HEW YORK HERALD. IAIBI tUHDUR MfHii v domb ?r Fwi.ro* u> iuui an. rflt OaXLH BILAaLO, ?* MbpirNn -Hi" ?? Mi I'M* UA.kM V UKRit.lt wr, M <--? ? MMroJi* p.ud J? Ova t'otM" Cobbbb pm>i?ki? ?*? fmrici'um.1 ?wi'i?to' mh?i ui Uytiki a?i Paukbbb* ii?t it/. LSTTKRlf K ?*??* /?? ?ut*rr*ptto? . m wOA KlUHlliili I* fcr j? ><4. ?? tt/ *? d4dm*t*d *>!? M( MuTV r< WV *?? nCKMK ?.?A in oJrorfi?# ^ V >( 4r??4??;.? V> kmi>? thb TtlUkl-D?LiOf VltlkTillKtKT Wt'HTOA'* I H HaT Kfc 1 '!>?? pom ?r?e?. - PmiKflii'Jf.* ?U-luaT(>nt'> FbuI,.o. H A'floh A l. Til r Al'Kfc ruainaa. *nn?. P?? nr r?i ritm-Trmt &"?? ? I vh?.am!?HKi.B?? eoAMDiFe ?tuoiir ll?m >??. MIW TOUK THE 1TKB? Uaki.ht -Thb J*?obitb. AMKR1CAN rtlnlsl M.? Awr-itno PnrokniROM IX r* r AvrvRKuon Bun K?iKim> CHS.lKTr? UPBKa HOUS*. <72 brut? TiBun ?v Chkutt'i Minkthbiji WOOD S MIN?THK1.S. W oof$ Mnaioal flail, 444 Broad er,? Ethiopian Niimtkcuiv. iru/rc fl V AKI BTI KM. JT Bad ID B?w?ry.? Am naiao ??? I roll NT A JfCICd Wrw Vork, ThiwIh). fcptrmlxr 4N. IN3it> MuIIh for Rnropc. TUB NfcW YOUR * KkH.V UURALD. TIib ConarB itnunbip Niagara Capta-.n BtOM, Will tarv* Bo '.on at coon 1o morrow, for Halifax ud Lrv?rj-rnoo? The New Yomk Wkult II hiid will be published at half past urn* t ever.ing nomaited by the ?? i 'iiS of thH c?'y, as tbeir oaudida'e for Mayor We elfewbere publish ? ebon bi.?grepbv of Jacob A Wes'ervelt, tho d-jiuocratic nominee for the same effi.>? The whig farmers. in the riclntty of Cornwall, Or.ng. eoui tj, held m m.e-ing on Saturday, which hm atie?dujef.hirg to J i with prouaptiug (he seiiure It is thought that tbe mackerel re tart s this 3 car will fall thort one-half of the ufual average. By tbe l*st arrival fr>n: Buenos Ay res, we ere ?formed that Gtn Unjuiift has been officiary r-j j as Pre visional Dictator, and that delegates f*>m the difierowlcdg?d, and n 'r?aty of frienichtp and eom saertie enter d into, by which the fro? navigation of titer* was Hourtd to La Plata aid Bracl. Wo hear notbiog further of the negotiations of Mr. 'ftehenek forf.ee navigation to American vessels U?quii res. which ia a matter ot some 1m portun.-e to those engaged in that trade. Another earthquake is repor'ed to have been ex perienc?d at Ht Jago de Cuba, on the 28th nit , and tic frightened inhabitants had agiin sought refuge in mud huts along the sea store. Hon Thomai Buriog is no* in Washington city. He was introduced to President Fillmore yesterday. The pernicious and deplorable working of the Maine Liquor law is everyday becoming more appv Mtt. Outrages are of frequeut occurrence in those States where it has betn enacted, and, a0 a matter ?f course, are imputed by its advocates to the oppo nents of the said odious mea?ure. Two barns have lately been burned, one at Exeter and the other at Btebmond, in Roode Island, and their destruction, y uuil, ii laid at the door of those who have ape tily expressed their hos.ility to the anVi-Iiquor ?3 item, although there is no proof whatever agamst (ben, further than that the owners of the property destroyed bad previously decided, as mtgi -'rates, fa favor of enforcing the la* Now, whether any or all of the mischief, of which we hear so Bttjh- for there is do telling wbo are the ac'.uaJ ?MsoieuntF ? has been caused by thoie who are ?barged with it or net, it is quite certain that the very plan tbe Maioeics themselves havo adapted, of accusing their opponents of tbe perpetra tion of everv miedtmeaoor, shows the ulcer abjudic ation with which tne ultra measure ia viewed by t large portion of tbe people. Is will not work Mootbly? and. notwithstanding all their ex?rtione, tb?y cannot compel those who have the independence to think for themselves, silently to aoquies:e in it. Ke ruch illiberal and unwholesome law? one that attempts to deprive a man from exercising his ewn Judgment In a matter appertaining to himself alone ? wlil ever be sanctioned by any great portion o the Ameriwn peop'e Where it is no* in force, It baa created the most bitter foeling of animosity among those who were formerly friendly neighbors; therefore, tbe sooner it is repealed the better it will be f?.r the general peace and happiness of ?o ?*ety. The difficulty which was created among the tre Be i, at Huffalo, in ooneequenoe of taking from them tbe right to elect their chief engineer, has not been ???tied yet It will be reccllected that all but one ?r two of tbe engine oomi>anie* resigned some weeks age. arid that the C"?nrxnn Council were compelled to aall upon the eititena to eome forward and act as feemea H'ace that time the old firemen have ?anted a good deal of annoyance to tbe newly or gasm <1 companies, and, on Saturday evening, seve ?al ol tL. m were ar*eated for their riototti cjndoot. Mada?iie Bontag'a ft*st eunoert in America came 10 ib this eity la't evening A fall deacription of ^4 ft> hmcht afladfe, k* , was yeeteiday killed by the falUng of a Maary r?r1f-g at Hollidayiharg A aether aaa was killed oo tbe Baltimore and Oka Ball road yesterday. A ?Mpateh from Korfclk, V? , reports that m die ?ear, whtab la eery malignant, has lately mad* ita appear** ee tb?re Thirty or forty cases bare al ready oe??ned Ika morttkUtj report o? vh? QHj IosptcXc li j , fMt wttk, faWldMi alwwfcsre, mUVui a wry frttttyirg ii?nn of thirty three ifj tk? raaW of dnthf, m Mnpired with tb?l of'j^ week wbiob vent before Tlx death* from ' j,? various formi ibbl* 4irttNi, fuob as cholor A ud ferwi, bift also demwtd, but the inJ* ji mortality atill goo* on in pr*tty munh the ??m' , atio The grow total ? four hundred and t*enV^.f-ur ? of doubt, li not ft vtry large amount, ir ? oity Ike our?, rejeiving emigrant* by the l> .OUB in a (unitary condition of our great eity in a go#,d ?tate We will g've a statistical analysis of tt,e deaths and prevailing diseases, durirg tl?r , four weeks ap to Baturday last, in a day or tw 0 A rer j full r?port of the testimony taken befor* the C# rooer yesterday, in rolatioa to the la'e Gald ?tr?# c tragedy, wi.l be found in oar oolumus this niT.-niDg This wiuttm report is up to ka'.f P? .*t tbree o'clock in the evening, the time at whioh '.he inquest was a>1j urned. I We also publish to day a detail of the f*cts con nected with the fiudirg of the body of John Daniel Kietting, a German cabinet maker, supposed to have bc?n murdere t in Foisyth street, iu this eity, t tbe shop where he found employment. In addition to many oolumus of advertise ncnfa, much very interesting reading matter will be found en tbe int-ido pages of this sheet. We will merely mention the folio wirg:? Conclusion of the extra ordinary memoir of General Soott; Wm H. Seward and the coming anniversary celebration of the rescue of Jerry: report of t'na mteting of liberals in Chat ham Hall ; paper from Dr. Hare on the whirlwind theory; letter from Montrea', literary reviews, &0. Tb* Mission to China? Hon. Uamphrry Nainhall. Perhaps in no rrspect is the importance of our acquisition on the Pacific- the grout H'ate of Cali fornia ? more fill than iu the illimitable Hold whieh ii has thrown open to commcrue between China and the United States. It is not only to the auriferous s?tl of California that we look for wealth? her hwr b^rs are the entrepots of a commerce whioh will soon nuke us the almost undi-pnted carriers of the wealth of the Indian ocein The majestic clippcr ships? some of them over 2 000 tone? which aw almost daily leaving this port, bring home to us the realisation of a trade the extent c.f which ean only be measured by the capacity of our ship builders to 1urnieh the neoe* nry vessels It is a new era? a peaceful revolution which will shake Europe to Its centre, with a {tower irresis'ible in itself? over whelming in its consequents. The direct trade of tho United States with China has till of late years been of comparatively little importance The restrict oos of he old navigation laws of England, which prevented a foreign vessel from taking to that country a cargo not the growth, product er manufacture of the nation to which the skip belonged, acted as a chock upon the enterprise of A meriean vessels, by giving to English bottoms the advantage of Lho' indirec trade," as it was termed. The abrogation of the British navigation laws, and the coniequent removal of this restiietion, was t&e first step in opening the trade to our inorehants. The golden discoveries >n California, by opening a trade to that region, was, however, the great incen tive to the enterprise whieh has filled the Pacific with our ships. A vessel loads now for California; there she discharges, and takes a freight for China; ar riviDg there, she receives her cargo of toa, and, comiDg home by tho way ol Europe, takes advan tage of the markets of (ireat Britain, and, if it is desirable, sells her tea there, and is enabled to take a still differ* nt freight for the United S ates. Under these circumstances, the importance of our f having a minister in China, clothed with diplomatic powers, plenipotentiary , at once suggests itself The President, in h s last annual message, rocom mtLded to CoDgress that the commissioner to China should be placed on the same footing with other ministers CoDgress responded to that recommen dation, by mak ng Mr Marshall's outfit and ?alary eighteen thousand dollars. The office of commissioner is not exclusively of a diplomatic character, though the person holding it is charged with diplomatic functions. Our ministers abroad are appointed by and with the advice and consent, of the Senate, and discharge such diplomatic duties only as may be devolved upon them by instruction fiom the State department. The commiasionor to China has dnties prescribed by law, in addition to instructions he may receive from the State Depart ment?duties which bring him into correspondence directly with Congress, and require him to exercise powcis appertaining to every department of go vernment. Thus, he is a judge in cases of contract sounding in damages over $500, when either part* may appeal from tho decision of the consul anu jury who try ?u;h case in the first instance, or wti?n imprisonment may be imposed upon an American citiien extending over ninety days, or a fine ex ceeding $100 may be imposed upon a delinquent party. IJ0 is a legislator, having tho right to alter the laws of the United States as operative in China, in certain contingencies, by the simple publication of his own decree to that effect He is required to frame the stjlc and form of proocss for consular ju dicial proceedings? the manner of appointment aaJ compensation of those who execute it? the manner ol conducting trials before our oonsuls in Caina ? the costs of proceeding ? the fees which miy be I charged for service? tho forms of trials and jalg 1 ments, and the means of enforcing the exeo ition ot s j!*b judgacnts, as weli as the grounds for grinting ' trials where error has been committed ; in C ie, j to erect a system and a judicial establishment, and to superintend He operation Cases of murder are tried before the consuls, by juries summoned to try the offender, and the result is submitted to the com misaloner, who miy confirm or set aside the Jading II he approves it, ho may crder the exejutioa of the culprit; may reprieve him, or may remand him and his case to the President for pardon The core collected in the consular courts are directed by law to be remitted to tho commissioner, who is to re port to Congress, annually, the difference of re j ceipts and expenditures. It will at once be seen that these powers are more extensive by fur than the usual powers conferred to foreign ministers; but owing to the distance of Chin* from Washington, they eeom to be r.-v-*e.viry to au energetic administration of American affairs under the treaty. These powers cm only operate on American citirens in the dominions of Chin*, the control and regulation of whom is reserved by our government, and entrusted to tho commissioner It dependent of these power*, which are conferred by luw, the commissioner may be charged with suih functions as a diplomatist as the neceesities or the policy of the country may suggest to the President to be proper; and the importance which Congress has conferred on the office, by raising its emolu ment s to that of the Highest mission known to oar government, evidently suggested to the Executive tbe expectation of that body that Mr. Marshall should be given ample powers to negotiate for the interests of oor oommerce. The growing trade be tween China and the United States makes this di*. tnnt mission one of great concern to the oonmerc-al interes-s of this country. Mr Cushiag's treaty war made In IHiS, at the verge of the empire, and with no further knowledge on our part than 1 ad been acquired by a trade at Centon, under the old system of the hong. Its pro visions are well enongh, fer it secures for us s M that c*ber nations may acquire. Yet we apprehend that China has not executed the lrc*ty according to It* fP?Ht, f..r we understand that thegateeof Canton *T* b#*n opened to our people, though tbe five ports 4 , ai,ton, Amoy, Pooohowfso, Ningpo, and 1MI?B ' WeW U ^ fr#*' ^ ?XprM* lmtJ gtiPa oa ended' ' It IT v* U * U m*#W* ^ will hit 111 hoped thAt mibWooit ill bav become sofflcieatly aoauatatied with th? totfjcrte lie jwq Ctfsttrifp, ibd ij of Uk* relations, bliiw Um treaty atfpuUtloM , U> enlarge ud tender ?ere Mean the basis of trade. We ngui H M peculiarly lortuUe that at thl* reiy important orista a gentleman so dieting uished , tor bU position ud ability a* the Hon Humphrey | II artball, should bare been e* looted to represent the United State* in China That Congress viewed (be appointment as a judicious one, is evident from tbe fact of their raising the salary to that, of the h eialists who ooi gregate around tbe T> ihu?e, tbe calumny ngainst the character of General s.?t' as a gentlt man and polished man in tbe ?hihij of ladies. They bave tbe teuoiity to vouch lot the afftrticn, but without tbe slightest foundation f r tbe story which tbey have invented and circulated at tbe South- We again reiterate the full an in an iumr?>?.? mih General Voott at Wei-i Point. on the fourth of I u'> IffiO. h? not only inquired kimlly of uic wl'b rn-po-t r Mr Urniuti and bi? Nunly but expiwi-ed id very wt'ui erms. bin admiration ot tbn abiii'y oinj,ln>ei| ny th I*fkii.d. adding tbi>t ho r-nd It euerv day ?i'h .' I wn.? crgapxt a? a w/ft?r for ymi journal nud, I tbina. eta?*d the Mibe'aueeof Geo. Hnoti irmnrhf. in a letter dated ?t. Went Polar. A referent to t be tilts of \ our journal will determine t fci* fact Itt-ne^t fully, LSAAO C. PRAY. To this, we could fnrnUh abundant evideuoe i' other parties were nearer at bano, but some of thorn are in Europe, and even we should not besitato to cull General Scott himself to tbe stand, it it wen tif.tetmry, to determine tbe character of the oalu nu_) ltieapurc invention, silly and ridiculous enough coiicouttd by the crew of tbe T< itntnt ofli >e, b?? l>< en in private ciiculation for several mouths, and whs sent by them to some of tbe Southern whig jour nals, for tbe purpose of miking its first appearand in tkut region, in ordeT to obeck tho influence an' I popularity of tbe Herald in tho present election f he invention, however, has recoiled upon the ii ? ventors. Wherever it has afptarod, the demierati journals have taunted tbe whig newspapers, on th. etrergth of that calumny, with the rude, ungentle mnnly behavior of their candidate towards a lad who was polite enough to offer him a newspaper. General Scott has always been a roadjr of th< Herald, and is at this momtnt one of our paid sub etribers, to whose address at Washington it is regu larly sent from tbis office. If the gang of socialists whose organ is tbe Tri '?vne, have a particle of propriety or decency, tbe* ought, insttad of bold assertions, tj oo no forwac ?Ld furnirh ron e evidence of the etory wbioh the attempt to circulate as true We prouounoe Hut* tine, and we are peifeotly willing to leavo it to Gen oral Scott's determination himself, if he eho >se? t notice it For the other personal and untrno ossauW ?four cotcinporory. we shall muko an answer in aa otter tribunal than that of tbe columns of a news R'Pcr. Tiie Ir\ inu Hocre Changing Provri KToitit ? t is not generally known that the late gentleman* propiietor of the Irving House has retired frou. the management of that hotel and disposed of a bis interest in it to Ilr W H Burroughs, lata ? f 'be Franklin llonse. Mr. Howard h y ">me unkoovn p*monL rle ifert KM Uuwfh Um b?*4 w Wc be jw i idtny bog* j.mimrwvuw'm.'w?'ii ??.? __ __ DegnUUtSm of Um INwipavcr PreM>41u Ll? DtmtC "The surest criterion," says an *(010601 writer, #"?f ?'viliiatkon ud riluaotul of a people, is the tone of it* periodic*! pres.* " HervilUv in the no" spapcr oolumos, be adds, does not more iralj indicate an age of de*popite iu '-he polemic in which bis daily piper is eagtged. At this juried, above all o hers. is the preas identified with society. The foreign philo wpber will cotfidcntly expect to find sober discussion and deep thought in the journals be receives He will, ou this ocowion, be pro jared for a calm review of the law wh'g pili. y, and an inqniry into the exp dienjy of a cbtn^o He will look forward to a searching analysis of tne benefits promised by free trailers, and a full asser tion of the rights of tbe manufacturing and agricul tuial interests Ho will fool eertaiu that even the ? ast in tluential journals will contain a dispassionate argument in favor of, or agaiust, the exteuaiou of be powers of tbe federal government, tic will ex pect i .-Sftje rrotn all sides on the free soil poitey, the canal law, si.d the oin r momentous political ques tions of tbe day. Above all, remembering that the Americans are an eulme, when he ficds that., with one or two exceptions, tbe oaly weapons of debate n?ed by tbe prese arc gross personalities an J low vitujeration 1 What cbtimate will he form of tho American character, wben, instead of a paral 'el between wbigism and democracy, he sees the leading journals bent on outstripping eanh other in foul libels ou the private character of the rival can Uidatesl What opinion of American polities mast be bis, wben he discovers the controversy reduce i 'o soanrfs' ??* "? illo*tr? on of th ? orook*d poller wbirb III- u uiiut piirau* >1 ?u tb?y u?p*rt from ttie tiu(b- MJ dietnioi |Hitr tin 10 pmp up out) meiufacwus ?T?i ui< lit ?bn'h boii- iiu it U? aud had no tbllig l?> piv? it curfeney liui ib- ciedttiiliy ot a anot of ron-i-ira '?*. wb>> d?-t in n-'b ?>(< t<>?. Mttrrd for aaaaalt, Uu'bii g too til* for utc abi wLu ti?v? heHltatad to i I let, v' ?n lflr "u'A. or to oini*kri cuwui u d-et-noy lu ct>ir,liig out lbHir luiauious purpo-t# Tbe Aloraiwff t:x/nn is from tbe Kxp> tt* of lai Juue: ? It would Ik- degrading the pi* a to appiy to this Mr. Pike no" iI)h rpi bcU> tiii- eaiiiliilMe* kgaiunt aud false hood* upon, meb nieu a* >'illni?>i* aud VV'eo>ter u??ervc Wk oiay c?j. in biief ev? ty garment. rie litnou i- earned by taleebood. III* bread u ton by uu'iring lyiu* Hu> 1? r l)ing. be Would ?taive mid triese or go uakeit as ho beasts go lu uo j s of yore, who-. one hot beaded geatlemau availed another with Through iko false parage of thy throat, thou llest.' he was no true man if ho did not inetautly add: ? And Utercbaogcahly throw dowu in j g?g>, To prove uiysi It' a loyal g^otle >01111 K?id III Ibe ImkI blood uliiiulMriii lu hl>b>:Om. And even in thew peaceful nines, 0 would "swallow down the lie'1 without some ar, ten pt to avtnge the itisult Amoog our ootompo luiits, it seems tho rule is different. They give an i tako the lie in tbe ordinary course of business; and are none tbe worse fr ends ulierwit'ds Like other tilth, it wipes oiT. Aud who ca>es lor tbe stain it K-avefll Not those, at all erents, whom no good breeding or gente ot propriety oau restrain from such weapons. So potent Is tbe had example ? so familiar have tbe partisan journals rendered tbe lie in the mouths of our pnlitiuau* ? that even (rrueral Soott, himself, tbe "big candidate for the Presidet>uy - a horo in the field, and a polished gontleuiu iu pnviie ltfo ? oiri not address a public meeting wit tout reporting to tkis pot' bouse argumtnt "Geutleuiin," gnid he, tbe 01 her day, to tho Columbus deuuut'Joo, "tho statement referred to is false ? it i.? a tie ? au inven tion, gentlemen? ? lie. * * It in a lie? a false aud groundless lie " Proposed Dinner to Mr Baring ?The 00m plimentaiy bauqutting in honor of ttiis distinguish ed capitalist, which had its initiative iu B'tston ft week or two ago, is about to be imitated in this city, though we have not yet beard that the day has been definitely arranged The merchants, bankers, and financiers of Wall street, are deter mint d not to be outdone iu hospita'ity or magni ficence by tbe gentry in the saui* line of tiusiues" in State street; but we thiuk that ttie pleasure of par ticipating in tbe affair tib:>uH not be entirely mo nopolised by tbe capitalists and financiers of the u.ctropolis. Ur llarin^ is a gen tie ni iu uui?ar4&lly known atid respected, unit, the pleasure of fc'iiR bim should not b? coii fined to a certain class, but r-hould rather be open to all rauks, piofcseions, con ditions aud degrees of our fellow eiMzens Madam*- Soiit?g.-Tlie only Portrait of this ilietiuguliil.rtl uriot? l.ikt n 111 ttii* i.iuutry. it uow un exui bitioi> at KKaIiY'S Naiiuaal OalU-ry, 2U5 Uruaiiray, oorctr <>f t Dlton itrcet. Madame Sontaa at Unuty'a^Tliti wirl* alltl Uumu of Soug viaitud BKaUV S Natiuaal Gallery a Monday laat, and added her portrait to hi* 11 mur, sbboc ollection of eminent poreoue. bow ob axhibitian at No. 2M iroadway, eomrrof Fulton atreet. Time Lovely Eye?? 'llone lovely eyee. a* fondly ghine In tliU day(U(-rrvi>type of uotie, Ah if thy p' to none. And Freedom feela Iter puUea l?iat To the hurried tread of a million feet, An the fold# of her floe witu the bride? play Over GURYEV'S Gallery iu Broadway. Tlif auperii rity of litirney'a Uaijuerreotyyea is acknow ledged by all who vlnit hi* room*, at No. Im:i il roadway, near Oey atreet, aud 341* Broadway, uoruur of Leonard atrjot. Brondwny Pont tlflkr, nrnr Cnnal street. New York. ? Ihe public are reapeettiilly informed, tliat let ti r*. i:c.. are regiilurly aent iroui tuin to the lieiirral I'o.it Uttuvai* time* every day, and atUo'eiock every ni ttit ( Sun day* excepted ), at a charge of One Cent each. Kr ?? Htainp* alway* un hand. J A litis C. UAKKIOTI'. Fall and Winter Dry tioiMla.? \ Hplenclld a?*ortnient of every kind of ta.l and winter l>ry liood.i in ly be found at tllKIICui K k LEA UHt A I l.K S, 3tf Uma i ? ay. corner Leonurd street. silkn. Ileriuot. SIiawIk, lie I. ait e?, and everythiiii; a la>ly eau datlre for lier wardrobe, 'lliey litvc *0 Lie ctioiee bargain*. Faahlonaltle Clouting can nt all tlmea be obtained at II. I.. P?l?1 fcK'S eatabllthinent. 27 t'ortlandt *tr?et, w here gentlemen would do wull to call and aoleet, from a larae atock of good* nnd ready-made clotliiug, their tail and Winter llotnioii. K-?ter 1* prepared toaiiitall with clothing ol the moat fashionable make uud tluiali. FawlilonnbU- < .lollilug.? A Mn^nl(l<-eiit As* KTlnient, all ., No. 441 Broadway, between Howard and Uraud atreet*. C'nrpels C'henp enon^ti nt IK) Bowrry, Illrnm A N IjKKSON'.n : ? lupertry 1 arpeta, 7*. ^a., to y<, : Tnree ply t arpet* at (is. ai,d 7* : li^oredund Ingninid C'ar|-;ta, ;ia., 4a., and .'a ; tjtnir L'arpeta. i!>. to 5a. : llr"*a''la ntalr Carpet, 11 ; Floor iiilvloth*, 2a. lid., .'!*., S*. tid. ; Figured aud Engli.-li OiJclotlis, eight y?rd* wide, at lia. and 7*. Hlc h Cnrp4 tli>K.? Minltli A Unnsberry, fto I'earl *tr?'t, are now prepared to exhibit their fal' ftyle<, oomprixing a Complete and d"*irable aaaortineat 0' rloh Velvi t THimttry, Uruaael'* Ihree I' ly aud Ingrain Car petinga: alro, a choice aaaoriment of all other good* per taiuing to the carpet trade, all of which they are offorinc at prioea that challenge competition. A Card for tlie Ladlea of Nsw Yorh^? Me tropolitan Lace aud Embroidery t?t.ore, b!>] liroalway.? JOllN MADDEN will open, thia moruiog, faur caae* of em broideries and lace good*, jnat arrived by the Paoiflc, non litting of Alboni collar*, raoa. ehemiaetta. aleovoa, infant*' robrs, ladiea' mnalin and lace dreaaea and akirta. Ladies vialting New York are socially invited to oall. Freneh Mlpptn.-Ttic ladle* who have auf flfient dieerimiaation to appreciate* really eupero arti' la, ehoiild examiue t antrell'i trench rUippera, nn<|ueational>iy the neatest, moat elegant, and toiufortable covering for tha feet ?t?r manufactured. I.adiea. do not fall to eiait <*.i trcll'a.for liin aaaortment of all kimln of (iaiters, llmkina, 1 in, to., i? very Urn'', and in quality, atyle and manufac ture cannot l>? lurpaaaed. llim pricea an- very reaaonable. aa all ta ill eonfea* after an examination of lila really ex of Hi nt and durable (.altera, foraiahed at the low price of t telvo and funrte'.D (billing*. ('A NTH El.l.'s |> at .'?? How ry. Rlnger'a Hewing Mnclilnia are nil th? tlina Increasing In favor among the al.o.tniakera -a.Mlera, and all ?thara in tha aewng profeaaiona Thla ia the ?roat labor aa?ing machine about which ao much hai been aaid. Pria aipal office, 26H Broadway. A ? haure for HnrRnl..s -UV nre told that JOIIK No. Ik>l (,fi'?nalpii itr-ft la Juat ?t tnia time nfferina i"ine great barg>i?a in nil I lotha. AUoa.me ?plendiri Window Miailea ure ofli r> d extremely low I'apor li aaringa. lori.icrt, liai>da, ana all the paraphernalia of tbia branch of trade, at price* entirely oatlelaetory. Marrrh of IniproTtinrnt -The Ptibllc. now are ka.il) et.gaged i.i tm.v na?ing toe merit a of MIliiCH'S eelebrated l.nta which for elegance and a p<-rlor rtnUI. are warth) of the highest aneomiitma. Ilia eatibllahmant ia at No 2?? Third aveane, wbtli p?x(?. *rv lltcraily A# lions f? mf rin* ?\ rrytMng ???? fa nay Hat. and < ape. and the ?..ortm.nt tm a, w ifa ct. .red alter liia own dedalia are nnequaled i>. 'HTi?ty, L. *nd thtapneaa. Gi.MN, 111! Ur ?dw*y opporite ht. I ?ul a. Knoi'a Hnt. -The Hose Th..rn?, the .< i.d Ha ai? t ha, and e?erj mortal man haa hia fail I. ? I ut for the H e of aa. we c?n .?? .... fault I,. K NOX'8 fell hata whi.h are an oit.rh adralrd and ao.jnlven.alIy warn Ibey urelnleed brilliant, h< autlfol. and becoming, and eminently worthy of tha m' H f p .larity th..y eujoy. K MIX'K frnM.na atore ia rtill at Ne. IJjt 1 alt"il atre.it. ??The Croton Water abotinda with I in pur I tr, whl. h t lie. ro? Filter nmnfti perfectly ? I'rof. J. Men wlek The I'oronr l.l iaa HI tor remnvea all i.npnritiea, wha iher of ar iaial or of vegetable matter, and imp.irta to the water a eryatal appearance, beautiful ti the eight and plena ii>? to the taate *o h- naeVce|i?r ?honl. , UvUUv Uu.ll, |Ulitt4DVt [From the Philadelphia Nurik AMritu.1 tut Iron Monument tu floury Clay?' We take plea?nre >a iayiug i dure ?ur reader* the following d?i scriptiun ul the liiuut uicui ab i I to Im erected In the b.:i -? rough ot I lie 'Ium.u U drawn by F. Hewsora, Esq. The statue, a ? rr< t t Im. ueae ..f Henry Liny, to be fur rlabed Iruni the eilobratcu cruam. n'.al irun wurks of Mr. Hubert W uod, ul this tlty, it ut oast iron. The model i? b >?? in |c prepared by Air. it ???<. * | rlnclpal artist and senlptc 11. Ueschi', t-bM , a |" |nl oi >k? di. lingnhthed Sehanthalur anil (nrntlius, v?ho*c n palati ni aiiamed tu a high degree ot excel. euce in Europe |-r?? ? tu bis engagement with)! . Wood, to * buui he nuDiiar nut til .nine three year* nil) or y the highly celebrated t on ? in) aid. -t. Martin, near Bopp ? on tbu 1- heia, * ho in lii> llm wring let tcr uf introduction, e gratulated the m w wtI. ll . t >ir vt es< lit- designed to i? vote bin taienin mid at n>e n.e to the promotion of tbe trlt] in tl'in country. ' ) >? a I t< < i*it <> i uttsville, 1 wu mn> I* gratified to wltmnat ? puilit fpirit and nobis patriots ?? evicted by tii? eitUeus o t. ut pia. e aud surrounding eou ? try, in i roc ting a heautilul cant irou uiouuiueut to tho n - in. >3 ,1 lit i,r> i lay whiei i* no > hciug roared on a boau - lulai.d commanding eniicme near the centre of the I rough. 1 mtf dc et.iiir ei t(uii) . . Hit |u raoi.s who have ehai o ul the matter, und It uti.? . ?. .,i t ill iic*inu>tif tbe monument* ns drawn ly P. llcwnon l.nt| and adopted by tbe commit tee, in as lilli.au i ??tutu i?tu i e a uorreet liken ? aw of the great atate*iuau. m ? . ...! I oaet iroa, flrteon feet ;? height ana will statin t p o < re inn Doric ooluinn, alio ot cant iron, ntartiug ir ... a . ... conglomerate rock. Tho aholu litiglit oi tinn in i. ... iiUst* i ), ii'ut, (about) tbu neat linen) oen.g 13.1 let t it V I' I idt ?alk, on Contra street, ?uli tl e following n.?. upline i ?? lane of the monument; ? " In l onur o! llei.r . t . , aiii rivit's great orator, states man, aim patriot Tii?u ? v . . i n ni.i:rect?d by tho oitiicua of M' I. II) It ill ? on ll' i . It, . ..n.fd t.. their oblidron, aa ? rercrd nt ti.eir gratiti..i< r i, i? i.lu>triou? ??r?io?i), wbiul? brought poacv. pro |* It} an.. r . r> to hie country. A tribut* of a B et t inn lor i is t irti ? . wi.icl, ad rood lii? imoinl life, and won i< r Mk imperiM i' it ,,...v i o r.^i'.'i t und alfevtion ot mankind." I aim \im.i m..i uout mil, and found thta ?toll* cutter* Iinu niu?. I - . ? > m^agod iu laylug tbo foun dation, m v i. n il iit I... i , iv i, i n . noble Htruoture, anJI ?un infurmod that tin ?. . i ir. n ?..rk lor tno column waa 1 ciuK juade at tl.. i.ii.ii. i the h ruujiii, and the xtatu* wan inntrkctcd lor ui.< i . lur mi.cti at tho earlioat poe> ?il.lt- time, l.y t.r Koi ? n . . ? iitiiu i.i? oruauiontal iro? wirkaon Kidge roau. I ? n. aipl.i.i. Aud what wan ui|uall* Impnltant, I wai> told tl . t t in . nd? uoccaaary to it* final eon, plot ion cnald be uiort i< u. ily . i luctutl, tho auhaeriptiona Icing til i-uiail uiiu.uut i > . r. it riie all an opportunity of eonlrilntlng. Tho im . . ami ruing u>?u ara vieing with eacii other in nuifci up n.e inrgoat uoutribation* fro tit their mine* and wi.rkain | ? i nw ruti.ying auob a apeotaclo ia to tbe patriot, to t? tin vt r'.utg in, mi of a eommuuity analomto proclaim, i.) i , .i a tttu uBorta in tbo oroctioa of nth memento*, tt.t ir , > ,iu m.u adootiou for ono wbo ban done no mucii to pr ..' i i i.r own tud the uuivernal inttrvat of maukiud. - . i i. ??* where you will ttnti more of tl.in nolle Iran i ml i in tno whole common* *. altb of t'euu*ylvai la n ? "r. t!"" citiaona of SohuyU kill county ? >o lurur I have i I m rve.l, oihera talk, wlill* tie) int. If I urn oi.- i.i inn. i. i.. re baa Itoen no move, uici.tot the kiuil an) ? ..t r. t ine in 1'euiiaylvania, and yet tbo ScrvUva rendered ?) t at lil ntrluu* pitiriot and atatoa uiaii to makt l'eiin?)l\ nuia vt ! *c ?..e now ia, and what alio in destined to be. ar? authciout to ci'ect inoiinmenta to bin n.t mtry iu every t in t) t ? >l?to. I was alao ahown * I envtilul tlrawiug ? i ti.c , r " aii'i plan uf the monument, v l.it b ia ii tcndcii to in- in i mpliet and diatributed among I Ik- i nntril i.tt rn ti tl.ln ? . ' 't - i'>. ? i.inli will make a beau tilnl picli.re, Hlil.t w. rll ) . tl.t nr. liitcet who planned tba ucnif.ii. bii, I tloartiiti: t rut tied toe ?i?w. In conulu ? iMi. permit nie !?> n-y ii t ? \.ti. pie her" u t by the enter irtaing people uf J', tintilu it ?ili i.e uratif) ing to ?eo othet ow La and ( illur . n lollt.v ii.p . o ill cv ry oouuty iu tho Hlato hall point to l.er inui i i . ni t rue teu to the memory of Henry I luy, Ati erit a'a I n . u. t ri. tment aud moot bonorotl nou. l'biiadelpl.in, Aufn-i 1,'nh, i.'ii (t'rrat tu I ti?l?->-^ua inrntA, at V9!t Greenwich itrect , cori.cr i i t han. era. 1 nia ia the plaoe t j purehanc* vour L' ndern.irln and lu uai ra. t'ollara, t 'rarata, fctoeks, ttiovea. hum.) hi il ha*e your nhirto made to mca nun . no that they are M.n to M t. a certainty. Take dowa tbia udurtto. aud cive it nit t ar.) . nil. i il< > >1 AS_?cLAUunLIN. Pure Whltr Uiuu umU, 44H per Carat; flntt brilliant Diamond*, mci.u .(u ? H). $Jo p. r carat; alao, alct of l>i ami two curu' M"ticn t.ltit.i will he nold by tho aingla ?'one. liiamoud Itii.^r. I i ? t r.-nnen. 8to., at manufac turer's pricea. 1)A \ . 1 1 MAi'l 1 m porter of Diamond!, ? >l i.r .iJ ? ay, aocoud Ivor. JtltllloiiB of Doitni'h hate toe*n loat l>y bo'1 ing "junt a lew minuttn I " lute." Vt hen C.KKBN, No. 1 Antcr liiiuae. aim t? t" ne. . i.ome a >et of kia aliirta, (gua ranteed to tit. ; it a ctrt iti. li'iur of a certain day, ho cou nult rn the ci.ttratt an ii.dm* u, r tard to time, ae in re lation to lit tun wt-ri>u an. i ip llo ia ua punetual aa till ?un itteil. Fair of the Ainnhan lu*mat?? Contrt-* bntora to tbia Fair cat 'int. ineir liu*uteaa Cards printed abeaper and better at the i .-agree* i ard factory, 46 Veoey ftrwt, thun ?lb?M tieri* u* r-lu* city, iu i'ouio<|B6no< ?! th? Factur> mukiug tlieir ??hii $HMKI0 worth of auporb Playing Card? on ha mi, mm i?r muIm t'hijipor IbU oi# puf a a? Poitnblc Dreaalnm Cioo a ? The uudcr?il?nei. .g attei.ti.iu t-. the porfootion of tbene unelul articlea, uii.i ban on I ai d a large variety, of eorrtruction atiitnl le to the want* ot tho travelling com munity. Kor nale l.y (.. SAl NUEilS, >o. 7 A?tor Uouac, aud 3t-. Uroadway. Crl?tndoro'? ll?ti Piear i vntlve and Beaull fler.? Una deluhtlul ci p. mm i.tg ly perfumed by itaowa ingredienta, will prenerw t e l ead clear from aourf and dandrufl, benidea m urim in< tn.i pr. venting the loaa of the hair, itonulnctureil ami n.ti.i at < K 1 a I' A DO HO S M ig and Scalp catabliabaictt. '? A?t.-r llnuro. (irntltnikiiM hu !.<>< I* Bi ftiw ? r?. rerpeotluily Informs hnnaekeepera and otb< i n. tl n . re nl ..utiuue hta aalea all tbia week, to give -11 a i t - , t > prnoiire Brooina, Mats, Brnrbea. Dnatera. lin k tn . I aeuer il hunaekeeping arti clea, at one-half tbe unual prioen. i all early and avoid ths mall. Brraklhst Trail? A vnrlrly of flue Congoe and Souchong* ; alao (tol. n,, i.ui.p .tdt-r. Iui|?trial. llyn.ni, Yonng llytou, tic , in .-lepi- ail >? . ntn and boxes. Tli? ekoiceat 'icat imported tl.in ? ?ci-i. F r ?*lo by JOHN DIM: A - ic -d.v.s, 4(1, Broadway Extraordinary em hustamn, womterfh/ snanimity. great cicMemrat. t t t emendout majority in favor of Illl.L'S inimita l) loantiful atylea, aud skilful Banner of cutting hair ni.tl wMakera, at 13 Nassau street* oorner of Pine street. '?old Prim? Ini|>or?iti.l |?? the Writing Pub lie ? Ibe jNer.' ^ .tk (.. in i n d hi. iiincturlog Company, No. IKT (.reenwich atrect. am happi tt, that thoy have junt completed an exit l , ? i t e a rrangt-mttnt in their mannfac* tory, which will enable ll ent t.. ?t pply ordera fur the New Reservoir Pen pr, nt| t>y f.nii- Inti r . (irdera by in%ll for thia pen. aeroui p. i.itrt with three .|..|Ura (this Includes silverextenai.it. holder.) will I, ??.lied hv return uf mail. Di rect above. 1 be ttenervoi" Pen mlitptod to any hand w riling, and ia charged an tin- ori'insry p"ii. and lis soon, and writes two psgea foolm ap paper. V\ arrantod for three Jiara. Cold pen a repslrod. Tender rhlna.? The unplenaMiit feeling at tending the uae of a uull ra? r . itu I e alle> iated at ones by a "ingle application to tie M tal It- la' let. Thia article, pronouueed by the judge* ?t the U . rUI'a Fair to have uo equal in producing the keei.ent puand le edge tn a rator, can be obtained, genuine. I r-.|n the in t en tor, U. 9AUN DEH?, No. 7 Aator llouae, and ,'J.V7 Drt-adway. Dr. Powell, Drullai and AurlMt, drvotss hit attention, as nana), to - f.)e' can be proenred at his effioe- Alao, Artificial F.ve* whleh nan he inn.-rtad withoua pain, and will move and look like tho natural eye. W. Ltrtlt, DenllHt, No. Invented li^ht, felf-srtjn*tii g, el n n tit 'I run* - ? .v. Ilnrah. Practical Truas Manulacturer, lathe luventi.r of a new Irii-e, prunounoed by the faculty to be the un-at t -flectiie one extant, properly adjuatlrg itnelf tn every P" litn.n i f the body, rentlerlng dia p'act nietit impossible. It tint only i> ;-i.rcn a complete reten tion of the bnwela, but effeeta a ra Ileal cure. llr. Marah laving had upward a of twenty yesra' cxpetleneain the treat ment of hernia, will guarantee a cure i.i every ea*o of rup ture . of however b.n, ntui dlog. A c< .np.-tent fenale in at tendance to w sit iron 'alien i lilldren invariably cured. Open until 9 o'clock in tl c evei-ing. WAIlMI fc. t il.. No. 2% Maiden lane. Billy Uflwleca, like nil IndlaiiM, has no leatd; they pit. e k it nut. l.tahatu n Onguent will force tho V hlakera. nouatachea aid lair t r.w like inagie, even If there baa been nu inni" atinii i.f tl em hef-.re. It will n .? Hit K'lielor's Now ttyls of Wigs are pronounced the must perfeut imitation of naturO y?t invented. Th.mt ? at. tiug ? v r , ui|iirinr artiels should oall at BATrHE1.0R'!? elelratad Vt Ig factory, Ne. 4 Wall Street, where oan be found ,he Ur*e?? ard best assortmsat tn the oitr. Copy '.be ad.ie Wig*, Wlgt. ? Nfrnii^M ?r? lti~ fort*. .1 that tin- beat plate tu jet itrini imntal hair la at I M K I'll r MM fc IIK.\HII >. a Waidet. I ?u?. where they have i.ii lunil the larpeM ol.'inftwt, mid heat aaaortment oi A Ira. Hall ? IKk, T"i:pe. .<. liralila . I l?n? h?ir.!Kiii?l?U.|fcc.. which, for prico and i|nalHy, ?(?>? uai-'imilted. Oournutl *? Klnir !.*> n tt wlthoMl M??r??tl >ii tie *?ry ?>??! erei invented. He ware of puffed dyea Equally '.elebri' -M?aamnd'i Medi ated Jtoap, for ourtiii pimpfca. 'rneW '??. lalliwnaee, ihapa. roachnoiM. ho. VonJre Vni.til* uiir' t? hair fro* a?y P?n ?f trie body Mqnld Kongr l w'hil* aud ilalrGloea, It ?J Walker utreet. near nr- edw?". II mr Djrc.-Hnl< nrlor'* Liquid ? air Dye I# the i.e?l tnv rtt?? 'j??r?d >? ? oolorin* the hair of I whtakera the motnt'Tit. ft l> | , '"id 1 1 ' lerrol eMe and ?ertalntT with whir1 thl? t?v-u t< a d 1.) ? itabltahed Hair I Dye porf'Tnia ii aetwiiaMn* It Ih ?or a*l? or appltad, at [ HATCH!? OR** *(? factory Ho ? Will atrnel <>oy*h? ildeoee Crlatndoro'* Mquld llnlr Dy mnd RfcwMM. rily take tie place of all i I In r Ita < .1 ta nro permanent, li e color It impart- ia that of r.ntiir Ii ,? Ita t.. it |>n???a Into the inte> rior of the hair. and at.,;i*.| ii r?oiua act apart fur the ptirpofe, at CRIhTADUKM S, 6 A?t..r llouae. Vnn Dcnai'ii'iOitiilitf lm|>rnvcil Waliprne ?o Jt.atlv l elchrnti <1 lorpivDiK to Iml.i I . ,nl? a i.uwaud beantl fnl covering m il con* crting urav hair to it- Drat and nature color la to l.c oltnlnml at the mouia of t'.o < .. neral Depot I2.'t < linmhcra atroet, aud (r m the I rli.olp il drag^lata 0f the city. iflVl'RTlSiiMENTS KIVLHJK HVKRl DA!. mr 8F,K SIXTH AND HKVIY I R PAGES. "**? Tim Mii.it/titi. N< TU K -TIIF. Ill MIIEK* OP TIIF MURCR GUARDS arc hereby aetlMttd to attend uf licad-nnartera, 232 'n.ird a\?nue, at Mr. U l> nn-l a, on H<< dataller, Mepteabwr JV, to drill. A lao, to attend tho meet;nn ..f aalil company on Monday, Oc tober 4, for bnainnae. AlliaembcM are partleultrly requeued to atv-nd. it v airder, ... . U. ii >Vfcf, ' "mmaadat. Jmbpm fun, Recjwl'f/. " ?