Newspaper Page Text
1 1 ? ln> Jervls* Cold Ctndy-Tlmc^MUd, and ?????umended by the flrit men of the country, for eotighs, ecMs, hoarseness, tore throat, and other pulmonary com plaints. Clay, Taylor, Benton, Van Buren, and other dis tinguished men, have reeomuieiided this really good article. Kohl by Mrs. W. Jervix, No. 3<MJ Broadway ; Zieber. Third street, below Chesnut, 1'hiladelphla, and by ?ruggists generally. How Beautiful, and yet how Cheap a Suit of ?lot hen 1 have obtained for New Yearl They were made to order by J. C. Booth, 480 Broadway, and fit me mora charmingly than anything 1 ever wore. Mr. Booth's stock of goods ? most o l%em, as he assures rae, just over from London and Paris ? 4s certainty the most splendid assortment I ever saw. It almost tempted me to be ex travagant. and yet that is hardly possible at the low prices he has established. Without question, he Is the first of tailors, and deserves the patronage of every young man who aspires to dress well, and has, at the same time, a wholesome regard for economy. I know you will all " take my advice, and therefore I append his address, but, from fear of being overwhelmed personally with your thanks. I must remain L'Inconnu. J. C. BOOTH, 480 Broadway, corner of Broome street. HcLanghlhi's Shirt* are now become fami liar to all. It is admitted that he pells the bust article for the least money of any other shirt manufacturer in the city. His Teviot wool undershirt* tind drawers aro just the thing for this season. They ore highly recommended by the faculty. Vrsscls from Navy Bay. ? A Lady sailed from New Orleans in the steamer Falcon, on the 7th De cember, 1862. Her trunk was lost on landing at Navy Bayj it contained the whole of her wardrobe, &c. The trunk is of brown leather, zinc bottom, covered with a | white canvass or duck cover, on which is painted t lie ini tials P. D. C., Texas; the initiuls originally painted on it were A. H., but those, though obliterated by paint, are Indistinctly to be seen. Should it come on any of the ves sels trading from Navy Bay to this port, information l * thereof, if left at the counting room of A. H. Bean, Rtq., 30 South Water street, will be thankfully received, and a Hberal reward paid for the recovery of the trunk with its contents. flie Largest Milliard Room In the World? The Metropolitan Rooms, No. 594 Broadway, next door to the Metroiiolitan Hotel, is one of the curiosities of New York. One room contains sixteen tables, side by side, all of the first class, and in the most perfect order. The rooms are well ventilated, rnnning through to Crosby street. This establishment is under the management of Brother Perkins, formerly of Odd Fellows' Hall. MONEY MARKET, Fkiday, Jan. 14 ? 6 P. M. We have nothing new to report in the stock mar ket. Trices remain aliout the same as previously quoted, and the demand full as active as usual. But for the business daily transacted in coal stocks, the market would be dull enough. All the railroad ftocks are much neglected. Land stocks have been in better demand lately, and the indications are strongly in favor of an upward movement. There is a sound basis for this class of securities. This pro perty is generally most favorably located for the acj commodation of the rapidly increasing population' and all of it must ultimately become improved and productive. In the vicinity of this city and the city of Boston, landed property must annually increase in value a large per cent. The various companies which have been formed in Boston, within the past ten years, are all, we believe, in a prosperous, pro gressive condition. The city proper is so limited in extent that population is compelled to resort to the suburbs for residences. This neces sity is becoming greater every year; and as the land companies referred to have secured nearly all the available property within a reasonable ?Itetance of the business portions of the city, tie time is not far distant when lots and improve, mente in the localities named will command compara tively high prices. The basis of these laud compa nies is, therefore, superior to incorporated companies generally, and they probably will not, in the event of a revulsion in speculative movements, experience Huch extreme fluctuations as many others. The re cent variations in the market value of Canton show that land companies are favorites with speculators. Capitalists, as a general thing, are particularly par tial to real estate security; and with such a guaranty of strength and bona-fide value, they do not hesitate to enter largely into operations. Of all the coal coin, panics in the market, the most active is Camber land; but prices do not seem to move much either way. The other coal stocks are comparatively scarce, and are steadily improving in market value. Parker Vein, Phenix, and New Creek, all of the Westernport district, are the greatest favorites among speculators, and cannot be purchased in any quantity, without paying a handsome advance on current rates. Nica" ragua Transit was well sustained, with moderate sales The tendency of prices throughout the first Board to day was upward, and at the close the market was steady at our quotations. At the second board a better feeling prevailed, and bet ter prices ruled. Phoenix Coal Company advanced 1% per rent; Nicaragua Transit, %; Long Island, %; Hudson River Railroad, %. Tliere were offers for Parker Vein Coal Company, at morning'* prices, but no sellers. The abundance or money is getting to be so great that it will boon bo difficult to find employment at anything like re munerating rates. The receipts at the office of the Assistant Treasurer of thin port to day, amounted to $142,640 22: payments, 932,742 28 ? balance. $2,786,108 00. The importations into this port to-day ? Jan. 14th ? have been as follows: ? Beer, 309 ca?ks. 84 bids.; butter. 300 firkins; bleach in? powder. 10 casks: barilla, 477 quiutaU; coal, 154 railroad wagon loads, 579 tons; cemcut. 0 casks; coffee, 3,584 bags, 76 casks; cheese, 100 boxes, 10 baskets, drugs, 11 casks regulus antimony, 8 cases gum arabic, 360 tfasks soda, 200 boxes chemicals, 46 cases wormwood, 200 boxes cam phor, 1,414 bales gambia. 1,100 bags sago, 68bagscubebs, 36 cases gum copal; dyewood. 175,000 lbs, 22 tons log wood; dyes, 7 tierces madder; dry goods, 5.876 packages; flax, 6 bales: fish, 102 bbla. mackerel. 707 bbls. herring; fruit, 6,000 oranges; grain, 4 207 bushels oats; hides, 39d hides, 24 bales buffulo hides, 16 casks skins; liorns, 1,330 buffalo horns; iron, 1,470 bars railroad, 17,782 liars, 7,393 bundles, 1.802 bundles sheet, 1,800 sheets, 704 tons pig; molastes, 268 casks, 48 tierces; metal, 450 bundles, 86 cases copper; oil, 176 casks linseed. 2 casks cod liver; potatoes, 24 bbls. ; rattans, 8.543 bundles; seed, 213 casks; spices, 401 boxes cassia, 89 boxes nutmegs, 407 bags pepper; steel, 134 cases, 228 bundles; salt, 3,300 sacks, 3,100 bushels; sardines, 60 cases; sugar. 8,060 bags, 206 bhls, 474 boxes; tea, 400 boxes; tin, 3,714 boxes. 564 slabs; to bacco, 200 ceroons, 103 bales; wool, 16 bales woollen waste; wood, 63 logs mahogany. 352 bundles willow;Vvine, 3 butts, 18 pipes, 61 hogsheads. 641 quarters, 330 octaves, *269 cases, 782 baskets: window glass, 990 boxes;, 100 carks, 5.758 bars. The sales of stock* at auction to day were as follows:? $6,000 bonds Ashuelot R. R. of N. H. Sixes, 80; $5,000 do 4o., 79%; $2,000 do. do., 77 ; $5,000 do. do., 76; $17,000 do. do., 76 ; $36,000 do. do., 76; 78 shares Oswego and Syracuse, 72; 31 do. Macon andWestern R.R., 110; 80 do. Pensylvania Coal Company, 114; 39 do. North America" Fire Insurance Company, 117% ; 44 do. Southern Michigan Railroad, 126%. The demand for foreign exchange for remittance by the steamship Humboldt, to morrow ? Saturday ? for South ampton and Ilavre. has thus far been limited, without change in rates. We continue to quote bills on London at 9% a 9% per cent premium; on Paris, 6 fr. 15 a 6 fr 13J<; Amsterdam. 4l\ a 41%; Bremen, 79.% a 80; Hani borg, 36% a 30%. No arrangements, we believe, have been made for shipping any specie by this steamer. The Boston Journal says : ? Faetory stocks preserve with great steadiness the ad vances already obtained, and new orders are not filled easily in some cases a rise from 3 a 5 per cent being reol Ized in purchasing four or fl\e shares. York sold at p?r value. The York mills have always been among the most successful of our first class factories, and are doing an exceedingly gissl and profitable business. The sales of fabrics made by these mills in December, we understand, reached the amount of $167,000, the largest sales we be Ueve ever made by the cotnpuny in any single month. Great Falls brought $220; .^t-iirk $970. liny State Mills ad vanced to $932 50, and seems destined to reach its par value, which wlU not appear extraordinary in the face of an actual dividend of six per cent row staring us in tho face. Hadley Falls went up to 92%, and was buoyant. Kw-ex drooped a trifle, ami sold at 111%. The truth is, people do not yet realize the great fact that our factories are now prosperous, mid through adversity as well as prosperity, a< the average dividends for ten years past will fully demonstrate, that they have been among our most productive securities. Hlock Rxcliangr. $f,Cfl0 U 8 6's '56 10*% 25 slis Canton t'o, . . ,119 11000 U H 6's, '53 100% 100 do 118% 4100 la Cai al 6 pi cts. 95 100 Penn'aCoal Co. . . .114 4000 la State 6's 102 200 Cum Coal Co.. b30. 66 8000 F.rie 1st MtelMls.111 100 do 65% 12COO KRRc lids, 71 . . 103 226 do 65% 3000 Krie Income bds.103 250 do 65% II00O IIuRR n bds.bSO. 96 100 do 65% 3000 do 1)3. 95 26 do b3. 66% 1000 Mich CRRbds... 106 500 I/nig Hand lilt 3. 32% 1000 Nor 1? KR hds 101% 100 Parker Coal Co.sOO. 70 ?1 shs Bank America. 110 5iH) do 70% 20 Rank Commerce. . .109 200 VewCreek < 'mil Co. 6 25 Ohio Life ft Trio t . . 1( 0 : rt Cater- on Rll 108 1 60 ]Q State Bash 4 26 Hudson River RH 7'? 100 Moriis Canal.. 1.30 21% 10 NYftN II lilt. ... 1 10% 10 William: liurj; 1"3 1' .') Mich Ceil III!. , . b:?.107 iJOONJZinc f.V 12% 20 do 100% 100 do b15. 13 20 Panama RR 139 200 do bt5. 13% 10 Krle lilt 92% 1C0 Nica Tr Co .... *00. 37 % 200 do 92% 50(1 <lo .IiIO. 37'., 50 do Ii'to 92% 325 do 37% 20 T Haute A. Rich RR 9:> 50 do t>3 . 37% 20O Harlem III! 72%' 550 do 37 16 Mich Southern RR1. 26% 160 Portsi ltli 1> Bock. 7 100 Nor Indiana RR. .125 10 Cryst# I Palace. . . . 16ft 14 Reading RR 80 M) Cant oi Co 118,% 100 do,, MO. 80% SECOND BOARD $10000 Ohio O'r, >70. . .110 100 I'hcenix MinCo.nflO 37 070 City 6'?, '50. . .101 60 do 37 k 1000 III fntlmpt'47. 87 74 N Y fc N H RR . . . .110 1000 Illinois Interest 00 200 Long Inland KK . . . 3'2\ 4000 Mich SoRRbds.101^ 100 do blO. 33 0000 KR2d Mte bdo.lll 400 do 33 3000 ERRc bds,"?l. . 103 100 do blO. 33 M 9000 do 62.100>f '20 Vaugatuck RR 00',' ISO slisCumb dCoalCo C6>? 600 Erie RR 92% 160 Nica Iran Co 37Ji 26 do SO do bflO. 37fc 260 do s3. 9 100 Flor & Keyp't.b30. 20% 20 Reading RR. 86,'* 00 Carv Impt Co l^/? 6 Painv'e ti Ash 'a R.136 60 Phoenix Mining Co. 38 10 Hudson River RR. 76,'a ADVERTISEMENTS RENEWEDJVE8Y DAY. SPECIAL. WOTICTES. Another testimonial to thomas van burev, Esq., of the U. S. Appraiser's Department.? A meet ing of the Custom lloase brokers and others, was held on Thursday, the 13th January, at No. 12 Broad street, at four o'clock, I*. M. Hon. Samuel Frost wan called to the Chair, and Warren Carter appointed Secretary. The Cliuirman stated the object of the meeting to be a public expression on the part of the Custom House bro kers, of the high appreciation for ability, integrity, and uniform urbanity of 'Jr. Thomas Van Butvn, an employe in the U. S. Appraiser's office. The meeting was numerously attended; about twenty live brokers and many spectators were present, among whom were Egbert Benson, Esq., one of the Appraisers at large, A. 0. King, Esq. the worthy and obliging store keeper, at 12 Broad street, Alexander Edgar, Esq., late storekeeper, and O. W. Fonseroy, Esq., late U. S. Ap praiser. J. W. Phillips, Esq., Assistant Appraiser, read a letter from Mr. Van Huren, expressing his regret at not being able to attend, in consequence of indisposition. The let tor expressed sincere gratitude for the contemplated te-i 'timonial, and an earnest desire to merit the future good wi-lies of his friends. Mr. Phillips, in presenting the letter, made a few very pertinent and appropriate remarks, which were received with much applause. He took great pleasure in bearing his personal testimony to (he uniform urbanity o! man ner, obliging disposition, efficiency, and sterling integrity of Mr. Van Buren, in his yaried and multiplied duties. That every individual, however humble his stutian might be, had it in his power to make himself not only useful, but acceptable to those with whom his business brought him in contact, and he hoped that this well merited com pliment might i>c an incentive to all to imitate so good an example. In the absence of Mr. Van Buren, II. B. (Jay, Esq., of the Appraiser's Department, was, on motion, appointed the receiver of the testimonial on his behalf. William 11. Grenelle, of the firm of Grenelle, Tallinn, Bibby !i Co., was. on motion, nominated to present the sumo; in doing which Mr. Grenelle expressed the great satisfaction he felt in bein^ the organ of communication in a duty so pleating to himself, and doubtless equally appreciated by all present. Mr. Gay replied, regretting the absence of Mr. Van iiuren, and his own inability to express the warm feel ings that would be manifested by Mr. Van Buren were he present, at the same time paying a very handsome and well merited tribute to his friends and associates. On motion, a committee, consisting of Messrs. Moren, McKibben, and Grenelle, were appointed to convey to Mr. Van Buren the testimonial now presented ? a handsome silver goblet for himself, and its golden contents for his mother. It might be well to observe, that Mr. V. B., in his let ter, expressed a high regard for Mr. Beuson, the Appraiser at large, the U. 8. Appraisers, Assistant Appraisers, Mr. King, the storekeeper, the collector, Mr. Odeu, Mr. Frank lin, and all with whom he had official intercourse, of their uniform kindness and respect. The meeting was charac terised by a general good feeling, and all seemed not only satisfied, but much gratified, at the object which called them together, and the manner in which it was conduct ed and disposed of. The committee appointed to present the goblet to Mr. V. B., proceeded to his residence, and, in the presence of his family and some of his most intimate friends, entered upon the performance of their duty, by H: B. Gay, Esq., presenting the gift to its owner. Mr. Gay 's address was in his customary happy style, and met with the unbounded applause of all who heard it. Upon the reception by its owner of a richly chased goblet, with the inscription ? Presented to THOMAS VAN BUREN, Esq., by his friends TUK CUSTOM nOCSK llKOKKIl'-', as a token of their respect. New York, January 13, 1863, he replied in a few words of thankfulness for the kindness and partiality of his friends. Mr. Gay then handed to Mrs. Eliza Van Buren an amount of gold, which she received, and looked her thankfulncs. The goblet was then christened by the recipient of it and his mother. Mr. Grenelle's kindness and attention to the mother was applauded by all who witnessed it, anil will be long re membered. After a few moments of pleasantconversation, the Com mittee departed for their homes, exceedingly well pleased with the perfomancc of their duties. SAM'L FROST, Chairman. Warmem Carter, Secretary. AN ADDRESS WILL BE DELIVERED BY THE REV. Charles Spear, editor of the Prisoners' Friend, Bo-i ton, in the Bleecker street Universalist Church, to-mor row evening, at seven o'clock, on his late mission to Eng land to visit the prisons of Europe. IllOfET MUTUAL B. AND B. SOCIETY.? THE MICM j hers of the above society are requested to meet at Montgomery Hall, on Sunday, lfith inst., at one o'clock P. M., to pay the last tribute of respect to our late bro ther member. Robert Mason. JOffif J. OBICT, Roc. Sec. EDMOND BPTLKR, Pres. Notice.? all THOSE HAVING claims against Alexander Stott (late of tills city, noft of San Fran cisoo.) or Charles Stott, will please render them to George Cranna, 110 Ninth avenue, on or before the 1st of February, 1863. "VALUABLE CORRESPONDENCE A GENTLEMAN, OF V expedience and culture in news and critical corres pondence, will negotiate, very reasonably, with any demo cratic or independent publication, to write such a cor respondence from San Francisco, Cal., by the regular mails, and dating from some early time in the next spring. Address "California," (at present.) in Aiken, South Carolina. REU6IOV8 NOTICES. A SERMON WILL UK l'REAt'HKD BY If IE REV. Wm. Adams, D. D., in the Mercer nt re?;t church, on Sunday evening, Jan. 16. in behalf of the Society for the Relief of Protestant Widows with small Children. Ser vice* to commence at 7>? o'clock. LOST AND FOUND. <?1 K RKWARD. ? STOLEN, FROM THK RIDING ?|p 1 school stables, 137 and 139 Mercer street, ou the tith of January, a white letter dog, with red ears. Ten dollars reward will be (riven for the detention of the thief, and five uollars for the dog. HORACK F. JON IIS. REWARD ? LOOT BV A LADY, ON TUESDAY, ij) 1 V/ January 11, between the steamer Klori'la, pier No. 4, North river, and the Bowling green, a double cased gold watch, with twist gold chain, alternate plain ami chased links. Attached to the belt hook were a watch key and double sided locket, containing two Daguerreo types. The finder, by returning the same so No. 51 Heaver street, will receive the above reward and the thanks of the owner. REWARD. ? IX)ST ? BETWEEN THK WEST Chester House and No. 10 Bowery, between 2 ii'd ii o'clock P. M., a leather wallet, containing a sum t f money. The above reward will be paid by applying at the bar of the Westchester House. $10 (tt.1 A REWARD? LOOT, ON WEDNKWAY LAOT, IN ?jfill.' O rand street, between Bowery ami Mott street, or left In one of the Bowery and Pearl street stages. a memorandum book, with owner's name written In it. The tinder will receive the above reward by leaving the lame at No. -7 and 28 Fulton market. REWARD? STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROM A stable in Reade street, a fawn colored greyhound pup- Five dollars reward will be paid on bis return to 82 Warren street. LOST-COMING FROM THH Ol'ERA AT NIBLO'S, ON Monday night, 10th inst., a white ivory lorgnette, i nt! tinder will be liberally rewarded on leaving it at No. 20 Ferry street, between the hours of 0 and 3. LOOT? FRIDAY AFTERNOON, IN ATLANTIC STREET, between Hicks and Henry, eighty odd dollars, pinned to a bill of Mrs. Dayton, mostly bills on the Bank of the Republic. Whoever will return the same to the subscriber at his house, 40 I'acific Btreet, or at store 100 Front street, will be suitably rewarded. JAS. L. VAR1CK, 100 Front street. Lost? an abstract of title to a lot of ground on Thirty eighth street, between S?00nd and Third avenues. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it with the subscriber. JOHN T HILI SI! Rivingtoa street. I[O0T. ? ON THURSDAY AFTF.HNOON, THE lftTH J inst., between Thirteenth street and Hudson stieet nnd Hurnham's, on Rloomlngiltile road, a cluster diamond breastpin, containing fifteen stone*, set in silver The tinder will lie liberally rewarded by leaving tho same at FATON &CO.'S, No. 262 Broadway, up stairs. LOOT? A PACKAGE OF PAPERS AND LETTERS, marked C. Heebner, Philadelphia. Thi' finder will be suitably rewarded, by leaving the same at the olllee of the Merchants Hotel, Cortlandt street. I- OT? ON THE 12TI1 INST., OFF EATON'S NhXK, j the mainmast, with rigging and sniN attae.hod, of schooner William Henry. Any information in re#ird to it will be liberally rewarded, by npplylnir nt No. 1(H) Vnsey street " J. D. vandevlnteu. LOHT-ON FRIDAY NIGHT. A RAT HORSE AND leiifh. The horse has n white ktsir on his forehead, a bout fifteen hands one inch high, and ha-s a rlngbono on the off hind leg, which if- also white. A suitable reward ? ill be | aid to whoew r will return the same to JONES & IJNDKlIIlILL'S livery stable, lfi Fourth avenue. I OST? ON TTTK 1ST OR 2D OF .lANl'ARY, A P( K'KCT I J boi k, embroidered on the outfclde, containing eight or tin dollars in bills, and visiting cards with the nimeof tieorge Mi le. The finder will [ lea e retui n t he a me to the owner, Ilh N'ow street, up stairs, who will thankfully give the contents as a reward. I OST? ON THE 4TH I.V-T . A SARLE FDR VTCTO j rlne ? The I'nder will he rewarded by returning the same to No. 80 Fa t Twenty-third street, corner of I-Cx ingtou avenue. rpi KTI! LOOT. ? TWENTY FIVE DOf.I.ARS REWARD? J On or about the 1st. Inst. a full set of upper and lower teeth, on gold plates, were ml- laid or lost. The above reward v. ill be paid for their recovery. Apt ly at ;:4fl Broadway. WAjrrs. WANTED ? TWENTY YOU NO LADIES FOR AN equestrian pageant. Tuition in the art of riding free. For particulars, inquire at the Box office of the New York Amphitheatre, between one anil two o'clock. P. M. WANTED? A WAITER, WHO UNDERSTANDS HIS business thoroughly and ean bring good city re ferences. Apply at 76 Beuver street, ground lioor. WANTED? A YOUTH OF FOURTEEN (IR SIXTEEN years of nge, to attend in & tea store: one acquaint ed with the business preferred. Good references required. Apply at the Hoarding Exchange, '290 liroiidway. WANTED? BY A WHOLESALE HOUSE LN THE CITY, a young man of correct habits aud good business talents, to travel, and sell sejrars aud tobacco. Must be able to give security. A (lerson thus qualified will be liber ally dealt with, by addressing O. C, at this office, with real uaine and address. WAN! ED? BY A YOUNG FRENCH WOMAN, A SITUA tion as chambermaid, or to take care of children. Inquire at No. 66 Beekuian street, second lioor. WANTED? IN THE STORE" 657 IIROADWAY A young lady as saleswomen. An American or English preferred. Needless to apply without good references. WANTED? AN ACTIVE BOY, OK GOOD ADDRESS, (quick and correct at making change,) who hn< had experience behind a first class oyster bar; must be expert at opening, cooking, &c. The situation offered is in a first, class down town house. The applicant must come widl recommended from former and last employers. Ad dress, giving references, stating where he may be seen, age, wages required, &c., " Oysters," Herald office. No Sunday or night work. WANTED? A CAREFUL. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, who has been used to the care of mi infant. Must have the best of reference as to character. Apply at 833 Broadway, near Thirteenth street. WANTED? A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, ONE who understands chamberwork aud waiting on table. Apply at No. '27 North Moore strict. UN JEUNE HOMME, DEDIX-NEUFANS, DESIRE UNE place pour apprendre un ctat: soit bijou tier ou mon teur ue boite ou autre profession; 11 parte Francis et An glais ; Ma Mile a l'ecriturc et au Adresse H. K. D., Herald office, ou pera >nnullement ail No. 164 Wei I Eighteenth street. A PROTESTANT LADY IS DESIROUS OK A SITUA tion as assistant to junior pupil* in a select ?eml nary. She would have no objection to bej^enerally useful. AddiesN Miss Palmer, 169 Myrtle avenue. Brooklyn. A YOUNG ENGLISH LADY WANTS A BETOATTON AS housekeeper; would like to go to either of the British provinces. Please address M S. , Union square Post Office. A SITUATION WANTED, BY AN AMERICAN WOMAN, to do cooking, washing, iind ironing, or general housework for u small family. Please to call at 96 Varick street, front bai-ement. A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE MIDDLE AGED LADY LS desirous of obtaining a situation as housekeeper to a widower, or an unmarried gentleman. Apply to Mrs. M. E. S., 376 Pearl street. AN ATTENDANT WANTED ? TO WAIT ON AND TAKE the charge of two -mail children ? a young French girl. She must be of a good disposition to please chil dren, and of some education. Address Attendant, Herald otlice, with references, stating age, where brought up. and how long in this country. A GENTEEL WIDOW LADY, WITH ONE CHILD, would be happy to keep house for some gentleman, or will engage with a quiet tamily to sew or make herself useful ; the lady is kind and affectionate in disposition, and a pleasant companion. Please address, poet paid, for three days, E. Manderviil. A YOUNG, ACCOMPLISHED LADY, POSSESSING qualities to render n home pleasant, would like to take charge of an establishment. Address, for two days, LIZZIE, Broadway Post offico. Boy wanted? in a merchant s office-, salary lirst year. $60. Call from 10 to 12 o'clock to W. R. McCREADY, 10 John street. Drug ci.euk.? wanted by a young man, well acquainted with the city retail and prescription business, a situation. Respectable reference, Ac., given. Address Drug Store, 134 Broome street, between Ridge and Pitt streets. ? XT URSERY GOVERNESS WANTED ? AT A MODERATE i.\ salary, for an English family, residing in close vici nity of New York. Au English or German Protestant, to take charge of three boys, ages four to seven years. None need apply unless intending and capable to combine usefulness with requisite instruction and management. Address J. W., care of E. Baldwin, 'loi Brondway. SITUATION WANTED? A GENTLEMANSPEAKINO AND writing the French language H lontly, and haung a practical knowledge of double entry b sikkeeping, wishes a situation as bookkeeper or salesman, in an importing or jobbing house. Having an extensive acquaintance iu Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, find other Western Slates, lie ean command a large amount of Western trade. Pleaso address S. J. M., Herald office. SALESMAN AND CLERK WANTED? AN ACTIVE, worthy man, willing to invest in a light manufactur ing business from $300 to $300 ? the right sort of man more an object thin capital ? or a partner will l?e taken. Ad dress immediately Manufacturer, Herald office. mo GROCERS. ? A PARTY. THOROUGHLY ACQUAINT JL ed with the grocery and liquor business, wants a situation in u jobbing or first class family grocery. He can Influence considerable country and city trade. Best city reference given. Address JOHN SHAW, Broadway Post Office. TO MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS.? WANTED, a situation, by a lirst rate biishelmun, w ith good re ference. Address W. H.. Herald office. TO HOTEI.?. ? A YOl'NG MAN, WIUI HAS UEKN' employed for the last three years in hotels, wants a Mt nation as clerk or book keeper. Please address Hotel. Herald office. TO BLANK BOOK PAPER RULERS.? A FIRST RATE workman can Iind a permanent situation iu an out of town office. Apply to R. HOE ti CO., *29 ami 31 Gold street. WANTED? AT 114 NASSAU STREET, SALE-MEN, clerks, porters, men on railroads and steamers, coachmen, waiters, and boys to learn trades. Places for Mnnrt girls ready. Applicants enclosing one dollar, free of postage, stating particulars, can be promptly suited. THOMAS SPINK, Agent. WANTED IMMEDIATELY? EIGHT OR TEN LADIES, to ornament and make papier maclie goods, principally Daguerreotype case covers. The work ean be taken to their own homes. Good hand - can make from eight to ten dollars per week. Eull instructions given in four lessons. Apply at 633 Broadway, between 10 and 3. PERSONAL. INFORMATION WANTED? ANY PERSON WHO WAS onboard tlie steamer Gowanus, coming from Brooklyn to New York, on the morning of Thursday. 9th December last, when she ran into the Union, at which time Amu* Wade, of Newborn, N. C. , was seriously -injured. will do him a great favor by calling on him. or fending their ad dress to hid room, No. 25 United States Hotel. Mr. Smith, the gentleman who assisted Mr. Wa le from the boat to the drug store of Messrs. Anderson k Ma day, is particularly requested to call on him. CORPORAL FERNANDO MENDKZ PINTO? THE TRA ducer of this gentleman's character appear* to be "werry familiar" w ith ancient history (concerning liars.) The Corporal ackno* ledges but one rival. The gentleman is informed that the office of third g.illey cook is open to him in the A 1 clipper ship (Micawber packet line,) a rare chance forhim, as her commander has traversed the route of her pre=ent vovage every time hu has made the trip. N. IJ. ? Thomas Trot, the I<onilon coachman, has signified his Intention of going if he concludes to engage passage. Notice.? whoever is in possixsion of the child left at Barclay street, will, in a short time, be handsomely rewarded for their trouble, as it is a le gitimate child, born of regjicctable parent#, who will make themselves known in a year or two. Mr. oustav august Joseph schauht, from Wismar. in Mecklenburg Schwerin, who arrived . from Hamburg, about six years ago. is hereby in formed that a letter from his relatives is lying in the office of Henn. Stutzer, New York. dhflK REWARD.? INFORMATION WANTED OF JO Mp/weJ sias Fleisrh, who left his home on Tue-day night i?t nine o'clock, and has not since been he> rd or Was dressed in gray coat, black velvet vest, and dark panta loons. Height five feet, six inches; brown hair, high forehead, had on boots, and a corsilir shirt The above reward will be paid on satisfactory information giveu to Mr. Casptry. or to his cousin. JACOB MARX. 1.4 CMar street. c THE 11 \T.i. HAMR. B KUBAN BALL- -IBB PHOENIX A8REMBLY, No. l. will hold their eighth annual Hull on Tuesday evening. January 18, 1853, at the Appollo SMoon, 410 Broadway. Tickets at the door the evening of the ball, or from any of the Committee. DAVID TODD. Chuiriuan. P. Kkf.i., Secretary. 10MPI.IMKNTARY FANCY DR"SS AND CIVIC llU.I. _>/ to Prof. B. Yates, on Monday evening. January 17th. ISfi.'t, at the Chinese Rooms. ?:!9und 541 Broadway. The tickets, which nre in great demand, can be obtained from anv,ot the following committeo: ? S. J. Freeman, A. l'o.sner, K i'nrkin on, J. D. Sniflrn. THE LECTURE si: A SOW A A. STARR'S I.ECTURK ON, AND EXHIBITION OF, . the hydro oxygen microscope, will be given every evening during the week at Metropolitan Hall, (lower sa loon,) commencing Monday owning. Jan. It), 1853. The exhibition ?ill consi t of one hundred beautifully pre pared specimens, be.. ides living creatines. The water tiger will be feil at hull past eight o'clock, on living cm tures. Tickets 26 cents. Children half price. T)l\' lii.NRV W.M'D 111 i:i 111 it IV i i.i, I >t i .1 \ i;:i a IV lecture on Radicalism and Conservatism, in the Ply. month Chi t?;h. Itrookl n. nextTin sdnv evening, to con elude the New F.nuland cour?e. Admin ion cents. D AGUE II IlEOTV PES. CENT DAGUERREOTYPE*?' THE CHEAPEST pictures in the world. ? I! I'M A: CO. take, by their new process and German machinery, the finest l iigi i rirot) pes ever produced; and, with their improve mi uts in facilitating the work, 150 to 1)00 pictures are m i veil out to the people dally. at prices Mow all compe tition. Rooms, No. 280 Broadway. FOR RALB. dt?QnA AAA ?FARMS, COUNTRY HEATH, MILLS, ijpOUv^V'U'/, water power, houies, loU, for uie or exchange. ? Two hundred farms, one hundred country M-ntn, forty mills, ten country stores and hotels, atprioea fioin $2,000 to $20,000, in every section of the country, j AUo, one hundred house*, at from $5,000 to $10,000. and lot* in thin city, Brooklyn and Williamsburg. Ckll and ' examine the register of city and country property. Apply ; to A. 8ARGEANT, 16 Wall street. d.A AAA ?WANTED FOR A TERM OF YEARS ! Vf vF vf ? $'5 1100. to Im secured on a Ufty acre 1 f.rni, wiih new :ind valuable buildings, insured for$5. 000. Seven per cent interest will be paid, with a hindsoiue commission. Also, two other sums of $3,000 each, pay- l ment satisfactorily secured. For |>articulars, apply to A. S. EAKTON, 208 Brord vay. second floor. MM ?FOR SA1JC ? A FIRST RATE TOBACCO tp#)UlJ, round, with new wagon and harness, built tor the tobacco business. Thia is an excellent ch&noa (or any one who wunts a light out door business. Inquire at SCHUVEMA.N'S livery stable, in Fourth street, near Sixth avenue. A GENTLEMAN GOING TO AUOTRAIJA Will, SELL his collection of furniture, books, 4c., at less than half-price. He has also for sale silver harness for two pair of horses, the most excellent work ever seen in thia country. Call and look at it, from 12 to 3 o'clock, every day this week, at 683 Broad. vay, aecond story, back room. Brooklyn heights ?for sale, the elegant house and lot 1 46 Columbia street, running through to Furman street. The location, for beauty of prospect and pure air, lit not excelled by any other in tlio world. Distance only a few minutes walk from the Fulton and Wull street l'errled. Apply at 184 Fulton at., New York. For sale-the good wiij, and fixtures of a liquor saloon, doing a good business, and near one of the greatest thoroughfares in the eity. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Apply at No. 15 Ann street, be tween 6 and 10 P. M. IV)R SALE? A FIRST CLASS CORNER GROCERY, IN one of the leading avenues, with stock and fixtures, on favorable terms. For particulars, address Frauk, Herald office, stating where an interview may bo had, or inquire at 242 Washington street, for M. K. & K. FOR SALE? THE STOCK AND FIXTURES of A FIRST class grocery store, with four years' lease from May next; a first rate location, and now doing a good business. Apply to E. Y. FOWLER, corner Broadway and Twenty first street. For sale-no. m east twenty eighth street, house anil lot. House three story, tin roof, 25 by 24 Ix)t 25 by half the block. Will bo sold cheap, if sold soon. Apply to E. H. BROWN, 71 Wall itreet, from 1 tUl 2 P. M. Farm for salf.. ?a house, barn, and about ten acres of land, at Fort Lee, N. J., ten milej from New York, (three-fourths of a mile from the ferry.) on the turnpike to Hackensack. For further particulars inquire of J. Rjeton, No. 61 Sullivan street, New York syty. Also, house and lot No 61 Sullivan street for sale. Inquire as above. I^OR SALE? A THREE-STORY AND ATTIC BRICK house and lot, No. 118 First avenue. Apply to Samuel R. B. Norton, at the office of D. Andrews, No. 20 North William street, every day except Saturday after noon, or by letter, post paid, directed to the same person, Far Rockaway, Island. FOR SAI.F ? SIX LOTS, ON SIXTH AVENUE, INCLU ding a corner near Sixth avenue railroad depot; four lots on Seventieth street, between Seventh ami Eighth avenues; two houses on avenue A, paying twenty-live per rent; bouse in Tenth street, near First avenue,' with all the modern improvements, will be sold very cheap; two houses on Twenty-first street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues; two on Twenty-fourth street, near Eighth ave nue; three on Twenty -fifth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues; three brown stone fronts on Twenty-sixth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues; two in Twen ty-ninth street, near Sixth avenue: one oil Thirty-second street, near Fifth avenue; two stores on Seventh avenue, paying twenty per cent; eight houses on Tunth avenue and Forty-second street; two four story brown stone houses in Twenty-third street; four lota on Thirty -second street, between Broadway and Filth avenue; two onTwen ty-flftn street, near Eighth avenue; sixteen on Forty-third street. Twenty five thousand dollars to loan. SAM. EDDY, 63 Wall street, bas ement. For sale-the sloop citizen, she carries 140 tons ; is in first rate order for any business ; she is well calculated for tlie lumber trade. Inquire of MIDDLl'.TON hKI.L, No. 74 Cortlundt street. FOR SALE? A VALUABIJt LOT ON SEVENTEENTH street, between Fourth avenue and Irving placo; a fine tenement property on Twenty-first street, paying six teen per cent, comprising two large front and roar houses on two lots- a tliree-story house on Tenth street ? price $5,500; a three-story house on Islington avenue, on a corner, $6,000; a tine house on Twenty-fifth street, be tween I'ifth and Sixth avenues, $10,000; a fine houso on Twenty-seventh street, 812,000, and others. Apply to E. B. KISSHIMER, 319 Fourth avenue, from 8 to 9 A. M., and 2 to 7 P. M. For sale? house and lease of lot no. 55 North Moore stn-et, near St. John's p.irlt. I at 25 by 87 X feet ; house 25 by 40 feet, three stories, with en closed piazza, two attic rooms, and all the modern iin provements. If not sold at private sale before the 27th, will that day be sold at auction, at the Merchants' Ex change. at 12 o'clock, by Anthony .1. Bleecker. Apply to SAMUEL Mt.TTI.ER, No. 5f> North Moore street, or No. 04 Dey street. FOR HAI.E ? A MORTGAGE FOR $N00. AT SEVEN PER cent, well secured. Also, for Hale, at, five shares eucli of the Mechanic*', Washington, Irving, Franklin, and Koipire Building Associations. Address B. J., Herald office. For sale cheap? a turuc story brown stone front house, in the neighborhood of Union ii'iuare. Fourth avenue mid Broadway. CHAUNGEY BARNARD, No. 11 Pin* street. j FOR SALE? A FURNISHED HOUSE IV MERCER street. To let, apartments in Leonard street, next to Broadway. Lea.??' of 8<) Isonard street lor sale. For rule, a few up town b ases. Apply to T. 1J1NT, 405 Broadway. I 'OB SAIJ-: AT A GREAT BARGAIN ? A COPFER RES- : tauiant and hotel, situated near Broadway, on a busi- 1 ness street, with an unequalled opportunity to moke a 1 fortune. For particulars, apply to BENNETT & WALKER, 2}? Wall street. I TOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS ? ONE LOT AND TWO houses, No. 20 Ludlow street, nearGrand; five lots. 1 with the building thereon. Noh. ?4, (16, 68, 70, and 72 Goerck street. These properties pay a good interest on ; the investment: the last named could, ata small exiienso, be converted into a factory. Al?o, fifty desirable lots, I the greatest part of them thirty feet by one hundred, in the city of Newark, eligibly situated. For further ]Mr | ticuters applv to j F. O. HERYILLY, No. II Exchange plac v For sai.k, OR EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY is ! this city or vicinity ? 120 acres ol' land, lying in j the town of Howell, county of Uvingston, Michigan, and i by tbe State plank road running from Detroit to the capi- | tal. The same is situated between two large villages. I three miles from one. and two from the other? one is Howell, the county seat, school-house within h-ilf a mile, and stages pass the hind twice each day. The land is of the very best kind, and will be sold for #1,000, no less or exchanged, and should th?re lw> any difference, $800 to $1,200 will Ih> paid in cash. 'I he advertiser has own?d this land six years, and knows tbe title perfect. Ad dress F. J. BEAN, Herald office. Fourth avenue houses for sale or lease. ? Two first class, full sized lots, near Tenth and Eigh teenth streets. Houses modern briilt. Apply to BEEBE & IIALU'TTT, 1C6 Broadway, office 15. FOR PALE-PURE BLACK TAN* KIN'0 CILtRLES pups. three months old and very small. Also. mam moth Newfoundland pups of the celebrated " I<eo " stock. Inquire at 205 Water street. I70R SALE ? ON THE SUMMIT OF MOUNT PROSPECT Hill, Brooklyn, a two and a half story house, formerly kept as a hotel, containing fourteen rooms, with barn, carriage house, sheds, pump, ristern, Ac., surrounded with fruit and shade trees, nine and a half lots of ground. Everything convenient. For terms inquire at 229 Grand street. J. 8. GILBERT. Grocery store for sale.? a corner grocery, advantageously located, and doing a nourishing trade, is offered for sale, with lease, stock, and fixtures, j the advertiser wishing to retire from the business. In 1 quire of R. S. I/1CKWOOD, on the premise, corner of i Eighth avenue and Twenty ninth street. > Hotel for sale? the furniture and i ivk : years' lea^e of a large first class boarding house in Broadway, near Union square. The house Is fuU, and offers fine inducements for the coming season by its prox- i Unity to the Crystal l'alace. Address box 2, 08B Post office ! Kiln dried barrels and half barrels? for ! flour, sugar, cement, Ac a barrel of extra strength, i and one that will not shrink, manufactured ?nd for sale at No. 413 West street, by W. HUMPHREY. j 1MIE SUBSCRIBER OI LERS FOR SALE, IN EXCHANGE for city property, his stock of goods, consisting of a I general assortment, such as is usually kept in a codntry store, situated in Ovid. Seneca county, State of New York". ! The location is one of the best in Western New York, and I. has done the leading business of the place for the past ( ten years. A large and flourishing academy in the place. | For particulars apply to Mr. J. W. Jones, No. 3, Water I street, or to the subscriber, in Ovid, Seneca county, N. Y. | john ynenNKBi. fjhHE 8T0CK AMD FIXTURES OF A FANCY STORK I X for sale, No. 'JOO Canal street, the proprietor Im ing | about to lea to the city. AKTltOLOHJY. A/fRS. M!lW>Tin, FROM I'HIIADEM'HIA, TEN DK I IS .IV 1 her services to the ladies and gentlemen of this astrology, I'M', and Liw matters, interpreting i dieniTis, ^c., by l ooks ami science, constantly relied on I by Napoleon: and will tell the nauie of the lady or gentle | man they will many; al-o the name of the visiters. Re I sideree Mi Great Jones street, corner Bowery. Indies fifty cents; gentlemen one dollar. I FORTUNE T FLU NO.? MRS. ALWIN. RENOWNED IN ' Europe for her (kill in for: telling tho future, will ( furni li Intelligence ..bout all circumstances of life, to all who may addre <s lier. Mrs. Alwili speaks the English, French, and German languages ? 311 Itrooiun streot, near ( hry.-tic street, up stairs. Oflice hours from it) A. M. to I 8 P. M. HOH8ICS, < AJiaiA?;KS,\stc. F NG FOR SALE ? A HANDSOME ONE MORSE sleigh, with robes and complete set of bells, all nearly new, will be disposed of at a bargain. Apply to Box 8rt Lost Oflice. ANTED? TWELVE THOROUGH BRED SADDLE homes, at the Amphitheatre, ?i7 Bowery. w BOAJUttKO AID L0DOIKO. WAYF.R1.Y HOUSE 897 BROADWAY ? THK SCB teriber begs to inform liiM friends that be ha* two Cue suits of room*, on the tint Boor, just vacant. Al<o, two *incl<" room*, which he would be happy to treat with parties for. J. Vi f. RKNALL. Q4 BARCLAY STREET? A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BK 04 satisfactorily accommodated with neatly furnished rooms, in a small private tainily . by applying as above. Breakfast and tea furnished if dooired. A full suite of rooms, occupying Tin-: whoi.k of the second floor, consisting of a front and back j arlor and two bedrooms, fitted up with all modern im provement *, furnished, to let, in a very eligible location, Apply at 74 West Twenty-third street. A TEACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE WISHES TO obtain board in a private family, where Ilia in ht ruction would be a condensation Bent of reference can be given. Address Professor of llanoforte. Herald office. A furnished parlor and bedroom to, to a ningle gentleman, in a private funnily; also a furnbhed iHsirooui; bath, and water closet, lor the u^e of occupant*. Terms moderate. Reference* exchanged. Inquire at 336 Broadway, one door above tho corner of Fmiikliu street, wef t side. A FEW SEIJCCT BOARDERS CAN BE AOCOMMO dated with pleasant rooms and board at 187 Henry street. For particulars inquire of Robert E. Bunco, Union Hall Clothing Store, corner of Fulton and Nassau streets. BOARDING WANTED- IN' A CENTRAL PART OF THE city. Chamber*, Murray, or any street in the vicinity of the stages or ear*, for a lady and gentleman. East Broadway or Henry street would be acceptable, but the north side i f the city would be preferable. Address Columbus, Herald office. Board wanted? for two gentlemen; room for one ; in the vicinity of Broadway, Market, Henry or Madison streets. Address immediately. Senex Herald Office. Board, with double and sing i jo rooms, can be had at Noa. 82 and 84 East Twenty-third street, near Fourth aveuue. The houses have the modern im provements. Boarding? an elegant parlor, with two or three bedrooms adjoining, suitable for a family or gentleman desiring quiet anil comfortable quarters, with or without board. Cab be had at No. 3 1/iroy place, Blccckcr street. Baths, closets, Ac., on the same tloor. Board wanted.? a gentieman. of middle age and retired habits, wants board in a respectable ?rivate family, where there are few or uo boarders. A atholic family preferred. A line addressed to James, Post office, stating term*, &c., will meet attention. Board? one or two gentlemen can have a pleasant room, with board, in a convenient situa tion to business, down town. Apply at No. 31 Jay street, third street above Chambers street. Board? with peasant rooms, for families or single gentlemen, may be obtained at No. 1U8 Bleecker stieet. Board? a front room, on second fi/>or, neatly furnished, to let, with board, to u gentleman and his wife, or two single gi-ntlemen. Apply at No. 8 Crosby street, Boarding wanted? a iady, who has been for several years in dclicatc health, wishes board in a plen^int situation in the upper part of tho city, w here she can have a room upon the same floor with the dining room and parlor, in a private family, or boarding house, w here there is cheerful society of ladies. Adlress box 6t6 Post Office, with particulars and terms. References exchanged. Furnished rooms? wanted? by a gmntuiman and wife, a parlor and bedroom, with use of kitchen lor cooking, in a small private family, within thirty mi nutes ride of City Hall. The first references given. Ad dress, stating terms, location, &c. , Thompson, Herald oflice. Furnished hocse in Brooklyn to rent? on a stage route five minute* walk from Fulton ferry. Uoure modern built, replete with every couveuionce, and just suitable to a moderate sized family. Rent low to a good tenant, and immediate possession given, if desired. Address S. B., at this oflice. Handsomely furnished rooms to rent, at No. 22 Waverley place, without board. Handsome apartments to let. in no. us fir>t avenue, also in Noa. 3Wl>, Pearl street and 33^ Oak street. Apply to Samuel R. B. Norton at D. An diews'. No. 20 North William street, any day except Saturday. Room, with a firepiace vni> board, want ed for a voung lady, in a respectable and cheerful tnmily ? no oilier boarders. Location, Broadway or im mediate neighborhood, between Broome and Bleecker r.treet. References given and required. Address F. M., box 2 , !W8 Tost office. "1T^ ANTED ? BY A GENTLEMAN, HM LADY, AND VV child, a suite of rooms, with modern Improvements, in a respectable family, w here there are no other boarder*, location, if possible, near South ferry, Brooklyn. Address C, box 1,126 New York Post office. WANTED? FOR A BOY, SMC YEARS OID. BOARD and tuition, with a liuly, wtio will treat him as one ol her own children, both parents bring in California. Ad dress Advertiser, Herald office. s TENANTS' REGISTER. CIRYSTAL PALACE.? THE ADVEKTOER is ABOUT > erecting a fir it clr?.-n hotel frouting the World's Fair. Responsible parties wishing to lease the raw. may have an Interview with the builder or owner, by leaving their address aud reference at the Herald office, directed to X. Y. Z. ] EXCHANGE OmCK T() IJCT, IX FRONT OF STORK 103 2J South street ? well adapted for the above business, or for a ship broker, it being well located. Apply as above to BUTLER BROTHERS. Room to ijct? neatly furnished, an n situa ted in the viciuity of the Hudson River Railroad depot, ul^ii convenient to the Sixth and Eighth avenue railroads. Inquire at 00 Warren street. EGARS ? 00,000 Yara for sale by DIAGO BROS, fa CO., No. 91 Front street. r|K) LET? THE UPPER PART OF A NEW HOUSE, JL consisting of four rooms on the second Boor, two rooms on the third floor, together with back basement, very pleasantly located in Eent avenue, near Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn. Apply at No. 270 Pearl utreet New York. TO RENT, IN CHARLESTON, S. C.? THE FRONT ILVIF of HOcond and third floors of a store recently pur chased by tlie undersigned, being an exoelient stund, Ac., for a wholesale shoe or hat business. None of either be ing as yet in this neighborhood, though much needed, le ngth of building. 146 feet. Apply on the premise*, to N. A. COHEN fa COHN, 17f> East Bay, corner of Cumber land street, Charleston, S. C. rpo LET? THREE SPLEMHD NEW PARLORS AND JL bedrooms, with hot and cold baths, at the new Col lins Hotel, corner of Canal and West streets. Alio, a few single rooms, at moderate prices. TO IET, POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY? A SUPERIOR new house, 26 feet front, on Twentvflfth street, near Fourth avenue. Also, a fine house in Lexington aveuue. Also, a fine corner store, corner of Twenty fifth street, suitable for a drug or grocery store. E. B. RINSIIIMEU, 319 fourth avenue, 2 to 7 P. M. TO IF.T? NOW AND FOR THE ENSUING YEAR, lower part of house No. ?3 Macdougal street, con kitting of six rooms, at a low rent. Possession given im mediately. TO LET? PART OF HOUSE NO. 346 EIGHTH AVENUE, next to Twenty eighth street; also, part of house No. 137 West Thirtieth street, near Eighth awnue; also, apartment* in house No. 216 Seventh street, nesr avenue C; also. No. 815 Greenwich street, near Jane street ; house to let in East Brooklyn, rent low to a good tenant. Apply at 340 Eighth avenue, next to Twenty-eighth street. N. B. ? A complete file of the New York Herald for 1862, for Fale. DANCING ACADEMICS. A I>OD WORTH'S DANCING ACADEMY, AT THE ? new establishment. No. 806 Broadway, near Uraoe Church. ? The classes for the second quarter are now form ing. For ladies and children on Wednesday* and Satur days. at 2*< and 3)? o'clock P. M. For gentlemen, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thurwlays and Saturdays, from 7 to 10 o'clock P. M., " The lessons for gentlemen are ar ranged on an entire new principle, by which the progress and convenience of the pupils arc greatly facilitated. For particulars see circulars. Madame gravier desjardin\s pan<tng aca demy. i>4 Clinton plae? ? New classes for the second quarter now fonning. lessons on Wednes'Uys and Saturdays, at 2." .J ami 3? 3 o'clock P. M. PRIVATE (LASSlH IN DANCING, NOW FORMING ? for the second quarter, at 600 Broadway. Evenings ; tor Indies anil gentlemen, afternoons for children and ladies. Separate clashes exclusively for beginners. Prac- | tit* in the new dances, quadrilles, ami waltrimr All ap- j plications to l>e mude ut 274 Bowery mn?ic store. K fa E. H. Bl'RNToN. Madame augusta has hi opened her havim. in her commodious house. No. 712 Hroad j way. A reduction will lie made to parties having a nam- | ber of children to be instructed. For terms anil particu lars, apply between 12 and 2 o'clock. Mrs. a. lannay s dancing school, at mon i tague Hull. lIMMtlt tlw City Hftfl, IlrooUlyn. ? | (.lasses are now being formed for the second quarter. Mrs. 1?miav is now prepared to receive an Additional number i of pu|lls. Days and boors of Instruction? on Wednesdays 1 at half past tWco o'clock; on Saturdays at three o'clock | Ml?. CHAR RUAUD WOULD RBSPBCTFULLY AC . quaint the public that his r.ocond quarter will coin | mence at his room, 20 White street, on 1 lie lltli inslnnt. Pays ? Tuesday and Friday, at 8Jj, afternoon, for ladle*, ! mi">es and masters, at bis new room. 54. Thirteenth slieet, two doors nest of Broadway, south side. On the 17tli nud 19tli instant, (dn\s Monday and Friday,) at 7',. ! e\ening. for gentlemen; Wednesday and Saturday, at 12, I noon, and It1,, afternoon, for ladies, misses ami masters. Tlin third soiree, on 'lhtir dav. the 27th instant; the | fourth on the 3d; the fifth on the 24th of February, and the last, (sixth) on the 81st of March, at 20 White street, exclusively lor pupils and frf?nd-<. Pupils can piocure tickets for friends ol Mr. Charruaud. T\f R. C. WRIGHT'S DANCING ACADEMY, MILITARY ATA Hall, Bowery, opposite Spring street. ? Mr. Wright would Inform his friend* that his second quarter will commence on Saturday, January 15. Persons subscribing now will receive four months tuition for the mtarter. Kor p&rtfculsrx. Inquire at Mr. Wrenlcave't lil Tenth street. raAKXAL. A I .WON LITE INSURANCE COMPANY. ? LOftDON ?nd Nsw York. Instituted 1806. Policy InUm 1? this company, Insured on the participating Mb, ou re ?1? the bonus deeUred la September last, on >p?MoHoii to thia agency. The next amnion of profit* will taka place in 18&6. ROBT. 8. BUCHANAN, 44 Wall street. Chicago and aurora raiuu>ai) oompany lluiid.1 ? The bond* of this company, bearing men per cent intereat, with coupon* attached, payable Mini aunually, on the first (lay* or January and Jul#, at the Mechanic*' Bank in this city, and having fourteen Mfti a* half yeari to mature from January l*t 1M53 for Ml* bf O S. ROBBEN8 k BOW. Dividend. ? the Florence and keyport oom panv ha* thin day declared a dividend of one dollar per share, payable to the stockholders after U?* Uet inst , on which day no transfers will be made. Key port, Jan. 4, 1868. THOMAS LOYD, Twwwt. Drafts on Ireland and enoland, in wits from ? 1 and upward*, payable at sight, are isjued by the subscriber*. BOWMAN, GRINNELL k 00., No. 83 South Ktreet, sol* passenger agent* fur the 8 wallow Tail line of Liverpool and lxmdon packet *hipa. Emigrant industrial having* bank. 6i jchah Iters street. ? The trustee* of thin Institution have directed that interest be paid to all depositors entitled thereto, for the six month* ending 31st ult., a* follows;? Ou all sum* of $600 and under, at the rate of six per cent per annum ; and on all Hum* exceeding $600, at the rate of fi ve per cent i>er annum, payable on and after Monday, 17th inst. Interest not called for will be carried to the credit of depositor*, a* principal. GREGORY DI1XON, President I'hTEK Ckkrar, Accountant. Nkw Yokk, January 12, 1863. INTEREST ON CITY STOCKS. ? THE INTERKST ON THK public stocks of the city of New York, due and pay able February Int. 1863, will be paid on that day by F. W. Kdntonda, E?<i., Chamberlain of tlie city, at toe Me chanic*' Bank. No. 83 Wall street. The transfer book* will be closed Friday, Jan. 14, at three o'clock, P.M. For tlie accommodation of stockholder*, transfer* wiH he permitted during tlie period the books remain closed; to take efloct February 1st, 1863. A. C. FLA (Ml, Comptroller. Comptroller's Office, New York, Jan. 7, 1863. NEW YORK DRY DOCK COMPANY, JANUARY 4. 1863. ? A semi annual dividend of four (4) per eent on the capital stock of this company will be paid to the stockholders ou and after the 8th inst. Br order of the Board. F. T. HAYES, Cashier. rV"FICE PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY, NKW U York, Dec. '28, 1862.? Tlie Hoard of Directors ef this company have this day declared a dividend of ten per eent on all stock registered upon the books of the oompany at flie time of closing tlie same, on the 3d instant, and pay able in stock, on aud after the 16th day of January next. By order of the Board, FRANCIS SPIES, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP OJMPA ny, 64 South street, New York, 4th Jan, 1863. A se mi-annual dividend of ten per cent i* this day declared, payable on and after the 18th instant, until which day the Transfer Book is closed. By order of the Board. WM. 11. DAVUHJE, Secretary. Rochester city bonds.? ?ioo,ooo six per cent bonds of tlie city of Rochester, payable in twenty year* from January 1, 1863; interest payable semi-annu ally, at the Merchants' Bank, New York. These bonds w ere issued for the Genesee Valley Railroad, in aoeor dance with an act of the legislature of 1861, authorising the city of Rochester to issue bonds to the amount of $300,000 for the above named road, and sanctioned by a vote of the people, pledging the taxable property of the city for the payment of interest and prinoiual. Debt of the city of Rochester previous to the issue of these bonds 9168,000 Taxable property 10,200,00? Property of the Corpoaatlon 800,00# Above for sale by HAIGHT & MciIJtAN, 10 Mercliants' Exehange. ST. LAWRENCE MINING COMPANY'S ROOM, NO. IT, Insurance Building, comer of Wall and William streets. ? At an election hel l ou Tuesday, 11th instant, the fol lowing named gentlemen were elected as trustees for the ensuing year: ? Mr. Thoma* Morton; Mr. John Stanton; Mr. John I.. Gratacap. At a subsequent meeting of the board, Mr. Thomas Morton was elected president of the company. JOROME I/JTT, Secretary. TO RAILROAD Ct (N'YRACTORS. ? SEAI .ED PROPOSAIS, addressed to cither of the undersigned, will be re ceived at Hillsborough. Highland county, Ohio, until the 1st day of February next, at noon, for the graduation and masonry of tlie middle division of tlie Cincinnati, Hillsborough and l'arkersburg railway, extending from Hillsborough, Highland couuty, to a point near Jackson, Jackstm county, Ohio, about flftv-six miles. The line will be ready lor examination early in January, and pro tiles and specifications of the work will be exhibited at the Fngineer's office, in Hillsborough, for one week prior to the 1st day of February. This railway forms the re cognized continuation across Ohio, of the Baltimore and Ohio, and North Western Virginia Railways, and being located as a link in the through line between Baltimore and St. Louis, will be found in every way worthy at the attention of able ami enterprising contractors. The re mainder of the line, to the Ohio river, will be ready for contract about the liri-t ilav of May next. JAKES M. TRIMBLE, President Et i.wood Morris, Chief Engineer. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS X of the Keystone Mining Company, of Pennsylvania, will be held at the Company's office. No. 60 South Fourth street, in the City of Philadelphia, ou Thursday evening, January 30. ISM. at seven o'clock, in oonformity with the bye laws of theCouipuny. Philadelphia. Jan. 12, 1863. rjMIE TRUSTEES OF THE SEAMEN'S BANK FOR JL Savings have ordered that interest be paid on all de posits, which, according to the bye-laws, are entitled thereto, for the six months ending 31st l>ecember, 1862, as follows: ? On sums ot Ave hundred dollars and under, at the rate of six per cent per annum, aud on sums ex ceeding live hundred dollars, at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable ou and arter Monday, the 17th inst. All interest will be placed to the credit of the depositors as principal. P. l'EIUT, President. Wii ijam N'klho.v. Secretary. TO PERSONS IN WANT OF MONEY. ? A BUSINESS man down town will loan money in sunn of from (20 to $10,000, on any description of merchandise, say wines, brandies, segars, groceries, gold watches, dia monds, dry goods, kc. Terms reasonable, and negotia tions guaranteed. Address (post paid) WM. WILLIAMS, box 91 Broadway Port Office, giving particular*, and ap pointing an interview. r?-| DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, IRELAND, AND 800T XI land. ? We issue drafts, by special authority, pay able at the Union Bank of London, Belfast naaking ing Company of Ireland, and the National Bank ef Scotland, at Bight, and in sums to suit, from ?1 up wards. TAYLOR BROTHERS, 70 Wall street, eorner of Pearl atreet. CASH TO LOAN? ON WATCHES, JKWKLRYrwT monds, and valuables of every description, on the most accommodating terms, at my private otlioe, No. 102 Nassau street, room 13. ladies waited on at their resi dence. and all transactions strictly confidential. No. 10S Nassau street, room 13. Money.? advances made on (or bought out, for cash.) watches, plate, jewelrv, segars, piano fortes, hardware, ladies' and gentlemen * wardrobes, or any other property, at the Paoifle Agency and Loan office, 114 Grand street, corner of Broadway, over the Pacific Bank. Confidence and honor strictly adhered to. Office hours from nine till five. WANTED? FOR NINETY DAYS, FOR N17JL ? V/V V/ which a liberal bonus will be paid. The persoir who invests the money shall have the best security, and, if disengaged, can have a lucrative berth la a hotel, either permanent, or during the time the money la ad vanced. Apply immediately at 102 Nassau street, offioe No. 13. WANTED ? FOR FIVE YEARS, AT seven per cent, on leasehold property, In it of and near Broadway, twenty years to run, with renewals, at $2tlQ ground rent, valued at $1 .200; will rent for *2,000. Apply to BKEBE k HAL LEI T, 196 Broadway, office 16. AQO AHA AT SIX PER CENT INTEREST, TO LOAN ipOi'jvUU on city property. For sale, a great va riety of houses for investment, in this city ana Brooklyn, Very little money required. Also, a beautiful country seat and four acres of land on the North river. Tinai very easy. RODERICK LAWRENCE, 76 Nassau street. $1,000 $5,000-: lteade . treet, west of i MUSICAL. X^OI.IAN PIANO FORTES ? T. GILBERT * 00.* PI Xilu ano Fortes. with ?nil without the much admired -Kolian, To such |>erfeetion have T. 0. k Co. brought their Piano, and particularly the inimitable ifSolian, that the de mand Ih daily increasing ; ho much bo, that it ia withdiflleul tv all the orilrrn enn be supplied. At their ware rooms, in thin city, it it* their intention to keep always on hood an assortment as large and varied as can be found at the manufactory, and at the same price*. All their Piano* have the metallic frame, and are warranted to stand any climate. The attention of the public is respectfully in riled to the fine collection of instrument* now in the rooms. *nd would urge upon those who an* contemplating a purchase, the propriety of inspecting their slock before buying. The wide-spread reputation of T. Oilbcrt & Co., as manufacturers, renders the publication of certificates or references unneoessnry ; but to those who wish them, hundreds of testimonials will be furnish ed. A magnificently carved Piano, with the .ttolian, made by T. (J. k Co., is to be seen at the St. Nicholas Hotel. Wnrerooms, :i33 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, second floor. HORACE WATERS, Kxclusive Agent. 1INC0LN & THOMPSON, 441 BROADWAY, OFFKR FOR j sale, at irreat bargains, a very large assortment of Ronton and New York pianos, including the oelebratcd pianos of llnllet. IHivi* k Co., Boston, with or without the .Kolian; *Ko, boudoir pianos for small rooms, with a good supply of second hand pianos. Pianos to let. MPS. SKGt'lN, PROFESSOR OF VOCAL- MUfflC. Italian itnd English, sacred and secular, has dooided to devote a few hours each day for the instruction of young ladies. Mrs. Sequin will bo happy to give all In formation concerning terms, plain. Ac., at her residence 89 White street, near Broadway, between the houri of It) and II A. M. each morning PIANOFORTES? JOHN l> JAQUFH (FORMERLY Jaques k Brother) would respectfully inform his friends and the public that lie has recently opened the extensive wa.-erooms .No, f>38 Broadway, third door above Sirring street, second floor, for the sale and hire 01 pianofortes, mclodeons, ke. All instrument* purchase* orhiied at the above ware rooms are made hy the tmwt celebrated manufacturers. both in this city and else where, and warranted in ev?rv case, either for quality 01 tone, to live mtire ?atisfaction Second hand pinnui taken in exchange, or bought for cash. "\710lJN AND SINC1ING. ? -L. METER RSGR TO IN \ form the ladies aud gentlemen that he is now ready to impart his new method of teaching the violin and tdngliter. For terms, spply at Woud * Hall, No 444 Hroudnay, from ten to twelve.