Newspaper Page Text
r J i HOV8KS, ROOMS, AC^TOUT. jnCMUT FURNISHED H0C8K TO LET-IN B ROOKk lyn. near clWnum avenue, convenient to the Myrtle and ><MhamaDuig rallroade. To a careful tenant it would be let liniei 'j Addrees box 169 Herald office. I 4 NKAT THREB 8TORY AND BNGLISU BABKUKNT J\ houte. in thorough repair, with all the modern Improvemrnta, water, gaa fixture*, oloaet room, Ac.. autfnMe for a Mill genteel family, to let. To be aeen from 10 to 6 P. M. at IB Weat Sixteenth ptrcet. AvovinniiiiN ninnaoiuai uuuoA iu tira^nbAn Bvohdway, suitable for a small genteel family; gun, haadeliers bathe, water closet, range, it.; yearly rent >400; larnilure very nice, the whole or part will be told at a great aacrthce; possession immediately. b. w. RICHARDS, 307 Broadway. * superior and very handsomely furnished J%. four etory and basement brown stone house toleaae, for mree or live years, on Murray Hill, 42 East Thirty-fifth street ?18 rooms; or the house and furniture for sale. Terms easy. Can be seen from 11 to 4 o'clock. B. W. RICHARDS, 807 Broadway. A furnished first ulas8 house to let, 10t West Fifteenth street, near Sixth avenue?16 rooms, gas, kaadeliers, baths, wutarcloset, r.iuge, Ac ; yearly rent >1.300. Fsesesaion immediately. Can be seen from 11 to 3 o'clock. B. W. RICHARDS, 307 Broadway. At flatbush.?to i.f.t, a larok frame dwelltog house, with an acre of 'nnd, barn and outbuildings, nknated about the centre of the beautiful village of Flatbush, oa (he main road, and convenient to three churches, the academy and post office. Stages pass tlie door ever? half hour, lnu aire of J. iI. Hess, on the premises; or of John liens, 377 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Rent $330. A first class three story and attic house to let or lease?No. 644 Houston street, near Rroadtvay, between Crosby and Mulberry streets. House 2# by 60feet; yard about K0 feet deep. Would be rented for a prlv.its boardlag house or hotel, or for business purposes, to a responsible tenant. Apartments to let-to respectable f ? ahlies, from the lstol April, at the corner of Thirty fouri b street / and Second avenue. Proton water In the rooms. :tnd gas In b.- hall. Inquire of P. KELLY, 282 Ninth street, between First avenue and avenue A. Broadway stores to let at a low rent.?on the second story, a handsome snd large front room, with lite long windows, on the southwest corner of Broadway and White street. Also, nrxt to it, another front room. Tbeso rooms are now nonected. Will he let separate or together. Apply on the premises, to C, 8CRIBNER. Broadway store property to rent?the handsome and spacious store now occupied by George Balptn, 361 Broadway, near the eorner of Franklin street, comprising the store, 27 feet wMc by about 140 deep, with handsome modern plate glass front, and fine office In tho rear. Aha. a handsome floor In the loft above, well ttshted wltn a skylight and window*. Alan, the rear premises, froutlng about 40 feet on Franklin street. comprising a spacious store asd two large lofts, the whole forming one of the moat destrablc propertlea on Broadway, statable for either wholesale or retail boat nee*, and would be ranted together or Heparate. VeaaeaatoD on the ltd of May. Apply on the premise*. BBOOKLTJT.-TO LET, A NICK TURKIC STORY A WO basement brick houae in Court street, accoud house from Aalty atreet, (Wo. 142. ouposlte Dean street, of good access In the South or Fulton ferry. City cars pass the premise* to KuBsn ferry. With good Improvements and In good repair. Will suit a genteel family. Inquire at 142 Court street. Boarding house to liasb.-to learn, tub Irland ITotel, corner of avsnao 0 and Tenth street, has been oernpted the last five years as a mechanics' boarding bonae, and Is f ne of the best stands In the city It Is In the v.stmlty of tsn of (ho largest machine shops In New York, near he Oreeiipotnt ferry, and at the termlnull of three bees of stage a. Has ahont SOlroomt, a range, hot and eold water baths, stationary wash tubs, anil boarders wsah room wtth all Bar ttnnrss complete. It Is a first rate stand for lodgers. Poser anion given lat of April or 1st of May; rent 9700 Apply at 4N0 Tenth atreet, or to C. A K. P01LL0N, 224 South street. Billiard saloons-very large booms, 1,102 Broadway, to let or lease. Apply as per bill. (COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET-BEAUTIFULLY ) situated on the west aide of Cold Spring Harbor, L I., ontalning 11 rooms, beside* kitchen nnd pantries two hour* from the ally per railroad; four train* daily; one arrives at 9 A. M and leaves at 4}. P. M. Rent $150. Apply to D. Y. A b. jones, 140 Waverley place. TiKSIR ABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET-in THE \ f town of Westchester, thirteen mile* from the Ottv Hall, N. T.; tlx seres of land, outbuildings, Ac.; plenty or fruit, d garden and waier; situation healthy. For particular* inquire of MARTIN V. tf. WATSON, No. 3 HaU of Records. Desirable broadway lofts-four stories f No 535 Broadway, corner of Spring atreet, adjoining the Prescott House, to lease; they are 26ilQU feet, and now oc carted for a large millinery business. Go and see them. Dm* boom to let-in one ok thr most elioi b!r and commodious offices tn the city; rent 912 per anmb. Address box 3,639 Post office. IJNOI.IBII BARRMKNT HOUSE 142 WERT TTHRTY J leeond street. hetweer. Eigh'h and Ninth avenues to let r for sale: rent $7!W; price BJBi*). Apply on the premises, r to JOIIN H. MURRAY, 40 Well street, Manhattan Company'n building. FURNISHED HOUKK IN K1GHTKKNTU STREET, HEtween Fifth and Sixth avenue*, to let. Ren' 91,A00. Also one on Union square at 92,400; one In Went TwentyI . aeeoud Itreet at Si,OCU, one in Thirty-first street at 9114V. ' KNIGHT A CO., 493 Hroadway Furnished hourk to let?pleasantly l.ooated In aeentral part of the city wtthtn hair a blo'k of a stage route; It li three itnry. contain* all the Improvement*, aa. bath*, tumace, Ac. Teraaa moderate. Apply at 136 Thompson atreet, between Houston and Prince. BFtriLVtBllEn FIRST CLASS HOUSE TO L?T.-\ GOOD " chance for any gentlemen and wife partial to houae. keeping.?The advertiser within* to remain In the house and wtaain* good board for himself and wife will reduce the rant to 91,000 per year. J'hree months must be pai.l m advance and good responsible reference given. A few frl?n Is in the bouse paying 9M per week would remain if agreeable. Ap ply from 11 n> 4. for two days, al 26 Amity p,ace, lileeckcr atreet Stages paaa within one door. House to let-ftrninhed or unpurahsukd, in New Hrifhum, Rtalen Island, flfteeo minutes' w ilk smith lof the New BrrghUm landing. Address U., box 2 364 New Bark Fool office HOTIL TO LET.?BIXHT'S HOTEL OORNFR Or Broadway and Park place, opposite the Park . contatn* S?> 1 a rooms. Inquire of .lIRKll HULL, 10 Puane street. House to let -new furniture for sale.-por. session immediately The parties are going to Europe. A very desirable new three story house, with all Improvement*. In a pleaaant location. Rent 970<l Two years lo run. Addrea 127 East Thirty -second street. Call from 11 A. M. 40 1 u p. m HOCR1 TO I.KT-PURNITURE FOR BALE-THE lease and furniture, or furniture aloue. of a lares first clam residence near Orsce church; house modern; fusolture ,U1 iml.inh H IIXKNKN 11 Park ns. HOn?F TO LKT-TN BROOKLYN; A TWO AWI> A half olorr and basemen! frame house ST WaMret. eight BBVll1 walk from K a lion or Wall street ferries irau range. Ac : also rard In the roar ISO feat de.-o, rent Apply to 8. B. CHt'RCll. CI Church atrcct. N. Y. T OKT8 TO LFT ?TIIK SrAOTOt'S LOFTS OF 18 ANO 17 AJ Taaay street, aminceitng with Wn. 8 Church street, mill* la for a large importing ur auction bouse. Apply at 38 Vesey Ural, |C< Obd floor. IOFTS TO LET?FOl'R LARUE WELL LIGHTED J Wis to let. In the new brown atone front a'ora. No 2Hd Greenwich atraat. between Warra.n and Chamber* a-rtata , Rant 11,300. or tba attire store will be let on reaaonabio | terms Apply on the premises. O 865 BROADWAY ?TilRKl FLOORS FOR M BI* nera purposes or rrlyate residences will he rwntad to C^msther or separately; IS Rrnoroe alreet. near I'ttt. an'ranaaw > .th atraat* a three atory tr a hull J in* 111 fart front by MO. noar used aa a distillery, anth all the nareaaarv ntaaalla; tar whole will ha enld rhaap or ranted with th? building. Inquire of J. BTOP1 KNRL A CO., All Centra r'reet. PART OF HOT'BK WO RtiepRIWO 8TRF-KT. WW 4 R IIPD on, to let- < < insisting of a front and hack parlor, with <'** r two bedrwoma, and a pantry. Ren; $A?t in .re *t M Kit win n atraat. PART OF A HOrFR TO LKT-AT X YANDF.WATKR | atraat. front and haak parlor and front basement, and two bedrooms ta the attic. an be aeen from 10 till t o'clock. P^^^HART OF A HOCRR TO T.RT?AT RO IS FORRYT1I street, eonaiaiin* of flee r?a?, all on aaaor. 1 floor, stairway leading from Ike aarond floor to the yard, i.i I the house thoroughly painted inside last spring; nelgbbwbood gwd. Reat gam. PART OF A COWVKWIRWT HOCSE TO LET?WITH all the modern tmproyementa. consisting of four rvnt on aaooad floor and two on third, with prirllege tait hur to ant. bath rooms. An. To a ama.ll raateal family It will he let low. Inquire on the premises, So. 186 West Twenty alxth wrest. PART OF A MOPERW nOVft*. WO St WKsT THIRTYfourth street, to let?flee nod floor, one room on third and rear haaawiant .all rr. ma. t gas t.iture* haih An . I > a .mail .American family. Rent RbH. Ie in drat rate onl r. "IJ1.K AS A KT APART**!*- TO I.RT TO A K*AM. RR. .1 apetrable family?The aatire aeeond floor, cnnaleting of Hire# room* pantrlea. rloaeta. Ae and one n? mora rwrni- In the 'htrt at.Ty, ? very apeetone bee* benan.ani and nee of the mtvcellar; two or m we railroad* near by. rentSMo Apply At M Fourth ntrent. RKWT ?AM? -TO I.KT T!* RROOKI.YR. TTTRFR HTfTTT*' wall frna Hamilton ferry, the ootnm vltonatbrr. etory hr'eb hot|?e m the bent of order, Ro. It* l>eirr?w (treat. Ar* ply to J I'Rl'ARR. 423 BHIU1II atrret. STORE TO I.KT-THR RPUUOtD ATOFR 1M IIROAO way, rnmer of Puaae ntreet. nnllable for an? wboleaale bnainrea Apply to It F. HARRRF, IS Park row. CTKAM POWKR.-TO I.KT, WITH KTRAM POWfR. fy two rnoeaa. 2Si7?, lit on three ?tde?, with "nore eight Peel wide, aleoreneral emailer rooma. Poaeeov .n Imrandletelv. Apply t<> P. M WILFOR, *o. 117 Prince .treat, two blorkaweetof Broadway. SflT* OP APARTMERTF TO t.KT -FIRST Kl/lOR, 73S Rlghth avenue, eon el at log of piu ior, (iihIbk rooin, three bedroom*, kitchen and four eloeeta, all with r ta and fjitnree hutd ta the beat order. Apply to J. M. IIAVI*, M Wall itreol. Two PIRPT fl.ARR FOPR STORY KROI.IFH ft APR ment brown atone botiaea to let, in Forty-aeoond eireet, near the eorner of Pevenlh avenue, Woe. 2 and 4, wl'h ga.e rbandellera. he.-the neighborhood nnefeepti >nalile an I very plraeant; rratrno Apply U> A .u'e , *t itroad alreet; or to A. Roe and P. 0. Wilaon. 30D Tari.1 eireet. rJJT-A nnrR*7"wtfH STORK, 'BR acttpvllt in thn c#?Qtrg? of th* TtlUf* n# Fatrrr nut c >rn*r of Woodruff iiv??nu* *r>i Promwt rrw, wlih i*rgr girflpfi, i*.i bntHve mhw'ey walk from Tremont dep<v, on II irlvm Rtliroftri,, piar^rioiiithf; r*ut low. ImUill fh%?c* t/rrntk* won*? Wjui* i1 frS^u,?tPWt*cuUrij for *roc*rY, Jk*. tn and from* to?PM c*dar eject, fr mil to 9 A it. T0i*Ti"rli.WY "'Ue-nfSBBnWVeTiiSH FOlit *UirL.n/Jll!?' / Km' Tl'tnv BPh *- ?et W'".. ro.-rr?'l-'.-p, w 'h ell ta?? m *1ern .. K-"it fpyo per annum. Apply to ORO. R TOW.VHKFIT, 42 l'ln# atrret. riX)~i.*T-TiiR TiiRR* RTORT A.f n ATTir ironsK ri I - ' TO I.KT?WRO* FIRST OF WAT NRXT, TH1 >PKR part, with haeem'ent. of honnr No. 114 <*hrya->e alreet hi A email leaf rotable famiv; I?a, frolmt water, Ac., a0. fjutr* oo In prw^m ppo LKT-IR'. ifcwTAflUR HA LI,, "iROOKLTW, THR 1 ballroom aad other pnblle p?rtl?*i? of the bitlldtngi aiao me ?tora In *?me htflldlng, and eev a^ <wi>iee. Poa*oeei >o fret ef Ray ne?t In<iutreaf IT. ?. nTRHH. who will heat (he Hall ovary <*y between 12 M And S P. *. Aim. of R .P. Sirmj|it ^ N*??wn If. . rraljfr-A ny* FIRHT/LnaR, iw RAJ^T FORTIRT*. JL^atreef' rent R* per month Td let, a third door ?y ett'iagw A3 Woet nnrty fifth atrevi, rent $p per m< n|j. To > , a farm a# IPaerea and large ooontry *eat on , a .r flav >">- raw, rr^t Sxv ptr ycAfi h< DAVK . ** S+* ?VW.-fc MOU8K8, ROOMS, AC., TO LET. rpo LET-THE TOUR UPPER LOFTS I* THAT NEW JL ADd splendid store (110 by 28 feet) No 2ftI Hroadway, eor ner of Hurray street, with or without the tub cellar. En trance on Broadway and an Murray street with boistway Inquire of 8. C. HEBBINO k CO , upon the premises. TO LBT-NOfl. 188, 197 and IS* WATER STREET, AME No. 2 Depeyster atreat (known aa the Oreen block), lh? whole or In part. Toonlre of 8. C. T1KRRINQ A CO.. upor the premises, or at their new atore, No. 281 Broadway, ooroei of Murray atreat. rLRT-A PART OP HOUSE NO. 1*9 SPRTNC5 atreet, near Wooster. consisting of two parlora, a lied room, bath room and pantries, together with two basements, eel tar, pantries, Ac ; gas and Orolon on the premises. Renl $300 per annum. Can be seen between the hours of 3 and BP. M. TO LET?THE LOWER HALF OP A POUR 8TGRT English basement house, built for the owner's own use. It is ntled up with speaking tubes. bells, Ac. The rent ta $400. Inquire on the premises, 2S6 West Thirty second street, four doors west of Ninth arenue. rjMi ijrr^THE^Trara sTOR'T brown stone house. X lUrUlMO^a, lo aui IIWUCHI nuccu ll UW lUt I IMS OKHirra Improvements. Possession given. If wished, 1st of April. Address bos 5,703 Post ofllce. r LET-PART OP THE TWO STORY Aim ATTIC brick boose, No. 8 First avenue, consisting ot' the second story end back basement, with privilege In oeUar, Ac. Can be seen after 10 A. M. References exchanged. TO LET-STEAM POWER, AT 148 WATER STREET, second and third floors, well lighted, hoist wheel and easy of access; well adapted to any business requiring steady power; convenient room and good location. Apply on the premises, or toC. A R. POILLON, 224 South street TO LET?8TORB, THREE ROOMS, FRONT CELLAR, fixtures and gas, complete, In a thickly settled location, with three or five year* lease. Inquire on the premises, 287 West Twenty scventn street. TO LET?II07SE AND STORE 498 SEVKNTTI AVENUE, between th Fortieth and Forty first streets; finely located for a hardware or dry goods store; Is now used as a confec tionery. Rent $660. Apply to U. II. MAMMKN, corner of Forty-first street and Seventh avenue. To be let together or separate. TO LET?THE SECOND FLOOR, BACK KITCHEN, vault and one attic bedroom In the very convenient and wall located house No. 180 Grand street; will be rented only to s small family without children, as tbe family remaining In the house hare no children. Apply between 12 and 3 o'clock. TO LET-EIGHT T.OT8 IN YORKVTI.LE BETWEEN Eighty fifth and Eighty slxih streets, near Third avenue. These lota are suitable tor coal, lumber and wood yards, or for gardening purposes. Will be let cheap. Apply to II. SILI.ICR, Eighty sixth street, between Third and Fourth avenues. r LET?AT MODERATE RENTS, THREE OP CTIK MO dern three Rtory and brlch bouses In Wsverley place, a tsw doors west of Sixth avenue, newly painted and In com plete order, with Croton water, drain and gas, Ac., each having twenty rooms; large, pleasant, opes ysrds r LET?THE WHOLE OF FIRST FIAIOR AND BA8Rment floor, with two rooms on second floor, of bouse No. 92 West Sixteenth street. Gss will be put through the bouse 1st of May. To be seen dally, between 18 and 12 A. M. Apply at 14 Xacdougal street. Rent $400. TO LET-POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY?'THE FIRST class three ?tory and basement house 224 Thompson street, |jetween Hleeeker and Amity and near Washington uunre, with the modern Improvements and gas fixtures throughout Apply at No. 226, or JOHN CULYKR, No. 281 Thompson street. TO LET A LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH BEDROOM and two spacious pantries, to a married couple without children or to a lady or a single gentleman, from 1st of Mav. I/Ocaliou In a healthy part of tne city, near Twelfth street and Seventh avenue, cooveuient to cars and stages. F-or particu lars imutlre at 432. Canal street, ice ofllce from 9 A. MT to 3P.M. TO LET?NO. 11 RUTGERS STREET, OPPOSITE THE church, first flooe, rear basement, three rooms In attic; rent $860; or second floor, front basement, <ma room in attic; rem $800 Inquire of H. DAVIS, 469 Water street, in the wood yard. TO LIT?TO A SMALL FAMILY, A PART OF THE bouse No. 26 Third street, constating of two rooms, with pantries on the second floor one room on the third, and the basement, with privilege of bath and cellar; gas In the bouse. Bent $376. mo LIT?ON THK HMHE8T GROUND AT SOUTH X Bergen, a small cottage house, with seven rooms. Fine lew of the Bay. Omnibuses pass the door. Rent $260. In qmre of P. MILLER, Trinity place, corner Thames sweet. TO LET-FRO* THE FIRST OF MAY, THE UPPER part of bouse No. 139 West Twenty fourth street, containbig modern improvements, to a small respectable family. Prime location. Rent$30U. References repaired. Inquire on the premises. mO LET?THfc SECOND FLOOR AND FRONT BASKX ment of house No. St Hamcrslcy street, consisting of four room*. Unexceptionable reference will be required. Inquire as above. Rent $226. TO LIT?HALF OF A TWO STORY AMI Ht^KVKNT house In Pike street; house has hot and old water, baths, Ac. For particulars Inquire at the oflljc of J. P. UN DKBHILL. 166 Peart street. mo LET-THE UPPER PARI OF HOUSE NO. 130 X Second street, between First, avenue and avenue A, to a email respectable family. Very good neighborhood, and the house haa all the modern Improvement!; rent $225 to $300. There la no bill on the house. Apply to J. ULt'MKNTliAL, 50 I.ndlow street or 32 Maiden lane. mo LET?SECOND STORY AND OFFICE, WITH 1 privilege of one or more lofts, in the store No. 121) Nasaau street, near Beekman. Inquire on the premises. rLET-A HAVDROMR COUNTRY RESIDENCE, RTTtTated l^le town of Yonkera, Westchester county, with a splrndld gVFiea with a fine bed of asparagus, also a pond with trout In 11. carriage bouse and stable on the place, everything to make It a desirable residence for a gentleman d> Ing businesa In the elty, being only l\, miles trom Hunt's bridge, Harlem Railroad, and 2J? miles from Hudson River Railroad, at Yonkera. Apply to ISAAC 8. VALENTINE, 160 Second avenue. rLET.?PART OF A MM TO LET. OUOUPUU) BT the owner, pleasantly situated, has hot and cold water and gas; e-mrenlent to oars and stages. Terms moderate. Reference -squired. Apply at 1T6 East Twenty third strest. r LET-SEVERAL EIRRT CLAM FOUR RTORY houses, with all the modern Improvements, in Ashland place, Carry street, rent from $1,000 to $1,$I0 Also, he 'trwiKla t hrea alrtP* Krtnh kittiaa it flenva slsasl siiltst.U /evs. a Kl rlaaa bnerdme bonne Apply to K. BLOOMER. Ocetin uranae Company. 16 Wall atreet. rLET?RECORD FLOOR AND ONE ROOM ON THIRD, i-on?l*ilnjt of flee ronmai And four large tpantrlee, with ? atcr ad<1 gaa. In pilre At 2B Filth Atreet. rt.ET?ON WEST TWENTY SEVENTH STREET, BE twren Hroadwav And Iirtb avenue, k iiyn Noe 47 And 47>1. each Ufleen feet front, four entry And hadKnent, motTn improvement*. rent only *450 tleo bonne N07* aame Atreet. j. K. pond, aw Broadway. room 26. rl.KY?THE ELEGANT FOl'R STORY BROWN RTONK boiiAO. 40 Weal Twenty first Atreet, near the Fifth avenue. Apply U. J. R Gl.KNTWORTH A CO., No, 3 Broad affect. TO l.F.T-IN BROOKLYN, T1IR HANDHOME THREE Alnry And haermcrft brown Alone hoitee, 37? Paelfle aire." , liAih, kaa And WAter hiinrei, rAni:-, Ac.; AdjAc?nt ui Ful on ATenno Mr* And Rnnth ferry; rent IW<l Apply to K. A UICR 1141'H, 84 John atreet. fr^| 13 to 1 o'clock, ri this rmr and brooklyn, modern built boueea In good locallona. Kenta from $400 to I.SUG. Apply to WM. McEVIl.T. No. 7 HrOAd atreet, To i.rt?two PARI-orh, with private EN trance, AultAble for a doctor, dentlAt, millinery and dreaamaking, or Any < ther Ughl btAlneaa. 122 Bloeoker atreet. Apply la the paint otore, To let?from 1st of mat, the upper part of the bonne No. T Second avenue. In the boat condition, and fnrnUheo with the modem impapvemeule. Rent*4JU to a quiet family giving good reference*. ri I ET-TO A SMALL FAMILY ONLY, nALr OP A deairaMc three Atory houoe. containing All the modern improvement*. gaa fliturea, hot And c<dd water, bath. Re. In<l<ilre at No. tit Went Twentieth atreei, to be oeea from 2 to 6 o'clock. TO I.ET-A THREE STORY MARBLE FRONT HorSE. No. LW Went Twenty third (tract, with modern improve menu, kaa chandelier* belong to the hoanc; rent moderate. Inquire M WYL1.YH I.YMAN, attorney, 61 Liberty atreet. rl.ET?HOl'SE NO. 61 RARRoW RTREET RENT *00 Apply to READ BROTHERS, No. XU Wa-tung ton Atreet. TO LET-TUB FOUR STORY DWELLING HOUSE 176 Eaat Seventeenth Atreet. near Blnjveaaut Park. ihr. ? parlor* deep with all the modern Improvement*. Inquire of WM 0. A MERMAN, 163 Waoater Atreet, corner of lloiialon atreet. rLET-A SMALL genteel HOUSE on lkxinoton avenue, near Tweul* fifth atreet, with all the modern imriw?tn-nt?, and gaa flitnrea;w111 he put in aplendkl order. Suitable for A t>mall family only Rtat *600. K. V. WINslllMKR, 319 4th aee*ue. r LET-PART OP A HOUSE CON81R. ING Or TWO large room* with cloeel?, and hall bedroom on aerood door and front baeement. The botiae hae a I the modern ImI rovementa, and iaaduated In MacJougal new Fourth air cot. Rent W60. Addre?? D , boi 27fl Poat office ILT. rLICT?TO A XM ALL FAMILY, FART OF AM FWO 1t?b baaement bouae Rent will be taken In board. The l'mil of rcfrr?-iine? will be required. In |ulre At 103 4th arenue, from 9 to II AM. ami TO LVT THK LOWER PtRT OF ROCHE W<>. 7 LIB pen?rd atreet, ronaietlng of two parlore wtib fonr pan trio*, barb baeement with large paotrteg, with one or two room? in the aiilo, gaa and Prn'on; convenient to Rlxth and Eighth avenue rnllroada. Rent (MO Reference? oichanged. TO LET-T1IE nofRR KWnWW AH MO 44 WKST Twenty fourth atree4. between Bmvlwaj and ninth arenue, being one o! lire new hnuai a, bouin ha* >11 li' moilrri improvement# Rent about SI,0UD. Inu lire of JOHN HElll.hM AW, 112 Weet Twenty Aret etreel. Vt d* >?A. M. of after 7 F. M ,orat bla office, 29 Wall au e it, throughout the, ''ay. TO I.FT WO. a>4 WVHT FIFTRFJ4TH HTRKKT T1 REE atory, high atoop brick houee, In complete order run 'ailtint ail lho mod ro imprnvrm n'a, to a private la-nlltr onlr. Apptr to Ll.OTI) A WARRKW, Wo. f (Union llall, Aator place, Klghih atreet. near Broad way TO l.RT?FT'RMHHF.P TIOl'HR NO. ft COTT AO 14 PL At E Rant taken in hoarding present OpottpanL House three Wiry and haa'trent, and h?a gaa. hath, A?\ Refereno. changed Kill ho lot only to a amall family. Apply rg^m i! rent loea. To let-a frowt parlor, with a wipe chaw delier. marblP mantel, Imek brtaement. with waahtttha In ike entry; a room and two bedrootna on third door, in good order, of houao 113 Baal Twenty fourth ert. t, between Heeond and rd avennea. Ion amall rice family PreuAMOpcr month In advance. Inqu're at the hall door. To i kt-ilovtr wo. 172 WRST THIkwvuxth treet, near Rlghth hrennc, II la three atorlea high b*?? men'. with modern erl'ar, baa all the m< tern ln..>mvcmcnta. gaa rhandeliera aatd finuren complete, been ore tinted only one year nlnee built, rent SW? Alan, a three eirwy high *a#e ment hrtek teniae. Wo. 144 En* Twentr llfth atreot, near Second avrnno, built on rear of lot, with very line large yard In front, rent Mh?? For pnrtletilara inquire of P. AYRKH A CO., tM Broome at reel near Broadway. . TOLET-STORF WO 11 RPRtlfT. frTREKT. IT TB BUTT able for any kind of buaineee Aleo. the front building .W? U.wter -arret, well artap'ed for anvkudif bnamam Rent tew to good ' eiante, Inquire of JOHM McWJOOL, Wo. 11 Apr nee afreet. The wlioi,* or part OF a FnRWlfU'Kl* HOOTE TO let. Apply a* * Marjpt etreel ?fWv m i rRa ww Twrmow iiohhfi, py Wwt I Tw?ntt elghih atreet, containing gaa and Crows waiar, and a large yard with rraye \ tnea Inquire a' a* Weet Forty r gli* ft', t-vn IV g?d ) e fcfck, A S |ivttWJU* NEW YORK HERALD, 1 HOUSES, ROOMS, JSC., TO 1JBT. ^ t rpo LKT?179 WKMt wa\?,ltU!.? r^ace., .<a.All Ha A mpnd street, part of the house, consisting of dining ro< and kitchen upon tlrst Hour, parlor, siring room, three b< room*, bathroom and waterclonet upon seond floor; o bedroom on third floor, privilege In cellar and yard; gat a ' water throughout. Kent Stint Apply ?t the house. ? mo I.KT-TirK DWELLING PART OP THB H0C8E N t J. 77 Went Broadway, corner of Leonard street. It la w r suited for, and now occupied aa, a boarding honae. R? moderate, to a good tenant. Apply to H. BLANK, corner West Broadway and Leonard Blreet, or to J. J01IN80N, 1 I Washington etreet, Brooklyn. TO LKT?TO A RMALI. FAMILY, TTTH UPPER PA1 of house No. 69 Monroe street, consisting of front at I back parlora and two bedrooms on second floor; water in t back parlor, and one bedroom on the third floor; gaa and g fixtures, with privilege of bath room. Rent 9450. Apply OKORilE W. EYANB, No. I Jacob street. TO LET-THE MANUFACTORY NOB. S6S AND ! West Twenty fourth street, near the Tenth avenue; 5ether with steam engine, shafting, lathes, drills, tools, 1 l most pleasant loeation for manufacturing or other pi poena Apply on the premises of J. B. OONKEY, or at t store it warren street TO LET-THE SECOND FI.OOR OF nOU8B6?l OREE wlch street, consisting of throe rnoma. with pantrh closets, gas and Croton water together with one attic roc and prlvllege tn cellar. Can be seen from 1 to 3. Rent 923 mo LET?THE WORKSHOPS NO. 45 LEONARD RTRBE X Possession lmmediatrlv. Bent low to a good tenant. 1 quire of W H. JOHNSTON, 115 West Broadway, or of JOHNSON, 209 Washington street, Brooklyn. mo l.KT?T1IE HOUSE NO. 42 LEXINGTON AVENU X near Twenty fifth street; three story and basement, ai good yard. Lot 25 by 100. Has modern improvements, g flitures, Ac. Kent 9S0U. Also, No. 59 East Twenty sb street, near Fourth avenue. K. B. KIN8H1MEB, 319 Eourth avenue TO LET?IN 80UTH BROOKLYN, PART OF A THR1 story bouse, with or wl.hont basement, gas, Ac., to a sms genteel family. To an acceptable tenant the. rent would low. Beet o? reference given and required. Apply on t premises, 92 West Warreu street, near Clinton. mo LET?STOBAOB OB PACKING AND CURI* X building 673 Washington street, well adapted for the pi pose, with Ice cellars. Inquire of P. B. CHRISTIE, No. Christopher street. TO LET-A SUIT OF OFFICES, AT PRESENT OCCI pled b?r Jemee T. Brady, separately or together, lnaui. ef KURD A PILES, 13 Park place. TO I.ET-A LABGE HOUSE, FURNISHED OR UNFU nlahed, containing thirty eight rooms, excellently i ranged for a first class boarding house. Location near Urot way, and uuaurpaaseU. Inquire uf if. F. OHBORN, at U? W PeLevergne a drug store, 138 Sixth avenue. TO LET-IN BROOKLYN, THE THREE STORY FRAI hobte No. 90 Concord street, with sub cellar having l modern Improvements, with gss fixtures all perfect, sultat for one or two small families; rent moderate. Inquire ARTHUR McAVOY. In the corner store. TO LET?FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, THE S cond and third floors of house No. 6 Pitt street, near Orai consisting of tour rooms, to a small family without childrt Rent moderate. TO LET?PART OP THE HOUSE 84 SIXTH 8TRKR Either the first or second floor, with front basement si Rttioroom. Gat. bath room, Ac. Pleasant nelghborboc Rent >330 or VUO. rLKT-IHE LOWER PART OP THE VERY DESI able three story house] 24 King street, near Macdougl with all the modern Improvements. Kent f40t). TO LET?OH 111TTI STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AN Fourth avenues, a well finished cottage house, contal ing eight rooms, with under cellar and fine yard; farilitl sood for getting dewn town. Rent 813U per year. Inquire 23 Pulton street, basement, or on the premises. TO LIT-THE WHOLE LOWIR PART AND ONE Hal of the third floor of the three story and high baaeme brick house No. 107 Forsyth street, near Broome: all the m dern Improvements, chandeliers, Ae. Apply on the premlat or of GEO. H. WALKER, 18C Centre street. TO LET?THE TilREH STORY AND HIGH RAHEMB? house in Eighteenth street, between Irving place ai Third avenue; will bo painted and put in perfect order A ply to JA.MK8 KINNEY, 138 Third avenue, between 12ai 3 o'clock. TO LET?THE THREE STORY I1ROWN STONE HOUS furnished, No. 7 East Th rtleih strpet It has w 11 the m dern Improvements. Address Abbott A Mmturii, 29 Burlli slip. New York. TO LET?SECOND FLOOR AND FRONT BASEMEN with Croten water, gas, marble man'els, and all mode Improvements. Inquire on the premises. No. 144 EsetTblrt second street, between Second and Third avenues. TO LET-NO. 94 EAST TWENTY SECOND HTREK with gss fixtures, three stories, thretfrooms deep. In pe feet order; oilcloths and oarvete tor sale low, rent 11,0(10, to private family only. To sec the bouse apply at 58 East T we iy seeond street, after 1 o'cl.s-k. TO LET?A SUPERIOR THREE STORY DWKLLIN house, It King street, with all the modern Improvement gas and Croton water, marble mantels; suitable lor one fair Iy or two small genteel families. Inquire of HENRY HAM KEY, In 'he piano shop, rear of 29 Ktng street. TO LET IN BROOELYN?A OOOD STAND FOR TH grocery aud feed business?The three story brick kou No. 407 Adelphi street, near Atlantic avenue. There is under cellar and large double store, with three rooms In tl rear, and Accommodations for eight families up stair*, all' and stable on the premises. Will be let cheap to a reapers bit- tenant. Ala., bouses in other localities for sale at houses. More* and apartments to let. Apply to JOHN HkNM k88Y, 85 Gold street, Brooklyn. r LET, FOR RALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PR pertj ?A new two mory high basement house coa house, Ae , well and handsomely finished, with two. stx more seres of ground. In the town of WeW-hester, 14 mil from City Hall, and Is reached by railroad, turnpike n and melon**], the front by a handsome iron fence. The lat will be well furnished with a variety of the beat fro it Jrri evergreens, shrubbery, Ac ; the garden with rurrante, Bin. berrtee, strawberries asparagus, Ac. The location la ce! b rated aa ?ae ol the mi*1 healthy, and In the Immediate viclt ty of chnrrbea and school*. and Iki the neighborhood of go< fishing. gunning, Ac Rent KUO Inquire of the aubaarib at the aeoond house north, er at 29 Beekman street. .1AMRN CONNER. rl.KT OR FOR SAI.K?THK HOPUB NO 7? WKH Thirty drat atreet. alao to let, the two atory boitae No. (Iran i ?tr**t. WiHIamahnrir: will be put in good order, re AfTi. Inquire at 74 West Thirty ihwt street. rl.KT OR FOR RAI.B? FOPR RTORV BROWN HTON hotiae, ? by AS lot 104, No 229 Wrst Thirty fourth atree p ntalning ettr t modern improvement*, 1<* atl >n unsurp*" ed. street 100 feet wide. Apply to ROBERT PUB KB. II Weil Thirty fourth street. rl.n OR LEARK?THE FOPR STORT BRIO house No. 44 Irving place,containing all the modern Is < provrmenta. gaa flrtnres, hot and rold water, hath* A'-.. wy sdaptrd Inr two families Apply to P. A. UXRUOPR, N 1.15 Nassau street, roo^ Nth 11. TO I.ET OR I.EARK?A STORE ANP nWRI.I.INO 4 Canal aireat The store will be neail) fitted up Inr a got tenant. The aesnnd lb or, three rooms deep, wl.h kss nti Croton water, with three bedrontna In the attic, *1 I n rat I painted; In Aral rate repair. It will he let separate Posse slim Immediately If required. Inquire of II. OSTKANIiKI Sill Canal street, up jfclr a from 4 to 4. TO I.ET OR IJCAHK?ONE OF TFIE MOHT KI.I'JIBI. eornar stores on the west aide ot Ktoad way, below Oi nal *t??-et. on m?etreasonable term*. Apply to D. W. HOI LT, No. S Nassau street. rl.KT OR LBAHV?A FPU. RI7.ED, FOPR MTOR1 high atoop, atoae house with an eitenaton, I4i4tl feet, o Madison avenue near the square, t* In perfect repair, and I every reepect a Brat elaaa real race. Address A. C. B., H< raid ofllce. rLKARF, RKI.Ii OR FXCHANOK?A nANDHOW residence, with stable sod 14 lota, well mtuated upc high around, good shade, flue view, healthy, and of arenas I an 1 from the city every half hour The house contains 1 ronma Bee be ? rang*. Ac , Ac ; situate at Morriasola. Appl to J N. CROW. T"* Cans's're.-i Also, three story house 11 West Thirty ninth street, has ail the modern Improvement high basement and under oellar. rRFNT F \ YFRH,?THK VFRY PI.F AM A NT HOPE No Ml Powers street. Brooklyn, containing gaa flitura an I * sirr It Is ah-oil fif'een minutes' walk from h- ferricHas an Iron balcony and trees In front, and will he rested I 560 or rold on very ea?y term* for HMJU Inquire of Mi BROOKH, 72 West Tklrtv srsond street. TO RENT-PART OF I'RFMIRFH 71 IIAMWONP HTRBF1 comprising front sad bsck room* with betlroom on th ?e, end A or bo- It bedroom on third floor, and front b*?emen A desirable family will be accorded other privilege*. Rm IV" per annum Gas sad bath. May b* seen b*?w**o I an .t o'clock. TO RENT 1MMFPTATK F<W?SKNNION (IIYFN, TH premises over the Bull's Ilea l Bank, of tw tnt lara" roomv n-wly tin tab- I. wi'h all ihe modern Imprint rent 91,(00. r RENT?A FINE HUT OF ROOMHON TUB FIRS and second floor*, with or without hoard, st No 2 Wn Twenty lU'ih street, r rnrr of Ur-stdwav, opposite Mi?ll*> park. Best of reference gtv*n and i nquired. Tm r> RENT II* TORKYIU.E * two story FRAR I HImm; I n'limm. wt'h ?m*'l S lldln* on the rwar. ifdeeli rd can bo turned to any nee, lower port rcn ed aepareti ly I dealred. Inquire ?d THOMPR )R>iuMi|wi,or in lobrti 3t7 Rrnadwoy, up a'aire, la the loandry. THO RKNT OR FOR RACK?HRRT Ct.ASR RFW TURPI lory Kmemrnt honee 167 Root Thirty ninth atreet nr r Third Avenue, In omelet* or'.rr Rent RtVw> Fcwoot don immediately. Inquire on the prenileea or at Ilojer point etore, 774 Third ttenne, corner of Twenty thtrd ntrcel Tut ATTtjmnn of PRtrrvRR. m art'factt'brr I Ond hnotnpao men to Ineited to the pernvj* room* am 'coin T ?wer u> let in Aone ieet near N'wua i. For pnrtlrn Ura opply to H. W RHtPM * R. 1*7 Hmadway, In tho rabbe ?tore,?het worn the boon ot 9 and II o'clock. Tint.1 AMD COUNTRY A HOtlSK AT WEST 110 lo . . onearenod for beaoty of Bltna Uen. and not or?r fifteen t. :ut?* from the ferrr liyata?en,a efflfrt interrale Inquire if W MrOAt'I.RT, M Chathar e'reel, orof .lORKPH Mcul'IRK. .M4 Third arenne, 8 to I A. * , and 8 to7 P.M. T| BO HARrFAtTI'RRRF.-TO I,IT. FOR A T*RR Ol yoare. a larfte four atory haaenn-nt houae. No. 9 Ic-' naed atreel Rent m wlerate to Afood tenant. Inunlrcc WI1.1.IAM O ORK.KN, Rn WCanal atreet, opposite Oreenr tl' II,1 IARSBCRO.?TO l,KT\ FURRIRIIin. UNO* A N1 V* bed,line tnelndnd, a three ?lory brick houae Ro. 1 Thlr elect neai furtalon arenne. In (.rat rale ordai, three ml ntnea walk from Sotrh Tenth street ferry. R-nt 5tfl0 AtlQ RKNT ORI.t. FROM ROW UNTIL MAT.-TIP prclR, at P'tle honae In thla rttr with all the moderi Impmteniente The whole of the han laorne furniture mm be P'trahaa part each and pari on Hm?. I'rtoe $MU Mee after May RMO Ro. I parte place, Thirty atith atreet. A/?r/\ RF.NT.?TO I.R/, ?ir"mTRrTy HIT,I. A THRF SOOU atory and lilfh hanement houae. No K\ Fart Foi In I. mrecl, betn>?i\Ju'ir'h and l-clintton rranuer. with a he modern ImproveflFwita, 25 feet fmnt by 48 deep. Appl u, Tin 'MAR BVTLBR, ll? Wentstreet. Agaa -TO I,*T. * TRRRR RTORT HIOU RTOOI ptM/Vf. beaem-ml honae. with all the modiwn Improri mente, No f7?S West Thtrty fourth aueec Apply to I I, TOR. 414 Broadway _ nVBUMIMCIC IHVK'EI, rrtAMiuFs ANO OTHHRH CJLBBTAIN KXHU,**1 J1 ewrrentn tmmedtvaK, at to an it all, at the net TVimeeitc InatRute and fkwc.UR llthat. corner of (Mh ai Thla ettenato* horn-* hac abundance of clrll, capable help Conducted by a reaper table Amcrlrao lady. Fbst "? t aps *brv ? sts for" arn-Trrov* rr?ry dewrtptlon In -ity tnd cm mry Rnellsh, lermait Ii <h h *an be obtained a. w?(ea ? a nt ail, a MoRRI coiiNKRT A FO. R, iki Broauwny,co-ran*! ? Wvct. TvHM ?9dfr?u. HURSDAY, MARCH 25, 18J ^ ULU OF REAL ESTATE. vT A FARM FOR SAUt?IN MIDDI.KHKX COUNTY, 1IONim A roe township. N. J , of l.H scree, 40 sere# woodland, id wTth s TOOBff apple orchard, ipod well of water. aodgoM no eoll; will be sold dt the eieeutors. Apply to JOHN HIHWILL, nd PiTielontSTenae, fourth door East ofTourth street, Brooklyn? A BRAOTTFTT, COUNTRY PLACE FOR BALE VERT O. A ohesp.?This plsse is delightfully situated at fttunford, ..11 r~ as L.H.. Ifain v..? v. . l u - ? * I ml ohnrches, schools, Ac the building! are bu|? and eoinmo of dioui, and coat $18,000. The place, with ten acre* of land, 109 will be sold for >11!,000. More land can be had If dealred. Inquire of 8. P. TOwNSEND, 82 Nassau street. >T A SMALL FARM TO EXCTIANOB FOB A DRUO id A store; farm contains a new cottage house (with seven he rooms) and stable, and ten acres of good land, on Long an Island, near n railroad, and valued at $1,800. Address H. A., to Herald office. ? A MOTHER BARGAIN IN FOrRTEENTH RTRKET-185 A. For sale, an elegant five story brown stone English base to- msnt house and lot; for sale, to elose an estate tor fourteen kc. thousaid dollars, three or tour thousand dollars only required ir- down. Tbs above is a rare oonortunlty. Title perfect, he KNtOHT A CO.. 498 Broadway. ? "DROOKLYN LOTS FOR BALK OB KXCHANUE.-12 N- D lots on I'aclfio and Dean streets. 29x107. surrounded by so, costly lmprovementa. and first rate neighborhood. For sale in >m sections of four, or the whole In exchange for a good house in J. this wty. . 1 J. W. BoltTON, 87 Walter street. IT. 121 ARM FOB BALE?< 50 NT AIMING ABOUT FOUR In- J* acres of highly cultivated land situated at Fort WaahlngF. ton, In Shrewsbury, on the banks of the Nevaslnk river, m feet above the level of the water; on It Is a large house, with ? two wings on each side, being newly built last summer, In K, the most substantial and workmanlike manner; there Is also a mi large stable, coach bom e, barn, and all the anpurtenanoea aa necessary for a farm; alse a large hoathouse. It will be sold th leas than cost as the preseut owner has no use for it. For further particulars inq uire of OHCAK FLORENCE. fiO# Bro;. , way, eornerof Houston street, where plans aud drawings of ? the plaee saa be aeen. IB ??????? ,11 Til ARM FOR RALK-AT MAMAF NKt-'K, WR8TOHB8be " ter county; KMI acres of good I ,, lit tec u acres is woodbe land, the balance uler cultivation. On the place is a new house, with rn, irrlsge house and stables for nil the stock. ? It la well stocked, has all the farming utensils necesaatO r> - It is beautifully located, and only cue hour's ride from ... the city. Possession can be had immeuialely. Apply at AH ?7 Carmine street ? XjlARM FOR HAI,K?Sri ACRRH, IN OOOD RKPAIR, p. T buildings sufficient, all new; six acres orchard; ten mlrn nutea' walk from WashingloDvllle or the depot on the llranch road. Inquire of lilUGH A SOUTH WICK, 84 Nassau street; _ J K Hatcn, 376 Nluth aveuue, or John Jaquee, at Washing tonville, Orange oounty, N. Y. 5". T21ARM FOR RAI.E.?A GOOD FARM, CONTAINING 26 r acres of land, 21 miles from New York city for sale on credit. For particulars inquire of j. W. MaKDEN, 13 Bar_ clay si. f?ABM FOR SALE.-THE SUBSCRIBER WILL HKI.L AT J* private sale his farm on the Whim Stone rntd, about 0r mile from the Whke Hton- steamboat landing. and about iwi) miles (Tom the village of Flushing. The farm and garden are mm Id a high stale of cultivation, (in said farm there Is an eioelv lent apple orchard of the best kiad of frnlt; there are also pear, peach and qulnee trees In bearing order: also In said * garden aa abnndanee of currant, gooseberry ana strawberry oedb, all In a high stale of cultivation. Raid farm constate of _ about Jt>acres of lead, a comfortable dwelling hnuaeandbam, and necessary outbuildings thereon For particulars inquire on the premises, of MICHAEL HIOOIN8. XT'ARM FOR HALR?A FARM OF ABOUT FIFTEEN _ X? acres, in the beautiful village of Bloomfleld, N. J., within _ a few minutes' walh of the railroad depot. On K Is a sup*V ttsntial dwelling, one and a half s'ories high, large barn and " outbuildings, sll In complete repair, and a variety of fruit of _ choice description. Price low, terms accommodating. Apply rn at 44 Beekman street. T710B HALE-HOUSE AND DOT 2H0 FOURTH STREET. , J opposite Washington square, lot&ilOU. House was pal a* In perfect order last May. For particulars Inquire at the of_ Bee of LOUIS IJkWIHSON A LRTT, bankers, M William r street, from 10 to a. or at the honse after 4 P. M. at tilOR BALB-A NEW FIRST CLASS FOUR BTOHW i?" J> brown stone front bouse, with sll the modem Improvet*i menu, built In the best manner, situated No. 6 Woat Thirtieth street, between Fifth avenus and Broadway. Sue, lb by 44. ~ Inquire on the premises, from 8 A. M. till & P. M. TJ10R HALE?$8,(00?A HOUSE ANf> LOT IN 39TII P. f street, near Lexington avenue. $2,90)1 can remain ou Qa bond and mortgage for tour years. Apply to B. CAKDWKIX, _ 496 3d avenue. E- XpOR HALK-A FARM OF 100 A OR IBS, FORTY MINUTK8' I ride from the city; good largo house. barns, Ac., stock and farming utensils Included; price fit,Out); terms easy. Also, houses In Jersey City from al.lAO to SdiWU. Apply to _ K. ANDREWS, No. 1 Montgomery street, room No. S, Jersey T> Oily, rn ? J- T7IOR SALE?FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. A _ JH three story and basement brick house, with sub cellar. In one of the best locations lu the city, No. 210 West Twentysecond street Possesses ail the 'modem Improvements, frescoed walla, Ac. n" "IFOR SALE?ON THE CORNER OF SEVENTH AVE __ JT nue and Twenty eighth street two valuable four story brick houses; the corner U han ltomc'.y fitted up for s bakery. ' Will be sold cheap If applied for before the 1st of ApriL * Terms easy. Apply bt K. BAKER, corner Seventh avenue ^ and Forty eighth street IFOR RALE?OR EXCHANGE FOR STOCKS, BONDS J or mortgages, the hrst class brown stone bouse No. 4 K Carroll park, Brooklyn. This hoove Is replete with all tl>e *? modern improvemeuU, fronting a beautiful park and Is a 1,1 m<?t desirable residence. Apply to O. A. LOCKE, 61 Liberty btrcet room 2. !* TT0* SALE?A FIRST CLASS BROWN STONE FRONT }? r beuse and loi, on the south sole of Forty eighth sU-eet, r' near SUlh Wveune, with all'he tioprnvemanu. l*ric? IS.2.VI. Inquire nf it. A D. YRRBLAND, 76 West Fortieth street, _ near Sisth avenue. 'J* l?OR SRLK?ON REASONABLE TERMS, OR EXA? change, a nice three story ta men' and under cellar ? , brick htm He, No. A'.'J Drgrcw sir. ct near Court street Brook,'} lyn. uMo aihrce story frame WDM and two lots, corner of Kent and Fark avenues, Brooalyn. Inquire of ARCHD. "" I'll 11.1.IBS, Jan., 108 Rlvingtonstreet. *4 U TBOR SAIJ6-T1IRKK tffttRY BRICK HOUSE. DOUBLE it- -F basement, under eelUr, (dry, l.igh stoop, Isrgr heavy jd railings all over the front, t.rown sio'ir to nrst story, tlnwliad er lu >.ty6*. location unsurpassed, South Fourth street, Brooklyn. I'rtce $4,9UU. $t,7iWcasn. Apply st 1.VJ Fourth street, Brooklyn. Also splendid stose to let as above. IT IFOR SALE, FOR KAO0-A HOUSE ON FIRST AYE 16 -T nue; a good location for business. A )vo, ono or t wtvwt at nsnt houses, rent for $IK<i each, will be so'.clcbrap tor *1.900 cash, balsacc on mortgage Apply 10 CHAS. LaWRKNOL, ? the owner, 116 Cherry street. E 11 li OK WAI.Ii A WO! NT OP VANH KKyHIKKIl J} down. that first cbtaa, four story, brown stone house, 76 >3 haat Twenty uoib street. Apply on lbs premises. TjlOR RAI.l^-OOrNTRT KFvrnFNrKR OlfLY ONE K X? hour irom Wail Direct, on the extern slope of Orange Mountain, New Jersey:? A eott**e with II m?na and 1 Wf of land KV??) A onttage with acres of land, fruit tree*. Ar tv.t??? 'A ruttage witb 4 acres at land, frufl ire a A.#. 2.MW A more collage, 2 acrwRd land aprtag, we ,(**! A place of aljieeu acrea of IaivI and 'ream of water.,.. 3.MM A buildingatle of 1.1 acre* ot land and print of water . ?,.*?) Building alias, ft to III scire rath, MM) per acre. A few choice altr* on Llewellyn pat a of In 10 acre* each. For heulthlulnra*. Itnnuiy of eUualinn aud eaac ol screen theac place* are uunrallil In Hie vicinity of the city. Per radicular", main, ulina, Ac, apply to L H. UAKKKLI., tl Cedar street, Www fork. ' VCIOR ' BALK-TUB TWO CTOP.T, HiHKMKNT ANO IT under cellar brick hooae corner n'dentil Fifth and Eighth etreeta, Wllilamaburg. aleo, becae 10 H< ith Poudk aireet, all lilted up with tae modern Irnrr <*emen'a. water, gaa, raaga*. Ac . In perfect order, and unenr. rtlwiahle neighborhood Terutaeaay. Inquire Of J. V. Mf-F.KOLK. tiaarmrn! Wll llama turg CUy Bank. j For hai.e-a neat cor."auk, r. itk feet. and I In capital nrder. ai Morr.aanL", with about half an aero of gmnad, well stocked with fruit tree*, Ac Will be aoid low and on eaay larna Inquire at 3fH Canal street, corner of ' Thompson. j rn RALE?TTTK pnrR BJORv rrowE FRONT, moa ] etoop houee No. 40 Wr^^renfy-'nurtA street, near Ma dlaen aqnare, 31 by M feet; lot W V, t>1 all tk* Modern Itn irrcmcnta, and la in pcrfe:t or ?r. Trio* RU.00U. of whleb IP,OU)ear remain. Apply on the premises. . ? i IflOR PALE?A FARM OF 100 ACREF. 11 ACREH 1 cleared, wllk kouae and barn an.I never fWhagaonng. neur * turnpike. Pur partlcuUre nun r? .t T M SMITH, at tlirard House, corner of Weat Broadway and i kambere etroet < ? FOR RALE?in n*< KF\f ACK, N IW TKRPWT, mifr j mlJee from Hoboken, on the plank road, twenty-fire acre* I of land, ten of which are well wooded \? 1 Ike rem tinder an derraltlration: there Isa pood roauwr bTuar. barn, wagon ' house, and all In good repair, alto, e fine orchard of fruit trees. The whole will be sold on rerr reasonable terms, by applying to Mre. LA PL A t NT, on the pr. mlaea For axut-TUE nkw fihut i .arh rou* ntort brown atone houee, No 12R Wei Porty fourth er?'' Aleo the firet claaa three i"uy frown store hou*< No T, Weat I Thirty fifth street, with all the m -leri Improvements. Apply to RATNOR A BLACKWKLJa, I.13U Broadway. > For half-two lot*. < pvtr located, near two leading streets, well suits t for tenement or taanufart irlng pnrpneea, or a roe rarl Will hesddlow . aud on eaay tarau. Inquire at JK> Canal atrret, corner of TMbrim. Fob rale-thrrh airnr or i ard in a man [ state of rultlraUoa, with aa excellent new cottage aiahle and outhouse* theron, jur' "B the other "ide of IVlham J L Budge, In Wentrhsnter county. Apply to CLAJMNV A BAlf. I.IHH, 54 Wall street, Naw York. J FOR HALF- TO LET OF RXfRANoK FOR A PM ILL* ' farm" a new three store and baacnietit brown atone f ont . bouse, (hushed, with Kae ranges. h- an I eold watc. Ac., A? J situated tn a beautiful and healthy location on Fifty thiol J atrret, 1MI feet weat ol ttasond aeentie. Term* eany Apply ' to II. FOUNTAIN*, at the carpenter'* ahop corner nf Third . aeenue and Fifty fonrth street, or W Faet Fifty first street . FjtOF HALF?A PKFTRAltLE TlfRFF RTOFY ANO < 1 baaement brick III ha* 'he modern Improrcmei *. J good location, 30 fee' by M. lot tH tee' I tn -hea; will be eo|.| low and on ea?y lertn*. Apply on Um prrmlaec, A) W-st I " Twenty ninth street, ncarNirth aeenue fl For rai.f-a cnr'AOF nv rtrtyrtrut rtrkft, between Fl*hlh nod (tin h Arennea. anuih able with two ' lo'aof yrmmd an'" na!'. ai.ible on rear, (V?r Oft,i??' -OMWOmty ' w rctnftln on tnortnafo; oil Twenty talrd XrflH (No 1(1*). near r ' Third aren'ia, * three a'nry >n l baaetren' betrk bona"?rent * |H?>, on Twenty acuod atreet (No. 13*). be Inn in rmr of 'ho * above, ft tarfe nod handaotno oftrr1 \g* hn-ina?ren' 000. > 4 J. T. MILLS, corner of I'lfih aratine und Forty fourth alrnet. S For ralf-ttif ttirio" ?t-'r/ akd rarfmknt & brlch bmiao mil lot. No 57 W#wi Twenty eighth atreet, 1 netrSlithftveiitir Th? bn-ia.- haa Utr nv.tern ltnpr<t?cin?n'A p s and ip pleaaMitly aUnalcl on lb." north able of the atreet, with " courtyard In front. Part of the money may remain on bond <j 1 and Mgjgg* *'?r PftTtlf I Inning iifrn on the premiere ! - TjtOR RAI,F?IfOl'RF AND TiOT NO. I7? BART RRVKN- b . r teenth atreet, nearfbuTveatu. auuare. The ho-we I* 71 ,i f\rat mto order, painted anil papered new throughon. ftj tjuireon the premitra d - utor aai.k IN* BROOKLYN TI B thrkf RT?)RT ? P f hrlek houae nnd lot (TMlftdelrihla front.) No RI6 ftrh?r- fi I tnnrbnyn atreet, near HomLplnrra and bee ment ?'.na?e,i In, It t. deep rnnrt yard, trnee. ahrn'-berr. Ac ; the parmiaenwecn- li pled by the owneR the loentloo in arum gat Urn beet In Brook- h lyn; loweat pjlce I* <HKt l< For ralf. ciik av a hands->mf rmai.i, hocsf. ? with wagon hotter and (table, an-1 two large lote of ground ' laid nuldn ft beautiful onite on li eide of t'i?hiy { , third etafel, between Brondnay and Tenth arena*. Inu'ilre t on the premle-a ? to a. KBXNRPV. L* Rftnt Thirty1 atreet. near Third ft ettne. Prtee Ft 2-a). I ? r U?OR 9A7.B THFAP-rtk LOW ON THB CORNFR OF t i JP Henry etreet ?nd Flrat place. |1 v> VI Mi ?*<h alno. t r briek factory 10 by JR. on run wre.-t n<wr the '-rrr '.wo I o four etory hrtc k w r^?. N?. 3 1'ntnn rrcet an<ll 1 Hamilton ' Atfuue; pr..f 15;ivf) t, ;U. Aps y a? 193 Br wdway, room 7. C 8. SAJLKS or RKAL EST ATM. WOR BAM CHRAP-IN CONHKyURNC* OF OOTNO r to Europe a four story brr-h house and two full lorn, together or separate, on the northwest corner of Forty third street end Kiev euth ??em? St iiOtl required; remainder on mortgage for Ave years. Apply to the owner, 470 Third avonue, second floor, front. rR 8A1.K CHEAP-FOUR HOUSFJt AND LOTS IN Eighty fourth street, between Third and Fourth avenues, north side, Prte. Si .too They are all let U> food ten ants for anether year at $*m each. Apply to H. HII.LICK, Kiffhtv ulvlh slrnat Ha?luruasiv Tktc.l ?n<4 hViislK m/.m.??<? Fob balk cheap and on baby terms houses In dltlcrent parts of this elty, between Second and Sixth avenue* and between Fourteenth and Forty second etreete, at prices from 95,000 to $2,600. Also houaea, lota ami farina to exchange. Aleo bouiea for aale, to let and exchange In Brook lyn. Apply to WM. McKVILY, No. 7 atreet. For sale, lkm than ooht-part or a row or brawn atone houaea on south aide of Forty-eighth atreet, near Sixth avenue, with all the modern Improvements. In qulra of D. W. BUCKLEY, 9S Twenty seventh atreet, between Sixth and Seventh avenue*. For balk at a bargain?a new three heat, spring wagon, with abaft* and pole, xulta1 le f ir a light grocer's, expreaa or pleasure wagon; will <-arry 9UU pounds wlthraae. Apply to J. w. CLARK, house decorator, 76 West Twenty-ninth atreet. Fob rale cheap or to ^ht?a neat two story and baaemei ''rick houac and lot, with front and rear garden. In a bealti Ion. Apply on the premises, Fifty Drat atreet, cond uouae eaat of Third aveuue, from 9 to 3 p. m. Fa m for hai.e or exchange for brooklyn improved oil? property?Containing 416 acres, with elegant family reaidenee, good farm house and otitbuildinga. well stocked with every requialtc. The farm ia in active ope ration, vltb growing crop* Ac., and has cast the present owner , ?S,IAI0; In free from all encumbrance; will be divided If desired, la situated eight miles from Washington, I). C. For furtb.-r particulars address W. IS alt be lor, Cottage Poat ollice, Montgomery county, Md. For balk or exchange-fob well improved property Id New York or Jersey City, a splendid country reaidenee, with one acre of ground, at South liergen, 13a miles from Jersey City ferry; large house, with wing and kitchen. nearly new; carriage and other necessary outhouses; a variety of fruit and shade trees. Inquire of CHARLES h. VOOHHIB, 19 Montgomery street, Jeraey City. For balk or exchange for productive pro party In this city?An elegant country scat and valuable farm, 200acres, a halt'a mile from depot, on the Morris and Essex railroad, in New Jeraey. Apply to A. C. M. PENNINOTON, 99 WaU street. For 8atje ob exchange.?the undirhignkd have recently received authority to offer for aale, either for cash or property In this elty or vlc'nlty, one fourth of the largeet and most valuable mining Interests to be found In the State of California The business la now In full and eurrees ful eperwtiou and ia conceded to be ono of a more lucrative am) certain character than any other. The n urohaser can enter immediately with the assurance of a steady monthly Income aa one of tho officers and managers of the company aaide from the profits of the business. The residence attached to this property 1* one of comfort, surrounded with abuudanee of the choicest fruits In their season. For full nartlcnlarsapply to JOHN LLOYD A SON, 16 Nassau atreet, Commonwealth Building. Fir rale or exchange?one thousand acres of valuable land, free I'min encumbrance, at a commercial point on Lake Michigan, contiguous to a young growing city. The property ts the site of a commercial town, and offer* an opportunity for a Lumber of fortune* to he made out of It The whole or part will be sold for eash or exchitngi-d for real estate lu this city, Brooklyn or Newark, N. J., or for good saleable tnerclutudlae. Address or call on ALEX. OSTRANDKR, 111 Broadway, room 30, Trinity Building. For sale or exchange.-wanted to exchange, for unimproved lots, tn good locations, several very desirable booses In this elty and Brooklyn, also, bank stock, bonda and mortgages, and railroad bonds; difference paid in cash. Apply to Mr. DKY, 20 Nassau atreet, room 6. Tinn UiT.V no to i vt a Tirnrv trrnov mn irrnit f basement bouse, with all the modern Improvements, with two lots ofiground. barn, Ac., on tbe north side of Eightyllrst street, about ISO feet west of Third avenue, rent *460. Inquire of O. B. IHPLMKH, 'ill Broadway, room No. 4. 1 FOR RALE OR'TO T.RT-AT RYE, WITniN FOUR Minutes of depot, a bouse with at out I '4 acres, garden, Hta blr and nine room i. eligibly located: price S3.HOO; terms easy,: rent $320 Apt ly Co Mr. CROMWELL, 19 William stressor PA VU> BANKS, at Bye. Also, a double titlagn with niuo rooms and two full lots, at Yorkvllle, on south side of Eighty sixth street, leading to ferry, 26t> feet east of Third avenue. Also, thr?e lots In rear on Etgbty.flfih street, with a small house. Inquire of Mr. C. as above. FOBHALEORTO LKT-THB MODERN THREE STORY brlek house and lot 14 West Thirty seventh street, near Fifth avenue, possession Immediately. Also, the ftiur sUirv English basement bouse and lot 100 East Twenty second street, between I .ex Wig ton and Third avenues: possession un mediately. Country residence at Kkrabeth rttr for sale or to exchange for New York elty property. The bouse Is about 30 i70, and furnlahed with all the modern improvements. The lot contains about three quarters of an acre, well improved Apply to JOHN W. PIBHHON, No ft Wall stieet, room 14, or at (4) west Thirty ttrst street, before su o'clock A. M , or after 5 o'clock P. M. For rale or to commodiour ihouhk, with four lots of ground, situated in lftftth street, adj' tiling Andubon park, within five mtnutea' walk of Hudson River Railroad depot. Will be put in order for a suitable tenant. Possession Immediately. A stable on the premises Apply to RMALLY, WK1I) A HART LETT, M Wall street, K. Y. For rai.e or to let in brooklyn-no. 170 hen ry street, near Uulon, one modern brown stone house, tnagood neighborly* d; will be placed tn perfect order any Ume before the ftrst of May : rent moderate to ? responsible party. Inquire of H. M. SILVERMAN, No. 190 William st. TxKIR RALE. TO LET OR F.XCUANOE FOR CITY J* property?One fat m of forty acres, on the south aide of Stalen Island, bordering on Princes' Hay, eight inilua from VanderbUt a landing, and three mtlea from EomvtUe. There Is a plain farmhouse, barn, Ac., on the premises, the land is all tillable, excepting four acres of wtssl. The site Is one of the moat beautiful on the bay, possessing advantage* for ssa bathing, gonniug, tlshu g; Ac., Ac. Also, a small place, of ten arrcs, on tlx- Amber road, one mile from Tottcnrtlle, and ten mllrtCTrom Vanderbilt'a landing, on whieh$here Is n large, commodious house, well adapted Air a summer boarding bouse, with carriage bouse, bam. Ac Both nt these plaens are of saay access to New, York by stages and shtamhoala, and on En' route af the ronlemplaied ratlr ,.d through the Is Wol. Apply to EDWARD JUL RNKa V, 41 Warreu street. N. Y. For bale or to rknt-a three rtory and basement .bouse No. ISO East Eighteenth street. Lot Xlxfib. Agfljy Ij^^B.JIRRRlCk, 44 Cedar street. ttqcsI^^WW^thk FyYE rtory BRICK HOUSE XIUM lot ?WWee 232 Tenth slsss1.. between First and 8econa avenjwa !?nt SftxIOU. house XaftO. replete with every ronvehtencr, water elo-et, two baths, gas. furnsee, Ac., In One order. Price $10,1)00. Apply to JAMR8 LEE. 49 Wall street. HOUSE AND HOT FOR RAIJt? FIRST CLASH BROWN stone hojjsjJb. West Twenty second street, between Mnth and TenrHRt-nuas, at a great bargain Also, wanted to purchase, s bftuse and lot up tnwu twice not over fi 10,000, win pay cash down T. J. BLOOMER A OO , 81 Nassau strqpt, room 13. Handsome cottaok and 1?arm or ij acrehWlth suitable buildings, ahundtnee of fruit, twenty miles from New York, twenty minutes' walk Irotu the depot, for sale chsap. Possession Immediately. C. 11. CLIVKH, M Liberty street. IOWA LAND CHEAP?lM ACRER, HITL'ATKD IN southern Iowa, forty uf which Is timber. This Land was M tented with great care, and is well worth Ik- attention of t irtlea seeking a good and cheap home. Apply to O. B. HARtRON, XW> Pearl street, corner of John. I' OT FOR RALE-ON THE NORTH RIDE OF THIRTY J lirh street, liW fest west of Third avenue. 23 bet by half the block, price n.ftoo Would trade for a low priced house. Apply st 1B> Thirl avenue. J. D. OTT1WKLL. MORRIR AMI A -FOR RALEOR TO LET, A TWO RTORY bouse, with over half an acre of ground, situate on the lloston road, near the depot. Location very desirable. House is in complete order, newly painted, Ac. Possession can be riven Immediately. Apply to j. R. PAXTON A CO.. No. j3h fourth avenue, near Twenty filth sire. L Murray hill properay very cheap.-only one left of those first class marble houses on Fourth tvenue and Thirty sixth street. A entail amount of cash down. Apply to J. MK.I.DRUM, on the premises Real ent ate.?parti en nayinn real entate lofsell lease or exchange, srtll find tketr bualnsaa faettltat d by registering their property at (be oilce of the underitgaed, as I hare eonstant opportunities for renting ami se'lns city and country property. Apply to B. UNDEKUILL, ,91 Broadway, corner of Dry street. tin WKeitAMitK rnx mpxixmu iiitt awn 1 Brooklyn property. Wlaroeatn. low*, and Mieamirt lamia, lprmaly arlerled for farming pnrpoaea, a lax lan-ta In 1 'aural Raw fork, for lumbering, edjaceal ; > nrar nangalton; lleo 'mprovrd farm* HTlXimTOK j 00.. Wo. 5 Bcakman alraet. rRXCHAROR-TWRI.TK PRAIRAHLR HUILPIRtl lota In Brooklyn, within thraa or four blorka of tha far ta?. frer from tecum!ranoa. to rtrhangn for two molar n ittllt hounan, betwean Fourth an<l Sltlh araootK, ant Tlf aanlh and forty around airrrta. Apply to K. HARFURP, Broadway ro KXOIAlfflK?rOR A FIRST CLAM RRAIPRRCR op town. AO lota In iha titr of Ullwaokl*. wortk at laaat Qitiaark They ara frr?- from anr lemmhranr* and tltla paract. HRHRT BltltXIMAlf .W Brahman atrret. h7r:n r*s" AJfn w? korthahr FOR A moi P I All/ bona* In Hr.? Alyn.- A mice two atory and haaamant mriac In Hro?'klyn f?r aala rhaep the hnuaa la flllwt In with rrlrfc. haa marble mantel*, platen, Ac. Inquire of T. TOWNa IBP. n Waaaan atraat. m nnn ?for aaiathr thrrr atort brick P l.Ut'vf. knne* Bo. |i?l V.aal Thirty aaroad atraat, rerlaia with all lha modarn Improraaaania, and in romplne ondlllon. Only AI.UUJ ?eab required. Inquire on tha pre i*ra. ni/in -HOCAR FOR HAI,B. Ft*RRI?HBI>-A .f-t f t f. two atory and haaamant bfiak bouaa, baring aa. rkandallarn. bath room, water rloaat. ranga. Aa., all In nod ordrr and nrwty painted; romplataly fumlahad. I'rio* 8.x*), fl,4f*l raab, balance on mortgage. Apply at fiftyirat atract, near fourth ftvenne. four dixit a fremateeol honae. ) niin aorta of noon farmimh amp timhrr u.At'o lain! a. a kondrad mllaa il ataat, for aala or ai hnngr, In uuanMe* to anM. or an tntaraet In lha whole, loin Jin* mtlla and impmramanta MlWttB A A^TUWI3K,AJ Raaeau atraat. DO ftnn f'AAH.?FOR AALR. THR SKW THRRR pAiUvv elorjr haaamant boner, oa Fort) n'nth atr-i-t. rat dwelteg weet of Broadway, aonih aide. Il iuaa A) by U fact, with all lha modarn Improvement*. lot >1 by 100 feet. >rou moderate. For further particulara apply on the rendaaa DO OAfl WlU' rCRCHADR a rottadl arp two P^I.Otrv/ lota. Thr rottage rnntalna eeyen roonte and a ;ltrbea, nan kit forme a garden with <1 frutl treea. all IB full aerie*. a alarm*. amble. Ae . on Hkillataa atreet. fcmr .inert rdm Myrtle a? teua. ennth aida. Bronklye. ( bo nnn -FOR AALR AT A AACRIFtfR. TWO Mf.U! fU. amall A atory Rngllab haaamant brl.-h hneaee. e nth all Urn modarn improramaata. Thay ara wall adapted r nr gentarl tanull-a. h*. In* marbla mantlet, pann'lad rail ft n?a waiaf, hath tuba and *aa throughout. Thar ara all naiad rt Forty aaynth atraat, halwaan Aqrond and Tnlrd erenuea, d etna betweee the tarn raJIrneda. 1 hay muar he ardd. Tina q t a bargain If appliad for eoon Thraa thonannd dollar* aarb c io-iea. Tttwo auit lha pur-hoaer. Apply to Rr. THOA n fcMARPA. Ro. ias Forty a?-retell atraat kg cnn ?OOtJRTRY arat FOR ?AIJL orPOAITR 5 pOiOUUi tha elegant reai.lenre of the *|*mlah Conaul, 1i 'aatrhaatrr, Wr-vhretar coeetj; modarn hoeer, twoatortaa. I laaamant ami attir and rarrtaga hnuae all in tha haat e.wvty ion, atic anrro of ler.d. weA aha lad with fruit and nrneraeetnl raaa. aid two arraa of maedow tend: aelt watar balking on ( he praynlaaa near Rpi*r-?al i?d Mathodtat rh irrhea and t t'Mfl achO"'e, and hall i ml^ fn>ni tha fltrlrm lanot at Monnl I - ?rnon. App'f to FR tRt'IA R. SMITH. '7f ltrravlway, orttr of Wtrrrlry piece. 1 3 I HALKM OF URAL ESTATE. ft n/W) A,'RKH TtMltER AND PR A [RIB U.UUU lands, In Houi<ton ronnty, Minnesota, w'thia tan miles of La Crosee, Wtsconiln, will hi n.-aamied, In o..rt or whole, for unencumbered l?rmi on the Rudaon river. or In the vicinity of New York. Thi noil of these Inula la of -he brat quality The title warranted perfect. The lands are altuatcil mainly on the l.anJ > Irani Railroad, rnnnlrv wiat of La <Yo*ae. For particular* inquire of r. O. FTKBCK. He. 15 William atreet. ' ?f* P/in ^FOR RAI.K OR TO LET -TWO OR THR iPU.uUu, row of twenty two brink cottages la Mamjleld place, Went Fifty drat atreet. weat of Eighth avenue, house BliiS, lot aoxluu. with all the modern improvements, large court yard In front. Inquire on premise* of ilKOROB kindley. ^ ^ FUll HAUI. """ AVKRY VALUABLC 1II'8INB88 FOR HAUL 1)1 which a small or large capital eau be used by any bMinna* person. Real estate or stocks Will be taken. > ilrtrss* J. R., bos U7 Herald ofllce. A PAINTSHOP FOR HALK.-an old ehtabi.irtikd paint abop will be solit cheap for cash, together with the rood will, fixture#, Ac. Any one wanting a shop win find It a good location for sign and housework. Apply on the premises, 60 Vesey street. Aboakdinu house for ha i.e.?an 5xukllnnt opportunity oilers for those who are desirene ot embarking iu this busiueas, and which esn be obtained oa reasonable feruis. a bouse containing from lift/ to aUty steady boerUrrM, In good repair end two years' lease to run. To M Hold cheap for rash only. < m be irnrn from 3 to 9 P. IT. Apply et No. 3 Dover street, Franklin square. A HOARDING HOCTtH WITH OVER TFirRTT ROOMR, A coiutor>ublv furnished. nod now doing a good *r will be surrendered Immediately to any person willing to purchase the furniture, wtib li will ha sold very low. Cell it o4 Ensi Twelfth street, corner of University plscc, A PERSON DIHIROtTh OK ENGAGING IN A safe and highly profitable manufacturing business, wel1 established, and woo lias?tirai, a thorough knowledge ami . capacity for managing business; aeoon lly, from $1,900 to 93,f(10 at command, will find an opportunity rarely met with by calling, between 10 and I or after 4 o'clock, at 07 East H read way. None without tBa above r?i|uirementa need call. Inquire (or K. Griffith. ClOAL AND WOOD TARD FOR BALK OR TO LIT ) very low, tri consequence of the owner retiring; a* will sell stock on hand 11' required, one block from the river. Cull for one week at No. la Union street, Houtb Brooklyn, near Hamilton avenue ferry. (10AL YARD POR BALK.?THE LKA8K, GOOD WILL ) and fixtures of an old established coal yard. In a central location, and now doing a good o'lslness. For terms apply at lhe coal office 140 Waverley place, fjlAOTORY FOR HALK OR TO |I.RT?80 BY 90 PIRT; X1 never falling water power, situated In this Htate, close by a railroad depot, one bonr iind a half trom this oity, with or without houses and land. pnewesslnn immediately Rent low. n, V lUll'llHi.r.ll . ,| 1 ^ FOR sai.r?STEAMER WORCESTER MOW runn1vo on the Norwich line for Bo-ton), In good order and eoatilt Ion; has first class (UUT'kiiiih, and bertha for ihrm hundred passenger* and Urge freight rapacity. For particulars Inquire of F. 8 MARTIN, Agent, pier 18 North river, loot at CorHandl street. FOR BALK?AN EXPRrSH ROUTK: HORSES WAgens. Ac For particulars Inquire or JOHN P TALLMAN, Hull street, n??r Fulton avntie, Brooklyn, or to AM. CRAFT, at the office of tne Columbia Fire Insurance Co., M Wall street, Now York. For rale- a planing, hawing mill and packink l"it manofariory, now in openttlon In Ihla city; a Kood locittlon, new and Improved machinery In perfect order. Addreaa Mill, box 121 Herald offloc. For sal*?the stock and fixtures of a re tall grocery and liquor vorr; haa been occupied by Ra present owner for tbu last eight y car A and doing x good btufness. The aiore la large and in an eicellent Toeatlon for a groeery, or urst rate drlnkinr saloon. A leaaa of two or threefyears will be riven. Address M. C. B., Herald office. For sale?a wtlperm patint salamander safe, made by Herring; ie Rood as new; meaeuiee taslde ltd Inches high. 24 ln<-bes wide, la tuchea deep, and has high double dnora Inquire at the otli-e of the Hudson River a team saw mill, foot of West Forty fourth street WM. MBNZ1EB. For sale-tiie sloop yaciit kdoar, built by Kirby. Is In firs'rate ronditl in, well found and will be Bold low. Apply at 1!) I) roadway. B. R. PALMER. rAR RALE?TIIE splendid bail BOAT LOUISE, 32?< feet long, most elegantly finished very fast and able; waa built by Force last summer. Apply at 111 llroadway. b. r. palmer. For sale-tiie steamboat thomas schuylbb. She la shout lUU feet Ionic, bar engine la la Rood order, cylinder 24', tnrbea and 4), to i feet stroke. She will be sold low for Rood pay. Apply u> BaKHR, W ELLS A CO., eeraer of Weat and Flamereiry s'r. eta. For balk-tue old ehtabi.ibiied corner ororeryand llquer store, southwest corner of Twenty fifth atreet and Seventh avenue. Tbe slock and fixtures, with five years' lease will be acid cheap, as tbe owner haa ethaw butlneaa to attend to. FORSAL1-ANOLD FSTABLIsnKD grocery bubtneaa, located on one of the best avenuea, doing a Rod bualueaa. Addreaa R. H. T., ileraid office. For sale-a splendid wholesale and retail Uquor tlore, cnniutpted with reotlfylng hualnea*. with or withoutalxk. Retail aalea pay more than dottblo the aapensea. Addreaa M alien, box lib Herald office. Fir sale-lease, stock and fixtures or a first clean grocery and liquor ah ire. Rent cheap. Inquire for two laya. corner of Tliirdfavenueand Thirty ieghib atreet. Forhale-arar at the great oolomlai. chariiy Fete on April It, near hat room. Twenty thousand visiters expected. Apply at J. GRIFFIN A CO.N, 87 Ohal bum street. FOR SALE?81;OPO.?A M ANt'KACTURINO RUSINESH wlfii ifl: lav! k'V" 1A ,niry trade. Iiaa been in steady operation fVu;> emptor ing ten men. iuI or metal, japanned and wire goods, situated In the lowlr part of thiseltv. inso M ,* 1 > tli>* a lw >. e amount tii mmur tunny <>f acquiring s plea?ant iii.l i ??i|jr niaaared business is offered. JOrtHfU McAU'KKa Y. oor. Flow and Hou'-k eta. tpoR BAI.R-THR WELL KNOWN COFFKK A5DUKR ' saloon, 36 Itowery. Apply bei?Mu ? sod 6 P M. an/ afternoon ffn* wmk. FAIR 8AIJE-TIIC WFT.I. KNOWN BALTIC OTHTER saloon 383 Hudson street, corner of King, together with all 'he stw k and utensils. n iw .'* a Aa the present owner hs* an IraineJIate call lo alien 1 lo other business there la really a good ha nor for an y one seeking a business. No agents nr. o apply Address by letter or personally lo (IIOH'llt l A Ml.Y V, clothing store,M Hadaon street. vok hai.k CHEAP-THF fcbmiturr. thk oood r will, bar and bar mture?. of premises fur one year from May neit; ran' ft") and ?'roi?a water tai. The bouse contains twelve rooms and is wail located. The whole will bo a?ld at a bargain, aa lb- propr r?..r Is going into other bustneaa. la wail auitad for a 'li-rman lager bier saloon. Address J. F. Knam.111, bi .Nassau atreel. IMPORTANT TO jkwhi.i.iir8.-AN V oKNTl.ltM an 1 wishing to go In tin'watch and j'walry trade, In a gooil stand, live years established, and will pay aboul tOOni per year, will get a good . bam ? by addn wing P. J., boi 1M fie mid office. No agent need apply. Ltmbkr yard for n a t.k.?ore or thr bunt ataods for the above business. Will be sold cheap. The proprietor I* In Iti heal'b and rannot attend to It. Apply at the office, 2M cherry street. RARK OPPORTTNTTY FOR A MI'NINRNH MAN ?FOR aala. the slock, lulures and lew of e wholesale sad retail hardware store, in one of .he beet locations th lite lower part of the spy. has been established a long while, sad to a per-in of moderate rash capital would be a Aao chases for la* veatmeDl. Addreao H. II., H?ra) J office. Thr woodlawn nnvu. leans for nalb-wtth erwitbont furniture j oeseaelon ImmsdihMp. laqtsirw on the prim,sea. lOTth street brmdeay, Ml inmlsgilaM read. New Yerk. TO T.t'MHFRMK.N -Till HtBM'RIBKR. HRI.INQVINH fa* hnaln?? in consequence of ill beahh. affirn tm aale kia stock of lumber and lease of yard, mutated at AtlaaUc dnrka. Hroeklyn perbara n ?similar estahhahmeat offers equal advantages to parties wishing lo engage to the lumber business The location . Here ui .'Ml facilities to 'par ties aa* raged In the eipor of lumber. A large shipping bmffiaaao la already establish. .1. I bo most wUl be sold on lavorahla u rmc For particularsia<|uire i f A C. DICKER, AUaatio do. k*. Brook I) n r) JKWRI.ERN-POR BALE. THR STOCK, IJIARR and fistic ea of the <4d e.ub.abed jewelery manufactory No IS Frankfort street, aa the owner wtabee to retire aa am rouni of hi* health. Apply m d. daliLRR, IS Fraahfort aL rTRA BTfiRR TOR N ALK- WELL KNT A BLINKED, IN A J. Brat rale locality doing a good bus.urea Inquire of J. WATWiN, STT Bowery, or II. H. HILIJNOR. ITS Oreoawlch street r) BARHF.R.d ?FOR NAI.R. AR OI.P RNTARI.IMHRO barbers atop. nunc of ilio tost ioceUU.-a fur ? lunoeee. Will be sold cheap for .ash. AN Fulton etreet, opposite Washington m Artec TO OROGFRH -FOR NAI.R, THR NTfH'E AND Fixtures of s Drat rate ram y gror-rr, In a good neighhorhond, with eight years' lease nf two bouses and store from May ncit. Inu'ilre ei IJS Varfck street. r) DRrilOINTN AND APOTlfROARIRN.?TO BR Dtflpoeed cf s genuine rend *u I d.spenaag buMaeaa, sow loin* sn eireiletit Irsde. end rai.a > of areel eiieaetne. wall In a ? ? ' Ukwo'.ahlare, ite iuif? la w?U hUe4 aad nru-k<-?1. Apply m f HALS, tr riirl'i fltltir it It-aBaiaa nre-t, New lorfc. r> pjTTM< t*!*B.-Tnp; orrrnc. FIXTTRRS. BOOKS, lDatrnB'-i.t*. A . of A doctor who he* beea located for lercral ye*r? la th>* city, can be hi o a tit -bear f. >r tab I'uaaMcHiD liamedl .fu.y. Apply 10 It RIIHIS A RI'HARU OB. ? Cedar atrrct tonn F'"R BALK, A PART OP TUB BI SIVCTS IB A POUT/, comer Mrtu n;i town -namely, -be oork, tonltry. vegetable*, frntt, flab yatefe, Ac., wltkAittiraa mmplele. MM cart and haroeaa for terma laquira of )SOROS WALTKR. 219 Hr ?l* iy. room ** fc/l PLA -F<?R HAIR, A rrR<r CI,*M FAHTLT ORO|VlkJvr? eery, leaec, , ,t "e* *r,.| ti< rae and ?afoa .a a eapectab'e'nciahhorhno I w) h a f >d run of caab ruatott. Mum be aold, *a the owner nanpot re'. It'ta ar.-ouat of MlMr ' eaaemeote Addieaa, appointing an latamcw, C. H., (tot IWilaraU oBce A ft A A ?FRi'iT. srotn abd WIIJR mtorb FO* IS )U' ?*ie, h.-tndaor ''y fitted ip. doing a food bttataeea; Itork, lllttir-A and a'l eortpl'ie. A .ply toJ H. WARBBR, it the atom, 71 Klilab af'tt'io, or to BIOOS A,B(WFUW1eKt 14 Baeaen atraet. (f'AA -FOR SALS HfTl TIKR'S RTALU/TTTSD CP p'ltMr, tn An- aMM>'. low r n home and e?Mt. owe of the efy beat aland a n wTTliaireburf, and dolor a rood hntteaaa HiOOB A Sta THWU K, M B?an atrect. MfUWI ?FOB RA1K A RAPR ARt> PLRASABT o?.-e Viarnea.*, it bemr the note aontml aoJ ale of an article m Urge demand throughout the eon 11 try, aanred br pat*nL Sa^-a for caah only. and no further capital Mufred. Apply at or addrtaa B. B.. Ill Bantam atraet, r?n Id. 111 AAA -for B/\V, ? PTBWT 0W? 'TROrWRT Pi* on a bugtuea* ihoreughfhre. fa??rable leaee, W>4r# nt'Tlr. hards fuy bn? leaa. HI..OR A < n 1 ilStcK. M Baaano atraat. 1*1 AAA TO ?'?*)-* L?THTjABP FT.BASAST PO.UVU ??r irlngb r-.-The paray *1 preeent ntercatcd w.l' >aW?ft any *tp up a an Interview that 910.909 1 year can ba m?d> tmi'eiy. ' * 'tlAR'MKR At'f>., Wl B teeaa oreet, r>>m 11 AT Ait/A -I.TQI ORS FOB BALK ABT> BXOJIABIIS. I* | ,lfl "U, ? 'na'rahleaeaaetaaa of brandlea aad anaaa. n .-aaka and w??ea, witi . a ! 1 f r ieb. of part caah aa.1 Mbcr rrop ty, at a *>a*? n iJ. T ' 'MPSOB, 46 Baeaau atreel