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nniiiiUli unnwa xr fvi >n<rr ANM7ELY FUR ?IHH<ii MOUSE TO i.ET -IK BROOK Ku uf ir l'i ?U? ttmii* tonvenlent to lb* Myrtle ami WMImc 'n ?rarinad* I u a oarrl'ul tenant II would be lei | .a* . .I1 Adtti res hoi kM> Herald otttee 4 "?M I.Y O INO TO EUROPE WOULD LIKE A l" "'?* <u 'irrangemeol wth two or three geauemen to t. mi. it It hiiw with It* II el their snrvantelre liable oous) for ? ni' lithe ! h< house w in the most aooessllila part of the tJ-t ? hi lit 'ii square and U replete with every coove. o?i an I noil rl. lurlu ling two ftmt rate plains and a su j-'lcr Mill*"! ta, ie 'I erm* not of to much Importance as a v table party Address House, box 222 Post ntliee. A roomy new. desirable house iSTORE, oas, * i) in Ie*. for millinery Ac., on Atlantic street, Brook urn. rent $360. or to **11 on a credit, $LuOO or less down. Aply a. 412, to JOHN WaRNER Aoentkel three story and basement !? nae to let, Hit la*xi igton avenue, southwest corner of *einy seventh rtreet wttu a I the mitdero tmnrivementa, uruace g?s fixtures, Ae ; - ill be ?l'ere<i, painted and put In x?elleet order. No 82 Is ami- aire, aud may tie aeen In lace of Hi Apply to John Foley, 82 Lexington avenue and U'-A Broadway. Rent Jtsftl. A FURNISHED FIRST (TLARS HOUSE TO LET IMMEdlately?.(17 Went Flfternib street, near Sixth avenue Id noma, yearly rent $1 300. a furnished bonae 86 Weat Twenty talk afreet $700, one furnished, three stoiy near Eighth aveaue, 97*10; one tinfurnished elegant four etory brown etone high baaement, 100 Weat Forty tbir t; rent $860 h. W RICHARDS, 3U7 Broadway. j FIRST CLASS, BLRUANTLY FURNISHED FOUR X. at ry and haaemeut brown stone house, (18 rooms,) to Iraae for ihree or live years, on Murray Hill, 42 E tat Th'rty f h street, or be bouse with or without the furniture may be a whittled on easy terms. B. W. RICHARDS, 307 Broadway. DESIRABLE THREE STORY HOUSE TO LET-NEAR K Broadway suitable for a small genteel family; gaa, bandeliers, bath, water cloaet range, An ; yearly rent, $400 Far- k ure very nlre, the whole or a part will be sold at a meat sacrifice. Possession Immediately. B. W. RICHARDS. 807 Broadway. a NEW, FIRST clash FOUR STORY BROWN STONE $ bouse to lei Immediately, on Murray Hill, 07 East Thirty< h etreet, between lexington and Fourth avenues; ne'eh 1 brood unexceptional and very pleaaant; yearly rent, $300, f would be sold on easy terms at a bargain B W RICHARDS, 307 Broadway. a HOME THAT IS A HOME-A (IEVTLEMAN AND wtte of the highest respectability. and living in splendid style, above but near Madison square. would add n gentleman and wlte to tbetr number, and give them splendid rooms and goed living. Address H H , box 192 Herald offlre. Ab ?hew york citt boom register hon tains all places to tel. particulars of rent. Ac ; seen at a glance Liquor store wanted, rent (150 3% Broadway. Basement and suh cellar to let.-to let, the large and well lighted basemen' and snh-cellar No. W Vesey s're-t. Rent $430 Apply to the store above, or at Mo 4 Liberty street, up stairs. 8roai?wat.-part Of MOM ir-n kr<>? MAT to let. 12x7ft, or will be divided ofl and let for <rfUras or leek rooms, to separate parties, as may be preferred Apply sr the premises ( OIJNTRY COTTAGE TO LET?FURNISHED OR UN< furnished on W-shingion Heights, 48 minutes from ~hs^ber? s'reet. seres ground barn, carriage and out hoes-H strawberries ?nd grapevines. Will be let cheap to a good trnHO'. Address D. O. V, box 1M llerald oltlce. ' *OUNTRY SEAT TO LET OR FOR SALE-OF 5J-,' ' acres on the Where road about three quarters of a mile from Fori Hamilton A mwt deltgh'fui spot, very convenient rf veers U? the clly The house has thirteen rtsima, b?th room water clostt. "furr.aee. range and greenhouse, with 4nntaln , ice house filled; carriage house, chicken house an I * garden with s'rawberrv. Panton blackberry, asparagus aim ra pborry bCs tine aaapr mrnt of fruit trees, Ac.. Ac. ^se'ow. In fuire of Or PRINCE, on the preoaises, or 710 Broadway, New York, between 12 and .3 o'clock. / AtrTTAOE HOrPE TO LET IN FIKTEENTII STREET, a hMwe? r> Sixth and Seventh avenues ?Inquire of E. M. SPF RRY. 191 Sixth avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. to he seen from 1 unitl four o'clock. Also, a furnished loose tn the countrs adjoining the salt water, a very h. aUhy and desirable at.nation. Cyi.I'NTKY RESIDENCE, WITH FURNITURE TO LET? J HI ml lea from the city, 2'j mile* llarlein. on he shore ef the Ea?t river commanding one of the hoes of water views. The piece consts's of th'reen acres of land, well laid o?t In Uwn, pasturage and, gsrd- n House commodious ami well huilt for all seA t na. peine tilled In with hrick. ami has all modern ennvemrn.-tt s anrh aiha'.h room, water cloa?t, mrnare Isunfrv, Ac., Ac It eon' una on first floor, heal lea jirt'ir r !<< * * t dining room att'lng room ptrior and library, m the second floor Ave bedroom*. Ihc out building* ?rr am tie a nil con?eui?iit, enabling of abed* stable* arid barn, ice >ure. poultry house and yard Uotntnutiicatioii lotween Mew \ork and Partem constant, by maana of railroad* and a'eaipboata Ah Ihe fanii'v Intend travelling, the entire stuck ct hnr?e*. carriage*. sleigh* row*, poultry. Ac , ,tc., wl'b oll nevrauvry agrtoul'ural implement# will'be ho Id at a very liberal discount Rent fl 4(10 Applv hy note, directed bo* He. IS Harlt m, ibew York.) Pwt olllje. (YOl'NTRY RRSIOFNl'E Ttl I.RT REAUTIFlfLLY SITCJ n'ed 11 the ' anlra of the llndion rtver foot of Kigh'v seventh atreet, on Twelfth avenue a aph*vdid brick (brine cottage. garden hoiiae having vater. bathroom Let re* sens' le to a goon no ant. Apply to P. HKK.MAN, Righty our hs'reet and llroadwav COI'NTRY RERIPKNrE TO LET AT WILLIAMS brvdre or wttl exchange for rity or Rrooklvn prooerty; trjUHe it new, wl h two acre* of round, one mile from the ca'jon and overlook* Nount Verr.oo vd Long laland Sound; aw* paa* altnoat every hoar; aim Wcatern farming land* to earhanre Apply to K <4 LO'KK, 51 Liberty it reel, room Wo. 2. fYOl'NTHY PI,AC* TO I.CASK-FOR ONE OR WORK \J ye*ra; reti' tinfl; a b?u*e and fo-r *er.?? ..f ground, con twining fruit tree*, ah'ubberv, Ac . beautifully situated on the bank of the Pssaaic river, at Paeaatc, Sew .leraey, ten mtlaa up the Rrte Railroad Innttlranf A. HPKKK. Paaaaie, or cn 11 e*day from 11 lo 2 al 2un 1 roadway, mom No. 17. rlOl'PTRY SPAT TO LET OR LEASE -THE COPNTRT / eeat of tbe late Jamea Harrtaon, situated on Bergen ntn. Htid?on, New .'eraey, combining all the advantage* of a e*ty ?nd rounirv residence For particular* apply to W. Tl. ila o himiN 7# Cortlindt atreet. DFSIR ABLE rorWTRY RRSinKWrR TO LET?TN THR town of Wr?trhr?ter. thirteen miles from the City Hall, W. Y ; *1* arrea o| l*nd. outbuildings. Ac . plenty or frntt, mod garden and water; altuatlon healthy For particular* tequire of MARTIN V H WATSON, Ho. 3 HaU of Record*. rARM A NP COI'NTRY BOA RHINO HOPSE TO LETWlth fin* acoommodalloa* for summer hvardere, In a rem?rk*b|f healthy a<to?tlon on long I?land; 1* well adapted tor anpptvtnr Rrookltnwlth rat k. and sear the railroad. Apr ly to tlKO. W. ATWOOH, in Cedar ttrceu KI'RNISHEH HOPSE TO LET-THE FOPR STORY English bancmcnt bouac lii# Twelfth street, between Fifth and Slrh avenues. PoweMiun on the 15th or April. If required Rent 91 MO. Apply to J. M. YANDKNBERiiH, 123 Liberty atreet F VANISHED HOrSR TO RRNT-THRE* STORY ANH baaeme-o, roeplele with every requisite for bousekeep taw; tn a deliahtful neighborhood , 'en minutes from South terry Hrnoklvn. rent to a responsible tenant very low. and immediate poeaeaaicn. Address H. A. 8 , box 92 Post offlee. r'RRlsHKH lltH'HK TO LRT-POR SIX MOHTIIH fr?m M?y I, a brown atone fmnl hnnae of moderate al/ In Twen'y th rd Uml, near Rndlaon ?|iiare, fnrnl?h?<l In nnk|tie et?le and lull of r are nhjccta or art. 1<? * am til ?*rrfiii faonly. II will la l*t helow It* value. Addreaa boi VIV Poet office FIRST CL\SB nOI'PK TO LKT-PARTIAI.LT PURntefced. near ittavveeant atiuara and Dr. f jut * chnrrh, 1 on Hp. end art-noe. The owner, wboae family la about moving lo 'be country wi?hea to let hi* hnnae to a reepertable ?enie-l fatuity, who will i n?rd him In part p?vm-ut of the ran'; n? other boardcm to ha 'ak?n The hnnae -ootama 'arha Miixiia wmp of h?m ??r? la'gp. and la replete with all the >i der ii Improvement# aitrh aa hot and cold water, okwe.e I a'h room ala'b'tMry waah tub#, 4c War ha aeen from 11 till 2 o'clock, at 297 Second are., near Rlnetren'h it. laMJRNIPliVn MRST - LAFR HOTTSK TO LRT.?A OOOTl chance lor anr grntft man and wife partial to hniiackeeping. tv- alvcrtiaer wimhlng in remain la the hnnae aad outline good noard for himaelf and wife artll reduce the real to (1.000 per year Three month* mite' be paid la advance and go-al reap. .,albfe refereare given A few friend* in the hnnae paying (An per week would remain If agreeable ap i It from ii to 4. fortwodaja, at m Amity p ace, llleerker reel Stagra paa* wnhin one d-mr nOl'FKTOI.KT-WnnOAH PlXTrRRS. RAfilB WA ter tn kl.eben and good yard. Apply at US Rldfldge aireet below Rlringum. nOBOKF.R TO LIT. PART OF A HOrRF. TR A VFRT piaaa-nt location Inquire at Ro 9 Park place, H<il~>n fireel IVf'h hnnae from Fonlh atrcet A loo, obc la ibe Eighth Ward. Hoi-sf to i.ft -rrw rritvrrrRR for k*lf _p>tg eea..m imair dlalely The partle* are going lo Rui-ope. A eerj deairal.le new three atorr hnnae, with ail Improve men'a in a b aaant lonatlon Kent (71*1 Two year* to run. Addreaa 127 taelThirty aeetmd atreeL Hall from II A M to IP. M. ' to t.rr-prRRtMHRn on rRrrnvtatiKrv | of hrlck. Aral rlaaa. three atartea R7 * not feel, wilb en rhwed plar.a, * large yard, ornamented with ahrtibherr 4? nlglMv alluated at 2911 lleury atreet, Bnnhlyn, convenient l.i i the fonlh ferrv. Premlaeatn he *een from 10 o'clock A. M. I to o'clock P M. during this week IN BKOOKI,l*-?iNr I.A RON ROOW, OR PARISH do oedmoyn on a?rend floor wl h fine eloaetn, As , to let, tth hoard. to atentleman and wlf? House flrnt riaaa, nmr to the ferries. IMnner at all o'clock. Apply at ?7 Concord street. MANRION HotJUIC AWP l.ANT> TO RKNT.-TTT* frame mansion with shout three a-raa of garden, m Fourteenth ami Fifteenth streets, ui fronting on Strth ^iiie Apple at V A. M. or * P ? , ?t No IA ilramerey rwk. Twrattrth treei, between Thtri ani fourth arm una. NO II HARCLAT RTHKKT-RTORK TO l,?T RENT $1 pat In-pure on lbs premlaea. or of FRANKLIN HROWN. 77 Naeaaa street. Part or Hot***: no wirfrinu rtreict, nr ar hpi? am. to let- constating of a front ani hack parlor, with na? jr two hedrontna ui a pantry. Rent IID laqolm at M Jw-rtaloB street. Part of a iioi-mTto MfT-coaAimTiNO or front parlor, hack hear men! ani thlri floor, alt anartmante In all, Wl h ?? ?U( h of a clean, dry rellar aa la required. The bonse-a tr good order In aclea.i reapoctahl* n-lyhtmrhooi. hut m< derate to a quiet family lilt foriyth atreet pART of A HOl'kK TO t.F.T IN WENT TWM.FTH J rlreei. between Rtklh ani Sereiuh aceoues, to a ?wall family without children, nanalatln* of three rooms; rent Rhyl *>< ther part to ba occupied by a family of respectability. Inquire at ItH Wooaler street lor further particular*. ]>ART Of IIOI'RR |ft MONRO* STREET TO LETha?* htfrmrM. wyh ranee, hot and cold water-front parlor a< d two or three he,(rooms to still; prlrllege of ha'h AC : tas ami rhandcllers |p; or a. rood II air through ani pari < t thlri; posesas ion imniritiate tf required. KENT Rlflo PER ANNPW-Tn A NMALt, ORNTFRL , ftmlle only. To let. In (Iran4 Tret. Wllliamsharf, U ri' faD' nnlt of flvr rooms. rh-aids-Hrrr, gta, ws'er. kitchen, sn<F' very yealern 1 me m?, nt- all I-B second s'orv r.tagea paaa the dnnr. Inqulre at tAi (Irani street, Wllltamahurf RFNTRUW -TMLFTIN RROrwRLTN *IRKK MINI'TRS' walk from the llamtltoo Terry the comm idloua three uiry brick house in the he t n?order. No. It* t.etlraw strewi. apply to .1 PKCAttK, 472 Itrnome street. New Turk. tjTt'R* TO i>'r the -Wl FN in trrriRR uroao n rofiff T t' i?nv ' ? in, fciMtlteeS. ?Pplf to l?. 8. IMfcNM, IS r?r* row. n,,, |,(TT?8TOBR S3fi IIRCIOMK ST HURT, HAS Wf.RN ?Tiipl?"l t*mhr o>l Hti.l neelleor lunf store for mo l?st nine yrorl Inline * e*?1 hn?ln??? ? ? *? ! i?n\nl r?tt h-<T* 'inn reesrui If terms \>y spolyln* *> Hi >K \t'ri THRsl'UMi 'miM it-ret. To o:r- snr rn vo-r truTHY RicstDRRcB at ja. i . Y< iA?r'" *r<?k"'f i' not*, Jt. .. * n*?i house, ith rm- riwm*. 'Wnf kii "frf of Uivi, fruit trrr? ?r;ip? une?? ! S'liof ryrelleut wster. App'y *' IM Vntitr Arret. ^ HOUSES, ROOMS, &e? TO LOT. rUT- EIGHT LOTH IN YOBKVTUJC UBTWKKN Eighty flflh and Mighty ntxth ati-eeta, near Third Tbeee tola are autlahla (or root, lumber and wood yard#, or (or gardening pnrpeoca. Will be tat cheap. Apply u> H BILIJCK, highly aliih alreel, between Third and "oarlb arcane#. rj l,KT-THK ?liui,iiir riwi rier?,.> menl Door, with two room* on second floor. ot bouse No. W West Sixteenth street. it** will bo put through the house Ut oI May. To b* mod dally, between 10 and 12 A. M Apply at 14 Macdouga! street Rent A400. r) LET?SECOND STORY AND OFFICE, WITH privilege ol on* or more loft*, In lb* store No I A) Nassau street, m ar Bookman. Inquire on the premise*. To LET?TnE HOUSE KNOWN AH NO. 44 WENT Twenty fourth street, betweon Broadway and Hlxth avw nne. being one of live now housee; house has *11 the mo leco Improvements. Rent about ll.OUl. Inuuire ol JtlllN H llcOUNN, 1,12 We*l Twenty^*! street, before 8]A. M. or after 7 P. M.,or*t hi* offlco, 29 Wall aire it, throughout the day TO LET-A SUIT OF OFFICES, AT PRESENT OCOUnled by Jamea T. Brady. separately or together. Inquire ef HUBD A GILES, 13 Park place. mo LET-RENT WOO-THAT DESIRABLE RERIDKNCE, J. on the eorner of Fifty-fourth street and Ninth avenue, consisting of a large eottsge house, three lota of groued.|a beautful flower garden, stable and wagon bouse. Dan be seen from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. For farther particulars apply to F. CHAMBERLAIN, 813 Eighth avenue. TO LKT-A PART OF HOUSE NO. 149 SPRING treet, near Wooeter, consisting of two parlors, a bed room, bath room and pantries, together with two basement*, se'lar, pantries, Ac , gas and Croton on the premises. Rent 9-Vri per annum. Can be seen between the bottre if 3 and 8 P. fa TO LET-IN Wn.LlAM8BURO.FIVK MINUTES' WALK from Peck *lip ferry, in a three story brtek house, la good order, with gas una marble mantels, four rooms on the second floor aud back lasemenl. Kent 3200. Inq'ilre at CO South Sixth street. TO LET?THE MANUFACTORY, NOB. 383 AND 305 West 24th street, near the Tenth avenue, together with steam engine. shafting, lathes, drills tools, Ai. A most pleasant and heauhy location for manufacturing, or other purposes. Apply on the premises to J. 8. CONKEY, or at the store, No. 46 Warren street. Rent $1,200. TO I.ET?HIE LARGE FINK HOU8E MS HOUSTON street, corner ot Crosby, containing twenty rooms, suitable for boarding or a public house; rent 91.3U0. Also second story of 614 Broadway, rent J30U. TO LET-THREE STORY AND HA8KMK.N1 HOUSE NO. 114 West Twenty eighth street, near Sevvnth avenue, with all the mod. rn improvement*, ga* fixture*, chandeliers. Ac.; rent $ txi. mo*: of the rent taken out In boar t to a good tenant, lnq'Src ot Mr. W KrtTi tN, 29U Seventh avenue. Abo six lota to lease for 19 jttrx r LET?AT NEW BRIGHTON, TWO HOUSES WITH all the modern WpBiH?It, and one furnished bouse, situated within live muiutes' walk of the landing inquire of theeaUeelnrsnIks New Brighton boats. TO LET?THE FOUR STORY AND HIGH BASEMENT hiuse No. 47 Greenwich aTenue. containing all Ike tn > dern improvements. Also. Id Brooklyn, Nos 727ind 8(1 \datn? street, both three story Iftd high hasemeot ban?a, in good order, with van, range. Ac. Also No. 21 Front street, ime story aDd high basement house, with range, gas Ac Apply to JullN ROSS, real estate agent. 48 Eigth avenue, N Y TO I,KT?TIIR WHOLE OR PART OK THR DESIRABLE three strry house No. 24 King street. It his a'l the modern improvements. Rent moderate. May be seen from li to 4 o'clock. TO I.ET-THE HALF OF THE HANDSOME TURKS story house No 403 Green wt-h street. Apply at 495 Greenwich street. Can be seen from 10 to 12 A.M. rro LET?TO A SMALL FAMILY, THE SICOND FLOOR 1 and buck Casement of 75 Amos street, near West Ten.h street; gse sod t'roton tn. lo be seen from 11 to 4 o'clock. qpo LET?THR UPPER PART. Willi MACK B4SKMKNT I i.i the three story brick hous<- No. 73 Sutlolk street, in p< rfcrt order, containing sas, Croton, hath. As, The lower psrt it occupied hv the owner. Impure on the premises TO LEASE 1 HE THREE STORY HlirsK NO. 28 BASI Iwen'y etiihib street, near Madison aveaae. modern un prevenienis, containing 1 rooms, to lease for live years, or will ?ell. lo be seen from 10 till 4 o'clock. For sards of ad mission apply st 407 Fourth avenue, corner Twenty ninth ,-trn t. TO LET-TWO EIRST CLASS THREE STORY KNULIStl basementhrick dwellings, on Eighty second street, near 1 bird irvcnue Ihe first story contsins a .lining rooin and kitchen, wrb range, boiler and waen trays; the second si try Mlkn I.alb basin sn.l witter closet, tlis third story, fonr iiedrooma and s large number of closela, each story. The cars pans every ihree minutes, night and day, fire sn centa. lnqu're on the premises of Mr Joseph I), Stantlul, or 74b Broadway of Wj?. FIELD A SON, Acnltecls. r) LET-AT FORDHAM WESTCHESTER COUNTY, on the llarlem River Railroad, a b mestaad, with six acres of land attached, storked with a great variety Of eh ncn fruit trees, slso a collage, with one third of an acre of land, desirably situated with a commanding prospect, live tnlnu'es' walk from the depot Parties seeking country reslden ei will dud It to their Interests to examine ih? above befor de riding elsewhere. Apply to K. R. SAMPSON, 39 Nas?au street, or to lOlIN CKOM WKI.L, Kor.lliaiu. TO LET-THE FIRST CLASS HOUSE NO. 9 LAM ARTINE place Wsst Twenly ninth street, between E khih and Ninth | avenues, with all the modern conveniencrs, wlTl be let low to | a good tenant. Apply to JOHN H. MORRIS, 245 West Thirty-fourth street. TO LET-ON BROADWAY. A LARGE STORE, WITH ! or without h.isement. Rent moderate to a good tenant, i Also, a part of the house If desired. Inquire at 1.0U2 Broad I way, next tulhe corner of Tweuty sixth street. j rpo LET?POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY?TBE FIRST A clas* three suiry ana basement n.oise no. m inompson street, between Blreckrr and Amitv, near Washington a<| tare. Bor aod cold water. .alb and yai futures IhroufbflOfc a , i . . at 226. or to JOHN CT Yl.KR, fll Thampaon si THO LET-FURNISH BI>, TO A PRIVATE FAMILT, THR lower part. 12 rooms. of a Aral claas bona*, with lb<< modern Improvements: desirably situated. west of Broadway, brlow Klybtb street, rent f I SW, possession Immediately. Ad dreaa Economy, Herald offlca. T? LKT-rOR SIX MONTHS.AT NEW ROCHRLLK NEAR the Neptune House. a furnished boose, eonlatnlay teo --ma with >a 'i *i and - i' within 16 minutes' of th-' cars, stid three minutes of the boat. Apply to J. MOLTEN, Prlbam Poat oOce, Westchester county, N. T. mo 1.KT-A PRKTTII.Y KCRNISHRD RNHLINII BABEA mrnt bona*, to a private family, who will board the advertiser and wife for toe rent; thla la a food chance for a party dcalrlny sorb an arranftrarnt. I- c-n pleaaant. on Nine, teenib street. near Ninth avenue and Fourteenth street stares Call for particulars on CHARLES A. FOWLER, 66 Wall I street, third floor. i rl.ET?A IIOrsE IN TWRNTY-SRCONH STRRRT. near Fourth avenue, with rarpeta and yea fljtnrea? 9I.OOU. also, a fumlahed bniiae in same block, fll.fldil-12 rooma. e*. b with the Improvement*, in perled order: to private families only. Apply at N? Kaat Twenty second street, after one o'clock. Pooeeaaton Immediately. I Tn I.KT?FOR ANY BUSINESS, NO 97 FOURTH AVE nur occupied as marble works and two slory dwrlllnt(, special fno.1 place for marble dealers Mantels on hand. slock and fU'urr*. together or separate, will be sold cheap. Apply I on the premises TO LET?THE LAROE FOUR STORT HOUSE NO 161 Weal Fourteenth street. The hoots Is SO feet fKmt and 1 three rooms deep, with all the modern Improvements There J la a larye ytrden attached, in the thane ot a T. 76 feet wi le, the lot is 126 feet deep. Alan, the larye cotiaye corner of Twenty tbird street ana Ninth avenue It has alllhe modern . i . n a at. I rr nda attarhed rons's* ny or three or inor lata, surrounded ny iron miller. Both of the above louses are nealrably situated, and would he let low JAW OKNIlA M, corner Rlyhth av. and Smeenib et. ofllse open from *>6 A M to 9 P. M. po LET-A NIC* THREE flTORY ANH BASEMENT 1 cottage. No 128 Wegi Forty siith street. near Hr>-?dway: rent fCVwi also, two four story new brown stone bouses. Nos. 169 and ifls West For'y second street near Klyhlh avenue. Apply to J. YaN WAtrNKR, afruit, LU Weal Forty second street, near Mybth avenue. r) I.RT-THI WHOLE UPPER PART OF A nOCEE IN SoAnlk street, a front and back room, tea room and two bedr.e n.a on aeonnd door, two bedroom* on third floor and a bark baeemenl.<>.>ton water all tkrouyh. Call at 2?i TbWd street, from 12 M. lilt ? P. M. B. S. BCHOTLKR. r LET?THE THREE STORY HOUSE 218 WFJST Fifteenth street, wttb yaa, frslol snd bath, la perfect or rr Applv U> F KEl K. R. WEST, <N Wall street or ZAI West Fifteenth street. r> l.RT- wow 129 ARO 131 kartTWRRTIKTH rtrrht. near Third atrenoe flniahed with all the modern Improve menta. rent r?n apply to J. Mai'KahI.aH a sdnh INU Tenth atreet. near third arcnur ipo MT-Hornr ART RTORK PORAKR OF TIIIRTV 1 third atreet Alt'! Flrat arenue. * *<**1 atand for a *r-?eery nr Rflnor a'nre Apply to A. AHKRNAR, Itff Namiii atreet anrtter of Ann Itreel T) I,FT IR RROOKUTR. THE II AROMOME TURKU atorr full front hnuae R<>. AflHtate atreet. with m-?dern aonrrnlencea. ?1* . bath and hot and cold water lo aeenad lory, turnare. raaye. faa andgaa ttiturea, will be pal to ??nd >rder. mot Ami Apply by not* or personally to FKTRft McCaRTY. Rt ?mi Twenty fifth atreet. Rew Ynrh. ri I.KT-fOR ORK OR TWO YKARH. A I.AROK FOUR atorr hour* on Hma Iwnv. on a prominent corner near Oraee church, nr the parlor flo<w or aecond atorr would he lot for hnaiacaa purroaea The furahnra i worth ahout t? tikfl m a portion of It would be wild If deulred. or n< han?e.l for reol eaiaie or (oud aeenrllle*. Addrean U H., Union aquara Poet oftca. JflTTl.RT-AT RAVRRHWOOn, OR THK RAFT RIVRK. 1 warra! beautiful-otlatea. rarTtnfln uire from eirh1 o fifteen rr?-ma. are In c naplete order. Rente from $A?? to Hbl, Kannum, heir eltnatlona for attractlona and toa renlewoe e rltr ranoot be anrpaMe<| within the rlclnlty. For fur Ber partiealara, apply to till.RRkT HOPKIRA. office R j j; Fulton atreet, rmad iloor. from II to ||W o'clock, or at Ita renawooil. R. R ? Piwaeeabm of two of the Imiota cm, .a had Immediately. A nperlnr Iron aafe for aale. IO I.KT-IR HORORKR. RKW JERRRY.-RO 4 Ht'O* ann place, Hudenn atreet, re it |pon R,<a III and tbi ?>tafiridtir< n. rent R16o and $?nil Ro Id H|??mb< el place. rentRtt*. An. 157 and IMOiardenatreet ran- IdUO Rn I Irrind Blare; rent ton a fine cottage In Filth atreet rent hi. a ir*e hnnee IdT Washington atreet. rent Apptr to Wll.l.lAM tl. Pl.t AWKH. real eelate agent, 74 Waehinifton etreet, Itoboken, R J. r) I,KT HAI.F OF A TWO ATORT ART> IIAPFMFVT h'?iea la Plhe atreal. eonatallnp of eeeond floor and 1> ?it socmrnl The hnuae baa all the modern lmpror?nteii?i with uae >d bath. Kent thai. Apply lo J. P. UNOKRlnl.l. Iftfl Pearl etrceU TO I.RT?FROM Flit AT OF MAY RKUT, THK |,OWRR part of three e'ory brick hou?e t?? Ztl Weal Twentyeercnth atreet, 11 tween Eighth and Ninth area ilea, haa high ban nn-tii nod iii' .-r i-i'liar, gaa MrmfRhptd, cn>t.,n. run*.lr , in nn-Jl. tit rrpntr For particulars apply on ihn pt.-roi are, from Ml A. M. to J P. M ri I.KT?THRKK AT<>RY. ISA RLM PTRKKT. ?M0; A thr*r atorjr XI t Hy llafl pl*ra. fllNI, off . r.?*n? apartmenia rtirap to f*min< a. ttWand Ml FranAlinatrre' 14 Walter alreel, WMrlfTaU'rai, 4h? .lri- |?lch ?i rn SJH walrr etmrt, larer nroiar and a'orr In PaArndraa1, ?1,an Applr ai r? tn Ho. 7. flrat floor. Ho 7 Urrrntrlrh atrart TW 1 FT-TN UROMIU.TN.THF TriRKF STORY FRAMV bruit* No ptllVinoord tu*at, with anh ralWr. harlot lha modarn Iniprnrrmanta. with ( ? fliltirea all r onplatn. Mil ahla for ona or two email fain 'tea; rmtm iterate t > a tond tenant, ini|iitr?of A. MrAYIlV at Ilia earner atom TO I.M-A TIIRXF. UTilKV AND It AS SIR ART IliYIR.I nine fanni li i""1. mtwtnint ell tha m>|."ii imr a-r mmta and dntuhe.t in-lie'orl manner, aito? * ! n Ko I'hlr. Ilrth a'raa*. kern ?"' ! ! quire at IIART'b martin a ? ? Ninth ettret, riWber Thn J aranna. TO I ?-T Nil I *2 > tSf NlNF.Tr ' X rH ?T * I' . >' m im I rr' n 1 * m I avn i v i i n. ' U Ar , and wXI ha put n ti?al orrer > n' f' < ;j > I HAOI aALAK ASoMH. Iixi Tenth ilo. . nutr Third arenoo. NEW YORK HERALD, M Hovmn, hoomk, ?c^ ro udt. _ r LET-NEW MORES HALL. HAHKMKNT, DWKLMill rmma In gull* saii'.bw?gl corner of Broadway and Twrlllii girewL, at nil priors, hod adaplrd 0>cvr.rv drscrip tlon of hojuorsa. i'mweaalon May 1. Apply to JOHN s. K ELKO, 62 WI! n*00 gtrret. TO LET?A NEAT THREE 8TORY BASEMENT, ?"B eeUnr hDd mile house. No. 104 fc uu Thirty third strtirt, 1 Iwi en Th*rd and Lexington irrmm with tu' rble mani?la, 1 I and cold water, hath. laundry. wmh tuba, gaa tlx'.nrci ci mplete. Kent nou. Inquire at ',iy the umr street, or Jon k ulberry street. TO LKT?THE FINE THKEK 8TORV DOUSE. ITT MA O ecu street; in perfect order. Rent low W) a good tenant. Apply to W K. MIiIOliEY, 114 Church street, oorner Duma. TO LKT?THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OP bnus" 1S9 East T enty third str et u> two re*,.e-table foui'I leu. ilie fecund Hour songlsla of front ml back laO'irs, kitchen ami two bedrooms an J bathroom wththeO-oon water and the gas; run' tlM 1 he third Hour has trom ami back oarlor*. klt,ih?n and 11 rce bedrooms with Crowin water, ren' f200. The owner llv.a on the tlrst floor Inquire as above. r LET?THE I/OWER PART OF A TWO STORY A"l> attic house back basement. fro t ami back mruf-. an I one ?r two attic roomr, in no *1 orde* with gas and rango. 10 a small family without chtltlreu. Apply at 112 liar row ? reel, near llu won. TO LET-UPPER PART OF HOUSE 1.18 WE T Twenty fourth atrcel, ronalstiug ot three room* on ae eond door with front basement and privilege in Uundry g?g, batli, Ac , In thajbouse VFill be rented o 1v to a small family. Reut Can be acen t'rr.m 1 to 4 ' . t. TO LET?WITH AN A' AMOUNT OF HTr.aW POWER, the whole or one half of a large room on the urn. door size tilliM) feet, height of inline lA leet; buildiog hea r- ! by team C. A. ALVOKI), 15 s'r?et. TO LET?A COUNTRY SF.AT ON THE WEST HOIK OF the Hudson rive.r, ahont a quarter of a mile f-om Ti'l ins laudlmt. Douse two story, w'ih kitelj-n atut'.'hetl sliding doors, marble mantles, Ac. lb-re is about ft acre* of g->.?l laud and u variety of trulls, carriage house an 11 .?Me tV"b be rented for the cummer or fir* ye sr. It quire of D T BALDWIN, 13 Broad street. mo I.ET -IN THE VILL.AOK Or MOHRISA 11 4. a 1 dwelling house, containing nine re ma. gard-", .f; R-nt t'gtO Inquire of Mr 11. SP1VKY, 10j Mailison -crci, New York, or of Mr JOHN O-BoKNk.. be!ween Seveaili and Eighth streets, rordham avenue TO LKT?THE sKCOND FLOOR HP A MilOKRk BUILT house, wllh fr uit basement and attic room If desired, in one ol the most leslreblr lnu'l te ou lite "'est side uo town, being opposite the grounds of he institution for in" "lln-l, w!) be let t" a small family of grown p? iooiik Th" boos" la tew in complete order, and wbb every convenience Posgesseui given immidis'ely Stages and cars convenient. App'.v >eiween Id A. M. and 4 P. M. at No. 11 Boorman place. West Thirty third meet. tTKi I b T? TO A SMAl.l. FAMILY, THE UPPER PART i of houre l.MJ Kidridge r'.ieel. cooaigUug of fr "it And back roomr snd Trout lied room, rent iibt) apply on the pre mis. s or at 7*1 Broadway. r) LET?RENT f.Vll AND OHOTfllt '.VATstR?THE twns'ory ar-1 attl- brt k house No i'di Deiaucej street. In Oral rate order, aiso two small fcam" hoo*"? m rear if M Elizabeth street; rent tl.V) iie.r ye ir each, piese'siua i n mediately. Apply b> EDWARD V AN R ANiT, livery stable, 54 Canal street (old No ) near Broadway. TO LKT?THE hi,EO ANT STORE Vi. >1 \ V AL HTaKRT In complete order with shelving aui coum- ra ?.* >, 'tie upper part of ihi house. Possession imm?.li ,t-'i 4 ,.l> it* tar store. T3 LET?PART OF A FURNISHED TtlREK HT<>Kif K glisb bast-merit bouse, to a small family. Apply at 211 Wett 1 wenly third street To lkt-THE TOMB ."TORY AND ATTIC BOCKS (vi rtnventh street, la perfect order. ADp'y ?n the pre llH TO LKT IN BROOKLYN?A THREE 8TORY HKI'JK home, totmll ftBUt! r?u( taken In board if desire.1 Apply uu the premised, 4'?1 Psrltlc 'reel near Nerlns, or at 115 Broome street eornei el Thompson n. y To Ltt ok mi; sale ni DMIiM ri,. tory brick house, ron:-unia< >11 modern improvr.ntoiu, No. M fieri ow street, oner II udsou, rent *) an. w t -r t tt or fr.r a.le or easy terms. ab o the tl.-nt rasa English b ? mi nt housi north aide, ot Am. fhtriy seventh street v .r 1 nth avenue, rrni ti.TtW. Apply to J. M V aN dKN lir. A' i 11. 123Liberty atre-i. TO LKT OR LEASE?POHHRNUIOW I MM KOI ATrlt.Vhouae containing all lie modsrn improvements, g .s lit. tore*'. ne w fnrnare and range; has a g?>1 yard is m trst ratecrttr and h?s never been rented; Toc.tlinn In I btr'y eighth street, between Leiipgloii and Fours avennee on Murray 11 til. Rent $700 Kura-iure and earpe's would be sold or would rent furnish"! lo Hallsfactory par.'es. A', dress House, boi 3 476 Post oitlee TO LKT OR LKAHIC?NO. 82 RANT BROADWaY, three story basemen', attk'and sub cellar. gas. "alb. au and cold water, chanleliers, maliogauv doors, in foot order Apply at tab Water street TO LET OR LEAHE-IN WILLIAMSBURG, ADJOINING the urand ant Houston street ferries sliuf yard, Ing an ritenslve front on 'be Kast river, with fubs'AAtiel au<l eommocioua dork. hiCkbead and oeep inter Tbmt'iofeturcre and merchant* Ibis is a vnrv lesiranle lur tiimi of ab;i b a long lease in iv be obtained on the m is; re*-o.a .le terms. Apply to .Kill*' FKKKaLI. on the premises. No ttl Water street, Willi?maburg TO LKT OR LEASE?FURNISHED OR NOT, A FKi.L sired four sU rv olgh stoop stone h.mse, with an Slten' oo 40 feel deep, on M fdis-.n eniie, nesr the square. a so, seven sears' lease ot '4 acres garden land in 'die Ninth ??rd, Brooklyn Address A. 0. H , tli raid office TO I.F.T OR LEASE?IN CANAL HTRK.KT. A HOUAA and store. In a flist rate location, rent mite rate; a rare ehanre for a tailor, furniture, or piano establishment or a-.y respectable business requiring handsome show rooms AD ply at 3U61 'anal street. rLET OR LEASE-NO MM SIXTH AVENUE AT ITS linersectl -n srlih Hros lway, four storr house acid store, also. No. AA7 Htitb avenue four stories snd three stores, one of lie* best locations for buslneaa up town. Nee bills on ibe houses mo LET OR LEASE- A LARGE AND 3UB4T AN ft aL 1 mar,nfaetory or workshop, in the rear of Nos lonandlio Greene street, ferond street wast of tro.dway oeiweei Spring and Prince strreta has 4-e proof safe, g-s and (as Sit urea Inquire lit) Greene street rO LET OR LEASE Ft R A TERM OF tf K IKr4? AN old evlabllaht d coal ysrd In Sou h Brooklyn, nesr ihn St u b ferry, in tb> c irn-r of Columbia ?nd Cnngreak street* about 8l*i leel frt ra the riser Possession on the tat of Mar Inquire of 1IIOH Ml'I.LBhAN 16 Atlantic street, Brooklyn TO I.KASF?THE WARREN 11 )TKL. 61 WaK(A?M stss et now occupied br Corporal Thompson, fr >m 'he 1st of May neiu Apply at the Olio Collage, dohoken. N. J TO RENT?A STORK IN A COUNTRY VILLAGE, three hours distant from New Y irk w here a large huai nfimctn or aunt Appiy 10 i>. niiiiunn The owner oocrFvmo imc s 91 nmx>-i> imn*, wlabea to rrnt a bnaut'ful nut o' all ro> na on nrrond flor ronatattng of two parlor# no.merle I with * dlntr.g n?'tn hy long French wlndtwa, kit-hen adjoining and two be-'motra goa. hatha, t'roiot. w?tor, nwltle naama, atatlon try wa?h tub*, dry cellar, large yard Ac. Apply on the premlaea. TO MANt'EAt'TCREKS-TO l,KT OH l.rlknlC, TWO fine large ?nd a'ronglr con trueteo Imlldloga, 2.11 Hit teet and .1)^ aim-tea huh. nave rattU for alearo engn* and are located near I ba'ham aqtmre. Kent low; alio dwelling Imna No. in Ka?t Broadway Kent 1640 Apply atlliriMir Maater a office XIKouth atreet. IIf A NT HP TO LET?HALF or A HOl'HE. PCKNInil p TT or unfurntah-d. to a genteel family, for at moo ha 7SI Honalon afreet, near Cottage place. Call for one week U l Hit Kk HTRWRT. BROOKLYN, NEAR HRRUrtRR-R Ol mutch 1 be In*er par if a h iu*e In |g ./ haaement ant parlor atoetee and woattteroima Ih'naner will lire In the aeco i<t atnry A nice chance for a arc ail eea I ectal le family Kent Rteft To be aeen ftom 4 to A P. M. I r Q MONROE KTKKKT.-To I KT-TIIK MRCORP J?IO floor cona'atln* of two largo ronma with folding (t?or, and two hedrnorna to a una I American family. Apply from 6 to fl o'clock morning or erenteg rTHJriTiHJC E" KAKcu.m mamhrr sum or furritorr, in an oolor* and at?lea, ahnleaale and retail, at prtoea from Hand upward WARREN WARD. No *77 ' anal itren. hid No. A fmar doom eaat of Broadway. New Tort "LM RN1ITRK-ANT PERNOR IHWIROCR OP PINPON r Ing of their bnaaebold furniture or rarpeta. and at old the ineottt rnlepce of an annum at a fair caali ralnatjon. can fin-t a totrrhaeer by ad.It aaalng a note to II W. 0., Herald office, abating where It may be aeen. ITKNITl RR A N O CARPETS FOR N ALE-MR A RI.V r new.-br a party break.og up h.-raaehee|>tng Addeeaa Furniture, boi 3..TW Poet nfflae KrHNITl'HK WANTRlt?IN A40II'NT Of I) TO MOn. Of good ]oalitw and nnenplete aaanriment. for whlrh Wetrra dividend aernrtuen, honda and mortgagee and building Me near New York will be gtreo In payment ad dreaaboe Y74S New Tork Port office Ft'RNITI RE POR NAl H-A RARR OR A NCR TO PI1R rhaae riimHure at a Ion price aa the h nae moat be ra rated the ffrat of April Call Immediately at MM Hrooaar aireet ? ANTHOLUUY AflTRotdMiT?M A It A MR t.ANR CAN BR CONSPI.TRO about lore anil marriage and abarnl frlenda Abe lei a all "be ?v. nth of Ule allot Kliaaheth at., naar 0MR In diet hernia gentlemen 40centa flhe aa-teea epeedy mar rtagea Awonprr.-thk cri.rbr atrp aim portitmr teller will rareal paakpt agent an 1 futare eventa of Ufa WJi ni,erring eormiaty The Otpay alao ban a eearm whlel a 111 enable any owe to obtain the affection* of U? oppoalta art or anal atreet. a N IbTROMHlINT THAT R?Alfl THE WO*!.P-ANP r\ II,am reward la nflhrrd to any one who can aarpaaa her Phe warrama to fire true and pnrrcrt nformatt m on elr?en<? through lire, particularly 1<*aee, lawauPa anarpt frtrada and la fart all buainrta mat era N H. Madame C la the only peraon In the Cnl'etl Htaica who ran glre Inch* numt.era TM? la nn hom' og Call and aaUafy youraalren H< atdenee IS Hiring atreet. ANTRoLOOV ANP CI.AIRVOTAHOR ?M HRCl'R the myaterlona relied lady, haa removed to Ml, >trat?r atreet. eaat of the Itowerr vetwren ttrchard and l.ut In* atrerta. where ahe ran be cmanl ed with oa all the eyenla of life Indira t# to .Ml cent* Flraf 1> or, bach room centra > A. N. to I P M. (tl.AIRVOTANCR -LAItHCB ANP (IRNTI.RWRN, IT yr it dcatre to hare a corre it eiamtnaRon by a clalr"tfant rtiti mnat go to Mfa H tTRR'. SAt Broome ttreeb, he ween Mliabrth and Mutt, bat afaction t#a en, rrtueniber, or no pay taken. Kicctrtcity admi ita ered M rtalrroymii. III And Dtiw-nt Irlrndr loM or *u>la> ?oo>ln *1rv? on bvtlnow and ?l?# drUnroilroi# of nharncMr dmlifrnrr MB Ororne ?lrnM room Wo 7 nornnd Moor MA t>A Mil A RRIfl l? +HK HrVT CI, A IK?i> f A RT aKO airo nfl#1 In t># T'nltrd Atotrn. All errnta of llfr toM Iu' k % nnmhriA K'rrn dl?D*#r? rnred, if rur?h!r i i(*r? Mi mm UnnrrnA utrmt. n#?r MtiUi i?imn? IvwMr* Komi rni 'rnirn 111 r#?l? 1 Wl T1IK<? RTRKET~VCVlMV<)> M?' ??.lit Ht?" II"" MM R. (!? '1*1 ?nd hurtflK*. rtalrrojuni In ABlr-trM Co?nlW'onton hAMlnri* ?lo?n??# r?i nt frtrnd*, low pfoprrty, Ar ? ?nd nAttnfMtlMior no i>?? Ur?? hair r'i<nn?l In '* ornrlno! "oior f*M 17|* TAAICK 8TRI5B.T V,l'i? M\K RAM * I '? Atndt fimnrolrd M'Wl pkr- nolofp, ? hl>-h ?? ?>>? ho# Jn'rll v."ir Me cAonwtrr nod BfriMMMMM >?' '1?n< ? in hrf'im inn, nhoiti yim rill m?rrv, (lid alinrnt fnr i l? nd arrrj rrrni o? ill# l>r ? ? ?< n I ' v * I n? ! *1 -Ihr 'm ? wnndrrtnt hrnlin* rl?tr*o) Ant In thr worl 1 ?hi> |r rrtno* tnnr rilownt, #o r* j.m if tnrnl# 'n'nn (riibm - ill# >n|r1nnl mlor. Thin I# do htiiRPHR. Thoy a?loni?h nil 1.3 i mil (Ami. ON DAY, M AlfOll ." ? WW BALKS OP ItKAL. ISTATKi A FARM FOR SAI.K?IN MWUMWKX (MIllMTV MOMrntt Ivwunblp. N J , of 134 arraa. W anrra woodland, with avona* Appi* nrrbard, ml well of w.nw and ? *> nil; will bfc aokl br th? riceutora. Apply V) JcHR HlPttU* lnriflnn HTCaar.'oarth door Ham of Fourth HmnAlyn. ATtAKOA FN ? FOR MAI.K tUHKK SUrKKIO'l HHII.T hour'a, Noa 141). \M mid 155 Kaal Thirty oxth Kireel; two brown atone end ihr >'her the beet of Philadelphia brlok with all the modem uiiproreineQU Termaeaay. mo'ilre m the prune ires. AOP.EAT KAKOAIN.-KOR HAI.K, TWO ??M?i? dwelling bnn?ea and a rear hull ting no two lot- >f ground, on IbliUKMiy a Ir ee I between Allle' arid Sh* rill streets. Will pay ift per con' on 'h? Invatlineni Hr re 9U.UU0. No Incumbrance. W KM It A Pa KK H'i tutr. Ift .loha ?tn?'t room 7 A RARE f'll AN'tE.-KOIt ?Ul,R IN TllllltV TUt atree' iter right h avenue a ibi4?? itnry tirlea h > and lot. with ail the model J Improvomeu h Price el A Tirmaoary. WF.HH A P x RmIIJh s t' 16 John atroet room No Brooklyn or nkw york pronccnvk pn perty wanted in eielixnge for a deatra'do i "i i'rx i or farm near tlna city; a t-w vacant lout wan'cl i ?? ? clhM dwelling 'Vdh or wi'hmit lurnl'iire ' HAKl.Ko K. uoi DEN, 19 Nmwau atra i ro m No (1O0NTRY bKAT FOR HALS .;H LKAHK *iTH i .. J on North P!>-11 road. Newtown, L I. *b r two i n > from Oland, fToutuiu or Tenth aired f-rrv mno *r i lain). good two ?t?ry home, 50 by 80 fee , (lf'reu r nnu . n carriage and corn Imuaea, large barn au-> o.h-r no I' vaceiy f fruit'reca, about 800, grane* *r.d a grea * . o nixitmt uial trues. Alto to let, three lo ir awry hm * 19.2l nd 13 avenue, and three large lofts ther ptutKMilurn apply to GEL. W. EI) WAiii'M. m' Chryaile stroel, New ioik. /lOCNTRYRSSinEN Kfor HaLK-IN T?iB t V' ol BloomBeld, New t"r?ev. 18 ao-ee; til de-high ration, oonta ulug hone- barn, wagon boiic Ao fruit; near Ihe r?llrf>ad depo'and yood eluai'a 'h i t,an be made a *).leijdiii plane. Mors. c >* xuli. y tnrnnn; tpx naila will h.< ?old wpb ihe o ace " I ' ? nole #6,5no-two thirda ran remain on mortgage. Ap.d . |Tt ARM FOR FALR-AT M * M ARONECK WKKT'tllK r tercouniy; wo acres of |oo4Im4, UtM . H*oo1 laud, the balance under cultivation un .h-.o. t i house, with ram. carriage house bn i stables n.r .. 1.10 so It Is well stocked Hint hu? m!I he farmtii? n u? ry. |i ii buultfull; IomIp<I, Ami only op- tour's iheeltv. Possessionchu behad immetos... y vppt. ? i Carmine street |it]NV NKW TWO aNIi A HALF I itiv Villtl.. P, at Wen: i.ouot Vein .n.1 ut- iote? i New York. bv New Harm or liurtom!r ! > " for bouse in New York or lirooklyn Apj> l.? V street N. It?F our gilders wanted IfOft S*I.K-A FIRST CLAWS UK'.A * N I house and lot. uu 'he south vile of f near Hjlib avenue, with all the linprov n Inquire of C * I). VRKKoANH near Su'h avenue JL>OR BALE FIRST CLASS Fib'R I .Kt IK< r stone front bouse, with all modern ini,o o wood and blaok wa.nip d 'Ors ou pari >r l o r \ . second street. betwe?n Madison su t F'f1' l.vtiO Inquire ou the premises lor p r i L>OB SALE - Ft CR FOUR Sto . r ' V r bouses, nnntiiimuK 14 roooss vHeh. > ,u . ^ tries, ac., withal' the Improvements, It. _ ti i o the norlh side of Thirty lo.irtb sir. " . lntcii n Avenue. App'y on the prrm:-i> I <" BBaV. Price fid OHO ITHIK III! FIRST OUH I 1' r hLtli baeetnenland stib-oeil?r fr? ; ml r. brtck; pisxza and courtyard In front . i,.? > . n two years: ml Itti'UO. Will sell .in.uti . ... a ,,,? n >. terms Apply to ' A <J4Ralh.i.S o-nv?r teenth street. etwnen Fifth so tin > ?-s i.ib uts- o one from Filth avenue Rronh' , T .* be drtrus. cars |MB SAI.K- A llnr. K s; i |,R . tfOLOHOI r grur.nd In East Fifty second tr ? on i le net* > , eeoonc nuu 1 hird iiveuues no .. i. . . .11 'i u>'.n n I Ir .n>e. fit led in with hri k. if It "is . i unun. J gar balb. water eloae'e. w ko M e ai le la (rum-. *'/-.'1 ?iaioe A'?. a..II a ' i lir*'- suiils t- .u la*tvls an I mappers, ba urst ro uu, jwi :fe r i'jo .aritttii bv.. sleeping r'aun oil lb- aerono (l-rir JOJ a a >1 ppl ...>i a. Ii gas .?v. r.iiou ?aU r. r-u be been l?e a e o- li?u,-s ? i a e and 4 P si. Price to ilsi Itwiol e on 'ho pr. miss IjViR SALE-TRF FCRN'TlKE aV i.R VSR Ft ill T iVil r years wl' a four story bouse on Si oadway inaooru-r. f.e, r Ijirste rtirrb oi the bouse a.oil 0 b'l for biiiiu-SH pit-poses The fiiruIlM,e worih alai ' a, vol. Aou'do" eiol II III Klri-d. or eiehall-eil for real ea'a good ne? Ad.lriuiS L. ?.. lintun ? |ii.ire Po* off! l'?ih sale nra rwo >- a i:-1 ixai four P slot v brown inooe houses bin t i,s?i lua.iuer. I'Uio if. ffee'.Thirtv ar vectli street d>u< if h aveoii. . bo is.m A. bv t'ai fern. m'-> half ihe Iito-.k deep Inquire of Wd Fan N.Nu, S7ti rIt h triiaii*. FH.R SAl.E?AT A BAROA.N N PACIFIC! STRKKT, llrnoaivn. oetvvatn N-vt'a til Powere atreete, a three fcuwy and tenement >?rt-k hnuae. Juai ilntrhed. rcinr, putnij. (i.?? Ac W ill N: in-iil tiw mkI ."i rin; ieru:? >f tmiaeuiaUily liyM I or. LMIR SAI K? A K?RM. HIT?' A1 II tS E?HEX OOCNTY. r N ,71# ml ?h from Hlnomtt'hl Rairnil di'prv, ami fnrtn contain* lw?n'y lour *rrr?. a good nourr ;tnd rx eiicnt vi vter, and au rxcelle?it place tur - n i If ! gar.;ener l*or fup'hi - partciila-a Apply Ui uK'ill >K M il,l?''tvl X, IS# Mer i?e etriet, leraeyt'lty *fW 7 o'rlncb u v! JiVrR bAI.F?TIIK hRW nil K -T?? *HRoWn t lo.NE r front bouae and lot N i ttHml Ktgbternin atrnel near fourth avenue, tbe bouae U '-"ivi'iO frer diuhed with n? amid doom walnut aiana, h.?ll II mi* lab with mnrlilr and oib- rwlo containing *11 the modern traproveiueu'a. term* eaay, tooiie open every day. Apply ui 1). H. KNAPP, oaner. IM < in-hard *treet. C^fiR SALK HFO?N STONE HOLHK IN WEST TWK.Nr ly eeeon I alreet. Several cheap Imuan* la Bni utlyn. lumherinn *iabll*i meat, f?rm? and Block* tori'b**ge for rity property. several fine t lnnox to Invest in buaincaa Hi.OOMKK A OO , Si Naaaau Ureal, room Co. IX FU?K SALS.?MOPBkN IH'ILT H (USES, IN MOOII Uieailopa, at v-ry low prleea loim Unu upward*. .iud on vi rj ittfi lerma. To lei two bouae* ?ub all the modern improvi nt? ai* In 'I hlet eth rem. at $Wbi -ach, irovrn atone beuae at S7M A l?o other bouaea woti all 'he modern tin profementa frooi B'*?t up war I* Rutun, I Ml lli'l farina to eirbaoire Money to loan on bond ami in tiyat" on New Turk rity property Apply to WM. MeRVU.Y, Ho 7 ltro*.| tr?el. ForTaI.K?A HKU'TlrUI, tXHJNTRY R?C?t]iT^NiTk In the pleaaant village of Itohba' Kerry, commanding ail-naive vl-wecf the Hudann rlier A la-go double bmiae, Viable, onrrtege bouae nearly new, and grounds tastefully la to out. sod avarytbing Id perfect ordc-. Knee. Ill (km. raay le'ma Appjy in M K I'OL'/.KhH. Ho. 51 Liberty at reet, n Y , or at Dobbe' Ferry. I^IIR HA I.I?A HEAT TMKKR STORY ItRIt"K IIOIISK F anil lot in Williamsburg. food hMMN 'en minolea' i walb from I'eeh Slip ferry Price, i,*m term* caay. at an a email bouae and two lota Apply at the aboe autre. At* Pearl Blf-el, H. Y. , laViR Sal.It? A OF-SIRAB'* RESIDENCE, OH* ! r hour'* rtde from ibe nit*. For further Information and photogr>ph vow ration F 0. WaiINKR, XI t'vrtlaudl atrani. Hew Voib KOB SAl.E fN ORF.RNWH'H, CONN ONE IIOITR from the rtty. near the depot on the Hew Haven Railroad, a Inr eoiitilry reeidenee, with one acre of land, hulit lea* than two yearn ago tn modern tlyle. carriage hooee dne garden, uid nearrburrbaa and aeboola Price (A mi r?rnn if.-rd. rc a*, aaiop given Apr!) I, If wanted Apply to W. M. TUCKS it Hair.en lane M,u sair * rtpumaHir tiiiihv rriiuv tyii r l urmrm Itrirk Iii>iih. kw be mod ?rn i>pn)f?ni>nM| (rim ?KHi n,'htf-?t hy .Hf, UM 'M leet V Inchee will be Aolil n* mil on r?ay terma apply on th? pretnlaee, an W-ai l?mi) ninth atreet, near Stith ti>tnk FAOli HAl.R-A NKW FIKAf tXA?h FOCR, ATuRY brown wo?? front house. with nil the modern :mpr >vo tnrata. built In 'he n?t manner, auuated Ro. ft Went Thirkr-f ?tn?' between Fifth aeenno an t lln?l?tj Him. JA by ?4 'nuolrr no thr iirrmiwi. from h * M till ft P M L''ir Hal.R?1MRFF. STok* BRIO* H'M'SK. DOUBLE r 1 Biri'l. uni ?r eelWr, |dry huth < mp <<.rga hear) ra.ltnpa a.I oerr the fmn' brown a'nnr In llrbi atnry nmahe.f I loration unanrpaaecd Houth Fourth reef 'fr?.>hlyn Price Pa a?> $!,"'< r*?n. apply m I.TT Fourth etreei, Berth lyn A laoaplendtd autre in let na abore. FOR HALR-a NKAT I'tiTtA ?R, 71 BT V FF.CT, ANO III capital order at Aforrleaota, with About half an acre of ?m nil. well Worked with troll 'ree?. An Will be anlil iow Ana on ruy taraia lni|UlreAt MS Canal a treat, corner of 1 bowratoi FW)R *AI.R-TWO UlTR, CENTR tlJ.T UMAtD neAr two leading Mr re la, well ailltwl for tenement or mar.u'anurtrig purpoaea. or a coal yard Will V>? no n -u; terma Inquire At 3llft Oaual atreet, i >mer of Tboe.peon IrffiR AAI E-RRVKRAl. TYRE nB-IRAAI.R TIIRRF. ator| ' rown atone booaee anil lou with balnonlea an I en rbead nnrt Tarda, Are entirely new, wrh gee (lalorea, Mntt I a*ha two baler rtoaeta each As The ao inea ar-ea b IJ fri t tnrhee wide by ?0 feet In depth fh? lota at? 91 fe?i dip' ?r> taai of the purohaee money ran remaiu on Vipd autl ni'iiliilt on earh Ao opportunity ta here aflorle.l ui toy ami.ll fanitly deairowa ef enjoying the eoaforta of a ho pie with all the modern improvrnyma, wlthnot tne ne-eaaoyof rtpi natte furnltorn or a high rent Apply to T NAtJFaRl..t N A 8<?RA. 1A0 Tenth atreet. or at the pramiara T^tlR BAI.K Il? RINRTRRRTH ATRRRT-THR FOUR r rtury KnglPh bawmea' hmiae l?ft Rant Nineteenth atreet, fourth letuee meet fn m ee-ond arenoe. onrtb ai ! m i er:?-l or-ler i imtaimaf all tmproremente fit mane, A' Apply on the prrtntira nine of hooan ITiMfret; lot half the block, rrlee f 111 nil "lerma to an It. hjwrtfl AAl.R?TTTK TilKRE RTORY. BAAKHRNT ANI? 1 or.rtrr r. *r ' rira ?,rner of Month Fifth and F.I if bib yre"?. * "maburg. elan h.oiae l<> roo'h Fourth atreet all fitted Q 'Willi tne mo teen Imnrnvementa water iu rangea, Ar In perfect order, and uneirepuonahle netghsnehoml Terma eejy Impure of J Y. MKMRRoi.R. baeetnent Wtl Ibamei org City Hank. IfblR AAl.K-IN TWENTY ARVRRTII KTRKKT, ItR II iween Fotirfh and Ireaington arenoe, a th'ee ?i >ry and baarmect brick coitag* Lduie money, and tine good, hp piy ' i \ ' iNB, It fhantber. ,ireet htUR "AI.K CIIKAP-rOCR HOt'ARA A.Nff I/ITR Iff kiglHy foardi atieet. telween Third and Fourth areniiea ni r'h rote. I'rUtc Aft,flt?1. They are all let to g ?>d ten ao* bo aceioer ye^r at W?i earh Apply to B'K, ktghtj a'ath ntrert. between Third nod Fourth arenitea FOR bait I'flKAP?A FIRST tit,ABB KMAU. IIR'IWN a'one boo?r. with all the tmprorementa. In a good nclghbrrirrot Prlewififfai Rnnran remain. Inouirenf A. IvK.N NkTiY, I,Ao F.aat Thirty nflh atreet. FOR AAIiF CHEAP- A NKW FIRBT I'l.ASA r(>"R lor; brown eaone front hotiae, |4 feet A mrh'a nr t*1 feet. I o* h-1 ibe block, with all the modern Pniiror oneiita, btilK In ill" bkr ia*iiaar, iiPnntod *t 5 1 hiriv iPTrirh i?w, Ihtnl h"'i* ?n of Fifth *n<l l>r Hi>r1n< ? chnr'h. ao?>'Iw prrmtaM, or 10 U. B HARfoon. iSI IVnH ??fi rt, ecrarrnf John. Fkir *m.k ciikap-a rri.i. i^?T or tiik rortii rldr >if Fifty-third turret. '?i?*n Firh ?n I nvr nn< ? >l?o ? plot of tr ml In Mount Vrrrpw. tRi * 41 ???r comity, t-*?u' fully nitimtod. Innulro of .1 *MR* ( fIKk, H *'?i Brondtrny. CXlRRAI.RQR TOt.RT?ATVoRHH * R, a l|t)l i?C, Wltll P otioyoroof flannnd. h?nd*otnr|y l<w?t?.t ??hm ?ti- ohm j?r<l?of >k<- dopo*, ennintTon# rt?v*n mrm ?pt> ki rh?n, r< |l?r'*o?l hotioo. flood w>-l' of wit >r mi l totoon y?rt<-tt t frott *rr?? Apply to JaMKM MlfttfaV ?t th? Pok-t ofll< o, rordham, or nl -itm-t (\>lo i.t, K hai>. ok io i,rr-A rnif*:' ^TORY \R:I r h??rr?<- m t>rl*k hotiy# Ml r.n?t Hiirty Hi h ? ', wt h vl hrir.o'fin rt mci-mcwa. Apply ?t tbo Iron 10 :n4ry, ?; ?t IS r.o rt, ?o *r uremic M. I.V'H ?*I.F T > I.HTOR ?y1 i| *Ri:E -PiM ciIV flto P#r'? * rrry nl ' tat ' >ry nn-l 'in'tini' > >-i?o m iprr M -liiiin - h tr v k it, til I F v?rtlrnli?r? 111 mir? of II Hl< R .114 Gaeai nirrol. or of dr. Ilrnj tmlW-r, la n^pcf More.Main. Ait LRU OR RKAL KtrrAIK. JpOR (KAUK OR TO LKT--A MRWLV PIlfMURU four o-orT Hrnl '-laoH lionrr, with all ib* mo rro imorore met ta, hiii'Ii iiM k?m. hot an I cold w?ur. do nb walur A'; flnlrhed in ibo heat mariner frier $<t utf). ret l for further Inforniaiion In jmrr on Ibe preuil*ea ItlJ M. it Thirty, alxtb BtrorL, N Y. COH PAI.K OR TO I.RT-AT OaKIKN. OtjNN . A FAKM I of '.'{3 arrea <>f lane with n large two Hlory double hmine and outbid dlnga to match It ta pleuaaotl- altu tied wrbm three minium <> k of the New York and mow llavi-n Itnl road depOi Wd ho gold low an,1 ou easy lerina. or the In man may e rooted wttlior wlthoiiiaiiv part of the land a', a bar fain apply to LESTERNT. JOhN, Darlen dopol, tioun iahik kai.eorto i.eapk -fcrn ihhkd till unfuk " nlahod, on tho llndaon rlter twelve intloa from tho city a beautiful private roaideuco. Iho houao r.intatna all Hie modorn Iroproveuiriiia with suitable<>utl> nl<I nyrm. large mr don and lawn lawa-mr, nnaiirpaaeod for particular* in quire of c. w van dork.n, 47 Murray airoot h^OK BALE, TO LET, OR KX"7HANOE FOR A SMALLER bona" In Now York, tho now four atory brown an me bnuae No 3(17 Won Twenty aesnnd *trr-i, three room* d-- ( all ibo way up, high ?i/iop -nth collar, with all tho modern tin orovemoota, and beautiful titration Apoly on tho preininea or at 31 pearl aueet up atalra Will bo aold low TTIOKHAl.E KXCHiNIlK OK Til .ET-KIOHT AIRES, 1/ two and a half atory 1iouho, flno well of water, ba-n, good orcnar I at-d other frul'a, in 'n?n hlo of T mkrrs In quire a- CM Eighth avenue, or of Mr IIOI.LY, No 3 Nnaaau ?' HOI KB AND LOT FOR SAl.R.-rOR HALR THE brl"k bonne and lot No ,10 l .liver at reel, near Chatham aqnare, well calcul-ned for a prtv-.ta dwrlllnf, being ail In go'd filer and a oonvt nit nt looauon for any man doing bu aiiieae i own town Will no n >1-1 on accommodating lorma. i'p'j'oJAe LYNCH 106 Mulnerry alrret, near Caual. IOWA LaNIP CHBAP-163 ACRES, (40 OF WHICH IS 'imlior ) Hiltialoo In south' ru Iowa. Tbie Ian I w an ar lecteu w tu gi eal, are on la wrli worthy the alU-numi o p.a'tiea - king a good noil rh'ap homo Apply lo '1. If llARI'oON, . e . r 1 nireot, oortier nl John IN KXt'HANUR F'lR WESTERN LA VIV??W ANTRP, A 1 coo- family earn-go, alno, ? *'o Rof household furniture and real e?'aie, In Now York or vicinity. S iMLMi L j-'ln&K, 114 (irandstreet. N^f. U7 EAST t evkNTRK III STREET, OPPOSITE _ Nli.y ver?u' P i? For an lo. an oijg?ni four atory. fir nt clara brown *U>ne front houae, built iu the very to a inauuor, with all lir m- dorr iwprovruieata. the h-iuao i? 31 by .45 foot, an-l the lot 106 feet dorp .he online muni tie an) I. SJ.tkiOnr mort can romuin on bond and mortgage at tl ; r-nt. To be aeon any time 'I he owner on the ground from H to II) A M., and t to ft f M VA It'A lll/K HI NKR All AND FAKMINl LANDS FOR nalk. OFFICE OF THE McKK.aN AND ELK I.AND) \ NI' IMPuOVEVlKNI COMPANY \ Tlii* company, Incorporaietl by apeclalaci of the lii-gialuture of Pennsylvania, paraed tbr 6lhot Feb., IRVi, airing during iho p .a! aonaixia roniploiod -ill iinturan- o.i ig ' cn *nd geol. all al mirvey id their Ian' *, by a Aomoeiriil an 1 faithlul crpa of ("Ug'aenra how'olf-r 'ho ?aui- for nnie. They are ainrnou tu the couuiion oi McKeau and Elk. feiiuayhium, an I tie litlea are uorfoci. Tho map* aii-J u'.uur ahowitg h- varioua quiklltina of the anil Umiir. and mineral alritlfb-ailon* together with the prearnt and prospective avonno* to market, to.iv be neon at iholr <i(lli bi the f rabkllu Inatltute Hull ling. Seieaih street. rDuaueipuia A geologi jil cross section a bows at iei*t rii workable veins of com) u>?iing together I w?ntv four feet, ifud three of Iron ore, making twelve feet, wiih ?*evrial valuable tteacniof lire clay The and t? c iv? r? d with berry, inipV, hutch, white pin** and b*tnl'>ck iinfoer and contains numerous streams lolublfl 'i>i mill ai*. Iaktng hi- sruatjon ot these lands In connection with the ludu-'rinl md'l commercial interest*. u??t only of our own Stale, hu of New %ork, Sew KngUnd and lie lake region, they filer lie grea'est Inducement* for profitable tnv mtmcnu to port hi mm K<*r more particular Informatior refer to the undersigned William middle, necr'y II M. WaTTH, President. ir 1,1.1 AM III* ltd PROPERTY FOR HALE -TWO *4 'hrre story hrt <k houses, stores with dwrilings, on the cuth *?tde or Oraud street, bet we-11 Ten h and Eleventh 're**le, srd lo's running through to Hou'h Kir si s'reet H.*ld fog* tr.? r or n psrcetH rh**-p. *? mni will he l. fi on each nun*. a i.plv to ? K \ M)i * rfU^I.A'tli, 1 It* rtroad w vy, or o i.i iiliK A tiKKKN, 163 urand street, Williamsburg t\'M LAKO WANIEP?WARTED-A FEW ADftKri * * of trn -'idow. which bcug dry during silmrner are flood ltd t y trt ?h * ivr during the rest part of the year. Direct t'er box 2,^f?l *ta ing lowest cash price an l nature of b'jU. tJ?J ATKR PROPERTY FOR SALE?AT OR RENIN ?I NT Y t I'Koh'yn containing twenty nine lots iwi feet water * o? t 4hu teet risen. A ill he ?old on easy terms A poly to I .v VAi KNTIaK, oornerof f ranklin and F street* (in npo.ut, Brooklyn. \TONKkRP.- FORflALEOR EXOHAWOE FOR A HOURS 1 'r. New York city, a desirable residence, with five lots, at Votker* withlu lbre?* ii<ii?'?ie*' w?lk of ?4leiiwo*?d depot, boor** conodue 'h?ite*-i? uhiqiii besides two cellars and a kih-bea, sud h-*? *11 he m<M< rn improvements. Apply u? h. .lO> l>, II ? baiubers street, 41 FULL I/OTN (?F OHOUND FOR H4LK?Off THIRTYn seventh street, ie-*r Fourtb avenue. pdw $d,8U0each. ouiy |2,i)t0 cmIi reuuired, b*Uii?-** nt mortgage WKBH A Pa RE HURST. 16 John street, roo*n 7. QAA ?fOI 0ALI OS TO LST FOUR I RM o# good garden land si uatrd in ElddlevllLitg*, five mile* from Orand street ferry ? h fram ' house, five rr?om* an.1 eeTar ln?|Utreof tir K I.4MH, New york ' las Pipe fa-tory, toot of Thirty ninth street. North river, below Eleventh aveuue ' 4Q ?(111 ?'OR HA IB. A HKAl'TIPl'l. rAKM-tf ! tfO.t'WD, acres, Hothlc houne, outbuilding* complete, I frti'ts Ac Farms at all prices and location* fr?r sale or ci ihaiiya, tnllla, ally ami village proparty. 1'Kaaa call on W. U. MKL1CE, 4U7 Broadway. <?/ |||m -FOR HAI.R, AT A SACRIFICE, A TRRKR U" " alory ht*h aujnp brjwo aton front bouae. 1 wl h all Iba luodaru Improvaniauta, tlrat cla.-?. baOu* m?-bln matilala, pannalaI ovllliipa. aa'rt rah*a, balh rWiaaia, yaa, Ac ?dttial#d at 1SS Thirty ?iraat, natwaan H-a .ml and lhirl Airnua roada: m mil ha aold; tarmt to ault tha purrhaaar Applv ai tba houta evi ry ilay from to A M lot i r. M Ml 175 Fan T hirty fnurtb atra-l. A. I. TAflSIR (!?/? Qnn W'V "?* * BROW* STOVE FROWT ?P* '.Ol/t/ hnuaa, thr. A alnrlra haaamant ami cailar, with 1 all tbr mralrro improranaanla. rant* hr|M l.rint aaav. [ A Iro houaaa with ?ioraa mi Saa-.fid avanna, halwaan I ho la h ami Tb'rty lira! atrreu, wa? al ia Alan, ona r irnar h man wllb rarriapa huoaa and alabla kanta fur $1 mm For utrrna ol *a!? apply for one wrak 10 JAMES FBl'fKfcTt H, id hacoiid avrijtia *L? unn PA I.E. AT A SACRIFICE. A THREK mHJiO""# alary high ntoop liaa-mani Bill undar c- IUr. with ail tba modar 1 iinprni annul*. Aral alaaa. having ni?rtla man'ala, painted aHUia, water MM h?'h tub, rlnart, gaa. Ar In a pond nalgh>>?rhnnd. alluatad 141 Thirty Baanr.n atrr?l, helwren naronrt and Third avennaa rallr.<a<l, muat ha inld; tarma in ami thn pnrrhaaar. Apply at tha r.naa rrary data from 10 A.M. to 4 P. M? nr at I7& Kaat , 1 blrty fourth atraat. A. t.. TAILOR. aUMM| MUOM, dot ., NAJtraU. A FAMILY WISH Til 11 ItE a HOUR! ARDTaKR TIIK family of tba nwnar or nrrupant In board, any wtahlng : for aii'-h ?n opportunity ran addr?aa for ona wark ft. I'., boi I 1 NFi I'oai offl- a, nppar part of th? oily prafarrad BROOKLYN -WANTED, THE SECOND FLOOR of A bmiaa In Hrooklyn. anllabln for a young marrlnl pair, I'MBt ill F ilion atTMti prafarrad. and ahoiil II va or 1 an inlnuiaa walk from FulUm farry Rani not loiMM'l 9100 par annum. Adilraaa, mating terma and looaiiou, Felii. hot 170 llitrald M HOI AK WaNTEI), Horn TO Osoo-A HM'rtlC OIlf'ART of a hnuaa malndlnp kltahan, below Fortieth ntraal, not l-rfrom urondway | in a pond naifhbnrannd or a bnu?-on tha Hodaon rl?ar. within 111 Van mllaa of New York. Addraan I 1 2.7!*'. f'net ofllae. Immaltaleiy f i'il HE WAWtP FROM THE 1ST Of NlV. A I amaii low inn ccnrai mm-ion it< ni mm tmiio par annum. Addrao*. ataun* !< rma, location, An , It. K. | . t" 'aid nlttne Utn>r wartrd-ihr nw?KK or a good Horn, aboee I'laaekarand N-'ow Twenty fifth ?tr at, ? . ha* I l<> leaea ihe aama and taka the aent la h. ?tr4, will ideaa* noi : ra?a Ti n*r I l?u 17" Herald R. U Tbn laeee will 4 I nap fl?r or *11 eelert hnwDrni Koom WARTKD.-A GBRTLIMAR WtrtHKA To pro , rnr* nn nnfuniRAed room. with nloeet, on ih? aaet , *1.1* of the n not hifher th in Fiith'h airaet Kent Ml . ! eicea., 16 per m' nth addree* Marmadiike, Herald oU--a UrAMTRn- FRO* THK FIRST OF MAT A TIIRRR lory bona* with all ihe ni > larn improv. m"na, heiow Th rtlath a-reet. between werond and WcTeo'h ?Ten'iao Kent not near iTM) Adilf ? ?UUnif term*. local on, Ac , Ac , H H. | II , Mtation ft, l''?l nthre, enrnar of Troy and Fourth Mraaia. TV*" ARTF.D?HT A SM All. A MKRICA R F A MILT, TWO tt room* and two hedrnottia on the ee? md II ?>r wf a hCM" j In a l"ol ?o'*lil. rh..?l, hn*??ii Ho'ia'oa a*d T wanly-ee?a|?'h a reel* and F r?' and Four'h rant not to ai I cae?l $Ak>. Addrer* Utmo, Herald olllca. WARTRD IR RROORI.TR, A ??AM. llorSR, OR p?n of a hiu*a, anth all 'ha modern im(>ro> am-nt*. for ! a faMy, eonatetmit of lady, eeiiileinan. 'Hiid *ad (errant. Poaaa**iow to ba had Ami r4 April A l<tr??* K. C., lei lil Herald cBee WANTKIt- ONR OR TWO t'OMFoRTARI.V FIR. nmhed room* frr ihrae prr*nn?, at a motcra'e ran', w thin a f?w minute* walk ol Twenty llral ?iraa'. Third a?e nua. raoi paid In *d?an?a Addre** matin* lowe*< price, b-il 17T Haraht oflloa P S ?Alt* a (Iron* act Ira boy wanted. UrARTRD-TO RRRTOK Pl'RCH APR. PO MR Rfi'RHR <n>od han-l furniture, o.l.l f*?hl<.nc,| preferred,; ?>faa, rcn're tardea, hrdrenda. hnrrana, Ac. Ft *?la, two Una h re rtory houre* la Ilaan Wrnev, Rrtnfclrn, kaar F-vina, ver) daa.ralda and i heap Ad.lea* hoi I,|<2 I'oat olli a T] FINE RKTOF ROAR WOOD PaRI-OR fcr tt nllara In rrtmaon hronaiel. to comprise two U-ta a late*, four ehaire and two "oltaire i tiaira Alao, t Wo rarrnd ma ho**nj Freni h hcdaiead* and wa*li*<aoda. Adlrem H ft. R . Hot IM Herald n?ca, TV'ARThD-ORR OR TWO ROOMS, WITH HOARD. FOR TT a gentleman wlfa. and daufh'er eltb! year* old in a r**paet*hle ani"vloa th? lia-a'ttt, (irirala family .iralarral f.w which will l>e paid, weakif, <he raia of par aiinom. rarrranran pwrn and raqnlrad. Addrant II. I,., hoi tmi I' at oRien. \1' ARTRII-FROM RAT I. A RRATLY Pt'RR.RHRIt TT mila*a in ha rounlry, for a ?rnall family, man Urn In a ra*paalalda naifhlmrhood. and wlllun aaay dltlan. a from Iba city. Adtlrew '"attaita, b"i S,S"|5 Pont odlra llrARTRD- ItV A FaMII.T <?r THRFF. Al?t'l,Td, THK TT flr*t or *aaotid Boor, four noma of a fail hoiaa in a plan a* ol naif h nor hood, rant from Rl.Ml io RAH m-i???n aa '.m.l and kiphth aranuaa Addra** Tenant, Hroatway Pom WARTRD-A HOCFR IR jr.RSRTrtrT OR HO lO ken. frr which Pnanaylrama land* and W.-aiaan i, ,n |a unit wcurltle* ?tll ho firm Inquire of R B K >iaw 11, 34 Vt mj plor, W??hlni ni\ m*rki?t tl,rANT1H>?TO ifcT OR RKNT. tH'ITUtl.E PI,Alii tt far branfoiiMr; m<I ttataMn*abop, it II can be ?mb k?QMi i>r 'iPArlttintitii for funnily 'I*** A'l<tro?i A. H., hot IW Herald nfllae WIN KM ATI) Mltl "K*4 FIN* ARBORTMRNT OK R* AN DIES, WINRA, IA J\ mftirA mm Holland and i rht.^Am rmn IrUb, | Hturhon and Monon?h?la whnkl?n, l<nn<1nn ai?1 ll>ihhn pot !? , Rcot. h and t rdfr. *. n? aa'aaira diirrti piirtt At r?M>KMllM, A MaTiWUA'j. ?.*> llroran,. I Ktrnor of < rtnrttp artel. NOTTOR- RRTATf.WR* T.'KOC AT TW K FO|.f/im*T prt'r*. have trrim #ti? to >ne hundred percent hp hup I !fp yi.ur ll'i?ort foitn .? a Al hi. ll.tlwA n?. 7 Mn h v* f* linn Hr>? ? Brand* to or rot of hoed from At An to l<tter not; fin Holland t'l? frnaa 90 v 'oft |J p.?? gtlloi. >?in tontifff % I n, hi'lnhor* ife h? h- h ?a>. < I v u h *' it. b?>' ** \2* per dozen, boadoa p >r'*r in Krtllei Ha. par dot ?? F.tni.ira <>R>| Hi-1. ril'fKH BR VP-llOf.I.A\n DIN OK 'III' IIK-I \J nnatBj. in pti- * ami < ?* , ' >r ?tie >y II \ .<1 IT A I' ^ Rlhll, A) Heaver reft. 3 MA LIU AKAKKCIMM , I , Kitv ''IfBAF, A four y?nr*' ldM??" ii'iim Ac of a Hiio bulll ?n4 rom litKlioun ?ltu? r<1 in nn> it tb> toil loo* I'on* 10 WU1 muchurg I" '& * nilil*' of (h' m nufn 'nrlng oxtab ?tani?o'*. Ko -non for dolling in*- ur^doni l<?- u changing h ? bu?tnnaa. Iroituro mi tho proniidod lit too bold, oornr.r of Uwl itroet iiiu I'uiou avoouo, Wlll\amnbnr( AhTK A M RNOINK III" ONE HORdR POATkR, IN PER fact order (or ulit b| Da VI > Wutili, &,i t'-wrl street. AN RI.RO A NT NEW FAPJ1 ION ABI.E OOrVTKR FOR aale.heap hp lent Id workm-nahip. - , )<>> g, 2 feet 4 incli-a wide. Impure at 16- Kraut street, AillUmi burg A CO All Y * H K FOR ?AI.K AT A ? ? R'; A1 M, IF A P phrd fur immediately *' 367 Ninth avenue I i m nf the br?i in the rjty ' r a tlr?t t unity tard, it ut In perfect order, ami tonal be Hern to pi-was, it c tntaniabi bjr UK). A FIRST CI. A?rM OYSTER AND 1>RINKIN? -' f "ON ttudliuadwav for aale, h.e .led In be central and boat m tapnrtof the itrert, and ta rnnmi hv 'he beat ilm of ru hum ra The above will be ar.ld on renaona I* terms Apply at347 Broa iway, room 4. 0. B. UotAfiiN A CO. AOROCKRY AND I.TQl'OR HTOIl< FOR -UIi-' -THE old eatablttbed atore, 'I'M Feveuth a'tonf, orner of Twenty fifth atreet, .be a'tak and fli'ure* - h live yeara' will he a.ild cheap aa the owner haa other .nalneaa 10 attend to. Apply In the atore. \('nANCF. HKt.HOM OFFERED-ANY iIKNTLKVAN who w laliea 'o make ahou' ft (*> per ye ir, ran piirrhaow Ibe Inter eat tf * caah t'Ualneaa. with three veil-' I-aee or longer If re'inired ealahltahed lire ye.ra will Id ..n rra a..|.al.le i-ima In > nrae<|iienre of bed health A-dreaa H U. M , bni I.'til Herald office No agent III e I apply A CIIANCE TO MAKE MONEY?ONE < K Till' REST /.X wiatr hmakera In the Statea wihoa* < har? tw la ' illy ri. tal.llahed. but having been twin.tied laat. year mil of %t IMN}, which deprived htm ot meana of anppli Ing bta rinmerona ordera. wtehee to meet a in nth m in with capital to take full rhprge of the hnetneaa and Iil nw turn fair cntnpenaatmn for hta iahor The bnatneaa will pat about fit inai per year. AddreaaM I). M., hoi INai Iteraln office. Nnagratnced apply " (lOAIi YARII FOR HALE -ESTABLISHED *OI'R J year" and doing a gn'd hualr.eaa, w. h a Inn- le.-e. in liltie at 'I hlrd avenue and Forty ae.venih aire. CtROCKRRY BTORB Folt HAL*-TIIK -STAB > llahed crockery atore belonging In lie late t' . 'er Hadley. la ottered for aale t.y the H.lmtotatrator on 1 ' rwnle tot me. if not aold prevtoua to the 1Kb of April. It ?'ill ' ? aold at public auction on the Wih day of April, at 10 o'clock A M., In lota to au't purehaeera aIhd '.be autre to let ?1. W. mHF.RMaN. Admlnlatrator. 164 Bowcry. (.NJkOTORY FOR KaI.E OR TO r|.ET-H(l BY', FFKT; r never f illing water power, attuated In thia state. < loae by a railroad ilenot. one hour and ? li If from thla cli?. with or without bruises and land, inawatl'm Immediately Rant k>W. Ur. M I'KK'K MIDKE, l(x> t hambers street. J FV)R HAI.F.?THE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF T1I8 best porter houss to the "evetilh ward, on it corner tn South street lmpilre at 6S7 Oratid street, co-uer of XTorlears. For hAiJt hiramrr worckhter mow running on the Norwich tine, for Kn ton), In food order and eonoition; hns Unit class staterooms, ami berth* for three hum dred passengers and large freight capacity. For uartieulars Impure of K H MARTIN, Agent, pier 1H North rfcer, foot of t tortUadt street F^OR KALE THREE SCHOONERS. IN OOOD ORDBR, light draught wale*, sarrt* HA and I.V) too* e??b and all ready :?r immediate two. Will n* sold low .tpyly ? I.. H. HOPKINS. 21A West ?treei. New Fork, and JulfN A 1.1.EN, SUP Urreii street, Jersey city. F^OR HAI.K?A QUITE NEW HERRING'S P-tent sale, for jewellers *4 Inches In heigh'Inside 1/inches In width. 17 tnrhi a In depth. Prtao #d.'*l. 6'.' N som -on . i. third tliwr. CUaRiiEi aLT. T.AOR HAI.K?A (lOOD BOHINRdN, WHICH CtN RK r established In every town and cite, in wb: h one can lnshe Imii >4 loflOnerdsy N--com pell |.,i, S'.ir a small siiHi id money the reiiii-site ma hiner- and cietiislve ri*ht ill lie g, ten lie hnaituKSiH in ti r-i s ill up r.'lon Ilk vnrinu* paces For fnithi/ iia-'e ujar In pure oi (I. L. RAYMOND, t rnikiin ilonse. V-users. N V (.'( H R ALE - T11E ?T(K K. FIXTURES AND UNEX T pired lei in id b ase ul' ih-- wed seowii drug "turn situate at the eorner of Ailaric and ' nu" - r" s, in the pity of Brooklyn Possesslnn given Immediately. Apply to A. H. UKoWF.I.I. .Wl Fulton street, llnsddyii FniR half; to moot and shoe man itpaoturbks of rltv irndi work Ibn elegant s o s i nest n as* store, situated at Ycnksrs. now doing a gme! bu s Rc?ai.ns made satisfactory on applinatlou leruis < - Ftrek fri sh and light. Address V Melah, Yonkers, N V fOR HALF?A VALL'AHLIC PATENT III HIT FOR A r staple article of hardware paten' Issued .? . ,, e. IStVA. and the article ne t yet u.trodii-e<1 in the m 'k-t To hardware msnutaetiirers or Iron tounders It Is * eli. no- a. I l.?m to , he met with It 1- an article. In great demand and can ho sold as I iw as an Inferior article lhai Is now in use It not wholly sold, li ?III be sold III slate county ir city rights, or will be etchings'! lor rral estate Impure at In i.ouoord street, Hruckljn, L. I . of N. tj. IjI'HOiS. For rale-a porter house in fri.ron htrkbt. lu a desirable location In the neighborhood of ibe East river Inlnrmation given by F. A ZIF.fiAiN, No hOreen wick street. r ?pl< n.lidly nti. it up, and now dolor ? paying hualneaa. Will be pm very l?iw lor caah m the preaeol proprietor remove* to the oouutry. Noageu'* need apply aa it la Ui be wild Immediately Apply on the premieia, 79 Hoach atreet, "iir door from ihe corner of W?*t atreel, Havre and Bremen line of *'e?iuer* pier. alao N-* York and Knickerbocker lee Co a and 1 j?< kuaaiu Coal Co a pier. UOR BA1X-HIK. 1,It ARK. H1IWIK AND FIXTURE* OF r a porter houne 96 l.rouiird ttreel, one door woat of Broadway. For particular* tu'iutre ou tint pri-mlao*. 1/, K SAl.K TIIK Wkl.l. k Mitt N . OPCtrK A VII I'AKIC r aajooe, :-6 Bo ery. Apply between A and A o'clock any afternoon this week. FOB HAI.R- 1 IlK LKASK. UOOHWIM. AND FIXTURES of a aplendld corner who ?e?le an I retail llpxor atore, in a crowded thoroughfare, opposite a market, am now doing an caccllrni buaUieaa Hold on account of the owner going to Purope. Apply ai57 Spring atreet |7H)B SAI.K CHEAP TWO I.AROE HANJMOVK OOOIfr tern, with marble topa Inquire *1 No. 9 W?i fifteenUfe atreet. FOR SAI.B OR FXCHANOE-h MANUFACTUEINtl bualoeaa. protected by patent, for an article of nsree aary utc In all tbe I'nlted 4 alt*. can be lo-reaeed to unlimited client III (.lire of f>. C. CO (OTA MLR, ?9 Fulton atrnet, aecon 1 floor For rai.f, or rxctianor for a house in new York?four tbnoaand acre* of good farming and wall timbered land, aims cultivated farm*. kouaea, lota, Ac . alao two thousand acrva of very heavy hemlock The Iv.aware river. Erie Railroad and t'ailcooa eraefc run ilmurhall the property, the creek affording unaurpaesed ailr* fur milla, lauaerie*. Ac.. ISO ml lea from New York. Apply to M H. <1. OOClIhCTON. depot Sullivan county, Saw Turk, or of OEORUK T. STRONQ. No. M Wall atrnet. T f'MRKR VARP FnR SAt.R TIIF I.KASK STOCK .1 J and all the ne< esaary fixture* of *n old e*t*bli*b*d varil; |i* ?ilon very ilealrahle atock light; wt'l he a.Id wtbmlibe o ck il desired Applynn the prcmiaea c xrner of Broome and Tompkins atrceta, l. TllnM, C. Al.MKN. IIVRRY NTAIH.K FOR SAI.K-NOW IIOINU A GOOD J hurlfieva. wl h a selected slock of all arllel -a Den saary for tbe liuaim-a*. attached to tbe ?ahle la a *aiii?o' ebirh will }.'?? lur ri;u?, wiuw "? IWW, rnwua fivrn iur alllD*. Iii')uir* at Lb* ataMe, *9 Pirat areim*. TKA ST' RF FOR HAI.R-WKI.I. FSTAHI.HHKIP IR A i r?< rat* locality, and d<do* a good boaiii**n. Iniuirnuf J. WaTHOR. S7? Howary. or II. H lUI.I.INoK. i;?<lro*n wleh atr**i l.lqrOR I KAl.PR- FtXTt KF.H FOR HA f.F, COR la'init of aland rawka mnnicra ?brlrin? pumpa. Mr , a.l In tin* order. ib* pr?p*rtf ol olxiTibir al?>ut rptiring rr..m l?i*itir?a Apply nti th-- prrminra J. 11 II Al.FI R, 377 Klgbth avennn. r) <IRO< KM.?FOR RAI.F A FIK8I Cl.aRS FAMII.Y | gmrryj, wall ttHed no and with a * ?>d 'rad* thai ran ho mnrh inrr?a?*d a or further paru-nlara imioire of PR\R CIS MOKoAR. II Fin*a'r?dC Ti iror foi'rdrrh, fic-for hai.r or to i.rr, lb* foundry alwated in ill* *li|egp "f Sin* lini R. Y., and ??n? ral'y known ?a Hi* I r~1? n>> irg P nondrr, wTilitn WO tr. t of th* llti.lenn Rtyer R.tirnad depot (la in* premier* ar* rii-u?n? I nlid'naa wi'A ?'*am *ngtn* eupnU, moulding aiiij A<- nleo pn'teraa for auor* '< * ** a A* all of which will t>* * ;(! a' a lata valuation Tn a (nod an I r**o<>n <IM* tenant It will b* l*t l?w. P "t fur bar parttroiar* apply to th? Manhattan On Company. 16 troadway, or Wi i HAS. L. JtiRbS. Sine Sing. TO FORK FAi KFRS. IRAPK TfiRS, At'.- THK WIIOI.R af ib* m?natla. Ar . in Uw parting bo oar at J*. 110 and III Frt.nlItn aurri, tn h* diapnard if by pruat* aal*. Tkaan pr#?ni*? a bar* h? ?n titlwd tip * a gr?ai atpana*. and contain tratal f*>'l*r. 'ana and aanl* for lard. at.-am lift mnai for a'-aniin* not lr.?t-n h ga wiikall *>r<? o( t.*>|a. a ilra and m?>p< ragr for lnan**tla* an I parkin* Rn Aa> contain* a iiwkr bona*, a antra- meat abop an I at iM* Iur one ti'ifwn. Tha wkoir bring ib* tnuai romp let* bona* la Rrw Tort fur doing a packing and niep-cliag btntlo*** Rua. Ill and til ran b* ranted at tbr praaant rent S2 *? p r annum Th* laaan of Rn ?\ to hn aol.l apply to ?. it i Kid i'H, JH Front atrnt. 4o. w | -fO? NAI.K. A PARI OP THR RVW1SRM IN A ?O"eoranr mariet no lown?namely, the r irk, poultry fruits ftoh oyatera, An, wt;n flttnrea rninplete. al?o cart and harnean. Tuf irrai tnuuirn of OROR'tK WALT4R. ?9 Hrnadway. runs 4A $FJWI -ANY NAN Of RVTRRPRim fUYINO THIN ?. ain mm and would I ill ? in ir??l, e?u learn of an opportunity if Inrratin* it m a buMneaa In which the ecrutnty nt renl'rln* a Mil* can l>" fully l-nr .net rated t>jr railing at room 4V, An. >W Hroadway. ACnn -?'nR T*'" ?m A RNTIRtNfl PARTNWR ? ?M ft f. about lenrtnt the rfta, will diapnaa nf hi* inicrcat In an eiaeedtnaly lucrative an 1 pleaaant boalneaa. which of fere lite mo?t delating Inducement. fall on R, .fONRN, AM Mrrad war, th rd fin- r, room . *7(111 ?1>RY OOOPN AND rANI'Y N1..RK FOR y I VI/? aalc ? The leeae, atocfc aal ir.nret nf a hand? mrlt tilted up auire well 1 rated and dome a fajd boainaaaj an eacelleut uppoT'unll* ia ITrred Hid Iff A NOV rilWI' K. M Naa-au rtr". d?1 /l|WI -FOR NAI.K A WRIT. KNOWV PINMtl ??J I .\M M f. home, attnaied on 'he N >r-h rteer at lo of the do . the Ixrallon nnanrpa'aed. and one of the moat popular hnrrrwma in the Pltth ward, tear one of the prtnjlpal railroad deiiota. Apply at S47 Hroadway, room 4. * Ull. HOWRN A CO. 2:1 OHO -M-WR AND rrRn BrniNKw -A PART. T I " " " ner wanted with thta amount of capital, to join the adr? riar r *bo haa a eery eieellent location And noaur patoed faclllitea fur doing an eiten?l?e bttatneaa In the abort trade, apply at S47 llroadway, loom ho 4. I H HOWRA A CO HI 1.1.l a HON A t.A K'iK AHNORTMKNT OK HI I.I. I ARI> TAW.KS A r>?o??nd. inahofany nod f?Vi """fl.T iT^T' marMo and wondon boda. ruea and lonthor, ImJm. fioana, rlialka barley holla. and e?.f?'->ln? Ua lb?- '' ?**.TJ^l ca*h prtta*. oVoJUfOR A COiZflinRR * *Bn ,U**L HtU.MRP RAI,L-PATR*Tirn ^FiJ'^JLiSLrA n?w v-lrj, ?( nr>ni| r?a.o-l J"*L Z?lS,?VFr than l?"TT "f 'ha .am* wo'abt and *"?iJS'IiSSlS? to chip not to (tot out of round. T"n''7^L,I i! rorailo t WM ? WRLIJ**. ?"*?'torar aa4 la Hi Rr-xn* i'rf**C ? r*! AR'R P%T> *T RTTXfAHn TABLBB \NP POVt Mm."a on.hh.oa. ~ boW?'^ 'an.inri ii kv ?ro. " ?"nd wl"r,.? th.- boat o.?r r ? ?? 7 ??d arO "If*'' ? %T-2 nm .? ! ? ?ro f> * aal? oo'v ? '?* nolaar aim "a. nod o* itr,ind m 'no nnonUr"*? M aan a-rani fnAaanr. !' 'lid ?n oo tbo.r a lard.a. * 'fV.oA ' ?>??? oi? aro net-i* <r.,. ,i >,.r aa> h? oaru?n '? h? hltiuod r?do ?ff,r.-d <*aa. Ttar RtiR A ?T?RR. 53 Aan niroat, aoln maoifo.-turif^