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IALBI AT ACUTIOI1. 4 IJIERT H. KirOLAT, ArCTlO.S KEK-RKilTTI.AR Ji. daily sale of stocks and banns.?aLHKkX H. NIuOLvtf wlli tell litis day (Monday;, at llt? o'clock, at the Merchants' Richanxn? 46,0111 Warren Railroad of N J , Ut an T per oent b tod*. 42, w*1 Mllwaukle and ll.iricon Kit. i hi m. ? per c* nt bonds. 6,0UU SaonuAento City 10 per cent funded l inn bond*. (KUkO North Carclliia State 6 per cent bonds. hvpot&ecated. 38,000 New York State 6 per cent dork of 1M4, hyp*th-caied. 1H.0MJ Mllwaukie anil Horicon KK. 2<1 m. ? per cent bonds. 14,0(10 Towu of Berlin, Win., 8 per cent bond?. 2,000 Catawisaa, WUMam?p>rt and Krie KK lit m bond*. 3,0M>Terra Hanteanil Alton KK. lu p. c. sinking fund bond* 112,(00 iBdlaaapolU aud Cincinnati KK. 10j>er cent bond*. 5,000 Chic a (to. St. Paul 4 Komi d<i Ijlc KK. 1st m. 7 p. c. bd*. 400 New York Central Park8 percent stock of 1H59 6,000 Cleveland and Pittsburg RK. 1st m. 7 perceut bonds. 1.8H0 Atlautic Mutual Insurance scrip of 1868 t 1,300 Hub Mutual Insurance scrip of 1HS5 and 1H50. 10 shares Chicago, St Paul and Pond du Lac4tK $1U0 29 La Cross* and Mi' w aukle R R M? *1 n?.?? v/.-fc- .? < 11...1 do - "1 Mew York Balance Dock Co ? KM 18 Knickerbocker Stage Co Jf. l'W 40 New Ywk Consolidated 8tage Co 26 125 Williamsburg City Hank So 25 Bank ut Stats of New York 100 83 Ilauk of the Coinmou wealth 100 90 Metropolitan Fire Insurance Co 100 30 Commercial Fire Insurance <!o AO 20 Stuy ve?ant Klre Insurance Co 25 '80 bt. Marks' Fire Insurance Co 23 *> lleekmau Klre Insurance Co. 2ft 20 Arctic Fire InsuraneeXo 60 Securities received in Edition to tha regularly advertised J 1st during every sple. Next regular sale to-morrow (Tues Jay). Rt-K?l*r auction sales of stocks, bonds, notes and other securities every day, at 12^ o'clock, at the Merchant*' fachange. Stocks and bonds bought and sold at private sale and at tlie Brokers' Board on commission. Interest allowed on deposits. Loans negotiated and dividends collected. A large variety of securities constantly on hand, at private sale. ALBERT H. NICOLAY, Stock Auctioneer and Banker, Wo. 4 Broad st, Alfred brago, auction ker.?a. braoo a co. will sell at auction, on Tuesday, Feb. 16. at 10J? o'clock A. M.. at 33 Cortlandt street, 300 cues boot*, shoes and broUans. comprising a desirable assortment of fresh and seasonnble gtsxls, adapted for Western, Southern and city trade. Auction notice-crockery, class and china. ?J.H H. BARTLKTT, auctioneer, will sell Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 10 o'clock, at iWl Pearl street, all kinds heat white granite and tfmmon ware, cut and pressed glassware, Britannia were, Ae. Bale positive. Auction notice ?thir day. at 2 o'clock, at our salesroom, 347 Bowery, a general assortment of mew and second hand furniture, store fixtures stoves, hardware, clocks, show glasses ana cases, clothing, dry gottls, jewelry, Ac. Stationery sale and fancy goo Is continued in the evening. CkOMELIEN a CO. Auction notick?at 211 bowkry?o. lkvir, auc* tioteer.?This evening will be sold a valuable collection ofKuglls't and French steel plate engravings, books, Ac. The sale will commence at seven o'clock and closs at ten, when to tlie purchaser of the largest mm in cash will be delivered s valuable sewing machine as a gift. Auction sale of new and second hand rosewood and mahogany furniture, rosewood parlor suits, Brussels carpels, paintings gilt Irame pier glass**, <lo.?M. DOUGHTY, auctioneer, will eeLl to morrow, Tuesday, Feb ruary 16. at Iftjf o'clock, at the salesroom, 79 Nassau treet, the entire furniture of a family, removed for convenience of sale, consisting of rosewood parlor suits, covered in brocate! aud haircloth; Brussels and ingrain carpets, marble wjjj uruuc, pier nuu nuin iuuicb. uw |;siutiuka, iu ricu gui covered frames; bookcase*, etegeres, curtains, ruga, mahogaey beustesds, l>est curled hair mattresses, paillasse*. feather Weds mart le top dressing bureaus, washstandi, toilet sets, extension dining tables, dinner and tea net*, crockery, glassware, coating and parlor stores, Ac. Catalogues on morning of sale. Auction notice. SAMUEL OSGOOD A CO., Auctioneers, will sell at8l Nassau street, to morrow. Tuesday, at 11 a'clock a quantity of household furniture, which must ?e positively old. eon-istiog in part of two rosewood, one black walnut, one mahogany parW suits, enamelled ohatnber salts, sofas, chairs, bedsit-ad*. f"atber beds, hair mallresaes, bedding, bookcases, stoves, wardrobes, carpets, ollclr-hs, mirrors, gas Allures, Ac , Ac. Auction notice.-,! boo*rt, auotionismr.-bt 8 IU>(? ART.?Tins day, at 10o'clock, at No. 3 Peck slip, the effects ot a restaurant?oil paintings, uU'fm. chairs, bar Hxtures. rooking uiens'la. crockery. Ac. TNefidav 18th, at the auction rooms, QouMhokl turni'.ure, lo'. of boot* and hoes, Ac. Auction notice? j. bogart. acctionem. ?by h. 'HiOART?This day, al 11 o'clock, In front of the auction room*, corner Frankfort and William streets, constable';, sale?one splendid bav horse LOriS PFEFFER, Constable. Auction notice.-k l. i.ent aco , auctioneers, will sell oc Thursday February 18, at 10 o'closk. by order of thr vutgnee, the entire stock and contents contained <o the bro?nst"ne yard In M!teenth street, between First avenue nud u venue A, consisting iu part of rough and dressed tmmn stene, sheds, tools, Ac., Ac. A UCTION NOTICE.-T1I08. BEX. AUCTIONEER. ANI> J\. W 8. THOMPSON.?This day at 11 o'clock, in the sales rooms 18 East Broadway, near Catharine street ? Furniture and iiphfalsiery articles beds, mattresses, and numerous housekeeping articles, table cutlery, hardware, plated goods, lAIOvj'a l>?ok?. trunks. 7,000 superior plantation segars AUCTION NOTICK.?A9HKJNKB8 HALE OP OOl.O an 1 sliver watohes. diamond and other jewelry.?JOHN L VaKI'K.W aTKH A CO., Austloaeera. will sell at auction ?m Tnc*day. Feb IK, at 11 o'clock, at th* aalearoom UNu aau *tree>. a large lot of gold ami elver watch**, (i>H vmi Ml guard chain*. aleeve button a, ahlrt atudi, ring* tuna, acta at muealc.. catnnoa and lava brooches. and drop*, je weir j la oa**a, cmlco and gold (tone bracelet*, gold and allrer peoril oasea. Ao. ABSIQNKK S ?ALK-BT 0. M LKVT. AUCTIOfTIFRAt 151 Water aireei. oonaistlng ?t.a large aasortmeiit of cloth, glare ! and pluxh capa. cloths. plurhe*. cap material*. Ac. no Wednesday, Feb.117, 1838, at 10 o'clork, by order of Uke aa*lguee. Termacaah. AYLVKOTKR BBt'rtH. Apkionkk-s hale or imported and domestic Honors?A. M URIKTAUAR auctioneer, will aell on Tuesday. lMh Inst.. at 1(o'clock, a' Broadway the en tire mi l valuable Ktock of liquor*. Ac . contained in aald store. ConM?tlng 111 part of Kartell, i-ognac. OlM Had MnMl nrardtf*; Pourbon. Irish. Bcutrh and Monongahi-la wbl*kry*; wan gin In pipe*; New K.ngWud and St. t'rolxrum. port, hcrry, Maleira and Malaga wines; aplr-U. ajcnkol. Ac.; large quantity of champagne, tletdnickand oth'-r brand*, pep prrmmt ard aniseed cordial* abayntbr, claret*, brandy, wtu?k?) and gin m|<->i?es. medicated gin and cues olive oil; And a large number of other arilr lea too numerous to mention. The above *al.- la well worthy the atteaUon of the ti*de AI?o, two giocer'a wagon*, two abiding 'op light wagon*, atngle And double harneaa, ilelgh, horae, Ac , Ac , and a lot of empty barrel*. cask*. Ac. Ijdwar11 fumkmck. acotiokkkr?bt v a f. ii. 'J HCIIKKCK?On Monday, IVh tn*t . at one o'-lSrk, at then ?|MnM Xo Xt N'i?a'i ?tieef a bay hnrae. IS', hand* high 7 vcars aid. warranted perfectly sonnd. kind andcntle In every | fay. Alao an elegant Iron gra> hor?e. 16 hand* high, 8 > ear* old perfectly sound. kind MM geotle. A ao a Hosltm chaiee In good order, city made, Alao a second hand donl li sented wagon, with i<ol>' and abafla. Aln a Iwni?a! H a>|iurf Nil w?|i>n. Alao a doctor'* *>?c?nd band g'(. Alao double and aingle barne**, robe*, blaukrta, Ac. Fmash. armnjrkfr -const ahi.k-s rai.f of apli ad.d hoiiaebold furniture rich Wilton and velvet carpet* r ?Mlv French plate pier and mantel mirror*. thrc? tilt* of rich pat lor furniture, roaewood pianoforte, seven ne tare e>i*nt)y Inlaid with pearl and aoltd pearl key*?one of Ot? mon atipfrb Inatrumenta t<rer made; Taluable oil palming* pearl M?d alleer cutlery Ac . al ftl West MUe.-nth aireel. F. N ami will toll on Mondsr. Feb. 1ft, at 10 o'clock, the eu tire furniture of llie above bottae, wlilth la of the b.-*lde?ci lpHon n*i*t ng of large and matly pier ami mantel mirror*, xuperior toaewi'od pianoforte, elrgnnt *iilt* o| parlor I'urtil tore in ru b crimaon and maroon brocade, o#e do. In green anrf i?r>l<1, roa.woid aecretarjr. "'in cnrma r'iae*?*.a rentre, aofa and pier Ukblea. tfcree (uperlor rosowosd e'-ecrraa. marble u,p?. with mirror doora and back*, elegant r<>a?wrnd re oep wjn -h?lra id rich ??tin and Up?try. roaewood sorner rteIff*a wih mirror bncka; rlt b Iwr window rurtnWia tml Hh*'i?a; lip r/? and ormolu elorka; r-?tly Kerreaaud llreadeii ?w a etil rirh parlor omameol*. Ac., with a n imbrr o( oil palatirga I>inir t; r. ore nod chamber fnrnlmr*?elecanl eiteaalon la blea rtin a. rtrh gold band decorated tea and cotli? aei* an' ruby at J rut glaaaware, pearl and ?tlv?r cutlerr, cake ba*i-ia raatrra. t-nreana, waahetanda wiib marble tope, ( 'raach oral m'rrnr mahogany an"* of furniture la hair rVxb, ro* U(t> an<t maimraa) aprlag aeatchalia, roae wood (tall atanda, oilcloth Ac GTT.MKRT a HA V AUK. AUCTIOJCKKa-4T HAI-KSro.?Bi to CVdur MrfM. on Tii'nUi, ftk. It, at 10 A. M . a fork ?f a dca'.er In rhctre dry g?>d*, jewelry and watchea; aMl g n M'? Mir of tetcy good a, i InUiing. Ac H^^HKKRY H. t.KKIW, M-CTIomtKR _*u,K?1?or>M ? Naaaau alreel.?IIKN K V II. I.KRI>H ? I'll wlllacllat Motion on Turaday, Keh. 10. at ballnaa' h)o InckM <Tiarl'j n rtreet, genieel houaebnld fnmltnre, ?.oat?tlog of tapealry carpete, large p er i:l>< ? oil painting* mahogany jiartv at:l'a rnrfrfil in mf eloth marMe top cen'rr mnlea, maV-*Mii ruabtoned cltatra, work table, nilrlmh, pier and card table* hat aland, aofa beda'eada, ma hot any frame pier gtaaae.1, feather b?<ta, mailreaeea, pltlowa. enr!<>a~d and tnartde I >n waah*lau<l? ronage rhalrt. crib munierpana qutlia circka and candelabra*,china, glaaa. klichrn ware, Ac Rale without reaarve. Hor<ue RALR-w.Riinin FVRmrrRK. kicn wu. loa and ralrel carpet*. r?-*il? French plaie pier and aaai?i lah-iora, Ihrae a.itia ?,r rich parlor furniture, r<we wund planof""* aev n oeiaea. valuable oil palatloa. pearl and all J er cutlet j, An., al No H* Weat Twenty third atrcei, near Rlghlh arcane DANIKI. R IfOt'flll, Auctioneer, will aell |o nioTTiW <Tne?.tay). f.-h In, at 1^ o'clock the er'lre furol tare of Uk above hniiae. whteh la of lb*beat 4eacrlptt<? rta mint of large and cstiy pier and mantel mirror* anperlor i-oaewoc I pianoforte, elegant anile of parlor furniture, In rl<-h orlin? n and maroon brocade, one do. In (men and gold, coetl / ro"*wofvl and aem-tar j b.mtuaa*a an lid carved rota *?vi centra aof* and pier table*, three aupertor rnaewnod Megeree, mar Me utpa wlih mirror donre and Hacka. elegant rosewood reception chair*, in rick aaiin ae<l tap?etr? . r?e wood romer otrge'ea wiui mirror "?< ?? rtra laoo window rnrta na and hadea. bronre and ormol>i rlooka > oatly china nufi and rkh paJlor o-namonU * . with a minim of (In* rill palMmga dining rooa and rlramhor f'irnitnrr. .Mocatri at tonelon tablea. chtkira, rich gold kan 1 derotaiod tea and roffea m*U aiekant ruby and rut glaaaware. pearl and gllTer cutlery, eak* haake'a o?atera bttr?an?. wathauanda wt? marble topa; onwly decorated rhlna toilet ae'a, beet hair maitroaeea. beta and bed n-c. Preiirh oral m'-ror mabogaur tttiuof fnmttrir* In h?T ri >th cottage and male fant ?prin aeat rhalra, r <a* wood h?U aund, oilcloth, kc Kale poatU?e. and no poatpnne Ml_ PrKf VPTORT SAl.K OF WATrUKS, JIWRMtY, pa 'll.-rrla di?.nv>ad? and fancy gooda ?.loll N JAI'OHrf ?i,. Ja<"i >BS A rti will cell Ib a day, Moo'la v. Feb in. at \n\. at 4<T Hmadway, the balance of the retail fark contained In the aboTr afore, coaalatlttg of g..t I and allTfr w*t< boa, gold ringa, alee?e bitMona, -arrtnga apt* op?r* glaeaea tr,, rd?on?, rlolinn. alitor pla'ed ware. fa iff foo.ta nd other arilrlMi. The v-ooda will ho arid without re?*r?e, the partlra |om| out of the rctnl button*. Watehea at 12 . o'clock I SCPFIUI *AI.K OF PAJUf MAPK PXRf.OR '"IfAW 1 ber and dining rwm furniture. apland I nearl Inlaid 7 octave ptann. oae of the be? Inatrmnent* In tb ? nty; alitor plate,t ware, HruaacU carpeting <dl t>alntlnga, plor and man tel glaa-ea, French ortn<Vu cTo~k. Preedon raae.- Mr.. "hit <lai, February 1#, at lo*? o'cloft. ?t th? roaid<vir? Pfo . IH W oa1 Ftf;eenfn a'root n?*r Wvh atenn ?T. <K?I.OsMfTil, auctioneer wtll ao|| a* above, wit hunt ant roaorro. and eon lata m "art, Tin? IMntiofon* ?<>no aplondtd poirl Inltld i plarn f.illv warraatod: w.v nrUllani ?ona rory llnoly flnlab " d- l'ar i*??1 wo aolld roaowood parlor KMi'a. r >rorod wl'h I _Froiirh aatin broosdo, 7 rtnroa oach. hoaTily rarrod In aoltd wofK] oar atilt In hair e|n*h, Italian tiarnle ranim, aldo andIK fa taMaa ?n matoh tho anlta. T'trllah ap-tni; v.iltaira ' halra rorortln? rhalra. rlofcly oorarod (lit fr*mo?| plor ?laaa, nlno to?i inn(. Pronoh ?? day oV<?k aovor?1 palraofm'** ultro'it Droatfrn raaoa, mantol nrnamxiia roaowoo.1 marhla n>tfror dotira and Hacka. n>rnor ati?nd, laro cur l? Ao IMnlng rontn - n %lt,a =o|ld oak OTt*n?ton l?M? dining rhalra, walnnt l.tnr?t atlrur plated wara, lablo Tttll^ry. Fronfli foj a?t, Kron?h ralna dinnor an.' hroakfaat plalo?, iInrorn, Rohomtan flaw and a rarlot? nf other table wara hr i.??ola oar,>ot. r.-aojr.,?| I hrary boolteaao oil paint <rg* ' iiambora ai . nirnlahad In the moat amnio manner roaeaood ratrbla 'op , oaatag biiraaua fr-Deb plate mlrrora wao!ia ?n '? o mairh. ulan mo walnut <othle okamnrr anil. I*naaoW and Inirraln carpota or'ng ao*t rhalra and aofaa, l?e.'? and r.?-kora aiao airing and hair ma?treaeea hM 01- ? "' *"'? ? aaa .rt?ont of liaaontent fnrnl'nro *-t? whlrb the an la will eommoftoa (Vtlnciea ttgft'e * > 'iWf 'Hi?ao?l r n aor aecmitN, dw4* ?a> a? pa?fc?U an! >k|'|tt4 ?. ilMbttl. NE 8AUC9 AT AOtmON. RICHARD* KIMl?liAKO. AL'OTIoNKB*?ST JU'F A BI'.i KINtinl.AKU A L'O ??:r.r.,..w I;?t l.Uacafeer* trer'?Auction sale of looking p'Mjp* framra. <-ngr;i-tu? i Ac . on an monllw credit, approved note*. eicept L IU* under I1U0.-R K A Co will aell out their entire ivfik at auctWMi la* thev are going out of the buamekk. at (iiolr aaleat ?>ni, t Vl Chamber* elreet, < uniii.??n'ing or Monday. I11.LV at iu', o'clock, anil continuing dally until kf?id Pier, o?ul uuil man tflglaaaci da. do. do. frame* do. do. do <lo In fvn|i??M"?> mahogany O G. double baud aiagle band and l>e?e'. s'.asica f all aliea aud kind*: 5,UK) mahogany douuleband andhevel. tingle band and bevel and plain bevel fraa??? ailet/?M al?> a large lot of pine back m'ub, aiw .Vw: ch"><v <> ngi aviugg in gilt, roaewood, blurk walnut acd oak frame*,inokia;; plate*, Ac . Ae ; aiao an invoice of Hrliaunt* and p'attvl ware. conaUung of lamp*, aptttoou*. pi uey cup*. Ac., for aceoun' of whom it may concern. TH08. WITCH, At'CTlONCKR.?BTORKNO ltSPRUCK atrrpt.--Shentt'a sale of winea. Uquora, kcgars Ac., ..u Monday. Fob. 15. at IDA. M. at 481 Broadway, of a '? ?- nt win?* liniinr*.*. truit Ac. J AMRt> WILLET, Sheriff. Thob. viftch, auctioneer ?stork k. rprim?* street.?Hherlfl a sale of thr cententsof the Slifitan MarV>lt< awl Iron Pipe Company's Foundry. Ac.?Tueilay. February 16,1SS8. at 11 o'clock A. M . al N"ineilelh*tre?*t >ietw?en Fourth ?t.d Klfth avenues, consisting ot Iron pipe, castings, marbleized Iron, Ac. Also, iltwm engine, Ac JaMK? C. WrM.y, BberKE WM WITTERS, AUCTIONEER. WIU, THIS day, at 2 o'clock, ai 454 Canal street, all (he gcntael t'oroituie, Ac , of a family leaving the city, consisting of elegautpier glasses, tapestry, three-ply aud other carpets, oilcloths, ceutro table*, sofaa, chairs, rocker*, curtains, piano, French and cottage bedsteads, bntr and olher maUre<we?, featherbed*, bedding, marble top and plain dressing bureau*, waahstaads, toilet sets, china, glass and plated ware, ooking stove, wash tub*, pull*, table aud bed linen, blankets, spread*, bolsters and pillows, sofa bedsteads, courhes, wardrobe*, bookcases, dining room and kitchen furniture. 4c. Good chance for families and other*. Furnished house to let. BOARDCVO AJTD LOUOOIG, IOR TWO GENTLEMEN AND THEIR WIVES, OR single gentlemen. e?n obtain handsomely furnished rooms, containing hot and cold water, gas. pantries, Ac., ut a very moderate charge. House first class and family private. Apply at 199 West Eighteenth street, near Eighth avenue. 2 OR THREE 8INOI.E GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM modated with board and single room*; also, a room suitable lor a gentleman aud wife, at 19 and 21 .lay street. 3 FIFTH STREET, THREE POORS FROM THIRD avenue.?Furnished room and bedroom, for two per Rons, on second floor, with hoard and c&s. at if, also room and board to a lady, who would teach a little girl the piano forte In part payment. 9 SPRING STREET, NEAR THE NiWT-A FEW single gentlemen may obtain pleasant rooms and good board with the comfort* ot a home. f QTH STREET, NORTHWEST O0RNER OF SEVENTH AO avenue ?A lady having taken the splendid house recently built, and occupied by the late Pr Green, would be happy to let her rooms, with board, to families or (ingle gen tleinen of the highest respectability only. OQ UEACn STREET. ST. JOHN'S PARK.?BOARD OO lor gentlemen and thrir wive* aud aingW gen'lemcn, wlh lsrge room* fronting on the nark; also *everal single rooms. House has all the modern improvements. Grain* in all the rooms. A A UNION SQUARE. OPPOSITE THE PARK. EAST side.?Famille* may obtain desirable suits of rooms on first floor, front. Also, rooms Tor single geiitleiiien 79 SIXTH AVENUM.?A FEW TOUNG MEN CAW I ?t And good plain board at Kl per wwk; also a few young ladies, or would let some food rooms plnln furnluhed or onfurnished, with oonvenlenoe for Are. suitable for famlUM or ingle persons. TQ SPRING STREET, FOUR DOORS FROM BROADt7 way.?To le'., several handsomely furnished room* to single gentlemen The locution tsnesrs',1 lh?-fir?t oIhiw hotel*. Attached to the building is a aplendld reading room, which is supplied with all the papers of the United States, Canada and Oreat Britain. ANSON BOUSE. m CROSBY STREET, IN THK VICINITY OF THE Metr-polimn Hotel, WW ltroadwrvy-To let. two handsomely furnished parlors on the first floor, recently va rated; also. other furnished room* with or without hoard; bouse bus modern improve Bents. lziQ EIGHTH STREET, OPPOSITE THE MERCAN ItO tile IJbrsry.?Rooms witb board. References exchanged. 1 7A HUDSON STREET.-A SUIT OF ROOMS, SINGI.E ill) rooms and bark parlor to lei. with board, to families or single geni'.emea. bouse has modrrnlmnrovemenU; pleaaaiitly located near St. John's park. References ex;janged/ 7(i7 BROADWAY.?BOARD.?SUITS OF ELB1ANTLY I O I furnished apartments for families or single gentle men. Table d'hote at 5Jj o'clock. Private table given if require!. Cuisine a la frunvaise. References exchanged. APLEaSANT FRONT RO<">M, SUITABAE FOR A gentleman and wife, or two gsiiib-inen. m\y be obtained in a private family, In adeligbtiol location in Twenty llrst street, No 3W Convenient to several lines .it stages sad Eighth avenue cars. ATOUNG LADY AT SCHOOL DR8IRC8 R04RD IN a small private fi.mily; no ?thf*r boarders. If suiu-d. a permanent and liberal arrangement will be made. Addresa, wuh particulars. L D., station It, Bible House. A GENTLEMAN AND HIB WIKE CAN UK ACCOMMO dated * ith handsomely furnished anartmen's. with t 'U hoard and Including gas. for flu per week, also two gentlemen can be accommodated, house first elM Apply at 231 West Fourteenth street, A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE OR SEVERAL SIN glr gentlemen, csu obtain pleasant rooms wl h or with on! hosriT upon very favorable terms by applying st No. 10* Islington at enue, between Twenty-seventh and Twenty lUliili Hiieet?. A PRIVATE FAMILY. HAVING FIVE OR SIX rooms more than they require, would let ihem to a fa m'ly or single gentlemen, with or without partial board; lo ra'ion Eleventh street, nrsr Hroadway: well furnished and heated; ha:hs, gas, Ac Terms mislermte. References ei changed Address U. D. Wesiervelt, Union suiiar* Post ogee _ IS jif gentlemen, can he accommodated with parti*! board I In * private family where there sre no other board ?rfc Apples' 1(0 Ka?t Twenty alt h atreet. BOAR!?-IM A PRIVATK HOUflR, PLBA8AJTTI.t Located, near Ktfth m-nuc. A ?ult of convenient well furnlklied rooms to lei with lintfil private table if reuulred, Ui a family or two or three gentlemen. Apply at 3, West Twtnty first street. Board down tow:*.?two or tiirkk oknti.r men can he accommodated with boanl. and two young ladies. ?i 49 Robinson street, corner of Orconwlch. Terns moderate. Board ijf Brooklyn-/ sriT or apartmkvts | to be let, together or sin try. In a hsudsnmely furnished modern h "ise, about three minute*' walk from the S" ith Torre. The family Is sma'l and without ehildren. Apply al *i < oagrea* street, between Henry and Hlrks. Board in brooki.yn.-a oknti.kman and ms wife, or two single gentlemen, ean he aeeoaNMidaied wtth a front n?im on toe rond floor, by applying at 2Mt> Jay street, cnejloor from WUlotighby st Board in nrfwki.vjr.-a oknti.kuan a.ndwikr I and dm or two rtitgle gentlemen may obulii ??ri p)m> > til accommodations, with board, In a private family, at 117 t . ngrew* street Ural house from Henry street, thr<'<'to (lee minutes' irnlk from Mouth or w ill street lerry. Tlte home If new, With all the modern Imurovements, Board wanikd.-two hinui.k oknti.rmr.v d? sir* board in a private family, above Koortesntb street, with a view to permanency lt<"|ulrements a furnished parlor, one large or two small bedrooms on second or thl/J floor with cloaets, bath, gas. Ac ; titration In a **?peta'de neighborhood: bo other boarders, dinner at ft or i lock AMnnlMIM Herald office, slating terms, ad vaaiages. conveniences Ar. Board wanted-ahdit tun ho or ijth or I March next. A gentleman and wife are desirous of oh talnlng r?>tn* where there sre no other hoarders: location In the ?leln|ty of St .fohe'spsrk; a parlor with sleeplnc r ? altaehed the best reference given and reuuircd. Address, tatlng terms, Ac , Mr Marshall, care of Mlllerd A llertrel, 312 Washington *>reet. Board wanted-a nrrn.rwan and i.adv, with I one child atlteen n nt'.i?''<* wish * turn ?li?'t room with hoard. Price not over 99 per week. Hre and gas included. Address p. p. c., Herald office. Boardtwo-mi ORRrNWlcn HTRrBT.-a rKW ok* tlemeti ran be accommodated with board ntft.1 per week, at Mrs. Taylor's. BROOKLYN-to I.Rt. THR riRRt t'l.AHH THKRK lory and Knclish basement hotiae. with modern m proremenls, No 40 Cheevec place, between lfarrl?onand IVgraw stnrta. Kirellent neighborhood, and the bouse In romp lete ord."V Inquire at No. U. neit door. /iooprk norrnt. 1*0 stt broadwat -phrwiuhcd V' nnms by ?h- dav or week, for gentlemen and ladles; priee per day. at to gft aenU: per week, from U to 14. tVm neeuil la a flrst elaas rsef nrant. VaAMIt.iv* or oTIir.RH CAN KIND ki,k 1AM rooms. jP wtib bath Md waw-r rUwi atUkrlMtd. In the tn?d*rn brown atone bonur Wn 441 T?'i?ih alreet. near Klfth arrnti#, with full board. good table knd attentive ntlorml ??r ant* Dinner at 0 o'clock. KHW*rH VKklA.?OKR WHO HAB BEWW keeping hnteU, offer* In aeewarn'Mate gentlemen with m< *) roofceit entirety In the Prrnrta faahlon. Tha MtT?rna*r la a P renrh lady bfrvll Apply at M Bnnrua itrMt, Hrooklxo. TWO WF1.T, FrR^ISIIKIt ROOMS, WITH BATH. OA*. te . on aecond ?o-.r. in a quiet an.l nmiwiililj nrighhor hood, rhnrgea modern Infulre for one wwk ai n> Amity aire#!. Ka(n put the doar ererj tkree minu'.ea TtTAJCTKn-A OltWTI.HWAjr A*P WTFK W4XT A f Rood room, ati<1 full board. In a Preabrlerlan or Pro tealant :*n?ilf r here 'here arr r?>w or no other t"mrder?. wtlkln ten or ItfWn minute* walk of th? ('it* Hall. Term* rnnat be numerate Addreaa P. Kendall, Herali .> < ?% for all d*y?, rating term a IWerenre given and required. "\i'A??T*n-A WKI.I, ROOM POR A ?' U'ty, with good boar it up town Addr?*??, Minting terroa and particular*. A. U W , Herald oflhv. pa?ciiw acadimm. AnontonTH'* Pa if of ir o aoa urmirr, Ho. WW Mrovlwar K*w York, no. UT MntitAgite plan- llrooklrn. "? aanlemy will remain open until .Inn* "l, flrt"* abundant llior for a f\Ul quarter from Ma rah' It. Pupil* reaeleed *TWr that data for part of a q uarttr. Dna AR'MrffRAPTtANrYxr-l ACAPRVT. MT ROWHRT. ~~ [ *" ad nit# aril rli. dr> >, *1 per month, Moo i nur?:?fn. *i 7 r> i-|. * ?, n ?, .mi I >W'irn hi, Hiinlrlll# le*on? nnd Mil new (Inner# At 8 o (look P.M., a?tr*+; Mr , IM)m fr??. Vf^RV hkw rt.AMRfl' PAlfCTjm A 'Kill Intnl. 36t Broome ?ireet, new ar.> mw firming for * moil cirellent opportunity for !>?"(tinn?rn. All ih" f*?hlonabl* denrea k ijIh in on# rotime of lenaonv TV nrh'#l l? <>p?a nil It* yajr uuiam. H*AlKjrAHTRR?, 4TH 1MWMOH Of VlRfir*IA mllltla, Rlchmrmil, .Uo t*. IMA, <'an?r?l <?r<l.'ra, Po. 1 Ttbaln* eaaenUat f<w ' ?? p "f n'r??nrr *rr*nf?? mania anil pfnper nru-ABltan >n officer* oomman.llne trmp? wfctch etperttn t*Ae part la i of Um> ?r-?*l'm of U)? r.ine?'r'a?i ?< ?< of W??bm?w>a on i*e ?l of febr.ia'y M?t. wttl r-i'ort to iMa offlr*. M apeMllf u praetlethle <%? na>i? tri nfih an.I wm of 'heir r apanttr* romm\n<U, 'he ttma <l ?hl8i ikej will rearb R?ehmon<t. and the aw? of ananpar* la thJ? ?n,I cUmw Btatea ara raqneatad topnb ttah t*la order ?y?rileft.f K^j'v ?J*n n TAM \FHRRO, Wi. *? '?? ?, *a*rr and AM tl? Ca?p. !W YORK HERALD, MOI au^tllaintoi'ii. 4:7 f0r l0!f0 i.egoii* outamk roots \P I tJl" rei&j rnji' or made to 'rdfr. r^ti'Ut leather be oi", ftf: flut" 4,'pm.i hex(: in $! (/. V.'i 50. ?o<l **i Ur? oqti iuy v w. j til >1. IV Brva'i* *] AFIMC HKAlMiF ItAZit ?*THK INitKKIHBNTfl ?OK j iu.>kiiic'Si' Uiinr wili ras: about tour ccnla. 1: your V.:? i I:. Dl'll?) In ' . ?. m. ifcU l.v ?,? .. . *. . ^ tin j ??u1 t^A.\r or I you wish to ooii r yjur hair dark sra^'iaUy. without injuring r.~ erl-M-fivjr the -k'.n a?ud for Wilson recipe. 11 your h*?r has in..00 out . t'-her fcy dccav or disease, this remedy wnl rtstore It. l! mij wjiti' rernite al! diodruil and h*v* ? )iUurioi<?(mwihof Ukir, luU will he i..110.1 tin- best .?a.l thi> cheapest nfjneuj'. The advertiser will send 'lie above re ceipe fcl '< ft!?n MtnOcienl qe uiUty M the article* to m*ke a qiuirtot the remedy, to any address in the I'aited Htaten postage fr-e on the receipt of H'Xy eeul* In cash <>r posUke sumps, whirl:, warn once purchased, will nam a great many dollnrt., at the article van be buuirh; al any drug sliire or market for h few cent*. Tli- advertiser assure* iliose wtm m?y he aflllrted Willi lossof hair, Ac , that by following the wimple printed ctractions si tt with the receipt*. (hat tt will be found efficacious in reproducing the lialr, clieokUifT pram* ture (rr*jne**, strengthening weak hair and preventing tt* tallirgouu Address J.tMhf WI1.&ON, 306 Grand street, New York X. H?Sent b> return post. CALIFORNIA NKWS ADYKRTIKINQ AGENCY ?SOLE agent for ail the principal paper* in California, Orvgou and Australia. Ptihsrriptlons received at office prtcr Ad vertiteniHnia inserted tm liberal ierin*. Information given of Cailiornta and Ortxon; friend 1 found. Tho*e living at a distance ran have passage ac.-urrd to California by address ing J. F Fe?k*, 18 Ann alreet, N. T. FOR HALR-BEPT HOLLAND POTATOES. IN* HAS keta and barrels, by CASfeEBOOM A flIEMEIN, 85 West street. FIRE PROOF AND WATER PROOF CEMENT FOR 11* tins, cheap and durable, lteat of city references given, where work has been done. Order* received at 115 Warren **.r New York. J. WAltD A CO., #01 Eighth avenue, between Forty second and Forty-third streets. Great reduction in price?p. trmhikr, hairdresser. 459 Broadway, near Grand street, being about to retire from business, oilers for sale a splendid assortment of hair, perfumery, comb*, brushes, Ac., at a reduction of 25 to 50 per cent. Also, two wax figures U> be disposed of at a low price. ' Hides and fat.-8 cents'per pound for fat, mirf A rents nrrnnimri for hide*. Dsid K. HOKNBk, at Brooklyn awl Williamsburg. REMOVED.?JORRPIt L:'K, DRAPER AND TAILOR, tua rumored from No. 9 Warren s treat to No. 61 Walker street. cme door went ?f Broadway. CJHOW CASES.?HOFFMAN ft FERSCH'S SHOW CASK O warertoms, Nos 44 t hstham streotaml 5? Howerv. A general assortment of showcaies kept constantly on baud. l)ld cases taken in exchange. Orders promptly executed. Thomas r. agnew. importkr and dealer in choice tens, groceries, provisions, Ac.. 260 Greenwich street, corner Murray. To let, office and loft. Ajjply as a bore. The following twelve valuable receipts for making, for s few cents, what would cost dollars to purchase at any retail store, will be sent to auj addrew In the United States on enclosing 26 rents in caab or postage stamp*. The directions are printed plain, and the articles are very ?asy to make, the materials costing hardly anything: ? i 1. A good family soap. 2. Fowder for removing superfluous hsir. a. Kouge for the comnlciton. 4. To prevent hair from falllni out. b. For dyeing hair black or brown 6. A owe 1 for rheumatism. 7. To clean wo<41e.n and silk shawls. 8. To cure freckles. 9. A cheap white house paint. 10. A certain cure far corns. 11. Cement for mending china. 12. For making iudellible iuk. Some of the above receipts are worth mora than $fl), aud many of the articles are retailed at oae dollar. The receipts are all made without any trouble, and will be sent by return post by addressing Doctor LayUio, 69 Allen street, New York. \rOUHG MEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT AND JEWEL X era. if you wish to make a nice little sum. send (enclosing 2X cents in cash or postage stamps) to the subscriber for one of his new and cheap receipts for platiug with gold or silver all kinds of metals. There is no battery used, the articles coating only 40 cent*, ard any oue wishing to make it a business can realise five hundred per cent profit. Address C. A. Clayton, box 2.U38 N. Y. Post office. ... - ""Oil SAUC.^ ~ An/in ?FOR HALE?AT ONE HALF ITS VALUE, AN eieqantly fitted up oyster restaurant and bar a..loon, si'nated in one of the best business thoroughfares and patronised by the best claaa of customers. Apply at 347 Broadway, room No. 4. C. It. HOWES k OO. (JjOKA -FOR SALE. A LOCOMOTIVE. TUBULAR ?OuU. boiler, in good order; suitable for an engine of fifteen to twenty liois-- power. Apply at 365 Greenwich treet. ' d?1 AHA -'OR SALE, A LEASE. HAVING THREE wl.vl'Ui years to run. paying twenty per cent on the ar-ove amount. Security perfect. Will be sold for $1,0UU, cash. Address R., box 178 Herald office. 4?1 nnn ?ak established English shades for sale, located down town, near Broadway, doing a first clsss business, about twenty rooms, large dining room, barroom, Ac., all fully furnished; terms moderate. For particulars call at 289 Broadway, room 14. WRAr A COLT. nnft a having from to ipl .III'". 93.000 to Invest, ran hear of a good opportunity to engage In a rasb commission business, by applying at No. 61 Chamber* street, rear offine, on first floor. d. 11. 8quthwick. A GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE.? A An old catabUahed corner, doing a nice cash buainen*, will be Kold cheap a* the owner i* going ont of the humne**; the more can bo leatcd for * term of yeira Apply I* the atore, 226 Seventh avenue, corner of twenty fifth aireet. C1ROTON LAKE Id FOR SALE-THE MOST PERJ feet article e\er aeni to this market, in now ten Inch.j thick, will be delivered In thr cur* at New York, Port Morria (lin k or any nation on Harlem Railroad, in nuanntlea of ten, one hundred, ?ne or 'en thousand tona. Contract* made with partie* to cut the ice for thcmaelve* if required in large quin tie*. Addieaa 15. II. Haudlord, Towner'a station, llarlrm Railroad. IfACTORV FOR :SALE OR TO LET, 80 bt 60 fbkt, r brick building wi:h a metallic roof, a never failing wat?r power, with or without land and bnnaee. Situated imme diaiely by a depot, one and a half hour* from thla city. 1)H M. PRICK MOORE, 166 Chamber* aireet. FOR RALE A $10,(*W MORTUAOE ON PRODUCTIVE property worth double the amount. Inquire of W. McCAL LEY, M Chatham at reel. FOR SALE?THR STOCK AND FHTCBE8 OP A livery ?tnhle. conaltting of one coach. one alelgh one wagon, two ?e'* of haraeaa. two bnraea, five blanket*, three collar*. Ac. Apply at 1*2 tlreehe atreet. For palk?a manufacti'rixo business, pro tei-ted by patent, for an article eaally pndneed and re niileed by every family In the l ulled Stale* Satisfactory Information given by inquiring In penum, of I>. C CONSTA BLR, 4W Fitllon atreet, *eoond H'>or. For ?alb?the lease, stock and fixtieks of an old established liquor atore, doing a o**h busi reaa of over $.7000 per annum and located lncoe of the beat thoroughfare*down town The owner being about to retire will dt?po?e of all Hie atock ?if wanted' toother with a \ alna hie leaae of a four at*try brick home baeement and cellar*. at low 11 nt -? hi! li Would lie a lortune to aay married couple wb" could command 9A.< > caah. Addreaa, with real name, J. W L, but IN> Herald office. FOB SALE, OR A PARTNER WABTE1V-H. RVI.L hnuaen * aieatn augar refinery comer ol Pike and I'her ry street* la lor sale or a pariner wanted. Machinery, ininrea if., all In good order, The place can bo semi by calJlitM at HIM'Ike ?llp, or houae 217 Cherry alrect Hat ani? cap btore?for s.u,e the stock, flituri * and good will of an old established lu?t an l cap stjre, In one of th< best business location* In tlwi city. The pre*ent prorne'or I* going in the manufacturing hntiumM. Ageoia need not apply. Address A. II., I 'liatluun square Poat office, for two day*. MARIH.F. |H/>OR -FOR IBALE CHKAP, A MARBLE door, nearly new. Apply at 117 Catharine alip. To"Mr SOLI*, AT-*-SACRIFICE, THK~TOOt*. rri* all*, Ac, of a pencil caae maker and working jeweller, e<-n?l?nng of draw ben-h and draw platea. lever press break I tig-down machine, roller*. la'hes Iron safe* tracing ami nrfniiLtniil m>.f>kniN mBmirulk Mr . hr AonlvU) R F< tW Kl.i., i 19 Fourth avenue, befor>' II A II. or'after 4 P. M. rpRrollTPTS - k nR>r CI.ASH urc<; RTOICK ior ?ale, on one .if the leading th.?r"iijhfar..? wall eaiaWlah ed and doing a good bualne** Off* an mdurern.-al U> buat ? ? men. aa the right of two paten: medicine* 1a reated in the Addreaa H. H A . (.intra I "net offlre BII.UAKDfl. A BOOK OK BTI.T.IABPS-PRtCF OXK por,l,*R " The Oame of RtllUrda."by Mtrhae) Ph. lan author of " Milliard* Without * Mae'er " Milled free, ?wi re'-eipi of prt.-c, by O't'ONMIK A t'OLI.KNWKR, S3 Ann auvei, New Torfc. AtT'Thuforpm, U9 rri.ToN wtrkrt i? Tim.** now an t new floor*, with plenty of light on nppar ffoara More p'*r*?? nan be fromm'?lti?l eraalngB A large MHNMM o< new aad aaeond hand Utile* far **le. HtlTiard Palace. IA labia*, curnar of Court as* IUm*?o atraal*. itroofclyn. Bimjarp tahi.r*. or improvro htti.k and In the beat manner of well *e*ann" 1 mai'-r'ai* and combining *U advantage* of Fhelan * lat-eai paten'* (two Bnted thta preeent yeari for *ale at price* to autt tka a. A frw aecond hand Utile* .-heap. OOORROR A OOLLRKPRR. mani'vtnrera, U Ana frrM. Raw Tnfl COAL. /lOAI.-RROAP M<?l KTAtK. PF.ACH <?R~II*RP AND " l..'hl':h. lha qualities of whlrh are guaranteed lo he *mii> l?ct.>ry to imrrhaaerii, and the prio.. a< low a* ?.??! < "?l t? old for, al*o. cannel ao.l correl fUWRT RRKVR. rom?r of Canal and Centre atreet*, and .lane and M>*t. CM-HAHTOJ?>OAt.. t ' I.* at aal* of the *ea*o*. L M TIOFFMAW A CO will sell, on Tue*d*jr, Mil ln*t.. at UH o'clock, at 111 Pearl mreet, for account ot wh *n II may concern. Jll.OOO TORR RCRAMTON OOAU Mainly preparad Mte*. For parMcut*** apply at auction mom RH1PPIHO. A I'RTR AM A PTOWTRR URR-IWTABl.HHRO 1*1, J\, Carrying the United (hate* mall*, Railing pnattWely on the day advertlaed. The clipper ahip OOl.PRR WK?T, Cnrwen ?M"r. al pier 44 North rtrer, will clear for Sydney direct on the 15th triM. The clipper ?hlp MI.VNRII 4 H A. Heaurhamp m?a:cr, at tiler Wo. S /Caat rvrer, will clear for Melbourne dir.*' > the loth Inat. The clipper *hlp T.YRA, fhterer ma??er, will c!'ir fur Melbourne early in March. Th- ellpper ^hlp uARRlffOTOR, Siimnetf mmter. w llt aall for Hrnacy early In March. For freight or paa^Mie-harln* el -gant a<K-?nmo.latlon?? apply on Board, or to R W OAMFRON, Wo A R.iwlln* ?rce,t SIcW Mil* fir >?le an.1 r**b advance* mate on coa?i?n m< pt?. ?'.ittaigne.'* In Anatralia. Mcaura Wtlktti*m llroe. * Co. fV.R"~PAVAN>An \!?n FU>RtnA Tnr STRAMMIMP At.ARAM A, Cantata Oeo R. rtchencfc, will lea*.- on e lni ada*. Fei.rnar) IT. at J O'clock P. M . fr'*n |>l No. 4 Worth rlrer Bill* of la^in* mcn. d on board. Forfr'ihlof paaaage apply to .-AMI.. 1.. MITCH 11.1. A SON. No. I < rtroa l way. Steamer" for Fl>wt la connect with the abore, learlng Harannah erery M >n?Uy, Wedne*.Uy and Friday. tVtK CIlVRMtfTOK THE s TK \ MSI II r Aiixni 1' rapt. R. V. Oia?r. will l#(?e ptnr li Rn?h nr?r, o-i H?liir>l?T P>b. J), at SI' * Pmm** lit. with nr>?rt t ?' ( nrnmrxfaiinna. 1'r*t?lit, in r?-nt? p?-r f.*V , tn?'ir?' pi?f r? nt f .r othrf information apply to H. H CROMWfKLI. A CO., Ul * ?nhm|tmn Kr^M. .V rata* if ah ard ri.orir>a -tun stitimsii.p f1 WKRTBRRPORT, I*%|>?. P. R. Rorrj. win levr* on Thnrnd?T. I*, A! S P W., from plor 1J RTtJ( rlror. r-umif-' fill, with lportor iwam'-Himn.. rr?t?W. 10 r?n? p?frmi Inmirtinr#. H p?r c-nl. ?ie?m?r* for ftorl.U fonnrel wilA IM. lino Apply ?t II. B CHORWK1.L A CO , 1*0 Ul Rul intfoa ttrmi. 1 SPAT, FEBRUARY- lr><_V *UU'l>liy? T;ir r.-jrTTVT NORTH AYKKTfA S ROYAt MAT" Kea&tupe mo* .?> * ran to tir^H'OOf. Cli?fc*bla pain*.," .. ^.*wUrtg< . TJ PROM nost in to W. UUrtrOU file' pti?**j{e ?! " Seeorii calt&'>??*ge & Th>- *1mj ? IY< ?! *1 Halifax. FRR.-ilA, Ctpt Jvkini. i .> NaOA, Capt, Laaf. AKaHIA <' ?<>; tr<)ac, AMKUM'A, lap: Wlfinaan, AS.A, (apt X a Lou, !AU ARA. Cm F.yrte. aFRIOa, Cap'. fbjtuujD KCKQPA. Cap'. * t.elU:!?, *e?M>:?r*ri/ h v Ju* light at nuuuieid, green on elert'oard tow; red no port row ARAHIA Im>m N Ti.rk, W?dn?*l*y, fnh. 17. MAIIAKA Wtftfmui " Hoi'.jo. Wednesday. Feb. X A> RI< "A, d'aaanvu, 11 N.Vxjrk, W*du*aday, March S. AV.Kltli A, I-ott " )!, , r Wertni'iday, March 10. Kl'ROf A. I.o'.'-ch, " N' V rt, WtHlfirrlR/, Mir"h 17 CANADA, I?an? 11 Hos'ou, Welneid*y, March 2V net a<>riired until ;>?l.l fur. Ail cxpariencrd mirireonon board. The owuera ol lh'i?; nhips Will u* '?? ?o<v>ant*bl? f >r gill, tlrf-r, bulil??i apwiejrweiry |>re< t< nutriOTlM or met*.!, ua Issa bU;? ol laains are autre! tSerrfor. *n l ih? filu* Ui#rw<i# therein e*pr*?<vj far fraUh: L>r jiuiaud apply to ?. OL' NABP. No. 4 Bowl ug (jreeu Gsiat rwpttction or fark to rubopc. ruox ai* ronx to to mw toss thou MoiHAMrroK, HKU O? lo^iUkitrToii, mru OS UMiaJI HUM. *tnrt oabla **) Pir?t cabin tl*) Second oaMo M> I cabin 83 taecac* W I Steera**. 40 III the tlrat claaa piddle wheel e'.eamahis aRnEL, %030 tona. C. n Ludlow, Ouiumai.der, au.t NOKT1I HTAR, IBiMI Uiu, Sdwird CaTeniy, commander, to sail lrutn pier No. 3 North river, at noon precUolf, earryiu< the CniMtd 3t?t?a mall, ?U LSATK m T411X ? ".? offTHAarroa. iutm iiiiiiini MHrrflurrro* a*? uimh. locrmrrs*. voa saw rou. North Star Feb. 30 I Satirday. .Jt?r. 30 I ?"e<l'jr Mat, *24 Aria! M?r 30 Haturday.. Apr, IT I Wed'y.. Apr. 21 ThcAf Bui*mihiaa touch at Uatt*. Specie delivered La LoadonaaAParU. For vhm<i or fri?l',ht u> 1>. ff)RRAJliiy!, A*?t. No. 6 lViwling Ore?a, f<iw Vork. VpCW TORI ANl) MVKRTOOL UfclTilU dTATBB Xi mall ataamer*. The shipi oom^rlnlnz thla Kna ars:? Tne ATLANTW, Captain OiWer The BALTIC, CapUlc .Toiopb ^-'-oinstcoA. The Ar>RTATTC, CupUtn Wmi. tlliu ahlpi haviujc b<wu built by ocutraot axpraa^yfnr iroTarooieat service, every oaii- hAc been tAksn in vielr cooetruetlon, an alao In their eugiuea, to liu'ire atr?nglb *n<i peed, and their accommMiiUonii for paoiteageni are uaequai a for elejrarce and comfort. The ateHmerBi f thlf lln? hKT* (niprr>TM w*t?r tight oorapartmenta, and no expeote ha* lwr> nnarM to make them all aa coed aa new; the thorough exAm^Atton airan Uun pravea their mode of construction yet unequalled. PrVoe of passage from New York to liverpoel, to flrw ash in, USD, In second <10', $74. From IJrer.iool to Now Vjrk :u>an? Kiu'gtu. Au ei]ierlenced snrgeon bliaohed to eaoh sh-p. Mo bertha cut be secured uutll pnil (or rnorossa datks or si tun 3. rmou www roh*.. thou u^nrwi Saturday, January 16, 1868. Wsiaesiiy, February 4, ISM. " Feb'uarylS. " " Maich 3, '* " March IS, " " Mfrch SI, " " April 10. " " April at. " ?} A?rll 24, " " Mv 12, " " May 8. " May *, " " May 22. ' " J oat #. " " Jua? 6. " " June n, " " 19, " " July S, " Fer freight or naa??z-? arir ly to *nWARI> K OOf.llWR, Mo ? Wall street, M. T. JlK.lVV N, M1IHI.KV A 00 , V.verpooL H. O. WAI.NWRIGH7 A CO., Paris. The owner* of these ahlps will not lie accountable f* gold, liver, bullion, spec:a, jewelr/. precious stools or melala, unless bills of Ia4'ng are signed therefor, ani the value thereof expressed therein. SHTPVWRH or KFTUTIU WII.I. PLRASX MOTK7M THAT Insaraure by the vessels of this company ran now be done la New York and tu Kn&land <m the same terms as by the mail paddle ate&mer*. The Liverpool, New York and Pfclladelptta nteamship Company's Clyde-built Iran sorew stnunshlps- CITY Or BALTIMORE, 1.3W Kma, Oapt R. LeHch. CITY or WASHINGTON, 2,S*> tons, Uapt. F. C. fetria. CITY Of MANCHUIKR, 2.1U9 toua, Capt J. Keanedy. KANGAROO, 1,87* tone, Caut. .Teifrey. 1 he undarnoted or other vessels are Intended to mil as fallows-? rSOK LtTBWOOL. KANGAROO WedaeeiUr. January IS. CITY OF BALTIMORK Wednesday, .tsnnary 7\. CITY OF WASH1NUT0N W edaesday, February 10. X ANQAROO Wednesday, February A. CITT OF RALTTMOR* Wednesday, March 10. CITY OF WASHINGTON Wednesday, Mareh M. And each alternate Wednesday. rsca iiw roiK. KANGAROO Thursday, Febrvarr * CITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, February 18. OBY OF WASHINGTON Thursday, March ?. EftNOAROO Thursday, March 13. CITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, April 1. CITY OF WASHINGTON Thursday, April 14. And rack alternate Thursday, at IS o'efcok. noou, from pisr Mo. M Nosth rlvsr. R4TVS or 0A?nr tAMAO*. From Mew York and Philadelphia, $JI. From Urnrpml, (1 gnluess. 17 guineas and IS galness, according to the aceom saodatlon in the state rooms, all havtag the same privilege la Ifeasajoon. Including steward's fess. Two Class Passengers.?A limited number of third ulass passengers will be taken and foind la as much provisions as foqiilred. From Philadelphia and Mew York, VM. From Liverpool, Itt These steamer* are eonstmeWI with Improved water tight ompartmeata. Kerh vessel carries an experienced surgeon and every attention paid to the comfort ana aaeammodatioa of passengers. Drafts so Liverpool from 11 apwarda. For might or passage, apply at the offlse of the eompany. JOHN <T. PAIil. 18 Broadway New York Agent, nr WM. IMMAN. 7 and 13 Tower Ballillnga. Liverpool Agwnt FOR SOUTHAMPTON AMD HAVRK.-THR UNITED Slates mail steamer ARAGO, D. Mhes, commander, will leave for|llsvre, touching at Southampton to Innd the mails and passciigei'S.on Saturday, March 6jit 1J o'clock, from pier J7 North river foot of Rearb sireM. This ship hts P*e wat%r tight rntnp*r?men's encloeing the engines so thai in the event of collision or si rending the water could not reach them, and the pumps hrlng free to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be secured, liuguage not wau.ed during the rovsge should be sent on boarl the day before ailing, marked1' helow." For freight or paseage apply to W. 8. DRAYTON, agent. No.7 Hroadwav M. H.?The steamer Fullon will succeed the Arago. and all Aprils. STKAM TO snrTH AMPTON \ND HAVRR -THK MAG ntllceiit stesmslup VANDKKHILT, &3US tuns, P. R. I.e fevrc. master, will e?u with the mail'? rsos ssw voss roe rso? sooth?spto* ivo fOt TtuMrroK isi> Hitm. iuv?niatii?ro?. Patur<'ay April 10 Wednewlav Aprils Saturday May "JJ We4nes<lajf June 9 fc*iuriljir Julv It Wedio^sdav. Jul? 21 Price of pMwp according to location of room. f"iiH cabin. Ht?and H'*>. second cabin *.'< and MO. Pperl* deliv red ill fjondoo and Paris. For pimp and freiKht apply to I>. TORRANCK, Agent, Ko. ft Bowling green, New York. GI.AHOOW A NO N*W TORK STEAMSHIP POMPAKT'? splendid and powerful a>wn<an sail aa undor ? rao? saw toii. DlfriimOH. Onmmin*. Hainrixr. Feb. IS. at IJnooa. ill. AKili >W. trondwin, Haturday, Harsh IS, at 12 uishi. N?W TORK. M'MUlan. lutes of passage.?Cabin, 9TI: third clan, found with ookad provisions, S9o For freight or pasa\#* apply to ROWKftT CRAft). 17 Broadway. fOR I IVBKPOOf,.?R AII.S Tt'KSOA V, T1IF MTU O F P February ?The fa\ >rtte packet slop 1? C. S?'R AN fOK, Capt Hprnccr, will positively aatl a* ai>ove. For pa*a?ge In sto-iage. $! (, nei'oiij r iWu. V3i Applvon bo*rd, p,er *4 Kasl ruer, or to R J, CoRTlS A 00 , 177 Broadway. STFAM TO I.IVFTtPOOI, FOR ftO THR ?TKAMKITTP ' ITY <IF IIA I TIMORE, Curtain l.eltrh ?ll? onTlmraday. Keb M Pa-??g<* in cabin *76. ' li.i 1 cla-ia Kin Including provisions. for vuiMtf to "r from Liverpool, apply to K. J. COBT1H A CO., lu Broadway. ROTAT. MATT, STEAMSHIP ARAKTA-FOR I.IVFR pool ?The ARABIA. .1. H'nne. commander. wtll aall from the rompsny's dock, a' .leraey City, with the ma.'s and pawnrers for Kuropie, on Wednesday, tha 17th Inst. Paa I senrcrs are renue?te?l to be i d board by 9 o'cl'* k A. M Tht! AK Kit A will aail on the 3d March. K. CUVARD, No. 4 Bowling Ireeti. HI.ACK BALI. IIKK Of PAt'KKTS?FOR r.IVKRPOOl/ ?Tlte ship IRA AC W K.ltlt, Captain Bryer, will aall on the Ktb February. K<?oi. I ub n |> iaaagr li steerage fH. and found wnh i>rovnk??a Apply on ' oard. foot of Beck man street, or to JAtV>B WIl^oS, I0K South street. TAlHi'iTT'S LI1IR OF MTRRPOOt I'ACKRTK-PACJC et of Fabruary IR ?The well kaown ind favorite packet I ship VM. TAPBOOTT. t'apt llell. sails aa above. I'nini, t" <r ' catdn, $J< xteeraitc. (18, and fooDd. For paasa^e arply or board, pier 40 Kast rirrr, or to TAPHt'OrT A CO., M Mouth strcet. \T?W TOR* AND HAW T * A 1(01*0 8TFAMHIIF 11 line f.a Panama Rai j-oad?The drat class steamship NPRT1IFRN I.IuHT I ,v?i Urns. K I.. Tlnkelpa t?h, maatar, wtll aall from pier S North river, on We-'ne?day. Kareh 10. for Aapisaall, coDnectlrg ?Ith ihe flrat elaaa aiaanahlp *>R(. Z A Ha 2 ffcv tona, T. I' Hle'ben muter lea?ln(. Sai, ? ranclaco Marcht. For im.?afe and Irenhi apply only to O. ToRKARt'R. Meat, No Mo?i<ng(ir??o, New Y.irt FflOR CAI.tFORNTA?t'Jf ITKP RT ATF8 If Aft UN* 1 via Paaaata Kaiinail -Th> Cnited 8tat*a Ifall -*m ahlp Comrany w'tl <!ea>.a'ek ^r Aaplnwall on Rattirday Feb at. at two 0 clock P. M .precisely, troaa p;?r t ?t <rf W arren stieet. NorUl river, the well known and Isst si- *rn shiiiXTAROFTIIR WBmT, at.taln A. O tlrar. I'a??enfer* ami malls will be fbrwarrfed by Vanama Rrtilmad, and r.m neet at Parama with the Pacific Mtll HtearnaMp )'<>afian> msrnlfceat teamahlp SiiNOR*. R. B WM'Jn*, o. rain?'i.|-r, whi. h will he in readiacs* and leava immediately for Ran Franciarrt. The public are informed thai the I'acltic Mail fUraaehlp < > mpany always have one rr mors eitra <t"cs?n liin| at Panama ready lor ?<-a, to avoid any possible detra lion of paaaengers or mail* For pa*?a(e apply to I W. RATMOMO. at the only oDcc of ih'" company, 177 West licet corner of Warren siraet, >'ew *ork. Regular Uaii ! | >-ta:es nisi, steamer days. Stii and asa of each month XTRITWI RTATFH M Ml. STITAMMUr I.INK FOR HA J ' ana v A New Ortaa'.a ?On Wednesday F?'i 17, at S o si *k P M.. from pter foot of Wa.-res e<rce', Nor'h river, thefast?a<1 Cavortte steamship PBIf.APltl.PfflA. tl. Harrison will salt as shore Passat can be seen rod a-'he office lad ng of <hc farm* i?trned by 'he kne on applloat on at '.heir fiffirr No other forma ?iru?l. and no bill of lacing will ne algi ed afier tb?-Vmr of aail.ig For fnjgM or pixaaag* apply at the IT) Wen atrct, o?r??*r of War ren IL 0. BOHWRT9. Agent L'OR MKLROUKNK, At'ATRAMA. r RAMURlHi MNK. Packet for Febriutry. Tbe A1 etireme clipper aBipDCFl* ROVVR, V F. Plckrrliig, nraiBitiwi'l mil d1re?!t for Melb"iirn* promptly on her am ointed day. With e'.t*atu ?n l uninr piMv 1 nrfdBBo latlona. a t?w mnrr pa*aeTgera will >' at low rave*. Apply OB .oarrf, pier In Kaa< rlrer. of to MATU.KR, U>Hn A Ql'KRKAt*. H? W iU Or OOOI>R\K, ARKfcl.T.A HI,MoT, It)} Pearl at. A clipper ?hlp will aticcewal and Mil to M ?rch. Meaar*. l.o?n M Oo o> n?mi 'ei in Mcl!> irno. KUR CHARI.IWTOII, FI.ORWA AND TRWNFMKKAeml wickly ? 1'mted Htata* mail utile wWl ?',Mmifcip l.lne The fatoriie fnn.11,1 .IaMKX AIIURR. X ( Tinner, c unman ler will Intr* pier #0 4 Kn*vhrit?r. >? We iaealnf, February IT, at S o'clock P M., i>ro?lafllr. For freight or paaeaxe, apply to SP( FFORP, flMSTOT A OO ?'lr?a?l way The aKta-iahlp IJcliimhU. Oaptaln Btrry. will *'>o,'*c > the Jamea Adg-r iinlluie n Saturday. February ti The larga ami faror' iteam >r? Caroline ami KmFglhdj. fur Flu rlda, connect at t'ha-'eaton wilh the ateittiier* from (few lor*. Through ticket* may be had by applying a* *i>?ve Through ticket* to Memphia. Tenn , may alao bf had by applying a* abore. Particular nuttae?Further *re?n reduction m freight. Thr attention of afclpperato ibe South ami Rntithwem la called I to ibe tery low rale* of fralght by the aborft Una. inturanoe | lower than By any other com/raoce yon"" poRTs*f>rfn Alio PFTCKWI'M THF. P t'n1?e?| ntatea mail at"am?hli' ROAJfOSm Captain 1b< maabklltncT will leavr on WednMMtef, the K'h Inat . at | o'clock P W from pier 1.1 North rlrer. She will arrlrn at Portamonth I ia neat afternoon, ami at Peteralvirg the follow In( morning. Pae*mgera for the Sr-u'b wl'l pm?eet 'Icwtly en by 'ha treat Son'kern mall Ho* Thoae for Rlrhivwl wi.l arrlre there early 01 Friday morrhtg Tr*r?lera will dint thla the cheapeat, pleaaaaleat and moat etpeiiltlom route, l'aaaa*c and rare, ??itk at?t?>c>?>ia, to R-wtolk, <, ' burg and Richmond, IIP Apply to LtfCtfJUR 4 Mi* V A5TS. ?o. S3 Br?rtw*/. 358. [ __ AHlJiy.W.TIM. I1 ict a tuxa***. ?' , *?>M?4r, Kr? 1J, . . Htn '8' >f , Mr H 8. PHTL.'.IFi. p,''itU?D of a uew lhr?c nr. cr>me4). eutitifd THK TIM Kg. I t*muiu<n,* u Hr.Biu* I ?,f^T.o?1kw *r !if*r ; r. .......j Mr? noej Km -Miaa Miry lUirnnn j Mrt. Poena ... VV Mra. Vemoi I *. .*r M B PhJiU, a, Mrs Heurj. Mr. Norton Mr. 1. % Jobo%. ?u. A. If Dayeuport, Ac. At*er wkick -ji&tfe t.xne\ Iff R ckVVH P*INC?. Frederick Storli* 'ifcjtiui *r" of peculiar and powerfoi intfrak and atartiing rti-ot* la now In prepa'atlou for (Ma theater. Th?; Roatumet, icenerr hu<J wl.l b? entirely nfw, ud On ? of unprecedented Tuneijr and beaut j. LACRA KKKWR'H NEW THKATKK. Mi BROADWAY. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION?T1IRRK. CAl'ITAI. PIKCRrt Oreal hll of th>* comic drtma ?a performed l>y THE KXCfcLLKftT COMKDY COMPANY. Mokhat K.vkkiko, Kr.a. 15, 1364 The beautiful comedietta of a MO OKI. or A WIFK. i Pygmalion Boittfu Mr Wh?fl'l*inh Mr. htump Mr. Martin I Turn fctera After which the farortte two net comic drama of AM. THAT OLITTER8 IS NOT GOLD. Martha Gibba the factory girl Mtaa Laura Keene l.trly Valeria MIam T]u>ini>?>n l*dy Lealherbrtdg# MImi W?li? Toby Twinkle . Mr. Jefleraoa Hteplieu Ilnm Mr. Jordan Jaaprr PInm Mr. Hurnett Pir Arthur Laaaell Mr. Htoddart To rouclude with the acreamlnr fare* of MY NEIGHBOR'S WIKR. Mr Brown Mr. Jefferaon | Mri Hrown Mm Kto4dart Mr 8:ui!h Sir. Peter* I Mra. Smith Minn Hlahop Mr Sonierton...Mr. Rtoddart | Mre. Homerton .. MIm Weil* Dorrs open at 6^; to commence at 7H preclsoly. BARNUM'S AMERICAN MTTHBITM. A TOTALLY NOVEL ARRANORMENT. TWO DISTINCT STAR COMPANIES e for the more perfect production of the AFTERNOON AND EVENING PERFORMANCES. ONE WEEK MORK Of taat Inimitably successful Amnrtran drnma, tHK PIONEER PATRIOT, Willi Mr. U. WATKINit In the character of Jocko, Mrs. ('IIAK1.KS HOWARD ax Isabrl In &dd!Uan to which, r.ITTI.K CORDKI.IA FIOWARD In the touching petite drama, In one net, condnnned from "Cncle Ti m h Cabin." .mil entitled THE DEATH Or EVA. bes den the sterling a?r.l>tiauot> of her gifted parents, Mr and Mrs. O. 0 HOWARD. tlit* l>eir? the Uiitlal rn'iTftui'Ut of an enterprising tu-ra'igain tut to rrnder the entertalumenlii of EVERY AFTERNOON EQUALLY ATTRACTIV1! H' this eaisbllelimeot. K VERT RVBNINO (at 7 o'cloek) THIS WEEK, Monday, the lAtfa, to Saturday, the 2Dih February, and WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, will he repeated, for the lai>t time, the brilliantly triumihvit dmmatlza'ion by Mr. H. Watktns, for the Museum, of Oobb's gr?"?t Ledger Htorv tiik flONKKR PATRIOT; Ok, Thc Maid or tim Wa? Path. the characters in it hcipg thus ably represented Mrs. Charles Howard us Isabel Carlton. Mr. H. Watklus as iMll ,l'-eko. Th ' remainder by Mr. Hardeuherg, K. Urldgetnun. E. E. Taylor. H. H \ ner. 1). Oakley and the < a'-lre dramatic corps, nurh ber!cg ore/ siity persons Oii MONDAY aud Tt'ESDAT, H4 well as . THURSDAY and FRIDAY AFTr.HNOONS, at .1 o'clock, tbe 'ouehlii? condensation of "Pucle Tom'sCabin," prepared Clim'ssiv tsr the lln-xard Family. entitled the dKath or eva. Evm Little Cordelia Howard M*.. '..'lair Mr O. Howard Top?y Mrs a i TI. ward Atu r which a L'anee by Mile. Silnme. and toe farce of THE TRi'TH'S A LIF, presented ty the company SriciAt, Notici?New faml Ue?, ciUirua and strangers insy feel assured that, on arha' ever da; they may clu."?e to rlsit the Museum, they cannot come amis*.' The" Will find superior performances on unv and t very afternoon as well as on Wednesday and Saturday, and linn every evening. "1 he grand A?i?iarluin at i his Museum is larger than that in l<?>udnn. It cost llo.t uu. and embraces I .l*m distinct living fish and plants, in crystal ponds JlXI feet long, where the water is never changed. A rim i.engm wnt r lzure or .1. r. ihj.h n r.i.i.i, tne iirnna Panopticon Studio, the Happy Family, Living Serpent, to be ceen as usual. Ailmitianee 25 ceula; children under t<-n, IS crate. BRYANTS' M1MSTKKIJH, MRCHANICS' HAtiL. 472 Rroaiway. Monday evening Feb lfi, and evcrr night during the week, BRYANT'S FiRtCAM Of HBOVVtU-Kt, The Till* ano Tourney* of the Olden Timea. BCKNKd AT PHALONU Mr Phalon, barber.. Dan ItrjantJ Mr. Duplet..Jerry Bryant LHrjm open a*. 6, to commence a; 7x o'clock. Tickets 2Scnnlt. FRANK MX Ml'SKl'M, ir <;rani> STRRKT, ONE block from Broadway ? Two performances are given dally . c< rjinienelBg mi 3 o'clock In the afternoon an<l :tl 7\ In the evening Stranger* will obeerve th*t the above ia the only establishment lu the United State* where il?e MODKI. ARTISTF.S are e?bit>ltcd?the entire troupe, appearing afternoon and evening, consnatnf of TW KNTY SF.VF.W YOI'NU LA OIKS. who, for symmetry nf figure and beauty, aUnd unrivalled. Fourteen tableau! every afternoon nud evening thta weitk. Amongst other picture* will be found "May and Morning Star, 'Adam and Fve," "Bathers SurprN?d," "Venn* Ilia ing from the Sea," Ac , with other* equally Interesting. Also, will appear, the FKMALK OPERA TROUPK. composed of young ladies, who will appear in a variety of honga. choruses, Ac., PVK.RY AFTERNOON AND NIOHT. Mona. firegoire. ihe Nlrongeat man in the world, will appear In hi? terrific fea'? of atrength. together with a variety 01 other original performances, auch aa can l>e seen at uo oilier plans of amusement. Notick ?Saturday ne?t Feb. 10, to for the HKNKFlT OK MAltAMF. WaKTON, Proprietor of the troupe, on which occasion an entr* array of ladie* will appear?a hue entertainment will be given?Dearly fifty young ladies. MtRTUXTH I'RLICIIRATID ORMINA1. PAINT1NOOF TIIK HOI.V ( AMFI.Y 1? now on eihibltlon, for a abort time < nly, at Uoupll'S li^llery, .W- Broalway Admittance 16 cent*. It. KN'lKIH.KK, Proprietor. Extra notic* ?franklin museum, i2r <;> street ? Saturday, Feb J). HKNKFtf OF MADAMS WARTON, Prol'Hrtor and manafer of the Irooue of Model A. ;i*fe? I when a troupe of FIFTY YOl'JtO I.AIMKS will appear In the Tableau* Vlrant* introducing ?ver*I new and original picture*. For full par I<-ill tr*. nee hill*. The entire company will appear in the afternoon and ertntu*. AdnlMlofi aa uatial. Acapfmy op mcaio to i,kt-for tit* rvkxinu or d irlng the day time, for halla, Incture* or nof.certn, un'll Monday, Feb a4. when the Opera Ootnpany wiil return to New York for the *pruig anaaoo Apply to Mr. TIINliiOM, , (age door, Aca lrmy of Mueic, Kaat Fourteenth aj-eel. TO CIBCTS MA.1A0IM -MIKK 1,[P*AK, TITP. t'Kf.K br:?t?l Amertrin clown ami Jeater aUck rope and perch performer, T?olter and rider, laopeu for en<a<eai'iit for the ti-Hwilln? aeaaon of |HM Mitnagera dealrou* of negotiating ?ll! addrea* Mike Lipmao, No. 3d Fourth a rret, CinciuanU, Ohio. 1 AFKHTIYAI, FOR TIIK HFNIFIT OF TUB I-ADIW Mmrlliibte Society, attached to St. Mary'* church, for thr relief of ihe poor, will take place on Moivlny evening net*. Feb I A. IrtflM, at the t hlneae Aaaemlny Room*. BM Hroiidway, hel wren Prince and Muring ?trr*t?, at 7 o'clock In the evenii'C lH>or? < pen at ] o'clock Tn the aflern'ion lor the pnri 'ae of diapoaitig of a few fitncv ?rt|rle? presented for t ibe Mion. flckM, 10renM. (/ J>e bad of the lad> manager* or of tb* *citon of the rhttreh, and at the door on the I evening of the festival. WbitworUT* celebrated baud i* eu gaged for the occaaion. I AMIANV 1IIKATRK -TW<? l?ANi'KRS W \*TKI>. Of F. 1 lady, one or more Jig dancer*, <l>tek MUter and Micky J Warren ran apply, a goo?l cornl *in^er, alao *rr> ?n wlx> are at pre*' nt disengaged. Huue lowest irrina. Apply im t mediately to C. T. SMITH. TJtr R. FISH, TIIKATRICAI. ANI? TOtAR AtTKRIriTK TT . ? (Mkrr.ll Franklin atreei (We door* from Itroad way Amateur* attended, wig* leut for ItaUa, parttea, maa- < qoeradea wh ?ker?, hearda, moiiMackioi. ulggHr wig* t'oun- I try tbeatrtral* aupplied on abort nottie. Any style of heatrl- i cal wig made on four hour*' notice. TNPTRtTTION IN TH* PRAMATir ART. UFORiUCtt HARRKTT. comedian. baring retired from < the atage after flfy rear* of aettre aervlre. propnaea to gire Inatrnetion u? ymmg aautrmnu to dramatic fame. Mr. Bar ] rett ?i'Our?e embrace* the bualnea* of the ?t?ge .-a?r grace, aeif P0?**nl '0 lad the wbole detail* ?f the art Of v ung. without which no fakdj or gentleman ran obtain an eminence . la the pr-ifraeion i For term*, Ae , apply to Mr HARKKTT. 21.1 RlMcker *t. <j Bonn from 10 to II nnd ? to P M. < MKUICAI*. j Brr of r?R i.armont nm Paris avh i.ojfooit M?dir?l Adtroer and Harrmgr Outde ??t !>*<-? pro lied) 111 i*trated. $1 <i Mereer treet, >pp >?1te St Niehola* flotel, he*, re yon marry or *H<rpt any tre?'??ent for ?< tual ? if*'.:hty ? 1 aeaae aa it inf irm* ron of all the remedie* 4nd * % rerta n m de of cure, ^reaimen :f to 1 *n<t g to A P. W < D?. WATRONI KKW W>R<, "TKR CArrrn? AND * Car*. A r nmaIf and pmctlcat trsau** on pn-marir* CbAtKtlon. wllh bx al tee'lltr in ttiea.1 by e*r4r lndt?c- ?u m, *ar?*a f r other rauae* fn which the na'ore adM effer ? if ike , ln?M?n?? malady together With the treatment are fnilr eg i ptntned llim'raiad by ninten.n* an*omlcal plane* v<1 gra'lr.**. with aaiippfement on *?mal -tlaeaa?a Prlee 91. I I ' Ua! or !?' nil"r, WHO m?r op nmiurt-1 '''?1 d? "ally at D* liny Br?, Walktr ?rm, a faw dorm w*al a* Br< >*? w ?T _?_____..^,1??M^ DR W*RI> s l-*r<"l?TI WAT* S KRTRNO AlfDOTMKR rriM hr amlf rrliawa for pwrrnvoat vii* pTrrftl A l! *'Bi*"d 'to Or Ward All hltttri'o dtaippom li illcn IT. Ward P*ib?> illMM tr?ai??1 III* n. ,, fc J < >1 bul. MTW Ull t'antl nrnar of Broadway. _ _ ni r roorRR. u dcahi murr ha* ro* thr '.act M T ?> ? ' DlMd hla p*mc?r? to ik? lr?atm>-n? of prWala di*c*?r? Til' Tlfftmi of innateuM ran rail on tun * .0) tfc.-<-?rUinty of Hr og rartlra'fr cCxL ? modaraf. Da ?a!.rn ftomraiTM rtoadwat.noritaftor Trn* wmt Hoara lt> Ull I. an 1 aftar > o'atoafc. Dm r warson has ro? a w>im pratw of tram eotiflaxl h?? attention to e*rt?ln ii;?-aaaa, In wkirh h-< Ima ir >at#.i aot leu than twenty \fc?wand cum. * ? ia tanar "f f* lara 1W rm*<H<? w? mIM. wihoai in -rrap Urntot amnaMof rfcaaganf Jtai Dr Walano la In ronunaM Mnnlan"- from 7 In tkr aoraipg nn'll V at night, at hit matrfrwea, J4 'V'y #? ' Wa:*ar alr"?t, a frw d*>r* w?at'>f itn?4 way TV' annulling nmmi ar> ar arat? " wa rwm, m i' . rnriMrlj *tirf*.f) >f uia l.oak Iloapltftl. I MPf?RTA J*T Til rWA!,W -IMSKAREH OF FKM At.lW I ft by l?r IM'Hors K for . *r *,* fr -m ft l<- ft R*\-f % I I til c%?*a , ( uWui^Ucdi ind lfu?ri itrirllf f a1<l*n iai PvW ntu fnra r 6 lata at* 1pfOTl 1+4 with hoard, nuratnir an* afltiaff# atw?o4* * ? ' . rt street, Jf#w York. , IMPORT* WT TO HDIM-Il*. ROUTE'S ?H*UI J pill*. an lnr*:hM? rraiv 1; for all Irrannlarl.lM o< th? fa mal* Thay ar* parfrclly rrli* > in IV " *' ** -i lr?Bf rUM. Prlcrlla boi. by mall to anj P*rt e4 j the I'll Ux] fttAiaa. wuh full dlrarttan*. fr ? of povafa Art . rtraaa I)r Ro?!>ji. <>ran.l atr. wt, X?w Tork 1<R ? Prt *at? moaulta'l n rorwna for all >i>ap??<*a of a prttMr nM'im ^ No trr. TTl.t ctrkp -i>n oirhrrr. 19 nt/jur* i trrrt irxr ?? c> ,?n;t?.l prlvat-lr wi ill???a?a. If R,? J At* pr *>f rf i-mMi'M" >n ?? ha Ytpnna fr > 'h? 1a? j t rntrarailr Oillafa, a Ma <'l?arf -a rorj r mxlara'a 1 Htrr.Rr < PR * i rif'F P il\M*0\f? * H.PC III M RieorJ rf Tail*, ? 11 >t f r >r?a??Ta OraoMn ant ?(. . of >l?r?f maf p.-t?f-i - com.i In V-nln'i ,? < r?ri.H 4"i 1 >1". B ftW'l ?* ; , '.-u v 11 I try? J ,v 8 o'e;<w* ?ven*ao. j + i A.m/srMzrni TJto^ywA* tf satkk 1) V A U >>w4 VAV AjtHUKUH * Oraad Km: -frtar. *nl 7,->ot>eic?l C m ; Ifio'tr i? fri) 15. anil *?oh t*> -u1m. *' ? I' ?fc? ? daj kU<l 8?'.ur 'mj i'eraoon. th* *r??: n??ri.r 1<I.'LL1 . KK AW? THE Ui.LLPL TIAKH, flrf time ia :iu? eilj. Kf? <V-it;,njfi *nl I'roprrUft, 60 luvei:. i At'im M HnfTff, tip grr?1 Krl| u UUnt. rtjtir r.?( aiv1 P>ir I 'i?tm 7 IK I.ANt > *;; Wt'AAHtll.i^it, in ki itarr natural, m a. the J*AJtI.S liiri'OOROMK, ever before ('.rra in tins cocauy. Wi'h mil 'h-i (cent ?T -utr4<ni VAN AMBl'RflH'M ail oUtr ('and en'.erial'?aieai? Da; performancescommence n! ? M.; <jp>-:> at IS fccr ntig " " '.' i " " ft.y T)OW1tR1 THKATRK. D Uawaiul Ma>->|?r Vr fly I'kicbs.?Boieaar'f??rT'?t, SIScants; Pit, 12c"0-a: hDiM. S6 and SH Br aim In pn?aW- boi.-a SMieuU. Monday aad Tuesdar er?tiit.u? K?v, tj ?u,l if , * It ** icted A MS,W VJW.SlUN of THJC ORAN0F OIRIj OK V3NICE , Oh Tub Cmrncu or Tan. flslllai o KaTarto Mr R the b"*aiiitfnl drama of ?: <?1KAI.1>A. Kameralda MlMtfall;* A. <?aIf wl'hbeautiluldiiavia, Ac. To conclude with ... ? . or* BAI.LTE. MIhh g?i.i? Kt Clair tn S(i cberMtere Burton s stw thkatrh- positively thk lam* week of itii" ureal ? omrrty Com'xiia'ioa. unequalled ja tlie s'ukc. Tbe p-wltlve succeim-s of titia brtil'aai Tuftfa men' will be during tH* week for >i?e iilgh' without tbe prssioiUty of repetiltoa. On Monday Hroiictuims coined; of ROMAM K aNI> RKAI.IT*: or The Ymmm \ ujunian. produced iam Krultj wvh complatr auocflas. mI NICHOLAS NICJtl.KHY. On Tuesday. Tilt MKKRY WlfMM CV V..NIK.OK w Uh it* ImoDitso C'trtl, i(.f tlt~i i l|<b? on 'j asal COLl'MUlt. fortl.r last Hull- On W.-dr..-?.1 n 7. MiS fool* ASST. RaNCE, nil'' POt' WIONTlor tha' onl/ the great ae ors nil* eniare<l h-rr w U ?pi,-sr :n (mm pieces, inr'udioa Mr CWies Muihewa Mr lt.;r.oo. Mr. Broii)(!>*ra. Mr Wiilot Mrs D?\ eu;.i>r' Mr> Virirr Mn. IJiifbt'S. Mrs. W 11. Hintlli, Mr Mar* srif \| K >*<? Mr. Mooie. Mr. Baneti. Mi. Ke'.<.hell, Mr. %nd V < .*< ;, u> Mr. and Mrs. lU'.vom.. Ac. Box book op Ml for er^ry u'tbt thi? Wfek W coirs BCii.PiNas, BROADWAY. NKAP. rmsm strrBt !l>*nrjf Woo*) t#:i> ruRit.TY a wootvs minstriu.-*. Uujer tbe direction of If Wotni au<l Geo. Christ/. CKOWDs TVKNEu AWAY NKURO MINSTRRI^Y. To roticluile w'.'b (4tb *eeki Bl?<*ker's or'stn'ij Ti<r?' ?a if Til It XOOKI.JtM, w itii CAUPLE CROTI RKS. Mr TimothyToiil].'* ....Mr.'lei l:rMar Mrw. Araanta Urlimta t'an.llr Tootles Om. HaMrfM TirlieU ^6'-^nis I>oori> opou at >v u><v at 7K ?' <?A A ORANO AVTVKMiON I't lti' IKMANUM Will be Riven On SlTI UPJV N i If, ?.'immrnciug at o ciocc. EVPTRK HALL, M? HROAnWAT.?ITSmv*LT :ui week of 1JR. K ANK'8 ARCTIt: VUYAGRS, wl'Jj * thrilling deacripttuu of Iks ButlerUjia encored jt Ki? ana hie daruu follow era, bj CUARuKH OAYIJTR. K?j., The papular author and d rair.aUM Xrery eT(?aln* at |1 o'clock, and Wednesday and Datcrter afternoon* at 3 o'clock. Admlaalon :?cenm; rhlldren hilf prlr.e. Mr. Brooka, flrat ottrrr of Lh? expedition, will alao !>e m aa leri.'sntH to fire all deal red Infnrun'.iou Kvirry purchaaer of Hit tickets will be presented w?fc a plpnrtld photograph r>t I>r. Kane, aud all purcfeaalajr Amr tleki'ta w'.'.h ote of Lb only aurrtrins Esquimau! dof. 'Esafc.* A A A BROAPWAT-CHRWTY * WOOD'S OU? B AU? T iT Another Change -(J real Noeel i??. IHTKI.HVN' SFIIE V A DKRS. KPH. HORN" and BlSHol* ttlVgLKl, with the lucre and Umbartaa. THE OR*AT MKHAOKBIR, FEEDING THE AKIKU4. 1 EARNED EIJCI'HANT, Trt-k Horse. MAZKPFA. Tn be precede! by N>-fro Minati eisy and ri*c'?t. m time* In which Kj.h Horn, MrllltfHii. Hls'iop at d Svafca* Kuril lev, wllh the entire strength of the company appear Ivors open a' (V rotntrcnre at 7 VJ ftdm *sn>o '4i? The BI*HOP BUt'Il.ET TeatiBttonial taVes plnoeoa Wednesday evening. Fab 17. Miss hatttk andfms <jkani> cl>:n<ert. at MOZAR1 lULi.. Tur-uiay ereuing, Feb 16, UN, i?imt KT Mr. HFNRY f'00?*KR. the 1-eirbraled Engliah v|.?ll?lit; Mr. AI'TOMMAN, hurnet; Mr. UK). 8IMl'S(/S. trnor; Mr. CM AS A OUII.METTE, late barltoteof the l*\ne and IInrriKoii Opera Cxaeaaf; Mr. WK..KHI V IIRIKTO W PKoaittMKi? PiKT riimr. I. Fantasia Rrlllmnte. p<mr v'oltu end piano, froaa "OiMInaiiime Tell." Mr Henry Cooper an 1 Mr. <Jeor%+ V. Brteuiw Br riot aixt (>sbonaa 1. Hi ndo (Cet-rren'ola MIsh Maltie Am'i-ni. RmM A. Rotn*nxa (Spirit" <> ntlli Mr tleo Pimpaon. I)>oli*M i foio. Iiarp (Oberon tama?iai Mr. <M>ti<miiuw ft Mono Cant (Kll rat Mr. <'baa. A. ( iitunettr (loldlMdk # Fentaala Koi-ixuua Mr. Hei rv Cooper. nsyar 7. llrand duet (I Masnadlerl; Mm II. And'm and Mr ti hitupaou f-)Ht r??r ercosn. 1. Tb* Fntirma Solvrd, Mr. Cha?. A. (Jullmette .. Z. Krlnnerunir (Rerollerlloni with Tlolin olillgabi, .Vina H. Anilrm and Mr ll cJooper. SaerwMf S. Solo, harp, (Spring; Mr Aptommaa ? 4. Hullo duet (L'Kiiair d A more? Mlw II. Andes and Mr. C. A. OuUarUe DonvMfl 5. Prole# unnn (Kelvin Hrotm) Mr <?eo Slmimon.... ft. Swimmni 'by deatrei Muu llattle Andem Ktkart (Mfcdnrtor U?onr F IIrlatow Do?>re open at 7; u> commence at M o'clock Ticket* SO rfon, for aale at the principal mualc atorr* Mi at the door on the evening of the contert. IjM.OCtTION A NO I>RAMATtC I.VSTRt ( TrON J H 'J HR( >WN will receive a Irw pupilt fur private ia*lr<a (ton Wiinted ? A romi'cteni pi-raon. with p*>nae imw. ? '<u% on iniereat lo popular readme entertainments in thl* e'.'j mm* adjaceut town*. Apply at 911 Hro?dway. MI88 nATTIK ANDEM'8 IIR \NO OONTKRT, Tukkdav Kvim.ii,, K?? 16, l&Srt, AT MOZART IIAtili, mo which ocraalon 'hi1 will hi- iaM?ti-<1 In MR FIKNRT COOPKR Th? celehraled Knzllah rlollnUt; MR. AITOMM.Ui, HirpM; MR tIMPSOX. Tenor MR fHAS. A. tiUILMKTT*. Lale baritone of the I'yne and llarriaon Ihiera <inductor. MK U. F. HRtSTOW. Mt'RIUXW < Ri.KItR XTKI? VUTIKK, THK COUCKPTIOm. Formerly the property <>f ih-!?te Kinjui Hnilan l, m* J# lonirlti*'o Mr Win II Aapinwtll. Tliia wondrrtiu pi 'lire. con*i'ler?-d one of the taMt wort* f Ihe great Spauo-b nw?vr, Kill !> rihiliited for a m? inly, tile proo-eda of th?* eihtl?ti<vn to l>e devoted to the II* iMK FOR I IIII.IIRKN (IK SK AVKS ainl to the refoije ol lr ratleaa l?mal?a, known*-?THK HOU8K OP MKRi'Y! Now on eihlbltion n the ?aller1e?of W 11.1,1 A MS, STK\ K.VS WII.Lt \MS A CO. Admta?lon ib renin. :?1 Broadway. T OI,A MOIITKJ! WIJJ, OTVH IIFR I.El'TURK UN TH* 1J Heroin, a of Malory and Hiroti* Minded Wone'i," a* Flope ( bane), on Monday evening, Fel>. 14. I,?cl'ir?' u> oca at 15, o'clock. ro fiTARH?FRONT STKKKT TI1IATBC. BAT.TIMOAA Flratelaaa alara wiahlog eng >( m>-nui w.U pl.i*? ail IrtM liamUtoa Howard. PCX H PALACK or AMrPBMKNTS, IWl Knltoo ?tr-o< Hrnoklrn. Ornilamrn wUhuif to n|md a avemi^g wUi h?d bio * *'? ?I plar?- for dnlnc n. Protr*. >r iiiintwr prmidra M I be pianoforte. i DIM'lll, APKUMtt-WIIItRK W TH* ADKI.Pfllr? J\ It l? h hr?mtful rourart and rntertainre^n'?alooo. AJ nutiy Itrwl n?-ar SfirttiU, mat "iimrd wh<r? MOM knl ll'iaor* and iwirara Mid brilliant parforMancm ran t>9 Highlit tDjoyad > nil. Mr. ruankrai;. tiif most popular amd vr???iu. on h'- American i >*? i?o< Indrd brilliant i DKac"mrnt of tw*My four a xnt*. ill ruiumrno i>d ibe lit <il Mari-h a; the Ht. Cnarl*a?:>*atr*. df* Or lean*. r^TKR'UNKW RATIONAL THRATRK. PITTHHT R-?*. r Till* magnltfc <-n' iiruetum, now in . .?im? <?f r '"*lfM. atll wbm completed Iw it%n of tb?> m<r?t awant and r Itoiia in ib? I'f.loo. capable of holding 2.HIU p?r?a?a. ami ?MI >l>?-o for l>r iwa*>n m or abo<il IV lat of April negt Mara ill l'? tr??i*d with on lb? moat liberal u?rma. M*m' *r? it h< I . ofraMon dralring ?ngM?M?-?ta will pinnae a^plf l? J. I'lWTUR, Managvr, trgh. Pa. wmii Awn t^aioauk ?Afl " ' ' WAFf, Wi BROADWAY -Ptlfll "M> Ml". ? ,n. < nn ! UqnofB. niMrkf M y?-ar l Bm * ?k ?k' j J. Ram Anil g, !?!* an ! WIm Cor*. nx i *',-ra md porter. rSampM'" cider, "ip-r* >n |?i-?niii"?i In ? M, in?l Irllaered to any part of the rtty. .?? Hnwdway MVTR A *>N * rnii?RrRf> AUt-rvponTKo i?t. i-Kl from Ihe breirerr. now In tm>- ?rd#r, andf >r<? )jr WV R AOt.K, i-omar <4 Varick anl Canal atr*r*? ARTHOLOevT 11/i nrRiRu KTRKRT-CLAIRVOTANCK?VR.j a? r 1 I V* Mol'H, lb?- >a .at tir-?>?fol mo-lval aii'l lvi?vai -Uirtoynntih Ameriea. ( onanl'alion* '?J l"i?lneaa, ?? i iia, i1 ?ent fr rnda. loal proper!*, .?< aid Mtlafnc mn or n a y. Iray hair reatiwi-4 In lla >?lRtnal tmlor wLiboqt tail 1 ~ i\ V ARtCK UTRKIT MAPAMX MAR Kit i 1 I 'I aindf rorwn>rt??| with pbr??nol<>fr. whl<-b^na'-'? hM n irll roar Ma. 'haracirr v> l rlraanvt?nc*a. what manual tra l>afor? jrnu, whom fo'i will airr. Am 1 abarnt fr? m.l arary aaan' of Ufa Ah? l? Mat*" t MadaMa la U<?* iha moat wnndarful baling clatrioiMt n tha world, iiia Kr'^a* jo ir !!? taa, .,r> < ?on if r raMa, t im* ii'\J hati u. ra or final color. Thlt ? no kumbu?. rv? aatuniaft aJ aSuTKIt nrwi rfwarp ra orr?r?D to amy tirrob O.U' n ' wltrcan tarraaa Ma.lama CI.IfTO* In nrriv't ?t*iriBaata dn all a?ant* thf a*h Ufa. par * i *'tY U>?aaa lawanlta. aril In faat all bo? a aa maaan Sha aim w vr% i'j u> cut* ?U lll^aM > ba r ?c rat farm panK arlj Dm wnratMMMnfrV-imm All p???n? who m* afMM nr In tmnhla won Id da w?li Ui eall an I *M ikta ttaiur**f (Iflad lady. ?I?I?W UBMprlnaatriat npiR ha.vrrr. t'Ki.ii'NR ?Trn tv-n Mi.nti * w*. RANKER. Jnaillcal Wair*"? lot r-Kitit 13, Brr>aiiwaf. -a 1 la . a.i/1 nrnnl'itf 'if *n 'Afi'lAut.l iCVI firvira . / ?? fcjfAl?AMIt MrTRR HAS RKM- VKO ^101 M [>| itrra ? "1 ? - ?: I tin MMmntlti'imi 10 toll P??. or> <Ml mvl T ilnr? #?. m*. Ik' wM?* w?'rt??*?. jotirnr?%, U**nu? '"i* n-<* (>r.?tp c?. i< ?b?on? 'rt> nd? pr<>p?r*y |wr .>r *r.>!< ? >*>'?< < IIn l\n?l ?u. Krrnrh ?l>1 ?.f m rftiii 'i liirtMrtrt. tllsK A W **OW THK I ll.lllt ? rtl< Ht-?t > KM ,?l r;?ir? >r?n?. my h?roti*uli?4 m h?r rr? >!? ?. R*. M Ir, T? room Ro. 7, tonr *k? ?U ftt.t ?Non>? ru -i ( r?*m ! ?? of ??ol#n *4"? <m bum?, tf*? k;inr?i?.ru c>( i-biMtri, A*. MAI>A*K t.AFAIR. Tnn WORTMURXRH g< -$1 ft* WfWrn MkttrNy *?n.| >*? ? of ?n< ffir of Wnh Infnrn??itoii ?1r?* on k>*? iMrH it?, >> ,* 1 *r , at h-ro*M. turOan*I ?U??< 1 Mlir* rsci-at*. Wrnilwnon W rent% Norte* -wns rL*r*Y. m rroowk <rrt*rr. t'T** >ru? Information nt? ?|| r*n'< of !1f?, ht *? |I???V on n . 1?* * ?n T-r I*. .?< tk? ll'Mll rr,'fcfS. '"a 'i'i 'I ;I BAV