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6 oitcatioms wasteb-k-kaialiks. A~TOUNO WIDOW I.4PT, Of R??,[Ns?ltNr Al?0 Inlrlltaefi'* Iff1 "Wat imin<ie">?iM, r'?p*i or atmiiai.t-r I" *laniilj ,[> 'UI " "*>'tl *?in ni uttr tirvn I Ktu.1 oiiMattoe iddreit tsttel, tfetrop-litau Post . flirt , ttOUM | A OlBf, /TlSHdrl a UlTDartON 4? A pair ?t'k and waiberaod iiontr m % a-nall nrlrate bain, i.i'dref.rei.i't gum from hrr U?1 plaje 'Saii be | been for?wi dayi at ."U racfl t it Hr > ig r o j A?*?Pai). t?t.a BflnTOn WoMaN *itiHe- a SIf ' attorn In do g'ueral oooar? rk r co-tuber . .-A la a aatU tpr eate 'an t<? a > at i2l 7.b evn tV rt?MI,.?.N OK I-ADT Wl-niN'J TO Fltt'iS J tbeir w thin and Ironing cone tip it nf .teat manner, ? a u d do we by ailing at 171 Ka.t Itith it, feartii a >or, barb 1 1 ?m PbMP Y 1-SiVINO ? h KNll.?Ni>. W:nH TO O-cf a good iitnai|?n for th Ir h n-ewti .l. o' ?rn >ra ibey . au 1 ? Ik well app!? at I* L tajeitea*. >n>'ki a. ' A O v i*. t N I i.RK8MM til Vilffl I HtDWOI I A iQMD'tvtVltrailv; ttndarttan'it flttlnf eljl1 ifm'i a.oi,h 1 1 , art" taw it* ??,tviu* of all, nnouiwdtl. 11 to ir?vnl in ib o?" .n y jf lari a inaU; cltj felereo'nA Utl at or ad Irett b t b ?tr. uear Stub tt BI1PATIOW WANftH-dY A YOlTtfO OIRt,, T? A d? . oeral boi btiwort 't * 1 ?><l ?*iVr nod Iroeer. Call at 62 Allen street. rt 0 out dli.g, lonrtb dmr. SITUanom W\?l?D--t< A To '? J jiiK*d .M 4 WHO innata ? > >' KlU'bth, a gttltV.I >0 Ul <lo \u\ It'lid ol verb taa p'<?ate bom: >vlll n?k? g-ni?o'v utsful Boon-e'er-nee -old reel J dia a! , boi 115 Herild ill 19. It i.OT a HI.It aNi? fXOIPPTf AT vOljm WOSAW wl b ni dou-le.i r-V.rmo-i tr?m bar late eno'of era de' tb?l a ilni.-l n At Uira. a.d> e-OA. ai.l newt to a .ill tug; no .'biwHo to tt,o c-.uutrv _pi,| ai rs 6lb av . Cr,t OM>r imui ru 'HI bllUtTUlV ?iliGlt-tV ? QtAVCas i Ku. WHO A aoenlia *ogUah *b tbanbertnaH. md to assist 1- ?.<h. < ? and Iroiiios is ?el reeont ..-u uri in mire at Wi" 7tb awe. ?*i ween 27 vh ?od fin at* . iu ihi hi??>y. jn.8i?*? is < m*?hibo w>vi\* a . i. sllaa Ion as wet onrae. ir >n do b hm v <tk In 1 small prtra'e famll ; ?he * shot h? child at ng with hi' '*a lis sees lor two dajt ?t71 ilvtai n as. sic ind 'runt ro > a K<sp?rfi8 K WOM.iV ?<> W*8a r M A ladles sud gentlemen Apnly at No 6 Autlty place, is ibs t?ar scone flour TOU?a O'HIi Waisf8 i SITOhPIOi f ) I'M) r-?at| A, berwira Is vl' dog b. iiknci't) of children a .u a * nica hosts, h-s been 'D ee tears In h-r last rite 00 4 re'ersnce 1*1) at IUt la b ?t . I>?t seen 6tn and "'b a' < Sltr ADIIN W1MIKI1- nv a YOl,''iJ woman, ro \ do oSaTlxr "lirs son <a>U| * walUigaul ???l?i lu shaatter sirs Has llrrd lu tenen/ ibe -n n i-api-ci*u s L smku a i ll/ e rreuce given -?u lie seen at 75 ti b ar l>it km* at kRu wi-nss ro *.V'iA<;i ty riicoaT 1 or arrk 10 aim-rr?o*"'lat'l? fam Ir In au sz n-riruJoH parson si b?r bust of city refereaoc. Uali at 128 OUston place AmWOTtBU COLOBM WilMaV WOCItD like a place In the clt? e-eountrv as ftrsi class cook, Uo- 1 r* stioCfl all kinds >hlog rood references apul/for rue dsya at S 2 Wsst2 si ?, seonod 11 tor trout room t RLE Stk R1KD WOMaN WAMM * 1 A rHH to wet ouie. wlilj a f enb brent of ml a. Has lost k-i cb id a week nul Cat1 a* Sod Nest 27tb at r lorno HtRbiri) LaD7 DKS1RB8 A SIfUA V ijoii h -iiiflwcrr n a private famll u as ro obi? t ion 1 to tab'ok rba'ge of children uefereac-s exchanged Address rs / Hera: otlice I C>>?rbIe\T P'wHiN WlitHES A SiTUaTIOK as eon* : would assist 10 wash! g and l-onlofl, or do boose siorb e ? ama 1 'ami > lood ci y r?ti'rrnoes given a pal/ I SI Hi Mulberry si. res' Houston N If I DhK-SM ,8 i-R a Pt?MP?TEVT PRS8?M<KER 8B8 10 go oth nv tbe dav or ??t; uiderstsn ls otabiog ch'ld rsn a c 1 ibf s lAli al No 1 ti anion rn w corner of 1 Ho it and ' ts as 1 ???, PL IN Rawiisn? a TC.rilft W'lMaS. WHO 18 b u?. isbrini t -r ard can do a 1 M"d? of family oia'n >?s tor wtsb?H ? r? at br r hooae or srbl go nut b>' the day or suoib UKiti 'Id Wait 24m st.. la the rear I SITl1 A*'ON W t NT Kit? BY t RKSPE Tallut WORaV, is ? ok: if s g. od washer a d Ir-ner. Uood refereacr can be given. 1 all at id 7th -ve up atai.-a (JlfTU ATlONH W nNTEO-BY ^ TW > RRVP < iT t RLE ?ra m dcr?mr d h" miiiim th irooitMj, the nibwriw dim brromki uil ?i r?i; 'bcbOAtclty ?ef?reace e.n be given if rtnnirrd *1 ?i i:v> a-?! iibia it, bslwecu im and mh &t?., tfiwd or, trout km m. QOT4TI N VlRTID-n A TitTNO KROU8B PBOi-r?nt*tr t)do?f. ?rt' bmewrk lo ? small fatnl'y. C.U ?t S6S 7U? are bet* rkn 541 aud 3.'tdltd m S1TPa*I< S \TkN'lt'i-5( a. YH'I'i Art _ gnra uuio ro ? r o. ? .?ber And Irmor. And I* t i;?l fcakar Mt'u* uti --3 > All At 17 linl >Q Ilroe., drj>A Jja, it th? brwmcntd nr. Wildin BT S??"T ?PTTV* BP IT H OT aU A AttuoUon m cbfnr*-ru.?id and ?r*it-ri?! or i? a-intnil. bMgoodm' niTArna-.ini CnUtorioo dyji at s2 Jhi'itm A , in tbejrviilry A irtr. WABTKII-A PHUaTIOK BY A VOCR HBlLfat woman, as * ft nnrte. Inq,?ir? At 31 neroy ?t antlST?|l-lV a (JKBCBal. PiiJ^BrtrAST (HAL, vita ane'tcn <iit? rrt-.nore, a situation ? regular tanndrrai. or vl t do fine wvynl'ig And ca onirtrvors. dor* up iicaia tn H> '.! aIao a ooiia, ?n i neriVotlt uu demand* bn? b iI"?ey*, un'i and ,oafi, b. ii jj; * d ui?'?r, w *g-u f: to t6 each. Ail At 2 ii mi 2du ?t . cio ur oouuirt Wajitnd-* urn; .vmv Br * basph'Table u*? it.kd k'rtf In do brtintvt bouaew :rt, or v? c&* noer-n *l1; jrnod refe-coce ?.dd w? tirrunn illrl, b n 99 Herald oiBcu, tor HT? flu A. WAAIA ?-A MTDATIUM BV A RK-PBOTABliSt PBO* lorn r t monr ni ,n i a iiurr md to d i plain aevrlnir IT rbiaibrrki r? tid o ?'n Akvi in r ml ?i.y roM-vo-A i:?n be iwi tn tun ?)! at 1*1 a mi 'id it, n*.?r * h ?y , roar boii-i- lop hi or \1' N1T.D?aB TOaIION Ai M HV A 'T\. ** bie ?n? an, v i , mi1 ef- v 1k emiring i? h i i i orta flni; loops And i.-we'<r even Eir*d iQiuti?\i- e- t mlt*-- i ,i on ntqe Hoi s to aesUt III wnnh in ?' d |raa a< dmt oroliy rotor *' co cae lit- glc?n mill ') a? II for to jays p.d'ac c?u At Weit te n it, betwo?n (5th AO I 7ih avbi BlT.iATinv, B7 A Pfc-ICBPTA Bt.ll y? -oun^Kirl. * cool y-vrhrtrAOd ir- irr wi h yo id city ?!?} s if cot en I WAvr?n-A anr?T'Os. by a. rki?bctab!/? young woman. > ' wtM wwtat ii the mV? / Iro. trig or wonM /to lnn???0'k oaWI private family, item o' ftf refr-euoe fro ap .!y tarn dmyr at b5X 18th at, Detween 6th and 7th vra , from 10 to B cloek. Wasted-* P!Tr*Tiov. BY A BB<",tc<,AB k Wa mar. to e-?oa wa?h ?o< iron; la to eioehent Biker; will Inc to do general boi.aew r? ta * amali famtlv. tier' of alt* reference 4'alt f > two 'Java ti ll ffeat irn at, between 7th aoit 8th avs , top floor, ban room ?xr AbTFII- BY A Jt?-Prftt a?.oB TOD BO WO? \ V K Bttnatlun to do general h !* -a "tr, cooking waabiig and Irctan^ can gt7e ,od city reli-ecge Apply MDMit ehrtrt IjrrAJTTED-liV A BiSPHlTABLBOIftt,. Tt i OO OHf Fa tor dav or week to do fa ot.y ee v'ng, ran oot and 'It ladle*' aid children* decreet. wages not an itw-0 an object a* -eadv work. 4 AH at 113 f.aat 2*th s:, between 21 and 3d ar? , for two rta;t WANTlW-KY A RfSPgCf ABLE YtiCYI M A RSTIIT) woman, a baby to wet ntirae at h*ro m re Men/--, i-?t bar own babe when only two days old Ro' e need apo'v ei wont r??rc)oti.ble peraoo*. Reference If rc; tirei Apply at 09 .betin at tor Mrs Deleny. WABTf D?BY A EE-T, tIDY PRO TST r""r -jkr. man g rl. a alittalino tt< do general h ttieawoe*; t? a good a'alo cook ai d ac excellent art'rand iroaer; fc_.a gooJ re fereuce Call a; 407 Broad Way urti llx>r. WANTED ? a PiTffATION, BY A BR5PSOr&B ,l: yoking g rl, 'n do boutew irk or to nook, arxob and Iron the be?t of city inference given to bott>-,n fort wo due a* SIP tian'lc *t, B-ooklyn. Ro objertlan 1140 a aho-t d a'? "e ta the country WaNlCIf BY A YOuNOW KM'. \ RITCAfllJ.Y TO HO chamberwork and wanting, tood reter'nee p1?en. Ca'l at 14 en.itb at, Rruaklya In toe more TJTfAJtTET)?BY A F.K? PKCT * SLE YOT7 K(i (1TRL, A aituaPnn M nurae and aetimrtres* 00 objentlm to so u ab'rt dietance in h e country. Can at 10S 16th it. 3e?.t tlty reference. WA*r?n-?T A HKHRrT HESpEcrAB'<e motch girl. a aPttation In activate famllv a* cook, wiener ?i>d Irroer or to do general oousework; t o br a (, rjta-al l. a actuation at cook warher and lron*r or to do g?r.?'?.l Aoruc work; van come well reccrnjneaded. Apply at No 421 ltruadway, up atal's S47 'NTED-A SirCfATION Bt AN gXPiCAIKNOKil " i eamn'regg; hut no to ?jo la th- ouatrv of would he wl.ltug to m ike b-rseif aacfnh 'IM bo .een at tee rest ieore of her preoeat uatpioters. 137 UvlngAton ?ircet, heI ween South and H >?t?'.a . Br "iliyE W'ANTt:R-ity ?7 o vit' pr?<!>; -.i at. TuTTTm" tlon eg rmkn aud ! ?er: I reteri-r.cM can be given Call at ise Third sv WANTED ?A fltt A riON A3 GOO "OOE IsTTlH^l c'ufi I r-ad ana p-J>;ry baker; ua ier?rin<i* ail Aij'iot pnon* ?"<i deferts' bent of city r-'.-r. rot VCan he -n-- for two d?jr? :? not on*?' fid, at Ha) 16th r' , ,-th ant- ' li. ma, third floor Iron: room. WANTED?V oarUo 7M nr" NFTT-^ X I bea.thy woman at'.!, a fresh 1 read < 'eat'c who I'it her t l>aby VM'-firdr-y at"1 it now dealraue or r. m eg an .t> "r, to rhom mnt?rn/i t?ro wl!I he tendered. Call *1 17 Sber ti y'. or two daje, Qret tioor beoA room. TUfZTBAli-:* A CORCR AND rNDl>TKU:T;y OAEiU-NKB * A < ") tfT to go In the r" ntry, hwlkt, *'"orh >r t lermau pre' ?i?i, vVi onJerrtaain b<? b'ilrtre?t tucooyhb', nisi 'j r.7It ,r 10 I" tn *11 itodgof work on * 9:. i'1 Tarn. ' in b?>-? . n y ir.ri.i yoar round, for fcnhor Ir.fotn.-.tioo faqtiliT .. 2J Mr-'Odwey MCHVfiN OAR VNICR i3r*0I.E), W.Ttl OOD? ?t It M, . to oalnted with ad tne breeches Of tran rt.1 r, white. to cr*t Ateady alt'iMljn Jell i.t or ad 4""?'t M'.udwuy room 17. \ "ITANEtMAN BARBKR w * ffTEO._.APPL,T "* no.r;o; a ante' dressing eftloon. j A tta*Bh?aLtRLK is ;>s-:iaou* or P"r- ! trsoe or A Siii " "l'' ."*>7 youth or 17 t> gome light net ?' Seui. 3 *3 r'.'ucH.uti* linn; write) a good hood, ?.r Me "rwk A4Jr " A 1; ?- . W 1*5 Herald o.-Sce for O "">dIi'ivr^b!'1, ' '.Votor-'1 n^"0, r'4W ' man sleadv employm. Dt tal ?1??J oged Apply, i < the right ^IftoN O.Je'iullli, 167i?ri&?y " Ao TO ItOflfl OARFENTEM __T Ynri>fl ~ ~~ ! ' werAed At thj tradnfor ,wo r? ri^? e ?* *T ^ ' c hit tt ade. AddMO or aooly Vj -f. 5 a ,ri?' ^ J toad *i ore, front room, nem atky., for thrift,. ' WA'8D?fiirrATIOV?l run TWO m r~ , l tru t* it OlfiU 1?*M baain^n ^ ^ ^ * c9lb ft. _ _ WANTFT>-THI3 1>*T. Tpa'TC CABfENtiHH >M, two Maekrtn.'ihg, for ?????? ?oja?M eppiynjj at., corner of acow/ WAKT?T>? A IjAROB ?:>v, TO 'V.n; t? A brate foundry; one who ?v. , :.??? ' ' * he muAt he Able to fdtd wd write, i.^wrc et it at ljtl a;, ^~irur*hb or tfoan.* *M- UiAlh W4?'uo italVT, * In rood aHuaHoo* ?'?* rrafv, at go *1 ?<*?. ataa* 'or flr.t olftMfBJUlMtM AU"? ?4r ?t?|W,W? 4MM' 1 | I" 1 "t ?b* l?r*' 1114(1 11,?,, lor domraU ?* ' tth at . ?"0r. I aer i?f Hih ___ ! I u, r.sMiuni ani> #Kr>D tRKViKi^ j .^1 tiir* of % Aral ?** idiom, .'An n? auttod im a-iV%'4t j GMMI rf*u?tiMO !? '.* rr-wl* ?*! go d il-O \ljM.d ?* *l Ao l^rgw li?ttt*'ce *o<1 i?Hd* '*W Kb ?t . 1 i uutirt y Avb av tVindualrd m n p?iya'"*hl? -\aoArt"*<* **1y I , i T tBK OttlGlx^L UROAllW Y MP . > V * ri m T IN \ ?U ut*. U? Hr*adwa> ri?Ht y?**ra nutt^U'tvl ? ?m iloym generally am tod, a* iu Um k&9 nusbur of ari*ci ? rir.wP K&gllab IrUh h id ? tvv. >? ?frv?rv <**.>*''ty. 'onduct* on hitodO'iMi >i 1 1 ' 4 >?v M -h 4 XJIIY O&T, V-4 r io^wij, exit door tolbn Kroidx^y I* ?rt dt ? T #*Kl VIM HIC ROT *FV7*% 2*1 rOUftfl A avfun* rimr Tfri.t. ic-conl at***t 10 kml pi in <vv?kt, cbamt)*rm-Mrt ?itd aVtrra 4 'iRV-j and n*\4 u* * ??*! a?* ? i hr (tulisl nr??i and 4 ' itlQ can atv* oHa^tkraa 4m* ? ediU*lv *h*? 'iOnmart h i^ i* ? * /ir1? a>i * 0 nt*?v Undnl; ) gc- hl ungtiM i-ai lu cr j uod ivnmtrv >i.? giVdU !br?j8 > o*i hi arpo c#Lf? A lady in atoMuUno-* GOOI> kklAll ORf (>ODri Sti.K ?\* fr\NTtfl). * <Pilv Ht i "** ** *. Hab r 1 .? la Caroato* *t, cor^r of bleaokrr for l*o d*ya. (v*?k waph*r fvn in- vs* ^wr> * *ff a\t meai -A mam and ?att*r *?*? thu? d*v wanted f ? * dVih q ?h. * ml v idao a glM t? ***** tn k? i* ral b ?? >? irA i i will lor. i u b can o?y?i ?ial ?o' pi*?!<a? ? applyi .^ at H> d'.b a ' f^Mpl.t YabS IU!? OHTAaN ?vlfi- P? 'f \ 4LIS, *rVCCa ci*-Mai>d r*?* ?!? ). ii d gVi? at th.? f^.nVrt ^c aiita "Km. lo^ ment t.ffl 148 .* Ixth avij hi.- i# ?jn Car^n'f H id T^*nt #*c>-d r .r* '' wh4" "rrv *?!l' ?rt at*' 1 " ? ut-fHl to rlT** aaOafn t< .n R?h? i %*r i ho i.'t*?-1 60 cm.irt <1- in *h tad HnmiMlately, ?. gt**aa f ?r vbr-ie a on lm ' 60oi n a <"MnI.n w I* (* II - I, ft!* AP.W rA l i) lad -; I dutt#-?y for aituAliona f avr.ry jk-k > |i ?t cl h* .? d v .*e f lUillin#. UP 'n*u; -'.i^ ;) J, \ famri?*a. b i -??. * ho m w tit! ante I a ? the eltv and c rnit' y 'Mi re e* 2* '?"? ?J "l at H - ? b ave.ue <> HvWI Box mirnti w awiuowwk c.o?t be w?t! elite Pd. redoed. ??1 > >t "" ? VJ JreiTVraut Morton Inlji) aj' Port aglce j antM in fill )OD F, 4* ' BWW I; tit! b v.rdtog hnif-1 can e iuo'1* I wl'h ihe >*? of mr?f m Vt ftKf >N" I'*'"" 2-l4'll acn ir > d. mratlce ftem all r adorn. e?u be had lor city or country No dabt ix'Mdetliuf ' 'h'e <" ? y*vr>. u . o on coo a*. * trr**trer.-i laONDRn-o N ...nnrnr" ?;.d n unbe- of glrla :' -r peocrai ki lt wok. in < <) 1 ?n dtatidy in iltini'i po nowipm both In .ie ratrl lea ai e buelr hv ?i d oouutry. Appyal the Seryanla' . naillute M9 T??d at rU M.L11NKRA?WANTED IMMEDIATELY, SMERilaL good n il l. era, alan three or four drat claaa trim or.-f ippf pjrw;na'ly to Haiti ?ln t Ntven, 47 Broadway WAN) BP-WOMKH AND t.IRiA. TO WORK IN A tobacco factory Apply at 209 'A ater at wk,'*>T'i' 10 OB 15 GOOD PKWi?f I BIUA Oaf a t! h c o' baatlng tor yewlng machines also It) W,'e* A Pi hid or oib^r g.axt acwi'.g oaai'hl'tHa with appara if .n n're at 12 < "tree urar T-ankfurt, in th roar, .r w ..n he nonra of 1" and 2 o'clock, oa I ueadt/. lnl? 44 STY a NT YD-A GOOD PL*IN COOK, WHO IS WILLINO rr to jo to the countrc for the i'lmoter utii'ha: gool city et'erei it- rmniret. Apply at 16 tail 2otb at. between Madl on and 4th ase. 117"AJ< 1 Ei.1?A GOOD PLAIN f!.)OK;linHT WASH AND M tr >n well App.y at 469 Paclttc at, Uro iklyn; wajea at 0 capacity a/ET NUKeF WaNtRO?TO'40 INTO TH It OOUN TRY ?r twelve mt'ea from New Tork, a wet nurse won con ir-y ?o..d rcfcrcDcaa a* to health and ch trader Anply at ?o 350 Hroadaay, betaeeu II and 12 o'clock AT aNTbD? A NORSK A MTl'DLJC AilBD BXPKRI*r cnce* woman with rood Cttf references tn a family i i > r oh a second nurae la tent; she uiort understand n'aln a?w n? app.j tbia oay between it) and 2 o'clock, at 8b Madison tva nrr anted?oirLs t sew on light and quick 7* w ra. good was*? siren. Apply lmateJDteiy to it B. Sblmer, C4> ' e-tar at , up stairs WaaT'I) IMMEDIATELY, A RKAXRMMMi OOKMl tent p. do fatn'ly sewing, who may be ai>gi?*d by tn< sm) 0' in nth Ayjlj aidi ul delay at 104 Weat 3 at weeo 715 and s.h at a JLJ A a 1 r f?A TOUN1 Lady, ?8 da I KSWOW AN. IN mla"?c retiP mtlltt.ery atorc; one uiintieed to the ab ? at d undeta'aniii u tfce bamneaa m?y appi at Mra Ajrrs M15 i-irth arcuiie ttefr reniWK of flryt cla?? re.inlretl ar Ab lED- A PBOTSBf ANT OIRL. TO DO ORNRRAL *? botwework. Neferet-ctt re I'.ired. Apply at 30 Perr. t. from 12 to 2 o clock. nr?NTI.n-?N IRONER. FOR A SUMWER IIOi7S , T* at Jilt i/er w> th. th i two Knn.l rarta two order c tok1 a. d aevte ai ilmb wubt't. for good city hJtela apply eat > at l<9 Bowerv. TraNTaD A OIRL.T > D ) OSNEftAL HO MRWORK drplj at 116 Vanck at. after 9 o'clock A *1 tTTAbTltD?A NnBHE, WSO TTNDitRaTaNOA TH *? r?r? of a" ii.'int from its birth An American, with goxi reference nosy apply at M Irving pltce Wabtolr- ? pnof khr* n't jirl. to do . housework f <r a family of four purAisn; mint w?|n co It wasber nnd Iroaer (he beat of city refere n i. I' lw eqttlred Call at 20 Wed 2tth st, between ftto an l 6!5 averuea W?NT*P-A ??fA8.T. T'D? GIRL TO DO T3i (JKF rh1 honrewcr* fnrsfavl.y of f >nr parsons; naito* > good cook washsr And iruDer. Wage* $' 1 <ialre at 2b WenS'stsA ________ A ABTtD-A WOMAN YOlXlTfl* OICNkR I. HOI'S work 01 a ?u> t'1 'aml'y on eta'en I-leod. The heal of re (prances fro Hired "po'vitNu 2 >Ye?t ,'id h ?t corner of o h av. . Ai>Trn lilrtl.w ?ACM* W a NT fid, 80 w B tlX) I ?(? f ? t (Mi ?es actable girls fr*m id nations f r most kind* of wo*V city and coontr Good places previ led for all. fro *. bltns locator colored girls (Jkil at 207 Bu lson street net" M 1 O. WATtlJN Ur>atfp-ii< noin HaND*. to work on HOOP klrir r'wi tk.-t-.e good ono-At n, oa braiding maciloea Am 'y to Zelg'er a Or , '15 maiden lnce. If A""TFD-RY A HJ*LtHV RRSH*<7*AB0B WOMAN v r wit > h 'ft-h breast of mil*, a situ it Ion to wet norae 1 - - it her residence 1?-.'Ruat 35th st, sec >nd fl Ktr, front r>ora a a be seen for two day* <,?' i - T"|._ A W"2',7 TO TAKE CHARGE OP * v child four weeks old to w et nurae. Apply at 65 Ea?t ?ut at 1KTANTBD-A GIRL TO TO (, HUES AL HOPSB W^RR ~ h ti?Kl wirhtr aL_ L-ouer. Good wages. Inquire at . Laigbt at ijrr aNVEIt- * HMaRT GIRL, TO COOK, WASH AN I *v l-or In ' boarding bouse pood wages will be given one who nnrierstmrls her business; none but Germans esc apply afi?r b a. M at 17 Wooeter st ATANTRi.-a WKT M'Kfl*; A GERMAN WOMAN who can apeak r.Dflleh who Is perfectly net] by. an wh se mil* Is <rom three P. even months >11 Apply at No Clark st , near Fu ton Brooklyn. nriinik?i cook, and tkonkr. a ** woman who untgre'ands cooking and Is not afraid b> work may I'nd a g'*-.d ?t, .atmn t y calllni; at 5? West lStb at tone nerd apply unices sll log tp cook, wash and iron SITCATIOBig WAMTKU-HAliES. fpMPl OYMBNT WANTED-AWY PBReON OAKRTTN1 CP on anoffoe buslcee* and lr need of a enrewd, ahtrp young man a' ,n? ra'rs will fud one pipable o< doing any Atnd of bo nun iw nej.o; reicrenoea, ny aatre?.ii>K n. I. v. ooi 179 tetald o&iee *10 iNfIBaNok oowi'AMrm.?w*n?n ?t ? " vdm g roan. lit years of aee. a (dotation t? auryev >r; h.t r b rovith ?no? It-dye ot btti'ain? and la c xnuetent t m,!t rb t?cd ?l' r-bulIdlD* done tv cjtitpaoteH fteet of re e'en : ftveo ddiiiea* W. W H , 428 ctrand atrcet. fltt AR1R1>-A HlffaTIOK, A8 OOAOHNAN OR 4*1. ** Ceaer, uy an wtlve ana. with the bant reterfDcer ha? ?t) ohjeetio t- go in the country. Addroii I. 8., No. 9 Oral.) btace. brooAiyn. WJTArTRT'-BT A YOrNO M ARBTKD MAN, A blTCT A *? tint a? llnbt porter, ialeaman clert or nerood barteeder is a rrnpectA' I.- R%"on; wl'htop a oeratancct a't'iatlon ft Venn aatRrv wn ild be awenteri the aivertlBer Ib a Fr j t. iihu. art e* a qulc? olaio ban4, and can f> rntah the very beet ei*y rc Adirts* titz'aerbert, Herald oflloe. riTANTi'D- BY A YOUNO MAN OF 8TE iDT, INDIja "? jlfniK hahiv*. a Rltoalloo M *atteriaa ft-nlH oraaaloor, or in any o'ber capacity where be can be oa-rul. wl"*a a Root h ind !i" . ta only a few month* from England, reference, ap ply to bmlth. Owl baloon. corner of H >u?ton and Orueby * ? CLOTHHO, ARAK* OHANOF. ?FROM #S TO 120 PAID FORT. ADI (!' ttiA drerrea. from fl to St for tfeota pant*. Also the* Uical rtrrr?"B ttld giovea *c. A note by poet punctually at tenueJ to be K , KHKeveutb avenue oetwo-o Nineteenth ot. i Tr.riutvn ?t-eei* uiam mieateu 10 uj nra k. T 44 RENTE* RTKKItT-W* WTKD $10,WO WOBT: "I of re* and left off elotninj; for the Tn??ni ittrkr rnUe.icen ?'l. remove ifty per cent more tnim thoir toopoea j*lue r i. rjre 0r ?nfc.'l kite, by eelllng at the (tore or %i I ei*. i TBUtt il. OvjKBuY. 44 '.outre tLrael f / v? aj*i> OK-vtlk*!CH having any CAHTOI * 1 c mhiob, InroU'ireor narpet* to dlnpone of will rede)' > t fur ?> :.; tr "K?b by geidlng to "t addreuslo* A.. llalivT [Kb U r.1 i.venue bet ??eo ri.reetli *rd forty fret etror-i Uaave* attended hy V re tlam*. ASTKULOoV". H STROIvKJT *AXT> CL*iaVo7ANC!S.-M Bat?" t\ t: - mef - ? Veiled 1 aJy, van be oontnlMd wit- on n. ?vva life oj.d 3'iiiurge la general. and ai?> bvt a charm rsi' !' : ilte Ke?e* together, at 270 Graadetrec ie-. * ie- -of fo?e.- . B?e.'3d etaira op, Sr*t door. Fee 50e. KADUDI LVAYST OA* BF QOKKTL a " ?b?. l' ?ve. msrrUge atid absent friend* i?he telle oil (be est n'e of ll'r ?> 1 Woi'ver/ et oet. In tte rear I.vl ei 2" i '.u urn; t Tret, M) -e,.t* Hbe caneumpeedy newr-laic-m had .. t< 1 i'.k? D'un.i.'n Kv'.ra tharue I T 1 r,v <V i NT T <*, T. INFORM AT'ON ON ALL HFt A1 H..-i I ter' e'i :fe. c?ll Imtne ll'i'e'y npoa the sifted ady, Mr? H hoeutr. 4*-l ;"ar?l etrett Ail who visit lier m* ajto'inded hf ?r ihelr ?< r?te eio-e-d. .".ee-\re of lmpoeltOn. parl're tor laoie* and gentlemen. 0 ;el ?>ri KKlrR* LATE OF 57 tie tONO RTfiaKT' .tyi hv- to 750 hi;bib r.vt'i e betnvew r?eniv..hru or 1 Tin nty f.inrth a. i e hbn r .n.l'.ur, u 'oil oar- prese at sod1 fatare fvi * llfctwlw its*r:\gei journ?va. Usee alls L..MP- ?? > s'chme?, ab?"nt Ifletite and orjperty lo?. .r ?tjf. a Mad. te 'iryr mu' ertft >n Knciieh, Fr-nc# an S Id'tri;. . n ad eiree warraatee fur t art trAPAb'E #*r JS fhe .tsar <; ..*revetAirr a-o nj "jimK-WW In the world, all event* of U'e told;apee 'i -larharen to '"Cd; icbj an'itr* and rUlier'e are I/.11 ,C\ r ??' ce?r 'th ..'.'nre, t,oar I venty eevoaih ?uget. Hon-e ti\o7 I'. It Fise at cimU. M ? Jams KHA.C'Ra n?s pkmjvk > fbom rour trnuth atreet to *dl Thfd ntreet, a -oond iloor, frout, lo . i en lieu c ao f " " N "n'h la>'.ihU r h.? a natn-sl 41 ma mi W 1abailee** tad ' n e,f. jjvo'te* 25 eeoie . nee 5'laente. XI f WtTO 1 V Jf< >T t ? O /.T'JT'lP CKIeftBR fill * I'rari "d ?h? bs.i een ooti?iiV! by tfcoiv* 'r. it'.* .....i o er i'd*3 rito f:.'be - ri'in gin " l .et.' eh.- Lv* i.o * ,.iJ he ,e!ta f of f itffre 1 r r ' 1 * ' ' 'v" yf-lutr ?n*h'*utS ^ n* ' 1 "'.;-e .... I.o. 5 '?t' i UMilf'tCl *&?? rO ceata, <.'uUu?,ria JJ;. s'EW YORK HERALD, MO HKI f* WAKTM.I^*>VAIiICS . L. R**PV Ta*L? MR* RK?&IN<t RlfUATiONB 4J w ^ rr'lt Vvfcfc..# p*'* JtUitn# p? rt?r?, h%r???p**** A^ 3 h u'r ?po)j kI t l' V-r'H' Hh^Hpv >flh* H H?<vtrt<?iiy >i. emmvM Inn to vivan n?; U> tlrutola'H '<*!>?< , *i>p icm u? ny d'Oi audi nuc-o** two xta'op*. ?v. at) ULro r? Ihiti. b- <ir?9 : 6 ?* * J * vi>P ?Td, Sup't ^ ? R> P* *T %B>.K **:* WiRTllta SITUAtt >? * v '.<) %, i? ? *. tb* v#?r?ranit ? mpl ?? tucv*. id* ?? ? <? nr \ way rUn?tlo* ? urnfruriKl f * b-\'ir*i? <kJ r? ?t?rfTjc ? li *pp v.vion to anin *> mill "oc I**** t?r?> 1 Umpt for d?tto?-y i?4 p>?*?ge P .i II * ; Wwft ; < LDHOB W%NTKDT 'DAT. ALhO \ <^8aR * H >ai ? !i u tior* To a p->viu tru* man a Rtmr*) salary ?1li ) %* >-iv?*n. npply ui u* tllo **(?*' "f oU" f>H ro*iNaj bi.\u*U>ua proru't No mumvil ?n I? 'Ml vapcA f s 18 i#irt )e f'lLKRK Kr K h. 1T4.T NT?>R?C <V#*TKD-ilA) a a " *%l?-fcir*w f T a Nw, and nhn? bou*? 4ppt at '.b*i R?r ohwrti!* ?' r*#' fttgifftry ofilcff, "8 In-*'?r*y Ml'iati out r> wrd fo; r?Hi.vtnhlt* ??n; do ^ n oiiihii in advene*- r?f* , r* . ' . | - ... Dfl, r s | n - < J *- ?in htortfi *; f*%*lwh?i in HW w#..r M nj TLX BR VTAVTID TlltflDliTi v-M fit 1 *n>il oiiall.4*>i 1 ? th* retail *->d p^arrrmoa bunions ,j * o h i. hv m* ?went fi??- h liquor titrr. r.p >ly at tta* .1 rn ti'** Tft'i Hr a<fway '"Una* >;? pr?*i: irr,) J ) oj v etiiiHiiurt a iv? t ?<! from tbU of^l n P 4 Hi ?W^it t Q*A v Rl 4 Kit WAKT WH1 TRO IJ roiin'b'v nn<)>**rt<? <lr hii hn^infliM an I mi am* *v*-l >* k y**r,a wVaa l )? ,i.(Mr?*8 Sl.fc^KN *flO ''AN INPLtRv < T+ \1>*-**TIV r a ?rf *fc'p tr* ('! >n if m\Ymg ?o^tg*mM(R fife* f*'I t/a'** aK.nifj ??o\ v ** *1 MRr' h%n'? * >?' H#?nr???r? ' fll ?*, 78 iv Fo * ? *1 vibUM. JKrl?rHiic?i U) drat c<*i?fl bo - ?v ?-i 1896 , w* j nm>PAt,g. wantro ijf * wttolr4.%l3 * ^ ^ Alto a 9 r\ ! an aur'ioi h A >ply -t tb* V???> ????'# *mp!n?UHT>t offlco. Ml 3ro&tlir%Y 8Un% lout ^.rocwfwl. Ao cioanBistl^o ia ?iv4r^?f. r 8 Mown. ,, no rii BioU4?fu ?rokr*? i s P?ITV S wi?h*? to engta** h goirf judge of # vt. i k*? - ? rch*?er 'or ?h?? -?ri tra'? -rMr-i* cith refOPdU '*o h- i 1 573 postoflot, ft Louis, m ? ! txre nt at>? e w?n or O'Hjn ! ? J sr *<-11 acquaint ?d ?tth th-'rlt , 11 ?n 'Hit <1 > ir a^it: &?'* , reference reqnlr. d slen t?> (food -oliwHi-* riiplyal'h-' o ttu-rhanti' ?1>rk*' K??lstrv ofll ie '9 irosd *4" amiatitas j ?(x-nr?J. Ro commii'loD la alvaiics Ko'erenoe to Arat rlis? booses. WM .1 ' yirANTBn-TN A whouhi B oijorHi ? > < jns?. * " ff foreman theronghlv e? oucieuced a* * pa.tucn oouer % resa o- i ?.JT3 P st nlUoe, statins waern'ant and formsrl' * ftmploteo and f ir h >w long a Ume in na b plane. Want*r> ? n amisvax* in oob mtbbon dip ast J nn-nt. N-ne need Apply unless experienced and can , hripg th? bus* testimonials kl)W a)#1> LaM dBBT A OO., U dhamocrs street g (fRTANTRlt- 2 l> XPRRIRNIBn W?I??R? ?OR A HOTEL; , f7 al?'> ?n ptiPraxn lor night work 1 fa rnem single wo ] a. ? y at the Mo-chatt?' ''lerk ' Be.;tstrr offlnt 7* "rnt?i? j, ft AtWi"? prneii"' d: ronr>m<r tinilnt'ton"; nnci'osc Ion m b Any other office; eatablbihed In 188*: h >ni* o to it wm j. BKOPAta ? xrr ABIBIV-A* OFPim ni.VRR l!f * BrjdlNBSA *7 bonne tborongh'y etHbllfhod In thl? rl'T. Any A *7 man wi?Mr.? tunb a ?I Uttm and baring $(*' 7a?b t j ioaa on , rood Mcurlty, may call At 429 Broadway room No 7 I WANTKn-A FEW FI*3T ni,A?-l OANVABUNU mcentA for a bHnd?>me anH valuable wo>k t > be aold et chulrefy by Anbecrtptloo Apply to George W. Kill At, at Harper A Bro.ber*, PraDkllo aquare c \ATAJ1IXD?MKR",HANf8, ROTKl* tltO OTBKRb ' V* M'PPLIED UKATIB WTTH P7VRK?, ? AI.Ea*??N, PORTeRS BAKRRMPR&q, AO. MrROiANTB' OiifcAtRb' RKGIaTKT 79 riAGab? aV. wm J. KRDPaTH. , W^ABTRTl-A VOUNIl MAN, IN AV tJ?ST?? a AbOtlV: ' one who nodrretandi ^oeplug oyatera; only Amarioan* * need *ppiy Call at 109 Sh av tV*"T,cn-A WAItBR WHO PfHFEOrL* ONulcil ' stands his buslcert in a rmtanrant Oall a> 17 Ana at tmTANTFn?A W * W TO T?K* Ofl.Ml'ie OF TIIK J T* kitchen and P> carve reeelve order* and aen 1 tliem ud i to lb* aaloors 'n a 6ratcla?a la^lea' and (entlemana' realaor-ni Apply at Ool Ida' restaurant and leu cream saloon. 279 Hudson st WAHTPn? A OOOK (MAN OR WOMAN) TV A FIR^T class order re^aii'Ant?one tha* thvsnthl' nnderatands the nus't us" None others wai ted. apply at t>) Una' restaurant r and tee cream aaloon, 279 Hudson st t 110 !.*T? A NBAT (XlTTAOK SOUS*, 102 KAHI TOR ' ty ti t'-h street near Lei tattoo avenue; ri ot In# to a goo! : tenant. Ann j it 111 tirand sweet, in the near, t J JXO 4. ajv ttflftZOA. tio LET?10 A SMALL FAMILY. THB VPr.R PiRr I trven d flooi; wtth rear basement of the two Mlf h 0 ' 9 (' s. wi.h street; retit at about f h>i per ye?r. Apply . tie jirexlaca. no KT--TUE SECOND FLC0B OF A PLEASANTLY V> [ I ca'.er! home town town, consisting of a fron. and bats ' ".n Ann .-doM-vi Ac . at ween uri.b one or m re .todroouin ran nodCro'' , tumor;'.! c?i?trpt fanti1 ' rw. liberal Ap, v 0 I M OITCtlitTT, 49 Boite (treat, or No 4 Hall of Records. ro l.rt*5P PA IT f)F Teg Ft RlflTORK FOR SALE1 'I it. ii ri f am oa.iv.r.ent ho-iao in iliotoo et'oet o; '/. .!?. . tunc i.t 1. . des.r i-jiO to v:e ,< m ie '"" vin - '.re h-n*e le In rate o-lr' I ?e all 'be m j 'IorT* rcpri -etneota K*a. hu:'.i, -. Address SI , box 131 Iter [ aid < !" ': '. n '.si u. )at jf A igval I 110 I.ET 'iMAKDiATa.LT?4 AKW VOORBW Tfi'tKK 1 ator? hlpfi roie.p h?. i?e; centra * ' l??hion ?hie tmaiioa, Nr. Kt Wr-t f rtj eighth F.rert: 1 ?. rent ft) ue. m it' Ami U la: 'J? s? or, i ,..r ?li r i u? , of unose "To 2Vi ffin ,"t; ':f I rent Also -e,al ,t |t lf ..r .a. ,\*o 1. West MfFetb a're'-t. Mp!y at V . 201 T??i Ftfvie'hatre |\ nan,si# :.i aver to. fO LiT C!X LE4ST.-THP LO + JTO. lt? MFR'TYo e. ir.'O'-t, s ?:at o fort bosrding trJ?s, r-F of .t .?r'i*i-i mmtufaeii: i f hns.'oes he "red to a lit applicant: Jui . re of If. < "tKEM ?" 2>> ' ".Act: I'.rpert, up i-ahs. fu TiET OR L? aSK { ..., A TiSM or YE A RE?Tit : 1 imi iiree Kb,.-? 'mnir r.r.uifw, * . Vfc* basements and Crt tou vrsP.r. hot and oo'rl, jmo and i;.vs dr tires, hatha a . . v aipin/i, k, the tr min is of aUr ascot i? mtlr a" ac' opposite die Central Para, splendid tdew or tba Ramme Apply on (he premises to UOfliMi TR"40Y. rOOAI, DEALER! ?COAL VaHO lO t.RT-Oftit OF hea'eusd* In tb" eltr, eaiabittheh for 'Ne i?ei fi> t?teot> year*, togeiai r w:tb t.ilice, sheu iU'..le and Over, i goo,., ti'.e'e fog earrrlaa on a lego hnooe* Aool"T>n .be Bferj'aea Tenth avernoe. corner Ywenf; tth street oe ' t'-orr. in p,fa.A Weal'iM'ty iblrdstreet JAMifS UP WO** SHOPS, WITH H"KkH POWER OR flTtCHfr. YT wtUllgWe'l aiMt low tout Apple in A- P 4A AN O Eu'tor atreet. ^ 5U0TT fTItaRT. BaOOR.:.Y"f--A MOLAR TO LF. , contal tag flfleon rr >m?, with aJ the mo '-ra h'dnt mente, rout'rard In'roni, Idrh ntoop. The losation . I 01 lb? ntf J ooanlry: thre? minnes' ?t't from 01'y < third doer from Pal on teen ,e Rent low. TO AND 75 HRI'e ' ' ;I BTRPJR5 NN1R Pe I AU IV.- - i O m",let. The botiaoi aae three itory, attic *ad 1 i tr v t. wlA modern lxn rote n ot- < .,m,'! ? or t a..t:# I to J. Rirf't . W taa, T wenty-'hlrd a>tiet, ot'ota u a. a r i aiur 5P. I *?l(rn ?Tt)L*T, TOK nV 1, Ivln-f ,*t - t ' 1 ' ijiii ', and h .r?iren 'ir'. i bo i.? In r ' ] house from SL' nlo e >y EtJe at "t, "t?f |i r i ?->A I t w*i?r: i<,??, i -atflltely. lt>-r. f vu jr- At. I 1 1,-ca a, M. lit 1 A-. * e ttOUSKM, KOOWII. LiT. OSOB LRARB OR RKNT-A FTNB, 8?0<>ND STORY ? * i ihee mm?' the but id 'be city situation h?"ad* i?, ' r ear red"r, sn)t?ble for an loso'atioe or hanking oUli j Bent " S2up0 epp y to M. haKMan, 77 Oed*rst?eet- ? Ft. E RFNT, OB 8TAT1N I8I.AND-A TOMFORTARLR honee. pleasantly situ tied ?ro tviwogend ayenua wi ub . t ?c c.i ices' %?a,k of Vauderbilt" landing t lg provided w lb a.l 'be modem Improvements, lighted srl'h gas. and <? i- 4 _? si* large bedrooms. two parlor*. rtt->tog room, ba'b m re.ltar, A* ; also a good at?ble and coach none In rear. ;>'e ( wnm r?n be given by lfb of August For nrlber par iiu'srg npplv at *o. 2s Booth william street, It w York or ri tl-premise* .0 RaMOKL. WallA |.iCRNI*PKP60PHETOLt!.T?aN KMAIt BROWN V slope house In Fonrteen-b *'r?-t hindtom ilv ro'oltlie.1. "ao, a topenor b io?e 'West aentv 1fih gtreet a'.?o, a fpfeiiflld home In Twenty third ?tee*t n *r 'tet> sv- , nne. Ai elegHDt honae. *0 rmnis In Bon.l ?t-er; a'?) ago ( perlor b?n?e In Broadway near Madison av*nne 3t room" Alio, u aplendid bom* near Union e-|iiare, on Broadway, TO rooms; furniture for sale, wtih long l??e KFHiar * CO , 6 8 Broadway. RAKK "H?NC?.-TO MCT IB BROOKLYN, TWSNTY mloiiteg from the ferries, genteel ne'ghb >rh -ivl a tb'" U.ry I rVY and brown gtor.ebagemuth nine modernImprove neoia; rent 8212 (rn August 1 to *?y 1 1860. Inquire of FOOTER A OPr.R, No 4 Bands street ROOMB AND BRBROOtH TO I.ET-AT NO. tfl Hrrn eon ttreet, several ple.aiant ones very airy and tiro'eh-xl wbb eloeetf and hooks for clothing; Orot a water oa the pre mlses. Apply to 1 M ROPtfaN, Metropolitan Bang, Bryg.! way, oorcer of i'lne street. ro r.BT-NIOB APARTMRVTB AT 20 A NO 22 OAN8Evoort street, oomer of Hudeon; fotirrvens ">d first floo and tour on seoond. Bent $ 0 and til per.oir.ih iraa and a sterda the bouse Inquire of Mr* N. RaHTON, dad Hudson street. ItO I.RT-A OKNTtkT.TWO RTOItY HODSR, Tim 41. T. 1 .i- rsrt o! ih? lurni'u a for aale ';be hup* coital trodern Imoroveitieota Inquire oa '.he premises, No. 5 Blee . , or street ^ear the Bowery. ' ro I.RT.-VBB MtNHION HOUSE AND GROITN1H A. Weebawken'ieightg. latel' rev on led by Jude f*me am nr w ofiered to rent on favorable terms. It is the moat desira nie locality near tbertiyfir a first class h' use of entertain mei.t > pply at the iVFce of the Weebawgen : errj Company siats run every fl'leen mlnutt. from the foot of Forty necond street, North near. ( FtO l.ET?THERTORb AND BAlr'KMgNT NO HM sPglt , i ' vlreet t-etwaeri Washington and ureernvlrh streets ttMOBllwkai U? utore In nttert tip f ?r the -rotse'v boat , net* ami la wall adapted 'or the same. Will be let low 10 c. (tOttttaM iMUNItMo 8 Ferr> street I { >0 LET-aPARTMENTB IV A FlhST OL VMS TENANT I J home The h iu?e 1- ertl-elv new, and furnished hr.xugb it wl r pas Oroton water oil cloths. Ac. Th >ae who de-Jre ' i| cl-apartments cannot fail 10 be pleated Apply n tip? | uremia-e, 123 HlvlngtOD street, to 0. A. M ? XPIKLD. no LET-THE eTime. ? IBEVfKNT AND V AULM Of , I tb?pierols?? No 922 Krosaway, corner of Twenty 9'.t rest; also the store and upper par of the premlsci a ll .inlot no 924 Broad way. Po#*ee?loo Immediately. Inquire of W. tiXiTT J KVIe, 221 Osnal etreet TOLET-AT LOW ICR KAVUNSWOOD, L I., AT THK 11'at landing o) toe Astoria steatnli >st, a cjttase ami tw cr?eof]?nil, log m the river, oppoittu Fif'le.r ?tr??t, new 1 Vork. Inquire o'J a HAItBIH, adjoining tn* p-?<ntiej, or I at Mi oHloe Noa 10 and 12 Pell stnaet, or 49 Third aeon or rl.KT? AT LOW SENT8, TO SMALL AMERICAN PA m'llea, 11 ors through. oonswtlng of Ave rooms, with hair rclon ? ater. Ac., In the moi?rn hutreson Went Nt ante feet, W?en seventh and Mghth venues Apply a' 11 nice, ' West Nineteenth atreet from 1 to 4 P M rO " ? AT THE .IDNtrrrON Of BP.OAD WAT A> <5 11, second street, the front and back uariom with rtrs, with csp of the hath room and gas Rr-ni twenty ? i ,lara month. Apply at 506 !l?ogdway, up etalra ofll bo. 2. r'j LET?BRVERAL -nUSFS ON TEE WEST SIDE OF ire 1.1 c:t?. lath .Id, 24th. UStfl. 41at, HI and 19th s'ree's Itb the modern improvements ti let roesp Also, a gtore 1 uih Hveune, ai-ar Fourteenth street, and oca in i -enter, ear Commerce a'.net JAW DKVIIaM. bouse genu, igh b avenue, corner of Sixteenth street Odlce opeu from morning njitil 9 In the evening. NDAY, Jl'LY 25. 1859. oa* ilbfiL tfHTtftt. PTK'B BDTWON HIVHR OOU?TKY SEAT-GOOD L fi? ?re?of uod. hruhyery. fthade i ? t? i wis g h*bi;tl'wl r*vf r ard uco vlewa. ooqv#?i n? -?h' sM ?t" i n?*r g/vn*i H'HLMog am flaring healthy ?l\u* ?. u o h ml hfcui bon**' bf rat r*,proin .?eir Vurk Pr* ? i'.i. I* fur a lirai flM b *r'?u* icb^ol WUl 01 **i I r * within are tour ef the b y *)1 MiCKM.ifi, 77 i>dare*e?t tUlPVBBP loon r(?H lULH-fH* roui 1 ?tor r ovt?b r*ae nt?n. h mae, 1)6 tut NinaieoaUi e<rv-et, r)> or* ImadmmtH fnrni bud and oapi*"< wui <* d?b or -Itftm fnruttnre, *t bargain Inqatre o' fH If iC Mi*, 86 Hftdean a* reel JPT PINO tAKBl.t rORS'Tjr-J.OOOOUdlOFRCTOF ^ f?re murble *n bio ) from 3 t 30 nuoli feet, will ne ntld w for ru?b, or w1 ) be exchanged for unlntumbe edloUtu ew kork Mrook'^n or lenu'V <'ity ippU 'o N Q, HI H? t, rrui tatat* andnitaranae nroker 142 ?mudway. -i4.k HaLfc-OK hXOHAFiC FOR C1T* FRi^t-nr* ih i <?pl-xirttd t nut'* teal oo the H.rU ?o *1 v?r * rf ? a landing op|>omt* On/ibe' ferny, contab loit from Ihrer tour Mc*r*H with hi? en'td 1 oml grove ebeatoiilbnvort, ?>U I'd variotir kinds of fruiia an* an excellent w*ll oMhe p ureal .*!#? On Ola a'arire hou*e )n*t flnleb*"1 in p iod 4'-?ie %\ hv ay'? work <int t%)titng U r wioift with hir i tiuUh *d jrtUaefid oa le re'-ndau in fUtat; sending higo verlo *itig toe ?o ne u ?**> *& d Hu<iftou nver -tul eurrnuodtog eimoirv f ?r m%nv ftn u'Ulf.uiMu rkoMcig a quiet h > ui a aid the ??4U /til /all v^et w'l) do wfl1 to cail and are il hof r? pa- -.h-wM^ ah an**h ?i uih'e loratioaft are eello'a ?tiv?re' I?r ?? r?u or rr-th?o iwrlve tno?M a dar, o/ "f.irth l- 'tfv - Ftviaos and #tn%m >'? % ? fn<|ijir? w U cr i?i mo/#? i, iiH'-k ubod, oriar of Barclay aort W**t irt-ct. ??* .I'.ut) *l r?o: W V***or?w car t>e A_L?BKiCr W. PViiC. ^ojt BAM A* *aK*?OG*-a OOtVAOl 4VD Olfl t* f jfrnoil, the ?mdeuo*<?f the Ihu*. .1 ? >o * r* ?-?, ?* nirnr>n:iy loomed ?nd wovon^enl ?/> the h ??? ; ; 7" u-r ??n?^n?u mortgage * only to P 1)0 tilt a ?, op no l?r t'nttrd *it??*? hoi* I or u> tJKO. O PttTUBS, v; Wf?i rf mm tf ifcircl tre I Now Yorfc a\i)< *ALK VitKV iMK *.???I WXi rtfO if liovi itoBt bnuMct brick h? >.? *&, vhu?*i?habrick r niw ?ud au ?r?th nil the m xieru improve menu, In ,?. iv> . . ?.?* \>w Yafk loqoiraof F >. PMH9fl,ttV in?%dny room II [NOR 8aLE OK RX'iniN'lti?* HKAOTIEITI. OJUNTHY |'< IB ml.-s ff a> uiw' N?? Hiree r?' roil; oiu<? At rt fert r? *1 lu best r" dl'ion: yreit viri? ?y 'rott end n*de trees. extensive ?*Vr vi*w, r*j>tt 5 O'V); no in i-t|(sgf, -If tie r Id M I bdryiln AUi'ly ?t 127 Btwery, corner of irt>d ?t??l IJH.B BALE OR BXOHANOB-'R BARM BA?IH')\I< Y " 'listed 10 bCHrrdale, ?< UihtuOfir county: ibout O t terex r> . t*ro, 4*: lea minute-wits fr *m iejo 50 :U' *utej tde from New York Iu-iulfeof K PlmSn-Y, *) ir-bio^e lace. jlOR K-. I.K OR TO LET?TIE fllll TORT " *n<* b??ement mm In 'root ind briwt me u use i. :?rn!I street or?r Henrt streei, Brooklyn. tire minutes' ok rem t amiiton fere* H** hot nil fal l eater, mm -It iid ijA? Kent EMM per mniiut or If sold, terras esse lotu'ri A IKtUUbtKrY, 78 i; I If street U?URNlHn?H ttNMVBT Pl.AOl TO EX II AN IE W IK city rsapnrty < o y?l?bl mills fron< m?? York oo ton inn of the bow York and Krln KtMmml. e 'uteintuk uoout forty irs of land tr but dim; c ii?l?tii of % t* utrr -* Jiu-e tlllril in wiihbrt'k furnmbrd ratta *11 tb? m) >"ilu r rntr.rnU Tbn leo*nt himw*.-t?b ,''*ro di "k?i>> I'd *m rfw ?nd well *rr*ngnd Also the stor, h irs?? r t???, ?rd *11 n -Mmrr Imn^mnn's l/w*tlu >in*itr .".'in f r re*utj Anr boil'h ?r Is n??y n? so-ra* Possnsion In mrdistnls 'or fnribrr uSrU.oi'ars. ln|U-re of BORStt dvjKUAb. No. 3 Ve!.'0|jo!iuut Henk Hu Ml**. r) EXt^n*K'i?f?K PINE L*R'?? HDB'KtlAN R?. tldruce. with tbrrn *ce?. sniub.o for soram-r or winter toeor^tWin. 'ortv mln trs -11* f""n tb? nMs; f'n 1111 rtf-'i Ins In abtiD<i*nii? Possnsslra Immnrilstn'y rnnJIMtftl VAN * .1 4 BIN j b8, t Pine st. otr ot It e*r AjkTISrOFRIR AWO IOWA I.AW.JH POR AAI'B-T?B *t *<iT?rilcer b?s 16" ecrns in W soonrln and 2tt> acres In o* a. choice Unda. selea ed rainy yesrs ara ?i'? ; > 4 t?re. V' l se'l i n e*sy trr ns or ?Ul einnmge'or dntl b " en, sts'e In be? York n? Brooklyn .pplj to UE >. 0. SRbL,?Y,J?o U Wall street WkSTRhN 1,?NPS AND OITY PROPRKTY ?() HX chenre for merchandlrro tunable nr 'bJ 'VnaMro ?ij oi.ih rr ir?de A pereont1 Interview w lb the owner <n*v be lad 'rom 111 in 12 o'clock, bj calling hi 317 droad ?ay, on C d. nwn a co fOlt S.lLb, t (WAIL HELP 'NRING HAND PRBTW I# JOMTXTd \ working order for $b); en alrnjie lb ?t even a child -an oeraletl tvare lodgement 10 panlea wtuhlng to maod'aoire, nail or uae Cab be Ken In operation at 37 > rtroa.1 era;. - BROOKLYN GROOBRY STO1R PUS SaLS aT A i bargain. ? Ihe preaent owner la endlong n olner b i?leee; tbeatock It large and corojrltea a tool ? ortrpeit: tbe ratlin le o-ntr-al and rer? (iMlrii-'e 'rn % -orb firrhwr n Inducement Ir ottered and) aa la teidom met wiib. Pleaae ildrera a. a. C a Co . bet all ofllie. j OR RaLR-aT Ma H?M t'rl DaM, TBI LAROK a NO i eommodtone hotel, called tbe rrtton MaoeWn, with ten it? of gronnd a"fi eii be nniholidloga w tb a large ha-roma ei arate from'he hotel ooeopied be Peter H 'todee. In in re of JuHN P. IX)l)U A, K ngiiridge or on tbe premtaea FOR R AL*?THE TtAROB HUNT"!* r3 TOVd (UROiq. ter, rui'idea nearly tro tone dead weight; now lying ?t tbe i nAarco liitprrtt'io Ajol' to the oaplaui, on board, or to AM. M'.;Hhl-UN, Jr . 6t Ridbange piaoe ff. Y. FOR HALK??. WHOLPSALR AND RMAIL LlQC >* store together with tbe boutA and lot or Uieurer.twy wparaleW tfde?t-e1 In the ril'aye of I'ortebeater ???inbet ?r oucty, N. Y. Io'inlre of JofiN THaNi*. on the orernM*y JK)R BAIiB?THS NKaTLY FITTED UPOtlFF<S a a It 0 lunch room . o VP Ooeuttes allp 1hl? la a gool chim'-i for * pare.n to make mone. liojd retain i for * lling F r parliculkra loqul-e ot A. H W.vLKxrt, 337 and dill doriug street No aeeuia need apply ?OB KaLR-t THIRTEEN YRAR?p Ua'I OP LOf northeast rn*nero' dank and Orrenwlch sirens 40 f-wt m Husk hj 4r on (ireenwteb street On said lot w ?l?o nice. 4 Tbree-fosnh* of the lot la r irared sr-th a water gCt wooden sbed. c- vsret whb tin, together wtb m-? n mrti ? ?n<] holler, mill and cracker, tsru Uu>a ?oc.-) ->1 8>t0 -t-d the other rf 500 galio. * ftv* k slties, ?ilh a ! the a ipara -. a lor tie cuat ufact-i'trg o' tale'atue oomp'ete. 4lo fr ,--i hfteen to twenlt tons of nice double reined *! ra :? aid abnit f ttr tont'-f po'a Tne tea** and stone *1.1 be k ill o>peiher, or Ue (toot In quantities to ?"it ourchasei* a .111 r a t Flipping order, a* may e required The .>reai.?n? and - ill ?t. ce seen at ali time*. Hy order of .10 f If Gil' u, srelcnt-e, 3*1 Hudson at-set corner of Kit * fOH 8 AI.R? V I steam ecg ne, Ulneh cylinder, 36 inch stroke, with two 'ue boilers 36 iniae* in diameter, 25 feet ling, one 15 Itn b In*. O e IPh >r*e steam eog ue, new, One 8 h jrre " " lecond hand. One 7h^r*e " " " One "t bone " " " upright. On* 50 hor.e locomotive bol'er. Or e 12 horse " O- e 50 borre Montgomery holler. One flue boiler, 17 feet long, 44 inches In diameter; two 14 Inch lines. t me Sue boiler, 25 feet long, 87 Inch ! tn dl im-ter, two '2 Inch line*. tire !0 horse upright boiler. The above a-e all in e?d jrder. also, a lot of second ha-d shafting, pulleys, w'.to'jt, farn-t-e rronte and grate bars. Inquire of WI'.DRY * fnf.HT, No 511 >nn street Nee Vork Ard Ho. 2 North tfeeoud sl-cet, H, >>il n, 1-1 n. FOP PabK?A DIWING1 ?HD L kOJtR i.F/Cit SALOON. Iaqutveat>0 Nassau b'- "1,r.OR R I.E- THE STOCK ANO FIXTURES OF A FIR-tT T ''are corner gro ery store In a "good location. well titled up and doing a good tuluess. For particulars address Frank, He?ald office, JIOR B*LB-< *K OF THE BERT DINIWO ANI? RES * taurants lotheclty, In good location, and now doing a good business, we.l fitted no. long lease It will be sold a b .r rain ,as I have other*. Apply to M FxtAlfCId, IJJ ft -oar wsy. j'Ob F VLB- TFB STOCK AND FTXTuRImOr A w?OT.<5 < rele and retail liquor afire, wna five vena lease no* Jong ru exiei.ent ouahieas, on a o inter of me ol the nest haroogbfarea on the west aide of the oily; will be toll oho tp. an tot present owner la about to Have the city Tamil, pen rash ar.d nart approved paper. Apply to HENRY MA.lil.aN, 69 Tenth avenue FOR 6*1.K AT * *B t R'J sIW ?OOlfO*Wit H Mj, AT IspOnCtT, M.J 1 he hotel la extensive, doing a pood otiBi.teia, Western landa wiU tie received In part payment. RIOHMtiAIi A/.viPP, sou bcutcoruerof Pourm and Walnut ireeta Philadelphia, Pa pRHTMiU FOR " AT.E. I.* ARK OR EXCH AMOB? At'VT > cent to the ettv, and replete with general ml'llng m\ cbtoer-. 1 here la a'n.i an entahliihed uianufacturiog bitstneas connected with It paying largo protlta and capable of being greatly extended J~ddrens Mnler, lleraid ollice. -FOR BAH*. -A WHOtiRIALE ilfl) RET All# PtJ" * i. liquor at-re, desirably located, doing a f>? I bos'new; leaae Ave veara at a low reu ; well rat?b Ishei; r > d tow, an the owner ban other tnialneaa. Apply to hit; JH A BOIH'H WICK 61 Nnanan street. ItQAII -TOR P.?l,K-ORB I'ATiF IRTK'KST Iff A >pO' M 7, soda ai d aa."-uc?.r111a business now x operalioi, doing ? B'cd huntress, ard i creasing daily; tomes, wagons, Ac , a.lncbed thereto. Apply to tttiffk, 817 Broadway, room 10. 4?1 fW >< | ?A OSOOaRV STOAH1, IsOCATKO 1R ONE <J>1.of h? fluent ne'g'i b irtiooda .a 'trooklvn, dolop ati extensive cash business, a gt?J atccs, aod camprsiag every ir'lolc that any store it tuts 'itsenptloA over win: -etc lte?p". -wit! be wM out for the aoove aum If on >1 m-de Immediately. ?o ;he e'eaeut own :r? are occupying cinch of tlielr time at t;.?ir wii >l.?ale ' u ilr.ess, th"--'ere oroper attention eiintu l he given to I Mr store and for a young m n of atnal) ean'la) and goodaddress " pry ouace to-H'l' b ps-ioS to make money, lor a betteropoort nlty n?vrr?il*tsd t' j. '.e adiiree* iiocery, Ikii 110 Herald ulLoe. KKW Pl'BLU ATIO!V?i, N't *' > T.1K ATT.* NriC MITITUA' TOR All Hi' roNTRflTr.--T.oe Pw,mat o Id. me,H In the t ide; thl iVng Fetier; the *nri t.f A lt, Jims of the Night; a Trip to Cur s ; nlel Orar; the Uln'nier'a Wooing, Rons di Ron a; buoeleduv the Zouavet; Vy I'talia; the >'r 'nmuy. at tle oreagfast Tabls; the Itsdea War: Us; ,e?i aud tale-ary .NoPCri rtsociit amend n pub.lcstVii n Tt.Rtia.?'nree dollarf per acnum. or twenty five cents a homier. I'pcQ the recelot of the aupsc'iptlon once the pub. Ushers an.: man the work to ns> \ art o! the t niyd Ntatei, propaid. Cncns.- For tea dollara the publishers udl! sea t Ave wplsa of the Atlantic for one year, the iuLacrtbsry to piy their u ra pe?Ug?. ? der(r?n;ee, teachers and poatmaatcra will rccotre the work fortwod.dlsrsR year. ltoolcaelltrs aod nawrrnou will obtain tee tenia by thy htm tired, An. Jon applteavtou tn tie puKuav -ra. JCHIaLll't, HA SK6CN A CO.. .'J Witter atreet, Boston. B(n.l^^. HOOM?~AfC.| WAHxii). Room jlv? power w..Kr*n-ttt'o' jjoxna tl-ora. *u00 feet, wlOt do-lr rrl-.1lrgea and c p.htr 75 miles ./ New Tor a, or wonld laaae a building nitn an engine ra It .of not exeasd'tig S horse porter. Par'' .vrmg miuing property, wlih ct?%.l * ter cower or r ugioc to let rp, inay address Millar bcx 141 Herald i WARTin-A merer ROCM .? A 'LAIR, OJMKOR? able hoii ?e, a.a un let s 'cnt. aultAbl" for a obyainiao'a off " Addt. s* A it, Bo 4! mini avenue, c ruer of Tenth Bticnt, In thy nlora I, rl paid). No b oard ag uouau keeper need apply. AITAJ"! A HURHBRD Mil.-.6 OF Kf V ' . Firs a faun or country hcuI by a protsaalaitil (fontiab%l r?tlri g .oji h;.?laiA! ri.e dwelling unit bo apse. < wnd I. V 1 de . I o?<.looking the w.ier Add;e?a, w. b ill pa.'liuu i|, 1;.. ih.g i: Cr(i ?( piflce,, r ir . e,? roomi asd yiiantityei laud. John Raeeett, Jr., rfo. 48 Wall ;trt':'. cvrtp; Willi -m, thirtj ?i.yry, K, 7. OOAHUIIfti &SO UHWINti. 4 -".lit LTVINO rNlMViCNfn NT TO T*?<! Herald (flea ?'ene"* ?,T?n *Ba reqitred ~Jdr? <1., j i N rNTI'*NI?H?I? K<*()m WaNTKD?Willi rt04(iD, fir I. a yiinjr My In * erlt.ui N. #ltaht r.?a? b or tmirl. -an fan )1< where t.brrr la ? ,lan? ,h?r.' *-. f-w or -,o ? i)irr h *r<ier* p'r rrrr.l larm mnba moderate; retereaoaa i rubaneed Adaroaa l? Herald otlloe. , TIC *-kt RLKTRNTB BTKVSt. A FHW DO'iBfl i A trrm Hro?d?*? aP?'tui*ot< rarntakwl or unfurstaliet. ' ftir Ibe i uturner wtlh or without board Fifth araaoe au<oa ' liaia the dour , I ? WKLL rn?NicnFD **ONT pahuos-ON FIUNT A floor, and ntber roomi to lei with waole or ua-tUI board; i p uir of 0iunl bKfb are iru ) ? a uani of atuRle Keoilnmea, i ' hi l w oO'i rt'eri, terumtrumSKtoSS vrkv plb hart bitlt of tto mb on un jo o A. In rto rt wllb M*rd ritbe' tourtbrr or aeoar*t?W. i> j a if tire an n?t wt'e or an j<le i*oUrmtn on v rw tnoWat* I n i. I.i 8 olbrrn f-uill honre new, with mo torn Itni or i m-n a; 'orR'kin desirable and on a rar and stage route; r# tr>i arm eiebaoaed. Apply at 167 Ninth avenue A parlor, iudkoo* and Bath aoo* -?>?? j ro?a> $2 on?n*oifi ?4 per wewte or fentml hy'he d*y; )?*> ?urnl?he?Mf Oealred, at tee Oooper douse 80 FritQfclln Uf?V Beer B oad*?y etx boum ireei ot T%< Wife %!<? ?n A. with excellent board, Ht 2d Clinton gU-'w, toe bouae 11 1 c - h, o m and iiulet; ti fine ba'kmoin a <1 eveiy ooinfiiri; r\c i 1 et ?unout bond References exoaaoped. T ?f> NSHr TWKNT1KTH MTtiKflT. MBaR BROAD 3. wsy. -Gentlemen and their wives or single gentlemen r-< old 11 board, irenslent or permanent. with pleasant ?ud b 1 d?"i)i- y forobb?d rilua, b.iu?e tlr*t c an containing all o rim c nveii enct'i LsllY, BAVING A H\ND8')ME BOUSE, WO0LO JL ike'ole some p ea?am ro ims ~n sec ,nd 1v>?, with fu'l r 1 ?!!*! board, to gentlemen or groi'rurn and their wires, bi rr they ran enjoy good ax tety and ibe cointorla of a home, tp hi 1C6 Macoougal it eet. FhW blN UH UBMTLKMKN WISHI (J Hi.aT aNi) ' com'ortabla rooms, can Hud the same by applying at 5D Hi nston street - SUIT OP H sNOHvMRliY FfTdNTPHBO ROOMS T a let, Ins gent'eroen and lad , board for me laity 00 y, in 1 It arnilt; amiss h?sa11 themideri improve Ben's in U' vl I M of twenty ninth and 'bl'tlmb street* and f"trd ann Fourth aveiuet Address U M , station P, Ch r) avenue 1 ?PY AND QRNTMtfAN Calf BR AO lOMM ) \ rated with a neatly furnished parlor on Ars' floor, alar a r?M'> mrn'rbtd ro t n an' bedroom on tblrd flu ir; fu 1 board lor ihr la > and pa dal board for the sentlemiD If desired; the tou?" >Oiia ne all the modern improvements,gas bath, A; No 2Sn West fifteen tb tlreet, between Klgblh ant Ninth av? DO ID-A PLBANANT F*ONT BOOM W||H OR A> bedriom, oo second floor; also two plesaaot I'm-00 ourib floor wrb beard; dluner at six Nine oat fei rtiet need a^my ?t No 15 Ashland plaoe Perrr nrtei c ner of *a?erley place. n? prKNibHiD rooms ro to rr reetlrmed or a gsc'I*m?u and wife, to a email private am iy, t Wo. 21 West I'weoiveecoud street near Fifth ave one 11>- house is ?til fnrolabed end bat every convenience OiiAbli ?TO LET, WITH BOARD, a B ANDAOMfiLY 1) fori ube I par,or, suitao e for a gentleman and wite or aril g I gentlemen Any partb-s wishpig the vane clll picas- ?i>p y at 26H Wrst Twenty-Ihlrd street 'term* $12 per vert, ll pper si 6 o cock BO'RD IN HUDNON HTRKKr.-TWO ii?NTuAS KN can he accommodated witb roll or nartlal boar 1; al 10 two young 1,idlts at 202 Uudaon stitet te?r Canal BOARD IN BROOKLYN -EL*3AWTLY FURNISH* J rt oicr, on the flrst and reoond (1 <ora en suite or .oeoa ra'ely are otl'e ed tc parties ?ei|uiriug euperlo. am>m n id* tlors hy a prvatw family residing at till Am<ty street, cons-.* mtnl to tou b and Mall street terries a/inner a- 6 o'clock BOARD IN bhooki.YN as BANDS RTRSitr F*MI Us or slug's grn'lemeo can obtain apt dealrable si romm dattons od modemre term*. Ioca'I in de'lghtfu', and ve-y r-nvrnient to the Pulton ftrry Transient ba&rdes a1 eommudsttd. 1 > BC-RD IN WILUsMRrtCRO (UB'IOKLYN, I Dlt few gentlemen nan beaonornmodaled at 111) *outb Fourth sues:; amd-m b nine good aelshborbo *1 and moderate terms a pply at the 1 flioe. $U0 Cham era a reel, NY or as above BOrRDWANTRD-TN OR NRaR BTaMrOtO. i.JONN , tnr * family, coo'lttlng of mother, six children and s rrvrtt; elth a family wh?|* there wi'l ho no other b >arders pre icrrpu. ^uunan a. n? ncram uui'^i, HOARI WANTSlt?)N BROOKLYN, lit A PLttlHANT iwhi'si,, 'it ? g'ntleam ??a lady: a wilow adr of re Wertthl'lly and refloement woti'd tind this a gntdr.eaooe I' oVatn a desirable boarder; hoard fbrihe lady e-ily terwa u<i? be moderate a dorm Robert Truman. Brook I j n Post o*fl ? BOAADING ?TO LCT, & PARLOR aAD BBDKOOK, fnmtabrd or unfurnished, with or wftbsrt full or part's hoard, to a lady am* gentleman or two gentlemen to a emsl> prlvs'e 'trails. Terms from Re to $111 per ?ee? eefereuone re<|utred. Anpl' at do 1 Fleet's outrages. Ftfly fourth street between Bros' ?ay aud Klgbth avenue, next to rtroud way BOARtlTKT?15 tlLTNTOV BTaRjtT, BROOKLYN; BIN (tie rooms f * gentlemen and rooms nullah e f? gentle men at d tbe?r telves furo ahe.d or uuturnWbed at reasonable terms, bath,) ot and eo d us'tr BCAPDTaO- TWO OK TRRitR MN'?LR G4MTLKMSB, or a gentleman and wife tan obtain hoa'd with a res te' I table Rigitrh family where tbe? can enjoy the romfortt of a | hone in a modem hill t h'Use w1'he?ery on-eolen e Termi i moderate. apply at C67 Houston street, corner of Lau ens at BROOKLYN HEIGHTS-OS R OH TWO SINGLR RO with board en tertrs mu -b lower than usual in drat n aa I bonnes f'nm #.1 In $">, dinner at tlx o'clock. for car ,li of a; I dress apply at 49 Fni'.on street, Brooklyn. j aRWKLTW HKlOHTd-FINK ROOtfS aNT> BOaRD tor gen' letnen ano 'netr wtv?s or singf gent em?n hi nf. WUlow ilrret, dinner at tlx o'clock; t?'tn? rets mvol? DOANh HOUFB-NOS W, AND *'9 FOURTH AVg.VUe, between Teeotj third end Twenty fourth etree'e Fein' lire or t ng'e pereone inn obtain eery ceslrahle rooms, in sill:* or mi *l?, with rood hoard, at moderate charges Tramile.,1 boarders accrmmudated at $1 ft par dsy. ZPCRNVFIIED AND UNFURNIt-HED ROOM* TO LBTP ?uttarle for smell fsiiit'le* to keep home Also ? new honse on Forty fl'th street. near fcleveotb avenue, raatSVki For further particulars apply to H. d ? >unVAili, 11" West Teenty 'on-til street, near Seventh avenue. Furnished rooms to let?in 4 private FaMI ly with or wnbont b'.ard rice aUry rooms, attges past the do?r * pd't at e ** street flOOD AND OHKAl' LODGINOS -OLE S.N AND 0)9 ?.T fortabie singte ronm* ft to 3? rente per night, gaotte man and wife "t cents Oiobe Hotel, eumor of Fnaulfort md ft llllam sueeis , N v Ope* all night Ci RE AT jon 48, OR bk>nn STRKBT ?FURNISHR T rocm wsnt?d,bv % single gentleman; private family ye 1 lerreti; reference" given. Address, st .tlng lojaUoa prliu Ac., K A. K... for two days, Herald ofll"e. HAM HOMRLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET?suit abie to housekeeping, with bedrooms atta-bed. and win privilege of kitchen. Apply at 9ti P. luce street, near Slitu avenue NO IS RIVTNGTON STARS T. NEAR BOWtftT ?PLE v ssnt from rooms to let, with hoard, for gentlemen and Ibelr wl??s beat ball room* flr one or two stng'e gentlemen Two single ladles at-rom n idated at moderate p-Ices Alar, da; boarders acoommodsttd. NO RWOOSTER STRRET.-A NEATLY FUR-IIPHRI, room to let < n first finor without board; gas and bub in ib? house, reference required and given. NO 1118 LEON *RD STREET ?FURNISHED ROOMS TO lei to single gentlemen, with nit board ?th taund oath ONE LARGE AND TWO 8MA LL ROOMS TO U?T, ?VJ rH cr without board. In a first class house, on moderate terms. Apply at no 6 -t Mark's place. Rooms. unfitr?i?hed wanted in Brooklyn T wo bwtbers wish to hire a square room and a heiroom irijeliilug In S'tne p easant locality near to the Fulton or ston tagueferrtsts. room 'n r private family prelerred. Address Glover, bov 4 04ft Post o(B-e, New York fHO LET? A FURNISHED 300M WITH OR WITHOUT A board; location desirable add fa mil v eosali. Apply at 46 East Siiteenth street, co*uer of Irving place. To LET?WITH good BOARD. a Large front von. (bedroom |r wanted) furnished. Hons" Is pleasant ly looa'nd. a tew *ers from Cooper Institute; has a tine yiu-d and modem conveniences References required Terms hi * Inquire at ft btuyveaa t street UNITARY HCMR, 106 KaBT FOURTEENTH BTKRisr? i'otdneted en the At ropean p'an Two apartmmu are now vacant l bo expeneea of ii?Iok b e graduated to ibe ei art eort and are l*iw bp 2S to 80 per cent than In boW? or boarding bciuee of thn tame grade. IXTAKTEO?WOaHO, IN A PRTVATK FAMILY IK 'FY Brooklyn, for at eotV'nan anil hla am 4m veara old, alao for nerv/int. Addr-aa, with lull pa'tloulsra, box 4.2i0 Poet ofllee, ft Y Y*' ANTFE-BOrRT) OA HTATSN ISLAND. NEAR A vv land'rg for a lar.y p?nll?inan, sod tbrre chi'drrn apod 14, 18 *rd 11 >ea?? Addr-w. wttb fall particulars and terma (which n op; be moJerale), box 1 192 PoatolBre T\7ANT*r-BYA OKNTLKMIK AND HIS TIFti. A ft clean, but plainly furntahed room ami bedrovn wit'i eHittea '< r bouarkro .lna terma from tJ to S3 80 per week Address 'J. V,, Herald onlce f*T ANTKD IMMEDiATFLY?A KoOlf AND Bhl'iRH^M 1 ueailv fotc|ahe<l. nltable fur h oarkeeplnir, '-y ?. cm tinman and wile: in mi not to exceed *1 per week au ties* for throe daya, wlln purUculara, Xuccue Woodruff, Herald CfflCfc. uk hlit br'1 a dw ay.?boardtit (1 a iw, ') ' pb aennt front room on tb? second Q nr, wllh pant-lev I neatly inrnlxlied, and utie'??el: xiulabln tor gentlemen and I tnelr wives a fen ilnitle gen i cm en nan be annum-aodatod. | Yerma moderate. Ibe bouse has all the modern Improvel n.enta. 1 fi 1 Q b.ioaiiivay-:t,fg'5Ti,y fprmtriird par U'l O lore on tirrt atd shooed f ori: aleo atngle roruna f>r Ifrntlcaieu with or partial board To pernma who desire a location near the urlntdpal bole's and place* ot amnxe went wll a.: m nclbuslooas tUie la very desirable. "TLfT BiJOAF'W.' STKr.NtiHYUt ARRIYTITH I? i 'J t Ibe rlty will And u) thw h.i.ns all the romfort* of a loge h. te'. at a mode-a'* pvto*. Kmtauram a la carte, Wo'e d'luteal six r'cleek French and Huastah in .ken. ( tll JITRY BO tllU. (TSGnTRY BOARD AT UYR NKOR (M AM A K'lNB -lK ) Htatioti). WnitcLexte. count/, -rbe hioiae la pleasant y al'uatMl. ttie grounds ad.in1iitng the water: giodtlRning. mat tr.g, stab.lrg, Ac , If desired a* tu terms Ac , In ptlre at 50. V? /.est atreet. Reference# exubasred. 1,1 3PWLLINT OOI'NTRT B'JARD, WPKRH KYKRTI'J tMn* l? iresli, cle?n and nl~e, for H to W per e ?ek, at the Wbeou bouae, Fast Bdogf p'rt. Conn Two atoimer Cany- fare BO cen'a bra bathing fltblng. Ac , In the ns'yh hcrSocd. Good aiab'lng. Kefera to Mr. P. I. Jarntm and otherx HriVR'D* BTYFK POAKI? -7IE5t7 ffLARR BOARS >a?? be neaured at Rlve-dale, one boar from Die city rta boslor ra''r ,? | apply ot> Uw promleea or a'5H rearlatrnot, up riara, frwut r^'ie. iibi*o within a atone * throw 11 the rfver. HOTKLS. flRhATjItT PAIN XBii'RVKft IN TITR WOXb').--l?? 1 T Vrlpeat'a Paoxerlna le wanaoted to bo Ike crev-.c patn I reliever tbit n,'b he pr.eliiced In the world *nv one au'Wipx from catiker, t i'e. nor,,*, ? n? of on/ k.ud cmihavea'rwa | appltcatlOT. '0 order to aatief; then of tt? ?r?al cura'i ,o povers, by raillcc npou ut at 'lid N<?aau otrr L r.?m I Bi'HRlt.', I m'~, 'i-C, proprjetora; 0, Fox, 31 darclur ! tre?t, wbulmwie agent. SrMMKIl IIRSORTS ?' H WW worn*, BlTVlPi URN * J _w<)W OPl tor grin*** Rflf panic tilA** nf route to tll'intfe of r |yl 49 Warti* ttrHCk o* adrtrmn J H v?fp 4 0 [tadd ? * air. H ) l LA TOP*FT"V HoU** RKK *RN POINT, N J.y 1 bin fbfeli <>naMr liiiiixirr In now opMk tor tbe r :rptV'0 ?i*!a h. b% h-?aao It NtaatlfaUv snot' ittnl on tlr harts of tb?* Rt*? Von K i'i jipot to Sbatoti leiaa* Kith mi rt'rr'tn ?r*tfr front *ooo rh <v ?t*r Hithicg. baj tip f!a?h?oj? 4r i aid p'traraot drl tm lo tb? vtoli* t tlOHtL i,hi Kitte b*lr f?tOiI ?h? vUi'.tn# Nn* V >iit dunuif the tuuimv mon hn vi l and ih? La loureite Hou?? an eoavonlout at n Ul rilatomo "tHHiiib hU 'miim ol-'' fcnr b i\v*t tor dsrgf Nili l m * \ 9 *nn I t:*ft ? *; 4-n f? 1ft P it; from **' W. H'O't.tU! a It and 4H P M Vt' anl.kv w RTl li ( Mr of tafiirf* Boote) Proprietor* t* H ?it tafc?m no i i?t?r ai << ? i? in Hi? Y?? -| <? tfor^ ['tout '.hsu from booth f**rry to ti ion imjii rt */| < KBGJ IUi.v li WhMi.v i| i I a*?ii Rivrr nui mad nt'if pHObnklll and In taiuc-d f??r ;rard ni 'untM1!) ? HitHi> Af JuN ? b*o >o uti otfl'lootl ibis piiuurHtquf! 1ht ? lif ohu na ? ??. *' flio i'o*d *uv, o?* ' bar tea's o 2 booia^Qo ?vr?ot. d <? ti u II SKo * lli* al'UV*b\ltY HO ? .* K'T 1|?)?J| r' I <11 N J , U O 'W -.t lor tn.- Id t *1 H Families bO'?n>ino(Ut<;d or? r?-a? i*rm? __ "V * s. ||. ( I LIB A RATTIINU tliH'M.twr u .,,ua? , uuAiVni ^ h J ? lb*-. ftbovri boim* h * 1(1 od ro w* U '<ttui be wrllfncaUrd*- * d ki, ripen* iw?<| oaier^ |M? kml lYflA|SBMHDia for b*lb v v m i n *. t ? Urdu* Will (lo writ U? CAli tw'orct ?eoiixiiij? ro'ia m ol??? br e. * J. / . h OK F.R, Pr'prl?tor| H 04*\WT ttMjMONY A Ou BtjiilW ?., VI WA.i* j. Drwi l?ii(l< 'Mri>it (P?)l) "< ? ra??:ler? il^lnblf , III |j>na of tfv world h??>iJKh Verity >. |Li i, i, o< Par" crixum. Nrankfiwt Nar>?e ad v er.oa ?nd * : aimmea. Santa " I Bi i* xi umomu ' I Loodon and aoyni our k of Ireianil h n >> Whig HH 8medwa' Ne? .*.: * << "OfiJi 1 ^^B pre** ''oanonny I fUtiJtOII IQUIOOOI DIFIKTIMI * ... M, ml I " t Nn?ter to hr -hv riven that o peon ty of Ave per irr.t w bo added ',tl the H-al d?, .,( angne' re?< >0 ill W?U*r 0,' ^^B ramK'pliip OM aid -o 'bar H? . ^B ? Van SOHAiO*, PrmUm ' I nirnniA-wyioi of tbi iaiuii uii I Oomoaov No HI) Nmaiu atree now tort fn'v ] ^^^B 1859 The Heard of Olr?'tin"t Have ttaw Jar 'len'a O'l \ '1|v1 (e of 'bree aoda b*lf per wot povi -ie on out i't-? the 1Mb Inj ^^B The tran'er bonkn will ho ''o ed f"im to * ?h ."-i tbe K ^^^B tool BONHV f. UonMm I NtW YORK ?ND BiHUtl lAIUOtO <: MP""."' I Jutereat oouoona of the 21 m irtp ige I tnln of IK ^^B D<1 D' ver kitenitfO 7 p>r cent wi 1 ho u*ld on out if ^^B > ogURt 1 alfhe <111 ? f tbe fkmpaoy, o irue' I'wrnt ?lv ^^B ttreet and Rourib avenue. b. KliifiRH -K, Tre-mrer, Orrws or ihr ?b? yo?k ioTUaL (N8QVAJK itumnao*. No 01 fflilum etreet Now touit July 211, 'Ki'l The TroMN oohmtt (be tollowio* i'e>o?nt of the iITtlrt! tb tuopany. tn noo'ormlt with 'he rtupiireiaeDtft of ' Charter Ou'atKDdlrg premlama on June SO IHAM. J2 Vti9H prcm oaa rooeiTM to July I, MW ... bi2.519> Total SI.i?7 718' No polldea have been tuooeo udod life rlikt tor upoo 0 rt*k* aiacoDiieetrO *1tb marine riali Ka/ned promiuma tn July I. IHM Wi 14K LotMX and eatonated Imet ....$K5l,fSHi7S RetorD premlnma 48,77276 Bo mauroDOM. expoaooa As lib is 2.' ^^B 628,3)5 Netproflta 574.507 The ore puny bare the folio ?rHu arae'r: ? Oaah ... *S?.4?t Premium on'ee apd bllla roieivable OP. I'll Bovda aud m- ripagea 3<Jo?i ^^B Nl'iCa t a. d loan* 204.4.'>5 Real c<tate 656r (Ua'carlne tbeCtompanv ard ii te-e-t on ti-? ???J ^^B bonds 56 038 Total Si, i.03 537 In view of the ahoye reoullo the 6 nnl of Truaieea it ^^m day rear lvrd to nay adlrlde??d ot infereet o' a'* oer neoi raab on the nutataudtng cer'lfl"* ?i o' t'Mfl'a w> be b''"l<' ^^B Iberei t or tbelr legal renreeeo ailrea. oo and alter ?o'i<la ^^B tbe lit dar c f t nguit neat ^^B 1 be trmieee aHer rraerving oyer halt a rjolJl ou of dnUan oroOl* bare turther reiolred that tbe we i e,'f tbe oalMtndb eer'IAcatet nf the mmuinr or lh? nana u i"ja i.- mdeefn ^^B and paid to the bolder* thereof or th?l ie<ai re mseutatt" ^^B date ?ll interest thereon ' ? H ceaar I he onrtlticatoa 10 be jr duoed at the titue of oavment and laswIM a Ian repaired 1 eat a di/ldend of tbi'tv Are per enntbei Clare" on the net amount of earned yre.n)u'r ? f >r the an rndlcR inn- MO. 1P69 for which uertirt ua-p a 111 betsiaei and a'ter 1 bura^ay. the lat day of Kentemher m xt H? ord of the Board. W. P HaNdf* Bit K?:retery. TROStBM J W Mrhmtdl, f 'anon Ha>rttt. 8**wart rt'own, Wrn B. riew can, Jtohl B Mlntu'ti, bd* H tv Stephen Johnann, Uoo?*n Moke Henry W r.-tcka, it V ibt, ( baa H Marshall, prarnia tialha'vay, John It Pa'le, Hrtn A. Hotvthe, Rami O Pai*oo, Llo>d aeotnwaU, Arthur l/eary, .H i Von Post. Benty Meyer. V P. Kabbrt T. B. SATTKttT ltfafrB. President Jf'BN H bft L Una President 0rflOIO*T8? OOLDMB1* PIK* lircf! * a (t./lj 00 oaay. No. 10 ?elj a > ?* rta lore. July 'i 1843. ? ?I Beard of litreatoea ?s?e Lhi? da declared a o11 n' t-iuutj di> devd of all o?' cent, pav V le on and after the ' It.i tnat T reliefer hooka will be o1 ye ! und that date JfH" n US :C?J if, Secretary. RlTO?K8 JNSIFRaNrh' XfttHV, No 176 ' balham square eon er of Matt street ldreaend?The Hoard of if-eetir? rare thtx day declared af O'i amusl dividend of nine (V) per cent pav.b:? w the s*nr. n< Iderg "u and a'ter ihr 2d day of august nrp The trainit Nmt will be mated trou. the 2?'.h kst blithe ?1 p' mmo 1 order K tl FHilAt^'p. bt-jrelary. bew York. July 12 IW0. THK HOLOfRP or 1HK FIR-T MO*T<jv#tS HO*l fif the Milwaukee Hi)(i Hort" <o twlfnd Ootnpm* are fled tb?*t a ir**et tp of aaid bondholder* ?l!l be h*H a* the 'Mii t?t *. J. Bier l?* A Ron. Ao 7 Pine on Tnead*? n?' ?6tb in?t at o clock P M to t-Ale into c mtlderntt >/ the ur ooiltloit tntorited b> the (Brent ?r? nt o^ul r??a1 1q nktl m be pa inert of U tore at on a id bondj and to taletuchaeU itereoo ne they mi} thick proper PUYHRKS HOI,?. tflnmrnMl*JCLYSS.1880. 1RAAO K> I hi'lTOW,\umnuu'ft ilO/WI WeATEO FOR THKRiC M NT?)*. 711-5 A pO" M f \erti?er. a man of boa r and in'c^ritv, vvtahAf ieaji ornrr lo.?n >f fkD and wt ffer ** aecurl y h'f hmi? ho'd forr Hare. Ac , worth $1,Poo. t?ud p'nno (new;. coe* SV a* he n iiRt a*tve he more -, a l*ru* bonua an1 woven per re sWr-at wld be a'l-*?ed and a bill of ?ale of the above pr pery mafe ove?; al?n the 'oauer *l I have the uae of a w* lur ched room In the n-nae la ?bl*h to p ace a port? If I ebor pea to t?ie po nekton of ht? property for better tecwrli Hee;of raferenee ^Ivrn *ry partv having toe money loan ?p ? ove ?111 ple?.?p add'era -oan, ?io* 1?> .icrald ofli ptatlpR when and where to be aeen, and they wt J receive co tiaentia] attention M1JgICAju T'o*W BlBatlW.?fcPLMOTD SRV2V OOTAV ,7tK rote wood piano, made b o >e o.* the beet cn?horn a. folly warrant?**, worth S375 wi h all the\%tr v latr overaenl and m pfffect rrder. be u uaeu a few mo' tha; wul be to very low forcaah Inquire at )4t Mu h itr*et. t CO?fcI?&OA8, $1 25 TO $30-BAW.To?, $t IN > ft. & oorcertlnea SI 2:>to$'0; i.ittara $1 50 to tfO, Qabtt iPstruror'jtH, fn-me vt>y r w. a! lor nil or ? J dAi.'OUl i*t?*of ( ht bkin (treat, now located at H(T drou.ltray, th'i dour from ltuane at?cet Aooordecni repaired tun ba-v. aught . N KXOKLI.Ef T HRff .tit 4VS ROSBWOO * pianoforte, wt rranted, will he ?old at an Irorneof t ??? dee and a aeennd ban" p aro taken lo eichacfe In.julrc IS6 Weal broad way. near canal alreel a flPbVNMO aPfiOeTMtCNf Of BaRMiiRt'd ORL a, br?tert gold meoiil premium p'anuB. p unconned tun va'.Jed hy the b'iRrh tur ??>r.tnter to all reeo1""*; mt fantoty and warnfo<>? ? 34h - treea? r atreet Whl be sold > a crr&l tini-Ralu 'f'1, die 7 on . t nolo 5 " bK\ h i* A"ll A QuaKbo iM/frV Pi. VijrttKI' * ?t an l-iittipnae ta rli'iee'cr e .ab, Mginei fner baa i u*r for the mrne,haa mnt niflcettt rich roar * >rd eaae he*> ratted in >ulO>i'Bh ten utme 'root, cuhone i U?t a. OV tnitiff ha*?; all tbr tmpfiTfmen'a. he ah tre Irtat utt'n' flrat rlaan and nf etiue'lor lou 11 and tine C.ade by an old nil mater and <uarantctid for it'"' CATV. troin \or.iU*t; a b? will h>- given If per fared 'hla week 'all at the reildetc 6 Macd tittal atreet, near Houston. I 1HICB KBIWQ A BONK MaNUKACIUKRAH OP QHAN1), 8Q0Aa? A NO 0PKI?<1T PIANOB, WaramnnM Ho. #>04 Headway. 0. A Hon* have been a ?arded C> d- I20 medals for the fttpi rtortty 01 vbttlr n.anu ac.trre fcr the t:*? 86 voar*. AU9U Ecu* raU, KAHON A OA MUX 8 HUPRBlJtt MUVtnruHf- AT-'D BAXMOJflCMI For parlors, churches, restrlej and ortgee, at wholesale and relai PIANOS TO HINT. FfbKOAlir 1-UNOKO'tTir,. J Two heautllnl pianofortes aa 112 be HO'.d this d*?. at I* O riocit B' W sevenin apurt near moper 1HKI IT. iue pn < p? rty r f ft pemlruiar. ft'vlnir up b >"? J"*""''"!- ""Weft In ?.?' of a aitpc tor initrumont woulft do well to attend. PlAUOS ttlXOtttOHS AND OttUA?8.-TFIA fiOKaOll W A'i'Mld 1'ir.uoo and l->r drp'h. purity if tit. , and durability, are onaorpaejed. beooud b?nd puo * en ? msloduoba frotn I'li to i'TO. t?ianoi and molodooni to mat. ' WATKKS. ?*Mil ?:tt dmadwav Teotlmorila)#?"The Borate W atari pluma am ti.on t anion* the very ' at " ?ft'arocebet "tar nan Iitv of dr . merlin from paramo! kiiowleie " ?ChrWtlHo Inieilirenoer. > *>IANOP FOK HCBUCL8 ANJJ -iiMiA oWU, CUIKXAinu t PONS' I Ke * aeeie larjre ooven octave PIaNiS Price WOO. W areroornt l!'J4 droail ray, N. f. rpHE HOBiiX ri,UTr anrt ouitalt?pnor#is-3 1 I'iui IC jtKN-T ? , oe ia ; im Ipmnghi ut tbc internet Mamn aidrrreiin lite pupl'ieve y day mcept Wndnealav i and P&turdnvr at 47 ' "cot Twc'ity afith ttraet between H-oac , v. ay and BUUi avenue. rpHFRt'ERN PI/ BOH .'.NO OMEXKTjOT>EO/T F03 Hit.; I 1 or to l?l ?1L? cbcavnt la 'lie city. IV w i'S5, f7il no ta tl2S, Kfd ore pear! keen pla'ir. J'PSil or to he. let a; fd and M a mnnta ttualr taitabt and planet tuned by Prof StMPl>AI. iOO < Artet j WAffRD? A SITUATION. flV A m?T 'ILaHt "APv ?inc<r wb" 1ft b t'ift reader and a ^nod itrle iloodr" lary expected. Addre?? Rum. boa 100 "trail rOi/te. fl?onn-KOB i moniiV H'Rvao pavkn ootav/ C'A'v'v' rnoewond planctorte. I'rUlrou Plate, fmic-nrora eo moet beautiful tone; beet city mrke'e ftn<* wirr? iter! fir twe je?*i flnn June nut. tan be etenet the furnl' iro paok'nr eeUbliabm i>l tn blxth avenue tietr Ko-tletfc ytreeU N. B.Will be boxed for al toping if dialrod. baimyTBY. * ^ AJtriFlUllL fBHTn ?T)H DUBBO* OOBTUnrilfi li extract teeth without the alight**! pvuki 'wo aeaootlAi ond taecia tee'.b over itum. t He extra rWie fir extrrcb' *ce leeihi are ln?n d or tor "iwporirj ama lir. B. O.l p * IN, 776 f anal etre.A, one door from inarm*. ART1FTOIA'. TPATH 'HSXRTSn AT TH' 7?T poenlhlft P'lce*; aete on etlrvr IS; vulcanite add, ?7t; r.onlinn uat io??ti platlaa sift Trr h en-acted t ?houl pa'* , Bt ill! Oftnu! atriot, one mo.;* went of Hn u'way, ' . UT >? I t ( HWaY. PHNTlHTBY WITT/ at.o 1T'? .'MP1IOf It*PNTb WITH"out' j biianboii To o-bp: 4/ trael toe ..a'.ural twua vet ?U iirl *rlli' ^o Crulurry, 1! ie<,n t? 1 vre ?,t!.l Kudri'art-nce. ' Hi u?f la-ajfreed by , P :."r? u?s and T1/ bV* 4". foadt v tOoiner j Howard t*wi. I