Newspaper Page Text
CHiwpi Wasuihotom, Jan. W, IMS. Prubabl t JWiWi o; . Rettprociiy Trtaty and Bill ?Pftjnrahon.1 )l .'n; to Ship Coal from If ova tkiotoa ? Term- n ? .-h Lumber may bt Admitted ? Chair man ij the jmmitttt Ready to Report ? Prmuu ns of the />? ?The Branch Mint. Whatever mi \ be the action of the Her.ate, ulti j mfctdy .with refit mice lo the treaty recent! /concluded in relation to the commercial interest* of the United States, c-mbraci > u; . ' .sheries, it muat prove a fail ure, should the I t to Ikj rej?orted by the Com mittee on Comn ? adopted by th- House, as it will only met t t rcqi.ireoMUli of Canada? New Brunswick fail: tain free adm's-ion of its (timber, and Ion . .e revenue derived from that cat in the BtaU me and Bent <1 w-n tho St. John*, and Nov > i icing required to -urrenier its almost excluhlvi >i' the fiaherie*. at the samit time Laving no > , t nit in the free admission of it* coal. I oi*orve in 01 <? Halifax piper.-, twelve or fourteen brij.s. ?? iderable size, ire beta# built at Pietou; but v . ; anticipation n( being able to obtain the the on of coal iiito Ameri an ports, for which t , . .leyare avowedly built ; or, which is more ,e, that the company which work the mines 1. 1 i j lace and Oftpe Briton, in- | tend to bunk 1 t. ible, the "onopuly in the nappiy of that a.t . - . thia country, 14 not stated. i am incliLeu r > a . > to .1 lopttue Utter opinion, from the fact 01 v ... ueusc resourced of the com pany, and their <? i ij hitherto, to find a market | tor t be large n< . ' that mineral which in &nnu- j ally accumulate ia, u l a- band ?< .owing to the want of ? a profitable mar >.ct .1 i.114 United States, which they can supply on verj ia -derate terms, having com- j pit led their liite . 1 ..mad t> the -hipping j?ort -. I It is not geueii.liy *u?wn here thai all the mines i in Nova Scotia uk i c id under a lea-e fr?m the late i l>uke of York, u> wioiu they were originally granted, I in satisfcxtion of dt. t- dt.u the Ann by Messrs. Run- I dell A Bridgea, of Louu u, who are wealthy jewellers, l under wboee au?i c a company has been farmed in Kngland, potifceiteiiig ai imnien'-e amount 01' capital, by ] which that portion laat he* on the two w tionsofthe , province adveiti d t< . have been placed in the best i wording order p< 1 ie, and, as a sale must be found 1 for the large qi.aat ty m c >al they raise, they will tlial it to their udvai?ta.? t . sitip it to the United State-, even sliould it pav no more than cost and charges. V\ itJi reference t 1 .tuber, the committee have de cided to insert ail;. < admitting it from the colonic* upon the paymc-bt 1 1 tLe same duties as are imposed on American tun Ur v. Leu imported into Great Bri tain, provided thai the export duty at St.dohu on the pioduce of the fetiite 01 Maine, when transported dawn the St. Join, rivt r. shall be abolished. As 1 anticipub d, tia treaty between England and Raws proviuis tla 1 the trade of both countries hall be placed on the -ana looting as that of the mast fa vored nations; ai d that is probably the case ns t> tbo treaties with otl er powers, which creates, as I have before stated, an inauperahle objection to the free admission 01 t.mbtrinto British po'ts, or even at a reduced rate of .y. The chairman ol tae committee is prepared to re port tb? bill, and will a > so the tirst opportunity, and will give notice ot the day on which he will open the ih-cussion. The tiih, Liould it become a law, will provide for the i'i.11 a'.d free me of the flshories by American cit.zeus ? tae adminaion, duty free, of the produce of Canada-? lumber upon the* terms ab ?ve st?b?d ? and will eoiiti ui.e the existing duty on v ud. The folhiwinn i- the Vote of the different States on ?if New York Branch Mint bill, together with the number of absentee*, when the Question to lay it oa the tJiblc was earned: ? Stale*. T?u. .Vay>. A6;c?<. T'Aul Miuoe 3 t 0 7 New Ilcaipshire 1 ] U 4 Vermont ,, I 4 yjMP'icimaetu 4 * to Htode Inland - 2 Conner ticut 'J i t New York . . 32 - 'I a-t New Jersey 3 1 1 Penaaylvanim 'M 1 24 Delaware t Maryland tt 13 ti Virginia 11 1 ? l.*> North Carolina 6 SI 2 0 South Carolina 4 3 7 Georgia 0 1 1 tt Alabama X . 2 'J 7 MbwiMupiii 1 4 Louisiana 3 1 4 Ohio 7 (J S 21 Kentucky 1 4 i 10 Tennessee 6 a it II Isdiano 4 1 i 10 Olinois 2 4 I 7 Missouri 1 - 'J 5 Arkanaae 1 1 Mlchif^n 3 ;i Florida 1 1 Toxas - '2 Iowa 1 3 .. WWoi-ate 1 1 I l aliturnla 1 .. 1 >?9 St 00 'S.i The members from New York who did not vote, were Messrs J. H. Boyd and Alexander N. Buell. W. iloi-'MBMs- ? On Thursday morning last, J arne.s Clark , a well know a citizen of Clark county, made an assault upon his ue^ro woman fur a cause which we have not heard .-tated. He then ordered her into the corner, and commenced pitchinK his knife at her, rint foremost. As the knife would enter hi rllcah, would compel the victim to draw it out und return it to him. This demoniacal amusement w.?s contin- j ued nnt l the slave was covered with a Vx>ut fifty bleed- ; ing The same day he whipped his wife, cut j iier ail over the head with l;is knife, not dangerously we understand. Li t in a ma?i of cruel aiai fituuful ponctures. He al?o cut off her eyelids. This strange j drama wound up on Friday !a>: by the co umission of \ a murder. Clark on that day ordered his wife to go i sod call Lewis, (a lie^'ro b longing To the family.) Sbe obeyed, but the slave refOf C-d to come, througu j dread of hi:-. enraged ma.-ter. we -appose. Mrs. Clark returned, and was whipped by her hasband for n ?t ; bringing the negro, l ive times wa~ he sent upon taiir. capricious mn^i n, five time.- van it fruitless, and each time was she whipped for her failure. Clark tiien called to tl.e .-lave, informing liim that h ? would shoot him the next morning. The negro, it seems, did nat heed the warning, f< r wh:!e -aiitting rails the next day he was deliberately shot by his nj.i-ter. Tiic wwind was fatal, 'lhc nei/ro rau about throe him ; <u-ed yards, and fell in mortal ug-ny. Th as termi nated one of the mo-t barbarous transactions that it ban ever lieen o r pa.ntiil ard r pa/nant duty to r>' C'>rd. Clink was arr? -ted on Satnrd.i} la^t by a ,le- | pi.tation of citizens, who, indignant s?t the horrible i crimes attributed to him, deemed'it the ir daiy to aid in bringing him to condign punishment. The verdict cf the jury of inquest was mn.der, aud the ju*ti< e ? 'Miiinittad Clark to jail withoat bail. , CUirttn Dkcuuoh IN A SlATB Cv.-E. Ail inl TP?t ln? siave cast: has ju>tbeen (lucid I bj the Kentucky Coin t of Appeal.-, involving a que 'ion which th j t'oflrt de< lar< <i to be entirely new :n a lr ?.il point ? 1 ril w. it appear* that a Mr.*. Trigg, w -in* a slave woman named Clari<?a, sent her with a relative of b?rs. a Mrs. Alexander, to Philadel; hia, in th>- yr r 188?, to attend on her while the btter v <-?* ui.u going medical treatment tor dtfivtit. '.;-Iit. 1'r? viously tt> sending her, Mrs. T. inquired ? tu tlio law* of Pennsylvania regarding slave*. and learned fhat if the clave remained th< rc km r than six month* slic would 'e free ; (thin v ?> c fnro tho re peal. in 1*47, of the six month's nrov to in th<> ;u t of 1789,) but believing in the faithfuln' ?* f OarUsa. nhe HPiit l.rr to Philadelphia, where she r.-rnuu. d ' more '.haii fix months, an .' then went lwk volun tarily to htr mistreat. Claris . by the vidi aud will uf b*'r deceased ma-ter wu to U. Hoed *t the death of her rnixtrfM, but the tatter becoming involved iu debt, ?'?id her to a ?em.?t?\ who was tnljwii ;<ntlyhei ' exeontrix. and who retained the former In s-lavery, contrary to t he wish ?>' Mis. Trig:'. *lif> In I deiirtd ber to he set fr?<>. The Couit of Appeiili ot Cla* 1 puna 'ree, and dn ide<i that the lODdition of bwdon follow* a person to bia or her home where it h.i< r< milted, art in Clarissa's cam, (ton the dire remaining by the direction of an owner, in another - ito, f ,j a longer period than the law* of that _ erout SciPTDl AT PBTUJWVfLI. V letter ; . l tlr placc, aays the Rochester Advirn,rr of th- 2<;t.b Inat, published in the RijmHi <w / c . ? t Or. mi give* nn account of the death uf John I . J!ii li rd *?0, ol Klmira. who came on a toit to hh brother .-.t PhillipKTille on the lfltli inst. Vi'ter Leasing hun self b* tiMial in the morninjr of hi- arrival, fi" was alssit for some time, when he ? id he would retire, aa be had slept none on the previous night, ff went to hi* ran, placed the wishbowl upon the floor, >uad deliberately rut hia throat Iroin <-nr to ?>ar ? having lit>t thrown hinwli' npon the bed, where he wm Mwmd. The following note which he left. I# all the expiar ationof the nffitii which hifllriends had: ? " D ear Brother and Sinter ? Dtapair hju- driven me to commit thin raah aet. I havt nothing to livo for ? all roj bopen arf MvU d. Life in vnoleamatto me. 1 don't desire to live Ion* r. fako wl< ?t I have? it in your*. A gold watch and neur five hnndr< 1 l>'Ura were In bis pork it. He h-id former, y been in tli" ! employ cf T. R. Brayton A Co. ? ? Railsoado d? C i.vcin.v at ? T n i r - < , i le dif (mot raiiroada, which are either in operation or la Mont of conetruetion, or are projected, will centre In Oiaeinnati. They severally rea> h, or ai? totcniad Ao reach, flt. Looia, Indianapolis, the upper Mima* ttppi, fori Wayne, fHilcago, Dayton. Raridmky. T<> Uw, Cleveland, Columhns, Hprin/fleM. Pima, Wil nHrton, ZaowvUJe, C>!41cothc %f ? .d fflMh I CTTT TBADB RRPOET. I Satvudai, Jan. 29? ? P. IL Buinwrm. ? Flour wan more set ire and firmer. The | transaction* reached 14,200 bbU.; -.our, at $4 SI ^ a $4 OSJK; auperfii ? No. 2, at $4 93 W ? (6 (HC^; ordinary t? cl.eice State, at 96 4S \ a $A 62 '?j ; mixed to fancy West ern, at $6 58 Va a 96 76; common to ?'oo<l Ohio, at tA 62^ ; ,i 9u N 1 >? mixed to favorite Southern, at to a 9a 87 .H; fancy tienesee and Ohio, $6 tS8 ,'i a $f> 87 ^ ; extra Western, 96OT)* a$?3T,S: extra GaaeMt, at 93 08 a 96 87 K ; fancy ."out hern. at 9<1 a $7 25. Jtrrwy meal u as dull iuiJ lower, at 93 ."HI a $3 per bbl. Win* it ruW q uiet but Bli a'iy. The sales comprised - ?><>' buthela fair Southern whit?. at 91 22 a $1 24; nnd 1,800 I<oiik 1 land red, 91 14 a 91 15. There ?c:e 2,500 bu hel- rye boi ght at 91 a 92c. per bushel. li?ir!<> and oa were unchanged. l oi n re mimed bri-k and tirin. Tin- amounted to 43 000 bwliels iufei oi lo choice ue* Southern white an i yidlow, ai 66 a 72c. per bualiel. C't/rrow ? '1 he tales are too nr.: II to quote, buy f*. ana tellers being far a| urt. JaauHis. ? liates were Hrin, and we have to notice en gagement* of 2 000 to 3, ouo bbl ;. il?>ur for Liverpool at 61. For grain 12d. .?.v asked, and lid. refused. 100 bhla. rosin were engaged at 3-. 0d. To Australia, a cargo of 2,000 bbl Hour were engaged h i 9" 50 There j waa nothing new reports ft : Loudon or H v\ re. To Cali orn':i rate# Were lirin, and vailed from 75c. a 91 per ; I . < t, in cli| jers | I'Rovjfrio.v ? lurk continued 'Vpre ,sed. The ^ale.t com j prised 100 bbls. old prime, at 9i5 87}^: tu'w, at 910 12^ ; old mtas, at $18 JO, <nd ui ? at 91W DlMNd hogs were in demand ai 8c. aS.'^e. po lb. Cut meats were dull j and hen vy. The tiles of Mid embraced 200 bbls. , at 11c. ! u 11 >,c. . and 5Co keg- , ul ' "t i p< i lb. Some 30<V) bbl). ts .i changed hand at yistut day '* quotations. Ohio and .? ile butter wax in bet ler re.j,. it 14c. a 18c aud 18?. a lie. per lb. tie.- . remained very Urni, at 8c a 9c. i er ib. Main led. On Tuesday, January 26. b> the Hev Mr. Thatcher, ilrNKY A Poo ik to Citiikri.ii I licwm. all of this city. i On Tt.e>day, January 18, b* W." N. Smith, fcsa., Jon* Haiiu, of New Y?-rk. to Mb;., iw A. at tlio re- , idden'-r of her fn'her, Macedon Wayne county, N. Yoj^k. On Thursday, January 27, hy ft'# Kev Or. Francu, Da.mi.1 H. Barkm to Miss I ?ii-a.H. i, youngeat daughter Of Andrew H Turner. Kikj. Aftany |?)>era pk'ase coja On Thur-diiy, Jan aiy 27 , in Washington city, by the B ?, Smith Pvna, l?. Ij , nt Irs Wairnvngtit's residence, an : afterwards nt ht r Hritr.unic Maje ty'a Uvatioa, Wu. i a m Wkjhb Foluht Syngb, &?).. Attache tu tb<- f nation, to I H'.vrictta Mary. yonn.-est dat. l;'er of the late Colonel Wainwright, of the . rf. Marine t orps. Died, On Friday , Jan nary 28, suddenly, Mr. Boiikri Straw, In tile 5ld year ut hi- n-'C. The telativoii aud Mend* of the fnniilv ar>> respectfully ir.vlted to attend the funcrul sei viees, at tin- Seventh h1 ,eet Melbodi^t K| ixcoial < liureh. ilii , (Sunday) after Di*n, at 3 o'clock. Itis remains will bo conveyed to Yonk- rs on Monday niorninar, lil-t Inst. ?t y o'elonk. (?n lhursday. January 27 suddenly, Liiw.vrd W/lhklk, in the -!tst year of his a?e. BtaMnu and aMuaintaiieea are reepeetfnlly isrited to attend his funeral, tliis (Sundaj ) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from his late residence, No. l>n Orchard street. The tumn brr^ ol Stranger*' Refuge Lc !ge, No. 4, 1. O. of O. K, are j also invited to attend. On Saturday. January 29. < A'touura, wife of John Jones, I ?sed 38 years and 20 day-. Tlie relative* and trend of the family are re-?[sjctfully invited to attend her funeral, froru her Lite residence, 2ia ; Eighth avenue, to morrow. (M<>mla> ) afternoon, at 1 1 o clock, wiltiout further invitation. (?n Sati. rdav morniajf. January 29, in this eity, Johw i D. IIakt. merchant, (of the gi m of WilUhim Atwater Jr j Co.) and ;nn of the late John 1>. Hart, in the 2?ith year of ( his n?e. The relatives and friends of the family, the members ! of the Broadway Tabernacle church, and Ilea son Lodge, I No. 228. I. O. of O. F.. are respectfully invited to attend I bis fulic al wiihfiut f-trlh' i coLlce. to-morrow, (Monday) afternoon, ai 1), o'clock, froo: his late resi li^r;., No. 657 i (Iretnwich street, llis remain will be taken to Gieen- I w( od Cemetery fur Interm-m. On i-oturday, January 30 at Vew Brunvwiek, N, J., Ma- j BY Ki*G8U.<?l), widow of thi late Joint inilatyre, iu Uio | ??7*1 year of her age. TVe relative* and friend' of the family are respectfully in-. i I'd to attend her funeral, fr"m her Ute residence, ,\o. 124 (ieeree ?tr'*T, Neiv Brun*wi'k, on Tuesday morn ir?g it 9 o'clock. Her remains x. iii be taken to' Hea-act Ccmeter. , Ncwaik, for interment, (.'arriagea ] -n ill '>e in atttBdan,*c at half past 11 o'clock, at the Mar ket ^tr'?t dei ot, Newark. On Friday January 2^. MAWURrr .Uvr lUruK, formerly of I'ortaferr) , in the* 21- 1 year of hev nge. Tne friends of the family *p- re cttully requested tu attend hi r funeral, this, (Sundav) afternoon, at 1 o'cloe.V, friim her late residence, corner lioratio and West -treets. llerremain* will be uit.en to (i:eenw od ti-metery lor In terment. Belfast, Ireland, papers pl'-is- copr. OB Friday afternoon. January 28, 3. 1' Vlynn, son <>f | F'iward and Alicia ilvnn, ay d 1 jreai 7 months aud 0 d? v*. The friend.i of the ' aru respectfully invited to attend his funcr?I, frcm No. 131 t hen-y ?troet, tUU, (i-uiida.i ) afternoon, at - o'clock. Th>? Caulkers are re- i apectfuHy leque; ted to a; tend. (m Friday. January 28. of consumption, CABoitNR M., ? ife of Samuel Hrijr.'s. uad daughter of Jam en and Fhebo | Pettit. of Heuiateud. J.. !. The relntivea and friend ato the members of Hanker Hill Chapter. No. i.7. O. L". ar?* invited to attmid thefu- j t.eral, thia, (Sunday) afte-noou, at 2 oalo.-k, from her Into reaideuc-, No 56 fweiUy-nin'.ii street, c<?rnnr Sixth ' avenue. On Saturday. January X. at the residence of hi'' nude, j Dr Richd I - Vf ? rri.' at Vuarantine. Jam" Mokbib, only ! f.on of tin law J.irnea V. C. Morri',, and grandaon of tlie 1 late I)r. Po- i. Mh friends and relative*, and the fr>-nut of the fami- | lie*, are respectfully invited to attend hu funeral, to- ! morrow. (Monday) ntoruintr. at 10 o'clock, at St. Murk'n church, without further invitation. Clj Friday, January 21, of ei'n?>?ii"U <>f the lung*. MLa fiT A>> Cn.UTOt, only child o! n*nry Kdward and Ma i y I.u''ia Sutton. !>%< d 1 month. We laid the "Od lightly oV It Calm wa< its slumbers penr.>ful It- r?*( ; Beautifi'!, bn-ely. It ^ks but given, A fair tjd on earth, to bt<- .-.on In Hww. i (?n Sat i rday morning, January 2V at hi. residence, No. | M Monri.e str?" t, Wnxjjui -vx.\yox. pon if the lata John Shannon. n?ert 48 year*. Ite f-.nerei arrauyet) ?nta n I b ..nn 'jwi?I in the p < ? per* of Monday. On Wednesday evenim. January 20, at lib Ule rer,i ?lepf? 1 efcvols-e -?fet, H, oklyn. of con umption, Hrvttv II. ! KROTT^tj ag"i 21 year-. I li < rtnifiin- w? re tckt t 'u \iknv for interment. On Friday January ?* Amv. the beloved wife f -vi-nu el H'jllyer.'at tlieir veafcienee, Bloom P. eld atteet, Hoboken, in the 32d ye ar of her age. On .-'at jri'ay muratng Jmuary 29. M>. Euta Jorcr, in the 89th year of h<-r aae relict of the la to George Joyce. 7he relative- and friend* of th>- family. and of k"r?un?, William <'.. Andi?w and ALxandT Jove, are invited to attend the funeral. (row r late residence, No. 10 Mon roe pilaM. South Fifth street, Williamsburg, to morrow, (Monday) tfterooon, at 2 o'cloek. On cu. itda;. January 29. Blue-:.?, ou'.y daughter of C" melius ?rd Joharm t turtle tnd S3 years. The r?-ln!ives ?r?d friend." of J.c faiai'v n re .-espeoifully invited t' attei.d the funer.l from the residence of ber iai nts, S'_?' Eighth ?treet. this, (?utklaj) aft?rn<)on, at 2 o'clock. "n Satwdiy. J?i mry 2S aftei a l?'iijr iUne- . Rohixa, *.? of The- ok: Pvj her. 1! " relitiTf- and friend-; ar< ilTiU-d to attend her fa neral, on Monday aftern'OS at 2 o ' tuck, from he. late re-i.!enee, 217 Third avenue. nUlIIRC IHTELLIGEX CK. Mot ? uit nU of Orran Stevnirn, sa^Hp. Laavm ro* p?tt. Africa lirerpool Xtf York tan tf Canada ,.i ?vert>ool I!o<ton Jen 22 Atlar.t'<! tjver'?j?>I New Vo k Ian 2d Iluropi IV ton I m-rpo I Veb 2 Lnited ^tatr<<. N?w York. . . . A-' in 'ill Fob 4 italiie New York Liverpool 1 V'j S Georgia v"t York. \ . in .*%U leb ft Hur <? the Went . New York M*?n Jr-m Feb fi Atideti New York.... Liverpool Feb 7 Merlin N< v Turk -t. Th. V iv-rru.JVo 7 Fra Mill . . N?w York . ,K? re 1'eli 12 I twle ram New York A?! 'n? '11,. . . . ,K?l> 10 i-oW-ti New V ? Vn.-tr !i?. a tit Apr 15 at..!.* ao %??* TOux ? nut ur. rt-v HI 7 14 I BOOH ui?n room II .'Jl ? i v ; v -m 5 M | hk u w Atrst evoa 00 "1 Poit ol JV< w \orV, Jaituary lif, IHVk Cl-LAiUO). ,-??? rt ? ^ ? t Woodh iiivi ia!i, - M "tiill He . i r. aiiklir t ? v < ? !? . . . I. teoin k 1 iiy o' " a# ? i 'I ' N M 1 . ea 'r k < Si .. ? ' 'lam Ivnuut*. fl i ? Qaebt-f i'irf" <? i -f/* itou 4c Tbomp ? . idd<).- Bildff I. v . ' i J I'dUm. Parka ? Jainea - 1' / art lUt), tiylor. :-t Joha< . VF, ' :? oji?" k I -?*?-? ?<!,? t Krrui.u-* ? t, Ne# l!edf?rJ A leu A 1'n en twi ? . W ? t miit' - B) fa- -Haml Small, Treniweli ? u-au^a* I! C i id - tu Fia ,< . eo C~ ,*d), Zerrlk'i- e nl^ A- i t i I kHU.o itlm ii a?. Tol do. Hi uitnjpeay N? w ?>rle iw. K II to ? di ?, Vittiye I i. li'rj (.'anaplxil '/? '. 1, !? I Neilo- k C A IV' itui, .r . t ' . K lit' t 1 A . 'Oil k Co. ' hf A' ? . t ? stln J ?") "'iv ?> t'. !' P'l' k k <? . W< litor, lie- . u , , , W H -niltii. Wy ?? WiU'.tau-on ! ' i ' r J( i tor ') U I.ot< II H?,ton K V. M<rr:.cV ll I ? i'v Vt m . I'hiUdolphiik, Van i'l <> .,'bt ? *1 r- HMii Vera' i/, master; it y K:r r. LwsJa. I ;.iu.r>lp,.ia J W MeKve; Jatwe^ (Br), hi tUn. -at J ? t. ' r, J -1 'rvlow l/i'tt?' i", Broith, (harWton, ?? L lleOevly ,% Co; H"ttry Alt , -f. Wan-, ?in"-" - 1. F- k : hu.- -.' J V'ali l^iano, ^ . dar1"', ?*? ?1- <*.? /r '? T"-r. % <t v'.'Vt. Rj -db-jry, Bos', .rt, r.iaf'i-' Jo' ;h!''iir h'-fc %.i :- t \? *>1 Kee thj . I'i 'lie- Frovldt -.f? ?rj**4 -r AjoeH can j - jTi-i" i'r i<Vne? u . C"d y-'tnhy , ta/k <? : 1 IV ,u) W*i h-,p. Mti!!er liGwllfiir. ABnrmv Kteatnahlp rutted r''?tei He?/. Aapfn ? ml! Jc? :<>, ?t,-? KiliKdan Jur- 25 tr. Jon" t.> l.n-on Meemehip I'e'.rf-l ?, >M Ibonj.n J?a 1<, tod U-t mnd? if.h to f, ^'d. ^U 'tr^hfp Sott<li**n*? Vo-' T Oierle t a V? >T rd, 1 i' t'.QTl ft Co Ship B-keeca r. -w^c- ) '..Tef-, N?t 0 lean > U> <??, to Froat k I ?[ "ri>-d :e-i h?-avy north'?r'y j,i.Je- on the coa 't, hat rtuHaleed no damag*. Bark Annie (Br) rorcer, < ork d4 day*, rith HJ9 pia ^??nlre^l, to Arthur Le;.ry. Had ?!??? r. Ai >ktha .. n?l two blithe on the pa"?t"e Jan li otT Oeor,'n'a S}?o ila. e* 7erlene?d a I.eavy friui B to NK; -piit -aila and re ceived other ij-'aafc?. The A U b>jnd to !*?' auoah ? put in to tfiie y.ri to l?nd na??em?cr?. Hark H'lrule- 'Dan), Ahini^nn, Rio Janeiro, 50diy?, to P- h A Kub! ardt. J'ark Ftiiaheth (of Han 'iir' 'm), -troot, Bella* (Hon), K, I'.t/t. t? E Coflln. l?rk llaab, Wll-"n, V -? Cru*, J n 12, to Ilar^oua lu?k "Taint, LLX-'C, Ocina*, U X>/*, to laad k Tim Mit. Jan 1*. off Martei, MVihiy Mm* K .-Ur, from N*w OtIiim for LlrerML * 13 rig fttbarine Roger* (of PttWton), Bark, AtUk?pM, S6 day*, Ui HUko .V l.v man. Jan 33, lat 90, Ion TO, during ? hrirj gnle, kwt deA lead of mtlMNii, utovr boat, water ca.-ks and bulwark*; split aails, and ha* toft everything moveable off deok. Ha* experienced very heavy weather during iW |?. age. ui.d ha* been 14 day-. N" of Hatteraa S,-hr Village itolle, Corning, l"ara, I)ec 31. to II K Cor ning. Jau 'JO lat S'- VJ> Ion 60 apefce brig Klleo 3 d?y? from Baltimore for l*guayra, 21st, Ut 33 10, lou 69 IS, u* bark llniriet France*. at>?ring KNK (from Charle-tou for Liverpool. Tie V B bud never? weather on the coast ; lo-t sails, sprung i-j-ars, &o. Sehi Oregon (of Booth bay), I^hwih, Gonalte*. 2- day*, to is-eker ? Grave*. Jau ill, off C?|ie lookout, experi enced a severe gale t row H. , lo-t part of deck load of log wood. h'hr Heleue, (Irlfltli, Charte-ton, 4 day t. Bohr (In f ,ict Mullock, Pow, Wilmington, NC, SO 'lay*. Fxneriereed very liad weather during the whole pa?<age; 15tn inst, off Cai*- Hatteras, fell in with a few bale- of oot ton, &uppc-e<l to Iw but a iliort time in (he water; al?o. a large quantity of lumber. Schr Mount Vernon, Mathews, Wilmington. NC, 0 days. Schr Star, Spencer, WUmiugton, NC, 6 days. r I ;hcot ,. Ii Mimkin. Wilmington, NC, b day?. Schr Chas Wright, Baldwin, Baltimore, 4 days. Schr Gilbert Green, Fendon, Georgetown, I>', 4 days. Hcli r Squire k BrotWt. Peterson, Richmond, 6 days. Schr B< ui'n. Woo.- tor, Miiabethport, NJ, 1 diy, bound tO l'OKtOII. Schr Samuel Oilman Barry, Portland, Me, 6 day*. Schr Richmond, Wright Ki'ckland, 10 days. Sclir Columbian (lighter), from the wreck oi shiji C Grinncll, ashore at -i|uan. Steamcr I H-laware, Seymour Philadelphia, 28 hours, to 0 B -asfonl. ReiK>rts the IXdaware as being very much ob 'ri.cti-tl with ice, which had driven a bark ashore abreast of Bombay llook light steamer Petrel, i:o,ers, Providence, 2 days. BELOW. Ship J 7s, 7<*it'ga, fitmi Antwerp, Nov 1?, via Bermuda, to Zerega & Co. Also, thiee ships, unknown. 8.\rLFJ>. .*?*??? m- hips Benjamin Franklin, Mathews, New Or laaoa; Union, A4MU, Charleston; Dotidt, W.iodhull, Savannah, Bismoke, CatWidy Norfolk At Richmond; ships Staroi tli> i ui< u (clipper). Willis, San Frauclsco, Consti tution (packet), Britton, Liverpool; Underwriter, Ship lev. ilo; bark Gov Brim, Hallo tt, NOrkan-. Wind at aun-et, WSW. Tlie picket shi) Underwriter, Shipley, for IJrerpool, niivtoredaV the ^W Spit, on Saturday aft< moon. Herald illariue Cwrrrapoiidenc?. Kisi. vmv, Ja, Jan 22. Arrivfd ? Jen 7, -chrJ M'Nab (Br), Mozor, Halifax, (and nld 20th for Philadelphia) ; bth. brig Harriet Aon, Tay lor, NOrltnus; iOth schr Greyhound, Johnson, Boco del 'loro istjJ sM 1 t h for Navy Bay); lltli, steamor C-jnway (Br), lawyer, .^avnnnah; 18tli, brig Alvaro, Gould, Balti more; 22(f, brigs Clemens Augusia, Witrock, and St Law rvure, M'Dougall. Baltimoro; Dethmarr (Brem), llavlg harot, 1 hiladelpliia; Menmer Georgia. Porter, Navy Bay. Al-o aid Mb, brigs Voyager, Wood, Cu'ia, 0th, Mvrn, Hall, do. 11th, Hanger, Puynter, do; t^iota Bragdon, N Oilcan .; 15th, Nurify, Lawrfnce. Catvi; ltlth, Hvrriet Ann, Taylor, do il>th". ,?-chr Greyhound, Johnson, Navy Bay. Ait ?.t I'aimoutli .if,th, britf Oloron, Pondleton, Frank fort. Me; M-hr Anna Hints, Case, Hultiinore. Arr at Montego Boy i!0tli, brig Crawford, Nerton, Balti more and Norfolk Arr at Savanna la Mar loth, schr Sonora, Hufliugtea, Baltimore. Sid 16th, brig Onward, ''Banks," Cuba. Bark Clin ton in Wright (of Baltimore), Kaftle. from Bio Janeiro, oat .';S days, boutifl to ISOrleanu, all well, paused 1'alniouth ltfth inst. St GaonfiK's, Bermuda, Jan 26. I.'ask Zonobia, Kane, from Mobile for Providence, W, ont 20 'lay s, put into this port on the 12th Inst, leaky, and with loss of aaiU, spar.-, and rigging. The hull is so strained as to be irreparable, and the cargo goes forward in r< few days by brigs Zoara and Kossuth. Schr Georgians, Wilson, of Cohas*H, sails the flr-t chance of wind, with a part of the Majestic '? cargo, for Boat on. Schr Busker, of Halifax, N3, from Jamaica for Plilla delpliia. canie in on the 22d inst, with loss of sails. Schr Lucy & Marv, of Bopton, now at Hamilton, is re lit^ing, and will he i%tuiy for sea in six or eight days. Phtu4dibpbu. Jan 29 ? 4 P 1 L Arrivfd ? Schr Mary Patterson, Batoman, NYork. Hoared ? Bark Hm, Taylor, Boatou; brig Canton, Tro wel), I-aguayra. Mltcellatieoiu. #c' See correspondence. Mnp Sovrwao.x of xhs Ska., during her stay at San Vranci co, had an accident which, the San Francisco Shipping lit says, might have been attended with serious con-wjuenros, ? nd on going out of the harbor 22d. sho came near being lost. IHtring the gale on the night of the ltlth, rhe dragged her anchors and went foul of the hartc Olranto, carrying a?ay the bark's cathoads, martin gale, fore and main toj uiasta un l jibb' Om, staving her hulwarks and cutting her hoivs. The only injury the ship xeceivcd was the loss of the spanker boom. On" the 2&1 the fc*ru reign of the Seas started to lc ive the Uarbor, in tow of the cteain tug licsolute The -teamer, ho vever, bad net power enough to tow the ship againat the ebb t and tdie very narrowly escaped running foul of the bulk. Sail va- gut upon her, when she at once outsailed the trig, which, ac.-ordingly, was soon discharged. In beating through the Narrows, between Fort Point and Black i'oilit, the ship missed stays, and came between two currents, which carried her stein on to the sand. Tho anchor was imc;i dialely lei go to proyfut her goin*r broad.-, .de on, and, fort'inat-lv, there lieing but little wind an>l no * a, at t)w end of about two hour- and a half after the vessel grounded, the pilot found the chain sluck. when a keri^e n ni hot wa> immediately run out, to which she was got off without injury, and returned to port, where | she r niained until she tinally sailed on the 2ud, Si:rr Nath'l Kim&ul, of Gatdiner. from NOrleans for ? IJverpool, before reported a-hore near Sand Key, wont aahoie 16th. S<j AM, wind SW, fresh, with a h^ary sea j running, and bilged almost immediately; her masta "were ! cut aw ay 'o prex-nt her doing in pieces, as she thumped j heavily. At daylight the wreckers went to her assist- I auce, bnt no cai^o could b< taken out until the 19th, on { account of the heavy *ea. 1,0 ")0 b;il?s of cotton liave been | saved dry. and stored, the n rmlnder is damaged and will I be -old. 'Ilie w-=el was 283 tons, and valued at $18,000. Bk mn- Ll'T, from Mobilo for I.ivf .pool, with 3.200 bales cotton, before reporte<l, went a-hor? on I/?o Key, night oi' 1 7th , and drove high and dry up iu the sand. Slie was giveu in ebarRe of wTecktrrs. who tiad taken out 1,700 bales, anil stored thorn; would liave to tnke out the greater pait of the romaindt r l>efore she could be got oQ'. Ib r cargo v as valued at $146 000. Sht Matui>a, at S-.n Francisco Ih-c 2.', from Work, \r?s off Cape liorn 23 daji, with continual westerly gale<; sprung tl'C liiad of the foremast, lost head rails, split sails, Ac. Bsi k y A r.vKi^T'? cargo, wreckcl near Key West, li .s bet n apprai i 'i ; the dry wah vaJnnd al $23,000; the wet wa,. solo at au' ii' n lor $6, of''-1. Her hull was sold 17th fur i ii>tx (itotinK has not yet Iwen de creed :it Key w< '?t on tbla veaael: ho ha < liecri appraised ' at >7,6M); cargo at sC7,400. HLu wcs reloading at Last i accounts. 1 Bbio Ht.tty nrvnMouos. At wood. of Wilmington, NT, from Bangor, 5le, for Guana lour*. experienced a gale of i w irt-l from tbe W from 10tli to '11A dee, on 10th, while lying to under balance re ofed main ail and main sta v -all, a ? a boarded her forwsird. c.irryiDgaway cutwater, sprung l>o-w-.f j it. knocked off forecastle gangway, the s<vi tlllin.; b?r a* last a-< possible; kept her belore the wind, whe-u the pea bearded b r orer the stern; stove in after cart of house, filled cabin with water, and wa-hing away all pro vlaiOLH, w ater, clothing, quadrants, charts, log'xiok; in lit teen >r mut'-*. she filluri and Ik. nine waterlogged; while charing the deck load, t >ie -ca made a clear broach over, wa I. nf overboard one of ?h? crew named Win Taylor, of Bangor. who van lost; the vessel ?as cleared of her ' dm li 1. u 1 and kept before ihe wind un'il tha Ulat, when he li it< 'i < n her beaniewl*, but righted on cutting away , foritniet. Hie cr<?w had remain*- 1 on top of the houf" for three days and s>-v*n hours. with nothing to Mt or | <iiii 1>, wl ? n ?liey werc^fallen in vith. on morning of '2'2d, by the British brig Victoria. Mor^ wi, master, from Ilili fax for .-jiDt John* I'orto Riro: utid after great dlfflcalty, an'! at;r:?'nt i i.-k of lo-ingbis bout at,. I her crew, ?* ho i Tr,luBt?t*ied ^ii go, 'apt M sncceededln saving Capt At ho<?I nr.d his wii-. ph S At wood mat' Henry Kendall ecord rout", ? ltuuel Graves, toward, Jam** KMer, John ? ar. 1 Wm i mctt, -? auien, by taking them o:f two i by tn'j. Ihe I s Consul tuok charge of the wrecked p*r i . uu: .a I provide.! for them. t ij ? At'-rood and wi'" ur , ri tdbi 'n tin. -te.nuer fetit-1. i } in Iaj&:)-a\ \ which called fro*n fa a Frauel-oo for i'' .ft'- ?-??? n?l in . ? to uiptiT* ? t<? the Columbia river I for a liar'n.r, anchored on the baron the 13th Dec. owing i toai< ',v?. i running a' the time, she vrtu obliged U> -lip j ? and - as ilriv ii :t horo high iudTry on : i Lit < j* ch. \? 1 1 a total los . crow and paaaengwn j >avtd. Biw J CiMT, at San l*r ?n*i x.o Dee 38, 8 days from I'u et iti'l ii j i r". ? going into that port an RnglUh ; stealer tr' in t)< en Chariot'. '? island, withOapt Ronoojr ?>tid cr? v, of Auvilean tchi ;->u"iu ''urgiii, which wa '.?k*:. j 1m i :'!? red : ?i burnt by the Indians, -uae time i -inc. ? < eapuiin aod cr- . taken pri*oner<, bat were bought by th" Jlud^xi Ha < < o. Ix- IT at night, Cijie t tr 'terv lieai, tig- H' si) W'b u-r .01 .N'e a ilauipi-nira, a ? .?) iti'i on lioard tlie ? al>ot, fe'l ovwrboard ami was dt i * i .?1 i ?..-?In. at U ?? V tl ? tirie. ,.nt ?cj.^:i^g ,ndtr i! .bio recfeU f'.r |.-.p all and iter J for til it Lm po>eiM to avr hiia. 1 kjo Afjiit , llol ;n/i fi.rm for Boxtfta, ar rived a' ,vt ' 'org" B? rtnti'la !^th in f in ?listr*?a. !uiv tr ericoi.iti'i<.-?l v< i . t- ru|??-'uoua we.ither lor acveral i ?!? ? ."ring wh cl. ' t -ail*. and everything off < ? it. M'. r b ? N >t the ' uif " renbi eom|MiUe<l to '? i" i : | for l> ? rni'i* lor tl, ?? safetv of all on board, who hrd nn b iatlng onthe eargo for about a m nth. \ 'urn ? ??-.!? nd :nat<- ludfoor '.aiuraot the M. :tno hon e in ti e >*n I -t el. Lb 1 1 Ai tiji ? l.tAKT .?? Atvloni d en the > -. f,-<Mn S'. ( ofiitii^- for Hoe ton i5th Sit ?s towe?l Into f an'a Ijiht, 1 11 inlbs to the of the ' aynvni. abt the Jth Nov last. tea ?w I'liZ*. of NHedferd, 1? for' rep<?r!AL rernUnc ' it atKfy We t -Jd In,- f and wotld not -.-ill hnt l tlie s^.^re tary of the Tr ?..?usury lorwacbi the wrick' r* hxtrn KcUHcm Le/ton, at NH-ylford from Krederl' iot bur^. K'? e*p*rienc'-d ever* wr#th*r on the tM?,sage, jud pu'. into Norfolk 10th inst, Ir, ii-'r^ 4, with loss of s;U. spar*, and leaking About 2,000 bBfths-U corn, found to V' 'nma^td, waa aoM at Norf'lK. ^ intCntnii, Doirden, halk-i fr"Ti San Vraael for H' Trt/ NTov 10. r!he e ptrlenced a nureession of hea%y <sb?, And ?ns thrown n b?r bft>tn<ii<L?. when (aptJv.vlen bora up for Kan Krutko, af^r ?t <*?* '.'/I '' ? s- ; h- arri.wl at ^uc-lito on the ai/hf r.f the iLit, ?nd ' up to th* city on th" 23d. p'tm luyfvr from Hi/abethport with a cargo of rail road .rrn, l? ind to an fAatern uort, wi?nt asliore yeater day afiern?>"u on ilobbia'a Ib*t', will probably b<' got oil at high water. Hc-natf* Ci.Aigt, Burton from Indian River, with 'orn, U>t.nd for NYork, was run in'o on W'sloe-'Uy night, wliil- i?? .ar.hor off fig l!arl>or by the aehr Commander In f^iie' diet in about '"n minutes after the collision she atink. A1! h.ini!e *er^ (Jl(| tuken to Ij*we4 llr*ak vstcr Tl.e CoviBiaador iu 'bief sustain d but very little Injury. Notice to Mariner*. Tl.i fpani-h govPirnn?n' h.ivn denlded to ereit two Ughthmre*, oi-t oa N"* r '"?* fa?lr* sn 1 another on f? Ul? ."af??: ja E tj. Af L'^hta to l? about 17# fMl ttw> Io*ol of tU mitr, ul to htn FroenelPs if I paratw* of the lint (U?. The loir* part* o f tho towers art- to be mIU m moo 17, twenty one feet high, s uroso ant ed by * superstructure of oast iron ; thii la to bo h# rounded by on outer tower of wood or slate. btiiif 1 space of about four inches betwwn the two for rentUo tinit. They are to bo fini-hed and delivered to govern ment by March 1, 1864. Healed proposal* for their con struction are to bo received until April 1, IBM, at nooa. Wli?l? ?<>? 1 Id at .Sin Fianoiwii 2Htli ult, ship John It Elizabeth, llKpuian, KL to cruise. Sr< >Ki-N ? Ship Mary Ann, Hall man of FH, Dec 21, lat '?} 53 N. Ivn 10 1$ K, with 1400 nil. 200 up. Pec 31, lat 17 56 S, klon 36 26 W, Archer, Macomber, from NBeoi'ord Oct 5, for Pacific, clean. Spoken. Ship Prince de Joinvllle, from San Francisco for Rio Jnnei'o and NYork, Nov 14, lat 1 N, Ion 106 W. Ship Panube, Chase, from NYork Nov 13, for .Han Fran cisco, Fee 23, lat 0 S, Ion 31 69 W (and not in lat 6 N, as lias been reported). Hark Ork ?a.< not spoken Nor 20, Ut ."6 8, Ion 22 64 K. and flip is Ixiiind to Shu Francisco. not Australia. drift M V;m Buren, from N York for Jacksonville Jan 20, lat S3 06, Ion 77 10. i^ortln Porto. Anjikr ? Passed Nov 1, thip Mechanics' Own, (?>r Allen), troui Ph.anghae for N York. A-hnwau ? Arr Jan 4 tirig Elizabeth Watts, Wattd, N , York, and cldlfcttb for NOr'u an'; schr Nancy K lleagan, do, and aid 10th for do. Cld 6th, brig John Colby, St Marks; 18th, schr liroobide, Attakupas, la, (from Jacksonville, Fa.) Md 4th, briff Hylyh, NOrleans, with passengers; also fid, no date, sclir EGWillatd, Philadelphia. In port K'th, bi Igs Cosmopolite, from thii'en, with bridge material* for raihoad; Leghorn, of Boston, from , arr 17th; schr Enuna V, Perry, from Bo .on, with iuJm? for the railroad, arr 12th. Bkkmvi'A ? Arr foe 22, schr Co ??-air, Vesey, Baltimore; Siith, schr Sarah and Lucy,, l'.o-.fc- >ri for l'ortau }iin<-e. in distress, before reported; Jan 6, brigs Zoara, I arritt, NTork; Princess IVijnl (Br), Doe, do; Harp, Webber, Ivoy West for Boston : sohr Medora, Smith, Nor- 1 folk; 12th, brig Majestic, llalkins, Messina for Boston, condemned (sn Miscel); 15th. bark Mira Bars', Harvey, NYork; 18th. brig Kossuth. Allen, Georgetown, St!. At do .Ian if), bark Zenobia, Kane, from Mohilo for Pro- 1 vidence, in (arr 14th); > chr-. Georgians, Wilton, for Boston, with part of cargo of brig Majestic, con denned; Buskar (Br), from Jamaica for Philadelphia, In j dihtresc. (*ee Correspondence.) Bci.:/k ? in | < >rt abl Jan 1 J, brig Sarah Peter*, for New York 14th. Sid a few days pr^ious, brig Lauretta, for N York. CiMdStii ? Arr Jan 11. l>ri,!? Ellen Tfavden, Smith, Ha- ! vsna; 17th, bark Victory, Elletson, Philadelphia; brli/s J 1. Whipple, Gever, Wiscasset; B Young, Wooster, Bath; Mnry K Thompson, Grant, Portland ; Saban, Means, Bos ton; Grand Turk, Smith, Providence; achrs A P Howd, Eaton, Fearsport; Madeira. llariiman. Boston; 18th, barks Diligence, Hutchinson, Havana; Scott Byer, Hill, Mataa tas. Sid Jan 15. barks Cuba, Sawyer. New York ; I,i*vant, Norden, Philadelphia; brig Tangier, Oriflin, Wiimingtou, j NO; achrO W Pickering, I'mk, A| alachicoln ;17th. brigajaa Crosbv, Pendleton, Bo.-.tou; ltobecca & Francia. Bodtish, | Wilmington NC. IIavaxa ? Arr Jan 16, brig* Wavrlr, Hill, Wi>canae t; j 16th, Hibernia, Green, Portland, 21; California, Hichborn, ; NYork; Charlotte, Sparks, Pensacoia; lhth, barks Ave- J ron, KelLir, Ellsworth; St Jago. Means, Portland; brLf | Nanoleon, Window, do; schr Midas, Bauch, NOrleanS; ! 19tli. *hlp Norma, Brown, NYork; bark F-sihor Frances, Coggina, do; rclu W'm llone. Bollcg, Savannah. Sid 15th, bark Irtligence, Hutchinson, Cardenas; Vrigs Julia Moulton, Donucll, Sun (a.yctano, to load copper ore for Baltimore; Croche, Norton, Matanzaa; t'astiiian, Pinkham. Sierra Moreno; 16th an?117th. Iiark John A Tay lor, I/Hvd, NOrlcans; brigs Hy Marnhuli, West, Boston; P. B Ijiwton, Gardner, NYork;"('onte?t, Griffin, NOrleans; 10th, Henry Leeds, Uttli-john, Cardenas; 20th, bark Ber tba, .-mart, Cowes; achr Alice, I/ing, NOrlcana; 21st, brigs 1'our Son*, Corbett, Mobile; Harriet Newell. Warren, Garden**; Fimer, Potter, Cardenas, to load molasces for >Ycrk, taken up 20th at $2&0perhhd; Marine, McCril iis, Caimito, to di.?chargt> and load for Newboryport, tourhing at Havana for clearance. Chi lt>th. brigs Cardenas, Fogg, Cardenas; Abigail and Maria. Spurling. NOrleans. In port 21st. among others, ba-Va Centro Atn?rtca, (Chilan), for NYork, soon; Lyra, Bemis, dodo; Japoni ca, Gallagher, tor Philadelphia, do; William. Bailey, for Iteston. ldg; Ida de Cuba. West; Mlllaudon, Butler, and Pency, Avery, <li*g; Chilton, Penneil; Princeton, Page, Jehn Wekley. Cnrti-; F A Perley, Collins; Franklin, Cook; Mang'da, Haskell, Venus, Church, and Odd Fellow, KUiot. ?tg; brigs J Hinckley. Johuson, for Boston, ldg; Amos M Bolxirts, Colnon, ? for N\ ork, do; GulnAre, Phillips : Kate Anderson, IJnnokin; Globe, Saunders ; Isaac Carver, Clark; Lima. Wade; Ga/elie, Brader, and Mctaroora, Rogers, di^g; Rnoch Pratt, Brightman, and Cardiff, Mellvill, unc; Napoleon, Winslow, frtor cliaiter; Kate, Kadorich, ding, for NOrleans ; sclir Isaac C Ilort/., Bullock, disg. Jamaica ? See Correspondence. Kingkto .v. Ja ? In port Jan 22, steamship Georgia, for N York next day. Home Porta. BOSTON ? Arr Jan 28 brig Georgiana. Gilchrist, Savan nah. Siirnal for a bark (shows a -mall red bargee) and three herm brigs. The ship with painted ports in the offing previous evening was the Vespasian, now below Salem, tldbsri*? Medora (Br), Meniac, lJverpool; Ixxrell, Love land, Mobile; brigs Unity (Br), (not Elfeaheth), Way, Cape Good Hope; Thomas (Br), I>oheny, 8t Oomingo city; J Nickereon, Nickerson. Baltimoif. Sid sldp Carrier Pi?>*oii (in tow of the Koscue). bark Bhoring, brigs Unity, bpitbre, Meteor; schr Mau*ou, Msnson, Porto Hico. BA'I'il ? Krt Tan S4. sclirs W f Bucknani, Smith,! more; COth, Mary. Fodf n, do (had cargo of corn badly damaged) ?6th, Mary Jane, Auld, Potomac. Sid 2ith, briu E Baldwin, Cbrdenas. fALT 1 RIVWl? Arr Jen 26, >>rijf MarseHol*, Pflsbury, Ai alnehicolii. HOI.MES nol.E ? Arr Jan 26, bark Falcon (Br). Lyons, Savannah for St John, NB;brig Hecliabite, Gray, Balti more for Boston : schr Vermont, Keen, Wilmiugton, NC, for do. 27th? Arr brigs Eastern State, Gamaga, and Marcia, Ali^u. Savnnnah for Bath; schrs Frances, Ooane. Tan gier for Boston; Woleot t, Beer'. NYork for do; Mary, Smith, Frrdericksbtirg for Port'and;Van Buren, Paul, Baltimore for Bangor. Sid b?'k Falcon; brig Prs ii!e Cth ? Arr bark Corinthian, Randall, Matanzas 10th inst for Portland; brig Rescue, Stratton, Darieo for Bot>- ? ton. Sid scbrs n'ltoka, Rocky Hill, Frances. In port. 11 AM. v ind light from N, bark Corinthian, brigs Rechabite, V.ntern State. Rescue; schrs Effort (Br), Vermont, Wolcott, Marv and Van Bnren. KKY WEST? Arr Jan 17, bark 11ms E Barter, Collins, Philadelphia for Nt>rleans s|d 15th, bark Ucillia, Stark, S* Marks: schr J B Blake, NOrleans. NEW BFDFORD? Arr Jan 27, sclir Ke-Iron, Iiyton, Fie<lrrlck-burg via Norfolk : 28th. schr It 11 Smith, K>*lloy, Norfolk via NYork for Nantucket. Sid schr 0 Jones, Kellev, Norfolk. NEWBV'RYTOP.T ? Arr Jan 27, schr Fulton, Jaquas, Georgetown, PC, via Hakm. PORTLAND? Cld Jan 27, brig Hviiian. Nichols, MaUn tac; fclir I>on Nicholas, Drinkwater, Porto Rico. SAVANNAH ? Ait Jan '-ft, steamships Alabama, I.u i low, NYork; I abel, Rollius, Havana via Key West. Cld brig M fc J C Gilmore. Har<ling. Boston. SAT. EM ? Below Jan 27, ship Vespaclan, Hiwe, from Ac cri, W cou-t of Africa, N>>v 20. via Gloucester. TAI NTON ? Sid Jan 26, iclir C R Vickery, nortan, Norfolk via York river. PaiwngPK Arrived. A/pi.nwaix? Steamship United Statu* ? Mr K Dunn, The* Hunt uud unanl, Capt Yannett, ( apt Hunter, Mr L'ail. lir F'nnk, Mr Bailhache, Mr and Mr* Yerado and daughter, Mr .-ton", CW K Perkins. A M Ilinskley, C B Ferrin, Mr IM*(U, Mr Flint, Mr Hint. Mr liig.rbv, Mr Carlton. K C Do Ca.sta. Mr Hamuels, Jno Gardner. JuoU AqnUu, Hy Hinaim, F f 8aUa>. Ja- Mack, Mr Maban, Mr I cnn. W F White, Cyril* Hasu, W Ca ??, G 8 Hubbard. Mr Thuwr. G S (.tat-by, Mo?s Byn ? Thos Orr, Mr George, K O Hand, .1 Bailey, 1> Hardy. C M Buldwin, E I.ongly, II I < vbln, Joccph ('buiUr*, N Oti M Darllni? , E Plimpton (? Wells Jarni -.Smith, M Wick man, FC Cake, S M Val lard, .lohn Weeks, -amuel Nixon, Mi Moorman, F. Cann, K Dibble, J C Collin*, Messrs Mel rid, McCarty, Forbes, Ryan. Seubarv. Johnson, W I' Beaeh, .1 Gillei, P, Mr Shaw, W I. Uran Gld Hammond, Thomas Lewis I. Ubby, Mr Piinn, W P Wing te, 1' M'Gammoni, I. M'Gammonr, S R Bra ley, J M MBit, J Bradley, Mr 8?alkj\v, J S ILmkins, C Fairbanks, Wm Davis, Mr Tai nt r. L 1. I avis, i' L Randall Robert NH;>n, E A Gorwin, Jno Gaw ney, Mr Noble, K Kin^, TFC-ollinn, Mr Logar, (? W 1'irries, Mr l orbf", Mr Trainer, Mr Bailey, A Roun-o rill.:, 8 Wbeelock, F Henry, J I. Jones, Mr Miller, CB Smith. Wm Brown, Wm Filch, A Hull, ilr .lolinson, 1'L Packard, M HafTron. St Tbomah A.yn Bk .hH'Tia ? Steamship Petrel ? From St Thomas: ? CantG II Atwood ind lady, of brig lietty Him tingdon, lost at wa; ('apt J A Mltcn<ll, lute of steamer Air< r Mr., I.r.ui-a Wcaier. I; 'vlcr H flay, Herman AU1, V: len'tine B? rgani, Win Baker, Jacob Smith. From Permnda ? Coyle. o rid mat* and four ?ea men, of brlir Majestic. condemned at Bermuda. SHIITIAW. (' 1 1 .1 ! I (> R ? HIP SWOUBFI.-ll. C UT CHAS. COI.IJ.V3, J at pier 5 Noi th i iver, has now neutly all of lier cargo on Ward Shippers will j>Ien?o have their shipment* ?VTiiflet??l '?fore Thnr^dn i ?o*t, ?Jd in\t. A fotv tona light freight dm bo taken if on board before that tlmo. This len<1id clipper l>erfornied her Toy age to Han F'rnncUco in ninety days, and will un^uetliouahlj land h'? Cargo ?t th'.- earlier,! po-;!ble day. SlTTON V <X> , St Willi ?tr-et Tj^OP. S'T.W <?R1 EAN1 ? THE M"W AND 8P1 KNDID r '.im r H l.U"-d\, Sturgeon, master, will leave J^uieville, Kentucky, lor the :i'sno and intermediate ports, on Sunday, trie fith of February, at 10 o'clock A. M. State i ecim* ran be ' re bv applying to GEO'. JFNNISON or G W). G. MOORE, Agents, U?0 Hr New York. 1JK>R NORFOLK PKiKUfflCie ami R1CHM0KD.? ; Ihe I'nltfd Stites ;eail sUiimsliip ROANOKE, E. < avendy, cc-mmaitdor, will l?a\e pier lo North rivor, on Kktur'Iay. February 6th, at .'I o'eloti 1". M. For freight, apply on board, and for puesapre ;o I IDLAM A I'l J A.- ANTM, H,'l Front street. F( v mew t'lti.F^NS, DIRBCT TMi: s> W DOUBIX engine st?arn)iip RKNJAHIV FRANKJ.I.V, N. Matthena, enmmander, will leate pi?r H faxl river, for the above port <llrect. on l-'atnrday. Jan. U9. at two o'clock P.M. The ship h*a elegant accommixlation* for passen gor?.$* in cabin, *tat* tor>m, $<50; p?**ag? in steerair-. . % '.!>. Freight Oi measurement goc<U, 25 centa per enMc foot Shippers are r<yjne<.ted to atipply them telv"* with thl.i atcani'-r'a for.n of bilU of lading, as no others w ill b* signed. They may tie had on application, at the office of the agent*, am) will be signed at the oltiea C'or to the day of railing, wh"n tbBy will be signed on ard. No freight recelvd, and ponitlraly no bitla of lad in# nlgned, after t'.relve o'clock on ti e day of sailing. For freight or pasaage apply on board; or to K U.VOOI N k Co,, 120 I'earl street. Agent* !n New Orleans, Mmr-u Marka ft Thomas, No. 4 Poydras street. IjWR fAVANNAH ? UNITED STATKH HAIL LOT. - Ktijerlor steamship ALABAMA, C. D f.udlnw, Cap tain, on Saturday fitb February, at 3 o'clock P. II , from pier No. 4 North river. Applr to HAMUKf, L MTTCfHLL, 1!?? Front atr?ct. The Fir rida Captain M. 8. Woodhnil, rm Saturday, Febrnary J2. For speed, strength, acnoni modsiiraa tAi ?<"?, me se "..if, bun a? ia '.lie "T1ARK REDCTCM) TO IBS WTOT INDIA BUNM ltm X C'liagren.? By the British royal mall - (x>NWAY, (*pt hiwyer, 860 tons bird* ?*??uhlp This steamship U designed to Mil from Savannah Oeoivia, on tho 4th of Januar y, 3rd of February, 6th or Msrch, 3rd of April, and 4tb of May, for Chagres, touch ItMtathaaau, N. P., Inagua. (with the Turk* I .Uad malls.) ana Jama lot. She will be duo at Ohacres on the 14tn of each month and return on the 18th, by wmn rout?, 4(. Saviinnah. ' ' ii ^ i*1'" iervico oontemplat?s arrangements only for a limited number of Passengers, peruana who dojire to avoid crowd. >d boat* will find the route a dmlrable one; w ? i" ji 'V' . w'10 w'rtl1 to spend the winter among the West India, Islands, may Ond comjyanoe in the company's 'w'cn a month, between Jamaica and tne fol lowing |?orts, in addition to tlio.^e named above - Antigua, fluadaloupe, Ht. Kittw, HwbadcxM, Ha, ana, Ht. I.uoia, UrHioon Honduras, Ht. Thorn M, nirUia^iut, Jncmel. Ft. Vlncoiit Martinique, HantA Martki, IVrniinioa, Montserrat, 'I^mptoo .raned-t, NevU, ' Tobago Grey fo? n, Porto Rico, Trinidad. vera ( ri'.a, tiik i'atth of iwuhauh ah* trorn 4-itvnr.niih to Nassau , ^ ?>, f0- do. luagiuv At Vo do. Jamaica ?i Ito. do. I'liagrcs *?!*!"! Til , , . (includiuget^rard'sfM. ) and in proportion to tlio other islands. rates'0 pans^ugora takon at oae hnir the above PuiP car/lea an experienced surgeon. Freisrhtand, Alabama, U' & WiHl ,tom' L- Agent, lttl Fulton street, S. V. F?^?m''I>^'Iu~TI,K OWTISH STEAMSHIP ANDES 1,400 ton.-), Hobert Uutchlugs, commander will *ali whi \"u *,0D,J?.T| the 7lh February. Frekrht *Ul be tuteu at uiOiWaU: rati*. p. Cl/NARP ?a. Ko- 4 Bowling Groea. 11HE UVERIVKjI, Alii, Pim .A DEI i 'HI A~ 8TKA MSHIP Company inUnd sailing the favorite sU-aa?ilub-i? llWoffll ?BOK MULAUHIPHIA t'itv of >i fSIfL* Thursday, Fob. 3, 1S&3. City of t Theater Thur?U> Mar. 8 18^ City of Glasgow Thursday.' Mar 31, 18M. rv. . MVKHPOOL. r\Z m Wednesday ,^u. &, 1HC$ gfc $ M*^ester Weduesd*/,' leb J, lHti3 Ci'i i Wfcdnestlujr M\r 2, 1848 City of ?he>ter . Wednesday. Mar 30, lft03 a . .??KATKS OF PASSAGK. a &}, (f cording to state room.-:.) um^?r third class pa?sorvrtn u^li bo t^en, and found with comfortably cookod provision*, for t0 pl0n.10"' I >30 from Liverpool eerf^w? V ? bnn,f ont tholr fri?ods. c^.n obtivie rimXl^lT1 rntl draft" on of Ireland, {" / f\'. ?1 sterlinpf upward#. Hand bills cna b* ^rv^pW WCHABDSON. a?.ut. No. 41 QTFaii Bi.Tvm.-y new york and olasgow.? the r?tl!n /Url -V' ?U/Ch 26> ftt 12 o'clock, at noon. First cabin (saloon state rooms) $90; do. do (midship do ) ft 75 JMond abin $6?; third class $20_.ste lard's fees faclu' ded^Apply to j. McSVMOV, 33 Broad wry. FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVRE -TIIK UNITED Suites mail stean)"hip FRANKI.IN J A Wnttnn commander, will leave for Havre, touching at Sou ? hamp. l^ ?t1o?' i ,e 'i1* P8l"ionS??- on Hntuniav KeC. MsiU" *iaT"'i m *r N??- 4' North riTer lJrice of ; ,jUS?RKe Dot wanted during the vovaire a^1 on ^. the day before s.-vmUg, nlrk^d ^0 w.chandihe wiU be received on board MOKITMuf ' I I vbT Wr ?TV^-r 'rei?ht or Pa^-ugo applv to gyRITMER IJVINGbTON. Ajtent, No. 63 BroadVa>. r;PF.PKNl)ENT UVE. ? THROUGH Tina^FORCAU forma via Aspuawnlland I*anuma.? Tho newand si-Ie-i aiQ bteumsh p INCLE SAM, 2,000 tons, W. A. MiUs, oom mantier, wjll jeave New ^ ork for AspinwaU on Satur b, v February lDth. ut C o'clock P. M.t precisol; , Vom pi^ ^ rheP?rf*na?nces of this steamer ou her tir?t and secot 1 voyages, wsrrants the assurance thst the ous stne^rs will reach Aspinvall in from seven to eiirht davn wiU connect with the new and spien.lfd stesm' ?. 000 tons, J. D. Wil^n, <Zn^nTr" which mil be in readiness at Panama to receive th?* ma' wngers of the Uncle Sam, and sail immediately for Haii Francisco. These steamships are both new. and of the En ii ' 8S 10 accom'aodati(>n, speed and venti Thi S:* ,?eTi,arKe nnsur^nMCd b7any vessel on the rouU. The tables u ill be supplied in the most liberal manner 1"^ c^in an<{ steerage pataengers. Every eiertioa will bo made, on the part of the offloors and owners toin ed'at'the m hlT "nd.oom,fJ>rt- Passengers wiU be Land Vr AspiawaU' and take the Panama Rail SteejaPiff fc ?S , fn^h acc?wdance with the new law of ConnLs foMhe accommodation of the public. ?Wrebs, UNITO) KTATra MAIL 3TEAMSHIP COMl'AVY CON wincT'?{,n? Wuh tl'.? !>acific ?W1 Steamship Companv W" 'ir. F ' s tnss ^ .J&issai-jr sSa engine Lnited vStateb mail steambnip GKOfUil v T ood ?/ n from piei at foot of Warren str^t^lh'' .precu^. Brat Mtta StMl^"biP tompBny hi. fWk-cn nia^niflt..Qt n^xssss ?" S^^iWsSfwt'aS1? taortii ?rf r^r"J i.t, (lie p?M of tit companies to Jn* Ladies' taloon, state room Lower aft and forward saloon, do 7? Hecond cabin jtandee<) * Steerage [ *?"> IntoT M llr fl0m ^nii tV ' 35 In sccond do fciceraffe ^ WHIraCT, at the oOlce of the ceuirxiniui 177 street, comer cf Warren street. f ' 177 Wrst PASSAGE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ? CAIJFORNIA I.IVK. ?The copper packet ship NEW YORK, now loud ing at pier 11, North river, has unequalled accomm'sla ticn- for fir.t un<k second cabin passenger.!, fur which earl/ application mnjtV made. AlJW.1,1. & KLLIOT, 140 Pearl street. 1 THROUGH TO SAN FRANCISCO.? VANDEP.I1II.T LINK ? Tli* \ecessor; y Transit <~o. (of Nicaragua) propria t'.r*. For California, by way of Nicaragua. Nu deten tion oi the Isthmus. Through in advance of the mail. Only lice giving tieketi for crosaing the I.<thmu*. Th? new, double engine steamship STAR OF THE WEST, 2.200 tons, K. I. Tinl lepauih. commander, v ill lerue Now Tork forSari Juan del Norte, from pi c-r No. 2 North river, oa Saturday, February &, at .'{ o'clock I'. M., precisely, con necting eith the powot 'nluud popular steam-hip PACIFIC, on the Nicaragua i'rnn.'it route, having but twelve milus of bind carriage. These steamers are unsurpassed in their ventilation and accommodation*. For information or passage, at t) e lowest rates, apply only at the agency of the c mpany, No. 9 Battorv f ?ee, up stairs. C. VANDERBILT, Agent. A mai1. hag is made up at the above office, under the new l/uited .statea postage law, for thocoine'iienco ot the public. I'n ?encers are eanUori?d against ihe repre-en tations of hired runners of other llnea. N'on - iuc em ployed for this line. Ship sirocco, fc k saw francisco.? this hk.icti ful pliip . ill ? all in a fow days, and has splendid ue commo latfo- i for passenger*. Shippers vrill i loa^e hare all their frvi^ht on board this week. J. H. OAKFORP, MWaHitreet. SlflP " M!JRF.? fij i rK HICA. ? MR. DOVAI.O MclC W'H now clipper will tc at her berth, pier 27 ICast rher. on Te.evliy, F bruarj 2. Competent judges beilevo that the Fmprcss can make the passage to Son Franoi?ei> in a hborier time tlmn any suiting sliip in the world. For freight, apply to J. S. OAjCFORD, v> WiUl street. Australian steamiiip company ?for port l hlllp, Melbourne and Sydney. Australia. ? The mag niticent D' w steamship GOLDEN AGE, 3,000ten bwrt hen, ? ? , comma ndar, will be di patched for the aho\o porta oa or about the l&th April. TbU steamship is of tb" and strength aud in every way equal to th" Col lins itn. ol steamers. nridis believed will prove to beth* fn-t-K| .unship in {he world. Her accommodation* for tlri*1, - corvd an I third class passengers are superior to any iti-runer ever built. For freight or i as sage, ay ply to J. HOWARD k SON, Agn ntd, 34 Itroaiway. Am R VI l.A-FOa' SYDNT.V, 10BJK UR.VF. OR PORT Pliili1!'. ? ,Vo detention after tho day ?pecitle<l for do pdr'nr^. fhe A 1 cllpp<rr bark PEYTON A, Ijing at pier N " lo l?tt rirer, is rcceii ing pasfenffTs for the above porta. Parties de trous of securing the best nceommoda tion, v lth rapilityof paM.iage, are reiiuentid to inspect her The pi Weus perfi> mance? of this \es >1 warrant the ?ief h rp? afro will be effected in eiflhtv days. H%i take? an eij^rfenccii .mrgron, and every ex' i tion ? 111 b?" madfl to stc'jrf comfer . and Mtisfaction for h?r pas fenr/ r*. For fi 'Kf^ht or "ins^ape, apply to ANT".V!(i PEl IJniKK, 09 Wall atrtH; or ttAblUDOi. U VALKVriNF, 1<S8 Hojth street. A USTRAIIA? PIONEER LINK 01 MONTHLY PACK ets. ? Tho FI PHR.V-JA, Captain Aaimi f-mlth, L-, now ^t her beTth, pier 1'^, East rirer, aud will sail on the lfith of February, tt < tL.e seventh ship of tUU wll e,tab llshed lino. Tho Euphrasia will b" fitted up and pro visioned in the tam* manner as the ships th?t hare pre ceded her in this line. A surgeon and proper attendant* provided free of charge to passenger*. A romltUiiOC of one third will p"Ch -e a pn .?age. Apply to JOHN OCI'KV or B. W CAMERON, li? Wafi Htreet. ACSITALIV FAfTCCT? FOlfT YKK-1I THF. El.B Rant clipj r FAOLK, now all ready for sea, can ac eommodate a f<? \ p\o re passenfrem, If application hi imme diately ma le to 13AAC T. SMITH, Consiuueo, 101 V.'all streot, corner of Front. IIOR HA VaNNAB? THF NEW AND KI'LT-NOID 1 wh? -I st?amshin STATE (?F OROROIA, CapUIn W. t ol'lna, carrying the United states mall, will l?avo PhiU deiphia for Iravsnnah, on Vv dne?day, the 2d i f Ki lirnary, at t'-n o'clock, A. M , from the wharf, above V <? itreet. In sj cod arid strength, and in cv?ry arrangem"nt for tho ? comfort nod oonvenienoe of passengers, tnlq niilp U un surjiat-sed. Van from New York or ri\llad< Iphla, 926; sl?iri.(re t9 The Slata of Georgia leaves a.l shove every alternate W-^lne."!*/. Agent#, In rblbwMphia, Heron L K- 1 'in, >'<?. t'OiUi IV'uu.W, ia SbiTfca.Ji\C. A. L. Uuuac. > V w kA^VWWVWWN^^i TMR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT? TUB VKW D 00 It LI x engine steamship WI1J.1AM PSNH, W. Hears, eea msndor, will leave pier ft East river, ?>? Tuesday, Mrir try 8, at 2 o'clock P.M. Thli ship h?i elegant acc m uiodatiin for | as^n^ere. I'a/ifaKe In oab'a ?Uto-rtML $e0; pacaage in ateerage, ??. Freight on meafuremtol goods, 26c. per cubic foot. Shipper* in niimiM to uupply Ihi'DiMthM with tli? ?i#.ira(r'i blla of hdia|, M do otner form will bo aigricd. They may be had on ap /M cation at the oflioe of the <gents, and will be aigaeaat the offloe prior to the Jay of sailing, when they will to aipied on board. No freight receln-d, an I positively a* bills of lading Mgnod after 1*2 o'clock on the day of Hail ing. For freight or parage, apply on board, or to & LINCOLN 4 00., liiO I'oarl street. Agents in New Or leans, Me<*,rs. MARKS & THOMAS, No. 4 Poyiirju street. ^ ^MRDICAJ*. DK JOHNSON, 16 Dl!A>K i-STRKBT. OFFICE UOUHi from 7 A. M. to 0 P. M. Sundays, from 7 to half pant 10 A M. ami from fi to 8 1*- M. TTYGLASTfK A. ? A 8PEEDY A Nil CLRTAIN CURE VCK 11 ncural^a tic doloreux, toothache, nervous licndaohe, and rheuciati ra in the hriut, unit a aure preventive a C cobviiNiiXM, or any other coiuplalnla attendant upoa early childhood daring the period of tea thing ha# bee* discovered, and la now bein;? successfully administered la the fom. of a incd!c?ttrd uueklnoo, to be worn next the tkin by the patient. An eminent I lot man phyalclan 4ia eovi ml the virtues of the valuable medicines of whieh the beads of the necklace art* made, and prescribed Ik* mode or application The nollro or the public U oot, therefore, oiled to a quack medicine, but to a medic* mcnt recommended by one of the most eminent of the faonlty, a* peculiarly powerful in acting through the pores of the hkin directy u[ an the due# -Kid or oxaltod nerves, affording, generally, instant, and always perm* nent relief, and fffoctbir a" permanent oure. Patients tfaq, at twenty -four hour." tr'ii of the medicated necklace, cording to prescription, find no relief, may, at tlieolese of that |iftiiod, by anroed'ately returning the mime, reoAva bark their money. isCilUFFNER & MULDKNHft. Tsnmoirtr. ? I?do hereby certify that the composition ft the niedieatod necUaco oSTi rid by Schutfner h Muldener. i? of Buch a nature as to unfailingly produce the uou atlsfaotory results. O. BKAUNL1CII, M. D., No. "80 llonry street. Urooklym. For hale by the proprietor!, No. 4 William sti rico $1 . KELLINO.ER'S REMEDIES ARB CERTAIN TO CURB^ no matter vhit tt.o disease or weakness, with either nex. The refined family liniment, 91 each; hit remedy for preventing nen sickness $1 each. His magic fluid has re stored the hair when bald twenty-live years ? it never fails ? $1 each. His new- medical charm will cure heaves, sores, cut", nnd bruises, and work the horse dailf, 91 each. Ilie old liniment, that has been used by Hi ran Woodruff and all the best horse men in the United Slates, (60 centd, or 94a dozen,) continues to delight nnd astea i?h them. Depot, 2110 Peal street, Now York city, Inger Bol k Co., and 470 Broadway, and of almost evorr star* and druggist throughout the city and country. N. B.? ? The l)r. 'h t-yTup, or Renovating Cordial, la the raogt de lightful and strengthening remedy ever offered to the public. It not only cures and delights the Hick, but it seems to act like magic In rejuvinating the aged. Fall and clear directions with cach remedy. DP.. COBBFTT, 10 DUANE l-TRWT, BETWEEN CHAT ham and William, and directly opposite Chatham. Oflico hour? from 7 A. M. to 0 P. M. DR. COOPER, NO 14 DUANE STKKET, ltb'FWEHf Chatham and William. Office hours, from T A.M. to 9 P. M. Sundays, from 7 to 10 A. M., and from 8 to 8 P. M. DR WARD'S ? OFFICE IN CANAL STUEET, OMR door from Broadway, up stairs. Hours, KA. M. Ml P. M.: Sundays, from 10 A. M. till 12 M., and from 0 UH 7 in the evening. AVALUARIJC DISCOVERY.? PIRTH MARKS, TUMORS^ polypus, ficirrhus cancers, moles, and all exere i.censes rvmoved from the face or body, by painless exter nal application. The subscribers would respectfully as sure all persons disfigured by any excrescence on the faM or body, that they can remove them by the simple external application of their remedy, without the least pain or in convenience. They invite all persons interested to oallai their office and examine" testimonial* from tho?e who haw been relieved. This discovery is not an experiment. Wa can show incontestable proofs of having done all w? sr. HARVKY & WAIiLAC*, 102 Seeond avenue, corner of Twelfth street. PROFEi-fiOR MORSE'S INVIOORAILVO EIJXIR, OR cordiiil TUB EICHTH WONDKR Or THK BOTANIC WORLD. CUKK OF SKKVOUB DISKISB. No langnage can convey an adequate idea of the imme diate and almost miraculous change which it occasions in tho disoaaed, debilitated, and shattered nervous system. Whether broken down by Kicknoss. the unHtrang and relax ed organization is at once rebracod, re? ivitled and built ny. The mental and physical symptoms of nervous disease van ish together under itA influence, the atooping, trembUn( victim of depression and dr hility beoomea a new man ha stands eract; he moves with a firm step: his mind, which was previously sank in gloom, or an almost Idiotic ap? thy. becomcs bright, buoyant, active, and he goes forth refreshed, regenerated, and cn^cious of new vigor, to hie accustomed occupations. Nor is the offect temporary. On the oontrarv, the relief is permanent, for the cordial properties of the medicine resoh the constitution ttaetf, nn i restore it to its normal condition. Well may th? preparation be called the MEDICI NAT WOYMtT! of the nineteenth century. It Is, as the flrst scieatifla men In the Old World have admitted. th:it miracle of medi cine heretofore supposed to have no existence. A TOMtriANT THAT ENTAILS NO RRAlTIOlf. It ifi the only infallible remedy yet discovered for ner vous head and mind complaints; it is th<> mental physio, long sought for. and never before found ? the only natural agent that can '-administer to a mind Jisessed." In oim* of neuralgia, headache*, vertigo, pain in the nerve* of tbn face, and the various train of nervous affections, it wfll produce a cure in an astonishing short period of time; and it will ?Uo remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness, &koplesf.noss, dislike of society, inoa pacity for study or business, loss of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the head, melancholy, mental debility, hysteria, indecision, wretchedness, thoughts of solf de struction, fear of insanity, &c. It will increase and re store the a opetite. strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed It, induce contiaoed cheerfulness and equanimity of spirit., and prolong life 1UK JIEniCAI. JOCHNAlri Have not. in a single instance that has keen authontfc cated. given their sanction to any other preparation for the above complaints. It has, in many violent and dea pern-te cases, effected radical cures, after pstionta kad been abandoned, and their condition pronounced hope less by medical pructioners of high professional charuo U-r. My office having been in a store where this cordial was kep: for sale for over three yoara, and my opportunities of judging of it* effect.-, somewhat numerous, the vastly increasing demand, and tluit without a single advertise ment. tells for itself. I have seen a ease of weakness, which had resistid all treatment for over Ave years, both in this place aod in Philadelphia, and tlio person a fair candidate for suiciJ>\ radically cured with one dozen bottles. He had spent hundreds without relief, and waa cuied with twenty four dollars worth of Dr. Morse's cor dial. A. KENDALL* K. D. IT. Mors>e ? Sir? ?omo time since you requested my opinion of the vlrt-e s of ) our Invlgora'ting Cordial ? I am now prepared to give it. * I have had it in my practice and pificrihed it for the ln-t few months, and mustgiva it my derided pieferenec r>vor anything of the kind with v. hlth I am acquainted. I am much pleasod with its of fiets, and can witn contJpnco lecomiitend it to the pa tron.i?-e of the profession, as a valuable auxiliary for re moving disease in some of the most trouble some forms, and to all, as a safe und valuable medicine. IIFN.IA1UN VTKEK8, 1L D. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Nov. 21, 18-H?. S( Id by C. H RING, General A^rent for the tin I te<1 StatrtL 1P2 Broadway; E. M. (iultiii, 127 Howory, corner of Uraal stre't; in tiroukl} n, In Mihto, Pulton street; in Boston, wholesale and retail, by FetridgoA; Co., Washington street, aridW. V. Hpencer, do.; lu Albany, bv W. N. .Ismisou, Ghl liroadsay; In Hartford, by Jdo. ritkins, in Spring held by Bliss L Haven; in Philadelphia, Dyott ft Sons, and ?. M. Wood, 4 Hunnony court, in New 11a von, O. B. Ixavenworth. It U piit up In pint bottles, with the wrnsLi 'I>r. Yor.e'a Invigorating Cardial'' hiuwn on the glajs. Prico $.1 per bottle: two bottles, $5; live bo t tins lor $12; and $24 per dorcn. N. B ? Imjsrrtant advice aocompanlc* etch bottle riMfK JLUtKnD WOMAN'S PRIVATE MKIUCAL OOM J paoion?By Dr. A. M. Mauricoau, Professor of Ila ea?fs of Women Twentieth edition, lGmo, pp 253. l^i ice II. Years of sufferirg, of physical and tueara) anguish, to many Rn alfrctiouate Vifc, and pecuniary diifieiiHics to the husband, might havo Dec ) spared oj a timely possession of this work. It is Intended ospooially for the married, or those contemplating marriaga, ?* ft dlsflofes important teen Us whicL sh'ju'd he knows to tti'-m particularly. Here. al o, every female- "b* wiff the mother? tha one either budding Into womanhood, or tlio other in tha decline of years. In whom tutu e contemplates an im portant chance, con discover the causes symptoms, Mid the tpM efficient remeiiiea, and t he moit oert/Un mode c| enre, In every complaint to which her *ev is subject (hx tract of a letter frotr e. g ntU iuan in Dayton, Ohio ) DATTo.r, Way 1, 1W1, !>r. A. M. M\rrJOUtJ, 120 l iberty street My Di-ar fir? My vlfe lia ?: been percvv'lbly sink'ng for iom three years or more, In consequence of ho? great anguish and'suifeiln^ some months boforu and durir^t her conllnemont? ovory suoceuive one morn and tnorc debU tatiag and prostrating her, puffins hor life in imminent danger, auu which was, on tne lift occasion, desired of. I sv.npoffd this state of thlnga was inevitable, and re *i(.ued ruysolf to moet the worst. A t this time, (now ?l out two months,) I heard your hook hi ;lily s|s/ktm of, a' centaining some matt?*t s reaching my case On Itn re-eipt and perusal, I cannot express to you tho roIW H adorded my die treaded mir.d, gndtli" joy its pugea im p,i rt? d to djt wife, oh kamina that the rreat discovery of Ji. M. f>asoi\ eatut provided a reminJy. It or/>iw-d a prospect to tne which I little eoneeivnd (/a.' possible Hut for this, ere another year would have p vu d over mj hi ad, In all human probability my wife would havn bena in her grave, and my children both moth.-ilesa It is, of course. Iropracticabln to coavey more fntly tha serious subjects treatWl of, a/ithey are of a nature Htrtetljr Intended for the marri-sl, or those cfmtemj.latlng mar riage. Kor sale, at 222 Broadway. No 2 A?tor Hou?e. and *t the pubUiihlng ollleo, 129 tiecrty street. Now York; I.tltle k Co., Alljanv; Joseph Tucker, Mobilo. Alao, T. T. Pfter on. No. W Chcsnut stree t, i'hliadelpiiia On tha receipt of II, a copy ?* ill ho transmitted by luail, free of ponta'/e, to any part of the United Staton All letten must be addnessfd. post pn'd, to I>r. A. M. MAUIUCRAU. office 129 street, N?w York, or bo* 1,224, Now York Post Office. A pamphlet of bIt's^ti pirjes, more fully expUlnlna tha contents of the bgok, win be forwarded to ><ny lady e' gr'ntb'man who may deaire it, free of expense, to Any pr ,1 of the I'nlted states, by nddres.'.ing as uimivk MTOIC3AI, ADVISKR AND QUIHR? A practical treatise never b?fon pabl!she.L Tam^n h - cents a copy, free of post^-e Aild bv rtHniret A Town*n<L 22-, J. C. Harriot 42. % Broadway: ami by 4M author, M. I^.rmont, physician hiiJ surgeon. 42 Hntl street, corner of Hrosldv/ay, N. Y. where lia trnafcs aS I