Newspaper Page Text
SAXJfiH AT AUCTION. I,KRKI> HRAOC. AUCTIONKKR.-A IlKAGli A CO. will Kt-U at auction ou Tuesday, February 9. nt 10^ O'clock A M.. nt then- store 33 CortUuilt alreel 300 ca?ea men's, women's, uileaes and children's boots, shoes. brntans and rubber*. direct trom Ihe manufacturers to be sold to the hagUesi bidder. Auction notiok?ii. fm.snN. auctioneerFoetuve tale.?(Superior custom made rjxewood uud mtlingany household furniture, xci Unit rosewood pianoforte, three magutllrent suits of solid rosewistd parlor furniture, covered in the moat expensive and deairable patterns of French satin; costly pier and mantel Frenrh plate mirrors, elegaut oil paintinita, rich cmrpeta, large aud extensive variety of eoatly solid silver ware, heavy cut glaaa "are, of Ibe moat expensive kind; elegant ehlaa ware, lea aud diuner eta, vaaea. Parian ware, bronze and ormolu clocks. Ac., Ac. The o.rl.,...!.- ' k * the trade generally U called to the large and extensive catalogue sale of the above rich and costly houaehold furniture, decorations, Ac , Ac., lo be wild at public auction, to the high eat bidder, for rash. on the premiers No. $1 Wast Sixteenth treet, between Fifth and 8lxlh avenues, at 10>i o'clock, on Monday, Feb. 8. being the contents of the above lira story dwelling house, the whole of which will be positively aold lo cioee the eaUle. Catalogues ready by 8 o'olock morning of ale, wben Ihe whole can be examined. Parlors?contain superior velvet carpets; throe magnificent solid rosewood suits, covered In maroon, blue and gold, and crimson and gold satin, of the most expensive description; Uotfclc and Turkish easy chairs, in mohuct and satin brocade; ladles' solid rosewood reception and arm chairs, covered in gold, blue, crimson and tnaroon satin; large and expensive roeewood secretary book tase, lined with silk and aatln wood; three solid ros#wood centre tables, with rich statuary marble tops; expensively carved rose wood pier, sofa and side tables, with marble tops; three costly rose wood etageres, with marble tops, plate giaaadoora, Ac., lmoorted expressly for the owner; ladles' rosewood worktahles, 21 day bronze and ormulo clocks, elegant china vaaei, with the most ebaste and ex pensive lxrdscapes. painted to order In Prance, magniOent French plate pier glass, with rich and heavy fold frame; mantel mlrr. r to match, of six feet square, heavy embroidered lase w tudow curtains and cornices; large and extensive variety of oil paintings, by native artists, such as laudacsps*. winter scenes, marine views, scriptural pieces, superior French lithographs, game pieces, Ao.; the whole forming a very pleasing collection; superior roeewood pianoforte, full seven octaves, elegant case, finished all round, Inlaid plate and richly set with keys of real pearl, cost S6U0. being a vain able and costly Instrument; rosewood piano stool, covered in aatin with an elegant and costly embroidered rover. Dining Room-Rich velvet tapestry carpet, In good order; olid oak extension table, all polished In the bent manner; marble top fancy tables, morrors. sofa beds, chairs in b.tir cloth, together with all the ruby and crystal cut glass ware, wines, champagnes, tumblers, goblets and decanters to match; rich china tea and dinner sets, costly silver ware, tea and dinner service, 24-lnch salvers, cake baskets, casters, cof fee and tea urns, spoons, forks, liquor stand, superior table cutlery, marble pitchers. Ac. Ctam hers?Costly solid rosewood and mahogany bedsteads, statuarv marble top bureaus, washstands and commodes to match; over twentvpure hair mattresses, from 40 to 60 pounds, made to order and in excellent conditio!, ingrain oarpets, bedroom mirrors, clocka. toilet tables, towel racks, toilet sets of clolhi, stair carpets and rods, mahogany cushioned chairs, rockers, sofas, lounges, couch beds, hall stands, tea and dining tables; together with a large and desirable aa ortment of basement utensils Ae . Ac . with wliioh the sale will commence. The nab- of the above furniture in rendered absolutely necetrary, and will positively take place without regard to weatbar. A responsible person will be In attend* ance to pack and ship the articles cuing out of the city at a reasoDHide charge. Deposits satisfactory to the auctioneer will be reinired from ail purchasers. Terms cash, and only money bankable In this city will be received In payment of bills. Abhoi.utk rai.k?to close an kmtatk-ok the stdendld Parisian made furniture at the residence, Ho ll#t West Fifteenth street, near Seventh avenue, on Monday ; consisting of some of the best and rlchesi made household furniture offered at auction tins year, all sf which will be sold by catalogue without any re erve or regard to ihe weather As the house must be vacated tnuuediaiely, a deposit will he required from purchasers. Catalogues csn be bad at the house at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale, when the bouse will be open for examination. Parlors?Several splendid oil paintings In rich gold frames, tapestry, Brussels carpet, one very richly Inlaid with pearl pianoforte, solid pearl keys, warranted by the makers for 2 years, solid statuary marble top rosewood centre side and sofa tables; marble top etegeres, lined with satin wood with marble top mirror doon and backs; gold frame pier glass, with statuary console, reception chairs, rosewood curlier stands, Turkish arm chairs, covered with Franc It uioquet, two very heavily carved solid rosewood parlor suits, covered with royal crimson and maroon satin brocade, made to order and in perfect condition: rosewood piano stool and cover, splendid Dresden china rases, with rich paintings, China candelabra, bronze and ormolu clock, cost Slim, runs sutydays; firisiaaHtnom Ac Dlnlr.g room?One solid oak eiteusiun table, 17 feet long; walnut marble ;top bufel, tapestry carpet, rosewood secretary bookcase, spring seat eltairs. sofa; also tea an 1 breakfast seta, wi'h gold bands, French shins plates, Ivory handlehuble cutlery, silver plated ware, cut glass tumblers and cbrm agues, silver plated castors aud liquor sett, together with a large variety of table ware Chambers have solid ro* wood and walnut bedsteads, lb pure hair mattrassrs. spring do mahogany sofa bads an 1 aofaa. roskcrs, spring seat chairs, mantel vases, eight day clocks. Ingrain and Itrussela carpeting, marble top solid raw-wood dressing bureaus and wash-fan;*, toilet sets, hols tars sad pillow* fcaih-r bads, Ac A Competent person will be at the sale to pack and ship If desired. An early atteu dance is desired as the furniture must be removed ?n the day of sale II T. I.F.KD.s, auctioneer. a I , II'.r- eai.r. or . a .1 n o I or. 1 ' ,1. o r u.a 1 -oY lure ?A. M CRIST\I.AR. auctioneer, wtllselloD Monday, Fth. H, at 1M? o'ol x>k, the entire furniture contained In bi??" Kj M Seventh avt nue, he: ween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, consisting lu part of m.'Uingiioy and rosewood chain anas lounges marble top waabatand* and centre tables Frenrh plate m,rriTH anil looking glasses, oil palnttnga and engraruig* fine Brussels carpet* and ruga, oilcloths. hat clam's one elegant extension dining table, Ingrain carpeting*, couches. Ac . bedroom* iontaintng mahogany and roar wood bureau*, wardrobe*, French MMmK looktngglasnea, table*, ire a bedatead*. mahogany obalra washatamla, chamber *et?. carpet*, 4c., rocking *nd easy chair*, bed* and bedding, kitchen uten*U(, together with a large uumbnrof other article*, loo numerous to mention The above aale la well worthy the afentiou of the trade, aa every article will be soil without reaerve. A^^Hl'Cll'iK NOTICE.?CROCKERY, (II,ASK AND CHINA. ?J. P H. BART l.KTT. auctioneer, wtU aell. on Tue,aday, Feh -9. *l It) o'clock, at 281 I'carl atreet, all kind* of white granite and common ware, cut and pressed glare w ire, china, brilaniiia ware, 4c. Alio the a ock of a dealer declining business. AUCTIONEERS?IJ.OTD 4 WARREN. NO S CLINIon Halt, Aalor place, and Klghili atreet, near Broad way will give their peraonul atienllon to aale* of household lumllu.-e, a< re?iden<e*of ratnlliea breaking up housekeeping and to out dour aale* generally. Battery place hotil-por rale, at auctinti. by K II LI1 Bl-OW, auctioneer, on the 9th of Februaiv Instant, at 12 V w. p. Mehai.g.- Sale peremptory under a decree of forecloaure. Term* aecom modeling This property la bounded on Greenwich street, Waahing'on street and Battery place. A^^MI'lTION NOTICE-J. BOH ART. AUCTIONEER?HT H BOG ART ?Monday, Feb 8, at 10 o'clock. In the haaetnesit of anetlon room* corner of Frankfort and William Utrpetn. constable's ante of groceries. con*i*tlng of clieita ot tea, M-ap, candles, stoves, spice* oils, Ac , Ac WM. FOSTER, Oonatnhle. A^^^BCOTTOR NOTICE.-J. HOC ART. AUCTIONEER?BT | S. HOI. A KT,?Mondav. Feb.8, at 11 o'clock, a', the auction rooms corner of Frankfort and William streets, mortgage sale of one splendid mahogany pianoforte, a large lot of elegant Brussels carpet*, oilcloth, ic t 11A HI.Kb f. WATTS, Attorney for mortgagee. A^m ~~~UCTIOK NOTICE ?J. limi t KT AUCTIONEER?BT | H Him. ART?Monday. F-l. 8 klllo'lM, hi th* MMlion rooms mortgage ?*le of four pianofortes, rosewood letea tele ?o:a, two easy chair*, mahogany tele a letea, loungee, chairs Hi,c pleee of Brussels, three ply and Ingrain carpets, oilcloth mahogany rocker*, boms and ahuea, Ac,, Ao. UI T BIN NOTICE -J. IP it IA KT, AUCTIONEER'?BY . K KOiFART.?Monday, Fab. 8. at 12 o'clock. In front of theau HoB room* MtMIMNM of a bay horse; on*' bay horse about )b,t* h*nd* high JtTt'IlaHl* CARPENTER, Attorney for mortgagee, A^HBU?'110> M'TiiK-.I. HI Hi ART, AUCTIONEER?BY | P H(>"ART?Monday. Feb. S. at 12 o'clock, at the auc Una rnoui* coiner of Pranklorl and William streets, a lot of fine inert noes, dryaond*. Ac JAMES WHITE, Constable. IRPWAKl" hi MKM K ALVTIONKKR?MY K. A t. If. !i -I'iit M K ?til, M..tolas. Mb ln?t., ?i I >I olfk. at the Mlwn in. 33 Naaaan alt-ret. a bay niarr, 1.1'* handa h'ch tlvn ynara old. warranted perfectly round, kind and grnile In creri ? i* a ?.??! traerller. and ran irnt In .1 30; a'an a hrlghi bay bnra* Ift* ban da high. kind In single and double harm-as, a splendid saddle borer. ran br drlrrn by a rhlld, bt< troll..i a mitr ?i hm a month m at on' tlrrr minutes. sold as the owner has no further nae for him alio a dapple gr .y horse full 17 handa hiah, nine yaara old, warranted parfroily ound, kini1 and gentle In errry a ay; yery superior family fiora< of ?rry alillab appearanre and of great bottom. la frm frooi all irirk or fault, will stand without tying, alio a coupe rosfcae-ay and a net of single harnraa. G"~II.8KRT 8 8AVAOR AUtrTIONKRR-WII.L ARM. AT salesroom. 83 Cedar at*ret, Tuesday. Feb V, at II) A M., dry go. da,, hoalrry. larr goods, yrwrlry, taary good a Ar. ff R T1IR COMING WKKK A J HI.KrcgFR.AON A CO , will sell at auction, al If o'olork. at the Merrbama' kacbangr, aa follows ? On Monday, Feb. 8. On iftth at?A story and basement brlrk bouao and lot, ll*. W. tin Torsday. Fab 9. On Exchange plarr? Thr ralnahlr proprrty, No id On Aerrn:h ar?4 story and heaement'booar and lot Mb. MO. Onfd a> ?I lotjand 2 hnlMII0i east aide lid kin . N ntibat. On Wednesday. Frh. 10 Rnprente Court anlr, on Liberty at ? Valuable proparty Noa. ION and 110. I?o do do. Cedar,*! do. do. do . Wo 111, On 8 8 rorurr 3d a*, and .1Mb at.?4 lots, M V? 17* e*rh. On K* K rornrr 3d ar and Vtd at -0 Iota, with building*. On Thursday, Fab. M. On N.k. oor llorallo and Greenwich ata. -I lot and f bulldlogs. t d> Norfolk at ?1 ho tiara and I lot. No 121. Or Orand at ?2 hoiiara and lo'a, Nie 49ft and 4QN. On 41 b at ?CI tkrrr atory brown awn* house* and lots, Noa 2ftI. AM and 238 W. On Friday, Frh. 12 On Frai kfort al.? Valuable warrbouar proprrty. 30. 41 A tltf. On ft bar. Itrooklrn?I hollar nn't 11ota N 8. 23 ft 8 l?tb at M?pa an i furthrf parUrnlara at No. 7 Itrnaa aurrl. (TlflONaA J MTU,NR. ACCTtOWFtKR.-roRfTirnTlAMI JL of a Snairablr two a lory snttagn Inuiae with I mar of lot ? TTTOM48.T Mil.I.RR will sell aT ausllon on Monday Frh .8, lit o'clock at Ike Werehonta' Ktrhanita. it* mrt leairahie two atory an 1 baaemcnt hrlck collate h >oa? No .UP W-tl TwmlT.foiirOi nitwl together with leaae of lot whl< h haa Mr )A intn I*rin, ko<M*, |r , ngwly pam'ed and in the ntnat pcifei I repair, 14 feet (4 Inrhea hr .11. In? *1 feet deep; Ifronnd rer.i M> per annnm To ? email family deairmg a comfortable realdence the ahnee off# erery inducement Further particular* at the ofllc? of the auctioneer. No. 11 Flap g'rcet rriiioMA* ' miliar. apctionikr-fonnct/^urr 1 of i lnttel mortgage?Ry nfl'f of 'he aaaigtiee <>f the lindlrldct litlf pari ot hnoeebold and hotel furniture, THltn. .? 9111. (ILK win tell at atinlon on Wedncadap, Reb. Ill, I ISO. at If a o>V>o%, at No 142 Weat atreei, a large and rarled aa aorttneiil nt hotel furniture. e inalaflng In part of double and alnale I rdatcad*. waaha'nnda. looglng glaaaoa maitreaaea, chat a pillar*, holatera hod qnllta, aafe, niimf". de*ka, Ae,, together wth an eaienatre a*?orim?nt of kitchen furniture, with whleti Ibe aale will rnmmenee I'atalogna embracing the entire li?i now ready, being <he undivided half lniere?i of MUton llo'lflea' mortgage to Stephen <1 Wood, ''an til. IAA*. MARTIN r. HRAWTKn, Aaaigtiee fnnOMAS MTMKR, ~ AtTTIONKFK ? I'KRKMPTllRV a aale foreeloanre of mortgage under direction of J.lTlngaion i.lrlnaaton. Rao., referee elegant hrown alone fcraae and ,.?( on Madiaonaacnuc -TIlMkt AH J. MII.I.KR will pell at at|ci| I on Tocaday, February 9. al Hn'rl <e*. at the Jrerrhat 'a Ktehangc, m piirauanee oif a judgment of 'he Hilpreme'"o '.the elegant hou*e and led on the norlheaalerly corner of Madi.on wen,,, end Thlrtr third alreet. fottr atoriea. tinnein.nt and under cellar. high atoop, hrown atone front, and containing all the modern improvement* Term* will he wen liber*!, an much a* fin.ufto r,n remain if leaired <W .... ? Referee, flr. ( i*/ if? Hwirn, At|? rn#?v WMw AJ'ITIMNRRR wirTT HNUT*"ON I J'i onllL I' V I'anal atreet. the entire ftone "re *r . ' : a thi alor> honao' ng of n fml n*.or?meni for mmenetag hmaekeeniiig a la it a fur inched n itipe to let, or will he let nnfurnlahed. nkuars. rrklK FMitKR CAI PRIt HT rniTTl NANn AT. TANK' i. haa not all dlgappepred, a* | here ailN many Invoice* of awu? o*. han I thm mtt* he rloaed (Hit, eeen If aold al panic * prvaa Wholesale c?ah purchaacra are Invttcd to a amine n/n.drk. 0 1'URRlJ. 17 Nro *i . %y~~ t BOAIU)tKO AK1) UlUUIlk ? 2 AND 4 ABINO"V)I? KOCAKK.-KOOM* TO I.K1 wrilh hoard. suitable for nuat'.ta* Mil hui*I? f\ "udia-tt Cum and stages puM tin- door, KftWi'brfinvjvirwl 3NIC1CT.Y FTTRNISHRn ROOMS TO OCT?IN A OaOS' house. occupied only 9> * young fpntleninil. Ill* W?r and h?i vant. Kent ?4, $! and 9H per ok tub payable lu ?d vane?. Two ki*i.lli niHU roul.l occupy m.e room If d"?irc4 Apply at 1.17 Weil Twentieth street. between Seventh an< l Igiith avenues Call to day and Monday Bob four youno ukntmcmkn can i i a v p good board, on vary reasonable terms, In a wr ial om rlran family, where comforts and a itood tuole arc more than show . Apply at No. 149 West Sixteenth street. ?? llOND .STRUCT, NKAK BROADW A Y.-PI.KAHAN1 "J furnished rooms to let, with hoard. flintier at six o'clock P. M. UIJVIMG8TON PLACE, OPPOSITE HTI'TVKSANT bqittirr.?Room* furnished or unfurnished, (or a gen tlen an and wife or young men, In a select private family, where few other boarder* are takeu Location desirable Term* moderate References exchanged. O"! WEST TWENTT-8ECOND STREET NEAR FIFTH ahgA avenue ?One or two room* to let, With partial board, in a quiet, genteel family; the houae ia newly formatted, and baa all the modern improvement*. Af) WEST SIXTEENTH RTRKKT, NEAR FIFTH AVIITaj nue?A parlor and bedroom, and two single rooms, may be had with superior board la a private family. Dinner at 6 o'clock. AO WEST SIXTEENTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH A VKtrO nue.?Furnished apartments, with hoard, tor a gentle man and wife or single gentlemen, with lira1, claaa accommo riailnna, at economical ratea. The house contains all the mo dern improvements. Dinner at 6 o' 2lock. 71 WERT TWELFTH STREET.?FOB THE WINTER OB I J permanently, room* suitable for married or single gentlemen; house first claaa*; terms moderate; family small and select. References exchanged. 7Q SIXTH AVENUE.?A FEW YOUNG MEN OAN I 4j find good plain hoard at RR per week; alao a few yon in, Indies, or would let some good rooms plain furnished or tin furnished, with convenience for fire, suitable for (tundies or single pertotis. HQ CLINTON PLACE, EIGHTH STREET ?PI,KARA NT llO rooms to let, with or without hoard, t ogle gentlemen; grates, gsa and bath, and all thecom ene s of modern built houses, convenient to the cars on Sixth aveuue, and a lite of stages pass the door. IQr EIGHTH STREET, TWO DOOR8 FROM BROADAOtl way. opposite Mersantne Library?Boarding for single gentlemen, room on second Door; also a room for a gentleman and bis wPe. Hoard for gentlemen without rooms. Immediate vicinity of hotels, theatres, libraries, Ac. Terms reasonable. 1IC EIGHTH STREET OPPOSITE CLINTON HALL ? 1 TrcJ A handsome furnished room to let, with partial board if desired. -14 7 HUDSON STREET, FRONTING 8T, JOHN'S Iti Park.?Furnished room* to let, with board, to single gentlemen or gentlemen and their wives. Al*o one or two single rooms. House with all tbe modern Improvement*. 1 7ft HUDSON STREKT?A SUIT OK ROOMS, SINGLE A I vl rr?m* and buckparlor to let. with hoard, to tsinllies or single gentlemen, house has modern Improvements; picasnntly located near St. John'* park. Reference* exchanged.' n(Wl WERT TWKNTTKTH HTKEKT?AN ENTIRE Zt'U accord door to let, with Imard. on very rcanonahl* term*. If npplled for soon; room* furnished or unfurnished. No removal 1st of May, Reference* exchanged. A ftl BROOM* htriikt, on* bi/MTK wk8t of t')1 Broadway.?The most desirable and central location In the city, being Vnthe Immediate vicinity of all the drat rtaaa hotels, Permanent and transteiut boarders accommodated. Meats served lu rooms if desired. (Jt(rOA ?A BACHELOR, WISHING A QUIKT, PL*AS ant heme, having purchased a new first class house, will reserve one unfurnished room and for partial board let the'remainder at the above price, to a small family without children Addres*. with real name, Merchant, Herald once. a WIDOW I.ADT, WITHOUT CHILDREN, WOULD T. let furnished rooms to ladies and gentlemen, with hoard foi the ladies only, on moderate terms fur the winter; rooms on second floor; bilhsud gss in the house. Inquire at lit) West T?i nty foarth street, between Sixth and Seventh ars. A SPACIOUS. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT P\R lor and hedrcum, also single bedrooms, reserved for parties of first respectability, witn ?r without board suitable for gentlemen: or a gentleman aud wife housekeeping could hare kitchen, servants' room, Ac. Reference exchanged. 47 Amity street. Apartments in a uousk, with modern im provemcnts, wanted by a young married couple, who wl?h to keep house in May sooner Situation west of Broadway, betweea Amity and Fourteenth street*. Refer ences exchanged. A Id re**, stating terms, box 476 Post oflice. Aprivat* family can accommodate a fkw gentlemen or gentleman and wife, with partial board and pTeasnut rooms: the location isdeHtrahle. n i l convenient to car* MM stages Also, a professor of music to board in the family. At ply at No. S4 Morion street, near Bleejker street, for One Week A young gentleman with-a YRKY MtU.FAmlly, residing In a large modern built house up town, eould arVnmmodate a young married couple wtth good board and an elegantly furnished parlor and bedroom. None need apply unless willing to participate In the eisienses as well as the comfort* of a well managed honse. Address for full partlrulars Importer, l>oi 3,GJ6 Mlil e. A FRONT PARLOR AND TWO BEDROOMS TO LKT, with board, in the first class bouse, 43 Weal Twenty *erond street. Amihih.k aokd amkrican i,ady, with a vorim daughter. wishes to meet with etihrr a widower or a gentleman with a small family, having a modern furnished house, that w otild like l? have their hoard for the rent, ran do ao by addresatng Mrs. Williams, llnlon square Poat offlre. SaUafar lory NHNMI t un be 0ftm Aokntj.kman, his wifk and two rinw.roicn tlemen can he accommodated with Rood board and comfortable room* at 17 Htith ayenue, opposite Amity street. A PI. It AH A NT RKOOND HTORT FRONT ROOM, WITH cloact, neatly furnished, will be let to a gentleman and wife; full board, (Ire and gaa. Terina $11 per week. Apply at S9 Fifth street, near Hecund avenue. AHKNTI.KMAN TAN ItN ACCOMMODATED WITH A good eecond ttory room, with bath, kr , wtth breakfast ai d tea or room only. In a private family, on moderate tenia Impure at No. *.? Harrow strret, near Hudaon a'reet A GENTLEMAN WtsniNO A COMFORTABLE HOME, ran tin>t a large nicely furnlahed room, with partial bo rd.ttreand gaa, at $7. or$|i)for two I<oeatl?n below Hleerker, went aide, three mlnntea' walk from Ht. Nlcbolaa. Aildreaa. with real name, Mra. l.ewta. Herald office. Board-to i.kt, with rn.r.orpartiai< hoard, a large room on the drat floor, wtth grate and marble mantel. Also, a Urge front room on the aecond floor, with pxntrlea Hitached; baih, gaa. and an office, on Broadway. \ i ply at 1SS Waaerly place. UOARD.-TO T.KT, WITH 110ARP, A ROOM FOR A Ingle gentleman, altnated In one of Ihe moat pleasant pari" of Kaat Broadway: family amall. Terma moderate. Modern improvement*. Call at 191 Kaat Broadway. UOARH -flfifi HIXTII AVKNrr CORNER OF TIIIRTV ninth turret; fnintahed rooms In antta. for famlllea or a i arty of gentlemen. Alao, single roema for $3 60 per week, lodging $1. dinner at 6, best reference given. BOARD.-TNRTRDCTTOir.-A FORKION LADY OF distinguished education wishes to give iea?ona a? e piiya lent for board, to minor, drawing, the elements of the aclen rca. In the Knciiah. French. Italian Rpanlab or Herman. Addreea Inatructrcas. l'oatoffice, New York. ! BOARD IN BROOKLYN.-A OKNTLEMAN AND H'H wife, or a f#w single gentlemen, ran obtain pleasant rooms nnd good board, at 17 Johnson street. ?>OA RD IN BROOKLYN-VERY HANDROMN FDR IJ ntsbed aDarmrnta. with board. tlrat class, maybe hal at I 7.1 State street; convenient to Wall or Atlantic alreel ferrlea. "iJROOKI.YN HKlnnm-A PAMII.TOR iyKW srWOI.N J) gentlemen ran br with mmrd and fine j rrv ma. not two minutes' walk from Wall street ferry. No inl* lagen pinner at If Spanish ant Kngllsh spoken. RMt of ratirnw |tm ti4 rM|<dni Apply at* Rentsenat. BOARPTKO-TWO OK.NTI.KMFW RKQT'tRlNfl A ...... to ran Iln<1 a handsomely furnished parlor and Sr. I room for 912 par waak Isrcsllon Waat Washington place Address Roman, Broadway I'nat offlee Boarpino.-okntlfmfn pfsiropn or obtain ...r food hoard and food rooma, In a pleasant and agrestI family, and In a central Vvntinn. at prtrea in acrnglnnre ! ?l*h the time*. will please call at ItO Orand street, nearly op j pnnlte Odd Frllowa' Rail. HOARP1NO and HOVSK LKTTINU aurncy.-rooiih warned tmmedlalel? for several Aral rlaaa famlll>-a and I single gentlemen, with full or partial hoard. No charge to appllranta for r.'otan or board at this office. VQ Broadway, ; room 14. second atory. 1 / VOOPKR HOrRR. WO. >M BROAPWAT.?FPRNINHRD room* by the day or waak, for gentlemen and lad lea; pilea par day. 2h lolW oanla; par weak, from 92 U> 99. OoMnerted la a Brat rlaaa restaurant. DKS1RABI.K ROOMS, WITH HOARP FOR A I.4PT and gentleman or single gentlemen, can he ohulned on reasonable lerma. hy applying al 5S Wal Twelfth atreet, btI wren Huth and Sr Tenth arennea. Oaa and bath. DO WW TO WW -TO I.RT, WTTTl PARTI Al. ROARP TF re a olrad a parlor, with one ar two bed rooma adjoining, | suitable frw two or three grnllemao or a professional office. I al Wo 47 While aireM, a new doom went of Broadway, with a I prvatelemtlv 0OWN TOWW ROARP?IN A PRIVATF, FAMILY, A large froel room and bedroom. wUh pantries, neatly I furnished pleasantly loca'ed Price 90 per week for two young men, or9il for gentleman and wife Call at 23 Ptke J atreet FRKWm MR A! A?OWR WHO HAS BKRW LOMfl keeping hotels. otfem to accommodate gentlemen with meals cooked entlrelr In the French fashion. The adrertlaer Is a French lady herself. Apply at A4 Bmrem street, Hroaklyn. IjllFTH A VFNI'K ?A FAMJt.T ON FIFTH A VRWHR, J F realdlng In the vicinity of Fifteenth atreet. would aecomI modaie a gentleman and wife or a few single gentlemen, I on reasonable term*. Addreaa Fifth Arenue. hoi 4 594 Posi I office. TPrRNTBHRn ROOMR TO t.RT?ROOM. BF.PROOM AWP " kitchen, plainly furnlahed. anltable for a small family or a gentleman and hli wife tired of hoarding, alee unfurnished rooms Immediate possession Apply at Wo. 12.1 West Twenty fourth street near Seventh a?enue. IF^RNISHF^ ROOM WAWTRP?WTTITOCT ROARP, for a gentleman and lady. PaTment In adrance In lien of rrferenre. Addreaa hot 126 Broad ear Poatnfflce. TTVRNTSRF.P AFARTMKWTR WAWTRP?BT A ORN r Hainan and wife, ronalatlng of two or more room*. In a pleasant locality, near Perk slip. Fulton or f's'herlne ferries. Brooklyn; terms moderate; references given If required. Address J. P., hot 10S Herald office. T."?l;RWtWHRP Rooms?A ^?*1.1. PRITATR FAMILY F would rent, to elih-r one or two gentlemen of relpecta hlllty, an entire parlor floor newly and richly furnlahed. Terms >2o per week. I .Oration Twenty second street, he tw< en Blt'h and F.lghlh arennea. Addreaa Merchant, Herald office. nOTRI. I.lll nil NHS.?OFNTIJCMKN CAW OBTAIN nicely furnished rooms al Ine Ulohe Hotel, onrner of Fmnklort and William streets Price of rooms 26 cent* per r igid Also a few upper rooms for $4 per month. OWF OR TWO OF* T'WMWW C4W H*T A VFRT WICK le f urnisne t f ? -lh partial hoard, hy applying I* trie modern Improvement* a.dt 1 r u U Rgfcs-i uC'WrctltiHMB. NEW YORK HERALD, SUI boardinu and looodhc?> r, 1>hivatk hoard WaNTKD-KOB a OKNTLKNAV I hoy wo>'Hr? Urol Aknifotl Hihl nnrs?. it) a ?'rlrtl) prl '.?)< family. whorr tlti* romfurtaof ? homo nun W ?nJ?yM. Iirai of ci'y rrtiTfiirt* girVa Addrim (i K. I? , HiooJjray ^ i'eat oflico. j" IJKAsoNABLK hoarding in a kirbt ('lans r J V hou??-, No. 57 WimI ?7ill a'rrat a comfortable bomr j lor'luvandf or lb"?r in dflicuto lir-llh Mroliral lowlrf given graim by ? |iru(cMiioiiiiJ gruticuDiu reaiiliug la the eatADiiahin oat 5 mo LKt?rURNUHKl) KO(IMS roil lirntlkmkn, , 1 lam*. % ry *i??l pttvuutntiy located- Apply ** 'ttl IV*rl 1 ad eel, Franklin Hijuimv , mo I.KT?WITH FULL OR PARTIAL BOARD. AN KLK A gantly lurni-hed front room suitable for a gentleman Hint wife or two Mingle gentlemen. h*? a lwrge pantry at (selied. with hot and eold water. bath. Ac.; bous* irst e tun; , f?mlly small; dinner al 6 o'chick. oouvenleot av the Htxth and highth avenue cara. Apply at 176 Weat Twenty Itlth street. TO I.KT?A SMALL, COMFORTA HLY PFKNISUED psrkr. Willi <m? I>r two bedroom* adjoining, le-a lady and aentlemnn commencing housekeeping, or to a party of geuenien, without hoard. Terms moderate. No. M) Tenth street, near Sixth avenue. WESTERN HOTEL?NOR. 9, 11, IS AND 16 CORT Inndt street ?Hoard SI 60 per day. TM? w.-ll known and centrally located hotel has reduced the unee o# board from S2 to SI Ml per day. U. V. W1NC11 ENTER Titos. P. Who iik*t?k. Proprietor. WANTED?FOR A QKNTI.RMAN AND HIS WIFE, TT rooms and board in Ninth or Fourteenth streets; satisfactory relrrences siren and required. Please address, stylus terma, Hoatou. Herald office. WANTED HOARD?UNFURNISHED ROOM, FOR A senileman and lady.with hoard for the lady i nly, with a widow lady preferred; or gentleman and lady where no Other boarder* are taken. Those who keep boarders need notapply. Location not below Broome nor above Twelfth street Addrena W. H., lkroadway I'oat olUce, for ouc day. References exchanged. "\\r ANTKI)?A GENTEELLY FURNISHED PARLOR. BY It a young gentleman, an artist, who wishes to palut porItsor pictures in pay mcnt. The beat of references giveu. i hlreas to the care of Clias. Roe, Esq., 697 Broadway. TirANTBD-PKHMANKNT HOARD BY A tlKNTI.EMAN, y T wife, infant and servant, in a private family and where no other boards will be taken. The apartments must be nicely furnlahed and consist of three or four adjolng rooms. For suitable accommodating a reasonable price will be paid. The most unexceptionable references given and ret) i od. Please address, stating terms, location, Ac., George. ' ild office. WILLIAMSBURG ?A ROOM AND PARTIAL BOARD wanted, by a youni man, In ? private family, near Division avenue feiij; a Catholic pr red. Address Henry, Union squate Post office. WILLIAMSBURG.?A UKNTLHMAN AND HIS WIFE, or two single gentlemen, can be accommodated with pleasant rooms and board In s private fsmily by applying at 11.1 Booth Fourth street, near Firth, a few minutes' walk from the ferries. References required. Duncan, sherman a 00 " .bankers, Corner of Pine and Nassau streets, New York. Issue PTDniTf A D MflTUQ i Mil f L'TTf M O t IV PDVrVTV For travellers, available In all Ibe principal cities of the world. Also Mercantile credits, For use In Kurope, China, Ac. Knickerbocker STAGE COMPANY.?A SEMI AN- ' nualdivldend of three per cent has been declared this 3d dsy ot February, 1H6H, payable on and after the 9th tost., until which limo the transfer books will be closed, -By order. GEO. O PKTKK8, Treasurer. PEORIA ANI> BUREAU VALLEY RAILROAD COMpsny.?A dividend of four (4) par cent on the capital stock of this company has been declared, payable 10th of February proat tlieir office in this city. The transfer nooks 1 will be closed Ihe 30th Inst., and remain closed until the loth pros. 0. W. DURA NT, Treasurer. 1 SATHKR A CHURCH, HAN FRANCISCO-PARTIF.S holding drafts drawn by the above firm and deslrini; to dispose of the same, may tlud a purchaser by box 668 Post office. Thirteenth annual report of the new York Life Insurance Company. Amount of aseets, January 1,1867 SI, 194,646 81 Amount of premium* received during the year ending January 1, 1868. . $390,274 28 Amount sf interest received and ac creed during the vuar ending Jan. 1. 1868 88.867 64 ! Amount of endowment account reoeived same lime 69 49 474.19181 ] $1,666,786 M 1 msscitskncHTS. , Amount paid for losses by death 161.408 46 Amount paid for interest on dividends, . purchaee<t i> Betas, Ac 17.567 07 ! Amount paid for taxes and law expeases 6.466 80 , Amount paid for salaries, fees to phy- \ Btmans, trustees Ac 14.288 70 Amount paid for printing, stationery, office rent and exnenses 6.040 42 Amount paid for t*MHM medical . e iamlnationa. postages. advertising. , etching, *, Ac 39,1X1 78 , Amount of cancelled note* and return . premiums on cancelled policies. 18,HUD 98 282.779 88 , 1,402,960 30 { num. fash Is banks 42.007 10 Invested Is aeeurtUcs rrssied tinder laws of the 8 tale of New Tork >00.509 OS Honda and mortgage* 012,022 14 Invested In real estate 48,963 M Quarterly and semi annual premiums due Iif>*e<|uent to January 1, 1H08 . 18,891 16 Interest accrued up to Jan. 1, 1858 27,160 21 Notes received for forty tier cent premiums vn life policies bearing Interest 021,206 04 Premiums on policies In hands of Agents *7.717 90 1,401906 M The Trustees hare declared s scrip dividend of THIRTY PKK UKNT on all life policies, whle* bars been In fores . twelve months prior to January 1. ltd*, and SIX PKK tlRWT INTKRK8T. in enah upon all previous dividends, payable on and after the Aral Monday of Mar' h nest to thoae holding cer- { Utir.atae. and where partlra have given premium notes, to bs allowed in seuiement of next premium. TSOSTSES. Morris Franklin, Isaac O. Kendall, Alfred Freeman, M. !>., Havtd Dows, John M. Niton, William Barton, John 8. Hu>-sins, (Jeorge (Ireer, ' Henry J Seaman, John I, Roger*. Charles J. Martin, Daniel S. Miller, . Loring Andrews, fm. lloxe Puaeubury, John Malrs, Wra. I'atiiek, ; Russell i>art, Wm. H. Appleton, llenry Suydam. Jr., Pliny Freeman. MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. ' FLINT FRF.KMAN, Actuary. * SDICSL IliSISIU. . CoKaat tt'a k. Hon ?hT. M. D. (lioaei Wile Ik, M. 1). j TITANTKD?A LOAN OF 00011 TO PUT IN A FIRST ! 77 riaaa hoarding bouse, In a vrry desirable part of the ' city, tlood senuriiy will he given for ihe money, and a llbe- j ra! sllowsnoe made on hoard A family Would be preferred. J Ileal of raferenee required and gtveu. Address J. Brown, J Madlaon square Post office, with name and place of real dence. _^_-h : j HORN KM A!?I> CARRIAGKH. / 3 A KR1AOR FORKAI.K.?ARRCOND II AND OARItf AOK J a j for rale low. Inquire at 73 University place, corner of | 'I hlrh enth alrevt Family hops*: for rai k?will rk mild hy r ] A F. II WIIWNCK. No. 33 Nassau street, on Monday t next, the 8th In a* , a very superior family horae. full seventeen . hands blub, of very atylish appearance, hob tall dsppl* gray, j nine years old, sound and kind, of great h ntom. free from J inek nrtsnf, very gentle, wtllatant without hitching, * lady ran manage him. la In every respect a perfect family horse. 7 The ran isge and harness wflfbe so d also at the same lime. For hai r a kirst ratktram op trivk horhkh i Am.It hi \A RIi.UT .* TCTTLF'H llrerr nlable, chwa lo lirard and Heuatoa ntreal ferrlee. Willlamahtirk ?. t For hai.r-a pair or orat tiorsrh. i*s hatdt * hifh. 7 tram old antind and kind In atnkle or double harnraa. ft Ian a larke f prink feed wajron and a am of doubla harncaa. biittikrla. abeata, ir., romp lata. To ba sold cheap w for raali. Apply at 26 Plrat armor Fort'amc-a~hrowt pacttu marr. hh hands htkh. 7 yaara old. annnd and kind; ran paca a mlla In ~ J mkinia* ?>aaronda, with <aa*.>n and harnets, n'ftrlj in, 1 w??r>n weirh:nft 1R) pounda Will ba aold for S376. Apply r at 943 Pulton atrrat, Brooklyn. J FjlttR HAI.K?A 81'I.RTIUD HRltWT HOHTAII. IIORSK t 1 with way n and lurri'M. tho proparty of a krnUeman ? warranted aoum) and kind in alngle or double bftrneaa and o tindrr the aaddlr Hold for want ofuaa, and fit for aay ft mile b mfp. To be aeen till aale at ItlV Pitt atraat. Jf. T. b bit>R HaTr^A~riVR HAT RORHR AND A Tor WAHflT ' F The horae >^na kind, and an^irallrnt drlrer and tra 1 Trller, and ko.?I iindm the aaddlr. would be a ?.">d opportn J nily for a family or pbyaiclan wnn'lnf lo porrh?ne aold for f want of nar Way be aeen at Weeden'aatahle. <M Urtnk*ton ' atreel, Hmoklyn P'..r partlrulara apply to A. II. HARURR f A t'tV, 1PI South street, 2 yon hai.r-a~hpi.knofn rnriTtrar oi.n irot ^ r (rrar home fifteen and a half handa hi?h. juat broke to the anddfe and kameaa, would be a Una horae for doctor >r 1 ri| i. MBaii nr wo.ild make a time berae on ft farm. Alan a J ranadlan pony, fax traveller. Apply at 61 ?'berry atreel. n n~ORHPH~POR*HAI,R? AT T?TR""WRW"TORR TATTF.Jh aalla. Rlith arenne. nnrner of Thirty ninth *treet. Two * ^of rery fine rft'iUlfte hnraea. Iron fratra and dark baya: p long taila. Id handa high rery atyllab drtrera, aouad and kind, piat from t'en'tal Hew Torn. 1 TROTTIRO"MARK TADT "RITTRT FOR TAt.R. ?TIMK I ? 2 40 A fto.?l nble mar.- W*rrattte.| In foil. Apply ; | P at 19 Jay atrret, It) o'clock A. M. ft -- ? - ?- ? i ? r LOAR OPPICKR. I ?T -WR HATR MOMRT TM ART AMOPTT k11. To anraack on miinitn. warreaa. An To inTAWoa o* riaooe. una ana nar aooaa. An. * To apt* a on no eor*a?m.p rraeiwjma. Ac. To APT*ara na atncntenifta or am. nana * THTP 18 TUP Ot.PRAT OPrifK IT THIH . ITT. y J. MACDl'PP, eetAbliahed IMA. w.mmiaetnn hnaae. To. AM | Broadway, enro?r of Walker atreel II H. VooonoerU,m q with any other hnaaa Prlrate rooma. ( 0 <B1 ?MOKRT a i>v ant'rp -J.tnRKAi, rota ROM J tPii made to an* amount on diamond?. wat, lira, jewel*y, " planoa and all ktnda of good a, or bonkkt. I?adlet ani ? kentlemen ran be dealt with ft'rlrtly confidential, and not be ? * aern rnietink a loan oflre VW Itroadwar, corner of I'rlnre 'rem, room a A ami < I r < Al fo RWVflon TO I.OAT Oik WATimTph DtAMfiTPR. > V' Jewelry. Peaara. dry gooda and aN klndtof uerarmal | property, or bniikM and anld for raeh Rerrhanta wlahkik to I rloee nttl Rielr entire atork fbr eaah. areommodated on abort 1 notice Serttnhre of >11 klnda naftiftlated by TllitTPHoT A t'O., brokrra and ron T'aaion merrhanta, HQ Taaaaa, corner * of Ann atiret, rotiu 2 and 3. ?e. >nd floor. n ain nnn t<) 'vvkst tv first <ta?r?fort. k" or lo put out on b .iid and m .rtkakr na elty nr Hrno* i property worth fully dotit'le the J amount, f'ath w'.' e paid for any elty property d?'iraMy i ' located, ff otl. rrd lo t IKil.lW T A M ATT, IV, Ro adwar, room A I tin ll(l(lT"'n "V ""N" Wl> M i|<I ) l I TptlAr.Af'MF til one or more autna, to auit npvltr.'rA, "n Impnired real r?ta4. in fbtk rltr Apply to ft B. nRO vn, 13 * Wall atrret. wv. nd a or, J 1 nnn T l^ATrtT hit MOTna~WATcnF*i , TflOl.lfUl/ It welry, aekera. fumli ire, Ar , or th? a-nar f bought for the blab gt raab prloea, by tA.' well known THA Af* Ufhre f| I'hamhera kfrrrt. T It ?To bttalneea Iran nee ted im Haturtfaya 1ADIRH ATI>~ : KTTI.PTRK" ACOOTTOtlATTD TIN ' J rolleleral aer irity ao -b aa dlamonda. wairhea and Jewelry nferery dearr'pt.'n aleo en t tan ?. aefare and dry kooda. Ae Pi?r "rtiftl '-i ji at 4T9 troadway. Beat lo ' Vauek a. up kial-a H TT I0BM A CO. 1 ^ OAT, 'FEBRUARY 7, 18 SHIPPING}. RK AND I.IVKKPOOL UXiTfcU HTaTIiH .*}*. "era n?au?* nrUtorthlfl liue *r?.? n1 ,<.'' "*Vuln Oliver Kldrtdft -riT u , i ?w -tosepn >.*n?l..ok ill i nLTV ,t!. Captain .Nines West Theoe shU. h-Vv* bu'11 br von tract expressly for .TTi ...To, Tr?. "y care baa been kkm in < c.iuS^iettoSTu^adlata .-w-a. " to insure strength an.l IS mid their SccIin.W tlou- (or P?"?H>*er. ? ungual Improved water tight oom ?a #f. neiL 'urri -e,*u spared to mak.e thetn aU L"p1Vew ,tteeK^ ? ?? them prove, ihelr mode of construction yet inwv ,. . . , _ . Prtoe of passage from New V sHf i? '*. ,72r^J -lo^ !, J Rl?; In itmlI dtv. #T&- From 9) gulpr?a An wiurifanwl ?urgWli ** *> *?? mmy. |fo NC-iU ?'an be *eur*?d until paTrfflf. PMMfOnBD DATES Of JlltW?. rKoi mrw rrmu vboiP urnmrof**0*tunU>, .fcmuary W, lhfl?. WednoJdfc? . r?bru*ry 3, IbSo. 41 Peb'tMuryUi 44 44 i.xnreh J, " March 1.1 " " Ma'dl 31. ., " AprU 10, " " AprM ?J- * Apm Jt, - why JJ ? May 8, " fhtf * ' May 22. " " Jone ?. " 11 Jane 6, " " Jam* a " June 19, " " July Jl Far freight or passage ?p.?|y to .. _ FliWARB K COLUMN, Wo. 66 Wall atroet, M. T. BROWN, ftVlIPLMY A CO., Liverpool. H 11. WATNWRIUHT A no., Parla The owner* of three -ships will no! be accountable for g-> 1, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious atones or meta'x elc*a bilta of lading are signed therefor, and the value t lei eof expressed therein. THE BRITISH NORTH AVKRICAN ROYAL MAIL HTKAM8HIP8 mom hbw tohk to litbrpool. Chief cabin passage 9130 Beoond cabin passage 74 raoa bostoii to uraarooi.. Chief cabin passage 9110 Second cabin passage 60 The ehlps from Hneton call at Hallfai. PKRSIA, Oapl. Judklna. CANADA, Oapb Lang. ARABIA, Caul J. Htoua. AM KR10A, <"apt. Wick man. ASIA. Capt. K. O. Is>H NIAUARA. Capt. Ryrle. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. KUKOPA, Capt. J. Lettch These vesaela carry a clear white light at masthead, green on atnrbuard bow, red on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leaves New Vork. Wednesday, Jan. 90. AMKKICA, Wickman, " BoatoD, Wedneaday, Jan. 97. KUROPA, Leltch, " New York, We.lnea.lay, Feb. A CANADA. 1-ang, " Hoaton, Wedaeaday, Feb. 10. ARABIA. StoDe, " New York. Wednesday, Feb. 17. NIAUARA, Millar, " Boston, Wedneaday, Feb.34 Bertha not secured until paid for An experienced surgeon on Itoard. Tbo owneni of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious atones or metals, unlets Ulls of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to K. CPNARD, No 4 Bowling Green. FIR UVKRPfXID -THE OKITBD HTATKR MAIL steamship ATLANTIC, O. KMrldge commander, will dapart with the llmted Stales malls for Runipe, u.ialUvsty ou Saturday, Feb. U, at 19 o'clock M., from her berth al the fool or On*; street. For freight or passage, ho ring oneq-uallod accommodation* for elegance and comfort, apply to KDWARi' K. OOUJN8, M Wall street. Passengers will please be on board ai 11 o'nloek A. M All letters must pass through the Poet ottca, en; other* will be returned. Notice ?The steamers of this line have tmpmred watertight compartments, and no etpense has bean spared to make them all as good as uew. The thorough examination (tree them prove* their mode of conatructloe vet unequalled. Grrat broochon ok park to kukopr. fro* new toitk to to new tore from southampton, havre or southampton, havre os bmemmn bremen. First cabin 9ft) First cabin 9100 Second cabin AO Second cabin 66 Steerage 90 Steerage! 40 In the first rinse paddle wheel steamship ARIKL, 1,000 tons, P. D I.udlow, commander, and NORTH STAR, 2,500 tons, Kdward Carenly, commander, to sail from pier No. 3 North river, at noon precisely, carrying the United States mall, tU: leave nfw fork for SOUTH A PTON, IIAVRE BRSNEE FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. SOUTHAMPTON FOR NEW TORE North Star Feb. 20 I Saturday. .Mar. 20 / Wed'y. .Mar, 24 Artel Mar. 20 I Saturday. .Apr, 17 I Wed'y. .Apr 21 Thrse steamships touch at Havre Specie delivered In London and Paris. For passage or freight apply to D. TOKRANCR, Agent. No. 5 Howling Grces, Mew Fork. Shiitkrs of bproir wnx plrask moticr that Insurance by the vennels of this company can now be done In New Tork and In Kngland on the tame terms as by the mall uaddle steamers. The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company's Clyde built Iron screw teamshlps? PITY OK BALTIMOKR, 2..VT7 tons Capt R. Leftch CITY OF WASH! Nil TON, 2 ,'tftl tons, CspL P. C Petri# [TITY OF MANCHEMTKR, 2,109 tons, Capt. J Kennedy. KANGAROO, 1.S74 tons, Capt. Jellrev. The undamoted or other v ease la are Intended to anil as fot owe:? from hveppool IANOAROO Wedneislay, January IS 'ITY OF BAIaTIMORK Wednesday, January 27. TTY OF WA8HINC1TON Wednesday, February 10 (A NO A BOO Wednesday, February 24. 'ITY OF RALTIMORR Wedu.-e.lay, Marrh 10. TtTY OF WASHINGTON Wednesday, Marsh 14. And each alternate Wednesday. rmoB EEW TOR*. KANGAROO Thursday, Febmary 4. JITT OF BALTIMORE Thursday, February 18. 3CTT OF WAH1IINOTON Thursday, March 4 KANGAROO. Thursday, March 18. JITT OF BAl.TTMORR Thursday, April I. DITY OF WA8UINOTON Thursday, April 16. And each alternate Thursday, at 12 o'aiook, noon, from pier Mo. 44 Msrlh river. sates or Oasis r asbaee From New York end Philadelphia. 976 From Liverpool. II gulBeas, 17 guln- as and 16 guineas, according to the acj.Mn modatlon la the state moms, all havlag the same privilege In Iheaalson. Including steward s fees. IWu Class Passengers.?A Hmited nnmber of third elais pssaengcrs will be taken and fnand In as much provisions as required. From Philadelphia and New York, 934. From Liverpool. 946 These steamer! are eongtrnifted with Impporwl wat >r tight nompartmeota. Each vessel carries an eiperlenced surgeon and every Mention paid to the comfort and accommodation of DDMrnfrn Drafts en Liverpool from ?1 upwanta. For height or paasagey apply at the oltlee of the company. JOHN <7. PAI.K. 16 Broadway. New York Agent, IT WY 1NMAN, 7 and U Tower llulldlngs. Liverpool A (tent GLABOOW AN? NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S splendid and powerful steamers aatl at under ? raoe mil EPINHlTlflH, r?mmln? Saturday, Feb. IS. at 12 noon. OLAKOOW ilnodwln. Saturday, March IS, at 12nou*. NKW YORK. McMillan. Katee of paaaaire ?Caldn, B75. third elaaa, found Wt:b looked provision*, *30 For frelithl or passage applv to KOHKRT CRAM, 17 Broadway. FOR LIVERPOOL -SAII.8 FEBRUARY 9. THE CKLKhraledshlp AMERICAN UNION. Ship C. (1R1NNKLL or I/indon, aaU? Feb. li Fare and found, second cabin, S3) Iteersre fid Passengers brought out from lemdoa or .Iverpool at low ralee. Apply to TIIOiA. C. ROt'llK, No. 8.1 loiith t'reet ETOT1CE -TAPSCOTT 8 LINK OF LIVERPOOL PACK [> eU-Vvckei ablp BF.N.lAMIN ADAMS, for Liverpool '. scngcr* by tbia ship arc requested to be on hoard, at pier S'o 7 Fast river, on Monday, at 12 o'clock A few more die tigiged bertha II applied for early, at cabin #2>second tabln. |IH steerage slid found. Apply loT APSIXITT A CO., Id Hmitjt etreel The Kndymion will follow Persons wish tut to eeud lor lh?lr friend*, will llud this an excellent opporunity hftOR LIVKRl'OOIc?TIIK CRI.KItRATKD CLIPPER RniP 1 DRKADNOUfiltT, 4' apt. Samuela, go iranieed to aall >n Saturday, 13lh February. Second cabin, fji, steersge, IIH. nmljfo'ind. For passage, having unequalled accomino latlon. apply on >> >arj, pier 8 North river, or to P. M. DKMA iKkiT, 40 South etreet. hl()R LIVERPf>01?-8A1I.S TO MORROW.-TIIK c*L* bratnl packet ahip TBOWTON. Cap'aln 4'ollina, will poel Ively aall ae above, loom lor a few mure pasacuiiers, fj) rend cabin, $la steerage, found In rooked provisions Ap >|y on board, pier No. 27 East river, or to WILLIAMS A il'IoB. do Fulton sires*. rllK HaMHI RU AMERICAN PACK*T~COMPANV si first rlaae. elegant. Iron mall ecrew steaaaahipa I AMMONIA .bebwansew. I AUSTRIA Itevdiman. tORCSSIA Trainman | SAXON!* Khlere II frnni New York and tlauihunL touching at So idiampton egnlarly on the 1st and 15th nfievery month Passengers aken Iron) New York to Hamburg, Havre, London aad buUmmpton. 1st rehln, 914H) 2d cabin. $MI Bteeeage gS5 The Romania lesve* Mar-h I. For passage apply exclusively rt C. B. KICIIAHI). BOA8 A CO . I.W Broadway. ACSTR A I.IA" PIONEER- LINE, KST A RLI8TTET> UKII, carrying tbe United States malls, sailing positively on be day advertised Packets of the I5lh and ash February ? "he magnificent A|! clipper ship MINN Kll AII A, I WW uma egleter. Mean, tiamn commander. wUI sail oa this, her sword voyage to Melbourne direct, on Monday. February IS. roin pier Wo 8 East river. Tbe famous clipper ship tlOL HCN wKST. having two thirds of her cargo poelUvely ew aged, will sail for Sydney direct, from pier 44 North river, n the llth of February For freight or passage apply <>o oarri or Ir R. W. ? AlMROM. No. < Howling i.reen sight >11 la for sale,' and cash advances made mi consignments, onelgneee In Australia Messrs Wilkinson Kroe A Co kjfw tore-ited saw franct^oo rtkamnhip IN line via Panama Rallrcsid.?The tlrsi class atesmalilp fORTIIKRN LIMIT. l.Wl tons. E I. Tlnllelnsugtl. maalwr. rill *all from pier 2 North river, on Wednesday. March In, or Aaplnwall. connecting with the first elaae atesmahlp OR] ;\HA 2 54*1 lows, T. II Blethen master, leaving San Fran Isco March I. For passage and freight apply owly to D. (NIRANCE, agent. No 5 BowHogOreen, New York. KiIRTAVANNAH AND FI.OR1PA -THE STEAMSHIP STAR 4>F TIIK MOUTH, Capt Thomas Lyons. will leave n Wednesday. Feb, |0, al S o cbwk P M , from pier No t forth river (tills ef lading signed on board For freight or tsseage apply to 8AMI.. L. MITCIIILL A SON 1.1 Broad>?y Steamers for Florida connect with the above, leaving lavannah every Monday. Hedaeartav and Friday. LH>R ('HAHMWTOW. FI.ORIPA AN1> TKMNK-WKK.? P Polled Atatea Mm I ?ide wheel fitmnblp line ?The m*g fleent *11(1 very fuel going etewmehip KAIHflUJ I. M lurrsv. commander, will leave pier No North river, on lalurday. February IS, at S o'clock P. * precisely, for relahtor psaeageapply to RPttPFORD, TU.F.HTON A CO , 9 Broadway The new steamship Columbia, Captain M. lerrv will snereed an<1 leave on Saturday. February *1 The avorlte stesmcra Carolina and Kvergladr make regular trlpa 1 Florida, connecting with 'h# steamers front Weir Torn, "hrotigh ticket* may be had by applying aa above Through irketa to Memphis, Tenn., may also be had by applying aa bore. [."OR PORTAWOIITli A Kit PPITKRHdfR.l Tim P I nktcd males mail ateamahlp ROANOh'F Captain horns" Skinner will leave en W edaesda). the link ln?t at S 'rim k P M? from pier IS North river. Abe will arrive at 'ortamonth the neit aRbrnoon. and at Petersburg the follow itg morning. Paeeengem for 'he South will proceed dlrve'lv I by the great Hum hern mall line Thoae for Richmond will rrlve there early op Friday morning Travellers will find lila the cheapest pleeaahleat and moat Pipedlitnus route, vaenge and fare, with atatermim, U> Norfolk fs to Pe'era org and Klehmond, SIO. Apply lol.Ulkl.AM A PI.RAHANTA, lo. 32 llroadway. tjlOR HAVANA AMD NKW HRI.KtNH T!IR ' NITRTk Plates mall Cetmer CAHAWRA. .1 P Bnlloeh. com tanib r. will cnnmiure rereivmg freight on Tuesday, Feb. , and "all for the above porta on Friday, Feb ll at If 'rlork precisely, from pier foot of Bobln?>?n street N R. LITIN(?8TON, CROCIIKRON A 99., IS Park place. VroTtrn. thr irisnii i uiawra irux ors I , n go and rece]v.. freight on ptnr loot of Wsrran mro cr this trip. II KM 1A Al. ? NF.W I.HNItON \NO N~'.WI'H ?'R'? IV pcll. r line la removed from pier No 12, North Ni IF, foot of I'orHsn dl gov' Propellers U'linebrolg lees'nr and Photochet, togeth r with "learners tVnnewtlem nd Wor> e?<er, frrm a dallv p*ae> nger and freigbi line r"n dln j wnh the New 1/ don, Willimvnilo and Calmer and (< rwtrh and Worcester railroads K,,r passage, freight or ther Information, Inquire of R. A. ,M AKTIN, Agent, office oo? of Coniandt a'ceet. ~ ruMmm rllF ONI.T TANTT. WHI,T, V?rrTT.ATMT> AMP PNOM iceikmahle aoanmmodallong for eleaaong In varlrrs. An . re fnmlebed hv rUMPTON'i serve Wry Sedataala Rold Vhol. saK retail and by Instaimantn at ?J WhMa steaev New fork. 58. _ _ AMI HKmClrt*. Bkoadwai thfatrk. k. a Mmvhnll ? VAN AMHUKOIl'N .. Onaid ?nd Zool)gir?l ('o?Al>?or NuriKfrof ihf*i. ?J I'. i,*, .ui< o. ... Mr V?n AB?t>nr*l Mmmjrr of llir KoumtrWn l>eo*r'a?eiit J. M Nuoi MONTI At. KKH H More Novelty Mid AUrarUotl. ?e eugtKemeoiof for , . hit niortn only. U e reirl>r?le.1 CnllforniAn ?n<l A imtrtloui oo ueatrtML Mr JAMKa MkLvii.MC ,1.. ..... ,^w w b. DONALlmoN. U)P C4?lf*hniU*d NHKTO'.IftWM A |{* PPwanc* of Mini*. OI.INZA In h*r Ti?m AHrenKion. """ ' * Ntw grsud lirainstir Rntree ...... BAU.K1 PK FLKUR, In splendid style New Nauttoal Scene, O KM KB WOOD. With PaM LATHKOP. FAN AMHUROH'8 MKNAGKRIK. The Great Klepfcan I ippoo Rath eomposltg In All the best exhibition er ir ottered to it New York public. Novel OTNPRREU.A will be jerfornitl only on every WEDNESDAY nod HATURIUY APTBRNOON open At IX; commence it 1 o'clock. Bowkry thkatrk. Leasee and Manager Mr Fddy Putins ? Boies and parquet, 26 rente. PH. 12 oeots, Private boies M and S3. aeaU In Diirata boiaa, Ml couta. OI.OKIOUH COMBINATION, and Revival of th* legitimate Drama. MONDAY EVENING, FR1I. 8. MR. K. R1)DY will appear as RICHARD III., assisted by a crept caat. Rrturn of the favorite. MISS WAI.I.IK ST. CLAIR, who will positively appear aa <be prick or thk markkt, together wlib the new drama of the liOCKSMITH or STOCKHOLM. Meaare A. W. Keno. N. U Clarke, Fltxgerall. Llngard, Sefton, Mlas Kale Ludlow. Mrs. Rddy and the company wtU appear BURTON'S NKW THKATRK-MOMDAY-ONK NIGHT more of th? ureal Hhaksnerian treat and nulled display of tiret talent By desire, THK MKHRY WIVKS OF WINDSOR, wlib thla iinapproarhable caat -Falstafl. Mr. Burton; Slrlluxb. Mr t'bas. Mathews; Hoot. Mr Brougham: Hlender, Mr Walcot; Khalow. Mr. M Stnllh; Ford. Mr. Bar rett Page Mr llrtgga. Pistol. Mr. Setchell, Hardolpb. Mr. Seymour; the Merry Wires, Mesdamea Davenport and Par her . Dame Quickly Mra. Hughes. With the glorious farce of the WAOH OF WINDSOR, in which Messrs. Burton,Hrongh sm and Walcot wtll appear. Tnesda* ? The SKRIOUN FAMILY. with Mr. Charles Mathews and Shrs L. W. Davenport aa Mr. and Mrs. Charles Torrens "fV'OOP'fi BUILDINOS, BROADWAY, NKAR PRINCN YT street. Henry Wood ... Proprietor OKO. CHRISTY A WOOD'S MINRTRtfLS. Under the direction of H. Wood and tleo. Christy. CROWDS TURNKlt AWAY. NKUKI) MINSTRBI.SY. To conclude with (3d week) Meeker's original version of THK TOODLES, WITH CAUPLK l.Kl TURKS. Mr Timothy Toodlea Mr. Oeo Ohrlgty Mrs Aramfnts Belinda Csudie Toodlea Ceo Holland Tickets 26 cents Doors open at ti, to commence at 7X o'clock. rtupikv tixi.r. s(M iiRioniciv _wrr r uiiubti * JV Close, Ih" (ligantlc Moving Diorama of DR. KANKH ARITK! VOYAOES, with a thrilling description of the suffering* endured by him ?ud his daring follower* l>y OHARI.KI OHYT.FR, The popular auttior end dramatist. Every evening nt 8 o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoon* ?t S o'clock. AdmlHRinu 25rout*: children halt price. Mr. Brooks. first otlicer of tb* expedition, will also lie In at tcmlaece togluo all desired information b wry purchaser of six ticket* will ho pre*ontel wlh a splendid photographof l>r. Kane: and *11 purchasing four tickc:* with one r f hi* only Hurvlvlng Esquimaux dog. ' Utah " IflRANKMN MUSEUM, 127 ORAND STRKET, ONE 1 door from Kroadway.?(\pen every afternoon and even inf. Hie only place lit the United State* whore the MODKl. ARTISTS are exhibited. The troupe consist* of TWT.JfTY SEVEN YOUK'l I, A DIRS, who will appear in selection of magntflcont living plcluroi every afternoon and ow ning Amongst other pictures which villi be represented Hill be found "Ine Oroek Slaro," "Ve mis Riling from ihe .Sea," "Cain and Abel," "Bathers Surpriseii," with fourteen other picture*. Perform Hire* are given every day commencing at 3o'clock in ihe Afternoon, and at 7% In the Evening A variet; of other entertainment*, varied at eaoh perform anee. tn'rodtielng the Kreneh Opera Troupe, feats of agility by Hie Arab llirls. danring by the Rsllet Troupe, Ac , the Hli'de forming a diversified lull of attraction. Door* open at 2 and B to commence at 3 end at 7.V Admission?Orchestra seats, Ml cent*, boxes, 26 rents; private boxes, $1. I'at d ?Sa turday next, F*s. IH is set apart for the BENEFIT OK MISS PAULINK, when a hill of unuitial attraction* will lie presented. A rem !>?tiy of nearly fortv young ladies will appear?the "Tabliam Vivanta," with other unusual attract! in*. Don't forget. Mt'RILLO'S t Kl.KHRATKn PICTURE. THK t'ONCKPTIOM, b utmeriy the property of the late King of Holland, now belonging to Mr. Km. It Asplnwall. Ttiis wonder!ill picture, considered one of the finest works of the great Spanish master, will be exhibited for a short tune only, the proceed* oi the exhibition to be devoted to the IIOMK KOk CHILDREN OK SEAMEN, and to the refuge of friend leu* known ;m THK flOUflK OK MKKOY. Now on akhlbttlun m the gatlerte* of WILLIAMS, hl'KVKNH, WILLIAMS A CO., Admi?rM>u lib CCBK. ItMt Hioadway, Mrs kkmki.k's last rkadinor-dodworthb Saloon, HOS Hroudway. Mm FRANCES ANNK KKMHLK will road thakapere'a nl?y of BKNRT V. on Monday, at It, f. M., at the above Ha 1 he cloning read In ?r? of the coura* will lie aa follow*:? Tuesday evening. Feb. 8. at 8 o'clock?II AMLKT. Tlmraday evening Feb II at 8-TWRLFTII NK1IIT Tlrkrta 81 ca'h for the each reading, may be had at Meaar*. t'rowen'a ard Chnatern'a bisik atorea Wm Hall A Hot ! raiiilr atore. alao from C. W. I'olmao, Hf7 Kaat Four teen'h street. and at the door on the erenlug of the readlaga. l1 xtra PiirouAxoi rtut imuomaii Ej o'clock, hv the Model Artiste* at the FKANh'l.IN MCHKI M IT, ' > R A N D NTKKKT. when an array of talent will app-ar In the shape ol lthAi rr and orioinalirv, eicelltng all former effort*. Stage# paaa wlihln a block riffle* door Afternoon performance alwayaconcluded by half paat do'eleek. TO LKTTHF. ACADKMY OF MUSIC, for ball#, rMhar's leetnrea, and other reapectabl# entertainmenta. Apply to Mr. TI'NISON atage door of the Academy sf Muatt. In fourteenth at reel, ACADKMY <?F MUHIC-WANTKD, FOUR BttNDS. ttF MM eaeb, tboae aeeored by nevsoad mortgage on the Arademy of Muatc. Apply to MOKSK A Co., ti William ktreet. T OLA MDNTKZ WILL OIVR IIKR POPULAR AND I J wttty lecture, ''On the Wit# and Women of Parta,'' at Hope Chapel, on Monday earning. Feb H. Admienfm ill cent# Lecture to commence at 7H o'clock. TilK Hll.l, MKAMOM. f) ALL AND FKHTIVAL OF TlfK YOUNH DKMOCRAOr .11 to he held at the City Assembly Room* oil Hie 2Zd of February?A limited number of tickets are f?r sala at the principal hr.tela and tuiialc at irca Price two dollar*, tntilu iling rcfieklimenta. /IRANI) BALL OF THK YOUNG DRMOCRACT.? Tlcketa for thla aplendld ball and Icatiral, In commemoration ol Washington'* birthday, ran lie obtained at Halt A None, Ibalworih a, and Firth A I'ood't muatc vtorna T UIHT GUARD HALL ?WILL HI? (IIVKM AT TIIR li Ac*drmy of Mostc, Thursday evening, February II.? F very arrangement I* being made to make thia the rnoat elegant and brilliant military find rlvte reunion ever given at the Academy Wear# free to nay that In point of novelty, good tnate and beauty the proponed decoration* i anuot be eirelled. aa for the muatc, tt i* sufficient to aay Ihslw.rth. a ith hi* full orrheatra and grand military band of Ilk) muab ctana, U engaged, and will play the moat select and neweat music without cesaathin ibrougnout the evening. The simper *rT ,ngement ha* h#en placed tinder the control of H Myer, ol the well known rlnh teniae Ron Ton, and we guarrantee that never before baa atn h palna b#en taken to aatlafy ibe " apoetite," the lee cream aaloon to be thrown open ihat evening will be a feature of Itaelf. Tlekela 81. ailmlltlog a icman and ladle*, can be had at the muatc atore* and principal hotel*. Light guard hall. OI'KRA CLOAKS, OPKR A CLOAKS. Noveltle#. manufactured egnreaalr for the abore occasion, will be ekhililt#d on and after Monday February S. OHO. BCLFTir, 181 Hroadwav. MASORIO BALI.-TBF TWB1.FTII ARRIJAI. R A I.I. of tba "rand I. d*a of tba Slalr of Maw York will bo viv*n At Rlblo Halo D oft Toaaday aranlni. tbr irt'h InaiAnt. Tirkat* 92. to admit A (an i lemma And ladlaa. may beoblalna.] At Ik* door, TtTARHIBOTORII BIRTHDAY riCJ.RRRATIOW-THR ?T maml>ar? of tba commlttan of arratT*<>rnania for iha ?r?nd bAll and faatiral of tha Toun* Damorraoy ara raquaatad to maat AI ma Marrar Ilirnaa, rornar of Broomo and Bar rar Mraata. on Monday aranlnr tba Mb loat , At half paat 7 o'clock, Incomplete arrangemcnta ? n. r. RURRBI.L, CBrHmm. Jon* W Srtrra, SwriM'f. liiidSLW Tarnon, Traaatirrr. Yr RONS OF MALTA.?BBoTHBRR, DO WOT FORttRT tba annual ball and "upper of tba Pro Palrta Lodge Ro. 1, attheflty AaarmMr *'???, " Wednesday arming. Fab-nary 10 IW Rrathran will apply to tha A~-r?<*rj, AI iba Indira room, on Tnaaday afternoon and evening for tbatr llrketa By ordar ?f tha Lodge HBIO J A MBA LBORARD. O. COM. Rao. Oao. W. Dit.Aa, <1. Bar. WASHIROTOR? Tba hrarA, iha wiaa tba good. QRARD BALI. AMD PRRTIVAL TOfWO DRMOTRACT*OF RRW YORK, tit coaannonaTton or twa RTRTIIDAT OF WARBIROTOR, OA HOBDAY IVRRIRfl, FRB 92. I AM, AT TWO flTT AfWKMRl.Y ROOM*. TfOKKTS TWO DOLLARS, lan.rntwo it>ii<niim Admitting a gentleman and two ladten Ritra llrketa for ladlaa. ona dollar AITIlOLOUTi Tin "PRTIW** STRF.R* -CLAIRVtlYARCB.- MRS SWT11" KOL'R, tba moat attrremftil tnadtral and buaiaeaa rlalrroyant In America Oonaultatlona va btaalnaaa. aloknaaa. ahaant friend", loat property Aa , and aatlafAation or no pay. Oray hair raatorad lo Ita original anlar without fall. MAPFMOIKFLLF. MARlll F.RITR I.AMAROt'KX WILL, apon rnrntpt of 21 nanla In P'.ai?ge atampa, continue to give a trna ptMnea of paat r raaant and fatnra araou. Alan a daguerreotype of fotara wtr? or boabaad, by enr Inning a apw i man of writing, alao a lock ?d balr Addraaa with mum ?mp Mad lla fit ^uarlla Iwmamnet. Rroadway PoatolBos, Raw York. MADAMVTRNWRTiR SYfLI. ORTIRVIR IIFR RtTRf naaa In nalrology. Iota aad law matter" aba faala a oft A dent that abl baa no erjual. Iwdiaa, SO aania gentlemen f I. Reatdance, Ro. R Way rawtnt ntraet, hat warm K.gktb and Rial* "treat* and RenondVnd tbtrd aranuaa. MAPAMTLAFA1R. JVST'ARRIVRD. A MOST LRARR ad aatrolofl.l llr naming the day, moatlb aad year of jour birth, "be wilt wrt>e Ike <ndre er?nla of your paat an 1 fttlnra Ufa Owa dollar fbr a v'rtttau natirttT Hha la a moat rorrect fortnne tallar, and wtl Information no lo?a, mar nana, law anlta. atnlaa pr- par 7- WRF*"* frtanda and aim nam Br Iwdtealhoenta naa,.;enj|BM centa.wt bar oBep, W7 t aoai atrewt, up ?tg j ? jr_ anlfsknem xtlhlio'n 0 A k f > k n R IN DAN KICK'S (?kpiat hhow rlo**a mfllit poaiuvbly on salon**)-. i.utiinat .** |-min li bitvc i fi u iii*i < l?y lta? hi'riitd f?r nprniui( , wpi.hi n a * tli iw a i. thkatrk l*bt)aitpl|>bl*.i>n hmntdiiy, tli- l*ih iu?i th-roforo, lb* livoao 01 ilit clanal.i mrtna mill*! avail llkinirhn ortho iv.w kfmalmmi oppoktlnitim for atieing (iii* orpat ci mkfnatfow mood*) rronln* ikb. h, will in* orti-rril dan kick's iiic k am op t 111vat.hp. la whii'k 10l* mien and dorrm will aj'pkaiv kxvki^ioh will a? nicvr hi* mlrim nn<) *11 liui animals will rkrporm on wrdnoaday a/teiiioon?th* ecrafagau/a ol (ho pmnv ka(.k:>. Ob friday?cobpllmentary t>ro*flt to dan rfcic Wallace's theatric tea taylor'* beautiful drain. tlllt ptcak op wa kkpjrld, bnlnp raridyed with (n?* boat d*rnl*d anark* of ajiprofealta^ will im. repi-alil monday, p.-l. a th? pink /itino, ilk a(!1 ippl w knbkv and 1'hakaci k.kfhtic c*>hroml no of <bi? rbarminp ploy indnreaiae won ??? *?( mr bf ly (o rrrainf tkr palroda of wallark'a thrptre t/? m m bo for* ha naitirotdable withdrawal lo gtre place to otfjkk noveltltt. booth at thh swa*. receded w*th ?bonU r-f langhier, will aljo be repeated. Tiuraday null Feb. llei eltt of MRS BLANK. HotirclcaulVa lint remedy Ol.b UNA I'M AND YtX'NH IIHAKTH. Mr 1II.AK K In hta unrivalled ini| rraonaliotrof .feiwe Rural. Mm. HI,A KK M Lady Pnmplnn. The other eharartera by Jhe mrei idl of lh? mniiuif Co thl* i reunion wtll he produced flr?t t'.ire herer * coral# drama, In two with New ?reu.-ry. MuMc, Ac . entitled THK fRf'WN PKINCR Mr. I.MTKR fftrm t'aw> a? Kredhrlnk Hterfco A tlvr act it ruin n it. ta preparailoii Perfortautiee* eonwnenc* at 7 o'elaclc. Laura kkknk's nkw tiikairk tvt uitoAOWAY Mondat Rvaitnwt. Km s. s*. TDK I.ADY OK L> ONh AND C tMlLI.K Ki'LIPSt?. CIIABiar KTAIIK A HHHHHI HV AI 'I AWATtOlt Dlaparatfed by KNUDIHlf CRITICS liut milnrae.t by the AMKKlf A ft PFOPLK, who iurtpe lor them .Mvi-a in the RKCOUNIJION OK O K.N I LIS. The moat brilliant audlrt, rot nl|tli''.y wtincae WHITE LIK*. Camilla Piijardta Mr lordaw Kdtvard RlOere Mr. Q. W *nddar< Commandant Raynal Mr. Wh?altiagh Mr- JWfajatm Raiton-HB de Iteaarepalre Mlia Well* Josephine de Heaurepalre Mlaa Lanra Knoaw I-aure de Bea irrpalre Mia* C. Tfcnrapeoa Jaciniba Mlaa Mnaaare I V? tract a Irom an able rrlUipie nn th -tAnre play, publldied Praia of laughter opne each ropr"?ent*tjnn greet TDK t.ADY or I'HK I,ION*. Clod Meddl.-tiot iwi-b aongt.dam - ?. ,1ri\) Mr Jeirtmma Potty Ann (with a >11110 . Josephine Mamaer# Iktoi a open at t>H K> commence at 7 '* precUaty BARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM Monday Afteraofm and Evening Keh 8 IRtd. JOCKO S BENEFIT?MR. II W ATKINS ' QUICK'S YKIt KIN '-QS1- K'8 VKR KINK* The public la re apeetfally Informed that iln? 1* the FIRST APPEAL OK THK AUTHOR on behall of ho. an nirpriAlnBty popular dr imalizaltiNi ef I 'OHII'H URKAT LADDER MORY, entiUed the PIONKKK PATRIOT, Oa, Tit* Maio or thk War PArn, and that It will he repeated In all the attractirrnra* that baa won for it auch 11 career of triumph MONDAY KVKNINO, at 7 o'clock, Mra. CHARLES HOWARD at Iaabel Car'uia. II WATKlNHat Joeko. The real of the rharaetera by the remainder of the tat noted company. AFTERNOON at 2X o'clock, the great moral druma of THK DRUNKARD; Or Tilt Ka 1 i.e.a Savin Mr II WA1 KINS a* EDWARD MIDDI.KTON, aapiayeu iij rim originally in i>ew rora, ihiimiupma una Baltimore. Wr W ' portrayal r>1 thai dread of Urn Immoderate drinker, the Delirium Tremens, has been a* knowledged by the prena awl tin- public <>f tne Union to l>? a Terrible yet Tru<hfu! Picture of thla appal'tn* aflltetiua. Adml'tance to all the curloaltle* nf the Muaeum a* well ankl performance* In the l.eoiure Koom 26 cent* rlnldre* aadar en, 1.1 irnU. BRYANTS' MTNRTRF1T.S, Mhf'llaKIOR' JIAI.U ?72 Broadway. Monday. Pr b. 8 and every nlthl llila week, .IKRKY aiiu DAN IIKYANT, the favorite Pthlnplan Dromloe In ?h? ir rnmloaliUa* an t ihotr W'KNKS AT PlIAI.ON'h The fJarrolere, Bob. Ridley a PeeUral, 8t op Speech. IVior* open at <!. to commence at o'clock. i ickrl* IScaala. AAA BROADWAT?CHRrPTT A WOOD'S OI.D HAHfc 7171Kntlre Change of I'i ograinrne v? rv Nlifht thla Week. BCCKIiKYH' sfrKKN A DKKs. The ffri^il original character delineator, Mr KPII HORN, a* Krinlder Bonea. J Ml'l.t.IO AN a* Tamhottniet. BISHOP and SWAINK MID'KI.KY lu Ibelr beautiful Ballade. Horn'* or!|lnnl Power of Mimic, Bishop Buckley and Kph. Ilora. Sll A KSHKK1A N KKAD1NUS Doors open at fl4, conimenre at 7>j. Admiral m 2ft eonta. A CARD.-MR. <"11ARl.KS MATIIKWS RRSPKOTPPL* atnouncea bla benelil on Toeaday, Keb. 9. when Ike feci rite iimi-dyof TIIK SKKDH'S KaMII.Y e ill be played, w lib an e*trrme'y powerful caal Mi tlharlea Maibew* ifliwt timet a* Mr ? harlea Torrena. Mra l,.*W. Davenport ibrak limn Hi *ir* * iiAiift Kifn nB. i --II waa'iire. Mr iirnuaoam; Atnlnideb Hlerk Mr llnrtnn. Widow Irlmatne. Mr? A. Pirkcr. I.adj t'reamly, Mr*. Hughe*. Aleo the celsbreteA comedy of OCTRK FOR THK IIISARTAf'HK. Old and Young Rapid by Meaara Morton and Mathewe. Hot Itook now open TflKATRIfAI, ?A COM.KOTfOlf Of A-ToiiR *PHR (wmir fifty In number) of the principaldramatic and operallr arttata of Europe and America, including tho*e of Forre?t Rachel, ( harlot e i'n?hm>n Rlalori, KnMon, W J Florence, Macrenriy, Veatvoll Mario. t'harlra K*an. Ac., foraaie. Addreaa N. O. P., Herald office, stating otfrr. V T AMERTI'AN MPMO ASfO< IATION'S SECOND Xv concert of the third ?? ?? ti. on Till' RS|> A Y. Ilth, at Hope Chapel. 710 Broadway. Mr* Brink erhofy, Mr K. Hodman II I t'ooper, W A Kin* Pr Oullmettc. and other*, with the full rh>rua of the Aaaoclatlon. Ticket* 60 crnta. AC K8TIV A I. F OR THK BENEFIT Of THK r.ApriOf < hatttahle Roc let y. attached to Ht Mary a church far tbo relief of the poor, will take place on Monday, Feb 14, 1 HIM, at the < hlur?e Aaa* mMy Room* M# Broadway, near Prince rtrcHt at 7 n'rloek In the evening. Itoora jfrti at 1 o i lo. k in the afternoon Ticket*. SI) cent*, may be had of Ik* lady m*D*K*ra, or id the Helton ol the church Thespian pramatpj Asst>ci \tion. institi ted IH44. will *lYe their regular performance to morrow (Mnr lav i eve litnu. February 5. 1M5R, at Humor HalU No a24 lloua'u atrent. Piece* tor the cecals* are the Merchant of Venire " "Sketehea In India," and the "Two Hnnnycaatlea.** Performance loeotnmenae at 7S o'clork preolael*. A vacaarv for three gentlemen. Addreaa Manager It. T. A , M Prince *ueel. (lONl'KKT VIMS t\ A PIN II.KY HAS THE I'I.EA J ante of announcing to lot friend" and the public that ehe Will line Iter VI RhT t <| l' on 1 (today t-ienlng.il1 eh. |ti, |Hf>S, al Itodwiiith e Saloon She will he aaatated on thit? oeea.ion by Mle* IIAWt.KY Mr I'KKRINO, Mr M AfiDN K K V and a aelecl ehorna under ihe dlreeilonof Mr t|. W AHHlltil KN MoKOAN, conductor and planlai. Admiasion 60 cent*. nf)N T PfiRPKT HI DWuRTH H BENEFIT AT THH llleecker lliilldlnif*. corner of Sleeker and M >rtow a'reeta, on Monday evening, February A. A boat of o-m bare kindly vcluteered Ihelr aerelceO. The performed e wil conclude with a otnic afterpiece, front Invariably reaervad fur ladlea tientletnanlr u?her? In attendance, t'arilanfadmiaan n Jftr Coma early if you want to get a aeat. iroa't forge- BUDWORTH'B benefit. MRS REMHl.f H 1.ART VF AHINHN. The rowing reaillng* of thla courae will bo no Mamdmf, Vat' P. at |ta P M . Tnealay evening, Feb 9. ar I Auraing evening, Feb. II, at llodworUFa Hal-r>a. at A o'clock. TJHILARMONK' IIAIX. WARHINOTOH, P C.-THM I aplendid new halt K now completed, and will be reotoR for ft rat rlaaa hallo, ooooeiU. lecture*, Ac. Addroaa to Mot??moU'a muaic More. Tit* MILITARY. THE VETERAN I'ttRPS Of l?IJ OF THK RTATK OT few York ?A apeeial meeting will take place on Moo dev. the *th Inatant, at 7.H o'clock M ,H Rlell'cfltar II "ion, 7 l-lapenard alreet. By order. THtiMAM If.RKMIAB. PreelAoak Wn W. lltu-igM, Secretary. Tiik <?rru r.RK aiiii hkhiicri nr ?<>wr\i*T??. Jarkann KIBa*. irr rw<|iiaat?d In mMt at lhair lull room, Ka?la Hal), roroar of < hrl*'r an t IMltrgr Mrc'ia, no Sua limy, fohruary 7, at twal** o'clock. to par tha U? trtouta of raopart loonr lata wortli* and fallowcttltan arldlar. t 'hriauan HuU< halar. Br ordar of mows roU'MH. Captain kbskst Waptaisn. Ordatly Sarjaant. mkdicalh ?1 nnn romrRrfkn and so charor cnt.m? vA.Uv" eurad ?I?r. Ill NTKR raraa wban tha traakniani ta nthrr phy*l?tao* and all othar ramrdlo* fall. HU rmt drop of yonr only rallanro for a tbomudh rurw la rartaln dla Msna No S Plrlafcm atrrri. iha only plaaa now no wall known for tha rorj many aitraordinary curaa It baa parf m ad. without dtat or hlndranan Irorn hualnaM whan all oibar raaiadla? only drlra U?a dtaaaaa into tha blnod 91 only. Thin aaaiiraa tha patient from aecondary atiarka, and la ina only rantady on earth that doao It. Try all otbar* and *aa II* wara of a handbill atatlng that l>r H intar baa ranoewl. It la arillainnu* <iadaption and a Itbai. Bct or nm larhowt nrs pantb and t-n*no? Madtcal Ad*1**r and Mama** dnlda. aw paaaa. pro faaalv lllmiratad. 91. S| Naroar *tr**t, oppom* St. Nlrb'lao Hoial Wafoaa yon marry, of adopt aay tr?airmant for katunl debility or dlaraaa. aa It Inform* yon of all tha r**ao>1ia? and a wrtain mode of e*r* Treatment. 9 to S and ?tnd P. II. upu.rpst rnofrtakkn. rt. JtlSKPIfS TRRAT|j m**nt of nuliv Apnlf from 10 U) It A. H . or drana to Pr Joaaph Hrterre, i?7 Broadway, h. T (toon Nrwd,-ArrT<Trn ur tn **n i.rarn that I a perfect and radical rura riiaran'oart H? <' MRMOB with weakncw. dahlllty, narr. u* .mnla at*. ?alf abuae and coral dinnaaa*. All who ara alHloied. all wbo hare rind otherl and ktrt no rallaf. all *bould read the l-adr'a or Oentlnman * Narriare A Imanao and judge fey tbam*alra* Do yon wl*h lo anjoy ?ood haallh and Ion* llfaf If yon do. thai anrpiaa four po?ia*e alampa. ad.lraaaad to tba Itotantc I'hyaotiaa, h7 Wi?1 Twenty erentl ?traat NewY.wh an1 either of tha Almanac* will baaantto*ny nama or addraaa If yrvi an rloaa *aran a'ampa both tha Almanac* will b* unnt. rnoaiil. tntton* can b? had dally from * In ID A. * . and from |tnl I* M , at tha I toe tor a retodence, No ?7 Wan Twantr erantll atract. All tnlarrlawt and OommuutcalMMi* atrlrtly praaln and eonOdenttal IVrnRTAVT TO tmAt.tR.-DUtA9?S Of FKM AIJRi airliw raly traauR by Hr. DCH'CR. Ram 'Re* for remain d*a*nii n.anva from 91 to 9* Relief* aarantlwi 'a all "arm. pr?>?M?d ?Rfc I ntrt, nnnti.g ao<l Mir: > !?? nwt *"? '>*?? hp w?> rifwuu ti-nc Htm r?T>. TWt TAMflfT Of'ho mm* rfnlnrnl *?tr>r>r*n I* mptofWl I* lllnMrmtr.a thr n?w rrlitmn '<1 'koi j>r?riK?l mrl ral work II i??n Kruill* of, Phjrn?ol..?ir?l RimMr-hr*,' J>iol unapt rO'm tbr pr? m h 1??rriN hr miM *n 1 rflk?if? of all AV r?!M of ? Minr. tt cwv . ? or >? lannirtto** fnr Tfcr p-rfrc < 1. .1 r? n.ilth.- h.. ?f? |r?. r-,'r*l hy tmpr.lW m?i ' I'. in . ., / ' >. ? ? al?? a rr -fm ?' t ?" < ? >f e*w>m*at tfom anil rum *..t?una In n ?l? o aaim? t?-l mlrnornpa, wok pnWfrfU trarra |>ri r 7.V i-mi a *rnl fr?r (.1 pra'ac* " u/ ) irl I tkf ' I'lOtPJ l> ? inn iaM? ?..rk tn\J ha . r'alnrd. ??H aa hr Trri.rrir fr -r I>r MARROW Ian 1ST IVnno l/ffl. I fro rlnnra 'I Brn*<1 w?T Raw Tmk ?1? fr-m C II Mri. MmwIiMT Jfrw F-rk w W ! ?, kar FkDkdclfWik. *kd? S. U-w