Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. *HOLE NO. 775a MORNING EDITION-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1867. PRICE TWO CENTS. IMPORTANT FROM EURORE. Arrival of the Atlantic with Four Days Later News. tie nuuikij^umr Increase of the Rale of Interest to Ten per Cen t. VERY EXTENSIVE COMMERCIAL FAILURES. Suspension of the Western Bank of Soot land and Dennistonn, Wood & Co. MOTHER LARGE DECLINE HI COITOX. IMPORTANT FROM INDIA. Capture of the King of Delhi and his Wife. EXECUTION OF HIS SONS. LIJCKKOW RELIEVED BY GEN. OAVELOCK. GENERALS NICHOLSON AND NEIL KILLED. NEW CABINET OF BELGIUM. BBEADSTPFTS DULL LID DECLINING. IMPROVEMENT IN CONSOLS, Ac., Ac., Ac. The OolliDB steamship Atlantic. Captain Eldridge, which left Liverpool at 4 o'clock evening of Wednesday, 11th tost. , arrived at tins port at 7 o'clock last evening. The A. parsed Cape Race on Wednesday, the 18th inst. The weather being stormy and thick, Captain Eldridge did not see the Associated Press yacht, but threw the news overboard, attached to a barrel with a (lag on the top. The A. arrived at the Hook at 4 P. M. yesterday. The Atlantic hi^ brought on freight H27 ,929. The news Is of the highest importance in a commercial point of view ? the most important we have received for gocne time from the other side of the Atlantic. A singular dispute has jurt arisen between the froe city ef Frankfort and the United Stiles of America. The police ef the former city has interdicted the residence there of an old political refugee, of the name of Froe be 1, who ha.s ?mce become an American citizen. M. Froebel played u cvrtatri part in the event* of 1848. In consequence of this interdiction he has applied to M. Reicker,the American Consul , who has threatened to break off his relations with the Senate of Frankfort if it persists in maintaining the erder of expulsion of a citi&'u of the United Slates. A note in the Paris Vays of November 7, says : ? We are informed from Ixmdou that the government of the Celestial F.mpire officially declared war against Kng land on the 12th of September. By the terms of a con rent ion concluded at Montevideo an the 23d of June last, between the Charges d 'Affaires of France and England on the one hand, and the government of Uruguay on the other, for the settlement of French and Fxglish claims for damages caused by the war, a mi*?d commission is to assemble shortly at Montevideo to take those claims into consideration. A delay of three months w allowed to persons residing in the country, and M four months for those out of it, to send in their claims, after which period none will be received. The detail* of the vote by which the Swedish Diet re reeled the royal proposition relative to religious liberty, ?r? published. The Order of Knights or of the nobles re jHCtett the measure by a majority of 137 to 78. The Order of the CI rgy rose iu a body against It without having re course to any vote. The Order ul" the Bourgeois had thirty four for. and eleven against the proposition : and th?- pe.'uanu seventy nine against and twenty wie for it. The inauguration of Sir R W Garden us I/ird Mayor of london took ylace on the 9th of November, as usual the occasion was marked by a grind banquet at Guildhall, at wh eh I .< J ) almerstou and all the leading members of Use Cabinet w. re present. The Premier, in returning tbstks for the toast to Her Majesty's Ministers, spoke In evloftrtle terms of the gallantry of the British army In India and the success which was crowning their efforts. He also warmly defended the conduct of I/trd Owning, the Governor General, and stated that there were now art many men in arms In Kngland as there were before the mutiny broke out. notwithstanding the great shipment of troops to the East. The English Ministers were all assembled In I/*fcU>n, %0'1 the Drat of a serice of Cabinet meeting* to determine* c|>on the eourae of govcrnm> ut at the ensuing wsumn nf Parliament, ww held. A weekly oommnnieatlon In t<> be established with India, '.be Higlmli government having agree J with the Peninsula and Oriental MMMMshlp Company as to the details. A Russian war Hteamer h;i- been lost In the Caspian Sea The captain, three lieutouact* and eighteen men wore druwued. There la no truth In the report circulated that Signer I?bUche ha* hart an attack of apoplexy. The great artuu la now residing on b? estate near Naples, and i? In much bitter health than he baa enjoyed for *ora<' tune part. The 'teamship Asia arrived at Liverpool at 0.30 on the mnrninK of the Mh Inst The screw steamer Antelope was appointed to leave Liverpool for Portland, direct, oti Thursday the in-t. The steamer Kangaroo arrive*! at Liverpool at 0 o'clock m the morning of the 11th lnnianL IMPORTANT FROM INDIA. The Kngllah In Complete Po? e? Ion of Delhi? larrrnrtrr of the King? Death of Of nrral* Kh ho I son Knit Nell ? Relief of Ltteknow by Hurrlnrk-PnriaH of the Hepoy* ? lie volt In the Bombay Pratdenry. The following telegraphic despatch wan received m morning of the Hth iwtact, at Lbe Foreign Office, Ion ter ?? Aixxarmua, Vov. 8, 1*67. , The steamship Rtndoetan arrived at Sueg from CMcutta cm U><- 6th tnet, with Calcutta dates of Mh. Madras 14tb, and dalle i*th of October. The steamship Emeu arrived at Sue* from Australia 00 the .Vt met . having been on ehore near Aden. Delhi, which fell Into onr hand* on the JOth Septemb?*,| waa entirely occupied on the fist, and the whole of Iho ?n*?ny expelled. In th? Mean It of the 14th <11 officer* and 1 ,178 men, be ?ng one third of the storming f??rce, killed and wounded. Oeoeral Nicholson had died of hla wound* on the 21rt The oM King, "aid to he 90 year* of age, surrendered to rkpt Hodgson and bis cavalry, about 15 mile* south of Itolhl. lie wae accompanied hy hla chief wifj. Their tivea were spared Two of hie tone and a grandson, ale > cafttnred hy Ospt Hodgson. about Ave mllee from IMhi were ehot on the ipot. and their bodies brought to tho cny and expoeed at the police "ffice. Two moveable columns were <lee patched from Delhi on the tad, in pursuit of the en-my. By aecounte from Apr i "we column appear* to har ? reached the neighborhood of Allyghaor, and the other thai of Muttra, on the 2Rth of Sep Wtnbev. General Ha v lock, with 2. 500 men. crossed the Ganges from Okwnporo, on the 19th of September and relieved I eeknow garrisoif on the 3ft'h, just as II wae ready he blown up by the besiegers. On the 90th the ?nerny's intrendiment* were stormed, and on the 29th * hrge part of the city waa taken. Four hundred and ?fty killed and wounded. (ienersl Nell wae killed. ihere hae been a slrbt riemg of lb* rebels near Nas eack in the A mbay Preetdescy, In the sappreaeion of whKb l.ient Henry, ol the polk-o, waa killed. The Ma. I ras troops defeated th# mutineers of the MM, neat K?-mpleo, and hilled 1 to. a native of Ricer and * ?epoy having bee,, convicted of treason, wero blown away from the guns at Rem bay ,m tAe 15th October. Predatory tribes In the Punjab, between Moultan and I , l*h<?" had given some trouble lately, but Ute d'aturb aace av^ tra lo bars been suppressed. 0C8FATCU TO m INDIA HOCtfR. JkucxAWonu, Nov. 6, 1S57. I>lhi wan entirely tot our pouuesmon on the 20th of Sep tember. The King and Queen captured on tho 21st by Lieut Hobson. Two of the Klng'tj hoik were killed The mutineers have gone towards Rholcund and Muttra, and some to Oude, being followed by our troupe. Mr. GreaUied , Commissioner of Delhi, died on the lttth of September of cholera, and Gen. Nicholson on the 23d, of wounds received in the assault. Locknow relieved September 25. Our loss wan severe?about Ave hundred killed and wounded. General Neil wan among the killed. The relief wa? just in time, the enemy having advanced tMkr mines, which would have placed the garrison at tlletr mercy. The Maliva country is in a destitute state. Bhopawur has been burnt. Forces are moving towards Mhow. All is quiet in Scinde, but the slate of the frontier id not aatuifi-jctoiy. * General Jacobs proceods immediately to Scinde. There has been on outbreak of Chcc)e6 and a plot dis covered in Bombay. The Deecan and Southern Mahratta States are all quiet, ae also the Xiz&nui country and Madras Residency. BY TKLBOHAPH FROM LONDON. Litoipool, Nov. 11 ? P. M. Government has roceived telegraphic advices a fort nighi later from India. It in confirmed that Delhi wan entirely occupiod by the Europeans on the 21 Ht of September. The old King of Delhi surrendered , with hin chief wifo, and their lives were spared. His two sons and a grand son were shot. The garrison at I.ucknow was relieved, and a large jiart of the city taken THE MONEY CRISIS. Another Advance In the Rate of Interest? Kxtenstve Failure* In London, Liverpool and Ulangow ? The Crista on the Continent. THE LONDON MONEY MARKET. [Krom the I/>ndon Times, Nov 10.] The Bank of England Iuiiy to-day ( M<mtlay) raited their charge for discount from 9 per ceftf ? which was aJujiedon the 4th imt ? t? 10 per cent Thin movement wan considered certain, and regret may lie felt that the last change was limited to a lower point. Whether it will prove sufficient to cheek the deiermina tion of each discounter to provide himself witli two or three times or much as he wante. is doubtful. While a cry if attempted to be raised that the rate now reached is such as to create intolerable inconvenience, the demand at the Bank shows each day that, so tar from incon venlence to the trader in providing for his orumtry re quirements, it does not even produce sufficient effect to prevent him grafpmg at an uunecesi-ary amount. Tho fact is, no one with sufficient credit to obtain discount at all cares in the least about an additional 6 per cent for a month or two. For a single month the difler ence is He. 4d., and every oue feels that be lore the lapse of that time the worst of the trial will be over. In rigid justice, so long as any uuinbcr of tlio mercantile body are found to play into the hands of the panic makers it would be satisfactory to see the rato carm-d to ?20 or 26 per cent, or any |>oiut that would at la.- 1 be re garded at an outlay not safely to be Incurred in unreasoning s.i tidiness. Tbu# far let it be recorded that tho working of our currcncy system has been perfect, and ha-i upheld us ui a position to command the admiration of the world. Under no circumstances could any currency system be open to auy other than two objections ? tirst, that it has led to a rate of interest which no ordinary merchant could even temporarily bear; and, secondly, that ttnot only has led to a crushing rate of interest, but that it has caused the necessary accommodation to be refused even at that rate. Will any one venture to say that 10 per cent is a ruinous rate ? In common times In the United States this is aliout tin average charge, and it now ranges there betwuen 24 and 00 per cent, our own idea of a full rate is 6 per cent; but surely the lowest profit* of our business must be & per cent, and hence a temporary sacrifice of profits must be the worst that can occur from the payment of 10 per cent. The effort* therefore, to create fright by pointiug to this charge would be ridiculous if they were not dangerous, but a siugle lu natic in a crowd ot ten thousand sane people may throw everything into ooufusion. With regard to the " soeond point ? the refusal of ac?ommodattou at auy terms ? is any one prepared with this complaint? S> far from accotnrao dation having been refused, it lias been extend* 1 The rtiM ifUntt <f th< dank during the past threr mtedct hatf b> en Jar hrynd their usual Itmi/J. and thr notes in th>- han-it if I thr f utile consequently ?*' . rit Uy a milium or tuxi the U4a I in tite a year hick when prices of pmluce i eere about 30 percent higher and our t ran* a tion* were bring enlarged in all di rations The only twochargi s, therefore, that could ever be available against any possible curreuoy system are not to be heard, and the whole that the clamorers against the Bank Charter act can allege is, that at a ttBie when all trie civilized uatious of the earth are frantically struggling for bullion it has enabled the British public, instead of suffer ing from a contraction, to enjoy the use of more than a million in excess ot the highest amount I hey ever really want, wen when trade, instead of undergoing, its at tins moment, a rapid contraction. Is steadily expanding if the Bank Charter act ? which every man with a sense of national pride should strenuously uphold ? is to be threat ?Bed. let it be clearly explained in what point It has failed. That it may fail to keep off |nnu: when in the midst of a storm, tiiere is a determination on the part of a multitude of UMurista disappointed by the recent ex posure in Parliament of their silly crudities t. produce It, every one knows, and a time mignl .xnn- Alien. a fitting infliction for their dupes, it would he gratifying, except for the public disgrace of such an event, to see their wishes (minted. If in the midst of a rush for extra and unneeded aooommodatmn at the rate of 12 or 1ft per cent a government letter could have the effect of stopping the mania and sending the rate back to * the lesson wooW, perhaps, operate "ti those who had Ovcrprovtde I them selves at the enhanced price with more force than any argument. The tundf to day have again shown a doirree of i nea* that indicate* in a remarkable manner .otonly the general feeling of i onflili in c whk'h, notwithstanding thn *evertty "f the crtala, Mill prevail- through, i it the ooub try, bat al*o the ibtuwluw of capital available Tor ail mmm mvantmata. The intimation of th? futan of Meaara. Denuiatoun exerciaed do other effect than that of cau-mjr ton*ol* t <? open at a decline of nn eighth. an ' the movemt-n* <if tb<' I ante to tO i>er ceot j?r< ? only a further full of a quarter, from which tbcre ww ultimately a reaction. The Brat tram acltow" In < <>n?"ls for mm| were at MJi, to Thry ib< n remained for aouM lime al MS to *4. whoobe 00 the breaking op ol the Hmi k Court there wax a decline to H* ?, . *U<r-k %?ttig nffi rwl at that price. A partial recovery *<?>ii uecttrri-d. and thn laat ope rat, una were at *? ^ f<?r money, and CV to I, for th'- "th of T)ecemt>er. After regular hour* there *?> a farther imprm emeat of nvwc than an eighth, although the failure of the Wnxtern Ituik of rtroi lund then transpired flank alock clowed at '20<? Ui 'ill re din ? .I ?7 v, Ui i? . new three per cent*, *TS 1" V India *t<* k .10 to 213. India t"Dd* . AO*. to 4<>- 1 i-eount , and Exchequer lull" 'Jim to 17*. discount Ike fuethep I rin graph %e mMca fnm Amrrva received in the city lAw of teetu 11 N prtrfmced <1 p??-< effect. The exportation of stiver to tht Vju-i ace ma u> have re cetved a complete che< k. At pfwnt -cwroely any thing te engaged to go hy the next HtoaaMV, except the ?*fcl,0(J0 on at i ount ot the haat India Com, ?i y. [Trom the Umdon Tltitea, Nor 11 ] The quotai,.? ot gold at Part* i* a lout 7 per mllle pr # m'-im. and the abhrt exchange on loodon M tt 3i.H P*r ?1 aterling On<omp*rmg theae ran n with liie Fjig i*h Mint price of tei IT*. 10 S?d |?<r ounc- 'it standard fold. It appear- that gold to about 1 1Mb per coat dearer iu l*ar? than Ut I nndcti Ity Mlvtoe* fro? Hamburg the price of goU In 434 per mark, and the ahort cx< Imm* on Loo don in 1.14 s per tl aterlmg standard gotd at the K.uglwh Mint prtoa i* Uierc fore rearly 1 10th per cent daarer in Loudoa Uuut iti Hamburg. The quotation of the 'xrliange at New York on Ismdott for bill* at ?>0 day*' light in start 1<K? per cent fiw It rat Cl<w t>aper. bnt pru ne much below th it are named for o?h?r?1e*cription* The rtee in the rate of tltnoowrt h'-re MilO^ereent will, however, prevent any profit oa the ?tin?mi"KMi of gold from Una roimtry If a tutnparteou ut made with theabore |irtoe of ItKt Mr cent. The funda have ah<mn absolute buoyancy to day. (Taea day.Nff?. 10.) and hav# cloned al a further OOWkterahle advaM*. In mercantile qturtera. alao, there baa perhaps been rather leaa nnettlneea, and the tendency to a partial recovery nt ronfldenre would tvive been stronger but for ? manlfi'*tatiou of hanking dirtrnet at tila^gow, in ootue quencr of the c!u*ing yesterday of the Western Bank of Bcotlaari The attempt^ to ereatc altrm at tbn high rate of dieconat, tn order to niitatn an unlimited laaoe of notea, aeem to have dim ;n wheel, reKfiectablfl traders l>eing un willing to aTOW l iilier that the) are ao deatitute of rapt tal ax to b? aertonaly imperilled by the e tinting cbirge* or that tbelr object Ih to induce the gov emment to rro?te an artiftcial rebound in (he pru ea of produce at thecost of the coiiKumer. t<>ti?<>la for mone> . wha h let t ml yrwtor da> al "as - were Brat quoted M4, ti> Moat at the broken betng huyrra of at? rk on behalf of the public, a further advance then took place to W? Thi* waa foikiwed byareaitein to t?*\to',.at w li h they re ?tamed to the official cloee. hut alMoat immialiateljr aflei warda tranaai tions occurred at *><', to S9 for money, and to \ tor the 7th of !???? ember. At a later hour ther< ana another audden adntxit), and barga na wcro effe< ted for the areoont at The DuhI price, however, a ia to JK> The temporary rebtps(- tn?m the ttrat n?r tn the morn In t; waa conaequetit apod a denund for gold fcr tran^mlaaion to hanka ut tilaxgow. wlnle to explain the ultimate animation % variety ol minora wern circulated, among which waa on" that a decree bad be.-n i.wiued in Paris for an immediate ln< readh of the circulation by mean* of atnall not?*a, and aaother "that (tie ijpMtod Indian topdekw bail arrived, and were of a very lavora bk- 1 haracier. f?ne aolution consisted in the atatement that some ntnntwt* of a lock will have lo be bought buck finr a apeculator who baa been aalltng heavHy , m l ? bt? will he unatde tomorrow lo meet hi* dilfrrenroa It waa nettling day . and in the flock exchange during the arrangement of khe a<-c>.iint the rate for loana on gorern ment se, uritlea waa about 9 per cent, but at a later hour the demand I ik reaaed. Bank ghn k lefl oft at UIW to 211 . Redm ed, IT W l<> tavj, new Thrae per OdiU, as to ||; India at<>. k, 310 to 213. ltidin bonda. Ma. to 4o<< dtacouni and V'Jtcbequer hi I la. 24 a. to ITa. dtarouM There ?< re m> told withdraw ila from the tiank to-day fof tijvrtaltoB, but w < mgug to tb? amount of JU>W,0W) or ?400,000 wore token for transmission to Scotland, tbe fall of liif Wok torn Bunk having caused a run upon noma of the other principal hanks at Glasgow .out elsewhere, in cluding oven the savings bank*. It is reported Uiatamoug the leading merchants in the north toe announcement Of the event yesterday created neither surprise nor agi tation. The temporary inc*ii vouieuce among depositors and note holders must, however, be extensive and severe, while the shareholder* , about one thousand throe hundred In number, many of whom arc women and per ho as of small income*, out of trade, will, it may be feared, in ?e veial cases suffer almost complete ruin. The fixed uhuo allowed to the bank under the act of 1844 w.u? ?137 .WW, and the extinction of this, estimating a reserve of oue third in gold to have bevn kept against it, will be equiv t lent to a contraction of ?'?2b,vi2 in the circulation of the country? an event aa undenrabie at the moment aatiin loss of so much bullion. A circular was addressed yesterday by the manager of ibe Western Hank <>l Scotland to the various agents of that establishment, notifying itn stoppage and explaining the circumstanccs which had led to the disaster. It is ail in t ted that for some years past, under the laAu manager, a system of overtrading has been carried on through the facilities allurdtd by the system of redlscouBting. luxklps credits were, given f? customer* tit (Ibuguw. and a correspondent in .few York was alUaoed to >imC ivlnatw* on securities and la draw bill.' on the bank Irately, ou in investigation being instituted into some of the largest ad vance account#, it was found that the houses to winch they had been made were utterly insolvent, and that a large lots to the bank was iuevituble. The debtors went into bsnkruptcy, (he America n panic came on at Uij same time, depueits began to be withdrawn, and. dually, when the hour of prossure arrived the usual result was witness ed, and the lirms in London who had hitherto promoted the financial system or the concern suddenly found it expedient to discontinue the rc discounts oil which it had relied. Application for assistance was then nude to the lVink of Scotland. Tin: Bank of Scot land consulted the other Edinburg hanks and the Union Bank of Scotland, who declined granting any aid until an appeal had been inivio. to t'te Bank of Kngland. The lUnk ol Kngland,of course, refused to interfere. The Scotch banks then offered ?*00,000. but on condition that a wind ing up should tkko place. This was peremptorily resisted, and the ?600,000 wits ultimately g' anted without cundi tion. During the delay, however, many of the customers ol the bunk had begun to withdraw their deposits, and an application lor further aMistance was soon found necessa ry. This met with a decided negative, anil the stoppage accoruingly took place. The. directors do not give up all ho|)e of the possibility of a resumption, and a general meeting is to be held m <<la: gow at an early day. Mean while arrangements are to be attempted lor the retire ment of the not? circulation, and if possible, of small de posits. Foreign stocks have been moderately dealt in, the only alteration of importance being a recovery of ahoutone half per cent in Turkish. Speculativo transactions con tinue limited. In the foreign exchanges this afternoon a considerable rife took place in the rales upon all the priuci|>al place*. In most instance* the (nmtaiiimt sho wd a wide, range, in ferior paper being regards I with great d entrust . awing Ut the serious dijficulties occas ioned in all jtirU of Me outline nC try the Am -man crisis The privaf letters from New Vork by the Asia are all of a better tone than the newspaper accounts. Owing to the influx of specie the banks were believed to content plate resumption at a very early date Annexed is an extract of a letter from one oi" the soundest and least tau gmne merchants in the country: ? The spccie now on the way will not nmke much, a* sterling is very scarce, and no good bills can be baduiu - .' lofi to Inf. it ml I expect next week they will lie I UK tfpoei.! Is worth only shout iiur cent premium. 1 am happy to say, w ith the exception ol the dry fools Interest, there is a better feeilsg IB all branches of trade. The wholesale grocers ?n; doing more business, and the bauks diseouui more freely, t.ot, as a mutter of course, are very careful what paper th-ry lake. If nothing very bad eomcs from Kngland I think the worst is over. Should we receive within th" next month half ? million sterling in gold from Kurope we shall have u> ship It back again In January. At a meeting ol the in uiiigcrx of the I/indon joint -dock banks ttob afternoon it was resolved with one exception, not t<> it, cre;u-e the rate of allowance for deposits beyond the existing point of 8 per cent. The Commercial Kink will gram 9 per cent on the deposits at present in its hands, but will not allow more than 8 upon any that may be brought in future, the London and County will give only 8, but will offer its customers (who may have expected it always to follow within 1 per cent of the Iiaiik rate of discount) the option of receiving back at once all they have already lodged. Messrs. Over end, Gurney k Co , and other leading discount houses, will limit their rates for money at 8 |ier cent at cill and 8*4 |ier cent with seven days' notice. The raitway market ha* boon depressed, especially at the close, owing to large tema f<U -ale? on account of the failures in the North and the position of the Scotch bunks. I luring the present pressure dealers are disposed to hunt their transactions, and hem< any forced realization, Uow ever small, occasions a reduction. In AinTicao sec iritics Illinois ('? utral ami Pennsylvania Central receded. Canada Government bonds were also quoted at a reduction of 1 In mine* the late advance m Alfred consols was not fully maintained Joint ~t?x k bauks were <iutet. In unscadla neous securities Kuglrnh and Australian Copper, Crystal la luce. and National Itiscmmt declined, and l>>udon (?euo rsl omnibus showed greater firmness. yrOTATIO!** rOR j(*KRt<W RAILWAY*. Railirayi I'lntitijl f'rti "nTuTla 70 to 73 70 to W> lrito 12 flM?. 7ft to M 76 t4i HO 10 lo 100 45 Ut 66 S7 to M : 6 to '.6 7(1 to HO Ht; lo mo 70 U) 74 M to tfi 40 u, 50 18 to H HO to R4 h.i U> M HlMtlM H Ikn lllaiota tVntrai ?'?, lh"6 l o. 7 per cent, 1R76 | 70 lo 73 | 73 J>o do. f. 1. 1H00 I>o. $10<l *ha. . $40 |*1 | Id to Igdto. I H 16 dn. Mm hlgan Central R'a, ltWtO. . Ito. 1 W9 Do. l??? (*ur) I>o. #100 nliaroe Mich. 8 k V lnd , 7'a, '86 l>o. #100 share* X. York Central ?'k, 1RS.1 I ?< ? 7>, 1HA4 Ik>. Ilnf ahirey | 70 lo 74 | 70 N. V. k Erie 3d ml 7'a, '83. Ho. (a I fu ), 1*76 I)o. 1 100 MIM l'etin.Cen. IVln Ut mt. 6*. l"o. ?d luft. , 0 aterg (From the LobHoo Chronicle. Nov. 11.] Each duy now tells with increasing force what the real meaning and effects of an unprecedented rai< of discount is titling foe the commercial iatereets ot this country. Sa'e* of produce are no longer ptwatble except at ruinously ,ow (irlci B, supar tor Instance being down In price from 'J0? to 24c per cwt., or CtO |ht ten. Saltpetre, rice, nvula, and other article* but coffee, are alNO down conaidet ihly Tlie rtieii mule InlnrNti of ibe covatr; cwmi fall to perceive that wo are a* we have long been, lighting in their against the evil* of the P' mmM bank i barter, and that w thin the last woelt or two, ouraelve* aud the cluimpiori id the ljondon prena oi that charter, have brought forward aimoai every argument for and against wlucti bear* upon the miojert. The hour of trial, how ever, to at band; there to an increasing pressure again-t which the bank charter la utterly |>oworlc*8 to aave the country tmr cotemporary to day write* ?-'Will anyone vent ire to aay that 10 per cent (duo ount) to a ruinous rater" We answer both )e* and no It I* not rumoii* in itself aa a mere matter of no mnch per cetit f?.r the 0?e of fimney? certainly not--bnt It w ruinoi- by rea.-?.n ol the effort* it pro luces It i? a fart that the tmnk t* throwing nut bill* fiom each batch pre settled for difKMint, on the plea, It will be *atd, that there to *u*ptr?m *tta< bed u> them. In aome miim lit ip may b? ao, but not in all. It t* a fart that the present rate ol 10 per cent fl*e<l by the Bank of England shut* out a large number or pertooa from dtecount altogither. li w a f?t that Una high rate for money hi- ao C, implicated businee* by increasing the dtilk ultie* of obtaining assistance, that pre! iter K l; (M*r if"trn fra'fvllf in pricr, ikr fall in lUffttr tftft nlny ann inriap bring fr>m ft*. I<> 10?. ftrf rwl . aril it R morally certain that shortly nomr produce wiU be unsaleable at any reasonable Inre, indeed, it is an already in the > o? sugar It ia a fact that tk* pr. tti.i rrHriftirmt <tt' l-r\nfing fUrum mftraMxU htturi right ami I- ft; hoti-e* aound to day are rotten to morrow, He i ,ia*e oi the non payment ot debt* due to them tt in a luitber fa< t. that all thai commotioa. and the rfcw In the rate of di 'ount, i* almply Inmi?? the hank it lining gold, and la tryii.g to et?>p the 4rain It i? n?t with the view ?r arreetUig *peculaiion. which. If allowed hi el tend, would creatJ i-ommerclal liiflwultle*. lU rffrrtt, hnwrvrr , arr u> /crialyc triuU, amd far*' tt/rm i u ? onwaircvi/ rrtto, tcktrk it turn' \nntltiUt. tbir conlemi'orary Turtber oh aerwa? "A tem|?irary aacriflce of |iroflita raunt be th? wneM that <an occur from the (layment of lo per cent.'' Were the matter no more than a in or 12, or In percent charge, tin* would be true, bat we have J <*t ?bowti that It m not a qw ation of no mm b Alecoutit . wht'h *?Mjld, in a't, be paid by tl?e C'ui?umer, but of the destruction of both ca pilal and proflt* It I* in rain to *hlrk the plain and real qMlUol l?<fore u*. S'phwtry av 'r ?o pl#o*ible, r*nn ?? hide tti* alartlltm facte before u?. the reeulU of thH high charge for dt-oounle, to which the commercial internal* are indebted t?> the book charter. The market for the hngliab ftinded ?ernniie* haa been extremely buoyant to day, not withstand Dg the vary tm favorable *tate of affair*. The market for :-on?il? opened al Wt?, for m?mey They went up to W4, and back to *9%, an 1 finally be ame *till more b<ioyant very l?te tn the afternoon. For the Proem her account, fixed for Uie 7th , they were operated in at down lo M1*. and tip to W after thn regular houra of btwlnes*, and flnilly were quoted at RM to R#JI| for money, and R0?j( to RJ?|( for the accnmi. Tli?' cause* of ihm extrmrdinary rwe were ?eversl The aettlement of a heavy hear MM mint in the tlr*l of the exi dement waa the primary can*e, followed late m the day by the annonnrement thai the Aaanr.ial difllf ultlee In W ince are to lie nv t by the 1-t^ne of 6<?f notes, and a report of the Indian news being in with ac Qount* c) tk - relief of l.ucknnw. atel th< entire aupprea Won 1 1 the mutiny, and lactly, by n large account of con an I* for about ?160, f*!0 bring bought In againat one of the vjiecolator* for the fall. The commercial at>pe. t of alf nra eld not appear to have nny weight whatever with the dealer*, who apperred incline | to Iganre the existence of any pre-rure <mt of door*, or the probability of further coromorvial dim tera. fFrom the l/mdon Tnet, Nov. 11. J Tlie aettlement ot the account in the Kngimh fin Is ha* chi> fly influenced the rtarkct lo day, and the ten leticy of price* b*" been upward*, in consequence at a<'V>ral '?tw-ar ' account* of magnitude having bee* closed. The etp- ctatien of the receipt of favorable Intelligent-" by the mail from India, the telegraphic nummary of Which to now ho i#y exjs'f let! had the effect of atrengtlien ng the ume of the markat ilurmg the greater part of the day md prwn were at one lime ni>arly per een? above the ? kieing quotation* i,f yeatrrday Culisrquently , how< ver, a report'obtained cofrent v that the propriety of a further rtoc in the rate of d ount waa under the consideration of the bank authorise*, uid the market left oil rather hrnvily ?t the dosing (|unt?i en? of last evening, f or money ?OtiMto have bi'-n dealt in at *''??. ilj^ gn<l for thy cow account, w Uit.U ?\inaiviic?4 today and will terminal" on tho 7th December, the dealing* havo been at ft'.i', >j '* >? V; tho. pricon at tho close of tho regular bu^me*s be.n? M?V \ r..r money, and ^ for the account- Afterwards th.-i?- was h little more firmness, iiOil consuls left ott at ,iej nearly as pos-dhle IWillk hl'M k has b?*u sold Hi 210 11, *11, 1 India ?t'H k at 210 TTie | 3 p??i oenU reduced mark 8'i S' &?*' 7??. and llt?* uew 3 par , oo| it* R7*? S H. Tin? l?jug Annuities, terminating In 1W0, WdeiuwjIJ; lints*- fo; 30 yjurs, expiring lit th same period, 2><; uwl those fur ;10 yearn, ending iu IfWV 17. Hie Exchequer bill mark'-l luis auain been much do . pressed, tho bills for ?l ,000 having boon sold at Us. and ! ?24k rtis- ; those for ibo o .it l"< and (he small bills at j and 17s. Sjuio Inuuicm touk place in the Exchequer ' bonds due in 1669 at 07 V The of thn rate nf discount to 10 per cent by the Bank of Kngiand yesterday has not boea attended by the 1 slightest diminution of tfi" pressure on tho establishment The discount IiOOikm au l tli? joiat stock banks appear to be quite ai a los? what to d<> with resjiect to the allowance*) ! t<> made ou money plac- d witii thom for employment. Tho chief uf the joint stock buAks (with the exception of the Union Haiik of London) Lave dccidcd that on money placed with them previously to yesterday they will aliow it per cent, but on all amount.-; subsequently rMMiTod, tho rate of intnrcst Rhail bo ? per com under the minimum rate of the Hank of Kngiand The Ixmdon Discount Oom jaoy gives (*y per cent tor tuouey at call,iuMl 9)^ with (?even day*' notice, whilst thu National Discount Com pony decline to take money at call unions at lower terms, and allow 9 per cent for sum? at short notice. The older dH count establishments, it is understood, have made noal teration in their rates, and are well supplied with money. SUSPENSIONS, ETt:., IN EUROPE. [From London and Uvcr|iool papers to Nov. 11.] In Liverpool two more laiiurcsare announcod, the tirms being these of Messrs. Douglas and W osteon, merchants and shipbrokor*; and Mr. A. fc, Byrne, who la engaged in tho Canadian wood and shipping trade, lloth houses wero r expectable. The acceptances were returned on Monday of Messrs. Uoge and Williamson, of Liverpool, correspondent* of Wil liam H jge k Co., of New York. The senior partner was considered to have large property in America. We rog ret to announce that Messrs. <)glo & Co. , of Pre* ton, who have been extensively engaged a? engineers and iron shipbuilders, havo tins week suspended payment and closed their works. We cannot learn with correct nees the atuouut ol' their liabilities, but a meeting of their creditor* will be held in Manchester on Tuesday next, when we shall Icatn the exact amount. The (Stoppage will throw out of work several hun lred hands. The satisfactory Intelligence has been received from h'bfAeld, that the liabilities ol Messrs Nay lor, Vu leers &. Co.,iii8tcad of amounting to 11,000 ,000, as reported in some quarters, do not exceed ?460,000 or ?500,000, iuid that tin other Arm in the district is likely to be brought down by their suspension. Some of the princi|>al creditor* are in *? weden , and the only ri'it? for delaying till the 24th instant the meeting at which a precise statement will be presentt-d, is in order that representatives of those par ties may be present. It is understood that the stock of iron held by the (Irm in Amerita and Knglaud is worth ?*70,000, arid that every debt owing to them ill America is ot a character on which any sound and prudent hoitse ro t ht have implicitly relied. Tlie blow, thorefore, ha* been one of the most sudden that h.ts ever fallen on any Biercantile establishment, and it is believed that the en tire proceedings connected with it, instetd of damaging the future reputation of the partners, will add to tho con fldence hitherto placed in them. The suspension of the firm of Hennistoun t>). t'mk place on Saturday, the 7th iie-taut. It is one of the l.irg est 111 niri cOBtiected with tliu American trade iu Great Hritain. Their liabilities, it is feared, cannot bo much short of ?i, 000, 000. These are spread, however, very extensively . and it may tlvrelore be hoped will not fall ou any particular district with stu b force as to cause further heavy disasters. Me-tsrs. l)oiiuist<>un have houses : in New York and Sew OrleaM, ami the almost total cessation of remittance* froo< those points ha* rendered i their st< ppage unavoidable. The head establishment is iu (iht-g' w where it Las existed upwards of seventy yoars, and tliore.are brain In * in Liverpool and Ixmdon. At Mel bourne, in A us ti alia, they have ?s ? rre*iHindenUi Messrs. Deunistouii Ki others k Co., hut happily that Arm will not l>e compromised. The private property of the partners iu real estate and other possessions Is known to b'' of great magnitude, and it -cms scarcely possible that even under the worst ctrccms Unoes the:r embarra-isnicnt can be more than U'ln ? iry. Aj though anxiety has been felt with regard to tl.< tn for several week* past, their honora hie standing ha:' never for a it: iini'iit been ealled in que* ton, and there will be on all sides a disposition U> pro mote every arrangene nt that may bo calculated to lia-i-n the |ioesiliility ol a complete resumption. Subjoined U tho circular issued:? Nov. 7 ? Wf have the painful duty of Informing you thai I <?ir eatabl >Lllirnti ill till* ruuulry aie obliged, by ihe nlm'Ht I entire auapenaion of in-ir uhu O muitUHM from (bf llmtwl st*t??, lo io>k ><iu mill i In- r other credHom to allow ilvm tiniii for the pu> li>' ii of ih-lrdebia. Tin- neceaaliy h *a ?ri?ei? *?> recently out of 'be monetary crtaia lo America, that It ia not in our power wi *ay immediately what ladulgeace We may require, bat while awaiting farther ulvleea fron> abroad we will pluo our book" tn Ihe linn *e ? >1 w. I! known aocountanta tnl.tndon nnl (ifaumow, *.ih? view lo pr?,>arii full nuite np'tiio ol our affair*, and we pmpiac railing a innetiug of oui .?rt dl'ora In lioiidim "n ihe carlo-at pmwtbTe (lay, wh-u we hope to lay before you aut b a propoaal aa will incut witb your n|>l>rol alion tiurbnaaeaof liennntoun, Wood A Co., ?f New York. ami A. and J llcnii'-.uuii A ("o . ol NV# Orleana, ?n' Mention) weh th?- bouaea in (irrat llritaiu bu' 'h ? home of 1 tennis oun, Brotle rr A Co , of Melbourne, la a iIMIikI emtljlialinicuL J A A HKNMHIOI N oftiiaagow. AI.KX \NI'I- H l?KNMHT*?t'N A <o , of Ueerpool. UKNNIKTtll N. fKueN Aid, ot lam Ion. On lion lay the auapenaion wax alio announced of MMrt, Bronooh, Tw.'iiiymnn anil KikK. Of London and j MinrbtrW, a rt-)HM table hiwiw, largely engaged tn tho Mlk trade a- agent* Their lulilhtie* range from ?.''*l,0" ' In JUitiO.Mxi. and tber fall, it i.i aai I . will probably m volve thai ot four or live (trtns with whom they are i:ou Heeled in the tiimuifiu lui ill*, diatt icta The ogive* of the difficulty are stated in the ana-sod nrmlar:? M> Fmn.?v ?m*tT ti? don, No*. 9. IW. We are re?]ue?'e?i I y our rib nt*. HennaOh, Twen t> man .V Rfctf. of Wood at reel, In tola ,uty and of Waif 'heatar, to Inforat yon tint. In eonaequrn< ?? of the heavy h.Iudwh tb. \ have made apoa good* ipHally i re pared for the vme i iran and o'her market*, for which there i? no prewnt d tnand, Of lo^?.'? *u?talue?t Oy re. .nt failure* in the mimifac turin? dta'r < -e. and ol ihe a tul.ien depreciate m In be value of ailk.ofwhi.h M' ??r? It* nao< h. Twmuinau A Ktgg arc Urge holder*, they are compelled to .tnnmuce their inability u> Bret tbeir ? iKif' tnrn:*. Meeera Parirtngion. I .adbnrj .1 . of K ing utree' account aaU, have been laatracted by the principal credible* to e> anuto Meaeea Kennoch A On.'a in?ilia and prrpnea aide n rni of ihrir attaira, ?hirltthey will aiilunit n? e irly a? p >a aibt* to a general mccttag mt the We'iktora, of which 4uo no Uc< will lie glvru to smi KKKI>, t.AK(iroHI) A MARHUKV, Another hotuo- tn lie addeil |u III' lint lit Uint of UoMm Iirotwlwiiy A liarrliiy, K'ict Jmiia iui I groeral tnercluiit? T lie liabiiitMM Iti iWa caa? at e HupytMati to resell 41*0,000 or t'/OO.utm Iho flaaaea of the Mupiwgo are a it rioted, but it (nay be nup|? ?? ed to lie OMMCtod Willi the decluio iii all a< ti< lea ol piodure. Hie b'tU'ia from Main he<ter ftaU" that th* firm of Mnaii Hiwlfiiy l*aMi?iai > f'u , tain n printer- and mer thMU. ol Maurhe*tt r anAtilanguw, haa UiU-d, with mu ?nlerabla llabiltlie*. It la a verted that the bill holder* under the <-?Ut<! of V< ?ar? . Ttaatim, llngglax W ar< A ' <? have acr?X'd to ?r <? 1 1 the term* propped at the prt'\ kiaa meeting, and tlmt the (aweraot the tiji?pertor- hart Imm'u more clearly do ftlHO The er#?lllcr?i of Mwari W k- 1 Summeraklll, aillt mi nufw luri ra, have rii eiv<i an otler of in tbn pouud, |a?) aide by it?talM*'Ull at t?<> and four motitha. hut it liat put b??a Dually a< opted Hie unae< urt?l debt* amount to ?M,t;<Ni and lh? aaaeie to A xtatf m> tit of tin allaira of Me- r? .1 ? Her A fY> . ailk ttian .lHi turn ? al? w* an amountduc to cre<litor? of ?N,rtOO, ami .i>.?etw D.Mhi The oaly imi<irtaiit failure announri-l io da* (Nov 10) ban lie* n ?t f.iver|ool. the firm l?-.iig of Moanr*. H. I. I'abrorkftnd (o. With lion-en al-o at tilaaffftw u?d New York They hate been brm ithl d wn by tin? ali-etire of rrtamaarea, and lh< tr liai ea are eabaaterl at alaeit ?^OU,0Ofl. At tlie tari balain ? ot (Ml Ixxika in May they liad a nur plu? of ?15o.<<*l aiiil, although their |iri>fa>fly baa a lure auBered rt?-prer lat am , they feel confident not only of lieitig able t? pay m full, but that a oocaHlerable gum will remain to th. m Tlir failure of Me^ra. Henry fhitllb and fin , aim In the American iraiie at l.iveTjad.i, t?*ik pla? e Nov 9 In liondua the atrpfaig' b.i N-cii .uinoiitioed of Menar*. Joei|bli<d ?tid H>n>. -ilk mamifa> tureM but Un> I la bibtiea are n?t wnnw-ed t?> ? treed C?> otto, and little iloubt aerma to be etit. rtaitied that the aa-rt.u are ampl" to pay ?b? in the |anind. Anneieil la the < ircutnr liaaetl ? St>ariT?i h?ii-?m? 1-mwloa, Nov. lo. iiw; It I* nnr palnfnl du'j to la! t b you iIimi, owing to the fail urc of our l<oadnn ro'mmtaaioa agent*, ami 'h conneaueut certain return of ikeir a<-eepiance in our favor, we h?*e felt it neceaaary IO aaaprnd our payairma i mr book" h i\ ini{ Keen r> gnlsrl) kept and b?l*ne?'d. We entertain no doubt Uoi ooi w llWaa ting ear loaaea. we ah. II lie able not ooljr Ui pay our iebiaii full, mt loWaltae aaarylua fnl"r theae etretrat aianiCa we tru?tt?>our kind Indnleencc and latltiK I'l f 're )oo in a few daya a ?utteinent of mirattue*. w hu h will be prepared by Mr tl It .lay, of Old Jewrv rhambcra. .ItlShl'H KtHil A *??.< At l'ari?. arcerdlnp to the letter* received Monday, the large Atntifloaa houee of John Monro A Oo. ka* atop |ied paymri t At Am-ii rdam the failure haa tAk<? of the mer cantile hotiae of tlallerkamp Brother*. The amount M not aecet taiaed thk *f*TKHN *aw* or Norun. Tlie Weetern Itank of Sx lland, at Ola-igow, aiwpendod payment on Monday. Nov. ?, at i o clo> k, at which hour the di?>ia at tlie heail ortlce ,?nd branehea were clo-ed Th ? bin k hae a paid apcapiul ol jci.fton.ono. and depneiu aup |K?ed |o amount to ?ft.nof>,ig|ii About a fortnight b?rk the evi nt *m conaidered imminent, but an aaaouiMMMM waa anbaetjuetit Ij made on aatborNy, bi the effect that the ni i e-i*ary aaalalance would be afTorded by the other * <K< h bank a lo < arr> it through all ita dlflbultiea Within the laat few day? the rciwirt had lioen that the winding up o( the cow em waa Inanu d u|ion aa a cutidition of lin-> at I, that Hie Wee tern bank reaieU dand that NaMfetf Wat MOM' ilibgly again uni ertakn. The >>ank liaa aliout one hun lre<l branch' a , and ha- been eaMbllehed for twenty Bve jrtf. Ita lea?llr g aimreholder* are extremely wea thy, a reiwnt e?timat?' of their aggregate pro;ierty pl.?< nig ihe total at ti\i of III million*, an<l the ultimate paymutof all lia lulitiea la therefore beyond qiinatton whetlwr ?ny nor lion of the paid up mptt/il of CI.MOlWO Will bo ?avo?l aaanot be ropje< Itiitd Judging from former e*pi>rieneam Mich race* the ?hare btililer* will hare . auae >o ongr itiilai. thi n a<dvta if they eK ipe with. "it being called upon lor additional ?uma The bank had an active oonae :tton with America and with A mer lean houaea in i)l*?gow and ela* where, and ihe drat annotint ement >?( Ha be ng m peril waa oiinaei|uenl ufun the failure of a knot of ?|v enlative (fi?? i#lasgow about the middle of h- m nth . win. h waa ?#id to have inDtrted npor it n I neat nt II W.Otxr Mmre then ita poaltion haa been iwgr ivate I !i> other dbt%?tera, and the *u?pei ?K>n of Mevr< l>i' iniat< tit '*o Aitnr lay h k probably operated aa a Anal blow The tftrctora bwi> put fbrtn * ?tatement lo the ctl t that rirrnlara Will He lumcuiaUly ??u?a w Ui* vr?uiiur* ?vuuuuui^AhiiK K'V^ ? and suggesting measures to bo pursued, which, with for beaiancc nod calm self possession on the part of the pub lie, may av< rt many of th? calamitous effects which would j other wim i exalt from such a cataotrophe. There In srarc* ly another hank In Scotland ( they add ) which, if the m allowed by the creditors, lis bo well able to draw on tho resource* of itu wealthy proprietary. Tho holder** of the notes of tho bunk ure omoiued not 10 l,ar' with them at a discount, a* full ultimate payment is cer tain. THE FINANCIAL PRISTS IN SCOTLAND. (Horn the North Hrili*h Daily Mail, Vov. 10. J Monday *?a a day of deep anxiety and gloom in com mercial circles in Glasgow. Tho suspension of Messrs. Denniftoun Jc Co. gave a shock to the whole community, for whirh the great majority, of course, were quite unpre pried , hut it noon bom rue apparent that however painful to the city , from the Glasgow origin and long high stand log of the firm, that event would entail comparatively little loss on this distfict, tin; Messrs. Dennistoun having mutlv lo effort to sutta u themselves by any irregular trun.- actions hero, but at once suspended when they found one adverse billow alter another beating against thctn frcm the United States. Humors liegaii to be circu lateU, however, as the forenoon wore on, with re* pott to a no. i h graver affair The Western Hank was said to tin on the eve of stoppage. At 'I o'cloolc the worst anticipatsns were realized by the closm;; of that tabllrhnivnt, and tlie posting of a placard on the ooorti that the directors hid found It nocessary to suspend payments, Such an event has long been unknown lo Scotland, and it would be difficult to describe the feei ng! which it excited ill tHw la-go community. Str> >iik dissatisfaction whs expressed at tlie refusal rtf the older j Scotch bunks to lend the necessary aid in tint severe crisis to the Western, and this dissatisfaction is likely to lie In creased the more the circumstances become known. The bad management and liad debts of the Western llank are now notorious. The diminished resource arising from these self inflicted calamities was the evil to begin with Hut the great wealth of the proprietary, and the healthy Held of business that remained to the bank, were amply sufficient to have surmounted this difficulty. There win no run upon tho bank for gold ? no discredit attached to its note*. ? no suspicion in any quarter of the sol vency of the institution. But there began against the bank a process of what we may rail -'sap and mine," by the withdrawal of deposit accounts in tho city, and of interest deposit* in the country branches. I'ert-ooa not receiving the accommodation to which they were acrustomcd, or leurful of not receiving it, withdrew their accounts: and carrying out the notes of the Western liank, deposited them in other banking establishments. A beavy balance was thus formed against the Western in the weekly exchanges of notes, and these balances, according to custom, bad to be met by exchequer bills. It was to enable it to clear oil this bi weekly liability that the aid of the older and chartered hanks was invoked, and in the flist instance granted. Rut these concerns soon pulled up. It was really hut a reasonable demand after all that was niade u|ion them. They were daily receiving from the public the dv|??-its. the withdrawal of which was thus crippling tho Western . and what was asked was that they would not employ the advantage thus obt oned agau1.1t a (Utter institution in a manner fatal to its existence For any risk they ran they had the unlimited liabi lity of a proprietary as numerous and wealthy ai any of their own, and oil a credit precisely suni lai to which they themselves hold thirty or l'ojty million of deposit* from the public. Every effort was made last week by deputations to Edinhurg, even of parties not connected with the Western, Hid by proposals ot various kinds, to induce the directors of these banks to extend tho requisite assistance in aveiting what could not fail to be a public catastrophe. A plan was even arranged for the amalgamation of the Western and Clydesdale, by which IId' aiding hat ks would have had the security of tw o great unlimited proprietaries instead of one. But this, too, wan rejected, and it was evident that the co operation which had been expected, anil the first promise of which had Kent a thrill uf joy and pride through all Scotland, was not to be obtained. Such is the feeling excited in this city by these circumstances that we should not be surprised to see the most effectual measures adopted to put an end to the petiy and ruinous jealousy of banks that hail from Edin hurg agam-l Glasgow banks, and banks that have charters against banks that have none In the meantime, tlie sus pension cf the Western is a blow to the whole community, and cannot fail to have some most unfavorable conse quence*. The first resolution of every man who has the well being of Glasgow and ol Scotland at heart, should be to prevent by all possible means any movement on tlie part of dc|?*itors agam-t other batiks. Kvcry bank in Scotland affords jierfect security to depositor*, tin tlie other hand no bank whatever can stand against a run for dejsisits. The money lodged in our banks yields an into rest to its owners. It has consequently all to ho em ployed and invested In some profitable way, and while every bank keeps as much cash in Its till as is sufficient to meet the or linary demand* ol' depositors, it Is im|KMsihl? that all can be served on the same day. We trust that every effort will be tnade to discourage withdrawals of accounts and de|*ieil* in the meantime from one hank to another We understand that there was a run last even ttif: on one ol the savings banks. This was to Im> feared, as the Western had do|?rtmeitl* for savings in its various branches throughout the town , and the disappointment of its saving de|s??iu?rs was h|M to t>ecommuiii< .tied to others , of the suine class In order to check this movement, we I would suggest to the director* of the Western Hank the propriety of paying off its small saving* debitors at o<K>e. Tlie following circular has been Issued by tho directors of the Western Hunk to the shareholders . ? OljIboW. Nor 9 I.W. I.imrv ahp tJrvri mi*- Ii I* our painful duty lo intimate to jtimi ibut ? iwurrmm of aimimaUBca < of a very adrrrw MMrr, hoib In thl* ? ounfry hii I abroad. iilfrrtnK our peru nlarv ri-wun'' ? and < h.i* compelled ua io eoaM 'o lb* resolution Ibia day of aiwprudltig payment of ibe company ?Migati?na, iMh at ben lipiaru ra and at the branches. W ? eaa aaaure > m thai thi? resolution haa not I*" i adopted ? i li. hi' uuM< and pern rertng end.-avtira tn ob'atn such auppart, from kindred eaiat >l'?bnieii'a lioth In KnHUnd and Scotland, ho. without intuiting murb ruk to them, iniglit have nabM iik to rid- over our prearnl dlAcaltlea. and avert a catastrophe which. on puMic aa wi ll ? private IfinHida, we ahall nerereeaae toaeplore., This duet not ap prar lo ua tbepropi rtlmi to enter Into -ipisnatlona a* u> the inaiint r In w hich our applications for aid were m-i. All %hat Ik nuf ?aary to bmv i?, thai the leaillug Henteh hank*, after conceding K*n?tanrr to a limited -mont, <>n security, Im v r Mro It right to w ithboM all furlhe^tid In regard !?? the f iture, two courses of action sj>etn np?t to th- tank. mid to tbot"- who art- Involved in Ita ? loharras ?rata, Whether as credltora or aa aharehoMen Th. two court* ?. although pointing at different results. may both l>* purttoi'd simultam ously and, we are advised. ought 10 be adopted for ihi tnt*rr*ts and safety iTiUciiwi rttrif To nn d< i?' ? iid 'I i n ? ill be acre weary to say a few word* ai to the |m -H nil ol ili" atlaira of the I > an it All in 'Hi. h no balance Shu horn in tdeof th" t" ok a of th- ">ank ?Inn ihr innntl balance In M?y laat, and although no dnuht m verr losers have liiwn incurred slam tha' dale, yet we Ii.ive rrii mil III hope II iimr lo' given fill ihi gradual w I ii'lliitf mi of thi at1nir?. 'hnt th- company assets a ill be mora thin ?'tll[ tli im to pny the whole debts Thin, hottfr, i ritl mw h i byml on 1h> *1nt* ii/rimmorliifi^filri in this muntry ttwi ftt A mrrlrtt iIuiiiki 'hr nrr! ?>/ m'mth* Hill, *' hII crania, tltn ntldo'lbli'd mean* ol ihi indlvi'liiHl partner* of ihr company. If n n 1 availHlilc by a Jodie, una . m of rcall/?!iori ir>* frrally mora lhan auAclcnt to Kuarxoirr payment of -all iu drpiMti* *nd< Iwr lialolitlaa In hriw riri uBi>taWM lb< Minrw trklnk II app-?ni 'o >i? w .nlil dec ledlj In- moat adv?rit?*eou? for all p?rtle? to pur ?nr. would "i?? an ritrnaioti of lime for iiaynieDt of tfc* dahta ? nd i>lui*ii lonnof the rotnpHn/? ^mpled wub a nyairm an l ?Mtiftgi innr ol tu alfair* un ler ln?|" < 'inii' -und ?*? ntu illy prrhati* all amaldamatinn of Ha hnaln^aa wtih that of ? .me ? ?'her hank It bfkmff* bown VW( lo ih?' rreilnor* of 'he hank to npri ?? fhelr opiiiii.ii wlii iImt aech a plan la the aiat d? alrahV Ui b? nillowrd; ainl for that pnrpoae WW proiMMM* m ?'?on a? poaatbla, lo ca I lojetber dl?tnet meotlnpa of the rre |. ttor?, at ilw place* meal e<intrenl> i" for tlh'm. tnat they may appoint aono onr to rf| reaem th< m -h- il I 'hey not Hoi It i mivi nn ni tbenwwl'i ? io atK-r I *t a eentral mHH| to hit helil In (ilaairow It la qnii<> obvtow 'Imt thia mole of ar rMfrBfti' aifuM iml fcrknruw If n ?? h-arty im op. ral mi on ibe pari of IndtTlitualn. but, wh#re aurb eitrti*,?? and VkNIy ramified Inlereau are at ?take, tt thought not unri a#on?li|e to hope that, ahotild 'her. he a dlreral'y of Tlewaamonr tliem the m nority will yield to the mnjuri'v 1 he o'her conrae to he ptiraucd la tnat of at ooee uk n* thw prrlWNMff atrpl for MMIH| US Ik a le*nlw.y Alilnoiih tbia p at would entail (real aacriAc a In the realization of -h* a??e'a hotk of 'be company and of 'he It may he n in" neeeaaary li> reaori to tt II la f irtooale I|wi an Ac of Parliament waa paaaed laat araakm ' . en*' le oai klor mm pa ill' a o place 'Vma< ]?i ? under the operation ol the Joint > <? k Art of liWi, in all rrape< a eicep; aa r ?ar .a limiie,| I Ital ili'j Ibr ahari boldria and Ikrlr ?Mlta mg?L Hi)?r ill <? rriini? aneea, remain liahla to the full ejieni fur the 1eh'a of ilic hank the adoption of this art would In our eaiim ?iion, I ?? of Importance wen the b'i'Ineaa to he rnrrl-'d M Hut (he act iKin'alna. haatd' a rery valuable and ju llrtnua clauaea. enahlinr a r. mini) placed tnrtr' umaUncea hki- !!>?? present , to he wound mi and the meaua of 'he In llTldual ptr*ncra to I r niade available for lb'- f.irly liquidation of the ileiiia Tn adi pi tbla act r*<iulre? tmly ike MriWN of a apwrial ?"? ral noctlrfof ibe ahareboldera. W- hat * therefore reaiO?e.| on immediately ratline aueh a meeting Ui provide for thaeven uallty of aui h a nmrae of anion being preferred b> Iheerodl torn or forcd on th- coon any hy a lvrrae elrdMMMMeo In roncln?liiO. II in h'ipe.1 yon will aee ihil we h?ra h^en actuated hy tbr Dingle if a re to do our do'y Ui th- cred.Kira aa well aa the aharehohlera In the WfnflaMkl poaiitna In whir h tfcey have been placed, and. at lh?< earliaal prarticolllt) n <ment. 'o lake the Inairuciona of 'how who are l-gally -n hi led lo direct >ia lo all further pr"<ee.|m#a I am li Hea gcntU Men. your moai ohedlrni acrvant ihy order of the dl rtilorai, J. S M> Mlffi; Manager, pro Irm^trr T>ic miapcnaion of poym-nU hy ibe WwatdfH lUtiking Ckmipmj, aa nflh-ially Boticod gluiVi', croot-d e-mai lorablc mcHHtuI at Uic head office and the var (una branchm in t> H-gow yertcrtiay. Mil tor dWH wn Bf dqwHi a accna , .n fact, Uic cntranoi' from Ar gvlo *tro?'i wm IiUTally |i|?a keii up, not, wi' AmM ?ay by tnen who hivlany mtc re--! m lb- >Mp|iKii oi tha iMuik, btit partK-ularlv hy Umm whom rurinaity led them to crowlc a crowd , and In liwik for e> mi thing of nitrri-at, hecauae of tb? want df anything elae to Hrtrrcot tboMnelvM (hiring the alVmoon MMijr par lira who ha<l a few Doted of the WeaW'rn were lo he neon anyiooa for rUangc. and no doubt 'heir anti-ty w ot <uH what Jnatiftahic, for ID alt likelihood a? the M:irtlnm ?k turn occora tomorrow and they miyhar* dep-ndotl ti|a'n pay ng their rent.' from their ?m? I aartii?*, tin- tout ? l immedrnte e* hange la more dIMatfowa than many I I op|i . (ithrrwiae rlnumatancoil rin well imagine T'i" rrtiwda t i <at hoalogcii th- peine ipdJ banking nfflco dia weraml themaclvea about t o'ckn k, and tlwro w.?a no ai ten>| t at ri?d. Ai out 7 o'clock M nii'ht there waa a larpo congrega g it. i n of jieople III front ol the oaring* hraticli of the f'lty of l.latgow llotik , In Trungate The depototura were <? wr or ail mi- -non to wthdraw their aavmga, but how th-tr icar? had been e*cit?-d we bare |inu una > e to I 'arn ??itch wan the r<~"?lt of the confusion, however, that hat* were knocked off, and an Itnmenae amount of jeiatltng took pla< e The (K'lii-e anccegdad ta elnarlwg the atreet<<. and we hare nn doubt that lolav th- Clly of (llaeguw Hunk will be equtl to the demand' of all toeir deja> itort mi lar ae we cottid learn, ant ing the oh-t -notion of th< idlrri, ibe nervmia oeopie would havo bc?o trtry aati factor r; arranged with. THE CiysiH IN FRAVfE. fTrerrt the f.rfWon Timoa, Nov. tl, The final unotationo of the French three per cent* on the I'aria hourae thla craning, Nor. 10. were Wif for money and 67f. lor the end of the mouth, show ing a re cov? ry of a quarter per cent. Tli' advice* front 1'arn a?*ert th it, a' though tha err of the ajiecnlatrir* le for an egjxirt duty ou .-peel*, a r r c rrnlation of notoa, and nllwr inewurea vial'v Mi 4 wwvfuj>uivv?, Ui? LiP^vrvf wvjunjt'd U** ***?* of Frtnw that tlx* true courao to bo pursuit is to ad *'? ? the rate of discount ? a conclusion, however, which 4om not harmonize with the report* current this evening no the l/indon Mock Kxchaagn. The argument* of some of the French paper* tor an augmentation of tho supply a f paper will gratify the opponent* of the Itank r -wt on this side It ii. nec?hs?ry , it is n?i<t . U> indur? manu lacturers "to purcha-e raw material," mi<1 to increase Instead of diminishing their productiuu [From the I/mdon Times, Nov. 10.] The question an u> th? next *t*-p to be uken by tbo Bunk of France in Kill in doubt One cauae of difficulty w found in the law of interest of IH07. Although the Ifcuik of France haw lately boen empowered by the Emperor to advance beyond ? per cent, the private banker* and mer chant* cannot legally charge more than that rate. Their position, therefore, in rendered very serious by every ad ditional upward movement. The I 'aria I'ntrir of ftth instant proposes the following remediea for the monetary crisis ? Firstly?To decree tho compulsory circulation of bank notes and an issue of fifty frane notos. Secondly ? To raise the export duty on specie. Thirdly ? As the necessary complement of thoftQ excep tional measured, to reduce the bank rate of din count to tf per rent. The Paris Patric had roccivod a warning for itfl article tui the finances. The French government is taking into consideration the best means ol enabling the Itank of franc- lo aMstat tho commercial world during the present crlsiH. You may rest assured that measures for accomnwslation willer? long be decided upon. The news of the Rank of Rngland having rinsed its discount to 10 per cent did not affect tho Pariman Bourse to any great e.Vtent; in fart , the throe* close at 87 f. 6c. Tho downward movement wan very Blight. In the opinion of the Steele, a duty on the export of pre cious meta Is isnecessary . though not Budleleut to o?n|'ir'? the flnani lal crisis; tliat journal pronounces it., elf in favor of measure* ? 1 11 mure euergetic, and Uiuh expresses it Helf: ? Th" establishment of a duty nn export* of spertn i* not In our ld< ? ilif only necessary me cure We persist In demand Ing a special measure of a character to stay speculation; wo insist on the necessity ol having bank notes fur small mini, and of even decreeing (he forced circulation of note*. The crisis demand* vigorous action. The palb hitherto followed by the It i Ii of France baa not been wise, since II has led ui no improvement in ihe situation A no' her policy must bo chosen without tnr'hcr los-i of tine A great uiiuifier ot manufaciurer* have In consequen t! of the dlilieulty experi enced n obtaining fund* ceased to purchase raw material, or Iihv diminished their production Many hanker* have de elded on allowing the storm to pas* by, and on r. jecilnir all commercial bills olicred tbem This slate of matters must not he allowed to Krow worse The speculators In specie, warned of the duty which may lie Imposed on tlieir exports, will not fail 'ii cnchge In ilic most extensive npp.rationx before the Issue of the decree which commerce now awaits Time ought not to be xiveu Hem to exhaust the the reserves of bullion. 'Pie directors of the Rink of Franco bad had an audience with the Emperor .for tho purpose of proponing a duty of throe per cent on tno exportation of the (iresiouH metals, or to bo allowed to raise the rate of discount to eight |>er cent. Tho proposition, it in said, wan not ac cepted. THIS VERY LATIHT. I<o.?Mwr, Nov 11. 1857. The accounts from l'aris, received this morning, 'lute tlint there was great flrrniiepg on the lluurse yesterday, in cousequen I a rumor that a measure is nlxint to bo taken wlncli will permit the rate of diacouutto remain im at present ? nt 7S P*r c?-ut. ' The Archbishop ol Lyons has ordpred collections to be made in (ho churches, for their relief of the silk weavers, who are suflering from the present commercial crwl-i. HV'K Hf TIIK HATW OF MBOni VT. Paiuh, Nov. 11 ? A. M. The Mmitrur publishes n notification from the Kmjieror, founded upon a rc|s>rt from the Minister of Finance, in which he frays, that ho aces with pain imperilled chimeri cal fears propagated, and delusive remedies proposed fop an imaginary evil Tho law permitting the bank to raiso discount must suffice to keep bullion in better condition than la- 1 year. Ill- MfOegty request* the Minister formally to i outradict the rumor* ascribed to the government. Tlii' bank has raised the rate of di?< ount to 8 per cent for lulls under thirty days; 9 per cent under sixty days, and 10 per cent under ninety days THE REVULSION ON THE CONTINENT. [l'urix (Nov. 7) ttirregpondeime of l<ondoii Pod | Ah might l.e rtfiMliil, wit have had another gloomy tnotictury week The decision of the bank author tie* in Fiigland to advance the rate of dixi-uunt to 9 |ter cent im mediately acted on tbo hunk ot Franee The director* ware called together, and Hilar much dixru*nKMi o<> tin n><") iut< xte|i* were taken to follow Oie policy of the It-ink of I nghmd ; but e\ery one beru expect* the rut? of <lw count will reui li 10 |MT Cent on your Hide of the water before the crixia i* over, and, under such circumaUuiei*, llit- Hank of France will again increase 1U charge* for accommodation. We have no modern precedent for xuch ? t-tale of thing* In thix country, and lli? policy of the Hank of Frauc? I* aeve rely crtllctaad by the com mrri ml journal*. Trade in Hollering all over tho country from tin* universal prexi-urc? gmslx r*n neither he bought m i xnld ortlMK arc ctuiiternuumed, anl the winter Irtwle in manufactured goodx i* corunderably nuiiiirixlM. I'aper w coming ba< k from the United Nat? h dMbwtmd, and the of tho Furojiean continental money market worn* every day, mi ilint the pressure i* felt on all aide* Tie (icrtnan money market* arc in a worxe condition tlian tb< so of Fngluud aud France. failure* are Liking |ilu<-n In all direct ion- During the pnit week a conference lu w taken placo at Frankfort "I Herman banker*. in order to com'1 to an understanding witb earh other. and. If |MMalble, lo create confidence The isublmliiiirnu repreacnted on that orcaxien *?rr thorn- of Harm audi, Hamburg, Meiuingcn, Lm%> nihourg, (ottha, Ttmrin gen. Horn burg, Ilurkelhurg. and Knatock. Tbe confo rciice. which wt? presided ovnr l?y l*rit*? ?? Felt* de Ho benlobe, endeavor* d to Und out guarantee* calculated to rea- sure the public ax to their stability. The delegates d? elded that the note* i?*uf I *boolil be covred by oue third in *|tcoic and two thirda In good bill* with three rug ratore*; aim, that an oflleial return should be publwhetl at lea*t oti< e a ne . that a mutual control ahould be ex ereiael by the several e*tali|i*hmenb<, and that the government* ? hould be Invited to take part in *tKh control. A <aUmetit to the above effect m W? be pre*?nted to the Zollvercin. Meanwhile the latcn advices from Vienna way ? ? " The situation m tbe Kame . want of conHdence lacrwMM, ou account of the delay ol government meaxurc* long autre prom i*ed " Hut what cau^overnmcut do but n. ;?? to prevent ti Uxmal liankrupu y by redueing the artny ? And liure comes in a dillieult imlllit'al queittioa, which, however, M, we are a>*ur?d, to be put a?mr. m< a-uriw having been uk -n to economise mi'iiary vxpindlture Auatrui boa gone on lairrowing money to cover her yearly deflnvt until no limre run be obtained, mid penally at *u?:U a erwta art this Figure* are worth all tlie Mpeculntiona of the m<? i clever be.ida You have only to look ai her unnuai deUi H aim e 1K47 to rmie to a'oni tn-i n that A'i-iria mii't be pretty nearly at tlie end of a ro*>l wha h l<sa>ln to ruui. I add the table of ti e (ollowiug budget< ? Mitmur ftftu'i'urr th flrit. t"47 Ii 1,7#*, 161 1' ,4 tft ljm,33* MM 1?., 1^7^164 MT.ila.lWO W illi IH4U 14U.7H4 f,;m V7N,i,76;".4J l'il.Mfi.?*4 1M0 ji 4 .1 1? <i?i M,M4,Wl'i 1>M UIW.>6 14*1 J0tl.72li.77O ei,3v:i.?ta? \*hi ?Alfl.aiA.ltlii V7tf*l2*<4 4.1,447,131 Mm 2.17, 1.16, ?3 Wi. mitUH 641.1il.iUJ6* 1^64 V46..>3a.7.4 aH?;,H4e Mrt 140,71v, *.*2 IhiS Ma,7lM^M 4irJ,'rfte,l*i 13*,MU,?s? 1M< *i73.1?V.V7? 3.US.6I6,"4.1 rente et nanny haa been mule ttn< year, and newa |ta|? ra have Ju?i l^en ta?ed. but railway have been -ttW and irown !an<U dis|??e.! of, and yet lli?> radical evil re main- On -ame The avatrm "f government i< too ei|ten nve for the reaonrcet of the empire Freneh tranuw tenia w,th t?erniany being very eim-nlerabl", the com plication of Una |>art ol the world aibia ttflle- dilfli'tltlieii of the I arts an bmirae. l/.w aa i|Uotationa liave le t u it the I'aria iMinrae during the La>t lew wtteki, a Cnu d rahle fall baa taken place during the week >n r?.l?ay ?Uar ?, owing to the necessity which bolileni arc under of r- .!u Ing tu meet inmiediate liabilities , and onginating in a desire to gam by lending the realired property *t nicli prices an were never before heard of in tax commercial world here. Abbot. gh the proa|<?rt oo all ai lea m aodark. we d? tat espet t any failure* of the large (tank. tig oatati lalnneubi in ? ranee, but what we muat esperienie for ?onn tuu" Ui come la a aiiapenxa* t< conimen tal enterprt i The fol li.Wing table ?how? tbe ilepr.-. -ati- n *1 ti ban Uaen plat e in French quotationa (aaving rente; during the paat weak , Frwt iv f~ihffTtnre^ yams of Qutla/umt. W .10. S"e A. Jfinui. r v p c r. ??. jr c. Rente .1 per cent,.,,,. MM 07 A 0 10 ? Kente 4S per cent,... 90 66 90 66 ? ? Omao Idea ? lU bamiue de France 0 J.W) 0 ? 6 vj ? .tu | ti- rt7< > (J 070 0 ? ? Credit fonrier 647 60 610 0 ? #7 50 Cridit mobllier 7*6 0 770 0 ? 16 0 iirbana 1..UM1 o l.sw so ? z: 60 Vord H7? '26 *70 0 ? ? 1$ lat f*6 0 VZ2 60 ? 32 60 I yon et M< tliU rranee. *16 0 ft* Uft ? It 76 Mull 64-2 60 627 60 ? 16 60 tiu?at 670 0 640 0 ? 3.1 0 (.rand ('Mitral ?'*) 0 6?7 60 ? % W liiMtl 610 0 !W6 0 ? 16 0 I tu nnn? Autrii birm,. 67S 76 AftA 26 ? 7 6 > Fa.nt Ramb?rt 6'j0 0 4*0 0 ? 90 l? MctnT rmmau'iel 456 0 460 0 ? 6 0 * ft* tier* Rio o ,nr2 6o ? IT t* I a Teate 6!0 0 610 0 ? ? Ardrttiiea 4b.t 0 400 0 ? Ml 0 I etter* from Frankfort aiiBOMC* tliat the bank nf that t it jr had raired the rate ot diaiount to 7 '? I'* rent, Mil from Iterlin we hear the Hank of lYuast" ha* rawed tin tate of diacotml from '?), lo 7 k per cent . According to the return* of tbe N?ti.n*l Hank of He I glv.nt, Junt pubhabed, the metalilf reserre had lecri'aaed from 61 .MO.oOO. which WW the amount of the .loth -Vp ember. to4.),imu.fn0. ".-H ha fact," obwvea th- Imu i MH'once . * ' hue nothing u it "ha h , an r^i-e aurpriae tinder rxlelit'g ctrrumetancea and t - ? ven t-Mi kable O.atour Ant Anaticml ortabliabm. nt ahould have been able ta i havo retained ao large a ?<im in its cfTer* ? ben ite rata of d? e.iunt I, ax been raided ... little, and, ax t? well known, la lower than IB other ..( tbe Itreat mo?. y m rketa of fu rone W ?,,v nioreev.r, remark th^tatthe rorreapond ? If.] period last year the m. tallic re*, rre waa only 4 S mil I, , 5, r?n. re th is at pre ent. The hill* disco, in. e I, m contra red wNli tli.-e . A Ui? previro* return, bare In ' d nearly eight ailltonx. vol en eeded lw> miim?n*. a fat t which lia? only '?"re before tn'currcl ami e the bank haa i >een ' trtahltahira. In October, IM6, Uie bill* in hnml ? ere only W>| milliou*. antl In Septemoer laxt #1. " tbe rojrvruwm in the rooi, MihH OF THK Y 4NKKKS IN A PANIC. [?odi the liondoti Tune*. Soy. 11) (Mir tranaxtiant c n, ghNtr* t ine the convuNicn of tlvtr mrm y m trket w th their aci'ualonved isq tines j Th -ir Uik4? m l.l Ihv t-oic, jtUcvd , a.u?v4t 4?n4. Could ^ , ?< ,