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Inllilal off ? Wf I ? o"? ?" r"? , CifffUO Hawk, 8*" 1 VlCA*A^t'A, JftB. SI, 1?W. ) H.HM, of* Sm Jmm *"-*** torn mm f"1" XitareQ**? Volamic Jtowilawu? ^ Grumi^y^r^m Of (M Oomtry-amucof ?U Jfurnmr <?? Orwrnada?Nu/ktrai Prodttaitm 4 - v tojXd.-*-*** oj OA. *W sss&iv. *.??* *? z^jsjsz We us ?rt tnm pl? 1? ^ tor. *?"? *? to ?M M*. It ?? o?e J**1' , ltJ n.rthWe?t.r I ^mmyo f'tM ilrivL?* the ^?a ??????? H"***4 ?? to'^bl?*7 cracUrfawt I ** to ^^;fc^J^?tr?a,*dwwo1^ Bat JS ^rap.dly <**> ot !VTT^L^ Tb. wind, which *tow H?K ?u oTL. water, whieh, together M th. *^^L? oar **** *?* *%ita,, br? SLTZLa aoeu*ulated till the ?drd day, and only to' ytrld m we eroded the ilelfStree*. th? l??rth 2T?ut?b. wither grew taUd. *?*. 4. laine. aad ve-? dinned by the paneaagew.^BA the balaaee ot tt ran Juu del Norte hecame exeeedingly J|TI ? ? thoigh some rough Weather disturbed the wattru ct bvA i?m eMgHUy. Dve morning of the tenth day oat brought us ??My ln the bay < Punta Areaea, at 8 o'clock. The Den.ol Webater ley wetting oar arrival, to take eti tb? V*c\* dMe'e paaeengere tor New York. The w atak?v> stem wheel float boats whieh run up the sen JtU, nlio lay welting for ue, end In en hour ? ??* were Uanshipp-d, heg and bags**, occupying three WU, end winding our tortuous way up "? **?; Mow began the reel wond.r. of our transit. All ?? taw wm new end passing strange. The long, tow toast rang-, with It. extremely dense end rich men foilege. ell Sicilian, trtpical and strange, with en st*eephere as b'ind end grateful a* Paradise, loaded with the fragrance ot the wild ttowers. (flora del moult,) with which the 'ell tree* ere perfcctly ?Wtooi?eJ-the atranre end ?ay colored blrds-the monkeys, perroU, rtrti herons. turkey buwards, alligators, sharks, Ate., with which the passage abound.? the a till more etrange nakel tativea, owtUiien, lnal?n and n?>gco? ell cwn MM to convince tlie traveller that he is more then ?igbtor nineceys steering from the greet metropolis ot Nor'h Anie'ice. Yet he l? not. This pieee ie hoiu* ^is'y rri'"9 ax> u"> 3,11 John) rirer, eod we reeched it et helf past fonr the next ffiandey) moroirg. end found e goo.1 bed m Mrs. To-rn Md^T "Netionel Hotel." Here is the old dpenwh fort, Chatilk), (Cw-teel yo.) which fully ccm^andi the river, Math above and bflow, for a long w?y About five Mow this pieoe. e young roen from Texee, fcrmerly I com Kentucky, named ?e?uel Creig, shot e person necned Lymnn. of th? Sixth wnrd, New York. Toele.ter died in twenty minutes. The i?e?sengers took pert with -he Wweide. The detachment of Gen. Walker's fcrceH stationed nt Fort Ceetiilo, took chargr of end buried the body. Oa taggege wes transhipped to e bmt e^tioned above the lapida end we were ag*in wending the river. It loatv-ftve miles from this place to Lake Niewngue. I ne wke boat, San Carlos, met us thirty milee this ai Je tin lake down the river, where we were again transhipped to v_ ' fand a lirjw sUuneb uteener she le too,) end were hoine sp to end out a-ro.M Leko Nicar?ua to \ ifgia 1 ay. A rare old Uke i? Nicaragua. Its isHuds sur ?Muntcd with vocalhia moun alns, ejtoendlog lar up akeve the clouds, and oore-ed with eternal verdure? its waters teemug with the finest varieties of ??lmon and other fish, ?o e'ear, b. ight end sparkling, yet so ample a. te Icoee fight ol land at tiinet-remina one of % trip an the Medlterraneen, where SUombalo, .ttum, and es. EE as ltwin the latter ot which, is an armed vessel, and ia 2^ Walker'. emVl. y. conv. jlng troops and muu< .... - IrevshtJ to ano from Granada. Tui? vessel ti*>k ^.1^, cf^ii cp to Granada from Virgin U*y. waere ft fcy waiting for that purpose? distance eix y mU#w ZXXu. ? Wb. sriiss; "s a mile from the lake, very regular and o?mps.ct the atiee's unpaged, tne bide waits? which are of b nek an 1 giom* UttgiDg? covered wi?h the looit eves wh ch ?*'*? ,bem a single Uoote running eontiauou* ^U?dthe ?"i!e oTock, wTa UpUmee cutting the oen tetA nnmercus fuuaie eourts, which are aet out with JSiSa tJeee orlnge", lemon, cacao and various others; SrlS's ha, l%r Vxteud'd eves covering a brick wa s S: SCe ve fUt wi?, all around the square, ore ?urts M>n the inude. The walls are a mixture of* Sufc and hard burned brick, three to live .eel ?u ta'jV ?w! and eapabl- of ret-lstir g a cmnon shut The side "e Arrive to tlfieen leet in height, where h??r/ wall pia'.es, cross beams and rafters, all of tt4u > ate out on; there is then a sheeting ?f cane c .Trie, i with _,L krick tlie, set in mortar, and imtno??ely heavy. ?? ?>m?wese'dom ceiled oveth*ad. th,?u(?h some are, 2S u XEh U uiost ext.avagantly elepant. W'odow TT-Tvnlt iiL?h or elass. protected with ornamental ^ni"^Mr? bo^ed,'and insiJe shutters to close a saicht. The floor* are eoTeted with large nard b -?rned kSick, though sometime* with marnle Woeks simila^ t hot more finely tinlshed than our hotel ttoors in New Nlcararuans are esseutitliy lazy, and live upjn tke^inaided^fforts of nature. Their habit, are so simfrte ISlXrwants so few. that what Uttle servicers nftrrrf at? is mofttJj don? t?y tli^ women. , . ? Cranaua city eontains seven or eight thousand l tants and is half destroyed by cannon shot. It h* 1 lout v'ielded to the legitimists, wuo were tbe besieging tsree ?h?n Walker came to aid i'e venerable old Piesi Kivas. acd to Te-estailish the democrats aad I regu lar eovernnient of the country. Gen. Walker eame here Vr ?ntrae? with 1're ident Ri Vis tbe terms o. wbicl ?nhTaeed th? riebv of wav ot the Transit Company, ex aluiive navigation of the Uke, hountr lands to American Si.t.u armv nav. & . &c , all ot which were -leflnitel/ determined bef re G*n W. ieft San K aticiieo for Nlcara gaa. All he has finite done h? been of .ttiiulation s wUh this government. ?\ ?aeitv and states -uaoship have quite over.eiped the wovfsions of the stupid Claytoa and B?:?er treaty, and MttLd at once acd for ever that vexe 1 ""stijn of colo aixinit" in %vor of ''matifrstde-itluy.' The entire ?it route acrops the .sthmus is Protected OyAnaortoM rifies. There are two companies at C*s?ilIo; ??ne at *n rjarlo* the head ot the .-an Jusn, one at }'rg.n Bty, | Riyar Van Juan !el Sar, Madagalia, two at Iain, and i about four hundred troops at Granada, woien i" hwa^l j aaartar*. Tttis governuoect Uaa parchawd the j J^Tth?, which h, expected d-Jlytrcm San Fraorisco | fMighifld with t coo mi &q<1 munitions. country i St^y HS'by and To are the t.oop. with the single SaSn of seme ut tn?e stationed at, wh^re too Lee indulgence in tbe u^e ntoffWl asden t. and othsr aiaeiuations have cau^d some tatal aases of sickne* . ^rmonth. of December and January aretes ouly un healthy months in the Tear. h. ing the^wa^t and^o. .....I- .n.MM.,iiar the rainy sea?ou. This cllrna e is SfmMt. oomfortable and bUnd in its temperature irnu ?iaabl* It Is never uncomfortably bot, the brM" ST,s fwair* you beth i.i?ht and day, the thermometer * I^L.t^.nee Iwlnr TO to 8C degrees bat ssarcely ever dif i^ng -^ 80^gr?e^, bDth day and night. AecLmatl'.a SlXsate andL.y-m.ich m?,re so t,? .n??hg ?.t,Jr? <?*!? frc*n toy on? of the r.wwB ? * g ?are no chilU or (e?er will be developed in a maj >rlty o we** Thecnpof t.mbernpon the land ii invaluable. Toe ?ail in two t? four (met in thickn?*s. and ** rich and eq daring m soil eu be. Corn id worth Si per 66 lbs., end 200 buefcels per acre in twelve ninths is in ea*y, ami, indeed, a low tv?Tig \ Coffee or c.>tton is *od will b? the staple. Five huxwlre& acre* set iu c'UTee. with tie* u? tivee to pick it, will yield a net value, at a very literal calculation. ?' (MO <<w per annum. Gsoao, alio, and io ?ige. ean be eahiwed with ijrty-l.dd the profit of terming in lif i?'aW*. Ye plodding husbandmen of the States, listen tad take the hint. The coun try in at peace, and will be so a* long a< it remains under the prestige of tbe Araeticm soldier, of whim to* Dative is in the greateet '.real. The miner*! wealth ot tbe country is U-mnd less oonnerc- mo?t f?clle. lying Mwedflia tbe w.? of ti>? I'acitic and Atlantic, and wily a little ran dawn bill, either ?a?t er west, t? reuh the one or tbe other with our staples All the rare fruits of the tropic* grow here in the vrildoet pr?>fu*i m. We spent oo?- week in cnw t, an<*. touk the 1a Virgin to cross tbe lake, and drop ?uwn the ri?er to CaHitia Rapids. A company of troops came dowo, ?ho, to relieve ? company sUt4oued hrte. Shortly *tter liu.ling, whir i was Tuesday morning, the 27th ia*t , a disturbance arose between twe or three ef 'he c itnptnr when or?? of th'im, named Geo. Farren, sound liU ritU-, jtfcich, In tt.e senilis, discharged prematurely, tie ball piuslQi? through the aiding <A the house and through the bceast of Yr. John 8. Wiileon, of CaMorn**, killing him-ioetenUy ferr^n is a reckless <Je?|*rad?, for wk ose arrest tor ir.irrier there ia a bounty of fAM offered Ljr the ef Qillor nia. He vm arrested oa tke spot, and pntla irons. Walking two rods from the stoop of the Xenial, i n<i fishing up either a shark, or twenty to a kindred panada of the finest fish in tbe worM, is the vork of only a few minutes, and ia either caoa oo trick at all: Ff*>adinx' day ia the woods and shooting twenty or thirty wild turkeys, or as many deer or w(M tattle, (a small aiooee) ?r a soore of wild h"g*, it at Juat either. There is a profusion o< everything here bat American ladies, and those we assembled last even is it . and had an Did fashioned hop with them at the hotel. It was reaU/ .gay for Castilie, and I hope will often be repeated. There is one inconvenience that must b# smasittel to here. There is no postal arrangement between New York and Han .Foar. and all letters must seme by Vines A Oo .'* Sprees. This, however, will, no doubt, soon be gsmedjed. P. 8 Martial law has been abolished is tfc? State by decree, and the civil law substituted. Col. Kinney is deserted by almost every body bu t the im nense h-nls of wild hog* wi'h which his section of the country abounds. 'Hie Wads he has 'elected are rather too low fcr agricultural purposes, and ot coarse are damp, mia* meUe and maiarWa. American mechanics and trafleunm of every kind are ?roeh needed in the country, and <? -penally In the cities ?M tow* A good baker would ?aH? ? fortune ia a fear Id QraM4?; trad is so d?v. YAH, ??m C*?? Km. Brrr*noN or nu oirr or u* jo?? mrmorou tam eemiBB? fociAi. un r* m urnu. T "SKTa. Fa.MMkR.ndd, Frt. 4.) The kvuoiued i?f? fro* on at the rtwimr bnfle i>a?e*B?ers, who went up wt'J> BarouBulow, from IW B? to Coi-U Rise ? fcw "Hki tinea, will be found inta rentiog, f (tlTiu* * jU description of Um capital of that republic >?? Sax J'jex, sa Otwu Rica, Dee. M, 1865. I an certainly af^eeahW aateninhed In finding thin to wn t* It it- Tbeie ?-.? considered to be retidwat abaat 18.000 to 20,000 inhe'ottanlx; the street* paved rather batter than thoee oC Vanama; the houses are principally of one ?tory, but more or laaa they present a far mote uniform appearance than those of your city, and there are a few vary taaty and pretty^diflaee, the principal of which Is the Pklaeio NaeteeaV, erected, 1 believe. in the last year; if the exterior ia headeosne, the interior may, with pro priety. he called beautiful. The principal parte of (he building are aooaMible by a flight of step*, ranged by a very pretty Mat Iron raltlof, well painted; there are Buy apartment* or oflloe* all round the etrueture within. All theee offive* e?nn?eted, one with the other, by Man* of folding gin** door*, are appropriated to Officer I, mialaters, administrators, and their numerous tpcrdarioi, for the deapateh of all pob'.io buiMiw and matter*, meeting* of importance, the hearing ?f cuwn refrned bo the Superior Judges, k j. Toe Preeidentha* alio get hia apartment, but that I hare not aeeo. Ha. aw in the yard there are alway* sentinel*, and on a part of the wall i* placed a very fine clock. In the corridor be low, there are alio other compartment*. Among them is the general I'oat office. Saturday h?re ie the market day, exactly like enr country town*, where there 1* an assemblage of the neighboring country folks with their vendible*. S'alls are erected in the square p. o ten fur the i ale of cloth, eiothes, ironmongery, stationery, haberdashery, ki. ; these (tails are stationed all In a line. perj.e?ilcula?ly and horizontally, there- ] by preserving the shape of the *quare, wi'h mode* of egress and uogrees; thus they flank in the body of vender* of edibles. There grow here many of the fruit* of the temperate tones; In the nelson you see then* in the mar ket. The meat kind here is very tender. and pretty well flavored ; but they retain the Spanish mode of .butchering ?that is, the meat is divested of all the ffct. 1 saw yesterday abundant pile* 1 1 cabbages, beet. gar He, carrots, turaipr, Sc. ; oranges innumerable, three, four and five d< seas tor a real; as for eanes, nobody buy* them, exeept to feed beasts. Alout half a league from the town there is a savannah of bcantiful aspect more level, cleau, regular and exten sive, than Up I'aik Camp. Uu this s pot, for simt day* previous to the 25th, there has bee a a gathering of the solciery or militia, from all quarters. Teat* pitched, stalln erected f >r the sale ot refreshment*, and portions of grunnd allotted for ihe culinary process of oxen killed on the ground. 9? lbs. of frijoles, or peas, rice, ukv oto, and htinStetfn of plaintains. Oowna of women arc seen cooking in thof e tents, and they pas* the ti'ne nntii the 24th on the matfi?l field. There were two eighteen pounders, (brass) and about twenty other cannons of brass and Iron, small sire*. On the neornirg of the 24th, there was a partial review by the President, aid on the mure afternoon a banquet, at which the President presided. On the morning were to be teen a few carriages, cf wbioh several Aoierioan four wheel*, one or t *o English gigs, some of the g'n'.ler sex on horsebsck, officers in uniform, enjoying a social chat; others on duty, groups of soldiers uuder drill, pyra mids- of mutkets, and nery where on the other wide mat teied silciers eatirur, drintiag, smoiinrf, lounging on the nfcor', Bahama, mmy of them so'elese ? nevertheless, all their anus were in lis e order. At 10 A.M., everything w*s tn train for a general re view. and at that time there was a front of about 6.000 men under arms. They than underwent a military exer cise and practice of the big gun*, and after a few rounds of fire, they dispersed, each apparently well pleased with the particular part played by him on the ocstsion. Amor g an assemblage of thousand* the greatest quiet and good feeling pervaded; no rows nir accidents. On the contrary, each took good care of himself, and re turned home sate and souod. At each corner where the streets meet and eross, in the centre of such, are placed fine iron lamp post*, and in dark nights the whole town Is lighted. The people are excessively polite; tbe population are a mixed race of the white and brown. I have not seen a negro here? not a true negro? except th"ee who came off with us. There are three printing oflioes here, but I am afraid they are not of much account. TH1 BOUNDARY QUESTION BETWEEN THE REPUBLICS OF NEW GRANADA AND OOSTA RICA. [Translated from El Panameno, Jan. 18.] New Granada finds itself under the necessity of regu lating it* boundaries with Costa Riea. S-veral times la the coune of the I?*t two years, we h?ve occupied our selves with this question, ft f.-' convenient for eve'y nt tien to know well where its territ ry extends, and there at certain circumstance* when this becomes a necestd ty. This is just our case. Central America is menaced by a foreign iuva*ion, ami al'e*dy tie territory of the State of Nicaragua has fallen into the pow er of a hardy invader ? a rep-esent&tive of annex i tion to the eour try to which he belongs. Walker, who has. nothing to fear from San Salvador and Honduras, whose governments pay him respect, will prompt'y throw h'.trselt upon Cesta Rica whose government opposes his political plan^i. Even he who ta the lets*. gtv?n to reflec tion wilt eatily understand that our forebodings have all the character cf oertalaty. Well; will the boundary queaticn which is now pending with the State of C >?ta Rica not be in oom par ably more complicated when that invasion and it*= natural consequences -i's eonquest by fcreigneis? <-hsil be leallied f ? Who shall defeud that pcrtirn ci deputed territo-y, New Grana'la or Costa Jtica' Now that the Isthmus U a soverei/n State the danger of being absorbed by North Americans ha* greatly in cr enter, lhere prevails, unfortunately, tbe idea that the New Grst;adian goxmumeat will not enploy i;s forces atd rcour-e- for the defence of the integrity of tie reputlie, *o far as it regards the Isthmus, either because it is <nly an spptn ia^e, which, ifsepara ed. will leave tbe whole und!s['*'agetl, or because the belief is general that tbe t'nited S'a'en will ttmilly seize upin such a valuable portion of the world &* thi.-", and that it is only a que-<ii >n of lime. As to ourselves, who do not stare in th?se ideas, we shall, in our quality of New (irana'liana, de vote our feeble means to the defence ol na tonality, not withstanding our b'ing well convinced that by the belief purpon-ly mmrlfhel un the part of some, of th* Indiffer ence rhe goverriaent of this republic will show in the ease of eoi. :lict, the t n jue<t is xtiii more probable. A* regards eurte.vec. there is no larger of being ever annexed to th? I nlted States, either in an luiirect way, or in consequence of au ex|*'ition fitted out tor this purpoe and cire.-tfd again-t the Isthmus. Never have there been expeditions i.irec'ed again, t the Isthmus, whilst such have b?eu carried out lowards Cubt, parts of Central An erica, a r.d itexieo, at va'lous timei. the Anglc-American or j >ys atroogst us all liberty aud gua rantees, and it leay even be asserted that he exerases his artivitj in this country as if It formed a part of tbe Great Republi:. To wha' purpose w-iuld the conquest seiT<j theruf On tbe other hand, the I<thmu* represents, so to say, a nen'ral territory, where f ranee, tngland anl the Uni ted btatw carry t n their comncerciai atfsir* with equal liberty. The-e" three na i ns mutt have au in'.ire-it, to st* c< nticne this sta:e of our foreign relations as it is new : for tbe Istarous* falling iuto the power ofary one nation, whatever, there would exUt a great danger that rehtricrive laws for the convenience of the cation ia whose pcsse?s'> n it would be. would be fiursei upon it. But would there not be tnctber and greater probability ot danger tor our Uthxus if the contiguous S;ave of Coete iliea were absorbed by foreign inv<t(l*rs 1" Tasre cannot he any doubt. The g"Ver^?nen' of Walker wjuM beg<n with '?onfrsting with us tiiis large New Grant iian territory. The government of Costa, Rica pretends to belong to it. llence disagreement, and very naturally a war. which, per!]*; s, w>old keep frieadly cations frosa intervening, under the pre ext that it was war between two incejiendent countries. It would be affirmed th?V ncb'idy has a r'gbt to tike pare in the struggle except tl,e parties called on to fight it out. Therefore It is eTiderit that apart from thee )tnmin rei tons which can be alleged in behalf of arrangiog the boundary question between Newfirauada and Co.rta Rica, the re are particular rne* of a pressing nature. But can thie aim l<e attained by a di jkunatle rui-si jn to the Cni'ed ^'atee, charg'd, at the eauit time, to h<' tha in'i rpioer of the wishes of Co*'* Rict ? Thif is *n error, proved hy ex;>?ien<se. Minis er Maxi toiliano D. Pa'e<i?s Cero'ed hi nself w'.th zeal to this atfair without obtilninjr bis end. oud Minister (Jeneral Herrau will have the i.aiue disappedntient. A minister of Oista i'.ica in Waehing < n will, ib wha'ever perplexity addrefF himself to his government for new instructions, and in sush way ye>ars oo yiwirs will pas- aw*y. This is a tact, line* it happened partly, toS^nor l'ereies. We conclude with u eUticjr that our government ta.lte as early as possible the ufc?raary measurej to arrange lh boundary difflcnlfy with Co*ta Rica before it may be too late. Ti e stire-t ?ay would lm to send a speciil amin fa'or there, witn the necessary instruction to enable him to com* to a prcrrpt conclusion. Nuidwhh Itlaiiitft TOrULAK EDUCATION? BKPORT Of TOE PRESIDENT OF THK BOARH. The undersigned during the present year made the tour of all the Inlands, examining carefully into the state of the schools and pililic moral?, and observing the general condition of the people, deem* it im portant now at the cloee of the yeir to call the at tention of all the subordinate officers of the Board of Educ ation to the following points: ? 1. While the public school* have been generally moie prosperous than usual during the year, the attendance has l*en good; teac hers have improved, as a general thing, in industry and faithfulness; s< holars are better supplied than formerly with books and stationery; parents, particularly in some of the district*, take an iu, reding intercut in the education of their children. ;Lnd have made hudable efforts to improve their school houses; yet in many of the public frae schools there is still a lamentable de ficiency in regard to liook* tad stationery, a want of pood government, of punctuality, industry aud get era! faitUnino*s on the part cf some of the teach ers; but few of tbo school housed are what tliey should be for the grent purpose < f training young minds in the way of knowledge an 1 virtne. And the atWutv>n of til school inspectors, trus tees. and potent* Ucailed V) tlie-w p Tticulars, with a view to a* speedy a re form as pomle. 2. There hare r**n |n op.-: ration [Wring tlie pre sent year, more or less, seventeen Enflish schools for natives; and the of children ta acquiring %'ie English language w certainly very e& ouraging. At 1 that la wanting, to give tkeW language to the Hawaiian people, i-t united and ptf.tevericg- effort* on the part of the government and people. 8. What is now Imperatively called for in connec tion with oar educational institutions ft some uesns n / training the young, is the various branches of in dustry. This want has long been felt. "Hit y elftwst universally leurn to read, write and cypher, aid then they Icue school, only to lounge about jn idle new, go aboot in pursuit of pleasure, or try to ret a living by some unlawful means without work. n>w they are to be taught the various useful trade*, and become farmers, and carpenters, blacksmiths, shoe makers, tailors, Ac., and thus xupplv their own wants, and keep themselves from vice, is a question wb)9b >' ^ogHfwq Uiy mat ^nfnl consideration ol 1 the Board of Eiaeatlon. and ia commended to Iko attention of *11 its subordinate officers, and tin friend* of education generally. 4* Worshipping assemblies hate been at times intnrrupted, and religious ceremonies profaned by evil disposed persons, much to the gnef and annoy ance of tbe worshippers; a ease of which occurred in tbe Catholic church, Honolulu, in the rear 184'J, which will be remembered; therefore the under signed takes this occasion to state that all such conduct is no less offensive to the King's govern ment and laws, than to the parties aggrieved, and the officers of this department throughout the king dom are requeued to make known to the people generally, that persona committing suoh offence are liable to punUunent under se j. vi, chap, vi, part iv, of an act to organiae the executive jgnartmeati. It is the determination of th? Dag's govern ment, avowing as it does the principles of religious liberty, that all worshipping Christian assemblies shall be protected in the exercise ot their religious privileges. R. ARMSTRONG, President of the Board of Education. Interesting fraaa DOMINICAN RSFOBT OF 80CW)UQCK'8 BXFKAT OM lame ? action or nu rawci and Barrow CONSULS IN OFFOBING WAJk? SOCnWWQCK'8 FLBHT TO BE INTCBOBFTBD BT THBIB APM1HALS. [From the Gaoeta de Goviern#, ot Saint D->mingo, Ju. 8.] Mantel dk Rsula Moba. General of Division, vice Presi dent of the Republic, entrusted with the Executive: ? Dominicans ? The Crmmandant in Chief %t the north east frosii er addressed, under date of the JNJth Deeember last the following communication to the Commandant of tantisg):? To day st break or day the enemy, panned closely by a bor'y ot our skirmishers, retreated in * shameful hurry, easting away on the road their baggage, oarbines, pis tols, &c, The commanding officer left at the suae time even a silver medal which he had formerly reoelved as a badge of honor, and which is now In the hands of Colonel Val verde. This evening we are to inarch against then, and 1 be lieve that, in otder to meet them, we have to go as far as luaca Mendee, aioce oar outposts have been as far as Taeuba withent encountering them. This shameful Sight has been caused by our Oasadores and Dsjavoneros alone? the only troops whloh have been engsgtd? tbe bulk of our army having had no occasion to tight. I do not know whether, at a later period, all our troops may not have been engaged in th? battle. Dominicans, our treacherous enemy depended, as It Deems, for obtaining his iniquitous aim on our supposed (iiruniou and-diss mragement; but bis eorrecUon of that idea has been fearful. Every where, at the first err of alarm, people hastened en maw to de'end the frontiers, aiid to oppote an Iron wall to his advance. Onr perfi dious eneioy flies, now frightened and severely punished for ha vug a moment flattered hiaself to reduce to a de grading vassalage men who know how to appreciate the pleasures of liberty, and who march to thu defence of tbelr country with tbe conssiousness of victory. our compatriots of Clbao have not been the latest to respond to ibe general call for abandoning thtir field labors; they hastened full of enthusiasm to where the daDger was menacing. but the enemy showed his back, and cleared the held without venturiegto try hi* strength against the heroes of Santiago at d Beler, who.e breasts have b^eii, and will ever be, on that side, the strongest bulwark of the tepub ic. Dominican* : union, firmness and confidence in Provi dence, and we shall bequeath to cur children a name (nil of glory and a country redeemed from ihe barbarity of the Haytiens, at the of our bayonets. Vioa la Htjiul/lica ! Viia la Jruttpnidtncia ! Viva 1 1 Libertad! Given in tbe national palace pi Santo Domingo, capital ot the repub 1c, the 3d January, 185B, and the twelfth year of rur independence. MANUEL DE R. MOTA. PROUST W THK BRITISH AM) FKSNCH (D.VSUIS AOA'ICT THE INVASION OK BT. DOMINGO UK THE TSOOT8 OF HAYTI. The undersigned agents ct Great Britain and France, informed of the military prepara ions which have Men making for some time in the empire of flaytl, rect-lved from 'heir ies[iect.ive governments an order to maks known to tbe Minister t'.r Foreign delations of bU Majeity the Em; eror, how painful it would be to them to see the Wjik ot xcdiation between the twi parts of the Island titerxupted by a renewal ot ho*tillies which have not be?n provoked by 'he inhabitants of the eastern provin ces, ard tbe Iwginning of which, on the contrary, most generally oiigina'efl wi.h the Haytien government. Ihe undersigned forbear to remind your Excellency of the interest wdicii their respective governments hare never cea-ed to show for tbe continuation of the truce between the two nationalities of the island, and cf the satisfaction with whhh they beheld his Majesty the Eropeior associate hlros If on va rl-us occasions wih tbe feeings of humauity, which, in tfjs respect, have directed tbclr pro.jeeoiags. lhote tentlroenta and the circums-ssces wbtch gave tliem birth have no . undergone any change, and the Haitian government mist have been aware of the ad vantages ot peace to the State, how-ver iDCornple'e it may have Veen, and of tbe utility of those conciliatory suggestions to their true interest. The mediation they bave iffertd to both the belligerent parties stilt continuing te exist., it would be contrary to all rules cf interactional law. as wtfl as to th-i principles of civilization, to have recourse to arme 1 force, be i ore they have exhausted all the meant of eonctlVion whioo tbe intervening Powers are occupied ia ende.vorinr to obtain an syneiBent upon, and which they still Hatter their stives will be aocepud. Id the meantime, Ixg and and France eaurot look with inoiflerecce upon an iava'-ios of tbe l>om!"o.?n territory, as long as they have not interrupted their mediation, and tbe undersigned would not perform the duty whicb i< iacun beot < n them, if they did not protest a^ain-t any r?n? of hostilities In acccrdance *i;h these sentiments, they declare they ?w ill Inform tbe Admirals ccmmandicg tbe naval foroes of 'heir rtarective na i:ri? ot the iu'ended departure of the Haytien licet, entreating tbem, at the catce time, to take such meaauies as they Judge proper to oppose it. the urdersfgned beg ot your Excellency to receive the assurance of tbelr hiph consideration. T. I'SHER. Consul Ceneial cf England. E. WIBT, Charge d'Affaires of France. PrKRTo PRisnrg, Dec. 8, 1855. Oar Roc beater Correspondence. Rochester, Feb. 14, 1&56. Lecture* of the Rev. Mr. Finney, of Oberlin Celr. brity ? Saint* and Sinner t ? Morality of Roche* ter ? An Unexpected Surprite, $*<?., <$*<*. The thermometer is lower here to-day than it has been at any time previous this winter; it is now 13 degrees below zero; the wind has been blowing a gale for twenty-four hours, accompanied with snow, which impedes railroad travelling to a considerable extent. The Rev. Mr. Finney, of 0!*>riin celebrity, ha* torn himself, for a time, from his spirits of many co lors, and heroically come to the rescue of this devo ted city; and, notwithstanding the severity of the weather, he is drawing crowded houses, and creating a great sensation. Many lukewarm saints, and some prominent hardened sinners, give evidence of Bit ?? cumbing under his pointed home thrusts; but as he enforces open confession and restitution, they "die hard''; they appear to be wuiting for each other to begin, but when they do get about it we ate an ticipating some "awful disclosures, " if but a moiety be told. It is hoped that the reverend gentleman may be successful, as there is great need of reform within the portals of the church as well as without. As evidence of outside iniquity, only Saturday las*, a scamp, who wished to get possession of the pe - son of a young girl with whom he had formed au acquaintance at some of the low dancing house? with which the city abounds, and wliieh she had been in the habit ot tiequenting, unknown to her parents, engaged a notorious ha< k driver to kiduap her, which he did, by repre entintr that he had a fubphtcna for her, requiring her to go before the Polite Justice immediately, which the unsuspecting mother l elieved, and allowed her daughter to de part with the ruffian, who immediately drovi with her to a house of bad repnte, and delivered her ^ver to his paitner in crime. The police did not succeed in finding her for two or tiiree days, when sue was rescued, and the kidnappers taken into custody. It is but a short time since one of our hi^ti offi cials^ gentleman ofwoith and highly esteemed, npon returning home one evening unexpectedly, alter a short absence, found tkat a third partner bud been admitted to the firm without his know ledge or consent, and not being in a mood to relish his pre cnce.and it being rather a late hour to en tertain company ? notwithstanding his well deserved reputation for hospitality? politely har.ded him over to a couplc of stout policemen, who furnished him with more suitable, it not bo comfortable, lodgings. Verily this ia a great city. Oris; Flic flarahal'N Office. AKK EFT OK A BPPrOSED INCENDIARY. Before Justice Welsh. On Friday night officer Rote, of the Third ward Foliee, ariested a man named Edward Malone, on a charge of attempting to set fire to the cooper's shop of Coonty A. Hoc be, No. 46 Veaey street. The pilso ner, it seems, was found in the shop by Mr. llarnet Cole, and Mr. Peter Larkln, assistant foreman of Engine 14. Smoke, it appears, had been discovered byMi Cole and Mr. L*,mfn, and believing the prcrai ses to bezrn fire they enienod the basement, una there found a fke kindled on the floor. The accused was seen by Mr. Cole to dod?e behind a box. Mr. Cole pretended not to see him, but procured the aid of ser geant Hervv. On coming uga.fn into the basement, the accused lad made his escape over the back fence, Jlis tr?. ks wore followed on the anovr cu-31 a six din the adjoining yard, and thence tato the i-tra-t. By this time the alarm wits given, and as the accused ran dovn the street, ofliter Hose headed him off and sccureA him. When unler arrest, he admitted being on the premises and dotging behind the box to prevent Mr.Colc from seeing him, giving us a reason that he thoagitt it was llu; boas corning. He also acknowledged Ii/? had ms de a fine on the floor, but not to bnrn the pla?:?. but merriy to warm himself. There was a space of about a foot square burnt away of the flooring. Mi. Cole extinguished the fire with a pail of water. Th# prisoner w.ts con veyed l,efore Justice Welsh, who committed hirn to 1 r.fon t? await a farther in vest i (ration by the Fir? nivkiL Chur Tuwrnf Odrrwyendwee. | VxMoovrti, W. T., Jan. 11, I960. Tht Sioua War ? Jtff. D4vi* and Otneral Har ney? Witt Pointer* not *# Very Cruel? Indian Kitting Commmmtit* ? Of?gtm Indian Wart? Who Madt Them?? Indian Agentt, at Politi cian*, Bound to Side with Mi White* ? No Mart Vacant Country for the Indiana to Move To? Tht Con?tqmtnct$ of Driving them to Desperation ? Old Fogy Operation*? General Diegvst of Young Army Officer*, $??., tfc. One of the New Tork papers of November last copies from the Anti Slavery Standard a long and abusive article on the amy and Indian wars. It vill flea Secretary Davis, makes Harney o?t every thing bad, and calls the West Pointers runes. This arti cle, like others fy writers determined to find fault, seeks to enlist the sympathies of good and pious people East against the authorities, by sweeping aasertioDS of crnelty against all officers. I shall not attempt to defend General Harney from the charge of crnelty, or being a vindictive Indian hater. Nor shall I presume to defend Jeff. Da vis from the Anti- Slavery Standard1 * slanders. If the Secretary of War acted up to their wishes he would let the Indians murder all the whites West, and the negroes all the whites South. That a charge of "contempt, hauteur, inhumani ty and a selfish love of power," should be brooght aguinut all Went Pointers, even by the Stand ard, indicates that it has forgotten the cause it has adopted, and has opened its columns for the gratifi cation of some writer, specially spiteful on Went Point, generally hostile to the government whose laws protect him, and at the same time full of sym pathy for the sorrows of the Bavage. This writer reminds me of a boy who stoned a brick house be cause he wasn't made a brick. But because there are one or tiro trnthe in his ilong article, some simple minded people may credit it all, and I for one do not wish my countrymen (though they do believe in some "isms") to believe that we West Pointers forget that our county was generous to us in our childhood and our hour of need? forget that we have eaten its bread and worn its raiment from boyhood, and bop. to do bo tiil we d.e-forget officer of the United State* army, in :harge of nutted states forts, and the same West Pointer, 2SI?tl2d b, Boston fanatics for obeying the otoctb of bis government, bv aiding to execute the ill" I et the people know that hundreds of West pointer* are scattered over the people s waste lands -the two millions square miles of desert-and that in this wilderness, tar away from home, and whUe man's society, they are spending the best i . o ?c their manhood. Let the people look at the days of their mannooa. ^ ^ pointm fflT& SS away in this wilderness, SloSerf w? Si?2 now lie bleaching ^ntbe slopes of the snowy mountains; or look at the lUt of Vest Pointers who have been by them placed in noKts of trust und honor as " Senators, foreign ministers " " chiefs of coast and other Barveys,^ '? bighorn'" " Governors of States and Territories, " legislators, " " presidents of eolleges. and of rai ? read canal and bunking companies. No, the repu intio'n of West Point is too dear to the people for them to let the cloud of party slander upon her "TtaPMStttof. ?<*" SfjE ilinn? and to have marked the part taken by offi . era of tie army in the contest for existence waged by the Indtaufk The people who require the govern ment to war against theIndiaus,arenotafc dercis on Ibe western edge of the Atlantic siaie-, but ninnv hundred thousand men scattered over the wide Wehl from the valley of the Mississippi to the Pacific. California haw been settled till no ^anyou, f rom the c rest of the snowy mountains to the ocean, has net had its tenautB. The Indians were ther , ?,Dd could not get away; ttere t? no more \Vest le them to move to. lu Washington Territory,^ mort worthless countiy in ourlin^t^ whwe Uie ra ^ road explorers could not help jM'Tt,-.. jjew VtlpcsinJ we did not get up to 54 40. In Utan? New Mexic<?and Texas, it Ib the some, and nlne4entha of the white men occupying these countries, would ?LberTbo?t iTn Indian than a Pfcoi>le in the East cannot understand this >enti rnent. They have not kept guard for monthB ov er wile, (ir rattle for fear of murderous thieving In dians- they have not listened to the unvarying stories of wes murdered, sisters violated, houses burned m familtar to the ears of Western mcn-nor have they carried their rifles in the cornfield, or been at the fights and massacres so common in these re gions. These are the people who 1 nsist on a war with Indians. And the officers of ttte army have nlm opt invariably stood between the Indians and this cla ss ofwhites , especially where the Indians were but few, and have tried to shield them, until IK -icSd Of ".idto 8, try men," of " inefficiency," Ac., Ac. Read the Oregon papers at the present time, and Fee i if _it _js ootfo" and read the following account from the Oreeo'n of a present from a son to a father / n or r noils* "The volunteers were gene rally in good beaEh and spirits. They stood in need of clothing and Hour. They had plenty of bee straight Dr. Shaw brought down ? a trophy. Tee Pn Mox Mox a ears, and Mr. Stoiy wougn down a portion of his scalp to Thomas stev ens, ? wag sent him by his son John, who cut it ofl This Indian chief, Pee Pu Mox Mox, came to the camp of the Oregouians and gave himself ap?under afwlSte flag? and was, a few days ^wards du ring some skirmishing, murdered, and some twenty scalps taken from his head alone. o i At the present time, a large force of oregonian. have gone unmasked into Washington Tern ory, inwl nic encaeed in an indiscrimatc war?which is likely to drive the most peaceable tnbeB Into per ?itent hostility. Many of these tnbes are numc rous and rowei?ul. And all this has been done con tmry to the wishes of, and without consultation wit^ Gen. Wool. Now, just let as reflect how the?e W8A8?tTO?.ken white man and Indian quarrel over a bouiiw^? the Indian stabs the white man, flies, and tie war begins; or an Indian is seen with a hur?cor children bb slaves. Start not, ye abolitionists, for slavei y is ab common among the Indiaus out here BHLast summer** wholesale slaughter of tlie Indians ?? rSrtlSS U.V.UOO ???? arc.Ml.fd bjrano two hundred Callftmmni. A couple f liiid been murdered near ^rcka, and tneir n ?rse? taken. An Oregon Indian from Fort Lane reserva tion was shortly afterwards seen with one of the XX vrty but the commanding ofh?cr of frort I>ane, a ?e. Pointer wifihed to have the law take its course, and so he placed the Indians under the Pr('^ ?n of his pi ns The Californiane fa:d they would kill all the fr 'Zns in snlte of him; but thi- West Pointer dared th cm at their peril to try it_and they didn't . The Indian has I ten since Bent to California for trial. I nst fall the citizens on Rogue River pursued an Indian for wounding a white man In a drunken brawl. A West Pointer seut an escort to see the In dian safe from the mob into the hands of civil au thority The soldiers' orders were, if necessary, to fire on the pursuer*. The Indian and escort were t.ursiied on the river; and though it was dark, and the nurwers were warned off. they rowed up to the tKiat containing the Indian, and shot him uH lic set between Uie corponil's knees. There wei e but three soldiers and three men in the offending boat, but these latter were all shot dead; and at tort iuma, Port Miller Fort Orfard, Fort Jones in fact at every nost throughout this coast, the only protect on tU ?rdiars have against the outrages oi cuiign.nte. gold hunters and settlers in Indian country is that of the n ilitarv commandants, who, na tar as they can, de fend the Indians from wrong. A" f?r th* !ftnfd a J nU-the system is a bad one- they are of the r eonle and with the people who prey upon the ir Sunn Governors of Territories are chief Indian a cents at the same time candidates for the people s vot(T' The people of Washington Territory want ' erazintt land (.f the Yakinias, Clickitats, Oav The Governor calls the Indian chiefs to rnnn'sel? tells thcni they must sell these land'. What chance have they in such a treaty ? Why; tie agent can make or unmake the chief who signs the 11 Tl.e Yakimas. Cayuses, Clickitats, tec., arc strong I' ? * ?nd have but little intercourse with and :dK 'ft? tt* Chll?. Tte) BU the Hn.1 Indta a tent who goes among them , .Boland was killed rg4 full V A nartv of a hnwlrcd soldiers is sent to wtui Ihem. They meet sevenU hurulred Yakitnas, A ; the lat^r are driven to Fort Dalle,. Gold has fr^n discovered in consideraWe quantities away up near Fort Corville. It is 500 miles throng the ? , nnw occunied by these Indians ? lor the S?hT?rilSln , Ac I Bir? who wt?t It 7 'nut bo miner didn t respect tlie Indians much, j tl r lfltteThave heard what has been done with thdir r<d 'hrethers ia California? nearly all killed. & Indians have become desi?erate- llwy hive inced an extcrmioating war there, as well cs ?rn Oregon. Oue expedition went into l ho Yakina^onntry, some eight hundred strong, about r no vnti ntcera and 300 hundred regulars. A l.ig ?2m expected, but the commanding officer of the legnliirs WM by nature Adapted fpr anything but ? parti?n chief. He marched aboot over plain-, and mountains, got into riven, drowned Home m' jB \oat a lot of hones and mules, got into sr am> marshes and every aort of scrape except a battle? (though there waa some cbance of it)? let some of hie patty burn a Catholic miaaion, and the ^ 'came in, with abont the moat disgusted set of *yoawr army officers as well aa volunteers that ^ have seen lately. No donbt, the chief report*, to Washington, states that the expedition baa pro-^^j ^oral effect? no young officer is asked fw a true report, and to the truth is not told; it |g considered untnili tary to write to the papers oij tell the troth "out of school." So much for tor field officera, and, dear people, yon have got havdiy any others. The field officers of all the regiments, except, perhaps, those recently created, where young men are put in, are all fogies; they ant about as fit to ran Indians on ponies aa to run Uown mountains; aa General Scott is to ran into an enemy's fort through a loophole ? with all due respect to the General. 8ome twenty years ago I did myself the honor of being your cicerone at a West Point ball. Can yon not return the politeness by helping us West Point er to a retired list, for the "worn out and old?" We wear out in Uncle Samuel's army faster than they do In the navy, aa we have no house over us where we go. Host of us are fogies at torty; exposure in climates from Panama to Puget Sound tells on us. In my regiment, for ten years, two first lieutenants out of twenty (hardy fellows) died or were killed yearly. So we who live get to be majors at forty five or fifty; bnt we are then old bundles of worn out bones and muscles, and if yon don't do something for us it may be that, by-and-by, the Committee on ' Mean Ways" will turn us out to die. E. 0. C. 0. Our Ban Fnnclico Correspondence. San Frahcisoo, Jan. 26. 1856. The Cora Trial? Departure of Government Steam ers with Troops for the Relief of Gen. Wool? The Passage of the Isthmus Under the New Ar rangements-Demand for the New York Herald on the Arrival of Steamers- Commercial Pros pects? News from the Mining Districts? Profits of the Sacramento Valley Railroad ? Agriculture ? Theatrical Nitcs? Wreck of the Bark Isabe lita Hyne, &c., fyc. The all absorbing topic of life has been the Cora trial, and after a period of three weeks, the jury, one of the beet ever drawn together, were unable to agree; they stood six for murder, four for man slaughter, and two for acquittal. Thus the tragedy ends for the present. The people generally are surprised and difgusted at the result. The prison er's paramonr, a notorious woman of the town, fur nbhed soire $20,000 to fee counsel, enlisting the services of General McDougal, ex-member of Con gress; Col. E. I). Baker, do.; Col. James, and another whose name I forget. For the nrosecution, District Attorney Byrne, Judge Alexander Campbell, and Col. Inge. I.ast week three steamers left this port for Oregon, all belonging to the Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany, and ob the movements of these government vessels cannot fail to be interesting, I will detail their Dames and the object of their leaving. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company's steamer Oregon, commanded by Capt. Frederick, (who is, by the way, one of the most popular and efficient officers in the service,) arrived lately with the Ninth Beglment of Infantry, under the command of Col. Wright, and left this poit (immediately on the arri val of the last mail steamer) for Oregon, in compa ny with the steamer Republic, Capt. Isham, taking the balance of the regiment. Another steamer, the Columbia, Capt. Pall, carrying more troops, left on Satarday last. Thus you see three government steam vessels left this port in one week, laden with troops for the relief of General Wool, proceeding directly to the seat of the Indian difficulty, speaking in the loudest terms of the vast resour ces of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and of their indefatigable agents here, who can thus at a moment's notice, and without any delay or hindrance in the time of departure of their regular mail steamers, have at their command such vessels as the three steamers last named. Their superb steam' l'ip. the John L. Stephens, leaves to-day. car jjinp the mails, treasure and passengers for 1 auama "nKSSi akj? of tie Isthmus by the railway is now a most d^ liclitful and agreeable undertaking; and, according to the arrangements now competed, P^f ? livinc at Panama in the morning invariably leave As S wall lor New Yo.k and New Orleans on the nft.nioon of the same day, thus afforthig iJgJjJ} reculoritv on the trip through, and a delightfully pleasant and expeditious transit from ocean to occ an. How diflerent this to the days gone bv, of mules and half-starved murderous natives, and to the tiicsome land travel, and horrors of of the Nic aragua route. Your correspondent came b^ that celebrated (O road once, and barel} escapea with his life: and 1 deem it cannot but beuseruland nroner for vour readers to know the best way of coming to this much abused, but great and glonoua c< untiy. Another item of news of this c< ""?"7; and 1 have done. The agents here, Messrs. r orDes A- Rabcock have lately established a through lreiuhtline for New York, at reduced rates, afford ing a capital opportunity for those shipping 'reifeht Xdfro. These steamers . touch at the : ports of Mazatlan.San Bias, ManzanUla .a?fhAWlc?;arybe first one leaves this port on the 12th of t jtoroary. The account from your paper of the intemew ? John McKeon, Esq., with Colonel (?) Parker m. Fienrh was greatly relished byour pe?l,le'a^ copied into most of the papers. Suchwusthede mand for a New York IIekald.oii the arrival of the last steamer, that the boys sold them for fifty cents apiece, like hot cakes. f. Commercially speaking, trade for the past fortr night has been only moderate, though arrival of the ship John Stuart, some three days New York, with a very heavy and nHSorted cargc), seemed to impart an unusual ncss to the market. In the way of flow, the Hwdtf sats, " the market has finally declined to a point at which export has become not onlylearibte, butif the demand for the interior does not awaken very speedily it will Le also very n^essary.'' We do not hear of the placing as yet of any vessel onthe l.cith for Europe whither the movement will doubtless tend, nor, should the i market again i vance, thus pntting a stop to further operations in this line, it is barelv possible that the abnndoued, and the exportation Jn^t?t^d;hA.,}5 prospects for grain are also imoroving. and. s^ou d the titling continue, we may most confidingly looK foiwnrd to a renewal of the brisk trade in this kind of produce experienced here about two months M The news from the mines is rich, glorious and exciting. The gold abounds in cords, and Calave rus county is the modern ophir. The^CArontc/e of that ?ectioii says:? Near 1'erkisser s Banch, in the viciuitv of Murphy's, Messrs. George Reme A Co. have siit k a shaft to the depth of two hundred ! and eighty-five feet. This is the deepest shaft ever sunk in the Soui hern mines, and probably may be one hundred feet deeper before reaching thc ,e(\?e Messis. F. d. McDonald & Co have completed the erection of a very superior steam e^e o! eight bois? power on their claim at Murphy s This and the a?\joining claims are known to be rich, which alone can justify the enonuousexpenses attending the preparations for working ?c?; McDonald washed out live hundred doUars froin ten of dirt. Three hundred and sixty ounces or gold dust have been obtained during the last month from the mining ground in suit, between the Douglass Flat Tunneling Companies. All the quai tz companies at Angel s tamp are in highly suc cessful progress. Last week Messrs. G. G. I^ke.VOo. made tC(() from one arasta. The claims of Col. Davis, Mr. Baine, and the French claim, are all doing a prosperous business. The work on the tun nel tor draining Vallecito flat is going on rapidly. A pi ogress of 200 feet has been made. The Mansville Htrald is rich in reports of the richnc-s and plenty of gold along the \ nba and Feather riven? At Parks' and Ousley's bars the miners are leaping rich rewards. The MonU-rey Sentinel says there are not less than six distinct veli's of silver, lead, copper, and other minerals found on the hills of tie AUsal branch in that county, and the mountains of the vteinity. Some of the ve-ins break with the lustre and granulation of cast steel. The mountains on the east side of the Salinas plains must be a highly metaliferous region, as for the last five years numerous parties? Spanish and American-have brought into Monterey samples of heavy recks, which are certainly not pure ?tone; tbev invariably have resemblance to the silver and lead mines of Mexico and Peru. What think you of tWIt seems that although but twenty miles of the Sacramento Valley Railroad *re as yet completed, two trains of ears now run regularly over the * di* tance named, and that the way travel is already a source of considerable revenue. During the month of December tbe receipts averaged about $275 per dav, while the cost or rnnning the cam is not more tliiin J-50. When the entire twenty two mile* inre ( <ronlcted,sothatthe cars connect with the stage lints it is actually estimated that the receipts of this railroad will reach $1,600 a day. And row for en item about farming. The Nevada Dimcrrijt informs i to reader that a Mr. Fean, at bigTanch in Eureka, in Nevada connty, (about two miles from Washington village,) has raised the past season 350.0(H) pounds ot potatoes. He has over twenty muk? employed in packing them to the various mining settlement* in the vicinity, Where they sell quickly at ten cents a pound. In aoalitv, they ore said to be decidedly superior to tnope Drought op from the valley. B"?idea potatoes, Mr. Fenn has raised and sold enough of other vege tables to pay all expenses of carrying on his ranch. His profltB for the past year will exceed $25,000. And noir for a dash at theatricals. At the Metro politan, in this city, they have been running the "Marble Heart," with Mrs. Catharine N. Sinclair, Edwin Booth and Henry Sedley as the btars. The Siece has drawn well, and in Sacramento filled the leatre for eighteeu consecutive nights. Mrs. Sin clair is in exceileut health, and her successful thea trical trip in the interior has given her new life and. energy. To show you how great a ftivorite she ia still, she was yesterday offered the management of the Metropolitan, for the second time, but it being her intention to leave California in about six weeks or two months at farthest, she of course declined. Edwin Booth will one day be a very great actor. He is excessively handsome in face und figure, pos seting a voice pleasing and musical to the ear, sus ceptible of much intouation and modulation, and of reat power. His acting as Raphael, in the aforesaid 1 iece ("Marble Heart"), was really wonderful, and ome of his attitudes were perfect studies. He i? ithout doubt the handsomest and cleverest (En eh clever) actor of his age (twenty-one) on the tage, and would be the best card for one of your New York managers. Mr. James Stark is going j gain to Australia. He had a farewell benefit at acramento last week, which was crowded. Mrs. tark and Mrs. Mary Woodward have leased the Union theatre. Mr. Phelps ? one of the best light (omediins in California? is the stage manager. ( Among the company are Mis* Julia Gould? once Mrs. Trevor? now Mrs. John Collins, Mr. Hann, Wilder and Miss Goddard, the English actress. Mrs. Wood ward was called out on the opening night, to re ceive tbe plaudits of the andicnce, she having pleas ed them greatly by her superb acting as Bianca. in the play of " Fazio." "No Song No Supper'' has been quite a card, Mrs. Collins singing her bal lads as Kweetly and artistically as ever. Madame Duret has made quite a favorable impression, and at the close of her engagement wi;s presented by her brother and Hater professionals with a magnificent brooch of great value, through Mr. Junius B. Booth. I append the very happy remarks of the latter named gentleman: ? D?ar Mac am, us your *npr*gement at the Metropolitan in now conclude'!, ?e, the, actrej>-ee, mihicrana and attarbis of tbe theatre, de lrous of testifying our appreciation of jour lady-like and mill de r?auor during the tic q we have liten together, take the present oppor tunity of pretenfti g this Might token of regard, ana beg jour acceptarce ot it ? not for lta intrinsic value, but lor the kindly (Veliki h which prompt t.e We are urged to this f< tnewhn* unusual tea Jmotilal of respect towari's you. lir jour klbdceFs and nmUbtllty, as those rjuali'Ua (fur which you are remarkable) tave 00 seldom been tbe attributes of those who have preceded you ia thetr pio'estional vi.ita to the<e hhores We wt?h, also, to prove to oihe-s who may succeed you that kindness and politfnesK aie never thrown away even upon the most humble cf tse profession At the tale of the Folsom estate, the other day, the American theatre, which cost $60,000 to build, was knocked down for $31,500, to a Mr. Loyd Tcvis, of this city. It was considered a great bar pain. There are many in treaty for it. The Ravels (?) have made a failure here, and why should they not ? having only Gabriel to blow the horn ? The rest are nothing. They are now at the Mines. McKean Buchanan ia and has been making money. He is an indefatigable worker, and deserves to succeed. As a general thing, he is not liked aB nn actor, indeed, a great nvany ridicule tbe idea of his playing Shaksperean characters, and I think the great secret of his success, and the leason people go to see him is the diversity of opinion as to his real merit. He bos made about 5 5,000 bete. Poor Josh Silsbie died here, at the International Hotel, after an Illness of two months. He left about $1,600 in cash, which his executors will forward to his widow. Poor fellow, I stood by his bedside the day before he died, and he said, "I feel I'm going, but it does seem hard to die so far from home, and my dear wife and child i Bat it can't be helped." His funeral was attended (as he requetted^ by his brother Masons. Lola Montez has been put in jail in Sydney. Miss Julia Pelby, Messrs. Thorn an, Hamilton, Campbell, Blake, Earl, Miss Cleavelaud, (Ohio) and Miss Pritchard (once of the Park) are playing at WearerviUe. The San Fran cisco Minstrels, underHhe management of Thomas Maguire, are doing a fine business ? Eph. Horn, as usual, the bright particular star. The splendid l>ark lsabellita Hyne was wreck ed, last week, on a sand bank some thirty miles from this city. The place is called Hair Moon Bay. She is a total loss. Messrs. Mucondray A Co. are the agents. Tbe captain and mate were drowned in trying to reach the snore. She was from Chine, with a cargo of {150,000 in goods on board. I leave for Sacramento to-morrow, from which place I will next write you. Bincon Point. Oar T<x?i Correspondence. Austin, Texas, Jan. 20, 1856. Severity of the IVinttr in Texas ? Frost and Snoto? Favorable News from the Indian Reserve ? Legis lative Doings ? The Democratic State Conven tion ? The Baltimore Platform Adopted as a Basis ? Know Nothing Gathering ? Theatrical Gossip, frc., fyc. The weather for the past four weeks has been nn prccedentedly cold, an almost uninterrupted succes sion of "northers" having blown almost daily, and the Colorado river having been, in some places, froaen over, a thing hitherto unknown within the memory of man. We also had a fall of snow on Friday. At Fort Belknap, December 30, the ther mometer was one degree below zero, the cold killing much stock, and frost biting several persons. Dr. Geo. W. Hill, ex-Indian Agent, is now in this city, and speaks very favorably of the condition of the Indians. Major Neighbors also passed a few days here on his return to the Indian Reserve, and gives a favorable account of the peaceful attitude of the Indians. In the Legislature no great things have been done as yet, a vast quantity of time having been con. sumed for Buncombe, and the members having kept np the Christmas holidays merrily; but both houses now seem inclined to work seriously, and get through the mass of business which now presses on them, so as to adjourn the 4th of February. The Fenate has passed the public debt bill by a small majority. Also, a bill giving the assent of the State of Texas to an act to provide for the payment of such creditors of the latd republic of T<?xas as are comprehended in the act of Congress of September 9, 1850. Our little city has this week been elivened by the gathering of the members of the Democratic Stt te Convention, which held its sittings in the hall of the Howe of Representatives, sadly interfering, how ever, with the public business of the State. They held their fir*t meeting on Tuesday evening, when Matt. Ward was called to the chair, and sundry speeches made preparatory to organizing, and next day organization was efl'ccted, anil a platform adopted, taking the Baltimore platform as a basis, and in the last article "cordially endorsing and ap proving the principles of the administration of Gen* Pierre, as evidenced by his inaugural address and his annual and special messages, and carried into practical effect by the leading measures of hia ad ministration." On Friday evening they adjourned, having nc initiated delegates to the Cincinnati Con vention, and electors. The meeting was a very enthusiastic one, and the members departed with unbounded hopes of the success of the democratic party in Texas, which has never betore shown so firm a front, nor been so per fectly organized. " Ham " and Sam Houston were most completely betnauled by speakers in the con vention, and some ill feelings were evincod on the attempt of Mr. Sherwood, member for (lalveeton, to thrust himself ai,d a speech on the convention, neither of which was lie permitted to do. He was objected to, on account of the obnoxious speech be delivered in the early part of the session on the sub ject ofTlavery. Other than this, tho business of the convention was conductod with the greatest harmo ny and good feeling, closing with a vote of thanks to the rbairman, who responded in s spcech of much wit and good taate. ? The Know Nothings had a gathering last night. (Saturday,) evincing that they were not " n?ed up " with all tue democratic thunder which had boomed in their ears for the last few days. They meet in convention at the capital to-morrow (Monday.) Ibis "City of the Hills "has been enlivened by the perfoimunces of the company of Antonio Bro tht is, who, in spite of the extremely inauspicious weather, were sufficiently patronized to send them on their way rejoicing. They were succeeded in a few days by Mott's circus, whose people also managed to tret a comfortable picking of " halves and quarters " from the adults and juveniles of this community. The Blakelys are now giving concerts here, and have charmed the ears of the Austinians : and r.ow the walls of the place are again placarded with the bills of MoU'b circus, giving promise of another visit shortly. What with the Legislature, the lobby members and the conventions, the city is full to repletion. Every hotel is crammed with guests, and at mea? times the doors of the dining room are surrounded by a hungry crowd, some even braving the fierce noith winds at the outer doors to secure a seat, th# tsble being only large enough to accommodate a moiety of tne anxious expectants; the bell rings, the crowd rush in, and the law is " First come flnt eetvtd, and the devil take the hindmost." Von Carl.