Newspaper Page Text
_ _ TCATIWB WAjmnu^HMAiaoa. AtOT'NO r>HRM\N 1/in WIHHRu a *m . lON AS gnvnrrraa, can take the entire akerrent ohl'drno; tea* 6?fclro' torlrucneg In Ocrnxn, Frearb and Kopl??b, or won'4 k' to ledy'ekrayelltng anmpenfen; i?i?" a (noon dery ?/'B?td(nuke a a (Irumi bona ie abtotead; too oouotrg Interred aUim laimbOlatolg K U C., UnKm eqoare Fx! . iady of RkKISRRlNT AND RDOOaTION D? & alrea a allunt on at caapnuton or goyeroeee NnaaMrf reonlrtd o*!y ( peawt h .-no Hefrrenora unnxceptiona Me Aodro#? box 1.3BS fottotBee, I (troll Mtnblgan AI11U ?fIOH WaNtRtr-BY AN f XI'RHIRNCRD ladg, M aeawatrea. or Durno to on tana'Id lady or gnntlH bud, or ?? monthly none. Cm b 1 moo tor torea dag? at 981 Feat Mih (t, top floor, bock room k WkUi DlbFf sail TNDUMToIUUa YUUNO WOHaN /J daalroa a altuatton in clij ur country aa cook, wtabn n 1 trorrr or to do (ru ral h iuaewnrk' In an nicniloat unfi ?, good irn?d and plr bake, aid la ?ro 1 reoommeud < ' 1 ply at 378 fitb treuur tbi? dag or 1'uradag FriUTlUN WA N fBP?RY A RRmPR TA8LR AND ?1 wnll reeonmrndod FrotoaUnt gtrl, 10 do h* 1 ? an all family 0. to ro 'b, oaab aid Iron; 1? a s d coo. a d eaieHerd ararko and lrourr; ta willing and obi pug. r r ? ? aaii at 4U7 Broadway, up atalra. __ AW'lJlH CI HI, WISH US RMSI.OYMkNT IV 1 It ap notable family; can refer to toe lady wtti yvrioaa abe li , arwlvlug, No 9 Woat IVtflil. 1 WANTKO-BY A RYBSROTABf R YODNU MtRRIED an man. a baby, to rd nurro at bero?n rawkdaree. Appl for three daja at 57 kultftaa at. back parlor, Rrat floor. Xai ANTSP-BI a lt?HI?*cr.\BLR WoktW, rO QO OCT YY by the nag to do waahl-.ii or eleaoras hotuea. or wi work umyU'w Call at 1.6 t liaabrthat , loThs (;ro-.erg rttre. WANTED BY A RRbFRfT ABLC oirl a srro ation aauo'ae; can do rhambernork and plutn terdDf Bsat Sg re't-rencea given. Can be aeon at her laat emp .gr.'a, 723 WJTIl)-* R1TV-T10H AS COOK. BY A YOUNO ?o>u. who bu i>e?n accuatomed la kl'.ibri work fiba taut art en ?tart; u" 1? |UW hrr b;ialn?>? b .-o ghlv, mil] ntrl-1 id waalilng and ironing in a am all privaia r?mily, or would d" the nmcrtl hiuaewo'k or a awa)! *auii>j an ha ten at her a ream'. twpioier'a, 20 WtaiUd at, between 4U? and Ctb at* *JT Ajr*SD-e H'UkTIO* *? H )C!04KiePaR. Br AM ? m*i l<ian voeu or aa chainba -an.! A .n^uira a'. 63 A than lie at., tooulh nitx i ljn . tfttUl Via,* Dm* "Tw ABC in Tltorn KAbf ?NI) TOPOOBAPOIOI'L ^ draknu, unUl rcneatlj In (oreram?al emptor, wlaboa liber at engagement or work t> dj at bona, la a good maihe anlctD and a man of good general ndueaUut; boat rolareuce gftern addrnaa a. a J. ?u 1680 Sew (ark Pet oifioe OklB Al?D BLIND Mag KB WAN TAD? APPbt AT O Ia*ao P Lake'a manufactory, Marshland, ntatea I aland Alaoabor who baa wrker at lb* Irene lilrecUee? fakb Iba Richmond kiage from Tar darolll'a oudlnf. rBlBHID PRaMR WORK KNITrCRH ? WaWTKDf brre or four good ribbed banda, for 20 to It gauge rthbed t an** t iraman apply to iBOtiQR a IOTH AKD, mean fai-turrr of a<lk and woollen ehute anr ilrawera, tluoier an, Breobhn. 1 he Fallon avenue earapaaa the end of dunterat eery kve mluatce ftfi.Tll) IMXROIaTRLY-A FIRST batr RPTRNBB " . i Orrman adrer meUL Apply to O. C While, lid Bewadway. \j|/aptk1> 1?mr. iatb^y?*t new BRTfJRTOI*. a " p*rn<>n wltt tMIM cream bualaeaa. appiy at?en a uraeaa aakjon. W??TH>?28 Ol.OD BaT TKIHMBR*. aPFIA AT Ibn factory 186 avenue O bet w ten llih ud lfib ale -UhliF WAKT*!*-AjUiK? i 1L HTSPFOT.BI.r. RKIt fEKRIWO S'TtT 4TTOT9 AM A c)->h? bookkeeper*, tairatnen. portara h*rketp?-a Ai, A'aM appl. at the Mercians' Olerka airt oiUci ?H biivtki Kn rorainli?k>p la ?tlt net* ktornvw t> dr?t atabe-ca. talabUaaed lt46 Appliean'a ?. mn'l m iat u eV<e ttro a*ampa WM J. KEt>P ,\fH 1 U BKTFRCTA Hi.It HRIf WAWTIBO 91 TO aTJOWM r? .kouid ?pp)y at he MercarU e Knjotm-tit IC3 Briadway entuaUona trocured for ptrt'et n rcfe fi e*? If application la made by tonii aaal- oe '* j attoipa f tit delivery and pontage. r. ? BaOAfKR agent AA] T.NIED-T: ATTtND RtS PPAV AT 297 * Blanker tuttt, a !th refe?enrej bat *c?o S a-d !0 _ U TkOOSKBRPR.-t *ND ORRK9P ?r. TW'J ILBRK ' I> araiitnd in a wtoleaalc uk'tabm-nt .1 >*-*t !i?n ?up.) at'fa Marcaatia I mp'oymeiit Agraoa. jm -tro .dtva7 kclui e 3 oeloca bo coanacikm with an > other ote ? I 8 dMiWstt CMERK wahted-I* A WHOUSHJ m ITIHR. ' > o* a who can bttog good teferencet from bta former em i nVnrr, ?'? a ji'UBg man in attend In a t-a tlor*: m com _l? i ? u na.kW-'t ...t n ' MOB* /GKWfS WaNrBD EVERfWHiCRS, POK TQK 1 pnpit'ar war m*p the attle PieH of Kur'do >uhi?He?U10j., 80 Beare-at, Ne? Tort SAT18MAN WaHTBD-IW A 80CTHPRN CITT; A i yr ur>? man fully competent to take ehi'eo"! ihe ii ??de i carta mot a houee fu'ul'tUDg hardware buaiaeia. atldraas e?z 4 130 ?oat office, ft. T. QtUfMAR WA5TKD-IB A 8HJTflKRN C;TY; a i? yourg m an mlly nompetcit to t?ke charge of the ?e< .! Kmnitof n importing ?n1 jobbing ear b-o aid chira ware tceee Addree* V k M , box 4, :?J Poet office, h. Y vantMilt WAATED?18 AM ITPORT18G NO CO*. C mliatcn brute; ope onle-tUaMcg tio burpeea eta m e: * th good I* by app'ylpg at the Wercsnule ?mcl.<yKeit agency, 163 bread way, before 2 O'clock P K. f. H brtosraa W/.NT*D?A OLHUK FOJt 4 Jit * f. EmTaTK r>?vi 7t; a'eo a your g man ae porter In a bote! and wo waiters Apply a> tbe Jtsrceanu' C'erk Reg'eirr office, 78 HrotdAny. bttoatl t? prcou'ed hooommlaeion lu alra re Woeonaec Hen attb am other office, latabllehed I8M Hours o > > WM. J. AaDPATH. WaJYTEx)?A KTEiUY MaN. wu.) Ul?l.K?sr??D3 wirking on a aoao engine lathe; a flr?t clua workman In that Inecn floe conotanl emploj ment, by ealj'cg on Wot. h. Morray, 22 John it WANTED?A BIKOMG BOT, 0? ABTT 18, AT',8 Cedar (t Uood refertncee required. Wegce (< a wees. WaMTKD-A 8TOCT BOT, /.BOUT U TEARSOU>, Ptmillar with tbe care of e borer aod rr*euble garden, at Bide. , ?>.? 1.1..H -c.a r??-?n_, r. .~. Vt|ca 16 per month, wlto board and wastuog. ' WiMED-A CLERK IS a HARDWaRS 4N0 8TTVB ('.ore; one i peaking German prtferred. also ?-rernl aaie. a,en. Anrly *1 the Merchanto* Cierhi' -legtstry officii, 78 Brojdvay nt jiU0D< procured. No com nikai >u tu advance. I Reftreace to over 1,000 Oral claaa biases sctaMiahed 1H66. J Hours 9 loS. HI. J U/AIT>D-A GOOD lrtSPSOTABLE MANTOTAKR " full charge of a gropery and liquor store- one of lbs Seu to toe lento worl-as partner. 'ifct? ts an (14 enablUhed ?"are, at lo* rent, and ai> poll no to lit of Auguit, good it "to f urocc. lei, ana all free from cebt 1 his a rare cbacce far a man of im- 1 capital, apply on tbe premliei, '.'-j ?a>ex tree ca n r of LeLnsey. U/AIXIR WaNT*D-AT TH? I*MLAI!!tLP0!4 ww Home, lift and )?7 Power?; a flrstrate wil er. any otrihuft mtiwtil rt commenced snc utdentinl? Lis bud it re ma; apply tola morning at nine. Wanted-one or two oo:?n, active hen and two boyi. rn llthi work; good rfeady mm can have toady imp: ymint b' ap lying at the ski-t depot, South Ae??nto sueet, near Jersey a*enue Jersey ,.tty. WANTBD-IW AR IMPORTING BOBIfOWS. AW AOtitre. lo e Ur?oi lad, who writer a fair hand and can mate topaeJI generally uoefn! one wht rtfldej wlto hta n .rente or guardians woulo be preferred, address ti a., box 120 Herald office, staling parucuiara ana references. WA.VTPD-I.V A RETAIL DRT GOOtS HOU-E, A young m?n M cashier and sat a'-ant boolcktepe'- Hmuitbe a f?ir judge of money, aederiUnd boos It'Cp In.-, car rrciln flgnrer and hare soon knowledge of the drt gatit burtn.ta i ndi ubted reference! reoturei. Aidrear Dry Gt- di lit ralf tflice. J HELP WASTKD-FKMAliKl ntWWOMKN Al?I> (Hall lifSut L<iNlHI), wealed la food dow road; at fair w?gc?. at fee charged uutfl ooeag'd, elan good place* i**d a ehbrt tta toace out ti lown t> geo4 ??>? >^o"? ? l?? lata 188 aleraata afreet. o?f ??rof?Uib a?a? i liiK?> NliMBKR or WOHMN AND QllUi WANT \ *d 1*11 v, la good nlwl' iUuittone, mm4* tbtailayat nol*UM. VBe li flrtl rla?? faiallh* alat tareral Pre ?>riM Inantre uttba large laelHuo 188 KleteuVft trr.ct, coraer oI .' tain avenue. 1 IL PAMILHW WANTING flOOO ftBRVANTS 1MM*, A. dta'elv aboiikl rn.ll ?' tbe >ar*e laaiittMe f ?r ooaaealla* Kl'vnuib alreet. jo.-nrrof alzifc area tie TliH ei triad re ore bu abundance of 'lull, capable h'lp to cut' all who call r uead CouduotMl by a rcapiaUb'e a martinn ladr. ?. IX KMPIA'TRnii 111 WaNT Of OOOD taOMRRTIO ft help raaba?i:i>l>ll?d with le'ect U?f an. BaglUb. lrlah and ttrnirh .trvm ta ol every oauaoUy 1Lu itrl teal aUeaUoa Itch to ?euure the beat of help by M R" 18 tloiiri i?RT, 184 1 road way. a eat door to Broadway poet ?lll a CKaMbYRCHS-WANTblt, A Plftgr RATI 81AM Ofitireaa wbo thoroughly underatanda all bind* of family .. wing, noat aad quick with bar work apply at Mo. 1 11* rl a place, ooraar of Taotk'.Da plaee Hro klyuflTAMTKD?A PROTASTaMT WOMAN tO DO CHAM r berwork, waabfog and Ironing; aba adit be good Mi pored, clean end ab'e to dopUloaewlog Apply, with rafa react), at II laiaeatta place, after to o'elbok. WANTRD?A l'ADT (AN AMKRIOAN) TO SO SOUTH, to operate on tewirg maehlncs. aad to attesd alo e, uiuat l<r nf rtrorftdRaialftv anr.?artni>A Utiv In K?r >I>mm nml a. J ual aletwomao. Addreis w. a. B, Herald office, la handwriting < 1 applicant. (p?nrr-!ii apbivaTb family, in Brooklyn, " a competent f.-uai'.rraa, UK* ml? unCe-sUnd* cuulng and tiultig and witling to lake aorne charge of children it required. A rclmhie trustworthy pernio mar Aid* goodbime b> -p 'jlnfl at IAS Poalh street u. ?t\lrs, pear Peek s'lp Also a giod cook. washer aad lroner. iKT aNTBU? d GOOD O >OK. W ARliAR ?ND IKON SR. " One ?bo th-r"Ogbly Watdutdi her bosloeaa, Prate*laat pre'erre:, iu?j appiy at > j 5 Wen 50 hat. Jkl Amu-rtX leTXJLUOE?T. AOIfctJ iRKE YOUNG annuo, to asaiet la a a*K-n, where ah- will (led a h tine; wvi.ea 91 tO per week, apply at iUS Broadway, after 11 ( 'click fXTANTtP-A Lirtl.t G KL. BKYWKKN 14 AND 14 *f tear* of age, to take ea-e of a habv ad ran a few er raafa; to inch aura that ra'e home will ha given Oell lm ma lately oa Mra Jacob a. Ccbea, 113 hlviagtiin AfaMID- TWO GIRLS, A NPIt*B AND SJfkM " stress. alto one to ccok, wash and Inn. Inquire at 100 Perry ik, Ret* lork. WANYBD?4 GIRL. TO DO GK.NKRaL HOCStWORK Id a small private (ami y, mint he a good eoik, wither aod trooer a pplr to Mr*. houcrt*. Cll too avenue, near De kalb avenue, Brooklyn. WANT1D?BKVRRAT. 0-;0D EM8KOIDKRKBS. APply petacnally at 186 Henry si. XETAHTBD?A WOMAN. TO DO ORNRRAL HOUSE work In a small f? ml'i: one kind t > .children, mar call at 216 West 19ih at. from 9 to 2 o'clock. a Protestant preferred. Wages IS per ax nth WA'NTKD-TO Oi OK. AND SB GBeRRALL Y U8BFITI, In a avail family, a goed and well remmmended French. 8wiea or German gtr>. Good waaea wlil oe paid to a suitable period, apply at 49>i Rait '.Jib at WaNTBI ? IN A FAMILY OF TWO PKitSONS. A WO "van thoroughly oomoeteat to cook, wash aod iron Very beat city referenced required a p jly at 98 Went !3ld at., from 9 to 13 o'clock. WA W*D IMMBDI *TKI.V?A SITU A TIJN AS WAT nurse, by a ynnug hea thy irhmu who can come well recommended. Inquire at 1,028 Broadway r*r * NTkTV?A CAPABLn GIRL FOR GBN4RAI. " honiewnrk; mnal node stan d plain cooking and be a good weaker and lroner. Apol* In Franklin aT.. Oftli bouse, northeastpf De Kalb a*., Brooklyn. aikat GUtuA, wv. . T tk PSRCKVaL'B, 657 BBOADWAT^lLJ, K'NDI i. of French embroider to order: initials for Haodkuroh elk, isnle iittep and bed eintbrs, oping, t'.'a embrolderr tc tracifevrlng, lacea dope up Hke new Ladlei' and children's und. i a acmes La alwai s on band and made to oriler. . paot-woven 8kibt8 ABB th? MOtif SBB4 vlcettde. No entticg the taoe Hi woven eklrte. Veue atahioa 3. eprtnrv 25, 20. If. 13 end II ?prta*? wo re a end ? |ovi ehape Heeler* cu and examine our woven Utrt*. Old ULlrl* wot?o over C. L. HAJLOiVQ, Woven "klrt Pa.5*j. 281 lipiloi rtreet near Un loo* A Nl.TICK WORTH NOTICING ?WOVEN ANDSSWi'D 3 iklrt* retailing at mueh let* U an whaleeaJe price* Mote hi:? now wiling thech?aped and bed ekirtaever fibred; elrvec eprisea superior tern I I. red etrel, at $1; eighteen ipnpd ? 1W, A; ; ihtldrrn'a sVtrU front 11 eeote uj. The rede ?DrpL*<t it, attj ouintity at lower prtoei than eaa be found uoewbete. Call ami el am. a* 376 Btoadwaj aad 320-ana, met . T 1)E PTRCRVAL'S, 657 RNO ADWAT?BTiRPBO SM TV trolderlea r.f every desralptlon a; whdleeale and retail. Ramping to order ejecutrd la tha neateat and mod period roancer. embroidered yekeeot different kinda: a lao for night drrasea Chi dren'a p'que autta Elastic cords. wrbs, braid* and bukpen drra-Careanf three 'aortcn of patent vnleaolzed robber aro beisgroaaantlv Imported for aale. la eoojoectttn with all ?y own manulhaturea None of the above good* can be la Kt. Jy cold tat he United Stmei without my etaiap HCttaCK H llak 23 Oorllandt atraet /VBHIN'8 BAZAAR? BaRC.AIN DEPARTMENT. VJT fCO bovt' nd mi'Ki' britiiante aorona at75conte t(X' boie' and nai.iea' linm diaoer aurnnr .at $1 CO tOl) b-ija' and ml i i1 liueu differ aprons, Oeanu.'uOv trimmed at SI I4d 2?rt Marseilles dreaaes at S2 00 ?:rt Va-srii'er dreraea at 62 to 200 Jtaxifcllie a creases .. ?o uAWifi'S Bazaar, 613 Broadway. * M ACT'S! . GO TO MAOTTM Real poster mantilla laeei. all widths, at 11 ACT'S, Keal punarr h? uutlll* centres, ait Heal puiher lace polau and shew la, and 200 Fretch mantilla lacra all widths,- Birth French lace m?a lUa ceniraa, avenue Preach lace mactlllaa, one dxu French '.ire pol its and ttavrla be nw i'hinjl!j lase tnviUllaa Fouroooth BK^T UOOLS 1MPOSTB0. street. Flnl'T AAIfi .'.SeOal'McRT AT MACE'S. Ail to be closed this ??ek, at Mae*'a. At greatly reduced prksea, at Macj'f. GO TO Ms(JT'S, 301 and 206 FIztb avenue, Cne door below Fourteenth atreet. A. H. It ACT? PEKEGO'S HIFRRIOR SHIRTS, Perego'a zephyr gauze uidvrahirts, Fsrrgo'a Unen draweri, Lt whideea'e or retail, 61 Haaaau atreet and S81 Broadwa* OICH LAO* MAKTILLAB. ?I ?. fi MILLS A GO. tra drairooa of eloslntt out their aprtng Importations of It si gocda, and offer at retail Plev PUSH** alto OHaWTILLA Uce potata. i>o. do. do. da mandUae At very low prices; all new Farts atyles. coeung (ram Slut) 176 to Fart*. Ml and 34t Broadway. JltiMS-rnn* SKIRTS AUK THS MOST DSHAB1.B O to uae. 12 springs, SI SI; 14 sprints. St 60; 17 springs. S'J riealem turpi'ed with 9 aprlog. $?; IS aoriog, $11; and 1? iprtig 111 per dozen old tints woven over 0. L. HajtDlnG, 251 Fprlag atraet, near Hadaon. rHK EX LEF1VB LtETTS LKTKN BTORH, 987 BROtDWAT. TH0R0CGHK1O8, FnOMPlNKSfl. KXHtOVY. By leculcua end undivided application to the abrre alone. rcRRrruRgT A. enem'.led furniture, beautiful and elegant farad ara'i >f re?uJ?nce?. la city or ooao'r;, may be bad. from $23 an' 3y~ard?, at the old eetabttahed manufactory, SM Broadway Ire doort above I.?ara Keene'i theatre. The Kagle leltac!# iprlrg mattreaa, ptllowa, wardrobe*, 4c. X BCRMMKM FURNITURE KXPRES? AND FUB A i.uure parking eitabliahmant, III tad 113 Weet Mlevcotb #?eet, between Fifth nod Sixth arenuaa ?Bleb household far tltwe < f everv deeorlpilon boxed and ehlpped to all parti a' Luc wot ML limit. mirrore, (ternary, vaaee. ealn* and glu* ware c? etudy packed and moved. Large two horae wagon* tor die. removal of fumttore t > the country. Pianoforte atno' lad oover, a euperb lnatrumeot. eo?t $3H0, will be (old for $190. inquire ai 111 Weat Eleventh (treat, between Filth and Ulxth avenue* OKI* HOLM BNAMELLRD FU Bit ITU UK, IN ALL OO O lore and rtyle*, of inpertor and warranted manufacture, Br.'.ibed In la- deeapee, fruit, freeeo and flowere alR 1.1id hi' 3*.3 (Janalitreet, opptitle Wooeter. Aatablkbad in IMS. If'UF NTTCR* BOUGHT FOB READY MONEY.?A FAIR A vulue ilren In ready money for furniture, carpet*, book* Ac., at IS Sixth avenue,between Ninth and lentb itreet*. invaa, mcoiw, 4 . 0 1BOBW8 POST WIN*, BOTTLED IN OPORTO; OLAret* from Kartcn A Oneetler and otter reputable tor le?UT home*, !*: La, Levllle, Bt JiUec, Chateau Ungeevx, Ac, fr-un $3 SO to KM per caae. Pure old Benneiir brandy, vintage 1844 to 18H g. a. AiBB, wine mwehint 88 Te'toa gtraet r iqi'obb Wanted, for oabh-brandtw, gin U wlnt* Ac ; nsuet be In boed. All communication* omit denilnl. addrea* *. W .bix 103 Herald office. PUBR WTNXB AND LIQOOBg, IN BOND OB IN BTORK for (ale In quar.titl** to eoit pnrehaaere.?Oaeb buyer* viiltlrg tne city, rr parties about leaving for the summer, will do aeii v, call an! examine for tteseelve*. Orderi from *J cart* of tbe Dulled mate* will meet prompt attend n o KULLV A&ON, III Duaneetreet, aear Weal, N. T. Spanish poets.- landing kx brio adklksrt Tai rag< na. ft cargo, rmnnpoeed of lie well known anperUr bratds it Vartlr. J. UnrapoftDd P. Dan ton for ohtaliUii ntt rurcnaeeTi. deliverable on wharf or from bonded 'ft/ft owte. b? HnUCiRRE A DC VTVXJU. Ro.? Whitehall (ft ~ ii'oitn^Q. J daLE-iH* ri"?Jt taost scuooiriBk wave C ho k.m. Thai Teasel hae admirable atoommo-iatnca f r further tart'calve apply toCapv HUDO, a tbeMavy Ifrrd. or at hie reside are. 1 o Untoti atreet. Brooklyn. DIOR fcALK?A SIX.OI' KI'IQSI) BOAT IK GOOD ORD3R P twenty one 'eel 1 ng and eight feel beam ; h la fajt, *: iT, t rood IM boat well rdapted for Ihla haroor, and (rill oe aold ow. Adiraee R. -S. W? bog 2,047 Puetoflae. U*OR SAI.B-A RI.OOP YACHT, OF ABOUT TWKIfTh T tout, new found nod feel tailor. Apply at Not 7 Broad ray, 1c the baaemen i. irnR SAT.E-A BOW AID SPRITS AIL BOAT, 17 FEKT P l og, b-P.t to order, copper firtened through at, eel?r ilankiiir, and pat together ta tie moat oerfeot manner; but ;eTer l>een la the wtler; well painted, Ac.; will beaold low iddreie O. J , Herald "(lice. IflOR SALE?TUX SLOOP klGUBD PL*ABUSE SOAT V ?'?ra-e Ua'.lng la rtj4 srder. rnqnl t of R. CI .10SV K H h*. ImniTiwj Hotel, or of her buttdrr, J(J9if PrtO For.'heeler, where the boat eaa bo aeea Price J'25. HATJUMI tfAX* ^rATRlMOXIAL.? ALL P ARSONS DB-IROCS OF i?J forir.1 U an h i,.i .inwee In v1 v of niit-imrny, tobyj. -i;t; ,? < , -.? i. ?h:.?5? p?e Joa!'tone i'a. kit Abr~iu.iiat via ui su ct e/x.d<ai.a WANTKD-A DRUG CLbP.K. OSS WITH GOOD ! referencesmay apply at7tt M a*., corner >ah ?L Mitat'iuma w ani Ai>-?iAuhi. TOONO MAN. WSLL ACQUAINTED WITH RIBBON | manuiastnrtiig and Knellah business bouses. win id bn \ tm to make hunt*tf u??!?\ la a rtbbcn. dry goodsnr tancy I , store May be aaeo by applying to W. Wise, 79 Palton at. 1 Biosklyn j AYCUNG MAN PRCM SCOTLAND WAWTH A 8ITDAtkm in a wholesale boa? of any klad, as porter or abipytmg clrra. Address W. it, Herald office. SITUATION WaNTED?BY A PERSON LATE OP but ope, wbo lua onntidtrtblr exjM>r.eiioe as a veterinary surgeon W Ishes a situation aa auch or aa lorunaa In a ?U- ' Me. Addrtet W. B., bos 107 Hara!d offio*. WANTED?BY A RBRPFOTABLE AND HIGHLY REcore met d?d young ttrgitsbman, a atiuatDn aaporter lo say e*pactty. rr aa cle-lc m any business where he e >u.d devote hit time ti the Irterestot b'a employer. Is wl'llne and Able to work. Wages moderate. Adores* J L. ?., box 1M Herald office, lor two days WANTED?Bf A YODNO MAN WHO CAN SPSAK and write t rgltvh and German. a ci'.uatton at e'ers In a segar an' tobseeo store. But a very moderate aalary eipectsd. a* it Is the applicant's tcten":n to make himself aoqnntDied silk the aoore article. Address H. ?., box IfiJ Herald otUoe. rRKitcn invKRmiiSniirwL OH DKMANDB?Cir? 'bOHHK TR VfToAlB* POCB prendieaoin d'une petite flile de deux are. Uudrecfaiaaent arrlrde Be purine! pu I'lnslalu, .aerttU pre'.ere. d'a abfliier an He. 169 andiron avenue. cw?ARnn:asnip noticim. APARTMCR WAHTBD-WITH THE MfALLAVOONT of 13(0, Id a ilj-bt raADcftetu-tn# buatneat pajln* enrmnaa coat*; (3 (? 0 can be cleared thla anmmer and 'a'J. Ilopa -m a tnber, ready man need apply, from 9 to 11 and 2 to ft, at 252 m?h arenne. eacand Soar. . 1 tv??*??2? rr ?sea****b8hip-thb oopakt JL? ?"> aabacrlbers under tte firm oCJ. >V. CampbU 4 Co., it thli day dtoadired by fSglUi, im C arte. Chrlrtmaa and Mr waa-d Z M. S Md?* fil t xa? co aa parte.*ra in the tame trom At una ' K?v You, Jalyl,18?. AUaoer nKi.MOHT. J pAEim WAHTBD- WITH PBO* (9,000 TO S o (Ml 1 jt toao*aye wMb ibealtrn Tla a maautartunag burnetii j trWen Will pay atom ltoper r at Any eeraiu w(/onK ? * v , and paoinabla lmeetmect nlQ find lb la a r. .nceeeM. ,S?r, Mo tg' 'a Lead atiwr Urn Ado:eat Z L . Herald uSji 1 Mater v w u_d irberr an laterrletr may be hvl J MMTAMTWO-A PAHTHKB WITH (0*5 CAP TaU TO 1 T? uhean (rureat to a caah tualuraa. Apply a! Ail Bcoid way, to MeaaJotn. Hif\f\ -pAKTmt* ? A ST7BX "CHAKCA TO ?iTlt 1UU. mopey?Wanted Imasedti j o -n va having $luU, I He reeelre tbe cub od take half ahnre U a plenam*-, aui Mabli reanedable i'oMneee. larye proS i ce-ia'n Oaulu the 1 5m (ftltoereeton* eoeaar ef Oonremanr. 1 /kOfk -WAimtr. a pakiy yna rats al.lll m 1. to ,>ie an tntercrt In a tal'tibta-a rrpri-". n tehiJi more than xtfuHlr toac* Ltd ?i(har i an In a Bdt cl y of la rte-coaotry if i WMfcr. ed. AddiweHntorprtto, ^PI lidUeemUidliM. j >? KEW YORK HERALD, SAT mwt AMP wwm C'^HILDTfSr^'inHlTNlMEnCATHABnrE LOWRT, "l about m ) car* oil. tutu bora misting from ber bona*, J. at Facte lyvillv, M.tcu olau-i, atu"e yeaterday mo otag; haa tight hair ami ayes, 1 id on a b'ne 'beeked dress, purpe apron B< and brow bloomer hat. ulmuted "1th pbak ribbon a suitable reward, logtiber with tbu ibaabao' bar ellltoied parents, will l>? guru tor lr formation left at tloai' St Nicholas Salo . , Fantorj vil'e lending, that wl l leul to 'er recovery. Fuvnv-O* BrtO.aPWAY, OOilNRR OF HOUSTON ilirrt two rural ue.'klaoes with Inl.lals o urnr* .me V o? ser c*n bare tie aame by calling oa H A. Lute, at Lonl A Taylor's, Oraid street. j LEW FROM TlIK FBBMIdW ON TUESDAY, JUNE 28. f r dark ta inted (loo* brec b Jausry. nay one ret t ,i ug \ l.- aatsr to lit Pearl itrert I etween Hands ardP ajjoct ? set, Brooklyn, will be aultably rewarded. LObT.-FlVB DLI-aR" ffli-l BK PAID FOB THB return of my packet ulary, lo?t on Friday evening laat, I" oontsln'ug railroad pastes, papers, aonouate. At. of no nee to " an v one hut mo NORM&N 'Via.Hi) odlce 168 Broadway, ouruvr uf t'ortlanit street room bo M. Jj l Chi?THid MO&MNO, IN tlOINO FROM T:JttS Adl'oa 51 " llouae, through Hroadwav to Wall and Beaver at.-ort*. f t? o krnotba ,ltv bonds, Nog St) and ISO, of (1 0)0 each; aiai four .ueouie boons o< Mllenuiss and Mlaataalopl tutfoad * foe. t?2 656, 6JC ard 959 off'OOeaob The publii are oau , thins d against purcb .aln* aald bonds, as pay neat has been lopped The tinier will be au tably rewarded by leaving 1 aid bonde at Peopl ' Bank. ^ LrjIT-BBKASTPIN OF LAVA, STONB OOLOB. WITH bl figure ot a Bacchante on Friday moraine, 1st of July tut'., )etween W bitebal) tod tits bath a'the Battery. The finder, on ' 1 avl.ig uaift hichaige plaee. will be suitably rewarded. j, T OtT-FRJD*T P M . JULY 1 IN GOING FROM 8. W. w Id "a. edict's, bo. 6 Wall street, through Murray street to _ litidata h'ver Bal!r>ad d.-pot and tbenoe to Tav/towu u .< a lauy's l-'-fd binning watch No 21,066- A liber it reared a, *tll be alvru by leaving the lauie at Benedict's watch it "ft No 9 wall siretC P V OST-1IN MONDAY AFVERNOON, JUNB If, WTIi.K " ' * g< Itg from .Mulirerrv and Urand streets to Hroatw**. u-<l n ("nv; It road w v to White street, a gold eroee set wtb psa-'a it '.i.cer w:;i receive autiabla reward and the tbauks of thi ?, owner ly leaving It at ltd Mulberry strati ? * Mrs ? OUNN1NOHAM. T n IMP-ON MONDaT. 27TH HIT, A LARGE SAIL ~t beat, 'it 'vet Ion*. nst rUrr.ed. painted blaek outside, with ' verdigris boPciu sad blue chafing battens, painted MiMe, w aw'Vw vect; certs and gjmMngs grained oak, cMllng 'e I ,, fir Sail boat wb?n bt-ed had e a matt row boat wtu Iter, n tad grveo. wl b Mack gtiuaralea, as u tender. Anyone ? e i rn'ng aald boat a to Jatsej Wliev Bay Doogt, P any bridge, tr uth draokljn. wbl besuluhly rewarded. ' orolBN.-LAROB QUAN'ITIBS OF HOLLOW AY'S i'. ? i nlMn a*t(< niatmwni >tnw? fmi ivinaMAMKlit iim* naM 'i imi pnrlotnvd trum Uoiloway'a etcre. 80 Maiden lane, ami turren ^ bticualy aold. AnT porter or e'ertr in toy (tore where mink medlciMahave been m an (-regular or auiplrloua war. a il wao will pl?e private Information to OEU. 0. BaRl'l, AT, , Manager or Hollo war'* m?alclne manufactory, 80 Maiden lane, f will be moat bandaomeiy rewarded, and no name* made ? pnbllo. r< mwajuw. 3 Aq BBWARD.-LOST. ON JCTN* 80, A CAN ART ' ifi) bird, atiout 2 montha old, apolted back, yellow breaet f and ip- tted wlnga. 1 be finder will return htm to ltd Thoinp- A eon aireet ' A ?> y ETARD -LOST. ON FRIDAY, JULY 1, A BLACK c:' 3pO at J tin dog. eara badly cut, anawe-a to the name of bncp; bu,1 en a brum collar. By returning the dog to No. 1U Miiodougal itri nt, ibe above reward will be paid. ~ dh- REWabP.-I.OSr, ON TDCRSDAT KVKMMQ J ?u from 99 flub avenue, a green parrot, tipped with red; " jellcw ground tie bill Ibe above reward will be paid to any k pi nor returning It to the above addreta. * RhWaRD.-LOST FROM 399 FOURTH STRKKT, A H <J>U large red. blue and yellow Mocaw bird (narrot) Who- -J ever will return him to the above muuoer will receive the ?< above reward. a1 d: QC RHWARD-T.OST,. YKSTMUPAY (FRIDAY), A ?_ J white cooale alut, V He lower end of Broadway; bad a blue tlbbou . d her neck, * boever return her to No 8 llreeu wic i ntrtet, will receive the ab >ve reward j ft KKWARD?LOUT, ON WBOIOUDAY AFTBRpilr noon, on the 3.20 Houghkeepele L-alu of the Hudeon ' River Railroad, between Chambers el-eet and Ping 81cg, a " pocAetoook coutairniig lie following oo'ee and atOCSi.? " P. 11 JtoKelvy, da cd .vlb?oy. March 3, at .'o irmouthr paya V ble at Bank of ibe Oepit d K.r $U2 b7 * irn n>jcs, ptva'ule >t the Hack of AU'.eilcs, H for 2210 S3 id* ail Pinion, filed New York, April 2J >ti i * mculLtr. pays' e ' lie droadwai Bans, to the order o/X>. A.bwe-t, f. $131 03 1>. Mur, i; JL Cj , dam 1 iisxi loo, C W , sky 13. at U 01"! the, payaole at E M Connolly X Co l-f? Fori, for fiM 75 Kit a Hi.fnrr dated Buffalo, N, Y., June fi at four " treed]*, parable it the 310* of Ameri ?, ff Y., to* B573 29 Jofcu Broels, way 0, a', ihrta mcnibe, ti Alexander ' > hflgir. for.. $582 2? ? M 11. iluwe'.l, J.uie 21, at three men the. to Alexander deer, fot $17C 90 ? Oer.'Scale of 25 shares Mich. fc'outh*rr> and northern ** 1d0 Railroad, to I* Ixennle. dated Starch 0 1S.S3. To. of 15 '.ti'ire. do. daten Bareh 3, 1801-with a P1 enmher of other nctes, checks and valuable u*uet* 1 hpuhilo H'e berebv caut oael against recti v lug or negotiating fj the tui*. lie above reward will he pad to any one leaving ~ the eat* pocket book, with all it a contents, with Peter ? Cnmuil g.Ek'i , accountant, Broadway Savtnga Bank ^ 4??A RJWAKD.-STOLEN, ON THE NKIHT OF THB r'rU !7th of Jooe, a bright ba* horre: the same wvi about j* fourteen bands high had a wbl'e apot on the forehead, a little f. white bal- c the rlgtth'p, a short tall, with < little dbiJe h hair oc the top of K toward* the ieftsd", and answcri *7 to the name i f Charley. Any one re timing the game, or ylv i Ire sn> iuf?rmat1ou >t ding to the recovery of it. to A. Runkrl. No 237 B.-ismic street, will receive the above reward and ? no <ta? 1 lions aaard <C^n *?WARn?LOOT OR KTO1.RN FROM TBK VI ? ipeJU em'ty of Flrii annne and Thirteenth street, a dark chestnut nearly b'ac'r mare. about 14 Hindi high: a black ? sfivcr mou?'er h?roe.s*ne\"TfWWfUff fc1?.?;. *'."!* 0 fcojewere won t" take thein'roua the front of a store Tin _ above reward will be paid fo- an* Information leading to their " recorery. apply to i.alikghei'l livery stable, 163 Eaet Twen ty albtfc atreet RBUQlOtiS NOTICES. \ T THE HOTJKTON ST RFRI PRS8 3V TERT AH CH [TRCH, * \ corner of Ihompaon. proschlug Sunday July 3, at lfl>* ,1 A. M. and 3>4 P. M., by Rev Jamea A. Little. tj " i NT1PAS" VEHSUA "TH* fiATAH.?-<-lc* BRV. " A li. 13)?Atocalrpll-a !y. "Antlpaa," which slgriiies against a 1,'' typifies the fal'bful wltneesa- to the name aud the faith of Jesue anr.lrted and ' the oatan," witch slgnili** '"the adversary." reprr sen's the clergy wllh a 1 the names and deanmtnatKina whoae hire logs tbey are; on? end all to the iffufI of the kiugom ana the obedtenoe it eojoina. eowUliM to give roue thatibe utipas hold* ita meeting 8' lor the public on Sunday , a 187 B wery, at 10:10 & M a BLNEOKFR STREET UJ?I7*R8.\LTaT OHURTH, OCR ut of tlleecker and Downing street*, Bev Moaea Helinu i Factor. Eervices at 10$4 a M and 73a P.M. Kuhjeci for to * morrow mornlinr. " True Religion: w hat la It?" for the evoo !l be, "Civil and hellgioua Liberty." ? OHRIf-TiAN CBl'Rtia, ASTOR PL ACS. OuINTOM i Ball?for. H Clay Badger, Professor of Logic anl * j4?-lie - Le'trea ia antioch 'ollege, will oreachto morrow morn 1 ,, at iOJJ o'clock t-nject, ' Freedom of Ihuught." All ] 1 ttra of Unitarian Christianity are Invited to attend J j /3BLBCH OF TftS PUHITaJIS, UNION' SPUARJ-A dfeciurae will be preached to morroweveulng by *ev Pr Oh?tver, m the Church of to Puri'ana, on the ' (element of , (hrUti&n Joy and lta tlealnf leneaa." Servicei at 7>a o'clock 1 JTOO^KH ISSI7TUTB. -C.N'I* 'N RRI.IOIOU8 SERVICES * " > In the large kali every Huuday Urloa prayer meetings at 8 ? M and ZK F H Freat blue at 10>j ? il acd 8 F. M u dev. Maoaiirid French will preach on Mindly, July 3. Ail * are Invited ata'.B free < ? _ v /testeal r.vtts baptist chcrihi-3sv. a a. ' \J Bu 'kbee will preich at the "entral Park lisptul church, E n J l" j third atreet between Mgh'h avenue and Hroadwar,' o ord'eday, July 8, "I the ra vnlng atW; peat to, and la Co evening st ? quarter to 8 o'c ock Tbo ordlnaace of tie Lord ? upp-r will be obaerved at 3 o'clock P M i*I?RT JND&PBKIBMT 80C11T? SI SWT AT HOP* lJ " cb%ptl? 72i) Bro^wijr, $t I0& A. K. bad P. M. J VonaltfR dwconri? ??v. wamuel Lingfe'do* r>f ttrookiyn. ? ?vemoic ?J*Mume by G r. x*ojes, oa ^nde , per cf lite D*y of Theology " 8e%<# .'rea, ^ MBMOftI%T, CHURCH -RKV DR. TAN JCLIBOK WIT/. J preach ti woirow (Sunday) evacl: c In ?b a church or , ner of Hammoed aireet and Wiveelay pUiaa S'rv.iea at IP-, I A. M? and t and P M. teat* free * ifRfl. CORA L. V. HaTCH CLO'tEh HSR CNGIOF. " lu turn's to yp?ak at Tlod worth Hall, Pud ttrovlwty o > Soadsv neit July 3 ' * omlng subject?' The Prut eat ant red * giro, ?u power overbite Koma-i ehurae." bvenlng rabjeut? ' ?1 be Science of Ule. the word?Ills means t > he to exist." " _ - - ai hTuRTH DGTCH CHDIIOH CO H*.i Of WTT.Uavt c '.v -n<l Fulton reeta,- l)iv<De tervha e?erv Sabbath at :n!^ ?. oYkek a * , 4 o'clock P M, *' <1 a prtyer meetlof to t'.u j, rverlrg at 8 o'clock. ' abb* h hcbcl aci uthle Olatret at 9 - n M ardSP. Id. and Friday ureal-;? ?rarer meeting at a b clock A dally prayer mfctlng Iron lltooie o'eluck. Ail are 1- vlted, and wats will be fornltbei. Nrw 11R'"1 '? km CHOROff <Bwen?vdOR<mP) - Ji Publ'e wo- Hp on tntidv, July 3. at (loldbeek'a mujle ?i lal", *05 Uroadway, at W% o'c'ork A. M.; t?U4 free. pBOTK J r a ST KPIOC! >P a h bti?^oV";ni;inWI <i I ten Rail 'at^r piaee, in cban?- t th? K->v Robert > * i Icgror. ] lvce eervica every tunder ?' |i*j n't'nok A. * and 7Ji P M ;tho on IhnmlaY eretl-?n at S o'clock All are Invited; fata free throng* .itl R~KV. UK n-MiJtO ON A'li.L l'.ltt'lH IV '!a'.Va"U 1 < chcrcB. B.-ook'yn (Pearl ir-.-''-t between and 'Jon t *?d), on Sunday evtuL.'g, atSo'nloch. all are larifed. Seata 9 free. RRV MATIHKW H I LiT"Mi Fd"?i17. p>UACU U* iHe J Millet Ollret Brp'Ut church c ri-.r Fortvflrjt etr-ot * ,?d Six b avenue, neat Pnndar. at ? p M., on the nor mill on ? of t hrlei. a arnoon for i be dhnfjuly. .>o nrn Socdey the p OP loat n', the new eliapel c jfvt Fortj fourth tircet an 1 I x Hi b averne ,w'.U be open for dtriae terries at 10>4 o'clock a ? M md 734 P. M " SPBJUO dTRKET PRSAKTTKR1 AN OHCRCH. NKa& Vartck ttreet ?Preaching tn the morale g at 1"J< o'clock C The value of the Bible." In the a'terooon. at 3)2 o'clock a ' Rrttectloon and Leanona tumble for the Fourth of Tnlv." n LTJTUBR H. VAN DOUAN, Patt.r. 1| Third cwitariar bocis**, c.pirifi op bro-d. war end 1 hlrty fctoend tTeet- fter Mr PrAclsghi. a - Put ject for the m>r lag, " Religion and JJberty." There will be to evening terrlte. Beat# free. ~ T"HRT*V. DRTMcMlllfAMV a.Uit TTTIT rRiRNDd DP I a free Bihie trill proclaim Re trittha lo enpoaitton to the ii'ireittet of mereen for ibe il?ad and pn?tato-y, In tbo uoper hill. No IhSBprtng ttreet tomorrow i.r-vun. at 7Ja o'eforg. fa Ail art Invited. Qaes"ong put by Roman Oalholl-e will receive due attenllon. , T'I:K HKV. SlDNbV A. '/OPRV Wll.1. PP.? v;.'i 4(f Til* Klghieenth rrect bap tin church tn morruw.a; '.C'j c'cloek A >1 , and at 7K o'clock 1' M fn the erealog the flfto lei ^un is^ ue ?or:et tn the Young Men of U>e Bible will ?e do ? I ~ Ri ITlPRAm i EPIfTORM ATTRVTI'iH. ? TI)AT(.b'"b0I7FT''AT ?( rnai'l ?9 RlO*'A aa..?en. t Sand 4 FnRo;i mar icet on _ Ratnrday at d Tura -1 r t . i?a cirfjilahle Joan, of cuillee renown, wtll aga<r. c i-rtr i h.? r. >at tia'roc, hy pnvt'ic ? Ing, in hit aic-a m. ' at? that n ' d-m* And oa'-ldom ep -n- jC reao dlth. knowa by me r < omei o Icrtlc - > ;p fo the w lorertof good ilrlr* no we'd o: oxmcnt t neccmiry. hut to " lb to r >oer" anil a ?o k ow bow to . v? 'rr , oxe of Joho'a turtle roup. On < n'Tlrr I taloou t' e trit a. ; t that atriiea ? t?e ere 1? (he bar. ore *ced orar b teal princ. .f g > rt feilo -ra. I wt.Uird iiaruer. ano. >hontb to well known, U w , jVl not be X amift to ray. It onn of beat comtonn-'era of oo kia'li, allittl ean arera Ac.., to >e found r I bin <be rl'y Urtlla ai wayaalf hlb and po lk no ?.r.o ntikc. hla tiqntletanee tint ,r 'i-.o .ari d at Ma bar. end are pleat. ! wlift h.i irrr. le:., nly 1? atanncr Of dolngup bit-'urtA nexnmber, d .ili ?od iu?a ~ <la^, 2d sod C L July, ;.t'tw wp.2 dar.i. 4 Fiu. a a.\t ^ m. URDAY, JULY 2, 1859. P^OIAL <?TIO?? I I T AIT WLBOTTOVFOlT'l^ar V ay Ivan la Ooai Onenyaaj. MM to the village of Uewlay nnaylvaala, on Tn*alay, the 7th toaianl the fallowing geom?? vera elect-d dlreoten far the aneulog veer:? John AWKM, o*o. * ion, WM A. OKI rVlTIl, 0U*?. HOAOhM. lltiCL PL ATT, THOd. W P*a?4aT.L, WM. H. FaLU). JUNaTHa* THUttll*. WM r. HATftlUCVB*. At nenbeeqeent mantlet of the 1 l eetoiin JOHW I# UN at aaanlmanalir re elected Pre?tdent at Ike Ooavenj far the leamg year. BOWHf B. MBAO. Heoretary. llMTBAIi PARK. J Orrica or Akciiitbct in Ownr, Fifth are , at 79th ah ) Kkw Iork, July i, 1809. ) NOTIOA TO Cu N fjl AtTTone re*l?e rropoiale w he renelved at thtaottoe aatll Thursday, I d" I duly next, 13 li for eaitb filling oo t l iwar ji l ,u of the Park joining the fifth and the JUgbth ara1 a >: i1: ag the Big t avanne fro* Fitly-alnti atrea.. o 1 ;.r t ixi; o. ci nd etreet tending within the Park f > n li 0 io B ferl ?n ri tie annua nd ?n > acleg about S3'BIO ou-,io ??i!a, e.uie tr lea?: 17,0) ubte yards of eaid quan u? ie rn lied to tedalivered wnlu theae lluntt. and aa ehail bedl*l?l 1 v tie Architect to- tef before the ftratdaj at tteptem traexh 3 , oj it try the Fifth aven u-. from near dtst et^ trait to Irty ttlih <iit? t,ntcDdiuir w b n the r*ark..flroat U0 >600 ' at, rid enib/ueuig about70.000o -e yards, more or 1 re: l< mi* ibicytrdtof aatd quae tty u nquired to ha deliver',1 w thin .e-e lia/u. ar.d aa ehali he di" eled by the' to O net, fore the Brit day of September neit Tie work to be eouimeuced by the flret of An uet, i nd a >uv Icitd by :le tnMMMMM. Monthly nil. oaten will be made aa the wj kjpr greiee, and ti? value of 'he ruuie tt cant' not j. lce? will be taired natil the whole la completed Specific*.lone of At) maonor of .ertarmlng the work together 'lib an) iiurrlinfarmaUrn deeircd will oe uroube I if thie Dot un aid if er fuceday, 0thday of July, t< tweeu the hour* [ It a ban 2 i*. M r < i? a riuu o ne eccoinpzuucu oy uh omoi c? iwj iu oatibV ptrKMti security (or the faithful p:r:Y miaou of ie work. The CoumlMloaan of the Control Pork > eoerre be right to ijcut mi cr oil proposal* Proi oixla ihould be cndoried "P'opoaali for Ea?tb FI'll ??r " ad m dressed' to the Hoard of <'ommta?loner? o' the Central orb" FR*D. i.aW OL4HIKD. Are itect In Chief Ond Superintendent ji.FP VFasiN FIT it COMMIS-THM Mtuosgs OF n tb... society ore be nob* requeued to nttiuu ? uiiifry meeting which will ho hell itt U>?lr ro mi P ib.go ta Hat, on Thoiadey Mat, 7th inat, ot 8 o'clock. LEOPOLD LK7T, Secretary. UIVt?D ViNIERS.-THERE WILL Hi A ftCIO j lor meeting of the Licenced Vender*' Aav-ciati-m n No no1 Boll, 214 eel 2*6 Writ Fort) lonrti atrer, -n rueadtv ?en'rg, Jul} 3, 18f-9, ot 8 o'clo k. Punctual ottendotvoe i* re uetixd 1 hoee desirous of joiniog tho ooeoe aliou oro 1 .vited i otterd. K. McDorf a .D, President G.Ai.icoui BecreUry. ntW YORK j Yi OURAPIIIC.VL SOCrSl V.-nlViiV V nil-Hi er U requested to otteud the meeting to uioht otH c!< ck at the Printer*' Free Library, No S Ohamber* itre-1 sL.lve o the oelebts. ion of the fiftieth unLor-ni-y o. the -" ef the ?-i i- ty, wblon wUl "eouronth F?irtiut uly. ELWaRD U SKlDMOhE, dhUrmao, Committee of Arrangements. k] LUCK TO TAILORS AND O'HRRS ?TEE FRIENDS I i f lluixtby Heron will meet ot tno Hit n Wan < -tel if luaseaud centre streets. <-n S i-doy t-vmliig, nil 2. JhiP, lrum 8 to '0 o'clock, for tie jiu-n netif rooming r-luticr.a to oetlel him in htn present aftiliruon. HatRICR FAR HICK, Chairman. J-1 rru MxTitros, BecreUry pt E AMERICAN EXPRESS OOMP4NY HAVE PdHJtfPf L y ni- de on arrangement with the ageata of the ('earner Lit j< Y?, which leave* tbi* port to morrow, at 12 M , to c*U til J lib i a, New'oun Hand ond tele too passenger* j the rgc, ?bo will be for worded to their (leitlnoiloo HAMMANY SOCIETY OR COLUMBIAN ORDER? I Hoi-hen-a? a meeting of the counci will be held in the aaaiber of the Great Wigwam tnls ("aturd*)) evening July 2, t half an hour altar the lotting of tho tun. Punctual -"?n mce Urequtsu-d. JAMBS KELLY, Father of the Council pro tern. Caspar C. Chiu-s, bcrtle pro tem. [tO THE PUHU0. L Citt Inarccvo*'* DnrAKTnnirv, i N*w Yotta June 17 <839,) the nndai rigwid haying entered u ry-n ?nJ earned the pa* irmanr.e of the rcetiOBalb'e dutiedof'ho iifli re of Cltv Ieanee >r, and frilly ifcnUzlrig toot thoe* du'Jea, nuceoi the aeuw-1 uf !i-e ye?r rr .aire greatr? or mors prompt nt tr tlnu than tbe work of kreniup the atreetaor our dty in a iraLh] nod c-^erltii-n deems it in tie bis duty to eel le a'-tenli -B of -he public f tea neceeshy of at cnoe putting aa ud to th-i fott'.wtug oail vdatKr, of the la - ? and ofltonnoea 1 The Ihro .ring -'oahfe garbage aid ?lith uocn toeatreeta 2 Ifcekat'li of riercbants aid deal.-'* in pe. uniting aha InffB. *itp? w Aud othd*r uh^tM.nn#w> nnpfl In nm'f'if t>> n*? au pen thr at? ert or plaead upon the !;!?-wvlt fir on whence K won weilmcd over tlmaarret. (tt Hi the duty or oereoo* li i*r the hot Immediate I removed, el tow own exoeeeeo 5. 7 he del y roeepluge f"on theetorev and ebopt ere ?wep! to Ibe rtiwu or gmter*. levied of belrg p aoed In tomere ploole !o be taken ew?v by the a*b cartm-n. 4 the plaonx on the etreeta of the e'earinm of flhb tran trdo end ccllare end mbblrb end old material ana toe paL-lrg of builtllng* b 1 he ihromof into the ttreeta end gotten noxlouo, metre oftotutve liqo'di end uotteacee Tie coieiniialcD of aov or the above acta it not ml? e dire*. oUUeaof the law* and ordu.ncea, iubjreU^( tne otlunde* i arrest, fine and Imprisonment. hnt greatly tic or, Joe end re .?<'? the kief-rag of r'ren itroeta, reorte.ricg etrh work iiffl i!t of tameu-tai operation while largely Inoreaeing the n wt b verv eflbrt an the pert of the msdenmrood the'l and wo; >n?nue to be m&'e. to have our atrert* kept In a meetsty aac saitby rondulon. and I earnestly sjid eon Ideally hope and uk for lie oo-oceretlon and ataUiacce of lUoltueea of iluwjut l putting an end to th. vloUllona a true compUlai d jf. W'X onr ale end suuuMuice the teak wlU be eoeiiy accomplished ball 1 have It? [a ropy of Ibe neverel ordinances re TV red to will be ton at icb dwelling booae and place of our.aeea.J aah esrU will paa-through the ?.reeteof the hereto! ward* ally. Hwndaj eierpU-J, k> collect aeuea, garbage, 4o , and lie udertignert deelrea loot every neglect or miaoumi act on daart ol the drivereof inch carte may be o-'tnp etoeb of to the ispermteodentof 8ani'ery Ii epe-tton, at hie n<B je, corner oi Iraod and eject atreete, and It eball be promptly remedied I t en by rlnging'a Udi.V V?S?'MtSlffr** ~*U w1U * DAHU fc. DkUaVait, Olty Tnepeaker. Tltrfc' Wi'JTAEy JENIOB VRTKKaN CGRPflOF^WS WILLM EETAT j tte o-rner of Qrend end Milberry atreete. an runder, uly S, at 3 o'clock P M , to attend Divine lervtee tn a body at lcrrf?by'?r:?n .hurcb between "rand and Broome street* e Rev bpeLcer L. Finney, ra*tor. All are Invite 1. He;ember the rrenhiflon. By order I.aadC M. i'HYTE Adktant H SkVWOVn (7nlnnn1 sxba M BOATS. ? FTBRNOON BOaT FOR YONKURS, HASTINGS \ Uotbw> Kerry, Tarrytowo, Kir* sin* find Havtratraw lean-rr "BROaDwaY !?*>( the pier fool of .T?y street every lte<i.oon at 4 o'clock, touching et (.Lriitupiier street W.B.? osUvely do ti elghttaxcn oa daturday. 30NA1 l?uAWf> A'rfOFORT H AUTLTGW.?tfl* HTSA* J er tlAbS '.ClIVh&TTS. 7F A Htmhoock captain, wD> ?ve every day for wney Island, Ac., as follows:?Anas treel at 9V a 2 , 12% and 3% P. M.: Spring street at PU A. 12% and 3% P. * ; le? No 4 Norte river at 10 a If , land P. M ; lart trie fret* he Island at ?% P. M. Van IB seals >r the excursion. SX'iRA ROAT FOR NORTHPORT-THR STEAMBOAT MaYFLOWKR will leave Catnarlne street, on Hat mlay, nly 2, at 4 P. M , for Nortliport lnndiog at Ulea (Jove, Lloyd's iock, Oyster Bay an<l Uold agrlug. rR MHItOBr'OP.T. - THS NSW AND 8PLKNDIO stavmer JOHN BROOKS, John Brooks, Jr , commander, rl.l ntrae er excursion on Ba.nrday, Jaly 2, st one o'clock P. I., from Pe* V ?Hp. Returning, will leave Brldgepor' on Money, lulv 4 at 7% AH or on the arr'val of the trains tr m in Naugeturk x.d New Hares rai'maie Kara for the exeur l*-n eeranty five cents. Passage Ucke<s flfiy cents. N B ? mane alter Honda?, July 4. the steamer Jo N BeOOKf rill leave New lurk every day st 1%o'clock P. M , ant iridgeport at 7% a. M., on tne arrival of the tralog from uti hove railroad a. T. LOTKVKB A CO.,.Agents, 113 South str-H. ETOIi ' BATTER AOJOMMOOATION OF T-1B PUB ? Uc?tor .hose leei mg toe cite July 2-RfVlrotd and I 'mhoat Hue - i fU-rmon twat at 4 o'clock for Hndson from i- foot of Jay s'ree' rvtrth side, landing at leldwell's, West ' a (Opt zees' i/ick). newhurg, l.ow Point, Ml lloo, Ponghpele. Rtlnebeak. larrytawn. Bristol. West '.aw p and I skill Tart JO ctuU to Week ./g and Pouchxeopile jha i t Milt ft steamer RIP VAN WJNKl,B, i apuBa Wm. A. 'etlei, a til leave plerfoot of Jay stract uurth stce. Be urday, uly 2. iC69. at 4 o'clock P. M. ^tuB BRIOOkPORT?RXTRA IKIP-ON SaTURDAY Htie'noon, July 2, at 3 o'clock. Fi>re 90 cenle, The d'eamer lisIBiiki'ttRT will leave from Peek alls pier 24 A. as lore, lOLtead of koccay JTATKN 1A7.AN TJ FJfRRY?SUKIf C ft ABdANGBME NT.5 Boats !?are btsten Island every hour from 6 . M to 7 P t. l.eare New tork every hour from B a. M to 7 P. If ft? x conla. On flute Sundays, boats leave every half hour. tCFDAY BO At FO A NiWBURO.?SIBaMSR B&Q4D 5 W a Y leavee the pl?r foot of Jay ?tre.?t every Sunday morn,g at 7% o'. iock. for West Potut, Cold Horlnij Ore rail and etchin g Fare CO tects; eiourrivu Knteis'/B cent*. to rst >rn r ,t* tea "roxiiwey or ilp tan tviokie. JCNltAY BOAT F >B YOSKT5H3, HASTINGS, 110BR3* J Ftfy, farry'owp. Kinv Meg and narers'raw The eatni r BRUAli W at lea ra pier f#Jt of Jay st eal, u>U3hli,f 1 (. hi ts'/ipber street, every Hon day moral zg. at 7 % o'clock JUNIXY TB1P TO G..t!N COVA-TUK FASf ANO J trmnt odious ste i-n?r UF/jHK It AW, J*., tail fold, 111 cciiunm ce te. res ular tuns to :)len (love oew RocheCe, Ity leUnd, > hi emtone and ! trattonp irt on Huudav, I.|ly3, pa M afv it*'11;! sex ran thssagh thu ecason Fa<--i to ?a Cove. 29 ceiilv, U?. t*att uu ?rt atd return, 25 casts. The a t leaves hect ndji xt H o clock a B : Brtv rne s-.reet. it1*; nth ctreet, Twenty sine attne.t, 6|f; thirty thud atreut. ieavlna ''if n t^tve at !> o'cheik P if. JUJ<T*AY BOaT T.iYoNFABS, 1C 4(Bi, HAiiriNltS y and T'ohha' ferrv Jit cents: PUrmont l..? I r iia; Stir Hmt i; *-v.tflau4 lAke. 76 wet* -The "yurrr f AYtCLLiTR. Mnmmrod, will learn fnreey I'.y, fool of M orris alraet, nrnry 9r?44? it-Wain* at 7 o'clock; ay A-ent, Hew York. w 71? '? -Ho* ?t ariatophar alreed u-ti way. Retareinc. Iet?.i ... > v.i a: IK o'clock. Thto boat lands at Forty til. d at-cet. vh way. ifRtXlll JOHH FABO'f?IIT GOOO ORDRR FOR 7 cbs- P'In p.iaaen/er, eicur.l? or I'-r.'iijt bualceai. Ap lyoo' ? d fool of A mm aire *t, N. K.,orof HltftfU BttO, if We ' W i mi, corner of oouih atrcet. ' K. T. BLAHOH, Mooter. LOAW OFyiCEsT , t rt ifapsat) OTKijrr?a hohiohah, oiahohd J br.;apr and general denier, adotaooe money on dlamaixla. j.f-oh-i, j-. miry, ia, or baye liiem tor the hither ml Com ai ?l? pnrete i>*9ce, M finu Ptreet ap ebln, room 0. A GtBe- ik re, 8 iefc i * J. n. 3AMr ;* "It's 1T0 HR1ABWAT, BOOH M. 1. JJTM ..'f AO VIS OKI) Oil htHAGll VATf.Ttei, 1>I.\V(, 08, JWiXBY.FI>HOA*U r wlli bay the urne. "be b {heel prto* : ?M for dJenOoada, <*e?r i OYAHCH" VATI OH MI AMORT** WATOUHR, JBW& el.jr, An , mr hoonht ft* coah, a* tee ,?d eeUb"?he* eUire of . JACOBS a Co Ml Broadway. H'rWIy onnOdeuUnl nod > loan offlee atrra nbont the building. Ml Broadway. t U YAP OH .a?2 TO AJTT AHODflr OH DXAMOTIA I. walpkan. jewniry, nnn and goodi of ail kind <, or J i'lOBg. <W Broadway, l T 4. B, ISA RRi MUCK'S, 170 HROAUWAT, ROOM 36. L ANY AMOUNT AOVAltCSSri ON M?B<:HAND18H, WATCHE*. 0lA?ONOH. JRHRLttr. HfAICOl, Ad., will hoy I be nvre. Ibebtgbeet prtcy paid for diamond*, j*e cr rri. IAMT ADVANCED TO ?NV AMOUNT OR ETAM0ND3 ' wOclag Jewalry, A:, M Ho. 8 Cooper InaAnle. _ m numn. ' j krori^B in *?" sk *? ??*?.?*** or j wrs u*ra , W ?ro nell ?t O'urh fr*lw?d b> land ' 'J.?m tu4 paiwe )t*r+ ' It?tr. to Uvereml cW*r at <V*rk vd *i? ki'/w hi loo, 'ilvwow. ThiMli. Belf*to and m?? .f the prlncKpa1 Hitm It to lre!?na, at greatly *adu ed 'itnt Die Ui?rpnoi, <* ji York k rtl'adelphta Uteau. hip <uouv->af'i rptealrt 'Tlvde ? MU Ima (Brew to?meM >e ere Intended to ?S m follow* , r*on ??* rOR*. 2 CAHUAitDU Jtnau/dar, ioir 1. n< 01TY OB B ULTIMO8* 8at?rd. Jol? 14. 9trr or w??Rr!i<>Tow r At 13 a'ehtoh. oo in. from rler *t, 3?t to*?. f ait? or ra*s<?ia , Dabta fro? ?ew Tort ud 'blind Upton grt I ?i Third daw from If Vo-k to tar nf <b* ?bo?e named plane* M \n t;tan tieketo available far (li .month* 40 L, fit? |tn forwarded to h?vre P??, Rr.monra. tramao rt, Aatwarp and all part* if (he OneUoenl without deta>. So- o 3? The? toeenner* are p-ovldad "?ttt <*?* '?| rtote to or _ tire tit t ntBMdtata<-jti ,ctJ"o of Ore, and the tort-tort dl?lolhe* | * la enforced with regard to the uaeo light* Pavewngee* to J Ireland bT thto llnajtvoiri the rl?? and great dnto?tlno of vattaflg ? at HI John A ? W (teaanra proorad to Onrh t?"?l Tot T, freight or ptatn, apulv at the nffloe of the nomjy'-T ? JuB* 8 l> 16 Broad war. Now Tort gnat , Ut ldtrarpool to Tl, 11TVA)*/Tower Hndd'oga | flSKAT BBDCOTlOII.-THB VABDUKBIIA AUtti jJ V7 pean Una United State* mall to?m?hlrta aatJ averr Ibid tight between Hew fork. HonthampUto aad Havre ander tnaT rt euotraet, I?ring thto aide each alternate nalurdav. tod the I Mhar tod* eaah h?rante W?neaday:? , rmoa raw tou. raoa aarma an , rOR aODThaant? soovuaaroa AMD tllTEta roa NBW TOR* ... n COBAJf QtrtohB. "ea?rur?..Hat jr. JiHr ? ?ed*,Julv 30 'I V aJtJlBBcllLT Lefevre....H't'T, Juit 14 toad'i.aug. 4 AJtTU. Wllrott Hat'; loir to Wed'*, Ana 17 n The? awhaiablpa bare watertight araapa?moot* iWrt able anrgeon*. frlee of paaaaaa (elbar wit the ? l-flm _ ?bin JHO end Y1Of-, tnoond ?An, 3S0 and 140 third ? eta H 80 Peruana** la*and of pa?age bom Bnmpa to Aaaatrtaa. J ipaeladall nredln London and Parla . * D. TtJit&AJICB, Ka 0 Bowling *reen, Raw Torn. pOB SOUTHaJIPTON AMD HaVB*. J THK DJOTJD ST a IBS Man. RTKAMBB AJtAOO. O UNICB. nOMMaNDBK. r tolll leave tor Havre touching at Southampton to land the J mail* and pan?ng*ra.on Saturday, July 23. At Uo otoah, from pier Bo 37 *onh r'Tdr, toot of lleach (treat h Thla ahlp ha* At* water U*ht ooapar,ment*. euoloalag the 0 enplnee. ao that In the event o' oollttkin or *trandi?g the water could not reach them, and the pump* being free to work, the f| ?frt* of the vea?land u?iiseia would be aee urad. J rnreo pMi^e 'n see 'nd osblo (76 ui Kx> ' Rtgrage cot wanted during the voyage should be ml oa >> board the day before salting marked "beiow " In eonsequence of the permission to introduce breadstuff! f feito f ranee free of duty being ?ttbdrawn, the Fulton end A rsgo will hereafter take (ash general freight a? ma? he of- ft ferrd W 8. PH aVTON, agent, 80 7 Hroad ?*?. k N. B.?The ateamer Fulton will ineneed the Arnga, and ml) 1 Aogaat 10 __ r STEAM TO IRELAND DIRECT FOK $30 ?THd LfVffiR ; pool. Mew hark and Philadelphia Steamship Oompauy.? F pleadId and powerful a'eajnib'ps are intended to ml' 11 irfiv mrast a?o 00*11. 1 nton ?bw tour to oona and VIGO, June Hand July L | ururook ' I YIQO, Saturday, July 23. atm or fasbaob Cabin, from Maw York to Cork and Liverpool...... r? Lnctndfng aa unttmHed allowtnee of tba bait oooket p"> Thloni, which wilt be eerred or the eomoany's stewards Paeans gera by thk due avoid the riek and great detention of ealllne at Belifbx aad St. John a. ae the steamere sal' direct to '!o-k For freight er paeaage apply to JOHrt Mcd.SK. 103 Victoria street, Belfast: ficorktoC W D KEVSKilTRA OO and In Philadelphia nnd'Mew Tork at the oompany'e oUlcer. 100 Walnut Meet, Philadelphia, aad 1ft Broadway. ??w lork. JOB I* 4 PALI, Agent. WILLIAM OMAN, Agent, <2 aad S3 Tower Bul-dlngt, Liverpool _ . Further gaUmia wfll appear hi fntnre advartlaemeota. IfBl RORTB OKRVAM LLOYD'S MAIL STEAMSHIP ] 1 bremen j H. Weeeele. Commander, Carrying Ihe United states mall, will ooeMvely aail on HA10RUAV. JULY 9. AT 12 M for Bremen, via Southampton, taking vamengeca for London, I > awe, Southampton and Bremen at the following ra'ne:? * f Oel cabin ?l"0 { Br cot, d cabin 00 , Steerage 36 f For freight or passage ? GBLPICKR AKUTGBM A RBIOHBLT, 1 81 Broadway. Royal mail btb ambbip pvroia ?for Liverpool j The PSKHIa, C. II. E Judhlns, oommander -will a ,11 ' from the ilrt am, on Wedneeday next, July 6 A steamboat will ph between 'he oompany'e wharf, at Jersey City, ard the Prts's irom 9H to 11 o'olock A. as., to convey passengers aid baggage only on heard In consequence of the great number . of persons who go out In the amad eteemere and the g*eai riak I aris'ng 'herefrom, passengers are requeeted to tace leave of their friends on the whirr, aa they cannot be takea on board The abIA will sail July 20. E. UPWARD, Wo't Bowling Green. till TIC MO* u, um. iviau KiVIOaTION OOMf* pany'a Itew York and vlalwiv one.- Th. a........,~ 0 m new York will be the atramahlp rDik.LuMSpSle N b.'laon, cu Thursday, the 21st of Inly next, touching at dt Joins, N.F. to receive the royal miHe "ncea c( patwg*1 ;> at class, $90; second, (40, third BIO, including free tickets . - b# principal dll< a oa the main Uare of r*M wav la ?re?t J - tain and Ireland Third clam must provide plate, knife, v ' k, Ae, and bedding. Passage 10 it Johns: - Fleet ctaaa K' ; recokd 22ft For freight ur p?? Inq dre of the amr n an kxprem Company, Si Hudson street an let their other *. yertleed officei In the Interior Paeaage N the third clnaa tin be re cured at any it the above offices to bring jernout out ."'many of ibe principal cities ou the ltnep of railway In At! SilUtln for 235. or from Unlwa* fo> 230. america* express company, auex BOLLaRD, Manages. fi>OR LIVERPOOL-OLD BLACK PTtR LIVE. ? THv V favorite packet ship JOHN tiilGHr, Cap'alo Cutting, sail* on the bin of July. For passage, hat log suoerl >r aceom modatlcns, apply on bosrd, pier 27 fast river, or to Wit, r LltlH A OUiOB, 10 Fulton atrent and 17/ Broadway JriOB. LIVERPOOL ?TEE SPPKaiOR BLACK BALL S * cl'.ooerahiD GKKAT W EoIAKpi. . auUiu Furber. tails to morrow For panwrce, having unequalled aeoommodatloue, app'y oo board foot of tteeam -u aLeet or to J.aUuit Wit* 10b bomb atr eel. onBja ?t? Lin* foe oaZttoIma ifB .awn mtth ot 1 aaea month- Great rod action of tare ?The rarortv teaaahlp HOBTBLhR.IT LIGHT, Cap! TMUmagh will leave { from pier Mo. S North river, tanadar Jnlt <s atJo'nioe* , F v., connecting. via Panama Railroad, with iteamahu I Oortee. Tor pawaage or freight apply at t?e ml? offioe of ifer ,J Una Mo. B Bowling Green. The Worth Star will raeeeod 11 Dm Northern Light, and leave New Tort en the Nth of Tot*, nuneetisg with the Orlsaba !>. 8. ALLTO, agent N. B ?All penaoaa are forbid trnettng any one on eternal w the above ahtpa orowrera. UNITKD CTATE8 NATL BTBAVAH1P LIMN TON ! Uavanna and few Orlaana?The ateaeaahlp BNPI8K 71T1, Captain 8, P Urlffln, will aail onPatnrday, J air A 1669,ai2o'alock P. 1L, fr. tn foot of Warren atieet Blllaof lading of the proper form fnrniabed at the oiHoe, and no bale of lading will be algned after be boor of aalilng. For freight n> ua>? annl* at 177 Wad atraet mm? of ITunin "" " 'if. O. RuBBBTd Agent. j UNITXD STaTM MAIL STBaJUAHIP LINB, j roR CALIFORNIA, Via Panama Railroad. The steam *Mp MOMC8 Taylor, Jno. MeGowaa, coca macdtr will anil on Tuesiay, culv 6,18*9. at 1 o'clock P M., from pt?r foot of Warren street. North liter, aonnsotHg at Panama with the steamship Honors, Capt W T Lapplige. Per paaaga apply only to L W. RAYMOND, 177 Weal strait oorner of warren. TiStR A LI A -mTiLLB a. LORD a QUBHBAO'S KaN i tV garoo line for Melbourne.?Posture! j first vessel to sal. ? I Tberegular psrket bath TbX ?8 Aires commander will sail i for MrTbonrte direct the latter paitof July J'he acnommoda I lions tor first and second cabin passengers are unturps wed I forirelfbt or pi stage app r on board, pier 17 d ?. or to MaIid.BR, LORD k QOERKaU, 108 Wall street. i Krtsra Lord k Go., consignees in Melbourne. 1 XTBW OR Lit a It H, ] IX MoBILR, MONTOOMSRY, ATLANTA, ALBANY, COLUMBIA, MaOON, AUGUbTA, 1 And various plaoes In Florida, Via saVaNNaS, Ga The ALABAMA, Oapt, Geo. R. Hchenek, w'll lea re on fcttnr day, Jnly 2 st4P. M.. from pier No 4 North rlter. fieteW . can he had for the foliowlrg places?flare at low ae by any other steamer? frees Mew fork to Savannah, accommodatiooi j superior:- J new York to New Orleans, >91 75; Mnbfls. 36; MoBtromery. , ?la., >26; Atlanta Ga., 914; Albany, On., >14; Colombia, Us . . til, Macon, Ua.. >21; Augusts >3); Savannah. fit J BaMukL L. MXTCMILl. k SOW, No. 13 Broadway. , The AOOOBTA, Oapt M. 8. Woodbnll, wtU sneceed and J leave on Saturday, July 9, at 4 P, M ( Eton SAVAMMAH AND TUB BuCTH AMD SOOTH e I WBBT. The Amartoaa Atlantic Screw Steamship Company's favorite 1 MONTGOMBRT, F. Crocker, Oomeuuul^r, Will leave per No. 12 North river, on nntnrday, July 1 nt 4 1 o'clock P. M. Pnsmgg to Savannah, with anaurpaaued ae J eommodaticna, >16 Through tickets to New Oileans. Mobile, J Montgomery, Albany, AUauta, Columbus, Maxin, Augusts 1 and vartoua places la Florida, sold at very law rates. F freight 10 esots par f net Large lots of heavy good* taken ' itrediccd nJm. c Apply to H. B. JROMWMLL A 00,86 Went street | The BnntrvUle enooeeda on Saturday, Jnly 9 ' F~OB'THBIOCTHVNDToiJTHWKST, VIA OBARLBB c ton. S. O.?temi-weekly Untied Ststae mall aide wheel t steamship line. Oab a ssassge >16 0e* >6 e The magnificent steaoMbip N iSHVlLLN, L. M Murray. t will leave pier No 4 North rtver on Saturday, July I, at 4 o'clMkP M precisely. Through tickets to the following plane*:? To Mew Urleiue >19 76 To Charlotte. N. 0 >22 00 o Mobl'e 35 00 Augusta, Ua 20 0<) ( Montgomery, Ala,.. 2(1 00 Atla'ts. Oa ZN 0-1 1 NuahviLu. Tenn 30 00 Columbia. 1L C at im Memphis, Tcr.n S3 SO Jacksonville if]*.... 21 6t 1 Kuctwi*, Tern ? r, W Pliatka, flu 13 00 For freight or wungn apply to HPC'FFOaD, f 1 L.K8TOW * 00.. 29Broadway. The Cotuuba succeeds Wednesdsy, July 6 RFDCCKrflUTW -FOR ROJSFPK, $6, PkTR:tHB0 ? ! ? and; Mchmond, 68,-tbe steamship . aMK8t\jWN.Cspt. I Thomas kintc? will receive trelght for lbs above pkoa* on J Friday and sturday, at J.tor 13 Nr.nh river, andln-we on a fcaturdax, July 1, al 8 o'clock. Freight for Petersburg landed i at Cltr Pilot Pssaage, rtotemom Included, to Norfolk >-o dnced to 26; to Petersburg nod Alshmuid, Bt'tteroom Included 1 rtduccd to 5r3- M?als fifty cants extra. J UIM.aM A II BIN Kg Kit. IIS Ii road wa ? PIP8MOKR8 P3B xrKiM8HIP O ,'s7iT(JUts?N tV% V t-outh'airt^n snd Havre, July 2, a?e hereby oototed thai abc wll! tar. from pier No 3 North river, at 1 o oioos t*. M, pro tarty enturday neit. D TOuRaBftr, No S Bowling flreex, New Tork. ra flat. B?line a nTT pitnp.rtp k a tfiaG an a ip ronplete order, having imsn thoroughly overhauled. ??d of the following dimensions 26 reel loup, 17 feet beam and 8 r fret b< II capable of ear-lag 17* I iua t he abovo boat ?iU p be acid aheap Forfu'thsr o art! rulers Inquire of J. 8 17 N n DA hi IILL. Dry f k Iroa ttmu, 436 Toots **raef, Baetriver. W"Afh <0-TBK ('OMsf AND OF A 8 Flip, BT ABM ? rpectablc man, aquu 3t years; h?* bad much experience * In the trarspri t uf trcopisnd stores iu the late wars; laac " quamied with ?11 part* of the wcrld aud nsed to steam a* well _ m sal!ing vrr.a* is; |* iborouvhly eoqaaiuled wl'b the Medtter- a por'.' it be highest testimonials can be produced and I relerenoes (tit en. Address H. L. M , 102 Sullivan at wi.usam. TjniiARWi.?w. H. GBirnnpN r*PROv*D rrrnH D Ions and tables, can only be honsbt at b'a factory. Call ' and examine. Private to-tses furnished: aecond band tabic* for sale W. H. OElFFffM, 116 Fiilton street. II KMGYAI* _ ti O'CONNOB * OOT.I.TNDEE, Manufacturers of Pheaa'a BILliIABD TABUS, Hare rsmored rrom 61 and &l Ann street to 63,62,07 and 69 Crosby stsMC Between Broome and Spring Weetn. nn ANN BTRBBT?IT 18 NOW A NBTTUU FACT 1 xJ\' tl at L. Decker's mechanical cushion*, oateuted Novi n ber 0,I'M, are :be beat In the tinned Ntut-s and the tables are always being Improved, and still the price Is 'heatmn. I will guareriee to fwrn'sh a be'trr artlole for the santn money Ban any man la ON trade. U DBUR.SR, 90 Ann street. 'jmoats, aim., <ro utt. .J [ FaRtl TO LIT-tF 23 a 'RUB. PITDATCD IN T^B \ vllluge nf Wuvarlev, on lemg Lalaurt UaU-oad. wlb g<aid mee gutlru, huru ?uft out building*. awl every oinasnteuoe r keeping m>?e end poultry ror par Oculars apply to ? hl? O rUKHjcTl , 20 Mien street. . HaRFMfNT TO LTCT HUTTAltl.K FOR A DOCTOR'S I ) or lawyer's ofllre. Inquire et No. 37 Twenty tlrst street, inr Ml lb avenue. {tDBintaio aomitTo i.kt.-ala&us hodrb ;? ' bl?*cker it'eet HO r aim rent low, full of boarden; far tnve nod Irene for title very low; eleu a handsomely far bed buiee <e Twenty 3.'b street near broad way; one la rat 1 unity third iLr-t't. rent moetly uken 1 > board; also a >w hmwr abice 'our story b eat. In Weal Iblrtt ninthaires', ?i $700; alao a furnlabed biuee in Fortr-ascotta avert, real 100. KHUIttT A Oo , 643 Broadway. tocmr to i.rr- fpnmmibii or UNruRNieaiD, a Willi privilege In kllohrn, w a email genteel f?.mllv : term* ill be m 'iterate. References exchanged, apply at 37 West , wmty-lli at air cat. > <0 LIT HTORB NO W) HOUSTON 8TRBNT; MUTtH 1 alia four rnotna el 391 Ninth a treat 18; and apertmenli two and three ru ma. convenient to the Bowery; ren't low. iqatre at 2S9 Bowery^ A. M raNNlNQ. POUT, re* aohinnb PU6P08RB, LABOR BRIO* L building 187 front greet, rear, near Roeevett atrert, with wide cartway. -Teo atom and Boon 61 Division atreet; rente w. nqulre at 209 Bowery. i PO LW-FCRN1RHBD OR ONFORNIdHID, TO A I email land v. a lw> elury and attic brink n uae, poeaeaaioil nmrdiatr y For par.lenient Inquire on the premleei, 188 feat eleventh street pO 1/HT?K bq'jah M rnl-1bd ROOM, KITH "NO 1 r<* 111 mwtTf , Mi.mui.- mt nuusrseepiag or will lie lei, rlth partial board, to a gentlt m m a pply at 873 Bleeoker at. ro tBT-tra WFTM nor* OP housx i8i n<xrs avenue, suitable inr a daguerretn gallery. Rent 913 per lonlh Inquire In I lie store rLKT FUBNIu-nD WITH EVERY R?QC JFITE FO* the coat fort and cor. of a amall famllv a brown Lone bouoe n Forty aeooiid fet eet. betvean Broadway and U<h avenue. Address. witb real name, a. la, Herald See. ro 1ST-THE PlbST and second FLOOR3 OP THX aire bona* 183 Irant In itreet to oreor two nail ramuiea. b?- booae la Id good o.der mid In a good nelghbo hood, fainte? without cbl'dren preferred rett low to goot tenant*. HO LET, AND P IKMIORH FOR SeLB-ON AOI count of death In the family, the lower part of the bouse I Leilngton arenu-; rest low ?u>nltora aaw drat of May Mt For particulars enpl> a' Ua houee. from 8 to lO A. 1L, to 4 r. M.. and in the oeclM. r> LaT OR LR?8R- A LaRUB FaCTORY AND aeveral lota of land well low ted and oonvenlent to the fari-s In the city of Brooviya wub steam engine, boiler, ahafV K, do. Inquire at 14 Plait e.rort [A/ AFH1NOTON BQL'AKR?A HOUSE TO LET APPLY v v tor paruculara at tba drug store, corner Fourth street ad Wooater. FlltetdORKJI, ZZZZZZ ^ treat for the m:1xigni 4. fur tu18 4iv-! JtiLY only, For leea bun n at of material, pirawouk8, At 83 Naeaan street, neat nun building. * at 48 MiUtu arrtt, evening i o?t 00. giving AWaVl giving aWaYI giving AWAY I ilils 4lh july. &?member 88 and A3 Nassau street, CONBCUDaTKD firework gumfany. Fireworks, fierce auk err, torpedoes, ro badpie d'8 aobjsoi and drpoz. 47 Maiden lane, N. y. Laboratory. Kast Williamsburg, L. I The attention of purchasers (or i mile and private dleulaya ta tarneulariy called to the superior qualities of J. W H ADPtRLD'S pir.T PKKRlli* * t R ?W OR KB. for b ilbenov, liability aad low prions Hie reputation for eupertor goods me been lull) sustained in everv laatanoe wkere tue , have men In fair and open ounpetltWu ana tbe exteut of hie maaaaetory mav be tested by parties sending their ordnrs by nil ir otherwise to the depot. 47 Balden lane, * T , where thw hall have our bent attentton aad terms OOLKi. rnrpa a CO agsctaBURE CRACKERS r ao 1, uold Cbo.', from store, ta large or amall lota, beaw cut rent rates. For ssie by iHai>DE0E DaVIDB St CO., UI7 end ia? William street. f"3 A- LlLLIERDABL'd CRPOT J* FOR THE KXoKLolOR FIRKWORA8, geeteed ht nATtRUMtnMh And hmt lb aU*l(tV. rom fubuo ahu paiv?t? ?xuibitiow. FUNCTOR * ?K?FISLD. ) M John streak ^ a. UI.UU DAB 1/8 RXCSlAlOK FlRRWOaKO, ron PBIVATK AKD PUBLIC K XHIBITIOWB, AT TUB " LOHC RSTAl)I.lh?KD DKPOT, Mo. 43 Maiden Una. ~~ WCTRB TIBM. I?1A1 KXilBI. lOK FIKkUfOKgd S39H) O U 2 always on banc at 330>i <l?nd street. between ircb&rd and Ludlow streets near ktsex Market. B?l'I'lstlC :. WkHMtk, only authorized up tom agent. Quality guaan teed. ~ ~ti.?f.t40V ' a UUU8T HalhuM' a Ou . MaNkatld. WfLlj RtMUVS SL their oflloe ou the tin of July to H Wall street y aaM .VAL -LfrFlAriCh. MAL*Mahi>Aft H.FK DMPOT removed from Hit rearl to 63 Murray street, corner Colage place. MJBJtxtl M PATBIJK. IJeBAltOTlCllill ~ ^ jOimUut COOKY -id rUBlCATTMK OP THB APPLIJ cation of the Mayor, aldermen eod Ooamoaaltr of tM dty ot Men Vor*, by tse .'oard of '"Wmir'ar11 the Oenral l'sra, relative to the asu.ilvluoo of land* for a p until pork jr plane between Ubth and titer street* and the Pith and etgjitb are- are, In the ?tiy if ?*w tor* The Ma/or addermen and I'oromoeahy of the dty of New York, by Ibe Hoard of Oommtndoners of the Central Par* purseant to the statute eatttled an act 10 alter the nap ot the otty of Maw Yorh. by laybag net thereon a psbile place and ta authorize the taking of i the num." pa Mil April 1, IM8?thme-<UUM being present? rereby glv# notlee to the owoerx, leeseae, partiee end per- i tout respectively entitled noio or Inlet eeaod in the lands, - I enements hereditaments and premleee hnretoafler emtlanw and described that they will apply In the hnprmae Court ot the Mate of new York, eta > pedal term of aaM court, to be held at the City Hall of the-Ay of dew York, oe flfedneray, the Mb nay ot July, 1808, oa the opening of die court on that day, or sa aeon tbereafler as oounaelean he heard, for the ?p potntment of three .Aunnuseuoers ot appraisal In the above matter, bo estimate in favor of the several owners, tmeses. parties and persons aforesaid, a lost no equllabe tMpeotatkm tor Mains *11 those lands teeements, beredtvuaena and premeee as lie between the soatssrly line or aide of 108th and Ii0th atresia and the rift* and vubtb avenues In said el'r, and isbtcb the said .oard of flonniisalitoers of the Central > shrl deem advisable to he aoquired for the pnrpom of extending said central Pas* in the oits ot Ness York, which eatd lands and premise* are laid ont on the map or plan of mid ally, usceraod by slrtue of an act ectUled ' an act re.Stive to Improvement* tnuehlog-tbe laying ont ri> streets and roads hi ihs city of Msw fork aud ' >r othwr Duroosos," passed anrll 3. may. tinted mav li lsj? UOHJJtf) BtfWNR-Tl Orannel to the 'Virp ta lon, 1 ud n astd rioard of 'kj-imtsalotacrs. ; STJPKIMK COURT?l.ITY AND UOUiflY OF NEW tork-James T. Rich vs. ltuun M Loitrel -Notice is 5 lereby given that by virtue of an order of the e uprsme Court ?1 >f the t-Ute of New Yort made 'n this action, on the SOih day if June, 18S0, th? subscriber, ?* receiver In the shove salt, orltl I #11, st public suction, hi pvc?i?. atfis Nassau street, in the ilty of New York, the st -ek o' goods oelonylng to the firm of ?lcb A i outre!, heretofore dolug hus'oess st S ) 61 ''sasm treet. In the city of New Vck consis-.log of goods, wirvs sad atsrcbiuidUe htlorglug to the rt&tlonery business; also, the sued will, fixtures sad leue of stai sto-e. together with atblurry belonging to the blank book blading business, which ale Is to be entirely lor oaah. To anmraenoe on the 11th dsj if July next, st 10 o'clook a M of thst day. aL'JNZO R. U A UPTON, Receiver. Dated June 80, 1PM. J PURSUANT TO SIT ORDER OF TBS I1IOH COURT OP hsncerr. made In a matter ot the estate of Ohsrlotte lowbrsy, widow, deceased and In a cause " William JosUb (nrlmsek against Freeman Smith and Maria his srlfe;" all lersons claiming to he the nextot kin to the said i,hsi lotto lowbray, la?e of Louth In tbo county of Lincoln, widow, datwid who died In or about the month of November last, are, (y their solicitors, on ?r before the 18th of iprli, 1899 to come and prove their claims at the Cnambers ot the Vice ChanelkiT wrod No. 11 New square Lincoln's Inn, Mlddi-sex; >r Is default thereof they will be peremptoilly eicltided from be benefit of the said order. Thursday, lbs21st of April, 1869, at 12 o'clock, at noon, at Ik) chsmuers la appelated tor hearing and adJndlcaUna uooa be claims Dated thia 14th day of March, 1869. HY. LEM AN, Chief Clerk. The 90th day of July, 18J9, la appointed aa the adjourned day n ehleh creditors are by their solicitors to one In and irove their debts pursuant to the above advertisement and Cendcsday, the M day or A up list. 1969; at 12 o'clock, at icon, at the .{above mentioned chambert, la appointed for earing and sdjndtotilng on the claims. Dated this 9th day Of June. 1869. JOHN flTTJART. l'lalnilir a .solicitor, Gray ' Inn, London. ElUIjiOABE.^*~ _ fftoa 'aKfJNPORT^LoNO ISLAND RAILROAD.? " Twice daily for the summer. Leave South Carry, Brooklyn, 110 A. 11, mail, aad 8:S0 P. M , express Ret trains, arrive i Broollf net 9:10 A M , erptets. and 1:10 P. tL. mall. UrRTT TORE AND FLCBHING RAILROAD " . 1 M ARRANG AMKNT8 FOR JDNR, 1888. { Trstra will leave Hunter's Point for Flashing. stopping at < klvsry Oemetery, Winfield, Newtown aad Weal flushing. t aava acirru s rem saroi at XAAra runmxa narot as 1 7:18 A. M. SAO A M. J 7:66 A.M. a 10 A. M. 4 PM. 1:30 P. 1L 8 P.M. 4:46 P. ML 7:48 P. M. 8:40 P.M. oeoectng with steamer Mattano, Oapt. H. N, Gaga, teavtam ' ulton mart at pier at 9 A * , 1, 8:45,8:46 aad 7 AO P. M, and I niter's Point on tee arrival of (be trains An acrominodation train win leave Hunter's Point al U A. I for Flushing, stopping 4 all way stations: returning, lea re lvnhtng at 1 P. M j fare 16 cents. On Handsj* hourly train* i rill hereafter be ma to and from Flushing: fare ?i cents. rtijVNR "HaVutiK. Preside t. 4TT5W YORK AND BAULRM RAILROAD COMPANY. > BliMMKR ARRaNQEMiNT. On nud after Wednesday, June I, 1869, trains will leave wtnty sixth street station, Few York, M folk)we:? ' 7:46 A. M. ftir Wllltamabrldge. 8:90 do. mall train for Albany, ' 9:9ft do. for Wtlllamahndge. * II AO do. for W bite Mains. a SO r. M. tor William abridge. 4;(j0 do. frt White Plains. * 4:(0 do. for Dover P alus. 6 00 ro. for telilie Piilns6:'6 do. for While p]?ir s, from White and Centre streeta. M 8.60 do. for Wllliam"hrl,'ge. Kclurning wilt leave? , 1 8:f0 A. M. from Whit- P'al ,n, I 6AH do. from Dover Platea 7. J 0:40 do. from WlllUcccbildee. 1 7:00 lo. from White POites. fta 6:*f) do. frrm WlillsmtVMg*. . II-."" ilo. ni"'l trnln fr'-u: . I' nny, J.flO P W front WlHbursl 'ifgo. .'Ts jt Oo no. from Wh't- Mains.' Jr 6:?ft ?i., Irotn Wldi;m?bp. g?. 6:1:0 do. frotu Whlto Plii e. WW:. WM. JAMPBEUj, Superintendent, JF""