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SAlJUJ^AUVnO*. ^ A LBKKT H. IflOOLAT, AUCTIONEER.?BROTTLAB A tiUr Ml* Of stocks ud bond*.?ALBERT H. NICOLAY rr> sou ? tel. Men* U. nt U* o'clock, nt the Merchants' ffiSElVenkl* A Horioon BR. Ut mart. bond* of 188S. I '(,000 Lexington CUy 6 per cent bout*. fiuduutapoiu A Cincinnati RR, lo per eent bond*. City of Mllwaukle 7 per oent bond*. Lexington A HI* Bendy RR. let tnlge. T per eent bonds. Le Croese A Mllwaukle RR. 2d mige. 8 per eent bond*. City ot Chicago (i per cent bond*. 6 (XX) Detroit, Monroe A Toledo RR. 1st mtge. 7 per cent bds. 6 (XX) Marcus A Cincinnati RR. Income 7 per eent bond*. 1 000 City of Ashland 1 per cent bond, doe IHK2. A lfift AtUnli* Um.i.l ...In inn! liUT anil 1MM. 3,110 Hun do. do. do. 1852, '33, '86, '36 A '67. 660Uiuoa do. do. do. 1840, '50, '61. '62 * 64. 5 bares Peoria A Oqua* ka KB flOO 46 Chicago, Hi. Paul and Fond du Lac KR 100 100 Oriental Bank 100 10 Nassau Hank 100 60 Ocean Bank 80 0 New Amsterdam Fire Ins. Co 26 30 Beekman Fire Insurance Co 26 13 Kafle Fire Insurance Co 10 5 Manhattan Oaa Light Co 60 60 Ureal Western Marine lus. Co 100 12 bond certificates of the Commercial an 1 Industrial Kxchange Co 100 Beourittea resetted In addition to tbe regularly advertised list during every aala. Mast regular sale to-morrow. Regular auction tales of stocks, bauds, notes au<l other securities every day, at 12H o'clock, at tke Merchants' Kxchange. Stocks ud bonds bought and sold at private aale and at the Brokera' .Board. Interest allowed on deposits, loana negotiated, and dividends collected. A large variety of securities constantly on hand at private sale. aHHKKT H NIOOLAT, Stock Auctioneer and Banker, No. 4 Broad streak Adrian h. mullkr, auctioneer?will bk sold at auction, at tbe Merchants' Kxchange, In the city of New York, on the liitn ol March, 1868, at 12 o'clock M., by A H. MLLLKK, auctioneer, the four story brick tenement house and lot. No. 366 West Twenty slxUi street, between Teeth and Kleveuth avenues. In the city of New York; house 26i4Hfeet: lot 98 feot 9 liu-hes deep; now rents for 3600, and will In ordinary times produce s much larger rent. 32,800 can remain on bond sua mortgage for three years, lrorn x6di Of February, 1868. A UCTION NOTICE.?F NASH, AUCTIONEER ?MAOiilAcem rosewood and mahogany household furniture; excellent rosewood pianoforte three magnxlicent suits ot aolid rosewood parlor furuuure, covered In the most exptu Ire and desirable patterns of Kreucb satin; cosily pier and mantel Freuch plate mirrors, elegant oil paintings, rich velvet carpets, large and extensive variety of cosily solid silver ware; heavy cut g I ana ware, ot the most extensive kind; elegant china ware, lea sets, rases, purlin ware, bronze and ormolu clocks. Ac., Ac. The particular attention ol hou?> Keepers, bote ktep era and the trade generally is called to the large and e\i?n Bive catalogue sale ol the above rich und Cosily household l'ur xilture, decorations, Ac., Ac , to be sold at public auction, to tin. hishest bidder for cash, cm ilie premises, ffo. 61 Sixteenth treel, between f ,lih and Sixth avenues, this day i I'hurs i ly > at 10* o'clock?liemg the rich and desirable contents of the above tive sory dweLuig house, the whole of which will posl lively he sold. farlors?superior velvet carpets, three magoltlcent solid rosew ood suits, covered tu maroon olus ami gold ami crimson and gold satin of the ui< st txoenslve daser.ptlon; goiut and Turkish easy chairs, in moquet and satin brocade; tales' olid rosewood reception ami arm chairs, covered in gold, blue, crimson aud maroon satin; three solid rosewood centre tables, wilo rich statuary marble tops; expensively carved rosewood pier, a fa an I aide tables; three costly rosewood rtegerea, with marble tops, plate glass doors *,1 imported expressly for the owner; Velies' rosewood work,tables, bronze nd ormolu clocks; elegant cntns vases wit lit be most chaste and expensive landscapes, palmed tr order tn Kranee; magtit flcenl rreneh plate pier glass, w iih rich and heavy gold frame, mantel mirror to match, ol six leet square, heavy embroidered 'lace window curtains aud corn! ies, targe aud extensive variety of oil paintings by native artists, su ;h as landscapes, winter scones, marine views, scriptural pieces superior French li'bographa, game pieces, Ac., the whole forming a very pleasing collection; superior rosewood pianoforte, city mtde, lull seven octave, caived legs, elegant case, inlaid plate rich ly ut with pearl, being a valuable and costly instrument; rosewood ptauo stool, covered tn satin, wtth an etegaut and Costly embrotd erod cover 1 lining room?Kich velvet tapestry carpet, in goad order; olid oak extension tabic, all polished tu the best manner; marine top fancy tables, mirrors, sofa, beds, chairs in hau cloth rosewood' suit In satin, inaie to order, together with all the crystal cut glaas ware, wines, champagnes, tumblers, goblets and decanters to match, rich tea and ctnner seta, cost ly silver ware, tea and dinner service. 2f inch salvers, cake x?w?i? eaaiera andre and lea urns, sdooqs. forks, liquor Stand, superior table cutlery, Ac Chambers and uuraery?Costly solid rosewood and tush > gany bedsteads, statuary, marble top bureaus, washstauda and commodes to nnitrb, ovei 23 pure liatr mattreaaea. from 40 to 60 pounds, male to order and in eicisllent condition, counterpanes, bed spread*, Ingrain carpet, bedroom mirrors, clocks, toilet tables, towel racks. Unlet sets, oilcloths, stair carpets and rods, mahogany cushioned chairs, rockers, sofas, ball stand, tea and dining tables together with a large and desirable assortment of basemeat uleaails. AS.. Ac., with -which the sale will commence. The sale of the above furniture rendered absolutely n'cesaary, and will positively take place without regard lowea'her. A responsible person will be in attendance to park and skip artlhlna going out ol tna city at a reasonable charge Deposits satlsiaclorj to tile auctioneer will be required trom all purchaser a. Auction notick.-cori*oration bale ok docks and slips.??SA.Ml'KI. obuood A co., auctioneers. 81 Naasau sued, will aell on Tuesday , Marsh 16, at 12 o'clock 11 , at the City Uall. by order at the Sinking Fund Commissioners. the several docks and allpa|t)elonging to ihe city, for the term of live years The number# and location ol the sine, and ternia ot sale may be obtained at the other of the otnpimller, No. 6 11 all of Records. Auction NOTic*.-iiousF.noLr> furniyi ke, ao. SAMI'kl DMiOOD A CO., auctloueeis, Will tell at their store HI Nassau street. To morrow. Friday, at lulj o'clock, a uuantlty of new and aecoud hand furuiluro, carpets, Ac., Ac. AUCTION NOTICE.?CROCK KRV, GLASS. CUINA and fancy goods, the slock ol a wholesale dealer declining the business?Hy WM. W. SIIIKI.KV, Thursday, March 11. at 1U o'clock, at the atore No. dO.S Pearl street, p.y mtive cash sale, all beat goods. In lots to suit dealers. No postponement. Auction notice.-j. bogart. auctioneer -bt H HtbiAHT?Tbursdaf, March 11 at lot, o clock, at the ooruer of Eleventh avenue and Twenty ninth street, macol ery, lathes, Ar In aald building, eouslallug of a'eam engine. t>?ilar and pump, tabes, ptamng Diamines. i"r*e*, anviis vires ahafung, puniea, tool*. Ac Also, a valuable lot ot abeam nigiac patterns, one ileri Lug's aalr, AO. Male positive, in lota to sun purchasers. At'OTION NOTICK.-M. DOl'UHTV, AUCTIONEER, will aril. this da) (Thursday). at It)1, o'clock, at .ha auearooin IV Aaaaau aireet. a large assortment 01 househ >11 furniture. u> pay caak advance*. and well worthy the alien Li'>11 o< housekeeper* and dealers. consisting of rosewood aal nsbogsuy parlor suits. via sola*. tele a trie#, arin and par lor chair*, m wble top centre po r and sof* table*. elegere*. bookcases, gtlt frame pier sua oval minora, mahogany bedMcada dressing bureaus, waabataniU. tolirt art*, hkir mat kreaara. paloaaara. Ac , Ac. livery lot will br peremptorily old to lor hlchrat budr^a Day caak advances. Uooda can be boxed and ahip pad 1 tvB lit premises. Auction notice -j. booart, arrtio.vkkr.-bv P BOO ART.? Krldav. March iJ, at 10 o clock. at hf kod HP Mangin atrrat. mortgagee aalr of three soap boiling Tata. 3S aoap nana _ _ JOHN W. MiMKRINDTKE Attorney for Mortgagee. AUCTION NOTICE-JOHN JACOB*. Al'CTIOXKhR.L JACOB* will acll. to day. March II, at Mft Broadway. * tut, A. M , balance of stock oi w .deb*., jewelry, California diamond*. taacy goods. miuical instrument*. c >nalalia* of ring*. ptna. earrings, atuda. alrevc buttons, acta, Bracelet*, rut Ua. opera glasses, violins, tlntra. chain*, accordions, anjaa. guitar*. p laird apoona, forks, butter km yea. gobiCla, id Adraucra made on rjiuipuBeiu. ATCTION NOTICK.?TnON. BUI.I. AUCTIONEER. A W. R. TROMKBON.?Thta day, at II o'clock, in An aleareonta. Ih Keat Broadway, nrar ? athannr at reel, grneis! air of Inrallti/e, dry goods, eluding. paintings. limits are, Jrwelr). book* and pledged goods, li>|UorS, aegars Ac Krl* slay ? Liugr a*>e of booka uu 1 atallvuery. Outdoor auloa at leaded to. A^^^^HUCTION NOTICE?JOHN JACOBS, AUCTIONEER ? L JACOBh Will aril on Friday, March 12. at PC Broad way, at Id o'clock, time caeca of brand) nur tear of (xuidon At in hi ra.e. of bitten, thirty gailou* cf Bourbon whiakcy, iwentt bar tieoiaand -egara hate poeiuve, to pay adsauce* A^^^^HUCTUlN SA1.K (IK litIL'HK boat fMUN Tina >U). (IburaJao at II o'cioch, A a Ml,' k'.. i >S>*t? >1 > A Oil . aueuonrera. su>. r hi Neeaau atrerl, will aril at No It* White street, bona, bold furniture conslstIng of lablea, chair* bureaus glasses. carpet*, oilcloth*, beda And I editing, pianoforte and alool, Ae Alt Tit>N NOTICK?CONTINUATION bAI.K Of fURJ* oil paiatiaga. Ac.?<1. I.KVIK, *u." to near, wlU sell, at i Mil Howery, thi* day. at two ? clock, a choice t<is ot furs, oil I yistnltngs. furniture, frama<t engraving*. clothing. Ad (-on- I tgnmeuta arbcilsd. I A^^^^hSsIi.NKK-H AAI.F or IHMiKS 1> Vil'ANl ITtRS. Friday an 1 Saturday. yi.rcn ii tail 12, Attn lock men day . ORl>. a. IthAVili A Ou., Am tloueera. f Cataloguta ready. 3;; acd 3T? llroadwav. <?rvat library taie on Tucaday and tbcliP-aUy, Unhand Wtfc. By bcmcom draper Thursday Mar-b M. At 11 o'elork. at the Merchant* K>. htoge, YALl.'AHMc PRul'kKrY lH BlAt AH olhlCRT. For account of olmn it may concern. fb? liabilities Of the Delaware. lactawaana ana Wei term Railroad Company lakaa in payment. Thr ramaatc t?r am am nod lot At Hnrrr arra Th* lot la B foot 7 Inabee front and IV foot ta the rear. 0/ il? fort 6 laches 00 Ilia easterly at.lo, and IIV fort ,? um westerly Brie Thr atorr la U foot 7 Indira frout. IA feat ,u inches tear aat m foot inches .leap, built la tar must substantial mm or. <w7 heavily tunoerwd, an t baa double iron abutters pmae in tAr l>oal manner, ami Iron rafter* aad r.of 7tie title la indisputable. The property la ool.l at the above measure, gaent, be the same more or ieaa. The store la rental until the |gt Mar next at fl.RM par auburn, and ta< purcaaevt wtli ba gnutled to the ) .artor a raot Juc on Uiat day. Tai ma of aaia : rift7 (tot per cent in any ot the fan led debt at the ? m 'Vhirty (*? par eant la an7 of the obligations of ihecomoanv aaalnrlna the praean' year Twenty (Si per cent tn any of the obLgauoue of the c >m pan y raa'lnnn* In ISM. and Twenty par oenl of the amouht of purchase, to I e pa 1 to the aut'lnmeer when thr olddlngt are cloned, la ha| of the Obligations of the company abore men'toned. fn? IWital naBgnee'e deed and powo aanm will he f iven on lat April M DIPT, ACCTlOJfRER, 71 Wll.l.lAll 81REKT.Household fnraiture.?C. M LEVY will sell on Friday tint at 10 o'clock, on the premie. *, M At. mementa plare, ilaedmi(al atreet, lat* the residence of the Ker l?r. Rap hall, removed a genteel assortment of household furniture, rtx ? Jlahoganr wardrobes, htdetenda, bureaus marine tup Ublaa. roar wood toll la rteh t.rorttei, book caae r arpeta. ornamenta. paintings. Ac AMo, a ?aU lot of tliua, brandlaa t (M YOKITAHL.R RAI.K OP 8KOARA, 8HOW 1'AHKA. AC. / A. M. PRIHT Ai? AR. auctioneer, At Bowery. win aell Una (*av. March II, at II o'elork. TV.*" aegara of rartona bragda alno ahow caeca Atiurea, oouatnra. ?aa pendant, looking glaae. Ac By order of L BIBAW ABUhR QonaUaln nAMfRl, A. HoroH. ACOTIONKRR. OFFICI MO 121 Broadway, will aell to the htthiwi bidder for each, tomorrow, (Friday.) March If. at UHd A. M preclarlr al MA Weat Twenty ihira atreet. near Rlfbih avenue, the following goods ? I'hie llat contain* hut a email portion of the article* to he told)? el? carved walnut bullet extension u?i>le. aofa bed, aide table, antique clock, dining chairs conch four engrav Inge, china dinner aet. 152 piece*, allvcr ncrrtce, i piece*, nil err, 1 caaler*. cake banket, 2 tea eeta, 11 stiver forka and apoona. 1 liquor caater, 2 aeta Ivory cutlery, 1 a? ? dccantcra, 12 olecea ruby cm gtam ware, and all the kitchen menaila belonging to the boiiar baaraient earpet and oilcloth Alan. I l-on aafe. maaelve roaewood ball aiand and ohatra. Kntllabntlt u tu, 3 otin rofi^wooil parlor fului in iUhimIi nud sm n r.iv *. ing* in*woo.] I nweirood rrntr^ uhim, 2 rt caption tMft, 1 Miy ofiatr*. 1 Turfcuh ?io , 1 fmiteutl, I IfUM' pc?n-rt*rjr, ptproa oanbrrddproit window dn?pefTk 3 l*r?? n\?r g%mr%, 4 palm mnwd** hron?? p'otIul 6 pulra rt'i* ' ' "do M<i laoru vmui mt pMnttnc* .1 afWt e?rp?t? I UpoMrj do., 4 m?rbtn da., ? TbWrtrn*!. ?U ?b? hron*o (?* dlturrn m tho houdr, 2 rnwwood bookcM**, I 7 ocU" p.?nofor?n. node byA C. Fiaohor, 1 nimr eaMoat. 1 rflTi-1 a'Alr eyp": . 21 ?'l?" rlatwl rod* J f??owood bod towla 3 row wood ?J w*?S???ndi, 1 maim h1? i poncho*. 3 ?ofM, d palm ahadna, 10 purr hair mtHrxm, f iHntnnda an-lbMroaun. flu# hlankoM and b-ldtaf a,.* mnltHudn of othor nrtto'aa tor mii?*r?nk to montb n li*., .oita k..ov-ioi, luiiii uumhO M??vaeiil ?l urat Cl%aa Cjrxfal, t'jMbW Per to?vaol houaokoop.-r*. for full pvttou Urt tee ?f to Borrow mcrnlnf A AJUEB AT jkvtmam, _ EDWARD 8CHBMCK, AOCTIOMSKR HT *. A Y. H. 80HBNCK.?Thla day, at 11 o'rlooA. at their salesroom, 39 Nassau Emt, aa Importer's slock oC elegant lgoaralgolil hunting and open face detached and patent levers, by the beat makers; diamond ptna and rings, Florentine and Roman mosaic, cameo, carbuncle, Florentine enamel and other sets of bracelet*, ptna and earring*; vest, guard and cbmelalne ehJiiDH, sleeve buttons, studs, and a fine assortment of other fine jewelry. Sale peremptory, tor caab. by order of the assigner. GWKLLF.H NICHOLS, AUCTIONEER-CHOICE wines, liquors, segars. Ac , at auotton.?EZRA LCD I.OW, JR. ACO. wtU sell Thursday ^ Iterch 1L at H o'flack: at their salerooms, at rtiie street. a earner ? "' die#, Ac., oouslatlng of very old pftlc and dark brandies aherrlea of hbMr eost, rare Madeiras and parts, choice Soolch end Irish whiskeys, very old Bourbon and Monougahela do., Jamaica AnHguft and Orto&dfi runxfl. all in boltleu, mag nums and demijohns, sardines. Ac. Also a large inroice of favorite brands Havana segnra. The goods are first class and warranted In every reaped. Gilbhrt 8. savage, auctioneer.?on thur9 day, March 11, on the premises No S3 Kasl Twentyeighth street, one door east of Fourth avenue, by order of ad mlnistrator, the entire furnltnre of the said genteel private residence, consisting of full suits of rosewood, mahogany, black walnut, plush, hrocatel and batr cloth; chamoer seta, dining room snd kitchen furniture, china crockery, glass and tin ware; cooking utensils, Ac. For particulars see catalogues. at the office ot the auctioneer. 85 Cedar street. Gilbert a. savaoi, auctioneer -special and peremptory sale of line gold jewelry auJ watches, at salesroom 83 Cedar street, Friday, March I'd. at 10 A. M. Thla sale Includes a part of the stock ol an importer, and embraces a fine aasorlment of rich goods. HBNRY H. LEEDS. I IT 111 III II IIIIMBOflll 23 Nassau street.?Assignee's sale of cabinet furniture.? HENRY li. LEEDS A CO. will aell by auction, on Wednesday, 10th, snd Thursday, llUi March, at hair uaat 10 o'clock each day. at 463 Broadway, a large nod valuable slock of cabinet furniture, by order of the assignee, without reaerve, consUttng of rosewooa parlor suits, complete, tn muslin, Ac.; etegeree. lounges, dressing bureaus, wardrobes, richly carved bedsteads eitenaiou tables, centre do., arm and parlor chairs, ladles' secretaries, fsncy tables, bookcases. wnshsinnds complete assortment of mahogany, black walnut and iml'atton oak bedroom sulta, together with a large assortment of other furniture. It can be examined at auy time before the sale. Henry h. leeds, auctioneer.?salesroom no 21 Nassau street.?IIENKV h. leeds A co Will sell at auction on Thursday, March It, ui 12o'clock, at the salesroom No 21 Nassau street about .V) marble mantels, ot dlt Cerent sizes snd description to close a concern; a large assortment ot iron furniture, consisting ol bedsteads, cWra, tables with iron tops, ti e a tele garden seals, Ac. Embracing a large and general sesoi uncut. Henry it. hertk. jr.. auctioneer ?by h?rtk A MOSS? Will sell on Friday, March 12 at lOj-tf o'clock, st the salesroi m No. 6' . Fine street peremptory sale of a large aisortiiient of te n;, sugurs w lues, liquors, ale, porter. <-l>crtti ana aoamantiue tali lies, l&mtly soap, salt fish, Bardines, sweet oil, Ac., Ac., lo pay advances. Hefts a moss auctioneers-assignee's sale of segsrs, on Thursday, March 11, at 10% o'elock, a' ? hft- ? i len i itiik jv.-\ f?\c hirtk* jtropf vu?in</ tfii? hr'ninc saip of the entire balance ot stock ot liavatoi, Herman and domestic ? gars, in the lutual swot tmeot ol puvhuges. The stock con S'.KIS Ol' i.aPleades, Cotifisnsa, Belle Habtaa. flpna Dfnry ' lav, Perth ? uhana, Itoss can'1 ..'go, As'uriac.s, M hb?o, Klor de Memco, Noi.egaa, Republic Concha, Mississippi volunteers. Lit (Jratige. ?ad vail" us other rh i-e brants. ha.a periaiptoiy for ' ash, by order ol' the as>>3a?f-?. IMTOBTAirr AUCTIOW NOTICE-DAWICb S IIOV'OH, aurctueer?Foc'ttve sale of all the elr gsntrotrwood, wslnut tnuh cany uud oak furuiluee, v'lvet carpets, mantel ard pier ntiirors. ?ili puin'iugs. decorations, w orks of art . Ac , c nialned in'.he private residence No. 36 Clmum place, in Eighth atreei between Broadway s'sd Uni v, rslty place on thie day Thnraday. March ll'n a' lltW A M prec'so'y. Th? following is only a partial description of the good* contained In the house. v z ? Hiniuit rooms?C? rved o?k biuret, eiirision tahle, carved pedestal bt Mrtolas dining and arin chairs, cane se n, splon did uurrors, bronzi \i\a Amir, ?, antique elock. tapestry car pets together with ail the chin* and adver ware belonging to the house, ?*?two tea scab. one breakfast do., cut glass ware of every conceivable drarrfotlon, stiver tea aorvlre, f> pieces large silver oa.ver solid silver casters, spoons and forks; liquor caster wnh cut ruby bottles, cake baskets,, Cutter knaves, Ac.; Ivor? cutlery in set*, bealdes a large va rlety o(|uolque table ornaments, also the kitchen utensils. Parlor?''arte 1 rosewood suit In crimson and maroon satin, aolld r. sewond centre and pier table, reception and reenmbent chairs, s<dld rosewood corner and wall etegere eloP;aut French plate pier glass tn gold frame, lady's escrstoire. Ml, ,1 with satin wood, papier uiacho and Inlaid tables, velvet carpet* and rugs, bronze ga* flztsres, ait Ughts; heavy em broldered lace window drapery, Pai-iaian siiader, several very large and aplsiidid brorzes. and other very One flgur-s sue statuettes tn real bronze: alto eight oil paintings by eminent artists. In rich gold frames, also two matched paintings bv K (1. Pontes; also, a fine variety of elegant Dresden clnna vases, Parian flgurea uud mantel deoorsUoti*. two noh in ictel glasses, Ac. Middle parlor?Vefvet carpets suit of parlor furniture, in crimson un,l gold brooatel. eeutrc tsble.oval glasi.gaa (lziurea, five lights: elegiDtiy carved rosewood secretary bookrascs, lacs curtains and shales, floe engravings, mantel dyes and vases, rose wool chtira. inlaid with satlnwood; fauteult. Ae. Also, ooe of Nunna A Fischer's splendid rosewood csrred case seven octave piano*. nearly new, Id perfect order hd I fully warranted, stool and cuver, muso- cabinets, Ac , besides a host of uvher articles, which, to be appreciated, must be eren. Chambers second story?Tapestry carpele, carved rose wood bedstead, kmui rich lace cauopy. splendid hair mat tresses, tb'to (h) lbs., bolsters anl pillows, use blankets and bedding, rose wood bureaus and r unm>l<-s rains toilet sets, mantel glass. nee wood bookcase, tine engravings, curtains, sliades. As . Ac. , Houdolr -Tapestrv carpets, carved centre and pier tables, single suns of enamelled furniture, ahadet and ruruiua, ap eiidld " amour glace " Psyche glass. Ac. . Third aiory?Klegaut carved mahogany bedsteads, bureaus, washaLands, wardrobes sofas, chairs, divans, mattresses, blankets, carpets. Ae Descriptive catalogues can be had at the house only on tha morning'if sals. D. S. HOUUIi, Aurtioueer. iau Broadway. LAKtiK. POSITIVE AND PEREMPTORY BALK OT spleudid parlor and chamber furniture; rosewood pianoforte, Inlaid with pear', a spleudid Instrument, fully warranted, dining room eitenslon table, cutlery Ac.?T. tfori.DfilflTH, sucttonecr will sell, on Friday, Marco 12, Ihbi, at the residence IIS West Fifteenth street, west of Fifth avenue, In part us billow* ? bpleudid pearl lulald pianoforte, full seven octave, fully warranted, two suils of richly carved peril r furniture, covered with satin brocade, 7 lucoescaeli carved n sewood marble top centre, side snd sofa tables, rosewood marble lop elegeres with mirror doors and backs do corner elegeres, rosewood library bookcase, pier and oval tnlrrois. reception cttairs, Turkish arm chairs, oil paint ings. Brussels carpeting. lace curtains, rich painted shades, msniel vsscs and ornaments, Ae Ciurbrr Ft'Rsirni*. Heavily carved rosewood Klirabethan and fothlc hed?'eads. >' pure runed hair snd spring mattresses, bolsters pilloo toilet sets tnsntrl clocks, mirrors, shades, Ac., also three solid rosewood marble top dressing bureaus, with uiirrora, marble top waaluoands ingrain and Rrusaeis carpets, rock ing and arm < hairs spring sest chairs, and a general assort tnent of chamber furniture Diriwg Hush. Solt.l oak extension table, walnut dining table. Frensh rhtna tea *et, tablt cutler): stiver plated ware, such as ?|kwo*. torn. caatrr*. ia<iie? uinnrrkua Mi pmirr ac., al*o mup ?ral< haLra. carpel*. hall hUetand, Ac. Oalali guPi kt Ml*, wkirb will he wrlibont regkrI to ihp weather. A depoalt required. Cirimi will be In NnI aocr, to p?ck or *hlp if to cewtarv. House to let. Poippawoo immediately. M< RT'lAi.K KALE or ri'RMTrRF, C \ RI'RTTXtl, oilri.oh moms Ac ?J. M \CKEN7.IK, Auctioneer, < t Frhlsj lllh tnat , nt t o'clock, ?i MHilm utrrct k large iwr'nirnl of potior, chamber, dlntntroom on I kltrkrn furniture In g **i order, and will br *>.<1 without re prtp, roln or thine. \10RraAUR nam or mxo, rPRwrri/R* akd JVI f ?r| 'if, by I'KEI) A flOlit. On Kri'tikjr at lot, clock, t .'(1.1 f on ? kj-ert, Itr oklyn, one pianoforte, insb (any and bliikwr .nut parlor furniture, pier g I atari, bC'lai'-ad* hair njattremet, rhlaa. glaa* warp < arpeta. Ac II. Mct'l.KltKV, Attorney for Mortgage> Mortgage kale or HOCPRaoi.n rcnwrri'RR, earrtung Mat olirloth ? A. M. < KlHI Al.A K. aurti ;n?r. will net! Jtia day, lltn in*'. at h>, o'clock, at 23 riowery, t. n'l-p f f a I'p- : ...*e rem ra' for p.m. nl> Hep cf sale, cooklmiiA of two ?name!l?d rlrh gilt < hs.nher ?nlt?. marble top bt rena?. w*ah?t-.nd? mahogany an* row wood bedateada lortif tM hatr ini't pwv a and pallaseea. Ie?.her beda, ptl'.owk and boVera, chair* a .1k? top >t*. mirror*. glltfrumei, four annate do , large ai|p oil pa no if*. engrav1i.?? large '.ot o[ itr imp.a atal iugt.Ua <..?rp<-.agv a'nrpi, kltphf r lurrd'nrr and a Urge kit Of eibr - a.ici'* too ro m-i " ? ' mp'i i oi I nade *rc |> i '?- > o. : -1 llj order of C r<>X. Allot up y for M ~tg?*p? N'PW HoWF.kY. LA TR *?3 PR A RI, RTRRRT.?A CO f IOR fore rlmufe sale?Hy K. II. Llltl/OR A f "O . a'tne tfer ha:, a' fapbanac n Friday. I2.h ln*t.. at 12 o'clock, a lot on tba wpat aide of new R. wpry. a fpn dour* abore Frar.alln a?p.*re Thi* la ? mo?t tmp<etan> wreet, \nd property upon It w 111 annr. rommand ' cry high prlep* !lc o atti < n< tn?nt OftKI.RV A WRIGHT, Al'dtlOXlEERR, WILL RILL. | on Tbitraday. March II. at ino'elorh A M. *IV if street. Hrr? kiya, a large Mi rtntpnt of f?nry and capl* dry (coda al| > ta, p-'nu abrptlng ?od abtrdng. moa'ini Ac.. Ac . in tola to MB the trade tinder the direction of HtRI?rrf bTKYKKR late Nhe riff J. W Hmatna, late I?ep nty Sheriff > B ?t ?ta.o?n?? now reaoj, The aa.e will be atnl no poetpoOemeu:. OAri.rv a wriuft. ArrTTOxrrRs orrrc* yo. 9 P Co,,rt *l-eet Hrooklta' will sell on Friday, Marrh It, at 10 o rl'wk A M all the ilcgeni r'wewood aod mabofany fur future Ac . pontalned In the brown *to?e frr.nt h?o?e So ? 1'at roll plai p. e*?t t'f I'ourt k'rwet, and oppi aite t;?rroll park Hronkitn. c- neiaang In port of rteh me talUoa rart>Pta. two ap'.CDdtd rarrcd roar wiod parlor ai|t|* In arretr i Itiah. richly rarred table* wt'h merble top*, elf (?.it roaewo xl pl*a>,forte 7ll octare, made by llkllet. Part* A t'o., Hoatoa, new, two anprrtor Frcnrb p'ate ptor *lae?e? each Kilutt lnche* rleb lar* mi<l lUmtil * Ind .w curtain* and dlitnre# beautiful oil pa nun*?. rich and roatly t**.* and awl nary, Ihree ?lrg*n> (A light fl main rh?ndeteri and je'a I'hanibnr Inrnllnee-t'araed I>.ir?ii?! I?l4l??il>, niKr; V t p bureau*. W;??h>l ?r. I* ,:il eonmodea, m*h<urnny do. Rru*?el* and three ply caroita, hair and aprlng maltrraae*. < ne aiiparioc mahogany billiard table, Phelan maker Inning Ho. m furniture- HI**k w*|. mil eitenainn table. Imitation roacwood dining rhalra richly tarred mahogany marble Ion bn<Tet, pier mom and giaa* oilcloth*, Ar , together with a l>r|f nod genera; *??nrim?nt of kitchen furniture, Ar. Catalogue* nt iheoflre of the ni:IMo eera on tb? memlng of aa!e rpnim VF.ITriC. AUITIONKK* SAT.RIROOK (go 10 A Hprne# afreet ? Sbertn a aale of Jeweller* aafea, Ar, on We.tniiuW) March III. 1*48, at 10 A. M at No. lAHprure atreet, mnaia'ing of one Urge alged jeweller* aafe. In perfect order. Ilnerlng a make. JAN. 0. Wfl.l.FT. Hbnnff. Xtr T. pnrn, AlTfTtONKRR -TUTS DAY. AT II If o'clock at 41T Broadway, a large ulnrk of fan-y fond#, blank bonk*, atatlonery. alao book*, print* and engirt. nig*. port?moan*lea. Indict mien la*. Ac. WIU.I AMMBmU ACOTtON NoTtC*.?PFTRR A. HURT, am inncer. will aril, tklo day. al I o'ehck?*l*o no Monday, Ift'b, . large and tin" annrlment of hotiaebold and kl'i h- ti I .m f?wt|i"a going Wwi. mmu. OPKN. OPEN, OPKN. THK or.l> NKW PMUf. A WD Hul NR. No. 0 KnnaiTtl.T HT?**T, Will b* open thl* (Tt iradat) erening Tha proprietor* will ba happy t? aee thrlr frtrnd* al 8 or lock f. M WM KOINTON and H'N. HANIICOCK, Prop r trior* . VIHITPRN TO HAVANA -THK A WRRfC AN AND Rumpean Hotel?The aubtrrlhere take pleaaure In an- I noun fin* In ihr travelling pnhllr that thrlr o*w houae In th* Cerrn a III be ready lor tbr accommodtuon of Tlatter* on and after the daeof January, IW Tba location of tbairhnnaa lanaaof tkewiiet healthy place* on tha lalnnd. tba boner la new and newly fnrnlahrd throughout, and no pain* ha* bean mred to make 11 convenient and comfortable lor It* palrona. Ktery aierllon Will brmailr by itie proprlrlora |o maka ikevr MMaeie rowiforUiblr and at koma tba bo-iaa la altiuUrd o* iba "alaada Real IVIOrtn, No. 91. Term, Haraoa. On Ike arrl ral of the mnamara iherr will alaaya be aoae one to take rbargr of botk naraona and baggage, to p*?* tkalr baggage lb" rgbtba r-al'm Pniiar and It era thai P 1* anfe'i l^rr;. ail at uw ooner Aler, there wi.l be otanlbnane III rra<*nr#a to cowrer pMnengerm. free of rhargr, to lie hotel. S. W. WOOWOfT A CO-. PiroprtAWi* rgV YORK HERALD, TH Gebat rkduction ottjlilmtoinront^ ruom maw r?u to to maw roam raom otmuarroii, hatbb o* BOBcmAiirroa, hatbb oo UUU. UMM. Jlnteabiiv, ?M Wr?teBbta ?M# Second cabm 60 Second oabla ? Bteera?e SO gteerao, In the ami claaa paddle wheel iteuiilii ARIltle 2.000 cooa, C. 1) Lad low, commander, and NORTH HTAR, 2,600 loom, K-iward Cavendy, oommander, to nail from pier No. 8 North rirer. at noon preeUely, oarryin* tha Dolled State* mall. til ? imi maw tou torn soirzBAMnom, uru aaaaan fob aotrraanrron aaDBBBHBB. aotrraanrToa. toa aaw roaa. Ariel, Saturday, March 20. April 17. April 21. North Star, " April 17. May 16. May 1?. three ateamafclp* ton oh at Havre Senate delirered In boa don inu raru. For passage or freight apply to 4 D. TORRANCE, Agent, * Nd > Bowling Oraen, New York. THK BRITISH NORTH AMKRICAN KOYA.L MAIL si eamgihipa. rbom kkw yokk to livkhcool. Chief cabin passage $1*1 Secoud cabin passage 75 rnoa no.stoa to mvskfooi.. Chif f cabin passage $110 Pecoud cabin passage tW KuRllPA, l.eucli, leaves New York, Wednesday, March 17. CANADA, I.ang, " Boston, Wednesday, March 24. ARABIA,Some " New York, Wednesday, Msrrb 51. NIAGARA, Wiekraan, " Boston, Wednesday April 7. AFKIUa, Shannon, " New York, Wedueiday, April 11. AMERICA, Moodte, " Huston, Wednesday, Apr5 21. Berths nut secured until paid tor An experienced surgeon on board. The uwDers of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious stones or metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value there of therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to K. CL'NAKD, No. 1 Bowling Green. STEAM TO SOUTHAMPTON A Nil HAYEK?THE MAOniheenl steamship V ANDKRBILT, 6,2U8 tons, P. K Lj fevre masier. will sail with the mails? n:um *tw turk fob raox soetmmrrow south am rTOM amd 1iavrb asp iiavrk tub nbw top*. Saturday April 10 Wednesday, April 20 Saturday May 22 Wednesday Iiine 9 Saturday July S Wednesday ..July 21 Price of passage according to location of room, first oab'.u $11*' and $130; second cabin $rtu and $75. Specie delivered In Ixmdou and Par's. For passage and freight apply to D. TORRANOK, Agent, No. ft Bowling Green, New York THK LIVERPOOL. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA Steam-hip Company's splendid Clyde bull, iron screw steamships are intended to sail as lollow s ? ritOM a aw tobk KANGAROO March 18 CRT or BALTIMORE , April I And each alternate Thursday. a! 12 hoen trom pier 41 N. R. rao* i.ivkki-oou. KANGAROO Feb 24 CITY OF BALTIMORE March 10. A ad each alternate Weduesda>. Baty.? or rxsaxux C?h;n?Frrm New York and Philadelphia $*5 Third clasa?From New York and Philadelphia. 30 Cabin?From Liverpool $105, $85, $75 (According u>a'aterooms.) Third c.sis?From Liverpool $?5 Passengers forwarded u all parts of the Continent wltV it delay. These steamers are constructed wits improved watertight eompartnientb. Each vessel earrtea an experienced a irr> n, and e.i-iy attention paid to he cam tort and accouttn av - jn of pax et.grr?. Drafts on Liverpool from ?1 upwar's Sb ;; t rs of vpe. lc will please notice that insurance by the | Tesv.s of this company can now b.-done in New Tor* lp(i in Kn slant on the name terms as bv the mail pa.! lie strainer*. > or lreight or passsg" apply at iho ..lU.-e of the company, JolIN O. i>ALK. lft Hroaow.ty. New York Agen; or WM INMaN, Tower*. Liverpool Agent. STY AM TO LIVERPOOL FOR $&I,-THK STEAMSHIP K A NO AROO, ('apt . Jeffrey, wul sal! cn Tburs lay th18th of March. I'asaagr in caoiu $75, H.eerag - ft'lo lnciudiivt ? revisions f jt passage apply to it. J Cl>TiS A C<J . 1"7 rosd w ay. FOR sorrHAMPTON ANT HAVRE. 1 hi Vi ni' ed e'aie* mail steamer Ell l.TON J A. W t'o commandei, will leave for Havre, touching at Southampton t>. .and the malis u'ld passengi rs, on Saturday, April I :? 1$ o'clock, from pier No. 37 North river, loot of Beach street. 1 his ship ban Ave water light compartments enclosing the en gluts m thai In '.be event of collision or stranding the waier could tot reach them; and the pumps being free to work, the safety of the venae) and passengers w ould tie secured Baggage Dot wanted during tne voyage should lie set; on board the day before sailing. marked "nelvw." tor Ireign: or passage apply to W. 8 URAVTON, Agent. No 7 Broadway. N. It ?The steamer Arago will succeed Ue Fallen. andss. May 1. GLASGOW AN1> NSW YORK STKAMS1IIF 0OMJ*ANT 8 splendid and powerful steamers tad as ujJer ? raoa saw voni. MKW YORK, McMillan, Saturday, Marrh IS, at IS wooo. GLASGOW. Goodwin. Wednesday, March 31, do. EDINBURGH, Gumming, Wednesday, April 14, do Rates of passage.?Cabin. (73, third cUaa, found wlih cooked P'otIMo-.W. ^ ?'M??dw?y. Australia fionfrk link?established wis. Carrying the United States nails Patting positively 011 the day advertised. Rackets for March? The line Rewburyport built clipper su p LYRA, 9Ul>tons register, Oheever, commander, Is now rspldly loading at pier No. 9 K?st river, an! will be dot patched for Melbourne direct Marcu Ji The well known clipper ship I'AKRINGTON. 700 tons register, la now receiving cargo at pier 8 Kaet river and being pisl lively engaged two tWds full, will sail for hydney direct M*r< h 15 These ships have elegant ace imm elat. mis for b )th llrat and second class passengers For fielght or passage apply on hoard or V> R W. OaMKRON, No. ? Howling Green Bight bills for sale, and cash advances mu le 00 consign nu nts. t'ouaignees iu Australia, Messrs. Wllkiner 1, Brothers * Co FOR GLASGOW?CARRYING THle VN'TKO STATUS mall.--The stcamahipjNKW YORK sails on Saturday, March IS, nl 12 noon Rates of passage, cabtu $75 steerage lound in cooked provisions. $30. Apply to robert i'HaIG. 17 Broadway. The laat passage of this steamer was made m U days 17 SHIP* FOR I.IVRRPoOL AND LONDON.-TfIR CLIP Ptr afPr (INTAKIO, for Liverpool eaii? thfa day. the celebrated eh In AUKllKA, aaila March 1.1; ship I.>r eaila to day?Aral cabin. $78; aecond cabin. fiu aon iag< $11 and found, Paaaeugera brought out from Liverpool or Imndon at low rate*. Apply to THOtt C. BOCIIK, fQHoulh aire at. AVKTRAl.IA INDB'RNPBNT LINK. FJfTABLlMIKD 18M-I*.k.- foi April?The magnihceal A 1 rlippr. ahtp MART UaNHS. 1**ju tout burthen, will be despatched aa above. II. u.g the only clipper or faat ahip on the bortb, alupueraaad ;>a?i-ngem will do well io eiaoune her at p er No 9 Paat river Tim arrangement* for paaeengera cannot be aurpaaaed for freight or paaaaga. at low rate*, apply on board. ortoUOOnKVR; arke1.i. a NLl.IOT. 10ft rear', at or to MaILLKR. LORD a yi KKHaI', KM Wall atreet. (.mi Havana and nkw o*l*aw?.-thi united r raatea mau ataamaklp t' All A MB A, J D Bal .oeh. aommanler. wi$ commence to race tc freight ai W?>n*ada/ Man h 10, anil aall for the above porta on Friday. Mai oh It. at Uo'rlich p-ecUoly frnta pier foot of Boblaaon alraet N river No Mlla of lading wtll be elgned af\w the ateamer aaila for freight or paaaag- apply '? the agenta HVlMuaTQN. OBoftHaROR a tK)., 13 Par* place. /"lOLKMAN * CALIFORNIA LINK FOR HAN FRANCH \j o ?Sailtag regularly on advert'veil day*.?Clipper of Ha'orday March T ? The eel" irated eilreme e.llpper ahlr Ml iKNINO ATA It Fnater curmundhr, la now rcce|?inf ba lance ..f ber cargo at pier I# aa?l river, foot of Wall etree'. Tli,?l>ea ' If ill little cupper made her la# u. Man Franclnco It till daya and de .ve.-ed h?r cargo without diimagtag 1 tingle package An li-r capacity la email. klilpi ert c?i re'y upon deipatcb aa For fmgbl apply to Wk T. Ciil KM A N A CO. he W?ll aireet lon'tne Ifmiding. Am iita .n Hat Fruuciaco. Meaara Wa.I ( ..einan a Co hlOB NORFOLK AND RICHMOND -TITIC r*ITh,:i Stale, ma: ah emehip JaMHHI'iWN, I'apl. Pariah, wi I Si ri> >. i*b in-' at .1 r.... k P M ' < a , i?r 13 North river She wtll arrive at Norfolk on Son lay alter root) and at Richmond n V nfay morning ramennera fort or bonih wLl rrceee-t Cfec'i. "O hy the great H..u.beri. tnai lite Travel era will Had thl* the clieauc#, plaaaan e# and m<wi eivedl. oiia r. nta. Paaaaga and fare, inetn llag a'at-n . in, to Norfolk $r to Peterab irg and Klclunm) ?lu fecrvgrbatf |irtre. App.y Ii LI DI.AM A PL* AhANtS, Si Hrratwt) li. a <a v ann am and fi/irioa.-thr ntlamm11p P til MA. kWaMi Captain j A i'oal will leave ti er it n r'Jl river, co Ihu'tdey March ii a; ?o'clock i' m prcfiaely l'?#*age $1} wtth euperW acromtnodau' a Frefgh; Bard IPC o'a per foyt Inauraneeone half per cen; et d a' o-.r c.dP App.y to H. ft CRtiRWKL.. a CO.. 131 W aakicgtoa alrecC l'* R CHABLRNTOlf ANP FI.ORIPA-AKMI WFKKLV r I'alwd N'etev Ma i Side Wh>-e! Fteamalilp Line ? Th* n-agnlfcen' and fttl g? -ig eteamahlp lAAHIII.t K, I. M Murray ?s mmanner will leave pier ho i Worth river, ci H-'-iidav. Ma??-h 13. at 4 o el.iek P. M preclaely. Forfregh' I or pavaagr apply fo PPOPrt 'H f?, TlLK*ri?h * CO . No ."d , Broadway The favorite eteamekip JAN AD'.FK, H C. Turner r'mmatder wi.l anoreed and leave on Wednew'av M.reh 17 The fev. die and large ateamera RvergUJ. i Carolina ard IB. Mary a connect at f'herlewinii for Floefda, with the e'ramera from New Tort Through -tckete may la had t,y applvtng aa above. tB<lt KATlXBAlt ANP rt/IRinA -TH* STFAkHIUP l1 Pld'RIPA. (.'apt lax CmwoU, w.ll Imic on neiuida) , ,V?rrb I t. m 4 orioea P M , from pier Jf<? 4 ffrrtb river Hill* of In r'gned on beard For freight ?r paaaege apply Ml HI MITCH I I.I AHOK. Mo Ultmedway meam kin for Florida connect with the above. tearing Mavaunaj every Monday, WeJueaday and Friday. 1(40* CTIlHUMTO*.?THH STF.AMSUIP NKVPlIt*. OApl, <1. W. Wmwi, will leave utar It Berth rivac ?n Saturday March IS. At 4 o'clock P. prerlealy. Pawage 111 freight A and lueeo'a pa* fbot Ingnrancm one half per rent. Seemd alonrofllee. Apply to H B CBOM WKI.I. A <M).. Ul Waahiagtoe afreet TO THAIHCA. ATotTMfl MAB, A PRINTF.R. A HITVATIOB In entne country prtatlng office. job work, and la capable of taking the -ntlrc charge of a weekly paper flood reference *l??n Addreea. for three d*ya. Compnaiior. Herald office. AUFRMAB TOOTH. HI TFARK OP AUK. WISIIKM TO learn a reape< <?M,' trade, or art aa clerk In a aloec hat had two jrara' rtporlenre In a rt.mnl?i'>n tmaineaa I* i i k at Hgume. food wetter, well amjutinted In the city, not arre:1 of work. Beat of reference Addreaa J., Herald oflle B1I.1.1ABP TAB1.K MAKBRs WABTKIV-W IO ARB acena'omed U> aet up and overhaul tablea. Noneotiera need apply. O'C'BBi'R A COld.FBDF.R, SA Ana atrtel. (XARHFRFR WABTF.P, A StTCATIOB A* OAR T dener, lit a alnglr man. a Pnitealaal. aged So, ? undent'* od? hie fit ?tne?a in all Ha varioiii branrhet perfect j, ?g rrrtibonae, graperlea. Ac. Can produce high teaUmonlcaai?o character, rapah'.IUlea, Ac Can ha aeen at Mr Smith a aeed atore 64 White at ,or addraaa A. y? bot 138 Herald for three Jaya GART>F>FR'S SITCATTOB WABTFP?BY A PRA'IT ra man. who thoroughly nnderatanda greenbonart and grv, erle*. and lay (ng < ut lit w w gardena In aula. Atygen tleman In want of an Induatrioua. truatworthy a ngle man. mat rail or aadreat I,. M , nt Mrtdgaman'a w ed atore, *76 Broadway. lot three daya. r> nrtr.r rw* awp ottthiw - a TTto*rr-i-T.t row r>.-t?v w?>Ar ai?1 Intlratr; i t m*i wl?>)?** ?!> ?" aa fnfMnii" ** ' rerlnt?nrt?- '' ? '"i ! !? - ! ? c htthid ftw eiytr'-if in Ar t?r >V r?(Vi-Fnr.-?lr?- No r'?" ! "? to thr rr >'n>-7 A t drew * P. I bo? IT* H?r*ld <Vt\cr. rr< A*i:R'>riPT?tni wawtf.p <t am t r J . Of h? ?? irftrAt^op^'ATr, ?n 1 1 p M rolr-rr ?i?f knrlfAtA S. .toner. 76 Rj?ri?ry. ttarrnn-a rm*rtt'-ai. ataiker -apptt IT b**? >? tke hour* of ? ?uJ # P. II *t (fee Ke'rfOAO- * Hc-M. 81. URSDAT, II, 1856 ^ CRTBTA-L tALACK MONHTB* ^^Klt-imrrAir companies. aoeleUea, elufca, Ac., Afi.. <*te?Unj to Mt Uirir banner* flag*. Imtlgnle. iron rmblea.*c . A'-., In d? ooratlng the Crjitai Palace for the Mil of Ap.^- wl" plaaao report to the Executive tiommltu-e at their &?.* W Broadway. whera a dlaxraa of the Palace may bo team BOWERY THEATRIC -MrKKAN BOTH AW Al?. JE.t . J111 1*uJ*rHl appearance at thia theatre on i neit, March 16, In th* chararter of King Lear j instruction in thk dramatic art by a first L class tragedian ?Private ami oomplslc tuition la every thing appertaining to the art. Addrea* ArUat. care of Mr. Marshall, liroadway theatre Franklin mu?eu?c, 127 urand strkkt, onr , door from Broadway ? K.itra card.?Oraud jubilee. Ureal troat la the lovers ot fun and frolic. Read? saturday, march 13, a fine array Of beauty and attraction, may be expected, being for lb* BKNRFTT OF MAD AMR WARTON, the proprietor Of the troupe of Model Arllstea. She will Introduce over FIFTY YOUNG I.ADIKS, and will make her first .ipnearancetbls ?eaaon. Twenty fear beautiful tableaux will be represented. Toe Arab Ulrls wiil make thalr drat appearance, with other novelliea, for this af> ternauu and evening only Admission the name aa uauaL PoaAvety for this day only. COI.OHWA I. FKTK?CRYSTAL PJLACK-ALL P?Rsons wishing to contrai l for furnishing supper, bat room aorommoitauons stands for confectionery, gloves, bouquets, Ac., must apply to members of the Kxecullve Committee, at their office, abb Broadway, eorner Prince street. t spk11al notices. Amkkican orographic;al and mtaiihtical so 1 ciety.?The section on meteorology wail ineet this (Thursday) evening, tor organization In ine society's room, I'niveraity, Washington sqt:;,ro. A paper will be read by 1 .tohn litsturuell, Faq., "<)? the relation of climate to tbe de v elopement of the beat conditions of human life." Masonic,-a spkcij l communication of joppa Lodge, No.201, F. A. m., will be held corner of Court and Jerolemon street, at 12)4 o'clock on Thursday,for the purpose of making arrangements to attend the funeral of our late worthy brother W' l.aidlsw. Members of th-% Ira ternliy are invited to attend. JOSKPH WRIUUT. VY. M. bichahu Bitaitr, Secretary. NOTICK TO TUB PUBLIC?PARTIRS HAVING 1 pledged goods with R B De llnro, No. 56>i Bowery, licensed uau notoker, are requested to redeem the in at once; 11 net, they Mill he si Id at public auction, as the business H disconl.ntted ou account of 111 health ol the proprietor. OFFICK OF thr ILI.INOH ckntral RAILROAD t ompany, N' w I.irk. Feb. id, ldid The an rial meet lug of the stockholder* of 'be Illinois Ciutr.u Railroai Com pan) , for 'he election ol direeiora, and the transaction of any oUtcr huaiuess lh*'. may properly oot e belore ihe meeting will bo lu .! at the .lilo e Ol til I'oaipauy, in ihe city of iJhiea go III., on Wednesday, th" I7'0 day ot Mart !i. Iddd at 10)4 o'clock A. m. The transfer hooka wul be lose t at the New By Older of the llo.ird of Jfirrr' or*. W K aCKERMAN, Secretary. TO r< .'.-NTRaCVllKS.?PPdMC NOrH'K 18 HEREBY given, Uii? seeled proposals will oe received at the City Surveyor* ??i <>! the cr> o? llol> tin u; ! > vt?. ,'iitv 1 i?i eish ill) if M.r.h ?.-oS when H" sane w I i ipeocj i" iiuertlugcf ih-'Cuusri1 nf :) lid cl'.j. to be held at 7>, o'el vk r. 11 ol miJii.i, I i pia'ing ntrblng, gu'teriug psving and Digging si.i i.k. n. Ihe 'niiowiog st-ee * in si: I citv vlr?Newark el: ' 'U- VV'- >n sir n't to i oe line diteh Third, Iron .. I'mi.,, ,.u Mrcl-l to Ilk) feel *cat of M dm* street. foui o-.ln .-t, I tir iludsouslren to River s'ruet, I' street, fi-iiui. n t.n-ui to lite w.scerly lluo of Wn tow street. Sevet utr- -, u r.q Vt uhing.oa siroft i? th< easterly line of lltrlMi * r< f Mysdou street from Second sireel to Sourth street; Usi -u * rest, from Klf.h to Sixth si.-ce's All the above w. rk to ? done and tin soed aci-or dUg to plana and specification* ins J - yd \V Mt.inpeii, As-i , Otty Surveyor, whb h plana sod .-.p Ituma tisuiW a cn at his ofhee, opposite die ferry gate, at Ho j ken, an 1 the said vtork to t>p 'n'ty - ..mpleted on or be'ore the firs' day -?! June next Bo proposals win t.e reoeivod except ooordlng to a form to be obtained at tht City Surveyor's oifics, and aroon panied with the n.itu.-sof St least two sutB.-ieiit seciritine MIICmUANKOUS AUKltK'AN ?MI Kl'KOlHAN I'ATKNT OK* ICRS? M.-ssrs Muun A Co , editor* anl propriepira of the Scientific a rne-iciin continoe to solicit pa nu lor inventor* in the IIiii;i . I all Kur.ip -an rmini. ic?. I h-lnniie f.l tipi s are si ho. HM V ulton ttree' hew York, sinl opposite the fairhi Ofllre In Vt nshtngu n < Uy. Their foreign office* are ai No tt> Chancery lone, Condon; No ft Kotilnvard St. Mar tin. I'ar.s; and fib rut- ties S perouuiers, Km sods. The art neu-4 letter tr< in the late Commissioner of I'autnts we coin mend U? the perusal bf all persous interested u Obtaining ps- i.ts ? M)o X> Mon* A Co I take pleasure la stating Ihat while 11 dd the office i,f ('ommls* oon of 'stents more than one fourth of all the business ol the office rune through your bends 1 hsve no doubt Uia' the public confidence thus Indt cated has t't-eii luliy deserved as 1 have always observed, in *!' your Interrourse with the .Ilfiee, s marked degree of prt mpluese ski'i and fidelity lo the luteres * erniiloy, ers. Yours eery truly. CBA8. MASOV Missrs Munn it < o are the most extensive patent solicitors in the worl, and are permitted. If need he, 10 re'er to ,omr ol he Im-si am! tuosi reliablt mo la he co ntry lllrnUri of inloimaUen and amice upon questions f n ive'ty freely given Address MCNN A CO., IN I t a a rr.-t, .Sea York, I'lBc? ee-ady opponte tap Hernia imuitiu.;*. A fink of hair.?"wiiwnws rfv fipf.."? Tli lunoi u?e It. and m? many dollar*. an J ,ir.- pyu ed with the *imple Out eUcetual remedy. f<w reatotiuit pre nerving ?od atrentrtLenitig the hair, a rerutn preTenlire and mil' fur PiMurii I I'Mort? itr*y hair to it* natural oolor mj nrt-nuiu ,U Inlhngou'. WllwKi'* receipt wtii *!? dye th? |*ir * bU' k i r brown color without injutmg or coloring tho hln, wnl cnu bp applied without the least trouble or ow* of tunc Why do yuu p*? lilty cent* and a dollar a bottle for I atrdypa and waahi'H tW color thp afcto . a* well aa IV bar, wIn u you can obtain a good article that you Snow the Ingre dliuiU "I and can make 11; ouraoit wtahout the Icitt trouble and will coat you only a few cent* to moke a large i|iitiitltvf 1 be advrrttM'i dUrovar* i the aborp reraedloa accidentally. the article* for making the aame oan be purobaaed in any drug (iorp or market In the world, and will coat but a few renin, at d hi taenia* those who tn?y be aillieted with any dl aeaai-H ol the litir, that by tutuig ai.a loiiowtng the *tmple<li reel lie at nl lb. moat etll arion? rannli* will toll >w The receipt, prlcled In plain KngUah will be aent by return poet to any nddre** In the United State*, by enc'eetlng tlfty cent* In raah. or postage *t*mim. on itddre*?uif IaMKH WilJtOlf, at* Urand *treet, New York citjr. N H. - Write your aIdre** plain. (THOCOl.aTK J ? A i I.I. a HI'S chocolate man 'at'oiy, th? l*rgec and moat eiieneiyp tn the I'm ?<1 State* Tamilian run -?ly on got ting the heat ar.d pureat article at the lowaat poawbie price. Family chore ate, to centa, t'h loole'e lie Haute prrfeetl me, 3d ceuta par lb.; 1/hocoUle a la eanbla Chocolate double eenl'l*. ho j.n'r par eicellenCB, Spaateh cboeola'o, A"#21 Rnaiway; factory, 158 *al 160 Mercer r.roet. KRBOHKI.IMX ttkwM and remoee* tlRCAilX SPOTS a : ! PAINT fro** Silk*, Cloth* Ribbona, Carpet*. Ac. In bottle* 40 cent* each. KKR WIF.N* OIL COMPaf*T. be Hearer avr?ei. New If eh For ai e by the principal druggU.b aad pertuinr n ot tin* city. NOTICR TO !#RAF.LTTRe COHKN'rt MAIAOTH RAKFRT, No IT Mrll atree! near Canal etrcel All order* pnnetnally attended to PATFNT A'lFN1 V AN In,1-V :? iI. HP* JN'KHH OFFft'X AM tlruadway, Cooper llo *?. room It - tdvani * m i le on ne* Owen ina Pa eitr 'b'?of ? n on ,. * of ?'-ry v?t \ able tna< bl ie* f r aal<- Rea e*t*l? and ji.arr> ol hualne** hough'., wild or eicovtged. W S k,kI,lCK A CO. pRRVFNTIVR KiR CHA *."KI> FACTS -TIF PWDFR 1 .igued reapectfally tub rni* the * 1 ? * that the aeond 1 A of She'laid ve l? ha* I at been rrrri .'PC 8. M. FlVdU, W7 Hroaticay, corner It:w ne trrf', n- it i.' v V n't i i QOMItr vU NFW-T"?f AP. VHIA!* l.lQ 'flt f?AIR 0 :>y ?K.i- rrtv >rf * ti b robbing >tt t'r -ripa! depot, Motiatt * Itni. i.jtt, 3St Urotdaay, Tv.nn 17. ' ItOPKttM 4 CO. Tw?NTvr:r? o>rt :>* <"a-t or poitaoi '..tnpi, will ifrir# ? fn>vt 'Icing <>f piennnn' *nt tar nam! to >i\y pereou baring * fee fhori T? ???*' A hie pernpt* ifn' to tajr oiilf-M (un' ijf tw in the Patted Mate* on reeeipt of the nliorg imiii unnig'. ?"ii' of which 1 nu pay In a atore one dollar e*rb Paine* of the article* ? For r? inor.ig anperfboia hilr from any part of the holy; a goot faintly auap, Gnalgre '<! for the completion, to pro rent ha'r from fa'ling }m' lo <ye 'ho hnlr Ir lbor blurt or ben* a a rb? ,?n white house p? nt. a earn for rheomauwn n certain cure for com*, i.ntini; Ink, rement for tneo'ing rbto*. to c<ean nut in ! w alien no- ?I*, h it.?The muert?? f,.r making the aboee co*t bn< * few cant* fient by return poet bradirrMtttg Or LATTGR, 69 Allen afreet Pew f -? city, Ibe recetpla nrc *1 printed, not are *erj aaty to ate TO Oft' * FATFKK -TMOIF WHO AFK PR.'HOJfFtW lo this nrra'.iiou* drug m.?? rife"'. * m?plete releaae In ni i thrallom lit addri **mg, with full parte oiar*. I' H , fun "tBre. .F*..#?-y (tty, lar'o?ing (I for ?b :"h they will re > ?l*i luatr .rtiona (or thrlr cure, The ? "?rrtbcr hat c ired b.m?e I M the habl*. and go Irant.ea * perfect rernTrry wi'haerrona Buffering. A peramtl tntrrrtew yan' de aired TTJ* ROOF8 RFPAIRFO AMI WAPF TIGHT WfTII out r> m-'iit Gutter* and leader* repaired at ahtrt iio t re A ? j fo aale the celebrated burglar | roof bar .ork, P. 81 MNKB, 18 We*' Broadway, corner of Read* *tr*eV Tt CALIFGRRIAffr -art part? OGTUG to CAM fnraia. more partieularlr those who have been there,) h**ln? a rapttnl of a few bondred dollar* ran procure in . ri with then nbirh will neenre a competency la one inenth. Thin la no humbug, aa aay party will know by Itddrrae ng Gold, station Po?t office WATlllItl, JKWEI,KY,<W . Gold jkwklrt, fir am. atti.f.*. Ladlea' earr ng* pina and hraceleta. diamond rtnga. *. *! ring*. Pure g> Id wedding ring*. I .a. lie*' gold chaiabune rhaina. Gold rent rhalna and guard rhaine. Keyaand aesto. aleeea hnttona and atnd*, * Gold apeetaclea aad eye glaiwea. Gold penclla and pent Gold thtmbie* and lockata. for wle, whnleaale and retail, rem low, by G. C. AI.I.KJf, ffo tt Will street, aecoo l #oof. MIC Did Ala " i .a wAlto*. rormrlt tororom to tub I/"** I t Boar i Ml, may be enoanlled, m aaretVnrc personally or by Mtr.iM Sin the morning to III night, at Ida reailaaoa. M Wn her alrret. * l?? duora weal of f. DR ronnrrr 19 WANS! ?TRKn\ MTE MKVnPR cf the New fork Unlreraity Medical Oollofe majrht r ?! ' with confldenre no hla trea'raeot. N B. -Twenty at Tea year* la hi* prraent aperlallty DR Hl'NTNR IUMBICI^-rHll PIITBH TA* WHO R4 aatahnabad the Haolarlan. No S Dlnac* atmat Maw rorte'ty. N> l"-ti. can ba winaaiMd la Hie m at h >n.fai>.e aooMence rntaa J A. M. uuUl 10 P. M , at Ike old >|#aa and nowhere alae. Da oooraa. 14 dcaw* ntarrt. h \h ro* thn aat twatitf alt yean 4ww?t hta a turn item mannRna rracaea i vmanltatioaa aad adrtew aa laaaai daily fr>?a 4 a. t""" a |-\r Ralph author or thk practical pri JLr eaie i .eatlae, TS4 Broad way. Honra ten MU oaa aal after all BU ROfPAN HnSPTTAI. TKPATWKNT?BY M AN MONT, Parti and Is>ndnti. physician and a i-?mn. actW, Ac Btcrw n <r br letter and aireeaa 42 tlerc-v c-n-r Pp-inf opposite St Nicholas Hotel, from ll A M tM' 4in the eren'aa.eteep' Mend.iya, Wednesdays and Fridays. til' S P.M. Ki-aoPEAN x~. 1,-Ai. rrr * ~*r?r.?.:xTzxtT..> ? IT BARROW. 1R Prlrea alenei. a ?ew b|w*a ?tat.N B ?ad way Raw Tor* ( nltatr-rat aa ut jai fr-M U UL K Mi ftta I Htl 8, Sunday* noa/tad. L BROADWAT Tn?AT**W'M IUl^ ~ K A MaraiiaJl M? (MM TAN AMBlIKi)(I'g gquathAB A?d utagloai Cl?! / hriifiixi LAMT NIOHT out twat < or tu ORKAT AHTIHTR LOGINS TOURNlAlJll. .1AMKH WKI, VILLI Ton-fii appraraiicr at Madame TiximJ?;' ? ? bor?? KIKL. , MsdmiA- Tournlwre la a daw act, j LA KOHTCNK Rc appearance of ? K W PKRRT MIHH I1)A. I ha beautiful equestrienne, IN A. NF.W ACT Wlch o?her splendid mLmcniat't A grf %1 bill In preparation for .. Mr JAMl'.x t?KIjVIIiLK'H BFNRflT, f on aaTIIRDAY RVKNINQ, Marra IX hPK I4L NOTICE. Madame Toerulalre on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons Alao the popular fanciers Quadrille In preparation and to be produced at oner a start.tag and no leu did ixtg'ual DRAMATIC EQUESTRIAN SPFCTAi'LK, written expressly lo Introduce all the vaat resources of this establishment, with many accessories Neatly two hundred persons are now engaged up i th:? worlt j Bowkrt tiikatrk l etMH-eand Manager Mr Rddy 1'Hii K.i ? Boxes and parquet, iS emits, I'll, II cents-. Dnvsts box s. $5 and id aeaU in private boxes ou oeai# 1 dl'K.SllaY KVKNINc). MARCH 11 First lime lu three years Moore's tragedy. in dre acta, of I Yhk oamkstkk. t Mr. Kddj as Uerer'.y Mite Alice Wrey as Mrs Be? irly i Mr. K .lohnslou aa Btukeiy i Mr Kennoaa ....Lewnn Firat Late, THE MISER OF TITK FERRY and 1 SKELETON WITNKKA BURTON'S NEW THEATRE Thuraday evening?Mr and Mrs K. L. Oaveuttor*. u aea' 1 diararter.?, with an Immense cast. Heron 1 night ol k? entirely new and orlg'nal pl?/, e tiled THE. Vol p O'BI AT , Tlir dramatis pernjoiu include tlie prra-u: Emperor ol Franca, LOUIS NAPOLEON, and his coadjutors lit the coup d'etat of 1A.">; by wh h the French republic wan destroyed and the p-es empire de . dared?the achievement of whn It cost the lives r thxx sand Frenchmen. IsiulsNaioleon. I'residentof the Ftenclt Republic. M Ds c t Ueorge Hcsunioot, n republi to leader Mi k w.t\ up -rt Vsur'ce Reanmon', President nl Hie Club. Air M. itat . Abbe de Lamttraue. secret ageut ? M OF,tier Met tin, a ?|>y in aerviee of the Abbe M fcccheU Stiron i,e,,)iir vnls. In i,eti. Oh ilseul and a ?p> Vr M . TI'rMsi.psn Pred'i ct ol Police .< iien. de ihomeul. of .lie Freuch army Vr M t m a C pi t.ciusid. a repub' Mr IfflMW It o net, a ncruihtr of tin Mountain Club Mr Id*h >? , Lelrai c ano her member. . V- ILV.nar I'.et a id.a workuisli.Mr Mil uera | Hand ' Me<eu j Va.uard Mr kojaar, Dutotir. Vr. ?ercum. t <. un IM.n. , Mr Hodgis M. Ft lieoige, Ml Olr Hull; lieu l*rt*e,M. Pas! Marie de Chmsrtil the iteneial h d iugui 'i Mr.i K L.Oavenp ui | Vadawe or Boliso Mrs A P k- r Frauccara nort/esiof the Oennrel ... Mrs I'ughea ^ - ihl ersof ilie hne. National tiusrds. Oensd'A mri cUt/ms n,eiuiier.,,)( the National Assembly servsn's. w ukmenanl women Ol Tans lilies and geuiemen, 4c c h> r.NiCK V AM) tWClUkN TS. Ai't 1 IW1.?O.-dthI Cholaeu!'* ltouee, l'.?rii?The tleue t -h. ?ni Irs daughter -'butted bet iv ecu love ar. 1 pril"-A , '1 mj cr . ee< re I Meeting of the Kepubliraii flub?The Mountain Act 2 ?Mudy ol the Aohe de i,*m.?.-i(ue, cHel of lit: ,h Nl poleou a pica?Ite ua /utery unveiled the Kl> nee I'alarp, opening on the ballroom-The rpghl of _ ih? <'oup d Kl*'.?l/onla Napoleon, Hrenlden'. i f '.'op K")>> bltr with hfa fellow cenapiratora, rlaaoltig tbo overthrow ol the resit bUe > Ait .1?The Opr.eral a bmue?The par'lnp of the '.o pre Apartment* overlooking iUp barricade ?Work ngtnen pre * paring for oetenee. Dip HAKRIi aDR?Awaiting the attack?THE b ATTM , ArrA-ltV>7 ?Thp lovem rpium from eiile?l>>*p<raad separation?1 hp murder an t itip arrpat ACT 5?The Abbe * atudy?Condemnation to death?The 41a , rovevy, pardon and cell of the conJ'miied?Death of l#oiia i Napolt-on'a rleUnt . 'THP PARDON COMU TOO I.ATR." NO OTHKR PIKCK Wild, UK I'LAVHI' rtAME NIOHT. j BARNt'Mfl MUSECM. Third time and TKUhT kXHIl,AR ATTNl! SUCCESS , of another brilliantly beautiful and TIlOROl'uhiiy ORltllNAu AKXRTCAN DRAMA, prepared eipreaaly for ihla American Mua'tim, by a.i Atne t ricau author, Mr H Watkloa Ks.i . from *X(T,t>lVKI,Y AMERICAN MATERIA "4. . the pp>brated I.KDOKK story, by Mra Xmmi 1) h N. South- . worth, being a , SOt'L THRILLING AND ABSe?RBIN(i ROM A NCR of the Rappahannock?time. 17M to 1T70?and entitled THE HKIUK Ob AN EVENING; ( OR. ('IBCUihTanTUL Kv mesne It baa be?n prevented tnlv after 1 WKKKH OX CAREFLI, PREPARATION and alodied rehearaal. in a manner that rellerta me highest j credit upon all (he artlaU iuter"*t >d in tt, and wt'h an C11K*. it EC K LESS NEWS or KXPENHK, that tt may readily be perceived could have an eye to nothing but the , ah '.i,r v<i.i rritrr.i'r rwiliui thin , of every pot ou oftipa grand arenir llltiaira no of a moat Ih | Irrratlrg i?<.rt'i n of the hiatory of cir country > lll'M REM Of DKLKiHTRIi l'llOPT.F' wltuetard li on Wrdieaday I Ml ?IU firm prida 'ii.ia?aad ail, , In a bum' ot eloquent enthi.aiaam pronoiin ed It PKKRLKHR If* IT8 sTI KKINU RPRR'TR , whl'e thi r in knew no bono'a tor the New Scenery ( ffw 1'rfttn New Properties. Ac., prepared etpreaaly to , ptaca 1. tKtore. Ii will be repealed TUU&HIAT and PRIDa V. March 11 and 12 , Id lb* KVKHNO at 7 o'chx-k , The new and eioillr* d'am* of . Till- I'Rll>K OF AN tVENlNQ: dt, CikcumitANTiai. Kvipraca A ROVAM K Of TllE KAPPaII AN NOOK, lji flee acta?I'me 1"661? 1710 < bwlfriy far inter l?ul*?ie, a roong atudent Mr. W itklaa Mtaa H mors t'aule a young heireaa *ia 'h?? H<e*rd Krnrel Heine Mr. Obirlea i urro'.! Col Hliannoe, .1 Kridgeman. Dr. Ilrn.-v llaw li Kyner, actio Harkr, Miia Mnuaa; Mad. Auderljr, Mm. I if.grmM. Jeauumnr, Miss Parnugdio The real o' the c harartem 1/ < lie/a of tb?, Afternoon a< tn'clort, the beantllul drama ef f liK IiORT HON etreitrot'.y c**t and per formed The Inimpalne Aquaria. or Ocean and Hirer lfarl?oa, the greatest ruriuai y MWli Amer'ra the Happy flalty, A' . all ui hr aera aa uaueL Adm.'Aaoce, 21 cauls. chhdt en unaar \ l?'3, 13 ci'ttt. = l TirfiOIVH BCIJ.DINHS. HUOADWAT NKAR fRIKCI i ?1 i'rn 1 Henry W'**! ? Proprietor ??:<! < HRIHTT A WOOD'H MUCSTRRldt. Coder'be directum of M Wood and (oao i hnsif Orealoticceaa of I I'KTKR PIPRi PRPPXR PrilHJR. P?rf irmaifri) conclude wlta Blcrksr's grew psc-il v.-.ig entitled PtTTKR PIPER P*PPK? POIMH I P. P. r. P Mr Om Ohruky Tommy I'lvapi lid? Sioubnd < tukrnlr j'j Dooreopea al d_co**eace a;?1. 0'c.oak. I Franklin mcwum ir o*anj> ntrknt. oni i d frur. B oadwar ? W <fi,l week >( :h sctaea < i rnw led sod dahgb ed suJleocad to oee the Model AruatM ??; _ _ AFTERNOON AND KVK.YIN.J, Suangera sn ' o hers nailing the city wlil i isreee thai (ha i abler ealnlilirlimi u'. Is the only plate of amusement in (Mr L utled HUtea vi here the HODIL AHTIHTKR 1 sre rthlbl ed. roua.aling of a tnmpe of lb' floea' '?< r?r 1 tr? I oo-u id ihi nurid. Tne rutirr company. c ms'a'iug oI TWKNT1 RKVKJI roCftil LADtKS, will appear at each performance Two euu-r -aintn'iiU are I gleeti lolly commencing at Jr ei'-ck o Hie afternoon aad at I ,)a in 'hr etrD.nn? together with other original perf -nna 'ore I koch aa i an br ari-a at no other place of am>idrmrnt In New Turk Auinlae.ou?Orrbralra ae.ila 50 cenla. Hoi,-a 38, I'nrale botra 3, ,-aaia on the aiagr S3. Card.?Rat tided uetl. March 13. grand ji.oilee enterlalumrot. be<ng forth? HKNKPIT uP MADaMK WARTON i'i'h inn r. mpauy ol y iuaa ladiri wil ap pear, aire fod I the fir-''une th;? ai - ti. (be Arab <?xla In ihnr rftraordoia ? ry e'|iirai|i*n rtri .era alto flrw appear.-tine of Mile. Wer biL her j.lia id .oe day. Do?'t forget. * HA tm TOC I'.r.rlN TO THE RANT A CI.ACS \* < RramlM ty b hear Miaa Ju i ,* Bar cm V rrea'.and tonal I poeerlul a o?rr in the Caion* Alan, the crlebratr-1 rtiem uoraaen ie amger. Mr ll.irrie a " tl Dot (otn meht. m'h?re la ar. runrr change of program at- Mr WiUlama haa (he pleaaorr (o ani.i m e to the lor? r? of g auale that l?od wot b a Ban ' wb. g>re a grand Aacrei boaeeit nti HUN > AT < irttlngativ, TK'CKK Y4>|l AT THAT PAI.AI'R OP IbrhllkkT I Tf tetaMOiMiMMmud i>ill ird aaioon MB Brnd ; w?T If no; 40 and four' your 0 J ra ?riu brau'.r. (rare io I talon'.- ? IBI i!ja( ha' ratinot e ?><j ii?U?xt la tiy ci' v of :br ' world. and prraoutod by R W Prv'ro'.ir ULrM XAiK'M Altp THRO THOMA*' I T? 111IRD ClxArhlOAl. VAfS'lCX . will be f, res a' the RPTNOI.F.R INSTtTCTK, oo SATI RDA T. Marrb 1.1 at 1 0'r.ocR Ml. Hh K'IMaRA. hariar rolur '-lto Nnar V"** Will re- . ar kn pUcr, which wax in fly tl.led dun ij ht? -mice >? 1 Mr. RRaSrM Mrlr m?i a'a aomtul (rati* anial*. A ij inrtot '17 flrihorot. n a ml a trio by J. C Inula full, wih ' ? j aic-J Ttoketa Odd do.'ar " p;n? I* aubeeripttona to th? romntolfif four ma'.moor Ai knbarrtptioaa receirod ot the do r and *t the m .*ir Mi "-a of O. Hr?ua!n('n Rrharfenberf A i.ata. and Rrh-it-erth A Co. " A ('A PFMT OF WC7AIC-MURiRD Mr ri.f.M AN baa ia?i?b pl?>mir# la aao*uaria( thai ho baa nocltliV aa rn(Hf?tnrnt wub ifONRlIp* Ml'NABD, ' kha oelabratod ? - ?'< ?? and pmpr otor of the rune wood roNckRfx MCNAID IM PARIA and enodoetnr of the famad ItAIJI MARQVM , which are ana lallr tlrea at the IMPARlAt, OR A NO OFtBA. r) GIRt-TH AND MRNAOFRtR CORP AN rite-FOR [ aale. at rrawmnbie prtoen. three nrw tenia?A larfe , ran raw tout. Ill foot tn diamo'or. mado la four qaartora, with quarter pmea, alaa a M foot and a 40 foot diamo'or ranraaa; 1 alan . or *) feet ranraaa, nearly now. with all the pnlea, a rum. hlocka and fall rooiple o for putting up, Apply at 17? Rotilh dtroot. aoar KooaoroR ferry Af.KNT WANTFD?TO ACT AN TICItrT AKM.NN ANM ' troaa'iror with a flrat claaa Mlaotrrl eiMbltbin ni'iii do pond a aninll capital aa an nfTbet for the prooooda and rontl- * donoo of tbr company. A romprtont and rial tied per** 1 111 rorilrr a tlorrai oalary Add man or apply to C. Whith, J AM Brnaao at koferenree eacmnfed. ni'C-KI.ITH' WtRKWAOKRH WIU. OIVK TWO OF J) Iholr In K'hinj mj onlorlwinrm.' '<li S' ?w?,il fjbriry Hill on Wod.-inwrtiy WW ThirwdAj. M ireb lu >o II. ' SLRWH RIP* FOttCA?BVtUUL WHIT ARO AU? t erar/ ?w?in? *? Uw> Adolphl ?T Comb* at-rat Nimw no. Rlfll* ?"4 Piu)i? ArtTWt TV?>' IniMo of I ?' * ? ? f?rra in 1 7?w?rful iwiwcltowi V> light. RotMnc U*o tb? AdWpbl. TT IK RT'M'iRRp AT THR ST. NTCHOI.AS THAT THIt ] I T'l ki-ii ll %nd (mils Will Tim tb? Adolphi lhi? rTra'nf. bo" lh? nmtitgsr* will not rourh for tho f?c;. Wtrj wero loTtWd 67 t'-nly no?r Spring ttr.-rt. h rBAOKlfAKS AKP AWATKURS.-? ?? WIU, PtTR rhim tho floral mlglril ribihiimn II Am. - rt Tho tp. MMillMllltlMirf owl; w? ml Bilr n( tho r.cnr?t m*'ori*lt, rra.ty f,.r immodtMo nra Iin'ruoUoM frM. mm { Ortw M. It.. hoi 1)1) Hor?ld oUco J Aon^Hi-ADRurift- rn.LRp RVMT WMHT W* iw/tw r'??u?n'i7 rariM now pnrfi roi -it. Pra tnro of tbo ottp; turn hrllliiacw, w?ri?i?, >*at of u<i i.>r? *->J orarw nownotpon, opIoidM orrhratr* iMMom to g nf, dinrin(ind riiriof Iwigbior. " I'rnWn nrar Hprlni t met. ( P6UMM Jf*W RAtTOIfm. TTtlATta, FITT?Rt7?'?. r * ?** iifiorni wnetnoi. ?ow to w> irw? of ra*-t|o? win wbra ' nip.Mud On am* of tbn mow Kofia* lo t r<-nm > i dt*w m *? V-ton. <i|WI? of hoU'nt t Hon pwoii*. ul wv t jy<*i.wiw!*??* < lyrd ueiv wttra 5 fc- troitoi ?!? f? tV n w? I bora. frnw. M??ik. w? of h* Mw'wMMwAraCKf rara??m?nt* wiu Umi %? ;l/ W t. T - - - - ^ Ajrm**wrs ^ ^ ^ a pADon or mmo-THi hvoonnott. A Lim aad Mat* tXraak* H ITnvaa HOTH K.-TV U*;<i<3KNt/TO Win im> g\v*m ?hr*? <*m*m Bkore, ilT wlurb it vrl.l unaiotdabi/ bar* to b* n'Mrm. On HalJrdair ftrat l.ra<- >A r.M. K A M In, With IU yrt tul an 1 M-onlc ftfrcta u * i/(J. ra oijh' Admlaaicn to M&M KAM1.H Mj e*au ON rntriA*, m?KUJ 12 wr^ Third nJ*hl ol Meje: b'wr'a HUOOKNOTR ftui c or P?hjh for ih? r*aaaliiiii? i.uhia ? Admiuioa vc Ukv lowar r.a.~nv*rn>ir<. Ac, <> IoBm '''until circle . fiftycnU I Atnphi'heBire.Twewi #?. ?nb KKMBKVRii KKATn. ? rod $1 SO aocordln* to location Tkm moraing w?-natio ygiDAT, MARCH 12. at 7Ko'clock Third night 0/ M*7*rbe?r'ii opera. 1l dre ?ei*. of THK HIP,URN iTH. riVTC KBIT AND MAitNirfCithT HiThKI relate 1 by Allerrl ami Oml 70 THKKK HUNPUKD CO0TI.7 DRRHMKH. 1 ait of which have been mule IB Pari* by the 01 u.ib-t if the fraud Opera, and liar real bare been mBnnf*ci. r-<l rere fra? riginai drawing* thru willeiaoUy ourrewpeni u, t*? i|>B B whlc* Uu action take* placw?107i A MfBR KN HCKNR '. llr equalling 'hut of the mul celebrated Kirope** Optra Ion*#, aupported by tarn hundred riDW?r.m?r?r.i, r*prw eutin* *11 ectraordlnary rarlety of chararta. a, rerpo < M nt. cae atcadea ?nd illumlu?t.onA KNTIatl.Y NKW PROPErtTIKH Bol APPOfNTMAWTR I I'UOBVH of OMR r?7NPRKI>?ClCHRUrBA of BIB** The prior In at role* by? I.A flKANO*, 1PAROBT BTRORKBTTBO TIBKRrNI. itAHNTKK TAFPANBU,!, KtX/OO, Pl&ANKrtKK likit'Tl.nK OKIIKI.KIN. OlIUBKUlL ul CAKI. POb HKA The IHTOORNOTS will be u icreedad by Mr Fry'al.B^ Nf 'HA, al rr w'airb the Opera trill elite In cjoBeq-iaarA of Xe conor rU of MONMKUK MT'b A RP, ahoae ajieei* nrrtvBl it well ?*Ui?. of bit eet*i?ra?e 1 aatw layer. 1* daily ecprcled. Oh Haturday?OhK.cP OPERA NIHQT. Ailinliwi. u St) r.i'uit, teaerred *ea:? 25 centa eitr* mkmibamis LA (1RANUK. U'AMiH; OAS81K.B. l.ABOCRTTA, ?HKF.l'l, The *?ie of Hpait ff r ' natairmm.s ' r, xamcocM on Friday. BirAi.i.A K - no nKfr OBRAT TKIHIAPII or ./KSArR hftO^N AN ADDITIONAL tAlfl-KAW 10* been arrange), reiireaen'lng th. orrtrd l OKNKKAI, HAVKLOCK. Engagement of _ MTMH A~NFS RORRRTMON a Ae**te Brown. In (ho great origin*! 1?.?./ In hree nwito, n.ted on the beautiful episode it: Ihe petal lal.tu ear, n>l ? i ltt?u by MR DION BOIIRCTCAITI.T, ye author of "I.out' r Aaoirinee," who anpori m N?wi No Mb. 'o V .III A H KtKRV N litfiT PURINo I HK WkKK, ie rt- ruii'li 'he new and i.rlgfno iramt la thi wW, JKSN1E HAOWA ; 0*. Til.. Kaiitr or uKilin Frlf'eo by P.fin ?n I K*.| . nutborof "f>or li* .uwrcnee "11M l(e n(s-c'lil V' < 1 ciI'.'-rU " New m erery by N '<s niv . ieiin ' l?berwoo.| be Ner..i Nehin Kojab ol Uillmor. Mr 1> '?oi.reieB??B tnhnirt b.s vk.- I .a- < raivtM ?in.l*. .M.'.rreg .r,? ? :t :o .lejvb iciil*" >n Mr lAthr .1- t 1 I M.'irreg t b's b" b. i Kuo g . m Ike 3Jit Kegmieuf ... Mr A If PareniMM-t tev li?vnl I ! Mill'. < mplH'ii .1 the 31A Iwg-.T .'I Mr H1*1W weenie, priva'e3AI Regimen: Mr l M .1 ihneioa Awhiity oorporal T2rt Kegmierl Mr HI4a* Highlander* of the 7Ath Ke<( inent bol'Her* of the 32.1 Regiment iotihadars, Nepoy . llia 'i".*, II" K .h urdiu, Feriib't uo# follower* ol Nen* b*h h t my f nmpbell Mr* Hoar nuruo ?nu iwme nrrru.too waet-r ano hh* ? * ?? r?df Knwn, bar *in *ant Mlu* Aifh"* H ilvittiMi liter Mr*. Aila ACT I ?P?*0? Hrenr 1 ?The IMiniralo, t - roc ntrjr hotmo of Mr* reripboU, *r Lticknow, with ilUtant tlew of the cttf and the i ?miiun nr< .... Mm i imt" in India?Tlllln?Arhnif, tbo out of thr Nooiif>*hib? na.e llr< wri m.d bo? two lorrrt?Tin* to*i>T ?U'.?r ?Thf ?HAt Imiii of war?The projost of to - XkJ*o of Hithoor 11 * irprWo In* lt\ii?*l<> freiif 2 KitfHor o' the Hin<\lo bjr tilifhl T*horw?4 ?**id| ? 'Iuwo?itv?Joulf ?n I (iooi'dla?Thr bonrt'* rrproof -A'alf of "Auid (.an* Nine rlcenr H ?Mr* I'ainphfir*.-bomber lo tin* Iliin(f*io? ilMWak rirw of l.urknow bj Ql*bt?Thf fort acl tkl (room!#* river? I be D'kIiI of thr ontbrfak -Thr terror i f Amj ?laxndai pen natw to raanie? "The Mcl}rt*|(or h?* gt'fn lit* word hrif la** tup"?The atiddon appearniirf cf thr Nnu N?h?b -The at luck of thr Hindoo*. under Nrn* Nahih ip<m the K?alr?|'v? riu- attempt t<) blow up tbo bridge?Thr signa* Ron* frwh l.urknow. Act II.?A ronrtand ha! I wltbtn % Hindoo Trmple In l.aaknnw?The priamrra?Thr ma*aarr-of t'nwnporn ?Thr divan if tliu Nona?III* aUrmiit to nnkr fleordle rot:n#rlhl? bro low Itandai toaniTriider?The welcornr vutter* from tbo Infernal fauna?Thr mlno and rooiuerraiiio?Thf dark road of recap# -handal ant Mount and a flat of trim romo to ricbanan jrutunrra? lhr cruelly of tbo Bene?Ha defwuoe ?t too roraK -Thr Inter iu Harilo? fhr rrnffeenoeof Ibf Netia ? A Hiodaw An p Kowkf*- Thf o*"*i>f bp thr mm o?Thr nlffnai Of Ik* dock of tbf wioauue?Arhmof* doom Atrr III.?Thf hrwblrnrjr?The Krlau?Thf fort forming mn mtpoat work of tbo Heenlfncy? lTiwa of d*? ? 1-latent tiow if toe eucaaipiuriii and tmirbr* of ibe rroe! for-.e-miriam ral.lrau?The be?teg. il?It.# kaat r tfiim?.So hope cf miaf(rente In di*tre???1 he il'ark ami tbo rej ulao- Tbo laM iup? gone?The prayfr of thf wnm. * to be kt'le.1 rather Ian fall into tbo hind* of iho Sepr./*?The trrrlblf no-ofloa ion of Cawnpore?The do*por?tf aliaroatiro?murine bofnm lllboaor?Tbf rm-my approach?The tf rrlh'o urfriioe of the hoiuoi. and children fr mi tbo baud* of Uif tiar*?riano?Jan Highland*? Help ! ke p I In ip el laet 'The In ire.lnl:tf of .he mm- l-lie nearer *i |ir>>e?h <4 tic- foe- 'To ih iiiii.mi, 41 lb.- gun*? Another hour and we are all saved I'1?The Ma jint pibroch of th? Hermly righto fcigalanih-ra la heard ? The ;'aiB|ibelia err coming' -llarebiek lnn-M hia ??/ io<a Ika ii'y?"Kh uld auld neyuaicuuiec bit lur|M"-ll( column oC ii** Highland lnfaii rj carrlea ike Rrlai. and rsaeuea iU brave left < !ft? TIIK riVAI CHAR'Ht Of THK IIWlU.aKnKMR, ei'li e turli 'lua mtanarly intcreeling aid drama oeesludca aroiieea the audlcmee m Ika giea cmho ? a aim Thee c< ne Iju ' ei. rallej fia- aui lur.Se tech L.giii. laliW in ricUeaieui never ei LAURA ?X*N*'H KIW THRATRH Ma HROaDWa*. iiiiiti'M i<> nil-. HKA?K 1 lie mansgrmi-it takea gin' p ?i,u ? io soa- i ?( ku bis kutel.rgry K K A H APM.'RAlt MOH t M MKT) f*A' if A. hi ITK, ami NkW I'lr.K ( < i.V?.MITTKK OK RK JKl'TKJK. all] vtat' ihe thra'rr THIS IVKHIIFO. In rvtdenre that tiita l? nH an Unwarranted *anomrrmeok atte.i loo i* Invtted u> the lo.iowiiii ? rreepi odenue ? To lila hacetipury Hear Amoral Monauum fail*? ? _ Raw ko*a, March'>. lAfld Hncniicp Hi b-WI >eair1 nf lo man ileal in- r oatr'eay J?e ?<m. personally. aa aatrangrr In narc" slry and the-a ai ed ill-tal poeclloo inn occupy, permit me to 'endertnyouraelf and pints Ihe Ireeilom ol my theatre ng 1 b rata/ eeening March 11, alien I aba I be moat harp* maaa all ai liable arc tags nente for yotu welcome a algniUratloo at an parly memeag >1 your aria, taree will rosier as ho:, r ou Tour obedient servant, T. M'R A KRRK* The fo-egols? Invitation was rosl.'t ly areepted uy Aldernan k fir ana < ouuetima.i \ an 1 ae la oeia.f <.( h.aKacair ucy, and a pre m seat portion of ibe lr ma < Ire Is baa been lllotle.l It r Ihe ate nimodalion ot tba dlat.tigu.abe t wait#. TI'CRSDAY RVEKIKO MARI if II. Id* ftiirkatour a high i suooessful '.hree a<' drama at UKHRM III'AH KM. gmnor O'Krno-dy ? Mr H f OMtr Usage. L.a jOMuaer brother Mr. HtodfkMk Hortogs liorae jo >o?r.* a:il gaiera. dealer.. .Mr MarMa Mower lirumtge proortetoruf travel ung^ am van Mr . ad 'ran lack Oong. hia tn?n Mr "oaer* Ihwiuia an unJ hlarkam lb Mr BtirMsM Miami, .be liumreaaol ihe Mania, -pi, \ M t.,._ e Ma lamaM Anhrrt. i*1* ^ *<*? lirra dine wlte ol ilonnor D'Raaredp ... V.rgtr lat Ilanard Kelly O'Maa.. har foater aiater Miaa 1'our Marahal) Mef... Maa *?lto rigerlall, a?|ua? Mra II H t'biilipa kvcleen li'tl- Mary ttnlloMk Acf I?!an.?ao. oa riiiiiiinir Cnttr. :T?A Hietr I? An irlah fair? 'Tarn no was wb > !1 'real to Ubo a. at my oootA ireaeheroaa brother? lierii take- ho >?yh tbera'a do beariu' "?The iuckjr haj?mail/ aaaro /htika '.ban prlaea?1 The Urceo i! abea " I II buy you Una bearers and "lne silken gnaws. Mi buy you floe p?".imata gnus mi to the gro<ml. IT you wlli be roneloai aod io/al to mo. And lore your own true lyre nod fully arl k m* "A ?r Wlth^i' r itb-k' -IIurrak ka lee la b has ItgM i Ta to o*M. 11 '.I !<' >w T w a u my jerwl ? H ?w>.l and bin/ ? benuil/nl arrltamng I Hrese A?Th- be ? and *he rlr|a celebrate r.rei. eo ? 'ilrtblay?Three rben and use rmr fur lock"?4?a 'g- aod be y:r d"l*e in a J*? l>-ooH'>< a reogooe'cati na?vsweiluaic ptottpn?"M-trmyed obi. haa dona thla-' ? I'isparoin itruggle for liberty k latbr-g tab lean. Act II -Tut Vi-aar or t?s Mi?srfl?tm, ITC. Mrene I- Int-rb-r of a lup r? ?ln?tdfe oa Urn W.-atem rrlldo ?Anpearan'aof MI a MI, the fair llnntreaa of the Kui'aalpgf - S'Tenge eeeeiopemea'a-conaur OKeeoely'ba bnabaod ?f twowirna?y reaaarrtrahi?MeaagertaproprtetorataaoakoM nf rurtoaitiea?<h>o? and Una 1*a Is a ugh p'ore-MaMvo aent an J istelien' noAInf c uapared 'j> aa J'lrsng o aog, m t w.ld man of the w. ' Rua, <?o* nor run Ibc ye-u UtV -( ap.eoaan' rtmln irenrea a Se- riper'.af r eit >r lb. icean a ucoad eip- tiae -oijld out aepaeat* the fal'k*ol ?*# a sluce Irom ber heart a spat .ore?Miami a at-tifgla bpcw-oa ire and jnalooay - My dream rA happuimala eoidod' ? With ae <lrea Moiru will 1 anea ior poauo?As iaaiao narrw Soprirea an Ihj'try one 1 Mnaflnltopo sfflyloro. wild bear* oai bsfelwoe >t 1 moipany?1-ie atd Seel brCirlsr'dte *c 1 fpsr c Ibe iDPotrulable benetUof wearing a rrtg?' H it?a fop be roaat f>pef cf old Bur land Hrene ? Tbe arrow of a ?ery quivers la ihe betrayed Is lies bi-art-MuUDl e terrible rereihe. m <-se v-Kooka of tbe M.ala.ppt by maet?Tb? --'CtM lahand s doom?"HVmd .a cp'-n me sou I tenet dIS" ni a fearful de'ermluaicoo - R.rer of my rsae, reesSPM ba -Tl rtUeig tobleou. ACT Uj?Ins Hiu. op Hosts ass Pjai.-n t>rr, IT* heene I-Tlie aim n a fo-ge A aanw atorm- Apnear?SSW if an ol* Irlpod?A rrougaltios? Ers*e?s meeta wt*M : rwoetm Hrene I Wild Miiri'gh In diatribe of A gentleoiAti?' WWo hievea fa ' eut bnoeel men get i?eir dap ' Hrene 5 I a* k iCos* sod baa ledtna r-flsreta-' 1 Seh?PO 'Oil my toy"?Kelir a aeorrb far her Utlia ehargo. Aa I * ties that abe fouad h.? true lora ahe waa flow*. He stood itkn larabklo that bletea all alnae, r<ir raj tree lor* la *oae, and aha fwaakea ma I Adieu <ha (Ireen II thee for eeer, said ha 'he power of em*-W?leorae recoja.U ? - A aad M?rj .". tar. lav don t dia la Uta etraeta. ' Hraiir J Marfan* IN Aahart aad bar protafa? Caplaaaraat enactions--Attain* of Uta .iihatyj one o dol taUoa la Mm lag. uaitnK nrilfi ian*. ..tile Heatero hat not f.^rfo'len tba malodj of har aarlj ta nrf?A happy ra?etlnt?Mother and child vr?ia iinMat? ' I'amj raaaia ita imt reward- I hara peed bat lor thhe mnr. my arit hop* la to die' ?A HKiiKJCN HRaRT, 9 To modu le with the arreaanaa farce of TI1R HPtrTRK illkinKtjnOO*. te?rr . .... Mr Jepersnn | lanaa Mra T. II JohnMaM Poormopen at t\ vo r?mm<-nea at TH precisely. BUT A NTS' M1NXTRKIA. Marhaniaa' Mall. 171 Broad war. ah ore Grand atrath. March H, an I Raarj Nl*at dttrtna tha weekNew "on(a, I Huicea, Aaylnaa. ( omlaaliUea. Ac. Tyrolean Warblero- Three Honiara. iniARS MT HANDMOI or BrRWMi AT RH A 7.07*1, ulghil j with armama of laughter. first ttaaaef the Hor or r ANMic/N. harertem bj Jerry and Daa Br)am and their MM?M roup*. l>?ori open at 4. to commence at 71< o'cloak. ITckata *1 aula. On Naturdaj. March t?-Annual Betiaftt of Km. BMTAWT l|CRIU/VB Tl ratad palatine of Urn HoLT PAini.T fhainti nlna to tha Brwroort famll yi i now oa eih.bu.Km at tha . /'? AET "AU-MT.36B Broadway _ A^mtaaloM IS crane, (>0V trf. A ?* M, tuoinfjra. rra <mt. n?D8TAV HaTTHBB J r;?ar omand co*c**r nil IAII? pluo* a; UM _ _ Mo*A?t TIAJ.I., m BMOAPWAf. Om Tbomb*t Mtaca 11, at > a ctoaM. ittittto m HRXRIRTTA ntlk the dtattanntahad soperata. MiaaJINNT TWtnnRM* the farorlte Reran ninMaMa Her flrra ai praraoa* tn New Turk I . . KOUaH,' >:.iJUlHAl R? the ralabfAiai rtoUam, ROBERT OOL the raninr ii ptantat ftcaaaa. Oan Potl.?? Xn'iw nit? bf bad t4 4he ra ate I'lrri of iirh'ther*h A Oft 0 Rna* OM-'. wrf - ? w.e ?t a ' rA, Trm7\ i> . and at the Wr oa tie aream* of tha Oonnrav Tr cart cnlm era *atal huia ... u ^ fV M- .n. < Ciaaart w*L ?? ? ? Ti'?J*?Ar, MArah 14 MkwtaAih