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THE NEW WHOLE NO. 6772. morning YORK HERALD. EDITION-MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1855. PRICE TWO C^NTS. THE BURIAL OF WILLIAM POOLE. IMMENSE DEMONSTRATION. HHP nnuTiRT as d cmc pbocessioi. first Appearance of the K. N.'t in the Pnblic Streets. Addressee by Rev. i. B. Wakely and Mr. Htlme. k Harrowing Scene at the Cemetery. SCENES AND INCIDENTS. | Ac., <te., <fco. Our citisena yeeterday witnessed one of the moat ex traordinary demonstrations ever mad* in a Christian country. Public honors on a moat magnificent ecale were paid to tbe memory of a pugilist ? a man whoae paat life baa in It much to condemn and very little to com mend. One of the moat interesting feature! of the de monstration wu tbe appearance for tbe first time in public, of tbe mysterious Know Nothing*, who turned out in great numbers, their only mark of distinction being narrow strips of red, white and blue ribbon tied with black crape in their button hole*. Their appear nnre created great curiosity ; but as no one knew any thing about them, and as they were themsslves any" thing but communicative, very little was elicited with regard to them, their objects, numbers, or why they seleeted this occasion to make their llrst appearance la public. The weather was everything that could be de aired ? warm, sunny and pleasant ? with rery little wind stirring, and every circumstance seemed to favor the friends of the deceased in their endeavors to pay fitting honors to their departed associate. This is the first time the " fancy" have ever held a procession excluiively their own, although they have formed no Inconsiderable portion ol others that have been oelebrated ; and they can felicitate themeelves on the handsome turn out they anade. They were not, however, all In the procession, as over thirty of them were arrested for picking the pockets of the crowd ; and in the very house of the deceased, It is reported a gentleman had his purse, containing $30, ?batracted from his pocket, in the hall, while tbe reli gious servioes were being held in the parlor. A number of persona arrived from Philadelphia, Bos ton, and other places, to participate In the proceedings, ftlaay of them turned out in the procession, and helped to swell the ranks of the O. U. A. .The coup d'ccil, of tbe city, during the progress of the obeequeis, was most magnificent. The splendor of tbe day? the gaily dressed crowd that thronged the sidewalks, and filled the roofs and windows of the house* on the route? the solemn music and the rich, though sombre, adornments of the various associations ?s they filed passed, made the scene one not often wit nessed nor soon forgotten, the whole make up of the procession proved that a strong national feeling was at the bottom of th* whole proceeding. This is proved by the great turnout of the native Americana and Know Nothings. Added to this was the feeling that 1'oole had been most foully murdered? killed by a conspiracy, and that, too, under circum stances that placed hin conduct in a favorable light, he ?vidently being tbe offended party. We underatand that Messrs. fowler k Wells desired to obtain a cast of Mr. l'ooie's bead to add to their cabinet, and for that purpose applied to Mrs. Poole for facilities to obtain it Hhe, however, declined giving the cast, a* ahesald her late husband's hea<l would soon garnish ths walla of every porter house in the city, and this contin gency she desired to avoid. THE SCENE AT POOLE'S HOUSE. I on* before tbe time announced, th? house of the de ceased. No. 194 Christopher street, ?u thronged by a dense orowd, many of whom war* th? female frieodi tad relatives of POole. The coffin, uncovered, ft* place! in the middle of the room, and a passage way formed from the front to the back door*, the crowd pasting through to gnw at the feature! of tbe deoeated. The widow eat at the aide of the coffin, weeping hysterically, in a man ner to mure even the stern, rough men, and eecure the warm sjmnathy and copiaus team of the female* who were present. Tom Hyer itood at the head of the coffin, crying and gobbing like a ehild. Poole's little boy, hi* brother*, sisters, and mother in-law, were a Lao in the ' room. The dictated was dressed according to hi* dying teqneat, in a plain lult of black, coat and panta, tllk ? cravat, and patent leather boot*, with the icarf of the T'nited Order of American* laid aero** hit body. He wai I < aa excellent state of preservation, only alight indica tion* of deoompoeition being risible on hi* forehead. Poole wai a (light built and rather tmall man; hi* feature* were regular, and by tome would mo b* con sidered handsome. Cndcubtedly hi* great success a* a pugtlUt depended on hi* alertness and agility rather than on hi* personal ^ atrength, which wat not Tory great. He never fought a ring fight, but eat famou* for hit success la what -1* termed a "rough and tambla," what* the com batant* are privileged to take every advantage their agility, strength or endurance given them. In tbeae affray* Poole never met hi* equal, hi* great celerity of irorement enabling him to throw hi* antagonist to the ground, and when once down he could eaaily keep hica there until he cried "enough." The coffin was of rosewood, and the plate bore the following inscription ? 0000000000000000000*9000900 ? WILUAM POOLE. O o DIJQ) o o March 8th, 1S6A, o O AQD) O o 38 years and 8 month*. o o o eoooooooooooooaooeooooooooe We understand that the age given above U incorrect, Poole being bat a little over 31 yeart of ag>\ THE RELIGIOUS SERVICER The Rev. J. B. Wakely, of the Jane street MethedUt church, commenced the Mrvioea by reading the 90th Psalm, as follows ? ? Ixjrd, thou bast been eur refuge from one fen* ration to another. Hefore the mountains were brought fsrth, or ever tne rarth and the world were made, thou art God (rom ever la?ting, and world without end. Ihou taraeet ma* to destruction, again thou sayeel, Come again, ye children of mea. Kor a thou land year* In thy light are but a* yester day ; teeing that is peat aa a watch in the night. Aa toon as tboa scatterest them they are ere* as a sleep, and fad* away suddsoljnlihe ths grata. la the moraiag it la green, aad gTuwetn up . but in the evening it is cat down, dried up, eul withered >'or we consume away la thy displeasure, aad are afraid at thy wrathful indignation. 1 hou hast set our misdeed* before thee; aad oar secret e n* in the light of thy countenance. Par when thou art angry all our days are gooe we .bring our years la aa sad, aa it ware a tale that Is told. The dsys of our age are threescore yeart an 1 ten , and (though me* be to strong tnat they com* to fourscore years, jet Is their atrength then but labor and sorrow , so toon pasteth it away, and we are gone. Hut who regardeth the power of ;the wrath ? for area thereafter as a man (?*r?tb, so la thy Utpleasurw Ho teach ua to number oar days, that we may apply oar hearts uato wisdom Tbe Reverend gentleman then proceeded to del rev the following addreet What meaaa this wonderful gather ng '?this rast throng ?these anxious and terloua countenances' Hat aoroe awful tragedy been performed ' What ttrange calamity hat occurred' In yonder coffin tee that manlj form, arrayed ta the habiliments of the grave Sad and painful are the circumt'aac*a that have tammoned ut together. Thit is a house of mourning Heath hat been here, aad left sad traces of hie looteteps Tbe rigid limb, the pallid Hp, the silent pulse. the cold and oJtmm; brew, declare that William hmle twella tbe liat ? of death's pale realm. He has yielded to the conqueror u? eonquirors, and fritnds havs nailed ua together to bnr y their d*nd. We art about to fellow hit mangled body to the citj of the dead, aad depot it It in th* grave' a eoid boeom, where it wiU tleep until the re*arr*cti*a At aav time the death of a human Ming is aa event of In ternet, but thie is one involving a conalderat oa of great magnitude. When a man diee a natural death, by die ?we, there are thrilling Interact* that duster areund him? but whan he die* by the band of riolence? when i he Is aaea In inn ted? murdered in cold blood? then the | interest is Increased a thousand fold? become* in tease, thrilling, overwhelming This is the case here to day. , Thla crowd in tbe hensa? the rast raultitad* in the , stree ts? all atteet the deep and awful interest felt In regard to the demise of the man whoae untimely depar ture we mourn. The moet intense ageitew>ent ex lata I would not increate it? I wonM not fan tbe flame hat I wouid. by the bla?t<ng of bee van, give it the rign> direc tion, aad wisely I an prove thla mournful calamity to the nptritaal and eternal welfare of thoa* that hear I do 1*4 WMh to any one woid that, lying, I should wish to i I trail. The work of the assassin is done The work of tbo anrgton ia done One ball la extracted from hla limb? another from hi* Meading heart Tha work of the physician u done, and bia akill exhausted. The work of the nuree ia done. The work of friend* la done. Tiny bave done dressing hla wounda, wetting hia pari Lea bps, smoothing hi* pillow of agon/, bkth.ojj hia thtobbiof temples The work of the under tsktr is about cone; he haa placed upon him hia laat drets. Mine baa juat commenced; full well 1 appreciate tie position I occupy , full well lam aware 01 my re apcnsibiMv. If I ever had a deaire for the wiadon that la piofliable to direct, It la now. If I im longed for I>ivine aid, thla ia the occaaion. We coma now to speak of the deceased, whoae cbaequiea are being per futmtd. Mai k Antony said, "I couie to bury Cieaar, not to piame him " I come to bury William I'oole, not to praise him. He baa gone where pralae and censure af fect him not If I uoaM eulogise him he would not bear it ? it 1 ahould stand orrr hia cold corpse and ceo Nur>- him, te ?ould be insensible to it. Ha waa born in Sussex, hew Jersey, and at the age of eighteen month* met with an iriapaiahle loaa? a lues that oould not be replaced. Heloit hla earliest, beat friend? be loat hi a u.otber. At any time the loea of a raoth-r ia great, and there ia no Iriend like a mother? no eye like a mother'* ? do voice like a mother a? no heart like a mother'*; but to lose one in infancy la a groat disaster. Who know* what be mlxht have been tf abe had livod and ?temped her own image upon biin? If ehe had II rod to mould hia character, to train him, hia mind might hare bad another biaa ? hia heart might hare early boon given to the Saviour? ha might have been a bright and shining light in the church ? a bold aoldier in the army < I Emmanuel. Thin might all have come to paaa, if ha, like 1in.-e'hy, had liad a piou* mother to have taught biui the Scripture* that were able to mitke bim wiae unto ?alvation At the age of nine hla father died with the cholera? in 1832. Than be waa doubly an orphan? a mother's amile never to enjoy ? a mother'a kiaa never to experience. Fatherless and motherless ? no one to call by the endearing name of father, or mother, or pa rent I Poor orphan? lonely orphan? friendleaa orphan I He lived with an elder aiater and brother-in-law, and wes an apprentice to the butcher buaineaa. We aee hew be commenced life ? without a patron ? without a guide? h* began to navigaU Ute'a dangerous ocean without a pilot. Mr. Poole died young, only thirty three yeara of age. It waa not evening with him, but morning. Tuna had not whitened hia lock*, nor wrinkled hi* cheek, nor palaled hi* band, nor chilled hia heart. Oh, it 1* aad t<> aee youth fall, beauty fade. What were hla char acter Utica ? He waa a man of great muscular atrength , he waa a man of uncommon courage; he did not tear the face of clay; be never knew what fear meant, unleaa he read It In the dictionary, and be forgot It then aa eoon aa he clo*ed the book He wa* a lover of hi* country? a patriot. The love of country waa enahrined in hia heart'* core. He would have poured out hia heart'* blood for hia native land. He wa* generoua to tbe needy: hia purae wa* open to their wanta. But there were alio striking delects in hia character; not mere blemishes, but radical defect*. Hia pugilistic pro pensities, ana otliera, on which I need not dwell, and which I not only diaapprove o'. but would condemn in tlie strongest language, and have done, from the pol pit and from tbe platform. It ia (aid he never gave an insult. n>r never took one. Let ua notice hia death ana it* causes. I need not dwell upon the acene* at Btanwix Hall on the 34th of February. He waa insulted, epit upon, hla country ridiculed, Urea at by several? one ball entering hia leg, another hi* heart "My God!" h? exclaimed, "lo you maan to mur der maf" It wai the moat cool blooded, diabolical, cowardly murder that ever took place in thi* city. 'Tta singular he never (truck a blow. He'never ilred hi* pistol, though he carr ed one to defend himaelf with. Art auch scenes to be re enacted v Who ia to be the next victim Y In the name of patriotism? in the name of humanity? in the name of outragea law? in the name of trampled under foot juatice ? in the name of the sew made widdto ? ia the name of the lonely orphan, we answer no! Tlie law-loving, law-abiding citizens will anawer no in the moat emphatic language He waa brought home and lingered twelve day* ? tul Thursday rootling at live o'clock. Many supposed he would re cover, and the heart of the community waa ahocked when tbe announcement waa made that William I'oole waa dead. His Bufferings were great. For many days, he, with others, suf posed he would recover; but on Sunday night he waa taken worse. When he found he must din, he gave direction* concerning hla funeral, and began to aet bis houae in order. Tie regretted moat deeply the life he had lived, and aaid, "If I waa to live my life over, 1 would live very differently." He wished hia mother-in-law to read the Bible. He aaid he waa going to die, and hoped he would not go on the left han't of (iod? he wanted to go on the right hand. "I want," ?aid ha, "to go to the good place. Do you think there ia any hope for me ?" All men want to die right, even tfcoae who have not lived right Men want to be on the right band. There was no minuter there to reaaon ol rightaouKneaa ? nane to alarm. Conscience ipoke. Memory called up the acene* of the paat life. 1 he Holy Spirit moved; and he felt that it wa* a fear ful thing to go up and meet tbe Judge. He felt it " waa not tbe whole of life to live, nor all of death to die." He eaid to hia friend Cyrua Shea, who had remained by him, " You have been wicksd aa well as me; I have been praying for you, for you need forgiveneas aa well aa I do." Ha aaid while they thought be waa aaleep he wa* praying for forgivrneea. Ha aaid, "I die a true American," ast regretted that ha had been murderad by auch a *et . but he aaid be waa forgiven, and he for gave those who murderad him, even aa he also had beea torglven. Thua died William I'oole. There ware melior sting circumstances in hia death; he died at home. Sujpoee be had died immediately at Stanwix Hall, and hi* corpse had bean brought home inatea'l/if b is wounded body. But space waa given him to reflect, to pray for mercy, to repent, to set his houae loonier; to hs did not die arooug strangers; he died among his frieads; they bad the privilege of smoothing hi* pillow, wetting hi* lips, watching by him day and night; hi* laat fou l look waa caat on thoae he loved; he died at home. There was much In the Oriental benediction, " May you die among your kindred." He dlad penitent. Suppose he bad died 'hardeued, with ao prayer for mercy. Ha died in poseession of hla reaaon; be died forgiving and praying for hla eaemieH. There la a bow of hope arch ing tills dark blowl To hia widow and orphan boy we tender our elnrere aad heart-felt condolence forever. If be had died from disease, no tears like the widow's, na aigbs like bar's to mourn his loss. To bia brothers anil alatera we tender our aincere and heart telt sympathiaa. What improvement can we make of thla aad cataa trophe V I trust it will have an influence in checking sporting gentleman ? pugilists? and preventing rowdy Ism ; that we shall get rid of this fearful, withering cur-e, that his de*th will give to this a death blow, and that men wlU caaae to (estroy each other. It ahows os the danger of carrying weapons of death. It abowa us the evil of keeping open aaloona, if they muat be kept open at all, till a late hour In tbs night. Why is it necasaary J M ? at of the murder* that have taken place In our city for the laat year, have occurred in auch establishments, and at thosa lata hours. This took plaae at midnight, between Pi and 1 o'clock on Sabbath morning. We aee the danger of being out at a lata hour In toe night. Home' home' is the place of ? loess ? the plae? of safety. Had tbe departed be>-n one with his beloved wiffr. and lovely child, his funersl would not have been attended to day, aad he would not have been arrayed ia his grave elotbea. Tbe roaaa would bave beea upon hla cheek; hia heart woald now have been ebbing and flowing with the bloo-l of lifa. We see the folly and tba danger of national praju dice. We cannot blame any man for loving his country, Rreataes tbere a man frith soul ao '.end. Who to himself hath nsver laui, Thin in mi own my native Unit A man cannot help oeing born in thla place or that. We wonder out that the Irianmati tores hla Kraertld l>lt, tli* Kngllahman tbe whiU cliffs of Albion, tba Frenchman bia beautiful France nor that tha American Iotcb the home of his Mi birth. If It in a crime -o loreour country, there are many criminal* If they are in 'lan ser of belt* a hot for It, than ara many thua in danger If a man u liabla to asaaaaination be< he firat breathed American air, firat trod American aoil, it U tlma to know It, fur Heaven only can tell who will be tbe next victim The* *111 find that Amerieana hare Intelligence enough to know their rights. and couragi enough to maintain thrm. Wa learn that however rart-leea man m*v live, th?y want to die right, hook at William 1'oole regretting hla peat life, praying for for givanass. Aak If there wa* any hope for him, witti bo disposition to be found ou the left band or God? W Marine, if he recovered, be would load a difTeraot life. (?na, ya (porting ones, ye ploaeure aeekera,' ya ambitious ouea, and learn a leaaon. What would he say lo hla old associate* You tee me a pale corpse; you and 1 hate sported together, (port na mora, war no more ? prepare to meet thy ?'0d. Yon aee I hare been wicked. If I had my Ufa to lira over I would lire dlf f?rentlr. Prepare to die ! What wuuld ha aay to thoae of bia Order Let t lie re be nc violence In avenging my death. If you lovs me, maintain the dignity of th? law. Idle a true American, abow your love by pro moting Its Interests I He apaaka to bis enemies? hit murderer* : Yon maaglad my body; you spit in my fac?, yon derided my country, you cripple-! my limb, you aont a slog Into my liMrt. you maoa my wife a widow; you ma<Le my bov an orphan; you brought me to ao untimely death. 1 forgive you, seek forgiven*" of God My dear friend*, let ua learn a lesson by what we see before us. Kemember that death muat some an 1 we all turn to cold clay. Let us hope that we may live right, die light, and Anally find on r peace in Qod. I<et ua f ray. At the conclusion of the addreae, the Reverend gentle man delivered an impreaaive prayer, In whl h be called on Almighty God to protect tbe widow and tbe fatberlea* Mrs f'oole, during tbe conttnunnoe of tba servioee, had a (It of hysterics, In one of which she cried oat : " O why dU they murder him ' If ho had only died a nalu ral death, I would not cam, but to be shot like a log ! Oh ! oh!" It wa* with the utmost dUBcnlty she could be calmed sufficiently to allow the services to proceed The coffin was then aailei down and horns to the street. THE PROCB88ION. Tbe eicitamont out doors wa* interna. TV atraet waa literally blocked up with the denae nana of humtn being* and it waa with the utmost difficulty that tha different orders and socletiee could file paa* tha boose, and ao great wa* tbe anxiety to witness tha rest4snc* of tha deceased, that tbe root* of tha neighboring buildings were thickly covered with people, and tba window* crowded to excoea with a enrlous multitude. Cetera! accidents ooeurrol ; one little boy fell toons the roof of a house in Christopher street, hut waa cough' by a gentleman, and hia fall broken before ha ran* ho .hoyan?int bofrw. The itmW, aloaf IhaiouU U U* prooe**icn, were filled to eioe**, ami It WM UteraUy i? poaalMe to walk orve ? block, while the <ua*ral cortege wii filing pant. It 1* estimated that the."* could aot have been lea* than 80,000 pemon* in Bro*. ??d Bleecker street to witMM the proceaaion On "*? ,or" mar occasion haa the atraeta of oar city pre?en<.^ * ?ct-ue ao animated. In the procaaaloa itself, there ?oa'U not bare been leu than 4.000 peraoM. The route wa* ttuough Christopher to Bleecker (treat, and down Broad way to the South ferry. The diOerent association* met pursuant to annouaoe ment in yesterday'* Ukrald, and marched to the ren dt itouii in Hudson afreet. Here they formed, and pro ceeded in the following order through the route desig nated, Captain Jamea M Turner acting ai Grand Marahal, amilatwi by Christian W. SehalTer and VKUiam Janeway, aaapeclal aida flaw diyuioh. K. W. Brush, r. id to Grand Maribal Samuel A. ^utdam, Special Aid. Reserved Corps at Police. Dodworth'i. band, lead by Allan Dodwortfc, (62 piece*.) I'ooie Guard. Captain Jamea Banner, (300 In number.) William l'ocle Aaaoclatlon, Tbonu* Ronton, President pro tem., wearing the following badge:? \o 000000000000000000000000*0 o Tho' lrxt to aiglit, o To memory dear. o WM POOLE ASSOCIATION. o CRN. o o Thoee who knew him can beet appreciate hU ? worth and our loea. o ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo Howard Engine Company No. 34, C. L. Miller, Foreman, lure Oak tngine Company No. 44. Monroe Guard. Alert Guard. RKCOBD DIVSS10SI. Special Aidit? Samuel Brevort and Lewi* Parker. Citizen* of the Ninth Ward, wearing red, white and bine ribbon*, Ruppo ed to be Know Nothing*, about 600 in number. Ryndtra Grenadier*, Major G. B. Hall, Commandant, 200 in number. TH1E0 MMHION. Hancock Chapter. O. U. A., No. 14, J. J. Braden, Sai-hem, l,i)00 in number, wearing a asarf of red, white and blue, laced with atari and draped in black. Hearxe, drawn by four white horne*, with black accou trement*, containing tlie body. On either aide of tba hearae were tha word*? ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o I DIE A TRUE AMERICA f?T o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The following gentlemen acted aa pall bearers ? Thorn** Hyer, A. Une, Cyru* Shea, Daniel William*, f-amuel l ong, Cha*. Falmor, Wm. Kent, Alderman Drake. Mr. Henry Wilson had charge of the burial arrange ment*. THE PROCKS8ION IN BROOKLYN. CI.O.HK or TUB OBHBQCIM AT QHBWtOOD CKMITIKY. On tb* arrival of the prtceasicn at the South ferry, the various association* and benevolent aocietiee which had followed the remains of the deceaaed from his lata residence In Christopher *tr**t, formed in line* on both aide* of the street, and waited till the hearse and the carriage* containing the relative* and friend* were placed on board the ferry boat. About half an hoar e Lapsed before they were Unded at Brooklyn, where a Urge force of police were detailed to preaerve order. There wa* al*o a conniderable number of carriage* drawn up on Hamilton av/nue, and which accompanied th* pro ctoslon to Greenwood. Th* whole number of vehidea# including light wagon*, >c , could not hare been le*? than a hundred. The ?treet? in Brooklyn were not *o crowded a* In New York, probably because it wa* known that the majority of tho**> who compared th* proceaalon would diiband after its arrival at th* ferry Htlll th*r# wa* a large number of peraon* out, and the window* and the doors were crowded with spectator*. It wa* six o'clock before tb* procession commence'! moving Iron tha ferry elation, and in about half an hour after it arrived at the Cemetery. In crosamg th? bridge at Gowanua, a carriage waa up*et, and on* of It paneenger*. a member of the Poole Guard*, wa* throwa out and tefioudy injured One ol his arms waa braksn n.'^ilhis body wss severely bruised (m th* arrival of the hearaa in front of the first receiving vault, the raUtivna and friend* o tha decea*e<l left their carriagae and aasemhUd to hear th* Ust luneral atrvicea. Captain Jame? M. Turner, Grand Marshal, stated that tb* triendu ol Mr. l'oole bad assignrd to Hancock Chapter the duty ol performing the Bnal funeral services ov?r hi* remnin*, and that lie now, as Grand Marshal on tha occasion, consigned them to that Association. Iht- coffin was then taken out ol the hearse and placed in a wooden box. after which the chaplain of Hankie* Chapter. Mr. Helme*. read the funeral muvic** o! th* Order of t oiled Americans, as follow* ? Bkutmkkh oii KnikJi* ? Th* oscaaion which convene* u* here, i* one ol deep suiemaity ; we hav* com* to p*r form a mournful duty, and pay the last tribute of reaped to oue beloved ? to oon*ign to earth all that wa* of *?rth in tha pernon of our lata a-aocista and brother. tiod, who-e providence i* mysterious, snd whose wisdom i? inttnita, ha* ramoved a fallow memlier from our mid*t, j de*th b?* laid hi* ruthl*** band upon th* form of him with whom wa have so often held fellowship? hi* life ia past, hi* carfr on earth I* tin. abed, and tha grave l? now opened for his reception. It is a melancholy spec taele, and yet one full of instruction, for w* are all of us travelling the same road, and will soon terminate our i wanderings in th* lam* narrow bona*, appointed for all th* living. let us from tbia afflictive dispensation learn wisdom, and in time of health b* prepared for daath for here emeu the nolemn warning from the grave ? " He ye aUo ready, for la such a day and such an hour a* ye know not, the Hob of man cometh." Here th* tower ing KhrtBM of ambition are forgotten, the burlhen of *fc* oppte.ead i* laid a*ida, tha gay laugh i* huabed to ?ilence, and the mighty and the mean tha favorite of thousands, and the forsaken of the world? the young, the beautiful, the happy, together enter upon that sleep which, to mortal, know* no waking Already m*y tb? ?uinnioDi) of our own (Up?rtur? bo ncor'Ud in th** book of I1rav#>n . th? *?**! of tooth may oow t ? on hii way to execute hi* dread commisalon, ha may hav* already marked u* for hi* victims; bnt, wheth*r sooner or later, the event will be equally awful, an t demand* from u* th* same preparation, l^t It, then, be tha hifheet, tha holleat. th* unceasing crnwrn of each one of ui, io to live that when the awful summons . ha II come, w* may to prepared to receive i it with humble submission and holy confidence I#t our lives be an example to the living worthy of emu lation May we so live that our memory shalJ be cherished in tb* re.*.lUction of our aaeociate* and hi* tory shall testify our virtna* to those who may com* after us In the brother wbaae mortal remains are bar* before ua, and whoa* body wa are now about to commit to tha grave, the prlneipl** of our Ord?r? principl*" fc unded on the ennobling virtue* of patriotism, charity and harmony ? found ev*r a ready and a faithful advo cat* a* ha in life was faithful unto na, *v*n ?? in daath should this Order be faithful unto him. and through u?, it* instrument*, ought It to comfort m b*r*ov*rn?ol and shield fiom ?istre?* tho** who have looked to him as tfeeir > tav and dafenc*. We now commit to th* ear'.h all tkat wan mortal of our beloved brother truitmg through the grace of Ood, and the red*emiog iaBuence of tha bio ad of the Heviour, that our myatic band, a*var?l bara by th* rude hand of death, will re unite upon th* ?hadowy borders of th* spirit lan l. Until than, my bro t4i?s? Amen and sin* a! As the cofflo wa? transferred to tha vault, tha grief of tiie wife, tha mother, and tba female relative" of the de cease* was heartrending. Hii little boy, a remarkably band sc ma child, shout nine year* of ag*. *tood at th* bead of the roBIn during tha caratnoales, after which It wa* depoaited in the vault by severe! of the members of Ha* oak Chapter This terminated the obee^aie*, aad th* *s**mbly soon after disperaed, aad returned to taetr lamui home*. Next Thursday th* friends of tha decaaaad will hold a meetint, to tale into consideration the erection of s monument aver hi* grave, and also to raiaa a fend. If nec***ary. fir th* fupport of hi* widow and child. 1 1 n th* following funday a foaaral aermnn will b* preached n the Jane street M. E. <"hurch, by the Kev Mr Wakely THi: FEELING IN BROOKLYN. ? .real tnV>re?t waa manifested in Brooklyn je?tev.Uy to*** It* funeral cortege of th* late William l'oole It n ? (r ' i.arelly anii?r?t">.| that tha pr>c?sei?n wouM cro*? over by th* Houth Ferry, snd cone* jutntly Urge crowd* of persent of both **x*? and any number of children, mad* 1 1. *i r appeamn'* in Atlantic street itn mediately after noon. By three o'clock that thorough fare ?a* throogad with a dense mas* of human beings, from tk* farry to Court *tr**t, and along tha Utter street th* erowd ?aa nearly as deua, f>r a diaUaea *< lar a* the *j* could reach. It ia setimatod tl^t ip ward* of 60,00 p*r?on* bad colU'to) together to wit ?tea* th* pro *?? n The pclice had been ordered wit and, tinker dlre'Jton of Uie < luof, Mr. Folk, mar bed ie the I- oath r?rry, in tha following oedar - Firet dUtriet ? Captain Hmi'.h and A**istant Cep'ain Br-, ?n. with th rty n?i. Htroed dlfttlcWapUln King and Asaistant Captain Bennett with twenty m*a. Third diatrict? < aptaln Vsn lerveer and AaaiaUot Cap tarn htig*r, with thirty i ea. rcerUi diftri' t ? ' aptain Call anl A**i*t*nt CapU.a Stewart, wltJi thirty ?o?a. >ilth Oairtet?Caatnin Gme-bard aad A*a< etna t Cap ? ? n 1'er.oett, ?ith twtnty ewht . h .lialn-t - Capta.n InbUe and As?."Uat Cap'.* a ? >-uh twenty e^fet men I ,i.r vree, tltot mO. <?< Ue tmtf, ?n (V^t4 4 parallel 01m oa eath ? id* of the (treat reaching from the ' gate* to th* railroad tunnel. Th* carriage track >u by thla sicaaa be|t clear of all obstruction* for the fr** pw cage of vehiolee. Alter atanding ber? foraeveral houra, information waa ' received that the pruceeaion would croaa by th* Uanil | ton friry. and th* |>oliee were marched in that dlrec'ion 1 down Columbia ?rtre?t. The crowd mailed mfub, aod I kicked up a trem?o<tou? dn*t, large number*, wot being able to Mvanm with the apeed they deal red, ran down the (treat* parallel thereto, ami noon Hamilton avenue V*?a tilled aa cen?#lv a? Atlantic utiwet had been The Sjre arrived at the Hamilton arenue ferry, and bad r formed in fllca when the Brat boat load of carriage* del. with the bearae. Al tar the neee?d boat load bad arrived, the cortege moved toward* ?reenweod Omsk tery. eacwrted by the police to the Po*?y Bridge. The 1 carriage* returned between 7 and H o'otoih, and paaaed ' ov*r to New Terk, everything hiring pwiwed off in d r cenry and in order. There were no mairifeatationa o> i diaoidet whatever, aetwitbatandiag the imaenae maaa ' of all *orta of yeopl* which had a*?nnble<l witnea* the ? spectacle. THE 8YMPATHI8KRH IN WIP.LIAMSMJRG. Th* untimely en.) of WlUlam I'oota, and th* egrite nnt attendant thereupon, drew oat mi immense num b?r of citlcens ysatsrdsy from W 111 iaoaa burg, who pro ceeded to New York to witness the procession. 14 wan estimated that between At* and eight thousand pirxiu crotiH the ftrrln ier that purpoee. Among them were pacaona of all classes, Including a large nuol?r ef temaJco. Aldermen, ei AltMrmen, and city official!, of the lute city. A sqaao of polio*, from the Fifth ami Blsth districts, utdti Captain* (juischatd and IMbbls, i uMted*! to the Western dietrlct, by direction of tbe Chief of Wlce, to j*ua In the escort of th* fnaeml pro oeeeion to Ore* a wood. , THE WOUNDED PUGILI8T3. W* understand that Jam** Turner, th* wound*<l pngll. 1st, has been removed fron Bbtokwell'a I aland, by th* order* of th* lhatriot Attorney, who f*ar*<l th* hospital at that place waa sot well aoough secured to allow hi* remaining thera lie I* now pronounced oat of danger, and it la auppened hi* arm will be aar*d. lie waa brooght to the Teaib* yeatemay , by tha warden of tha l'eniteatiary, Mr keen, who, together with Mr. (ieorge Mount jot, acted a* hi* eeoort We understand that Charlea Ixniar, I'oole's brother In law, who waa ahot en the night of the fearful oncuunter in Htanwix Hall, is cenaiderwl in a dangerous condition, his physician* not expecting h* will liv*. Our Washlngtoa Correapwaidenrc. WaaiiiKfjTOH, March 10, 1HN>. Semi Official Announcement of th* Abandonment of (Ad I'rojtet of Acquiring Cuba?The Jmbeniiiy of tKe /'re tident, 4c , <#c. To day's Union oflUially announces that the admlnis tratlon haa given up all idea of acquiring Cu^e, either by purchase or otherwise. Say s the Union of this morn - '??- , Whilst there was a hop* of success by the negotiations Cm. lag, ha (the Prwaideat) deemed it mo*t prudeat to I low the usual course as to diplomatic see re ay In the present condition of our relatious with Spain, th* uecaa aity for such r*?er*e no longer esists, and in obedience to tbat spirit of our people which demands the utmost publicity in official conduct, and with a lull conviction that the pubhe interest would be beat promoted in the future proMcutlon of his policy, by an outspoken and ' nnreeerved avowal of his purpose* and objects, h* sub mit* 1. a past proceedings to th* people, and obeertully abidee their Judgment. After thus abandoning Cuba, tha fouth, Buchanan, Mason, wndhouli-, the article In the Union (which was evidently revised by General l*ierce himselfj oontlnuee If the Ost*nd documents do wot furnish onnclustv* ?vidence that all th* akiU, energy, and power of the ei ecuthre branch of the government bare been exerted la the effort to effect the great object In view, we cealexs oar insbi'itv to oeaceivs what further proof* ootild be daeired. Whetln-i the result would have been more for tunate if th* efforts of tho haecutlve had been m*r* effectually secg?ded ar.d *u*talne<l by the action of Coa greaa la a urav* question which we need not undertake to aolve It may be that eltber the atubbomneas or the pride of Hpain,*or the InSueuc* of other foreign govern ments, rendered the peaceabH acquisition of Cuba an Impracticable and impossible thing from toe beginning We confee*, how*ver, that wbilat recent events have made this hypotheais | lauaible, we abould be bvttar net isflsd of ita truth If thrae events had occurred with a knowledge on the part ol Spain that our Congress had reeponded favorably to tha "provisional measure*" aug geaUd by the I'reaidant In March last, and repeated with empBaala in August after war Ja. This la a capital way of uhlrklog the responsibility ' ftom his own leeble head to the heads of his Ministers abroad and to Congress It 'hows the utter moannea* tf (icneral I'lerco and his! Chblnst, and th* despoabls vannar la which oar foreign relation* have thus far bee l msasgstl. The little man In the White House, 1 a one of Ma opium dr* atn* when hi* brains and hi* fancy were stretched far beyond th*lr natural proportiona, bad resolved upon buliyiug Hp?in, yet in a manner oot to Incur tse riak of war H i object waa (imply to frighten her. an as to induce her to sell, hut if she were oot frightened, an 1 refu ed to sell, (hen ilerc* wanted to bave nothing to do with her, an- 1 protect bis own imbecility by an appeal to our national honor Kn gland and wane* wer* to be equally threatened and bullied, but always In a way not t* incur any direct re.pi.naihillty for while the tone of the organa and the conversations of the President and hi* Cabinet were warlike, great rare wa< bad not to five any direct offen * to either of theee IOTernmente. The I num of the i?th May, 1?54, gave old KJgin's prufeaaiona the lie, sad lnsiste<l on the pre meditated attempt, on the part of Knglaod, to "Afrl caaneCuba," but th* l'rendent wa* anxious to b* per eonally civil to hi* Lordship, and invited his I'trdahip to dine with blm on the same lay on which that black guard article appeared in the oOc al organ. 1/ird H*ln, with the tatt of a diplomat, at once per ceived the discrepancy between Pierce'a public profea nons and hi* private con tact, an I, without givir,g the foimertheamaltoatconahlarationa, ilgnedtbe iteciproclty Treaty at the State Iieparf meu' on th* very day th* dis creditable flllbuater article appear^i In the I num Central fierce may a* well pobi sb hla p> arefui incll natlona to the world He can play l'rin<*- Henry with lalstaff. Hardolpb, Ptstnl, I'oina an) i'eto, and perhaps with lloetes* Quickly or Iioll Tear sheet, but ne is no match for Hoaglaa or Hntapur. Ibis is now so well known by the foreign diplomatists her* in Washington aa<l in 1 urope. thai tha fnlen might contain a le:lara tion of war, and nobody would believe general l"ier:e in earnett fiat ihr attempt t? ? add la the impossibility for tl>* loa* of Cnba <m I ongrea* is a step aurpaasing even th* tiaual meat ueas sai stupidity of General fierce Cray, why did the lT**i<i*nt try to ehtft the reaponslblhty ef the ( ubaa ijueation from his own shouldara to thoee of f oagteae Vi Ry did t.e not send a war me-eage to I onrreas, fnatead of a mere report of facta, on which Coagrtas wa* U> reoomaiend a particular policy^ f'?a greai may declare war r.ut it canaot wage it. That I* the basinea* of the Kie utlv*. Congreee is net n direct communion with fore gn powers; hence the Kterutive alone I* the pr'.|>?r ju .g* wheth*r our foreign rwiatlona re-julre th* ioter^KMition of arm* Th* me*sag? sent at th* time by General Pierce to Congreea contained a* thing but vag i* generalities, and abstain*! carefully from making say sj c He recommendat on. Srm that (.ongreaa very properly declined to tak* the initiative In a matter which beionga *?--lu*ively t* the sphere of the liecotiva, or refused to ple<-e any conaiderabie amoaat of nM>u?y at th* dispoaition of a rnwMsat who** sie-r* tion tb' y bad all been taught to distrast, U*n fi*r e turn* round *nd imi ign* their rondact. Nobody knows wb*rs to And ilern* on any sobiaet fr. reign or dome*tic . no on* believae In hM w<ic I, or In hia pniniaee, verbal or wrlttea few, I beheve, of thoae who kaow him politically would believe him oa oath. Cass, Shields, Idaaey, M lionald. and a hoe*, of otbers, whom ha ha* deceived and belied, eay they do oot know what to make of him yet tbe /'eten affects to constrna the doubt of ? '.ngrees as to the true meaning aad nteaCons of Ueneral Pierce iato a want of Irntm aa regards oar foreign lelattens. There are tbr>*e wl.o are r>a'.r to aasist a gallant fellow, but will wit back up | a coward whoa* courage, Ilka tbat of tbe elepbaat, ia th" mere phyatcal result of what he swallowe <#*?*? a I 1'ierce may ba a hero to his diaaer companions hat ke | did oot a; peer as each t* the optics of tbe Thirty third Congress HHuX X ? nprrlor ( oart. Ht'LSfl or com. Auk 5 ? N< n anamara'ad motion' ?tfl ba hoarl by no* < f th? JoatiCM ?t tha Ppaoial tar? room wl U.? cbamh*r?, it 10 ,A M , throughout l:,? ya?r. *i rtpt <m Naw Yaar'i i?ay, <?ocl Frt-Uf, tha fourth of Jalf, th? -lay of tha Annul EWrt.ia. T>uta?*fl tinf !>?_?, *?<! < hi ?lm?? For aa?h mtnUnf ?nl fur l(w parpr>M of maklBf oil tMNiir; wlm ?o t fir ?r j> V| irMBt* Is <-aaaaa, ?a4*r ' haptar Bret of till* ?.?ht of tin d ! port yot lb* Co?te. a Ppw *1 T-rm will ba hold ?v?ty C?) dtriDf tha vacation* %?. 10 o'cky ? A M, Tha JtKtl'M >WlffD*Wt to boM tb? ?*narW T'rn* wtU attend at Ch*(i. 6-m dolly. tr n( thxr r??pO' tio Urn* ff.m too to ?1?i?d a V . to dkapnaa of frj+rl* ?f j ?i>'1 of frtn ?n irwr?t?1 nv>t. n? la a> tefc all U?o part* a ?r? ; r?a?at n r r?p'?o?nt?1 All tpa.'-alnai for 'ryaart* ofVor ? ?i| for ^(paoota mpr, faiJnra to inrwtr <1i.rtnf thaUaaaraJ Tarn, aw?t ba m?*? bafwt ?la??n o,(W?h, a M jiduwnal Aata.? Ordered, That ?h?a a "?*aa i? pla^?! on the -!?y '?'* ? !u for trial, 'ho plaiat fT m*f, at th? ?poml>( of Ik -irt aaeh (ay, ta?? at taqaaat th*i?*n In a>y r* ? < *i rt will '.naeat V try ? at the laUrrratlo* of a J try th' ifh aa kfliarlt of m?r t# atay harr >.?ea *1*1, aalea* lh? lefea'.atl ah*B appear at J ?U'.? that a ?fa?ce U tat? to ba iaa>fca Ai ?Kr'.['M't? ll i?i-|l a /? ba B Ma?y, W ?- * (1b h * ti > Natl* Ifkliai, Ilea J ?' l>v?-' "< 1 , fi w k> iu>i f r Ditaa i * s . i ?i ?? w v?ial"'r I* ? HaralsaJ f?? A II aaa ?aa Wm'. m t ? Jm M IMI'.rl T < ?i?m Wii, C I. CarUM, 11 *?>?, Mr VmIm Clettlaa* I ? is < r arlMtaa 1a iiwa.hii fcaahrtUa? B W HmVW. J M k*a*?4y. * Jabaaea * JikaM, lw i II ?*14. O hie . II k R*at*r V ? Vitan. W H*??u Prraonal lnl?lll|r?it*, AjUUTiLX. I J W nr*4lt Mala lw*a. T J t-m 'ill ?r, I Waa<. 1 JaWa, OTijW (all ? II ?*?< I m ?'fk. a i II Traay, ii ? n i*?ii mt ??'????# ?? i rwmwt KBiU*. Mia ?> Caa??? fc t MlS?? ? Irf ataiak. A |*t W Ml iVfHW, ?*>ram*tlr and jrituriral lUltork Th* Arabian or Mi Mic wtU bo opened tbU er*aia# for th* benefit &f th? art lata aad pereoaa The opera U " I.ucia di lamnermoor, " wftli W#a?r BrifnoUi the new tenor, u K?!gardi?, and Mm*. Itertweca Mantuk a* I.ucia At thi Rroapwat Ttik<i7?k MUa Makei tfi hnj pUyed Partbenia, Margartt Elmore, Juliaaa, JuIM ("T)m Hunchback"), 1'aulm*. and Mr*. Ilallar. The kouw liw been tbinly attended. Hefor* Mi>? M*k**h cm take the position of a " at*r," and ba aupportej by public pa troaage, ah* mux bar* mora kuow ledge of tb* drtaiia of the profaaalon Tb* leading mala part* at the ItroaAway i ' during tbia w**k bar* b**n Tory wall played by Mr. V Conway. Tb* tna*? aretrultlul in tmtarUfj. Tbia *Tfaiag, at tb* Rroadway, w? ara to bar* tb* third aapirant for dramatic Uarel*. MUa Hoin* llridgca, of Hrooklya, wbo lia* gl?*n public reading* of Hbakap*a*a aa Mr*. T. IT. Johaeoa, will makr har Brat appearance on any atage.aad *aact tb* part of Martaaa* io"Th* Wlfa." We Irani that great intereat U eicited by tbia < ttbut, and that naarly all tti* **ata In th* houae were takan on Sa turday. Thi' piece la well caat? Mr. Conway aa Ht. I'lrrra, Mr. 1 anergaa a* Leonardo, and Mr. Ilaarhett aa Kerrardo. At UtSTOii'B Tiirvrn* tb* ouly norelty of th* waek baa been "Aggravating Saai," which ha? been played tour time*, and ia aaaouaeed ta ba played aplo thi* *T*aiu*c, together with "Th* Hack Hwaa" aad "The Waadertug Minntrel." Burton ainga " VUliklaa an. I hla IHaab" ta th* laat pi*e*. It ia wartb a walk of half a doaan mil** to h*ar It. At WalLaca'H TlllUTM fa tot It* pi*c*a bar* b**u piay*d to good audlrncee. Mr. Vincent'* benefit on Fri day drew one of tb* fullnat bounce of the maon, a wall drMrred teatimonial to a aierttoriona young actor. To nlgbt the comedy "John Hull," and th* fare* "The Teacher Taught " Meatra. Hlak*. Bruagbaai, iMinao l other favorite* artlala will appear Attbe Rowntv Tnuri.< Mr. Robert Johnatoo haabe*a playhg "Jack Cade" with auccaaa. Mr. H. W <;ienn baa alao been warmly received la Putcb and Yankee faroea. Mr. Job a K. i-'cott rmnaaeucea an engagement to night a* "Kob Roy," Mr* Tyrrall, a very good trading octree*, playing Helen Macgregor. On Wedaeeday the friend* of John K. Iturivage, author and actor, intend giving biut a complimentary benefit. Mr. Ihirivage la about departing tor California, At the Mrttrta fur thl* afternoon and atoning a new drama ? " lloneaty la th* Rail Policy," and th* local drama, " Hot Cora," ara announced. At Woob'a Mixktmkiji, 47 '1 llroa<lway, an excellent pro granite ta anaouaced, Including the " Mactietb" bur leaque. At ilrcKLrr'H,'630 llroadway, th* principal attraction la ' Lucia di lammarmoor," colored. No dlaappolat ment about tbia opera, IttKiu* will r* open bla Hurleaque Opera Houa* at ft&J llroadwiy thla errning. The bUl ia a good ona Mr. McIntthk antionne*a "A Night with Itorna," at llo(.e Chapel, on Wedacaday. The programme IncludM aoma ol " Wluaom* Kobia'a" b**t annga MWIC AND TIJK DRAMA RI.NXWItBKK. Iluooit r* ?The lilaek Hwan announce* coocart* at lb* Athena-urn Hall on Tueeda y and Wf.lna.dar evening, ?f thia weak. PatLAbci mu.? Tka l'yne Opera troupe ha* eloaad IU engagement at tbe and dlaaolvad. Mr Haven port am] M-a Y . Vlain* appear thia evening. Tha ( boat nut baa not rloee.1, though tbrr. have been aome chaag.a In tha company. Mr aad Mr.. ITtor, anl Mr. Uogard ha?a left the tbaatra and returned to Now York. Ik/tmx.,? Mr and Mra. Florence -.on' ludrd Ihelr ?n fragemrnt at the Nntlooal on Friday. They now go to the ft. CUarlaa, New Or lean a. The altalra of tha or* thaatra appear to b* highly proeparoua. My the report of tha director*, Bade at tba annual meeting of the cor poratlon laat Monday, It a|.paar?d that the e.pendlture* have been $40',i,0<j0, Including the real aatate, llnV.OOU building", ?1M,000, furnlablng theatre. ?^,000, *<?Mry ' ?fl.OW), wardrobe, 94 0")0. The r-al aetata include* the MaJodooa (formerly tha old I Job Ih?tim) and tba block of atorea on Waat.loglon a treat. Mr. Harry, the manager banded o?er to the traa -u rer 114 <)00, of which tio.uo# la far the rent of the theatre, aa<: tt.uOO tba a bar- of proBt. belonging to tba aWkboldere The director, hare borrowed iM.tKO Mr Kddy baa produoed ' rh? Connor of I.yona" at the Howard A thee tun, with auc ceaa. Mr. I'roetor commence* an engagement at tha National to-night. ?J,IT"wi &>**.? Mr Wyatt baa opened the u?ir. here, with Juha Turnbull aa the atar -Mr. Murdoch la pUylng at the Mieeim An Kngliah opera company haa been organ ?ad at the Holiday itreet theatre Kraier ia the tenor Arot'eTa, Ua. ? Mr*. I Howard la playing hare Satajmaii ?The Hateman Children have oon. lu led a profitable engagement N*w Otiun ?Mra Julia llayne (Dean) haa laft here for the North. Meyerbeer a grand opera, JEtotla la Nord, " hia laat production, waa to l>a presented at the trench opera houea on Monday evening laat, Bar tha Brat time in America. It had been under atoe* ly and rebearaal for aeeeral week*. Placet., Vartetiea la to ba rebuilt. Mr- Heraard had a bonrflt at tbe Ht cbarlea theatre, on the evening of tba 'id Inat The Naa opera troupe, Mra C. Mar ton Hill, Mra < < leiaao 1'opa, Saorge Holland and Mr HuAeld voluatoered for tha ocraaloa. I I I'rmai ao, Pa ? (>n Toeelay laat Poater'i theatre waa opened for tbe eprlng eeaeoa Mr T. II. Johaatoa elate of iJurtoa'i) waa tba atar Mra Na?U la there, under bar maiden nan a. if Mlea Kaany < ram** Mra. Jlrala ford ta aleo a member of thle company CaurriMia.? Mr. and Mra. Heraey William* are on their way home Miaa T M I/eveoport a HI appm r at tbe American oa her arrival. Mra. M. Joaea will ahortly | vlait lalifornta, on a profeeaional to-ir. (Pn Puaday, tha 4th of 1'eliroary, the grand opera of "K?.b*rt la irtable ? waa lo ba preaeatod la > rea?h at M.-e Hiaclalr a Metro pohtaa Theatre, In -an rraaelac? ' l ucre ne waa per formed the pr?" r.enlDg with Ma<iem Anna M..h?p In tbe pi*' a of liarilU Thorn- aa I icrada At Neafte a theatre ca the M nit., lUchard Third waa to ba per formed, with Bva repreeeaUUona of the fia raster of Hlebard? ftotley, fteaBe, Haaa Thomaa, aa ! lelgb The Moapialaira wer? to have a beneflt at fie a theatre '?% the ith of tebraary A new theatre baa been flt'ed up at Nevada, (aof.rrola aad .? adver'.ee.! for leaee Tha combine^ tro?|?e -,f lliraly i Hack u a a Miaatrela era d. ag a vr ry f,ta r^aiaeee la -.a rraaciaao Urea In New l urk. Piai :? tw? IViwni. lietweMi U aad I , >1 , k </a co. .'lay moraiag, a ire waa d e overed la tba l>-aiag glaaa and picture frame at/, re Ne IV.wery, r^ape I r.y Albert I label the f. r?v>ea i w-r- umaikal \) a' tbe irewueee aad eatiagulabed the Bra before It ha-l tiaae to winB'ia 'aU t/. aay other part of tbe ban : ^g Mr ? .hei ba* aa laearaa'a of |c ?n , , ,v,, dlv.ded la the Metropob'aa. New Vora (aty aad tba <ara alto laeuraa'e (a>mpaa.-a The loae by ire aal water will probably amrmat to aoane M '?? <m the ?t"f* after tha Br* waa oat It waa UnmA to lata on?ta a l??1 la th? rear part of tha rtore but I oa ne la what net ear coald not be aecwruiaed The I re Maraha' will, la all probe Mllty, by h.* .aaeetigate.n, give wawae fact* a bo tit tb? oilffia fra* i* l'*a?i rraawt ? *ho*tlv aftov 4 a 'Ucb -m day moraiag, a Bra broke ./at ia the cabiawt elaop of 111 ram l*a?ka, r?ar of No. t?a paaal atrowt aJaat tbe ak .pe of Mr iteraeer gae RtUr, No 4M aad No 4*1, a *ar jeatera ah?p oc/epiad by Htf v M^/ kiaa tha rear ef No bT fart *trawt. Tha baildiag ta wfc*?li Uaeam ebopa were b^eud waa foraaevly a charrb, -la* Hag ia the rear o# Na. 4M faarl ?treat TV bare r?g of tha kalH t.g c?,ae.-l*raH/ aiarmed the .amevee of tha Boaa* oa the fivo I'ekaia, a* the raac par'e of the two I Vol. r.g. aearl; toacWt. TW toe* i* *eUaava<^1 at aW/at (1 Kfl The baralag apart* aal ptaeaa of WOO-! wave /arr *4 ta tfc* atr to < Vathaa U/?-t . whet* they -at Br. U -1* ,*,rWl*r* *** *4 CWtham aad l earl a'reeaa ale<. daaaafed aeveral M*!ag. The ??. were eva aatkagat*|aa4 rna i? Tawra 4r?*k-il ) o>M oa "aaday ?-ra | iaf . a Bra too* p.a/e la tha grocery rtore or lhma*J i Qu<mrt, fa, (11 Tooth eeeaae feet wee* lerty ea-<a4 aad r?.rty third rtraat* It wa* a foer aiery brM balM .ag. the apf?* part aa?op4*d by aeveral fa*a .Jee Tha ; rvaMeae were ceaat4er*bly <>ai?g*1 by the Ira The fa rait a re wa* mewt part aeved Mr (iardaer had a* >a aaraaca of thC/ aa hi* ?vo?* aad l?r oa hi* hoaeek eet ferwitara, .a the (iraaawiah ;aea/a*'? 'kampaay Tha bauitag I* owaad by Me U mgi II Mao. o < fifty HIGHLY IMPORTANT MOW NOTHING WCVURJIT Tbe Platform and Principles of ttie New American Party. Tho following Important ilocuiaant, <l???loping tbe prtaclpla* tail platform of tho oaw Asaricaa partf (Know Nothing!,) baa bwn prapar*! lath* Tvolftfc Council (KiMcath lud) of Nov York, uJ la bow obr ?ulaliny and Mag adopted by erary know Nothiag P-'raaell Id tba HUtx o< Nov York. H ma/ ba officially I isatiilorod lb* flrat |raMleatl< ?i of tba aatt? a I politico' platform of tho now Anincu j?rt; ? COt: WOT* MO. XH. flaaofrod, Ibat ? cnmaalttra of fourtaon bo i to propofw on adrtnaao aad -"aaohitteao, nmliodjriaii tba principle* and alma of tb* A ino>lraa party, ta bo aab for tho oonaldoratten of tbio ona?M. Adapted. 1ha fallow teg namoaf foatlcmoi* ??i aypadntnd by tha ywahtoot to tompooo tho commtttao ? J. N. Kn aabla, Jama* IA ?!.?>? Uon T. M Woodrufl, Job* V. Han*. 1. l> Rhm, HUpboa i . I'torio, I. Ruaaall, K-lwm J. Ifrown; H A. Walkmans, W J. A. fatter, Chartao A Wluluoy, Jam.. liiUyar, Janoa C. K or i later, Jaba Vaadigpoal. Ibo addrooo aad rta<lalioa? having boa praaaoted br tba comaalttaa, tbroagb tbalr > talrmaa, *"er?, artar ma< tura coaaldaratlou, uaammoualy adoptad, imbjoct talka artlno of tho (irand rilata and Nuttonal lionartla-, wteo? It tu furthor Kraolrad, Tba I tba oosnmitloc bo kaatruated tu bara tbo aildraaa and ro?oli toaa printed in anoavoataot form, ? nd tbat tha/ bo furthor Inatruntad to tako ril propar B?aiu to aoctra tba cordial eo-oparatloa and ?aaeUua af tha otbar ooancila of tbo Htata, aa wait aa Vo baro tho* addroaa aad raanlatlona, through tho propor chaaaaia, forwardod for tho cooatdoratlon aad anaietloa of oar brathraa la otbar Mtataa, ao tbat tha rlaw* of tho party throughout tbo fatted Htatoa ma/ bo rataraod for lb* final actioa of tbo noit (Irani! National Oouxrfl. RoM>lrod, That tba dalogate to tha (irand Htat* Coaa ell bo InatrurUd to proaoat tha a<ldroaa and raaalutioMA fur tho eonaldaratloa and aanrtlon of tbat ho<l)r, aukjart to tba approval of tho (irand National I'ouaoil. aad thai all tha aubordlaate council* of tba Htata approving tba aama bo, and tboy ara bxrobjr r??p?"*tfully rt( o*ato4 to gtvo tholr raapac Ira dalrgataa almllar InaUuctioo* Wa certify tba abova to b* a traa cop j from tho nal Dutaa of tha Twalfth Council, Fifteenth ward, city oj NVw York, Kabruarjr, lMt. H. H. KIRJIY, I'raaMoat. A. lit auttiBli., Hoc rotary. rmMCirLM ami omict* o* tiib a.mimcan r*arrr. Tha American farty of tha I nltad Htataa baring mom ranjiltN IU orgaiiitaboii Mil, by Um largo naacurraaia uf opiate n m tha country, l?fii| JtnumalnM lk*l Um prlnciplaa which blad IU mambara I'tffvthir in la aaiaoa with tha (iMril acntimant of iowrltu ptldoUiB, u4 lining h?J abundant proof that IU purpuaai hat* aoat tha approbation of a graat popular JadgoM>al la favor at the InUrtralloa of tha |*o|.la la lb" praaaat cnadltiaa of public aSaiM, to diract tha faramniaot lato aoaaraa of administration mora consonant with tha aallr* aaaU mrnt uf tha <, from which It haa baan dlrartad bp raraat pari; laluaaraa, It la now iltiaal proper that tha aaacxlatioua should aaauaa an adraucad pualtioa In Uta pnAura of tha paopka and plara tbamaalraa mar* distinctly In tha Bald of paltticai actio* by aa aulhaatia dac'aralion of th* aad eenUmplalid, aul of tha BuUna which hara lad to III ambodtmaat. T ha American party, la abaUlakaf hitherto Ina thia publte avowal, liaa baen Itlnoal by coaetderatioaa of tlia fraaUat wnight la tha aucccaal ul pursuit ml IU oh jeet, au<l which ara approved by lU deliberaU judgment a* altogether proper aa<l }acl Coaariowa of tha mil tada of ita parpoae, aad of lt? importaace ta tha waif ara of tha couatry. It did not acrupla to lacur tha haeard mt that ceaaura which it had rcaeoa to ei pact ham aoi aalaa. to whoa IU aarraay might afford aa argaaaaat of Mt malioa? aor that raproof whld it aaticipatad fi aw maay whom It kaaw to ha friendly ta l la nbferla, bat who kibM aot noaaur la U>a ea>Uacor to praavrta theaa by a aecret organliatl?a To thoaa who proparly *stlmate tha umwWIn lag powar of tha old party anwiblaatlcina, la rraahiag Uaa aarly growth of aa ?Um?ttt adrare* to thatr e*lala?oe ? who uudaratanl tha Influeara of larateraU party dle?* pliaa la parauadiag tha waah, la overawing Ua timed, aad ta tlatUrlag an t coatrolllag a raa Um moat raeoluto? It la aot aaraaaary to aay, that tha American party, If It b?l aipnead IU Brat aflifla at uaioa to tha aaaai. IU of nth a foraa, w?M aa? hare become "an lapoaalbility Tha L?| auraad aaa mitiaa of ' political laadrra oa all aides wa?U hara baaa auapandad, la a temporary alliance In iafaal tha ?taw dUputeal of thalr alaiaa to lupreauaiy orer tha public will It la aot iao| robebl* auch albaaoae map yat ba formed. We oak hoee who hara aot daly waigh?l Ibaaa aaa aideralioaa to reflect that all party organisation. what atar may ba |U < ? Wnalbie forai, la mora mt Uaa aacrat la actl/a, aad alaaoat ailogathe* aacrat la Uaa adore a from which it dartrea IU euaaael an! daoaga, that ao poll! cal orgaalaaa which la laatiaad to aaaaa a pro'ouad laapraa* on upon tha rogar-1 of llaa aaaalry, by aouatera< ting aad diaappciaUng tha aiaaa mt paw arftal aat 1 aalflah political aatagnn sU, can a a pact ta paaa through IU prnceaa af formation withoaat aasawa tariag aamitiaa that may ba toaad maapaitUa, or hararda amouattag alatoat to cartaiatiae af eftlarUaa. A naw pubNa opinion raaat atiaia IU fall capacity for rratclaoce, bafora it aaa faaa tha oppoalUaaa af tha ail a j llama aad IatareeU watch It la daslgaad ta aaaai I aad c>o'i<iar Tha hiatory af inr aaaafal popalar orgaaiaa tloaa, la all eoaatrtaa, damoaatrataa thia fact. 1 hair faU haa, la groat dagraa, ganorally lapaolod apoa tha pradaat raaarra with which, a thoar laalplaM moramaaU. thay hara rra oaod thaaaaalraa frwm aa aaalt. Tha garaarmJ canaaat of tha lajyi maaaaa af tha Aaaaricaa paopU ta tha purpxaaa aad actiaa of tha Aaaari'aa party? tha alacrity with which IU raaha hara baan lllod tha auccaaa wh-ch haa attaa M ita t. rat aOorU ta tha path it IU proocrlbad duty ? tha bar aaiy aad afltcacy with which IU wwaaaraa hara haaa ' oad u c tad by IU mambon. aa wall aa tha ca aparaUaa it haa fo od .a malUtn '-aa of ropatahU atfiaoa, who, aaah aaraliad la IU mamharahip hara aararthaUaa naatrt bwtad a raakxia aid towardi tha pcoaaat'aa af Ita aada , all 1 haaa fac la, with acarcaiy a parallal la tha h alary a t pop?iar cam haaa tloa. ara at oaaa rrtliain af tha aw ration o # tha aaaatry oa tha oacaaatty far chaaga la tha wiaiirt af parUa* aad ? larar.taaa fat tha latagitty of tha iacri'ia parly ta tha airt it haa attaapM Moth a# laaa I haa UUa broad raoogaltiaa af a giaat aa aaaatly farcad apaa tha attaa Uoa af tha oauatry by ar cam* la tad aad Mag "?at aaod abuaaa, witt fanMah a aa Ittiaa of IU aaafalaf growth aad prnyraaa Tha larga aad -ciaamaadiag m af lawlaaa aft) aaa a- tha raraat aapyort aad dafaa^a af aar aa paiMK, a haaa lara af aaaatry lr vataiatad by aaMah aim, aad who, aaiaibtt n%? af | ->/?*cai prrfiraiial, hara aa athat lataraat .a p?M^ maaa.roa thaa tha* which rafarr ta tha pabiv walfar?~ha?a aaaa, with ir.i.aoa aoacara, tha latraataUa tarn arc with whMh parUaa hara, af hta, aaU'M far 'Mtaat la tha actt Uag?a n n aartlaul ^aari.oaa tha tutad Ml with which thaaa partiaa hara Irlraa tha aaaatry ha tha rargo of Mr 1 mai'.a lha art with whMh t hay haaa rtaaparatad thapaaaiaaa af am la Ida aaaa giaaitaaa by appaala af lha yraaa aad tha foraa ta api aiaaa aad prajhdiaaa paraHarly raacap^Ua of ate ahiarwaa raanantK* aad, abort ail, lha rait tan ar ?ar With whlah thay hara a-.aght to array tha Xath ^atail tha Haath, aad lha Nawth agataat tha Rarlh ha fcaaUla dinaaaa, lataa. ag lha aaaattira pnlaal aaah by aagrr H liailna a?! a harp lalia aa latll thay haa* U'igbl araa oar aar?wd t aaa rtaatf Ma )aa y^Hy Thaaa ag 'a'?*r aar graraat aad baat at*, raai haaa w ?aaaaad with *^aal atora aad laHfaadMa, aad thay bar* foaad thaaaatrra Impaliad ta laraha Maa patrVUaa af tha aatiaa t? aattata apaa Uba rawly which Aall raatara p*aca ta tha Autra??a4 ai?l? '* lha tUpaUaU, aad aapfiy Mta | p ,,, to captoy tha aaargy thai haa >aaa taaotad to aahapyy dMard Ta aaMaapLah IhiJ, tha MMMM? party baa a?>vtaaiy MM -a IrM) af tha oaahlry It "mm la laiftiMi t a* aaa, aa which to* ortg-aa! parpoaa af aaf L'a'aa atol ha ra aaaartad, aad lha hapaa atoth ^4aa 'al tto aethers