19 $638,228 Other manuf of 7 3,271 MA*VFACrraK*or rua*. Linen 184 $39,T99 Total....... 844 $277.9fc2 Linen and Cot. 4 741 I. aces 6 Handkerchief* 18 VAUurAf'Tuars ni torTov x lir**-!! .',4 Othermanul. of 10 2 olO Cottons 1?6 Colored do ... . 20 JJ Total 275 $73074 j (iloghams ? 21 mihcfi.lajkovs. (ambries 3 521 ,attmw (;0ods. . C> $11,177 Mndins...... 1? 4.167 Keuth'ak Flow 16 ^11 Kmiiroideied. i. 11 US Miuinery 36 6.839 I K .v::.v; i S? ^??cuff^c. io ? I Kmiuoidorie*. Plush . Shawls. Lares V 2 514 Hsndkercbitfa 1(J MM Hose 7". 10,238 ; (>lo-??*. 1 159 Spools .'i? 6 415 .^? V " i finding a ?68 ^*'herdo... 1, 12 64 W ebbing 4 721 Nu Pmdere. . 1 31 Tap*,. .7 li 935 876 2,40 CHIit msnuf.of 1 169 J,"/"' ? Kohf* y 75 4"4i $79528 (:,othing 1 22 Total 640 $64,06 Wi(hAr<tnm from lVarrhovtr. maki FAcrvHca or wool. Shawls 8 $1,M Woollens 4 $'2,303 1'uiigwra 1.1 1,67 Worsteds 27 6.840 8llkand*Worg'd 4 2 84 Stuff goods... 14 3,274 Velvets 2 1,? Co'nandwor'd 91 13.987 Sewing 2 8( Alpacas 5 871 ? tbawls 10 2.449 Total 32 $9,5J U ankets 2 341 MAjtVFacTuaee or fi.a*. ? ? Linens 35 j^,6H Total 153 $30,163 Linen and cot. 17 2 6f vaui ? t( Tt'ar.t of cotton. Handkerchiefs 2 71 Cottons 35 $6,148 Thrta<l 1 if Colored do.... 18 2.034 ? Muslins 1 121 Total 55 ^,0.3; Spool 3 317 Mipcr.u.ANvors. Sbaals 1 224 Straw goods.. . '12 $2.61 Cord 2 298 Plush 1 6f Nits 1 223 Gracs eloth.. . 6 1,1< Clothing a .">! Tola! Total <11 $9,448 MANiiracTtinBS or SIT,*. Siiilne 1 $1,154 KnJered ffarr/muv MARt:FACTI-*M OF WOOL. MAN t'F ACTUftKS OF C1TTOS . Woollens 8 $4,823 Cottons. 50 $9,899 Clot!) 1 593 Prints H 2 220 Worsted 1 SOO Hose 05 6,440 Cot. A worst.. 9 2,260 Merinos 2 939 Total 123 $17, 550 fastings 2 804 Blankets 6 6*'>8 MiscrxLameous. ? ? - Straw Goods. . 26 $4,S71 Total 28 >10 847 Cot'rs eufls, Ac 1 296 MsnuraoTViiM or su a. Plash 12 1490 gllks. 27 $6 160 Clothing 2 8.936 Adfc k Worst. 11 10,031 Matting 700 3.280 To',*l *9S $l6,li?r ToUl 740 $U,3T* Mawifta. of wool iff w r 1 1 1 1 ill C+ ? IS51 ? " rtlk " flax. Mbeetlanemu ToUto. 8,0I? #041 ?64 ),Nt $1,131, MS Witklnuvn from Wrralmut. tUautho of wool.... SH $111310 16* $50,W " cotton 10S ljftlO 81 0,448 " nt 84835 35 O.ttSO ?. , ?? ? 10,348 65 0.329 MiaoeUaaeow 56 11,00ft 31 4.020 810 $238,448 332 $63300 Entered for Wortknitinf , Manufae.of wool 141 $45,681 28 $10,847 " cotton... 90 15,340 12S 17.559 " ailk 66 43,808 38 15,107 " l?r gg 5,644 . _ MUoeUaneou* 1S? 27 ,368 740 18.872 *otaU 511 $137,827 029 $81,075 1851. 18S2. \alua put upon the market second waek in September $1,180,302 $1,333,753 All brnnobea of the trade coutinue active. There in a renewed supply of domestic staples which yet bring full prices, the demand being actire. Drees goodi of prime grade are in muoh request; low qualities are avoided. French goods are offering freely at auction; some large t rench houses preferring tfaU mode of selling their im portations. The result ia favorable to tile seller. We particularise the whole market as follows: ? In domostios the demand for brown sheetings and shirtings keeps upi and large sales are making at 7 Sf a 7 Xo. for heavy de scriptions Prices are very firm. Blcachod goods sell with increased briskness, and prices are still buoyant? narrows, 5>ic.: broads, 12c. Drills are in good request, at full rates? bluee. 0c ; browns. 7'-|C ; bleached 8c. Os naburgs ate firm with a limited demand, at ftiU rates Denims are steady, at 8c. tor all prime grades. Stripes are in poor supp'.y. and firmer Ticks* havo slightly ad v i. need. Canton flannels are firmer, with an inadequate supply. Printing cloths are rather dull, but very steady in price, at 3,'i a .Vic. Prints of desira ble styles sell briskly, at full rates. Glasgow giug li*m- tell quickly, at 10 Kc.. leaving no stock ; Manchcstcrs are from 10c., and l.ancasters, 10, Sic. Delaines of good qualities an' still in good demand at full rates, but poor qualities are a drug. The supply is good, with a varied and desirable assortment. Cloths are in good request, with a light supply, allowtug of little in crease to the piosent scarcity of stock Castimeres are very active, and at full rates, but heavier goods are now more required. The demand embraces all kinds ? plain and tancies. (Satinets still come to a good market, and sell well. Linseys are firmer, selling readily at 18c for prime goods. Tweeds are actire, at regular prices. Joans are in but moderate request. Flannels aro potting soiree and prices are higher. There is an active inquiry. Blan. kets are more wanted, and at full rates. Shawls are in ra ther better demand; but not yet general. Priccs arc firm. The arrivals of French goods have been considerable, yet fail to satisfy the very extensive demand. Few parents offered remain unbroken; and whether it be silks, wool len'. or cotton.', diefs or staple goods, tlie consumption is large enough to take up the successive supplier, at full and rather advancing prices. The auction sales have lately presented some large lines of Frenr.h goods, fresh from ship, which attracted great attention, and much com petition was excited. German cloths are selling largely and well. British goods are brisk but sell not so exten sively as French and continentals. Dress goods of prime qualities bring fair prices. Heavy cloths are in some re quest still, thongh the sales hsve been already large. The demand is setting in from ibis State and the Northern country, though the Western demand is yet the most active. Stock F.ichinige. {iOH Til'* In t'l Impt '-17 K". rsi slia Ponn'ft foal Co. 11.1 6000 Krk'ln't Bonds. b.1!W 100 Daupliin t'oal c (> fiiKHl do bj<l 9H 100 Cumberland Coal Co 74 2000 Erie 2d Mete Bds..lO|V 130 do b3 74 1000 Ilud 1st Mtge Bds.l07V 200 do T'S'i (JOfO do 107 'j 100 d. T'l# "4 2000 SO d"- 110 74 SU00 Bellft'n tc l'a Bds. lis 102 Erie RR SO thsDel Ik Hud Cauall.'SO'^ l.? do \. ..&)}? no do l.M^j 'i"> do WiV 40 Knickerbocker UanklOl K") do H)', ,'J0 Metropolitan llank .KM.', 10 Alb Jt Sclioucctady. Iir>)2 100 N A Trust b.'iU 2.'( HI) Uurlem UK s30 7lA? ISO do 22 100 do .....71m SO do slO 22 2.<0 do 7H, 25 Morris Caual.. ... . 17'i 7 Rocli it Syr RR. . . . 122'? 60 do.,., 1 7J a 70 do 122 ISO do 17 1 - -? Long Island RR 26'i SO Farmers' Loan 102 200 ilo 2d,1!. 200 New Jersey Zinc. , . J'-J - .'too do 26;'*? 1UO New York Zinc. ... 20 N II Jo lliutfd cx divl.'lo 00 Montgomery Mining. l''D Ili-uding Kit SO Florence 4c Keypovt. SI 200 do % 100 Nicaragua Trau tCo T77, 11 Hudson KiverRR... '.2'4' 160 do 2h 2H.-' do 7.'i 120 do 2SU ] IX) do at60 71! SO do 110 2**2 50 do s.'*) 73 25 do 28V l'1" do s'JO 7'i SO do 1.7) 2""!, SO do 7.?'4 SO Canton Co *'0'J, 120 Mad it Indians'* RIlIOo liiO d<> M tOji SO Vor& Worcest'rRR M:? 100 do liCO M 'j 12 t'ara k Wsibington. -17 litl d ? 160 SI 23 N Indiana RIt 123 50 Fenn'a Coal Co. . , . IIV4 PKCONB BOARD. S'iOOO Mich S'n KR ltd,. 101 100 BhsCumWd Coal Co 7-'t'a' <0 s Mer'ts Fx Bank.lOO^j 2'J." Montgomery Mining. .1 So Nicaragua Tran't I 0 2s*, 100 St I.awrence Co. ... 2 :(?) do 2s;,. 310 Eri^RIt 8ti'? .'0<) do ->lt 'W do ?60 Sd1. 60 do 130 2S'i, 2O0 Reading RR !X:1* SO do; (<00 do ffi'2 2SO do 6.J0 28 l'fl do s.'t W'J 200 do 27?/ 100 do blO *Xr>2 100 do ?M0 27'i US' Long Island Rlt.slm 2fil? 100 Florence 4t Key tblO SI V, SO do ........ stm 2li:l? W' do SI 100 do s4m 2l>lt 60 Cumld d Coal Co blj 74 4<W Harlem RR 72 75 do i'SK 5 Alb it Schen Rlt . . . lod ?? do 74.'4 5 N Y fc N 11 RR lit CITY TRADE REPORT. Friday, Sept. 17?6 P M. Asmks.? Sales were made of ICO barrels. Pots $4 02>?; p?arU $o 5G>i ? the previous rate". Bkiswax ? There have been 1 COO lbs Western yellow, bought at 27 a27>?c. per lb., cash. HRr.ADFrrFf'8. ? Flour was In fair demand, and the sales reached 11.100 barrels ordinary to choice State at $4 25 | a $4 43?^; mixed to fancy Western at $4 31 ^ a $4 60; common to good Ohio, aiid superfine old and new Cana dian. at $4 3/ \ 't a $4 60; with common to good Southern at $4 43Jf a $4 0*.'.^. Rye flour and corn meal were un altered Some 6 100 bushels Genesee white wheat realized $1 10; 6.200 Ohio do. do. $1 06 a 1 05 5 GOO Western red do 96 a 9tic.; 6.500 Upper Lake do. <3 a 74c.; some rye and barley, yesterday's prices: and 30 000 bushels unsound with Western mixed, and Southern white corn. ! 69 a 6P,'i 70. 71 and 72c per bushel. Cotton. ? The sains were about 2.600 bales to duy. with a speculative currcnt. caused by the unfavorable South ern advices. Candles. ? Within a few days 1.400 boxes adamantine have been procured at 19 a 22c. per lb. Cokfkk ? Excepting til" di.-poeal of 4 250 begs Kin (by auction) at a S'.ic. average 8\,c. per lb. we have only to notice that of 450 do. by private treaty, at 8,'ic. Fish ? Cod and mackerel remained scarce and quiet nt former rates, 1,600 boxes No. 1 and tcalcd herring were 1 taken at ::o a ';2c and57)fe. Freight* wer? steady, with engagements of 26.000 ' bushel* wheat for Liverpool at 5.'ae.. part begged by ve?- I ?els. Cotton wm ;i lGd . and 1h 6 was asked for flour. To London, flour was 2b.. and 10,000 bushels wheat, were taken in bulk, at 6,'.,d . and 50 pipes wine were taken at lag. To California, rater were tirtn, at 46 a 90c . with a fair amount offering. There was nothing new to the oont.inent. Fruit ?200 boxes bunch raiMns fetched $2 20; 60 boxes Jordan shelled almond*-, 31 Vc, and 1^0 e.i-ks /nnte currants. 8', n ?c. IIai ? River was in gocd supply and request. at <.1 26 per ICO lbs . cafh Hides. ? The marleet continues very dull, and price* have a downward tendency . Tlie only tran actions thin week sie 1 .504 gn?n salted Bueno* Ay res, at 8c p?r lb 2.660 Angostura, il lbs. at 10,'4'c.. 8 month*: 600 Mar?n ham ox, 28 lbs.. 19 he.; 780 dry Southern. 10 'jc.; S9 do. do.. 11c.; 122 I'.nglUh daughter, bj?c Hi mp ? All de < r'i?tious were quiet and Unch?nred A 'ew lots Ant rlcan undf-'Jed found buyer- at $120 per ton. fix months. Ikon. ? There were no important su' . effected during the duy. Holder n-ked 927 fr>r Scotch pig, and J46 for Knglirh i;ar. per toti Nix month". Lath*. ? Several lots Ka-tcrn were purchased at $2, ca?h, per tbouisnd. LiAim-e ? No change to note in prices: the receipts and >ales njc large from present indications the season will clone with a Unlit stock on baud. We quota light and middle weights hemlock sole. 17 a 19?.: over weights, 16 a 17c ; good damaged 14 a 13c ; poor damaged 10 a 12c.; light slaughter oak. 23 a 20c.; middle and over weights, 20 a 23o.; hemlock upp?r. in rough, 18 a 20c.; do. calf, in rough. 30 a 40c.: oak upper, in rongh. 22 a 24c ; finished wax upper, per foot. 11 a 15c.; do calf hemlock. Cr lb.. 60 a 60c.; do. do. oak, per lb., 80 a 100c.; finished xness 20 a 24 ?. Liwic.? 4.600 bbl*. Rockland changed hands, at 96c. for common, and $1 26 foi lump per barrel, cash. Natai. flTORrs? Continued rare and inactive. Crude turpentine was quoted at $3 37 H per 280 lbs. ? spirits, do. at 4J<;^ and -t 1 1 > per gallon, cash ; and Wilmington common roein. at fl 40 a 11 46? urual terms. Oils.? Crude nhali was held at 76c., and crude sp-mn at il 2# per gallon . without inquiry it, 000 gallons Un seed brought to-day 7* a 7Cc. p-r gallon cash i Provision? Remained ss la*t noted, sales ha', hst; been made of 21" bbl*. prime and meraporft atfl7 1 21 i a 3 12J,; <00 j kgs. i iiiol;< d hams at 12 '?c, ; 7P do , to arrive, at 18^e; 7 eo-ks smoked stms. at l'ie ;6S0hbl* roodto ptlinc lard, at 11 '4 n 11 l.,e per lb.; and 180 bbl*. mesa and old prime 1 < > f at ll'ja f if> and 1 6 a J7 per barrel. Rirc. ? We beard thai 90 ttelWW fair to prime ; pMsed th? extent, of thin wet k'l movements, ai. $6 12 > i a >6 SI \ i? r 100 ihs . ca |, Boat.? lln re Imvc been 1 < 0 boxes CK ,tile taken nt 9,^8. j per lb. Spirits.? The dsv's tran-nelioni Included 8<>Q bbl? I Olio and prli> ?n whiskey 24 n'J4 a 24,' c.. r.a h ; and ! 160 hbds. drudge do. at time, Ac [>e-. gallon Hooahs ? About UWt hhda. Cuba have been sold at I I a.'i^'c. Maiket unalt- red. I'liaAf o .? Sale s have )?>en made of 117 en es Ohio seed lraf at 7 a 8c.: 21 New York, at 6 a 7 '4c and 21 Connec ticut at 5c In mar, d fair Wool..? The niaiket still continue* active, and the ad vance In wcolh n* has tended to make holder* firmer, pa'.aa reach ICiO <W<> lbs , at JUic. to 50c Of low ,grad>? liinw is now hardly any on market. For, Ign 1? not active, but are Orni. Hi <? ins or reoo' j ?. this i?a*. Bt North &<??? Bo? in? 2 lil libls. flour, 400 do. whUkaySfe HkM, 611 ?*, lard tMIt fcti*el? wfceat , tOMT *?. am,4Mtb?MiNti. m4 >1 Mm woat. m mu Buuoui-3M bUa Somr, M 49, ohMM, UI <W butter tad 790 lualula f|tfc u? (??? iUrLH pkga. bettor, m i?o 40. okHtf. mrttumin ?r thc wcbc noim inrr. 17 Bvitu-U(i4i IJ*u r. ? 60. Wit) BuiOHWO Powder? 300 ewkl Br.i.a? 1.287 ml-1 is. Con et? 17,466 b*gs. Coal? 2 olO ton* Dtm ? 02 balm indigo, 8 cask* madder Dati<;?.? 7 bale* jalap, W OMka alkali, 2T. uai balsam ropsrid. SO omm magneto, 437 eufa and 10 In. Mdl ash, 083 MW liquorice piite, 400 cask# u4 1M kegs blow-bo nato tod a. 10 cai-ks cream tutu 23 casks sugar lead 370 casta Kpsom salts. 3# oeroona ippieae. 80 flasks quckxil rr*. 126 boxes chemicals. 04 bbis arsenic. 62 balm mm, 6 rwb and 460 kegs ehemioals, 3 casks antimony. Drr.w ooos ? 629.046 lbs. logwood, 37 quintal* do. Drt Goods ?1 619 pkgs. per steamer (Hugo*, 48 per Jleuj . Adams, 62 per Uvo Krams, 111 per Charles Cooper. 41 per Nortf America 40 per Progress, 200 per Wild PigKa. 96 per London, 143 per Falrleld. 77 p*r Zurich. 176 per C. Urinnrll. 70 per Juno, 52 per Helena, 186 per Lady Franklin, 297 per Waterloo, 142 per New fork, 768 per Humboldt. 11 per Louis. 63 per Zarataa, 1C per Kl fira Owen. 130 per Liverpool. 180 prr Kosoius, 80 per Isaac Bell 107 per PeWitt Clinton, 204 per 8oujUuunptou, 41 per bliaunon. 1!7 per Silas Ureeuman, 33 per ttouth Carolina, 17 per Maria, 32 per Mary Crocker, 01 per Ks pandola ? Total, 5 107 pkgs. Pikk Crack* ??? 1,600 boxes. Kihh. ? itii bbin. salmon. (Vib bbis. and IS keg* herring. 40 do. ood, 8 do halibut, 361 bbis. pickled flsh. OtiABO? 1,060 tons. (Irkasi . ? 86 pi pan mare's grea??. Hops? 1 18 bales. Uaik ? 2& bhlf>. Hints ?62.287 o* and cow hides, 56 bales goat ski us. and 17 casks hides. Iroh ? 82 783 bars railroad iron; 128,284 bars, 34 986 bdls ; 7 442 bUls. hoop; 6 420 b<ils. sheet; 1,002 places, and 1.757 tous pi? Lvmhcr ?34.34-1 feel hcsn'ilng, 4 483 pes. boards; 72.300 laths skid 60,000 shingles. Lt.ii i ? 5 ()25 pigs. Leather? 13 baifls. 18 casks okWeci Moi,ass? ?? 7i: hhds Mattiho ? 1,013 iclls. Mmals? C79 bdU. 224 cases sheathing. Oil.? 89 cv-ks oliye, 28 pfcgs. cod, lt?8 casks linseed, 182 ask* wliale Hud 2 It do. rsporeod. Paints ? 4S0 bWs. Venetian red, 11 ease) vermilion; 1 ?'s^e atid 1 oaf-k uiUa marine, 60 kegs oohro, 100 bbis. SO ko?> colors. V) bbis. led lead. J'lasti.h? 480 tons. Potatoks.? 400 bug* French. . Pea.nuts ? 8.520 bu. liels. Rags? 781 biles. Uai i aks? "oO bdls Sai.t? IT CT6 tack? 34 813 bushels, 454 bbis ?SrCARs.? '000,600 Havana 150 boxes, 874qrs ,8cases do. Srti l? 571' cases. 1 368 bdls., 07 bars. SrEi.i fr ? 1 ,t'0G plates. Ss.tu? 20 earka tape. 40 ba#s seed. Spicks.? 7.506 matn enssia. 60 bxs. ginger. Bi iiAR? 1 00*1 hlids, 1,003 bxs. 4 tea Spirits ?81 bhds , 212 lilfs., 361 qrs., 406 bbis. br&udy; C3 puncheons whiskey; 14 cai-ks gin. Tobacco ? 70 bbis , 6 casks. Tka? 7.825 pkgs. Tin? 18 :?"& lixs tin p'ate*. Wikk? 482 lihds , 130hlfs., 3 219 qrs., 1,610 cases, 204 bbis . 2 581 baskets. Wool? 278 b*!es. 70 do. woolen waste. Wood? ti80 leg* rosewood, 1,966 bdls. willow; 51 logs yebra wood. 110 logs cedar, 3 logs and 42 sticks mahogany. AMERTISEMENTS RENEWED EVER? MY. " SEE SEVENTH PAGE, "a* H??'KI,S AND W&TER1IVU PLACBS. C1ARR0L HOUSE, 722 BROADWAY, OPPOSITE THE ' Now^ork Hotel, in open to transient and permanent boarders. Families visiting New York will Una it one of the best and most oonifortable housos in the oity, being entirely new, and tilted up in the molt superior tnaunur, with every convenience, gas. warm and cold baths, Sic. JAMES HENDERSON, Proprietor. EOLIAN HOTEL, NO. 834 BROADWAY, NEAR UNION square, in now ready for the receptiou of oompany, the house being in complete repair, in all respects, for the accommodation of permanent and transient boarders. E. DAVISON, Proprietor. G.RAMEROY HOUSE, CORNER OP TWENTIETH street and Broadway, New York, ii new upon to tho rubllo. Itoontain one hundred and fifty rooms, furnished Ea the most elegant st} lo, with every possible convenience. It Mill be kept on the American and European plans, com bined; and the proprietors are determined that it shall rank among the best family hotels in the world. DONADI b CO. FINANCIAL. American exchange bank, of gf.oruetown, D. C? redeemed at y. of one per cent, by S. & J. S. DUNNINU, 180 Greenwich street. CASH ADVANC'ES-IN SUMS OF $5 TO $500. ON DRY Goods, Silver Plate, Pianos, Watches, Jewolery, Dia monds, Fancy articles, and most kinds of personal proper ty, at the l.ife Insurance and Loau office. No. 32 Warren street. N. B.? Persons dealing with this office, will be treated in an honorable and manner. JOHN McMICHAEL, 86 OLD SLIP, CORNER OF South street, has tor sale drafts for any amount, which will be cashed throughout Creat Britain and Ireland. Also, issues certificates of passage by th? Eagle line of New York and Liverpool packct*. Refers to Meiers. John W. Whitlock li Co., Sherman At Collins, and Anton Civil, Esq., aud others. . Look at tiii^.-henry beirne, no. 43 west street, wants English silver, at 24 cents per shilling; half crow in, 00 rents, or $4 tH per pound ?torling; sove reigns, $4N>. All other foreiun gold and silver bought at the highest rates. Spauisli aud American change bought at 2 per cent premium. MONEY.? WANTED TO BORROW. BV V LADY. $100 for ti or 12 months, for which a liberal percentage will be paid. Any philanthropic person feeling denoted to advance the loan* honourably, will please address J. K. A., 70 Canal street. Notice to contsac tors.? sealed proposals will be received for the tilling up of four lots of ground, between Tenth and Eleventh avonues in Forty-third street, 17& feet from Eleventh avenue, south side. Apply to H ILL! AM M ALONE, No. 7 New street. Remittances to Ireland, &c.? drafts from ?1 and upwards, payable at any town throughout Ira land and liraat Britain, are issued by the subscriber; also, Passage Certificates to and from Liverpool aud London, by the Swallow Tail line of packet ships. BOWMAN. ORINNELL St CO.. 83 South styet New York, and 5 Regeut Road, Liverpool SPRINGFIELD, MOUNT VERNON, AND PITTSBURG Railroad.? Proposals for loan.? Springfield, Mount Ver non. and Pittsburg Seven per cent first mortgage oonvcrtiMe bonds.? The Springfield. Mount Vernon, and Pittsburg Rail road Company oUVr for sale $200,000 of their mortgage bonds, with coupons. Th? bonds are in sums of $1,01)0 each, pay !tl 1? the lut day of January, A. I). lt#>9, with at 7 percent., semiannually, in the city of New York, on tho 1st day of Junuarv and'July of each year, where the princi pal is also payable. They "are secured by a first and only mortgage to George S. I'oe, Esq., of the oity of New York, trustee for the bondholders. The amount or bonds thus to be issued at present under the morgue is limited to $000,000. They are convertible into the stock of the Company at tho option of the holder. The mortgage oovers the lino of road from Springfield to Delaware, a distance of forty-eight miles, reaching, at the latter p'.int. the Cleveland, ColumMts. and Cincinnati ltuilr md, aud on tho real and personal estate of the Company between and at both places. Thit part of the road is under '-ontrs> t. and the greater part of tho work is done, aud it will )><- finished and brought into use about the 1st of June ncit. The local subscriptions applicable t? this division of the Mad, amount to a little upward of $500,000, of which about three quarters has been paid up. And the entire cost of this division? including two costly brid jos, eaeh coating about $100,000 ? will be about $370,00*1; and ths Company have a further subscription ofupwsrd of $400, 000, applicable to the cait'-rn division of the road, extending to the Ohio an 1 Pennsylvania road, near l.ondonville. a dis tance of sixty-four inilo*. This road passes through the central part of Ohio, densel} peopled, and as productive as any otl^er psrt of Ohio; and it forms an important link in a through line fr in New York to Cincinnati, byway of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. An examination of the map will show that it o. <ui ies s position equal to any other in the State. Proposals v. ill be received for any anioaut not less than $1,000. until the 21th day of September, at ii o'clock. Proposals to he addressed to Messrs. Delano, Dun levy k C"., No. IK Wall street, indorsed. "Proposals for Springfield, Mount Vernon, and Pittsburg Hailroad Bonds." Ten per cent of the purchase money will be required on ac cepting tho bids, the remainder in equal monthly Instal ments of 10 percent purchasers ai liberty to pay in full, interest on the bonds to run from day of payment. A map of the read, and an exhibit of tho affair* of tho Compauy may bo had at the office 'of Delano, Dunlevy it Co.. No. IS Wnli street. And all neeeesary information willbegivon by then- in relation to the road aud its securities. C. AN IHO.NY. Preside tit of the Springfield, Mount Vernon, aud Pii tihnrs Railroad Cowpan r. New York, gspt. H, I -v.'. 11111 FI.OItF.NCK AND KKVPORT COMPANY. ? A nn'Ctirg of the st o'kholdor* vti'1 he held at Kevport, nu (?sturdily. tho "th of Ortnhvr next , w ncn a st*.' inent will be made of the pro.'. fleet* and oonditlon of the Company. A boat will be or n ided lor tli ' purnoto. and land at the new dock now building on the property. Persons desirous of ex amining the place will be furnished with ticket* for the ex cursion I ? lie office, No. 1 1? Hanovor str ict. IHYPr. VI ETAL? BLF.ISI1 I'TTE 7. U STOLBF.RG? FOR Ml* by VICTOR BISHOP, 23 Maiden lane. ||(U) TO LOAN, AT SIX PER CENT INTE yJVt/jl/v/V' rest, in one or more *t.m.i, for one, three, or live ye""*. nn productive re?l estate in this citv. Apply to JOll N F. CON RET, No*. 23 k Z> Wall *trect. uttifi onn T? IEND AT srx pER cent r jvrV/VJ re*t for a term of year*, on Bond and Mortgage on flrat ela** prodnetive Rail E*tat* in thi* oity. 1 1 will be loaned in turn* of $.'>,000, and upward* to *uit ap plicant*. Apply toj^s. BROAD, No. 13 Wall *treet. MOOO riRE INSURANCE STOCK.? A FF.W S v/ v yj snares first elas* Kire Insurance Stock iu a city ovmpanjr, for ssle for investment. M . L. SI1 ELDON, M N" assau street. ? Wnnn~T0 INVEST, this AMOUNT OR MORE jWv/ (where it will pay well.) in the Lumber, Coal, Crockery, Provision, or wnolcsalo Dry Uoodi business, or any other business, not fancy, with a young man, and no other, who ha* been foreman or bead clerk a lon;c time, ha* capacity, address, ar,d perfectly undorttaud* his business. Andrew G., Herald office. <11 (H)O WANTED, FOR SIT MONTHS. FOR W 1 jVM.Hr which a bonus and ample security will !?* given. Any persnu having that amount to loan may ad* urc?? A. H.. Broadway Post office. X* 1 DKAI7S FOR SALE? ON T1IE UNION* BANK, ~ I of London: Belt'oat llanlilng f'o., of Ireland; Na tional Bank, or. H.otland. We are, bv special authority, au thorliod to issue draft* on tho above Uauk*, payable at sight, and in sums from ? 1 upward*. T A Y I, OK BROTHERS, No. 7d Wall ?troet, enr. Pearl NEW PIIBLICATIONH. Australia: being a brief compendium of the geographical pmltinn, topography, characteristic feature*, description of the principal rivers, headlands, production*, climate, sailing directions, etc., etc.; the whole forming a complete Handbook or (Inide to the Gold Regions; Intended for the nse of merchant*, ihipmnstore, intondent emigrant*, and other*. To which Is appende d a valuable eo| lection of tabic*, compiled from an then tic *o tiroes, showing tb? rate of harbor dnis, onetonu, tariff, pilot and dues, public officers feee, lint ran*, toll*, regulation* for the FahU#. Published by G. I HIHlllKX ii CO.. Xt W est street, New fork. l"ft.j? IKm RAtll. ?AAAAAAAy* A.X-.WAA.VWWWN. v.*v WV W, W WVWVV*-'''- ' Billiard tables -for salb. a splkndim atock oftablea. Ca? be too* ?t the oil staad, 90 Ana ?wjg*; coiu??iin^ of rM#wo?4 ?nd mAhognn/, nuitablo tut fabUc or private ??. AIm. CMm, HalU, Wi aU Kro>* LefttUr*, and T rimmings of .TPr, deaoription. IDp?c?t low than !?)' other oetabllsiuneut in the oily. ORJ_I KITIT fc DRCKBR ' Boot and shoe stork for salr.-thb stock] fixture*, and good will, of a retail Boo* and Shoe !Hor<? for tale, (or the fixture*, togother Kith fivs years 1mm { situated hi Catharine street, and in one ol the beat standi for any kind of business. As the owner is going into other business Immediately, the pUpe with the .itock. (or Uii place with the lease,) will be sold te a ca?h customer, at i bargain. Apply to 1*. ?. O'MALEY. No. W Catherine s'.rsct. (new No. HI). CLOTHINO STORE FOR SALE-THB CLOTHIW1 store, No. 41 West street. The excellent location an I good run of onstomers ensure to an ou terprlsiag aad indue to ? ous man a good business. Apply on the premises. COTTON FACTORY PROPBBTT TOR SALE.? THR Wiocapee Company, Kishk ill Landing, Dutches* oouu ty, N. Y? will bell at publlo auction, on the premises, on tin tith day of October next, at 12 o'olock M., all their real eatate, machinery, and personal effects, as follows- ? Twelvs acres of Land, v Ith one largo tlireo story brick Factory. ?>; by W feet, (roof covered with galvanized iron), with piokor and l<oiler rooms attached, having steam and KM ?j>ip"? through all the rooms for heating and lighting the same Also, a one story brick building. 4/> by 'M foet, with basemen', used for office, waroroam. and storehou?e; lour largo tbrui story brick dwelling Houxes. with all suitable conveniences The Dam, Flumes, and Bulkheads are made in the best mnnncr. for strength, durability, and beauty of ft niali. Thj W ater 1'owcr is e<jnal to 136 horxe power to the dryest sea sen, on a fall of 2!>X foet. The Machinery consists of XWI) ring throstle and mule spindles, and t'.' I -i wide looms, with all other ncccsssry machinery lor operating the same on coarse or line cottons. Was built iu l>!7 in the most ex pen sive style, and is now in full operation, and in fir.t rate order. The present company have expended on the property in the various improvement*, $106,000. The property lies half a mile from tno Hudson Ri\or Uailrond, siaty mileifrom New York, and directly on the proposed lino (now bong surveyed) of tho Hartford, Providence aud Fishkill Rail road, making it a very desirable location for a locomotive shop on an extensive scale, or any other heavy or light manufac turing purpose. The real estato and machinery will bo sold separately. The properly can bo viewed at any titno. Maps ol the property and all information givan to post-paid coot mtiuieationx. Address Wioeapee Company, Fishkill Land ing, or.lOlIN SLA UK &. CO., L> Broad street, New York. I'ishkill l.anding, July 1!), 13W. Daguerreotype ? 1 tije best plates yet.-thb subscriber guarantees as porfoct all Hie scale plate* he sells. Beware of counterfeits or refuse lots, Prioe, tuM plates, $100( mediums. $17, por hundred. Liberal discotuft to tho trade. VICTOR BISHOP, Sole Agent for the manufacturers, 23 Maiden lane. Engine for sale? six horse power, has been in use but three month*.. Will be sold a bargain. Address through Post office, box 2.H37. I|*OR SALE.? A WATCH CASE M ANUI'ACTOBT, lathes, tools, and fixtures. En.iuire of L. B. RICE, No. IS Maiden Lane. For sale? the fixtures of tiie store no. n Kiug street, late owned by Johu Utiliek - also a horse ant wagon suitable for tho grocery business, and losso of the store if w anted. A good location for that business, and sold on aeoount of the owner's death. Tboso wanting such a plaoo, apply to A. EcKENJSl, No. ifP Ninth avenue I^OR SALE? A DRUG STOKE. SITUATED IN A GOOD neighbourhood. The .owner having gone West, left it in the hands of an n^ent to sell. The store is now doing a fair business, which by care and proper attention can bs largely luoreanod. A good ohauce f>>r an Auioriean or Gor man physician. Apply at No. 10 Ann street, or 288 Sixth street. For sale? two houses and lots in ninb tecuth street, between Second aud Third avennoe, N os. 126 aud 123. Tho houses have been built by the day, and are finished with all the modorn improvements. Per sons about buying, are solicited to oall and examine ttis building. Terms uf sals easy. Inquire on tho premises, ?r u ri ui> For sale-the stock, fixtures, and good will of n feed store, in a good location, and doing a good business. A (irst rato chance for a man with a small capital. Will be sold very cheap, as tho owner is anxious to go iuto other business. Enquire at 320 Sixth street, be tween avenues li and C. For sale? the good will, stock, and fie tureB, together with the unexpired lease of five year* and eight months, of one of the most profitable and best looated Porter Houses in the Second ward. Will bo sold cheap lac cash. This is a good chanoe, and a sure fortune for the right sort of man. Apply between tho hours of ton and one o'clock this morning, to l'ETER M. BATTELLK, No. M Spruce street. For bale-in the town of mamaronbok Wcstcheoter county, a farm of twenty-fonr acres. Upon the premises there is a new house, 2 2 by 30, and a new barn, 2N by .SO, and cellars under. both. A good view of Loog Island Sound, and about twenty minutes ride from tho 4e Sot. The place em be boi'ght for $3,600, before tho 80th ay of September. If not sold before that time, it will ha ?old on that day at auction, to the highost bidder. $1,600 can remain on bond and mortgage, at 7 per oeut. luquixeof ULOKUE UPTON, on the promises. IJOR SAI.E? THE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES, with the Lease, of a public house on the west sido of Broadway. The premises comprise a lino lar^o saloon. with bar, two parlors, seven or eight privato rooms, kitchen, fcc. This must be disposed of, as the proprietor is obliged to laava. and a great bargain can be hnd. Rent. $700. Apply, froa 2 to 7, P. M.. tj E. B. KINSHIMER, 319 Fourth avenuo. Harlem.? for sale? ox street, be tween Fifth and Sixth avenues, and on "Mouut Morris Square," three superior cottage style frame houses, filled iv with brick; twosturius. attic and basement, with marble mas tics, Croton water, bath, range, water eloaot, wash basin.sneak ing tubes, bells, &c.; houses 'St by 32 feet, piaita in front, entirely new and ready for occupation; lots 02 6 by 100 feci 11 inches. Apply to E. H. BROWN, 71 Wall street, from 1 to 2 o'clock 1'. M or at his residence I25tli street, between Se enth and Eighth avenues, moruing and evening. Liquor stork for sale.- the fixtures anb good will of the lease of store N o. 634 l'earl lUwt. Ay ply at 14C I'earl street. " Leechf.s? *o,ooo large and gerbab Lceches. arrived per stesmor* Artie and Humboldt. Cm tale, at the usual low prices, by J. F. CLF.U Si CO., No*. 7 and 80 John (treat. Mirror for sale.? a family, recently ar rived from Europe, having a now large Mirror, Freaek plate gi?.?, in a splendid mlt frame. Wn thaj cannot aae at present, offi re it for sale, at a very moderate prioe. Cm be seen nt 27 B illoughby street, Brooklyn. Must re sold? to close tiie estate or i. Morrell, deceased, the Homestead Farm, of eifhtflr acres, commanding a fine view of Long Island Sound. Alae, Fnrme and Farm l.aml, pleasantly situated, in the town* of Mamaroneck and Scarldide. For information apply te E. Miles, No. .Vi Wall street; or to Wm. St John O Briea, brokers, No. .'?! Wall street; aud to the subscriber, at Mana roneck, Westchester county, one and a half miles from the New York and New Haven Kailruad depot. John morrell. STOCK AND BUSINESS STAND FOR SALS? TUB undersigned, successor to the late firm of Messrs. War ren tl Davis, intends retiring, on the 1st of October neat, from the Fancy floods Business, in which he has been ceenfully engaged, here and abroad, since 13.11, aud olTera for sale, on liberal terms, the entire establishment. It is welt known, and extensively patronized throughout the United States, aud never was in a better position for the transac tion of a good ?nd profitable business than it now enjoy*. With superior advantages in importing oertaiu kinds of goods, and connections abroad for purchasing aodjmimufac turing equal to any other house, having at present a largely reduced and well assorted frenh stock of mostly staple aad saleable articles, a lease of an excellent and commodiova store, at a very moderate rent, this establishment offer* aa opportunit) rarely offered to those wishing to enter at onoe u | m i n r safe, lucrative and well established business. Appli cation to le uiade without delay, to WM. Vf. WAKREN, 27 Kilby street. Boston, Sept. 11, 18ft'-'. T-O BOOKBINDERS.? FOR SALE, A BLANK-BOOK bindery, with ill the apparatus for carrying on tki trvU.v.ith the work of a itoro. For particulars apply at No. 1:2 Broadway, rpn BOTANICAL PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS.? J \ r.f asHiiituicnt of frctli indigenous llerbs, K.xtraot*, I. ? ? - ' arks, tic., part of tlicm in powder; also, eotaeglaa* ixtim Lottie*. will be sold low. as the proprietor has limber for them. Call on Dr. K. U LOVER, No. 12 Am ttiiti, near Broadway. rpo DRUGGISTS.? FOR SALE, A FIRST CLASS DlWb J. > tore, well stocked, handsomely fittod up. aud sitae teal in ore 1 thu best business thoroughfares in the city. K vill be sold cheap, and on accommodating terms. Apply at : , < . i . I 1 1 it in the bookstore. TO TAILORS.? FOR SALE. A COMPLETE SRT OP men'-, In ) h, and children's Pattern*, embracing all the tsuhionable styles now worn. No pay wantod until the purohnier Is mtiffled with the fit aud style. Any boy'* oat tt( can have a bet Irom (10 to $1,0(10. ( HAS. HEKWICK. 217 Spring g treat. VERY CHOICE SPAYED HEIFERS AND STEERS from the btata Fair, held at Utica. Among which la one extra line Spayed Heller, and one pairof ehoioe four yea* old Steers: each took first pri/os. fattened by Jamen IVadssvorth, Esq., and John W. T&y'.or, Eao., of Li?ing*toa oounty, N. Y. They, with others, will be cut and *o|it daily, by.TllOkAS F. DEVOE, No*. 7 anl S JtSersou Market. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS IN BALTIMORE.? Thou J. Cntt, Broker, from llaitiinorc, in at the lrvia* II on so, with plots of Building Lots iu Baltimore, at SLOW per S'"r?; also. Wharf Property and Country Seal*. A yoatfa wsnts a situation in a wholonale house CJOR nnn HOUSES, STOKEi, AND LOTS TB VJ exchange. Soi ersl very desirable Iloaaaa i;rd Stores, situated in Nc ? York and Brooklyn, will be ex changed iu part lor other property. Also, dunirahle country eats wanted. M.I. SHELDON, 88 Nlilsa rtfHt. nnn F0R SALE.-A yery neat three yjt/j" 'v/U ? story House and Lot, on Thompson street. I clow Prince, for $4,000. Also, a very gcnteol House and Lot in Twenty-fourth street, for $7,.'M0. Also, a very deair sble House and Lot, with the modem improvement*, ea Twouty secoud street, for $?,500. M. L. SHELDON. ST. Nassau *tre?t. k Ann BROOKLYN houses for sale.-two yji ^ " v/v/ ? Stores, with dwellings attanhed, situated on Myrtle avenue, renting for (TOO each, will be aold for $.1,000. Also, an elegant House on Baltio street, near Clin ton, for Sti.000. Also, aeveral other houses, cheap. M. L. Slim .DON, street. ?/< nnn TW? HOUSES FOR SALE.? TWO YERT ypTr?v/\/"? genteel new three story House* oa Forty hfth street, with full lot*. 25 by 100, will be sold for SUM* each. Also, a very genteel House snd Lot, with the nodera improvement*, on Tliirty-srixth street, for $5,!KW. ' M. L. SHELDON. S6 Nassau street. t'rtJUl ?FOR SALE? AN OUT DOOR BUSINESS which has been in snoeessful operation for the taut five years, aud yielding a tine income. The owner is 9< , i use to leave the city for a residence in the ooiintry. Ad less "$t*)0," this oftce, for three days. FANCY AHTICLB8. S"chH* oSi' ' rVr ? *f"S* hy the ordinary vtoccns. ^ mSHOP, Tmportsr. lew it priots- vlL1 M Maids a lans, mfstalr*. C^vK). VH,"KHiWler?. Caitors, l?r;. n?oki Jirandoles. Tea Sets, nrlavv Boat*. CandlestleM, lioflee PeVS Battle Stands. f-ralt Standa. *<$;< ice PaiU, ** ro, sals ^^Vo^BlVnOP. Importer. MMaldt. UM 21 N1I.MNBRV, PAR I 8 M 1 1, jfcl We? ^-BADAMB ?BBBM?lBi Broadway, will epen oa Tneaday. ths Slat of ?aaiaaa k?C, Fail BiiUatr y, atlvttad by ltt(??U u VkVI. ******