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9 it DRY AO AT sm hkoad* AY OKKa 1 BROADWaY ?3LHi.av YT0KT1I <> SHAffU- V.\l? * A NTil. LAB. BklN'u B01.PI* S WROl."- l.? pT ?* K. BO* SM-U.Nt, 40 AM> SP ri K tl.M 'HOUC8AUS rBU Ea. la c^na^iu-iK " >?f KAMMVAI. ON Kl <sT >' ' M A Y. OKKFKVK THE >\M4.r>V TN>t rUtCE* : ? A Hfi H1A.M"1. f 1X>T OA -lT,li *nl> I.A.CK M.aK Tll.l.AK, no? i V?rmg <n?' 41 on* dollar. lk>. <la. 1.AtCH KK IN hllE. t two dollar*. Ho do. BT11X I.AK'O H, *t ihr** dollar*. Ho do. WITH UKkP ItlKM.KW. at four doliara. AU Ite Sure coot* proportl(>B*-W? ehenp V>.: |?re?ly BROOIIK lUlRHKURII STELLA NHAWUt, at three dollar* Do. do. rictikr ik Qr*t.rrr, at four dollar* VKRT RICH BKATTTFCL WW R.-UiriRKB, nl Ovr dollar* and a ha11. TVe redueed pric*-* ? Ui eoBWtttie >01 lat of Ma/ oaly, when tfcs present atorr will poaiurnly br rtoaod. (JRO RBWIJf, .V.1 Broadway. AVI, OF RnJ*WR STOCK, Amounting to oror TWO HUNDRED THOts.ANP DOLLARS, Now soiling until the It.?' of Way, At 40 and St) per not below regular wholesale price*. BEAUTIFUL NEW SHAWLS. BKACTTFTTI- NKW M A NTfLL AR. All to ho cleared out In ronacqnenre of removal. The atorr will podltirely br cloaed on Oil f'rlda-, *Hh of April No .'161 Iboadway. - _____ ' ASSIGNEES' SALE OK GENERAL PRY GOODS at 41* Broadway. The efiocta of GBOBGE B. WILLIAMS A OO. fur the t.runtlti Ol taa creditor* The wluWr balance of tutck taaow aeilrne at a further 1m mnw rrducUou in crlora to clear the whole wltfRit the next two ObMTTd 415 Bro?dw*y, Our door south I'fr.jw street BLACC GRO DE RHINF*RTT KB PRO* AUCTION. At SI par yard. worth St 25. These silks will be found' on examination THE GREATEST KAK..AiK (IE TIIK SKA WIN At BKKK.UAb A CO.'A. 473 Broadway. DOTS' CLOTHING FOR SPRING, JD At CKVIN'9 BAZAAR. New styles in drew* and wbool subs, < >' boys of si) ages. rksipkp jACTtvra. .qua! to cmhroidnry,) For children from fit e to eutht years of sac. liiiKIN'd BAZAAR, 513 Broad way, St. Nichjlaa floteL (ilosino pat.v or r?RY noons by the assignicrst ) of UKO. it. tV Ii.l.l A MS A CO , romprssing new spring and summer drets roods tn great variety. Linen goods, m sheetingsTrom 'J 4 to 12 4 wide, warranted pure ltnrn. Damask tablecloths. napkins end Hosiery, gloves emhroidrrles Ae., Ao. The entire balaroe of stock ts now offered :f. extremely low prteee. to enable the aaaigm es to close the naei ;niueiit within two weeks. ______ OARPKTINC -BERING IMPORTATIONS, 1858, AT A great reduction of prices SMITH A LOC*SB*RRT. No 154 Broadway oeai- Grand street, Are now offering English tapestry Brussels at 87S' ceuta per yard. English tapestry velvet at SI 25 per yard. Ruglish Brussels at f 1 10 per yard, hnphb ingrair at 75c. per yard. Also, a choice jworuneu of oilelo'hs, window shades, lace curtains, and all other goMs oertatuing to thetrsde at equally low prices. FIHEAP 8HAWL8, NEW SHAWLS I i V t V. . , VI C U \ ITT C We hare ibis day reduced the printw of <)'- rr 5 (XX) Stella shoals, which will be offered Irom $2 ic $5 each?original prpr more .bail douMr hew thawls of every discnptioo and price, In unprece dnind inn ty, sud some t>*?ai snawls. just receive! per bit ?u?ei Fulton, that cannot he wen elsewhere CHARLES S1RKKT A CO.. 479 Broadway. FLOUNCED BILK ROBKR AT $18. 1IKR.K MAN A COMPANY, 47! Broadway, win open this morn In* Beautiful silk robea, three Honored, at $18, Also eitra rich chine Honored ailk robes at $A). QREAT RXDUCTMN IN PRICKS O. 8 HUMPHREY k CO., .MM Brosdwsv. Ot p?)!.ite St .-nebulas Huiel, Oflcr to the public oi.r obe Laree : itr : herd selected stock* of < j. P. P R7T NG3 To lie found In Ibis roei. -y a part of which is The entire stock of a'ar*.- importing bouse IteritolDf busuicbs. a Uit-b eili he sold TWENTY PiR CENT ! >.SP THAN THE 006T OT IX P? >KT *TION 1.000 piece* Brussels cs r ud in* $1 per ysrd WO pieces in*r*in can-mug. be** uusl'iy. 75of*. per ysrd. AT RETAIL. ?OR CAeif ONLY. JUST RECEIVED BT BKKKMAN A COMPART, 473 Hroadwsy, A job lot of rich colored motre antique, Nearly yard wide, at only $2 90 par yard. LINKN CAMBRIC HANUKKROIUKFR WK WILL OPPKR ON MONDaY. MARCH 21 8 cases linen camhrir handkerchiefs at $1 par doioa $ eiaaes do. iflnei. at $1 90 per dostm tfV ilosen ladies' bemsu-cbed de al $2 25 and $S per doren 3D0 doten rente' ?hit. and colored tiorder handkerchis's, f rom $3 to W per dosen Aloe a full assortment of rhlMran's handkerchlefa HKKKMaN ktat 47$ Broadway, Mantilla. BRODIE P GRAND OPENING. 41 retail Monday, April 9. 900 Canal (old No 5I> and (id I.ispeoard. MANTTI.I.AS, MANTILLA*. NKW PPRINU CLOaRB AND MANTILLAB. The most rlrcani aaaoi-m-ul of realty rich sui elerant nnselues e ver eibioitrl in this city, will ie ready fur inspac Uonlhiaday, April 1. ullARLKS Si RKKT A CO.. 476 Broadway. Matting?canton matting?vi piki-ko 44 mat tin*, beat 'luallty In the market. |H?^ een's per yard, 5 4 a126 rents At W s bi -mis cheap dry goods wereb-tuse. MS scd 110 HUlh avenue ________ New quille silk robes Rsceiretl per late steamers. And opened this morrtng by BKb K M * N A ix?, 473 Broadway A part eonslsUnr of li*bt fancy colors With ei?*ant Side l ands of nhlstr bnquet* Suitable lor itt* roiuiliC '*f si Ui* < ryatai r?i?or ThTlCW SPRIKO PRRW? GOODS, JlI At the rrsat arMf nne* aal* of the atoek In trade of GRo R WIU.IAM9ACO . No 4U Broad say. one door soulA oi Canal street .'oapnaioc Bilks sad poyllna rials and printed bareges. Bnrrge mbea. Printed laws on I organ dins, D*'stars, Ac . Ac. Al ? great reduction In prices. to close the estate. OPRNINO OP SPRING inri.KH OP KMHROIDR rtM. Ac., Ac IIRKKBAN A 'OMI'ANT Win ooob ob Monday. Rerera'i carbon" new Prenek embroideries. OmdatlLi at Pre net embroulrri-d Kwms and jaconet Mil, Do do. ealr-rjeonis trimmed. Preoah embroidered jseonw sod Swiss rolls ra, Kmbrutdered cambric. Msrie-iHes and liorg travelling sets. Wttk e fall assortment nt rotnt potnt sppliqne. boo:->n. Kncttah thread Iscc. and Msl teas arts and wiliars. <71 Broadway IllOBlBDKiiri J\ IRISH UWPNs. DAMASK* PTC. The P' Mir ?UI pleaer hear In a-lnil that the genuine eooda are always sealed wl'h the full signature of the Dim, eD ? trnsanaon. miii a*n owmts J. BULLOCK It A J. M. LOCK* Ar-uts 36 Ch-jevh eirs?A, Hotween Barclay street so I Park ulaos Ths shore notice is rendered doubly e*?eatisl at lb? r-ewoi Uma. as lara< muss titles of Inferior g.-ods sealed with he same of Richardson, are tnlinr thflr way Into tne suction room prepare : by a bouse end ea coring in rrapeia wi'h niflWkr *HJ ? * I'WIl-n. IB HJ- HIP IB UBIT POir'inff Uaena. TV double object being rudoa'-ij a deatra to laju-e tic genuine brand wMI# re'iertng Ui-ineer-a i4 a awirk ?tm ooaid cot other nine bad a mark*. READT !KAI>E IHIRTS. Black alik -enrt'a. HkaHfrckHk. Ki.g '-h belt Imw, ntutp-ndera. Ac . Whdeeela or retail. IRA PKREOO A OH. *1 Maaaau atrnnl RCKRIA AND AMKRHAN CBAHIIKT-WKW I/ITS ' juat upea-d. at V 10- and IIV per rard a lan a large aaanr lam of the Boar dear.npUnaa of ckMibM and beilt rma Urwel*. at THE UNKN tToRE, 7if Broadway, aborr amot ptase, eaat tide i. C Mfl.I.lKEW A CO. proprietor a String opening. MANTILLAS. HERHON A WIIBON will ethlblt tVlr Rat la a?d New Tnrk etylee. on Tlinralay, April I ?m?ie'nig of Real gatpurt tare auto ilea and ehewia. Real pnaber !?/ < nienilee and ehawla H?e Hian'iily lv- ?eml-? and aimmlg Alan, aa unaqoalJed aaonra>-a' of Rreneb aad HnuaWlbe BacU.4 ehawla aad rlnaka n etrlualre alylra and ak-pea. < Yapt aad |renadiae manui-e la treat rarirty TV ?? R-ai-o durtrr and Apsaitb wrapper, la Baa twilled rinth aad saw abadea aad rotor. Remember Thuraday. April I. Wo HO Oen ?1 ae?et la addition to the above we bare juet rona-or pee R-rata. a large atoek of ladiea under linen, of the n-wm leiadoa aad Ran* atyiea STEW. BERING EXTER-HON mtrnTtt-Tnp VPKT l-eat quality, prt-ejj 2? |jf?'and?t Wr* < atari J list reeelreil ben Oral aprtng I in pi triolein of oorevua Amnafit wlileh are em- new air lea jnai u roiloowl. MS Itroad ray, l??lweeo Tbirta rath and Riwir'oeiitb atrneta. SKIRT BAWrfAtTI RKRR ?Rt'OH HERRIA W A ?*0 , Wnrrar atreat knap nowataatl? oa band a la-ra ; upplyof iadt-4 borip aklrta, of different air lea and rinalnlaa OW'OMOII I hart O Aj-< bow opening. la tkelr i??w at/wc. Ro V* Rri#4ir?jr, Between Praafcltn ?n?l W*l?e atrwala. An n'trHjr new *n>l ~>?nplete cue-It of m'HTAlR MATKRfAt.* 4 R li f P R RfTn UK I *? V KRT *<H. < nmprtaiaB lb? rhmacat Hilw of baio <? laiaaa. Luc- *n l m<ialln nirlaiaa. ttrod*Mia, t?r?p?rj m uwivaim T>?o??k? Corn. r..a bands and pin*. *rer oflmr+4 u iba tr?<1e Aim * splendid Vn'lr o? PAIRTItn ABU WIRIiilW RltADRR <?t lh?4r own wniV ire. I nwtalnlof evarr ?arlr'y ?H'1 will Do at Prnwa U) Bull th. 'imrj THRU PAPKR l?Rr A RTMKRT Contains, as usual. Ike eAmnw prwlticunna. hmh p?n> and decora . . of Ike anr pelBbrated Been.-* Bfiff Aawlitn mw<? ''"if hnltuabla for parlors. <1Ib.?j r?>ins koJU A. Ail Vl.ri far ??p?nr? priest' dwell lairs or public hnlM orb wi'l he pronejJi eieciiwl ia 'be ? bm snpertor tiple, bb oaa has the hBBt Wt?'? *rs wnpWW'd WMMleud retail, AIIke Iwwaal prtaaa awd m >ka ?ii HscBwhU terms. nmnRiMj ARrrarronT or (.am** amp IT ~w'- 1*-"? ?tT 1 """* OftolbiaUWBa IIsea. *L a rt\ 11 iff arts asrdki, I T | Uswatrr lidai rsppM alioif nottca IWT GOODS, *T, --rrlj-_fm/mj nrflrrt uoon in uwtf * tUITI V? Hr KK M >)i A OOMKANT. ?7J Hrssdws), llavt now Oil haiul * large noeh of fihir ir gs. aheetlngsAlmrna, U?wellng?. Ac . Ac, B >u*bt prtaclp*!.)' for sash and which They are offering at a very small advance. Also, a surer lor assortment of Ihquaa, bnlltantes, Nuisse, Jaconet, And strery desrnpusn of drawer goods. At ! > (rest market prices. or/t FRJCNPH I.AWN ANn COLORKWROIIKS, 1TSN. at*'misses t'hambrav an1 Ihwo tlreasn, Worth S3 SO. selling for SI IS. 1 300 white and buff washable sun bo-nets. Wortl, *1 aniline ft\P **re UKMN 8 BAZAAR, " "" MS IlrimJway, St Nicholas BoHL ! l)QO HUI)SO* 8TRKKT | ?Ou Spring and summer HbAwli ind mnnMIHin JACKSON k BNNNKR'R OPENING DAY Will take place on Thursday. April 1, upon which occasion .T AR will display a msgnlArrut assortment of mantillas, imported and ot our own manufacture. in Silk. silk and laoe. and all lace. Stella shawls, with oashmere. chenille and plush borders. JACK HON A BKNNKK. No. 2? Hudson street. tin nnn WORTH OF CUSTOM MADI SHIRTS AND men's furnishing goods, to be sold In thirty days at rest, .o mike room for the sale of a new model shirt, for which a patent right has hern applied. THOMAS MoLAUQHUN, X* Oreenwirh street. oornerof Murray. SPnl"G FA8HHMA A card to thk Ladies or new yore andtia. clplt? ?Paris and New Torh spring and summer mtlU uerv as<1 straw'goods. together with s food assortment of mtaici bonnets Also, a Parse slock of fancy hats and saps for boys and Infants. Bloomers Md rldm# hats. at the lowesl rut prices. W SIMMONS. 3*4 Broadway. n. B.-P*ttsra bocncu i.w?M on hind. Merchant* and milliners aupplln*. (1ity and OOrKTKT htlliirkrb arm invited to J inspect jnv assortment of ntrhra. amongst which are acme new sir lea Being manufactured Ml the promises I <'*11 <<fler Ihem 79 per oent lower than' dowrt w*D prions. JOHN LACY, .'118 Kowcrr. one door below Bleecker street. BRANCH IMPORTINO HOUSE. JT Mae R He KRIS 4 BON hare the honor to announce that they have jnat received, and will continue to receive through the season, the lateat mode'a of elegant French pattern bonnets The Princess Roy ale, perfectly charming and disunguc, at .VI Broadway. Fashions.-the union bonnet frame manufacturing Company have on band a superior aaaorunnnt of spring sty tea, which they offer to the trade at farorablain duceroenit. their variety eonalete of gipsies, Jockey caps, boya' Hats, bloomers, double net frames, Ac. iSt Canal street, up stairs. Mrs j b. iioi'kinfi. s72 bowkry, win. open a rtrh and varied aaeortment of Paris spring millinery on t hurtwlay, April 1. ladles are respectfully solicited to call. MRS. D. P. RURDOE AND MISS M. MONRO*. PARIB millinery and dressmaking es abllahment, 85b Broad ! way, tieai Four eeulh street, eaat side. Mrs. self has now rkaey an extensive took of millinery and straw goods, oompristng ladles' and children's al.'k, crape and straw bonnets, ribbons, flowers, i strew trimmings, Ac Particular attention la requested to the j stock of straws, white and colored; .Neapolitans. Dunstables, ; Tuscans and others. No. l'J> Sixth avenue, between Ninth and , Trnth streets. Millinery ofenino.-mrs. outhrik will open her siure end show roomr. No 524 Eighth avenue, on Thursday. April 1 with a beautiful assortment or Paris mil Hurry, together with a large stock of her own manufacture. vtew SHOW ROOMS-xt 183 SIXTH AVENUE. BE iM tween Eleventh anil Twelfth hlreeta.?Mrs MKI.VILI.S rixpectfulb invites the attention of her customers In Wash Ineton r> C.; Obarleaion S. C ; Richmnurt, Vs.; New York and Buffa o N Yto h?r matchless acd beautiful Parisian stties of ladies'hats and bonnets, just received, whijh she will dispose of at very low prices OPENING I>K PARIS MILLINERY, APRIL 1ST ? Madame HO DINK, isurcoaeor to Mrs n Smith i milliner and dressmaker, 78." Broadway. New York, would call ihr at tention of the ladle- lofcrr first opttulng of spring and summer at;. >g PARIS BONNETS, HEADDRESSES, CHOICE RIBBONS. EXQUISITE FLOWERS AND FRENCH MILLINERY. Goods of every description, together with ladies' and chi dree straw nnnnrts, bloomers, caps. ndlughatsaul jockeys we are any sacing uoveiues in an in- above ue o-i'mei 's. and teL lit half the prices uruai'y charg-d fur ?uih goods. c1iaklks STREET a (TO , 47.1 Broadway. Paim flowers-un per tiie patron ace ok tub Indira are porpouaj favorites. nod it : whispered in derated circles that the paviLUon ir Mora m surrounded with tho ornamental and thr beautiful Hrida! aas 'rtmana arc, as usual, at .faMPB TUCKKK'.d, aril Hroadwar, Ifrtvrern Thompson's and Taylor's aJoona. inrn straw iioopn. 10?)0. RIBBON*. H1I.KB A Nil FLOWERS. AU new and desirable iiPtINO .STYLES Very low for rash, at 111 Chambers street. J n HOVER. MUSIC AJU a well educated gentleman. who ib a pb ac9L ttcal > rgantst. wishes to play an organ tn a church. Ai drtts 82 Dehaoey street, oare of John Clock. AOKK.\T SACRIFICE?WILL HE ROI.0 tS AROTE; a innet eicellrnt rosewood pianoforte, fully warranted, aa the present owner baa no fur.her use same Itr Mr. Weber s kmdneaa, it may be teen at l:>6 Wett Broadway, A family, ha vino no use for their piano fore, will tell It forfl.'US. rosewood, 8U octave. beautiful tone. m?de by an old reiablisb-d it) maker, nearly new. Call at 186 First avenue, between Ninth and Tenth turrets. A CASH CUSTOMER CAN PURCHASE A SPLENDID r send seren ocurr ptsnntortc. largo round curnera, fuii rich uiw. beautiful finished case, carved Ivre an<l drag wuh stool; enst RS7A for S340 best cuy makers. Apply at ih< realdeace. M Broome street. Am AONTFfCF.NT OR AND 01 AGONAL SEVEN OOtar-rosewood piano, unlade tlnish, made by one .,f the best m*k?rs. and warranted splendid touch. and lull bi t'iiant ou" ffaS/, been used a few uien'he. will be sold at a yi eat bargain Inquire at 141 Nln'b street. AMAONIFIi KNT TONFP 7 (VTA VE McDONAI.Ii Jlapbonic, piano, carved l>rs round corners, serpentine monldtr fs rear I inlaid roat gaf.'i on Christmas. will be sold this week for $?*> rash the own-r having no further use lor a piano. Apply ai 29K Madison street. Aft GREAT BARGAIN?AT NO 70 WASHINGTON stieel aear Front. Browklvh near Fulton and Catharine ! femes. ft rh riwewooC * octave ptanoiorle. hntshe.i in mo deru luagtnficeuce. such aa double round comers, elegant cmrvrd l-gs. beautiful tnnle carving*. full rich tone, a anperb parlor piano, male io order With murr < warrantee, in use a short time, sold in MtanqMMS of rpmnvinf. lirtginai ctat Awai price Uho Apply aa above day or evening, an nbjtrt offered to ca ,h buyers. This is a bargain for somebody. APOI NO Ot iRNKRKTi. POWERFUL TONED SKYFN octave roarwoo.1 pianoforte for asle one of the m.?*i superb instruments in the United States, flnish-.t throughout In as'yie hi gra> lenr rarely io l?* Inund,-n<l to Pme ,a cowerfull rich and sweet, which can be icated, plate and front!) eel wi<h real pearl and sold pearl keys, made by one of b> most celebrated city makers an l warranted for three years Coat i/km price S27U cash Will l>e packed and -hipped if required in the best manner. Tins is a decided bsrsaln Car, he ?an nigh- or dav at 178 West Fifteenth street, two doors east of Kirn A avi due. AN ELKOANT AND ELABORATELY FINISHED FOUR round erwnered 7 octave roa-wod pianoforte for sale; superb carved legs magnificent solid pearl keys, city made and fuli> warranted, overstrung baas, oowrrfq! rich lane finished all round with tefpln rarvtngs. without spot ar blera tsh. and one of the must superb drawing room pianofortes ever efTered for sale: cost EASfl and Is worthy of nottoe. ortce Alt'i wt'l be made an obiact for cash ( an he i aamlncd | and fully 'ealed. at 87* Btaih avenue, near Fortle'h erect, or 'hree data, from 7 till 8 KM. wbl be board for ah 101,111* IfJfifBd. A I FIRM Ct. AMR ROtRWlMlD piano vatif it y on p. at lb# h??' city makers no*rl) new. with w?rr?n a# for two rears. will l>r sold at a bercain ne in hire with privilege | ofbuyltK i'ao be seen at 63 Uracil IUWV near Wooater i t? irnthwann r fiftt fifth Rr.di**?rr bako.: 11 Arw.I.rH B [Rf- H M A NN .f -rwerly leader and eoartnrtnr (if ibe arrnod Dodworth's band i b?(a leare to Inform hu nnmrroti* f riant* and patron* a* wall aa the public la peaeral. hat Ihe musical department of Ihe Fifty fifth KrflB'ot batt?f known aa 'Guard Lafaretie," ha* bora eon ferred upeu hlia and thai be ha* organ'zad a band, entitled "nirarkioaon * Fifte fifth Regiment Band " The undersigned a.low* hnn?elf at the *aa*r time to acknowledge So pie-al patronage heetowed unon h ia hy Ihe public. and re rouimenda lu* hand for para-lea, balls. wmut-n, A<-. All i orders wH bo punctually attendee to A. ff R<*h?aNN haodor and i andurtor, <17 Rldrtdge treat. A. G*rran aaeond leader, ?1 Broome street. 1FWONN OK TfTK FIAKOFORTK BT A TOrKG LADY J thnroaibly competent. at (III Nli'-h areaun. between Thirty *lilii and Thirty aerenth atreeta Term* W per quarter. ONR OF 1HK MOOT M AOKIFICBWT FT A NOR IN WFW tort lor t'Jbft rod tMO four months ago. la full 7 oe are, erpatihr eaer of anlld rosewood. French grand action orersirong wss'fc-earl hern pearl nnlat-l name board, Ae ; alao, one for fcltt and one but aloe month* la use for Ut one M r?-nd hand 7 oelare Gilbert piano lor tlHA. ffYTIl one for tldu. and one fortltA one Ohirkenn* pltnn for llltl me Talker, for tim alao. hi mngntr-eant n*w ptaooi from SI7A to end W eerond band piano# from $Jn to ton para?na drglroni of eeetn* the greatest bargain* that baa rrer beep offered in thla city by eyher public or prtratc lodiridiuia, will loae no time Inra'l' Ml Ninth ar-an*. near Twantr llih street. as many of the above are to be dlopoaed of tor families ebon I lea ring ibe elty R GONZALEZ. rIANOR ANI> *F!.nnF<?KB~r>F irPRRIOR MARK, ai eiireinelv low price* for ceai. ae. band pianos at hariaina. I'juve and melodroug to rent, and rent allowed on pnrrheee for aa'a on monthly payment#. Alao mnelr at hell prwr. at the piano acensy of HORAOT W.tTKJtrt, No. k\i nn)""w?j, 4:1 H ?"i,r for twrkty focr muwoss or thk V 1" ' piano hp a ladp who haa b?nn 'aught bp thn beat tin rnpaan maa <and haa bvl nttiah niparlanra In taaah'n* Ftilpla iittandrd a tbnir rnaidi nrn If daatrnd. AddrnaaS B, PmtoBi* Rtmklpn 27 PIARoroRTKK A!?T> TWO MKI/)I>RO?f(l FOR I aala ?A |r?M ?wnnr? pps $& , ft} ft,'. |aV and up Or to 1ft at $2. |\ It, |A and Id a mwh. ' Id plan 'aknn In nitiba->gm Mlida taught and pi too* tunrd at 22A (irtMKl Htrttwt. n<-ar Uownrp. *7t 'Hi'. A HANDROMR VIA ROFORTF.-M A OR HV f* I ' * Hi ?lnbratnd maknrn Tlallnt A Brown, of Ronton I nrtl"?, n> -ht'iratT rnaa rnanwood front, baa all tin tnodorn impfw-nr ina iron plain. Ac . full tona, aa trond a> nnw. OBII at IJH Twalfth air'rt hntwtnn Fifth and MitA aronnaa IM i'l.iMT<4 AND AI RIATA. DR,\F PKPWOBS ARK AHAfR CAOTlORRD TO RK war* of a..|f atrlad mrtata, whnar i nip onfato an 1 high amhltlnn la gala. ah ?? orljr fa. an m?rulla a gUrtng i adfrrrtbiamrnt, cnanpoBnd of ignorance. picmaloB and 'al-nhood I'r H ?ltTl.l?Y tk'haoulp vknuwtali?I aorl?' In tAa ITnltad hUtf-a. and b'a ImMllotlmi fo> lAa au'ltiBlra an I aunramftii trnnHncnl of aflr on a of tba aar atanda pro ~m, nam in adranca of arvp aitlyaun AmaHon r Burnpe M At Rark'a place. i onaulMurV naFh moriAn#. from t to I 'float. n* WHFFTr*. OCTTJTT. ?.*>BROO*rHT*CrTrl,*TF 4"v Mt'xviw?r, H r ). hi* *ttentiqn 10 4 th? ?r? t hr..nir latemnkMon of >Jm *r*Wd? Vl-mu'lr J irH. film*. ip??*h> . nmo'wl ?*?*>?? -m-r^u.* '??-? hurt t to 4 f r?aA ir>lM*l *f?* on ul? mhI Inwrtht. NEW YORK HERALD, T ItW IMjg. 4 tea store for hai.k nur in onof thb A principal itnun of thia cut Hiouncai aad lease fAvorable Incuireof SAMUEL SHERM AN. 61 W?U sired, or address Tea Store, Gerald office A FIRST CLAM DRUG STORK FOR SALX -DOING A. an eieelli nt busmen. located in one of the ban thoroughfare* out of Broadway, and in tfic most ol**nt and eowplne order. Price from 96.0UU to IT,000. Address C. R. P., Broadway Poel office A OCR NCR GHOCKRY COR BALK?ON A GOOD A avenue, doing a splendid business. ft U ooe of lh? beet corner*, wtlhoin eicepUjo, which will bo proved to any paraon wishing to purchase The atock will be avid at valuation; the lit urea at hall their value. TVs moat undoubted reaauaa given for selllmg- Addreaa t>. D. K , Herald office. A CHANCE WORTn NOTICE?A HOC8K AND HTOKC, of twelve yean' standing in the hosiery and fural thing linn, with a stocs ot snout h u? lor sale, aud a teas* oi m*?d yean to run. The partiet retiring from the business propoae selling foreaah. and toevold trouble none but a cash customer need apply. Inquire for thia week at 386 Bowery, for particutara Brooklyn.?for balk, ait fnoltbh shades public houae. doing a good business. Satisfactory reason given for the sale, apply to WM. THOMPSON, 181 Fulton street. Brooklyn. CROOKKBT STORK FOR BALK ?THE OLD EST All taahed crockery store belonging to the laui Hitter I (adley. is offered for sale by the administrator on favorable terms, If uot sold previous to the 11th of April, it will be sold at pobno auction on the 14tb day of April, at 10 o'clock A M , la lots to suit purchasers. Also the store to let O. T. SHERMAN, Administrator, 164 Bowery. rR HALJt?8TKAMKR WORCESTER (ROW RCNNIVO on the Norwich Use far Bo don), ta good order and eon titton, has first class stateroom*, and berths for three boa Ired passengers and !?rre freight capacity For particulars inquire oi E. B. MARTIN, Agent, pier 18 North rirar, toot at nortiandt street. FOR 8ALK?A GOOD BirSTNWW, WHICH CAN BE established in every town and city, tn which one can ,' make from 94 to 910 per day,, Mo competition. For a small sum of tooney the requMte WMchtuery and esol'iaiv* right wili be given. The bnstnraa ta tn successful operation in various p'seea. For further particulare Inquire of G. L. RAYMOND, FfeAUb House, Tonkers, N Y. _____ FOR BALK?TUB STOCK, FIXTURES AND ITNXXplred term ot lease of the welt known drug store situate %1 the eorner of Atlantic snd Court hi recta, in the city of Brooklyn. I'osaewtion given immediately. Apply to A. 8. CROWELL 941 Fulton street, Brooklyn. rR 8AI.K?THRSTORK, GOOD WILL AND FIXTURES of the old and wNd isnewn bookselling establishment No. 139 Broadway, earner of Animtreei, together with the lease of the premise* wtucb secures them at a moderate rent The above presents the moat fav >rable opportunity for bookselling enierj.rise that has offered for years The business csu be shown to be presnerous. and as a gift enterprise stand tbe to cation Is unequalled by any in Ihe city. Apply to W. A. TOWNSKND, (late Stringer A Townseod,) No. 223 Broadway, under the Amertoan Museum. POR SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF TWO LIQUOR sores one oorner ot Third avenue anil Thirty eighth street, the other tn Thirty fl*lh atr et. between Second end Third avenues. Apply at U7 East Thirtyfifth street. c. rmorBAi.p, FOR SALE?11IK LEASE OF PREMISES, STOCK, FIX' turea. Ac , of a retail grooery oatabltshment, which has done the last year a business of $*) 000 for cash and which could be increased to almost any extent There is three years' of lease unexpired, and atocC. fixtures, Aa , are lr first rate order, making it a most <1 callable opportunity for a person wishing to enter the business. Address 11. C. P., Herald oJBco. FOR 8ALF?AN OLD KSTARI,JSHKD plane manufactory establishment. having everything for carrying on a large buslneaa, such as timber and reverses, tendies, lathes, Ac. The advertiser having other buslneaa c?nn..( attend to It. a better opportunity never was ottered to a young man wishing to start business, or a hardware merchant that wishes to manufacture his own roods It w>ll be sold at a fair valuation, by applying to Manufacturer, 71 Suffolk street, New York. For sale?a well selected stock of boots and shoes; mint be sold immediately. Also fixtures for sale and store lo let This is one of -he m"st desirable Iocs tlons in Brooklyn. Inquired 8. ROSKNBKRG, assignee. 111 Fuiton street, Itrooklyn. FOR 8ALK-THE WKI.L KNOWN AND LONO ESTAB llshedoyster and codec saloon under Essex Market, cor ner of Grsud and Essex s'reets. now dolnc a good business. Is the rtespeei rent in the city and will be sold chrap for eash. Apalj a the (.remises after 1 P. M. For sale?a first class crocket, with a gocd run of custom, la a respectable locality; a fine chance for a man of small means, ax It will be sold very In* to a rash customer. Address, appointing an interview, C. D , Ilersld oflico. For sale- a dining saloon, now doing a pay. ing business Will be soli low fur cash, as ih- proprietor removes to tlm country Apply on Ihe premises, 79 Beach atreet, one door trom the corner of Weet street. For sale-on account of change of business, s first class corner grocery, on one of the avenues: a chance seldom offered for suoreas in the business, for location of same. Apply at 99 Murray street. For rale-fob cash or good securities, a wholesale and retail Honor store, with recti ytng business connected Location unsurpassed, near a tmrkel. Will sell reasons*'* tn s respectable party. Addrea* O. Olllen. box 130 Herald olfice. IjtOR RALE?THE STOCK. FIXTURES AND GOOD 1 will nl the public house 2* West street, corner of Morris street 1 hi nrevent owner Is desirous of uslllns on svnuni of hsving other business U> attend to. For onrtTrulars apply to JOHN Pt NR. 109 Nassau street. Rent $1,400 a year FOR SAM IN JERSEY ('ITT?A FIRST CI. ARB FANCY cake bakery and confectionery, now doing an eieellent business In tutre at the grocery, corner of fork and War ten streets. Jersey City. FNttR SAI.K CHEAP?4 100 TRUER, St'ITAltT.E FOR 1 sidewalks; also ?h rubbery of various kinds, at the owner t? rhliyed t?i remote vhi m immediately on aceouot ot atreeta and awnnrs going through aald property Apply to EN. HaTKIH It, corner of Third avenue and Twenty seventh street, near tireenwood Cemetery, South Brooklyn I,. I. tjlOR Rsl.F. ( HEAP-NIX HTE4M ENGINES. FRO.VONK to si? Ik.r*e power, with ?i without boilers In g" >d storkI tug order Apply to or address THOH DAVIDSON, 28 Despr eaea a reel. C~" ROCKRY STORE FOR SAM -THE STOCK. FIXTURES T and Ieaeeof a tint class grrr-. ry itnrs, together with horse and wagon. Apply to WM. TOOPKK or R. L. COl.K. 282 j Waabicgtou street. HoTFI. FOR H kI.E.?THE DFRIR A RLE AND WKIJ. known Three Pigeons Hotel, eltb atalilea. oulbutidinga, Ac , si'tialcd three allea I rem Heboken ferry, at New Durham. N. J., on the Harkrnaark plank road. For particulars tsqu're on the premises. Mirp.or and brackets for ram-kmcant French plate mirror. 91) by 3d inches, carved frame, hut I -tie used, eaex $ljt). will be sold lor half prlee. Address II. O., Herald ifllce. SrWINO MACHINR. OCITAR. AC . FOR SAI.k VERT low to cover advances Apply to F. I KINO. *!9 Broadway, corner ol Rarrlav street, room No. Attj- N. B.?But small advances have been made, and must be add. TO PORK PACKERS, INSPECTORS, AC-THE WHOI.R ? ' the utensils, Ac . in the parking house at 108, 310 and fit Franklin street, to he disposed of I > private sale. These premises have lie en tPte.l up a' a great eipruse, and OOhttll steam (Killer, lank and kettle for lard, steam lift room for aieamlng out fro/?n h uta, with all aorta ol tools, scale* and cooperage fur Inspecting nnl pa< king No AW contains a eni'ke bouse, a ooarae meat shop and stable for one horse. Tbe whole being the mutt complete house la New York for dm eg a packing and inspecting business Nos III and 212 nan be rented at tbe present rent. 12 .'*? per annum The lraae of No 2U6 to be told. Apply to R. & URuCCH, 28 Front street. Tl CAHPFVTFRR.-rOR SAI.K, THE l.EASE AND flftures of an old established shop, 2&?Vt feet, In the rear ofZWssd ZIH West Hevealaenth street eonaiallng of three iliKtrsiwiib lumber rack. and plenty of yard room. In pu/e at shop. rro baRserh ?for r\le ciirap. or to i.kt. on 1 woderate terra?, Ibe lease and natures of a store. ?uliable for a first c laaa shop and half-dressing nsliam. lomled In one of the brat (Atalaesa locations In the city. F ir parties tars apply to JiiliN H. DAVlnoN, 2A Bread way. roots 4A. fPfl PHYSICIANS WIKIHNH TONFTTI.E IN NRW TORK I i Itv A gool I oration esn be s-eured dv purchasing tbe b'"'hs lostrumen's and furniture of a physician who has b*en neversl years in practice. Prior Ival rash immediate possession. lmntre of HRIHtlH A RICHARDSON, 6n Oedar ?t. T) DRfflOIFTR AND APOTHECARIES?TO BR DIth ikamI ni ft VEnuinn rtUll ftn<l diAnpntitf husln?ma maw doing an airallaat trad*, and nap ah I* of graalaiiaaaioa. wall ailuaiwl. In a good thoroagkr*r?. lb* *<<* la w?ll fil'ad and *t?*k*d. Apply to F. 1IAI.C. 1 ruggtat a AU*f. 46 Hmkjnaa (rat, Haw York. r.lK wm.t.frh -thr STOCK FIXT'rfs and HOOD will #f lb# jawalry alnra No V.1' :*nal at - *?, raiahllabad lu l?*> a rara bargain. Plaaaa rail tmmrdiau-Ijr. rPRINTFRR-FOR HM.K. CHRAP FOR CASH. A aannnd hand printing <dkra, wall aaanrt*! and ni'Mt up lor tb? p'ibliea'lon of a w?akly n#w#pag>-r. containing about 1.AI1 pound* of typa. alona rhaiwa gatlaya. atanda. naaaa. Ac. Apply ml 146 Prarl dTMt, foarib Dm*. rOROTRRN -FOR HALF. A FIRST CLASH (JRCKTiRT an 1 pr"?uinB arorr on a roraar to Brooklyn. on tarsi to anil tba piircfeaaor A capital ataod for a (i-rnxn Apply for tbia ?<wlt u> WII.UAM KKXNKI.I.T. 46 William aU-aat ar?r/\-TO br hold tlltr oat?thr t.ranr ntotk *b'lv and fli'uraa of tha wall known barroom No. M I an*I * roat junction of IHrlaton. Ktttgar and Kant Broad way loraUon on* of lb? kaolin Naw York Apply on ib? prattlaaa or at J47 Broadway, room No 4 _______ C B. IIOWKN A (JO. ?FOR NALF, A HFLINDID OLD RNTABLINB, ?JJ4?"". ad finay gnoda and fu'nuhtnr aior*. iVntrr atract naar tlrand. wltb four raara laaM of atora and bona*. Orand ahanaa for a Bur aaf* nuatnan* rbaap Apply laffla dlataiy at PdJ Broadway, room 27. R ANKt.B A IX). AOAA -TO OKRMAN PRl!WHAT* AND OTHKM 6Wft/? For Bala, atnak and rij u ray of a m. dl< Ina Mora In a pond '-on*iIon Hani ftmi lA'piir* at Itritlanion'* gr*a* I Antral Iiapot, 47? Broadway AfJ/TA-FOR HAI.*. A DRINKTNO lUfP RFFRR4Hm?ol aaloon. (Hooted on tba ??aJffi ft ?r, n?atly ft'trd up for ladlaa and gentleman. location :h" r-rv baat. ha ng a thoroughfare, n#ar Broadway Apply * A47 Broad way, room No 4. f B. HliflM A CO. -for nai f, a nflf-ndi - huockrt, with ?UUVi atoek, flitur>-a and good will on Court atraat, kriBlkltn Bfltt lllknf A flnc htlwll)^*<4 ' ' tlafl,..* ra*a ri"*n for Apply to H A N K ..K A CO., 4*7 rtrnvl my, roil 27. 4>1 OfiM-fOII AAI.R. A rilWT OLAIW HARROW I* Pi aw' " " ?wbi?? <rtli>o with ihf whrrinaMA i ou?. TV ilAil) r*r> lyt* 915 In Intm'nd nppOAl'p im? ,i ih? prln r pnl raKikri*. Hold wltb or within: monk Apply nt U7 Uranium; mnn Tin 4. c b ifowR*; WQ(in'l*nCrRT **0 I.WOR STORK 111 mtlr ntiiiAtrd on ih wmi old* of <lv> toy, And rNHrir * nl Ail pr't'oVe irvl* w ."-h rrviy M ?I tauidnd to %ny nnmnnt bv Any on" whojlrra it hl? A'tnn'lnn. Apply At .147 Broo'lAAy, r.?mt No 4. 7: II. Ho A ah A 41 -"ft'"'1 WORK TOR SAI." IftRlMORKLT ?PI.?0"M/. It'tpl up lnri'?i'?wb lnrA'lon nfawppAAMMl. Join* tool oufi i^m lli.trn* .? h?r I..i?111iar*' A pnrfarr with f?R. in ml'md ')? r'orn. A ?.UrHWfO* A4 ? .?.! rr?< ROAM <==?"B ATTFRTTOR IR IRVTYRM Tf> *Y RTn?'K OK If AVAR A. . dnmratir ntid OnraAn anfATA. Ali 'h? WaU known bTMidr mr? <m < ibDHUno mod an<u? At prlrwt m pur rout b#| WR ibAMArtM. OuAk 4?au<-aa mAdi- on Meant In . ?! of bnud. OWIKA, If MrtAdWAf. HURSDAY, APRIL 1. 1853. (KMflBM AVQ CtHSUAORH- ___ BI.ACK n \WK AND KOtGAN H0R8IW ? 4 HAIR OF well mttrtiMl blarA*, h p*.r o( buy*, ami a bay and a sray, well maimed AUo a bomber of very aupertor ain*ic hOTM B Juat Vermout, for aala low, al No, 6 Hoeraaa met, feraoa i>n. 1>CLI. FOR SAIJf?A FINK TWO V R AK Ol-D IWPORT X) ed. thorough bred. Devon bull warranted pure stook. Tobeaeeoat TeiieceeUa, Sixth avenue aud Thirty ninth at., For price end partloulars apply to ItitUNDHKD * ROGERS, fiu Pino iirMi CATTIJC BREEDERS, ATTRNTIONi?FOR SALE, A full blooded Devon bull, three year* old, aired hyHub bert's Imported hull Pitnae Albert Also fotr cows and twe bull calves- Can be seen *t 7t Robinson street. Must be soldFor salk-a pair or fink black horses, or the Rlaofc flawk Morgan breed, perfect!? gentle, sound and kind and first rate In atngle or doable harness. Alao a sorrel borse, perfSJtly geutle In atngle or double harness, aound and kind; aaid to be a outer to Flora Temple. Alee two carriage*, harneae, robes, Ac., at SI Eaat Thirty-third etrett Inquire of F. OPPKBMAN. FOR 8ALR.-A VERT FINE BLACK HOR8K, OOOD aire can trot leee than three minute# elngle, end in three minutes to the pole: eery gentle, and warranted sound. Also a'black top wagon will be sold oheap. Inquire at 444 Broome street FOR 8AI.E-A FIRST RATE TEAM OF TRUCK borer a ApplT to RICHARD BUI.KIN, corner of North Seveoth and First atreeU, Williamsburg. For sale-A black HAWK MARS. KIND AND grutle lii elngle aud double harness, fifteen hands high end seven yearn old; very free aud stylish driver. Wold for want of use. apply at lid htdrutge street, at 8 A. H. and 1 and If M (i>OR 8ALK? A rORBKL HORSE. 16* HANDS HIGH, r six years old. warranted sound and kind In all harness, suitable for the saddle or Ugh', wagon; U able to trot in three mtables with a little training; prtcx mo To ha seen at 26 \ andewater street, In the store i TOOK SAI.E?TWENTY OOOI> OR KEN HORSES. BOMB ! r are very fast trottera, and five pairs matched Meeai. I Can be seen at the stable of F. J. NODINK. lffl Piefrepent street, Kioukiyn. Alas, a lot df new and second hand wagoua FOR 8ALK?A HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS. TO be seen at Wilson A hro 'a stables, corner of Crosby and Bleecber atreeis. For particulars Inquire at (Jotaberger A ; many 'a brewery, rorner of new llowery and James street. For ralk-a rkautiFDt, rlack horse, 15,4 bands h:gh, all years old long natural tall; warranted perfectly scuuil aud kind In single and double harness can trot 111 2.IM1 without training, promises great speed, and la without a blemish. Can be scan nt Quarry's stable. Ju Amity j street. F' OR BITIW TWf PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN breaking up his establirhment, one pair of ponies, six | and seven years old; one double seated wagon, one set of double harness, all being but tittle used. Can be seen at the j stables 22 and 21 West Thirteenth street. F' OB SALE?A HANDSOME young BAY MARK. 15* hands high, long natural tall two hind feet white, sound. I kind and stylish driver. Bb# le ll excellent animal for any bounces. and will be sold cheap tor want of use Inquire of | JOHN HKNOK.KN, Fifty tlrst street, nbar Lexington avenue. For sale?seven valuable young horses, just In from the oountry . one pair of dapple grays, height If 3. cue pair brown, 15.3, cau trol lo the pule in 3**. three j siDgle borsee, one gray, one bay, nul one ver> stylish sor : 'rel. from 15Ja to 18 hands high, all with Ions tails Cau be seen at W ANDLK'S livery siatdes. Jersey City, la Hudson street, near the Cunard ducks. F1 OR HALF. SIX TFOrTTMl HORSES. COXSrfiTlNG OF One very handsome brown msrr, t> years, 15>?; trots in j 2 36. One very handsome bay horse, 6 years, 15'?; trots in 3:50 to pole. One very handsome sorrel snare. 6 years. 15t?; trots In 2:50 | to road wagon. , One very handsome brown horse. 6 years, 16, very showy 1 aud stylish. | also trotting horwe Joe Hill, 15t?; has trotted in 2 40; and several others Will be sold a'a bargain if applied lor before I the 15tli of April. Apply at 48 Greene street, near Broome. For balk?at thk stables of the four mtt.e House, corner of Third avenue aud Fifty seventh street, s number el first clean work borvox, young, sound ani kind; together with carts, harness, 4c. c*or SALK-A PAIR OF BAY horses, over 16 hat, 4s bl?h. 7 years old, very stylish and pleasant'ud<- re hey can tie seen at ,lr,hu imrson's stable corner ?t Twelfih s.tee' and Univeisity plsce. by Inquiring for John Resrlon. F{R BALK ?A YOUNG HORSE SOUND AHH KIND; A gooc saddle horse for s lady; worth fi 160. will be sold lor MO ss the owner Is going West. Inquire at the senlral Park litdel, corner of Fifty ninth street and Beventh avenue. FOR BALI?THK HOKKKL I'ACINO HORSE TELEgraph, nine years old, 16 hands h gh. very sty'lsh. sound sod kind, csu pare la 3 *tl to harness, very fine saddle burse; price fills', also, road wagon and harness. Inquire at ltd Elm street. FOR RALE?A CANADIAN PONY. ROAD WAGON and .ight harness, cheap. Can be seen ou the corner of ; Court and Ksst Warren streets. Brooklyn. Would be exi changed for a rosewood pianoforte. I "CVIR hale-a vert superior and splendid r black horse, five years old. 16S bauds high, elegant and i toflv movrtnent. fssl traveller kind, sound and smooth. At CARROLL'S livery stables. noe. 22 sad 24 West Thiriernth ; etreet. 1 T7K3R BALE?A PAIR OF HORHKS. GENTLE AND VERY J showy, over 16 hands, together with an elegant double harnrae. Adtlreae S., box 5 117 Post oMce. rll BALE-A GRAY HORSE. EIGHT TEARH OLD. warranted sound and kind, well suited for a doctor, or would make a gool family horse Will be add very hiw. Apply at the paper factory comer of Fulton and Carlton avenues, Bro klyn. F' OR BALE-THREE SADD1.K nORSES, TWO ROAl) hors*ssnd s superior family horse, warranted In every : reaped. Can be seen at It) Vestry street until sold. li'OR BALK?A FINK FAMTI.Y H.IRSE SIXTEEN AND r a half hands Mgb seven years old. is very stylish and tn Que rotuli.lon. Also a light bay horse, titieen and three qusr tcr high, *c.?n vrars old. a very stylish and pleasant driver. These horses warranted tn every respect To be seeu si SIS Ptrry street. F30R BALR-A SHIFTING TOP SQUARE BOX ROAD wagon hnllt by Stevens nsod very little. Also* set of sliver mounted harness, built by Trainer. The whole will be sold for htlf what they arc worth If applied for twj days at 173 Greene street. For bale?? sound, kind and touno horses. just from the country, suitable for cartmeo, grorerv-ram. milkmen or any kind of business. To be seen at 32 Eleventh street, luturn Keen's stables. l?OR BALK CHEAP-A8 THE OWNER HAS NO FUR A1 'her iw for Uj-m. two rwl horses. Apply 10 s. H. COHl'RS, ITS Wr?t Twenty fifth street, in the shop. FWR H \t,E AT A RAURIFICE-A NKWTHRKEHEAT spring wagon, witli shafts and pole suitable for a light gnver'e rtpreas <>r pleasure wagon; rarrlea IW) Iba ; mutt be sold Apply 10 J. w I'LAKK, *b West Twenty oiulh street HORSK8, HOR8E8 ?RORATCHE8 CURED.-OOMmmmMn 91 a bottle. 113 Third avenue. Also an la fallible kmbrocauon for sprains. bruises. rlieumaliaiu, Ac. Horsier, carriaoeh, harnerr ?for ralr. a pair or bay horses, atvllah and fast travellers, an 1 per fsw-tl> ? ii.-l they have been in use by the owner for two vears, and ?ll' be sold cheap on Immediate application. Can be seen after 10 A. M Indbe private stable Mandougal alley M-rood sut le In reerof Washington aguare. HORRE ?OR RAME-ONE I,ARTE tBON GRAY, measuring 16V? hand* high, 8 years old. and warranted sound and kind In every partlrular. Can be aeen at 166 Ninth avenue. Horse for sai.e-a rttmrii morgan itorhe, M'veatein hands hlgb. ruitlr audkinl, suitable for a private carriage Inquire at the stable corner of Hoeond place and ('Union street, Brooklyn. Important to parmerh -for rale. one rplrn did crav mare. 16 hands high 8 years o<d. warranted anund and kind. Apply at 64 Cherry street. price $126. one bay. IS band* $f9. two ponies, one mars with font, 6 years old, price 9136 U?e other 976 Matched horrrr for hai.r-a ntti.irh pair of blood bar hnrsea. If.'i bands high, perfeetly son nd; can trot to tn< pole inside four ralnutee can be teen at Carrol'* stab lea, a and 34 West Thir.eenib street. K OCR AWAY CARRIAOE FOR 9AI.K-IN GOOD order, well bnllt. holds elt. runs easy, faehlonable ahape, and price 9136 Inquire at lbs stable. No. S Wee' Twenty seventh street, In the morning or evening Thorough bred rtalmon mango i? hands high, color brown, immense bone. Jnx imported from F.ggland Mango woo ihe greet Bl. Leger end many other races Also several Imported abort horned rattle and sharp for aale Apply to J A MRS M. MILLER, No. SI Maiden tens. New York WANTED TO PUBf'HARE?ONE OR TWO HMAU. Nbeiland ponton. Address Chas. E. Johnson, hoi ML duubjd. n. i, onrriwcTHMi. AiuTiiwirricjiiooKKitvri\<j writtw.; ti- mrw ,fcu-mpormll? rodorna?PalNR'M tlommaretnl Aealatniaa. I <2 llWary, W. * , and 2W Fullon atrnat, Brooklyn Ho alaaa ayatrm. aaparnle draarimral* "or Indian ki Uovarnor Km* M)i Mr anna unl dauiihurt nUaulad ?'ol Pilna'a aehnol to my antlraaaUafarUon. Autur/t ri.ArK, A. . PRIffCIPAL HPWWIH RIVfR laaiitata. ri?>?r*l, < olirMa count) If T . ihra-mll-? I from Hndaoo alty Hoard ud tuition $40 par two Onll on Profaaanr PUak, a' Uia lolaradUonnl lloto), Broadway, : bafora i A. M ul aflor 6 f M anah day FRUwr-H T.AironAnR.-niop. n. i.auroix ooh tlnoaa to gl?a thorough .dlrl-nl Imp , t. n tbr ? h .m ' ,? * and ! . , etaaara for bagmaara and for ndrancad arb ilara moat ihrna I 'Ian a <o>k Ontillamau'a rlaaaraln tha aramug T-iin? $10 par qiiartar. Alan prirata laaanna Under Hon* | I* tka rnpil ta from tba outaat aratamnUcaHr aiarotaad te , aon*ar*?tjon f7nd?>t|h|ad rafaranraa (Wan Aiiply at ?h* tmna TM Broadway, from u U>H o'clock A. If . or from ito it) r m. ISHTRCftioif-A rnxifm r.Anr IR mwiRocR ro obtain hoard In a prlraia family or hoirdlng arhool, whcra laaaona In Franrh and otbar hrmirhaa of adurallorf would b* < r?*anl?ad for board. Alan prltala latamia Kaat rwfiwanrna I Addraaa boi KI2 IVart olHra, N f. rAi'iRR A*n meirri.RHM^Ri TO $itrv.R W*K J Raauilfal art tangh* in i?n mlnn'aa for SI. al 10 a?u b I Flrat atrial if ilhamahurg. wbara a par I m on a ran ba aarn from 9 A. M. to a P. M. i*Wr?RVtu5tTliFTlTDTF, I.ITi HFIF.I.O OM/HTT, (IntiB ?Tbr natllrrm will rnmmrnea April 71 A faw I mora young ladlaa and ganite nan ?1II ba raratrad at rMMin nhlnprlrnt. Riimbrr llinoad Paraona wlming fba partlcu lara will rail at Karl's Mmat, whar? nna of 'ha Principals ran l.a ronaul'?d on Wadnrwtar. Thursday and Friday, from :i b> jap H l'aranta ran rlalt tbalr chlldrati and ralurn tba aama i??si wRiriffi a.A?<ow-Bookie ?rino IV arlthni'tlr mid at. n 'jra^hy 14? Hmai ?aj. nRlna Na 5 Mark prrfeotlj *r.iiiirt-?l n twnlr# Age rw laSriannf ; no Impediment W?|rlnr. alaMing "aria aa 1 nramnintfe peauiuauahap riaaotait equal u not a<i?nrlor, un plain aa (raring. \rrflTlNO TT'TOR AN KXf KRTKNIT.n ~(7LAMNI<'At. t tutor whn Itaa rncrntlj ma e ha 'nor of f.ur-ipa. olihra ! an ?-naa??meni la a prV.aii famllr. or to taaah fri-a'fn lvtl-? and gentleman Ba?lleb. A.Minna W M Ammlr IM> lA'nt.* i #rnt, Rpoofelrn Vtrtttro or rmrrrjrr wmiw-a i.aot ejuertelK-aat In laaebmg m ale Preach. ant tbeatrill nary Knflleh 'iranrhea and whn Ann a?-i?V In a nte ?<'.(* beat laratue.i In New >>r*. wlabea an r-v(i?.m in l in tfef cl y nr a ?hnrt ttatanra In the wintrr. AMfnMU. I JM l?e I raw etraet. Itruokl/a. m ?> 'jWi an an1. Naw Tier*. In tba ire. i MtHimci to unnma j Aokntlkman aki> wirn rommkmuwa wnp<kkAeying Ut of lift} ceil, in risM * ne.r I'uioa ~iu*re, , will take a few Mingle geati '<u<'i4 > g- nowr >n t ih. ir . wire*. ?u|x?rtor aiH^waniolaUooa oti un*'w ale ernu, A1drtw R.. Pot ofliea. A DRIJOHTFCL M)CATIO>-Itt KlUIITil HTRKKT, XV lair* door from Broadway,-Boarding fnr single grnue , ru. o. Also front rooms on aecoud and third llo-trs for g-o l"turn and ladies. Dinner for single gentlemen, Immediate vuanity of theatres. principal hataia, Ac. Term* rce?>ueiwr. A private family occupying a pleasantly I situated bouse, containing all (.be modern Impiorrmeu.s. will let a suit of handsomely furnished ro>mi on **?>u<l or third floors, to onr or two ffiitiemea. Apply at 81 Weal Fifteenth street. AN ELEGANT SUIT OF ROOMS ON BROAPW?T, wi<b or wi.hout ? crlwe table House ttret ol uts. with ev. ry ccaveolenoe. f-rniiy email. Apply at 721 Bnadwmy e PRIVATE RESPECTABLE FAMILY WITHOUT CHJLCL dren wleh to let a neatly furnished bac'a room on die ereohI floor, with cloeeta. Ac., to respectable oarsons with or w itrut board; baths, g*?, Ao Inquire at 609 Houatoa atreei, oral lboadwsy. ' a BEAUTTFTTILY FURNISairo PARLOR AND LI ' O. brary attached, hot and oold water, lo let, with board, to a rrttli'Htin and wife, or two grotlnnieii, In a first cleat houee all Ibo modern Improvements: prtv ite family and ao moving In May Here Is "chance fur the moat fastidious 'o be i auiied. Call at the new hrlok house 148 West Thirty alitli >., 1 nearest number lo Eighth avence. ' AWIIXlWICR, ENGLISH?BUSINESS IN THE CITY, I Wtfbeah.tar for himself and 1k>>. aged 10, (a perl*-, Lad room and allendanre.l with a respoctar.le private family who would take no oilier boarders aid where be would inee with charrtW so lety; sLueUota prcf?r/?1 a short distance from town and nut morn than one hnir'a ride. Uni'x.ieptiou ?bft> lefereoers givpu Addrees. atatlng terms and location, 1'ranru Johnson, Herald oSce A FAMILY ABOUT LKlVINQ FOR THE COWNTBY on the 6<li of April, wtl: bare a writ of rooms and large bedroom to let, with beard in the borne, iu Thirteenth street, uorthweot oornrr of Seventh avonue. AFURNIRHKD HALL BEDROOM. OK THE SEOftWD tloor, to let to one or two gentlemen. Terms it 50 per week April at Ut Aanr placa, dw ajnuy atreat, oniy tour biorxa wcat of Broadway. A SUIT of NEATLY FCBNMHKD ROOMS. ENTIRE xa vwod.1 Bo-ij, for a party of gaoUetntm, bre?k"?il nerved j 1/ required: alao large double and atngla rooms far lodging*. Inquire si 711 F'ranhlln street, ftrst house wwai of Broadway A VERY PLEASANT SUIT OK ROOM* Oil SRCONX) i ?.... with full or partial board. Alao. two or threeaia gle rooms may bo bad by nailing al 163 ICssl Kourtcaulh street. The neighborhood is exceedingly respectable and sou- i veuient of access. a 8MAIJ> PRIVATE F'A W IT.Y OA N ACOOMMDATIC A j a single gentlemen with run or partial beard and a neatly furnished room on th? second fl or Tb:s olTera si ig-?e*tu?i home to a student The house la plcs*?i,tly situated and con taira modern improvements. Apply at 139 West Twenty hist street, ft eferences exchanged At washinoton heiohts, hudson river-ue - ? tuba of rooms for families and single gentle men, with board, at tbe magnificent properly known as Woodland Park, (late the reatdenre of llfekwon W Field, r.: ) i lettj mc minute* by railroad from uhsmnera atreet, autl six sii.l a bail miles front I'nton square The targe, airy uiai-rlou. sin rounded by tf irty acre*, of hlghiv picturesque ground* la delightfully HttttMM the baaklof the Hudson. ? it ni*Dt*mg ? beautiful vie* of the rtyer. excellent bathing, boating, Ac , commodious etnble aad coach house The ess and ateamboat moo at the foot of 'tie lawn and stages pass sat* ever-, hour, applications for rooms rau btMHll 37 Wri: Twenty tirst street. i PRIVATE F AMILY CAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW A gentlemen witb furnished rooms, with or without partial board, use of bath room. Inquire at 124 Broadway Avery plkanant and nicei.y furnished room and bedroom, wbh sss. hot sud eoM water aud . bath attached, with partial board if ie.-lred, to one or two sin , gle gentlemen; verj pleasant loeaurin, to five I stageroutes and Klrh'fi avenue ears private tetar- i eucea exchanged. P.eana cail at 265 W ell F liu-eu h a.rret. \81Mil.F. ORNll.FMAN WANTS A ROOM IN t I'RT | vate h, use m 'he vicinity or F.ssi Ywen'> alxii at,eet, t? w eu Four h aul ith avenue.. w th or without b aril, j r fererres g ven nnd required Address nox i.std Post ' office. N. Y. |ii(Ar ; ,?rt n ii wr wuxa, ri vrv u o J) furnished, with fnll hoard, q-u'l-ii - u aud thru wives or a party ot young gentlemen Tertui moderate.. UtfotCM iMuiitH Dinner at 6 1". M Apply a'. Nj. 2 ,-vl bloc place. 408 Fourth .ilreet. BOaRD-IO LOT, WITH BOARD. A RaCS. PARISH v.n li'st floor A ao > front parlor on aee-md door. with b?*'ruon>. ailusled La the moat pleasant part of Kn*t Hmartw.v lernra modera'e; family tunaii; pax and bath. Keteresort rachai-ged. Call at 191 East Broad way. OOARD -A. VARY J'KNIRABLR SHIT OK ROOMS FDR 1) a gent1' m u and wife, and one suitable for a single gent'eman wibal the mrVern'mprorementa, ran he obtained at Ne 44 West 23d at. References eiehaage.1. Wulnotmore on the 1st of May. BO A It I ?TO LKT TO A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, or two .ingle gen: emrn, a large room, fnrnisb-d or unfurnished wLhroMti Apply at to Earn Thirueta atreet BOARD.-OENTLFMKN PKNIRINO GOOD ROOMS AND go--1 board to a pleasant family au<i la a cmi'ral and Wir. aS'ii lovatRU. a', prior* la accordance with the luuea. are r-'i- e* to call at 182 Grand atreet. nearly opposite Odd Feilows' Halt BOARP.-A PRIVATE FAMILY WOCLD LET. TO A gentleman and Ida wife or ainyl- c-ntlemen. a back r -otii and pantries on scaond Door, formatted or itnfuraUbe<l. the bouse has all tbr Improvement.. Apply at No. ;t St Clement's place, Macdougal street, between Blrrckrr and Fotirton t tree la. BuaRD.-TO LET. WITH HOARD, AT IX BMCOND art nue. between Elzhth and Ninth atreeta. one Krge ru m. on thir l floor, sullaile for a g-? l-inau and wife or two : gentlemen, term* moderate, dinner at 6o'clock, do moving in May. I Board ?a lady and gentleman ran he ao. rommodated with a room on second Ooor, handsomely fnrsiaheil, suitable for bedroom and pal lor; vwrd for the ladv onl> . 'orati m between Fourteenth and Twenwe'b atreet, aud B.iUi avenue Ad-trraa A, H , Luton square I'cet odlce Board in clinton place -pleasant pott of rooms for a geutlentau and h ? wile; alao one alngir room for ote cr two aingls gm'.lrmen. Apply at Fi t baton I- la. e Dinner at 6 o'clock. ThOAKI) IN BROOKLYN -PLEASANT ROOMtv ON La the arcond floor to let. board, to a g< itJ.oi.n and wire rvcrn furnished if desired. one or two ?lug e.'geu lemeo ran be acroinnW ated. either w |th roonu ut do) b^ard, prate 14. Apply at 72 WUloughby alree'.. "DOARD IN BROOKLYN.-PLEAS A M APARTMKNTB D single or in aulta, eu he h..d at Iu\ *-h. rmrrbor i ? reel, I between Itoeriitn sad Smith streets lb' bonne I* |1||<UP anu the location very desirable, from Wu to fifteen minute*' ? * k from *li the ferriea BOARD IN BROOKI.VJf,?A FAMILY H ATiX?', MORE ra m than th<y require would arcnmmoda'.r a femur or a few enisle gtntletneu with rooms on aeco&J Hour far ni?hed or unfurc iabsd j location eery pleasant. near South and Hamilton fi rries. Dinner at 6 o'clock. Hiiarenrrs re quired Apply at & Tompkins place, between Harrison ami ties raw sir cos. Board in brook room.*. com ir.t bleating, cn the second story, suitable for s gentle D'Sii *i"l witr i.r Single gentlemen, Iri a house pleasantly Incs'ad. witMn f n intitules' ?*!?.it the Houlh ferr*. dlnosrat ? o'elork Apply at HXM'onKreeeetreei, second door below Henry. Board in pearl street, be t ween bauds an<1 Proapert; peasant rooms to li t with tor tfaglagentlemen aa private incriran lanmy Also, two large rooms on second floor for a rrntleman and w ile, convenient to nil the lerrtee. Apt iy fur one week. Board in brookltn-iariik andsmall rooms also t ack parlor, hou#e first tlase, oourenlenllo South sad Wall street terries. 218 Henry street, lunrth door from Amity street. Terms aoslera'e Board in priyate family oar ?.. oamntlate a gentleman and wife or ooe or two sin rle eutlen en si n very pleaaaat room* and board, location three u fire m tides' walk from South ur Vail street ferry. Address X. T. I bo* 117 Herald nIBoe BOARD WANTRD-A flKRTLRMAR AND IIIH VIPK wishbosrdln a strictly prlrata family House must contain all the modern improvement* location below, Poar teen lb street Rafrrences cirtianged Ad<1ie?* bol JJ7 Font oRn. Board wantkd-bt a urntivmaw ard i.adt, board tor the I ,ds only, ir a small inist fsmliy. waere brre are ao other hoarders. Lctauoa above Kleerker street and lie low Emarteen'h street preferred. Terms moderate Aduress for two days l. k. X., Broadway Poet othee. BOARriRo-un ri.mtrkkr strert, nk*R BROADwsr ilehrbtfnl rooms on second door, frout, alto a few tntl* room* for (eollrmaa run K? warn) o a.lraniafa-.ia "ra>, l>r lnini?ir<lr W|iltr?tk? ftnuae drat rloaa In u>e rlrmlty nf -hr principal bote ia. and nr-ntaiat *11 ifnproramenu flhiorr at 6 Oalo'k , r?ter??o?e at.-hanfad Boarthwo-urn rnnwn mrw r?? rr aroomwndated w.ih parUoj l-oard to * imall prlrtta familr, rnai li'mwol Refer at.era rich* ijrj Injulreat ITS Orchard alreat Boainrw rxcharor, wo 2 arflirmr a urii.d lag MS Br adwaf.- Boa M?r? pnntaiy dtrwed ar* nit one'jr, to the mi >1 deairaht* placet la the city or rounwr All ? ?hlr? ran obloin dealrahl# boarder* by applying U> MM ITU a MO IT). ?BOARD WABTRD THRRR, THR J ai>t.rn*rhtn? www. frooi Mar to .VarraMT, Intra portable family, for loo la.lle* *ud malt Iwn r.?ma arm wanted and a room for tfea marl Heal* arnt to 'ha r""OM Refrreae** repaired ?* with full partlra arm, Mating Urnta par month, to J W. M . ISO Radlaoa a?? 1 na; will ha amawerad without dalay. /soorrr iioufr. m rroadwat. -ri rmimii ki? \ rnat for atlamaa. or gaailamen and wirn Prlca par day, SO In hflranta, par waah, fl to fit Onnnoatol la a rrat rlaaa raataurant. (SOrBTRT HOARD?WA'TFU, pfiR TIIR Sl'MMRR J motiiaa In ? plaaaant and tieat'hy lo-alliy avna t.. th- alt k and near tha araahorr prttrfrrd, apartment* for a fAntly of firm per* nt whore thr romtnru aad ire adorn of a I- me m?r ba enjoyed Raferanraa i irban?ed. Term?m.> derate. AcldreoaT. Hartley. boi S.TT4 I'oal .(Boa. (AOURTRT ROARD.-FCCR ORWTIkmrb. OR OKB J lleman and ihalr wlrea. <-aa obtain hoartfbr haantn mrf, *i mn iwonM rainuT" rumu> w i jrr? j \ \\j a-idrraa for Ihrrr dtjl II O., Il'rtlil ndW, DRRtR ABI.E COI-KTRT BOARl* -A 8MAM, PRIPATR faBiIr, foaldinit aahnrt AiaUnoo from ihr ??. ?;? j by railroad at rooroolonl bu>lo*M boar* will aooomnaodVo a , f?? MlnRl?> (rntlomon nr fontlomo<i unf <k r wlr-a T. tkm Tory plraaaot. Torma from 14 to par w*?k A.i(r-?a b< t M .lamaira. I, I., Pom oAoa f|X A MILT IIOTRI..?Rl'ITB OP ROOMS H T( H (<lf bp OR 1 nnfurr iabftd. ran bo ohi.lnod. wt'h 'mard >< Hul irftl ! taml'v hntol *T fourth aronno, at priro* raodnr 'mm Pro .. right dollar* parwaok. Tranmuo prmorafi ar> por <Uy fTIRKM-H BOARD -Ob?. OR TVKl -IJKALK URWTI.T 1 Bon nan oS'Aln n wa(! ftirnlahod r.<r>B. wbk par ml board. In * nolot and ann'l i ranrb pM.aio faBll*. wboro Oraman la alao apokon Roth Uofnafoa oar So t?"?V If ra'iiiirod T. rma, for ono p\ Im.,niro *< W Hn k ??? a F^oi r orfrTLnrncAR h? ao<s xiiiop inn with i (. n,a .,?i |?nril lu a prlraio f?n>Uj. App , al No. liV La v mm klrfK Rororooro* mirhanfod. FlfHRIRHtll tOOMR m If ARLK ro* A OiffTLKWAII o I wlfo or ai'ialo (Ml oBo?, In a Brtrato family, bnuaa r.o*j,n or-ryhiBa 'o rood?r It a ?v-iaJ a?l ^.kamr'-kana, iam. Bpro- .BM * IRwwar a' a To. <*. Biaoak or at ro?* atagm pa?. Wif in > ? d?K Uq'ilra al AmU) ifaao Ma ? ? o May. f AMI* liOMHIv 40t Fn *hrsv*t) uo> v*?with fvv,?v imhrioir ^ treat servan'r, u. * brown itoii' dwelling, ever? modern improvrmeqi, 40 Tenth street a ?r Kifh ay. T< rtns nitderaie to t<vm<IU-s or GvM vabie. IwA board 1 tBOt i hour sir o'clook FCBMBHKD ROOMS WITHOUT HOARD, CAN KW had od n-iaotubl" terms by single gentlemen to th* t ik 1/situs'<-d bona*-776 thu-<? J jor above Nuuh au-t i-c Those wio wirh to be prrmanebt prefnred. F0BNU>H*.!> ROOMS A1 MSI BROOM* HTRKMT -JfSW sod 'VxeuUy firmahouiruonie. wild or without knrt. modem Improvement*. r fiTI BNIHllKH ROOVH TO l.KT?IN A HWAU. I'llTTATU *( r family; mime M low as $1 Ml per woo*, with hre awh breakfa-t if rviuired; also suitable for a gentleman aad ladi. at 1H0 V' ii atii-et, a f?a> doora above Broome. Cars wad stages pan to all parts of the city. <1 IT A KK this METHOD OF INFORMING THE PUBLM J iff*'. l bare eitabliaffed a nursery tor young oblldrm " at: p*o. l? v*b>> wieb lo place Ibelr ohlldreo under ?y cbitrae will Had them Kindly treated and rrcetving a moiher'a care l'.rfei eurcs given If re<(idied,fi\>a> the Orel cUm itha eU'lan* of this city Residence 172 Wen Forty elfbth a(real* near ffightff avenue. mrs. f aKkTniitom. Laswk, airt kmcrrino apartments in BffinnK 4 and warm one* In winter, era afforded at one tenth to* oorl [of Inferior accommodation*, by using rUMPTOtPS aeri eiary i>ed?te*d in psflors Ac. Sold at 62 White street. MRS llllNTKR HAVING TAKRN TIIK LAROB AMD commodious house. :*i Union square, Foui ui avenue, la prepared lu wake armtutementa fur permanent and maale.nt hoarders, In stogie rooms and suit* from 'he first af May Apply a; Ml Kaat rhlrueib street. 8hn refer * U Ra*. Mr. Mon'turnery, Dr. Slorcr, Dr. J. Marion turns, Mr. JUft, and Mr f. H. While No. i www TWENrTTumnjJilKitT?an ki.roairr _ suit of room*, on aecocd door, newly furnished. In ton new houar No I West Twenty-flflh sired, will be ready tor occupaa y 1st of April. Parties wishing to secure first rtosa e'oomuo"'latl<Mi? will apply immediately. Table d'hata. Dinner st 6. New tore boa&ihnci agency. a? and m liri?d?ay ? Families aisUng basrdaia ta the cllrar country ihe comlug seewvq esu have sll the company th<w cac ttcommodate by calling immediately. These looking far firsl e'ase Ixutidlog are invited lo c ill sud make iheu' seise J tioas ?llhout chu.-gc. Pl.KASAhT FPRNIHHKD ROOMS TO GET-WIT* board, at 12b West l'?mlT filth street, to gentlemen and I J lliel) wives or single gentlemen, location pleasant; cars and I B-ugi-H convenient. I PLEASANT BOOMS. WITH BOARD, MAT BE OB I tatnei by fiinliin or single gentlemen, in a prlv?> rami- I ly. at 21 Ninth street. Partial hoard wanted?a single gentleman desires u bedroom, with breakfast and ma, la ho'i?<- of * widow indy or pleasant private funify, above Caffist a rret j.ii.1 near ltr..*<fw?} Sut* number of family. laoauoa #bf rn.,s which moat be moderate. Address U II A., ban A6f5 Post office. ROOM* TO LSI- -FOR HINIILK GENTLEMEN, Wirtifl^| J \ or without board, at 2SM Tenth street, near IHSSS, (MNahll W Imm4 avenue cart aud Eighth ureal stare., "llsr Inure has all ihe modern improvements. ROOMH-WITn HOARD, AT NO. 215 WEST THIRTIETH I street Unfurnished rooms, on third floor, altos parlor and two hodrrnmx on sreond floor, with all the modern km- B prrvitr.cnu. Terms moderiue. I QK.VKRAL YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN HE ACOOMMffi- I n dated with piessant rooms and board, wher e their coaa I tort will be atteuded to Haih use. Ac . in ihehouie. Rnfe I i encea exchanged Ap. ly at 65 Twelfth street, botwnao I Broadway aalFourth avenue. TPR1F PLEASANT MEDIUM SIZED ROOMS, COMMIT J n re'ltis. to let?Separate or loge hrr to gentlemen, wttg H out i nnr,1 l?o> and cold water, gas and bain exclusive; fa m l' smail No moving In May Jhrma very reasonable in plf IMIltocenp?U Apply art ^jBroadway. Til F 8PACIOUR AND EI.KG ANT APARTMENTS NOW I occupier by Karl Forma* ran be nad, from the 8th lap I <? April for the aiimmrr months, wi'h superior hoard, by I ir. media'e tpplicstion at 42 West Siileeulh tu ret. Dinner an I fi o'rlock. Reference required I T"0 I.AROF AND PLEASANT ROOMS WITH KOU>tug d s and large pat tries, uu aecoud lluor, to let wttfc V-narJ. st 213 East Broadway. Also a pleasant third Starr Iron: rotm. To parents and quardians-a middle vghJB lady, ol p'-ty, e-lucs'lon and refinement, is drsirvua have a culld to boarl and instruct one from two u? eight yam I... i This fbrawll I sen It ltd maternal care otters a rare opportunity Address, with full particulars. far three days Mrs J 11 . Post office. References exchanged. TMOORTHRKK flKNTLKMEN CAN ItK AOCQMMO . dated with pleasant rooms, with board, by applying una Mfl at Sfitt Broome street AIT A NTKD? BY A HINOI.K UKNTI.KMAN, IN BOTETt ores down town, one or two furnished front rooms In n private family with convenience of gas and bath. wUhaad board. U>.-atiou below Fourteenth afreet, near Brandts*?. Address Merchant, Broadway font office. Th-ANTaD? BV A TO UNO GENTLEMAN AND SIB V? wife, a large room or parlor and bedroom, unforaishert with board for 'he lady only In a aouil pri rale famrtl?. lev. ktiou between Tenth and Twenty fif h streets, and TMrB and Mxth avenue*. Address Frank box I.iPH Pont affina, staling terms, Be . which tnuat be moderate. Refnrennea ? c hanged. TIT A NT ED IMMEDIATELT-BT A MIDDLE AOKB *v rrenrh grotletesn of lb* first respeytsbtiity, beard. In eyrhao ve for whten letsuos >u French and drawing will be given. Addtees L. A'., Madison square Pott office. Tl> Asri b-ltv A Vril'Wii Iivuafvu ? i?. _? - ? - >" ' i.' * ?n *nu nis wife a large room, or parlor and bedroom f IralihiI. with hoard for the lady only la a private f*m 1/ or where there are bnt lew boardera. Address a Lll, t>.n IJi lleraid odice. stating terms, Ac., which mual be moderate. WANTFA-ONBOB TWO BOOMS, WITH BOARD, FOR * gi ftlrroan wile and daughter eight years eld. ta a respectable and healthy locality, private family prefrrrwd, mr which will he paid weekly. Ilir rale of H*'per annum; re terenrea given and re^aintd Addreaa IL L., box 1,631 reel othce. TIrANTRD?ltY A KIMiir OKNTIJtMAN AND HU 1 vv stater. two rooms. with board for ihr lady a private 9 f-Hitly preferred, or v?her- there are but few boardrra. Air person having surh loomaiolet at a moderate price, wife pl-aseadlresal' 1' W,, Herald office. Bcfercacescrchaagvd WANTED?BY A (JK.NTI.KM A N. A ROOM, with partial boar.:, in :h? of Si. .loha'a park. hi re the rrm'urta of a home ran he enjoyed No in >viag m May. Address,stating terms, whirb must be moderele. A. V. A., Herald < IBce WANTED?A FCRNISIIBD ROOM TOWN TOWN, with board fur a gentli man and wife In a plain private family or where there arr but few boarder* Terms mu?t be mcderate. Addrraa J. C U, sox if.215 Post nffl ?. MB'Il.MANSBL'HU ? A i.lMhmN AND WIFE, OK ?y two single . II -III- n '--I. ha? ; vant room* oe seron 1 or IkM door, with heart. In a vrlrale family, br apply 1 ing a'HSNou'h Fourth atrcei, ueai Fifth. few minutes'walk 11 ota he lerrlea. References red aired. IRRinol STRAIT. CORNER STAT* 81RKRT, bat. tary*ome front parlor, with two hodrooeia te let, with board, suitable for a family, also a few single rrm Irturu can be aecumm listed with buard sad pleaaeat rromX rooms, iefbirkoea required. i 2 AND 4 ABINQPON BQHARB OOBNSB Of H4NK I street?to lei wi'h hoard, a suit of rooms cm aerwad floor, also, a front basement, and atugle rmnni suitable for gentlemen eighth avenue cars and Hleerher street stages pass. R> f?ieure? lepitied. 4 ALBION PLACB. 412 FOURTH STRKET-A front rnrm anltahle for a gentlrmsn and wife, to let with bOsrd. aim a front bed roam lot a single geaUentau. woven lea. te ran and unties. House baa ail the modern impruvui.mte, no tnurlag ai May. i? akim.pon syrark. west sidb. nkar bank U mi eel ?i.en',lem*n and ihetr wo ea asm he ?c, .mmodated wl'h pW aaanl a il's nf nwam. Inrludlog gas and all the moweaw Imtioiemi Lis. also auig'.e gentlemen l<oc*Ubn pleaaam I nra and lU(f) pua nrnry urn tnmnvaa. Bomonti mm Ul of May. lrfcniMM p?rAam??l. nn WHAT TWIHTf KIQHTH STRCMT. OKB DOOM ZU (Von Rmadnr -UnWrabla furnnW Mont to M, w"J> ImwtI HM1WN and thrtr wlvaa and alngle g*Nil?*ea aaa 6a anonmaiandatwd arlOt Tory pin rooma at iraatiy friuoad pnaaa tio fAf If A RINK BTRRKT RKTWKIt!* IIKNKT HTRRHT Zi u and Fart Hrnadwa*.?F o mailed moma to let to griilta man and 'heir wteea or a few ample tr-a-iom-n. with or a Irt M out board, two anf urabihed rooma. Trrma moderate. OO W1WT TWBNTT HRt OMD HTRMMT. 1FKAR FfFTH ZO aranaa - hererai rait* of raoau. romauMinr of parlor, hark parlor a ad bedroom. hanlaomely furotah.d or a a far * nlahad, ta a pnratr houae. with all modem tmproremaaata. 2r CRM Til OMI.Y Ifi CHARGED FOR GOOD FUR l) niahed rnrowa at lha 111..ha Dotal, .orner of Frankfort and William atrrata. Houn open all night f)7 RI.KRCK FR ftTRRKT ?A GKNTI.P.MAN AND WIS Zi I *'fa or two alngle geoti'men. ?an be ?~c mmolund wlih hoard in a prlrair '*ra . I1Q WRRT BKVmrTKKWTn FTRM*T, RRTWWRN rifTI a ? and Hutli nrennea, formatted ?r : . . , h hoard IMr nfgendrman and wtfa or ?in*le gan'lemeo. Mo mortng IB Ma j Refer*!*** aiohangod. rii wrmt ptmemrrti rruirr bmtwmmm rrrn l)Z ami Walk aeeaaaa ? To tat, Willi Hhard to a girllam? and hia wife, or gentleman of high raipertabilnv. Ida OrW nor. hanng Ornton. ***. aloart. una of haUi. Br Noaaa prtrata aad wall Wealed A fair remuneration re>|nlrad. ?*7 K-FT SKVERTEKHTJ1 ST RENT RKTWRPN I'MIOW U I aio.ire and Irrlr g ptare - Ktegant aulu of rooma. ruth IJ mrn woo, frir^ ?nn ainaioonra o?r ym mi e. wow totr I No Boring on May inf. 7(1 HT'NINU lffRF.tT, FOTJN rWK)** FROM RROAIb I *7 war. to lav arraroi bandaomoiy farntabad nun. It initio t-otl-m-n Th? loratkm la now all the ftro* ttnm bn?ala auaahod1? Uto hntlrttng tan reading mow >tM la oprUod with all tho daily, weekly and Uluatraaad papw of ibla and Ike principal clllea of Ike Unurd ffialoa inr "WT WIHTH NTNtkT ?ROOM lO l,NT, NI.R Ivtl tan'ly fnnilahod. wltk board. V> goatlMaa and ihetr wirra. or alnrlo (rat.-won, bm and onld vaffr and gaw 111 ih<- ru>ana Pinner at t o'eloek. A eowiwodhma bwah * dr wing room In lot low for a partnaaetirjr, mnaiiTH STKNNT. orroMTK th? *?mcA?llla Idhrary. Nereral gentlemen may haro pMM no ma, with board. o-n roi'Rrn *vr*r*. rwtwffn TffFvnrm jS,t ) ' and Twenty lb at airooia, a latce Iront tonm ai'h Iwa ran rh? and hrdro-^n Adjoining, fnrntabed or tmrtimiahed. lot ton! email and wlfn, or alngle g.mueman Family pri rauT No moving Pinner al two. ()77 THTPFON KTRKKT Til K BrWMRlHFR HAN / | | ihr?o rarlo>a, with <r without Iko'<?iiii> ailarbol, elegantly Inrni b<'d. In a liral rlaaa le.<! ? , wb rh b? will lot. aolthfMil hoard, at moderate ratoa Apply aa auore to WIN. N. vil1 Jr. | R^Q MOAWwXr, _TNION NQnARF rrnvr-mm J i r<xfn?. in muw w nu^ir, -w i ? ?? "* n*"?' Bi?n, wlilior ?(tbont bo*r?l. MltflfcMul nNonttnn, looting OB I lb* pyfc. Hrfnrrao* ?W*n wild ropnlrM. nmuMi ooap/unr. I irtBSMBirfl rtrw* ixwrKAifru ro?PAmr fl r TV- Ii*>b0 for rnWrlpUna to tt? rnptul alorft ?f l>? rw?wwo> F i jkI ln?oriu?oo Company arn now oprn n? ttn ?atm> W? UO Brondwnt. hnanmrat of th* Matrr.pofKM IU*. MMKCfcgl 1 JOHN 0 HbNOPMON. f