Newspaper Page Text
a ooorloted munlmr was sent hers, could fie majority drtre him out? Be probated qilut such so uuump boa. Mr. SBBUtev, (on ) of Ohio, moved t? Mr the resolution oa the table. Rslecied-81 against m. It wna then referred to n select committee by 03 against 7. Adjourned Afhln sit the MsU Capital. MAJORITY AN 11 MINORITY KIYOMTO ON THK FOLIC LAW?DIVKN'a NBW BILL?FRU FA8SRB ON KAIL ROADS?MO KB THOl'BLK IN BBC HitT HBBBiON?AN irBBI-ABTINO LOBBY BBOOAR?IMPORTED RAILROAD IKON?WHY DON'T INVK0TIOAT1NO COMMITTEES PBOORI88 ? KTC., I TO. Albany, Feb. 25,1868. The mala portion of the Bonnie Houston IhJa moraine *H occupied Is rending the reporta, pro and oon, on the Metropolitan Pollco bill. Senators Noion and Halstead, republicane, being a majority of the committee to which {Senator Mather's repeal bill was referred, submitted ? lengthy report, which was read by the former gentleman. It, of course, took the republican aide of the question, and concluded by recommending that there existed no necessity for the repeal of the law. Senator Mather introduced his minority report. He adduces various reasons why the legislature should repeal the law, and contends that the State authorities possess no right under the constitution to deprive the citizens of New York of the immunities granted by their charter, which they bave enjoyed for a long series of years. The reading of both reports wss listened to with much attention. A large number of both were ordered printed; but before "they come from the Legis'ative press the [ lepers will circulate them to every reader taking an interest in the matter. Senator Diren's amendments to the Police bill are the results or bis own reflections. They were drawn by his own pen, without any consultation with any New Vork republicans, excent Commissioner Nye,whose suggestions, however, the Senator has not strictly endorsed. Mr. Diven -will induce the republicans of the legislature to adopt his views as the party p atform. There is an apparout fairness in the mode of selecting Commissioners; but still his plan ignores the cbarterod rights of New York and Brooklyn equaliy with the provision of the present law. By lopping off Westchester and Richmond the republicans aciriuwMw the wront and injustice inflicted unon the ctti zensoftboee (wo couoties m incorporating them in the present law. Mr. Liven'a propositions are likely to sneered in the Senate, but will fall in the House; and the consequence will be that neither repeal nor amendment -can be accomplished, as the preient Legislature ia constituted However, the rejiealers are j at tided in making the attempt, and a refusal by the republicans will only Increase the exchetnent during the coming year, and multiply democratic votes next November for Governor, members of the House and local offices. Senator Stow'e bill, having for ita object the restrain Ing railroad managers from issuing free passes to any public officers, including numbers of the Legislature, was up in the ScDate this morning. He made an able speech in its support, denouncing the practioe of issuing free tickets as a species of corruption and bribery, both to the -courts and the legislature. Many honorable Senators discard tbe idea, and throw back the insinuation that because they are invited to take a trip or so upon a railroad, that therefore they are necessarily pledged to vote for bills benefitting railroads. It is also said that if members vote for a bill preventing the taking and using such tickets, they are thus fortifying themselves against the imputation of being susceptible of bribery. So, upon tbe whole, it looks as if rallrea-is will not be molested in extending their invitations to persons who may be willing to take a trip "free, gratis, for nothing." The secret executive session war again in full blast yesterday. The discussion was upon the Governor's nominations for Harbor Masters. He ovorthrew Schultz, Brennwn and Brsinard. and recommended Jacob Podge^Reuben Coffin and Pavid Stewart. The three former have been in office for a score of years, either as regulars or bold-over favorites. They were always on tbe Albany slate, and consequently felt safe in tbe hands of the regency hero. But tie Governor thinks they have enjoyed that lucrative patronage long enough, and consequently desires that other good republicans shall supply their places. Now, the preeeot incumbents have three or four republican friends In the Senate, and as neither the democrats nor Americans wiU confirm the Dominations, the almost certain result will be that Schultz k Oo. will hold over another year or two. Lucky dogs' The everlasliDg .Tames llay is here again, Importuning the legislature to make him the sole hoir of the late John G. leake, who, ssjBverytXK'y knows, area several year* since without heirs, and his property (ell legally to the State. The popular Watte and Leake Asylum, an inetttution of indispensable necessity now, was erected out of a portion of the proceeds of that estate, and though the claim of this man Hay has been rejected over and over again, still Henator Patterson, a gentleman of correct and economical view* generally, now seems disposed to allow the doori of the courts to be opened to an entering wedge for lobby spoliations. The case has been settled long since, and should not be suffered to be exhumed by legislative authority. Dr. Brardreth's resolution making inquiry as to the number of tons of railroad iron that have been imported for the use of roads in this State was adopted; report to be made within thirty days. He will next move a resolution requesting Congress to refund jto the canal fund of this State the several amounts |>ud as duties upon railroad Iron, which funds will compensate in a measure the lots the state has sustained by taking off tolls from railroad freight Why ffon't Mr. Moore, "f the House, hurry up that com- | m ttee on the police contributions!1 Has the presence of flea. Nye tn the lobby a tew days since ha-1 auy influence in withholding that investigation* Contributions from the Police Department for the purchase of "that house" are daily progressing. Send for their persons and papers,Mr. Moors. Mr. Laning should call his committee together and finish op that affair relating to the alleged sevon thousand dollars. Did one or two leading Know Nothings of the lobby divide those document*, or was the assertion of the It ttor writer mere " leather and prunella*" It is comparatively of no consequence whether or not the legislature become* advised who the instigators of the Kansas outrages are, or who contributed money to purchase Colt's revolvers and Bowie knives to aid the rebslltoo against the government in that Territory. The charge In relation to the seven thousand dollars Is s State milter, and the people, as well as the rejiortert for the press, are pining for the! knowledge, though they are aware that It Is te he obtained through much tribulation and diAcoltv. Send to New York, as the Clerk of Appeals offered, for thoae papers The Ktnwa Election Prawli. 9t. I-orie, Feb. 36, 1158 The Leavenworth TBtw* eaye the! the Judgae end Clerk* of the election at Shawnee bare been arretted, and that they teetlfled under oath before the Investigating Com m it toe thai the poll book of Shawnee waa taken to Wnatport and three hundred aamea added thereto In that place. J. J. Clark eon, Poetmaater at leaven worth, waa burned In effigy on the 16th tnet, end threat* were made to hang him If caught The Rhode Iiland Democratic State Conrant Ion. PaoTiMHca, Feb 26,1*6* The Democratic State Convention met In thta city to day, and Welcome B. Say lee wee elected Preetdent. After a a harp debate the Convention adjourned to the 18th of March without making any nomination*. flatted Mate* Supreme Court. Waeaimmwr, Feb. 36,1868. So 6* EUphae Spencer v*. John W lapeley ?,luetic* Campbell delivered the opinion of the Court, affirming the Judgment of the Circuit Court for the lantern Dtatrtct of Ism to waa, with roeta. No. 41 The United Stain ve. Ootleib Breltling ?Thief Juetlce Taney delivered the opinion of the Court, reveref *m Ik* iiidnuiii of the flrrmi flniiv-t foe the Southern PWtrtrt of Alabama, and remanding the mM, with directions to award a writ of rvwtrr fariat <U ww. No. 17. Gllhort L? Thompson ra.Selden, Wither* *0o ? Chief Justice Taney delivered the opinion of the Court, affirming the Judgment of the Circuit Court for the Dtetrlct -Of Columbia, with mete and Interest No 117. The failed Stalee v*. Chae. Foeeat ?Argument continued for the appellee Mrrttng of the TraitHi efthe State Inebriate Aiytaab At-mnrr. Feb 26, 166*. Hie Hoard of Trusteea of the .State Inebriate An) lum met at 2 o'clock thle afternoon, Una. Benjamin F Butler, presiding Hon B. H. Walworth, from the Committee en I oration, reported that Uie Asylum would be located and commenced In May neit Pr. FVancte, of New York; Jamee ft Wade worth, of Genesee: Geo. Fotaora and Kdward Turner, of New York, and Hamilton Murray, of Or ?<fi, were elected a Committee on Construction and Repair* Hon. R. H Walworth wan appointed to draft a me mortal to the TegHlalure, asking the appropriation of fifty per rent of the license money* for the A*ilum, The memorial wan algned by all the member* or the Board. Bub eruption* to the amount of $110,000 hare already been received. ______________ Mertlng nf the Canewllan Parliament. Toaowro, Feb. 36,1AW. The new Pari lament met here to day There wan a eery Toll attendance nf member*. Solicitor General Smith, the ministerial candidate for Speaker, wae elected by a large majority. The (Jorernor General'* speech will be dp llrernd to morrow The Ohio River. Lornmtx*, Ky., Feb. 36,115A The river te> natug, with fire feet of water In the channel Cnrmnuti, Feb. 26,1*5'. Hie rlrer Is MI nf ice, nnd narlgntlon 1* still *n*p?nded. Tha water in the channel at thia potnl m??mir?a eight feet, and la rlalog. Three Prmmt Unmeet |t? Death. Bnamw, Feb M, 1AM At CllatoB, Maaa , thla morn in* a man. aged TO, a widow Wom?n,a?ed SO, and a child, all In?h, were burned to death In a wr den tenement in Wh!< li they Heed. We tmra aot Wanted their namea. TIM Seathrm Mall. Wonmnirow, reb M, l?5a The man rrom all polnta Booth, aa late an due, la to bwd, h?? OriBf* o? mwi of importance K RW YORK LBOttUmi, '""'' ium, Feb. 26,1968. minora. By Mr. Lowland, (rep.) from the bar oT New York, (or a reduction of 8hertfTa feee. Ther elate that the Sheriff now receives nearly $90,000 for summoning jurors, when $4,000 would ha maple pay. worth, By lfr. W. A. Whkklkk (rep.) from (he Committee on Beaks.? bill to amend the law relative to uiury. | Mr. foxon, (rep.) haa written the majority report adverse to (he repeal of (be Metropolitan 1*01100 law, and Mr. Mather (dem.) haa written the minority report In favor of the repeal of that law. h0t1c7r8 of rills. By Mr. Sioak (dem.)?To amend the law for supplying Brooklyn with water. By Mr. Branorkth (dem.)?In relation to the unpaid divldenda of moneyed corporations. hills introucobd. By Mr. Soorr (dem.)?To provide for the registration of births, marriages and deaths. By Mr. Lovrlard?For regulating the Sheriff's fees in the courts of record of Mew York city. AmaaMy. Alhanv, Feb. 26, 1868. Mr. Chatmid (dem.) rose to a question of privilege. He bad been told on the floor of the House that he had no business to Interfere with any bills not relating to New York city, and he had found that New York delegates were unable to have any voice on New York city bills; and, therefore, bis remaining in the House was of no ttse. He moved that leave of absence during the balance of the session be granted him, with pay for the whole session. The Spkauk ruled the motion out of order. Mr. Garrison (dem.) was placed on the Committee on Internal Affairs of Towns and Counties, in the place of Mr. Cage, who is absent through sickness. The House went Into Committee of the Whole?Mr. Ifan ford in the chair?on the Governor's message, and reported progress. The bill tor the repeal of the Metropolitan PoHee act was taken up, but no action was had upon it. The committee took up and discussed the Brooklyn Local Assessment bill. VYVVTVfl BVOI1TOV Tbc Assembly met In the evening to resume discussion on the tiovernor's message. Mr. Walker occupied the session by a speech in favor of the message, and attacking the democratic party and its principles. Adjourned. Bills before the legislature. I'Sl'BY I.AWS. The Committee on Bonks, through Mr. W. A. Wheeler, reported and recommended the |>assago of the following bill:? Sec. 1. Tho rote of interest upon the loan or forbearance of money, goods or things in action shall continue to he seven dollars upon one hundred dollars for one year, and after that rate for a greater or less sum or for a longer or shorter time; ant it shall not be lawful for any person or corporation, directly or indirectly, to take or receive in any manner any greater sum or value for tho loan or forbearance of any money, goods or things in action than is above prescribed. Sec. 2. No promissory note, bill of exchange or other contract or socurity shall be void by rcaton of reserving or an ugrcem'ent to pay or allow more than the rate of interest named in the first section of this set ; but whenever in any action it shad appear by the pleadings and proofs that a greater rate of Interest has been directly or indirectly reserved, taken or received, by or on account of the bill, bond, note, or other subject matter of the suit, the plaintiff may recover the principal and no more; and the defendant shall recover bis lull costs against the plain tilt. See. Kvery person or coriwatlon1 taking or revelv ing, directly er indirectly, any greater rate of interest than that named in the first soclion ef this act shall be liable to an action for the excess of interest thus token, by or in behalf ol any person or party paying the game; and the prevailing party In such action shall be entitled to full cost* without reference to the amount of the recovery. Sec. 4. To take effect immediately. fWKHirP'8 KKKS. The following is Mr. Loveland's bill to reglulate the fees of the Sheriff of the county of New York :? Sec. 1. That the SberitT of the city and county of New Yftrl fthnll hb ctitlltlsii (it nntl rAffii s frnm th? plaintiff In every cause berearter actually tried by a jury in said county in the Supreme Court, the Superior Court of tbe city and county of New York ami the Court of Common I'lcaa for the city and county of New York, a feo of fifty cents lor summoning tbe jury to eaio courts; and tbe ~ame shall be in lieu of tbe fees heretofore allowed by law to tbe Sheriff of said city and county for summoning the jury. The Strainer Atlanta, &r. CtUKutHTO*, Kcb. 26, 1S5S. The steamer Aialanta, from New York, has not yet arrived here. last evening the schooner Colonel Satterlee, from NewYork. She reports experiencing heavy weather. Sale* ofCotTee In Philadelphia. taUMmiA. Feb 26, 185ft At a spirited auction sale of coffee bore this morning, three thousand bags were sold at 9>?c. a 11,'jc. The aver age yrlce wm 10c. per lb. Weather Report. By the Northern, Eastern, Weuern ami Southern Telegraph Lines?Office, 21 Wall street Time TVrPXmom. AN). 26 Wind mo'Ur Bemmrltt. (fcvego A.M.N. W. 34* Mild and clear. Calais, Me A. M S. E. 2ft' Cloudy. " .... P. M. N. W. 30* Cloudy. Halifai A. M. 8. 30" Overcast. Charlottetown.. A.M. 8. 24' Cold aad cloudr. Sacfcville A.M. 8. E. 22' Appear'ce of snow. M?w York M W. 24' Clear and pleasant. '? .... 8 P.M. 8. W. 30* Clear. %. Jobs, N B . A.M. 8. W. 31* Cloudy; like rain. Calais, Me A. M 8 W. 30* Cloudy. Di-troit A.M. ? 38 Cloudy. Lafayette A. M. ? 20* Cloudy. Toledo A. M. ? 28* Cloudy. PltUburg A. M. ? 30* Q. ar. OneInnali A. M. ? 34* Clear. Buffalo A. M. W. 28* Cloudy. Cleveland A. M. ? 21* Tear Goiutnbua A. M ? 38* Clear. Louieville A. M ? 37* Clear. .... M. N. E. 44* Warns. BoonTilla A. M. ? 30? Cloudy. Dubuque A. M. ? 25* Clear. Burlington A. M. N. W. 22* Clear. Pulton, 111 A. M 8. E 14* Clear .laneavllle, Win. A. M. ? 22' Pleasant. Vlncennee A. M ? 37* Clear. Philadelphia.... M. 3. W. 32* Clear, " .... P. M. WNW M' Clear. Prairie duChlen A. M. ? 26* Hazy and calm, ftprinctteld, III. A M ? 28* Hear. Rock Island.... A.M. ? 24? C1?ar. Portage City.... A.M. ? 2** Clear. Milwmukie A. M ? 26* Clear. food du lac... A. M ? 20* Clear. Evanavllle A. M ? 20? Clear Baltimore, Md,. M. W. 42? Clear and mild. Mootpelier .... A. M V W 22? Cloudy. 94. Jahnab'y.Vt A. M N. 16? Cloudy. Braitleboro'? A. M K. Zero Clnar. Malone A. M 8. 22? Snowing. Ofdenaburg.... A. M N. W. 27* toowing Montreal. A M N. W. 22* Snowtm; bard. Springfield.... A M 8. 42* Springlike. Waehineum..., M ? 38' Calm and beautiful. Yk-kaburg, M1m A. M. K. 33' Hear. Memybla .... A. M N*. 26* Clear. Tnsrumbia, Ala. A M N. F. 38' llazy Naw Or loans . AM N . E. 46' sUgbtfroat NaaheUla A. M N. 37* Cloudy Hartford, O>on M 8. W. 30* Clear and pleaaant. New Harea, C*. 8 P.M. N W 38* Clear and pleasant. Auburn P. M W SW 30' Moderate snowing Ihwkirk P. M ? ? Cloudy and warm. Hornellartlle... P. M W. ? Clear and mild. Port Jervw P. M. ? ? Clear and mild. Elmlra P . M. W. 32* Cool and clear. Oreat Bend P. M W 82' Cloudy. Newburg T. M. 8. 38' Cloudy A moderate Portland, Me... P. M S. W. 30* Cloudy Spnagfleld Jlaa. P. M If. W 32* Clear. Ftarrlaburg .... P. M N. W. 38* Cloudy Carlisle P M N W 87* Cloudy. Boston, Maea... P.M. 8. 38* Clear and pleasant l'ltt-fleld Mtd.i P. M N. W 27' (Inudr Market*. PniMDn.rn iA STOCK BOARD. i 35; fiWEBaSS; ? <*? *-> terSI: ?av injrsz 'ir? changed Whi(>k,r flrm^' ^taion. un Cotton advanced .k ,*'w Fob. 2H, IBM ? " ?,'o. for middlfn. ??.?!?, ? d*y fT ',p '*>* Ann. Arm ?t 4 V Flour Cotton advanced a.u. . Momi *. Feb 26, In.VI. middling m,mu> **T A,""# bale. at li\c for Cotton?Bale* to dar 1 twvt. ^VAjr**'?. Feb. 24. ISM Good to middling AUM l^n! a*!"^ "* advancing Cotton-ftair. u> day 1 (loo t ab 24 ??M I ? - v,^rThe ulH Of cotton to (tor wa^TS^' 24'Ma* vance of ?,c. a jgc. y 1,000 a'"". at ?n a.t??" "rnt Hale* l+to?i?otJ?' Feb *? 18M Thaaalct of cotton to dar ...^.eb 84 ,8M II ?,? Tor middling, the AnnEjlIi?. ? "? a caused an advance o/ i?e The d^ " new* having - 1AOOO hale. Rerrlnta f '"EC.'", ^LZV1*" The market cloned wlth'ao advancing tendency! Cinrnrwan, ?b 36, MM Prorletonn? Nothing doing and quotation* nominal Meat pork, 616 Bacon, #\r. a 7Wr in dry nail and Xr a SH". emoked Whiakey dull at 17c. Bu/rrwmie reh 3?, MM. Hour Arm Wheat ?te*df torn?White and yell.m, l?r Whteker dull at ?3c. a %V. I Tori* inn in batter demand and firmer, but without quotable change Tim Onnu.?" Robert le Plable" will be (Iran at the Academy ttiki evening for the only time thie aeeeon. All the artinta are included in the caet. and Madame I d'Angrl makee hor t ae Utc ITincoae raw YORK HERALD, FI Ufliur mi (k? late Financial Crlafe. A lecture oa thle aubject wm delivered yeaterdey evening, ? the BU/veeaat laaUtute, by Hon F. A. Oookling. After a review of the growth of the oountry, end particularly of New York, Um lecturer proceeded to e dlecueeion ot the cmjms by which it wu produced For myeeir, Mid be, I believe that the crank wan the leg' lunate and inevitable rauua of influence* which bu long been at work, ud which, without a re re real of the laws of economical science, could hare ^?ad no other onclusion. That it was aot produced either by a paoic, the suspension of specie payments by the banks, or by any kindred cause, is conclusively proved by the fact that although the banks have long since resumed, and although capital is now more abundant and the rate of interest lower than it has been for years, the prostration of business Is nearly as great as ever. The volume of businers, be continued, as shown by the exchanges at the Clearing House, is one-fair less than it was In the month of Augurt, having fallen to ona third the amount for the week ending on the 2Sth of December last It Is true that one reason for this falling off in the busineas of the banks la that the race of speculators?especially those insatiable cormorants, the railroad corporations?have disappeared from the market; and it Is devoutly to b? hoped that ' the places which knew thorn will know them no mute forever." But it cannot be denied that the reduction in the amount of regular and legitimate business since the month of August last has been very nearly in the proportion stated A sensation was lately caused In England by the declaration or the loo-oo Times that British commerce was rotten to the core. But the fact itself has generally been regarded as the rea! cause of the revulsion whioh has there taken place. The key to our reverses Is to be found in a general unsoundness in the business, to ^ay nothing ot the morals of the country. An investigation of the coodition of almost all our financial and Industrial interests, it is beieved, will disclose the Tact' that'their foundation had bocome unsubstantial and Inllom. Our foreign tounsge, under the impulse of temporary and exceptional causes, such as the Irish famine, the discovery of gold m California and Australia, and the Crimean war, had outgrown the demand of a regular commerce. Besides, a prefer eels, which bids (air to revolutionize the carrying trade of the world and to restore to Great Britain her commercial pre eminence. A condition of thing* not very dissimtiar to that just described exists in regard to the'railroads. Perhaps it is Dot too much to say that the railroad mania of the lasi, few years, when its history comes to be written will b* regarded as among the marvels of finance, akin to Law's Mississippi scheme end the South Sea bubble. Nothing but an extraordinary combination of circumstance* could have fi eated in so short a time and in a comparatively thinly peopled country like the United States a railroad system of the vast proportions and cost which have been already described. In this hotbed develcpemeut, dis honestY and bad faith have had no small share. A tingle instance may suflloe to illustrate the manner in which many roads bavt latterly been coastrrctcJ The American Almanac for the year l*f>S. cede* the title of Railroads, has the following record A'ne York. Length in operation W mil?e. Capital paid m $1,316,000 I>ebt, funded and floating 2,270,854 Cost of construction and equipment 3,41)6.831: Receipts in 1866 166,1C1 Expenses of working in U60 226 462 ?which last Item, it will be perceived,is 2, per cent mere than the entire earnings of the road. It ? said that before one dollar of stock was subscribed for tbis work the bonds of the comr any were sold ib the London market to the amount of one million two hundred thousand dollars, ostinfibly for the purposeoJLpurcUgj-iug the iron to lay the track, and that one of tie macafers of the scheme? wlioec (MM, for sume uiirevcalcd reason, was kept on; of view in the organization of the company?receive ! a commission of ten per cent or a gross aura of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars for endorsing there bonds New that the read baa tjcen built it is entirety worthless, worse indeed than nothing, since it cannot be made to pay the running exp*nses, ami it is to he presumed the Lords are not much bettor. Unhappily this company is but the representative of a numerous class of our railroad con*>rations. A vicious system of credit has laid the foundation of tbis mighty struc'ure of indebtedness and insolvency. The Secretary of the Treasury says in bis last annual roport ? ?' In answer to a circular letter addressed to the various railroad corporations of the conntry, information has been received (rora which it appears that the capital of these companies amounts tc 9491,000,000, their Indebtedness to 9417.000.000. The annuel interest upon the latter sum is 926,000,000. lli*-ir MBMl income was 946.000.000. Had we psid as we went along, which in the esse or a permanent investment ot capital ought to he done, it L manifest that such a condition ot things as now exists could never I bare arisen. Can it be wondered at that, built upon sucn ; a foundation, the railroad* of the are nit worth ( over one bait their cost? May it not he said, in the language of the 1/ondoij 7ieies, " the railnad aystem of the country is rotten to the corev" The direct leas of between ftiur and five hundred millions is net by any mean- the measure of evil which has come from this quarter By diverting a large amount of capital and labor from their accustomed channels, the construction of railroads has largely contribute! to undermine other interests, ard thus to produce the geaeral instability which led to the revulsiou. What was the condition ol the mercantile Interest when overtaken by the crisist I think it will hardly be disputed that there was much unsoundness. So t ar as this and the other large Cities are concerned, this condition of things woe due in % great measure to the inherent vioea of Die system of bus ners which has grown upw.min the lael few years?asys trm the characteristic features ot which are vaat sales, enormous expense*, long credits and cxtrara gaol riaks. Tn.Vr IU operation bua.ness bu partaken very largely of a speculative charact*Ibe slat.-lies of ccmmercial bfe show thai mercantile business is Urn moat precar.ous of *11 tbe uMful employ ments. General Dearborn sbn for twenty year* was Collector ol tbe Port of Boston, and who bad ample opportunities for obaerrlo* the vicissitudes of trade, declared, id a public address before the legislature of MasaachuaetU, that among every hundred of the merrbapts aoi i traders of that city not more than three ever acquire f as 1 independence Tina (-occlusion * a* not arrived at with- | out grsal dlstruat. but an experienced merchant who wii , conaulted fully admitted ita truth, la tbe security of mercantile business likely to be increased by tbe system which bss been described?rather, !s :t not certain the* universal bankruptcy will be tta result f A \ otr of thanks was given to Mr Cook ling st the clo? of tbe lecture , The Affair of Lteat. Rhlnd and Commander Bout well. C-apt W C. Oorrie, of South Carolina, who acted as the triend of Ex Lieut. Rbiad in his late difficulty with Commander Houtwell, I'alted States navy, publishes la tha .Srar tbe followiog letter ? Wtsmsiimv, Feb. 11. isfi* (lis?Your paper of the Sit iMt oontaioa a onmmunioa Loo signed by P.. B. Boutwell. In which be undertakes to reflect upon the gentleman who has lately placed him In ro unau viable s position. That gentleman does not con alder It necessary to takn sny further notice of Mr. E B Boutwell, Inasmuch as tbeir relative standing makes it entirely uaneceasary; but to correct any false impression that bis (Boutwell's) communication might give to per sons outside the circle of naval affa're, I think It Inc.ure bent on me to notice, for tbe laat time, anything in regard to the affair that ma) come Troth Mr. Boutwel.. He aay* in In- communication above referred to ? " In relation to myself, I take the liberty of -tat ng that when I am disposed to violate tha laws of my country by accepting a challenge t<> tight a duel, the invitation to do so must not come from a m?u wbo baa been dismissed from tbe navy by two courts, and by a third coo* icted of I) ins ' After shield.o? himself behind double bulwarks?after has ing bait his adversary bound ovor to keep the peace, and subsequently arrested for ao alleged vlotat-rn of cr initial law?Mr Boutwell conn* forwa-d In the attack Rhin<i.( have extracted ,ust sufficient to display the faUit;of lb* paragraph I bare 'pitted above The first lie jt> nai.1 oi toe f hip commandad by Mr. Boutwell, and who wae a member of the court *? H > itwell atato*, conricted Mr R. nf lying, Untitled aa follow "I deem htm (Mr Rhind) well qualified In all raapecu f r the performance of the duties pertaining to hi* office. I look upon b m aa an independent, moral aod high lotn-d officer " The gentleman who waa subaequently for a period the first lieutenant of the *b*p testified on the eatne trial aa follow*?"I Joined the ahtp on the .Id July. l*5fl Mr. Kbindwaaooii then on board hi* (Rhlnd'e) rep* .tat oo waa very high In '.be ship?cnriably ao. ' And. :n repty to a queatlon aa to bt* (the Wltoe**'} knowledge of MRout well'a character for tenth and eeractt) , the officer re. jdlcd that his (Routwetl'a) character In that reaper*, was The letter of Mr. Rhind. published La lha Vaw Turk Haa.vtn of tfeptember, IIM, which Mr Boot wall appends to hta rommuntcation In your paper, la entirely irrelerant to the present iaaue between them That ineue war tha result nf a alanfer contained Id a recent snrreptll ciroulatcd pamphlet, and had no reference tc their pre vtoua offlt al Intercourse t am your obedient servant. WM C. OORRtr P S.?An examination of the record! of the Nary Ue partment will oonv lore all of the coreotoeej* -f the ahove rtatrment Mr Rhind had tha trial and flnd'ng re*err?-! to by (kimmander Boutwell printed and generally circulated two years since * C C ? 01.rHTMllt-? rflK l T ? H /I H'NUIUIIIIII ttllMloilAillg the Governor of Kentucky to ra'se a regiment of volnnttxri at oner ud tender tt to the Preetdmt of Ute United Stolen to Aid in the suppression of the rrlwllioo In Clai. was unanimo-ts!y po?es?t on the IMh Inet. by IxHb hotw of tbe legislature of Kentucky. The Governor. II I* understood, bee already commissioned tbe following officer< of tbe regiment proposed to be raieed. ri* ?Thoma* I, Crittenden. Colonel, TTiotnaa T. flawkine. TJeatenan; Colonel, Jemee K Jackono, FV?t Malor, Robert Richard eon, Second Major. J. Kemp Onodloe, Adjutant. These are all gallant men, and ?ome of them eiperienre-l n(Rcert. Colon'-' Crittenden war tbe volunteer aid of General Taylor at the battle of Rn?na Yista All the othere served with gallantry and dietlnrtlon m tbe Ifeiican war, and are well finllfed for the dim tiarge of their rmpecV.vo i command* ? Iszingtrm Chirr nrr Itaral lntelll|rnrr. The United State* *team frigate Wabaeb. lying at Brooklj n Vavy Yard, went out of c?i?nv-<eion on Uie , ?-u iri'tant' Her crew were diecharged and mt on ih> Tbe marine guard were transferred to the Mariro B*' racks, Brooklyn. N. Y.. where they will remain until|>aid off. The United Stair- -t? am frigate Niagara. I) nig at the same place, went lo commission the *amo date The Niagara will be ready hi proceed lo tea by the lat of the coming month. Oawrt C alwtdar-Tnl' Day, Stratus Corar?Circuit?No- 441, MA, WM, 1AM, IU?. 1490, 1612, 1273, 19011, 1113. 1111, 1127, 1217, 1914. mil. 1109, 2194. 2194, 2212,2732, iB32W,W6l, 2204.2304. 2306, | 2412, 2426, 2421, 2476, 2626, 261*1. 2120, 2699, 2731, 2733, 2770, 2722. 279(1. 2792, 2797.2111, 2211, 2121, 2232 , 2161. I 2163 2166, 1121, 2222 , 2904 , 2912. 2rnr*to? Omw -Km. 223, 222. 272. 411, 143, 670, 471, 76. 300, ml, 493 , 678 , 677 , 618, 422 , 606. 102 , 334, 472, 622.620,191,692, 607 , 200, 813 , 647 . 44#, 406, 4*. 27 20. 222. 630, 41, 472. 604 1?. m*. tIDAT, FEBRUARY 26, II Klnp County Court off H oeslnns. TOT FLATBCTH Art Ml A JTBAT?C0NC1-CHI0N Of TOT CAM?TBI il hT IN A ALA TO A (MUM. Before JuJge Morri sad ??wvi?tes Kmmoos end Sohoon iker. Yesterday the trial of B?raar<l Bailor for aaaault with intent to hlli Patrick MoOarty on the aftoraooo of Uto fourth of July lent, at Flatbuah Hill, waa concluded, barlog occupied the etteuUon of the court since Tuesday morula#. The court room ban been densely crowded | erery day of the trial with large numbers of the friend* of the prisoner, u also the complaining witness, Patrick I McCarty. The McCartys were well known throughuot tLecitv,and pnrti'uiarly iu the Ninth ward, which he.I been their piece of residence for many yeare. The afftir at the time, occurring as it did on the fourth of July, created an intense excitement, which was ooly allayed by the lapee of time, and since the trial hes been in progress baa renewed the interest in the proceedings. Patrick McCarty was the keeper of a public house, known as the "Prospect Hill flotel." situated at the corner ol Flatbuth ari-nue and Carroll street. On the fourth of July he had gathered aliout him a number of the members of bis own family, an well as of bis friends, both male and female, ami had fitted up a shed in the rear of the hotel, wherein to have a dance. About four o'clock, when the party inside the sued or dance bouse were onjtying themselves, soma party attempted to Intrude himself into the room unbidden and was put out. Butler, the prisoner. at th 3 time had been near the house, but not into it at all He bail been called to the hotel to return a crowbar which he had borrowed in the mormng. and with which ho hud bfeu engaged in removing an old b< use a ebort distance irom the hotel He dnee not appear to have utUmpUJ to enter the dance house, but immediately after the repulse of the party who intended? and which api* ers to have b?eo James Burns?Butler Ih seen to be knocked do-en and beaten aud kicked by six or seven persons around bun. Ho had boon 00 friendly Icrm-, with the McCart; s before that, drinking with th m and ccnrerslcg in a friendly manner Patrick McCarty rushed Into tne crowd to save Butler from being kilUd. and ndong ?o fell upou Butler as he lav f a the sreund After ha fell be was stabbed in tho left legend the side, with a knife in the hands of Butler, et the th: same time Frarcis Mahady was mortally stabbed in the abdomen. Joseph McCarty was stabbed in the arm and left stde, and Bums, who assisted Butler to rise, was stabbed in the side. Francis Mahady died from the effect of the wounds in a few hours Patrick McOarty suffered am. nidation of the 'eft leg about two weeks after, and Joseph McCarty and Janif-? Bursa r?-cf find, The Ooroner'sjury in the case 0! Mahady. after taking testimony,exonerated Butler on the ground that he acted in self defence He was admitted to bail to await the actios of the Grand Jury, which body tcund two indictments against t,m?one for assault with intent to k>ll Patrick McCarty, ana which bas just been tried, and another for manslaugntcr in causing the death of Francis Mahady. The trial of the rase commenced on Tuesday The principal testimony for the prosecution was thatoi Patrick McCarty, who detailed tho circumstances of the affray subtant'hiiy as above, and the testimony of the physicians who test'fv to the nature ol the wounds The o?foLce relied isolely upon testimony to show that the assault wot justifiable be'ng provoke! by the beating be was receiving, and that at tbo t rue defendant used hir knife he was being beaten la such a uiazme: as tc he in ' danger of loping ti3 life Tbe rape was cloved cn botn aides y0.-ter.lt7 noon, and couneel proceeded to sum up the case. The Court charged the jury on the law of the case, and teviewed tome portions of the testimony bearing upon the provocation tor the assault The case was given to the jury about live o'clock, and after ac ab'-eose of two hours tbey notiQed the Court mat tbl j were uoable to agree Toe Court ordered that they ennui! te locked up until tt-a, to which time the Court adjourned City Intelligence, Thk M*Hgi'ie?j?i>K ami Fam'v Dhs.+i Bai l or thk Gkrmas r^kt'HWKRA>p Mimical Poctkiv came off last evening, and in spite of rumors that the police would interfere to pro vent :t. as contrary to law, was well attended and unmolested. These balls a?e given by some of our leading Ceruiai row. chant* and, by tbe rules,can be attended only b"- their f-endj or persons introducod by ttem. so that for seiectncaa :t will compare favorabiy with any other. Tbe ctrteio-j alwaysdevelop?* the rational characteristics of the Herman people for wbeie?ale enjoyment, and this year seemed to be bailed with unusual zest The vast hall of tbe City Assembly R.>cr , wan entirely thrown 1 open, as indeed it needed to be. to accommodate tbe vast 1 crowd Two oicciient hands uf music occupied the or cbcetras, and the lntcrst'ce* betweeu tbe (lance# were | agreeably filled up with promenades. To attempt to des1 cr lre the variety of the costumes would require the pen of '1 .b - and wrhlfa that p*oII0c instrument would fa:: on this occasion. Every -imaginable, unimaginable, ludicrous, gorgeous, artless, foolish, fancy, g-ctocque, sr.mbrc and usual species of habiliment ibsl the gr( of man or woman could devise seemed to oe represented The gay courtier of'.s XIV.. v it bis costly lace aic' courtly velvet bet, rubte 1 with Myidert Van Sebopflslezken with his blue frock staff, pipe, and drinking born wed supplied w th letch courage Tlie ulowa, the king the lover, the eold'er. the liuflnon the Ind'a-' ac. indeed every nstlcv ality S6 med tc be represented, while nearly all the gen flemcn w re e.thrr c.* tnvqucrad-t g robe* Nor wer t. ladit .. to tbe urcL. for the gylllllH ?!'d the j grot que were ntp'reg them. equally well typified, end ail i cp< tnarl In I?tn Ihn an'rtt n' Ih.t fttn with #rti? flap i''?' it n.'olil he Imp. srible to ( ftrticuianxi* from the o aey is welt ? vlni'-Mde rh?r?>'t?-ni -ep rcmctci. t7erjiamj went off without the I lightest in c?l>xl t . Bar Iht> * H vitW*-, aul >n tv. tux' U.<- frw torn of *.h; bat mar/str tend to produce any diminution of c?j'ic>?.) M mfrat) III r>'*; s, - Mniwi i.r rol:c:, Mr. Ta ImaJrc, and a number of bu aide were I and keened i> epjoy ihetnxc ves a* well as to prevent any tttorupnoty Their officii duties were very I I'gfc N t a few tf our American citizens, aod some of ' them prominent in priitical circle*, parti.-.paid In the ! s;o:t, and all p-ocrnnced it the moat genuine apectmen of inncce-.t Amusement on a large scale, and an insuperable | atgument for keeping tbr iaw sgainat bal matqurs a dead , letter. at least a* regards the IJrderkrana Society Vt aj?*Kv sen ffjTtn'a flowrtc ?The! meeting of the B"a Jc'Mangeri of tf laeociefy wan held yesterday mo;t>.ng a: No. RC Ka*t Twenty flrat street Au eddrew* an delivered hy the R. v. Mr. M.wtgi>uiery, after which ?h.erep ?'fs f the tr' ?ao'e? and the ?ocio'j w%r< "ead Kr^tn tne tr?w?ure-> ee?>ort it appeared taat the total acorn: of the society fortheyesr, icciudingflO OOOappro pr ated by the city, was tf 1.071 IT. while tho expenditure during the rame time was $**.132 91. which lncludea a Htim of 9U3.&C0 expended oa the new budding that the I it-W is having erected in Fifty flrat street, between i lexingtnn and Third avenue*, thus leaving a balance in the harda of the treasurer of $2,9*1 20 Ttie society's report showed that there are always an average of from sixty to seventy children In the nursery, beside* twenty women who have them in charge, and that number* are continually being refused admittance, because the pre mtfoa at present and beretofb'e used by the society were not ca|>abls ot Accommodating more than the number aireaiis s?at?d, snd therefore it su deemed advisable to erectth? butld'ng, which ia now almost completed Holler liitrlllgrner. OrTCM or B'-km-irm.?James Rl'ey and John K?cr:g\n ware brought fciiare Juatice Connolly at trie Ixiwar Police Court on charge of burglary preferred against .hem by Job. U lHrrell, wholesale liqttcr dealer, of No*. liT aad 129 Hnwsve't ?t.->et. Th? prlaooers It appear- ???? raiiirnt .u?si the Drrm'ers h* t>ol>reniaii IWnsv of the Forth pr'ctnct. Tbt7 Cad entered the store by mean* of fore' /off ?.r." ?>f the fror.l window tliut>rj an'I were tow ty frgagrd * rasaaeklur the prcicree* wacs the po ?aa U.o light of their rf?;k lantern, and wa* attracted to the apct Oa rnterscg the More, the policeir.?j beard the |>*io. i,er# retreating p ?t*irr aciJ "p.>n fcrcdira tc oae :f ite upper tlocre hi Stout thMB AM C4 aled among a pile of empty ca?k? Oomm Ue.1 for trial ta <l?f?uit o' ban Kstuu liiuonoi' Anon ?Ma.-7 Konaedy. of >o 61 WW> /t?>~. aireel, app?a-e'. belnre Justice fleencily at the Tmbe end pre>r?eda c mplaint for t igbway rob her aae'ut two leuale rarretent, nactod K'.taa Mnrar. an l K'?n Oar*!gaa, whom ?he charge 1 srdh| having assaulted aer at the corner o? Hector and i.reorwirti street*. ?*!' ''H I h?* rf a po-lemoMia e cor.t, r-of 6M W?rarta wcr3 teased for the anpreheae'on of th- aerceed. wbria Klva M.- ao Wi* areai.l Mid confront* I with the cor.p.a aaat Th: maturate comm:t:<: 1 the fttr trial. rtt.**.?iw m Tmx-at r ?Ralph flavin and laadnr* .'(aeph, two gia*?orj. were aim ted yesterday un eurpicion o: havitgstolen ap'ree of satin, vatned at g?6 (? m the tore tf Reuben M<>" a. No M Oanal -tree The prterc-r? were employed to pf. in s?ib? glass c one cf the w adow* of the More, and it is supposed ties -t<.'. pr?.j>ert..|?b'l* to rmpiorel Committed f??e tr a' Priamal Intelllgrorr. We Sol the fW lowing notice !n the R rbmood pni?-r? ? Mar'ied.oa TVmday, Feb 11,1*64, at T* aify Cbnr-h. New Orleans, by the Rght Rev. BUt-.t Pel*. PbJip ?. | rkwdrtdge F*q of Tirgira to IHtty Tay.-r Biles, laugh trr of the tat* Genera". Zaehary Taylor ant wid-w ef the late Mai "T ni jri General Wtltlam Walker waa a&aaoaaed in *ddr*?a the r t naa of naanuue on tb? 'i'Ah at. n Mcarariaa alTara. Pr. Fa? of Fwl lfiiX W , the e?>bratfel Arrt e tra relltr, few day* ainec nrcotnpl-alied tto d:*tance te twenr. lUm lloa and Tcraato. mora Una forty tu le* o *00* ''in**, '0 about Iro In.11 r* Tisr NOW .Haven Journal ray* that W..l-am N KaMcc, F?.| % 'aayer of ataort tig and*< W- a Bartft-rti. who la a neary end?ae- for Jobr W fr/moar. m ao a fleeted f.y s-; men;'a defalcation that M* rraaon 'a caaeUlod and b? life- b?0? aent I" lh' Inaaoe Retreat."*rer Will atn A Wfwtll, of New JeraeT, ColOBOl A u Woo. t f Ind .ann 'Irnrrai K.C. Vilm,M inwjrl- j vania. and .loaga Ruaaei'., t,; the New Y.irt tdjr Court, ar# | i: W-vAh'^fVu. ARRtTAT.R. I rem tarerpOol. In m-rch-p ? l?? o' Waahlort n?M- fall I Ion aal Jtj, .1 T Stuart, H K rkmoieu, Mr and Miaa I'atter i*-r Br?'a?pt>*n. u M teamey, Mr iwrnda* Mr >nlan. K1 ...rn r and f t* Cannobee, M' W it Itacn. ->o a ,'-?npir* Andrt. .lam** F Ra ir ' -ante L.?rrla, Mr and Mra Robina?Ww; Soiirbearh. . ? 'li 2* Iri-m ttirhnu id. Ar, In the a'eamahlr .tameatnm-l'r W M Hanl-i. ' III' kln?or. R f Brr* *?, W O llamlit S Mern 0 A *-<-??? *!%Iw** M 1 a-lel* Th'-aAdiaon F .For.e* A Oawflrwd. W KMarthv KAmlth. W W Taylor, rha*<?r!fli'.h. OeoTlwBip no, W Wei!*, .1 tiarrla? and fl In the atfe-raien?r Ann urn. tlrerprol. In ateataablp Nlatara. frm Rr-afan?Meaarl Ar'Ovr T innlnfhi-m Realm R<) Flower*. Thelaea Joaei-k f Flood nratntree; W H Taylor Aletander Melliaa. F Uerdea. Tbi-wiaa Pa'dannl. W A Drift* and wife Mew York: ti Rrllntt, "tewpiaeen Mlrliael Reidd'n ? hlrafn .lame* V Illint" wnilh, Tela*. fbarle* Hahimann Ran Franrlaro; Col Wl Ham* WtnWeMe Paewlantfnoy* and fair ladle* MmndMr* Roarr Madinrt. i.lrrrponl ,'tnhn M Inffali. John tt? k, U n ilon, R Wrrnya, Olnapnw. A MoTtonpatl, Reotlatld tohn F"okr Rrrmen: Kdward Paun Henry l*nni, Hamhtir* A Tnalllott. r ranee?SI. For Halifax Mraara J Jwb Tower, Tlmo'hjr O'Connor. Parker Merrill, Rwtoa, L V R naell' V?d 'ul^'JL ?nKn ?"'r'r h .1 Hart, V H Rant Major Oeneral Trotlnpe and am ant tap* ^ ?j?* U, *' erica, Mr Heorp Woo4hpuM, Uvrr *58> Hew* Aval Pwrto Rlro. tum nuwraotv?rnur qcQTiWORB?fmaurf im ron-nciimi uw By Um arrival of the achoower Win. & Rlehardeoa, ? hOTe new* from Porto Rloo dated at Ma/afuei on the 7Ui lnataat The market ?m ovemtocAed with provHtloas af all da scrtptions. Coopers'mtuffs * drug?four large cargoes re malalng without eala. 780 tierces co<l lib, being a portion of the cargoes of three vessels from Halifax, arrived on the 30th ult., sold oa 1st lust. at 02 80 a S3 2ft per quintal. 741 bbls. Spanish Dour sold oa Ike 4th Inst, at til 78. Coffee was held at 80 per quintal, with but limited demand. About 500 hhda. sugar* had changed hands at prices ranging from $8 a $3 78 per 100 lbs , and for molasses current rates were at $12 per 110 gallons. Twenty-six ve*-ets in port, and this being the mark by which planters judge of the demand for their produce, i together with the new* of the rise in sugars in Kaglaad up to the 17th ult., no doubt prices will be much higher. i No quotations for exchange, none to be had. News from Vtartarla OI K LAQFAYRA COKKKMPONDKbTR. LAUcatRA, Jan 24. 186* Social Corruption and Government Imbecility? President : Monaga*?Hit Position, Profits ami Peril? The Astassi ! nation Doctrine of !\irope Advorated? Spoil* and Spoil* men?Chances for Foreign Creditors?7he Aves IstamLi? Claims and Diplomacy in Washington. We are not progressing in this land of freedom On the contrary, never was a country making farter under deepotir rule. Despotism may be tolerated when enforced by just principles; but Venezuela is ruled by meo of a peculiarly bad stamp. What a horrid thing to oonceive?the head or a nation with a republican form of government with his private residence guarded by Ave sentinels day and night, besides guardhouses at every approach at a short distance, and himself escorted to the government bouse. Instead ot reposing on a bod of down in the hearts of his people, his repose is on the points of bayonets. A military force Is kept up for no earthly reason but to sustain Monagaa in bis poeition thus be proves rather a costly President. The people have borne everything with patience, but there is n storm gathering, as the people are beginning to awake to their deplorable condition. Handbills t.aWc been privately circulated, recommending the assassination of the depot anr] the c-Mormination of hi* entire family, that the came of Monaga* may no longer disgrace their nnfortutaie country I'oroigD debt* are repudiated. The Minis ter or foreign Affair*, Jacinto (Jutiorrez, has declared hie intention tohre out foreign ministers who prater claims on the government, by neglect to answer; and tlnally to rre'st them to tae last extreme, however Junt they may appear The object In obvtoua- the entlro revenue of the country w going 11 to the pocket* of the Mooagae family and those of bis ministers; and for their greater safety in caac of a popular outbreak, the specie la being sent out of the country a? fast a- the revenue it oollecletl. It is Faid that a person rloaoly connected with the government is making from one to two thousand dollars daily, or ball a million per annum, in the purchase of claims on the government, depreciated to a nominal value, but when presented at the treasury by this peraou he receives the full face, clearing from sevonty five to eightylive cents en the dollar Under such circumstances, how is tt possible that Venezuela can lie expected to pay her just debts V Mr. Sontord is out here from the United States in revpect to th? Atm Island claim ; but his chance ia small, and un less some patriotic member o( Congress moves in the matter, and a resolution is passed authorizing President Buchanan to make reprisals against all these South American republics, American claims will remain a dead letter. It is said Mr Koine- returned to hie legation clothed with striDgei.t instruotieDR in respect to the Ave- claim, but this government, to defeat his carrying them Into effect, t'p.f hib humid hv niirtfiintiniri nn??ri*l minmtRP In Wiuihitiff too, ii? it it) Mill to settle tlio claim?but ostensibly, it is believed, to deter the matter and further embroil tan csuee o! complain I The BnatrMl and Carr Libel Cese?Oevelopententaof Street Opening. TO THK KPITOR OK THK IIKRAI.D. Nk* Yokk. Feb. 24, MAR. I %ee by vour paper that my arrest for l(l>el haa been ordered." 1 ahal! surrender myself at once, and five the neee<-'ary security I will give Mr Busteed more than he bargains for betore this matter Iv settled. Won't you oblige me by publishing the enclosed'' T N. CARR. Aa ntlldarit appears in the Hkrami of this morning, * gted by Mr Richard Bunfe-ed, Coqioration Counsel for the city and county ot New York, charting the undersigned with having libelled the said Busteed in an article which appeared in said Hriu?li> of the 23d inst., over the e<gDaturc of the undersigned. Among the many speciflca- ' liens made in said article, Mr. Busteed takes exceptions I only to the following three, namely?He denies employ. ( tng* persons to tear down certain posters, or no i tires, ordered by law. Answer. The undersign. | ed makes no noch charges against Mr. Busteed, nor 1 are any such charges to be found Id his article above alluded to c.f the 23d mat. The charge in que* tiop alludes to past acts and past corporal!>n counsellors. ' Mr. Bustetd MM presenting any Ml to the< ommlision, j of which tha undersigned la a membtr, fur 11,112 121,This denial is extraordinary, inasmuch as said bill was in the bands ot the undersigned, and the enormity of the charges freely commented upon by the parties present. The remaining item, open which Mr. Busteed h is sworn out his writ ot arrest, is his denial (n receiving fees as Cor potation Counsel. Toe correctness of this denial is hereafter to be shown. It is perhaps unfortunate for Mr. Busteed that he did not withhold the present writ of arrost until this morning, when he might bare included in It the nsmes of the Super visors, who, at their meeting last night, by a vote of R to 8, declined that officer's further service in the prosecution ofjthr $80,000 glass ballot box ciue, the further control of which was taken from the said Una tco.t and voted over to .lames R Whiting, hy the vote above named THOMAS N. CARR. N?w Y<m?x, Feb 28, 1RM | J isw i.osoos Bassm, Key ? i?-vk me? lien at jour omce ye jtercay a tow nnas, which I wv In hope* to bare wren tn the lintald of Uiu I outaipg. Their publication I thought might be v4 benefit to the public I would ea j that the pub! teat ion of my lottor has met with general approval, it I ran judge from the many rongratuiationa which I received yesterday from members or the bar, and even Prom magistrates As an evidence ot this treling I might refer to the person who went my surrty, voluntarily offering himself, and whose name I was ignorant of until it was given tn court The amount of tho bail is by all declared outrageous. Tliere Is uo doubt that Ixrtb Busteed and his friend the Judge were m hopes that It could not be given but In this they were mistaken. A similar effort to get me locked up was mane by Buatced the night before, hut Judge Welsh, of the Tombs, refused the writ at thai hour, giving as a reason that 1 could he found in the morning. 1 made before the Judge the ?iune explanations as I gave yesterday :n my note to you, and for a moment or two he was evident It in doubt how to act A mso altting by his side, whom I afterward- discovered was Huateed, came to hla rescue, I and Indulged in some personal remarks to myself. I am < its lined to think that he got m return more than he ex j pected. The Judge, however, found it neceasarv to inter i i??e f cba-ged lum with what f "hall prove by the whole Or mm lesion. At first Hurt red instated upon immediate examlosllozi. but after my reply to him be said be was wili ng to put off the rlamination to ault my conve tssrr ltie l<> laks plane to-morrow week tie|wnd upos It I wiii not only free myself from the charge of ''malicious libel," but I will make my charges, by proof, teli stronger than they nave in my letter Another rea son *ot maung the bail -o U gh w .* to deceive the public, 'nto a ral*e belief as in the enormity of the alleged libel, l'.rase excuse my troubling you <m this (ub)ect. Truly, T. K. CARR. ( omnrr'a OHrr. Ths Csssi Pvfcgrr Siirsmso r?s??Kism.vsriov or ths Accteau.?J F Bad-'nhop, ths German constable, who sb >t James P imyckinck in Muller's Imt birr .?aloon. in fast'. street, a few tvealnat mo. ?? riam;no<1 yesterday by G roner (VwtMy on the rharpe preferred against him, previous to being'admitted to bad, when, in answer to the usual questions, he replied as follows ? J Badrnbop, being duly evamioed according to law, on the anr-ned barge, and being Informed that be wan at liberty to answer or not all or any questions p.t to bun, statrs aa follow*, tu. ? Q What to vour name t A J. Frederick Badeohop 1} How old are you ' A. Thirty nine years y. Where were j ou born * A. Hanover, y. Where do you llTef A I (to f.udlow atreei y What is your occupation t A. Constable y Ilare you any thine to ray and if so, what, relalir* to the charge here preferred against you f A I solemnly j rw i ar that in my interference with the party of si* who | came Into Holler's aloon No. 10* Canal street, I was af I Mated by no other motive than that of making peac*. i and when I went to asalst the landlord to make peace I j was koo< ked down, beaten with n club on the bead. i beat by two or tbrae of the party on the none and bond, 1 ar.d was knocked senseless. And wbeo t got up and ! made for the door, finding they had followed me, f turned | arouo 1 to protect myself. My back being against the ' door was net to prevent any cf them from pasniag out, hot to prevent further trjury to myeelt. While at the door f found that I was stunned in my bead from the injuries re reivtd The deeeaaed, f recollect, threw off his coat and aqua i at me, and said "Now if you want to tight you will hare it, and moved towards me with clenched fists, while t was shoved by his aaeoclates At this time I kMW I lad a pistol in my possession, but whether I tool, it out or not I rannot tell from the stunned state my brain was in In fine, I solemnly protest that t have had no bad feeling towards any of them and that my life was in im m nent .danger Tli' p/lsoner was then committed to ball In the sum of 10.000 to appear before the Grand .fury when railed upon JU,.ri. - .. WatItlnt, Hatter, Its Fulton Street, one of the leaders and Introducers af fashion for gentlemen's hats, will, on Saturday. February V. Introduce his spring stylo. ttOO.IMM) Photflgraphsand Ambrotypes Cnin_ prising portraits of the people and rtewsof Americanseenery, sellirg yearly by Hf 'I.*Kb Gallery *? Broadwsy. Wing's Farina ( vachern are t ndonMedljr the mo?t nourishing and healthful ever produced, and pathru larly pleaaani for children Ftrnume Color* of Superior l)aallty, at howot prleea at ANDBBW A. MOftiR ft. ? WiUtam street, oppoSite Piatt. CtaM no Sot ardoy, Tfth (oat. I C'Tirtortnm'i Hair Dm, WWh and ^ unm 1>?' to (he world. Ob aole awd djw of?MM %>. ? aouw Hmi*. I g Thf MrUllkr TaMrt lUur Htrm c?n to otolainrd. seoulus, ll 840NDKU alar* No f Asuw How. * mnUi*! Hair Dye. Wl?a and Toopaaa.? the bwt la Ik* world, aurpxilng all Bad*. 80 d ma* ae,>n*4 at lb* aaaoufactory. 233 Broadway. Hill's Hair Dye, only * shillings a boa, BUw* or bnn, Ho. 1 Harelay street, and all dniwtm axbxaos urn sum Hns rtM. Vaucntin*?Tecum ? Ob Monday evening, Feb. U, bf the Iter. T. Ralston Rmitb, Ronmr G. Falrrtirs, of Brook lyo to Rlikarbtii A. Ti'ivn, of this city Van Bruhv?Tatloe.?On Wednesday, Feb. M. uUm church of the Holy Communion, by Rev Dr. Muhleaburg, Tunm Voir bRCirr. to Mart, laughter of William R. Taylor, feq , nil of this city. DM. Biinr ?On Wednesday morulug, rob. tl, of comnyt;<>!., in the 28th year of bis age, Jamm Brattt. non of the late Mr. Robert IWatty, of Forfee, MeGulre's Bridge oounly of Furmaaagh, Ireland. Ttio (Vends and relatives or tho feaaliy art reapootfoily invited to attrnc bia funeral,from bin lata renldonco. No. loll Second at root, tbla (Friday) afternoon, at one 'dock. Hit remains will bo taken to toe Kvergrean Oetaotory. CowoRAN.?On Wedneodoy, Feb. 34, of croap, Paw an, eon of Darnel and Bridget Corcoran, aged 1 year. The rolatlvea and trtendo of the fhmlly and tbooe of hit nncloo Michael, John and Patrick Corcoran, are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from tho reoideore or bla parent*, No liUi Kant Mevcnth atroet, this (Friday) aftornoou, at two o'clock. Cower ?On Wednesday, Fob. 24, Frank Wallacm, son or Btefhen W. and Sarah A. Codey, aged 4 year* and 8 months. Funeral from No. *t v ifth -treet, th Trtday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. CuAbONRR? On Wednesday, F.-v> 24, Roeuu Mart, daughter of John J soeina C. ChaJoner, aged 2 yoara and 8 month j. The trlends of the family are Invited to attend tba funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 10 Cottage plai ' lumhta street, between Sackett and Degraw street-, Brooklyn, this (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock. liter ka ?On Thursday, |'eb. 2ft, Mary, wtfe of Robert Deyell, in the 30th year ol her ago. The friends of the family nre respectfully inrltad to attend her funeral, from the residence of her brother, Wtliam James No. 681 Third avenue, this (Friday) afternoon. at two o'clock. Fxruty ?tin Thursday, Feb. 26, Cinimsa FULKT, t i ot James leeley, aged 25 years. The friends and ucqunmtunres are respectfully InvtM to attend the funeral, on .Saturday afternorn, at two o'clock, from her late residence. No 138 Fast Thirty ninth Street, between Ijoxlngton and Third avenue* Fallon.?lu Brcokljn, on Thursday, Feb. 25. Maroajwy, only daughter of ,1. W and Marui Fallon, aged 3 months Funeral frcm the reaidence of hor parents, In Nevins, near Atlantic street. (Ins (Frday) afternoon, at two a'clock. Fns?Suddenly, of epilepsy, I'tusew It Fas*, aged 26 years and 10 months Iter funeral will take place at the residence of her anther, corner of Fourth avenue and Mighty third street, York t ille on Saturday afternoon, at one o'clock <;ms? ? ? On Thursday, Feb 25, F.uxe Caw*, wif > ?r Patrick tlreen, in the 4#th year of her age, a native of coanly Roscommon, Ireland The friends and relatives or the family are Invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence. No 112 Worth rtflll, ou Saturday aftsrnoon, at two o'clock. IIkiu..?.Suddenly, on Tuesday, Feb. S3, of disease of the heart, Mam in 11 mm. aged 8X yearn. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respect Tully Invited to attend the funeral, from the comer of Fortieth street and Third avenue, on Sunday, at 12 o'clock M Belfast (Ireland) papore please copy. Maiti.ami?In Brooklyn, on Thursday, Feb 25, after a abort illnees, Hk.nri M., only eon of Wm Ii. and Mary IxMiisa Maitland, aged A mouths The Itienda ol the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday aiteruoon, at two o'clock, at the residence of his father, No. 366 Carlton aven ge, without further invitation. Minor ?(m Wednesday. Fob. 24, Davmr. Minov, io th? 60th year ot his age. His remains will be taken to Bridgeport, Coon., for interment. MoNToouutf ? (hi Thursday, Feb. 25, Mrs F.i.zsns-rw Movroomeav, In the 85th year of her age Ber funeral will take place from her late residence ia North street, Rye, on Saturday afternoon, at two o'clock. Her friends and relatives are respectfully invited to attend, without further notico. Milljh?On Wednesday. Feb. 24, Svetn A, wife of Johm Miller in the 2tth year of nor age The relatives ami frleids of the family are respectfully invited to attend the lunoral, this (friday) afternoon, at four o'clock, at her late residence, No. 170 East Fifteenth strict The remain:* will be taken to Fast Chester oa , Saturday morning, for interment. Ohtsashbk ? HabhtOtat, sou of I-aac B and Helen J. Oetrander, aged 5 years and A months. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to atleud the funeral, at No. 13V Fast Thirty sixth street, this (Friday) afternoon, atone o'clock. (Pliwim fm Wednesday, Feb. 24, Thomas Fra.vow, youngest son of Thomas M. O'ftwyrr, aged 1 year anil A months The friends of the lamilv are Invited to attend his funeral. from the residence of his parents. No. 13 Second place, .south ntrokJyn.tbia (Friday) arteruoon, at oue o'clock Patt?hsos.?On Wednesday, Feb 24 of inflammation of the lungs. Hours, wile ot Thomas Patterson, and daughter of Myltr and Jane Nolan, in the27th year ot her age Hi* ft tents mid ef?iuaintaiic>? of the fsmlly are r* !?? vlully invited to attend the funeral.thin (Krtday) afternoon, at half jMwt one o'clock, from her late residence No 406 Ninth street Kira ?On Keb 14, at SotiUi Her wick, Me , Oept SaM'.'aa Hire, eged 74 years, lurmrrly of Portsmouth, N. H. Kstnaa.?Oo Thursday Keb 26, after a long and lingering lUnres, Snunax Corurmjrs lumnm, inlaot son of Andrew J. and Mary J Renter, aged 1 year, 1 month sad ! data The frlendH and relative* of the family are respectfully llivited to attend the fnneral, thla (Friday) afternoon. *4 ooe o'rbwk, from bia late residence, No. *47 Forty eighth street. Bmeine.?In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, Feb. 34, Kuma, daughter of the late John Shields, la the lSUt year ot has an*. The funeral will lake place from the reetdeor* of bar mother No Kfv Main atreet, Brooklyn this fKriday) after Dom, at two t'rlock The friends of the family art raa pecttutly invited to attend, without further Invitation. Bar remain.* will be taken to tircoawood Cemetery PrawaxT ?At the I'earl Street Ilouse. tn this city, en Thursday. Keb. 27, Jons Htmwsst, lata of Isslaae.cut ?T Tyrone, Ireland . a(ed 34 years His luneral will taar place this (Krtday) afternoon, at two n'ch* k Tttrrmn?Alter a ;hort illnnaa, of scarlet 'ever, Cum. oaly daughter of Jannw A. and Harriet H. Ttlford. a*e l ? years, 1 month and 26 daya. The funeral will take place this (Krl.lay) afternoon, at two o'clock, from No SO Seventh street. Kriemlsofth* family are invited to attend. Twowsow?On Thursday morn in*. Keb 25, after a ion* and severe Illness, Jamc Tnoasos, In the 72d year of h?a Sf*. The relatives and friends of the (amity, alio those of hia at'De. John and Andrew, and of tie w ua m law, Joseph Black and James II. Collins are respectfully invited to attend hM funeral frym hia late reeioeace, No 00 Mr nrmt atreet. on i-aturilarAfternoon, at two o'clock without fur thrr invitation tits remains will be taken to fireeawnod Cemetery ft r interment. Wotmwtan.?At his residence. BJuffton. Mouth Oarol'aa, Feb A, K?v Ausrr Wisiowtan, a native of Orange county. i>f* tot*. w ?m> ?At Newark, N J. no Wedoeaday. Keb. U4, Ma?t Waan, widow of Caleb Ward, of Biooaideld X J , aged HO j earn and 4 month*. Her frimci aod tboer of ber family are Invited to alVMvl Iter funeral, oo .Saturday morning, at eleven o'clock, from ber late reatdtore. No. 11 Hummit iitreet, Newark. mim cuahkoi'i. Iht ?corns," nririoNH, naiia rrnrtratrnii thd (Irak eilraeted without pain, eo that the boot ran be w'ww Immediately af*er the operation wtthout the leeat taroavw nience to the patirat. by br. ZACHAJtlE, 700 Broadway. /1IIAITKH BANDS?OBTAIN CTBB.?TTBG km an a 4 / t'e'e roaapound camphor Ue. with glycerine <N>?a? aafe and agreeable. IIKORMAN A CO., Noa 144. n ill and "Ji Broadway. <HIIAri*r? It A Mitt AND I.It's rt'RKO IN ON* J nighl br ueing the feuuiar mmpbur tee which a num facturedby the eola proprietor. El.I W VONOKRSMfTfl Copyright aeeurrd All olheia are rounierfelte Aah for t OMNMlk a camphor ic.\ Dep.,t 14rf Itown y. Euro ant wbdmnci carps-thr riNRsr and cheap eat la the city, at Kt KRDKLU'A, Broadway on* ner af ltuane Kreet. Katabiiahrd is*). For raur-rrtatl stock or brt ooopw, emouatleg lo about AN) (hi and eapecialiy adapted fne aprtsa aalea Apply to BUS* IHtniUAM. tfHKRUocK a CO., THanJ IMbuanc atreet. IMMtNKI RETICCTION in STRtrr trowsnrinoii to a aen 10 Our European buyer having overporrhaaed fn* p- ' ml ealea, we have thia day ailded to our atoek of panlalnoo WutfB. diree raaea new alylea plaid and other fancy a'reet teovwe toga, received per Baltic, all of which are thia day red una* to ? a an ID, lofetber with our large onnaignmeat of tilh walet coaunga, i wu.laav. y DKRRT A CONN ANT. 17 Waiiar atreaa. 4 vl'KNINt) WKKK. H I HARTHOLT'S Oflrr and nlwm, Bnmtwif, ?v>rn?r of llrooma otrort.) Tba ptiMk* ?r? Inrllart la rail and tamlna U?a _ % rhtnaaoffBrrd for nolo at tht? ntoa In wMrb ap amhodtod ail prartlral polnta "*)'* ' Jbry to thr production of n?? ?r?oi*1 wWf of a^iparlor wort. Km It R-RAItWATR RRADT RRURF FOR WR ADarhra. wbrthrr alrk or narroaa. ilxuiauiMa. paralyait lombafo, fonA naaralgla. totidR arhr amallpot frrara. awnllaa J a Ufa. kidnap aomplainu. aortal farap, pa baa arannd tka llror p If or lay, aaaalw. haaribara, and pafen of all llaila Radwaa'a randy raRaf wll' la a faw trnaaiM rhanca ika niaaalaa pan aalar m t'ljra of alaaaura. R R. R.?ORca IU Fallon Una, Maw Tort Raid by iftm Blaia and marcbaatB traryrbaia. OALT RHRIK. O I will rnrr tha moot tara'amta aaaa of mil rV- .aa kaA raa ba found, or make ao rkaraa. Rn also of old ulrara J buwarar loaa aland in a _ Pt. S. B. SMITH. TT Canal alraal. naar Cburrb WHISKRRflOR RftPRT AOHRfl FORORD TO OROW IR di waoha by my onpaaat tali yrara rnabNakndl. nuR. O'll alaln or lainr ta lk? albi- at a hntlla aaail la kfla nan -J See u-"''?' H? ?!itr 1* r**i VOCTB AKD MArTT WKKT X To rh*a* lh? glowtn* knur* w1tk ty'il fc*.- Uttoh IjhIIm If yrni wldh whlto>miin Md Mid Wi?n V?-?? and ?Upi>?r*. for bull* and parllra, or Tnlt* rubber Nx?U tkoet far few d?U?k>rni P?>ront?. i< n xiyxft * w*mswim.**