OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, January 30, 1854, MORNING EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1854-01-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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toy, mom to market; hay, ?1? to VU per too, with mum
Matooare* Argv i of 3,1 Nor give* the foU>wtof
Gold ? The rrie* [>n >m it ?3 10a M
We extract the f. Cowing fruit LLyd'i Kxrtumfr Priom
Ourrmt publiabrd tot Not , by M'liri. etoiihngiaw aad
W1U. a:?
Tbe f eat oaee-'ainM re?p*ct'Dg the reeult of the
prop n*d char, ?m 'n tar it it 1 li Miof BM'on ?ooooBt
far ttte uneattled h at* if tr?d* Tie *? ntemplated al
te'?tio?.< ar* preri,ei? ea w* revlouilf turmieert Til , ?u
additional riutji' 3- par pal"-* on aoirita, and 1? p?'
galtoa ?a wit*; aid a doit < ?& p-r t una eager, and
M-'p^r gallos on beer
It may be aa well her* to a Ntt to the alugularly aeo
malcui character of thin aiarket. th>*r-? b?ii>< ue reguUrl
tr of price; tb* aaiue artle'e will be frequently a >kl by
difleraot merchant ? < n the sauie day varyiog io prioa fren
fire ie fifteen per cut Too rna'k*ui here are alio aoted
OB, and the rlee anl fall ia very rapM
The Increaa* of th> r?'rnu? of New South Walaa, tor
the quarter aart i of Sep i 30 l? ?91.318
Tbe only item of eh pping 1' tell (fence of moment
which tub tela tie fol'nwUig ?
Ibe ihip Kate rep>rt.e b> *??# ?"oken. on th* 8th Sep
tember. iu latitude 31 rW 34 min. H . 1 mgitade 34 mla.
30 e*c. E the Unit, 4 Stat-* differ tchooner Panama, with
da fai< ha frrm the ttita Ji* the ( hina expedition the tool
apparently but It for t illing al'tte and frrm the numerout
pjue u <m dtck it ivat ji resume* that the defatch mud tat*
been <j import ancr
[From 'be Panama Star. Jan & i
We have far regular file* of the (Sydney Empire to the
b a! October
Tb? at*am*r Great Britain, which la'tod from Liverpool
AafuMJl, aMfraJlt HtVMjUtyr tict. 10
Tbj# quantltto# comfigforeard Kiva brcn large, and the
a^Hvalof tha Qrv at AriuOa hae induoaa many partial to
" ? -
Tha lanm d may he oonkered fa'r mirk*' rata*:?
? l d ? id
Port Philip 3 17 0 ts 3 17 8
Or* an ? 3 10 9 to 3 17 8
haw Booth Watoi 3 14 9 to 8 16 8
Wlf DC iN, Auctioneer, 4c
427 George at net, Oct 'if*. 18f-S.
M*lbopkw* Goi d Cihcx'ur ? K*tu]u>xv Not 6 1853.?
Th* Kcreaae In tb* pr a* uf Id a. ? *u in tied laat ?'ek,
ha - coct nutd nntil it hif nao *d 76*. fld , at which it
no ? i ? mains Sim. * ver- active demand existei far
th* Balierat, wMcb ahip. b?leg a farorit*, haa takes a
larger quantity then any ? ther aailleg thu year
Oui rOiortii from ui" i iffceat fl?ld? ara 'hat Ben<*lgo
ha rr<.uT*i*d i hi# wrrk ad **. pro J u cd th? uiuil aTerage;
B?U?r?' ob the oonlnry hae alien off atari; one half,
and a repetition i f U.t we-k'u narfl??ruem. in rigard to
the way bill <( tb* Uolr^r aa ' (ioutburn e cort, baa takeo
pl?ce Than on t?u eon-??f ^Ut i irlpe baa thin oocarred,
H which may be "??peat"!, aalem pat a <tnp to by h*
Ohi?' Grid Como Ui'oner or tbe Calsf CammUtloaer of
Poll -*
Tb* larger quantity of the produce of tbe Or*n< <r?H
Held cull oJBlinoee to b? forwar'.ad to Hrdner, which,
at tie price paid on tb? tie!, and lb* high escort fe*.
oompaied with th* price qa ted in 4ydn*y, mi<t leave
tha purchae'ri lo?*>> oy I hi trail itmciinn. A ooniidara
abto mora or nub bm tak*n place fiom Reid and Spring
creaka to th* BnOalo raDg>r;ba', like mint other la
coctlderat* moTeiraiti lias tamed out to tb* dinap
pototment of many A gect'eiaao juit arrlTfd from
th* Oraae, iafprrin aa that numbe-e w-re already ra
tnrBlrg to their old qoartira Withoat hoidm; out
thU new disooTery an aDyihiog mure promiaiag than
acme of tboa* lately reported, v* can not help drawing
attention to the (a?t uf tie univar/ 'l ria^eraion of gold
throughout Ihia highly favored col njr; >nd although
th*>* diacoveriee ma; rot * irn out profltabl* to iadl
Tidual *ntarpria- tberr is i o d' uht that befor* lorg
their rich** will b* brought to light by combined capital
and labor la thn? r??''dirg our t1mw? < f th? mndui np?r
andt for the ultimate w >rkin< cf ih? gold fl*ld< of Viato
ria, a* do aot for a mon-ent adroaa'e th* granting of
leaeee of known g< Id field, which may have b*?B par <
tiaJly varat*d froEi ti x etlec e cf iho eoaeoa, to pnblio
eompaniea, inch aa in reputed to hare b?en done lately
at Fiyar'a Creek, r.nie ?? eouaider an highly objection ?
able, and apt to lead to unpleaeant re alia
Mnmber of person- who hav? arrived la tbe colony during
the week". 1,294
Number who have le't,,.. 894
Addition to oar population thia week 881
Gold ahippad from Victoria in 18(3 3,047,073
Par Balaarat to Loadun 90,311
Total 2,137,984
Or 89 tona, 12 ewt. 1 qr 7 lb?. at 7 fie ?H, 017, 440
ExcHj.Mii 05 Losimi.v ? ii.-afta agaioat jold taken at on*
per cent diec nnt f he tiaoKa a cance from iOn, to 00a.
Cr ounoe Frelgbto' goM dnifverail ar the 3allloa Office,
ndoa 4 >jd. per duiw Iriuraue*. tiro guineai par
Ceat. EDWARD KSUlL, Bullioa Broker,
84 Graat GoIIIbi itreet. .?et t
IIhhouuii WaoLK-an Vlicin CrR*?NT ? Saturday, Not.
6, 1863 ? Dnriog "lbejpre *?Dt. ??ka iarg* buaineae haa
been don* la klalbonrne. Cartage to th* digging! haa
fallen. A ?*r.? bua; aawoa ?? *xp?cted. and indeed haa
actually aommaneed at F iraat Creek and Bilaarat, aad
eoniUarabto irdera fcave >e*r reorlved from bath thai*
gold He Ida. Although the advance in price) uaually ooo
aaquent oa a brink demand baa been cheskad by large
Importation! and laige atocki, there a a rii* In maaj ar
ttolei aad tb* market penerally la decided If firmer.
In boar, brandy, otbai tpiri'a, aad winea, icaroaly any
ehanga can ba nr ted T_-re la aa tuiproved demand for
champagne aad light winea, aad pricea f >r tbam hare aa
Bpward lendency
Tbe price of Hoar ii nit altered bat wheat la decidedly
OB the rtie Tfrere la a large quantity of inferior Blur in
thia market, atd tbe wheat ia wanted to grin 1 furmiiing.
Oilmea'a itoiei are in go->d uemm 1. Fjr cheeee and
BrorlaioBa generally there i? a fairiiqutry. Bacon atd
Lava ieB readily, aho carboaate of * da aad tartar o
Of ragar, aplcaa, and bull.Mng ma*etlala, large enppllei
hive lately arrived from the ea?t, ant prise* are not im
Ia coffee tb* maiket ia Tariable, bat on the whole quo
tatioae retrain much ;he ia tie.
fee it rialng Tbe of a farther rleelathe ei
chat gee, of thaecareiiy of r. oa*y, and of the inoretied
Eric* in Ghlaa, haa mad* the aiarktt flrcuar. Th* itock
i flrat band* la amall
Hardware, well aaiorted. ia wanted Gunpowder FFF,
to X lb oaniatere, white aud red toad, ilatea, ibeet iron,
be I a, dried aad preserved froita, are all to damaad, and
?atotbla at the qaotatioai.
8?lmr? of New Caledonia In the Pacific.
The Sydney Herald of tb? 1st November has the fol
lowing paragraph:?
The French bare taken p>a?efiiioi. of tl>? beautiful
rroup ealled New Caledonia. On tha 28 1 Sap amber, tbe
Frwneh war steamer Phcqne arrived ibere from Tahiti.
Tbe vowel U un<*er*u*Mi to b? under orders from tbe
Co-nmani'er In Chief of tbe Sontb I'e?tfte station. The
Jobs R M'lla<. an American trading bark, which arrived
la Port Jackaoo J aatardar hu b-ooght ui two F ranch
officer*; one of tbe in an officer belonging to the adminis
tration, and the other ettacn?d to the a ?> >va French war
iteamT, for the pnrpoee of purshasing auppl.es for tbe
new Krticb se'iloiuenls Tfce American vetsel which baa
been chartered for tbe purp'ue ami la only ten daia from
New Caledrnla, will return immediately. H?r Majesty's
abip Herald iu at tbe lale of l'inea oc tbe 28th Septem
ber, all well
New Caledonia U about nine hundred miles eaat of
AoatraUa. It waa discovered by Cook, in 1774. I? la 260
nUeeloog and 70 milea wide Ita ohlef productions are
yama and taaaa. Tbe nativea are mill, and very akllfol
la tbe cultivation of tbe toil.
Tbe Sydney Bermld of tke 2d of November glvia tbe
following additional particulars of the saixate of New
Caledonia ?
The following aie the particulars whicn we hare beea
enabled to glean raspec-in* the act of toe French govern
ment in taking p<n?f*sien o' tbe ialand of Naw Caledonia
and ita depeaaeacios It appears that tbe French Rear
Admiral eommenfllng in lb* Sontb t'ac.Bc aailed from
Tahiti in tbe at* am corvette Le PbcqQS, eesompanied by
Mental ? aval iffiewrs and civilians. " un a craiae amoag
the lalanda." Oa the '.ad of S-ptetnh?r the I'noqne arriv
ed at N?w Caledonia, and on i tie 24 bthe A imlral landed
at Made, and, hotaiiog the French flaj. formally took
po'aeasion of the Ialeo.' rf N>w CaUdanla and ita depen
dooclea" la the nam-* o* bia Imperial maiee'y, Napclaoa
III., Emperor of the F;ench. A y roca vrbalo! tne ocoor
reace waa imm-dlately drawn up, in ?b ca tbo Admiral
?tatee that be 'akra p<.<te?a,on of tbe i?lanls by order of
Mi govern* eat, and oacl km them to re ? Franca colony
Iron aor a tej tb- 24 'b of Sept* mber
It wonld appear that toaxteualvs praparatlona had baea
made foi t malntet anea of thn new station , hat Ad ail
ral D? Poixtas ehartered the Amerir.au *>erk John H Mil
lay, wbicb ha foaad :her* and daipa^hed h*r wita hl?
Saoretary, M. De Terrier and M Amat an dm of the
Phoqa* . te Sjiney t ? obtal i supplies aa ato aa on a Itrga
male Wa are informed that > ft roe Freaoh frige'ea wore
to fol'ow the rhoque, with troep* to Insuro the poa?ea loa
of tb* Uland
M De Parrie- brought a latter f om Rear Admiral Dee
Polatse to II. iJenlit, 'tie<'..o-?l ->f Frniee at S;daey, re
questing bis aaaUtann- and acviee la ontsmin* th- atorei
required, and eccl aing a oop uf tbe frncn wrfoi If.
Bsartia, Immediately i n re ? pt of this i ? (> ir'aat Intelli
ganee, ?orwardai* a c pt < f ih? la-t name' d >eoma <ta to
Bia RxoalVney tbe flawrnr General
We bare reason to telisre that the ImmaliaU i>bj*et of
Uh y ranch aoaari man' la to aatab Irh a i-nal aettlament
on tbe Uland; bat onpled w in tbe ayatamatis axuin<lon
of Freneb lifluan-a oter tha S.if aty laianda. 1 1? ?*omot >u
Gr. ap, and the Marqneaw, tbla oacatrrnM uaaed a
great impoi tasoe In a politl -al point of ? i?e, an ( la iadi
eallre nf well aocalr'ered deaigna < n i be o*rt of tbe Fr? nsb
Km i an. r We aba 1 rateio to 'he an >j?ct !??>?* at leugtb
to-morrow, bnt we cannot refrain irdiu ai,>raeelng oar
deep regret tint, h? tbe laxity of ita Brltlab gorwmaaat,
notwt thataadlng tha reeeaud ard aarnear rwpreeentati as
Wblck bare baea made to It, both fr>Mn tb* foveromaat vf
tbe aoloay a ad ftntn eommaodera of Har Majesty 'a ???
salt wbo baea iMtaO and etpl.>rod tbe laiaoOs of tbe
waatnra *aelt] durta^ the I eat faw years, as to (be lea
mense importaara ?f Maw cal?4onia la refe-en?eto tbe
Anat*alneian Oapsn aneias, tbe o >tnnoniiy of eolooialag
that Bno groan haa b^.. !osv Tnat regret Is oafcaaewd
V *5* eoaaldwra ton that after all ?nr atrogglas to
P* of lb? wi h#rin? eurt* ? yoTlottom, tftir
tbe Wt bar diflbrenee* which ha- arisen -wtwaan the eoio
?lea aid tbe mother eoantn har* hem, haupil ream
?iWd by tho'otal abaed?l.rr en> Oftracap irtatl a to I bene
aboree, a eowTlot -a.t l.n en- ai. sM he r?r-.^l by a
powarlal fO'aign natleo in wur immediate oa ^b .rhnod,
and oa tbe high mad ?* ootnmnr wtion batw.en Aaa-ra
Ita aed the important mart. > f oomtnaroe to oar north
ward and eaatwera, China, Call.', roia, an< lb* vaaat ooaat
of Amerlea
la a eoaamwrrial pole' of *lew, the enloniiation of Naw
aa by the French may app ar at fi-at >i4ht
i to tae In areata of lbi< lit* . bat r-uou ac n
i Isealirela ?->o 'a- > i ? ir p>-r ?n sad sinks
Itoaaoa by tha side o' tbe m -ra a -atal aed
te< attaebed to the ooenpa'lon -f ?aa
I Macoa in tbe aelfla b? a rival oa
and bjeete are ?o dlaaimilar. not ti say
i wbie* haee or matt years b*?a sar
tbe moat intell gent eolonista of
1 tbe mi
The Walker Fill bartering Expedition?
News mt the Hexlua Tr?mty.
The Aeplnwall Oiuriir of the 17th last gives the fol
loving in form a tioa ?
Lieutenant Saeeny, now of ths eeoond regiment of tbo
I nited S ?t*H infantry, formerly of tbe New York Volun
teers, Inform* on that wbea he left San Dingo, I ?ec. 31st,
Col Walker bad received large reinforoom<?uta, aad was
catrjiig ev?rythlng before blm? the previous aooounts
inspecting bio baeit-g been closely proiaad, were sorrest.
Pilor to the arrival o the reinforcement he waa penned
op by a large ore* Lieutenant Hwe.nr also info-m? m
tbat adfleeet) toe Slat alt from tie oi't of Maxloo, re
oeited at Aeapnleo, confirms th? report we give el?e?her*
leapseliog Gatadeo'a low irea'y Toe new republic will
aooa be amoog the thirga tbat were.
The Panama Star of I he 16th ioat. says: ?
The Pastfle Mall 8 team hip Company's steamehlp Re
public, Cap*. A. Mr Lane, ULexpentedly arrive! in port
jeetei Jay moiaitg, having i ailed from 4au F aueUeo on
tie arming of the 2? h ult
We art indebted u> Puraer tiuan for the following par
ticulate of tbo Republic's t, ip down : ?
The 8t*ein>>Mp ' oapany'a ateamer Republic, Capt. A.
McLane, railed Inn 'id Francisco with the way inaila
an paeiesgers, on 'he Win ult., at two o'clock P II O a
the Sisial'. aV ppedatSan Di?go andem'-arked fr?m New
town the ormmitsUued end t<?u eotomi- tioned ullijtrs of
tbe tecond regiment of Uni'td Statu Infantry, who are
returning borne to meruit. A Tired at Actpuico at seven
o'clock A M. on tbe 7th tut , the weather molera m.
Do the> 7th lnet, at Sve o'clock P M , the Rams-y route
expreaa messenger srnved a'. A ispuloo elth New Orlears
datea to the 81at clt., Inclusive. A ramcr prevailed ia
the city ? ( Mexico th tt Secti Aunt bad ssded Chihuahua,
S<arra ard Lower California to tie Unite*! State* for
Another Revolution In Bolivia? Alao One la
Peru-IIarlieti, die.
[Front the Panama Star, Jan S J
The s'eam psekot Bogota, Captain Htraonam, came to
ber asol orsg* yeateiday, briogtng Jates fro? Valparaiso
to tbe 16th and Item Callao t > the 2 th Daaember
We regrtt to snnouncs that Purser Tbeopbtlae Good
rtske, of tee Bogota, died ?a board that Teasel oa Toes
day corning, and was burled at era
Tbe Bagota bringa op the utual namber of pO'aengers,
amopg whom we are glad to announce Captain Koorker,
well known in this city aa. a wulle ag>, resided ageat
here of the PaolfloS earn Navigation Company We wel
oome bin back to o-r waters.
Tbe news from Cbill p istitti no iateiest whatever.
The government brig of wax AnouO had been auooaaifulty
launch- d at Valparalao.
During tbe fortnight etdlng December 14 business ia
Valparaiso had been unusualiy dull, and fore go arrivals
bad been but few
In freights the business doie had been fatr; aad al
though the Luoib'r of vessels fur oharter continue* aa
u'ualiy limited, tbe wants do not appear to be greater
thaD the enpply, and rates have aot experienced any ma
terial ch <nge
Frrm the McntajTfi dt. lima we iraotlate tie following:
" From reliable commuuicatior a reoelved from Bolivia,
aiettfr revolution bad broken out ia that republic It
commenced at L* Pat, aad has eztinded through to
Sucte, Po'oel. Santa Crux ard Tarija, agaiost the aamla
ie'ration of Gen Belzu who precipitately left the oapi
til with abatalllon of Infantry and a few oavaliy to sup
press the on 'break.
The reroluilonists bave appointed other ohiers to tako
charge of tbe administration of affairs trier tbo new
r rgrme. They bad alto ma le ( verturee to l'etu to settle
amicably all the difficulties which have heretofore existed
und?r the old govern m?nt of Be'cu.
A i evolution has broken oat in tbe pr.ivine* of (oa, la
' l'e-u, and a pr clamatlon published by the losurgents
chargii g tbe admiListratlon of Sen Echenique with in
activity and want of onnrty to Kettle the ponding ques
tion between B*rn and Bulivia. and stating their deter
mination i o take matters into their own hands for ad
juMmcot "
From Ecuador we bave no later intelligence of impor
[From tbe Asplawall Courier, Jan. 13 ]
The principal itt-me of interest are from Pera Fonr
provincial distriots have proclaimed for one fJnares
against Kchenique, tbe eoting Prenident, who had left the
?eat ef government for the enpp-*i>aion of the movement
Don Domingo Eliaa bad col eeted nearly flro thousand
men ? ha 1 relied government arms and ammunition? and
had been reinfoiecd by a considerable number of govern
ment troops, who had gone ovir to him. Sjme 9600.000
had been sent on board a vtvaei at (lallao by tbe govern
ment, and It was generally be'ieted that It wonld all be
handed over to Kites Eiias ia i ai J to have > eo iared that
he does rot want the Preaideac;. (lea. Oastllla and Qob.
Dnestna are amorg thnee * pofc er. of for the Presidsney.
The feeling of those who act l-i so strong agaioat the
government, and that of those who do not i-o indifferent
thai it is balieved it will be deposed with b it a **nr alight
Peru has dona nothing against Bolivia aa yet? at leaat
nothing opan.
No newi of lmportanoe from Obill.
Tbe Ecuadorian Corgreaa baa gooe so far aa entirely to
destroy the agreement with British holders ef Ecuadorian
[Prom tbo Panama Herald, Jsa. 7.1
Oar Lima Ale* an from the 12th to the 26th of Do
on, ber
The only newt resolved from Bolivia is through the Pe
rm Ian papers It la said that the districts or ttaore, Po
tost. Santa Cms, aad Tar j la, have pronounced agalaat
Bolxu, aad proclaimed Don J M Linarea as Preaideat.
Col. Cordova, one of Bella's jnoat devoted fellowera. It
aald to bo at ?bo head of the movemeat at Potosi. Sr.
Linarea wae at Poao on the tat Deoember, aad on bearing
of the declaration In hia favor Immediately a tar ted for
the provinooe that bad proclaimed hAm. Belaa, who was
at la Paa at the time, loat no time in starting with two
tatailiona to put down this movemeat. He left hla au
Iboiity in the bands of a joint commission of Secretaries
of Slate, of whom ho named Dr. Jooquia Agairro Secre
tary Gem ral
Pera appears to have taken no steps as yet again* t Bo
livia; at Puno there waa a foroe of 7,500 man collected.
Belru is cba gad bv tbe papers with acting la eonjuae
lien with Eliaa. Advicoa from lalay atata (Jen Liaaroo
with 4C0 men, la aaid to bavo mar -hed towards Ia Pax
Tbe Pernvlar papers do not contain a siagls word of
farther Information relative to Ilia*' movemeat in lea,
farther than to bo found In the following loiter of oar
cor respondent
Dot Dnmtngu Ellas la ia open rebellion agalnat the P re
sident, Eeheniqae, aad hia government at foa, near Pisco,
ia the midst of h la own property ant dopendanta. He
has collected people about him to the number of three
thousand, as aome aay, but one thousand five hundred
may be relied upon. Be h a aeizsd soma arms aad am
monition tent from Caliso by the government. Troepa
bave been sent from Geliao, iome of whom have gone
over to him; others are within two league of hla position,
aad it la gene? ally expected will turn over also; and if eo.
Preeident Ecbeniqoe may as well "make himsel' scarce.''
The govern meat has eeat about 66CO.OCO ea board the
Amsaonaa lyiag at Call w>, aad It waa believed by many
tbat tbis moner w.iuld oe tor no oyer to Kklae' party the
night after tbe sailing of the mail The plae was to aa l
with ber forthwith to Pisco, and compel the Bimac, with
(leneral Torieo, tbe Minister of War, on board, and tie
Ucayall. the >ecoad government ateamer, to join in the
movement, aad if thla Is carried out the affair will be
ae itled at ones; it is, however, only problematical. The
g< veren.eat appears to be paralyzed, and there la very
little doubt that a change of government wl 11 take place
Eliss le reported to have proved him. elf a brave man at
the late effalr at Ti'tnbes ; aod if he ahowa the aame
Xualitle* now be is ante of ouooeaa. The inhabitant* of
imado not appear to be the l?aar alarmed Ule generally
auppo.ed that the change will take place without a ahot
beitg flred. The government ia la euih bad repute that
no commieeeration ta felt at iti anticipate! oownlali
A steamer baa Ixpn sent Soutb to bring troops ti Plao),
hot It will moat probably bs ee'tleo before they arrive.
Gee Torioo was at Psyta with the Amimnaa, looking
for H a?, aad while there lhey were both In ths sane
borne- File* playing at r jcoboa, with only a partition be
tween bim aau h i enemy Ellas embarked on board the
ateamer in disguise for Callao. landed there ia the mid
dle af to* day with tbe real of the paa<engera, aod walked
ap the mole aitong the officials, who were on tbe lo. koat
for him In lime he appears in the placa at nnen day,
aad made a journey to lea and back again whilst arrang
ing hie plans, dnrlog wbica time he waa not dlsooverel.
KlUa aaya that be does not teMro toe Presidency Gen.
Ckstlllo and Sen. Daeatua, Governor of Callae, are spoken
PasaMa, January 6, 1864.
Hia? Belt g In possession of the details of polltioal mat
I t era In Peru op to the 26th ult., I saw with surprise in
year peper to ilav the last news from that quarter very
mnch dieflgurad bv your oorraapondent
It is not true that itomitgo Ellas ha* titled himself
Supreme Chief- neither has he named General Castillo
Preakeat; nor kaa ho three thousand men at his com
mand; nor ba aay of the troops abiMdooad tbe gov
er< meot raise for tbat of Kliaa, nor has tbe steamer
Amasoeas, witb I60O 000, paaavd over to tbo rebel*?
th-ra being no fear of irumo either la th* army or aary.
Doming" Eltsa bas not reed hia elarea- neitter do the
people look on with Indifference to the downfall of the
ccnatitiitioaal government Mi the eatabHshmsat of a
rrrnlntleuary oaO
Tbe truth le, that Domingo Ellas being parsued by tbo
police of Lima, eeeaped to lea, at *hieti place the g overa
ll ent inten tonally had not a aolrier ; there he drew np
an aot, de prmmaamtutii, la whlel tbe aames of aeroral
dead aad absent persons appear ; In tbo * ama aot ho garo
to himself the tr le of Jefe Politico, anil aaoied General
Castillo general in chief, whloh title bo has refuted to
Ellas had with him only a few of the peasantry ; aad at
eooe e? the government received intelligoaee of bis move
toani, ho'h General Torrtoo aad CjI aal Caravelo, with a
aoffici'nt force, esre seat te quell ths outbresb.
In this etate things iotn?lned ap to hair-past eight
o'eloek of the momtog of tbe 29Ui alt , at whloh time 1
With rsspeot te the morale of the armed foroe Af Peri,
ten year- bave p*?eed without one aot ua worthy of Its
bonor having heea recorded ; aed I believe, aod do aot
mlatake ry alatlag, that aot aa iedlridoal of our army or
nary w/eid commit the unworthy aot of troasea by < Ma
ing Hla* or hla partisans; and with regnrd to pobUc
opinion, It I* also my belief that tbe aame enthusiastic
feeling whloh has been shown by the people ta the
present war with Bolivia will destroy Eliaa' movemeat
In tbo germ
I eonolufe by assuring you that th* g TTenment of
Oeo Eebea'qas- becomes every day more popular, asd
poeeoeeee a nmleat re* area* to prion ee order at home
aad eommaad roe poet eb"~?d
Ptoaldonte del Tribunal de Uueatae del Pera.
VairARatsn VAMrm Deo 16 -Cotton*- Half* limited:
(leoahuiga 'or floar bags, la good reqssst. Wines and
brandies? All of so treat sal* at highly remunerative
pii-e*. port and sborrf doll; gle wa roe aad waatel
<si - Ollre wanted; Horeooe dull Hotels ? Oat nails,
M HO a 66 60 per qitetal; sine Saleable, at 10a. per lb.
; >sh ir n of de*lrab e >ort* very saleable. Coal ? ise
Etcalar demaor ; go 4 ffowoasil* steam, ia small lota,
a Id as low aa git. Rice? Brisk demaad Tallow,
j soap aad ooodiea ia demand aad oearee. Mem beef
I rea<- y aaie Pork dull; atook bsnry. Lumber in demaad,
, aad rnasumotlo* inoreaaiog Kx porto? Wool HmaU lots
soil freely at 60 60 to 610 for ?a washed, aad $16 fer Ue
Mttto Mftae MtMi. ftllli til T* pm t*<at*l, *ato
able as fact u 1 ffortd. Nitrate? DnIki Arm ; bo sals*;
18 X mk demanded. Ia freight than ia m aatertal
TIM D art en Hwreytaf
era of * Put or Um DittMi Fore* -Arrival
or tli? kloop or War Cyaao-The Coast
Steamer*, Am., Am.
Ou UriMi from Asplnwall in to the ISA, and from
Panama to the lflth instant.
Th* Panama Star of th* V inatant
Tha new capitation tax law oame Into foros on S?n1*ri
tbe 1st lnsla nt, so that the steamers whl >h *ail*d ** that
day would bar# to pay bat oaa dollar par head oa ewb
pi,HB| v to tha imnDWt, Instead of tao, aa karat#
loA. Oo Sunday, Slat loetaat. 8W<^?Uri? Umitla
! A of do waa duly two? la esGovemor for thta province, at
i tba Government House, ?y Senor Mwnardo An* *???.
tbe lato G vernor. There were very taw poipto present
tbe* majority oonslatlng of member* of the Oemnr* and
< file tela. The oeremoey waa very abort anl attended
? . th bo dl* play of a>y bind. S*nor Atae aidreawd a few
foimal remaika, administered the reqaislte oath ant de
It Tared the baton of tha government to tbe new Incum
bent, who >epled la aw* brief manner, aad the oere
mosy eadet1. Seaor Urrutla at once entered upon bit
duttea by a wearing ia aome of tbe judges aad o IB 5 tale
Heat r Mariano Aroiemeaa Qassado will net aa Secretary
to tbe Governor ia future
Tba Aaplawall Courier a( tha ltth inatant say*:?
Tbe shipping business of Aaplawall la quite consider
able. Tbe list of veeeels which earn* under the protec
tion of the American dag aloae, tar tba mmth of D Mem
ber, which we publiah w another eolama, gives hand
?erne evidenoe of this Thia meat ooatiaua to iacreaaa
rapidly durtag tbe oomtag year. From aaah foraaba
dewinga aa are oeeaaioally throwa acroee oar path, wa
glean the moat positive assurance, that by the expiration
of the tear u poo which we bar* jut entered the in?
orease will be ao great that tba fair average will be three
?all per day.
Tba Courier of the 17th inatant aaya ?
By deapatchaa received at tha United States C>ssulate
at thii poi t from Bogcta, per laat steamship fro* Oar
tbagena, we learn that tba Hon. Jamei 8 Green Charts
d'Affairea fro a tha Uaited Stat** to thia gorernmeat,
arrived at the capital oa tha l?th ult , after a very plna
WebalaoUarn tSough the aame aouroe, that the Ual
ted States sloep-of war Cyane lamo* la Oartba*soa, but
will leave that port in a faw dare for Port K too ee, eon
veying thence the corpe of engineers and othsra sent to
? xplcro tha route for an ooeanie ?anal aoroaa the Iathmaa
of Dariaa
We gtoaa tha following itema of latelligaace from Bo
gcta from tha Panama Berald:?
Br. Gerbalec n Pinion baa beea named Secretary of State
for Foreigo ABaira.
GeneialO'Leary, the Britiab Mlatoter, hai returned t*
Bogota to reaume bla official duties.
[From tha Aipiawall Oourier, Jan. 17. ]
Tbe fcllowirg new* we reaeived at tha bands of Mr.
A- B. Forbee, of tbe Pacific Mail Steamship Company's of
fice at P ansae, in eevea hour* from that plane:?
Kr< m tbe Panama Harold of ihia morning wa learn that
deapatchca received there yeaterday from Commander
Prevoit, of H M.'a ahip Virago, dated Jan. 7, itate that
he had loat four men, tiree of whom had been mnrdarad
by the Indiana, aad cne waa miaeiag Com P., with
twenty mm. having explored to the Coralllerai, found oa
hi* return three dead bodie* near a provialon depot wbara
he bad atatloced four men He haa oat a good road, and
???ell masked" twelve atationi.
Tbe Virago waa to aail immediately for Valparaiso.
Tbe steamship United Statoa, Captain Lucia, arrived at
tbia port on the 14th. Her passengers were promptly
dei patched. The Ohio, Cfcpt Fox, arrived here thia morn
ing, with near 800 paaaengara, of whom were aoma bun
ercd Cootiea from Jamaica for tbe Paenama Railroad. Ail
the paietrgera. maiia, fre'gb', 4c.. par the Ortio, left our
city for Panama In four houra a' tar their arrival. They
will be conveyed on the railroad through to Gorgona and
thence take tbe road dliect to Panama. Everything can
jeeeh the latter point to day.
The Panasa Railroad ia prograeaing mote rapidly than
eter before Tbe beat employee of the company are
outdoing themrelvea, and aurpaaaing their own promUea
or expectation In* teed of twenty- f"ur milea tbe tralo
ia running with regularity dally thirty milee Th?ra ia
no alsknera among lha laborera. Thii fact, tba raoant
Urge aocfHNion of foroea, and tha alacrity and taot with
which all portiona of the road under work are now ad
vancing, give ua every eonfldaaaa of it? completion dur
ing the ccrnlng autumn.
By a new law of tha New Granada Ooogreea, which earn*
into (Beet oa tha let inat , tha owoara or oonaignaee of
vtaaala carrying paeeesgera to er from tha port af Aapla
wall are taxed tan par eaat oa their cettmatad proflta.
Th* r earn > hi pa have all acceled to, or ratber paid thla
tax, alnoe ita imnoaition, both here and at Panama. Thla
will recur* aa aoc itional annual ineome to tha New Gra
nadlan gnT*rnm*at of *om* fifty thouaaod dollar*.
Th* tax** of our city have b*en raleed I rem Um ratio of
last year, and we haar it rumored that our city eouasil
lntaod to impoa* aeveral additional h*avy imposition*,
aad that the railroad eompaay wiU eocn la for a ehare.
We thaU tea what we ahall sea. Lay oa Maaduf-if Uey
only pounce upon tha railroad oompany, we think they
will be aUrTad out of their boota Into reform. We hop* now
for relief. . .
We laarn that tba Mhooaar Youeg AnMriaa, Oaptaln
Biown, arrived at Panana oa tha 18th Inatant. She waa
1 jaded with lumber, from Bangor, Ma , for tha Paaaaa
The United Sate* aloap of-war Albany arrived bar* aa
the 141b, and laft thla morale* or J
board were well. Oar oitiieea were much pleased with
the viait af this, tha first of Uoela iam's ships that havo
rial tad tbU port, but were greatly dlaappointad at her
ahortstay A complimentary dinner was tanderad Com
Garry aad bis (Bern, which was declined W* hope for
e longer atay of tha next messenger of Unsle dam, for
tbere ia much to be done here. Annexed is a list of tha
Albany's tffleera:? .
Cod mender Jawes T. Oarry; Lle*tananta, W W. Bleeek
rr, J V Williamaon C. VeealaUna. e. J. Drake; gargeea,
!> A- klccrrerj; Aaelatei t Snrxaoa. liel ard Cowmaa; Pur
Mr, Mun White; Acileg Matter, R A. Marr; Pe?e?(i Mid
?htpn>a?*. Joterl' A Sawtl); llWihlpiWL
?e J Dealer; Acting Boatewale, Wm Jenee; OennerlFm.
Cepe; Carpeatot, fttwlaad Leaeh; SaUmaker. Jamea rraeer.
[From the Panama Star, Jan. ? ]
A* we have already antounied, tha first of th* new
lin* of coaat ateamers. El P.imaro, will probaMy arrive
at this port between the l#th aad Uth last. Th* owa*r
of his lin* U at preeent in Panama, makleg
mtnto for tba Immediate daspatoh of B l'rimaro after
her arrival bar*. ? . . .. _
Hha wiU probably sail ban** on th* 17th Inst. ?r there
about. and will go dlreat on this her first trip to Chlriqal,
and then** to Paata Aienae. On bar return eh* will
touch David, tba capital of Cblriqul, Montijo. Bahla
Unda, Pn*rto d* loe R-mtdioe, Pueblo Nnevo, Agea
Dolce. La* Tablaa, andTaboga. and will probably, on thla
trip, occupy twenty day*, a* ab* la *xpeot*d to remain
longer than usual on the flrat trip at most of th* stopping
place*. In fu'ur* El l'rlmero will probably touch rngu
laily, bath going and returning, at all the ports abeva
enumerated, and may bereafier go as far south as
Buenaventura, II suflcla nt Inducement ia held out. It ia
late nded t> at aba ahall mate two tripi out and bock
monthly, leaving Panama on tbe lat end 16th regularly.
The tat*s of freight aad ptntg) will be Axed about tha
>*ire aa th?t charged by tie wretched aal unsafe old
TtMela whioa at preeent cerry on tbe ooaating trade, aad
no exhorbilant charges will be exacted.
It muet be clear to every one the groat aJvaataga*
which will tcaru* to the trade of Panama, as well a* of
th* coaat and the Interior, from tbe eatabl'.abmant of this
line; and every merchant, b>th foreign and nativo, as
well as tbe government, should take tha greater Interest
In forwarding th* project
To thee* who wiah to toav* Panama for a faw week* re
creation, at a trifling expense, we atrougly reaomaaad a
tiip to Cblriqul In Ei l'rimaro We gurraatae that
every one who goe* there will enjoy the trip, b* delighted
wtih tha eouatry, aad re tern to Panama improved In
health, aad highly gratified that they took our advioo.
[From tha Aapltwall Courier, Jan. .
Three eegloe?r* of th* *n?loeerlng ctrpe arrived at
tbii port in th* last British steamer They toft fer Pana
ma tbe next moralng. Frotu the intolllgea** we have
from tbe American addition to tbe corps, it mms proba
ble that all will be r*ady to commence work within a
iKroaa th* Asplawall Oourier, Jaa. IT. J
It may ne w*U to report the movement* of said expedi
tion eo far aa known to thla lin*. Aa w* have heretofore
eta ied, the reepec lve partiei from Keglat.il and from the
United States met at Jamaica. The Cyaee thence pro
oi eded to Port Eeoioee, Caledonia Bey, with Lieut. Strange
sad hie party, aad Meear* St John aad bla party aame to
Asph wall la the royal mall ateamer Dee, aad left hare
'Dimediawly for 'h* Gulf of San Miguel They reached
Panama on th* 14th, and had not yet Uft th*r* at last
ad view.
[From th* Panama Star, Jan 17]
I lent. 81. ioh*, R E , Mr Fo;de, 0 E, aal othen of
tbe party coeaaetad with th* Datlea Canal Surrey, re
oei,tly arrived from England, art now In th* city, whence
tbiy will proceed ibortly to tbe riv*r "avanoa. emptyiag
mo the Gulf of San Miguel, and at oace enter upon th*
discharge of the Important dutiea <; evolving upon them
Tbe government at Bogota haa manifested Ita deilr* t">
facilitate aad protect th* surveying paries as auk aa
p e-ib'e, by d*lalllng Col Colaixi with 300 sol-Mtrs aad a
cor pa of fifty aapp*r* and miner*, to act ia concert with
them Col. C and part of his troops will probably arrive
at Asptnwali from Qartbagsna oa tba next Brliiah atoaner.
W* learn that rfficial ia formation hai been reeeived at
the Britieh Conanlat* in this city from Captain Prevoet,
of H R. M'a. st*am sloop Virago, who reoently left thii
port with the Intention of etploriig the Gulf of 8tn
bigu*l aad making a tour acroe* to the Atlantic. Th***
(tot patch** brirg the melancholy latolllgeac* that a pert
of th* extlorlaa expedition bad been cut elf and ma*
aacr*d The 'onowlag are th* paitleuler*:?
Captkin Prevoat had reaabed tbe no:th*ra aummlt'ef
tbe CordUtor* aavl t*d left at th* foot of it ? depot *f
prrvlrior* under tbe enstedy *f four of bi< crew. After
?on e da) l of separation. Captain Pisvoat returned to th*
de pot, whan b* found that all the prevtatooa had beta
plundered, and, ?t ? Bttto dletan.-* oil, tb* dead bodies of
tbr** of Id* man were found. On eloeer *xamlratloa, it
n ae evident that they had b**n kUlsd by fireaims Mean
V'ls. 'he fat* of tb* fourth maa I* uakaown. If net
killed by th* Indiana, It is supposed that he li a captive,
and baa been carried to the neighboring (Atlantic) Meat
Oa p ain Prevoat haa returned with the r**t of his party
In rafety to hi* v*sa*l. Ia bis despatch** h* stats* that
be lad undergone sever* privations and bardsbipe for the
tiara of three week a in reecbln* tbe summit. While he
(*ce- aot eay aa mu?h, yet th* ctoar iofarane* is that ho
had been In sight of Port Esooces, on th* At'astlc.
C. ptain Prevoet raqueets that coplw of bis ('es patch be
fun iihed to the O aaula of tbe Uaitad ftates and France
ia this elty, for immediate tr?n>mla*ion to th* commna
dera of th* expkrisg veeeels of tb*lr reep*c'.iv* conntrtea,
ik v ruppoeed to b* at Port Esooces, which reqneet haa
l.? et complied with.
Mrreover, we learn that Mr McDnntld, Her Britannic
Msje ty's proOmeulat this port, forwardsd ymtorday
avaa'sg, by a special me*a*?g*r, deapateb*e contaialef
tb?*e partlenlurs to tbn Britieh Mtnlater at Bogota, and
aleo to th* Admiral commanding the Britfeh aaval forae*
oo the Jaaaiea atstlm, that they may tak* Immedlato
meae ares for a' cert eta la* the (ht* of the missing maa.
Thts iafortna^ou u sad indeed? aad shows the neeenM
SB la Mr ? ? that may be taken ft* ttw aurroy of
?e Dartoa Dual route, that the different ex?edit<oaa
ahould be rulHeiently numerou* and properly armed to
roaiet hj ittMk at tha lavage lahaMtaata of the country.
0?r Hamilton Correapondanee.
Hamilton, BaxnrnA, Jaa. 11, 18M.
Statement of the Number of DcaUu and DetcripUm ofPertm
U *o Died try the Late epidemic
Tbe folic wing atatemeat of Uu lumber of dNthi by the
yellow fever here, (amountiag la all to 631,) la derive!
from autheatie looroeo, tad nay be railed on
?bb or Dsath* At Follow*
Of ihu Riyal Artillery, there died men 48
Of the Royal (tappet* ta< Mla?n 25
Of Her Majeatj'aMth Retimaat " 224
Woaei 26
Childrea Si
Tlfleea o Ulcere, tli
Of tbe oorpa ef Royal Knrineera 3
Of the oorptef Royal Artillery 3
Of Uer Majeety'* S6in Regiment (
Of the CoMtwetlat 1
Of the Or* aaaee Dtp artmeat I
Offleere' wiee* 4
Mo. of eoavieta ?ho died 152
Me. ot Quarteimaater* aad iiarb 6
Tctel ."624
Noaa of the a bore aduite were nativea. Soma few of
the cblldr* a were satire bora, bat their pareau were
St. Qeerte'* pariah?
Civilian!, very tew of tfcaai nativea.. .. . - 85
Child, eelf aad parent* aativee 1
Adult, Mortberaer 1
Child, aative, parent* from the United Slate* 1
Child, father hortheratr 1
Aduite aad obildrea. Mertheraer* 18
Childrea. eel re* and parent* aativee 1
Do., eae parent of each native 3
Do., both pareate Mertheraer* 23
Paaet'e? '
Aduite Morthentera >
Child, Mortberaer 1
Children one parent Northerner 2
Adult*, native*. .. 2
l Mldrea telvee aad pareata unlive* a
Children, oae pareat Mertheraer 3
Ada t, Mertheraer 1
Child, native, one pareat Northerner 2
Ireland aad Boa* Inland?
Aduite. Mertheraer* 1
Child, eelf aad pareata Mortberaer* 1
Adult, eelfaa* par tat* native* 1
Child, *elf aad pareata native* 1
Total (loldirn aad elvillaae) .~62i
Wedaeaday la bat weak waa duly observed la aU the
ebtuobaa la thaaa lalaada aa one of " publlo prayer and
thankaglvtag to Almighty Sod, for hla late moroiea vouoh
aafed to the iahabitenta of thi* ooloay, by the dlaappear
aaoe of dleeaee, aooompnnlad by great mortality, with
which Bermuda hi* bean ao lately and aererely rial tod."
Two oompaaiea of the Fifty -alxth regiment, aad one
company ef the Royal Artillery have returaed to St.
Oeorgea to oceopy forta than, which had to be va sated
during the prevalence of the epldemlo.
Via a team troop a hip Valeaa, Oommaadar Taa Troop,
arrived here oa the Slat December from Halifax, with
Uaptata Nixon a oompaay ot Royal Artillery, aad a da
taahxueat of the Fifty alxth regiment. Thaaa are the
troop* that had to be left at Halifax during the preva
lence of tbe epldemlo. L ent. Col. Poole, R. A , same
peat eager la the Vulcan aad baa auoeeeded the late Lieut.
Col. Robe la command of the Royal Artillery. Until the
arrival of Lieut. Ool. William*, R. A . hi* aenior la raak,
he will bo oommaader of the roroea hare.
The Vuloaa left oa Chrletmaa day for England, taking
home Oapt. Hontreaaor'a oompaay ef Royal Artillery,
eleven iavailda from the Fifty-aixth regiment, ten wldowa,
and aeventy children from the Fifty alxth regiment, and
five wldowa and etevea children bom the Royal Artillery.
The aix children of Major Oakeiay, Fifty -alxth regiment,
alao went home la the Vulcan.
Among tbe death* in thia community lately, I would
dee m worthy of eapacial mention, are thoee of the Rav.
Kobt. Mantach and John Barr, Ksq The former gentle
loan waa chaplain to the convict e*tabll*hmant in thaee
lalanda. and waa held in nniveraal eatlmatloa hero. The
latter gentleman waa a leading merchant of St. Georga'a,
aad bad amaaaed conaiderable wealth.
T jo influenaa la prevailing ia thaaa lalaada at tbo pro
rent time. Tbo aame thing happened on tbo departure of
the yelTow fever ia 1848. It ia nothing aorloua, however,
aad Bermuda may bow bo oonaidend aa havlag returned
to ita uaual health la* aa.
Tbo iafonaatioa received yeaterday from lalltax, that
a railing teeael ia to briag the mail from Now York, aad
not tbo Curlew, baa produoed eonaiderable dUappotbt
meat heie. Aa aa ovidenoo of tbe apaody manner ia
which aalling veatala oarry the malla at the preeeat aea
> on ot the year, the Velooity, which cleared at oa
the S3d December, with a mail, haa j oat arrived at St.
Oeorgea nineteen day* paaaago.
Oapt. Charlea Elliot, K. N , our preeeat Governor, haa
baea offered tbe berth of Governor-ia ahtef at Barbadoea,
aad will moat likely aeoiptli, I ahould thlak. X.
BuoLvar, Bermuda, Jw. IS, ISM.
The Weather? New Troopt?New Admiral? New Governor ?
Return of St. Georgei to Prosperity
The wwQmi to tad Mm km rery warm Mi raltry?
rery Uttto Ilk* winter. We hare had ?e*roelj My cold
w+ather. A death that ha* lately ottamA of a child
ud tto ITliicaa of two or three other ehlldraa, hm lately
ed to ten that the epidemie haa not altogether feraakoa
u. It to eery much to bo ho pad that wa may aat hare a
? ecuireaoe of the dtoaaaa next aummat . Should such ba
ha ease it wUl hare a aaw aat of military to ram through,
aa a company of artillery arrlvad hara la Oaoaaibar lwt,
and tha Mth regiment ara to bo cellared ahortly by, It ia
?aid, two regimeate, (auppoee MO aaaa aaah ) ft on Eag
land. Tha 44th regiment, (1,000 strong,) whloh ni to
hava reliered tka Uth, oaaaot ba a pa red from Malta, la
tha yraaaat warllka atata of mattara la tha East.
1 *ae by tha laat Bngltoto papara that Admiral Fan
ahawa expeoted to reliere our praaaat worthy Admiral, la
aD tha praaaat month, at Jamilaa. Admiral Faaatoawa'a
flag ahlp to tha Bose*m*oa a ra?ael almllar in alia ta tha
yraaaat flag ahlp aad aha to to hava a complainant
of 0M mea Tha dapartara of 81r George F. Seymour will
eaaae a nalvaraal faallag of regret throughout tha
It to aow aald that oar praaant Gorerair haa baea ap
poiatad to tha governmeat of Trinidad, aal will lea re
ahortly for hto poet Rumor mmta Mr wodehouae, late
sapeilateadeat at Henduraa, aa saoseaaor to Got. Elliot
la tha administration of affairs hara.
Two eompauriae ot tha 66th regiment aad a company of
royal artUlarry, hara ratnrnad to tha ooenpatlon of tha
torta at St Georgae ; aad tha arrival of aararal dirtraaaad
vaaaala thara haa girea tha port a much boater appear -
aaaa thaa it haa ahowa for aome tlma. a
Oauflallfla Carraapondeace.
Halifax, Jan. 10, ISM.
Sale 0/ 'M BumboUi't Carp
Allow ma through yonr indapaadaat paper to pat my
.'cllow-eitiiana in New York la poaaaaaloa of tha parttcu
lara of a public aala which took plaoa bar* to day. Oaa
thlrd of tha property eared horn tha unfortunate wrack
of tha ateauner Humbeldt, la a damaged atata, waa told
by Meaara. DeboU to Wlakal, conatotlng of, Tto.: Rich
a Ilk good*, 80 a SO la. wide, both black aad fancy; r*-1
aad printed baragea, an parlor qaaUty; aad broad olotha,
toe., kc. Thto being the daltoet part of the aaaaoa la
Ha>*faz, there waa a prodlgioua ruah to the aucUca rosm
by the largaat apeculatora, aad aay quantity of amall fry.
Thto property waa the portion dae ta, aad aetocted aad
pat aalde for the aalrera, being flahermea along ah are
aad the beet haul, I beUere, they erer made. The pro
ceed ? of the day 'a aala, aa etated, will amount, aome aay,
to 1 2k, 000 or apaarda, aad the property would act
are rage or realtee at thto ante more thaa oae fifth lta ori
ginal Talue The largeat purehaaara at It bought from
1800 to *4,000 worth, aad aapect to treble thto ta the
New Tork aad Boat** markata, aotwlthataadlag that the
gooda arc aa wet aa water. 80 aa of the parttoa proeeel
to New York aad Boatoa by thla ataaaaar. with their pro
party, to try tbeli laak amoagat the Naw York era aad
* ktoalaa* ; and "I gacca, If poaalbla, to make money out
of iheee of my nnfortonate eount ymea who ware aot
iatured. 1 maatacw glre themaaldaaof ?hat thoaegooJa
so d for teae, that they may gorera themaalrea accord
lagly, whan they meat " Blaa ? aa" offerleg hla pack In
their markata. By the way, be eaa a all aff ord to pay oar
(OieiaiLent the full :utiee m quired bv lew on foreign
g<* d?, aad 1 hare no doubt cur appralaera will do their
On y.
Bioad clothe, rarloua, eold for $1 00 a SI M
fUie, fa aay Olla 0 34
I<o , black, plala aad brocade^ 0 10 a 0 76
311a paramatta* 0 10 a 0 71
Plala aad prtated baregaa, be <t color* 008a 010
Btoek aad colored relreta 0 75 a 1 00
Pluahea ???? 0 60 a 0 76
0 4 colored enrtaia damaaka, aaparb aty la. . . 1 60 a IN
Mote aal** are expected of rlbboa*, readkerebtefo, toe.,
toe , of which 1 will keep yoar aubeerlbarefcdTiaed, who
may be or accrued la thto proper*; aad I feel aaaared you
will ooafer a faror upoa ma ay cf them by laaartlag thto
eammaatoatloa on the aubjeai
Too muck caaaot be aald la faro: of tha matter, who
haa baea moot arduoai to do all he could to aara the
?hi r per a. Tha ilx geatleaaea ahoaea here to aet for the
lahrra aad the ? hi ape re? thai e for each aide? eomblaed
W?thf r to charge SU per day each for orerhaallag the
--L.- < throwlas oat oae- third for the adrare, they
Kd how*T*r, Cttmatety to neeamb, the maetor proteat
of " Blue aeae" after that ttbwaln.; A terge qaaaUty
of theaame deeealptloa of gooda la rapoT4-4
he rfllag, coaocaled about the outhatrbora la the
borb>-od of the elty, which will likely, aow that the *ala
to orrr, be offered for leu than they brought
A conbtawt READER.
Marbiaoib and DivokCRU in Br. Lotnt.? Tbk
a umber of maurlagea ragiatered at the cSee of the eoaaty
Baeotdor, from Jaauary 1, 1863, to Jaauary 1, 1864, wa*
J, 241. Ike auia bar of marriagea actaally aolamatoed dar
ing tie year, la ao doubt moak graaler; bat olargymea
aad .laaoeee of the Peace pcaloiaa manrtega ciraaaialaa,
aad aitheagh required bylaw, oaait la aaaay ln*ta***a, to
report aad raglater the aaaae at the Recoreer'a oflee. Ia
the ai me ttone thara bare baea eighty eight appli sell ana
for diearaa filad-atxtj -three la the Circuit Court, aad
twaaty-tr* la tha Gear I af Co aaaaoa riaaa.
BirkDHTCWS Loot at 8lk<? It ia stated that
withi-1 tha toet two aaoatha eighty Teaaeto frelakted wlik
grata aad fioar baea baea loat at aaa Soaao of thaa ware
Irat cUm ahlp*, of to g* fine.
Tk? past mtk kaa beca a p roeparou* one tor all the
theatr ee. Two or three light place* have beca pre**at*d,
aad b?n proved quite ?u*c***rul. " The Hop* of Ik*
Family" ha* boon so well received at the Broadway that
It will be ooatianed during this week. The freqaeutore of
Barton'* seem highly delighted with Deri rage's bagmUU,
"Oar BMt Society," and it will probably figure on the bill*
for eoma tine to oome. At Wallaoks, the staadard come
dy of the "Wheel of Fortune" haa been retired, with
Mr. Blake aa Governor Tempest, Lector aa Sydenham, and
Waleot aa Pearuddock. It waa wall received, and will ha
repeated on Tuesday evening Great preparation! are be
ta, made at the Broadway and at Barton'* for the pro
dastlon of " A Mid Hammer Night'* Dream." a play apoa
which the " great maater of th* hamaa heart" lavished
all hi* wealth of imagery, and itored with earn* of the
?oat beautiful aimilee that ever fell from a poet'* pea.
On cU? that the " Miachievoo* Pack" wUl be sastalnsd at
the Broadway by a youthful debutamk aver whote girlish
head hardly tea (omniera have rolled. The little lady
eome* from a theatrical femlly, and it U believed that ihe
kaa a " call" to the foet light*.
The entertainment* offered at the various plaoes of
amusement for thia evening, will k* found to k* varied
and Interesting : ?
At the Broadway, "The Oatara*t of th* GaifM," with
all the hone*, prooeirions, Iadlaa *e*aery, and waterfall,
I* to be played, with th* a*w London ocraedy, "The
Bop* of th* Family." The** piece* wlU b* play*d
through th* weak, and neat* may k* wuil far *ith*r
At Burton'* theatre, thoe* tight and agreeable pi****,
?Oir Beet Bootety" and " Bow to Maka Bom* Happy,"
ar* to b* given tkl* *v*nlng ; al**, th* *k*teh called
"First Night," with Mr. Plactoe in hi* original part.
Mr*. Bo*y, formerly Mr*. Huswll, of Barton'*, make*
her Ortrt appear* no* In thra* yeara, at Wallaak'a theatre,
thi* *venlng, whan *he play* Oomtanoe in the " Lot*
Chaa*." Th* return of Mr*. Ho*y to th* itage will, no
doubt, can** a grand rally her foi met admirer*.
At th* Bowery theatre, and at th* Natioaal theatre,
veriloa* of " Uacl*Tom'? GaMa" ar* atill beiag played,
and at bath hou**e thia *ort of exhibition will prevail
The Broadway menagerie, Barnum'i maaeam, Chrlaty'*
M metre la, 473 Broadway; Wo*d'?, 444 Broadway; Book
lay'*, 639 Broadway; and Bllta, Btuyveeant Inatltuto, are
all wall managed and attractive exhibition*. Th* pro
grammea for toalght ar* lntereetlag.
Three French vauievllle* are to be given at Barton'*
Lye* tun thi* evening, by a company of Freneh arclats.
Mr. Forraat elo**d a four we*k* *ngaoement at the
National theatre, Boston, on Friday.
Mr. Anderaon eloeed at the Bo ward Athenssam, on
Monday. Th* Bo* ton AUat, in a cloelng review, eay* :?
The opinion* we have b*for* give a of Mr. Andereoa'e
perioaathn* hare not been changed, although we had
opportunities of witnessing hi* performance* in *everal
character? other than thoee mentioned in oar former no
tice. The *am* reader-like tone of voice, at d the eame
want of natural action, that we before remarked, appeared
In all hi* performancaa, and gave them a moat dieegree
able) appearance of uniformity. Be did n*t lnfaie that
lift and animation into hi* Claude Melnotto that *eeinsd
necessary for the proper representation of the "Lady of
Lyon* nor did his King Jamee, la th* " King of th*
Commons " 'equal the expeotatlona we had formed. The
correspondents of several of our ootomporarie* have
gtven the most onmeaaored pralee to Mr. Anderaon, for
what they have called hi* " beautiful delineation* ." but
w* meat beg leave to dffer from them in oar Mtlmation
Of hi* pereonati in*. Mi. Andereon'* abtlitie* are of an
uncommon order ; aad if he will only aee thoee a tliitlee
to correct the obvioue defect* In hi* performanoce, they
may be worthy of all the praise the flatterers now bestow
upon them.
The Lyceum theatre, Sudbury street, Boston, is ta b*
h*r? after need a* a livery stabl*.
Mi** Agn** Robertson appeared at the Boston Maaeam,
on Monday, al " The Young Actress," and ah* ha* alas
appeared a a Bob Nettles la "Te Parenta and Guardian*."
Th* Atheniaaa Ilk* her. Th* Altai aaya " Mia* Robert
?on i* a my pleasing performer, aad enact* the romping
character* with (kill and aacoee*. She I* particularly
good in the ? chambermaid ' lln*, in farscc, At. Ber Bob
Nettle* waa a bettor performance thaa anything of th*
kind we have eeen for a long time. In each character*
ah* la quit* attractive. We ahould think ah* would anact
in the ? Pet of th* P*ttlooata ' la a very latiafaetor^
There la nothing new la Philadelphia f heatrloals, sx
o*pt "Twelfth Right" at the Arch.
Mr. E. Eddy plays "Hamlet" at Buffalo, thia evening.
Mb* Julia Dean haa barn offer*d 980,000 for sixty nights
in California. Bo says a Boatham paper.
The Baseman children aregeiigtohav** "testimonial"
by their Now Orleans Meads.
Miss Logaa ctunmsnoss aa engagement at RUley'*
theatr*, Waahlngton, this evening.
Mr. aad Mr* florente arc playlag at Oladnaatl, Ohio.
Madam* Dannatrom Is giving concerts in Washington
J allien Intends to viilt Charleston, B. 0., immediately.
Madame Boning Is at St. Loaia, en route tor New Or lean*.
At Drury lane theatre, London, Mr. Smith has pro
dated ? Th* Bagging Letter," a melo drama fooatedoa
Rowcroft'a novel, "Fanny, th* Little Milliner." It was
birred. The principal parte wer* playad by G. Burnett,
Bolton, A Young, Mrs. Vickary aad Mlm Featherstonc.
No other novelties are announced at any of the other
?lb* association, of which M. Roqaaplan waa actlaf
Bitici, for the management of the Grnad Opera at
Kria, haa just been broken up; suoh dissolution, it 1*
?id, Wag pcealbly about to be followed by a change in
tbe direction of that theatr*. Mean while th* Graad I
Opera, apparently in eome dilemma how to fornieh lit oo
Opera, apparently in coma dilemma how to fornlah lit ocl
Mdile. Boa to, who decline*, It aoem*, to *inj
^^^^^?insic. haa been compelled to produce an adapl
tatioa of the " Betly" of Doniaetti. " Elizabeth," which
Is described ai a posthumous opera by the i
poser? in three acts? has been brought forward at the
Theatre Lyrique.
An operetta in on* act, by M. Reb*r, " L*a Papillate*
deM. Benoit," juat produced at the 0;era Oemlqu* of
Pari*, though ipoken of oondderatetr, eeema, *o far a*
can be judged from the Gaietle Muncalt, to have pleased
lee a thaa a new work by the author of ' Pare U allien"
aboald have 4*aa.
Tb* Italian Opera at Pari*, do** not ***m to b* pro
ceeding with any extraordinary ipleodor or *umw. In
the abiccce of Sign ar Mario. ean*ed by a sever* domeatlc
ailliotioa, " Krnanl" ha* been produied, with MdUe. Nis
*en? that bed of teamdt dona*? aa prima donna and for
baritone, Signer Grazlaal, who is described ae a ainger of
real promiae, " having a voice of rate ax teat, great pow
er, and detlclone quality.
Mr. Balfs's " Keolanthe" decs not seem to have mtin
talced its composer'* German popularity la Vienna.
Th* Parisian ccrrespondsnt of the lUuttraUd London
Ainn announced that MdUe. George* (whoee farewell per
fcrmhaee, after half a century of ?toga aerrlo*. took
plac* th* other day) haa applted for a vary humble aad
m*nial occupation at the Great Exhibition of 18M.
While Bacbaalwaa walking home from rehearsal at
8t. Paten burg, eh* was aho*k*d at th* oonlnet of a gen
tleman who eaised her in hi* arm*, aad commenced to rub
her noes with snow. She (creamed, but he continued the
procee*. In a moment a crowd collected, whea the Rus
tics put th* trofitdi nne again upon bar feet aad said?
"Mademoiselle, your noee waa freealng, and that wa* th*
only way to nave you." The Freneh paper from which
we tranalal e the abov*, *ayi that thia ****** to have been
really the case.
Th* last novelty at th* 1%mhrt Fremcait ha* bsan "la
Pierre de Tone he," a Gee-act play, by MM Emile Atgier
and Jab* Bandeau.
Tb* Fr*a*h journals mention the d*ath of M. Aaele*
do Btaaplan, aged sixty-three. The real name of this popu
lar ccmposa r of romancae waa Rousiaaa, and he waa the
phew, we are toll, of Madam* Campan In his time, M.
de B? aoplan was ths oompossr of come alight and pleaslag
Itloc will
ermie operas; bat hia claim on muaieal recollection <
principally rect among hi* romance*? and probably
? mcng all that large French family of tun** which itald
muaiclane deiplae, aad *imple amateur* delight in, there
baa never been melody more widely weloomed than the
a*r '?!) imes done, maa chare amour*," need with cuch
i.ietareaqee ektll and effest by M Scribe la "La Horn nam -
bcle " The oration at M de Beauplan'a funeral wa* pro
tounred by M. Edouard Moonais.
Tack Qey and the Chloeee jugglers, who were in thia
rone try last winter, (not tbcTong-hook toeg part*,) save
arrived la IJveipool aad they arc giving sueeoecfol exhi
The carnival novelty for 1IM at I* Sbaia, Milaa. Is to
k* by Maestro Bo set. aad to baec no leas omlnons a sub
jeet than "Bebbassar's Feast" Madams Novcllo Is to
be prim* torn*.
For Naples, tte'ncw opera* promised, accordiag to th*
Qo:ftu JhitieaU. are "Romilda dl Prjrcnsa," by Pacini,
and "Marco Viaeonti," by Pattella.
Th* va*t*qu**trian aire us of Berlin has been destroyed
by Are.
The Parislaa correspondent of the klfwism M*
Cm Use, among sundry elaborate eftteva, for M. Beyer
r'* fcrthcrmlng opera at the Opera Oomlane, a chorus
for tow dtetiaet *h Jr*, and aa erahestral eeena. out
doing the well known boB musia in "Den Juan," inas
much as the modern oompoeer make his three orchestics
g?y, net la three a fferent rythms, bat In three different
Two dtbulmmli at the two great musical theatres of Paris
? Greats ai at the I talis na, and Boenebtt at the Grand
Opera? have obtained oonsib arable ancceas, aad seem
H '? ^ obtain a pet mansnt position in pabUa favor.
They ar* both wut
TMstl BtsatlatlM cf Beaten Iter 1859 and 1853.
IMS 1SU. /ncmue.
Bit tb* M0g I, MX) eSM
Marriage rertiflaatee lasued. . . . 3 968 3, CM ISO
Man iagee recorded 2 6M S,IM 180
Heat be S.7M 4,304 640
Births asorc thaa daaths 1,473 1,812 ?
a ecrialnty that the mountain dletaton of this road will
be c mplateu and ready for a ae aarlt i* February. On
Friday, a locomotive aaid ear wiO be tekna through th*
tuae?l, and on Monday, Fab. 0, the train* will *omm*n?*
rooting regularly between this city and Philadelphia, oa
th* b*w road, the a avoiding the in jMned pis as* oa the eld
Portage m4.-fiWw| pit i, Jm. 30.
The Biwrt Conspiracy- Order #f "Kmw.
[From the IVmidu'i Journal, Ju. 99 ]
We have been at mum considerable HftiM and titra
ble to get hold of the o .natitnHoo end to aeoortala the
prooeaflinge of that danger res organisation of imod men,
ander the lea dor?hip of E. Z. C. Jadaoa. a con riot of oar
penitentiary ud a men of unambiguous antecedents.
The following la the result ot our mqulriis, end aa au
than tic copy
Whsrees, Foreign InQuenee baa for jtui bain under
mining our InatitatlOBs? been gnawing. Ilka a wina, at )
the root of the Tree of Llkeriy ? it baa beeoma neocesary
to form a guard of isithful rentlnels, eompoaad of wo
born under the ahadow of that eacred tree, to praaarre It
from destruction.
.T?'r?'or* ^ oaderslgned, bar a adopted, and
LwLog*^ 0mT " a*d ??* honoia to abide by the fo?- *?
Art. 1. "lie Guard of Liberty" la a secret military
ord". "Tr*' "I***-* ud brigade*, I
and U to be offioarad aa it incnacce. preoitelr aa thtanr '
of tie Amarioaa Revolution was, with oompaay aad rial
mental effloen, a cob pander in chief and the aeaaaaarr
staff Each offloer, witn the exeeptioa of the ataff (a
elected by a majority rote.
Art. X No man be admitted under the age of eiahteea
yean, or over the age of alxty yean, nor any man who la
any manner io crippled or deformed that he ia net a Me to
bear arm* la defeaoe of hi* country; nor oaa any maa ha
admitted who#* father aad mother, oa oae aide or tha
other, war not bora on Amerloaa toll; nor, bo matter
when he waa born, oa aay pretense whatever, oaa a Ro
man Catholic or a Jainit eat* thia Order; aad ahoald
tnoh, by treason, get among oa, they are to be tried by a
general eourt martial, and ao ponlihad aa that wait mar
Art. 8. Oar lnltiatioa I* to be verbal, never writtea.
aad ench ae haa been uaed in lnatitatlng the tnt com
pany of thia Order; the Initiation can be administered by
the oommaadiag officer of a aompaay, or by aay epeajal
deputy appelated by the commander in ehiaf; provided
?lwaya that tha deputy aaa only act la forming a aaw
company, aa after the eaaipaay la formed, ita oommaad
lag offloer la the ialtlatlag offlalal, without tha eomaaaA
ing offloer prefaia to have the duty performed by a milt
Art i. Every oompaay will elect only three offlocra:?
a captain, a lieutenant, and a a*rgeaat. All atinor offl
oera, iuoh aa lergseaa of platoone, corporal* of lauad
rons, aie tobc temporarily appoUted by the three offloer*
Art ?. A commander-in-chief la to be elected by a ma
il rity of the Order, hia time of offloe extending ti twa
jean. All compear offloen an elected lor oae year. Tha
er meander ia chief ia to be permitted to aeleet hie oaa
ataff, to eoaaiat of an adjutaat general, a twa
aldf, a aergaaat, a quarter maater, and a oommiiaary.
No offloer in the ataff can be under twentr-ose yean of
agv, or over fifty.
ait ? No oatha ara to be required ia thia Order, aa
tblng but ao America pic* go of honor to sustain eaa good
oitlaaa the law* of hla country; nor an aa; moneya to be
paid for initiation fee* or due* ? the Order to be ?u up wtod
entirely by the voluntary ooatributiona of it* member*.
Art. 7. We an to bring to our drill*, or when oaliaA
into at rviee, aueh weapon* la the ahape of firearm* aa
?alt* each member, comprising rifles, musket*, oarblaea,
doable barrelled gun*, single fowling pieeee, ha. ; aad
every member, whan oalltd on far duty, will find hi* owa
ammunition, aa our forefather* did at Buaker BUI.
Art. 8. All offloer* are to be elected by ballot, except
the ataff.
Art. 0 In caae of aay threatened riot or public diator
baace. it (hail be the special duty of the commander ia
chief to npnir to the Major and Sheriff, aad, giving a
writtea account of car number*, to ofT?r ouraervioa* aa
good and true Americana and law-abiding oitlxea*, to aa
klat a* a apeaial police in praaeiving peace aad orde .
Art. 10. The oommander in-chief can at any time,
whoa he conaldera it neceaaary for the public good, order
any company or all of the Order into service, after eoa
eulting the ataff offlcan.
Art. II- No muaic I* to be uaed. Oar motto li "It ia
deed* ? not word*." No banner to be tarried, except tha
plain American flig, which ha* braved the battle aad tha
bieeie ever triumphant in our rank*. When we parade
the utmoat alienee ia ever to be observed. The only uni
form or iaaignla to be wora by offlear* or private* ia a
whit* eagle of allver or plated metal oa the left breast.
The commander-in-chief and the offl cere of the (laff wiQ
wear a red, white and blue fash arouno their waist aad oa
parade or ia aervice will be aaouatad.
Art. 12. Thia Order will hold aa aaored holiday* of lib
arty, esd therefore will parade uoder arm* oa the 23d of
February , the 8th of January, aad the 4th day of July ia
itch y?r.
Art 18. Every member will *i ga the conatitution, aad
name hi* place of residence with hia tig nature, ao that ha
can be promptly notifiad when wanted.
Art. 14. All peraona applying for admintoa moat be
known and vouched for by a member In good steading,
whowlll.be held responsible for the maa for whoa ha
vouch e*.
Art. li A general court martial caa be held by aeo**
pany at any time, *a charge* furnlahed la writi^ to the
oommaader-la-ehief. agalnat any offloer or private? a ma
jority el way* to decide aa to the guilt or lanaosaoe aad
tha amooat aad kiad of punlihmen t.
Art. 10 A company oan be formed la aay part of tha
Union, if a request for a charter be signed by thlrteaa
good aad true Americana who send proof of their birth
and good moral character, aad an wlUinf to aeeept aad
abide by this constitution ; that charter is to be mated
by a regular meeting of the offloen of thia Order aad
signed by the commander. la chief
Art 17. Mo member eaa be eleatsd aa aa offlaer at the
end of tha first term without he ha* served ia the Ordsr
a full half term pnvioualy, the term dating from the for
mation of his company, aad a fall term to be eoaaMstad
oae year.
Art 18. Honorary mem ben eaa be alerted la thia Order
on condition that they have distinguished themselves ia
their country '? aervice, and are propoeed by a mrfmber,
ffliwl tha folt is OBfttiiaOQf.
Art 10. Ia esse of the death or resigaatioa of aay offl
oer , or his prolonged abeenoe, aa eleetloa ma; be ealM
by the commanding offlaer of the company, or by tha
commander' la- chief, to elect aa offloer la hit place, la
caae of the death of the commaader-in chief, the ad)a
teat general, or the next oldest offloer in the staff, if the
edjnteat geaenl is absent will at oaoe order aa eieettea
and act as commander in chief until another Is elected by
a majority vote of the whole Older.
Art. 20. Oompaaiaa an not to exoeed sixty- five ama,
offloen Included
Art SI. Every aaemtor signing this constitution ia ca
pested to uae all hla iafiataee and every possible exemaa
to lacreeae its members, advaaee Ita late rests, pnasrea
Ita aaents, aad protect its hoaor aad Integrity.
Art 22. A oosventkm of this Order, to revise, altsr a>
amead thia eoaitituttoa, oaa at aay time be called by a
two third veto of the members. All elections an to be
c&rrUd bj billot.
AU of whioh Is respectfully submitted by the oamsatt
tec. El) Z 0 JUDOS,
And It waa naanlmeualv adoat'd by the fint eomsaav
of the Order. ED. Z. C. JUDdON, Commandsr to*
Tlu Scarlet Letter.
[From the New Yutk Stanley Hmary.J
The H?raij> hu atuck to It* cbtrge that Pi**ld*at
Pierce wrote e lttter to the fie* toll oommittee la thia
elty la 1848 aatil it haa gained It* paint W* meat te
it the credit to aey that it* entire mana<em*nt of th* '
ratter be* bean moatmaaterly It erlaoe* th* taleat of
a Mach level, a TaU*yr*nd, a Fouahe, end a Vidocq. It
harped npon tbi* oh arge until it forced from on* of tke
conapirator* of that period th* adm Union, over hi* ova
tigtatur*, that *uch a letter wa* written by G*i. Pi*rae
to a free toll committee and. of coon*. H aontateed *ee
tlment* that jamped with th* notion* or prejadi***, at
that danced to the wire* that ooamittee h*la end w*n
pplllnf. Anything more joUv (re*n then tht* ads lades
w* never *aw ia print? any thing *o jolly green a* the
writing of a lettor at all, on an; subject, or at any Una*,
to th* BaanD,we cannot oonoaiv* of. Of ooarte the wor
thy gentleman who edit* that ih*el would tnrn aad tfM
it to hi* own account Bat la thl* caae? in tli? caa* o t
Uk* jolly green latter of Mr. John Cochrane, 9 array or of
thl* fort ? not much turning or t wilting wa* at all as***
Mr. Cochrane said, in hi* l?tt*r to th* Hmuld, that he
could not T*aoll?ct the eoateataof th* e^Jtle despatched
In July br Cea Pie roe to the free toll oomnittee here.
On th* subject of th* oonltnt* of that epittl* Mr. Cooh
ran* I* *ag*ly hot knowing. It I* well that that gentle
man'* memory should fall him at tbl* particular time,
aad on thl* per tics Ur aubject It might mortify all of
un If Mr. Ooobrare oould recollect aad weald gtve a* the
eont*nt* of that fro* soil litter; It would be paiafal, If
he could, to Sad what fool* aad dupea we have all be* a.
It I* alae fortunate thai Mr. Coohraae cannot Aad that
letter H* know* be hid tush a letter, aad be tell* the
Bauin that bethought h*eould lay hit hand upon It?
t bat It we* among hi* paper*; but it i*a't. H >w very
'ortunate! Bate'* part of what th* Hnuu *ay* aboat
thl* bailee** l*a't It a atlogerl - la it* war
Bnt. fortunately there I* ne eeeaaion for Mr Cochrane te
reeelleet the eoateata of thai le?ter. With the faete aew
btfire them, the pnklle will b* at ae l<>u te eeaela4e what
the letter contain**. The letter wae written te a (tee aetl
e< mmlttae her* ia 1 <48, at a time wbea tht Coaoerd Patriot,
whleb uniformly rtflteted Qaaeral rierce'i political aanti
mente. wee ??liemently advocating the Wilmot previa*.
Three lee* lag tree eeilere, who happened te bt eog?l*aat ef
that letter -Joha Ceehraae Itaae V. Fewler, aa4 Nelee* J.
Weterburv? U?w bel4 impertaat aad lucrative eSee* aadar
Gmernl Pierce.
Fellow eitiata*. (hall we bow aad yield to national aew
veationa for the nomination of a Preaident for thia great
republ a after thief It la time to wake upon thi* aubjeet
?high ttaaal Poader It wall
Aa to what Mr, alia* Judge, Nelaoo J Waterbury aaya
a Sent the bnataeea. we tegard It aa all boeh? e myatari
one aad ladeaeribahl* article la whieh that gentlemaa
baa beea deal lag all hla political life. Be protect* toe
mneh entirely.
Ltfal Intelligence.
Prmnra Cent or rna Unrin Statb, J as 34 ? John H.
Baady, Erq . of Maryland, aad Jamea B. Ever hart, Heq.,
of PMMytraala, wore admitted attorweye aad eonaaallrwa
ef thla court. No. 49, John McDonogh'a eaeentnra at *L
a t> patient*, ?*. Mary Murdook ei al. The argumeart of *
thl* eaaa* wa* ccaUaaed by Mr. B*a|amln for the appal
laae. Adjournal.
Jam 26 ?Allen T. Wtlaoa Keq , of Waehiagtoa city,
wa* admitted aa atton ay aad counaeller of thla court
Ne 48. Joha MeDowogh'a *zecutor* et i l , arpellaata, ra.
Mary Mnrdoak m al The argument of thia oatue wa*
coatiaaed by Mr. Raverdy Johaaoa for the appall***. Ad
Jak M ? .No 48. Joha MeDoangh'a executora dat.,ap
pellaeta, ra. Mary Merdoek, M al. Th* argument of thl*
eaaa* *f* continued by Mr. Buat for the appellaata.
Cnrsr or irraiiA, J*n 24 ?No 7?, concluded. No.
Ml, submitted No. M, on argument. Walker, Preat
J?at, fcc . aga'aat Bank of 3 tat* of N*w Tork A. *.
Claac*. cpeaaal lor appellant; Ward Bunt, oounael for
Jau 24 ?No 76, Brown net Inst Setback. Argaad.
M. 8. Bid we 11 connael for appellant: J W. Oerird. do. for
respondent. The oaly other oanee to bt beerd at praeaal
term of the eturl ia No 88, Waterbary agaiaat Wea*er
ralt. N. BUI, Jr.. eoaaael for appellant; J. E. BarreU,
do. for r*/ptnd*at.
United Itatca Manhal'a OMea. ^
J** 28 .? ukmrge Kerolt ?Thome* Edwwrd dnlby wa* V
arretted on a charge ef mnklag a revolt a* heart the
American thlp Laadna, whan 1a th* rlrar Thamaa, oat her
lart royag* from Loadoai to tbl* port. Bald to aneew.

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