Newspaper Page Text
TH! WHOLE NO. 7886. mvnrii nr tdt ninni I AjMtivAu vi ion nuuuub tfews from Europe, India, China and Australia* REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS IN ITALY. Attempt on the Life of tbe King of Sicily. Significant Addresses to Louis Napoleon from the Army. Interview between Commissioners Reed and Teh at Canton. THE PEACE PROPOSALS OF THE BRITISH REJECTED. Preparations for the Attark on the City. Beduction of Interest by tbe Bank of England* rAn.ol. O.t I U n OK I i w 1-0 n vi# -*? UTTfll BKOTJUIT?BREAD JTUFF8 FLAT, *o., Ac., Ac. The royal ma.l steamship Niagara, Gap'jun Miliar, from Liverpool at about 10 A. M. of Saturday the 30th ulticn-), wrlvr d at Halllax at half past 7AM yMterday morning. 1 The Niaga?a experienced heavy weather during tho wbele paaaage. She r?porl? passing on the 30th ult lae I AJBerlc?n nblps Henry Clay and Inn Hooper, and the bark Sutceioan, off Yarmouth, N. S., bound for Uverpoot. ?b? rassed the steamship Africa, from New Yoi k Jan 20, off Holyhead, at 8 P. V. of the 80tb On the 31st ebe paused tie American sh.p Benarea, off Kinaalo. Tfc* Niagara sailed from Halifax at 1 o'clock yesterday *teruoei? for Bot-tco. The weather waa cieur, with a fcght southwest wind. ' Antony ber mmmf are hie Excellency the Hon. the 1 fiirt of Mu'jtravs, the newly appointed Governor of Nora Scotia, hi* famt'y and no te. The Collin* ?team*bip Baltic, from New York Jan. 10, 1 Ttved at Liverpool 1 P M. of the 28U?. The propeller Now York, also from New York Jan. 18, arrived at Greenock on th? afternoon of tbe 2Sth NEWS FROM INDIA. The correspondPEco from Calcutta to Dec. 24, adds oMtamfc of importance to tha telegraphic despatches which wtielpated tbe Ball. Tbe l\me* corr**pondent gives a circumstantial account ?f the Windham affair; but the facta do not differ from thoee already before the public. Tbe scenes after W'.ndham'a defeat are aaid to have bees fearful. The boapitala were crowded to suffocation. Ibe enemy directed their Ore specialiT upon them, and .t waa not till ttr Colin Campbell returned, and, with a ' daarn haughty worda, brought every man to hu place, that erder wan restored. Tbe B>bop if Calcutta died on the 3d .Urinary. ? LATKU AND INTUWTINU NEWS. Ixwdo*. Jan. 29? Vight The government baa received a despatch from Malta '? announcing the arrival of the Bombay mail of January? < at %> ?. Tbe new* la of little importance. Sir Colin CamrbeU waa at Oawnpore at laat advlcei, but be waa expected shortly to move westward with a powerful foroe ttr Jam** Outram at Alumbagb attacked and defeated ue enemy on the V2A of December, and captured four ??M. He ewtameri hot trifling lo>* Genertl Roberts ta appointed f/?th? of a fttH torae iuyabpouiia, which ia anouiolmg at Deeea, and i w*Al B*fCb on to Muaeerabad i No frwh di^OT'^Pces have MNMi n any part of the I Daecan or Central India. Hm Punjab la tranquil DI?rATCH *6 TBK INDIA HOt S*. Lo*uo*, Jan. m. J rite following despatch na received late l?t? n'irbt ? 1 IVmiiiV Jan * Sir J Oatrani defeated the rcb"!a iv4r Alumba^h on De->0)ber 22, uit took tour guar bis own tow ?h | IrilltBf. t Sir Colin (fcmpbeU (| Paoember 12 advanced towards Fernkabad. and proceed iheace to Afra. Col. Seaton's column re-ocjupiad Mynpoore on the 27lb f <T( nur defeating ib? rebe> and taking %i\ pu '-rUtrtWr General Oiamborla.n proceeds with a column to RobtlcMMb, and aftarwarrta jot?? ?ir Ool?? *1 Ajtra. The tVir * mutineers hi I entered the Amq country, and Irtr Majesty't Fifty fourth foot were in pursuit of Ibetn. The conduct of Uit Thirty -flftt regiment of Native Infantry bad suited asspx ton. Th? pofnlaf na of In J ore bare been disarmed and traaftiittti r?al*td The ruiijab an I S< ipJe were a'I quiet, but stron* aiwpilrtbM wera enteiv'ned of Kbolapoor R^jah'a move ttw. < ? Jepredai oat by the KbaaArtsb rebels hate been reputied, and U>e I'eiatb an i Ua?.c rebela nare b>ma se Tvti; handled. A jTTAtwl MiinptAinflkltiit V)aa hitAH ?ivi<n hv Um n&ttv* ( tvWmro of Bombay to all the European troop* in the | farrieoa at that plAon. CHINA. mi COKTmn.ATKD ATTACK ON CANTON. The e~rraep<?deni of the Tiwi, wrung from Oanlon i rtrrr, i*r*er dale Ilec 18, nay* that CommiMtoner Yeb haaretrrned an iaeotent anawer to the ultimatum of tbn i Raflteb and French plentpoteaUarl**, and that the two two? would III ? raw 'lay* attack Canton. lord IQfiB'a demand wna ?f ih? m<wt l*mp?raU< character He aeked Xpr no more than that the treaty abould ha carted out, that Chnten nbould b? put upon the aamn floottoc aa the other treaty porta? it* yatea open to com ateree, that compenaatlon be given for the damafte to riUak merchant*. and th?l the orrnpatton of the Inland . ef Hoeaa be aojuteeoei in, aa a material guaranty, an til all maUrri are MMJed. A letter rrom Hong Kon* "ay* ?That Yab'a answer to Urd Hgm la coached is a aarcai>tic view. Re tei'i hi? l/wJuMp that the qnoeUoa of the treatment of atraofem at CM %to ban been eettied by decree of the Emperor, thai Mr Boa bam waa made a baronet for reepoctng that dearee, and recommend* 1/ord Elgin to follow hia ei ample ltd, as ror compensation, Yrh had of Ik* Br?tWt government fjr loeses suffered by itii? A few days Wore this answer *M received, Mr. RM, the Mm lean Commissioner, solicited an Interview in the p.*y, u<l Yrh replied that be would meet htm o itside of the city, but that no harber?n should ?et loot within the limits of Oantoo The I "ar ts I'ayt publishes accounts frim Cochin China, dated Teoqutn, IMh November The persecution of the Christians continued wtth unparalleled vloien-e The country was In a state of the greatest confusion. URF.AT HRIT\1^ Parliament would assemble o? Wr 4th of Vebruary lord PaJmerstei. had, a* uh i.i). issued a circular soilciting th? early attendance of the supporters of the government, an affair* of considerable Importance would MMBe unaer discussion A numerous deputation had waited cm lord Palmer ] ston to urge the Immediate sbolttlon of the Chnrct) rates. They met with such lukewarm encouragement that they I adopted an indignant resolution, and pledged themselves to press forward an independent bill on tha snhje> t Prince Frederick William of Prussia had bean In rested with the Order of the ftartar. ] Tha steamship leviathan had been pushed twenty Are feet off the ends of the launching way*, and her cradles were being removed She had orer seventeen fhet of wa | t?r under her. and It was expected that she would float on the ?Hh or 31at. A resolution pending before the General Ourt of D1. rectors of the Fast India Chmpany, deprecating the pr^ posed rhangf in the government of India, wsa carried by an almost unanimous rote. The london AJtrrfiKT asserts thai the Indian hill will not he nearly so sweeping se m poeraliy helaved and a? ( E NE i wit ft! intended. Xinaters will consent la molifl satio? im the measure In iU progress through Parliament, and that H will not pass this year. If not withdrawn it wilt t>? staelred at the end of the session. Heavy drafts of trooptt were under ordure to embark. for India. The Busk of Rogland reduced the rate of discount on the 20ih to four per cent. The reduction had little or no effect ?o Uk money market or Stock Exchange. The I?ondoo timet remarks on the subject that thero ;s a prospect that the tendency for a considerable period may be to wards increased ease in the money markot. For the lata week or two the application* at the bink for discount have almost entirely ceased. They are still likely to be of a very moderate character, since the minimum rate in the pen market han for some days not been higher than three per cent, while in the Stock Exchange the supply is abundant at two. The interest on deposits allowed by the discount houses haH been reduced to 2% per cent. The Daily AVuh says that some persoDs are disposed to look for a furthor reduction in the bank minimum. FRANCE. The army of the line is to be divided into five great commands, to be confided to MarshalsCastelUnc, Bosquet, PplHaqtor r?nrnhnpf miri Vtllinitt with thnir hoaslmmrfnrj at I'mi#, Nancy, Lyons, "oiilouso and Tours. Ad(trew<>H from som? of the regiments to the Kmporor arc worded in such strong language as to attract much attention. The Zouaves almost regretted that they had no opportunity to in an if cat their zeal in a striking manner, and the address of the Eighty second regiment contain# the following sentence:?"And if your Majesty want* soldiers tc reach these men even in their haunts, wo hum bly pray yo? to designate the Eighty second regiment as part of the advance guard of this army." Addresses from other regiments appear to havo been worded wt.ill stronger, for the Maniteur has omitted some of the paragraphs. The Pope has addressed an autograph let tor of con gratuiation to Napolccn. It is stated that Orsini wan at Stuttgardt when the Em pcror was there last year, but that he and two or threo other Italians were expelled. The Monitmr publiat^s a decree announcing the inten lion of the government to put down all religious controversy in the French press. A Brussels paper affirms that the French Foreign Minister had addressed a note to the British, Belgian, Sw island Sardinian governments, demanding certain measures which may prevent renewed attempts at assassination. The correspondence of the Times reports that no further measures of repression will be d.rectod against the press. ITALY. A despatch from Naples announces the death of Slgnor labiate, at that place, on the 23d of January. A plot against the life of the King of Naples had been iliaeovered. Ten persons, all Frtochmen, are said to have been landed at Naples to carrv out th? dMln A conspiracy had also been discovered at Aacoli. Its jcgipn wu unknown. It wu stated that the RothachUda were negotiating a oan for the Papal government. An insurrectionary movement at Rome was said to have ims planned for the 1Mb of January, but the police frus raved it. AUSTRIA. A Vienna journal pays that the National Bank contains . greater amount of specie, by 3,000,000 florins, than ever >elore. Austria consents that the act of the Oiveranie States, roative to the free navigation of the Danube, shall be subnit .ed to the Paris Conference. DENMARK. A new project from Denmark, having for ita object to ilace the Ducbiuo in an exceptional position in tho Danish nonsrchy. ha? been taken to Frankfort, but the membora if the Diet declared against it aa Insufficient. BU881A. It It said that Russia intaoda to restore all the aarin* tut., bs on the roast, but on a new system rhioh will evade the treaty of I'arw. A new SebwtopoJ 1a;?j In contemplation. TURKEY i It wan tsserted that the RrilUh (fovernment bad agreed o pay [<eeuniary indemnity to the Porte for their occupa ion of the island of Perin? tho amount to be fixed ami ably between tho two l*owers without tho intervention of tny other. Scr (.us disturbances were said to have broken out in Ic-rna, and a for ? of 3,000 men had been sent to -suppress hem. THK VERY LATEST. [bt rnj&num rao? iokdom to ijtwooi.1 Loxnos, Jan. 30?A. M financial irrtlU. The Hurt city article says ?The fund* are moderately iteady to day. but the market is without animation, and u.'.o'.fei!trttint>K eui'ouraged in Vronc.h official wl millfcry i fiarteri would prabably have led to further depression ' >ut for the Investments on the pvt of bank or* an<1 others, who In tbe preMOt state of the discount market aro unabUj ' xt employ thair money, cicept la government stocks or ' ichange billa. 1 In th.' Stock F-jchange loan* are obtainable at fro^ 1 ^ 1 ? 2 per cent. an<l In the discount mirket, eirer.uonable i ransaciior have Uken plaoe below I per cent. The I/melon and country hanka have & ,i?y decided to ?k? to no fresh deposits at a tdgfcer rate than 1 per eel. The Union Bauk baa alag reduced Its allowance to IX percent Nearly ?90.000 In fold waa Uken to the bank to-day. laftcelfn e*< hangea lh>a afternoon rates remain about the hbc aa at the laat pant Tbe IMHf \<-v* city article Maya ?Th* baa been a doll day ib tb? Mock F.xehan^o. Ths funds egperlsnced very little variation, and closed tbe name aa yeaterday but the l hare market, an per tally for British railroads, was weaker. In the Hwxk Vichaj>g? It waa scarcely possible to lend money on government securities at any'rate, however low. ntiwcs. The Nrmitur contains a leading arifcle on the unammoue expression of horror wbi. h has been elicited. not only from all parties of France. and every claM of the population, hat from foreign porta aad nations and claims the congratulation which U?? F.mperor has received as proofs of affectum (tor the Imperial family and dynasty, aa well as for their Majesties personally. ACtinULI*. The mail steamer baa arrived at Po*?. with advlcea from Melbourne to Par lft. an I Sydney 11. Trade at Melbourne had continued vary dull, Several fallitrna are reported There waa UtUe gold I earing for Kngland. oomintrui. intklliorwcr. I.OMDON MONEY MAtUBf. Th# I/OBden market was decidedly easier The Rank rf Finland had reduced the rate of dlsmnntto four per ci nt. I oiisola closed on Friday at <Ht?, a vift \ U r money an I account. The bullion In the llauk of Fncland had increased ? 22,000. Messrs Baring Broi quote har silver at 6a. 1H<> ; dolterw, to. >?<! , <-fcgl'f, 7?e 3>?d jkkrii a* *?rmm* Meeer* flaring Brother* report hnyer* of? hawflviBhn l~\ IVnnejrl'ranla Wmda, 1*77. e* dlrldend 81'% Virginia ft'* of 19WI offered at 93 I'UWM Rftllrnad bond* of 1AM M Monti Ml ft fon report the market boojraol. with an upward dririnnd. and more buyer* than sellert. I'nltM !* *> fl ? of 1907-09 102 ft 104 ' Do. lMnd*otl9*9 103 ft 104 i Maryland V*. bind* AH ft 90 Maeearhueette ft'*. bond* 100 1CJ ( Alabamft 6'?,bond? 79 ft ? i Kentucky '?, IHM and 1973 00 ft W Pennaylvaalft ft*a. et dividend 73 ft 7* j fio. bond* Of 1977, fT dividend 90 v; a *1 vtf New York Oolral Rftllroftd ft't HI a 93 Virginia 6 a, 19S9 81 a *3 IN mot* Central, ? hare*?per cent discount . ft ft 3 Ho. bond# of 117ft n ft M Do Tft.lMO. free land H4 96 Michigan Cftntral 9'g of 1909 I? i in Michigan *baree 45 a 60 New York Ontrftl thftrefl 74 a 78 I>n. A'ft 93 96 Do. r? 91 a M Krto Rftllroftd "tack 10 a 33 Ho. 3d mortgftf* bonds .,.; 73 7ft I Vv I'i.roorertlMw,.. 40 m 43 Do. ninking rtind, 4ft * fto r?>nn*ylvnnlft Centra) ft'a, 1?t mor^V" ... *? ft *9 The I/milon paprr? report an ftctlre bualneen 00 the 29th, in We Rftilmftd Mock *1 ' 33 ? nilnoi* Central *hftr????discount .... 4* a 4 . Do. 7>, freeland 97 . a ??X Mo. bondi of 197ft 94 ft ? , Erie 3d morlfafte **< ? ? j I.TVW0OL COTTON M 4 REIT. I The flrofcer* Ciroflftr of the 1 trerpool r?\lrm market reports tile MiMof tb? w?k Oft ,090 bftl??,of wutoti 11,800 1 WY O IORNING EDITION?MONI were on speculation and 2,500 for export. The a<ivloe? from the United States, per Niagara, caused an advince, early In the week of <Hd. per poun 1 In the current qu ill tK'H of American The market closed (toady, and ra'ber buoyant on Friday, with Hale* of 7,000 bales, of wiir.h 1,800 were oa .speculation anJ Tor export at the folio#ing quotations.? fhtr. Middling Orleans 7!^d. fl 16-lfa. Mobiles Upland* 7d. 8 18-I6d. Tbe stock wan estimated at 380,000 bales, of which ly0,000 were American. Ll\ ?K1'(H)L PKODt'CK MAItltKT. Tbe Brokors' Circular and othors quote ashes quiet at 32*. and 33s. for pota and jiearls. Sugar dull and 6d. lower. Molasses Arm. Cofi'ee quiet. Rice dull and quotations barely maintained. Tea slightly advanced. Rouin steady at 4c <t 4c 3d for common and 12s a 18s. for Sue. Querc:troi! bark quiet; 1'hiladelphla Us., Baltimore 8i. 9d. a 7s Ad. Ct>4 'ill, ?-H; sperm oil, ??2, seal oil dull, but prices, utn-tmr ??j; linseed oil dull at 29s. 8d. Spirits tur pontine Arm ut 37s. on the spot, and 36s. a 37s. to arrive. LIVERPOOL BRKADHTTKK8 MARKET. Messrs. Kichardsoo, Spence 4 Co quote llour unsaleable and quotations nominal. Western canal. '?2*. ai3s.: I'b: ladelphia and Baltimore, '22s. tM a 24s.; Ohio, 27s. a Wheat very dull, and declined 'id. aincu Tuesday. Hod Western, 6s. M. a fts., and flne samples, whi:h v* scarce, 78.; white, 78. a 7s. rid., and 7s. Ud. for bestq Uiity. Corn quiet but steady; mixed und yellow, &]a. tid. a 34s.; white, 36s. I.IVKRFOOL PROVISION MAKKKT. Messrs. Bigland, Athya & Co., Richardson, Spence b Co , James McHenry, hi?1 others, quote beef quiet but steady: pork quiet but steady : bacon firm, with more inquiry for American; lard stoviy, at 62a. a 54s. 8J. :V>r choice; tallow firm, at 66*. for Butchers' Association. LONDON MAKKRTH. Messrs. Baring, Bros, fc Co. quota wheat Mull: white, 4fls. a 49s; flour. 24s. a 2fis. Iron firm, at ?8 5s. a SA 10s. for both rails ami bars Sugar dull, and Od a lOd. l?>w?r. ("ofTee quiet; prices easier, but quotations unchanged. Copper advanced Id. Spirits turpentine firm at 38s. l.imcod cakes in good demand. Boston, in bags, ?10. New York, in barrels. ilO 10s. M oils quiet Sperm oil. ?80 l.inseed oil quiet, at 28s. 6d. a 2t*s. Rico steady. Saltpetre declined 6d. Tea slow of sale, but prices unchanged Congou Is. 1 *id. Kutjlisli tin advanced 5s.; blocks, 118s.; bar, 110s. Tallow unchanged. STATU OK TRADK IN MANOHESTKR. The advices from Manchester udtfic manufacturing districts generally aro favorable. In were more buyers than sellers, the latter being veryflrm in their demands. PA88FINGERS BY THE NIAGARA. For Botron?Mr and Mrs Uarber, Viscount Noru>o. Judge Burnett, Mr Bnttan and nephew, Capt Colthirst, MU? I.vtLgoe, Mrs Ixithrop. Mrs Cumilnglutii), Mis Mullio, Minx lliflln, Mud Vmr# Kollarc. Kay, Dupuce liurrlll, liahr, Hciry, Rodemai'her, Reddish, Johnson, Puntana, Berber, Tacksou. Uoubleday, Wharton, Lappage, Fisher. .Ir, Kevaer, Mnjcan, Htrassrr, walker, Robertson, LTthgoe. Me*Ira, Rjwler, Trvnto, Cunuingham, Bstllc, I<amb ana sun, Jones and Woodhouie. City Inttllliriice, ST. VAMNTINS'8 DAY. * Yesterday was St. Valentine's Payffcut the fact of its being Sunday compelled tha votaries of Cupid to postpone the celebration of the holiday until to day, whin the city Poet Offices may ?xpect to do a thriving business in the exctiange of amatory epistles between lovers, and satirical effusions between parties who have malice to gratily or insalts to revenge. It is to be feared that rather more of the latter will be exchanged than tho former, from the Tact that malice is a much more common sentiment than i iflectisn, and beaides, can manifest Itself at a much :heaper rate. Any kind of a valentine, such as even tho | poorest girl would send to the object of her affection, \ irould cost a dollar, while scurrlloui and defamatory lam- 4 xwns can be bought for a cant a piece. U is therefore as j ;baap as it is nasty I The origin of St Valentine's Pay is Involved In eonsulera >le mystery. Some writers affirm that St. Valentino wan ally a fair beauty of the court of 81. Louis, whe was no leatered with amatory billet doum that aho retired to a sonvent to escape tbe persecution of the court galante. With the fickleness woman, however, no >ooner had the Irrovqcab'.e tows been ttpokaa than iho regretted thj step she nart taken. an4 iigbed VHft excitement* of oourtahlp and lovo. Tb subdue this rebellious tendency she had resort to fasting and flagellation, but with no effect beyond giving her ? reputation of wuicutv which promoted her to (he poalUou of an abbess. When dytng, she eipreased a fear thai they would make a taint of her. but if they lid she wishtd it to be understood that she would be the patrun 01 lovers, to wham her fate would be a warning The r< al origin of the day la supposed to be derived rroui tbe fU?>i, who held fi-stivitiee in February in honor of the gods fan and Juno. On thee* orcaitotM, stDKl a variety of ceremeiiier, tbe names of youn? wo hien were put in a bo*, fn.m which they wore drtirn by young men aa chance direct*!, and thia was often the commencement of a serioua courtship. When Christian! ly rame in v^fUe the early pastor" trie*) to eradicate all .raow of I'sgan oeremonie*, Kiibstltuted Saiuta' day* for the heathen holidays, a&d St. Valentine waschoson to protide over the attaint of love, and the 14th of February Icngnaied, it being the day according to tradition when the bird> mate. But what* ver be the origin, 11 ia a pl^avint holiday for ihe youug people, and many a heart bu been made* clad by the ctu.twlou* of aflxtioa the season in Mies, rue inly drawback is the opportunity it affords for thoughtless knd ill nntured people to wound and hurt the feeing of heir acquaintances. From all appearance there will not l?e as many coetly valentines sent thw year aa uaual. rhe hard times nfWts lover* as well as <>tt>er people. Tm Whtiim ?A snow storm commence^ on Saturday light and conl nued until yesterday %J??moon, when it beared up with about two laches of snow on the ground, not enough fer sleighing, hut enough to make city pedestrianism very unplo*^.?nt. All the cold weather ind suow s'orms bay$ ?' , f*r prov d failures. Nothing ap peara to 4o but i>t?l*ant weather. Thc Watidnai. ? It la announced that the tfoventh Remittent have been formally invited to Baltimore by the Authorities of that city to participate In the ceremonies attending the erection of a statue to Washington in that rrty on the 'Ha Inst. The matter is understood to be under advisement by the regiment; but as their triennial i-n'am pine til lakes place next summer M to doubtful whether the invitation, flattering though it may be, Will be accepted. Metropolitan Police Matter*. Hie following is a wmplele list of the men appcrtnted by the Board tn accret aaasioo oo Thursday Iwt. They ara i nearly all new m?n. and will be imra<vllaiely sent to tbeir | trVxa precinct* by the General Superintendent ? John W. Rod#, Philip I/owrnthal, Janes Yoon*, Oor*e Murk, Wm B KibiDW, Chaa K Williams, i Stmui'l McCrackcn,J W. Jenkins, Wm l?tt, I E. D. Otrvk. I*nnii> HreoDan. Thomas Hearty, < Andrew I-rwts, Timothy Golden, Ira fowler. i A W. Iwlafol. Cha* Had way, .loeeph Wood, John M Curry, Henry l.yon, Wm Myee. (* Tracy, H*mu?l Mahon, ?'n> lli<ta?, l Janirr Smiley, <?eo A Fltndreao, Btwr<|Meniboc, C. N Brack. U, Fdw narbatMlr, JaMtBrttt. I Henry K. l*rloe, Arrhdluca#, JohnAf I'laU, i Wm. llrrrtnK, O^laa WjjCoffrey ,R. ? Gray, I N. B. Saaforn, Wm. MarsIT, J -C? Jepsom, i Wm. McLtermott, tieo Shelley, Jame?(,aflney, i I. Brown, Havld Winter, W W Wula. I Wn>. Rich, Abram Aran. Andrew McVaJ, < H. B Clendenla, John <;reen. ill man Brown. < C. IT tV"U . J<ma* A. Hou?hton,Mkc.heel fonlln, 1 John Hart's. Wnses leckaon, D InUtrnn, I W Spark, John (JilTnrd, Geo. M. Tuthill. 1 Rcbrt Myers, Jsmes VredenberR.Edward Knight, I lieo. Joelyn, Wm McNa?ert. Iiaaiel Murphy. i John Stewart, B G I*rd, I.. B Moorhouse, i Wm NorthsRe, W Smith, Oeo WaeblMirt*. . I F.A.Potter, S A Cody, Wm B IVnnett, I W II Spauldlnjr, Ji'bn Ferguson, P H. Cbhen, i fc B WhiCr?n?b, P. Hoyt, Michael Husey, I Solomon Terry. Wallace Van Wart, Henry Voran, i J. C. Wc?tt rfleld, Henry Ward. Wm. Prwhor, I John Oral*, Jehn G filler, TIim Vhhk, i Wm Michaels, ,lam?? Prosby, Jacob K. Brown, t M .Tnrkooa, Wm noy, P Van Rusk irk, I I*nnlr MclwrmoU.K. C. Gray, J P. Hutchinson, t Samuel Rmt. B. F Cbaee, H W Henley, Jvhn 11 Stu'Hey. Wm lllalr, Wm Hocencarap, 1 Wm Harrerty, Wm Oe'fhlrm, AufsTate. I Htnry Hulteel Wm H. Millar, W?. CMMM. 1 Jacob I? Bonnet!, ( Ity Pallttr*. Tint AMMAN* AND Till ADMINISTRATION. The (.erman democratic paper in thla city. the New York SloaU ZriHmg, bavin* com* out againat th<- admini* , irntlon n tin Kanta* policy, the Oman Ontral Club, con i matin* nf dele^atee from club* of the llfferent ward* of the rily, iteemed H it* duty to retaliate the pre*umpti?n that Ihe ?aid paper r*pr?>i?*ed (be *cntinvnt of our i.- rman j Mtow cltircne The Central Club iher.-fcrf |?*>e<l In it* . retular monthly m<vt,n? be Id Wcdneadily laat. the fol , lotttns preamble and resolution* ? MThcf ra?, a ?pa?dy notation of the Raima* queetian cannot but appear to every wall mean in* cltiren of the Union { a consummation much to be dealrad; ami where**, the , iirrman I*?Tf><vr*lte. Ontral Club take* pride in it* partlci . patmn in tile election of our chief m*f letrate, lanie- Ru , rbnnan, and dertva* srrat *ati? faction from the courae ( hitherto puraocd by the (jetieral a>lniim*tration. therefore, , be it . Reartved, That lYealdcnt Ruchanan la entitled to anr 4 nn m ti.l coTiftdenri- and n>>r ?tr<nu<vi* ?upport in the f Mand be hit taken reapertlnf the above queetton Revolved. That we loot upon the admiwion ?f Kan*a*a* { Mate Into tbe I nlon with tba l/tcomptoa ooaotitntion a* { a meaaute which patrwtiam and (UtoamanaMp at ?noe 1 urgently demand , Tnu not.a-lif Tk?Dat Drri,.?<5ovornnr Mf(Ury ^ of m?n*?ota, uyi that Uie diat?n*ui*had Indian Chief, Hole in the Hay "*U1I livea." The duel *tory I* In part 1 true The Indian did iret on blf drunk with a white mtn. who amotip other innocent diversion*, ala^ped the Ojief In th? month. Hoi* In the Day sent the challenge, and Ihe white man *ent back word that If be d>4a't keep hi* 1 rballeajrm to himertf, ho would cat hi* throat cut That t hatha ami. of It Hole to, fee Day la now M Montreal f (* rn* for Wwhinfton. 'It RK E )AY, FEBRUARY 15, 185S LiTES T SEWS FROM tT4H. The Feeling of the Mormon** in Regard to the War. Speeches of Brigh&m Young and some of the Apostlea. THEIE VOICE IS NOT ALL FOB. WAR. THE POETIC MUSE AMONG THE SAINTS, Ac., Ac., <to. Ol'B 8AN FRANCISCO CORRESPONDKNCK. Sa!? Frwuwo, Jtn. 20, 185S. Humored Engagement of the United Stales Troops with the Mormons at Salt Lake I alLy?IKe Mormons Heaitn. By way of Oregon wc have another report that an ?n gugrun-ui. uiHi MHt'u piaco Ktii^een ma l'dimo siai/os troops and a superior force of MormooH in Salt Like Valley. It us said a bard fight ensued, and that tho Mormoco, after Retaining severe loss, were obliged to retreat. Tuo news wan brought to Col. Steptoe at the Italian by a reliable Snake Indian, and by him sent on to thin ^lty, arriving here last evening by the steamer Commodore, from Portland. It is atao reported that the Cayuxo and Walla Walla Indian* had ordered ail the whiten to Ie*ve their country within five days. The Indians nay that white men, who are neither Americans nor English, ott'er to furnish them with plenty of musket* to fight our people: and It la believed, from every indication, that tho Mormons are engaged inciting tho Indians to boa i'.ty The generrl belief in tho North is that In tho coming spring many if not all the Indian tribes will be exceedingly troubleaomo. The report of the battlo m 1st be received with doubt, an such rumors have been frequently circulated without any foundation. reported attempt to entkr by kcho c anon?fot'r DHAGOON8 KILLED?PRX8CNT POSITION OP COL. JOHNPTON'rt COMMAND. We find the following letter in the Soil Francisco Herald. The truth of the intelligence It contains we aro inclined to question, from the fret that our dateR from the army are hr late an Pfcember 18, and lothing has b?eu HAid about an attempt to force the Kcho Canon by Col. Alexander i Sacramento. J*u ft. 1H68. MwRtt Middloton and Poarson arrived at Carsou Valley on the t'.to, and Mr. rears in haw ju? arrived from r*r?>& Valley va the liig Tree route. They brought an express from Washington to Harris Fork for Col. Johnston <m December 7, Colonel Alexander, with tho Sixth dragvmi, had attempt*d to force their way through Kcho Canon; in the attempt, four of the dragoons were killed. Th.nk'.ng k Impossible to force thi> piss, Col. Johnston, who h*d as sumed command of the troops, retire 1, and in a lew days despatched Colonel Alexander, with twenty eight dragoons kg an escort, to St. 1-oun, to obtain supplies. Colonel Jobuston then retieatel a short distance to Sulphur Springs, and to lie the Sublette cu oft around to the north oi Salt lake to Box Klder, from which Morstr. Middleton and Pearson started Itocember 13. Colonel Johnston was there at the time wfth the second anil third dragoons and light artillery, seven six pound and five 1 twelve pound paixbans. lie has sent foraging parties, J fifty men each, and has obtained 2,400 cattle and other supplies of all kinds. The Colonel has pickets out alt the ' wmy iruiu uviu rjucr w ursvvuy ruru, ui iroai IOriy UJ ' sixty men. An escort of seven dragoon* came with the uprtwamen to Gravelly ford. He will attempt to enter Salt lAlce City about the 1st of Hay, ao he expecta Harney will urrive on lb* other aide ibout that time. There aro three companies of dragoona at Fort Bridger. 'on Supply, twelve m.lea south, has been evacuated by he Mormons, and the troop* have possession of it. Mr. 'earson has seen no anow except aince leaving Carson /alley. Johnston's command have experienced no io?nrcnience whatever from anow, not havuig seen any. iarney will have the '!A Dragvons. three companies 13th counted regiment Fire companies rlOot will arrive oa ike Uth. We have recaivM hies of the Desoret Stva up to the 2d of December lMt. from which we obtain gome lntc resting intelligence in regard to the condition of things unong the Mormons, and the state of their feeling* upon Lho war question. It would appear from the more moderate tone aasumod by Brigham Young and several of tno ipontics that they are not so belligerent as they have been, and that they are not altogether unfavorable to a peaceful solution of the iffltl^lty Setw-en them and our government. However, we will let Brigham spenk for himself. In his d>cour-<5 cn the 16th of Noveabcr last tie thus addreswsa the Faints ? I'KIOHAM Dons NOT KXI'lCT ANT TBOrBLE. You hear some of the brethren surmise that we are going to nave trouble. You need not expect any trouble, xccpi you take a course to tiring It upon you. You n?*?d icver expect vg nee sorrvw ulMi yout own conduct, ooorersatiormnj act8 ;t u> your lioart/t, Ur rhjaean , ?rr,<eUy ob?er\ed in bia remarks thai if tofl men aro Iklted In these mountains tliey are not to be overcome by ii*ir ooernie*. Is this wbolc people perfectly united* I Var not. When I undertake to present before this people .he true principles of the priesthood I almost shudder, b? ause so many do not yet understand them and cannot ecelve them. 1 will t>-U you my faith in regard t* tho >rethren now In the iBouutalns. General Wells akea the charge, and when I write to him I Connie I him to do aa the Holy Ghost shall dictate him. ind inform htm that whatever be may order and lerform he ha* my faith and Influence to salta n him. I pray (Jod to turn away our enemies, to put hooks in .heir Jaws, an 1 turn them wherever he will, with their rold, their horses, and all they |Ki*se*a. They do not mow the * Mormons,' they are strangers to this people, irs full of wrath and malice towards us, fctit they know Dot why. They know not that they aro stirred to anger igsinst us by the enemy of all righteousness Should those who Instigated the sending of this army undertake tt come hero, there will be another scenery, for they are more or loss acquainted with as, and know that ws are Lhe most upright |>eople on the earth, and they will not be able to shield themselves In the garb of ignoranca I ill not talk about them, for you know their history, and fou know and bars teen much of the squalid wretchod?e?* of the wicked inhabitants of the earth, la there b on or and virtue among the* r Where m the man er woman among them that is to be trust*! f If there la here fct oocf overcome by every flendiab art in their power, Women are overcome by sycophant*. by Lboee who rule the tiAltou, and thoee who have power and Influence In the rartona ftatee.j.amae ami religion* Mcta. Man la overcome by men They cud II* uid wink and ramblit and ran to and rra la abomination* trt every grade, and lift their vr?n for aud agamet each xher, a* did tbe I'addy to hia petition to the king for an afijc?', wherein be itate<1 that be would vote for or afaioat him, Iffht for him or light him, Juat an !* wiibed it. OdIomI aInxander. probably one ?>t the beat men In the irtny. now near Bridger ruini, told one of our tnee-iengcra, when replying to a piece of advice 1 had given him to revign bl? onmmieeinn rather than be found operating igam*t an innocent people, thai he wa* compelled to remain la the army, for if he remaned be knew not how to manage U> *uetaln hia family If" Mid,141 have no other rtieana of aupport. I cannot ihK>w up mv com m km ion, for Iben I tbould have no mean* to support ay wife and rhildren." Aa an American, ahame and eMraatmi would verwiKlm me were I even In think of trying to xuetain my family by aiding with tyranny and oppraa Ion. That's the only circum?tanoo I wiah to i>am?. They are aent ostensibly to cirlltite tbM l*'ople, but I do n<4 wish to talk much about mob non?en?e. The whole world i? wrai* up In llie gar mem of corruption, ronfuaion and de*tra< tion, and they tre faet making their way down to hell, wbilo we hare ibe word* of eternal life The whole world are aadly in want of what they rail a maMer spirit That ii what the rovernmrnt of the ratted >*at?"i are deprived of. there is not one to l?e found among them, neither in the Cabinet of Ihe President nor in the tVnale of the t'nlted Mt?te? Hiey ire all p'He( and there i* no one in tb?-ir midst competent u> load and dictate In tbe affair* of our general govern men!; but, ae they aay. it la with them a period of medi wrlty. H ban been acknowledged by (3r*at Hritain thai ;he master spirit* are fled, there are uone in Use Britiab :-arluuncnt, aad they know n>* what ?o do let thl* People come to that coodttioa and aay that they hare no person capable of llctaUng and leading them and you ill b? in the whirlpool of delusion It will be every man 'or himself, and you would not know what to do. you would not knew how to dictate your own afliiir*. It rt h? which overwhelm* the world in oonftision ind makes It nabvlon, while the prieatbood derate* maakind and dictate* the but band, he wife and the children and all they have. ihiaham rhaipga tim i.tii?kamtt o? Tit* *ai*t* The Ifotibet, touched by the liberality of the ftKhful* r aiim-he* forth in Ihelr or alee, ae follows ?It would do T rou (rood to lapk out yonder tu the mountain? and ?w onr 0 >rrthren warmly clad and well provided Tor Th? bre- ? hrcn tad ?l*teni hrrn ad In thr n pic hi .or hood rouad r ibout harp liberally amwered to our 'alia, and entry ima hare auppllrd more than wan railed for, Will they *rl wtto ever> thin* if ft la called for? Yea. 1 hare icard hut of m?e man elnoe the brethren went nut in retch tlie enemy?* nan up north?who really wiabed toe brethren to iipv hie ox Rut ttoar butchered him >jfora tola area. I eald amen to It Tr hie aod i an be Am aa aaally m that. It la an eccallaot thing for him. If iny of yon bare foda In hor?ea or m oxen, make an of. rnnjr of them lortkwith.aad'teli the boy* who are going wt thai they ar? welcomo to thpm Ther are walonme to ill nuiw>. K you don't bellere it, try K we ara a bleaeed *v,ple and we ahall be pr?wrred from oar eoemiea If we rill rtmtinua to do right, and the lard will awHarti aa tnd I can tall you Uial tlila poop!- will do r cht an I rill auaUin na. Ifre long 7io? will tiinmph. and the glory md knowledge <* Ood will corar the earth, and we will itill be \m the old ahlp Zion, Md rlda all wiflked opposition lown t<> deatracUoa. May Ood help tut ao lo do. Ama. irnAT Bt.DBit nm rntv*a or tv* co*ri**nm htmhoto of tu* rornro trrurm 4KB mdkman romcus. (warm Hyde dehrarad himself of the following, on the Mh of November laat. In th? Tabernacle, where the pro >be* and the apoetlea aln.rwt atwaya hold forth *? the ithful ?Behold wt are h*ra, a Utile people ooV s acted tofattoer la U>? mount*iaa, aaU V? ?tort of fl [ERA I. the mvnitK>M of war, while on the other hand the whole world in Cult of them, we are xhort of clothing, bet tolerably p'entjjo* food; and then look at the terrible odda thai i? arrayed against us. Hee their thousands of ??l| tra.ufl troops, the mllll' DH of money at their command. They :au brmp any tlr.ed army pto the field, a'l a'med an 1 equippeo witli a spendid oatrtt "Hilsa powerful odds against o?. Ttie science of war ha* been studied hy them ft obi the beginning. They have kept a school t; Wtkt Point, in which Uiey havt trained and c\uallflet their officer* to take command, and they am schooled Id all the tactic of modern sar'aje, o*c?'|it aura At tie call of the I'rea-dent ot the United states, there aro thousands who will enrol an volunUeia, and will be a'l arm*d and equipped, with money Id tbelr poek??* au I grub in their sacks, and no end to it eitber. &r? ail any worse for us to overcome in oar preaent conditio than it was to overcome the learning, strength and moral .ntlu enceand power that were arrayed againiU n? when wo wrrn but a handful, and called to go and pleach the welcome met mi e of ttie goepelf la the odds any Rreatcr f I Kay not. HieGodwh) '.night and sustained .11 In ^reclaiming this Rospel :n Its simplicity wj" a|,,r' re?W> us in whatever opposition may ar'se against us, provided wo unvT-um uwi III nur ucarwi "?u?ll <*J WUi .-J preach tie gospel, and hart the Spirit of 'to J lc our hearts and were not !n transgress ion, we cou!J ban Ho them without mittens, because tbe Lord was vitb us. Just bo sure aa wo as a people are pure and undefllo 1 before God, our heavenly K.ither, there is >10 power that car. prevail against us. 1 do not care if '.hey have all the pnrupbernaliaof war the world <*n produce, tbe Mmigc'y has got weapons of warfare they never thought of and moatis of defence for bin people, and He delight* 'o throw his shield over tho^e who serve Him and keep H'.s im mundments The odds rrmy uppenr against u< io tho eyes of tho world, but when we contemplate lha*. 'Jod Is for :?, and that all tbe holy argels In heaven are nHs??,d n our bebalf, and we have purity and sincerity and truth n out hearts, tbes?> are bulwarks which ibey cann*>t sca'.e. May God giant that we be sh.c!dod with this ic.ud of armor. THg WK0N08 OP TIIK MOKMONH AS KKT PORTII DY ONI OK TMKIK Ai'OKTLKK. Tbe following of grievau jes were set for'.ti u a discourse delivered by one of the aposllts, named J-,bn Taylor, on tbe 1st of November last ? The Orst thing we did wnen we came to this land van to organize a government for our protection, which ? according to the pattern set us by our neighbors, Oregon tor instance; then represented oar case -jo the L'nlted States We caino out here because we were disfranchised, exiled, robbed of our rights as American citizcns ani forced to wander In the wilderness to seek among tho s-avogts of tho forest that freedom It mod us by Christian* ity. I'id we .n this transgress any of tbe laws of tfco I'nited States, depart from any usage, or act contrary to any established cut torn or law of tho government? We did not. We applied for the sanction of Congress H rur doings, and it was a matter of astjet: hment au<l surprise tnat we should take such steps, after the a ' ha 1 re celved; our course was applauded by statesmen,, members of Congress and the at horitics of tbe United States generally, and all our transactions,constitution and laws were approved gladly, considered right and asc.-rdng to the umges and laws of tbe I'uited States. Ity and by we petitioned for a Territorial gtvertmec*. and obtained it. Our enemies have all the time been complaining of us that we have Infringed upon the oonst.satlon and laws of llie United States But I ask ru?r?in have we done itr Who appointed our ftovernT? To President of tho Ulited states, by and with tbe advice and consent of tbe leuate, according to tbe usage wbica exists, but Indeed contrary to any right they possessed still be did it Who apfttinted our Judges. I,'nitod states Ifarrbal, Secretary of State. Indian agency? rhe Prudent of tbe I'nited States. Has there been another <k>v ernor appointed V I suppose tliero has, but he haa no; yet been qualified. No man has authority to act in the gubernatorial capacity in this Territory at the present t mo ao-ordlng to tbe laws of the United States but Gov. Young. No Governor has a right to act hero, although be ir?y lave been appointed by tbe President of the I'rited states, until be ombm here and is qua'ifled. n'j mac ias ever come yet to be qualified, and consequently Governor Young stands legitimately in that place. Vhat law have we transgreasec 1 1 have tried to And out. Ki have eiam.ned tho constitution of the Cnltert State* ind the laws pertaining to these matters, and if anybody iere, or elsewhere, can point out any law we have trant;ressed, aa American citizens, thev know more about !ft han I have been able to learn and I ?hou)<l like rorb a m'thcn u> put me id iKmsessI >11 ot that information. What lext? Why, on the back of this, after licinjc about us? slandering, abusing and mpoeiug upon us?traxplmg -pon >ur rights and sending the meanest urten tmoo( is '.hat :ver disgraced tbe to >t*t iol of <iod, man they are axhamed if themrelves?they have now sent an armed force, cocrary to la* and right and to the principle Uuvt ought to prevail In the I'hited States They have no more right to lo this than 1 have to out any of your throat*. There * no authority guaranteed to the President of '.ho ["nite-1 State* to perpetrate ?o diabolical an a", i* tbe one he ha* engaged in. Why .? it Lbat this la done? In it he.-*,se we are Aorse than other people/ Vo. After raking up averything '.hey rould, before I left the Slates. th-- only thing tboy ?ald find againit iitaaa people, wae tiuit vxbalb irncd book* belong rig to tWl nted stale* Court, and ?ince that i have seen published affidavits t 'tally d.Tying any ".oh h't'g. by the Clerk of that Court. The*. of the United States ban now taken upon himself the re?ponslbUity of (ending into this Territory an armed force ? trample upon the rights of lOU.OOO American freem. n, on purpose to subserve a ptlllicaJ interest for tbe benefit of lis own party. It become* a serious quested with ns sbat to do under the?e circa rmtan-e* "hsll we ay Jo ?c md let those scoundrel* < 'if aur thrs*f?? I* the flr?t <1 e* ion. Miali we untie our neckcloth* anJ fell them u> come >n and rut and carve a*jy an tbey p!e*i<?. ar, [own drag out, and ttrod'i' <j their abom 'istion* a<rinc a?their turned Christian u. C'.utiotn to pr?j*ttt?it?>?-?r <*> uen and lay low oor tx Stall we suffer t, I .y here art certain things that are Hacred to as and W> - very nan and woman; U w# submit to a thing of that sort, we abmit to see the very institution of our own natloi : an. iled under foot, the constitution 'if oor ounlry d**e ruei nd rent IB pieces We submit to see the bonds sever* \ bat have bound ibis nation together, and blood, arar-rr jid ocnfwion prevail If they have a mind to cut earn ither's throat*, we havo no objection*. we Hay, Mreosa to ?olb parties, but when they come in cut ours withi it iemany, we say bauds off, gentlemen We art) not so re I*tons ?s to sit down meekly, and tamelv to su'im^to hese thing* we undemtand something of the dlff#reo<'ti iotween what Mm* call treason or treasonable arts and iase ?nbmla*lou to the will of a tyrant who would sees m irlng us Into servile chains?into perfrct submissi in to lis sway. We are tngaged here In protecting ours?'ves, >ur wives and fsmllien; in guarding everything thai M .acred and honorable am nig men, from Invasion and 'if *omo at the m**t rorrupt wretch- o (i tb?t ever disgraced the fxrtetoel of ?;<>). Thin I* pretty plain talk," <oy you. I mean to la k ; !hd, I do not **h to be mMacter*Uw>d. 1 have U>'y !wcn onveraant with Mine of thrir proc-ee. ha? ug Im d their neighborhood lor *ome time r?*>'ntly So it* of >ur brethren who west among them wuu n?' ac - ' ave nid that fiich *u the tilth an I olwculy of the r Un rnag??coning, awcarlng. and every mcana***?(bat r* her than May all mgbt with tbem, '.hey chin* g > niT Kim? dlMtaec* and lay on the ground If theee art the eellngn of ojr Brethren, now of whom are rough an 1 ittcrmth tn their manner*, we know not bow mir i**tera ir mid feel in mich deleclabio society. We will But ?nbml\ to tnch a atate of ihlrga forever. If yoa, aur encniee. are determined to Invade our right*, iratnpe up <n mr Itbertjee, a> atrb frim ua the rich boon wo ha-, e inhe iU"l from our father*, to make un bow in vile iwb*?rvl ??: to your will, wo will tnei?t yon; w? will not t o It. We will aay atiuid back and five ua our rig hie . we all) act the |*rt of freemen, an I we ray t "hall be "the kingdom of God or ' Why la It that we are per*e>utedt It la becaiae we be leve In (be e*t*M?bment of the kingdom of ?.od uaoo rbe -artli. berasae we aay and know Una IM haw eetab.iehed )ie kin(coM; becauac the prieciplae of rigbteo?anee? are ntrodured among the children of men. m l they expoan he evil* corruption, prie?u raft. |?>IIim-*I < raft and the ibomtr.atioa* that everywhere tint, ?'?ey lay naked be 'ore all man the abominable aria of tbe human family. It * not ber?a*e there i* evil a mm* >ui, bit bnoawae there * goodnee*, truth, hollnoaa. It w b -< %uae God baa apokoo ind hi* word ha* had ?Oec: on our h-erte, to govern an t tifluance our conduct. And now, having been force 1 rom tbe lotted Wale*, after having beeo driven ti<oe uia time agun from our home* hy our murderoua enc Titra. having fulfilled all the requirement* that flol or nan conld require of u* and kept avery law neceaaary for i* to obeerv*; after all thie, and more, I ?ay ehall we miter thoee poor, mtnerable damned .nfernal ar/vm-tri-la ? I'ome here and infringe upon onr aaored rlgbta* No. re?" united throughout the Taberaacla, making the aalf? of the building tremble.] No, it ahall b? "the king torn of i.od or no Jung" with na. That la my te*t, 1 b? leve, and wr will *Uck to it. we will Maintain It. and. in he Mine of lurael'a Hod, the kingdom of U*1 hall roll mi. and all the power* of eartb and hell < annot mop iw rogreea. It la onward, on ward, from thmtiroe henceforth. j all eternity {Voice* of "Amen. "1 Are you not afraid f being killed* you may aek me. No. Great ruoacienoel ?ho r?xe* about being kllledr They cannot kill you IVy ay b? t a ball inln you and your body may fall, but ou will live. Who carea about dying' We are a*Mvi?t?M ?Uh eternal principled; Hiey are within on Ma well apring I rg up to eternal life we have began to live forever. ?ho would be afraid of a poor miaerable aoldier, a ' naa that get* eight dollar* a month for killing penpie? I II rf A mi'?r?hlo blltrh??r At thai ??f Iha rwtnenwf i Direction? Mmd aa the am< ri< an* are, they will not, nany of them, hire for *oldicra: but the (nrenini'Dt r?u*t hire forfionm for elgbt iloitam ft month u> come nit her* te kill im Who to ftrrftid of them? I^?t theme?tae n or "toy "id wriggle, It Is all right. We ar? U?- Haiote i 0o?l vi hay the kingdom of Mod, and the deni* in *1) and all the wtrkod men on the earth -an not take ;t rum u*. We ?hall rule and hare dominion in (he earth, nd thejr cannot help themeeive*. They cftn take their o wn ronr**?they mar light m if ibey like, or d hey ran bark out and leave ua, but the kingdom till g*> P n They may take what course they pleaee, the kingdom '? i our*, and we are ChrlM'i end ChrWt m Cod e. * Tiia mormon cavr aim trb aotoucaw camp. [j Eider Grant fire* hi* ltnpre?kw of the Mormon ?n 1 imertran cemj*. in a speech which he mar1? >? the nd f November |m*. He ?tyir?Brother* ?ad *urter*. not cm* More 1 left the r>ap 0f Ueneral Well*, and ( do a* ure ymi the atmosphere there diflVr* very rn'ioh from he atmosphere in Uii* valley. Not only dtd we miin ft HTmrenre Is th< atmosphere around n?. but In onr feeling* Ikewtee, ftltbonfh the brethren at Oewerftl WelhTfcamp u ret m well ft* any ramp ever did no the earth and enloy * touch of the spirit of the l/trd. 1 real lie what brother f< Arlington ha* -aid thi* morning ft boot the difference in R nen'* prftyer* anil feeling*. There are a few li ovr oarnp r b the meuntams, and only a few, who do not wholly rely in the arm of .lebwvah for strength; the* sometime* feel f >nd rpeak wwteriy they would be wilting, b owe re*, to h lie for their religion and for their brethren, aithmigt they tl I? ret lire ft* iney ought. And after they hare given o wise e*rre**ton In their ?<nttwie?rta, probably in J? Ire minute* ftfterwttrdt they will k? torry and n pert 0i r n PRICE TWO CENTS. the ir rulni'M. Tiiov have not learned '.la; when we go to battle, we n't :u Uw ftrengtb of Uio U>< 1 or JacoO. Our eo'inife feel the rcxuU of the prayer* of h(n ???vaats; dl*cord and oootenuoti are Id tbeir *-*mp, tney acnot cone to anj agreement on anything thai noa<iero? '.heir pre?ea:. position or as to what they bad bett do Th?y are full of Dell and they ftel it rhe nearer we live toG.*l the ra ra misery, d m?o?i<>? an?! diecord will r*"u? nmvag luvm, and they wll' Save folooJ to tfie'-r beart'a content. n^ordt.g to the word* >f the Tord through the Prophet Joeeph, "the wicked sbail alay the wicked " They that live aear Vi (iod rualivt and eee ;hm plaialy every day. I have not 'i-ard adlia^ntlDf voice ill our camp nor any language toat would n >t become a saint. with tfc?* ?**eep?.?on of what I have already noticed. The xmertl feeu '.T>g m, "I am on baud, teed me wber? you jvase, I can to on fuot or in any other way." I an are and realize the wfodom of no*. t^> .i>g iife, in a<.i feiliiiK a dU|Mwiuon ti do it, or to do anytbinf eiae tha, would waken our -ause We have a propnei at our h<ad. If wo iirttu to him and oarry out ,hi? word* to ;h? 1< ttor in our ar'i >n?, m? shall wee the ea'vatloo of 0od, aid shall more fully r"aliio ibat there is a God in Israel and that he has a prophet on the earth to npnak hie word and dto.Ute the affmrn of M? t,.,.. vho itcb to gi-t h'. 1 x tt?e wedge of gold or * good fat borne, etc. The r (infer* ^et cr.>oked. nr.I tbey hav? V> book tuto such ui:ukh as are attracting to them I Sincerely bope ttuit "hit* Hptrit w>1l t>o HMiwIaed and when we ar?> t?ld o wipe o'jt everything, we will do it wihiut uu? feel og of covelouMeM. Binbren auil ? gtcrv, 1 feel weil aa-1 you t'eel well, pray for the downfar. of ai: our ?i>etn..-* who have dr'veo am) robbed us of all wo itoeseesed bat onr religion. Tho pray ere of the naiius have been offered upuui t!i? Mil and unbeliever* id our are nearly nil left The atmosphere around -? is of another sort g-.n>te they hava gone. 1 fee: thankful for so thorough a riddance of the Gentiles: and if there are any left that am auf neartel and by pccrltes, my prayer la that they a?.?> may go trzvn jb to tbelr own pla.-.e My prayer in?and I >arb my -hiidren to pray for the name thing?that I may live on tbe earth to belli :ie op Nome of the d jviis that are upon it an 1 assist to bu'.l 1 up the kingdom of God. to be ji mo midst of my brethren to help them ar t at mnlate them to worts of nghte^usners. 1' we are ixinmanded to slay be wicked. It i*a work of rigtteouiness; it tears down tbe kingdom ofSataL on ea-tb. IFFI RtOM OK THE MORMON Ml/UK. l*recedtng the preach ng on +.n'Uy roorurg, in th? Tkoeroacle, Nov 22, ?id?r Dunbar w.-jb . a.led on to the platform ami sung the following itong?thoroughly Mormon acJcf very reo?nt manufacture, evidently? onnmrr. Oediccltd ft One young fry W. W. P\c.pi. [rune?'l.'.lly liaie."] In :be high mountains Went Have toe -feTite found a re-". Where the power of God doth .uorente, Here the ?ii<e prophets :><>w, Kor tbe lord fa vow now Deaeret w th the blessing of peace. Deaeret' Oeseret' home of 'te free Iiesertt home, rnounU<j> hoxe, Wfcere '.he rtghte jb mustcoiae. For ibe la?it hope of man in <r< thee. H"re the rbur.'h and the "JUte, For ".he umall and tbe great, IJke tbe pun ar I the moon, ever shine, That tbe kingdom of 3od, Both at home and abroad, May eitel by it* pure light divino. Detrtret! Dereret I hr*ne ef the !>ee I Ob ' thou fair, brilliant star' Shed thy rayR far, afar. That the world may t?; i.ghtrd by lk?c. Here the poor widow's m.te. And tee loo* orphan's right, Are tile ^ema for ta<> angels an bffb, That the faith and Ibe !ove 7b! :b descend from above May e\?:t Desere; to 'm? oky l<ea*ret' I>eseret f lljme of the free, May thy fame ttUl Increase With tfcy wrttdom aaJ pmw, TJ) it spreads o'er ;b? land and IM Ha 1a I the carcass ia bare, For Um eaglea appear, And the bud* of the forest do swell; Build tp /.ion attain Silo'j*. & of anna?amen I For tn?- Bk tree* are leaving?a'.l well. Iiese rcl! Deaerel' Hume of Ibe free; Ob ' thy mountains are steep, An J thy kanjonaare I ceo, Let tbe wicked have no place in ttaM. Doe# 4 dove -ome w:th bores, Or Vtf (Tape* grow ~>n thorn*; Or from thistles <ln men gather Qgs? Wben for treat men give bon-u, Ana with Hibl?s wed ulnnes, Give thy goli to tbe fervsct tnat <lirs. lieseret! Ifcueret! H?>tne of the ?re#; For tbe kingdom ha* i im?, To thjie own mountain tome, Ano there's no place for Justice but ibee. When '.be :lam bad been tiroke, fh-r we b-?k off tbe yoka, *ad ie be* stall not cb?k? j agate, la a ?wor i drawn vo ilaaf Or a casnon far bliaa? JTo, i *h eir?ss of peace, we tlladaia. De?eret? I'ea^ret! Home of Jua free; May tbe ?jn never *'1 of thioe? Br.gham 'tacts at 'be brim no* Tor tbM. I?t rbe "remnant''arise To tbe geotUea' sifprise. Tor Jin >v..h w 11 :.-??d :.?W. '.heir 'a?c; see tbe Mood jf the -'a.nte, Psn^'tb jp with eomp'a.ets, Hab icn'a ??ut?k ber folly ami ?ban?e. I>eeei ?t Dent ret! Hjme of the tree, All Mermty rrVea? Now >t Jacob arise? .'oeeph p'eads np si 7Jon for thee _ L.k? oW .leaDua'i *>an4, We will ciean >11 the .and, And , re|i?re for the Deck and tbe Eeeee, K {be mob ever -oeen, We will bi rn all our homea, As the tor fire of treemen for peare. !w>r<<rvt' [>e*?r?t' Boms of tl.a free; T * the fl? and the e?>ow That ' *!? tear.h men tn know Jeaus reigns in the land ami the nea. what kimbali. IMTBNbn TO ix). Following ;bia, f'rt*.4?n'. U. C. Kjuball >ytmacaarad >c? of bm dlp'onrsaa, tr*r ?picy id Ita way ? flmtber Bnjrliem ?ay* he docasot intend to hnrn up be tiTj"'". at<<i < at mwu our fruit fUrm. ac<l pi*h ovar or walla, and thli thing and that Hi ng. r.Ul w? ooma to b* las' pitch, ?r.<l ;b. o yoti wnl reea flrtne, sorb aaoa a jo1: rev?r saw n .Hait lake. | w II bur* up wy icupe?, my barns and irraoariaa, should U>r Lord require t. Y!>n ha*? (ward ma -ay many a lime, I wauld bavo riore joy In tee r? family in the rnoun an, to nee th?m i. rait* - "> ?br?'p *kn# and giat sfclm. than to tow them tij-.j m* all tbe plewrnr* fiod avvr gave to man, and aarv Dg the devil wfthal aad I would rather do It if It la to bn ml ;nr tbao ever ?u<*cunib to the aote of auob an ua :odly, pusillanimous Pres.deot with h's madjutors, an bnee that govern our nation Sow I will tall yaw what I >m ?niag to Ho. I have b*ard my letter eipraas him elf, and i am gemg I? do ua Bear :ike b.m aa poaai >le T ani r nic to do what la right, whether you I'ka 1 or not, for I would rather have the lavor of my leadwr, nl Joseph, ?ni IVtor, and Jesua, *r., '.ban of all the lorld beoidra I am going to fl wir up my wheat, put :t ?to bom and carhe it, rtgbl straight, whether you ito it r not Now you need not go to Rrither H-^rhaai aad sk him where h? la gtucg to pat his, nor wbera I an to put mine, lor w? "hall not tell you Tlwra ar? 'iii of thousands tn theae valley* that wwild not toueh or leJdla wi*.h these thing*. If they knaw where thay war*; rd than again there are others thai would There la bow nd tttenaa individual that a d'ahouaat. th? y road* a ra' tice of stealing n the Old and 1?s World, wh?ro hey rawie froto. and they thlak it to ae harm. I am tallng what I an going to do. I barn hoard our laager talk a*, "hen I will do aa he aaya, I would not glva a dtma for a pan that wen Id not rtet out of my way, yaw pmoc t'nkiag rnraea, that would p'irsus'a onur?a c>ntr%ry o the word of the I It ng tl?l. I am at war with wrh ap.ntn I want to kn-w how we ran be ' oe inleaa w? are one with tfi- head* Then tae Meal *p*ak* rt every man and woman :w?i and o*?-y Hr Brgbaa * my beai. there'ore that pww*r * ail a h ?. I act n d? ne?? with bmi in all thmga and (am.Um hi* purpnean, md in ao doing I nanc'toa the purpnaae of i;od. of ang'ta >n<i all beareo y brings Hut lat me torn away ami bw ndejien^en' >4 him, and wheraia my prtosthoa-t ?r wbera ? my anthorrtyv What |kwar baa oaa of my w<vaa to ii>* iiulaixin lantl* -if mat VlKa Kaa nal a MaatiaU n/ (M?af he mu?l net in connection with ra?. w I .In w?th my bead. tr the limb ' if in <Y*mectKW with IM irw rum wb'<-h t prince You aea l?a.l innba .>n treea Wul ibey erar '< i?e to life \R?in, alter tlift are 1W Vo; thejr muft ?e rot off nii'l thrown hacli Into th? earth. to r?tarn back n the mother element *nd beoome *otn qturkeoed bf lie law the* were onl?in?4 to keeo, ae<t if they ire not qn;<ken*<t by thai power, they wUI M?r "e r#?iiirwl again to that tree So m?>ee yao. Von have (<H to keep that law pertaitvnf to the* .ree, Hmh or gotftonn at. or yoo will oarer ba restored l(tm, never. no, Betrer whl the eartb "UnH Will my man e?rr be redeem'd upon any oUiw peiie-iple than alint we are re.l<em?"l i j - o* No Men m ant ahwleu.* ame la* or (?o>l -timifbly will never reJeem then, if hey violate that law Uiey bnnf .lamnation apo.i them elrea an.I mnat ?t?fH?r the rMiaeouenrew M It. tUII, I be leve th<- grrntrr part of the inhabitant* of the earth will >e redeemed, yea. all will ba Anally rnlwwl eifpt who have emned Ma net the Holy t;b<?t or ?h<*1 n .tx'-rikbi'orf, a?d they never nan be redeems until that ebt in paid And I do not know My way for lh*m W> ay It an Ian* they are hroaght back again l> ? mortal ? ud pay the debt where they cootractcd it flo<l rui make every m*n pay offOie debt bo oontrvrte for a iwtoratlon mult take pjaca, which Ma been ?t^ke?i of by ?e mouth of all th? holy prapheta ?tnce the world frag an Th? Flr? o? Wwfcwriil liUnrf. TO THI COITOR OP THR MRKMJV NBW VOM. y$ti 14, lflM. m ynmr p?p?r <* ,h* "Wwainf, ftvMf ft (teaypOna af i?> MvkwfU'a Inland Are. your reporter bqp b**m bhm >rmM :a one toMaooa. Tba pmoa wbo rwn?i Mm Inoi, th? matron. wa? not Mr. Himpaon. f || wa* Jmm "odd. the ?>n*iD**r of tbe bland Hocpttal, wbo in em oy ?\Ut Mr Robart Walmaley. Mm d^mty w*rd.-n, ronirht ? ladder to huUdlaf, Mr. Wakniiley boMirv be l*>)?Ser wbiie Mr T*odd want \m and branfht vh# matron nt Kho wm out of th* hnratng buUdtof *b*a Mr .mi*oe am red M tbe Br*. By limim Ah o ton ml bl(f*, A LDOftCR ON * I" * | ? ??