Newspaper Page Text
o A to et'lVi H fi-r ".mt'Kt, t-veo to tn* own hurl '' , 1 m? ?hal would bf Uu cff.t'l nil- ixvnonnliy, ib*l UM-fp-r^uUttuk ftl.d ?!>??*> B-l'lllO JOllOW, All l ItllU. J <t m) txvt tni urtf ?ou11 iuudrm> the apparent raahacM ol Uip act In * < tUu> I bav* r. i Urvtt B'lt IK'? ih*l thr v!iuu?i'r* buve ro le 1 ovor uiv U'Vt, unit I k?c Use full i Iti-ct. u pd I" >llJ uif ai.uCi|?u.<Os? tbe tKw.l if (to *pe:wu u?en>ase of tbe I'rwtpot? hu- autxviiy wi<" agmniit the position **h rb I ^ voUxll) .rJ f?? hi* ilfTeiif*?1 calmly ?4rv*j Br auhjeot a^-atn, and, or retreating a<ir.uic? on he t?j-olHH) 1 tiavr nrruiii<-'t In V>v#>iibet 1 said tbV il' be ivftvrni iv h? 1' iiciaim <1 ili> LreoairUai cou-tiluuoii iltbui t oubiiiittit, k al' li tLe '.-v 'r'v, 1 would avcpt it a !#.' nut) t'r fa'in intruuieul But tin* that it a* been Hubiiiiued in the u.a ne r anil ot'tti < eleveulh n< t->art?y>nih ?. eu ,im ol u* h homile, I repeat t<i.i posiJoi. ol my % ! tier, and w ud aiii pi.", only ?ub I je \ to a fair ?n<t if pn) vol.- of the e t Kan??>, w> t>e I prescribed tj tscir ierritoriaJ i-egisliturc ? tot or Confrere. In renew inffthf message, I pa*? ^ver nil that 1* saM reapv.i4i? *!: iv^el H'ti uti'J uaurpat'Xi of *be Itopekititc*. Aeir c-*>?r>e lia.- beau vtoieul and uuiaw ful in the extreme. 1 ?>ii tli?* that m-ir t> 'pweum to Kse-ia-! have a:te?' unatr lawful autlr nt?: tuat tht-y hnro pro ceer.ed und. r the art ol Oni.grrri ana of Territorial nrganiTfttwio, Mttn up fit too (unlit ai the arhetule of suhm'a sion ot tur lx c. nutor. rocMitut ot> to the people their u.'ts j were tU Jure ac el< f'icru rixiitlui ic the egititnate ?en>e. Bu? wkai lis-1tiit to 'dc, It-KiU.v or logically with the aaucr i la toe I a i ,*a l>*. r. e.i--numo the act aud deed of the p.? !*??U it*. h< dule r?-j- blicait* It ii Bin Hi..M> ?,iJ ieo*|iK>o were arraying Uiem- j m tw ?i.?i|i-i Im ai ' o'Oet in a T-r> b>i y, *11 1 can *?> : it iti'. Uii y ought U> have biVr arrested and punwhed locgagotn um lo.icrai executive ol the Vnilen -use*. j Wuen thi w r:*key tO'tiirection broke out in I'eonsylra- ; Bm. wouut ii have authorized a lawful convention n that : State to havr *<.hmiiu.i a &>nMiuit>on f> the people io mcti a fft'i- Hi- a- allowed uitu t> vote f<?r it, but uut a;air t tf? a^aliowea one nitr. to vote down 1 000 nion, an bar i.? iqnai rt?ht.= , pr<<i, to oubinit one qijfstii'U a:m , v ii ji-t ful>tnilieu it in Much a way tnat in qric o^o' 'or or avialt.'et lha? the |K' ipi" wert' obliged M vote tor auii Lot acn us*. -cm',,hiuK Ve ?li '-h tni<rht be ctnoxii'u.i or oui< us t?< tti 'tn?a? insulted and oprrejsi d tb?tii?iih a t<--t oa<? ve r>-t <x i mi ius'.* uoi^i.t of tyr. c> . to HII| P??rt n AM btltu'ii'O, if ii'iopted, f?fo it ??* aroj?ted, and tilt c. u'U-r ot ing foreod to g 'lp the oa.h in order to v.-.te ?t ?n, i<? have Me voi^ pot counted. hec*urp n * *! Hjimuft ?- 'l not l'or wbtt b ?? ?woen to support. it am,.too uira'iii-t hi* will f No lieueral Washington |mi uown Uie inMirrect;oa airi lie w.iulu have tnaiti' it no . \cm-p tor fraud, tnjnmoe, meqna'dy or oi>|.r?? n oc the pa-t ot others wbo were mtit.f under 'lieook? of la?''u a'>tUo"ty. So the Toj?-fca:te8 ought to bave been ni* e to s?untnit to lawful au'Lorny . but > 'ho can-.-ou'.eu't that tbey fonctt ?? ibeir ?<li:ri!1 e frati'- iih or thirtr t'reiitnm of choice to dn-approvr or app'ov?, 10 'at y or r jo<'t an organic li* Wtk?b SubtPHt*o to them H it ?i-re T >p?K lite? aloue op posed to i't lievom lip cooat'tuliou? No. Some proSlavery t"ei> <?efe opp.*-fd to t; aud ihii schi?dule de pnved Uieni of their tu.vere gc righb . an wi ll a-ith>- Tope kate* 1** aoditig ct'ii-n-., a.- ?eli u< wi-rccmpelled lo vol? tor ?t.u Hut &g i us:t thi* eonBtitutton. or ; not It Tote at all. The ?ron? ot tbe Toj?kaittfa will j not jo t'f> th* ?<oug ot the liecompton on. nor cure tb?< riefm-u of the I eonni|4'>a grhudulc. What Is that t-che< ul?*v H* 1Mb *e, tiou rea<l<: ? l<?-tore tils conci1 <|iion i>h?l! l>r sent to Concross lor nd mi??ibu lino lb-I n ion a? a n ute't shall b-' au'.'iui leil to all the wiJ ? m*l>- n h.:M ?ni> of thin Tt-rrl'ory tor ?;>pror?l or dtaapprovil, at follow*:-"1 te frenHeni of tbi* t'oovenUou ?b ill, ly pruci nm ion derlare thai on the Ulat da\ ot I'ec in ?-r I-i>7. it tte dltfcr?-nt flection pro clnrla cow e?iab?ioL?H) by l?w, or wbi'h may bi' ettab limb'd ?? ti i e.r> i.. ..) <1 i h?? I rr < < >' o* K mi Wee tioiy-nuli be held, ovr Inn ?h.JI pr-?nfe three jo-ti;#** or a mij'Tl'Vot brie lo li m j .mte.' n tollowa The Pr?*?n?"nt of thin Convention *hvl r>o nt tbr*? i \,inni i-sMin-rs Iu -nth county in th?* T> rritcr wbone du ? l* hb !> i appoint thrci jurtf!*'1 of eli-ciiuc 'n b'* eve"T>i ' r>*rtni' r pi iht'.r r^* pec'ive e ucHe* Ht wb . ti "I -r'lc.n Ihi r jn?'i?u'i?o fr?>n*^l tiy Ihi* 0oov< ntion t>- m' tnlt'ed i ? ill lb- ?bn>* in i:ilvt bit->iii ot 'h 1 i rrito'j of Kt'. 'tie ail.) 'lorr' >>ry . upon ltu> d?y >iii<l ti'i r ilii ,i^i- cf iwei.ij oo' >ra-?. for r?.iflr* tion or reject'on, id t'? follow lif i.i n< . and l.irm. \r N<.w it oi.^t curelj he aotinu. that is a nlaia Rubral siou oi itii- v oir fraiui'I by r e (Vmveution The subinit-s 01 ot tue cont tuition l? repeated twice in tow i im m- m a mi} i.i I to ! < hi nkn And yet I* it not-traiR* tbM Wi< &q t-Urul'l bare made ?dc ir-itake of ?*j 'H?i iti li? nn>?ag>-. 'bat tlie w.'iole of tb* Lo eotm>tot. ooi .-ntutior w*? a.* at i thai a par , tlie a'avi-ry . Cla1 - ? ?> mi 0 r it?n . tn<* people" vv ,! 14 'm> i paid tn reply that tb* ?t o > was aub-nittert only ?uf> m dn, t ' u?i> utli* unit r r ui.d t rmv Welt, let us It ok at ?.?e | it aa er ai .Nortii. fb>- n.miner ?n i furin I-:? !!> r<<. in? Mail I r by ? al;oi 1 be ju.lfi? r>( aatd sler ion I al.a eau?s n t>e k? pi twn jvoll bK>k? by two elsrk* l>v ih*-m i apf i lnt d lb- l?> lots caul a paid election ahsl! be eri i <Mmu, "Coin'itutiin will alaeery," and "i uasUiu'iua wi no a.averjAr 1 here is ti" tuber fori* tmiohir e this pnint but ttv , am. la tt in-t p ix p'ill tbit t?>e wuo'e constitution wu? sub I in it<-0 b) the form a.- well iv by tb?* preowli.gdau'sem body irg tr-? prtvnpleot entire subm ssion * rae wnole j v> mt-tnUt-d ti tMm ?- w-*? eub-wuce, b.t the form ! ot ki>btuicr>< l win- cua-ltr t.> conru ict ilie pntvi le wf rub- I bi'jv i'.id the priucipe w-j> Hutitut-wum of the whnte tar ' approval f.r n ^approval,'1 jrr "ran Valioo or r?JectH>a,'' but the torn wa? tor "approval'' aud "ratification nUroe anr there ? ? no fofm t?.i "disapproval" or "rejection " Is tt acswerrd th' - ??' to rubsfvnr^ bnt a aubmlftaioc o( a pail, tor ibere #?, a form approving or di-ap proving ran! i tu. or rejec\itig slavery > I beg pardon and | won't repeat that it was ao otioua r.iscrimioAlior to <ue lo allow aiaver* alot e to b? di-approved an 1 rrjcrtml, anil gelae Bnt, passing that by, ia it not plain, I re p!> , tt at to one w as !lowed to vote Tor or ag-unst sla ve?y, aiwt, viilma be wvHild ? .o vole lor the cvostitu lion, the who e of it without eic-ptioc? Any ooe mifbt vote to rt jevt or to a-lopt tnavery, provided he would vote to a/tot* tb? eoc *titnton arid no ODe waa a'lowel t> rote for or a^aiart aiartrv who did not rote for tbe wnole con atiuitioc I it km plain, then ttiai the object <ra? not to auboiit a pa/1 oiilj, but to force ib? aioutioc of the wbo:e t The whoi?- wa? n'-t fairly a'lbmttsed One thousand . ter? went t?* l?" poll* Bine biiteired and ninety nine n.igl'1 <3r-ir? to *< <e ?*aii?i tbe (' ui<i:tmoc. and one for it: u.c one ?ouid be t.-ui-tf- ana * '8 cini' bondrrd and ninety r.m would n. t be counted TD? purl ?s to *iav< ry, which was > iitl*,l for a'isr n%i<* n>i?iit, fvi ai_d acainrt, war not I aubmitteil. One tcourai ' pro iavery a.*n mipht fi< to!?, de iriig to v t?- for slavr-y. but anamst tb f.lut. n; tae?r * o<e> coukf u?t '-e cuut.ted, and cce free t > r, wlio ?W>n for ti.- c osTliutioD and<t i arcry w- ?*> <v>iidi?<" , and ,.i err.,tn. tlie r u? hundred and u i nine It I* I 'lt to eav that Uu was a- fair tor the .. I'le as U>' other, for, tbo'igh tbu be *M'l*liV true aK lbs t ii> h-mlred and nmety nine free Woil rotera arvi t ilie os# pr.i s.arery vnter, yrt tn? w.,uld oo.y P'tnf ILe cv< to be Mir < t a duul'le inr oau ot a slngl" ipj??tic? It (ifrrMi ooiy it iv a wrong, itijor i.iuiy af filing t-4!i t'Ott aid Ui< wbole pejp e, and uot a part onlv I * tr Ui ir. tl?-re w a* obvouelr a sic inter iu ! aeti rs|w.t'i'.c4k: v>" .<? ' in <hu? girn k ac uniair elect.rc ?a t" a pvt. c-vi) ed *"tt to elfvt on its u he ancle. It was tn let <y tt in ado'it the coaalltutiim fram-d '*y Iks iMiri' nn No man aa* a'.iowHl t) n>u for >lir?rr wt>? did ?<>; *1* '< lot lb? col. l?l i. "fc, *i>' n i 'i'?n i>i< ailivtee 'o \ i<- a?vo-t iittr r\ *ho < id not rou- f. r the court >iutn>n Mr fngbt t>v?'t > '.?*% ' ry o? adopt rt pro ! vi tilrt ?< te '"l the ? <>:.r iI'JIk?j; ati'i if to; vote tf iiu-i u? -.L-tit ,ti ii, b,? \n r or i.-l aiartry w*? w i i'Iwih1 to emoted Tbw t?M< *11 T f 14<b Mrrtton li none than tl? in iqu t< of U.i I 't? ? K>< ?<in It I iirj prrm.r. y>f rii-n lf> re'* * lb* afore**!.! e'?rt<n?, t,| - ? > ro-> i -i ,i if h !.. ngrd uke o m I1,!. mil row Ike T e?t'tnH- t. ; i|i* I'n'ted * a ?"d I i pf*' <h? neH'MU. n 'i itil, uu ler lb* p*0'l ':? of per,urj una .in Territorial a*? Tut- dei o "UK (??n> u?< j ??i c mo out of a ?rt*r<r md dt ut Uu* < \ i t]>< t a*.bitf Ki>u? Solium* ?frrrt >-Oi-KHy. tf,'- mi'-I "i >*ati</e of b' b Ml"l rt uh'Ii. " Sow bebulu a; r urn piac-fui. l*? abdin* ciiueo approach 1m tbe pi I- ? un or hi* WMtW I ;m?j<iBe mtarif kt< li "* v> .III" ( aveb#'dor pet to the Oldral of B ctjjii r ( lJc" lbs i BU.?e o til# acbraulc. I ar.i MtSmui v r) ?i.i Kin- lo'i.i.rint k4* lor uu nj bl lo b*n ii*- fV'i * i#?rt ib* 'nt ?* I owp: I am iOi*i Lb t I bat* Hie 'tjftit, li) ill 0'ai >/t u? ii |li Uninipi'iD Oooveit t,wi* t?f r it ?ri'<at otoi#ri> iu ?i?vr?, ? ap f I U' i?- I - i r ibi njrtM, lam cbaien*ed: U<e hi' r II V ' out ?o '!> to rmtr lM to g ipi>or' tbe ri?>Ulli'ui of iu> t -sat-p I ??k *rhy irti,*** oj at* U??- <-*t' ! i'f|t lli4l ilt? n|)l<|(a'ii.n h Itibd a( <*o m* w.Umut iW laUi- iMd I I >t* at I ni? j tii- inanuiiiiKit o! the I'miti iu *. tt.?: ii in sn* < i*.? raprtn* l?? & ttiF laiid. ti i.Oud il v .f biit ? r.g m I'ue to a ipporl NMlMMii'tU ? !-> ?:.* . i- U> v t'w in) yro5?-r1y, I a?M 11> cr v> ? pi' n it but I ?in v?i<i ! tui|?i m tb? a? ?,? p a" aH t' "Utip-^rt .!?? lAtomptnn '* <oo ntitulK , il ? ttptfi under tin pfbaitioa of p?rji,ry under I U.f Ti<?1 *" i?I i r?<ki?u uiW ? raUi uudrr tbr iaault of ruch mi r?th ti>o di im In a fr i'ii ai at lb>' inila?to Kiippnrt a rnn-tiii.i?n, I If aO'ipt^l tie! re r ai|??i' 10O I deomiBi a tfte oi?t?rle lo nij f'**i?a. of ?l-ctH?. It tr in rain, I ttiurt iak? it or !?*% '?>; pr..|"r?y uli^i'i'lefUKl I nuppuOe?lb- ru;(e Mio* M alDKM li in <-ti<ble?I take tb>-(?lti : I am tb'-n, od tbeii <*, f. r'?ni* ib* prlTilo*e iif voti..f. I rnui for aim*?ry. but agaitiwt Use nnivutiiti m. I am Hi?o lolii lint mf rcu- < aui.iit tie jeilau'worc to?>ipt>>rt if adopiAC anwi I hate ^-iiufr by intiiit, and ll?e?i din'-iui''lux t, ! fn atta; t/i rMh-tir- b> iuju-ti?? iaei|n?iii) mhI iumi i ailued to injury I* tbat Bi) a'i tu?d i.?ed' la ha? rt-pubt:-an ' tl lAluruta tma a tyrant for pt?tmr ?W mo luft to he real by tl* Koniao peepir ?hal 1i>? li t- rte erv? tn he r*u id, ? ? *-*! piita tin whole a nl a l?art i yi-ilier an thai lh? rniO'irity for tue wh<i|' omy prevail o?f-r a tiajonty fur or a??in?t tbe pvlf l? It ii? the ?ery bi? imcii* and teg-r d?'tnnm I-! hi ep'iH 'lit* '? I'l" "?r of tb? pi") pie aA'l bri - k ii| it (?> tbi"r b"fri' I tell y<iu tbat ijo (irouC fiee |n upte ttu) Ktiit u in?o.l ar * n.I'?^ra |<k? till*. afiO rill li i'erpiitlHB U il" i| li to drive p"*be f?j ati't Ifood rrt fi'iir |r vwl'lice lor a redre** nf frie??oe?e H I the r| ie?i|?Hi la tot ttbrthef the I,"totip l -l rooetiiot^'l bar b n ' |>pu?ed Uu attfully, bill |? It the ai l -a.d dred oi in# nov. rr^n people irl.o*! ii pari?>rU to b< ?ai' < |> it e|i|#h t in IB lie r>l)U' M??U by tbe *r >t*!M e 0 i??- ly<-?tii(itnB ! n.-i t iioit ABd mark t/vi, ikn tint * I* ?M" r "UrU HJ>- ,?|-P' III* 'II I- 1" -T.r. pi C fnin a .*rr I >ry fur approval A(<*r I (knur llui o.i' ? < % #< n mf <j?d*rflMfc? wbHiior b" eviH, If tfto c tut < m it i/afore Vvagrrm. tboiign b- a*?iup it a' tlic ??" Mat * UTR?? IS 'h- OS ~xuy th*t t?i? fwipl*. If or-* ' * ? t ii->bl t'?*f 10 -I ll mil iif tlx* c iDMltUt'Ori 1*11 t il>t<if 141V B)'wr. 1 rtt tij that ?h?>* riyild t>*r* v.itod f 1 nr Mail' } under tin* ?rh?iluli>, jioI??h? III y *1 ? Ik- .go 1 ln?\* ?i 1, mo* bundrt-d Mid ou<i> bin* m ?lu linn fnft? tn Ui? |> *!? and Vot?4 f<?r i.r mt * p? al?r*ry air I )et hav* >*<*? niit-<m*d by ?*' m*o. . U? > fttud Viawl ibr r.uj??it.uion .ir.n th* on# vitofl for It !o 1 "I ii. i"i?) w? 1 rated against th* ?4U*M<iU<?o <??ild ?"V- at ? I hv# uii'air, tbvtj. to urg?- lfi?l tfi??* ?>? 'r . ii t., tli? r,.ami>tat**, thou*!' fur or a?ain?i p mrmry. ?ta<rt amy from U?* poita fti Ui* aim ef l>?r *r, *ri b>t in* *t?p ti-m ?* by l? fault O'lid tbry harp ertt?,d <m all if |h?yi ? +<- VH14I iM *1' Co ill tin v bp i-mmUM fJt ? nfntrt ri?*rr?. a*l* k t'?? r roti?i fur lb* OuatiU'tiuri? *li| hold lb* |*?<f?* fur M atfO'iujt lb* p>ii?, ?h. a, 4 lli*i M Umtiiad t)>*m ll>*y *?f* no ilitiMiiiiiti Imi in ?ni* ?ay, ? "< all ?Hii?m m rm? ti?*r ? ? ? mvI th* tn nortt* o? to* w?* flren th? u^nrtty of a* or*r ?i>. ? ?*' * ffci ym rati tlim tint f K?p^i't ban wb rh ? u.a < wo at Irani V? cbd ?* " Rut L*?t Uwtn aaa no a' #>ri.ati?e l>ul >a raw|>*ct Umlarrrr, m* that ?aa t.ot a" >??>? uaio-a ym r *Od tb? < n< way 00 tba Mtt*Vti!t4M> Harf. ia<>,i*inMi? mjaallo* and i*?*>jiMlity *m kEt?d<. tba BKrai of fraMuMi b^fcrf >a tb ] NE' (. ntry I fin:'I wU1 ?be VroMd.-ut therefore ? <>u b(> p?y> l? t- imp urthle thai nii> people c?ul.1 ba\e proC?wiib ,?>r? regularity iu din formation of h <\ i diuti"i tba. the n'f-p;e "* K"M? h?k-e iloue " rue |? ?iite of K ilifti* have IHM beep In lio d a fur ( ir and tn I eleev n at ail, though the *IiMp couslitirtoc w u* pr*t'ndo<! to t>r KUbtnitied tothem So nnt unon tne part which ihe ItMidcnt sa)b was a!?ne aubimiW to it>? m. You ? < (.t tit1*- Tii*n, t; 'it 1 arriv t? at tlw<?e f?c'? from the lit. of 1)1. r??-ri1?Irotu the dcb'-'lule iUell'. I d-?t,< n tit Kama* tor evidences of fraud or au> other t <ct. I iion i jto behind the schedule w.iicb 1* ai.nexi'i tn the e i m| on cnMitntum >ti>? if it shows on iu Uc<s a fact fttronpi r than at \ prcif, that tb.> people di.' not vot>_ it fh. ?i? Dial it *?< .mionble for them t? vote ibeir fpv< re yn will in a an , free ami full r lor Hon. Such a u flection cai iiol p'??.-itilj b?* Mil under #U'h a wrh u Th'- 0<<ipett in boun 1 to look at. I am hound io cur Lam cit' t- raiifc the Heal oft.lim Stale to he altlxel lo pa|>erx lor I!.b piirpc#* ol authentication 1 bave mo eltcUoa. Ir be tuipcr in t-rope' tu be uertlilM, ! must atflx the km| l:ut Ri.pprcr th?i in theact w autnci>ti.*?ii>n,bv affixing the seal, it app. Br- to me that trere i? a doubt even whi.'ih?i the paper is tbe act and de?d ot the party whose act Ad nc* n it purport* to up. ?.i?i i w impure wnetner it oe ih? wl and de*.i ??rib"> party? If I afllx aut'ieoticatioo to what is n"l bid, let} ?1) him irreparable damage But rllplOe tknt it ap|irfcr- ( rtl lllrt (' ? t? of Ultf pt|IT tUM it U)?t it couidu't he h 18 ACt and ?that he ??p r.ot let r free nfjrt.t Km I bound to c?rU) that l'i >.*e1'' act an J d?ed, which ui>t only is not b it oculd soi bt b)i Mt Mut dotlt Now, a< I mU l| Nstm her, if the Convention h; l proclaimed tins constitution rnd Ft nt it to t'orprrsn. ? trout Mibuitfrg it at all to tbj?ople, then wt'iiSd have let I sm.ply the evi del c* of lite Convention ili? representative an J a<eui, tint tX,> vt?> tin' au'Jior be 1 lust/unitul uf their priuCi|ifcL* ? tt'f peopl?- K? idenc* in tl.?? toutrary ? uld uot have at'tta'tu iu tin* rtf'rd anl on the return itself Aud we woi Id t-ot have b^k?utbonze?, if you plea us, to go bo b*i??t the return Convention o.? to have ta*ten evi deuce oJivtirir or a'lrtiitud a plea to matter debars the ncoro. 1'ut the I-e.**.mpton C invention t>ubiai.tod their (otifctMition to popular a, ?rma! or disapproval, r>it'flc* turn or rtj rtion It purport* to be th*- act of the people? L"t of tlie on vent ion only. btit of the lie'iplo a ntv Tie Convention did trt fully nod flral'y adopt it, and this schedule i-hows Unit the people did rot, tact'i^e tl^T could pet, us it was ptovofctd It la. then,neither the act of the O rvention nur of the people. It is. in fact, adopted by neither, and could not be Sy the latter. If Co igteto. received and adopts it as % *<'ati c.inst tu tion to> Kaiisat*, uiider tbeee ciicumMaaoeH, * ill not >";>n liretB be intervening to impose a constimtion u;.on i pt-ople wbicb is not their** Will they not arbitrarily inter vi<ne to (li ride a i|iie8tion wbr h to the peoole of K.'u.s*8 alone?to all and all alike altered by lu? < vote/ Were those who did vote allowed to vote (tjiaiiifct ui? cjubtKuip-e an well as for it ? We are lold that we are to shut our eye* to the record What evidence have we. then, that t iw aoonMi uUoa at all ? We arc toll. then, that this is not the time t > rain* the question, d? facto, whether it is the art and "loci! ??r ?he people ot Kansas. When would be the line?when waw the time, it' it be not the time now, to inquire whether ttiis ip a genuine constitution or the people of Kauaas, and whether it is or ts not republican, wheu these, mid these only, arc the question before t'onyrc-g? Why. it if a.?kei!, ha* the issue of fart l"vn delayed go lo?gv I answer, bow could the issue be nvvte up before the return? were trade and the evidence appeared ou tho record subm'Ued to t ongress f Ah' but ?e are told that it is inexpedient to raise this question ai a<l; that ?\pediet,cy requires Congreus to de c oc the question. Wtien it mora ly determined th\t the iolic> o: tbi- nation sDould be|o*Brnedby expe lienry rutner tran by justice or right} what right has ')ou gresi- it>Htu,i He d?r? s of eX[>edi*ucy over a:i i above the sovereign rights of a peoole to free an.I tair elections 1* <'xp? diency to I* carr ed ho far as to al ow Congre-.- tr iciervene so us to set l* wi.I over the will of tbi people ol Kansas, or to ?ut>btitute it? will for theirs andtopvea minority < oLititutii n <> a majority * Thi? would be :ii?r vection with a vougearce, iii t>e teeth of uon inter yen tiou. t-o much c?cl?iaicd lor by those viho advocUe tinConstitution. Hut ihe ! 'resident offers sn iniucoment to the auti slave ry i a*'j iij liat ^ by s*> irg: "II a majority of them' ':he peot>le 01 Kiin*ui?) "desired to abolish dMnestic . ,ir< ry with.u t.';e btau . there 13 no other possible mod-1 t>y which 'his rati be eflected so s;n-edily as by prompt adroit.- < n " This hiut is somrwbtt d*ng<-rou< in point t>'. policy. It cits bcth ways. It might be asked whiter th s crmmenai itselt to pro-slavery gentlt u.eii who are advueat ug the "prompt admi si.11. " Some ri tl.t rr ence rc-.ei, ?-.i inws protecting and establishing slav? ry in ixaota. lliry hac better not 111 ike it t**i ao parent il 'he -.outh tbit "prompt admisai >u" would most h|n < 'ii -j unmake tne slavery there whicl wa* restored bytie fi'ru scott e< u#ir>c But this was not toe ('resident's In r meaning. He meant to ny only that it wa* id hi? < piBKL the -petn.-f. *-*y t , obtain a fair Mite by the people In other words,t'/ongrea* is to do a thing in order thai ' lna\ be immediately i.u lone Why do it to V unvote' l? CoDfTC^ to g ?e the Territory a c >n-dilution ob xiouk to a majority in order that that tnyjority may liave Slit* rovertignty to put it to the tortures ot its ir.n^-t Rti;:t.; ffnj not allow the sovereign people dire.ti) a<.d st on"-. tos-le^i lor Ihe'nuelvei the form of government tht v prctcr, m.-teirt of auhmittmg tj their 1 sccK iia ho UirtrtiUieLt wh ch the argument a tmiw they abhor'- Wctiiti it be 'e?. trouble. or take less tune, to reier the mailer back to their deciaion, and to avoid 1 in. itu.ui >1 ?turh tiv.-!.1 tin 1 wrvi'.td :\r..(v ihnUr kl adopted and admitted constitution which under taker U> bind the eoverelguty of thc> peo,>l? not to hat re their form of Government before All uo iAmuni 1HM- Bv authcntirAtir.g tt.u? In riruimnt by the arbitrary Intervention of Ccnprew, every tort of quevuon ol veated rgnt and ot boundcn m?v* rnptij w Nitc arifo Hy leaving the ] eople p^rfeuly Irei to elei I lUeii own form of government in tbe.r own way w/Juut Iear. force, fraur or intervention, tbowl^uft aLU worse would be avoided. The agitation Id Kanuu would be mtiuae, to adopt this I.ncjmpton instrument and the exn>ern? nt there would be routed in a now atu tncre f'-erlu! fvrm than ever, anil remain still il Gaigrea* me ? abaci. aim the country universally. 1 prop-?ied. ot tnc contrary, in tny fan.many letter, that Ooo(ree* *t?ouk not ilrci r ?hf (jne?tioD ot fact, b t refer it hack to Ui< Terr'otial J*g ?i?ture f>>r tuhinlaJou under Terrttorud h? . to ih' whole of the legal voter* under a fair, freo at.d full elect.on Tlu? ww done t>oth m the rw* or WisCTtin a> d ot Mich.gaa, under cue* involving the princi ph-i*f tlm cnw ot referrnc# and nuhmtMioB This inn**-** r o e. minor. of atmife ion, but rrreue* the .-late ml" the I mo pr n 1- ui ail) ?prov idcd only thai the conpLiution u Uie will of lie people fa;rly and It gaiiy palled. And why im|.o*e tbm cnn?titut,on of a m-non on a majority > (\i t? no I toe* any .v>iiihem i ? Imactne that thus w a prari.caOle or pf-ra r, \ ot Ti akoi|( a slave State? Wh believe* now tha: Ki?i*?. w'l b< made a ave -iau .>r k< pt oie for an* i tinje. b; adoiiaxiori of thin const!'uuua? Who trtll ] . arr) a t-lav< nere now to be? ime a bone ot COuten' on ' it) b-fder war, the sport of vivlence and fraud and | tmrc I ae that ha? po long endangered pernor and p i- rty and po iii' ;il lrancl :ee In tliat uuhippy bat'lo srouiiii if ?-cCti> fiadat To hat end u th<- <hiofi u iloue if i-ptviily it n to be t lit ic with S'ate antho rln created todrtvi nlav?t proper., from the IV rriioryr have prtwi'ly, heretofore, contended only <ol Cqufc)'!) and pietlcc, hut If Uilh lie want"uly done, with < lit a.ii'i.k'a ?tUepowt rol a slave ? *'> Hereby ? it will l>< wi.ipe than vain. It wl be ma 1 h :>u oowui j-r fat cut Tffn. U> b?j lust "?pee.lily1 wt'h tb : io-i ol r tn< thing ol lar more worth 'ban poi txil vote? ? out inoraJ preitige If we are not wu;itg to do putice w< Can - ark f"r If we < an t acne to ejualty mr n urt expt't to be denied X H nt our bull g>>rfo?i I ?. Ant i nl*fi>rt 11T .SlinnillA MP h.l 1 lia.,1 la Wila. | icrity of ?! *rlio'drr* id thv TerrX'rj , e J a nnuoitty or abotltMa lata bad noit<*u the cen.iu* ' act rrei?tr* irl-> tbeir habdi act bad kupt -iMe>i | out rf Hi My U r fount.* o"ii of lb OotiT-nt.oi , *iipi?<e? ; tbey f.-riuei a eo? t.mtjon with ? clause pruti O'tin I ?la\ ! ' < ? i :l'? CX UKrisi" ?.lb"ul "imntunik I to a rmjnrly of the i?>?tv'<teni or suppoee t'jey ba-t nub miti*'! ui1 |?iu of Ut? ruii-t tution lo the popular vote, It I cep< tbe ooe clauae prohib't n* slavery, kuuwlw ll wnuid i * mim Jowti i uhmitteu to tbe ma >r ty of ( if (icopie i -ii).(..?? .iicb boot on the cUrr le* bad beta sobralt t*->l (o < ? njt?? ? aed w? ha?t ttn?n h?*ar4 the aiwolut* n?ae of aixitent ? i"if.|f(iW for by biack r> publican ?. 4? ' rf Otureae t>su*toiB ttje doctrine of le?;tii to If; I telly? Urn" eviry :*.wtbera niaa wuild bare bt? L m aim< and would be rouavd uu in- ah?4d!ng of MMd rather Ibsr. a. t>rott to UtofrwM faciei, i.g op<a a majority ?t pro?ia?ery pen ?le an arbitrary re- ri;a of a Bifir cocveBtkm, uMUK>n**4 to proc'aim its OOOllMu two w thout an r\pr*> (raor U>n w ibr -an* principle, arc<m).??nte?l hy lUflfff aod fraud. ' MT? are Willing to rln onto id hern m we won <1 bar* them do unto u? The fwutcrr, penr'a a.-k lor bo m)'?*t ro-to inequality. are I' 4 thai the ( r'unit arimiaaion" oi Knr, ?< ai a ?ial? nil i lh* afllatnju to (Vnaeeas, and lova'ie It in K*l)!>v W oct if O r Kanaae .|u.?lloti' I? it local t? Kan me- Vo it oever car be local arua It ha? prettied nil idae>e and all?law** IS oar country I*t Onn?n>* or,, dotiw. ihi? *-be<iule ?.f I i rderoaw, M the ^xitb imHt m it, M th? Northern democracy be required to eoag?n' td ft*- ii^i>Uce. and tbe pre* edtul bwimiut of universal ip V-catioti tud citation acali'i-t us for all time Not r*nly iii tbe p*atr] |>lc*d. but It will be a plea tt> MVfini raeea rt Mirtla <(n*or(and rtanfer, ri?tn< 'K-<*?*iv ly h- i ' I ? om- > aei t?rri(o?ie? to lb? Pd' i4<- sbal bj be fliiiiif; i (i It r^nnae up a?*'ri aa I a*am every year from turrit >!? en< tidiiiK t>"ni VhHIUi valley to Pftcotah. I a* if m ( ,ur*e1\??. ti.< d. tluU any mo-lo of a'jitnir ni il HiilitCniiNi it i? tbi,,?l>eecl e?t ' for Kan^aa It t? all rMrii;ai :bal thr aitUe .i it aha.l he ttiai and riybt and equai I' nc?. Itiaaorvtob* mi(chl?T ju? u> tliat party ?c b baa ?nai4 hrxl |?wi r w Uioiit rifh*. an<l Am *o-? that ntay i o' t To do Justice if aiw*)? tli* b??t p"i cy ff all weild ''di ii,and only wia' t? r.f lit and aiibrtft to ri<4b i g tuai i* wr?Dn lnt uli'1' ai i 0('I>rc O' lltl never He perpitra('"l r oier .ieo Tf?e nt- r etert? of adopts? the In tr>t'ti-t. innriitiition. ? i> i* ? h dtilr ar n-* d. will ?>? w r-? (!i?ri testing tvk tbe que^ti'ti to tie Territorial <!t "U It m ill ar'aicn U ta atnnitatrati in and the I'rm'.'rary and the J(r>wth for emandinff niort than it v'bt, as 'or f'X Dlt re -<tar.r? t i Wfmi. '? will be ' ?f (be li n of a aiayority whllat the I. ?"<d of a iiri erity -in .ti moutb. n * ill return Uie rhalne to i ? - li ?lier tlni Kan?n< Tie-iKin acim aid a<r*in ari?e in Soril> "eia-. lu Sew m Mr?i'ila Valley, and In a I our bo<ic?lie?r d <n "n ?>f undett'ed and fa?t aettimr tor r (*?, It wil drive fmui ue tlKwtn^ of hooert iletm rau nti-c North a bora-willinfiy stand tiy ua'or Janice id equality, b it ami must leav<s u* when we demand en anrt nfnse ,ia*l! e and e-)uality to other* M will ra -e Mie Ma< k republican tl*e oi.-r the Catii? >1 in the n?ri i-trii?sie for p?iw<>r; and Ihni, then, will ra,?e i?ie U.<t il(ea> i- *i# of union or dm inion Are not ?ome alm iw <<i \< a* to fuch f xir^mitiea *f will tluu :.?u? hnni li:4? fu- m\ t*rt, rMUwra, I f? yo i aa thn frl?nd o< it r fatrharao *n<! utr aduii miration. rbry harw jty i.?*? and frienishtti. and ' wmil'i m*c l?itb frutu aij'l I trust In their pnr* an I l??r nt r but! rcfwl mnrh -nor* th*<t?m rr > < ,*, Uir ~ot,th aiiri U>? I mon, an<i I am nnilniia frtr th*r fat* A- f< r try-i-il. I f>'?r BTtbmu wtion tirroly standing on the nabt. in apit* of frianda and fnm. I r>??irrd T'??f )?ti*r ytrlrrday morning, and bara ?r lleri Una in jr"al ha?t?, l?? b? in llo?? Tor Mia ma I th'? t v tir.jr V-?t?wiii pleac* ?oe that It M correctly pub li' bed 1 hare l< t Uanr to r< rlM and cnn 1?nae it Hi-SRT A WI*E Tr.Jr.hii W Ft,may, Paa.d Webatar, Dm1#! Dougherty, f.. u w*bb, f^rft , OommitW i.rm* mm mkhato* non;T,A*. W**r?ow Orrr, F*b 9 MM r*fr* MM 91 JtkJ9 fluU* ber? tr4< W YORK HERALD, THU1 m? v< Tirit trip to fc* rrcr-?n? ?c<l to pirtiripjwl* with thfl < * llii'adelftii* in tfc? i' dfui'>nr<trt(k)u a*?nipl it>? : rfkt^ifciiuii Ik irninw H c<u&tiiatlOD unun tbe it. nine of Kai huh tl^tr ?il! llai tlx- U-o'tni^ n constitntim i? rot the act of Me people o' ka:?a?,a'id ih*t it ots not euilMHly the popular ?i'i ol Iti* Territory, U tow cOit'lo?tVt-ly hii-I undeniably established )>t m \ntrof the i^ople I alien at a lair electmu, fid ntj llir 4lh <lty ! Juiuary, 1H58, la pursuance or u? I'hhM (I I)) the Territorial Legislature established by ] CoP|t ' Tic idea tbthe l/o^ompton ConrentinD, clubed with ; no itber authority than that which it oerived fi ni bo r. rnioi i*l coni<i or"aiu a cot.Mi union ? d put it in force without the conw pt ol' Conce"*, ao<1 in lit fihfce and -ubvereton of the authority o; the Ter! rl'dtia I.ei:ihl?lure established by C'tigress, i* too prepofi i tennist< a^n^icf argument Under our political system I '< requires aovi rrun power to erdain and establish consti : tiiiMK>( ab<1 pnvi" ntueots. While a Territory may and should enjoy all the riiibtd or telf Roverctneni, iu obu l I mie to its organic law, it is nit a sovereign power, t bt* sovereignty of a Territory remtlni in abey?nre. nispeo'td in the Untied Plate*, in trust for <.hr people ?hen thry Iwfltmi a StaLi; and cannot e withdrawn from the hands of the tru.-t??e, atd vetted iu the people of a Territory, without the cot: debt of Congress. The last Congr e? having withheld t) i? t>wDt by reluHintf to pas* the bill reoom fi.- t dti! by Presided Pierce to authorise the people of K?D*a? to fbnn a constitution and State Government when tfcty should dej?ir .? it and have the requisite population, >he ncvpreipr'y of Kansas still rf mains in abeyance, without nrj authority of the Territorial legislature to 'ranker it fron> the United Slites ao<l ve-t It in the people *.l ibe Territory, without the connect 'H Caonreas. Htucts, I repeat, the I>ec.ompt9n Convention po??cnsel jum mi -h >u<<<orit> tno territorial i,egtsi*ture was com peeutto otmfer. an-", by the terma of Use tel. did confer u|h)d it. and n<> more. The Territo' ill legitOaVure did not endow the Convention wi'b Kort-ri ipnfy: for it har. none to impart. It did r>ot even b? stew tbe t>ower of leeisl-ttioa; for by the orl^tu ic act it wh' tested with the egklative p >wer of the Tif rrt T> , without tbe right to delegate it to a Convention of it* own crcnl'on. He tee the Lev* xnpton Convention * iy pmwwil 'he Mtherttf, Mvd fr?m tie T>tfilitt'.re. ?oco'le.-T, at certain and embody the will or tii* people i 'beT?i?itory upon thes'ibjec or adn*i-f-!on >at > the l*?ioti,*cd to ?cnd the mine u a memorial to Oon^rwa, under th* clause of the cmflilutton of the Cni'eJ states which gecurcp the right peae.rablj to and peti tiot- for a rsdress of c ievaoce* Such memorial, even if i'. enib-Klied the form of a State constitution, Con^rets would be at liberiy to accept or re iect, according as it fairly represent*. or misrepresents, the will of the people of tbe profound State. The Territorial Legislature just elected by the voice aad vteu <if tbe ocople of Kan.sau. believing this Leoiraoton n.ftrnrial or constitution to boa frimd upon tbe wuhe* ajid rights of the people of Ku?W, awemblod and pa-wd a '?w fU'imiUlpg the instrument to a fair vote ot tbe perpli i n the 4lh orJanuary last, at which election a majority of niote than l->-ti thousand voU?tj was recorded a^ninst it. With what show of Justice or fairnws ran it be contended, in the face of thin vote, that tbe people if Kan <%? do tot. ard have not, in the mntt solemn manner known to bo laws, repudiated the I^compton constitution aa a wii Ved fraud upon their riphts and wishes ? The enormitvof this Lee nipion scheme should not be concealed under the plea that ths Convention declared the constitution to be in force, an tbe fum'amentkl luw of Kansas wv bout futMTi#*ton to thv people (except tbe slavery article),end that, conee<|iifn'lj , tbe authority of the Territorial legislature wa* superseded on tbe 21*t of December ia*t. The Convention had no Uwful authority to iu Ii. r' cde the organic act of tbe Territory, by establish ug ? State cnn?titut'on. without the wtt-ent of impress l'he attempt wa? not only unlawful, but tt successful wo il I nniount to rebellion against the lawful authority of tb" i l intel ;tat"H. The power of tbe Territorial Legislature i vi a# as complete on the 17th day <?f December 'a<t, when i it passed the law suhraittirg the I^comp'on constitution tc tbe vote of the people, as it was on the IlHh of Kolirua ry. 1867. when it j'a*.sed the act tailing the I?cjmpton CnmiiM < As tbe Convention i>?fsest!ed no pow^r, except wha' if received frivn the legislature, it could do no act subvert' ir.p or im]?iirtD? the autbyrHy of t,;e legislature. lb cce tbe ori of th" lecislaturo Kubmit'iu* the whole i constitution Ui the vote of the people, was just cm vniid ant Hndinp ujioe the subject matter as the act of the sanre legislature calitig the Convention into exi Tl<j conclusion is inevitable that fit- Lejotnpl' . > ont-tlintioD i;o?'h not, aai never 411, po>'e^s any vua :tv or ftuth-irity, tor two rea-snu* First, the Coeventiou not being vested with sovereign power, could not put it in open imp: aid, second that tbe same legislative autnonty wh eh rallc.i the (Vmventjou into existence oa-wej a taw. ht'foro the constitution vsas to have takr- etlect by ttf 'tis! if a majority of the votes stioulJ bo cast a7ain.1l it i'. that elr p':nn, it was to b? trill and void, not ou'y as a conHrtution but even a.? ?memorial to Oingrcsa. We are therefore forced irremstibiy to the conclusion that the I.ecompton constitution, whether v'.^vrwl in a Wpa! and w clinical aen?e, c a? a meaiorial professing to en h'x'y the popular wi'l of Knn? m should h- reuudiat *d by every democrat who ch('ri*b<n the time honored prin ctple of hi* party, nnd U determined, in joM faith, to can* out the doctrine of eelf government and popular Fovenignty, a* puran'e^d in the Kansus Selirn-'M ati ami affirmed l>y the platform. U A DOl'GI.AS. I FTTRK FROM HON. TTION. L. HARM*. OF ILLINOIS. H?>ie? ok Rki h^ictativ^i, Feb. 6, 1H6S. OiKimKMW?Your utter of invitation to attend and ad' drt?? a grand " mucratic maun meeting, to be held m 1 b'ladelphla on Monday evening next, "t<i proUnt against tin aM'-mpt to force upon the people of Kanaaii a con-ditulion odiuua to them, and to give tor 'e an 1 vo'ume to the 1 |?u*i "* ti ming around ur, which demand* tliat no dcmocra' tic repreeeutaUve in Congretw Khali vote for lhn giving fraud," i? reoiived I a?*ure yto, g?utlemen, no ' ihicg would give me greater pleaeuro than to participate i j n y< ur huh tr.-g, called, an I am ?ure tt t?, from the mint * i i atikdf irortvu. But my pout of duty la here, md what1 j ever tny bunt'jle effort* in-?y be able to acomplwh, to in| j rure a lull and :uit eipreswion of tie popular will in Kan| ua ujiou their organ . law, will be done I ahnll purine [ :he |?th of duty which lie# plain before me, rare!?at ke or iieniii ciat?>n? arid bland ifhiueute, frum whatever <|tur > i ler they nmy CHK. ' ! I hold it to be round democratic doctrine that no people I pctH-vMM of an ojua'lty of rirfata can yield up thoec righto I < r their libertiee. either to inoividualVor nociety, by mere ' Implicate Tononatitatrgovernment,agrantof po*erKin 1 ' d aper table, anrt to obtain il in a m?nntr om-onant?ith our democratic theory there must bo a aarrenJer made hy the people; but ?ucb surrender can go not one hair'a 1 broai?b beyond what is *pecifl ally stated. When clti?cnc vtrfe yi*'' or "r.o" out proposition to rail a Con j , <?-ttion, i? it In bo aaid that they thereby sanction tn ?d vine whatever such Convention may ?ee 01 |o do? V. li^n the p*"***, le vote for deleirat-n to such cooventtona, j 1 oo *h? y thereby ratify an 1 confirm irrevocably tbe ac'ion of ?V >0> Dot\et constituted, wh eh can, if tt cbonae. dt? ' f*anchi?e nice tenth* Of th?m and destroy sy-loin^ and i .n?tdut?orw< wliwh are un.tereallv rlterlshei, or fvUn 1 ; npno then ?i" b a? are abhorred t lv>e^ any den crat 'n 'ri for convoniiKui mich |*).vert> ai thewe t Ik thorn 1 a > t /on I any Stale who won d concede nuch power* lo at eh iiato body on rarthY If not, why p??rmit a boly ' i I men in a Territory, ,|u?t on tho i>olnl of emergence ir if aovrn gnty?and a ti?<ly, too, oaid not to huve iMon [ j d from the whole body of the |>eople, but t > have i he?-n iipMwned into bolng from cirni'ted hall ?to ii if i'l'mp u> iiwicn ii|mn an ntitra ani r'r .l/'"! ' ir>( f.'ibl'<- aa ofjranw law aK?in?t ih?ir will* Ke'eraliitn n .1= rai^'el form A?f(r enunciated a d-jrif oc roori boa*l?* lt> republic to libwtv. tl la cftoii ead thai there af> uutn?roin pre< I'dentx whore court triMHr have been fortn< <1 and put in <p?'ra i ? tl I hi >>nv inn IB the pMp ? l? ll I" N.r? '? ' fiance* <an b? cl?v. V> juallfe llic adm<*lon if Kan?t* | hvW the 1 #c- ropton compound. tt mn?t N< > <nrti that it, ' thr?r caeca, ii<" a* In Kanaa*, three fr.iirthn of the people ?er>- ") (? <-i1 to ?ur'.i < Bu- o?? Mih tam pMa ran I'" fotrd l>i<> rlUllon fa pr-c-l-iil ?L<rea ronat ti-.ts.n liv been fr?m??l an 1 n<nrre.1 nj-.i a twople, thr?e fourll ?f whom w- re utp-rly hi't le It t? prntri aio?<?. im.? W aafely defied; ami If anrh e*i?nplea rrtti <1 be foamt. tbey would be more bnnori tl in the braarb than 1 Ip the nbrerranre. 1 tfettjV Vr Randolph ww ntbl wbeti, in lb* fnarention r4 Virginia id 1*.#), apea?lng of the vot#-r? wtx e!e?*i-l tbe delej(al?a to the ?' iivenlwn, ha a*d~ I If if>ey ?h?!l aaeeni U? <hla co?i?i;t'iUoo?If ih*> aball rhonae I < ratiii it- well atvt a?*?l, th?re i? an ?nd n'ib? inatuir? I heir ? m tbe v.ow?f, 'hfiifh helr'a will not be the (Inry Sir, it ) a* | lain as an* prnp<?itt<>n ?f F! n* IM; air it l? plainer? iHfmi"' ' t r -m? *?r.a urp that fn.? which tWa derWe* all Ma au'hari'y in pawpaaa ?a* o???m tu'i- n at all. ran rleh'fnljy prtmonac.- na >6e ralldity t>f '"it fcri?. or'!?? !?! ni>nn lhe a? <* r^*rtioa ->f itrh roa ?? c<>?11 tn?V.? Tliv*? of ua wttwUi:uk 01 t? dilT'-r ? ;b (hi> almlci'tra t; 1 utme thin querlno. arr aUfmat.rrd an 1 aboard by l?* bif?lif(t at<1 plf?d?f a* '< n?gvl'?? and Vt aliail imH iwdftrr^J fym wf cmr*' t r ai y Mirh oiaodTn W? ?hall art ?p to our prafo?,i.?ui of detnwrary, a?d abida by th* doctrinea of the K ur *< 1 Nebraska art ant) U)? Ciorlnnali platform I havr nrt y?>t com' io u>c bthef of nfil'l biiity 'u th?w?? high In ^tau>, and whoB'-rrr I rannnt art"* arttb thnrn I prr far to folio? 1 rry ? ?n i<f Hjihl fa'brr Utan play tb# bfp<i<:rila In ft toy 'li? ? >>'? rf |?>*rr I do not beli'Ti? tb?'re am bai' a (lcrrn n.rmbrr* of (m.^rrrn fron th? Vnrth wrin i nonld ko l'?r ibe a-minion of Kan '.under U tt/?un|i << n rnr'titn'ite arre tt not th? th^ lYrodeut dc*lr<?? 1 .? em U? do ao I nnin??e in an ?T?riili?e ia a ornnmendablc n>j?l!ty ?>n?ral lark " n po??e???<^ il In an ?'i?i aenl -loitfe. Hut ' 'here nil ore pemliartiy In all hj p<-?.it >n??bo alwava 1 went Wiiii Ibr n af-ea ?f ibe p? pl?, never a?aii>*t them? 1 brnce he alaare trl'imphmj fha mar?r* nf the pcopla? \ ibe quiet, r?*<linf. refle. tin?, nafatiatlcal hum >? of the WT1II m.' luril , iin'.r mill I'll 1 ?ir?"nrth, nfyt?l<tmgir *'. ttr*in?t thl? rrK n-tiwii lomCicr rnotrtri hrt#11n th f/"*"nf?tm <wovr mrnt wl bo n 1 b**, bo??v?>r popular. i.*> foltltr.iMi, 110 *t?V>'-m)vi, t? > r*?r rMi "Wi'Ty ?!; m loraii.iro or u>l?rat'> the Ofltrafi* TVy ? II holi to * trarful r??j?.t)' *>ility nil ' fiwh iw ??riffi"n in?l h ihi rr v?| ofaim-ut lr<! 1 roiw. " ,n of K trait* 1 Th# triicplo in wt h ?< *r> ??rt> ?. *i) bus tnor? ( notf1 application than t.? 'hr Territory of Kan<a* rh<> 1 j.?lnrlplff> f"r w htofc ?ro flotlrM ?i* In bo apfrttaxl m nil I p'a ;? * and throtiih all time It i* not, In ?ny ?" #, a trtfo b<>tWOf B Ut* Nofth aiii brtwnoti Air ran plari-ry Md )M Mtftnlr* tW-onfh th< array of p?, lit 1 (ontrrw wonlr* at flrat nr* norm an to :ii<t|<-?f II ! I ? fpHFtto) whfh lnvolvr? the whol? .Infof popular too l.twrty <>f wTiil?- m<>n. In ">at en * atone ' am f OBffaflt ' 'to it Tf ynr vi?w? r >rft *pond with th'W 1 1 bato no ba ll y anrl rnnghly e*;>rir <><1. I but you ??<*! ' n??d in your IRwWi TJIOi L. HARRIS. f!F*4i?p. thk f.ronKit.r in f'nojurtr Kii.lfd ,.r A I ! !- ? n?< f%rl? cnrr<,?l*>r?'.?t>1 of th* C itrrirr 4?i Mm t'nii, wrttin* on th# 14th >iIt ?*r* ?"A flrtfhtf'tl 1 j rc? of BMH l>* r?"-.-.?rr1 t<> <1?y by-i, T*r?) oW-/" of tl?? jtvr>aoo It w?# ' ?) t<tt frrn - !ll??bylhe laat Alf*ri?r ?t?>*m?>r '??r%r.|, IV b<>M '\tut*vr, known br hi* hrrrl l>atil?? wtit th?' km* of th? Afr'< ao ?t<wrt, ' ban b'Olt drvour-'l by * lion Tb? r?*m?r l>"ft wb?t thla IxirriMt* wtpbI *a? flr?t ma>l? knowa in tha raplUl, Mt<1 Ut* ft tan from th# mogaiaia* w*rm ? 1 Taguo Uir dr?t rumor* that Muouar* calamity mi klly art." Who Protfiw^ m Vrw)r??iA. A cnm>?pondmf of ' Uto t.ytwhburit wr ti?t? fr?m H*t CY<??%, 'Jmp b#ll ootolf, U?" pi?wi rooit ti Ut* ?rMit nukjort of mt^rwol In tfc?t p*rt of tli? rvintry It l? thU noartf loo,#** of th? btr4a h*ro h~<n klliod ib the war | *f*aat ILta \>J Uic pe>pit J> UMU t<D\Y, FKBKUAKY 11, 18 Mr lluoby Brook* at Home. J. G. Bwrnrrr. Ksv pik ?You would rrally b? <1oiB<j tternce ?o th? public by m?MHT f ibi- lo.lowtuf. I cncwer th*> pi'?u>raob there lli reterrwl to W A (*>1.1INH, Na-*au olrwi TO THK KPIIOR or TI1K BKiUl.ll. fik_vt ktu'diicc * a* mm .fauuy calied ti a park graph in lie Mwnirj; /->/? est of Tcwday, entitled "A SaiicumonlouK KijnJ*." [Krcra (he Fjtprew ] A HJNCTIIIOKIOUH HOUUK. r iTmiia mum in riiCUM. hut it H?ldnm | T?n.itJ> upon t-'K ro saccumonious a rogue as the one we bur ? row to rt<*cr*be A Vltlf-t twaii, whose came is .!? hr. K Koulkes, and who tl(l> bimotll Jio. T Kouim*. catne to thin city about a ycai agk-, a* ht ?a\?, laht from 1'arm?probably true?aa lip h#fl t>e< u, kppareotlv gentleman'* ni/rt there, or here. He tipoke W>i?b lK.eotly, Engluth almost perfectly, an mi ucrattod a little K -ecch. He rrote Knglisk rcmaraabi; well, anri^ot up a very esollent letter, which ?ou;<! teke Iti a'Dic*! ar.jbo? y. He tried to ||ve lti Brook l}n, but iai):z'g id the ban) time* ot the past autumn o< sewing a living anywbire, be engaged hinnelf, in mi ans?rr to nt> advertisement, as a hoiwe servant on the Fifth avenue. He worked himself in by very wi ll wrtticn nctmmoDtation-, especially from Kng lb-li Wel>b Clergymen, which were doubtless all fo?gr<*.. but. An even these >?ere not to be tr inted without some veritable | <rN a in the city to vuuch for h'tn, he either get or leigj.ed to pet, a city recommendation, whhh carried bi? point. He bad pr?-* lounly reported himself to the Welfb Methonist church iu tins city, Mulberry (.trert, to the worthy pastor of which he brought an appa rcut'y proper Oecumei t Brid voucher from the other Ride, which, t< o, was pTf.bably forged, at,d this secured hitn a mr.deuu. stanoii g Id the church Ttiii* -*pi?-t.yand ((tin church standing won for bitn confUenee It his F.ftli av? rtir pbc<", and if hm bruins bail been proportioned to hh* "piety," viuld have given b!t?i coofi'lenc? amoet un livilcd. Ah it wa=, however, though he hid the usual deHc:erci(8 cf i< trues. in the unper atory. that ia, common KM, tic ?fllllM Iihh ?ai ;hk?c lot-' Dicb favor, and hia p are waeiiiafe for bini a* mty as pofsibU In nvery way. Or Tbur-dt y Li^lit be witi ulloweii inva-iably t.> go to "chait>l," k iir- ui point wi'li "the rogue," *nd "tlie Sabbath" was n Mr *n "holy" for bira as to It-are him but very liu e to c? but ,4'o wo ?Vp"?the de il. Indeed, jo'ipk Fouike? tv can e so good, 00 useful, and o.s? n "g> I tet-I," that tL' ladxtj or tin; bout-e te? t b'm at tin ff us ox < FCcitto place, cf amusement, in the n?M-e?sary at ?rre, on business, of htinband or father His "c >a t-ri'-uce" wusrutber hi rt?.lln u.gtakon totbeOoeratwonr three lini. y, but, for tin gtik - *">(' .he la'lion, he bo|w*l that, as '-el- yir? ^our meters' was !u the Scrip'ureb, he would be rcgircr. ^ucn a servant, of entire, was a "trrasuTe n?i earth"?servant, e?e?rt, beau, &c , &c.?the t?i*ro lmtntittn> more exalted. Tint he soon illustrated ainther text about car^hl', treasures. When he w?n'wl to go out, and have a long stay out, the postman brought bin u litter, bitn some piteom tale of duty, tivoeRsity or m sfty, which, n|>on being shown to the ml?tret-a ot the boute, relieved bim aPiuce from all sorta of wo.k. It in hardly r eccssary to say the worthy John wrote to tbe wortbv John h;n.H?*if-and the postman only brought (be worthy Joliti John's own litter. The rogue wvt great od fo-^itK lt-tlers. uud kent tbe whole bounhoid 10 cos motion by hi* skilful itenmanship or cai'graohy The tri< kf upon bin servant associate* would halt till a new* paper. Vo uo all tlii* however, aad to Ween up i h**acter at ihspel. Vis difficult. but Johi did It all by nucb letters as tbe fillowitg to tip mlritWr.? FirtH A.T?M>?. Pur Mr ??I was *er7 sorry io be uoaHe to at vnd chapel ?b I pioiristd t<n Tfcursda> Iwasdh'Ued to escort Wr. ninl to 'h? -IfKlre, ?i d w?i' un'll (Jj?* came out, sud ll wt.* utterly Impiaajlile tor me to come. Ot Sun Otf, h? tisusl unnroem-ary wi-rk whs en t- uLirb T w.'lei"lain when I ?ou P'easr rot U' d"ut? for *? moment that It is any of n>y fen]* or cnrrleasnesa on mv cart. T do not intend to alav b< ri- loogt r tha. I on atother situs' ?n I *111\or 'o c m<- on 1hurs'i?\ cveol: * < rery g'.ad ?h>n l th'iik thv (li*i i? cver^wb-re *rd il\*t h? is r*H'-? to |.ea;ki'C a pra>?T from a flfeabw a* fa I efcurcb, at.d aliboi gt. kept trum gotrg lo Ui?- hou?' n( , *1, ' ttire I som"blng ir. mv b?? ri that nohod; rat takei. re place. I'lraae to rrm<*<?her injourpr tera. 1 m, h gr-at bare, yrur obediet t servant, JSO T F'tl/LKiiS. Well. Jobn went on with bic piety anr h'n tric?t but coiled tbcm all a few day* since? oy unsuccessfully at. tempting to break I'tohr mistress's war.lrobc, to ^toal l>#r (?weiry? (tiling w which, text morning h? decamped wit a corMf?able turn ol money intrusted Lira to pay a bu'eher's bill, and ?o eoid b'tnaelf tbun cheap, lie is a ?wett, aolt sj>oWet), stick, flipocry ronuo. In w.use aoutli but'er would scarcely ate't. uid h? seldom, ,lwben ou duty," ?j)?>aks above n whlstxr. but when off duty, he can sin * like the bijjtreat bull fri?c Me i? rep(>rted to have n neuios for circus riling, or tumblipir r>nd tiiay tun. up ,ii- clown. Hi'complexion la fair form slight, and hi? air and budlit quite c>-nloo). It may b" ncr-canary to aiid that the church with which he reported himself to ' e corinri ted. bo m i er bail .-icytliinz t" do with beyond prtDilsirfr to aDt>ear there, but never appi-arinir afler the fin i ie of tfce church's credit aod honored uauic Now, as 1 happen to bare been tbe -'clt; reference" of the "saiictioionioui< rottue'' ibt-rein ment'ooed, ar..1 to have known bim for ncarlv a year p*t. I claim tbe p:-i v ilege ot stal uK a fvw facte in tr y own ?iefmce, nn well at on behalf of, I am conrinced, aa injured young man Iflrrtknew yottng 1'onlkei in Rrorvkiyr,. Jle was then in partnership with n Frenchman, whose acquaintance he hud made cn board the ship that btou^bt hiii ta this cout^*T a short time previous. Having vme spare cash when be landed, be and tbe Vrcmbman stn'ted a grocery in tba basement of the house where I resided. but thi? co partnership did not Iwt lone?the Fartf gentleman i?m bcksmI more brain than the young *Fe|?h lad of nlnrteeo, anil the roo^ueore was the Frenchman manage 11 > turn hjm out, aa<l now, I believe, carnea on the hu1 iue .<* on hi* ovn account Koulkea *ubsequ<*ntly aoonberime deFf.t ite. and ?.a? ir.g known hi* circuinriam es, and forming a pretty high opl ' mon of hi# rharaeter. I oflfred him catiial employment in nny office and * home in my own home till be should Cnd aouietUm? belter. t>oth of whirh he gtailr ac'*ptfd. ' Tbwcs went on lliua for several w*ek?, but being a ycutitf tctc of independent sp-rt he deU rm ned t-> accepl of any situation, however menial, * her- he could ea'n hi* own livelihood J'eeloe an advert!:rmect In th? Fmrir j Frrr. ft some time la.-t fall tur * man want in * house In tlie Fifth avenue, he applied foe it, in wautol any thmr better, lie waa desired to rail no Mr Rrooka, the editor, ar.d waa thore g reti to und' r?tax.d that the " house id Fifth avenue" wai Mr. BrorVa' osm Mr. Brooks wa? well please 1 Willi bis appearance and certift rate* of character and I heirg hu? referee, stated h?*? long 1 bad ktrwn hi? my opition of him kc., whirh * ore per fe?|ly satis'si lory to Mr Brook* Tic Immediately entered upon h's duties with thai bcmorahle gentleman, hut soon fourd the pituatl?n wouht not at a'l tuit. Mr. Brooks <ay* hat his (.lohn'?) "conscience" wv much I' irt at he^ng "obliged t>> earort the young ladle* to the Opera." but "Ml" loM me a df|fce?nt tale Instead of bt* l'e->o arictice" h.< totr.acii wax much hurt, and If hi' waa tihllgrd "aramrt hi* will to fo to the ?>p',ra" he wai also obliged "r.g Vnst his will" to go without the oeeetwarirs of life. <4r ftr'v'k* ta'k* lM?le*11y of hi betBg *o very "genteel." No wonder, poor fellow, he got particularly "g? rt?e? " n'4?-r goinr to Mr Brooke ?e<? "geatoei" a* to Ve the m< re 'hadow of hi* former teV He baa irefl n>e he aod the ret t of the aervactt have been obliged to tea! bread or meat, when thry had a hanre, to aaiuare the parr* of hunger; but they hadn't often a r hanre a* U*e Hon Mr? Brook? took pood rare to hav.' all the rrflm of tbe famllj nb'e under lock and key, go ? not u> t>e ci travi cactSy wasted >1 J? I at all like tbi* aert of reooomy m looked sharply around f?r norther fttuation. and to enable him to ret out nf dr^r* of the "hotiso tn Kiftb awue" U> ?ee whether there were repiirw to bl* U tters of app'.^ation, bo km rciuctantly compelled to Invent ?torte? of String to (.? to chape!, wbirb was the only rir.ise Mr Brooks would liatca tola aucb a caae. I am, therefore, not at a'l stri?i*ed at the tlmeurm'ni. Stu b treatment aw Job^ received at the 1 h^wn hftb a venae'' would drive mo it jonng men of rpirit to (leap* ration What w tb < lean an clairv, helping to cook, brushing bcotf, action at (.orler, acrubbiog tbe floor*, watt of food, 4c ? all for tbe purpose, no doubt, of eco ?-oiny #i)il t?, make Urn atill more ' Rfnteel" ?John's life me unbearable I know Uat he ?a? mi.-n in want of clothing Hi* b<>o?e W?re jn?t about dripping off bis feo< yet be could *ot fit rot hey to buy ant* pa r. In conclusion, I would ask Mr Brooke tb''amount if tbe "ctrvdetablc lum" Jotn la stM/d to hare made away a ith flc ?at | van to pa/ bla hMtcb-r"* bill John h*rp?n*? to ra.t uj>or me ore da* be ?* sstd out tii pay lb*- iisuai monthly butcher * bill It was for IV ember or January and the amount w?? nNut >7: four {pounds t'l n?e?t w?? tbe I. kIh-I item I eouiJ see. As Mr. Brok* t* I am tmormri, in tbe cuttom of rstainirg tn bi* liands "as secuilfy" r<?i>!der?ble part of the wagi?> of hie lervaiite. t have rrarot to belie re that lohtj o.erely t? k 'hie method of pa* teg blm?e!f and taa<< . g Krenrh leave I bare trrs|n?n r mu b on tour *a nab e ?i*<e, but I f?tt verv Indigents at ?"e abuse gratuitous y heaped on be h? ad of a poor >< *b. wbn I am eonvinoe<i, is mora rirreo tt.iOi -trn'rg??> I flrn?l> Ifllered, lUitdo l.rlirve, all that } "?it j; Kou'ke? ha* xtated W A OtWJ.IMH, ib Nassau street Tint I.oct A F'miniirt r.?A rorre?tmn<lpnt of tbe V* binut'T InUl'tynrrr wrlu- as lollnws in regard Wit1 e locate in ?As many p< rwnns are inquiring of n.e wbere lb" lucu i* will fits year (lafi* ) please permit ?e t? inform them through jour column* that tliey Will appear in tbr ,Sub of Mississippi, and wil1 OC capi the whole w>>-t? rn pi rttou of the , fnm iuc mmut^iyyi iiwiwar" l?i tu** ri'i|T? tn innt) thai the S'tate. rut,run* north Mid ir>uttl ttrrrngir,g about forty li?r mik? from the rt??r; they will (xtMirt t.crth *od to tbn boun<Uri?t of ti>e SUtc, ann will mnat pr hahly north w?r.|iy Into * mrall jn>rt?>n of <?)! h* Twmeeeee Th?y will aluo ap|**r to a portion of Um c *?otion nf l/>?lMU>k, particularly In Hi* parMbt* << ' a*? ?ivl Frlletaia Thry will no itonbt r*ter.d ir - nor p?ri*bo* adjoining, but I h?Tc not boon able U> ol> i information f . rim othert They mil not ettrnd o**l of lj rldu? In Mlw leeippi. thoy will apprar thore (?a^>t o, i- f la MU, l> OONI'CIMI WIU ?lll?r |M|( AMrlfM > Sana, k< Tbeee locnat* btlonc to tbo ,*n ? trlbo of thirteen yrara lor ut?. whit h I hare 'I"?ni* Irntrrim and tholr ivivrnt In juet ? r?-(uiar *< i mo to ibo yew ?r I to tbe dirm latitat of their m l re biPlbr.n In M?piwippi th*y N?*in to leave their, , 1 at<out thr lttt of May.and in LmImm (*? * mul ? ?t Feltclaoa) a few day* earlier, My 2Atb lo OTth of April ThKr tin m?po*fMP? above jrrwimd M fen*rally unnn tieM tin lent pmriir iUfcrly looked for, m tor never*! i*]t y>?7 miU 6'. i.-ii. 68. RhciwhinniU oh Uif l;att<-r> . BriLDlMO NUA W ITU it (IT AUTH'iKirV ? ST4TKN I lt-LAND MCKKY NO 801THCK OK KKVKNIK TO TDK CITY-TKHTIMONY Of OKOltUK L?W ON TUK SUBJ KIT, KTC., BTC. Tie AiUt-ruiuOic Committee on Ferries held a me'-tinc yf nU'iday miming Alderman Attains called upon t&o CU rk to read tb?? reeolutior in regard to the illegal co# hi rue*, ioc of a pier on the public ground *1 the foil of Whitehall fetreet, and en the Butt >ry ground, by tao Stated Maud Ferry Company, and aleo the communication from A. C. Plagg, the Comptroller. on the auhject of deriving no benefit from the occupation of th>' piers and ground* occupied by the company. When the resolution and ccmmiuticat'on hud been read Alderman Adams s?id to Jacob Smith, lessee of the Kerry Company (hat ho was going lo taie his testimony rr-ating to the Illegal building of a slip on the public ground near the Battery, or on wbat was and should be a portion of tbe flattery. Mr. Smith?It Is no us* for you to swear me, because I know nothing in relation to the matter, good or bad. Q. Po you not remember the time that boats commenced to run to Statin Island f A. No; It might be ten years ago. y [to you not remember the time that this pier of which we are speaking was bulit? A. 1 don't remember when It u mu hiilt V Can yen have boon a leasee of the Ferry Company M.d yet not remember when the encroachment wa* made on die Battery? A. I don't know when Uie pier was Hade, (lighter ) Alderman Adams now turcod round to George Iaw, who by th s time had also come into the presence of (he c< D.tti tee. anu s*:d?Mr 1 *? you must know something a tout the doings ot the SUteu Ulanc Kerry Ocm-uuiy. Gtotg* law ? Yes; I act President of the company. Aii Adams?You have no objection to be a worn, I nupj?*eV Georsc Law?No, Mr. Mr Law wax then sworn by Alderman Adama, after which the investigation wmt on as follow*.? Aldermai Ar'ams? Mr l?? you s?y you are President of the company that run* the boats to Stalt-n Uiand? Geo. Law?Yec, *ir. Alderman Adam.-? There hue been a^>ier built 00 the public gioutd, which was forme rly a piWt.on ot the IUttery: did you build that p er ? George I Jtw?No; I did uot build that pier. Alderman Adams?flas there ever been stone landed on that pier? G'O'ge 1 .aw ? No, fir. Alde^rap Adanit?l>i?J not a boat cf n*iaie landing there liom the titue it was Gniah-'dto the present time? George 1 aw? No. Kir Aldeitusb A (Jama? Were you not aware that it was a violation ot tlie law to tsiablisn a terry ibere at a'lt1 Gt-o. law?No; 1 wax not aware th?t it wan a violati'tn of the law to (stahiiMi tbe?iny Alflern ar Afam ? Who was President of the Kerry Com puny at the time ot iu- being established ? (feorge Iaw? 1 have been 1 reeidut ever bince the company wi." organized Aldrrnian Adama^-And do you not know who built that pier, or thf-1 me it was built? George Lmw?Neither, ft'r. Aldtiioan Adam-?And yet >ou are President (if tho c tnpapy that runs the boat* there, and ha re been since tin- c? mpai > was establishes ? Ge<rge law- Yes, Kir Alderman Adatis?Was that pier built t>y your authority ? George Lt?w?No, sir. Alderman afltrr.s? *ere you not the contractor for tho EitMIJ til |MMit? George Law?1 bad tott ing to do with the Battery en laipemt Dl uiitll ate* i' was done, and 1 am not the j tmr pal rent'actor for ti < Jiat'trj enlargement Aldenrm Adam*?W li you not leii us, Mr. Law , what you know a1.out il.e holloing o' this piei y George li-w?1 will answer a/y qiustioos Aioormar hip c^'imi il'i ? was rown i[ier? ni , the Battery idle. ' })?< 'y.atd thouirht that It wast a eirect vidatH no tl.o ia?? that rt fulate'bo city to have ' a (err; boat inufit ic at tbn' pier, aoa tbev dotermiLed to 1 u trortuco a rot" iution to the Bo?rd of Aldermen on tho ' f-urjfct. Ih the terry not regu arly e-tabl *bcd for tbe IlH two y ar^ w ithont pav 'tig any r> votiue to the city t ( ?<> (( Iji??I dou t know. I bail dotIrr,j? to do With j tt ititil Kliet >b< HatiMj wa> enlarged. Aire'man A?!at?*?Wh< ba<> the erry nt first? I Cttatga in* ?Mr. Vnmuibiit owned M*r^ktl|tkit wat> a>> tit tip lattery in tl at place at tir?t. and bis I ?ts Urdeo at that pur, but certain par lea bought Mr. , VMnMUmIiIM tbe PTMHM IV. r} company totlrtl tlii m ' tit, at,d tbetr boats are rumiing mill. 1 believe Mr. ' Vanor rht t bt lit a pier fc r landa? bus boats U?tre. wbicii were brii-t't g Mono tor the bu l?li?>? of a wall. 'bit w>m at tbe time that Vr. Furey ?a- Street CommiseloLor. and >n- ri tnnd lo have tbe wall built for watch ti e clones were lat ded Alderman Ai'nn t?there cot an Iron (rate and a oo oeal of *tot>? *crk there that bave been removed hy | the ferry ci mpatixf' George I aw?I do pot Itdlw. AhVtnai A<'umt>?I think. Mr Smith, you couH toll us *( tm ?Mt f about tbU ferrj and pi. r if you felt inclined. jB'vb sin tli?1 don't know ?o> tiling at ail about it. ( eorgt I aw-You will find, I think . aome account of tbe wall and iron gate m tbe teport of tbe Street Cotnmm?k>tor, for i* they were removed it mu?t have been by ! hi? flirect'OM" Alderman Adams? Well, if we cannot hear anything { MM alw ut lh' inntter wo inui-t nako om our report to tl.e ft-aid with the knowledge we have. I tuink we h?l , hotter adjeurn'b< i otnuultoe till another time, when ?i> ct.ti bave more wi Ld*?ts We muat try u> hav* Mr Jurey arn' Mr. iwi>n the oirvoyor. preacnt aa be bad f-tnnilit>g t<> tic with tbo mutter At linn t-tafi of the proceeding! an adjournment took plat* till tfiia moiii'rp ai li o'clock Hartford Cttmly iwtbi||i Aaaorlatlnn DeftUM4MI f "i ,100 ltAWAKT) FOR J. W. HFYMOI R?THI ASKIONHKST. lKrrm the Hartford Timog, Ft b. 9 ] Tbo Rcarc < ( i'lrictor* of this a?c nation met '.art (Mon j day) ventre purniai.1 to (utjonrrmont The tlomralttee ) <.t |nve?tig> t on retorted that they lad made tui eiamin* i ticn o, tb? i o? in 'tir h and condition ot tt e oonif any, and that tb< re?u>t o' their lahur* ma) be stated ai fbl)<>wa: ? A*?<t? ?ltO .?A3 20 ' Stotk Iidtea liH.OiiO 00 i TotaJ ,.H?9,r>M20 ii?v-a* : NotW tlx) bODd? Molt-p 110 93 Not* rrllfi tp.1 and not ppiln rpd Hi> 000 CO Wp abate* Mercttitil* Bar.k flock. Iran^prrpd by f?jniour?n-on-y mm 9^wv> oo r?rpTfpmiioD r.f frriiritH",. 4*,17" 94 . ftO I ban ? colli pauy 'a atock 1 ,tx 0 00 m.iwa 8T | Awi la on h&> d . 'M IM thPar a*M.i* ibo roami'iw oro of liw < pti i tn>it 1 |M'. f4'2 na> iiul b?> In lull ar* I ilint hi trip I'Hrt ot tbn dpuMful mm i>?y tm rillpct'Kl. I IVlJI p?l| | II 1* *1) iWt, till' Kl lUtt W)l? HAti'l I baiid $2f.'i 1?14 S3 | V-tgw-'l brt.M'J 00 , IV ? t?b'? rrn*)n'? baud Ii'lD,25i 82 Adil Mr. Stynour $IO,dOO J AUi. (>i '1*11,' MtMbed, >M ul 10,000- liO.fOO 00 jUailaln< 'inula .XI Tb< amount of d.po?it* b> 13*9,000, or tpry d?ir that \m . mt tnrlwtllng intrrat <ju< up?n tbrm Tbn l<w?,tlicn, ?u|i?Mti?: I!. ibt.rr aum (if "doubtful" as?<tp Ik Io?i. ?>i; I.p ill. i. a fraction of 43'j p? r vnt. or oop . third ci| tbr '1p|?*iU Km ush ?t?nilO b? oo locten <>( tho I "doubtful" ilt i?ii? u) |*y tbr ?xptn-t? of muihic thi? al f?ir? ot tbr i. titutwu niiii it ?ill bp bump m rutt.d th i il.p <*>1i?i ui> p ?> . t* of I'.'JVOtli arp now drawing iot?ri*t Tbr fl*j<r*e>atw>? on thp iu*pt>ttnrt-u> ot tbr c>inn?ii\ (047,1 COO) lr i-rpfli' aii il(ii|*>ti l,f prpvcpi prvpt in markpt, com | |*tnt ?>tk Ik* pniv paid '<>r thp atcurltm p?rcDMad. Tf p ti t fiPM y in pr ci-* oc ?tmip ot tiip?p fpC'irilu* w up ward. ?io mwttlii| Biurc tbati lb,- |ire*H)t valua miy bo r rallied. tl c actual wnml rtolpi by Mr Spj mour apppara lo J W 11 V.i MO Kt. It thia la Inriiidad tlip |?r valuo of nine t) lisp ari * of Mrrrantl p I at1, nlmk aifb bp tranr { f> rrp?: bp biaptirrrof tbp apporatn ti, ami appropriated tlx* IDitiey l"> ?i? own 0?e, WtthoW inakiri< any record of the trM>aCfc>* upon thf b ** of Itr <-on>pi?ny H* k'tiiljr ( < > > IW fl?e ot Itif 1"0 i.wnod by the r< m|M) Id r> d air u It* nnif <4 In* cnr(?iration Mr ft) ?i. ur *?? I lon'rr.l of III* Mi fcaiilile Hank, ami It )? c ia ?>r?i hy Ihf illim lift <1 lliit iKftilul'on Ujm UjfJ lo^e ii< Our* b? bim Horn iltd he n ut age to come out no clckP Id hif trarrartict.* ?ilb the V. e rei eiTH1 lb<- following t? ii graphic dc*pwl< b >p?Utday. (Wor.dfct) _ A t ut * a Oeo.Feb. 7JIIM A. F fli ?*? Met .1 W Seymour ?l Coluinbu*. . i .1. B( KT Mr flu: t in otir i>1 t ur cttmiw, and knew Mr Meymour well Wb?n ho ff.rt turn. fte prooabiy .11.1 nwikboa that Ik ?w i iMiulfr. rvtiuiff i*i| (n4n iaMict Hut when lir Rmi aimed at Angi.kU be pri.owh y re*.; the mm j?j ir aroui.t of tt.e i'elalcwtion, and at vm telegraphed ?? nbo?e 11? b-*M l?*t en rag. un*o.rnou?ly rwolved m oOer u " *ard of five-h'uracd dol ar? ior li e delivery of Mr fi < nxur I* Hari'ord faier Alfo reeolve.l in M'ft nil of the tu -ru of the in ftiiiilH.r, to *( N Mateor. K-i The afTkirs of tb? coriiorm t'ot will of ocnirre be l?gaily ?"?tUed, and the ii.?titut>on ' W( tind Up. UDdir l)r<Ctioti of ll>e i^u'l of Probate llna i* tBC n hrlM'-e arnl the rrmilt oi one of the tin?t ',?lll#?ale ar d ite njor? Wicked Kbbfftc* tliathaejrt hen. exiived trrtrg lb" Iraucia aud crimen that ;.a?e re<?Mly curbed the country Am>tii*k Minnr* ?v a H?rrtsT Pimmm.? He briefly neln-ro tlie <i|*e..<, ty ?.f ih body of Mr* Miry H Tiif'ty. in foal rlier, Kaeaeha county. Va , with* l-e\?) id' ?* llacbftl iln reio by a roim An t?v>e*t wiw? aubet quentiy h? l?l, and - v<rd'?-tr nder^i tha> ?lie wm n?iirdere?1 hy ter fen (Mid. |j M Tnri<*y h? han >>ecu nr retted n nmlleiely afi*r Ihe bo> j ma- lotitid The Kan* wha h'rfvllua*) fii?u?t?f lb?- ?' Join'd detail* or tWA rt'orkli'g ?lfalr-.fie hvi made no attempt to escape no ooutrt r< ri'fig .uilB rrnM, 0?d Ibat he had |<li?r?wl the hndy in too arrtire a |.laco to no found lr.?l? ed, h.' had p it out hi adv?ri>n p riit?fT<-r ng <t reward of $m1 for any n^o who i i.|.i ta.fl h'? !# ?l. .. 'i?- -- t??t?ml by h. r Mighton, M..1 HA* o? an excellent* fawNy in I Wf*Bi c ivMj b\ itc iisiui- rf Wih Krrm tb?> limn eti Witt Wtmif. (ffi nt rjtriu m. ct |-rrvi?II<?rt In the nei,fht.r.Thur*! Mirf ? ?(> < laliy Itiftrg t|ie inqiicvt Of the Jury? any de? itiowhi n? ton c?rit? ij nehmr of 'ho Itmhtad It. m?tn1> wwii' f.roW> y have h??n. arrlni by tho larfe ?ri ?ii praai nt. Pwpiriro had from the brgit.e'nic attach'd toTurVy. for nn ritfig b ? wife He win Mf)il!,MMI will bft?F hie < <am niiion at the County Onu*t n the Iftth Imt I re? ft Tir ? y ? eii (or re?nr?' ??*fe been prcwh er !n Ihe IU| l|.| ? hutch Mil the confidence of hi* *, but about t?n year* ago, he jrd nn< "f tho church, r?n m nt*d a grocery, an* prlTmt H?iuo?. ilrinklng itinotfrw ;<g,hrit( a?,d < eplt? bad w< men. hN rirtu Willi War. In Ih* way and we t>ar? the r??u': of kto fall, u><! tie ibc.rt, but rapid fj?r?er of ?lce and crime, flwe te ha* l>??n In ja I he hae confined ihal be jmi the UxJj c/lih ?i'e In tbe rirer. but that he dM not kill her? UtAlihr ha<1 rnnvmlUMl anlrtrte by bai.gleg h?eaelf mh*r? b- found l.e? in her rn?*? ot> the niirht of bee m-h i h?4 1*a4 Kui utlon In || Uwrencr County To-Day. JAME8 I. kH>KILK3K to bk HlfMi HH I llh MUH?aS OJ( HAKAH J. 410"L0. Jnir.ot) E. KH ridge, a young cchcol master, In accord iii<3? with the sentence of ibe Court will 3e hung to day, is Iba jail yard at Cantou, St. lAwrunc.c county, N. Y., toe the murder by poixon of a young #ir!nw to wnoin ho wm engaged to b? mimed, natned Ktirah J. Gould. Elriridge In a native of Cautivn and ta but twenty om yearn of age Rl* vlrtim, Mm Gould, wbooe maidea name watt Surah Jaue I/>ugberz, wan twenty tour yarn old at the Um? of ber death. She wm a resj?<stable o?4 worthy young woman, of cowicerahla personal attr%oMotw sod a lively and cheerful temperament, residing, after tbe death of ber bu?band. witb ber uncle at l??*Tille landing, N. Y. Upon bin return from Iowa, KldriJgw Kent to Lrulaville. where he obtained emplo/ment as tk? teacher ct a district school, a nu^pW-louii circuinstaMO being tbal he a?aiime<t the alio.* of ftiwiu Aldriefc. Ha made the acquaintance of Mrs Gould, and shesjo* became tbe <?t?ject of hi? particular attention. In Match he became a bo?rder in tbe family of Mr Brttten, thr uncle with whom Mm. Gould reelded, a?4 ha made in April following a formal proposition of mtrriag*, and at-keri for tbe action of ber relative and prnteotar, which waK accorded. In anawor to the inquiries of Mr. Brittor respectt^g hla pecuniary condtrnn, h? utaiort that be owne 1 nix hundrnJ acr?H of lacd iu I?*a. tba Mb father rwed to him $1 MX), and that he ??.? remaiuiog ! Isn.iftviite f*it the purt>Oe?' >f receiving $1,000 or ma-w m m hit. fatter au't brother, witti wihcu w purcoaoa bo> t?ea to be taken to '.ho West on speculation. t'p to this time 'ho peneral health of Mrs. Gould had heeo pood She had. however, for a few w?efe* bteu affected by ? flight rough, for which she ha.t iikoa IDf-ltrino. ?ho hsd never complained of my iojiirw^j rfl'rcis frrtr the u?eof this mertieine; her sMer had partakrn of ti twice; and K'dndge himself once. lJut iim the morning of the Cfltli of May she complained to h?r aunt tl at her me?Mcino disajjeert with her. She aterward* vomited matter of u 'lark green color. She th* r?fcte<1 upon a kTge in the sitting room, her betro'hed atu nding upon her. She had several flu of vomiting purging, with fj mp'oms of great thirst aud a burn ng sensation in the stomach. A physician was callod, fkl attributed h?r li o I? tuition to v I Hated bile. filing the day E'dridge had boon almost constantly | with her, administering to her most of the tncdictnea me dribkt* which she took On Saturday afternoon, May 34, the pttient tiled, wholly unconscious of the cause of her death, and, in the butt ett'o?t of expiring nature, embracing ! an?' affectionately kiting the a'ltbor of her ruin and the ' cot triver of her death. She was buncd on the next Ma*| dav, Kldridp< following her remains a* chief mourner, api* Bring to be in a disconsolate state of mind. Itut, tbf srst.icions ot the Itritton family were already exctfd Ot the Monday sul -sequent to the burial of Sara* a coroner's inqnert was held opon the remtias, the taala remit of wb'c h was the di?oovery <4 the prrguancy of th? victim. On the same evening, hiving been charyed with bavin? had prjerlc in his possession, he repe led the ircwuHiB *ith at! oath He then left the, pr?ctf'e6 to the residence of a Mr I/ntgh'y, about two mi!w distant, a?k? d for a lodging, went to his room with atia hler of water, and wat fonnd the next morning romttiog In great diflrit-H. He was charged by the pb?Blttancall** wth hfaring'ftken nrf^nlc, of wbich, Indeed, tlier# w*< unmistakable evidence, m.d he afterwards ailmitted that he hart tak'D a trnspoonful. He was. a few fays after, arrested, and nron being taken into custody behaved with g?r?t levity. A subsequent examination of tha , remains of Sarah?of a nu>re RCieotlfic nature than the Brnt i ?Hli-^)li!t4ly cenioc.strateJ tlie pfe-feoce of .irsvnic la the 1 body. j The Texna l.etUlatnrr <xi the A<lml??lvu of Kantas aitd KUvn y Au;lt?ti>?li? W< have received in do-ument f >rm a re[v>rt of a ea?m.tuc of the Texas Legi.<lii> ire en the "AJ:nU?i *? of Kanrw," a;.d n retort and treaiae, pre* ;.ted by tha I md'c body, on "Slavery and S>la . ry 4giu>.tii>n." The report on thr adrn "vlon c>f Kansas pitches iata Got mor Walker as a traitor to the South, for unwar | ri*?t?Wy prormil rating th'' Kea tlial.trum the nature m ! Use soil ati'! climate, slaver)' co' I t col exist In Kanta*? deterring Southern frc'd <<.lf ng?lavra there. aad f* ' ether iinorUiodoj titatorreutt'in bw pnenrti-*, coccludtag witn the aM<'ri^o th*t the reeigns'.tor of v^'a'le<?r rendar?4 ncnrcefcarr arj farther ac' i than a full and decr)o4 ' condemnation of til* conduct. A^ier K;virg u history ft : the event*" id kancus, r. serie? of retail.tiorn waa pr?M|| e4 f?rorlt>g tbeaimmeirn of w.tb the l^ecoraptoa cototltutlnn, bintlDg at disunion. am. providing for Dm ! appointment and payment of th? expense of delegate* t* aSooiten t <>nvei.iion "to preserve equal rights and pr? ltd tli^ (Ii iiimIk IfM tulknii of the Southern States," ia c?*e the admi'sioti of K ica* under the (,*compton coosUtottoo ir denied The report on "Slavery and P'avery A citation" In accompanied by a prriw of rcsolutionx introduced by Mr. !t(ewn, ol (.ulV'ti'nn, fle'cnding the Fystrm of ?lav*?7 frcme'rriK Bib|tc?l argutnt ota, and resolving that Uic retirrn^n at!\ ck of the State in CMlgrflM be instn. "*d u? ur^'i the repeal of all l<wn an<l the abrogation or a?l wet tit* prohibiting tl'C importation of African Flaws into the SiuUirrn ft*te*,and providing for the hum am condiMUoft of Uie slave tiade The c mmittee to who n this wan r? f> rted reported against taking any ai ttou, ao?rapaoy in* tl eir report with a renew M the r la very airtatlon. Th?|r bow In m statistics, th*t rvf the iniportttion of aUv?to tito SoBtlierc Stales front 1804 to 18(8, over teu tjotio wire imjiotted by Northern and transatlantic owrt?r?, ] arid that, with the eiceptlon of the ? of Tone. 1/MJiilai.a ar.d Klorl("a, since 1*0S, the only Increase hu , beer the natural increase of the s'arc* tliemsek < *. Th* t on n 'ttz-e defend the syxtem of Southern olarery, as at hcnel't tothenrgro. They rev lew th? assault* made by Northei .i abolilioui.-ts upon the institution from 1787 'o the f "ri'Dt t me, ind attribute tho growth of tbt agit* to the cupidity of lircat Itritatn ooncolru.g iht Idea o' o'arl tig the United Stales in tho growth of cotUui by tin * < <1 iiilMtr In her pomeaalait* in Ute ; Kasi an<! Iteli.'Vir. > t to end it n*? necet?ary to i destroy save !?!> ?? m hi* country Tliey reprwot slut. ry 3^ e-xtftial U ^oitth and ben'(trial to tho J negro Acccmtar jtr.c tl.. ' are srr>>ral i*ti?n? fnxa . ex ticvert-or (t?>w i ator '< . 'cr* <n to Mr n*rk:?<o, or< ot thi lra<ier? of \VV.t In<; i inrioa'Joo, defeudlog the KyMeni < ? X'ricnn s'tvery iu ' ?lit of natu'*, mo ra!Hy, i?lit><-al economy and the detii 1. t? iy civtli/aU'io. Hr roMflBi' the nva?ur>-a to *ui,prr)'>> llw nlave trada ae itcrewrg the h^rror^ M the muldla par n ?; *UKt?iu Ih. w\?:f m fri>T?i l'?>-?lir:a\ Arot.tnntltil v. i>AU>a |\,r, a^iai rflectr of slavery to be for Ft.h'lity ami pea^e and Ik* _ iitluMoo ot 0>"e m*ii? ii-ms ?hal alllirt the North; protirutircr free labor chraper fiao pni'l labor, droloa U>? alt'ACd cMielty to the alnvni ili<lwf* that Southern ?lav<j ari in a more pmnuaiiig phy?'ral ami moral oonitltlr>i> ll>an IT)cli?h inlioictx %,-i.eri* th>' entire fillure of Uio *rh> tue of Wodl In'1 a emancipation, nn<1 Pipreani'* thn lirterm,nation of the tvulh to defend their alavvry to Uio il.mli In* Canadian Wh*at Ow Frrrrr or tw* Mtt ? w>> n rp ?The Toronto f-'hI* ??y??Th- ex\rtmr dt|utr\ n Idiierr <f thewinWr fin* 'ar, ha* deprived thn whrat II. |i'* of tlir r rov ritir of <no? aa<l eitvwi* tbe t 'art to ?reM darx<t fr-wp the lIHmlr friv>*(?; ho4 tb?W'i|r of tln> ?itrf?ce Wn noticed yeatrrr'ay that lb* 1m?* of the vr?vt?-i'? t r t, *hlfh wa* more peverr than i-?tial had fvrti to Hn l-at Hold* a co'or quit* dilW>4it frrtn Hint o- a f*w <*a?? r>iro Wpiir wheat In Canada i* alnaje a ??irer and a hnter ctop when tt ba* a pood rorenpp of Pliow Wo frar, from present af p^arancMi, that fit ycar'r cro: will prove ai>h?rt one. Nauru or Sour or thk !.o?t on thk Ptf<?kb coiomct r*i?r mar. -The following are th? bavi'O ni owm* ktx'frt to have b?en t?wt ?<Vit Converge, one ft -man , Alexaj.'ier Martlp, bark'eper; Mr?. fJrrpo. Mr* Itarlnw, ' n* Mr? T*>lor and CluW. St limit*; Mr K. 1J Cbetver.M U?ila;H?i h*rd Johf?*ofc, tlork WiWon Ferrla, nilrt; Mr lowr.tnatu, J l>n B. CtuMa,>t< ?ar'l,nf Filk i fairs; M'P Walla and child, M I?Uin; Mr* I>actl,a?I j aavto deck panwugeri!. F??>w Noam*** Mrxiro The Rroinw'llr, T#*I a*. Ha4, of U?e 31m nltimo, ?ay* ?Kro? Uie Meticas w? bare B'eil pefre tbat (i?.v (iarra a"t tJtv. Vt tanrri. nfKww l#or ai!-1 f>nh?ll^ bave mutually aettle<t al their d'fTerePirm The "tatee o{ Tarnan' rv! and Noe*? Ijeon an^ t oabu '* wli' now ^.-t in u??on v o, M Mtimr Mat-.?to rai'itig force* for u>e o<'?iDf for LA P? at't.f t F*v rn.- TV amulet fevrr hi* broken ont 10 \<w H?-tltord, aiid Hie crinoline of the yono# ladi * ?liow to what rtUnt IV n nva*M,a itpea Hn.rntAL. Attvmkw. r?n? l.akfspftiai. ?'*ktt1*rt of bin j ?tli b" keld at heail'in^rtrn Wo in M?w<*rjr, ok tbnradaj Tilnf >rl-r>^rj l| M v,o'e|ork 7h"i?Wrer? n ih? raw?r-l '.r#ar?'r?'if>n? ?tl brtn* with thrm thetr riil! nvmhrr" wl'h rr?ti'<-i < ? for *0(0 Into the book at tb<> wrre'?r* Piinrtual aii'ndanre l^ r*nii?>.i??, aabu^lnea* of lB?|>or'?nee ?tll be'ran?a"e<1 By <>rd?-r of JM? Mct.K?r> MCRPur. rrMtawt Altffl. Wnm U CmMR, hotr'v). Ar A HFfil I.AW VKHTIXO ' V THR ClRMAX PR rro'rmw I'intral t'lub, h?*ld ( W>.lnr?d?y rtenln*, Irh 111. ' 'hr I nl-T A'wiBi If Hrn if 9P tlrand atrael 'be fo'li wfrif ^.rrairl )e and resolution* were iinaniiixiualy 'optI The ?>nir?l riub of b?- tlntnan .Jem -enMHmiubltejj rl?l/rn? of ih* rt'y of N?-i? Turk ronrtdera It* du'rt from '""", in 1 ni' ?h?n imvn"*nt pelttteal <p entkunaetetle tha puano nilp.1. aa la'br oa?r ?l piea? iH r>? e??lng 'he ?anw '1 11 ti, bir a pni'l r eTprer?l?m of It* ?|uwa dlatlnetly to deoo?? lie p'-af'ion. thrref<ire. _ Vhrr'ae a rp<-r.ljr aoln'lon of the *?"?" I h... ?r I.. e?er* W*lt meaning ??tl jrn n( thr I dm f n?i'irm*'lon mnrh to M iWiird. ?nd *h' rr??, ?hf ?l. rm?o TVmnprMf* ? ?mml rim >k(? prl'lr in l<? n?ri?rlp*t.,.n in ik-Heci.m. of our M, .1 v ..j. .Irnt'K Po. h n*n, ?nd dnrtfM ?r<-M ?>lh fnrilrn frnm til* 'ni,r?f hi lirno piirmicd l.j Mm grh rhi ; ' ? ! fit*., . Nr?d?rd TIM l*?cidm' * Mn?n '? rn'li HI t,, r.,ir<m imi'rd r. rfirt. r>m and mi Mn>r"rt 'n thr kUi. J W h"? i?ki>n r?r'l,n* '* *' ***" ' J2; . Ihut ? '<*>!< limit >>< I'IiuNm nr Ki?<uiMI <t>'i> ikr I'rionwl'h I"* t'nn (fuwtitiitlon ** * whfh p*irkFtl*n *> IS,rn.,.1"i,iP"2f <<< mAi>'l WM. fl< HIrtyKR, PreMntik Iim IUr*?R. *TT' t?ry. ?-|JM,r( H? SEJI xt*i f.sAW?f?T'iio-!.?fT r?r orach ? HtTnrn ijioff ... Hi)H? ? Th* rMr,??>" h? the n A. VTMhrnirTi. nl Hwifnrd pp Wntpmrnn mirnrr Amu* b. t?tt "i Mf??' ird I u"fh rm Tb'ir*<l?f evening, UKt iVh KM U'tf>r* npfii at 7; to ?vmtm>n<? II JU ?<! <*. I M*t?l V% At if# ?4f.??r. "*" mE ART*. AMi.Ksmn (tier or rosa wnKfiir-R h nut# braifd pnlnUBK, the Horn* f^r, mo?ntpJ in ?"Vh ?oM l<?f tmrr-. ?nd t*|pr,t r jmi t or iuUc. ? b?rgi?ia TM nwrrr mi'H h.i** 'ho r??k Applt *i IM Amrr1?ui AM nrr?fl??y _ rTTrno* A VIR A If D ORRCIAW PAt?TlI?(? AlXTM -V ?horr art for *!?. I*#" f*?. ?? ?? (*? i|?# ?* rf ?>r*~?n? pmnttnftn ? few I'ewoik^T? mi* |>r>vkH? kg<?l?d?? ol 4r??lM- iFf** * " Hr?l