fieo. Parz, oi Venezuela. Offering hii Services
to the Western Powers,
AC., Ac., Ac.
Oar London lorrw?poi??lcnt.
I.onikjn, Kridaj, F?b. 2, 1855.
without m Ministry ? The " Man of the Situa
tt*1' ? The Voice qf the P'opU? England on the Six qf
( Social Reform*? Lord Derby Pails in Making a
JMMMr y ? Lord John Russell and tke Duke of Afcia
taHU?The Debate on Roebuck's Motion ? Fall of Ne
juAi/m ? Hereditary Legislators?The War ? Latest
Jftws? Sardinia? Spain? The German rowers? Posi
tion erf Prussia, <fc.
At the moment 1 writ* England in still without a
The " man of the situation." to uu a French eipres
rion, ii Lord Palmer h ton. 1 have on one or two occa
ftons stated my conviction that Palmerston wax tU?
stoat popular man in England, and that he would sooner
?r later, be Prime Minister.
The immense majority on Mr. Roebuck '? motion for
a committee of inquiry into the management, or rather
mismanagement, of the war, bad, as a necessary conse
quence, the resignation of all the ministers ? tie toute la
boutique. Lord Aberdeen formally announced it to the
House of Lords last night, and 1'al me .s ton announced it
ia the Commons. The majority against ministers on Mr.
Roebuck's motion was 167. Now, when it U con
sidered that this motion and its consequent vote was
not the offspring of opposition machinations, but the
legitimate child of indignant public ooinion, aroused
by tke sufferings of our army In the Crimea, the impor
tance which must be attached to it Is very great. The
vote was received in silence. It is regarded by many as
tke first blow struck by the hind of the people against
?wr system of government. Public opinion represented
in the press by tbe 'Una, found a mouthpiece in Roe
bock, and the government fel], l,\ea house built of cards,
ktthe first breath
Tbe (|uettiou now is : who is to be Prime Minister? As
1 ksv idy said, there is but one man who enjoys
the confidence of the people, and that man is Palmers
tan; but there is such a split among parties that be will
find it difficult to form a ministry. Moreover he is not a
favorite at Windsor. Tbe nation also will not be satisfied
? nless he is Minister of War.
On Aberdeen's resignation the Queen sent for Lord
Derby, but he has not been able to form a ministry,
though he bad a long interview with Palmerston af'er
leaving the Palace. I believe he ofTered him the War
?Bee, but I'dlMThton declined to servs under him.
Earl Grey would make a good War Minister, with Pal
werston aa Premier, Gladstone in the Echequer ? and a
lew young men of action, as Layard, RtafTord and 0?
horne, who have been and seen things with their own
?yea as undersecretaries.
It is to be hoped a ministry will be formed to day. It
Si scandalous to leave the country without a m uistry at
the present moment.
The cowardly retreat of Lord John Russell, who, like
ft rascally commanJer, was the first man to leave his
?hip when be thought she was sinning, is st'll the theme
?f universal reproach. Lord John is running the gaunt
let of public opinion, and the nine-tails fall heavily on
fcis back. The Queen has expressed hsi entire disappro
bation of his conduct, and his former colleagues have, in
?oequivocal terms, expressed their indignation at his
tight. Personal ambition is tie reason g'ven for his con
In tlio House of Lords, las', nigh'., the Duke of Newcas
tle gave him tbe lie. It is a strong expression, but a pe
rusal of tbe Duke's speech will oonvtuce you '.hit it is a
?errect one. The Duke made a frank, open sia > ueut.
Me had repeatedly ofl'ereJ to resign the war office, and
hft completely refuted l.orrl John's statements of his ma
sons tor resigning. Tae Karl of Derby took a-lv image
?f tbe Duke of New.-astle's titatewen'. of the ?tsxen ions
?f tbe late Cabinet, to m^ke a slashing spx?<'h whih,
kowever clever as a pieoe of oratory, is re*.t;Je I out of
plaee jnst now. If noble legislators do not tat<c car*,
and am ise themselves in p.irty discussions and person
ftUiies whilflt the public are cape: tin / rom^tbiog to be
4*ae {or out brave troops aol brothers in the Crimea,
public opinion miy hit '.h"m o Micoqd b'p*. harder t'lai
vote of th? otbw night.
It is Wt)rtb your wh;l$ t6 rea 1 carefully the spe<?cbe<
?? the debate en Roebuck's m it'oi oa Monday n ght,
2Mb January,
Th? fearful 'tat^aitnt 0j gtalTord, the slashing speech
?f Bulwer ^ confessions of Berusl Oaborue, all
to the same end. A thorough reform is about to
take plaoe in tbe whole system of organization in Kog
taftd. We are on tht eve ol great reforms ? of a gteat
?octal revolution. Merit is hen eforth to take the place
?f family and fortune and nepotism is to be done away
with, in so far as it can be done away with, for It Is an
?vll which belongs and forms apart of humaa nature,
?berent in all, in the republican as wi ll as in the lory,
the w big; or the radcal.
Tbere Is much to be le.irnt from these dt bates In Par
liament, where tbe noblest and richest in the land, some
?f them the hereditary rulers of England, acknowledge
that tbe hour for a great social reform ha? struck.
Tbe next step will be the aboliticn of hereditary right
to a seat in tbe Legislature. A Duke's son, tria if a'l
idiot, has a right to a seat in Parliament. Let him re
tain bis rank and his estates? they are -Irs ? bat let not
?a incompetent man legist ite f??r a great and a free peo
Tbe acscunts from the seat of war are more sttlsfac
Wry. Tbe frost had hardened the ground, and pro
visions and an munition had b?en got up to the
camp in considerable quantities. The Russians tmde
eorttes continually, always with the sime remit? a few
killed on both sides, and then a precipitate retreat. The
>'reach are quite ready for the as-a ill They throw
jftily ail hundred 13-ineh shells into the city. As soon
a' all the English new batteries and heavy msrtar* are
ready the game will be opened. Adm ral Lyon 1 is con
tinually going to I/>rd Hau'lan, and I believe there is
something In tl>e wind.
We have no news of any action yet n*ar Eupitoria,
wbtreOmer Pasha's troops landed. A report that he
has resigned the command ia, I beLevs, totally unfound
The lb, 000 troops of the King of Sardinia are to leaee
1'iedmont for tb? Crimea curly thin mon'.b. KnglanJ tin
dert?ke* to conTey them there gratuitously. Engliod,
?noreover, proeide* a loan of on? million st?rl ng to S*r
4 nia, and an additional loan of another mlll'on if the
war continue- after a year. The Sardinian government
to pay 4 per cent Interest, 1 per ? col of which i* to form
a (inking fund. England and France guarantee the in
ttfrity and ?arety of the .Sardioiaa territory during the
It waarumcred at Madrid, but I believe the ruinor ii
devoid of foundation, that Spain had offend an arrajr of
It ?CO men on the same terms as Sardinia, If Eng
land and France would guarantee Cuba against any Mi
buatero attack upon it from America
A Car liet movement is expc, t<M in Spain
TVussla baa not yet adhered to the treaty of the
3d Peeember. She claim* th* right to (end a plenipo
tentiary to the con'erence* at Vienna. No one has any
faith in these confereuv*. I douSt If they will take
place- Austria has a?ke<l all the minor states of Ger
?aany to joia her ia oase of a war. The Austrian gov.
eminent seat a confidential despatch to them all, re
questing them to do (o, even If Pruesla obtained a ma
jority at the Piet.
There is a criala mining on at Frankfort
Auatria ia showing her teeth, hut it i( high time she
?bould bite.
A telegraphic despatch from Frankfort aaya that the
Austrian propoaal for calling out the federal contingents
haa t-esn r?iectad, hut that another joint motion, to pre
pare for war, haa been accaptaJ. ThU la quite ia the
tiarman metaphysical achonl. It ha* been rejected, yet
it haa aot been rejected ! The general opinion Is, that
Prussia la standing on th? edge of a preclpica, and runs
? riak of toppling OTer.
Oace Austria draw* tha swoid all Germany will follow
the young Emperor Fran<l? Joasplj. The people are
agamai Raaeia
Ik* weather here ia very cold. The terpentine ia
4mQj cevaied with akatera, and sledgee art drawing in
tha parka. Mi*? Cushman la drawing gool houses at
tba nay market, a a Romeo Kean has made a hit a*
lei ii is XI. There ia ao proeject of an Italian epara.
Should Lord Raglan resign, Kir Colin ia spo
tea of aa fcia rucce?sor.
Oar Parte Cerreepaadenee.
r^Ria, M.iiiJaj, Jan. 29, 1835.
Iht English Ministerial Critii Hood for the Parit
Bculaudi Lord Paltnertfon't Conference I with
Louis Napoleon Supposed to have Ltd to it
Arrival of the Duke of Cambridge in Paris
?Hit Prostrate Physical Condition ? The Duke't
Opinion of Affairs in the Crimea ? Arrival of Prince
Napoleon? Differences Between the ex- King of Westpha
lia anti his Son ? Extraordinary Rumors with Regard
to the Succession to the French Imperial Throne? Mar
muring! of Political Discontents? A CUnjress of Crown
ed Heads at Parit Spoken of? Prussia and the Ger
manic Confederation? Paris Gossip, i?c.
In the midst of weather 10 intensely cold that not only
tb? artificial sheets of water in the Boil de Boulogne and
tbe ba?iiii In the TuBeriet are frosen over, bnt all the
leading thoroughf ires of the capital are converted into
one glassy substance, on which man and beast iboot for
ward or backward in positions more involuntary than
(netful, there ii (till one subject which imparts ram
degree of calidity to the nipped up and froien frame
namely, an English Ministerial criiii. I told yon in my
last with what anxiety Frenchmen were looking acros
tbe channel ; with what ? may I not call it enviou
pleasure.- ? they were on the qui vice for each alternation
of tbe approaching Parliamentary discussion ; and how,
like the old hunter whose tiprung sinews and stiffened
joints consigned bim to the mute inglorions ease of the
straw yard, while horse and hound and bounding steeA
woke the morning echoes within aggravating ear-shot ?
they pricked their earn, and sent forth aundry ebulli
tions i igniucant of the secret longings of their hearts.
But now that a species of revolution is in progress ? the
only one which England happily indulge* in ? namely, a
cabinet crisis, al' Paris is rubbing its hands with as much
excitement us if the physical temperature did not afford
it sufficient occupation in this respect without aucb poli
tical addenda .
Tb? ong and repeated conference* whioh Lord John
Russell was known to hate had with the Emperor during
^7?Cent Ti8U ,0 i^uoe the belief that the
result of these was not without its effects on the ualoek
? or.te, . which t. at most important member ofThe
British cabin, ^ajust taken, and even that he might
hate prepared -Napoleon, in eonie measure, for a decision
which seems to lmve Uken all the political world by
surprise. Lord John Rumll'g cordial testimony to the
sincerity of the French alliance, from, a* he himself
termed it, hi* pfrsens! exoerience in the French capital
has, however, reli.-vcd the publis mind from any notion
Of a change of policy, and but one idea now prevails
that, happen what will in the English miaistry-and
"''"""lotion i. expected-the war
Wl" Btl11 continue a great fact. This amuranco n
of great importance, morb dly alive a. the French a,e
to an; viilent changes of pol oy consent on the
change of men in the English government
t?:h;^k; Abridge, who was expected to reach
the Engl-.h embassy from Mar,eilles at an early hour on
' , 7' ,nd when 8r"kt preparations had been made to
welcome hi in with duo honor, did not arrive till 8 o'clock
in the evening, and then, too much fatigued to make his
tLC V"rj br"1?nta"?en,blage sollected
to meet h w. Almost aU the members of the Mi
nistry were there ; besides-and it U here only that this is
?<c.-n,an, of the old nob,?se, who, like contrary cur
families eho are now visiting or residing bore ofa it*
Inlermann, not to mention that awful night in *he Bav
Mtsr jrgrtya sffiES
llcitanon ev need his auxietv ?.WD Ba~
should keep in a state o 'repose "" '0y<" ?ucat
HKSSt." ???' "HHw
JK3? r.:r;
nsauit,? compLuS ?hich ho rJoZTTlb^
a!w?,hot the privil'g d cUss,
tW of '>* b',od fca,li " ?n Instance of
In -) ik .1, ?" 1 3 observe tiie different m,nn?r
n which the return of the English prin<-e is treated
to that of the Frtnch ; for the foflowfcg -Uy N^
polecn Bonaparte, sou of 1'rin -e Jeroae also
enured 1 arts. There is no doubt there was' soji?
truth in the rumor that old Jeron^e and hi!
?on, n<<. withstanding a distance of seine .1,000 mi leg hal
TMnn V i W * ?f c?Bl?>tiOU ; nud'that
I'linc o Napoeon lind not intended to have sought ahel
ter :n his f?ther s hou?e alter the danger* of " the im
m nent deadly breach;" but thf'Empe -or's pea<-? mak
ing ofllces have l-eea under- too J tc prtvi'.L i'hj Km |
ba" reserved to L nine If, as you know, th* right of
naming tila succe ssor Iron) among the imperial prio.?*
. *T?7 chief is believed for
Ins making this reservation, was the quarrelsome over
hearing, grafpeog. and unprincipled character of Je
ETSJ ,?in9 raPb"1U "'I 'll h!, io ,vi A wo*
Nnpo,eon' - ??
Xuch a contingency Is too far off, probably, to have any
present interest but 1 never fouud any two persons who
thought Prince Napoleon's chan. c of the imperial heri
tage worth a pinch of salt; and wh- her jtwtly or not
thi? military expedition which was to cover'him wit^
renown, and exhibit him a worthy ccioa of the great
captain whose name hebeure, has cerUinly not remove I
any of the prejudice? against him. The Puke of Cam
bridge Is known to have gallantly shared the soldier's lot
id every vicissitude of toil and and danger; thy Pi n-i?
fr,l,blJ '* l0Ll"y belled ? Is ?aid to hart gnatly
1?T th^t th^k. ? *,m ?th7* of tt,e rum,r? now afloat
In, that Count da Morny, l're?ideut of tht beaata i<
to be raised to the dignity of an Imperial Trince- au 1
some ? so far as to ray that the Em^ror-who I. UeV
rniuej t5 gird on bin sword for a campaign on the Rliin?
in tbia jear ol gra=e, ll?65-wlll appoint him his sue es
eor, in case of any casualty befalling himself m Z
$? Kr:,',rtx
fu"g5'1n tKtVmnal" an^" ^ ^ "rrin,r Up ,ik"
will 'lu??Uon wh.thor de M.,rny himself,
th., i'f r im porta n'. emergencies, is called torth from
the life of pleasure and retirement he so much prefer*
Mrt^f !hir?J?CV\?( *"/ P"-0'00*^ absence on tne
keep ii >wn the swelling symptoms
I of impatience under the hard bondage which the uon-r
?ml midi'le clashes Hnd themsalvei more ami more ?ub
jected from the existing regime. They coinpU?n tLt
they are completely paaeed over, in order that the
lees of society may be caressed snd Mattered? that
fin? r ,Bi <hirkneai? that the pres(
falls every day more and more utder the Inu?o
[?*' b"-th?, the Toet Ofli ;e i. bo??, X
?io^Zi ,n<' c,l"d ?*nnot correspond
with each other without being submitted to an intolera
the rr'u",V/!*T*nM 'nnumcrable InsUnees where
the lett?rs from the trim?a contain a syllable which
uiicht surge, t that all i. the French armyfs no ,, so
r?"r "l-r^enteo, they are altogeth.'r .up
?^w and uVl'll",'?rrt^nl)r 'erj much?ntof humor ju^t
rkii!h! i m ?"'|wlr ?,T? ft ? in-tiling to d'i
with its h?e!s in the way of dancing, in spiU- of deaths
niv leaTl\o ?mmet? Hn'! """eh of the tougii.
may lead to something else, ladeed there ara <mni 7?.
of thla opinion being adopted, for the Ministers are no *
l!i f?ndln* ?"t loeltations for the.r usual balls
Heporti have been rife that Prussia had sienifleJ her
' Jt,thVelev,.Vt)*h,"*'J 01 M D"""l*r ami thin
at th? eleventh hoar flung herself into the arms of the
Western alliance. I>ut I ??* nothing U> confirm tnetn but
H^ll i? n,u5b to '?<'?ce me to believe that she
?h"~wTSj2ir ' ?n th* ,tri,uo'1 on which
Ibe Journal </? Prl+lt has pu* forth a lore article
;.nr,e.*1.nrrl",1,i: ,,amU> Hu'i^len':
den.iea i?, en;reat.Dg tne King of Prussia
to consider his p-.sit on. -Wo wished," It says ? tha*
bl*?^I*l i?f |,r,,"Ja t0 ,h' tr"*^ "f abould
be given, and fiat that of the IHet ?hon|.| soon
but 11 ??J be pr jlonge.1 or putH
En rone mil*, ",,''n'l Itself to the other countri-s of
?es?efl^ h ? i> In the distant provinces pot
Twl SU>?VHr?'in'1 th'"U=k or in the mitio.
of'a'w'ar a'^tl^r^ b*" h*"' fl?,a
? nr^da??JJ^? ' pohtkal If, on '.he contrary, fi
,<? n '"ermanj, for Instance -it will
rassiono ofTee^?^ ! ?*? W,r' which wi" el ite
?> every kind, ami threaten all interests Tfci.
of ITn?sia Is essentially con?ervatlve and ill Tk
, ???gr. firfarS iSsSiS
conn ?ils of Europe, and where sbe mav exerrlsTan i.
I Hupnct 00 un#ful to all. ' re lie aD ia>
I .^A Mt?> however, from Berlie, of the 26th in.t
| that nothing ha^i been changed of the pel. tie*' .fti.iu.^
In reply to the Austr an note of the 14th, a cte?natih -J.
sent oft on the Slat to Count d'Arni? in k.^k T
Count Bnel, and in which Prusaia maintain* the eol'il0
a??n. of her dee patch of the 6th, c?piea of whlTd-i
patch have been forwarded *o Ix>ndon and Paris inT.
| communicated to the Cabinets there. It ia ,ai4 th.? .k?
Cabinet of BerUn insi.ts I. it the .ndepen^T,^*
tt has a right to enjoy, hut at tbe some time it givee a*
| ? ol it* dene iore*a,o .a F?r^peM c?cert. Tbe
letter *l*o mention* a rumor current at Berlin, of a
meeting at Parii of crowned headi at the period of the
grand exposition, a rumor which la net likely to find
much credit. The rrobability i* that the erowned head*
about that time will have more stormy events to occupy
their attention.
Supposing Austria and Prussia to take opposite aides
in their appeal to the Germanic Confederation, the fol
lowing calculations hare been made of the votes of the
For Austr'a there will be, first, her own votes, 4; Biden,
4: Brunswick, 2; the States of Thuringen, 8;Hesse Darm
stadt, and Sunderhausen, 2 ? in all, 19 votea.
For I'russia, her own Totes, 4 ; Sax on j, 4: Wirtumberg,
4; Holstein and I.arrenburg, 3; the two Meckleaburgs,
4; Nassau, 2; 8axe-Melneng|in and Altenburg, 2; and the
amall (states of Anhalt, Walde:k,|Rea?a, Ac., 8 ? in all, 29
-votes. In this way the majority would be In favor of
I'russia', but theie are still Hanover and Bavaria, each
with four votes, who are said to he inclined to support
the Austrian policy, though with reserve* that Austria
cannot admit.
There would then remain to be classified Electoral
Hesse, Saxe-Welmar, Oldenburg. Luxemburg, Limburg,
and the free towns, -which might leave the balance pretty
equal in the end.
The miscellaneous news may be thus comprised The
Nkw York Herald is confiscated three times out of four.
Mr. Philips, an American citizen, from hts unfortunate re
semblance to M. Mazzini, the Italian patriot, or whatever
it may please parties to call him, was arrested at Basle.
Count Buol ana M. Droyn de l'Huys exchange orders? or
ratber, the first receives the Grand Cross of the Legion
of Honor, anil the last the Order of St. Stephen in Aus
tria. Count de Montmerail, whose leisure hours were
employed on the Bourse, and whose fertile imagination
ed him to circulate certain false news and injurious re
ports about I.oule Napoleon, has been consigned to prison
or six months, and sentenced to pay a penalty in aadi
t<>n, of five hundred francs. At Havre de Grace there is
o be a new dock, and every ship since the first of the
year, en lering into the harbor, is made to pay the sum of
ixpence towards the expense. The macadamlzation In
the streets of Paris, spite of the dust in summer and the
mud in winter, answers admirably in one respect? houses
in them let at an increase of ten per cent, in consequence
of their freedom of noise, and carriages go through the
year without springing bolt or screw; in fact, save
fifty per cent in value. While it la rain to pasquinade
the Emperor of the French, anything in the shape of sa
tire on the Emperor of all th&Bussias ? If very, very broid
? is an excellent speculation. The Marquis de Biaarls,
formerly Sardinian'Mlnister, is now President of the Histo
rical Institute of France, Prince de la Motkowa, Honorary
President; and Count Reenhard and M. Jules llarbter,
Deputy Vice Presidents; and M. AohiUe, Internal Seore
tary. The French clergy? in fifty parishes? have ex
horted their psrishioneri to bring all the old linen and
lint they can spare for the use or the army in th*> East.
General Archet is Chief of the Police at Constantinople;
and now that the gendarmerie patrol the streets a little
better order is ktpt, though the unfortunate Turks hive
?till reaion to exclaim, as the peculiar kick of the
French assails their unwielly bodies, "Call ye this back
in* your friends?"
On Wednesday a very brilliant concert is to take placo
at the Salle Ilartz, for the benefit of tho soldiers and
pallors in the Crim?a It ia given by tbe great pianist.
Famagelli, aided by Madame Bosio, MM. Baucarde and
Grazianl, and M. Jules Lefort, wbo is to sing a romance
composed for the occasion bv M. DufWne, -'En avant,
les Zouaves;" and M. Famagelli is to execute his grand
fantasia, "Robert le IMable," all with the left hand.
Pagi'uiui, with one string, must necessarily be quite
eclipsi d.
The accounts from Spain promise ill for the repose
of that country. M. Soul. , on his return to the United
states, should publish a volume ; the occupation would
be good fur his energetic character, and few men must
br better acquainted with a state of things of which he
n.ay say, "Quorum dam magna fuu" BEKT1B.
The Ministerial Crisis in England.
[Kioin the London Globe, Feb. 27 1
fr,?' wtl'tl*'' *ft!r t,he return of the E?ri of Derby
?.? TJm .. ?f| ^?",,erd*y Uternoon, on which occasion
m?n? L u .under,<lk? l,?e duty of forming a govern commanded the attendance of the
Marqui* of Lansdowne, who forthwith projeedod to
Windsor, where lie arrived at seven o'clock last night
?n I P remained in consultation with hei- Majesty
renewed? ? ' *Dd thi" mornine the conference wan
,?lfew n!i.1ulM a"er the *rrir?1 ?f tbe noble marquis
ceikTnf tl.? F ro.oroit*> h!? lordship sent for the Cuan
f?!! !? w qu^' whV?meto Berkeley square a
few minute i before 11 o'eibek. The right honorable
xentkman remained in consultation with the noble
??J!t, eleven, at which timo he pro
g^at square* re,"0ence of Ur' SWn?J Herbert, in Ltel
The Marquis of Ijjudowne, the < bauee'.lor of the Kx
nniW*'' ? Mr" .Herberl> remained in consultation
until ri urly ore o'clock, when the noble marquis nro
"l"1, * ^ residue* of Lord John liu sell in Che .ham
] Jace, with whom he staid until half past one
On leaviufc Lord John UuHsell'H houne, the Marquis of
I'1*'? Lor<1 ''a'm"riton, with whom be
I v l consultation until two o'clock. On leaving
inJl?mi>n7'n' v IJtb'e ">arquk proceeded to Hack
ngliam I ulacc, where he had an audience of the Queen
who canje up from Windsor this morning, for the spel
ministration a"",''n? *a? formation of a new ad
, [From the Uverpool Times, Feb. 3 1
Although tlo Marquis of lansdowne, from his noltt1
c*l cocnert.on with Lord John Rus-ell, coul.l not well
avoid communication w:tb his lordililp immediately after
his return from Windsor to-day, the rumor ii that Lord
Palrnerstoa nil) Immediately be Intrusted with the duty
hi w. f * .1et\ 11 ,fl ,b?4 h'* lordship will
b? obliged promptly to execu'e his task. Thi number
o^ M niiters will be rod?sed from Alton to pro
flni i 'iati ministry Lord Unsdowne and
Lord John Russell had se?t* without office*. This ex
{'aln^r.r U"'nle re*orted U' rt"1 c?hi"et of Ixir 1
1 aimers. on will consist primarily of his lordship,
#? l'rc mi?r; Karl Grey, War, Clarendon, Foreign
Gladstone, Chancellor of the Kxchequer Graham
Admiralty; Mr. fydncj Herbert will p-rha'ps resume
J v J^ke of Newcastle'* speech lait
night the?e has b en s very decided change in hU favor,
and the public would probably he pleased if justice were
done to him by assigning the seat of the Colonial office
to him. The r' mainder of the Cabinet would bs elected
In reference to tLe state of part es from the Uberal eon
leiTfttlves and the conservative whigs, in accordance
with Lord I a merston r avows! on Monday, of the coali
tion piiociple being Indispensable.
lhere were t*? rumors in circulation at the West
k '? tlie Knrl of Clareu lou has been em
???""?? ?*b oth<,rilf that this task has
Uif larlmeMon111'" U,""-owne> conjointly with
Loirt John Riim<U and ills Late Aesorlntrs?
Kxiilannfloiis In the I.orda.
[From the IxinJon Times, Feb. 2.1
The interest of the minlnterial aud pn-soual evplnna
t'ous delivered last night in the House of I.orJs was so
surpassingly great that it threw into the shade even tU ?
momentous j-olitual events of the hour; the ';i'l of ou
ca >inet and the failure of another agitated u,a Purl.*
tneiit ot Kiiglsnd less vehement!? rhsc i.s ibaiiI. ds
, fence of the I uke of Newcastle, and t'u, o wr.vh' lmin
I refut itmn which he hurlei at tha h .?? lib late col
j league and accuier. Nor is the in'/ r ??t ia such matters
| unreascnablj or misp'aced. we ui.i . Uir? ^ai.-ulties to
; suimount we may have omisjitu, aud nii?carria7P* to
i W*lr, hut no crisis in public a lain can be so formida
| dm as to inuuee the Briti?h I'arhsmeni to saaneud an in
quiry which affects the honor of its de<?t*i, or to de.
i Iff .an 1? J1";1'1'*.1.0 onf of Its members. The Puke or
! "twcsitle ? explaoat.on was. according to all ordinary
,,B,crTe^1 the two state
ments o! Ixrd Aberdeen and Urd Ilerbv; it was a direet
reply to a speech lel.vered in the Hons* of l'arlla
mtt t, ana it disclosed .oan unusual extent the conflden
tial^rsnsa. lions and corresi^incenceof the UU? cabinet
IJerMsj. sty had however, been plsa,ed to release the
I tike of Newcastle from the oi'ifratlon of secrecy, for
the express purpose of making this vindication of bis
own chsrscer, snd, unier the circumstance* of the
*n e*I'laLstiou -as indi-pensn?jle.
If it be put to any impartial man to say, after having
Iltker iJIf ll,i' tr-iovaction, whether he hv?
, rather stand before the people of KngUnd and the iudir
JMnH history as the fluke of Newcastle or as Lo'l
2? chUZ! }L*T '? * hundred would hesitate
to choo?e the fate of a Miu iter nrbo Lac fallen at hi*
post. surrounded by his colleagues, rather than that of
mXi iTSu0 bVw1'rmlDatP'1 hil career by
S,"1' "Weltered that flight under a misrepresenta
? t on. The one may have been unfortuna'e in ths selec
i"nt ui' ,? UTwDtft but th* oth? ^ been insincere
in bis dealings with his friends The Duke may have
c*rrie<l his candor and disinterestedness to a fault, but
ic^Md11 Thi n r f v^?H ?Fobn Hu,l,*U can never be
X uZLuX rl'^* i T?** hn" b-?n unsaceessful
in the task or reitoriog order and efficlerey to miliUry
and administrative department, so rotten an l faulty as
our. turned out to be; but no one has impuined
his sealous industry in the public service, his u*ener >sity
orb, honor. *henwetonk tlie in*rty' lo tbeautu-u
!1 j .? prolonged absence from town or the
wlTkii^vr tliit (L'n il' "/v "ln!,try. was because
we thct th? Dike of NewcaaUe and Lord CUren Ion
Zlr' thnnih"?!1 * , ,0 b?*r 'h* *ho,e b,,r<lt0 of the
war, though it now turns out that Ix>rd John Ras*-ll
"" "I,"' evincing h s profound solicitude for the sue ?*<
of the army by despatching from Minto or fioin Scar
borough a few impracticable fliKjre^tionii or nu^ruloui
complaints. LorJ Ib-rby in lol*,- .1 !a-t night in one of his
accustomed tallies on tne domestle felicity enjoyed by
such a cabinet, and on the effcet of such disclosures as
| these, but, in truth, if the history of Lvd A^rdZ'Vad
i thit"i?r*tr n ?Tee f?l'hfuUy recorded, it will be found
? disunion of the Cabieet ??i due to one -anse
I only? the petty but Injessant attempts of lord j "hn
I Ru??eU to supplant the chef minister ant to obtain a
) position oyer his eollesgues. Mr. Kosbujk's motion an
* '?TarJU* "PPorti-olty to strike the blow
which was to restore him to the l'rejoler?hlp but the
1 Bet^rSL'taflliuIT *? ' 1J""lfh " ,fc*?t,rei the Cnbi
R,i?tll^ T? * 1*^ < *"p*r wo",l<, o? l-ord Joho
' < J KU exist?nce ot the late administration
I was in bis eyes no more than a period of transition,
flrffftsd"-^ bl*to tb* Po*l? ?n be ha.1 already
,?<1W .1 h# h"1 ??criieed without
the country ' hli "?MTues and hi* duty to
I The facta distinctly proved last night by the Dnke of
wftne^'i^t^N ??""? cor,*,P"?,denc.. or oomisetent
? P'rUcnlars the
statement ol l^>rd John Russell, and it se?m? incredible
Iit ?.| n'j' .nf ' lTi" haT" b**n made in the
pr seen re of at least half a doten p* rsons able on the first
th^*fi^t'Vur/,?h,t.r*t'' |U. '"CO ii racy. It ' appears, in
the first j/lsi e, that upon the separation of the War and
Colonial I>epartm?nta the Duke of Nsecastle olaoed him
se'f snllrely m the bsnd* of hi* colleaffues declaring his
readlne.* to retain eitb?r or neither olTlce, and that it
lT, t^k thJrJLT?JTk"* >7 "hoi-e, that
he took the ^ seals of the new Department for ITar. It is
shown that down to the 8th of Octob-r, and -on
sequently during the whole of I.ird slobn Russell's
""'u J r*?1** t ion s, he cont<Dued to write to the
1^. 'I?U ht? lb?l could be done,
m **?iru'D* sucenes " On the 17th
?i v? ' iW t5 ^1. Joh? Russell first nrged a fur
ther chance ia the War Departments, the Dnke aad
Mr SldneyTBerbert blace.l tbeh^oMee* enti.-ely at lorl
Atei deen s disposal, and arge.1 bia to do what he
tloncbt be st for the public service. On the l?-.h of
Iinmber Letd Jeba Ru?t?U informed the Prim* Mint*
ter that he had rfttnvod hia views and abandoned hit
former plan. A\ the Cabinet held on Saturday, the 20th
of January, three days before Parliament rt aajeinbled,
Lord John Russell himself brought forward another plan
for the reorganisation of the military department!, more
Marly resembling the aebeme of Lord Grey. This plan
was agreed to by the Dnke of Newcastle, and a lopted
by the other members of the government, with the ex
ception of one or two Insignificant details, on which
Lord John had made a blonder. Yet to the astonish
ment of bis colleagues, Lord John has since HmW
that be bad no reason to suppose that the reforms
which had been under consideration would prevail, and
that he was unable to asanre the House of Commons
that arrangements were being made to remedy
the state or the army? lhe fact being that Lord
John's own plan had at that very time been agreed
to, and that the Duke of Newcastle had already
announced to Lord Aberde?n hia absolute determination
to resign office altogether, on account of the unpopula
rity attached to his administration of the War Depart
ment. Under these circumstance*, the sudden announce
ment of Lord John's flight from the treasury bench ex
cited tbe unfeigned amawment of all who knew the
fscts of the ease, and we must add that theae fa:ts are
wholly irreconcilable with the mottvsa he thought pro
per to assign for hia recignation. The trnth is, that of
all tbe proposals connected with the war, which Lord
John Kussell has made to his colleagues, none have been
rejected, and of the objections he has started none have
hem overruled. The causes which led him to destroy
the government at this difficult and periloua criais in the
affairs of Europe muat therefore be sought altogether In
bis own personal ambition. Calling the assembled Peers
of Fngland to witness, and In the preaence of all the late
ministers of the Crown, who have personal knowledge of
all these occurrences, the Duke of Newcastle proved to
demonstration that most of the. allegations made in the
House qf Commons by Lord John Russell on this subject
are at variance with the truth, and that tbe obloquy
arising from this transaction does not remain where he
attempted to cast it
It has been our painful dnty, in commenting on tho
accounts received from the army, to animadvert as
forcibly as we could on the numerous instances of mis
management which have exposed our troops to dreadful
hardships and losses, lowered our military reputation
abroad, and compromised the success of tbe Crimean
expedition. But we have neter aaid one word which
could be construed into a personal imputation on the
Duke of Newcastle more than on the other members of
the government and the chiefs of tbe army. Ou the con
trary, we knew with what indefatigable energy he has
worked, while other members of the government were
not even within reach of London; and we could not but
draw, and have ever drawn, a favorable contrast be
twee n his laborious real in toe public service and their
supercilious indifference.
Great mistakes have been committed in the choice of
the men selected to carry on this war, bo h at home and
?broad ; and the government has been jaatly blamed for
not reorganizing the administration of the armv, em
bodying the militia, forming a reserve, and proceeding to
place our military establishments at once upon a full
war footing. But on all these points Lord John Russell
must lie content to share the ceaaure which his col
leagues have Incurred, and it la because these evils and
emissions were not more promptly remedied that the
tatk became impracticable. Tbe Duke of Newcastle has
failed, hut it was the aystem as much as the min'ater
which broke down; und no minister will aucceed in
guiding this country to the glorious termination of a
successful war until tbe military establishments have
been thoroughly reformed. We think, therefore, that
the Duke of Newcastle overstates the accusations which
are or can be preferred against himself; and we are con
fident that no man will read his manly and becoming de
fence without sympathy and respect.
Brighter Proapcctt of tti? British Crimean
[ Krom the London Times, Feb. 2 ]
Die public mind his been *o occupied of late i wna the
deplorable oondition of our army, with the defect* ol
our military system, and with the Imperative 'J'lmind
for Improvement in the on of tho? d?part
mectB through which war ii conducted, that the pros
pects of the war itself have been comparatively over
looked. The sufferings of the troops before Sebastopol
have i o completely and so justifiably engrossed our at
tention that we have almoct ceased to inquire into the
progress of the siege, and appear to have assumed that
the effectual prosecution of offensive operations was
virtually beyond our power, trom the letttr, how
ever of our correspondent, which we yesterday pub
lished, it will be st en that to the virtues of heroic eour
sue and indomitable endu'ance the British so dier add*
tho.e of unllitching confidence and neverfailing hope.
On the very scene of *11 that misery wh?ch has reeeottv
be. n so vivid v deputed, there actually prevailed a unl
verbal belief that our arms would b? triumphant, and that
f-obastopol, eo long ana so fruitlessly beleagurei, must
mfalUl.W fall before the valor end solution of the al
lies. "There is no doubt," says our correspondent
"no despondency out here. No one for an instant feels
diffident of ulimate success." If anything >vere required
to ccmplete the admiration with wh ch our soldiers are
regarded, it would be found in this astonishing express
slon of military confidence and patriotic faith. While
we, with too much reason, were trembling for the very
salvation of our army, that army itself was still talking
ef victory and anticipating triumph! No suff^r.njt
could rob it of that belief wtveh British soldiers enter
tain in the power of their arm?; and certainly, if any
cause could contribute more forcibly than another to
irsuie luch a success, It would b? thst dauntless reso
lution wbl-J? In the midst of misfortunes is determined
1o conitnaid it. We may venture, however, to coosl Jer
this subject a little further, and to resume for a moment
that siirv j of operations which other topics have inter
'"fboticge of Sevastopol has n ver besa ab?ol itely
sufp'cdfd. Our own works, it is true, proceeded b it
very slowly, and our batteries were tew often silent for
want of ammunition; but we lott no gioun 1, and while
we were waiting lor 1-etter means of action, and suffer
ing unfortunately, rrore excessive privations, oar brave
allies were pushing their approaches agsinst, the town
with indefatigable activity and no mconslderib.e effect.
Tbev have re:elved constnnt relnforcemuuts, the
abubdunce of their resources hns been evinced iu their
generosity to ourselves, and they arewellpreptredto
avail themselves at the first opportunity of the aivan
tages they have acquired by three months skilful exer
tion. We, on our side, Seem to have struggled at last
through tbe darkest hour of the c irapaign, and to I live
< htalned a view ef scm? brighter Pr0?P*,U
like order has been established m the chao* ? J? jjjivu
a road fiom the harbor to the camp is, tbanks to the aid or
our allies in process cf construction; central depots have
been instituted for the facilitation of supplies, anlcon
su'eralile quantities of clothing hvre at fang th
tribute^ in tlie camp. It may be bop?d, therefore, that
lo'h armies will ston be in a, position to re commence
operatic ns; and great progress had bren already mtde at
the departure ot our luU advice*, in up guns,
n< rlM> nud k una unit loo More# to tbe fro?*' ?
r',iiLjjctiot, howrrtr, tbal wo should M ouraelveB re^
l.evtd Trox the necewity of comparative inaction. whxt
?sould be th; prespects of the singer On J question
vtl.Kh las provtd itfceif so embarra'smg it woald bs
vain to affect any ? views but rea^nn uadoubted
ly exist for attaciiing some value to the confidence ' which
soldier* reiru to imbibe from the spirit ol their profes
sion itroXt. Sebsstopol has many alvan ages bu it hae
scut MisnlvanUgts. it is not a to* n regularly lortifieel
wiifl ramparts el masrnry, requiring tlie tedious ap
proiiche? e f the Sip and tl-e conceutratc 1 fire of breach
fng latteries. The principal defuncts ot tbe
consist in their lines of earthworks, w4>ti*amat.m
in military en4in.ering that earthworks _ <aynot stop
eood intaufy? such infantry, in fact, ai tn? mum
aniiieo could seud to the nsnault. A perpsudicular
wall of .teme must iicces?arly be breacnel b>fore
it will admit an attacking column ; hut earth
works, in order to ftand, must unaveidably b? inide
with a certain slope', which a.ope find litUe liftl
cultv in a?cendii.f. The eoneition of *uccjm Nere is
that the lire from theee works sb.'uld be so far subdued
tire v iou*ly 'o the assault a. to give the. old er, a lair
ebanre ol ce minic to close quarter* with the onemy, and
it ihAmfore thin object can b* ?ff?ct?4 tb? attack may
bimaTe wuk a rr^tot deci.,ve results HUherto
the fire of the Ku.n.ns ha* been superior to our own,
hut if by mean* of more powerful artillery more advan
tageoualy place-1 the tllies could obtain e ven a shut ,as
cendancy, tie re i* totLmg unreasonable in snti.pating
that the conquerors ol the Aim* an 1 lukermsnn m*y d
tbe r?st of tlie wort. We have be?ten the Russians in
fighting, though not ,n firing, an l the 'lu"U?" "
ther tbe main business can t? fairly brought with n tb
I C*0?r cbanws"*t is evident, would be materially improv^
ed if we could calculate npon any exhaustion on the
nart cf the enemy. It hn? already been found that the
Russians could not, at any rate, collect suBieientstfengtb
to drive u* from our position, and reports which have no
intrinsic probability represent them a* having *ufferel
most severely from the various hardships of the cam
naiRn They wive even been Ascribed as In want ol am
munition, though it Is bard to reconcile sush a *uppo?u
t on with the activity of their batteriee. Never heWss,
their commucica'ions with tbe Interior must havo be
come very difficult, and there must be a limit eomewbere
to the store, of even so prodigious an
pol has proved. As far ?* mere numbers go, if all our
trtop. returned a. ellective are really Tn nt con.^
tion for the nork <>f an assault, there can be
no doubt but what, in conjunction with our allies
?o could easily bring as many men in o the
field as the op. ration would elsmand, nor can
there be much question about the relative jrowes. cf
SS, when fairly tried. To d.Mnb* , tl? :
.ituation of a 11 airs concisely, we may say that hitherto
tlie lines on which the defence of Sebast ipol re*ts have
not been "swiulted, because, owing to Ta.k.-. ???*,
we have not be-n strong enough In artillery to acconr
nlish the preliminary work of *ubilulng their fire. (Jreat
exertions ha" leccntly b^n mad. to mc^s e the po-e,
of the Allies in this importaut raapoct, and. If
abould prove etfectaal, th.. roeult may be folio ssd i.
?u v moment by a more material soroeM. Of 'Ourse,
even a suceessful attack upon tt e bnee would not
the immediate or entire capture of the town; buti i . lodr
ment effected in such a poeitton would " '""BeaM
advantages, and would proUbly enable u*, with sv ch i a
?. f...... wp.. ? ? ?? ?
mxpnt mn b? at hmod; but. in our ijfnoianc? of th? r#al
strength of the enemy, and after tbe "*ntl!re
had of war's conti agencies, it i* imposslbU to ven
upon anything like precUe speculation.
?.???' """"
in ss2re'.b.
ihe interest ine periodicale tlia^ ?"? over t'"m J '1
? . -tterlv however, their perusal ha? led some of
i-aca and thst in the course erf that interoetlng
?trnsele the Hpaniah cavalry, b?th hoaviee aodlifhts,
? a* dest royVl ^*I?sy eel' & to do tbor ,io
to give you tbe ftult of my experience., 1 to
1 rSirte yon onr U Uce My mm were UJ?"
.mall active, all oader U haode, an.) they were
not selected according to any standard, in fact they ware
the Llaniiw, or menef the pUina Their arm* consisted
of the "rejo" or laaao (a a tout leathern noose, 40 yards
in length) and a light and tough lance. Very few or
thru bad swords, and their dree* consisted of a large
"rnana", (ponobo,) not one in ten of them haying even a
Cr of drawer* beside*. You will thus perce ire that they
1 nf itber pipeolay nor "dangleums" of any sort to im
pede their movement*, nor any u*eles* weight to bear
cown their hortes with. As few of them had stirrups, you
mar suppose that they rode au naturel, and not in the pig
tail fashion, or, a* we call it in Venezuela, enjua ga-botetla
(bottle washing) fashion, which I unlerstand wu Intro
duced into the British cavalry by the Duke of Cumber
land, a century ago. In order to frighten the Scottish
partisans of the Pretender. This was a great advantage
to the poor horses in the campaign, as their backs ani
rib* wtre never sore; as also to the riders, as tboy never
lost leather. Our tavtiss in the presence of the' enemy
were a* follow : ? In dealing with Infantry, we would en
deavor to get to windward and kick up a great dust, or
cet Are to the long grass of the plains, so that lots of dust
or smoke should blow in their laces, and we woull then
charge and wheel about ad libitum. If regular cavalry,
heavy or light, opposed us, we would send out small
troop* of forty or fifty men to lasso them by throwing
the noose either right over tbe men's heads and arms,
and bodily dragging them off their horses; or by catch
ing tbe latter by tbe legs, thus throwing both horse and
rider. Our men in the real would then dash forward and
lance the poor regulars a* they lay sprawling oa tbe
ground. Another plan was. to take a few uubroken
mares and turn them loose, with dry raw bides attached to
their tails, into tbe midst of the Spaniards. Tbe noise
thus created caused horrible confusion among the Span
sh pipeclays (and they were line troop*,) and we had
not hing to do but to spear them. With sixty men I
once destroyed a whole regiment of them thus.
Depend upon it, that light'horses and light men, with
strtng right arm*, form the most efficient cavalry, Tbe
Llaneroa, from the habit of throwing the lawo among
the wild cattle of tbe plains, were hardy, strong, ana
inimitable horsemen. As a weapon, I should probably
prefer a good useful cut and thrust sword to a lance; and
would only add thereto that modern invention, the re
volver. carrying the cartridges in a belt round the waist,
after the fashkm of the Spanish contrabandist's " ca
naoa," from which 1 would also suspend tbe sword. By
these means, all strnps, buckles, and encumbrance*
would be avoidei, and the horse would have lets weight
to carry, and tbe whole be more effective.
Having thus far entered into details, I may now ven
ture to say that I have been honored by my countrymen
with the Presidency of Venezuela I am now residing in
New York, and would be mist happy to cross over to
England to aid In any manner in tbe equipment of some
effective cavalry for the forthcoming campaign in the
Crimea. It would afford me much gratification could I
be the means of saving some thousands of fine English
horses, a* well n* the live* sod leather of tbe men. I
need not say that, a* a South American Republican, I
have a great detestation of Nicholas.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant
New York, January, 1866. PAEZ.
From Hew Mexico uid the Plains.
Mr. Gidding* arrived at San Antonio, Texas, on the
23d nit., from Santa Fe. He is the mail carrier under
the last letting*; bui it appears the Postmaster at Santa
Fe refused to give Mm the mail, because he bad not re
ceived official notice to do so. The San Antonio Texan
has a letter from a correspondent, dated San'.a Fe, Dec.
31, in which the writer fay*: ?
The Legislature la in session, and has been for about
thirty days, placing their aession just half through, ac
cording to the time for which the members can sit and
get pay. I hear of nothing important done yet, though
it is said one of the Mexican members ii about to bring
in a hill abolishing the constitution of the United States
of America. He come* from down near the Me*ill,\ Val
ley. Hy the by, I hear a rumor that the Mexican* down
in that famous locality hare -'struck" the American
flag, by pulling it to the ground and railing the Mexican
national tri-*oTor, and that tro.ipa from Fort Fillmore
have gone over there to raise the flag and pull down the
usurper. ?o you see we have on Hitt here also. The
Legislature is composed entirely of Mexican*, with the
exception of, I believe, live Am"ricana. The officers are
all Mexican*. The language uied is the Spanish.
The Supreme Court of the Territory was in session,
Judges Davenport, Broochus and Benedict being present.
Gen. I'elham, Surveyor General of the Territory, had ar
rivfd at Santa Fe.
The country between San Jose and Santa Fe is infest
ed with robber*, supposed to be Mexican* and Am?rl.
can*, who arc digguised as Indian*. The number is not
knovn, hut variously estimated at between twenty and
flfly. Major try, tbe paymaster, narrowly **onped
them, while returning from Fort I'nion, to which he
had been for the purpose of pay ng oil the soldier*, lie
discovered the robber* about nightfall observing hi*
movements, and eluded I hem hy pretending to stop for
the night, where he remained until the night was dark
tniugh to hide his escape into Santa Fe.
A number of murders and robherlea have been per
petrated recently, following each other in quick *u>
cession. Lick I'eio, a noted and successful gambler,
wan murdered at Ro;k Spring, "even miles from tbe old
l'ecns Church. It was supposed that he had with him
about seven thousand dollars, all of which was taken hy
A Mexican was found dead on the public plaza, a few
day* be'ore thu mail party lelt. Hi* body was pene
tiated with five balls. No clue had been found as to the
perpetrator. Such seem not to crest*
much surprise, but are patmed as matter* of bnt little
k r. raver speak* of a flue lake of water near the jnr
nadn about one mile off the road, and expresses great
surprise that traders had cot discovered this tefore this
time. It is ubout twenty one mllua frvm the Arkansas
river, and will afford water, tbe drveit season, in abund
ance. A great number of wild horses were seen about
the lake, and at one time were prevented frou running
upon the mail party by the firing of a gun at them by
one ol the passenger*.
The trader* at Council Grove infnroied Mr. D tha1: a
fight had occuired near the Grove between the Kaw aul
Kamansbe Indians, in which about two hundred of the
latter were killed, lie attack wa* made by tbe Kaw*,
who had lost a few m'n at tiie hands of theCamanche*
last fall The Pawnee Indian* had stolen thirty. five head
of horse* belonging to the Kaw*, whicn wa* likely to be
get another Indian war
We copy tbe following Item* from the Santa He Oa
The two hocaei of the Legislative Assembly of the
Territory of New Mexico, convened in their respective
chambers in the government palace in thi* city, Monday
the 4th init,, at twelve o'clock. TheOoun-ll was callel
to order by the Hon. James H. Qulnn, when the mem
ber* presented their credential*, and had th* customary
oath administered to them by Chief Juttice Itosvennort
'1 lie Council then proceeded to an election of President,
when the Hon. Jose Antonio Kara y Pino wa* declared
unanimously elected, and took hi* seat aa anch, af ter? |
which tfcey adjourned until the next day. They met
again the following day at 10 o'clock, and completed the
election of officer* a* follow*
Chief Clerk Klia* T. Clark.
Assistant Nicholas Quintana y Alarid.
Engrossing Clerk Donaclano Vigil.
Enrolling Clerk Horace L. Dickinson.
Interpreter an! Translator.. I has. P. Clever.
Ecrgeant at Anna Anlceto Valdea.
Doorkeeper Brnigno Jaramillo.
The House of Representatives waa called to order at
the same bour, and on the motion of the Honorable
Escundo Pino, tbe Honorable Celso Cuellar Medina took
tbe chair. The members were then respectfully sworn
In by chief Justice Deavcnport, when an election was
held for officers, which resulted a* follows ?
Speaker Facundo Pino.
Cn'ef Clerk J(*u* Ma. Sena y Baca.
Assistant..'. Santiago Abreu.
Engrossing Vicente Garcia.
Enrolling Benigno Martinet
Sargeant-at- Arm* Cebast ian Gonzale*.
Doorkeeper Andrs* Tania.
Tbe Hou*e then adjourned until ten o'clock Tuesday
morning. The House met the following day according
to adjournment. In tbe afternoon, tbe two houses being
fully organized, a joint committee was appointed to wait
upon the Governor, and announce that they were ready
to receive any met sage be might desira to lay before
them. The two honses being aasembled in the hall of
Representative*, th* Governor, accompanied by tbe See
letary of the Territory, entered at 4 P. M.. escorted by
the jo'nt committee, when he delivered his message,
which waa afterward* rend in Spanish by tbe Chief Clerk
of the House, Jesu* Maria Sena y Baca.
By the death of the Hon. Thomas Oritz. a vacancy wa*
created in tbe Secoud Senatorial district, composed of
the connt'ea of Santa Fe and Sen Miguel. On the 4th
in*tsnt the Governor isaned bia proclamation to the pre
feet* of the resp?ctive countis*, directing them to order
anelection to Oil said vacancy, on Saturday, the 16th in
atant, in actordance with which these officer* i**ued
writ* of (lection. *
The following is the result of tbe election, but whether
it is a Know Nothing or a fusion victory, we are unable
to say, hut it 1* vsiy evident that Anas'acio Sandoval
liua achieved a complete triumph over hi* antagonist,
Mr. Manuel Baca y Delgado:?
Santa ft. .Ian 3/igutl.
Ana?'acie Sandoval 5M? 774
Mas uel Baca y Lelgado 2 .0 ?
? v.-i ? majority 1,073
The day of our la<ly of (iualalupe (th* 12th of Deoem
ber) pasted off veTy quietly? it was generally o > served
as a i'ay of re*t, but bey^n ' that there waa no demon
stration, except a few i!lumit.aU"n* in some part* of th*
eity. The two house* of the I eglslative Asoemhly ad
journed over from Monday until Wednesday.
We lea'n that the rmallpox t,a< broken out among the
Utah Indisns and been uuite fatal. Several of the lead
ing men of tbe tribe had died, and among others Cnieo
TOaequet, the chief. We regret the death of thl* chief.
He bad bwome very friendly within the last year, h" had
more ii.Huenei- with bis tribe thnn any other man in it,
and seemed disposed to restrain their evil propeniltie*
The J etulta In Naples.
New Tom, Feb. 16, 1856.
There appeared a abort time ago in your eoltimn*,
among the foreign news, a Utter purporting to have
I* en addressed to the King of Naple* by th* Superior of
tbe Jeiuit* in that city, which contained the strongest
declaration* on the part of th* Society in favor of abao
lute monarchy.
( felt satisfied, from th* tenor of the letter, and, in
particular, from an expression which it contaiaedr-vix ,
"affiliated to the order"? that it must be a baa* aal
Impudent forgery. *
My impression* have since been fully confirmed for I
read thi* morning, in the Montreal JYu* Ifitnoi that tbe
Tel rgrayh' of Brussels, of the 27th December, and the
Cmutituiumntl of Pari*, both uaqualifledly itate the
letter in question to be a fabrication ? that It was n?t
wr.tten by tbe Jesuit* of Naples , nor with their sanction
1 remain, your most obedient,
' L. B miwwt '
Consul General Pontifical 9l?le*.
Our Havana CoriMpoodentt.
BajAHA, Feb. 10, 1855.
Fbrccd Demonttratioru of Loyalty ? Suptrftuoiu Valor-*
The Captain General' t Speech to the Havana Merchant!
?Object of Ihe Vuit of the Brit ah Fleet to CniM? Re
turn of the Botcawen to Europe? The French Fleet , <tc.
Last evening, after intimation that it would be ac
ceptable, the merchants of Havana gathered upon the
Placa de Annan and Mnt a deputation to the Captain
General .with offer* of service, ptaififlfe "lives, fortune
and lacred honor" to the State, should danger or rebel
lion get to a head in the land. It la no much waited
breath, for not one of the crowd would be trusted, un
leia a "faithful bayonet" was in hi* rear, for as* in
stead of ornament, to prick Uim onward. The Captain
General received the proposition most graciously, and
gave them thanks, in the name of the good Queen; but
most kindly relieved the anxiety of the people brought
to his notice in such interesting form, by informing them
that there would be no necessity for extraordinary de
mands upon their loyalty. Anticipation simetlmee
saves the pocket. The meeting adjourned without any
very enthusiastic Hrat, and they are just as faithful to
their own interests to-day as they were a w?ek ago.
The British propeller frigate Colossus went to tea yes
terday morning, having received orders from b'me, it is
said. The object of the visit to this port of the seve
ral vessels is no teoret, and Mr. Pierce may take
it as a "Roops' hint," which form of exprension is
no donbt familiar to him, baring originated at the
United States Military Academy thirty-five years ago.
The ship of the line Boecawen is to leave port the first of
next week to return across the Atlantic, having pro
duced the effect desired in this quarter of the world,
where there Is no Sebastopol worthy of attention. We
shall see some of our French neighbors scon; but it is
to be boped that no Onited States vessels will appear
here, for it will consist more with national honor to
send them where they will be of no service? to treat
with Indians or to bombard villages.
The steamer ?1 Dorado leaves for Aspinwall this morn
ing, and the Empire City for New Orleans >o the evening,
being detained for repairs to her machinery, damaged
by heavy weather during the voyage. Business, which
has been checked, we hope will be resumed with the
coming week ; and for the rest we b:de the develops
ments of progress and Improvement, which are occupy
ing the attention of Gen. Concha and hi* '-ever faithful"
people. The weather is bad, but the general health
perfect, and our hospital* without tenants. D.
General Qnltmau'* Contemplated Descent
I' polk Cuba.
[From tlie Courtier ilea Etrnts Unia, Feb 16. j
A telegraphic derpatoh, unexpected by the majori
ty of the public, ana r ated from New Orleans on
the Oth ot February, announce* the departure three
days ago for the coe?i ot Cuba, cf a free h ezoedi
tion, numbering 3, COO men.
The laconic aty le of this announcement, and the
strict silence r** served singe then by the telegraph
on a subject so important, ha-, e caused the news to
Jtass almost uoperoeived by some, and to be sab- "?
ertcd to doubt by others. Without pretending to
guarantee the exactness of the fact, ire most say, for
our part, that we expect nether a confirmation than
a coBtradioticn of it. We have beta p-epaied for it
by ail tbe communications taat have been arriving
from the Scuth for months past, touching the pre
parations maklrg ttere to carry out tbe project,
liven the epoch at which the departure la to take
place has been fixed and annoncced long before
hand. Tbe evidently cslcu'ated pre:?u?ioas that
have been taken fcr the iast fe v weeks to stifle all
tnblic rumors en tola subject, and t > divert atten
tion by an affected abandonment of the tnterorUe?
the recent seizure of the steamer Ma?*:nawtts
at New York - the armament too soon divulged of United B'utes? nil o ccur in corroborating the
veractj of tbe telegraph.
The new* that we :creive from the island of Cuba
itteif airmails aid of these tic-umpt ons. There
prevailed Uere, in (at, a vapue apprehension of an
approaching d seal) vkatiou of filibusters. Certain
rumors even vent 'artier, and signal zed the pre
itnee already on tbe coast of an expedition com
n anded by Central Qui mar. F eeb seizures of
crms had taken p ace among individuals buaoe.tsd *
cf revoluionaiy icl&liocs. In tine, five Spanish
thlpscf war bid kit tbe port cf Havaia wi'-h the
objeot, it is said, of cruising in search of tbe expect
ed 'nva^eie.
For tbe little that m*v be true In all this ("there>
la no smoke without art") Le-e is, assuredly, auffl
cienttoaut orze tbe auiclpettou of a i imminent
outbreak. What tie to be th? proportions of it?
WU1 it <on.e entirely 'rem witnoir., or, as some of
the ini^aUd sfflim, will the A me.kin expedition be
but the spark to vet part ot the >x>lonv in flame*.
The cvtnt iter If can alone deoi'e tlis. foe general
plan of the iivacer* appears, at all events, to be
ct iceived in the view and in the hoj e of this second
it ccnoikts, 'n fact ? not as in tbe attempt of L>
pez, of sn intention to manh s'.raigbt on Havana?
but, cn tbe conti a< y, to choose, aa soon as the dis
embarkation taxes place, a poio: where the
invadeia may establish, maintain aid de
fend themselves- There thty will wait until
ir.tertal insunecbr s, provoked a?d hc u raged
by the presence tf the d . sen. barked troops, come to
their aid. Tb<y count, besices, oj powerful rein
fot cements from tbe Unite J States t* hoon as they
have secured a bars of operations suffi :?ent!y strong -
to mnovs frcm the expedition its character of a
foolish adventnte.
Notwithstanding the plausib'e and apparently
skilfully calculated characier of this plan of cam
paign, the attempt ot General Qultmat ran only ap
pear in the eyes cf all dis nterested persons as a
second edition of the <?? up dt maria of 1861, des
tined beforehand to a e!mllar dincutnunt. AX pre
tent, as then, tlete 's a fatal emr In the caae of
every one concern' d in this business? in those who
plunge into the enterprise from motives ol cupidity
snd ambition, and in those who en ourage it in the
came of Cuban independence. The oce incur the
almost Inevitable il-k or losing their lives; tbe others
only prepare Cuba for frtah misfortune In place of
the liberty which they d earn of for her.
Court of General Sessions.
Before Hob. Judge Stuart.
Feb. IS.? John Martin was Indicted for aatanlting Da
vid Thomjfon with a knife, on the night of the 2ftth of
September. The ooly witnesa for tha prosecution waa
the complainant, who stated that the prisoner met him
in a dark alley way on tie night in quest'on, an 1 with
out any provocation atabbed him ovar tbe ahonlder.
Complainant and priaoner bad parted on friendly terms
an bour and a half previona, and the Utter waa aaid to
be under the Influence of liquor at the time of tbe aa
i>ault. Tbe night waa dark, and complainant waa unable
to atate what kind of weapon wa< used by the prisoner
Tbe wound waa not dangt-roua, and healed without any
surgiral aid. Verdict, guutj of an asiaalt and battery
Sentenced to tbe penitcutiary fur thirty days.
ball thieving.
James Jones, aliaa Joha Jauics, waa charged wlta
atealing a quantity of clothing, of tbe value of $60, tke
, property of Alexander Knox, A90 Hud ion street. Com
' pleinant ata'ed that on tbe morning of tbe 11th January
when he waa about coming down town, be missed aa
overcoat, a paletot end a dresa coat frjiu U>" rack in tbe
i tall. He immediately ??nt out to look for the thief,
I end while et the corner of Fourteenth rtrei-t ha pei
I reived priaoier in the distance carrying o(T some eletnei ?
; He pursued and arrrated him, ideati'ying Mia property
' aa his own. and on tin* prisoner bring ban,)' -l over ta th*
j custody of a police "Iticrr, aoma erticlee belonging ta tile
mmpJalnant were discovered in hla pockets. ror the
i defence it waa contended that tbe prisooer pnn-hased
tie articles in question from a man of the aarne of Ro*.
I but Box turning out a myth, tbe Jury found a verdhi of
guilty. Sentenced to two year* and two a*c.ths In the
: Hate prison.
Harvey Penaon, a horse dealer, from Oneida -oiarty,
Iwaa indicted for paaaing a spurious 920 bill on Ed vert 1
Story, aald note having bran altered from agenniae $1
{ till on the Jewett City Bank, State of Connecticut. The
I ctmilalnent, who keepa a public hojse at 129 Do eery,
proved that on the nljht of the 18th of N ireaaber tbe
' riaoner passed the bill In <|ueat'on at his bar, and re
' ceived $19 76 in change. To fix a t tenter or (ollty
knowledge on tbe prisoner, the proae:utiun produced
i ( everal witneaies to pr<'re that he passed aiKllar b.ila en
i ther partiea. It wan given in evMance that ha paaeed a
110 bill of the Jewett City ltank on lfi;hael V. Cowry,
hatter, 22.1 Ttird artnue, on the Iftth or 17th of Novem
| ter j that he parsed another on ^mud Wise,
j rlothier, No. M Bowery, on tbe 19th of No
! *?mb?r, and another on' Matthew J. ( onoell. dark
| In a bouaefurnlebing establishment, ?01 l.roedsray. on
. tbe lMth of November. All throe aotea were prove>l by
1 William Clark, broker, to bare been altered from 91 to
' $20. For the defence, the deposition of Joha William i
*aa read, In which It was stated that tbe pr'soaer sold a
Imrae, last fall, at dsponent'a kou>e, to oae Madisaa for
$120, and that Marison gave priaoaer in payment there
of Bve $20 bills on tha Jawatt Ctty Bank. After being
out for several hours, tha jury returned with a verdict
of guilty and a recommeedatiea to ibe m'rry ?f th
? ourt Henteaeed to tre reera and two moatha isapria -
onment in tha State pr,?on
m aflLAKV in tiie mian nrfli-.m.
Henry Burns was convicted of entering the houee of
Abraham I>mari-at, '*24 Amoa street, on the eeeniM of
the 4tb Fehitiary instsnt wtth a false key. aa4 etaalinf;
tbenre a roat belrr^lng to a mtaor ton of 'the proprietor.
Ha was seat*aeed to the Mate prison or Ave y??rs uu)
two eaenths. ^
Dsaia Carritk. lately eoavirtwl of maaslaugbterle the
faerth degree, by killing Hugh Regan with ? art rung,
wee aentenred to f< ur moatha In the pea'tentlary.
The (onrt then adjourned.