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THE NEW T WHOLE NO. 67?. MORNING EDITION ORK HERALD. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1866. PR'JUE TWO CENTS. UVKRTISEIKIITS REHKWED 1TIKT HI. graciAii wyram ISLAND OF CUBA? GENERAL AND jn commission agency. ? Mereaderee street, No. Sr. J. Q. Boxarte, for a moderate rate ot commission. ?Will execute orders for tbo purchase of (ho different product* Of the inland of Cuba, such aa augur, molaaaes. tobacco, sogers, wax, to, 40 alao the effecting aalea of eonalgnmeat* of merchandise entroated te hia oare. In the brokerage department, Mr. Susarte will attend to the purchase of abaraa of tue different atoek companies, landed property, bouaea. villas and country seats in the delightful environs of Havana, allotments of laad, coffee and angar eatatea, farms and oottagea, to. His long ex perience and extensive acquaintance places hia in a po sition to obtain the moat favorable purchaaea and aelec tiona, sod flatters himself that persons entrus'ing or ters to him will be satisfied. Mr. Busarte will produce the heat reference* aa to standing and capability. Ordera to he directed aa above. J. Q SUZABTB. En BRITISH MAJF STY'S CONSULATE, NEW YORK. February lk, 1855 ?A awiud'er, call'nr himself toy nephew, having lately offered in payment for goods In Philadelphia a forged order, purporting to be signed by me on a friend in that city, the pubil'; are hereby cautioned against negotiating any inch order or draft. ANTH BARCLAY, Oonaul. Notice is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the atockholders of the Ameri can and Foreign Iron Pavement Company, at their olftee, 110 Broadway, New York, on the 18th tiny of February next, at 1'! M? for the election of seven trustees. New York. Jan. 84. 1855. I. U SAGE, Sec'y. TLTEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED 8TATOT J3I Mail Steamship Company, 50 Wall straet .? New York, Feb. 1st, 1846. Notice ? The annual election for directors of this Company will be held at this offloe, on lfcursday, 1st March next, between the hours of 13 M. nod a P. M. WM. L. YOULE. Secretary. "VTATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESJGM.? THE THIRTIEril JLl annual exhibition of the National Academy, will be " opened to the publio on Monday. March 12, at 6 IS Broad stay, between I'rince and Spring streets. Artists will sleabe scn-1 their usual lists to the ini'.ersign?d, at the university, as soon as possible; And they are particular 1 j desiied to have their works In readiness by or imme diately after the first day of March, as the arrangements will absolutely forbid the admission of any contribution whatever later than Monday, the 5th. They must also remember that the limited capacity of the present tern porary galleries will necessarily confine every exhibitor to a smaller space on the walls than heretofore. " Var nishing dsy'' will be on Saturday, the 10th of March, 10 A. M to 4 P. M , without further notice. By order of the Council. T. ADDISON RICHARDS, Corresponding Secretary N. A. New York, February 15, 1885. ?\TOTlCE IB HEREBY GIVEN TO A IX PERSONS X* having luggage or any valuables at No 1-2 Hamil ton street, emigrant boarding house, that they must -cal for them within three weeks, or the same will be -sold at public auction three weeks from this date, Feb. 14. ' JOHN MITCHELL, proprietor, late of 3'.0 Water st. Ol/. A.? GRAND CELEBRATION OF THE 123D ? anniversary of the birthday of Washington, on the 22d of February instant.? Oration at the Academy of Music, Fourteenth street.? The patriotic observance of this day. revived by our order into a nat'onal holiday, will he o?ieb rated with spirit, and all chapter* and mem bers are requested to complete and report their arrange ments without delay to avoid confusion. For though the demonstration must b? in harmony wi'.b the timet, it wiH, it is trusted, be fully creditable Members of the order throughout the State, whose chapters ara not re ported, are requested to unite with their brethren in the city in their appropriate regalia. The Honorable the Chanceries of States are requested to report early the number of chapters or members that will ascompsnv then, that their proper place In line may M assigned Cekgates to the Convention will plsase bo punctual in attendance on Wednesday evenings. W. W. OSBORNE, Chairman, 278 Gran ) street. Uua. E. Gh.d'hmlkxvi:, ) Secretaries. aO. A. REGAUA.? CHAPTERS OR MEMBER-! OF a the order desiring regalia for the celebration wiil please give orders early. Equipments provided for the cavalcade or marshals. Orders should be left without dely. W. W. OSBORN, 278 Grand street. g" |FFICF. OF THE NEW CREEK COMPANY, 35 WALL \/ street, New York ? Notice ?An election for live Inractora of the New Creek Company wiil be held on Monday, February 26th inat., at the ofllce of the Com pany, in New York, between the houra of 10 and 12 A.M. The transfer books will be closed from the 10th to 37th Inst. New York, Feb 14, 1856. SIXTH AVENUE RAILROAD ? NOTICE TO PA?SKN . gers. By City ordinance the cars are requested to ?top above tne street crossing going up, and below it going down Passengers are requested to make it con venient to take aud leave the cars on those crossing by the rear door, to leave thorn un the side next to tbe side ?wafc, an i not to jump on or off while they are in motion. WM. E 13111 T, Superintendent. fflHE STOCKHOLDER* OF THE PHENIX MINING JL sad Manufacturing Company of Virginia are inform ed that at the request of several of the atockhe Hers who ttlaappreheudel the object of forming the new mining company, tbe subscriptions for tbe remain'ng shares wUl be reopened until Saturday next, the 17th inst. On that day the subscriptions w.ll be finally closed and the stock apportioned. Apply at l.'l Broadway, ro">m No. 6, second story, between 1 and 4 P. M. . IXTAKKFIELD INDUSTRIAL HOME ASSOCIATION', v V No. 3. ? Th* delinquent members are hereby noti ced that on paying up the arrearages now due from Xhem, tbe flues will be remitted, providing the same is ?wld by March 2. By order. J. A. HANDc'CHl'CH, Secretary. HARD TIMKS. IHIR1 EtNTH WARD RELIEF ASSOCIATION?THE Usance Committee respectfully give notice that on 8undty next, 18th in>t., at St. Mary't Church, cor ner ef GranJ and Ridge ttreet*, in CO operatlsn with the ?ffbrta making th" taw^.ation to relieve the groat dlatreaa i xlfting among the poor of the ward, the Rev. Tbomat FarretJ, paator, will make a charitable appeal t* hit congregation at etch of the four jiuni or the day, aaaietad by the eminent Dr. Cummingt, who will ?leJiver a dltcotirae favorable to thit charity, at tbe \Q% o'clock morning maaa. Tbe entire collec'iona of the four maatra, and that of vetpera, and alio ta:h eubicriptiont Ml contribution! aa may be marie, will b* given to thla attociation. Tbe charitable are Invited to attend. 8traag?ra te Che church will be (applied with teat* by Jfr Drnmgoole, aexton. JOHN B. RYERON, JOHN F. RVBBKLX* DAVID A. FORBES, CHAS. II. SMITH, Finance Committee Thirteenth Ward Relief Attocia tlon. f|1HJRT?.ENTH WARP RELIEF A S^OCU TION.? A JL public meeting of thla aetoemtiun will b?; beld on Friday evening, February 16, at 7>, o'clock, at Onder ? lenk't Hall, corner of Clinton and liraail etreeta. The ?l? are respectfully invited to attend, aa buaineae of Ttaace will be tranaacted. JOHN H. BRKJG'', President DANL. P. SAMVH, Treaearer. Wm.-H. M'Concut, Secretary. LOtT AID FOVIID. f^OID WATCH I>06T ?LOST, IN TOMPKINS SQUARE \3T or vicinity, a gold watch and chain, made by I.. uTSaniiel A Co., IJverpool No 18,900. Tbe Under will he rewarded on leaving the name at the hardware (tore ?Jit O reeowlch ttreet. Y OUT? ON THE NIOHT OF THE 12TH INSTANT, AT Ma tbe Uetty Houw* or ite vicinity, a clutter diamond ritg, blue enamelled. The ftnder will be liberally re warded by leaving the name with the proprietor of the fietty Houae. or at the Fnlton Hotel, corner of Eait Broadway and Rut gen ttreet. T OHT -A NOTF. PRAWN TiY HKRNHARD A ?j Rosenberg in favor of Etrl Rrounfeldar, dated New York, December 18, 1863, on demand, for ?even h? dred dolltM. with interett. The fln<ler will be liber ally rewarded bv leaving It witb Rernbard k Koeenberg, J?f Ho nit on ttreet, a< tbe payment thereof hat been ?topped "f OBI? AT NIBLO'S, ON WEDNESDAY EVKN1NH, A M A laiy't tingle atone diamond ring Tbe flnritr will '#e liber til; rewarded by returning it to O 8. HAYLOUK, 19 Maiden Hoe. I OCT? K10HTKEN THOUSAND AND F IVK. HUNDRED A dollara la apecle certlll'atee, itanel by the Bank ot America to the aeaociated btnkt of th.a city? three j>t M.000 each, three of 11,000 each, and.ooe of $600? were lovt yeeterday by a clerk of the Bank of tbe Com ttaniealtb, on bit way from the clear ng honte to the beak * Aa tbeea certificate* are payable only 19 tbe aa ??ciated banka, they can be of no valne In the handt of any private Individual or other rorporalion. All per'ona nre req'ie-ted to atop any one who may attempt to paaa off either of theae rertli. tte?. A auita' le reward will be paid for their return to tbe Rank of tbe Common -wealth. (1KO KIJ.H, Cathier. -f (WT-ON MONDAY IYKXWO, A RKI? MOR<JU? A J pec ke tlx -ok, with notea pai<t ta I unpaid. Tbe flader ?wifi be liberally rewarded by a<Mree?lng p. M , Herald -e*ce. Tbe notea are paat due, and of no ute to tny one but the advertiser. THEMlLITARYi nfETfBANS OF THE WAR OF 1M2-MEET AT THK V War, on Friday, tbe 18th ia*t , at 7 P. M. * A. W. JONES, Lt Col Com l g TMAVELI.ERI' CL'IDK. ITIW JEWEY RAILROAD?FOR PHILADELPHIA k ' ani the f^wth and Weet vtn Jereey <?? mail and nreie II net ? Iieave Ne# York at 8 and 10 A. M., and 4 r M Fare, fS Tl In 4. and ?-t in 8 and 10 A M. , P m!; aewnd claaa, 13 in H tad H U. at II .? ,11 way etationa. Thrtaik tMketa told foi STm 8'?Vi I? a. ?L aji ? Fm. ADDITIONAL NEWS FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OP TBR ASIA'S MAILS. DEBATE IN THE MUTMB PUUiffiffT. EXPLANATIONS OF LQBD DERBY. The Attitude of the German Powers, Ac., *o., Ac. The malle from Euro?* brought bj the eteamihip Asia reached thia oity about half-past twelva o'clock last tight. Owing to tho latoneaa or the hour at wbich cur deipatchea came to hand we are com pelled to limit our extract! to a brief synopsis of the ?pfeehes of the Ktrl of Aberdeen and the Daks of Newcastle on the Ministerial chance in England. The remarks of Lord Dtrby, to whom vu entrusted the taak of forming a cabinet, are, howevar, glvea in Aill. We also give the latest intelligence from Piuisia an* Auatrla, relating to the political com plications of those count; lea. MlnbttiUl Explanations. In tb? House of liOrda on the lit in?t ., '1 tie Karl of Ahxkdesn Informal Uieir lordships that, after the rota in the House af Commons of Monday last the government had felt it to be thalr duty at once to place their resignations in Her Majesty's hands. Ha would take this opportunity to sUta that, while the tate adinldistration did not shrink trom any inquirr into their conduct, he believed that such sn injury would show that no indifference had been shown by them to ihe wants of the army in the Crimea, and he as firmly believed that the *ufTeriugs of that army bad bean exsfgerated. Tbe prospects of success, both from tbe strength of the British forcts, and from the allies by which these forces were auppoi ted, were cheering, and the ficaucial post titn of the country was satisfactory. The conntTy,how hit, demanded a strong administration. Uoa that was lo be managed he was ignorant, but rumor assigned the taak to tbe Kail of Derby. All be would say at present WD* that any administration which might be formed by her Majesty would receive that support fiom himself tin<l hi* friends which tbe exigencies of tba country de manded. lie r>ul<e of Newcastle rose to give some personal es planade ns ss to his conduct while at the head of the War department, ex plana) ions wbich were imperaUvuly railed for by tbe observations which had fallen from Inrd Jobn Russal in another place When the question of dividing tbe oflicee of Secretary of State for tbe Colo nies and Secretary of State for War was discussed in tbe Csbinet, be had cistinctly raid that, so far as lie was concerned, lie was perfectly ready to retain "either or neither" of them ; and yet, In tbe Taps of thts ..expression, 1-ord J. Russel bad asserted that be baa yielded to his (the Duke's) " strong wish" to occupy the War Department Nor, though ! ord J. Russell asserted It, bad be ever heara ai that time that I-ord J. Russell had expressed any wish that I I.ord Palmerston should fill the post of Secretary for ! War. Hie nobis Dnke then wsnt at length into the cor respcndence between the .Earl of Abordeen and Lord J Hnssell with rtspect to tbe reeignation of the litter, and showed that, so Tar aa he was concerned, that step bad been qnlte gratuitous on tbe part of Iy>rd J. Russell, for be (the Dnke of Newcastle) hail expressly said to lx>rd AtirRiiKKN, when l/>rd John Rismkli, was comi><sining of his conduct. ."Don't give my l>ord Jniiv Ri>s<itM. any pretext for quitting the government. Do with me what ever is beat for the public service " Finally, before tho meeting o: Parliament, be had informed Lord Ansa dkfn tlm ? . in consequence of the strong feeling mani fested by the public, ha should feel it bis duty to resign the office of War Minister, and that bo shou d do this whether the government were In s majority or not lie had now said all that he had to say, except that he would endeavor to ratke the path easy of any one who might be cslled on to sneceed him. Tba Kail af Iiawiv? My lords, wbatavw may be the parliamentary Irregulsrlty of the course which tiai been paraued by tfce n< hie duke opposite, In hi- reference and his answer to the speech of the noble lord, late hiis col league in the other House, f am ready to ariralt, and your lordships will probably feel with me, that that course, if not regular, may well be reparoled sith some indulgence and that a sufficient apology if afforded for the explanations we hav# beard this eveolug. (Hear.) [ 1 ran easily understand tbe feelings under which tba I noble duke thought it nrfcesssry to offtr before your lordships, as Minister of the Crosn, a vindication of him self against tbe charges wbich certainly atfe -ted most materially his chars rter, not as a man, but as a Minister. And I should not for a single moment have complained cf any portion of tbe noble duka'a reference to the proceeding* in tba other House of Parliament if I did not fee) It incumbent, at the outsat of the few obser vations I shall bava to submit to ycur lordships, to no tioe with regret one statement which fell from the noble duke, and which to me, and 1 believe to mo<t of your lord*bipa, was utterly unintelligible. The noble duke, in spas king of the assistanee which be shcild be ready to altord to bis surceator, made an alluaioa to some gen man who, he said, in tbe other house crossed over tbe floor of that bouse, and, apsaking to my right honorable fri?nd the leader of the opposition there, asked his coucunence to a motion, not directly impugn ing the government, but impugning the con I net of the noble duke himself. Of that statement, of that ptrson , of that unknon n individual, and of that fact, or (f anything like that fact, 1 can assure the noble duke that op to thia moment I have been in complete igno rance. f urther than thia, 1 assure him that if he be lieves the decision comu to by the House ol' Common* to exiresa their opinion of the conduct, not of the noble duke, but of her Majesty's government in the manage ment of the war ? if be* that that vote was tUe result of concert or of previous communication, directly . or indirectly, between any parties whatever, to the best of my belief and knowledge the noble duke ia absolutely .and entirely mistaken (Hear.) The Puke of NkwcaHTi*? The noble earl has entirely mbspnrebendfd what fell from me on thia point. 1 meant precisely tlie reverse of ti at which bo infers I meant. What I said was entirely founded on the speech of tho right honorable gettleipas, the leader of the Op position in the House of Commons. That right honors tie gentleman, in his place in the House, made a state merit to the effect that there had bo?n such a commuui tun made by a gentleman to him. Thia is my authority for the 'act, but the right honorable gentleman <xpreas ly said flat he had repudiated the oiler aa made to him. (Hear, bear.) I The Earl of I ntRY ? It will be unnecessary, then, for | KS to proceed further th? observation! I was about to mate < o that point. But, notwithstanding the statement which the noble duke hsa just made, I hope he will forglTe mo if I do lay bete in the moat emphatic manner that tbe vote cl tho Houae of Commooa proceed , cd the other day not from sny one party, muro espe cially not from the party in direct op position to Her Ma i jesty's government,? nay , more, thai it waa the earnest I recommendation. as I know, of those who are intrusted with the confidence of that party to abstain from bring ing forward any motion wnfch sboild cast a censure upon tee government, or tend in the slightest degree to embarrass then. (Hear, hear ) Now, tbe noble duke's statement this evening, so far as I could infer from what (ell from h:m, consisted In part of a vindication of his own character and rnrtly or a reply to the statements made by bis 1st* colleague. I and other*. I am afraid, have twen compelled to differ from tbe noMe duke md from his colleagues with regard to many point* a fleet log tho conduct of the war; and I have on more than one occasion expressed my opinion <>n tbe subject to the noble duke and to jour lordship* ? not uncour teously, I here, but with that fraosn??s which I think ought to be exercised in this House. 'Hear, bear.) But I never hesnl any me deny to the nolle duke tbe merit of hav ng teen laborious in the diacharge of bis duties, and of having devoted himself assiduously to bis office ; nor have 1 beard any one? I know not, T*f course, what may have appeared in some papers, or what conversation may have taken place at the clubs? T say, I have never heard the noble duke barged In Par l!arr,?nt, or by any ra*p>>n>ible authority, with in 'ifler ence to ths sufferings oi the army. (Hear, hear.) (rhe fiuke of Newcastle ? "Certainly not in this bouse. ) It has lieen said Indeed, bv some and I have been of opinion myself, that when the right thing was done, It ( waa not done always at the rigbt time (bear;, and that tbe neglect of tbe government ia not doing the right thing at the right time bad led to Increased sufferings and privatlcns on the part of the army (Hear, hear / Hut t?od forbid that any of us should have imputed t? tbe noble duke, or to any member of your lord* tups House, that he was in the slightest degree indiffereat i:pon sneh a subject, or waa spanng of his labors In tbe discharge of the arduous and responsible duties of his Oflire. 1 am not, my lords, about to enter upos any discussion? I his Is not tbe oeession on whkli to do so ? as to the conduit of the government or any m - in ">ers of the government Nor am I disposed in the slightest de gree to diminish the effect of '.bat " Picture <>7 an Into ricf" which has b*en drawn in such striking terms bv tbe noble duke, (laughter ) It Is really one of tbe mast ef.Swtivt pictures which I lave seen proeentod to i'sr'lsm?nt? (bear, hear)? and when, after having gone tin ough all tbe correspondence, and conversation, and j frlmiMy coramunleatif ns which have taken place be twe< n "him and <te of his colleagues, tbe noble duke ' eoimd up tbe who'e picture by sating that he belteve<i that colleague was tl.e one of all whose on ni< nt seemed tobavemoet of Identity with h's own? (laughter i ? the effect wss b<ifhUoed and a complete view afford* I of ike beautiful Internal harmony .f that Cab net (R? newed laugbt't. ) My fords. I sm txmnd to ssv that I think the noh'e duke I* luite excusable for hi* state n ent In thin bouse to night; and, sa far *s I can loam, although F+ffcnfa it is contrary to tbe Horatian motto to decide now? for we are probe My always move strong ly impreeael by what we see and ntar tbaa by what we read in the newspapers? I coatees I thiok that between tbe two noble eofteagaee tbe nobis date baa ooaaidrably the hestof tbe argument. (Hear, hear, and a laugh ) 1 don't know what 1 might say If I "heard the other side " but that, at all ovesfta, is my present lit* preesion. If, bo "ever, these dietusetons are con stantly to tabs place in this bouaa? if tbeea represents | tloue are to follow one another eo quickly- I can I snggest only nno mode hy which to aeaere norfeet ia wfiaM. Tho snsinbi rs of tho two honaes should meet i in the large central hall hoto ? a thia and tho other I H??se of Parliament, ths berds ea on* s*io and ths Cotnmou* on the other, and there, tli* champion* uaeet iag in the centre, there m'gtit be, according to the eg pieaaioo of the noble duke, an exchange of word*; aal I ooljr hope it might not lead to tbe tieluip o( tar thing lesa friendly than wortU. (laughter.) I will, however, have th* picture of the interior or the Ca bluet ? the picture of the relation* between the noble duke and hi* colleague* ? entirely aa a matter to be aettled between tbemselve*. Nor do 1 think this a fitting oc caaion <br cotuuient upon the picture which the noble earl opposite, at the commencement of the evening, drew of the goneral ?tats of tba country. That funeral oration (a laugh) which he pronoanced upon bimaell aud hid colleague*? that general and oom placent laudation of each and every one of them ? first, of the War Minister; next, of the Chancellor of the Ki cheotier; neat, of the First l?rd of the Admiralty ; next, of toe noble lord oppoelte, the Secretary of State for Koieign Atlaus ? I have no doubt all the** Laudation* were enceedtogiy well deaerved, and that it wa* equally satisfactory to the nnble earl to have the opportunity of making them. and to hi* colleague* to receive them at hi* band*. Tb< noble earl alio touched upon toe general state of the nation, and although, perhapa, he Introduoed aome debateable ground* Into hla obaervatlona with re gard to the general and abundant prosperity which, ac cording to him, prevail* In every district of the country at the preeent moment, this ia not the fittest occa. aion on wbich to enter upon the debatnable ground* he haa introduced. Nor, I think, *honld I have risen to ad dress your lordships at all oa tlii* occaalon. had It not been that the noble earl did not think It t? coufln* him ?elf to the usual announcement oa auch aa occasion? namely, that he aud hia colleague* had reaigned oflloe, and only held their preiient poaltlon until Her Majeaty *hould have appointed their *no?e**ora. I *ay, I pro bably (hould cot have ri*en if, In making that atatement, the noble earl had not thought it nereaaary to make a Cr.vDnal refer*' nee to tne aa having been charged by Her aje*ty with the formation of a government. The noble earl, undervaluing and underrating the aourc* from which be derived hi* information, *tat?d *a a matter of general rumor that there had been aome communl cat-on between Her Majeaty and mynelf on that aubjuct. 1 ho noble earl baa, I ear, certainly underrated the soiree of hia information, bee* 11 as not only general rumor may have informed him on the Nnbject, but previously to entering into thia bouae I had, under my on hand, given the nobie earl information aa to the result of this communication; and, conaequently, the natoriety and general rumor arlilcb led him to believe it m'ght be p >a slble (a laugb) that I had had aome communication with her Majesty are phrases which muit have been employed by the noble earl in hi* ?mal eaie to guard sgsinet ex aggeration and to avol.9 reratatlag any part'of hi* case. (Laughter.) A* your lordships may not b? all la pos session of such 'iiformation, I can inform yoar lordships on this eubject that, fur once, the noble earl 1? not mis taken (A laugb.) Upon the resignation of the noble tail, it is p*rfectly trna, and was known to moat per ions, that her Majeaty commanded my at en<lan"? yes terday mcrning at half paat 11 o'clock; that I had a long audience, in which I need hardly say I met with that which every nerroa admitted to the presence of her Majesty Invariably meets with? the most cande ?cendiog kindness, the moat perfect frankness and openueas, and a manner of dealing with all public su!> jecta a ccnaideration for all personal feellnga, which all who are called upon to communicate personally with her Majeaty knows to what extent ah* pojsoases, and wbich most increase the affection and loyalty that every person wbo ha* hal a knowledge of tho** qualities must fiel for her Majeaty. (Hear, near.) 1 do not think it would be for the public Interest that I should at thia time? even if I had the permission ef bar Majeaty to Co so, wbich I have not ? avail myaelf of this opportunity to atate all that paused upon that occaalon. aa well ua all that subsequently occurred. I do think it would be inconvenient to the public service if, while ne gotlations are going on? (hear, hear)? and the step* taken by public men should be prematurely detaiUd. 1 tl'lnk to do so might lead to serious inconvenience to the public affairs of thia country, (Hear.) When I aay tbat negotiationa ate going on, I mean that previously to the formation of a government, I think It t* extremely Ibcmvenient tl at there ahould be a public diacuaiion day by day of communication* which may take place be tween different parties tending to the formation of *uch a cabinet. (Hear, hear ) 1 think it if the duty of every pub lic man, whither he accepts or whether ue abataiaa from i accepting the gov eminent. to be piepared to give at tbe ! proper time a fall eiplanation both to hla owu (roods j and to the country of tbe motlvea which Induced him ' either to acctpt or abataln from accepting office. (Hear, 1 hear ) ilut, my lurde, I tbluk that tbat explaaat-oa idioukl never be given uitlil a geveramaei U> actually I lurmed, and tbe st*(e of atfair* la decided. 1 therefore. ? upon tho pri'ient occasion, content myself with saying tbat, feeling deeply grateful to her Majeaty for the coti i Ildema with which sin lia* regarded me, and feelicg ! deeply conacious of my own inability to discharge i the dutie* which thir arduous position would hare imposed upon mi>? feeling at the same time tbat, with the probability of success, the v?ry difll cullies with which the couutry is surrounded would be an additional induccnvnt to any man of bonrrand character not to leave Uer Majesty without a govt innient to grapple with these difficulties ? J yet felt tbat. In the present state of p*rtie? and in the pre?ent condition < f the Hour* of Common*, I aaa not enabled to oiler Her 1'ajeaty that aasura*ce of tx-lng in a po-tion ratlafactorily to c< nduet tbe alfairs of the country which would induce me, at Ilia pie?eut mom at, to aceept tli* tack wliith Her Mnjesty wa- pleaded to confide to me , , ai.d consequently, at tbls time, I have no cliargs . from Har Majesty to attempt tne construction nf a govei nment. lui'.lier than tbls, my lorda, 1 tbink ' it would be im^oaslbl* for m* to say, ax:ept that I'l concur entirely with tb* noble e*rl opposite that, wbstevrr may be tb* composition of tbe governmen' (while I concur al-o with blaa as to the difficulty of obtaiuing it) the great object whih this cotiitrr looks for and icqulres in the preaanl moment oi dilicul ty, of embarrassment, and, I will aay, of peril, ia. if It ' be possible to obtain it, a strong government. (Hear.) And. whatever government Bay be intrusted with ber Majestj's confidence to carry on the affairs ol thegreit war awl tbe great* political questions in wbich tbls country Is now Involved, that man ia unteeerving of the character ol a patriot, or o< an hoteat man, who doe? cot to the utmost extent of hi* power give to the gov eminent of the Queen for thase object* a d ids teres t- 1 and, aa far a* he can. a eoaeciaaliou* support (Cueers; j Pi uaaln unci (he WtiUrn Powtrt. ? ?n the Viet of January the Cabinet of ll?riin addreoae 1 tb* following deapatch to it* repreaentativea at Pari* and London ? Ki.hi.ix, Jan. Jl, 1HA5. | Ho.xmixk I-kComt*? We have received with particular internet the accounta jour Kicolleney baa aent ua of tout interview* with M. Drouyn <1* I/iuya (or l.orJ Clarendon; on tbe aubjeet of an aalabliahm"ut of an entente Ww?n our two government* m the aeaae of tba deapatch which I bad the honor to ai'draea to you on tho ltrth of December. To our , great aatia I action, the adbaaion of Prueala to the | treaty cf tb* id o> December, aucb aa it wm at.flr?t propoeed to ua, baa nine* boeu recognizor aa Im practicable, aa wall by tba Cabinet of Parla ua by that 1 of I.oudon, nad tba idea of an arrangement ta'-ing it? . point de il, ran from tba aituatlnn and >pec<al iateraata of Pruaaia baa barn tbe object of confilential eonv*r?a tiona, at which, ??? do not doubt for a moment, on all alder tbe ainotre draire prevailed to overcome tat- difll nMm by endeavoring to eoncl.ate the object wbich j tbe 1'ower* puraue in common with the want* (cxt genet) dictated by tba particular interem* of each of 1Mb If tbia exchange of ideaa baa not yet lad to the renult coaloimabla to tbe deaire of all parti??. wear* of oiioiou , ? and we will explain ouraelvi-e on tbe aubjeet with tbe moat perfect franknea* to tbe Galineta of Parla and loin don ? that the chief cauat thereof la to be found in lb* important change* of fact (rKangemerttt de fait) wblc'a bate occurred, aa well aiara tbe treaty of the 'id of December waa aigned a* alace my deapatcb of tbe 10th cf the aame month. In tbia reepect It la of gr*at importance not to loaa light cf the fart that tbe delay fixed by the 6th artlclu of the treaty having ei plred that which at tbe conclualon of the treatybore only an eventual character haa aiace acquired a greater , artuallty : and that tbe offen<i?e tendency of the treaty, eclipaed tn aome aort b< fore the eipiratlon of tbe term, arafna now their bearing to tbe atipiilationi of the 2d of lecmber, and inuat undoubtedly react upon the i atuie of tbe engagement* which Pruaala, oa her a. da, in Klit declare b<raelf eventually leady to eiotract. It ia evident that tba government of tbe Kln(. f*eliug tbe blab reapcnaibility attached to anch enra?eni?ntii would be fouad wanting to ita moat aacrad iluti** If It did not make them depend upon the moat ccmji>te knowledge an<l moat conacient'oua tiamiaa'ion of tb? l?litical objecta wblcb it ia detired to attala. It la 1 tbia rotvittion which induced m- already in iny de epateb of tbe 11Mb of December to eipre? the daeir* to I now the interpretation whtrb the Cabin- ta that eigaed the treaty of the 3d of December gave to ibe four point* formulated by them aa ba*?e for tha ? egotlaticna for peace, and accepted by l!ua*ia. It *p fear*, in ecath . tbat when 1 deaun<**d that inllap-na abia information the thr?? Cabin*.* haJ not yet agree! among tbemeelvea upon tb* aignlflcatlon or at l<a?t upon tb* dreciae wording f redact ioaj which ongkt tt b ? given to tba four preliminary pointa. Hinea then, bow rear, aa e**ontlal change haa taken [lace in tbe altua tion. Not only do tbe Weaterw Piwer* appear to bav? come to an agreement with Auatrla oa th? manner o interptat ng the four po'nta, hut their threa repreeanU liven inuet have 'OP' <1?r>t'*ily comm to an un leratand tng ?.tb the Itua-iau Plenipotentiary on th* prel unary baai* 'or tba negotiation of pea?-e 1 he Cabinet o' Parla (or I on Ion < I* too enlighten*! ia it* Judgment tad too impartial In 'a appro* atlon an* !o be, a* we ounelvee are (truck wi'h tb'- eri ten ?? of tb< n?o?t intimate c^MNtki which evlata betwoen tb 'Mnlomatle tapy>^ trhrmitt wbi !> haa taken alar a \M?I, and kttwwa tb* alter'er >)iiMtlM> far Hie ?? !ut!on of which Ptuaiia would he eveataally na?iy to aa ui* ber enacirraace by roatra-te-t i Wltatirna '/a/rati'll'i Xn w, th? ( a bi net of King ia Igaoraat ->l tbe teta > of <he coafldeatlal conv<-raatUn? wblefe haea tak*a pU e. It la ign'itant of the praci>? re ? aft of tboo* -naferwri ?? The laMnet nf pt. Pateraburg Haa tim-Mlf roaamuai rated to aa a morandum which Prince <ior*erfcakiff had eoafld>ntlally preaan'ad to ll? iepToaan'aUee< of tba tbree other I'owere Wafoand Uwreta taeaiMin aad pacific Jlapoeiiiona But we . <nH aot appr-eiate tha rnll beating of that manifeatatloa bacanao it ap. peared to bo onlv the rr rrlhrj of aaother documea*. ( tr trm fl ) ?' tbe tareo reproeentatleea, with mh>ek wa are not arqnaintod. It ia, In met, larooteetahle that to ha a hie to form a aroelao judgment on oar eventual eagagem*nta it ao loager aofbte. for aa to be mada aaqnalntad with tbi* at that document, upon which tba other rejireoeataUvoa eea n.hled at V ienna. *itkar all or aaaaa of tboaa, may, - * - pa, bare roate to an agrewaaoat among tbawaairaa, It a nereaaary fw tbia rib>eet that we aboaU kaow I il ? a :'m?* ?f tba Motiva* 'kick Uaee almiM tba deliberations, and, la *om? iMMUlf, ^'rn*id*d over the birth o( nuch document* Th* consideration!* attached to the ?Mr?, s?4 to tffcteti I dispense gietnr further <l?v?lr pm-nt b?** MlT teadad to coaSim the King, our an gnat master, to the intimate coevictioa that all nsgottatioo oa the part of his got eminent to conclude an imn|(tm*(t oa tha trabjoet of | hi a concurrence ia eventual cstnplleatioas will remaia fruitless, aulaaa preceded by the praaaaoa of a repeasoa tati ve of hi* Ma j*? t j at the deliberations whioh ham Haaa opened at Vienna between the plenipotentiaries of tha belligerent Power*, ao<i from which our aaguat miafer pray* simerely a remit nay ensue proper ta assort aa | noon a* possible tha bieesiogn of a awd and dara'>i? . peace to hurope. Taking thin conviction aa a startieg eeiat of hi* future ; attitude, tha King, our august master, hti aot, how ever, let hiej?elf b? gui.led eiclunlvely by tha pra-t'o?l an genres which I have Just indicated. Hi* Majeaty hat alto sought tha motives of this reaolut'oa ia considers tlona of a higher order. I do aat hare lay *!?*** upou the ronteqn*oee? which tha King attribute* ta the qua lity of Pntaalu a? a grtat European Power. I do out do ao, because I hare no motive to auppoae that frjm auf quarter whatever there ihouid be aur ilea of queetion og that quality, or attempting anything against tta pre i otattre But th* government of th* King hai more positive, more special claims, which aaaura to it aot only th* right, but make it its duty, to take part (ctn4?*rlr) la the deliberations destin?d to pat an eau to tha Kastorti crisis and to the oooiplicatioas which have arisen thara from. They are the protocols of Vienat, which have given to the solution of this question Uie character of s work In common Tha representative of the Kiar sign ?d them, and Prussia has the oonseianea of having faithfully fulfilled the engagements they embody. I do not here moot the question to know whether Hie actual Vieana Conference i are a continuation of tttoss of last year, and I abstain from renewing the ooutrcverny on th* causa of the cessation of tha latter. Oa this sub ject I confldently await the et lighten lag effect of tiui>< and truth. But. however this may be, the protoools ?liiak are continually Invoked agam<t ui when the ob J*?t t? to dadur* obligations from th'Vl, assure t ) us 4so rights, and we cannot admit the first without euter ing info full enjoyment of the latter. These principles, M. le (Vimte, are a* simple and Batu rat that they do not appear to need an advooate I heg of yon to bilng them under the notice of th? Minister of Foreign Affairs (principal Saoretary of State), wtio, we are rally convinced, will not refuse his approval ol them, and like ouratlvea, will consider the frsnknesH with which we have s? press.*! thi ni of a aature to facil itate rather than obstruct the eventual entente of the two Cabinets. Ittcchre, M le Comte, the assurance of mr high eon alftratioo. M AN'lI.i'SVU. The KianUfort Dtrt? Tin- Declaration* of ProMln. The followii-c in the text of the declaration made by M fie Bitnirk .' fh?nhati>en, tile npiweattUfo ol Pruriia In the fitting of the German IHtt or the 2HU of January : ? 1 am authorised to make known te the High Assembly, in continiiatlon of the former oommunicatuiua made to the IHtt, and in fulfilment of tne promise of an ulterior mtmte, that, by the note annexed of the 28th ol Novem ber, from Prince Gortschakolf to (Joaut Baoi, the Cabinet of St. Petersburg ha* accepted the fonr point* which have been recognlud by the federal ce;i?ion of the Ut'a of Dseotnbar, a* forming suitable bases of pesos, Hint he hss accepted them without reserve, aad in ttie form in which they were proposed to him. Coastqueatly the belligerent Powers are agmted on lioth sices ou these potato, put forward by the Western I'oweis .heniselves as a preliminary buia for be* ottatlom for pesce, and it. may be confidently foresesu that they will shortly commence; aad as soon ss tbese negotiations shall liars a**u inert a European character, by the direct participation therein of the two great German Powers, the government ot the king will not fail to come to ao understanding with the Diet ou the subject. In the-e negotiation* everything will depend upuu Hm interpretation of the four points. The government of the King don not know officially whethirthe Western I'oweis hare alieaJy taksn a decision on the detail* of i he intorpretatioa which tbey intend tu give them, it caanot, eons?<| neatly, est mate In how far their inter pretation will coisetds with tlie sis niBcatioa which the contracting parties of the treaty of the 20th of April sol of its additional article* sttach to ths four points, w.iich treaty sad sdiiUooal articles extend to the whole Coa i ftdevatiaa by the resrl itioi.' of (he list relating thereto ?a signification which alone makes of these point* s ' bails ol obligations eontfacte^ by the tierinau Mate*. Expecting that ths aegotiatioos which will Uhe pUce . M t'.im (|uestlon may exercis* a practical iuduon<;n upon the validity of tno treaties which hitherto form the bials ol public right la Kurnpe. Prussia w II not I only maintain on her own account towards the other , ftatra who participated in tho e treaties the viawsac | cording to which she participated in the reailulion* of the Diet ef the 24tb of July and of the tfth of December, but she will also endeavor to assure to the ton federation that participation which is reserved tor It. llie government of ths King is, he wever, already euablrd to observe, that if on the on* ban t it sec* I hat the consideration of (terman interests, which fuund sn expreison in the resilutlou of ths Oth of I' is assured en ail side*, on the other hau l it can inform its confederates, with no less latiafacUon that tie re iterated and conclusive assurances of Kuasia exclu 1e the fesr of sny attack upon the Austrian troips Ny Km us. no Ion* a* they themselves do not attack Russia aud that <on*C(|ueutly, the rase in which German fortes would t* called Into ac.lve co operation, in vir tue of the additional article, will not be reali?ed. Ihe limit* of German in;c-ejt/ which Is the actual itsle ol sllsirs are to be supported bv the srm d force o' i lie Co n'ed? ration are ludicst- d In the re-oluUons of ths Im t of the 27th of July snd the 'rth of Thos* 1 resolutions, after a careful examination in vie by all the < OEtrartirg j .irliee, fixed thn measure of the obligations I r??lpr?ia.!} imposed upon tli? German < onfe l-ra'ieu upen Prtin-la and upon Aii'tris A ?rest?r develope aent of. exi-tirg rela'.lous iu virtue of tlio?s treu'le* i ould no'. taie iilace, if the wadt thereof becani" sens! b'e. except by the fiee consent of the tbrve coatractioj parties, grounded npon the cUar and complete k no* ' fei'fe ol ti.e relations of eaih of them with the bllliger >ut I t. wen Tin- new foim of Urn relations in wUich Anitrii finds herrelf with the Western I'owers, in conssquen'-e of ths tresty of the 'id of December of last yeer. a* well a* the j action tbey may nereise now or eventuslly, d< ??rre to | hetko'oiato ?rrU>us con iiterstioo. Hi* Maji sty will fsltblully fulBl In the future, as he > has bi'li?ito done, ev?rj obligation emanating from bis liberal relstlois or fr?m treaties, a* already declared in tbe <!etj strb of the Mh of January to ths Anstrian Gab- I .net, but lie will decline all demand* going beyond until 1 ? he exact bearing of tbe lacrlflces which tho?e demand* ! n>; impose upon Germsny can bt appreciated, as also | the relai on there may be between those sacrifices and the object 'U*y may have In view. HI* Msje>ty i* convinced tbst in his double quality of member of the tier man Confederation and sovereign of a Kuioptsn Power, in holding this conduct, commanded by bin duties towa.ds ths Confederation snd by ths loltci j tiide he owes to bis own subjects, lis acts in a jor lance I with the news of hi* high confederate*, an 1 consequent ly hope* thst, otsnding witb them upon the sum ground i of tbe resolution* of the Dist, snd la eornple'e aoeor- I dance, be will obtain for tbe Confederation it*el'. and | lor earh of ila n'imbers, garantces afsinst any preteu atoa Wtrai/T? tbe dignity or Interest* of(Je-maoy even if tbe 1. pea of sn srraagi ment ahoul l be realiae'l lite Va e-ty unceatiaglv endeavors, In view of sueti a case toohtsln, by confldential negotiation* with tbe belligerent powers, guarantees thsl Germany may not be tfiifged into tbe ' ompliratlona of war except in tbe desaiire of - anger tkat miy threaten her own inter <st? Hwt, lndep? adently of tbe suc-sss of hi* effort*, his Majeaty *>e* in hla own atrength at in that of all I Germany, and ib the sore foundation* of tbs federal 1 conatltuticn sufficient guarsnfeea for ths maintenance of tl.e'ugtiity, for tbe ssfety of the honor, aad for tbe trslateasnce ol the rights of the common country. Pi ii mIii. A nutria, and the Or r man f>lr(. [Kiobi tha T1k?? ? orr??poo'l?n ?:? Jan. 23 ) I'olitira) ?!t?lni ?r? at pra??nt no astr<>m*ly romp) t?d, that rrof?#a,oaal corraipondaala h?t? but l>ttla mort taught :nto tba fat or* than th? puMlo. Iliinga rapl'lly romlng *o a rrl?ta lo Ormtny and tbrra ar? ayniptooin whi'-h mail intura the attrutl?? < I ?ar?*r to laar that Jtuitslaand PriiMU w II r??ntu?ll/ ba Icund lo o^prxit* tin;i. Tim attltad* of Iba l??t Dtioni d I'owar b*com?? mar* ao1 mora amMfti ??, and ft ia i?lat?d that tiro irrnr rrrp? ar? about to ba plartd hi tba Rhin?^nd on* in Mila?!a | !?u<.h m?anor?i ?oull nffunl ? V> distal aft rn'. Kran<*? and Auatria. and roul.! tiai !ty '*1 ' ? counter demonitralloaa on tbapart of tha alllad h??ri IJttl* In-porlaaca would h??a baan atta<-)i*d t? tba , rifoft. t i at I'ruaaia rat?rt*loal tba Mm of minti a part of bar arm/ mobile. had not raliabla laforn* | t on to day lean ref?tY*d that the snine<era of 'ha ! larlin ]!ra>laa ttdarbarj r?f!way? ba! racaired oriara to bold th'-mtaltaa prepared to con>*y troop'. >rom l-rankf'tt at Kara prtvata adri;aa that Harou I'ro With will ban!!/ ba ?b1? to obtain a majority la the I Hat oa U.a >|tiettl?aa of th? mob.. ration ' 'b < ttraan roaiiagenta, aad of tli# e!e< Hon of a cowman tar ta ehlef for tb* f' .aral army but If Anatrla ii la a an DMlty In tka M?t tba will raacluda a ?aparat? al. aa?>? | wltb tboaa htatea wfelrh ahara ia har op a im that tba le??tf?ta aad aaftty of riaraiaay ara a?a'?t by II ?? ? a. Tba Otf /'???, la Ita laador of tlna m'>ra or 'h"*t ?aa that tha Bond a about ta anderfo a rery , ri in a trial aa 1 anrh la, ia tm'h tha ia?a for ^t la aoa 1 tailed on to ahoa that It haa la It tba prm-ipl* <>' ?>? UHtyl Kn'> the l!'iad ail llr>' ronatltatod Aaatr ? ia< a >?HaMy doee all la bar ;ottar ta maintain ita no ty ?ad ?1 in ty, but ?u h bat not W?? tba <~aa* wiUi f*r ? >? a, at da- auAtUatly la lb* T?ar? 1W* aad )*>' ?b a a I'parata ewtfa ration ??? firm* 1 tot a .?? ??t a atr <>*i man poa< bat a?a ?at tbi* ?rop r? Ara ? ? a ! a >r ' ? aba** mention" ral 'UUai ma la u. pia < n that Austria n revolted to know aiaatlr who la ?i?h h?- an l who la i|i ?l bar ib? pa>>aaa allia4a4 ta la tba (allow d< ? I ?'Mo il't A tiatHa ba aaraa??alA4 ta lorab "Wpara'a aUI an?*a in Uaiataar bar palky. win Mill ba <i?rna?o ataa | tboaili that a< bar aatafoa ^ta abould b* raaipWtaly Raaaiaa. ' Cnaaa aaa >aty ia fait !aat Rataria aboald raia n, ta?'-* raiw altk Pioaaia if that powar abaaid aaaataal.y dai-lara la faror <4 R?*aia. but aaab aprraliaao n? a-a probably aafoaa4?4. Ha* aria la aa aatblttaaa Cta'a aad "a??a aa a?paft?Mty of d apianac Ha lw partaa '? ; bat Kiag Mat la a Uaa ura?? aat ? baa tha kanaira aaoataat aaa??? ba vtU ba faaal I at tba a 14a af tKa tmp t,,r Irtaeli Jaoaab, roatr ta do batU* far tba lataraala of tba rawana fatWWal Hi at la a, tba faa>r?pbl?l panltlna af hnru (arbUa Mf ? ou t f lata aa illltkw wlHab aaaU br<a? bar iat? I '?<M'?t *?b rvaaaa aad Aaatrta at mm aad tin *?ai' lime. While I'ruMla ajd the Ibuiberg (Vinfrren1* Hull* 1 atrainlng erny nerre id order to prevent Auntru'n | entering into nay n??r?r relation* with lbs fTeaUra : Ul imperial gorsrnmeut cvotinuM to adrnnoa I ateadlly, teen ifelowly On the lat or 2d of January Count Hiaol, tba Karl of ' W eat Borland, and M. da liour.|uenejr began to deliberate "on tba a (Tact sal M?aaa to bo taken for obtaining tar obj *ct of their alliance.'' atould the i'aa< a I'ooferem" ba will out reault, and perfectly auUaiatlo tufonnaUon lia? ta da>" bean glren m?. tHnt tUa "mora iinfprtiot ' mil taiimHium bare already been agreed on. An Ana tii?n ofco**? General Ovvnt Itenneriile, an la aaid? -who will occupy* alra.lar poeitlon to that w'.ii'U (lateral ixiang baa hdre. nili nun leave t>* I'ranca Here* Hrwck, who U e-apected I tare to morrow (Min day) week, la beliarf d to Liar* ewbarkol on board tba war uteaMer Cunto/ia on tbe ?Id. It la nut yet known nbatberM. von Uruck will have tba ^portfolio of ttun merta aa wall aa that o( Finance, but 11? ia considered probable that ba will ba at tbe Uend of both depart menta. Advkra hare been received from Havana tbnt Baron von dar I'fordteo Intanda to take another journey to Vienna and Meilin, but ba ia uct likely to do any (fool hare, unlaaa ba ia the brarer of tbe newi tbnt Ilararia baa reaolvtd to aupport Aualna at Vriakfort No morn lrr? |>a go l>y railway to (.alina, but :?*tlllerv nod amniu nil ion aie c< at.uiially aaut tbrre. Political Intelligence. ASOTHKK KNOW KOTIIIKO VICTORY. hl.NlHA, ?'nb. 13, 1A0&. At llic election held hero tbla day. for town otlnri, the Know Nothing ?> polled two third" of the vholi nun* bar of eotea cut, electiag their ratlr* ticket by ui ijorl li?* of fiom 900 to 400 over the united vote of th? whl< ' and democratic parties. Tbo vote iu November ?t >m> I ? I Hunan OS#, Seymour 844, Clark 3 22, lltouaon 'JO, being n balance at that time against lite Know Nothing* ol W7 eotea, which alio wk a u?t rain of from 400 to CQ0 eotea for the Nnow Nothing* in thla town in about four month*. The Ititit I.*m]? and tbr In In tlir Rlrrrli. IM I (II 1 AM t'lm'Hi. AH m MU COMMISSIONS* Klll.lNll TOTU1. OAS C0MPAMIH AM> HTKIICT CONTR ALTOttH ? TUB KIOHT WAV TO DO Itl'HIMKatl. 0??ick orfirnt*iMTiMir*T ar I. turd two <ln, ) NiW Vokk ITeb. 15, 1S&&. > To Tin Kditob of rni IfxittLit ? In conaaqui nee of the Dumber o( lamps found not burn log during the aigbt, I hive addressed the lolloari:tg communication to each of the gat companies, and also to Mr. Bellows, the toot motor for Ugh ting the oil lamp*. , Aa thu publication of it ma/ be of some benefit to the public, please pubtiah It If you think proper. IharenUo ; uctifiel the at rtet contractor a to remove all tha aah*a , foitkwitb, also to clean the crosswalks, and leesl the j mow in the streets, no aa to inalta them payable for tehlolea; alao to clean the ica Iroin the gutter a, ao that ' ti ? water ean run into the culvert* which If not done after taeniy four houra notice, I sbsll put nteu on iuy- | aelf to do the work, and deduct the etpenae thereol ftoni ; their billa. Kenpactfully jours, K. KHl.IMi, I ? tiairaiasionei of Streets and lAuipt. Omc'K l'oiiMiaiio?K* ne Htwutt* *wo I. ami**, I Saw York. Veb IS, lllbA. f TOTHK f l!??IDI?T or THK fKW > OK K (i ? -IUIIIT Co Mr A \ r ? in 1 ' v and with the dlreot'on of hi? Honor the Mayor, I hereby notify you that owing to the nnoieroua and juai complaint* made of tha nooMilltlment ol your contract with the city fcr lighting the lampa In your district, thai It will be Incumbent on me to declare yonr contra'', forfeited. If yon do not attend to the'lightlng before ant niter r?rei?lng notice from me Many of onr street* are left In total tlarknesa, owing, In nearly er.-ry inaWj"i, , to the groea careleaanea* of tTu> peraoua ??inplofd by you to attend to tha lighting. lrnp?ctors will hereafter !?? required, la connection with the police to r?p?rt all leupa not lighted, and a pro ratio deduction will 1>* niA'le 1 liom ?o?r Inlla for all lampa louod not lighted. Yn?r< leapeetfally, JOHKI'H K Kill. 'NO Commissioner of. Areata aod i*tnps Uclnn on Utrauii ttdtUMtaliiy. TH? Utiwa Nillnilll; ta Aiuetica wa* t Ita l>?> chotan by Mr. (I. A WUl*c?uua for th> ftret of lb'- w<k>? I ?*iio? ot Herman lar.turaa to Im 0eliv?ro4 it Ilia Mvroaa til* I.lbrniy. Notwithstanding the unfavorable ?a*t!i*r taut evonlug, lb* lat* Alitor <)p*ra llnuae wa* ltt*i'lf l by a very fair audience, Including a great in m j ladie*. Mr. Wiklii Rita piorecded to ?ay tliat tho subject of th* laetara? titrmtn Nationality in America ? wan nc**r tuoit* ini|>oitant than at tb* preavut day. Ilundrwla an 1 thou ainU i f l?arniana am daily 10 lb* 1'nlted htatra, wlirr* It ia eallmateil th*y oamyr air** ly ft** niilllooi T1i( newly arrived Orinao* ar* orrrwhalmxl by tbc Anglo American ram. Th* tinman arrive U*r* with bis rationality, ami x?o 'taui into rolliaioa with tli* Ani. uran'a ruitonn lb* Anglo Abi'Ti- an la in |>oa ai'naioa of th*Kiinind. h? baa inhabit*'! tb* roll loi a ongptrutd. it ia bia t?ngu* that I* apokan to bim ba in *? tb* induatry au-t tbr almmutratiun of lb* tMatfy lb* <<*rinau 1**1 1 tba' b* la a atraa ft, ? ad tbia break' t Im dowa- Th*r*for* w* , ? mnat of th* (??raaii.a trying to g*t bold of th ? An**r>can ruatoma, and throw away th?ir i.aruian nationality. Tb?y try to intMiituf tb* Knn!bli language for tliair mother tunu*. T>i*y want to ha come Amviirana, and ar* aahaui-d to he livrtnaoa. tb*y go ? via ao fat aa to u?* th* Kngl ah languag* w ttt t I air own countr; ni*n. Than* <t*ntlm>ntii ar* to t.e tonal aa ? all amongat tb* iu*n aa among*'. tho eUik4r*n. Tbm tactairr went on to d?m'>n*lr?t? what ttinr netbwiaUty waa. It rannot t>* thiown away like e'tr*-aor a bat out of la?lnOD. It l? inculcated t mm > h ldhood . the ' lul l MH'k a it fiom tb<- brcaat of bu mother Th* l*a? tag* wblrh b* li*ara night and day lapmwa al hi* thought*, It becotBea a pait of it* bun/, an i all that ha iai?< aa* been taught to him in hi* natlr* tougu*. It ta the opt > n ou of th* apeaaer that a Iin man ran ar<juir- a auffl rlaat knowlai'g* ol th* Knglub lanzuag* to ?|<*ati it and tianxart bualn*??, but n?v*r will h* b* able to patwai all Ita strength Mi Wlelaaaaua apok* at i*ugtb <f tba eorrupt *0*r ta following tba loaa af nationality tat ua b* proud, tad b* "that w* belong'u'b* (?*1 natlna, ob* of tba (It at nation* of the ?<rk) ? we meat out leaf to aebaowladga it.' Tbe I'ren'hmaii boaat* of tba auli'ary ganiua of hi- na tion Inyishiuen boaat ol tliair |>owerful tl?*t, thatr grtat roloo l*a tbrir mannfactut*" and tb* r w*altb the (ietinca la <-*l*brata<; for bi* *ru> itioa an 1 bia art*, in vLlcb be gloria*. It ia not ?o glittailag a* tba gb>ry of altnt or of a Saet, bet It la a moral glory U'b?u we airita baie we bat? to b*">wi* a<- |.ieinf..| wltbtb?JCag Iteb laoguage, aa.l tba iaatltatiooa of thie rtun'tr I 't tbia ?!?<?> n"t ou t* to atiji.ia our own. Altar ra vlealtig tb* raptibluaa edara'.ion rae*lr*d m tb * una try, anil paylDK a high *al<n(tiim to the luUlligant p>i tion of tba Atnariran |>*<>pl*. tb* l*<-tiat?r tarmiaala*l by wiali og that tba llM,U<^i l.e 'uan la tbe olty abtt'iM KiTim i aaav latloti. wb*r* th* ti*r>aaa I4*aa ?ho il l not l?- for(ott*n, and ?b*r? (.? laaany and Ita mbabitaata roabl b* ''f itly r? m?m h* t ?<1 t oronar'a ln<|iir?ta. KXrbhTEO C'AIB Or MlMfliK M V roi OX|v<J-r*t.a?. ALARM. At an ? arly boat jlitaiJtj morn ng a toao naaa* 1 Jo ? *pb Mlwtf waa art' U.l by OUt er 0?llie> of tb* V rat aard polie*, ( o ample', on of bar. ig piiaoa"! a woman na ma<) l aabae M*i.a*l at No ? Albany atr**t. It a|> I -an that '.h* pn?on?r and tb* Uwawl < am* t4 tba aboT* |hibihi, a Merman boarding bo.iae, and ?a<k' I U>a id aid !o<ltaga for a few day a. tbat oa tba a.gbt of tlelr ainral at tbia piae* tba dfaaaad baaaaM oawall and a?k*d tb* prlaoaet to go oat and bay bar aom* ai* dicla*. tbat tb* pt.'oacr 414 aa, ani la a few lioara a:t?rwarca tbe woman bt*ath*d la*r i**t, dyiag ?*r? ? uil'Ublr Tb* ?u?plcloa of th* o-'upaata of tb* S" ia? bHi>? amna*d, tb*y ??f.t for a palieaaaaa ah'i arr*?t?d Ibaaacuaad. to await tb* i*a?.- of tlia <.ot <n<-r i in , i*at ( uion'r t)|i no* I bal l aa io<j ia*t y?*t-r lay a'tar tea* If a tK* body of tbedra' aa*d at tba a>>??* pla * ?l*n 'n* f' llow ng fa?ta ?*r* ?.i'ita>l ? Ml-4ia*l i ii*fi*f, ?"??Hag a*. No 6 *tr?*t t.n g >!uly >*' rn, d*^.** 1 ? ha waa t;.? p"?p; i?v i of tb* pia> * to '|B*atloa Paulina M*aa*l. niw ly ag <!*ad ib tbia b'.u?? nn* ) *r* at II o ai" ? > n th? ??>:? no' a ' f )*at*rday , I ? aa out ob t??t:a*?* at tb* Um* of 1'tatriial but my vlf* laform*d ?* of bat i oMlag let* I ha^t B" '<intrr*ation with 'ba da?*aa*<t *M aa'. ii na| of tit. at flay ia th* btrro io in caa.^any with tba E>.'oa*r I >sd not ao*tr? *L*'? aiucb abojt II o alo ? at night aty baikr*p*r Uild ir.* -I?a ?a? '.'*4 t waat ap Malta aiiire *b* now It**, an i .'aaad bar d?a.) ? i> l?rfka ("'hwrd.t being daly ?warn d*p- aad -Tbat i ?.* wee tb* wife or U>* laat wlta*?< th* 4' #an>* I to tbe pi?m a*e aloag with tb* pn?'.a*r J<>**| ?> lM*w*r I ?aa lb tb* barrooea at tb* tla? tl?? fr-mtr a*t*t for I aHitg aad la ig ng far a f*w 1??. tb* prtaonar aet j ?V <??'*?" ?*r*a).owi ? f n. .lir.aa tb**T**iag -!a'***?1 ompiaii*! of i'a*a* af btaatb ao t palaa .a ?*r ?,.*rt on tb* B gbi ia <(?*??.!**, tba oiUm-* waa -atllad U.* ttr mn af Uw 4aeea*e4, who was tbae tyia? 4^1 , I I i**i*?a to tb* 'laatb >.f <taa?a4 ab?- a*k??i f?* saaaa t**. tad r*-| a**t*-t *>?* |tt* *-r ka pataba? bag >*?* tw I Heater 'h*a w-at'-at aad bt- a*b'. beat ml aaeg.- at . t tb* !*?aaa? ! wko partt<? of it i be ' l*rk of tba *potb*'*ry at??? wbtr* tb? (??i**?? ! at'b***"! tb* -If Ufa wa> tb*n tiaai n*4 II* a'atad tba' if9 |iila?a?r flat iato I . **af* and a?k*t for *ean? bitaa'. t*a, wbt'b h* >b?*t?l Vi blm tSata wraSd h*<* i**a rw m..taa* la tb* patt-ag ap of t>i* pf*a-t . ?? t.<o. ta b* taab pMiWtatat car* ta 'u* [r* of Ue i't**M t fci M !?., r*?i at >?? I Haat atr**t Wa ag awt ta **tt*~ 1 ba? ?**<?? a pott mmUm eiaaa4#eMee* , tNMyaf FmR** M?ai.*i tow lyiag MM ?? INb ? a hat. y etr**l tber* ?*r* ao *at*raal at*:a* of r>at??** oa tb* t*4y tb* pat*at4Uai waa CM wltb Ial4 aa4 i?w*4 *t ?:**' 'ra *e <,' p*rv*> Hia tba atbar riaawa **r* In * b**!tby 'oa?i'.-ata, aad tbara wart a* ttanaa af IA *|??>?4 la tl>a at' ma. > frwae tba hi abary at tb* '?**, Ingr?i.?t alth tb* *iaaMaaUoa nl tbe btvly, 1 aa af f ntaa tbat 4*ath wa* *aa**t by p-naar4ll.? tr I' Haab?*. wba aaaiat?t la th* pwtawtaai t| am t ai oa fatty <M*er*a4 Ml tba eektetfa g< tea by th t hi tba aiy, vttbnat i*atiag tba i a*aU t^4?*?J a *?? nl 4*aU> fraat parUai4i?UT' TU' taan tb*n*p*a Da 'barg< t K?*W frae* *%atodt Tba iuniaei* *?? about M fa ar* of a?*. k*4 hat ta I a 11*9*4 tetatirta bftof ?? ?i . a?ab*'| Mayor Www , Ofrfr.loe. of the P><hmmv<I ( Itjr ChirUr. Ho*. It. |f, ~ uw in, i ? Alb*?T ? IV ah Mm ? |q relation to lh" ?rtT charter, I ran ripreea . laeurable o, H-l?* ,,f ,u U*<Un? tmHium Wllh tl.? **cep! .on of the mb Ua**M* ?* lh* *r**t or Irarlag our local hmm to h * 'to?" M *l U* (??"' e taction, I Hod much to appro. r ,U featuree curie* pond with ray blear of a T?0"1 for? r>vem | Bitot i?npn*a#til lo ny iuti|?nl vi IbeOom mon Council. Io the mIi, U M W) ' Uhe that adopted by tbo framtra af the ftdml guc*rata? 11 " "" preaant coaatltuliaa. With alight iao.lifli alaon* i. W,U b* ? mo*i eierllrat auhetitule Ur that now io force. 14 14 *u *' ror, however, to aappoae lliat good governs* upon tba organic lav. It doeaaot, beoaua *? henaat, fearlraa aad capable oaOc?Uf? il*IIH, ,un,f perfect (mm of (mraiarnl <m JirM Iiii tu?n ia tailed will prove eatlre'r inadequate lo tba auU ?' "*? people. Therefore, w e nut sol/ ? >,nn>! oh "t,r but alto good functional >ea tu ei?aute the Lew a u ? ,"1 It. Tbeer murt be c be tea with eadutlvx i * ' * their dtnree aoii e*|n?il; far tUa plaaea to tt tilled W I htm Toaacuia 'rfkeera of tbla hind. xmt elliet IU"*< Insal Itaiiee ahould ba permitted fo rutcr tb? unnu. wlucb rait oaly bo acnaipll bed by an entire aaparatioir tt tbo election* fur oat oonl aad rttate iWhc-re from thoee for municipal nllmi aod tbla la tbo objection to the sbar tor now propoaed It Iravee u? aa we aro, With our own local inleie-ta cut. rely at Ilia mercy of the e*<iUng aa?l ? t timer. orer whelming imim ol national ao4 Mat- |>oil Me*. A* favuiabte Ha 1 thin??f tbia new charter, It will, in my opinion, entirely fall In rcmorliar the diM eultlaa under Which we eufler, if It doea not al?e prvvUa lot the election af i barter oCcurt at Mat other time Iban tliat at which werkioaee Male an ualUxiat aflleara. In tha nu-?*agt< ?mt by ma tt th* I iinm >u Caunoil, J?o. 11, 1H6A, I rafor lo llita aubjact la lb* fotiooiac laoguaga ? " I cannot mull aapi<>??iB( uiy cun?cli*a tliat morh IwnaSt cooll bo darl??d to tha oity l>y rat inn tlia aUftino lor cltarutr olltcai t from tlial IwMiU ? a<l ontioual odii ara. Aa mw rim luctad, ourliK *iiu tcrrata ara aluio?l aatiraly loat alfht ol in Ibr coofliol na Htata or national laauca. Aa lUa laaaor la alwajr?ab Mitbcd by tha grralor, >o an- tba apparwutiy auiallor af fair! of uur aity ???" nawot loat alglit ol lu Uw ovaM on candldataa for big bar oMeoa." Ibc tuagaltuda of our uiunii pal intaroata eaU*fort%o rloarat aciutlay <at? th? <|ualiflcatiou? of paraoaa la taLa ebaiga ol thoai. No otbar roDanlaratuina tlioaa tbnacronnacUd directly with lo<al i|UKaUou? aUouM !>? Included ta tba aaarara for atty rulara. Tba artii af ficquaut alaatioua ara of little laiportaaao aa coatpaia# with tba Uaagri af tb* a^lartioo ol iuipropoi iota la tbr atiuy|U fur i Doirrimr ur a I'roaiilent pataona txrljr dl?i|iialitla<l will ?onwliiota aiMi" uaol'aarrad int? a iilai-a ol local trmt an-l powor Tlia aleatiuo law, waicb plaraa tha raadiilataa for county o(Bcaa oa tha >?? ballot with eaudMataa foi .Htata oAoaa, laemaaoa tha anl At the lata alrvUoa tbara wora tw ?- otaaa i n tlia tkiua ballot. In tlta luiata and atcttaiuoat af tltvlion Oky, it U ttry ilifltcult for ????? lU? m-tal Intol ? llg'nt Total tn mm) tba n<inta of tho?a for wlioai ho ilmtrta to n.t? wliaa found upon tba aaaaa tilkat, bat ?bat> tbr duly i? lui|M<aad upon tba illltarata or Igooraat it la iwlilom atarciaad, aapc< laity il I be re ba a cuoniafty i?< tiaeil l?l'ft. out penaittlng oraaura or aubeUlutuMt Ibnuiili in olb" <? but ana mont'i hihi tha abort wan wrtltrn yat tlie tiporianca of that ?oatU baa eor>nrai>il tbeae tiewa. 1h? nmne<tioii batwaaa Icral MM|h ami that of tlia Stale aad aat'Oa la i1rUim>ntal to tba 'lnt?real* ol the tiU Naw Yi'fk baa n grirerumrnt and a mnalciptllly ?>: ita ota of too ifrrat a uia?uita<le to be jeopaiuiaad by belag tuaile mroniiary to the otrraltadowiag uifluaaooa taw trt>d at I lie rapital. Tba poeer ilaitrat f row the pa Ir'iiiaca ol tin- ireneral goternment la tbia altr orar ? wlxltna all otter political < .inaldeiatioaa, and It U al moat intarialilr I be fart, when the central power at Wraliirgtou baa a illrert in'tiett In the jeaulti of an aloe txm here, that <mt local loteraata ait tubaergad eatiaa It >%l.i-n al'ieeidtnt la to ba i uoaea, or a C'eegraaaiae al nitjtitity tu be teemed, ci aajr ineaaur" to ba aattaia ed c.i o|.ii?ed. thia pow-r la irraalatlbly erirelatd, aa4 rarrti r. In all tha iaa.H4ataa aa well for municipal oAcae aa l>'r thane iienu required Tba general gaveramoat Uaa uattr lieen b-*l?-n in tbla ettr whan it hal a Ureal ?'ale ill the reeult At ttery rreaHaalial alartlon far twenty yea n tbe then eai?uo( national adai niati at xiaa hate been tnalatbe I lu th'a ally, and all tlae ' ?ali Latee of the p? it/ With w hi* h it waa identlAed bare bean aac ? ettftil. Tlitrt la ifiaigiiini; agalatt tSeaa facia Tha rmm clualoa <? IllflUMa, that otbar tnterwat< ibaa ear own lufluenra If net control tha ae|e?.l;on ol oar own t alar a wlieu tlectti at the genera! atactica If, under thtte circumatai.rea, l.un-it aad raptble nta hap|.en to !>? dniytalixl for ue, wt are ladaMad for it more *o arci lent, or ta Iht Interpooituia of Ihrtaa 1'roei^enca la our !?>'*, Iban to tha loiatuongbt tad di> ?' tlou uf t Jit tolera tbemie|?ea N'o Ut there l, a a>"j>aiatlon irre?oe?t?# and eatire ? lot l bore lie but una ia>ae wh?n local MHwi are to ba cb??o?, and th..t referttog to tl.a welfare aad lruaporlty of New \ orfc If, dlifi t i r upon national tr Iflate q 'ia?tinaa, ww ran unite will out ?rnbar>aa*i rut or nbitrurtlaa npow men fitted far charter office it. wl'ln.utef r< ren e u> tbe<r pally ar.inillea ?t ataociatioa> the oonelderatioae will le not wtutheir tbty are .n fa ror or agaiail a ay out tide h.i ee, Inroltlnr matteranf national Import, Nat W Wet aor la favor of an ecooaalaal foetrameat for tbla city, ?t r.ppoai"! tn Imi.j .ral tiee <?rrjpt <>aa aa I b?4 gor irriarnt 1 hare not Ume to preeent teetral otbar p<>4 ota e.,rally worthy of at'eat on If thlt change he ma le la tha charter aow proposed, I could gt?a it my aeppart, though ant approving all Ita 'letalla I look upoa ai<rla| ? barttr elatto na aa e?>eatlal la tha wall being af thia city. It ta, In eiy opinion, paraataunt to kllotatr '(uwa tkini ipfcrtiin'nf to the >|ty roeerantaat. With tbla altera!!' n tl,. pap<r now aubn?itt?<l ky Ute llgarl of Al ?len ien will he u|'f>ltrabb> lo in.r wanta anl will gtva ua the |tit g'lTrrnu.ent ea have lia-l la thirty jieara Vnjr iopa< tfnilr yeura rHtSA!?l*? WtXIO, Hayar. Poll** UUIII|rMr. Miint vim an allmibb inuuvi ixr our ?* ibm-ma* ??r aai.tmiuteiir . Km m>?? tlaia part tbara bit nl?M it 4M liotl aajr *o ralat>< atnuaat fcioan k; apcruUlnra ia MUrf (alltki t?l <itt aatarpr >aa aa " Ikaaball b 1 >>, a Jfa Ucnal < ilt latrrprtaa Oi?," a a<l ilat* ill arpal? ti' u >rtaial af lt? ipuMmi cbarartar Uara iwt* Mmi IIm author)')**. Tlu fiapto; >U<a ID tb?.r clr> * lar, " That lUalr aa-a?? la laauraA k; tba #itraor'la?r/ W?i?a I for ll?b*ta, aai tba ptal 4atil button all! f r1tmJ)i umk *4 vllliaiit toll ?? Ika IMk of March ' Afala, Ik* Hrautor atat?a I Wat, "f.m; tirkat hoMaf a fift of Mat kiwi Waal 4a ? ba*ag ?at.'la<! v* tba aplriM >o(rmr>n? of tWa laaof aral?-?a of WaablB(taa ' Tbaaa circular* Ml| Irwaljr aaat all nam tba ?matry, ial a?<i| tba uaauapaatlag labab? taata af tint aa! tba aaigbtr r ng a 1/ of It* .all/a, a till* iwiiifit of ? uoa*jr baa, af rouraa, la?*l tat* tba i <-?f!?ta III l<ubl!l b Co Tba pr.ra af tba gift ttahat aaa ana dollar, aa4 It la aaid so 1??? ttiaa % fi '*W baa Uaa rrailaad by tba a bora |>art ?a la tba aato of tbaaa ttokata. Boaaa paittaa, faaMaf tbat \h*y ba-l bat IllUa ebaar* af ?*?r flaf a |llt, ha?a <?afl?iaa4 af tba anii iNf I j> tba Ifcaball r?a?*ra i? >*ar .r* faa-t*. Yh'ii''i; a raima aa m?l ("barto* 1 r?? i|^i'?l ba !<.r*Ju*t?a Walali aa I |*af?rtB4 ? aaapfaMl afaiaat. tla.a lartaa aUt>a{ that ba p*rrh?aa<l af IW? Aai lar il'lrta fr< m 11a ( art!** la '|ti*all n, at tbatr *?<?* la Bread a* y ar.-l tba*. >.a?ir? l*a?a*-l ala?a tba parr baaa i?f !b' ti' I ?t tl<al iba ill fa *aa a ? ?la4to, I a >o-igbt tba iM af tha I ?a/i t? pialah tba aUagat af fraAara Oa Hi ">aa*la)Bt a' CraA, J??u<a Wa'ata jaa ?4 a warrant for tba artaat of tba pkikM (?afiaa4 II f tea a<'*fcliakfc.?at (Hi ? ra |MMn4ar iaf ' aaap ' ? ! ??r? ?ta'al1*"! for tb* ? . rfa-aa ? f a i*r utla( tba ??' rant ar.d Waal tef If ^ulbla, tba raai partaaa Tha Mil a oa a a a| -a ' b? mv m aaa ia llf.?t?ar, te >t (' IB'! thai M*a>r> flaahal: k (a. Vara ?? ti ba ???> a aft'! -halaicb paitMi 4*<1 a*' raalif a?iat aa4 ?teat aa4*r tba t tto tf liaabali b Ur> Wa4 *ft tba city aa a* to a raid Um *rraat*4 Tba abtara f< ua i tfca ofr'a la "f a faaaala aba aa?a>*4 t'a IH ailbtog irf bar naytofara abaaa ra, aai raf?aa4 lb ( >? lb* |-.|lra *Bf iB'afnnt. n alalia la tbatr ?bareebaata n brt tha *a-ira?artna f?n??ia r*''iaa> * ? ?ai a 'Bfc ItM ? ta tk? - *i-? bat B'?arll>abMa Iba/ treka ?at" It, aa-l aa- ? -a-l abaat !?? '*&) of tbai> I ? ata lr? iiaia ,> bana'a k ? , tafatbar a itb ? larfa aaa laiai latlara aa4 at bar yajati Alt (ha |4|'n aara ktiaa to Iba laaat Baarkat f?,Urm I fHrt, abara, aa ? ? aaa'aataaa, It a;i|*a<<C' MaaWr '1*atalaa4 * >r 'am ai tba abara ^la#*. war* tba ag? ata of 'ka graat I'aaball ??ia-?Ta Aa4 it 1> ??ry fr WaM* tbat 'b*** Klirilaala, aaa a baa ait, a.n tea iimtaf 'a a 'aa <i?j. a?4 HaM to aaaaar aa tka ? I iif'i |?r'im4 a?a ait thrta ciiwt or ytt/ifio' * A?u<%T. irauiia- i#xr l'H ?< wi-M ta <ka laavr yaliaa ?atrrt a(f? tat a ralara 1 ataa aauaat J' ba llafaaa, I * ?f *1 II La'aar ! a'r ?' rbaffltf 'm tba iaa|blal af | Mai; TWraa* ail? baaiag ?U'?WM tar altb a ahaaa* kai'a la W* ?"? Aur Bf aa aKairal.oa tbat '?*i alaa* Wat a aaa tbraa iba a -j--4 tateaa ?<a?or a J altera K?.?1 tet tva fcaiWa. ak? brt< b 9 ta ball Hi 11b* tala cf IWt to aaaaar ALI.r 1 l> 1T? ^1 1* '? A r r ? * T . A ;??B? MM, aamal Haa-r lb kiaaa. aaa arraaWl , l. j lb >aartb aarl | tot oa tia4aaala/ arfbt, ?S?i|al ai'fc bar af, abil* ia a <*i*?aMy atetb rbowaa Wllaa* HfaUan Ittb*? f <? af n?rrrf aat Ot rar atraata, f atabW4 b a. a lb a ' .'? kat.'a, I a/a? a? bla? aaaaratf. IV a> ?i !i< ata ?m !??*? I* lUa v?? Tnt Ha?|IW, ? k-.a frarkaaa aai <?a<aya4 ta tba T' aaba ?b*a ba aaiiaia ''Mai aaa ta aa I Ua ?a*?M bf tha aaaai ? a4 aaa a lajuiaa* if Jaa4?u* fbtfat* Iiir-r o? a* AI luii rrnTTiri i?/m /cnum. Par (*aat ftaajat, oa* af tba '"Ma* a ikla, ?rra*ta4 a ?teaa la ?ioa4a*7 jaaUMay a*raiaf, aaial ;*ba Mjrra aba* J aaa Sfral <k?ifH a 11b baiaf ? fa#ttfa froai j'iaUa* TW* a*tb?rtti*4 af Hafal-a aa4 rW UAH ybia t/a?b rlaiwi l*a Wear of eattliae tb* at<?aa4 aaa nualt. It to tibial tbat ba baa baaa iwifil la tba iawa>^?taa af aaraaal bar?tariM at ?-l?ta *? *aa "?wtiti far tualMkoa, >*1 .a nMwl n Mb <Jh*Cl lM"