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I hope that provision will be made for the return of asj such moneys to any heirs hereafter turning np to the parties who made the deposits. Otherwise the act is robbery. THE LATEST NEWS. AFFAIRS AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Ow Special Washington Despatch. OCB TREATIES WITH NEW GRANADA AMD CENTRAL AMERICA?WHAT THE FRENCH AND BNOLI8H ARE DOING? APPOINTMENTS OP NAVAL LIMUTRN A NTH AND rtOTSD STATES MARSHALS AND ATTORNEYS ?ONFTRMKD? NEWS FROM THE COLORADO EXPEDITION, ETC. Washington, April 2, 1858. In reference to New Granada, Central America, and , the two British Ministers now io Washington, of whom so much ba* been said, I leaia that the treaties negotiated by our government with New Granada and Nicaragua, ragardb; the isthmus routes, bars been and are still the rabject of official communication between the Mate Department and the British and New Granada Ministers. It apDears?thourt I do not learn this from tbe British Minister?that the Minister of New Granada in London has been communicating with the British government, with a view of bringing about a joint treaty of tbe great Powers?tbe United States, Great Britain and France? witn New Granada, on the basis or the treaty the United States had negotiated separately. It is cot nnliheiy that tbe same may hare occurred with re gard to Nicaragua. This baa recently come to the know ledge of our government, and is probably the cause of the prolonged stay of 8lr William Girro Ouseiey In Washing' ten. I ami not Informed whether tbe proposition was first made by the British government or by New Granada. I am informed, however, that a proposition had been made by the British Minister to oar government, to which he is waiting a reply, with regard to the Isthmus routes, and from this fact, taken In connection with what onr govern ment has discovered as to the course of the Minister of New Granada In Inndon, we may infer that it was for a 1 joint treaty. Tbe British Minister does not desire, nor, as I understand, does lb- French Minister desire, to oppose the ratification of the treaties we have negotiated. On the whole, they approve of them, though doubtless they weuld have preferred some modification, or, what appears to have been the object, a joint treaty. From tbe established policy of our govern ment it is not probable that we shall enter into any joint treaty with other Powers, and not being opposed to treaties made with them when not unfavorable to Ibis oonutry, the queetlon will undoubtedly he shortly eett'ed. Under the circumstances, the British Minister thinks it well that Sir William Gore Ouseley has remained In Washington and not left ler Central America. Oil Vu IW?IiuiiI has aaaalta.* lalla.i. han. T J. C. Ives, commanding the Colorado expedition, dated , 'February II. The steamer Kxplorer had reached the Mohave villages, the navigation of the river continued difficult. The Itdlana any the water never was ao low. All were well, and no accident, as had boon fctated In some newspapers, had occurred. The following gentlemon have been confirmed by the Senate as Lieutenants in the Navy, to fill existing vacancies:?John G Walker,John ti. Mitchell, Marshall C. Campbell, Richard W. Meade, Jr., Kobert Boyd, Jr., Calvin F. Thomn, and Charles C. Carpenter. The following were also confirmed by the Senate ? Iuac Winston, for United States Marshal for Kangas district?reappointment. Charles C. Tonguo, for United Stiles Attorney for the Northern district of Florida?r> appointment. James G. Spencer, for United States Attorney for the Northern district of New Toik?re&pitfilnbnent. Jeffenoe T. Martin, for United States Marshal for the Western district or Virginia? reappointment. J. F. Wiley, for United States Marshal for the Eastern district of Virginia?reappointment. Thomas S Ibyant, for United States Marshal for the Eas'ern district of Missouri?r?apj*>lnlmeiit. Joeeph U. Kennedy, for United States Marshal for the fcMatern MMMtct of louieiana?reappointment. Garret 8 Cannon, tor United SiattB Attorney for the District of New Jemey?reappointment. John M Gregory, for United States Attorney for the Pastern dta'.itet of Virginia?reappointment. Ttumnn R Imhonev for United States Marshal for tho -Dtalrioi of Kentucky. R H Tompkins, for United Slatoe Attorney for the Dletrtct of New Mexico. C. P. Clever, for United Statoa Marshal for the District of New Mexico. D. W. Voorhees, for United Sutee Attorney for the District at Indiana. Thomas B. Children, United Steles Attorney for the Midele district of Tennessee. TUB cwnaui. nKWhmnat Dwrsrcu. WASHrwiToe, April 2,1MB. The government bee made n contract with e cltlxen of Texas for rrprlyirx twenty Ave thouseed dollnre worth of camels for the uee of the ermy. A commercial arrangemeet will be made at eome point In Africa affording the beet facilities for purchasing annuals soitabls to our climate end for eiportatmo hither. IJ set Iteale has eubmitted to the War Department n report ouocei aing the road surveyed end opened by him Last summer from fort Defiance to the Colorado river. It centime previous statements He passed over the road In midwinter, mu i.og .villi snow only once, and then not eeough to cover the ground. The climate was such that there was nc occasion to ose tents. Ibe bill to supply lbs ficitnanoir for the fiscal year enOing a yrar from June next Is under consideration in tha House. It appropriates nine and a half millions of did ar?, of which nearly eight millions are for Uis army, and n million four hundred and sixty nine thousand to supply the deficiency in the revenue or the Tost Office Department The House Comm'ttcc on Public lands will report but few tilt* glvmj Unas for railroads and none to tho States 0 >ve luTVMiy HIUH iur suou |wr|uci. The receipt# at the rreaeury la*t week were n-arly a tnllHoa of dollars. The amount sahjtrt to draft Is orer sis ml.lied? ano a half. I Tafia were tatued amounting to milixm and a quarter Oar M'uhl n|uxi C??rvee|>on?lence W??wt*im>v, March SI, ISM. Arnnal ef tkr Krfulart from New York?1'lmty of Sew I'erbrn rm Hand?Sew York /Mi/trr?The Metric/ Appointment.-, <tx A daltgatioa of Regulars arrived here a day or two *Ld Oft upon itaticru of boaiaeas Conner toil with the interest* ot the party They watted la a body upon Hon. Horace F. Clark, aa<1 "diacooraed" him eloquently, energetically, not to eay vehemently. It I* to be regretted that Mr Clark weald not Hates to reaaon. for on lb* very evening of the da) of the Interview he distinctly announced la Ibe democratic caucna that be woald vot* for Crlttenfen's sabmitate. bat under no contingency of circumstances would be give a vote for Kan*** with the lo compton rouatitullon. So far, thon, of all the New York delegation, Clark and Hankie nrr the etceptinnal two who have arrayed themnelvea In opposition to the admin iatraUon upon thle potct, at any rate they are the only representative# who have openly done so. before you re. ?i?. il.;. ll>. l.l..rftii]i Will hjtre arnmn. .<1 1.1 *,,n Ilka, final reauitof three ycara ot angry motro veiny, relation of aptrtteart onfratoreal r*?ranrcrrcnt Tbta morning New York came down like an avataoCho upon the federal capital?ell the f?ra pert, Mr. Voet. and aomo ball doien mom. The O J lector, Mr hcbell.aleo ?rri?ed lart erening There tiaa been a "deed aet" made by certain parti** to prevent, If piewthle, hie contlrmatmn hy the Senate, whenever the freaident ehall ?oo tit to ectd h? ntae to that augurt and potential body of rUtermen. tt U raid that Mr MrKeon attribute* hie removal from tit* late federal ofllc? mainly to John Kelly, the two Srliel e and John C. Mather, and that In caae Mr Kelly ahall reieive the regular nomtna tion for t>ber (I he will "ran a atump" aa an independent candidal* against him Now, we happen to knew, tor a urety thai neither of the above named gentlemr n took any artite part agamat Mr. VtrKron. rho President alone did the dc t; for after bo had rigr 'fled by telegraph that tt nonid not gratify the administration for Mr McKeon to aetdrenn ta? meeting at the A cane my of Mnelc, he tirvi rtheieer did addreae it. and made the moat unauthorised and unwarrantable araertlw that Mr BiM' drain d the defeat of Kemando Wood. A man with a "wooden eye" can aee at a glance that Otteh a man aa Jama* Itiirhanan did not require nromtitina. from John Kellv. the two sc belle aod JohnC. paUier, K a left diapleaeure o|ion a federal official who not nnlj took the roeprmetbihty of diarcgardtng hi* friendly and timely euggeeUon. hul the etlll greater reaponoibll tjrof pledging him to an opinion which lie did not entertain. (hit In 'W cfrciitnetanee and rnurnr of thought" Mr. Hchell la iiTnoaort of peril, notwltbatanl ng the "twrmolation*. combination^ and arrangement*'1 "foronenpt11 liim Wo might pirn roooofia lor the faith that ta in ua, but K la hardly worth tho writing. \ oatorday. In tho Ponato, all tho fodoral ofllcial* of thla city wrrp unanimouoly confirmed aavo only Oil. Sol Ion, nominee for I nitcd Htaloa Marahal I pon him "a control cneatd." t our prominent aonat> r? had made unthoir mindo that Hhbort Ould.Koq , of Uoorgemwn, f? 0 , ahould bo nominated m hen of (V?l Hrldrn, a bolt tlio Prealdrnt had otaueed II lo ho diatinctly made known that In no p-welble raao that could arlao would lie aond tho nam? o| OuM lo the Potato fo' a poattton of aiirh a natoro a* that of Mar nhal, hut that if tho Senate refected fVit Selden ho would go out of the Dlotrict for oooio one that would auit him Ncrefi'.iMc -o, h' I tor tun Kl (J ocrtfohooT |wo (rieuJa KETf YC of furs, operating with the ad ver-nrv, Cot Seldec would bate been "flung higher than * kite " The result was, the frvmeent's chosen dm received forty ?Um to eighteen against blm. lie was serenaded by his friends hut ere ulna, and made a row brief and appropriate remarks. The Navy Agent, William Pllnn, fcsq , is a high toned, generous gentleman, a pMene of the President and hi* Intilvidual cbotoe for Marshai Political expediency, bowever, Induced a change in the programme, and Mr. Klinn takes the next beat pew. The days of lawlessness and turbulent riot In this city may be considered as nearly at an end. The citizens bare Uttome patrolmen. THIRTY-FIFTH CONOHK8S, puiar BEsaioM. Senate. W *sm nil ton , April 2,180b. the mix TOK tub advimuon ok KANSAS. The business transacted during the morning hour was of an unimportant description. The Kansas bill from the House was taken up. The amendments were read, whereupon Mr. Crxbx, (adm ) of Mo., said that without rurther explanation he would submit his motion to disagree with the House. Mr. Bioisk, (adm ) of Pa. ,c>n*ldered the amendment as a clear violation of the democratic principle that Congress would not interfere with the right of the people of the | Territories to govern themselves. I'ndor that principle Ue bad liopwl l? nee the fraternal sight of two States?oaa | slave and the other free?coming into the Colon together. | He was against the amendment, because it seta asUe what the people of Kansas have already dono. The amendment proviuoa utat u me present couawunou no nn ?u*u, U.e people or KuiMs call a convention to frame a now one, on which the Frendent may admit her by proclamation. Kho thus becomes a State without cowing before Ooi grefg at all. What guarantee against abuse, U there ta , this? Who knows if the ooostilutiou that may be framed | will bo republican In form, or may not cod tain inad misraMe fraturra ? There were many insidious features I about this measure of tho House tvhicn pleased the pubiic eve, but be trusted that we were near the close of the Kansas turmoil. The agitation or sUvery was spreading l'ke an upas, poisoning the channels of Intercourse between the great parlies of the Union. He had hoped that the slavery feud would have been set at rest by Kansas coming into the I'uiou under the Senate bill. Mr Docglas, (opp.) ot III., bad hoped with tho Senator from I'ennsylvama that the question would have beeu set tied in accordance with those democratic principles which oad beeu (he rwto of hu (liouglas') lire, llo though' U the amendments were concurred iu by the Senate, it would be U.e tin.mph ot those piiiciplcs and bring peace and quiet. Tr.r senators on the other side urge as a rcasou fur the *dm Bfion cf Kan'-as, thai it wiil bring peace. Why not then Fn run do It in one hour by assenting to this amendment Concur with tho House, and tne action is Kansas is in tint Vuion, with a right to make a cot (taction to suit hcnclt. lot tcou of all parlies and Kctmns. unite in eetliiDg i no contention Afier reply, ing to Mr. Hglei'a opinion, wuirh was u violation of demoriat'C , principles, sir Douglas referred to the ihesident's inrs. ago alluding to Kansas and Nebraska, and aeiod if the Hresidmt bad abandoned tbe democratic (?arty. The object of the reference ot the constitution 10 tho peopie h simply to ascertain it it is an embodiment of their will?if it li their act and deed?and if it is tiie <iuty of Congress to see that it is tho embodiment ot their will, be .'ore making it their law. fha Senator from Pennsylvania bat cites the caao ot Florida Florida was no precedent, and proves nothing ei ept to eng'aftoo tho action or government the ptiucipio that thoro is no nood of a constitution to be the will of the people. Such reasoning strikes at the root of aii free governments; strikes tbe props from all parties?democratic, American and republican. Ibe House ha.1 amen fed toe bill, which accomplishes two great points?nee that it settles this Kansas excitement? another that it recognizes tbe right ot the people ot Kansas to trams their own uistiiu time. Why then pot all un'te and vote for the amended bill, and thus settle tne Kansas question? Vote tor it, and tbe right of tbe people w reoognued?vole for it, and Slates rights and sovereignly are preserved?vote for it, and there is peace in the country. Mr. Pi'uh, (aim ) or Ohio, explained tho reasons which woaid Influence hun to vote against lire House amendment. His instructions from Ohio did not WW Lbo present Junetu-e; hence he would exercise the right of private judgment I(? then addrowod himself t) various legal POIEIB, allowing U1C inapiniL-ani 117 VI me J?r?v nn'in iu tun ameudtpeot u> the circum*lalictB of thecaie. Tbo amendment submitted the constitution to a more contra.'tod circle of voters tbaa have Already voted on the slavery cause. It ta, however, foule to submit it to rote. The free State no 1, having a majority cannot approve tho slavery clause; beiceibey would vote the constitution down and protract tbe excitement of framings new one. They must inevitably vole it down?they could do nothing else. If tho ten commandmenu were appended to the constitution tbey roust inevitably vote it down He concluded *>y stowing that tr Congress assented to the amended Kansas bill tbuy would discharge themselves from all power over the constitution that might be framed No other Senator ottering romarVs. Mr. Green's motion was adopted by yeas 32, naya '2*2, as follows;? im Allen. Rhode Island. Irertoa, Georgia. Hayard, Delaware .lonea, Iowa. Hell, Tennessee. Johnson, Tennessee. Hepjamin, lonuuana. Johnson, Arkansas. Biggs, North Catolma. Kennedy, Maryland. Rigier, l'enrfy Ivania. Mallory, Florida. Bright, Indiana Mason, Virginia. Brown. Mississippi. I'earce, Maryland. Clay, Alabama I'olk, Missouri. Evans, south Carolina. l*ugb, Ohio, fitch, Indiana. Sebastun, Arkansas. Green, Missouri. Shdell, louistaua. ti win, California. Thorn 1 won. Kentucky. Hammond, Suth Carolina. Thomson, New Jersey. Houston. Texas. Wright, New Jor&ey. Hunter, Virginia. Vulee, lloriJa. un. Bmderlck, California. foster, Oounocti :uL tame roc, I'ernsj1 vsma Hale, New Hampshire, ("hardier, Michigan Harlan, Indiana Clark, New Hampshire. Hamlin, Maine. Ocilamor, Vermont. King, New York Cntirndon, Kentucky. Heward, New York. Dixon,Connecticut. 8i?moo?, Rhode Bland. Dcohltie. Wisconsin. Stuart, Michigan Douglas. Illinois Trumbull, Illinois. Feaaeadcn, Ma ue Wade, Ohio. Fool, Vermont. WlL-on, Massachusetts, impir Bate , Iielewtire. Reid, North Carolina. I*r:i, Mississippi Sumner, Ma-actm-ftls I'urkec, Vuaili. Toombs, Ooorgi*. Henderson, Texas. Tfcr Senate was crowded, bat not much exMtement was manifested. Attar several calls (or the yon* and ua/a*maae to prerrnt Mr. Douglas frvm taking up the Minnesota bill?U>e Senate adjourned till Monday. House of Rr|?rwntaOrei. WAMihOfOir, April 2,115k. pnun on l'tsh arrant*. The Houee went Into committee on the DuGciency Appropriation bill. Mr. Jo*?s, (adm ) of Tenn., while opposing various itr tr* in the bill?particularly for the army?said lncklnntsliy that liters was no evidence of a ratal!ton In Utah, lis would send civil oflloen thither, and if tbe Mormona eld not oo operate In the administration of tbe government be would repeal the organic law, and give Brig ham Young and coin 1*0) Pair notice to quit our soil. Mr Invwov. (opp ) of D1 , said It would he better to give out the Mormon mar by coulia:t, and bo would not be surptiard If this, by the future hiatortan, should be called the war oi plisde-era and oentrnct'>r*. Re would not vote to out money into the pockets of those harpies ami h>bhen>, who get fat Jobs nu account of their political opinions lie also spoke of exiravagant contracts having hern made by the guvernmcni. Mr. Farinam, (adm ) of Va , in reply, said there waa a proposition to lurnwh corn at centa per bushel, but e# nn/l rfiprilinnt ornrn luua4 I/) oarciuML* hi the kiwfvt prices. Thn queetion of procuring quartermaster!' supplier* >u prneraliy discueeed. Mr. rHfl re, (adm ) rf Mo , defcn tod the expedition to t'uh, wbtcfa was. be said, despatched with no export* tk>n of making war on the Mormon*. Patriotism demanded that eoppile* should h* roted for the maintenance of the army He also defended the est.malm of tbe War Draw (men I The House th?n adjourned till Monday. Tile Virginia l^glelalure--Klre. I<i<t*o?t>, Va., April 2,1IM The bill ttitng the let of May for lb# resumption of specie payment* haa panned both house*. The bill rrquirlDg parent bank* to redeem the not** of their branches la specie, and requiring indepnadcnt banks to eaubltth an agency at Richmond or Rait)mora for the redemption of their notee, baa aiao Anally passed and take* effect in April, 1*69. The Seriate haa adopted a total resolution appropriating t'J.nOO U remove the remain* of Pr Ml dint Monro* from Now York to Richmond. The tobaooo factory of Mcaara. Crosby A W;nfree,of thin city, waa destroyed by Are thio morning l oe* 6I0.KW. inaurad. Fire at Rniilnglon, Vt. Praruroro*, Vt., April 2,1*6*. fl?* Pfcmeer titerlianie*' aitop, a larre manufacturing eo tabiishmeot of ib* place, wan burned Una morning at nine o'clock, lorn a.v.U ?J? The principal tosses arc ?.1. i u.'Jcop, building an' machinery, *10.000 c. Kilbi rn h O . char trar.ufact -y. MO,000; Kaiitlall, Wright k ?>., door* and -aelie*. AS.Opn K.W. Chane, dttora and *aah**, M.OOO Wing I "roith, laat maker*, M.OOO; L. Ramea, lumber, M0f> Gat**, furniture, (recently burnt out In BraUliboro.) $1,000; Krad. Smith, griat mill*, tl.oou Hamilton Seer*, foundry, $3 ono Kllbnrn k Go. were tn*ured Tor tlA.000, but none rt the ! other* were Inaured. i In ron?e?|u*nc* of thta Are about ona hundred and b ly hand* are thrown out of employ ment. The e*ten*lve lumber yard* here were in great >lan""r at ona tuna, lereral pile* being on lira, but owing to the prompt notion of etir new engine company, Ktban Alien, No. 4, the flame* were quickly got under and the yard* Haewd. Mr* In Stanton, Va. Sr?.?T??y, April 2,1AAA The hotel In thl* place kept Iby Mr Turrlll wae deetruyed by lira to day. I??n?h t*i0. Injured for $.1,000. Death of a Hank Pr.?M*nt. Btreru*, April 2,1S5?. f bar lea H Rroym, of the Atlai U*?k, dwd last evening after a *bo(t*. >RK HERALD, SATURDAY NEW! FROM THE STATS CAPITAL. Our M pedal Albany Despatch. THB MKTHOPOMTAN POl-lC* KKraaL BILL POBMANT? MARIS* COl'KT rtACTICB- IMrOBTAMT CllANlil BUOOKBTBD MBOAKDINO l.lgNH OM VgWSBLB?KN CRO ACHMBNTH OF THM LOBBY?DOINOS IN KXKCU fir* 8BWION?DIFFICULTY IN AFLKCTINO POL Id COJimsSIOMWR- II.LKK33 OF THK ATTORNEY UKNS BAL?BABLY CANAL NAVIGATION, BTC , KTC. Ajjutt, April 2,1868. The repeal of tha Metropolitan Police bill wm up fur dl'cuaaioa Ibis uicruiug iu the Senate, but m uo (TMiUetiiAa bottuuj tu be ready or willing to sjeak on either stir, tu further const deration wm poetpoue?l uutil Wednesday of next week. Why the friends of repeal are consenting to such delay in taking a vote may bo In tbo expectation of gaining fclreaglb; but m the republicans hold the Seualo, they will not ooueeot to the repeal. It also remains stationary In the House. N Mr. Craln, of the House, proposes to amood the proceeding! in the Marine Court of the city of New York, by declaring that any attorney of the Supreme Court may hereafter issue, under hut own name, summonses In all actions to be coiumeuced iu said court in the samo man ner and with like effect as if the same were issued by the clork of the said court. The said court, by the mu tun I consent of both parlies, shall hereafter have the same power to refer cases as Is now vested by law in the Justice* of the Supreme Court, and whoaevor a cause eball be so rclerred, the samo shall be proceeded with la the same manner and with like effect as Is now provided by law for refeumces In the said Supreme Court. As this will bo taking a large amount or tecs out of the pockets, t.t rather prevent them getting Into tho pockets of the clerk nf the Marine Court, that gentleman may a-, wall hasten to the lobby with all puaalblo despatch. No telling now what may be done an hour bene*, at this time of moat careless, heedless lightning spued legislation. Of couren Moors p. (tale will aUond to his own interest. The bill introduced in ttm house by Mr. Lsmsg, of Buffhlo. amexdinn the Revised Statutes In relation to tbo col lcctlaa ot demands agalns; ships and vessels. in important to that numerous class or creditors. He propone* that when a ship or vessel .-hall depart from the port at which she waa when a debt is contracted, each d -bi shall cease to be a lion at the expiration of sixty days alter the return of such vessel; and in all cases such Hen shall coase Im mediately alter the vessel shall have loft sucli port, unless inuptrs in having such hen uhuil, within <en days alter such departure, cause to be drawn up specification* of his lien, the oomcU>e*s of which to ho sworn to by said person, his ogcct or legal representatives, and died tn the County Clerk's cilice ol the couDty in which such lien shall bu created, except that saiu spec.licalioua of said Ilea upou any ship or vessel navigating the kk-s, or either of theui, or tbe navigable waters connecting the same, need not be filed until sixty days alter surJi ship or vessel shall have la-It said port for tbe tlrst lime after contrac ing said debt, or any part thereof, and that such Um shall OMHlW in till) force l'or six months from and after the tune of such tiling. As this is an important amendment to the law a* it now exists, ship chandlers, mechanic*, grocer* aud other* Interested in repaiiing and furnishing vessels, should lock at It imtuedian 1> , as tho time has now when one half tho bills panned are never examined by the members ol either House Although tbe Speaker and the otliccrs of the House are cocstantly endeavoring to prevent thr intrusion of tbo lobby on the tioor, still the vormin will creep In. So annoying have they become that Mr. Bleecker, a member from Kings, was compelled to oll'or a resolution cxpoihug any persou other than a tnemocr who snail interior* 111 tliu passage of any bill, by speaking to members,or in any ay piejudising Lheir minds, while the House 1.* in tho oruer ot third reading of bills. On taking tho vHe It resulted in a tie, thereby giving the lobby anathw victory over tbe honest and economical portion of the house The grinding committees of both houses aro working admirably. No machinery ever con strutted at the cxpt la I by llie most skilful eogineer* moved smootuor. In txecutlvo sesron to day Airman B. Ihiryea, of Brooklyn, was confirmed a* Major General, commanding tho Second Division of New York State Militia, in place of Msjor General Aaron Ward, of WosU.htv.Uir, resigue.1. TVlifl rnmrnfltifl lhrt rnuoliAfi ilf Kini!<l. Qubbdh. Hudolk, Wetilchoeter, 1'utnam, Orange and Kocklaud. It coasL-ts ot three brigades aod nine regiments. With regard to the police cummiseioii much difficulty prevail*. Tbe regency hero are determined to retain Bowen, n'je aod Slraua'oao, whilst the coohoi vaLve porticn oi the republicans acsiro that men of loss vitdjcuve political characteristics should take their pianos. Tbe tight ia becoming animated and quite serioua. Governor King vacillate* between his boneet inclination and the demands ofbia dictators. An ins|<ection of tbe main linos of canals bai bean mads by order of the Commissioners, and a report made that the been* arc in a solid and nubitantial condition. The tew repaira required are now being made, and are expected to be completed in about ten or twelve days. This will Insure a gradual commencement of tilling with water about tbe 16th,ao that the opening for navigation will be about tbe 2f th met. Title is altout ten days earlier than usual. Tbe ice remains of considerable thickness in Lake Chain plain, but a still southern breeze will soon break it up. Attorney General Tremam has boon sorely altllctcd with rheumatism for two or three weeks. Ho has been extremely ill, but last evening the extreme pain somewhat ocaaed, and to day ho ut comparatively comfortable. lioth boures were diligently engaged during the session to day in reading bills, none of any public linportaucu however. Tbe American* and republicans have held a conference and the committees have agreed upon Mr. John N. Wilde as the anti lecompton candidate for Mayor of Albany. Tbe Canal Board have resolved to reduce the tolls from four to two mills on mcrehandiae, and three to two mills on flour on one thousand pounds per mils. IIW YORK UCUUUTVRa. tinsfii Aliuxv, April 2, 18M. ran nous. Of the Supervisors or New York to rslse $16,000 by s tsi to extend the Hail of Records. By Mr. Ansa (rap )?For the removal of the balance docks In the Seventh ward of the city of New York. Mr. ? i v fdem I rresented the memorial from the Mayor. *< ., of the city of New York for power to (Li Ike pay for the Common Council from January 1,1868. xnwoam. To Incorporate the Centre! American Industrial Commercial Company. To amend the law relative to non exemption of houao hold property for servants' wages, alio a complete hill to extend the power* of the Courte of General and Special Ursaiona in the city of New York. By Mr Hsi-kivao (rep )?for the relief of Aldermen, Supervisor* and Councilman of the city of New York for 1*67. It givee them 8360 each for eerricee einoe April, 1857, to Iiecemher of the same year. By Mr Rami (dem.)?To incorporate tho New York l'uro Milk Company. rnus tjrrwccrrm. By Mr. Noxo.v (rep.)?To reduce lha capital etock of the (iminoe?(a iiank. S Mr to a inarm (dem)?To incorporate the New and Interior insurance Company. By Mr. Smith?For the rollef of the Jamaica flank Road Company. By Mr Brow (rep.)?Relative to the appointment of Deputy Sheridk. It requiree the SherilT to appoint a deputy, on the requisition of the Governor, in any town when the Governor may deem It neceeeary. The Metropolitan roiice bill was poetponed until Wednesday next mua rwn. To amend the law relative to Harbor Ma tor* in tho city of New York. To incorporate the tovenawood tsylum. To Imorporate the Kellcrman Hygnmc and llenllng Institute In the city of New York. The ttrnale then went Into executive session. At the c'.ose of the executive session the annual Approntlalinfi Kill anrf (ha Kill mtk nv RhftronriAtliiriM fur in* n ienaare of the canal* for the flsral year tu handed in TINLVO KMMION. Tr Canal Department submitted a list of articles on which they recommend a reduction of canal tolls of about forty per cent on the rates of 1*5* Among the articlee mentioned are floor, beef, bacon, cheese, lard, lard oil, butter, tallow, wool, whiskey, pot and pearl ashes, bidet, raw ann imported. Ac. Mr Paaimo (rep) had ixmseet to introduced bill to amend the t.eneral Railroad law, so that the Hale Kngineer ran require additional reports from any company other than those now required br tho statute The Senate then considered lie art U> repeal the third erOon of the law of 1*57 relative to fare on the Central Railroad?better known an the half dime law. At eleven o'clock Mr. SiMsout (dem ) moved to poet pone the further consideration of the bill until Monday, but the maiortty opposed the motion. There is little prospect of final action on tbe bill hi night. Assembly. AlJUVT, April 2, 18M. Mr. Wrm .detn.i presented a remonstrance from the Commissioners of Emigration against the amendment of ! the Em'g'ant "trersge Passenger Act. from the (Amnion Council of New York against ths passage of *?y laws' re- I lating to the city a ithont th"lr roli.'itatim mue i'avkv. To inoorporato the American College oi Medical Mien< .1. 1 To am< rd the charter of the international Bridge. Mr. Ya* flout, frep 1 of Niagara. meted to recommit the las) rsmed b II?motion lost, and the bill passed. Mr. Via Horn who had t> ,f ?t purpnao, morel a reconai'Ioration fjoat. Mr. Woifcm', 'rep > rflerrd * resolution fgr ermiMon from the Itoor ot any wr-w interfering witu member on the flhal vote on mit bill. 1 <* . Mr A?v? 'Am > moTed to lay the third reading of b!la on th> tnh ? tor the purpose oi ordering the registry law to * third reading tort, .? to 49, not twotnir.t*. Meerra. linker and Mrlnbirh were the onlr republican* toting with dctnorratc agi nst the moti*n. Mr I ?w (Am.) moved to ln?? or tor, j being tlie bill relative to mulamol dividend* and depo J aiw, until Monday afternoon at.; r M \uree 1 m, Mr Chalfleld (dem ), of New York, nt tliir l ore "ntor I rupt?<l the proceed log- of the Hons* l>y dWnrd?rlyrond?r| l Uiwan'a the <halr,and w motion of Mr shi n waa fbreibly r? moved from Ihe Houee by the Sergeant at Arms and hie deputy. Mr Chi riii (rep.) offered a revolution to limit the doon monta rent by mall to llfteen centa pnatage Agreed to mm a rueiii. T*i ineorporate Ihe New Yorlt Avhenienm To make the mechanic*' lien law general, except In the eonnUe* of New York and Krle to Incorporate the New York Yonatt C.yceum. gvgNiNO sgssto*. Mr. Cmui* (detn ) brought In a bill to confirm the grant , APRIL 3, 1858.~TRlPLB ct lb* New York Common Council of 18*3 Co Willi** KWord ami oUivm to ixwhItucI the Ninth A vouue KillroaC Croat t'if?> Ami strove k> Uw BtUwjr. Referred to too re[wire complete ^ ! An invitation wu extended to the members to witness the delivery of the sword ot Ueneroi Worth next T .esdiy to tte Regent* oC the Fnlverslty Tbe Metropolitan I'ohce bill tru BMde the special ardor Cor WidiiiwvUy oetV. Ttc grindlcr committee moved Corvrard a large Bomber of h?|i?, amongst which were lite following:? To iiH">r|M>iele Uie Turn Vereiu, Brooklyn. For the relict of the Westchester County RUlroid. Toen-ftid tlie liar Inn Railroad charter. The New York T?i bill. In relation to certain hftidn of departmento ! Brooklyn. To consolidate the Bullalo, lltteburg and Btlfalo and Bradford Railroad* To iMiorpoiate the School of Minera. Mr. Drst ka (rep ) moved to strike out of th? retiort the bill removing the heads of departments In Brooklyn . Carried ( The bill to facilitate Uie removal of Quarantine coating np, Mr W'aokk moved to recommit H. The SrsAKiat advocated be motion. I Mr. lhimu consented to its recommittal. The bill was then recommitted and made the special order fur Tuesday next The nil! to amend Ute charter of the Provident Fund Charter was killed. The bill to authorize the construction of a railroad on streets parallel with Broadway coming ap for a third reading, Mr. OttiMUB moved to recommit it. I A warm debate followed; the bill being strongly op posed by Messrs. Cuanijck and Kuia, and advocatod by 1 Messrs Winn* Thomas Jonkm, Jr., 11 a.nvoiui, aud others. Afls?r u Innar iliw.iiulAn Ur Wtnvn i>.av aa1 fra !iv th t hill oo tbe table. The ayes and nays were ordered en the motion, which waa carried, at 11 r. M., by ayes 64, nays 37. * Shocking Catastrophe. BCBNIXG OP TRl STRAWS gni.TAN?FfFTKKN TO TWRNTV LfVSH LOOT. Br. Loess, April 2,1868. Information has boon received bare that the steamer Sultan waa burnt to the water's edge and sunk near St. Genevieve, Mo., 150 miles below this city, at three o'clock this morning, and that fifteen or twenty Urea were lost. Among the loot waa D. D. Moore, clerk of the boat; Hoary Ell, pilot; Joseph Blac.kburne, watchman; the whole of the cabin crew, and the barkeeper (namo unknown). Two lady and twu gentlemen pawieugers are missing, and ( are supposed to bo lest Notther their names nor the roll particulars of the catastrophe hare yet reached this city, The Sultan was bound to New Orleans, with a full cargo 1 of Western pr.Kluce which, with the boat, Is a total loss. llu> boat was valued at $26 000, and is insure 1 for t $17,000. Her cargo emitted of 1,000 tons of flour, pork, 1 It :id and wheat. There was no insurance on tbe freight list. Tbe amount* of tbe disaster are so conflicting that it . is tmprsr.ihie to ascertain correctly at present who or how ( many have been lost. Hallroad Accident and Loss of Lift* CoROTNa, N. Y., April t, 1868., " The mail train on the Tioga Itailroad ran off the track t lati evening about twelve miles south of this place. Tno '. ci>!uc turned completely over, scalding the engineer, John yorbea, vory badly, lie died at two o'clock this murning. hio othvr person was injured. Navigation In tht St rat la ot dfacklnaw and 1 Lake Superior. i inrrwoiT, April 2,1858. ? Two mall carriers Irom Bault ike. Mario, with dates to the 18th ult., have arrived here. Thay report that tbe .straits of Mackinaw are free from Ice. The Bault river i was still bridged over by ice, but was giving away fast. ' It was thought that boats leaving here on the I2tn in it. would not experience any difficulty la the Bault rlverj or on lake Superior from ice. 'k Casualty at Sea, [ Itosrov, Aoril 2,1868. \ A letter from Oapt. Dale, of the ship Fleetwood, states that while on the passage from Philadelphia for Gap* Town,C. <1. H., during a gale, Ibram Carpenter, of New i Hampshire, and Edwin Hubbard, of MiddJetown, Conn.? i the former carpenter of the rhip and tbe latter a seaman? tell ftom aloft and were drowned. ??????? I Shipwreck and Low of Life. i CHCKijetour, April 1, 1868. The brig Hon, of Boston, for Aux Cay en, was lost on Insgua lauuid (one of the group of the Bahamas), with all 1 hands, excel* one aeaman. 1 The St. Lawrence at Montreal Uonduul, C. K , April 2.1858. J The water In the St lawrenoe is very high above the J Victoria Bridge. Tbo lower part of (Jrltllntown ts Horded. , THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD. ASUn In W?thln|ton and Albany?Jftwi from Kurope, Um Houtb Pact 11c, New Granada, Central America, Mexico, Cuba, Wert Indlee, ?Lc ? Eatcat Intelligence? Market*, Ac , Ac. The Wsaaiv tlitALti win he published at eleven o'clock this morning Among ite contents will be tound the following Affairs In Washington?Proceed! uga la Congress?The Ken as Question in the House, Ac. < New York State Affairs-legislative Proceeding*. New* from Kurope?Tho War In India?New* from China, Ac.. Ac. Krwafrom the Sooth Pacific, New ' raiwla and Central America Important from Venezuela? Progress of the Kevohitloa? I Probable Downfall of the Monegss Family, Ac. 1 Interesting from Mexico?Affairs la Vera Ortiz?Opposition of the Church port/ to Henta A one. Ac. , Ki wi from Cuba, West ladles, Ac. , Kdl'orials? Kansas In the Hones?Pssasge of the Crittenden " RIL1. Mexico sod our Delations with Meilco?"Manifest Dee ' tiny;" ? ond,lion of France>?Philosophy of tie tlovcrnmeot. I The Relations between France and fcnglsnd; The New R?t? i lutlon In Venezuela, Ac , Ac. , laicat New* by Telegraph. t Financial, Commercial, Religious, Political, SporUug and J Merfitme laielllgenre. Weekly Review of the New Tort Catt'e Market beauty Market Report?Krtau Prions ef all kinds of Mar- tl kctahle rroduon. " Marriages end Deaths, together with a large variety of In- . (creating Local and Miscellaneous Items. Mottle copiea. In wrappers, ready lor mailing, coo be had at the counter. Prion sli cams. { Ksni'i Brilliant Idea I port tbe Nnhjert of Hals? Msts are worn. Thta accounts for th? fac that tney are manufactored. Uenoe Ilstters Holier*. as a clans, have i a genuine taste for high art. which develops* Itself In the pro 11 ituciion of th<ne brilliant effort* of gcnlua, kuown as the rtprlag style, th* hummer style, the Fait style and the Winter' do. Peti?lhle people buy n?t? wh?nthe? warn them, and mow of tbrm, when about miking * scwellon, prefer the latest and II no?' faeittonahle article, in '.oylugnne actually mstiufac ured d a do/en year* since. Ibis. Kno? late* It, is au evidence of nnc-mmon trnod sense. He caters for this ' lass, lie ohje-ta particularly u> ami with an innocent who does not know r-nougii mi iiimr 11., nccoruiiig ui .uc iji i ? "-h ? rslns ' or who lacks ike perception ut die lagulsh * bwwaini J b?i ? though it U OM of Uie later elyle? fnim one Uawt tax* occupied a promim nt place. ?*nn afterae mod, upon bla thriven, simply because It w .? not a sal. able article The u 1*11 er ponton 4f Ibe In at a'OI'OC'- must he eonsllered *? a pure piece o; imaglnsti. o. as oo ouch bat can be fount la bla (k noi'al establishment. Knox will continue to bra "leader of fashion* '1 He will p. ram; In tanning oo each rr coming season bis new. hrt'.Uant pit p? ullsrly fascinating eljrle He will dlspena* bin far i?a aa heretofore to hi* million ol enatomera, convinci-d of bla abll h It/ to give tar moat perl ret aatialari ion to all forthelssl . tw.uty >eara biarrputattou and hta trade alike have been on rr the increaae. and thla would ooi have been ibe resul: bad be * not thnrougly understood hi* business. a liurlag iota baa no dis'tnet recollection of ever n oflerlug lo a young gentlrinao of five aumniera a bat. the aivte u ol wtairh la exactly suites) to tbe aforesaid young gentleman's gr mouther. nor is tbem any imtan. e on r :eru wberi be baa proposed to a customer ? P ' ltaar<lrd like pard.'' < i one of 'hose dashing fabric*, composed rr velvet and feather*. b which are the adtni'SUon of tne ntotbera and partirnlarly par- | ilsl sIsTers of -pardon the repetition -the gratia youth above T referred lo, Whose brief existence spans just sixty month*- )j taM it' The gentleman In the trade who. after having for years past "put the head* of his customers, portly and sum short and j Ull. Into a ry Under ni precisely the aame shape and height, . with ? flange or brim of precisely the some width and Curl, ? ahonld have taken a leaaon long ago from Knox, who alwajr# has been Id the hahitof studtlng the Individuality of hta out lomer*. snd furnishing eseh wt ta a hai, the make height, j width of hrtm, Mr , that is exactly suited to htm. This has been Knox's secret of atiorev* To this system of business It to be attributed the entire ah f "fd stock I Having no ol.l stock, at others have?th* odd coilaetion of I years of poor business?to dispose of, he I* not compelled to adopt soy means to force his ssles. trusting solely u> a legiii- n mate temaad crested by the evcellenre snd ch?spn?ss or hit u fabric* lis ia prepared to exhibit as great a variety of style* as any u o'ber manufacturer la the country, but through all <w which run* the eharactrwivtc trait of hi* latest pr vtu -non, . differing, of nourse. for uacb class -of voting, middle ag.-d and old. II you onnni, pim?, nun on uw prwn mrrr >? nw uhb thla-away at one* to HKOI'i, . 212 Broadway, corner of tniton nlfwl . Ntartllnfi Innovation.?Ilata for all Tatlra- , eplnidtd minlf. ORNIN'N, 214 It roadway. 0 t d?nl?' R|rtln| Ilata and Cap* In all IVIr rar'w ind a lar*e rtmrnt of children fancy etraw tea 1 and II ?t?. at R K U.< niti'H, Shi 'anal atreru Rafri'l S|itlnK Btjlea of tdentlemen'a Ilata * and oapa now rrady. 17? llrrtdway?Howard Hotel. Tlir Metallic Tablet Raior Rtrop t an be obtained, ffmnino, at J A H. 8AUNDKRA' atore. No. 7 1 Aaujr Honaa. I Tbe l'nderal(m<l, Inapeetnra and Realeraaf wrlrh'a and mraanrea In the elivnf Now York, barlnc had ,rei|U?ntooraalon to te?t the Tartona platform acaleain nor In )htw rl'y .are pleaaod to hear our teellmony to tbeanpertor . liar actor of Ulnar manufactured by Menra. R A T. f AIR I Ha MX A CO , and do rhrrrfnlly recommend thria to the I pnhitn aa thr moat perfect welebina machine* in nor. K t'f>b Ti rtably, Inapector or Wri|biianl Mraanrea. Firat Y ittaTtct, rl ma? 11 Walnwriph*. Tnapeetnr, Xeennd dla'rtot. Allrn R. ulnpat, Itepnty Inapeouw, Ftrat daatrtrt. | rtroraa Karr, Healer, llr*i dnnrtcv I .loba H. hmbree, Healer, seennd dletrlrt. ?'alRHANKn a < ?> . 149 llroadway. IIMMM) ' ??? Hntli null *hn?? nt Am tIon pflra?, ?l F1III.I.IPA A nHITH R, A4 Warran pmrt f R?nfa an?t *hof?. TIIK r.AR'IKUT A*l? ClfRAFRHT AAAORTWKNr Of " OOO* ?1I0TA AID AHOKA 15 Till! OTT la At BROOK*'. 8TA hroa<1?a\ and 1.10 rnllon *?r*t ,( Purl* Bnnla, Rhnt* and OaHtn, JtallaV' ,h manuCaetura juat rcraltad. |-ar Arabia. KGWSMt FKK boom?kat. U Raaaau atrfai. f SHEET. To Omtlem.^?Whjr P?f ?4 Iter Hat In Broadway, wfeeo ohm aoporMir In arory reapa* oaa fca pur chaaad at UN Naa?au a!'<** tor IB MF E-rKNCHFin, jfawm^MXui <-r of Oi allraata'a Hate DavtiTi Spring Style af U*ntlemcn't HaU are all Ui* ragn baltwruoai 301 Broadway, anar Ituaaa at. faara lb. roca DOLL** bath. In addition io our standard bit. w? uo? offer At niir ooun tec* n?? aijlm at $1 Our facilities In aaaiifsrturtag nutate as to plsoe before the pabllr no srUair supert#r to any aver berfere offered ni thu ngur* lenders nod lulrodnoer* of Fashion, Mod. 3, 4 Mi ft Astor rt#u??, iirondway. A New Idee In Hat#. Twelve lending *<jrlr* for ftprln* OivNlA'rt, No til Broadway. Hunt, the People's flatter, W Fulton xreet. Ftprto* hivlo lint, LHSft. Xaaiilou nutl elsgauoe. oUuiWd prior *3 60 WhlUi the Hatter's Spring Style#, |3| Last rail style reSun-d to J2, nt WHITK'H, 110 yultoo street. No More DWallwi In Hate Twelve new styles to choose Iron. (1KNIN, No. 214 Broadway, opposite SL Faul'S. A. GnuHlJran la Use Only Person whs can >e consulted aelenUflrally on sit disease* of the human hair d 34 Church atreel i of Barclay. The Slilh and Klfhlh ivtuu# oars atsp at the door of the rstabllahmant. A Desirable A tent tuient of Mourning Mimicry at 8M Broadway, near Puurteentli nlroet, cut aide. Mrs 8URDUK, Miss MONBOK. #6 Raglan# At XTANH', ?t and ? Kultos street #B Banians At RT A NH", 60 and 68 Fulton street $8 Raglan# At KVANfi', 66 aad 68 Fulton street |n Banian# At KVANP', 66 and 68 Fulton street $fl Rsglani At EV ANA', 66 and 60 Fulton street New Part# Tie#, Heart#, Cravat#, Stock#, lw.? it OaKAN'b, No. 1 Astor Bouse. I DC IjCMIDI Biuru 01 IIH I/Bjr ?I C umn 1, No. 1 Ai*lor House. The Portrait of the 1'oiuif l<ady found upon he voting m?n drowned tool <>' ieekn an street, la ui 1 to iav? been taken bj IIOLMIW, 2X9 Broadway OtfluM lalaniuidai NaJte#?With Patanl tawder jvroof li* ha Mid com hat*. A Lao tu o and burglAi iroct parlor safes Depot IKS PeaM frent ROBKKT M. PATRICK LUlle's Fire and burglar Pruof Nafca, Iiatka iod vault doors ?Ibe understand have taken urn agruoy for he sale of these celebrated safes, which are lite en I ones In bo market that mmtilnr fire iirwl quality wttk perfect ae tu lly frt.tu burglars. Call and eiatuinc for youisaJves before lurehasmg a sheet iron sate of nu) dew rtpvi >u KAlllUAn KH * CO., 109 liroadway. Why are ea> many Pereo< Poor and I'ntappy? Because the; have missed their vo. Vion and are wsjed b) paastOD and selliabDcss A phrenological eiaml lation. with advice as to health, baht's aed the heat pursuit, ihould be obtained from MiWlJ'.K A W>;t.iM, .KM Broadway. PlnMe a PAraria la Composed Entirely of -egetable matter, deligb'tully perfumed; prepared only by fsrR DFAbAT. r.M, "tidervti slree' Holloway's Pil e ?Where are their Vour-h rst The reply Where are they notv " The living lan [ttage cannot be u?ed ui which Uey have nulappearet! All ,.< va in all cdmee are subject to llvur disease in'Igrslion. lyaentery, divrrhu*. asthma and general detlllty, and vhertvor these eiUt, the pills have proved Inlslllble Ratehelor's Hair Dye, Wlgv and Toupee*.? rhe heat lu the world Hiirpsseljii: all tu.tdc Hold and appllod tl the manufactory, SB Broadway. CrfatsMtoru'a Hair Dye?But In the World Hies and Ma,'pa of supwUr make for sale and dye applied it f)n. 6 Aster House. Harry's Trtro|rl>erou*, only 19 Cents a Bntle. ftienume.) an at CAMFMCI.I/H drug store, cor tcr highth svrnr.e sod Twenty eighth street. A Card ?All Parsons whs have Oray Hair ir lislr of s bad rotor, are (netted tv rail and consult Doctor tHASl'J KaN (consultation free), at M t'hurch street, corner if Barclay. Ills new ttuld (Ires the hair the natural ruler ds itrrd, ana may be eonatdrred a real prodigy of ehemistry. Wigs for |d at Cameron's Mart offertory, l'/j Fupon strerl, Brooklyn. I'or a"yle and quality wa chaining* Ihe world. CUrrhagti'a Wlp and Tnnpees, T.lgtif, Durahie, natural and a perfect >1. No. 162 Fulton street, corner of Broadway. Harry's Tt leap ha r our U the Best and cheapest arUrln fcr dressing, beautifying, cleansing, curling, preserving and rcatering ins hair. La l ea, try It. Hold by ail druggist*. Is Consumption curalile 1?We cannot ilnobt that In man v case* of smtvd ranstimpion a euro has ill l)r WIHTAK It* heajiofi MfncUun certainly Woadtrful. 8. Umpbrll, Chfinlit and A pothwiry, nor* Mr of KUblfaareaur and Twenty eighth at. Medictasa auieUy pure. unJ special alien Jon to prcWi-lplioaa. PIln?. Pile#, Ptl##, PI In#.?Tit# Moan### that kit followed the nac nl XT WlTMhK'U |>Ur tuppueitory hit >een aetnnlablng. Agent, US Mowcry. h V. A Hcllrrd Phytlrlan, Sfr?iljr-flre Year# of ige. whoaa aaoda of Ufa bate nearly run out dia-orered ?hllatalhe Km! 1 Quiet, t cer'tia cure for romumpUoo. itdxnt. Iiroorkitia. oou|b>. rolda. and en Til ifct.Mty. Tl . i mi djr waadiarorertl b| blmwban h.< nly child. ? daugter, vie glean np to die. Wwhlngtodn tt much good m pooel 'la, be will read in curb of hit tfliielnd tallow being* tt rwluatt It, tb!? recipe, al b full tad eipllnttdirection* for utbii'K 'I "P. tad atirceaeiuUy ttatng It. lie rwnmrat etch >| idiennt lo lnaio#a him one chilling ? thraa nefit* to he re uraad tt pcaltge ou the recipe, tud ibe remainder lo ba tp died In tbe iijmrn' of tbit Jtdrrrtleemeul Addreie Ilr. I. JAMLt, 1$ Urtad turat, J retry Cay ft. J. Canghi, ll?at##nn#a, Aalhmt, or any IrrllaInn nl the thrott, or bronchial moat, relieved by *tl##iag ti* of "Br iwn'a Bronchial Tr ? ba?" to dwoilva tint, ly In tba nnuih. All drufttata tail m m MIMIIIIMdllA a T/ii*BRrnr. K-w?:iM)i#<i UAKIIS PANC x HOOIW, f\ tatmtierT, prrfnmery. Ac. oaiy depot ta Maw Vera ir coloring iaiUtla tud errata no piper. \rothr? BKW ANP HMI.I.IAtfT hTORlf -iikt , tbaACVOAV COCttlRX lo morrow tad read lb# Ibrlli it ator>, cuUUad rnr. rtraror wrnjit. i'liMohrd complete Id am tualur, baal.laa tba Head ady'a King; Mr Petrenn: tba atory of a Maniac; Ward ceeber'a Iriab Ward, and a noil of Inil'ltnt akatabaa, tnae Oie.n, edi'orli.a, be. Price tbraa ean'a par copy J An. L. hMira A CO., U Byruaa afreet. a ifcaixt ASTOWTRTtlKtl X Are tba effect of .IKftOWIt'it IIAIM C?ll.iiK KbbTORKR. Whtrh Will reatnr* gray balr lo i a ortgiaal -i lor, and itnaa IT'IVjmJT >rr??K, ~ And is perfectly harmless PRICK M f.K> TN PA It Moll IX R'td this h?r IxHaon; ? Rsooai,*i. Am IT, 1*7. Jneam W Htrrs-Pear Rlr 1 hare used the Jeromes air nek* reakicer prepared by von. sad ran re< rumen 1 It a ?< rjr sureilor article I had urn I r.nlyoar bottle when 1/ hair ?? fei'r.f,*.| lo I ' "Tier . . 1,.f and Vigor. I hire Isn sauced lis ?(frcl? ?n persons bi a born I rceomns'-n led II, t d In tttrj caw II baa had I he fffei dentred. I an desirous tat yon should make use of Ibla letter, b> tndnee others in naa te restorer. fruit yours. Masuti. Ilit-nasm, Corner of Fulton avenue and tumoertaad street. Fold In Rew York l>x Wells A I*", 113 franklin atreet; inrnaa A I'ark II and i? Park mw, hint Itrj Hrosdwsy. Itikjn 117 llo wary. betels, lilt Fulton street , In Rrreifclxn X Mrs. Mares. 17k Fulton street. Philadelphia, hp Awayne A on. No A Virth Seventh street. Ronton, bt hps ildtas >7 ( row. Andreas (rders lo J OR W. llATM. Rruoa XB. R. T. \ llRRAT WART RCPPt.IFTI-IRtRH WIIIRKFT ? 'V Price ithrea years old'. 30 ten's per bottle, I: SO per ailon. J. MoAl't.tPS K A CO , agents for Wlaa * ralebrated tbishax, 43 Rssanti street, mraerof leharty. A R ARR CH AROR TO Pt'RfTI ASR 1 CRRaP KRiil.IRII < aRPRTK. Velrele. 9n , Itriiseels, Ka . Ingrains, 3s to As. per rd. HtRaM aRDRRSOR, M Rowerx5ARTHOI?F'R mrwTirtk HAririR**, Ho. ?HV Broadway. corner ImnM street. 1 be Rsrthnlf sewing marhlne la meeting with fren? faror, nd boats people visit the ssJear-ena of I's tmfrie ,.r'|?l?x I etamlne Its operations It la un.|ueaUonAbly one of the est among the many cireMeat taarhlnea that hara baea laod'o ed to the puIRk-.?tiunday OOtirlar. r?OOTB ART) AHORS. l> tiir l-artlklt and rmtaprrt arsortwpvt op oood Booth ano hiiorr in tiik < trv In at BROOKH' S7S Broadway and IR) Pulton at. lORNR, B17NIONR, NAIIJt rKNBTR ATIN'I TTTN J n?#h, ?tvr*-ard without pala, an that lb* b -Tt ran be mpn immwliautly after th* operation wttbo'it the leaet tn mrenAmcr to th- i atl*at. by Or. ZACIlARIK. Huryeao hiroporiiat. ;?u Broadway r\r. rnimi rri.fctric oju-$i(wn worth roi.o in [ t our tiny In New fork In F (' Welle A On., A. i A If Randn, aa>l Hartira A Part R*? *real cure# of lr< ml are* Mnrrhnn'n n? It ?Mk an! other rr 7 r ia; inna, and mam of apurlnuant: mad* by an Urnumnt yonn* man. who nee poau-d my bill*. Hro thf him 'ial'itla R. Hmlth.j PhliarlphtA, no th* boltl*e ytjfoant prkwnn china dinnrr .octs, rj Elegant French ohiaa t*a art*. Elegant Front h t hiaa toilet acta. New etv-len and reduced prleea. R. v HAi'onwouT a no., Corner of Broadway and Broome etraet. Q1NOM8II PRO VIRIONS-JCRT RK''KIVF.t? AND TOR "A aaie to email'|iiani|ttea. cauliflower*. aprale, I im'>*r intl hama. Wiltahlrr baron, Rtilton. 1 h*ddan, t'Mature and FUtahlre rhreae; Welah mutton, haree, Ac RK HARDRON B 1IATTRR, !>'W t-r a. it'* " rjkhoval. V BR ATT flAXt.CT A CO. TT:HMAfTRAN M<>()An*U.'liRM Wf> -iT iTTOXKRS HAT* r<"rooT?<l w TVir n?w And eamiodtMf ?'nr*, IfQ. 11 HI'RR AT STRKRf, XKAR llftOAHWAT, *hff? lh?-T will korp * lvr And well Alonb, 'on*l*ting nf Rrhnnl And hooka, tAtlna*ry of All kind*. b*nk *nd ?( < ?* blank b'Kik*. koto*, draft*. fkwk? I'ttor rr****n, **. ta *ddl'lnn to a foil ?'ipply of >b* TAitiAhl* or boot And *nl *f* tail b<w>k? and MM" poM *Md hy .nini*tT*?, ir* ?h?ll AT* At All Hat** A #ln*k of tit* pobllraUona l**n*d hy nthor nbll*b*r*. All nea*re for **V>oi *n 1 ail***t)na*?ua ujokj kiAumerr wlU be * *?? W. 7 ..-I -* WllfKlAAWOCT ^ _ Cupkowh MTKr-p *n,t, <t'kv o'H't, trrrr I Br-rnrtAj tod ail iliMtwi 1C1 ittg frm tmpvt"4i ?r want el tiuldtlr of Uie biooe. noir cj C H. Kl.*>u, Hi rtnM n? CURSOR'S fir*FT T? W * R it 4 *T*T> RfTRRJ.T TW? I Utile it <<OBUttMi no merrury or an* etlnr m..-iMra*a. m pul <ip In iiaol hottle*. Frlr? |i per WU? oo.J l<y C. H. nlKO, milroulKt; _ CiriUU.Kfl HTRIT M ro* HAL* RT PR FRA T Preerklll, J. O iticniK. K*wburf. Vui rVnttnv Kliif?(oo mm! Riuid.Mii KnMnukO A UnKtoetey Bndauu, A. I- Faibam Potmbkeat-Mie, infciaaarm A fi im.01 k. t'Unaaj IVIjra A prfheri SyrBCuee; Pr Hoaly, Med'na, WlrnUw 4 touBft. Boob Hter; A. J. Mv'lwin Am Hutlrvtn, ' r4 tir nA dMgrcib'a Rone ceBfilnn ualnee ntgroxl J'jH t.'l.irtK, pmprlmor, 80 WmoBupoo eenue, A tuny. ClIHROIf'fl 8TRTTP WILL OURK A WT F ANK OP 8' R?; 1 fula or k'na'M e?i It ih th* creaiiial loond ltwie eilalenoe .ItaHKPH 1'I.AlaK, proprietor, 4rt W.??iiiacv?i avreitie Albany Bold by C. H BiNii, 1*2 Rn>?dway. end kirn Itnyu lirooklyn. (^IlinnWD 8TRPT WTtX OT7RK SALT RHFFM, RllfC X worm ud MUv, Nwilb| C H. BINO, IH2 arukleay (MUHON'H KYRIT <*I1X CVBK KKMAJ.K WKAK3JOM X obatmouoBA nod llvof oomplalat. ricU bjr L'. U HI it'J l'J2 HroaJ*a>. (1IR.SON H btltlJP Wil.l. OPRK Rn'ROXCLA IS CUBL T dri-u, araJd b-Hi' Mud boll*. dob] by O. 'I KiV'l, 19B Bound way. AMRDIFAL WriNiiRR HVaTT'h 1.1P A HnlAAM ?Kh?<i<naU?ra. nwiriltdk Mild enut, In Ihi-lr Moral alarm. alao MonduU klntt'a ne^ nr)Mlp?il?ai old ulnara anil ibo tur.lntm? of dl/ulnae* of tho blood, A'fat debility, lirer eofapuln'a, kidney*. est*. rV-?m. Incipient txaaiimp'loa, to , Ac., nro tnoal cartiuiUy eared by Ihl* aofmrnlrn pujiflrr. BYaTT'A LTPF, RALMaM rflRKP MR S ROtlRU comer of < asal ark Hndaon a'r??r i;hio' etnre ) 4t r'. rmonnam of iAa ar..*! palolu; kind, wkioh bad reoLtMM Ala a erlpplr for monlk* Hi aTT'H LlfR HAi.HAM lilkKu Minn UOLK. MO. MS Tb'rt! kitKMie. of mm hui* of .in moat painful and lui^r rr.tin Kind W>e tu rTt nitx'M 'rot infancy :ina an spaamaao icvm as to forte the atornum or breast houo out orplaw Htatt'r t.ivk hawaii craw* hx ai.dkkm an g. Kelly, Thirteenth ?ard. K. V.. fw?+'l?n, >W Hmum> than, af. r iif b*4 leeu under medical treaimrol (a v?la, m crippled tor monthe. B1 ATT'H LIF9 H I.HAM 1UBKI> WM / HROWW. l*Lr o' T, mure ?(rwt, of flatuta, alior be bvl aubinilte# to various opecatuvea, *ti;1 which confined him to hla room Oar eeka. HI ?TT'H I.TTR HAI.PAM r.URKD MR It RICR, KOfL S2 ?*rove rrwi, ao.l 7.1 tMnino MarVc of inSaminaiong rliciimotixm and gnu', hut h had tome crippled for /care. rTT?TT'H t.TTF HAT*AM < fRKOfflAH CLARK. *1*11 chain. l*(U.r ot Lmnaioghui *. t? Y. <( abrutulou* ultwam and rbeumatlom, ?hlr|t had pent lrelo.1 u. >h? boon, and rw fuaed to ytaid until the UiKK UA.J> iX raine to hu iui. HY*T7'h l.IFK AM f'URKD W* H^Cdtth. UN No 17 Wltlrt'at ret ?.t kli.g'h rv L The uli>rni? irf the entire left aide of the oin k anil tare Et.TT'H I.IKK HALHAM OTJhRD JAMKS Xi'KM, vr l.oar nfll> r u * No Al ?ioui e.reet, of tshroulo d,>>tM>p a la. of .be moat tot-luring kind. nTATT'h I,IFF FAI.fiAM P-fi <TRFT> !.>,*? <"AfiBB of aim liar dlaeaaea and tt will atoat oertaaily -are any roae which ran be reached hy medlrtnr If 'a*-a In an enrdanee will' 'lie dlreeiiona It does not r mtatn a ptnP-le cf turreury or aay ?'h?f -Vie tericua mineral. It can be when aruh perfect safety by Ac nine' delicate woman or Infant IT IN TUB (KtBAT LTKaTIVK ULK88INU OF TUB AOS 75 cents per ho'tle.. a'x botllta K Principal depot 748 (Irarid street, M. T. He acre and get the right number Agent lor Itrooklyn. Mra (IaTRR, 176 Fulton atreet. Hunt, wkhhtkr a no.'ii Improved Tight atitcb aewlag maehteaa For all manufacturing purpoaea and f.:r family uae art daaaaad preferable to any other machine. HUNT, WKHHTKR * UO.. No. 457 Bread wag. ITALY'?OBHINIt?AIA MI'HT APMIRK THK M ANNBS in wblrb t I.aRKK, 118 William atreet, aria np hla garments. Mark the price ?Kaglana from 98 to flu Intoa/ablat business coata, 9h 50, riding coata, 99 CO, black froou HA T ook at tptr.-rbij.ino orr at hal? rmos? J Block thai la aoiled and a liu'e damaged, mnaiaiing at laittea . mlaaea' and children'* gali-m; embroidered sippera. buskins, tiea, and a great variety of other ktnda ol boota aaa abort; also. gentlemen'a patent leather and calf boota. (Jamil teas, l.tiKon and <?Jf a altera, low quartered ah XVI and bo ff boota and aboea. fail and aee, at fl. f AHIIJ.'S, 377 linafi '7 IW lilfcDH j. ' hot WATKR FTTRNAORR The flrnt entirely aurrrsaft.l and thoroughly practical ifpll. i ali.i, ,.f Ibeeleaanl. heaithfnl and economical ayateni at beating through the luodtnin of hot water. We have tborangklg tcate<l ih. ee hcatcra in varU.ii* aliuaUona, ami Had them am* Iri 1) lilirianl Ui the ooIdeal wnathar Tbay are vary ilwa hie n??e few water juinta, t'o not leak noed o. reuatrm, are eaalli managed, do n<A ahrtnk or Injure the furniiure and wiMxleorh of the I oildtng. and can nerariwl them oa lew an.) pctataamaoy advanlaaea over long circuitous r.dla at team |>lpva or radiator* The* ean lie ? a to epcraiiea aA our wo-nroiaai. blatlmaLea and blauj for warml..* -M trolllaUn*, elUirr lijr hoi *alar. ateajn or hot air, mod* at hoat notion. (ItO. U CANNON, 404 Headway, N. T. VrNW AND BRA CTIFTL RTTT.RS OP 1> CIlAN 1'KLIKRN, FKNI'AWTH, BKACKRTH. Ao.. At ealrrtneiy moderate i>nren K. V. HADOilWOCT tOO, Corner of IU,.adway nod Hi ooueVrnnL PARKNTB AND OI7ARPIANH. 4RI.RCT BOOTS ANI* ahoea for Tour eblldren. a* wall at for yourarlrea, M CANTKKLI.S No Ml.1 Broadway. lie pa a oartlcular ?t lentlon to the maniitanitra of feel eorertng for the yvonc. and baa In rore a larfe and eajiiaile ato-k of ibeae 'atinro, aa well aa fal'era for the ltdlea, and the heat dearrlpttun iw From h ca f aim Iwaile for (entlt-mm. I anirell aeila '"heapm and teller arblea than any dealer ut Broadway, We epeatl rom riporlenre. PILRR-ANoTBRE WONPKRFOl. CURE OF faroea W X Kro. ahlpplm* mrrrhanl. No 12 PrMl a tree I, waa cured of plloa by uaiog Dr. Wllaer'a pUa ippoat lory, lit- an afffl'tad with them for ton yaara. and at ttiaal rontnod to hla bod. Call and are him. Heferearo arm ha CI?eo 10 any ii'ianllty of i en?wia who aereturol. l*ot>-? M wary. Noaa lock. rn.wt, pn.RN.-tmR wateinb' prut da a boa. Warranted to rorr Huld only at M J rand a'rrrl. N T. Sealbj mall If wlahed. Road adv. rtUeauaataB atiih |H|e, undar "Nlaocllaacou t " STKlNtl OLOIMINO, AT rrANir, M and ?t r ulum airont Blaek rlo*b drraa frork enaia I It to M Fine do. do. dj It to 14 The Curat drraa frock oaia made II 10 t$ (tror lauou 1 aaalmore buatnaaa ooaia $3 M W M Bprtna radlaca. a large Block to IS Rlegant bine elrwb rlraea enoaa 7 to 14 H,im- aide band eaeatmere panla 2 to 4 It lark ianu 42 J? to 4 Hitk and eailn tea a 2 to 4 Caratmere biiaineM era** I la S k Aa It A> RT t NX', NS and ad Fnlioa aLraet, ha*, ween Hold and I I iff at roe in. CINflRN-n REWIND MACUINKH. - N ANTPA'TTTRHR l~ are rapidly Inereaidaf. trade la rwldni. b'latneaa la tmpmatrg and therefore naw ia the time In O'tr aaae d.erwr-a eon In* machinea Tbaaa ore IM only marblnaa cap ah la M do La a nrrf kind of work and It la aerriiarr In bare than In obtain Ik* wr>r? stnfnra n*w faanlly v*1ii| ma^tua* ' 'b* lairai ud !b* b*?t lb* most b*a<iufui and ik* nnweel ta ' )?**#?*, t* rr.mmarvllnc ualrareaj farur. (Ml bad see *eab, bad send lor b etrcalar I. AIRIIRR k CO , OA Broadway UPRTRU cumiiwo O kuw ready. r.f m> n A ad boys. A a>i**et"r aa*nnai*nt of Par a* Clathiof. arise or. reoa'a. Iiua.n*sr rcjbla. Pasta ba t Testa. At moderate p-lnen. At.rRtn m jcRo* a no ft! Broadway, .'balween 1'ansl and <Irani street*.) TBI fJRRAT BRAPTIFIKR 10 Loao carcwssnrci.T rouewT, ?ot:*rn at i.AbT* For It rer'Tra permktimtiy arar batr tstts >rt*ta*l rnion e..?*r? luiuilanlly Ik* bald h*ad, retnorea all Irndrnli, fi k'r.r ban all *> rnfnla. aaatd Seed and all fnyjua. maken -.ft, bewitby sad glossy. and will praa*rr* n la any mecaablt a<*, rrnwiri aa If by ma?lr. all blrtrbea, Ad. from tk* far*, ar t ruras ail nanrsldia and n*rroaa beadadfcm Ha* slrrulsr and tka follnwtne ~rv?T?n n n. f*h i tmr. Frof O J. WOOD k TO ?Own-a Wi-kia a law dara w? bar* r?rrl*rd a man > orders bad . alia (' t Prof O. J. W wd'n belr tra'arallr*, lhal u> day w* w*r* compelled lo *1 In Boat..a Tor a quantity, (tk* ait dctrn you forwarded all brbac Bfd.t.i while we nUdbt ordrr a qua* tliy fr?sa yon. Rrary bottle w? bar* arid ***ma lobar* pro.111-ad lhr?* or four new ruatom*ra. and the approbation and patron a** It rwr*lr*a Tram lb* mrwi mibtUoUaJ aud worth) rltlteas *f sua alr'n'ty, fwlly e rttrlnc* < ? ibat la a mod reloaM* peeperaMeaa. Stnd us aa noun a* may b? one (roaa of .91 air*, and rmm rtor*u tl all*, and b?l.'??* ad yonrn, eery raspexfqlly. (Slewed) DAfflKL I.ATHORr A CO. ITtraoaT n*o?a Or retain* Co Bo . !*o? 14. I VIA Frof O.J. WOOD- IVarAtr Arm* ttaa* laei "lamrai r?n, Wire an wonderful we feel it OIU- duly to you oa t A* illlinn) to report It. Our little arn'i brad for home time had Von f?-fa?-My sneered with aoraa. and eome relied it aaaid heed ft- haw atwmet eetteely < vr<? off In rooa*|newer. *h>n a friend earn IB# bla auffrrtare. adrteed >m to nee your famratlre. Wt dtt an with little hop a ofauceeae. but. to our aurprtaa. and (hat ar all our frlenda, a rery faw en Miration a rem/reed the dlaaoey eatlrely. and a now and lumrleai erep of hair awe i?rde4 out. and ?f ran now aay 'hoi our boy baa aa boalihra anatp aad *e liitnrlant a rmy of hair aa an7 other rblld Wtimm, thi rofnra, and do hereby rrenmnieod your 1 rate rati re aa a per ret r? medy for all dlavaaee of tba aralp and hair. wM ere w m^rnon KM, h A HA II A tlKfuHlfrlllAB. Oaaoiraa. Ma>et. J"m a, I.MC. rrof O J. WOOD -Peer t?ir I here i.aael two bvlea at rrnfoaoot Wnnrfe hair mammUm. awl ran irnl r aa/ 1 -bo aroatoat ntam?o*r of 'bo *** "?r raattwta# and raaoatn* *n balr. Hoforo or la* H I ?? a man at rpmxj My hair baa now attained Ha ntltieal eHor. Ton nan remrnmend It to the W. rid wi'hnut the ireet fear, aa my near wee one of the wotab kind V01 ra-rmpoi 'fully, DAN1NT. H Mt'RPHT O .1 WOOP A ro... proprietor*. SU Broadway New Tart, 'In lb- (rani N?W Tork wire railln# eetebltahmenl.) aad 114 Market atreet. *? Iwula. Mo. Aad anid by all rood drngglata. Itrmunliw til Broadway. TBKKS AND PTjtNTH A rataioyue of all tba treea and rtanta Cnltlratad by PAMNONH A 00, PlaaMnr. U L. Oaa be obtained by mall, or at S? Wall afreet, New TwK TRFV.* ARI> rum-A rATAi/xim or thi rholrael frnfta, Br-wrrtaf tmea end AraN^ me*, Ak_ will he ernt on applk-aUon Cerrieae of nil reehefee pe* * Hew Tork. W R. WATPOR Wd roto^Wnf*rt?g^ HfflfM OR *Or?TArHW mitcRO TO OIWW WtUt tn eU mrflm h* nj <n?tn*t, whvll will or* eta* or Injure tke ekvn. I. ? houle, eenl u> ear part of *e oonatrr R Q. GRAHAM. ?H Bprtiee *reet. R. Bar*. IN Falloa etreet, Rrot'klra. wVmm ro carpv trk cn**nn rrtstot, cariw T? ere below per nlnce KVBiPRl.t, imported the nth el ted Indie card. Cell end ew. Broad we p, corner et THene etreet. *> -n cnrnjuw ctATTma. nnuwo~<mru?, 99W O0\J reed/, kWORM. H* 10 Aukw